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2023-07-07 10:46:00 +00:00
"ID": 0,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Summary",
"Heading2": "",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 1,
"Paragraph": "Creating an effective disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) unit requires paying careful attention to a set of multidimensional components and principles. The main components of an integrated DDR unit are: political and programme management; overall DDR planning and coordination; monitoring and evaluation; public information and sen\u00ad sitization; administrative and financial management; and setting up and running regional DDR offices. Each of these components has specific requirements for appropriate and well\u00ad trained personnel.As the process of DDR includes numerous cross\u00adcutting issues, personnel in an inte\u00ad grated DDR unit include individuals from varying work sectors and specialities. Therefore, the selection and maintenance of integrated DDR unit personnel, based on a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is defined by the following principles: joint management of the DDR unit (in this case, management by a peacekeeping mission chief and UNDP chief); secondment of an administrative and finance cell by UNDP; second\u00ad ment of staff from other United Nations (UN) entities assisted by project support staff to fulfil the range of needs for an integrated DDR unit; and, finally, continuous links with other parts of the peacekeeping mission for the development of a joint DDR planning and programming approach.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 1,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives",
"Heading2": "",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 1,
"Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to explain: \\n the role of an integrated DDR unit in a peacekeeping mission; \\n personnel requirements of the DDR unit; \\n the recruitment and deployment process; \\n training opportunities for DDR practitioners.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 2,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations",
"Heading2": "",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 1,
"Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of the abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 3,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "3. Introduction",
"Heading2": "",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 2,
"Paragraph": "The success of a DDR strategy depends to a great extent on the timely selection and appoint\u00ad ment of qualified, experienced and appropriately trained personnel deployed in a coherent DDR organizational structure.To ensure maximum cooperation (and minimize duplication) among the many UN agencies, funds and programmes working on DDR, the UN adopts an integrated approach towards the establishment of a DDR unit.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 4,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "4. Guiding principles",
"Heading2": "",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 2,
"Paragraph": "The design of the personnel structure, and the deployment and management of personnel in the integrated unit and how they relate to others working in DDR are guided by the principles, key considerations and approaches defined in IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR. Of particular importance are: \\n Unity of effort: The peacekeeping mission, UN agencies, funds and programmes should work together at all stages of the DDR programme \u2014 from planning to implementa\u00ad tion to evaluation \u2014 to ensure that the programme is successful. An appropriate joint planning and coordination mechanism must be established as early as possible to ensure cooperation among all UN partners that may be involved in any aspect of the DDR programme; \\n Integration: Wherever possible, and when consistent with the mandate of the Security Council, the peacekeeping mission and the UN agencies, funds and programmes shall support an integrated DDR unit, which brings together the expertise, planning and coordination capacities of the various UN entities.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 5,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "5. The aim of the integrated unit",
"Heading2": "",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 5,
"Paragraph": "The aim of establishing an integrated unit is to ensure joint planning and coordination, and effective and efficient decentralized implementation. The integrated DDR unit also employs the particular skills and expertise of the different UN entities to ensure flexibility, responsiveness, expertise and success for the DDR programme.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 6,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "5. The aim of the integrated unit",
"Heading2": "5.1. Components of the integrated DDR unit",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 5,
"Paragraph": "The integrated DDR unit, in general terms, should fulfil the following functions: \\n Political and programme management: The chief and deputy chief of the integrated DDR unit are responsible for the overall political and programme management. Both the chief and his/her deputy will work to ensure that the DDR programme supports the overall peace process and mission objectives, and that there is close cooperation and collaboration with national stakeholders and other implementing partners, such as other UN entities, international organizations, non\u00adgovernmental organizations (NGOs) and the donor community; \\n Overall DDR planning and coordination: This component of the DDR unit is responsible for the overall development of the DDR programme. Seconded personnel from UN agencies, funds and programmes will work in this section to contribute to the joint planning and coordination of the DDR programme. Attached military and police per\u00ad sonnel from within the mission will also form part of this component; \\n Disarmament and demobilization: This component will be responsible for the overall implementation and management of all aspects of the disarmament and demobilization phases of the DDR programme. This includes short\u00adterm disarmament activities, such as weapons collection and registration, but also longer\u00adterm disarmament activities that support the establishment of a legal regime for the control of small arms and light weapons, and other community weapons collection initiatives. Where mandated, this component will coordinate with the military to assist in the destruction of weapons, ammunition and unexploded ordnance; \\n Reintegration: This component plans the economic and social reintegration strategies. It also plans the reinsertion programme to ensure consistency and coherence with the overall reintegration strategy. It needs to work closely with other parts of the mission facilitating the return and reintegration of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees; \\n Monitoring and evaluation: This component is responsible for setting up and monitoring indicators to measure the achievements in all phases of the DDR programme. It also conducts DDR\u00adrelated surveys such as small arms baseline surveys, profiling of parti\u00ad cipants and beneficiaries, mapping of economic opportunities, etc.; \\n Public information and sensitization: This component works to develop the public informa\u00ad tion and sensitization strategy for the DDR programme. It draws on the direct support of the public information unit in the peacekeeping mission, but also employs other information dissemination personnel within the mission, such as the military, police and civil affairs officers, as well as local mechanisms such as theatre groups, adminis\u00ad trative structures, etc.; \\n Administrative and financial management: This is a small component of the unit, which may be seconded from an integrating UN entity to support the programme delivery aspect of the DDR unit. Its role is to utilize the administrative and financial capacities of the UN country office; \\n Regional DDR offices: These are the regional implementing components of the DDR unit, which would implement programmes at the local level in close cooperation with the other regionalized components of civil affairs, military, police, etc.