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Cross-cutting Issues/5.10 Women, Gender and DDR.json create mode 100644 static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.20 Children and DDR.json create mode 100644 static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.30 Youth and DDR.json create mode 100644 static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.40 Cross-border Population Movements.json create mode 100644 static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.50 Food Assistance in DDR.json create mode 100644 static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR.json create mode 100644 static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.70 Health and DDR.json create mode 100644 static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform.json create mode 100644 static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice.json create mode 100644 static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management.json create mode 100644 static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.40 DDR and Organized Crime.json create mode 100644 static/dataOLD/1 General IDDRS/1.10 Introduction to the 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groups move from military to civilian life.pdf create mode 100644 static/usersResults/Demobilization happens to members of armed groups move from military to civilian life.xlsx create mode 100644 static/usersResults/Demobilization.pdf create mode 100644 static/usersResults/Demobilization.xlsx create mode 100644 static/usersResults/How to deal with young people, who are members of an armed group, in conflict affected areas?.pdf create mode 100644 static/usersResults/How to deal with young people, who are members of an armed group, in conflict affected areas?.xlsx create mode 100644 static/usersResults/children.pdf create mode 100644 static/usersResults/children.xlsx rename {App/templates => templates/App}/base.html (93%) create mode 100644 templates/App/contact.html rename App/templates/how_to.html => templates/App/faq.html (57%) rename {App/templates => templates/App}/home.html (99%) create mode 100644 templates/App/how_to.html create mode 100644 templates/App/pdf-output.html rename 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Migration(migrations.Migration): + + dependencies = [ + ('App', '0017_alter_searchresults_uniqueid'), + ] + + operations = [ + migrations.RenameField( + model_name='standards', + old_name='stamdardNumber', + new_name='standardNumber', + ), + ] diff --git a/App/migrations/__pycache__/0018_rename_stamdardnumber_standards_standardnumber.cpython-310.pyc b/App/migrations/__pycache__/0018_rename_stamdardnumber_standards_standardnumber.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..559997f6abe04c86ff41d0d1ba647bb9e60e65df GIT binary patch literal 609 zcmYjPv2GMG5VhC4$KH`pfS?D_ToVTxC=d$d1WLh4B;7TZ?`Cw_lh@wZyF%2Yy{rwpud;Iz5`jRvDE0Mca5;-Cd&nN%`Zdl7#oU@M% z3J{kJ1oB<+O{@wi&)B^BP3PF0$64EKz3v-l!zOLrwTj3Qd3a6%*@^?B>wL>s0?S>M z3PTCicR@Q7m{8e!ar)_|-n@w7UDw5@hlej-DQ$Z6Dxmh8bB|##eNcmKE(UBMPD8IP zXb&MiAlN3j9NIPd%yVkwb3q+DK%=Z~G1kt&HM006qa`&_s|=NjGo|SGV36>hQWt|Z z>0)Al9a=!UX)ySL6vq3fn35kFG!SR5!|TEPVE!THbNJKBbJwCYZqSWfxXsX_?Sp)O 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deleted file mode 100644 index 1281aa4..0000000 --- a/App/static/js/filter.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -$(document).ready(function(){ - $("#fiterForm").on("change", "input:checkbox", function(){ - $("#fiterForm").submit(); - }); - - // $('#submitSearch').click(() => { - // console.log('clicked') - // $('input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false); - // }) -}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/App/static/json/processedIDDRSOldOld.json b/App/static/json/processedIDDRSOldOld.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2a9c2d2..0000000 --- a/App/static/json/processedIDDRSOldOld.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18550 +0,0 @@ -[ - { - "Index": 0, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "occurs", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "transition", - "military", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "occurs", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "transition", - "military", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization occurs member armed force group transition military civilian life" - }, - { - "Index": 0, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict", - "clean_sent": [ - "second", - "step", - "ddr", - "programme", - "part", - "demilitarization", - "efforts", - "society", - "emerging", - "conflict" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "second", - "step", - "ddr", - "programme", - "part", - "demilitarization", - "effort", - "society", - "emerging", - "conflict" - ], - "new_sentence": "second step ddr programme part demilitarization effort society emerging conflict" - }, - { - "Index": 0, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "operations", - "shall", - "designed", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "operation", - "shall", - "designed", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization operation shall designed combatant person associated armed force group" - }, - { - "Index": 0, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support", - "clean_sent": [ - "female", - "combatants", - "women", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "traditionally", - "faced", - "obstacles", - "entering", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "particular", - "attention", - "given", - "facilitating", - "access", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "female", - "combatant", - "woman", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "traditionally", - "faced", - "obstacle", - "entering", - "ddr", - "programme", - "particular", - "attention", - "given", - "facilitating", - "access", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "female combatant woman associated armed force group traditionally faced obstacle entering ddr programme particular attention given facilitating access reinsertion reintegration support" - }, - { - "Index": 0, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities", - "clean_sent": [ - "victims", - "dependants", - "community", - "members", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "activities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "victim", - "dependant", - "community", - "member", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "activity" - ], - "new_sentence": "victim dependant community member participate demobilization activity" - }, - { - "Index": 0, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities", - "clean_sent": [ - "however", - "dependants", - "accompanied", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "provisions", - "may", - "made", - "demobilization", - "including", - "accommodation", - "transportation", - "communities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "however", - "dependant", - "accompanied", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "provision", - "may", - "made", - "demobilization", - "including", - "accommodation", - "transportation", - "community" - ], - "new_sentence": "however dependant accompanied armed force group provision may made demobilization including accommodation transportation community" - }, - { - "Index": 0, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "operations", - "shall", - "gender", - "age", - "sensitive", - "nationally", - "locally", - "owned", - "context", - "specific", - "conflict", - "sensitive" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "operation", - "shall", - "gender", - "age", - "sensitive", - "nationally", - "locally", - "owned", - "context", - "specific", - "conflict", - "sensitive" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization operation shall gender age sensitive nationally locally owned context specific conflict sensitive" - }, - { - "Index": 0, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 1, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization must be meticulously planned. Demobilization operations should be preceded by an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize, as well as their immediate needs. A risk and security assessment, to identify threats to the DDR programme, should also be conducted. Under the leadership of national authorities, rigorous, unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established, and decisions should be made on the number, type (semi-permanent or temporary) and location of demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization must be meticulously planned", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "must", - "meticulously", - "planned" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "must", - "meticulously", - "planned" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization must meticulously planned" - }, - { - "Index": 1, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization must be meticulously planned. Demobilization operations should be preceded by an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize, as well as their immediate needs. A risk and security assessment, to identify threats to the DDR programme, should also be conducted. Under the leadership of national authorities, rigorous, unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established, and decisions should be made on the number, type (semi-permanent or temporary) and location of demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization operations should be preceded by an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize, as well as their immediate needs", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "operations", - "preceded", - "indepth", - "assessment", - "location", - "number", - "type", - "individuals", - "expected", - "demobilize", - "well", - "immediate", - "needs" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "operation", - "preceded", - "indepth", - "assessment", - "location", - "number", - "type", - "individual", - "expected", - "demobilize", - "well", - "immediate", - "need" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization operation preceded indepth assessment location number type individual expected demobilize well immediate need" - }, - { - "Index": 1, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization must be meticulously planned. Demobilization operations should be preceded by an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize, as well as their immediate needs. A risk and security assessment, to identify threats to the DDR programme, should also be conducted. Under the leadership of national authorities, rigorous, unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established, and decisions should be made on the number, type (semi-permanent or temporary) and location of demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "A risk and security assessment, to identify threats to the DDR programme, should also be conducted", - "clean_sent": [ - "risk", - "security", - "assessment", - "identify", - "threats", - "ddr", - "programme", - "also", - "conducted" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "risk", - "security", - "assessment", - "identify", - "threat", - "ddr", - "programme", - "also", - "conducted" - ], - "new_sentence": "risk security assessment identify threat ddr programme also conducted" - }, - { - "Index": 1, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization must be meticulously planned. Demobilization operations should be preceded by an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize, as well as their immediate needs. A risk and security assessment, to identify threats to the DDR programme, should also be conducted. Under the leadership of national authorities, rigorous, unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established, and decisions should be made on the number, type (semi-permanent or temporary) and location of demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Under the leadership of national authorities, rigorous, unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established, and decisions should be made on the number, type (semi-permanent or temporary) and location of demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": [ - "leadership", - "national", - "authorities", - "rigorous", - "unambiguous", - "transparent", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "established", - "decisions", - "made", - "number", - "type", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "location", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "leadership", - "national", - "authority", - "rigorous", - "unambiguous", - "transparent", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "established", - "decision", - "made", - "number", - "type", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "location", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "leadership national authority rigorous unambiguous transparent eligibility criterion established decision made number type semipermanent temporary location demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 1, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization must be meticulously planned. Demobilization operations should be preceded by an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize, as well as their immediate needs. A risk and security assessment, to identify threats to the DDR programme, should also be conducted. Under the leadership of national authorities, rigorous, unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established, and decisions should be made on the number, type (semi-permanent or temporary) and location of demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 2, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "potential", - "ddr", - "participants", - "screened", - "ascertain", - "eligible" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "potential", - "ddr", - "participant", - "screened", - "ascertain", - "eligible" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization potential ddr participant screened ascertain eligible" - }, - { - "Index": 2, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities", - "clean_sent": [ - "mechanisms", - "verify", - "eligibility", - "led", - "conducted", - "close", - "engagement", - "national", - "authorities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "mechanism", - "verify", - "eligibility", - "led", - "conducted", - "close", - "engagement", - "national", - "authority" - ], - "new_sentence": "mechanism verify eligibility led conducted close engagement national authority" - }, - { - "Index": 2, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members", - "clean_sent": [ - "verification", - "include", - "questions", - "concerning", - "location", - "specific", - "battles", - "military", - "bases", - "names", - "senior", - "group", - "members" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "verification", - "include", - "question", - "concerning", - "location", - "specific", - "battle", - "military", - "base", - "name", - "senior", - "group", - "member" - ], - "new_sentence": "verification include question concerning location specific battle military base name senior group member" - }, - { - "Index": 2, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "participants", - "found", - "committed", - "clear", - "reasonable", - "indication", - "ddr", - "participant", - "knowingly", - "committed", - "war", - "crimes", - "crimes", - "humanity", - "terrorist", - "acts", - "offences1", - "andor", - "genocide", - "shall", - "removed", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "participant", - "found", - "committed", - "clear", - "reasonable", - "indication", - "ddr", - "participant", - "knowingly", - "committed", - "war", - "crime", - "crime", - "humanity", - "terrorist", - "act", - "offences1", - "andor", - "genocide", - "shall", - "removed", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr participant found committed clear reasonable indication ddr participant knowingly committed war crime crime humanity terrorist act offences1 andor genocide shall removed ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 2, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc", - "clean_sent": [ - "eligibility", - "established", - "basic", - "registration", - "data", - "name", - "age", - "contact", - "information", - "etc" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "eligibility", - "established", - "basic", - "registration", - "data", - "name", - "age", - "contact", - "information", - "etc" - ], - "new_sentence": "eligibility established basic registration data name age contact information etc" - }, - { - "Index": 2, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "should be entered into a case management system", - "clean_sent": [ - "entered", - "case", - "management", - "system" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "entered", - "case", - "management", - "system" - ], - "new_sentence": "entered case management system" - }, - { - "Index": 2, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 3, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings, physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community. A discharge document, such as a demobilization declaration or certificate, should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization. During demobilization, DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme, as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized. This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion and\/or reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings, physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community", - "clean_sent": [ - "individuals", - "demobilize", - "also", - "provided", - "orientation", - "briefings", - "physical", - "psychosocial", - "health", - "screenings", - "information", - "support", - "return", - "community" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "individual", - "demobilize", - "also", - "provided", - "orientation", - "briefing", - "physical", - "psychosocial", - "health", - "screening", - "information", - "support", - "return", - "community" - ], - "new_sentence": "individual demobilize also provided orientation briefing physical psychosocial health screening information support return community" - }, - { - "Index": 3, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings, physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community. A discharge document, such as a demobilization declaration or certificate, should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization. During demobilization, DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme, as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized. This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion and\/or reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "A discharge document, such as a demobilization declaration or certificate, should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization", - "clean_sent": [ - "discharge", - "document", - "demobilization", - "declaration", - "certificate", - "given", - "former", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "proof", - "demobilization" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "discharge", - "document", - "demobilization", - "declaration", - "certificate", - "given", - "former", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "proof", - "demobilization" - ], - "new_sentence": "discharge document demobilization declaration certificate given former member armed force group proof demobilization" - }, - { - "Index": 3, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings, physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community. A discharge document, such as a demobilization declaration or certificate, should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization. During demobilization, DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme, as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized. This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion and\/or reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "During demobilization, DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme, as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "also", - "conduct", - "profiling", - "exercise", - "identify", - "obstacles", - "may", - "prevent", - "eligible", - "full", - "participation", - "ddr", - "programme", - "well", - "specific", - "needs", - "ambitions", - "demobilized" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "also", - "conduct", - "profiling", - "exercise", - "identify", - "obstacle", - "may", - "prevent", - "eligible", - "full", - "participation", - "ddr", - "programme", - "well", - "specific", - "need", - "ambition", - "demobilized" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization ddr practitioner also conduct profiling exercise identify obstacle may prevent eligible full participation ddr programme well specific need ambition demobilized" - }, - { - "Index": 3, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings, physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community. A discharge document, such as a demobilization declaration or certificate, should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization. During demobilization, DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme, as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized. This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion and\/or reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion and\/or reintegration support", - "clean_sent": [ - "information", - "used", - "inform", - "planning", - "reinsertion", - "andor", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "information", - "used", - "inform", - "planning", - "reinsertion", - "andor", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "information used inform planning reinsertion andor reintegration support" - }, - { - "Index": 3, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings, physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community. A discharge document, such as a demobilization declaration or certificate, should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization. During demobilization, DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme, as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized. This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion and\/or reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 4, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "If reinsertion assistance is foreseen as the second stage of the demobilization operation, DDR practitioners should also determine an appropriate transfer modality (cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support and\/or public works programmes). As much as possible, reinsertion assistance should be designed to pave the way for subsequent reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If reinsertion assistance is foreseen as the second stage of the demobilization operation, DDR practitioners should also determine an appropriate transfer modality (cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support and\/or public works programmes)", - "clean_sent": [ - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "foreseen", - "second", - "stage", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "also", - "determine", - "appropriate", - "transfer", - "modality", - "cashbased", - "transfers", - "commodity", - "vouchers", - "inkind", - "support", - "andor", - "public", - "works", - "programmes" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "foreseen", - "second", - "stage", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "also", - "determine", - "appropriate", - "transfer", - "modality", - "cashbased", - "transfer", - "commodity", - "voucher", - "inkind", - "support", - "andor", - "public", - "work", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "reinsertion assistance foreseen second stage demobilization operation ddr practitioner also determine appropriate transfer modality cashbased transfer commodity voucher inkind support andor public work programme" - }, - { - "Index": 4, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "If reinsertion assistance is foreseen as the second stage of the demobilization operation, DDR practitioners should also determine an appropriate transfer modality (cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support and\/or public works programmes). As much as possible, reinsertion assistance should be designed to pave the way for subsequent reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "As much as possible, reinsertion assistance should be designed to pave the way for subsequent reintegration support", - "clean_sent": [ - "much", - "possible", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "designed", - "pave", - "way", - "subsequent", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "much", - "possible", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "designed", - "pave", - "way", - "subsequent", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "much possible reinsertion assistance designed pave way subsequent reintegration support" - }, - { - "Index": 4, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "If reinsertion assistance is foreseen as the second stage of the demobilization operation, DDR practitioners should also determine an appropriate transfer modality (cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support and\/or public works programmes). As much as possible, reinsertion assistance should be designed to pave the way for subsequent reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings", - "clean_sent": [ - "aim", - "module", - "provide", - "guidance", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "supporting", - "planning", - "design", - "implementation", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "within", - "framework", - "peace", - "agreements", - "mission", - "nonmission", - "settings" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "aim", - "module", - "provide", - "guidance", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "supporting", - "planning", - "design", - "implementation", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "ddr", - "programme", - "within", - "framework", - "peace", - "agreement", - "mission", - "nonmission", - "setting" - ], - "new_sentence": "aim module provide guidance ddr practitioner supporting planning design implementation demobilization operation ddr programme within framework peace agreement mission nonmission setting" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "additional", - "guidance", - "related", - "demobilization", - "women", - "children", - "youth", - "foreign", - "combatants", - "persons", - "disabilities", - "found", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "additional", - "guidance", - "related", - "demobilization", - "woman", - "child", - "youth", - "foreign", - "combatant", - "person", - "disability", - "found", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "additional guidance related demobilization woman child youth foreign combatant person disability found iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "10", - "women", - "gender", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "woman", - "gender", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 woman gender ddr iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "20", - "children", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "20", - "child", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "20 child ddr iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "30", - "youth", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "30", - "youth", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "30 youth ddr iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "40", - "crossborder", - "population", - "movements", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "40", - "crossborder", - "population", - "movement", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "40 crossborder population movement iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "60 on Disability and DDR", - "clean_sent": [ - "60", - "disability", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "60", - "disability", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "60 disability ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 6, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In addition, the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place. For example, in some instances, DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route\u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process (see IDDRS 6", - "clean_sent": [ - "guidance", - "module", - "also", - "relevant", - "practitioners", - "supporting", - "demobilization", - "context", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "part", - "rightsizing", - "process", - "see", - "iddrs", - "6" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "guidance", - "module", - "also", - "relevant", - "practitioner", - "supporting", - "demobilization", - "context", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "part", - "rightsizing", - "process", - "see", - "iddrs", - "6" - ], - "new_sentence": "guidance module also relevant practitioner supporting demobilization context security sector reform part rightsizing process see iddrs 6" - }, - { - "Index": 6, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In addition, the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place. For example, in some instances, DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route\u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform)", - "clean_sent": [ - "10", - "ddr", - "security", - "sector", - "reform" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "ddr", - "security", - "sector", - "reform" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 ddr security sector reform" - }, - { - "Index": 6, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In addition, the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place. For example, in some instances, DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route\u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In addition, the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place", - "clean_sent": [ - "addition", - "guidance", - "may", - "relevant", - "contexts", - "preconditions", - "ddr", - "programme", - "place" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "addition", - "guidance", - "may", - "relevant", - "context", - "precondition", - "ddr", - "programme", - "place" - ], - "new_sentence": "addition guidance may relevant context precondition ddr programme place" - }, - { - "Index": 6, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In addition, the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place. For example, in some instances, DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route\u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For example, in some instances, DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route\u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life", - "clean_sent": [ - "example", - "instances", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "may", - "called", - "upon", - "support", - "national", - "entities", - "charged", - "application", - "amnesty", - "laws", - "pathways", - "individuals", - "leave", - "armed", - "groups", - "return", - "civilian", - "status", - "individuals", - "take", - "route", - "", - "reporting", - "amnesty", - "commissions", - "national", - "authorities", - "", - "", - "also", - "transition", - "military", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "example", - "instance", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "may", - "called", - "upon", - "support", - "national", - "entity", - "charged", - "application", - "amnesty", - "law", - "pathway", - "individual", - "leave", - "armed", - "group", - "return", - "civilian", - "status", - "individual", - "take", - "route", - "", - "reporting", - "amnesty", - "commission", - "national", - "authority", - "", - "", - "also", - "transition", - "military", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "example instance ddr practitioner may called upon support national entity charged application amnesty law pathway individual leave armed group return civilian status individual take route reporting amnesty commission national authority also transition military civilian life" - }, - { - "Index": 6, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In addition, the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place. For example, in some instances, DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route\u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 7, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines:\na) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard;\nb) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications;\nc) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action;\nd) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability;\ne) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down", - "clean_sent": [ - "iddrs", - "series", - "words", - "", - "shall", - "", - "", - "", - "", - "may", - "", - "", - "", - "", - "must", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "intended", - "degree", - "compliance", - "standards", - "laid" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "iddrs", - "series", - "word", - "", - "shall", - "", - "", - "", - "", - "may", - "", - "", - "", - "", - "must", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "intended", - "degree", - "compliance", - "standard", - "laid" - ], - "new_sentence": "iddrs series word shall may must used indicate intended degree compliance standard laid" - }, - { - "Index": 7, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines:\na) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard;\nb) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications;\nc) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action;\nd) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability;\ne) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines:a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard;b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications;c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action;d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability;e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation", - "clean_sent": [ - "use", - "consistent", - "language", - "used", - "international", - "organization", - "standardization", - "standards", - "guidelinesa", - "", - "shall", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "requirements", - "methods", - "specifications", - "applied", - "order", - "conform", - "standardb", - "", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "preferred", - "requirements", - "methods", - "specificationsc", - "", - "may", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "possible", - "method", - "course", - "actiond", - "", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "possibility", - "capabilitye", - "", - "must", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "external", - "constraint", - "obligation" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "use", - "consistent", - "language", - "used", - "international", - "organization", - "standardization", - "standard", - "guidelinesa", - "", - "shall", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "requirement", - "method", - "specification", - "applied", - "order", - "conform", - "standardb", - "", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "preferred", - "requirement", - "method", - "specificationsc", - "", - "may", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "possible", - "method", - "course", - "actiond", - "", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "possibility", - "capabilitye", - "", - "must", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "external", - "constraint", - "obligation" - ], - "new_sentence": "use consistent language used international organization standardization standard guidelinesa shall used indicate requirement method specification applied order conform standardb used indicate preferred requirement method specificationsc may used indicate possible method course actiond used indicate possibility capabilitye must used indicate external constraint obligation" - }, - { - "Index": 7, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines:\na) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard;\nb) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications;\nc) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action;\nd) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability;\ne) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 8, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status. The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites. A peace agreement provides the political, policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document. When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme", - "separation", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "military", - "command", - "control", - "structures", - "transition", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme", - "separation", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "military", - "command", - "control", - "structure", - "transition", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization part ddr programme separation member armed force group military command control structure transition civilian status" - }, - { - "Index": 8, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status. The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites. A peace agreement provides the political, policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document. When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites", - "clean_sent": [ - "first", - "stage", - "demobilization", - "includes", - "formal", - "controlled", - "discharge", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "designated", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "first", - "stage", - "demobilization", - "includes", - "formal", - "controlled", - "discharge", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "designated", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "first stage demobilization includes formal controlled discharge member armed force group designated site" - }, - { - "Index": 8, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status. The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites. A peace agreement provides the political, policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document. When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "A peace agreement provides the political, policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document", - "clean_sent": [ - "peace", - "agreement", - "provides", - "political", - "policy", - "operational", - "framework", - "demobilization", - "may", - "accompanied", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "peace", - "agreement", - "provides", - "political", - "policy", - "operational", - "framework", - "demobilization", - "may", - "accompanied", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document" - ], - "new_sentence": "peace agreement provides political policy operational framework demobilization may accompanied ddr policy document" - }, - { - "Index": 8, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status. The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites. A peace agreement provides the political, policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document. When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities", - "clean_sent": [ - "preconditions", - "ddr", - "programme", - "exist", - "transition", - "combatant", - "civilian", - "status", - "facilitated", - "formalized", - "different", - "approaches", - "national", - "authorities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "precondition", - "ddr", - "programme", - "exist", - "transition", - "combatant", - "civilian", - "status", - "facilitated", - "formalized", - "different", - "approach", - "national", - "authority" - ], - "new_sentence": "precondition ddr programme exist transition combatant civilian status facilitated formalized different approach national authority" - }, - { - "Index": 8, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status. The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites. A peace agreement provides the political, policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document. When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 9, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Reinsertion, the second stage of demobilization, is transitional assistance offered for a period of up to one year and prior to reintegration support. Reinsertion assistance is offered to combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who have been formally demobilized.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Reinsertion, the second stage of demobilization, is transitional assistance offered for a period of up to one year and prior to reintegration support", - "clean_sent": [ - "reinsertion", - "second", - "stage", - "demobilization", - "transitional", - "assistance", - "offered", - "period", - "one", - "year", - "prior", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "reinsertion", - "second", - "stage", - "demobilization", - "transitional", - "assistance", - "offered", - "period", - "one", - "year", - "prior", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "reinsertion second stage demobilization transitional assistance offered period one year prior reintegration support" - }, - { - "Index": 9, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Reinsertion, the second stage of demobilization, is transitional assistance offered for a period of up to one year and prior to reintegration support. Reinsertion assistance is offered to combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who have been formally demobilized.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Reinsertion assistance is offered to combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who have been formally demobilized", - "clean_sent": [ - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "offered", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "formally", - "demobilized" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "offered", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "formally", - "demobilized" - ], - "new_sentence": "reinsertion assistance offered combatant person associated armed force group formally demobilized" - }, - { - "Index": 9, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Reinsertion, the second stage of demobilization, is transitional assistance offered for a period of up to one year and prior to reintegration support. Reinsertion assistance is offered to combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who have been formally demobilized.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 10, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Self-demobilization is the term used in this module to refer to situations where individuals leave armed forces or groups to return to civilian life without reporting to national authorities and officially changing their status from military to civilian.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Self-demobilization is the term used in this module to refer to situations where individuals leave armed forces or groups to return to civilian life without reporting to national authorities and officially changing their status from military to civilian", - "clean_sent": [ - "selfdemobilization", - "term", - "used", - "module", - "refer", - "situations", - "individuals", - "leave", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "return", - "civilian", - "life", - "without", - "reporting", - "national", - "authorities", - "officially", - "changing", - "status", - "military", - "civilian" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "selfdemobilization", - "term", - "used", - "module", - "refer", - "situation", - "individual", - "leave", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "return", - "civilian", - "life", - "without", - "reporting", - "national", - "authority", - "officially", - "changing", - "status", - "military", - "civilian" - ], - "new_sentence": "selfdemobilization term used module refer situation individual leave armed force group return civilian life without reporting national authority officially changing status military civilian" - }, - { - "Index": 10, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Self-demobilization is the term used in this module to refer to situations where individuals leave armed forces or groups to return to civilian life without reporting to national authorities and officially changing their status from military to civilian.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 11, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants (armed) and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role (generally unarmed, providing logistical and other types of support). The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019. The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning, indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians. This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants (armed) and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role (generally unarmed, providing logistical and other types of support)", - "clean_sent": [ - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "term", - "used", - "iddrs", - "refer", - "combatants", - "armed", - "belong", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "serve", - "supporting", - "role", - "generally", - "unarmed", - "providing", - "logistical", - "types", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "term", - "used", - "iddrs", - "refer", - "combatant", - "armed", - "belong", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "serve", - "supporting", - "role", - "generally", - "unarmed", - "providing", - "logistical", - "type", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "member armed force group term used iddrs refer combatant armed belong armed force group serve supporting role generally unarmed providing logistical type support" - }, - { - "Index": 11, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants (armed) and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role (generally unarmed, providing logistical and other types of support). The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019. The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning, indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians. This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019", - "clean_sent": [ - "latter", - "referred", - "iddrs", - "", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "latter", - "referred", - "iddrs", - "", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "latter referred iddrs person associated armed force group " - }, - { - "Index": 11, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants (armed) and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role (generally unarmed, providing logistical and other types of support). The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019. The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning, indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians. This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning, indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians", - "clean_sent": [ - "iddrs", - "use", - "term", - "", - "combatant", - "", - "generic", - "meaning", - "indicating", - "persons", - "enjoy", - "protection", - "attack", - "accorded", - "civilians" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "iddrs", - "use", - "term", - "", - "combatant", - "", - "generic", - "meaning", - "indicating", - "person", - "enjoy", - "protection", - "attack", - "accorded", - "civilian" - ], - "new_sentence": "iddrs use term combatant generic meaning indicating person enjoy protection attack accorded civilian" - }, - { - "Index": 11, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants (armed) and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role (generally unarmed, providing logistical and other types of support). The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019. The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning, indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians. This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts", - "clean_sent": [ - "also", - "imply", - "right", - "combatant", - "status", - "prisonerofwar", - "status", - "applicable", - "international", - "armed", - "conflicts" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "also", - "imply", - "right", - "combatant", - "status", - "prisonerofwar", - "status", - "applicable", - "international", - "armed", - "conflict" - ], - "new_sentence": "also imply right combatant status prisonerofwar status applicable international armed conflict" - }, - { - "Index": 11, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants (armed) and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role (generally unarmed, providing logistical and other types of support). The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019. The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning, indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians. This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 12, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization officially certifies an individual\u2019s change of status from being a member of an armed force or group to being a civilian. Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups formally acquire civilian status when they receive official documentation that confirms their new status.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization officially certifies an individual\u2019s change of status from being a member of an armed force or group to being a civilian", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "officially", - "certifies", - "individual", - "change", - "status", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "civilian" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "officially", - "certifies", - "individual", - "change", - "status", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "civilian" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization officially certifies individual change status member armed force group civilian" - }, - { - "Index": 12, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization officially certifies an individual\u2019s change of status from being a member of an armed force or group to being a civilian. Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups formally acquire civilian status when they receive official documentation that confirms their new status.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups formally acquire civilian status when they receive official documentation that confirms their new status", - "clean_sent": [ - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "formally", - "acquire", - "civilian", - "status", - "receive", - "official", - "documentation", - "confirms", - "new", - "status" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "formally", - "acquire", - "civilian", - "status", - "receive", - "official", - "documentation", - "confirms", - "new", - "status" - ], - "new_sentence": "combatant person associated armed force group formally acquire civilian status receive official documentation confirms new status" - }, - { - "Index": 12, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization officially certifies an individual\u2019s change of status from being a member of an armed force or group to being a civilian. Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups formally acquire civilian status when they receive official documentation that confirms their new status.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 13, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces, the complete disbanding of armed groups, or the disbanding of armed forces and groups with a view to forming new armed forces. It is generally part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. It is therefore a symbolically important step in the consolidation of peace, particularly within the framework of the implementation of peace agreements.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces, the complete disbanding of armed groups, or the disbanding of armed forces and groups with a view to forming new armed forces", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "contributes", - "rightsizing", - "armed", - "forces", - "complete", - "disbanding", - "armed", - "groups", - "disbanding", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "view", - "forming", - "new", - "armed", - "forces" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "contributes", - "rightsizing", - "armed", - "force", - "complete", - "disbanding", - "armed", - "group", - "disbanding", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "view", - "forming", - "new", - "armed", - "force" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization contributes rightsizing armed force complete disbanding armed group disbanding armed force group view forming new armed force" - }, - { - "Index": 13, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces, the complete disbanding of armed groups, or the disbanding of armed forces and groups with a view to forming new armed forces. It is generally part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. It is therefore a symbolically important step in the consolidation of peace, particularly within the framework of the implementation of peace agreements.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "It is generally part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict", - "clean_sent": [ - "generally", - "part", - "demilitarization", - "efforts", - "society", - "emerging", - "conflict" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "generally", - "part", - "demilitarization", - "effort", - "society", - "emerging", - "conflict" - ], - "new_sentence": "generally part demilitarization effort society emerging conflict" - }, - { - "Index": 13, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces, the complete disbanding of armed groups, or the disbanding of armed forces and groups with a view to forming new armed forces. It is generally part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. It is therefore a symbolically important step in the consolidation of peace, particularly within the framework of the implementation of peace agreements.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "It is therefore a symbolically important step in the consolidation of peace, particularly within the framework of the implementation of peace agreements", - "clean_sent": [ - "therefore", - "symbolically", - "important", - "step", - "consolidation", - "peace", - "particularly", - "within", - "framework", - "implementation", - "peace", - "agreements" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "therefore", - "symbolically", - "important", - "step", - "consolidation", - "peace", - "particularly", - "within", - "framework", - "implementation", - "peace", - "agreement" - ], - "new_sentence": "therefore symbolically important step consolidation peace particularly within framework implementation peace agreement" - }, - { - "Index": 13, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces, the complete disbanding of armed groups, or the disbanding of armed forces and groups with a view to forming new armed forces. It is generally part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. It is therefore a symbolically important step in the consolidation of peace, particularly within the framework of the implementation of peace agreements.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 14, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization is the second component of a DDR programme. DDR programmes require certain preconditions in order to be viable, including the signing of a negotiated ceasefire and\/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; trust in the peace process; willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization is the second component of a DDR programme", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "second", - "component", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "second", - "component", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization second component ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 14, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization is the second component of a DDR programme. DDR programmes require certain preconditions in order to be viable, including the signing of a negotiated ceasefire and\/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; trust in the peace process; willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR programmes require certain preconditions in order to be viable, including the signing of a negotiated ceasefire and\/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; trust in the peace process; willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "programmes", - "require", - "certain", - "preconditions", - "order", - "viable", - "including", - "signing", - "negotiated", - "ceasefire", - "andor", - "peace", - "agreement", - "provides", - "framework", - "ddr", - "trust", - "peace", - "process", - "willingness", - "parties", - "armed", - "conflict", - "engage", - "ddr", - "minimum", - "guarantee", - "security", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "programme", - "require", - "certain", - "precondition", - "order", - "viable", - "including", - "signing", - "negotiated", - "ceasefire", - "andor", - "peace", - "agreement", - "provides", - "framework", - "ddr", - "trust", - "peace", - "process", - "willingness", - "party", - "armed", - "conflict", - "engage", - "ddr", - "minimum", - "guarantee", - "security", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr programme require certain precondition order viable including signing negotiated ceasefire andor peace agreement provides framework ddr trust peace process willingness party armed conflict engage ddr minimum guarantee security see iddrs 2" - }, - { - "Index": 14, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization is the second component of a DDR programme. DDR programmes require certain preconditions in order to be viable, including the signing of a negotiated ceasefire and\/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; trust in the peace process; willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on The UN Approach to DDR)", - "clean_sent": [ - "10", - "un", - "approach", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "un", - "approach", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 un approach ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 14, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization is the second component of a DDR programme. DDR programmes require certain preconditions in order to be viable, including the signing of a negotiated ceasefire and\/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; trust in the peace process; willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 15, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "contributes", - "rightsizing", - "armed", - "forces", - "disbanding", - "creation", - "new", - "armed", - "forces", - "part", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "process", - "see", - "iddrs", - "6" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "contributes", - "rightsizing", - "armed", - "force", - "disbanding", - "creation", - "new", - "armed", - "force", - "part", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "process", - "see", - "iddrs", - "6" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization contributes rightsizing armed force disbanding creation new armed force part security sector reform process see iddrs 6" - }, - { - "Index": 15, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform)", - "clean_sent": [ - "10", - "ddr", - "security", - "sector", - "reform" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "ddr", - "security", - "sector", - "reform" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 ddr security sector reform" - }, - { - "Index": 15, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2", - "clean_sent": [ - "context", - "integrated", - "armed", - "forces", - "may", - "demobilized", - "provided", - "reintegration", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "context", - "integrated", - "armed", - "force", - "may", - "demobilized", - "provided", - "reintegration", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "context integrated armed force may demobilized provided reintegration support see iddrs 2" - }, - { - "Index": 15, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": [ - "40", - "reintegration", - "part", - "sustaining", - "peace", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "40", - "reintegration", - "part", - "sustaining", - "peace", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "40 reintegration part sustaining peace iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 15, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "30 on Reintegration)", - "clean_sent": [ - "30", - "reintegration" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "30", - "reintegration" - ], - "new_sentence": "30 reintegration" - }, - { - "Index": 15, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life", - "clean_sent": [ - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "may", - "experience", - "challenges", - "related", - "demobilization", - "transition", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "may", - "experience", - "challenge", - "related", - "demobilization", - "transition", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "combatant person associated armed force group may experience challenge related demobilization transition civilian life" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life", - "clean_sent": [ - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "often", - "effective", - "socializing", - "members", - "violence", - "military", - "ways", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "often", - "effective", - "socializing", - "member", - "violence", - "military", - "way", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "armed force group often effective socializing member violence military way life" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization", - "clean_sent": [ - "training", - "initiation", - "rituals", - "hazing", - "common", - "methods", - "military", - "socialization" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "training", - "initiation", - "ritual", - "hazing", - "common", - "method", - "military", - "socialization" - ], - "new_sentence": "training initiation ritual hazing common method military socialization" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "So too are shared experiences of violence and combat", - "clean_sent": [ - "shared", - "experiences", - "violence", - "combat" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "shared", - "experience", - "violence", - "combat" - ], - "new_sentence": "shared experience violence combat" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities", - "clean_sent": [ - "leaving", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "individuals", - "may", - "experience", - "difficulties", - "shedding", - "military", - "identity", - "well", - "rejection", - "stigmatization", - "communities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "leaving", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "individual", - "may", - "experience", - "difficulty", - "shedding", - "military", - "identity", - "well", - "rejection", - "stigmatization", - "community" - ], - "new_sentence": "leaving armed force group individual may experience difficulty shedding military identity well rejection stigmatization community" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "mean", - "adjustment", - "new", - "role", - "status", - "new", - "routines", - "family", - "home", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "mean", - "adjustment", - "new", - "role", - "status", - "new", - "routine", - "family", - "home", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization mean adjustment new role status new routine family home life" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships", - "clean_sent": [ - "persons", - "demobilize", - "may", - "also", - "experience", - "loss", - "purpose", - "difficulty", - "creating", - "sustaining", - "livelihood", - "loss", - "military", - "community", - "friendships" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "person", - "demobilize", - "may", - "also", - "experience", - "loss", - "purpose", - "difficulty", - "creating", - "sustaining", - "livelihood", - "loss", - "military", - "community", - "friendship" - ], - "new_sentence": "person demobilize may also experience loss purpose difficulty creating sustaining livelihood loss military community friendship" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 17, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide", - "clean_sent": [ - "way", - "individual", - "demobilizes", - "implications", - "type", - "support", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "provide" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "way", - "individual", - "demobilizes", - "implication", - "type", - "support", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "provide" - ], - "new_sentence": "way individual demobilizes implication type support ddr practitioner provide" - }, - { - "Index": 17, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support", - "clean_sent": [ - "example", - "demobilized", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme", - "entitled", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "example", - "demobilized", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme", - "entitled", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "example demobilized part ddr programme entitled reinsertion reintegration support" - }, - { - "Index": 17, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status", - "clean_sent": [ - "however", - "instances", - "individuals", - "may", - "decide", - "return", - "civilian", - "life", - "without", - "first", - "reporting", - "passing", - "official", - "process", - "formalize", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "however", - "instance", - "individual", - "may", - "decide", - "return", - "civilian", - "life", - "without", - "first", - "reporting", - "passing", - "official", - "process", - "formalize", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "new_sentence": "however instance individual may decide return civilian life without first reporting passing official process formalize civilian status" - }, - { - "Index": 17, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "aware", - "providing", - "targeted", - "assistance", - "individuals", - "may", - "create", - "severe", - "legal", - "reputational", - "risks", - "un" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "aware", - "providing", - "targeted", - "assistance", - "individual", - "may", - "create", - "severe", - "legal", - "reputational", - "risk", - "un" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner shall aware providing targeted assistance individual may create severe legal reputational risk un" - }, - { - "Index": 17, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement", - "clean_sent": [ - "selfdemobilized", - "individuals", - "may", - "however", - "benefit", - "broader", - "nontargeted", - "communitybased", - "reintegration", - "support", - "part", - "developmental", - "peacebuilding", - "efforts", - "implemented", - "community", - "settlement" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "selfdemobilized", - "individual", - "may", - "however", - "benefit", - "broader", - "nontargeted", - "communitybased", - "reintegration", - "support", - "part", - "developmental", - "peacebuilding", - "effort", - "implemented", - "community", - "settlement" - ], - "new_sentence": "selfdemobilized individual may however benefit broader nontargeted communitybased reintegration support part developmental peacebuilding effort implemented community settlement" - }, - { - "Index": 17, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR", - "clean_sent": [ - "standard", - "operating", - "procedures", - "address", - "cases", - "shall", - "developed", - "jointly", - "national", - "authorities", - "responsible", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "standard", - "operating", - "procedure", - "address", - "case", - "shall", - "developed", - "jointly", - "national", - "authority", - "responsible", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "standard operating procedure address case shall developed jointly national authority responsible ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 17, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups", - "clean_sent": [ - "preconditions", - "ddr", - "programme", - "exist", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "may", - "still", - "decide", - "leave", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "either", - "individually", - "small", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "precondition", - "ddr", - "programme", - "exist", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "may", - "still", - "decide", - "leave", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "either", - "individually", - "small", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "precondition ddr programme exist combatant person associated armed force group may still decide leave armed force group either individually small group" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons", - "clean_sent": [ - "individuals", - "leave", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "many", - "different", - "reasons" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "individual", - "leave", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "many", - "different", - "reason" - ], - "new_sentence": "individual leave armed force group many different reason" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight", - "clean_sent": [ - "become", - "tired", - "life", - "combatant", - "others", - "sick", - "wounded", - "longer", - "continue", - "fight" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "become", - "tired", - "life", - "combatant", - "others", - "sick", - "wounded", - "longer", - "continue", - "fight" - ], - "new_sentence": "become tired life combatant others sick wounded longer continue fight" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won", - "clean_sent": [ - "leave", - "disillusioned", - "goals", - "group", - "see", - "greater", - "benefit", - "civilian", - "life", - "believe" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "leave", - "disillusioned", - "goal", - "group", - "see", - "greater", - "benefit", - "civilian", - "life", - "believe" - ], - "new_sentence": "leave disillusioned goal group see greater benefit civilian life believe" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat", - "clean_sent": [ - "circumstances", - "states", - "also", - "encourage", - "type", - "voluntary", - "exit", - "offering", - "safe", - "pathways", - "group", - "either", - "push", - "remain", - "towards", - "negotiated", - "settlement", - "deplete", - "military", - "capacity", - "groups", - "order", - "render", - "vulnerable", - "defeat" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "circumstance", - "state", - "also", - "encourage", - "type", - "voluntary", - "exit", - "offering", - "safe", - "pathway", - "group", - "either", - "push", - "remain", - "towards", - "negotiated", - "settlement", - "deplete", - "military", - "capacity", - "group", - "order", - "render", - "vulnerable", - "defeat" - ], - "new_sentence": "circumstance state also encourage type voluntary exit offering safe pathway group either push remain towards negotiated settlement deplete military capacity group order render vulnerable defeat" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status", - "clean_sent": [ - "individuals", - "might", - "report", - "amnesty", - "commission", - "state", - "institutions", - "formally", - "recognize", - "transition", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "individual", - "might", - "report", - "amnesty", - "commission", - "state", - "institution", - "formally", - "recognize", - "transition", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "new_sentence": "individual might report amnesty commission state institution formally recognize transition civilian status" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2", - "clean_sent": [ - "transition", - "civilian", - "status", - "way", - "may", - "eligible", - "receive", - "assistance", - "ddrrelated", - "tools", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "initiatives", - "andor", - "provided", - "reintegration", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "transition", - "civilian", - "status", - "way", - "may", - "eligible", - "receive", - "assistance", - "ddrrelated", - "tool", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "initiative", - "andor", - "provided", - "reintegration", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "transition civilian status way may eligible receive assistance ddrrelated tool community violence reduction initiative andor provided reintegration support see iddrs 2" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on The UN Approach to DDR)", - "clean_sent": [ - "10", - "un", - "approach", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "un", - "approach", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 un approach ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals", - "clean_sent": [ - "transitional", - "assistance", - "similar", - "reinsertion", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "also", - "provided", - "individuals" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "transitional", - "assistance", - "similar", - "reinsertion", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "also", - "provided", - "individual" - ], - "new_sentence": "transitional assistance similar reinsertion part ddr programme may also provided individual" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2", - "clean_sent": [ - "different", - "considerations", - "requirements", - "apply", - "armed", - "groups", - "designated", - "terrorist", - "organizations", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "different", - "consideration", - "requirement", - "apply", - "armed", - "group", - "designated", - "terrorist", - "organization", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "different consideration requirement apply armed group designated terrorist organization see iddrs 2" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR)", - "clean_sent": [ - "11", - "legal", - "framework", - "un", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "11", - "legal", - "framework", - "un", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "11 legal framework un ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 19, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme. When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups. When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own. Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization. However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members", - "clean_sent": [ - "integrated", - "ddr", - "shall", - "voluntary", - "process", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "organizations", - "members" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "integrated", - "ddr", - "shall", - "voluntary", - "process", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "organization", - "member" - ], - "new_sentence": "integrated ddr shall voluntary process armed force group organization member" - }, - { - "Index": 19, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme. When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups. When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own. Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization. However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme", - "clean_sent": [ - "groups", - "individuals", - "shall", - "coerced", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "group", - "individual", - "shall", - "coerced", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "group individual shall coerced participate demobilization part ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 19, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme. When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups. When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own. Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization. However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "programmes", - "negotiated", - "part", - "peace", - "agreement", - "decision", - "demobilize", - "combatants", - "usually", - "taken", - "national", - "authorities", - "andor", - "leadership", - "armed", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "programme", - "negotiated", - "part", - "peace", - "agreement", - "decision", - "demobilize", - "combatant", - "usually", - "taken", - "national", - "authority", - "andor", - "leadership", - "armed", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr programme negotiated part peace agreement decision demobilize combatant usually taken national authority andor leadership armed group" - }, - { - "Index": 19, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme. When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups. When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own. Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization. However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own", - "clean_sent": [ - "combatants", - "part", - "organized", - "military", - "hierarchy", - "decision", - "demobilize", - "may" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "combatant", - "part", - "organized", - "military", - "hierarchy", - "decision", - "demobilize", - "may" - ], - "new_sentence": "combatant part organized military hierarchy decision demobilize may" - }, - { - "Index": 19, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme. When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups. When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own. Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization. However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization", - "clean_sent": [ - "instead", - "may", - "instructed", - "commanders", - "national", - "authorities", - "engage", - "demobilization" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "instead", - "may", - "instructed", - "commander", - "national", - "authority", - "engage", - "demobilization" - ], - "new_sentence": "instead may instructed commander national authority engage demobilization" - }, - { - "Index": 19, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme. When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups. When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own. Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization. However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary", - "clean_sent": [ - "however", - "participation", - "aspects", - "ddr", - "programme", - "shall", - "voluntary" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "however", - "participation", - "aspect", - "ddr", - "programme", - "shall", - "voluntary" - ], - "new_sentence": "however participation aspect ddr programme shall voluntary" - }, - { - "Index": 19, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme. When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups. When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own. Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization. However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization", - "clean_sent": [ - "preconditions", - "ddr", - "programme", - "place", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "shall", - "included", - "demobilization" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "precondition", - "ddr", - "programme", - "place", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "shall", - "included", - "demobilization" - ], - "new_sentence": "precondition ddr programme place combatant person associated armed force group shall included demobilization" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them", - "clean_sent": [ - "historically", - "women", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "even", - "sometimes", - "female", - "combatants", - "received", - "accurate", - "information", - "eligibility", - "either", - "commanders", - "attempted", - "exclude", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "effective", - "reaching" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "historically", - "woman", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "even", - "sometimes", - "female", - "combatant", - "received", - "accurate", - "information", - "eligibility", - "either", - "commander", - "attempted", - "exclude", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "effective", - "reaching" - ], - "new_sentence": "historically woman associated armed force group even sometimes female combatant received accurate information eligibility either commander attempted exclude ddr practitioner effective reaching" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "therefore", - "employ", - "carefully", - "crafted", - "communication", - "strategies", - "ensure", - "eligible", - "women", - "know", - "access", - "ddr", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "therefore", - "employ", - "carefully", - "crafted", - "communication", - "strategy", - "ensure", - "eligible", - "woman", - "know", - "access", - "ddr", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategy ensure eligible woman know access ddr support see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "60", - "public", - "information", - "strategic", - "communication", - "support", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "60", - "public", - "information", - "strategic", - "communication", - "support", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "60 public information strategic communication support ddr iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on Women, Gender and DDR)", - "clean_sent": [ - "10", - "women", - "gender", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "woman", - "gender", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 woman gender ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization", - "clean_sent": [ - "furthermore", - "depending", - "context", - "women", - "may", - "want", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "owing", - "fear", - "stigmatization" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "furthermore", - "depending", - "context", - "woman", - "may", - "want", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "owing", - "fear", - "stigmatization" - ], - "new_sentence": "furthermore depending context woman may want participate demobilization owing fear stigmatization" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "find", - "alternative", - "less", - "visible", - "options", - "women", - "formally", - "demobilized", - "order", - "gain", - "access", - "reinsertion", - "andor", - "reintegration", - "assistance", - "male", - "counterparts" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "find", - "alternative", - "le", - "visible", - "option", - "woman", - "formally", - "demobilized", - "order", - "gain", - "access", - "reinsertion", - "andor", - "reintegration", - "assistance", - "male", - "counterpart" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner shall find alternative le visible option woman formally demobilized order gain access reinsertion andor reintegration assistance male counterpart" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities", - "clean_sent": [ - "victims", - "dependants", - "community", - "members", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "activities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "victim", - "dependant", - "community", - "member", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "activity" - ], - "new_sentence": "victim dependant community member participate demobilization activity" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities", - "clean_sent": [ - "however", - "dependants", - "accompanied", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "field", - "provisions", - "may", - "made", - "demobilization", - "including", - "provisions", - "accommodation", - "transportation", - "communities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "however", - "dependant", - "accompanied", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "field", - "provision", - "may", - "made", - "demobilization", - "including", - "provision", - "accommodation", - "transportation", - "community" - ], - "new_sentence": "however dependant accompanied armed force group field provision may made demobilization including provision accommodation transportation community" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites", - "clean_sent": [ - "already", - "left", - "armed", - "groups", - "wish", - "join", - "ongoing", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "report", - "national", - "authorities", - "reception", - "centres", - "mobile", - "disarmament", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "already", - "left", - "armed", - "group", - "wish", - "join", - "ongoing", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "report", - "national", - "authority", - "reception", - "centre", - "mobile", - "disarmament", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "already left armed group wish join ongoing ddr programme may report national authority reception centre mobile disarmament site" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place", - "clean_sent": [ - "whether", - "individuals", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programme", - "depend", - "nationally", - "agreed", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "place" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "whether", - "individual", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programme", - "depend", - "nationally", - "agreed", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "place" - ], - "new_sentence": "whether individual participate ddr programme depend nationally agreed eligibility criterion place" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support", - "clean_sent": [ - "instances", - "may", - "also", - "eligible", - "assistance", - "access", - "ddrrelated", - "tools", - "including", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "instance", - "may", - "also", - "eligible", - "assistance", - "access", - "ddrrelated", - "tool", - "including", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "instance may also eligible assistance access ddrrelated tool including community violence reduction reintegration support" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": [ - "information", - "ddr", - "participant", - "collected", - "order", - "define", - "hisher", - "reintegration", - "needs", - "provide", - "information", - "design", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "programmes", - "also", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "information", - "ddr", - "participant", - "collected", - "order", - "define", - "hisher", - "reintegration", - "need", - "provide", - "information", - "design", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "programme", - "also", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "information ddr participant collected order define hisher reintegration need provide information design reinsertion reintegration programme also see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "30 on Reintegration)", - "clean_sent": [ - "30", - "reintegration" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "30", - "reintegration" - ], - "new_sentence": "30 reintegration" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children", - "clean_sent": [ - "public", - "information", - "campaigns", - "used", - "inform", - "adult", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "report", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "members", - "family", - "including", - "children" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "public", - "information", - "campaign", - "used", - "inform", - "adult", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "report", - "demobilization", - "site", - "member", - "family", - "including", - "child" - ], - "new_sentence": "public information campaign used inform adult member armed force group report demobilization site member family including child" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages", - "clean_sent": [ - "communication", - "may", - "unintended", - "consequence", - "discouraging", - "eligible", - "women", - "appearing", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "take", - "care", - "crafting", - "messages" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "communication", - "may", - "unintended", - "consequence", - "discouraging", - "eligible", - "woman", - "appearing", - "demobilization", - "site", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "take", - "care", - "crafting", - "message" - ], - "new_sentence": "communication may unintended consequence discouraging eligible woman appearing demobilization site ddr practitioner shall take care crafting message" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way", - "clean_sent": [ - "family", - "members", - "children", - "arrive", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "consult", - "child", - "protection", - "actors", - "order", - "ensure", - "children", - "safely", - "transferred", - "different", - "civilian", - "family", - "member", - "demobilization", - "process", - "way" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "family", - "member", - "child", - "arrive", - "demobilization", - "site", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "consult", - "child", - "protection", - "actor", - "order", - "ensure", - "child", - "safely", - "transferred", - "different", - "civilian", - "family", - "member", - "demobilization", - "process", - "way" - ], - "new_sentence": "family member child arrive demobilization site ddr practitioner shall consult child protection actor order ensure child safely transferred different civilian family member demobilization process way" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice", - "clean_sent": [ - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "reports", - "demobilization", - "site", - "spouse", - "andor", - "child", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "may", - "provide", - "support", - "transfer", - "individuals", - "community", - "choice" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "report", - "demobilization", - "site", - "spouse", - "andor", - "child", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "may", - "provide", - "support", - "transfer", - "individual", - "community", - "choice" - ], - "new_sentence": "combatant person associated armed force group report demobilization site spouse andor child ddr practitioner may provide support transfer individual community choice" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4", - "clean_sent": [ - "contingent", - "ddr", - "process", - "place", - "dependants", - "may", - "also", - "provided", - "transitional", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "see", - "sections", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "contingent", - "ddr", - "process", - "place", - "dependant", - "may", - "also", - "provided", - "transitional", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "see", - "section", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "contingent ddr process place dependant may also provided transitional reinsertion assistance see section 4" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "2", - "clean_sent": [ - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "2" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "1 and 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "1", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "1", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "1 5" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "4)", - "clean_sent": [ - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "4" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 23, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups, their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes. Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times, not only when adult combatants are being demobilized. All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age, the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour, based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups, their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes", - "clean_sent": [ - "children", - "recruited", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "unconditional", - "immediate", - "release", - "must", - "priority", - "irrespective", - "status", - "peace", - "negotiations", - "andor", - "development", - "ddr", - "processes" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "child", - "recruited", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "unconditional", - "immediate", - "release", - "must", - "priority", - "irrespective", - "status", - "peace", - "negotiation", - "andor", - "development", - "ddr", - "process" - ], - "new_sentence": "child recruited armed force group unconditional immediate release must priority irrespective status peace negotiation andor development ddr process" - }, - { - "Index": 23, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups, their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes. Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times, not only when adult combatants are being demobilized. All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age, the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour, based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times, not only when adult combatants are being demobilized", - "clean_sent": [ - "children", - "shall", - "separated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "handed", - "child", - "protection", - "agencies", - "times", - "adult", - "combatants", - "demobilized" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "child", - "shall", - "separated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "handed", - "child", - "protection", - "agency", - "time", - "adult", - "combatant", - "demobilized" - ], - "new_sentence": "child shall separated armed force group handed child protection agency time adult combatant demobilized" - }, - { - "Index": 23, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups, their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes. Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times, not only when adult combatants are being demobilized. All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age, the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour, based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest (see IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "children", - "shall", - "permitted", - "demobilize", - "part", - "ddr", - "process", - "best", - "interest", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "child", - "shall", - "permitted", - "demobilize", - "part", - "ddr", - "process", - "best", - "interest", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "child shall permitted demobilize part ddr process best interest see iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 23, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups, their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes. Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times, not only when adult combatants are being demobilized. All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age, the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour, based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "30 on Youth and DDR)", - "clean_sent": [ - "30", - "youth", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "30", - "youth", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "30 youth ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 23, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups, their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes. Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times, not only when adult combatants are being demobilized. All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age, the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour, based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age, the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour, based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle", - "clean_sent": [ - "doubt", - "individual", - "age", - "age", - "claimed", - "child", - "young", - "person", - "resolved", - "favour", - "based", - "", - "benefit", - "doubt", - "", - "principle" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "doubt", - "individual", - "age", - "age", - "claimed", - "child", - "young", - "person", - "resolved", - "favour", - "based", - "", - "benefit", - "doubt", - "", - "principle" - ], - "new_sentence": "doubt individual age age claimed child young person resolved favour based benefit doubt principle" - }, - { - "Index": 23, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups, their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes. Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times, not only when adult combatants are being demobilized. All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age, the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour, based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention", - "clean_sent": [ - "girls", - "boys", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "role", - "shall", - "identified", - "early", - "possible", - "handled", - "accordance", - "paris", - "commitments", - "paris", - "principles", - "children", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "taken", - "interim", - "care", - "centre", - "attention" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "girl", - "boy", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "role", - "shall", - "identified", - "early", - "possible", - "handled", - "accordance", - "paris", - "commitment", - "paris", - "principle", - "child", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "taken", - "interim", - "care", - "centre", - "attention" - ], - "new_sentence": "girl boy associated armed force group role shall identified early possible handled accordance paris commitment paris principle child associated armed force group taken interim care centre attention" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups", - "clean_sent": [ - "interim", - "care", - "centre", - "shall", - "separate", - "demobilization", - "site", - "run", - "organization", - "specializing", - "care", - "children", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "interim", - "care", - "centre", - "shall", - "separate", - "demobilization", - "site", - "run", - "organization", - "specializing", - "care", - "child", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "interim care centre shall separate demobilization site run organization specializing care child associated armed force group" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "special", - "assistance", - "shall", - "also", - "provided", - "child", - "mothers", - "young", - "mothers", - "regardless", - "role", - "played", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "also", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "special", - "assistance", - "shall", - "also", - "provided", - "child", - "mother", - "young", - "mother", - "regardless", - "role", - "played", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "also", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "special assistance shall also provided child mother young mother regardless role played armed force group also see iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "10", - "women", - "gender", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "woman", - "gender", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 woman gender ddr iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "20", - "children", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "20", - "child", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "20 child ddr iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "30 on Youth and DDR)", - "clean_sent": [ - "30", - "youth", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "30", - "youth", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "30 youth ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": [ - "family", - "tracing", - "help", - "reunite", - "children", - "families", - "may", - "also", - "take", - "place", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "family", - "tracing", - "help", - "reunite", - "child", - "family", - "may", - "also", - "take", - "place", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "family tracing help reunite child family may also take place demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education", - "clean_sent": [ - "addition", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "children", - "focus", - "education" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "addition", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "child", - "focus", - "education" - ], - "new_sentence": "addition reinsertion assistance child focus education" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 25, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When managing demobilization sites, DDR practitioners should strive to harmonize their approach with humanitarian actors running internally displaced persons\/returnee\/refugee camps in the vicinity, and to learn from the experiences of humanitarian and early recovery efforts in the area.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When managing demobilization sites, DDR practitioners should strive to harmonize their approach with humanitarian actors running internally displaced persons\/returnee\/refugee camps in the vicinity, and to learn from the experiences of humanitarian and early recovery efforts in the area", - "clean_sent": [ - "managing", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "strive", - "harmonize", - "approach", - "humanitarian", - "actors", - "running", - "internally", - "displaced", - "personsreturneerefugee", - "camps", - "vicinity", - "learn", - "experiences", - "humanitarian", - "early", - "recovery", - "efforts", - "area" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "managing", - "demobilization", - "site", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "strive", - "harmonize", - "approach", - "humanitarian", - "actor", - "running", - "internally", - "displaced", - "personsreturneerefugee", - "camp", - "vicinity", - "learn", - "experience", - "humanitarian", - "early", - "recovery", - "effort", - "area" - ], - "new_sentence": "managing demobilization site ddr practitioner strive harmonize approach humanitarian actor running internally displaced personsreturneerefugee camp vicinity learn experience humanitarian early recovery effort area" - }, - { - "Index": 25, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When managing demobilization sites, DDR practitioners should strive to harmonize their approach with humanitarian actors running internally displaced persons\/returnee\/refugee camps in the vicinity, and to learn from the experiences of humanitarian and early recovery efforts in the area.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 26, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men. For example, women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life. Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost. In addition, following demobilization, high-ranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lower-ranking positions in new military structures, or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government. It is known that women often self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant, war wife or sex slave.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "different", - "implications", - "women", - "men" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "different", - "implication", - "woman", - "men" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization different implication woman men" - }, - { - "Index": 26, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men. For example, women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life. Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost. In addition, following demobilization, high-ranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lower-ranking positions in new military structures, or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government. It is known that women often self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant, war wife or sex slave.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For example, women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life", - "clean_sent": [ - "example", - "women", - "may", - "earned", - "higher", - "degree", - "equality", - "social", - "recognition", - "combatants", - "previously", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "example", - "woman", - "may", - "earned", - "higher", - "degree", - "equality", - "social", - "recognition", - "combatant", - "previously", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "example woman may earned higher degree equality social recognition combatant previously civilian life" - }, - { - "Index": 26, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men. For example, women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life. Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost. In addition, following demobilization, high-ranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lower-ranking positions in new military structures, or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government. It is known that women often self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant, war wife or sex slave.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "may", - "mean", - "status", - "gains", - "lost" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "may", - "mean", - "status", - "gain", - "lost" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization may mean status gain lost" - }, - { - "Index": 26, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men. For example, women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life. Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost. In addition, following demobilization, high-ranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lower-ranking positions in new military structures, or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government. It is known that women often self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant, war wife or sex slave.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In addition, following demobilization, high-ranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lower-ranking positions in new military structures, or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government", - "clean_sent": [ - "addition", - "following", - "demobilization", - "highranking", - "women", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "often", - "relegated", - "lowerranking", - "positions", - "new", - "military", - "structures", - "passed", - "selection", - "political", - "positions", - "new", - "government" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "addition", - "following", - "demobilization", - "highranking", - "woman", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "often", - "relegated", - "lowerranking", - "position", - "new", - "military", - "structure", - "passed", - "selection", - "political", - "position", - "new", - "government" - ], - "new_sentence": "addition following demobilization highranking woman associated armed force group often relegated lowerranking position new military structure passed selection political position new government" - }, - { - "Index": 26, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men. For example, women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life. Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost. In addition, following demobilization, high-ranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lower-ranking positions in new military structures, or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government. It is known that women often self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant, war wife or sex slave.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "It is known that women often self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant, war wife or sex slave", - "clean_sent": [ - "known", - "women", - "often", - "selfdemobilize", - "order", - "avoid", - "stigma", - "associated", - "female", - "combatant", - "war", - "wife", - "sex", - "slave" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "known", - "woman", - "often", - "selfdemobilize", - "order", - "avoid", - "stigma", - "associated", - "female", - "combatant", - "war", - "wife", - "sex", - "slave" - ], - "new_sentence": "known woman often selfdemobilize order avoid stigma associated female combatant war wife sex slave" - }, - { - "Index": 26, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men. For example, women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life. Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost. In addition, following demobilization, high-ranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lower-ranking positions in new military structures, or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government. It is known that women often self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant, war wife or sex slave.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 27, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Appropriate attention shall be given to the needs of women so that (1) they are not excluded from DDR programmes; (2) their security and well-being is assured during demobilization; (3) demobilization operations respond to their specific needs and leverage their unique capacities; and (4) they are not overlooked in terms of reintegration support and\/or security sector reform processes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Appropriate attention shall be given to the needs of women so that (1) they are not excluded from DDR programmes; (2) their security and well-being is assured during demobilization; (3) demobilization operations respond to their specific needs and leverage their unique capacities; and (4) they are not overlooked in terms of reintegration support and\/or security sector reform processes", - "clean_sent": [ - "appropriate", - "attention", - "shall", - "given", - "needs", - "women", - "1", - "excluded", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "2", - "security", - "wellbeing", - "assured", - "demobilization", - "3", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "respond", - "specific", - "needs", - "leverage", - "unique", - "capacities", - "4", - "overlooked", - "terms", - "reintegration", - "support", - "andor", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "processes" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "appropriate", - "attention", - "shall", - "given", - "need", - "woman", - "1", - "excluded", - "ddr", - "programme", - "2", - "security", - "wellbeing", - "assured", - "demobilization", - "3", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "respond", - "specific", - "need", - "leverage", - "unique", - "capacity", - "4", - "overlooked", - "term", - "reintegration", - "support", - "andor", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "process" - ], - "new_sentence": "appropriate attention shall given need woman 1 excluded ddr programme 2 security wellbeing assured demobilization 3 demobilization operation respond specific need leverage unique capacity 4 overlooked term reintegration support andor security sector reform process" - }, - { - "Index": 27, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Appropriate attention shall be given to the needs of women so that (1) they are not excluded from DDR programmes; (2) their security and well-being is assured during demobilization; (3) demobilization operations respond to their specific needs and leverage their unique capacities; and (4) they are not overlooked in terms of reintegration support and\/or security sector reform processes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 28, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "To fulfil these objectives, demobilization operations shall be based on gender-sensitive eligibility criteria and operational protocols that take into account the needs and experiences of women (see Figure 1 and Box 2). Where possible, women who are self-demobilized shall be encouraged to join DDR programmes in order to receive ex-combatant status and access to other forms of support. Alternatively, when the stigma of being associated with armed forces or groups prevents women from participating in a DDR programme, other methods of reaching out to this group should be explored. Women\u2019s specific needs at demobilization sites shall also be considered, including reproductive and maternal health services; sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) recovery services; psychosocial screening; provision of sanitary napkins in kits; and safe lighting, bathrooms and sleeping quarters (where required).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "To fulfil these objectives, demobilization operations shall be based on gender-sensitive eligibility criteria and operational protocols that take into account the needs and experiences of women (see Figure 1 and Box 2)", - "clean_sent": [ - "fulfil", - "objectives", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "shall", - "based", - "gendersensitive", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "operational", - "protocols", - "take", - "account", - "needs", - "experiences", - "women", - "see", - "figure", - "1", - "box", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "fulfil", - "objective", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "shall", - "based", - "gendersensitive", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "operational", - "protocol", - "take", - "account", - "need", - "experience", - "woman", - "see", - "figure", - "1", - "box", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "fulfil objective demobilization operation shall based gendersensitive eligibility criterion operational protocol take account need experience woman see figure 1 box 2" - }, - { - "Index": 28, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "To fulfil these objectives, demobilization operations shall be based on gender-sensitive eligibility criteria and operational protocols that take into account the needs and experiences of women (see Figure 1 and Box 2). Where possible, women who are self-demobilized shall be encouraged to join DDR programmes in order to receive ex-combatant status and access to other forms of support. Alternatively, when the stigma of being associated with armed forces or groups prevents women from participating in a DDR programme, other methods of reaching out to this group should be explored. Women\u2019s specific needs at demobilization sites shall also be considered, including reproductive and maternal health services; sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) recovery services; psychosocial screening; provision of sanitary napkins in kits; and safe lighting, bathrooms and sleeping quarters (where required).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Where possible, women who are self-demobilized shall be encouraged to join DDR programmes in order to receive ex-combatant status and access to other forms of support", - "clean_sent": [ - "possible", - "women", - "selfdemobilized", - "shall", - "encouraged", - "join", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "order", - "receive", - "excombatant", - "status", - "access", - "forms", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "possible", - "woman", - "selfdemobilized", - "shall", - "encouraged", - "join", - "ddr", - "programme", - "order", - "receive", - "excombatant", - "status", - "access", - "form", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "possible woman selfdemobilized shall encouraged join ddr programme order receive excombatant status access form support" - }, - { - "Index": 28, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "To fulfil these objectives, demobilization operations shall be based on gender-sensitive eligibility criteria and operational protocols that take into account the needs and experiences of women (see Figure 1 and Box 2). Where possible, women who are self-demobilized shall be encouraged to join DDR programmes in order to receive ex-combatant status and access to other forms of support. Alternatively, when the stigma of being associated with armed forces or groups prevents women from participating in a DDR programme, other methods of reaching out to this group should be explored. Women\u2019s specific needs at demobilization sites shall also be considered, including reproductive and maternal health services; sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) recovery services; psychosocial screening; provision of sanitary napkins in kits; and safe lighting, bathrooms and sleeping quarters (where required).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Alternatively, when the stigma of being associated with armed forces or groups prevents women from participating in a DDR programme, other methods of reaching out to this group should be explored", - "clean_sent": [ - "alternatively", - "stigma", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "prevents", - "women", - "participating", - "ddr", - "programme", - "methods", - "reaching", - "group", - "explored" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "alternatively", - "stigma", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "prevents", - "woman", - "participating", - "ddr", - "programme", - "method", - "reaching", - "group", - "explored" - ], - "new_sentence": "alternatively stigma associated armed force group prevents woman participating ddr programme method reaching group explored" - }, - { - "Index": 28, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "To fulfil these objectives, demobilization operations shall be based on gender-sensitive eligibility criteria and operational protocols that take into account the needs and experiences of women (see Figure 1 and Box 2). Where possible, women who are self-demobilized shall be encouraged to join DDR programmes in order to receive ex-combatant status and access to other forms of support. Alternatively, when the stigma of being associated with armed forces or groups prevents women from participating in a DDR programme, other methods of reaching out to this group should be explored. Women\u2019s specific needs at demobilization sites shall also be considered, including reproductive and maternal health services; sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) recovery services; psychosocial screening; provision of sanitary napkins in kits; and safe lighting, bathrooms and sleeping quarters (where required).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Women\u2019s specific needs at demobilization sites shall also be considered, including reproductive and maternal health services; sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) recovery services; psychosocial screening; provision of sanitary napkins in kits; and safe lighting, bathrooms and sleeping quarters (where required)", - "clean_sent": [ - "women", - "specific", - "needs", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "shall", - "also", - "considered", - "including", - "reproductive", - "maternal", - "health", - "services", - "sexual", - "genderbased", - "violence", - "sgbv", - "recovery", - "services", - "psychosocial", - "screening", - "provision", - "sanitary", - "napkins", - "kits", - "safe", - "lighting", - "bathrooms", - "sleeping", - "quarters", - "required" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "woman", - "specific", - "need", - "demobilization", - "site", - "shall", - "also", - "considered", - "including", - "reproductive", - "maternal", - "health", - "service", - "sexual", - "genderbased", - "violence", - "sgbv", - "recovery", - "service", - "psychosocial", - "screening", - "provision", - "sanitary", - "napkin", - "kit", - "safe", - "lighting", - "bathroom", - "sleeping", - "quarter", - "required" - ], - "new_sentence": "woman specific need demobilization site shall also considered including reproductive maternal health service sexual genderbased violence sgbv recovery service psychosocial screening provision sanitary napkin kit safe lighting bathroom sleeping quarter required" - }, - { - "Index": 28, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "To fulfil these objectives, demobilization operations shall be based on gender-sensitive eligibility criteria and operational protocols that take into account the needs and experiences of women (see Figure 1 and Box 2). Where possible, women who are self-demobilized shall be encouraged to join DDR programmes in order to receive ex-combatant status and access to other forms of support. Alternatively, when the stigma of being associated with armed forces or groups prevents women from participating in a DDR programme, other methods of reaching out to this group should be explored. Women\u2019s specific needs at demobilization sites shall also be considered, including reproductive and maternal health services; sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) recovery services; psychosocial screening; provision of sanitary napkins in kits; and safe lighting, bathrooms and sleeping quarters (where required).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter", - "clean_sent": [ - "men", - "demobilization", - "may", - "also", - "signal", - "loss", - "status", - "respect", - "gained", - "fighter" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "men", - "demobilization", - "may", - "also", - "signal", - "loss", - "status", - "respect", - "gained", - "fighter" - ], - "new_sentence": "men demobilization may also signal loss status respect gained fighter" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders", - "clean_sent": [ - "additionally", - "highranking", - "men", - "may", - "gain", - "key", - "political", - "positions", - "new", - "government", - "lowerranking", - "men", - "may", - "passed", - "experience", - "disillusionment", - "feel", - "betrayed", - "commanders" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "additionally", - "highranking", - "men", - "may", - "gain", - "key", - "political", - "position", - "new", - "government", - "lowerranking", - "men", - "may", - "passed", - "experience", - "disillusionment", - "feel", - "betrayed", - "commander" - ], - "new_sentence": "additionally highranking men may gain key political position new government lowerranking men may passed experience disillusionment feel betrayed commander" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group", - "clean_sent": [ - "loss", - "status", - "wartime", - "family", - "may", - "especially", - "challenging", - "men", - "whose", - "gender", - "identity", - "may", - "intricately", - "intertwined", - "membership", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "loss", - "status", - "wartime", - "family", - "may", - "especially", - "challenging", - "men", - "whose", - "gender", - "identity", - "may", - "intricately", - "intertwined", - "membership", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "loss status wartime family may especially challenging men whose gender identity may intricately intertwined membership armed force group" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence", - "clean_sent": [ - "additionally", - "socialization", - "violence", - "often", - "impact", - "gender", - "identities", - "leading", - "notions", - "masculinities", - "becoming", - "tied", - "use", - "violence" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "additionally", - "socialization", - "violence", - "often", - "impact", - "gender", - "identity", - "leading", - "notion", - "masculinity", - "becoming", - "tied", - "use", - "violence" - ], - "new_sentence": "additionally socialization violence often impact gender identity leading notion masculinity becoming tied use violence" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e", - "clean_sent": [ - "supporting", - "men", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "important", - "leverage", - "opportunities", - "promote", - "healthy", - "nonviolent", - "forms", - "masculinity", - "partnership", - "women", - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "supporting", - "men", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "important", - "leverage", - "opportunity", - "promote", - "healthy", - "nonviolent", - "form", - "masculinity", - "partnership", - "woman", - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": "supporting men demobilization operation important leverage opportunity promote healthy nonviolent form masculinity partnership woman e" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "g", - "clean_sent": [ - "g" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "g" - ], - "new_sentence": "g" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions)", - "clean_sent": [ - "", - "public", - "information", - "awarenessraising", - "campaigns", - "joint", - "health", - "promotion", - "teams", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "life", - "skills", - "sessions" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "public", - "information", - "awarenessraising", - "campaign", - "joint", - "health", - "promotion", - "team", - "demobilization", - "site", - "life", - "skill", - "session" - ], - "new_sentence": " public information awarenessraising campaign joint health promotion team demobilization site life skill session" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants", - "clean_sent": [ - "socialhealth", - "sessions", - "psychosocial", - "screening", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "support", - "healthier", - "equitable", - "transition", - "male", - "female", - "ddr", - "participants" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "socialhealth", - "session", - "psychosocial", - "screening", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "support", - "healthier", - "equitable", - "transition", - "male", - "female", - "ddr", - "participant" - ], - "new_sentence": "socialhealth session psychosocial screening ddr practitioner support healthier equitable transition male female ddr participant" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "See IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "see iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance", - "clean_sent": [ - "10", - "women", - "gender", - "ddr", - "additional", - "guidance" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "woman", - "gender", - "ddr", - "additional", - "guidance" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 woman gender ddr additional guidance" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 30, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes shall be evaluated at all times. Armed forces and groups to be demobilized shall be treated equally. No false promises shall be made concerning post-demobilization support. If DDR participants are well treated during demobilization, their attitudes towards the process are more likely to be positive, and others may be encouraged to demobilize.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes shall be evaluated at all times", - "clean_sent": [ - "", - "harm", - "", - "standard", - "principle", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "shall", - "evaluated", - "times" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "harm", - "", - "standard", - "principle", - "ddr", - "programme", - "shall", - "evaluated", - "time" - ], - "new_sentence": " harm standard principle ddr programme shall evaluated time" - }, - { - "Index": 30, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes shall be evaluated at all times. Armed forces and groups to be demobilized shall be treated equally. No false promises shall be made concerning post-demobilization support. If DDR participants are well treated during demobilization, their attitudes towards the process are more likely to be positive, and others may be encouraged to demobilize.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Armed forces and groups to be demobilized shall be treated equally", - "clean_sent": [ - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "demobilized", - "shall", - "treated", - "equally" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "demobilized", - "shall", - "treated", - "equally" - ], - "new_sentence": "armed force group demobilized shall treated equally" - }, - { - "Index": 30, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes shall be evaluated at all times. Armed forces and groups to be demobilized shall be treated equally. No false promises shall be made concerning post-demobilization support. If DDR participants are well treated during demobilization, their attitudes towards the process are more likely to be positive, and others may be encouraged to demobilize.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "No false promises shall be made concerning post-demobilization support", - "clean_sent": [ - "false", - "promises", - "shall", - "made", - "concerning", - "postdemobilization", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "false", - "promise", - "shall", - "made", - "concerning", - "postdemobilization", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "false promise shall made concerning postdemobilization support" - }, - { - "Index": 30, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes shall be evaluated at all times. Armed forces and groups to be demobilized shall be treated equally. No false promises shall be made concerning post-demobilization support. If DDR participants are well treated during demobilization, their attitudes towards the process are more likely to be positive, and others may be encouraged to demobilize.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If DDR participants are well treated during demobilization, their attitudes towards the process are more likely to be positive, and others may be encouraged to demobilize", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "participants", - "well", - "treated", - "demobilization", - "attitudes", - "towards", - "process", - "likely", - "positive", - "others", - "may", - "encouraged", - "demobilize" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "participant", - "well", - "treated", - "demobilization", - "attitude", - "towards", - "process", - "likely", - "positive", - "others", - "may", - "encouraged", - "demobilize" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr participant well treated demobilization attitude towards process likely positive others may encouraged demobilize" - }, - { - "Index": 30, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes shall be evaluated at all times. Armed forces and groups to be demobilized shall be treated equally. No false promises shall be made concerning post-demobilization support. If DDR participants are well treated during demobilization, their attitudes towards the process are more likely to be positive, and others may be encouraged to demobilize.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 31, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization shall bring together participants and community members, or participants from different sides of the conflict in the implementation of activities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization shall bring together participants and community members, or participants from different sides of the conflict in the implementation of activities", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "shall", - "bring", - "together", - "participants", - "community", - "members", - "participants", - "different", - "sides", - "conflict", - "implementation", - "activities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "shall", - "bring", - "together", - "participant", - "community", - "member", - "participant", - "different", - "side", - "conflict", - "implementation", - "activity" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization shall bring together participant community member participant different side conflict implementation activity" - }, - { - "Index": 31, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization shall bring together participants and community members, or participants from different sides of the conflict in the implementation of activities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 32, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall use the guidance and analytical tools in this module to plan and design context-specific demobilization operations, rather than relying on a standard template or formula.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.5 Context specific", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners shall use the guidance and analytical tools in this module to plan and design context-specific demobilization operations, rather than relying on a standard template or formula", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "use", - "guidance", - "analytical", - "tools", - "module", - "plan", - "design", - "contextspecific", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "rather", - "relying", - "standard", - "template", - "formula" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "use", - "guidance", - "analytical", - "tool", - "module", - "plan", - "design", - "contextspecific", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "rather", - "relying", - "standard", - "template", - "formula" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner shall use guidance analytical tool module plan design contextspecific demobilization operation rather relying standard template formula" - }, - { - "Index": 32, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall use the guidance and analytical tools in this module to plan and design context-specific demobilization operations, rather than relying on a standard template or formula.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.5 Context specific", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 33, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In mission settings with peacekeeping operations, the UN Security Council mandate forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion), which can be complemented by national budgets. In non-mission settings, demobilization and reinsertion activities will require the allocation of national budgets and\/or the mobilization of voluntary contributions, including through the establishment of financial management structures, such as a multi-donor trust fund or catalytic funds provided by the UN Peacebuilding Fund. When a DDR programme is being implemented following a peace agreement, clear and comprehensive consensus of all parties from the outset regarding the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be demobilized will greatly assist resource management. If eligibility criteria are ambiguous and the warring parties do not specify the number of eligible combatants in advance, more participants may be accepted than there is funding available, creating challenges for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In mission settings with peacekeeping operations, the UN Security Council mandate forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion), which can be complemented by national budgets", - "clean_sent": [ - "mission", - "settings", - "peacekeeping", - "operations", - "un", - "security", - "council", - "mandate", - "forms", - "basis", - "assessed", - "funding", - "activities", - "related", - "disarmament", - "demobilization", - "including", - "reinsertion", - "complemented", - "national", - "budgets" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "mission", - "setting", - "peacekeeping", - "operation", - "un", - "security", - "council", - "mandate", - "form", - "basis", - "assessed", - "funding", - "activity", - "related", - "disarmament", - "demobilization", - "including", - "reinsertion", - "complemented", - "national", - "budget" - ], - "new_sentence": "mission setting peacekeeping operation un security council mandate form basis assessed funding activity related disarmament demobilization including reinsertion complemented national budget" - }, - { - "Index": 33, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In mission settings with peacekeeping operations, the UN Security Council mandate forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion), which can be complemented by national budgets. In non-mission settings, demobilization and reinsertion activities will require the allocation of national budgets and\/or the mobilization of voluntary contributions, including through the establishment of financial management structures, such as a multi-donor trust fund or catalytic funds provided by the UN Peacebuilding Fund. When a DDR programme is being implemented following a peace agreement, clear and comprehensive consensus of all parties from the outset regarding the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be demobilized will greatly assist resource management. If eligibility criteria are ambiguous and the warring parties do not specify the number of eligible combatants in advance, more participants may be accepted than there is funding available, creating challenges for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In non-mission settings, demobilization and reinsertion activities will require the allocation of national budgets and\/or the mobilization of voluntary contributions, including through the establishment of financial management structures, such as a multi-donor trust fund or catalytic funds provided by the UN Peacebuilding Fund", - "clean_sent": [ - "nonmission", - "settings", - "demobilization", - "reinsertion", - "activities", - "require", - "allocation", - "national", - "budgets", - "andor", - "mobilization", - "voluntary", - "contributions", - "including", - "establishment", - "financial", - "management", - "structures", - "multidonor", - "trust", - "fund", - "catalytic", - "funds", - "provided", - "un", - "peacebuilding", - "fund" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "nonmission", - "setting", - "demobilization", - "reinsertion", - "activity", - "require", - "allocation", - "national", - "budget", - "andor", - "mobilization", - "voluntary", - "contribution", - "including", - "establishment", - "financial", - "management", - "structure", - "multidonor", - "trust", - "fund", - "catalytic", - "fund", - "provided", - "un", - "peacebuilding", - "fund" - ], - "new_sentence": "nonmission setting demobilization reinsertion activity require allocation national budget andor mobilization voluntary contribution including establishment financial management structure multidonor trust fund catalytic fund provided un peacebuilding fund" - }, - { - "Index": 33, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In mission settings with peacekeeping operations, the UN Security Council mandate forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion), which can be complemented by national budgets. In non-mission settings, demobilization and reinsertion activities will require the allocation of national budgets and\/or the mobilization of voluntary contributions, including through the establishment of financial management structures, such as a multi-donor trust fund or catalytic funds provided by the UN Peacebuilding Fund. When a DDR programme is being implemented following a peace agreement, clear and comprehensive consensus of all parties from the outset regarding the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be demobilized will greatly assist resource management. If eligibility criteria are ambiguous and the warring parties do not specify the number of eligible combatants in advance, more participants may be accepted than there is funding available, creating challenges for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When a DDR programme is being implemented following a peace agreement, clear and comprehensive consensus of all parties from the outset regarding the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be demobilized will greatly assist resource management", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "programme", - "implemented", - "following", - "peace", - "agreement", - "clear", - "comprehensive", - "consensus", - "parties", - "outset", - "regarding", - "number", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "demobilized", - "greatly", - "assist", - "resource", - "management" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "programme", - "implemented", - "following", - "peace", - "agreement", - "clear", - "comprehensive", - "consensus", - "party", - "outset", - "regarding", - "number", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "demobilized", - "greatly", - "assist", - "resource", - "management" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr programme implemented following peace agreement clear comprehensive consensus party outset regarding number combatant person associated armed force group demobilized greatly assist resource management" - }, - { - "Index": 33, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In mission settings with peacekeeping operations, the UN Security Council mandate forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion), which can be complemented by national budgets. In non-mission settings, demobilization and reinsertion activities will require the allocation of national budgets and\/or the mobilization of voluntary contributions, including through the establishment of financial management structures, such as a multi-donor trust fund or catalytic funds provided by the UN Peacebuilding Fund. When a DDR programme is being implemented following a peace agreement, clear and comprehensive consensus of all parties from the outset regarding the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be demobilized will greatly assist resource management. If eligibility criteria are ambiguous and the warring parties do not specify the number of eligible combatants in advance, more participants may be accepted than there is funding available, creating challenges for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If eligibility criteria are ambiguous and the warring parties do not specify the number of eligible combatants in advance, more participants may be accepted than there is funding available, creating challenges for the DDR programme", - "clean_sent": [ - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "ambiguous", - "warring", - "parties", - "specify", - "number", - "eligible", - "combatants", - "advance", - "participants", - "may", - "accepted", - "funding", - "available", - "creating", - "challenges", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "ambiguous", - "warring", - "party", - "specify", - "number", - "eligible", - "combatant", - "advance", - "participant", - "may", - "accepted", - "funding", - "available", - "creating", - "challenge", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "eligibility criterion ambiguous warring party specify number eligible combatant advance participant may accepted funding available creating challenge ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 33, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In mission settings with peacekeeping operations, the UN Security Council mandate forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion), which can be complemented by national budgets. In non-mission settings, demobilization and reinsertion activities will require the allocation of national budgets and\/or the mobilization of voluntary contributions, including through the establishment of financial management structures, such as a multi-donor trust fund or catalytic funds provided by the UN Peacebuilding Fund. When a DDR programme is being implemented following a peace agreement, clear and comprehensive consensus of all parties from the outset regarding the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be demobilized will greatly assist resource management. If eligibility criteria are ambiguous and the warring parties do not specify the number of eligible combatants in advance, more participants may be accepted than there is funding available, creating challenges for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 34, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that there is a mechanism in place for every individual present at a demobilization site to report complaints. Early discussion of any problem will reduce the risk to internal site security. At the earliest opportunity, the manager of the demobilization site is responsible for ensuring that a discussion forum is established, which should be used regularly to ensure that information is provided to those who need it and to deal with issues raised. Furthermore, an appeal mechanism shall be provided so that individuals who feel they have been unfairly left out of the demobilization operation can seek recourse, including a specific mechanism for women, who are often intentionally excluded.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.2 Accountability and transparency", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that there is a mechanism in place for every individual present at a demobilization site to report complaints", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "ensure", - "mechanism", - "place", - "every", - "individual", - "present", - "demobilization", - "site", - "report", - "complaints" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "ensure", - "mechanism", - "place", - "every", - "individual", - "present", - "demobilization", - "site", - "report", - "complaint" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner shall ensure mechanism place every individual present demobilization site report complaint" - }, - { - "Index": 34, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that there is a mechanism in place for every individual present at a demobilization site to report complaints. Early discussion of any problem will reduce the risk to internal site security. At the earliest opportunity, the manager of the demobilization site is responsible for ensuring that a discussion forum is established, which should be used regularly to ensure that information is provided to those who need it and to deal with issues raised. Furthermore, an appeal mechanism shall be provided so that individuals who feel they have been unfairly left out of the demobilization operation can seek recourse, including a specific mechanism for women, who are often intentionally excluded.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.2 Accountability and transparency", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Early discussion of any problem will reduce the risk to internal site security", - "clean_sent": [ - "early", - "discussion", - "problem", - "reduce", - "risk", - "internal", - "site", - "security" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "early", - "discussion", - "problem", - "reduce", - "risk", - "internal", - "site", - "security" - ], - "new_sentence": "early discussion problem reduce risk internal site security" - }, - { - "Index": 34, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that there is a mechanism in place for every individual present at a demobilization site to report complaints. Early discussion of any problem will reduce the risk to internal site security. At the earliest opportunity, the manager of the demobilization site is responsible for ensuring that a discussion forum is established, which should be used regularly to ensure that information is provided to those who need it and to deal with issues raised. Furthermore, an appeal mechanism shall be provided so that individuals who feel they have been unfairly left out of the demobilization operation can seek recourse, including a specific mechanism for women, who are often intentionally excluded.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.2 Accountability and transparency", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "At the earliest opportunity, the manager of the demobilization site is responsible for ensuring that a discussion forum is established, which should be used regularly to ensure that information is provided to those who need it and to deal with issues raised", - "clean_sent": [ - "earliest", - "opportunity", - "manager", - "demobilization", - "site", - "responsible", - "ensuring", - "discussion", - "forum", - "established", - "used", - "regularly", - "ensure", - "information", - "provided", - "need", - "deal", - "issues", - "raised" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "earliest", - "opportunity", - "manager", - "demobilization", - "site", - "responsible", - "ensuring", - "discussion", - "forum", - "established", - "used", - "regularly", - "ensure", - "information", - "provided", - "need", - "deal", - "issue", - "raised" - ], - "new_sentence": "earliest opportunity manager demobilization site responsible ensuring discussion forum established used regularly ensure information provided need deal issue raised" - }, - { - "Index": 34, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that there is a mechanism in place for every individual present at a demobilization site to report complaints. Early discussion of any problem will reduce the risk to internal site security. At the earliest opportunity, the manager of the demobilization site is responsible for ensuring that a discussion forum is established, which should be used regularly to ensure that information is provided to those who need it and to deal with issues raised. Furthermore, an appeal mechanism shall be provided so that individuals who feel they have been unfairly left out of the demobilization operation can seek recourse, including a specific mechanism for women, who are often intentionally excluded.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.2 Accountability and transparency", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Furthermore, an appeal mechanism shall be provided so that individuals who feel they have been unfairly left out of the demobilization operation can seek recourse, including a specific mechanism for women, who are often intentionally excluded", - "clean_sent": [ - "furthermore", - "appeal", - "mechanism", - "shall", - "provided", - "individuals", - "feel", - "unfairly", - "left", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "seek", - "recourse", - "including", - "specific", - "mechanism", - "women", - "often", - "intentionally", - "excluded" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "furthermore", - "appeal", - "mechanism", - "shall", - "provided", - "individual", - "feel", - "unfairly", - "left", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "seek", - "recourse", - "including", - "specific", - "mechanism", - "woman", - "often", - "intentionally", - "excluded" - ], - "new_sentence": "furthermore appeal mechanism shall provided individual feel unfairly left demobilization operation seek recourse including specific mechanism woman often intentionally excluded" - }, - { - "Index": 34, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that there is a mechanism in place for every individual present at a demobilization site to report complaints. Early discussion of any problem will reduce the risk to internal site security. At the earliest opportunity, the manager of the demobilization site is responsible for ensuring that a discussion forum is established, which should be used regularly to ensure that information is provided to those who need it and to deal with issues raised. Furthermore, an appeal mechanism shall be provided so that individuals who feel they have been unfairly left out of the demobilization operation can seek recourse, including a specific mechanism for women, who are often intentionally excluded.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.2 Accountability and transparency", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 35, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks. National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation. In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all. DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "programmes", - "shall", - "led", - "national", - "governments", - "relevant", - "ddr", - "institutions", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "programme", - "shall", - "led", - "national", - "government", - "relevant", - "ddr", - "institution", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr programme shall led national government relevant ddr institution see iddrs 3" - }, - { - "Index": 35, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks. National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation. In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all. DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "30 on National Institutions for DDR)", - "clean_sent": [ - "30", - "national", - "institutions", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "30", - "national", - "institution", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "30 national institution ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 35, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks. National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation. In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all. DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks", - "clean_sent": [ - "shall", - "guided", - "peace", - "agreements", - "clear", - "policy", - "legal", - "frameworks" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "shall", - "guided", - "peace", - "agreement", - "clear", - "policy", - "legal", - "framework" - ], - "new_sentence": "shall guided peace agreement clear policy legal framework" - }, - { - "Index": 35, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks. National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation. In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all. DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation", - "clean_sent": [ - "national", - "authorities", - "lead", - "process", - "developing", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "involved", - "every", - "step", - "demobilization", - "operation" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "national", - "authority", - "lead", - "process", - "developing", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "involved", - "every", - "step", - "demobilization", - "operation" - ], - "new_sentence": "national authority lead process developing eligibility criterion involved every step demobilization operation" - }, - { - "Index": 35, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks. National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation. In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all. DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all", - "clean_sent": [ - "contexts", - "national", - "authorities", - "involve", - "representatives", - "signatory", - "armed", - "groups", - "ensure", - "demobilization", - "transparent" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "context", - "national", - "authority", - "involve", - "representative", - "signatory", - "armed", - "group", - "ensure", - "demobilization", - "transparent" - ], - "new_sentence": "context national authority involve representative signatory armed group ensure demobilization transparent" - }, - { - "Index": 35, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks. National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation. In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all. DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "advise", - "support", - "national", - "authorities", - "accordance", - "iddrs", - "guidance", - "ensuring", - "genderresponsive", - "inclusive", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "established" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "advise", - "support", - "national", - "authority", - "accordance", - "iddrs", - "guidance", - "ensuring", - "genderresponsive", - "inclusive", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "established" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner shall advise support national authority accordance iddrs guidance ensuring genderresponsive inclusive eligibility criterion established" - }, - { - "Index": 35, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks. National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation. In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all. DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 36, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The demobilization and repatriation of foreign former combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will require a specific strategy (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements). Where appropriate, DDR practitioners shall engage regional stakeholders, including neighbouring countries, to foster a conducive environment.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.8 Regionally supported", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The demobilization and repatriation of foreign former combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will require a specific strategy (see IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "repatriation", - "foreign", - "former", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "require", - "specific", - "strategy", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "repatriation", - "foreign", - "former", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "require", - "specific", - "strategy", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization repatriation foreign former combatant person associated armed force group require specific strategy see iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 36, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The demobilization and repatriation of foreign former combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will require a specific strategy (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements). Where appropriate, DDR practitioners shall engage regional stakeholders, including neighbouring countries, to foster a conducive environment.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.8 Regionally supported", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "40 on Cross-Border Population Movements)", - "clean_sent": [ - "40", - "crossborder", - "population", - "movements" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "40", - "crossborder", - "population", - "movement" - ], - "new_sentence": "40 crossborder population movement" - }, - { - "Index": 36, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The demobilization and repatriation of foreign former combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will require a specific strategy (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements). Where appropriate, DDR practitioners shall engage regional stakeholders, including neighbouring countries, to foster a conducive environment.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.8 Regionally supported", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Where appropriate, DDR practitioners shall engage regional stakeholders, including neighbouring countries, to foster a conducive environment", - "clean_sent": [ - "appropriate", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "engage", - "regional", - "stakeholders", - "including", - "neighbouring", - "countries", - "foster", - "conducive", - "environment" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "appropriate", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "engage", - "regional", - "stakeholder", - "including", - "neighbouring", - "country", - "foster", - "conducive", - "environment" - ], - "new_sentence": "appropriate ddr practitioner shall engage regional stakeholder including neighbouring country foster conducive environment" - }, - { - "Index": 36, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The demobilization and repatriation of foreign former combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will require a specific strategy (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements). Where appropriate, DDR practitioners shall engage regional stakeholders, including neighbouring countries, to foster a conducive environment.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.8 Regionally supported", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 37, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration. If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what. DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities. To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "programme", - "implemented", - "demobilization", - "shall", - "linked", - "disarmament", - "reintegration" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "programme", - "implemented", - "demobilization", - "shall", - "linked", - "disarmament", - "reintegration" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr programme implemented demobilization shall linked disarmament reintegration" - }, - { - "Index": 37, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration. If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what. DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities. To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what", - "clean_sent": [ - "components", - "broader", - "ddr", - "process", - "also", - "implemented", - "time", - "ddr", - "programme", - "different", - "localities", - "across", - "country", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "programmes", - "transitional", - "weapons", - "ammunition", - "management", - "public", - "information", - "campaigns", - "make", - "clear", - "eligible" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "component", - "broader", - "ddr", - "process", - "also", - "implemented", - "time", - "ddr", - "programme", - "different", - "locality", - "across", - "country", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "programme", - "transitional", - "weapon", - "ammunition", - "management", - "public", - "information", - "campaign", - "make", - "clear", - "eligible" - ], - "new_sentence": "component broader ddr process also implemented time ddr programme different locality across country community violence reduction programme transitional weapon ammunition management public information campaign make clear eligible" - }, - { - "Index": 37, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration. If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what. DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities. To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "also", - "consider", - "whether", - "need", - "harmonize", - "benefits", - "participating", - "different", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "activities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "also", - "consider", - "whether", - "need", - "harmonize", - "benefit", - "participating", - "different", - "ddr", - "programme", - "activity" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner shall also consider whether need harmonize benefit participating different ddr programme activity" - }, - { - "Index": 37, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration. If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what. DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities. To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3", - "clean_sent": [ - "extent", - "possible", - "integrated", - "information", - "collection", - "efforts", - "covering", - "part", - "ddr", - "process", - "shall", - "pursued", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "extent", - "possible", - "integrated", - "information", - "collection", - "effort", - "covering", - "part", - "ddr", - "process", - "shall", - "pursued", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "new_sentence": "extent possible integrated information collection effort covering part ddr process shall pursued see iddrs 3" - }, - { - "Index": 37, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration. If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what. DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities. To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "11 on Integrated Assessments)", - "clean_sent": [ - "11", - "integrated", - "assessments" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "11", - "integrated", - "assessment" - ], - "new_sentence": "11 integrated assessment" - }, - { - "Index": 37, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration. If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what. DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities. To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared", - "clean_sent": [ - "minimum", - "information", - "related", - "different", - "parts", - "ddr", - "process", - "shared" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "minimum", - "information", - "related", - "different", - "part", - "ddr", - "process", - "shared" - ], - "new_sentence": "minimum information related different part ddr process shared" - }, - { - "Index": 37, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration. If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what. DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities. To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 38, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "sites", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "", - "", - "see", - "section", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "site", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "", - "", - "see", - "section", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization site semipermanent temporary see section 5" - }, - { - "Index": 38, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured", - "clean_sent": [ - "3", - "shall", - "identified", - "manner", - "safety", - "security", - "individuals", - "passing", - "ensured" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "3", - "shall", - "identified", - "manner", - "safety", - "security", - "individual", - "passing", - "ensured" - ], - "new_sentence": "3 shall identified manner safety security individual passing ensured" - }, - { - "Index": 38, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": [ - "external", - "area", - "proximity", - "security", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "shall", - "provided", - "military", - "andor", - "police", - "forces", - "national", - "andor", - "international", - "transitional", - "security", - "arrangements", - "mixed", - "brigades", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "external", - "area", - "proximity", - "security", - "demobilization", - "site", - "shall", - "provided", - "military", - "andor", - "police", - "force", - "national", - "andor", - "international", - "transitional", - "security", - "arrangement", - "mixed", - "brigade", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "external area proximity security demobilization site shall provided military andor police force national andor international transitional security arrangement mixed brigade see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 38, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities)", - "clean_sent": [ - "40", - "military", - "roles", - "responsibilities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "40", - "military", - "role", - "responsibility" - ], - "new_sentence": "40 military role responsibility" - }, - { - "Index": 38, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible", - "clean_sent": [ - "internal", - "security", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "temporary", - "semipermanent", - "provided", - "lightly", - "equipped", - "local", - "security", - "services", - "police", - "including", - "men", - "women", - "possible" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "internal", - "security", - "demobilization", - "site", - "temporary", - "semipermanent", - "provided", - "lightly", - "equipped", - "local", - "security", - "service", - "police", - "including", - "men", - "woman", - "possible" - ], - "new_sentence": "internal security demobilization site temporary semipermanent provided lightly equipped local security service police including men woman possible" - }, - { - "Index": 38, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed", - "clean_sent": [ - "plans", - "emergencies", - "evacuations", - "ddr", - "staff", - "participants", - "shall", - "developed", - "possible", - "rehearsed" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "plan", - "emergency", - "evacuation", - "ddr", - "staff", - "participant", - "shall", - "developed", - "possible", - "rehearsed" - ], - "new_sentence": "plan emergency evacuation ddr staff participant shall developed possible rehearsed" - }, - { - "Index": 38, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 39, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "sites", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "", - "", - "see", - "section", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "site", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "", - "", - "see", - "section", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization site semipermanent temporary see section 5" - }, - { - "Index": 39, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured", - "clean_sent": [ - "3", - "shall", - "identified", - "manner", - "safety", - "security", - "individuals", - "passing", - "ensured" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "3", - "shall", - "identified", - "manner", - "safety", - "security", - "individual", - "passing", - "ensured" - ], - "new_sentence": "3 shall identified manner safety security individual passing ensured" - }, - { - "Index": 39, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": [ - "external", - "area", - "proximity", - "security", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "shall", - "provided", - "military", - "andor", - "police", - "forces", - "national", - "andor", - "international", - "transitional", - "security", - "arrangements", - "mixed", - "brigades", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "external", - "area", - "proximity", - "security", - "demobilization", - "site", - "shall", - "provided", - "military", - "andor", - "police", - "force", - "national", - "andor", - "international", - "transitional", - "security", - "arrangement", - "mixed", - "brigade", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "external area proximity security demobilization site shall provided military andor police force national andor international transitional security arrangement mixed brigade see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 39, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities)", - "clean_sent": [ - "40", - "military", - "roles", - "responsibilities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "40", - "military", - "role", - "responsibility" - ], - "new_sentence": "40 military role responsibility" - }, - { - "Index": 39, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible", - "clean_sent": [ - "internal", - "security", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "temporary", - "semipermanent", - "provided", - "lightly", - "equipped", - "local", - "security", - "services", - "police", - "including", - "men", - "women", - "possible" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "internal", - "security", - "demobilization", - "site", - "temporary", - "semipermanent", - "provided", - "lightly", - "equipped", - "local", - "security", - "service", - "police", - "including", - "men", - "woman", - "possible" - ], - "new_sentence": "internal security demobilization site temporary semipermanent provided lightly equipped local security service police including men woman possible" - }, - { - "Index": 39, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed", - "clean_sent": [ - "plans", - "emergencies", - "evacuations", - "ddr", - "staff", - "participants", - "shall", - "developed", - "possible", - "rehearsed" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "plan", - "emergency", - "evacuation", - "ddr", - "staff", - "participant", - "shall", - "developed", - "possible", - "rehearsed" - ], - "new_sentence": "plan emergency evacuation ddr staff participant shall developed possible rehearsed" - }, - { - "Index": 39, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 40, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation of demobilization operations should be participatory and age and gender sensitive. In addition to assessing the short-term outputs of the DDR programme, such as the number of people demobilized, monitoring and evaluation shall also focus on qualitative indicators, such as changes in community perceptions and in the behaviour of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. The planning for demobilization, disarmament and reintegration must be coherent. Before demobilization operations commence, DDR practitioners shall also ensure that resources are available for the programme as a whole.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation of demobilization operations should be participatory and age and gender sensitive", - "clean_sent": [ - "planning", - "assessment", - "design", - "monitoring", - "evaluation", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "participatory", - "age", - "gender", - "sensitive" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "planning", - "assessment", - "design", - "monitoring", - "evaluation", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "participatory", - "age", - "gender", - "sensitive" - ], - "new_sentence": "planning assessment design monitoring evaluation demobilization operation participatory age gender sensitive" - }, - { - "Index": 40, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation of demobilization operations should be participatory and age and gender sensitive. In addition to assessing the short-term outputs of the DDR programme, such as the number of people demobilized, monitoring and evaluation shall also focus on qualitative indicators, such as changes in community perceptions and in the behaviour of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. The planning for demobilization, disarmament and reintegration must be coherent. Before demobilization operations commence, DDR practitioners shall also ensure that resources are available for the programme as a whole.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In addition to assessing the short-term outputs of the DDR programme, such as the number of people demobilized, monitoring and evaluation shall also focus on qualitative indicators, such as changes in community perceptions and in the behaviour of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups", - "clean_sent": [ - "addition", - "assessing", - "shortterm", - "outputs", - "ddr", - "programme", - "number", - "people", - "demobilized", - "monitoring", - "evaluation", - "shall", - "also", - "focus", - "qualitative", - "indicators", - "changes", - "community", - "perceptions", - "behaviour", - "excombatants", - "persons", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "addition", - "assessing", - "shortterm", - "output", - "ddr", - "programme", - "number", - "people", - "demobilized", - "monitoring", - "evaluation", - "shall", - "also", - "focus", - "qualitative", - "indicator", - "change", - "community", - "perception", - "behaviour", - "excombatants", - "person", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "addition assessing shortterm output ddr programme number people demobilized monitoring evaluation shall also focus qualitative indicator change community perception behaviour excombatants person formerly associated armed force group" - }, - { - "Index": 40, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation of demobilization operations should be participatory and age and gender sensitive. In addition to assessing the short-term outputs of the DDR programme, such as the number of people demobilized, monitoring and evaluation shall also focus on qualitative indicators, such as changes in community perceptions and in the behaviour of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. The planning for demobilization, disarmament and reintegration must be coherent. Before demobilization operations commence, DDR practitioners shall also ensure that resources are available for the programme as a whole.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The planning for demobilization, disarmament and reintegration must be coherent", - "clean_sent": [ - "planning", - "demobilization", - "disarmament", - "reintegration", - "must", - "coherent" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "planning", - "demobilization", - "disarmament", - "reintegration", - "must", - "coherent" - ], - "new_sentence": "planning demobilization disarmament reintegration must coherent" - }, - { - "Index": 40, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation of demobilization operations should be participatory and age and gender sensitive. In addition to assessing the short-term outputs of the DDR programme, such as the number of people demobilized, monitoring and evaluation shall also focus on qualitative indicators, such as changes in community perceptions and in the behaviour of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. The planning for demobilization, disarmament and reintegration must be coherent. Before demobilization operations commence, DDR practitioners shall also ensure that resources are available for the programme as a whole.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Before demobilization operations commence, DDR practitioners shall also ensure that resources are available for the programme as a whole", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "operations", - "commence", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "also", - "ensure", - "resources", - "available", - "programme", - "whole" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "operation", - "commence", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "also", - "ensure", - "resource", - "available", - "programme", - "whole" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization operation commence ddr practitioner shall also ensure resource available programme whole" - }, - { - "Index": 40, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation of demobilization operations should be participatory and age and gender sensitive. In addition to assessing the short-term outputs of the DDR programme, such as the number of people demobilized, monitoring and evaluation shall also focus on qualitative indicators, such as changes in community perceptions and in the behaviour of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. The planning for demobilization, disarmament and reintegration must be coherent. Before demobilization operations commence, DDR practitioners shall also ensure that resources are available for the programme as a whole.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 41, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Public information and awareness campaigns shall be designed prior to demobilization in order to manage the expectations of ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, receiving communities and other stakeholders. Military commanders or spoilers may not always pass on accurate information about demobilization to their subordinates. Carefully designed public information campaigns and face-to-face visits by DDR practitioners can help to combat disinformation and reduce the risk that DDR participants will resort to violence if their expectations are not met (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.11 Public information and community sensitization", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Public information and awareness campaigns shall be designed prior to demobilization in order to manage the expectations of ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, receiving communities and other stakeholders", - "clean_sent": [ - "public", - "information", - "awareness", - "campaigns", - "shall", - "designed", - "prior", - "demobilization", - "order", - "manage", - "expectations", - "excombatants", - "persons", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "receiving", - "communities", - "stakeholders" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "public", - "information", - "awareness", - "campaign", - "shall", - "designed", - "prior", - "demobilization", - "order", - "manage", - "expectation", - "excombatants", - "person", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "receiving", - "community", - "stakeholder" - ], - "new_sentence": "public information awareness campaign shall designed prior demobilization order manage expectation excombatants person formerly associated armed force group receiving community stakeholder" - }, - { - "Index": 41, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Public information and awareness campaigns shall be designed prior to demobilization in order to manage the expectations of ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, receiving communities and other stakeholders. Military commanders or spoilers may not always pass on accurate information about demobilization to their subordinates. Carefully designed public information campaigns and face-to-face visits by DDR practitioners can help to combat disinformation and reduce the risk that DDR participants will resort to violence if their expectations are not met (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.11 Public information and community sensitization", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Military commanders or spoilers may not always pass on accurate information about demobilization to their subordinates", - "clean_sent": [ - "military", - "commanders", - "spoilers", - "may", - "always", - "pass", - "accurate", - "information", - "demobilization", - "subordinates" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "military", - "commander", - "spoiler", - "may", - "always", - "pas", - "accurate", - "information", - "demobilization", - "subordinate" - ], - "new_sentence": "military commander spoiler may always pas accurate information demobilization subordinate" - }, - { - "Index": 41, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Public information and awareness campaigns shall be designed prior to demobilization in order to manage the expectations of ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, receiving communities and other stakeholders. Military commanders or spoilers may not always pass on accurate information about demobilization to their subordinates. Carefully designed public information campaigns and face-to-face visits by DDR practitioners can help to combat disinformation and reduce the risk that DDR participants will resort to violence if their expectations are not met (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.11 Public information and community sensitization", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Carefully designed public information campaigns and face-to-face visits by DDR practitioners can help to combat disinformation and reduce the risk that DDR participants will resort to violence if their expectations are not met (see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": [ - "carefully", - "designed", - "public", - "information", - "campaigns", - "facetoface", - "visits", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "help", - "combat", - "disinformation", - "reduce", - "risk", - "ddr", - "participants", - "resort", - "violence", - "expectations", - "met", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "carefully", - "designed", - "public", - "information", - "campaign", - "facetoface", - "visit", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "help", - "combat", - "disinformation", - "reduce", - "risk", - "ddr", - "participant", - "resort", - "violence", - "expectation", - "met", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "carefully designed public information campaign facetoface visit ddr practitioner help combat disinformation reduce risk ddr participant resort violence expectation met see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 41, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Public information and awareness campaigns shall be designed prior to demobilization in order to manage the expectations of ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, receiving communities and other stakeholders. Military commanders or spoilers may not always pass on accurate information about demobilization to their subordinates. Carefully designed public information campaigns and face-to-face visits by DDR practitioners can help to combat disinformation and reduce the risk that DDR participants will resort to violence if their expectations are not met (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.11 Public information and community sensitization", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication)", - "clean_sent": [ - "60", - "public", - "information", - "strategic", - "communication" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "60", - "public", - "information", - "strategic", - "communication" - ], - "new_sentence": "60 public information strategic communication" - }, - { - "Index": 41, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Public information and awareness campaigns shall be designed prior to demobilization in order to manage the expectations of ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, receiving communities and other stakeholders. Military commanders or spoilers may not always pass on accurate information about demobilization to their subordinates. Carefully designed public information campaigns and face-to-face visits by DDR practitioners can help to combat disinformation and reduce the risk that DDR participants will resort to violence if their expectations are not met (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.11 Public information and community sensitization", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 42, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "To effectively demobilize members of armed forces and groups, meticulous planning is required. At a minimum, planning for demobilization operations should include information collection; agreement with national authorities on eligibility criteria; decisions on the type, number and location of demobilization sites; decisions on the type of transfer modality for reinsertion assistance; a risk and security assessment; the development of standard operating procedures; and the creation of a demobilization team. All demobilization operations shall be based on gender- and age-responsive analysis and shall be developed in close cooperation with the national authorities or institutions responsible for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "To effectively demobilize members of armed forces and groups, meticulous planning is required", - "clean_sent": [ - "effectively", - "demobilize", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "meticulous", - "planning", - "required" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "effectively", - "demobilize", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "meticulous", - "planning", - "required" - ], - "new_sentence": "effectively demobilize member armed force group meticulous planning required" - }, - { - "Index": 42, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "To effectively demobilize members of armed forces and groups, meticulous planning is required. At a minimum, planning for demobilization operations should include information collection; agreement with national authorities on eligibility criteria; decisions on the type, number and location of demobilization sites; decisions on the type of transfer modality for reinsertion assistance; a risk and security assessment; the development of standard operating procedures; and the creation of a demobilization team. All demobilization operations shall be based on gender- and age-responsive analysis and shall be developed in close cooperation with the national authorities or institutions responsible for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "At a minimum, planning for demobilization operations should include information collection; agreement with national authorities on eligibility criteria; decisions on the type, number and location of demobilization sites; decisions on the type of transfer modality for reinsertion assistance; a risk and security assessment; the development of standard operating procedures; and the creation of a demobilization team", - "clean_sent": [ - "minimum", - "planning", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "include", - "information", - "collection", - "agreement", - "national", - "authorities", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "decisions", - "type", - "number", - "location", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "decisions", - "type", - "transfer", - "modality", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "risk", - "security", - "assessment", - "development", - "standard", - "operating", - "procedures", - "creation", - "demobilization", - "team" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "minimum", - "planning", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "include", - "information", - "collection", - "agreement", - "national", - "authority", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "decision", - "type", - "number", - "location", - "demobilization", - "site", - "decision", - "type", - "transfer", - "modality", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "risk", - "security", - "assessment", - "development", - "standard", - "operating", - "procedure", - "creation", - "demobilization", - "team" - ], - "new_sentence": "minimum planning demobilization operation include information collection agreement national authority eligibility criterion decision type number location demobilization site decision type transfer modality reinsertion assistance risk security assessment development standard operating procedure creation demobilization team" - }, - { - "Index": 42, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "To effectively demobilize members of armed forces and groups, meticulous planning is required. At a minimum, planning for demobilization operations should include information collection; agreement with national authorities on eligibility criteria; decisions on the type, number and location of demobilization sites; decisions on the type of transfer modality for reinsertion assistance; a risk and security assessment; the development of standard operating procedures; and the creation of a demobilization team. All demobilization operations shall be based on gender- and age-responsive analysis and shall be developed in close cooperation with the national authorities or institutions responsible for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "All demobilization operations shall be based on gender- and age-responsive analysis and shall be developed in close cooperation with the national authorities or institutions responsible for the DDR programme", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "operations", - "shall", - "based", - "gender", - "ageresponsive", - "analysis", - "shall", - "developed", - "close", - "cooperation", - "national", - "authorities", - "institutions", - "responsible", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "operation", - "shall", - "based", - "gender", - "ageresponsive", - "analysis", - "shall", - "developed", - "close", - "cooperation", - "national", - "authority", - "institution", - "responsible", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization operation shall based gender ageresponsive analysis shall developed close cooperation national authority institution responsible ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 42, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "To effectively demobilize members of armed forces and groups, meticulous planning is required. At a minimum, planning for demobilization operations should include information collection; agreement with national authorities on eligibility criteria; decisions on the type, number and location of demobilization sites; decisions on the type of transfer modality for reinsertion assistance; a risk and security assessment; the development of standard operating procedures; and the creation of a demobilization team. All demobilization operations shall be based on gender- and age-responsive analysis and shall be developed in close cooperation with the national authorities or institutions responsible for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize", - "clean_sent": [ - "planning", - "demobilization", - "based", - "indepth", - "assessment", - "location", - "number", - "type", - "individuals", - "expected", - "demobilize" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "planning", - "demobilization", - "based", - "indepth", - "assessment", - "location", - "number", - "type", - "individual", - "expected", - "demobilize" - ], - "new_sentence": "planning demobilization based indepth assessment location number type individual expected demobilize" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them", - "clean_sent": [ - "include", - "number", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "also", - "number", - "dependants", - "expected", - "accompany" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "include", - "number", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "also", - "number", - "dependant", - "expected", - "accompany" - ], - "new_sentence": "include number member armed force group also number dependant expected accompany" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities", - "clean_sent": [ - "extent", - "possible", - "assessment", - "disaggregated", - "sex", - "age", - "include", - "data", - "specific", - "subgroups", - "foreign", - "combatants", - "persons", - "disabilities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "extent", - "possible", - "assessment", - "disaggregated", - "sex", - "age", - "include", - "data", - "specific", - "subgroup", - "foreign", - "combatant", - "person", - "disability" - ], - "new_sentence": "extent possible assessment disaggregated sex age include data specific subgroup foreign combatant person disability" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret", - "clean_sent": [ - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "signed", - "peace", - "agreements", - "likely", - "provide", - "reliable", - "information", - "memberships", - "location", - "bases", - "strategic", - "advantage", - "gained", - "keeping", - "information", - "secret" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "signed", - "peace", - "agreement", - "likely", - "provide", - "reliable", - "information", - "membership", - "location", - "base", - "strategic", - "advantage", - "gained", - "keeping", - "information", - "secret" - ], - "new_sentence": "armed force group signed peace agreement likely provide reliable information membership location base strategic advantage gained keeping information secret" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": [ - "disclosures", - "early", - "planning", - "stage", - "therefore", - "quite", - "unreliable", - "complemented", - "information", - "variety", - "independent", - "sources", - "see", - "box", - "1", - "collect", - "information", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "disclosure", - "early", - "planning", - "stage", - "therefore", - "quite", - "unreliable", - "complemented", - "information", - "variety", - "independent", - "source", - "see", - "box", - "1", - "collect", - "information", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "disclosure early planning stage therefore quite unreliable complemented information variety independent source see box 1 collect information iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on Disarmament)", - "clean_sent": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 disarmament" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground", - "clean_sent": [ - "assessments", - "regularly", - "updated", - "order", - "respond", - "changing", - "circumstances", - "ground" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "assessment", - "regularly", - "updated", - "order", - "respond", - "changing", - "circumstance", - "ground" - ], - "new_sentence": "assessment regularly updated order respond changing circumstance ground" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups", - "clean_sent": [ - "addition", - "assessments", - "planning", - "reinsertion", - "informed", - "analysis", - "preferences", - "needs", - "excombatants", - "persons", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "addition", - "assessment", - "planning", - "reinsertion", - "informed", - "analysis", - "preference", - "need", - "excombatants", - "person", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "addition assessment planning reinsertion informed analysis preference need excombatants person formerly associated armed force group" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood", - "clean_sent": [ - "immediate", - "needs", - "may", - "wide", - "ranging", - "include", - "food", - "clothes", - "health", - "care", - "psychosocial", - "support", - "children", - "education", - "shelter", - "agricultural", - "tools", - "materials", - "needed", - "earn", - "livelihood" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "immediate", - "need", - "may", - "wide", - "ranging", - "include", - "food", - "clothes", - "health", - "care", - "psychosocial", - "support", - "child", - "education", - "shelter", - "agricultural", - "tool", - "material", - "needed", - "earn", - "livelihood" - ], - "new_sentence": "immediate need may wide ranging include food clothes health care psychosocial support child education shelter agricultural tool material needed earn livelihood" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6", - "clean_sent": [ - "profiling", - "exercises", - "undertaken", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "see", - "section", - "6" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "profiling", - "exercise", - "undertaken", - "demobilization", - "site", - "see", - "section", - "6" - ], - "new_sentence": "profiling exercise undertaken demobilization site see section 6" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i", - "clean_sent": [ - "3", - "may", - "allow", - "tailoring", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "assistance", - "", - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "3", - "may", - "allow", - "tailoring", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "assistance", - "", - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "3 may allow tailoring reinsertion reintegration assistance " - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "e", - "clean_sent": [ - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": "e" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer", - "clean_sent": [ - "", - "matching", - "individual", - "needs", - "reinsertion", - "options", - "offer" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "matching", - "individual", - "need", - "reinsertion", - "option", - "offer" - ], - "new_sentence": " matching individual need reinsertion option offer" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes", - "clean_sent": [ - "however", - "profiling", - "undertaken", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "likely", - "occur", - "late", - "reinsertion", - "planning", - "purposes" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "however", - "profiling", - "undertaken", - "demobilization", - "site", - "likely", - "occur", - "late", - "reinsertion", - "planning", - "purpose" - ], - "new_sentence": "however profiling undertaken demobilization site likely occur late reinsertion planning purpose" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:An analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;A review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);Gender analysis;Feasibility studies; andAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners", - "clean_sent": [ - "reasons", - "following", - "assessments", - "conducted", - "early", - "possible", - "demobilization", - "gets", - "wayan", - "analysis", - "needs", - "preferences", - "excombatants", - "associated", - "persons", - "market", - "analysisa", - "review", - "local", - "economy", - "capacity", - "absorb", - "cash", - "inflation", - "cashbased", - "transfers", - "consideredgender", - "analysisfeasibility", - "studies", - "andassessments", - "capacity", - "potential", - "implementing", - "partners" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "reason", - "following", - "assessment", - "conducted", - "early", - "possible", - "demobilization", - "get", - "wayan", - "analysis", - "need", - "preference", - "excombatants", - "associated", - "person", - "market", - "analysisa", - "review", - "local", - "economy", - "capacity", - "absorb", - "cash", - "inflation", - "cashbased", - "transfer", - "consideredgender", - "analysisfeasibility", - "study", - "andassessments", - "capacity", - "potential", - "implementing", - "partner" - ], - "new_sentence": "reason following assessment conducted early possible demobilization get wayan analysis need preference excombatants associated person market analysisa review local economy capacity absorb cash inflation cashbased transfer consideredgender analysisfeasibility study andassessments capacity potential implementing partner" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital", - "clean_sent": [ - "establishing", - "rigorous", - "unambiguous", - "transparent", - "nationally", - "owned", - "criteria", - "allow", - "people", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "vital" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "establishing", - "rigorous", - "unambiguous", - "transparent", - "nationally", - "owned", - "criterion", - "allow", - "people", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programme", - "vital" - ], - "new_sentence": "establishing rigorous unambiguous transparent nationally owned criterion allow people participate ddr programme vital" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties", - "clean_sent": [ - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "must", - "carefully", - "designed", - "agreed", - "parties" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "must", - "carefully", - "designed", - "agreed", - "party" - ], - "new_sentence": "eligibility criterion must carefully designed agreed party" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context", - "clean_sent": [ - "eligibility", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "may", - "require", - "physical", - "possession", - "weapon", - "andor", - "ammunition", - "depending", - "context" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "eligibility", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "may", - "require", - "physical", - "possession", - "weapon", - "andor", - "ammunition", - "depending", - "context" - ], - "new_sentence": "eligibility ddr programme may may require physical possession weapon andor ammunition depending context" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment", - "clean_sent": [ - "determination", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "shall", - "based", - "peace", - "agreement", - "ceasefire", - "documents", - "include", - "relevant", - "provisions", - "well", - "results", - "aforementioned", - "integrated", - "assessment" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "determination", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "shall", - "based", - "peace", - "agreement", - "ceasefire", - "document", - "include", - "relevant", - "provision", - "well", - "result", - "aforementioned", - "integrated", - "assessment" - ], - "new_sentence": "determination eligibility criterion shall based peace agreement ceasefire document include relevant provision well result aforementioned integrated assessment" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender", - "clean_sent": [ - "either", - "case", - "eligibility", - "ddr", - "programme", - "must", - "gender", - "inclusive", - "shall", - "discriminate", - "basis", - "age", - "gender" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "either", - "case", - "eligibility", - "ddr", - "programme", - "must", - "gender", - "inclusive", - "shall", - "discriminate", - "basis", - "age", - "gender" - ], - "new_sentence": "either case eligibility ddr programme must gender inclusive shall discriminate basis age gender" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": [ - "preddr", - "implemented", - "prior", - "onset", - "full", - "ddr", - "programme", - "process", - "determining", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "shall", - "used", - "information", - "preddr", - "eligibility", - "related", - "weapons", - "ammunition", - "possession", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "preddr", - "implemented", - "prior", - "onset", - "full", - "ddr", - "programme", - "process", - "determining", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "shall", - "used", - "information", - "preddr", - "eligibility", - "related", - "weapon", - "ammunition", - "possession", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "preddr implemented prior onset full ddr programme process determining eligibility criterion shall used information preddr eligibility related weapon ammunition possession see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on Disarmament)", - "clean_sent": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 disarmament" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 46, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes", - "clean_sent": [ - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "may", - "participants", - "ddr", - "programmes" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "may", - "participant", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "person associated armed force group may participant ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 46, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3", - "clean_sent": [ - "individuals", - "typically", - "unarmed", - "may", - "eligible", - "disarmament", - "eligible", - "demobilization", - "reintegration", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "individual", - "typically", - "unarmed", - "may", - "eligible", - "disarmament", - "eligible", - "demobilization", - "reintegration", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "new_sentence": "individual typically unarmed may eligible disarmament eligible demobilization reintegration see iddrs 3" - }, - { - "Index": 46, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners)", - "clean_sent": [ - "21", - "participants", - "beneficiaries", - "partners" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "21", - "participant", - "beneficiary", - "partner" - ], - "new_sentence": "21 participant beneficiary partner" - }, - { - "Index": 46, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme", - "clean_sent": [ - "historically", - "shown", - "women", - "eligible", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "may", - "aware", - "eligibility", - "may", - "deliberately", - "excluded", - "commanders", - "may", - "deprived", - "weapons", - "benefit", - "men", - "seeking", - "enter", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "historically", - "shown", - "woman", - "eligible", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "aware", - "eligibility", - "may", - "deliberately", - "excluded", - "commander", - "may", - "deprived", - "weapon", - "benefit", - "men", - "seeking", - "enter", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "historically shown woman eligible participate ddr programme may aware eligibility may deliberately excluded commander may deprived weapon benefit men seeking enter ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 46, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2)", - "clean_sent": [ - "reasons", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "aware", - "different", - "categories", - "eligibility", - "ensure", - "proper", - "public", - "information", - "sensitization", - "commanders", - "potential", - "ddr", - "participants", - "beneficiaries", - "completed", - "female", - "participants", - "beneficiaries", - "see", - "figure", - "1", - "box", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "reason", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "aware", - "different", - "category", - "eligibility", - "ensure", - "proper", - "public", - "information", - "sensitization", - "commander", - "potential", - "ddr", - "participant", - "beneficiary", - "completed", - "female", - "participant", - "beneficiary", - "see", - "figure", - "1", - "box", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "reason ddr practitioner shall aware different category eligibility ensure proper public information sensitization commander potential ddr participant beneficiary completed female participant beneficiary see figure 1 box 2" - }, - { - "Index": 46, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes", - "clean_sent": [ - "figure", - "1", - "could", - "also", - "apply", - "men", - "designed", - "specifically", - "minimize", - "potential", - "women", - "excluded", - "ddr", - "programmes" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "figure", - "1", - "could", - "also", - "apply", - "men", - "designed", - "specifically", - "minimize", - "potential", - "woman", - "excluded", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "figure 1 could also apply men designed specifically minimize potential woman excluded ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 46, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms", - "clean_sent": [ - "female", - "combatants", - "women", - "girls", - "participated", - "armed", - "conflicts", - "active", - "combatants", - "using", - "arms" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "female", - "combatant", - "woman", - "girl", - "participated", - "armed", - "conflict", - "active", - "combatant", - "using", - "arm" - ], - "new_sentence": "female combatant woman girl participated armed conflict active combatant using arm" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Female supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily", - "clean_sent": [ - "female", - "supportersfemales", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "women", - "girls", - "participated", - "armed", - "conflicts", - "support", - "roles", - "whether", - "force", - "voluntarily" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "female", - "supportersfemales", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "woman", - "girl", - "participated", - "armed", - "conflict", - "support", - "role", - "whether", - "force", - "voluntarily" - ], - "new_sentence": "female supportersfemales associated armed force group woman girl participated armed conflict support role whether force voluntarily" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves)", - "clean_sent": [ - "rather", - "members", - "civilian", - "community", - "economically", - "socially", - "dependent", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "income", - "social", - "support", - "examples", - "porters", - "cooks", - "nurses", - "spies", - "administrators", - "translators", - "radio", - "operators", - "medical", - "assistants", - "public", - "information", - "officers", - "camp", - "leaders", - "sex", - "workersslaves" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "rather", - "member", - "civilian", - "community", - "economically", - "socially", - "dependent", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "income", - "social", - "support", - "example", - "porter", - "cook", - "nurse", - "spy", - "administrator", - "translator", - "radio", - "operator", - "medical", - "assistant", - "public", - "information", - "officer", - "camp", - "leader", - "sex", - "workersslaves" - ], - "new_sentence": "rather member civilian community economically socially dependent armed force group income social support example porter cook nurse spy administrator translator radio operator medical assistant public information officer camp leader sex workersslaves" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Female dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households", - "clean_sent": [ - "female", - "dependants", - "women", - "girls", - "part", - "excombatants", - "", - "households" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "female", - "dependant", - "woman", - "girl", - "part", - "excombatants", - "", - "household" - ], - "new_sentence": "female dependant woman girl part excombatants household" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family)", - "clean_sent": [ - "mainly", - "socially", - "financially", - "dependent", - "excombatants", - "although", - "may", - "also", - "kept", - "community", - "ties", - "examples", - "wiveswar", - "wives", - "children", - "mothersparents", - "female", - "siblings", - "female", - "members", - "extended", - "family" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "mainly", - "socially", - "financially", - "dependent", - "excombatants", - "although", - "may", - "also", - "kept", - "community", - "tie", - "example", - "wiveswar", - "wife", - "child", - "mothersparents", - "female", - "sibling", - "female", - "member", - "extended", - "family" - ], - "new_sentence": "mainly socially financially dependent excombatants although may also kept community tie example wiveswar wife child mothersparents female sibling female member extended family" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "There are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2", - "clean_sent": [ - "different", - "requirements", - "armed", - "groups", - "designated", - "terrorist", - "organizations", - "including", - "women", - "girls", - "traveled", - "conflict", - "zone", - "join", - "designated", - "terrorist", - "organization", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "different", - "requirement", - "armed", - "group", - "designated", - "terrorist", - "organization", - "including", - "woman", - "girl", - "traveled", - "conflict", - "zone", - "join", - "designated", - "terrorist", - "organization", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "different requirement armed group designated terrorist organization including woman girl traveled conflict zone join designated terrorist organization see iddrs 2" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR)", - "clean_sent": [ - "11", - "legal", - "framework", - "un", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "11", - "legal", - "framework", - "un", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "11 legal framework un ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes", - "clean_sent": [ - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "must", - "designed", - "prevent", - "individuals", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "gaining", - "access", - "ddr", - "programmes" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "must", - "designed", - "prevent", - "individual", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "gaining", - "access", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "eligibility criterion must designed prevent individual member armed force group gaining access ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals", - "clean_sent": [ - "prospect", - "ddr", - "programme", - "associated", - "benefits", - "present", - "enticement", - "many", - "individuals" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "prospect", - "ddr", - "programme", - "associated", - "benefit", - "present", - "enticement", - "many", - "individual" - ], - "new_sentence": "prospect ddr programme associated benefit present enticement many individual" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall", - "clean_sent": [ - "furthermore", - "armed", - "groups", - "inflate", - "membership", - "numbers", - "increase", - "political", - "weight", - "could", - "try", - "rapidly", - "recruit", - "civilians", - "meet", - "shortfall" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "furthermore", - "armed", - "group", - "inflate", - "membership", - "number", - "increase", - "political", - "weight", - "could", - "try", - "rapidly", - "recruit", - "civilian", - "meet", - "shortfall" - ], - "new_sentence": "furthermore armed group inflate membership number increase political weight could try rapidly recruit civilian meet shortfall" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The screening process (see section 6", - "clean_sent": [ - "screening", - "process", - "see", - "section", - "6" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "screening", - "process", - "see", - "section", - "6" - ], - "new_sentence": "screening process see section 6" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme", - "clean_sent": [ - "1", - "used", - "confirm", - "whether", - "individuals", - "meet", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "entering", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "1", - "used", - "confirm", - "whether", - "individual", - "meet", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "entering", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "1 used confirm whether individual meet eligibility criterion entering ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": [ - "close", - "cooperation", - "leadership", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "civil", - "society", - "including", - "women", - "groups", - "local", - "police", - "national", - "ddrrelated", - "bodies", - "wellconducted", - "public", - "information", - "sensitization", - "campaign", - "essential", - "tools", - "ensure", - "eligible", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programme", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "close", - "cooperation", - "leadership", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "civil", - "society", - "including", - "woman", - "group", - "local", - "police", - "national", - "ddrrelated", - "body", - "wellconducted", - "public", - "information", - "sensitization", - "campaign", - "essential", - "tool", - "ensure", - "eligible", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programme", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "close cooperation leadership armed force group civil society including woman group local police national ddrrelated body wellconducted public information sensitization campaign essential tool ensure eligible participate ddr programme see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR)", - "clean_sent": [ - "60", - "public", - "information", - "strategic", - "communication", - "support", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "60", - "public", - "information", - "strategic", - "communication", - "support", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "60 public information strategic communication support ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 49, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites. Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp). Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate. The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "activities", - "carried", - "designated", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "activity", - "carried", - "designated", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization activity carried designated site" - }, - { - "Index": 49, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites. Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp). Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate. The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups", - "clean_sent": [ - "static", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "typically", - "used", - "demobilization", - "large", - "numbers", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "static", - "demobilization", - "site", - "typically", - "used", - "demobilization", - "large", - "number", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "static demobilization site typically used demobilization large number combatant person associated armed force group" - }, - { - "Index": 49, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites. Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp). Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate. The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp)", - "clean_sent": [ - "semipermanent", - "constructed", - "specifically", - "purpose", - "cantonment", - "camps", - "see", - "annex", - "b", - "generic", - "layout", - "cantonment", - "camp" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "semipermanent", - "constructed", - "specifically", - "purpose", - "cantonment", - "camp", - "see", - "annex", - "b", - "generic", - "layout", - "cantonment", - "camp" - ], - "new_sentence": "semipermanent constructed specifically purpose cantonment camp see annex b generic layout cantonment camp" - }, - { - "Index": 49, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites. Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp). Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate. The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate", - "clean_sent": [ - "although", - "cantonment", - "long", - "considered", - "standard", - "practice", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "temporary", - "sites", - "may", - "also", - "appropriate" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "although", - "cantonment", - "long", - "considered", - "standard", - "practice", - "ddr", - "programme", - "temporary", - "site", - "may", - "also", - "appropriate" - ], - "new_sentence": "although cantonment long considered standard practice ddr programme temporary site may also appropriate" - }, - { - "Index": 49, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites. Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp). Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate. The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow", - "clean_sent": [ - "decision", - "concerning", - "type", - "demobilization", - "site", - "use", - "guided", - "specific", - "country", - "context", - "security", - "situation", - "advantages", - "disadvantages", - "associated", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "sites", - "outlined", - "sections", - "follow" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "decision", - "concerning", - "type", - "demobilization", - "site", - "use", - "guided", - "specific", - "country", - "context", - "security", - "situation", - "advantage", - "disadvantage", - "associated", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "site", - "outlined", - "section", - "follow" - ], - "new_sentence": "decision concerning type demobilization site use guided specific country context security situation advantage disadvantage associated semipermanent temporary site outlined section follow" - }, - { - "Index": 49, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites. Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp). Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate. The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 50, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites can provide an important means for armed forces and groups to show their commitment to the peace process, although they are often costly to construct and maintain and are ill-suited for armed groups based in communities. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of semi-permanent demobilization sites, see table 1.\nWhere assessments recommend the use of cantonment sites, DDR practitioners and planning teams should take all possible measures to minimize the negative aspects of this approach.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.1 Semi-permanent demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites can provide an important means for armed forces and groups to show their commitment to the peace process, although they are often costly to construct and maintain and are ill-suited for armed groups based in communities", - "clean_sent": [ - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "provide", - "important", - "means", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "show", - "commitment", - "peace", - "process", - "although", - "often", - "costly", - "construct", - "maintain", - "illsuited", - "armed", - "groups", - "based", - "communities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "site", - "provide", - "important", - "mean", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "show", - "commitment", - "peace", - "process", - "although", - "often", - "costly", - "construct", - "maintain", - "illsuited", - "armed", - "group", - "based", - "community" - ], - "new_sentence": "semipermanent demobilization site provide important mean armed force group show commitment peace process although often costly construct maintain illsuited armed group based community" - }, - { - "Index": 50, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites can provide an important means for armed forces and groups to show their commitment to the peace process, although they are often costly to construct and maintain and are ill-suited for armed groups based in communities. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of semi-permanent demobilization sites, see table 1.\nWhere assessments recommend the use of cantonment sites, DDR practitioners and planning teams should take all possible measures to minimize the negative aspects of this approach.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.1 Semi-permanent demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of semi-permanent demobilization sites, see table 1", - "clean_sent": [ - "full", - "list", - "advantages", - "disadvantages", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "see", - "table", - "1" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "full", - "list", - "advantage", - "disadvantage", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "site", - "see", - "table", - "1" - ], - "new_sentence": "full list advantage disadvantage semipermanent demobilization site see table 1" - }, - { - "Index": 50, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites can provide an important means for armed forces and groups to show their commitment to the peace process, although they are often costly to construct and maintain and are ill-suited for armed groups based in communities. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of semi-permanent demobilization sites, see table 1.\nWhere assessments recommend the use of cantonment sites, DDR practitioners and planning teams should take all possible measures to minimize the negative aspects of this approach.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.1 Semi-permanent demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Where assessments recommend the use of cantonment sites, DDR practitioners and planning teams should take all possible measures to minimize the negative aspects of this approach", - "clean_sent": [ - "assessments", - "recommend", - "use", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "planning", - "teams", - "take", - "possible", - "measures", - "minimize", - "negative", - "aspects", - "approach" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "assessment", - "recommend", - "use", - "cantonment", - "site", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "planning", - "team", - "take", - "possible", - "measure", - "minimize", - "negative", - "aspect", - "approach" - ], - "new_sentence": "assessment recommend use cantonment site ddr practitioner planning team take possible measure minimize negative aspect approach" - }, - { - "Index": 50, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites can provide an important means for armed forces and groups to show their commitment to the peace process, although they are often costly to construct and maintain and are ill-suited for armed groups based in communities. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of semi-permanent demobilization sites, see table 1.\nWhere assessments recommend the use of cantonment sites, DDR practitioners and planning teams should take all possible measures to minimize the negative aspects of this approach.