[ { "ID": 0, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 1, "Paragraph": "Disarmament is the act of reducing or eliminating access to weapons. It is usually regarded as the first step in a DDR programme. This voluntary handover of weapons, ammunition and explosives is a highly symbolic act in sealing the end of armed conflict, and in concluding an individual\u2019s active role as a combatant. Disarmament is also essential to developing and maintaining a secure environment in which demobilization and reintegration can take place and can play an important role in crime prevention.Disarmament operations are increasingly implemented in contexts characterized by acute armed violence, complex and varied armed forces and groups, and the prevalence of a wide range of weaponry and explosives.This module provides the guidance necessary to effectively plan and implement disarmament operations within DDR programmes and to ensure that these operations contribute to the establishment of an environment conducive to inclusive political transition and sustainable peace.The disarmament component of a DDR programme is usually broken down into four main phases: (1) operational planning, (2) weapons collection operations, (3) stockpile management, and (4) disposal of collected materiel. This module provides technical and programmatic guidance for each phase to ensure that activities are evidence-based, coherent, effective, gender-responsive and as safe as possible.The handling of weapons, ammunition and explosives comes with significant risks. Therefore, the guidance provided within this module is based on the Modular Small-Arms Control Implementation Compendium (MOSAIC)1 and the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG).2 Additional documents containing norms, standards and guidelines relevant to this module can be found in Annex B.Disarmament operations must take the regional and sub-regional context into consideration, as well as applicable legal frameworks. All disarmament operations must also be designed and implemented in an inclusive and gender responsive manner. Disarmament carried out within a DDR programme is only one aspect of broader DDR arms control activities and of the national arms control management system (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management). DDR programmes should therefore be designed to reinforce security nationwide and be planned in coordination with wider peacebuilding and recovery efforts.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 1, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 1, "Paragraph": "DDR processes include two main arms control components: (a) disarmament as part of a DDR programme and (b) transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM). This module provides DDR practitioners with practical standards for the planning and implementation of the disarmament component of a DDR programme in contexts where the preconditions for such programmes are present. These preconditions include a negotiated ceasefire and/or peace agreement, sufficient trust in the peace process, willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional WAM in support of DDR processes is covered in IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management. The linkages between disarmament as part of a DDR programme and Security Sector Reform are covered in IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 2, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 2, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20. Definitions of technical terms related to weapons and ammunition are taken from MOSAIC and the IATG.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines. \\n a)\u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b)\u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c)\u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d)\u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e)\u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.In the context of DDR, disarmament refers to the collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons of combatants and often also of the civilian population. Disarmament also includes the development of responsible arms management programmes.The term \u2018disarmament\u2019 can be sensitive. It can carry connotations of surrender or of having weapons forcibly removed by a more powerful actor. Depending on the contextual realities and sensitivities, as well as the provisions of the peace agreement, alternative terms, such as \u2018laying down arms\u2019 or \u2018putting weapons beyond use\u2019 or \u2018weapons control\u2019, may be employed.Ammunition: A complete device (e.g., missile, shell, mine, demolition store) charged with explosives, propellants, pyrotechnics, initiating composition, or nuclear, biological or chemical material for use in connection with offence or defence, or training, or non-operational purposes, including those parts of weapons systems containing explosives.Deactivated weapon: A weapon that has been rendered incapable of expelling or launching a shot, bullet, missile or other projectile by the action of an explosive, that cannot be readily restored to do so, and that has been certified and marked as deactivated by a competent State authority.Note 1: Deactivation requires that all pressure-bearing components of a weapon be permanently altered in such a way so as to render the weapon unusable. This includes modifications to the barrel, bolt, cylinder, slide, firing pin and/or receiver/frame.Demilitarization: The complete range of processes that render weapons, ammunition and explosives unfit for their originally intended purpose. Demilitarization not only involves the final destruction process, but also includes all of the other transport, storage, accounting and pre- processing operations that are equally critical to achieving the final result.Destruction: The rendering as permanently inoperable weapons, their parts, components or ammunition.Disposal: The removal of arms, ammunition and explosives from a stockpile by the utilization of a variety of methods (that may not necessarily involve destruction). Environmental concerns should be considered when selecting which method to use. There are six traditional methods of disposal used by armed forces around the world: (1) sale, (2) gift, (3) use for training, (4) deep sea dumping, (5) land fill, and (6) destruction or demilitarization.Diversion: The movement \u2013 physical, administrative or otherwise \u2013 of a weapon and/or its parts, components or ammunition from the legal to the illicit realm.Explosive: A substance or mixture of substances that, under external influences, is capable of rapidly releasing energy in the form of gases and heat, without undergoing a nuclear chain reaction.Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD): The detection, identification, evaluation, rendering safe, recovery and final disposal of unexploded explosive ordnance. Note 1: It may also include the rendering safe and/or disposal of explosive ordnance that has become hazardous through damage or deterioration, when such tasks are beyond the capabilities of personnel normally assigned responsibility for routine disposal. Note 2: The presence of ammunition and explosives during disarmament operations inevitably requires some degree of EOD response. The level of EOD response will be dictated by the condition of the ammunition or explosives, their level of deterioration and the way in which the local community handles them.Firearms: Any portable barreled weapon that expels, is designed to expel or may be readily converted to expel a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive, excluding antique firearms of their replicas. Antique firearms and their replicas shall be defined in accordance with domestic law. In no case, however, shall antique firearms include firearms manufactured after 1899.Light weapon: Any man-portable lethal weapon designed for use by two or three persons serving as a crew (although some may be carried and used by a single person) that expels or launches, is designed to expel or launch, or may be readily converted to expel or launch a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive. Note 1: Includes, inter alia, heavy machine guns, hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers, portable anti-aircraft guns, portable anti-tank guns, recoilless rifles, portable launchers of anti- tank missile and rocket systems, portable launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems, and mortars of a calibre of less than 100 millimetres, as well as their parts, components and ammunition. Note 2: Excludes antique light weapons and their replicas.Marking: The application of permanent inscriptions on weapons, ammunition and ammunition packaging to permit their identification.Render safe procedure (RSP): The application of special explosive ordnance disposal methods and tools to provide for the interruption of functions or separation of essential components to prevent an unacceptable detonation.Safe to move: A technical assessment, by an appropriately qualified technician or technical officer, of the physical condition and stability of ammunition and explosives prior to any proposed move. Should the ammunition and explosives fail a \u2018safe to move\u2019 inspection, they must be destroyed in situ (i.e., at the place where they are found) by a qualified EOD team acting under the advice and control of the qualified technician or technical officer who conducted the initial \u2018safe to move\u2019 inspection.Small arm: Any man-portable lethal weapon designed for individual use that expels or launches, is designed to expel or launch, or may be readily converted to expel or launch a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive. Note 1: Includes, inter alia, revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns, as well as their parts, components and ammunition. Note 2 Excludes antique small arms and their replicas.Stockpile: In the context of DDR, the term refers to a large accumulated stock of weapons and explosive ordnance.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 3, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 4, "Paragraph": "Disarmament is generally understood to be the act of reducing or eliminating arms and, as such, is applicable to all weapons systems, ammunition and explosives, including nuclear, chemical, biological, radiological and conventional systems. This module will focus only on conventional weapons systems and ammunition that are typically held by members of armed forces and groups dealt with during DDR programmes.When transitioning out of armed conflict, States may be vulnerable to conflict relapse, particularly if key conflict drivers, including the proliferation of arms and ammunition, remain unaddressed. Inclusive and effective arms control, and disarmament in particular, is critical to prevent and reduce armed conflict and crime and to support recovery and development, as reflected in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Security Council and General Assembly\u2019s 2016 resolutions on sustaining peace. National arms control management systems encompass more than just disarmament. Therefore, disarmament operations should be planned and conducted in coordination with, and in support of, other arms control and reduction measures, including SALW control (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management).The disarmament component of any DDR programme should be specifically designed to respond and adapt to the security environment. It should also be planned in coherence with wider peace- making, peacebuilding and recovery efforts. Disarmament plays an essential role in maintaining a secure environment in which demobilization and reintegration can take place as part of a long-term peacebuilding strategy. Depending on the context, DDR phases could be differently sequenced with, for example, demobilization and reintegration paving the way for disarmament.The disarmament component of a DDR programme will usually consist of four main phases: \\n (1) Operational planning; \\n (2) Weapons collection; \\n (3) Stockpile management; \\n (4) Disposal of collected materiel.The cross-cutting activities that should take place throughout these four main phases are data collection, awareness raising, and monitoring and evaluation. Within each phase there are also a number of recommended specific components (see Table 1).", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 4, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 5, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to the disarmament component of DDR programmes.