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 7,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "5. The aim of the integrated unit",
"Heading2": "5.2. Principles of integration .",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 5,
"Paragraph": "DPKO and UNDP are in the process of developing an MoU on the establishment of an integrated DDR unit in a peacekeeping mission. For the time being, the following principles shall guide the establishment of the integrated DDR unit: \\n Joint management of the DDR unit: The chief of the DDR unit shall come from the peace\u00ad keeping mission. His/Her post shall be funded from the peacekeeping assessed budget. The deputy chief of the integrated DDR unit shall be seconded from UNDP, although the peacekeeping mission will provide him/her with administrative and logistic support for him/her to perform his/her function as deputy chief of the DDR unit. Such integration allows the DDR unit to use the particular skills of both the mission and the country office, maximizing existing local knowledge and ensuring a smooth transition on DDR\u00adrelated issues when the mandate of the peacekeeping mission ends; \\n Administrative and finance cell from UNDP: UNDP shall second a small administrative and finance cell from its country office to support the programme delivery aspects of the DDR component. The principles of secondment use for the deputy chief of the DDR unit shall apply; \\n Secondment of staff from other UN entities: In order to maximize coherence and coordina\u00ad tion on DDR between missions and UN agencies, staff members from other agencies may be seconded to specific posts in the integrated DDR unit. Use of this method ensures the active engagement and participation of UN agencies in strategic policy decisions and coordination of UN DDR activities (including both mission operational support and programme implementation). The integration and co\u00adlocation of UN agency staff in this structure are essential, given the complex and highly operational nature of DDR. Decisions on secondment shall be made at the earliest stages of planning to ensure that the proper budgetary support is secure to support the integrated DDR unit and the seconded personnel; \\n Project support units: Core UN agency staff seconded to the integrated DDR unit may be complemented by additional project support staff located in project support units (PSUs) in order to provide capacity (programme, monitoring, operations, finance) for implementing key elements of UN assistance within the national planning and pro\u00ad gramme framework for DDR. The PSU will also be responsible for ensuring links and coordination with other agency programme areas (particularly in rule of law and security sector reform). Additional PSUs managed by other UN agencies can also be established, depending on the implementation/operational role attributed to them; \\n Links with other parts of the peacekeeping mission: The integrated DDR unit shall be closely linked with other parts of the peacekeeping mission, in particular the military and the police, to ensure a \u2018joined\u00adup\u2019 approach to the DDR programme.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 8,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "5. The aim of the integrated unit",
"Heading2": "5.3. Personnel requirements of the DDR unit .",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 5,
"Paragraph": "In line with the wide\u00adranging functions of the integrated DDR unit, the list below gives typical (generic) appointments that may be made in a DDR unit.Regardless of the size of the DDR programme, appointments of staff concerned with joint planning and coordination will remain largely the same, although they need to be consistent with the specific DDR mandate provided by the Security Council.The regional offices and the personnel requirement in these offices will differ, however, according the size of the DDR programme. The list below provides an example of a relatively large mission DDR unit appointment list, which may be adapted to suit mission\u00adspecific needs.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 9,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development",
"Heading2": "",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 6,
"Paragraph": "Given the breadth and scope of DDR activities, staff members may come from a number of sources such as: \\n peacekeeping missions; \\n UN agencies, funds and programmes; UN Headquarters; \\n UN volunteer system; \\n other international organizations (World Bank, European Union, Organization for Secu\u00ad rity and Co\u00adoperation in Europe, etc.); \\n local and international NGOs; \\n the private sector.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 10,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development",
"Heading2": "6.1. Personnel Management and Support Service",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 6,
"Paragraph": "The Personnel Management and Support Service (PMSS) in the Office of Mission Support is responsible for the recruitment and deployment of staff in a peacekeeping mission, with the exception of staff seconded from UN agencies (who will follow their own recruitment procedures).",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 11,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development",
"Heading2": "6.2. Recruitment process .",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 6,
"Paragraph": "The typical recruitment process for a staff member in the mission is as follows: \\n candidate applies on line to a generic vacancy announcement in the Galaxy system (; \\n PMSS screens applications to select candidates who meet all the requirements of the post, and includes them in a roster of candidates for that occupational group/level; \\n mission chief civilian personnel officer identifies the vacancy and requests recruitment action from PMSS; \\n PMSS makes available to the mission rosters of pre\u00adscreened and technically cleared candidates; \\n mission programme manager interviews candidates and recommends selection; \\n PMSS commences recruitment action (e.g., reference checks, offer of appointment, medical clearance, travel arrangements, etc.).",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 12,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development",