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.1 Semi-permanent demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "make", - "use", - "existing", - "facilities", - "may", - "used", - "alternative", - "construction", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "site", - "make", - "use", - "existing", - "facility", - "may", - "used", - "alternative", - "construction", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "temporary demobilization site make use existing facility may used alternative construction semipermanent demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period", - "clean_sent": [ - "approach", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "told", - "meet", - "specific", - "location", - "demobilization", - "within", - "specific", - "time", - "period" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "approach", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "told", - "meet", - "specific", - "location", - "demobilization", - "within", - "specific", - "time", - "period" - ], - "new_sentence": "approach combatant person associated armed force group told meet specific location demobilization within specific time period" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible", - "clean_sent": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "may", - "particularly", - "useful", - "target", - "group", - "small", - "individuals", - "likely", - "report", - "demobilization", - "small", - "groups", - "target", - "group", - "scattered", - "multiple", - "known", - "locations", - "logistically", - "accessible" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "site", - "may", - "particularly", - "useful", - "target", - "group", - "small", - "individual", - "likely", - "report", - "demobilization", - "small", - "group", - "target", - "group", - "scattered", - "multiple", - "known", - "location", - "logistically", - "accessible" - ], - "new_sentence": "temporary demobilization site may particularly useful target group small individual likely report demobilization small group target group scattered multiple known location logistically accessible" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures", - "clean_sent": [ - "kind", - "site", - "allows", - "demobilization", - "teams", - "carry", - "activities", - "locations", - "without", - "need", - "build", - "permanent", - "structures" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "kind", - "site", - "allows", - "demobilization", - "team", - "carry", - "activity", - "location", - "without", - "need", - "build", - "permanent", - "structure" - ], - "new_sentence": "kind site allows demobilization team carry activity location without need build permanent structure" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate", - "clean_sent": [ - "approach", - "may", - "also", - "appropriate", - "semipermanent", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "target", - "group", - "already", - "based", - "community", - "members", - "reintegrate" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "approach", - "may", - "also", - "appropriate", - "semipermanent", - "cantonment", - "site", - "target", - "group", - "already", - "based", - "community", - "member", - "reintegrate" - ], - "new_sentence": "approach may also appropriate semipermanent cantonment site target group already based community member reintegrate" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again", - "clean_sent": [ - "combatants", - "already", - "communities", - "possible", - "remain", - "rather", - "transported", - "demobilization", - "centre", - "back" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "combatant", - "already", - "community", - "possible", - "remain", - "rather", - "transported", - "demobilization", - "centre", - "back" - ], - "new_sentence": "combatant already community possible remain rather transported demobilization centre back" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2", - "clean_sent": [ - "full", - "list", - "advantages", - "disadvantages", - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "see", - "table", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "full", - "list", - "advantage", - "disadvantage", - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "site", - "see", - "table", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "full list advantage disadvantage temporary demobilization site see table 2" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:Do the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": [ - "choosing", - "type", - "demobilization", - "site", - "appropriate", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "considerdo", - "peace", - "agreement", - "andor", - "national", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document", - "contain", - "references", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "choosing", - "type", - "demobilization", - "site", - "appropriate", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "considerdo", - "peace", - "agreement", - "andor", - "national", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document", - "contain", - "reference", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "choosing type demobilization site appropriate ddr practitioner shall considerdo peace agreement andor national ddr policy document contain reference demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Are both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate", - "clean_sent": [ - "male", - "female", - "combatants", - "already", - "communities", - "reintegrate" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "male", - "female", - "combatant", - "already", - "community", - "reintegrate" - ], - "new_sentence": "male female combatant already community reintegrate" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "process", - "consist", - "formed", - "military", - "units", - "reporting", - "commanders", - "individual", - "combatants", - "leaving", - "active", - "armed", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "process", - "consist", - "formed", - "military", - "unit", - "reporting", - "commander", - "individual", - "combatant", - "leaving", - "active", - "armed", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization process consist formed military unit reporting commander individual combatant leaving active armed group" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "What approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site", - "clean_sent": [ - "approach", - "taken", - "components", - "ddr", - "process", - "", - "", - "example", - "disarmament", - "undertaken", - "mobile", - "static", - "site" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "approach", - "taken", - "component", - "ddr", - "process", - "", - "", - "example", - "disarmament", - "undertaken", - "mobile", - "static", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "approach taken component ddr process example disarmament undertaken mobile static site" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "(See IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": [ - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "10 on Disarmament", - "clean_sent": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 disarmament" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Will cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process", - "clean_sent": [ - "cantonment", - "play", - "important", - "confidencebuilding", - "role", - "peace", - "process" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "cantonment", - "play", - "important", - "confidencebuilding", - "role", - "peace", - "process" - ], - "new_sentence": "cantonment play important confidencebuilding role peace process" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "What does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize", - "clean_sent": [ - "context", - "tell", - "potential", - "security", - "threat", - "demobilize" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "context", - "tell", - "potential", - "security", - "threat", - "demobilize" - ], - "new_sentence": "context tell potential security threat demobilize" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize", - "clean_sent": [ - "active", - "armed", - "groups", - "likely", - "retaliate", - "former", - "members", - "opt", - "demobilize" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "active", - "armed", - "group", - "likely", - "retaliate", - "former", - "member", - "opt", - "demobilize" - ], - "new_sentence": "active armed group likely retaliate former member opt demobilize" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Can reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site", - "clean_sent": [ - "reception", - "disarmament", - "demobilization", - "take", - "place", - "site" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "reception", - "disarmament", - "demobilization", - "take", - "place", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "reception disarmament demobilization take place site" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Can existing sites be used", - "clean_sent": [ - "existing", - "sites", - "used" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "existing", - "site", - "used" - ], - "new_sentence": "existing site used" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Do they require refurbishment", - "clean_sent": [ - "require", - "refurbishment" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "require", - "refurbishment" - ], - "new_sentence": "require refurbishment" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Will there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": [ - "enough", - "resources", - "build", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "enough", - "resource", - "build", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "enough resource build semipermanent demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "How long will the construction process take", - "clean_sent": [ - "long", - "construction", - "process", - "take" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "long", - "construction", - "process", - "take" - ], - "new_sentence": "long construction process take" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "What are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups", - "clean_sent": [ - "potential", - "risks", - "cantoning", - "one", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "potential", - "risk", - "cantoning", - "one", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "potential risk cantoning one group" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Semi-permanent demobilization sitesIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed", - "clean_sent": [ - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sitesif", - "ddr", - "programme", - "negotiated", - "within", - "framework", - "peace", - "agreement", - "location", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "may", - "already", - "agreed" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sitesif", - "ddr", - "programme", - "negotiated", - "within", - "framework", - "peace", - "agreement", - "location", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "site", - "may", - "already", - "agreed" - ], - "new_sentence": "semipermanent demobilization sitesif ddr programme negotiated within framework peace agreement location semipermanent demobilization site may already agreed" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations", - "clean_sent": [ - "agreement", - "een", - "reached", - "parties", - "conflict", - "involved", - "selecting", - "locations" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "agreement", - "een", - "reached", - "party", - "conflict", - "involved", - "selecting", - "location" - ], - "new_sentence": "agreement een reached party conflict involved selecting location" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:Accessibility: The site should be easily accessible", - "clean_sent": [ - "following", - "factors", - "taken", - "account", - "selection", - "locations", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sitesaccessibility", - "site", - "easily", - "accessible" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "following", - "factor", - "taken", - "account", - "selection", - "location", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sitesaccessibility", - "site", - "easily", - "accessible" - ], - "new_sentence": "following factor taken account selection location semipermanent demobilization sitesaccessibility site easily accessible" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered", - "clean_sent": [ - "distance", - "roads", - "airfields", - "rivers", - "railways", - "considered" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "distance", - "road", - "airfield", - "river", - "railway", - "considered" - ], - "new_sentence": "distance road airfield river railway considered" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise", - "clean_sent": [ - "locations", - "routes", - "medical", - "obstetric", - "emergency", - "referral", - "must", - "identified", - "sufficient", - "capacity", - "referral", - "medical", - "evacuation", - "address", - "emergencies", - "may", - "arise" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "location", - "route", - "medical", - "obstetric", - "emergency", - "referral", - "must", - "identified", - "sufficient", - "capacity", - "referral", - "medical", - "evacuation", - "address", - "emergency", - "may", - "arise" - ], - "new_sentence": "location route medical obstetric emergency referral must identified sufficient capacity referral medical evacuation address emergency may arise" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important", - "clean_sent": [ - "accessibility", - "allowing", - "national", - "international", - "military", - "forces", - "secure", - "site", - "logistic", - "supply", - "lines", - "extremely", - "important" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "accessibility", - "allowing", - "national", - "international", - "military", - "force", - "secure", - "site", - "logistic", - "supply", - "line", - "extremely", - "important" - ], - "new_sentence": "accessibility allowing national international military force secure site logistic supply line extremely important" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The effects of weather changes (e", - "clean_sent": [ - "effects", - "weather", - "changes", - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "effect", - "weather", - "change", - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": "effect weather change e" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "g", - "clean_sent": [ - "g" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "g" - ], - "new_sentence": "g" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility", - "clean_sent": [ - "", - "start", - "rainy", - "season", - "considered", - "assessing", - "accessibility" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "start", - "rainy", - "season", - "considered", - "assessing", - "accessibility" - ], - "new_sentence": " start rainy season considered assessing accessibility" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Security: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location", - "clean_sent": [ - "security", - "excombatants", - "persons", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "feel", - "safe", - "selected", - "location" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "security", - "excombatants", - "person", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "feel", - "safe", - "selected", - "location" - ], - "new_sentence": "security excombatants person formerly associated armed force group feel safe selected location" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups", - "clean_sent": [ - "establishing", - "sites", - "important", - "consider", - "general", - "political", - "military", - "environment", - "well", - "vulnerable", - "ddr", - "participants", - "potential", - "threats", - "including", - "crossborder", - "violence", - "retaliation", - "active", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "establishing", - "site", - "important", - "consider", - "general", - "political", - "military", - "environment", - "well", - "vulnerable", - "ddr", - "participant", - "potential", - "threat", - "including", - "crossborder", - "violence", - "retaliation", - "active", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "establishing site important consider general political military environment well vulnerable ddr participant potential threat including crossborder violence retaliation active armed force group" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account", - "clean_sent": [ - "security", - "nearby", - "communities", - "must", - "also", - "taken", - "account" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "security", - "nearby", - "community", - "must", - "also", - "taken", - "account" - ], - "new_sentence": "security nearby community must also taken account" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Local communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation", - "clean_sent": [ - "local", - "communities", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "adequately", - "liaise", - "local", - "leaders", - "national", - "international", - "military", - "forces", - "ensure", - "nearby", - "communities", - "adversely", - "affected", - "demobilization", - "site", - "operation" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "local", - "community", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "adequately", - "liaise", - "local", - "leader", - "national", - "international", - "military", - "force", - "ensure", - "nearby", - "community", - "adversely", - "affected", - "demobilization", - "site", - "operation" - ], - "new_sentence": "local community ddr practitioner adequately liaise local leader national international military force ensure nearby community adversely affected demobilization site operation" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "General amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports", - "clean_sent": [ - "general", - "amenities", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "chosen", - "following", - "needs", - "taken", - "account", - "potable", - "water", - "supply", - "washing", - "toilet", - "facilities", - "separate", - "facilities", - "men", - "women", - "locks", - "lighting", - "used", - "dark", - "drainage", - "rain", - "waste", - "flooding", - "potential", - "natural", - "water", - "course", - "local", - "power", - "food", - "supply", - "environmental", - "hazards", - "pollution", - "infestation", - "cooking", - "eating", - "facilities", - "lighting", - "security", - "functionality", - "finally", - "facility", - "space", - "recreation", - "including", - "sports" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "general", - "amenity", - "demobilization", - "site", - "chosen", - "following", - "need", - "taken", - "account", - "potable", - "water", - "supply", - "washing", - "toilet", - "facility", - "separate", - "facility", - "men", - "woman", - "lock", - "lighting", - "used", - "dark", - "drainage", - "rain", - "waste", - "flooding", - "potential", - "natural", - "water", - "course", - "local", - "power", - "food", - "supply", - "environmental", - "hazard", - "pollution", - "infestation", - "cooking", - "eating", - "facility", - "lighting", - "security", - "functionality", - "finally", - "facility", - "space", - "recreation", - "including", - "sport" - ], - "new_sentence": "general amenity demobilization site chosen following need taken account potable water supply washing toilet facility separate facility men woman lock lighting used dark drainage rain waste flooding potential natural water course local power food supply environmental hazard pollution infestation cooking eating facility lighting security functionality finally facility space recreation including sport" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women", - "clean_sent": [ - "special", - "arrangementscontingency", - "plans", - "made", - "children", - "persons", - "disabilities", - "persons", - "chronic", - "illnesses", - "pregnant", - "lactating", - "women" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "special", - "arrangementscontingency", - "plan", - "made", - "child", - "person", - "disability", - "person", - "chronic", - "illness", - "pregnant", - "lactating", - "woman" - ], - "new_sentence": "special arrangementscontingency plan made child person disability person chronic illness pregnant lactating woman" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Storage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": [ - "storage", - "facilitiesarmoury", - "disarmament", - "demobilization", - "take", - "place", - "site", - "secure", - "guarded", - "facilitiesarmouries", - "temporary", - "storage", - "collected", - "weapons", - "shall", - "set", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "storage", - "facilitiesarmoury", - "disarmament", - "demobilization", - "take", - "place", - "site", - "secure", - "guarded", - "facilitiesarmouries", - "temporary", - "storage", - "collected", - "weapon", - "shall", - "set", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "storage facilitiesarmoury disarmament demobilization take place site secure guarded facilitiesarmouries temporary storage collected weapon shall set see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on Disarmament)", - "clean_sent": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 disarmament" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Communications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure", - "clean_sent": [ - "communications", - "infrastructure", - "site", - "located", - "area", - "suitable", - "radio", - "andor", - "telecommunications", - "infrastructure" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "communication", - "infrastructure", - "site", - "located", - "area", - "suitable", - "radio", - "andor", - "telecommunication", - "infrastructure" - ], - "new_sentence": "communication infrastructure site located area suitable radio andor telecommunication infrastructure" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Temporary demobilization sitesTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short", - "clean_sent": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sitestemporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "require", - "facilities", - "period", - "used", - "relatively", - "short" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sitestemporary", - "demobilization", - "site", - "require", - "facility", - "period", - "used", - "relatively", - "short" - ], - "new_sentence": "temporary demobilization sitestemporary demobilization site require facility period used relatively short" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Finding a location that offers protection is necessary", - "clean_sent": [ - "finding", - "location", - "offers", - "protection", - "necessary" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "finding", - "location", - "offer", - "protection", - "necessary" - ], - "new_sentence": "finding location offer protection necessary" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required", - "clean_sent": [ - "internal", - "perimeter", - "old", - "school", - "warehouse", - "local", - "population", - "supports", - "ddr", - "programme", - "football", - "field", - "may", - "required" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "internal", - "perimeter", - "old", - "school", - "warehouse", - "local", - "population", - "support", - "ddr", - "programme", - "football", - "field", - "may", - "required" - ], - "new_sentence": "internal perimeter old school warehouse local population support ddr programme football field may required" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Fresh potable water and electricity should be available", - "clean_sent": [ - "fresh", - "potable", - "water", - "electricity", - "available" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "fresh", - "potable", - "water", - "electricity", - "available" - ], - "new_sentence": "fresh potable water electricity available" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in", - "clean_sent": [ - "water", - "purification", - "system", - "water", - "supplies", - "generator", - "brought" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "water", - "purification", - "system", - "water", - "supply", - "generator", - "brought" - ], - "new_sentence": "water purification system water supply generator brought" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Sanitary facilities must be supplied", - "clean_sent": [ - "sanitary", - "facilities", - "must", - "supplied" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "sanitary", - "facility", - "must", - "supplied" - ], - "new_sentence": "sanitary facility must supplied" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp", - "clean_sent": [ - "lighting", - "installed", - "ensure", - "security", - "around", - "perimeter", - "camp" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "lighting", - "installed", - "ensure", - "security", - "around", - "perimeter", - "camp" - ], - "new_sentence": "lighting installed ensure security around perimeter camp" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location", - "clean_sent": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "used", - "particularly", - "important", - "agree", - "advance", - "distribution", - "tasks", - "financial", - "responsibilities", - "postddr", - "ownership", - "location" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "site", - "used", - "particularly", - "important", - "agree", - "advance", - "distribution", - "task", - "financial", - "responsibility", - "postddr", - "ownership", - "location" - ], - "new_sentence": "temporary demobilization site used particularly important agree advance distribution task financial responsibility postddr ownership location" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Where relevant, the following should also be considered:The refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered", - "clean_sent": [ - "relevant", - "following", - "also", - "consideredthe", - "refurbishment", - "temporary", - "use", - "community", - "property", - "available", - "area", - "demobilization", - "site", - "set", - "use", - "existing", - "hardwalled", - "property", - "considered" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "relevant", - "following", - "also", - "consideredthe", - "refurbishment", - "temporary", - "use", - "community", - "property", - "available", - "area", - "demobilization", - "site", - "set", - "use", - "existing", - "hardwalled", - "property", - "considered" - ], - "new_sentence": "relevant following also consideredthe refurbishment temporary use community property available area demobilization site set use existing hardwalled property considered" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications", - "clean_sent": [ - "decision", - "made", - "weighing", - "medium", - "longterm", - "benefits", - "community", - "repairing", - "local", - "facilities", - "overall", - "security", - "financial", - "implications" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "decision", - "made", - "weighing", - "medium", - "longterm", - "benefit", - "community", - "repairing", - "local", - "facility", - "overall", - "security", - "financial", - "implication" - ], - "new_sentence": "decision made weighing medium longterm benefit community repairing local facility overall security financial implication" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc", - "clean_sent": [ - "installations", - "may", - "need", - "rebuilding", - "may", - "made", - "usable", - "adding", - "plastic", - "sheeting", - "concertina", - "wire", - "etc" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "installation", - "may", - "need", - "rebuilding", - "may", - "made", - "usable", - "adding", - "plastic", - "sheeting", - "concertina", - "wire", - "etc" - ], - "new_sentence": "installation may need rebuilding may made usable adding plastic sheeting concertina wire etc" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms", - "clean_sent": [ - "possible", - "sites", - "include", - "disused", - "factories", - "warehouses", - "hospitals", - "colleges", - "farms" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "possible", - "site", - "include", - "disused", - "factory", - "warehouse", - "hospital", - "college", - "farm" - ], - "new_sentence": "possible site include disused factory warehouse hospital college farm" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications", - "clean_sent": [ - "efforts", - "made", - "verify", - "ownership", - "avoid", - "legal", - "complications" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "effort", - "made", - "verify", - "ownership", - "avoid", - "legal", - "complication" - ], - "new_sentence": "effort made verify ownership avoid legal complication" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered", - "clean_sent": [ - "refurbishment", - "temporary", - "use", - "statemilitary", - "property", - "regular", - "armed", - "forces", - "wellorganizeddisciplined", - "armed", - "groups", - "demobilized", - "use", - "existing", - "military", - "barracks", - "agreement", - "national", - "authorities", - "considered" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "refurbishment", - "temporary", - "use", - "statemilitary", - "property", - "regular", - "armed", - "force", - "wellorganizeddisciplined", - "armed", - "group", - "demobilized", - "use", - "existing", - "military", - "barrack", - "agreement", - "national", - "authority", - "considered" - ], - "new_sentence": "refurbishment temporary use statemilitary property regular armed force wellorganizeddisciplined armed group demobilized use existing military barrack agreement national authority considered" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place", - "clean_sent": [ - "generally", - "speaking", - "facilities", - "offer", - "degree", - "security", - "may", - "required", - "infrastructure", - "already", - "place" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "generally", - "speaking", - "facility", - "offer", - "degree", - "security", - "may", - "required", - "infrastructure", - "already", - "place" - ], - "new_sentence": "generally speaking facility offer degree security may required infrastructure already place" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others", - "clean_sent": [ - "security", - "administrative", - "arrangements", - "apply", - "sites", - "others" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "security", - "administrative", - "arrangement", - "apply", - "site", - "others" - ], - "new_sentence": "security administrative arrangement apply site others" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed", - "clean_sent": [ - "size", - "capacity", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "determined", - "number", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "processed" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "size", - "capacity", - "demobilization", - "site", - "determined", - "number", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "processed" - ], - "new_sentence": "size capacity demobilization site determined number combatant person associated armed force group processed" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure", - "clean_sent": [ - "typically", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "small", - "number", - "combatants", - "associated", - "persons", - "easier", - "administer", - "control", - "secure" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "typically", - "demobilization", - "site", - "small", - "number", - "combatant", - "associated", - "person", - "easier", - "administer", - "control", - "secure" - ], - "new_sentence": "typically demobilization site small number combatant associated person easier administer control secure" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations", - "clean_sent": [ - "however", - "many", - "small", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "operation", - "one", - "time", - "lead", - "widely", - "dispersed", - "resources", - "difficult", - "logistical", - "situations" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "however", - "many", - "small", - "demobilization", - "site", - "operation", - "one", - "time", - "lead", - "widely", - "dispersed", - "resource", - "difficult", - "logistical", - "situation" - ], - "new_sentence": "however many small demobilization site operation one time lead widely dispersed resource difficult logistical situation" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "sites", - "accommodate", - "600", - "people", - "one", - "time" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "site", - "accommodate", - "600", - "people", - "one", - "time" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization site accommodate 600 people one time" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team", - "clean_sent": [ - "time", - "constraints", - "mean", - "larger", - "numbers", - "must", - "dealt", - "short", - "period", - "time", - "two", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "may", - "constructed", - "simultaneously", - "managed", - "team" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "time", - "constraint", - "mean", - "larger", - "number", - "must", - "dealt", - "short", - "period", - "time", - "two", - "demobilization", - "site", - "may", - "constructed", - "simultaneously", - "managed", - "team" - ], - "new_sentence": "time constraint mean larger number must dealt short period time two demobilization site may constructed simultaneously managed team" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time", - "clean_sent": [ - "order", - "optimize", - "use", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "avoid", - "bottlenecks", - "operational", - "plan", - "developed", - "contains", - "methods", - "controlling", - "number", - "flow", - "people", - "demobilized", - "particular", - "time" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "order", - "optimize", - "use", - "demobilization", - "site", - "avoid", - "bottleneck", - "operational", - "plan", - "developed", - "contains", - "method", - "controlling", - "number", - "flow", - "people", - "demobilized", - "particular", - "time" - ], - "new_sentence": "order optimize use demobilization site avoid bottleneck operational plan developed contains method controlling number flow people demobilized particular time" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency", - "clean_sent": [ - "carrying", - "demobilization", - "phases", - "one", - "option", - "increase", - "efficiency" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "carrying", - "demobilization", - "phase", - "one", - "option", - "increase", - "efficiency" - ], - "new_sentence": "carrying demobilization phase one option increase efficiency" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases", - "clean_sent": [ - "process", - "may", - "include", - "pilot", - "test", - "phase", - "makes", - "possible", - "learn", - "mistakes", - "early", - "phases", - "adapt", - "process", - "improve", - "performance", - "later", - "phases" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "process", - "may", - "include", - "pilot", - "test", - "phase", - "make", - "possible", - "learn", - "mistake", - "early", - "phase", - "adapt", - "process", - "improve", - "performance", - "later", - "phase" - ], - "new_sentence": "process may include pilot test phase make possible learn mistake early phase adapt process improve performance later phase" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 57, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Families often accompany combatants to cantonment sites. Where necessary, camps that are close to cantonment sites may be established for family members. Alternatively, transport may be provided for family members to return to their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Families often accompany combatants to cantonment sites", - "clean_sent": [ - "families", - "often", - "accompany", - "combatants", - "cantonment", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "family", - "often", - "accompany", - "combatant", - "cantonment", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "family often accompany combatant cantonment site" - }, - { - "Index": 57, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Families often accompany combatants to cantonment sites. Where necessary, camps that are close to cantonment sites may be established for family members. Alternatively, transport may be provided for family members to return to their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Where necessary, camps that are close to cantonment sites may be established for family members", - "clean_sent": [ - "necessary", - "camps", - "close", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "may", - "established", - "family", - "members" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "necessary", - "camp", - "close", - "cantonment", - "site", - "may", - "established", - "family", - "member" - ], - "new_sentence": "necessary camp close cantonment site may established family member" - }, - { - "Index": 57, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Families often accompany combatants to cantonment sites. Where necessary, camps that are close to cantonment sites may be established for family members. Alternatively, transport may be provided for family members to return to their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Alternatively, transport may be provided for family members to return to their communities", - "clean_sent": [ - "alternatively", - "transport", - "may", - "provided", - "family", - "members", - "return", - "communities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "alternatively", - "transport", - "may", - "provided", - "family", - "member", - "return", - "community" - ], - "new_sentence": "alternatively transport may provided family member return community" - }, - { - "Index": 57, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Families often accompany combatants to cantonment sites. Where necessary, camps that are close to cantonment sites may be established for family members. Alternatively, transport may be provided for family members to return to their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e", - "clean_sent": [ - "duration", - "demobilization", - "depend", - "time", - "needed", - "complete", - "activities", - "planned", - "demobilization", - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "duration", - "demobilization", - "depend", - "time", - "needed", - "complete", - "activity", - "planned", - "demobilization", - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": "duration demobilization depend time needed complete activity planned demobilization e" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "g", - "clean_sent": [ - "g" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "g" - ], - "new_sentence": "g" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", screening, profiling, awareness raising)", - "clean_sent": [ - "", - "screening", - "profiling", - "awareness", - "raising" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "screening", - "profiling", - "awareness", - "raising" - ], - "new_sentence": " screening profiling awareness raising" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible", - "clean_sent": [ - "generally", - "speaking", - "demobilization", - "component", - "ddr", - "process", - "short", - "possible" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "generally", - "speaking", - "demobilization", - "component", - "ddr", - "process", - "short", - "possible" - ], - "new_sentence": "generally speaking demobilization component ddr process short possible" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days", - "clean_sent": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "may", - "possible", - "process", - "individuals", - "one", - "two", - "days" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "site", - "may", - "possible", - "process", - "individual", - "one", - "two", - "day" - ], - "new_sentence": "temporary demobilization site may possible process individual one two day" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month", - "clean_sent": [ - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "constructed", - "cantonment", - "kept", - "short", - "possible", - "", - "", - "one", - "week", - "maximum", - "one", - "month" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "site", - "constructed", - "cantonment", - "kept", - "short", - "possible", - "", - "", - "one", - "week", - "maximum", - "one", - "month" - ], - "new_sentence": "semipermanent demobilization site constructed cantonment kept short possible one week maximum one month" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life", - "clean_sent": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "also", - "seek", - "ensure", - "conditions", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "equivalent", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "also", - "seek", - "ensure", - "condition", - "demobilization", - "site", - "equivalent", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner also seek ensure condition demobilization site equivalent civilian life" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave", - "clean_sent": [ - "case", - "less", - "likely", - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "reluctant", - "leave" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "case", - "le", - "likely", - "demobilized", - "individual", - "reluctant", - "leave" - ], - "new_sentence": "case le likely demobilized individual reluctant leave" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "begin", - "plans", - "reinsertion", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "stopgap", - "measure", - "reintegration", - "ready", - "put", - "operation" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "begin", - "plan", - "reinsertion", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "stopgap", - "measure", - "reintegration", - "ready", - "put", - "operation" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization begin plan reinsertion community violence reduction stopgap measure reintegration ready put operation" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 59, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The manager of the demobilization site and his\/her support team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin. In semi-permanent sites, where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month, DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site. Group leaders, including women, should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour. A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.5 Managing a demobilization site", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The manager of the demobilization site and his\/her support team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin", - "clean_sent": [ - "manager", - "demobilization", - "site", - "hisher", - "support", - "team", - "responsible", - "daytoday", - "running", - "site", - "trained", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "begin" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "manager", - "demobilization", - "site", - "hisher", - "support", - "team", - "responsible", - "daytoday", - "running", - "site", - "trained", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "begin" - ], - "new_sentence": "manager demobilization site hisher support team responsible daytoday running site trained demobilization operation begin" - }, - { - "Index": 59, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The manager of the demobilization site and his\/her support team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin. In semi-permanent sites, where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month, DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site. Group leaders, including women, should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour. A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.5 Managing a demobilization site", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In semi-permanent sites, where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month, DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site", - "clean_sent": [ - "semipermanent", - "sites", - "demobilize", - "may", - "reside", - "one", - "month", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "consider", - "involving", - "ddr", - "participants", - "management", - "site" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "semipermanent", - "site", - "demobilize", - "may", - "reside", - "one", - "month", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "consider", - "involving", - "ddr", - "participant", - "management", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "semipermanent site demobilize may reside one month ddr practitioner consider involving ddr participant management site" - }, - { - "Index": 59, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The manager of the demobilization site and his\/her support team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin. In semi-permanent sites, where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month, DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site. Group leaders, including women, should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour. A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.5 Managing a demobilization site", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Group leaders, including women, should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour", - "clean_sent": [ - "group", - "leaders", - "including", - "women", - "chosen", - "given", - "responsibility", - "reporting", - "misbehaviour" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "group", - "leader", - "including", - "woman", - "chosen", - "given", - "responsibility", - "reporting", - "misbehaviour" - ], - "new_sentence": "group leader including woman chosen given responsibility reporting misbehaviour" - }, - { - "Index": 59, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The manager of the demobilization site and his\/her support team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin. In semi-permanent sites, where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month, DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site. Group leaders, including women, should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour. A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.5 Managing a demobilization site", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise", - "clean_sent": [ - "mechanism", - "also", - "exist", - "group", - "leaders", - "staff", - "enable", - "arbitration", - "take", - "place", - "disputes", - "complaints", - "arise" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "mechanism", - "also", - "exist", - "group", - "leader", - "staff", - "enable", - "arbitration", - "take", - "place", - "dispute", - "complaint", - "arise" - ], - "new_sentence": "mechanism also exist group leader staff enable arbitration take place dispute complaint arise" - }, - { - "Index": 59, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The manager of the demobilization site and his\/her support team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin. In semi-permanent sites, where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month, DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site. Group leaders, including women, should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour. A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.5 Managing a demobilization site", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 60, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries", - "clean_sent": [ - "comprehensive", - "risk", - "security", - "assessment", - "conducted", - "inform", - "planning", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "identify", - "threats", - "ddr", - "programme", - "personnel", - "well", - "participants", - "beneficiaries" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "comprehensive", - "risk", - "security", - "assessment", - "conducted", - "inform", - "planning", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "identify", - "threat", - "ddr", - "programme", - "personnel", - "well", - "participant", - "beneficiary" - ], - "new_sentence": "comprehensive risk security assessment conducted inform planning demobilization operation identify threat ddr programme personnel well participant beneficiary" - }, - { - "Index": 60, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken)", - "clean_sent": [ - "assessment", - "identify", - "tolerable", - "risk", - "risk", - "accepted", - "society", - "given", - "context", - "based", - "current", - "values", - "identify", - "protective", - "measures", - "necessary", - "achieve", - "residual", - "risk", - "risk", - "remaining", - "protective", - "measures", - "taken" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "assessment", - "identify", - "tolerable", - "risk", - "risk", - "accepted", - "society", - "given", - "context", - "based", - "current", - "value", - "identify", - "protective", - "measure", - "necessary", - "achieve", - "residual", - "risk", - "risk", - "remaining", - "protective", - "measure", - "taken" - ], - "new_sentence": "assessment identify tolerable risk risk accepted society given context based current value identify protective measure necessary achieve residual risk risk remaining protective measure taken" - }, - { - "Index": 60, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered", - "clean_sent": [ - "risks", - "related", - "women", - "youth", - "children", - "dependants", - "specificneeds", - "groups", - "also", - "considered" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "risk", - "related", - "woman", - "youth", - "child", - "dependant", - "specificneeds", - "group", - "also", - "considered" - ], - "new_sentence": "risk related woman youth child dependant specificneeds group also considered" - }, - { - "Index": 60, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them", - "clean_sent": [ - "developing", - "", - "safe", - "", - "working", - "environment", - "must", - "acknowledged", - "absolute", - "safety", - "many", - "activities", - "carried", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "high", - "risk", - "associated" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "developing", - "", - "safe", - "", - "working", - "environment", - "must", - "acknowledged", - "absolute", - "safety", - "many", - "activity", - "carried", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "high", - "risk", - "associated" - ], - "new_sentence": "developing safe working environment must acknowledged absolute safety many activity carried demobilization operation high risk associated" - }, - { - "Index": 60, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety", - "clean_sent": [ - "however", - "national", - "authorities", - "international", - "organizations", - "nongovernmental", - "organizations", - "must", - "try", - "achieve", - "highest", - "possible", - "levels", - "safety" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "however", - "national", - "authority", - "international", - "organization", - "nongovernmental", - "organization", - "must", - "try", - "achieve", - "highest", - "possible", - "level", - "safety" - ], - "new_sentence": "however national authority international organization nongovernmental organization must try achieve highest possible level safety" - }, - { - "Index": 60, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 61, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilization site personnel: The personnel who staff demobilization sites may be targeted by armed groups that have not signed on to the peace agreement.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Attacks on demobilization site personnel: The personnel who staff demobilization sites may be targeted by armed groups that have not signed on to the peace agreement", - "clean_sent": [ - "attacks", - "demobilization", - "site", - "personnel", - "personnel", - "staff", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "may", - "targeted", - "armed", - "groups", - "signed", - "peace", - "agreement" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "attack", - "demobilization", - "site", - "personnel", - "personnel", - "staff", - "demobilization", - "site", - "may", - "targeted", - "armed", - "group", - "signed", - "peace", - "agreement" - ], - "new_sentence": "attack demobilization site personnel personnel staff demobilization site may targeted armed group signed peace agreement" - }, - { - "Index": 61, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilization site personnel: The personnel who staff demobilization sites may be targeted by armed groups that have not signed on to the peace agreement.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 62, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting. In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize. In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members. If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them. The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting", - "clean_sent": [ - "attacks", - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "instances", - "peace", - "agreements", - "may", - "cause", - "armed", - "groups", - "fracture", - "parts", - "group", - "opting", - "enter", - "ddr", - "others", - "continue", - "fighting" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "attack", - "demobilized", - "individual", - "instance", - "peace", - "agreement", - "may", - "cause", - "armed", - "group", - "fracture", - "part", - "group", - "opting", - "enter", - "ddr", - "others", - "continue", - "fighting" - ], - "new_sentence": "attack demobilized individual instance peace agreement may cause armed group fracture part group opting enter ddr others continue fighting" - }, - { - "Index": 62, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting. In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize. In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members. If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them. The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize", - "clean_sent": [ - "instances", - "favour", - "continued", - "armed", - "conflict", - "may", - "retaliate", - "individuals", - "demobilize" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "instance", - "favour", - "continued", - "armed", - "conflict", - "may", - "retaliate", - "individual", - "demobilize" - ], - "new_sentence": "instance favour continued armed conflict may retaliate individual demobilize" - }, - { - "Index": 62, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting. In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize. In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members. If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them. The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members", - "clean_sent": [ - "cases", - "active", - "armed", - "groups", - "may", - "approach", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "aim", - "retrieving", - "former", - "members" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "case", - "active", - "armed", - "group", - "may", - "approach", - "demobilization", - "site", - "aim", - "retrieving", - "former", - "member" - ], - "new_sentence": "case active armed group may approach demobilization site aim retrieving former member" - }, - { - "Index": 62, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting. In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize. In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members. If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them. The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "already", - "returned", - "home", - "members", - "active", - "armed", - "groups", - "may", - "attempt", - "track", - "individuals", - "order", - "punish", - "forcibly", - "rerecruit" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilized", - "individual", - "already", - "returned", - "home", - "member", - "active", - "armed", - "group", - "may", - "attempt", - "track", - "individual", - "order", - "punish", - "forcibly", - "rerecruit" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilized individual already returned home member active armed group may attempt track individual order punish forcibly rerecruit" - }, - { - "Index": 62, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting. In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize. In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members. If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them. The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present", - "clean_sent": [ - "family", - "members", - "demobilized", - "may", - "also", - "subject", - "threats", - "attacks", - "particularly", - "reside", - "areas", - "members", - "family", - "member", - "former", - "group", - "still", - "present" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "family", - "member", - "demobilized", - "may", - "also", - "subject", - "threat", - "attack", - "particularly", - "reside", - "area", - "member", - "family", - "member", - "former", - "group", - "still", - "present" - ], - "new_sentence": "family member demobilized may also subject threat attack particularly reside area member family member former group still present" - }, - { - "Index": 62, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting. In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize. In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members. If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them. The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 63, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Attacks on women and minority groups: Historically, SGBV against women and minority groups in cantonment sites has been high. It is essential that security and risk assessments take into consideration the specific vulnerabilities of women, identify minority groups who may also be at risk and provide additional security measures to ensure their safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Attacks on women and minority groups: Historically, SGBV against women and minority groups in cantonment sites has been high", - "clean_sent": [ - "attacks", - "women", - "minority", - "groups", - "historically", - "sgbv", - "women", - "minority", - "groups", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "high" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "attack", - "woman", - "minority", - "group", - "historically", - "sgbv", - "woman", - "minority", - "group", - "cantonment", - "site", - "high" - ], - "new_sentence": "attack woman minority group historically sgbv woman minority group cantonment site high" - }, - { - "Index": 63, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Attacks on women and minority groups: Historically, SGBV against women and minority groups in cantonment sites has been high. It is essential that security and risk assessments take into consideration the specific vulnerabilities of women, identify minority groups who may also be at risk and provide additional security measures to ensure their safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "It is essential that security and risk assessments take into consideration the specific vulnerabilities of women, identify minority groups who may also be at risk and provide additional security measures to ensure their safety", - "clean_sent": [ - "essential", - "security", - "risk", - "assessments", - "take", - "consideration", - "specific", - "vulnerabilities", - "women", - "identify", - "minority", - "groups", - "may", - "also", - "risk", - "provide", - "additional", - "security", - "measures", - "ensure", - "safety" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "essential", - "security", - "risk", - "assessment", - "take", - "consideration", - "specific", - "vulnerability", - "woman", - "identify", - "minority", - "group", - "may", - "also", - "risk", - "provide", - "additional", - "security", - "measure", - "ensure", - "safety" - ], - "new_sentence": "essential security risk assessment take consideration specific vulnerability woman identify minority group may also risk provide additional security measure ensure safety" - }, - { - "Index": 63, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Attacks on women and minority groups: Historically, SGBV against women and minority groups in cantonment sites has been high. It is essential that security and risk assessments take into consideration the specific vulnerabilities of women, identify minority groups who may also be at risk and provide additional security measures to ensure their safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 64, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Attacks on individuals transporting and receiving reinsertion support: Security risks are associated with the transportation of cash and commodities that can be easily seized by armed individuals. If it is known that demobilized individuals will receive cash and\/or commodities at a certain time and\/or place, it may make them targets for robbery.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Attacks on individuals transporting and receiving reinsertion support: Security risks are associated with the transportation of cash and commodities that can be easily seized by armed individuals", - "clean_sent": [ - "attacks", - "individuals", - "transporting", - "receiving", - "reinsertion", - "support", - "security", - "risks", - "associated", - "transportation", - "cash", - "commodities", - "easily", - "seized", - "armed", - "individuals" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "attack", - "individual", - "transporting", - "receiving", - "reinsertion", - "support", - "security", - "risk", - "associated", - "transportation", - "cash", - "commodity", - "easily", - "seized", - "armed", - "individual" - ], - "new_sentence": "attack individual transporting receiving reinsertion support security risk associated transportation cash commodity easily seized armed individual" - }, - { - "Index": 64, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Attacks on individuals transporting and receiving reinsertion support: Security risks are associated with the transportation of cash and commodities that can be easily seized by armed individuals. If it is known that demobilized individuals will receive cash and\/or commodities at a certain time and\/or place, it may make them targets for robbery.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If it is known that demobilized individuals will receive cash and\/or commodities at a certain time and\/or place, it may make them targets for robbery", - "clean_sent": [ - "known", - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "receive", - "cash", - "andor", - "commodities", - "certain", - "time", - "andor", - "place", - "may", - "make", - "targets", - "robbery" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "known", - "demobilized", - "individual", - "receive", - "cash", - "andor", - "commodity", - "certain", - "time", - "andor", - "place", - "may", - "make", - "target", - "robbery" - ], - "new_sentence": "known demobilized individual receive cash andor commodity certain time andor place may make target robbery" - }, - { - "Index": 64, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Attacks on individuals transporting and receiving reinsertion support: Security risks are associated with the transportation of cash and commodities that can be easily seized by armed individuals. If it is known that demobilized individuals will receive cash and\/or commodities at a certain time and\/or place, it may make them targets for robbery.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 65, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Unrest and criminality: If armed groups remain in demobilization sites (particularly cantonment sites) for long periods of time, perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme, these sites may become places of unrest, especially if food and water become scarce. Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process. This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State and\/or international community is reneging on previous promises. In these circumstances, demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Unrest and criminality: If armed groups remain in demobilization sites (particularly cantonment sites) for long periods of time, perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme, these sites may become places of unrest, especially if food and water become scarce", - "clean_sent": [ - "unrest", - "criminality", - "armed", - "groups", - "remain", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "particularly", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "long", - "periods", - "time", - "perhaps", - "delays", - "ddr", - "programme", - "sites", - "may", - "become", - "places", - "unrest", - "especially", - "food", - "water", - "become", - "scarce" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "unrest", - "criminality", - "armed", - "group", - "remain", - "demobilization", - "site", - "particularly", - "cantonment", - "site", - "long", - "period", - "time", - "perhaps", - "delay", - "ddr", - "programme", - "site", - "may", - "become", - "place", - "unrest", - "especially", - "food", - "water", - "become", - "scarce" - ], - "new_sentence": "unrest criminality armed group remain demobilization site particularly cantonment site long period time perhaps delay ddr programme site may become place unrest especially food water become scarce" - }, - { - "Index": 65, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Unrest and criminality: If armed groups remain in demobilization sites (particularly cantonment sites) for long periods of time, perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme, these sites may become places of unrest, especially if food and water become scarce. Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process. This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State and\/or international community is reneging on previous promises. In these circumstances, demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "delays", - "lead", - "mutinies", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "lose", - "trust", - "process" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "delay", - "lead", - "mutiny", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "lose", - "trust", - "process" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization delay lead mutiny combatant person associated armed force group lose trust process" - }, - { - "Index": 65, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Unrest and criminality: If armed groups remain in demobilization sites (particularly cantonment sites) for long periods of time, perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme, these sites may become places of unrest, especially if food and water become scarce. Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process. This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State and\/or international community is reneging on previous promises. In these circumstances, demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State and\/or international community is reneging on previous promises", - "clean_sent": [ - "especially", - "true", - "demobilizing", - "individuals", - "begin", - "feel", - "state", - "andor", - "international", - "community", - "reneging", - "previous", - "promises" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "especially", - "true", - "demobilizing", - "individual", - "begin", - "feel", - "state", - "andor", - "international", - "community", - "reneging", - "previous", - "promise" - ], - "new_sentence": "especially true demobilizing individual begin feel state andor international community reneging previous promise" - }, - { - "Index": 65, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Unrest and criminality: If armed groups remain in demobilization sites (particularly cantonment sites) for long periods of time, perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme, these sites may become places of unrest, especially if food and water become scarce. Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process. This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State and\/or international community is reneging on previous promises. In these circumstances, demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In these circumstances, demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel", - "clean_sent": [ - "circumstances", - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "may", - "resort", - "criminality", - "nearby", - "communities", - "mount", - "protests", - "demobilization", - "personnel" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "circumstance", - "demobilized", - "individual", - "may", - "resort", - "criminality", - "nearby", - "community", - "mount", - "protest", - "demobilization", - "personnel" - ], - "new_sentence": "circumstance demobilized individual may resort criminality nearby community mount protest demobilization personnel" - }, - { - "Index": 65, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Unrest and criminality: If armed groups remain in demobilization sites (particularly cantonment sites) for long periods of time, perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme, these sites may become places of unrest, especially if food and water become scarce. Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process. This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State and\/or international community is reneging on previous promises. In these circumstances, demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 66, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Recruitment: Armed forces and groups may use the prospect of demobilization (and associated reinsertion benefits) as an incentive to recruit civilians.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Recruitment: Armed forces and groups may use the prospect of demobilization (and associated reinsertion benefits) as an incentive to recruit civilians", - "clean_sent": [ - "recruitment", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "may", - "use", - "prospect", - "demobilization", - "associated", - "reinsertion", - "benefits", - "incentive", - "recruit", - "civilians" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "recruitment", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "may", - "use", - "prospect", - "demobilization", - "associated", - "reinsertion", - "benefit", - "incentive", - "recruit", - "civilian" - ], - "new_sentence": "recruitment armed force group may use prospect demobilization associated reinsertion benefit incentive recruit civilian" - }, - { - "Index": 66, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Recruitment: Armed forces and groups may use the prospect of demobilization (and associated reinsertion benefits) as an incentive to recruit civilians.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 67, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:\nInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;\nFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;\nInclude provisions for childcare;\nBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;\nProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;\nEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women", - "clean_sent": [ - "action", - "taken", - "ensure", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "whether", - "temporary", - "semipermanent", - "otherwise", - "respond", - "different", - "needs", - "men", - "women" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "action", - "taken", - "ensure", - "demobilization", - "site", - "whether", - "temporary", - "semipermanent", - "otherwise", - "respond", - "different", - "need", - "men", - "woman" - ], - "new_sentence": "action taken ensure demobilization site whether temporary semipermanent otherwise respond different need men woman" - }, - { - "Index": 67, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:\nInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;\nFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;\nInclude provisions for childcare;\nBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;\nProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;\nEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:Include separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women", - "clean_sent": [ - "gendersensitive", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "shouldinclude", - "separate", - "accommodation", - "sanitation", - "facilities", - "locks", - "men", - "women" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "gendersensitive", - "demobilization", - "site", - "shouldinclude", - "separate", - "accommodation", - "sanitation", - "facility", - "lock", - "men", - "woman" - ], - "new_sentence": "gendersensitive demobilization site shouldinclude separate accommodation sanitation facility lock men woman" - }, - { - "Index": 67, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:\nInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;\nFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;\nInclude provisions for childcare;\nBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;\nProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;\nEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;Feature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e", - "clean_sent": [ - "circumstances", - "separate", - "facilities", - "may", - "located", - "within", - "demobilization", - "site", - "separate", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "men", - "women", - "may", - "set", - "upfeature", - "sanitary", - "facilities", - "designed", - "ensure", - "women", - "privacy", - "support", - "hygiene", - "needs", - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "circumstance", - "separate", - "facility", - "may", - "located", - "within", - "demobilization", - "site", - "separate", - "demobilization", - "site", - "men", - "woman", - "may", - "set", - "upfeature", - "sanitary", - "facility", - "designed", - "ensure", - "woman", - "privacy", - "support", - "hygiene", - "need", - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": "circumstance separate facility may located within demobilization site separate demobilization site men woman may set upfeature sanitary facility designed ensure woman privacy support hygiene need e" - }, - { - "Index": 67, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:\nInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;\nFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;\nInclude provisions for childcare;\nBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;\nProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;\nEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "g", - "clean_sent": [ - "g" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "g" - ], - "new_sentence": "g" - }, - { - "Index": 67, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:\nInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;\nFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;\nInclude provisions for childcare;\nBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;\nProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;\nEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;Include provisions for childcare;Be safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security)", - "clean_sent": [ - "", - "sanitary", - "napkins", - "well", - "take", - "consideration", - "cultural", - "normsinclude", - "provisions", - "childcarebe", - "safe", - "women", - "recognize", - "deal", - "threat", - "sexual", - "violence", - "within", - "demobilization", - "site", - "including", - "ensuring", - "locks", - "facilities", - "good", - "lighting", - "information", - "provided", - "specific", - "contact", - "within", - "camp", - "address", - "women", - "security", - "incidents", - "issues", - "possible", - "presence", - "female", - "security", - "guards", - "police", - "internal", - "site", - "security" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "sanitary", - "napkin", - "well", - "take", - "consideration", - "cultural", - "normsinclude", - "provision", - "childcarebe", - "safe", - "woman", - "recognize", - "deal", - "threat", - "sexual", - "violence", - "within", - "demobilization", - "site", - "including", - "ensuring", - "lock", - "facility", - "good", - "lighting", - "information", - "provided", - "specific", - "contact", - "within", - "camp", - "address", - "woman", - "security", - "incident", - "issue", - "possible", - "presence", - "female", - "security", - "guard", - "police", - "internal", - "site", - "security" - ], - "new_sentence": " sanitary napkin well take consideration cultural normsinclude provision childcarebe safe woman recognize deal threat sexual violence within demobilization site including ensuring lock facility good lighting information provided specific contact within camp address woman security incident issue possible presence female security guard police internal site security" - }, - { - "Index": 67, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:\nInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;\nFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;\nInclude provisions for childcare;\nBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;\nProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;\nEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;Provide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;Ensure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": [ - "female", - "security", - "guards", - "available", - "male", - "security", - "guards", - "shall", - "trained", - "sexual", - "exploitation", - "harassment", - "sexual", - "violence", - "prevention", - "gender", - "sensitivity", - "prior", - "deployment", - "shall", - "exist", - "clear", - "genderresponsive", - "system", - "demobilization", - "site", - "handling", - "complaints", - "women", - "security", - "guards", - "well", - "policies", - "call", - "immediate", - "removal", - "officer", - "security", - "concerns", - "raisedprovide", - "specific", - "nutritional", - "needs", - "nursing", - "pregnant", - "womenensure", - "health", - "care", - "counselling", - "available", - "meet", - "women", - "specific", - "needs", - "including", - "women", - "suffered", - "sgbv", - "take", - "protective", - "measures", - "ensure", - "women", - "safety", - "transportation", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "female", - "security", - "guard", - "available", - "male", - "security", - "guard", - "shall", - "trained", - "sexual", - "exploitation", - "harassment", - "sexual", - "violence", - "prevention", - "gender", - "sensitivity", - "prior", - "deployment", - "shall", - "exist", - "clear", - "genderresponsive", - "system", - "demobilization", - "site", - "handling", - "complaint", - "woman", - "security", - "guard", - "well", - "policy", - "call", - "immediate", - "removal", - "officer", - "security", - "concern", - "raisedprovide", - "specific", - "nutritional", - "need", - "nursing", - "pregnant", - "womenensure", - "health", - "care", - "counselling", - "available", - "meet", - "woman", - "specific", - "need", - "including", - "woman", - "suffered", - "sgbv", - "take", - "protective", - "measure", - "ensure", - "woman", - "safety", - "transportation", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "female security guard available male security guard shall trained sexual exploitation harassment sexual violence prevention gender sensitivity prior deployment shall exist clear genderresponsive system demobilization site handling complaint woman security guard well policy call immediate removal officer security concern raisedprovide specific nutritional need nursing pregnant womenensure health care counselling available meet woman specific need including woman suffered sgbv take protective measure ensure woman safety transportation demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 67, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:\nInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;\nFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;\nInclude provisions for childcare;\nBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;\nProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;\nEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 68, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites. Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites. If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously. Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences. Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": [ - "possible", - "female", - "staff", - "receive", - "process", - "women", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "possible", - "female", - "staff", - "receive", - "process", - "woman", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "possible female staff receive process woman demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 68, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites. Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites. If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously. Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences. Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": [ - "gender", - "balance", - "priority", - "among", - "staff", - "managing", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "gender", - "balance", - "priority", - "among", - "staff", - "managing", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "gender balance priority among staff managing demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 68, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites. Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites. If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously. Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences. Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously", - "clean_sent": [ - "men", - "see", - "women", - "positions", - "authority", - "less", - "likely", - "take", - "efforts", - "aimed", - "changing", - "attitudes", - "towards", - "traditional", - "gender", - "roles", - "women", - "empowerment", - "seriously" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "men", - "see", - "woman", - "position", - "authority", - "le", - "likely", - "take", - "effort", - "aimed", - "changing", - "attitude", - "towards", - "traditional", - "gender", - "role", - "woman", - "empowerment", - "seriously" - ], - "new_sentence": "men see woman position authority le likely take effort aimed changing attitude towards traditional gender role woman empowerment seriously" - }, - { - "Index": 68, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites. Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites. If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously. Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences. Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences", - "clean_sent": [ - "screening", - "profiling", - "tools", - "designed", - "responsive", - "women", - "specific", - "needs", - "experiences" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "screening", - "profiling", - "tool", - "designed", - "responsive", - "woman", - "specific", - "need", - "experience" - ], - "new_sentence": "screening profiling tool designed responsive woman specific need experience" - }, - { - "Index": 68, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites. Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites. If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously. Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences. Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities", - "clean_sent": [ - "women", - "also", - "opportunities", - "access", - "support", - "men", - "briefings", - "information", - "provided", - "include", - "specific", - "information", - "challenges", - "women", - "may", - "encounter", - "upon", - "reinsertion", - "communities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "woman", - "also", - "opportunity", - "access", - "support", - "men", - "briefing", - "information", - "provided", - "include", - "specific", - "information", - "challenge", - "woman", - "may", - "encounter", - "upon", - "reinsertion", - "community" - ], - "new_sentence": "woman also opportunity access support men briefing information provided include specific information challenge woman may encounter upon reinsertion community" - }, - { - "Index": 68, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites. Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites. If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously. Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences. Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 69, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities, briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life. Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support (see section 7), the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers. It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients, or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy. A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities, briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life", - "clean_sent": [ - "women", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "often", - "stigmatized", - "upon", - "return", - "communities", - "briefings", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "include", - "attention", - "safety", - "referrals", - "support", - "services", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "woman", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "often", - "stigmatized", - "upon", - "return", - "community", - "briefing", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "include", - "attention", - "safety", - "referral", - "support", - "service", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "woman formerly associated armed force group often stigmatized upon return community briefing demobilization operation include attention safety referral support service civilian life" - }, - { - "Index": 69, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities, briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life. Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support (see section 7), the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers. It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients, or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy. A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support (see section 7), the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers", - "clean_sent": [ - "irrespective", - "type", - "transfer", - "modality", - "selected", - "reinsertion", - "support", - "see", - "section", - "7", - "delivery", - "mechanism", - "cash", - "vouchers", - "mobile", - "money", - "transfer", - "take", - "account", - "potential", - "protection", - "issues", - "genderspecific", - "barriers" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "irrespective", - "type", - "transfer", - "modality", - "selected", - "reinsertion", - "support", - "see", - "section", - "7", - "delivery", - "mechanism", - "cash", - "voucher", - "mobile", - "money", - "transfer", - "take", - "account", - "potential", - "protection", - "issue", - "genderspecific", - "barrier" - ], - "new_sentence": "irrespective type transfer modality selected reinsertion support see section 7 delivery mechanism cash voucher mobile money transfer take account potential protection issue genderspecific barrier" - }, - { - "Index": 69, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities, briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life. Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support (see section 7), the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers. It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients, or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy. A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients, or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy", - "clean_sent": [ - "important", - "delivery", - "mechanism", - "chosen", - "permits", - "women", - "access", - "entitlement", - "safely", - "confidently", - "without", - "exposed", - "risks", - "private", - "service", - "providers", - "abusing", - "power", - "recipients", - "encountering", - "difficulties", - "redemption", - "entitlement", - "numerical", - "financial", - "illiteracy" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "important", - "delivery", - "mechanism", - "chosen", - "permit", - "woman", - "access", - "entitlement", - "safely", - "confidently", - "without", - "exposed", - "risk", - "private", - "service", - "provider", - "abusing", - "power", - "recipient", - "encountering", - "difficulty", - "redemption", - "entitlement", - "numerical", - "financial", - "illiteracy" - ], - "new_sentence": "important delivery mechanism chosen permit woman access entitlement safely confidently without exposed risk private service provider abusing power recipient encountering difficulty redemption entitlement numerical financial illiteracy" - }, - { - "Index": 69, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities, briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life. Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support (see section 7), the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers. It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients, or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy. A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women", - "clean_sent": [ - "help", - "desk", - "complaint", - "mechanism", - "also", - "set", - "include", - "specific", - "referral", - "pathways", - "women" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "help", - "desk", - "complaint", - "mechanism", - "also", - "set", - "include", - "specific", - "referral", - "pathway", - "woman" - ], - "new_sentence": "help desk complaint mechanism also set include specific referral pathway woman" - }, - { - "Index": 69, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities, briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life. Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support (see section 7), the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers. It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients, or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy. A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities", - "clean_sent": [ - "standard", - "operating", - "procedures", - "sops", - "mandatory", - "stepbystep", - "instructions", - "designed", - "guide", - "practitioners", - "particular", - "activities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "standard", - "operating", - "procedure", - "sop", - "mandatory", - "stepbystep", - "instruction", - "designed", - "guide", - "practitioner", - "particular", - "activity" - ], - "new_sentence": "standard operating procedure sop mandatory stepbystep instruction designed guide practitioner particular activity" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations", - "clean_sent": [ - "development", - "sops", - "become", - "common", - "practice", - "across", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "allows", - "coherence", - "delivery", - "activities", - "ensuring", - "greater", - "safety", - "security", - "adherence", - "standardized", - "regulations" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "development", - "sop", - "become", - "common", - "practice", - "across", - "ddr", - "programme", - "allows", - "coherence", - "delivery", - "activity", - "ensuring", - "greater", - "safety", - "security", - "adherence", - "standardized", - "regulation" - ], - "new_sentence": "development sop become common practice across ddr programme allows coherence delivery activity ensuring greater safety security adherence standardized regulation" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization", - "clean_sent": [ - "mission", - "contexts", - "sops", - "identify", - "precise", - "responsibilities", - "various", - "un", - "components", - "involved", - "demobilization" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "mission", - "context", - "sop", - "identify", - "precise", - "responsibility", - "various", - "un", - "component", - "involved", - "demobilization" - ], - "new_sentence": "mission context sop identify precise responsibility various un component involved demobilization" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters", - "clean_sent": [ - "stakeholders", - "agree", - "content", - "sops", - "documents", - "reviewed", - "un", - "legal", - "office", - "headquarters" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "stakeholder", - "agree", - "content", - "sop", - "document", - "reviewed", - "un", - "legal", - "office", - "headquarters" - ], - "new_sentence": "stakeholder agree content sop document reviewed un legal office headquarters" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission", - "clean_sent": [ - "development", - "sops", - "led", - "mission", - "ddr", - "component", - "signed", - "head", - "un", - "mission" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "development", - "sop", - "led", - "mission", - "ddr", - "component", - "signed", - "head", - "un", - "mission" - ], - "new_sentence": "development sop led mission ddr component signed head un mission" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs", - "clean_sent": [ - "staff", - "ddr", - "component", - "well", - "relevant", - "stakeholders", - "shall", - "familiar", - "relevant", - "sops" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "staff", - "ddr", - "component", - "well", - "relevant", - "stakeholder", - "shall", - "familiar", - "relevant", - "sop" - ], - "new_sentence": "staff ddr component well relevant stakeholder shall familiar relevant sop" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date", - "clean_sent": [ - "content", - "sops", - "shall", - "kept", - "date" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "content", - "sop", - "shall", - "kept", - "date" - ], - "new_sentence": "content sop shall kept date" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 71, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In non-mission contexts, the national authority should also be advised by the lead UN agency(ies) on the development of national SOPs for demobilization. All those engaged in supporting demobilization shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs, which shall also be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In non-mission contexts, the national authority should also be advised by the lead UN agency(ies) on the development of national SOPs for demobilization", - "clean_sent": [ - "nonmission", - "contexts", - "national", - "authority", - "also", - "advised", - "lead", - "un", - "agencyies", - "development", - "national", - "sops", - "demobilization" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "nonmission", - "context", - "national", - "authority", - "also", - "advised", - "lead", - "un", - "agencyies", - "development", - "national", - "sop", - "demobilization" - ], - "new_sentence": "nonmission context national authority also advised lead un agencyies development national sop demobilization" - }, - { - "Index": 71, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In non-mission contexts, the national authority should also be advised by the lead UN agency(ies) on the development of national SOPs for demobilization. All those engaged in supporting demobilization shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs, which shall also be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "All those engaged in supporting demobilization shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs, which shall also be kept up to date", - "clean_sent": [ - "engaged", - "supporting", - "demobilization", - "shall", - "familiar", - "relevant", - "sops", - "shall", - "also", - "kept", - "date" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "engaged", - "supporting", - "demobilization", - "shall", - "familiar", - "relevant", - "sop", - "shall", - "also", - "kept", - "date" - ], - "new_sentence": "engaged supporting demobilization shall familiar relevant sop shall also kept date" - }, - { - "Index": 71, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "In non-mission contexts, the national authority should also be advised by the lead UN agency(ies) on the development of national SOPs for demobilization. All those engaged in supporting demobilization shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs, which shall also be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3", - "clean_sent": [ - "single", - "demobilization", - "sop", - "set", - "sops", - "covering", - "specific", - "procedures", - "related", - "demobilization", - "activities", - "see", - "section", - "6", - "informed", - "integrated", - "assessments", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "single", - "demobilization", - "sop", - "set", - "sop", - "covering", - "specific", - "procedure", - "related", - "demobilization", - "activity", - "see", - "section", - "6", - "informed", - "integrated", - "assessment", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "new_sentence": "single demobilization sop set sop covering specific procedure related demobilization activity see section 6 informed integrated assessment see iddrs 3" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented", - "clean_sent": [ - "11", - "integrated", - "assessments", - "national", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document", - "comply", - "international", - "guidelines", - "standards", - "well", - "national", - "laws", - "international", - "obligations", - "country", - "ddr", - "implemented" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "11", - "integrated", - "assessment", - "national", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document", - "comply", - "international", - "guideline", - "standard", - "well", - "national", - "law", - "international", - "obligation", - "country", - "ddr", - "implemented" - ], - "new_sentence": "11 integrated assessment national ddr policy document comply international guideline standard well national law international obligation country ddr implemented" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:Security of demobilization sites;Reception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i", - "clean_sent": [ - "minimum", - "sops", - "cover", - "following", - "proceduressecurity", - "demobilization", - "sitesreception", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "dependants", - "transportation", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "minimum", - "sop", - "cover", - "following", - "proceduressecurity", - "demobilization", - "sitesreception", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "dependant", - "transportation", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "minimum sop cover following proceduressecurity demobilization sitesreception combatant person associated armed force group dependant transportation demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "e", - "clean_sent": [ - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": "e" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", from reception or pick-up points);Transportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;Orientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;Screening for eligibility;Demobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);Health screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e", - "clean_sent": [ - "", - "reception", - "pickup", - "pointstransportation", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "either", - "communities", - "take", - "positions", - "reformed", - "security", - "sectororientation", - "demobilization", - "site", - "may", - "include", - "rules", - "regulations", - "site", - "registrationidentificationscreening", - "eligibilitydemobilization", - "integration", - "security", - "sector", - "applicablehealth", - "screenings", - "including", - "psychosocial", - "assessments", - "hivaids", - "stis", - "reproductive", - "health", - "services", - "sexual", - "violence", - "recovery", - "services", - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "reception", - "pickup", - "pointstransportation", - "demobilization", - "site", - "either", - "community", - "take", - "position", - "reformed", - "security", - "sectororientation", - "demobilization", - "site", - "may", - "include", - "rule", - "regulation", - "site", - "registrationidentificationscreening", - "eligibilitydemobilization", - "integration", - "security", - "sector", - "applicablehealth", - "screening", - "including", - "psychosocial", - "assessment", - "hivaids", - "stis", - "reproductive", - "health", - "service", - "sexual", - "violence", - "recovery", - "service", - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": " reception pickup pointstransportation demobilization site either community take position reformed security sectororientation demobilization site may include rule regulation site registrationidentificationscreening eligibilitydemobilization integration security sector applicablehealth screening including psychosocial assessment hivaids stis reproductive health service sexual violence recovery service e" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "g", - "clean_sent": [ - "g" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "g" - ], - "new_sentence": "g" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", rape kits), etc", - "clean_sent": [ - "", - "rape", - "kits", - "etc" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "rape", - "kit", - "etc" - ], - "new_sentence": " rape kit etc" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ";Gender-aware services and procedures;Reinsertion (e", - "clean_sent": [ - "genderaware", - "services", - "proceduresreinsertion", - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "genderaware", - "service", - "proceduresreinsertion", - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": "genderaware service proceduresreinsertion e" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "g", - "clean_sent": [ - "g" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "g" - ], - "new_sentence": "g" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);Handling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components", - "clean_sent": [ - "", - "procedures", - "cashbased", - "transfers", - "commodity", - "vouchers", - "inkind", - "support", - "public", - "works", - "programmes", - "vocational", - "training", - "andor", - "incomegenerating", - "opportunitieshandling", - "foreign", - "combatants", - "associated", - "persons", - "dependants", - "applicable", - "interaction", - "national", - "authorities", - "andor", - "mission", - "components" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "procedure", - "cashbased", - "transfer", - "commodity", - "voucher", - "inkind", - "support", - "public", - "work", - "programme", - "vocational", - "training", - "andor", - "incomegenerating", - "opportunitieshandling", - "foreign", - "combatant", - "associated", - "person", - "dependant", - "applicable", - "interaction", - "national", - "authority", - "andor", - "mission", - "component" - ], - "new_sentence": " procedure cashbased transfer commodity voucher inkind support public work programme vocational training andor incomegenerating opportunitieshandling foreign combatant associated person dependant applicable interaction national authority andor mission component" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 73, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The demobilization team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for demobilization and should be trained in the use of the abovementioned SOPs. The demobilization team should include a gender-balanced composition of:\nDDR practitioners;\nRepresentatives from the national DDR commission (and potentially other national institutions); Child protection officers;\nGender specialists; and Youth specialists.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 23, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.7 Demobilization team structure", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The demobilization team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for demobilization and should be trained in the use of the abovementioned SOPs", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "team", - "responsible", - "implementing", - "operational", - "procedures", - "demobilization", - "trained", - "use", - "abovementioned", - "sops" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "team", - "responsible", - "implementing", - "operational", - "procedure", - "demobilization", - "trained", - "use", - "abovementioned", - "sop" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization team responsible implementing operational procedure demobilization trained use abovementioned sop" - }, - { - "Index": 73, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The demobilization team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for demobilization and should be trained in the use of the abovementioned SOPs. The demobilization team should include a gender-balanced composition of:\nDDR practitioners;\nRepresentatives from the national DDR commission (and potentially other national institutions); Child protection officers;\nGender specialists; and Youth specialists.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 23, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.7 Demobilization team structure", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The demobilization team should include a gender-balanced composition of:DDR practitioners;Representatives from the national DDR commission (and potentially other national institutions); Child protection officers;Gender specialists; and Youth specialists", - "clean_sent": [ - "demobilization", - "team", - "include", - "genderbalanced", - "composition", - "ofddr", - "practitionersrepresentatives", - "national", - "ddr", - "commission", - "potentially", - "national", - "institutions", - "child", - "protection", - "officersgender", - "specialists", - "youth", - "specialists" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "team", - "include", - "genderbalanced", - "composition", - "ofddr", - "practitionersrepresentatives", - "national", - "ddr", - "commission", - "potentially", - "national", - "institution", - "child", - "protection", - "officersgender", - "specialist", - "youth", - "specialist" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization team include genderbalanced composition ofddr practitionersrepresentatives national ddr commission potentially national institution child protection officersgender specialist youth specialist" - }, - { - "Index": 73, - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Paragraph": "The demobilization team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for demobilization and should be trained in the use of the abovementioned SOPs. The demobilization team should include a gender-balanced composition of:\nDDR practitioners;\nRepresentatives from the national DDR commission (and potentially other national institutions); Child protection officers;\nGender specialists; and Youth specialists.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 23, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.7 Demobilization team structure", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - } -] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/App/static/json/processedIDDRSold.json b/App/static/json/processedIDDRSold.json deleted file mode 100644 index 4c48927..0000000 --- a/App/static/json/processedIDDRSold.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28968 +0,0 @@ -[ - { - "Index": 0, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life", - "sent_lower": "demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "occurs", - "when", - "members", - "of", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "transition", - "from", - "military", - "to", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "occurs", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "transition", - "military", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "occurs", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "transition", - "military", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization occurs member armed force group transition military civilian life" - }, - { - "Index": 0, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict", - "clean_sent": "It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict", - "sent_lower": "it is the second step of a ddr programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "it", - "is", - "the", - "second", - "step", - "of", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "and", - "part", - "of", - "the", - "demilitarization", - "efforts", - "of", - "a", - "society", - "emerging", - "from", - "conflict" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "second", - "step", - "ddr", - "programme", - "part", - "demilitarization", - "efforts", - "society", - "emerging", - "conflict" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "second", - "step", - "ddr", - "programme", - "part", - "demilitarization", - "effort", - "society", - "emerging", - "conflict" - ], - "new_sentence": "second step ddr programme part demilitarization effort society emerging conflict" - }, - { - "Index": 0, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups", - "sent_lower": "demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "operations", - "shall", - "be", - "designed", - "for", - "combatants", - "and", - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "operations", - "shall", - "designed", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "operation", - "shall", - "designed", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization operation shall designed combatant person associated armed force group" - }, - { - "Index": 0, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support", - "clean_sent": "Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support", - "sent_lower": "female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering ddr programmes so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "female", - "combatants", - "and", - "women", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "have", - "traditionally", - "faced", - "obstacles", - "to", - "entering", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "so", - "particular", - "attention", - "should", - "be", - "given", - "to", - "facilitating", - "their", - "access", - "to", - "reinsertion", - "and", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "female", - "combatants", - "women", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "traditionally", - "faced", - "obstacles", - "entering", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "particular", - "attention", - "given", - "facilitating", - "access", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "female", - "combatant", - "woman", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "traditionally", - "faced", - "obstacle", - "entering", - "ddr", - "programme", - "particular", - "attention", - "given", - "facilitating", - "access", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "female combatant woman associated armed force group traditionally faced obstacle entering ddr programme particular attention given facilitating access reinsertion reintegration support" - }, - { - "Index": 0, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities", - "clean_sent": "Victims dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities", - "sent_lower": "victims dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "victims", - "dependants", - "and", - "community", - "members", - "do", - "not", - "participate", - "in", - "demobilization", - "activities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "victims", - "dependants", - "community", - "members", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "activities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "victim", - "dependant", - "community", - "member", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "activity" - ], - "new_sentence": "victim dependant community member participate demobilization activity" - }, - { - "Index": 0, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities", - "clean_sent": "However where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups provisions may be made for them during demobilization including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities", - "sent_lower": "however where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups provisions may be made for them during demobilization including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "however", - "where", - "dependants", - "have", - "accompanied", - "armed", - "forces", - "or", - "groups", - "provisions", - "may", - "be", - "made", - "for", - "them", - "during", - "demobilization", - "including", - "for", - "their", - "accommodation", - "or", - "transportation", - "to", - "their", - "communities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "however", - "dependants", - "accompanied", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "provisions", - "may", - "made", - "demobilization", - "including", - "accommodation", - "transportation", - "communities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "however", - "dependant", - "accompanied", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "provision", - "may", - "made", - "demobilization", - "including", - "accommodation", - "transportation", - "community" - ], - "new_sentence": "however dependant accompanied armed force group provision may made demobilization including accommodation transportation community" - }, - { - "Index": 0, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive", - "clean_sent": "All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive nationally and locally owned context specific and conflict sensitive", - "sent_lower": "all demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive nationally and locally owned context specific and conflict sensitive", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "all", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "shall", - "be", - "gender", - "and", - "age", - "sensitive", - "nationally", - "and", - "locally", - "owned", - "context", - "specific", - "and", - "conflict", - "sensitive" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "operations", - "shall", - "gender", - "age", - "sensitive", - "nationally", - "locally", - "owned", - "context", - "specific", - "conflict", - "sensitive" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "operation", - "shall", - "gender", - "age", - "sensitive", - "nationally", - "locally", - "owned", - "context", - "specific", - "conflict", - "sensitive" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization operation shall gender age sensitive nationally locally owned context specific conflict sensitive" - }, - { - "Index": 0, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 1, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization must be meticulously planned. Demobilization operations should be preceded by an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize, as well as their immediate needs. A risk and security assessment, to identify threats to the DDR programme, should also be conducted. Under the leadership of national authorities, rigorous, unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established, and decisions should be made on the number, type (semi-permanent or temporary) and location of demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization must be meticulously planned", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization must be meticulously planned", - "sent_lower": "demobilization must be meticulously planned", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "must", - "be", - "meticulously", - "planned" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "must", - "meticulously", - "planned" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "must", - "meticulously", - "planned" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization must meticulously planned" - }, - { - "Index": 1, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization must be meticulously planned. Demobilization operations should be preceded by an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize, as well as their immediate needs. A risk and security assessment, to identify threats to the DDR programme, should also be conducted. Under the leadership of national authorities, rigorous, unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established, and decisions should be made on the number, type (semi-permanent or temporary) and location of demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization operations should be preceded by an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize, as well as their immediate needs", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization operations should be preceded by an indepth assessment of the location number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize as well as their immediate needs", - "sent_lower": "demobilization operations should be preceded by an indepth assessment of the location number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize as well as their immediate needs", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "operations", - "should", - "be", - "preceded", - "by", - "an", - "indepth", - "assessment", - "of", - "the", - "location", - "number", - "and", - "type", - "of", - "individuals", - "who", - "are", - "expected", - "to", - "demobilize", - "as", - "well", - "as", - "their", - "immediate", - "needs" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "operations", - "preceded", - "indepth", - "assessment", - "location", - "number", - "type", - "individuals", - "expected", - "demobilize", - "well", - "immediate", - "needs" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "operation", - "preceded", - "indepth", - "assessment", - "location", - "number", - "type", - "individual", - "expected", - "demobilize", - "well", - "immediate", - "need" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization operation preceded indepth assessment location number type individual expected demobilize well immediate need" - }, - { - "Index": 1, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization must be meticulously planned. Demobilization operations should be preceded by an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize, as well as their immediate needs. A risk and security assessment, to identify threats to the DDR programme, should also be conducted. Under the leadership of national authorities, rigorous, unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established, and decisions should be made on the number, type (semi-permanent or temporary) and location of demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "A risk and security assessment, to identify threats to the DDR programme, should also be conducted", - "clean_sent": "A risk and security assessment to identify threats to the DDR programme should also be conducted", - "sent_lower": "a risk and security assessment to identify threats to the ddr programme should also be conducted", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "a", - "risk", - "and", - "security", - "assessment", - "to", - "identify", - "threats", - "to", - "the", - "ddr", - "programme", - "should", - "also", - "be", - "conducted" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "risk", - "security", - "assessment", - "identify", - "threats", - "ddr", - "programme", - "also", - "conducted" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "risk", - "security", - "assessment", - "identify", - "threat", - "ddr", - "programme", - "also", - "conducted" - ], - "new_sentence": "risk security assessment identify threat ddr programme also conducted" - }, - { - "Index": 1, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization must be meticulously planned. Demobilization operations should be preceded by an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize, as well as their immediate needs. A risk and security assessment, to identify threats to the DDR programme, should also be conducted. Under the leadership of national authorities, rigorous, unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established, and decisions should be made on the number, type (semi-permanent or temporary) and location of demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Under the leadership of national authorities, rigorous, unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established, and decisions should be made on the number, type (semi-permanent or temporary) and location of demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": "Under the leadership of national authorities rigorous unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established and decisions should be made on the number type semipermanent or temporary and location of demobilization sites", - "sent_lower": "under the leadership of national authorities rigorous unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established and decisions should be made on the number type semipermanent or temporary and location of demobilization sites", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "under", - "the", - "leadership", - "of", - "national", - "authorities", - "rigorous", - "unambiguous", - "and", - "transparent", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "should", - "be", - "established", - "and", - "decisions", - "should", - "be", - "made", - "on", - "the", - "number", - "type", - "semipermanent", - "or", - "temporary", - "and", - "location", - "of", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "leadership", - "national", - "authorities", - "rigorous", - "unambiguous", - "transparent", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "established", - "decisions", - "made", - "number", - "type", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "location", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "leadership", - "national", - "authority", - "rigorous", - "unambiguous", - "transparent", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "established", - "decision", - "made", - "number", - "type", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "location", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "leadership national authority rigorous unambiguous transparent eligibility criterion established decision made number type semipermanent temporary location demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 1, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization must be meticulously planned. Demobilization operations should be preceded by an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize, as well as their immediate needs. A risk and security assessment, to identify threats to the DDR programme, should also be conducted. Under the leadership of national authorities, rigorous, unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established, and decisions should be made on the number, type (semi-permanent or temporary) and location of demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 2, - "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible", - "clean_sent": "During demobilization potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible", - "sent_lower": "during demobilization potential ddr participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "during", - "demobilization", - "potential", - "ddr", - "participants", - "should", - "be", - "screened", - "to", - "ascertain", - "if", - "they", - "are", - "eligible" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "potential", - "ddr", - "participants", - "screened", - "ascertain", - "eligible" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "potential", - "ddr", - "participant", - "screened", - "ascertain", - "eligible" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization potential ddr participant screened ascertain eligible" - }, - { - "Index": 2, - "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities", - "clean_sent": "Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities", - "sent_lower": "mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "mechanisms", - "to", - "verify", - "eligibility", - "should", - "be", - "led", - "or", - "conducted", - "with", - "the", - "close", - "engagement", - "of", - "the", - "national", - "authorities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "mechanisms", - "verify", - "eligibility", - "led", - "conducted", - "close", - "engagement", - "national", - "authorities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "mechanism", - "verify", - "eligibility", - "led", - "conducted", - "close", - "engagement", - "national", - "authority" - ], - "new_sentence": "mechanism verify eligibility led conducted close engagement national authority" - }, - { - "Index": 2, - "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members", - "clean_sent": "Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases and the names of senior group members", - "sent_lower": "verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases and the names of senior group members", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "verification", - "can", - "include", - "questions", - "concerning", - "the", - "location", - "of", - "specific", - "battles", - "and", - "military", - "bases", - "and", - "the", - "names", - "of", - "senior", - "group", - "members" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "verification", - "include", - "questions", - "concerning", - "location", - "specific", - "battles", - "military", - "bases", - "names", - "senior", - "group", - "members" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "verification", - "include", - "question", - "concerning", - "location", - "specific", - "battle", - "military", - "base", - "name", - "senior", - "group", - "member" - ], - "new_sentence": "verification include question concerning location specific battle military base name senior group member" - }, - { - "Index": 2, - "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme", - "clean_sent": "If DDR participants are found to have committed or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes crimes against humanity terrorist acts or offences1 andor genocide they shall be removed from the DDR programme", - "sent_lower": "if ddr participants are found to have committed or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a ddr participant knowingly committed war crimes crimes against humanity terrorist acts or offences1 andor genocide they shall be removed from the ddr programme", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "ddr", - "participants", - "are", - "found", - "to", - "have", - "committed", - "or", - "there", - "is", - "a", - "clear", - "and", - "reasonable", - "indication", - "that", - "a", - "ddr", - "participant", - "knowingly", - "committed", - "war", - "crimes", - "crimes", - "against", - "humanity", - "terrorist", - "acts", - "or", - "offences1", - "andor", - "genocide", - "they", - "shall", - "be", - "removed", - "from", - "the", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "participants", - "found", - "committed", - "clear", - "reasonable", - "indication", - "ddr", - "participant", - "knowingly", - "committed", - "war", - "crimes", - "crimes", - "humanity", - "terrorist", - "acts", - "offences1", - "andor", - "genocide", - "shall", - "removed", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "participant", - "found", - "committed", - "clear", - "reasonable", - "indication", - "ddr", - "participant", - "knowingly", - "committed", - "war", - "crime", - "crime", - "humanity", - "terrorist", - "act", - "offences1", - "andor", - "genocide", - "shall", - "removed", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr participant found committed clear reasonable indication ddr participant knowingly committed war crime crime humanity terrorist act offences1 andor genocide shall removed ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 2, - "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc", - "clean_sent": "Once eligibility has been established basic registration data name age contact information etc", - "sent_lower": "once eligibility has been established basic registration data name age contact information etc", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "once", - "eligibility", - "has", - "been", - "established", - "basic", - "registration", - "data", - "name", - "age", - "contact", - "information", - "etc" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "eligibility", - "established", - "basic", - "registration", - "data", - "name", - "age", - "contact", - "information", - "etc" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "eligibility", - "established", - "basic", - "registration", - "data", - "name", - "age", - "contact", - "information", - "etc" - ], - "new_sentence": "eligibility established basic registration data name age contact information etc" - }, - { - "Index": 2, - "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "should be entered into a case management system", - "clean_sent": "should be entered into a case management system", - "sent_lower": "should be entered into a case management system", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "should", - "be", - "entered", - "into", - "a", - "case", - "management", - "system" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "entered", - "case", - "management", - "system" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "entered", - "case", - "management", - "system" - ], - "new_sentence": "entered case management system" - }, - { - "Index": 2, - "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 3, - "Paragraph": "Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings, physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community. A discharge document, such as a demobilization declaration or certificate, should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization. During demobilization, DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme, as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized. This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion and\/or reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings, physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community", - "clean_sent": "Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community", - "sent_lower": "individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "individuals", - "who", - "demobilize", - "should", - "also", - "be", - "provided", - "with", - "orientation", - "briefings", - "physical", - "and", - "psychosocial", - "health", - "screenings", - "and", - "information", - "that", - "will", - "support", - "their", - "return", - "to", - "the", - "community" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "individuals", - "demobilize", - "also", - "provided", - "orientation", - "briefings", - "physical", - "psychosocial", - "health", - "screenings", - "information", - "support", - "return", - "community" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "individual", - "demobilize", - "also", - "provided", - "orientation", - "briefing", - "physical", - "psychosocial", - "health", - "screening", - "information", - "support", - "return", - "community" - ], - "new_sentence": "individual demobilize also provided orientation briefing physical psychosocial health screening information support return community" - }, - { - "Index": 3, - "Paragraph": "Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings, physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community. A discharge document, such as a demobilization declaration or certificate, should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization. During demobilization, DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme, as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized. This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion and\/or reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "A discharge document, such as a demobilization declaration or certificate, should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization", - "clean_sent": "A discharge document such as a demobilization declaration or certificate should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization", - "sent_lower": "a discharge document such as a demobilization declaration or certificate should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "a", - "discharge", - "document", - "such", - "as", - "a", - "demobilization", - "declaration", - "or", - "certificate", - "should", - "be", - "given", - "to", - "former", - "members", - "of", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "as", - "proof", - "of", - "their", - "demobilization" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "discharge", - "document", - "demobilization", - "declaration", - "certificate", - "given", - "former", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "proof", - "demobilization" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "discharge", - "document", - "demobilization", - "declaration", - "certificate", - "given", - "former", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "proof", - "demobilization" - ], - "new_sentence": "discharge document demobilization declaration certificate given former member armed force group proof demobilization" - }, - { - "Index": 3, - "Paragraph": "Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings, physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community. A discharge document, such as a demobilization declaration or certificate, should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization. During demobilization, DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme, as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized. This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion and\/or reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "During demobilization, DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme, as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized", - "clean_sent": "During demobilization DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized", - "sent_lower": "during demobilization ddr practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the ddr programme as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "during", - "demobilization", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "should", - "also", - "conduct", - "a", - "profiling", - "exercise", - "to", - "identify", - "obstacles", - "that", - "may", - "prevent", - "those", - "eligible", - "from", - "full", - "participation", - "in", - "the", - "ddr", - "programme", - "as", - "well", - "as", - "the", - "specific", - "needs", - "and", - "ambitions", - "of", - "the", - "demobilized" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "also", - "conduct", - "profiling", - "exercise", - "identify", - "obstacles", - "may", - "prevent", - "eligible", - "full", - "participation", - "ddr", - "programme", - "well", - "specific", - "needs", - "ambitions", - "demobilized" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "also", - "conduct", - "profiling", - "exercise", - "identify", - "obstacle", - "may", - "prevent", - "eligible", - "full", - "participation", - "ddr", - "programme", - "well", - "specific", - "need", - "ambition", - "demobilized" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization ddr practitioner also conduct profiling exercise identify obstacle may prevent eligible full participation ddr programme well specific need ambition demobilized" - }, - { - "Index": 3, - "Paragraph": "Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings, physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community. A discharge document, such as a demobilization declaration or certificate, should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization. During demobilization, DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme, as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized. This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion and\/or reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion and\/or reintegration support", - "clean_sent": "This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion andor reintegration support", - "sent_lower": "this information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion andor reintegration support", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "this", - "information", - "should", - "be", - "used", - "to", - "inform", - "planning", - "for", - "reinsertion", - "andor", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "information", - "used", - "inform", - "planning", - "reinsertion", - "andor", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "information", - "used", - "inform", - "planning", - "reinsertion", - "andor", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "information used inform planning reinsertion andor reintegration support" - }, - { - "Index": 3, - "Paragraph": "Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings, physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community. A discharge document, such as a demobilization declaration or certificate, should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization. During demobilization, DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme, as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized. This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion and\/or reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 4, - "Paragraph": "If reinsertion assistance is foreseen as the second stage of the demobilization operation, DDR practitioners should also determine an appropriate transfer modality (cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support and\/or public works programmes). As much as possible, reinsertion assistance should be designed to pave the way for subsequent reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If reinsertion assistance is foreseen as the second stage of the demobilization operation, DDR practitioners should also determine an appropriate transfer modality (cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support and\/or public works programmes)", - "clean_sent": "If reinsertion assistance is foreseen as the second stage of the demobilization operation DDR practitioners should also determine an appropriate transfer modality cashbased transfers commodity vouchers inkind support andor public works programmes", - "sent_lower": "if reinsertion assistance is foreseen as the second stage of the demobilization operation ddr practitioners should also determine an appropriate transfer modality cashbased transfers commodity vouchers inkind support andor public works programmes", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "is", - "foreseen", - "as", - "the", - "second", - "stage", - "of", - "the", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "should", - "also", - "determine", - "an", - "appropriate", - "transfer", - "modality", - "cashbased", - "transfers", - "commodity", - "vouchers", - "inkind", - "support", - "andor", - "public", - "works", - "programmes" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "foreseen", - "second", - "stage", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "also", - "determine", - "appropriate", - "transfer", - "modality", - "cashbased", - "transfers", - "commodity", - "vouchers", - "inkind", - "support", - "andor", - "public", - "works", - "programmes" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "foreseen", - "second", - "stage", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "also", - "determine", - "appropriate", - "transfer", - "modality", - "cashbased", - "transfer", - "commodity", - "voucher", - "inkind", - "support", - "andor", - "public", - "work", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "reinsertion assistance foreseen second stage demobilization operation ddr practitioner also determine appropriate transfer modality cashbased transfer commodity voucher inkind support andor public work programme" - }, - { - "Index": 4, - "Paragraph": "If reinsertion assistance is foreseen as the second stage of the demobilization operation, DDR practitioners should also determine an appropriate transfer modality (cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support and\/or public works programmes). As much as possible, reinsertion assistance should be designed to pave the way for subsequent reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "As much as possible, reinsertion assistance should be designed to pave the way for subsequent reintegration support", - "clean_sent": "As much as possible reinsertion assistance should be designed to pave the way for subsequent reintegration support", - "sent_lower": "as much as possible reinsertion assistance should be designed to pave the way for subsequent reintegration support", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "as", - "much", - "as", - "possible", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "should", - "be", - "designed", - "to", - "pave", - "the", - "way", - "for", - "subsequent", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "much", - "possible", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "designed", - "pave", - "way", - "subsequent", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "much", - "possible", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "designed", - "pave", - "way", - "subsequent", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "much possible reinsertion assistance designed pave way subsequent reintegration support" - }, - { - "Index": 4, - "Paragraph": "If reinsertion assistance is foreseen as the second stage of the demobilization operation, DDR practitioners should also determine an appropriate transfer modality (cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support and\/or public works programmes). As much as possible, reinsertion assistance should be designed to pave the way for subsequent reintegration support.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 1, - "Heading1": "Summary", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings", - "clean_sent": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and nonmission settings", - "sent_lower": "the aim of this module is to provide guidance to ddr practitioners supporting the planning design and implementation of demobilization operations during ddr programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and nonmission settings", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "aim", - "of", - "this", - "module", - "is", - "to", - "provide", - "guidance", - "to", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "supporting", - "the", - "planning", - "design", - "and", - "implementation", - "of", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "during", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "within", - "the", - "framework", - "of", - "peace", - "agreements", - "in", - "mission", - "and", - "nonmission", - "settings" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "aim", - "module", - "provide", - "guidance", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "supporting", - "planning", - "design", - "implementation", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "within", - "framework", - "peace", - "agreements", - "mission", - "nonmission", - "settings" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "aim", - "module", - "provide", - "guidance", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "supporting", - "planning", - "design", - "implementation", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "ddr", - "programme", - "within", - "framework", - "peace", - "agreement", - "mission", - "nonmission", - "setting" - ], - "new_sentence": "aim module provide guidance ddr practitioner supporting planning design implementation demobilization operation ddr programme within framework peace agreement mission nonmission setting" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": "Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women children youth foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5", - "sent_lower": "additional guidance related to the demobilization of women children youth foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in iddrs 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "additional", - "guidance", - "related", - "to", - "the", - "demobilization", - "of", - "women", - "children", - "youth", - "foreign", - "combatants", - "and", - "persons", - "with", - "disabilities", - "can", - "be", - "found", - "in", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "additional", - "guidance", - "related", - "demobilization", - "women", - "children", - "youth", - "foreign", - "combatants", - "persons", - "disabilities", - "found", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "additional", - "guidance", - "related", - "demobilization", - "woman", - "child", - "youth", - "foreign", - "combatant", - "person", - "disability", - "found", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "additional guidance related demobilization woman child youth foreign combatant person disability found iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": "10 on Women Gender and DDR IDDRS 5", - "sent_lower": "10 on women gender and ddr iddrs 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "10", - "on", - "women", - "gender", - "and", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "10", - "women", - "gender", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "woman", - "gender", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 woman gender ddr iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": "20 on Children and DDR IDDRS 5", - "sent_lower": "20 on children and ddr iddrs 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "20", - "on", - "children", - "and", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "20", - "children", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "20", - "child", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "20 child ddr iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": "30 on Youth and DDR IDDRS 5", - "sent_lower": "30 on youth and ddr iddrs 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "30", - "on", - "youth", - "and", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "30", - "youth", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "30", - "youth", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "30 youth ddr iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": "40 on CrossBorder Population Movements and IDDRS 5", - "sent_lower": "40 on crossborder population movements and iddrs 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "40", - "on", - "crossborder", - "population", - "movements", - "and", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "40", - "crossborder", - "population", - "movements", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "40", - "crossborder", - "population", - "movement", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "40 crossborder population movement iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "60 on Disability and DDR", - "clean_sent": "60 on Disability and DDR", - "sent_lower": "60 on disability and ddr", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "60", - "on", - "disability", - "and", - "ddr" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "60", - "disability", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "60", - "disability", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "60 disability ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 5, - "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 6, - "Paragraph": "The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In addition, the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place. For example, in some instances, DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route\u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process (see IDDRS 6", - "clean_sent": "The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process see IDDRS 6", - "sent_lower": "the guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process see iddrs 6", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "guidance", - "in", - "this", - "module", - "is", - "also", - "relevant", - "for", - "practitioners", - "supporting", - "demobilization", - "in", - "the", - "context", - "of", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "as", - "part", - "of", - "a", - "rightsizing", - "process", - "see", - "iddrs", - "6" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "guidance", - "module", - "also", - "relevant", - "practitioners", - "supporting", - "demobilization", - "context", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "part", - "rightsizing", - "process", - "see", - "iddrs", - "6" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "guidance", - "module", - "also", - "relevant", - "practitioner", - "supporting", - "demobilization", - "context", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "part", - "rightsizing", - "process", - "see", - "iddrs", - "6" - ], - "new_sentence": "guidance module also relevant practitioner supporting demobilization context security sector reform part rightsizing process see iddrs 6" - }, - { - "Index": 6, - "Paragraph": "The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In addition, the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place. For example, in some instances, DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route\u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform)", - "clean_sent": "10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform", - "sent_lower": "10 on ddr and security sector reform", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "10", - "on", - "ddr", - "and", - "security", - "sector", - "reform" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "10", - "ddr", - "security", - "sector", - "reform" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "ddr", - "security", - "sector", - "reform" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 ddr security sector reform" - }, - { - "Index": 6, - "Paragraph": "The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In addition, the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place. For example, in some instances, DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route\u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In addition, the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place", - "clean_sent": "In addition the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place", - "sent_lower": "in addition the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a ddr programme are not in place", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "addition", - "the", - "guidance", - "may", - "be", - "relevant", - "to", - "contexts", - "where", - "the", - "preconditions", - "for", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "are", - "not", - "in", - "place" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "addition", - "guidance", - "may", - "relevant", - "contexts", - "preconditions", - "ddr", - "programme", - "place" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "addition", - "guidance", - "may", - "relevant", - "context", - "precondition", - "ddr", - "programme", - "place" - ], - "new_sentence": "addition guidance may relevant context precondition ddr programme place" - }, - { - "Index": 6, - "Paragraph": "The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In addition, the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place. For example, in some instances, DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route\u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For example, in some instances, DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route\u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life", - "clean_sent": "For example in some instances DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route\u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life", - "sent_lower": "for example in some instances ddr practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status those individuals who take this route\u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "for", - "example", - "in", - "some", - "instances", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "may", - "be", - "called", - "upon", - "to", - "support", - "national", - "entities", - "charged", - "with", - "the", - "application", - "of", - "amnesty", - "laws", - "or", - "other", - "pathways", - "for", - "individuals", - "to", - "leave", - "armed", - "groups", - "and", - "return", - "to", - "civilian", - "status", - "those", - "individuals", - "who", - "take", - "this", - "route", - "", - "reporting", - "to", - "amnesty", - "commissions", - "or", - "the", - "national", - "authorities", - "", - "", - "also", - "transition", - "from", - "military", - "to", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "example", - "instances", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "may", - "called", - "upon", - "support", - "national", - "entities", - "charged", - "application", - "amnesty", - "laws", - "pathways", - "individuals", - "leave", - "armed", - "groups", - "return", - "civilian", - "status", - "individuals", - "take", - "route", - "", - "reporting", - "amnesty", - "commissions", - "national", - "authorities", - "", - "", - "also", - "transition", - "military", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "example", - "instance", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "may", - "called", - "upon", - "support", - "national", - "entity", - "charged", - "application", - "amnesty", - "law", - "pathway", - "individual", - "leave", - "armed", - "group", - "return", - "civilian", - "status", - "individual", - "take", - "route", - "", - "reporting", - "amnesty", - "commission", - "national", - "authority", - "", - "", - "also", - "transition", - "military", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "example instance ddr practitioner may called upon support national entity charged application amnesty law pathway individual leave armed group return civilian status individual take route reporting amnesty commission national authority also transition military civilian life" - }, - { - "Index": 6, - "Paragraph": "The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In addition, the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place. For example, in some instances, DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route\u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 7, - "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines:\na) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard;\nb) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications;\nc) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action;\nd) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability;\ne) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down", - "clean_sent": "In the IDDRS series the words \u2018shall\u2019 \u2018should\u2019 \u2018may\u2019 \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down", - "sent_lower": "in the iddrs series the words \u2018shall\u2019 \u2018should\u2019 \u2018may\u2019 \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "the", - "iddrs", - "series", - "the", - "words", - "", - "shall", - "", - "", - "should", - "", - "", - "may", - "", - "", - "can", - "", - "and", - "", - "must", - "", - "are", - "used", - "to", - "indicate", - "the", - "intended", - "degree", - "of", - "compliance", - "with", - "the", - "standards", - "laid", - "down" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "iddrs", - "series", - "words", - "", - "shall", - "", - "", - "", - "", - "may", - "", - "", - "", - "", - "must", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "intended", - "degree", - "compliance", - "standards", - "laid" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "iddrs", - "series", - "word", - "", - "shall", - "", - "", - "", - "", - "may", - "", - "", - "", - "", - "must", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "intended", - "degree", - "compliance", - "standard", - "laid" - ], - "new_sentence": "iddrs series word shall may must used indicate intended degree compliance standard laid" - }, - { - "Index": 7, - "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines:\na) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard;\nb) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications;\nc) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action;\nd) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability;\ne) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines:a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard;b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications;c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action;d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability;e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation", - "clean_sent": "This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelinesa \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standardb \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements methods or specificationsc \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of actiond \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capabilitye \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation", - "sent_lower": "this use is consistent with the language used in the international organization for standardization standards and guidelinesa \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standardb \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements methods or specificationsc \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of actiond \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capabilitye \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "this", - "use", - "is", - "consistent", - "with", - "the", - "language", - "used", - "in", - "the", - "international", - "organization", - "for", - "standardization", - "standards", - "and", - "guidelinesa", - "", - "shall", - "", - "is", - "used", - "to", - "indicate", - "requirements", - "methods", - "or", - "specifications", - "that", - "are", - "to", - "be", - "applied", - "in", - "order", - "to", - "conform", - "to", - "the", - "standardb", - "", - "should", - "", - "is", - "used", - "to", - "indicate", - "the", - "preferred", - "requirements", - "methods", - "or", - "specificationsc", - "", - "may", - "", - "is", - "used", - "to", - "indicate", - "a", - "possible", - "method", - "or", - "course", - "of", - "actiond", - "", - "can", - "", - "is", - "used", - "to", - "indicate", - "a", - "possibility", - "and", - "capabilitye", - "", - "must", - "", - "is", - "used", - "to", - "indicate", - "an", - "external", - "constraint", - "or", - "obligation" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "use", - "consistent", - "language", - "used", - "international", - "organization", - "standardization", - "standards", - "guidelinesa", - "", - "shall", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "requirements", - "methods", - "specifications", - "applied", - "order", - "conform", - "standardb", - "", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "preferred", - "requirements", - "methods", - "specificationsc", - "", - "may", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "possible", - "method", - "course", - "actiond", - "", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "possibility", - "capabilitye", - "", - "must", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "external", - "constraint", - "obligation" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "use", - "consistent", - "language", - "used", - "international", - "organization", - "standardization", - "standard", - "guidelinesa", - "", - "shall", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "requirement", - "method", - "specification", - "applied", - "order", - "conform", - "standardb", - "", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "preferred", - "requirement", - "method", - "specificationsc", - "", - "may", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "possible", - "method", - "course", - "actiond", - "", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "possibility", - "capabilitye", - "", - "must", - "", - "used", - "indicate", - "external", - "constraint", - "obligation" - ], - "new_sentence": "use consistent language used international organization standardization standard guidelinesa shall used indicate requirement method specification applied order conform standardb used indicate preferred requirement method specificationsc may used indicate possible method course actiond used indicate possibility capabilitye must used indicate external constraint obligation" - }, - { - "Index": 7, - "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines:\na) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard;\nb) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications;\nc) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action;\nd) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability;\ne) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 8, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status. The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites. A peace agreement provides the political, policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document. When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status", - "sent_lower": "demobilization as part of a ddr programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "as", - "part", - "of", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "is", - "the", - "separation", - "of", - "members", - "of", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "from", - "military", - "command", - "and", - "control", - "structures", - "and", - "their", - "transition", - "to", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme", - "separation", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "military", - "command", - "control", - "structures", - "transition", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme", - "separation", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "military", - "command", - "control", - "structure", - "transition", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization part ddr programme separation member armed force group military command control structure transition civilian status" - }, - { - "Index": 8, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status. The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites. A peace agreement provides the political, policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document. When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites", - "clean_sent": "The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites", - "sent_lower": "the first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "first", - "stage", - "of", - "demobilization", - "includes", - "the", - "formal", - "and", - "controlled", - "discharge", - "of", - "members", - "of", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "in", - "designated", - "sites" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "first", - "stage", - "demobilization", - "includes", - "formal", - "controlled", - "discharge", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "designated", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "first", - "stage", - "demobilization", - "includes", - "formal", - "controlled", - "discharge", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "designated", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "first stage demobilization includes formal controlled discharge member armed force group designated site" - }, - { - "Index": 8, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status. The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites. A peace agreement provides the political, policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document. When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "A peace agreement provides the political, policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document", - "clean_sent": "A peace agreement provides the political policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document", - "sent_lower": "a peace agreement provides the political policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a ddr policy document", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "a", - "peace", - "agreement", - "provides", - "the", - "political", - "policy", - "and", - "operational", - "framework", - "for", - "demobilization", - "and", - "may", - "be", - "accompanied", - "by", - "a", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "peace", - "agreement", - "provides", - "political", - "policy", - "operational", - "framework", - "demobilization", - "may", - "accompanied", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "peace", - "agreement", - "provides", - "political", - "policy", - "operational", - "framework", - "demobilization", - "may", - "accompanied", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document" - ], - "new_sentence": "peace agreement provides political policy operational framework demobilization may accompanied ddr policy document" - }, - { - "Index": 8, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status. The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites. A peace agreement provides the political, policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document. When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities", - "clean_sent": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities", - "sent_lower": "when the preconditions for a ddr programme do not exist the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "the", - "preconditions", - "for", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "do", - "not", - "exist", - "the", - "transition", - "from", - "combatant", - "to", - "civilian", - "status", - "can", - "be", - "facilitated", - "and", - "formalized", - "through", - "different", - "approaches", - "by", - "national", - "authorities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "preconditions", - "ddr", - "programme", - "exist", - "transition", - "combatant", - "civilian", - "status", - "facilitated", - "formalized", - "different", - "approaches", - "national", - "authorities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "precondition", - "ddr", - "programme", - "exist", - "transition", - "combatant", - "civilian", - "status", - "facilitated", - "formalized", - "different", - "approach", - "national", - "authority" - ], - "new_sentence": "precondition ddr programme exist transition combatant civilian status facilitated formalized different approach national authority" - }, - { - "Index": 8, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status. The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites. A peace agreement provides the political, policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document. When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 9, - "Paragraph": "Reinsertion, the second stage of demobilization, is transitional assistance offered for a period of up to one year and prior to reintegration support. Reinsertion assistance is offered to combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who have been formally demobilized.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Reinsertion, the second stage of demobilization, is transitional assistance offered for a period of up to one year and prior to reintegration support", - "clean_sent": "Reinsertion the second stage of demobilization is transitional assistance offered for a period of up to one year and prior to reintegration support", - "sent_lower": "reinsertion the second stage of demobilization is transitional assistance offered for a period of up to one year and prior to reintegration support", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "reinsertion", - "the", - "second", - "stage", - "of", - "demobilization", - "is", - "transitional", - "assistance", - "offered", - "for", - "a", - "period", - "of", - "up", - "to", - "one", - "year", - "and", - "prior", - "to", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "reinsertion", - "second", - "stage", - "demobilization", - "transitional", - "assistance", - "offered", - "period", - "one", - "year", - "prior", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "reinsertion", - "second", - "stage", - "demobilization", - "transitional", - "assistance", - "offered", - "period", - "one", - "year", - "prior", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "reinsertion second stage demobilization transitional assistance offered period one year prior reintegration support" - }, - { - "Index": 9, - "Paragraph": "Reinsertion, the second stage of demobilization, is transitional assistance offered for a period of up to one year and prior to reintegration support. Reinsertion assistance is offered to combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who have been formally demobilized.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Reinsertion assistance is offered to combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who have been formally demobilized", - "clean_sent": "Reinsertion assistance is offered to combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who have been formally demobilized", - "sent_lower": "reinsertion assistance is offered to combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who have been formally demobilized", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "is", - "offered", - "to", - "combatants", - "and", - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "who", - "have", - "been", - "formally", - "demobilized" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "offered", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "formally", - "demobilized" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "offered", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "formally", - "demobilized" - ], - "new_sentence": "reinsertion assistance offered combatant person associated armed force group formally demobilized" - }, - { - "Index": 9, - "Paragraph": "Reinsertion, the second stage of demobilization, is transitional assistance offered for a period of up to one year and prior to reintegration support. Reinsertion assistance is offered to combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who have been formally demobilized.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 10, - "Paragraph": "Self-demobilization is the term used in this module to refer to situations where individuals leave armed forces or groups to return to civilian life without reporting to national authorities and officially changing their status from military to civilian.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Self-demobilization is the term used in this module to refer to situations where individuals leave armed forces or groups to return to civilian life without reporting to national authorities and officially changing their status from military to civilian", - "clean_sent": "Selfdemobilization is the term used in this module to refer to situations where individuals leave armed forces or groups to return to civilian life without reporting to national authorities and officially changing their status from military to civilian", - "sent_lower": "selfdemobilization is the term used in this module to refer to situations where individuals leave armed forces or groups to return to civilian life without reporting to national authorities and officially changing their status from military to civilian", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "selfdemobilization", - "is", - "the", - "term", - "used", - "in", - "this", - "module", - "to", - "refer", - "to", - "situations", - "where", - "individuals", - "leave", - "armed", - "forces", - "or", - "groups", - "to", - "return", - "to", - "civilian", - "life", - "without", - "reporting", - "to", - "national", - "authorities", - "and", - "officially", - "changing", - "their", - "status", - "from", - "military", - "to", - "civilian" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "selfdemobilization", - "term", - "used", - "module", - "refer", - "situations", - "individuals", - "leave", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "return", - "civilian", - "life", - "without", - "reporting", - "national", - "authorities", - "officially", - "changing", - "status", - "military", - "civilian" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "selfdemobilization", - "term", - "used", - "module", - "refer", - "situation", - "individual", - "leave", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "return", - "civilian", - "life", - "without", - "reporting", - "national", - "authority", - "officially", - "changing", - "status", - "military", - "civilian" - ], - "new_sentence": "selfdemobilization term used module refer situation individual leave armed force group return civilian life without reporting national authority officially changing status military civilian" - }, - { - "Index": 10, - "Paragraph": "Self-demobilization is the term used in this module to refer to situations where individuals leave armed forces or groups to return to civilian life without reporting to national authorities and officially changing their status from military to civilian.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 11, - "Paragraph": "Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants (armed) and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role (generally unarmed, providing logistical and other types of support). The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019. The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning, indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians. This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants (armed) and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role (generally unarmed, providing logistical and other types of support)", - "clean_sent": "Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants armed and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role generally unarmed providing logistical and other types of support", - "sent_lower": "members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the iddrs to refer both to combatants armed and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role generally unarmed providing logistical and other types of support", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "members", - "of", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "is", - "the", - "term", - "used", - "in", - "the", - "iddrs", - "to", - "refer", - "both", - "to", - "combatants", - "armed", - "and", - "those", - "who", - "belong", - "to", - "an", - "armed", - "force", - "or", - "group", - "but", - "who", - "serve", - "in", - "a", - "supporting", - "role", - "generally", - "unarmed", - "providing", - "logistical", - "and", - "other", - "types", - "of", - "support" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "term", - "used", - "iddrs", - "refer", - "combatants", - "armed", - "belong", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "serve", - "supporting", - "role", - "generally", - "unarmed", - "providing", - "logistical", - "types", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "term", - "used", - "iddrs", - "refer", - "combatant", - "armed", - "belong", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "serve", - "supporting", - "role", - "generally", - "unarmed", - "providing", - "logistical", - "type", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "member armed force group term used iddrs refer combatant armed belong armed force group serve supporting role generally unarmed providing logistical type support" - }, - { - "Index": 11, - "Paragraph": "Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants (armed) and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role (generally unarmed, providing logistical and other types of support). The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019. The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning, indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians. This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019", - "clean_sent": "The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019", - "sent_lower": "the latter are referred to in the iddrs as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "latter", - "are", - "referred", - "to", - "in", - "the", - "iddrs", - "as", - "", - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "latter", - "referred", - "iddrs", - "", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "latter", - "referred", - "iddrs", - "", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "latter referred iddrs person associated armed force group " - }, - { - "Index": 11, - "Paragraph": "Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants (armed) and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role (generally unarmed, providing logistical and other types of support). The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019. The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning, indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians. This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning, indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians", - "clean_sent": "The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians", - "sent_lower": "the iddrs use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "iddrs", - "use", - "the", - "term", - "", - "combatant", - "", - "in", - "its", - "generic", - "meaning", - "indicating", - "that", - "these", - "persons", - "do", - "not", - "enjoy", - "the", - "protection", - "against", - "attack", - "accorded", - "to", - "civilians" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "iddrs", - "use", - "term", - "", - "combatant", - "", - "generic", - "meaning", - "indicating", - "persons", - "enjoy", - "protection", - "attack", - "accorded", - "civilians" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "iddrs", - "use", - "term", - "", - "combatant", - "", - "generic", - "meaning", - "indicating", - "person", - "enjoy", - "protection", - "attack", - "accorded", - "civilian" - ], - "new_sentence": "iddrs use term combatant generic meaning indicating person enjoy protection attack accorded civilian" - }, - { - "Index": 11, - "Paragraph": "Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants (armed) and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role (generally unarmed, providing logistical and other types of support). The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019. The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning, indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians. This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts", - "clean_sent": "This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisonerofwar status as applicable in international armed conflicts", - "sent_lower": "this also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisonerofwar status as applicable in international armed conflicts", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "this", - "also", - "does", - "not", - "imply", - "the", - "right", - "to", - "combatant", - "status", - "or", - "prisonerofwar", - "status", - "as", - "applicable", - "in", - "international", - "armed", - "conflicts" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "also", - "imply", - "right", - "combatant", - "status", - "prisonerofwar", - "status", - "applicable", - "international", - "armed", - "conflicts" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "also", - "imply", - "right", - "combatant", - "status", - "prisonerofwar", - "status", - "applicable", - "international", - "armed", - "conflict" - ], - "new_sentence": "also imply right combatant status prisonerofwar status applicable international armed conflict" - }, - { - "Index": 11, - "Paragraph": "Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants (armed) and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role (generally unarmed, providing logistical and other types of support). The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019. The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning, indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians. This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 2, - "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 12, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization officially certifies an individual\u2019s change of status from being a member of an armed force or group to being a civilian. Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups formally acquire civilian status when they receive official documentation that confirms their new status.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization officially certifies an individual\u2019s change of status from being a member of an armed force or group to being a civilian", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization officially certifies an individual\u2019s change of status from being a member of an armed force or group to being a civilian", - "sent_lower": "demobilization officially certifies an individual\u2019s change of status from being a member of an armed force or group to being a civilian", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "officially", - "certifies", - "an", - "individual", - "s", - "change", - "of", - "status", - "from", - "being", - "a", - "member", - "of", - "an", - "armed", - "force", - "or", - "group", - "to", - "being", - "a", - "civilian" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "officially", - "certifies", - "individual", - "change", - "status", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "civilian" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "officially", - "certifies", - "individual", - "change", - "status", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "civilian" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization officially certifies individual change status member armed force group civilian" - }, - { - "Index": 12, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization officially certifies an individual\u2019s change of status from being a member of an armed force or group to being a civilian. Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups formally acquire civilian status when they receive official documentation that confirms their new status.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups formally acquire civilian status when they receive official documentation that confirms their new status", - "clean_sent": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups formally acquire civilian status when they receive official documentation that confirms their new status", - "sent_lower": "combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups formally acquire civilian status when they receive official documentation that confirms their new status", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "combatants", - "and", - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "formally", - "acquire", - "civilian", - "status", - "when", - "they", - "receive", - "official", - "documentation", - "that", - "confirms", - "their", - "new", - "status" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "formally", - "acquire", - "civilian", - "status", - "receive", - "official", - "documentation", - "confirms", - "new", - "status" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "formally", - "acquire", - "civilian", - "status", - "receive", - "official", - "documentation", - "confirms", - "new", - "status" - ], - "new_sentence": "combatant person associated armed force group formally acquire civilian status receive official documentation confirms new status" - }, - { - "Index": 12, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization officially certifies an individual\u2019s change of status from being a member of an armed force or group to being a civilian. Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups formally acquire civilian status when they receive official documentation that confirms their new status.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 13, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces, the complete disbanding of armed groups, or the disbanding of armed forces and groups with a view to forming new armed forces. It is generally part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. It is therefore a symbolically important step in the consolidation of peace, particularly within the framework of the implementation of peace agreements.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces, the complete disbanding of armed groups, or the disbanding of armed forces and groups with a view to forming new armed forces", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces the complete disbanding of armed groups or the disbanding of armed forces and groups with a view to forming new armed forces", - "sent_lower": "demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces the complete disbanding of armed groups or the disbanding of armed forces and groups with a view to forming new armed forces", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "contributes", - "to", - "the", - "rightsizing", - "of", - "armed", - "forces", - "the", - "complete", - "disbanding", - "of", - "armed", - "groups", - "or", - "the", - "disbanding", - "of", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "with", - "a", - "view", - "to", - "forming", - "new", - "armed", - "forces" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "contributes", - "rightsizing", - "armed", - "forces", - "complete", - "disbanding", - "armed", - "groups", - "disbanding", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "view", - "forming", - "new", - "armed", - "forces" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "contributes", - "rightsizing", - "armed", - "force", - "complete", - "disbanding", - "armed", - "group", - "disbanding", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "view", - "forming", - "new", - "armed", - "force" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization contributes rightsizing armed force complete disbanding armed group disbanding armed force group view forming new armed force" - }, - { - "Index": 13, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces, the complete disbanding of armed groups, or the disbanding of armed forces and groups with a view to forming new armed forces. It is generally part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. It is therefore a symbolically important step in the consolidation of peace, particularly within the framework of the implementation of peace agreements.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "It is generally part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict", - "clean_sent": "It is generally part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict", - "sent_lower": "it is generally part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "it", - "is", - "generally", - "part", - "of", - "the", - "demilitarization", - "efforts", - "of", - "a", - "society", - "emerging", - "from", - "conflict" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "generally", - "part", - "demilitarization", - "efforts", - "society", - "emerging", - "conflict" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "generally", - "part", - "demilitarization", - "effort", - "society", - "emerging", - "conflict" - ], - "new_sentence": "generally part demilitarization effort society emerging conflict" - }, - { - "Index": 13, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces, the complete disbanding of armed groups, or the disbanding of armed forces and groups with a view to forming new armed forces. It is generally part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. It is therefore a symbolically important step in the consolidation of peace, particularly within the framework of the implementation of peace agreements.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "It is therefore a symbolically important step in the consolidation of peace, particularly within the framework of the implementation of peace agreements", - "clean_sent": "It is therefore a symbolically important step in the consolidation of peace particularly within the framework of the implementation of peace agreements", - "sent_lower": "it is therefore a symbolically important step in the consolidation of peace particularly within the framework of the implementation of peace agreements", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "it", - "is", - "therefore", - "a", - "symbolically", - "important", - "step", - "in", - "the", - "consolidation", - "of", - "peace", - "particularly", - "within", - "the", - "framework", - "of", - "the", - "implementation", - "of", - "peace", - "agreements" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "therefore", - "symbolically", - "important", - "step", - "consolidation", - "peace", - "particularly", - "within", - "framework", - "implementation", - "peace", - "agreements" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "therefore", - "symbolically", - "important", - "step", - "consolidation", - "peace", - "particularly", - "within", - "framework", - "implementation", - "peace", - "agreement" - ], - "new_sentence": "therefore symbolically important step consolidation peace particularly within framework implementation peace agreement" - }, - { - "Index": 13, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces, the complete disbanding of armed groups, or the disbanding of armed forces and groups with a view to forming new armed forces. It is generally part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. It is therefore a symbolically important step in the consolidation of peace, particularly within the framework of the implementation of peace agreements.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 14, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization is the second component of a DDR programme. DDR programmes require certain preconditions in order to be viable, including the signing of a negotiated ceasefire and\/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; trust in the peace process; willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization is the second component of a DDR programme", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization is the second component of a DDR programme", - "sent_lower": "demobilization is the second component of a ddr programme", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "is", - "the", - "second", - "component", - "of", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "second", - "component", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "second", - "component", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization second component ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 14, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization is the second component of a DDR programme. DDR programmes require certain preconditions in order to be viable, including the signing of a negotiated ceasefire and\/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; trust in the peace process; willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR programmes require certain preconditions in order to be viable, including the signing of a negotiated ceasefire and\/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; trust in the peace process; willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2", - "clean_sent": "DDR programmes require certain preconditions in order to be viable including the signing of a negotiated ceasefire andor peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR trust in the peace process willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR and a minimum guarantee of security see IDDRS 2", - "sent_lower": "ddr programmes require certain preconditions in order to be viable including the signing of a negotiated ceasefire andor peace agreement that provides the framework for ddr trust in the peace process willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in ddr and a minimum guarantee of security see iddrs 2", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "ddr", - "programmes", - "require", - "certain", - "preconditions", - "in", - "order", - "to", - "be", - "viable", - "including", - "the", - "signing", - "of", - "a", - "negotiated", - "ceasefire", - "andor", - "peace", - "agreement", - "that", - "provides", - "the", - "framework", - "for", - "ddr", - "trust", - "in", - "the", - "peace", - "process", - "willingness", - "of", - "the", - "parties", - "to", - "the", - "armed", - "conflict", - "to", - "engage", - "in", - "ddr", - "and", - "a", - "minimum", - "guarantee", - "of", - "security", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "programmes", - "require", - "certain", - "preconditions", - "order", - "viable", - "including", - "signing", - "negotiated", - "ceasefire", - "andor", - "peace", - "agreement", - "provides", - "framework", - "ddr", - "trust", - "peace", - "process", - "willingness", - "parties", - "armed", - "conflict", - "engage", - "ddr", - "minimum", - "guarantee", - "security", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "programme", - "require", - "certain", - "precondition", - "order", - "viable", - "including", - "signing", - "negotiated", - "ceasefire", - "andor", - "peace", - "agreement", - "provides", - "framework", - "ddr", - "trust", - "peace", - "process", - "willingness", - "party", - "armed", - "conflict", - "engage", - "ddr", - "minimum", - "guarantee", - "security", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr programme require certain precondition order viable including signing negotiated ceasefire andor peace agreement provides framework ddr trust peace process willingness party armed conflict engage ddr minimum guarantee security see iddrs 2" - }, - { - "Index": 14, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization is the second component of a DDR programme. DDR programmes require certain preconditions in order to be viable, including the signing of a negotiated ceasefire and\/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; trust in the peace process; willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on The UN Approach to DDR)", - "clean_sent": "10 on The UN Approach to DDR", - "sent_lower": "10 on the un approach to ddr", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "10", - "on", - "the", - "un", - "approach", - "to", - "ddr" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "10", - "un", - "approach", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "un", - "approach", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 un approach ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 14, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization is the second component of a DDR programme. DDR programmes require certain preconditions in order to be viable, including the signing of a negotiated ceasefire and\/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; trust in the peace process; willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 15, - "Paragraph": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6", - "clean_sent": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces it is part of a security sector reform process see IDDRS 6", - "sent_lower": "when demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces it is part of a security sector reform process see iddrs 6", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "demobilization", - "contributes", - "to", - "the", - "rightsizing", - "of", - "armed", - "forces", - "or", - "the", - "disbanding", - "and", - "creation", - "of", - "new", - "armed", - "forces", - "it", - "is", - "part", - "of", - "a", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "process", - "see", - "iddrs", - "6" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "contributes", - "rightsizing", - "armed", - "forces", - "disbanding", - "creation", - "new", - "armed", - "forces", - "part", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "process", - "see", - "iddrs", - "6" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "contributes", - "rightsizing", - "armed", - "force", - "disbanding", - "creation", - "new", - "armed", - "force", - "part", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "process", - "see", - "iddrs", - "6" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization contributes rightsizing armed force disbanding creation new armed force part security sector reform process see iddrs 6" - }, - { - "Index": 15, - "Paragraph": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform)", - "clean_sent": "10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform", - "sent_lower": "10 on ddr and security sector reform", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "10", - "on", - "ddr", - "and", - "security", - "sector", - "reform" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "10", - "ddr", - "security", - "sector", - "reform" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "ddr", - "security", - "sector", - "reform" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 ddr security sector reform" - }, - { - "Index": 15, - "Paragraph": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2", - "clean_sent": "In such a context those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support see IDDRS 2", - "sent_lower": "in such a context those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support see iddrs 2", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "such", - "a", - "context", - "those", - "who", - "are", - "not", - "integrated", - "into", - "the", - "armed", - "forces", - "may", - "be", - "demobilized", - "and", - "provided", - "with", - "reintegration", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "context", - "integrated", - "armed", - "forces", - "may", - "demobilized", - "provided", - "reintegration", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "context", - "integrated", - "armed", - "force", - "may", - "demobilized", - "provided", - "reintegration", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "context integrated armed force may demobilized provided reintegration support see iddrs 2" - }, - { - "Index": 15, - "Paragraph": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": "40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4", - "sent_lower": "40 on reintegration as part of sustaining peace and iddrs 4", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "40", - "on", - "reintegration", - "as", - "part", - "of", - "sustaining", - "peace", - "and", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "40", - "reintegration", - "part", - "sustaining", - "peace", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "40", - "reintegration", - "part", - "sustaining", - "peace", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "40 reintegration part sustaining peace iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 15, - "Paragraph": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "30 on Reintegration)", - "clean_sent": "30 on Reintegration", - "sent_lower": "30 on reintegration", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "30", - "on", - "reintegration" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "30", - "reintegration" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "30", - "reintegration" - ], - "new_sentence": "30 reintegration" - }, - { - "Index": 15, - "Paragraph": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life", - "clean_sent": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life", - "sent_lower": "combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "combatants", - "and", - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "may", - "experience", - "challenges", - "related", - "to", - "demobilization", - "and", - "the", - "transition", - "to", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "may", - "experience", - "challenges", - "related", - "demobilization", - "transition", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "may", - "experience", - "challenge", - "related", - "demobilization", - "transition", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "combatant person associated armed force group may experience challenge related demobilization transition civilian life" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life", - "clean_sent": "Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life", - "sent_lower": "armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "are", - "often", - "effective", - "in", - "socializing", - "their", - "members", - "to", - "violence", - "and", - "military", - "ways", - "of", - "life" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "often", - "effective", - "socializing", - "members", - "violence", - "military", - "ways", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "often", - "effective", - "socializing", - "member", - "violence", - "military", - "way", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "armed force group often effective socializing member violence military way life" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization", - "clean_sent": "Training initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization", - "sent_lower": "training initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "training", - "initiation", - "rituals", - "and", - "hazing", - "are", - "common", - "methods", - "of", - "military", - "socialization" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "training", - "initiation", - "rituals", - "hazing", - "common", - "methods", - "military", - "socialization" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "training", - "initiation", - "ritual", - "hazing", - "common", - "method", - "military", - "socialization" - ], - "new_sentence": "training initiation ritual hazing common method military socialization" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "So too are shared experiences of violence and combat", - "clean_sent": "So too are shared experiences of violence and combat", - "sent_lower": "so too are shared experiences of violence and combat", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "so", - "too", - "are", - "shared", - "experiences", - "of", - "violence", - "and", - "combat" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "shared", - "experiences", - "violence", - "combat" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "shared", - "experience", - "violence", - "combat" - ], - "new_sentence": "shared experience violence combat" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities", - "clean_sent": "When leaving armed forces and groups individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities", - "sent_lower": "when leaving armed forces and groups individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "leaving", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "individuals", - "may", - "experience", - "difficulties", - "in", - "shedding", - "their", - "military", - "identity", - "as", - "well", - "as", - "rejection", - "and", - "stigmatization", - "in", - "their", - "communities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "leaving", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "individuals", - "may", - "experience", - "difficulties", - "shedding", - "military", - "identity", - "well", - "rejection", - "stigmatization", - "communities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "leaving", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "individual", - "may", - "experience", - "difficulty", - "shedding", - "military", - "identity", - "well", - "rejection", - "stigmatization", - "community" - ], - "new_sentence": "leaving armed force group individual may experience difficulty shedding military identity well rejection stigmatization community" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status and new routines of family or home life", - "sent_lower": "demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status and new routines of family or home life", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "can", - "mean", - "adjustment", - "to", - "a", - "new", - "role", - "and", - "status", - "and", - "new", - "routines", - "of", - "family", - "or", - "home", - "life" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "mean", - "adjustment", - "new", - "role", - "status", - "new", - "routines", - "family", - "home", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "mean", - "adjustment", - "new", - "role", - "status", - "new", - "routine", - "family", - "home", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization mean adjustment new role status new routine family home life" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships", - "clean_sent": "Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood and a loss of military community and friendships", - "sent_lower": "persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood and a loss of military community and friendships", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "persons", - "who", - "demobilize", - "may", - "also", - "experience", - "a", - "loss", - "of", - "purpose", - "difficulty", - "in", - "creating", - "and", - "sustaining", - "a", - "livelihood", - "and", - "a", - "loss", - "of", - "military", - "community", - "and", - "friendships" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "persons", - "demobilize", - "may", - "also", - "experience", - "loss", - "purpose", - "difficulty", - "creating", - "sustaining", - "livelihood", - "loss", - "military", - "community", - "friendships" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "person", - "demobilize", - "may", - "also", - "experience", - "loss", - "purpose", - "difficulty", - "creating", - "sustaining", - "livelihood", - "loss", - "military", - "community", - "friendship" - ], - "new_sentence": "person demobilize may also experience loss purpose difficulty creating sustaining livelihood loss military community friendship" - }, - { - "Index": 16, - "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 3, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 17, - "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide", - "clean_sent": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide", - "sent_lower": "the way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that ddr practitioners can and should provide", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "way", - "in", - "which", - "an", - "individual", - "demobilizes", - "has", - "implications", - "for", - "the", - "type", - "of", - "support", - "that", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "can", - "and", - "should", - "provide" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "way", - "individual", - "demobilizes", - "implications", - "type", - "support", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "provide" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "way", - "individual", - "demobilizes", - "implication", - "type", - "support", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "provide" - ], - "new_sentence": "way individual demobilizes implication type support ddr practitioner provide" - }, - { - "Index": 17, - "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support", - "clean_sent": "For example those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support", - "sent_lower": "for example those who are demobilized as part of a ddr programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "for", - "example", - "those", - "who", - "are", - "demobilized", - "as", - "part", - "of", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "are", - "entitled", - "to", - "reinsertion", - "and", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "example", - "demobilized", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme", - "entitled", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "example", - "demobilized", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme", - "entitled", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "example demobilized part ddr programme entitled reinsertion reintegration support" - }, - { - "Index": 17, - "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status", - "clean_sent": "However in some instances individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status", - "sent_lower": "however in some instances individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "however", - "in", - "some", - "instances", - "individuals", - "may", - "decide", - "to", - "return", - "to", - "civilian", - "life", - "without", - "first", - "reporting", - "to", - "and", - "passing", - "through", - "an", - "official", - "process", - "to", - "formalize", - "their", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "however", - "instances", - "individuals", - "may", - "decide", - "return", - "civilian", - "life", - "without", - "first", - "reporting", - "passing", - "official", - "process", - "formalize", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "however", - "instance", - "individual", - "may", - "decide", - "return", - "civilian", - "life", - "without", - "first", - "reporting", - "passing", - "official", - "process", - "formalize", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "new_sentence": "however instance individual may decide return civilian life without first reporting passing official process formalize civilian status" - }, - { - "Index": 17, - "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN", - "clean_sent": "DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN", - "sent_lower": "ddr practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the un", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "be", - "aware", - "that", - "providing", - "targeted", - "assistance", - "to", - "these", - "individuals", - "may", - "create", - "severe", - "legal", - "and", - "reputational", - "risks", - "for", - "the", - "un" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "aware", - "providing", - "targeted", - "assistance", - "individuals", - "may", - "create", - "severe", - "legal", - "reputational", - "risks", - "un" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "aware", - "providing", - "targeted", - "assistance", - "individual", - "may", - "create", - "severe", - "legal", - "reputational", - "risk", - "un" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner shall aware providing targeted assistance individual may create severe legal reputational risk un" - }, - { - "Index": 17, - "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement", - "clean_sent": "Such selfdemobilized individuals may however benefit from broader nontargeted communitybased reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement", - "sent_lower": "such selfdemobilized individuals may however benefit from broader nontargeted communitybased reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "such", - "selfdemobilized", - "individuals", - "may", - "however", - "benefit", - "from", - "broader", - "nontargeted", - "communitybased", - "reintegration", - "support", - "as", - "part", - "of", - "developmental", - "and", - "peacebuilding", - "efforts", - "implemented", - "in", - "their", - "community", - "of", - "settlement" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "selfdemobilized", - "individuals", - "may", - "however", - "benefit", - "broader", - "nontargeted", - "communitybased", - "reintegration", - "support", - "part", - "developmental", - "peacebuilding", - "efforts", - "implemented", - "community", - "settlement" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "selfdemobilized", - "individual", - "may", - "however", - "benefit", - "broader", - "nontargeted", - "communitybased", - "reintegration", - "support", - "part", - "developmental", - "peacebuilding", - "effort", - "implemented", - "community", - "settlement" - ], - "new_sentence": "selfdemobilized individual may however benefit broader nontargeted communitybased reintegration support part developmental peacebuilding effort implemented community settlement" - }, - { - "Index": 17, - "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR", - "clean_sent": "Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR", - "sent_lower": "standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for ddr", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "standard", - "operating", - "procedures", - "on", - "how", - "to", - "address", - "such", - "cases", - "shall", - "be", - "developed", - "jointly", - "with", - "the", - "national", - "authorities", - "responsible", - "for", - "ddr" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "standard", - "operating", - "procedures", - "address", - "cases", - "shall", - "developed", - "jointly", - "national", - "authorities", - "responsible", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "standard", - "operating", - "procedure", - "address", - "case", - "shall", - "developed", - "jointly", - "national", - "authority", - "responsible", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "standard operating procedure address case shall developed jointly national authority responsible ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 17, - "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community-based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups", - "clean_sent": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups either individually or in small groups", - "sent_lower": "when the preconditions for a ddr programme do not exist combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups either individually or in small groups", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "the", - "preconditions", - "for", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "do", - "not", - "exist", - "combatants", - "and", - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "may", - "still", - "decide", - "to", - "leave", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "either", - "individually", - "or", - "in", - "small", - "groups" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "preconditions", - "ddr", - "programme", - "exist", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "may", - "still", - "decide", - "leave", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "either", - "individually", - "small", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "precondition", - "ddr", - "programme", - "exist", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "may", - "still", - "decide", - "leave", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "either", - "individually", - "small", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "precondition ddr programme exist combatant person associated armed force group may still decide leave armed force group either individually small group" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons", - "clean_sent": "Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons", - "sent_lower": "individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "individuals", - "leave", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "for", - "many", - "different", - "reasons" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "individuals", - "leave", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "many", - "different", - "reasons" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "individual", - "leave", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "many", - "different", - "reason" - ], - "new_sentence": "individual leave armed force group many different reason" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight", - "clean_sent": "Some become tired of life as a combatant while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight", - "sent_lower": "some become tired of life as a combatant while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "some", - "become", - "tired", - "of", - "life", - "as", - "a", - "combatant", - "while", - "others", - "are", - "sick", - "or", - "wounded", - "and", - "can", - "no", - "longer", - "continue", - "to", - "fight" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "become", - "tired", - "life", - "combatant", - "others", - "sick", - "wounded", - "longer", - "continue", - "fight" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "become", - "tired", - "life", - "combatant", - "others", - "sick", - "wounded", - "longer", - "continue", - "fight" - ], - "new_sentence": "become tired life combatant others sick wounded longer continue fight" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won", - "clean_sent": "Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won", - "sent_lower": "some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "some", - "leave", - "because", - "they", - "are", - "disillusioned", - "with", - "the", - "goals", - "of", - "the", - "group", - "they", - "see", - "greater", - "benefit", - "in", - "civilian", - "life", - "or", - "they", - "believe", - "they", - "have", - "won" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "leave", - "disillusioned", - "goals", - "group", - "see", - "greater", - "benefit", - "civilian", - "life", - "believe" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "leave", - "disillusioned", - "goal", - "group", - "see", - "greater", - "benefit", - "civilian", - "life", - "believe" - ], - "new_sentence": "leave disillusioned goal group see greater benefit civilian life believe" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat", - "clean_sent": "In some circumstances States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat", - "sent_lower": "in some circumstances states also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "some", - "circumstances", - "states", - "also", - "encourage", - "this", - "type", - "of", - "voluntary", - "exit", - "by", - "offering", - "safe", - "pathways", - "out", - "of", - "the", - "group", - "either", - "to", - "push", - "those", - "who", - "remain", - "towards", - "negotiated", - "settlement", - "or", - "to", - "deplete", - "the", - "military", - "capacity", - "of", - "these", - "groups", - "in", - "order", - "to", - "render", - "them", - "more", - "vulnerable", - "to", - "defeat" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "circumstances", - "states", - "also", - "encourage", - "type", - "voluntary", - "exit", - "offering", - "safe", - "pathways", - "group", - "either", - "push", - "remain", - "towards", - "negotiated", - "settlement", - "deplete", - "military", - "capacity", - "groups", - "order", - "render", - "vulnerable", - "defeat" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "circumstance", - "state", - "also", - "encourage", - "type", - "voluntary", - "exit", - "offering", - "safe", - "pathway", - "group", - "either", - "push", - "remain", - "towards", - "negotiated", - "settlement", - "deplete", - "military", - "capacity", - "group", - "order", - "render", - "vulnerable", - "defeat" - ], - "new_sentence": "circumstance state also encourage type voluntary exit offering safe pathway group either push remain towards negotiated settlement deplete military capacity group order render vulnerable defeat" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status", - "clean_sent": "These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status", - "sent_lower": "these individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to state institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "these", - "individuals", - "might", - "report", - "to", - "an", - "amnesty", - "commission", - "or", - "to", - "state", - "institutions", - "that", - "will", - "formally", - "recognize", - "their", - "transition", - "to", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "individuals", - "might", - "report", - "amnesty", - "commission", - "state", - "institutions", - "formally", - "recognize", - "transition", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "individual", - "might", - "report", - "amnesty", - "commission", - "state", - "institution", - "formally", - "recognize", - "transition", - "civilian", - "status" - ], - "new_sentence": "individual might report amnesty commission state institution formally recognize transition civilian status" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2", - "clean_sent": "Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDRrelated tools such as community violence reduction initiatives andor to be provided with reintegration support see IDDRS 2", - "sent_lower": "those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through ddrrelated tools such as community violence reduction initiatives andor to be provided with reintegration support see iddrs 2", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "those", - "who", - "transition", - "to", - "civilian", - "status", - "in", - "this", - "way", - "may", - "be", - "eligible", - "to", - "receive", - "assistance", - "through", - "ddrrelated", - "tools", - "such", - "as", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "initiatives", - "andor", - "to", - "be", - "provided", - "with", - "reintegration", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "transition", - "civilian", - "status", - "way", - "may", - "eligible", - "receive", - "assistance", - "ddrrelated", - "tools", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "initiatives", - "andor", - "provided", - "reintegration", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "transition", - "civilian", - "status", - "way", - "may", - "eligible", - "receive", - "assistance", - "ddrrelated", - "tool", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "initiative", - "andor", - "provided", - "reintegration", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "transition civilian status way may eligible receive assistance ddrrelated tool community violence reduction initiative andor provided reintegration support see iddrs 2" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on The UN Approach to DDR)", - "clean_sent": "10 on The UN Approach to DDR", - "sent_lower": "10 on the un approach to ddr", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "10", - "on", - "the", - "un", - "approach", - "to", - "ddr" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "10", - "un", - "approach", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "un", - "approach", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 un approach ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals", - "clean_sent": "Transitional assistance similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme may also be provided to these individuals", - "sent_lower": "transitional assistance similar to reinsertion as part of a ddr programme may also be provided to these individuals", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "transitional", - "assistance", - "similar", - "to", - "reinsertion", - "as", - "part", - "of", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "also", - "be", - "provided", - "to", - "these", - "individuals" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "transitional", - "assistance", - "similar", - "reinsertion", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "also", - "provided", - "individuals" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "transitional", - "assistance", - "similar", - "reinsertion", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "also", - "provided", - "individual" - ], - "new_sentence": "transitional assistance similar reinsertion part ddr programme may also provided individual" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2", - "clean_sent": "Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations see IDDRS 2", - "sent_lower": "different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations see iddrs 2", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "different", - "considerations", - "and", - "requirements", - "apply", - "when", - "armed", - "groups", - "are", - "designated", - "as", - "terrorist", - "organizations", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "different", - "considerations", - "requirements", - "apply", - "armed", - "groups", - "designated", - "terrorist", - "organizations", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "different", - "consideration", - "requirement", - "apply", - "armed", - "group", - "designated", - "terrorist", - "organization", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "different consideration requirement apply armed group designated terrorist organization see iddrs 2" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR)", - "clean_sent": "11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR", - "sent_lower": "11 on the legal framework for un ddr", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "11", - "on", - "the", - "legal", - "framework", - "for", - "un", - "ddr" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "11", - "legal", - "framework", - "un", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "11", - "legal", - "framework", - "un", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "11 legal framework un ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 18, - "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won.\nIn some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "3. Introduction", - "Heading2": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 19, - "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme. When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups. When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own. Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization. However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members", - "clean_sent": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups both as organizations and for their members", - "sent_lower": "integrated ddr shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups both as organizations and for their members", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "integrated", - "ddr", - "shall", - "be", - "a", - "voluntary", - "process", - "for", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "both", - "as", - "organizations", - "and", - "for", - "their", - "members" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "integrated", - "ddr", - "shall", - "voluntary", - "process", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "organizations", - "members" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "integrated", - "ddr", - "shall", - "voluntary", - "process", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "organization", - "member" - ], - "new_sentence": "integrated ddr shall voluntary process armed force group organization member" - }, - { - "Index": 19, - "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme. When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups. When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own. Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization. However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme", - "clean_sent": "Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme", - "sent_lower": "groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a ddr programme", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "groups", - "and", - "individuals", - "shall", - "not", - "be", - "coerced", - "to", - "participate", - "in", - "demobilization", - "as", - "part", - "of", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "groups", - "individuals", - "shall", - "coerced", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "group", - "individual", - "shall", - "coerced", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "part", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "group individual shall coerced participate demobilization part ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 19, - "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme. When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups. When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own. Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization. However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups", - "clean_sent": "When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities andor the leadership of armed groups", - "sent_lower": "when ddr programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities andor the leadership of armed groups", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "are", - "negotiated", - "as", - "part", - "of", - "a", - "peace", - "agreement", - "the", - "decision", - "to", - "demobilize", - "combatants", - "is", - "usually", - "taken", - "by", - "the", - "national", - "authorities", - "andor", - "the", - "leadership", - "of", - "armed", - "groups" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "programmes", - "negotiated", - "part", - "peace", - "agreement", - "decision", - "demobilize", - "combatants", - "usually", - "taken", - "national", - "authorities", - "andor", - "leadership", - "armed", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "programme", - "negotiated", - "part", - "peace", - "agreement", - "decision", - "demobilize", - "combatant", - "usually", - "taken", - "national", - "authority", - "andor", - "leadership", - "armed", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr programme negotiated part peace agreement decision demobilize combatant usually taken national authority andor leadership armed group" - }, - { - "Index": 19, - "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme. When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups. When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own. Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization. However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own", - "clean_sent": "When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy the decision to demobilize may not be their own", - "sent_lower": "when combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy the decision to demobilize may not be their own", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "combatants", - "are", - "part", - "of", - "an", - "organized", - "military", - "hierarchy", - "the", - "decision", - "to", - "demobilize", - "may", - "not", - "be", - "their", - "own" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "combatants", - "part", - "organized", - "military", - "hierarchy", - "decision", - "demobilize", - "may" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "combatant", - "part", - "organized", - "military", - "hierarchy", - "decision", - "demobilize", - "may" - ], - "new_sentence": "combatant part organized military hierarchy decision demobilize may" - }, - { - "Index": 19, - "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme. When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups. When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own. Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization. However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization", - "clean_sent": "Instead they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization", - "sent_lower": "instead they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "instead", - "they", - "may", - "be", - "instructed", - "by", - "their", - "commanders", - "or", - "by", - "national", - "authorities", - "to", - "engage", - "in", - "demobilization" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "instead", - "may", - "instructed", - "commanders", - "national", - "authorities", - "engage", - "demobilization" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "instead", - "may", - "instructed", - "commander", - "national", - "authority", - "engage", - "demobilization" - ], - "new_sentence": "instead may instructed commander national authority engage demobilization" - }, - { - "Index": 19, - "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme. When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups. When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own. Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization. However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary", - "clean_sent": "However their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary", - "sent_lower": "however their participation in other aspects of the ddr programme shall be voluntary", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "however", - "their", - "participation", - "in", - "other", - "aspects", - "of", - "the", - "ddr", - "programme", - "shall", - "be", - "voluntary" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "however", - "participation", - "aspects", - "ddr", - "programme", - "shall", - "voluntary" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "however", - "participation", - "aspect", - "ddr", - "programme", - "shall", - "voluntary" - ], - "new_sentence": "however participation aspect ddr programme shall voluntary" - }, - { - "Index": 19, - "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for armed forces and groups, both as organizations and for their members. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate in demobilization as part of a DDR programme. When DDR programmes are negotiated as part of a peace agreement, the decision to demobilize combatants is usually taken by the national authorities and\/or the leadership of armed groups. When combatants are part of an organized military hierarchy, the decision to demobilize may not be their own. Instead, they may be instructed by their commanders or by national authorities to engage in demobilization. However, their participation in other aspects of the DDR programme shall be voluntary.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 4, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization", - "clean_sent": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization", - "sent_lower": "where the preconditions for a ddr programme are in place combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "where", - "the", - "preconditions", - "for", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "are", - "in", - "place", - "combatants", - "and", - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "shall", - "be", - "included", - "in", - "demobilization" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "preconditions", - "ddr", - "programme", - "place", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "shall", - "included", - "demobilization" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "precondition", - "ddr", - "programme", - "place", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "shall", - "included", - "demobilization" - ], - "new_sentence": "precondition ddr programme place combatant person associated armed force group shall included demobilization" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them", - "clean_sent": "Historically women associated with armed forces and groups and even sometimes female combatants have not received accurate information on eligibility either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them", - "sent_lower": "historically women associated with armed forces and groups and even sometimes female combatants have not received accurate information on eligibility either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because ddr practitioners have not been effective in reaching them", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "historically", - "women", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "and", - "even", - "sometimes", - "female", - "combatants", - "have", - "not", - "received", - "accurate", - "information", - "on", - "eligibility", - "either", - "because", - "commanders", - "have", - "attempted", - "to", - "exclude", - "them", - "or", - "because", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "have", - "not", - "been", - "effective", - "in", - "reaching", - "them" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "historically", - "women", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "even", - "sometimes", - "female", - "combatants", - "received", - "accurate", - "information", - "eligibility", - "either", - "commanders", - "attempted", - "exclude", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "effective", - "reaching" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "historically", - "woman", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "even", - "sometimes", - "female", - "combatant", - "received", - "accurate", - "information", - "eligibility", - "either", - "commander", - "attempted", - "exclude", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "effective", - "reaching" - ], - "new_sentence": "historically woman associated armed force group even sometimes female combatant received accurate information eligibility either commander attempted exclude ddr practitioner effective reaching" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": "DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support see IDDRS 4", - "sent_lower": "ddr practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access ddr support see iddrs 4", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "therefore", - "employ", - "carefully", - "crafted", - "communication", - "strategies", - "to", - "ensure", - "that", - "eligible", - "women", - "know", - "that", - "they", - "can", - "access", - "ddr", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "therefore", - "employ", - "carefully", - "crafted", - "communication", - "strategies", - "ensure", - "eligible", - "women", - "know", - "access", - "ddr", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "therefore", - "employ", - "carefully", - "crafted", - "communication", - "strategy", - "ensure", - "eligible", - "woman", - "know", - "access", - "ddr", - "support", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategy ensure eligible woman know access ddr support see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": "60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5", - "sent_lower": "60 on public information and strategic communication in support of ddr and iddrs 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "60", - "on", - "public", - "information", - "and", - "strategic", - "communication", - "in", - "support", - "of", - "ddr", - "and", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "60", - "public", - "information", - "strategic", - "communication", - "support", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "60", - "public", - "information", - "strategic", - "communication", - "support", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "60 public information strategic communication support ddr iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on Women, Gender and DDR)", - "clean_sent": "10 on Women Gender and DDR", - "sent_lower": "10 on women gender and ddr", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "10", - "on", - "women", - "gender", - "and", - "ddr" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "10", - "women", - "gender", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "woman", - "gender", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 woman gender ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization", - "clean_sent": "Furthermore depending on the context some women may not want to participate in demobilization owing to fear of stigmatization", - "sent_lower": "furthermore depending on the context some women may not want to participate in demobilization owing to fear of stigmatization", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "furthermore", - "depending", - "on", - "the", - "context", - "some", - "women", - "may", - "not", - "want", - "to", - "participate", - "in", - "demobilization", - "owing", - "to", - "fear", - "of", - "stigmatization" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "furthermore", - "depending", - "context", - "women", - "may", - "want", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "owing", - "fear", - "stigmatization" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "furthermore", - "depending", - "context", - "woman", - "may", - "want", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "owing", - "fear", - "stigmatization" - ], - "new_sentence": "furthermore depending context woman may want participate demobilization owing fear stigmatization" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts", - "clean_sent": "DDR practitioners shall find alternative less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion andor reintegration assistance as their male counterparts", - "sent_lower": "ddr practitioners shall find alternative less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion andor reintegration assistance as their male counterparts", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "find", - "alternative", - "less", - "visible", - "options", - "for", - "women", - "to", - "be", - "formally", - "demobilized", - "in", - "order", - "to", - "gain", - "access", - "to", - "the", - "same", - "reinsertion", - "andor", - "reintegration", - "assistance", - "as", - "their", - "male", - "counterparts" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "find", - "alternative", - "less", - "visible", - "options", - "women", - "formally", - "demobilized", - "order", - "gain", - "access", - "reinsertion", - "andor", - "reintegration", - "assistance", - "male", - "counterparts" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "find", - "alternative", - "le", - "visible", - "option", - "woman", - "formally", - "demobilized", - "order", - "gain", - "access", - "reinsertion", - "andor", - "reintegration", - "assistance", - "male", - "counterpart" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner shall find alternative le visible option woman formally demobilized order gain access reinsertion andor reintegration assistance male counterpart" - }, - { - "Index": 20, - "Paragraph": "Where the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups shall be included in demobilization. Historically, women associated with armed forces and groups, and even sometimes female combatants, have not received accurate information on eligibility, either because commanders have attempted to exclude them or because DDR practitioners have not been effective in reaching them. DDR practitioners shall therefore employ carefully crafted communication strategies to ensure that eligible women know that they can access DDR support (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Furthermore, depending on the context, some women may not want to participate in demobilization, owing to fear of stigmatization. DDR practitioners shall find alternative, less visible options for women to be formally demobilized in order to gain access to the same reinsertion and\/or reintegration assistance as their male counterparts.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities", - "clean_sent": "Victims dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities", - "sent_lower": "victims dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "victims", - "dependants", - "and", - "community", - "members", - "will", - "not", - "participate", - "in", - "demobilization", - "activities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "victims", - "dependants", - "community", - "members", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "activities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "victim", - "dependant", - "community", - "member", - "participate", - "demobilization", - "activity" - ], - "new_sentence": "victim dependant community member participate demobilization activity" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities", - "clean_sent": "However where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field provisions may be made for them during demobilization including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities", - "sent_lower": "however where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field provisions may be made for them during demobilization including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "however", - "where", - "dependants", - "have", - "accompanied", - "armed", - "forces", - "or", - "groups", - "in", - "the", - "field", - "provisions", - "may", - "be", - "made", - "for", - "them", - "during", - "demobilization", - "including", - "provisions", - "for", - "their", - "accommodation", - "or", - "transportation", - "to", - "their", - "communities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "however", - "dependants", - "accompanied", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "field", - "provisions", - "may", - "made", - "demobilization", - "including", - "provisions", - "accommodation", - "transportation", - "communities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "however", - "dependant", - "accompanied", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "field", - "provision", - "may", - "made", - "demobilization", - "including", - "provision", - "accommodation", - "transportation", - "community" - ], - "new_sentence": "however dependant accompanied armed force group field provision may made demobilization including provision accommodation transportation community" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites", - "clean_sent": "If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme they may report to national authorities reception centres or mobile disarmament sites", - "sent_lower": "if those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing ddr programme they may report to national authorities reception centres or mobile disarmament sites", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "those", - "who", - "have", - "already", - "left", - "armed", - "groups", - "wish", - "to", - "join", - "an", - "ongoing", - "ddr", - "programme", - "they", - "may", - "report", - "to", - "national", - "authorities", - "reception", - "centres", - "or", - "mobile", - "disarmament", - "sites" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "already", - "left", - "armed", - "groups", - "wish", - "join", - "ongoing", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "report", - "national", - "authorities", - "reception", - "centres", - "mobile", - "disarmament", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "already", - "left", - "armed", - "group", - "wish", - "join", - "ongoing", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "report", - "national", - "authority", - "reception", - "centre", - "mobile", - "disarmament", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "already left armed group wish join ongoing ddr programme may report national authority reception centre mobile disarmament site" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place", - "clean_sent": "Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place", - "sent_lower": "whether or not these individuals participate in the ddr programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "whether", - "or", - "not", - "these", - "individuals", - "participate", - "in", - "the", - "ddr", - "programme", - "will", - "then", - "depend", - "on", - "the", - "nationally", - "agreed", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "in", - "place" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "whether", - "individuals", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programme", - "depend", - "nationally", - "agreed", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "place" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "whether", - "individual", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programme", - "depend", - "nationally", - "agreed", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "place" - ], - "new_sentence": "whether individual participate ddr programme depend nationally agreed eligibility criterion place" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support", - "clean_sent": "In some instances they may also be eligible for other assistance such as access to DDRrelated tools including community violence reduction or reintegration support", - "sent_lower": "in some instances they may also be eligible for other assistance such as access to ddrrelated tools including community violence reduction or reintegration support", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "some", - "instances", - "they", - "may", - "also", - "be", - "eligible", - "for", - "other", - "assistance", - "such", - "as", - "access", - "to", - "ddrrelated", - "tools", - "including", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "or", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "instances", - "may", - "also", - "eligible", - "assistance", - "access", - "ddrrelated", - "tools", - "including", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "instance", - "may", - "also", - "eligible", - "assistance", - "access", - "ddrrelated", - "tool", - "including", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "reintegration", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "instance may also eligible assistance access ddrrelated tool including community violence reduction reintegration support" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": "Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define hisher reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes also see IDDRS 4", - "sent_lower": "information on each ddr participant should be collected in order to define hisher reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes also see iddrs 4", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "information", - "on", - "each", - "ddr", - "participant", - "should", - "be", - "collected", - "in", - "order", - "to", - "define", - "hisher", - "reintegration", - "needs", - "and", - "to", - "provide", - "information", - "for", - "the", - "design", - "of", - "reinsertion", - "and", - "reintegration", - "programmes", - "also", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "information", - "ddr", - "participant", - "collected", - "order", - "define", - "hisher", - "reintegration", - "needs", - "provide", - "information", - "design", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "programmes", - "also", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "information", - "ddr", - "participant", - "collected", - "order", - "define", - "hisher", - "reintegration", - "need", - "provide", - "information", - "design", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "programme", - "also", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "information ddr participant collected order define hisher reintegration need provide information design reinsertion reintegration programme also see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "30 on Reintegration)", - "clean_sent": "30 on Reintegration", - "sent_lower": "30 on reintegration", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "30", - "on", - "reintegration" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "30", - "reintegration" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "30", - "reintegration" - ], - "new_sentence": "30 reintegration" - }, - { - "Index": 21, - "Paragraph": "Victims, dependants and community members will not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups in the field, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including provisions for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. If those who have already left armed groups wish to join an ongoing DDR programme, they may report to national authorities, reception centres or mobile disarmament sites. Whether or not these individuals participate in the DDR programme will then depend on the nationally agreed eligibility criteria in place. In some instances, they may also be eligible for other assistance, such as access to DDR-related tools, including community violence reduction or reintegration support. Information on each DDR participant should be collected in order to define his\/her reintegration needs and to provide information for the design of reinsertion and reintegration programmes (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children", - "clean_sent": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family including children", - "sent_lower": "public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family including children", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "public", - "information", - "campaigns", - "can", - "be", - "used", - "to", - "inform", - "adult", - "members", - "of", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "that", - "they", - "should", - "not", - "report", - "to", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "with", - "members", - "of", - "their", - "family", - "including", - "children" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "public", - "information", - "campaigns", - "used", - "inform", - "adult", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "report", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "members", - "family", - "including", - "children" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "public", - "information", - "campaign", - "used", - "inform", - "adult", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "report", - "demobilization", - "site", - "member", - "family", - "including", - "child" - ], - "new_sentence": "public information campaign used inform adult member armed force group report demobilization site member family including child" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages", - "clean_sent": "Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages", - "sent_lower": "because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites ddr practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "because", - "this", - "communication", - "may", - "have", - "the", - "unintended", - "consequence", - "of", - "discouraging", - "eligible", - "women", - "from", - "appearing", - "at", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "take", - "care", - "in", - "crafting", - "such", - "messages" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "communication", - "may", - "unintended", - "consequence", - "discouraging", - "eligible", - "women", - "appearing", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "take", - "care", - "crafting", - "messages" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "communication", - "may", - "unintended", - "consequence", - "discouraging", - "eligible", - "woman", - "appearing", - "demobilization", - "site", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "take", - "care", - "crafting", - "message" - ], - "new_sentence": "communication may unintended consequence discouraging eligible woman appearing demobilization site ddr practitioner shall take care crafting message" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way", - "clean_sent": "If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way", - "sent_lower": "if family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites ddr practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "family", - "members", - "and", - "children", - "do", - "arrive", - "at", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "consult", - "with", - "child", - "protection", - "actors", - "in", - "order", - "to", - "ensure", - "that", - "children", - "are", - "safely", - "transferred", - "to", - "a", - "different", - "civilian", - "family", - "member", - "while", - "the", - "demobilization", - "process", - "is", - "under", - "way" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "family", - "members", - "children", - "arrive", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "consult", - "child", - "protection", - "actors", - "order", - "ensure", - "children", - "safely", - "transferred", - "different", - "civilian", - "family", - "member", - "demobilization", - "process", - "way" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "family", - "member", - "child", - "arrive", - "demobilization", - "site", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "consult", - "child", - "protection", - "actor", - "order", - "ensure", - "child", - "safely", - "transferred", - "different", - "civilian", - "family", - "member", - "demobilization", - "process", - "way" - ], - "new_sentence": "family member child arrive demobilization site ddr practitioner shall consult child protection actor order ensure child safely transferred different civilian family member demobilization process way" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice", - "clean_sent": "If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse andor a child then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice", - "sent_lower": "if a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse andor a child then ddr practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "a", - "combatant", - "or", - "person", - "associated", - "with", - "an", - "armed", - "force", - "or", - "group", - "reports", - "to", - "a", - "demobilization", - "site", - "with", - "a", - "spouse", - "andor", - "a", - "child", - "then", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "may", - "provide", - "support", - "to", - "transfer", - "both", - "of", - "these", - "individuals", - "to", - "a", - "community", - "of", - "their", - "choice" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "reports", - "demobilization", - "site", - "spouse", - "andor", - "child", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "may", - "provide", - "support", - "transfer", - "individuals", - "community", - "choice" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "report", - "demobilization", - "site", - "spouse", - "andor", - "child", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "may", - "provide", - "support", - "transfer", - "individual", - "community", - "choice" - ], - "new_sentence": "combatant person associated armed force group report demobilization site spouse andor child ddr practitioner may provide support transfer individual community choice" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4", - "clean_sent": "Contingent on the DDR process in place dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance see sections 4", - "sent_lower": "contingent on the ddr process in place dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance see sections 4", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "contingent", - "on", - "the", - "ddr", - "process", - "in", - "place", - "dependants", - "may", - "also", - "be", - "provided", - "with", - "transitional", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "see", - "sections", - "4" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "contingent", - "ddr", - "process", - "place", - "dependants", - "may", - "also", - "provided", - "transitional", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "see", - "sections", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "contingent", - "ddr", - "process", - "place", - "dependant", - "may", - "also", - "provided", - "transitional", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "see", - "section", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "contingent ddr process place dependant may also provided transitional reinsertion assistance see section 4" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "2", - "clean_sent": "2", - "sent_lower": "2", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "2" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "2" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "1 and 5", - "clean_sent": "1 and 5", - "sent_lower": "1 and 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "1", - "and", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "1", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "1", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "1 5" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "4)", - "clean_sent": "4", - "sent_lower": "4", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "4" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "4" - }, - { - "Index": 22, - "Paragraph": "Public information campaigns can be used to inform adult members of armed forces and groups that they should not report to demobilization sites with members of their family, including children. Because this communication may have the unintended consequence of discouraging eligible women from appearing at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall take care in crafting such messages. If family members and children do arrive at demobilization sites, DDR practitioners shall consult with child protection actors in order to ensure that children are safely transferred to a different, civilian family member while the demobilization process is under way. If a combatant or person associated with an armed force or group reports to a demobilization site with a spouse and\/or a child, then DDR practitioners may provide support to transfer both of these individuals to a community of their choice. Contingent on the DDR process in place, dependants may also be provided with transitional reinsertion assistance (see sections 4.2.1 and 5.4).