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 5, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 5, "Paragraph": "In order to lay the foundation for an effective DDR programme and sustainable peace, disarmament shall be voluntary. Forced disarmament can have a negative impact on contexts in transition, including in terms of restoring trust in authorities and efforts towards national reconciliation. In addition, removing weapons forcibly from combatants or persons associated with armed forces and groups risks creating a security vacuum and an imbalance in military capabilities which may generate increased tensions and lead to a resumption of armed violence. Voluntary disarmament should be facilitated through strong sensitization and communication efforts. It should also be underpinned by firm guarantees of security and immunity from prosecution for the illegal possession of weapon(s) handed in.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 6, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People-centred", "Heading3": "4.2.1 Unconditional release and protection of children", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 5, "Paragraph": "Agreeing on child-specific disarmament procedures avoids further possible abuse and exploitation of children, especially for political or tactical gain; and, prepares children for separate and specific child- related demobilization and reintegration processes (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). Specific attention should also be given to the disarmament of youth (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR).", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 7, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Gender-responsive and inclusive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 5, "Paragraph": "Disarmament activities must not introduce distinctions based on sex, race, ethnicity, religion or other arbitrary criteria that may create or exacerbate vulnerabilities and power imbalances. All stages of disarmament or other arms control initiatives must integrate gender and age considerations, including the differing impacts and perceptions of such processes on women, men, boys and girls. Such an approach requires gender expertise, gender analysis, the collection of sex- and age-disaggregated data, and the meaningful participation of women and girls at each stage of the process. A gender- transformative approach actively examines, questions and changes unequal gender norms and imbalances of power. A gender-transformative approach thus helps countries to promote equitable rights and health, and contributes to the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence. A gender- transformative DDR programme should acknowledge, incorporate and address messages on masculinities and violence, including the linkage between masculinities and weapons ownership. Gender-transformative DDR programmes should also ensure that there are both male and female UN military personnel in leadership roles at pick-up points and mobile disarmament sites, and participating in the destruction of weapons. All precautions shall also be taken to avoid reinforcing or generating gender inequalities.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 8, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 5, "Paragraph": "Disarmament operations shall not increase the vulnerability of communities, groups or individuals to internal or external threats. Disarmament strategies should therefore be based on a thorough analysis of the security context, relevant actors and their military capabilities to avoid creating a security imbalance or vacuum, leading to further tensions or jeopardizing the implementation of a peace agreement.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 9, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.5 Nationally and locally owned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 7, "Paragraph": "National Governments have the right and responsibility to apply their own national standards to all disarmament operations on their territory and shall act in compliance with international arms control instruments and applicable legal frameworks. The primary responsibility for disarmament and weapons collection lies with the Government of the affected State. The support and specialist knowledge of the UN is placed at the disposal of a national Government to ensure that disarmament planning and implementation are conducted in accordance with international arms control instruments, standards and guidance, including those of the IDDRS, the IATG and MOSAIC. Strong national ownership is important, including where the UN is supporting DDR programmes in non- mission settings. Building national and local institutional and technical capacity is essential to the effective, successful, sustainable continuation of disarmament and other arms control efforts.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 10, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Safety and security", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 7, "Paragraph": "Handling weapons, ammunition and explosives comes with high levels of risk. The involvement of technically qualified WAM advisers in the planning and implementation of disarmament operations is critical to their safety and success. Technical advisers shall have formal training and operational field experience in ammunition and weapons storage, marking, transportation, deactivation and the destruction of arms, ammunition and explosives, as relevant.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 11, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 7, "Paragraph": "In order to effectively implement the disarmament component of a DDR programme, meticulous planning is required. Planning for disarmament operations includes information collection, a risk and security assessment, identification of eligibility criteria, the development of standard operating procedures (SOPs), the identification of the disarmament team structure, and a clear and realistic timetable for operations. All disarmament operations shall be based on gender responsive analysis.The disarmament component is often the first stage of the entire DDR programme, and operational decisions made at this stage will have an impact on subsequent stages. Disarmament, therefore, cannot be designed in isolation from the rest of the DDR programme, and integrated assessment and DDR planning is key (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures, and IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments).It is essential to determine the extent of the capability needed to carry out a disarmament component, and then to compare this with a realistic appraisal of the current capacity available to deliver it. Requests for further assistance from the UN mission military and police components shall be made as early as possible in the planning stage (see IDDRS 4.40 on UN Military Roles and Responsibilities and IDDRS 4.50 on UN Police Roles and Responsibilities). In non-mission settings, requests for capacity development assistance for disarmament operations may be directed to relevant UN agency(ies).Key terms and conditions for disarmament should be discussed during the peace negotiations and included in the agreement (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). This requires that parties and mediators have an in-depth understanding of disarmament and arms control, or access to expertise to guide them and provide a common understanding of the different options available. In some contexts, the handover of weapons from one party to another (for example, from armed groups to State institutions) may be inappropriate, resulting in the need for the involvement of a neutral third party.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 12, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 8, "Paragraph": "Initial planning should be based on a careful data collection and analysis on the armed forces and groups to be disarmed, disaggregated by sex and age, as well as an analysis of the dynamics of armed violence and illicitly held weapons and ammunition. DDR programmes are increasingly implemented in environments with a myriad of armed forces and groups whose alliances are fluid or unclear, often within a context of weak State institutions and fragile or absent rule of law. Solid analysis informed by continuous data gathering and assessment is essential in order to navigate these challenging, rapidly changing environments.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 13, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", "Heading3": "5.1.1 Integrated assessment", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 8, "Paragraph": "A DDR integrated assessment should start as early as possible in the peace negotiation process and the pre-planning phase (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). This assessment should contribute to determining whether disarmament or any transitional arms control initiatives are desirable or feasible in the current context, and the potential positive and negative impacts of any such activities.The collection of information is an ongoing process that requires sufficient resources to ensure that assessments are updated throughout the lifecycle of a DDR programme. Information management systems and data protection measures should be employed from the start by DDR practitioners with support from the UN mission or lead UN agency(ies) Information Technology (IT) unit. The collection of data relating to weapons and those who carry them is a sensitive undertaking and can present significant risks to DDR practitioners and their sources. United Nations security guidelines should be followed at all times, particularly with regards to protecting sources by maintaining their anonymity.Integrated assessments should include information related to the political and security context and the main drivers of armed conflict. In addition, in order to design evidence-based, age-specific and gender-sensitive disarmament operations, the integrated assessment should include: \\n An analysis of the memberships of armed forces and groups (number, origin, age, sex, etc.) and their arsenals (estimates of the number and the type of weapons, ammunition and explosives); \\n An analysis of the patterns of weapons possession among men, women, girls, boys, and youth; \\n A mapping of the locations and access routes to materiel and potential caches (to the extent possible); \\n An understanding of the power imbalances and disparities in weapons possession between communities; \\n An analysis of the use of weapons in the commission of serious human rights violations or abuses and grave breaches of international humanitarian law, as well as crime, including organized crime; \\n An understanding of cultural and gendered attitudes towards weapons and the value of arms and ammunition locally; \\n The identification of sources of illicit weapons and ammunition and possible trafficking routes; \\n Lessons learnt from any past disarmament or weapons collections initiatives; \\n An understanding of the willingness of and incentives for armed forces and groups to participate in DDR. \\n An assessment of the presence of armed groups not involved in DDR and the possible impact these groups can have on the DDR process.Methods to gather data, including desk research, telephone interviews and face-to-face meetings, should be adapted to the resources available, as well as to the security and political context. Information should be centralized and managed by a dedicated focal point.BOX 1: HOW TO COLLECT INFORMATION \\n Use information already available (previous UN reports, publications by specialized research centres, etc.). Research has often already been undertaken in conflict-affected States, particularly if a country has previously implemented a DDR programme. \\n Engage with national authorities. Talk to their experts and obtain available data (e.g., previous SALW survey data, DDR data, national registers of weapons, and records of thefts/looting from storage facilities). \\n Ensure that all data collected on individuals is sex and age disaggregated. \\n If ceasefires have been implemented, warring parties may have provided a declaration of forces for the purpose of monitoring the ceasefire. Such declarations typically include information related to the disengagement and movement of troops and weapons. \\n Obtain data from seizures of weapons or discoveries of caches that provide insight into which armed forces and groups possess which materiel, as well as its origins and the context in which the seizures take place. \\n If the DDR programme is to be implemented with the support of a UN peace operation, organize regular meetings to compare observations and information with other UN agencies collecting data on security issues and armed forces and groups, as well as with other relevant international organizations and diplomatic representations. \\n Develop a network of key informants, including by meeting with ex-combatants and with male and female representatives and members of armed forces and groups. This should be done in line with the policy of the UN mission on engaging with armed forces and groups, if any, and in line with the UN\u2019s guidance on the modalities of engagement with armed forces and groups (see Annex B). \\n Meet with community leaders, women\u2019s organizations, youth groups, human rights organizations and other civil society groups. \\n Search for information and images on social media (e.g., monitor Facebook pages of armed groups and national defence forces).Once sufficient, reliable information has been gathered, collaborative plans can be drawn up by the National DDR Commission and the UN DDR component in mission settings or the National DDR Commission and lead UN agency(ies) in non-mission settings outlining the intended locations and site requirements for disarmament operations, the logistics and staffing required to carry out disarmament, and a timetable for operations.