"Heading2": "6.3. Generic job descriptions",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 6,
"Paragraph": "Below is a list of appointments for which generic job descriptions are available; these can be found in the annexes as shown. \\n Chief, DDR Unit (Annex C.1) \\n Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (Annex C.2) \\n Senior Military DDR Officer (Annex C.3) \\n DDR Field Officer (Annex C.4) \\n DDR Field Officer (UNV) (Annex C.5) \\n DDR Programme Officer (UNV) (Annex C.6) \\n DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (UNV) (Annex C.7) \\n DDR Officer (International) (Annex C.8) \\n Reintegration Officer (International) (Annex C.9) \\n DDR Field Coordination Officer (National) (Annex C.10) \\n Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (Annex C.11) \\n DDR Gender Officer (Annex C.12) \\n DDR HIV/AIDS Officer (Annex C.13)",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 13,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development",
"Heading2": "6.4. Staff induction plan",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 6,
"Paragraph": "At the planning stages of the mission, the DDR programme manager should develop the staff induction plan for the DDR unit. The staff induction plan specifies the recruitment and deployment priorities for the personnel in the DDR unit, who will be hired at different times during the mission start\u00adup period. The plan will assist the mission support compo\u00ad nent to recruit and deploy the appropriate personnel at the required time. The following template may be used in the development of the staff induction plan:",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 14,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "7. DDR training strategy",
"Heading2": "",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 7,
"Paragraph": "A training strategy will be developed as soon as possible to assist staff members at every level in the DDR unit to advance their professional knowledge of DDR, and assist them to gain access to the more general leadership and management training available through the civilian training and development section.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 15,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "7. DDR training strategy",
"Heading2": "7.1. Current DDR training courses .",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 7,
"Paragraph": "DDR training courses may be found on the UN DDR Resource Centre Web site: http://",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 16,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.1: Chief, DDR Unit (D1\u2013P5)",
"Heading3": "Draft generic job profile",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 10,
"Paragraph": "Chief, DDR Unit (D1\u2013P5)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent normally reports directly to the Deputy SRSG (Resident Coordinator/ Humanitarian Coordinator).Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Deputy SRSG (Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator), the Chief of the DDR Unit is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n provide effective leadership and ensure the overall management of the DDR Unit in all its components; \\n\\n provide strategic vision and guidance to the DDR Unit and its staff; \\n\\n coordinate activities among international and national partners on disarmament, demo\u00ad bilization and reintegration; \\n\\n develop frameworks and policies to integrate civil society in the development and implementation of DDR activities; \\n\\n account to the national disarmament commission on matters of policy as well as peri\u00ad odic updates with regard to the process of disarmament and reintegration; \\n\\n advise the Deputy SRSG (Humanitarian and Development Component) on various aspects of DDR and recommend appropriate action; \\n\\n advise and assist the government on DDR policy and operations; \\n\\n coordinate and integrate activities with other components of the mission on DDR, notably communications and public information, legal affairs, policy/planning, civilian police and the military component; \\n\\n develop resource mobilization strategy and ensure coordination with donors, includ\u00ad ing the private sector; \\n\\n be responsible for the mission\u2019s DDR programme page in the UN DDR Resource Centre to ensure up\u00adto\u00addate information is presented to the international community. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 17,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.1: Chief, DDR Unit (D1\u2013P5)",
"Heading3": "Competencies",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 10,
"Paragraph": "Vision: Identifies and defines strategic direction for the unit\u2019s work programme; ability to recognize requirements and translate requirements into programmes and services that achieve objectives and goals. \\n Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations; strong negotiating skills; proven critical thinking skills. \\n Leadership: Proven ability to provide effective leadership and transfer advice and knowl\u00ad edge to staff at all levels and from different national and cultural backgrounds. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and provide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, coor\u00ad dinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/problems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes and services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Excellent communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating positions on issues, articulating options, concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 18,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.1: Chief, DDR Unit (D1\u2013P5)",
"Heading3": "Qualifications",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 11,
"Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in social sciences, manage\u00ad ment, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. \\n Experience: Minimum of 10 years of progressively responsible professional experience in peacekeeping and peace\u00adbuilding operations in the field of DDR of ex\u00adcombatants, including extensive experience in working on small arms reduction programmes. Detailed knowledge of development process and post\u00adconflict related issues particularly on the DDR process. Additional experience in developing support strategies for IDPs, refugees, disaffected popu\u00ad lations, children and women in post\u00adconflict situations will be valuable. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 19,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.2: Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (P5\u2013P4)",
"Heading3": "Draft generic job profile",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 11,