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 5, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 23, - "Paragraph": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups, their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes. Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times, not only when adult combatants are being demobilized. All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age, the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour, based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups, their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes", - "clean_sent": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority irrespective of the status of peace negotiations andor the development of DDR processes", - "sent_lower": "when children have been recruited into armed forces and groups their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority irrespective of the status of peace negotiations andor the development of ddr processes", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "children", - "have", - "been", - "recruited", - "into", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "their", - "unconditional", - "and", - "immediate", - "release", - "must", - "be", - "a", - "priority", - "irrespective", - "of", - "the", - "status", - "of", - "peace", - "negotiations", - "andor", - "the", - "development", - "of", - "ddr", - "processes" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "children", - "recruited", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "unconditional", - "immediate", - "release", - "must", - "priority", - "irrespective", - "status", - "peace", - "negotiations", - "andor", - "development", - "ddr", - "processes" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "child", - "recruited", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "unconditional", - "immediate", - "release", - "must", - "priority", - "irrespective", - "status", - "peace", - "negotiation", - "andor", - "development", - "ddr", - "process" - ], - "new_sentence": "child recruited armed force group unconditional immediate release must priority irrespective status peace negotiation andor development ddr process" - }, - { - "Index": 23, - "Paragraph": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups, their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes. Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times, not only when adult combatants are being demobilized. All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age, the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour, based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times, not only when adult combatants are being demobilized", - "clean_sent": "Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times not only when adult combatants are being demobilized", - "sent_lower": "children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times not only when adult combatants are being demobilized", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "children", - "shall", - "be", - "separated", - "from", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "and", - "handed", - "over", - "to", - "child", - "protection", - "agencies", - "at", - "all", - "times", - "not", - "only", - "when", - "adult", - "combatants", - "are", - "being", - "demobilized" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "children", - "shall", - "separated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "handed", - "child", - "protection", - "agencies", - "times", - "adult", - "combatants", - "demobilized" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "child", - "shall", - "separated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "handed", - "child", - "protection", - "agency", - "time", - "adult", - "combatant", - "demobilized" - ], - "new_sentence": "child shall separated armed force group handed child protection agency time adult combatant demobilized" - }, - { - "Index": 23, - "Paragraph": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups, their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes. Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times, not only when adult combatants are being demobilized. All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age, the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour, based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest (see IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": "All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest see IDDRS 5", - "sent_lower": "all children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a ddr process if it is in their best interest see iddrs 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "all", - "children", - "shall", - "be", - "permitted", - "to", - "demobilize", - "as", - "part", - "of", - "a", - "ddr", - "process", - "if", - "it", - "is", - "in", - "their", - "best", - "interest", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "children", - "shall", - "permitted", - "demobilize", - "part", - "ddr", - "process", - "best", - "interest", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "child", - "shall", - "permitted", - "demobilize", - "part", - "ddr", - "process", - "best", - "interest", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "child shall permitted demobilize part ddr process best interest see iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 23, - "Paragraph": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups, their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes. Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times, not only when adult combatants are being demobilized. All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age, the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour, based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "30 on Youth and DDR)", - "clean_sent": "30 on Youth and DDR", - "sent_lower": "30 on youth and ddr", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "30", - "on", - "youth", - "and", - "ddr" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "30", - "youth", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "30", - "youth", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "30 youth ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 23, - "Paragraph": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups, their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes. Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times, not only when adult combatants are being demobilized. All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age, the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour, based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age, the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour, based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle", - "clean_sent": "If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle", - "sent_lower": "if there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "there", - "is", - "doubt", - "about", - "an", - "individual", - "s", - "age", - "the", - "age", - "claimed", - "by", - "the", - "child", - "or", - "young", - "person", - "should", - "be", - "resolved", - "in", - "his", - "or", - "her", - "favour", - "based", - "on", - "the", - "", - "benefit", - "of", - "the", - "doubt", - "", - "principle" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "doubt", - "individual", - "age", - "age", - "claimed", - "child", - "young", - "person", - "resolved", - "favour", - "based", - "", - "benefit", - "doubt", - "", - "principle" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "doubt", - "individual", - "age", - "age", - "claimed", - "child", - "young", - "person", - "resolved", - "favour", - "based", - "", - "benefit", - "doubt", - "", - "principle" - ], - "new_sentence": "doubt individual age age claimed child young person resolved favour based benefit doubt principle" - }, - { - "Index": 23, - "Paragraph": "When children have been recruited into armed forces and groups, their unconditional and immediate release must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes. Children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies at all times, not only when adult combatants are being demobilized. All children shall be permitted to demobilize as part of a DDR process if it is in their best interest (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). If there is doubt about an individual\u2019s age, the age claimed by the child or young person should be resolved in his or her favour, based on the \u201cbenefit of the doubt\u201d principle.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention", - "clean_sent": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups and taken to an interim care centre for further attention", - "sent_lower": "girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible handled in accordance with the paris commitments and the paris principles on children associated with armed forces and groups and taken to an interim care centre for further attention", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "girls", - "and", - "boys", - "associated", - "with", - "an", - "armed", - "force", - "or", - "group", - "in", - "any", - "role", - "shall", - "be", - "identified", - "as", - "early", - "on", - "as", - "possible", - "handled", - "in", - "accordance", - "with", - "the", - "paris", - "commitments", - "and", - "the", - "paris", - "principles", - "on", - "children", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "and", - "taken", - "to", - "an", - "interim", - "care", - "centre", - "for", - "further", - "attention" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "girls", - "boys", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "role", - "shall", - "identified", - "early", - "possible", - "handled", - "accordance", - "paris", - "commitments", - "paris", - "principles", - "children", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "taken", - "interim", - "care", - "centre", - "attention" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "girl", - "boy", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "role", - "shall", - "identified", - "early", - "possible", - "handled", - "accordance", - "paris", - "commitment", - "paris", - "principle", - "child", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "taken", - "interim", - "care", - "centre", - "attention" - ], - "new_sentence": "girl boy associated armed force group role shall identified early possible handled accordance paris commitment paris principle child associated armed force group taken interim care centre attention" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups", - "clean_sent": "The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups", - "sent_lower": "the interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "interim", - "care", - "centre", - "shall", - "be", - "separate", - "from", - "the", - "demobilization", - "site", - "and", - "should", - "be", - "run", - "by", - "an", - "organization", - "specializing", - "in", - "the", - "care", - "of", - "children", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "interim", - "care", - "centre", - "shall", - "separate", - "demobilization", - "site", - "run", - "organization", - "specializing", - "care", - "children", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "interim", - "care", - "centre", - "shall", - "separate", - "demobilization", - "site", - "run", - "organization", - "specializing", - "care", - "child", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "interim care centre shall separate demobilization site run organization specializing care child associated armed force group" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": "Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group also see IDDRS 5", - "sent_lower": "special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group also see iddrs 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "special", - "assistance", - "shall", - "also", - "be", - "provided", - "to", - "child", - "mothers", - "and", - "young", - "mothers", - "regardless", - "of", - "the", - "role", - "they", - "played", - "in", - "the", - "armed", - "force", - "or", - "group", - "also", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "special", - "assistance", - "shall", - "also", - "provided", - "child", - "mothers", - "young", - "mothers", - "regardless", - "role", - "played", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "also", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "special", - "assistance", - "shall", - "also", - "provided", - "child", - "mother", - "young", - "mother", - "regardless", - "role", - "played", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "also", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "special assistance shall also provided child mother young mother regardless role played armed force group also see iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": "10 on Women Gender and DDR IDDRS 5", - "sent_lower": "10 on women gender and ddr iddrs 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "10", - "on", - "women", - "gender", - "and", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "10", - "women", - "gender", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "woman", - "gender", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 woman gender ddr iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": "20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5", - "sent_lower": "20 on children and ddr and iddrs 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "20", - "on", - "children", - "and", - "ddr", - "and", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "20", - "children", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "20", - "child", - "ddr", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "20 child ddr iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "30 on Youth and DDR)", - "clean_sent": "30 on Youth and DDR", - "sent_lower": "30 on youth and ddr", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "30", - "on", - "youth", - "and", - "ddr" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "30", - "youth", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "30", - "youth", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "30 youth ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": "Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites", - "sent_lower": "family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "family", - "tracing", - "to", - "help", - "reunite", - "children", - "with", - "their", - "families", - "may", - "also", - "take", - "place", - "at", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "family", - "tracing", - "help", - "reunite", - "children", - "families", - "may", - "also", - "take", - "place", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "family", - "tracing", - "help", - "reunite", - "child", - "family", - "may", - "also", - "take", - "place", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "family tracing help reunite child family may also take place demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education", - "clean_sent": "In addition reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education", - "sent_lower": "in addition reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "addition", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "for", - "children", - "should", - "focus", - "on", - "their", - "education" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "addition", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "children", - "focus", - "education" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "addition", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "child", - "focus", - "education" - ], - "new_sentence": "addition reinsertion assistance child focus education" - }, - { - "Index": 24, - "Paragraph": "Girls and boys associated with an armed force or group in any role shall be identified as early on as possible, handled in accordance with the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles on children associated with armed forces and groups, and taken to an interim care centre for further attention. The interim care centre shall be separate from the demobilization site and should be run by an organization specializing in the care of children associated with armed forces and groups. Special assistance shall also be provided to child mothers and young mothers, regardless of the role they played in the armed force or group (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Family tracing to help reunite children with their families may also take place at demobilization sites. In addition, reinsertion assistance for children should focus on their education.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 25, - "Paragraph": "When managing demobilization sites, DDR practitioners should strive to harmonize their approach with humanitarian actors running internally displaced persons\/returnee\/refugee camps in the vicinity, and to learn from the experiences of humanitarian and early recovery efforts in the area.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When managing demobilization sites, DDR practitioners should strive to harmonize their approach with humanitarian actors running internally displaced persons\/returnee\/refugee camps in the vicinity, and to learn from the experiences of humanitarian and early recovery efforts in the area", - "clean_sent": "When managing demobilization sites DDR practitioners should strive to harmonize their approach with humanitarian actors running internally displaced personsreturneerefugee camps in the vicinity and to learn from the experiences of humanitarian and early recovery efforts in the area", - "sent_lower": "when managing demobilization sites ddr practitioners should strive to harmonize their approach with humanitarian actors running internally displaced personsreturneerefugee camps in the vicinity and to learn from the experiences of humanitarian and early recovery efforts in the area", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "managing", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "should", - "strive", - "to", - "harmonize", - "their", - "approach", - "with", - "humanitarian", - "actors", - "running", - "internally", - "displaced", - "personsreturneerefugee", - "camps", - "in", - "the", - "vicinity", - "and", - "to", - "learn", - "from", - "the", - "experiences", - "of", - "humanitarian", - "and", - "early", - "recovery", - "efforts", - "in", - "the", - "area" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "managing", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "strive", - "harmonize", - "approach", - "humanitarian", - "actors", - "running", - "internally", - "displaced", - "personsreturneerefugee", - "camps", - "vicinity", - "learn", - "experiences", - "humanitarian", - "early", - "recovery", - "efforts", - "area" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "managing", - "demobilization", - "site", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "strive", - "harmonize", - "approach", - "humanitarian", - "actor", - "running", - "internally", - "displaced", - "personsreturneerefugee", - "camp", - "vicinity", - "learn", - "experience", - "humanitarian", - "early", - "recovery", - "effort", - "area" - ], - "new_sentence": "managing demobilization site ddr practitioner strive harmonize approach humanitarian actor running internally displaced personsreturneerefugee camp vicinity learn experience humanitarian early recovery effort area" - }, - { - "Index": 25, - "Paragraph": "When managing demobilization sites, DDR practitioners should strive to harmonize their approach with humanitarian actors running internally displaced persons\/returnee\/refugee camps in the vicinity, and to learn from the experiences of humanitarian and early recovery efforts in the area.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", - "Heading3": "4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 26, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men. For example, women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life. Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost. In addition, following demobilization, high-ranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lower-ranking positions in new military structures, or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government. It is known that women often self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant, war wife or sex slave.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men", - "sent_lower": "demobilization has different implications for women and men", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "has", - "different", - "implications", - "for", - "women", - "and", - "men" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "different", - "implications", - "women", - "men" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "different", - "implication", - "woman", - "men" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization different implication woman men" - }, - { - "Index": 26, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men. For example, women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life. Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost. In addition, following demobilization, high-ranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lower-ranking positions in new military structures, or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government. It is known that women often self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant, war wife or sex slave.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For example, women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life", - "clean_sent": "For example women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life", - "sent_lower": "for example women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "for", - "example", - "women", - "may", - "have", - "earned", - "a", - "higher", - "degree", - "of", - "equality", - "and", - "social", - "recognition", - "as", - "combatants", - "than", - "they", - "previously", - "had", - "in", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "example", - "women", - "may", - "earned", - "higher", - "degree", - "equality", - "social", - "recognition", - "combatants", - "previously", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "example", - "woman", - "may", - "earned", - "higher", - "degree", - "equality", - "social", - "recognition", - "combatant", - "previously", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "example woman may earned higher degree equality social recognition combatant previously civilian life" - }, - { - "Index": 26, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men. For example, women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life. Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost. In addition, following demobilization, high-ranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lower-ranking positions in new military structures, or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government. It is known that women often self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant, war wife or sex slave.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost", - "sent_lower": "demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "may", - "mean", - "that", - "these", - "status", - "gains", - "are", - "lost" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "may", - "mean", - "status", - "gains", - "lost" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "may", - "mean", - "status", - "gain", - "lost" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization may mean status gain lost" - }, - { - "Index": 26, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men. For example, women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life. Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost. In addition, following demobilization, high-ranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lower-ranking positions in new military structures, or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government. It is known that women often self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant, war wife or sex slave.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In addition, following demobilization, high-ranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lower-ranking positions in new military structures, or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government", - "clean_sent": "In addition following demobilization highranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lowerranking positions in new military structures or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government", - "sent_lower": "in addition following demobilization highranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lowerranking positions in new military structures or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new government", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "addition", - "following", - "demobilization", - "highranking", - "women", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "are", - "often", - "relegated", - "to", - "lowerranking", - "positions", - "in", - "new", - "military", - "structures", - "or", - "are", - "passed", - "over", - "in", - "the", - "selection", - "of", - "political", - "positions", - "in", - "a", - "new", - "government" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "addition", - "following", - "demobilization", - "highranking", - "women", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "often", - "relegated", - "lowerranking", - "positions", - "new", - "military", - "structures", - "passed", - "selection", - "political", - "positions", - "new", - "government" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "addition", - "following", - "demobilization", - "highranking", - "woman", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "often", - "relegated", - "lowerranking", - "position", - "new", - "military", - "structure", - "passed", - "selection", - "political", - "position", - "new", - "government" - ], - "new_sentence": "addition following demobilization highranking woman associated armed force group often relegated lowerranking position new military structure passed selection political position new government" - }, - { - "Index": 26, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men. For example, women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life. Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost. In addition, following demobilization, high-ranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lower-ranking positions in new military structures, or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government. It is known that women often self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant, war wife or sex slave.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "It is known that women often self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant, war wife or sex slave", - "clean_sent": "It is known that women often selfdemobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant war wife or sex slave", - "sent_lower": "it is known that women often selfdemobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant war wife or sex slave", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "it", - "is", - "known", - "that", - "women", - "often", - "selfdemobilize", - "in", - "order", - "to", - "avoid", - "the", - "stigma", - "associated", - "with", - "being", - "a", - "female", - "combatant", - "war", - "wife", - "or", - "sex", - "slave" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "known", - "women", - "often", - "selfdemobilize", - "order", - "avoid", - "stigma", - "associated", - "female", - "combatant", - "war", - "wife", - "sex", - "slave" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "known", - "woman", - "often", - "selfdemobilize", - "order", - "avoid", - "stigma", - "associated", - "female", - "combatant", - "war", - "wife", - "sex", - "slave" - ], - "new_sentence": "known woman often selfdemobilize order avoid stigma associated female combatant war wife sex slave" - }, - { - "Index": 26, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization has different implications for women and men. For example, women may have earned a higher degree of equality and social recognition as combatants than they previously had in civilian life. Demobilization may mean that these status gains are lost. In addition, following demobilization, high-ranking women associated with armed forces and groups are often relegated to lower-ranking positions in new military structures, or are passed over in the selection of political positions in a new Government. It is known that women often self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigma associated with being a female combatant, war wife or sex slave.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 27, - "Paragraph": "Appropriate attention shall be given to the needs of women so that (1) they are not excluded from DDR programmes; (2) their security and well-being is assured during demobilization; (3) demobilization operations respond to their specific needs and leverage their unique capacities; and (4) they are not overlooked in terms of reintegration support and\/or security sector reform processes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Appropriate attention shall be given to the needs of women so that (1) they are not excluded from DDR programmes; (2) their security and well-being is assured during demobilization; (3) demobilization operations respond to their specific needs and leverage their unique capacities; and (4) they are not overlooked in terms of reintegration support and\/or security sector reform processes", - "clean_sent": "Appropriate attention shall be given to the needs of women so that 1 they are not excluded from DDR programmes 2 their security and wellbeing is assured during demobilization 3 demobilization operations respond to their specific needs and leverage their unique capacities and 4 they are not overlooked in terms of reintegration support andor security sector reform processes", - "sent_lower": "appropriate attention shall be given to the needs of women so that 1 they are not excluded from ddr programmes 2 their security and wellbeing is assured during demobilization 3 demobilization operations respond to their specific needs and leverage their unique capacities and 4 they are not overlooked in terms of reintegration support andor security sector reform processes", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "appropriate", - "attention", - "shall", - "be", - "given", - "to", - "the", - "needs", - "of", - "women", - "so", - "that", - "1", - "they", - "are", - "not", - "excluded", - "from", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "2", - "their", - "security", - "and", - "wellbeing", - "is", - "assured", - "during", - "demobilization", - "3", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "respond", - "to", - "their", - "specific", - "needs", - "and", - "leverage", - "their", - "unique", - "capacities", - "and", - "4", - "they", - "are", - "not", - "overlooked", - "in", - "terms", - "of", - "reintegration", - "support", - "andor", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "processes" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "appropriate", - "attention", - "shall", - "given", - "needs", - "women", - "1", - "excluded", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "2", - "security", - "wellbeing", - "assured", - "demobilization", - "3", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "respond", - "specific", - "needs", - "leverage", - "unique", - "capacities", - "4", - "overlooked", - "terms", - "reintegration", - "support", - "andor", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "processes" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "appropriate", - "attention", - "shall", - "given", - "need", - "woman", - "1", - "excluded", - "ddr", - "programme", - "2", - "security", - "wellbeing", - "assured", - "demobilization", - "3", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "respond", - "specific", - "need", - "leverage", - "unique", - "capacity", - "4", - "overlooked", - "term", - "reintegration", - "support", - "andor", - "security", - "sector", - "reform", - "process" - ], - "new_sentence": "appropriate attention shall given need woman 1 excluded ddr programme 2 security wellbeing assured demobilization 3 demobilization operation respond specific need leverage unique capacity 4 overlooked term reintegration support andor security sector reform process" - }, - { - "Index": 27, - "Paragraph": "Appropriate attention shall be given to the needs of women so that (1) they are not excluded from DDR programmes; (2) their security and well-being is assured during demobilization; (3) demobilization operations respond to their specific needs and leverage their unique capacities; and (4) they are not overlooked in terms of reintegration support and\/or security sector reform processes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 6, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 28, - "Paragraph": "To fulfil these objectives, demobilization operations shall be based on gender-sensitive eligibility criteria and operational protocols that take into account the needs and experiences of women (see Figure 1 and Box 2). Where possible, women who are self-demobilized shall be encouraged to join DDR programmes in order to receive ex-combatant status and access to other forms of support. Alternatively, when the stigma of being associated with armed forces or groups prevents women from participating in a DDR programme, other methods of reaching out to this group should be explored. Women\u2019s specific needs at demobilization sites shall also be considered, including reproductive and maternal health services; sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) recovery services; psychosocial screening; provision of sanitary napkins in kits; and safe lighting, bathrooms and sleeping quarters (where required).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "To fulfil these objectives, demobilization operations shall be based on gender-sensitive eligibility criteria and operational protocols that take into account the needs and experiences of women (see Figure 1 and Box 2)", - "clean_sent": "To fulfil these objectives demobilization operations shall be based on gendersensitive eligibility criteria and operational protocols that take into account the needs and experiences of women see Figure 1 and Box 2", - "sent_lower": "to fulfil these objectives demobilization operations shall be based on gendersensitive eligibility criteria and operational protocols that take into account the needs and experiences of women see figure 1 and box 2", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "to", - "fulfil", - "these", - "objectives", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "shall", - "be", - "based", - "on", - "gendersensitive", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "and", - "operational", - "protocols", - "that", - "take", - "into", - "account", - "the", - "needs", - "and", - "experiences", - "of", - "women", - "see", - "figure", - "1", - "and", - "box", - "2" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "fulfil", - "objectives", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "shall", - "based", - "gendersensitive", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "operational", - "protocols", - "take", - "account", - "needs", - "experiences", - "women", - "see", - "figure", - "1", - "box", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "fulfil", - "objective", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "shall", - "based", - "gendersensitive", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "operational", - "protocol", - "take", - "account", - "need", - "experience", - "woman", - "see", - "figure", - "1", - "box", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "fulfil objective demobilization operation shall based gendersensitive eligibility criterion operational protocol take account need experience woman see figure 1 box 2" - }, - { - "Index": 28, - "Paragraph": "To fulfil these objectives, demobilization operations shall be based on gender-sensitive eligibility criteria and operational protocols that take into account the needs and experiences of women (see Figure 1 and Box 2). Where possible, women who are self-demobilized shall be encouraged to join DDR programmes in order to receive ex-combatant status and access to other forms of support. Alternatively, when the stigma of being associated with armed forces or groups prevents women from participating in a DDR programme, other methods of reaching out to this group should be explored. Women\u2019s specific needs at demobilization sites shall also be considered, including reproductive and maternal health services; sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) recovery services; psychosocial screening; provision of sanitary napkins in kits; and safe lighting, bathrooms and sleeping quarters (where required).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Where possible, women who are self-demobilized shall be encouraged to join DDR programmes in order to receive ex-combatant status and access to other forms of support", - "clean_sent": "Where possible women who are selfdemobilized shall be encouraged to join DDR programmes in order to receive excombatant status and access to other forms of support", - "sent_lower": "where possible women who are selfdemobilized shall be encouraged to join ddr programmes in order to receive excombatant status and access to other forms of support", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "where", - "possible", - "women", - "who", - "are", - "selfdemobilized", - "shall", - "be", - "encouraged", - "to", - "join", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "in", - "order", - "to", - "receive", - "excombatant", - "status", - "and", - "access", - "to", - "other", - "forms", - "of", - "support" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "possible", - "women", - "selfdemobilized", - "shall", - "encouraged", - "join", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "order", - "receive", - "excombatant", - "status", - "access", - "forms", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "possible", - "woman", - "selfdemobilized", - "shall", - "encouraged", - "join", - "ddr", - "programme", - "order", - "receive", - "excombatant", - "status", - "access", - "form", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "possible woman selfdemobilized shall encouraged join ddr programme order receive excombatant status access form support" - }, - { - "Index": 28, - "Paragraph": "To fulfil these objectives, demobilization operations shall be based on gender-sensitive eligibility criteria and operational protocols that take into account the needs and experiences of women (see Figure 1 and Box 2). Where possible, women who are self-demobilized shall be encouraged to join DDR programmes in order to receive ex-combatant status and access to other forms of support. Alternatively, when the stigma of being associated with armed forces or groups prevents women from participating in a DDR programme, other methods of reaching out to this group should be explored. Women\u2019s specific needs at demobilization sites shall also be considered, including reproductive and maternal health services; sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) recovery services; psychosocial screening; provision of sanitary napkins in kits; and safe lighting, bathrooms and sleeping quarters (where required).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Alternatively, when the stigma of being associated with armed forces or groups prevents women from participating in a DDR programme, other methods of reaching out to this group should be explored", - "clean_sent": "Alternatively when the stigma of being associated with armed forces or groups prevents women from participating in a DDR programme other methods of reaching out to this group should be explored", - "sent_lower": "alternatively when the stigma of being associated with armed forces or groups prevents women from participating in a ddr programme other methods of reaching out to this group should be explored", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "alternatively", - "when", - "the", - "stigma", - "of", - "being", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "or", - "groups", - "prevents", - "women", - "from", - "participating", - "in", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "other", - "methods", - "of", - "reaching", - "out", - "to", - "this", - "group", - "should", - "be", - "explored" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "alternatively", - "stigma", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "prevents", - "women", - "participating", - "ddr", - "programme", - "methods", - "reaching", - "group", - "explored" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "alternatively", - "stigma", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "prevents", - "woman", - "participating", - "ddr", - "programme", - "method", - "reaching", - "group", - "explored" - ], - "new_sentence": "alternatively stigma associated armed force group prevents woman participating ddr programme method reaching group explored" - }, - { - "Index": 28, - "Paragraph": "To fulfil these objectives, demobilization operations shall be based on gender-sensitive eligibility criteria and operational protocols that take into account the needs and experiences of women (see Figure 1 and Box 2). Where possible, women who are self-demobilized shall be encouraged to join DDR programmes in order to receive ex-combatant status and access to other forms of support. Alternatively, when the stigma of being associated with armed forces or groups prevents women from participating in a DDR programme, other methods of reaching out to this group should be explored. Women\u2019s specific needs at demobilization sites shall also be considered, including reproductive and maternal health services; sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) recovery services; psychosocial screening; provision of sanitary napkins in kits; and safe lighting, bathrooms and sleeping quarters (where required).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Women\u2019s specific needs at demobilization sites shall also be considered, including reproductive and maternal health services; sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) recovery services; psychosocial screening; provision of sanitary napkins in kits; and safe lighting, bathrooms and sleeping quarters (where required)", - "clean_sent": "Women\u2019s specific needs at demobilization sites shall also be considered including reproductive and maternal health services sexual and genderbased violence SGBV recovery services psychosocial screening provision of sanitary napkins in kits and safe lighting bathrooms and sleeping quarters where required", - "sent_lower": "women\u2019s specific needs at demobilization sites shall also be considered including reproductive and maternal health services sexual and genderbased violence sgbv recovery services psychosocial screening provision of sanitary napkins in kits and safe lighting bathrooms and sleeping quarters where required", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "women", - "s", - "specific", - "needs", - "at", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "shall", - "also", - "be", - "considered", - "including", - "reproductive", - "and", - "maternal", - "health", - "services", - "sexual", - "and", - "genderbased", - "violence", - "sgbv", - "recovery", - "services", - "psychosocial", - "screening", - "provision", - "of", - "sanitary", - "napkins", - "in", - "kits", - "and", - "safe", - "lighting", - "bathrooms", - "and", - "sleeping", - "quarters", - "where", - "required" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "women", - "specific", - "needs", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "shall", - "also", - "considered", - "including", - "reproductive", - "maternal", - "health", - "services", - "sexual", - "genderbased", - "violence", - "sgbv", - "recovery", - "services", - "psychosocial", - "screening", - "provision", - "sanitary", - "napkins", - "kits", - "safe", - "lighting", - "bathrooms", - "sleeping", - "quarters", - "required" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "woman", - "specific", - "need", - "demobilization", - "site", - "shall", - "also", - "considered", - "including", - "reproductive", - "maternal", - "health", - "service", - "sexual", - "genderbased", - "violence", - "sgbv", - "recovery", - "service", - "psychosocial", - "screening", - "provision", - "sanitary", - "napkin", - "kit", - "safe", - "lighting", - "bathroom", - "sleeping", - "quarter", - "required" - ], - "new_sentence": "woman specific need demobilization site shall also considered including reproductive maternal health service sexual genderbased violence sgbv recovery service psychosocial screening provision sanitary napkin kit safe lighting bathroom sleeping quarter required" - }, - { - "Index": 28, - "Paragraph": "To fulfil these objectives, demobilization operations shall be based on gender-sensitive eligibility criteria and operational protocols that take into account the needs and experiences of women (see Figure 1 and Box 2). Where possible, women who are self-demobilized shall be encouraged to join DDR programmes in order to receive ex-combatant status and access to other forms of support. Alternatively, when the stigma of being associated with armed forces or groups prevents women from participating in a DDR programme, other methods of reaching out to this group should be explored. Women\u2019s specific needs at demobilization sites shall also be considered, including reproductive and maternal health services; sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) recovery services; psychosocial screening; provision of sanitary napkins in kits; and safe lighting, bathrooms and sleeping quarters (where required).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter", - "clean_sent": "For men demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter", - "sent_lower": "for men demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "for", - "men", - "demobilization", - "may", - "also", - "signal", - "a", - "loss", - "of", - "the", - "status", - "and", - "respect", - "gained", - "as", - "a", - "fighter" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "men", - "demobilization", - "may", - "also", - "signal", - "loss", - "status", - "respect", - "gained", - "fighter" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "men", - "demobilization", - "may", - "also", - "signal", - "loss", - "status", - "respect", - "gained", - "fighter" - ], - "new_sentence": "men demobilization may also signal loss status respect gained fighter" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders", - "clean_sent": "Additionally highranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government but lowerranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders", - "sent_lower": "additionally highranking men may gain key political positions in a new government but lowerranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "additionally", - "highranking", - "men", - "may", - "gain", - "key", - "political", - "positions", - "in", - "a", - "new", - "government", - "but", - "lowerranking", - "men", - "may", - "be", - "passed", - "over", - "and", - "experience", - "disillusionment", - "or", - "feel", - "betrayed", - "by", - "commanders" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "additionally", - "highranking", - "men", - "may", - "gain", - "key", - "political", - "positions", - "new", - "government", - "lowerranking", - "men", - "may", - "passed", - "experience", - "disillusionment", - "feel", - "betrayed", - "commanders" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "additionally", - "highranking", - "men", - "may", - "gain", - "key", - "political", - "position", - "new", - "government", - "lowerranking", - "men", - "may", - "passed", - "experience", - "disillusionment", - "feel", - "betrayed", - "commander" - ], - "new_sentence": "additionally highranking men may gain key political position new government lowerranking men may passed experience disillusionment feel betrayed commander" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group", - "clean_sent": "The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group", - "sent_lower": "the loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "loss", - "of", - "status", - "and", - "wartime", - "family", - "may", - "be", - "especially", - "challenging", - "for", - "men", - "whose", - "gender", - "identity", - "may", - "be", - "intricately", - "intertwined", - "with", - "membership", - "in", - "an", - "armed", - "force", - "or", - "group" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "loss", - "status", - "wartime", - "family", - "may", - "especially", - "challenging", - "men", - "whose", - "gender", - "identity", - "may", - "intricately", - "intertwined", - "membership", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "loss", - "status", - "wartime", - "family", - "may", - "especially", - "challenging", - "men", - "whose", - "gender", - "identity", - "may", - "intricately", - "intertwined", - "membership", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "loss status wartime family may especially challenging men whose gender identity may intricately intertwined membership armed force group" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence", - "clean_sent": "Additionally socialization to violence can often impact gender identities leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence", - "sent_lower": "additionally socialization to violence can often impact gender identities leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "additionally", - "socialization", - "to", - "violence", - "can", - "often", - "impact", - "gender", - "identities", - "leading", - "to", - "notions", - "of", - "masculinities", - "becoming", - "tied", - "to", - "the", - "use", - "of", - "violence" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "additionally", - "socialization", - "violence", - "often", - "impact", - "gender", - "identities", - "leading", - "notions", - "masculinities", - "becoming", - "tied", - "use", - "violence" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "additionally", - "socialization", - "violence", - "often", - "impact", - "gender", - "identity", - "leading", - "notion", - "masculinity", - "becoming", - "tied", - "use", - "violence" - ], - "new_sentence": "additionally socialization violence often impact gender identity leading notion masculinity becoming tied use violence" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e", - "clean_sent": "When supporting men during demobilization operations it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy nonviolent forms of masculinity and partnership with women e", - "sent_lower": "when supporting men during demobilization operations it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy nonviolent forms of masculinity and partnership with women e", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "supporting", - "men", - "during", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "it", - "is", - "important", - "to", - "leverage", - "opportunities", - "to", - "promote", - "healthy", - "nonviolent", - "forms", - "of", - "masculinity", - "and", - "partnership", - "with", - "women", - "e" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "supporting", - "men", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "important", - "leverage", - "opportunities", - "promote", - "healthy", - "nonviolent", - "forms", - "masculinity", - "partnership", - "women", - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "supporting", - "men", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "important", - "leverage", - "opportunity", - "promote", - "healthy", - "nonviolent", - "form", - "masculinity", - "partnership", - "woman", - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": "supporting men demobilization operation important leverage opportunity promote healthy nonviolent form masculinity partnership woman e" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "g", - "clean_sent": "g", - "sent_lower": "g", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "g" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "g" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "g" - ], - "new_sentence": "g" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions)", - "clean_sent": " in public information and awarenessraising campaigns joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites or through life skills sessions", - "sent_lower": " in public information and awarenessraising campaigns joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites or through life skills sessions", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "", - "in", - "public", - "information", - "and", - "awarenessraising", - "campaigns", - "joint", - "health", - "promotion", - "teams", - "in", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "or", - "through", - "life", - "skills", - "sessions" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "", - "public", - "information", - "awarenessraising", - "campaigns", - "joint", - "health", - "promotion", - "teams", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "life", - "skills", - "sessions" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "public", - "information", - "awarenessraising", - "campaign", - "joint", - "health", - "promotion", - "team", - "demobilization", - "site", - "life", - "skill", - "session" - ], - "new_sentence": " public information awarenessraising campaign joint health promotion team demobilization site life skill session" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants", - "clean_sent": "Through socialhealth sessions and psychosocial screening DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants", - "sent_lower": "through socialhealth sessions and psychosocial screening ddr practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female ddr participants", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "through", - "socialhealth", - "sessions", - "and", - "psychosocial", - "screening", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "can", - "support", - "a", - "healthier", - "and", - "more", - "equitable", - "transition", - "for", - "both", - "male", - "and", - "female", - "ddr", - "participants" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "socialhealth", - "sessions", - "psychosocial", - "screening", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "support", - "healthier", - "equitable", - "transition", - "male", - "female", - "ddr", - "participants" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "socialhealth", - "session", - "psychosocial", - "screening", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "support", - "healthier", - "equitable", - "transition", - "male", - "female", - "ddr", - "participant" - ], - "new_sentence": "socialhealth session psychosocial screening ddr practitioner support healthier equitable transition male female ddr participant" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "See IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": "See IDDRS 5", - "sent_lower": "see iddrs 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "see iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance", - "clean_sent": "10 on Women Gender and DDR for additional guidance", - "sent_lower": "10 on women gender and ddr for additional guidance", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "10", - "on", - "women", - "gender", - "and", - "ddr", - "for", - "additional", - "guidance" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "10", - "women", - "gender", - "ddr", - "additional", - "guidance" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "woman", - "gender", - "ddr", - "additional", - "guidance" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 woman gender ddr additional guidance" - }, - { - "Index": 29, - "Paragraph": "For men, demobilization may also signal a loss of the status and respect gained as a fighter. Additionally, high-ranking men may gain key political positions in a new Government, but lower-ranking men may be passed over and experience disillusionment or feel betrayed by commanders. The loss of status and wartime family may be especially challenging for men, whose gender identity may be intricately intertwined with membership in an armed force or group. Additionally, socialization to violence can often impact gender identities, leading to notions of masculinities becoming tied to the use of violence. When supporting men during demobilization operations, it is important to leverage opportunities to promote healthy non-violent forms of masculinity and partnership with women (e.g., in public information and awareness-raising campaigns, joint health promotion teams in demobilization sites, or through life skills sessions). Through social\/health sessions and psychosocial screening, DDR practitioners can support a healthier and more equitable transition for both male and female DDR participants. See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 30, - "Paragraph": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes shall be evaluated at all times. Armed forces and groups to be demobilized shall be treated equally. No false promises shall be made concerning post-demobilization support. If DDR participants are well treated during demobilization, their attitudes towards the process are more likely to be positive, and others may be encouraged to demobilize.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes shall be evaluated at all times", - "clean_sent": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes shall be evaluated at all times", - "sent_lower": "\u2018do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all ddr programmes shall be evaluated at all times", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "", - "do", - "no", - "harm", - "", - "is", - "a", - "standard", - "principle", - "against", - "which", - "all", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "shall", - "be", - "evaluated", - "at", - "all", - "times" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "", - "harm", - "", - "standard", - "principle", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "shall", - "evaluated", - "times" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "harm", - "", - "standard", - "principle", - "ddr", - "programme", - "shall", - "evaluated", - "time" - ], - "new_sentence": " harm standard principle ddr programme shall evaluated time" - }, - { - "Index": 30, - "Paragraph": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes shall be evaluated at all times. Armed forces and groups to be demobilized shall be treated equally. No false promises shall be made concerning post-demobilization support. If DDR participants are well treated during demobilization, their attitudes towards the process are more likely to be positive, and others may be encouraged to demobilize.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Armed forces and groups to be demobilized shall be treated equally", - "clean_sent": "Armed forces and groups to be demobilized shall be treated equally", - "sent_lower": "armed forces and groups to be demobilized shall be treated equally", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "to", - "be", - "demobilized", - "shall", - "be", - "treated", - "equally" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "demobilized", - "shall", - "treated", - "equally" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "demobilized", - "shall", - "treated", - "equally" - ], - "new_sentence": "armed force group demobilized shall treated equally" - }, - { - "Index": 30, - "Paragraph": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes shall be evaluated at all times. Armed forces and groups to be demobilized shall be treated equally. No false promises shall be made concerning post-demobilization support. If DDR participants are well treated during demobilization, their attitudes towards the process are more likely to be positive, and others may be encouraged to demobilize.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "No false promises shall be made concerning post-demobilization support", - "clean_sent": "No false promises shall be made concerning postdemobilization support", - "sent_lower": "no false promises shall be made concerning postdemobilization support", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "no", - "false", - "promises", - "shall", - "be", - "made", - "concerning", - "postdemobilization", - "support" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "false", - "promises", - "shall", - "made", - "concerning", - "postdemobilization", - "support" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "false", - "promise", - "shall", - "made", - "concerning", - "postdemobilization", - "support" - ], - "new_sentence": "false promise shall made concerning postdemobilization support" - }, - { - "Index": 30, - "Paragraph": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes shall be evaluated at all times. Armed forces and groups to be demobilized shall be treated equally. No false promises shall be made concerning post-demobilization support. If DDR participants are well treated during demobilization, their attitudes towards the process are more likely to be positive, and others may be encouraged to demobilize.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If DDR participants are well treated during demobilization, their attitudes towards the process are more likely to be positive, and others may be encouraged to demobilize", - "clean_sent": "If DDR participants are well treated during demobilization their attitudes towards the process are more likely to be positive and others may be encouraged to demobilize", - "sent_lower": "if ddr participants are well treated during demobilization their attitudes towards the process are more likely to be positive and others may be encouraged to demobilize", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "ddr", - "participants", - "are", - "well", - "treated", - "during", - "demobilization", - "their", - "attitudes", - "towards", - "the", - "process", - "are", - "more", - "likely", - "to", - "be", - "positive", - "and", - "others", - "may", - "be", - "encouraged", - "to", - "demobilize" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "participants", - "well", - "treated", - "demobilization", - "attitudes", - "towards", - "process", - "likely", - "positive", - "others", - "may", - "encouraged", - "demobilize" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "participant", - "well", - "treated", - "demobilization", - "attitude", - "towards", - "process", - "likely", - "positive", - "others", - "may", - "encouraged", - "demobilize" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr participant well treated demobilization attitude towards process likely positive others may encouraged demobilize" - }, - { - "Index": 30, - "Paragraph": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes shall be evaluated at all times. Armed forces and groups to be demobilized shall be treated equally. No false promises shall be made concerning post-demobilization support. If DDR participants are well treated during demobilization, their attitudes towards the process are more likely to be positive, and others may be encouraged to demobilize.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 31, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization shall bring together participants and community members, or participants from different sides of the conflict in the implementation of activities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization shall bring together participants and community members, or participants from different sides of the conflict in the implementation of activities", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization shall bring together participants and community members or participants from different sides of the conflict in the implementation of activities", - "sent_lower": "demobilization shall bring together participants and community members or participants from different sides of the conflict in the implementation of activities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "shall", - "bring", - "together", - "participants", - "and", - "community", - "members", - "or", - "participants", - "from", - "different", - "sides", - "of", - "the", - "conflict", - "in", - "the", - "implementation", - "of", - "activities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "shall", - "bring", - "together", - "participants", - "community", - "members", - "participants", - "different", - "sides", - "conflict", - "implementation", - "activities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "shall", - "bring", - "together", - "participant", - "community", - "member", - "participant", - "different", - "side", - "conflict", - "implementation", - "activity" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization shall bring together participant community member participant different side conflict implementation activity" - }, - { - "Index": 31, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization shall bring together participants and community members, or participants from different sides of the conflict in the implementation of activities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 32, - "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall use the guidance and analytical tools in this module to plan and design context-specific demobilization operations, rather than relying on a standard template or formula.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.5 Context specific", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners shall use the guidance and analytical tools in this module to plan and design context-specific demobilization operations, rather than relying on a standard template or formula", - "clean_sent": "DDR practitioners shall use the guidance and analytical tools in this module to plan and design contextspecific demobilization operations rather than relying on a standard template or formula", - "sent_lower": "ddr practitioners shall use the guidance and analytical tools in this module to plan and design contextspecific demobilization operations rather than relying on a standard template or formula", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "use", - "the", - "guidance", - "and", - "analytical", - "tools", - "in", - "this", - "module", - "to", - "plan", - "and", - "design", - "contextspecific", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "rather", - "than", - "relying", - "on", - "a", - "standard", - "template", - "or", - "formula" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "use", - "guidance", - "analytical", - "tools", - "module", - "plan", - "design", - "contextspecific", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "rather", - "relying", - "standard", - "template", - "formula" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "use", - "guidance", - "analytical", - "tool", - "module", - "plan", - "design", - "contextspecific", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "rather", - "relying", - "standard", - "template", - "formula" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner shall use guidance analytical tool module plan design contextspecific demobilization operation rather relying standard template formula" - }, - { - "Index": 32, - "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall use the guidance and analytical tools in this module to plan and design context-specific demobilization operations, rather than relying on a standard template or formula.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 7, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.5 Context specific", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 33, - "Paragraph": "In mission settings with peacekeeping operations, the UN Security Council mandate forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion), which can be complemented by national budgets. In non-mission settings, demobilization and reinsertion activities will require the allocation of national budgets and\/or the mobilization of voluntary contributions, including through the establishment of financial management structures, such as a multi-donor trust fund or catalytic funds provided by the UN Peacebuilding Fund. When a DDR programme is being implemented following a peace agreement, clear and comprehensive consensus of all parties from the outset regarding the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be demobilized will greatly assist resource management. If eligibility criteria are ambiguous and the warring parties do not specify the number of eligible combatants in advance, more participants may be accepted than there is funding available, creating challenges for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In mission settings with peacekeeping operations, the UN Security Council mandate forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion), which can be complemented by national budgets", - "clean_sent": "In mission settings with peacekeeping operations the UN Security Council mandate forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament and demobilization including reinsertion which can be complemented by national budgets", - "sent_lower": "in mission settings with peacekeeping operations the un security council mandate forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament and demobilization including reinsertion which can be complemented by national budgets", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "mission", - "settings", - "with", - "peacekeeping", - "operations", - "the", - "un", - "security", - "council", - "mandate", - "forms", - "the", - "basis", - "for", - "assessed", - "funding", - "for", - "all", - "activities", - "related", - "to", - "disarmament", - "and", - "demobilization", - "including", - "reinsertion", - "which", - "can", - "be", - "complemented", - "by", - "national", - "budgets" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "mission", - "settings", - "peacekeeping", - "operations", - "un", - "security", - "council", - "mandate", - "forms", - "basis", - "assessed", - "funding", - "activities", - "related", - "disarmament", - "demobilization", - "including", - "reinsertion", - "complemented", - "national", - "budgets" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "mission", - "setting", - "peacekeeping", - "operation", - "un", - "security", - "council", - "mandate", - "form", - "basis", - "assessed", - "funding", - "activity", - "related", - "disarmament", - "demobilization", - "including", - "reinsertion", - "complemented", - "national", - "budget" - ], - "new_sentence": "mission setting peacekeeping operation un security council mandate form basis assessed funding activity related disarmament demobilization including reinsertion complemented national budget" - }, - { - "Index": 33, - "Paragraph": "In mission settings with peacekeeping operations, the UN Security Council mandate forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion), which can be complemented by national budgets. In non-mission settings, demobilization and reinsertion activities will require the allocation of national budgets and\/or the mobilization of voluntary contributions, including through the establishment of financial management structures, such as a multi-donor trust fund or catalytic funds provided by the UN Peacebuilding Fund. When a DDR programme is being implemented following a peace agreement, clear and comprehensive consensus of all parties from the outset regarding the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be demobilized will greatly assist resource management. If eligibility criteria are ambiguous and the warring parties do not specify the number of eligible combatants in advance, more participants may be accepted than there is funding available, creating challenges for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In non-mission settings, demobilization and reinsertion activities will require the allocation of national budgets and\/or the mobilization of voluntary contributions, including through the establishment of financial management structures, such as a multi-donor trust fund or catalytic funds provided by the UN Peacebuilding Fund", - "clean_sent": "In nonmission settings demobilization and reinsertion activities will require the allocation of national budgets andor the mobilization of voluntary contributions including through the establishment of financial management structures such as a multidonor trust fund or catalytic funds provided by the UN Peacebuilding Fund", - "sent_lower": "in nonmission settings demobilization and reinsertion activities will require the allocation of national budgets andor the mobilization of voluntary contributions including through the establishment of financial management structures such as a multidonor trust fund or catalytic funds provided by the un peacebuilding fund", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "nonmission", - "settings", - "demobilization", - "and", - "reinsertion", - "activities", - "will", - "require", - "the", - "allocation", - "of", - "national", - "budgets", - "andor", - "the", - "mobilization", - "of", - "voluntary", - "contributions", - "including", - "through", - "the", - "establishment", - "of", - "financial", - "management", - "structures", - "such", - "as", - "a", - "multidonor", - "trust", - "fund", - "or", - "catalytic", - "funds", - "provided", - "by", - "the", - "un", - "peacebuilding", - "fund" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "nonmission", - "settings", - "demobilization", - "reinsertion", - "activities", - "require", - "allocation", - "national", - "budgets", - "andor", - "mobilization", - "voluntary", - "contributions", - "including", - "establishment", - "financial", - "management", - "structures", - "multidonor", - "trust", - "fund", - "catalytic", - "funds", - "provided", - "un", - "peacebuilding", - "fund" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "nonmission", - "setting", - "demobilization", - "reinsertion", - "activity", - "require", - "allocation", - "national", - "budget", - "andor", - "mobilization", - "voluntary", - "contribution", - "including", - "establishment", - "financial", - "management", - "structure", - "multidonor", - "trust", - "fund", - "catalytic", - "fund", - "provided", - "un", - "peacebuilding", - "fund" - ], - "new_sentence": "nonmission setting demobilization reinsertion activity require allocation national budget andor mobilization voluntary contribution including establishment financial management structure multidonor trust fund catalytic fund provided un peacebuilding fund" - }, - { - "Index": 33, - "Paragraph": "In mission settings with peacekeeping operations, the UN Security Council mandate forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion), which can be complemented by national budgets. In non-mission settings, demobilization and reinsertion activities will require the allocation of national budgets and\/or the mobilization of voluntary contributions, including through the establishment of financial management structures, such as a multi-donor trust fund or catalytic funds provided by the UN Peacebuilding Fund. When a DDR programme is being implemented following a peace agreement, clear and comprehensive consensus of all parties from the outset regarding the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be demobilized will greatly assist resource management. If eligibility criteria are ambiguous and the warring parties do not specify the number of eligible combatants in advance, more participants may be accepted than there is funding available, creating challenges for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When a DDR programme is being implemented following a peace agreement, clear and comprehensive consensus of all parties from the outset regarding the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be demobilized will greatly assist resource management", - "clean_sent": "When a DDR programme is being implemented following a peace agreement clear and comprehensive consensus of all parties from the outset regarding the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be demobilized will greatly assist resource management", - "sent_lower": "when a ddr programme is being implemented following a peace agreement clear and comprehensive consensus of all parties from the outset regarding the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be demobilized will greatly assist resource management", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "is", - "being", - "implemented", - "following", - "a", - "peace", - "agreement", - "clear", - "and", - "comprehensive", - "consensus", - "of", - "all", - "parties", - "from", - "the", - "outset", - "regarding", - "the", - "number", - "of", - "combatants", - "and", - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "to", - "be", - "demobilized", - "will", - "greatly", - "assist", - "resource", - "management" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "programme", - "implemented", - "following", - "peace", - "agreement", - "clear", - "comprehensive", - "consensus", - "parties", - "outset", - "regarding", - "number", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "demobilized", - "greatly", - "assist", - "resource", - "management" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "programme", - "implemented", - "following", - "peace", - "agreement", - "clear", - "comprehensive", - "consensus", - "party", - "outset", - "regarding", - "number", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "demobilized", - "greatly", - "assist", - "resource", - "management" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr programme implemented following peace agreement clear comprehensive consensus party outset regarding number combatant person associated armed force group demobilized greatly assist resource management" - }, - { - "Index": 33, - "Paragraph": "In mission settings with peacekeeping operations, the UN Security Council mandate forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion), which can be complemented by national budgets. In non-mission settings, demobilization and reinsertion activities will require the allocation of national budgets and\/or the mobilization of voluntary contributions, including through the establishment of financial management structures, such as a multi-donor trust fund or catalytic funds provided by the UN Peacebuilding Fund. When a DDR programme is being implemented following a peace agreement, clear and comprehensive consensus of all parties from the outset regarding the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be demobilized will greatly assist resource management. If eligibility criteria are ambiguous and the warring parties do not specify the number of eligible combatants in advance, more participants may be accepted than there is funding available, creating challenges for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If eligibility criteria are ambiguous and the warring parties do not specify the number of eligible combatants in advance, more participants may be accepted than there is funding available, creating challenges for the DDR programme", - "clean_sent": "If eligibility criteria are ambiguous and the warring parties do not specify the number of eligible combatants in advance more participants may be accepted than there is funding available creating challenges for the DDR programme", - "sent_lower": "if eligibility criteria are ambiguous and the warring parties do not specify the number of eligible combatants in advance more participants may be accepted than there is funding available creating challenges for the ddr programme", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "are", - "ambiguous", - "and", - "the", - "warring", - "parties", - "do", - "not", - "specify", - "the", - "number", - "of", - "eligible", - "combatants", - "in", - "advance", - "more", - "participants", - "may", - "be", - "accepted", - "than", - "there", - "is", - "funding", - "available", - "creating", - "challenges", - "for", - "the", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "ambiguous", - "warring", - "parties", - "specify", - "number", - "eligible", - "combatants", - "advance", - "participants", - "may", - "accepted", - "funding", - "available", - "creating", - "challenges", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "ambiguous", - "warring", - "party", - "specify", - "number", - "eligible", - "combatant", - "advance", - "participant", - "may", - "accepted", - "funding", - "available", - "creating", - "challenge", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "eligibility criterion ambiguous warring party specify number eligible combatant advance participant may accepted funding available creating challenge ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 33, - "Paragraph": "In mission settings with peacekeeping operations, the UN Security Council mandate forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion), which can be complemented by national budgets. In non-mission settings, demobilization and reinsertion activities will require the allocation of national budgets and\/or the mobilization of voluntary contributions, including through the establishment of financial management structures, such as a multi-donor trust fund or catalytic funds provided by the UN Peacebuilding Fund. When a DDR programme is being implemented following a peace agreement, clear and comprehensive consensus of all parties from the outset regarding the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be demobilized will greatly assist resource management. If eligibility criteria are ambiguous and the warring parties do not specify the number of eligible combatants in advance, more participants may be accepted than there is funding available, creating challenges for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 34, - "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that there is a mechanism in place for every individual present at a demobilization site to report complaints. Early discussion of any problem will reduce the risk to internal site security. At the earliest opportunity, the manager of the demobilization site is responsible for ensuring that a discussion forum is established, which should be used regularly to ensure that information is provided to those who need it and to deal with issues raised. Furthermore, an appeal mechanism shall be provided so that individuals who feel they have been unfairly left out of the demobilization operation can seek recourse, including a specific mechanism for women, who are often intentionally excluded.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.2 Accountability and transparency", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that there is a mechanism in place for every individual present at a demobilization site to report complaints", - "clean_sent": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that there is a mechanism in place for every individual present at a demobilization site to report complaints", - "sent_lower": "ddr practitioners shall ensure that there is a mechanism in place for every individual present at a demobilization site to report complaints", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "ensure", - "that", - "there", - "is", - "a", - "mechanism", - "in", - "place", - "for", - "every", - "individual", - "present", - "at", - "a", - "demobilization", - "site", - "to", - "report", - "complaints" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "ensure", - "mechanism", - "place", - "every", - "individual", - "present", - "demobilization", - "site", - "report", - "complaints" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "ensure", - "mechanism", - "place", - "every", - "individual", - "present", - "demobilization", - "site", - "report", - "complaint" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner shall ensure mechanism place every individual present demobilization site report complaint" - }, - { - "Index": 34, - "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that there is a mechanism in place for every individual present at a demobilization site to report complaints. Early discussion of any problem will reduce the risk to internal site security. At the earliest opportunity, the manager of the demobilization site is responsible for ensuring that a discussion forum is established, which should be used regularly to ensure that information is provided to those who need it and to deal with issues raised. Furthermore, an appeal mechanism shall be provided so that individuals who feel they have been unfairly left out of the demobilization operation can seek recourse, including a specific mechanism for women, who are often intentionally excluded.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.2 Accountability and transparency", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Early discussion of any problem will reduce the risk to internal site security", - "clean_sent": "Early discussion of any problem will reduce the risk to internal site security", - "sent_lower": "early discussion of any problem will reduce the risk to internal site security", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "early", - "discussion", - "of", - "any", - "problem", - "will", - "reduce", - "the", - "risk", - "to", - "internal", - "site", - "security" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "early", - "discussion", - "problem", - "reduce", - "risk", - "internal", - "site", - "security" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "early", - "discussion", - "problem", - "reduce", - "risk", - "internal", - "site", - "security" - ], - "new_sentence": "early discussion problem reduce risk internal site security" - }, - { - "Index": 34, - "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that there is a mechanism in place for every individual present at a demobilization site to report complaints. Early discussion of any problem will reduce the risk to internal site security. At the earliest opportunity, the manager of the demobilization site is responsible for ensuring that a discussion forum is established, which should be used regularly to ensure that information is provided to those who need it and to deal with issues raised. Furthermore, an appeal mechanism shall be provided so that individuals who feel they have been unfairly left out of the demobilization operation can seek recourse, including a specific mechanism for women, who are often intentionally excluded.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.2 Accountability and transparency", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "At the earliest opportunity, the manager of the demobilization site is responsible for ensuring that a discussion forum is established, which should be used regularly to ensure that information is provided to those who need it and to deal with issues raised", - "clean_sent": "At the earliest opportunity the manager of the demobilization site is responsible for ensuring that a discussion forum is established which should be used regularly to ensure that information is provided to those who need it and to deal with issues raised", - "sent_lower": "at the earliest opportunity the manager of the demobilization site is responsible for ensuring that a discussion forum is established which should be used regularly to ensure that information is provided to those who need it and to deal with issues raised", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "at", - "the", - "earliest", - "opportunity", - "the", - "manager", - "of", - "the", - "demobilization", - "site", - "is", - "responsible", - "for", - "ensuring", - "that", - "a", - "discussion", - "forum", - "is", - "established", - "which", - "should", - "be", - "used", - "regularly", - "to", - "ensure", - "that", - "information", - "is", - "provided", - "to", - "those", - "who", - "need", - "it", - "and", - "to", - "deal", - "with", - "issues", - "raised" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "earliest", - "opportunity", - "manager", - "demobilization", - "site", - "responsible", - "ensuring", - "discussion", - "forum", - "established", - "used", - "regularly", - "ensure", - "information", - "provided", - "need", - "deal", - "issues", - "raised" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "earliest", - "opportunity", - "manager", - "demobilization", - "site", - "responsible", - "ensuring", - "discussion", - "forum", - "established", - "used", - "regularly", - "ensure", - "information", - "provided", - "need", - "deal", - "issue", - "raised" - ], - "new_sentence": "earliest opportunity manager demobilization site responsible ensuring discussion forum established used regularly ensure information provided need deal issue raised" - }, - { - "Index": 34, - "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that there is a mechanism in place for every individual present at a demobilization site to report complaints. Early discussion of any problem will reduce the risk to internal site security. At the earliest opportunity, the manager of the demobilization site is responsible for ensuring that a discussion forum is established, which should be used regularly to ensure that information is provided to those who need it and to deal with issues raised. Furthermore, an appeal mechanism shall be provided so that individuals who feel they have been unfairly left out of the demobilization operation can seek recourse, including a specific mechanism for women, who are often intentionally excluded.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.2 Accountability and transparency", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Furthermore, an appeal mechanism shall be provided so that individuals who feel they have been unfairly left out of the demobilization operation can seek recourse, including a specific mechanism for women, who are often intentionally excluded", - "clean_sent": "Furthermore an appeal mechanism shall be provided so that individuals who feel they have been unfairly left out of the demobilization operation can seek recourse including a specific mechanism for women who are often intentionally excluded", - "sent_lower": "furthermore an appeal mechanism shall be provided so that individuals who feel they have been unfairly left out of the demobilization operation can seek recourse including a specific mechanism for women who are often intentionally excluded", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "furthermore", - "an", - "appeal", - "mechanism", - "shall", - "be", - "provided", - "so", - "that", - "individuals", - "who", - "feel", - "they", - "have", - "been", - "unfairly", - "left", - "out", - "of", - "the", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "can", - "seek", - "recourse", - "including", - "a", - "specific", - "mechanism", - "for", - "women", - "who", - "are", - "often", - "intentionally", - "excluded" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "furthermore", - "appeal", - "mechanism", - "shall", - "provided", - "individuals", - "feel", - "unfairly", - "left", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "seek", - "recourse", - "including", - "specific", - "mechanism", - "women", - "often", - "intentionally", - "excluded" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "furthermore", - "appeal", - "mechanism", - "shall", - "provided", - "individual", - "feel", - "unfairly", - "left", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "seek", - "recourse", - "including", - "specific", - "mechanism", - "woman", - "often", - "intentionally", - "excluded" - ], - "new_sentence": "furthermore appeal mechanism shall provided individual feel unfairly left demobilization operation seek recourse including specific mechanism woman often intentionally excluded" - }, - { - "Index": 34, - "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that there is a mechanism in place for every individual present at a demobilization site to report complaints. Early discussion of any problem will reduce the risk to internal site security. At the earliest opportunity, the manager of the demobilization site is responsible for ensuring that a discussion forum is established, which should be used regularly to ensure that information is provided to those who need it and to deal with issues raised. Furthermore, an appeal mechanism shall be provided so that individuals who feel they have been unfairly left out of the demobilization operation can seek recourse, including a specific mechanism for women, who are often intentionally excluded.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", - "Heading3": "4.6.2 Accountability and transparency", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 35, - "Paragraph": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks. National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation. In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all. DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3", - "clean_sent": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions see IDDRS 3", - "sent_lower": "ddr programmes shall be led by national governments and relevant ddr institutions see iddrs 3", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "ddr", - "programmes", - "shall", - "be", - "led", - "by", - "national", - "governments", - "and", - "relevant", - "ddr", - "institutions", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "programmes", - "shall", - "led", - "national", - "governments", - "relevant", - "ddr", - "institutions", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "programme", - "shall", - "led", - "national", - "government", - "relevant", - "ddr", - "institution", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr programme shall led national government relevant ddr institution see iddrs 3" - }, - { - "Index": 35, - "Paragraph": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks. National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation. In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all. DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "30 on National Institutions for DDR)", - "clean_sent": "30 on National Institutions for DDR", - "sent_lower": "30 on national institutions for ddr", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "30", - "on", - "national", - "institutions", - "for", - "ddr" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "30", - "national", - "institutions", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "30", - "national", - "institution", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "30 national institution ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 35, - "Paragraph": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks. National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation. In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all. DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks", - "clean_sent": "They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks", - "sent_lower": "they shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "they", - "shall", - "be", - "guided", - "by", - "peace", - "agreements", - "and", - "clear", - "policy", - "and", - "legal", - "frameworks" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "shall", - "guided", - "peace", - "agreements", - "clear", - "policy", - "legal", - "frameworks" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "shall", - "guided", - "peace", - "agreement", - "clear", - "policy", - "legal", - "framework" - ], - "new_sentence": "shall guided peace agreement clear policy legal framework" - }, - { - "Index": 35, - "Paragraph": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks. National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation. In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all. DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation", - "clean_sent": "National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation", - "sent_lower": "national authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "national", - "authorities", - "should", - "lead", - "the", - "process", - "of", - "developing", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "and", - "be", - "involved", - "in", - "every", - "step", - "of", - "the", - "demobilization", - "operation" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "national", - "authorities", - "lead", - "process", - "developing", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "involved", - "every", - "step", - "demobilization", - "operation" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "national", - "authority", - "lead", - "process", - "developing", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "involved", - "every", - "step", - "demobilization", - "operation" - ], - "new_sentence": "national authority lead process developing eligibility criterion involved every step demobilization operation" - }, - { - "Index": 35, - "Paragraph": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks. National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation. In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all. DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all", - "clean_sent": "In some contexts the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all", - "sent_lower": "in some contexts the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "some", - "contexts", - "the", - "national", - "authorities", - "should", - "involve", - "representatives", - "of", - "signatory", - "armed", - "groups", - "to", - "ensure", - "that", - "demobilization", - "is", - "transparent", - "to", - "all" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "contexts", - "national", - "authorities", - "involve", - "representatives", - "signatory", - "armed", - "groups", - "ensure", - "demobilization", - "transparent" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "context", - "national", - "authority", - "involve", - "representative", - "signatory", - "armed", - "group", - "ensure", - "demobilization", - "transparent" - ], - "new_sentence": "context national authority involve representative signatory armed group ensure demobilization transparent" - }, - { - "Index": 35, - "Paragraph": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks. National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation. In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all. DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established", - "clean_sent": "DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance ensuring that genderresponsive and inclusive eligibility criteria are established", - "sent_lower": "ddr practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with iddrs guidance ensuring that genderresponsive and inclusive eligibility criteria are established", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "advise", - "and", - "support", - "national", - "authorities", - "in", - "accordance", - "with", - "iddrs", - "guidance", - "ensuring", - "that", - "genderresponsive", - "and", - "inclusive", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "are", - "established" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "advise", - "support", - "national", - "authorities", - "accordance", - "iddrs", - "guidance", - "ensuring", - "genderresponsive", - "inclusive", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "established" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "advise", - "support", - "national", - "authority", - "accordance", - "iddrs", - "guidance", - "ensuring", - "genderresponsive", - "inclusive", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "established" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner shall advise support national authority accordance iddrs guidance ensuring genderresponsive inclusive eligibility criterion established" - }, - { - "Index": 35, - "Paragraph": "DDR programmes shall be led by national Governments and relevant DDR institutions (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). They shall be guided by peace agreements and clear policy and legal frameworks. National authorities should lead the process of developing eligibility criteria and be involved in every step of the demobilization operation. In some contexts, the national authorities should involve representatives of signatory armed groups to ensure that demobilization is transparent to all. DDR practitioners shall advise and support national authorities in accordance with IDDRS guidance, ensuring that gender-responsive and -inclusive eligibility criteria are established.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 36, - "Paragraph": "The demobilization and repatriation of foreign former combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will require a specific strategy (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements). Where appropriate, DDR practitioners shall engage regional stakeholders, including neighbouring countries, to foster a conducive environment.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.8 Regionally supported", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The demobilization and repatriation of foreign former combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will require a specific strategy (see IDDRS 5", - "clean_sent": "The demobilization and repatriation of foreign former combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will require a specific strategy see IDDRS 5", - "sent_lower": "the demobilization and repatriation of foreign former combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will require a specific strategy see iddrs 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "demobilization", - "and", - "repatriation", - "of", - "foreign", - "former", - "combatants", - "and", - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "will", - "require", - "a", - "specific", - "strategy", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "repatriation", - "foreign", - "former", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "require", - "specific", - "strategy", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "repatriation", - "foreign", - "former", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "require", - "specific", - "strategy", - "see", - "iddrs", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization repatriation foreign former combatant person associated armed force group require specific strategy see iddrs 5" - }, - { - "Index": 36, - "Paragraph": "The demobilization and repatriation of foreign former combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will require a specific strategy (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements). Where appropriate, DDR practitioners shall engage regional stakeholders, including neighbouring countries, to foster a conducive environment.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.8 Regionally supported", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "40 on Cross-Border Population Movements)", - "clean_sent": "40 on CrossBorder Population Movements", - "sent_lower": "40 on crossborder population movements", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "40", - "on", - "crossborder", - "population", - "movements" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "40", - "crossborder", - "population", - "movements" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "40", - "crossborder", - "population", - "movement" - ], - "new_sentence": "40 crossborder population movement" - }, - { - "Index": 36, - "Paragraph": "The demobilization and repatriation of foreign former combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will require a specific strategy (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements). Where appropriate, DDR practitioners shall engage regional stakeholders, including neighbouring countries, to foster a conducive environment.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.8 Regionally supported", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Where appropriate, DDR practitioners shall engage regional stakeholders, including neighbouring countries, to foster a conducive environment", - "clean_sent": "Where appropriate DDR practitioners shall engage regional stakeholders including neighbouring countries to foster a conducive environment", - "sent_lower": "where appropriate ddr practitioners shall engage regional stakeholders including neighbouring countries to foster a conducive environment", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "where", - "appropriate", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "engage", - "regional", - "stakeholders", - "including", - "neighbouring", - "countries", - "to", - "foster", - "a", - "conducive", - "environment" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "appropriate", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "engage", - "regional", - "stakeholders", - "including", - "neighbouring", - "countries", - "foster", - "conducive", - "environment" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "appropriate", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "engage", - "regional", - "stakeholder", - "including", - "neighbouring", - "country", - "foster", - "conducive", - "environment" - ], - "new_sentence": "appropriate ddr practitioner shall engage regional stakeholder including neighbouring country foster conducive environment" - }, - { - "Index": 36, - "Paragraph": "The demobilization and repatriation of foreign former combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will require a specific strategy (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements). Where appropriate, DDR practitioners shall engage regional stakeholders, including neighbouring countries, to foster a conducive environment.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 8, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.8 Regionally supported", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 37, - "Paragraph": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration. If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what. DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities. To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration", - "clean_sent": "When a DDR programme is being implemented demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration", - "sent_lower": "when a ddr programme is being implemented demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "is", - "being", - "implemented", - "demobilization", - "shall", - "be", - "linked", - "to", - "disarmament", - "and", - "reintegration" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "programme", - "implemented", - "demobilization", - "shall", - "linked", - "disarmament", - "reintegration" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "programme", - "implemented", - "demobilization", - "shall", - "linked", - "disarmament", - "reintegration" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr programme implemented demobilization shall linked disarmament reintegration" - }, - { - "Index": 37, - "Paragraph": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration. If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what. DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities. To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what", - "clean_sent": "If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme in different localities across the country such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what", - "sent_lower": "if other components of a broader ddr process are also being implemented at the same time as a ddr programme in different localities across the country such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "other", - "components", - "of", - "a", - "broader", - "ddr", - "process", - "are", - "also", - "being", - "implemented", - "at", - "the", - "same", - "time", - "as", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "in", - "different", - "localities", - "across", - "the", - "country", - "such", - "as", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "programmes", - "or", - "transitional", - "weapons", - "and", - "ammunition", - "management", - "public", - "information", - "campaigns", - "should", - "make", - "clear", - "who", - "is", - "eligible", - "for", - "what" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "components", - "broader", - "ddr", - "process", - "also", - "implemented", - "time", - "ddr", - "programme", - "different", - "localities", - "across", - "country", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "programmes", - "transitional", - "weapons", - "ammunition", - "management", - "public", - "information", - "campaigns", - "make", - "clear", - "eligible" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "component", - "broader", - "ddr", - "process", - "also", - "implemented", - "time", - "ddr", - "programme", - "different", - "locality", - "across", - "country", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "programme", - "transitional", - "weapon", - "ammunition", - "management", - "public", - "information", - "campaign", - "make", - "clear", - "eligible" - ], - "new_sentence": "component broader ddr process also implemented time ddr programme different locality across country community violence reduction programme transitional weapon ammunition management public information campaign make clear eligible" - }, - { - "Index": 37, - "Paragraph": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration. If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what. DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities. To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities", - "clean_sent": "DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities", - "sent_lower": "ddr practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different ddr programmes or activities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "also", - "consider", - "whether", - "there", - "is", - "a", - "need", - "to", - "harmonize", - "the", - "benefits", - "to", - "those", - "participating", - "in", - "different", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "or", - "activities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "also", - "consider", - "whether", - "need", - "harmonize", - "benefits", - "participating", - "different", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "activities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "also", - "consider", - "whether", - "need", - "harmonize", - "benefit", - "participating", - "different", - "ddr", - "programme", - "activity" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner shall also consider whether need harmonize benefit participating different ddr programme activity" - }, - { - "Index": 37, - "Paragraph": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration. If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what. DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities. To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3", - "clean_sent": "To the extent possible integrated information collection efforts covering each part of the DDR process shall be pursued see IDDRS 3", - "sent_lower": "to the extent possible integrated information collection efforts covering each part of the ddr process shall be pursued see iddrs 3", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "to", - "the", - "extent", - "possible", - "integrated", - "information", - "collection", - "efforts", - "covering", - "each", - "part", - "of", - "the", - "ddr", - "process", - "shall", - "be", - "pursued", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "extent", - "possible", - "integrated", - "information", - "collection", - "efforts", - "covering", - "part", - "ddr", - "process", - "shall", - "pursued", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "extent", - "possible", - "integrated", - "information", - "collection", - "effort", - "covering", - "part", - "ddr", - "process", - "shall", - "pursued", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "new_sentence": "extent possible integrated information collection effort covering part ddr process shall pursued see iddrs 3" - }, - { - "Index": 37, - "Paragraph": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration. If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what. DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities. To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "11 on Integrated Assessments)", - "clean_sent": "11 on Integrated Assessments", - "sent_lower": "11 on integrated assessments", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "11", - "on", - "integrated", - "assessments" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "11", - "integrated", - "assessments" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "11", - "integrated", - "assessment" - ], - "new_sentence": "11 integrated assessment" - }, - { - "Index": 37, - "Paragraph": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration. If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what. DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities. To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared", - "clean_sent": "At a minimum information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared", - "sent_lower": "at a minimum information related to different parts of the ddr process should be shared", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "at", - "a", - "minimum", - "information", - "related", - "to", - "different", - "parts", - "of", - "the", - "ddr", - "process", - "should", - "be", - "shared" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "minimum", - "information", - "related", - "different", - "parts", - "ddr", - "process", - "shared" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "minimum", - "information", - "related", - "different", - "part", - "ddr", - "process", - "shared" - ], - "new_sentence": "minimum information related different part ddr process shared" - }, - { - "Index": 37, - "Paragraph": "When a DDR programme is being implemented, demobilization shall be linked to disarmament and reintegration. If other components of a broader DDR process are also being implemented at the same time as a DDR programme, in different localities across the country, such as community violence reduction programmes or transitional weapons and ammunition management, public information campaigns should make clear who is eligible for what. DDR practitioners shall also consider whether there is a need to harmonize the benefits to those participating in different DDR programmes or activities. To the extent possible, integrated information collection efforts, covering each part of the DDR process, shall be pursued (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). At a minimum, information related to different parts of the DDR process should be shared.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 38, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization sites both semipermanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5", - "sent_lower": "demobilization sites both semipermanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "sites", - "both", - "semipermanent", - "and", - "temporary", - "", - "", - "see", - "section", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "sites", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "", - "", - "see", - "section", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "site", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "", - "", - "see", - "section", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization site semipermanent temporary see section 5" - }, - { - "Index": 38, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured", - "clean_sent": "3 shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured", - "sent_lower": "3 shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "3", - "shall", - "be", - "identified", - "in", - "such", - "a", - "manner", - "that", - "the", - "safety", - "and", - "security", - "of", - "the", - "individuals", - "passing", - "through", - "is", - "ensured" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "3", - "shall", - "identified", - "manner", - "safety", - "security", - "individuals", - "passing", - "ensured" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "3", - "shall", - "identified", - "manner", - "safety", - "security", - "individual", - "passing", - "ensured" - ], - "new_sentence": "3 shall identified manner safety security individual passing ensured" - }, - { - "Index": 38, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": "External area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military andor police forces national andor international or by other transitional security arrangements such as mixed brigades see IDDRS 4", - "sent_lower": "external area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military andor police forces national andor international or by other transitional security arrangements such as mixed brigades see iddrs 4", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "external", - "area", - "and", - "proximity", - "security", - "at", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "shall", - "be", - "provided", - "by", - "military", - "andor", - "police", - "forces", - "national", - "andor", - "international", - "or", - "by", - "other", - "transitional", - "security", - "arrangements", - "such", - "as", - "mixed", - "brigades", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "external", - "area", - "proximity", - "security", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "shall", - "provided", - "military", - "andor", - "police", - "forces", - "national", - "andor", - "international", - "transitional", - "security", - "arrangements", - "mixed", - "brigades", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "external", - "area", - "proximity", - "security", - "demobilization", - "site", - "shall", - "provided", - "military", - "andor", - "police", - "force", - "national", - "andor", - "international", - "transitional", - "security", - "arrangement", - "mixed", - "brigade", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "external area proximity security demobilization site shall provided military andor police force national andor international transitional security arrangement mixed brigade see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 38, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities)", - "clean_sent": "40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities", - "sent_lower": "40 on military roles and responsibilities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "40", - "on", - "military", - "roles", - "and", - "responsibilities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "40", - "military", - "roles", - "responsibilities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "40", - "military", - "role", - "responsibility" - ], - "new_sentence": "40 military role responsibility" - }, - { - "Index": 38, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible", - "clean_sent": "Internal security at demobilization sites both temporary and semipermanent should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police including both men and women where possible", - "sent_lower": "internal security at demobilization sites both temporary and semipermanent should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police including both men and women where possible", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "internal", - "security", - "at", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "both", - "temporary", - "and", - "semipermanent", - "should", - "be", - "provided", - "by", - "lightly", - "equipped", - "local", - "security", - "services", - "or", - "police", - "including", - "both", - "men", - "and", - "women", - "where", - "possible" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "internal", - "security", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "temporary", - "semipermanent", - "provided", - "lightly", - "equipped", - "local", - "security", - "services", - "police", - "including", - "men", - "women", - "possible" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "internal", - "security", - "demobilization", - "site", - "temporary", - "semipermanent", - "provided", - "lightly", - "equipped", - "local", - "security", - "service", - "police", - "including", - "men", - "woman", - "possible" - ], - "new_sentence": "internal security demobilization site temporary semipermanent provided lightly equipped local security service police including men woman possible" - }, - { - "Index": 38, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed", - "clean_sent": "Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and where possible rehearsed", - "sent_lower": "plans for emergencies and evacuations of ddr staff and participants shall be developed and where possible rehearsed", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "plans", - "for", - "emergencies", - "and", - "evacuations", - "of", - "ddr", - "staff", - "and", - "participants", - "shall", - "be", - "developed", - "and", - "where", - "possible", - "rehearsed" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "plans", - "emergencies", - "evacuations", - "ddr", - "staff", - "participants", - "shall", - "developed", - "possible", - "rehearsed" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "plan", - "emergency", - "evacuation", - "ddr", - "staff", - "participant", - "shall", - "developed", - "possible", - "rehearsed" - ], - "new_sentence": "plan emergency evacuation ddr staff participant shall developed possible rehearsed" - }, - { - "Index": 38, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 39, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization sites both semipermanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5", - "sent_lower": "demobilization sites both semipermanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "sites", - "both", - "semipermanent", - "and", - "temporary", - "", - "", - "see", - "section", - "5" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "sites", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "", - "", - "see", - "section", - "5" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "site", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "", - "", - "see", - "section", - "5" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization site semipermanent temporary see section 5" - }, - { - "Index": 39, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured", - "clean_sent": "3 shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured", - "sent_lower": "3 shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "3", - "shall", - "be", - "identified", - "in", - "such", - "a", - "manner", - "that", - "the", - "safety", - "and", - "security", - "of", - "the", - "individuals", - "passing", - "through", - "is", - "ensured" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "3", - "shall", - "identified", - "manner", - "safety", - "security", - "individuals", - "passing", - "ensured" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "3", - "shall", - "identified", - "manner", - "safety", - "security", - "individual", - "passing", - "ensured" - ], - "new_sentence": "3 shall identified manner safety security individual passing ensured" - }, - { - "Index": 39, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": "External area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military andor police forces national andor international or by other transitional security arrangements such as mixed brigades see IDDRS 4", - "sent_lower": "external area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military andor police forces national andor international or by other transitional security arrangements such as mixed brigades see iddrs 4", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "external", - "area", - "and", - "proximity", - "security", - "at", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "shall", - "be", - "provided", - "by", - "military", - "andor", - "police", - "forces", - "national", - "andor", - "international", - "or", - "by", - "other", - "transitional", - "security", - "arrangements", - "such", - "as", - "mixed", - "brigades", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "external", - "area", - "proximity", - "security", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "shall", - "provided", - "military", - "andor", - "police", - "forces", - "national", - "andor", - "international", - "transitional", - "security", - "arrangements", - "mixed", - "brigades", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "external", - "area", - "proximity", - "security", - "demobilization", - "site", - "shall", - "provided", - "military", - "andor", - "police", - "force", - "national", - "andor", - "international", - "transitional", - "security", - "arrangement", - "mixed", - "brigade", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "external area proximity security demobilization site shall provided military andor police force national andor international transitional security arrangement mixed brigade see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 39, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities)", - "clean_sent": "40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities", - "sent_lower": "40 on military roles and responsibilities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "40", - "on", - "military", - "roles", - "and", - "responsibilities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "40", - "military", - "roles", - "responsibilities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "40", - "military", - "role", - "responsibility" - ], - "new_sentence": "40 military role responsibility" - }, - { - "Index": 39, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible", - "clean_sent": "Internal security at demobilization sites both temporary and semipermanent should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police including both men and women where possible", - "sent_lower": "internal security at demobilization sites both temporary and semipermanent should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police including both men and women where possible", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "internal", - "security", - "at", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "both", - "temporary", - "and", - "semipermanent", - "should", - "be", - "provided", - "by", - "lightly", - "equipped", - "local", - "security", - "services", - "or", - "police", - "including", - "both", - "men", - "and", - "women", - "where", - "possible" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "internal", - "security", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "temporary", - "semipermanent", - "provided", - "lightly", - "equipped", - "local", - "security", - "services", - "police", - "including", - "men", - "women", - "possible" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "internal", - "security", - "demobilization", - "site", - "temporary", - "semipermanent", - "provided", - "lightly", - "equipped", - "local", - "security", - "service", - "police", - "including", - "men", - "woman", - "possible" - ], - "new_sentence": "internal security demobilization site temporary semipermanent provided lightly equipped local security service police including men woman possible" - }, - { - "Index": 39, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed", - "clean_sent": "Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and where possible rehearsed", - "sent_lower": "plans for emergencies and evacuations of ddr staff and participants shall be developed and where possible rehearsed", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "plans", - "for", - "emergencies", - "and", - "evacuations", - "of", - "ddr", - "staff", - "and", - "participants", - "shall", - "be", - "developed", - "and", - "where", - "possible", - "rehearsed" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "plans", - "emergencies", - "evacuations", - "ddr", - "staff", - "participants", - "shall", - "developed", - "possible", - "rehearsed" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "plan", - "emergency", - "evacuation", - "ddr", - "staff", - "participant", - "shall", - "developed", - "possible", - "rehearsed" - ], - "new_sentence": "plan emergency evacuation ddr staff participant shall developed possible rehearsed" - }, - { - "Index": 39, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization sites (both semi-permanent and temporary \u2013 see section 5.3) shall be identified in such a manner that the safety and security of the individuals passing through is ensured. External, area and proximity security at demobilization sites shall be provided by military and\/or police forces (national and\/or international) or by other transitional security arrangements, such as mixed brigades (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). Internal security at demobilization sites (both temporary and semi-permanent) should be provided by lightly equipped local security services or police, including both men and women where possible. Plans for emergencies and evacuations of DDR staff and participants shall be developed and, where possible, rehearsed.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 40, - "Paragraph": "The planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation of demobilization operations should be participatory and age and gender sensitive. In addition to assessing the short-term outputs of the DDR programme, such as the number of people demobilized, monitoring and evaluation shall also focus on qualitative indicators, such as changes in community perceptions and in the behaviour of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. The planning for demobilization, disarmament and reintegration must be coherent. Before demobilization operations commence, DDR practitioners shall also ensure that resources are available for the programme as a whole.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation of demobilization operations should be participatory and age and gender sensitive", - "clean_sent": "The planning assessment design and monitoring and evaluation of demobilization operations should be participatory and age and gender sensitive", - "sent_lower": "the planning assessment design and monitoring and evaluation of demobilization operations should be participatory and age and gender sensitive", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "planning", - "assessment", - "design", - "and", - "monitoring", - "and", - "evaluation", - "of", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "should", - "be", - "participatory", - "and", - "age", - "and", - "gender", - "sensitive" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "planning", - "assessment", - "design", - "monitoring", - "evaluation", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "participatory", - "age", - "gender", - "sensitive" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "planning", - "assessment", - "design", - "monitoring", - "evaluation", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "participatory", - "age", - "gender", - "sensitive" - ], - "new_sentence": "planning assessment design monitoring evaluation demobilization operation participatory age gender sensitive" - }, - { - "Index": 40, - "Paragraph": "The planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation of demobilization operations should be participatory and age and gender sensitive. In addition to assessing the short-term outputs of the DDR programme, such as the number of people demobilized, monitoring and evaluation shall also focus on qualitative indicators, such as changes in community perceptions and in the behaviour of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. The planning for demobilization, disarmament and reintegration must be coherent. Before demobilization operations commence, DDR practitioners shall also ensure that resources are available for the programme as a whole.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In addition to assessing the short-term outputs of the DDR programme, such as the number of people demobilized, monitoring and evaluation shall also focus on qualitative indicators, such as changes in community perceptions and in the behaviour of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups", - "clean_sent": "In addition to assessing the shortterm outputs of the DDR programme such as the number of people demobilized monitoring and evaluation shall also focus on qualitative indicators such as changes in community perceptions and in the behaviour of excombatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups", - "sent_lower": "in addition to assessing the shortterm outputs of the ddr programme such as the number of people demobilized monitoring and evaluation shall also focus on qualitative indicators such as changes in community perceptions and in the behaviour of excombatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "addition", - "to", - "assessing", - "the", - "shortterm", - "outputs", - "of", - "the", - "ddr", - "programme", - "such", - "as", - "the", - "number", - "of", - "people", - "demobilized", - "monitoring", - "and", - "evaluation", - "shall", - "also", - "focus", - "on", - "qualitative", - "indicators", - "such", - "as", - "changes", - "in", - "community", - "perceptions", - "and", - "in", - "the", - "behaviour", - "of", - "excombatants", - "and", - "persons", - "formerly", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "addition", - "assessing", - "shortterm", - "outputs", - "ddr", - "programme", - "number", - "people", - "demobilized", - "monitoring", - "evaluation", - "shall", - "also", - "focus", - "qualitative", - "indicators", - "changes", - "community", - "perceptions", - "behaviour", - "excombatants", - "persons", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "addition", - "assessing", - "shortterm", - "output", - "ddr", - "programme", - "number", - "people", - "demobilized", - "monitoring", - "evaluation", - "shall", - "also", - "focus", - "qualitative", - "indicator", - "change", - "community", - "perception", - "behaviour", - "excombatants", - "person", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "addition assessing shortterm output ddr programme number people demobilized monitoring evaluation shall also focus qualitative indicator change community perception behaviour excombatants person formerly associated armed force group" - }, - { - "Index": 40, - "Paragraph": "The planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation of demobilization operations should be participatory and age and gender sensitive. In addition to assessing the short-term outputs of the DDR programme, such as the number of people demobilized, monitoring and evaluation shall also focus on qualitative indicators, such as changes in community perceptions and in the behaviour of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. The planning for demobilization, disarmament and reintegration must be coherent. Before demobilization operations commence, DDR practitioners shall also ensure that resources are available for the programme as a whole.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The planning for demobilization, disarmament and reintegration must be coherent", - "clean_sent": "The planning for demobilization disarmament and reintegration must be coherent", - "sent_lower": "the planning for demobilization disarmament and reintegration must be coherent", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "planning", - "for", - "demobilization", - "disarmament", - "and", - "reintegration", - "must", - "be", - "coherent" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "planning", - "demobilization", - "disarmament", - "reintegration", - "must", - "coherent" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "planning", - "demobilization", - "disarmament", - "reintegration", - "must", - "coherent" - ], - "new_sentence": "planning demobilization disarmament reintegration must coherent" - }, - { - "Index": 40, - "Paragraph": "The planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation of demobilization operations should be participatory and age and gender sensitive. In addition to assessing the short-term outputs of the DDR programme, such as the number of people demobilized, monitoring and evaluation shall also focus on qualitative indicators, such as changes in community perceptions and in the behaviour of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. The planning for demobilization, disarmament and reintegration must be coherent. Before demobilization operations commence, DDR practitioners shall also ensure that resources are available for the programme as a whole.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Before demobilization operations commence, DDR practitioners shall also ensure that resources are available for the programme as a whole", - "clean_sent": "Before demobilization operations commence DDR practitioners shall also ensure that resources are available for the programme as a whole", - "sent_lower": "before demobilization operations commence ddr practitioners shall also ensure that resources are available for the programme as a whole", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "before", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "commence", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "also", - "ensure", - "that", - "resources", - "are", - "available", - "for", - "the", - "programme", - "as", - "a", - "whole" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "operations", - "commence", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "also", - "ensure", - "resources", - "available", - "programme", - "whole" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "operation", - "commence", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "also", - "ensure", - "resource", - "available", - "programme", - "whole" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization operation commence ddr practitioner shall also ensure resource available programme whole" - }, - { - "Index": 40, - "Paragraph": "The planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation of demobilization operations should be participatory and age and gender sensitive. In addition to assessing the short-term outputs of the DDR programme, such as the number of people demobilized, monitoring and evaluation shall also focus on qualitative indicators, such as changes in community perceptions and in the behaviour of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. The planning for demobilization, disarmament and reintegration must be coherent. Before demobilization operations commence, DDR practitioners shall also ensure that resources are available for the programme as a whole.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 9, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", - "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, and monitoring and evaluation", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 41, - "Paragraph": "Public information and awareness campaigns shall be designed prior to demobilization in order to manage the expectations of ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, receiving communities and other stakeholders. Military commanders or spoilers may not always pass on accurate information about demobilization to their subordinates. Carefully designed public information campaigns and face-to-face visits by DDR practitioners can help to combat disinformation and reduce the risk that DDR participants will resort to violence if their expectations are not met (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.11 Public information and community sensitization", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Public information and awareness campaigns shall be designed prior to demobilization in order to manage the expectations of ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, receiving communities and other stakeholders", - "clean_sent": "Public information and awareness campaigns shall be designed prior to demobilization in order to manage the expectations of excombatants persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups receiving communities and other stakeholders", - "sent_lower": "public information and awareness campaigns shall be designed prior to demobilization in order to manage the expectations of excombatants persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups receiving communities and other stakeholders", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "public", - "information", - "and", - "awareness", - "campaigns", - "shall", - "be", - "designed", - "prior", - "to", - "demobilization", - "in", - "order", - "to", - "manage", - "the", - "expectations", - "of", - "excombatants", - "persons", - "formerly", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "receiving", - "communities", - "and", - "other", - "stakeholders" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "public", - "information", - "awareness", - "campaigns", - "shall", - "designed", - "prior", - "demobilization", - "order", - "manage", - "expectations", - "excombatants", - "persons", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "receiving", - "communities", - "stakeholders" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "public", - "information", - "awareness", - "campaign", - "shall", - "designed", - "prior", - "demobilization", - "order", - "manage", - "expectation", - "excombatants", - "person", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "receiving", - "community", - "stakeholder" - ], - "new_sentence": "public information awareness campaign shall designed prior demobilization order manage expectation excombatants person formerly associated armed force group receiving community stakeholder" - }, - { - "Index": 41, - "Paragraph": "Public information and awareness campaigns shall be designed prior to demobilization in order to manage the expectations of ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, receiving communities and other stakeholders. Military commanders or spoilers may not always pass on accurate information about demobilization to their subordinates. Carefully designed public information campaigns and face-to-face visits by DDR practitioners can help to combat disinformation and reduce the risk that DDR participants will resort to violence if their expectations are not met (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.11 Public information and community sensitization", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Military commanders or spoilers may not always pass on accurate information about demobilization to their subordinates", - "clean_sent": "Military commanders or spoilers may not always pass on accurate information about demobilization to their subordinates", - "sent_lower": "military commanders or spoilers may not always pass on accurate information about demobilization to their subordinates", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "military", - "commanders", - "or", - "spoilers", - "may", - "not", - "always", - "pass", - "on", - "accurate", - "information", - "about", - "demobilization", - "to", - "their", - "subordinates" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "military", - "commanders", - "spoilers", - "may", - "always", - "pass", - "accurate", - "information", - "demobilization", - "subordinates" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "military", - "commander", - "spoiler", - "may", - "always", - "pas", - "accurate", - "information", - "demobilization", - "subordinate" - ], - "new_sentence": "military commander spoiler may always pas accurate information demobilization subordinate" - }, - { - "Index": 41, - "Paragraph": "Public information and awareness campaigns shall be designed prior to demobilization in order to manage the expectations of ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, receiving communities and other stakeholders. Military commanders or spoilers may not always pass on accurate information about demobilization to their subordinates. Carefully designed public information campaigns and face-to-face visits by DDR practitioners can help to combat disinformation and reduce the risk that DDR participants will resort to violence if their expectations are not met (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.11 Public information and community sensitization", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Carefully designed public information campaigns and face-to-face visits by DDR practitioners can help to combat disinformation and reduce the risk that DDR participants will resort to violence if their expectations are not met (see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": "Carefully designed public information campaigns and facetoface visits by DDR practitioners can help to combat disinformation and reduce the risk that DDR participants will resort to violence if their expectations are not met see IDDRS 4", - "sent_lower": "carefully designed public information campaigns and facetoface visits by ddr practitioners can help to combat disinformation and reduce the risk that ddr participants will resort to violence if their expectations are not met see iddrs 4", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "carefully", - "designed", - "public", - "information", - "campaigns", - "and", - "facetoface", - "visits", - "by", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "can", - "help", - "to", - "combat", - "disinformation", - "and", - "reduce", - "the", - "risk", - "that", - "ddr", - "participants", - "will", - "resort", - "to", - "violence", - "if", - "their", - "expectations", - "are", - "not", - "met", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "carefully", - "designed", - "public", - "information", - "campaigns", - "facetoface", - "visits", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "help", - "combat", - "disinformation", - "reduce", - "risk", - "ddr", - "participants", - "resort", - "violence", - "expectations", - "met", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "carefully", - "designed", - "public", - "information", - "campaign", - "facetoface", - "visit", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "help", - "combat", - "disinformation", - "reduce", - "risk", - "ddr", - "participant", - "resort", - "violence", - "expectation", - "met", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "carefully designed public information campaign facetoface visit ddr practitioner help combat disinformation reduce risk ddr participant resort violence expectation met see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 41, - "Paragraph": "Public information and awareness campaigns shall be designed prior to demobilization in order to manage the expectations of ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, receiving communities and other stakeholders. Military commanders or spoilers may not always pass on accurate information about demobilization to their subordinates. Carefully designed public information campaigns and face-to-face visits by DDR practitioners can help to combat disinformation and reduce the risk that DDR participants will resort to violence if their expectations are not met (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.11 Public information and community sensitization", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication)", - "clean_sent": "60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication", - "sent_lower": "60 on public information and strategic communication", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "60", - "on", - "public", - "information", - "and", - "strategic", - "communication" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "60", - "public", - "information", - "strategic", - "communication" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "60", - "public", - "information", - "strategic", - "communication" - ], - "new_sentence": "60 public information strategic communication" - }, - { - "Index": 41, - "Paragraph": "Public information and awareness campaigns shall be designed prior to demobilization in order to manage the expectations of ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, receiving communities and other stakeholders. Military commanders or spoilers may not always pass on accurate information about demobilization to their subordinates. Carefully designed public information campaigns and face-to-face visits by DDR practitioners can help to combat disinformation and reduce the risk that DDR participants will resort to violence if their expectations are not met (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", - "Heading2": "4.11 Public information and community sensitization", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 42, - "Paragraph": "To effectively demobilize members of armed forces and groups, meticulous planning is required. At a minimum, planning for demobilization operations should include information collection; agreement with national authorities on eligibility criteria; decisions on the type, number and location of demobilization sites; decisions on the type of transfer modality for reinsertion assistance; a risk and security assessment; the development of standard operating procedures; and the creation of a demobilization team. All demobilization operations shall be based on gender- and age-responsive analysis and shall be developed in close cooperation with the national authorities or institutions responsible for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "To effectively demobilize members of armed forces and groups, meticulous planning is required", - "clean_sent": "To effectively demobilize members of armed forces and groups meticulous planning is required", - "sent_lower": "to effectively demobilize members of armed forces and groups meticulous planning is required", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "to", - "effectively", - "demobilize", - "members", - "of", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "meticulous", - "planning", - "is", - "required" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "effectively", - "demobilize", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "meticulous", - "planning", - "required" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "effectively", - "demobilize", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "meticulous", - "planning", - "required" - ], - "new_sentence": "effectively demobilize member armed force group meticulous planning required" - }, - { - "Index": 42, - "Paragraph": "To effectively demobilize members of armed forces and groups, meticulous planning is required. At a minimum, planning for demobilization operations should include information collection; agreement with national authorities on eligibility criteria; decisions on the type, number and location of demobilization sites; decisions on the type of transfer modality for reinsertion assistance; a risk and security assessment; the development of standard operating procedures; and the creation of a demobilization team. All demobilization operations shall be based on gender- and age-responsive analysis and shall be developed in close cooperation with the national authorities or institutions responsible for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "At a minimum, planning for demobilization operations should include information collection; agreement with national authorities on eligibility criteria; decisions on the type, number and location of demobilization sites; decisions on the type of transfer modality for reinsertion assistance; a risk and security assessment; the development of standard operating procedures; and the creation of a demobilization team", - "clean_sent": "At a minimum planning for demobilization operations should include information collection agreement with national authorities on eligibility criteria decisions on the type number and location of demobilization sites decisions on the type of transfer modality for reinsertion assistance a risk and security assessment the development of standard operating procedures and the creation of a demobilization team", - "sent_lower": "at a minimum planning for demobilization operations should include information collection agreement with national authorities on eligibility criteria decisions on the type number and location of demobilization sites decisions on the type of transfer modality for reinsertion assistance a risk and security assessment the development of standard operating procedures and the creation of a demobilization team", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "at", - "a", - "minimum", - "planning", - "for", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "should", - "include", - "information", - "collection", - "agreement", - "with", - "national", - "authorities", - "on", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "decisions", - "on", - "the", - "type", - "number", - "and", - "location", - "of", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "decisions", - "on", - "the", - "type", - "of", - "transfer", - "modality", - "for", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "a", - "risk", - "and", - "security", - "assessment", - "the", - "development", - "of", - "standard", - "operating", - "procedures", - "and", - "the", - "creation", - "of", - "a", - "demobilization", - "team" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "minimum", - "planning", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "include", - "information", - "collection", - "agreement", - "national", - "authorities", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "decisions", - "type", - "number", - "location", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "decisions", - "type", - "transfer", - "modality", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "risk", - "security", - "assessment", - "development", - "standard", - "operating", - "procedures", - "creation", - "demobilization", - "team" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "minimum", - "planning", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "include", - "information", - "collection", - "agreement", - "national", - "authority", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "decision", - "type", - "number", - "location", - "demobilization", - "site", - "decision", - "type", - "transfer", - "modality", - "reinsertion", - "assistance", - "risk", - "security", - "assessment", - "development", - "standard", - "operating", - "procedure", - "creation", - "demobilization", - "team" - ], - "new_sentence": "minimum planning demobilization operation include information collection agreement national authority eligibility criterion decision type number location demobilization site decision type transfer modality reinsertion assistance risk security assessment development standard operating procedure creation demobilization team" - }, - { - "Index": 42, - "Paragraph": "To effectively demobilize members of armed forces and groups, meticulous planning is required. At a minimum, planning for demobilization operations should include information collection; agreement with national authorities on eligibility criteria; decisions on the type, number and location of demobilization sites; decisions on the type of transfer modality for reinsertion assistance; a risk and security assessment; the development of standard operating procedures; and the creation of a demobilization team. All demobilization operations shall be based on gender- and age-responsive analysis and shall be developed in close cooperation with the national authorities or institutions responsible for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "All demobilization operations shall be based on gender- and age-responsive analysis and shall be developed in close cooperation with the national authorities or institutions responsible for the DDR programme", - "clean_sent": "All demobilization operations shall be based on gender and ageresponsive analysis and shall be developed in close cooperation with the national authorities or institutions responsible for the DDR programme", - "sent_lower": "all demobilization operations shall be based on gender and ageresponsive analysis and shall be developed in close cooperation with the national authorities or institutions responsible for the ddr programme", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "all", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "shall", - "be", - "based", - "on", - "gender", - "and", - "ageresponsive", - "analysis", - "and", - "shall", - "be", - "developed", - "in", - "close", - "cooperation", - "with", - "the", - "national", - "authorities", - "or", - "institutions", - "responsible", - "for", - "the", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "operations", - "shall", - "based", - "gender", - "ageresponsive", - "analysis", - "shall", - "developed", - "close", - "cooperation", - "national", - "authorities", - "institutions", - "responsible", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "operation", - "shall", - "based", - "gender", - "ageresponsive", - "analysis", - "shall", - "developed", - "close", - "cooperation", - "national", - "authority", - "institution", - "responsible", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization operation shall based gender ageresponsive analysis shall developed close cooperation national authority institution responsible ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 42, - "Paragraph": "To effectively demobilize members of armed forces and groups, meticulous planning is required. At a minimum, planning for demobilization operations should include information collection; agreement with national authorities on eligibility criteria; decisions on the type, number and location of demobilization sites; decisions on the type of transfer modality for reinsertion assistance; a risk and security assessment; the development of standard operating procedures; and the creation of a demobilization team. All demobilization operations shall be based on gender- and age-responsive analysis and shall be developed in close cooperation with the national authorities or institutions responsible for the DDR programme.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize", - "clean_sent": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an indepth assessment of the location number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize", - "sent_lower": "planning for demobilization should be based on an indepth assessment of the location number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "planning", - "for", - "demobilization", - "should", - "be", - "based", - "on", - "an", - "indepth", - "assessment", - "of", - "the", - "location", - "number", - "and", - "type", - "of", - "individuals", - "who", - "are", - "expected", - "to", - "demobilize" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "planning", - "demobilization", - "based", - "indepth", - "assessment", - "location", - "number", - "type", - "individuals", - "expected", - "demobilize" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "planning", - "demobilization", - "based", - "indepth", - "assessment", - "location", - "number", - "type", - "individual", - "expected", - "demobilize" - ], - "new_sentence": "planning demobilization based indepth assessment location number type individual expected demobilize" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them", - "clean_sent": "This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them", - "sent_lower": "this should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "this", - "should", - "include", - "the", - "number", - "of", - "members", - "of", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "but", - "also", - "the", - "number", - "of", - "dependants", - "who", - "are", - "expected", - "to", - "accompany", - "them" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "include", - "number", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "also", - "number", - "dependants", - "expected", - "accompany" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "include", - "number", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "also", - "number", - "dependant", - "expected", - "accompany" - ], - "new_sentence": "include number member armed force group also number dependant expected accompany" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities", - "clean_sent": "To the extent possible this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age and include data on specific subgroups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities", - "sent_lower": "to the extent possible this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age and include data on specific subgroups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "to", - "the", - "extent", - "possible", - "this", - "assessment", - "should", - "be", - "disaggregated", - "by", - "sex", - "and", - "age", - "and", - "include", - "data", - "on", - "specific", - "subgroups", - "such", - "as", - "foreign", - "combatants", - "and", - "persons", - "with", - "disabilities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "extent", - "possible", - "assessment", - "disaggregated", - "sex", - "age", - "include", - "data", - "specific", - "subgroups", - "foreign", - "combatants", - "persons", - "disabilities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "extent", - "possible", - "assessment", - "disaggregated", - "sex", - "age", - "include", - "data", - "specific", - "subgroup", - "foreign", - "combatant", - "person", - "disability" - ], - "new_sentence": "extent possible assessment disaggregated sex age include data specific subgroup foreign combatant person disability" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret", - "clean_sent": "Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret", - "sent_lower": "armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "that", - "have", - "signed", - "on", - "to", - "peace", - "agreements", - "are", - "likely", - "to", - "provide", - "reliable", - "information", - "on", - "their", - "memberships", - "and", - "the", - "location", - "of", - "their", - "bases", - "only", - "when", - "there", - "is", - "no", - "strategic", - "advantage", - "to", - "be", - "gained", - "from", - "keeping", - "this", - "information", - "secret" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "signed", - "peace", - "agreements", - "likely", - "provide", - "reliable", - "information", - "memberships", - "location", - "bases", - "strategic", - "advantage", - "gained", - "keeping", - "information", - "secret" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "signed", - "peace", - "agreement", - "likely", - "provide", - "reliable", - "information", - "membership", - "location", - "base", - "strategic", - "advantage", - "gained", - "keeping", - "information", - "secret" - ], - "new_sentence": "armed force group signed peace agreement likely provide reliable information membership location base strategic advantage gained keeping information secret" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": "Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable and should be complemented by information from a variety of independent sources see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4", - "sent_lower": "disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable and should be complemented by information from a variety of independent sources see box 1 on how to collect information in iddrs 4", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "disclosures", - "at", - "a", - "very", - "early", - "planning", - "stage", - "can", - "therefore", - "be", - "quite", - "unreliable", - "and", - "should", - "be", - "complemented", - "by", - "information", - "from", - "a", - "variety", - "of", - "independent", - "sources", - "see", - "box", - "1", - "on", - "how", - "to", - "collect", - "information", - "in", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "disclosures", - "early", - "planning", - "stage", - "therefore", - "quite", - "unreliable", - "complemented", - "information", - "variety", - "independent", - "sources", - "see", - "box", - "1", - "collect", - "information", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "disclosure", - "early", - "planning", - "stage", - "therefore", - "quite", - "unreliable", - "complemented", - "information", - "variety", - "independent", - "source", - "see", - "box", - "1", - "collect", - "information", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "disclosure early planning stage therefore quite unreliable complemented information variety independent source see box 1 collect information iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on Disarmament)", - "clean_sent": "10 on Disarmament", - "sent_lower": "10 on disarmament", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "10", - "on", - "disarmament" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 disarmament" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground", - "clean_sent": "All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground", - "sent_lower": "all assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "all", - "assessments", - "should", - "be", - "regularly", - "updated", - "in", - "order", - "to", - "respond", - "to", - "changing", - "circumstances", - "on", - "the", - "ground" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "assessments", - "regularly", - "updated", - "order", - "respond", - "changing", - "circumstances", - "ground" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "assessment", - "regularly", - "updated", - "order", - "respond", - "changing", - "circumstance", - "ground" - ], - "new_sentence": "assessment regularly updated order respond changing circumstance ground" - }, - { - "Index": 43, - "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 10, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups", - "clean_sent": "In addition to these assessments planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of excombatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups", - "sent_lower": "in addition to these assessments planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of excombatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "addition", - "to", - "these", - "assessments", - "planning", - "for", - "reinsertion", - "should", - "be", - "informed", - "by", - "an", - "analysis", - "of", - "the", - "preferences", - "and", - "needs", - "of", - "excombatants", - "and", - "persons", - "formerly", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "addition", - "assessments", - "planning", - "reinsertion", - "informed", - "analysis", - "preferences", - "needs", - "excombatants", - "persons", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "addition", - "assessment", - "planning", - "reinsertion", - "informed", - "analysis", - "preference", - "need", - "excombatants", - "person", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "addition assessment planning reinsertion informed analysis preference need excombatants person formerly associated armed force group" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood", - "clean_sent": "These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food clothes health care psychosocial support children\u2019s education shelter agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood", - "sent_lower": "these immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food clothes health care psychosocial support children\u2019s education shelter agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "these", - "immediate", - "needs", - "may", - "be", - "wide", - "ranging", - "and", - "include", - "food", - "clothes", - "health", - "care", - "psychosocial", - "support", - "children", - "s", - "education", - "shelter", - "agricultural", - "tools", - "and", - "other", - "materials", - "needed", - "to", - "earn", - "a", - "livelihood" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "immediate", - "needs", - "may", - "wide", - "ranging", - "include", - "food", - "clothes", - "health", - "care", - "psychosocial", - "support", - "children", - "education", - "shelter", - "agricultural", - "tools", - "materials", - "needed", - "earn", - "livelihood" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "immediate", - "need", - "may", - "wide", - "ranging", - "include", - "food", - "clothes", - "health", - "care", - "psychosocial", - "support", - "child", - "education", - "shelter", - "agricultural", - "tool", - "material", - "needed", - "earn", - "livelihood" - ], - "new_sentence": "immediate need may wide ranging include food clothes health care psychosocial support child education shelter agricultural tool material needed earn livelihood" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6", - "clean_sent": "The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites see section 6", - "sent_lower": "the profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites see section 6", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "profiling", - "exercises", - "undertaken", - "at", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "see", - "section", - "6" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "profiling", - "exercises", - "undertaken", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "see", - "section", - "6" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "profiling", - "exercise", - "undertaken", - "demobilization", - "site", - "see", - "section", - "6" - ], - "new_sentence": "profiling exercise undertaken demobilization site see section 6" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i", - "clean_sent": "3 may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i", - "sent_lower": "3 may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "3", - "may", - "allow", - "for", - "the", - "tailoring", - "of", - "reinsertion", - "and", - "reintegration", - "assistance", - "", - "", - "i" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "3", - "may", - "allow", - "tailoring", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "assistance", - "", - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "3", - "may", - "allow", - "tailoring", - "reinsertion", - "reintegration", - "assistance", - "", - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "3 may allow tailoring reinsertion reintegration assistance " - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "e", - "clean_sent": "e", - "sent_lower": "e", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "e" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": "e" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer", - "clean_sent": " matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer", - "sent_lower": " matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "", - "matching", - "individual", - "needs", - "to", - "the", - "reinsertion", - "options", - "on", - "offer" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "", - "matching", - "individual", - "needs", - "reinsertion", - "options", - "offer" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "matching", - "individual", - "need", - "reinsertion", - "option", - "offer" - ], - "new_sentence": " matching individual need reinsertion option offer" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes", - "clean_sent": "However profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes", - "sent_lower": "however profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "however", - "profiling", - "undertaken", - "at", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "will", - "likely", - "occur", - "too", - "late", - "for", - "reinsertion", - "planning", - "purposes" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "however", - "profiling", - "undertaken", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "likely", - "occur", - "late", - "reinsertion", - "planning", - "purposes" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "however", - "profiling", - "undertaken", - "demobilization", - "site", - "likely", - "occur", - "late", - "reinsertion", - "planning", - "purpose" - ], - "new_sentence": "however profiling undertaken demobilization site likely occur late reinsertion planning purpose" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:An analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;A review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);Gender analysis;Feasibility studies; andAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners", - "clean_sent": "For these reasons the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible before demobilization gets under wayAn analysis of the needs and preferences of excombatants and associated persons Market analysisA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation if cashbased transfers are being consideredGender analysisFeasibility studies andAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners", - "sent_lower": "for these reasons the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible before demobilization gets under wayan analysis of the needs and preferences of excombatants and associated persons market analysisa review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation if cashbased transfers are being consideredgender analysisfeasibility studies andassessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "for", - "these", - "reasons", - "the", - "following", - "assessments", - "should", - "be", - "conducted", - "as", - "early", - "as", - "possible", - "before", - "demobilization", - "gets", - "under", - "wayan", - "analysis", - "of", - "the", - "needs", - "and", - "preferences", - "of", - "excombatants", - "and", - "associated", - "persons", - "market", - "analysisa", - "review", - "of", - "the", - "local", - "economy", - "s", - "capacity", - "to", - "absorb", - "cash", - "inflation", - "if", - "cashbased", - "transfers", - "are", - "being", - "consideredgender", - "analysisfeasibility", - "studies", - "andassessments", - "of", - "the", - "capacity", - "of", - "potential", - "implementing", - "partners" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "reasons", - "following", - "assessments", - "conducted", - "early", - "possible", - "demobilization", - "gets", - "wayan", - "analysis", - "needs", - "preferences", - "excombatants", - "associated", - "persons", - "market", - "analysisa", - "review", - "local", - "economy", - "capacity", - "absorb", - "cash", - "inflation", - "cashbased", - "transfers", - "consideredgender", - "analysisfeasibility", - "studies", - "andassessments", - "capacity", - "potential", - "implementing", - "partners" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "reason", - "following", - "assessment", - "conducted", - "early", - "possible", - "demobilization", - "get", - "wayan", - "analysis", - "need", - "preference", - "excombatants", - "associated", - "person", - "market", - "analysisa", - "review", - "local", - "economy", - "capacity", - "absorb", - "cash", - "inflation", - "cashbased", - "transfer", - "consideredgender", - "analysisfeasibility", - "study", - "andassessments", - "capacity", - "potential", - "implementing", - "partner" - ], - "new_sentence": "reason following assessment conducted early possible demobilization get wayan analysis need preference excombatants associated person market analysisa review local economy capacity absorb cash inflation cashbased transfer consideredgender analysisfeasibility study andassessments capacity potential implementing partner" - }, - { - "Index": 44, - "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets under way:\nAn analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; Market analysis;\nA review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered);\nGender analysis;\nFeasibility studies; and\nAssessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital", - "clean_sent": "Establishing rigorous unambiguous transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital", - "sent_lower": "establishing rigorous unambiguous transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in ddr programmes is vital", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "establishing", - "rigorous", - "unambiguous", - "transparent", - "and", - "nationally", - "owned", - "criteria", - "that", - "allow", - "people", - "to", - "participate", - "in", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "is", - "vital" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "establishing", - "rigorous", - "unambiguous", - "transparent", - "nationally", - "owned", - "criteria", - "allow", - "people", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "vital" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "establishing", - "rigorous", - "unambiguous", - "transparent", - "nationally", - "owned", - "criterion", - "allow", - "people", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programme", - "vital" - ], - "new_sentence": "establishing rigorous unambiguous transparent nationally owned criterion allow people participate ddr programme vital" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties", - "clean_sent": "Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties", - "sent_lower": "eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "must", - "be", - "carefully", - "designed", - "and", - "agreed", - "by", - "all", - "parties" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "must", - "carefully", - "designed", - "agreed", - "parties" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "must", - "carefully", - "designed", - "agreed", - "party" - ], - "new_sentence": "eligibility criterion must carefully designed agreed party" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context", - "clean_sent": "Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon andor ammunition depending on the context", - "sent_lower": "eligibility for a ddr programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon andor ammunition depending on the context", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "eligibility", - "for", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "or", - "may", - "not", - "require", - "the", - "physical", - "possession", - "of", - "a", - "weapon", - "andor", - "ammunition", - "depending", - "on", - "the", - "context" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "eligibility", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "may", - "require", - "physical", - "possession", - "weapon", - "andor", - "ammunition", - "depending", - "context" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "eligibility", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "may", - "require", - "physical", - "possession", - "weapon", - "andor", - "ammunition", - "depending", - "context" - ], - "new_sentence": "eligibility ddr programme may may require physical possession weapon andor ammunition depending context" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment", - "clean_sent": "The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire if these documents include relevant provisions as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment", - "sent_lower": "the determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire if these documents include relevant provisions as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "determination", - "of", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "shall", - "be", - "based", - "on", - "the", - "peace", - "agreement", - "or", - "ceasefire", - "if", - "these", - "documents", - "include", - "relevant", - "provisions", - "as", - "well", - "as", - "the", - "results", - "of", - "the", - "aforementioned", - "integrated", - "assessment" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "determination", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "shall", - "based", - "peace", - "agreement", - "ceasefire", - "documents", - "include", - "relevant", - "provisions", - "well", - "results", - "aforementioned", - "integrated", - "assessment" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "determination", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "shall", - "based", - "peace", - "agreement", - "ceasefire", - "document", - "include", - "relevant", - "provision", - "well", - "result", - "aforementioned", - "integrated", - "assessment" - ], - "new_sentence": "determination eligibility criterion shall based peace agreement ceasefire document include relevant provision well result aforementioned integrated assessment" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender", - "clean_sent": "In either case eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender", - "sent_lower": "in either case eligibility for a ddr programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "either", - "case", - "eligibility", - "for", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "must", - "be", - "gender", - "inclusive", - "and", - "shall", - "not", - "discriminate", - "on", - "the", - "basis", - "of", - "age", - "or", - "gender" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "either", - "case", - "eligibility", - "ddr", - "programme", - "must", - "gender", - "inclusive", - "shall", - "discriminate", - "basis", - "age", - "gender" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "either", - "case", - "eligibility", - "ddr", - "programme", - "must", - "gender", - "inclusive", - "shall", - "discriminate", - "basis", - "age", - "gender" - ], - "new_sentence": "either case eligibility ddr programme must gender inclusive shall discriminate basis age gender" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": "When preDDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used for more information on preDDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession see IDDRS 4", - "sent_lower": "when preddr is being implemented prior to the onset of a full ddr programme the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used for more information on preddr and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession see iddrs 4", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "preddr", - "is", - "being", - "implemented", - "prior", - "to", - "the", - "onset", - "of", - "a", - "full", - "ddr", - "programme", - "the", - "same", - "process", - "for", - "determining", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "shall", - "be", - "used", - "for", - "more", - "information", - "on", - "preddr", - "and", - "eligibility", - "related", - "to", - "weapons", - "and", - "ammunition", - "possession", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "preddr", - "implemented", - "prior", - "onset", - "full", - "ddr", - "programme", - "process", - "determining", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "shall", - "used", - "information", - "preddr", - "eligibility", - "related", - "weapons", - "ammunition", - "possession", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "preddr", - "implemented", - "prior", - "onset", - "full", - "ddr", - "programme", - "process", - "determining", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "shall", - "used", - "information", - "preddr", - "eligibility", - "related", - "weapon", - "ammunition", - "possession", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "preddr implemented prior onset full ddr programme process determining eligibility criterion shall used information preddr eligibility related weapon ammunition possession see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on Disarmament)", - "clean_sent": "10 on Disarmament", - "sent_lower": "10 on disarmament", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "10", - "on", - "disarmament" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 disarmament" - }, - { - "Index": 45, - "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 46, - "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes", - "clean_sent": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes", - "sent_lower": "persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in ddr programmes", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "may", - "be", - "participants", - "in", - "ddr", - "programmes" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "may", - "participants", - "ddr", - "programmes" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "may", - "participant", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "person associated armed force group may participant ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 46, - "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3", - "clean_sent": "As these individuals are typically unarmed they may not be eligible for disarmament but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration see IDDRS 3", - "sent_lower": "as these individuals are typically unarmed they may not be eligible for disarmament but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration see iddrs 3", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "as", - "these", - "individuals", - "are", - "typically", - "unarmed", - "they", - "may", - "not", - "be", - "eligible", - "for", - "disarmament", - "but", - "will", - "be", - "eligible", - "for", - "demobilization", - "and", - "reintegration", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "individuals", - "typically", - "unarmed", - "may", - "eligible", - "disarmament", - "eligible", - "demobilization", - "reintegration", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "individual", - "typically", - "unarmed", - "may", - "eligible", - "disarmament", - "eligible", - "demobilization", - "reintegration", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "new_sentence": "individual typically unarmed may eligible disarmament eligible demobilization reintegration see iddrs 3" - }, - { - "Index": 46, - "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners)", - "clean_sent": "21 on Participants Beneficiaries and Partners", - "sent_lower": "21 on participants beneficiaries and partners", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "21", - "on", - "participants", - "beneficiaries", - "and", - "partners" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "21", - "participants", - "beneficiaries", - "partners" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "21", - "participant", - "beneficiary", - "partner" - ], - "new_sentence": "21 participant beneficiary partner" - }, - { - "Index": 46, - "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme", - "clean_sent": "Historically it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme", - "sent_lower": "historically it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in ddr programmes may not be aware of their eligibility may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the ddr programme", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "historically", - "it", - "has", - "been", - "shown", - "that", - "women", - "who", - "are", - "eligible", - "to", - "participate", - "in", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "may", - "not", - "be", - "aware", - "of", - "their", - "eligibility", - "may", - "be", - "deliberately", - "excluded", - "by", - "commanders", - "or", - "may", - "be", - "deprived", - "of", - "their", - "weapons", - "to", - "the", - "benefit", - "of", - "men", - "seeking", - "to", - "enter", - "the", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "historically", - "shown", - "women", - "eligible", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "may", - "aware", - "eligibility", - "may", - "deliberately", - "excluded", - "commanders", - "may", - "deprived", - "weapons", - "benefit", - "men", - "seeking", - "enter", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "historically", - "shown", - "woman", - "eligible", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programme", - "may", - "aware", - "eligibility", - "may", - "deliberately", - "excluded", - "commander", - "may", - "deprived", - "weapon", - "benefit", - "men", - "seeking", - "enter", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "historically shown woman eligible participate ddr programme may aware eligibility may deliberately excluded commander may deprived weapon benefit men seeking enter ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 46, - "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2)", - "clean_sent": "For these reasons DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed on female participants and beneficiaries see figure 1 and box 2", - "sent_lower": "for these reasons ddr practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential ddr participants and beneficiaries is completed on female participants and beneficiaries see figure 1 and box 2", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "for", - "these", - "reasons", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "be", - "aware", - "of", - "different", - "categories", - "of", - "eligibility", - "and", - "should", - "ensure", - "that", - "proper", - "public", - "information", - "and", - "sensitization", - "with", - "commanders", - "and", - "potential", - "ddr", - "participants", - "and", - "beneficiaries", - "is", - "completed", - "on", - "female", - "participants", - "and", - "beneficiaries", - "see", - "figure", - "1", - "and", - "box", - "2" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "reasons", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "aware", - "different", - "categories", - "eligibility", - "ensure", - "proper", - "public", - "information", - "sensitization", - "commanders", - "potential", - "ddr", - "participants", - "beneficiaries", - "completed", - "female", - "participants", - "beneficiaries", - "see", - "figure", - "1", - "box", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "reason", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "aware", - "different", - "category", - "eligibility", - "ensure", - "proper", - "public", - "information", - "sensitization", - "commander", - "potential", - "ddr", - "participant", - "beneficiary", - "completed", - "female", - "participant", - "beneficiary", - "see", - "figure", - "1", - "box", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "reason ddr practitioner shall aware different category eligibility ensure proper public information sensitization commander potential ddr participant beneficiary completed female participant beneficiary see figure 1 box 2" - }, - { - "Index": 46, - "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes", - "clean_sent": "While Figure 1 could also apply to men it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes", - "sent_lower": "while figure 1 could also apply to men it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from ddr programmes", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "while", - "figure", - "1", - "could", - "also", - "apply", - "to", - "men", - "it", - "has", - "been", - "designed", - "specifically", - "to", - "minimize", - "the", - "potential", - "for", - "women", - "to", - "be", - "excluded", - "from", - "ddr", - "programmes" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "figure", - "1", - "could", - "also", - "apply", - "men", - "designed", - "specifically", - "minimize", - "potential", - "women", - "excluded", - "ddr", - "programmes" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "figure", - "1", - "could", - "also", - "apply", - "men", - "designed", - "specifically", - "minimize", - "potential", - "woman", - "excluded", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "figure 1 could also apply men designed specifically minimize potential woman excluded ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 46, - "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 11, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms", - "clean_sent": "Female combatants Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms", - "sent_lower": "female combatants women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "female", - "combatants", - "women", - "and", - "girls", - "who", - "participated", - "in", - "armed", - "conflicts", - "as", - "active", - "combatants", - "using", - "arms" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "female", - "combatants", - "women", - "girls", - "participated", - "armed", - "conflicts", - "active", - "combatants", - "using", - "arms" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "female", - "combatant", - "woman", - "girl", - "participated", - "armed", - "conflict", - "active", - "combatant", - "using", - "arm" - ], - "new_sentence": "female combatant woman girl participated armed conflict active combatant using arm" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Female supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily", - "clean_sent": "Female supportersfemales associated with armed forces and groups Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles whether by force or voluntarily", - "sent_lower": "female supportersfemales associated with armed forces and groups women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles whether by force or voluntarily", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "female", - "supportersfemales", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "women", - "and", - "girls", - "who", - "participated", - "in", - "armed", - "conflicts", - "in", - "support", - "roles", - "whether", - "by", - "force", - "or", - "voluntarily" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "female", - "supportersfemales", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "women", - "girls", - "participated", - "armed", - "conflicts", - "support", - "roles", - "whether", - "force", - "voluntarily" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "female", - "supportersfemales", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "woman", - "girl", - "participated", - "armed", - "conflict", - "support", - "role", - "whether", - "force", - "voluntarily" - ], - "new_sentence": "female supportersfemales associated armed force group woman girl participated armed conflict support role whether force voluntarily" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves)", - "clean_sent": "Rather than being members of a civilian community they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support examples porters cooks nurses spies administrators translators radio operators medical assistants public information officers camp leaders sex workersslaves", - "sent_lower": "rather than being members of a civilian community they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support examples porters cooks nurses spies administrators translators radio operators medical assistants public information officers camp leaders sex workersslaves", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "rather", - "than", - "being", - "members", - "of", - "a", - "civilian", - "community", - "they", - "are", - "economically", - "and", - "socially", - "dependent", - "on", - "the", - "armed", - "force", - "or", - "group", - "for", - "their", - "income", - "and", - "social", - "support", - "examples", - "porters", - "cooks", - "nurses", - "spies", - "administrators", - "translators", - "radio", - "operators", - "medical", - "assistants", - "public", - "information", - "officers", - "camp", - "leaders", - "sex", - "workersslaves" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "rather", - "members", - "civilian", - "community", - "economically", - "socially", - "dependent", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "income", - "social", - "support", - "examples", - "porters", - "cooks", - "nurses", - "spies", - "administrators", - "translators", - "radio", - "operators", - "medical", - "assistants", - "public", - "information", - "officers", - "camp", - "leaders", - "sex", - "workersslaves" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "rather", - "member", - "civilian", - "community", - "economically", - "socially", - "dependent", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "income", - "social", - "support", - "example", - "porter", - "cook", - "nurse", - "spy", - "administrator", - "translator", - "radio", - "operator", - "medical", - "assistant", - "public", - "information", - "officer", - "camp", - "leader", - "sex", - "workersslaves" - ], - "new_sentence": "rather member civilian community economically socially dependent armed force group income social support example porter cook nurse spy administrator translator radio operator medical assistant public information officer camp leader sex workersslaves" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Female dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households", - "clean_sent": "Female dependants Women and girls who are part of excombatants\u2019 households", - "sent_lower": "female dependants women and girls who are part of excombatants\u2019 households", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "female", - "dependants", - "women", - "and", - "girls", - "who", - "are", - "part", - "of", - "excombatants", - "", - "households" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "female", - "dependants", - "women", - "girls", - "part", - "excombatants", - "", - "households" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "female", - "dependant", - "woman", - "girl", - "part", - "excombatants", - "", - "household" - ], - "new_sentence": "female dependant woman girl part excombatants household" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family)", - "clean_sent": "They are mainly socially and financially dependent on excombatants although they may also have kept other community ties examples wiveswar wives children mothersparents female siblings female members of the extended family", - "sent_lower": "they are mainly socially and financially dependent on excombatants although they may also have kept other community ties examples wiveswar wives children mothersparents female siblings female members of the extended family", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "they", - "are", - "mainly", - "socially", - "and", - "financially", - "dependent", - "on", - "excombatants", - "although", - "they", - "may", - "also", - "have", - "kept", - "other", - "community", - "ties", - "examples", - "wiveswar", - "wives", - "children", - "mothersparents", - "female", - "siblings", - "female", - "members", - "of", - "the", - "extended", - "family" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "mainly", - "socially", - "financially", - "dependent", - "excombatants", - "although", - "may", - "also", - "kept", - "community", - "ties", - "examples", - "wiveswar", - "wives", - "children", - "mothersparents", - "female", - "siblings", - "female", - "members", - "extended", - "family" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "mainly", - "socially", - "financially", - "dependent", - "excombatants", - "although", - "may", - "also", - "kept", - "community", - "tie", - "example", - "wiveswar", - "wife", - "child", - "mothersparents", - "female", - "sibling", - "female", - "member", - "extended", - "family" - ], - "new_sentence": "mainly socially financially dependent excombatants although may also kept community tie example wiveswar wife child mothersparents female sibling female member extended family" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "There are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2", - "clean_sent": "There are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization see IDDRS 2", - "sent_lower": "there are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization see iddrs 2", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "there", - "are", - "different", - "requirements", - "for", - "armed", - "groups", - "designated", - "as", - "terrorist", - "organizations", - "including", - "for", - "women", - "and", - "girls", - "who", - "have", - "traveled", - "to", - "a", - "conflict", - "zone", - "to", - "join", - "a", - "designated", - "terrorist", - "organization", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "different", - "requirements", - "armed", - "groups", - "designated", - "terrorist", - "organizations", - "including", - "women", - "girls", - "traveled", - "conflict", - "zone", - "join", - "designated", - "terrorist", - "organization", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "different", - "requirement", - "armed", - "group", - "designated", - "terrorist", - "organization", - "including", - "woman", - "girl", - "traveled", - "conflict", - "zone", - "join", - "designated", - "terrorist", - "organization", - "see", - "iddrs", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "different requirement armed group designated terrorist organization including woman girl traveled conflict zone join designated terrorist organization see iddrs 2" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR)", - "clean_sent": "11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR", - "sent_lower": "11 on the legal framework for un ddr", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "11", - "on", - "the", - "legal", - "framework", - "for", - "un", - "ddr" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "11", - "legal", - "framework", - "un", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "11", - "legal", - "framework", - "un", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "11 legal framework un ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 47, - "Paragraph": "Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms.\nFemale supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves).\nFemale dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).\nThere are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 12, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes", - "clean_sent": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes", - "sent_lower": "eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to ddr programmes", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "must", - "be", - "designed", - "to", - "prevent", - "individuals", - "who", - "are", - "not", - "members", - "of", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "from", - "gaining", - "access", - "to", - "ddr", - "programmes" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "must", - "designed", - "prevent", - "individuals", - "members", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "gaining", - "access", - "ddr", - "programmes" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "must", - "designed", - "prevent", - "individual", - "member", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "gaining", - "access", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "eligibility criterion must designed prevent individual member armed force group gaining access ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals", - "clean_sent": "The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals", - "sent_lower": "the prospect of a ddr programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "prospect", - "of", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "and", - "the", - "associated", - "benefits", - "can", - "present", - "an", - "enticement", - "to", - "many", - "individuals" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "prospect", - "ddr", - "programme", - "associated", - "benefits", - "present", - "enticement", - "many", - "individuals" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "prospect", - "ddr", - "programme", - "associated", - "benefit", - "present", - "enticement", - "many", - "individual" - ], - "new_sentence": "prospect ddr programme associated benefit present enticement many individual" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall", - "clean_sent": "Furthermore armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall", - "sent_lower": "furthermore armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "furthermore", - "armed", - "groups", - "that", - "inflate", - "their", - "membership", - "numbers", - "to", - "increase", - "their", - "political", - "weight", - "could", - "try", - "to", - "rapidly", - "recruit", - "civilians", - "to", - "meet", - "the", - "shortfall" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "furthermore", - "armed", - "groups", - "inflate", - "membership", - "numbers", - "increase", - "political", - "weight", - "could", - "try", - "rapidly", - "recruit", - "civilians", - "meet", - "shortfall" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "furthermore", - "armed", - "group", - "inflate", - "membership", - "number", - "increase", - "political", - "weight", - "could", - "try", - "rapidly", - "recruit", - "civilian", - "meet", - "shortfall" - ], - "new_sentence": "furthermore armed group inflate membership number increase political weight could try rapidly recruit civilian meet shortfall" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The screening process (see section 6", - "clean_sent": "The screening process see section 6", - "sent_lower": "the screening process see section 6", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "screening", - "process", - "see", - "section", - "6" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "screening", - "process", - "see", - "section", - "6" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "screening", - "process", - "see", - "section", - "6" - ], - "new_sentence": "screening process see section 6" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme", - "clean_sent": "1 is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme", - "sent_lower": "1 is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the ddr programme", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "1", - "is", - "used", - "to", - "confirm", - "whether", - "individuals", - "meet", - "the", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "for", - "entering", - "the", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "1", - "used", - "confirm", - "whether", - "individuals", - "meet", - "eligibility", - "criteria", - "entering", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "1", - "used", - "confirm", - "whether", - "individual", - "meet", - "eligibility", - "criterion", - "entering", - "ddr", - "programme" - ], - "new_sentence": "1 used confirm whether individual meet eligibility criterion entering ddr programme" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": "Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups civil society including women\u2019s groups local police and national DDRrelated bodies and a wellconducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme see IDDRS 4", - "sent_lower": "close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups civil society including women\u2019s groups local police and national ddrrelated bodies and a wellconducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a ddr programme see iddrs 4", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "close", - "cooperation", - "with", - "the", - "leadership", - "of", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "civil", - "society", - "including", - "women", - "s", - "groups", - "local", - "police", - "and", - "national", - "ddrrelated", - "bodies", - "and", - "a", - "wellconducted", - "public", - "information", - "and", - "sensitization", - "campaign", - "are", - "essential", - "tools", - "to", - "ensure", - "that", - "only", - "those", - "who", - "are", - "eligible", - "participate", - "in", - "a", - "ddr", - "programme", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "close", - "cooperation", - "leadership", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "civil", - "society", - "including", - "women", - "groups", - "local", - "police", - "national", - "ddrrelated", - "bodies", - "wellconducted", - "public", - "information", - "sensitization", - "campaign", - "essential", - "tools", - "ensure", - "eligible", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programme", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "close", - "cooperation", - "leadership", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "civil", - "society", - "including", - "woman", - "group", - "local", - "police", - "national", - "ddrrelated", - "body", - "wellconducted", - "public", - "information", - "sensitization", - "campaign", - "essential", - "tool", - "ensure", - "eligible", - "participate", - "ddr", - "programme", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "close cooperation leadership armed force group civil society including woman group local police national ddrrelated body wellconducted public information sensitization campaign essential tool ensure eligible participate ddr programme see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR)", - "clean_sent": "60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", - "sent_lower": "60 on public information and strategic communication in support of ddr", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "60", - "on", - "public", - "information", - "and", - "strategic", - "communication", - "in", - "support", - "of", - "ddr" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "60", - "public", - "information", - "strategic", - "communication", - "support", - "ddr" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "60", - "public", - "information", - "strategic", - "communication", - "support", - "ddr" - ], - "new_sentence": "60 public information strategic communication support ddr" - }, - { - "Index": 48, - "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 49, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites. Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp). Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate. The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites", - "sent_lower": "demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "activities", - "are", - "carried", - "out", - "at", - "designated", - "sites" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "activities", - "carried", - "designated", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "activity", - "carried", - "designated", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization activity carried designated site" - }, - { - "Index": 49, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites. Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp). Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate. The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups", - "clean_sent": "Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups", - "sent_lower": "static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "static", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "are", - "most", - "typically", - "used", - "for", - "the", - "demobilization", - "of", - "large", - "numbers", - "of", - "combatants", - "and", - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "static", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "typically", - "used", - "demobilization", - "large", - "numbers", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "static", - "demobilization", - "site", - "typically", - "used", - "demobilization", - "large", - "number", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "static demobilization site typically used demobilization large number combatant person associated armed force group" - }, - { - "Index": 49, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites. Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp). Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate. The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp)", - "clean_sent": "They can be semipermanent and constructed specifically for this purpose such as cantonment camps see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp", - "sent_lower": "they can be semipermanent and constructed specifically for this purpose such as cantonment camps see annex b for the generic layout of a cantonment camp", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "they", - "can", - "be", - "semipermanent", - "and", - "constructed", - "specifically", - "for", - "this", - "purpose", - "such", - "as", - "cantonment", - "camps", - "see", - "annex", - "b", - "for", - "the", - "generic", - "layout", - "of", - "a", - "cantonment", - "camp" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "semipermanent", - "constructed", - "specifically", - "purpose", - "cantonment", - "camps", - "see", - "annex", - "b", - "generic", - "layout", - "cantonment", - "camp" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "semipermanent", - "constructed", - "specifically", - "purpose", - "cantonment", - "camp", - "see", - "annex", - "b", - "generic", - "layout", - "cantonment", - "camp" - ], - "new_sentence": "semipermanent constructed specifically purpose cantonment camp see annex b generic layout cantonment camp" - }, - { - "Index": 49, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites. Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp). Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate. The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate", - "clean_sent": "Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes temporary sites may also be appropriate", - "sent_lower": "although cantonment was long considered standard practice in ddr programmes temporary sites may also be appropriate", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "although", - "cantonment", - "was", - "long", - "considered", - "standard", - "practice", - "in", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "temporary", - "sites", - "may", - "also", - "be", - "appropriate" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "although", - "cantonment", - "long", - "considered", - "standard", - "practice", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "temporary", - "sites", - "may", - "also", - "appropriate" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "although", - "cantonment", - "long", - "considered", - "standard", - "practice", - "ddr", - "programme", - "temporary", - "site", - "may", - "also", - "appropriate" - ], - "new_sentence": "although cantonment long considered standard practice ddr programme temporary site may also appropriate" - }, - { - "Index": 49, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites. Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp). Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate. The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow", - "clean_sent": "The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context the security situation and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semipermanent and temporary sites as outlined in the sections that follow", - "sent_lower": "the decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context the security situation and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semipermanent and temporary sites as outlined in the sections that follow", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "decision", - "concerning", - "which", - "type", - "of", - "demobilization", - "site", - "to", - "use", - "should", - "be", - "guided", - "by", - "the", - "specific", - "country", - "context", - "the", - "security", - "situation", - "and", - "the", - "advantages", - "and", - "disadvantages", - "associated", - "with", - "semipermanent", - "and", - "temporary", - "sites", - "as", - "outlined", - "in", - "the", - "sections", - "that", - "follow" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "decision", - "concerning", - "type", - "demobilization", - "site", - "use", - "guided", - "specific", - "country", - "context", - "security", - "situation", - "advantages", - "disadvantages", - "associated", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "sites", - "outlined", - "sections", - "follow" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "decision", - "concerning", - "type", - "demobilization", - "site", - "use", - "guided", - "specific", - "country", - "context", - "security", - "situation", - "advantage", - "disadvantage", - "associated", - "semipermanent", - "temporary", - "site", - "outlined", - "section", - "follow" - ], - "new_sentence": "decision concerning type demobilization site use guided specific country context security situation advantage disadvantage associated semipermanent temporary site outlined section follow" - }, - { - "Index": 49, - "Paragraph": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites. Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp). Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate. The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 50, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites can provide an important means for armed forces and groups to show their commitment to the peace process, although they are often costly to construct and maintain and are ill-suited for armed groups based in communities. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of semi-permanent demobilization sites, see table 1.\nWhere assessments recommend the use of cantonment sites, DDR practitioners and planning teams should take all possible measures to minimize the negative aspects of this approach.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.1 Semi-permanent demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites can provide an important means for armed forces and groups to show their commitment to the peace process, although they are often costly to construct and maintain and are ill-suited for armed groups based in communities", - "clean_sent": "Semipermanent demobilization sites can provide an important means for armed forces and groups to show their commitment to the peace process although they are often costly to construct and maintain and are illsuited for armed groups based in communities", - "sent_lower": "semipermanent demobilization sites can provide an important means for armed forces and groups to show their commitment to the peace process although they are often costly to construct and maintain and are illsuited for armed groups based in communities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "can", - "provide", - "an", - "important", - "means", - "for", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "to", - "show", - "their", - "commitment", - "to", - "the", - "peace", - "process", - "although", - "they", - "are", - "often", - "costly", - "to", - "construct", - "and", - "maintain", - "and", - "are", - "illsuited", - "for", - "armed", - "groups", - "based", - "in", - "communities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "provide", - "important", - "means", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "show", - "commitment", - "peace", - "process", - "although", - "often", - "costly", - "construct", - "maintain", - "illsuited", - "armed", - "groups", - "based", - "communities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "site", - "provide", - "important", - "mean", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "show", - "commitment", - "peace", - "process", - "although", - "often", - "costly", - "construct", - "maintain", - "illsuited", - "armed", - "group", - "based", - "community" - ], - "new_sentence": "semipermanent demobilization site provide important mean armed force group show commitment peace process although often costly construct maintain illsuited armed group based community" - }, - { - "Index": 50, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites can provide an important means for armed forces and groups to show their commitment to the peace process, although they are often costly to construct and maintain and are ill-suited for armed groups based in communities. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of semi-permanent demobilization sites, see table 1.\nWhere assessments recommend the use of cantonment sites, DDR practitioners and planning teams should take all possible measures to minimize the negative aspects of this approach.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.1 Semi-permanent demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of semi-permanent demobilization sites, see table 1", - "clean_sent": "For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of semipermanent demobilization sites see table 1", - "sent_lower": "for a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of semipermanent demobilization sites see table 1", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "for", - "a", - "full", - "list", - "of", - "the", - "advantages", - "and", - "disadvantages", - "of", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "see", - "table", - "1" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "full", - "list", - "advantages", - "disadvantages", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "see", - "table", - "1" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "full", - "list", - "advantage", - "disadvantage", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "site", - "see", - "table", - "1" - ], - "new_sentence": "full list advantage disadvantage semipermanent demobilization site see table 1" - }, - { - "Index": 50, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites can provide an important means for armed forces and groups to show their commitment to the peace process, although they are often costly to construct and maintain and are ill-suited for armed groups based in communities. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of semi-permanent demobilization sites, see table 1.\nWhere assessments recommend the use of cantonment sites, DDR practitioners and planning teams should take all possible measures to minimize the negative aspects of this approach.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.1 Semi-permanent demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Where assessments recommend the use of cantonment sites, DDR practitioners and planning teams should take all possible measures to minimize the negative aspects of this approach", - "clean_sent": "Where assessments recommend the use of cantonment sites DDR practitioners and planning teams should take all possible measures to minimize the negative aspects of this approach", - "sent_lower": "where assessments recommend the use of cantonment sites ddr practitioners and planning teams should take all possible measures to minimize the negative aspects of this approach", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "where", - "assessments", - "recommend", - "the", - "use", - "of", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "and", - "planning", - "teams", - "should", - "take", - "all", - "possible", - "measures", - "to", - "minimize", - "the", - "negative", - "aspects", - "of", - "this", - "approach" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "assessments", - "recommend", - "use", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "planning", - "teams", - "take", - "possible", - "measures", - "minimize", - "negative", - "aspects", - "approach" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "assessment", - "recommend", - "use", - "cantonment", - "site", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "planning", - "team", - "take", - "possible", - "measure", - "minimize", - "negative", - "aspect", - "approach" - ], - "new_sentence": "assessment recommend use cantonment site ddr practitioner planning team take possible measure minimize negative aspect approach" - }, - { - "Index": 50, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites can provide an important means for armed forces and groups to show their commitment to the peace process, although they are often costly to construct and maintain and are ill-suited for armed groups based in communities. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of semi-permanent demobilization sites, see table 1.\nWhere assessments recommend the use of cantonment sites, DDR practitioners and planning teams should take all possible measures to minimize the negative aspects of this approach.