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 14, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", "Heading3": "5.1.2 Weapons survey", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 10, "Paragraph": "An accurate and detailed weapons survey is essential to draw up effective and safe plans for the disarmament component of a DDR programme. Weapons surveys are also important for transitional weapons and ammunition management activities (IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management). Sufficient data on the number and type of weapons, ammunition and explosives that can be expected to be recovered are crucial. A weapons survey enables the accurate definition of the extent of the disarmament task, allowing for planning of the collection and future storage and destruction requirements. The more accurate and verifiable the initial data regarding the specifically identified armed forces and groups participating in the conflict, the better the capacity of the UN to make appropriate plans or provide national authorities with relevant advice to achieve the aims of the disarmament component. Data disaggregated by sex and age is a prerequisite for understanding the age- and gender-specific impacts of arms misuse and for designing evidence-based, gender-responsive disarmament operations to address them. It is important to take into consideration the fact that, while women may be active members of armed groups, they may not actually hold weapons. Evidence has shown that female combatants have been left out of DDR processes as a result of this on multiple occasions in the past. A gender-responsive mapping of armed forces and groups is therefore critical to identify patterns of gender-differentiated roles within armed forces and groups, and to ensure that the design of any approach is appropriately targeted.A weapons survey should be implemented as early as possible in the planning of a DDR programme; however, it requires significant resources, access to sensitive and often unstable parts of the country, buy-in from local authorities and ownership by national authorities, all of which can take considerable time to pull together and secure. A survey should draw on a range of research methods and sources in order to collate, compare and confirm information (see Annex C on the methodology of weapons surveys).", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 15, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.2 Objectives of disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 10, "Paragraph": "The overarching aim of the disarmament component of a DDR programme is to control and reduce arms, ammunition and explosives held by combatants before demobilization in order to build confidence in the peace process, increase security and prevent a return to conflict. Clear operational objectives should also be developed and agreed. These may include: \\n A reduction in the number of weapons, ammunition and explosives possessed by, or available to, armed forces and groups; \\n A reduction in actual armed violence or the threat of it; \\n Optimally zero, or at the most minimal, casualties during the disarmament component; \\n An improvement in the perception of human security by men, women, boys, girls and youth within communities; \\n A public connection between the availability of weapons and armed violence in society; \\n The development of community awareness of the problem and hence community solidarity; \\n The reduction and disruption of the illicit trade of weapons within the DDR area of operations; \\n A reduction in the open visibility of weapons in the community; \\n A reduction in crimes committed with weapons, such as conflict-related sexual violence; \\n The development of norms against the illegal use of weapons.BOX 2: MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF DISARMAMENT \\n The disarmament objectives listed in section 5.2 could serve as a basis for the identification of performance indicators to track progress and assess the impact of disarmament interventions. Monitoring and evaluating the disarmament component of a DDR programme should form part of the overall monitoring and evaluation framework of the DDR process, and specific resources should be earmarked for this purpose (see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR). \\n Standardized indicators to monitor and evaluate disarmament operations should be identified early in the DDR programme. Quantitative indicators could be developed in line with specific technical outputs providing clear measures, including the number of weapons and rounds of ammunition collected, the number of items recorded, marked and destroyed, or the number of items lost or stolen in the process. Qualitative indicators might include the evolution of the armed criminality rate in the target area, or perceptions of security in the target population disaggregated by sex and age. Information collection efforts and a weapons survey (see section 5.1) provide useful sources for identifying key indicators and measuring progress. \\n\\n Monitoring and evaluation should also verify that: \\n Gender- and age-specific risks to women and men have been adequately and equitably addressed. \\n Women and men participate in all aspects of the initiative \u2013 design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. \\n The initiative contributes to gender equality.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 16, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.3 Risk and security assessment", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 11, "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of disarmament operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. Operational and technical risks to be assessed when considering which approach to take might relate to the combatants themselves, as well as to the types of weapons, ammunition and explosives being collected, and to external threats.In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety, and that many of the activities carried out during weapons collection operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non- governmental organizations (NGOs) must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 17, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.3 Risk and security assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.1 Operational risks", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 13, "Paragraph": "There are likely to be several operational risks, depending on the context, including the following: \\n Threats to the safety and security of DDR programme personnel (both UN and non-UN): During the disarmament phase of the DDR programme, staff are likely to be in direct contact with armed individuals, including members of both armed forces and groups. Staff should be conscious not only of the risks associated with handling weapons, ammunition and explosives, but also of the risks of unpredictable behaviour as a result of the significant levels of stress that disarmament activities can generate among combatants and other stakeholders. \\n Avoid supporting weapons buy-back: UN supported DDR programmes shall avoid attaching monetary value to weapons as a means of encouraging their surrender by members of armed forces and groups. Weapons buy-back programmes within and outside DDR have proven to be inefficient and even counter-productive as they tend to fuel national and regional arms flows, which in the end can jeopardize the achievement of disarmament objectives in a DDR programme. Buy-back programmes can also have unintended societal consequences such as economically rewarding combatants and exacerbating existing gender inequalities \\n Disarmament of foreign combatants: Disarmament operations may also need to consider armed foreign combatants. Foreign combatants may be disarmed in the host country or at the border of the country of origin to which they will be returning. DDR programmes should plan for disarmament of foreign combatants within or outside repatriation agreements between the country of origin and the host country (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements). \\n Terrorism and violent extremism threats: DDR programmes are increasingly being conducted in contexts affected by terrorism. Disarmament operations in these contexts require the highest security safeguards and robust on-site WAM expertise to maximize the safety of all involved. DDR practitioners should be aware of the requirements imposed on States by UN Security Council resolutions 2370 (2017) and 2482 (2019) and Council\u2019s 2015 Madrid Guiding Principles and its 2018 Addendum, in terms of, inter alia, ensuring that appropriate legal actions are taken against those who knowingly engage in providing terrorists with weapons.4 \\n Lack of sustainability: Disarmament operations shall not start unless the sustainability of funding and resources is guaranteed. Previous attempts to carry out disarmament operations with insufficient assets and funds have resulted in unconstructive, partial disarmament, a return to armed conflict, and the failure of the entire DDR process. The reconfiguring and closing of UN missions is another crucial moment that should be planned in advance. Such transitions often require handing over responsibility to national authorities or to the United Nations Country Team (UNCT). It is important to ensure these entities have the mandate and capacity to complete the DDR programme even after the withdrawal of UN mission resources.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 18, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.3 Risk and security assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.2 Technical risks and hazards", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 13, "Paragraph": "In order to deal with potential technical threats during the disarmament component of DDR programmes, and to implement an appropriate response to such threats, it is necessary to distinguish between risks and hazards. Commonly, a hazard is defined as \u201ca potential source of physical injury or damage to the health of people, or damage to property or the environment,\u201d while a risk can be defined as \u201cthe combination of the probability of occurrence of a hazard and the severity of that hazard\u201d (see ISO/IEC Guide 51: 2014 [E)).In terms of disarmament operations, many hazards are created by the presence of weapons, ammunition and explosives. The level of risk is mostly dependent on the knowledge and training of the disarmament teams (see section 5.7). The physical condition of the weapons, ammunition and explosives and the environment in which they are handed over or stored have a major effect on that risk. A range of techniques for estimating risk are contained in IATG 2.10 on Introduction to Risk Management Principles and Processes. All relevant guidelines contained in the IATG should be strictly adhered to in order to ensure the safety of all persons and assets when handling conventional ammunition. Adequate expertise is critical. Unqualified personnel should never handle ammunition or any type of explosive material.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 19, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.4 Gender-sensitive disarmament operations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 13, "Paragraph": "If women are not adequately integrated into DDR programmes, and disarmament operations in particular, gender stereotypes of masculinity associated with violence, and femininity dissociated from power and decision-making, may be reinforced. If implemented in a gender-sensitive manner, a DDR programme can actually highlight the constructive roles of women in the transition from conflict to sustainable peace.Disarmament can increase a combatant\u2019s feeling of vulnerability. In addition to providing physical protection, weapons are often seen as important symbols of power and status. Men may experience disarmament as a symbolic loss of manhood and status. Undermined masculinities at all ages can lead to profound feelings of frustration and disempowerment. For women, disarmament can threaten the gender equality and respect that may have been gained through the possession of a weapon while in an armed force or group.DDR programmes should explore ways to promote alternative symbols of power that are relevant to particular cultural contexts and that foster peace dividends. This can be done by removing the gun as a symbol of power, addressing key concerns over safety and protection, and developing strategic engagement with women (particularly female dependants) in disarmament operations.Female combatants and women and girls associated with armed forces and groups are common in armed conflicts across the world. To ensure that men and women have equal rights to participate in the design and implementation of disarmament operations, a gender-inclusive and -responsive approach should be applied at every stage of assessment, planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Such an approach requires gender expertise, gender analysis, the collection of sex- and age-disaggregated data, and the meaningful participation of women at each stage of the DDR process.Gender-sensitive disarmament operations are proven to be more effective in addressing the impact of the illicit circulation and misuse of weapons than those that do not incorporate a gender perspective (MOSAIC 6.10 on Women, Men and the Gendered Nature of Small Arms and Light Weapons). Therefore, ensuring that gender is adequately integrated into all stages of disarmament and other DDR-related arms control initiatives is essential to the overall success of DDR processes.