"Paragraph": "Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (P5\u2013P4)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent reports directly to the Deputy SRSG (Resident Coordinator/Humani\u00ad tarian Coordinator). In most cases, the staff member filling this post would be seconded and paid for by UNDP. For duration of his/her secondment as Deputy Chief, he/she will receive administrative and logistic support from the peacekeeping mission.Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Deputy Chief is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n assist Chief of DDR Unit in the overall management of the DDR Unit in all its components; support Chief of DDR Unit in the overall day\u00adto\u00adday supervision of staff and field operations; \\n\\n support Chief of DDR Unit in the identification and development of synergies and partnerships with other actors (national and international) at the strategic, technical and operational levels; \\n\\n support Chief of DDR Unit in resource mobilization and ensure coordination with donors, including the private sector; \\n\\n provide technical advice and support to the national disarmament commission and programme as necessary; \\n\\n act as the programmatic linkage to the work of the UN country team on the broader reintegration and development issues of peace\u00adbuilding; \\n\\n provide overall coordination and financial responsibility for the programming and implementation of UNDP funds for disarmament and reintegration; \\n\\n oversee the development and coordination of the implementation of a comprehensive socio\u00adeconomic reintegration framework for members of armed forces and groups taking advantage of existing or planned recovery and reconstruction plans; \\n\\n oversee the development and coordination of the implementation of a comprehensive national capacity development support strategy focusing on weapons control, manage\u00ad ment, stockpiling and destruction; \\n\\n support Chief of DDR Unit in all other areas necessary for the success of DDR activities. Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 20,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.2: Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (P5\u2013P4)",
"Heading3": "Competencies",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 12,
"Paragraph": "Vision: Identifies and defines strategic direction for the unit\u2019s work programme; ability to recognize requirements and translate requirements into programmes and services that achieve objectives and goals. \\n Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations; strong negotiating skills; proven critical thinking skills. \\n Leadership: Proven ability to provide effective leadership and transfer advice and knowl\u00ad edge to staff at all levels and from different national and cultural backgrounds. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, coor\u00ad dinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/problems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes and services, offer new and diff\u00ad erent options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Excellent communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating positions on issues, articulating options concisely, conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 21,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.2: Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (P5\u2013P4)",
"Heading3": "Qualifications",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 12,
"Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in social sciences, manage\u00ad ment, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. \\n Experience: Minimum of 10 years of progressively responsible professional experience in peacekeeping and peace\u00adbuilding operations in the field of DDR of ex\u00adcombatants, including extensive experience in working on small arms reduction programmes. Detailed knowledge of development process and post\u00adconflict related issues, particularly on the DDR process. Additional experience in developing support strategies for IDPs, refugees, disaffected popu\u00ad lations, children and women in post\u00adconflict situations will be valuable. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 22,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.3: Senior Military DDR Officer",
"Heading3": "Draft generic job profile",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 13,
"Paragraph": "Senior Military DDR Officer (Lieutenant-Colonel/Colonel)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location.Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Senior Military DDR Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n support the overall DDR plan, specifically in the strategic, functional and operational areas relating to disarmament and demobilization; \\n direct and supervise all military personnel appointed to the DDR Unit; \\n ensure direct liaison and coordination between DDR operations and the military head\u00ad quarters, specifically the Joint Operations Centre; \\n ensure accurate and timely reporting of security matters, particularly those likely to affect DDR tasks; \\n provide direct liaison, advice and expertise to the Force Commander relating to DDR matters; \\n assist Chief of DDR Unit in the preparation and planning of the DDR strategy, provid\u00ad ing military advice, coordination between sub\u00adunits and civilian agencies; \\n liaise with other mission military elements, as well as national military commanders and, where appropriate, those in national DDR bodies; \\n supervise the development of appropriate mechanisms and systems for the registration and tracking of weapons collection, registration, storage and disposal/destruction, etc.; \\n coordinate and facilitate the use of mission forces for the potential construction or development of DDR facilities \u2014 camps, reception centres, pick\u00adup points, etc. As required, facilitate security of such locations; \\n assist in the coordination and development of DDR Unit mechanisms for receiving and recording group profile information, liaise on this subject with the military information unit; \\n liaise with military operations for the deployment of military observers in support of DDR tasks; \\n be prepared to support security sector reform linkages and activities in future mission planning; \\n undertake such other tasks as may be reasonably requested by the Force Commander and Chief of DDR Unit in relation to DDR activities. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 23,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.3: Senior Military DDR Officer",
"Heading3": "Competencies",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 13,
"Paragraph": "Professionalism: Should be formally staff trained and command qualified. Ideally experi\u00ad enced in other peacekeeping operations, specifically in relation to DDR activities. The selected candidate should be well acquainted with regional and subregional conflict/political issues and ideally have knowledge of the specific mission background. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective command and supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and provide guidance and support. Must be capable of working within a multi\u00adagency integrated team. The candidate would benefit from CIMIC experience and should have an understanding of the nature, capacities and limitations of non\u00adUN agencies, NGOs, etc. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness, sound judgement and decision\u00admaking skills. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/problems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Excellent and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, includ\u00ad ing ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating positions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Excellent interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective work\u00ad ing relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 24,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.3: Senior Military DDR Officer",