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 14, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.1 Semi-permanent demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semipermanent demobilization sites", - "sent_lower": "temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semipermanent demobilization sites", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "that", - "make", - "use", - "of", - "existing", - "facilities", - "may", - "be", - "used", - "as", - "an", - "alternative", - "to", - "the", - "construction", - "of", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "make", - "use", - "existing", - "facilities", - "may", - "used", - "alternative", - "construction", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "site", - "make", - "use", - "existing", - "facility", - "may", - "used", - "alternative", - "construction", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "temporary demobilization site make use existing facility may used alternative construction semipermanent demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period", - "clean_sent": "In this approach combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period", - "sent_lower": "in this approach combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "this", - "approach", - "combatants", - "and", - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "are", - "told", - "to", - "meet", - "at", - "a", - "specific", - "location", - "for", - "demobilization", - "within", - "a", - "specific", - "time", - "period" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "approach", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "told", - "meet", - "specific", - "location", - "demobilization", - "within", - "specific", - "time", - "period" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "approach", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "told", - "meet", - "specific", - "location", - "demobilization", - "within", - "specific", - "time", - "period" - ], - "new_sentence": "approach combatant person associated armed force group told meet specific location demobilization within specific time period" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible", - "clean_sent": "Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups or if the target group is scattered in multiple known locations that are logistically accessible", - "sent_lower": "temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups or if the target group is scattered in multiple known locations that are logistically accessible", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "may", - "be", - "particularly", - "useful", - "if", - "the", - "target", - "group", - "is", - "small", - "if", - "individuals", - "are", - "likely", - "to", - "report", - "for", - "demobilization", - "in", - "small", - "groups", - "or", - "if", - "the", - "target", - "group", - "is", - "scattered", - "in", - "multiple", - "known", - "locations", - "that", - "are", - "logistically", - "accessible" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "may", - "particularly", - "useful", - "target", - "group", - "small", - "individuals", - "likely", - "report", - "demobilization", - "small", - "groups", - "target", - "group", - "scattered", - "multiple", - "known", - "locations", - "logistically", - "accessible" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "site", - "may", - "particularly", - "useful", - "target", - "group", - "small", - "individual", - "likely", - "report", - "demobilization", - "small", - "group", - "target", - "group", - "scattered", - "multiple", - "known", - "location", - "logistically", - "accessible" - ], - "new_sentence": "temporary demobilization site may particularly useful target group small individual likely report demobilization small group target group scattered multiple known location logistically accessible" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures", - "clean_sent": "This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures", - "sent_lower": "this kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "this", - "kind", - "of", - "site", - "allows", - "demobilization", - "teams", - "to", - "carry", - "out", - "their", - "activities", - "in", - "these", - "locations", - "without", - "the", - "need", - "to", - "build", - "permanent", - "structures" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "kind", - "site", - "allows", - "demobilization", - "teams", - "carry", - "activities", - "locations", - "without", - "need", - "build", - "permanent", - "structures" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "kind", - "site", - "allows", - "demobilization", - "team", - "carry", - "activity", - "location", - "without", - "need", - "build", - "permanent", - "structure" - ], - "new_sentence": "kind site allows demobilization team carry activity location without need build permanent structure" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate", - "clean_sent": "This approach may also be more appropriate than semipermanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate", - "sent_lower": "this approach may also be more appropriate than semipermanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "this", - "approach", - "may", - "also", - "be", - "more", - "appropriate", - "than", - "semipermanent", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "when", - "the", - "target", - "group", - "is", - "already", - "based", - "in", - "the", - "community", - "where", - "its", - "members", - "will", - "reintegrate" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "approach", - "may", - "also", - "appropriate", - "semipermanent", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "target", - "group", - "already", - "based", - "community", - "members", - "reintegrate" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "approach", - "may", - "also", - "appropriate", - "semipermanent", - "cantonment", - "site", - "target", - "group", - "already", - "based", - "community", - "member", - "reintegrate" - ], - "new_sentence": "approach may also appropriate semipermanent cantonment site target group already based community member reintegrate" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again", - "clean_sent": "This is because combatants who are already in their communities should where possible remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again", - "sent_lower": "this is because combatants who are already in their communities should where possible remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "this", - "is", - "because", - "combatants", - "who", - "are", - "already", - "in", - "their", - "communities", - "should", - "where", - "possible", - "remain", - "there", - "rather", - "than", - "be", - "transported", - "to", - "a", - "demobilization", - "centre", - "and", - "back", - "again" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "combatants", - "already", - "communities", - "possible", - "remain", - "rather", - "transported", - "demobilization", - "centre", - "back" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "combatant", - "already", - "community", - "possible", - "remain", - "rather", - "transported", - "demobilization", - "centre", - "back" - ], - "new_sentence": "combatant already community possible remain rather transported demobilization centre back" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2", - "clean_sent": "For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites see table 2", - "sent_lower": "for a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites see table 2", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "for", - "a", - "full", - "list", - "of", - "the", - "advantages", - "and", - "disadvantages", - "of", - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "see", - "table", - "2" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "full", - "list", - "advantages", - "disadvantages", - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "see", - "table", - "2" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "full", - "list", - "advantage", - "disadvantage", - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "site", - "see", - "table", - "2" - ], - "new_sentence": "full list advantage disadvantage temporary demobilization site see table 2" - }, - { - "Index": 51, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 15, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:Do the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate DDR practitioners shall considerDo the peace agreement andor national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites", - "sent_lower": "when choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate ddr practitioners shall considerdo the peace agreement andor national ddr policy document contain references to demobilization sites", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "choosing", - "which", - "type", - "of", - "demobilization", - "site", - "is", - "most", - "appropriate", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "considerdo", - "the", - "peace", - "agreement", - "andor", - "national", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document", - "contain", - "references", - "to", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "choosing", - "type", - "demobilization", - "site", - "appropriate", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "shall", - "considerdo", - "peace", - "agreement", - "andor", - "national", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document", - "contain", - "references", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "choosing", - "type", - "demobilization", - "site", - "appropriate", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "shall", - "considerdo", - "peace", - "agreement", - "andor", - "national", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document", - "contain", - "reference", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "choosing type demobilization site appropriate ddr practitioner shall considerdo peace agreement andor national ddr policy document contain reference demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Are both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate", - "clean_sent": "Are both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate", - "sent_lower": "are both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "are", - "both", - "male", - "and", - "female", - "combatants", - "already", - "in", - "the", - "communities", - "where", - "they", - "will", - "reintegrate" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "male", - "female", - "combatants", - "already", - "communities", - "reintegrate" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "male", - "female", - "combatant", - "already", - "community", - "reintegrate" - ], - "new_sentence": "male female combatant already community reintegrate" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups", - "clean_sent": "Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders or individual combatants leaving active armed groups", - "sent_lower": "will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders or individual combatants leaving active armed groups", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "will", - "the", - "demobilization", - "process", - "consist", - "of", - "formed", - "military", - "units", - "reporting", - "with", - "their", - "commanders", - "or", - "individual", - "combatants", - "leaving", - "active", - "armed", - "groups" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "process", - "consist", - "formed", - "military", - "units", - "reporting", - "commanders", - "individual", - "combatants", - "leaving", - "active", - "armed", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "process", - "consist", - "formed", - "military", - "unit", - "reporting", - "commander", - "individual", - "combatant", - "leaving", - "active", - "armed", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization process consist formed military unit reporting commander individual combatant leaving active armed group" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "What approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site", - "clean_sent": "What approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site", - "sent_lower": "what approach is being taken in other components of the ddr process \u2013 for example is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "what", - "approach", - "is", - "being", - "taken", - "in", - "other", - "components", - "of", - "the", - "ddr", - "process", - "", - "", - "for", - "example", - "is", - "disarmament", - "being", - "undertaken", - "at", - "a", - "mobile", - "or", - "static", - "site" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "approach", - "taken", - "components", - "ddr", - "process", - "", - "", - "example", - "disarmament", - "undertaken", - "mobile", - "static", - "site" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "approach", - "taken", - "component", - "ddr", - "process", - "", - "", - "example", - "disarmament", - "undertaken", - "mobile", - "static", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "approach taken component ddr process example disarmament undertaken mobile static site" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "(See IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": "See IDDRS 4", - "sent_lower": "see iddrs 4", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "10 on Disarmament", - "clean_sent": "10 on Disarmament", - "sent_lower": "10 on disarmament", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "10", - "on", - "disarmament" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 disarmament" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Will cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process", - "clean_sent": "Will cantonment play an important confidencebuilding role in the peace process", - "sent_lower": "will cantonment play an important confidencebuilding role in the peace process", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "will", - "cantonment", - "play", - "an", - "important", - "confidencebuilding", - "role", - "in", - "the", - "peace", - "process" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "cantonment", - "play", - "important", - "confidencebuilding", - "role", - "peace", - "process" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "cantonment", - "play", - "important", - "confidencebuilding", - "role", - "peace", - "process" - ], - "new_sentence": "cantonment play important confidencebuilding role peace process" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "What does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize", - "clean_sent": "What does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize", - "sent_lower": "what does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "what", - "does", - "the", - "context", - "tell", - "you", - "about", - "the", - "potential", - "security", - "threat", - "to", - "those", - "who", - "demobilize" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "context", - "tell", - "potential", - "security", - "threat", - "demobilize" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "context", - "tell", - "potential", - "security", - "threat", - "demobilize" - ], - "new_sentence": "context tell potential security threat demobilize" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize", - "clean_sent": "Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize", - "sent_lower": "are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "are", - "active", - "armed", - "groups", - "likely", - "to", - "retaliate", - "against", - "former", - "members", - "who", - "opt", - "to", - "demobilize" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "active", - "armed", - "groups", - "likely", - "retaliate", - "former", - "members", - "opt", - "demobilize" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "active", - "armed", - "group", - "likely", - "retaliate", - "former", - "member", - "opt", - "demobilize" - ], - "new_sentence": "active armed group likely retaliate former member opt demobilize" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Can reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site", - "clean_sent": "Can reception disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site", - "sent_lower": "can reception disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "can", - "reception", - "disarmament", - "and", - "demobilization", - "take", - "place", - "at", - "the", - "same", - "site" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "reception", - "disarmament", - "demobilization", - "take", - "place", - "site" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "reception", - "disarmament", - "demobilization", - "take", - "place", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "reception disarmament demobilization take place site" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Can existing sites be used", - "clean_sent": "Can existing sites be used", - "sent_lower": "can existing sites be used", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "can", - "existing", - "sites", - "be", - "used" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "existing", - "sites", - "used" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "existing", - "site", - "used" - ], - "new_sentence": "existing site used" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Do they require refurbishment", - "clean_sent": "Do they require refurbishment", - "sent_lower": "do they require refurbishment", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "do", - "they", - "require", - "refurbishment" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "require", - "refurbishment" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "require", - "refurbishment" - ], - "new_sentence": "require refurbishment" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "Will there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": "Will there be enough resources to build semipermanent demobilization sites", - "sent_lower": "will there be enough resources to build semipermanent demobilization sites", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "will", - "there", - "be", - "enough", - "resources", - "to", - "build", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "enough", - "resources", - "build", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "enough", - "resource", - "build", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "enough resource build semipermanent demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "How long will the construction process take", - "clean_sent": "How long will the construction process take", - "sent_lower": "how long will the construction process take", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "how", - "long", - "will", - "the", - "construction", - "process", - "take" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "long", - "construction", - "process", - "take" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "long", - "construction", - "process", - "take" - ], - "new_sentence": "long construction process take" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "What are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups", - "clean_sent": "What are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups", - "sent_lower": "what are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "what", - "are", - "the", - "potential", - "risks", - "of", - "cantoning", - "any", - "one", - "of", - "the", - "groups" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "potential", - "risks", - "cantoning", - "one", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "potential", - "risk", - "cantoning", - "one", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "potential risk cantoning one group" - }, - { - "Index": 52, - "Paragraph": "When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider:\nDo the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites?\nAre both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups?\nWhat approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.)\nWill cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process?\nWhat does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize?\nCan reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment?\nWill there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take?\nWhat are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", - "Heading4": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Semi-permanent demobilization sitesIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed", - "clean_sent": "Semipermanent demobilization sitesIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement then the location of semipermanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed", - "sent_lower": "semipermanent demobilization sitesif the ddr programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement then the location of semipermanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sitesif", - "the", - "ddr", - "programme", - "has", - "been", - "negotiated", - "within", - "the", - "framework", - "of", - "a", - "peace", - "agreement", - "then", - "the", - "location", - "of", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "may", - "have", - "already", - "been", - "agreed" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sitesif", - "ddr", - "programme", - "negotiated", - "within", - "framework", - "peace", - "agreement", - "location", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "may", - "already", - "agreed" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sitesif", - "ddr", - "programme", - "negotiated", - "within", - "framework", - "peace", - "agreement", - "location", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "site", - "may", - "already", - "agreed" - ], - "new_sentence": "semipermanent demobilization sitesif ddr programme negotiated within framework peace agreement location semipermanent demobilization site may already agreed" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations", - "clean_sent": "If agreement has not een reached the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations", - "sent_lower": "if agreement has not een reached the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "agreement", - "has", - "not", - "een", - "reached", - "the", - "parties", - "to", - "the", - "conflict", - "should", - "be", - "involved", - "in", - "selecting", - "locations" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "agreement", - "een", - "reached", - "parties", - "conflict", - "involved", - "selecting", - "locations" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "agreement", - "een", - "reached", - "party", - "conflict", - "involved", - "selecting", - "location" - ], - "new_sentence": "agreement een reached party conflict involved selecting location" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:Accessibility: The site should be easily accessible", - "clean_sent": "The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semipermanent demobilization sitesAccessibility The site should be easily accessible", - "sent_lower": "the following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semipermanent demobilization sitesaccessibility the site should be easily accessible", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "following", - "factors", - "should", - "be", - "taken", - "into", - "account", - "in", - "the", - "selection", - "of", - "locations", - "for", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sitesaccessibility", - "the", - "site", - "should", - "be", - "easily", - "accessible" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "following", - "factors", - "taken", - "account", - "selection", - "locations", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sitesaccessibility", - "site", - "easily", - "accessible" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "following", - "factor", - "taken", - "account", - "selection", - "location", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sitesaccessibility", - "site", - "easily", - "accessible" - ], - "new_sentence": "following factor taken account selection location semipermanent demobilization sitesaccessibility site easily accessible" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered", - "clean_sent": "Distance to roads airfields rivers and railways should be considered", - "sent_lower": "distance to roads airfields rivers and railways should be considered", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "distance", - "to", - "roads", - "airfields", - "rivers", - "and", - "railways", - "should", - "be", - "considered" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "distance", - "roads", - "airfields", - "rivers", - "railways", - "considered" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "distance", - "road", - "airfield", - "river", - "railway", - "considered" - ], - "new_sentence": "distance road airfield river railway considered" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise", - "clean_sent": "Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise", - "sent_lower": "locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "locations", - "and", - "routes", - "for", - "medical", - "and", - "obstetric", - "emergency", - "referral", - "must", - "be", - "identified", - "and", - "there", - "should", - "be", - "sufficient", - "capacity", - "for", - "referral", - "or", - "medical", - "evacuation", - "to", - "address", - "any", - "emergencies", - "that", - "may", - "arise" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "locations", - "routes", - "medical", - "obstetric", - "emergency", - "referral", - "must", - "identified", - "sufficient", - "capacity", - "referral", - "medical", - "evacuation", - "address", - "emergencies", - "may", - "arise" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "location", - "route", - "medical", - "obstetric", - "emergency", - "referral", - "must", - "identified", - "sufficient", - "capacity", - "referral", - "medical", - "evacuation", - "address", - "emergency", - "may", - "arise" - ], - "new_sentence": "location route medical obstetric emergency referral must identified sufficient capacity referral medical evacuation address emergency may arise" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important", - "clean_sent": "Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important", - "sent_lower": "accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "accessibility", - "allowing", - "national", - "or", - "international", - "military", - "forces", - "to", - "secure", - "the", - "site", - "and", - "for", - "logistic", - "and", - "supply", - "lines", - "is", - "extremely", - "important" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "accessibility", - "allowing", - "national", - "international", - "military", - "forces", - "secure", - "site", - "logistic", - "supply", - "lines", - "extremely", - "important" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "accessibility", - "allowing", - "national", - "international", - "military", - "force", - "secure", - "site", - "logistic", - "supply", - "line", - "extremely", - "important" - ], - "new_sentence": "accessibility allowing national international military force secure site logistic supply line extremely important" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The effects of weather changes (e", - "clean_sent": "The effects of weather changes e", - "sent_lower": "the effects of weather changes e", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "effects", - "of", - "weather", - "changes", - "e" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "effects", - "weather", - "changes", - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "effect", - "weather", - "change", - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": "effect weather change e" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "g", - "clean_sent": "g", - "sent_lower": "g", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "g" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "g" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "g" - ], - "new_sentence": "g" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility", - "clean_sent": " the start of the rainy season should be considered when assessing accessibility", - "sent_lower": " the start of the rainy season should be considered when assessing accessibility", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "", - "the", - "start", - "of", - "the", - "rainy", - "season", - "should", - "be", - "considered", - "when", - "assessing", - "accessibility" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "", - "start", - "rainy", - "season", - "considered", - "assessing", - "accessibility" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "start", - "rainy", - "season", - "considered", - "assessing", - "accessibility" - ], - "new_sentence": " start rainy season considered assessing accessibility" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Security: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location", - "clean_sent": "Security Excombatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location", - "sent_lower": "security excombatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "security", - "excombatants", - "and", - "persons", - "formerly", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "should", - "feel", - "and", - "be", - "safe", - "in", - "the", - "selected", - "location" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "security", - "excombatants", - "persons", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "feel", - "safe", - "selected", - "location" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "security", - "excombatants", - "person", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "feel", - "safe", - "selected", - "location" - ], - "new_sentence": "security excombatants person formerly associated armed force group feel safe selected location" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups", - "clean_sent": "When establishing sites it is important to consider the general political and military environment as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats including crossborder violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups", - "sent_lower": "when establishing sites it is important to consider the general political and military environment as well as how vulnerable ddr participants are to potential threats including crossborder violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "establishing", - "sites", - "it", - "is", - "important", - "to", - "consider", - "the", - "general", - "political", - "and", - "military", - "environment", - "as", - "well", - "as", - "how", - "vulnerable", - "ddr", - "participants", - "are", - "to", - "potential", - "threats", - "including", - "crossborder", - "violence", - "and", - "retaliation", - "by", - "active", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "establishing", - "sites", - "important", - "consider", - "general", - "political", - "military", - "environment", - "well", - "vulnerable", - "ddr", - "participants", - "potential", - "threats", - "including", - "crossborder", - "violence", - "retaliation", - "active", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "establishing", - "site", - "important", - "consider", - "general", - "political", - "military", - "environment", - "well", - "vulnerable", - "ddr", - "participant", - "potential", - "threat", - "including", - "crossborder", - "violence", - "retaliation", - "active", - "armed", - "force", - "group" - ], - "new_sentence": "establishing site important consider general political military environment well vulnerable ddr participant potential threat including crossborder violence retaliation active armed force group" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account", - "clean_sent": "The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account", - "sent_lower": "the security of nearby communities must also be taken into account", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "security", - "of", - "nearby", - "communities", - "must", - "also", - "be", - "taken", - "into", - "account" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "security", - "nearby", - "communities", - "must", - "also", - "taken", - "account" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "security", - "nearby", - "community", - "must", - "also", - "taken", - "account" - ], - "new_sentence": "security nearby community must also taken account" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Local communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation", - "clean_sent": "Local communities DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation", - "sent_lower": "local communities ddr practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "local", - "communities", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "should", - "adequately", - "liaise", - "with", - "local", - "leaders", - "and", - "national", - "and", - "international", - "military", - "forces", - "to", - "ensure", - "that", - "nearby", - "communities", - "are", - "not", - "adversely", - "affected", - "by", - "the", - "demobilization", - "site", - "or", - "operation" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "local", - "communities", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "adequately", - "liaise", - "local", - "leaders", - "national", - "international", - "military", - "forces", - "ensure", - "nearby", - "communities", - "adversely", - "affected", - "demobilization", - "site", - "operation" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "local", - "community", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "adequately", - "liaise", - "local", - "leader", - "national", - "international", - "military", - "force", - "ensure", - "nearby", - "community", - "adversely", - "affected", - "demobilization", - "site", - "operation" - ], - "new_sentence": "local community ddr practitioner adequately liaise local leader national international military force ensure nearby community adversely affected demobilization site operation" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "General amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports", - "clean_sent": "General amenities Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account potable water supply washing and toilet facilities separate facilities for men and women with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark drainage for rain and waste flooding potential and the natural water course local power and food supply environmental hazards pollution infestation cooking and eating facilities lighting both for security and functionality and finally facility space for recreation including sports", - "sent_lower": "general amenities demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account potable water supply washing and toilet facilities separate facilities for men and women with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark drainage for rain and waste flooding potential and the natural water course local power and food supply environmental hazards pollution infestation cooking and eating facilities lighting both for security and functionality and finally facility space for recreation including sports", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "general", - "amenities", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "should", - "be", - "chosen", - "with", - "the", - "following", - "needs", - "taken", - "into", - "account", - "potable", - "water", - "supply", - "washing", - "and", - "toilet", - "facilities", - "separate", - "facilities", - "for", - "men", - "and", - "women", - "with", - "locks", - "and", - "lighting", - "if", - "they", - "will", - "be", - "used", - "after", - "dark", - "drainage", - "for", - "rain", - "and", - "waste", - "flooding", - "potential", - "and", - "the", - "natural", - "water", - "course", - "local", - "power", - "and", - "food", - "supply", - "environmental", - "hazards", - "pollution", - "infestation", - "cooking", - "and", - "eating", - "facilities", - "lighting", - "both", - "for", - "security", - "and", - "functionality", - "and", - "finally", - "facility", - "space", - "for", - "recreation", - "including", - "sports" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "general", - "amenities", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "chosen", - "following", - "needs", - "taken", - "account", - "potable", - "water", - "supply", - "washing", - "toilet", - "facilities", - "separate", - "facilities", - "men", - "women", - "locks", - "lighting", - "used", - "dark", - "drainage", - "rain", - "waste", - "flooding", - "potential", - "natural", - "water", - "course", - "local", - "power", - "food", - "supply", - "environmental", - "hazards", - "pollution", - "infestation", - "cooking", - "eating", - "facilities", - "lighting", - "security", - "functionality", - "finally", - "facility", - "space", - "recreation", - "including", - "sports" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "general", - "amenity", - "demobilization", - "site", - "chosen", - "following", - "need", - "taken", - "account", - "potable", - "water", - "supply", - "washing", - "toilet", - "facility", - "separate", - "facility", - "men", - "woman", - "lock", - "lighting", - "used", - "dark", - "drainage", - "rain", - "waste", - "flooding", - "potential", - "natural", - "water", - "course", - "local", - "power", - "food", - "supply", - "environmental", - "hazard", - "pollution", - "infestation", - "cooking", - "eating", - "facility", - "lighting", - "security", - "functionality", - "finally", - "facility", - "space", - "recreation", - "including", - "sport" - ], - "new_sentence": "general amenity demobilization site chosen following need taken account potable water supply washing toilet facility separate facility men woman lock lighting used dark drainage rain waste flooding potential natural water course local power food supply environmental hazard pollution infestation cooking eating facility lighting security functionality finally facility space recreation including sport" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women", - "clean_sent": "Special arrangementscontingency plans should be made for children persons with disabilities persons with chronic illnesses and pregnant or lactating women", - "sent_lower": "special arrangementscontingency plans should be made for children persons with disabilities persons with chronic illnesses and pregnant or lactating women", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "special", - "arrangementscontingency", - "plans", - "should", - "be", - "made", - "for", - "children", - "persons", - "with", - "disabilities", - "persons", - "with", - "chronic", - "illnesses", - "and", - "pregnant", - "or", - "lactating", - "women" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "special", - "arrangementscontingency", - "plans", - "made", - "children", - "persons", - "disabilities", - "persons", - "chronic", - "illnesses", - "pregnant", - "lactating", - "women" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "special", - "arrangementscontingency", - "plan", - "made", - "child", - "person", - "disability", - "person", - "chronic", - "illness", - "pregnant", - "lactating", - "woman" - ], - "new_sentence": "special arrangementscontingency plan made child person disability person chronic illness pregnant lactating woman" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Storage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4", - "clean_sent": "Storage facilitiesarmoury If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site secure and guarded facilitiesarmouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up see IDDRS 4", - "sent_lower": "storage facilitiesarmoury if disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site secure and guarded facilitiesarmouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up see iddrs 4", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "storage", - "facilitiesarmoury", - "if", - "disarmament", - "and", - "demobilization", - "are", - "to", - "take", - "place", - "at", - "the", - "same", - "site", - "secure", - "and", - "guarded", - "facilitiesarmouries", - "for", - "temporary", - "storage", - "of", - "collected", - "weapons", - "shall", - "be", - "set", - "up", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "storage", - "facilitiesarmoury", - "disarmament", - "demobilization", - "take", - "place", - "site", - "secure", - "guarded", - "facilitiesarmouries", - "temporary", - "storage", - "collected", - "weapons", - "shall", - "set", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "storage", - "facilitiesarmoury", - "disarmament", - "demobilization", - "take", - "place", - "site", - "secure", - "guarded", - "facilitiesarmouries", - "temporary", - "storage", - "collected", - "weapon", - "shall", - "set", - "see", - "iddrs", - "4" - ], - "new_sentence": "storage facilitiesarmoury disarmament demobilization take place site secure guarded facilitiesarmouries temporary storage collected weapon shall set see iddrs 4" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "10 on Disarmament)", - "clean_sent": "10 on Disarmament", - "sent_lower": "10 on disarmament", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "10", - "on", - "disarmament" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "10", - "disarmament" - ], - "new_sentence": "10 disarmament" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Communications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure", - "clean_sent": "Communications infrastructure The site should be located in an area suitable for radio andor telecommunications infrastructure", - "sent_lower": "communications infrastructure the site should be located in an area suitable for radio andor telecommunications infrastructure", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "communications", - "infrastructure", - "the", - "site", - "should", - "be", - "located", - "in", - "an", - "area", - "suitable", - "for", - "radio", - "andor", - "telecommunications", - "infrastructure" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "communications", - "infrastructure", - "site", - "located", - "area", - "suitable", - "radio", - "andor", - "telecommunications", - "infrastructure" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "communication", - "infrastructure", - "site", - "located", - "area", - "suitable", - "radio", - "andor", - "telecommunication", - "infrastructure" - ], - "new_sentence": "communication infrastructure site located area suitable radio andor telecommunication infrastructure" - }, - { - "Index": 53, - "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites\nIf the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not een reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites:\nAccessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility.\nSecurity: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account.\nLocal communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation.\nGeneral amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women.\nStorage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).\nCommunications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 16, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Temporary demobilization sitesTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short", - "clean_sent": "Temporary demobilization sitesTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short", - "sent_lower": "temporary demobilization sitestemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sitestemporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "require", - "few", - "facilities", - "because", - "the", - "period", - "during", - "which", - "they", - "will", - "be", - "used", - "is", - "relatively", - "short" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sitestemporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "require", - "facilities", - "period", - "used", - "relatively", - "short" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sitestemporary", - "demobilization", - "site", - "require", - "facility", - "period", - "used", - "relatively", - "short" - ], - "new_sentence": "temporary demobilization sitestemporary demobilization site require facility period used relatively short" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Finding a location that offers protection is necessary", - "clean_sent": "Finding a location that offers protection is necessary", - "sent_lower": "finding a location that offers protection is necessary", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "finding", - "a", - "location", - "that", - "offers", - "protection", - "is", - "necessary" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "finding", - "location", - "offers", - "protection", - "necessary" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "finding", - "location", - "offer", - "protection", - "necessary" - ], - "new_sentence": "finding location offer protection necessary" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required", - "clean_sent": "The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse or where the local population supports the DDR programme a football field may be all that is required", - "sent_lower": "the internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse or where the local population supports the ddr programme a football field may be all that is required", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "internal", - "perimeter", - "of", - "an", - "old", - "school", - "or", - "warehouse", - "or", - "where", - "the", - "local", - "population", - "supports", - "the", - "ddr", - "programme", - "a", - "football", - "field", - "may", - "be", - "all", - "that", - "is", - "required" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "internal", - "perimeter", - "old", - "school", - "warehouse", - "local", - "population", - "supports", - "ddr", - "programme", - "football", - "field", - "may", - "required" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "internal", - "perimeter", - "old", - "school", - "warehouse", - "local", - "population", - "support", - "ddr", - "programme", - "football", - "field", - "may", - "required" - ], - "new_sentence": "internal perimeter old school warehouse local population support ddr programme football field may required" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Fresh potable water and electricity should be available", - "clean_sent": "Fresh potable water and electricity should be available", - "sent_lower": "fresh potable water and electricity should be available", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "fresh", - "potable", - "water", - "and", - "electricity", - "should", - "be", - "available" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "fresh", - "potable", - "water", - "electricity", - "available" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "fresh", - "potable", - "water", - "electricity", - "available" - ], - "new_sentence": "fresh potable water electricity available" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in", - "clean_sent": "If they are not a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in", - "sent_lower": "if they are not a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "they", - "are", - "not", - "a", - "water", - "purification", - "system", - "or", - "water", - "supplies", - "and", - "a", - "generator", - "should", - "be", - "brought", - "in" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "water", - "purification", - "system", - "water", - "supplies", - "generator", - "brought" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "water", - "purification", - "system", - "water", - "supply", - "generator", - "brought" - ], - "new_sentence": "water purification system water supply generator brought" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Sanitary facilities must be supplied", - "clean_sent": "Sanitary facilities must be supplied", - "sent_lower": "sanitary facilities must be supplied", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "sanitary", - "facilities", - "must", - "be", - "supplied" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "sanitary", - "facilities", - "must", - "supplied" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "sanitary", - "facility", - "must", - "supplied" - ], - "new_sentence": "sanitary facility must supplied" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp", - "clean_sent": "Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp", - "sent_lower": "lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "lighting", - "should", - "be", - "installed", - "to", - "ensure", - "security", - "around", - "the", - "perimeter", - "of", - "the", - "camp" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "lighting", - "installed", - "ensure", - "security", - "around", - "perimeter", - "camp" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "lighting", - "installed", - "ensure", - "security", - "around", - "perimeter", - "camp" - ], - "new_sentence": "lighting installed ensure security around perimeter camp" - }, - { - "Index": 54, - "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites\nTemporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 17, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location", - "clean_sent": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used it is particularly important to agree in advance on the distribution of tasks financial responsibilities and the postDDR ownership of the location", - "sent_lower": "when temporary demobilization sites are being used it is particularly important to agree in advance on the distribution of tasks financial responsibilities and the postddr ownership of the location", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "are", - "being", - "used", - "it", - "is", - "particularly", - "important", - "to", - "agree", - "in", - "advance", - "on", - "the", - "distribution", - "of", - "tasks", - "financial", - "responsibilities", - "and", - "the", - "postddr", - "ownership", - "of", - "the", - "location" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "used", - "particularly", - "important", - "agree", - "advance", - "distribution", - "tasks", - "financial", - "responsibilities", - "postddr", - "ownership", - "location" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "site", - "used", - "particularly", - "important", - "agree", - "advance", - "distribution", - "task", - "financial", - "responsibility", - "postddr", - "ownership", - "location" - ], - "new_sentence": "temporary demobilization site used particularly important agree advance distribution task financial responsibility postddr ownership location" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Where relevant, the following should also be considered:The refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered", - "clean_sent": "Where relevant the following should also be consideredThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up the use of existing hardwalled property should be considered", - "sent_lower": "where relevant the following should also be consideredthe refurbishment and temporary use of community property if available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up the use of existing hardwalled property should be considered", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "where", - "relevant", - "the", - "following", - "should", - "also", - "be", - "consideredthe", - "refurbishment", - "and", - "temporary", - "use", - "of", - "community", - "property", - "if", - "available", - "in", - "the", - "area", - "where", - "the", - "demobilization", - "site", - "is", - "to", - "be", - "set", - "up", - "the", - "use", - "of", - "existing", - "hardwalled", - "property", - "should", - "be", - "considered" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "relevant", - "following", - "also", - "consideredthe", - "refurbishment", - "temporary", - "use", - "community", - "property", - "available", - "area", - "demobilization", - "site", - "set", - "use", - "existing", - "hardwalled", - "property", - "considered" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "relevant", - "following", - "also", - "consideredthe", - "refurbishment", - "temporary", - "use", - "community", - "property", - "available", - "area", - "demobilization", - "site", - "set", - "use", - "existing", - "hardwalled", - "property", - "considered" - ], - "new_sentence": "relevant following also consideredthe refurbishment temporary use community property available area demobilization site set use existing hardwalled property considered" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications", - "clean_sent": "The decision should be made by weighing the medium and longterm benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications", - "sent_lower": "the decision should be made by weighing the medium and longterm benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "decision", - "should", - "be", - "made", - "by", - "weighing", - "the", - "medium", - "and", - "longterm", - "benefits", - "to", - "the", - "community", - "of", - "repairing", - "local", - "facilities", - "against", - "the", - "overall", - "security", - "and", - "financial", - "implications" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "decision", - "made", - "weighing", - "medium", - "longterm", - "benefits", - "community", - "repairing", - "local", - "facilities", - "overall", - "security", - "financial", - "implications" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "decision", - "made", - "weighing", - "medium", - "longterm", - "benefit", - "community", - "repairing", - "local", - "facility", - "overall", - "security", - "financial", - "implication" - ], - "new_sentence": "decision made weighing medium longterm benefit community repairing local facility overall security financial implication" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc", - "clean_sent": "These installations may not need rebuilding and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting concertina wire etc", - "sent_lower": "these installations may not need rebuilding and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting concertina wire etc", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "these", - "installations", - "may", - "not", - "need", - "rebuilding", - "and", - "may", - "be", - "made", - "usable", - "by", - "adding", - "plastic", - "sheeting", - "concertina", - "wire", - "etc" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "installations", - "may", - "need", - "rebuilding", - "may", - "made", - "usable", - "adding", - "plastic", - "sheeting", - "concertina", - "wire", - "etc" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "installation", - "may", - "need", - "rebuilding", - "may", - "made", - "usable", - "adding", - "plastic", - "sheeting", - "concertina", - "wire", - "etc" - ], - "new_sentence": "installation may need rebuilding may made usable adding plastic sheeting concertina wire etc" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms", - "clean_sent": "Possible sites include disused factories warehouses hospitals colleges and farms", - "sent_lower": "possible sites include disused factories warehouses hospitals colleges and farms", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "possible", - "sites", - "include", - "disused", - "factories", - "warehouses", - "hospitals", - "colleges", - "and", - "farms" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "possible", - "sites", - "include", - "disused", - "factories", - "warehouses", - "hospitals", - "colleges", - "farms" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "possible", - "site", - "include", - "disused", - "factory", - "warehouse", - "hospital", - "college", - "farm" - ], - "new_sentence": "possible site include disused factory warehouse hospital college farm" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications", - "clean_sent": "Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications", - "sent_lower": "efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "efforts", - "should", - "be", - "made", - "to", - "verify", - "ownership", - "and", - "to", - "avoid", - "legal", - "complications" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "efforts", - "made", - "verify", - "ownership", - "avoid", - "legal", - "complications" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "effort", - "made", - "verify", - "ownership", - "avoid", - "legal", - "complication" - ], - "new_sentence": "effort made verify ownership avoid legal complication" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered", - "clean_sent": "The refurbishment and temporary use of statemilitary property Where regular armed forces or wellorganizeddisciplined armed groups are to be demobilized the use of existing military barracks with the agreement of national authorities should be considered", - "sent_lower": "the refurbishment and temporary use of statemilitary property where regular armed forces or wellorganizeddisciplined armed groups are to be demobilized the use of existing military barracks with the agreement of national authorities should be considered", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "refurbishment", - "and", - "temporary", - "use", - "of", - "statemilitary", - "property", - "where", - "regular", - "armed", - "forces", - "or", - "wellorganizeddisciplined", - "armed", - "groups", - "are", - "to", - "be", - "demobilized", - "the", - "use", - "of", - "existing", - "military", - "barracks", - "with", - "the", - "agreement", - "of", - "national", - "authorities", - "should", - "be", - "considered" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "refurbishment", - "temporary", - "use", - "statemilitary", - "property", - "regular", - "armed", - "forces", - "wellorganizeddisciplined", - "armed", - "groups", - "demobilized", - "use", - "existing", - "military", - "barracks", - "agreement", - "national", - "authorities", - "considered" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "refurbishment", - "temporary", - "use", - "statemilitary", - "property", - "regular", - "armed", - "force", - "wellorganizeddisciplined", - "armed", - "group", - "demobilized", - "use", - "existing", - "military", - "barrack", - "agreement", - "national", - "authority", - "considered" - ], - "new_sentence": "refurbishment temporary use statemilitary property regular armed force wellorganizeddisciplined armed group demobilized use existing military barrack agreement national authority considered" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place", - "clean_sent": "Generally speaking these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place", - "sent_lower": "generally speaking these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "generally", - "speaking", - "these", - "facilities", - "should", - "offer", - "a", - "degree", - "of", - "security", - "and", - "may", - "have", - "the", - "required", - "infrastructure", - "already", - "in", - "place" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "generally", - "speaking", - "facilities", - "offer", - "degree", - "security", - "may", - "required", - "infrastructure", - "already", - "place" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "generally", - "speaking", - "facility", - "offer", - "degree", - "security", - "may", - "required", - "infrastructure", - "already", - "place" - ], - "new_sentence": "generally speaking facility offer degree security may required infrastructure already place" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others", - "clean_sent": "The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others", - "sent_lower": "the same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "same", - "security", - "and", - "administrative", - "arrangements", - "should", - "apply", - "to", - "these", - "sites", - "as", - "to", - "others" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "security", - "administrative", - "arrangements", - "apply", - "sites", - "others" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "security", - "administrative", - "arrangement", - "apply", - "site", - "others" - ], - "new_sentence": "security administrative arrangement apply site others" - }, - { - "Index": 55, - "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered:\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications.\nThe refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed", - "clean_sent": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed", - "sent_lower": "the size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "size", - "and", - "capacity", - "of", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "should", - "be", - "determined", - "by", - "the", - "number", - "of", - "combatants", - "and", - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "to", - "be", - "processed" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "size", - "capacity", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "determined", - "number", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "processed" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "size", - "capacity", - "demobilization", - "site", - "determined", - "number", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "processed" - ], - "new_sentence": "size capacity demobilization site determined number combatant person associated armed force group processed" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure", - "clean_sent": "Typically demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer control and secure", - "sent_lower": "typically demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer control and secure", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "typically", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "with", - "a", - "small", - "number", - "of", - "combatants", - "and", - "associated", - "persons", - "are", - "easier", - "to", - "administer", - "control", - "and", - "secure" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "typically", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "small", - "number", - "combatants", - "associated", - "persons", - "easier", - "administer", - "control", - "secure" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "typically", - "demobilization", - "site", - "small", - "number", - "combatant", - "associated", - "person", - "easier", - "administer", - "control", - "secure" - ], - "new_sentence": "typically demobilization site small number combatant associated person easier administer control secure" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations", - "clean_sent": "However if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations", - "sent_lower": "however if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "however", - "if", - "many", - "small", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "are", - "in", - "operation", - "at", - "one", - "time", - "this", - "can", - "lead", - "to", - "widely", - "dispersed", - "resources", - "and", - "difficult", - "logistical", - "situations" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "however", - "many", - "small", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "operation", - "one", - "time", - "lead", - "widely", - "dispersed", - "resources", - "difficult", - "logistical", - "situations" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "however", - "many", - "small", - "demobilization", - "site", - "operation", - "one", - "time", - "lead", - "widely", - "dispersed", - "resource", - "difficult", - "logistical", - "situation" - ], - "new_sentence": "however many small demobilization site operation one time lead widely dispersed resource difficult logistical situation" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time", - "sent_lower": "demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "sites", - "should", - "not", - "accommodate", - "more", - "than", - "600", - "people", - "at", - "one", - "time" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "sites", - "accommodate", - "600", - "people", - "one", - "time" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "site", - "accommodate", - "600", - "people", - "one", - "time" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization site accommodate 600 people one time" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team", - "clean_sent": "When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team", - "sent_lower": "when time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "when", - "time", - "constraints", - "mean", - "that", - "larger", - "numbers", - "must", - "be", - "dealt", - "with", - "in", - "a", - "short", - "period", - "of", - "time", - "two", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "may", - "be", - "constructed", - "simultaneously", - "and", - "managed", - "by", - "the", - "same", - "team" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "time", - "constraints", - "mean", - "larger", - "numbers", - "must", - "dealt", - "short", - "period", - "time", - "two", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "may", - "constructed", - "simultaneously", - "managed", - "team" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "time", - "constraint", - "mean", - "larger", - "number", - "must", - "dealt", - "short", - "period", - "time", - "two", - "demobilization", - "site", - "may", - "constructed", - "simultaneously", - "managed", - "team" - ], - "new_sentence": "time constraint mean larger number must dealt short period time two demobilization site may constructed simultaneously managed team" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time", - "clean_sent": "In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time", - "sent_lower": "in order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "order", - "to", - "optimize", - "the", - "use", - "of", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "and", - "avoid", - "bottlenecks", - "an", - "operational", - "plan", - "should", - "be", - "developed", - "that", - "contains", - "methods", - "for", - "controlling", - "the", - "number", - "and", - "flow", - "of", - "people", - "to", - "be", - "demobilized", - "at", - "any", - "particular", - "time" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "order", - "optimize", - "use", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "avoid", - "bottlenecks", - "operational", - "plan", - "developed", - "contains", - "methods", - "controlling", - "number", - "flow", - "people", - "demobilized", - "particular", - "time" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "order", - "optimize", - "use", - "demobilization", - "site", - "avoid", - "bottleneck", - "operational", - "plan", - "developed", - "contains", - "method", - "controlling", - "number", - "flow", - "people", - "demobilized", - "particular", - "time" - ], - "new_sentence": "order optimize use demobilization site avoid bottleneck operational plan developed contains method controlling number flow people demobilized particular time" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency", - "clean_sent": "Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency", - "sent_lower": "carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "carrying", - "out", - "demobilization", - "in", - "phases", - "is", - "one", - "option", - "to", - "increase", - "efficiency" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "carrying", - "demobilization", - "phases", - "one", - "option", - "increase", - "efficiency" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "carrying", - "demobilization", - "phase", - "one", - "option", - "increase", - "efficiency" - ], - "new_sentence": "carrying demobilization phase one option increase efficiency" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases", - "clean_sent": "This process may include a pilot test phase which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases", - "sent_lower": "this process may include a pilot test phase which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "this", - "process", - "may", - "include", - "a", - "pilot", - "test", - "phase", - "which", - "makes", - "it", - "possible", - "to", - "learn", - "from", - "mistakes", - "in", - "the", - "early", - "phases", - "and", - "adapt", - "the", - "process", - "so", - "as", - "to", - "improve", - "performance", - "in", - "later", - "phases" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "process", - "may", - "include", - "pilot", - "test", - "phase", - "makes", - "possible", - "learn", - "mistakes", - "early", - "phases", - "adapt", - "process", - "improve", - "performance", - "later", - "phases" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "process", - "may", - "include", - "pilot", - "test", - "phase", - "make", - "possible", - "learn", - "mistake", - "early", - "phase", - "adapt", - "process", - "improve", - "performance", - "later", - "phase" - ], - "new_sentence": "process may include pilot test phase make possible learn mistake early phase adapt process improve performance later phase" - }, - { - "Index": 56, - "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 57, - "Paragraph": "Families often accompany combatants to cantonment sites. Where necessary, camps that are close to cantonment sites may be established for family members. Alternatively, transport may be provided for family members to return to their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Families often accompany combatants to cantonment sites", - "clean_sent": "Families often accompany combatants to cantonment sites", - "sent_lower": "families often accompany combatants to cantonment sites", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "families", - "often", - "accompany", - "combatants", - "to", - "cantonment", - "sites" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "families", - "often", - "accompany", - "combatants", - "cantonment", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "family", - "often", - "accompany", - "combatant", - "cantonment", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "family often accompany combatant cantonment site" - }, - { - "Index": 57, - "Paragraph": "Families often accompany combatants to cantonment sites. Where necessary, camps that are close to cantonment sites may be established for family members. Alternatively, transport may be provided for family members to return to their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Where necessary, camps that are close to cantonment sites may be established for family members", - "clean_sent": "Where necessary camps that are close to cantonment sites may be established for family members", - "sent_lower": "where necessary camps that are close to cantonment sites may be established for family members", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "where", - "necessary", - "camps", - "that", - "are", - "close", - "to", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "may", - "be", - "established", - "for", - "family", - "members" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "necessary", - "camps", - "close", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "may", - "established", - "family", - "members" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "necessary", - "camp", - "close", - "cantonment", - "site", - "may", - "established", - "family", - "member" - ], - "new_sentence": "necessary camp close cantonment site may established family member" - }, - { - "Index": 57, - "Paragraph": "Families often accompany combatants to cantonment sites. Where necessary, camps that are close to cantonment sites may be established for family members. Alternatively, transport may be provided for family members to return to their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Alternatively, transport may be provided for family members to return to their communities", - "clean_sent": "Alternatively transport may be provided for family members to return to their communities", - "sent_lower": "alternatively transport may be provided for family members to return to their communities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "alternatively", - "transport", - "may", - "be", - "provided", - "for", - "family", - "members", - "to", - "return", - "to", - "their", - "communities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "alternatively", - "transport", - "may", - "provided", - "family", - "members", - "return", - "communities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "alternatively", - "transport", - "may", - "provided", - "family", - "member", - "return", - "community" - ], - "new_sentence": "alternatively transport may provided family member return community" - }, - { - "Index": 57, - "Paragraph": "Families often accompany combatants to cantonment sites. Where necessary, camps that are close to cantonment sites may be established for family members. Alternatively, transport may be provided for family members to return to their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e", - "clean_sent": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization e", - "sent_lower": "the duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization e", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "duration", - "of", - "demobilization", - "will", - "depend", - "on", - "the", - "time", - "that", - "is", - "needed", - "to", - "complete", - "the", - "activities", - "planned", - "during", - "demobilization", - "e" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "duration", - "demobilization", - "depend", - "time", - "needed", - "complete", - "activities", - "planned", - "demobilization", - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "duration", - "demobilization", - "depend", - "time", - "needed", - "complete", - "activity", - "planned", - "demobilization", - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": "duration demobilization depend time needed complete activity planned demobilization e" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "g", - "clean_sent": "g", - "sent_lower": "g", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "g" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "g" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "g" - ], - "new_sentence": "g" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", screening, profiling, awareness raising)", - "clean_sent": " screening profiling awareness raising", - "sent_lower": " screening profiling awareness raising", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "", - "screening", - "profiling", - "awareness", - "raising" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "", - "screening", - "profiling", - "awareness", - "raising" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "screening", - "profiling", - "awareness", - "raising" - ], - "new_sentence": " screening profiling awareness raising" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible", - "clean_sent": "Generally speaking the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible", - "sent_lower": "generally speaking the demobilization component of a ddr process should be as short as possible", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "generally", - "speaking", - "the", - "demobilization", - "component", - "of", - "a", - "ddr", - "process", - "should", - "be", - "as", - "short", - "as", - "possible" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "generally", - "speaking", - "demobilization", - "component", - "ddr", - "process", - "short", - "possible" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "generally", - "speaking", - "demobilization", - "component", - "ddr", - "process", - "short", - "possible" - ], - "new_sentence": "generally speaking demobilization component ddr process short possible" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days", - "clean_sent": "At temporary demobilization sites it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days", - "sent_lower": "at temporary demobilization sites it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "at", - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "it", - "may", - "be", - "possible", - "to", - "process", - "individuals", - "in", - "one", - "or", - "two", - "days" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "may", - "possible", - "process", - "individuals", - "one", - "two", - "days" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "temporary", - "demobilization", - "site", - "may", - "possible", - "process", - "individual", - "one", - "two", - "day" - ], - "new_sentence": "temporary demobilization site may possible process individual one two day" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month", - "clean_sent": "If semipermanent demobilization sites have been constructed cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month", - "sent_lower": "if semipermanent demobilization sites have been constructed cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "have", - "been", - "constructed", - "cantonment", - "should", - "be", - "kept", - "as", - "short", - "as", - "possible", - "", - "", - "from", - "one", - "week", - "to", - "a", - "maximum", - "of", - "one", - "month" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "constructed", - "cantonment", - "kept", - "short", - "possible", - "", - "", - "one", - "week", - "maximum", - "one", - "month" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "semipermanent", - "demobilization", - "site", - "constructed", - "cantonment", - "kept", - "short", - "possible", - "", - "", - "one", - "week", - "maximum", - "one", - "month" - ], - "new_sentence": "semipermanent demobilization site constructed cantonment kept short possible one week maximum one month" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life", - "clean_sent": "DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life", - "sent_lower": "ddr practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "should", - "also", - "seek", - "to", - "ensure", - "that", - "the", - "conditions", - "at", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "are", - "equivalent", - "to", - "those", - "in", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "also", - "seek", - "ensure", - "conditions", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "equivalent", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "also", - "seek", - "ensure", - "condition", - "demobilization", - "site", - "equivalent", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "ddr practitioner also seek ensure condition demobilization site equivalent civilian life" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave", - "clean_sent": "If this is the case then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave", - "sent_lower": "if this is the case then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "this", - "is", - "the", - "case", - "then", - "it", - "is", - "less", - "likely", - "that", - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "will", - "be", - "reluctant", - "to", - "leave" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "case", - "less", - "likely", - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "reluctant", - "leave" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "case", - "le", - "likely", - "demobilized", - "individual", - "reluctant", - "leave" - ], - "new_sentence": "case le likely demobilized individual reluctant leave" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion or community violence reduction as a stopgap measure and reintegration are ready to be put into operation", - "sent_lower": "demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion or community violence reduction as a stopgap measure and reintegration are ready to be put into operation", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "should", - "not", - "begin", - "until", - "plans", - "for", - "reinsertion", - "or", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "as", - "a", - "stopgap", - "measure", - "and", - "reintegration", - "are", - "ready", - "to", - "be", - "put", - "into", - "operation" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "begin", - "plans", - "reinsertion", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "stopgap", - "measure", - "reintegration", - "ready", - "put", - "operation" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "begin", - "plan", - "reinsertion", - "community", - "violence", - "reduction", - "stopgap", - "measure", - "reintegration", - "ready", - "put", - "operation" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization begin plan reinsertion community violence reduction stopgap measure reintegration ready put operation" - }, - { - "Index": 58, - "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 18, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 59, - "Paragraph": "The manager of the demobilization site and his\/her support team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin. In semi-permanent sites, where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month, DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site. Group leaders, including women, should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour. A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.5 Managing a demobilization site", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The manager of the demobilization site and his\/her support team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin", - "clean_sent": "The manager of the demobilization site and hisher support team are responsible for the daytoday running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin", - "sent_lower": "the manager of the demobilization site and hisher support team are responsible for the daytoday running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "manager", - "of", - "the", - "demobilization", - "site", - "and", - "hisher", - "support", - "team", - "are", - "responsible", - "for", - "the", - "daytoday", - "running", - "of", - "the", - "site", - "and", - "should", - "be", - "trained", - "before", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "begin" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "manager", - "demobilization", - "site", - "hisher", - "support", - "team", - "responsible", - "daytoday", - "running", - "site", - "trained", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "begin" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "manager", - "demobilization", - "site", - "hisher", - "support", - "team", - "responsible", - "daytoday", - "running", - "site", - "trained", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "begin" - ], - "new_sentence": "manager demobilization site hisher support team responsible daytoday running site trained demobilization operation begin" - }, - { - "Index": 59, - "Paragraph": "The manager of the demobilization site and his\/her support team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin. In semi-permanent sites, where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month, DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site. Group leaders, including women, should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour. A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.5 Managing a demobilization site", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In semi-permanent sites, where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month, DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site", - "clean_sent": "In semipermanent sites where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site", - "sent_lower": "in semipermanent sites where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month ddr practitioners should consider involving ddr participants in the management of the site", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "semipermanent", - "sites", - "where", - "those", - "who", - "demobilize", - "may", - "reside", - "for", - "up", - "to", - "one", - "month", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "should", - "consider", - "involving", - "ddr", - "participants", - "in", - "the", - "management", - "of", - "the", - "site" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "semipermanent", - "sites", - "demobilize", - "may", - "reside", - "one", - "month", - "ddr", - "practitioners", - "consider", - "involving", - "ddr", - "participants", - "management", - "site" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "semipermanent", - "site", - "demobilize", - "may", - "reside", - "one", - "month", - "ddr", - "practitioner", - "consider", - "involving", - "ddr", - "participant", - "management", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "semipermanent site demobilize may reside one month ddr practitioner consider involving ddr participant management site" - }, - { - "Index": 59, - "Paragraph": "The manager of the demobilization site and his\/her support team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin. In semi-permanent sites, where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month, DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site. Group leaders, including women, should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour. A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.5 Managing a demobilization site", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Group leaders, including women, should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour", - "clean_sent": "Group leaders including women should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour", - "sent_lower": "group leaders including women should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "group", - "leaders", - "including", - "women", - "should", - "be", - "chosen", - "and", - "given", - "the", - "responsibility", - "of", - "reporting", - "any", - "misbehaviour" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "group", - "leaders", - "including", - "women", - "chosen", - "given", - "responsibility", - "reporting", - "misbehaviour" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "group", - "leader", - "including", - "woman", - "chosen", - "given", - "responsibility", - "reporting", - "misbehaviour" - ], - "new_sentence": "group leader including woman chosen given responsibility reporting misbehaviour" - }, - { - "Index": 59, - "Paragraph": "The manager of the demobilization site and his\/her support team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin. In semi-permanent sites, where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month, DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site. Group leaders, including women, should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour. A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.5 Managing a demobilization site", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise", - "clean_sent": "A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise", - "sent_lower": "a mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "a", - "mechanism", - "should", - "also", - "exist", - "between", - "group", - "leaders", - "and", - "staff", - "that", - "will", - "enable", - "arbitration", - "to", - "take", - "place", - "should", - "disputes", - "or", - "complaints", - "arise" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "mechanism", - "also", - "exist", - "group", - "leaders", - "staff", - "enable", - "arbitration", - "take", - "place", - "disputes", - "complaints", - "arise" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "mechanism", - "also", - "exist", - "group", - "leader", - "staff", - "enable", - "arbitration", - "take", - "place", - "dispute", - "complaint", - "arise" - ], - "new_sentence": "mechanism also exist group leader staff enable arbitration take place dispute complaint arise" - }, - { - "Index": 59, - "Paragraph": "The manager of the demobilization site and his\/her support team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin. In semi-permanent sites, where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month, DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site. Group leaders, including women, should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour. A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", - "Heading3": "5.3.5 Managing a demobilization site", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 60, - "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries", - "clean_sent": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel as well as to participants and beneficiaries", - "sent_lower": "a comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the ddr programme and its personnel as well as to participants and beneficiaries", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "a", - "comprehensive", - "risk", - "and", - "security", - "assessment", - "should", - "be", - "conducted", - "to", - "inform", - "the", - "planning", - "of", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "and", - "identify", - "threats", - "to", - "the", - "ddr", - "programme", - "and", - "its", - "personnel", - "as", - "well", - "as", - "to", - "participants", - "and", - "beneficiaries" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "comprehensive", - "risk", - "security", - "assessment", - "conducted", - "inform", - "planning", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "identify", - "threats", - "ddr", - "programme", - "personnel", - "well", - "participants", - "beneficiaries" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "comprehensive", - "risk", - "security", - "assessment", - "conducted", - "inform", - "planning", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "identify", - "threat", - "ddr", - "programme", - "personnel", - "well", - "participant", - "beneficiary" - ], - "new_sentence": "comprehensive risk security assessment conducted inform planning demobilization operation identify threat ddr programme personnel well participant beneficiary" - }, - { - "Index": 60, - "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken)", - "clean_sent": "The assessment should identify the tolerable risk the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken", - "sent_lower": "the assessment should identify the tolerable risk the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "assessment", - "should", - "identify", - "the", - "tolerable", - "risk", - "the", - "risk", - "accepted", - "by", - "society", - "in", - "a", - "given", - "context", - "based", - "on", - "current", - "values", - "and", - "then", - "identify", - "the", - "protective", - "measures", - "necessary", - "to", - "achieve", - "a", - "residual", - "risk", - "the", - "risk", - "remaining", - "after", - "protective", - "measures", - "have", - "been", - "taken" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "assessment", - "identify", - "tolerable", - "risk", - "risk", - "accepted", - "society", - "given", - "context", - "based", - "current", - "values", - "identify", - "protective", - "measures", - "necessary", - "achieve", - "residual", - "risk", - "risk", - "remaining", - "protective", - "measures", - "taken" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "assessment", - "identify", - "tolerable", - "risk", - "risk", - "accepted", - "society", - "given", - "context", - "based", - "current", - "value", - "identify", - "protective", - "measure", - "necessary", - "achieve", - "residual", - "risk", - "risk", - "remaining", - "protective", - "measure", - "taken" - ], - "new_sentence": "assessment identify tolerable risk risk accepted society given context based current value identify protective measure necessary achieve residual risk risk remaining protective measure taken" - }, - { - "Index": 60, - "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered", - "clean_sent": "Risks related to women youth children dependants and other specificneeds groups should also be considered", - "sent_lower": "risks related to women youth children dependants and other specificneeds groups should also be considered", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "risks", - "related", - "to", - "women", - "youth", - "children", - "dependants", - "and", - "other", - "specificneeds", - "groups", - "should", - "also", - "be", - "considered" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "risks", - "related", - "women", - "youth", - "children", - "dependants", - "specificneeds", - "groups", - "also", - "considered" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "risk", - "related", - "woman", - "youth", - "child", - "dependant", - "specificneeds", - "group", - "also", - "considered" - ], - "new_sentence": "risk related woman youth child dependant specificneeds group also considered" - }, - { - "Index": 60, - "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them", - "clean_sent": "In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them", - "sent_lower": "in developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "developing", - "this", - "", - "safe", - "", - "working", - "environment", - "it", - "must", - "be", - "acknowledged", - "that", - "there", - "can", - "be", - "no", - "absolute", - "safety", - "and", - "that", - "many", - "of", - "the", - "activities", - "carried", - "out", - "during", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "have", - "a", - "high", - "risk", - "associated", - "with", - "them" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "developing", - "", - "safe", - "", - "working", - "environment", - "must", - "acknowledged", - "absolute", - "safety", - "many", - "activities", - "carried", - "demobilization", - "operations", - "high", - "risk", - "associated" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "developing", - "", - "safe", - "", - "working", - "environment", - "must", - "acknowledged", - "absolute", - "safety", - "many", - "activity", - "carried", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "high", - "risk", - "associated" - ], - "new_sentence": "developing safe working environment must acknowledged absolute safety many activity carried demobilization operation high risk associated" - }, - { - "Index": 60, - "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety", - "clean_sent": "However national authorities international organizations and nongovernmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety", - "sent_lower": "however national authorities international organizations and nongovernmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "however", - "national", - "authorities", - "international", - "organizations", - "and", - "nongovernmental", - "organizations", - "must", - "try", - "to", - "achieve", - "the", - "highest", - "possible", - "levels", - "of", - "safety" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "however", - "national", - "authorities", - "international", - "organizations", - "nongovernmental", - "organizations", - "must", - "try", - "achieve", - "highest", - "possible", - "levels", - "safety" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "however", - "national", - "authority", - "international", - "organization", - "nongovernmental", - "organization", - "must", - "try", - "achieve", - "highest", - "possible", - "level", - "safety" - ], - "new_sentence": "however national authority international organization nongovernmental organization must try achieve highest possible level safety" - }, - { - "Index": 60, - "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 61, - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilization site personnel: The personnel who staff demobilization sites may be targeted by armed groups that have not signed on to the peace agreement.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Attacks on demobilization site personnel: The personnel who staff demobilization sites may be targeted by armed groups that have not signed on to the peace agreement", - "clean_sent": "Attacks on demobilization site personnel The personnel who staff demobilization sites may be targeted by armed groups that have not signed on to the peace agreement", - "sent_lower": "attacks on demobilization site personnel the personnel who staff demobilization sites may be targeted by armed groups that have not signed on to the peace agreement", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "attacks", - "on", - "demobilization", - "site", - "personnel", - "the", - "personnel", - "who", - "staff", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "may", - "be", - "targeted", - "by", - "armed", - "groups", - "that", - "have", - "not", - "signed", - "on", - "to", - "the", - "peace", - "agreement" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "attacks", - "demobilization", - "site", - "personnel", - "personnel", - "staff", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "may", - "targeted", - "armed", - "groups", - "signed", - "peace", - "agreement" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "attack", - "demobilization", - "site", - "personnel", - "personnel", - "staff", - "demobilization", - "site", - "may", - "targeted", - "armed", - "group", - "signed", - "peace", - "agreement" - ], - "new_sentence": "attack demobilization site personnel personnel staff demobilization site may targeted armed group signed peace agreement" - }, - { - "Index": 61, - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilization site personnel: The personnel who staff demobilization sites may be targeted by armed groups that have not signed on to the peace agreement.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 62, - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting. In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize. In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members. If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them. The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting", - "clean_sent": "Attacks on demobilized individuals In some instances peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting", - "sent_lower": "attacks on demobilized individuals in some instances peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture with some parts of the group opting to enter ddr while others continue fighting", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "attacks", - "on", - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "in", - "some", - "instances", - "peace", - "agreements", - "may", - "cause", - "armed", - "groups", - "to", - "fracture", - "with", - "some", - "parts", - "of", - "the", - "group", - "opting", - "to", - "enter", - "ddr", - "while", - "others", - "continue", - "fighting" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "attacks", - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "instances", - "peace", - "agreements", - "may", - "cause", - "armed", - "groups", - "fracture", - "parts", - "group", - "opting", - "enter", - "ddr", - "others", - "continue", - "fighting" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "attack", - "demobilized", - "individual", - "instance", - "peace", - "agreement", - "may", - "cause", - "armed", - "group", - "fracture", - "part", - "group", - "opting", - "enter", - "ddr", - "others", - "continue", - "fighting" - ], - "new_sentence": "attack demobilized individual instance peace agreement may cause armed group fracture part group opting enter ddr others continue fighting" - }, - { - "Index": 62, - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting. In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize. In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members. If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them. The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize", - "clean_sent": "In these instances those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize", - "sent_lower": "in these instances those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "these", - "instances", - "those", - "who", - "favour", - "continued", - "armed", - "conflict", - "may", - "retaliate", - "against", - "individuals", - "who", - "demobilize" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "instances", - "favour", - "continued", - "armed", - "conflict", - "may", - "retaliate", - "individuals", - "demobilize" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "instance", - "favour", - "continued", - "armed", - "conflict", - "may", - "retaliate", - "individual", - "demobilize" - ], - "new_sentence": "instance favour continued armed conflict may retaliate individual demobilize" - }, - { - "Index": 62, - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting. In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize. In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members. If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them. The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members", - "clean_sent": "In some cases active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members", - "sent_lower": "in some cases active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "some", - "cases", - "active", - "armed", - "groups", - "may", - "approach", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "with", - "the", - "aim", - "of", - "retrieving", - "their", - "former", - "members" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "cases", - "active", - "armed", - "groups", - "may", - "approach", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "aim", - "retrieving", - "former", - "members" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "case", - "active", - "armed", - "group", - "may", - "approach", - "demobilization", - "site", - "aim", - "retrieving", - "former", - "member" - ], - "new_sentence": "case active armed group may approach demobilization site aim retrieving former member" - }, - { - "Index": 62, - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting. In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize. In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members. If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them. The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them", - "clean_sent": "If demobilized individuals have already returned home members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly rerecruit them", - "sent_lower": "if demobilized individuals have already returned home members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly rerecruit them", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "have", - "already", - "returned", - "home", - "members", - "of", - "active", - "armed", - "groups", - "may", - "attempt", - "to", - "track", - "these", - "individuals", - "down", - "in", - "order", - "to", - "punish", - "or", - "forcibly", - "rerecruit", - "them" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "already", - "returned", - "home", - "members", - "active", - "armed", - "groups", - "may", - "attempt", - "track", - "individuals", - "order", - "punish", - "forcibly", - "rerecruit" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilized", - "individual", - "already", - "returned", - "home", - "member", - "active", - "armed", - "group", - "may", - "attempt", - "track", - "individual", - "order", - "punish", - "forcibly", - "rerecruit" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilized individual already returned home member active armed group may attempt track individual order punish forcibly rerecruit" - }, - { - "Index": 62, - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting. In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize. In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members. If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them. The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present", - "clean_sent": "The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present", - "sent_lower": "the family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "family", - "members", - "of", - "the", - "demobilized", - "may", - "also", - "be", - "subject", - "to", - "threats", - "and", - "attacks", - "particularly", - "if", - "they", - "reside", - "in", - "areas", - "where", - "members", - "of", - "their", - "family", - "member", - "s", - "former", - "group", - "are", - "still", - "present" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "family", - "members", - "demobilized", - "may", - "also", - "subject", - "threats", - "attacks", - "particularly", - "reside", - "areas", - "members", - "family", - "member", - "former", - "group", - "still", - "present" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "family", - "member", - "demobilized", - "may", - "also", - "subject", - "threat", - "attack", - "particularly", - "reside", - "area", - "member", - "family", - "member", - "former", - "group", - "still", - "present" - ], - "new_sentence": "family member demobilized may also subject threat attack particularly reside area member family member former group still present" - }, - { - "Index": 62, - "Paragraph": "Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting. In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize. In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members. If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them. The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 63, - "Paragraph": "Attacks on women and minority groups: Historically, SGBV against women and minority groups in cantonment sites has been high. It is essential that security and risk assessments take into consideration the specific vulnerabilities of women, identify minority groups who may also be at risk and provide additional security measures to ensure their safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Attacks on women and minority groups: Historically, SGBV against women and minority groups in cantonment sites has been high", - "clean_sent": "Attacks on women and minority groups Historically SGBV against women and minority groups in cantonment sites has been high", - "sent_lower": "attacks on women and minority groups historically sgbv against women and minority groups in cantonment sites has been high", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "attacks", - "on", - "women", - "and", - "minority", - "groups", - "historically", - "sgbv", - "against", - "women", - "and", - "minority", - "groups", - "in", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "has", - "been", - "high" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "attacks", - "women", - "minority", - "groups", - "historically", - "sgbv", - "women", - "minority", - "groups", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "high" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "attack", - "woman", - "minority", - "group", - "historically", - "sgbv", - "woman", - "minority", - "group", - "cantonment", - "site", - "high" - ], - "new_sentence": "attack woman minority group historically sgbv woman minority group cantonment site high" - }, - { - "Index": 63, - "Paragraph": "Attacks on women and minority groups: Historically, SGBV against women and minority groups in cantonment sites has been high. It is essential that security and risk assessments take into consideration the specific vulnerabilities of women, identify minority groups who may also be at risk and provide additional security measures to ensure their safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "It is essential that security and risk assessments take into consideration the specific vulnerabilities of women, identify minority groups who may also be at risk and provide additional security measures to ensure their safety", - "clean_sent": "It is essential that security and risk assessments take into consideration the specific vulnerabilities of women identify minority groups who may also be at risk and provide additional security measures to ensure their safety", - "sent_lower": "it is essential that security and risk assessments take into consideration the specific vulnerabilities of women identify minority groups who may also be at risk and provide additional security measures to ensure their safety", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "it", - "is", - "essential", - "that", - "security", - "and", - "risk", - "assessments", - "take", - "into", - "consideration", - "the", - "specific", - "vulnerabilities", - "of", - "women", - "identify", - "minority", - "groups", - "who", - "may", - "also", - "be", - "at", - "risk", - "and", - "provide", - "additional", - "security", - "measures", - "to", - "ensure", - "their", - "safety" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "essential", - "security", - "risk", - "assessments", - "take", - "consideration", - "specific", - "vulnerabilities", - "women", - "identify", - "minority", - "groups", - "may", - "also", - "risk", - "provide", - "additional", - "security", - "measures", - "ensure", - "safety" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "essential", - "security", - "risk", - "assessment", - "take", - "consideration", - "specific", - "vulnerability", - "woman", - "identify", - "minority", - "group", - "may", - "also", - "risk", - "provide", - "additional", - "security", - "measure", - "ensure", - "safety" - ], - "new_sentence": "essential security risk assessment take consideration specific vulnerability woman identify minority group may also risk provide additional security measure ensure safety" - }, - { - "Index": 63, - "Paragraph": "Attacks on women and minority groups: Historically, SGBV against women and minority groups in cantonment sites has been high. It is essential that security and risk assessments take into consideration the specific vulnerabilities of women, identify minority groups who may also be at risk and provide additional security measures to ensure their safety.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 19, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 64, - "Paragraph": "Attacks on individuals transporting and receiving reinsertion support: Security risks are associated with the transportation of cash and commodities that can be easily seized by armed individuals. If it is known that demobilized individuals will receive cash and\/or commodities at a certain time and\/or place, it may make them targets for robbery.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Attacks on individuals transporting and receiving reinsertion support: Security risks are associated with the transportation of cash and commodities that can be easily seized by armed individuals", - "clean_sent": "Attacks on individuals transporting and receiving reinsertion support Security risks are associated with the transportation of cash and commodities that can be easily seized by armed individuals", - "sent_lower": "attacks on individuals transporting and receiving reinsertion support security risks are associated with the transportation of cash and commodities that can be easily seized by armed individuals", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "attacks", - "on", - "individuals", - "transporting", - "and", - "receiving", - "reinsertion", - "support", - "security", - "risks", - "are", - "associated", - "with", - "the", - "transportation", - "of", - "cash", - "and", - "commodities", - "that", - "can", - "be", - "easily", - "seized", - "by", - "armed", - "individuals" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "attacks", - "individuals", - "transporting", - "receiving", - "reinsertion", - "support", - "security", - "risks", - "associated", - "transportation", - "cash", - "commodities", - "easily", - "seized", - "armed", - "individuals" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "attack", - "individual", - "transporting", - "receiving", - "reinsertion", - "support", - "security", - "risk", - "associated", - "transportation", - "cash", - "commodity", - "easily", - "seized", - "armed", - "individual" - ], - "new_sentence": "attack individual transporting receiving reinsertion support security risk associated transportation cash commodity easily seized armed individual" - }, - { - "Index": 64, - "Paragraph": "Attacks on individuals transporting and receiving reinsertion support: Security risks are associated with the transportation of cash and commodities that can be easily seized by armed individuals. If it is known that demobilized individuals will receive cash and\/or commodities at a certain time and\/or place, it may make them targets for robbery.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If it is known that demobilized individuals will receive cash and\/or commodities at a certain time and\/or place, it may make them targets for robbery", - "clean_sent": "If it is known that demobilized individuals will receive cash andor commodities at a certain time andor place it may make them targets for robbery", - "sent_lower": "if it is known that demobilized individuals will receive cash andor commodities at a certain time andor place it may make them targets for robbery", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "it", - "is", - "known", - "that", - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "will", - "receive", - "cash", - "andor", - "commodities", - "at", - "a", - "certain", - "time", - "andor", - "place", - "it", - "may", - "make", - "them", - "targets", - "for", - "robbery" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "known", - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "receive", - "cash", - "andor", - "commodities", - "certain", - "time", - "andor", - "place", - "may", - "make", - "targets", - "robbery" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "known", - "demobilized", - "individual", - "receive", - "cash", - "andor", - "commodity", - "certain", - "time", - "andor", - "place", - "may", - "make", - "target", - "robbery" - ], - "new_sentence": "known demobilized individual receive cash andor commodity certain time andor place may make target robbery" - }, - { - "Index": 64, - "Paragraph": "Attacks on individuals transporting and receiving reinsertion support: Security risks are associated with the transportation of cash and commodities that can be easily seized by armed individuals. If it is known that demobilized individuals will receive cash and\/or commodities at a certain time and\/or place, it may make them targets for robbery.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 65, - "Paragraph": "Unrest and criminality: If armed groups remain in demobilization sites (particularly cantonment sites) for long periods of time, perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme, these sites may become places of unrest, especially if food and water become scarce. Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process. This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State and\/or international community is reneging on previous promises. In these circumstances, demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Unrest and criminality: If armed groups remain in demobilization sites (particularly cantonment sites) for long periods of time, perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme, these sites may become places of unrest, especially if food and water become scarce", - "clean_sent": "Unrest and criminality If armed groups remain in demobilization sites particularly cantonment sites for long periods of time perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme these sites may become places of unrest especially if food and water become scarce", - "sent_lower": "unrest and criminality if armed groups remain in demobilization sites particularly cantonment sites for long periods of time perhaps because of delays in the ddr programme these sites may become places of unrest especially if food and water become scarce", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "unrest", - "and", - "criminality", - "if", - "armed", - "groups", - "remain", - "in", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "particularly", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "for", - "long", - "periods", - "of", - "time", - "perhaps", - "because", - "of", - "delays", - "in", - "the", - "ddr", - "programme", - "these", - "sites", - "may", - "become", - "places", - "of", - "unrest", - "especially", - "if", - "food", - "and", - "water", - "become", - "scarce" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "unrest", - "criminality", - "armed", - "groups", - "remain", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "particularly", - "cantonment", - "sites", - "long", - "periods", - "time", - "perhaps", - "delays", - "ddr", - "programme", - "sites", - "may", - "become", - "places", - "unrest", - "especially", - "food", - "water", - "become", - "scarce" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "unrest", - "criminality", - "armed", - "group", - "remain", - "demobilization", - "site", - "particularly", - "cantonment", - "site", - "long", - "period", - "time", - "perhaps", - "delay", - "ddr", - "programme", - "site", - "may", - "become", - "place", - "unrest", - "especially", - "food", - "water", - "become", - "scarce" - ], - "new_sentence": "unrest criminality armed group remain demobilization site particularly cantonment site long period time perhaps delay ddr programme site may become place unrest especially food water become scarce" - }, - { - "Index": 65, - "Paragraph": "Unrest and criminality: If armed groups remain in demobilization sites (particularly cantonment sites) for long periods of time, perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme, these sites may become places of unrest, especially if food and water become scarce. Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process. This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State and\/or international community is reneging on previous promises. In these circumstances, demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process", - "clean_sent": "Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process", - "sent_lower": "demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "demobilization", - "delays", - "can", - "lead", - "to", - "mutinies", - "by", - "combatants", - "and", - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "as", - "they", - "lose", - "trust", - "in", - "the", - "process" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "delays", - "lead", - "mutinies", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "lose", - "trust", - "process" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "delay", - "lead", - "mutiny", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "lose", - "trust", - "process" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization delay lead mutiny combatant person associated armed force group lose trust process" - }, - { - "Index": 65, - "Paragraph": "Unrest and criminality: If armed groups remain in demobilization sites (particularly cantonment sites) for long periods of time, perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme, these sites may become places of unrest, especially if food and water become scarce. Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process. This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State and\/or international community is reneging on previous promises. In these circumstances, demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State and\/or international community is reneging on previous promises", - "clean_sent": "This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State andor international community is reneging on previous promises", - "sent_lower": "this is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the state andor international community is reneging on previous promises", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "this", - "is", - "especially", - "true", - "if", - "demobilizing", - "individuals", - "begin", - "to", - "feel", - "that", - "the", - "state", - "andor", - "international", - "community", - "is", - "reneging", - "on", - "previous", - "promises" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "especially", - "true", - "demobilizing", - "individuals", - "begin", - "feel", - "state", - "andor", - "international", - "community", - "reneging", - "previous", - "promises" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "especially", - "true", - "demobilizing", - "individual", - "begin", - "feel", - "state", - "andor", - "international", - "community", - "reneging", - "previous", - "promise" - ], - "new_sentence": "especially true demobilizing individual begin feel state andor international community reneging previous promise" - }, - { - "Index": 65, - "Paragraph": "Unrest and criminality: If armed groups remain in demobilization sites (particularly cantonment sites) for long periods of time, perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme, these sites may become places of unrest, especially if food and water become scarce. Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process. This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State and\/or international community is reneging on previous promises. In these circumstances, demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In these circumstances, demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel", - "clean_sent": "In these circumstances demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel", - "sent_lower": "in these circumstances demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "these", - "circumstances", - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "may", - "resort", - "to", - "criminality", - "in", - "nearby", - "communities", - "or", - "mount", - "protests", - "against", - "demobilization", - "personnel" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "circumstances", - "demobilized", - "individuals", - "may", - "resort", - "criminality", - "nearby", - "communities", - "mount", - "protests", - "demobilization", - "personnel" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "circumstance", - "demobilized", - "individual", - "may", - "resort", - "criminality", - "nearby", - "community", - "mount", - "protest", - "demobilization", - "personnel" - ], - "new_sentence": "circumstance demobilized individual may resort criminality nearby community mount protest demobilization personnel" - }, - { - "Index": 65, - "Paragraph": "Unrest and criminality: If armed groups remain in demobilization sites (particularly cantonment sites) for long periods of time, perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme, these sites may become places of unrest, especially if food and water become scarce. Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process. This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State and\/or international community is reneging on previous promises. In these circumstances, demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 66, - "Paragraph": "Recruitment: Armed forces and groups may use the prospect of demobilization (and associated reinsertion benefits) as an incentive to recruit civilians.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Recruitment: Armed forces and groups may use the prospect of demobilization (and associated reinsertion benefits) as an incentive to recruit civilians", - "clean_sent": "Recruitment Armed forces and groups may use the prospect of demobilization and associated reinsertion benefits as an incentive to recruit civilians", - "sent_lower": "recruitment armed forces and groups may use the prospect of demobilization and associated reinsertion benefits as an incentive to recruit civilians", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "recruitment", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "may", - "use", - "the", - "prospect", - "of", - "demobilization", - "and", - "associated", - "reinsertion", - "benefits", - "as", - "an", - "incentive", - "to", - "recruit", - "civilians" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "recruitment", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "may", - "use", - "prospect", - "demobilization", - "associated", - "reinsertion", - "benefits", - "incentive", - "recruit", - "civilians" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "recruitment", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "may", - "use", - "prospect", - "demobilization", - "associated", - "reinsertion", - "benefit", - "incentive", - "recruit", - "civilian" - ], - "new_sentence": "recruitment armed force group may use prospect demobilization associated reinsertion benefit incentive recruit civilian" - }, - { - "Index": 66, - "Paragraph": "Recruitment: Armed forces and groups may use the prospect of demobilization (and associated reinsertion benefits) as an incentive to recruit civilians.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 67, - "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:\nInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;\nFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;\nInclude provisions for childcare;\nBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;\nProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;\nEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women", - "clean_sent": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites whether temporary semipermanent or otherwise respond to the different needs of men and women", - "sent_lower": "action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites whether temporary semipermanent or otherwise respond to the different needs of men and women", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "action", - "should", - "be", - "taken", - "to", - "ensure", - "that", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "whether", - "temporary", - "semipermanent", - "or", - "otherwise", - "respond", - "to", - "the", - "different", - "needs", - "of", - "men", - "and", - "women" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "action", - "taken", - "ensure", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "whether", - "temporary", - "semipermanent", - "otherwise", - "respond", - "different", - "needs", - "men", - "women" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "action", - "taken", - "ensure", - "demobilization", - "site", - "whether", - "temporary", - "semipermanent", - "otherwise", - "respond", - "different", - "need", - "men", - "woman" - ], - "new_sentence": "action taken ensure demobilization site whether temporary semipermanent otherwise respond different need men woman" - }, - { - "Index": 67, - "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:\nInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;\nFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;\nInclude provisions for childcare;\nBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;\nProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;\nEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:Include separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women", - "clean_sent": "Gendersensitive demobilization sites shouldInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities with locks for men and women", - "sent_lower": "gendersensitive demobilization sites shouldinclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities with locks for men and women", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "gendersensitive", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "shouldinclude", - "separate", - "accommodation", - "and", - "sanitation", - "facilities", - "with", - "locks", - "for", - "men", - "and", - "women" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "gendersensitive", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "shouldinclude", - "separate", - "accommodation", - "sanitation", - "facilities", - "locks", - "men", - "women" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "gendersensitive", - "demobilization", - "site", - "shouldinclude", - "separate", - "accommodation", - "sanitation", - "facility", - "lock", - "men", - "woman" - ], - "new_sentence": "gendersensitive demobilization site shouldinclude separate accommodation sanitation facility lock men woman" - }, - { - "Index": 67, - "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:\nInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;\nFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;\nInclude provisions for childcare;\nBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;\nProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;\nEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;Feature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e", - "clean_sent": "In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set upFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs e", - "sent_lower": "in some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set upfeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs e", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "some", - "circumstances", - "these", - "separate", - "facilities", - "may", - "be", - "located", - "within", - "the", - "same", - "demobilization", - "site", - "or", - "separate", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "for", - "men", - "and", - "women", - "may", - "be", - "set", - "upfeature", - "sanitary", - "facilities", - "designed", - "to", - "ensure", - "women", - "s", - "privacy", - "and", - "support", - "their", - "hygiene", - "needs", - "e" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "circumstances", - "separate", - "facilities", - "may", - "located", - "within", - "demobilization", - "site", - "separate", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "men", - "women", - "may", - "set", - "upfeature", - "sanitary", - "facilities", - "designed", - "ensure", - "women", - "privacy", - "support", - "hygiene", - "needs", - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "circumstance", - "separate", - "facility", - "may", - "located", - "within", - "demobilization", - "site", - "separate", - "demobilization", - "site", - "men", - "woman", - "may", - "set", - "upfeature", - "sanitary", - "facility", - "designed", - "ensure", - "woman", - "privacy", - "support", - "hygiene", - "need", - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": "circumstance separate facility may located within demobilization site separate demobilization site men woman may set upfeature sanitary facility designed ensure woman privacy support hygiene need e" - }, - { - "Index": 67, - "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:\nInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;\nFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;\nInclude provisions for childcare;\nBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;\nProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;\nEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "g", - "clean_sent": "g", - "sent_lower": "g", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "g" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "g" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "g" - ], - "new_sentence": "g" - }, - { - "Index": 67, - "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:\nInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;\nFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;\nInclude provisions for childcare;\nBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;\nProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;\nEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;Include provisions for childcare;Be safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security)", - "clean_sent": " sanitary napkins as well as take into consideration cultural normsInclude provisions for childcareBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site including ensuring locks in facilities good lighting information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues and where possible the presence of female security guards and police for internal site security", - "sent_lower": " sanitary napkins as well as take into consideration cultural normsinclude provisions for childcarebe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site including ensuring locks in facilities good lighting information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues and where possible the presence of female security guards and police for internal site security", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "", - "sanitary", - "napkins", - "as", - "well", - "as", - "take", - "into", - "consideration", - "cultural", - "normsinclude", - "provisions", - "for", - "childcarebe", - "safe", - "for", - "women", - "and", - "recognize", - "and", - "deal", - "with", - "the", - "threat", - "of", - "sexual", - "violence", - "within", - "the", - "demobilization", - "site", - "including", - "ensuring", - "locks", - "in", - "facilities", - "good", - "lighting", - "information", - "provided", - "on", - "specific", - "contact", - "within", - "the", - "camp", - "to", - "address", - "women", - "s", - "security", - "incidents", - "and", - "issues", - "and", - "where", - "possible", - "the", - "presence", - "of", - "female", - "security", - "guards", - "and", - "police", - "for", - "internal", - "site", - "security" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "", - "sanitary", - "napkins", - "well", - "take", - "consideration", - "cultural", - "normsinclude", - "provisions", - "childcarebe", - "safe", - "women", - "recognize", - "deal", - "threat", - "sexual", - "violence", - "within", - "demobilization", - "site", - "including", - "ensuring", - "locks", - "facilities", - "good", - "lighting", - "information", - "provided", - "specific", - "contact", - "within", - "camp", - "address", - "women", - "security", - "incidents", - "issues", - "possible", - "presence", - "female", - "security", - "guards", - "police", - "internal", - "site", - "security" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "sanitary", - "napkin", - "well", - "take", - "consideration", - "cultural", - "normsinclude", - "provision", - "childcarebe", - "safe", - "woman", - "recognize", - "deal", - "threat", - "sexual", - "violence", - "within", - "demobilization", - "site", - "including", - "ensuring", - "lock", - "facility", - "good", - "lighting", - "information", - "provided", - "specific", - "contact", - "within", - "camp", - "address", - "woman", - "security", - "incident", - "issue", - "possible", - "presence", - "female", - "security", - "guard", - "police", - "internal", - "site", - "security" - ], - "new_sentence": " sanitary napkin well take consideration cultural normsinclude provision childcarebe safe woman recognize deal threat sexual violence within demobilization site including ensuring lock facility good lighting information provided specific contact within camp address woman security incident issue possible presence female security guard police internal site security" - }, - { - "Index": 67, - "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:\nInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;\nFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;\nInclude provisions for childcare;\nBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;\nProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;\nEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;Provide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;Ensure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": "If female security guards are not available male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment sexual violence prevention and gender sensitivity prior to deployment and there shall exist a clear and genderresponsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raisedProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant womenEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs including those women who have suffered SGBV and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites", - "sent_lower": "if female security guards are not available male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment sexual violence prevention and gender sensitivity prior to deployment and there shall exist a clear and genderresponsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raisedprovide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant womenensure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs including those women who have suffered sgbv and take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "female", - "security", - "guards", - "are", - "not", - "available", - "male", - "security", - "guards", - "shall", - "be", - "trained", - "on", - "sexual", - "exploitation", - "and", - "harassment", - "sexual", - "violence", - "prevention", - "and", - "gender", - "sensitivity", - "prior", - "to", - "deployment", - "and", - "there", - "shall", - "exist", - "a", - "clear", - "and", - "genderresponsive", - "system", - "at", - "the", - "demobilization", - "site", - "for", - "handling", - "any", - "complaints", - "by", - "women", - "against", - "security", - "guards", - "as", - "well", - "as", - "policies", - "that", - "call", - "for", - "the", - "immediate", - "removal", - "of", - "any", - "officer", - "about", - "whom", - "security", - "concerns", - "are", - "raisedprovide", - "for", - "the", - "specific", - "nutritional", - "needs", - "of", - "nursing", - "and", - "pregnant", - "womenensure", - "that", - "health", - "care", - "and", - "counselling", - "is", - "available", - "to", - "meet", - "women", - "s", - "specific", - "needs", - "including", - "those", - "women", - "who", - "have", - "suffered", - "sgbv", - "and", - "take", - "protective", - "measures", - "to", - "ensure", - "women", - "s", - "safety", - "during", - "transportation", - "to", - "and", - "from", - "the", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "female", - "security", - "guards", - "available", - "male", - "security", - "guards", - "shall", - "trained", - "sexual", - "exploitation", - "harassment", - "sexual", - "violence", - "prevention", - "gender", - "sensitivity", - "prior", - "deployment", - "shall", - "exist", - "clear", - "genderresponsive", - "system", - "demobilization", - "site", - "handling", - "complaints", - "women", - "security", - "guards", - "well", - "policies", - "call", - "immediate", - "removal", - "officer", - "security", - "concerns", - "raisedprovide", - "specific", - "nutritional", - "needs", - "nursing", - "pregnant", - "womenensure", - "health", - "care", - "counselling", - "available", - "meet", - "women", - "specific", - "needs", - "including", - "women", - "suffered", - "sgbv", - "take", - "protective", - "measures", - "ensure", - "women", - "safety", - "transportation", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "female", - "security", - "guard", - "available", - "male", - "security", - "guard", - "shall", - "trained", - "sexual", - "exploitation", - "harassment", - "sexual", - "violence", - "prevention", - "gender", - "sensitivity", - "prior", - "deployment", - "shall", - "exist", - "clear", - "genderresponsive", - "system", - "demobilization", - "site", - "handling", - "complaint", - "woman", - "security", - "guard", - "well", - "policy", - "call", - "immediate", - "removal", - "officer", - "security", - "concern", - "raisedprovide", - "specific", - "nutritional", - "need", - "nursing", - "pregnant", - "womenensure", - "health", - "care", - "counselling", - "available", - "meet", - "woman", - "specific", - "need", - "including", - "woman", - "suffered", - "sgbv", - "take", - "protective", - "measure", - "ensure", - "woman", - "safety", - "transportation", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "female security guard available male security guard shall trained sexual exploitation harassment sexual violence prevention gender sensitivity prior deployment shall exist clear genderresponsive system demobilization site handling complaint woman security guard well policy call immediate removal officer security concern raisedprovide specific nutritional need nursing pregnant womenensure health care counselling available meet woman specific need including woman suffered sgbv take protective measure ensure woman safety transportation demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 67, - "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should:\nInclude separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up;\nFeature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms;\nInclude provisions for childcare;\nBe safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised;\nProvide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women;\nEnsure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 20, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 68, - "Paragraph": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites. Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites. If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously. Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences. Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": "Where possible female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites", - "sent_lower": "where possible female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "where", - "possible", - "female", - "staff", - "should", - "receive", - "and", - "process", - "women", - "at", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "possible", - "female", - "staff", - "receive", - "process", - "women", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "possible", - "female", - "staff", - "receive", - "process", - "woman", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "possible female staff receive process woman demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 68, - "Paragraph": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites. Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites. If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously. Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences. Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites", - "clean_sent": "Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites", - "sent_lower": "gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "gender", - "balance", - "should", - "be", - "a", - "priority", - "among", - "the", - "staff", - "managing", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "gender", - "balance", - "priority", - "among", - "staff", - "managing", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "gender", - "balance", - "priority", - "among", - "staff", - "managing", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "gender balance priority among staff managing demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 68, - "Paragraph": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites. Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites. If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously. Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences. Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously", - "clean_sent": "If men do not see women in positions of authority they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously", - "sent_lower": "if men do not see women in positions of authority they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "if", - "men", - "do", - "not", - "see", - "women", - "in", - "positions", - "of", - "authority", - "they", - "are", - "less", - "likely", - "to", - "take", - "efforts", - "aimed", - "at", - "changing", - "their", - "attitudes", - "towards", - "traditional", - "gender", - "roles", - "and", - "women", - "s", - "empowerment", - "seriously" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "men", - "see", - "women", - "positions", - "authority", - "less", - "likely", - "take", - "efforts", - "aimed", - "changing", - "attitudes", - "towards", - "traditional", - "gender", - "roles", - "women", - "empowerment", - "seriously" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "men", - "see", - "woman", - "position", - "authority", - "le", - "likely", - "take", - "effort", - "aimed", - "changing", - "attitude", - "towards", - "traditional", - "gender", - "role", - "woman", - "empowerment", - "seriously" - ], - "new_sentence": "men see woman position authority le likely take effort aimed changing attitude towards traditional gender role woman empowerment seriously" - }, - { - "Index": 68, - "Paragraph": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites. Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites. If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously. Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences. Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences", - "clean_sent": "Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences", - "sent_lower": "screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "screening", - "and", - "profiling", - "tools", - "should", - "be", - "designed", - "to", - "be", - "responsive", - "to", - "women", - "s", - "specific", - "needs", - "and", - "experiences" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "screening", - "profiling", - "tools", - "designed", - "responsive", - "women", - "specific", - "needs", - "experiences" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "screening", - "profiling", - "tool", - "designed", - "responsive", - "woman", - "specific", - "need", - "experience" - ], - "new_sentence": "screening profiling tool designed responsive woman specific need experience" - }, - { - "Index": 68, - "Paragraph": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites. Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites. If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously. Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences. Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities", - "clean_sent": "Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities", - "sent_lower": "women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "women", - "should", - "also", - "have", - "the", - "same", - "opportunities", - "to", - "access", - "support", - "as", - "men", - "and", - "the", - "briefings", - "and", - "information", - "provided", - "should", - "include", - "specific", - "information", - "on", - "the", - "challenges", - "that", - "women", - "may", - "encounter", - "upon", - "reinsertion", - "into", - "their", - "communities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "women", - "also", - "opportunities", - "access", - "support", - "men", - "briefings", - "information", - "provided", - "include", - "specific", - "information", - "challenges", - "women", - "may", - "encounter", - "upon", - "reinsertion", - "communities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "woman", - "also", - "opportunity", - "access", - "support", - "men", - "briefing", - "information", - "provided", - "include", - "specific", - "information", - "challenge", - "woman", - "may", - "encounter", - "upon", - "reinsertion", - "community" - ], - "new_sentence": "woman also opportunity access support men briefing information provided include specific information challenge woman may encounter upon reinsertion community" - }, - { - "Index": 68, - "Paragraph": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites. Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites. If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously. Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences. Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 69, - "Paragraph": "As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities, briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life. Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support (see section 7), the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers. It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients, or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy. A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities, briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life", - "clean_sent": "As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life", - "sent_lower": "as women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "as", - "women", - "formerly", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "are", - "often", - "stigmatized", - "upon", - "return", - "to", - "their", - "communities", - "briefings", - "during", - "the", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "should", - "include", - "attention", - "to", - "safety", - "and", - "referrals", - "to", - "support", - "services", - "in", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "women", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "often", - "stigmatized", - "upon", - "return", - "communities", - "briefings", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "include", - "attention", - "safety", - "referrals", - "support", - "services", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "woman", - "formerly", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "often", - "stigmatized", - "upon", - "return", - "community", - "briefing", - "demobilization", - "operation", - "include", - "attention", - "safety", - "referral", - "support", - "service", - "civilian", - "life" - ], - "new_sentence": "woman formerly associated armed force group often stigmatized upon return community briefing demobilization operation include attention safety referral support service civilian life" - }, - { - "Index": 69, - "Paragraph": "As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities, briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life. Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support (see section 7), the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers. It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients, or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy. A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support (see section 7), the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers", - "clean_sent": "Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support see section 7 the delivery mechanism cash vouchers mobile money transfer should take into account potential protection issues and genderspecific barriers", - "sent_lower": "irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support see section 7 the delivery mechanism cash vouchers mobile money transfer should take into account potential protection issues and genderspecific barriers", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "irrespective", - "of", - "the", - "type", - "of", - "transfer", - "modality", - "that", - "has", - "been", - "selected", - "for", - "reinsertion", - "support", - "see", - "section", - "7", - "the", - "delivery", - "mechanism", - "cash", - "vouchers", - "mobile", - "money", - "transfer", - "should", - "take", - "into", - "account", - "potential", - "protection", - "issues", - "and", - "genderspecific", - "barriers" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "irrespective", - "type", - "transfer", - "modality", - "selected", - "reinsertion", - "support", - "see", - "section", - "7", - "delivery", - "mechanism", - "cash", - "vouchers", - "mobile", - "money", - "transfer", - "take", - "account", - "potential", - "protection", - "issues", - "genderspecific", - "barriers" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "irrespective", - "type", - "transfer", - "modality", - "selected", - "reinsertion", - "support", - "see", - "section", - "7", - "delivery", - "mechanism", - "cash", - "voucher", - "mobile", - "money", - "transfer", - "take", - "account", - "potential", - "protection", - "issue", - "genderspecific", - "barrier" - ], - "new_sentence": "irrespective type transfer modality selected reinsertion support see section 7 delivery mechanism cash voucher mobile money transfer take account potential protection issue genderspecific barrier" - }, - { - "Index": 69, - "Paragraph": "As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities, briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life. Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support (see section 7), the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers. It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients, or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy. A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients, or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy", - "clean_sent": "It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy", - "sent_lower": "it is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "it", - "is", - "important", - "that", - "the", - "delivery", - "mechanism", - "chosen", - "permits", - "women", - "to", - "access", - "their", - "entitlement", - "safely", - "and", - "confidently", - "without", - "being", - "exposed", - "to", - "the", - "risks", - "of", - "private", - "service", - "providers", - "abusing", - "their", - "power", - "over", - "recipients", - "or", - "encountering", - "difficulties", - "in", - "the", - "redemption", - "of", - "their", - "entitlement", - "because", - "of", - "numerical", - "or", - "financial", - "illiteracy" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "important", - "delivery", - "mechanism", - "chosen", - "permits", - "women", - "access", - "entitlement", - "safely", - "confidently", - "without", - "exposed", - "risks", - "private", - "service", - "providers", - "abusing", - "power", - "recipients", - "encountering", - "difficulties", - "redemption", - "entitlement", - "numerical", - "financial", - "illiteracy" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "important", - "delivery", - "mechanism", - "chosen", - "permit", - "woman", - "access", - "entitlement", - "safely", - "confidently", - "without", - "exposed", - "risk", - "private", - "service", - "provider", - "abusing", - "power", - "recipient", - "encountering", - "difficulty", - "redemption", - "entitlement", - "numerical", - "financial", - "illiteracy" - ], - "new_sentence": "important delivery mechanism chosen permit woman access entitlement safely confidently without exposed risk private service provider abusing power recipient encountering difficulty redemption entitlement numerical financial illiteracy" - }, - { - "Index": 69, - "Paragraph": "As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities, briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life. Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support (see section 7), the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers. It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients, or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy. A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women", - "clean_sent": "A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up and these should include specific referral pathways for women", - "sent_lower": "a help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up and these should include specific referral pathways for women", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "a", - "help", - "desk", - "and", - "complaint", - "mechanism", - "should", - "also", - "be", - "set", - "up", - "and", - "these", - "should", - "include", - "specific", - "referral", - "pathways", - "for", - "women" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "help", - "desk", - "complaint", - "mechanism", - "also", - "set", - "include", - "specific", - "referral", - "pathways", - "women" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "help", - "desk", - "complaint", - "mechanism", - "also", - "set", - "include", - "specific", - "referral", - "pathway", - "woman" - ], - "new_sentence": "help desk complaint mechanism also set include specific referral pathway woman" - }, - { - "Index": 69, - "Paragraph": "As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities, briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life. Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support (see section 7), the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers. It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients, or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy. A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 21, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities", - "clean_sent": "Standard operating procedures SOPs are mandatory stepbystep instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities", - "sent_lower": "standard operating procedures sops are mandatory stepbystep instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "standard", - "operating", - "procedures", - "sops", - "are", - "mandatory", - "stepbystep", - "instructions", - "designed", - "to", - "guide", - "practitioners", - "through", - "particular", - "activities" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "standard", - "operating", - "procedures", - "sops", - "mandatory", - "stepbystep", - "instructions", - "designed", - "guide", - "practitioners", - "particular", - "activities" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "standard", - "operating", - "procedure", - "sop", - "mandatory", - "stepbystep", - "instruction", - "designed", - "guide", - "practitioner", - "particular", - "activity" - ], - "new_sentence": "standard operating procedure sop mandatory stepbystep instruction designed guide practitioner particular activity" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations", - "clean_sent": "The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations", - "sent_lower": "the development of sops has become common practice across ddr programmes as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "development", - "of", - "sops", - "has", - "become", - "common", - "practice", - "across", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "as", - "it", - "allows", - "for", - "coherence", - "in", - "the", - "delivery", - "of", - "activities", - "ensuring", - "greater", - "safety", - "and", - "security", - "through", - "adherence", - "to", - "standardized", - "regulations" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "development", - "sops", - "become", - "common", - "practice", - "across", - "ddr", - "programmes", - "allows", - "coherence", - "delivery", - "activities", - "ensuring", - "greater", - "safety", - "security", - "adherence", - "standardized", - "regulations" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "development", - "sop", - "become", - "common", - "practice", - "across", - "ddr", - "programme", - "allows", - "coherence", - "delivery", - "activity", - "ensuring", - "greater", - "safety", - "security", - "adherence", - "standardized", - "regulation" - ], - "new_sentence": "development sop become common practice across ddr programme allows coherence delivery activity ensuring greater safety security adherence standardized regulation" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization", - "clean_sent": "In mission contexts SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization", - "sent_lower": "in mission contexts sops should identify the precise responsibilities of the various un components involved in demobilization", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "mission", - "contexts", - "sops", - "should", - "identify", - "the", - "precise", - "responsibilities", - "of", - "the", - "various", - "un", - "components", - "involved", - "in", - "demobilization" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "mission", - "contexts", - "sops", - "identify", - "precise", - "responsibilities", - "various", - "un", - "components", - "involved", - "demobilization" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "mission", - "context", - "sop", - "identify", - "precise", - "responsibility", - "various", - "un", - "component", - "involved", - "demobilization" - ], - "new_sentence": "mission context sop identify precise responsibility various un component involved demobilization" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters", - "clean_sent": "All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOPs and the documents should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters", - "sent_lower": "all stakeholders should agree on the content of the sops and the documents should be reviewed by the un\u2019s legal office at headquarters", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "all", - "stakeholders", - "should", - "agree", - "on", - "the", - "content", - "of", - "the", - "sops", - "and", - "the", - "documents", - "should", - "be", - "reviewed", - "by", - "the", - "un", - "s", - "legal", - "office", - "at", - "headquarters" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "stakeholders", - "agree", - "content", - "sops", - "documents", - "reviewed", - "un", - "legal", - "office", - "headquarters" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "stakeholder", - "agree", - "content", - "sop", - "document", - "reviewed", - "un", - "legal", - "office", - "headquarters" - ], - "new_sentence": "stakeholder agree content sop document reviewed un legal office headquarters" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission", - "clean_sent": "The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission", - "sent_lower": "the development of sops is led by the mission ddr component and signed off on by the head of the un mission", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "development", - "of", - "sops", - "is", - "led", - "by", - "the", - "mission", - "ddr", - "component", - "and", - "signed", - "off", - "on", - "by", - "the", - "head", - "of", - "the", - "un", - "mission" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "development", - "sops", - "led", - "mission", - "ddr", - "component", - "signed", - "head", - "un", - "mission" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "development", - "sop", - "led", - "mission", - "ddr", - "component", - "signed", - "head", - "un", - "mission" - ], - "new_sentence": "development sop led mission ddr component signed head un mission" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs", - "clean_sent": "All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs", - "sent_lower": "all staff from the ddr component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant sops", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "all", - "staff", - "from", - "the", - "ddr", - "component", - "as", - "well", - "as", - "other", - "relevant", - "stakeholders", - "shall", - "be", - "familiar", - "with", - "the", - "relevant", - "sops" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "staff", - "ddr", - "component", - "well", - "relevant", - "stakeholders", - "shall", - "familiar", - "relevant", - "sops" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "staff", - "ddr", - "component", - "well", - "relevant", - "stakeholder", - "shall", - "familiar", - "relevant", - "sop" - ], - "new_sentence": "staff ddr component well relevant stakeholder shall familiar relevant sop" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date", - "clean_sent": "The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date", - "sent_lower": "the content of sops shall be kept up to date", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "content", - "of", - "sops", - "shall", - "be", - "kept", - "up", - "to", - "date" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "content", - "sops", - "shall", - "kept", - "date" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "content", - "sop", - "shall", - "kept", - "date" - ], - "new_sentence": "content sop shall kept date" - }, - { - "Index": 70, - "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 71, - "Paragraph": "In non-mission contexts, the national authority should also be advised by the lead UN agency(ies) on the development of national SOPs for demobilization. All those engaged in supporting demobilization shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs, which shall also be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "In non-mission contexts, the national authority should also be advised by the lead UN agency(ies) on the development of national SOPs for demobilization", - "clean_sent": "In nonmission contexts the national authority should also be advised by the lead UN agencyies on the development of national SOPs for demobilization", - "sent_lower": "in nonmission contexts the national authority should also be advised by the lead un agencyies on the development of national sops for demobilization", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "in", - "nonmission", - "contexts", - "the", - "national", - "authority", - "should", - "also", - "be", - "advised", - "by", - "the", - "lead", - "un", - "agencyies", - "on", - "the", - "development", - "of", - "national", - "sops", - "for", - "demobilization" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "nonmission", - "contexts", - "national", - "authority", - "also", - "advised", - "lead", - "un", - "agencyies", - "development", - "national", - "sops", - "demobilization" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "nonmission", - "context", - "national", - "authority", - "also", - "advised", - "lead", - "un", - "agencyies", - "development", - "national", - "sop", - "demobilization" - ], - "new_sentence": "nonmission context national authority also advised lead un agencyies development national sop demobilization" - }, - { - "Index": 71, - "Paragraph": "In non-mission contexts, the national authority should also be advised by the lead UN agency(ies) on the development of national SOPs for demobilization. All those engaged in supporting demobilization shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs, which shall also be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "All those engaged in supporting demobilization shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs, which shall also be kept up to date", - "clean_sent": "All those engaged in supporting demobilization shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs which shall also be kept up to date", - "sent_lower": "all those engaged in supporting demobilization shall be familiar with the relevant sops which shall also be kept up to date", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "all", - "those", - "engaged", - "in", - "supporting", - "demobilization", - "shall", - "be", - "familiar", - "with", - "the", - "relevant", - "sops", - "which", - "shall", - "also", - "be", - "kept", - "up", - "to", - "date" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "engaged", - "supporting", - "demobilization", - "shall", - "familiar", - "relevant", - "sops", - "shall", - "also", - "kept", - "date" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "engaged", - "supporting", - "demobilization", - "shall", - "familiar", - "relevant", - "sop", - "shall", - "also", - "kept", - "date" - ], - "new_sentence": "engaged supporting demobilization shall familiar relevant sop shall also kept date" - }, - { - "Index": 71, - "Paragraph": "In non-mission contexts, the national authority should also be advised by the lead UN agency(ies) on the development of national SOPs for demobilization. All those engaged in supporting demobilization shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs, which shall also be kept up to date.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3", - "clean_sent": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities see section 6 should be informed by integrated assessments see IDDRS 3", - "sent_lower": "a single demobilization sop or a set of sops each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities see section 6 should be informed by integrated assessments see iddrs 3", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "a", - "single", - "demobilization", - "sop", - "or", - "a", - "set", - "of", - "sops", - "each", - "covering", - "specific", - "procedures", - "related", - "to", - "demobilization", - "activities", - "see", - "section", - "6", - "should", - "be", - "informed", - "by", - "integrated", - "assessments", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "single", - "demobilization", - "sop", - "set", - "sops", - "covering", - "specific", - "procedures", - "related", - "demobilization", - "activities", - "see", - "section", - "6", - "informed", - "integrated", - "assessments", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "single", - "demobilization", - "sop", - "set", - "sop", - "covering", - "specific", - "procedure", - "related", - "demobilization", - "activity", - "see", - "section", - "6", - "informed", - "integrated", - "assessment", - "see", - "iddrs", - "3" - ], - "new_sentence": "single demobilization sop set sop covering specific procedure related demobilization activity see section 6 informed integrated assessment see iddrs 3" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented", - "clean_sent": "11 on Integrated Assessments and the national DDR policy document and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented", - "sent_lower": "11 on integrated assessments and the national ddr policy document and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where ddr is being implemented", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "11", - "on", - "integrated", - "assessments", - "and", - "the", - "national", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document", - "and", - "comply", - "with", - "international", - "guidelines", - "and", - "standards", - "as", - "well", - "as", - "national", - "laws", - "and", - "the", - "international", - "obligations", - "of", - "the", - "country", - "where", - "ddr", - "is", - "being", - "implemented" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "11", - "integrated", - "assessments", - "national", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document", - "comply", - "international", - "guidelines", - "standards", - "well", - "national", - "laws", - "international", - "obligations", - "country", - "ddr", - "implemented" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "11", - "integrated", - "assessment", - "national", - "ddr", - "policy", - "document", - "comply", - "international", - "guideline", - "standard", - "well", - "national", - "law", - "international", - "obligation", - "country", - "ddr", - "implemented" - ], - "new_sentence": "11 integrated assessment national ddr policy document comply international guideline standard well national law international obligation country ddr implemented" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:Security of demobilization sites;Reception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i", - "clean_sent": "At a minimum SOPs should cover the following proceduresSecurity of demobilization sitesReception of combatants persons associated with armed forces and groups and dependants Transportation to and from demobilization sites i", - "sent_lower": "at a minimum sops should cover the following proceduressecurity of demobilization sitesreception of combatants persons associated with armed forces and groups and dependants transportation to and from demobilization sites i", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "at", - "a", - "minimum", - "sops", - "should", - "cover", - "the", - "following", - "proceduressecurity", - "of", - "demobilization", - "sitesreception", - "of", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "with", - "armed", - "forces", - "and", - "groups", - "and", - "dependants", - "transportation", - "to", - "and", - "from", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "i" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "minimum", - "sops", - "cover", - "following", - "proceduressecurity", - "demobilization", - "sitesreception", - "combatants", - "persons", - "associated", - "armed", - "forces", - "groups", - "dependants", - "transportation", - "demobilization", - "sites" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "minimum", - "sop", - "cover", - "following", - "proceduressecurity", - "demobilization", - "sitesreception", - "combatant", - "person", - "associated", - "armed", - "force", - "group", - "dependant", - "transportation", - "demobilization", - "site" - ], - "new_sentence": "minimum sop cover following proceduressecurity demobilization sitesreception combatant person associated armed force group dependant transportation demobilization site" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "e", - "clean_sent": "e", - "sent_lower": "e", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "e" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": "e" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", from reception or pick-up points);Transportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;Orientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;Screening for eligibility;Demobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);Health screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e", - "clean_sent": " from reception or pickup pointsTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sectorOrientation at the demobilization site this may include the rules and regulations at the site RegistrationidentificationScreening for eligibilityDemobilization and integration into the security sector if applicableHealth screenings including psychosocial assessments HIVAIDS STIs reproductive health services sexual violence recovery services e", - "sent_lower": " from reception or pickup pointstransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sectororientation at the demobilization site this may include the rules and regulations at the site registrationidentificationscreening for eligibilitydemobilization and integration into the security sector if applicablehealth screenings including psychosocial assessments hivaids stis reproductive health services sexual violence recovery services e", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "", - "from", - "reception", - "or", - "pickup", - "pointstransportation", - "from", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "either", - "to", - "communities", - "or", - "to", - "take", - "up", - "positions", - "in", - "the", - "reformed", - "security", - "sectororientation", - "at", - "the", - "demobilization", - "site", - "this", - "may", - "include", - "the", - "rules", - "and", - "regulations", - "at", - "the", - "site", - "registrationidentificationscreening", - "for", - "eligibilitydemobilization", - "and", - "integration", - "into", - "the", - "security", - "sector", - "if", - "applicablehealth", - "screenings", - "including", - "psychosocial", - "assessments", - "hivaids", - "stis", - "reproductive", - "health", - "services", - "sexual", - "violence", - "recovery", - "services", - "e" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "", - "reception", - "pickup", - "pointstransportation", - "demobilization", - "sites", - "either", - "communities", - "take", - "positions", - "reformed", - "security", - "sectororientation", - "demobilization", - "site", - "may", - "include", - "rules", - "regulations", - "site", - "registrationidentificationscreening", - "eligibilitydemobilization", - "integration", - "security", - "sector", - "applicablehealth", - "screenings", - "including", - "psychosocial", - "assessments", - "hivaids", - "stis", - "reproductive", - "health", - "services", - "sexual", - "violence", - "recovery", - "services", - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "reception", - "pickup", - "pointstransportation", - "demobilization", - "site", - "either", - "community", - "take", - "position", - "reformed", - "security", - "sectororientation", - "demobilization", - "site", - "may", - "include", - "rule", - "regulation", - "site", - "registrationidentificationscreening", - "eligibilitydemobilization", - "integration", - "security", - "sector", - "applicablehealth", - "screening", - "including", - "psychosocial", - "assessment", - "hivaids", - "stis", - "reproductive", - "health", - "service", - "sexual", - "violence", - "recovery", - "service", - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": " reception pickup pointstransportation demobilization site either community take position reformed security sectororientation demobilization site may include rule regulation site registrationidentificationscreening eligibilitydemobilization integration security sector applicablehealth screening including psychosocial assessment hivaids stis reproductive health service sexual violence recovery service e" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "g", - "clean_sent": "g", - "sent_lower": "g", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "g" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "g" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "g" - ], - "new_sentence": "g" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", rape kits), etc", - "clean_sent": " rape kits etc", - "sent_lower": " rape kits etc", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "", - "rape", - "kits", - "etc" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "", - "rape", - "kits", - "etc" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "rape", - "kit", - "etc" - ], - "new_sentence": " rape kit etc" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ";Gender-aware services and procedures;Reinsertion (e", - "clean_sent": "Genderaware services and proceduresReinsertion e", - "sent_lower": "genderaware services and proceduresreinsertion e", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "genderaware", - "services", - "and", - "proceduresreinsertion", - "e" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "genderaware", - "services", - "proceduresreinsertion", - "e" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "genderaware", - "service", - "proceduresreinsertion", - "e" - ], - "new_sentence": "genderaware service proceduresreinsertion e" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "g", - "clean_sent": "g", - "sent_lower": "g", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "g" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "g" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "g" - ], - "new_sentence": "g" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": ", procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);Handling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components", - "clean_sent": " procedures for cashbased transfers commodity vouchers inkind support public works programmes vocational training andor incomegenerating opportunitiesHandling of foreign combatants associated persons and dependants if applicable and Interaction with national authorities andor other mission components", - "sent_lower": " procedures for cashbased transfers commodity vouchers inkind support public works programmes vocational training andor incomegenerating opportunitieshandling of foreign combatants associated persons and dependants if applicable and interaction with national authorities andor other mission components", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "", - "procedures", - "for", - "cashbased", - "transfers", - "commodity", - "vouchers", - "inkind", - "support", - "public", - "works", - "programmes", - "vocational", - "training", - "andor", - "incomegenerating", - "opportunitieshandling", - "of", - "foreign", - "combatants", - "associated", - "persons", - "and", - "dependants", - "if", - "applicable", - "and", - "interaction", - "with", - "national", - "authorities", - "andor", - "other", - "mission", - "components" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "", - "procedures", - "cashbased", - "transfers", - "commodity", - "vouchers", - "inkind", - "support", - "public", - "works", - "programmes", - "vocational", - "training", - "andor", - "incomegenerating", - "opportunitieshandling", - "foreign", - "combatants", - "associated", - "persons", - "dependants", - "applicable", - "interaction", - "national", - "authorities", - "andor", - "mission", - "components" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "", - "procedure", - "cashbased", - "transfer", - "commodity", - "voucher", - "inkind", - "support", - "public", - "work", - "programme", - "vocational", - "training", - "andor", - "incomegenerating", - "opportunitieshandling", - "foreign", - "combatant", - "associated", - "person", - "dependant", - "applicable", - "interaction", - "national", - "authority", - "andor", - "mission", - "component" - ], - "new_sentence": " procedure cashbased transfer commodity voucher inkind support public work programme vocational training andor incomegenerating opportunitieshandling foreign combatant associated person dependant applicable interaction national authority andor mission component" - }, - { - "Index": 72, - "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures:\nSecurity of demobilization sites;\nReception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points);\nTransportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector;\nOrientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); Registration\/identification;\nScreening for eligibility;\nDemobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable);\nHealth screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.;\nGender-aware services and procedures;\nReinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities);\nHandling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 22, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 73, - "Paragraph": "The demobilization team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for demobilization and should be trained in the use of the abovementioned SOPs. The demobilization team should include a gender-balanced composition of:\nDDR practitioners;\nRepresentatives from the national DDR commission (and potentially other national institutions); Child protection officers;\nGender specialists; and Youth specialists.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 23, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.7 Demobilization team structure", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The demobilization team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for demobilization and should be trained in the use of the abovementioned SOPs", - "clean_sent": "The demobilization team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for demobilization and should be trained in the use of the abovementioned SOPs", - "sent_lower": "the demobilization team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for demobilization and should be trained in the use of the abovementioned sops", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "demobilization", - "team", - "is", - "responsible", - "for", - "implementing", - "all", - "operational", - "procedures", - "for", - "demobilization", - "and", - "should", - "be", - "trained", - "in", - "the", - "use", - "of", - "the", - "abovementioned", - "sops" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "team", - "responsible", - "implementing", - "operational", - "procedures", - "demobilization", - "trained", - "use", - "abovementioned", - "sops" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "team", - "responsible", - "implementing", - "operational", - "procedure", - "demobilization", - "trained", - "use", - "abovementioned", - "sop" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization team responsible implementing operational procedure demobilization trained use abovementioned sop" - }, - { - "Index": 73, - "Paragraph": "The demobilization team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for demobilization and should be trained in the use of the abovementioned SOPs. The demobilization team should include a gender-balanced composition of:\nDDR practitioners;\nRepresentatives from the national DDR commission (and potentially other national institutions); Child protection officers;\nGender specialists; and Youth specialists.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 23, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.7 Demobilization team structure", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "The demobilization team should include a gender-balanced composition of:DDR practitioners;Representatives from the national DDR commission (and potentially other national institutions); Child protection officers;Gender specialists; and Youth specialists", - "clean_sent": "The demobilization team should include a genderbalanced composition ofDDR practitionersRepresentatives from the national DDR commission and potentially other national institutions Child protection officersGender specialists and Youth specialists", - "sent_lower": "the demobilization team should include a genderbalanced composition ofddr practitionersrepresentatives from the national ddr commission and potentially other national institutions child protection officersgender specialists and youth specialists", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "the", - "demobilization", - "team", - "should", - "include", - "a", - "genderbalanced", - "composition", - "ofddr", - "practitionersrepresentatives", - "from", - "the", - "national", - "ddr", - "commission", - "and", - "potentially", - "other", - "national", - "institutions", - "child", - "protection", - "officersgender", - "specialists", - "and", - "youth", - "specialists" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "demobilization", - "team", - "include", - "genderbalanced", - "composition", - "ofddr", - "practitionersrepresentatives", - "national", - "ddr", - "commission", - "potentially", - "national", - "institutions", - "child", - "protection", - "officersgender", - "specialists", - "youth", - "specialists" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "demobilization", - "team", - "include", - "genderbalanced", - "composition", - "ofddr", - "practitionersrepresentatives", - "national", - "ddr", - "commission", - "potentially", - "national", - "institution", - "child", - "protection", - "officersgender", - "specialist", - "youth", - "specialist" - ], - "new_sentence": "demobilization team include genderbalanced composition ofddr practitionersrepresentatives national ddr commission potentially national institution child protection officersgender specialist youth specialist" - }, - { - "Index": 73, - "Paragraph": "The demobilization team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for demobilization and should be trained in the use of the abovementioned SOPs. The demobilization team should include a gender-balanced composition of:\nDDR practitioners;\nRepresentatives from the national DDR commission (and potentially other national institutions); Child protection officers;\nGender specialists; and Youth specialists.", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 23, - "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing demobilization operations", - "Heading2": "5.7 Demobilization team structure", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - }, - { - "Index": 74, - "Paragraph": "", - "Color": "#7366A3", - "Level": "4 Operations, Programmes and Support", - "Module": "4.20 Demobilization", - "PageNum": 23, - "Heading1": "6. Activities during demobilization", - "Heading2": "", - "Heading3": "", - "Heading4": "", - "Sentences": "", - "clean_sent": "", - "sent_lower": "", - "sent_tokenied": [ - "" - ], - "no_stopwords": [ - "" - ], - "sent_lemmatized": [ - "" - ], - "new_sentence": "" - } -] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/App/ b/App/ index f4b87e5..da3f9fa 100644 --- a/App/ +++ b/App/ @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def cosine_sim(a, b): def readfile(): BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent - processedData = pd.read_json(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'App/static/json/prcessedData.json')) + processedData = pd.read_json(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/json/prcoessedData.json')) df = pd.DataFrame(processedData) return df diff --git a/App/ b/App/ index 48b114f..df6906e 100644 --- a/App/ +++ b/App/ @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ from django.urls import path -from App import views +from . import views urlpatterns = [ - # path('app', views.App, name='app'), path('how_to', views.how_to, name='how_to'), path('', views.home, name='home'), - # path('search',, name='search'), path('tfidf', views.tfidf, name='tfidf'), path('faq', views.faq, name='faq'), + path('contact',, name='contact'), ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/App/ b/App/ index e2b7136..0da94f8 100644 --- a/App/ +++ b/App/ @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ import os import pandas as pd from .similarity import phrase_preprocessing, similarityCheck from .tfidfSimilarity import cosine_similarity -import json -from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.core.paginator import Paginator @@ -17,7 +15,13 @@ from .filters import StandardsFilter import uuid from datetime import date, timedelta -from django.core import serializers +from import read_frame + +from django.template.loader import render_to_string +from weasyprint import HTML +import tempfile + + # Create your views here. @@ -26,7 +30,7 @@ def home(request): levels = list(range(1, 7)) BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent - path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'App/static/IDDRSStandards/') + path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/IDDRSStandards/') df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Level","FileNumber","FileName","Summary","FilePath"]) all_standards = Standards.objects.all() i = 0 @@ -38,10 +42,10 @@ def home(request): i+= 1 args = {'all_standards': all_standards,'navbar': 'home','levels':levels} - return render(request, 'home.html', args) + return render(request, 'App/home.html', args) def how_to(request): - return render(request, 'how_to.html', {'navbar': 'how_to'}) + return render(request, 'App/how_to.html', {'navbar': 'how_to'}) def search(request): BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent @@ -64,8 +68,13 @@ def search(request): return render(request, 'search.html', args) def faq(request): - return render(request, 'faq.html', {'navbar': 'faq'}) + return render(request, 'App/faq.html', {'navbar': 'faq'}) +def contact(request): + return render(request, 'App/contact.html', {'navbar': 'contact'}) + +# def pdf(request): +# return render(request, 'pdf-outut.html', {'navbar': 'pdf'}) def tfidf(request): SearchResults.objects.filter( @@ -77,11 +86,12 @@ def tfidf(request): myFilter = StandardsFilter() selectedChoices = request.GET.getlist('title','') phrase = request.GET.get('phrase','') + excelFile = '' + pdfFile = '' - if request.method == 'GET': - + if request.method == 'GET': form = searchForm(request.GET) - if form.is_valid() or 'searchedPhrase' in request.GET: + if form.is_valid() or 'searchedPhrase' in request.GET : if 'searchedPhrase' in request.GET: phrase = request.GET.get('searchedPhrase') else: @@ -109,19 +119,23 @@ def tfidf(request): sentence = result['Sentence'] ) - - + results = SearchResults.objects.filter(uniqueID=uid) - + excelFile = createExcel(results, phrase) + pdfFile = createPDF(results, phrase) + createPDF(results, phrase) if selectedChoices: results = SearchResults.objects.filter(uniqueID=uid) myFilter = StandardsFilter(request.GET, queryset=results) results = myFilter.qs + excelFile = createExcel(results, phrase) + pdfFile = createPDF(results, phrase) else: form = searchForm() + # Create pagination for results paginator = Paginator(results, per_page=10) pageNumber = request.GET.get('page', 1) @@ -130,85 +144,36 @@ def tfidf(request): args = {'form': form, 'phrase': phrase, 'navbar': 'tfidf', 'results':page_obj.object_list, 'levels':categories, 'myFilter':myFilter, 'standards':standards, 'selectedChoices':selectedChoices, - 'pages':paginator, 'pNumber':int(pageNumber)} + 'pages':paginator, 'pNumber':int(pageNumber), 'excelFile':excelFile,'pdfFile':pdfFile} - return render(request, 'tfidf.html', args) + return render(request, 'App/tfidf.html', args) +# This function export the list of results to excel file +def createExcel(results, phrase): + df = read_frame(results) + df = df.drop(columns=['id','session_key','uniqueID','session_expiry_date','index','level','title','color','heading2','heading3','heading4','sentence']) + df = df[['levelName','module','heading1','pageNumber','paragraph']] + df.columns = ['Level', 'IDDRS', 'Title', 'Page', 'Paragraph'] -# def tfidf(request): + BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent + fileName = phrase+'.xlsx' -# searchResults = [] -# results = [] -# phrase = request.session['phrase'] -# categories = Level.objects.all() -# standards = Standards.objects.all() -# myFilter = StandardsFilter() -# selectedChoices = request.GET.getlist('title','') - -# if request.method == 'POST': -# # SearchResults.objects.filter(session_key=request.session.session_key).delete() -# selectedChoices = '' -# form = searchForm(request.POST) -# if form.is_valid(): -# phrase = form.cleaned_data["phrase"] -# searchResults = cosine_similarity(20, phrase) -# request.session['phrase'] = phrase -# # uid = str(uuid.uuid1()) -# uid = str(uuid.uuid1())[:8]+phrase -# for result in searchResults: -# searchedData = SearchResults( -# session_key = request.session.session_key, -# uniqueID = uid, -# session_expiry_date = + timedelta(days=1), -# index = result['Index'], -# level = result['Level'], -# levelName = result['LevelName'], -# title = result['Title'], -# paragraph = result['Paragraph'], -# color = result['Color'], -# module = result['Module'], -# heading1 = result['Heading1'], -# heading2 = result['Heading2'], -# heading3 = result['Heading3'], -# heading4 = result['Heading4'], -# pageNumber = result['PageNum'], -# sentence = result['Sentence'] -# ) -# -# # update session -# if 'phrase' in request.session: -# phrase = request.session['phrase'] -# else: -# request.session['phrase'] = phrase - -# request.session['session_id'] = uid -# request.session.modified = True - -# results = SearchResults.objects.filter(uniqueID=request.session['session_id']) - -# else: -# form = searchForm() - -# # Filter results -# if request.method == 'GET' and selectedChoices: -# results = SearchResults.objects.filter(uniqueID=request.session['session_id']) -# myFilter = StandardsFilter(request.GET, queryset=results) -# results = myFilter.qs -# else: -# results = SearchResults.objects.filter(uniqueID=request.session['session_id']) - - -# # Create pagination for results -# paginator = Paginator(results, per_page=5) -# pageNumber = request.GET.get('page', 1) -# page_obj = paginator.get_page(pageNumber) - -# args = {'form': form, 'phrase': phrase, 'navbar': 'tfidf', -# 'results':page_obj.object_list, 'levels':categories, 'myFilter':myFilter, -# 'standards':standards, 'selectedChoices':selectedChoices, -# 'pages':paginator, 'pNumber':int(pageNumber)} - -# return render(request, 'tfidf.html', args) + # creating excel writer object + writer = pd.ExcelWriter(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/usersResults/'+fileName)) + # write dataframe to excel + df.to_excel(writer,sheet_name='IDDRS') + + # save the excel + + + return(fileName) +def createPDF(results, phrase): + BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent + html_String = render_to_string(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates/App/pdf-output.html'), {'results':results, 'phrase':phrase}) + html = HTML(string = html_String) + fileName = phrase+'.pdf' + html.write_pdf(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/usersResults/'+fileName)) + return fileName \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/App/static/OwlCarousel2-2.3.4/docs_src/helpers/modulo.js b/api/ similarity index 100% rename from App/static/OwlCarousel2-2.3.4/docs_src/helpers/modulo.js rename to api/ diff --git a/api/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/api/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..78a398a8bd5093bcb42fad348eb56e00ece1d1c4 GIT binary patch literal 148 zcmd1j<>g`kg2xN4C4p%WfeaXd90wpSW&si@48aVVjD9N_ia^2$;+MI8Mt*LpeolUA zVy3=JesXDUYF2e1SiLKUJ}5C|j?OE%N9AmDt+c8bV5@DxnE11~~W zroKWa&P@UZ0giI=&v)nl`7Y`8x&+tr>)Z87gOGO%%gcHX@z(|o5TKGoG@z6~1030i zoWP+(P-qJ0t_dw@KRHM%NG<48w2IV*ZbdHA3V0RukUG$>Xn?c|YnE=>K^N99$#7$a z%4A53X3EX&jF!-vhT=gNB=>k4ZYNWr?17Dnc_i|!NfH|on{63t!w$4j`%+AW9F==* zcnn;@DEF2F^Szot7#_-h5=&QlKVo_Rds05Ad7=b2Vkw|J_)^JIumOLU_nS(YlyBB5 zAf%`-`B{(koDJQ=g*zVKBs-asTH%<9YFX1n6S&yG^QwP^Titq!Z7X^e_={!)HI5h0 z`oycnBRv86#U%>? kl-^}n7PIy4q>n}CAW9&UVq~YUH_&**qkX4O>#sBa09+v3;{X5v literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/api/__pycache__/views.cpython-310.pyc b/api/__pycache__/views.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..efdb9b0d2399e778ee7c96d8e5feb76b4c56bfd7 GIT binary patch literal 3531 zcmbtX&u<&Y72esMT`qq~lr39U<2FpvHf8FHwqc+^VHkBJp-_-2hUK6zo0gzBD~Zx_ zmz*71v9SvnPX%z(W(7r2IAmu`_@elkb;eqisiY*zMpB(hDxzv6OOPy? zRm-AgB+FCDinwAVHAt?SIjiEDk*tX8V(l}lbwxOPR^!GiXks;(_GA!=K;o_PK@vxg zgJcj#Nw5n6f7DS&c>0||ul=kSoPL4#$pr2EYWqo-(Jtf5#?!;Si95N0MlfLuM{wZ^ z?~iWAl$AnN9A4Oc@ouvlM=FTa&%$1!n)eeWe-Q@Hg7889t~!zENb%ssz3D^|s7^0j zoSIDL=0k&%2hA6?>8h>_Ix1++>@yk&k}MqgP5Z1*_YpxDOjgkm4OjCI@#!sZ%Y0YM z+cYP&ypPTP8gg18$s`S17i2IT1(7>_!==2qMt^+xQ*CxlGyHsOXQxgpsYJlAFPK6(~N5&*JRvV_KVY?lALfBOYVqAp=~ za?!W=xQ&ZGzzew~wa@I#Q7m=N*ypv3EBo9@`31||-vHknzcZj)@zf>f-LaCJr$9da zp5mU!8*CRQ@eg`oK(Ns~9t4r*$H0{4VcZe2fb$xjEaRbF<7@3tY_7}wSd7A;J)pHk zTGghlG>5M`#!h)ds_OC>J7j+Xn$f-Fl$sBn zX(9E6ecwtsX8JUXP89si{(L1X;>>Ew)8d8Atl3l5QtFS9*_l0iB5%06ub%>Fs@H82 znwod(n{m_)1}eE#e-wwk?(;g>roN{nc;WDQJwB+bqoAJ0-rbEmx9d;P{dl+ja4?W@ zr+ZXaaUFrVK`@o;FxxBQLCsDZ%aS0c{kB1GyG>!A#No3*dxH*`R%tsuJ^gEyCj^|?3ALKYG<-y~>|8Q@+y|wdr0V6$;$eZ*5UKE_RdqNlJ3FK&Y z@NMA9X{(7<$q&)g>?M}NhdVy2u?q8SpOsjJF)>;{da$CjiJVCXV^QUN!ha~yv z+q{@3oo&oWeu8G60zd-)^|)`7H|>{mp1gy}NLAY(Za>-XQU;$~j<15U7+ssz@J14GZbRQ0N>rs8UV9CRSxgg#$8^u-%HPqu$uPe$EtkOaxWC=8$1 z^L#JfYSc_fOJY~~4mA`d@<-JCn3{K~xkT-*>_mrwcETVsxX{iZ9?alkO!x*3Kc)5a zkkG96ozBiHi%+mHsiXNiWNXeULY3TI;WOd-b4;3ZE@jbasrDyyzT3IN&Nwl-;^%O{ z1vzZ_6DRXB1Y}x3uYh25&wX$+G5edt8>tKF?W~lRgad~bQ`EL_XbVm^d!(f`WC2vg z)}eI(hYG%KW#zPtRjXMgtx&!E2ZBOz427quLu-V$W~CKm3_jc*zL)a6n5@jQyS5~; z@hbxJD`MleO`=_zk!UX&?W1opf4(Z}^daXod@0lo=?rmN?sK*T zKXbOqdDY$=t_f=3ff5~k#yKz<5#4(^4ZzM;tRNawEB-urm$KoTU29hd7187~K z#1!`Sb8Atl(ppCXQ|$wZ?>dd;$%Y8JG4f/', views.contentList, name='content-list'), + path('content-detail////', views.contentDetail, name='content-detail'), + path('content-create/', views.contentCreate, name='content-create'), + path('content-update////', views.contentUpdate, name='content-update'), + path('content-delete//', views.contentDelete, name='content-delete'), +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/ b/api/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8641134 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/ @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +from django.shortcuts import render +from django.http import JsonResponse + +import os +from pathlib import Path +import json + +from rest_framework.decorators import api_view +from rest_framework.response import Response + +# Create your views here. + +@api_view(['GET']) +def apiOverview(request): + api_urls={ + 'List':'/content-list//', + 'Detail':'/content-detail////', + 'Create':'/content-create/', + 'Update':'/content-update////', + 'Delete':'/content-delete//', + } + return Response(api_urls) + +@api_view(['GET']) +def contentList(request,level,standard): + + module_path = filePath(level, standard) + + with open(module_path) as json_file: + data = json.load(json_file) + + return Response(data) + +@api_view(['GET']) +def contentDetail(request,level,standard, pk): + module_path = filePath(level, standard) + + with open(module_path) as json_file: + data = json.load(json_file) + + for obj in data: + if obj['ID'] == int(pk): + data = obj + + return Response(data) + +@api_view(['POST']) +def contentCreate(request): + BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent + module_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.10 The UN Approach to DDR.json') + + with open(module_path) as json_file: + data = json.load(json_file) + + ids = [] + for obj in data: + ids.append(obj['ID']) + new_id = max(ids)+1 + + new_obj = + new_obj['ID'] = new_id + data.append(new_obj) + + with open(module_path, 'w') as f: + json.dump(data, f) + + return Response(new_obj) + +@api_view(['POST']) +def contentUpdate(request,level,standard, pk): + module_path = filePath(level, standard) + + with open(module_path) as json_file: + data = json.load(json_file) + + for obj in data: + if obj['ID'] == int(pk): + content_to_update = obj + break + + updated_content = + + for obj in data: + if obj['ID'] == int(pk): + data[int(pk)] = updated_content + + with open(module_path, 'w') as f: + json.dump(data, f) + + return Response(content_to_update) + +@api_view(['DELETE']) +def contentDelete(request, pk): + BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent + module_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.10 The UN Approach to DDR.json') + + with open(module_path) as json_file: + data = json.load(json_file) + + for i in range(len(data)): + if data[i]['ID'] == int(pk): + data.pop(i) + break + # data = filter(lambda x: x['ID']!=int(pk), data) + with open(module_path, 'w') as f: + json.dump(data, f) + + return Response('ITEM succesesfully deleted!') + + +# Finde the targeted module to store the new paragraph in +# it returns the file path +def filePath(level_input, standard_input): + BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent + standards_dir = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/data/') + file_path = '' + levels = [] + for rootdir, dirs, files in os.walk(standards_dir): + for subdir in dirs: + levels.append(subdir) + for level in levels: + if level[0] == str(level_input): + filenames = next(os.walk(standards_dir+level), (None, None, []))[2] + for file in filenames: + if file[:4] == str(standard_input): + file_path = standards_dir+level+'/'+file + + return file_path \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data_entry/ b/data_entry/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/data_entry/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/data_entry/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8952d6734b8dec872bfb1c649914ce2832abbf75 GIT binary patch literal 155 zcmd1j<>g`k0_9(qlR)%i5P=LBfgA@QE@lA|DGb33nv8xc8Hzx{2;!HWenx(7s(wy> zX=0|nOMY@`ZfaghvA&b1v$MXZi%U?jer8HaQL&MJN@7W3JW#HvQa?UEGcU6wK3=b& X@)n0pZhlH>PO2Tq++rpm!NLFl=FTH@ literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/data_entry/__pycache__/admin.cpython-310.pyc b/data_entry/__pycache__/admin.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2de77fc7cdf19203cdbb611038649e7c308491d2 GIT binary patch literal 196 zcmd1j<>g`k0_9(qlk9=?V-N=!FabFZKwK;UBvKes7;_kM8KW2(8B&;n88n$+0!0}# z8E>&BrsQVk`Drpm@ug%X=B4NBCFkdr6lEqAfecv5P{a(Rz{D?W{fzwFRQ;U%(!@-C zm;B_?+|<01Vtpr1XJ>s+7nh)5{mhhCX4_-FLpzy^e@4RAAEHP|?fI}Q$GTXitA)#)3dLZ6YWiptNhlEPrU?Tt@qr6NE{(($gn(TwRDwlfIr(CFW0z)SZ?<+)sb{$I4(+i| z!V~o3D<@uo6SmWqTFPYRo5_4%X53Au1#su)^Uda048U(6JUk8qZ`@;+&Tzn?1PT%e zy^ka!$h{*OshGq8i)ErP!73#w1n&V)IQ{`R7V$Rw9+8}*HK@`*t{1q5Hf>J3wh?Ak zL7SX(TA2#jeBHAhXPO(Ed=%$GHop4dx!3f;p#l)d0YM_##+S(zxWpWCbcIMNvU?=r zu|slEY$qb+$xlei;OD`ga_m*vM}h8+e(ChsiS!CqgW3pf^D$sbkeRDeUgT|RYHme; zZF?y+a>7>C%x0ACTsft-pj35yklrsTJsX%DGa9>En|7P6XnJEKCZ(O6GdT!DWovqi z1FO-AugmXvjGgf<+kNZkNh^DyjeYWIkbS$CVjhON46seY*EZ?Bu4|y5xh}!{eOaG& zO4PC&SX(c;W>8|+oBG}Hd|n?f7GKtN%egi$YR-B_T~1%rVMj;%3!S<)UbykMCj*D@ z5SHiw2D~aP)^3HJ(vfF-?2N^uTJ3j7insgyksF7Q<8O^Ki2cMvhyN-^@44@gy&4Dj Q8oDU(mLP*AJb+KpKSv+E^Z)<= literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/data_entry/__pycache__/models.cpython-310.pyc b/data_entry/__pycache__/models.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c1169dd11ee1c4bf7a4f1400e94d29d45564f6e GIT binary patch literal 193 zcmd1j<>g`k0_9(qlPrPsV-N=!FabFZKwK;UBvKes7;_kM8KW2(8B&;n88n$+0!0}# z8E>)W=BK3Q6#Hp1-QrBiO3X{o*Gow%0%=~!P{abHz{D>b{fzwFRQ;U%(!@-Cm;B_? z+|<01Vtpr1XJ>s+7nh)5{mhh`M9Hm>>d0cF~T)2^MnBi(2`V?Q%ax*UfHWW?olEs z_|jYZ5J3OULkf`s2s?_9`Ve&#BZUxmlpsZrI9dighIB?o*#Ucz5w-qCG^+#Jau7Th za%*@Z>qhV9D^*Dw6g9{fS6Be{>$ojD;FzAl*a z%u3aYg5_$_R_MsEo9Sf2rg?rpV+DXV=L~&`lUwF2jW;_RT~-R(QeL^gFlQJtlF^|z Jq^B8u{{T0OeZBwy literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git 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zyktfUynP?b>j272vQli3(lcT|C?FL(qM2ls;xEGS%4`MRkQ7P{2#FMIP}flVX*WwW0>Qmdkok2Z{GPb2~vV z*!i&FxJUXcq^PfuQtaH_xmF0ku%NqFhpabg-@#4W5``dmg!Ud`Twl?4tEP~%VXyZn z&5~XZflcSxlf?St7;x2CmTN1RPUivSO4xHLXTebG6n> zN8^c!7EUT|Hn!pITN`(Ko%Q=s<3yr+GF7(XZpIrNlth8bbAti_1n?Wh+WLC331e3V zvn``|2=fBPX9FJMB)$c|fN}aNkS1NA0@^YSA@J;V$eQ#r@XNGG#jk>?uVK-t^g|@V zWOAtx0fP_3ls<0&(n3NMh)C=K1WG`ga!N+w7ep`bLZGodgdb9a7YssIDMi8ec_AcS zh44Zud#FO_51rLlgo)-JskECj=$0y;3&TCzTp=}(My zC}#tVN|tWABvGHkT6GghRJ}DGuMKkv56SF3z?yN7l|yugXbwwURl72C4tCegY3Sg= jJrm&#IBt?9H_-g`k0_9(qlR)%i5P=LBfgA@QE@lA|DGb33nv8xc8Hzx{2;!Hgenx(7s(wy> zX=0|nOMY@`ZfaghvA&b1v$MXZi%U?jer8HaQL&MJN@7W3JW#HvQa?8{y(qCHGe56b iKR!M)FS8^*Uaz3?7Kcr4eoARhsvXFRVkRKL!T + + + + + + + + + Admin + + + + +
+ {% block page_content %} + + {% endblock %} +
+ + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/App/templates/faq.html b/data_entry/templates/home.html similarity index 61% rename from App/templates/faq.html rename to data_entry/templates/home.html index 537bb42..b32c75e 100644 --- a/App/templates/faq.html +++ b/data_entry/templates/home.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ {% extends "base.html" %} {% block page_content %} - -{% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file + +{% endblock page_content %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data_entry/ b/data_entry/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ce503c --- /dev/null +++ b/data_entry/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +from django.test import TestCase + +# Create your tests here. diff --git a/data_entry/ b/data_entry/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87e957b --- /dev/null +++ b/data_entry/ @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +from django.urls import path +from . import views + +urlpatterns = [ + path('entry_home', views.index, name='index'), + path('content', views.contentList, name='content'), + path('content_detail', views.contentDetail, name='content_detail'), + path('new_entry', views.new_entry, name='new_entry'), + path('content_update', views.contentUpdate, name='content_update'), + +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data_entry/ b/data_entry/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf3ff97 --- /dev/null +++ b/data_entry/ @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +from django.shortcuts import render +from pathlib import Path +import os +import json + +from App.models import Standards, Level + + + +# Create your views here. + +def index(request): + + args = {} + return render(request, 'data_entry/index.html',args) + +def contentList(request): + levels = Level.objects.all() + standards = Standards.objects.all() + + args = {'levels':levels,'standards':standards} + return render(request, 'data_entry/content.html',args) + +def contentDetail(request): + level = request.GET.get('level') + standard = request.GET.get('standard') + pk = request.GET.get('pk') + + args = {'level':level,'standard':standard,'pk':pk} + return render(request, 'data_entry/content_detail.html',args) + +def contentUpdate(request): + level = request.GET.get('level') + standard = request.GET.get('standard') + pk = request.GET.get('pk') + + args = {'level':level,'standard':standard,'pk':pk} + return render(request, 'data_entry/content_update.html',args) + +def new_entry(request): + + levels = Level.objects.all() + standards = Standards.objects.all() + args = {'levels':levels,'standards':standards} + return render(request, 'data_entry/new_entry.html',args) + +# def new_entry(request): +# BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent +# p = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/data') + +# levels = Level.objects.all() +# standards = Standards.objects.all() + +# if request.method == "GET" and 'level' in request.GET: + +# new_obj = {} +# level = request.GET.get('level') +# standard = request.GET.get('standard') +# module_path = filePath(level, standard) + +# with open(module_path) as json_file: +# data = json.load(json_file) + +# new_obj['ID'] = get_id(module_path) +# new_obj['Paragraph'] = request.GET.get('paragraph') +# new_obj['Color'] = data[0]['Color'] +# new_obj['Level'] = level +# new_obj['LevelName'] = data[0]['LevelName'] +# new_obj['Title'] = data[0]['Title'] +# new_obj['PageNum'] = request.GET.get('pageNum') +# new_obj['Heading1'] = request.GET.get('heading1') +# new_obj['Heading2'] = request.GET.get('heading2') +# new_obj['Heading3'] = request.GET.get('heading3') +# new_obj['Heading4'] = request.GET.get('heading4') +# new_obj['Module'] = data[0]['Module'] + +# data.append(new_obj) + +# with open(module_path, 'w') as f: +# json.dump(data, f) + + + +# args = {'levels':levels,'standards':standards} +# return render(request, 'data_entry/new_entry.html', args) + +def edit_entry(request): + args = {} + return render(request, 'data_entry/edit_entry.html', args) + + +# Finde the targeted module to store the new paragraph in +# it returns the file path +def filePath(level_input, standard_input): + BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent + standards_dir = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/data/') + file_path = '' + levels = [] + for rootdir, dirs, files in os.walk(standards_dir): + for subdir in dirs: + levels.append(subdir) + for level in levels: + if level[0] == str(level_input): + filenames = next(os.walk(standards_dir+level), (None, None, []))[2] + for file in filenames: + if file[:4] == str(standard_input): + file_path = standards_dir+level+'/'+file + + return file_path + +# Create the new ID +def get_id(file_path): + with open(file_path) as json_file: + data = json.load(json_file) + ids = [] + for obj in data: + ids.append(obj['ID']) + return max(ids)+1 + diff --git a/iddrs2/__pycache__/settings.cpython-310.pyc b/iddrs2/__pycache__/settings.cpython-310.pyc index 0575fdfd46f9c68a40288f2a69c3909cf2b46b78..bb4ba0fbc1254382b722be74007a482c0ea012c8 100644 GIT binary patch delta 491 zcmYjOy>8P`6!y8kv9BH5O_MZfo3z=eB2;B#0UaMa3o~8ITzPyQb+e%DzGqg zW~eMNb!a*wF+e09f(Kym!aMK)h)Y2gNBYk1r*l5(RLzgAC=Wy5GIqH5e)KxLi2CsJ z;%@I90r4rH)vyMZWYRf@D|cZ{#6+Mc?TLR?mmbv?3{-;he91DvHEPqEA+@P<WFo49UHZy0PE^llIJ7R;>e-`0I2bc?odo9q|XaQpMGhtM5DB@XtVJb%1*uwQwF zoXw|6A$9qH-Gh3m*@q!UO6nqhrIMLE%hgHcXql+-G1`0cIr@|oNi0tb^=8?zzrgYb ze+E!rj+{O`LPr-#k&V$ww3dZ_D@K1Cqv4=(@P@&F~=PW2V|fX1A9z%rO&SpZ%1+23oKUm^f=2>yYL3L5%CXFTGw)MZ>ToTs6 zCNojI7upBwBe;b4k#soyZNX z^`UeNpsfSB3D?v7KTQ}pk>6wT9;d3cCsw_q*c-<=Tt%!CAC{G%Ml xY4tlzx0{3x0{=g~s7Q$_sRm6EO5;Gg_yxTUYi0ld diff --git a/iddrs2/__pycache__/urls.cpython-310.pyc b/iddrs2/__pycache__/urls.cpython-310.pyc index 3c0765ea653f2fdd731373773af67b2d5e765cc0..33b722bf46c1acee1c57a34caebdb4a928f0dddf 100644 GIT binary patch delta 224 zcmaFEK9xf|pO=@50SMMFyp~kX%)sy%#6bq^K#l_t7e`FgR<=rINnuH4%3{l6Z)O6r zSyNe4*qRx^Y<3`<1Ip$EvbjL)be1TN6z*UKO`eT4lbKwr*b-B6GxPLsF;sCl78K}} z7UdLIai=7fB*v%al@wL#SMeh_5LuSQf=vA?4j>8U`)P7c)@L@GoX;%H#tn2<5%=T? Y%w8e_KqdQ&@7?a@nKU85vSp zQdm=&vN*Cho0))Ywp7*>_GZRrrgWw#t`v@722IY59g~?9G#PKPmSv`v7gw<*rsQVk z>EB|g;&3b|&?_yBLD_+S^ g#0!)!;+?#m*-MBI$Yf#Q;TK@!VdP=vVdVG+0MJ%2B>(^b diff --git a/iddrs2/__pycache__/wsgi.cpython-310.pyc b/iddrs2/__pycache__/wsgi.cpython-310.pyc index e2d8007cead449626e7d53869156cbfa0fd8a163..bb4718c63ea985ab41bcc3fbcce10814cc1dc0fd 100644 GIT binary patch delta 20 acmZ3%vVw&>pO=@50SMBcT;Iqo%LD*283gnI delta 20 acmZ3%vVw&>pO=@50SFdNFxkj0%LD)}j|4aX diff --git a/iddrs2/ b/iddrs2/ index 3d6adce..f366087 100644 --- a/iddrs2/ +++ b/iddrs2/ @@ -12,10 +12,13 @@ from pathlib import Path import os +from re import TEMPLATE # Build paths inside the project like this: BASE_DIR / 'subdir'. BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent +# BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) +TEMPLATE_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'templates') # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See @@ -38,9 +41,10 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', + 'rest_framework', 'search', 'App', - + 'data_entry', 'django_filters' ] @@ -59,7 +63,7 @@ ROOT_URLCONF = 'iddrs2.urls' TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', - 'DIRS': ['iddrs2/App/templates/'], + 'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'templates')], 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ @@ -123,8 +127,8 @@ USE_TZ = True # STATICFILES_DIRS = [ - os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'iddrs2/App/static') + os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'static') ] -STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static') +STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'assets') STATIC_URL = '/static/' diff --git a/iddrs2/static/css/styles.css b/iddrs2/static/css/styles.css deleted file mode 100644 index 32f2bf6..0000000 --- a/iddrs2/static/css/styles.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -body, p, ul, ol { - font-size: 14px; - font-size: 1.6rem; - line-height: 2rem; - font-family: "Roboto", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; - font-weight: 400; - color: #454545; - letter-spacing: -0.35px; -} - -.nav-custom{ - border-bottom: 3px solid #009edb!important; - padding-top: 0rem !important; - padding-bottom: 0rem !important; - padding-left: 6rem !important; - padding-right: 6rem !important; -} - -.navbar-light .navbar-nav .nav-link{ - color: black !important; - font-size: 12.35px !important; -} - -.navbar-light .navbar-brand{ - color: black !important; - font-size: 12.35px !important; -} - -.header{ - padding-top: 2rem; -} - -.logo{ - width: 20rem; - border-right: solid black 1px ; - margin-right: 15px; - padding-right: 15px; -} - -.title{ - width: 30%; -} - -.title a{ - font-family: "Roboto Condensed", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; - line-height: 1; - text-transform: none; - text-decoration: none; - font-weight: 700; - color: #4d4d4d !important; - font-size: 27.006116208px; - margin-top: 21.8475998092px; - letter-spacing: 0.027em; -} -{ - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: 0; -} - -.navbar2{ - padding-top: 0rem !important; - padding-bottom: 0rem !important; - background-color: #4d4d4d !important; -} - -.navbar-nav2 > .nav-item{ - border-right: solid #fff 1px; - /* margin-right: 10px; - margin-left: 10px; */ - justify-content: center; -} - -.navbar-nav2 > .nav-item:hover { - background-color: #f2f2f2; -} -.navbar-nav2 > .nav-item> .nav-link:hover{ - color: #000 !important; -} - -.navbar-nav2 > .nav-item > .nav-link{ - color: #fff !important; - padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px !important; - -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/iddrs2/static/img/un-logo-en.svg b/iddrs2/static/img/un-logo-en.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 7fd37d3..0000000 --- a/iddrs2/static/img/un-logo-en.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,205 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/iddrs2/templates/base.html b/iddrs2/templates/base.html deleted file mode 100644 index bf89dec..0000000 --- a/iddrs2/templates/base.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -{% load static %} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
- -
- -