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 20, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.5 Eligibility criteria for access to DDR programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 14, "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous and transparent criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital to achieving the objectives of DDR. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed to by all parties, and screening processes must be in place in the disarmament stage.Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the content of the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender.Participants in DDR programmes may include individuals in support and non-combatant roles or those associated with armed forces and groups, including children. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see Figure 1 and Box 3).BOX 3: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES \\n Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms. \\n Female supporters/women associated with armed forces and groups (WAAFG): Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers/slaves). \\n Female dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives/war wives, children, mothers/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 21, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.5 Eligibility criteria for access to DDR programmes", "Heading3": "5.5.1 Weapons-related eligibility criteria", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 16, "Paragraph": "Depending on the context and the content of the ceasefire and/or peace agreement, eligibility for a DDR programme can include specific weapons/ammunition-related criteria. These criteria should be based on a thorough understanding of the context if effective disarmament is to be achieved. The arsenals of armed forces and groups vary in size, quality and types of weapons. For instance, in conflicts where foreign States actively support armed groups, these groups\u2019 arsenals are often quite large and varied, including not only serviceable SALW but also heavy-weapons systems.Past experience shows that the eligibility criteria related to weapons and ammunition are often not consistent or stringent enough. This can lead to the inclusion of individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups and the collection of poor-quality materiel while illicit serviceable materiel remains in circulation. Accurate information regarding armed forces and groups\u2019 arsenals (see section 5.1) is key in determining relevant and effective weapons-related criteria. These include the type and status (serviceable versus non-serviceable) of weapons or the quantity of ammunition that a combatant should bring along in order to be enrolled in the programme. According to the context, the ratio of arms and ammunition to individual combatants can vary and may include SALW as well as heavy weapons and ammunition.In order to ascertain their eligibility, combatants may also need to take a weapons procedures test, which will identify their familiarity with and ability to handle weapons. Although members of armed groups may not have received formal training to military standards, they should be able to demonstrate an understanding of how to use a weapon. This test should be balanced against other ways to identify combatant status (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Children with weapons should be disarmed but should not be required to demonstrate their capacity to use a weapon or prove familiarity with weaponry to be admitted to the DDR programme (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). All weapons brought by ineligible individuals as part of a disarmament operation shall be collected even if these individuals will not be eligible to enter the DDR programme.To avoid confusion and frustration, it is key that eligibility criteria are communicated clearly and unambiguously to members of armed groups and the wider population (see Box 4 and IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR). Legal implications should also be clearly explained \u2014 for example, that the voluntary submission of weapons during the disarmament phase by eligible and ineligible individuals will not result in prosecution for illegal possession.BOX 4: DISARMAMENT AWARENESS ACTIVITIES \\n For weapons to be successfully removed, the early and ongoing information and sensitization of armed forces and groups \u2013 as well as affected communities \u2013 to the planned collection process is essential. Public information and sensitization campaigns will have a strong influence on the success of the entire DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR). \\n\\n In addition to direct contact with armed forces and groups and community representatives, a range of media \u2013 including radio, print media, TV and social media \u2013 can be used to: \\n Encourage combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to disarm. \\n Inform armed forces and groups about locations and dates of disarmament and explain procedures, including security measures. \\n Explain what will happen to collected arms and ammunition and the absence of legal repercussions, as relevant. \\n Explain the eligibility criteria for entering a DDR programme and provide information about potential alternatives for non-eligible individuals (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). \\n Explain legal implications, including amnesties or assurances of non-prosecution (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). \\n Manage expectations. \\n Distinguish between the voluntary disarmament of armed forces and groups as part of a DDR programme and prior forced disarmament and any past or ongoing forced disarmament in the country. \\n\\n A professional, gender-responsive and age-appropriate DDR awareness campaign for the weapons collection component of any DDR programme should be conducted well before the collection phase begins. Awareness-raising campaigns shall take into consideration the findings of gender analysis in the design and implementation of programme activities. DDR practitioners shall ensure representation of all genders and ages in the campaign; engage youth, women and women\u2019s groups; and mitigate against the risk of linking gender identities with weapons, reinforcing violent masculinities and other gender stereotypes. Media and awareness activities are critical channels to counter the socially constructed yet enduring associations between small arms, protection, power and masculinity. \\n It is key that local communities be made aware of ongoing disarmament operations so that the presence or movement of armed individuals does not create confusion. If destruction of ammunition is planned, it is also important to inform communities beforehand to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary tensions. Finally, during ongoing operations, details on progress towards the objectives of the disarmament programme should be disseminated to help reassure stakeholders and communities that the number of illicit weapons in circulation is being reduced, and that overall security is improving.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 22, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 18, "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are a set of mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners within a particular DDR programme in the conduct of disarmament operations and subsequent WAM activities. The development of disarmament SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations.In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in disarmament. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the DDR component, with the support of WAM advisers, and signed off by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as UN military component members and any other partners supporting disarmament activities shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.In non-mission contexts, the national authority should also be advised by the lead UN agency(ies) on the development of national SOPs for the safe, effective and efficient conduct of the disarmament component of the DDR programme. All those engaged in supporting disarmament operations shall also be familiar with the relevant SOPs.A single disarmament SOP, or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to disarmament activities, should be informed by the integrated assessment and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards (IATG and MOSAIC), as well as with national laws and international obligations of the country where the programme is being implemented (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management).SOPs should cover all disarmament-related activities and include two lines of management procedures: one for ammunition and explosives, and one for weapons systems. The SOP(s) should refer to and be consistent with any other WAM SOPs adopted by the mission and/or national authorities.While some missions and/or national authorities have developed a single disarmament SOP, others have preferred a set of SOPs. Regardless, SOPs should cover the following procedures: \\n Reception of arms and/or ammunition and explosives in static or mobile disarmament; \\n Compliance with weapons- and ammunition-related eligibility criteria (e.g., what is considered a serviceable weapon?); \\n Weapons storage management; \\n Ammunition and explosives storage management; \\n Accounting for weapons and ammunition; \\n Transportation of weapons; \\n Transportation of ammunition; \\n Storage checks; \\n Reporting and investigating loss or theft; \\n Destruction of weapons (or other appropriate methods of disposal and potential marking); \\n Destruction of ammunition (or other appropriate methods of disposal). \\n Managing spontaneous disarmament, including in advance of a formal DDR process.