"Heading3": "Qualifications",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 13,
"Paragraph": "Education and work experience: Graduate of Military Command and Staff College. A minimum of 15 years of progressive responsibility in military command appointments, preferably to include peacekeeping and peace\u00adbuilding operations in the field of DDR of ex\u00adcombatants. Detailed knowledge of development process and post\u00adconflict related issues, particularly on the DDR process. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 25,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.4: DDR Field Officer (P4\u2013P3)",
"Heading3": "Draft generic job profile",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 15,
"Paragraph": "DDR Field Officer (P4\u2013P3)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the DDR Field Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n be in charge of the overall planning and implementation of the DDR programme in his/her regional area of responsibility; \\n act as officer in charge of all DDR staff members in the regional office, including the administration and management of funds allocated to achieve DDR programme in the region; \\n be responsible for the day\u00adto\u00adday coordination of DDR operations with other mission components in the regional office and other UN entities; \\n identify and develop synergies and partnerships with other actors (national and inter\u00ad national) in his/her area of responsibility; \\n provide technical advice and support to regional and local DDR commissions and offices, as appropriate; \\n be responsible for regular reporting on the situation pertaining to the armed forces and groups in his/her area of responsibility and progress on the implementation of the DDR strategy. Prepare and contribute to the preparation of various reports and documents. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 26,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.4: DDR Field Officer (P4\u2013P3)",
"Heading3": "Competencies",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 15,
"Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and provide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 27,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.4: DDR Field Officer (P4\u2013P3)",
"Heading3": "Qualifications",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 15,
"Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 28,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.5: DDR Field Officer (UNV)",
"Heading3": "Draft generic job profile",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 16,
"Paragraph": "DDR Field Officer (UNV)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within the limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Regional DDR Officer, the DDR Field Officer (UNV) is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n assist the DDR Field Officer in the planning and implementation of one aspect of the DDR programme in his/her regional area of responsibility; \\n be responsible for the day\u00adto\u00adday coordination of DDR operations with other mission components in the regional office and other UN entities on the specific area of respon\u00ad sibility; \\n identify and develop synergies and partnerships with other actors (national and inter\u00ad national) in his/her area of responsibility; \\n provide technical advice and support to regional and local DDR commissions and offices, as appropriate; \\n be responsible for regular reporting on the situation pertaining to the armed forces and groups in his/her area of responsibility and progress on the implementation of the DDR strategy. Prepare and contribute to the preparation of various reports and documents. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 29,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.5: DDR Field Officer (UNV)",
"Heading3": "Competencies",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 17,
"Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 30,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.5: DDR Field Officer (UNV)",
"Heading3": "Qualifications",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 17,
"Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of three years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 31,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.6: DDR Programme Officer (UNV)",
"Heading3": "Draft generic job profile",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 17,
"Paragraph": "DDR Programme Officer (UNV)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit and DDR Field Coordinator, the DDR Programme Officer is respon\u00ad sible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n work with local authorities and civil society organizations to facilitate and implement all aspects of the DDR programme \\n represent the DDR Unit in mission internal regional meetings; \\n work closely with DDR partners at the regional level to facilitate collection, safe storage and accountable collection of small arms and light weapons. Ensure efficient, account\u00ad able and transparent management of all field facilities pertaining to community\u00adspecific DDR projects; \\n plan and support activities at the regional level pertaining to the community arms col\u00ad lection and development including: (1) capacity\u00adbuilding; (2) sensitization and public awareness\u00adraising on the dangers of illicit weapons circulating in the community; (3) implementation of community project; \\n monitor, evaluate and report on all field project activities; monitor and guide field staff working in the project, including the coordination of sensitization and arms col\u00ad lection activities undertaken by Field Assistants at regional level; \\n ensure proper handling of project equipment and accountability of all project resources. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 32,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.6: DDR Programme Officer (UNV)",
"Heading3": "Competencies",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 19,
"Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 33,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.6: DDR Programme Officer (UNV)",
"Heading3": "Qualifications",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 19,
"Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. Experience with local development, microcredit and participatory approaches essential. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 34,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.7: DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (P2\u2013UNV) Draft generic job profile",
"Heading3": "Draft generic job profile",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 19,