- - - - -{% block page_content %} - -{% endblock %} - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/iddrs2/templates/temp.txt b/iddrs2/templates/temp.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5476664..0000000 --- a/iddrs2/templates/temp.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/iddrs2/ b/iddrs2/ index 5eb4622..9c80333 100644 --- a/iddrs2/ +++ b/iddrs2/ @@ -15,11 +15,13 @@ Including another URLconf """ from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include -from App import views + urlpatterns = [ path('admin/',, path('', include('App.urls')), + path('data_entry/', include('data_entry.urls')), + path('api/', include('api.urls')), ] diff --git a/mydb.sqlite3 b/mydb.sqlite3 index d9a6b6584c3f5e4670691e939239dc87ff773518..5b4bfaec62ca3620c50b9348ba54468415cf19a6 100644 GIT binary patch delta 791841 zcmeF434B~t75_8IELqwnrF%o^>zbA(X(mmZE^KMK({x`bTbU%2WZGmV%uJdF(aB3f zSuAUjhk^Oxn_diu(Wm)6eIZH%;EW 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index 0000000..18ecc71 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/1 General IDDRS/1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Introduction to the IDDRS","Heading1":"Background","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Since the late 1980s, the United Nations (UN) has increasingly been called upon to support the implementation of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programmes in countries emerging from conflict. In a peacekeeping context, this trend has been part of a move towards complex operations that seek to deal with a wide variety of issues ranging from security to human rights, rule of law, elections and economic governance, rather than traditional peacekeeping where two warring parties were separated by a ceasefire line patrolled by blue-helmeted soldiers.The changed nature of peacekeeping and post-conflict recovery strategies requires close coordination among UN departments, agencies, funds and programmes. In the past five years alone, DDR has been included in the mandates for multidimensional peacekeeping operations in Burundi, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Liberia and Sudan. Simultaneously, the UN has increased its DDR engagement in non-peacekeeping contexts, namely in Afghanistan, the Central African Republic, the Congo, Indonesia (Aceh), Niger, Somalia, Solomon Islands and Uganda.While the UN has acquired significant experience in the planning and management of DDR programmes, it has yet to establish a collective approach to DDR, or clear and usable policies and guidelines to facilitate coordination and cooperation among UN agencies, departments and programmes. This has resulted in poor coordination and planning and gaps in the implementation of DDR programmes."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Introduction to the IDDRS","Heading1":"1. Towards a common UN approach to DDR","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"In response to this fragmented approach, six UN agencies, departments, funds and programmes came together in 2004 to draft a series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS), i.e., a set of policies, guidelines and procedures for UN-supported DDR programmes in a peacekeeping context. Following workshop discussions and extensive consultations with country-level practitioners from the UN, member states, regional organizations, non-governmental organizations and the World Bank, the IDDRS were further developed and a second draft was tested in 2005.The Inter-Agency Working Group on DDR, which was formally established by the Executive Committee on Peace and Security in March 2005 with a mandate to improve the UN performance in DDR, now counts 15 UN departments, agencies, funds and programmes as its members.1 This first edition of the IDDRS has been jointly developed and approved by all 15 Working Group members."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Introduction to the IDDRS","Heading1":"2. What is DDR?","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The objective of the DDR process is to contribute to security and stability in post-conflict environments so that recovery and development can begin. The DDR of ex-combatants is a complex process, with political, military, security, humanitarian and socio-economic dimensions. It aims to deal with the post-conflict security problem that arises when ex-combatants are left without livelihoods or support networks, other than their former comrades, during the vital transition period from conflict to peace and development. Through a process of removing weapons from the hands of combatants, taking the combatants out of military structures and helping them to integrate socially and economically into society, DDR seeks to support ex-combatants so that they can become active participants in the peace process.In this regard, DDR lays the groundwork for safeguarding and sustaining the communities in which these individuals can live as law-abiding citizens, while building national capacity for long-term peace, security and development. It is important to note that DDR alone cannot resolve conflict or prevent violence; it can, however, help establish a secure environment so that other elements of a recovery and peace-building strategy can proceed.The official UN definition of each of the stages of DDR is as follows:"},{"ID":3,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Introduction to the IDDRS","Heading1":"2. What is DDR?","Heading2":"DISARMAMENT","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Disarmament is the collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons of combatants and often also of the civilian population. Disarmament also includes the development of responsible arms ----management programmes."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Introduction to the IDDRS","Heading1":"2. What is DDR?","Heading2":"DEMOBILIZATION","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Demobilization is the formal and controlled discharge of active combatants from armed forces or other armed groups. The first stage of demobilization may extend from the processing of individual combatants in temporary centres to the massing of troops in camps designated for this purpose (cantonment sites, encampments, assembly areas or barracks). The second stage of demobilization encompasses the support package provided to the demobilized, which is called reinsertion."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Introduction to the IDDRS","Heading1":"2. What is DDR?","Heading2":"REINSERTION","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Reinsertion is the assistance offered to ex-combatants during demobilization but prior to the longer-term process of reintegration. Reinsertion is a form of transitional assistance to help cover the basic needs of ex-combatants and their families and can include transitional safety allowances, food, clothes, shelter, medical services, short-term education, training, employment and tools. While reintegration is a long-term, continuous social and economic process of development, reinsertion is a short-term material and\/or financial assistance to meet immediate needs, and can last up to one year."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Introduction to the IDDRS","Heading1":"2. What is DDR?","Heading2":"REINTEGRATION","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Reintegration is the process by which ex-combatants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. Reintegration is essentially a social and economic process with an open time-frame, primarily taking place in communities at the local level. It is part of the general development of a country and a national responsibility, and often necessitates long-term external assistance. "},{"ID":7,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Introduction to the IDDRS","Heading1":"3. The integrated DDR standards","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The IDDRS have been drafted on the basis of lessons and best practices drawn from the experience of all the departments, agencies, funds and programmes involved to provide the UN system with a set of policies, guidelines and procedures for the planning, implementation and monitoring of DDR programmes in a peacekeeping context. While the IDDRS were designed with peacekeeping contexts in mind, much of the guidance contained within these standards will also be applicable for non-peacekeeping contexts.The three main aims of the IDDRS are:\\nto give DDR practitioners the opportunity to make informed decisions based on a clear, flexible and in-depth body of guidance across the range of DDR activities;\\nto serve as a common foundation for the commencement of integrated operational planning in Headquarters and at the country level; \\nto function as a resource for the training of DDR specialists."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Introduction to the IDDRS","Heading1":"3. The integrated DDR standards","Heading2":"3.1. IDDRS levels and modules","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"The standards consist of 23 modules and three submodules divided into five levels:\\nLevel one consists of the introduction and a glossary to the full IDDRS; \\nLevel two sets out the strategic concepts of an integrated approach to DDR in a peacekeeping context; \\nLevel three elaborates on the structures and processes for planning and implementation of DDR at Headquarters and in the field; \\nLevel four provides considerations, options and tools for carrying out DDR operations;\\nLevel five covers the UN approach to essential cross-cutting issues, such as gender, youth and children associated with the armed forces and groups, cross-border movements, food assistance, HIV\/AIDS and health."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Introduction to the IDDRS","Heading1":"3. The integrated DDR standards","Heading2":"3.2. Technical language","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"The UN uses the concept and abbreviation \u2018DDR\u2019 as an all-inclusive term that includes related activities, such as repatriation, rehabilitation and reconciliation, that aim to achieve sustainable reintegration.Following a summary, a table of contents and a description of the scope and objectives, each IDDRS module also contains a section on terms, definitions and abbreviations. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines:\\n\u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard;\\nb) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; and\\nc) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201dA complete list of terms and definitions used in the IDDRS is provided in IDDRS 1.20."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Introduction to the IDDRS","Heading1":"3. The integrated DDR standards","Heading2":"3.3. How to use the IDDRS","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"Each IDDRS module is intended to serve both as part of the overall IDDRS framework and as a freestanding document. In the published version of the IDDRS, all modules are therefore collected in a ring-binder so that they can easily be taken out and used separately.Since the topics covered in the different modules are interlinked, cross-references are provided throughout the IDDRS where more information on a particular issue can be found in another IDDRS module. Cross-references are clearly marked in the margins of the text."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Introduction to the IDDRS","Heading1":"3. The integrated DDR standards","Heading2":"3.4. Supplementary publications and resources","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The Inter-Agency Working Group on DDR has published two supplementary publications to the IDDRS: the Operational Guide to the IDDRS and the DDR Briefing Note for Senior Managers. The Operational Guide is intended to help users navigate the IDDRS by briefly outlining the key guidance in each module. The Briefing Note for Senior Managers is intended to facilitate managerial decisions and includes key strategic considerations and their policy implications. Both these publications are available at the UN DDR Resource Centre (http:\/\/, which serves as an online platform on DDR and includes regular updates of both the IDDRS and the Operational Guide, a document database, training tools, a photo library and video clips."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Introduction to the IDDRS","Heading1":"3. The integrated DDR standards","Heading2":"3.5. Updates and feedback","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Each IDDRS module is current with effect from the date shown on the cover page. As the IDDRS are periodically reviewed, users should consult the UN DDR Resource Centre web site for updates: http:\/\/\\nFeedback and comments on the IDDRS are actively encouraged and should be sent to the Secretariat of the Inter-Agency Working Group via the DDR Resource Centre web site."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Introduction to the IDDRS","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"1. Department of Disarmament Affairs, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Department of Political Affairs, Department of Public Information, International Labour Organization, International Organization for Migration, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV\/AIDS, United Nations Children\u2019s Fund, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Development Fund for Women, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, United Nations Population Fund, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, World Food Programme, World Health Organization.\\n2. Note of the Secretary-General to the General Assembly on the administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations, A\/C.5\/59\/31, 24 May 2005.\\n3. A worldwide federation of national bodies from over 130 countries. Its work results in international agreements, which are published as ISO standards and guides. ISO is a non-governmental organization and the standards it develops are voluntary, although some (mainly those concerned with health, safety and environmental aspects) have been adopted by many countries as part of their regulatory framework. A list of ISO standards and guides is given in the ISO Catalogue, at http:\/\/\/infoe\/catinfo\/html.\\nThe IDDRS have been developed to be compatible with ISO standards and guides. Adopting the ISO format and language provides some important advantages, including consistency of layout, use of internationally recognized terminology, and a greater acceptance by international, national and regional organizations who are accustomed to the ISO series of standards and guides."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/1 General IDDRS/1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions.json b/static/data/1 General IDDRS/1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74b023d --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/1 General IDDRS/1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Absorption capacity","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The ability of a community, economy and\/or country to include ex-combatants as active full members of the society. Absorption capacity is often used in relation to the capacities of local communities, but can also refer to social and political reintegration opportunities."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The advisory body that reviews the budgets of peacekeeping missions and makes recommendations to the Fifth (Administrative and Budgetary) committee of the General Assembly."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"AIDS","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Acquired immune deficiency syndrome: the stage of HIV when the immune system is depleted, leaving the body vulnerable to one or more life-threateningdiseases."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Ammunition","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"See \u2018munition\u2019."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Anti-retrovirals (ARVs)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Broad term for the main type of treatment for HIV and AIDS. ARVs are not a cure."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Arms control","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The imposition of restrictions on the production, exchange and spread of weapons by an authority vested with legitimate powers to enforce such restrictions."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Arms exports ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The sending of weapons, guns and ammunition from one country to another, often closely monitored and controlled by governments."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Armed forces","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The military organization of a State with a legal basis, and supporting institutional infrastructure (salaries, benefits, basic services, etc.)"},{"ID":8,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Armed group","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"A group that has the potential to employ arms in the use of force to achieve political, ideological or economic objectives; is not within the formal military structures of a State, State-alliance or intergovernmental organization; and is not under the control of the State(s) in which it operates."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Asylum","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The protection granted by a State on its territory to persons from another state who are fleeing serious danger or persecution based on race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion. A person who is granted asylum is a refugee. Asylum includes a variety of elements, including non-refoulement (for definition, see \u2018non-refoulement\u2019), permission to remain in the territory of the asylum country and humane standards of treatment."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Asylum seeker","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"A person whose request or application for refugee status has not been finally decided on by a prospective country of refuge."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Behaviour-change communication (BCC)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"A participatory, community-level process aimed at developing positive behaviours; promoting and sustaining individual, community and societal behaviour change; and maintaining appropriate behaviours."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Beneficiary\/ies","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Refers to both individuals and groups who receive indirect benefits through a UN-supported DDR operation or programme. This includes communities in which DDR programme participants resettle, businesses where ex-combatants work as part of the DDR programme, etc."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Border controls","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The existence of checks and regulations between countries that control access to and from the country of people, goods and services."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Broker","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The natural person or legal entity that carries out a brokering activity; anyone who directly performs an activity defined as a brokering activity in the exercise of their own commercial or legal relations. The acts of natural persons, especially employees, are to be ascribed to the legal entity."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Brokering","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Activities that serve to facilitate the transfer of arms between persons in different third countries, insofar as such transfer is furthered through the assistance of a so-called broker. Core brokering activities include:\\nacquisition of SALW located in one third country for the purpose of transfer to another third country;\\nmediation between sellers and buyers of SALW to facilitate the trans\u00adfer of these arms from one third country to another; \\nthe indication of an opportunity for such a transaction to the seller or buyer (in particular, the introduction of a seller or buyer in return for a fee or other consideration)."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Business development services (BDS)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"A set of \u2018business services\u2019 that include any services that improve the performance of a business and its access to and ability to compete in markets."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Buy-back","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The direct link between the surrender of weapons, ammunition, mines and explosives in return for cash. There is a perception that such schemes reward irresponsible armed personnel who may have already harmed society and the innocent civilian population. They also provide the opportunity for an individual to conduct low-level trading in SALW. "},{"ID":18,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Capacity","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The strength and ability, which could include knowledge, skill, personnel and resources, to achieve desired objectives."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Capacity-building","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Used as a noun, refers to processes and programmes that empower and enable the recipients\u2019 independent development. Can also be used as an adjective (e.g., capacity-building activity)."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Ceasefire agreement","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"A binding, non-aggression pact to enable dialogue between conflicting parties."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Child","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Any human below the age of 18, unless under the law applicable to the child in a particular country, majority is attained earlier."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Child associated with fighting forces\/armed conflict\/armed groups\/armed forces","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"The definition commonly applied to children associated with armed forces andGroups in prevention, demobilization and reintegration programmes derives from the Cape Town Principles and Best Practices (1997), in which the term \u2018child soldier\u2019 refers to: \u201cAny person under 18 years of age who is part of any kind of regular or irregular armed force or armed group in any capacity, including, but not limited to: cooks, porters, messengers and anyone accompanying such groups, other than family members. The definition includes girls recruited for sexual purposes and for forced marriage. It does not, therefore, only refer to a child who is carrying or has carried arms.\u201d\\nIn his February 2000 report to the UN Security Council, the SecretaryGeneral defined a child soldier \u201cas any person under the age 18 years of age who forms part of an armed force in any capacity and those accompanying such groups, other than purely as family members, as well as girls recruited for sexual purposes and forced marriage\u201d. The CRC specifies that a child is every human below the age of 18.\\nThe term \u2018children associated with armed forces and groups\u2019, although more cumbersome, is now used to avoid the perception that the only children of concern are combatant boys. It points out that children eligible for release and reintegration programmes are both those associated with armed forces and groups and those who fled armed forces and groups (often considered as deserters and therefore requiring support and protection), children who were abducted, those forcibly married and those in detention.\\nAccess to demobilization does not depend on a child\u2019s level of involvement in armed forces and groups. No distinction is made between combatants and non-combatants for fear of unfair treatment, oversight or exclusion (mainly of girls). Nevertheless, the child\u2019s personal history and activities in the armed conflict can help decide on the kind of support he\/she needs in the reintegration phase."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Child demobilization, release, exit from an armed force or Group","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"The term \u2018demobilization\u2019 refers to ending a child\u2019s association with armed forces or groups. The terms \u2018release\u2019 or \u2018exit from an armed force or group\u2019 and \u2018children coming or exiting from armed forces and groups\u2019 rather than \u2018demobilized children\u2019 are preferred.\\nChild demobilization\/release is very brief and involves removing a child from a military or armed group as swiftly as possible. This action may require official documentation (e.g., issuing a demobilization card or official registration in a database for ex-combatants) to confirm that the child has no military status, although formal documentation must be used carefully so that it does not stigmatize an already-vulnerable child."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Child reintegration","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"According to article 39 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, \u201cStates parties shall take all appropriate measures to promote . . . social reintegration of a child victim of . . . armed conflicts\u201d.\\nReintegration includes family reunification, mobilizing and enabling the child\u2019s existing care system, medical screening and health care, schooling and\/or vocational training, psychosocial support, and social and community-based reintegration. Reintegration programmes need to be sustainable and to take into account children\u2019s aspirations."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Civil society","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"The three-sector model, which looks at the State as consisting of the government, the market and the citizenry, is a useful starting point to define civil society. In this perspective, civil society constitutes the third sector, existing alongside and interacting with the State and profit-seeking firms. Civil society emerges as a voluntary sector made up of freely and formally associating individuals pursuing non-profit purposes in social movements, religious bodies, women and youth groups, indigenous peoples\u2019 organizations, professional associations, unions, etc"},{"ID":26,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Civil society organization (CSO)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Non-State organization composed of voluntary participants."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Combatant","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Based on an analogy with the definition set out in the Third Geneva Convention of 1949 relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War in relation to persons engaged in international armed conflicts, a combatant is a person who:\\nis a member of a national army or an irregular military organization; or \\nis actively participating in military activities and hostilities; or\\nis involved in recruiting or training military personnel; or \\nholds a command or decision-making position within a national army or an armed organization; or \\narrived in a host country carrying arms or in military uniform or as part of a military structure; or \\nhaving arrived in a host country as an ordinary civilian, thereafter assumes, or shows determination to assume, any of the above attributes."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Community-based policing (CBP) ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"CBP involves the police participating in the community and responding to the needs of that community, and the community participating in its own policing and supporting the police. It can further be explained as the police working in partnership with the community; the community thereby participating in its own policing; and the two working together, mobilizing resources to solve problems affecting public safety over the longer term rather than the police, alone, reacting short term to incidents as they occur."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Community disarmament\/Small arms limitation","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"In the context of peace-building, community disarmament\/small arms limitation advocates a change of public attitude toward the possession and use of weapons, as well as the benefits of weapons control measures within the community."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Community involvement","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"In the context of SALW, the term refers to a process designed to place the needs and priorities of affected communities at the centre of the planning, implementation and monitoring of SALW control and other sectors.\\nCommunity involvement is based on an exchange of information and involves communities in the decision-making process in order to establish priorities for SALW control. In this way, SALW control aims to be inclusive, community focused and ensure the maximum involvement of all sections of the community. This involvement includes joint planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects.\\nCommunity involvement also works with communities to develop specific interim safety strategies that encourage individual and community behavioural change. This is designed to reduce the impact of SALW on individuals and communities until such time as the threat is removed."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Community sensitization","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Sensitizing a community before, during and after the DDR process is essentiallythe process of making community members (whether they are ex-combatantor not) aware of the effects and changes DDR creates within the community. for example, it will be important for the community to know that reintegrationcan be a long-term, challenging process before it leads to stability; that excombatants might not readily take on their new livelihoods; that local capacity building will be an important emphasis for community building, etc. Such messages to the community can be dispersed with media tools, such as television; radio, print and poster campaigns; community town halls, etc., ensuring that a community\u2019s specific needs are addressed throughout the DDR process. See also \u2018sensitization\u2019."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Conflict prevention","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Taking measures to try and prevent violent confrontation."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Conflict reduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Process employed by States with the aim of diffusing tensions and building sustainable peace.\\nConflict reduction strategies may include programmes designed to build national and local capacity to settle disputes; encouraging the establishment of coordinated conflict prevention policies among international actors, and assisting countries in reducing the spread of arms."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Conflict resolution","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Efforts designed to increase cooperation among the parties to a conflict and strengthen their relationships by building or deepening the institutions and processes through which the parties interact.conflict resolution is used to reduce the possibility of violence, or to consolidate the cessation of a violent conflict in an attempt to prevent its re-escalation."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Cooperation","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The process of combining separate actors (States\/members\/armies) to work together as a cohesive unit in attaining pre-defined goals."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Coping mechanisms\/strategies","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The methods by which members of households try to deal with a crisis. For example, at times of severe food insecurity, household members may (1) make Greater use than normal of wild foods, (2) plant other crops, (3) seek other sources of income, (4) rely more on gifts and remittances, (5) sell off assets to buy food, or (6) migrate. Coping mechanisms should be discouraged if they lead to disinvestment, if they reduce a household\u2019s capacity to recover its long term capacity to survive, and if they harm the environment. Positive coping mechanisms should be encouraged and strengthened."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Counselling (HIV)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Support generally offered before and after a test in order to help individuals Understand their risk behaviour and cope with an HIV-positive result or main\u00adtain an HIV-negative status. The counselling service also links individuals to options for treatment, care and support; and provides information on how to stay as healthy as possible and minimize the risk of transmission to others."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Crisis management","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Actions undertaken by governments and non-governmental agencies in an attempt to respond to security problems, identify their root causes and buildinternational capacity to prevent conflicts from recurring."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Demilitarization","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The complete range of processes that render weapons, ammunition and explo\u00adsives unfit for their originally intended purpose. Demilitarization not only involves the final destruction process, but also includes all of the other transport, storage, accounting and pre-processing operations that are equally as essential to achieving the final result."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Demobilization (see also \u2018Child demobilization\u2019)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"\u201cDemobilization is the formal and controlled discharge of active combatants from armed forces or other armed groups. The first stage of demobilization may extend from the processing of individual combatants in temporary centres to the massing of troops in camps designated for this purpose (cantonment sites, encampments, assembly areas or barracks). the second stage of demobilization encompasses the support package provided to the demobilized, which is called reinsertion\u201d (Secretary-General, note to the General Assembly, A\/C.5\/59\/31, May 2005)."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Dependant","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"A civilian who depends upon a combatant for his\/her livelihood. This can include friends and relatives of the combatant, such as aged men and women, non-mobilized children, and women and girls. Some dependants may also be active members of a fighting force. For the purposes of DDR programming, such persons shall be considered combatants, not dependants."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Destruction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"The process of final conversion of weapons, ammunition and explosives into an inert state so that they can no longer function as designed."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Detailed field assessment","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"A detailed field assessment is essential to identify the nature of the problem a DDR programme is to deal with, as well as to provide key indicators for the development of a detailed DDR strategy and its associated components. detailed field assessments shall be undertaken to ensure that DDR strategies, programmes and implementation plans reflect realities, are well targeted and sustainable, and to assist with their monitoring and evaluation."},{"ID":44,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Disarmament","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"\u201cDisarmament is the collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons of combatants and often also of the civilian population. Disarmament also includes the development of responsible arms management programmes\u201d (Secretary-General, note to the General Assembly, A\/C.5\/59\/31, May 2005). "},{"ID":45,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"A process that contributes to security and stability in a post-conflict recovery context by removing weapons from the hands of combatants, taking the combatants out of military structures and helping them to integrate socially and economically into society by finding civilian livelihoods. also see separate entries for \u2018disarmament\u2019, \u2018demobilization\u2019 and \u2018reintegration\u2019."},{"ID":46,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Disposal","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"The removal of ammunition and explosives from a stockpile using a variety of methods (that may not necessarily involve destruction). Logistic disposal may or may not require the use of render safe procedures."},{"ID":47,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Diurnal cycling","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"The exposure of ammunition and explosives to the temperature changes caused by day, night and change of season."},{"ID":48,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"\u2018Do no harm\u2019 ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"An approach that tries to avoid unintended negative impacts of development and other interventions."},{"ID":49,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Eligibility criteria ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Criteria that establish who will benefit from DDR assistance and who will not. there are five categories of people that should be taken into consideration in DDR programmes: (1) male and female adult combatants; (2) children associated with armed forces and groups; (3) those working in non-combat roles (including women); (4) ex-combatants with disabilities and chronic illnesses; and (5) dependants. \\nWhen deciding on who will benefit from DDR assistance, planners should be guided by three principles, which include: (1) focusing on improving security. DDR assistance should target groups that pose the greatest risk to peace, while paying careful attentions to laying the foundation for recovery and development; (2) balancing equity with security. Targeted assistance should be balanced against rewarding violence. Fairness should guide eligibility; and (3) achieving flexibility. \\nThe eligibility criteria are decided at the beginning of a DDR planning process and determine the cost, scope and duration of the DDR programme in question."},{"ID":50,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Employability","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"A combination of skills, knowledge and attitudes that improve a person\u2019s ability to secure and retain a job, progress at work and cope with change, secure alternative employment if he\/she so wishes or has been laid off, and enter more easily into the labour market at different periods of his\/her working life."},{"ID":51,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Empowerment","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Refers to women and men taking control over their lives: setting their own agendas, gaining skills, building self-confidence, solving problems and developing self-reliance. No one can empower another; only the individual can empower herself or himself to make choices or to speak out. However,institutions, including international cooperation agencies, can support processes that can nurture self-empowerment of individuals or groups. Empowerment of recipients, regardless of their gender, should be a central goal of any DDR interventions, and measures must be taken to ensure no particular Group is disempowered or excluded through the DDR process."},{"ID":52,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Evaluation","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Evaluation is a management tool. It is a time-bound activity that systematically and objectively assesses the relevance, performance and success of ongoing and completed programmes and projects. Evaluation is carried out selectively, asking and answering specific questions to guide decision makers and\/or programme managers. Evaluation determines the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of a programme or project."},{"ID":53,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Exclusion from protection as a refugee","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"This is provided for in legal provisions under refugee law that deny the benefits of international protection to persons who would otherwise satisfy the criteria for refugee status, including persons in respect of whom there are serious reasons for considering that they have committed a crime against peace, a war crime, a crime against humanity, a serious non-political crime or acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN."},{"ID":54,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Ex-combatan","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"A person who has assumed any of the responsibilities or carried out any of the activities mentioned in the definition of \u2018combatant\u2019, and has laid down or surrendered his\/her arms with a view to entering a DDR process. Former combatant status may be certified through a demobilisation process by a recognised authority. Spontaneously auto-demobilised individuals, such as deserters, may also be considered ex-combatants if proof of non-combatant status over a period of time can be given."},{"ID":55,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"It may also include the rendering safe and\/or disposal of such explosive ordnance, which has become hazardous by damage or deterioration, when the disposal of such explosive ordnance is beyond the capabilities of those personnel normally assigned the responsibility for routine disposal. The presence of ammunition and explosives during disarmament operations will inevitably require some degree of EOD response. The level of this response will depend on the condition of the ammunition, its level of deterioration and the way that the local community handles it"},{"ID":56,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Explosives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Substances or mixtures of substances that, under external influences, are capable of rapidly releasing energy in the form of gases and heat."},{"ID":57,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"False negative\/positive","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"HIV test result that is wrong, either giving a negative result when the person is HIV-positive, or a positive result when the person is HIV-negative"},{"ID":58,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Finance and Management Support Service (FMSS) ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"The office in the Office of Mission Support (OMS) in DPKO mandated to provide financial management and support services to peacekeeping, peacemaking and preventive diplomacy operations, and trust funds related to peacekeeping and peacemaking activities from start-up through closure and liquidation"},{"ID":59,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Food for training (FFT) ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Programme in which food is supplied on condition that the recipient attends a training programme"},{"ID":60,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Food for work (FFW)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"FFW projects and activities are those in which food is given as full or part payment for work performed in the context of a supervised work programme."},{"ID":61,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Food insecurity","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"A situation where people lack secure access to sufficient amounts of safe and nutritious food for normal growth and development, and an active and healthy life. Food insecurity may be caused by the unavailability of food, insufficient purchasing power, inappropriate distribution, or inadequate use of food at the household level"},{"ID":62,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Food security","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"A situation where all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Note: This definition includes the following three key dimensions of food security: sufficient availability of food; adequate access to food; and appropriate utilization of food."},{"ID":63,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Foreign former combatant","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"A person who previously met the definition of a combatant and has since disarmed and genuinely demobilized, but is not a national of the country where he\/she finds him-\/herself."},{"ID":64,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Formed police unit (FPU)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"A self-contained police unit of 125 officers capable of providing a range of tactical options, including an effective public order function."},{"ID":65,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Former combatant","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"See \u2018ex-combatant\u2019"},{"ID":66,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Gender","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"The social attributes and opportunities associated with being male and female and the relationships between women, men, girls and boys, as well as the relations between women and those between men. These attributes, opportunities and relationships are socially constructed and are learned through socialization processes. They are context\/time-specific and changeable. Gender is part of the broader sociocultural context. Other important criteria for sociocultural analysis include class, race, poverty level, ethnic group and age. The concept of gender also includes the expectations held about the characteristics, aptitudes and likely behaviours of both women and men (femininity and masculinity). The concept of gender is vital, because, when it is applied to social analysis, it reveals how women\u2019s subordination (or men\u2019s domination) is socially constructed. As such, the subordination can be changed or ended. It is not biologically predetermined, nor is it fixed forever. As with any group, interactions among armed forces and groups, members\u2019 roles and responsibilities within the group, and interactions between members of armed forces\/groups and policy and decision makers are all heavily influenced by prevailing gender roles and gender relations in society. In fact, gender roles significantly affect the behaviour of individuals even when they are in a sex-segregated environment, such as an all-male cadre."},{"ID":67,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Gender analysis","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"The collection and analysis of sex-disaggregated information. Men and women perform different roles in societies and in armed groups and forces. This leads to women and men having different experience, knowledge, talents and needs. Gender analysis explores these differences so that policies, programmes and projects can identify and meet the different needs of men and women. Gender analysis also facilitates the strategic use of distinct knowledge and skills possessed by women and men, which can greatly improve the long-term sustainability of interventions. In the context of DDR, gender analysis should be used to design policies and interventions that will reflect the different roles, capacity and needs of women, men, girls and boys."},{"ID":68,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Gender balance","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"The objective of achieving representational numbers of women and men among staff. The shortage of women in leadership roles, as well as extremely low numbers of women peacekeepers and civilian personnel, has contributed to the invisibility of the needs and capacities of women and girls in the DDR process. Achieving gender balance, or at least improving the representation of women in peace operations, has been defined as a strategy for increasing operational capacity on issues related to women, girls, gender equality and mainstreaming."},{"ID":69,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Gender equality","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"The equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities of women and men and Girls and boys. Equality does not mean that women and men will become the same, but that women\u2019s and men\u2019s rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female. Gender equality implies that the interests, needs and priorities of both women and men are taken into consideration, while recognizing the diversity of different groups of women and men. Gender equality is not a women\u2019s issue, but should concern and fully engage men as well as women. Equality between women and men is seen both as a human rights issue and as a precondition for, and indicator of, sustainable people-centred development."},{"ID":70,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Gender equity","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"The process of being fair to men and women. To ensure fairness, measures must often be put in place to compensate for the historical and social disadvantages that prevent women and men from operating on a level playing field. equity is a means; equality is the result."},{"ID":71,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Gender mainstreaming","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Defined by the 52nd Session of ECOSOC in 1997 as \u201cthe process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for making women\u2019s as well as men\u2019s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres, so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetrated. The ultimate goal of gender mainstreaming is to achieve gender equality.\u201d Gender mainstreaming emerged as a major strategy for achieving gender equality following the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995. In the context of DDR, gender mainstreaming is necessary in order to ensure women and girls receive equitable access to assistance programmes and packages, and it should, therefore, be an essential component of all DDR-related interventions. In order to maximize the impact of gender mainstreaming efforts, these should be complemented with activities that are directly tailored for marginalized segments of the intended beneficiary group."},{"ID":72,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Gender relations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"The social relationships among men, women, girls and boys. Gender relations shape how power is distributed among women, men, girls and boys and how it is translated into different positions in society. Gender relations are generally fluid and vary depending on other social relations, such as class, race, ethnicity, etc."},{"ID":73,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Gender-aware policies","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Policies that utilize gender analysis in their formulation and design, and recognize gender differences in terms of needs, interests, priorities, power and roles. They further recognize that both men and women are active development actors for their community. Gender-aware policies can be further divided into the following three policies: \\nGender-neutral policies use the knowledge of gender differences in society to reduce biases in development work in order to enable both women and men to meet their practical gender needs. \\nGender-specific policies are based on an understanding of the existing gendered division of resources and responsibilities and gender power relations. These policies use knowledge of gender difference to respond to the practical gender needs of women or men. \\nGender-transformative policies consist of interventions that attempt to transform existing distributions of power and resources to create a more balanced relationship among women, men, girls and boys by responding to their strategic gender needs. These policies can target both sexes together, or separately. Interventions may focus on women\u2019s and\/or men\u2019s practical gender needs, but with the objective of creating a conducive environment in which women or men can empower themselve"},{"ID":74,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Gender-responsive DDR programmes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Programmes that are planned, implemented, monitored and evaluated in a gender-responsive manner to meet the different needs of female and male ex-combatants, supporters and dependants."},{"ID":75,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Gender-responsive objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Programme and project objectives that are non-discriminatory, equally benefit women and men and aim at correcting gender imbalances."},{"ID":76,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Gendered division of labour","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"This is the result of how each society divides work between men and women according to what is considered suitable or appropriate to each gender. Atten\u00adtion to the gendered division of labour is essential when determining reintegration opportunities for both male and female ex-combatants, including women and girls associated with armed forces and groups in non-combat roles and dependants."},{"ID":77,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Harm","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Physical injury or damage to the health of people, or damage to property or the environment (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E])."},{"ID":78,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Harmful event","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Occurrence in which a hazardous situation results in harm (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E])."},{"ID":79,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Hazard","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Potential source of harm (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E])."},{"ID":80,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Hazardous situation ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Circumstance in which people, property or the environment are exposed to one or more hazards (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E])."},{"ID":81,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"HIV","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Human immunodeficiency virus, the virus that causes AIDS."},{"ID":82,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"HIV confirmation tests","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"According to WHO\/UNAIDS recommendations, all positive HIV-test results (whether ELISA [enzyme-linked immunabsorbent assay] or simple\/rapid tests) should be confirmed using a second, different test to confirm accuracy, or two further different rapid tests if laboratory facilities are not available."},{"ID":83,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"HIV counselling","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Counselling generally offered before and after an HIV test in order to help individuals understand their risk behaviour and cope with an HIV-positive result or stay HIV-negative. The counselling service also links individuals to options for treatment, care and support, and provides information on how to stay as healthy as possible and how to minimize the risk of transmission to others. Test results shall be confidential. Usually a voluntary counselling and testing service package ensures that: the HIV test is voluntary; pre and post-test counselling is offered; informed consent is obtained (agreement to a medical test or procedure after clear explanation of risks and benefits); and HIV tests are performed using approved HIV test kits and following testing protocols."},{"ID":84,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"HIV-negative result","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"The HIV test did not detect any antibodies in the blood. This either means that the person is not infected with the virus at the time of the test or that he\/she is in the \u2018window period\u2019 (i.e., false negative, see above). It does not mean that he\/she is immune to the virus."},{"ID":85,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"HIV-positive result ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"A positive HIV test result means that a person has the HIV antibodies in his\/ her blood and is infected with HIV. It does not mean that he\/she has AIDS."},{"ID":86,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"HIV test","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Usually a test for the presence of antibodies. There are two main methods of HIV testing: \\nHIV ELISA (enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay) test: This is the most efficient test for testing large numbers per day, but requires laboratory facilities with equipment, maintenance staff and a reliable power supply; \\nSimple\/rapid HIV tests: These do not require special equipment or highly trained staff and are as accurate as ELISA. Rapid tests will usually give results in approximately 30 minutes and are easy to perform. Suitable combinations of three simple\/rapid tests are recommended by WHO where facilities for ELISA or ELISA\/Western Blot testing are not available."},{"ID":87,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Host country","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"A foreign country into whose territory a combatant crosses."},{"ID":88,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Human capital","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The knowledge, skills, competencies and other attributes embodied in individuals that are relevant to economic activity. (Duration of schooling and levels of qualification are the standard measures.)"},{"ID":89,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Human security","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Constitutes (1) safety from chronic threats, such as hunger, disease and repression, and (2) protection from sudden and hurtful disruptions in the patterns of daily life. Although the scope of human security is vast, it can be divided into seven areas: economic security (freedom from poverty), food security (access to food), health security (access to health care and protection from diseases), environmental security (protection from the danger of environmental pollution), personal security (physical protection against torture, war, criminal attacks, domestic violence, etc.), community security (survival of traditional cultures and ethnic groups) and political security (civil and political rights, freedom from political oppression)."},{"ID":90,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Implementation plan","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Also known as an operations or action plan, an implementation plan describes the detailed steps necessary to implement programme activities, together with a division of labour and overall time-frame."},{"ID":91,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Implementing partner","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Organizations and agencies that execute programmes and services within UN-supported DDR operations. The presence and capacity of implementing partners varies significantly in different countries and may include national authorities, UN missions and agencies, national and international NGOs, community-based organizations and local businesses."},{"ID":92,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Incentives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Acts or conditions that encourage the achievement of a goal."},{"ID":93,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Inconclusive (indeterminate) test","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"A small percentage of HIV test results are inconclusive. This means that the result is neither positive nor negative. This may be due to a number of factors that are not related to HIV infection, or it can be because of the person is in the early stages of infection when there are insufficient HIV antibodies present to give a positive result. If this happens the test must be repeated."},{"ID":94,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Incubation period","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Time period between first infection by the disease agent and the appearance of disease symptoms. With HIV, this can vary from months to many years."},{"ID":95,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Indicator","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Quantitative or qualitative factor or variable that provides a simple and reliable means to measure achievement, to reflect changes connected to an intervention, or to help assess the performance of a given development or aid factor."},{"ID":96,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"nformation, education and communication (IEC)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The development of communication strategies and support materials, based on formative research and designed to impact on levels of knowledge and influence behaviours among specific groups."},{"ID":97,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Integrated disarmament, demobilization and reintegration","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The co-operative implementation of policies, structures and processes that support effective disarmament, demobilization and reintegration operations within a peacekeeping environment."},{"ID":98,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Integration","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The implementation of policies and processes, in pursuit of a common strategic aim, that provide mechanisms for mutually beneficial cooperation."},{"ID":99,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Internally displaced persons (IDPs)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Persons who have been obliged to flee from their homes \u201cin particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflicts, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognized State border\u201d (according to the definition in the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement)"},{"ID":100,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"International guarantor","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"State, international or regional body or organization that plays the role of facilitation and arbitration in negotiations and the implementation of a peace accord."},{"ID":101,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Internee","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"A person who falls within the definition of a combatant (see above), who has crossed an international border from a State experiencing armed conflict and is interned by a neutral State whose territory he\/she has entered."},{"ID":102,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Internment","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"An obligation of a neutral State when foreign former combatants cross into its territory, as provided for under the 1907 Hague Convention Respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in the Case of War on land. This rule is considered to have attained customary international law status, so that it is binding on all States, whether or not they are parties to the Hague Convention. It is applicable by analogy also to internal armed conflicts in which combatants from government armed forces or opposition armed groups enter the territory of a neutral State. Internment involves confining foreign combatants who have been separated from civilians in a safe location away from combat zones and providing basic relief and humane treatment. Varying degrees of freedom of movement can be provided, subject to the interning State ensuring that the internees cannot use its territory for participation in hostilities."},{"ID":103,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Intervention","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"A process in which an actor enters into the area of another, with or without the consent of the other."},{"ID":104,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Irregular force","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"For the purposes of the IDDRS, defined as armed group."},{"ID":105,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Justice","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"For the UN, an ideal of accountability and fairness in the protection and vindication of rights and the prevention and punishment of wrongs. Justice implies regard for the rights of the accused, for the interests of victims and for the well-being of society at large. It is a concept rooted in all national cultures and traditions, and while its administration usually implies formal judicial mechanisms, traditional dispute resolution mechanisms are equally relevant. the international community has worked to articulate collectively the substantive and procedural requirements for the administration of justice for more than half a century"},{"ID":106,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Legislative disarmament\/small arms contro","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"The national legal regimes that regulate the possession, use and circulation of small arms and light weapons. These may be enforced by the State\u2019s security forces. "},{"ID":107,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Livelihood","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"The capabilities, assets (including both material and social assets) and activities required for a means of living. A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stress and shocks, and maintain or improve its capabilities and assets, while not undermining the natural resource base."},{"ID":108,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Mandatory testing","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Testing or screening required by federal, state, or local law to compel individuals to submit to HIV testing without informed consent. Within those countries that conduct mandatory testing, it is usually limited to specific \u2018populations\u2019 such as categories of health care providers, members of the military, prisoners or people in high-risk situations."},{"ID":109,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Mercenary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"\u201cA mercenary is any person who:\\n(a) Is specially recruited locally or abroad in order to fight in an armed conflict;\\n(b) Is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar rank and functions in the armed forces of that party;\\n(c) Is neither a national of a party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a party to the conflict;\\n(d) Is not a member of the armed forces of a party to the conflict; and \\n(e) Has not been sent by a State which is not a party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces.\\n\\nA mercenary is also any person who, in any other situation:\\n(a) Is specially recruited locally or abroad for the purpose of participating in a concerted act of violence aimed at:\\n(i) Overthrowing a Government or otherwise undermining the constitutional order of a State; or\\n(ii) Undermining the territorial integrity of a State;\\n(b) Is motivated to take part therein essentially by the desire for significant private gain and is prompted by the promise of payment of material compen\u00adsation;\\n(c) Is neither a national nor a resident of the State against which such an act is directed;\\n(d) Has not been sent by a State on official duty; and\\n(e) Is not a member of the armed forces of the State on whose territory the act is undertaken\u201d (International Convention Against the Recruitment, Use, financing and Training of Mercenaries, 1989)"},{"ID":110,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Militia","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"A military group that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency or a rebel group acting in opposition to a regular army. Also see \u2018irregular force\u2019."},{"ID":111,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Millennium Development Goals","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"The Millennium Development Goals summarize the development goals agreedon at international conferences and world summits during the 1990s. At the end of the decade, world leaders distilled the key goals and targets in the millennium Declaration (September 2000).the Millennium Development Goals, to be achieved between 1990 and 2015, include:\\nhalving extreme poverty and hunger;\\nachieving universal primary education;\\npromoting gender equality; \\nreducing under-five mortality by two-thirds;\\nreducing maternal mortality by three-quarters;\\nreversing the spread of HIV\/AIDS, malaria and TB; \\nensuring environmental sustainability; \\ndeveloping a global partnership for development, with targets for aid, \\ntrade and debt relief."},{"ID":112,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Monitoring","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Monitoring is a management tool. It is the systematic oversight of the implementation of an activity that establishes whether input deliveries, work schedules, other required actions and targeted outputs have proceeded according to plan, so that timely action can be taken to correct deficiencies."},{"ID":113,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"National authority","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"The government department(s), organization(s) or institution(s) in a country responsible for the regulation, management and coordination of DDR activities."},{"ID":114,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"National plan","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"A comprehensive, short, medium or long-term strategy to bring about the development of a specific issue in a country."},{"ID":115,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Needs-based approach","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"An approach that focuses on what people need or are short of and, therefore, on what they should be provided with."},{"ID":116,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Non-refoulement","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"A core principle of international law that prohibits States from returning persons in any manner whatsoever to countries or territories in which their lives or freedom may be threatened. It finds expression in refugee law, human rights law and international humanitarian law, is a rule of customary international law, and is therefore binding on all States, whether or not they are parties to specific instruments such as the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees."},{"ID":117,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Nutritional requirements","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"AIDS patients usually need a food intake that is 30 percent higher than standard recommended levels."},{"ID":118,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Operational objective","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Specific target set by an organization to achieve a mission. Operational objectives should be precise, ideally quantifiable, and should be achievable with the resources that are likely to become available."},{"ID":119,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Opportunistic infection (OI)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Infection that occurs when an immune system is weakened, but which might not cause a disease \u2014 or be as serious \u2014 in a person with a properly functioning immune system."},{"ID":120,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Participants","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"All persons who will receive direct assistance through the DDR process, inclu\u00adding ex-combatants, women and children associated with fighting forces, and others identified during negotiations of the political framework and planning for a UN-supported DDR process."},{"ID":121,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Participatory rural assessment (PRA)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Tool designed, in a World Food Programme (WFP) intervention, to assess rural people\u2019s perceptions, access to and control over resources, attitudes, benefits, decision-making positions, constraints and degree of involvement."},{"ID":122,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Peace-building","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Process to prevent the resurgence of conflict and to create the conditions necessary for a sustainable peace in war-torn societies. It is a holistic pro\u00adcess involving broad-based inter-agency cooperation across a wide range of issues. it includes activities such as disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of armed forces and groups; rehabilitation of basic national infrastructure; human rights and elections monitoring; monitoring or retraining of civil administrators and police; training in customs and border control procedures; advice or training in fiscal or macroeconomic stabilization policy and support for landmine removal."},{"ID":123,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Peacekeeping assessed budget","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"he assessed contribution of Member States to the operations of the UN peacekeeping missions, based on a scale established by the General Assembly."},{"ID":124,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Peer education","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"A popular concept that variously refers to an approach, a communication channel, a methodology and\/or an intervention strategy. Peer education usually involves training and supporting members of a given group with the same background, experience and values to effect change among members of that group. It is often used to influence knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours at the individual level. However, peer educa\u00adtion may also create change at the group or societal level by modifying norms and stimulating collective action that contributes to changes in policies and programmes. worldwide, peer education is one of the most widely used HIV\/AIDS awareness strategies. "},{"ID":125,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Police statute","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"A law, decree or edict enacted by the relevant authority governing the establishment, functions and organization of a law enforcement agency"},{"ID":126,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Policy","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"A set of statements that define the purpose and goals of an organization and the rules, standards and principles of action that govern the way in which the organization aims to achieve these goals. \\nPolicy evolves in response to strategic direction and field experience. in turn, it influences the way in which plans are developed, and how resources are mobilized and applied. Policy is prescriptive and compliance is assumed, or at least is encouraged."},{"ID":127,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Policy development","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"The process whereby many academic, international and non-governmental organizations provide assistance to governments in developing their strategies and managerial approaches to particular issues, problems or events."},{"ID":128,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Political stability ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"A situation where the political system and its actors, rules, cultures and institutions achieve balance and maintain a certain degree of order."},{"ID":129,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Post-conflict","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Can describe the time, period or events taking place in a given State or region that had experienced an outbreak of violence or conflict in its recent past."},{"ID":130,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Post-exposure prophylaxis\/Post-exposure prevention (PEP)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"A short-term antiretroviral treatment that reduce the likelihood of HIV infection after potential exposure to infected body fluids, such as through a needle-stick injury or as a result of rape. The treatment should only be administered by a qualified health care practitioner. It essentially consists of taking high doses of ARVs for 28 days. To be effective, the treatment must start within 2 to 72 hours of the possible exposure; the earlier the treatment is started, the more effective it is. Its success rate varies."},{"ID":131,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSPs)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"PRSPs are prepared by governments in low-income countries through a participatory process involving domestic stakeholders and external development partners, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. a PRSP describes the macroeconomic, structural and social policies and programmes that a country will follow over several years to bring about broadbased growth and reduce poverty, as well as external financing needs and the associated sources of financing (IMF, Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper: A Fact sheet, September 2005, http:\/\/\/external\/np\/exr\/facts\/prsp.htm)."},{"ID":132,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Practical gender needs","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"What women (or men) perceive as immediate necessities, such as water, shelter, food and security. Practical needs vary according to gendered differences in the division of agricultural labour, reproductive work, etc., in any social context."},{"ID":133,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Pre-discharge orientation (PDO)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Programmes provided at the point of demobilization to former combatants and their families to better equip them for reinsertion to civil society. This process also provides a valuable opportunity to monitor and manage expectations."},{"ID":134,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Pre-mandate commitment authority (PMCA)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"The sources of budgetary support available to the Secretary-General of the UN to establish or expand a peacekeeping operations or special political mission. Certain conditions govern the use of the PMCA, which may include (depending on circumstances) approval from the ACABQ or notification of the President of the Security Council."},{"ID":135,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Prevention of recruitment, and demobilization and reintegration (PDR)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Child-focused agencies use the term \u2018prevention of recruitment, and demobilization and reintegration\u2019 rather than DDR when referring to child-centred processes."},{"ID":136,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Prima facie","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"As appearing at first sight or on first impression; relating to refugees, if someone seems obvious to be a refugee."},{"ID":137,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Programme","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"A generic (general) term for a set of activities designed to achieve a specific objective. In order to ensure that a programme\u2019s results, outputs and overall outcome are reached, activities are often framed by a strategy, key principles and identified targets. Together, these indicate how the activities will be structured and implemented. Programmes also include a description of all aspects necessary to implement the planned activities, including inputs and resources (staff, equipment, funding, etc.), management arrangements, legal frameworks, partnerships and other risk analysis."},{"ID":138,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Project","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Within each programme there may be several projects, each of which is a separately identified undertaking. A project is an intervention that consists of a set of planned, interrelated activities aimed at achieving defined objectives over a fixed time. A project\u2019s activities and objectives are normally given in a project document. This legal agreement binds the signatories to carry out the defined activities and to provide specific resources over a fixed period of time in order to reach agreed objectives."},{"ID":139,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Protection","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"All activities that are aimed at obtaining full respect for the rights of the individual, in accordance with the letter and spirit of international human rights law, international humanitarian law and refugee law."},{"ID":140,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Public information","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Information that is released or published for the primary purpose of keeping the public fully informed, thereby gaining their understanding and support. The objective of public information within SALW control is to raise general awareness. It is a mass mobilization approach that delivers information on the SALW problem. In an emergency situation, due to lack of time and accurate data it is the most practical means of communicating safety information. In other situations, public information can support community liaison\/ involvement."},{"ID":141,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Quick-impact project (QIP)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Quick-impact projects are small, rapidly implemented projects intended to: \\nhelp create conditions for durable solutions for refugees and returnees through rapid interventions; \\nthrough community participation, provide for small-scale initial rehabilitation and enable communities to take advantage of development opportunities; \\nhelp strengthen the absorptive capacity of target areas, while meeting urgent community needs (UNHCR, Quick Impact Projects (QIPs): A Provisional Guide, Geneva, May 2004)."},{"ID":142,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Rapid assessment (RA)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Assessment that uses a variety of survey techniques for quick and inexpensive assessment. Rapid assessments tend to be qualitative rather than quantitative, and they depend more on the ability and judgment of the person carrying out the survey than do other research methods that are more rigorous, but also slower and costlier."},{"ID":143,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Receiving communities","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"The communities where the ex-combatants will go, live and work. Within this concept, the social network of a small community is referred to, and also the bordering local economy."},{"ID":144,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Reconstruction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"The process of rebuilding the institutions of State that have failed or are failing due to circumstances of war or to systematic destruction through poor governance."},{"ID":145,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Recovery","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"A restorative process in relation to the situation prior to the distress. It might entail \u2018healing\u2019, reparation, amelioration and even regeneration."},{"ID":146,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Recruitment","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Includes compulsory, forced and voluntary recruitment into any kind of regular or irregular armed force or armed group."},{"ID":147,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Refugee","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Defined in the 1951 UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees as a person who: \\n\u201cIs outside the country of origin; \\nHas a well-founded fear of persecution because of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion; and \\nIs unable or unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country, or to return there, for fear of persecution.\u201d \\nIn Africa and Latin America, this definition has been extended. The 1969 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa also includes as refugees persons fleeing civil disturbances, widespread violence and war. In Latin America, the Cartagena Declaration of 1984, although not binding, recommends that the definition should also include persons who fled their country \u201cbecause their lives, safety or freedom have been threatened by generalised violence, foreign aggression, internal conflicts, massive violations of human rights or other circumstances which have seriously disturbed public order\u201d."},{"ID":148,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Refugee status determination","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Legal and administrative procedures undertaken by UNHCR and\/or States to determine whether an individual should be recognized as a refugee in accordance with national and international law."},{"ID":149,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Regular forces ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Institutionalized armed cadre in organized, structured and trained professional armies, with a legal basis and supporting institutional infrastructure (salaries, benefits, basic services, etc.)."},{"ID":150,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Reinsertion","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"\u201cReinsertion is the assistance offered to ex-combatants during demobilization but prior to the longer-term process of reintegration. Reinsertion is a form of transitional assistance to help cover the basic needs of ex-combatants and their families and can include transitional safety allowances, food, clothes, shelter, medical services, short-term education, training, employment and tools. While reintegration is a long-term, continuous social and economic process of development, reinsertion is short-term material and\/or financial assistance to meet immediate needs, and can last up to one year\u201d (Secretary-General, note to the General Assembly, A\/C.5\/59\/31, May 2005)."},{"ID":151,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Reintegration","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"\u201cReintegration is the process by which ex-combatants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. Reintegration is essentially a social and economic process with an open time-frame, primarily taking place in communities at the local level. It is part of the general development of a country and a national responsibility, and often necessitates long-term external assistance\u201d (Secretary-General, note to the General Assembly, A\/C.5\/59\/31, May 2005)."},{"ID":152,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Reintegration of children","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"The provision of reintegration support is a right enshrined in article 39 of the CRC: \u201cState Parties shall take all appropriate measures to promote . . . social reintegration of a child victim of . . . armed conflicts\u201d. Child-centred reintegration is multi-layered and focuses on family reunification; mobilizing and enabling care systems in the community; medical screening and health care, including reproductive health services; schooling and\/or vocational training; psychosocial support; and social, cultural and economic support. Socio-economic reintegration is often underestimated in DDR programmes, but should be included in all stages of programming and budgeting, and partner organizations should be involved at the start of the reintegration process to establish strong collaboration structures."},{"ID":153,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Render safe procedure (RSP)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"The application of special explosive ordnance disposal methods and tools to provide for the interruption of functions or separation of essential components to prevent an unacceptable detonation."},{"ID":154,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Repatriation","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"The return of an individual to his\/her country of citizenship. "},{"ID":155,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Resettlement","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"The relocation of a refugee to a third country, which is neither the country of citizenship nor the country into which the refugee has fled. Resettlement to a third country is granted by accord of the country of resettlement, and is based on a number of criteria, including legal and physical protection needs, lack of local integration opportunities, medical needs, family reunification needs, protecting survivors of violence and torture, etc."},{"ID":156,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Residual risk","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"In the context of disarmament, the term refers to the risk remaining following the application of all reasonable efforts to remove the risks inherent in all collection and destruction activities (adapted from ISO Guide 51:1999)."},{"ID":157,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Results-based budgeting (RBB) ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"A strategic planning framework that focuses on concrete objectives, expected accomplishments and indicators of achievement for the allocation of resources. As such, the RBB aims to shift focus from output accounting (i.e., activities) to results-based accountability (indicators of achievements)."},{"ID":158,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Returnee","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"A refugee who has voluntarily repatriated from a country of asylum to his\/her country of origin, after the country of origin has confirmed that its environment is stable and secure and not prone to persecution of any person. Also refers to a person (who could be an internally displaced person [IDP] or ex-combatant) returning to a community\/town\/village after conflict has ended."},{"ID":159,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Risk","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E])."},{"ID":160,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Risk analysis","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Systematic use of available information to identify hazards and to estimate the risk (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E])."},{"ID":161,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Risk assessment","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Overall process comprising a risk analysis and a risk evaluation (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E])."},{"ID":162,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Risk evaluation","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Process based on risk analysis to determine whether the tolerable risk has been achieved (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E])."},{"ID":163,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Risk reduction ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Actions taken to lessen the probability, negative consequences or both, associated with a particular event or series of events."},{"ID":164,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Routine opt-in testing","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Approach to testing whereby the individual is offered an HIV test as a standard part of a treatment\/health check that he\/she is about to receive. The individual is informed that he\/she has the right to decide whether or not to undergo the test."},{"ID":165,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Rule of law","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"A principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards. It requires, as well, measures to ensure adherence to the principles of supremacy of law, equality before the law, accountability to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of powers, participation in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of arbitrariness, and procedural and legal transparency."},{"ID":166,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"\u2018Safe to move\u2019","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"A technical assessment, by an appropriately qualified technician or technical officer, of the physical condition and stability of ammunition and explosives prior to any proposed move. Should the ammunition and explosives fail a \u2018safe to move\u2019 inspection, then they must be destroyed on site (i.e., at the place where it is found), or as close as is practically possible, by a qualified EOD team acting under the advice and control of the qualified technician or technical officer who conducted the initial \u2018safe to move\u2019 inspection."},{"ID":167,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Safety","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"The degree of freedom from unacceptable risk (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E])."},{"ID":168,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"SALW awareness programme","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"A programme of activities carried out with the overall goal of minimizing, and where possible eliminating, the negative consequences of inadequate SALW control by carrying out an appropriate combination of SALW advocacy,SALW risk education and media operations\/public information campaigns, which together work to change behaviours and introduce appropriate alternative ways attitudes over the long term. Wherever it exists, the operational objectives of a national SALW control initiative will dictate the appropriate type of SALW awareness activities. SALW awareness is a mass mobilization approach that delivers information on the SALW threat. It may take the form of formal or non-formal education and may use mass media techniques. In an emergency situation, due to lack of time and available data, it is the most practical way of communicating safety information. In other situations it can support community liaison."},{"ID":169,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"SALW advocacy","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"A programme of activities that aim to raise SALW problems and issues with the general public, the authorities, the media, governments and their institutions to achieve changes at both institutional and\/or individual levels. These types of activities also include campaigns highlighting the SALW problems and issues with the aim of encouraging people to surrender weapons. This is generally carried out to support weapons collection programmes."},{"ID":170,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"SALW control","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Activities that, together, aim to reduce the social, economic and environmental impact of uncontrolled SALW spread and possession. These activities include cross-border control issues, legislative and regulatory measures, SALW awareness and communications strategies, SALW collection and destruction operations, SALW survey and the management of information and SALW stockpile management."},{"ID":171,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"SALW risk education","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"A process that encourages the adoption of safer behaviours by at-risk groups and by SALW holders, and which provides the links among affected communities, other SALW components and other sectors. SALW risk education can be implemented as a stand-alone activity, in contexts where no weapons collection is taking place. If an amnesty is to be set up at a later stage, risk education activities will permit an information campaign to take place efficiently, using the networks, systems and methods in place as part of the risk education programme and adapting the content accordingly. \\nSALW risk education is an essential component of SALW control. There are two related and mutually reinforcing components: (1) community involvement; and (2) public education. \\nGenerally, SALW risk education programmes can use both approaches, as they reinforce each other. They are not, however, alternatives to each other, nor are they alternatives to eradicating the SALW threat by weapons collection and destruction. The use of those approaches will also depend on whether a weapons collection programme is taking place or not."},{"ID":172,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"SALW survey","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"A systematic and logical process to determine the nature and extent of SALW spread and impact within a region, nation or community in order to provide accurate data and information for a safe, effective and efficient intervention by an appropriate organisation. The following terms have been used in the past, though the preferred one is as indicated above: \u2018national assessment\u2019, \u2018base-line assessment\u2019 and \u2018mapping\u2019."},{"ID":173,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Security","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"An individual\u2019s or State\u2019s feeling of safety or well-being, protected from attack or violent conflict. OR The control of threat, integrated with an appropriate response capability."},{"ID":174,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Security sector reform (SSR)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"A dynamic concept involving the design and implementation of strategy for the management of security functions in a democratically accountable, efficient and effective manner to initiate and support reform of the national security infrastructure. The national security infrastructure includes appropriate national ministries, civil authorities, judicial systems, the armed forces, paramilitary forces, police, intelligence services, private\u2013military companies (PMCs), correctional services and civil society \u2018watch-dogs\u2019."},{"ID":175,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Sensitization","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Sensitization within the DDR context refers to creating awareness, positive understanding and behavioural change towards: (1) specific components that are important to DDR planning, implementation and follow-up; and (2) transitional changes for ex-combatants, their dependants and surrounding communities, both during and post-DDR processes. For those who are planning and implementing DDR, sensitization can entail making sure that specific needs of women and children are included within DDR programme planning. It can consist of taking cultural traditions and values into consideration, depending on where the DDR process is taking place. For ex-combatants, their dependants and surrounding communities who are being sensitized, it means being prepared for and made aware of what will happen to them and their communities after being disarmed and demobilized, e.g., taking on new livelihoods, which will change both their lifestyle and environment. Such sensitization processes can occur with a number of tools: training and issue-specific workshops; media tools such as television, radio, print and poster campaigns; peer counselling, etc."},{"ID":176,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Sentinel surveillance","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Surveillance based on selected population samples chosen to represent the relevant experience of particular groups."},{"ID":177,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Sero-conversion ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"The period when the blood starts producing detectable antibodies in response to HIV infection."},{"ID":178,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Sero-positive","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Having HIV antibodies; being HIV-positive."},{"ID":179,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Sex","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"The biological differences between men and women, which are universal and determined at birth."},{"ID":180,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Sex-disaggregated data","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Data that are collected and presented separately on men and women. The availability of sex-disaggregated data, which would describe the proportion of women, men, girls and boys associated with armed forces and groups, is an essential precondition for building gender-responsive policies and interventions"},{"ID":181,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Sexually transmitted infection (STI)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Disease that is commonly transmitted through vaginal, oral or anal sex. The presence of an STI is indicative of risk behaviour and also increases the actual risk of contracting HIV."},{"ID":182,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Small arms and light weapons (SALW)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"All lethal conventional weapons and ammunition that can be carried by an individual combatant or a light vehicle, that also do not require a substantial logistic and maintenance capability. There are a variety of definitions for SALW circulating and international consensus on a \u2018correct\u2019 definition has yet to be agreed. Based on common practice, weapons and ammunition up to 100 mm in calibre are usually considered as SALW. For the purposes of the IDDRS series, the above definition will be used."},{"ID":183,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Small arms capacity assessment (SACA)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"The component of SALW survey that collects data on the local resources available to respond to the SALW problem."},{"ID":184,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Small arms distribution assessment (SADA)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"The component of SALW survey that collects data on the type, quantity, ownership, distribution and movement of SALW within the country or region."},{"ID":185,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Small arms impact survey (SAIS) ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"The component of SALW survey that collects data on the impact of SALW on the community and social and economic development."},{"ID":186,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Small arms limitation","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"See \u2018community disarmament\u2019."},{"ID":187,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Small arms perception survey (SAPS)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"The component of SALW survey that collects qualitative and quantitative information, using focus groups, interviews and household surveys, on the attitudes of the local community to SALW and possible interventions."},{"ID":188,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Social capital ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"The existence of a certain set of informal values or norms shared among members of a group that permit cooperation among them. The sharing of values and norms does not in itself produce social capital, because the values may be the wrong ones: the norms that produce social capital must substantively include virtues like truth-telling, the meeting of obligations and reciprocity. Note: There are multiple and nuanced definitions of social capital."},{"ID":189,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Stakeholders","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"A broad term used to denote all local, national and international actors who have an interest in the outcome of any particular DDR process. This includes participants and beneficiaries, parties to peace accords\/political frameworks, national authorities, all UN and partner implementing agencies, bilateral and multilateral donors, and regional actors and international political guarantors of the peace process."},{"ID":190,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Standard","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"A documented agreement containing technical specifications or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines or definitions of characteristics to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose. IDDRS aim to improve safety and efficiency in DDR operations by encouraging the use of the preferred procedures and practices at both Headquarters and field level. To be effective, the standards should be definable, measurable, achievable and verifiable."},{"ID":191,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"STI syndromic management","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"A cost-effective approach that allows health workers to diagnose sexually transmitted infections on the basis of a patient\u2019s history and symptoms, without the need for laboratory analysis. Treatment normally includes the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics."},{"ID":192,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Stockpile","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"In the context of DDR, the term refers to a large accumulated stock of weapons and explosive ordnance."},{"ID":193,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Stockpile destruction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"The physical activities and destructive procedures towards a continual reduction of the national stockpile."},{"ID":194,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Strategic gender needs","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Long-term needs, usually not material, and often related to structural changes in society regarding women\u2019s status and equity. They include legislation for equal rights, reproductive choice and increased participation in decision-making.The notion of \u2018strategic gender needs\u2019, first coined in 1985 by Maxine Molyneux, helped develop gender planning and policy development tools, such as the Moser Framework, which are currently being used by development institutions around the world. Interventions dealing with strategic gender interests focus on fundamental issues related to women\u2019s (or, less often, men\u2019s) subordination and gender inequities."},{"ID":195,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Sustainable livelihoods approach","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Approach that tries to ensure that households can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks, and maintain and improve their capabilities and assets now and in the future."},{"ID":196,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Tolerable risk","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Risk that is accepted in a given context on the basis of the current values of society (ISO Guide 51: 1999 [E])."},{"ID":197,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Transition","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"The period in a crisis when external assistance is most crucial in supporting or underpinning still fragile ceasefires or peace processes by helping to create the conditions for political stability, security, justice and social equity. Thus, peace-building is the area where UN activities in a transition context intersect. Consolidating peace remains the overarching aim of transition."},{"ID":198,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Transitional justice","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Transitional justice comprises the full range of processes and mechanisms associated with a society\u2019s attempts to come to terms with a legacy of large-scale past abuses, in order to ensure accountability, serve justice and achieve reconciliation. These may include both judicial and non-judicial mechanisms, with differing levels of international involvement (or none at all) and individual prosecutions, reparations, truth-seeking, institutional reform, vetting and dismissals, or a combination thereof."},{"ID":199,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Transparency","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Free and open access to information that enables civil society to perform its regulatory function. Transparency is sometimes used as a synonym for accountability in governance."},{"ID":200,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"UN development assistance framework (UNDAF)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"UNDAF is the common strategic framework for the operational activities of the UN system at the country level. It provides a collective, coherent and integrated UN system response to national priorities and needs, including PRSPs and equivalent national strategies, within the framework of the Millennium Development Goals and the commitments, goals and targets of the Millennium Declaration and international conferences, summits, conventions and human rights instruments of the UN system (UN, Common Country Assessment and United Nations Development Assistance Framework: Guidelines for UN Country Teams, 2004)."},{"ID":201,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Unexploded ordnance (UXO) ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Explosive ordnance that has been primed, fuzed, armed or otherwise prepared for action, and which has been dropped, fired, launched, projected or placed in such a manner as to be a hazard to operations, installations, personnel or material, and remains unexploded either by malfunction or design or for any other cause."},{"ID":202,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Universal precautions","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Simple infection control measures that reduce the risk of transmission of blood borne pathogens through exposure to blood or body fluids among patients and health care workers. Under the \u2018universal precaution\u2019 principle, blood and body fluids from all persons should be considered as infected with HIV, regardless of the known or supposed status of the person. \\nUse of new, single-use disposable injection equipment for all injections is highly recommended. Sterilising injection equipment should only be considered if single-use equipment is not available. \\nDiscard contaminated sharps immediately and without recapping in puncture- and liquid-proof containers that are closed, sealed and destroyed before completely full. \\nDocument the quality of the sterilization for all medical equipment used for percutaneous procedures. \\nWash hands with soap and water before and after procedures; use protective barriers such as gloves, gowns, aprons, masks and goggles for direct contact with blood and other body fluids. \\nDisinfect instruments and other contaminated equipment. \\nHandle properly soiled linen with care. Soiled linen should be handled as little as possible. Gloves and leak-proof bags should be used if necessary. Cleaning should occur outside patient areas, using detergent and hot water."},{"ID":203,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Verification","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been fulfilled (ISO 9000:2000)."},{"ID":204,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Violence","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or a group or community that either results in, or has a high likelihood of resulting in, injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development or deprivation."},{"ID":205,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Violence against women\/Gender-based violence","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Defined as \u201cany act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private. Violence against women shall be understood to encompass, but not be limited to, the following: (a) Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring in the family, including battering, sexual abuse of female children in the household, dowry-related violence, marital rape, female genital mutilation and other traditional practices harmful to women, non-spousal violence and violence related to exploitation; (b) Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring within the general community, including rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment and intimidation at work, in educational institutions and elsewhere, trafficking in women and forced prostitution; (c) Physical, sexual and psychological violence perpetrated or condoned by the State, wherever it occurs\u201d (UN General Assembly Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women, 1993)."},{"ID":206,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Voluntary contributions","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Financial support that Member States pledge (often in a donors\u2019 conference) and commit on a case-by-case basis to support programme implementation. Contributions can be made to UN or non-UN trust funds. At times, donors implement their contributions through their own bilateral aid agency or directly through non-government organizations."},{"ID":207,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Voluntary HIV testing","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"A client-initiated HIV test whereby the individual chooses to go to a testing facility\/provider to find out his\/her HIV status."},{"ID":208,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Voluntary surrender","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"The physical return on their own accord by an individual(s) or community of SALW to the legal government or an international organization with no further penalty."},{"ID":209,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Vulnerability","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"The high probability of exposure to risks and reduced capacity to overcome their negative results. Vulnerability is a result of exposure to risk factors, and of underlying socio-economic processes, which reduce the capacity of populations to cope with risks."},{"ID":210,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Weapon","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Anything used, designed or used or intended for use: \\n(1) in causing death or injury to any person; or \\n(2) for the purposes of threatening or intimidating any person and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes a firearm."},{"ID":211,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Weapons collection point (WCP)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"A temporary, or semi-permanent, location laid out in accordance with the principles of explosive and weapons safety, which is designed to act as a focal point for the surrender of SALW by the civil community."},{"ID":212,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Weapons in competition for development (WCD)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"The direct linkage between the voluntary surrender of small arms and light weapons by competing communities in exchange for an agreed proportion of small-scale infrastructure development by the legal government, an international organization or NGO"},{"ID":213,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Weapons control","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Regulation of the possession and use of firearms and other lethal weapons by citizens through legal issuances (e.g., laws, regulations, decrees, etc.)."},{"ID":214,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Weapons in exchange for development (WED; WfD)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"The indirect linkage between the voluntary surrender of small arms and light weapons by the community as a whole in exchange for the provision of sustainable infrastructure development by the legal government, an international organization or NGO."},{"ID":215,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Weapons in exchange for incentives (WEI)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"The direct linkage between the voluntary surrender of small arms and light weapons by individuals in exchange for the provision of appropriate materials by the legal government, an international organization or an NGO."},{"ID":216,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Weapons linked to development (WLD)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"The direct linkage between the voluntary surrender of small arms and light weapons by the community as a whole in return for an increase in ongoing development assistance by the legal government, an international organization or an NGO."},{"ID":217,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Weapons management","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Within the DDR context, weapons management refers to the handling, administration and oversight of surrendered weapons, ammunition and unexploded ordnance (UXO) whether received, disposed of, destroyed or kept in long-term storage. An integral part of managing weapons during the DDR process is their registration, which should preferably be managed by international and government agencies, and local police, and monitored by international forces. A good inventory list of weapons\u2019 serial numbers allows for the effective tracing and tracking of weapons\u2019 future usage. During voluntary weapons collections, food or money-related incentives are given in order to encourage registration. \\nAlternately, weapons management refers to a national government\u2019s administration of its own legal weapons stock. Such administration includes registration, according to national legislation, of the type, number, location and condition of weapons. In addition, a national government\u2019s implementation of its transfer controls of weapons, to decrease illicit weapons\u2019 flow, and regulations for weapons\u2019 export and import authorizations (within existing State responsibilities), also fall under this definition."},{"ID":218,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Window period","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"The time period between initial infection with HIV and the body\u2019s production of antibodies, which can be up to three months. During this time, an HIV test for antibodies may be negative, even though the person has the virus and can infect others."},{"ID":219,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Working age","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"The Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138) contains provisions aimed at protecting young persons against hazardous or exploitative activities or conditions of work. It requires the setting not only of a general minimum age for admission to work \u2014 which cannot be less than age 15 and, according to its accompanying Recommendation No. 146, should be progressively raised to age 16 \u2014 but also of a higher minimum age of 18 for admission to work likely to jeopardize the health, safety or morals of young persons."},{"ID":220,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Worst forms of child labour","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"The Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182) aims at putting an end to the involvement of all persons under age 18 in the harmful activities it lists. Forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict is listed as one of the worst forms of child labour."},{"ID":221,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Glossary: Terms and Definitions","Heading1":"Youth","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"Within the UN system, young people are identified as those between 15 and 24 years of age. However, this can vary considerably between one context and another. Social, economic and cultural systems define the age limits for the specific roles and responsibilities of children, youth and adults. Conflicts and violence often force youth to assume adult roles such as being parents, breadwinners, caregivers or fighters. Cultural expectations of girls and boys also affect the perception of them as adults, such as the age of marriage, circumcision practices and motherhood. Such expectations can be disturbed by conflict."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.10 The UN Approach to DDR.json b/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.10 The UN Approach to DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f247ac7 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.10 The UN Approach to DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1,479 @@ +[ + { + "ID": 0, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "Summary updated", + "Heading2": "updated", + "Heading3": "updated", + "Heading4": "updated", + "PageNum": "100", + "Paragraph": "This module outlines the reasons behind integrated DDR, defines the elements that makeup DDR programmes as agreed by the UN General Assembly, and establishes how the UN views integrated DDR processes. The module also defines the UN approach to integrated DDR for both mission and non-mission settings, which is: \\nvoluntary; \\npeople-centred; \\ngender-responsive and inclusive; \\nconflict-sensitive; \\ncontext-specific; \\nflexible, accountable and transparent; \\nnationally and locally owned; \\nregionally supported; \\nintegrated; and \\nwell planned." + + }, + { + "ID": 1, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Paragraph": "This module outlines the reasons behind integrated DDR, defines the elements that makeup DDR programmes as agreed by the UN General Assembly, and establishes how the UN views integrated DDR processes. The module also defines the UN approach to integrated DDR for both mission and non-mission settings, which is: \\nvoluntary; \\npeople-centred; \\ngender-responsive and inclusive; \\nconflict-sensitive; \\ncontext-specific; \\nflexible, accountable and transparent; \\nnationally and locally owned; \\nregionally supported; \\nintegrated; and \\nwell planned." + }, + { + "ID": 2, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: a. \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; b. \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; c. \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; d. \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; e. \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.A DDR programme contains the elements set out by the Secretary-General in his May 2005 note to the General Assembly (A/C.5/59/31). (See box below.) These definitions are also used for drawing up budgets where UN Member States have agreed to fund the disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion) phases of DDR programmes from the peacekeeping assessed budget. These budgetary aspects are also reflected in a General Assembly resolution on cross-cutting issues, including DDR (A/RES/59/296). Further reviews of both the United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda refer to the full, unencumbered participation of women in all phases of DDR programmes, as ex-combatants or persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups.DDR-related tools are immediate and targeted measures that may be used before, after or alongside DDR programmes or when the preconditions for DDR-programmes are not in place. These include pre-DDR, transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM), community violence reduction (CVR), initiatives to prevent individuals from joining armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, DDR support to mediation and DDR support to transitional security arrangements. In addition, support to programmes for those leaving armed groups labelled and/or designated as terrorist organizations may be provided by DDR practitioners in compliance with international standards.Reintegration support, including when complementing DDR-related tools: The UN should provide support to the reintegration of former members of armed forces and groups not only as part of DDR programmes, but also in the absence of such programmes, during conflict escalation, conflict and post-conflict. In these contexts, reintegration may take place alongside/following DDR-related tools or when DDR-related tools are not in use. The aim of this support is to facilitate the sustainable reintegration of those leaving armed forces and groups. Moreover, as part of the sustaining peace approach, community-based reintegration programmes should also aim to contribute to dynamics that aim to prevent further recruitment and sustain peace, by supporting communities of return, restoring social relations and avoiding perceptions of inequitable access to resources.Integrated DDR processes are made up of different combinations of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support, including when complementing DDR-related tools. These different measures should be applied in an integrated manner, with joint mechanisms that guarantee coordination and synergy among all UN actors. The UN shall use the concept and abbreviation \u2018DDR\u2019 as a comprehensive term referring to integrated DDR, and including DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support. Importantly, integrated DDR processes without DDR programmes do not include all ongoing stabilization and recovery measures, but only those DDR-related tools (CVR, transitional WAM, and so forth) and reintegration efforts that directly respond to the presence of active and/or former members of armed groups. Clear DDR mandates and specific requests for DDR assistance also define the parameters and scope of integrated DDR processes." + }, + { + "ID": 3, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "DEFINITIONS OF DISARMAMENT, DEMOBILIZATION AND REINTEGRATION", + "Heading3": "DISARMAMENT", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Paragraph": "Disarmament is the collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons of combatants and often also of the civilian population. Disarmament also includes the development of responsible arms management programmes." + }, + { + "ID": 4, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "DEFINITIONS OF DISARMAMENT, DEMOBILIZATION AND REINTEGRATION", + "Heading3": "DEMOBILIZATION", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Paragraph": "Demobilization is the formal and controlled discharge of active combatants from armed forces or other armed groups. The first stage of demobilization may extend from the processing of individual combatants in temporary centres to the massing of troops in camps designated for this purpose (cantonment sites, encampments, assembly areas or barracks). The second stage of demobilization encompasses the support package provided to the demobilized, which is called reinsertion." + }, + { + "ID": 5, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "DEFINITIONS OF DISARMAMENT, DEMOBILIZATION AND REINTEGRATION", + "Heading3": "REINSERTION", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Paragraph": "Reinsertion is the assistance offered to ex-combatants during demobilization but prior to the longer-term process of reintegration. Reinsertion is a form of transitional assistance to help cover the basic needs of ex-combatants and their families and can include transitional safety allowances, food, clothes, shelter, medical services, short-term education, training, employment and tools. Reinsertion is short-term material and/or financial assistance to meet immediate needs and can last up to one year." + }, + { + "ID": 6, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "DEFINITIONS OF DISARMAMENT, DEMOBILIZATION AND REINTEGRATION", + "Heading3": "REINTEGRATION", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration is the process by which ex-combatants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. Reintegration is essentially a social and economic process with an open time frame, primarily taking place in communities at the local level. It is part of the general development of a country and a national responsibility and often necessitates long-term external assistance. \\n\\nRecognizing new developments in the reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups since the release of the 2005 Note, the Third Report of the Secretary-General on DDR (2011) includes revised policy and guidance. It observes that, \u201cin most countries, economic aspects, while central, are not sufficient for the sustainable reintegration of ex-combatants. Serious consideration of the social and political aspects of reintegration \u2026 is [also] crucial for the sustainability and success of reintegration programmes\u201d, including interventions, such as psychosocial support, mental health counseling and clinical treatment and medical health support, as well as reconciliation, access to justice/ transitional justice and participation in political processes. Additionally, it emphasizes that while \u201creintegration programmes supported by the United Nations are time-bound by nature \u2026 the reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups is a long-term process that takes place at the individual, community, national and regional levels, and is dependent upon wider recovery and development.\u201d \\n\\nNote by the Secretary-General on administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of UN peacekeeping operations, 24 May 2005 (A/C.5/59/31); Third report of the Secretary-General on disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, 21 March 2011 (A/65/741" + }, + { + "ID": 7, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "3. Introduction: The rationale and mandate for integrated DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 7, + "Paragraph": "As DDR is implemented in partnership with Member States and draws on the expertise of a wide range of stakeholders, an integrated approach is vital to ensure that all actors are working in harmony towards the same end. Past experiences have highlighted the need for those involved in planning and implementing DDR and monitoring its impacts to work together in a complementary way that avoids unnecessary duplication of effort or competition for funds and other resources (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning).The UN\u2019s integrated approach to DDR is guided by several policies and agendas that frame the UN\u2019s work on peace, security and development: Echoing the Brahimi Report (A/55/305; S/2000/809), the High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations (HIPPO) in June 2015 recommended a common and realistic understanding of mandates, including required capabilities and standards, to improve the design and delivery of peace operations. Integrated DDR is part of this effort, based on joint analysis, comprehensive approaches, coordinated policies, DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support.The Sustaining Peace Approach \u2013 manifested in the General Assembly and Security Council twin resolutions on the Review of the United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture (General Assembly resolution 70/262 and Security Council resolution 2282 [2016]) \u2013 underscores the mutually reinforcing relationship between prevention and sustaining peace, while recognizing that effective peacebuilding must involve the entire UN system. It also emphasizes the importance of joint analysis and effective strategic planning across the UN system in its long-term engagement with conflict-affected countries, and, where appropriate, in cooperation and coordination with regional and sub-regional organizations as well as international financial institutions. \\nIntegrated DDR also needs to be understood as a concrete and direct contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are underpinned by the principle of leaving no one behind. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development explicitly links development to peace and security, while SDG 16 is \\nSDG 16.1: Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere. \\nSDG 16.4: By 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows, strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets and combat all forms of organized crime. \\nSDG 8.7: Take immediate steps to \u2026secure the prohibition and elimination of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2015 end child labour in all its forms. \\n\\nGender-responsive DDR also contributes to: \\nSDG 5.1: End all forms of discrimination against women. \\nSDG 5.2: Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in public and private spaces, including trafficking, sexual and other types of exploitation. \\nSDG 5.6: Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.The Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (A/71/243, 21 December 2016, para. 14), states that \u201ca comprehensive whole-of-system response, including greater cooperation and complementarity among development, disaster risk reduction, humanitarian action and sustaining peace, is fundamental to most efficiently and effectively addressing needs and attaining the Sustainable Development Goals.\u201dMoreover, integrated DDR often takes place amid protracted humanitarian contexts which, since the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit Commitment to Action, have been framed through various initiatives that recognize the need to strengthen the humanitarian, development and peace nexus. These initiatives \u2013 such as the Grand Bargain, the New Way of Working (NWoW), and the Global Compact on Refugees \u2013 all call for humanitarian, development and peace stakeholders to identify shared priorities or collective outcomes that can serve as a common framework to guide respective planning processes. In contexts where the UN system implements these approaches, integrated DDR processes can contribute to the achievement of these collective outcomes.In all contexts \u2013 humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding \u2013 upholding human rights, including gender equality, is pivotal to UN-supported integrated DDR. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, UNGA 217, 1948), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights form the International Bill of Human Rights. These fundamental instruments, combined with various treaties and conventions, including (but not limited to) the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the United Nations Convention Against Torture, establish the obligations of Governments to promote and protect human rights and the fundamental freedoms of individuals and groups, applicable throughout integrated DDR. The work of the United Nations in all contexts is conducted under the auspices of upholding this body of law, promoting and protecting the rights of DDR participants and the communities into which they integrate, and assisting States in carrying out their responsibilities.At the same time, the Secretary-General\u2019s Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative, launched in March 2018 as the core agenda for peacekeeping reform, seeks to refocus peacekeeping with realistic expectations, make peacekeeping missions stronger and safer, and mobilize greater support for political solutions and for well-structured, well-equipped and well-trained forces. In relation to the need for integrated DDR solutions, the A4P Declaration of Shared Commitment, shared by the Secretary-General on 16 August 2018, calls for the inclusion and engagement of civil society and all segments of the local population in peacekeeping mandate implementation. In addition, it includes commitments related to strengthening national ownership and capacity, ensuring integrated analysis and planning, and seeking greater coherence among UN system actors, including through joint platforms such as the Global Focal Point on Police, Justice and Corrections. Relatedly, the Secretary-General\u2019s Agenda for Disarmament, launched in May 2018, also calls for \u201cdisarmament that saves lives\u201d, including new efforts to rein in the use of explosive weapons in populated areas \u2013 through common standards, the collection of data on collateral harm, and the sharing of policy and practice.The UN General Assembly and the Security Council have called on all parts of the UN system to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women within their mandates, ensuring that commitments made are translated into progress on the ground and gender policies in the IDDRS. More concretely, UNSCR 1325 (2000) encourages all those involved in the planning of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration to consider the distinct needs of female and male ex-combatants and to take into account the needs of their dependents. The Global Study on 1325, reflected in UNSCR 2242 (2015), also recommends that mission planning include gender-responsive DDR programmes.Furthermore, Security Council Resolution 2282 (2016), the Review of the United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture, the Review of Women, Peace and Security, and the High-Level Panel on Peace Operations (HIPPO) note the importance of women\u2019s roles in sustaining peace. UNSCR 2282 highlights the importance of women\u2019s leadership and participation in conflict prevention, resolution and peacebuilding, recognizing the continued need to increase the representation of women at all decision-making levels, including in the negotiation and implementation of DDR programmes. UN General Assembly resolution 70/304 calls for women\u2019s participation as negotiators in peace processes, including those incorporating DDR provisions, while the Secretary-General\u2019s Seven-Point Action Plan on Gender-Responsive Peacebuilding calls for 15% of funding in support of post-conflict peacebuilding projects to be earmarked for womenen\u2019s empowerment and gender-equality programming. Finally, the Secretary-General\u2019s Agenda for Disarmament calls on States to incorporate gender perspectives into the development of national legislation and policies on disarmament and arms control \u2013 in particular, the gendered aspects of ownership, use and misuse of arms; the differentiated impacts of weapons on women and men; and the ways in which gender roles can shape arms control and disarmament policies and practices." + }, + { + "ID": 8, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Paragraph": "The UN\u2019s integrated approach to DDR is applicable to mission and non-mission contexts, and emphasizes the role of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools, and reintegration support, including when complementing DDR-related tools.The unconditional and immediate release of children associated with armed forces and groups must be a priority. Children must be supported to demobilize and reintegrate into families and communities at all times, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and/or the development of DDR programmes and DDR-related tools.DDR programmes consist of a range of activities falling under the operational categories of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration. (See definitions above.) These programmes are typically top-down and are designed to implement the terms of a peace agreement between armed groups and the Government.The UN views DDR programmes as an integral part of peacebuilding efforts. DDR programmes focus on the post-conflict security problem that arises when combatants are left without livelihoods and support networks during the vital period stretching from conflict to peace, recovery and development. DDR programmes also help to build national capacity for long-term reintegration and human security, and they recognize the need to contribute to the right to reparation and to guarantees of non-repetition (see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice).DDR programmes are complex endeavours, with political, military, security, humanitarian and socio-economic dimensions. The establishment of a DDR programme is usually agreed to and defined within a ceasefire, the ending of hostilities or a comprehensive peace agreement. This provides the political, policy and operational framework for the DDR programme. More generally, lessons and experiences have shown that the following preconditions are required for the implementation of a viable DDR programme:DDR programmes are complex endeavours, with political, military, security, humanitarian and socio-economic dimensions. The establishment of a DDR programme is usually agreed to and defined within a ceasefire, the ending of hostilities or a comprehensive peace agreement. This provides the political, policy and operational framework for the DDR programme. More generally, lessons and experiences have shown that the following preconditions are required for the implementation of a viable DDR programme: \\nthe signing of a negotiated ceasefire and/or peace agreement that provides the framework for \\nDDR; \\ntrust in the peace process; \\nwillingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and \\na minimum guarantee of security.DDR programmes provide a framework for their coordination, management and implementation by national Governments with support from the UN system, international financial institutions, and regional stakeholders. They establish the expected outcomes, outputs and activities required, organize costing requirements into a budget, and set the monitoring and evaluation framework by identifying indicators, targets and milestones.The UN\u2019s integrated approach to DDR acknowledges that planning for DDR programmes shall be initiated as early as possible, even before a ceasefire and/or peace agreement is signed, before sufficient trust is built in the peace process, and before minimum conditions of security are reached that enable the parties to the conflict to engage willingly in DDR (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning).DDR programmes alone cannot resolve conflict or prevent violence, and such programmes need to be firmly anchored in an overall political and peacebuilding strategy. However, DDR programmes can contribute to security and stability so that other elements of a political and peacebuilding strategy, such as elections and power-sharing, weapons and ammunition management, security sector reform (SSR) and rule of law reform, can proceed (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and SSR).DDR programmes alone cannot resolve conflict or prevent violence, and such programmes need to be firmly anchored in an overall political and peacebuilding strategy. However, DDR programmes can contribute to security and stability so that other elements of a political and peacebuilding strategy, such as elections and power-sharing, weapons and ammunition management, security sector reform (SSR) and rule of law reform, can proceed (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and SSR).In recent years, DDR practitioners have increasingly been deployed in settings where the preconditions for DDR programmes are not in place. In some contexts, a peace agreement may have been signed but the armed groups have lost trust in the peace process or reneged on the terms of the deal. In other settings, where there are multiple armed groups, some may sign on to a peace agreement while others do not. In contexts of violent extremism conducive to terrorism, peace agreements are only a remote possibility.It is not solely the lack of ceasefire agreements or peace processes that makes integrated DDR more challenging, but also the proliferation and diversification of armed groups, including some with links to transnational networks and organized crime. The phenomenon of violent extremism, as and when conducive to terrorism, creates legal and operational challenges for integrated DDR and, as a result, requires specific guidance. (For legal guidance pertinent to the UN approach to DDR, see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR.) Support to programmes for individuals leaving armed groups labelled and/or designated as terrorist organizations, among other things, should be predicated on a comprehensive screening process based on international standards, including international human rights obligations and national justice frameworks. There is no universally agreed upon definition of \u2018terrorism\u2019, nor associated terms such as \u2018violent extremism\u2019. Nevertheless, the 19 international instruments on terrorism agree on definitions of terrorist acts/offenses, which are binding on Member States that are party to these conventions, as well as Security Council resolutions that describe terrorist acts. Practitioners should have a solid grounding in the evolving international counter-terrorism framework as established by the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, relevant General Assembly and Security Council resolutions and mandates, and the Secretary-General\u2019s Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism.In response to these challenges, DDR practitioners may contribute to stabilization initiatives through the use of DDR-related tools. The specific aims of DDR-related tools will vary according to the context and can contribute to broader political and peacebuilding efforts in line with United Nations Security Council and General Assembly mandates and broader strategic frameworks, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), and/or the Integrated Strategic Framework. A gender- and child-sensitive approach should be applied to the planning, implementation and monitoring of DDR-related tools.DDR-related tools may be applied before, during and after DDR programmes as complementary measures. However, they may also be used when the preconditions for DDR programmes are not in place. When this occurs, it is particularly important to delimit the boundaries of an integrated DDR process. Integrated DDR processes without DDR programmes do not include all ongoing stabilization and recovery measures, but only those DDR-related tools (CVR, transitional WAM, and so forth) and reintegration efforts that directly respond to the presence of active and/or former members of armed groups. Clear DDR mandates and specific requests for DDR assistance also define the parameters and scope of integrated DDR processes.The UN\u2019s integrated approach to DDR recognizes the need to provide support for reintegration when the preconditions for DDR programmes are not present. In line with the sustaining peace approach, this means that the UN should provide long-term support to reintegration that takes place in the absence of DDR programmes during conflict escalation, ongoing conflict and post-conflict reconstruction (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace). The first goal of this support should be to facilitate the sustainable reintegration of those leaving armed forces and groups. However, as part of the sustaining peace approach, community-based reintegration programmes should also aim to contribute to dynamics that aim to prevent future recruitment and sustain peace.In this regard, opportunities should be seized to prevent relapse into conflict (or any form of violence), including by tackling root causes and understanding peace dynamics. Appropriate linkages should also be established with local and national stabilization, recovery and development plans. Reintegration support as part of sustaining peace is not only an integral part of DDR programmes, it also follows SSR where armed forces or the police are rightsized; complements DDR-related tools, such as CVR, through sustainable measures; or is provided to persons formerly associated with armed groups labelled and/or designated as terrorist organizations.In sum, in countries in active armed conflict or emerging from armed conflict, DDR programmes, related tools and reintegration support contribute to stabilization efforts, to addressing gender inequalities exacerbated by conflict, and to creating an environment in which a peace process, political and social reconciliation, access to livelihoods and sustainable decent work, and long-term development can take root. When the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, the DDR of combatants from both armed forces and groups can help to establish a climate of confidence and security, a necessity for recovery activities to begin, which can directly yield tangible benefits for the population. When the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, practitioners may choose from a set of DDR-related tools and measures in support of reintegration that can contribute to stabilization, help to make the returns of stability more tangible, and create more conducive environments for national and local peace processes. As such, integrated DDR processes should be seen as integral parts of efforts to consolidate peace and promote stability, and not merely as a set of sequenced technical programmes and activities." + }, + { + "ID": 9, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "5.2 DDR in non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Paragraph": "Overall, integrated DDR has evolved beyond support to national, linear and sequenced DDR programmes, to become a process addressing the entire peace continuum in both mission and non-mission contexts, at regional, national and local levelsNon-mission settings are those situations in which there is no peace operation deployed to a country, either through peacekeeping, political missions or good offices engagements, by either the UN or regional organizations. In countries where there is no United Nations peace operation mandated by the Security Council, UN DDR support will be provided when either a national Government and/or UN RC requests assistance.The disarmament and demobilization components of a DDR programme will be undertaken by national institutions with advice and technical support from relevant UN departments, agencies, programmes and funds, the UNCT, regional organizations and bilateral actors. The reintegration component will be supported and/or implemented by the UNCT and relevant international financial institutions in an integrated manner. When the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, the implementation of specific DDR-related tools, such as CVR, and/or reintegration support, may be considered. The alignment of CVR initiatives in non-mission contexts with reintegration assistance is essential.Decision-making and accountability for UN-supported DDR rest, in this context, with the UN RC, who will identify one or more UN lead agency(ies) in the UNCT based on in-country capacity and expertise. The UN RC should establish a UN DDR Working Group co-chaired by the lead agency(ies) at the country level to coordinate the contribution of the UNCT to integrated DDR, including on issues related to gender equality, women\u2019s empowerment, youth and child protection, and support to persons with disabilities.DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support, where applicable, will require the allocation of national budgets and/or the mobilization of voluntary contributions, including through the establishment of financial management structures, such as a dedicated multi-donor trust fund or catalytic funding provided by the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF)" + }, + { + "ID": 10, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Paragraph": "The UN has been involved in integrated DDR across the peace continuum since the late 1980s. During the past 25 years, the UN has amassed considerable experience and knowledge of the coordination, design, implementation, financing, and monitoring and evaluation of DDR programmes. Over the past 10 years the UN has also gained similar experience in the use of DDR-related tools and reintegration support when the preconditions for DDR programmes are not present. Integrated DDR originates from various parts of the UN\u2019s core mandate, as set out in the Charter of the UN, particularly the areas of peace and security, economic and social development, human rights and humanitarian assistance.UN departments, agencies, programmes and funds are uniquely able to support integrated DDR processes both in mission settings, where peace operations are in place, and in non-mission settings, where there is no peace operation present, providing breadth of scope, neutrality, impartiality and capacity-building through the sharing of technical DDR skills." + }, + { + "ID": 11, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "5.1 DDR in mission settings", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Paragraph": "Mission settings are those situations in which peace operations are deployed through peacekeeping operations, political missions and good offices engagements, by the UN or a regional organization. Where peace operations are mandated to manage and re-solve an actual or potential conflict within States, DDR is generally mandated through a UN Security Council resolution, ideally within the framework of a ceasefire and/or a comprehensive peace agreement with specific provisions on DDR. Decision-making and accountability rest with the Special Representative or Special Envoy of the Secretary-General.Missions with a DDR mandate usually include a dedicated DDR component to support the design and implementation of a nationally led DDR programme. When the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, the Security Council may also mandate UN peace operations to implement specific DDR-related tools, such as CVR, to support the creation of a conducive environment for a DDR programme. These types of DDR-related tools can also be designed and implemented to contribute to other mandated priorities such as the protection of civilians, stabilization and support to the overall peace process.Integrated disarmament, demobilization (including reinsertion) and other DDR-related tools (except those covering reintegration support) fall under the responsibility of the UN peace operation\u2019s DDR component. The reintegration component will be supported and/or undertaken in an integrated manner very often by relevant agencies, funds and programmes within the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), as well as international financial institutions, under the leadership of the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG)/Humanitarian Coordinator (HC)/Resident Coordinator (RC), who will designate lead agency(ies). The DDR mission component shall therefore work in close coordination with the UNCT. The UN DSRSG/HC/RC should establish a UN DDR Working Group at the country level with co-chairs to be defined, as appropriate, to coordinate the contributions of the UNCT and international financial institutions to integrated DDR.While UN military and police contingents provide a minimum level of security, support from other mission components may include communications, gender equality, women\u2019s empowerment, and youth and child protection. With regard to special political missions and good offices engagements, DDR implementation structures and partnerships may need to be adjusted to the mission\u2019s composition as the mandate evolves. This adjustment can take account of needs at the country level, most notably with regard to the size and capacities of the DDR component, uniformed personnel and other relevant technical expertise.In the case of peace operations, the Security Council mandate also forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament, demobilization (including reinsertion) and DDR-related tools (except those covering reintegration support). Fundraising for reintegration assistance and other activities needs to be conducted by Governments and/or regional organizations with support from United Nations peace operations, agencies, funds and programmes, bilateral donors and relevant international financial institutions. Regarding special political missions and good offices engagements, support to integrated DDR planning and implementation may require extra-budgetary funding in the form of voluntary contributions and the establishment of alternative financial management structures, such as a dedicated multi-donor trust fund." + }, + { + "ID": 12, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "6. When is DDR appropriate?", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Paragraph": "Violent conflicts do not always completely cease when a political settlement is reached or a peace agreement is signed. There remains a real danger that violence will flare up again during the immediate post-conflict period, because putting right the political, security, social and economic problems and other root causes of war is a long-term project. Furthermore, peace operations are often mandated in contexts where an agreement is yet to be reached or where a peace process is yet to be initiated or is only partially initiated. In non-mission contexts, requests from the Government for the UN to support DDR are made either when ceasefires are reached or when a peace agreement or a comprehensive peace agreement is signed. This is why practitioners should decide whether DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and/or reintegration support constitute the most appropriate response to a particular situation. A DDR programme will only be appropriate when the preconditions referred to above are in place.The UN may employ or support a variety of DDR programming elements adapted to suit each context. These may include: \\nThe disbanding of armed groups: Governments may request assistance to disband armed groups. The establishment of a DDR programme is agreed to and defined within a ceasefire, the ending of hostilities or a comprehensive peace agreement. Trust and commitment by the parties to the implementation of an agreement and minimum conditions of security are essential for the success of a DDR programme. Administratively, there is little difference between DDR programmes for armed forces and armed groups. Both may require the full registration of weapons and personnel, followed by the collection of information, referral and counselling that are needed before effective reintegration programmes can be put in place. \\nThe rightsizing of armed forces or police: Governments may request assistance to downsize or restructure their armies or police and supporting institutional infrastructure (salaries, benefits, basic services, etc.). Such processes contribute to security sector reform (SSR) (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). DDR practitioners should work in close collaboration with SSR experts while planning reintegration support to former members of armed forces. \\nThe repatriation of foreign combatants and associated groups: Considering the regional dimensions of conflict, Governments may agree to assistance to repatriation. DDR programmes may need to become involved in repatriating national combatants and their civilian family members, as well as children associated with armed forces and groups who may have crossed an international border. Such repatriation needs to be in accordance with the principle of non-refoulement, as set out in international humanitarian, human rights and refugee law (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR)." + }, + { + "ID": 13, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "6. When is DDR appropriate?", + "Heading2": "6.1 When the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, the reintegration of former combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups may be supported in line with the sustaining peace approach, i.e., during conflict escalation, conflict and post-conflict. Furthermore, practitioners may choose from a menu of DDR-related tools. (See table above.)Unlike DDR programmes, DDR-related tools are not designed to implement the terms of a peace agreement. Instead, when the preconditions for a DDR-programme are not in place, DDR-related tools may be used in line with United Nations Security Council and General Assembly mandates and broader strategic frameworks, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) and/or the Integrated Strategic Framework. A gender- and child-sensitive approach should be applied to the planning, implementation and monitoring of DDR-related tools" + }, + { + "ID": 14, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "6. When is DDR appropriate?", + "Heading2": "6.2 When the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Paragraph": "When the preconditions are in place, the UN may support the establishment of DDR programmes. Other DDR-related tools can also be implemented before, after or along-side DDR programmes, as complementary measures (see table above).While DDR programmes are primarily used to address the security challenges posed by members of armed forces and groups, provisions should be made for the inclusion of other groups (including civilians and youth at risk), depending on resources and local circumstances. National institutions should be supported to determine the policy on direct benefits and reintegration assistance during a DDR programme.Civilians and civil society groups in communities to which members of the above-mentioned groups will return should be consulted during the planning and design phase of DDR programmes, as well as informed and supported in order to assist them to receive ex-combatants and their dependents/families during the reintegration phase." + }, + { + "ID": 15, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "7. Who is DDR for?", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Paragraph": "Five categories of people should be taken into consideration, as participants and beneficiaries, in integrated DDR processes. This will depend on the context, and the particular combination of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools, and reintegration support in use: \\n1. members of armed forces and groups who served in combat and/or support roles (those in support roles are often referred to as being associated with armed forces and groups); \\n2. abductees/victims; \\n3. dependents/families; \\n4. civilian returnees/\u2019self-demobilized\u2019; \\n5. community members.Consideration should be given to addressing the specific needs of women, youth, children, persons with disabilities, and persons with chronic illnesses in each of these five categories.National actors, such as Governments, political parties, the military, signatory and non-signatory armed groups, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations and the media are all stakeholders in integrated DDR processes along with international actors." + }, + { + "ID": 16, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Paragraph": "All UN DDR programmes, DDR-related tools, and reintegration support shall be voluntary, people-centred, gender-responsive and inclusive, conflict sensitive, context specific, flexible, accountable and transparent, nationally and locally owned, regionally supported, integrated and well planned." + }, + { + "ID": 17, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.1 Voluntary", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for both armed forces and groups, both as organizations and individual (ex)combatants. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate. This principle has become even more important, but contested, in contemporary conflict environments where the participation of some combatants in nationally, locally, or privately supported efforts is arguably involuntary, for example as a result of their capture on the battlefield or their being forced into a DDR programme under duress.Integrated DDR should not be conflated with military operations or counter-insurgency strategies. Although the UN does not generally engage in detention operations and DDR has traditionally been a voluntary process, the nature of conflict environments and the growing potential for overlap with State-led efforts countering violent extremism and counter-terrorism has increased the likelihood that the UN and other actors engaging in DDR may be faced with detention-related dilemmas. DDR practitioners should therefore pay particular attention to such questions when operating in complex conflict environments and seek legal advice if confronted with surrendered or captured combatants in overt military operations, or if there are any concerns regarding the voluntariness of persons participating in DDR. They should also be aware of requirements contained in Chapter VII resolutions of the Security Council that, among other things, call for Member States to bring terrorists to justice and oblige national authorities to ensure the prosecution of suspected terrorists as appropriate (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR)." + }, + { + "ID": 18, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "8.2.1. Criteria for participation/eligibility", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Paragraph": "Determining the criteria that define which people are eligible to participate in integrated DDR, particularly in situations where mainly armed groups are involved, is vital if aims are to be achieved. In DDR programmes, eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and ready for use in the disarmament and demobilization stages. DDR programmes are aimed at combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. These groups may be composed of different categories of people who have participated in the conflict within armed forces and groups such as abductees/victims or dependents/families.In instances where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, or where combatants are ineligible for DDR programmes, DDR-related tools, such as CVR, or support to reintegration may be provided. Determination of eligibility for these activities should be undertaken by relevant national and local authorities with support from UN missions, agencies, programmes and funds as appropriate. Armed groups in particular have a variety of structures \u2013 rebel groups, armed gangs, etc. In order to provide the best assistance, operational and implementation strategies that deal with their specific needs should be adopted." + }, + { + "ID": 19, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "8.2.2. Unconditional release and protection of children", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Paragraph": "The unconditional and immediate release of children associated with armed forces and groups must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and/ or the development of DDR programmes and DDR-related tools. UN-supported DDR interventions shall not be allowed to encourage the recruitment of children into armed forces and groups in any way, especially by commanders trying to increase the number of combatants entering DDR programmes in order to profit from assistance provided to combatants. When DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support are implemented, children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies. Children will then be supported to demobilize and reintegrate into families and communities (see IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR). Only child protection practitioners should interview children associated with armed forces and groups." + }, + { + "ID": 20, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "8.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Paragraph": "UN-supported integrated DDR processes promote the human rights of participants and the communities into which they integrate, and are conducted in line with international humanitarian, human rights and refugee law. The UN and its partners should be neutral, transparent and impartial, and should not take sides in any conflict or in political, racial, religious or ideological controversies, or give preferential treatment to different parties taking part in DDR.Neutrality within a rights-based approach should not, however, prevent UN personnel from protesting against or documenting human rights violations or taking some other action (e.g., advocacy, simple presence, political steps, local negotiations, etc.) to prevent them. Under the UN\u2019s Human Rights Due Diligence Policy (HRDDP), providers of support have a responsibility to monitor the related human rights context, to suspend support under certain circumstances and to engage with national authorities towards addressing violations. Where one or more parties or individuals violate agreements and undertakings, the UN can take appropriate remedial action and/or exclude individuals from DDR.Humanitarian aid must be delivered to all those who are suffering, according to their need, and human rights provide the framework on which an assessment of needs is based. However, mechanisms must also be designed to prevent those who have committed violations of human rights from going unpunished by ensuring that DDR programmes, related tools and reintegration support do not operate as a reward system for the worst violators. In many post-conflict situations, there is often a tension between reconciliation and justice, but efforts must be made to ensure that serious violations of human rights and humanitarian law by ex-combatants and their supporters are dealt with through appropriate national and international legal and/or transitional justice mechanisms.Children released from their association with armed forces and groups who have committed war crimes and mass violations of human rights may also be criminally responsible under national law, though any criminal responsibility must be in accordance with international juvenile justice standards and the International Criminal Court Policy on Children (see IDDRS 5.20 on Youth and DDR, and IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).UN-supported DDR interventions should take into consideration local and international mechanisms for achieving justice and accountability, as well as respect for the rule of law, including any accountability, justice and reconciliation mechanisms that may be established with respect to crimes committed in a particular Member State. These can take various forms, depending on the specificities of the local context." + }, + { + "ID": 21, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Paragraph": "Like men and boys, women and girls are likely to have played many different roles in armed forces and groups, as fighters, supporters, wives or sex slaves, messengers and cooks. The design and implementation of integrated DDR processes should aim to address the specific needs of women and girls, as well as men and boys, taking into account these different experiences, roles, capacities and responsibilities acquired during and after conflicts. Specific measures should be put in place to ensure the equal and meaningful participation of women in all stages of integrated DDR \u2013 from the negotiation of DDR provisions in peace agreements and the establishment of national institutions, to CVR and community-based reintegration support (see IDDRS 5.10 on Gender and DDR).Non-discrimination and fair and equitable treatment are core principles in both the design and implementation of integrated DDR processes. The eligibility criteria for DDR shall not discriminate against individuals on the basis of sex, age, gender identity, race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, political opinion, or other personal characteristics or associations. Furthermore, the opportunities/benefits that eligible ex-combatants have access to when participating in a particular DDR process shall not discriminate against individuals on the basis of their former affiliation with a particular armed force or group.It is likely there will be a need to address potential \u2018spoilers\u2019, e.g., by negotiating \u2018special packages\u2019 for commanders in order to secure their buy-in and to ensure that they allow combatants to participate. This political compromise must be carefully negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Furthermore, the inclusion of youth at risk and other non-combatants should also be seen as a measure helping to prevent future recruitment." + }, + { + "ID": 22, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.4 Conflict sensitive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Paragraph": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support shall be evaluated at all times. No false promises shall be made; and, ultimately, no individual or community should be made less secure by the return of ex-combatants or the presence of UN peacekeeping, police or civilian personnel. The establishment of UN-supported prevention, protection and monitoring mechanisms (including systems for ensuring access to justice and police protection, etc.) is essential to prevent and punish sexual and gender-based violence, harassment and intimidation, or any other violation of human rights. It is particularly important to consider \u2018do no harm\u2019 when assessing the reinsertion and reintegration options for female fighters or women and girls associated with armed forces and groups." + }, + { + "ID": 23, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.5 Context specific", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR needs to be flexible and context-specific in order to address national, regional, and global realities. DDR should consider the nature of armed groups, conflict drivers, peace opportunities, gender dynamics, and community dynamics. All UN or UN-supported DDR interventions shall be designed to take local conditions and needs into account. The IDDRS provide DDR practitioners with comprehensive guidance and analytical tools for the planning and design of DDR rather than a standard formula that is applicable to every situation." + }, + { + "ID": 24, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ", + "Heading3": "8.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Paragraph": "Due to the complex and dynamic nature of integrated DDR processes, flexible and long-term funding arrangements are essential. The multidimensional nature of DDR requires an initial investment of staff and funds for planning and programming, as well as accessible and sustainable sources of funding throughout the different phases of implementation. Funding mechanisms, including trust funds, pooled funding, etc., and the criteria established for the use of funds shall be flexible. Past experience has shown that assigning funds exclusively for specific DDR components (e.g., disarmament and demobilization) or expenditures (e.g., logistics and equipment) sets up an artificial distinction between the different elements of a DDR programme and makes it difficult to implement the programme in an integrated, flexible and dynamic way. The importance of planning and initiating reinsertion and reintegration support activities at the start of a DDR programme has become increasingly evident, so adequate financing for reintegration needs to be secured in advance. This should help to prevent delays or gaps in implementation that could threaten or undermine the programme\u2019s credibility and viability (see IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting)." + }, + { + "ID": 25, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ", + "Heading3": "8.6.2 Accountability and transparency", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Paragraph": "In order to build confidence and ensure legitimacy, and to justify financial and technical support by international actors, DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support are, from the very beginning, predicated on the principles of accountability and transparency. Post-conflict stabilization and the establishment of immediate security are the overall goals of DDR, but integrated DDR also takes place in a wider recovery and reconstruction framework. While both short-term and long-term strategies should be developed in the planning phase, due to the dynamic and volatile conflict and post-conflict context, interventions must be flexible and adaptable.The UN aims to establish transparent mechanisms for the independent monitoring, oversight and evaluation of integrated DDR and its financing mechanisms. It also attempts to create an environment in which all stakeholders understand and are accountable for achieving broad objectives and implementing the details of integrated DDR processes, even if circumstances change. Many types of accountability are needed to ensure transparency, including: \\n the commitment of the national authorities and the parties to a peace agreement or political framework to honour the agreements they have signed and implement DDR programmes in good faith; the accountability and transparency of all relevant actors in contexts where the preconditions for DDR are not in place and alternative DDR-related tools and reintegration support measures are implemented; \\n the accountability of national and international implementing agencies to the five categories of persons who can become participants in DDR for the professional and timely carrying out of activities and delivery of services; \\n the adherence of all parts of the UN system (missions, departments, agencies, programmes and funds) to IDDRS principles and guidance for designing and implementing DDR; \\n the commitment of Member States and bilateral partners to provide timely political and financial support to integrated DDR processesAlthough DDR practitioners should always aim to meet core commitments, setbacks and unforeseen events should be expected. Flexibility and contingency planning are therefore needed. It is essential to establish realistic goals and make reasonable promises to those involved, and to explain setbacks to stakeholders and participants in order to maintain their confidence and cooperation." + }, + { + "ID": 26, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.7. Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 24, + "Paragraph": "Ensuring national and local ownership is crucial to the success of integrated DDR. National ownership ensures that DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support are informed by an understanding of the local context, the dynamics of the conflict, and the dynamics between ex-combatants and community members. Even when receiving financial and technical assistance from partners, it is the responsibility of national Governments to ensure coordination between government ministries and local government, between Government and national civil society, and between Government and external partners.In contexts where national capacity is weak, a Government exerts national ownership by building the capacity of its national institutions, by contributing to the integrated DDR process and by creating links to other peacebuilding and development initiatives. This is particularly important in the case of reintegration support, as measures should be designed as part of national development and recovery efforts.National and local capacity must be systematically developed, as follows: \\n Creating national and local institutional capacity: A primary role of the UN is to supply technical assistance, training and financial support to national authorities to establish credible, capable, representative and sustainable national institutions and programmes. Such assistance should be based on an assessment and understanding of the particular context and the type of DDR activities to be implemented, including commitments to gender equality. \\n Finding implementing partners: Besides national institutions, civil society is a key partner in DDR. The technical capacity and expertise of civil society groups will often need to be strengthened, particularly when conflict has diminished human and financial resources. Particular attention should be paid to supporting the capacity development of women\u2019s civil society groups to ensure equal participation as partners in DDR. Doing so will help to create a sustainable environment for DDR and to ensure its long-term success. \\n Employing local communities and authorities: Local communities and authorities play an important role in ensuring the sustainability of DDR, particularly in support of reintegration and the implementation of DDR-related tools. Therefore, their capacities for strategic planning and programme and/or financial management must be strengthened. Local authorities and populations, ex-combatants and their dependents/families, and women and girls formerly associated with armed forces and groups shall all be involved in the planning, implementation and monitoring of integrated DDR processes. This is to ensure that the needs of both individuals and the community are addressed. Increased local ownership builds support for reintegration and reconciliation efforts and supports other local peacebuilding and recovery processes.As the above list shows, national ownership involves more than just central government leadership: it includes the participation of a broad range of State and non-State actors at national, provincial and local levels. Within the IDDRS framework, the UN supports the development of a national DDR strategy, not only by representatives of the various parties to the conflict, but also by civil society; and it encourages the active participation of affected communities and groups, particularly those formerly marginalized in DDR and post-conflict reconstruction processes, such as representatives of women\u2019s groups, children\u2019s advocates, people from minority communities, and persons with disabilities and chronic illness.In supporting national institutions, the UN, along with key international and regional actors, can help to ensure broad national ownership, adherence to international principles, credibility, transparency and accountability (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR)." + }, + { + "ID": 27, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.8 Regionally supported", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 25, + "Paragraph": "The regional causes of conflict and the political, social and economic interrelationships among neighbouring States sharing insecure borders will present challenges in the implementation of DDR. Managing repatriation and the cross-border movement of weapons and armed groups requires careful coordination among UN agencies and regional organizations supporting DDR, both in the countries concerned and in neighbouring countries where there may be spill-over effects. The return of foreign former combatants and mercenaries may be a particular problem and will require a separate strategy (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements). Most notably, UN actors need to engage regional stakeholders in order to foster a conducive regional environment, including support from neighbouring countries, for DDR interventions addressing armed groups operating on foreign national territory and with regional structures." + }, + { + "ID": 28, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.9. Integrated ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 25, + "Paragraph": "From the earliest assessment phase and throughout all stages of strategy development, planning and implementation, it is essential to encourage integration and unity of effort within the UN system and with national players. It is also important to coordinate the participation of international partners so as to achieve common objectives. Joint assess-ments and programming are key to ensuring that DDR programmes in both mission and non-mission contexts are implemented in an integrated manner. DDR practitioners should also strive for an integrated approach in contexts where DDR programmes are used in combination with DDR-related tools, and in settings where the preconditions for DDR programmes are absent (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated Planning)." + }, + { + "ID": 29, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.10. Well planned", + "Heading3": "8.10.1. Safety and security", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 26, + "Paragraph": "Given that DDR is aimed at groups who are a security risk and is implemented in fragile security environments, both risks and operational security and safety protocols should be decided on before the planning and implementation of activities. These should include the security and safety needs of UN and partner agency personnel involved in DDR operations, DDR participants (who will have many different needs) and members of local communities. Security and other services must be provided either by UN military and/or a UN police component or national police and security forces. Security concerns should be included in operational plans, and clear criteria, in line with the UN Programme Criticality Framework, should be established for starting, delaying, suspending or cancelling activities and/or operations, should security risks be too high." + }, + { + "ID": 30, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.10. Well planned", + "Heading3": "8.10.2. Planning: assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 26, + "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR processes shall be designed on the basis of detailed quantitative and qualitative data. Supporting information management systems should ensure that this data remains up to date, accurate and accessible. In the planning stages, information is gathered on the location of armed forces and groups, the demographics of their members (grouped according to sex and age), their weapons stocks, and the political and conflict dynamics at national and local levels. Surveys of national and local labour market conditions and reintegration opportunities should be undertaken. Regularly updating this information, as well as population-specific surveys (e.g., with women associated with armed forces and groups), allows for DDR to adapt to changing circumstances (also see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated Planning, IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design and IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR).Internal and external monitoring and evaluation mechanisms must be established from the start to strengthen accountability within integrated DDR, ensure quality in the implementation and delivery of DDR activities and services, and allow for flexibility and adaptation of strategies and activities when required. Monitoring and evaluation should be based on an integrated approach to metrics, and produce lessons learned and best practices that will influence the further development of IDDRS policy and practice (see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes)." + }, + { + "ID": 31, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.10. Well planned", + "Heading3": "8.10.3. Public information and community sensitization", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 26, + "Paragraph": "Public information, awareness-raising and community sensitization ensure that affected communities and participants receive accurate information on DDR procedures and benefits. The sharing of information helps generate broad public support and national ownership, and at the same time manages expectations and encourages behavioural change, the demilitarization of hearts and minds, and reconciliation between ex-com-batants and war-affected communities. Public information strategies should be drawn up and implemented as early as possible. Messages should be appropriately tailored for different audiences, considering gender and cultural dimensions in design and delivery, and should employ many different and locally appropriate means of communication (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR)." + }, + { + "ID": 32, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.10. Well planned", + "Heading3": "8.10.4. Transition and exit strategies", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 27, + "Paragraph": "While DDR programmes last for a specific period of time that includes the immediate post-conflict situation and the transition and early recovery periods, other aspects of DDR may need to be continued, albeit in a different form. DDR-related tools can be initiated after DDR programmes, such as when the disarmament of armed groups is followed by community-based weapons and ammunition management. Reintegration assistance also becomes an integral part of recovery and development. To ensure a smooth transition from one stage to another, an exit strategy should be defined as soon as possible, and should focus on how integrated DDR will seamlessly transform into broader and/or longer-term development strategies, such as security sector reform, violence prevention, socio-economic recovery, national reconciliation, peacebuilding, gender equality and poverty reduction." + }, + { + "ID": 33, + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "Annex A: Abbreviations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Paragraph": "idk404" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR.json b/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee3f587 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"A variety of actors in the UN system support DDR processes within national contexts. In carrying out DDR, these actors are governed by their respective constituent instruments, by the specific mandates provided by their respective governing bodies, and by applicable internal rules, policies and procedures.DDR is also undertaken within the context of a broader international legal framework, which contains rights and obligations that may be of relevance for the implementation of DDR tasks. This framework includes international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law, and international refugee law, as well as the international counter-terrorism and arms control frameworks. UN system-supported DDR processes should be implemented in a manner that ensures that the relevant rights and obligations under the international legal framework are respected."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"This module aims to provide an overview of the international legal framework that may be relevant to UN system-supported DDR processes. Unless otherwise stated, in this module, the term \u201cDDR practitioners\u201d refers only to DDR practitioners within the UN system, namely the United Nations (UN), its subsidiary organs, country offices and field missions, as well as UN specialized agencies and related organizations.This module is intended to sensitize DDR practitioners within the UN system to the legal issues that should be considered, and that may arise, when developing or implementing a DDR process. This sensitization is done so that DDR practitioners will be conscious of when to reach out to an appropriate, competent legal office to seek legal advice. Each section thus contains guiding principles and some red lines, where they exist, to highlight issues that DDR practitioners should be aware of. Guiding principles seek to provide direction, while red lines indicate boundaries that DDR practitioners should not cross. If it is possible that a red line might be crossed, or if a red line has been crossed inadvertently, legal advice should be sought immediately.This module should not be relied upon to the exclusion of legal advice in a specific case or context. In situations of doubt with regard to potential legal issues, or to the application or interpretation of a particular legal rule, advice should always be sought from the competent legal office of the relevant entity, who may, when and as appropriate, refer it to their relevant legal office at headquarters."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\na) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\nb) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\nc) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\nd) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\ne) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.This Module does not adopt the terminology of \u2018must\u2019. For the purposes of this Module, the word \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate an obligation, arising from a variety of sources1 , which has to be complied with by the DDR practitioner."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"In carrying out DDR processes, UN system actors are governed by their constituent instruments and by the specific mandates given to them by their respective governing bodies. In general, a mandate authorizes and tasks an actor to carry out specific functions. Mandates are the main points of reference for UN-supported DDR processes that will determine the scope of activities that can be undertaken.In the case of the UN and its subsidiary organs, including its funds and programmes, the primary source of all mandates is the Charter of the United Nations (the \u2018Charter\u2019). Specific mandates are further established through the adoption of decisions by the Organization\u2019s principal organs in accordance with their authority under the Charter. Both the General Assembly and the Security Council have the competency to provide DDR mandates as measures related to the maintenance of international peace and security. For the funds and programmes, mandates are further provided by the decisions of their executive boards. Specialized agencies and related organizations of the UN system similarly operate in host States in accordance with the terms of their constituent instruments and the decisions of their deliberative bodies or other competent organs.In addition to mandates, UN system actors are governed by their internal rules, policies and procedures.DDR processes are also undertaken in the context of a broader international legal framework and should be implemented in a manner that ensures that the relevant rights and obligations under that broader legal framework are respected. Peace agreements, where they exist, are also crucial in informing the implementation of DDR practitioners\u2019 mandates by providing a framework for the DDR process. Peace agreements can take a variety of forms, ranging from local-level agreements to national-level ceasefires and Comprehensive Peace Agreements (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). Following the conclusion of an agreement, a DDR policy document may also be developed by the Government and the signatory armed groups, often with UN support. Where the UN DDR mandate consists of providing support to national DDR efforts and makes reference to the peace agreement, DDR practitioners will typically work within the framework of the peace agreement and the DDR policy document.DDR processes can also be implemented in contexts where there are no peace agreements (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Therefore, if there is no such framework in place, UN system DDR practitioners will have to rely solely on their own entity\u2019s mandate in order to determine their role and responsibilities, as well as the applicable basic principles.Finally, to facilitate DDR processes, UN system actors conclude project and technical agreements with the States in which they operate, which also provide a framework. They also enter into agreements with the host State to regulate their status, privileges and immunities and those of their personnel."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of UN supported DDR processes. In addition to these principles, the following general guiding principles related specifically to the legal framework apply when carrying out DDR processes. \\n Abide by the applicable legal framework. The applicable legal framework should be a core consideration at all stages, when drafting, designing, executing and evaluating DDR processes. Failure to abide by the applicable legal framework may result in consequences for the UN entity involved and the UN more generally, including possible liabilities. It may also lead to personal accountability for the DDR practitioner(s) involved. \\n Know your mandate. DDR practitioners should be familiar with the source and scope of their mandate. To the extent that their involvement in the DDR process requires coordination and\/or cooperation with other UN system actors, they should also know the respective roles and responsibilities of those other actors. If a peace agreement exists, it should be one of the first documents that DDR practitioners consult to understand the framework in which they will carry out the DDR process. \\n Develop a concept of operations (CONOPS). DDR practitioners should have a common, agreed approach in order to ensure coherence amongst UN system-supported DDR processes and coordination among the various UN system actors that are conducting DDR in a particular context. This can be achieved through a written CONOPS, developed in consultation, as necessary, with the relevant headquarters. The CONOPS can also be adjusted to include the legal obligations of the UN system actor. \\n Develop operation-specific standard operating procedures (SOPs) or guidelines for DDR. Consistent with the CONOPS, DDR practitioners should consider developing operation-specific SOPs or guidelines. These may address, for instance, standards for cooperation with criminal justice and other accountability processes, measures for controlling access to DDR encampments or other installations, measures for the safe handling and destruction of weapons and ammunition, and other relevant issues. They may also include references to, and explanations of, the applicable legal standards. \\n Include legal considerations in all relevant project documents. In general, legal considerations should be integrated and addressed, as appropriate, in all relevant written project documents, including those agreed with the host State. \\n Seek legal advice. As a general matter, DDR practitioners should seek legal advice when they are in doubt as to whether a situation raises legal concerns. In particular, DDR practitioners should seek advice when they foresee new elements or significant changes in their DDR processes (e.g., when a new type of activity or new partners are involved). It is important to know where, and how, such advice may be requested and obtained. Familiarity with the legal office in-country and having clear channels of communication for seeking expeditious advice from headquarters are critical."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1 Mandate ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"As noted above, mandates are the main points of reference for UN-supported DDR processes. The mandate will determine what, when and how DDR processes can be supported or implemented. There are various sources of a UN actor\u2019s mandate to assist DDR processes. For UN peace operations, which are subsidiary organs of the Security Council, the mandate is found in the applicable Security Council resolution.Certain UN funds and programmes also have explicit mandates addressing DDR. In the absence of explicit, specific DDR-related provisions within their mandates, these UN funds and programmes should conduct any activity related to DDR processes in accordance with the principles and objectives in their general mandates.In addition, a number of specialized agencies and related organizations are mandated to conduct activities related to DDR processes. These entities often cooperate with UN peace operations, funds and programmes within their respective mandates in order to ensure a common approach to and coherency of their activities.Where a peace agreement exists, it may address the roles and responsibilities of DDR practitioners, both domestic and international, the basic principles applicable to the DDR process, the strategic approach, institutional mechanisms, timeframes and eligibility criteria. The peace agreement would thus provide guidance to DDR practitioners as to the implementation of their DDR mandate, where they are tasked with providing support to national DDR efforts undertaken pursuant to the peace agreement. It is important to remember, however, that while peace agreements may provide a framework for and guide the implementation of the DDR process, they do not provide the actual mandate to undertake such activities for UN system actors. It is the reference to the peace agreement in the practitioner\u2019s DDR mandate that makes the peace agreement (and the accompanying DDR policy document) relevant. As mentioned above, the authority to carry out DDR processes is established in a UN system actor\u2019s constitutive instrument and\/or in a decision by the actor\u2019s governing organ.In countries where no peace agreement exists, there may be no overarching framework for the DDR process, which could result in a lack of clarity regarding objectives, activities, coordination and strategy. In such cases, the fall-back for DDR practitioners would be to rely solely on the mandate of their own entity that is applicable in the relevant State to determine their role in the DDR process, how to coordinate with other actors and the activities they may undertake.If a particular mandate includes assistance to the national authorities in the development and implementation of a DDR process, the UN system actor concerned may, in accordance with its mandate, enter into a technical agreement with the host State on logistical and operational coordination and cooperation. The technical agreement may, as necessary, integrate elements from the peace agreement, if one exists.DDR mandates may also include provisions that tie the development and implementation of DDR processes to other ongoing conflict and post-conflict initiatives, including ones concerning transitional justice (TJ).Many UN system entities operating in post-conflict situations have simultaneous DDR and TJ mandates. The overlap of TJ measures with DDR processes can create tension but may also contribute towards achieving the long-term shared objectives of reconciliation and peace. It is thus crucial that UN-supported DDR processes have a clear and coherent relationship with any TJ measures ongoing within the country (see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice).Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be familiar with the most recent documents establishing the mandate to conduct DDR processes, specifically, the source and scope of that mandate. \\n When starting a new form of activity related to the DDR process, DDR practitioners should seek legal advice if there is doubt as to whether this new form of activity is authorized under the mandate of their particular entity. \\n When starting a new form of activity related to the DDR process, DDR practitioners should ensure coordination with other relevant initiatives. \\n Peace agreements, in themselves, do not provide UN entities with a mandate to support DDR. It is the reference to the peace agreement in the mandate of the DDR practitioner\u2019s particular entity that makes the peace agreement (and the accompanying DDR policy document) relevant. This mandate may set boundaries regarding what DDR practitioners can do or how they go about their jobs."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Normative legal framework ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"DDR processes are also undertaken within the context of a broader international legal framework of rights and obligations that may be relevant to their implementation. This includes, in particular, international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law, international refugee law, and the international counter-terrorism and arms control frameworks. For the purpose of this module, this international legal framework is referred to as the \u2018normative legal framework\u2019. UN-supported DDR processes should be implemented so as to ensure that the relevant rights and obligations under that normative legal framework are respected."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Normative legal framework ","Heading3":"4.2.1 International humanitarian law","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"International humanitarian law (IHL) applies to situations of armed conflict and regulates the conduct of armed forces and non-State armed groups in such situations. It seeks to limit the effects of armed conflict, mainly by protecting persons who are not or are no longer participating in the hostilities and by regulating the means and methods of warfare. Among other things, IHL sets out the obligations of parties to armed conflicts to protect civilians, injured and sick persons, and persons deprived of their liberty for reasons related to armed conflicts.The main sources of IHL are the Geneva Conventions (1949) and the two Additional Protocols (1977).There are two types of armed conflict under IHL: (1) international armed conflict (an armed conflict between States) and (2) non-international armed conflict (an armed conflict between a State\u2019s armed forces and an organized armed group, or between organized armed groups). Each type of armed conflict is governed by a distinct set of rules, though the differences between the two regimes have diminished as the law governing non-international armed conflict has developedArticle 3, which is contained in all four Geneva Conventions (often referred to as \u2018common article 3\u2019), applies to non-international armed conflicts and establishes fundamental rules from which no derogation is permitted (i.e., States cannot suspend the performance of their obligations under common article 3). It requires, among other things, humane treatment for all persons in enemy hands, without any adverse distinction. It also specifically prohibits murder; mutilation; torture; cruel, humiliating and degrading treatment; the taking of hostages and unfair trial.Serious violations of IHL (e.g., murder, rape, torture, arbitrary deprivation of liberty and unlawful confinement) in an international or non-international armed conflict situation may constitute war crimes. Issues relating to the possible commission of such crimes (together with crimes against humanity and genocide), and the prosecution of such criminals, are of particular concern when assisting Member States in the development of eligibility criteria for DDR processes (see section 4.2.4, as well as IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice).The UN is not a party to the international legal instruments comprising IHL. However, the Secretary-General has confirmed that certain fundamental principles and rules of IHL are applicable to UN forces when, in situations of armed conflict, they are actively engaged as combatants, to the extent and for the duration of their engagement (ST\/SGB\/1999\/13, sect. 1.1)In the context of DDR processes assisted by UN peacekeeping operations, IHL rules regarding deprivation of liberty are normally not applicable to activities undertaken within DDR processes. This is based on the fact that participation in DDR is voluntary \u2014 in other words, persons enrol in DDR processes of their own accord and stay in DDR processes voluntarily (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). They are not deprived of their liberty, and IHL rules concerning detention or internment do not apply. In the event that there are doubts as to whether a person is in fact enrolled in DDR voluntarily, this issue should immediately be brought to the attention of the competent legal office, and advice should be sought. Separately, legal advice should also be sought if the DDR practitioner is of the view that detention is in fact taking place.IHL may nevertheless apply to the wider context within which a DDR process is situated. For example, when national authorities, for whatever purpose, wish to take into custody persons enrolled in DDR processes, the UN peacekeeping operation or other UN system actor concerned should take measures to ensure that those national authorities will treat the persons concerned in accordance with their obligations under IHL, and international human rights and refugee laws, where applicable. \\n\\nSpecific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be conscious of the conditions of DDR facilities, particularly with respect to the voluntariness of the presence and involvement of DDR participants and beneficiaries (see IDDRS 3.10 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). \\n DDR practitioners should be conscious of the fact that IHL may apply to the wider context within which DDR processes are situated. Safeguards should be put in place to ensure compliance with IHL and international human rights and refugee laws by the host State authorities. \\n\\n Red lines \\nParticipation in DDR processes shall be voluntary at all times. DDR participants and beneficiaries are not detained, interned or otherwise deprived of their liberty. DDR practitioners should seek legal advice if there are concerns about the voluntariness of involvement in DDR processes"},{"ID":8,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Normative legal framework ","Heading3":"4.2.2 International humanitarian law","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Article 55 of the UN Charter calls on the Organization to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, based on the recognition of the dignity, worth and equal rights of all. In their work, all UN personnel have a responsibility to ensure that human rights are promoted, respected, protected and advanced.Accordingly, UN DDR practitioners have a duty in carrying out their work to promote and respect the human rights of all DDR participants and beneficiaries. The main sources of international human rights law are: \\n The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (UDHR) was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations. It set out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected. \\n The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) (ICCPR) establishes a range of civil and political rights, including rights of due process and equality before the law, freedom of movement and association, freedom of religion and political opinion, and the right to liberty and security of person. \\n The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966) (ICESCR) establishes the rights of individuals and duties of States to provide for the basic needs of all persons, including access to employment, education and health care. \\n The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) (CAT) establishes that torture is prohibited under all circumstances, including in times of war, internal political instability or other public emergency, and regardless of the orders of superiors or public authorities. \\n The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) (CRC) and the Optional Protocol to the CRC on Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict (2000) recognize the special status of children and reconfirm their rights, as well as States\u2019 duty to protect children in a number of specific settings, including during armed conflict. The Optional Protocol is particularly relevant to the DDR context, as it concerns the rights of children involved in armed conflict. \\n The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979) (CEDAW) defines what constitutes discrimination against women and sets up an agenda for national action to end it. CEDAW provides the basis for realizing equality between women and men through ensuring women\u2019s equal access to, and equal opportunities in, political and public life \u2013 including the right to vote and to stand for election \u2013 as well as education, health and employment. States parties agree to take all appropriate measures, including legislation and temporary special measures, so that women can enjoy all their human rights and fundamental freedoms. General recommendation No. 30 on women in conflict prevention, conflict and post-conflict situations, issued by the CEDAW Committee in 2013, specifically recommends that States parties, among others, ensure (a) women\u2019s participation in all stages of DDR processes; (b) that DDR processes specifically target female combatants and women and girls associated with armed groups and that barriers to their equitable participation are addressed; (c) that mental health and psychosocial support as well as other support services are provided to them; and (d) that DDR processes specifically address women\u2019s distinct needs in order to provide age and gender-specific DDR support. \\n The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) (CRPD) clarifies and qualifies how all categories of rights apply to persons with disabilities and identifies areas where adaptations have to be made for persons with disabilities to effectively exercise their rights, and where protection of rights must be reinforced. This is also relevant for people with psychosocial, intellectual and cognitive disabilities, and is a key legislative framework addressing their human rights including the right to quality services and the right to community integration. \\n The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (2006) (ICPPED) establishes that enforced disappearances are prohibited under all circumstances, including in times of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or other public emergency.The following rights enshrined in these instruments are particularly relevant, as they often arise within the DDR context, especially with regard to the treatment of persons located in DDR facilities (including but not limited to encampments): \\n Right to life (article 3 of UDHR; article 6 of ICCPR; article 6 of CRC; article 10 of CRPD); \\n Right to freedom from torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (article 5 of UDHR; article 7 of ICCPR; article 2 of CAT; article 37(a) of CRC; article 15 of CRPD); \\n Right to liberty and security of person, which includes the prohibition of arbitrary arrest or detention (article 9 of UDHR; article 9(1) of ICCPR; article 37 of CRC); \\n Right to fair trial (article 10 of UDHR; article 9 of ICCPR; article 40(2)(iii) of CRC); \\n Right to be free from discrimination (article 2 of UDHR; articles 2 and 24 of ICCPR; article 2 of CRC; article 2 of CEDAW; article 5 of CRPD); and \\n Rights of the child, including considering the best interests of the child (article 3 of CRC; article 7(2) of CRPD), and protection from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation (article 19 of CRC).While the UN is not a party to the above instruments, they provide relevant standards to guide its operations. Accordingly, the above rights should be taken into consideration when developing UN-supported DDR processes, when supporting host State DDR processes and when national authorities, for whatever purpose, wish to take into custody persons enrolled in DDR processes, in order to ensure that the rights of DDR participants and beneficiaries are promoted and respected at all times.The application and interpretation of international human rights law must also be viewed in light of the voluntary nature of DDR processes. The participants and beneficiaries of DDR processes shall not be held against their will or subjected to other deprivations of their liberty and security of their persons. They shall be treated at all times in accordance with international human rights law norms and standards.Special protections may also apply with respect to members of particularly vulnerable groups, including women, children and persons with disabilities. Specifically, with regard to women participating in DDR processes, Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) on women and peace and security calls on all actors involved, when negotiating and implementing peace agreements, to adopt a gender perspective, including the special needs of women and girls during repatriation and resettlement and for rehabilitation, reintegration and post-conflict reconstruction (para. 8(a)), and encourages all those involved in the planning for DDR to consider the different needs of female and male ex-combatants and to take into account the needs of their dependents. In all, DDR processes should be gender-responsive, and there should be equal access for and participation of women at all stages (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of the international human rights instruments that guide the UN in supporting DDR processes. \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of the relevant domestic legislation that provides for the rights and freedoms of DDR participants and beneficiaries within the Member State where the DDR process is being undertaken. \\n DDR practitioners shall take the necessary precautions, special measures or actions to protect and ensure the human rights of DDR participants and beneficiaries. \\n DDR practitioners shall report and seek legal advice in the event that they witness any violations of human rights by national authorities within a UN-supported DDR facility.Red lines \\n DDR practitioners shall not facilitate any violations of human rights by national authorities within a UN-supported DDR facility."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Normative legal framework ","Heading3":"4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons","Heading4":"i. International refugee law","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"International refugee law serves as another part of the normative international legal framework that may be of relevance to UN-supported DDR processes. This area of law may be particularly relevant when DDR processes include a repatriation component or are open to foreign nationals (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements).International refugee law serves as another part of the normative international legal framework that may be of relevance to UN-supported DDR processes. This area of law may be particularly relevant when DDR processes include a repatriation component or are open to foreign nationals (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements).A refugee is a person who is outside his or her country of nationality or habitual residence; has a well-founded fear of being persecuted because of his or her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion; and is unable or unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country, or to return there, for fear of persecution.However, articles 1C to 1F of the 1951 Convention provide for circumstances in which it shall not apply to a person who would otherwise fall within the general definition of a refugee. In the context of situations involving DDR processes, article 1F is of particular relevance, in that it stipulates that the provisions of the 1951 Convention shall not apply to any person with respect to whom there are serious reasons for considering that he or she has: \\n committed a crime against peace, a war crime or a crime against humanity, as defined in relevant international instruments; \\n committed a serious non-political crime outside the country of refuge prior to the person\u2019s admission to that country as a refugee; or \\n been guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN.Asylum means the granting by a State of protection on its territory to individuals fleeing another country owing to persecution, armed conflict or violence. Military activity is incompatible with the concept of asylum. Persons who pursue military activities in a country of asylum cannot be asylum seekers or refugees. It is thus important to ensure that refugee camps\/settlements are protected from militarization and the presence of fighters or combatants.During emergency situations, particularly when people are fleeing armed conflict, refugee flows may occur simultaneously or mixed with combatants or fighters. It is thus important that combatants or fighters are identified and separated. Once separated from the refugee population, combatants and fighters may enter into a DDR process, if available.Former combatants or fighters who have been verified to have genuinely and permanently renounced military activities may seek asylum. Participation in a DDR programme provides a verifiable process through which the former combatant or fighter genuinely and permanently renounces military activities. Other types of DDR processes may also provide this verification, as long as there is a formal process through which a combatant becomes an ex-combatant (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization).DDR practitioners should also take into consideration that civilian family members of participants in DDR processes may be refugees or asylum seekers, and efforts must be in place to consider family unity during, for example, repatriation."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Normative legal framework ","Heading3":"4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons","Heading4":"ii. The principle of non-refoulement","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"The principle of non-refoulement (article 33 of the 1951 Convention) is so fundamental that no reservations or derogations may be made to it. The principle also has the status of international customary law, which means that it is binding on all States, including those that are not party to the 1951 Convention. It provides that no State shall expel or return (\u2018refouler\u2019) a refugee against his or her will, in any manner whatsoever, to a territory where he or she fears with good reason that his or her life or freedom would be threatened, or where he or she would be subject to persecution on account of his\/her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion. The prohibition of refoulement under international refugee law is applicable to any form of forcible removal, including deportation, expulsion, extradition, informal transfer or \u2018renditions\u2019, and non-admission at the border, as per article 33(1) of the 1951 Convention, which refers to expulsion or return (refoulement) \u201cin any manner whatsoever\u201d. This has been interpreted to include not only a return to the country of origin or, in the case of a stateless person, the country of former habitual residence, but also to any other place where a person has reason to fear threats to his or her life or freedom related to one or more of the grounds set out in the 1951 Convention, or from where the person risks being sent to a territory where he or she faces such a risk.In the context of DDR, this means that a former fighter\/combatant who has renounced military activity and been admitted to the asylum procedure is protected from refoulement by virtue of Article 33(1) of the 1951 Convention and international customary law. This precludes the forced repatriation of this individual unless and until his or her asylum claim is finally rejected.Under Article 33(2) of the 1951 Convention, an exception to the non-refoulement obligation in international refugee law exists where (1) there are reasonable grounds for regarding the refugee as a danger to the security of the country in which the refugee is located; or (2) the refugee, having been convicted of a particularly serious crime by final judgment, constitutes a danger to the community of the country where the refugee is located.While the principle of non-refoulement originates in international refugee law, it has also become an integral part of international human rights law. This principle is explicitly contained in Article 3 of the CAT, and has also been interpreted by the Human Rights Committee to be part of Articles 6 (right to life) and 7 (right to be free from tor-ture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment) of the ICCPR.6 In international human rights law, the principle applies without exception, and there is no provision similar to Article 33(2) of the 1951 Convention (see above). Accordingly, States are bound not to transfer any individual to another State, if this would expose him or her to a real risk of being subjected to arbitrary deprivation of life, or torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or enforced disappearance.As such, the principle of non-refoulement under international human rights law also applies to active fighters\/combatants even though these individuals are not considered refugees."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Normative legal framework ","Heading3":"4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons","Heading4":"iii. Internally displaced persons","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Relatedly, a body of rules has also been developed with respect to internally displaced persons (IDPs). In addition to relevant human rights law principles, the \u201cGuiding Principles on Internal Displacement\u201d (E\/CN.4\/1998\/53\/Add.2) provide a framework for the protection and assistance of IDPs. The Guiding Principles contain practical guidance to the UN in its protection of IDPs, as well as serve as an instrument for public policy education and awareness-raising. Substantively, the Guiding Principles address the specific needs of IDPs worldwide. They identify rights and guarantees relevant to the protection of persons from forced displacement and to their protection and assistance during displacement as well as during return or reintegration.Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of international refugee law and how it relates to UN DDR processes. \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of the principle of non-refoulement, which exists under both international human rights law and international refugee law, though with different conditions. \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of the relevant domestic legislation that provides for the rights and freedoms of DDR participants and beneficiaries within the Member State where the DDR process is carried out.Red lines \\n DDR practitioners shall not facilitate any violations of international refugee law by national authorities. In particular, they shall not facilitate any violations of the principle of non-refoulement including for DDR participants and beneficiaries who may not qualify as refugees."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Normative legal framework ","Heading3":"4.2.4 Accountability mechanisms at the national and international levels","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"In general, it is the duty of every State to exercise its criminal jurisdiction over those responsible for international crimes.DDR practitioners should be aware of local and international mechanisms for achieving justice and accountability for international crimes. These include any judicial or non-judicial mechanisms that may be established with respect to international crimes committed in the host State. These can take various forms, depending on the specificities of local context.National courts usually have jurisdiction over all crimes committed within the State\u2019s territory, even when there are international criminal accountability mechanisms with complementary or concurrent jurisdiction over the same crimes.In terms of international criminal law, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) establishes individual and command responsibility under international law for (1) genocide;8 (2) crimes against humanity, which include, inter alia, murder, enslavement, deportation or forcible transfer of population, imprisonment, torture, rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization or \u201cany other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity\u201d, when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against the civilian population;9 (3) war crimes, which similarly include sexual violence;10 and (4) the crime of aggression.11 The law governing international crimes is also developed further by other sources of international law (e.g., treaties12 and customary international law13 ).Separately, there have been a number of international criminal tribunals14 and \u2018hybrid\u2019 international tribunals15 addressing crimes committed in specific situations. These tribunals have contributed to the extensive development of substantive and procedural international criminal law.Recently, there have also been a number of initiatives to provide degrees of international support to domestic courts or tribunals that are established in States to try international law crimes.16 Various other transitional justice initiatives may also apply, depending on the context.The UN opposes the application of the death penalty, including with respect to persons convicted of international crimes. The UN also discourages the extradition or deportation of a person where there is genuine risk that the death penalty may be imposed unless credible and reliable assurances are obtained that the death penalty will not be sought or imposed and, if imposed, will not be carried out but commuted. The UN\u2019s own criminal tribunals, UN-assisted criminal tribunals and the ICC are not empowered to impose capital punishment on any convicted person, regardless of the seriousness of the crime(s) of which he or she has been convicted. UN investigative mechanisms mandated to share information with national courts and tribunals should only do so with jurisdictions that respect international human rights law and standards, including the right to a fair trial, and shall only do so for use in criminal proceedings in which capital punishment will not be sought, imposed or carried out.Accountability mechanisms, together with DDR processes, form part of the toolkit for advancing peace processes. However, there is often tension, whether real or perceived, between peace, on the one hand, and justice and accountability, on the other. A prominent example is the issuance of amnesties or assurances of non-prosecution in exchange for participation in DDR processes, which could hinder the achievement of justice-related aims.It is a long-established policy that the UN will not endorse provisions in a transitional justice process that include amnesties for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and gross violations of human rights (see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice). With regard to the issue of terrorist offences, see section 4.2.6."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Normative legal framework ","Heading3":"4.2.5 UN Security Council sanctions regimes","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"The Security Council, in establishing a DDR mandate, may address the tension between transitional justice and DDR, by excluding combatants suspected of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or abuses of human rights from participation in DDR processes.Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be aware that it is the primary duty of States to prosecute those responsible for international crimes. \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of a parallel UN or national mandate, if any, for transitional justice in the State. \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of ongoing international and\/or national accountability and\/or transitional justice mechanisms or processes. \\n When planning for and conducting DDR processes, DDR practitioners should consult with UN human rights, accountability and\/or transitional justice advisers to ensure coordination, where such mechanisms or processes exist. \\n DDR practitioners should incorporate screening mechanisms and criteria into DDR processes for adults to identify suspected perpetrators of international crimes and exclude them from DDR processes. Suspected perpetrators should be reported to the competent national authorities. Legal advice should be sought, if possible, beforehand. \\n If the potential DDR participant is under 18 years old, DDR practitioners should refer to IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR for additional guidance."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Normative legal framework ","Heading3":"4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework","Heading4":"i. The requirement \u2018to bring terrorists to justice\u2019","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"The international counter-terrorism framework is comprised of relevant Security Council resolutions, as well as 19 international counter-terrorism instruments,18 which have been widely ratified by UN Member States. That framework must be implemented in compliance with other relevant international standards, particularly international humanitarian law, international refugee law and international human rights laUnder the Security Council resolutions, Member States are required, among other things, to: \\n Ensure that any person who participates in the preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts or in supporting terrorist acts is brought to justice; \\n Ensure that such terrorist acts are established as serious criminal offences in domestic laws and regulations and that the punishment duly reflects the seriousness of such terrorist acts,19 including with respect to: \\n Financing, planning, preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts or support of these acts and \\n Offences related to the travel of foreign terrorist fighters.20Under the Security Council resolutions, Member States are also exhorted to establish criminal responsibility for: \\n Terrorist acts intended to destroy critical infrastructure21 and \\n Trafficking in persons by terrorist organizations and individuals.22While there is no universally agreed definition of terrorism, several of the 19 international counter-terrorism instruments define certain terrorist acts and\/or offences with clarity and precision, including offences related to the financing of terrorism, the taking of hostages and terrorist bombing.23The Member State\u2019s obligation to \u2018bring terrorists to justice\u2019 is triggered and it shall consider whether a prosecution is warranted when there are reasonable grounds to believe that a group or individual has committed a terrorist offence set out in: \\n 1. A Security Council resolution or \\n 2. One of the 19 international counter-terrorism instruments to which a Member State is a partyDDR practitioners should be aware of the fact that their host State has an international legal obligation to comply with relevant Security Council resolutions on counter-terrorism (that is, those that the Security Council has adopted in binding terms) and the international counter-terrorism instruments to which it is a party.Of particular relevance to the DDR practitioner is the fact that under Security Council resolutions, with respect to suspected terrorists (as defined above), Member States are further called upon to: \\n Develop and implement comprehensive and tailored prosecution, rehabilitation, and reintegration strategies and protocols, in line with their obligations under international law, including with respect to returning and relocating foreign terrorist fighters and their spouses and children who accompany them, and to address their suitability for rehabilitation.24There are two main scenarios where DDR processes and the international counter-terrorism legal framework may intersect: \\n 1. In addition to the traditional concerns with regard to screening out for prosecution persons suspected of war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide, the DDR practitioner, in advising and assisting a Member State, should also be aware of the Member State\u2019s obligations under the international counter-terrorism legal framework, and remind them of those obligations, if need be. Specific criteria, as appropriate and applicable to the context and Member States, should be incorporated into screening for DDR processes to identify and disqualify persons who have committed or are reasonably believed to have committed a terrorist act, or who are identified as clearly associated with a Security Council-designated terrorist organization. \\n 2. Although DDR programmes are not appropriate for persons associated with such organizations (see section below), lessons learned and programming experience from DDR programmes may be very relevant to the design, implementation and support to programmes to prosecute, rehabilitate and reintegrate these persons.As general guidance, for terrorist groups designated by the Security Council, Member States are required to develop prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration strategies. Terrorist suspects, including foreign terrorist fighters and their family members, and victims should be the subject of such strategies, which should be both tailored to specific categories and comprehensive.25 The initial step is to establish a clear and coherent screening process to determine the main profile of a person who is in the custody of authorities or under the responsibility of authorities, in order to recommend particular treatment, including further investigation or prosecution, or immediate entry into and participation in a rehabilitation and\/or reintegration programme. The criteria to be applied during the screening process shall comply with international human rights norms and standards and conform to other applicable regimes, such as international humanitarian law and the international counter-terrorism framework.Not all persons will be prosecuted as a result of this screening, but the screening process shall address the question of whether or not a person should be prosecuted. In this respect, the term \u2018screening\u2019 should be distinguished from usage in the context of a DDR programme, where screening refers to the process of ensuring that a person who met previously agreed eligibility criteria will be registered in the programme.Additional UN guidance with regard to the prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration of foreign terrorist fighters can be found, inter alia, in the Madrid Guiding Principles and their December 2018 Addendum (S\/2018\/1177). The Madrid Guiding Principles were adopted by the Security Council (S\/2015\/939) in December 2015 with the aim of becoming a practical tool for use by Member States in their efforts to combat terrorism and to stem the flow of foreign terrorist fighters in accordance with resolution 2178 (2014)Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be aware that the host State has legal obligations under Security Council resolutions and\/or international counter-terrorism instruments to ensure that terrorists are brought to justice. \\n DDR practitioners shall incorporate proper screening mechanisms and criteria into DDR processes to identify suspected terrorists. \\n Depending on the circumstances, the terrorist organization they are associated with and the terrorist offences committed, it may not be appropriate for suspected terrorists to participate in DDR processes. Children associated with such groups should be treated in accordance with the standards set out in IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Normative legal framework ","Heading3":"4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework","Heading4":"ii. Sanctions relating to terrorism, including from Security Council committees ","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"The Security Council Committee concerning ISIL (Da\u2019esh), Al-Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities was established pursuant to Resolution 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015). It is the only sanctions committee of the Security Council that lists individuals and groups for their association with terrorism. In addition, the Security Council may list individuals or groups for other reasons26 and impose sanctions on them. These individuals or groups may also be described as \u2018terrorist groups\u2019 in separate Council resolutions.27In this regard, a specific set of issues arises vis-\u00e0-vis engaging groups or individuals in a DDR process when the group(s) or individual(s) are (a) listed as a terrorist group, individual or organization by the Security Council (either via the Da\u2019esh-Al Qaida Committee or another relevant Committee); and\/or (b) listed as a terrorist group, individual or organization by a Member State for that Member State, by way of domestic legislation.DDR practitioners should be aware that donor states may also designate groups as terrorists through such \u2018national listings\u2019.Moreover, as a consequence of Security Council, regional or national listings, donor states in particular may have constraints placed upon them as a result of their national legislation that could impact what support (financial or otherwise) they can provide.Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of whether or not a group, entity or individual has been listed by the Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) and should consult their legal adviser on the implications this may have for planning or implementation of DDR processes. \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of whether or not a group, entity or individual has been designated a terrorist organization or individual by a regional organization or Member State (including the host State or donor country) and should consult their legal adviser on the implications this may have on the planning and implementation of DDR processes. \\n DDR practitioners should consult with their legal adviser upon applicable host State national legislation targeting the provision of support to listed terrorist groups, including its possible criminalization.Red line \\n Groups or individuals listed by the Security Council, as well as perpetrators or suspected perpetrators of terrorist acts cannot be participants in DDR programmes. However, in compliance with relevant international standards and within the proper framework, support may be provided by DDR practitioners, using DDR-related tools, to persons associated to Security Council\u2013designated terrorist organizations."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Normative legal framework ","Heading3":"4.2.7 International arms control framework ","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"The international arms control framework is made up of a number of international legal instruments that set out obligations for Member States with regard to a range of arms control issues relevant to DDR activities, including the management, storage, security, transfer and disposal of arms, ammunition and related material. These instruments include: \\n The Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, is the only legally binding instrument at the global level to counter the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition. It provides a framework for States to control and regulate licit arms and arms flows, prevent their diversion into illegal circulation, and facilitate the investigation and prosecution of related offences without hampering legitimate transfers. \\n The Arms Trade Treaty regulates the international trade in conventional arms, ranging from small arms to battle tanks, combat aircraft and warships. \\n The Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects as amended on 21 December 2001 bans or restricts the use of specific types of weapons that are considered to cause unnecessary or unjustifiable suffering to combatants or to affect civilians indiscriminately. \\n The Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction prohibits the development, production, stockpiling, transfer and use of anti-personnel mines. \\n The Convention on Cluster Munitions prohibits all use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions. It also establishes a framework for cooperation and assistance to ensure adequate support to survivors and their communities, clearance of contaminated areas, risk reduction education and destruction of stockpiles.Specific guiding principles \\n In addition to relevant national legislation, DDR practitioners should be aware of the international and regional legal instruments that the State in which the DDR practitioner is operating has ratified, and how these may impact the design of disarmament and transitional weapons and ammunition management activities (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament and IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management)."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3 Member States\u2019 international obligations and domestic legal framework ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"A Member State\u2019s international obligations are usually translated into domestic legislation. A Member State\u2019s domestic legislation has effect within the territory of that Member State.In order to determine a DDR participant\u2019s immediate rights and freedoms in the Member State, and\/or to find the domestic basis, within the State, to ensure the protection of the rights of DDR participants and beneficiaries, the DDR practitioner will have to look towards the specific context of the Member State, i.e., the Member State\u2019s international obligations and its domestic legislation. This is despite the fact that the UN DDR practitioner is guided by the international law principles set out above in the conduct of the Organization\u2019s activities, or that the DDR practitioner may wish to engage with Member States to ensure that their treatment of DDR participants and beneficiaries is in line with their international obligations.For example, the following issues would usually be addressed in a Member State\u2019s domestic legislation, in particular its constitution and criminal procedure code: \\n Length of pretrial detention; \\n Due process rights; \\n Protections and procedure with regard to investigations and prosecutions of alleged crimes, and \\n Criminal penaltiesSimilarly, in order to understand how the Member State has decided to implement the above Security Council resolutions on counter-terrorism, as well as relevant resolutions on organized crimes, DDR practitioners will have to look towards domestic legislation, in particular, to understand the acts that would constitute crimes in the Member State in which they work.For the purposes of DDR, it is thus important to have an understanding of the Member State that the UN DDR practitioner is operating in, in particular, 1) the Member State\u2019s international obligations, including the international conventions that the Member State has signed and ratified; and 2) the relevant protections provided for under the Member State\u2019s domestic legislation that the UN DDR practitioner can rely upon to help ensure the protection of DDR participants\u2019 rights and freedomsSpecific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of the international conventions that the Member State, in which they operate, has signed and ratified. \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of domestic legislation that may address the rights and freedoms of DDR participants and beneficiaries, as well as limit their participation in DDR processes, in particular the penal code, criminal procedure code and counter-terrorism legislation. \\n DDR practitioners may wish to rely on domestic legislation to secure the rights and freedoms of DDR participants and beneficiaries within the Member State, as appropriate and necessaryRed line \\n DDR practitioners shall respect the national laws of the host State. If there is a concern regarding the obligation to respect a host State\u2019s law and the activities of the DDR practitioner, the DDR practitioner should seek legal advice."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4 Internal rules, policies and procedures","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"The UN has adopted a number of internal rules, policies and procedures. Other actors in the broader UN system also have similar rules, policies and procedures.Such rules, policies and procedures are binding internally. They typically also serve to signal to external parties the UN system\u2019s expectations regarding the behaviour of those to whom it provides assistance.The general guide for UN-supported DDR processes is the UN IDDRS. Other internal documents that may be relevant to DDR processes include the following: \\n The UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy (HRDDP) (A\/67\/775-S\/2013\/110) governs the UN\u2019s provision of support to non-UN security forces, which could include the provision of support to national DDR processes if such processes or their programmes are being implemented by security forces, or if there is any repatriation of DDR participants and beneficiaries by security forces. The HRDDP requires UN entities that are contemplating providing support to non-UN security forces to take certain due diligence, compliance and monitoring measures with the aim of ensuring that receiving entities do not commit grave violations of international humanitarian law, international human rights law or refugee law. Where there are substantial grounds for believing that grave violations are occurring or have occurred, involving security forces to which support is being provided by the UN, the UN shall intercede with the competent authorities to bring such violations to an end and\/or seek accountability in respect of them. For further information, please refer to the Guidance Note for the implementation of the HRDDP.28 \\n The Secretary-General issued a bulletin on special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (ST\/SGB\/2003\/13), which applies to the staff of all UN departments, programmes, funds and agencies, prohibiting them from committing acts of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. In line with the UN Staff Regulations and Rules, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse constitute acts of serious misconduct and are therefore grounds for disciplinary measures, including dismissal. Further, UN staff are obliged to create and maintain an environment that prevents sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. Managers at all levels have a particular responsibility to support and develop systems that maintain this environment.Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of and follow relevant internal rules, policies and procedures at all stages of the DDR process. \\n DDR practitioners in management positions shall ensure that team members are kept up to date on the most recent developments in the internal rules, policies and procedures, and that managers and team members complete all necessary training and coursesRed line \\n Violation of the UN internal rules, policies and procedures could lead to harm to the UN, and may lead to disciplinary measures for DDR practitioners."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"4. General guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5 Status, privileges and immunities","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Under the Charter, the Organization enjoys \u201cin the territory of each of its Members such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the fulfilment of its purposes\u201d. Similarly, UN officials \u201cenjoy such privileges as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in connexion with the Organization\u201d.29 These Charter provisions have been implemented in a detailed manner by the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (the \u2018General Convention\u2019). The privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies are separately set out in the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies (\u2018Specialized Agencies Convention\u2019).Furthermore, privileges and immunities of the UN and its personnel may be incorporated in mission-specific Status-of-Forces Agreements (SOFAs) and Status-of-Mission Agreements (SOMAs), Standard Basic Assistance Agreements (SBAAs), host country agreements and other similar agreements concluded between the Organization and host States to allow for the secure and effective implementation of mandated activities. It is thus essential for each DDR practitioner to refer to the relevant agreement to determine the privileges and immunities of any relevant UN system actor, as well as its personnel.As regards military personnel of national contingents assigned to a UN peace-keeping operation\u2019s military component, the SOFA addresses the legal status and obligations of the military component in the host country, including with respect to privileges and immunities and criminal jurisdiction. Unlike other categories of UN personnel, military members of military contingents are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of their sending States in respect of any criminal offences they may commit in the host country.Under the SOFA or SOMA, the UN peacekeeping operation or mission, as well as its members, shall respect all local laws and regulations. Similarly, under the model host country agreement for the establishment of an office, it is the duty of all persons enjoying the privileges and immunities accorded by the agreement to respect the laws and regulations of the host country.Specifically, the General Convention provides certain privileges and immunities to the UN, as well as its officials, for the fulfilment of the Organization\u2019s purposes and to allow its personnel to conduct their official duties without interference. The Specialized Agencies Convention similarly provides for specialized agencies and their personnel.With the exception of certain high-ranking officials, who enjoy privileges and immunities similar to those accorded to diplomatic envoys by international law, UN officials and experts on mission, as well as officials of specialized agencies, enjoy immunity from legal process in the host State only in respect of official functions (\u2018functional immunity\u2019). This means that they are immune from legal proceedings only with respect to acts done in their official capacity. They do not enjoy immunity in respect of private acts.Immunity is granted to UN and specialized agencies personnel in the interests of their organization and not for the personal benefit of the individuals concerned. The Secretary-General has the right and the duty to waive the immunity of any UN personnel where, in the opinion of the Secretary-General, the immunity would impede the course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the interests of the UN.30 Each specialized agency shall have the right and the duty to waive the immunity of their officials on the same grounds.31The General Convention and the Specialized Agencies Convention also provide that the premises of the UN and the specialized agencies are inviolable, and that the property, assets and archives of the UN and the specialized agencies, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation and any other form of interference, whether by executive, administrative, judicial or legislative action. The archives of the UN and the specialized agencies, and in general all documents belonging to it or held by it, shall be inviolable wherever located.Any request for the production or disclosure of UN documents that are not in the public domain should be by way of an official request from the Member State Government to the UN. The sharing of information is regulated by the Secretary-General\u2019s bulletin on information sensitivity, classification, and handling (ST\/SGB\/2007\/6). Pursuant to this bulletin, documents that are responsive to a request shall be reviewed to verify that they do not contain any sensitive information. \u2018Sensitive\u2019 information means: \\n Information received from third parties under an expectation of confidentiality; \\n Information whose disclosure would endanger the safety or security of any individual; \\n Information whose disclosure would violate any individual\u2019s rights or invade his or her privacy; \\n Information whose disclosure is likely to endanger the security of a Member State; \\n Information whose disclosure would prejudice the security or proper conduct of any operation or activity of the UN; \\n Information covered by legal privilege or relating to internal investigations; \\n Information whose disclosure would undermine the Organization\u2019s free and independent decision-making process; \\n Commercial information whose disclosure would harm either the financial interests of the UN or those of other parties involved; or \\n Other kinds of information, which because of their content or the circumstances of their creation or communication shall be deemed confidential.Documents that contain sensitive information should be redacted to prevent the disclosure of their information or, when this is not practically possible, not disclosed.In accordance with the applicable legal framework, the UN is required to cooperate, at all times, with the appropriate authorities of host States to facilitate the proper administration of justice, secure the observance of police regulations and prevent the occurrence of any abuse in connection with the privileges, immunities and facilities.32In the event of uncertainty with respect to privileges and immunities or individuals, all queries should be directed to the relevant legal adviser of the mission or field presence, who may then refer the matter to the Legal Counsel. For specialized agencies, all queries should be directed to the legal adviser of the specialized agency.Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should seek legal advice from the relevant legal adviser of the mission or field presence if there are requests for the production or disclosure of documents or information produced by or in the possession of the UN. \\n DDR practitioners should seek legal advice if asked to provide testimony or participate in an interview or interrogation by national authorities.Red lines \\n DDR practitioners shall not produce or disclose any documents or information produced by or in the possession of the UN that are not in the public domain without first seeking legal advice. \\n DDR practitioners shall not provide testimony to or participate in any interview or interrogation by the State authorities without first seeking legal advice and receiving authorization to do so (which may require a waiver of immunity"},{"ID":20,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Legal Framework for UN DDR","Heading1":"Annex A: Abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"1 These sources include, among others, international law sources and instruments, as well as internal rules, policies and procedures. \\n2 Specifically, the first and second Geneva Conventions relate respectively to the improvement of the conditions of (1) the wounded and sick of armed forces in the field and (2) the condition of wounded, sick and shipwrecked members of armed forces at sea. The third Geneva Convention relates to the treatment of prisoners of war, and the fourth Geneva Convention relates to the protection of civilians in time of war, including in occupied territory. Additional Protocols I and II are international treaties that supplement the Geneva Conventions of 1949. They significantly improve the legal protections covering civilians and the wounded. Additional Protocol I concerns international armed conflicts, that is, those involving at least two countries. Additional Protocol II is the first international treaty that applies solely to civil wars and other armed conflicts within a State and sets restrictions on the use of force in those conflicts. \\n3 Article 31 of the 1951 Convention. \\n4 Article 1(2)A of the 1951 Convention. \\n5 UNHCR Advisory Opinion on the Extraterritorial Application of Non-refoulement Obligations under the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol (26 January 2007), para 7. \\n6 Human Rights Committee general comment No. 36 (2018) on article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on the right to life (30 October 2018), paras. 30 and 31; Human Rights Committee general comment No. 20 (1992) on article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on the prohibition of torture, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (10 March 1992), para. 9; UNHCR Advisory Opinion on the Extraterritorial Application of Non-refoulement Obligations under the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol (26 January 2007), paras. 18 and 19. \\n7 Preamble of the Rome Statute of the ICC, sixth recital. \\n8 Article 6 of the Rome Statute of the ICC \u2013 Genocide. \\n9 Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the ICC \u2013 Crimes against humanity. \\n10 Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the ICC \u2013 War crimes. \\n11 Article 8 bis of the Rome Statute of the ICC \u2013 Crime of aggression. \\n12 See Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (9 December 1948). Article 1 of the Genocide Convention provides that Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish. \\n13 See International Law Commission\u2019s draft articles on crimes against humanity. \\n14 For example, the International Criminal Tribunal of Rwanda, the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals. \\n15 For example, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the Residual Special Court for Sierra Leone and Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. \\n16 For example, the Special Criminal Court in Central African Republic. \\n17 The Consolidated Sanctions List includes all individuals and entities subject to sanctions measures imposed by the Security Council. (https:\/\/\/sc\/suborg\/en\/sanctions\/un-sc-consolidated-list#). \\n18 https:\/\/\/sc\/ctc\/resources\/international-legal-instruments\/ and http:\/\/\/en\/ counterterrorism\/legal-instruments.shtml. \\n19 Security Council resolution 1373 (2001), operative para. 2(e); and Security Council resolution 2396 (2017), operative paras. 17 and 19. \\n20 Security Council resolution 2178 (2014), operative paras. 6 (a), (b) and (c); Security Council resolution 2396 (2017), operative para. 17. \\n21 See resolution 2341 (2017) \\n22 See resolution 2331 (2016). \\n23 http:\/\/\/en\/counterterrorism\/legal-instruments.shtml \\n24 Security Council resolution 2178 (2014), operative para. 4, and Security Council resolution 2396 (2017), operative paras. 18 and 30. \\n25 Security Council resolution 2349 (2017), operative para. 32; Security Council resolution 2396 (2017), operative paras. 30, 31, 36, A\/RES\/72\/282, para. 39. \\n26 https:\/\/\/securitycouncil\/sanctions\/information. \\n27 One example is the description, by the UN Security Council, of a group that is listed by the UN Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning Somalia, as a \u2018terrorist group\u2019 in the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia. \\n28 http:\/\/\/wp-content\/files\/Inter-Agency-HRDDP-Guidance-Note-2015.pdf. \\n29 Article 105, paras. 1 and 2. \\n30 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN, sect. 20 and 23. \\n31 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies, sect. 22. \\n32 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN, sect. 21. This responsibility is generally reflected in UN host country agreements."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.20 The Politics of DDR.json b/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.20 The Politics of DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79525ed --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.20 The Politics of DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) is not only a technical undertaking. Many aspects of the DDR process will influence, and be influenced by, political dynamics. Understanding the political dynamics that influence DDR process- es requires knowledge of the historical and political context, the actors and stakehold- ers (armed and unarmed), and the conflict drivers, including local, national and re- gional aspects that may interact and feed into an armed conflict.Armed groups often mobilize for political reasons and\/or in response to a range of security, socioeconomic or other grievances. Peace negotiations and processes provide warring parties with a way to end violence and address their grievances through peaceful means. Armed forces may also need to be factored into peace agreements and proportion- ality between armed forces and groups \u2013 in terms of DDR support \u2013 taken into account.DDR practitioners may provide support to the mediation of peace agreements and to the subsequent oversight and implementation of the relevant parts of these agree- ments. DDR practitioners can also advise mediators and facilitators so as to ensure that peace agreements incorporate realistic DDR-related clauses, that the parties have a common understanding of the outcome of the DDR process and how this will be im- plemented, and that DDR processes are not undertaken in isolation but are integrated with other aspects of a peace process, since the success of each is mutually reinforcing. All peace agreements contain security provisions to address the control and man- agement of violence in various forms including right-sizing, DDR, and\/or other forms of security coordination and control. When and if a given peace agreement demands a DDR process, the national political framework for that particular DDR process is often provided by a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that seeks to address political and security issues. Without such an agreement, warring parties are unlikely to agree to measures that reduce their ability to use military force to reach their goals. In a CPA, it is very common for DDR programmes to be tied to ceasefire provisions and \u2018final security arrangements\u2019. If armed groups have political aspirations, the chances of the successful implementation of a CPA can be improved if DDR processes are sensitively designed to support the transformation of these groups into political entities.DDR processes may also follow local-level agreements. Local politics can be as important in driving armed conflict as grievances against the State. By focusing on the latter, national-level peace agreements may not address or resolve local conflicts. Therefore, these conflicts may continue even when national-level peace agreements have been signed and implemented. Local-level peace agreements may take a number of different forms, in- cluding (but not limited to) local non-aggression pacts between armed groups, deals re- garding access to specific areas and community violence reduction (CVR) agreements. DDR practitioners should assess whether local DDR processes remain at the local level, or wheth- er local- and national-level dynamics should be linked in a common multilevel approach.Finally, DDR processes can also be undertaken in the absence of peace agreements. In these instances, DDR interventions may be designed to contribute to stabilization, to make the returns of stability more tangible or to create more conducive environments for peace agreements (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). These interven- tions should not be reactive and ad hoc, but should be carefully planned in advance in accordance with a predefined strategy."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"This module introduces the political dynamics of DDR and provides an overview of how to analyse and better understand them so as to develop politically sensitive DDR processes. It discusses the role of DDR practitioners in the negotiation of local and na- tional peace agreements, the role of transitional and final security arrangements, and how practitioners may work to generate political will for DDR among warring parties. Finally, this chapter discusses the transformation of armed groups into political parties and the political dynamics of DDR in active conflict settings.1"},{"ID":2,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a. \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b. \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c. \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d. \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e. \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The impact of DDR on the political landscape is influenced by the context, the history of the conflict, and the structures and motivations of the warring parties. Some armed groups may have few political motivations or demands. Others, however, may fight against the State, seeking political power. Armed conflict may also be more localized, linked to local politics and issues such as access to land. There may also be complex interactions between political dynamics and conflict drivers at the local, national and regional levels.In order to support a peaceful resolution to armed conflict, DDR practitioners can support the mediation, oversight and implementation of peace agreements. Local- level peace agreements may take many forms, including (but not limited to) local non- aggression pacts between armed groups, deals regarding access to specific areas and CVR agreements. National-level peace agreements may also vary, ranging from cease- fire agreements to Comprehensive Peace Agreements (CPAs) with provisions for the establishment of a political power-sharing system. In this context, the role of former warring parties in interim political institutions may include participation in the interim administration as well as in other political bodies or movements, such as being repre- sented in national dialogues. DDR can support this process, including by helping to demilitarize politics and supporting the transformation of armed groups into political parties.DDR is not only a technical endeavour \u2013 many aspects of the DDR process will influ- ence, and be influenced by, political dynamics. For example, armed groups may refuse to disarm and demobilize until they are sure that their political demands will be met. Having control over DDR processes can constitute a powerful political position, and, as a result, groups or individuals may attempt to manipulate these processes for political gain. Furthermore, during a con- flict armed groups may become politically empowered and can challenge established political systems and structures, create DDR is not only a technical endeavour \u2013 many aspects of the DDR process will influence, and be influenced by, political dynamics. alternative political arrangements or take over functions usually reserved for the State, including as security providers. Measures to disband armed groups can provide space for the restoration of the State in places where it was previously absent, and therefore can have a strong impact upon the security and political environment.The political limitations of DDR should also be considered. Integrated DDR processes can facilitate engagement with armed groups but will have limited impact unless parallel efforts are undertaken to address the reasons why these groups felt it necessary to mobilize in the first place, their current and prospective security concerns, and their expectations for the future. Overcoming these political limitations requires recognition of the strong linkages between DDR and other aspects of a peace process, including broader political arrangements, transitional justice and reconciliation, and peacebuilding activities, without which there will be no sustainable peace. Importantly, national-level peace agreements may not be appropriate to resolve ongoing local-level conflicts or regional conflicts, and it will be necessary for DDR practitioners to develop strategies and select DDR-related tools that are appropriate to each level."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to the political dynamics of DDR:"},{"ID":6,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles ","Heading2":"4.1 People-centred","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"A people-centred approach shall be followed. This approach must take into account the needs and positions of all stakeholders (Government, armed and unarmed opposition, the population and the international community) in a sensitive manner and seek to understand and accommodate them."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles ","Heading2":"4.2 Gender-responsive and inclusive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"DDR processes shall be gender-responsive and -inclusive, and at all stages take into account the gender dimensions of peace processes and conflict resolution. DDR practi- tioners shall advance substantive gender equality before, during and after conflict and ensure that women\u2019s diverse experiences are fully integrated into all peacebuilding, peacemaking and reconstruction processes."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles ","Heading2":"4.3 Flexible, accountable and transparent","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Accountability, transparency and flexibility shall be maintained not only when holding stakeholders to their commitments, but also when ensuring that the process designed is appropriate for the context in which it is to be implemented."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles ","Heading2":"4.4 Integrated","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"It is essential to encourage unity of effort in the analysis, design and implementation of politically sensitive DDR processes. This emphasis must start with ensuring that those negotiating a peace agreement are properly advised so as to reach technically sound agreements and to integrate DDR processes with other relevant parts of the peace process."