344 lines
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344 lines
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"ID": 0,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "Summary",
"Heading2": "",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 1,
"Paragraph": "The base of a well-functioning integrated disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programme is the strength of its logistic, financial and administrative performance. If the multifunctional support capabilities, both within and outside peacekeeping missions, operate efficiently, then planning and delivery of logistic support to a DDR programme are more effective.The three central components of DDR logistic requirements include: equipment and services; finance and budgeting; and personnel. Depending on the DDR programme in question, many support services might be necessary in the area of equipment and services, e.g. living and working accommodation, communications, air transport, etc. Details regard- ing finance and budgeting, and personnel logistics for an integrated DDR unit are described in IDDRS 3.41 and 3.42.Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission provides a number of options. Within an integrated mission support structure, logistic support is available for civilian staffing, finances and a range of elements such as transportation, medical services and information technology. In a multidimensional operation, DDR is just one of the components requiring specific logistic needs. Some of the other components may include military and civilian headquarters staff and their functions, or military observers and their activities.When the DDR unit of a mission states its logistic requirements, the delivery of the supplies/services requested all depends on the quality of information provided to logistics planners by DDR managers. Some of the important information DDR managers need to provide to logistics planners well ahead of time are the estimated total number of ex-com- batants, broken down by sex, age, disability or illness, parties/groups and locations/sectors. Also, a time-line of the DDR programme is especially helpful.DDR managers must also be aware of long lead times for acquisition of services and materials, as procurement tends to slow down the process. It is also recommended that a list of priority equipment and services, which can be funded by voluntary contributions, is made. Each category of logistic resources (civilian, commercial, military) has distinct advantages and disadvantages, which are largely dependent upon how hostile the operating environ- ment is and the cost.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 1,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives",
"Heading2": "",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 1,
"Paragraph": "This module provides practitioners with an overview of the integrated mission support concept and explains the planning and delivery of logistic support to a DDR programme. A more detailed treatment of the finance and budgeting aspects of DDR programmes are provided in IDDRS 3.41, while IDDRS 3.42 deals with the issue of personnel and staffing in an integrated DDR unit.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 2,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations",
"Heading2": "",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 2,
"Paragraph": "Annex A gives a list of abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the word \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 3,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "3. Introduction",
"Heading2": "",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 2,
"Paragraph": "The effectiveness and responsiveness of a DDR programme relies on the administrative, logistic and financial support it gets from the peacekeeping mission, United Nations (UN) agencies, funds and programmes. DDR is multidimensional and involves multiple actors; as a result, different support capabilities, within and outside the peacekeeping mission, should not be seen in isolation, but should be dealt with together in an integrated way as far as possible to provide maximum flexibility and responsiveness in the implementation of the DDR programme.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 4,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "4. Guiding principles",
"Heading2": "",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 2,
"Paragraph": "The planning of the logistic support for DDR programmes is guided by the principles, key considerations and approaches outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR; in particular: \\n unity of effort in the planning and implementation of support for all phases of the DDR programme, bearing in mind that different UN (and other) actors have a role to play in support of the DDR programme; \\n accountability, transparency and flexibility in using the most appropriate support mech- anisms available to ensure an efficient and effective DDR programme, from the funding through to logistic support, bearing in mind that DDR activities may not occur sequen- tially (i.e., one after the other); \\n a people-centred approach, by catering for the different and specific needs (such as dietary, medical and gender-specific requirements) of the participants and beneficiaries of the DDR programme; \\n means of ensuring safety and security, which is a major consideration, as reliable estimates of the size and extent of the DDR operation may not be available; contingency planning must therefore also be included in logistics planning.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 5,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "5. DDR lOgistic requirements",
"Heading2": "5.1. Equipment and services",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 2,