"Paragraph": "DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (P2\u2013UNV)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\nAccountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer is responsible for the follow\u00ad ing duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n develop monitoring and evaluation criteria for all aspects of disarmament and reinte\u00ad gration activities, as well as an overall strategy and monitoring calendar; \\n establish baselines for monitoring and evaluation purposes in the areas related to disarmament and reintegration, working in close collaboration with the disarmament and reintegration officers, to allow for effective evaluations of programme impact; \\n undertake periodic reviews of disarmament and reintegration activities to assess effec\u00ad tiveness, efficiency, achievement of results and compliance with procedures; \\n develop a field manual on standards and procedures for use by local partners and executing agencies, and organize training; \\n undertake periodic field visits to inspect the provision of reinsertion benefits and the implementation of reintegration projects, and reporting; \\n develop recommendations on ongoing and future activities, lessons learned, modifica\u00ad tions to implementation strategies and arrangements with partners. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 35,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.7: DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (P2\u2013UNV) Draft generic job profile",
"Heading3": "Competencies",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 19,
"Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 36,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.7: DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (P2\u2013UNV) Draft generic job profile",
"Heading3": "Qualifications",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 20,
"Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of three years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. Experience in results\u00adoriented programming and moni\u00ad toring and evaluation. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 37,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.8: DDR Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)",
"Heading3": "Draft generic job profile",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 20,
"Paragraph": "DDR Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the DDR Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n support the Chief and Deputy Chief of the DDR Unit in operational planning for the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, including developing the policies and programmes, as well as implementation targets and work plans; \\n undertake negotiations with armed forces and groups in order to create conditions for their entrance into the DDR programme; \\n undertake and organize risk and threat assessments, target group profiles, political fac\u00ad tors, security, and other factors affecting operations; \\n undertake planning of weapons collection activities, in conjunction with the military component of the peacekeeping mission; \\n undertake planning and management of the demobilization phase of the programme, which may include camp management, as well as short\u00adterm transitional support to demobilized combatants; \\n provide support for the development of joint programming frameworks on reintegration with the government and partner organizations, taking advantage of opportunities and synergies with economic recovery and community development programmes; \\n assist in the development of criteria for the selection of partners (local and interna\u00ad tional) for the implementation of reinsertion and reintegration activities; \\n liaise with other national and international actors on activities and initiatives related to reinsertion and reintegration; \\n supervise the development of appropriate mechanisms and systems for the registration and tracking of beneficiaries for reinsertion and reintegration, as well as mapping of socio\u00adeconomic opportunities in other development projects, employment possibili\u00ad ties, etc.; \\n coordinate and facilitate the participation of local communities in the planning and implementation of reintegration assistance, using existing capacities at the local level and in close synergy with economic recovery and local development initiatives; \\n liaise closely with organizations and partners to develop assistance programmes for vulnerable groups, e.g., women and children; \\n facilitate the mobilization and organization of networks of local partners around the goals of socio\u00adeconomic reintegration and economic recovery, involving local NGOs, community\u00adbased organizations, private sector enterprises, and local authorities (com\u00ad munal and municipal); \\n supervise the undertaking of studies to determine reinsertion and reintegration benefits and implementation modalities; \\n ensure good coordination and information sharing with implementation partners and other organizations, as well as with other relevant sections of the mission; \\n ensure that DDR activities are well integrated and coordinated with the activities of other mission components (particularly communication and public information, mis\u00ad sion analysis, political, military and police components); \\n perform a liaison function with other national and international actors in matters related to DDR; \\n support development of appropriate legal frameworks on disarmament and weapons control. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 38,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.8: DDR Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)",
"Heading3": "Competencies",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 21,
"Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and provide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 39,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.8: DDR Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)",
"Heading3": "Qualifications",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 22,
"Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. Experience with local development, microcredit and participatory approaches essential. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 40,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.9: Reintegration Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)",
"Heading3": "Draft generic job profile",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 22,
"Paragraph": "Draft generic job profileOrganizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Reintegration Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. There\u00ad fore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n support the development of the registration, reinsertion and reintegration component of the disarmament and reintegration programme, including overall framework, imple\u00admentation strategy, and operational modalities, respecting national programme priori\u00ad ties and targets; \\n supervise field office personnel on work related to reinsertion and reintegration; \\n assist in the development of criteria for the selection of partners (local and interna\u00ad tional) for the implementation of reinsertion and reintegration activities; \\n liaise with other national and international actors on activities and initiatives related to reinsertion and reintegration; \\n supervise the development of appropriate mechanisms and systems for the registration and tracking of beneficiaries for reinsertion and reintegration, as well as mapping of socio\u00adeconomic opportunities in other development projects, employment possibili\u00ad ties, etc.; \\n coordinate and facilitate the participation of local communities in the planning and implementation of reintegration assistance, using existing capacities at the local level and in close synergy with economic recovery and local development initiatives; \\n liaise closely with organizations and partners to develop assistance programmes for vulnerable groups, e.g., women and children; \\n facilitate the mobilization and organization of networks of local partners around the goals of socio\u00adeconomic reintegration and economic recovery, involving local NGOs, community\u00adbased organizations, private sector enterprises and local authorities (com\u00ad munal and municipal); \\n supervise the undertaking of studies to determine reinsertion and reintegration benefits and implementation modalities. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 41,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.9: Reintegration Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)",