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR","Heading2":"5.1 Contextual considerations ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"To understand the political dynamics of DDR processes, a thorough contextual analysis is required. In mission settings, such analyses are undertaken by UN peace operations, special political missions or offices. In non-mission settings, contextual analysis forms an integral part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) process.In both mission and non-mission settings, the analysis of the political dynamics of a DDR process forms just one part of a broader situational analysis. It may therefore be linked to conflict and development analysis (CDA) or other analysis that is requested\/ mandatory in the UN system. The sections immediately below focus only on the contex- tual analysis of the political dynamics of DDR processes. This type of analysis should examine the following factors:"},{"ID":11,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR","Heading2":"5.1 Contextual considerations ","Heading3":"5.1.1. The political and historical context","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Understanding the political dynamics that influence DDR processes requires knowl- edge of the historical and political context. A summary of relevant factors to consider can be found in Table 1 below."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR","Heading2":"5.1 Contextual considerations ","Heading3":"5.1.2. The structures and motivations of armed forces and groups","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The structures and motivations of armed forces and groups should be assessed. \\n It should be kept in mind, however, that these structures and motivations may vary over time and at the individual and collective levels. For example, certain individuals may have been motivated to join armed groups for reasons of opportunism rather than political goals. Some opportunist individuals may become progressively politicized or, alternatively, those with political motives may become more opportunist. Crafting an effective DDR process requires an understanding of these different and changing motivations. Furthermore, the stated motives of warring parties and their members may differ significantly from their actual motives or be against international law and principles.As explained in more detail in Annex B, potential motives may include one or several of the following: \\nPolitical \u2013 seeking to impose or protect a political system, ideology or party. \\nSocial \u2013 seeking to bring about changes in social status, roles or balances of power, discrimination and marginalization. \\nEconomic \u2013 seeking a redistribution or accumulation of wealth, often coupled with joining to escape poverty and to provide for the family. \\nSecurity driven \u2013 seeking to protect a community or group from a real or per- ceived threat. \\nCultural\/spiritual \u2013 seeking to protect or impose values, ideas or principles. \\nReligious \u2013 seeking to advance religious values, customs and ideas. \\nMaterial \u2013 seeking to protect material resources. \\nOpportunistic \u2013 seeking to leverage a situation to achieve any of the above.It is important to undertake a thorough analysis of armed forces and groups so as to better understand the DDR target groups and to design DDR processes that maximize political buy-in. Analysis of armed forces and groups should include the following: \\n Leadership: Including associated political leaders or structures (see below) and other persons who may have influence over the warring parties. The analysis should take into account external actors, including possible foreign supporters but also exiled leaders or others who may have some control over armed groups. It should also consider how much control the leadership has over the combatants and to what extent the leadership is representative of its members. Both control and representativeness can change over time. \\n Internal group dynamics: Including the balance between an organization\u2019s po- litical and military wings, interactions between prominent members or factions within an armed force or group and how they influence the behaviour of the or- ganization, internal conflict patterns and potential fragmentation, the presence of female fighters or women associated with armed forces and groups (WAAFG), gender norms in the group, and the existence and pervasiveness of sexual violence. \\n Associated political leaders and structures: Including whether warring parties have a separate political branch or are integrated politico-military movements and how this shapes their agenda. Are women involved in political structures, and if so to what extent? Armed groups with separate political structures or a history of political engagement prior to the conflict have sometimes been more successful at transforming themselves into political parties, although this potential may erode during a prolonged conflict. \\n Associated religious leaders: Are religious leaders or personalities associated with the armed groups? What role could they play in peace negotiations? Do they have influence on the warring parties, and how can they help to shape the outcome of peace efforts? \\n Linkages with their base: Is a given armed group close to a political base or a popu- lation, and how do these linkages influence the group? Has this support been weak- ened by the use of certain tactics or actions (e.g., mass atrocities), or will repression of its base influence the armed group? Will efforts to demobilize combatants affect the armed group\u2019s relations with its base or otherwise push it to change tactics \u2013 for instance eschewing violence so as to mobilize a political base that would otherwise reject violence. \\n Linkages with local, national and regional elites: Including influential indi- viduals or groups who hold sway over the armed forces and groups. These could include business people or communities, religious or traditional leaders or insti- tutions such as trade unions or cultural groupings. The diaspora may also be an important actor, providing political and economic support to communities and\/or armed groups. \\n External support: Are there regional and\/or broader international actors or net- works that provide political and financial support to armed groups, including on the basis of geopolitical interests? This might include State sponsors, diaspora or political exiles, transnational criminal networks or ideological affiliation and \u2018franchising\u2019 with foreign, often extremist, armed groups."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR","Heading2":"5.1 Contextual considerations ","Heading3":"5.1.3 Conflict outcomes","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"The way a conflict ends can influence the political dynamics of DDR. The following scenarios should be considered: \\n A clear victor: This usually results in a \u2018victor\u2019s peace\u2019, where the winner can \u2018im- pose\u2019 demands on the party that lost the conflict. This may mean that the armed structures of the victor are preserved, while the losing party will be the one tar- geted for DDR. Less emphasis may be placed on the reintegration of the defeated combatants, and the stigma of being an ex-combatant or person formerly associated with an armed force or group (including children associated with armed forces and groups [CAAFG] and WAAFG) is compounded by that of having been a part of a defeated group, resulting in increased marginalization, exclusion and discrim- ination. The victorious group may seek to dominate the new security structures. \\n A negotiated process: At the national level, this is the most common form of con- flict resolution and often results in a comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) that addresses the political aspects of a conflict and might include provisions for DDR (this is considered a prerequisite for a DDR programme). Negotiated processes can also lead to local-level peace agreements, which can be followed by DDR- related tools such as CVR and transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM) or reintegration support. DDR processes that are the outcome of negotiations (whether local or national) are more likely to be acceptable to warring parties. However, unless expert advice is provided, the DDR-related clauses in such agree- ments can be unrealistic. \\n Partial peace: In some conflicts the multiplicity of armed groups may result in peace processes that are not fully inclusive, since some of the armed groups are excluded from or refuse to sign the agreement. This can be a disincentive for signatory armed groups to disarm and demobilize due to fear for their security and that of the population they represent, concerns over loss of territory to a non- signatory armed group or uncertainty about how their political position might be affected should other armed groups eventually join the peace process."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR","Heading2":"5.1 Contextual considerations ","Heading3":"5.1.4 Local, national, regional and international dynamics","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"National-level peace agreements will not always put an end to local-level conflicts. Local agendas \u2013 at the level of the individual, family, clan, municipality, community, district or ethnic group \u2013 can at least partly drive the continuation of violence. Some incidents of localized violence, such as clashes between rivals over positions of tradi- tional authority between two clans, will require primarily local solutions. However, other types of localized armed conflict may be intrinsically linked to the national level, and more amenable to top-down intervention. An example would be competition over political roles at the subfederal or district level. Experience shows that international interventions often neglect local mediation and conflict resolution, focusing instead on national-level cleavages. However, in many instances a combination of local and national conflict or dispute resolution mechanisms, including traditional ones, may be required. For these reasons, local political dynamics should be assessed.In addition to these local- and national-level dynamics, DDR practitioners should also understand and address cross-border\/transnational conflict causes and dynamics, including their gender dimensions, as well as the interdependencies of armed groups with regional actors. In some cases, foreign armed groups may receive support from a third country, have bases across a border, or draw recruits and support from commu- nities that straddle a border. These contexts often require approaches to repatriate for- eign combatants and persons associated with foreign armed groups. Such programmes should be accompanied by reintegration support in the former combatant\u2019s country of origin (see also IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements).Regional dimensions may also involve the presence of regional or international forces operating in the country. Their impact on DDR should be assessed, and the con- fluence of DDR efforts and ongoing military operations against non-signatory move- ments may need to be managed. DDR processes are voluntary and shall not be conflated with counter-insurgency operations or used to achieve counter-insurgency objectives.The conflict may also have international links beyond the immediate region. These may include proxy wars, economic interests, and political support to one or several groups, as well as links to organized crime networks. Those involved may have specific inter- ests to protect in the conflict and might favour one side over the other, or a specific out- come. DDR processes will not usually address these factors directly, but their success may be influenced by the need to engage politically or otherwise with these external actors."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR","Heading2":"5.1 Contextual considerations ","Heading3":"5.1.5 DDR in conflict contexts or in contexts with multiple armed groups","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"As outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR, integrated DDR processes may be pursued even when conflict is ongoing. In these contexts, DDR practitioners will need to assess how their interventions may affect local, national, regional and international political dynamics. For example, will the implementation of CVR projects contribute to the restoration and reinvigoration of (dormant) local government (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction)? Will local-level interventions impact political dynamics only at the local level, or will they also have an impact on national-level dynamics?In conflict settings, DDR practitioners should also assess the political dynamics created by the presence of multiple armed groups. Complex contexts involving multiple armed groups can increase the pressure for a peace agreement to succeed (including through successful DDR and the transformation of armed groups into political parties) if this provides an example and an incentive for other armed groups to enter into a negotiated solution."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"6. Fostering political support for DDR","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Governments and armed groups are key stakeholders in peace processes. Despite this, the commitment of these parties cannot be taken for granted and steps should be tak- en to build their support for the DDR process. It will be important to consider various options and approaches at each stage of the DDR process so as to ensure that next steps are politically acceptable and therefore more likely to be attractive to the parties. If there is insufficient political support for DDR, its efficacy may be undermined. In order to foster political will for DDR, the following factors should be taken into account:"},{"ID":17,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"6. Fostering political support for DDR","Heading2":"6.1 The political aspirations of armed groups","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Participation in peacetime politics may be a key demand of groups, and the opportu- nity to do so may be used as an incentive for them to enter into a peace agreement. If armed groups, armed forces or wartime Governments are to become part of the political process, they should transform themselves into entities able to operate in a transitional political administration or an electoral system.Leaders may be reluctant to give up their command and therefore lose their political base before they are able to make the shift to a political party that can re- ab- sorb this constituency. At the same time, they may be unwilling to give up their wartime structures until they are sure that the political provisions of an agreement will be implemented.DDR processes should consider the parties\u2019 political motivations. Doing so can reassure armed groups that they can retain the ability to pursue their political agen- das through peaceful means and that they can therefore safely disband their military structures.The post-conflict demilitarization of politics and institutions goes beyond DDR practitioners\u2019 mandates, yet DDR processes should not ignore the political aspirations of armed groups and their members. Such aspirations may include participating in political life by being able to vote, being a member of a political party that represents their ideas and aims, or running for office.For some armed groups, participation in politics may involve transformation into a political party, a merger or alignment with an existing party, or the candidacy of former members in elections.The transformation of an armed group into a political party may appear to be incompatible with the aim of disbanding military structures and breaking their chains of command and control because a political party may seek to build upon wartime com- mand structures. Practitioners and political leaders need to consider the effects of a DDR process that seeks to disband and break the structures of an armed group that aims to become a political party. Attention should be paid as to whether the planned DDR pro- cess could help or hinder this transformation and whether this could support or undermine the wider peace process. DDR processes may need to be adapted accordingly."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"6. Fostering political support for DDR","Heading2":"6.2 Ensuring adequate provisions for DDR in peace agreements ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The DDR-related clauses included within peace agreements should be realistic and appropriate for the setting. In CPAs, the norm is to include a commitment to under- take a DDR programme. The details, including provisions regarding female combat- ants, WAAFG and CAAFG, are usually developed later in a national DDR programme document. Local-level peace agreements will not necessarily include a DDR programme, but may include a range of DDR-related tools such as CVR and transi- tional WAM (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Provisions that legitimize entitlements for those who have been members of armed forces and groups should be avoided (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace).Regardless of the type of peace agreement, mediators and signatories should have a minimum understanding of DDR, including the preconditions and principles of gender- responsive and child-friendly DDR (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Where necessary they should call upon DDR experts to build capacity and knowledge among all of the actors involved and to advise them on the negotiation of relevant and realistic DDR provisions."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"6. Fostering political support for DDR","Heading2":"6.3 Building and ensuring integrated DDR processes ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"In some instances, integrated DDR processes should be closely linked to other parts of a peace process. For example, DDR programmes may be connected to security sector reform and transitional justice (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform and IDDRS 6.20 on Transitional Justice and DDR). Unless these other activities are clear, the signatories cannot decide on their participation in DDR with full knowledge of the options available to them and may block the process. Donors and other partners may also find it difficult to support DDR processes when there are many unknowns. It is therefore important to ensure that stakeholders have a minimum level of under- standing and agreement on other related activities, as this will affect their decisions on whether or how to participate in a DDR process.Information on associated activities is usually included in a CPA; however, in the absence of such provisions, the push to disarm and demobilize forces combined with a lack of certainty on fundamental issues such as justice, security and integration can un- dermine confidence in the process. In such cases an assessment should be made of the opportunities and risks of starting or delaying a DDR process, and the consequences shall be made clear to UN senior leadership, who will take a decision on this. If the de- cision is to postpone a programme, donors and budgeting bodies shall be kept informed. There may also be a need to link local and national conflict resolution and media- tion so that one does not undermine the other."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"6. Fostering political support for DDR","Heading2":"6.4 Ensuring a common understanding of DDR","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Although the negotiating parties may not need to know the details of a DDR process when they sign a peace agreement, they should have a shared understanding of the principles and outcomes of the DDR process and how this will be implemented.The capacity-building and provision of expertise extends to the mediation teams and international supporters of the peace process (envoys, mediators, facilitators, spon- sors and donors) who must have access to experts who can guide them in designing appropriate DDR provisions."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"6. Fostering political support for DDR","Heading2":"6.4 Ensuring a common understanding of DDR","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"It is important for the parties to a peace agreement to have a common understanding of what DDR involves, including the gender dimensions and requirements and pro- tections for children. This may not always be the case, especially if the stakeholders have not all had the same opportunity to learn about DDR. This is particularly true for groups that may be difficult to access because of security or geography, or because they are considered \u2018off limits\u2019 due to their ideology. The ability to hold meaningful dis- cussions on DDR may therefore require capacity-building with the parties to balance the levels of knowledge and ensure a common understanding of the process. In con- texts where DDR has been implemented before, this history can affect perceptions of future DDR activities, and there may be a need to review and manage expectations and clarify differences between past and planned processes."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"6. Fostering political support for DDR","Heading2":"6.5 Ensuring international support for DDR","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"International actors, including the UN, Member States and other concerned stakehold- ers must understand the need to politically support DDR processes. They must also ensure that the agreements reached are responsive to the parties\u2019 demands, fair and implementable, and create a supportive environment for DDR."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"6. Fostering political support for DDR","Heading2":"6.5 Ensuring international support for DDR","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Donors and UN budgetary bodies should understand that DDR is a long and expen- sive undertaking. While DDR is a crucial process, it is but one part of a broader political and peacebuilding strategy. Hence, the objectives and expectations of DDR must be realistic. A partial commitment to such an undertaking is insufficient to allow for a sustainable DDR process and may cause harm. This support must extend to an understanding of the difficult circumstances in which DDR is implemented and the need to sometimes wait until the conditions are right to start and assure that funding and support is avail- able for a long-term process. However, there is often a push to spend allocated funding even when the conditions for a process are not in place. This financial pressure should be better understood, and budgetary rules and regulations should not precipitate the premature launch of a DDR process, as this will only undermine its success."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"7. Peace mediation and DDR","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"DDR processes are often preceded by a period of negotiation and the establishment of a peace agreement."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"7. Peace mediation and DDR","Heading2":"7.1 Local peace agreements ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Local peace agreements can take many different forms and may include local non- aggression pacts between armed groups, deals regarding access to specific areas, CVR agreements and reintegration support for those who have left the armed groups. These local agreements may sometimes be one part of a broader peace strategy. A large range of actors can be involved in the negotiation of these agreements, including informal local mediation committees, Government-established local peace and reconciliation committees, religious actors, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the UN. Local capacities for peace should also be assessed and engaged in the peace and medi- ation processes."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"7. Peace mediation and DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Preliminary ceasefires and comprehensive peace agreements ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"There are usually two types of agreements that are negotiated during a national-level peace process: preliminary ceasefires and CPAs."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"7. Peace mediation and DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Preliminary ceasefires and comprehensive peace agreements ","Heading3":"7.2.1 Preliminary ceasefires","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"In some cases, preliminary ceasefires may be agreed to prior to a final agreement. These aim to create a more conducive environment for talks to take place. DDR provi- sions are not included in such agreements."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"7. Peace mediation and DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Preliminary ceasefires and comprehensive peace agreements ","Heading3":"7.2.2 Comprehensive Peace Agreements","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"DDR programmes are often the result of a CPA that seeks to address political and security issues. Without such an agreement, warring parties are unlikely to agree to measures that reduce their ability to use military force to reach their goals.As illustrated in Diagram 1 below, CPAs usually include several chapters or annexes addressing different substantive issues. \\n The first three activities under \u201cCeasefire and Security Arrangements\u201d are typically part of the ceasefire process. The cantonment of forces, especially when cantonment sites are also used for DDR activities, is usually the nexus between the ceasefire and the \u201cfinal security arrangements\u201d that include DDR and SSR (see section 7.5).Ceasefires usually require the parties to provide a declaration of forces for moni- toring purposes, ideally disaggregated by sex and including information regarding the presence of WAAFG, CAAFG, abductees, etc. This declaration can provide important planning information for DDR practitioners and, in some cases, negotiated agreements may stipulate the declared number of people in each movement that are expected to participate in a DDR process. Likewise, the assembly or cantonment of forces may provide the opportunity to launch disarmament and demobilization activities in assembly areas, or, at a minimum, to provide information outreach and a preliminary registra- tion of personnel for planning purposes. Outreach should always include messages about the eligibility of female DDR participants and encourage their registration.Discussions on the disengagement and withdrawal of troops may provide infor- mation as to where the process is likely to take place as well as the number of persons involved and the types and quantities of weapons and ammunition present.In addition to security arrangements, the role of armed groups in interim political institutions is usually laid out in the political chapters of a CPA. If political power-sharing systems are set up straight after a conflict, these are the bodies whose membership will be negotiated during a peace agreement. Transitional governments must deal with critical issues and processes resulting from the conflict, including in many cases DDR. It is also these bodies that may be responsible for laying the foundations of longer-term political structures, often through activities such as the review of constitutions, the holding of national political dialogues and the organization of elections. Where there is also a security role for these actors, this may be established in either the political or security chapters of a CPA.Political roles may include participation in the interim administration at all levels (central Government and regional and local authorities) as well as in other political bodies or movements such as being represented in national dialogues. Security areas of consideration might include the need to provide security for political actors, in many cases by establishing protection units for politicians, often drawn from the ranks of their combatants. It may also include the establishment of interim security systems that will incorporate elements from armed forces and groups (see section 7.5.1)"},{"ID":29,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"7. Peace mediation and DDR","Heading2":"7.3 DDR support to mediation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"As members of mediation support teams or mission staff in an advisory role to the Special Representative to the Secretary-General (SRSG) or the Deputy Special Repre- sentative to the Secretary-General (DSRSG), DDR practitioners can provide advice on how to engage with armed forces and groups on DDR issues and contribute to the attainment of agreements. In non-mission settings, the UN peace and development advisors (PDAs) deployed to the office of the UN Resident Coordinator (RC) play a key role in advising the RC and the government on how to engage and address armed groups. DDR practitioners assigned to UN mediation support teams may also draft DDR provisions of ceasefires, local peace agreements and CPAs, and make proposals on the design and implementation of DDR processes.In addition to the various parties to the conflict, the UN should also support the participation of civil society in peace negotiations, in particular women, youth and others traditionally excluded from peace talks. Women\u2019s participation (in mediation and negotiations) can expand the range of domestic constituencies engaged in a peace process, strengthening its legitimacy and credibility. Women\u2019s perspectives also bring a different understanding of the causes and consequences of conflict, generating more comprehensive and potentially targeted proposals for its resolution.Mediators and DDR practitioners should recognize the sensitivities around lan- guage and be flexible and contextual with the terms that are used. The term \u2018reinte- gration\u2019 may be perceived as inappropriate, particularly if members of armed groups never left their communities. Terms such as \u2018rehabilitation\u2019 or \u2018reincorporation\u2019 may be considered instead. Similarly, the term \u2018disarmament\u2019 can include connotations of surrender or of having weapons taken away by a more powerful actor, and its use can prevent warring parties from moving forward with the negotiations (see also IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). DDR practitioners and mediators can consider the use of more neutral terms, such as \u2018laying aside of weapons\u2019 or \u2018transitional weapons and ammu- nition management\u2019. The use of transitional WAM activities and terminology may also set the ground for more realistic arms control provisions in a peace agreement while guarantees around security, justice and integration into the security sector are lacking (see also IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management). Medi- ators and other actors supporting the mediation process should have strong DDR and WAM knowledge or have access to expertise that can guide them in designing appro- priate and evidence-based DDR WAM provisions.Within a CPA, the detail of large parts of the final security arrangements, including strategy and programme documents and budgets, is often left until later. However, CPAs should typically establish the principle that DDR will take place and outline the structures responsible for implementation.If contextual analysis reveals that both local and national conflict dynamics are at play (see section 5.1.4) DDR practitioners can support a multilevel approach to mediation. This approach should not be reactive and ad hoc, but part of a well-articulated strategy explicitly connecting the local to the national.Problems may arise if those engaged in negotiations are not well informed about DDR and commit to an unsuitable or unrealistic process. This usually occurs when DDR expertise is not available in negotiations or the organizations that might support a DDR process are not consulted by the mediators or facilitators of a peace process. It is therefore important to ensure that DDR experts are available to advise on peace agree- ments that include provisions for DDR."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"7. Peace mediation and DDR","Heading2":"7.3 DDR support to mediation","Heading3":"7.3.1 Peace mediation and gender","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) calls on all actors involved, when negotiating and implementing peace agreements, to adopt a gender perspective, including, inter alia: \\na.The special needs of women and girls during repatriation and resettlement and for rehabilitation, reintegration and post-conflict reconstruction; \\nb.Measures that support local women\u2019s peace initiatives and indigenous pro- cesses for conflict resolution, and that involve women in all of the implementa- tion mechanisms of the peace agreements; \\nc.Measures that ensure the protection of and respect for human rights of women and girls, particularly as they relate to the constitution, the electoral system, the police and the judiciary."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"7. Peace mediation and DDR","Heading2":"7.4 DDR support to confidence-building measures .","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"DDR processes often contend with a lack of trust between the signatories to peace agreements. Previous experience with DDR programmes indicates two common delay tactics: the inflation of numbers of fighters to increase a party\u2019s importance and weight in the peace negotiations, and the withholding of combatants and arms until there is greater trust in the peace process. Some peace agreements have linked progress in DDR to progress in the political track so as to overcome fears that, once disarmed, the movement will lose influence and its political claims may not be fully met.Confidence-building measures (CBMs) are often used to reduce or eliminate the causes of mistrust and tensions during negotiations or to reinforce confidence where it already exists. Certain DDR activities and related tools can also be considered CBMs and could be instituted in support of peace negotiations. For example, CVR programmes can also be used as a means to de-escalate violence during a preliminary ceasefire and to build confidence before the signature of a CPA and the launch of a DDR programme (see also IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). Furthermore, pre-DDR may be used to try to reduce tensions on the ground while negotiations are ongoing.Pre-DDR and CVR can provide combatants with alternatives to waging war at a time when negotiating parties may be cut off or prohibited from accessing their usual funding sources (e.g., if a preliminary agreement forbids their participation in resource exploitation, taxation or other income-generating activities). However, in the absence of a CPA, prolonged CVR and pre-DDR can also become a support mechanism for armed groups rather than an incentive to finalize peace negotiations. Such processes should therefore be approached with caution."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"7. Peace mediation and DDR","Heading2":"7.5 DDR and transitional and final security arrangements","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Most CPAs include provisions for transitional (or \u2018interim\u2019) and final security arrange- ments. Transitional security arrangements are typically put in place to support DDR programmes by establishing security structures, often jointly or with a third party such as a UN peace operation, that can provide security before the final post-conflict security structures are established. In situations where UN peace operations are un- likely to be established following the signature of a CPA, joint security mechanisms may be put in place as part of transitional and final security arrangements with or without different forms of international verification. Alternatively, a separate mech- anism driven either by regional economic communities or bilateral players agreed to by the warring parties may be deployed. DDR programmes are usually part of the final security arrangements that establish, among other things, what will happen to the fighting forces post-conflict."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"7. Peace mediation and DDR","Heading2":"7.5 DDR and transitional and final security arrangements","Heading3":"7.5.1 Transitional security","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Transitional security arrangements vary in scope depending on the context, levels of trust and what might be acceptable to the parties. Options that might be considered include: \\n Acceptable third-party actor(s) who are able to secure the process. \\n Joint units, patrols or operations involving the parties to a conflict, often alongside a third-party presence (see also IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammu- nition Management). \\n Local security actors such as community police who are acceptable to the commu- nities and to the actors, as they are considered neutral and not a force brought in from outside. \\n Deployment of national police. Depending on the situation, this may have to occur with prior consent for any operations within a zone or be done alongside a third-party actor.Transitional security structures may require the parties to act as a security pro- vider during a period of political transition. This may happen prior to or alongside DDR programmes. This transition phase is vital for building confidence at a time when warring parties may be losing their military capacity and their ability to defend them- selves. This transitional period also allows for progress in parallel political, economic or social tracks. There is, however, often a push to proceed as quickly as possible to the final security arrangements and a normalization of the security scene. Consequently, DDR may take place during the transition phase so that when this comes to an end the armed groups have been demobilized. This may mean that DDR proceeds in advance of other parts of the peace process, despite its success being tied to progress in these other areas."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"7. Peace mediation and DDR","Heading2":"7.5 DDR and transitional and final security arrangements","Heading3":"7.5.2 Final security arrangements","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"DDR programmes are usually considered to be part of the CPA\u2019s provisions on final security arrangements. These seek to address the final status of signatories to the CPA through DDR, SSR, restructuring of security governance institutions and other related reforms."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"7. Peace mediation and DDR","Heading2":"7.5 DDR and transitional and final security arrangements","Heading3":"7.5.3 Verification","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Verification measures are used to ensure that the parties comply with an agreement. Veri- fication is usually carried out by inclusive, neutral or joint bodies. The latter often include the parties and an impartial actor (such as the UN or local parties acceptable to all sides) that can help resolve disagreements. Verification mechanisms for disarmament may be separate from the bodies established to implement DDR (usually a DDR commission) and may also verify other parts of a peace process in both mission and non-mission settings."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ","Heading2":"8.1 Recognizing the political dynamics of DDR ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"DDR should not be seen as a purely technical process, but one that requires active political support at all levels. In mission settings, this also means that DDR should not be viewed as the unique preserve of the DDR section. It should be given the attention and support it deserves by the senior mission leadership, who must be the political champions of such processes. In non-mission settings, DDR will fall under the respon- sibility of the UN RC system and the UNCT."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ","Heading2":"8.2 DDR-related tools ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"A peace agreement is a precondition for a DDR programme, but DDR programmes need not always follow peace agreements. Other DDR-related tools, such as CVR, may be more appropriate, particularly following a local-level peace agreement or even during active conflict (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction).DDR practitioners must assess the political consequences, if any, of supporting DDR processes in active conflict contexts. In particular, the intended outcomes of such interventions should be clear. For example, is the aim to contribute to local-level sta- bilization or to make the rewards of stability more tangible, perhaps through a CVR project or by supporting the reintegration of those who leave active armed groups? Alternatively, is the purpose to provide impetus to a national-level peace process? If the latter, a clear theory of change, outlining how local interventions are intended to scale up, is required."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ","Heading2":"8.3 DDR programmes","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"If designed properly, DDR programmes and pre-DDR can reduce parties\u2019 concerns about disbanding their fighting forces and losing political and military advantage. The following political sensitivities should be taken into account:"},{"ID":39,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ","Heading2":"8.3 DDR programmes","Heading3":"8.3.1 Political optics","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"The handover of weapons from one party to another (e.g., from an armed group to a Government) may be inappropriate, as it could be viewed as one side surrendering to the other (see also IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). To address this issue, DDR practitioners can consider: \\n The handover of weapons to a neutral third party. \\n The design of disarmament sites, as well as who is present there. The design should seek to minimize negative perceptions linked to the handover of weapons. This may also mean that the sites are under the control of a neutral party.Demobilizing selected elements (e.g., war wounded, veterans, child soldiers) from an armed force or group can be a strong signal of the movement\u2019s willingness to move forward with peace while allowing the bulk of their forces to remain intact until political goals or benchmarks have been met. This can be a controversial approach, as in some cases it can allow warring parties to get rid of members who are less combat capable, thus leaving them with smaller but more effective forces."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ","Heading2":"8.3 DDR programmes","Heading3":"8.3.2 Parity in disarmament and demobilization","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Disarmament provisions are not always applied evenly to all parties and, most often, armed forces are not disarmed. This can create an imbalance in the process, with one side being asked to hand over more weapons than the other. Even the symbolic disar- mament or control (safe storage as a part of a supervised process) of a number of the armed forces\u2019 weapons can help to create a perception of parity in the process. This could involve the control of the same number of weapons from the armed forces as those handed in by armed groups.Similarly, because it is often argued that armed forces are required to protect the nation and uphold the rule of law, DDR processes may demobilize only the armed opposition. This can create security concerns for the disarmed and demobilized groups whose opponents retain the ability to use force, and perceptions of inequality in the way that armed forces and groups are treated, with one side retaining jobs and salaries while the other is demobilized. In order to create a more equitable process, mediators may allow for the cantonment or barracking of a number of Government troops equivalent to the number of fighters from armed groups that are cantoned, disarmed and demobilized. They may also push for the demobilization of some members of the armed forces so as to make room for the integration of members of opposition armed groups into the national army."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ","Heading2":"8.3 DDR programmes","Heading3":"8.3.3 Linkages to other aspects of the peace process","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Opposition armed groups may be reluctant to demobilize their troops and dismantle their command structures before receiving tangible indications that the political aspects of an agreement will be implemented. This can take time, and there may be a need to consider measures to keep troops under command and control, fed and paid in the interim. They could include: \\n Extended cantonment (this should not be open ended, and a reasonable end date should be set, even if it needs to be renegotiated later); \\n Linking demobilization to the successful completion of benchmarks in the political arena and in the transformation of armed groups into political parties; \\n Pre-DDR activities; \\n Providing other opportunities such as work brigades that keep the command and control of the groups but reorientate them towards more constructive activities.Such processes must be measured against the ability of the organization to control its troops and may be controversial as they retain command and control structures that can facilitate remobilization.Mid-level and senior commander\u2019s political aspirations should be considered when developing demobilization options. Support for political actors is a sensitive issue and can have important implications for the perceived neutrality of the UN, so decisions on this should be taken at the highest level. If agreed to, support in this field may require linking up with other organizations that can assist. Similarly, reintegration into civilian life could be broadened to include a political component for DDR programme participants. This could include civic education and efforts to build political platforms, including political parties. While these activities lie outside of the scope of DDR, DDR practitioners could develop partnerships with actors that are already engaged in this field. The latter could develop projects to assist armed group members who enter into politics in preparing for their new roles.Finally, when reintegration support is offered to former combatants, persons for- merly associated with armed forces and groups, and community members, there may be politically motivated attempts to influence whether these individuals opt to receive reintegration support or take up other, alternative options. Warring parties may push their members to choose an option that supports their former armed force or group as opposed to the individual\u2019s best chances at reintegration. They may push cadres to run for political office, encourage integration into the security services so as to build a power base within these forces, or opt for cash reintegration assistance, some of which is used to support political activities. The notion of individual choice should therefore be encouraged so as to counter attempts to co-opt reintegration to political ends."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"The Politics of DDR","Heading1":"8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ","Heading2":"8.3 DDR programmes","Heading3":"8.3.4 Elections and the transformation of armed groups","Heading4":"","Module":"2.20 The Politics of DDR","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Along with the signature of a peace agreement, elections are often seen as a symbol marking the end of the transition from war to peace. If they are to be truly representative and offer an alternative way of contesting power, politics must be demilitarized (\u201dtake the gun out of politics\u201d or go \u201cfrom bullet to ballot\u201d) and transform armed groups into viable political parties that compete in the political arena. It is also through political parties that citizens, including former combatants, can involve themselves in politics and policymaking, as parties provide them with a structure for political participation and a channel for making their voices heard. Not all armed groups can become viable political parties. In this case, alternatives can be sought, including the establishment of a civil society organization aimed at advancing the cause of the group. However, if the transformation of armed groups into political parties is part of the conflict resolution process, reflected in a peace agreement, then the UN should provide support towards this end.DDR may affect the holding of or influence the outcome of elections in several ways: \\n Armed forces and groups that wield power through weapons and the threat of violence can influence the way people vote, affecting the free and fair nature of the elections. \\n Hybrid political \u2019parties\u2019 that are armed and able to organize violence retain the ability to challenge electoral results through force. \\n Armed groups may not have had the time nor space to transform into political actors. They may feel cheated if they are not able to participate fully in the process and revert to violence, as this is their usual way of challenging institutions or articulating grievances. \\n Women in armed groups may be excluded or marginalized as leadership roles and places in the political ranks are carved out.There is often a push for DDR to happen before elections are held. This may be a part of the sequencing of a peace process (signature of an agreement \u2013 DDR programme \u2013 elections), and in some cases completing DDR may be a pre-condition for holding polls. Delays in DDR may affect the timing of elections, or elections that are planned too early can result in a rushed DDR process, all of which may compromise the credi- bility of the broader peace process. Conversely, postponing elections until DDR is com- pleted can be difficult, especially given the long timeframes for DDR, and when there are large caseloads of combatants still to be demobilized or non-signatory movements are still active and can become spoilers. For these reasons DDR practitioners should consider the sequencing of DDR and elections and acknowledge that the interplay between them will have knock-on effects."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.30 Community Violence Reduction.json b/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.30 Community Violence Reduction.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56118a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.30 Community Violence Reduction.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) is not only a technical undertaking. Many aspects of the DDR process will influence, and be influenced by, political dynamics. Understanding the political dynamics that influence DDR process- es requires knowledge of the historical and political context, the actors and stakehold- ers (armed and unarmed), and the conflict drivers, including local, national and re- gional aspects that may interact and feed into an armed conflict.Armed groups often mobilize for political reasons and\/or in response to a range of security, socioeconomic or other grievances. Peace negotiations and processes provide warring parties with a way to end violence and address their grievances through peaceful means. Armed forces may also need to be factored into peace agreements and proportion- ality between armed forces and groups \u2013 in terms of DDR support \u2013 taken into account.DDR practitioners may provide support to the mediation of peace agreements and to the subsequent oversight and implementation of the relevant parts of these agree- ments. DDR practitioners can also advise mediators and facilitators so as to ensure that peace agreements incorporate realistic DDR-related clauses, that the parties have a common understanding of the outcome of the DDR process and how this will be im- plemented, and that DDR processes are not undertaken in isolation but are integrated with other aspects of a peace process, since the success of each is mutually reinforcing. All peace agreements contain security provisions to address the control and man- agement of violence in various forms including right-sizing, DDR, and\/or other forms of security coordination and control. When and if a given peace agreement demands a DDR process, the national political framework for that particular DDR process is often provided by a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that seeks to address political and security issues. Without such an agreement, warring parties are unlikely to agree to measures that reduce their ability to use military force to reach their goals. In a CPA, it is very common for DDR programmes to be tied to ceasefire provisions and \u2018final security arrangements\u2019. If armed groups have political aspirations, the chances of the successful implementation of a CPA can be improved if DDR processes are sensitively designed to support the transformation of these groups into political entities.DDR processes may also follow local-level agreements. Local politics can be as important in driving armed conflict as grievances against the State. By focusing on the latter, national-level peace agreements may not address or resolve local conflicts. Therefore, these conflicts may continue even when national-level peace agreements have been signed and implemented. Local-level peace agreements may take a number of different forms, in- cluding (but not limited to) local non-aggression pacts between armed groups, deals re- garding access to specific areas and community violence reduction (CVR) agreements. DDR practitioners should assess whether local DDR processes remain at the local level, or wheth- er local- and national-level dynamics should be linked in a common multilevel approach.Finally, DDR processes can also be undertaken in the absence of peace agreements. In these instances, DDR interventions may be designed to contribute to stabilization, to make the returns of stability more tangible or to create more conducive environments for peace agreements (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). These interven- tions should not be reactive and ad hoc, but should be carefully planned in advance in accordance with a predefined strategy."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"This module sets out the basic conceptual and strategic parameters of CVR and its place within integrated DDR processes. It also outlines the principles and programmatic con- siderations that should guide the design, planning and implementation of CVR."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardiza- tion (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.CVR programmes may include different types of coordination mechanisms to guide CVR project selection, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Two common coordination mechanisms are: \\n Project Selection Committees (PSCs): Community-based PSCs are established in selected areas, include a representative sample of stakeholders, and are responsible for selecting projects that are vetted by the PAC\/PRC. (See below.) All project selec- tion should comply with gender quotas of a minimum of 30% of projects benefitting women, and women\u2019s involvement in 30% of leadership and management positions. \\n Project Approval\/Review Committee (PAC\/PRC): A PAC\/PRC sets the overall strategic direction for CVR, vets and approves projects selected by PSCs, and helps to raise finances. The PAC\/PRC should exhibit a high degree of clarity on its roles and functions. Such entities meet on a semi-regular basis, usually after a certain number of CVR projects have been presented (a minimum of a week in advance) to PAC\/PRC members for consideration. The PAC\/PRC should ensure all proposals comply with gender quotas."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#F07F4E","Level":1,"LevelName":"General IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"CVR is a DDR-related tool that directly responds to the presence of active and\/or for- mer members of armed groups in a community and is designed to promote security and stability in both mission and non-mission contexts (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). CVR shall not be used to provide material and financial assistance to active members of armed groups.CVR programmes have a variety of uses.In situations where the preconditions for a DDR programme exist \u2013 including a ceasefire or peace agreement, trust in the peace process, willingness of the parties to engage in DDR and minimum guarantees of security \u2013 CVR may be pursued before, during and after a DDR programme, as a complementary measure. Specific provisions for CVR may also be included in local-level peace agreements, sometimes instead of DDR programmes (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR).When the preconditions for a DDR programme are absent, CVR may be used to contribute to security and stabilization, to help make the returns of stability more tangible, and to create more conducive environments for national and local peace processes. More specifically, CVR programmes can be used as a means to: \\n De-escalate violence during a preliminary ceasefire and build confidence before the signature of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and the launch of a DDR programme; \\n Prevent at-risk individuals, particularly at-risk youth, from joining armed groups; \\n Stop former members of armed groups from rejoining these groups and from en- gaging in violent crime and destructive social unrest; \\n Provide stop-gap reinsertion assistance for a defined period (6\u201318 months), par- ticularly if demobilization is complete and reintegration support is still at the planning and\/or resource mobilization stage; \\n Encourage members of armed groups that have not signed on to peace agreements to move away from armed violence; \\n Reorient members of armed groups away from waging war and towards construc- tive activities; \\n Reduce violence in communities and neighbourhoods that are vulnerable to high rates of armed violence, organized crime and\/or sexual or gender-based violence; and \\n Increase the capacity of communities and neighbourhoods to absorb newly rein- serted and reintegrated former combatants.CVR programmes are typically short to medium term and include, but are not limited to, a combination of: \\n Weapons and ammunition management; \\n Labour-intensive short-term employment; \\n Vocational\/skills training and job employment; \\n Infrastructure improvement; \\n Community security and police rapprochement; \\n Educational outreach and social mobilization; \\n Mental health and psychosocial support, in both collective and individual formats; \\n Civic education; and \\n Gender transformative projects including education and awareness-raising pro- grammes with community members on gender, women\u2019s empowerment, and con- flict-related sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) prevention and response.Whether introduced in mission or non-mission settings, CVR priorities and projects should, without exception, be crafted at the local level, with representative participation, and where possible, consultation of community stakeholders, including women, boys, girls and youth.All CVR programmes should be underpinned by a clear theory of change that defines the problem to be solved, surfaces the core assumptions underlying the theory of change, explains the core targets and metrics to be addressed, and describes how the proposed intervention activities will address these issues.Specific theories of change for CVR programmes should be adapted to particular con- texts. However, very often an underlying ex- pectation of CVR is that specific programme activities will provide former combatants and other at-risk individuals with alternatives that are more attractive than joining armed groups or resorting to armed violence and\/or provide the mental tools and interpersonal coping strat- egies to resist incitements to violence. Another common underlying expectation is that CVR projects will contribute to social cohesion. In socially cohesive communities, com- munity members feel that they belong to the community, that there is trust between community members, and that community members can work together. Members of socially cohesive communities are more likely to be aware of, and more likely to inter- vene when they see, behaviour that may lead to violence. Therefore, by fostering social cohesion and providing alternatives, communities become active participants in the reduction of armed violence.By promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, CVR has the potential to directly contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, and particularly SDG 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. CVR can also reinforce other SDG targets, including 4.1 and 4.7, on education and promoting cultures of peace, respectively; 5.2 and 5.5, on preventing violence against women and girls and promoting women\u00b4s leadership and participation; and 8.7 and 8.8, related to child soldiers and improving workplace safety. CVR may also contribute to SDG 10.2, on political, social and economic inclusion; 11.1, 11.2 and 11.7, on housing, transport and safe public spaces; and 16.1, 16.2 and 16.4, related to reducing violence, especially against children, and the availability of arms.CVR programmes aim to sustain peace by preventing the (re-)recruitment of former combatants and other individuals at risk of recruitment (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace). More specifically, CVR programmes should actively strengthen the protective factors that increase the resilience of young people, women and communities to involvement in, or harms associated with, violence.CVR shall not lead, but could help to facilitate, a political process (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). Although CVR is essentially a technical intervention, the pro- cess of planning, formulating, negotiating and executing activities may be intensely political. CVR should involve routine engagement and negotiation with government officials, active and\/or former members of armed groups, individuals at risk of recruit- ment, business and civic leaders, and communities as a whole; it necessitates a deep understanding of the local context and the common definition\/understanding of an overarching CVR strategy."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to CVR:"},{"ID":5,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1 Voluntary","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Participation in CVR as part of a DDR process shall be voluntary."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Criteria for participation\/eligibility","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The eligibility criteria for CVR should be developed in consultation with target com- munities and, if in existence, a Project Selection Committee (PSC) or equivalent body. Eligibility criteria shall be developed and communicated in the most transparent man- ner possible. This is because eligibility and ineligibility can become a source of com- munity tension and conflict. Eligibility for CVR does not mean that those who partic- ipate will necessarily be ineligible to participate in other programmes that form part of the broader DDR process \u2013 this will depend on the particular framework in place. Some frameworks may require the surrender of a weapon as a precondition for partic- ipation in a CVR programme (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammuni- tion Management). Furthermore, when members of armed groups that are not signa- tory to a peace agreement are being considered for inclusion in CVR programmes, the status of these individuals and armed groups must be analysed and specified in order to mitigate any risks. If the individuals being considered for inclusion in a CVR pro- gramme have voluntarily left an armed group designated as a terrorist organization by the United Nations Security Council, DDR practitioners shall incorporate proper screening mechanisms and criteria to identify suspected terrorists (for further infor- mation on specific requirements for children refer to IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Depending on the circumstances, the terrorist organization they are associated with and the terrorist offences committed, it may not be appropriate for suspected terrorists to participate in CVR programmes (see IDDRS 2.11 on Legal Framework for UN DDR)."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3 Unconditional release and protection of children","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Specific provisions shall be developed to ensure the protection, care and support of young people (15\u201324) who participate in CVR programmes (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Where appropriate, children (under 18) may be included in CVR activi- ties, but with relevant legal safeguards to ensure their rights and needs are carefully accounted for. Mental health and psychosocial support services as well as social services should be established, as appropriate, in consultation with relevant child protection units and agencies (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR)."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"CVR does not reward those who have engaged in violent behaviours for their past activi- ties, but rather invests in individuals and communities that actively renounce past violent behaviour and that are looking for a productive and peaceful future. CVR shall not be used to provide material and financial assistance to active members of armed groups."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5 Gender-responsive and inclusive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"CVR shall actively ensure a gender-responsive approach that accounts for the specific needs of men and women, boys and girls. This may include more proportional gender representation within DDR\/CVR sections, among CVR project implementing partners, within PSCs (or equivalent bodies), and among individual and community beneficiaries. The inclusion of women across all aspects of CVR strengthens the overall legitimacy and credibility of the enterprise. Moreover, developing the agency of women, girls and youth will enhance their political and social influence in civic associations and their authority in relation to economic productivity, thereby reducing violence. CVR can also incorpo- rate measures to challenge harmful notions of masculinity and engage with men and boys to promote behaviours and attitudes that value gender equality and non-violence.In some settings, there may be strong sociocultural and economic constraints to expanding women\u2019s representation in PSCs or among project beneficiaries. To mitigate these challenges, DDR practitioners1 have introduced quota systems requiring a min- imum level of female participation (30%) in PSCs and among selected projects (30% of projects must directly support women\u2019s specific needs). These quota systems shall be discussed with national counterparts at the outset of UN engagement in CVR and ex- plained to all personnel and partners working on CVR programmes at the subnational and local levels. All CVR projects should report on the gender and age dimensions of PSCs as well as on CVR projects themselves. Introducing gender- and age-specific quotas in CVR project tenders should also mitigate discriminatory practices. Likewise, DDR practitioners shall ensure that any public works projects selected for support are designed in a way that respects the rights and specific needs of every person.CVR shall be inclusive to the extent that it focuses not only on former combatants, but also on at-risk children and youth (male and female) as well as a wide range of community members living in volatile areas and in need of assistance. CVR shall be aligned with a \u2018rights-based\u2019 approach, in that processes adhere to international hu- man rights law and standards. For example, all community members in selected areas should benefit from interventions without discrimination.CVR shall also be tailored to address distinct ethnic, religious and other groups to the extent possible. Specifically, training, education and outreach initiatives that pro- mote civic education, life and parenting skills, and psychosocial support, education and counselling should reach across specific needs groups. By advocating for a plural caseload, CVR should help to promote more responsible civic engagement, a key fea- ture of social cohesion."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Conflict sensitive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"In all cases, CVR shall do no harm. When projects and implementing partners are not adequately monitored and evaluated, CVR support can be channeled to one group at the expense of others. Moreover, communities in resource scarce and inaccessible areas that are not included in CVR may resent being left out. Some population groups may feel legitimately abandoned and resort to crime and banditry. In some cases, this may result in increases in interpersonal violence in the home, including domestic and child abuse, or increases in sexual or gender-based violence. Communities that are included in CVR programmes may also have unrealistic expectations and cre- ate problems if they feel they are not ade- quately benefiting from them. CVR should have a whole of community and equity focus, as the privileging of some geographic areas for CVR over others may result in disputes. Negative perceptions of exclusion and potential additional grievances should be anticipated and accounted for in DDR practitioners\u2019 conflict assessments."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.7 Context specific","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"There is no single template for CVR, and the vast diversity of CVR programmes is by design: form follows function. As a practice area, CVR is continuing to evolve in both mission and non-mission settings. Whether implemented through the UN or through national and community-based non-governmental organizations, CVR can adapt and change over time, even in a single context."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.8 Nationally and locally owned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"CVR programmes are ultimately the responsibility of local, national and subnational governments and non-government partners. Yet in many settings, public and civil soci- ety capacities may be exceedingly weak. Where possible and appropriate, CVR should aim to reinforce the legitimacy, credibility and capacity of state and non-governmental partners. While guided by violence reduction imperatives, implementing partners and projects should also be selected on the basis of promoting local and national ownership. Leadership is required from government entities including, as appropriate, a national DDR commission (if one exists) or equivalent entity. In cases where government delivery of CVR is not feasible, DDR practitioners should seek to foster institutional capacities and representation. The goal in all cases must be to strengthen, not replace, state and non-state capacities.Although typically short to medium term, CVR programmes shall be strongly aligned with national and community security priorities, based on needs assessment and tailored to local capacities. Defining what security means for a particular com- munity should be part of the initial first steps. CVR should allow for direct dialogue, technical engagement, implementation and outreach with a wide array of stakeholders from the national to the community level. By working directly with affected commu- nities and local governments, CVR can help lay the foundation for stabilization and allow for recovery and reconstruction. The sustainability of CVR projects during and after they are launched requires the formation of a strong partnership with public, pri- vate and non-governmental authorities. Strategies to embed state partners and private- sector and civil society groups in CVR project design, planning, implementation and monitoring are pathways to facilitate handovers.CVR is bottom-up in orientation and should devolve decision-making, project design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation to the local level. While the strategic direction of CVR programmes should be set by government personnel with support from the UN, decisions related to project selection and execution, and monitor- ing and evaluation, should be delegated to PSCs and local project implementers. PSCs are typically composed of local community members and leaders and should ensure representation of minority groups, women and youth. Subnational government, pri- vate-sector and civil society representatives may also be included. If alternate institu- tions already exist (such as local peace and development committees), then they should be harnessed (subject to the usual due diligence) and steps should be taken to ensure that they are representative of the broader society.DDR practitioners should ensure that once selected, CVR projects are mediated, to the extent possible, by local counterparts \u2013 at the communal, county, municipal or neighbourhood level. CVR may build trust and confidence \u2013 and stimulate local eco- nomic activity \u2013 by recruiting implementing partners and engineering support locally. When drawing on local pools of talent and expertise, it is important to explore ways that CVR projects can continue after funding ends."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.9 Integrated","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"CVR should strengthen a coordinated and integrated UN approach to addressing security threats in mission and non-mission settings. CVR can and should involve, where realistically possible, a range of UN agencies and international and national partners in the design, implementation and evaluation of specific activities. Because CVR exists at the intersection of a wide range of agendas and sectors, clear and predict- able direction is essential.CVR shall contribute to the UN \u201cdelivering as one\u201d. At a minimum, CVR pro- grammes should not compete with or duplicate other initiatives carried out by UN agencies, funds and programmes as well as those fielded by national and international partners. CVR programmes may often be implemented in contexts where development, humanitarian and peace actors and interventions co-exist. To maximize complemen- tarity and coordination, CVR strategies shall be guided by a clear set of objectives and targets, as well as a theory of change. Where feasible and appropriate, partnerships should be pursued."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.10 Well planned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"CVR programmes shall aim to be data-driven and evidence-based. Monitoring and evaluation measures shall be prepared before CVR programmes are started and ap- plied throughout the entire life cycle of the intervention (see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation). Relevant baseline assessments, the collection of gender and sex-dis- aggregated data on project participants, and mid- and end-term evaluations shall be anticipated and budgeted for by DDR practitioners well in advance. Data collection and retention policies for implementing partners and DDR practitioners shall also include privacy provisions, including procedures on data retention, sharing and disposal. The progress of CVR programmes shall be regularly analysed and communicated to rele- vant partners to ensure that core objectives are achieved, and that mitigation strategies are prepared when they are not."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"5. The role of CVR within a DDR process","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"DDR practitioners should, at the outset of a CVR programme, agree on a common un- derstanding of the role of CVR within the DDR process, including its possible rela- tionship to a DDR programme, to other DDR-related tools (such as transitional WAM), and to reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Achieving shared clarity of purpose between national and local stakeholders, the UN and the entities responsible for coordinating CVR is critical.The target groups for CVR programmes may vary according to the context. (See section 6.4.) However, four categories stand out: \\n Former combatants who are part of an existing UN-supported or national DDR programme. These typically include ex-combatants and persons formerly associat- ed with armed groups who are waiting for support and could be perceived as a threat to broader security and stability. If reintegration support is delayed, CVR can serve as a stop-gap measure, providing temporary reinsertion assistance for a defined period (6\u201318 months) (also see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). \\n Members of armed groups who are not formally eligible for a DDR programme because their group is not signatory to a peace agreement. These groups may include rebel factions, paramilitaries, militia groups, members of armed gangs or other entities that are not part of a peace agreement. This category may include individuals who voluntarily leave active armed groups, including those that are designated as terrorist organizations by the United Nations Security Council (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). The status of these individuals and armed groups must be analysed and specified to mitigate any risks associated with their inclusion in CVR programmes. \\n Individuals who are not members of an armed group, but who are at risk of re- cruitment by such groups. These individuals are not part of an established armed group and are therefore ineligible to participate in a DDR programme. They do, however, exhibit the potential to build peace and to contribute to the prevention of recruitment in their community. This wide category of beneficiaries can include male and female children and youth (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and 5.30 on Youth and DDR). \\n Designated communities that are susceptible to outbreaks of violence, close to cantonment sites, or likely to receive former combatants. In some cases, CVR may target communities and neighbourhoods that are situated close to cantonment sites and\/or vulnerable to high rates of political violence, organized crime, or sex- ual or gender-based violence. CVR can also be focused on a sample of productive members of a community to enhance their potential to absorb newly reinserted and reintegrated former combatants.CVR may be pursued before, during and after DDR programmes in both mission and non-mission settings. (See Table 1 below.)"},{"ID":16,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"5. The role of CVR within a DDR process","Heading2":"5.1 CVR in support of and as a complement to a DDR programme","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"CVR may be undertaken prior to a DDR programme. Past experience has shown that military commanders can sometimes try to recruit additional group members during negotiation processes in order to strengthen their troop numbers and conse- quent influence at the negotiating table. Similarly, previous experience has shown that imminent access to a DDR programme may have the perverse incentive of encouraging recruitment. CVR can counter this possibility, by fostering social cohesion and providing alternatives to joining armed groups.CVR may also be undertaken in parallel with DDR programmes. For example, CVR programmes can be implemented near cantonment sites for a number of reasons. Firstly, there may be community resistance to the nearby cantoning of armed forces and groups. CVR can respond to this while also showing community members that ex-combatants are not the only ones to benefit from the DDR process. CVR can also help to mitigate insecurity around cantonment sites, particularly if cantonment goes on for longer than anticipated.Even in communities that are not close to cantonment sites, CVR can be undertaken parallel to a DDR programme in order to strengthen the capacities of communities to absorb former combatants and to reduce tensions that may be caused by the arrival of ex-combatants and associated groups. More specifically, over the short to medium term, CVR can equip communities with dispute mechanisms as well as community dialogue mechanisms to manage grievances and stimulate local economic activity that benefits a wider population.CVR can also be used as a means of addressing armed groups that have not signed on to a peace agreement. The aim of CVR in this context would be to minimize the potentially disruptive effects that non-signatory groups can have on an ongoing DDR programme.Parallel to DDR programmes, CVR can also play a critical role in strengthen- ing reinsertion efforts and bridging the so-called \u2018reintegration gap\u2019. In mission set- tings, CVR will be funded through the allocation of assessed contributions. Therefore, if DDR programmes are unable to mobilize sufficient reintegration assistance, CVR may smooth the transition through the provision of tailored reinsertion assistance for ex-combatants and associated groups and the communities to which they return. For this reason, CVR is sometimes described as a stop-gap measure. In non-mission settings, funding for CVR and reintegration support will depend on the allocation of national budgets and\/or voluntary contributions from donors. Therefore, in instances where CVR and support to communi- ty-based reintegration are both envisaged in a non-mission setting, they should, from the outset, be planned and implemented as a single and continuous programme. The distinctions between CVR and reinsertion as part of a DDR programme are outlined in Table 2 below.CVR may also be appropriate after a formal DDR programme has ended. For ex- ample, CVR may be administered after a DDR programme in combination with transi- tional weapons and ammunition management (WAM) in order to bolster resilience to (re-)recruitment and to mop up or safely register and store any remaining civilian-held weapons (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional WAM and section 5.3 below). CVR may also provide a constructive transitional function, particularly if reintegration support is ended prematurely. Any plans to maintain CVR activities after a DDR programme should be agreed with relevant stakeholders."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"5. The role of CVR within a DDR process","Heading2":"5.2 CVR in the absence of DDR programmes","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"CVR may also be used in the absence of a DDR programme. (See Table 3 below.) CVR can be used to build confidence between warring parties and to show the possible dividends of future peace. In turn, this may help to foster an environment that is con- ducive to the signing of a peace agreement.It is possible that DDR processes will not include DDR programmes, either because the preconditions for DDR programmes are not present or because alternative meas- ures are more appropriate. For example, a local-level peace agreement may include provisions for CVR rather than a DDR programme. These local-level agreements can take many different forms, including (but not limited to) local non-aggression pacts between armed groups, deals regarding access to specific areas and CVR agreements (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Political Dimensions of DDR).Alternatively, in certain cases armed groups designated as terrorist organizations by the United Nations Security Council may refuse to sign peace agreements. Individ- uals who voluntarily decide to leave these armed groups may participate in CVR pro- grammes. However, they must first be screened in order to assess whether they have committed certain crimes, including terrorist acts that would disqualify them from participation in a DDR process (see IDDRS 2.11 on Legal Framework for UN DDR)."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"5. The role of CVR within a DDR process","Heading2":"5.3 Relationship between CVR and weapons and ammunition management","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"CVR may involve activities related to collecting, managing and\/or destroying weapons and ammunition. Arms control initiatives and potential CVR arms-related eligibility criteria should be in line with the disarmament component of the DDR programme (if there is one), as well as other arms control initiatives running in the country (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament and 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management).While not a disarmament program per se, CVR may include measures to pro- mote community or locally led weapons collection and management initiatives, to sup- port national weapons amnesties, and to collect, store and destroy small arms, light weapons, other conventional arms, ammunition and explosives. The collection and destruction of weapons may play an important symbolic and catalytic role in war-torn communities. Although the return of a weapon is not typically a condition of partic- ipation in CVR, voluntary returns may demonstrate the willingness of beneficiaries to engage. Moreover, the removal and\/or safe storage of weapons from individuals\u2019 or armed groups\u2019 inventories may help reduce open carrying and home possession of weaponry \u2013 factors that can contribute to violent exchanges and unintentional injuries. Even when weapons are not handed over as part of a CVR programme, it is beneficial to collect information on the weapons still in possession of those participating in CVR. This is because weapons in circulation will continue to represent a risk factor and have the potential to facilitate violence. Expectations should be kept realistic: in settings marked by high levels of insecurity, it is unlikely that voluntary surrenders or amnesties of weapons will meaningfully reduce overall accessibility.DDR practitioners may, in consultation with relevant partners, propose conditions for the submission of weapons as part of a CVR programme. In some instances, modern and artisanal weapons and ammunition have been collected as part of CVR programmes and have later been destroyed in public ceremonies. Weapons and ammunition col- lected as part of CVR programmes should be destroyed, but if the authorities decide to integrate the material into their national stockpiles, this should be done in compliance with the State\u2019s obligations under relevant international instruments and with technical guidelines."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"6. CVR programming","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"The legitimacy and effectiveness of CVR begins and ends with community engage- ment. CVR programmes should not be limited to a small number of partners, but rather include a wide-ranging and representative sample of community stakeholders. Selected partners should be included at all stages of the programming cycle \u2013 project submission, design, development, implementation, communications, and monitoring and evaluation \u2013 in order to help build local capacities and achieve maximum impact. Where counterpart government capacities are weak or compromised, community-level partnerships should be pursued to promote buy-in, to reach difficult-to-access areas, and to help CVR interventions thrive after funding cycles come to an end.At a minimum, CVR strategy and programming shall be aligned with wider na- tional, regional and international stabilization objectives. While the overall strategic direction is determined from above, DDR practitioners should work closely with local intermediaries to ensure that community-driven priorities are front and centre in project selection. This is because community buy-in and local norms and sanctions are critical to limiting the prevalence of violence and helping regulate violence once it has broken out. Local ownership is not an incidental by-product \u2013 it is absolutely essential to CVR effectiveness. CVR programmes are less beholden to a predetermined design than many other stability measures, and they should take advantage of this by incorporating com- munity demands while also ensuring a comprehensive strategy for community security."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"6. CVR programming","Heading2":"6.1 CVR strategy and coordination mechanisms","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"In both mission and non-mission settings, CVR programmes should be based on a clear, predictable and agile CVR strategy. The strategy shall clearly specify core goals, targets, indicators, and the theory of change and overall rationale for CVR. The strate- gic plan should spell out the division of labour, rules and responsibilities of partners, and their performance targets.CVR programmes are not static and, when political and security dynamics change, shall be regularly adjusted to reflect the new set of circumstances. All updates should be informed by comprehensive conflict and security analysis, consultations with national and international counterparts, and internal mission and United Nations Country Team (UNCT) priorities. Changes in CVR programmes should also ensure that revised tar- gets meet basic results-based practices, are aligned within budgetary constraints, and are informed by high-quality data collection and monitoring systems.While CVR shall be a short-to-medium-term measure, longer-range planning is essential to ensure linkages with broader security, rights-related, gender and develop- ment priorities. These future-looking priorities \u2013 together with potential and actual bridges to relevant UN and non-UN agencies \u2013 should be clearly articulated in the CVR strategy. CVR programme and project documents should highlight partnerships to facilitate sus- tainability. The longer-term potential of CVR should also be noted in the mandate of the National DDR Commission (if one exists) or an equivalent body as well as relevant in- ternational and national development frameworks. Preparing for the end of CVR early on \u2013 and including national government and international donor representatives in the planning process \u2013 is essential for a smooth and sustainable exit strategy.Strategically embedding CVR in national and subnational development frame- works may also generate positive effects. While CVR is not a development activity, in- tegrating CVR into a UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) and\/or national development strategy can provide stronger impetus for coordinated and ad- equately resourced activities. DDR practitioners should therefore be exposed to national, regional and municipal development strategies and pri- orities. At the subnational level, selected CVR projects should be strongly aligned with state, municipal and neighbourhood development pri- orities where possible. Representation of line ministries, secretaries and departments in relevant planning and coordination bodies is strongly encouraged.A number of different coordination mechanisms may guide CVR project selection, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Two possible mechanisms are high- lighted below. However, if alternate representative institutions already exist (such as village development committees), then they could be harnessed (subject to the usual due diligence) and steps should be taken to ensure that they are representative of the broader society.Two commonly utilized CVR coordination mechanisms are: \\n Project Selection Committees (PSCs): Community-based PSCs are established in selected areas, include a representative sample of stakeholders, and are responsi- ble for selecting projects that are vetted by the PAC\/PRC (see below). All project selection shall comply with gender quotas of a minimum of 30% of projects bene- fitting women, and women\u2019s involvement in 30% of leadership and management positions. \\n A Project Approval\/Review Committee (PAC\/PRC): A PAC\/PRC sets the over- all strategic direction for CVR and vets and approves projects selected by PSCs. The PAC\/PRC should exhibit a high degree of clarity on its roles and functions. Such entities meet on a semi-regular basis, usually after a certain number of CVR projects have been presented (a minimum of a week in advance) to PAC\/PRC members for consideration. The PAC\/PRC may request changes to project proposals or ask for additional information to be provided. The PAC\/PRC shall ensure all proposals comply with gender quotas.When the two aforementioned coordination mechanisms exist, individual CVR projects will typically be developed by the PSC, reviewed by the PAC\/PRC, and then sent back to the PSC for revision and sign-off. PSCs should also proactively ensure alignment between project activities and (actual or planned) regional and municipal plans and priorities. While a short-to-medium-term focus is paramount, CVR projects that directly and indirectly stimulate development dividends (alongside violence reduc- tion) should be favourably considered.PSCs (or equivalent bodies) may conduct a number of different tasks: identifying prospective partners, developing projects, communicating tender processes, vetting project submissions, monitoring beneficiary performance and quality controls, and trouble-shooting problems as and when they arise. PSCs are typically composed of local community members and local leaders and should ensure representation of minority groups, women and youth. Subnational government, private-sector and civil society representatives may also be included, as may representatives of armed groups. PSCs should meet on a regular prescribed basis and serve as the primary interlocutor with the UN mission (mission settings) or UNCT (non-mission settings), and where relevant (such as in refugee settings) the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT). Representatives of DDR\/CVR sections (in mission settings) and of the UNCT (in non-mission settings), should, where practical and appropriate, participate in the PSC.PAC\/PRCs (or equivalent bodies) are often responsible for reviewing and approv- ing CVR project submissions, and for asking for changes\/further information from the PSC when necessary. PAC\/PRCs may be composed of senior representatives from the DSRSG (in mission settings) or senior representatives of the UNCT (in non-mission set- tings), alongside government officials and other representatives from relevant UN en- tities.These two aforementioned coordination entities are intended to properly vet pro- ject partners and ensure a high degree of quality control in project execution. In all cases, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) shall be developed to help clarify overall goals, structure and approaches for CVR, particularly the nature of PAC\/PRCs, PSCs, target groups and criteria for projects. These SOPs shall be regularly adapted and up- dated in line with realities on the ground and the priorities of the mission or the UNCT in non-mission settings."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"6. CVR programming","Heading2":"6.2 CVR in mission and non-mission settings","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"If the priority is for rapid delivery or if local government and non-government capaci- ties are weak, then agreed-upon CVR responses should be administered directly by the UN. However, the UN may also work indirectly, by supporting local partners."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"6. CVR programming","Heading2":"6.2 CVR in mission and non-mission settings","Heading3":"6.2.1 Mission settings","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"In mission settings, CVR may be explicitly mandated by a UN Security Council and\/ or General Assembly resolution. CVR will therefore be funded through the allocation of assessed contributions.The UNSC and UNGA directives for CVR are often general, with specific pro- gramming details to be worked out by relevant UN entities in partnership with the host government. In mission settings, the DDR\/CVR section should align CVR stra- tegic goals and activities with the mandate of the National DDR Commission (if one exists) or an equivalent government-designated body. The National DDR Commission, which typically includes representatives of the executive, the armed forces, police, and relevant line ministries and departments, should be solicited to provide direct inputs into CVR planning and programming. In cases where government capacity and volition exist, the National DDR Commission may manage and resource CVR by setting targets, managing tendering of local partners and administering financial oversight with donor partners. In such cases, the UN mission shall play a supportive role.Where CVR is administered directly by the UN in the context of a peace support operation or political mission, the DDR\/CVR section shall be responsible for the design, development, coordination and oversight of CVR, in conjunction with senior represent- atives of the mission. DDR practitioners shall be in regular contact with representatives of the UNCT as well as international and national partners to ensure alignment of pro- gramming goals, and to leverage the strengths and capacities of relevant UN agencies and avoid duplication. Community outreach and engagement shall be pursued and nurtured at the national, regional, municipal and neighbourhood scale.The DDR\/CVR section should typically include senior and mid-level DDR officers. Depending on the budget allocated to CVR, personnel may range from the director and deputy director level to field staff and volunteer officers. A dedicated DDR\/CVR team should include a selection of international and national staff forming a unit at headquarters (HQ) as well as small implementation teams at the forward operating base (FOB) level. It is important that DDR practitioners are directly involved in DDR strategy development and decision-making at the HQ. Likewise, regular com- munication between DDR field personnel is crucial to share experiences, identify best practices, and understand wider political and economic dynamics. The UN DSRSG shall establish a DDR\/CVR working group or an equivalent body. The working group should be co-chaired by lead agencies, with due consideration for gender equality, youth and child protection, and support to persons with disabilities.The DDR\/CVR section, and particularly its field offices, could create a PSC and PAC\/PRC. In this event, the PAC\/PRC (or equivalent body) should liaise with UNCT partners to align stability priorities with wider development concerns. It may be appro- priate to add an additional support mechanism to oversee and support project partners. This additional support mechanism could be made up of members of the DDR\/CVR section who could conduct a variety of tasks, including but not limited to support to the development of project proposals, support to the finalization of project submissions and the identification of possible implementing partners able to work in hotspot sites.Whichever approach is adopted, the DDR\/CVR section should ensure transparent and predictable coordination with national institutions and within the mission or UNCT. Where appropriate, DDR\/CVR sections may provide supplementary training for implementing partners in selected programming areas. The success or failure of CVR depends in large part on the quality of the partners and partnerships, so it is critical that they are properly vetted."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"6. CVR programming","Heading2":"6.2 CVR in mission and non-mission settings","Heading3":"6.2.2 Non-mission settings","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"In non-mission settings, the UNCT will generally undertake joint assessments in response to an official request from the host government, regional bodies and\/or the UN Resident Coordinator (RC). These official requests will typically ask for assistance to address particular issues. If the issue concerns armed groups and their active and former members, CVR as a DDR-related tool may be an appropriate response. However, it is important to note that in non-mission settings, there may already be instances where community-based programming at local levels is used, but not as a DDR-related tool. These latter types of responses are anchored under Agenda 2030 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), and have links to much broader issues of rule of law, community security, crime reduction, armed vio- lence reduction and small arms control. If there is no link to active or former members of armed groups, then these types of activities typically fall outside the scope of a DDR process (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).In non-mission settings where there has been agreement that CVR as a DDR- related tool is the most appropriate response to the presence of armed groups, the UN RC shall establish a DDR\/CVR working group or an equivalent body. The working group should be co-chaired by lead agencies, with due consideration for gender equality, youth and child protection, and support to persons with disabilities.In non-mission settings there may not always be a National DDR Commission to provide direct inputs into CVR planning and programming. However, alternative interlocutors should be sought \u2013 including relevant line ministries and departments \u2013 in order to ensure that the broad strategic direction of the CVR programme is aligned with relevant national and regional stabilization objectives."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"6. CVR programming","Heading2":"6.3 Assessments","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"In both mission and non-mission contexts, CVR programmes shall be preceded by regularly updated assessments, including but not limited to: \\n A security and consequence assessment accounting for the costs and benefits of conducting selected activities (and the risks of not conducting them). \\n A comprehensive and gender-responsive baseline assessment of local violence dynamics. This assessment should take note of factors that may contribute to violence (e.g., harmful use of alcohol and drugs) as well as the impact that vio- lence can have on mental health and well-being (e.g., acute stress, grief, depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). It should also explicitly unpack the threats to security for men, women, boys and girls, and analyse the root causes of violence and insecurity, including their gender dimensions. \\n Conflict context analysis. \\n A detailed stakeholder mapping and a diagnostic of the capacities, interests and cohesiveness of communities and national institutions. \\n An assessment of local market conditions. \\n The dynamics of eligible and non-eligible armed groups \u2013 their leadership, internal dynamics, command and control, linkages with elites and external support.Importantly, the privileging of some geographic areas for CVR over others may result in disputes that should be anticipated and accounted for in conflict assessments. While information supplied by security and intelligence units is essential, there is no substitute for grounded diagnostics and mapping by UN field offices, implementing partners and third-party researchers. Assessments can be cross-sectional or ongoing, and should be conducted by national or international experts in partnership with UNCT. Assessments should identify prospective beneficiary groups; assess govern- ment, private and civil society capacities; and review the causes and consequences of organized and interpersonal violence. These assessments are critical for the design of project proposals, setting appropriate benchmarks, and monitoring and evaluation."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"6. CVR programming","Heading2":"6.4 Target groups and locations","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"The selection of CVR target groups and intervention sites is a political decision that should be taken on the basis of assessments (see section 6.3), and in consultation with national and\/or local government authorities. The identification of target groups and locations for CVR should also be informed through: \\n The priorities of the host government and, if in a mission context, the mandate of the mission; and \\n Consultations with UN senior management.DDR practitioners can, where appropriate, adopt broad categories for target groups that can be applied nationally. In some cases, the selection of target groups is made pragmatically based on a list prepared by a PSC (or equivalent body) and\/ or implementing partners. Prospective participants should be vetted locally according to pre-set eligibility criteria. For example, these eligibility criteria may require former affiliation to specific armed groups and\/or possession of modern or artisanal weapons (see section 4.2).Clear criteria for who is included and excluded from CVR programmes should be carefully communicated in order to avoid unnecessarily inflating expectations and generating tension. One means of doing this is to prepare a glossary with specific selection criteria that can be shared with implementing partners and PSCs. In all cases, DDR practitioners shall ensure that women and girls are adequately represented in the iden- tification of priorities and implementation strategies, by making sure that: \\n Assessments include separate focus group discussions for women, led by female facilitators. \\n Women\u2019s groups are engaged in the consultative process and as implementing partners. \\n The PAC\/PRC (or equivalent entity) is 30% female. \\n A minimum of 30% of CVR projects within the broader CVR programme directly benefit women\u2019s safety and security issues. \\n The entire CVR programme integrates and leverages opportunities for women\u2019s leadership and gender equality. \\n Staffing of CVR projects includes female employees.Additional target groups, assessed as having the potential to either amplify or undermine broader security and stability efforts in general, or DDR in particular, may be identified on a case-by-case basis. For example, CVR may be expanded to include newly displaced populations \u2013 refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) \u2013 that are at risk of mobilization into armed groups or that may unintentionally generate flashpoints for community violence. There may also be possibilities to extend CVR programmes to particular geographic areas and population groups susceptible to out- breaks of violence and\/or experiencing concentrated disadvantage. The flexibility to adapt CVR to target groups that may disrupt and impede the DDR process is critical."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"6. CVR programming","Heading2":"6.5 Types of projects","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"There is tremendous heterogeneity in the types of CVR projects that are implemented as part of CVR programmes, both within and between countries. However, there are also commonalities. All CVR programmes generate interactions with state authorities and\/ or stimulate inter- and intra-community dialogue. These communication exchanges not only help to ensure better identification of the types of CVR projects to support, but they can also contribute to the more effective design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of CVR. DDR\/CVR partners should be aware that some prospective im- plementing partners shall require support in preparing project proposals. Appropriate support mechanisms should be introduced in advance to offer support in relation to proposal writing and reporting processes so as to avoid major delays.A wide array of technical sectors are included in CVR interventions. These include commercial-based projects (e.g., grocery retail, bakeries, tailors, mechanics, salons, agri- cultural production, livestock and animal husbandry activities), social projects (e.g. the construction and maintenance of youth centres, civic education, community reconcilia- tion), infrastructure initiatives (e.g., the construction of roads, bridges, clinics, schools and other labour-based activities involving training, apprenticeship and paid work for ex-com- batants and at-risk groups), security and corrections measures (e.g., community-oriented policing, lighting systems, prevention of gender-based violence and corporal punishment), and weapons and ammunition management activities (e.g., collection, storage, manage- ment and destruction). Table 5 below provides a summary of possible CVR projects.The selection of CVR projects shall be informed by political, climatic and demograph- ic factors as well as the merits of individual project proposals. PSCs and PAC\/PRCs (or equivalent entities) may prioritize CVR projects according to the stage of the peace pro- cess (e.g., contingent on the short-term emergency to medium-term recovery needs), geo- graphic location (e.g., water wells and animal husbandry in dry climates and information and communications technology (ICT) training and business apprenticeships in urban settings) and social and identity-related dynamics (e.g., projects tailored to specific reli- gious or ethnic groups). The sequencing and timing of financial support for CVR projects should not be arbitrary, but should account for the specific types of projects approved. For example, financing for agricultural projects may require more rapid disbursement (in line with seasonal imperatives) than other initiatives. It is also critical that implementing part- ners are equipped with the appropriate technical capacities to meet project timelines \u2013 the lack of engineering support, for example, can generate delays and hinder maintenance. DDR practitioners should prioritize project development and financing accordingly.Precisely because CVR is short-to-medium-term, selected projects should also in- clude a basic sustainability plan, including realistic commitments for monitoring and evaluation and details on when and how CVR activities will be handed over in full to the national government (see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation). Clear provi- sions for these activities should be included (and resources appropriately allocated) in final contracts. Implementing partner contracts should include clauses that specify the maintenance and management of specific assets, together with direction on how the initiative will be sustained after funding comes to an end. Likewise, contracts should specify the requirement to collect minimum qualitative and quantitative information on CVR project outcomes and impacts. Where implementing partners lack such capac- ities or where supplementary training may not be sufficient, DDR practitioners should explore opportunities to facilitate such activities with third parties."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"6. CVR programming","Heading2":"6.6 Partnerships and implementation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"CVR programmes should adopt a graduated approach to implementation. In many cases, it is advisable to start CVR initiatives with an experimental pilot phase of 6\u20138 months. Pilot projects are useful to assess local capacities, identify prospective part- ners and test out community receptivity. An incremental approach may help DDR practitioners sharpen their overall objectives and theories of change, while gradually building up strategic partnerships across government, host communities and interna- tional agencies that are essential for longer-term success. There are potentially strong demonstration effects from successful projects, and these should be advertised where possible.Delays in CVR implementation \u2013 particularly in relation to project selection and project disbursements \u2013 may undermine the credibility of the intervention and gen- erate risks for personnel. Bottlenecks are routine, yet in many cases avoidable. DDR practitioners, implementing partners and PSCs (or equivalent entities) shall set real- istic timelines, manage expectations and ensure regular communication with project beneficiaries. DDR practitioners may also elect to introduce administrative procedures to speed up decision-making on project selection, reduce the number of tranches for projects and prioritize initiatives that are subject to seasonal effects (e.g., planting, har- vest, transhumance, insect-born disease), climatic factors (e.g., rainfall, flooding and droughts), and calendar years (e.g., schooling and holidays).CVR projects should ensure a high degree of oversight and support to benefi- ciaries. Effective CVR is often a function of the quality of field personnel \u2013 including implementing partners \u2013 and their ability to apply a high degree of emotional intelli- gence. Experienced DDR practitioners should have a demonstrated ability to engage with complex social and cultural norms and their intersecting gender dynamics in order to build trust with beneficiaries and affected communities. This engagement frequently requires a minimum competence in the local language(s) together with a developed capacity to empathize and communicate. DDR field practitioners should have the discretion and autonomy to craft inter-agency partnerships, rapidly solve problems in volatile settings, and innovate in moments of crisis.CVR shall involve an array implementing partners and a variety of coordinat- ing mechanisms. The nature of these partnerships and coordination mechanisms shall depend on the national and local context, the extent of capacities on the ground and the resources available. CVR coordination and partnerships should be devolved as much as possible to the local level, and bureaucratic and administrative procedures should be kept to an acceptable minimum. Decisions on the particular form and content of part- nerships and coordination will be informed by the CVR mandate; the peace agreement (if one has been signed); government, donor, and mission and UNCT capacities; and local dynamics on the ground. Partners and coordinating mechanisms may change over time."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"6. CVR programming","Heading2":"6.7 Timeframes and budgeting","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"There is no fixed or standard timeframe for CVR. The length of CVR projects varies according to the nature of the context, including the funding source \u2013 whether an assessed budget, a dedicated trust fund, a voluntary contribution or some combination of these options. Specific CVR projects in mission contexts will be no more than one year, whereas this timeframe may be longer in non-mission contexts, particularly when it forms a single programme with reintegration support. Setting a temporal threshold is important to set expectations and to avoid an indefinite continuation of CVR projects. DDR practitioners should also set aside adequate time to undertake due diligence of partners, organize partnership modalities, transfer grants, monitor and evaluate inter- ventions, and communicate results.There are economies of scale that are associated with CVR. Specifically, there are advantages in investing in larger CVR projects with wider caseloads from capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX) perspectives. Specifically, the initial CAPEX in CVR \u2013 in personnel, transportation, logistics and large project outlays \u2013 can be high. This is because many CVR interventions are frequently pursued in challenging environments: large public works projects often require complex engi- neering support. The marginal OPEX implications of adding additional beneficiaries is comparatively low. CVR may at times be more cost-effective as the size of the caseload grows. There are risks, of course, in that CVR programmes may introduce biases by favouring projects and locations with larger prospective caseloads. In some cases, it may be preferable to explore mobile CVR teams for modest-sized target groups in hard-to-reach areas."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Community Violence Reduction","Heading1":"6. CVR programming","Heading2":"6.8 Communication","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.30 Community Violence Reduction","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"DDR practitioners should design a robust communications and sensitization plan to reach prospective and actual beneficiaries. The plan should be informed by the baseline assessment (see section 6.3) and by an assessment of how people take up information and what outlets and means are considered most legitimate. These assessments should be adjusted as conditions change on the ground. Outreach can be facilitated by UN rep- resentatives, implementing partners, PSCs (or equivalent entities) and project benefi- ciaries themselves. Public information and sensitization campaigns shall explain CVR objectives, project selection criteria and the timelines involved. The goal is to strengthen the self-selection of prospective participants while also shaping the expectations of in- dividuals and communities. All communications, education and outreach campaigns and activities should be gender-responsive so as to reach women and girls and men and boys. Communications should also be gender-transformative and inclusive. This entails having a balance of voices and visual representations of men, women, boys, girls, minorities and other vulnerable groups, and their active involvement in leader- ship and implementation of outreach and education activities.The communications plan for a CVR programme should have clearly identified objectives, core stakeholder groups and expected results. Such plans can be delivered through television, radio, print outlets, social media, direct SMS outreach and other platforms. Ensuring a minimum level of transparency in CVR measures is critical in order to manage stakeholder expectations, be they government counterparts, international and national partners, or beneficiaries. CVR communications activities in mission and non-mission settings should be aligned to wider UN security, stability and devel- opment priorities.The communications plan can be administered in mission and country office settings through, where appropriate, a public sensitization and outreach (PSO) unit or equivalent body. All plans shall be clear about the intended primary and intermediate audiences, the languages being used, the underlying behavioural shifts that are expected (theory of change), the particular approaches to addressing the needs of women and girls as well as the protection of children, the most appropriate methods and modes for delivering sensitization material, the training measures for staff and communicators, and the expected indicators to track outputs and outcomes. Communications strate- gies should support positive gender norms and the positive roles played by men and women."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace.json b/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3974f1c --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"The reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups is a long-term process with social, economic and political dimensions. It may be influenced by factors such as the choices and capacities of individuals to shape a new life, the security situation and perceptions of security, family and support networks, and the psychological well-being and mental health of ex-combatants and the wider community. Reintegration processes are part of the development of a country. Facilitating reintegration is therefore primarily the responsibility of national Governments and their institutions, with the international community playing a supporting role if requested.Efforts to support the transition of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups into civilian life have typically taken place as part of post-conflict DDR programmes. During DDR programmes assistance is often given collectively, to large numbers of DDR participants and beneficiaries, as part of the implementation of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). However, when the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, reintegration support can still play an important role in sustaining peace. The twin UN resolutions on the 2015 peacebuilding architecture review, General Assembly resolution 70\/262 and Security Council resolution 2282, recognize that efforts to sustain peace are necessary at all stages of conflict. This renewed UN policy engagement emerges from the need to address ongoing armed conflicts that are often protracted and complex. In these settings, individuals may exit armed forces and groups during all phases of an armed conflict. This type of exit will often be individual and can take different forms, including voluntary exit or capture.In order to support and strengthen the foundation for sustainable peace, the reintegration of ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should not only be supported after an armed conflict has ended. Instead, reintegration support should be considered at all times, even in the absence of a DDR programme. This support may include the provision of assistance to those who return to peaceful areas of the conflict-affected country, and to those who return to peaceful countries of origin, in the case of foreign fighters.When reintegration support is provided during ongoing conflict, it should aim to strengthen resilience against re-recruitment and also to prevent additional first-time recruitment. To do this it is important to strengthen what still works, including the residual capacities for peace that people and communities draw on in times of conflict. The strengthening of peace capacities can be based on the identification of the reasons why some individuals do not join armed groups, and why some combatants leave armed groups and turn away from armed violence.There will be additional challenges when supporting reintegration during ongoing conflict. Support to reintegration as part of sustaining peace requires analysis of the intended and unintended outcomes precipitated by engagement in dynamic, conflict-affected environments. DDR practitioners and others involved in the provision of reintegration support should understand how engagement in such contexts has implications for social relations\/dynamics \u2013 positive and negative \u2013 so as to \u2018do no harm\u2019 and, in fact, \u2018do good\u2019. It should also be recognized that the risk of doing harm is greater in ongoing conflict contexts, thereby demanding a higher level of coordination among existing and planned programmes to avoid the possibility that they may negatively affect each other. In order to support the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, reintegration programme coordination should extend to broader programmes and actors."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"This module explains the shift introduced by IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR concerning reintegration support to ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. Reintegration support has long been presented as a component of post-conflict DDR programmes, i.e., DDR programmes supported when the following preconditions are in place: \\n The signing of a negotiated ceasefire and\/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; \\n Trust in the peace process; \\n Willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and \\n A minimum guarantee of security.The revised UN Approach to DDR recognizes the need to provide reintegration support even when the above preconditions are not in place. The aim of this support is to assist the sustainable reintegration of those who have left armed forces and groups even before peace agreements are negotiated and signed, responding to opportunities as well as humanitarian, developmental and security imperatives.The objectives of this module are to: \\n Explain the implications of the UN\u2019s sustaining peace approach for reintegration support. \\n Provide policy guidance on how to address reintegration challenges and realize reintegration opportunities across the peace continuum. \\n Consider the general issues concerning reintegration support in contexts where the preconditions for DDR programmes are not in place.DDR practitioners involved in outlining and negotiating the content of reintegration support with Governments and other stakeholders are invited to consult IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration for specific programmatic guidance on the various ways to support reintegration. Options and considerations for reintegration support to specific needs groups can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR. Finally, as reintegration support may involve a broad array of practitioners (including but not limited to \u2018DDR practitioners\u2019), when appropriate, this module refers to DDR practitioners and others involved in the planning, implementation and management of reintegration support."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a)\u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b)\u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c)\u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d)\u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and \\n e)\u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.Reintegration is the process by which ex-combatants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. Reintegration is essentially a social and economic process with an open time frame, primarily taking place in communities at the local level. It is part of the general development of a country and a national responsibility and often necessitates long-term external assistance.\\nRecognizing new developments in the reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups since the release of the 2005 note on administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of UN peacekeeping operations (A\/C.5\/59\/31), the third report of the Secretary-General on DDR (A\/65\/741), issued in 2011, includes revised policy and guidance. It observes that, \u201cin most countries, economic aspects, while central, are not sufficient for the sustainable reintegration of ex-combatants. Serious consideration of the social and political aspects of reintegration\u2026is [also] crucial for the sustainability and success of reintegration programmes\u201d, including psychosocial and psychological support, clinical mental health care and medical health support, as well as reconciliation, access to justice\/transitional justice and participation in political processes. Additionally, the report emphasizes that while \u201creintegration programmes supported by the United Nations are time-bound by nature\u2026the reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups is a long-term process that takes place at the individual, community, national and regional levels, and is dependent upon wider recovery and development.\u201dSustaining peace approach: UN General Assembly resolution 70\/262 and UN Security Council resolution 2282 on sustaining peace outline a new approach for peacebuilding. These twin resolutions demonstrate the commitment of Member States to strengthening the United Nations\u2019 ability to prevent the \u201coutbreak, escalation, continuation and recurrence of [violent] conflict\u201d, and \u201caddress the root causes and assist parties to conflict to end hostilities\u201d. Sustaining peace should be understood as encompassing not only efforts to prevent relapse into conflict, but also to prevent lapse into conflict in the first place.Humanitarian-development-peace nexus: Humanitarian, development and peace actions are linked. The nexus approach refers to the aim of strengthening collaboration, coherence and complementarity. The approach seeks to capitalize on the comparative advantages of each sector \u2013 to the extent that they are relevant in a specific context \u2013 in order to reduce overall vulnerability and the number of unmet needs, strengthen risk management capacities and address the root causes of conflict.Resilience: Resilience refers to the ability to adapt, rebound, and strengthen functioning in the face of violence, extreme adversity or risk. For the purposes of the IDDRS, with a particular focus on reintegration processes, it refers to the ability of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups to withstand, resist and overcome the violence and potentially traumatic events experienced in an armed force or group when coping with the social and environmental pressures typical of conflict and post-conflict settings and beyond. The acquisition of social skills, emotional development, academic achievement, psychological well-being, self-esteem, coping mechanisms and attitudes when faced with stress and recovery from potentially traumatic events are all factors associated with resilience.Vulnerability: In the IDDRS, vulnerability is a result of exposure to risk factors, and of underlying socio-economic processes which reduce the capacity of populations to cope with risks. In the context of reintegration, vulnerability therefore refers to those factors that increase the likelihood that ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups will be affected by violence, resort to it, or be drawn into groups that perpetrate it."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"3. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to reintegration:"},{"ID":4,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"3. Guiding principles","Heading2":"3.1 Voluntary","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Participation in a reintegration programme as part of a DDR process shall be voluntary."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"3. Guiding principles","Heading2":"3.2 People-centred","Heading3":"3.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"When there is a DDR programme, eligibility shall be defined within a national DDR programme document. Different groups of those eligible will participate in each component of the DDR programme: combatants and persons associated with armed groups carrying weapons and ammunition shall participate in disarmament. In addition to these groups, all other unarmed individuals considered members of an armed force or group shall participate in demobilization. Reintegration support should be provided not only to ex-combatants, but also to persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, including women and children among these categories, and, where appropriate, dependants and host community members. When the preconditions for a DDR programme are not present, or when combatants are ineligible to participate in DDR programmes, eligibility for reintegration support shall be decided by relevant national and local authorities, with support, where appropriate, from relevant UN mission entities as well as UN agencies, programmes and funds. Eligibility for reintegration support in such cases should also take into account ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, including women, and, where appropriate, dependants and host community members. Children associated or formerly associated with armed groups should always be encouraged to participate in DDR processes with no eligibility limitations."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"3. Guiding principles","Heading2":"3.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Children who were recruited by armed groups may have experienced significant harm and have specific needs. Furthermore, children who joined or supported armed forces or groups may have done so under duress, coercion or manipulation. For many children and youth who have been associated with armed forces or groups, the focus should be on reintegration and highlighting their self-worth and their ability to contribute to society, as well as offering alternatives to participation in armed groups in the form of training and education. At the same time, opportunities should be provided to other children and youth in the area, so as not to create tension or stigma. The following principles regarding reintegration support to children and youth apply: \\n Children shall be treated as children and, if they have been associated with armed forces or groups, as survivors of violations of their rights. They shall always be referred to as children. \\n In any decision that affects children, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. International legal standards pertaining to children shall be applied. \\n States shall engage children\u2019s families to support rehabilitation and reintegration."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"3. Guiding principles","Heading2":"3.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Efforts shall be made to ensure that serious violations of human rights and humanitarian law by ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups are dealt with through appropriate national and international legal and\/or transitional justice mechanisms (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR and IDDRS 6.20 on Transitional Justice and DDR). Mechanisms shall also be designed and included in reintegration programmes to prevent those who have committed violations of human rights from going unpunished. In addition, where appropriate, community-based reintegration programmes shall explore opportunities to contribute to reparations for victims."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"3. Guiding principles","Heading2":"3.3 Gender-responsive and inclusive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Non-discrimination and fair and equitable treatment of participants and beneficiaries are core principles of the UN\u2019s involvement in reintegration support. Differences exist among the people who benefit from reintegration support \u2013 which include, but are not limited to, sex, age, class, religion, gender identity, and physical, intellectual, psychosocial and social capacities \u2013 all of which require specific responses. Reintegration support shall therefore be based on the thorough profiling of ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, as well as assessments of the social, economic, political and cultural contexts into which they are reintegrated, in order to support specific needs. In general, individual reintegration support shall shift focus from uniform entitlements provided to individuals with the status of ex-combatants or persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. Instead, reintegration support shall aim to fulfil specific needs and harness individual capacities.Gender refers to the socially constructed attributes and opportunities associated with being male or female and the relationships between and among women, men, girls and boys, in a certain sociocultural context (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Gender-responsive reintegration programmes shall be planned, implemented, monitored and evaluated in a manner that meets the different needs of female and male ex-combatants, supporters and dependents. Understanding and addressing gender always requires careful analysis, looking into the responsibilities, activities, interests and priorities of women and men, and how their experiences of problems may differ. Planning for reintegration support shall therefore be based on sex- disaggregated data so that reintegration programmes can identify the specific needs and potential of women, men, boys and girls. These needs may include, among others, access to land, childcare facilities, property and livelihoods, resources and rehabilitation following sexual violence, and support to overcome socialization to violence and substance abuse.In some cases, women may have \u2018self-demobilized\u2019 or been excluded from DDR programmes by military commanders (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). When this happens, and if women so choose, efforts should be made to provide them with access to the reintegration programme. Female- specific reintegration programmes may also be created to address these women.In order to implement gender-responsive reintegration programmes, UN and Government programme staff, implementing partners and other stakeholders should receive training in gender- sensitive approaches and good practices, as well as other capacity-building support.Gender-sensitivity requires that the monitoring and evaluation framework for reintegration support shall include gender-related indicators and specific assessments on gender. Reintegration programmes shall ensure specific funding for such initiatives and shall work to monitor and evaluate their gender appropriateness."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"3. Guiding principles","Heading2":"3.4 Conflict sensitive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"A conflict-sensitive approach involves ensuring a sound understanding of the two-way interaction between activities and context, and acting to minimize the negative impacts and maximize the positive impacts of intervention on conflict, within an organization\u2019s given mandate. The first principle that is usually applied in a conflict-sensitive approach is do no harm; however, conflict sensitivity goes beyond this. To do no harm and to support local capacities for peace requires: \\n An awareness of both the intended and unintended consequences of reintegration programming; \\n Analysis of the conflict context and the programme, examining how reintegration support interacts with the conflict; \\n A willingness to adapt, create options and, if needed, redesign programmes to improve quality; \\n Careful reflection on staff conduct and organizational policies, to ensure that the behaviour of individuals and organizations meets the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.Conflict analysis and risk mitigation measures shall be applied as key components of a conflict sensitivity approach, as well as integrated into monitoring and evaluation processes."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"3. Guiding principles","Heading2":"3.5 Context specific","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Planning for the effective and sustainable reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups shall be based, among other aspects, on a comprehensive understanding of the local context. In settings where there is no ceasefire and\/or peace agreement, the ex-combatant status of those who \u2018self-demobilize\u2019 may be unclear. Where feasible, DDR practitioners should work to clarify the status of ex-combatants through the establishment of a clear framework. However, where this is not feasible, the status of ex-combatants must still be analysed, at the programme level, in order to ensure that reintegration support is not provided to individuals who are active members of armed groups."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"3. Guiding principles","Heading2":"3.6 Flexible","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"To respond to contextual changes and remain relevant, reintegration support shall be designed in a way that allows for adaptability. While the design of a reintegration programme is based on initial assessments, it is also important to note that many contextual factors will change significantly during the course of the programme, such as the wishes and ambitions of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, the labour market, the capacities of service providers, the capacities of different Government bodies, and the agendas of political parties and leaders in power. Furthermore, new or broader recovery plans may be designed during the time frame of the reintegration programme, to which the latter should be linked.The need for flexibility will be particularly acute in ongoing conflict settings where the risks of doing harm, including inadvertently fuelling recruitment to active armed groups, must be carefully assessed. A flexible approach should allow for the early identification of these risks and the development of risk mitigation strategies.It is important to note that, despite the benefits of a flexible approach, providing ad hoc reintegration support can be problematic. One of the challenges is to provide clarity to ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and broader communities early on about the reintegration support to be provided and the benefits and eligibility criteria involved, while on the other hand maintaining sufficient flexibility in the programme to be able to respond to changing needs and circumstances."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"3. Guiding principles","Heading2":"3.7 Accountable and transparent","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Reintegration support shall be based on the principles of accountability and transparency. Public information and communications strategies and policies shall therefore be drawn up and implemented as early as possible. Public information allows affected participants and beneficiary groups to receive accurate information on the principles and procedures of reintegration support. Efforts to provide public information and sensitization concerning reintegration efforts may also benefit from collaboration with women\u2019s and men\u2019s organizations to address gender-specific needs (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).Reintegration support measures and expected results shall be reflected in key indicators. Defining indicators in a participatory manner helps to clarify expectations and contributes to a broad consensus on realistic targets. Individuals or organizations responsible for monitoring shall also be agreed upon, as well as how frequently monitoring reports should be produced.Relevant entities of the UN system shall remain transparent vis-\u00e0-vis the Government and its institutions in regard to activities and plans in support of reintegration, particularly if not fully agreed upon in advance."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"3. Guiding principles","Heading2":"3.8 Nationally and locally owned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Reintegration support provided by the UN system shall be based on a partnership with the national authorities and other stakeholders. The primary responsibility for the reintegration strategy and policy, as well as the successful outcome of the programme, rests with national authorities and their local institutions. UN support to reintegration programmes shall include efforts to develop the capacities of receiving communities and local and national authorities.UN-supported DDR processes may take place when a recently established Government is still finding a political balance between (remnants of) the previously combating parties, which could include members of the Government itself (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). The national institutions in charge of reintegration support may operate in a fluid political environment, which may include regular changes in institutional set-up and personnel. In these settings, international actors shall not act as substitutes for national authorities in programme management and implementation, but rather, shall put forth all efforts to strengthen those national institutions that are managing reintegration support.The success of reintegration programmes depends on the combined efforts of individuals, families and supporting communities to identify and work towards their own solutions. Reintegration should be led and implemented by community members themselves \u2013 with support from external actors where needed. The community-based approach begins with community sensitization during the earliest phases of the reintegration programme, to gain community inputs and consider the dynamics of the conflict. To the extent possible, all reintegration support should be linked to existing social services and protection networks, while bolstering the capacities of existing systems."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"3. Guiding principles","Heading2":"3.9 Regionally supported","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Therefore, reintegration programmes shall be designed through an inclusive participatory process involving ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, community representatives, local and national authorities, and non-governmental actors in planning and decision-making from the earliest stages. Buy-in from key members of armed forces and groups shall be a priority of the reintegration programme, and shall be achieved in collaboration with the national Government and other key stakeholders in accordance with UN principles and mandates.Reintegration both influences and is affected by wider recovery, peacebuilding and state transformational processes. Therefore, reintegration programmes shall work collaboratively with other programmes and stakeholders in order to achieve policy coherence, sectoral programme integration, and UN inter-agency cooperation and coordination throughout design and implementation. In addition, the use of technical working groups, donor forums, and rapid response modalities shall be used to further integrate efforts in the area of reintegration support. Relevant line ministries shall also receive appropriate support from reintegration programmes to ensure that the reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups will be sustainable and in alignment with other national and local plans."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"3. Guiding principles","Heading2":"3.10 Integrated","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"In some contexts there may be regional dimensions to reintegration support, such as cross-border flows of small arms and light weapons (SALW); trafficking in natural resources as a source of revenue; cross-border recruitment, including of children; and the repatriation and reintegration of foreign ex-combatants in their countries of origin. The design of a reintegration programme shall therefore consider the regional level in addition to the individual, community and national levels (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements)."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"3. Guiding principles","Heading2":"3.11 Well planned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Planning should consider that the reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups is a long-term process, in some contexts taking several years to be successfully and sustainably completed with family support at the community level. A well-planned reintegration programme shall be based on a comprehensive understanding of the type of armed force and\/or group(s) to which the individual belonged, the duration of his or her membership with the armed force and\/or armed group(s), as well as the local context and community dynamics. Furthermore, a well-planned reintegration programme requires clear agreement among all stakeholders on the objectives and results of the programme, the establishment of realistic time frames, clear budgetary requirements and human resource needs, and a clearly defined exit strategy.Planning shall be based on existing assessments that include conflict and development analyses, gender analyses, early recovery and\/or post-conflict needs assessments, and reintegration-specific assessments. Those involved in the design and negotiation of reintegration support with Government and other relevant stakeholders shall ensure that a results-based monitoring and evaluation framework is developed during the planning phase and that sufficient resources and expertise are allocated for this task at the outset.A well-planned reintegration programme shall assess and respond to the needs of its participants and beneficiaries through gender-specific planning. Planning shall be done in close collaboration with related programmes and initiatives. Although long-term planning is required, it shall still allow for a degree of flexibility (see section 3.6). Those involved in planning for reintegration support shall work in an integrated manner with those planning disarmament and demobilization in order to ensure smooth transitions. DDR practitioners shall not make promises regarding reintegration support during disarmament and demobilization that cannot be delivered upon."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"4. Reintegration as part of sustaining peace","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups is a long-term process with social, economic, political and security dimensions. It may be influenced by factors such as the choices and capacities of individuals to shape a new life, the security situation and perceptions of security, family and support networks, and the psychological well-being of combatants and the wider community. Reintegration processes are part of the development of a country. Facilitating reintegration is therefore primarily the responsibility of national Governments and their institutions, with the international community playing a supporting role if requested.Supporting ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups to sustainably reintegrate into civilian life is seen as the most complex part of the DDR process in both mission and non- mission contexts. Ex-combatants and those formerly associated with armed forces and groups find themselves, willingly or not, separated from command structures and support networks. The conflict-affected communities to which these individuals return are often characterized by weakened governance, lack of social cohesion, damaged economies and insecurity. In some instances, individuals may re-enter societies and communities that are unfamiliar to them, and which have been significantly affected by extended periods of conflict. The acceptance of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups by receiving communities is essential and is linked to perceptions of fair treatment, including towards victims, ex-combatants and other conflict-affected groups.Reintegration support can be provided to address different elements of the reintegration process, ranging from socioeconomic challenges to the psychosocial aspects of reintegration. Support can also be provided in order to mitigate destabilizing factors, such as social exclusion and stigmatization, the harmful use of alcohol and drugs and other physical and psychosocial trauma, political disenfranchisement and insecurity. A robust and evidence-based theory of change should underpin the contribution of reintegration support to the overall reduction of armed violence sought by Sustainable Development Goal 16. This will allow those working on reintegration support, across different institutions and with different programming approaches, to identify the collective outcomes that reintegration programmes are aiming to achieve. The various types of reintegration support and the different modalities of its provision are outlined in IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration. It should be noted, however, that the support provided by a reintegration programme should not be expected to match the breadth, depth or duration of individual reintegration processes, nor the longer-term recovery and development process."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"4. Reintegration as part of sustaining peace","Heading2":"4.1 The Sustaining Peace Approach","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Reintegration support can play an important role in sustaining peace, even when a peace agreement has not yet been negotiated or signed. The twin UN resolutions on the 2015 peacebuilding architecture review, General Assembly resolution 70\/262 and Security Council resolution 2282, recognize that efforts to sustain peace are necessary at all stages of conflict. Therefore, in order to support, and strengthen, the foundation for sustainable peace, the reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should not only be supported after an armed conflict has ended. As individuals may leave armed forces and groups during all phases of armed conflict, the need to support them should be considered at all times, even in the absence of a DDR programme. This may mean providing support to those who return to peaceful areas of the conflict-affected country, and to those who return to peaceful countries of origin, in the case of foreign fighters.As part of the sustaining peace approach, support to reintegration should be designed and carried out to contribute to dynamics that aim to prevent future recruitment. In this regard, opportunities should be seized to prevent relapse into armed conflict, including by tackling root causes and understanding peace dynamics. Armed conflict may be the result of a combination of root causes including exclusion, inequality, discrimination and other violations of human rights, including women\u2019s rights. While these challenges cannot be fully addressed through reintegration support, community-based reintegration support that is well integrated into local and national development efforts is likely to contribute to addressing the root causes of conflict and, as such, contribute to sustaining peace. It is also important to strengthen what still works, including the residual capacities for peace that people and communities draw on in times of conflict. Sustaining peace seeks to reclaim the concept of peace in its own right, by acknowledging that the existing capacities for peace, i.e., the structures, attitudes and institutions that sustain peace, should be strengthened not only in situations of conflict, but even in peaceful settings. This strengthening of peace capacities can be based on the identification of the reasons why some individuals do not join armed groups, and why some combatants leave armed groups and turn away from armed violence.Inclusion is also an important part of reintegration support as part of the sustaining peace approach. Exclusion and marginalization, including gender inequalities, are key drivers of violent conflict. Community-owned and -led approaches to reintegration support that are inclusive and integrate a gender perspective, specifically addressing the needs of women, youth, disabled persons, ethnic minorities and indigenous groups have a positive impact on a country\u2019s capacity to manage and avoid conflict, and ultimately on the sustainability of peace processes. Empowering the voices and capacities of women and youth in the planning and design of reintegration programmes contributes to addressing conflict drivers, socioeconomic and gender inequalities, and youth disenchantment. Additionally, given that national-level peace processes are not always possible, opportunities to leverage reintegration support, particularly around social cohesion through local peace processesbetween groups and communities, can be sought through local governance initiatives, such as participatory budgeting and planning.The UN\u2019s sustaining peace approach calls for the breaking of operational silos. The joint analysis, planning and management of ongoing programmes helps to ensure the sustainability of collectively defined reintegration outcomes. This process also serves as an entry point for innovative partnerships and the contextually anchored flexible approaches that are needed. For effective reintegration support as part of sustaining peace, it is essential to draw on capacities across and beyond the UN system in support of local and national authorities. DDR practitioners and others involved in developing and managing this support should recognize that community authorities may be the frontline responders who lay the foundation for peace and development. Innovative financing sources and partnerships should be sought, and funding partners should pay particular attention to increasing, restructuring and prioritizing the financing of reintegration support.In light of the above, reintegration support as part of sustaining peace should focus on: \\n The enhancement of capacities for peace. \\n The adoption of a clear definition of reintegration outcomes within the humanitarian- development-peace nexus, recognizing the strong interconnectedness between and among the three pillars. \\n Efforts to actively break out of institutional silos, eliminating fragmentation and contributing to a comprehensive, coordinated and coherent DDR process. \\n The application of a gender lens to all reintegration support. The rationale is that men and women, boys and girls, have differentiated needs, aspirations, capacities and contributions. \\n The importance of strengthening resilience during reintegration support. Individuals, communities, countries and regions lay the foundations for resilience to stresses and shocks associated with insecure environments through the development of local and national development plans, including national action plans on UN Security Council Resolution 1325. \\n The consistent implementation of monitoring and evaluation across all phases of the peace continuum with a focus on cross-sectoral approaches that emphasize collective programming outcomes. \\n The development of innovative partnerships to achieve reintegration as part of sustaining peace, based on whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches, involving ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups and their families, as well as receiving communities. \\n The engagement of the private sector in the creation of economic opportunities, fostering capacities of local small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as involving international private- sector investment in reintegration opportunities, where appropriate.For reintegration programmes to play their role in sustaining peace effectively, DDR practitioners and others involved in the planning and implementation of reintegration support should ensure that they: \\n Have a shared understanding of the drivers of a specific conflict, as well as the risks faced by individuals who are reintegrating and their receiving communities and countries; \\n Conduct joint analysis and monitoring and evaluation allowing for the development of strategic approaches that can strengthen peace and resilience; \\n Align with the women, peace and security agenda, ensuring that gender considerations are front and centre in reintegration support; \\n Have a shared understanding of the importance of youth in all efforts towards peace and security; \\\n Foster collective ownership by local authorities and other stakeholders that is anchored in local and national development plans \u2013 the international community shall play a supporting role and avoid creating parallel structures; \\n Create the long-term partnerships necessary for sustaining peace through the development of local institutional capacity, adaptive programming that is responsive to the context, and adequate human and financial resources.Additionally, as part of the conflict prevention and peacebuilding agenda, reintegration processes should be linked more deliberately with development programming. For instance, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a universal, multi-stakeholder, multi-sector set of goals adopted by all UN Member States in 2015. The Agenda includes 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) covering poverty, food security, education, health care, justice and peace for which strategies, policies and plans should be developed at the national level and against which progress should be measured. The human and economic cost of armed conflict globally requires all stakeholders to work collaboratively in supporting Member States to achieve the SDGs; with all those concerned with development providing support to prevention agendas through targeted and sustained engagement at the national and regional levels."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Efforts to support the transition of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups into civilian life have typically taken place as part of post-conflict DDR programmes. DDR programmes are often \u2018collective\u2019 in that they address groups of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups through a formal and controlled programme, often as part of the implementation of a CPA.Increasingly, the UN is called upon to address security challenges that arise from situations where comprehensive political settlements are lacking and the preconditions for DDR programmes are not present. When conflict is ongoing, exit from armed groups is often individual and can take different forms. Those who are captured or who voluntarily leave armed groups will likely fall under the custody of authorities, such as the regular armed forces or law enforcement officials. In some contexts, however, those leaving armed groups may find their way back into communities without falling into the custody of authorities. This is often the case for female ex-combatants and women formerly associated with armed forces and groups who escape \u2018invisibly\u2019 and who may be difficult to identify and reach for support. Community-based reintegration programmes aiming to support these groupsshould be based on credible information, verified through an agreed-upon mechanism that includes key actors. Local peace and development committees may play an important role in prioritizing and identifying these women.In addition, in contexts where the preconditions for DDR programmes are not in place, DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction (CVR) and transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM) have been used along with support to mediation and transitional security measures (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR, IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction and IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management). Where appropriate, early elements of reintegration support can be part of CVR programming, such as different types of employment and livelihoods support, improvement of the capacities of vulnerable communities to absorb returning ex-combatants, and investments in public goods designed to strengthen the social cohesion of communities. Reintegration as part of the sustaining peace approach is not only an integral part of DDR programmes. It also follows security sector reform (SSR) where armed forces or the police are rightsized; complements DDR-related tools, such as CVR, through sustainable measures; or is provided to persons formerly associated with armed groups designated as terrorist organizations by the United Nations Security Council.The increased complexity of the political and socioeconomic settings in which most reintegration support is provided does not necessarily imply that the support provided must also become more complicated. DDR practitioners and others involved in planning, managing and funding the support programme should be knowledgeable about the context and its dynamics, but also be able to prioritize the critical elements of the response. In addition to prioritization, effective support requires reliable and dedicated funding for these priority activities. It may also be important to lower (often inflated) expectations, and be realistic, about what reintegration support can deliver.Support to reintegration as part of sustaining peace requires analysis of the intended and unintended outcomes precipitated by engagement in dynamic, conflict-affected environments. DDR practitioners and all those involved in the provision of reintegration support should understand how engagement in such contexts has implications for social relations\/dynamics \u2013 positive and negative \u2013 so as to do no harm and, in fact, do good. In order to support the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, reintegration programme coordination should extend to broader programmes and actors. It should also be recognized that the risk of doing harm is greater in ongoing conflict contexts, which demand greater coordination among existing, and planned, programmes to avoid the possibility that they may negatively affect each other.Depending on the context and conflict analysis developed, DDR practitioners and others involved in the planning and implementation of reintegration support may determine that a potential unintended consequence of working with ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups is the perceived injustice in supporting those who perpetrated violence when others affected by the conflict may feel they are inadequately supported. This should be avoided. One option is community-based approaches. Stigmatization related to programmes that prevent recruitment should also be avoided. Participants in these programmes could be seen as having the potential to become violent perpetrators, a stigma that could be particularly harmful to youth.In addition to programmed support, there are numerous non-programmatic factors that can have a major impact on whether or not reintegration is successful. Some of the key non-programmatic factors are: \\n Acceptance in the community\/society; \\n The general security situation\/perception of the security situation; \\n The economic environment and associated opportunities; \\n The availability of relevant basic and social services; \\n The protection of land rights and other property rights.In conflict settings these non-programmatic factors may be particularly fluid and difficult to both analyse and adapt to. The security situation may not allow for reintegration support to take place in all areas. The economy may also be severely affected by the ongoing conflict. Receiving communities may also be particularly reluctant to accept returning ex-combatants during ongoing conflict as they can, for example, constitute a security risk to the community. Influencing these non-programmatic factors requires a broad structural approach. Providing an enabling environment and facilitating access to opportunities outside the reintegration programme may be as important for reintegration processes as the reintegration support provided through the programme. In addition, in most instances it is important to establish practical linkages with existing employment creation programmes, business development services, psychosocial and mental health support referral systems, disability support networks and other relevant services. The implications of these non- programmatic factors could be different for men and women, especially in contexts where insecurity is high and the economy is depressed. Social networks and connections between different members and levels of society may provide these groups with the resilience and coping mechanisms necessary to navigate their reintegration process."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum","Heading2":"5.1 Resilience as a basis for reintegration","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Strengthening resilience is one of the most important aspects of supporting reintegration during ongoing conflict. Resilience refers to the ability to adapt, rebound and strengthen functioning in the face of violence, extreme adversity and risk. For ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, it is related to the ability to withstand, resist and overcome the violence and potentially traumatic events experienced during armed conflict when coping with social and environmental pressures. Resilience also refers to the capacity to withstand the pressure to rejoin a former armed group or to join a new armed group or other type of criminal organization. Community resilience can also be enhanced by reintegration support, such as when this support enhances the capacity of communities to absorb ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups.The acquisition of social skills, emotional development, academic achievement, psychological well- being, self-esteem, coping mechanisms and attitudes when faced with stress and recovery from trauma, including sexual violence, are all factors of resilience. Reintegration support should therefore consider the impact of different resilience and vulnerability factors relevant for reintegration at the individual, family, community and institutional levels (see Figure 1)."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum","Heading2":"5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Reintegration support calls for a twin approach in fostering not only \u2018negative peace\u2019 \u2013 as in mitigation strategies \u2013 but also \u2018positive peace\u2019, by addressing the root causes of armed conflict as they manifest at the local level and strengthening peace capacities at various levels. Understood in this way, reintegration support can contribute to the prevention of armed conflict, helping to address some of the structural issues that create or fuel the risks of conflict escalation and recurrence.For instance, by accounting for aspects related to mental health and psychosocial support, reintegration programmes can assist in building the necessary pillars needed for a \u2018positive peace\u2019 to develop. If these issues are left unaddressed, individuals may turn to negative coping mechanisms. Conflict may also lead to negative social patterns that increase the likelihood of widespread criminality and the victimization of certain groups. These negative patterns may also serve to increase vulnerability to involvement in armed groups and other criminal behaviour. The specific needs of women and girls formerly associated with armed forces and groups also need to be addressed, including preventing and addressing sexual and gender-based violence.Second, while some reintegration support measures focus on education, vocational skills training and income-generating opportunities, they may help to prevent conflict if aligned with and supportive of the absorption capacities of receiving communities. Situated within the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, approaches to reintegration support shall be sensitive to the fact that populations in fragile situations and subjected to protracted conflict experience diverse needs simultaneously \u2013 be they humanitarian, security-related or developmental. As a result, reintegration support may only play an effective role in conflict prevention when these needs are acknowledged and addressed comprehensively. Thus, reintegration programmes can help to prevent conflict only when they account for: \\n The motivations of individuals to engage in and leave armed groups; \\n The criminogenic, or crime-inducing, risks present in the context that may impede sustained reintegration and increase vulnerability to involvement in armed groups and other criminal behaviour; \\n Local needs and existing capacities; \\n The strengthened resilience of individuals, families, communities and institutions to cope with adversity and to withstand violence and conflict-related pressures.Linking reintegration programmes to other elements of the DDR process strengthens their conflict prevention potential. Reintegration programmes should to the extent possible be combined and coordinated with mediation efforts, confidence-building measures and broader conflict resolution and peacebuilding.From a conflict sensitivity angle, it is important to note that reintegration support is sometimes provided later than expected, and that actual levels of support are sometimes lower than foreseen, for example, due to slow political processes, logistical constraints and\/or the unavailability (or delay) of financing. It is therefore important to explicitly raise questions about the possible negative impact of waiting for reintegration support on the actual reintegration processes of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. The following questions should be raised as soon as the negotiation and planning of reintegration support begins: \\n Is the reintegration support foreseen realistic? \\n Will the reintegration support be able to meet the various expectations? \\n How will the (expected) reintegration support affect the coping strategies of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups? \\n What are potential negative effects of reintegration support on social dynamics, power dynamics and social equity issues? \\n How can expectations and\/or misinformation concerning reintegration support be managed by the relevant Government and UN agencies, for example, through appropriate communication and risk management?"},{"ID":22,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum","Heading2":"5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention","Heading3":"5.2.1 Preventing re-recruitment","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"As part of sustaining peace, reintegration programmes should plan to contribute to dynamics that aim to prevent re-recruitment. The risk of the re-recruitment of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated into armed groups or their engagement in criminal activity is higher where conflict is ongoing, protracted or financed through organized crime, including illicit natural resource exploitation such as mineral mining and poaching. In such war economies, licit and illicit markets may overlap, and criminal networks may constitute an attractive source of income for ex-combatants as well as provide a sense of belonging. Criminal groups could allow ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups to regain or retain a social status after leaving their armed force or group, and may bridge feelings of social dislocation in receiving communities.The risk of re-recruitment or involvement in criminal activity increases in contexts where reintegration opportunities are limited and where national and local capacity is low. This is the case when ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups return to areas of high insecurity, where formal and informal economies lack diversity and opportunities are limited to unskilled labour, including agriculture. The conditions in these geographical areas should therefore be considered in the design of reintegration support. Collaborating with actors that are able to influence the non-programmatic factors mentioned above can be a first step in supporting those who have decided to settle in these areas.Rejoining a former armed group or joining a new one may be a result of the real, or perceived, absence of viable alternatives to armed conflict as a means of subsistence and as an avenue for social integration and political change (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). The reasons why individuals join armed groups are diverse and may include grievances linked to social status, self- defence, a lack of jobs and economic opportunities, exclusion, human rights abuses and other real or perceived injustices. Risk of re-recruitment may therefore be higher in contexts where the causes of the conflict remain unresolved and grievances persist, or where there are no viable alternative livelihoods.Community receptivity to returning ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups also impacts the likelihood of return to an armed group. Receptivity is likely to be lower in contexts of ongoing conflict, as returning ex-combatants could constitute a risk to the community. Female ex-combatants, women formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and their children potentially face additional challenges related to community receptivity, including potential stigma that can profoundly impact their ability to reintegrate.The length of time an individual has spent in an armed group will also influence his or her ability to adjust to civilian life and the degree to which he or she is able to build social networks and reconnect. In general, the longer an individual spent with an armed group, the more challenging his or her reintegration process is likely to be. Given this reality, the design of reintegration programmes must be based on solid gender analysis and risk management, which could include mentorships, peer learning, institutional learning and relevant institutional and programmatic linkages."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum","Heading2":"5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention","Heading3":"5.2.2. Entry points and risk mitigation","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"In settings of ongoing conflict, it is possible that armed groups may splinter and multiply. Some of these armed groups may sign peace agreements while others refuse. Reintegration support to individuals who have exited non-signatory armed groups in ongoing conflict needs to be carefully designed; risk mitigation and adherence to principles such as \u2018do no harm\u2019 shall be ensured. A full DDR programme may in such cases not be the most appropriate response (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Based on conflict analysis and armed group mapping, DDR practitioners should consider direct engagement with armed groups through political negotiations and other DDR- related activities (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR and IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). The risks of such engagement should, of course, be properly assessed in advance, and along the way.DDR practitioners and others involved in designing or managing reintegration assistance should also be aware that as a result of the risks of supporting reintegration in settings of ongoing conflict, combined with a possible lack of national political will, legitimacy of governance and weak capacity, programme funding may be difficult to mobilize. Reintegration programmes should therefore be designed in a transparent and flexible manner, scaled appropriately to offer viable opportunities to ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed groups.In line with the shift to peace rather than conflict as the starting point of analysis, programmes should seek to identify positive entry points for supporting reintegration. In ongoing conflict contexts, these entry points could include geographical areas where reintegration is most likely to succeed, such as pockets of peace not affected by military operations or other types of armed violence. These pilot areas could serve as models for other areas to follow. Reintegration support provided as part of a pilot effort would likely set the bar for future assistance and establish expectations for other groups that may need to be met to ensure equity and to avoid negative outcomes.Additional entry points for reintegration support in ongoing conflict may be a particular armed group whose members have shown a willingness to leave or are assessed as more likely to reintegrate, or specific reintegration interventions involving local economies and partners that will function as pull factors. Reintegration programmes should consider local champions, known figures to support such efforts from local government, tribal, religious and community leadership, and private and business actors. These actors can be key in generating peace dividends and building the necessary trust and support for the programme.For more detail on entry points and risks regarding reintegration support during armed conflict, see section 9 of IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum","Heading2":"5.4 Amnesty and other special justice measures during conflict","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"In the absence of a peace agreement, reintegration support during ongoing conflict may follow amnesty or other legal processes. An amnesty act or special justice law is usually adopted to encourage combatants to lay down weapons and report to authorities; if they do so they usually receive pardon for having joined armed groups or, in the case of common crimes, reduced sentences.These provisions may also encourage dialogue with armed groups, promote return to communities and support reconciliation through transitional justice and reparations at the community level. Ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups typically receive documentation attesting to the fact that they benefitted from amnesty under these provisions and are free to rejoin their families and communities (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). To ensure that amnesty processes are successful, they should include reintegration support to those reporting to the \u2018Amnesty Commission\u2019 and\/or relevant authorities.Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions encourages States to grant amnesties for mere participation in hostilities as a means of encouraging armed groups to comply with international humanitarian law. It recognizes that amnesties may also help to facilitate peace negotiations or enable a process of reconciliation. However, amnesties should not be granted for war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity and gross violations of human rights (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR and IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice)."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#008DCA","Level":2,"LevelName":"Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS","Title":"Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","Heading1":"5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum","Heading2":"5.5 Common challenges in supporting reintegration during conflict","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"In summary, the following are key considerations that, in contexts of ongoing conflict, DDR practitioners and others involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of reintegration programmes should take into account: \\n Conflict and context analysis and assessment will be more challenging to undertake than in post- conflict settings and will need to be frequently updated. \\n There will be increased security risks if ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups: \\n\\n are perceived as traitors by active members of their former group, particularly if the group is still operating in the country, across a nearby border or in the community in which the individual would like to return; \\n\\n become involved in providing information to military or security agencies for the planning of counter-insurgency operations; \\n\\n return to communities still affected by armed conflict and\/or where armed groups operate. \\n Alongside the need for constructive collaboration with military and security agencies, there will be a need to preserve the independence and impartiality of the reintegration programme in order to avoid the perception that the programme is part of the counter-insurgency strategy. \\n The national stakeholders leading reintegration support could have been \u2013 or may still be \u2013 in conflict with the armed groups to which ex-combatants previously belonged. \\n The use of case management is necessary and could include traditional chiefs or religious leaders (imams, bishops, ministers), and trained and supervised providers of mental health services as community supervision officers where appropriate. \\n It is important to work closely with and develop common reintegration strategies with other women, peace and security actors and prevent violence against women and girls. \\n It is important to work closely with and develop common reintegration strategies with programmes aiming to protect children and support the reintegration of children formerly associated with armed forces and groups. More specifically, there is a need to develop common strategies for the prevention of recruitment for youth at risk."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures.json b/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0c6e94 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) are all complex and sensitively linked processes that demand considerable human and financial resources to plan, imple- ment and monitor. Given the many different actors involved in the various stages of DDR, and the fact that its phases are interdependent, integrated planning, effective coordination and coherent reporting arrangements are essential. Past experiences have highlighted the need for the various actors involved in planning and implementing DDR, and monitoring its impacts, to work together in a complementary way that avoids unnecessary duplication of effort or competition for funds and other resources.This module provides guidelines for improving inter-agency cooperation in the planning of DDR programmes and operations. The module shows how successful implementation can be achieved through an inclusive process of assessment and analysis that provides the basis for the formulation of a comprehensive programme framework and operational plan. This mechanism is known as the \u2018planning cycle\u2019, and originates from both the inte- grated mission planning process (IMPP) and post-conflict United Nations (UN) country team planning mechanisms."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"This module outlines a general planning process and framework for providing and struc- turing UN support for national DDR efforts in a peacekeeping environment. This planning process covers the actions carried out by DDR practitioners from the time a conflict or crisis is put on the agenda of the Security Council to the time a peacekeeping mission is formally established by a Security Council resolution, with such a resolution assigning the peace- keeping mission a role in DDR. This module also covers the broader institutional requirements for planning post-mission DDR support. (See IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design for more detailed coverage of the development of DDR programme and implementation frameworks.)The planning process and requirements given in this module are intended to serve as a general guide. A number of factors will affect the various planning processes, including: \\n The pace and duration of a peace process: A drawn-out peace process gives the UN, and the international community generally, more time to consult, plan and develop pro- grammes for later implementation (the Sudanese peace process is a good example); \\n Contextual and local realities: The dynamics and consequences of conflict; the attitudes of the actors and other parties associated with it; and post-conflict social, economic and institutional capacities will affect planning for DDR, and have an impact on the strategic orientation of UN support; \\n National capacities for DDR: The extent of pre-existing national and institutional capacities in the conflict-affected country to plan and implement DDR will considerably affect the nature of UN support and, consequently, planning requirements. Planning for DDR in contexts with weak or non-existent national institutions will differ greatly from planning DDR in contexts with stable and effective national institutions; \\n The role of the UN: How the role of the UN is defined in general terms, and for DDR specifically, will depend on the extent of responsibility and direct involvement assumed by national actors, and the UN\u2019s own capacity to complement and support these efforts. This role definition will directly influence the scope and nature of the UN\u2019s engagement in DDR, and hence requirements for planning; \\n Interaction with other international and regional actors: The presence and need to collaborate with international or regional actors (e.g., the European Union, NATO, the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States) with a current or potential role in the management of the conflict will affect the general planning process.In addition, this module provides guidance on: \\n adapting the DDR planning process to the broader framework of mission and UN country team planning in post-conflict contexts; \\n linking the UN planning process to national DDR planning processes; \\n the chronological stages and sequencing (i.e., the ordering of activities over time) of DDR planning activities; \\n the different aspects and products of the planning process, including its political (peace process and Security Council mandate), programmatic\/operational and organizational\/ institutional dimensions; \\n the institutional capacities required at both Headquarters and country levels to ensure an efficient and integrated UN planning process."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of the abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards(IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the word \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca)\u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b)\u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c)\u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d"},{"ID":3,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The ability of the UN to comprehensively and collectively plan its joint response to crisis has evolved considerably over the last decade. Nonetheless, the expansion of complex peacemaking, peacekeeping, humanitarian and peace-building tasks in complex internal conflicts, which often have regional repercussions, continues to demand an even earlier, closer and more structured process of planning among UN entities and partners.Meeting this demand for more structured planning is essential to delivering better DDR programmes, because DDR is a multisectoral, multi-stakeholder and multi-phase process requiring coordination and adequate links among various post-conflict planning mechanisms. The implementation of DDR programmes often requires difficult compromises and trade-offs among various political, security and development considerations. It also relies very much on establishing an appropriate balance between international involvement and national ownership.DDR programmes have a better chance of success when the DDR planning process starts early (preferably from the beginning of the peace process), builds on the accumulated experience and expertise of local actors, is based on a solid understanding of the conflict (causes, perpetrators, etc.), and deliberately encourages greater unity of effort among UN agencies and their community of partners."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"The planning process for the DDR programmes is guided by the principles, key considerations and approaches defined in IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR. Of particular importance are: \\n Unity of effort: The achievement of unity of effort and integration is only possible with an inclusive and sound mission planning process involving all relevant UN agencies, departments, funds and programmes at both the Headquarters and field levels. DDR planning takes place within this broader integrated mission planning process; \\n Integration: The integrated approach to planning tries to develop, to the extent possible: \\n\\n a common framework (i.e., one that everyone involved uses) for developing, man- aging, funding and implementing a UN DDR strategy within the context of a peace mission; \\n\\n an integrated DDR management structure (unit or section), with the participation of staff from participating UN agencies and primary reporting lines to the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) for humanitarian and development affairs. Such an approach should include the co-location of staff, infrastructure and resources, as this allows for increased efficiency and reduced overhead costs, and brings about more responsive planning, implementation and coordination; \\n\\n joint programmes that harness UN country team and mission resources into a single process and results-based approach to putting the DDR strategy into operation and achieving shared objectives; \\n\\n a single framework for managing multiple sources of funding, as well as for co- ordinating funding mechanisms, thus ensuring that resources are used to deal with common priorities and needs; Efficient and effective planning: At the planning stage, a common DDR strategy and work plan should be developed on the basis of joint assessments and evaluation. This should establish a set of operational objectives, activities and expected results that all UN entities involved in DDR will use as the basis for their programming and implemen- tation activities. A common resource mobilization strategy involving all participating UN entities should be established within the integrated DDR framework in order to prevent duplication, and ensure coordination with donors and national authorities, and coherent and efficient planning."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"This section discusses integrated DDR planning in the context of planning for integrated UN peace operations, as well as broader peace-building efforts. These processes are currently under review by the UN system. While references are made to the existing integrated mission planning process (IMPP), the various steps that make up the process of integrated DDR planning (from the start of the crisis to the Security Council mandate) apply to whatever planning process the UN system eventually decides upon to guide its mission planning and peace-building support process. Where possible (and before the establishment of the Peace-building Support Office and the review of the IMPP), specific DDR planning issues are linked to the main phases or stages of mission and UN country team planning, to lay the foundations for integrated DDR planning in the UN system.At the moment, the planning cycle for integrated peace support missions is centred on the interdepartmental mission task force (IMTF) that is established for each mission. This forum includes representatives from all UN departments, agencies, funds and programmes. The IMTF provides an important link between the activities taking place on the ground and the planning cycle at Headquarters.Because planning time-frames will differ from mission to mission, it is not possible to say how long each phase will take. What is important is the sequence of planning stages, as well as how they correspond to the main stages of transitions from conflict to peace and sustainable development. The diagram below illustrates this:"},{"ID":6,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts","Heading2":"5.1. Phase I: Pre-planning and preparatory assistance","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"During the pre-planning phase of the UN\u2019s involvement in a post-conflict peacekeeping or peace-building context, the identification of an appropriate role for the UN in supporting DDR efforts should be based on timely assessments and analyses of the situation and its requirements. The early identification of potential entry points and strategic options for UN support is essential to ensuring the UN\u2019s capacity to respond efficiently and effectively. Integrated preparatory activities and pre-mission planning are vital to the delivery of that capacity. While there is no section\/unit at UN Headquarters with the specific role of coordinating integrated DDR planning at present, many of the following DDR pre-planning tasks can and should be coordinated by the lead planning depart- ment and key operational agencies of the UN country team. Activities that should be included in a preparatory assistance or pre- planning framework include:"},{"ID":7,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts","Heading2":"5.2. Phase II: Initial technical assessment and concept of operations","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"During the pre-planning phase of the UN\u2019s involvement in a post-conflict peacekeeping or peace-building context, the identification of an appropriate role for the UN in supporting DDR efforts should be based on timely assessments and analyses of the situation and its requirements. The early identification of potential entry points and strategic options for UN support is essential to ensuring the UN\u2019s capacity to respond efficiently and effectively. Integrated preparatory activities and pre-mission planning are vital to the delivery of that capacity. While there is no section\/unit at UN Headquarters with the specific role of coordinating integrated DDR planning at present, many of the following DDR pre-planning tasks can and should be coordinated by the lead planning department and key operational agencies of the UN country team. Activities that should be included in a preparatory assistance or pre- planning framework include: \\n the development of an initial set of strategic options for or assessments of DDR, and the potential role of the UN in supporting DDR; \\n the provision of DDR technical advice to special envoys, Special Representatives of the Secretary-General or country-level UN staff within the context of peace negotiations or UN mediation; \\n the secondment of DDR specialists or hiring of private DDR consultants (sometimes funded by interested Member States) to assist during the peace process and provide strategic and policy advice to the UN and relevant national parties at country level for planning purposes; \\n the assignment of a UN country team to carry out exploratory DDR assessments and surveys as early as possible. These surveys and assessments include: conflict assess- ment; combatant needs assessments; the identification of reintegration opportunities; and labour and goods markets assessments; \\n assessing the in-country DDR planning and delivery capacity to support any DDR programme that might be set up (both UN and national institutional capacities); \\n contacting key donors and other international stakeholders on DDR issues with the aim of defining priorities and methods for information sharing and collaboration; \\n the early identification of potential key DDR personnel for the integrated DDR unit.Once the UN Security Council has requested the UN Secretary-General to present options for possible further UN involvement in supporting peacekeeping and peace-building in a particular country, planning enters a second stage, focusing on an initial technical assess- ment of the UN role and the preparation of a concept of operations for submission to the Security Council.In most cases, this process will be initiated through a multidimensional technical assess- ment mission fielded by the Secretary-General to develop the UN strategy in a conflict area. In this context, DDR is only one of several components such as political affairs, elections, public information, humanitarian assistance, military, security, civilian police, human rights, rule of law, gender equality, child protection, food security, HIV\/AIDS and other health matters, cross-border issues, reconstruction, governance, finance and logistic support.These multidisciplinary technical assessment missions shall integrate inputs from all relevant UN entities (in particular the UN country team), resulting in a joint UN concept of operations. Initial assessments by country-level agencies, together with pre-existing efforts or initiatives, should be used to provide information on which to base the technical assessment for DDR, which itself should be closely linked with other inter-agency processes established to assess immediate post-conflict needs.A well-prepared and well-conducted technical assessment should focus on: \\n the conditions and requirements for DDR; its relation to a peace agreement; \\n an assessment of national capacities; \\n the identification of options for UN support, including strategic objectives and the UN\u2019s operational role; \\n the role of DDR within the broader UN peace-building and mission strategy; \\n the role of UN support in relation to that of other national and international stakeholders.This initial technical assessment should be used as a basis for a more in-depth assessment required for programme design (also see IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design). The results of this assessment should provide inputs to the Secretary-General\u2019s report and any Security Council resolutions and mission mandates that follow (see Annex B for a reference guide on conducting a DDR assessment mission)."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts","Heading2":"5.2. Phase II: Initial technical assessment and concept of operations","Heading3":"5.2.1. Report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"The key output of the planning process at this stage should be a recommendation as to whether DDR is the appropriate response for the conflict at hand and whether the UN is well suited to provide support for the DDR programme in the country concerned. This is contained in a report by the Secretary-General to the Security Council, which includes the findings of the technical assessment mission."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts","Heading2":"5.2. Phase II: Initial technical assessment and concept of operations","Heading3":"5.2.2. Mission mandate on DDR","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"The report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council sometimes contains proposals for the mandate for peace operation. The following points should be considered when pro- viding inputs to the DDR mandate: \\n It shall be consistent with the UN approach to DDR; \\n While it is important to stress the national aspect of the DDR programme, it is also necessary to recognize the immediate need to provide capacity-building support to increase or bring about national ownership, and to recognize the political difficulties that may complicate national ownership in a transitional situation.Time-lines for planning and implementation should be realistic. The Security Council, when it establishes a multidimensional UN mission, may assign DDR responsibilities to the UN. This mandate can be either to directly support the national DDR authorities or to implement aspects of the DDR programme, especially when national capacities are lim- ited. What is important to note is that the nature of a DDR mandate, if one is given, may differ from the recommended concept of operations, for political and other reasons."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts","Heading2":"5.3. Phase III: Development of a strategic and policy framework (strategic planning)","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"The inclusion of DDR as a component of the overall UN integrated mission and peace-building support strategy will require the development of initial strategic objectives for the DDR programme to guide further planning and programme development. DDR practitioners shall be required to identify four key elements to create this framework: \\n the overall strategic objectives of UN engagement in DDR in relation to national pri- orities (see Annex C for an example of how DDR aims may be developed); \\n the key DDR tasks of the UN (see Annex C for related DDR tasks that originate from the strategic objectives); \\n an initial organizational and institutional framework (see IDDRS 3.42 on Personnel and Staffing for the establishment of the integrated DDR unit and IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR); \\n the identification of other national and international stakeholders on DDR and the areas of engagement of each.The policy and strategy framework for UN support for DDR should ideally be developed after the establishment of the mission, and at the same time as its actual deployment. Several key issues should be kept in mind in developing such a framework: \\n To ensure that this framework adequately reflects country realities and needs with respect to DDR, its development should be a joint effort of mission planners (whether Headquarters- or country-based), DDR staff already deployed and the UN country team; \\n Development of the framework should also involve consultations with relevant national counterparts, to ensure that UN engagement is consistent with national planning and frameworks; \\n The framework should be harmonized \u2014 and integrated \u2014 with other UN and national planning frameworks, notably Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) results-based budgeting frameworks, UN work plans and transitional appeals, and post-conflict needs assessment processes."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts","Heading2":"5.4. Phase IV: Development of a programme and operational framework","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"After establishing a strategic objectives and policy framework for UN support for DDR, the UN should start developing a detailed programmatic and operational framework. Refer to IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design for the programme design process and tools to assist in the development of a DDR operational plan.The objective of developing a DDR programme and implementation plan is to provide further details on the activities and operational requirements necessary to achieve DDR goals and the strategy identified in the initial planning for DDR. In the context of integrated DDR approaches, DDR programmes also provide a common framework for the implemen- tation and management of joint activities among actors in the UN system.In general, the programme design cycle should consist of three main phases: \\n Detailed field assessments: A detailed field assessment builds on the initial technical assess- ment described earlier, and is intended to provide a basis for developing the full DDR programme, as well as the implementation and operational plan. The main issues that should be dealt with in a detailed assessment include: \\n\\n the political, social and economic context and background of the armed conflict; \\n\\n the causes, dynamics and consequences of the armed conflict; \\n\\n the identification of participants, potential partners and others involved; \\n\\n the distribution, availability and proliferation of weapons (primarily small arms and light weapons); \\n\\n the institutional capacities of national stakeholders in areas related to DDR; \\n\\n a survey of socio-economic conditions and the capacity of local communities to absorb ex-combatants and their dependants; \\n\\n preconditions and other factors influencing prospects for DDR; \\n\\n baseline data and performance indicators for programme design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; \\n Detailed programme development and costing of requirements: A DDR \u2018programme\u2019 is a framework that provides an agreed-upon blueprint (i.e., detailed plan) for how DDR will be put into operation in a given context. It also provides the basis for developing operational or implementation plans that provide time-bound information on how individual DDR tasks and activities will be carried out and who will be responsible for doing this. Designing a comprehensive DDR programme is a time- and labour-intensive process that usually takes place after a peacekeeping mission has been authorized and deployment in the field has started. In most cases, the design of a comprehensive UN programme on DDR should be integrated with the design of the national DDR programme and architecture, and linked to the design of programmes in other related sectors as part of the overall transition and recovery plan; \\n Development of an implementation plan: Once a programme has been developed, planning instruments should be developed that will aid practitioners (UN, non-UN and national government) to implement the activities and strategies that have been planned. Depen- ding on the scale and scope of a DDR programme, an implementation or operations plan usually consists of four main elements: implementation methods; time-frame; a detailed work plan; and management arrangements."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts","Heading2":"5.5. Phase V: Continuation and transition planning","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"A DDR strategy and plan should remain flexible so as to be able to deal with changing circumstances and demands at the country level, and should possess a capacity to adapt in order to deal with shortcomings and new opportunities. Continuation planning involves a process of periodic reviews, monitoring and real-time evaluations to measure performance and impact during implementation of the DDR programme, as well as revisions to programmatic and operational plans to make adjustments to the actual implementation process. A DDR programme does not end with the exit of the peacekeeping mission. While security may be restored, the broader task of linking the DDR programme to overall development, i.e., the sustainable reintegration of ex-com- batants and long-term stability, remains. It is therefore essential that the departure of the peacekeeping mission is planned with the UN country team as early as possible to ensure that capacities are sufficiently built up in the country team for it to assume the full financial, logistic and human resources responsibilities for the continuation of the longer-term aspects of the DDR programme. A second essential requirement is the building of national capacities to assume full responsibility for the DDR programme, which should begin from the start of the DDR programme."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"The objective of an integrated UN approach to DDR in the context of peace operations is to combine the different experiences, competencies and resources of UN funds, programmes, departments and agencies within a common approach and framework for planning and developing DDR programming, and to ensure a consistent and decentralized approach to implementation.Achieving the above objective requires sound mission planning involving all relevant UN agencies, departments, funds and programmes at both the Headquarters and field levels. The planning of integrated DDR programmes should be coordinated closely with the broader integrated mission planning and design process, and, ideally, should start before the mandate for the mission is adopted.Within this framework, the following Headquarters- and country-level institutional requirements are needed to ensure an overall integrated approach to developing, implemen- ting and evaluating DDR programming in the country in which is has been implemented."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning","Heading2":"6.1. Planning structures: Headquarters","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"The establishment of an interdepartmental mission task force (IMTF) provides a framework within which various UN entities should contribute to the coordination and planning of peace operations, and ensures that institutional and field-level capacities and resources work closely and effectively together to achieve the objectives of a particular mission.An IMTF subgroup on DDR should be established within this framework to ensure an integrated approach to pre-deployment planning at the Headquarters level (i.e., before a field presence has been established). The key planning functions to be covered by the IMTF DDR subgroup should include the design and planning of integrated staffing struc- tures (as far as possible); agreement on common lines of authority for DDR planning, operations and implementation; institutional division of responsibilities; integrated task management organization; the drawing up of an overall budget; and the inclusion of best practices learned from earlier missions. In the pre-deployment phase, the IMTF subgroups should also act as the institutional focal points and links between Headquarters and field operations."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning","Heading2":"6.2. Field DDR planning structures and processes","Heading3":"6.2.1. UN country team DDR task force","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"To ensure effective and sustainable involvement of the UN country team in integrated DDR programming, a UN country team DDR task force (headed by the DSRSG) and technical working group should be established to manage and supervise the integrated approach, including providing the resources and staff that have been agreed upon, being involved in key strategic decisions, and ensuring adequate liaison with Headquarters-level bodies and processes. Individual members of the UN country team shall be responsible for ensuring that their respective agencies, funds or programmes fulfil the responsibilities and carry out the roles defined in the integrated DDR strategy."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning","Heading2":"6.2. Field DDR planning structures and processes","Heading3":"6.2.2. Mission DDR steering group","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Given the involvement of the different components of the mission in DDR or DDR-related activities, a DDR steering group should also be established within the peacekeeping mission to ensure the exchange of information, joint planning and joint operations. The DSRSG should chair such a steering group. The steering group should include, at the very least, the DSRSG (political\/rule of law), force commander, police commissioner, chief of civil affairs, chief of political affairs, chief of public information, chief of administration and chief of the DDR unit.Given the central role played by the UN country team and Resident Coordinator in coordinating UN activities in the field both before and after peace operations, as well as its continued role after peace operations have come to an end, the UN country team should retain strategic oversight of and responsibility, together with the mission, for putting the integrated DDR approach into operation at the field level."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning","Heading2":"6.2. Field DDR planning structures and processes","Heading3":"6.2.3. Integrated UN DDR unit","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"An integrated DDR unit should be established within the peacekeeping mission in order to ensure that planning and implementation of the DDR strategy and programmes is com- prehensive and coordinated, and includes all the necessary elements, within the missionand among partners in the field (see Annex C and IDDRS 3.42 on Personnel and Staffing).Given the important differences among the administrative and financial procedures of different UN Agencies, Departments, Funds and Programmes, as well as their various implementation methods, it is not possible to achieve complete operational\/administrative integration. Instead, the goal should be complete integration at the planning level and in the methods of the various entities involved in the mission to ensure efficient and timely coordination of operations within this framework.An integrated and centralized mechanism for reporting on DDR programme results should be established to compile, consolidate and distribute information and monitor results from the activities of all the UN entities involved."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning","Heading2":"6.2. Field DDR planning structures and processes","Heading3":"6.2.4. Integrated planning, programming and management","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"To ensure an integrated approach to DDR programme development and management, all UN entities should participate in and contribute to the various processes involved, in parti- cular, conducting comprehensive technical assessments, the design of a programme strategy, the identification of key outputs and results and the development of integrated management arrangements. Participation in these processes is essential to the identification of how each UN entity can best contribute, according to its particular expertise, to both the integrated DDR strategy and the precise methods for ensuring the best possible coordination and a joint overall approach."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning","Heading2":"6.2. Field DDR planning structures and processes","Heading3":"6.2.5. Joint operations and implementation","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"A joint \u2014 as opposed to fully integrated \u2014 approach to DDR operations and implementa- tion should be adopted among all participating UN entities, involving close coordination using a common operational work plan. To maximize coordination, overall authority for coordination and supervision of implementation should be delegated to those UN staff integrated into the DDR programme management structure, while the programme should be implemented by the appropriate agency staff."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"This annex provides a guide to the preparation and carrying out of a DDR assessment mission."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Preparation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"In order to ensure that the maximum amount of information is gathered from meetings in the mission area, a great deal of preparatory work should be done before starting the assess- ment mission."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Preparation","Heading3":"Background information","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"This will include developing a good understanding of the following: \\n the UN approach to DDR issues; \\n an overview of the regional conflict map; neighbouring States\u2019 political, commercial and security interests, etc.; \\n the country situation, including the number and availability of small arms and light weapons;1 \\n existing work being performed by the UN country team and other partners, such as the World Bank and non-governmental organizations (NGOs); \\n existing provisions for DDR within current security arrangements or peace agreements signed between parties to the conflict; \\n the experience of previous DDR operations (if any) and the role of regional organiza- tions and interested Member States."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Preparation","Heading3":"Meetings","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Staff members on a DDR assessment visit should plan to meet with representatives from: \\n the parties to the conflict at the political and military levels; \\n members of the government; \\n civil society (such as political parties, church groups, women\u2019s organizations, local NGOs, etc.); \\n regional mediators or regional organizations, including monitoring bodies; \n interested Member States supporting the peace process; \\n members of the UN country team and international organizations; \\n major international NGOs."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Conduct of the DDR assessment mission","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"The aim of the assessment mission is to develop an in-depth understanding of the key DDR-related areas, in order to ensure efficient, effective and timely planning and resource mobilization for the DDR programme. The DDR staff member(s) of a DDR assessment mission should develop a good understanding of the following areas: \\n the legal framework for the DDR programme, i.e., the peace agreement; \\n specifically designated groups that will participate in the DDR programme; \\n the DDR planning and implementation context; \\n international, regional and national implementing partners; \\n methods for implementing the different phases of the DDR programme; \\n a public information strategy for distributing information about the DDR programme; \\n military\/police- and security-related DDR tasks; \\n administrative and logistic support requirements."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Legal framework","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"In most post-conflict situations, a peace agreement provides the legal framework for the implementation of a DDR programme. Many of the terms and conditions of the DDR pro- gramme should be specified in the peace agreement: who is to be disarmed; by whom; the time schedule for disarmament; the nature of the programme (disengagement, cantonment, type of reintegration assistance); and institutional arrangements (national and international) to guide and implement the programme.The assessment mission should decide whether the agreed terms and conditions con- tained in the legal framework are sufficient or realistic enough to allow successful imple- mentation of the DDR programme. If an assessment mission is carried out before any legal framework has been established, efforts should be made to ensure that there is clarity and agreement on the key DDR issues. Much of the required information may not be contained within the peace agreement. Therefore, the joint assessment mission is an important tool to gather more information in order to structure a UN approach to support the mission DDR programme."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"A key aspect of the assessment mission is to understand the opportunities and problems posed by the unique political\/diplomatic, military and socio-economic context in the post- conflict society, and assess their implications for the planning and implementation of the DDR programme."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Political and diplomatic factors","Heading4":"Political will","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"A genuine commitment of the parties to the process is vital to the success of DDR. Commit- ment on the part of the former warring parties, as well as the government and the community at large, is essential to ensure that there is national ownership of the DDR programme. Often, the fact that parties have signed a peace agreement indicating their willingness to be dis- armed may not always represent actual intent (at all levels of the armed forces and groups) to do so. A thorough understanding of the (potentially different) levels of commitment to the DDR process will be important in determining the methods by which the international community may apply pressure or offer incentives to encourage cooperation. Different incentive (and disincentive) structures are required for senior-, middle- and lower-level members of an armed force or group. It is also important that political and military com- manders (senior- and middle-level) have sufficient command and control over their rank and file to ensure compliance with DDR provisions agreed to and included in the peace agreement."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Political and diplomatic factors","Heading4":"Inclusive national framework","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"An inclusive national framework to provide the political and policy guidance for the national DDR programme is central to two guiding principles of a successful programme: national ownership and inclusiveness. Past DDR programmes have been less successful when carried out entirely by the regional or international actors without the same level of local involve- ment to move the process forward. However, even when there is national involvement in the DDR programme, it is important to ensure that the framework for DDR brings together a broad spectrum of society to include the former warring parties, government, civil society (including children\u2019s and women\u2019s advocacy groups) and the private sector, as well as regional and international guarantors of the peace process.An inclusive national framework to provide the political and policy guidance for the national DDR programme is central to two guiding principles of a successful programme: national ownership and inclusiveness. Past DDR programmes have been less successful when carried out entirely by the regional or international actors without the same level of local involve- ment to move the process forward. However, even when there is national involvement in the DDR programme, it is important to ensure that the framework for DDR brings together a broad spectrum of society to include the former warring parties, government, civil society (including children\u2019s and women\u2019s advocacy groups) and the private sector, as well as regional and international guarantors of the peace process."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Political and diplomatic factors","Heading4":"Transition problems and mediation mechanisms","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Post-conflict political transition processes generally experience many difficulties. Problems in any one area of the transition process can have serious implications on the DDR programme.2 A good understanding of these links and potential problems should allow planners to take the required preventive action to keep the DDR process on track, as well as provide a realistic assessment of the future progress of the DDR programme. This assessment may mean that the start of any DDR activities may have to be delayed until issues that may prevent the full commitment of all the parties involved in the DDR programme have been sorted out. For this reason, mechanisms must be established in the peace agreement to mediate the inevitable differences that will arise among the parties, in order to prevent them from under- mining or holding up the planning and implementation of the DDR programme."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Political and diplomatic factors","Heading4":"Third-party support","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Third-party political, diplomatic and financial support is often one such mediation mechanism that can reduce some of the tensions of post-conflict political transitions. Third-party actors, either influential Member States, or regional or international organizations can also focus their attention on the broader aspects of the DDR programme, such as the regional dimen- sion of the conflict, cross-border trafficking of small arms, foreign combatants and displaced civilians, as well as questions of arms embargoes and moratoriums on the transfer of arms, or other sanctions."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Security factors","Heading4":"The security situation","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"A good understanding of the overall security situation in the country where DDR will take place is essential. Conditions and commitment often vary greatly between the capital and the regions, as well as among regions. This will influence the approach to DDR. The exist- ing security situation is one indicator of how soon and where DDR can start, and should be assessed for all stages of the DDR programme. A situation where combatants can be disarmed and demobilized, but their safety when they return to their areas of reintegration cannot be guaranteed will also be problematic.The capacity of local authorities to provide security for commanders and disarmed com- batants to carry out voluntary or coercive disarmament must be carefully assessed. A lack of national capacity in these two areas will seriously affect the resources needed by the peacekeeping force. UN military, civilian police and support capacities may be required to perform this function in the early phase of the peacekeeping mission, while simultaneously developing national capacities to eventually take over from the peacekeeping mission. If this security function is provided by a non-UN multinational force (e.g., an African Union or NATO force), the structure and processes for joint planning and operations must be assessed to ensure that such a force and the peacekeeping mission cooperate and coordinate effec- tively to implement (or support the implementation of) a coherent DDR programme."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Security factors","Heading4":"Building confidence","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Ceasefires, disengagement and voluntary disarmament of forces are important confidence- building measures, which, when carried out by the parties, can have a positive effect on the DDR and wider recovery programme. The international community should, wherever possible, support these initiatives. Also, mechanisms should be put in place to investigate violations of ceasefires, etc., in a transparent manner."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Socio-economic factors","Heading4":"Overall socio-economic conditions","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"The post-conflict socio-economic condition of the country is a major factor in determining the kind of DDR programme that should be implemented. The level of unemployment, the state of the (formal and informal) economy and the agricultural sector (i.e., access to land, rights and the ability of the country to feed itself), the condition of the country\u2019s infra- structure, and the capacity of state institutions to deliver basic services, combined with the length of the conflict, are all factors that should be taken into account when considering the specifics of any demobilization (length and types of programme) and socio-economic (reconciliation, justice issues and types of economic assistance) reintegration programme."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Socio-economic factors","Heading4":"Local participation","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"The role of the receiving communities is central to the successful reintegration of ex-com- batants. Therefore, close consultation must take place with all levels of the local community about the possible implications of the DDR programme for these communities, and the type of support (economic, reconciliation, etc.) required to reintegrate ex-combatants. This issue of returning ex-combatants to the communities must be assessed together with the overall impact of all the groups of people who will return, including internally displaced persons and refugees."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Socio-economic factors","Heading4":"A development approach","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"DDR programmes can succeed only if there is a strong link with a national recovery pro- gramme, which provides not only for political and economic development, but also for a restructuring and reform of the State\u2019s security sector and the fostering of national reconcili- ation. An assessment should ascertain if these factors are being considered and who will be supporting this aspect of post-conflict peace-building."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Socio-economic factors","Heading4":"Weapons control framework","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"The weapons control framework is another key element that affects a DDR programme. Constitutional and legislative guarantees for weapons ownership, the import\/export of small arms, and the regulation of the national gun industry and private security firms must be considered in terms of how they support or limit the effective implementation of a DDR programme. Equally important are the national administrative infrastructure and enforcement capacity to implement the weapons control framework."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Socio-economic factors","Heading4":"Arms embargoes","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"The assessment mission should examine the illicit supply of small arms and light weapons coming into the post-conflict zone. This is often caused by porous borders and weak border- policing capacities. Arms embargoes should be considered as one tool available to deal with illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons, thus supporting both DDR and the wider national recovery programme."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Socio-economic factors","Heading4":"Defining specific groups for DDR","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"The character, size, composition and location of the groups specifically identified for DDR are among the required details that are often not included the legal framework, but which are essential to the development and implementation of a DDR programme. In consultation with the parties and other implementing partners on the ground, the assessment mission should develop a detailed picture of: \\n WHO will be disarmed, demobilized and reintegrated; \\n WHAT weapons are to be collected, destroyed and disposed of; \\n WHERE in the country the identified groups are situated, and where those being dis- armed and demobilized will be resettled or repatriated to; \\n WHEN DDR will (or can) take place, and in what sequence for which identified groups, including the priority of action for the different identified groups.It is often difficult to get this information from the former warring parties. Therefore, the UN should find other, independent sources, such as Member States or local or regional agencies, in order to acquire information. Community-based organizations are a particularly useful source of information on armed groups.Potential targets for disarmament include government armed forces, opposition armed groups, civil defence forces, irregular armed groups and armed individuals. These generally include: \\n male and female combatants, and those associated with the fighting groups, such as those performing support roles (voluntarily or because they have been forced to) or who have been abducted; \\n child (boys and girls) soldiers, and those associated with the armed forces and groups; \\n foreign combatants; \\n dependants of combatants.The end product of this part of the assessment of the armed forces and groups should be a detailed listing of the key features of the armed forces\/groups."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Socio-economic factors","Heading4":"DRR planning and implementation partners","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"The assessment mission should document the relative capacities of the various potential DDR partners (UN family; other international, regional and national actors) in the mission area that can play a role in implementing (or supporting the implementation of) the DDR programme.UN funds, agencies and programmes \\n UN agencies can perform certain functions needed for DDR. The resources available to the UN agencies in the country in question should be assessed and reflected in discussions at Headquarters level amongst the agencies concerned. The United Nations Development Programme may already be running a DDR programme in the mission area. This, along with support from other members of the DDR inter-agency forum, will provide the basis for the integrated DDR unit and the expansion of the DDR operation into the peacekeeping mission, if required.International and regional organizations \\n Other international organizations, such as the World Bank, and other regional actors may be involved in DDR before the arrival of the peacekeeping mission. Their role should also be taken into account in the overall planning and implementation of the DDR programme.Non-governmental organizations \\n NGOs are usually the major implementing partners of specific DDR activities as part of the overall programme. The various NGOs contain a wide range of expertise, from child protection and gender issues to small arms, they tend to have a more intimate awareness of local culture and are an integral partner in a DDR programme of a peacekeeping mission. The assessment mission should identify the major NGOs that can work with the UN and the government, and should involve them in the planning process at the earliest opportunity."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Socio-economic factors","Heading4":"Support requirements","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Following a review of the extent and nature of the problem and an assessment of the relative capacities of other partners, the assessment mission should determine the DDR support (finance, staffing and logistics) requirements, both in the pre-mandate and establishment phases of the peacekeeping mission.Finance \\n The amount of money required for the overall DDR programme should be estimated, including what portions are required from the assessed budget and what is to come from voluntary contributions. In the pre-mandate period, the potential of quick-impact projects that can be used to stabilize ex-combatant groups or communities before the formal start of the DDR should be examined. Finance and budgeting processes are detailed in IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting.Staffing \\n The civilian staff, civilian police and military staff requirements for the planning and imple- mentation of the DDR programme should be estimated, and a deployment sequence for these staff should be drawn up. The integrated DDR unit should contain personnel represent- ing mission components directly related to DDR operations: military; police; logistic support; public information; etc. (integrated DDR personnel and staffing matters are discussed in IDDRS 3.42 on Personnel and Staffing). \\n The material requirements for DDR should also be estimated, in particular weapons storage facilities, destruction machines and disposal equipment, as well as requirements for the demobilization phase of the operation, including transportation (air and land). Mission and programme support logistics matters are discussed in IDDRS 3.40 on Mission and Pro- gramme Support for DDR."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission","Heading2":"Assessing the planning and implementation context","Heading3":"Socio-economic factors","Heading4":"The structure and content of the joint assessment repor","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"The assessment mission report should be submitted in the following format (Section II on the approach of the UN forms the input into the Secretary-General\u2019s report to the Security Council): \\n\\n Preface \\n Maps \\n Introduction \\n Background \\n Summary of the report \\n\\n Section I: Situation \\n Armed forces and groups \\n Political context \\n Socio-economic context \\n Security context \\n Legal context \\n Lessons learned from previous DDR operations in the region, the country and elsewhere (as relevant) \\n Implications and scenarios for DDR programme \\n Key guiding principles for DDR operations \\n Existing DDR programme in country \\n\\n Section II: The UN approach \\n DDR strategy and priorities \\n Support for national processes and institutions \\n Approach to disarmament \\n Approach to demobilization \\n Approach to socio-economic reintegration \\n Approach to children, women and disabled people in the DDR programme \\n Approach to public information \\n Approach to weapons control regimes (internal and external) \\n Approach to funding of the DDR programme \\n Role of the international community \\n\\n Section III: Support requirements \\n Budget \\n Staffing \\n Logistics \\n\\n Suggested annexes \\n Relevant Security Council resolution authorizing the assessment mission \\n Terms of reference of the multidisciplinary assessment mission \\n List of meetings conducted \\n Summary of armed forces and groups \\n Additional information on weapons flows in the region \\n Information on existing disarmament and reintegration activities \\n Lessons learned and evaluations of past disarmament and demobilization programmes \\n Proposed budget, staffing structure and logistic requirements"},{"ID":42,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex C: Developing the DDR strategic objectives and policy frameworks","Heading2":"An example of DDR strategic objectives","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"The UN DDR strategic framework consists of three interrelated strategic policy objectives, and supports the overall UN aim of a stable and peaceful country x, and the accompanying DDR tasks."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex C: Developing the DDR strategic objectives and policy frameworks","Heading2":"An example of DDR strategic objectives","Heading3":"DDR strategic objective #1","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"A detailed, realistic and achievable DDR implementation annex in the comprehensive peace agreement. \\n Key tasks \\n\\n The UN should assist in achieving this aim by providing technical support to the parties at the peace talks to support the development of: \\n 1. Clear and sound DDR approaches for the different identified groups, with a focus on social and economic reintegration; \\n 2. An equal emphasis on vulnerable identified groups (children, women and disabled people) in or associated with the armed forces and \\n groups; \\n 3. A detailed description of the disposition and deployment of armed forces and groups (local and foreign) to be included in the DDR programme; \\n 4. A realistic time-line for the commencement and duration of the DDR programme; \\n 5. Unified national political, policy and operational mechanisms to support the implementation of the DDR programme; \\n 6. A clear division of labour among parties (government and party x) and other implementing partners (DPKO [civilian, military]; UN agencies, funds and programmes; international financial organizations [World Bank]; and local and international NGOs)."