{% extends "App/base.html" %} {% load static %} {% block page_content %}


The Integrated DDR Standards have been formulated through the joint efforts of 25 UN entities, which together form the Inter-Agency Working Group on DDR (IAWG). Between 2009 and 2014, the IDDRS have been updated with new and revised modules. In 2017, the IAWG took the decision to undertake a comprehensive review of the IDDRS, which culminated with the launch of the revised UN Approach to DDR in 2019.

Following the 2017-2019 IDDRS review, the revised UN Approach to DDR provides guidance to DDR practitioners working in both mission and non-mission settings as well as for DDR efforts within and outside the framework of comprehensive peace agreements.

The IDDRS were originally developed to provide guidance in post-conflict contexts where DDR forms an integral part of comprehensive peace agreements, usually where peace operations have also been established and mandated to support national DDR efforts.

The Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Standards (IDDRS) have been formulated through the joint efforts of 25 UN entities, which together form the Inter-Agency Working Group on DDR (IAWG), and guide the United Nations system’s support to Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) processes.

IDDRS Framework

{% for level in levels %}
{% endfor %}
{% for standard in all_standards %}

IDDRS {{standard.stamdardNumber}}


{% with 'IDDRSStandards/'|add:standard.standardPath as filePath %} Open Module {% endwith %}

{% if standard.paragraph %} Summary {{standard.paragraph|safe}} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}