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 23, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.7 Disarmament team structure", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 19, "Paragraph": "The disarmament team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for disarmament: physical verification of arms and ammunition, recording of materiel, issuance of disarmament receipts/certificates, storage of materiel, and the destruction of unsafe ammunition and explosives.WAM advisers (see Box 5) should be duly incorporated from the planning stage throughout the implementation of the disarmament phase. As per the IATG, force commanders (military component) should designate a force explosives safety officer responsible for advising on all arms, ammunition and explosives safety matters, including with regards to DDR activities (see Annex L of IATG 01.90).BOX 5: WAM ADVISERS \\n In both mission and non-mission settings, the involvement of UN WAM advisers in the planning and implementation of disarmament operations and WAM is critical to the success of the programme. Depending on the type of activities involved, WAM advisers shall have extensive formal training and operational field experience in ammunition and weapons storage, inspection, transportation and destruction/disposal, including in fragile settings, as well as experience in the development and administration of new storage facilities. If the DDR component does not include such profiles among its staff, it may rely on support from other specialist UN agencies or NGOs. The WAM adviser shall, among other things, advise on explosive safety, certify that ammunition and explosives are safe to move, identify a nearby demolition site for unsafe ammunition, conduct render-safe procedures on unsafe ammunition, and determine safety distances during collection processes.A disarmament team should include a gender-balanced composition of: \\n DDR practitioners; \\n A representative of the national DDR commission (and potentially other national institutions); \\n An adequately sized technical support team from a specialized UN agency or NGO, including a team leader/WAM adviser (IMAS EOD level 3), two weapons inspectors to identify weapons and assess safety of items, registration officers, storemen/women and a medic; \\n Military observers (MILOBs) and representatives from the protection force; \\n National security forces armament specialists (police, army and/or gendarmerie); \\n A representative from the mission\u2019s department for child protection; \\n A national gender specialist. \\n A national youth specialist.Depending on the provisions of the ceasefire and/or peace agreement and the national DDR policy document, commanders of armed groups may also be part of the disarmament team.Disarmament teams should receive training on the disarmament SOPs (see section 5.6), the chain of procedures involved in conducting disarmament operations, entering data into the registration database, and the types of arms and ammunition they are likely to deal with and their safe handling. Training should be designed by the DDR component with the support of WAM/EOD-qualified force representatives or a specialized UN agency or NGO. DDR practitioners and other personnel who are not arms and ammunition specialists should also attend the training to ensure that they fully understand the chain of operations and security procedures involved; however, unless qualified to do so, staff shall not handle weapons or ammunition at any stage. Before the launch of operations, a simulation exercise should be organized to test the planning phase, and to support each stakeholder in understanding his or her role and responsibilities. The mission DDR component, specialized UN agencies, and the military component should identify liaison officers to facilitate the implementation of disarmament operationsIn non-mission settings, the conduct and security of disarmament operations may rely on national security forces, joint commissions or teams and on national specialists with technical support from relevant UN agency (ies), multilateral and bilateral partners. The UN and partners should support the organization of training for national disarmament teams to develop capacity.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 24, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.8 Timelines for disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 20, "Paragraph": "Timelines for the implementation of the disarmament component of a DDR programme should be developed by taking the following factors into account: \\n The provisions of the peace agreement or the ceasefire agreement; \\n The availability of accurate information about demographics, including sex and age, as well as the size of the armed forces and groups to be disarmed; \\n The location of the armed forces\u2019 and groups\u2019 units and the number, type and location of their weapons; \\n The nature, processing capacity and location of mobile and static disarmament sites; \\n The time it takes to process each ex-combatant or person formerly associated with an armed force or group (this could be anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes per person). The simulation exercise will help to determine how long individual weapons collection and accounting will take.Depending on the nature of the conflict and other political and social conditions, a well- planned and well-implemented disarmament component may see large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups arriving for disarmament during the early stages of the DDR programme. The number of individuals reporting for disarmament may drop in the middle of the process, but it is prudent to plan for a rush towards the end. Late arrivals may report for disarmament because of improved confidence in the peace process or because some combatants and weapons have been held back until the final stages of disarmament as a self- protection measure.The minimum possible time should be taken to safely process combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups through the disarmament and demobilization phases, and then back into the community. This swiftness is necessary to avoid a loss of momentum and to prevent former combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups from settling in temporary camps away from their communities.Depending on the context, individuals may leave armed groups and engage in spontaneous disarmament outside of official DDR programme and disarmament operations (see section 6.3). In such situations, DDR practitioners should ensure adherence to this disarmament standard as much as possible. To facilitate this spontaneous disarmament process, procedures and timelines should be clearly communicated to authorities, members of armed groups and the wider community.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 25, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 21, "Paragraph": "The planning of disarmament operations should be initiated at the peace negotiations stage when the appropriate modus operandi for disarming combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will be set out. The UN should support the national authorities in identifying the best disarmament approach. Mobile and static approaches have been developed to fit different contexts and constraints, and can be combined to form a multi-strand approach. Depending on the national strategy and the sequencing of DDR phases, the disarmament component may be intrinsically linked to demobilization, and sites for both activities could be combined (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization).The selection of the approach, or combination of approaches, to take should be based on the following: \\n Findings from the integrated assessment and weapons survey, including a review of previous approaches to disarmament (see section 5.1); \\n Discussions and strategic planning by the national authorities; \\n Exchanges with leaders of armed forces and groups; \\n The security and risk assessment; \\n Gender analysis; \\n Financial resources.Notwithstanding the selection of the specific disarmament approach, all combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups should be informed of: \\n The time and date to report, and the location to which to report; \\n Appropriate weapons and ammunition safety measures; \\n The activities involved and steps they will be asked to follow; \\n The level of UN or military security to expect on arrival.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 26, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "6.1.1. Static disarmament ", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 22, "Paragraph": "Static or site-based (cantonment) disarmament uses specifically designed disarmament sites to carry out the disarmament operation. These require detailed planning and considerable organization and rely on the coordination of a range of implementing partners. The establishment and management of disarmament sites should be specifically included in the peace agreement to ensure that former warring factions agree and are aware that they have a responsibility under the peace agreement to proceed to such sites. Depending on the disarmament plan, geographic and security constraints, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups can move directly to disarmament sites, or their transportation can be organized through pick-up points.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 27, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "6.1.1. Static disarmament ", "Heading4": " Pick-up points", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 23, "Paragraph": "The role of pick-up points (PUPs) is to concentrate combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups in a safe location, prior to a controlled and supervised move to designated disarmament sites. Administrative and safety processes begin at the PUP. There are similarities between procedures at the PUP and those carried out during mobile disarmament operations, but the two processes are different and should not be confused. Members of armed forces and groups that report to a PUP will then be moved to a disarmament site, while those who enter through the mobile disarmament route will be directed to make their way to demobilization.PUPs are locations agreed to in advance by the leaders of armed forces and groups and the UN mission military component. They are selected because of their convenience, security and accessibility for all parties. The time, date, place and conditions for entering the disarmament process should be negotiated by commanders, the National DDR Commission and the DDR component in mission settings and the UN lead agency(ies) in non-mission settings.Combatants often need to be moved from rural locations, and since many armed forces and groups will not have adequate transport, PUPs should be situated close to their positions. PUPs shall not be located in or near civilian areas such as villages, towns or cities. Special measures should be considered for children associated with armed forces and groups arriving at PUPs (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). Gender-responsive provisions shall also be planned to provide guidance on how to process female combatants and WAAFG, including DDR/UN military staff composed of a mix of genders, separation of men and women during screening and clothing/baggage searches at PUPs, and adequate medical support particularly in the case of pregnant and lactating women (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).Disarmament operations should also include combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups with disabilities and/or chronically ill and/or wounded who may not be able to access the PUPs. These persons may also qualify for disarmament, while requiring special transportation and assistance by specialists, such as medical staff and psychologists (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR and IDDRS 5.80 on Disabilities and DDR).Once combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups have arrived at the designated PUP, they will be met by male and female UN representatives, including military and child protection staff, who shall arrange their transportation to the disarmament site. This first meeting between armed individuals and UN staff shall be considered a high-risk situation, and all members of armed forces and groups shall be considered potentially dangerous until disarmed.At the PUP, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may either be completely disarmed or may keep their weapons during movement to the disarmament site. In the latter case, they should surrender their ammunition. The issue of weapons surrender at the PUP will either be a requirement of the peace agreement, or, more usually, a matter of negotiation between the leadership of armed forces and groups, the national authorities and the UN.The following activities should occur at the PUP: \\n Members of the disarmament team meet combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups outside the PUP at clearly marked waiting areas; personnel deliver a PUP briefing, explaining what will happen at the sites. \\n Qualified personnel check that weapons are clear of ammunition and made safe, ensuring that magazines are removed; combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are screened to identify those carrying ammunition and explosives. These individuals should be immediately moved to the ammunition area in the disarmament site. \\n Qualified personnel conduct a clothing and baggage search of all combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups; men and women should be searched separately by those of the same sex. \\n Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups with eligible weapons and safe ammunition pass through the screening area to the transport area, before moving to the disarmament site. The UN shall be responsible for ensuring the protection and physical security of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups during their movement from the PUP. In non-mission settings, the national security forces, joint commissions or teams would be responsible for the above-mentioned tasks with technical support from relevant UN agency (ies), multilateral and bilateral partners.Those individuals who do not meet the eligibility criteria for entry into the DDR programme should leave the PUP after being disarmed and, where needed, transported away from the PUP. Individuals with defective weapons should hand these over, but, depending on the eligibility criteria, may not be allowed to enter the DDR programme. These individuals should be given a receipt that shows full details of the ineligible weapon handed over. This receipt may be used if there is an appeal process at a later date. People who do not meet the eligibility criteria for the DDR programme should be told why and orientated towards different programmes, if available, including CVR.