"Heading3": "Competencies",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 23,
"Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs; \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 42,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.9: Reintegration Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)",
"Heading3": "Qualifications",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 24,
"Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. Experience with local development, microcredit and participatory approaches essential. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 43,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.10: DDR Field Coordination Officer (National)",
"Heading3": "Draft generic job profile",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 24,
"Paragraph": "DDR Field Coordination Officer (National)Under the overall supervision of the Chief of DDR Unit and working closely with the DDR Officer, the Field Coordination Officer carries out the work, information feedback and coordination of field rehabilitation and reintegration activities. The Field Coordination Officer will improve field supervision, sensitization, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. He/she will also assist in strengthening the working relationships of DDR staff with other peacekeeping mission substantive sections in the field. He/she will also endeavour to strengthen, coordination and collaboration with government offices, the national commis\u00ad sion on DDR (NCDDR), international NGOs, NGOs (implementing partners) and other UN agencies working on reintegration in order to unify reintegration activities. The Field Coordination Officer will liaise closely with the DDR Officer/Reintegration Officer and undertake the following duties: \\n assist and advise DDR Unit in areas within his/her remit; \\n provide direction and support to field staff and activities; \\n carry out monitoring, risk assessment and reporting in relation to the environment and practices that bear on the security of staff in the field (physical security, accommo\u00ad dation, programme fiscal and procurement practices, transport and communications); \\n support the efficient implementation of all DDR coordination projects; \\n develop and sustain optimal information feedback, in both directions, between the field and Headquarters; \\n support the DDR Unit in the collection of programme performance information, pro\u00ad gress and impact assessment; \\n collect the quantitative and qualitative information on programme implementation; \\n carry out follow\u00adup monitoring visits on activities of implementing partners and regional offices; \\n liaise with ex\u00adcombatants, beneficiaries, implementing partners and referral officer for proper sensitization and reinforcement of the programme; \\n create efficient early warning alert system and rapid response mechanisms for \u2018hot spot\u2019 development; \\n ensure DDR coordination programs complement each other and are implemented efficiently; \\n support liaison with the NCDDR and other agencies in relation to the reintegration of ex\u00adcombatants, CAAFG, WAAFG and war\u00adaffected people in the field; \\n provide guidance and on\u00adthe\u00adground support to reintegration officers; \\n liaise with Military Observers, Reintegration Unit and UN Police in accordance with the terms of reference; \\n liaise and coordinate with civil affairs section in matters of mutual interest; \\n carry out any other duties as directed by the DDR Unit.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 44,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.11: Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (P3\u2013P4)",
"Heading3": "Draft generic Job Profile",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 25,
"Paragraph": "Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (P4\u2013P3)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer is responsible for the follow\u00ad ing duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n formulate and implement, within the DDR programme, a small arms and light weapons (SALW) reduction and control project for the country in support of the peace process; \\n coordinate SALW reduction and control activities taking place in the country and among the parties, the national government, civil society and the donor community; \\n provide substantive technical inputs and advice to the Chief of the DDR Unit and the national authorities for the development of national legal instruments for the control of SALW; \\n undertake broad consultations with relevant stakeholders through inclusive and par\u00ad ticipatory processes through community\u00adbased violence and weapons reduction pro\u00ad gramme; \\n manage the collection of data on SALW stocks during the disengagement and DDR processes; \\n develop targeted training programmes for national institutions on SALW; \\n liaise closely with the gender and HIV/AIDS adviser in the mission or these capacities seconded to the DDR Unit by UN entities to ensure that gender issues are adequately reflected in policy, legislation, programming and resource mobilization, and develop strategies for involvement of women in small arms management and control activities; \\n\\n ensure timely and effective delivery of project inputs and outputs; \\n\\n undertake continuous monitoring of project activities; produce top\u00adlevel progress and briefing reports; \\n support efforts in resource mobilization and development of strategic partnerships with multiple donors and agencies. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 45,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.11: Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (P3\u2013P4)",
"Heading3": "Competencies",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 26,
"Paragraph": "Vision: An in\u00addepth understanding of the unit\u2019s strategic direction and ability to transform it into a results\u00adoriented work programme. \\n Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Leadership: Proven ability to provide effective leadership and transfer advice and knowl\u00ad edge staff at all levels and from different national and cultural backgrounds. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness, sound judgement and decision\u00admaking skills. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Excellent and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, includ\u00ad ing ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating positions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Excellent interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity. \\n Negotiation skills: Effective negotiating skills and ability to work with others to reach mutually benefiting and lasting understanding.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 46,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.11: Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (P3\u2013P4)",