"Paragraph": "Depending on the specific character of the DDR programme, some or all of the following support services may be required: \\n living accommodation; \\n camp construction material, including outsourcing of construction and management; \\n fire prevention and precautions, and fire-fighting equipment; \\n working accommodation; \\n office furniture; \\n office equipment and supplies; \\n communications; \\n information technology; \\n medical services capable of responding to different needs; \\n movement control; \\n surface transport; \\n air transport; \\n water; \\n food rations; food preparation and supply arrangements; \\n fuel; \\n general services such as janitorial, waste disposal, etc.; \\n security; \\n management information software, identity card machines; \\n weapons destruction equipment.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 6,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "5. DDR lOgistic requirements",
"Heading2": "5.2. Finance and budgeting",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 3,
"Paragraph": "DDR programmes in a peacekeeping context are funded from a combination of the peace- keeping-assessed budget and voluntary sources, which could come from UN-managed trust funds, World Bank trust funds and direct bilateral support (also see IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting).",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 7,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "5. DDR lOgistic requirements",
"Heading2": "5.3. Personnel",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 3,
"Paragraph": "The UN takes an integrated approach to DDR, which is reflected in the effort to establish a single integrated DDR unit in the field. The aim of this integrated unit is to facilitate joint planning to ensure the effective and efficient decentralization of the many DDR tasks (also see IDDRS 3.42 on Personnel and Staffing).",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 8,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission",
"Heading2": "",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 3,
"Paragraph": "Note that unless otherwise specified, guidelines in this section refer to logistics issues under the direct management of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), or funded through assessed contributions to a peacekeeping mission budget. Other UN agencies, funds and programmes will in most cases need to comply with the rules and procedures govern- ing operations, logistics and the financing of their activities.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 9,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission",
"Heading2": "6.1. Integrated mission support .",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 3,
"Paragraph": "In a peacekeeping mission, integrated support is provided. This includes civilian staffing, different logistic elements (such as logistics planning, transportation, supply, engineering, communications and information technology, medical services and general services) and finances, which are all considered together to develop the mission support strategy (see figure 1). A peacekeeping mission adopts this general approach for the delivery of logistic support to all mandated programmes, although it also caters to the specific needs of the DDR programme.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 10,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission",
"Heading2": "6.2. A multidimensional operation",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 4,
"Paragraph": "DDR is one component of a multidimensional peacekeeping operation. Other components may include: \\n mission civilian substantive staff and the staff of political, humanitarian, human rights, public information, etc., programmes; \\n military and civilian police headquarters staff and their functions; \\n military observers and their activities; \\n military contingents and their operations; \\n civilian police officers and their activities; \\n formed police units and their operations; \\n UN support staffs; \\n other UN agencies, programmes and funds, as mandated.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 11,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission",
"Heading2": "6.3. DDR statement of requirements",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 4,
"Paragraph": "The quality and timeliness of DDR logistic support to a peacekeeping mission depend on the quality and timeliness of information provided by DDR planners and managers to logistics planners. DDR programme managers need to state the logistic requirements that fall under the direct managerial or financial scope of the peacekeeping mission and DPKO. In addition, the logistic requirements have to be submitted to the Division of Administration as early as possible to ensure timely logistic support. Some of the more important elements are listed below as a guideline: \\n estimated total number of ex-combatants, broken down according to sex, age, dis- ability or illness, parties/groups and locations/sectors; \\n estimated total number of weapons, broken down according to type of weap- on, ammunition, explosives, etc.; \\n time-lineoftheentireprogramme, show- ing start/completion of activities; \\n allocation of resources, materials and services included in the assessed budget; \\n names of all participating UN entities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other implementing partners, with their focal points and telephone numbers/email addresses; \\n forums/meetings and other coordination mechanisms where Joint Logistics Operations Centre (JLOC) participation is requested; \\n requirement of office premises, office furniture, office equipment and related services, with locations; \\n ground transport requirements \u2014 types and quantities; \\n air transport requirements; \\n communications requirements, including identity card machines; \\n medical support requirements; \\n number and location of various disarmament sites, camps, cantonments and other facilities; \\n layout of each site, camp/cantonment with specifications, including: \\n\\n camp/site management structure with designations and responsibilities of officials; \\n\\n number and type of combatants, and their sex and age; \\n\\n number and type of all categories of staff, including NGOs\u2019 staff, expected in the camp; \\n\\n nature of activities to be conducted in the site/camp and special requirements for rations storage, distribution of insertion benefits, etc.; \\n\\n security considerations and requirements; \\n\\n preferred type of construction; \\n\\n services/amenities provided by NGOs; \\n\\n camp services to be provided by the mission, as well as any other specific requirements; \\n\\n dietary restrictions/considerations; \\n\\n fire-fighting equipment; \\n\\n camp evacuation standard operating procedures; \\n\\n policy on employment of ex-combatants as labourers in camp construction.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 12,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission",