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 28, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "6.1.2 Mobile disarmament", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 24, "Paragraph": "In certain circumstances, the establishment of a fixed disarmament site may be inappropriate. In such cases, one option is the use of mobile disarmament, which usually consists of a group of modified road vehicles and has the advantage of decreased logistical outlay, increased flexibility, reduced cost, and rapid deployment and assembly.A mobile approach permits a more rapid response than site-based disarmament and can be used when weapons are concentrated in a specific geographical area, when moving collected arms, or when assembling scattered members of armed forces and groups would be difficult or trigger insecurity. This approach allows for more flexibility and for the limited movement of armed combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who remain in their communities. Mobile disarmament may also be more accessible to women, children, disabled and other specific-needs groups. While mobile disarmament ensures the limited movement of unsafe ammunition, a sound mobile WAM and EOD capacity is required to collect and destroy items on site and to transport arms and ammunition to storage facilities.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 29, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.2 Procedures for disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 25, "Paragraph": "A disarmament SOP should state the step-by-step procedures for receiving weapons and ammunition, including identifying who has responsibility for each step and the gender-responsive provisions required. The SOP should also include a diagram of the disarmament site(s) (either mobile or static). Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are processed one by one. Procedures, to be adapted to the context, are generally as follows.Before entering the disarmament site perimeter: \\n The individual is identified by his/her commander and physically checked by the designated security officials. Special measures will be required for children (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). Men and women will be checked by those of the same sex, which requires having both male and female officers among UN military/DDR staff in mission settings and national security/DDR staff in non-mission settings. \\n If the individual is carrying ammunition or explosives that might present a threat, she/he will be asked to leave it outside the handover area, in a location identified by a WAM/EOD specialist, to be handled separately. \\n The individual is asked to move with the weapon pointing towards the ground, the catch in safety position (if relevant) and her/his finger off the trigger.After entering the perimeter: \\n The individual is directed to the unloading bay, where she/he will proceed with the clearing of his/her weapon under the instruction and supervision of a MILOB or representative of the UN military component in mission settings or designated security official in a non-mission setting. If the individual is under 18 years old, child protection staff shall be present throughout the process. \\n Once the weapon has been cleared, it is handed over to a MILOB or representative of the military component in a mission setting or designated security official in a non-mission setting who will proceed with verification. \\n If the individual is also in possession of ammunition for small arms or machine guns, she/he will be asked to place it in a separate pre-identified location, away from the weapons. \\n The materiel handed in is recorded by a DDR practitioner with guidance on weapons and ammunition identification from specialist UN agency personnel or other arms specialists along with information on the individual concerned. \\n The individual is provided with a receipt that proves she/he has handed in a weapon and/or ammunition. The receipt indicates the name of the individual, the date and location, the type, the status (serviceable or not) and the serial number of the weapon. \\n Weapons are tagged with a code to facilitate storage, management and recordkeeping throughout the disarmament process until disposal (see section 7.1). \\n Weapons and ammunition are stored separately or organized for transportation under the instructions and guidance of a WAM adviser (see section 7.2 and DDR WAM Handbook Unit 11). Ammunition presenting an immediate risk, or deemed unfit for transport, should be destroyed in situ by qualified EOD specialists.BOX 6: PROCESSING HEAVY WEAPONS AND THEIR AMMUNITION \\n An increasing number of armed groups in areas of conflict across the world use light and heavy weapons, including heavy artillery or armoured fighting vehicles. Dealing with heavy weapons presents both logistical and political challenges. In certain settings, heavy weapons could be included in the eligibility criteria for a DDR programme, and the ratio of arms to combatants could be determined based on the number of crew required to operate each specific weapons system. However, while small arms and most light weapons are generally seen as an individual asset, heavy weapons are often considered a group asset, and thus may not be surrendered during disarmament operations that focus on individual combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. \\n To ensure comprehensive disarmament and avoid the exploitation of loopholes, peace negotiations and the national DDR programme should determine the procedures related to the arsenals of armed groups, including heavy weapons and/or caches of materiel. Processing heavy weapons and their ammunition requires a high level of technical knowledge. Heavy-weapons systems can be complex and require specialist expertise to ensure that systems are made safe, unloaded and all items of ammunition are safely separated from the platform. Conducting a thorough weapons survey and planning is vital to ensure the correct expertise is made available. The UN DDR component in mission settings or UN lead agency(ies) in non-mission settings should provide advice with regards to the collection, storage and disposal of heavy weapons, and support the development of any related SOPs. Procedures regarding heavy weapons should be clearly communicated to armed forces and groups prior to any disarmament operations to avoid unorganized and unscheduled movements of heavy weapons that might foment further tensions among the population. Destruction of heavy weapons requires significant logistics (see section 8); it is therefore critical to ensure the physical security of these weapons in order to reduce the risk of diversion.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 30, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.3 Spontaneous disarmament outside of official disarmament operations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 26, "Paragraph": "In some contexts, in order to encourage individuals to leave armed groups when there is no DDR programme, a modus operandi for receiving combatants and persons associated with armed groups may be established. This may include the identification of a network of reception points, such as DDR offices or peacekeeping camps, or the deployment of mobile disarmament units. Procedures should be communicated to authorities, members of armed groups and the wider community on a regular basis to ensure all are informed and sensitized (see Box 4 and IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).In the case peacekeeping camps are designated as reception points, the DDR component \u2013 in coordination with the military component and the battalion commander \u2013 should identify specific focal points within the camp to deal with combatants and persons associated with armed groups. These focal points should be trained in how to handle and disarm new arrivals, including taking gender-sensitive approaches with women and age-sensitive approaches with children, and in how to register and store materiel until DDR practitioners take over. Unsafe items should be stored in a pre-identified or purpose-built area as advised by DDR WAM advisers until specialized UN agency personnel or force EOD specialists can assess the safety of the items and recommend appropriate action.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 31, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "7. Stockpile management phase", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 27, "Paragraph": "The term \u2018stockpile management\u2019 can be defined as procedures and activities designed to ensure the safe and secure accounting, storage, transportation and handling of arms, ammunition and explosives. The IATG and MOSAIC shall guide the design and implementation of this phase, and qualified WAM advisers should develop relevant SOP(s) (see section 5.6). The stockpile management and destruction of ammunition and explosives require a much more detailed technical response, as the risks and hazards are greater than for weapons, and stockpiles present a larger logistical challenge. Ammunition and explosives shall be handled only by those with the necessary technical competencies.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 32, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.1 Accounting for weapons and ammunition", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 27, "Paragraph": "In smaller disarmament operations or when IMS has not yet been set for the capture of the above information, a separate simple database should be developed to manage weapons, ammunition and explosives collected. For example, the use of a standardized Excel spreadsheet template which would allow for the effective centralization of data. DDR components and UN lead agency(ies) should dedicate appropriate resources to the development and ongoing maintenance of this database and consider the establishment of a more comprehensive and permanent IMS where disarmament operations will clearly involve the collection of thousands of weapons and ammunition. Ownership of data by the UN, the national authorities or both should be decided ahead of the launch of the DDR programme.Data should be protected in order to ensure the security of DDR participants and stockpiles but could be shared with relevant UN entities for analysis and tracing purposes, as appropriate. In instances where the peace agreement does not prevent the formal tracing or investigation of the weapons and ammunition collected, specialized UN entities including Panels of Experts or a Joint Mission Analysis Centre may analyse information and send tracing requests to national authorities, manufacturing countries or other former custodians of weapons regarding the origins of the materiel. These entities should be given access to weapons, ammunition and explosives collected and also check firearms against INTERPOL\u2019s Illicit Arms Records and tracing Management System (iARMS) database. Doing this would shed light on points of diversion, supply chains, and trafficking routes, inter alia, which may contribute to efforts to counter proliferation and illicit trafficking and support the overall objectives of DDR. Forensic analysis may also lead to investigations regarding the licit or illicit origin of the collected weapons and possible linkages to terrorist organizations, in line with UN Security Council resolutions 2370 (2017) and 2482 (2019).In a number of DDR settings, ammunition is generally handed in without its original packaging and will be loose packed and consist of a range of different calibres. Ammunition should be segregated into separate calibres and then accounted for in accordance with IATG 03.10 on Inventory Management.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 33, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.2 Transportation of weapons and ammunition", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 28, "Paragraph": "The transportation of dangerous goods from disarmament sites to storage areas should be planned in order to mitigate the risk of explosions and diversions. A WAM adviser should supervise the organization of materiel: arms and ammunition should be transported separately and moved in different shipments. Similarly, whenever advisable for security reasons and practicable in terms of time and capacity, the weapons to be transported should be made temporarily inactive by removing a principal functional part (e.g., bolt, cylinder, slide) and providing for separate transportation of ammunition, ultimately in a different shipment or convoy. All boxes and crates containing weapons or ammunition should be secured and sealed prior to loading onto transport vehicles. As most DDR materiel is transported by road, security of transportation should be ensured by the UN military component in mission settings or by national security forces or by designated security officials in non-mission settings.In the absence of qualified personnel, all ammunition and explosives other than small arms and machine gun ammunition7 should not be transported. In such cases, SOPs should provide directions and WAM advisers should be contacted to confirm instructions on how and where the remaining ammunition should be stored until relevant personnel are able to come and transport it or destroy it in situ.Upon receipt, the shipment should be checked against the DDR weapons and ammunition database, which should be updated accordingly, and a handover declaration should be signed.