"Heading3": "Qualifications",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 26,
"Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, progressive national and international experience and knowledge in development work, with specific focus on disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and small arms control programmes. An understanding of the literature on DDR and security sector reform. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 47,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.12: DDR Gender Officer (P3\u2013P2)",
"Heading3": "Draft generic job profile",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 27,
"Paragraph": "DDR Gender Officer (P3\u2013P2)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. This staff member is expected to be seconded from a UN specialized agency working on mainstreaming gender issues in post\u00adconflict peace\u00adbuilding, and is expected to work closely with the Gender Adviser of the peace\u00ad keeping mission. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the DDR Gender Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n ensure the full integration of gender through all DDR processes (including small arms) in the DDR programme; \\n provide close coordination and technical support to national institutions for DDR, particularly Offices of Gender, Special Groups and Reintegration; \\n provide support to decision\u00admaking and programme formulation on the DDR pro\u00ad gramme to ensure that gender issues are fully integrated and that the programme promotes equal involvement and access of women; \\n undertake ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the DDR process to ensure applica\u00ad tion of principles of gender sensitivity as stated in the peace agreement; \\n provide support to policy development in all areas of DDR to ensure integration of gender; \\n develop mechanisms to support the equal access and involvement of female combatants in the DDR process; \\n take the lead in development of advocacy strategies to gain commitment from key actors on gender issues within DDR; \\n support national parties in coordinating the profiling, documentation and dissemina\u00ad tion of data and issues relating to the presence and role of women and girls associated with the armed forces and groups, and militias; \\n review the differing needs of male and female ex\u00adcombatants during community\u00adbased reintegration, including analysis of reintegration opportunities and constraints, and advocate for these needs to be taken into account in DDR and community\u00adbased re\u00ad integration programming; \\n prepare and provide briefing notes and guidance for relevant actors, including national partners, UN agencies, international NGOs, donors and others, on gender in the con\u00ad text of DDR; \\n provide technical support and advice on gender to national partners on policy devel\u00ad opment related to DDR and human security; \\n develop tools and other practical guides for the implementation of gender within DDR and human security frameworks; \\n assist in the development of capacity\u00adbuilding activities for the national offices drawing on lessons learned on gender and DDR in the region, and facilitating regional resource networks on these issues; \\n participate in field missions and assessments related to human security and DDR to advise on gender issues. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 48,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.12: DDR Gender Officer (P3\u2013P2)",
"Heading3": "Competencies",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 28,
"Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 49,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.12: DDR Gender Officer (P3\u2013P2)",
"Heading3": "Qualifications",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 28,
"Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on gender issues in post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 50,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.13: DDR HIV/AIDS Officer (P3\u2013P2)",
"Heading3": "Draft generic job profile",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 28,
"Paragraph": "DDR HIV/AIDS Officer (P3\u2013P2)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. This staff member is expected to be seconded from a UN specialized agency working on mainstreaming activities to deal with the HIV/ AIDS issue in post\u00adconflict peace\u00adbuilding and is expected to work closely with the HIV/ AIDS adviser of the peacekeeping mission. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the DDR HIV/AIDS Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n ensure the full integration of activities to address the HIV/AIDS issue through all phases of the DDR programme; \\n provide close coordination and technical support to national institutions for DDR, par\u00ad ticularly offices of HIV/AIDS reintegration; \\n support national parties in coordinating the profiling, documentation and dissemina\u00ad tion of data and issues relating to the presence and role of women and girls associated with the armed forces and groups; \\n document and disseminate data and issues relating to HIV/AIDS as well as the factors fuelling the epidemic in the armed forces and groups; \\n prepare and provide briefing notes and guidance for relevant actors including national partners, UN agencies, international NGOs, donors and others on gender and HIV/ AIDS in the context of DDR; \\n provide technical support and advice on HIV/AIDS to national partners on policy development related to DDR and human security; \\n develop tools and other practical guides for the implementation of HIV/AIDS strategies within DDR and human security frameworks; \\n generate effective results\u00adoriented partnerships among different partners, civil society and community\u00adbased actors to implement a consolidated response to HIV/AIDS within the framework of the DDR programme. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 51,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.13: DDR HIV/AIDS Officer (P3\u2013P2)",
"Heading3": "Competencies",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 29,
"Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00adtions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and re\u00ad spect for diversity.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0
"ID": 52,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Personnel and Staffing",
"Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit",
"Heading2": "Annex C.13: DDR HIV/AIDS Officer (P3\u2013P2)",
"Heading3": "Qualifications",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing",
"PageNum": 30,
"Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on gender issues in post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.",
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0,
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0