"Heading2": "6.4. Long lead time items .",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 5,
"Paragraph": "For procurement funded from the mission budget (assessed contributions), DDR manag- ers must recognize and build into their planning estimates of the lead times for the acqui- sition of services and materials. Typical lead times for common equipment/commodities, exclusive of processing and shipping time, are given below: \\n In principle, programme managers should attempt to get all logistic requirements for UN support to DDR funded out of the regular mission budget. Also, they should identify a (small) number of priority pieces of equipment and services that could be funded from voluntary contributions (which often have the ability to procure locally and with shorter lead times) on a reimbursable basis. The procurement of equipment and services in this way should be carried out according to the rules and regulations of individual agencies.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 13,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission",
"Heading2": "6.5. Options for the provision of logistic support for DDR activities .",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 6,
"Paragraph": "The range of logistic support provided to a programme or activity will normally include a combination of UN civilian, commercial and military resources. Each of these elements has distinct advantages and disadvantages: \\n UN civilian support under direct UN control is easily adjusted to programme-specific requirements, and can operate in all but the most hostile environment; however, it takes time to assemble the required personnel and equipment, and to establish the necessary organization; \\n Commercial support comes fully staffed and equipped, but it takes time to put the appro- priate contractual arrangements in place, and commercial support cannot always be relied on to operate in hostile conditions; \\n Military support can operate in the most hostile environments, can be mobilized rela- tively quickly (depending on the troop-contributing country) and comes fully staffed and equipped. However, military support lacks continuity, because of the need to rotate personnel every 6\u201312 months. It can also be expensive.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 14,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission",
"Heading2": "6.6. Support management structures and processes",
"Heading3": "",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 6,
"Paragraph": "This section outlines the management structure, and the planning and delivery of logistic support in a peacekeeping mission. These structures apply to the components of a DDR programme managed directly by DPKO or funded from the regular mission budget.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 15,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission",
"Heading2": "6.6. Support management structures and processes",
"Heading3": "6.6.1. Chief administrative officer",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 6,
"Paragraph": "Within a UN peacekeeping mission, the chief administrative officer (CAO) (or director of administration \u2014 DOA) is the sole financially accountable officer (for the assessed budget), and is responsible for the provision of all administrative and logistic support to all mission components. The senior mission management determines the priorities for programmes and their activities. It is the responsibility of the CAO/DOA to turn these priorities into plans, resource allocations, tasks, and coordination and monitoring arrangements.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 16,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission",
"Heading2": "6.6. Support management structures and processes",
"Heading3": "6.6.2. Integrated support services",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 6,
"Paragraph": "A joint civilian\u2013military management structure, known as integrated support services (ISS), reviews and prioritizes all requests for logistic support in accordance with the mission\u2019s objectives and priorities, and allocates the most suitable civilian, commercial or military support resource to meet the requirements in the most effective and economic manner. A diagram of a typical ISS structure is given in Annex B.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0
"ID": 17,
"Color": "#00A554",
"Level": 3,
"LevelName": "Structures and Processes",
"Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission",
"Heading2": "6.6. Support management structures and processes",
"Heading3": "6.6.3. Joint Logistics Operations Centre",
"Heading4": "",
"Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR",
"PageNum": 6,
"Paragraph": "The day-to-day planning, analysis, coordination and tasking of all requests for logistic support are handled by the JLOC; see Annex B). The JLOC is also the mission\u2019s single point of contact for the coordination of logistics issues with non-DPKO actors such as NGOs or other UNagencies, fundsandprogrammes. All requests for logistic support should be channelled through the JLOC for appropriate prioritization and tasking.For the JLOC to effectively plan and de- liver logistic support to a DDR programme, it is essential that the DDR management team keeps the JLOC informed of its future support requirements during the planning stage and that it provides the JLOC with the programme operational plan before the DDR operation starts, keeping in view the lead times for design, acquisition, packaging and delivery of logistic services.The DDR operational plan needs to describe what is needed to achieve its planned activities, as follows: \\n physical resources: space, supplies, equipment; \\n human resources: international, national (local, national professional officers), UN volunteers; \\n services; \\n supplies; \\n partnerships/links with implementing partners; \\n time-lines.",
"May": 0,
"Must": 0,
"Can": 0,
"Shall": 0,
"Should": 0