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 34, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3 Storage", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 29, "Paragraph": "The safety and security of collected weapons, ammunition and explosives shall be a primary concern. This is because the diversion of materiel or an unplanned storage explosion would have an immediate negative impact on the credibility and the objectives of the whole DDR programme, while also posing a serious safety and security risk. DDR programmes very rarely have appropriate storage infrastructure at their disposal, and most are therefore required to build their own temporary structures, for example, using shipping containers. Conventional arms and ammunition can be stored effectively and safely in these temporary facilities if they comply with international guidelines including IATG 04.10 on Field Storage, IATG 04.20 on Temporary Storage and MOSAIC 5.20 on Stockpile Management.The stockpile management phase shall be as short as possible. The sooner that collected weapons and ammunition are disposed of (see section 8), the better in terms of (1) security and safety risks; (2) improved confidence and trust; and (3) a lower requirement for personnel and funding.Post-collection storage shall be planned before the start of the collection phase with the support of a qualified DDR WAM adviser who will determine the size, location, staff and equipment required based on the findings of the integrated assessment (see section 5.1). The SOP should identify the actors responsible for securing storage sites, and a risk assessment shall be conducted by a WAM adviser in order to determine the optimal locations for storage facilities, including appropriate safety distances. The assessment shall also help identify priorities in terms of security measures to be adopted with regards to physical protection (see DDR WAM Handbook Unit 16).The content of DDR storage sites shall be checked and verified on a regular basis against the DDR weapons and ammunition database (see section 7.3.1). Any suspected loss or theft shall be reported immediately and investigated according to the SOP (see MOSAIC 5.20 for an investigative report template as well as UN SOP Ref.2017.22 on Loss of Weapons and Ammunition in Peace Operations).Weapons and ammunition must be taken from a store only by personnel who are authorized to do so. These personnel and their affiliation should be identified and authenticated before removing the materiel. The details of personnel removing and returning materiel should be recorded in a log, identifying their name, affiliation and signature, dates and times, weapons/ammunition details and the purpose of removal.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 35, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3 Storage", "Heading3": "7.3.1 Storing weapons", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 29, "Paragraph": "The storage of weapons is less technical than that of ammunition and explosives, with the primary risks being loss and theft due to poor management. Although options for security measures are often quite limited in the field, in order to prevent or delay theft, containers should be equipped with fixed racks on which weapons can be secured with chains or steel cables affixed with padlocks. Some light weapons that contain explosive components, such as man-portable air- defence systems, will present explosive hazards and should be stored with other explosive materiel, in line with guidance on Compatibility Groups as defined by IATG 01.50 on UN Explosive Hazard Classification Systems and Codes.To allow for effective management and stocktaking, weapons that have been collected should be tagged. Most DDR programmes use handwritten tags, including the serial number and a tag number, which are registered in the DDR database. However, this method is not effective in the long term and, more recently, DDR components have been using purpose-made bar code tags, allowing for electronic reading, including with a smartphone.A physical stock check by number and type of arms should be conducted on a weekly basis in each storage facility, and the serial numbers of no less than 10 per cent of arms should be checked against the DDR weapons and ammunition database. Every six months, a 100 per cent physical stock check by quantity, type and serial number should be conducted, and records of storage checks should be kept for review and audit processes.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 36, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3 Storage", "Heading3": "7.3.2 Storing ammunition and explosives", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 30, "Paragraph": "The storage of ammunition and explosives, other than for small arms and machine guns (1.4 UN Hazard Division), requires highly qualified personnel, as the risks related to this materiel are substantial. Technical guidance to minimize the risk of accidents and their effects is very specific with regards to storing ammunition and explosives in line with Compatibility Groups (see IATG 01.50) and distances (see IATG 2.20). Ammunition collected during the disarmament phase of a DDR programme is often of unknown status and may have been stored in non-optimal environmental conditions (e.g., high temperature/high humidity) that render ammunition unsafe. A thorough risk assessment of ammunition storage facilities shall be carried out by the WAM adviser. A range of quantitative and qualitative methods for this assessment are available in IATG 2.10.In accordance with the IATG, all ammunition storage facilities should be at a minimum of Risk-Reduction Process Level 1 compliance (see IATG 12.20) in order to mitigate the risk of explosions and diversion. A physical stock check by quantity and type of ammunition should be conducted on a weekly basis.An accessible demolition area that can be used for the destruction of ammunition deemed unsafe and at risk of detonation or deflagration should be identified.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 37, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 30, "Paragraph": "Destruction shall be the preferred method of disposal of materiel collected through DDR. However, other options may be possible, including the transfer of materiel to national stockpiles and the deactivation of weapons. Operations should be safe, cost-effective and environmentally benign.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 38, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.1 Destruction of materiel", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 30, "Paragraph": "Destruction reduces the flow of illicit arms and ammunition in circulation and removes the risk of materiel being diverted (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management). Arms and ammunition that are surrendered during disarmament operations are in an unknown state and likely hazardous, and their markings may have been altered or removed. The destruction of arms and ammunition during a DDR programme is a highly symbolic gesture and serves as a strong confidence-building measure if performed and verified transparently. Furthermore, destruction is usually less financially burdensome than storing and guarding arms and ammunition in accordance with global guidelines.Obtaining agreement from the appropriate authorities to proceed usually takes time, resulting in delays and related risks of diversion or unplanned explosions. Disposal methods should therefore be decided upon with the national authorities at an early stage and clearly stated in the national DDR programme. Transparency in the disposal of weapons and ammunition collected from former warring parties is key to building trust in DDR and the entire peace process. A clear plan for destruction should be established by the DDR component or the lead UN agency(ies) with the support of WAM advisers, including the most suitable method for destruction (see Annex E), the development of an SOP, the location, as well as options for the processing and monitoring of scrap metal recycling, if relevant, and the associated costs of the destruction process. The plan shall also provide for the monitoring of the destruction by a third party to ensure that the process was efficient and that all materiel is accounted for to avoid diversion. The physical destruction of weapons is much simpler and safer than the physical destruction of ammunition, which requires highly qualified personnel and a thorough risk assessment.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 39, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.1 Destruction of materiel", "Heading3": "8.1.1 Destruction of weapons", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 31, "Paragraph": "In most existing DDR programmes, due to the absence of an industrial steel smelting facility to melt down small arms, cutting is the preferred method of destruction, particularly where quantities of weapons are limited and where it is logistically easier and safer to take the cutting tool to the weapons rather than vice versa. If not done correctly, cutting carries the risk that the parts may be re-used to produce new weapons. Cutting is also labour intensive and produces significant quantities of scrap metal. (See Annex E to select the most suitable method of destruction.)With regards to heavy weapons, demilitarization by dismantling and recycling should be the preferred disposal option for the majority of these systems. The market for conversion to civilian use is very limited. This is because sale is also a proliferation risk and reputable end users are rare. The demilitarization by dismantling and recycling technique involves the cleaning and dismantling/cutting of the vehicle but results in significant quantities of scrap. If a large quantity of heavy weapons is to be destroyed, financial planning could include the value of the scrap recovered.8 It is also important to maintain strict control over weapons designated for destruction to prevent the risk of their entry into the illicit market before the destruction takes place.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 40, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.1 Destruction of materiel", "Heading3": "8.1.2 Destruction of ammunition", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 31, "Paragraph": "The safe destruction of recovered ammunition and explosives presents a variety of technical challenges, and the demolition of a large number of explosive items requires a significant degree of training. Risks inherent in destruction are significant if the procedure does not comply with strict technical guidelines (see IATG 10.10), including casualties and contamination. During the disarmament phase of a DDR programme, ammunition may need to be destroyed either at the collection point (PUP, disarmament site) because it is unsafe, or after being transferred to a secure DDR storage facility.Ammunition destruction requires a strict planning phase by WAM/EOD advisers or engineers who should identify priorities, obtain authorization from the national authorities, select the most appropriate method (see Annex E) and location for destruction, and develop a risk assessment and security plan for the operation. The following types of ammunition should be destroyed as a priority: (a) ammunition that poses the greatest risk in terms of explosive safety, (b) ammunition that is attractive to criminals or armed groups, (c) ammunition that must be destroyed in order to comply with international obligations (for instance, anti-personnel mines for States that are party to the Mine Ban Treaty) and (d) small arms and machine gun ammunition less than 20 mm.After destruction, decontamination operations at demolition sites and demilitarization facilities should be undertaken to ensure that all recovered materials and other generated residues, including unexploded items, are appropriately treated, and that scrap and empty packaging are free from explosives.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 41, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.2 Transfers to national authorities", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 32, "Paragraph": "National authorities may insist that serviceable materiel collected during disarmament should be incorporated into national stockpiles. Reasons for this may be linked to a lack of resources to acquire new materiel, the desire to regain control over materiel previously looted from national stockpiles or the existence of an arms embargo making procurement difficult.Before transferring arms or ammunition to the national authorities, the DDR component or lead UN agency(ies) shall take account of all obligations under relevant regional and international instruments as well as potential UN arms embargos and should seek the advice of the mission\u2019s or lead UN agency(ies) legal adviser (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). If the host State is prohibited from using or possessing certain weapons or ammunition (e.g., mines or cluster munitions), such materiel shall be destroyed. Furthermore, in line with the UN human rights due diligence policy, materiel shall not be transferred where there are substantial indications that the consignee is committing grave violations of international humanitarian, human rights or refugee law.WAM advisers should explain to the national authorities the potential negative consequences of incorporating DDR weapons and ammunition into their stockpiles. These consequences not only include the symbolic connotations of using conflict weapons, but also the costs and operational challenges that come from the management of materiel that differs from standard equipment. The integration of ammunition into national stockpiles should be discouraged, as ammunition of unknown origin can be extremely hazardous. A technical inspection of weapons and ammunition should be jointly carried out by both UN and national experts before handover to the national authorities.Finally, weapons handed over to national authorities should bear markings made at the time of manufacture, and best practice recommends the destruction or remarking of weapons whose original markings have been altered or erased. Weapons should be registered by the national authorities in line with international standards.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 42, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.3 Deactivation of weapons", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 33, "Paragraph": "The deactivation of arms involves rendering the weapon incapable of expelling or launching a shot, bullet, missile or other projectile by the action of an explosive, that cannot be readily restored to do so, and that has been certified and marked as deactivated in compliance with international guidelines by a competent State authority. Deactivation requires that all pressure-bearing components of a weapon be permanently altered in such a way so as to render the weapon unusable; this includes modifications to the barrel, bolt, cylinder, slide, firing pin and/or receiver/frame. Weapons that have not been properly deactivated represent a significant threat, as they may be reactivated and used by criminals and terrorists.While destruction of weapons should be the preferred method of disposal, deactivation could be stipulated as part of a peace agreement where some of the collected weapons would be used in museum settings, or to create \u2018peace art\u2019 or monuments, to symbolically reflect the end of armed conflict. The process of deactivation should occur rapidly after a peace agreement so that weapons do not remain indefinitely in stores incurring unnecessary costs and raising the risk of diversion", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 43, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "Annex C: Weapons survey", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 35, "Paragraph": "A weapons survey can take more than a year from the time resources are allocated and mobilized to completion and the publication of results and recommendations. The survey must be designed, implemented and the results applied in a gender responsive manner.Who should implement the weapons survey? \\n While the DDR component and specialized UN agencies can secure funding and coordinate the process, it is critical to ensure that ownership of the project sits at the national level due to the sensitivities involved, and so that the results have greater legitimacy in informing any future national policymaking on the subject. This could be through the National Coordinating Mechanism on SALW, for example, or the National DDR Commission. Buy-in must also be secured from local authorities on the ground where research is to be conducted. Such authorities must also be kept informed of developments for political and security reasons. \\n Weapons surveys are often sub-contracted out by UN agencies and national authorities to independent and impartial research organizations and/or an expert consultant to design and coordinate the survey components. The survey team should include independent experts and surveyors who are nationals of the country in which the DDR component or the UN lead agency(ies) is operating and who speak the local language(s). The implementation of weapons surveys should always serve as an opportunity to develop national research capacity.What information should be gathered during a weapons survey? \\n Weapons surveys can support the design of multiple types of activities related to SALW control in various contexts, including those related to DDR. The information collected during this process can inform a wide range of initiatives, and it is therefore important to identify other UN stakeholders with whom to engage when designing the survey to avoid duplication of effort. \\n\\n Components \\n Contextual analysis: conflict analysis; mapping of armed actors; political, economic, social, environmental, cultural factors. \\n Weapons distribution assessment: types; quantities; possession by men, women and children; movements of SALW; illicit sources of weapons and ammunition; potential locations of materiel and caches. \\n Impact survey: impact of weapons on children, women, men, vulnerable groups, DDR beneficiaries etc.; social and economic developments; number of acts of armed violence and victims. \\n Perception survey: attitudes of various groups towards weapons; reasons for armed groups holding weapons; alternatives to weapons possession etc. \\n Capacity assessment: community, local, national coping mechanism; legal tools; security and non-security responses.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 44, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "Annex C: Weapons survey", "Heading2": "Methodology", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 36, "Paragraph": "The survey should draw on a variety of research methods and sources in order to collate, compare and confirm information \u2014 e.g., desk research, collection of official quantitative data (including crime and health data related to firearms), and interviews with key informants such as national security and defence forces, community leaders, representatives of civilian groups (including women, youth and professionals) affected by armed violence, armed groups, foreign analysts and diplomats.The main component of the survey should be the perception survey (see above) \u2014 i.e., the administration of a questionnaire. A representative sample is to be determined by an expert according to the target population. The questionnaire should be developed and administered by a research team including male and female nationals, ensuring respect for ethical considerations and gender and cultural sensitivities. The questionnaire should not take more than 30 minutes to administer, and careful thought should be given as to how to frame the questions to ensure maximum impact (see Annex C of MOSAIC 5.10 for a list of sample questions).A survey can help the DDR component to identify interventions related to disarmament of combatants or ex-combatants, but also to CVR and other transitional programming.Among others, the weapons survey will help identify the following: \\n Communities particularly affected by weapons availability and armed violence. \\n Communities particularly affected by violence related to ex-combatants. \\n Communities ready to participate in CVR and the types of programming they would like to see developed. \\n Types of weapons and ammunition in circulation and in demand. \\n Trafficking routes and modus operandi of weapons trafficking. \\n Groups holding weapons and the profiles of combatants. \\n Cultural and monetary values of weapons. \\n Security concerns and other negative impacts linked to potential interventions.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 45, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "Annex E: Destruction methods", "Heading2": "Destruction of SALW", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 38, "Paragraph": "There are many different techniques for destroying SALW that vary in complexity, cost and results. The DDR component in mission settings and the UN lead agency(ies) in non-mission settings will be responsible for identifying the most suitable method with the support of a technical adviser or specialized UN agency.Selection criteria include: \\n Type of weapons; \\n Quantity of weapons; \\n Availability of funds (for equipment, training and staff); \\n Available level of WAM expertise; \\n Availability of local resources and technology; \\n Available infrastructure; \\n Security constraints; \\n Local customs and references.In most existing DDR programmes, weapons cutting is the preferred though not necessarily the most efficient method of destruction. The advantages and disadvantages of this method and others are outlined below.Other methods of weapons destruction, including burning (with kerosene) and crushing (with tracked vehicles), are sometimes used for their highly visible and symbolic impact. Although simple and relatively low cost, these methods are not effective, as weapons and component parts may still be serviceable and must therefore undergo a further process to ensure destruction.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 46, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "Annex E: Destruction methods", "Heading2": "Destruction of ammunition and explosives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 39, "Paragraph": "IATG 10.10 shall serve as the basis for all destruction of ammunition and explosives activities. The following IMAS also cover the stockpile destruction of ammunition and explosives: \\n IMAS 11.10: \u2018Stockpile Destruction\u2019; \\n IMAS 11.20: \u2018Open Burning and Open Detonation (OBOD) Operations\u2019; \\n IMAS 11.30: \u2018National Planning Guidelines\u2019.The EOD expert will select the method according to: \\n Type and quantity of ammunition to be destroyed; \\n Availability of qualified human resources; \\n Location and type of destruction sites available; \\n Distance from storage and destruction sites and accessibility; \\n Financial resources available; \\n Requisite equipment and materials available; \\n Environmental impact.The most commonly used methods in DDR settings are open burning and open detonation. These are regarded as the easiest ways to destroy ammunition and often present the most cost- effective solution; they are also highly symbolic and can serve as effective mechanisms for building confidence in the DDR programme. \\n Open burning is generally used for the destruction of propellants and pyrotechnic compositions and has the potential to cause significant environmental harm. \\n Open detonation uses serviceable explosives as charges to destroy ammunition and requires a large cordon to ensure protection from the blast. This method is labour intensive and may not destroy all ammunition, requiring post-blast EOD clearance.The industrial-level destruction of ammunition and explosives combines the skills of production, mechanical, chemical and explosive engineering. It is a highly specialist occupation, and appropriate independent technical advice shall be taken during the planning phase if stockpile levels suggest that industrial destruction may be the safest, most environmentally friendly or most cost-effective option.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 }, { "ID": 47, "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament", "PageNum": 40, "Paragraph": "\\n 1 https://www.un.org/disarmament/convarms/mosaic. \\n 2 https://www.un.org/disarmament/convarms/ammunition \\n 3 The seven categories of major conventional arms, as defined by the UN Register of Conventional Arms, can be found at: https://www.un.org/disarmament/convarms/transparency-in -armaments/ \\n 4 See Operative Paragraph 6 of UN Security Council resolution 2370 (2017) and Operative Paragraph 10 of UN Security Council resolution 2482 (2019); and Section VI. Preventing and combating the illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons and Guiding Principle 52 of Security Council\u2019s 2018 Addendum to the Madrid Guiding Principles (S/2018/1177). \\n 5 See DDR WAM Handbook Unit 11. \\n 6 See ibid., Annex 6. \\n 7 Aside from those containing high explosive (HE) material. \\n 8 See Seesac. Defence Conversion \u2013 The Disposal and Demilitarization of Heavy Weapons Systems. 2006. \\n 9 See OSCE. 2018. Best Practice Guide: Minimum Standards for National Procedures for the Deactivation of SALW.", "Can": 0, "Must": 0, "Should": 0, "Shall": 0, "May": 0 } ]