},{"ID":44,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex C: Developing the DDR strategic objectives and policy frameworks","Heading2":"An example of DDR strategic objectives","Heading3":"DDR strategic objective #2","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"A well-resourced, joint strategic and operational plan for the implementation of DDR in country x. \\n Key tasks \\n\\n The UN should assist in achieving this aim by providing planning capacities and physical resources to: \\n 1. Establish all-inclusive joint planning mechanisms; \\n 2. Develop a time-phased concept of the DDR operations; \\n 3. Establish division of labour for key DDR tasks; \\n 4. Estimate the broad resource requirements; \\n 5. Start securing voluntary contributions; \\n 6. Start the procurement of DDR items with long lead times; \\n 7. Start the phased recruitment of personnel required from DPKO and other UN agencies; \\n 8. Raise a military component from the armed forces of Member States for DDR activities; \\n 9. Establish an effective public information campaign; \\n 10. Establish programmatic links between the DDR operation and other areas of the mission\u2019s work: security sector reform; recovery and reconstruction; etc.; \\n 11. Support the implementation of the established DDR strategy\/plan."},{"ID":45,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Annex C: Developing the DDR strategic objectives and policy frameworks","Heading2":"An example of DDR strategic objectives","Heading3":"DDR strategic objective #3","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"A national weapons management programme and a regional strategy to stop the flow of small arms and light weapons into country x. \\n Key tasks \\n\\n To ensure a comprehensive approach to disarmament, the UN should also focus on the supply side of the weapons issue. In this regard, the UN can provide technical, political (good offices) and diplomatic support to: \\n assist the parties to establish and implement necessary weapons management legislation; \\n support country x\u2019s capacity to implement the UN \\n Programme of Action to Prevent, Com\u00ad bat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects in 2001 (A\/Conf.192\/15); \\n support regional initiatives to control the flow of illicit small arms and light weapons in the region."},{"ID":46,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"\\n 1 A good source for this information is the relevant Small Arms Survey report; see http:\/\/www.small- \\n 2 In Liberia, the dispute over the allocation of ministerial positions resulted in the walkout of junior members of the three factions in the first meeting of the National Commission on Disarmament, Demobilization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration in 2003, while uncertainty and disagreement over elections delayed the start of the DDR programme in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire."},{"ID":47,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","Heading1":"TESTSummary","Heading2":"TESTSummary","Heading3":"TESTSummary","Heading4":"TESTSummary","Module":"3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures","PageNum":900,"Paragraph":"TEST various stages of DDR, and the fact that its phases are interdependent"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.20 DDR Programme Design.json b/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.20 DDR Programme Design.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7b115d --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.20 DDR Programme Design.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Each programme design cycle, including the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programme design cycle, has three stages: (1) detailed field assessments; (2) detailed programme development and costing of requirements; and (3) development of an implemen\u00ad tation plan. Throughout the programme design cycle, it is of the utmost importance to use a flexible approach. While experiencing each stage of the cycle and moving from one stage to the other, it is important to ensure coordination among all the participants and stakeholders involved, especially national stakeholders. A framework that would probably work for integrated DDR programme design is the post\u00adconflict needs assessment (PCNA), which ensures consistency between United Nations (UN) and national objectives, while consider\u00ad ing differing approaches to DDR.Before the detailed programme design cycle can even begin, a comprehensive field needs assessment should be carried out, focusing on areas such as the country\u2019s social, economic and political context; possible participants, beneficiaries and partners in the DDR programme; the operational environment; and key priority objectives. This assessment helps to establish important aspects such as positive or negative factors that can affect the outcome of the DDR programme, baseline factors for programme design and identification of institutional capacities for carrying out DDR.During the second stage of the cycle, key considerations include identifying DDR participants and beneficiaries, as well as performance indicators, such as reintegration oppor\u00ad tunities, the security situation, size and organization of the armed forces and groups, socio\u00adeconomic baselines, the availability and distribution of weapons, etc. Also, methodolo\u00ad gies for data collection together with analysis of assessment results (quantitative, qualitative, mass surveys, etc.) need to be decided.When developing DDR programme documents, the central content should be informed by strategic objectives and outcomes, key principles of intervention, preconditions and, most importantly, a strategic vision and approach. For example, in determining an overall strategic approach to DDR, the following questions should be asked: (1) How will multiple components of DDR programme design reflect the realities and needs of the situation? (2) How will eligibility criteria for entry in the DDR programme be determined? (3) How will DDR activities be organized into phases and in what order will they take place within the recom\u00ad mended programme time\u00adframe? (4) Which key issues are vital to the implementation of the programme? Defining the overall approach to DDR defines how the DDR programme will, ultimately, be put into operation.When developing the results and budgeting framework, an important consideration should be ensuring that the programme that is designed complies with the peacekeeping results\u00adbased budgeting framework, and establishing a sequence of stages for the implemen\u00ad tation of the programme.The final stage of the DDR programme design cycle should include developing planning instruments to aid practitioners (UN, non\u00adUN and government) to implement the activities and strategies that have been planned. When formulating the sequence of stages for the implementation of the programme, particular attention should be paid to coordinated management arrangements, a detailed work plan, timing and methods of implementation."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"This module provides guidance on how to develop a DDR programme. It is therefore the fourth stage of the overall DDR planning cycle, following the assessment of DDR require\u00ad ments (which forms the basis for the DDR mandate) and the development of a strategic and policy framework for UN support to DDR (which covers key objectives, activities, basic insti\u00ad tutional\/operational requirements, and links with the joint assessment mission (JAM) and other processes; also see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures).This module does not deal with the actual content of DDR processes (which is covered in IDDRS Levels 4 and 5), but rather describes the methods, procedures and steps neces\u00ad sary for the development of a programme strategy, results framework and operational plan. Assessments are essential to the success or failure of a programme, and not a mere formality."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of inte\u00ad grated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the word \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d"},{"ID":3,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"In the past, the quality, consistency and effectiveness of UN support for DDR has sufferred as a result of a number of problems, including a narrowly defined \u2018operational\/logistic\u2019 approach, inadequate attention to the national and local context, and poor coordination between UN actors and other partners in the delivery of DDR support services.The IDDRS are intended to solve most of these problems. The application of an inte\u00ad grated approach to DDR should go beyond integrated or joint planning and organizational arrangements, and should be supported by an integrated programme and implementation framework for DDR.In order to do this, the inputs of various agencies need to be defined, organized and placed in sequence within a framework of objectives, results and outputs that together establish how the UN will support each DDR process. The need for an all\u00adinclusive pro\u00adgramme and implementation framework is emphasized by the lengthy time\u00adframe of DDR (which in some cases can go beyond the lifespan of a UN peacekeeping mission, necessitating close cooperation with the UN country team), the multisectoral nature of interventions, the range of sub\u00adprocesses and stakeholders, and the need to ensure close coordination with national and other DDR\u00adrelated efforts."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"4. The programme design cycle","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"DDR programme and implementation plans are developed so as to provide further details on the activities and operational requirements necessary to achieve DDR goals and carry out the strategy identified in the initial planning of DDR. In the context of integrated DDR approaches, DDR programmes also provide a common framework for the implementation and management of joint activities among actors in the UN system.In general, the programme design cycle consists of three main stages: \\n I: Conducting a detailed field assessment; \\n II: Preparing the programme document and budget; \\n III: Developing an implementation plan.Given that the support provided by the UN for DDR forms one part of a larger multi\u00ad stakeholder process, the development of a UN programme and implementation framework should be carried out with national and other counterparts, and, as far as possible, should be combined with the development of a national DDR programme.There are several frameworks that can be used to coordinate programme develop\u00adment efforts. One of the most appropriate frameworks is the post\u00adconflict needs assess\u00adment (PCNA) process, which attempts to define the overall objectives, strategies and activi\u00adties for a number of different interventions in different sectors, including DDR. The PCNA represents an important mechanism to ensure consistency between UN and national objec\u00adtives and approaches to DDR, and defines the specific role and contributions of the UN, which can then be fed into the programme development process."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment","Heading2":"5.1. Objectives","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"A detailed field assessment builds on assessments and planning for DDR that have been carried out in the pre\u00adplanning and technical assessment stages of the planning process (also see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures). Contributing to the design of the DDR programme, the detailed field assessment: \\n deepens understanding of key DDR issues and the broader operating environment; \\n verifies information gathered during the technical assessment mission; \\n verifies the assumptions on which planning will be based, and defines the overall approach of DDR; \\n identifies key priority objectives, issues of concern, and target and performance indicators; \\n identifies operational DDR options and interventions that are precisely targeted, realistic and sustainable."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment","Heading2":"5.2. Planning for an assessment","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"The following should be considered when planning a detailed field assessment for DDR: \\n Scope: From the start of DDR, practitioners should determine the geographical area that will be covered by the programme, how long the programme will last, and the level of detail and accuracy needed for its smooth running and financing. The scope and depth of this detailed field assessment will depend on the amount of information gathered in previous assessments, such as the technical assessment mission. The current political and military situation in the country concerned and the amount of access possible to areas where combatants are located should also be carefully considered; \\n Thematic areas of focus: The detailed field assessment should deepen understanding, analysis and assessments conducted in the pre\u00admission period. It therefore builds on information gathered on the following thematic areas: \\n\\n political, social and economic context and background; \\n\\n causes, dynamics and consequences of the armed conflict; \\n\\n identification of specific groups, potential partners and others involved in the discussion process; \\n\\n distribution, availability and proliferation of weapons (primarily small arms and light weapons); \\n\\n institutional capacities of national stakeholders in areas related to DDR; \\n\\n survey of socio\u00adeconomic conditions and local capacities to absorb ex\u00adcombatants and their dependants; \\n\\n preconditions and other factors that will influence DDR; \\n\\n baseline data and performance indicators for programme design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. \\n\\n (Also see Annex B of IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures.); \\n Expertise: The next step is to identify the DDR expertise required. Assessment teams should be composed of specialists in all aspects of DDR (see IDDRS Level 5 for more information on the different needs that have to be met during a DDR mission). To ensure coherence with the political process and overall objectives of the peacekeeping mandate, the assessment should be led by a member of the UN DDR unit; \\n Local participation: Where the political situation allows, national and local participation in the assessment should be emphasized to ensure that local analyses of the situation, the needs and appropriate solutions are reflected and included in the DDR pro\u00ad gramme. There is a need, however, to be aware of local bias, especially in the tense immediate post\u00adconflict environment; \\n Building confidence and managing expectations: Where possible, detailed field assessments should be linked with preparatory assistance projects and initiatives (e.g., community development programmes and quick\u00adimpact projects) to build confidence in and support for the DDR programme. Care must be taken, however, not to raise unrealistic expec\u00ad tations of the DDR programme; \\n Design of the field assessment: Before starting the assessment, DDR practitioners should: \\n\\n identify the research objectives and indicators (what are we assessing?); \\n\\n identify the sources and methods for data collection (where are we going to obtain our information?); \\n\\n develop appropriate analytical tools and techniques (how are we going to make sense of our data?); \\n\\n develop a method for interpreting the findings in a practical way (how are we going to apply the results?); \\n Being flexible: Thinking about and answering these questions are essential to developing a well\u00addesigned approach and work plan that allows for a systematic and well\u00adstructured data collection process. Naturally, the approach will change once data collection begins in the field, but this should not in any way reduce its importance as an initial guiding blueprint."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment","Heading2":"5.3. Implementing the assessment","Heading3":"5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Once the outlines for the assessment have been developed, the next stage should be to decide on the best methods to collect data, some of which are: \\n direct observation; \\n key informant interviews and focus groups; \\n mass surveys; \\n participatory assessments; \\n market research; \\n institutional capacity research; \\n sampling.The best approach is to be flexible and \u2018mix and match\u2019 methodologies. Data should be collected from as broad a sample as possible, and particular efforts should be made to include women, younger people (youth) and children. In an unstable context with unreliable or fragmentary data, multiple sources and techniques can be used, and results derived through triangulation or cross\u00adchecking of information.The sections below describe each one of these methodologies for data collection."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment","Heading2":"5.3. Implementing the assessment","Heading3":"5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection","Heading4":" Direct observation","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Several vital types of information can only be collected by direct observation. This can include sighting weapons (recording type, model, serial number, country of manufacture and condition); examining weapons caches and stockpiles (geographic location, distribu\u00ad tion, contents and condition of weapons, physical size, etc.); recording information on military installations and forces (location, size, identity, etc.); investigating weapons markets and other commercial transactions (supply and demand, prices, etc.); and recording the effects of small arms (displaced camps and conditions, destruction of infrastructure, types of wounds caused by small arms, etc.). Direct observation may also be a useful technique to obtain information about \u2018hidden\u2019 members of armed groups and forces, such as children, abductees and foreign fighters, whose association with the group may not be formally acknowledged."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment","Heading2":"5.3. Implementing the assessment","Heading3":"5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection","Heading4":" Key informant interviews and focus groups","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Interviews and focus groups are essential to obtain information on, for example, com\u00ad mand structures, numbers and types of people associated with the group, weaponry, etc., through direct testimony and group discussions. Vital information, e.g., numbers, types and distribution of weapons, as well as on weapons trafficking, children and abductees being held by armed forces and groups and foreign fighters (which some groups may try to conceal), can often be obtained directly from ex\u00adcombatants, local authorities or civilians. Although the information given may not be quantitatively precise or reliable, important qualitative conclusions can be drawn from it. Corroboration by multiple sources is a tried and tested method of ensuring the validity of the data (also see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarma\u00ad ment, IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, IDDRS 5.20 on Youth and DDR, IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.40 on Cross\u00adborder Population Movements)."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment","Heading2":"5.3. Implementing the assessment","Heading3":"5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection","Heading4":" Mass-based surveys","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Surveys can reveal important information, e.g., on trends in weapons availability, possession and distribution among ex\u00adcombatants; or information on the extent and nature of armed violence against civilians. The success or failure of a mass\u00adbased survey ultimately depends on several factors, including the willingness of combatants and civilians to disclose sensi\u00ad tive information, access to affected areas, design and administration of the questionnaire (is it easy to understand and administer?), and the extent to which the sample used in the survey is inclusive and representative."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment","Heading2":"5.3. Implementing the assessment","Heading3":"5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection","Heading4":" Participatory assessments","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Participatory assessments, using the tools and methodology of participatory rural assess\u00ad ment (PRA),1 is a useful methodology when the real issues and problems are not known to the researcher, and provides a way to avoid the problem of researcher bias in orientation and analysis. It is a particularly useful methodology when working with illiterate people, and can be adapted for use with different ages and sexes. To date, PRA tools have been used in security\u00adrelated research, e.g.: for a small arms assessment, to explore subjective perceptions of small arms\u00adrelated insecurity (e.g., what impacts are most felt by civilians?); to obtain overviews of militia organizations and weapons distribution (through social mapping and history time\u00adline exercises); and to identify community perceptions of matters relating to security sector reform (SSR), e.g., policing."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment","Heading2":"5.3. Implementing the assessment","Heading3":"5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection","Heading4":" Market research","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Two sets of market research should be carried out. The first focuses on gathering informa\u00ad tion relating to small arms. This could include: information on prices and how these have changed over time; identification of companies and other entities involved in weapons production, procurement and distribution; and details on weapons pipelines. This can provide important data on the nature, size and dynamics of the market or trade in small arms. Price information, particularly when collected at different locations within a country, can give insights into supply and demand dynamics that reveal differences in the extent of small arms proliferation and availability. Market research can also be used as a preventive measure by monitoring small arms prices, where a dramatic spike in prices usually indicates an upsurge in demand.A second set of market research should focus on gathering information on the local economic and employment situation so as to identify opportunities in the job market for reintegrating combatants (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration)."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment","Heading2":"5.3. Implementing the assessment","Heading3":"5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection","Heading4":" Institutional capacity assessments","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"An assessment of the national institutional capacity to manage and implement the different aspects of DDR requires an evaluation of existing institutions and systems, human resources, and capacities. Three issues are of particular importance: the examination of existing capaci\u00ad ties, as compared with those that are still needed; the efficiency and effectiveness of existing management structures; and the adequacy of legal and regulatory frameworks. This assess\u00ad ment should provide information on institutional capacities for weapons collection and control, institutional coordination, managing and running demobilization camps, managing information flows, and providing support for reintegration planning and implementation."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment","Heading2":"5.3. Implementing the assessment","Heading3":"5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection","Heading4":" Sampling","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Although not a method for collecting or analysing information, sampling is a useful tool for determining the scope, focus and precision of data collection activities, and should be used together with all of the methods described above. Through sampling, general insight on specific DDR issues can be obtained from civilian populations and subgroups (especially armed forces and groups). The key to obtaining valid assumptions through sampling is to ensure that the population sampled is representative, i.e., has characteristics broadly similar"},{"ID":15,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"5.3.7. Analysing results: Tools and techniques","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Once datasets for different themes or areas have been generated, the next step is to make sense of the results. Several analytical tools and techniques can be used, depending on the degree of accuracy needed and the quality of the data: \\n Qualitative analytical tools are used to make sense of facts, descriptions and perceptions through comparative analysis, inference, classification and categorization. Such tools help to understand the context; the political, social and historical background; and the details that numbers alone cannot provide; \\n Quantitative analytical tools (statistical, geometric and financial) are used to calculate trends and distribution, and help to accurately show the size and extent, quantity and dispersion of the factors being studied; \\n Estimation and extrapolation help to obtain generalized findings or results from sampled data. Given the large geographical areas in which DDR assessments are carried out, estimating and extrapolating based on a representative sample is the only way to obtain an idea of the \u2018bigger picture\u2019; \\n Triangulation (cross\u00adreferencing), or the comparison of results from three different methods or data sources, helps to confirm the validity of data collected in contexts where infor\u00admation is fragmentary, imprecise or unreliable. Although normally used with direct observation and interviewing (where facts are confirmed by using three or more differ\u00ad ent sources), triangulation can also be applied between different methods, to increase the probability of reaching a reasonably accurate result, and to maximize reliability and validity; \\n Geographic\/Demographic mapping, which draws on all the techniques mentioned above, involves plotting the information gained about participants and beneficiaries geo\u00ad graphically (i.e., the way they are spread over a geographical area) or chronologically (over time) to determine their concentration, spread and any changes over time."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Designing a comprehensive DDR programme document is a time\u00ad and labour\u00adintensive process that usually takes place after a peacekeeping mission has been authorized, and before deployment in the field has started.The programme document represents a blueprint for how DDR will be put into oper\u00ad ation, and by whom. It is different from an implementation plan (which is often more technical), provides time\u00adlines and information on how individual DDR tasks and activities will be carried out, and assigns responsibilities."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.1. Contextual analysis and rationale","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The DDR programme document should be based on an in\u00addepth understanding of the national or local context and the situation in which the programme is to be implemented, as this will shape the objectives, overall strategy and criteria for entry, as follows: \\n General context and problem: This defines the \u2018problem\u2019 of DDR in the specific context in which it will be implemented (levels of violence, provisions in peace accords, lack of alternative livelihoods for ex\u00adcombatants, etc.), with a focus on the nature and con\u00ad sequences of the conflict; existing national and local capacities for DDR and SSR; and the broad political, social and economic characteristics of the operating environment; \\n Rationale and justification: Drawing from the situation analysis, this explains the need for DDR: why the approach suggested is an appropriate and viable response to the identified problem, the antecedents to the problem (i.e., what caused the problem in the first place) and degree of political will for its resolution; and any other factors that provide a compelling argument for undertaking DDR. In addition, the engagement and role of the UN should be specified here; \\n Overview of armed forces and groups: This section should provide an overview of all armed forces and groups and their key characteristics, e.g., force\/group strength, loca\u00ad tion, organization and structure, political affiliations, type of weaponry, etc. This information should be the basis for developing specifically designed strategies and approaches for the DDR of the armed forces and groups (see Annex D for a sample table of armed forces and groups); \\n Definition of participants and beneficiaries: Drawing on the comprehensive assessments and profiles of armed groups and forces and levels of violence that are normally inclu\u00ad ded in the framework, this section should identify which armed groups and forces should be prioritized for DDR programmes. This prioritization should be based on their involvement in or potential to cause violence, or otherwise affect security and the peace process. In addition, subgroups that should be given special attention (e.g., special needs groups) should be identified; \\n Socio-economic profile in areas of return: A general overview of socio\u00adeconomic conditions in the areas and communities to which ex\u00adcombatants will return is important in order to define both the general context of reintegration and specific strategies to ensure effec\u00ad tive and sustainable support for it. Such an overview can also provide an indication of how much pre\u00adDDR community recovery and reconstruction assistance will be necessary to improve the communities\u2019 capacity to absorb former combatants and other returning populations, and list potential links to other, either ongoing or planned, reconstruction and development initiatives."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.2. DDR programme objectives","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Because the DDR programme document should contain strategies and requirements for a complex and multi\u00adcomponent process, it should be guided by both an overall goal and a series of smaller objectives that clearly define expected outputs in each subsector. While generic (general) objectives exist, they should be adapted to the realities and needs of each context. The set of general and specific objectives outlined in this section make up the overall framework for the DDR programme.Example: Objectives of the national DDR programme in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) \\n General objective: Contribute to the consolidation of peace, national reconciliation and the socio\u00adeconomic reconstruction of the country, as well as regional stability.Specific objectives: \\n Disarm combatants belonging to the armed groups and forces that will not be integrated into the DRC armed forces or in the police, as foreseen in the DRC peace accords; \\n Demobilize the military elements and armed groups not eligible for integration into the DRC armed forces; \\n Reintegrate demobilized elements into social and economic life within the framework of community productive systems."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.3. Guiding principles","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"The guiding principles specify those factors, considerations and assumptions that are con\u00ad sidered important for a DDR programme\u2019s overall viability, effectiveness and sustainability. These guiding principles must be taken into account when developing the strategic approach and activities. Universal (general) principles (see IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR) can be included, but principles that are specific to the operating context and associated requirements should receive priority. Principles can apply to the entire DDR programme, and need not be limited to operational or thematic issues alone; thus they can include political principles (how DDR relates to political processes), institutional principles (how DDR should be structured insti\u00ad tutionally) and operational principles (overall strategy, implementation approach, etc.)."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.4. Preconditions and foundations for DDR","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"This section defines the issues that must be dealt with or included in the design of the DDR programme in order to ensure its effectiveness and viability. These include preconditions (i.e., those factors that must be dealt with or be in place before DDR implementation starts), as well as foundations (i.e., those aspects or factors that must provide the basis for planning and implementing DDR). In general, preconditions and foundations can be divided into those that are vital for the overall viability of DDR and those that can influence the overall efficiency, effectiveness and relevance of the process (but which are not vital in determining whether DDR is possible or not).Example: Preconditions and foundations for DDR in Liberia \\n A government\u00addriven process of post\u00adconflict reconciliation is developed and imple\u00ad mented in order to shape and define the framework for post\u00adconflict rehabilitation and reintegration measures; \\n A National Transitional Government is established to run the affairs of the country up until 2006, when a democratically elected government will take office; \\n Comprehensive measures to stem and control the influx and possible recycling of weapons by all armed forces and groups and their regional network of contacts are put in place; \\n The process of disbandment of armed groups and restructuring of the Liberian security forces is organized and begun; \\n A comprehensive national recovery programme and a programme for community reconstruction, rehabilitation and reintegration are simultaneously developed and implemented by the government, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and other UN agencies as a strategy of pre\u00adpositioning and providing assistance to all war\u00adaffected communities, refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs). This programme will provide the essential drive and broader framework for the post\u00adwar recovery effort; \\n Other complementary political provisions in the peace agreement are initiated and implemented in support of the overall peace process; \\n A complementary community arms collection programme, supported with legislative process outlawing the possession of arms in Liberia, would be started and enforced following the completion of formal disarmament process."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"While the objectives, principles and preconditions\/foundations establish the overall design and structure of the DDR programme, a description of the overall strategic approach is essential in order to explain how DDR will be implemented. This section is essential in order to: \\n explain how the multiple components of DDR will be designed to reflect realities and needs, thus ensuring efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the overall approach; \\n explain how the targets for assisting DDR participants and beneficiaries (number of ex\u00adcombatants assisted, etc.) will be met; \\n explain how the various components and activities of DDR will be divided into phases and sequenced (planned over time) within the programme time\u00adframe; \\n identify issues that are critical to the implementation of the overall programme and provide information on how they will be dealt with."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR","Heading3":"6.5.1. Defining the approach to DDR","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"The core components of DDR (demobilization, disarmament and reintegration) can vary significantly in terms of how they are designed, the activities they involve and how they are implemented. In other words, although the end objective may be similar, DDR varies from country to country. Each DDR process must be adapted to the specific realities and requirements of the country or setting in which it is to be carried out. Important issues that will guide this are, for example, the nature and organization of armed forces and groups, the socio\u00adeconomic context and national capacities. These need to be defined within the overall strategic approach explaining how DDR is to be put into practice, and how its components will be sequenced and implemented (also see IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR)."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR","Heading3":"6.5.1. Defining the approach to DDR","Heading4":" Putting DDR into operation","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"The specific context in which a DDR programme is to be implemented, the programme requirements and the best way to reach the defined objectives will all affect the way in which a DDR operation is conceptualized. When developing a DDR concept, there is a need to: describe the overall strategic approach; justify why this approach was chosen; describe the activities that the programme will carry out; and lay out the broad operational methods or guidelines for implementing them. In general, there are three strategic approaches that can be taken (also see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization): \\n DDR of conventional armed forces, involving the structured and centralized disarma\u00ad ment and demobilization of formed units in assembly or cantonment areas. This is often linked to their restructuring as part of an SSR process; \\n DDR of armed groups, involving a decentralized demobilization process in which indi\u00ad viduals are identified, registered and processed; incentives are provided for voluntary disarmament; and reintegration assistance schemes are integrated with broader com\u00ad munity\u00adbased recovery and reconstruction projects; \\n A \u2018mixed\u2019 DDR approach, combining both of the above models, used when participant groups include both armed forces and armed groups;After a comprehensive assessment of the operational guidelines according to which DDR will be implemented, a model should be created as a basis for planning (see Annexes C and D. Annex E illustrates an approach taken to DDR in the DRC). In addition to defining how to operationalize the core components of DDR, the overall strategic approach should also describe any other components necessary for an effective and viable DDR process. For the most part, these will be activities that will take throughout the DDR programme and ensure the effectiveness of core DDR components. Some examples are: \\n awareness\u00adraising and sensitization (in order to increase local understanding of, and participation in, DDR processes); \\n capacity development for national institutions and communities (in contexts where capacities are weak or non\u00adexistent); \\n weapons control and management (in contexts involving widespread availability of weapons in society); \\n repatriation and resettlement (in contexts of massive internal and cross\u00adborder dis\u00ad placement); \\n local peace\u00adbuilding and reconciliation (in contexts of deep social\/ethnic conflict)."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR","Heading3":"6.5.1. Defining the approach to DDR","Heading4":" Sequencing and phasing of DDR","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Once the main components of a DDR programme have been identified, an overall strategy for implementation needs to be drawn up. The overall strategy should usually be developed on the basis of operational objectives and targets broken down by time period or programme phase. This enables practitioners to see in broad terms how DDR will be implemented, plan the allocation of resources and other requirements, and coordinate among themselves."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR","Heading3":"6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"As programme scale and scope, participants and beneficiaries, eligibility criteria, incentive schemes, and monitoring and evaluation all affect programme design, they should be con\u00ad sidered when developing a DDR strategy."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR","Heading3":"6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme","Heading4":" Scale and scope","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"The scale of a DDR programme is determined by the number of beneficiaries and the geo\u00ad graphical area the programme covers (most often determined by the size of the country or region where the programme is taking place). These figures determine the complexity, size and resource requirements for the programme, and must be estimated at the programme design stage.The extent to which a DDR programme directly includes activities that formally belong to other sectors determines its scope or extent (i.e., exactly how much it is going to try and achieve). In the past, DDR programmes focused strictly on the core components of disarm\u00ad ament, demobilization and reintegration. Today, most DDR programmes include or take account of activities relating to SSR (such as weapons control and regulation), peace\u00adbuilding and reconciliation, and community recovery and reconstruction (also see IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR and IDDRS 2.20 on Post\u00adconflict Stabilization, Peace\u00adbuilding and Recovery Frameworks)."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR","Heading3":"6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme","Heading4":" DDR participants","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"The identification of DDR participants affects the size and scope of a DDR programme. DDR participants are usually prioritized according to their political status or by the actual or potential threat to security and stability that they represent. They can include regular armed forces, irregular armed groups, militias and paramilitary groups, self\u00addefence groups, members of private security companies, armed street gangs, vigilance brigades and so forth.Among the beneficiaries are communities, who stand to benefit the most from improved security; local and state governments; and State structures, which gain from an improved capacity to regulate law and order. Clearly defining DDR beneficiaries determines both the operational role and the expected impacts of programme implementation."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR","Heading3":"6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme","Heading4":" Operational role","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Another important factor that determines the scope of a DDR programme is the extent of national capacity and the involvement of national and non\u00adUN bodies in the implementa\u00ad tion of DDR activities. In a country with a strong national capacity to implement DDR, the UN\u2019s operational role (i.e. the extent to which it is involved in directly implementing DDR activities) should be focused more on ensuring adequate coordination than on direct imple\u00ad mentation activities. In a country with weak national implementing capacity, the UN\u2019s role in implementation should be broader and more operational."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR","Heading3":"6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme","Heading4":" Eligibility criteria","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Eligibility criteria provide a mechanism for determining who should enter a DDR pro\u00ad gramme and receive reintegration assistance. This often involves proving combatant status or membership of an armed force or group. It is easier to establish the eligibility of par\u00ad ticipants to a DDR programme when this involves organized, legal armed forces with members who have an employment contract. When armed groups are involved, however, there will be difficulties in proving combatant status, which increases the risk of admitting non\u00adcombatants and increasing the number of people who take part in a DDR programme. In such cases, it is important to have strict and well\u00addefined eligibility criteria, which can help to eliminate the risk of non\u00adcombatants gaining access to the programme (also see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization)."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR","Heading3":"6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme","Heading4":" Incentive schemes","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"When targeting armed groups in a DDR programme, their often\u00adweak command and con\u00ad trol structures should be taken into account, and it should not be assumed that combatants will obey their commanders\u2019 orders to enter DDR programmes. Moreover, there may also be risks or stigma attached to obeying such orders (i.e., fear of reprisals), which discour\u00ad ages people from taking part in the programme. In such cases, incentive schemes, e.g., the offering of individual or collective benefits, may be used to overcome the combatants\u2019 concerns and encourage participation. It is important also to note that awareness\u00adraising and public information on the DDR pro\u00adgramme can also help towards overcoming combatants\u2019 concerns about entering a DDR programme.Incentives may be directly linked to the disarmament, demobilization or reintegration components of DDR, although care should be taken to avoid the perception of \u2018cash for weapons\u2019 or weapons buy\u00adback programmes when these are linked to the disarmament component. If used, incentives should be taken into consideration in the design of the overall programme strategy."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR","Heading3":"6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme","Heading4":" Monitoring and evaluation","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"The development of baseline data is vital to measuring the overall effectiveness and impact of a DDR programme. Baseline data and indicators are only useful, however, if their collec\u00ad tion, distribution, analysis and use are systematically managed. DDR programmes should have a good monitoring and information system that is integrated with the entire DDR programme, allowing for information collected in one component to be available in another, and for easy cross\u00adreferencing of information. The early establishment of an information management strategy as part of the overall programme design will ensure that an appro\u00ad priate monitoring and evaluation system can be developed once the programme is finalized (also see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes)."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.6. DDR strategies","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Once the strategic approach for the DDR programme has been designed, detailed imple\u00ad mentation strategies should be developed for each programme component. These may be annexed to the original programme document or developed as separate documents. Each strategy should include the following: \\n the objective of the component; \\n the strategic approach and methods adopted for its implementation; \\n an explanation of how key issues and considerations will be dealt with; \\n an overview of the implementation process and key activities necessary to achieve the objective."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document","Heading2":"6.7. Ensuring cross-programme links with broader transition and recovery frameworks","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"In most cases, the development of DDR programmes happens at the same time as the devel\u00ad opment of programmes in other sectors such as rule of law, SSR, reintegration and recovery, and peace\u00adbuilding. The DDR programmes should be linked, as far as possible, to these other processes so that each process supports and strengthens the others and helps integrate DDR into the broader framework for international assistance. DDR should be viewed as a com\u00ad ponent of a larger strategy to achieve post\u00adconflict objectives and goals. Other processes to which DDR programme could be linked include JAM\/PCNA activities, and the development of a common country assessment\/UN development assessment framework and poverty reduction strategy paper (also see IDDRS 2.20 on Post\u00adconflict Stabilization, Peace\u00adbuilding and Recovery Frameworks)."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"7. Developing the results and budgeting framework","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"A key part of programme design is the development of a logical framework that clearly defines the hierarchy of outputs, activities and inputs necessary to achieve the objectives and outcomes that are being aimed at. In line with the shift towards results\u00adbased pro\u00ad gramming, such logical frameworks should focus on determining how to achieve the planned outcomes within the time that has been made available. This approach ensures coordination and programme implementation, and provides a framework for monitoring and evaluating performance and impact.When DDR is conducted in an integrated peacekeeping context, two complementary results\u00adbased frameworks should be used: a general results framework containing the main outputs, inputs and activities of the overall DDR programme; and a framework specifically designed for DDR activities that will be funded from mission assessed funds as part of the overall mission planning process. Naturally, the two are complementary and should con\u00ad tain common elements."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"7. Developing the results and budgeting framework","Heading2":"7.1. General results framework","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"The general results framework for a DDR programme should consist of the following elements (but not necessarily all of them) (see also Annex F for a general results framework for DDR that was used in Liberia): \\n Specific objectives and component outcomes: For each component of a DDR programme (i.e., disarmament, demobilization, reinsertion, reintegration, etc.), the main or longer\u00ad term strategic objectives should be clearly defined, together with the outcomes the UN is supporting. These provide a strategic framework for organizing and anchoring relevant activities and outputs; \\n Baseline data: For each specific objective, the initial starting point should be briefly described. In the absence of hard quantitative baseline data, give a qualitative descrip\u00ad tion of the current situation. Defining the baseline is a critical part of monitoring and evaluating the performance and impact of programmes; \\n Indicative activities: For each objective, a list of indicative activities should be provided in order to give a sense of the range and kind of activities that need to be implemented so as to achieve the expected outputs and objectives. For the general results frame\u00ad work, these do not need to be complete or highly detailed, but they must be sufficient to provide a sense of the underlying strategy, scope and range of actions that will be implemented; \\n Intervals: Activities and priority outputs should be have precise time\u00adlines (preferably specific dates). For each of these dates, indicate the expected level of result that should be achieved. This should allow an overview of how each relevant component of the programme is expected to progress over time and what has to be achieved by what date; \\n Targets and monitoring indicators: For each activity there should be an observable target, objectively verifiable and useful as a monitoring indicator. These indicators will vary depending on the activity, and they do not always have to be quantitative. For example, \u2018reduction in perceptions of violence\u2019 is as useful as \u201815 percent of ex\u00adcombatants success\u00ad fully reintegrated\u2019; \\n Inputs: For each activity or output there should be an indication of inputs and their costs. General cost categories should be used to identify the essential requirements, which can include staff, infrastructure, equipment, operating expenses, service contracts, grants, consultancies, etc."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"7. Developing the results and budgeting framework","Heading2":"7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"The results\u00adbased budgeting (RBB) framework is the main budgetary planning tool used by the UN Secretariat and peacekeeping missions, and is part of the Secretary\u00adGeneral\u2019s programme of reform and vision of a more results\u00adoriented organization.An important feature of RBB is the definition of expected results at the beginning of the planning and budget cycle, before the programme is implemented. Thus RBB aims to shift focus from output accounting (i.e., activities) to results\u00adbased accountability (i.e., indi\u00ad cators of achievements). RBB is therefore not simply an administrative process, but a strategic planning tool, improving the clarity of programmes, and bringing about a common under\u00ad standing and better communication between Member States and programme managers to improve results. Results\u00adbased management is intended to be a dynamic process, providing feedback throughout the full programme cycle: planning, programming, budgeting, and monitoring and evaluation. Since it was introduced, RBB has continued to evolve in order to better fulfil its role as a strategic planning tool for the UN.RBB has four main components: \\n the DDR objective statement, serving as the basis for developing programme activities and identifying benchmarks for success; \\n indicators of achievement, which measure performance, justify the resource requirements and are linked to outputs; \\n outputs, listing the activities that will be conducted in order to achieve the objective; \\n external factors, identifying factors outside of the programme manger\u2019s control that may have an impact on programme performance."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"7. Developing the results and budgeting framework","Heading2":"7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework","Heading3":"7.2.1. Developing an RBB framework","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"This section is intended to assist DDR programme managers in the field to develop RBB frameworks for submission to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, which will serve as the basis for cost estimates. Mission budget officers who are specialized in the develop\u00ad ment of RBB frameworks should be able to assist with the development of this tool."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"7. Developing the results and budgeting framework","Heading2":"7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework","Heading3":"7.2.1. Developing an RBB framework","Heading4":" The DDR objective statement","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"The DDR objective statement draws its legal foundation from Security Council mission mandates. It is important to note that the DDR objective will not be fully achieved in the lifetime of the peacekeeping mission, although certain activities such as the (limited) phys\u00ad ical disarmament of combatants may be completed. Other important aspects of DDR such as reintegration, the establishment of the legal framework, and the technical and logistic capacity to deal with small arms and light weapons often extend beyond the duration of a peacekeeping mission. In this regard, the objective statement must reflect the contribution of the peacekeeping mission to the \u2018progress towards\u2019 the DDR objective. An example of a DDR objective statement is as follows: \\n \u201cProgress towards the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of members of armed forces and groups, including meeting the specific needs of women and children associated with such groups, as well as weapons control and destruction.\u201d"},{"ID":39,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"7. Developing the results and budgeting framework","Heading2":"7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework","Heading3":"7.2.1. Developing an RBB framework","Heading4":" Indicators of achievement","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"The targeted achievement should include no more than five clear and measurable indicators, and baseline information from which increases\/decreases in the baseline variables are measured."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"7. Developing the results and budgeting framework","Heading2":"7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework","Heading3":"7.2.1. Developing an RBB framework","Heading4":" Outputs","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"When developing the DDR outputs for an RBB framework, programmer managers should take the following into account: (1) specific references to the implementation time\u00adframe should be included; (2) DDR technical assistance or advice needs should be further defined to specify what that means in practice and, if possible, quantified (e.g., workshops, training programmes, legislative models, draft work plans); (3) participants in DDR programmes or recipients of the mission\u2019s efforts should be included in the output description; and (4) when describing these outputs, the verb should be placed before the output definition (e.g., \u2018Destroyed 9,000 weapons\u2019; \u2018Chaired 10 community sensitization meetings\u2019)."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"7. Developing the results and budgeting framework","Heading2":"7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework","Heading3":"7.2.1. Developing an RBB framework","Heading4":" External factors","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"When developing the external factors of the DDR RBB framework, programme managers are requested to identify those factors that are outside the control of the DDR unit. These should not repeat the factors that make up the indicators of achievement.For an example of an RBB framework for DDR in Sudan, see Annex G; also see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"8. Stage III: Developing an implementation plan","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Once a programme has been prepared, planning instruments should be developed that will aid practitioners (UN, non\u00adUN and the national government) to implement the planned activities and strategies. An actions or operations plan usually consists of four main elements: \\n Implementation methods: This consists of a narrative description of how each DDR com\u00ad ponent will be made operational within the framework of the programme, focusing on the precise sequencing of activities, operational requirements, logistic requirements, links with other mission components, key risks and factors that will reduce these risks. This section can be used by practitioners to guide implementation and operations and provide an overall framework for the other components of the operational and action plan; \\n Timing: There should be an overview of the time\u00adframe and schedule for implementation of DDR activities for each component of the programme, which provides an overall picture of the phasing and sequencing of programme implementation. This will provide practitioners with a quick overview of the activities, which is important for defining and planning resource requirements and allocations. An example of a time\u00adframe is included in Annex H; \\n Detailed work plan: A detailed work plan should also be included in the operational plan. It should break all programme activities down into their various tasks, and indi\u00ad cate who is responsible for different operational roles. The main categories of such a work plan should include: \\n\\n the activities to be implemented; \\n\\n a detailed description of individual tasks; \\n\\n the required inputs (human, material, financial); \\n\\n the actor \\n\\n responsible for funding each task; \\n\\n the actor responsible for logistic support; \\n\\n the actor responsible for staffing; \\n\\n the actor responsible for coordination\/supervision; \\n\\n the actor responsible for implementation; \\n\\n the expected time\u00adframe for implementation of task. \\n The work plan should be considered a dynamic document that should be updated periodically and used to guide DDR planners and practitioners on programme imple\u00ad mentation on a day\u00adto\u00adday basis. A generic work plan is included in Annex I; \\n Management arrangements: This section should detail the institutional arrangements established to provide strategic guidance, coordination and implementation of the programme (also see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures and IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes)."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Terms and definitions \\n Detailed field assessment: A detailed field assessment is essential to identify the nature of the problem a DDR programme is to deal with, as well as to provide key indicators for the development of a detailed DDR strategy and its associated components. Detailed field assess\u00ad ments shall be undertaken to ensure that DDR strategies, programmes and implementation plans reflect realities, are well targeted and sustainable, and to assist with their monitoring and evaluation.Implementation plan: \\n Also known as an operations or action plan, an implementation plan describes the detailed steps necessary to implement programme activities, together with a division of labour and overall time\u00adframe.Programme: \\n A generic (general) term for a set of activities designed to achieve a specific objective. In order to ensure that a programme\u2019s results, outputs and overall outcome are reached, activities are often framed by a strategy, key principles and identified targets. Together, these indicate how the activities will be structured and implemented. Programmes also include a description of all aspects necessary to implement the planned activities, includ\u00ad ing inputs and resources (staff, equipment, funding, etc.), management arrangements, legal frameworks, partnerships and other risk analysis.Project: \\n Within each programme there may be several projects, each of which is a separately identified undertaking. A project is an intervention that consists of a set of planned, inter\u00ad related activities aimed at achieving defined objectives over a fixed time. A project\u2019s activities and objectives are normally given in a project document. This legal agreement binds the signatories to carry out the defined activities and to provide specific resources over a fixed period of time in order to reach agreed objectives."},{"ID":44,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"DDR Programme Design","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.20 DDR Programme Design","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"1 PRA uses group animation and exercises to obtain information. Using PRA methods, local people carry out the data collection and analysis, with outsiders assisting with the process rather than control\u00ad ling it. This approach brings about shared learning between local people and outsiders; emphasizes local knowledge; and enables local people to make their own appraisal, analysis and plans. PRA was originally developed so as to enable development practitioners, government officials and local people to work together to plan context\u00adappropriate programmes. PRA\u00adtype exercises can also be used in other contexts such as in planning for DDR. \\n 2 LCA \u2013 Lusaka Ceasefire Accords, 1999; SCA \u2013 Sun City Accord, April 2002; DRA \u2013 DRC\/Rwanda Accords, July 2002. \\n 3 UNDP D3 report, 2001. \\n 4 DRC authorities. \\n 5 Privileged source. \\n 6 Unverified information. \\n 7 UNDP\/IOM registration records. \\n 8 UNDP D3 report, 2001. \\n 9 Government of Uganda sources, United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC). \\n 10 FNL estimated at 3,000 men (UNDP D3 report), located mainly in Burundi."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.30 National Institutions for DDR.json b/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.30 National Institutions for DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68f2632 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.30 National Institutions for DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programmes have increasingly relied on national institutions to ensure their success and sustainability. This module discusses three main issues related to national institutions: \\n 1) mandates and legal frameworks; \\n 2) structures and functions; and \\n 3) coordination with international DDR structures and processes.The mandates and legal frameworks of national institutions will vary according to the nature of the DDR programme, the approach that is adopted, the division of responsi- bilities with international partners and the administrative structures found in the country. It is important to ensure that national and international mandates for DDR are clear and coherent, and that a clear division of labour is established. Mandates and basic principles, institutional mechanisms, time-frames and eligibility criteria should be defined in the peace accord, and national authorities should establish the appropriate framework for DDR through legislation, decrees or executive orders.The structures of national institutions will also vary depending on the political and institutional context in which they are created. They should nevertheless reflect the security, social and economic dimensions of the DDR process in question by including broad rep- resentation across a number of government ministries, civil society organizations and the private sector.In addition, national institutions should adequately function at three different levels: \\n the policy\/strategic level through the establishment of a national commission on DDR; \\n the planning and technical levels through the creation of a national technical planning and coordination body; and \\n the implementation\/operational level through a joint implementation unit and field\/ regional offices.There will be generally a range of national and international partners engaged in imple- mentation of different components of the national DDR programme.Coordination with international DDR structures and processes should be also ensured at the policy, planning and operational levels. The success and sustainability of a DDR pro- gramme depend on the ability of international expertise to complement and support a nationally led process. A UN strategy in support of DDR should therefore take into account not only the context in which DDR takes place, but also the existing capacity of national and local actors to develop, manage and implement DDR.Areas of support for national institutions are: institutional capacity development; legal frameworks; policy, planning and implementation; financial management; material and logis- tic assistance; training for national staff; and community development and empowerment."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"This module provides United Nations (UN) DDR policy makers and practitioners with guidance on the structures, roles and responsibilities of national counterparts for DDR, their relationships with the UN and the legal frameworks within which they operate. It also provides guidance on how the UN should define its role, the scope of support it should offer to national structures and institutions, and capacity development."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201dThe term \u2018a national framework for DDR\u2019 describes the political, legal, programmatic\/ policy and institutional framework, resources and capacities established to structure and guide national engagement with a DDR process. The implementation of DDR requires mul- tiple stakeholders; therefore, participants in the establishment and implementation of a national DDR framework include not only the government, but also all parties to the peace agreement, civil society, and all other national and local stakeholders."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"UN-supported DDR aims to be people-centred, flexible, accountable and transparent, na- tionally owned, integrated and well planned. Within the UN, integrated DDR is delivered with the cooperation of agencies, programmes, funds and peacekeeping missions.In a country in which it is implemented, there is a focus on capacity-building at both government and local levels to achieve sustainable national ownership of DDR, among other peace-building measures. Certain conditions should be in place for DDR to proceed: these include the signing of a negotiated peace agreement, which provides a legal frame- work for DDR; trust in the peace process; transparency; the willingness of the parties to the conflict to engage in DDR; and a minimum guarantee of security. This module focuses on how to create and sustain these conditions."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The principles guiding the development of national DDR frameworks, as well as the princi- ples of UN engagement with, and support to, national institutions and stakeholders, are outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR. Here, they are discussed in more detail."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1. National ownership","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"National ownership is essential for the success and sustainability of DDR programmes, and supporting national institutions is a core principle of the UN. However, in the past, too many DDR programmes were overly controlled by external actors who did not make enough effort to establish true partnership with national institutions and local authorities, producing programmes that were insufficiently adapted to the dynamics of local conflicts, unsuppor- tive of the capacities of local institutions and unresponsive to the needs of local populations. While the UN system may be called upon to provide strategic, technical, operational and financial support to DDR, national and local actors \u2014 who are ultimately responsible for the peace, security and development of their own communities and nations \u2014 should lead the process. When the UN supports DDR, it also aims to increase the capacities of govern- ments, implementing partners, communities and participants, and to assist them as they take ownership of the process: the promotion of national ownership is therefore a principle that guides both policy and the operational design of DDR programmes carried out with UN support."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2. Inclusivity","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Another core principle in the establishment and support of national institutions is the in- clusion of all stakeholders. National ownership is both broader and deeper than central government leadership: it requires the participation of a range of state and non-state actors at national, provincial and local levels. National DDR institutions should include all parties to the conflict, as well as representa- tives of civil society and the private sector. The international community should play a role in supporting the development of capacities in civil society and at local levels to enable them to participate in DDR processes (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, IDDRS 5.20 on Youth and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR)."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3. Accountability and transparency","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"Accountability and transparency are important principles for all national institutions. DDR institutions should adopt and encourage\/support these values in order to: \\n build confidence among the parties to the DDR process; \\n establish the legitimacy of the process with the general population and local commu- nities; \\n ensure continued financial and technical support from international actors.Accountability mechanisms should be established for the monitoring, oversight and evaluation of processes through both internal and external review. Transparency should be also supported through a broad communications strategy that raises awareness of the prin- ciples and details of the programme (also see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes and IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR). "},{"ID":8,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"The mandates and legal frameworks established for national DDR institutions will vary according to the nature of the DDR process to be carried out and the approach adopted, the division of responsibilities with international partners, and the administrative structures of the state itself. All stakeholders should agree to the establishment of the mandate and legal framework (also see IDDRS 2.30 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners)."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR","Heading2":"5.1. Establishing clear and coherent national and international mandates","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"The national and international mandates for DDR should be clear and coherent. A clear division of responsibilities should be established in the different levels of programme co- ordination and for different programme components. This can be done through: \\n supporting international experts to provide technical advice on DDR to parties to the peace negotiations; \\n incorporating national authorities into inter-agency assessment missions to ensure that national policies and strategies are reflected in the Secretary-General\u2019s report and Secu- rity Council mandates for UN peace-support operations; \\n discussing national and international roles, responsibilities and functions within the framework of an agreed common DDR plan or programme; \\n providing technical advice to national authorities on the design and development of legal frameworks, institutional mechanisms and national programmes for DDR; \\n establishing mechanisms for the joint implementation and coordination of DDR pro- grammes and activities at the policy, planning and operational levels."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR","Heading2":"5.2. Political frameworks and peace accord provisions","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"When parties to a conflict have concluded a peace accord or political agreement, provisions should have been included in it on the establishment of a legal framework for the DDR process. Mandates and basic principles, institutional mechanisms, time-frames and eligi- bility criteria should all be defined. As the programme starts, institutional mechanisms and programme details should be elaborated further through the adoption of national legisla- tion or executive decree(s)."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR","Heading2":"5.3. National legislative framework","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"In addition to the provisions of the peace accord, national authorities should develop legal instruments (legislation, decree[s] or executive order[s]) that establish the appropriate legal framework for DDR. These should include, but are not limited to, the following: \\n a letter of demobilization policy, which establishes the intent of national authorities to carry out a process of demobilization and reduction of armed forces and groups, indi- cating the total numbers to be demobilized, how this process will be carried out and under whose authority, and links to other national processes, particularly the reform and restructuring of the security sector; \\n legislation, decree(s) or executive order(s) establishing the national institutional frame- work for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the DDR process. This legislation should include articles or separate instruments relating to: \\n\\n a national political body representing different parties to the process, ministries responsible for the programme and civil society. This legal instrument should establish the body\u2019s mandate for political coordination, policy direction and general oversight of the DDR programme. It should also establish the specific composi- tion of the body, frequency of meetings, responsible authority (usually the prime minister or president) and reporting lines to technical coordination and implemen- tation mechanisms; \\n\\n a technical planning and coordination body responsible for the technical design and implementation of the DDR programme. This legal instrument should specify the body\u2019s different technical units\/directions and overall management structure, as well as functional links to implementation mechanisms; \\n\\n operational and implementation mechanisms at national, provincial and local levels. Legal provisions should specify the institutions, international and local partners responsible for delivering different components of the DDR programme. It should also define financial management and reporting structures within the national programme; \\n\\n an institution or unit responsible for the financial management and oversight of the DDR programme, funds received from national accounts, bilateral and multi- lateral donors, and contracts and procurement. This unit may be housed within a national institution or entrusted to an international partner. Often a joint national\u2013 international management and oversight system is established, particularly where donor funds are being received.The national DDR programme itself should be formally approved or adopted through legislation, executive order or decree. Programme principles and policies regarding eligi- bility criteria, definition of target groups, benefits structures and time-frame, as well as pro- gramme integration within other processes such as security sector reform (SSR), transitional justice and election timetables, should be identified through this process."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR","Heading2":"5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"DDR is a component of larger peace-building and recovery strategies. For this reason, na- tional DDR efforts should be linked with other national initiatives and processes, including SSR, transitional justice mechanisms, the electoral process, economic reconstruction and recovery (also see IDDRS 2.20 on Post-conflict Stabilization, Peace-building and Recovery Frameworks and IDDRS 2.30 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners)."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR","Heading2":"5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework","Heading3":"5.4.1. Transitional justice and amnesty provisions","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Through the establishment of amnesties and transitional justice programmes, as part of the broader peace-building process, parties attempt to deal with crimes and violations in the conflict period, while promoting reconciliation and drawing a line between the period of conflict and a more peaceful future. Transitional justice processes vary widely from place to place, depending on the historical circumstances and root causes of the conflict. They try to balance justice and truth with national reconciliation, and may include amnesty provisions for those involved in political and armed struggles. Generally, truth commissions are tem- porary fact-finding bodies that investigate human rights abuses within a certain period, and they present findings and recommendations to the government. They assist post-conflict communities to establish facts about what went on during the conflict period. Some truth commissions include a reconciliation component to support dialogue between factions within the community.In addition to national efforts, international criminal tribunals may be established to prosecute and hold accountable people who committed serious crimes. While national justice systems may also wish to prosecute wrongdoers, they may not be capable of doing so, owing to lack of capacity or will.During the negotiation of peace accords and political agreements, parties may make their involvement in DDR programmes conditional on the provision of amnesties for carry- ing weapons or less serious crimes. These amnesties will generally absolve (pardon) parti- cipants who conducted a political and armed struggle, and free them from prosecution. While amnesties may be agreed for violations of national law, the UN system is obliged to uphold the principles of international law, and shall therefore not support DDR processes that do not properly deal with serious violations such as genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity.1 However, the UN should support the establishment of transitional justice processes to properly deal with such violations. Proper links should be created with DDR and the broader SSR process."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR","Heading2":"5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework","Heading3":"5.4.2. Citizenship and nationality laws","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"In conflicts where ethnicity, religion or other identities have been causes of the conflict, there are often questions of citizenship or nationality that need to be resolved as part of the peace process. The resolution of these issues are likely to affect parties\u2019 willingness to engage in other parts of the larger peace-building framework, including elections, DDR and the restructuring of security forces (also see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-border Population Movements)."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR","Heading2":"5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework","Heading3":"5.4.3. Citizenship and nationality laws","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"A national legal regime for weapons control and management establishes conditions for the lawful acquisition, trade, possession and use of arms by state authorities and citizens. Provisional laws or decrees governing weapons control and management are often introduced during periods of post-conflict transition (also see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament and IDDRS 4.11 on SALW Control, Security and Development)."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR","Heading2":"5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework","Heading3":"5.4.4. Citizenship and nationality laws","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"According to the Secretary-General\u2019s report on The Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Con\u00ad flict and Post\u00adConflict Societies, \u2018rule of law\u2019 refers to a \u201cprinciple of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards. It requires, as well, measures to ensure adherence to the principles of supremacy of law, equality before the law, accountability to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of powers, participation in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of arbitrariness and procedural and legal transparency\u201d.However, the rule of law often breaks down during long periods of conflict; or a lack of justice, or manipulation of the justice system by authorities or political groups may be one of the causes of conflict. Some parties may be reluctant to participate in DDR when the rule of law has broken down and where their personal safety is not properly protected. Re-establishing the rule of law and carrying out justice reform are often essential aspects of a larger peace-building strategy. DDR should contribute to strengthening the rule of law by disarming armed forces and groups, who afterwards become subject to regular criminal justice systems."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR","Heading2":"5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework","Heading3":"5.4.5. Restructuring of armed forces","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"DDR is generally linked to the restructuring of armed forces and SSR as part of a broader peace-building framework. Agreement between the parties on the new mandate, structures, composition and powers of national security forces is often a condition for their entry into a formal DDR process. As a result, the planning and design of the DDR programme needs to be closely linked to the SSR process to ensure coherence on such issues as vetting of ex- combatants (to establish eligibility for integration into the reformed security forces) and establishing the legal status and entitlements of demobilized ex-combatants, including pensions and health care benefits."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"6. Structures and functions of national institutions","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"The architecture of national DDR institutions will vary depending on the political and institutional context in which they are created. The following generic (general) model repre- sents a basic outline of structures and functions for a national DDR institutional framework, and lays out the structure of relationships with UN integrated missions and international coordination mechanisms. While the basic functions of national DDR institutions will be similar in most cases, the organization of institutional structures and their relation to inter- national actors will vary widely from country to country."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"6. Structures and functions of national institutions","Heading2":"6.1. Integrated approach","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Integration is not only a principle for UN support to DDR, but also for the establishment of national institutions. The form of national institutions should reflect the security, economic and social dimensions of the DDR process. To achieve this, national institutions should include broad representation across a number of government ministries. Although the composition of national institutions for DDR will vary according to the particular govern- ment structures of different countries, the following institutions are generally represented at the level of policy and planning of national DDR institutions: \\n the executive (the presidency and\/or prime minister\u2019s office); \\n the ministries of defence and interior (national security); \\n the ministries of planning and finance; \\n the ministries of labour, employment and industry; \\n the ministries of agriculture and natural resources; \\n the ministries of social welfare, status of women and protection of children; \\n human rights and national reconciliation agencies; \\n electoral authorities.As well as representation of the various agencies and ministries of government, it is important to include representatives of civil society and the private sector in DDR policy and strategic coordination mechanisms."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"6. Structures and functions of national institutions","Heading2":"6.2. Model for a national DDR institutional framework","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"The following diagram presents a schematic overview of links among national and international DDR mechanisms at policy, planning and implementation levels (see Annexes B\u2013D for examples from Haiti, Liberia and Sierra Leone)."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"6. Structures and functions of national institutions","Heading2":"6.3. Policy\/Strategic level","Heading3":"6.3.1. National DDR commission","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"A national DDR policy body representing key national and international stakeholders should be set up under a government or transitional authority established through peace accords, or under the authority of the president or prime minister. This body meets periodically to perform the following main functions: \\n to provide political coordination and policy direction for the national DDR programme; \\n to coordinate all government institutions and international agencies in support of the national DDR programme; \\n to ensure coordination of national DDR programme with other components of the national peace-building and recovery process; \\n to ensure oversight of the agency(ies) responsible for the design and implementation of the national DDR programme; \\n to review progress reports and financial statements; \\n to approve annual\/quarterly work plans.The precise composition of this policy body will vary; however, the following are gen- erally represented: \\n government ministries and agencies responsible for components of DDR (including national women\u2019s councils or agencies, and agencies responsible for youth and children); \\n representatives of parties to the peace accord\/political agreement; \\n representatives of the UN, regional organizations and donors; \\n representatives of civil society and the private sector."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"6. Structures and functions of national institutions","Heading2":"6.3. Policy\/Strategic level","Heading3":"6.3.2. International coordination and assistance","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Depending on whether a UN mission has been established, support is provided for the development of national policies and strategies through the offices of the UN Resident Co- ordinator, or upon appointment of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG)\/ Deputy SRSG (DSRSG). When there is a UN Security Council mandate, the SRSG will be responsible for the coordination of international support to the peace-building and transition process, including DDR. When the UN has a mandate to support national DDR institutions, the SRSG\/DSRSG may be invited to chair or co-chair the national commission on DDR (NCDDR), particularly if there is a need for neutral arbitration."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"6. Structures and functions of national institutions","Heading2":"6.4. Planning and technical levels","Heading3":"6.4.1. National DDR agency","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"A national technical planning and coordination body, responsible for the design and im- plementation of the DDR programme, should be established. The national coordinator\/ director of this body oversees the day-to-day management of the DDR programme and ensures regular reporting to the NCDDR. The main functions of the national DDR agency include: \\n the design of the DDR programme, including conducting assessments, collecting base- line data, establishing indicators and targets, and defining eligibility criteria for the inclusion of individuals in DDR activities; \\n planning of DDR programme activities, including the establishment of information management systems, and monitoring and evaluations procedures; \\n oversight of the joint implementation unit (JIU) for DDR programme implementation.Directed by a national coordinator\/director, the staff of the national DDR agency should include programme managers and technical experts (including those seconded from national ministries) and international technical experts (these may include advisers from the UN system and\/or the mission\u2019s DDR unit) (also see IDDRS 2.30 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners)."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"6. Structures and functions of national institutions","Heading2":"6.4. Planning and technical levels","Heading3":"6.4.2. International technical coordination committee","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"An international technical coordination committee provides a forum for consultation, co- ordination and joint planning between national and international partners at the technical level of DDR programme development and implementation. This committee should meet regularly to review technical issues related to national DDR programme planning and implementation.Participation in the technical coordination committee will vary a great deal, depending on which international actors are present in a country. The committee should include tech- nical experts from the national DDR agency and from those multilateral and bilateral agen- cies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with operations or activities that have a direct or indirect impact on the national DDR programme (also see IDDRS 2.30 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners)."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"6. Structures and functions of national institutions","Heading2":"6.4. Planning and technical levels","Heading3":"6.4.3. Project approval committee","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"A project approval committee (PAC) can be established to ensure transparency in the use of donor resources for DDR by implementing partners, i.e., to review and approve applications by national and international NGOs or agencies for funding for projects. Its role does not include oversight of either the regular operating budget for national DDR institutions or programmes (monitored by the independent financial management unit), or the activities of the UN mission\u2019s DDR unit. The PAC will generally include representatives of donors, the national DDR agency and the UN mission\/agencies (also see IDDRS 2.30 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners and IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting.)"},{"ID":26,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"6. Structures and functions of national institutions","Heading2":"6.5. Implementation\/Operational level","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Operational and implementation mechanisms should be established at national, provincial and local levels. These mechanisms should operate under the supervision of the technical coordination and planning body."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"6. Structures and functions of national institutions","Heading2":"6.5. Implementation\/Operational level","Heading3":"6.5.1. Joint implementation unit","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"The JIU is the operational arm of a national DDR agency, responsible for the implementation of a national DDR programme under the direction of the national coordinator, and ultimately accountable to the NCDDR. The organization of a JIU will vary depending on the priorities and implementation methods of particular national DDR programmes. It should be organ- ized by a functional unit that is designed to integrate the sectors and cross-cutting compo- nents of a national DDR programme, which may include: \\n disarmament and demobilization; reintegration; \\n child protection, youth, gender, cross-border, food, health and HIV\/AIDS advisers; \\n public information and community sensitization; \\n monitoring and evaluation.Other functional units may be established according to the design and needs of parti- cular DDR programmes."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"6. Structures and functions of national institutions","Heading2":"6.5. Implementation\/Operational level","Heading3":"6.5.2. Independent financial management unit","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Given the size and sensitivities of resource allocation to large DDR operations, an independ- ent financial management, contracts and procurement unit for the national DDR programme should be established. This unit may be housed within the national DDR institution or entrusted to an international partner. A joint national\u2013international management and over- sight system may be established, particularly when donors are contributing significant funds for DDR. This unit should be responsible for the following: \\n establishing standards and procedures for financial management and accounting, con- tracts, and procurement of goods and services for the DDR programme; \\n mobilizing and managing national and international funds received for DDR programme activities; \\n reviewing and approving budgets for DDR programme activities; \\n establishing a reporting system and preparing financial reports and audits as required (also see IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting)."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"6. Structures and functions of national institutions","Heading2":"6.5. Implementation\/Operational level","Heading3":"6.5.4. Implementing agencies\/partners","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"There will generally be a range of national and international partners engaged in the im- plementation of different components of the national DDR programme. These will vary significantly depending on the presence and capabilities of government agencies, local authorities and community-based organizations; UN agencies; and national and international NGOs located near DDR operations. The activities of implementing partners should be coordinated by regional\/field offices that report to the JIU of a national DDR agency(also see IDDRS 2.30 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners)."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"7. Coordination of national and international DDR structures and processes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"National and international DDR structures and processes should, as far as possible, be jointly developed and coordinated at the policy, planning and operational levels, as explained below. The planning of UN missions and national DDR institutions has not always been sufficiently integrated, reducing the efficiency and effectiveness of both. The success and sustainability of a DDR programme depend on the ability of international expertise and resources to complement and support nationally led processes. A key factor in close coordination is the early consultation of national authorities and parties to the DDR process during UN assessment missions and mission planning processes. International DDR expertise, political support and technical assistance should also be available from the earliest point in the peace process through the establishment of national institutions and programmes."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"7. Coordination of national and international DDR structures and processes","Heading2":"7.1. Policy\/Strategic level","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Coordination of national and international efforts at the policy\/strategic level will vary a great deal, depending on the dynamics of the conflict, the parties to the peace process and the role\/mandate of the UN in support of peace-building and recovery, including DDR. However, coordination (and where possible, integration) of national and international efforts will be essential at the following points: \\n ensuring national and local stakeholder participation in UN assessment and mission planning exercises (also see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures). National stakeholders should be consulted and, where possible, participate fully in the initial planning phases of international support for DDR; \\n providing international support for the establishment of an NCDDR or political over- sight mechanisms; \\n coordinating bilateral and multilateral actors to ensure a coherent message on DDR and to support national institutions."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"7. Coordination of national and international DDR structures and processes","Heading2":"7.2. Planning and technical levels","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Coordination of national and international efforts at the planning and technical levels is important to ensure that the national DDR programme and UN support for DDR operations work together in an integrated and coherent way. It is important to ensure coordination at the following points: \\n in national DDR programme development; \\n in the development of DDR programmes of UN mission and agencies; \\n in technical coordination with bilateral partners and NGOs."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"7. Coordination of national and international DDR structures and processes","Heading2":"7.3. Implementation\/Operational level","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Coordination between the national DDR agency and UN mission\/system at the operational level should be established through the following: \\n the establishment of a JIU with mixed national\/international staff; \\n the provision of international technical assistance for implementation; \\n the coordination of national and international implementing agencies\/partners."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"8. The role of international assistance","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"The DDR of ex-combatants in countries emerging from conflict is complex and involves many different activities. Flexibility and a sound analysis of local needs and contexts are the most essential requirements for designing a UN strategy in support of DDR. It is im- portant to establish the context in which DDR is taking place and the existing capacities of national and local actors to develop, manage and implement DDR operations.The UN recognizes that a genuine, effective and broad national ownership of the DDR process is important for the successful implementation of the disarmament and demobili- zation process, and that this is essential for the sustainability of the reintegration of ex- combatants into post-conflict society. The UN should work to encourage genuine, effective and broad national ownership at all phases of the DDR programme, wherever possible."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"8. The role of international assistance","Heading2":"8.1. Considerations in defining the role of the UN","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"The UN approach to the planning, management and monitoring of DDR programmes in a peacekeeping environment should be informed by the following factors: \\n Strength and legitimacy of governments: Post-conflict governments and their attendant bureaucracies may vary widely in terms of their strength and viability; their legitimacy in the eyes of the population; their level of existing capacities for programme devel- opment and management; the territorial extent and scope of government authority; and the degree to which the State has a monopoly over the means of violence in its territory. Taken together, these will affect the degree to which a given government can take effective ownership of and responsibility for DDR; \\n Technical capacities and knowledge: Even when post-conflict governments are legitimate and capable, they may lack the specific technical knowledge that is needed to link DDR to a national reconstruction plan and SSR; \\n Participation of civil society: In many post-conflict situations, civil society may have been repressed or marginalized and lack access to political decision-making processes. The representation of civil society at all levels in the body politic is essential, and the UN should support the participation and engagement of civil society in DDR processes wherever possible. Possible roles may include involvement in the policy development process (and particularly its link with transitional justice and equity issues); assistance with the identification of people associated with armed groups and forces, especially women and children; and implementing (particularly focusing on the involvement of local communities) and monitoring the effectiveness of DDR programmes."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"8. The role of international assistance","Heading2":"8.1.1. Letter of agreement","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"The national stakeholders and the UN should establish a letter of agreement where the government and relevant national stakeholders outline their respective roles and responsi- bilities; establish commitments to DDR according to international standards; establish links to SSR (including plans for future military size and budget, military unification, and restruc- turing, where relevant); and outline humanitarian activities and reconstruction\/recovery efforts."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"8. The role of international assistance","Heading2":"8.2. Areas of UN support","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"UN support to national efforts take place in the following areas (the actual degree of UN engagement should be determined on the basis of the considerations outlined above): \\n Political\/Strategic support: In order for the international community to provide political support to the DDR process, it is essential to understand the dynamics of both the conflict and the post-conflict period. By carrying out a stakeholder analysis (as part of a larger conflict assessment process), it will be possible to better understand the dynam- ics among national actors, and to identify DDR supporters and potential spoilers; \\n Institutional capacity development: It is important that capacity development strategies are established jointly with national authorities at the start of international involvement in DDR to ensure that the parties themselves take ownership of and responsibility for the success of the process. The UN system should play an important role in supporting the development of national and local capacities for DDR through providing technical assistance, establishing partnership arrangements with national institutions, and pro- viding training and capacity-building to local implementing partners; \\n Support for the establishment of legal frameworks: A key area in which international exper- tise can support the development of national capacities is in the drawing up of legal frameworks for DDR and related processes of SSR and weapons management. The UN system should draw on experiences from a range of political and legal systems, and assist national authorities in drafting appropriate legislation and legal instruments; \\n Technical assistance for policy and planning: Through the provision of technical assistance, the UN system should provide direct support to the development of national DDR policy and programmes. It is important to ensure, however, that this assistance is provided through partnership or mentoring arrangements that allow for knowledge and skills transfers to national staff, and to avoid situations where international experts take direct responsibility for programme functions within national institutions. When several international institutions are providing technical assistance to national authori- ties, it is important to ensure that this assistance is coordinated and coherent; \\n Direct support for implementation and financial management: The UN system may also be called upon, either by Security Council mandate or at the request of national authorities, to provide direct support for the implementation of certain components of a DDR pro- gramme, including the financial management of resources for DDR. A memorandum of understanding should be established between the UN and national authorities that defines the precise area of responsibility for programme delivery, mechanisms for co- ordination with local partners and clear reporting responsibilities; \\n Material\/Logistic support: In the post-conflict period, many national institutions lack both material and human resources. The UN system should provide material and logistic support to national DDR institutions and implementing agencies, particularly in the areas of: information and communications technology and equipment; transportation; rehabilitation, design and management of DDR sites, transit centres and other facilities; the establishment of information management and referral systems; and the procurement of basic goods for reinsertion kits, among others (also see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization and IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration); \\n Training programmes for national staff: The UN system should further support capacity development through the provision of training. There are a number of different training methodologies, including the provision of courses or seminars, training of trainers, on- the-job or continuous training, and exchanges with experts from other national DDR institutions. Although shortage of time and money may limit the training options that can be offered, it is important that the approach chosen builds skills through a continuous process of capacity development that transfers skills to local actors; \\n Support to local capacity development and community empowerment: Through local capacity development and community empowerment, the UN system should support local ownership of DDR processes and programmes. Since the success of the DDR process depends largely on the reintegration of individuals at the community level, it is im- portant to ensure that capacity development efforts are not restricted to assisting national authorities, but include direct support to communities in areas of reintegration. In particular, international agencies can help to build local capacities for participation in assessment and planning processes, project and financial management, reporting, and evaluation."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Prepared by the Draft Interim Secretariat (Comprising UNDP, UNMIL, World Bank, USAID, UNICEF, UNHCR, OCHA, World Vision) \\n Monrovia, 31 October 2003 \\n Excerpts: pp. 17\u201324"},{"ID":39,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities","Heading2":"Implementation modalities","Heading3":"The national commission","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"The programme will be implemented under the guidance and supervision of the National Commission on Disarmament, Demobilization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration (NCDDRR), a temporary institution established by the peace agreement August 2003. The NCDDRR will consist of representatives from relevant National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL) agencies, the Government of Liberia (GOL), the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD), the Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the United Nations (UN), the African Union (AU) and the International Contact Group on Liberia (ICGL).The NCDDRR will: \\n provide policy guidance to the Joint Implementation Unit (JIU); \\n formulate the strategy and co-ordinate all government institutions in support of the Disarmament, Demobilization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration Programme (DDRRP); \\n identify problems related to programme implementation and impact; and \\n undertake all measures necessary for their quick and effective solution. During start-up, the NCDDRR will hold at least monthly meetings, but extraordinary meetings can be called if necessary.The NCDDRR will be supported by a Secretary, who will be responsible for: \\n reporting to the NCDDRR on the activities of the JIU with regard to the DDRR process; \\n promoting programme activities as well as managing relationships with external key stakeholders; \\n assisting the JIU with necessary support and facilitation required to secure the political commitment of the leadership of the various fighting groups in order to implement the DDRR programme; \\n participating in the various committees of the JIU \u2013 particularly with the Technical Coordination Committee and the Project Approval Committee (PAC); \\n providing general oversight of the DDRR process on behalf of the NCDDRR committee and preparing reports to the committee."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities","Heading2":"Joint Implementation Unit","Heading3":"Function","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"In order to ensure rapid implementation that will protect the credibility of the programme, a Joint Implementation Unit (JIU), headed by a Programme and Policy Adviser, will carry out the planning and implementation of the day-to-day operation and execution of the programme. The JIU will be an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental entity composed of four units dealing with: \\n disarmament and demobilization: staffed with expertise from the UNMIL comprising a disarmament and demobilization expert, demobilization officers and field officers, as well as qualified national staff; \\n rehabilitation and reintegration: staffed with expertise from the UNDP and other relevant agencies consisting of reintegration operation experts and national experts in vocational training and small enterprise development, employment creation and appren- ticeship promotion, agriculture and food production; \\n monitoring and evaluation: staffed by technical assistance from the UNDP including a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) expert, and national staff as systems analyst, pro- grammer and M&E field monitors as well as short-term data entry clerks; and \\n information and sensitization: staffed with expertise from UNMIL and OCHA includ- ing specialists in public information development and dissemination, social adaptation programmes in the area of civic education, psychosocial counselling, community-based reconciliation and peace-building measures.Accountable to the NCDDRR, the JIU will be responsible for ensuring: \\n the planning and implementation of the individual programme components in collabo- ration with other government departments, NGOs and donors; \\n the transparent and accountable administration of the programme (including procure- ment and disbursements); and \\n monitoring and evaluation.The institutional capacity of the JIU will be ensured through rigorous selection of staff, payment consistent with the quality of outputs required, and staff training where appro- priate. Technical assistance will be contracted on the basis of specific terms of reference for providing a management information system (MIS) and financial management as well as the implementation of specific programme components.The various units of the JIU will be assigned with expertise from UN agencies as follows: \\n the UNMIL DDR team will be deployed for the DD Unit in the JIU; \\n programme and policy coordination, MIS and reintegration will be assigned to the team from the UNDP; and \\n UNMIL and OCHA will handle the Information and Sensitization Unit.This arrangement will enhance the capacity of the JIU as well as reducing the overall staffing cost for the programme, while ensuring continuity in programme development in the event of the completion of the mandate of the mission. Each unit will be supported with national staff recruited to understudy the international staff of the JIU.A Programme and Policy Co-ordinator will manage and coordinate an internal manage- ment team comprising the heads of units of the JIU, and will report to the Office of the SRSG or to his or her designate in matters relating to the implementation of the programme.All implementing partners such as bilateral agencies, international and local NGOs will undertake their responsibilities in full compliance with programme guidelines and under the supervision of the JIU in respect of contracts entered into with the JIU of the NCDDRR."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities","Heading2":"Joint Implementation Unit","Heading3":"DDRR field offices","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"In addition to the central office in Monrovia, the JIU will establish five small DDRR field offices based on where ex-combatants are concentrated. The field offices will be co-located with the UNMIL field offices.Each DDRR field office will comprise a reintegration officer and up to four referral and counselling officers, all familiar with the local socio-political environment. The reinte- gration officers will be UN Volunteers (UNVs) recruited for this purpose and support with national staff. In addition, each DDRR field office will have an administration and account- ing officer, who will report directly to the financial manager of the Direct Execution (DEX) for administering reinsertion and reintegration assistance.In order to reinforce the capacity at the local level, each DDRR field office will have a UNV as the reintegration or DDRR officer working with various local staff.The field offices will be responsible for: \\n information and counselling; \\n administration of reintegration assistance under the different programme components; \\n monitoring and evaluation; \\n co-ordination with traditional\/religious leaders, and maintaining linkages and coordi- nation with other community-based reconstruction and rehabilitation interventions; \\n sensitizing the local population; \\n assisting in programme implementation; \\n identifying and solving local problems related to ex-combatant reintegration; and \\n reporting on the progress and impact of the programme to the JIU in Monrovia.On the basis of the settlement pattern of ex-combatants, additional referral and coun- selling officers may be recruited."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities","Heading2":"Joint Implementation Unit","Heading3":"Roles and functions of the military units","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"A military liaison office will be created to facilitate co-operation with UNMIL and the DD Unit for all security-related aspects of the programme. Within the overall mandates given to them by their respective institutions, UNMIL is expected to perform the following functions within the DDRR programme: \\n provide relevant input and information as well as security assistance and advice with regard to the selection of potential sites for disarmament and demobilization; \\n provide technical input with regard to the process of disarmament, registration, docu- mentation and screening of potential candidates for demobilization; \\n develop and install systems for arms control and advise on a larger legislative frame- work to monitor and control arms recycling; \\n monitor and verify the conformity of the DDR process according to recognized and acceptable standards; \\n assume responsibility for effecting disarmament of combatants, maintain a pertinent registry of surrendered weaponry and conduct pre-demobilization screening and evaluation; and \\n ensure the destruction of all weapons surrendered."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities","Heading2":"Role of implementing partners and selection criteria","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"A considerable part of the programme implementation will be contracted out to local and international NGOs as well as in partnership with various UN agencies, line ministries, private sector institutions and community-based structures.Implementing agencies will be selected on the basis of the following criteria: \\n Track record and technical capacity. The agency must demonstrate a track record of technical and functional expertise in its chosen area of participation for not less then four years; \\n Financial management capacity. It needs to demonstrate a proven record of sound finan- cial management and\/or the capacity to pre-finance initial project costs. It must provide audited financial record for the past three years; \\n Management capacity. The agency must demonstrate sound management capability in respect of the programme delivery structure and expertise.The implementing agency will be expected to adhere to the policy guidelines with regard to camp management and other operational regulations. It will be accountable to the JIU in matters of technical and financial issues related to its contractual obligations."},{"ID":44,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities","Heading2":"Monitoring and evaluation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"The programme comprises three separate but highly related processes, namely the military process of selecting and assembling combatants for demobilization and the civilian process of discharge, reinsertion and reintegration.How soldiers are demobilized affects the reinsertion and reintegration processes. At each phase: \\n the administration of assistance has to be accounted for; \\n weapons collected need to be classified and analysed; \\n beneficiaries of reintegration assistance need to be tracked; and \\n the quality of services provided during the implementation of the programme needs to be assessed.To plan, monitor and evaluate the processes, a management information system (MIS) regarding the discharged ex-combatants is required and will contain the following components: \\n a database on the basic socio-economic profile of ex-combatants; \\n a database on disarmament and weapons classification; \\n a database of tracking benefit administration such as on payments of the settling-in package, training scholarships and employment subsidies to the ex-combatants; and \\n a database on the programme\u2019s financial flows.The MIS depends on the satisfactory performance of all those involved in the collection and processing of information. There is, therefore, a need for extensive training of enumer- ators, country staff and headquarters staff. Particular emphasis will be given to the fact that the MIS is a system not only of control but also of assistance. Consequently, a constant two- way flow of information between the DDRR field offices and the JIU will be ensured through- out programme implementation.The MIS will provide a useful tool for planning and implementing demobilization. In connection with the reinsertion and reintegration of ex-combatants, the system is indispen- sable to the JIU in efficiently discharging its duties in planning and budgeting, implemen- tation, monitoring and evaluation. The system serves multiple functions and users. It is also updated from multiple data sources.The MIS may be conceived as comprising several simple databases that are logically linked together using a unique identifier (ID number). An MIS expert will be recruited to design, install and run the programme start-up. To keep the overheads of maintaining the system to a minimum, a self-updating and checking mechanism will be put in place."},{"ID":45,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities","Heading2":"DEX Unit","Heading3":"Management of the DDRR Trust Fund","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Fundamental principles for the management of the DDRR Trust Fund are based on trans- parency and openness with a clear separation between the policy\/allocation aspects of the DDRR Trust Fund operations and the fiduciary\/administrative responsibility.The Trust Fund will be administered by UNDP in accordance with the terms of refer- ence of the Trust Fund. In this capacity, the UNDP will establish and maintain appropriate records and accounts to identify the contributions to the Fund, the commitments to be financed out of the Fund and the receipt and disbursement of funds.The DEX Unit will be established and will be composed of UNDP staff with the overall responsibility for financial management and procurement for the programme. The DEX Unit will monitor expenditures related to the activities financed under the Trust Fund. The respon- sibilities of the DEX Unit will include procurement of goods, services and other items, screening and recommending UNDP\u2019s approval and payment, and monitoring all expen- ditures financed by the funds. UNDP will finance the cost of the DEX Unit from its own proper resources; therefore, all contributions will go towards direct costs of the DDRR programme."},{"ID":46,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities","Heading2":"DEX Unit","Heading3":"Modalities of administration and administrative charges","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"The UNDP, as the administrator of the DDRR Trust Fund, will be responsible for all dis- bursements in conformity with its own regulations, rules and procedures and consistent with the allocations and decisions made by the project approval and review committee of the JIU of the NCDDRR as well as the broader priorities set in consultation with the NCDDRR and the donor community.The UNDP will strive for maximum efficiency and effectiveness in administering the DDRR Trust Fund while promoting sound financial management and accountability to ensure that all required fiduciary and administrative cost elements are adequately funded."},{"ID":47,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities","Heading2":"DEX Unit","Heading3":"Monitoring and evaluation","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"A sound, independent monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the entire Fund will be established as well as adequate external audits."},{"ID":48,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities","Heading2":"DEX Unit","Heading3":"Reporting and auditing","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Appropriate progress reports will be forwarded to the donors on a monthly basis covering general progress on implementation, financial reports on income and expenditure. The progress reporting will be the prime responsibility of the UNDP Resident Representative in Monrovia. However, the reports will also be submitted to the donors through UNDP Headquarters in New York to the relevant permanent missions to the United Nations. These progress reports will include the status of intended outputs, achievements and progress on the programme.On an annual basis, UNDP will provide financial reports on income and expenditure of the Trust Fund to donors, in accordance with UNDP\u2019s financial regulations and rules. An annual financial statement will be prepared for the Fund showing income and expendi- tures as of 31 December of every year and shall be submitted by the 30 June, i.e., six months after.Contributions made available will be subject exclusively to the internal and external auditing procedures provided for in the financial regulations, rules and directives of UNDP. Should an audit report of the Board of Auditors of UNDP to its governing body contain observations relevant to the contributions, such information will be available to the donor(s)."},{"ID":49,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities","Heading2":"Technical Coordination Committee","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"A Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) will be established by the JIU to consult and inform external programme partners on critical issues of planning and programme develop- ment with regard to the DDRR programme. This will provide a broad forum for technical and strategic consultation in support of rational programming for all the DDRR activities.The responsibilities of the TCC will be to: \\n identify strategic, operational and technical issues that may have an impact on the dis- armament, demobilisation and reintegration process; \\n develop technical standards, guidelines, and operating principles, which will be adhered to by all involved in the implementation of specific DDRR activities; \\n provide the framework for securing the support of key partners with regard to input to planning and implementing disarmament and demobilization activities as well as the reintegration process; \\n provide the basis for operational planning and consensus on issues relating to disarm- ament, demobilization and reintegration; and \\n on a regular basis identify key policy issues that need to be resolved by the policy com- mittee and provide policy options to the NCDDRR for consideration.The membership of the TCC will be based on invitation by the JIU and consist of rele- vant programme staff from agencies such as UNICEF, UNDP, UNHCR, WFP, WHO, EU, USAID, UNMIL, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), OCHA and other appro- priate agencies. Relevant NTGL agencies could be invited for participation when necessary. The TCC will be constituted on a relevant sector basis such as disarmament and demobiliza- tion and reintegration, and it will meet fortnightly or as and when required. The membership and participation will vary according to the relevant sector."},{"ID":50,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities","Heading2":"Project Approval Committee","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"A Project Approval Committee (PAC) will be established to ensure transparency in the use of donor resources. The PAC will be responsible for the review and approval of projects submitted by the implementing partners (i.e., international and national NGOs, etc.) to the JIU of the NCDDRRP. Financial resources from the assessed budget of the mission would be processed outside this framework. The members of the PAC will comprise one represen- tative each from the EU, USAID, UNDP, UNMIL, UNICEF and NTGL."},{"ID":51,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"National Institutions for DDR","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.30 National Institutions for DDR","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"1 See The Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Conflict and Post\u00adConflict Societies, report of the Secretary- General to the Security Council, S\/2004\/616, 3 August 2004. \\n 2 Ibid., p. 4."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR.json b/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39d291d --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The base of a well-functioning integrated disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programme is the strength of its logistic, financial and administrative performance. If the multifunctional support capabilities, both within and outside peacekeeping missions, operate efficiently, then planning and delivery of logistic support to a DDR programme are more effective.The three central components of DDR logistic requirements include: equipment and services; finance and budgeting; and personnel. Depending on the DDR programme in question, many support services might be necessary in the area of equipment and services, e.g. living and working accommodation, communications, air transport, etc. Details regard- ing finance and budgeting, and personnel logistics for an integrated DDR unit are described in IDDRS 3.41 and 3.42.Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission provides a number of options. Within an integrated mission support structure, logistic support is available for civilian staffing, finances and a range of elements such as transportation, medical services and information technology. In a multidimensional operation, DDR is just one of the components requiring specific logistic needs. Some of the other components may include military and civilian headquarters staff and their functions, or military observers and their activities.When the DDR unit of a mission states its logistic requirements, the delivery of the supplies\/services requested all depends on the quality of information provided to logistics planners by DDR managers. Some of the important information DDR managers need to provide to logistics planners well ahead of time are the estimated total number of ex-com- batants, broken down by sex, age, disability or illness, parties\/groups and locations\/sectors. Also, a time-line of the DDR programme is especially helpful.DDR managers must also be aware of long lead times for acquisition of services and materials, as procurement tends to slow down the process. It is also recommended that a list of priority equipment and services, which can be funded by voluntary contributions, is made. Each category of logistic resources (civilian, commercial, military) has distinct advantages and disadvantages, which are largely dependent upon how hostile the operating environ- ment is and the cost."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"This module provides practitioners with an overview of the integrated mission support concept and explains the planning and delivery of logistic support to a DDR programme. A more detailed treatment of the finance and budgeting aspects of DDR programmes are provided in IDDRS 3.41, while IDDRS 3.42 deals with the issue of personnel and staffing in an integrated DDR unit."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A gives a list of abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the word \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d"},{"ID":3,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The effectiveness and responsiveness of a DDR programme relies on the administrative, logistic and financial support it gets from the peacekeeping mission, United Nations (UN) agencies, funds and programmes. DDR is multidimensional and involves multiple actors; as a result, different support capabilities, within and outside the peacekeeping mission, should not be seen in isolation, but should be dealt with together in an integrated way as far as possible to provide maximum flexibility and responsiveness in the implementation of the DDR programme."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The planning of the logistic support for DDR programmes is guided by the principles, key considerations and approaches outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR; in particular: \\n unity of effort in the planning and implementation of support for all phases of the DDR programme, bearing in mind that different UN (and other) actors have a role to play in support of the DDR programme; \\n accountability, transparency and flexibility in using the most appropriate support mech- anisms available to ensure an efficient and effective DDR programme, from the funding through to logistic support, bearing in mind that DDR activities may not occur sequen- tially (i.e., one after the other); \\n a people-centred approach, by catering for the different and specific needs (such as dietary, medical and gender-specific requirements) of the participants and beneficiaries of the DDR programme; \\n means of ensuring safety and security, which is a major consideration, as reliable estimates of the size and extent of the DDR operation may not be available; contingency planning must therefore also be included in logistics planning."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"5. DDR lOgistic requirements","Heading2":"5.1. Equipment and services","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Depending on the specific character of the DDR programme, some or all of the following support services may be required: \\n living accommodation; \\n camp construction material, including outsourcing of construction and management; \\n fire prevention and precautions, and fire-fighting equipment; \\n working accommodation; \\n office furniture; \\n office equipment and supplies; \\n communications; \\n information technology; \\n medical services capable of responding to different needs; \\n movement control; \\n surface transport; \\n air transport; \\n water; \\n food rations; food preparation and supply arrangements; \\n fuel; \\n general services such as janitorial, waste disposal, etc.; \\n security; \\n management information software, identity card machines; \\n weapons destruction equipment."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"5. DDR lOgistic requirements","Heading2":"5.2. Finance and budgeting","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"DDR programmes in a peacekeeping context are funded from a combination of the peace- keeping-assessed budget and voluntary sources, which could come from UN-managed trust funds, World Bank trust funds and direct bilateral support (also see IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting)."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"5. DDR lOgistic requirements","Heading2":"5.3. Personnel","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"The UN takes an integrated approach to DDR, which is reflected in the effort to establish a single integrated DDR unit in the field. The aim of this integrated unit is to facilitate joint planning to ensure the effective and efficient decentralization of the many DDR tasks (also see IDDRS 3.42 on Personnel and Staffing)."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"Note that unless otherwise specified, guidelines in this section refer to logistics issues under the direct management of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), or funded through assessed contributions to a peacekeeping mission budget. Other UN agencies, funds and programmes will in most cases need to comply with the rules and procedures govern- ing operations, logistics and the financing of their activities."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission","Heading2":"6.1. Integrated mission support .","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"In a peacekeeping mission, integrated support is provided. This includes civilian staffing, different logistic elements (such as logistics planning, transportation, supply, engineering, communications and information technology, medical services and general services) and finances, which are all considered together to develop the mission support strategy (see figure 1). A peacekeeping mission adopts this general approach for the delivery of logistic support to all mandated programmes, although it also caters to the specific needs of the DDR programme."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission","Heading2":"6.2. A multidimensional operation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"DDR is one component of a multidimensional peacekeeping operation. Other components may include: \\n mission civilian substantive staff and the staff of political, humanitarian, human rights, public information, etc., programmes; \\n military and civilian police headquarters staff and their functions; \\n military observers and their activities; \\n military contingents and their operations; \\n civilian police officers and their activities; \\n formed police units and their operations; \\n UN support staffs; \\n other UN agencies, programmes and funds, as mandated."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission","Heading2":"6.3. DDR statement of requirements","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"The quality and timeliness of DDR logistic support to a peacekeeping mission depend on the quality and timeliness of information provided by DDR planners and managers to logistics planners. DDR programme managers need to state the logistic requirements that fall under the direct managerial or financial scope of the peacekeeping mission and DPKO. In addition, the logistic requirements have to be submitted to the Division of Administration as early as possible to ensure timely logistic support. Some of the more important elements are listed below as a guideline: \\n estimated total number of ex-combatants, broken down according to sex, age, dis- ability or illness, parties\/groups and locations\/sectors; \\n estimated total number of weapons, broken down according to type of weap- on, ammunition, explosives, etc.; \\n time-lineoftheentireprogramme, show- ing start\/completion of activities; \\n allocation of resources, materials and services included in the assessed budget; \\n names of all participating UN entities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other implementing partners, with their focal points and telephone numbers\/email addresses; \\n forums\/meetings and other coordination mechanisms where Joint Logistics Operations Centre (JLOC) participation is requested; \\n requirement of office premises, office furniture, office equipment and related services, with locations; \\n ground transport requirements \u2014 types and quantities; \\n air transport requirements; \\n communications requirements, including identity card machines; \\n medical support requirements; \\n number and location of various disarmament sites, camps, cantonments and other facilities; \\n layout of each site, camp\/cantonment with specifications, including: \\n\\n camp\/site management structure with designations and responsibilities of officials; \\n\\n number and type of combatants, and their sex and age; \\n\\n number and type of all categories of staff, including NGOs\u2019 staff, expected in the camp; \\n\\n nature of activities to be conducted in the site\/camp and special requirements for rations storage, distribution of insertion benefits, etc.; \\n\\n security considerations and requirements; \\n\\n preferred type of construction; \\n\\n services\/amenities provided by NGOs; \\n\\n camp services to be provided by the mission, as well as any other specific requirements; \\n\\n dietary restrictions\/considerations; \\n\\n fire-fighting equipment; \\n\\n camp evacuation standard operating procedures; \\n\\n policy on employment of ex-combatants as labourers in camp construction."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission","Heading2":"6.4. Long lead time items .","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"For procurement funded from the mission budget (assessed contributions), DDR manag- ers must recognize and build into their planning estimates of the lead times for the acqui- sition of services and materials. Typical lead times for common equipment\/commodities, exclusive of processing and shipping time, are given below: \\n In principle, programme managers should attempt to get all logistic requirements for UN support to DDR funded out of the regular mission budget. Also, they should identify a (small) number of priority pieces of equipment and services that could be funded from voluntary contributions (which often have the ability to procure locally and with shorter lead times) on a reimbursable basis. The procurement of equipment and services in this way should be carried out according to the rules and regulations of individual agencies."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission","Heading2":"6.5. Options for the provision of logistic support for DDR activities .","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"The range of logistic support provided to a programme or activity will normally include a combination of UN civilian, commercial and military resources. Each of these elements has distinct advantages and disadvantages: \\n UN civilian support under direct UN control is easily adjusted to programme-specific requirements, and can operate in all but the most hostile environment; however, it takes time to assemble the required personnel and equipment, and to establish the necessary organization; \\n Commercial support comes fully staffed and equipped, but it takes time to put the appro- priate contractual arrangements in place, and commercial support cannot always be relied on to operate in hostile conditions; \\n Military support can operate in the most hostile environments, can be mobilized rela- tively quickly (depending on the troop-contributing country) and comes fully staffed and equipped. However, military support lacks continuity, because of the need to rotate personnel every 6\u201312 months. It can also be expensive."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission","Heading2":"6.6. Support management structures and processes","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"This section outlines the management structure, and the planning and delivery of logistic support in a peacekeeping mission. These structures apply to the components of a DDR programme managed directly by DPKO or funded from the regular mission budget."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission","Heading2":"6.6. Support management structures and processes","Heading3":"6.6.1. Chief administrative officer","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Within a UN peacekeeping mission, the chief administrative officer (CAO) (or director of administration \u2014 DOA) is the sole financially accountable officer (for the assessed budget), and is responsible for the provision of all administrative and logistic support to all mission components. The senior mission management determines the priorities for programmes and their activities. It is the responsibility of the CAO\/DOA to turn these priorities into plans, resource allocations, tasks, and coordination and monitoring arrangements."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission","Heading2":"6.6. Support management structures and processes","Heading3":"6.6.2. Integrated support services","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"A joint civilian\u2013military management structure, known as integrated support services (ISS), reviews and prioritizes all requests for logistic support in accordance with the mission\u2019s objectives and priorities, and allocates the most suitable civilian, commercial or military support resource to meet the requirements in the most effective and economic manner. A diagram of a typical ISS structure is given in Annex B."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission","Heading2":"6.6. Support management structures and processes","Heading3":"6.6.3. Joint Logistics Operations Centre","Heading4":"","Module":"3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"The day-to-day planning, analysis, coordination and tasking of all requests for logistic support are handled by the JLOC; see Annex B). The JLOC is also the mission\u2019s single point of contact for the coordination of logistics issues with non-DPKO actors such as NGOs or other UNagencies, fundsandprogrammes. All requests for logistic support should be channelled through the JLOC for appropriate prioritization and tasking.For the JLOC to effectively plan and de- liver logistic support to a DDR programme, it is essential that the DDR management team keeps the JLOC informed of its future support requirements during the planning stage and that it provides the JLOC with the programme operational plan before the DDR operation starts, keeping in view the lead times for design, acquisition, packaging and delivery of logistic services.The DDR operational plan needs to describe what is needed to achieve its planned activities, as follows: \\n physical resources: space, supplies, equipment; \\n human resources: international, national (local, national professional officers), UN volunteers; \\n services; \\n supplies; \\n partnerships\/links with implementing partners; \\n time-lines."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR.json b/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0761c9c --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The system of funding of a disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) pro- gramme varies according to the different involvement of international actors. When the World Bank (with its Multi-Donor Trustfund) plays a leading role in supporting a national DDR programme, funding is normally provided for all demobilization and reintegration activities, while additional World Bank International Development Association (IDA) loans are also provided. In these instances, funding comes from a single source and is largely guaranteed.In instances where the United Nations (UN) takes the lead, several sources of funding may be brought together to support a national DDR programme. Funds may include con- tributions from the peacekeeping assessed budget; core funding from the budgets of UN agencies, funds and programmes; voluntary contributions from donors to a UN-managed trust fund; bilateral support from a Member State to the national programme; and contribu- tions from the World Bank.In a peacekeeping context, funding may come from some or all of the above funding sources. In this situation, a good understanding of the policies and procedures governing the employment and management of financial support from these different sources is vital to the success of the DDR programme.Since several international actors are involved, it is important to be aware of important DDR funding requirements, resource mobilization options, funding mechanisms and finan- cial management structures for DDR programming. Within DDR funding requirements, for example, creating an integrated DDR plan, investing heavily in the reintegration phase and increasing accountability by using the results-based budgeting (RBB) process can contribute to the success and long-term sustainability of a DDR programme.When budgeting for DDR programmes, being aware of the various funding sources available is especially helpful. The peacekeeping assessed budget process, which covers military, personnel and operational costs, is vital to DDR programming within the UN peace- keeping context. Both in and outside the UN system, rapid response funds are available. External sources of funding include voluntary donor contributions, the World Bank Post- Conflict Fund, the Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Programme (MDRP), government grants and agency in-kind contributions.Once funds have been committed to DDR programmes, there are different funding mechanisms that can be used and various financial management structures for DDR pro- grammes that can be created. Suitable to an integrated DDR plan is the Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP), which is the normal UN inter-agency planning, coordination and resource mobilization mechanism for the response to a crisis. Transitional appeals, Post-Conflict Needs Assessments (PCNAs) and international donors\u2019 conferences usually involve govern- ments and are applicable to the conflict phase. In the case of RBB, programme budgeting that is defined by clear objectives, indicators of achievement, outputs and influence of external factors helps to make funds more sustainable. Effective financial management structures for DDR programmes are based on a coherent system for ensuring flexible and sustainable financing for DDR activities. Such a coherent structure is guided by, among other factors, a coordinated arrangement for the funding of DDR activities and an agreed framework for joint DDR coordination, monitoring and evaluation."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The aim of this module is to provide DDR practitioners in Headquarters and the field, in peacekeeping missions as well as field-based UN agencies, funds and programmes with a good understanding of: \\n the major DDR activities that need to be considered and their associated cost; \\n the planning and budgetary framework used for DDR programming in a peacekeeping environment; \\n potential sources of funding for DDR programmes, relevant policies guiding their use and the key actors that play an important role in funding DDR programmes; \\n the financial mechanisms and frameworks used for DDR fund and programmes man- agement.Specifically, the module outlines the policies and procedures for the mobilization, man- agement and allocation of funds for DDR programmes, from planning to implementation. It provides substantive information about the budgeting process used in a peacekeeping mission (including the RBB framework) and UN country team. It also discusses the funding mechanisms available to support the launch and implementation of DDR programmes and ensure coordination with other stakeholders involved in the funding of DDR programmes. Finally, it outlines suggestions about how the UN\u2019s financial resources for DDR can be managed as part of the broader framework for DDR, defining national and international responsibilities and roles, and mechanisms for collective decision-making.The module does not deal with the specific policies and procedures of World Bank funding of DDR programmes. It should be read together with the module on planning of integrated DDR (IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures), the module on programme design (IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design), which provides guidance on developing cost-efficient and effective DDR programmes, and the module on national institutions (IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR), which specifies the role of national institutions in DDR."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of inte- grated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the word \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d"},{"ID":3,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"The primary purpose of DDR is to build the conditions for sustainable reintegration and reconciliation at the community level. Therefore, both early, adequate and sustainable funding and effective and transparent financial management arrangements are vital to the success of DDR programmes. Funding and financial management must be combined with cost-efficient and effective DDR programme strategies that both increase immediate security and contribute to the longer-term reintegration of ex-combatants. Strategies containing poorly conceived eligibility criteria, a focus on individual combatants, up-front cash incentives, weapons buy-back schemes and hastily planned re- integration programmes must be avoided. They are both a financial drain and will not help to achieve the purpose of DDR.Programme managers should be aware that the reliance on multiple sources and mechanisms for funding DDR in a peacekeeping environment has several implications: \\n First, most programmes experience a gap of about a year from the time funds are pledged at a donors\u2019 conference to the time they are received. Payment may be further delayed if there is a lack of donor confidence in the peace process or in the implemen- tation of the peace agreement; \\n Second, the peacekeeping assessed budget is a predictable and reliable source of funding, but a lack of knowledge about what can or cannot be carried out with this source of funding, lack of clarity about the budgetary process and late submissions have all lim- ited the contributions of the peacekeeping assessed budget to the full DDR programme; \\n Third, the multiple funding sources have, on occasion, resulted in poorly planned and unsynchronized resource mobilization activities and unnecessary duplication of administrative structures. This has led to further confusion among DDR planners and implementers, diminished donor confidence in the DDR programme and, as a result, increased unwillingness to contribute the required funds."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"The following principles should guide the resource mobilization and financial management of DDR programmes:"},{"ID":5,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1. Integrated DDR plan","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"The funding strategy of the UN for a DDR programme should be based on an integrated DDR plan and strategy that show the division of labour and relationships among different national and local stakeholders, and UN departments, agencies, funds and programmes. The planning process to develop the integrated plan should include the relevant national stakeholders, UN partners, implementing local and international partners (wherever pos- sible), donors and other actors such as the World Bank. The integrated DDR plan shall also define programme and resource management arrangements, and the roles and responsi- bilities of key national and international stakeholders."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2. Harmonization with other post-conflict planning mechanisms","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Planning and budgeting for DDR shall also be harmonized with other assessment, planning and financing mechanisms that are established to manage and allocate financial resources for transition and recovery needs."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3. Funding DDR as an indivisible process","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"DDR practitioners and donors shall recognize the indivisible character of DDR. Sufficient funds must be secured to finance the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration acti- vities for an individual participant and his\/her receiving community before the UN should consider starting the disarmament process."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4. Minimizing duplication","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"The UN must avoid duplicative, high-cost administrative structures for fund management in-country, as well as unnecessary duplication in programmes for ex-combatants and those associated with the armed forces and groups."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5. Investing in reintegration","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"The UN system should ensure that adequate, timely funding is allocated for the reintegra- tion component of the programme. Additional investments into community level services to assist and support reintegration and reconciliation (such as community security initia- tives) should be planned and harmonized with the investments of the UN system and bilateral and multilateral actors working on reintegrating internally displaced persons and refugees."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6. Flexibility and worst-case planning estimates","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Wherever possible, cost estimates should be based on thorough assessments and surveys. In the absence of concrete information, the UN shall make the assumptions\/estimates needed in order to carry out planning and budgeting for a DDR programme. The planning and budgetary process shall take into account realistic worst-case scenarios and build in sufficient financial flexibility to deal with potential identified political and security contin- gencies that may affect DDR."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.7. Accountability","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"The UN, together with relevant bilateral or multilateral partners, shall establish rigorous oversight mechanisms at the national and international levels to ensure a high degree of accuracy in monitoring and evaluation, transparency, and accountability. These tools ensure that the use of funds meets the programme objectives and conforms to both the financial rules and regulations of the UN (in the case of the assessed budget) and those of donors contributing funds to the DDR programme."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"5. DDR logistic requirements","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The matrix below identifies the main DDR activities from the negotiation of the peace proc- ess to the implementation of the programme, the main activities that may take place in each phase of the process, and possible resource requirements and sources of funding. This list provides a general example of the processes involved, and other issues may have to be included, depending on the requirements of a particular DDR mission"},{"ID":13,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development","Heading2":"6.1. The peacekeeping assessed budget of the UN","Heading3":"6.1.1. Elements of budgeting for DDR","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Budgeting for DDR activities, using the peacekeeping assessed budget, must be guided by two elements: \\n The Secretary-General\u2019s DDR definitions: In May 2005, the Secretary-General standardized the DDR definitions to be used by all peacekeeping missions in their budget submissions, in his note to the General Assembly (A\/C.5\/59\/31); \\n General Assembly resolution A\/RES\/59\/296: Following the note of the Secretary-General on DDR definitions, the General Assembly in resolution A\/RES\/59\/296 recognized that a reinsertion period of one year is an integral part of the demobilization phase of the programme, and agreed to finance reinsertion activities for demobilized combatants for up to that period. (For the remaining text of resolution A\/RES\/59\/296, please see Annex C.)DISARMAMENT \\n Disarmament is the collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons of combatants and often also of the civilian population. It also includes the development of responsible arms management programmes. \\n\\n DEMOBILIZATION \\n Demobilization is the formal and controlled discharge of active combatants from armed forces or other armed groups. The first stage of demobilization may comprise the processing of individual combatants in temporary centres to the massing of troops in camps designated for this purpose (cantonment sites, encampments, assembly areas or barracks). The second stage of demobilization encompasses the support package provided to the demobilized, which is called reinsertion. \\n\\n REINSERTION \\n Reinsertion is the assistance offered to ex-combatants during demobilization but prior to the longer-term process of reintegration. Reinsertion is a form of transitional assistance to help cover the basic needs of ex-combatants and their families and can include transitional safety allowances, food, clothes, shelter, medical services, short-term education, training, employment and tools. While reintegration is a long-term, continuous social and economic process of development, reinsertion is a short-term material and\/ or financial assistance to meet immediate needs, and can last up to a year. \\n\\n REINTEGRATION \\n Reintegration is the process by which ex-combatants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. It is essentially a social and economic process with an open time-frame, primarily taking place in communities at the local level. It is part of the general development of a country and a national responsibility and often necessitates long-term external assistance."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development","Heading2":"6.1. The peacekeeping assessed budget of the UN","Heading3":"6.1.2. Categories that may be funded by the peacekeeping assessed budget","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Guided by the Secretary-General\u2019s definitions and resolution A\/RES\/59\/296 of the General Assembly, below is a list of the categories that may be funded by the peacekeeping assessed budget:"},{"ID":15,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"7. The peacekeeping budgeting process","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"This section outlines the typical process for developing the budget for a peacekeeping mission and describes the RBB methodology used in DPKO missions for the preparation and sub- mission of budgets to the General Assembly. (Note: With the exception of new missions, the budget cycle for all peacekeeping budgets is from 1 July to 30 June of the following year.)"},{"ID":16,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"Section II: Resource mobilization","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"This section provides an overview of the main sources of funding used for DDR, as well as the types of activities they can finance. The section also illustrates how different funds and funding sources can be used within an overall phased plan for funding DDR."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"8. Sources of funding","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"In general, five funding sources are used to finance DDR activities. These are: \\n the peacekeeping assessed budget of the UN; \\n rapid response (emergency) funds; voluntary contributions from donors; \\n government grants, government loans and credits; \\n agency cost-sharing.An outline of the peacekeeping assessed budget process of the UN is given at the end of Section I. Next to the peacekeeping assessed budget, rapid response funds are another vital source of funding for DDR programming."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"9. Rapid response funds","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"There are several sources of funds that can be accessed relatively quickly to fund urgent require- ments and emergencies: they can be used to fund specific activities needed to develop and launch DDR activities. The funds provide up-front capacities and resources in the immediate post-conflict period that cannot be covered by voluntary contributions, owing to delays in funds being disbursed and often lengthy procedures for authorization and disbursement. These funds often have flexible management arrangements, can be quickly disbursed, and can help the peacekeeping assessed budget to deal with strategic priorities immediately preceding, and during, the development and launch of DDR programmes. These sources of funding include the following:"},{"ID":19,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"9. Rapid response funds","Heading2":"9.1. UNDP crisis prevention and recovery funds","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"The UN Development Programme (UNDP), through both its core funds for emergency situations (known as TRAC 1.1.3) and its Crisis Prevention and Recovery Thematic Trust Fund (CPR\/TTF), can provide limited seed funding for developing and launching DDR programmes in the immediate pre-mandate and mission deployment period, and for providing technical and capacity-development assistance to parties engaged in peace negotiations:"},{"ID":20,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"9. Rapid response funds","Heading2":"9.2. European Commission Rapid Reaction Mechanism","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The European Commission (EC) Rapid Reaction Mechanism (RRM) is designed to allow the European Union (EU) to respond urgently to the needs of countries threatened with or undergoing severe political instability or suffering from the effects of technological or natu- ral disasters."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"9. Rapid response funds","Heading2":"9.3. World Bank Post-Conflict Fund","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The World Bank Post-Conflict Fund (PCF) supports planning, piloting and analysing of DDR activities by funding governments and partner organizations doing this work. The emphasis is on speed and flexibility without sacrificing quality."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"10. Voluntary (donor) contributions","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Voluntary contributions from UN Member States are the main source of financing for DDR programmes, and in particular reintegration activities. Contributions can originate from various sources, including foreign affairs ministries, overseas development assistance funds and defence ministries, among others. Key donors that usually provide financing for DDR, as well as security sector reform (SSR) and post-conflict recovery initiatives, include the following countries, together with their respective bilateral aid agencies and specialized mechanisms for funding post-conflict and transition priorities:"},{"ID":23,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"10. Voluntary (donor) contributions","Heading2":"10.1. The World Bank\u2019s Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Programme (MDRP)","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"The World Bank manages a regional DDR programme for the Greater Lakes Region in Cen- tral Africa, which can work closely with the UN in supporting national DDR programmes in peacekeeping missions."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"10. Voluntary (donor) contributions","Heading2":"10.2. Government grants","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Although most post-conflict governments lack institutional capacity to carry out DDR, many (such as Sierra Leone) contribute towards the cost of domestic DDR programmes, given their importance as a national priority. Although these funds are not generally used to finance UN-implemented activities and operations, they play a key role in establishing and making operational national DDR institutions and programmes, while helping to generate a mean- ingful sense of national ownership of the process."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"10. Voluntary (donor) contributions","Heading2":"10.3. Agency in-kind contributions","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"For some activities in a DDR programme, certain UN agencies might be in a position to provide in-kind contributions, particularly when these activities correspond to or consist of priorities and goals in their general programming and assistance strategy. Such in-kind contributions could include, for instance, the provision of food assistance to ex-combatants during their cantonment in the demobilization stage, medical health screening, or HIV\/ AIDS counselling and sensitization. The availability and provision of these contributions for DDR programming should be discussed, identified and agreed upon during the programme design\/planning phase, and the agencies in question should be active participants in the overall integrated approach to DDR. Traditional types of in-kind contributions include: \\n security and protection services (military) \u2014 mainly outside of DDR in peacekeeping missions; \\n construction of basic infrastructure; \\n logistics and transport; \\n food assistance to ex-combatants and dependants; \\n child-specific assistance; \\n shelter, clothes and other basic subsistence needs; \\n health assistance; \\n HIV\/AIDS screening and testing; \\n public information services; \\n counselling; \\n employment creation in existing development projects."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"11. Overview of phased DDR funding requirements","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"A key element of a resource mobilization strategy is to focus on different donors and fund- ing sources, depending on what range of activities they can fund at different phases in the DDR programme cycle.Some types of funding (particularly emergency response funding) are particularly useful in the initial planning and launch phase of DDR programmes, owing to their imme- diate availability, quick disbursal and flexibility, while other types of funding (voluntary contributions or loans) are more applicable for financing long-term reintegration assistance, owing to their slower disbursement, often of larger amounts, and their ability to finance multi-year arrangements.Annex E illustrates how different sources and kinds of funds could be utilized within an overall phased approach to implementing DDR programmes. This type of planning could form a vital component of a resource mobilization strategy and allow the establishment of clear goals."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"12. Standard funding mechanisms","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"The UN system uses a number of different funding mechanisms and frameworks to mobilize financial resources in crisis and post-conflict contexts, covering all stages of the relief-to- development continuum, and including the mission period. For the purposes of financing DDR, the following mechanisms and instruments should be considered:"},{"ID":28,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"12. Standard funding mechanisms","Heading2":"12.1. Results-based budgeting for DDR in a peacekeeping environment","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"The results-based budgeting (RBB) framework is the primary budgetary planning tool used by the UN Secretariat and peacekeeping missions, and is part of the Secretary-General\u2019s programme of reform and vision of a more results-oriented organization.A significant feature of RBB is the defining of expected results at the beginning of the planning and budget cycle, before implementation. Thus RBB aims to shift focus from output accounting (i.e., activities) to results-based accountability (i.e., indicators of achievements). RBB is not simply an administrative process, but a strategic planning tool, improving the clarity of programmes, bringing about a common understanding and better communication between Member States and programme managers about the desired results. Results-based management is intended to be a dynamic process, providing feedback throughout the full programme cycle: in planning, programming, budgeting, and monitoring and evaluation. Since its inception, RBB has continued to evolve in order to better fulfil its role as a strategic planning tool for the UN. (See Annex D.1 for an overview of the RBB framework develop- ment and Annex D. 2 for an example from Sudan.)RBB has four main components: \\n Objective: Serving as the basis for developing programme activities and identifying benchmarks for success; \\n Indicators of achievement: Measuring performance, justifying the resource requirements and linking them to outputs; \\n Outputs: Listing the activities that will be conducted in order to achieve the objective; \\n External factors: Identifying factors outside the control of the programme manager that may affect programme performance."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"13. Financial management","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Integrated DDR programmes should develop, to the extent possible, a single structure for managing and coordinating: \\n the receipt of funds from various funding sources and mechanisms; \\n the allocation of funds to specific projects, activities and implementing partners; \\n adequate monitoring, oversight and reporting on the use of funds.In order to achieve these goals, the structure should ideally: \\n include a coordinated arrangement for the funding of DDR activities that would be administered by either the UN or jointly with another organization such as the World Bank, with an agreed structure for joint coordination, monitoring and evaluation; \\n establish a direct link with integrated DDR planning and programming frameworks; \\n include all key stakeholders on DDR, while ensuring the primacy of national ownership; \\n bring together within one framework all available sources of funding, as well as related methods (including trust funds and pass-through arrangements, for instance), in order to establish a well-coordinated and coherent system for ensuring flexible and sustain- able financing of DDR activities."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"13. Financial management","Heading2":"13.1. National role and coordination","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"The establishment of a financial and management structure for funding DDR should clearly reflect the primacy of national ownership and responsibility, the extent of direct national implementation and fund management, and the nature of UN support. In this sense, a DDR funding structure should not be exclusively oriented towards UN management and imple- mentation, but rather be planned as an \u2018open\u2019 architecture to enable national and other international actors to meaningfully participate in the DDR process. As a part of the process of ensuring national participation, meaningful national ownership should be reflected in the leadership role that national stakeholders should play in the coordination mechanisms established within the overall financial and management structure."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"13. Financial management","Heading2":"13.2. Institutional and management structures","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"The core elements of a DDR financial and management structure should ideally include the following: \\n a steering committee to provide overall strategic guidance and policy direction on DDR financing; ensure coherence with DDR strategy, priorities and programming framework; and ensure adequate coordination among key stakeholders (national actors, donors, UN agencies, the World Bank and other partners); \\n a coordination committee to coordinate the overall programme of activities to be financed through the funding structure, monitor coherence of programme activities and funding structure objectives, and ensure that the programmes are coordinated with broader frameworks and processes (e.g., recovery and SSR), as well as the overall national pro- gramme and other initiatives taking place at the same time; \\n a technical committee to provide general technical advice, carry out technical review of funding proposals and eligibility, and provide recommendations on the suitability of funding. The technical committee should include UN technical advisers, national rep- resentatives, donors and the chair of the steering committee; \\n a project approval committee to examine and approve eligible funding proposals sub- mitted to the DDR funding structure, provide strategic guidance on the use of funds, and ensure coherence and coordination between the funding structure and national priorities; \\n a secretariat to support the work of the committee through informational, administra- tive and secretarial responsibilities. The secretariat should also ensure adequate and consistent reporting on activities financed by the funding structure, as well as overall financial tracking. In certain cases, the secretariat could also be tasked with management of financial services such as procurement and contracting."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"13. Financial management","Heading2":"13.3. Administration of funds","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"The organization responsible for the administration of funds is responsible for establishing and maintaining appropriate records and accounts to identify financial contributions to funds and arrangements established within the funding structure, as well as to identify the commitments to be financed out of the contributions, and the receipt and disbursement of these funds, in accordance with specified arrangements.If multiple mechanisms are established to manage receipt of funds (such as two separate trust funds covering different funding areas or funding sources), multiple administrative agents (AAs) will be required. To avoid confusion, the same standards and criteria for allo- cating, monitoring and reporting funds should be adopted."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"13. Financial management","Heading2":"13.4. Linking parallel funding mechanisms","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Given the complexity and scope of DDR interventions, as well as the range of stakeholders involved, parallel initiatives, both UN and non-UN, are inevitable. Links shall be created between the national and UN DDR frameworks to ensure that these do not duplicate or otherwise affect overall coherence. The basic requirement of good coordination between integrated and parallel processes is an agreement on common strategic, planning and policy frameworks, which should be based on national policy priorities, if they exist. Structurally, stakeholders involved in parallel initiatives should participate on the steering and coordi- nation committees of the DDR funding structure, even though the actual administration and management of funds takes place outside this framework. This will avoid duplication of efforts and ensure a link to operational coordination, and enable the development of an aggregated\/consolidated overall budget and work plan for DDR. Normal parallel funding mechanisms include the following: \\n Mission financing: Although the UN peacekeeping mission is a key component of the overall UN integrated structure for DDR, its main funding mechanism (assessed contri- butions) is managed directly by the mission itself in coordination with DPKO Head- quarters, and cannot be integrated fully into the DDR funding structure. For this reason, it should be considered a parallel funding mechanism, even though the DDR funding structure decides how funds are used and managed; \\n Parallel agency funds: Certain agencies might have programmes that could support DDR activities (e.g., food assistance for ex-combatants as part of a broader food assistance programme), or even DDR projects that fall outside the overall integrated programme framework; \\n Bilateral assistance funds: Some donors, particularly those whose bilateral aid agencies are active on post-conflict and\/or DDR issues (such as USAID, DFID, CIDA, etc.) might choose to finance programmes that are parallel to integrated efforts, and which are directly implemented by national or sub-national partners. In this context, it is important to ensure that these donors are active participants in DDR and the funding structures involved, and to ensure adequate operational coordination (particularly to ensure that the intended geographic areas and beneficiaries are covered by the programme)."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"13. Financial management","Heading2":"13.5. Fund management mechanisms and methods","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Mechanisms for receiving and managing funds include the following:In the area of DDR, both the UN (through UNDP) and the World Bank have established and managed trust funds. Experience has shown that the use of trust funds for DDR offers several advantages, including: \\n the ability to rapidly mobilize and disburse voluntary funding (especially where up- front financing is available); \\n decentralized decision-making and management systems (where trust funds are country- specific); \\n the capacity to ensure broad national oversight and ownership, through national leader- ship of the trust fund governance structure; \\n the capacity to ensure sustainability and continuity (by not being linked to the opera- tional presence of any one organization); \\n unified donor coordination and funding structures so that gaps and duplication in funding, and inconsistency in policy advice, are avoided; \\n implementation and funding methods that create transparency and accountability and bring about efficient and prompt delivery."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"13. Financial management","Heading2":"13.5. Fund management mechanisms and methods","Heading3":"13.5.1. Pooled funding","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Under this option, participating UN organizations pool funds together within one UN organization, chosen jointly by the coordination committee of the DDR financial management structure, which will assume the responsibility of administering the funds. This organization, known as the administrative agent (AA), will support the partners authorized to manage and implement the joint programme of activities identified for these funds. Programme and financial accountability for the UN support to the joint programme will rest with the AA. This fund management option is likely to be the most effective and efficient when participating UN organizations work for the same results with a common national or sub- national partner (e.g., department, provincial office, NGO) and\/or in the same geographical area (see Annex D.1)."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"13. Financial management","Heading2":"13.5. Fund management mechanisms and methods","Heading3":"13.5.2. Pass-through funding","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"If the integrated DDR programme is made operational through an association between activi- ties and projects to be implemented and\/or managed by identified UN agencies or other partners, funding can be still be channelled through a central mechanism. If the donor(s) and participating UN organizations agree to channel the funds through one participating UN organization, then the pass-through method is used. In such a case, the AA would be jointly selected by the DDR coordination committee. Programmatic and financial account- ability should then rest with the participating organizations and (sub-)national partners that are managing their respective components of the joint programme. This approach has the advantage of allowing funding of DDR on the basis of an agreed-upon division of labour within the UN system (see Annex D.2)."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"13. Financial management","Heading2":"13.5. Fund management mechanisms and methods","Heading3":"13.5.3. Cost-sharing","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Cost-sharing is a procedure for receiving and managing funds for objectives, activities and results within a specific project or programme managed by a single UN agency. Given the relatively higher transaction costs involved in these arrangements, cost-sharing should be used exclusively for: specialized projects not foreseen in the initial programme document; smaller projects for implementation before the main funding mechanisms are established; funding with special arrangements; and projects that serve as a bridge to other processes and programmes and, therefore, require different management arrangements. Although funding is tied to specific projects and UN agencies in this method, its use should nonetheless be governed by the DDR coordination committee and the applicable criteria, procedures and reporting requirements."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"13. Financial management","Heading2":"13.5. Fund management mechanisms and methods","Heading3":"13.5.4.Trust funds","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"A trust fund is a mechanism used to receive and manage donor funds to achieve a broad aim as opposed to carrying out a specific project. As such, it is established as a separate accounting entity with a designated trust fund manager (an AA, in this case), as well as a governance structure that decides on the allocation of received funding, and is responsible for monitoring and evaluating how funds have been used. When located within an overall funding structure, these structures would be linked or merged with the coordination com- mittee and its respective subsidiary organs. In general, funds channeled through a trust fund are not initially allocated to a particular project and can therefore later be allocated to spe- cific projects or activities working to achieve the broad aim of the programme, based on the discretion of the DDR funding structure and the programme of work the trust fund is supposed to support, which can be a part of the overall DDR programme (e.g., covering reintegration activities specifically).A trust fund is a mechanism used to receive and manage donor funds to achieve a broad aim as opposed to carrying out a specific project. As such, it is established as a separate accounting entity with a designated trust fund manager (an AA, in this case), as well as a governance structure that decides on the allocation of received funding, and is responsible for monitoring and evaluating how funds have been used. When located within an overall funding structure, these structures would be linked or merged with the coordination com- mittee and its respective subsidiary organs. In general, funds channeled through a trust fund are not initially allocated to a particular project and can therefore later be allocated to spe- cific projects or activities working to achieve the broad aim of the programme, based on the discretion of the DDR funding structure and the programme of work the trust fund is supposed to support, which can be a part of the overall DDR programme (e.g., covering reintegration activities specifically)."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"13. Financial management","Heading2":"13.6. Fund allocation criteria","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Funds will be allocated on the basis of a set of criteria dealing with programme objectives, activities and results, among others, which will be used by the technical and project appraisal committees when they consider individual requests for funding by UN agencies and other implementing partners. Criteria can vary depending on the funding mechanism (e.g., a reintegration trust fund will consider only those proposals directly centred on reintegration). Generic categories of criteria can include: \\n links to the general thematic sector and\/or programme objective(s); \\n the capacity and demonstrated results of the proposing organization; \\n the strength of the technical proposal; \\n cost-efficiency; \\n the involvement of national and local stakeholders; \\n the results that can be achieved."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"13. Financial management","Heading2":"13.7. Coordination of planning, monitoring and reporting","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"In order to ensure that the DDR funding structure reflects the overall strategic direction and substantive content of the integrated DDR programme, all funding decisions and criteria should be based, as far as possible, on the planning, results, and monitoring and evaluation frameworks of the DDR programme and action plan. For this reason, DDR planning and programme officers should participate at all levels of the fund management structure, and the same information management systems should be used. Changes to programme strat- egy should be immediately reflected in the way in which the funding structure is organized and approved by the key stakeholders involved. With respect to financial monitoring and reporting, the members of the funding facility secretariat should maintain close links with the monitoring and evaluation staff of the integrated DDR section, and use the same metho- dologies, frameworks and mechanisms as much as possible."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ): The advisory body that reviews the budgets of peacekeeping missions and makes recommendations to the Fifth (Administrative and Budgetary) Committee of the General Assembly \\n Peacekeeping assessed budget: The assessed financial contribution of Member States to the operating of the UN peacekeeping missions, based on a scale established by the General Assembly. \\n Results-based budgeting (RBB): A strategic planning framework that focuses on concrete objectives, expected accomplishments and indicators of achievement for the allocation of resources. As such, the RBB aims to shift focus from output accounting (i.e., activities) to results-based accountability (indicators of achievements). \\n Voluntary contributions: This is a form of financial support that Member States pledge (often in a donors\u2019 conference) and commit on a case-by-case basis to support programme implementation. Contributions can be made to UN or non-UN trust funds. At times, donors implement their contributions through their own bilateral aid agency or directly through NGOs."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Excerpt from General Assembly resolution A\/RES\/59\/296","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"Takes note of the note by the Secretary-General (definitions); \\n Notes that reinsertion activities are part of the disarmament and demobilization process, as outlined in the note by the Secretary-General; \\n Emphasizes that disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes are a critical part of peace processes and integrated peacekeeping operations, as mandated by the Security Council, and supports strengthening the coordination of those programmes in an integrated approach; \\n Stresses the importance of a clear description of respective roles of peacekeeping missions and all other relevant actors; \\n Also stresses the need for strengthened cooperation and coordination between the various actors within and outside the United Nations system to ensure effective use of resources and coherence on the ground in implementing disarmament, demobilization and reintegra- tion programmes; \\n Requests the Secretary-General, when submitting future budget proposals containing man- dated resource requirements for disarmament, demobilization and reinsertion, to provide clear information on these components and associated post and non-post costs; \\n Notes that the components used by the Secretary-General for budgeting for disarmament, demobilization and reinsertion activities are set out in the note by the Secretary-General, recognizing ongoing discussions on these concepts; \\n Notes also the intention of the Secretary-General to submit integrated disarmament, demo- bilization and reintegration standards to the General Assembly at its sixtieth session;"},{"ID":43,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"Annex D.1: Developing an RBB framework","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":31,"Paragraph":"DDR objective statement. The DDR objective statement draws its legal foundation from Security Council mission mandates. It is important to note that the DDR objective will not be fully achieved in the lifetime of the peacekeeping mission, although certain specific activities such as the (limited) physical disarmament of combatants may be completed. Other important aspects of DDR such as reintegration, establishment of the legal framework, and the technical and logistic capacity to destroy or make safe small arms and light weapons all extend beyond the duration of a peacekeeping mission. In this regard, the objective statement must reflect the contribution of the peacekeeping mission to the \u2018progress towards\u2019 the DDR objective. \\n SAMPLE DDR OBJECTIVE STATEMENT \\n \u2018Progress towards the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of members of armed forces and groups, including meeting the specific needs of women and children associated with such groups, as well as weapons control and destruction\u2019Indicators of achievement. The targeted achievement should include the following dimensions: (1) include no more than five clear and measurable indicators; (2) in the first year of a DDR programme, the most important indicators of achievement should relate to the political will of the government to develop and implement the DDR programme; and (3) include baseline information from which increases\/decreases are measured.SAMPLE SET OF DDR INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENT \\n \u2018Transitional Government of National Unity adopts legislation establishing national and subnational DDR institutions, and related weapons control law\u2019 \\n \u2018Establishment of national and sub-national DDR authorities\u2019 \\n \u2018Development of a national DDR programme\u2019 \\n \u201834,000 members of armed forces and groups participate in disarmament, demobilization and community-based reintegration programmes, including 14,000 children released to return to their families\u2019 \\n \u2018Destroyed 4,000 of an estimated 20,000 weapons established in a small arms baseline survey conducted in January 2005\u2019Outputs. When developing the DDR outputs for an RBB framework, programme managers should bear in mind the following considerations: (1) specific references to the time-frame for implementation should be included; (2) DDR technical assistance or advice needs should be further defined to specify what that means in practice and, if possible, quantified (e.g., workshops, training programmes, legislative models, draft work plans); (3) the beneficiaries or recipients of the mission\u2019s efforts should be included in the output description; and (4) the verb should precede the output definition (e.g., Destroyed 9,000 weapons; Chaired 10 community sensitization meetings).SAMPLE SET OF DDR OUTPUTS \\n \u2018Provided technical support (advice and programme development support) to the National DDR Coordination Council (NDDRCC), regional DDR commissions and their field structures, in collaboration with international financial institutions, international development organizations, non-governmental organizations and donors, in the development and implementation of a national DDR programme for all armed forces and groups\u2019 \\n \u2018Provided technical support (advice and programme development support) to assist the government in strengthening its capacity (legal, institutional, technical and physical) in the areas of weapons collection, control, management and destruction\u2019 \\n \u2018Conducted 10 training courses on DDR and weapons control for the military and civilian authorities in the first 6 months of the mission mandate\u2019 \\n \u2018Supported the DDR institutions to collect, store, control and destroy (where applicable and necessary) weapons, as part of the DDR programme\u2019 \\n \u2018Conducted with the DDR institutions and in partnership with international research institutions, small arms survey, economic and market surveys, verification of the size of the DDR caseload and eligibility criteria to support the planning of a comprehensive DDR programme in x\u2019 \\n \u2018Developed options (eligibility criteria, encampment options and integration in civil administration) for force reduction process for the government of national unity\u2019 \\n \u2018Disarmed and demobilized 15,000 allied militia forces, including provided related services such as feeding, clothing, civic education, medical profiling and counselling, education, training and employment referral, transitional safety allowance, training material\u2019 \\n \u2018Disarmed and demobilized 5,000 members of special groups (women, disabled and veterans), including provided related services such as feeding, clothing, civic education, medical, profiling and counselling, education, training and employment referral, transitional safety allowance, training material\u2019 \\n \u2018Negotiated and secured the release of 14,000 (UNICEF estimate) children associated with the armed forces and groups, and facilitated their return to their families within 12 months of the mission\u2019s mandate\u2019 \\n \u2018Developed, coordinated and implemented reinsertion support at the community level for 34,000 armed individuals, as well as individuals associated with the armed forces and groups (women and children), in collaboration with the national DDR institutions, and other UN funds, programmes and agencies. Community-based DDR projects include: transitional support programmes; labour-intensive public works; microenterprise support; training; and short-term education support\u2019 \\n \u2018Developed, coordinated and implemented community-based weapons for quick-impact projects programmes in 40 communities in x\u2019 \\n \u2018Developed and implemented a DDR and small arms sensitization and community mobilization programme in 6 counties of x, inter alia, to develop consensus and support for the national DDR programme at national, regional and local levels, and in particular to encourage the participation of women in the DDR programme\u2019 \\n \u2018Organized 10 regional workshops on DDR with x\u2019s military and civilian authorities\u2019External factors. When developing the external factors of the DDR RBB framework, pro- gramme managers are requested to identify those factors that are outside the control of the DDR unit. These should not repeat the factors that have been included in the indicators of achievement.SAMPLE SET OF EXTERNAL FACTORS \\n \u2018Political commitment on the part of the parties to the peace agreement to implement the programme\u2019 [rather than \u2018Transitional Government of National Unity adopts legislation establishing national and sub-national DDR institutions, and related weapons control laws\u2019 \u2014 which was stated as an indicator of achievement above] \\n \u2018Commitment of non-signatories to the peace process to support the DDR programme\u2019 \\n \u2018Timely and adequate funding support from voluntary sources\u2019"},{"ID":44,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Mission and Programme Support for DDR","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR","PageNum":36,"Paragraph":"1 For more information, see http:\/\/\/bcpr\/. \\n 2 For more information, see http:\/\/\/comm\/external_relations\/cpcm\/rrm\/index.html. \\n 3 For more information, see http:\/\/\/ESSD\/sdvext.nsf\/67ByDocName\/The PostConflictFund. \\n 4 A\/C.5\/59\/31."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.42 Personnel and Staffing.json b/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.42 Personnel and Staffing.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdfe9c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.42 Personnel and Staffing.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Creating an effective disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) unit requires paying careful attention to a set of multidimensional components and principles. The main components of an integrated DDR unit are: political and programme management; overall DDR planning and coordination; monitoring and evaluation; public information and sen\u00ad sitization; administrative and financial management; and setting up and running regional DDR offices. Each of these components has specific requirements for appropriate and well\u00ad trained personnel.As the process of DDR includes numerous cross\u00adcutting issues, personnel in an inte\u00ad grated DDR unit include individuals from varying work sectors and specialities. Therefore, the selection and maintenance of integrated DDR unit personnel, based on a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is defined by the following principles: joint management of the DDR unit (in this case, management by a peacekeeping mission chief and UNDP chief); secondment of an administrative and finance cell by UNDP; second\u00ad ment of staff from other United Nations (UN) entities assisted by project support staff to fulfil the range of needs for an integrated DDR unit; and, finally, continuous links with other parts of the peacekeeping mission for the development of a joint DDR planning and programming approach."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The aim of this module is to explain: \\n the role of an integrated DDR unit in a peacekeeping mission; \\n personnel requirements of the DDR unit; \\n the recruitment and deployment process; \\n training opportunities for DDR practitioners."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of the abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d"},{"ID":3,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The success of a DDR strategy depends to a great extent on the timely selection and appoint\u00ad ment of qualified, experienced and appropriately trained personnel deployed in a coherent DDR organizational structure.To ensure maximum cooperation (and minimize duplication) among the many UN agencies, funds and programmes working on DDR, the UN adopts an integrated approach towards the establishment of a DDR unit."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The design of the personnel structure, and the deployment and management of personnel in the integrated unit and how they relate to others working in DDR are guided by the principles, key considerations and approaches defined in IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR. Of particular importance are: \\n Unity of effort: The peacekeeping mission, UN agencies, funds and programmes should work together at all stages of the DDR programme \u2014 from planning to implementa\u00ad tion to evaluation \u2014 to ensure that the programme is successful. An appropriate joint planning and coordination mechanism must be established as early as possible to ensure cooperation among all UN partners that may be involved in any aspect of the DDR programme; \\n Integration: Wherever possible, and when consistent with the mandate of the Security Council, the peacekeeping mission and the UN agencies, funds and programmes shall support an integrated DDR unit, which brings together the expertise, planning and coordination capacities of the various UN entities."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"5. The aim of the integrated unit","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The aim of establishing an integrated unit is to ensure joint planning and coordination, and effective and efficient decentralized implementation. The integrated DDR unit also employs the particular skills and expertise of the different UN entities to ensure flexibility, responsiveness, expertise and success for the DDR programme."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"5. The aim of the integrated unit","Heading2":"5.1. Components of the integrated DDR unit","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The integrated DDR unit, in general terms, should fulfil the following functions: \\n Political and programme management: The chief and deputy chief of the integrated DDR unit are responsible for the overall political and programme management. Both the chief and his\/her deputy will work to ensure that the DDR programme supports the overall peace process and mission objectives, and that there is close cooperation and collaboration with national stakeholders and other implementing partners, such as other UN entities, international organizations, non\u00adgovernmental organizations (NGOs) and the donor community; \\n Overall DDR planning and coordination: This component of the DDR unit is responsible for the overall development of the DDR programme. Seconded personnel from UN agencies, funds and programmes will work in this section to contribute to the joint planning and coordination of the DDR programme. Attached military and police per\u00ad sonnel from within the mission will also form part of this component; \\n Disarmament and demobilization: This component will be responsible for the overall implementation and management of all aspects of the disarmament and demobilization phases of the DDR programme. This includes short\u00adterm disarmament activities, such as weapons collection and registration, but also longer\u00adterm disarmament activities that support the establishment of a legal regime for the control of small arms and light weapons, and other community weapons collection initiatives. Where mandated, this component will coordinate with the military to assist in the destruction of weapons, ammunition and unexploded ordnance; \\n Reintegration: This component plans the economic and social reintegration strategies. It also plans the reinsertion programme to ensure consistency and coherence with the overall reintegration strategy. It needs to work closely with other parts of the mission facilitating the return and reintegration of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees; \\n Monitoring and evaluation: This component is responsible for setting up and monitoring indicators to measure the achievements in all phases of the DDR programme. It also conducts DDR\u00adrelated surveys such as small arms baseline surveys, profiling of parti\u00ad cipants and beneficiaries, mapping of economic opportunities, etc.; \\n Public information and sensitization: This component works to develop the public informa\u00ad tion and sensitization strategy for the DDR programme. It draws on the direct support of the public information unit in the peacekeeping mission, but also employs other information dissemination personnel within the mission, such as the military, police and civil affairs officers, as well as local mechanisms such as theatre groups, adminis\u00ad trative structures, etc.; \\n Administrative and financial management: This is a small component of the unit, which may be seconded from an integrating UN entity to support the programme delivery aspect of the DDR unit. Its role is to utilize the administrative and financial capacities of the UN country office; \\n Regional DDR offices: These are the regional implementing components of the DDR unit, which would implement programmes at the local level in close cooperation with the other regionalized components of civil affairs, military, police, etc."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"5. The aim of the integrated unit","Heading2":"5.2. Principles of integration .","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"DPKO and UNDP are in the process of developing an MoU on the establishment of an integrated DDR unit in a peacekeeping mission. For the time being, the following principles shall guide the establishment of the integrated DDR unit: \\n Joint management of the DDR unit: The chief of the DDR unit shall come from the peace\u00ad keeping mission. His\/Her post shall be funded from the peacekeeping assessed budget. The deputy chief of the integrated DDR unit shall be seconded from UNDP, although the peacekeeping mission will provide him\/her with administrative and logistic support for him\/her to perform his\/her function as deputy chief of the DDR unit. Such integration allows the DDR unit to use the particular skills of both the mission and the country office, maximizing existing local knowledge and ensuring a smooth transition on DDR\u00adrelated issues when the mandate of the peacekeeping mission ends; \\n Administrative and finance cell from UNDP: UNDP shall second a small administrative and finance cell from its country office to support the programme delivery aspects of the DDR component. The principles of secondment use for the deputy chief of the DDR unit shall apply; \\n Secondment of staff from other UN entities: In order to maximize coherence and coordina\u00ad tion on DDR between missions and UN agencies, staff members from other agencies may be seconded to specific posts in the integrated DDR unit. Use of this method ensures the active engagement and participation of UN agencies in strategic policy decisions and coordination of UN DDR activities (including both mission operational support and programme implementation). The integration and co\u00adlocation of UN agency staff in this structure are essential, given the complex and highly operational nature of DDR. Decisions on secondment shall be made at the earliest stages of planning to ensure that the proper budgetary support is secure to support the integrated DDR unit and the seconded personnel; \\n Project support units: Core UN agency staff seconded to the integrated DDR unit may be complemented by additional project support staff located in project support units (PSUs) in order to provide capacity (programme, monitoring, operations, finance) for implementing key elements of UN assistance within the national planning and pro\u00ad gramme framework for DDR. The PSU will also be responsible for ensuring links and coordination with other agency programme areas (particularly in rule of law and security sector reform). Additional PSUs managed by other UN agencies can also be established, depending on the implementation\/operational role attributed to them; \\n Links with other parts of the peacekeeping mission: The integrated DDR unit shall be closely linked with other parts of the peacekeeping mission, in particular the military and the police, to ensure a \u2018joined\u00adup\u2019 approach to the DDR programme."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"5. The aim of the integrated unit","Heading2":"5.3. Personnel requirements of the DDR unit .","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"In line with the wide\u00adranging functions of the integrated DDR unit, the list below gives typical (generic) appointments that may be made in a DDR unit.Regardless of the size of the DDR programme, appointments of staff concerned with joint planning and coordination will remain largely the same, although they need to be consistent with the specific DDR mandate provided by the Security Council.The regional offices and the personnel requirement in these offices will differ, however, according the size of the DDR programme. The list below provides an example of a relatively large mission DDR unit appointment list, which may be adapted to suit mission\u00adspecific needs."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Given the breadth and scope of DDR activities, staff members may come from a number of sources such as: \\n peacekeeping missions; \\n UN agencies, funds and programmes; UN Headquarters; \\n UN volunteer system; \\n other international organizations (World Bank, European Union, Organization for Secu\u00ad rity and Co\u00adoperation in Europe, etc.); \\n local and international NGOs; \\n the private sector."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development","Heading2":"6.1. Personnel Management and Support Service","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"The Personnel Management and Support Service (PMSS) in the Office of Mission Support is responsible for the recruitment and deployment of staff in a peacekeeping mission, with the exception of staff seconded from UN agencies (who will follow their own recruitment procedures)."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development","Heading2":"6.2. Recruitment process .","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"The typical recruitment process for a staff member in the mission is as follows: \\n candidate applies on line to a generic vacancy announcement in the Galaxy system (http:\/\/; \\n PMSS screens applications to select candidates who meet all the requirements of the post, and includes them in a roster of candidates for that occupational group\/level; \\n mission chief civilian personnel officer identifies the vacancy and requests recruitment action from PMSS; \\n PMSS makes available to the mission rosters of pre\u00adscreened and technically cleared candidates; \\n mission programme manager interviews candidates and recommends selection; \\n PMSS commences recruitment action (e.g., reference checks, offer of appointment, medical clearance, travel arrangements, etc.)."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development","Heading2":"6.3. Generic job descriptions","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Below is a list of appointments for which generic job descriptions are available; these can be found in the annexes as shown. \\n Chief, DDR Unit (Annex C.1) \\n Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (Annex C.2) \\n Senior Military DDR Officer (Annex C.3) \\n DDR Field Officer (Annex C.4) \\n DDR Field Officer (UNV) (Annex C.5) \\n DDR Programme Officer (UNV) (Annex C.6) \\n DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (UNV) (Annex C.7) \\n DDR Officer (International) (Annex C.8) \\n Reintegration Officer (International) (Annex C.9) \\n DDR Field Coordination Officer (National) (Annex C.10) \\n Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (Annex C.11) \\n DDR Gender Officer (Annex C.12) \\n DDR HIV\/AIDS Officer (Annex C.13)"},{"ID":13,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development","Heading2":"6.4. Staff induction plan","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"At the planning stages of the mission, the DDR programme manager should develop the staff induction plan for the DDR unit. The staff induction plan specifies the recruitment and deployment priorities for the personnel in the DDR unit, who will be hired at different times during the mission start\u00adup period. The plan will assist the mission support compo\u00ad nent to recruit and deploy the appropriate personnel at the required time. The following template may be used in the development of the staff induction plan:"},{"ID":14,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"7. DDR training strategy","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"A training strategy will be developed as soon as possible to assist staff members at every level in the DDR unit to advance their professional knowledge of DDR, and assist them to gain access to the more general leadership and management training available through the civilian training and development section."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"7. DDR training strategy","Heading2":"7.1. Current DDR training courses .","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"DDR training courses may be found on the UN DDR Resource Centre Web site: http:\/\/"},{"ID":16,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.1: Chief, DDR Unit (D1\u2013P5)","Heading3":"Draft generic job profile","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Chief, DDR Unit (D1\u2013P5)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent normally reports directly to the Deputy SRSG (Resident Coordinator\/ Humanitarian Coordinator).Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Deputy SRSG (Resident Coordinator\/Humanitarian Coordinator), the Chief of the DDR Unit is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n provide effective leadership and ensure the overall management of the DDR Unit in all its components; \\n\\n provide strategic vision and guidance to the DDR Unit and its staff; \\n\\n coordinate activities among international and national partners on disarmament, demo\u00ad bilization and reintegration; \\n\\n develop frameworks and policies to integrate civil society in the development and implementation of DDR activities; \\n\\n account to the national disarmament commission on matters of policy as well as peri\u00ad odic updates with regard to the process of disarmament and reintegration; \\n\\n advise the Deputy SRSG (Humanitarian and Development Component) on various aspects of DDR and recommend appropriate action; \\n\\n advise and assist the government on DDR policy and operations; \\n\\n coordinate and integrate activities with other components of the mission on DDR, notably communications and public information, legal affairs, policy\/planning, civilian police and the military component; \\n\\n develop resource mobilization strategy and ensure coordination with donors, includ\u00ad ing the private sector; \\n\\n be responsible for the mission\u2019s DDR programme page in the UN DDR Resource Centre to ensure up\u00adto\u00addate information is presented to the international community. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.1: Chief, DDR Unit (D1\u2013P5)","Heading3":"Competencies","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Vision: Identifies and defines strategic direction for the unit\u2019s work programme; ability to recognize requirements and translate requirements into programmes and services that achieve objectives and goals. \\n Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations; strong negotiating skills; proven critical thinking skills. \\n Leadership: Proven ability to provide effective leadership and transfer advice and knowl\u00ad edge to staff at all levels and from different national and cultural backgrounds. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and provide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, coor\u00ad dinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others. \\n Judgement\/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues\/problems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes and services, offer new and different options to solve problems\/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Excellent communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating positions on issues, articulating options, concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.1: Chief, DDR Unit (D1\u2013P5)","Heading3":"Qualifications","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Education: Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in social sciences, manage\u00ad ment, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. \\n Experience: Minimum of 10 years of progressively responsible professional experience in peacekeeping and peace\u00adbuilding operations in the field of DDR of ex\u00adcombatants, including extensive experience in working on small arms reduction programmes. Detailed knowledge of development process and post\u00adconflict related issues particularly on the DDR process. Additional experience in developing support strategies for IDPs, refugees, disaffected popu\u00ad lations, children and women in post\u00adconflict situations will be valuable. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and\/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.2: Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (P5\u2013P4)","Heading3":"Draft generic job profile","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (P5\u2013P4)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent reports directly to the Deputy SRSG (Resident Coordinator\/Humani\u00ad tarian Coordinator). In most cases, the staff member filling this post would be seconded and paid for by UNDP. For duration of his\/her secondment as Deputy Chief, he\/she will receive administrative and logistic support from the peacekeeping mission.Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Deputy Chief is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n assist Chief of DDR Unit in the overall management of the DDR Unit in all its components; support Chief of DDR Unit in the overall day\u00adto\u00adday supervision of staff and field operations; \\n\\n support Chief of DDR Unit in the identification and development of synergies and partnerships with other actors (national and international) at the strategic, technical and operational levels; \\n\\n support Chief of DDR Unit in resource mobilization and ensure coordination with donors, including the private sector; \\n\\n provide technical advice and support to the national disarmament commission and programme as necessary; \\n\\n act as the programmatic linkage to the work of the UN country team on the broader reintegration and development issues of peace\u00adbuilding; \\n\\n provide overall coordination and financial responsibility for the programming and implementation of UNDP funds for disarmament and reintegration; \\n\\n oversee the development and coordination of the implementation of a comprehensive socio\u00adeconomic reintegration framework for members of armed forces and groups taking advantage of existing or planned recovery and reconstruction plans; \\n\\n oversee the development and coordination of the implementation of a comprehensive national capacity development support strategy focusing on weapons control, manage\u00ad ment, stockpiling and destruction; \\n\\n support Chief of DDR Unit in all other areas necessary for the success of DDR activities. Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.2: Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (P5\u2013P4)","Heading3":"Competencies","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Vision: Identifies and defines strategic direction for the unit\u2019s work programme; ability to recognize requirements and translate requirements into programmes and services that achieve objectives and goals. \\n Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations; strong negotiating skills; proven critical thinking skills. \\n Leadership: Proven ability to provide effective leadership and transfer advice and knowl\u00ad edge to staff at all levels and from different national and cultural backgrounds. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, coor\u00ad dinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others. \\n Judgement\/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues\/problems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes and services, offer new and diff\u00ad erent options to solve problems\/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Excellent communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating positions on issues, articulating options concisely, conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.2: Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (P5\u2013P4)","Heading3":"Qualifications","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Education: Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in social sciences, manage\u00ad ment, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. \\n Experience: Minimum of 10 years of progressively responsible professional experience in peacekeeping and peace\u00adbuilding operations in the field of DDR of ex\u00adcombatants, including extensive experience in working on small arms reduction programmes. Detailed knowledge of development process and post\u00adconflict related issues, particularly on the DDR process. Additional experience in developing support strategies for IDPs, refugees, disaffected popu\u00ad lations, children and women in post\u00adconflict situations will be valuable. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and\/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.3: Senior Military DDR Officer","Heading3":"Draft generic job profile","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Senior Military DDR Officer (Lieutenant-Colonel\/Colonel)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location.Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Senior Military DDR Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n support the overall DDR plan, specifically in the strategic, functional and operational areas relating to disarmament and demobilization; \\n direct and supervise all military personnel appointed to the DDR Unit; \\n ensure direct liaison and coordination between DDR operations and the military head\u00ad quarters, specifically the Joint Operations Centre; \\n ensure accurate and timely reporting of security matters, particularly those likely to affect DDR tasks; \\n provide direct liaison, advice and expertise to the Force Commander relating to DDR matters; \\n assist Chief of DDR Unit in the preparation and planning of the DDR strategy, provid\u00ad ing military advice, coordination between sub\u00adunits and civilian agencies; \\n liaise with other mission military elements, as well as national military commanders and, where appropriate, those in national DDR bodies; \\n supervise the development of appropriate mechanisms and systems for the registration and tracking of weapons collection, registration, storage and disposal\/destruction, etc.; \\n coordinate and facilitate the use of mission forces for the potential construction or development of DDR facilities \u2014 camps, reception centres, pick\u00adup points, etc. As required, facilitate security of such locations; \\n assist in the coordination and development of DDR Unit mechanisms for receiving and recording group profile information, liaise on this subject with the military information unit; \\n liaise with military operations for the deployment of military observers in support of DDR tasks; \\n be prepared to support security sector reform linkages and activities in future mission planning; \\n undertake such other tasks as may be reasonably requested by the Force Commander and Chief of DDR Unit in relation to DDR activities. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.3: Senior Military DDR Officer","Heading3":"Competencies","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Professionalism: Should be formally staff trained and command qualified. Ideally experi\u00ad enced in other peacekeeping operations, specifically in relation to DDR activities. The selected candidate should be well acquainted with regional and subregional conflict\/political issues and ideally have knowledge of the specific mission background. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective command and supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and provide guidance and support. Must be capable of working within a multi\u00adagency integrated team. The candidate would benefit from CIMIC experience and should have an understanding of the nature, capacities and limitations of non\u00adUN agencies, NGOs, etc. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness, sound judgement and decision\u00admaking skills. \\n Judgement\/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues\/problems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes\/services, offer new and different options to solve problems\/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Excellent and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, includ\u00ad ing ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating positions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Excellent interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective work\u00ad ing relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.3: Senior Military DDR Officer","Heading3":"Qualifications","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Education and work experience: Graduate of Military Command and Staff College. A minimum of 15 years of progressive responsibility in military command appointments, preferably to include peacekeeping and peace\u00adbuilding operations in the field of DDR of ex\u00adcombatants. Detailed knowledge of development process and post\u00adconflict related issues, particularly on the DDR process. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and\/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.4: DDR Field Officer (P4\u2013P3)","Heading3":"Draft generic job profile","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"DDR Field Officer (P4\u2013P3)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the DDR Field Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n be in charge of the overall planning and implementation of the DDR programme in his\/her regional area of responsibility; \\n act as officer in charge of all DDR staff members in the regional office, including the administration and management of funds allocated to achieve DDR programme in the region; \\n be responsible for the day\u00adto\u00adday coordination of DDR operations with other mission components in the regional office and other UN entities; \\n identify and develop synergies and partnerships with other actors (national and inter\u00ad national) in his\/her area of responsibility; \\n provide technical advice and support to regional and local DDR commissions and offices, as appropriate; \\n be responsible for regular reporting on the situation pertaining to the armed forces and groups in his\/her area of responsibility and progress on the implementation of the DDR strategy. Prepare and contribute to the preparation of various reports and documents. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.4: DDR Field Officer (P4\u2013P3)","Heading3":"Competencies","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and provide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement\/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues\/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes\/services, offer new and different options to solve problems\/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.4: DDR Field Officer (P4\u2013P3)","Heading3":"Qualifications","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and\/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.5: DDR Field Officer (UNV)","Heading3":"Draft generic job profile","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"DDR Field Officer (UNV)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within the limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Regional DDR Officer, the DDR Field Officer (UNV) is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n assist the DDR Field Officer in the planning and implementation of one aspect of the DDR programme in his\/her regional area of responsibility; \\n be responsible for the day\u00adto\u00adday coordination of DDR operations with other mission components in the regional office and other UN entities on the specific area of respon\u00ad sibility; \\n identify and develop synergies and partnerships with other actors (national and inter\u00ad national) in his\/her area of responsibility; \\n provide technical advice and support to regional and local DDR commissions and offices, as appropriate; \\n be responsible for regular reporting on the situation pertaining to the armed forces and groups in his\/her area of responsibility and progress on the implementation of the DDR strategy. Prepare and contribute to the preparation of various reports and documents. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.5: DDR Field Officer (UNV)","Heading3":"Competencies","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement\/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues\/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes\/services, offer new and different options to solve problems\/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.5: DDR Field Officer (UNV)","Heading3":"Qualifications","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of three years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and\/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.6: DDR Programme Officer (UNV)","Heading3":"Draft generic job profile","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"DDR Programme Officer (UNV)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit and DDR Field Coordinator, the DDR Programme Officer is respon\u00ad sible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n work with local authorities and civil society organizations to facilitate and implement all aspects of the DDR programme \\n represent the DDR Unit in mission internal regional meetings; \\n work closely with DDR partners at the regional level to facilitate collection, safe storage and accountable collection of small arms and light weapons. Ensure efficient, account\u00ad able and transparent management of all field facilities pertaining to community\u00adspecific DDR projects; \\n plan and support activities at the regional level pertaining to the community arms col\u00ad lection and development including: (1) capacity\u00adbuilding; (2) sensitization and public awareness\u00adraising on the dangers of illicit weapons circulating in the community; (3) implementation of community project; \\n monitor, evaluate and report on all field project activities; monitor and guide field staff working in the project, including the coordination of sensitization and arms col\u00ad lection activities undertaken by Field Assistants at regional level; \\n ensure proper handling of project equipment and accountability of all project resources. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity"},{"ID":32,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.6: DDR Programme Officer (UNV)","Heading3":"Competencies","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement\/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues\/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes\/services, offer new and different options to solve problems\/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.6: DDR Programme Officer (UNV)","Heading3":"Qualifications","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. Experience with local development, microcredit and participatory approaches essential. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and\/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.7: DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (P2\u2013UNV) Draft generic job profile","Heading3":"Draft generic job profile","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (P2\u2013UNV)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\nAccountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer is responsible for the follow\u00ad ing duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n develop monitoring and evaluation criteria for all aspects of disarmament and reinte\u00ad gration activities, as well as an overall strategy and monitoring calendar; \\n establish baselines for monitoring and evaluation purposes in the areas related to disarmament and reintegration, working in close collaboration with the disarmament and reintegration officers, to allow for effective evaluations of programme impact; \\n undertake periodic reviews of disarmament and reintegration activities to assess effec\u00ad tiveness, efficiency, achievement of results and compliance with procedures; \\n develop a field manual on standards and procedures for use by local partners and executing agencies, and organize training; \\n undertake periodic field visits to inspect the provision of reinsertion benefits and the implementation of reintegration projects, and reporting; \\n develop recommendations on ongoing and future activities, lessons learned, modifica\u00ad tions to implementation strategies and arrangements with partners. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.7: DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (P2\u2013UNV) Draft generic job profile","Heading3":"Competencies","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement\/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues\/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes\/services, offer new and different options to solve problems\/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.7: DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (P2\u2013UNV) Draft generic job profile","Heading3":"Qualifications","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of three years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. Experience in results\u00adoriented programming and moni\u00ad toring and evaluation. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and\/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.8: DDR Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)","Heading3":"Draft generic job profile","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"DDR Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the DDR Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n support the Chief and Deputy Chief of the DDR Unit in operational planning for the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, including developing the policies and programmes, as well as implementation targets and work plans; \\n undertake negotiations with armed forces and groups in order to create conditions for their entrance into the DDR programme; \\n undertake and organize risk and threat assessments, target group profiles, political fac\u00ad tors, security, and other factors affecting operations; \\n undertake planning of weapons collection activities, in conjunction with the military component of the peacekeeping mission; \\n undertake planning and management of the demobilization phase of the programme, which may include camp management, as well as short\u00adterm transitional support to demobilized combatants; \\n provide support for the development of joint programming frameworks on reintegration with the government and partner organizations, taking advantage of opportunities and synergies with economic recovery and community development programmes; \\n assist in the development of criteria for the selection of partners (local and interna\u00ad tional) for the implementation of reinsertion and reintegration activities; \\n liaise with other national and international actors on activities and initiatives related to reinsertion and reintegration; \\n supervise the development of appropriate mechanisms and systems for the registration and tracking of beneficiaries for reinsertion and reintegration, as well as mapping of socio\u00adeconomic opportunities in other development projects, employment possibili\u00ad ties, etc.; \\n coordinate and facilitate the participation of local communities in the planning and implementation of reintegration assistance, using existing capacities at the local level and in close synergy with economic recovery and local development initiatives; \\n liaise closely with organizations and partners to develop assistance programmes for vulnerable groups, e.g., women and children; \\n facilitate the mobilization and organization of networks of local partners around the goals of socio\u00adeconomic reintegration and economic recovery, involving local NGOs, community\u00adbased organizations, private sector enterprises, and local authorities (com\u00ad munal and municipal); \\n supervise the undertaking of studies to determine reinsertion and reintegration benefits and implementation modalities; \\n ensure good coordination and information sharing with implementation partners and other organizations, as well as with other relevant sections of the mission; \\n ensure that DDR activities are well integrated and coordinated with the activities of other mission components (particularly communication and public information, mis\u00ad sion analysis, political, military and police components); \\n perform a liaison function with other national and international actors in matters related to DDR; \\n support development of appropriate legal frameworks on disarmament and weapons control. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.8: DDR Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)","Heading3":"Competencies","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and provide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement\/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues\/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes\/services, offer new and different options to solve problems\/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.8: DDR Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)","Heading3":"Qualifications","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. Experience with local development, microcredit and participatory approaches essential. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and\/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.9: Reintegration Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)","Heading3":"Draft generic job profile","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Draft generic job profileOrganizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Reintegration Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. There\u00ad fore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n support the development of the registration, reinsertion and reintegration component of the disarmament and reintegration programme, including overall framework, imple\u00admentation strategy, and operational modalities, respecting national programme priori\u00ad ties and targets; \\n supervise field office personnel on work related to reinsertion and reintegration; \\n assist in the development of criteria for the selection of partners (local and interna\u00ad tional) for the implementation of reinsertion and reintegration activities; \\n liaise with other national and international actors on activities and initiatives related to reinsertion and reintegration; \\n supervise the development of appropriate mechanisms and systems for the registration and tracking of beneficiaries for reinsertion and reintegration, as well as mapping of socio\u00adeconomic opportunities in other development projects, employment possibili\u00ad ties, etc.; \\n coordinate and facilitate the participation of local communities in the planning and implementation of reintegration assistance, using existing capacities at the local level and in close synergy with economic recovery and local development initiatives; \\n liaise closely with organizations and partners to develop assistance programmes for vulnerable groups, e.g., women and children; \\n facilitate the mobilization and organization of networks of local partners around the goals of socio\u00adeconomic reintegration and economic recovery, involving local NGOs, community\u00adbased organizations, private sector enterprises and local authorities (com\u00ad munal and municipal); \\n supervise the undertaking of studies to determine reinsertion and reintegration benefits and implementation modalities. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.9: Reintegration Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)","Heading3":"Competencies","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement\/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues\/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes\/services, offer new and different options to solve problems\/meet client needs; \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.9: Reintegration Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)","Heading3":"Qualifications","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. Experience with local development, microcredit and participatory approaches essential. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and\/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.10: DDR Field Coordination Officer (National)","Heading3":"Draft generic job profile","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"DDR Field Coordination Officer (National)Under the overall supervision of the Chief of DDR Unit and working closely with the DDR Officer, the Field Coordination Officer carries out the work, information feedback and coordination of field rehabilitation and reintegration activities. The Field Coordination Officer will improve field supervision, sensitization, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. He\/she will also assist in strengthening the working relationships of DDR staff with other peacekeeping mission substantive sections in the field. He\/she will also endeavour to strengthen, coordination and collaboration with government offices, the national commis\u00ad sion on DDR (NCDDR), international NGOs, NGOs (implementing partners) and other UN agencies working on reintegration in order to unify reintegration activities. The Field Coordination Officer will liaise closely with the DDR Officer\/Reintegration Officer and undertake the following duties: \\n assist and advise DDR Unit in areas within his\/her remit; \\n provide direction and support to field staff and activities; \\n carry out monitoring, risk assessment and reporting in relation to the environment and practices that bear on the security of staff in the field (physical security, accommo\u00ad dation, programme fiscal and procurement practices, transport and communications); \\n support the efficient implementation of all DDR coordination projects; \\n develop and sustain optimal information feedback, in both directions, between the field and Headquarters; \\n support the DDR Unit in the collection of programme performance information, pro\u00ad gress and impact assessment; \\n collect the quantitative and qualitative information on programme implementation; \\n carry out follow\u00adup monitoring visits on activities of implementing partners and regional offices; \\n liaise with ex\u00adcombatants, beneficiaries, implementing partners and referral officer for proper sensitization and reinforcement of the programme; \\n create efficient early warning alert system and rapid response mechanisms for \u2018hot spot\u2019 development; \\n ensure DDR coordination programs complement each other and are implemented efficiently; \\n support liaison with the NCDDR and other agencies in relation to the reintegration of ex\u00adcombatants, CAAFG, WAAFG and war\u00adaffected people in the field; \\n provide guidance and on\u00adthe\u00adground support to reintegration officers; \\n liaise with Military Observers, Reintegration Unit and UN Police in accordance with the terms of reference; \\n liaise and coordinate with civil affairs section in matters of mutual interest; \\n carry out any other duties as directed by the DDR Unit."},{"ID":44,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.11: Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (P3\u2013P4)","Heading3":"Draft generic Job Profile","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (P4\u2013P3)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer is responsible for the follow\u00ad ing duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n formulate and implement, within the DDR programme, a small arms and light weapons (SALW) reduction and control project for the country in support of the peace process; \\n coordinate SALW reduction and control activities taking place in the country and among the parties, the national government, civil society and the donor community; \\n provide substantive technical inputs and advice to the Chief of the DDR Unit and the national authorities for the development of national legal instruments for the control of SALW; \\n undertake broad consultations with relevant stakeholders through inclusive and par\u00ad ticipatory processes through community\u00adbased violence and weapons reduction pro\u00ad gramme; \\n manage the collection of data on SALW stocks during the disengagement and DDR processes; \\n develop targeted training programmes for national institutions on SALW; \\n liaise closely with the gender and HIV\/AIDS adviser in the mission or these capacities seconded to the DDR Unit by UN entities to ensure that gender issues are adequately reflected in policy, legislation, programming and resource mobilization, and develop strategies for involvement of women in small arms management and control activities; \\n\\n ensure timely and effective delivery of project inputs and outputs; \\n\\n undertake continuous monitoring of project activities; produce top\u00adlevel progress and briefing reports; \\n support efforts in resource mobilization and development of strategic partnerships with multiple donors and agencies. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity."},{"ID":45,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.11: Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (P3\u2013P4)","Heading3":"Competencies","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Vision: An in\u00addepth understanding of the unit\u2019s strategic direction and ability to transform it into a results\u00adoriented work programme. \\n Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Leadership: Proven ability to provide effective leadership and transfer advice and knowl\u00ad edge staff at all levels and from different national and cultural backgrounds. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness, sound judgement and decision\u00admaking skills. \\n Judgement\/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues\/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes\/services, offer new and different options to solve problems\/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Excellent and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, includ\u00ad ing ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating positions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Excellent interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity. \\n Negotiation skills: Effective negotiating skills and ability to work with others to reach mutually benefiting and lasting understanding."},{"ID":46,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.11: Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (P3\u2013P4)","Heading3":"Qualifications","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, progressive national and international experience and knowledge in development work, with specific focus on disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and small arms control programmes. An understanding of the literature on DDR and security sector reform. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and\/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post."},{"ID":47,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.12: DDR Gender Officer (P3\u2013P2)","Heading3":"Draft generic job profile","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"DDR Gender Officer (P3\u2013P2)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. This staff member is expected to be seconded from a UN specialized agency working on mainstreaming gender issues in post\u00adconflict peace\u00adbuilding, and is expected to work closely with the Gender Adviser of the peace\u00ad keeping mission. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the DDR Gender Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n ensure the full integration of gender through all DDR processes (including small arms) in the DDR programme; \\n provide close coordination and technical support to national institutions for DDR, particularly Offices of Gender, Special Groups and Reintegration; \\n provide support to decision\u00admaking and programme formulation on the DDR pro\u00ad gramme to ensure that gender issues are fully integrated and that the programme promotes equal involvement and access of women; \\n undertake ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the DDR process to ensure applica\u00ad tion of principles of gender sensitivity as stated in the peace agreement; \\n provide support to policy development in all areas of DDR to ensure integration of gender; \\n develop mechanisms to support the equal access and involvement of female combatants in the DDR process; \\n take the lead in development of advocacy strategies to gain commitment from key actors on gender issues within DDR; \\n support national parties in coordinating the profiling, documentation and dissemina\u00ad tion of data and issues relating to the presence and role of women and girls associated with the armed forces and groups, and militias; \\n review the differing needs of male and female ex\u00adcombatants during community\u00adbased reintegration, including analysis of reintegration opportunities and constraints, and advocate for these needs to be taken into account in DDR and community\u00adbased re\u00ad integration programming; \\n prepare and provide briefing notes and guidance for relevant actors, including national partners, UN agencies, international NGOs, donors and others, on gender in the con\u00ad text of DDR; \\n provide technical support and advice on gender to national partners on policy devel\u00ad opment related to DDR and human security; \\n develop tools and other practical guides for the implementation of gender within DDR and human security frameworks; \\n assist in the development of capacity\u00adbuilding activities for the national offices drawing on lessons learned on gender and DDR in the region, and facilitating regional resource networks on these issues; \\n participate in field missions and assessments related to human security and DDR to advise on gender issues. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity."},{"ID":48,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.12: DDR Gender Officer (P3\u2013P2)","Heading3":"Competencies","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement\/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues\/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes\/services, offer new and different options to solve problems\/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity."},{"ID":49,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.12: DDR Gender Officer (P3\u2013P2)","Heading3":"Qualifications","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on gender issues in post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and\/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post."},{"ID":50,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.13: DDR HIV\/AIDS Officer (P3\u2013P2)","Heading3":"Draft generic job profile","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"DDR HIV\/AIDS Officer (P3\u2013P2)Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. This staff member is expected to be seconded from a UN specialized agency working on mainstreaming activities to deal with the HIV\/ AIDS issue in post\u00adconflict peace\u00adbuilding and is expected to work closely with the HIV\/ AIDS adviser of the peacekeeping mission. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the DDR HIV\/AIDS Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n ensure the full integration of activities to address the HIV\/AIDS issue through all phases of the DDR programme; \\n provide close coordination and technical support to national institutions for DDR, par\u00ad ticularly offices of HIV\/AIDS reintegration; \\n support national parties in coordinating the profiling, documentation and dissemina\u00ad tion of data and issues relating to the presence and role of women and girls associated with the armed forces and groups; \\n document and disseminate data and issues relating to HIV\/AIDS as well as the factors fuelling the epidemic in the armed forces and groups; \\n prepare and provide briefing notes and guidance for relevant actors including national partners, UN agencies, international NGOs, donors and others on gender and HIV\/ AIDS in the context of DDR; \\n provide technical support and advice on HIV\/AIDS to national partners on policy development related to DDR and human security; \\n develop tools and other practical guides for the implementation of HIV\/AIDS strategies within DDR and human security frameworks; \\n generate effective results\u00adoriented partnerships among different partners, civil society and community\u00adbased actors to implement a consolidated response to HIV\/AIDS within the framework of the DDR programme. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity."},{"ID":51,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.13: DDR HIV\/AIDS Officer (P3\u2013P2)","Heading3":"Competencies","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement\/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues\/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes\/services, offer new and different options to solve problems\/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00adtions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and re\u00ad spect for diversity."},{"ID":52,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Personnel and Staffing","Heading1":"Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit","Heading2":"Annex C.13: DDR HIV\/AIDS Officer (P3\u2013P2)","Heading3":"Qualifications","Heading4":"","Module":"3.42 Personnel and Staffing","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on gender issues in post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and\/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes.json b/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b10a87c --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/3 Structures and Processes/3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) has been one of the weakest areas of disarmament, demo\u00ad bilization and reintegration (DDR) programme management in the past, partly due to a lack of proper planning, a standardized M&E framework, and human and financial resources specifically dedicated to M&E. Past experiences have highlighted the need for more effective M&E in order to develop an effective, efficient and sustainable DDR programme that will achieve the objectives of improving stability and security.M&E is an essential management tool and provides a chance to track progress, improve activities, objectively verify the outcomes and impact of a programme, and learn lessons that can be fed into future programmes and policies. This module outlines standards for improving inter\u00adagency cooperation in designing and conducting effective M&E. It further shows how M&E can be planned and implemented effectively through a creation of a DDR\u00ad specific M&E work plan, which consists of a plan for data collection, data analysis and reporting. It also provides some generic M&E indicators within a results\u00admanagement frame\u00ad work, which can be modified and adapted to each programme and project."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"These guidelines cover the basic M&E procedures for integrated DDR programmes. The purpose of these guidelines is to establish standards for managing the implementation of integrated DDR projects and to provide guidance on how to perform M&E in a way that will make project management more effective, lead to follow\u00adup and make reporting more consistent."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d"},{"ID":3,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Traditionally, M&E in DDR programmes has focused on assessing inputs and implemen\u00ad tation processes. Today, the focus is on assessing how various factors contribute to or detract from the achievement of the proposed outcomes and programme objectives, and measur\u00ad ing the effectiveness of outputs, partnerships, policy advice and dialogue, advocacy, and brokering\/coordination. The main objectives of results\u00adoriented M&E are to: \\n increase organizational and development learning; \\n ensure informed decision\u00admaking; \\n support genuine accountability and ensure quality control; \\n contribute to the further development of best practice and policy; \\n build country capacities, especially in M&E.In order to enable programme managers to improve strategies, programmes and other activities, M&E aims to generate information in several key areas to allow the measure\u00ad ment of: \\n programme performance, which indicates whether programme implementation is pro\u00ad ceeding in accordance with the programme plan and budget; \\n programme effectiveness, which answers such questions as whether and to what extent the programme has achieved its objectives, and on what external conditions it depends; \\n programme efficiency, which determines whether programme outputs and outcomes were produced in the most economical way, i.e., by maximizing outputs and\/or mini\u00ad mizing inputs."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"When developing an M&E strategy as part of the overall process of programme development, several important principles are relevant for DDR: \\n Planners shall ensure that baseline data (data that describes the problem or situation before the intervention and which can be used to later provide a point of comparison) and relevant performance indicators are built into the programme development process itself. Baseline data are best collected within the framework of the comprehensive assess\u00ad ments that are carried out before the programme is developed, while performance indicators are defined in relation to both baseline data and the outputs, activities and outcomes that are expected; \\n The development of an M&E strategy and framework for a DDR programme is essen\u00ad tial in order to develop a systematic approach for collecting, processing, and using data and results; \\n M&E should use information and data from the regular information collection mech\u00ad anisms and reports, as well as periodic measurement of key indicators; \\n Monitoring and data collection should be an integral component of the information management system for the DDR process, and as such should be made widely available to key DDR staff and stakeholders for consultation; \\n M&E plans specifying the frequency and type of reviews and evaluations should be a part of the overall DDR work planning process; \\n A distinction should be made between the evaluation of UN support for national DDR (i.e., the UN DDR programme itself) and the overall national DDR effort, given the focus on measuring the overall effectiveness and impact of UN inputs on DDR, as opposed to the overall effectiveness and impact of DDR at the national level; \\n All integrated DDR sections should make provision for the necessary staff, equipment and other requirements to ensure that M&E is adequately dealt with and carried out, independently of other DDR activities, using resources that are specifically allocated to this purpose."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"M&E is far more than periodic assessments of performance. Particularly with complex processes like DDR, with its diversity of activities and multitude of partners, M&E plays an important role in ensuring constant qual\u00adity control of activities and processes, and it also provides a mechanism for periodic evaluations of performance in order to adapt strategies and deal with the problems and bottlenecks that inevitably arise. Because of the political importance of DDR, and its po\u00ad tential impacts (both positive and negative) on both security and prospects for develop\u00ad ment, impact assessments are essential to ensuring that DDR contributes to the overall goal of improving stability and security in a particular country.The definition of a comprehensive strat\u00ad egy and framework for DDR is a vital part of the overall programme implementation process. Although strategies will differ a great deal in different contexts, key guiding questions that should be asked when designing an effec\u00ad tive framework for M&E include: \\n What objectives should an M&E strategy and framework measure? \\n What elements should go into a work plan for reporting, monitoring and evaluating performance and results? \\n What key indicators are important in such a framework? \\n What information management systems are necessary to ensure timely capture of appro\u00ad priate data and information? \\n How can the results of M&E be integrated into programme implementation and used to control quality and adapt processes?The following section discusses these and other key elements involved in the develop\u00ad ment of an M&E work plan and strategy."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.1. M&E and results-based management","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"M&E is an essential part of the results\u00adbased approach to implementing and managing programmes. It allows for the measurement of progress made towards achieving outcomes and outputs, and assesses the overall impact of programme on security and stability. In the context of DDR, M&E is particularly important, because it helps keep track of a complex range of outcomes and outputs in different components of the DDR mission, and assesses how each contributes towards achieving the goal of improved stability and security. M&E also gives a longitudinal assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the strat\u00ad egies, mechanisms and processes carried out in DDR.For the purposes of integrated DDR, M&E can be divided into two levels related to the results\u00adbased framework: \\n measurement of the performance of DDR programmes in achieving outcomes and outputs throughout its various components generated by a set of activities: disarma\u00ad ment (e.g., number of weapons collected and destroyed); demobilization (number of ex\u00adcombatants screened, processed and assisted); and reintegration (number of ex\u00ad combatants reintegrated and communities assisted); \\n measurement of the outcomes of DDR programmes in contributing towards an overall goal. This can include reductions in levels of violence in society, increased stability and security, and consolidation of peace processes. It is difficult, however, to determine the impact of DDR on broader society without isolating it from other processes and initiatives (e.g., peace\u00adbuilding, security sector reform [SSR]) that also have an impact."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.2. Integrating M&E in programme development and implementation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Provisions for M&E, and in particular the key elements of a strategy and framework, should be integrated into the programme development and implementation process from the beginning. This should occur in the following ways: \\n Performance indicators relevant for M&E should be identified, together with the devel\u00ad opment of a baseline study and indicators framework for the comprehensive assessment, as well as the results framework for the DDR programme itself (see IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design for advice on the development of a results framework); \\n Requirements for establishing and implementing an M&E system should be taken into consideration during the identification of programme requirements, including dedicated staff, material and information management systems; \\n Key aspects of the M&E system and activities should be developed and harmonized with the overall programme implementation cycle and included in the corresponding work plans; \\n Programme implementation methods should be designed to permit the analysis and incorporation of M&E results into planning and coordination of activities in order to provide programmes with the capacity to modify the implementation approach based on M&E results and lessons learned."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.3. The M&E work plan","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"An M&E work plan can be integrated into general or specific programme implementation work plans, or can be designed separately. In general, implementing and supervising the implementation of such a work plan is the basic responsibility of the M&E officer respon\u00ad sible for this process.Key elements of an M&E work plan include the following, which are usually arranged in the form of a matrix:"},{"ID":9,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.3. The M&E work plan","Heading3":"5.3.1. M&E tracking systems","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Given the potentially large number of reports and documents generated by M&E activities, the development and maintenance of a report\u00adtracking system is essential in order to pro\u00ad vide a \u2018history\u2019 of M&E results and make them accessible to managers. This provides the DDR programme with institutional memory that can be drawn from to monitor progress and ensure that emerging best practices and problems are identified."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.4. Development of M&E indicators","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Indicators are variables (i.e., factors that can change, e.g., number of weapons collected) that should be measured to reveal progress (or lack thereof) towards the achievement of objectives, outcomes or outputs, and should provide information on what has been achieved in either quantitative or qualitative terms, or changes over time. In order for indicators to be meaningful, measurement must be made against a baseline, or baseline data, both of which are collected either in the context of the pre\u00adprogramme comprehensive assessment or during programme implementation. In general, most indicators should be developed together with the definition of programme activities, outputs, outcomes, objectives and goals. In general, indicators can be classified as follows: \\n Performance indicator: A particular characteristic or dimension used to measure intended changes defined by a programme results framework. Performance indicators are used to observe progress and to measure actual outputs and outcomes compared to those that were expected. They indicate \u2018how, \u2018whether\u2019 or \u2018to what extent\u2019 a unit is pro\u00ad gressing towards its objectives, rather than \u2018why\u2019 or \u2018why not\u2019 such progress is being made. Performance indicators are usually expressed in quantifiable terms, and should be objective and measurable (e.g., numeric values, percentages, scores and indices); \\n Impact indicator: A variable or set of variables used to measure the overall and long\u00ad term impact of an intervention, i.e., overall changes in the environment that DDR aims to influence. Impact indicators often use a composite set (or group) of indicators, each of which provides information on the size, sustainability and consequences of a change brought about by a DDR intervention. Such indicators can include both quan\u00ad titative variables (e.g., change in homicide levels or incidence of violence) or qualitative variables (e.g., behavioural change among reintegrated ex\u00adcombatants, social cohesion, etc.). Impact indicators depend on comprehensive and reliable baseline data, and should be as specific in possible in order to isolate the impact of DDR on complex social and economic dynamics from other factors and processes; \\n Proxy indicators: Cost, complexity and\/or the timeliness of data collection may prevent a result from being measured directly. In this case, proxy indicators \u2014 which are variables that substitute for others that are difficult to measure directly \u2014 may reveal performance trends and make managers aware of potential problems or areas of success. This is often the case for outcomes in behavioural change, social cohesion and other results that are difficult to measure."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.4. Development of M&E indicators","Heading3":"5.4.1. Balanced scorecards","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"The balanced scorecard is a useful tool for capturing key indicators for M&E activities. It lists the main indicators used to measure progress in the implementation of different pro\u00ad gramme components, as well as overall effectiveness. Annex B provides an example of a balanced scorecard used in the Afghanistan DDR programme."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"6. Monitoring","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Monitoring is the systematic oversight of the implementation of an activity, and establishes the extent to which input deliveries, work schedules, other required actions and targeted outputs are proceeding according to the actual plan, so that timely action can be taken to correct deficiencies. The application of monitoring mechanisms and tools, the reporting of outcomes, and subsequent adjustments in the implementation process are an integral part of the programme cycle and a key management tool."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"6. Monitoring","Heading2":"6.1. Monitoring mechanisms and tools","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Three types of monitoring mechanisms and tools can be identified, which should be planned as part of the overall M&E work plan: \\n reporting\/analysis, which entails obtaining and analysing documentation from the project that provides information on progress; \\n validation, which involves checking or verifying whether or not the reported progress is accurate; \\n participation, which involves obtaining feedback from partners and participants on pro\u00ad gress and proposed actions.The table below lists the different types of monitoring mechanisms and tools according to these categories, while Annex C provides illustrations of monitoring tools used for DDR in Afghanistan."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"6. Monitoring","Heading2":"6.2. Monitoring indicators","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Although the definition of monitoring indicators will differ a great deal according to both the context in which DDR is implemented and the DDR strategy and components, certain generic (general or typical) indicators should be identified that can guide DDR managers to establish monitoring mechanisms and systems. These indicators should aim to measure performance in terms of outcomes and outputs, effectiveness in achieving programme objec\u00ad tives, and the efficiency of the performance by which outcomes and outputs are achieved (i.e., in relation to inputs). (See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, Annex D, sec. 4 for gender\u00adrelated and female\u00adspecific monitoring and evaluation indicators.) These indica\u00ad tors can be divided to address the main components of DDR, as follows:"},{"ID":15,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"6. Monitoring","Heading2":"6.3. Use of monitoring results","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"In general, the results of monitoring activities and tools should be used in three different ways to improve overall programme effectiveness and increase the achievement of objec\u00ad tives and goals: P\\n rogramme management: Monitoring outputs and outcomes for specific components or activities can provide important information about whether programme implementa\u00ad tion is proceeding in accordance with the programme plan and budget. If results indicate that implementation is \u2018off course\u2019, these results provide DDR management with infor\u00ad mation on what corrective action needs to be taken in order to bring implementation back into conformity with the overall programme implementation strategy and work plan. These results are therefore an important management tool; \\n Revision of programme strategy: Monitoring results can also provide information on the relevance or effectiveness of an existing strategy or course of action to produce specific outcomes or achieve key objectives. In certain cases, such results can demonstrate that a given course of action is not producing the intended outcomes and can provide DDR managers with an opportunity to reformulate or revise specific implementation strategies and approaches, and make the corresponding changes to the programme work plan. Examples include types of reintegration assistance that are not viable or appro\u00ad priate to the local context, and that can be corrected before many other ex\u00adcombatants enter similar schemes; \\n Use of resources: Monitoring results can provide important indications about the effi\u00ad ciency with which resources are used to implement activities and achieve outcomes. Given the large scale and number of activities and sub\u00adprojects involved in DDR, overall cost\u00adeffectiveness is an essential element in ensuring that DDR programmes achieve their overall objectives. In this regard, accurate and timely monitoring can enable programme managers to develop more cost\u00adeffective or efficient uses and distri\u00ad bution of resources."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"7. Evaluations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"As described earlier, evaluations are a method of systematically and objectively assessing the relevance, efficiency, sustainability, effectiveness and impact of ongoing and completed programmes and projects. Evaluation is carried out selectively to answer questions that will guide decision makers and\/or programme managers. It is a valuable strategic manage\u00ad ment tool enabling DDR managers and policy makers to assess the overall role and impact of DDR in a post\u00adconflict setting, make strategic decisions, generate important lessons for future programmes and contribute to the refinement of international policy."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"7. Evaluations","Heading2":"7.1. Establishing evaluation scope","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"The scope or extent of an evaluation, which determines the range and type of indicators or factors that will be measured and analysed, should be directly linked to the objectives and purpose of the evaluation process, and how its results, conclusions and proposals will be used. In general, the scope of an evaluation varies between evaluations that focus primarily on \u2018impacts\u2019 and those that focus on broader \u2018outcomes\u2019: \\n Outcome evaluations: These focus on examining how a set of related projects, programmes and strategies brought about an anticipated outcome. DDR programmes, for instance, contribute to the consolidation of peace and security, but they are not the sole pro\u00ad gramme or factor that explains progress in achieving (or not achieving) this outcome, owing to the role of other programmes (SSR, police training, peace\u00adbuilding activities, etc.). Outcome evaluations define the specific contribution made by DDR to achieving this goal, or explain how DDR programmes interrelated with other processes to achieve the outcome. In this regard, outcome evaluations are primarily designed for broad comparative or strategic policy purposes. Example of an objective: \u201cto contribute to the consolidation of peace, national security, reconciliation and development through the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex\u00adcombatants into civil society\u201d; \\n Impact evaluations: These focus on the overall, longer\u00adterm impact, whether intended or unintended, of a programme. Impact evaluations can focus on the direct impacts of a DDR programme \u2014 e.g., its ability to successfully demobilize entire armies and decrease the potential for a return to conflict \u2014 and its indirect impact in helping to increase economic productivity at the local level, or in attracting ex\u00adcombatants from neighbouring countries where other conflicts are occurring. An example of an objective of a DDR programme is: \u201cto facilitate the development and environment in which ex\u00ad combatants are able to be disarmed, demobilized and reintegrated into their communities of choice and have access to social and economic reintegration opportunities\u201d."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"7. Evaluations","Heading2":"7.2. Timing and objectives of evaluations","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"In general, evaluations should be carried out at key points in the programme implementation cycle in order to achieve related yet distinct objectives. Four main categories or types of evaluations can be identified: \\n Formative internal evaluations are primarily conducted in the early phase of programme implementation in order to assess early hypotheses and working assumptions, analyse outcomes from pilot interventions and activities, or verify the viability or relevance of a strategy or set of intended outputs. Such evaluations are valuable mechanisms that allow implementation strategies to be corrected early on in the programme implemen\u00ad tation process by identifying potential problems. This type of evaluation is particularly important for DDR processes, given their complex strategic arrangements and the many different sub\u00adprocesses involved. Most formative internal evaluations can be carried out internally by the M&E officer or unit within a DDR section; \\n Mid-term evaluations are similar to formative internal evaluations, but are usually more comprehensive and strategic in their scope and focus, as opposed to the more diag\u00ad nostic function of the formative type. Mid\u00adterm evaluations are usually intended to provide an assessment of the performance and outcomes of a DDR process for stake\u00ad holders, partners and donors, and to enable policy makers to assess the overall role of DDR in the broader post\u00adconflict context. Mid\u00adterm evaluations can also include early assessments of the overall contribution of a DDR process to achieving broader post\u00ad conflict goals; \\n Terminal evaluations are usually carried out at the end of the programme cycle, and are designed to evaluate the overall outcomes and effectiveness of a DDR strategy and programme, the degree to which their main aims were achieved, and their overall effec\u00ad tiveness in contributing to broader goals. Terminal evaluations usually also try to answer a number of key questions regarding the overall strategic approach and focus of the programme, mainly its relevance, efficiency, sustainability and effectiveness; \\n Ex-post evaluations are usually carried out some time (usually several years) after the end of a DDR programme in order to evaluate the long\u00adterm effectiveness of the programme, mainly the sustainability of its activities and positive outcomes (e.g., the extent to which ex\u00adcombatants remain productively engaged in alternatives to violence or mili\u00ad tary activity) or its direct and indirect impacts on security conditions, prospects for peace\u00adbuilding, and consequences for economic productivity and development. Ex\u00adpost evaluations of DDR programmes can also form part of larger impact evaluations to assess the overall effectiveness of a post\u00adconflict recovery strategy. Both terminal and ex\u00adpost evaluations are valuable mechanisms for identifying key lessons learned and best practice for further policy development and the design of future DDR programmes."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"7. Evaluations","Heading2":"7.3. Selection of results and indicators for evaluation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Given the broad scope of DDR programmes, and the differences in strategies, objectives and context, it is difficult to identify specific or generic (i.e., general) results or indicators for evaluating DDR programmes. A more meaningful approach is to identify the various types of impacts or issues to be analysed, and to construct composite (i.e., a group of) indi\u00ad cators as part of an overall methodological approach to evaluating the programme. The following factors usually form the basis from which an evaluation\u2019s focus is defined: \\n Relevance describes the extent to which the objectives of a programme or project remain valid and pertinent (relevant) as originally planned, or as modified owing to changing circumstances within the immediate context and external environment of that pro\u00ad gramme or project. Relevance can also include the suitability of a particular strategy or approach for dealing with a specific problem or issue. A DDR\u00adspecific evaluation could focus on the relevance of cantonment\u00adbased demobilization strategies, for instance, in comparison with other approaches (e.g., decentralized registration of combatants) that perhaps could have more effectively achieved the same objectives; \\n Sustainability involves the success of a strategy in continuing to achieve its initial objec\u00ad tives even after the end of a programme, i.e., whether it has a long\u00adlasting effect. In a DDR programme, this is most important in determining the long\u00adterm viability and effectiveness of reintegration assistance and the extent to which it ensures that ex\u00ad combatants remain in civilian life and do not return to military or violence\u00adbased livelihoods. Indicators in such a methodology include the viability of alternative eco\u00ad nomic livelihoods, behavioural change among ex\u00adcombatants, and so forth; \\n Impact includes the immediate and long\u00adterm consequences of an intervention on the place in which it is implemented, and on the lives of those who are assisted or who benefit from the programme. Evaluating the impact of DDR includes focusing on the immediate social and economic effects of the return of ex\u00adcombatants and their inte\u00ad gration into social and economic life, and the attitudes of communities and the specific direct or indirect effects of these on the lives of individuals; \\n Effectiveness measures the extent to which a programme has been successful in achieving its key objectives. The measurement of effectiveness can be quite specific (e.g., the success of a DDR programme in demobilizing and reintegrating the majority of ex\u00ad combatants) or can be defined in broad or strategic terms (e.g., the extent to which a DDR programme has lowered political tensions, reduced levels of insecurity or improved the well\u00adbeing of host communities); \\n Efficiency refers to how well a given DDR programme and strategy transformed inputs into results and outputs. This is a different way of focusing on the impact of a pro\u00ad gramme, because it places more emphasis on how economically resources were used to achieve specific outcomes. In certain cases, a DDR programme might have been successful in demobilizing and reintegrating a significant number of ex\u00adcombatants, and improving the welfare of host communities, but used up a disproportionately large share of resources that could have been better used to assist other groups that were not covered by the programme. In such a case, a lack of programme efficiency limited the potential scope of its impact."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"7. Evaluations","Heading2":"7.4. Use of evaluation results","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"In general, the results and conclusions of evaluations should be used in several important and strategic ways: \\n A key function of evaluations is to enable practitioners and programme managers to identify, capture and disseminate lessons learned from programme implementation. This can have an immediate operational benefit, as these lessons can be \u2018fed back\u2019 to the programme implementation process, but it can also contribute to the body of lessons learned on DDR at regional and global levels; \\n Evaluations can also provide important mechanisms for identifying and institutional\u00ad izing best practice by identifying effective models, strategies and techniques that can be applied in other contexts; innovative approaches to dealing with outstanding problems; or linking DDR to other processes such as local peace\u00adbuilding, access to justice, and so forth; \\n Evaluation results also enable practitioners and managers to refine and further develop their programme strategy. This is particularly useful when programmes are designed to be implemented in phases, which allows for the assessment and identification of problems and best practice at the end of each phase, which can then be fed into later phases; \\n Evaluations also contribute to discussions between policy makers and practitioners on the further development of international and regional policies on DDR, by providing them with information and analyses that influence the way key policy issues can be dealt with and decisions reached. Evaluations can provide invaluable support to the elaboration of future policy frameworks for DDR."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"7. Evaluations","Heading2":"7.5. Planning evaluations","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The complexity of DDR and the specific skills needed for in\u00addepth and comprehensive evaluations usually means that this activity should be carried out by specialized, contracted external actors or partners. Because an external team will be brought in, it is essential to draw up precise terms of reference for the carrying out of the evaluation, and to be clear about how the overall objective and coverage of issues will be defined\/expressed. An evaluation terms of reference document includes the following sections: \\n Introduction: Contains a brief description of the rationale and focus of the evaluation (outcome, programme, project, series of interventions by several partners, etc.); \\n Objectives: Describes the purpose of the evaluation, e.g., \u201cto analyse strategic program\u00ad matic and policy dimensions\u201d; \\n Scope: Defines which issues, subjects and areas the evaluation will cover, and the period of the programme\u2019s life it will examine; \\n Expected results: Defines what results the evaluation is expected to produce (e.g., findings, recommendations, lessons learned, rating on performance, an \u2018action item\u2019 list, etc.); \\n Methodology or approach: Defines how data is collected and analysed for the evaluation; \\n Evaluation team: Defines the composition of the staff involved and their areas of expertise; \\n Management arrangements: Defines how the evaluation will be managed and organized, and how interactions with the DDR programme management will be structured."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Terms and definitions \\n Evaluation is a management tool. It is a time\u00adbound activity that systematically and objectively assesses the relevance, performance and success of ongoing and completed programmes and projects. Evaluation is carried out selectively, asking and answering specific questions to guide decision makers and\/or programme managers. Evaluation determines the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of a programme or project. \\n Monitoring is a management tool. It is the systematic oversight of the implementation of an activity that establishes whether input deliveries, work schedules, other required actions and targeted outputs have proceeded according to plan, so that timely action can be taken to correct deficiencies."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#00A554","Level":3,"LevelName":"Structures and Processes","Title":"Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"\\n 1 The term \u2018ex\u00adcombatants\u2019 in each indicator include supporters and those associated with armed forces and groups. Indicators for reintegration also include dependants. \\n 2 Total number of corps: 11. \\n 3 No. of XCs who started the reintegration package (excluding those who are in temporary wage labour and those who chose not to participate). \\n 4 Number of XCs who started but did not finish the reintegration package. \\n 5 Includes deputy commanders and chief of staff of corps and divisions."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.10 Disarmament.json b/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.10 Disarmament.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..496fe4f --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.10 Disarmament.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Disarmament is the act of reducing or eliminating access to weapons. It is usually regarded as the first step in a DDR programme. This voluntary handover of weapons, ammunition and explosives is a highly symbolic act in sealing the end of armed conflict, and in concluding an individual\u2019s active role as a combatant. Disarmament is also essential to developing and maintaining a secure environment in which demobilization and reintegration can take place and can play an important role in crime prevention.Disarmament operations are increasingly implemented in contexts characterized by acute armed violence, complex and varied armed forces and groups, and the prevalence of a wide range of weaponry and explosives.This module provides the guidance necessary to effectively plan and implement disarmament operations within DDR programmes and to ensure that these operations contribute to the establishment of an environment conducive to inclusive political transition and sustainable peace.The disarmament component of a DDR programme is usually broken down into four main phases: (1) operational planning, (2) weapons collection operations, (3) stockpile management, and (4) disposal of collected materiel. This module provides technical and programmatic guidance for each phase to ensure that activities are evidence-based, coherent, effective, gender-responsive and as safe as possible.The handling of weapons, ammunition and explosives comes with significant risks. Therefore, the guidance provided within this module is based on the Modular Small-Arms Control Implementation Compendium (MOSAIC)1 and the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG).2 Additional documents containing norms, standards and guidelines relevant to this module can be found in Annex B.Disarmament operations must take the regional and sub-regional context into consideration, as well as applicable legal frameworks. All disarmament operations must also be designed and implemented in an inclusive and gender responsive manner. Disarmament carried out within a DDR programme is only one aspect of broader DDR arms control activities and of the national arms control management system (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management). DDR programmes should therefore be designed to reinforce security nationwide and be planned in coordination with wider peacebuilding and recovery efforts."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"DDR processes include two main arms control components: (a) disarmament as part of a DDR programme and (b) transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM). This module provides DDR practitioners with practical standards for the planning and implementation of the disarmament component of a DDR programme in contexts where the preconditions for such programmes are present. These preconditions include a negotiated ceasefire and\/or peace agreement, sufficient trust in the peace process, willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional WAM in support of DDR processes is covered in IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management. The linkages between disarmament as part of a DDR programme and Security Sector Reform are covered in IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20. Definitions of technical terms related to weapons and ammunition are taken from MOSAIC and the IATG.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines. \\n a)\u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b)\u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c)\u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d)\u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e)\u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.In the context of DDR, disarmament refers to the collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons of combatants and often also of the civilian population. Disarmament also includes the development of responsible arms management programmes.The term \u2018disarmament\u2019 can be sensitive. It can carry connotations of surrender or of having weapons forcibly removed by a more powerful actor. Depending on the contextual realities and sensitivities, as well as the provisions of the peace agreement, alternative terms, such as \u2018laying down arms\u2019 or \u2018putting weapons beyond use\u2019 or \u2018weapons control\u2019, may be employed.Ammunition: A complete device (e.g., missile, shell, mine, demolition store) charged with explosives, propellants, pyrotechnics, initiating composition, or nuclear, biological or chemical material for use in connection with offence or defence, or training, or non-operational purposes, including those parts of weapons systems containing explosives.Deactivated weapon: A weapon that has been rendered incapable of expelling or launching a shot, bullet, missile or other projectile by the action of an explosive, that cannot be readily restored to do so, and that has been certified and marked as deactivated by a competent State authority.Note 1: Deactivation requires that all pressure-bearing components of a weapon be permanently altered in such a way so as to render the weapon unusable. This includes modifications to the barrel, bolt, cylinder, slide, firing pin and\/or receiver\/frame.Demilitarization: The complete range of processes that render weapons, ammunition and explosives unfit for their originally intended purpose. Demilitarization not only involves the final destruction process, but also includes all of the other transport, storage, accounting and pre- processing operations that are equally critical to achieving the final result.Destruction: The rendering as permanently inoperable weapons, their parts, components or ammunition.Disposal: The removal of arms, ammunition and explosives from a stockpile by the utilization of a variety of methods (that may not necessarily involve destruction). Environmental concerns should be considered when selecting which method to use. There are six traditional methods of disposal used by armed forces around the world: (1) sale, (2) gift, (3) use for training, (4) deep sea dumping, (5) land fill, and (6) destruction or demilitarization.Diversion: The movement \u2013 physical, administrative or otherwise \u2013 of a weapon and\/or its parts, components or ammunition from the legal to the illicit realm.Explosive: A substance or mixture of substances that, under external influences, is capable of rapidly releasing energy in the form of gases and heat, without undergoing a nuclear chain reaction.Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD): The detection, identification, evaluation, rendering safe, recovery and final disposal of unexploded explosive ordnance. Note 1: It may also include the rendering safe and\/or disposal of explosive ordnance that has become hazardous through damage or deterioration, when such tasks are beyond the capabilities of personnel normally assigned responsibility for routine disposal. Note 2: The presence of ammunition and explosives during disarmament operations inevitably requires some degree of EOD response. The level of EOD response will be dictated by the condition of the ammunition or explosives, their level of deterioration and the way in which the local community handles them.Firearms: Any portable barreled weapon that expels, is designed to expel or may be readily converted to expel a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive, excluding antique firearms of their replicas. Antique firearms and their replicas shall be defined in accordance with domestic law. In no case, however, shall antique firearms include firearms manufactured after 1899.Light weapon: Any man-portable lethal weapon designed for use by two or three persons serving as a crew (although some may be carried and used by a single person) that expels or launches, is designed to expel or launch, or may be readily converted to expel or launch a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive. Note 1: Includes, inter alia, heavy machine guns, hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers, portable anti-aircraft guns, portable anti-tank guns, recoilless rifles, portable launchers of anti- tank missile and rocket systems, portable launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems, and mortars of a calibre of less than 100 millimetres, as well as their parts, components and ammunition. Note 2: Excludes antique light weapons and their replicas.Marking: The application of permanent inscriptions on weapons, ammunition and ammunition packaging to permit their identification.Render safe procedure (RSP): The application of special explosive ordnance disposal methods and tools to provide for the interruption of functions or separation of essential components to prevent an unacceptable detonation.Safe to move: A technical assessment, by an appropriately qualified technician or technical officer, of the physical condition and stability of ammunition and explosives prior to any proposed move. Should the ammunition and explosives fail a \u2018safe to move\u2019 inspection, they must be destroyed in situ (i.e., at the place where they are found) by a qualified EOD team acting under the advice and control of the qualified technician or technical officer who conducted the initial \u2018safe to move\u2019 inspection.Small arm: Any man-portable lethal weapon designed for individual use that expels or launches, is designed to expel or launch, or may be readily converted to expel or launch a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive. Note 1: Includes, inter alia, revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns, as well as their parts, components and ammunition. Note 2 Excludes antique small arms and their replicas.Stockpile: In the context of DDR, the term refers to a large accumulated stock of weapons and explosive ordnance."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Disarmament is generally understood to be the act of reducing or eliminating arms and, as such, is applicable to all weapons systems, ammunition and explosives, including nuclear, chemical, biological, radiological and conventional systems. This module will focus only on conventional weapons systems and ammunition that are typically held by members of armed forces and groups dealt with during DDR programmes.When transitioning out of armed conflict, States may be vulnerable to conflict relapse, particularly if key conflict drivers, including the proliferation of arms and ammunition, remain unaddressed. Inclusive and effective arms control, and disarmament in particular, is critical to prevent and reduce armed conflict and crime and to support recovery and development, as reflected in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Security Council and General Assembly\u2019s 2016 resolutions on sustaining peace. National arms control management systems encompass more than just disarmament. Therefore, disarmament operations should be planned and conducted in coordination with, and in support of, other arms control and reduction measures, including SALW control (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management).The disarmament component of any DDR programme should be specifically designed to respond and adapt to the security environment. It should also be planned in coherence with wider peace- making, peacebuilding and recovery efforts. Disarmament plays an essential role in maintaining a secure environment in which demobilization and reintegration can take place as part of a long-term peacebuilding strategy. Depending on the context, DDR phases could be differently sequenced with, for example, demobilization and reintegration paving the way for disarmament.The disarmament component of a DDR programme will usually consist of four main phases: \\n (1) Operational planning; \\n (2) Weapons collection; \\n (3) Stockpile management; \\n (4) Disposal of collected materiel.The cross-cutting activities that should take place throughout these four main phases are data collection, awareness raising, and monitoring and evaluation. Within each phase there are also a number of recommended specific components (see Table 1)."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to the disarmament component of DDR programmes."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1 Voluntary","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"In order to lay the foundation for an effective DDR programme and sustainable peace, disarmament shall be voluntary. Forced disarmament can have a negative impact on contexts in transition, including in terms of restoring trust in authorities and efforts towards national reconciliation. In addition, removing weapons forcibly from combatants or persons associated with armed forces and groups risks creating a security vacuum and an imbalance in military capabilities which may generate increased tensions and lead to a resumption of armed violence. Voluntary disarmament should be facilitated through strong sensitization and communication efforts. It should also be underpinned by firm guarantees of security and immunity from prosecution for the illegal possession of weapon(s) handed in."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People-centred","Heading3":"4.2.1 Unconditional release and protection of children","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Agreeing on child-specific disarmament procedures avoids further possible abuse and exploitation of children, especially for political or tactical gain; and, prepares children for separate and specific child- related demobilization and reintegration processes (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). Specific attention should also be given to the disarmament of youth (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR)."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3 Gender-responsive and inclusive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Disarmament activities must not introduce distinctions based on sex, race, ethnicity, religion or other arbitrary criteria that may create or exacerbate vulnerabilities and power imbalances. All stages of disarmament or other arms control initiatives must integrate gender and age considerations, including the differing impacts and perceptions of such processes on women, men, boys and girls. Such an approach requires gender expertise, gender analysis, the collection of sex- and age-disaggregated data, and the meaningful participation of women and girls at each stage of the process. A gender- transformative approach actively examines, questions and changes unequal gender norms and imbalances of power. A gender-transformative approach thus helps countries to promote equitable rights and health, and contributes to the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence. A gender- transformative DDR programme should acknowledge, incorporate and address messages on masculinities and violence, including the linkage between masculinities and weapons ownership. Gender-transformative DDR programmes should also ensure that there are both male and female UN military personnel in leadership roles at pick-up points and mobile disarmament sites, and participating in the destruction of weapons. All precautions shall also be taken to avoid reinforcing or generating gender inequalities."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4 Conflict sensitive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Disarmament operations shall not increase the vulnerability of communities, groups or individuals to internal or external threats. Disarmament strategies should therefore be based on a thorough analysis of the security context, relevant actors and their military capabilities to avoid creating a security imbalance or vacuum, leading to further tensions or jeopardizing the implementation of a peace agreement."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5 Nationally and locally owned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"National Governments have the right and responsibility to apply their own national standards to all disarmament operations on their territory and shall act in compliance with international arms control instruments and applicable legal frameworks. The primary responsibility for disarmament and weapons collection lies with the Government of the affected State. The support and specialist knowledge of the UN is placed at the disposal of a national Government to ensure that disarmament planning and implementation are conducted in accordance with international arms control instruments, standards and guidance, including those of the IDDRS, the IATG and MOSAIC. Strong national ownership is important, including where the UN is supporting DDR programmes in non- mission settings. Building national and local institutional and technical capacity is essential to the effective, successful, sustainable continuation of disarmament and other arms control efforts."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Safety and security","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Handling weapons, ammunition and explosives comes with high levels of risk. The involvement of technically qualified WAM advisers in the planning and implementation of disarmament operations is critical to their safety and success. Technical advisers shall have formal training and operational field experience in ammunition and weapons storage, marking, transportation, deactivation and the destruction of arms, ammunition and explosives, as relevant."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"In order to effectively implement the disarmament component of a DDR programme, meticulous planning is required. Planning for disarmament operations includes information collection, a risk and security assessment, identification of eligibility criteria, the development of standard operating procedures (SOPs), the identification of the disarmament team structure, and a clear and realistic timetable for operations. All disarmament operations shall be based on gender responsive analysis.The disarmament component is often the first stage of the entire DDR programme, and operational decisions made at this stage will have an impact on subsequent stages. Disarmament, therefore, cannot be designed in isolation from the rest of the DDR programme, and integrated assessment and DDR planning is key (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures, and IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments).It is essential to determine the extent of the capability needed to carry out a disarmament component, and then to compare this with a realistic appraisal of the current capacity available to deliver it. Requests for further assistance from the UN mission military and police components shall be made as early as possible in the planning stage (see IDDRS 4.40 on UN Military Roles and Responsibilities and IDDRS 4.50 on UN Police Roles and Responsibilities). In non-mission settings, requests for capacity development assistance for disarmament operations may be directed to relevant UN agency(ies).Key terms and conditions for disarmament should be discussed during the peace negotiations and included in the agreement (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). This requires that parties and mediators have an in-depth understanding of disarmament and arms control, or access to expertise to guide them and provide a common understanding of the different options available. In some contexts, the handover of weapons from one party to another (for example, from armed groups to State institutions) may be inappropriate, resulting in the need for the involvement of a neutral third party."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.1 Information collection","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Initial planning should be based on a careful data collection and analysis on the armed forces and groups to be disarmed, disaggregated by sex and age, as well as an analysis of the dynamics of armed violence and illicitly held weapons and ammunition. DDR programmes are increasingly implemented in environments with a myriad of armed forces and groups whose alliances are fluid or unclear, often within a context of weak State institutions and fragile or absent rule of law. Solid analysis informed by continuous data gathering and assessment is essential in order to navigate these challenging, rapidly changing environments."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.1 Information collection","Heading3":"5.1.1 Integrated assessment","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"A DDR integrated assessment should start as early as possible in the peace negotiation process and the pre-planning phase (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). This assessment should contribute to determining whether disarmament or any transitional arms control initiatives are desirable or feasible in the current context, and the potential positive and negative impacts of any such activities.The collection of information is an ongoing process that requires sufficient resources to ensure that assessments are updated throughout the lifecycle of a DDR programme. Information management systems and data protection measures should be employed from the start by DDR practitioners with support from the UN mission or lead UN agency(ies) Information Technology (IT) unit. The collection of data relating to weapons and those who carry them is a sensitive undertaking and can present significant risks to DDR practitioners and their sources. United Nations security guidelines should be followed at all times, particularly with regards to protecting sources by maintaining their anonymity.Integrated assessments should include information related to the political and security context and the main drivers of armed conflict. In addition, in order to design evidence-based, age-specific and gender-sensitive disarmament operations, the integrated assessment should include: \\n An analysis of the memberships of armed forces and groups (number, origin, age, sex, etc.) and their arsenals (estimates of the number and the type of weapons, ammunition and explosives); \\n An analysis of the patterns of weapons possession among men, women, girls, boys, and youth; \\n A mapping of the locations and access routes to materiel and potential caches (to the extent possible); \\n An understanding of the power imbalances and disparities in weapons possession between communities; \\n An analysis of the use of weapons in the commission of serious human rights violations or abuses and grave breaches of international humanitarian law, as well as crime, including organized crime; \\n An understanding of cultural and gendered attitudes towards weapons and the value of arms and ammunition locally; \\n The identification of sources of illicit weapons and ammunition and possible trafficking routes; \\n Lessons learnt from any past disarmament or weapons collections initiatives; \\n An understanding of the willingness of and incentives for armed forces and groups to participate in DDR. \\n An assessment of the presence of armed groups not involved in DDR and the possible impact these groups can have on the DDR process.Methods to gather data, including desk research, telephone interviews and face-to-face meetings, should be adapted to the resources available, as well as to the security and political context. Information should be centralized and managed by a dedicated focal point.BOX 1: HOW TO COLLECT INFORMATION \\n Use information already available (previous UN reports, publications by specialized research centres, etc.). Research has often already been undertaken in conflict-affected States, particularly if a country has previously implemented a DDR programme. \\n Engage with national authorities. Talk to their experts and obtain available data (e.g., previous SALW survey data, DDR data, national registers of weapons, and records of thefts\/looting from storage facilities). \\n Ensure that all data collected on individuals is sex and age disaggregated. \\n If ceasefires have been implemented, warring parties may have provided a declaration of forces for the purpose of monitoring the ceasefire. Such declarations typically include information related to the disengagement and movement of troops and weapons. \\n Obtain data from seizures of weapons or discoveries of caches that provide insight into which armed forces and groups possess which materiel, as well as its origins and the context in which the seizures take place. \\n If the DDR programme is to be implemented with the support of a UN peace operation, organize regular meetings to compare observations and information with other UN agencies collecting data on security issues and armed forces and groups, as well as with other relevant international organizations and diplomatic representations. \\n Develop a network of key informants, including by meeting with ex-combatants and with male and female representatives and members of armed forces and groups. This should be done in line with the policy of the UN mission on engaging with armed forces and groups, if any, and in line with the UN\u2019s guidance on the modalities of engagement with armed forces and groups (see Annex B). \\n Meet with community leaders, women\u2019s organizations, youth groups, human rights organizations and other civil society groups. \\n Search for information and images on social media (e.g., monitor Facebook pages of armed groups and national defence forces).Once sufficient, reliable information has been gathered, collaborative plans can be drawn up by the National DDR Commission and the UN DDR component in mission settings or the National DDR Commission and lead UN agency(ies) in non-mission settings outlining the intended locations and site requirements for disarmament operations, the logistics and staffing required to carry out disarmament, and a timetable for operations."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.1 Information collection","Heading3":"5.1.2 Weapons survey","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"An accurate and detailed weapons survey is essential to draw up effective and safe plans for the disarmament component of a DDR programme. Weapons surveys are also important for transitional weapons and ammunition management activities (IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management). Sufficient data on the number and type of weapons, ammunition and explosives that can be expected to be recovered are crucial. A weapons survey enables the accurate definition of the extent of the disarmament task, allowing for planning of the collection and future storage and destruction requirements. The more accurate and verifiable the initial data regarding the specifically identified armed forces and groups participating in the conflict, the better the capacity of the UN to make appropriate plans or provide national authorities with relevant advice to achieve the aims of the disarmament component. Data disaggregated by sex and age is a prerequisite for understanding the age- and gender-specific impacts of arms misuse and for designing evidence-based, gender-responsive disarmament operations to address them. It is important to take into consideration the fact that, while women may be active members of armed groups, they may not actually hold weapons. Evidence has shown that female combatants have been left out of DDR processes as a result of this on multiple occasions in the past. A gender-responsive mapping of armed forces and groups is therefore critical to identify patterns of gender-differentiated roles within armed forces and groups, and to ensure that the design of any approach is appropriately targeted.A weapons survey should be implemented as early as possible in the planning of a DDR programme; however, it requires significant resources, access to sensitive and often unstable parts of the country, buy-in from local authorities and ownership by national authorities, all of which can take considerable time to pull together and secure. A survey should draw on a range of research methods and sources in order to collate, compare and confirm information (see Annex C on the methodology of weapons surveys)."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.2 Objectives of disarmament","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"The overarching aim of the disarmament component of a DDR programme is to control and reduce arms, ammunition and explosives held by combatants before demobilization in order to build confidence in the peace process, increase security and prevent a return to conflict. Clear operational objectives should also be developed and agreed. These may include: \\n A reduction in the number of weapons, ammunition and explosives possessed by, or available to, armed forces and groups; \\n A reduction in actual armed violence or the threat of it; \\n Optimally zero, or at the most minimal, casualties during the disarmament component; \\n An improvement in the perception of human security by men, women, boys, girls and youth within communities; \\n A public connection between the availability of weapons and armed violence in society; \\n The development of community awareness of the problem and hence community solidarity; \\n The reduction and disruption of the illicit trade of weapons within the DDR area of operations; \\n A reduction in the open visibility of weapons in the community; \\n A reduction in crimes committed with weapons, such as conflict-related sexual violence; \\n The development of norms against the illegal use of weapons.BOX 2: MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF DISARMAMENT \\n The disarmament objectives listed in section 5.2 could serve as a basis for the identification of performance indicators to track progress and assess the impact of disarmament interventions. Monitoring and evaluating the disarmament component of a DDR programme should form part of the overall monitoring and evaluation framework of the DDR process, and specific resources should be earmarked for this purpose (see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR). \\n Standardized indicators to monitor and evaluate disarmament operations should be identified early in the DDR programme. Quantitative indicators could be developed in line with specific technical outputs providing clear measures, including the number of weapons and rounds of ammunition collected, the number of items recorded, marked and destroyed, or the number of items lost or stolen in the process. Qualitative indicators might include the evolution of the armed criminality rate in the target area, or perceptions of security in the target population disaggregated by sex and age. Information collection efforts and a weapons survey (see section 5.1) provide useful sources for identifying key indicators and measuring progress. \\n\\n Monitoring and evaluation should also verify that: \\n Gender- and age-specific risks to women and men have been adequately and equitably addressed. \\n Women and men participate in all aspects of the initiative \u2013 design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. \\n The initiative contributes to gender equality."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.3 Risk and security assessment","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of disarmament operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. Operational and technical risks to be assessed when considering which approach to take might relate to the combatants themselves, as well as to the types of weapons, ammunition and explosives being collected, and to external threats.In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety, and that many of the activities carried out during weapons collection operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non- governmental organizations (NGOs) must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.3 Risk and security assessment","Heading3":"5.3.1 Operational risks","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"There are likely to be several operational risks, depending on the context, including the following: \\n Threats to the safety and security of DDR programme personnel (both UN and non-UN): During the disarmament phase of the DDR programme, staff are likely to be in direct contact with armed individuals, including members of both armed forces and groups. Staff should be conscious not only of the risks associated with handling weapons, ammunition and explosives, but also of the risks of unpredictable behaviour as a result of the significant levels of stress that disarmament activities can generate among combatants and other stakeholders. \\n Avoid supporting weapons buy-back: UN supported DDR programmes shall avoid attaching monetary value to weapons as a means of encouraging their surrender by members of armed forces and groups. Weapons buy-back programmes within and outside DDR have proven to be inefficient and even counter-productive as they tend to fuel national and regional arms flows, which in the end can jeopardize the achievement of disarmament objectives in a DDR programme. Buy-back programmes can also have unintended societal consequences such as economically rewarding combatants and exacerbating existing gender inequalities \\n Disarmament of foreign combatants: Disarmament operations may also need to consider armed foreign combatants. Foreign combatants may be disarmed in the host country or at the border of the country of origin to which they will be returning. DDR programmes should plan for disarmament of foreign combatants within or outside repatriation agreements between the country of origin and the host country (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements). \\n Terrorism and violent extremism threats: DDR programmes are increasingly being conducted in contexts affected by terrorism. Disarmament operations in these contexts require the highest security safeguards and robust on-site WAM expertise to maximize the safety of all involved. DDR practitioners should be aware of the requirements imposed on States by UN Security Council resolutions 2370 (2017) and 2482 (2019) and Council\u2019s 2015 Madrid Guiding Principles and its 2018 Addendum, in terms of, inter alia, ensuring that appropriate legal actions are taken against those who knowingly engage in providing terrorists with weapons.4 \\n Lack of sustainability: Disarmament operations shall not start unless the sustainability of funding and resources is guaranteed. Previous attempts to carry out disarmament operations with insufficient assets and funds have resulted in unconstructive, partial disarmament, a return to armed conflict, and the failure of the entire DDR process. The reconfiguring and closing of UN missions is another crucial moment that should be planned in advance. Such transitions often require handing over responsibility to national authorities or to the United Nations Country Team (UNCT). It is important to ensure these entities have the mandate and capacity to complete the DDR programme even after the withdrawal of UN mission resources."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.3 Risk and security assessment","Heading3":"5.3.2 Technical risks and hazards","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"In order to deal with potential technical threats during the disarmament component of DDR programmes, and to implement an appropriate response to such threats, it is necessary to distinguish between risks and hazards. Commonly, a hazard is defined as \u201ca potential source of physical injury or damage to the health of people, or damage to property or the environment,\u201d while a risk can be defined as \u201cthe combination of the probability of occurrence of a hazard and the severity of that hazard\u201d (see ISO\/IEC Guide 51: 2014 [E)).In terms of disarmament operations, many hazards are created by the presence of weapons, ammunition and explosives. The level of risk is mostly dependent on the knowledge and training of the disarmament teams (see section 5.7). The physical condition of the weapons, ammunition and explosives and the environment in which they are handed over or stored have a major effect on that risk. A range of techniques for estimating risk are contained in IATG 2.10 on Introduction to Risk Management Principles and Processes. All relevant guidelines contained in the IATG should be strictly adhered to in order to ensure the safety of all persons and assets when handling conventional ammunition. Adequate expertise is critical. Unqualified personnel should never handle ammunition or any type of explosive material."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.4 Gender-sensitive disarmament operations","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"If women are not adequately integrated into DDR programmes, and disarmament operations in particular, gender stereotypes of masculinity associated with violence, and femininity dissociated from power and decision-making, may be reinforced. If implemented in a gender-sensitive manner, a DDR programme can actually highlight the constructive roles of women in the transition from conflict to sustainable peace.Disarmament can increase a combatant\u2019s feeling of vulnerability. In addition to providing physical protection, weapons are often seen as important symbols of power and status. Men may experience disarmament as a symbolic loss of manhood and status. Undermined masculinities at all ages can lead to profound feelings of frustration and disempowerment. For women, disarmament can threaten the gender equality and respect that may have been gained through the possession of a weapon while in an armed force or group.DDR programmes should explore ways to promote alternative symbols of power that are relevant to particular cultural contexts and that foster peace dividends. This can be done by removing the gun as a symbol of power, addressing key concerns over safety and protection, and developing strategic engagement with women (particularly female dependants) in disarmament operations.Female combatants and women and girls associated with armed forces and groups are common in armed conflicts across the world. To ensure that men and women have equal rights to participate in the design and implementation of disarmament operations, a gender-inclusive and -responsive approach should be applied at every stage of assessment, planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Such an approach requires gender expertise, gender analysis, the collection of sex- and age-disaggregated data, and the meaningful participation of women at each stage of the DDR process.Gender-sensitive disarmament operations are proven to be more effective in addressing the impact of the illicit circulation and misuse of weapons than those that do not incorporate a gender perspective (MOSAIC 6.10 on Women, Men and the Gendered Nature of Small Arms and Light Weapons). Therefore, ensuring that gender is adequately integrated into all stages of disarmament and other DDR-related arms control initiatives is essential to the overall success of DDR processes."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.5 Eligibility criteria for access to DDR programmes","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Establishing rigorous, unambiguous and transparent criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital to achieving the objectives of DDR. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed to by all parties, and screening processes must be in place in the disarmament stage.Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the content of the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender.Participants in DDR programmes may include individuals in support and non-combatant roles or those associated with armed forces and groups, including children. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see Figure 1 and Box 3).BOX 3: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES \\n Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms. \\n Female supporters\/women associated with armed forces and groups (WAAFG): Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves). \\n Female dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR)."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.5 Eligibility criteria for access to DDR programmes","Heading3":"5.5.1 Weapons-related eligibility criteria","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Depending on the context and the content of the ceasefire and\/or peace agreement, eligibility for a DDR programme can include specific weapons\/ammunition-related criteria. These criteria should be based on a thorough understanding of the context if effective disarmament is to be achieved. The arsenals of armed forces and groups vary in size, quality and types of weapons. For instance, in conflicts where foreign States actively support armed groups, these groups\u2019 arsenals are often quite large and varied, including not only serviceable SALW but also heavy-weapons systems.Past experience shows that the eligibility criteria related to weapons and ammunition are often not consistent or stringent enough. This can lead to the inclusion of individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups and the collection of poor-quality materiel while illicit serviceable materiel remains in circulation. Accurate information regarding armed forces and groups\u2019 arsenals (see section 5.1) is key in determining relevant and effective weapons-related criteria. These include the type and status (serviceable versus non-serviceable) of weapons or the quantity of ammunition that a combatant should bring along in order to be enrolled in the programme. According to the context, the ratio of arms and ammunition to individual combatants can vary and may include SALW as well as heavy weapons and ammunition.In order to ascertain their eligibility, combatants may also need to take a weapons procedures test, which will identify their familiarity with and ability to handle weapons. Although members of armed groups may not have received formal training to military standards, they should be able to demonstrate an understanding of how to use a weapon. This test should be balanced against other ways to identify combatant status (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Children with weapons should be disarmed but should not be required to demonstrate their capacity to use a weapon or prove familiarity with weaponry to be admitted to the DDR programme (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). All weapons brought by ineligible individuals as part of a disarmament operation shall be collected even if these individuals will not be eligible to enter the DDR programme.To avoid confusion and frustration, it is key that eligibility criteria are communicated clearly and unambiguously to members of armed groups and the wider population (see Box 4 and IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR). Legal implications should also be clearly explained \u2014 for example, that the voluntary submission of weapons during the disarmament phase by eligible and ineligible individuals will not result in prosecution for illegal possession.BOX 4: DISARMAMENT AWARENESS ACTIVITIES \\n For weapons to be successfully removed, the early and ongoing information and sensitization of armed forces and groups \u2013 as well as affected communities \u2013 to the planned collection process is essential. Public information and sensitization campaigns will have a strong influence on the success of the entire DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR). \\n\\n In addition to direct contact with armed forces and groups and community representatives, a range of media \u2013 including radio, print media, TV and social media \u2013 can be used to: \\n Encourage combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to disarm. \\n Inform armed forces and groups about locations and dates of disarmament and explain procedures, including security measures. \\n Explain what will happen to collected arms and ammunition and the absence of legal repercussions, as relevant. \\n Explain the eligibility criteria for entering a DDR programme and provide information about potential alternatives for non-eligible individuals (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). \\n Explain legal implications, including amnesties or assurances of non-prosecution (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). \\n Manage expectations. \\n Distinguish between the voluntary disarmament of armed forces and groups as part of a DDR programme and prior forced disarmament and any past or ongoing forced disarmament in the country. \\n\\n A professional, gender-responsive and age-appropriate DDR awareness campaign for the weapons collection component of any DDR programme should be conducted well before the collection phase begins. Awareness-raising campaigns shall take into consideration the findings of gender analysis in the design and implementation of programme activities. DDR practitioners shall ensure representation of all genders and ages in the campaign; engage youth, women and women\u2019s groups; and mitigate against the risk of linking gender identities with weapons, reinforcing violent masculinities and other gender stereotypes. Media and awareness activities are critical channels to counter the socially constructed yet enduring associations between small arms, protection, power and masculinity. \\n It is key that local communities be made aware of ongoing disarmament operations so that the presence or movement of armed individuals does not create confusion. If destruction of ammunition is planned, it is also important to inform communities beforehand to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary tensions. Finally, during ongoing operations, details on progress towards the objectives of the disarmament programme should be disseminated to help reassure stakeholders and communities that the number of illicit weapons in circulation is being reduced, and that overall security is improving."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.6 Standard operating procedures","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are a set of mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners within a particular DDR programme in the conduct of disarmament operations and subsequent WAM activities. The development of disarmament SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations.In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in disarmament. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the DDR component, with the support of WAM advisers, and signed off by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as UN military component members and any other partners supporting disarmament activities shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.In non-mission contexts, the national authority should also be advised by the lead UN agency(ies) on the development of national SOPs for the safe, effective and efficient conduct of the disarmament component of the DDR programme. All those engaged in supporting disarmament operations shall also be familiar with the relevant SOPs.A single disarmament SOP, or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to disarmament activities, should be informed by the integrated assessment and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards (IATG and MOSAIC), as well as with national laws and international obligations of the country where the programme is being implemented (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management).SOPs should cover all disarmament-related activities and include two lines of management procedures: one for ammunition and explosives, and one for weapons systems. The SOP(s) should refer to and be consistent with any other WAM SOPs adopted by the mission and\/or national authorities.While some missions and\/or national authorities have developed a single disarmament SOP, others have preferred a set of SOPs. Regardless, SOPs should cover the following procedures: \\n Reception of arms and\/or ammunition and explosives in static or mobile disarmament; \\n Compliance with weapons- and ammunition-related eligibility criteria (e.g., what is considered a serviceable weapon?); \\n Weapons storage management; \\n Ammunition and explosives storage management; \\n Accounting for weapons and ammunition; \\n Transportation of weapons; \\n Transportation of ammunition; \\n Storage checks; \\n Reporting and investigating loss or theft; \\n Destruction of weapons (or other appropriate methods of disposal and potential marking); \\n Destruction of ammunition (or other appropriate methods of disposal). \\n Managing spontaneous disarmament, including in advance of a formal DDR process."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.7 Disarmament team structure","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"The disarmament team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for disarmament: physical verification of arms and ammunition, recording of materiel, issuance of disarmament receipts\/certificates, storage of materiel, and the destruction of unsafe ammunition and explosives.WAM advisers (see Box 5) should be duly incorporated from the planning stage throughout the implementation of the disarmament phase. As per the IATG, force commanders (military component) should designate a force explosives safety officer responsible for advising on all arms, ammunition and explosives safety matters, including with regards to DDR activities (see Annex L of IATG 01.90).BOX 5: WAM ADVISERS \\n In both mission and non-mission settings, the involvement of UN WAM advisers in the planning and implementation of disarmament operations and WAM is critical to the success of the programme. Depending on the type of activities involved, WAM advisers shall have extensive formal training and operational field experience in ammunition and weapons storage, inspection, transportation and destruction\/disposal, including in fragile settings, as well as experience in the development and administration of new storage facilities. If the DDR component does not include such profiles among its staff, it may rely on support from other specialist UN agencies or NGOs. The WAM adviser shall, among other things, advise on explosive safety, certify that ammunition and explosives are safe to move, identify a nearby demolition site for unsafe ammunition, conduct render-safe procedures on unsafe ammunition, and determine safety distances during collection processes.A disarmament team should include a gender-balanced composition of: \\n DDR practitioners; \\n A representative of the national DDR commission (and potentially other national institutions); \\n An adequately sized technical support team from a specialized UN agency or NGO, including a team leader\/WAM adviser (IMAS EOD level 3), two weapons inspectors to identify weapons and assess safety of items, registration officers, storemen\/women and a medic; \\n Military observers (MILOBs) and representatives from the protection force; \\n National security forces armament specialists (police, army and\/or gendarmerie); \\n A representative from the mission\u2019s department for child protection; \\n A national gender specialist. \\n A national youth specialist.Depending on the provisions of the ceasefire and\/or peace agreement and the national DDR policy document, commanders of armed groups may also be part of the disarmament team.Disarmament teams should receive training on the disarmament SOPs (see section 5.6), the chain of procedures involved in conducting disarmament operations, entering data into the registration database, and the types of arms and ammunition they are likely to deal with and their safe handling. Training should be designed by the DDR component with the support of WAM\/EOD-qualified force representatives or a specialized UN agency or NGO. DDR practitioners and other personnel who are not arms and ammunition specialists should also attend the training to ensure that they fully understand the chain of operations and security procedures involved; however, unless qualified to do so, staff shall not handle weapons or ammunition at any stage. Before the launch of operations, a simulation exercise should be organized to test the planning phase, and to support each stakeholder in understanding his or her role and responsibilities. The mission DDR component, specialized UN agencies, and the military component should identify liaison officers to facilitate the implementation of disarmament operationsIn non-mission settings, the conduct and security of disarmament operations may rely on national security forces, joint commissions or teams and on national specialists with technical support from relevant UN agency (ies), multilateral and bilateral partners. The UN and partners should support the organization of training for national disarmament teams to develop capacity."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR","Heading2":"5.8 Timelines for disarmament","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Timelines for the implementation of the disarmament component of a DDR programme should be developed by taking the following factors into account: \\n The provisions of the peace agreement or the ceasefire agreement; \\n The availability of accurate information about demographics, including sex and age, as well as the size of the armed forces and groups to be disarmed; \\n The location of the armed forces\u2019 and groups\u2019 units and the number, type and location of their weapons; \\n The nature, processing capacity and location of mobile and static disarmament sites; \\n The time it takes to process each ex-combatant or person formerly associated with an armed force or group (this could be anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes per person). The simulation exercise will help to determine how long individual weapons collection and accounting will take.Depending on the nature of the conflict and other political and social conditions, a well- planned and well-implemented disarmament component may see large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups arriving for disarmament during the early stages of the DDR programme. The number of individuals reporting for disarmament may drop in the middle of the process, but it is prudent to plan for a rush towards the end. Late arrivals may report for disarmament because of improved confidence in the peace process or because some combatants and weapons have been held back until the final stages of disarmament as a self- protection measure.The minimum possible time should be taken to safely process combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups through the disarmament and demobilization phases, and then back into the community. This swiftness is necessary to avoid a loss of momentum and to prevent former combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups from settling in temporary camps away from their communities.Depending on the context, individuals may leave armed groups and engage in spontaneous disarmament outside of official DDR programme and disarmament operations (see section 6.3). In such situations, DDR practitioners should ensure adherence to this disarmament standard as much as possible. To facilitate this spontaneous disarmament process, procedures and timelines should be clearly communicated to authorities, members of armed groups and the wider community."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"6. Monitoring","Heading2":"6.1 Disarmament locations","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"The planning of disarmament operations should be initiated at the peace negotiations stage when the appropriate modus operandi for disarming combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will be set out. The UN should support the national authorities in identifying the best disarmament approach. Mobile and static approaches have been developed to fit different contexts and constraints, and can be combined to form a multi-strand approach. Depending on the national strategy and the sequencing of DDR phases, the disarmament component may be intrinsically linked to demobilization, and sites for both activities could be combined (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization).The selection of the approach, or combination of approaches, to take should be based on the following: \\n Findings from the integrated assessment and weapons survey, including a review of previous approaches to disarmament (see section 5.1); \\n Discussions and strategic planning by the national authorities; \\n Exchanges with leaders of armed forces and groups; \\n The security and risk assessment; \\n Gender analysis; \\n Financial resources.Notwithstanding the selection of the specific disarmament approach, all combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups should be informed of: \\n The time and date to report, and the location to which to report; \\n Appropriate weapons and ammunition safety measures; \\n The activities involved and steps they will be asked to follow; \\n The level of UN or military security to expect on arrival."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"6. Monitoring","Heading2":"6.1 Disarmament locations","Heading3":"6.1.1. Static disarmament ","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Static or site-based (cantonment) disarmament uses specifically designed disarmament sites to carry out the disarmament operation. These require detailed planning and considerable organization and rely on the coordination of a range of implementing partners. The establishment and management of disarmament sites should be specifically included in the peace agreement to ensure that former warring factions agree and are aware that they have a responsibility under the peace agreement to proceed to such sites. Depending on the disarmament plan, geographic and security constraints, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups can move directly to disarmament sites, or their transportation can be organized through pick-up points."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"6. Monitoring","Heading2":"6.1 Disarmament locations","Heading3":"6.1.1. Static disarmament ","Heading4":" Pick-up points","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"The role of pick-up points (PUPs) is to concentrate combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups in a safe location, prior to a controlled and supervised move to designated disarmament sites. Administrative and safety processes begin at the PUP. There are similarities between procedures at the PUP and those carried out during mobile disarmament operations, but the two processes are different and should not be confused. Members of armed forces and groups that report to a PUP will then be moved to a disarmament site, while those who enter through the mobile disarmament route will be directed to make their way to demobilization.PUPs are locations agreed to in advance by the leaders of armed forces and groups and the UN mission military component. They are selected because of their convenience, security and accessibility for all parties. The time, date, place and conditions for entering the disarmament process should be negotiated by commanders, the National DDR Commission and the DDR component in mission settings and the UN lead agency(ies) in non-mission settings.Combatants often need to be moved from rural locations, and since many armed forces and groups will not have adequate transport, PUPs should be situated close to their positions. PUPs shall not be located in or near civilian areas such as villages, towns or cities. Special measures should be considered for children associated with armed forces and groups arriving at PUPs (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). Gender-responsive provisions shall also be planned to provide guidance on how to process female combatants and WAAFG, including DDR\/UN military staff composed of a mix of genders, separation of men and women during screening and clothing\/baggage searches at PUPs, and adequate medical support particularly in the case of pregnant and lactating women (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).Disarmament operations should also include combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups with disabilities and\/or chronically ill and\/or wounded who may not be able to access the PUPs. These persons may also qualify for disarmament, while requiring special transportation and assistance by specialists, such as medical staff and psychologists (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR and IDDRS 5.80 on Disabilities and DDR).Once combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups have arrived at the designated PUP, they will be met by male and female UN representatives, including military and child protection staff, who shall arrange their transportation to the disarmament site. This first meeting between armed individuals and UN staff shall be considered a high-risk situation, and all members of armed forces and groups shall be considered potentially dangerous until disarmed.At the PUP, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may either be completely disarmed or may keep their weapons during movement to the disarmament site. In the latter case, they should surrender their ammunition. The issue of weapons surrender at the PUP will either be a requirement of the peace agreement, or, more usually, a matter of negotiation between the leadership of armed forces and groups, the national authorities and the UN.The following activities should occur at the PUP: \\n Members of the disarmament team meet combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups outside the PUP at clearly marked waiting areas; personnel deliver a PUP briefing, explaining what will happen at the sites. \\n Qualified personnel check that weapons are clear of ammunition and made safe, ensuring that magazines are removed; combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are screened to identify those carrying ammunition and explosives. These individuals should be immediately moved to the ammunition area in the disarmament site. \\n Qualified personnel conduct a clothing and baggage search of all combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups; men and women should be searched separately by those of the same sex. \\n Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups with eligible weapons and safe ammunition pass through the screening area to the transport area, before moving to the disarmament site. The UN shall be responsible for ensuring the protection and physical security of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups during their movement from the PUP. In non-mission settings, the national security forces, joint commissions or teams would be responsible for the above-mentioned tasks with technical support from relevant UN agency (ies), multilateral and bilateral partners.Those individuals who do not meet the eligibility criteria for entry into the DDR programme should leave the PUP after being disarmed and, where needed, transported away from the PUP. Individuals with defective weapons should hand these over, but, depending on the eligibility criteria, may not be allowed to enter the DDR programme. These individuals should be given a receipt that shows full details of the ineligible weapon handed over. This receipt may be used if there is an appeal process at a later date. People who do not meet the eligibility criteria for the DDR programme should be told why and orientated towards different programmes, if available, including CVR."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"6. Monitoring","Heading2":"6.1 Disarmament locations","Heading3":"6.1.2 Mobile disarmament","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"In certain circumstances, the establishment of a fixed disarmament site may be inappropriate. In such cases, one option is the use of mobile disarmament, which usually consists of a group of modified road vehicles and has the advantage of decreased logistical outlay, increased flexibility, reduced cost, and rapid deployment and assembly.A mobile approach permits a more rapid response than site-based disarmament and can be used when weapons are concentrated in a specific geographical area, when moving collected arms, or when assembling scattered members of armed forces and groups would be difficult or trigger insecurity. This approach allows for more flexibility and for the limited movement of armed combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who remain in their communities. Mobile disarmament may also be more accessible to women, children, disabled and other specific-needs groups. While mobile disarmament ensures the limited movement of unsafe ammunition, a sound mobile WAM and EOD capacity is required to collect and destroy items on site and to transport arms and ammunition to storage facilities."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"6. Monitoring","Heading2":"6.2 Procedures for disarmament","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"A disarmament SOP should state the step-by-step procedures for receiving weapons and ammunition, including identifying who has responsibility for each step and the gender-responsive provisions required. The SOP should also include a diagram of the disarmament site(s) (either mobile or static). Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are processed one by one. Procedures, to be adapted to the context, are generally as follows.Before entering the disarmament site perimeter: \\n The individual is identified by his\/her commander and physically checked by the designated security officials. Special measures will be required for children (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). Men and women will be checked by those of the same sex, which requires having both male and female officers among UN military\/DDR staff in mission settings and national security\/DDR staff in non-mission settings. \\n If the individual is carrying ammunition or explosives that might present a threat, she\/he will be asked to leave it outside the handover area, in a location identified by a WAM\/EOD specialist, to be handled separately. \\n The individual is asked to move with the weapon pointing towards the ground, the catch in safety position (if relevant) and her\/his finger off the trigger.After entering the perimeter: \\n The individual is directed to the unloading bay, where she\/he will proceed with the clearing of his\/her weapon under the instruction and supervision of a MILOB or representative of the UN military component in mission settings or designated security official in a non-mission setting. If the individual is under 18 years old, child protection staff shall be present throughout the process. \\n Once the weapon has been cleared, it is handed over to a MILOB or representative of the military component in a mission setting or designated security official in a non-mission setting who will proceed with verification. \\n If the individual is also in possession of ammunition for small arms or machine guns, she\/he will be asked to place it in a separate pre-identified location, away from the weapons. \\n The materiel handed in is recorded by a DDR practitioner with guidance on weapons and ammunition identification from specialist UN agency personnel or other arms specialists along with information on the individual concerned. \\n The individual is provided with a receipt that proves she\/he has handed in a weapon and\/or ammunition. The receipt indicates the name of the individual, the date and location, the type, the status (serviceable or not) and the serial number of the weapon. \\n Weapons are tagged with a code to facilitate storage, management and recordkeeping throughout the disarmament process until disposal (see section 7.1). \\n Weapons and ammunition are stored separately or organized for transportation under the instructions and guidance of a WAM adviser (see section 7.2 and DDR WAM Handbook Unit 11). Ammunition presenting an immediate risk, or deemed unfit for transport, should be destroyed in situ by qualified EOD specialists.BOX 6: PROCESSING HEAVY WEAPONS AND THEIR AMMUNITION \\n An increasing number of armed groups in areas of conflict across the world use light and heavy weapons, including heavy artillery or armoured fighting vehicles. Dealing with heavy weapons presents both logistical and political challenges. In certain settings, heavy weapons could be included in the eligibility criteria for a DDR programme, and the ratio of arms to combatants could be determined based on the number of crew required to operate each specific weapons system. However, while small arms and most light weapons are generally seen as an individual asset, heavy weapons are often considered a group asset, and thus may not be surrendered during disarmament operations that focus on individual combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. \\n To ensure comprehensive disarmament and avoid the exploitation of loopholes, peace negotiations and the national DDR programme should determine the procedures related to the arsenals of armed groups, including heavy weapons and\/or caches of materiel. Processing heavy weapons and their ammunition requires a high level of technical knowledge. Heavy-weapons systems can be complex and require specialist expertise to ensure that systems are made safe, unloaded and all items of ammunition are safely separated from the platform. Conducting a thorough weapons survey and planning is vital to ensure the correct expertise is made available. The UN DDR component in mission settings or UN lead agency(ies) in non-mission settings should provide advice with regards to the collection, storage and disposal of heavy weapons, and support the development of any related SOPs. Procedures regarding heavy weapons should be clearly communicated to armed forces and groups prior to any disarmament operations to avoid unorganized and unscheduled movements of heavy weapons that might foment further tensions among the population. Destruction of heavy weapons requires significant logistics (see section 8); it is therefore critical to ensure the physical security of these weapons in order to reduce the risk of diversion."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"6. Monitoring","Heading2":"6.3 Spontaneous disarmament outside of official disarmament operations","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"In some contexts, in order to encourage individuals to leave armed groups when there is no DDR programme, a modus operandi for receiving combatants and persons associated with armed groups may be established. This may include the identification of a network of reception points, such as DDR offices or peacekeeping camps, or the deployment of mobile disarmament units. Procedures should be communicated to authorities, members of armed groups and the wider community on a regular basis to ensure all are informed and sensitized (see Box 4 and IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).In the case peacekeeping camps are designated as reception points, the DDR component \u2013 in coordination with the military component and the battalion commander \u2013 should identify specific focal points within the camp to deal with combatants and persons associated with armed groups. These focal points should be trained in how to handle and disarm new arrivals, including taking gender-sensitive approaches with women and age-sensitive approaches with children, and in how to register and store materiel until DDR practitioners take over. Unsafe items should be stored in a pre-identified or purpose-built area as advised by DDR WAM advisers until specialized UN agency personnel or force EOD specialists can assess the safety of the items and recommend appropriate action."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"7. Stockpile management phase","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"The term \u2018stockpile management\u2019 can be defined as procedures and activities designed to ensure the safe and secure accounting, storage, transportation and handling of arms, ammunition and explosives. The IATG and MOSAIC shall guide the design and implementation of this phase, and qualified WAM advisers should develop relevant SOP(s) (see section 5.6). The stockpile management and destruction of ammunition and explosives require a much more detailed technical response, as the risks and hazards are greater than for weapons, and stockpiles present a larger logistical challenge. Ammunition and explosives shall be handled only by those with the necessary technical competencies."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"7. Evaluations","Heading2":"7.1 Accounting for weapons and ammunition","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"In smaller disarmament operations or when IMS has not yet been set for the capture of the above information, a separate simple database should be developed to manage weapons, ammunition and explosives collected. For example, the use of a standardized Excel spreadsheet template which would allow for the effective centralization of data. DDR components and UN lead agency(ies) should dedicate appropriate resources to the development and ongoing maintenance of this database and consider the establishment of a more comprehensive and permanent IMS where disarmament operations will clearly involve the collection of thousands of weapons and ammunition. Ownership of data by the UN, the national authorities or both should be decided ahead of the launch of the DDR programme.Data should be protected in order to ensure the security of DDR participants and stockpiles but could be shared with relevant UN entities for analysis and tracing purposes, as appropriate. In instances where the peace agreement does not prevent the formal tracing or investigation of the weapons and ammunition collected, specialized UN entities including Panels of Experts or a Joint Mission Analysis Centre may analyse information and send tracing requests to national authorities, manufacturing countries or other former custodians of weapons regarding the origins of the materiel. These entities should be given access to weapons, ammunition and explosives collected and also check firearms against INTERPOL\u2019s Illicit Arms Records and tracing Management System (iARMS) database. Doing this would shed light on points of diversion, supply chains, and trafficking routes, inter alia, which may contribute to efforts to counter proliferation and illicit trafficking and support the overall objectives of DDR. Forensic analysis may also lead to investigations regarding the licit or illicit origin of the collected weapons and possible linkages to terrorist organizations, in line with UN Security Council resolutions 2370 (2017) and 2482 (2019).In a number of DDR settings, ammunition is generally handed in without its original packaging and will be loose packed and consist of a range of different calibres. Ammunition should be segregated into separate calibres and then accounted for in accordance with IATG 03.10 on Inventory Management."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"7. Evaluations","Heading2":"7.2 Transportation of weapons and ammunition","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"The transportation of dangerous goods from disarmament sites to storage areas should be planned in order to mitigate the risk of explosions and diversions. A WAM adviser should supervise the organization of materiel: arms and ammunition should be transported separately and moved in different shipments. Similarly, whenever advisable for security reasons and practicable in terms of time and capacity, the weapons to be transported should be made temporarily inactive by removing a principal functional part (e.g., bolt, cylinder, slide) and providing for separate transportation of ammunition, ultimately in a different shipment or convoy. All boxes and crates containing weapons or ammunition should be secured and sealed prior to loading onto transport vehicles. As most DDR materiel is transported by road, security of transportation should be ensured by the UN military component in mission settings or by national security forces or by designated security officials in non-mission settings.In the absence of qualified personnel, all ammunition and explosives other than small arms and machine gun ammunition7 should not be transported. In such cases, SOPs should provide directions and WAM advisers should be contacted to confirm instructions on how and where the remaining ammunition should be stored until relevant personnel are able to come and transport it or destroy it in situ.Upon receipt, the shipment should be checked against the DDR weapons and ammunition database, which should be updated accordingly, and a handover declaration should be signed."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"7. Evaluations","Heading2":"7.3 Storage","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"The safety and security of collected weapons, ammunition and explosives shall be a primary concern. This is because the diversion of materiel or an unplanned storage explosion would have an immediate negative impact on the credibility and the objectives of the whole DDR programme, while also posing a serious safety and security risk. DDR programmes very rarely have appropriate storage infrastructure at their disposal, and most are therefore required to build their own temporary structures, for example, using shipping containers. Conventional arms and ammunition can be stored effectively and safely in these temporary facilities if they comply with international guidelines including IATG 04.10 on Field Storage, IATG 04.20 on Temporary Storage and MOSAIC 5.20 on Stockpile Management.The stockpile management phase shall be as short as possible. The sooner that collected weapons and ammunition are disposed of (see section 8), the better in terms of (1) security and safety risks; (2) improved confidence and trust; and (3) a lower requirement for personnel and funding.Post-collection storage shall be planned before the start of the collection phase with the support of a qualified DDR WAM adviser who will determine the size, location, staff and equipment required based on the findings of the integrated assessment (see section 5.1). The SOP should identify the actors responsible for securing storage sites, and a risk assessment shall be conducted by a WAM adviser in order to determine the optimal locations for storage facilities, including appropriate safety distances. The assessment shall also help identify priorities in terms of security measures to be adopted with regards to physical protection (see DDR WAM Handbook Unit 16).The content of DDR storage sites shall be checked and verified on a regular basis against the DDR weapons and ammunition database (see section 7.3.1). Any suspected loss or theft shall be reported immediately and investigated according to the SOP (see MOSAIC 5.20 for an investigative report template as well as UN SOP Ref.2017.22 on Loss of Weapons and Ammunition in Peace Operations).Weapons and ammunition must be taken from a store only by personnel who are authorized to do so. These personnel and their affiliation should be identified and authenticated before removing the materiel. The details of personnel removing and returning materiel should be recorded in a log, identifying their name, affiliation and signature, dates and times, weapons\/ammunition details and the purpose of removal."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"7. Evaluations","Heading2":"7.3 Storage","Heading3":"7.3.1 Storing weapons","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"The storage of weapons is less technical than that of ammunition and explosives, with the primary risks being loss and theft due to poor management. Although options for security measures are often quite limited in the field, in order to prevent or delay theft, containers should be equipped with fixed racks on which weapons can be secured with chains or steel cables affixed with padlocks. Some light weapons that contain explosive components, such as man-portable air- defence systems, will present explosive hazards and should be stored with other explosive materiel, in line with guidance on Compatibility Groups as defined by IATG 01.50 on UN Explosive Hazard Classification Systems and Codes.To allow for effective management and stocktaking, weapons that have been collected should be tagged. Most DDR programmes use handwritten tags, including the serial number and a tag number, which are registered in the DDR database. However, this method is not effective in the long term and, more recently, DDR components have been using purpose-made bar code tags, allowing for electronic reading, including with a smartphone.A physical stock check by number and type of arms should be conducted on a weekly basis in each storage facility, and the serial numbers of no less than 10 per cent of arms should be checked against the DDR weapons and ammunition database. Every six months, a 100 per cent physical stock check by quantity, type and serial number should be conducted, and records of storage checks should be kept for review and audit processes."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"7. Evaluations","Heading2":"7.3 Storage","Heading3":"7.3.2 Storing ammunition and explosives","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"The storage of ammunition and explosives, other than for small arms and machine guns (1.4 UN Hazard Division), requires highly qualified personnel, as the risks related to this materiel are substantial. Technical guidance to minimize the risk of accidents and their effects is very specific with regards to storing ammunition and explosives in line with Compatibility Groups (see IATG 01.50) and distances (see IATG 2.20). Ammunition collected during the disarmament phase of a DDR programme is often of unknown status and may have been stored in non-optimal environmental conditions (e.g., high temperature\/high humidity) that render ammunition unsafe. A thorough risk assessment of ammunition storage facilities shall be carried out by the WAM adviser. A range of quantitative and qualitative methods for this assessment are available in IATG 2.10.In accordance with the IATG, all ammunition storage facilities should be at a minimum of Risk-Reduction Process Level 1 compliance (see IATG 12.20) in order to mitigate the risk of explosions and diversion. A physical stock check by quantity and type of ammunition should be conducted on a weekly basis.An accessible demolition area that can be used for the destruction of ammunition deemed unsafe and at risk of detonation or deflagration should be identified."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"8. Disposal phase","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"Destruction shall be the preferred method of disposal of materiel collected through DDR. However, other options may be possible, including the transfer of materiel to national stockpiles and the deactivation of weapons. Operations should be safe, cost-effective and environmentally benign."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"8. Disposal phase","Heading2":"8.1 Destruction of materiel","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"Destruction reduces the flow of illicit arms and ammunition in circulation and removes the risk of materiel being diverted (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management). Arms and ammunition that are surrendered during disarmament operations are in an unknown state and likely hazardous, and their markings may have been altered or removed. The destruction of arms and ammunition during a DDR programme is a highly symbolic gesture and serves as a strong confidence-building measure if performed and verified transparently. Furthermore, destruction is usually less financially burdensome than storing and guarding arms and ammunition in accordance with global guidelines.Obtaining agreement from the appropriate authorities to proceed usually takes time, resulting in delays and related risks of diversion or unplanned explosions. Disposal methods should therefore be decided upon with the national authorities at an early stage and clearly stated in the national DDR programme. Transparency in the disposal of weapons and ammunition collected from former warring parties is key to building trust in DDR and the entire peace process. A clear plan for destruction should be established by the DDR component or the lead UN agency(ies) with the support of WAM advisers, including the most suitable method for destruction (see Annex E), the development of an SOP, the location, as well as options for the processing and monitoring of scrap metal recycling, if relevant, and the associated costs of the destruction process. The plan shall also provide for the monitoring of the destruction by a third party to ensure that the process was efficient and that all materiel is accounted for to avoid diversion. The physical destruction of weapons is much simpler and safer than the physical destruction of ammunition, which requires highly qualified personnel and a thorough risk assessment."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"8. Disposal phase","Heading2":"8.1 Destruction of materiel","Heading3":"8.1.1 Destruction of weapons","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":31,"Paragraph":"In most existing DDR programmes, due to the absence of an industrial steel smelting facility to melt down small arms, cutting is the preferred method of destruction, particularly where quantities of weapons are limited and where it is logistically easier and safer to take the cutting tool to the weapons rather than vice versa. If not done correctly, cutting carries the risk that the parts may be re-used to produce new weapons. Cutting is also labour intensive and produces significant quantities of scrap metal. (See Annex E to select the most suitable method of destruction.)With regards to heavy weapons, demilitarization by dismantling and recycling should be the preferred disposal option for the majority of these systems. The market for conversion to civilian use is very limited. This is because sale is also a proliferation risk and reputable end users are rare. The demilitarization by dismantling and recycling technique involves the cleaning and dismantling\/cutting of the vehicle but results in significant quantities of scrap. If a large quantity of heavy weapons is to be destroyed, financial planning could include the value of the scrap recovered.8 It is also important to maintain strict control over weapons designated for destruction to prevent the risk of their entry into the illicit market before the destruction takes place."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"8. Disposal phase","Heading2":"8.1 Destruction of materiel","Heading3":"8.1.2 Destruction of ammunition","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":31,"Paragraph":"The safe destruction of recovered ammunition and explosives presents a variety of technical challenges, and the demolition of a large number of explosive items requires a significant degree of training. Risks inherent in destruction are significant if the procedure does not comply with strict technical guidelines (see IATG 10.10), including casualties and contamination. During the disarmament phase of a DDR programme, ammunition may need to be destroyed either at the collection point (PUP, disarmament site) because it is unsafe, or after being transferred to a secure DDR storage facility.Ammunition destruction requires a strict planning phase by WAM\/EOD advisers or engineers who should identify priorities, obtain authorization from the national authorities, select the most appropriate method (see Annex E) and location for destruction, and develop a risk assessment and security plan for the operation. The following types of ammunition should be destroyed as a priority: (a) ammunition that poses the greatest risk in terms of explosive safety, (b) ammunition that is attractive to criminals or armed groups, (c) ammunition that must be destroyed in order to comply with international obligations (for instance, anti-personnel mines for States that are party to the Mine Ban Treaty) and (d) small arms and machine gun ammunition less than 20 mm.After destruction, decontamination operations at demolition sites and demilitarization facilities should be undertaken to ensure that all recovered materials and other generated residues, including unexploded items, are appropriately treated, and that scrap and empty packaging are free from explosives."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"8. Disposal phase","Heading2":"8.2 Transfers to national authorities","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":32,"Paragraph":"National authorities may insist that serviceable materiel collected during disarmament should be incorporated into national stockpiles. Reasons for this may be linked to a lack of resources to acquire new materiel, the desire to regain control over materiel previously looted from national stockpiles or the existence of an arms embargo making procurement difficult.Before transferring arms or ammunition to the national authorities, the DDR component or lead UN agency(ies) shall take account of all obligations under relevant regional and international instruments as well as potential UN arms embargos and should seek the advice of the mission\u2019s or lead UN agency(ies) legal adviser (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). If the host State is prohibited from using or possessing certain weapons or ammunition (e.g., mines or cluster munitions), such materiel shall be destroyed. Furthermore, in line with the UN human rights due diligence policy, materiel shall not be transferred where there are substantial indications that the consignee is committing grave violations of international humanitarian, human rights or refugee law.WAM advisers should explain to the national authorities the potential negative consequences of incorporating DDR weapons and ammunition into their stockpiles. These consequences not only include the symbolic connotations of using conflict weapons, but also the costs and operational challenges that come from the management of materiel that differs from standard equipment. The integration of ammunition into national stockpiles should be discouraged, as ammunition of unknown origin can be extremely hazardous. A technical inspection of weapons and ammunition should be jointly carried out by both UN and national experts before handover to the national authorities.Finally, weapons handed over to national authorities should bear markings made at the time of manufacture, and best practice recommends the destruction or remarking of weapons whose original markings have been altered or erased. Weapons should be registered by the national authorities in line with international standards."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"8. Disposal phase","Heading2":"8.3 Deactivation of weapons","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":33,"Paragraph":"The deactivation of arms involves rendering the weapon incapable of expelling or launching a shot, bullet, missile or other projectile by the action of an explosive, that cannot be readily restored to do so, and that has been certified and marked as deactivated in compliance with international guidelines by a competent State authority. Deactivation requires that all pressure-bearing components of a weapon be permanently altered in such a way so as to render the weapon unusable; this includes modifications to the barrel, bolt, cylinder, slide, firing pin and\/or receiver\/frame. Weapons that have not been properly deactivated represent a significant threat, as they may be reactivated and used by criminals and terrorists.While destruction of weapons should be the preferred method of disposal, deactivation could be stipulated as part of a peace agreement where some of the collected weapons would be used in museum settings, or to create \u2018peace art\u2019 or monuments, to symbolically reflect the end of armed conflict. The process of deactivation should occur rapidly after a peace agreement so that weapons do not remain indefinitely in stores incurring unnecessary costs and raising the risk of diversion"},{"ID":43,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"Annex C: Weapons survey","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":35,"Paragraph":"A weapons survey can take more than a year from the time resources are allocated and mobilized to completion and the publication of results and recommendations. The survey must be designed, implemented and the results applied in a gender responsive manner.Who should implement the weapons survey? \\n While the DDR component and specialized UN agencies can secure funding and coordinate the process, it is critical to ensure that ownership of the project sits at the national level due to the sensitivities involved, and so that the results have greater legitimacy in informing any future national policymaking on the subject. This could be through the National Coordinating Mechanism on SALW, for example, or the National DDR Commission. Buy-in must also be secured from local authorities on the ground where research is to be conducted. Such authorities must also be kept informed of developments for political and security reasons. \\n Weapons surveys are often sub-contracted out by UN agencies and national authorities to independent and impartial research organizations and\/or an expert consultant to design and coordinate the survey components. The survey team should include independent experts and surveyors who are nationals of the country in which the DDR component or the UN lead agency(ies) is operating and who speak the local language(s). The implementation of weapons surveys should always serve as an opportunity to develop national research capacity.What information should be gathered during a weapons survey? \\n Weapons surveys can support the design of multiple types of activities related to SALW control in various contexts, including those related to DDR. The information collected during this process can inform a wide range of initiatives, and it is therefore important to identify other UN stakeholders with whom to engage when designing the survey to avoid duplication of effort. \\n\\n Components \\n Contextual analysis: conflict analysis; mapping of armed actors; political, economic, social, environmental, cultural factors. \\n Weapons distribution assessment: types; quantities; possession by men, women and children; movements of SALW; illicit sources of weapons and ammunition; potential locations of materiel and caches. \\n Impact survey: impact of weapons on children, women, men, vulnerable groups, DDR beneficiaries etc.; social and economic developments; number of acts of armed violence and victims. \\n Perception survey: attitudes of various groups towards weapons; reasons for armed groups holding weapons; alternatives to weapons possession etc. \\n Capacity assessment: community, local, national coping mechanism; legal tools; security and non-security responses."},{"ID":44,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"Annex C: Weapons survey","Heading2":"Methodology","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":36,"Paragraph":"The survey should draw on a variety of research methods and sources in order to collate, compare and confirm information \u2014 e.g., desk research, collection of official quantitative data (including crime and health data related to firearms), and interviews with key informants such as national security and defence forces, community leaders, representatives of civilian groups (including women, youth and professionals) affected by armed violence, armed groups, foreign analysts and diplomats.The main component of the survey should be the perception survey (see above) \u2014 i.e., the administration of a questionnaire. A representative sample is to be determined by an expert according to the target population. The questionnaire should be developed and administered by a research team including male and female nationals, ensuring respect for ethical considerations and gender and cultural sensitivities. The questionnaire should not take more than 30 minutes to administer, and careful thought should be given as to how to frame the questions to ensure maximum impact (see Annex C of MOSAIC 5.10 for a list of sample questions).A survey can help the DDR component to identify interventions related to disarmament of combatants or ex-combatants, but also to CVR and other transitional programming.Among others, the weapons survey will help identify the following: \\n Communities particularly affected by weapons availability and armed violence. \\n Communities particularly affected by violence related to ex-combatants. \\n Communities ready to participate in CVR and the types of programming they would like to see developed. \\n Types of weapons and ammunition in circulation and in demand. \\n Trafficking routes and modus operandi of weapons trafficking. \\n Groups holding weapons and the profiles of combatants. \\n Cultural and monetary values of weapons. \\n Security concerns and other negative impacts linked to potential interventions."},{"ID":45,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"Annex E: Destruction methods","Heading2":"Destruction of SALW","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":38,"Paragraph":"There are many different techniques for destroying SALW that vary in complexity, cost and results. The DDR component in mission settings and the UN lead agency(ies) in non-mission settings will be responsible for identifying the most suitable method with the support of a technical adviser or specialized UN agency.Selection criteria include: \\n Type of weapons; \\n Quantity of weapons; \\n Availability of funds (for equipment, training and staff); \\n Available level of WAM expertise; \\n Availability of local resources and technology; \\n Available infrastructure; \\n Security constraints; \\n Local customs and references.In most existing DDR programmes, weapons cutting is the preferred though not necessarily the most efficient method of destruction. The advantages and disadvantages of this method and others are outlined below.Other methods of weapons destruction, including burning (with kerosene) and crushing (with tracked vehicles), are sometimes used for their highly visible and symbolic impact. Although simple and relatively low cost, these methods are not effective, as weapons and component parts may still be serviceable and must therefore undergo a further process to ensure destruction."},{"ID":46,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"Annex E: Destruction methods","Heading2":"Destruction of ammunition and explosives","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":39,"Paragraph":"IATG 10.10 shall serve as the basis for all destruction of ammunition and explosives activities. The following IMAS also cover the stockpile destruction of ammunition and explosives: \\n IMAS 11.10: \u2018Stockpile Destruction\u2019; \\n IMAS 11.20: \u2018Open Burning and Open Detonation (OBOD) Operations\u2019; \\n IMAS 11.30: \u2018National Planning Guidelines\u2019.The EOD expert will select the method according to: \\n Type and quantity of ammunition to be destroyed; \\n Availability of qualified human resources; \\n Location and type of destruction sites available; \\n Distance from storage and destruction sites and accessibility; \\n Financial resources available; \\n Requisite equipment and materials available; \\n Environmental impact.The most commonly used methods in DDR settings are open burning and open detonation. These are regarded as the easiest ways to destroy ammunition and often present the most cost- effective solution; they are also highly symbolic and can serve as effective mechanisms for building confidence in the DDR programme. \\n Open burning is generally used for the destruction of propellants and pyrotechnic compositions and has the potential to cause significant environmental harm. \\n Open detonation uses serviceable explosives as charges to destroy ammunition and requires a large cordon to ensure protection from the blast. This method is labour intensive and may not destroy all ammunition, requiring post-blast EOD clearance.The industrial-level destruction of ammunition and explosives combines the skills of production, mechanical, chemical and explosive engineering. It is a highly specialist occupation, and appropriate independent technical advice shall be taken during the planning phase if stockpile levels suggest that industrial destruction may be the safest, most environmentally friendly or most cost-effective option."},{"ID":47,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.10 Disarmament","PageNum":40,"Paragraph":"\\n 1 https:\/\/\/disarmament\/convarms\/mosaic. \\n 2 https:\/\/\/disarmament\/convarms\/ammunition \\n 3 The seven categories of major conventional arms, as defined by the UN Register of Conventional Arms, can be found at: https:\/\/\/disarmament\/convarms\/transparency-in -armaments\/ \\n 4 See Operative Paragraph 6 of UN Security Council resolution 2370 (2017) and Operative Paragraph 10 of UN Security Council resolution 2482 (2019); and Section VI. Preventing and combating the illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons and Guiding Principle 52 of Security Council\u2019s 2018 Addendum to the Madrid Guiding Principles (S\/2018\/1177). \\n 5 See DDR WAM Handbook Unit 11. \\n 6 See ibid., Annex 6. \\n 7 Aside from those containing high explosive (HE) material. \\n 8 See Seesac. Defence Conversion \u2013 The Disposal and Demilitarization of Heavy Weapons Systems. 2006. \\n 9 See OSCE. 2018. Best Practice Guide: Minimum Standards for National Procedures for the Deactivation of SALW."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management.json b/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01521b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"DDR practitioners increasingly operate in contexts with fragmented but well-equipped armed groups and acute levels of proliferation of illicit weapons, ammunition and ex- plosives. In settings where armed conflict is ongoing and peace agreements have been neither signed nor implemented, disarmament as part of a DDR programme may not be the most suitable approach to control the circulation of weapons, ammunition and explosives because armed groups may be reluctant to disarm without strong security guarantees (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). Instead, these contexts require the de- sign and implementation of innovative DDR-related tools, such as transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM).When implemented as part of a DDR process (either with or without a DDR pro- gramme), transitional WAM has two primary aims: to reduce the capacity of individ- uals and groups to engage in armed conflict, and to reduce accidents and save lives by addressing the immediate risks related to the illicit possession of weapons, ammuni- tion and explosives. By supporting better arms control and preventing the diversion of weapons, ammunition and explosives to unauthorized end users, transitional WAM can be a strong component of the sustaining peace approach and contribute to pre- venting the outbreak, escalation, continuation and recurrence of conflict (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace). In settings where a peace agreement has been signed and the necessary preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, transitional WAM can also be used before, during and after DDR programmes as a complementary measure (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR)."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"As shown in Figure 1, DDR arms control activities include: (1) disarmament as part of a DDR programme and (2) transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool. This sub-module, which should be read as a complement to IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, aims to equip DDR practitioners with the basic legal, programmatic and technical knowledge to de- sign and implement safe and effective transitional WAM in both mission and non-mis- sion contexts.This sub-module also provides guidance on how transitional WAM implemented as part of a DDR process should align with and reinforce security sector reform (SSR), as well as national small arms and light weapons (SALW) control strategies.When collecting, registering, storing, transporting, and disposing of weapons, ammunition and explosives during transitional WAM the core guidelines outlined in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament apply. As such, DDR-related transitional WAM should always adhere to United Nations standards and guidelines, namely the Modular small- arms-control Implementation Compendium (MOSAIC) and International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG)."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a. \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b. \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c. \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d. \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e. \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.Weapons and ammunition management (WAM) is the oversight, accountability and management of arms and ammunition throughout their lifecycle, including the estab- lishment of frameworks, processes and practices for safe and secure materiel acquisi- tion, stockpiling, transfers, tracing and disposal.1 WAM does not only focus on small arms and light weapons, but on a broader range of conventional weapons including ammunition and artillery.Transitional WAM is a series of interim arms control measures that can be imple- mented by DDR practitioners before, after and alongside DDR programmes. Transi- tional WAM can also be implemented when the preconditions for a DDR programme are absent. The transitional WAM component of a DDR process is primarily aimed at reducing the capacity of individuals and groups to engage in armed violence and conflict. Transitional WAM also aims to reduce accidents and save lives by addressing the immediate risks related to the possession of weapons, ammunition and explosives.Light weapon: Any man-portable lethal weapon designed for use by two or three per- sons serving as a crew (although some may be carried and used by a single person) that expels or launches, is designed to expel or launch, or may be readily converted to expel or launch a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive. \\n Note 1: Includes, inter alia, heavy machine guns, hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers, portable anti-aircraft guns, portable anti-tank guns, re- coilless rifles, portable launchers of anti- tank missile and rocket systems, portable launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems, and mortars of a calibre of less than 100 millimetres, as well as their parts, components and ammunition. \\n Note 2: Excludes antique light weapons and their replicas.Small arm: Any man-portable lethal weapon designed for individual use that expels or launches, is designed to expel or launch, or may be readily converted to expel or launch a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive. Note 1: Includes, inter alia, re- volvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns, as well as their parts, components and ammunition. Note 2 Excludes antique small arms and their replicas."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"DDR processes are increasingly launched in contexts where members of armed groups and communities are unwilling to disarm because of concerns for their security. In such situations, communities and individuals may take their own security measures, including through increased weapons ownership. Some armed groups may also be characterized as community self-defence forces or \u2018vigilante groups\u2019.The ownership of weapons, ammunition and explosives by individuals and armed groups carries a number of risks. For example, if armed groups store incompatible types of ammunition together then it may lead to explosions and surrounding loss of life. Furthermore, inadequately secured weapons and ammunition can facilitate inter-personal armed violence, including sexual and gender-based violence, as well as theft and diversion to the illicit market.In order to contribute to a more secure environment that is conducive to long-term stability, development and reconciliation, DDR practitioners may consider the use of transitional WAM. Transitional WAM may be used as an alternative to disarmament as part of a DDR programme or it can also be used before, during or after a DDR pro- gramme as a complementary measure. In both contexts, a multifaceted approach is required that addresses both the root causes of armed violence and the means through which that violence is perpetrated.Transitional WAM may therefore also be used in combination with programmes of Community Violence Reduction, particularly when these programmes include for- mer combatants or individuals at-risk of recruitment by armed groups (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). Finally, transitional WAM may also be used in combination with activities that support the reintegration of former combatants and persons formerly associated with armed groups (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration)."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to tran- sitional WAM as part of a DDR process."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1 Voluntary","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Transitional WAM as part of a DDR process shall be implemented on a voluntary basis and, where appropriate, through engaging communities and armed forces and groups to identify issues and design solutions."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Gender-responsive and inclusive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Transitional WAM shall not introduce distinctions based on age, sex, race, ethnicity, religion or other arbitrary criteria that may create or exacerbate vulnerabilities and power imbalances. DDR practitioners shall ensure that the gendered dimensions of WAM and its links to gender identities, as well as the differing impacts on men and women and their perceptions of weapons, ammunition and explosives, are adequately integrated into all stages of arms control initiatives. Such an approach requires gender expertise, gender analysis, the collection of sex- and age-disaggregated data as well as considerations related to children.DDR practitioners shall also adopt a gender-transformative approach, including through interventions and messages on the linkages between masculinities and weapons ownership, and by ensuring that both men and women are involved in the design and implementation of transitional WAM."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3 Conflict sensitive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Transitional WAM shall not increase the vulnerability of communities, groups (including ethnic and religious minorities), or individuals to internal or external threats by desta- bilizing the distribution of power. All precautions shall also be taken to avoid reinforcing or generating inequalities based on age and gender."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4 Nationally and locally owned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"National Governments have the right and responsibility to apply their own national standards to all transitional WAM measures within their territories and shall act in compliance with relevant international and (sub)-regional arms control instruments and applicable legal frameworks (see section 5.2). The primary responsibility for transi- tional WAM lies with the Government of the concerned State. The support and special- ist knowledge of the UN is placed at the disposal of a national Government to ensure that the planning and implementation of transitional WAM are conducted in ac- cordance with international arms control instruments, standards and guidance, including those of the IDDRS, the IATG and MOSAIC. Transitional WAM shall be de- signed and implemented in coordination with, and in support of, national arms. control policies and management systems. Building national and local institutional and technical WAM capacity is essential to effective and sustainable arms control ef- forts and, where relevant could support SSR processes."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5 Integrated","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Transitional WAM shall be coordinated with all other aspects of an integrated DDR process as well as with other components of the broader peace process, including, ceasefires and arms control measures associated with transitional security arrange- ments, arms embargo measures where existent and applicable, SSR and SALW control."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Safety and security","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Handling weapons, ammunition and explosives comes with high levels of risk. The involvement of technically and appropriately qualified WAM personnel in the planning and implementation of transitional WAM is absolutely critical. Techni- cal advisers shall have formal training and operational field experience in ammu- nition and weapons storage, marking, transportation, deactivation and disposal including the destruction of weapons, ammunition and explosives."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Meticulous assessments, planning and monitoring are required in order to implement effective, evidence-based, tailored, gender- and age-responsive transitional WAM as part of a DDR process. Such an approach includes a contextual analysis, age and gen- der analysis, a risk and security assessment, the development of standard operating procedures (SOPs), the identification of technical and logistical resources, and a timeta- ble for operations and public awareness activities (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament for guidance on these activities). The planning for transitional WAM should be articulated in the DDR national strategy, arms control strategy and\/or broader national security strategy. If the context is a UN mission setting, the planning for transitional WAM should also be articulated in the mission concept, lower-level strategies and vision doc- uments of the UN mission. Importantly, DDR-related transitional WAM must not be designed in isolation from other arms control or related initiatives run by the national authorities and their international partners."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.1 Assessments and weapons survey","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"The design, modalities and objectives of transitional WAM as part of a DDR process vary according to the political and security context, the level of proliferation of weap- ons, ammunition and explosives, the weapons culture and societal perspectives, gen- dered experiences of WAM, and the timing and sequencing of other initiatives (which may include a DDR programme, DDR-related tools, and\/or reintegration support) (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).Integrated assessments should start as early as possible in the peace negotiation process and in the pre-planning phase (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). An integrated assessment should contribute to determining whether any disarmament or transitional WAM measures are desirable or feasible in the current context, and the po- tential positive and negative impacts of any such measures (see section 5.1.1 of IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament for guidance on integrated assessments).In addition, DDR practitioners can commission a weapons survey (the same weap- ons survey outlined in section 5.1.2 and Annex C of IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament) and draw information from national injury surveillance systems (see section 5.5.2 of MO- SAIC 05.10). Weapons surveys and injury surveillance are essential in order to draw up effective and safe plans for both disarmament and transitional WAM. A weapons survey and injury surveillance system also allow DDR practitioners to scope the extent of the WAM task ahead and to gauge national and local expectations concerning the transitional WAM measures to be carried out. This knowledge helps to ensure tailored programming and results. Data disaggregated by sex and age is a prerequisite for un- derstanding age- and gender-specific attitudes towards weapons, ammunition and ex- plosives, and their age- and gender-specific impacts. This type of data is also necessary to design evidence-based, and age- and gender-sensitive responses.The early collection of data also provides a baseline for DDR monitoring and eval- uation activities. These baseline indicators should be adjusted in line with evolving conflict dynamics. Monitoring and evaluation are crucial to ensure accountability and the effective implementation and management of transitional WAM. For more detailed guidance on monitoring and evaluation, refer to Box 2 of IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR and section 5.5 of MOSAIC 05.10.Once reliable information has been gathered, collaborative transitional WAM plans can be drawn up by the national DDR commission and the UN DDR component in mission settings and by the national DDR commission and the UN lead agency(ies) in non-mission settings. These plans should outline the intended target populations and requirements for transitional WAM, the type of WAM measures and operations that are planned, a timetable, and logistics, budget and staffing needs."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.2 National, regional and international regulatory framework","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"DDR-related transitional WAM shall be conducted in compliance with the national legislation of the concerned country and relevant international and regional legal frame- works, as well as complying with any reporting requirements under relevant sub-\/ regional and international instruments. Compliance with provisions specifically designed to promote gender equality, in particular, the empowerment of women, and the prevention of serious acts of armed violence against women and girls is especially critical.2 So too is compliance with provisions designed to support youth engagement and participation."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.2 National, regional and international regulatory framework","Heading3":"5.2.1 National legislation","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Many countries have national legislation regulating all or parts of the life cycle of weap- ons, ammunition and explosives, including manufacture, marking, import, export, re- cord-keeping and civilian possession. Often, if States have ratified\/adopted global and regional treaties and instruments, then relevant provisions of these instruments will be reflected in their national legislation. There may, however, be some variation in the extent to which States have developed or updated this legislation.In addition to legislation, national authorities may have developed national weap- ons and ammunition normative frameworks and\/or operational guidance documents, including a SALW national action plan and SOPs in accordance with the IATG and MOSAIC. These standards, strategies, national action plans and\/or strategic and oper- ational guidance documents should, at an early stage, be taken into consideration when planning and executing transitional WAM as part of a DDR process."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.2 National, regional and international regulatory framework","Heading3":"5.2.2 Legally binding instruments","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"The regional and global instruments referred to below are legally binding. DDR prac- titioners should therefore identify which instruments are applicable to the country in which they operate.Regional instruments \\n Several regional, legally binding instruments have been adopted to support the imple- mentation of the UN Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in SALW in All Its Aspects (see below).International instruments \\n The Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, which supplements the UN Con- vention against Transnational Organized Crime, was adopted in the context of crime prevention and law enforcement. State parties to the legally binding treaty agreed to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit manufacturing of and traffick- ing in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition. \\n The Arms Trade Treaty regulates the international legal trade in conventional arms and seeks to prevent and eradicate their diversion to the illicit market by es- tablishing international standards governing arms transfers. The Treaty addresses the relationship between conventional arms transfers and the commission of gen- der-based violence. It requires States parties to assess the risk of the transferred conventional arms being used to commit or facilitate serious acts of gender-based violence or serious acts of violence against women and children. \\n United Nations human rights conventions, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as interpreted by their universal oversight mechanisms, require States to curb the proliferation of small arms and regulate access to them as part of the duty to protect the right to life. \\n\\n Other binding instruments may be relevant, including the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons and the Conven- tion on Cluster Munitions. Security Council resolutions related to counter-terrorism as well as the Security Council\u2019s 2015 Madrid Guiding Principles and its 2018 Addendum may also be relevant.Politically binding instruments \\n The UN Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (PoA) addresses the illicit trade in SALW with the objective of reducing human suffering. The PoA consists of commit- ments at the national, regional and global levels to combat the illicit trade in SALW. \\n The International Tracing Instrument, which was adopted within the framework of the PoA, promotes the development of marking, record-keeping and tracing meas- ures for SALW. \\n The Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Offi- cials is also relevant for planning and designing transitional WAM where inter-linkages between SSR and DDR exist."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.3 Gender-sensitive transitional WAM","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Women, men, children, adolescents and youth play an instrumental role in the imple- mentation of transitional WAM as part of a DDR process, including through encourag- ing family, community members and members of armed forces and groups to partic- ipate. Gender- and age-responsive transitional WAM is proven to be more effective in addressing the impacts of the illicit circulation and misuse of weapons, ammunition and explosives than transitional WAM that is gender or age blind. Gender and age mainstreaming is essential to assuring the overall success of DDR processes.DDR practitioners should involve women, children, adolescents and youth from affected communities in the planning, design, implementation, and monitoring and eval- uation phases of transitional WAM. Women can, for example, contribute to raising aware- ness of the risks associated with weapons ownership and ensure that rules adopted by the community, in terms of weapons control, are effective and enforced. As the owners and users of weapons, ammunition and explosives are predominantly men, including youth, communication and outreach efforts should focus on dissociating arms ownership from notions of power, protection, status and masculinity. For this type of gender- and age-transformative transitional WAM to be effective, it should be linked to other DDR- related tools, such as CVR, pre-DDR, and DDR support to mediation (see section 6).To ensure that transitional WAM is gender- and age-responsive, DDR practitioners should focus on the following areas of strategic importance: (a) the involvement of both men and women at all stages of transitional WAM, as well as children, adolescents and youth where appropriate; (b) the collection of sex- and age-disaggregated data and gender and age analysis as a baseline for understanding challenges and needs; (c) the measurement of progress through the development of age- and gender-sensitive in- dicators; (d) the enhancement of the gender competence and commitment to gender equality among programme staff and national partners, including the national DDR commission and other relevant bodies; (e) ensuring organizational structures, work- flows and knowledge management are responsive to different environments; (f) work- ing with partners to strengthen age- and gender-responsiveness, including women\u2019s, men\u2019s and youth networks and organizations; and (g) gender- and age-sensitive pro- gramme monitoring and evaluation exercises. Specific guidance can be found in ID- DRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, as well as in MOSAIC Module 06.10 on Women, Men and the Gendered Nature of SALW and MOSAIC Module 06.20 on Children, Ad- olescents, Youth and SALW. (See Annex B for other normative references.)"},{"ID":17,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"When part of a DDR process, transitional WAM should be considered when there is a need to respond to the presence of active and\/or former members of armed groups. For example, transitional WAM may be appropriate when: \\n Armed groups refuse to disarm as the pre-conditions for a DDR programme are not in place. \\n Former combatants and\/or persons formerly associated with armed groups return to their communities with weapons, ammunition and\/or explosives, perhaps be- cause of ongoing insecurity or because weapons possession is a cultural practice or tied to notions of power and masculinity. \\n Weapons and ammunition are circulating in communities and pose a security threat, especially where: \\n\\n Civilians, including in certain contexts children, are at-risk of recruitment by armed groups; \\n\\n Civilians, including women, girls, men and boys, are at risk of serious interna- tional crimes, including conflict-related sexual violence. \\n\\n Former combatants and\/or persons formerly associated with armed groups are about to return as part of DDR programmes.While transitional WAM should always aim to remove or facilitate the legal regis- tration of all weapons in circulation, the reality of weapons culture and the desire for self-protection and\/or empowerment should be recognized, with transitional WAM options and objectives identified accordingly. A generic typology of DDR-related tran- sitional WAM measures is found in Table 1. When reference is made to the collec- tion, registration, storage, transportation and\/or disposal, including the destruction, of weapons, ammunition and explosives during transitional WAM, the core guidelines outlined in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament apply.In addition to the generic measures outlined above, in some instances DDR practi- tioners may consider supporting the WAM capacity of armed groups. DDR practition- ers should exercise extreme caution when supporting armed groups\u2019 WAM capacity. While transitional WAM may help to build trust with national and international stake- holders and address some of the immediate risks with regard to the proliferation of weapons, ammunition and explosives, building the WAM capacity of armed groups carries certain risks, and may inadvertently reinforce the fighting capacity of armed groups, legitimize their status, and tarnish the UN\u2019s reputation, all of which could threaten wider DDR objectives. As a result, any decision to support armed groups\u2019 WAM capacity shall consider the following: \\n This approach must align with the broader DDR strategy agreed with and approved by national authorities as an integral part of a peace process or an alter- native conflict resolution strategy. \\n This approach must be in line with the overall UN mission mandate and objec- tives of the UN mission (if a UN mission has been established). \\n Engagement with armed groups shall follow UN policy on this matter, i.e. UN mission policy, including SOPs on engagement with armed groups where they have been adopted, the UN\u2019s Aide Memoire on Engaging with Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) for Political Purposes (see Annex B) and the UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy. \\n This approach shall be informed by risk analysis and be accompanied by risk mitigation measures.If all of the above conditions are fulfilled, DDR support to WAM capacity-building for armed groups may include storing ammunition stockpiles away from inhabited areas and in line with the IATG, destroying hazardous ammunition and explosives as identified by armed groups, and providing basic stockpile management advice, support and solutions."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool","Heading2":"6.1 Transitional WAM in support of DDR-related tools","Heading3":"6.1.2 Pre-DDR and transitional WAM","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Pre-DDR is an interim, time-limited stabilization mechanism aimed at creating the necessary political and security conditions to facilitate the negotiation and\/or imple- mentation of peace agreements and pave the way towards a full DDR programme (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR and IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR).Pre-DDR is designed for those who are eligible for a national DDR programme. The eligibility criteria for both will therefore be the same and could require individu- als, among other things, to prove that they have combatant status and are in possession of a serviceable manufactured weapon or a certain quantity of ammunition (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). The eligibility criteria shall be gender-responsive and not dis- criminate against women. Depending on the specific circumstances, individuals who do not meet the eligibility criteria could be enrolled in a CVR programme (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction).While most materiel should be handed in during the disarmament phase of a DDR programme, pre-DDR offers DDR practitioners the opportunity to better understand the quantity and types of materiel that armed groups possess and to collect, register and manage such materiel.Depending on the context, pre-DDR can include the handing over of weapons and ammunition by members of armed groups and armed forces. In order to avoid confu- sion, this phase could be named \u2018Pre-disarmament\u2019 rather than \u2018Disarmament\u2019, which will take place at a point in the future.Pre-disarmament involves collecting, registering and storing materiel in a safe loca- tion. Depending on the context and agreements in place with armed forces and groups, pre-disarmament could focus on certain types of materiel, including larger crew- operated systems in contexts where warring parties are very well equipped. Hand- overs can be: \\n Temporary: Materiel is registered and stored properly but remains under the joint control of armed forces, armed groups and the United Nations through a dual-key system with well established roles and procedures; \\n Permanent: Materiel is handed over, registered and ultimately disposed of (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). \\n\\n In both cases, unsafe ammunition shall be destroyed, and all activities must be carried out in full transparency and with respect of safety and security procedures during the destruction process.Pre-disarmament should: \\n Build and strengthen the confidence of armed forces, armed groups and the civilian population in any future disarmament process and the wider DDR programme; \\n Reduce the circulation and visibility of weapons and ammunition; \\n Contribute to improved perceptions of peace and security; \\n Raise awareness about the dangers of illicit weapons and ammunition; \\n Build knowledge of armed groups\u2019 arsenals; \\n Allow DDR practitioners to identify and mitigate risks that may arise during the disarmament component of the future DDR programme, including through the planning and conduct of operational tests (see section 5.3 in IDDRS 4.10 on Disar- mament); \\n Encourage members of armed groups to voluntarily disarm and engage in a full DDR programme."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool","Heading2":"6.1 Transitional WAM in support of DDR-related tools","Heading3":"6.1.3 DDR support to transitional security arrangements and transitional WAM","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"During a period of political transition, warring parties may be required to act as security providers. This may happen prior to or alongside DDR programmes. This transition phase is vital for building confidence at a time when warring parties may be losing their military capacity and their ability to defend themselves.Transitional security arrangements may include joint units, patrols or operations involving the parties to a conflict, often alongside a third-party presence (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). The management of the weapons and ammunition used during these types of transitional security arrangements shall be governed by a clear legal framework and will require a robust plan agreed to by all actors. This plan shall also be underpinned by detailed SOPs for conducting activities and identifying precise responsibilities, by which all shall abide (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). These SOPs should include guidance on how to handle arms and ammunition captured, collected or found by the joint units.4 Depending on the context and the positions of stakeholders, members of armed forces and groups would be demobilized and disarmed, or would retain use of their own small arms and ammunition, which would be registered and stored when not in use.5 In some cases, such measures could facilitate the large-scale integration of ex-combatants into the security sector as part of a peace agreement (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and SSR)."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool","Heading2":"6.1 Transitional WAM in support of DDR-related tools","Heading3":"6.1.4 DDR support to peace mediation efforts and transitional WAM","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"There is a strong arms control component to the negotiation of peace, including through the setting of preliminary ceasefires and the design and adoption of comprehensive peace agreements. Transitional WAM in support of peace mediation efforts should con- tribute to weapons control, reduce armed violence, build confidence in the process, generate a better understanding of the weapons arsenals of armed forces and groups, and prepare the ground for the transfer of responsibility for weapons management later in the DDR process, either to the UN or to the national authorities.Disarmament can be associated with defeat and a significant shift in the balance of power, as well as the removal of a key bargaining chip for well-equipped armed groups. Disarmament can also be perceived as the removal of symbols of masculinity, protection and power. Pushing for disarmament while guarantees around security, justice or integration into the security sector are lacking will have limited effectiveness and may undermine the overall DDR process.The use of transitional WAM concepts, measures and terminology provides a solution to this issue and lays the ground for more realistic arms control provisions in peace agreements. Transitional WAM can also be a first step towards more comprehen- sive arms control, paving the way for full disarmament once the context has matured. Mediators and DDR practitioners supporting the mediation process should have strong DDR and WAM knowledge, or at least have access to expertise that can guide them in designing appropriate and evidence-based DDR-related transitional WAM provisions. Transitional WAM as part of CVR and pre-DDR can also enable relevant parties to engage more confidently in negotiations as they maintain ownership of and access to their materiel. Prolonged CVR and pre-DDR, however, can also become a support mechanism for armed groups rather than an incentive to finalize peace negotiations. Such processes should therefore be approached with caution (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR)."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool","Heading2":"6.2 Transitional WAM and reintegration support","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Reintegration support can be provided to ex-combatants as part of a DDR programme and also when the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace). When transitional WAM and rein- tegration support are linked as part of a DDR programme, ex-combatants will have already been disarmed and demobilized. In contexts where there is no DDR programme, combatants may leave armed groups during active conflict and return to their com- munities, taking their weapons and ammunition with them or hiding them in weap- ons caches. In both scenarios, ex-combatants may return to communities where levels of weapons and ammunition possession are high. It may therefore be necessary to coherently combine the transitional WAM measures listed in Table 1 with reintegration support as part of a single programme."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Although DDR and SALW control are separate areas of engagement, technically they are very closely linked, particularly in DDR settings where transitional WAM overlaps with SALW control objectives, activities and target audiences. SALW remain particu- larly prevalent in many regions where DDR is implemented. Furthermore, the uncon- trolled circulation of SALW can impede the implementation of DDR processes and enable conflict (see the report of the Secretary General on SALW (S\/2019\/1011)). DDR practitioners should work in close collaboration with both national DDR commissions and SALW control bodies, if they exist, and both areas of work should be closely co- ordinated and strategically sequenced. For instance, the implementation of a weapons survey and the use of mortality and morbidity data from an ongoing injury surveil- lance national system could serve as the basis for the development of both DDR-related transitional WAM activities and SALW control strategy.The term \u2018SALW control\u2019 refers to those activities that together aim to reduce the security, social, economic and environmental impact of uncontrolled SALW proliferation, possession and circulation. These activities largely consist of, but are not limited to: \\n Cross-border control measures; \\n Information management and exchange; \\n Legislative and regulatory measures; \\n SALW awareness and outreach strategies; \\n SALW surveys and assessments; \\n SALW collection and registration, including utilization of relevant regional and international databases for cross-checking \\n SALW destruction; \\n Stockpile management; \\n Marking, recordkeeping and tracing.The international community, recognizing the need to deal with the challenges posed by the illicit trade in SALW, adopted the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (A\/Conf.192\/15) in 2001 (PoA) (see section 5.2). In this framework, states commit themselves to, among other things, strengthen agreed norms and measures to help prevent and combat the illicit trade in SALW, and mobilize political will and resources in order to prevent the illicit transfer, manufacture, export and import of SALW. Regional agreements, declarations and conventions have built upon and deepened the commitments contained within the PoA. As a result, a number of countries around the world have set up SALW control programmes as well as institutional processes to implement them. SALW control programmes and activities should be designed and implemented in line with MOSAIC (see Annex B), which provides clear, practical and comprehensive guidance to practitioners and policymakers.During DDR, SALW control should be implemented to focus on wider arms con- trol at the national and community levels. It is essential that all weapons are considered during a DDR process, even though the focus may initially be on those weapons held by armed forces and groups. For these reasons, the transitional WAM mechanisms established during DDR processes should be designed to be applicable and sustainable in broader arms control initiatives even after the DDR process has been completed. It is also critical that DDR-related transitional WAM and SALW control activities are strategically sequenced, and that a robust public awareness strategy based on clear messaging accompanies these efforts (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, MOSAIC 04.30 on Awareness Raising and IMAS 12.10 on Explosive Ordnance Risk Education)."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"8. SSR and transitional WAM","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"DDR-related transitional WAM may be implemented at the same time as the UN is providing support to SSR. The UN may support national authorities in the rightsizing of their armed forces (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and SSR). Such reforms include the need to adapt national arsenals to the size, needs and objectives of the security sector of the country in question. This requires an effective needs assessment, strategic planning, and the technical capacity and support to identify surplus or obsolete materiel and destroy it.When SSR is ongoing, DDR-related transitional WAM may be used as an entry point to align national WAM capacity with international WAM guidance and inter- national and regional legal frameworks. For instance, storage facilities built or refur- bished to store DDR materiel could then be used to house stockpiles for security insti- tutions, and as a proof of concept for upgrading of facilities. All WAM activities shall be designed and implemented in line with international technical guidance, including MOSAIC Module 02.20 Small Arms and Light Weapons Control in the Context of SSR and the IATG."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"Annex B: Normative documents","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"The following normative documents (i.e., documents containing applicable norms, standards and guidelines) contain provisions that apply to the processes dealt with in this module. \\n International Ammunition Technical Guidelines, https:\/\/\/disarmament\/ un-saferguard\/guide-lines. \\n International Standards Organization, ISO Guide 51: \u2018Safety Aspects: Guidelines for Their Inclusion in Standards\u2019. \\n Modular Small-arms-control Implementation Compendium, https:\/\/\/ disarmament\/convarms\/mosaic. \\n Small Arms Survey and South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms (SEESAC), SALW Survey Protocols, http:\/\/\/ Survey-Protocols. \\n Weapons and Ammunition Management Policy, United Nations Department of Operational Support, Department of Peace Operations, Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Department of Safety and Security, 2019. http:\/\/\/ bitstream\/handle\/11176\/400906\/Weapons%20and%20Ammunition%20Policy.pdf. \\n UN Department of Political Affairs and UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Aide Memoire \u2013 Engaging with Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) for Political Purposes: Considerations for UN Mediators and Missions, 2017. \\n UN Development Programme, Blame It on the War? The Gender Dimensions of Violence in DDR, 2012. \\n UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations and UN Office for Disarmament Af- fairs. Effective Weapons and Ammunition Management in a Changing Disarma- ment, Demobilization and Reintegration Context. Handbook for United Nations DDR practitioners. 2018. Referred as \u2018DDR WAM Handbook\u2019 in this standard. \\n UN Institute for Disarmament Research, Utilizing the International Ammunition Tech- nical Guidelines in Conflict-Affected and Low-Capacity Environments, 2019, http:\/\/\/files\/publications\/pdfs\/utilizing-the-international-ammunition-tech- nical-guidelines-in-conflict-affected-and-low-capacity-environments-en-749.pdf. \\n UN Institute for Disarmament Research, The Role of Weapon and Ammunition Management in Preventing Conflict and Supporting Security Transition, 2019, https:\/\/\/publication\/role-weapon-and-ammunition-manage- ment-preventing-conflict-and-supporting-security."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Disarmament","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"\\n 1 See https:\/\/\/publication\/role-weapon-and-ammunition-management-preventing-con- flict-and-supporting-security \\n 2 See, for instance, Article 7.4 of the Arms Trade Treaty and section II.B.2 in the Report of the Third United Nations Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (A\/CONF.192\/2018\/RC\/3). \\n 3 A world map including all relevant regional instruments can be consulted in the DDR WAM Hand- book, p. xx, and the texts of the various conventions and protocols can be found via\/ disarmament. \\n 4 Also see DDR WAM Handbook Unit 5. \\n 5 Ibid., Units 14 and 16. \\n 6 Ibid., Unit 13."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.20 Demobilization.json b/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.20 Demobilization.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47eda5b --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.20 Demobilization.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.Demobilization must be meticulously planned. Demobilization operations should be preceded by an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize, as well as their immediate needs. A risk and security assessment, to identify threats to the DDR programme, should also be conducted. Under the leadership of national authorities, rigorous, unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established, and decisions should be made on the number, type (semi-permanent or temporary) and location of demobilization sites.During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and\/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings, physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community. A discharge document, such as a demobilization declaration or certificate, should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization. During demobilization, DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme, as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized. This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion and\/or reintegration support.If reinsertion assistance is foreseen as the second stage of the demobilization operation, DDR practitioners should also determine an appropriate transfer modality (cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support and\/or public works programmes). As much as possible, reinsertion assistance should be designed to pave the way for subsequent reintegration support."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In addition, the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place. For example, in some instances, DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route \u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n a)\u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b)\u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c)\u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d)\u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e)\u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status. The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites. A peace agreement provides the political, policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document. When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities.Reinsertion, the second stage of demobilization, is transitional assistance offered for a period of up to one year and prior to reintegration support. Reinsertion assistance is offered to combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who have been formally demobilized.Self-demobilization is the term used in this module to refer to situations where individuals leave armed forces or groups to return to civilian life without reporting to national authorities and officially changing their status from military to civilian.Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants (armed) and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role (generally unarmed, providing logistical and other types of support). The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019. The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning, indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians. This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"Demobilization officially certifies an individual\u2019s change of status from being a member of an armed force or group to being a civilian. Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups formally acquire civilian status when they receive official documentation that confirms their new status.Demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces, the complete disbanding of armed groups, or the disbanding of armed forces and groups with a view to forming new armed forces. It is generally part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. It is therefore a symbolically important step in the consolidation of peace, particularly within the framework of the implementation of peace agreements.Demobilization is the second component of a DDR programme. DDR programmes require certain preconditions in order to be viable, including the signing of a negotiated ceasefire and\/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; trust in the peace process; willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community- based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE \\n When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won. \\n In some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and\/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR)."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1 Voluntary","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People centred","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People centred","Heading3":"4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People centred","Heading3":"4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People centred","Heading3":"4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4 Conflict sensitive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5 Context specific","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent","Heading3":"4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent","Heading3":"4.6.2 Accountable and transparent","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.7 Nationally and locally owned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.8 Regionally supported","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.9 Integrated","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.10 Well planned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.10 Well planned","Heading3":"4.10.1 Safety and security","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.10 Well planned","Heading3":"4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.11 Public information and community sensitization","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"To effectively demobilize members of armed forces and groups, meticulous planning is required. At a minimum, planning for demobilization operations should include information collection; agreement with national authorities on eligibility criteria; decisions on the type, number and location of demobilization sites; decisions on the type of transfer modality for reinsertion assistance; a risk and security assessment; the development of standard operating procedures; and the creation of a demobilization team. All demobilization operations shall be based on gender- and age-responsive analysis and shall be developed in close cooperation with the national authorities or institutions responsible for the DDR programme."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.1 Information collection","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide-ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets underway: \\n An analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; \\n Market analysis; \\n A review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered); \\n Gender analysis; \\n Feasibility studies; and \\n Assessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.2 Eligibility criteria","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES \\n Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms. \\n Female supporters\/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers\/slaves). \\n Female dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives\/war wives, children, mothers\/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family). \\n\\n There are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR)."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.3 Demobilization sites","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites. Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp). Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate. The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.3 Demobilization sites","Heading3":"5.3.1 Semi-permanent demobilization sites","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Semi-permanent demobilization sites can provide an important means for armed forces and groups to show their commitment to the peace process, although they are often costly to construct and maintain and are ill-suited for armed groups based in communities. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of semi-permanent demobilization sites, see table 1.Where assessments recommend the use of cantonment sites, DDR practitioners and planning teams should take all possible measures to minimize the negative aspects of this approach."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.3 Demobilization sites","Heading3":"5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE \\n\\n When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider: \\n Do the peace agreement and\/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites? \\n Are both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? \\n Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups? \\n What approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.) \\n Will cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process? \\n What does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize? \\n Can reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? \\n Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment? \\n Will there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take? \\n What are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?"},{"ID":29,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.3 Demobilization sites","Heading3":"5.3.3 Location","Heading4":"Semi-permanent demobilization sites","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"If the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not been reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites: \\n Accessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility. \\n Security: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account. \\n Local communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation. \\n General amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements\/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women. \\n Storage facilities\/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities\/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). \\n Communications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and\/or telecommunications infrastructure."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.3 Demobilization sites","Heading3":"5.3.3 Location","Heading4":"Temporary demobilization sites","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Temporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered: \\n The refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications. \\n The refurbishment and temporary use of state\/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized\/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.3 Demobilization sites","Heading3":"5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.Families often accompany combatants to cantonment sites. Where necessary, camps that are close to cantonment sites may be established for family members. Alternatively, transport may be provided for family members to return to their communities.The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.3 Demobilization sites","Heading3":"5.3.5 Managing demobilization sites","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"The manager of the demobilization site and his\/her support team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin. In semi-permanent sites, where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month, DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site. Group leaders, including women, should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour. A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.4 Risk and security assessment","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety. Risks during demobilization operations may include: \\n Attacks on demobilization site personnel: The personnel who staff demobilization sites may be targeted by armed groups that have not signed on to the peace agreement. \\n Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting. In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize. In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members. If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them. The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present. \\n Attacks on women and minority groups: Historically, SGBV against women and minority groups in cantonment sites has been high. It is essential that security and risk assessments take into consideration the specific vulnerabilities of women, identify minority groups who may also be at risk and provide additional security measures to ensure their safety. \\n Attacks on individuals transporting and receiving reinsertion support: Security risks are associated with the transportation of cash and commodities that can be easily seized by armed individuals. If it is known that demobilized individuals will receive cash and\/or commodities at a certain time and\/or place, it may make them targets for robbery. \\n Unrest and criminality: If armed groups remain in demobilization sites (particularly cantonment sites) for long periods of time, perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme, these sites may become places of unrest, especially if food and water become scarce. Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process. This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State and\/or international community is reneging on previous promises. In these circumstances, demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel. \\n Recruitment: Armed forces and groups may use the prospect of demobilization (and associated reinsertion benefits) as an incentive to recruit civilians."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should: \\n Include separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up; \\n Feature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms; \\n Include provisions for childcare; \\n Be safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised; \\n Provide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women; \\n Ensure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and \\n Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites. Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites. If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously. Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences. Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities.As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities, briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life. Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support (see section 7), the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers. It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients, or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy. A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.6 Standard operating procedures","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.In non-mission contexts, the national authority should also be advised by the lead UN agency(ies) on the development of national SOPs for demobilization. All those engaged in supporting demobilization shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs, which shall also be kept up to date.A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures: \\n Security of demobilization sites; \\n Reception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; \\n Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points); \\n Transportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector; \\n Orientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); \\n Registration\/identification; \\n Screening for eligibility; \\n Demobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable); \\n Health screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV\/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.; \\n Gender-aware services and procedures; \\n Reinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities); \\n Handling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and \\n Interaction with national authorities and\/or other mission components."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"5. Planning and designing transitional WAM","Heading2":"5.7 Demobilization team structure","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"The demobilization team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for demobilization and should be trained in the use of the abovementioned SOPs. The demobilization team should include a gender-balanced composition of: \\n DDR practitioners; \\n Representatives from the national DDR commission (and potentially other national institutions); \\n Child protection officers; \\n Gender specialists; and \\n Youth specialists."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"The activities outlined below should be carried out during the demobilization component of a DDR programme. These activities can be conducted at either semi-permanent or temporary demobilization sites."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool","Heading2":"6.1 Screening, verification and registration","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Potential DDR participants shall be screened to ascertain if they are eligible to participate in a DDR programme. The objectives of screening are to: \\n Establish the eligibility of the potential DDR participant and register those who meet the criteria; \\n Weed out individuals trying to cheat the system, for example, those attempting to demobilize more than once in the hope of receiving additional benefits, or civilians trying to access demobilization benefits; \\n Identify DDR participants with specific requirements (children, youth, child mobilized\u2013adult demobilized, women, persons with disabilities and persons with chronic illnesses); and \\n Depending on the context, identify foreign combatants that need to be repatriated to their home countries (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements).When combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups report for a DDR programme, their eligibility should be determined by a specific set of eligibility criteria developed by national authorities, such as membership in a specific armed force or group, possession of a weapon and\/or ammunition, and\/or proven ability to use a weapon (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). Whether or not an individual meets these eligibility criteria should be verified. Verification can be conducted by representatives from the armed forces and groups undergoing demobilization; the UN and national authorities, such as the national DDR commission; or joint teams. Questions touching upon the location of specific battles and military bases and the names of senior group members should be asked. Without verification, military commanders may attempt to bring civilians into the DDR programme. They may also attempt to engage in recruitment just prior to the onset of DDR in order to provide benefits to followers of the group or to take a cut of the benefits being offered to these newly recruited individuals. Explicitly stating the maximum number of individuals who may participate in a peace agreement or DDR policy document can limit incentives for commanders to engage in recruitment. So too can a cut-off date for eligibility. Armed forces and groups often prepare lists of their members prior to the onset of a DDR programme. Whenever lists are prepared, DDR practitioners shall ensure that a verification mechanism is in place to ensure that those listed meet the required eligibility criteria. A mechanism should also be in place to resolve disputed cases and to deal with those who are excluded. Clear messaging shall be employed to ensure that armed forces and groups are aware that being named on a list does not automatically confer DDR eligibility.Once the eligibility of a particular individual has been established, his\/her basic registration data (name, age, contact information, sex, etc.) should be entered into a case management system. This system can be used to track when and where DDR benefits are disbursed and to whom (see section 6.8). The data recorded in the case management system should include a biometric component where possible. Biometric systems store the unique physical features \u2013 iris, face or fingerprint data \u2013 of individuals for future reference. Biometric registration serves mainly to ensure that DDR participants do not try to \u2018game the system\u2019 by going through the DDR programme more than once to receive multiple benefits. An advantage of all biometric systems is that, if properly implemented, they are completely confidential. A unique string of letters or numbers is assigned to a photograph or fingerprint, and the original photos or prints are then discarded. Different biometric systems have different levels of cost and user friendliness. Facial recognition systems are the most sophisticated but also the most expensive. DDR practitioners using this technology will require appropriate training. Alternatively, fingerprinting is an easy and cheap way to obtain biometric data. Fingerprints can be taken on smart phones or mobile fingerprint scanners, and training requirements are minimal. The context in which registration takes place should be taken into account when considering biometric registration. For example, if the armed conflict was tied to civic and national honour, peer control mechanisms may be sufficient to ensure that individuals do not try to \u2018double dip\u2019. However, in contexts marked by distrust between the warring parties, and combatants who move from one group or conflict to another, more careful biometric monitoring may be required. The biometric registration systems established for demobilization processes can also be linked to processes of security sector integration and reform (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform).Immediately after eligible individuals have been registered, they should be informed of their rights and obligations during the DDR programme and the terms and conditions of their participation. If they agree to these terms and conditions, DDR participants should be asked to sign a terms and conditions form and be provided with a copy of this form in their chosen language (see Annex C for a sample terms and conditions form).Individuals shall be ineligible for DDR programmes if they have committed, or if there is a clear and reasonable indication that they knowingly committed war crimes, terrorist acts or offences, crimes against humanity and\/or genocide (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). As it may not always be possible to check the criminal background of all DDR participants prior to the onset of a DDR process, due to scarcity of information or a large caseload of demobilizing individuals, background checks should begin prior to DDR and continue, where necessary, throughout the DDR programme. If evidence is found to suggest that a particular participant in the DDR programme has committed crimes, the individuals\u2019 eligibility to participate in DDR shall be revoked. These types of background checks will typically not be conducted by DDR practitioners. Instead, national criminal justice authorities would need to be involved. DDR practitioners should seek support from human rights experts who can undertake a proactive process of collecting background information from a variety of sources. For a more detailed description of this process, see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool","Heading2":"6.2 Reception","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups should be provided with clear and simple guidance when they arrive at demobilization sites, taking into consideration their level of literacy. This is to ensure that they are informed about the demobilization process, their rights during the process, and the rules and regulations they are expected to observe. If a large number of participants are being addressed, it is key to stick to simple concepts, mainly who, what and where. More complex explanations can be provided to smaller groups organized in follow-up to the initial briefing. This can help to prevent unrest and stress within the group. Contingent on the type of demobilization site, introductory briefings should cover, among other things, the following: \\n Site orientation; \\n Outline of activities and processes; \\n Routines and time schedules; \\n The rights and obligations of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups throughout the demobilization process; \\n Rules and discipline, including areas that are off limits; \\n Policies concerning freedom of movement in and out of the demobilization site; \\n Policies on SGBV and the consequences of infringement of these policies; \\n Security at the demobilization site; \\n How to report misbehaviour, including specific mechanisms for women; \\n Mechanisms to raise complaints about conditions and treatment at the demobilization site; \\n Procedures for dependants; and \\n Fire precautions and physical safety.Where possible, oral briefings should be supported by written material produced in the local language(s). Experience has shown that drawings and cartoons displayed at key locations within demobilization sites can also be helpful in transmitting information about the different steps of the demobilization operation."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool","Heading2":"6.3 Profiling","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"When demobilization is to be followed by reinsertion and reintegration support, then profiling should be used, at a minimum, to identify obstacles that may prevent demobilized individuals from full participation and to identify the specific needs and ambitions of males and females. Profiling should build on the information gathered prior to the onset of the DDR programme (see section 5.1) and should be used to inform, revise and better tailor existing planning and resource allocation. Profiling should include an emphasis on better understanding the reasons why these individuals joined armed forces or groups, aspirations for reintegration, what is needed for a given individual to become a productive citizen, education and technical\/professional skill levels and major gaps, heath-related issues that may affect reintegration (including psychosocial health), family situation, economic status, and any other relevant information that will aid in the design of reinsertion and reintegration support. A standardized questionnaire collecting quantitative and qualitative information from ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups shall be developed. This questionnaire can be supported by qualitative profiling, such as assessing life skills and skills learned during armed service (for example, leadership, driving, maintenance\/repair, construction, logistics). DDR practitioners should be aware that profiling may lead to raised expectations, especially if ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups interpret questions about what they want to do in civilian life as promises of future support. DDR practitioners should therefore clearly explain the purpose of the profiling survey (i.e., to better tailor subsequent support) and inform participants of the limitations of future support. A sample profiling questionnaire can be found in Annex D."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool","Heading2":"6.4 Health screening","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"During demobilization, individuals should be directed to a doctor or medical team for physical and pyschosocial health screening. Both general and specific health needs should be assessed (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR and IDDRS 5.80 on Disability-Inclusive DDR). Medical screening facilities shall ensure privacy during physical check-ups. Those who require immediate medical attention of a kind that is not available at the demobilization site shall be taken to hospital. Others shall be treated in situ. Basic specialized attention in the areas of reproductive health and sexually transmitted infections, including voluntary testing and counselling for HIV\/AIDS, shall be provided (see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV\/AIDS). Reproductive health education and materials shall be provided to both men and women. Possible addictions (such as to drugs and\/or alcohol) shall also be assessed and specific provisions provided for follow-up care. Psychosocial screening for mental health issues, including post-traumatic stress, shall be initiated at sites with available counselling support for initial consultation and referral to appropriate services. Although the demobilization period will not be long enough to sufficiently address these issues, DDR practitioners shall support ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups to continue to access treatment throughout subsequent stages of the DDR programme and closely liaise with reintegration practitioners to ensure that data collected is utilized to design appropriate reintegration interventions. This can be done, for example, through an Information, Counselling and Referral System (see section 6.8)."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool","Heading2":"6.5 Awareness raising and sensitization","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"Demobilization operations provide an opportunity to offer individuals information that can practically and psychologically prepare them for the transition from military to civilian life. For example, if demobilized individuals are to receive reinsertion support (cash, vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, etc.), then the modalities of this support should be clearly explained. Furthermore, if reinsertion assistance is to be followed by reintegration support, orientation sessions should include information on the opportunities and support services available as part of the reintegration programme and how these can be accessed.Awareness-raising materials and educational sessions should leverage opportunities to promote healthy, non-violent gender identities, including fatherhood, and to showcase men and women in equal roles in the community. Materials shall also be visually representative of different religious, ethnic, and racial compositions of the community and promote social cohesion among all groups and genders. Conversely, misinformation, disinformation and the creation of false expectations can undermine the reinsertion and reintegration efforts of DDR programmes. Accurate information should be provided by the DDR team and partners (also see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).Those about to leave the demobilization site should be provided with counselling on what to expect regarding their changed status and role in society, and what they can do if they are stigmatized or not accepted back by their communities. They should also receive advice on political and legal issues, civic and community responsibilities, reconciliation initiatives and logistics for transportation when they leave the demobilization site. Demobilized individuals and their dependants may be reluctant to return to their home areas if members of their former group (or a different group) remain active in the region. This is because they may fear retaliation against themselves and\/or their families. This possibility should be addressed through a security and risk assessment (see section 5.5). When retaliation is a possibility, those affected should be informed of the risks and supported to find alternative accommodation in a different location (if they so choose). Where possible, specialized confidential counselling should be offered, to avoid peer pressure and promote the independence of each demobilized individual.Sensitization sessions can be an essential part of supporting the transition from military to civilian life and preparing DDR participants for their return to families and communities. Core sensitization may include sessions on: \\n Reproductive health, including HIV\/AIDS and STI awareness raising; \\n Psychosocial education and awareness raising, including the symptoms associated with post- traumatic stress, destigmatizing experiences, education on managing stress responses, navigating discussions with families and host communities, and when to seek help; \\n Conflict resolution, non-violent communication and anger management; \\n Human rights, including women\u2019s and children\u2019s rights; \\n Parenting, for both fathers and mothers; \\n Gender, for both men and women, including discussion on gender identities and how they may be impacted by the conflict, as well as roles and responsibilities in armed forces and groups and in the community (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR); and \\n First aid or other key skills. \\n\\n See Module 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance on SGBV mitigation and response during demobilization."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool","Heading2":"6.6 Documentation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"DDR participants shall be registered and issued a non-transferable identity document (such as a photographic demobilization card) that attests to their eligibility and their official civilian status. Such documents have important symbolic and legal value for demobilized individuals. Demobilized individuals should be required to present them in order to access DDR-related entitlements in subsequent phases of the DDR programme. To avoid discrimination based on prior factional affiliation, these documents should not include the name of the armed force or group of which the individual was previously a member. Wherever demobilization is carried out, whether in temporary or semi-permanent sites, provisions should be made to ensure that information can be entered into a case management system and that demobilization papers\/identity documents can be printed on site."},{"ID":44,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool","Heading2":"6.7 Transportation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"DDR practitioners may provide transport to DDR participants to assist them to return to their communities. The logistical implications of providing transport must be taken into account. It will not be possible for all ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups to be transported to their final destination. A mixture of transport to certain key locations and funding for onward transport may therefore be required. Cash for transport may be given as part of transitional reinsertion assistance (see section 7). Specific attention shall be paid to the safe transport of women and minorities to their final destination, recognizing the unique security threats they may face.If transport is provided in UN vehicles, authorizations from UN administration and waivers for passengers need to be signed. DDR practitioners should arrange pre-signed authorizations and waivers in order to avoid last-minute blockages and delays. Alternatively, private companies and\/or other implementing partners may be subcontracted to provide transport.In cases where it is necessary to repatriate foreign ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, transportation arrangements will need to be adjusted to involve national authorities from these individuals\u2019 countries of origin as well as other sub-regional organizations and mechanisms (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements)."},{"ID":45,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool","Heading2":"6.8 Case management","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"Information from the demobilization operation (registration data, information related to screening and profiling, etc.), should be recorded in a secure case management system (or \u2018database\u2019). A case management system enables DDR practitioners to track assistance and progress at the individual level, and to analyse the data as a whole to identify good practices; flag problem areas; and understand how geography, gender and other variables influence demobilization and reintegration outcomes (see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Processes).DDR case management systems shall be the property of the national Government but may sometimes be managed by the United Nations and handed over to the national authorities when the DDR process is complete. Which stakeholders and individuals have access to all (or some) of the data in the case management system should be agreed upon when the system is established so that necessary data protections (such as different levels of password protection) can be built in. The establishment of an effective and reliable means of case management is essential to the entire DDR programme, and is necessary to track the reinsertion and reintegration of DDR participants and follow up on protection and human rights issues. A good-quality case management system should be installed, tested and secured before DDR programmes begin. This system should be mobile, suitable for use in the field, cross-referenced and able to provide DDR teams with a clear aggregate picture of the DDR programme (including how many individuals have been processed). In all cases, security and data protections are imperative, but this is especially true in settings where armed groups remain active. In these settings, if information containing the names and locations of demobilized individuals is leaked, these individuals may find themselves subject to forcible re-recruitment.If appropriate, DDR practitioners can consider an Information, Counselling and Referral System (ICRS). An ICRS stores data not only on the reintegration intentions of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, but on available services and reintegration opportunities, which should be mapped prior to reintegration (see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). By mapping and regularly updating referral information, DDR practitioners can identify critical gaps in service delivery and take steps to address these gaps, for example, by investing in existing services to strengthen their capacities, advocating to remove access barriers for DDR participants and providing direct assistance.ICRS caseworkers should be trained in basic counselling techniques and refer demobilized individuals to services\/opportunities, including peacebuilding and recovery programmes, governmental services, potential employers and community-based support structures. Counselling involves the identification of individual needs and capabilities, and may lead to a wide variety of referrals, ranging from job placement to psychosocial assistance to voluntary testing for HIV\/AIDS (see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV\/AIDS and DDR). Integrating specific questions on psychosocial screening, health and gender is pivotal to understanding the specific needs of men and women and defining appropriate reintegration interventions. The usefulness of an ICRS hinges on having trained ICRS caseworkers with whom ex-combatants can regularly and easily communicate. Female caseworkers should provide information, counselling and referral services to female DDR participants. By actively seeking the feedback of DDR participants on programmes and services, the counselling relationship fosters accountability. If an ICRS is to be used, it should be established as soon as possible during demobilization and continued throughout the DDR programme."},{"ID":46,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"Reinsertion support is transitional assistance provided as part of a DDR programme and is the second step of demobilization. It aims to provide ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups with support to meet their immediate needs and those of their dependants, until they are able to enter a reintegration programme. Reinsertion assistance should be planned to pave the way for reintegration support and should consist of time-bound, basic benefits delivered for up to 12 months. In mission settings, reinsertion assistance may be funded from the UN peacekeeping operation\u2019s assessed budget.This kind of transitional assistance may be provided in a number of different ways, including: \\n Cash-based transfers; \\n Commodity vouchers; \\n In-kind support; and \\n Public works programmesCash-based transfers include cash; digital transfers, such as payments made to mobile phones (\u2018mobile money transfers\u2019); and value vouchers. Value vouchers \u2013 also known as gift cards or stamps \u2013 provide access to commodities for a given monetary amount and can often be used in predetermined locations, including selected shops. Vouchers may also be commodity-based \u2013 i.e., tied to a predefined quantity of given commodities, for example, food (see IDDRS 5.50 on Food Assistance in DDR). Commodities may also be provided directly as in-kind support. In-kind support may take various forms, including food or \u2018reinsertion kits\u2019. The latter are often composed of materials linked to job training or future employment, such as fishing kits and agricultural tools. Finally, public works programmes create temporary opportunities for demobilized individuals to receive cash, vouchers or food\/other commodities as part of a reinsertion package. In some cases, reinsertion support may also be provided in the form of vocational training and\/or income-generating opportunities. For guidance on these latter two options, see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration."},{"ID":47,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control","Heading2":"7.1 Cash","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"There are many benefits associated with the provision of reinsertion assistance in the form of cash. Not only can the recipients of cash determine their own needs, but the ability to do so is a fundamental step towards empowerment. Cash can also be an efficient way to deliver support because it entails lower transaction and logistics costs than in-kind assistance, particularly in terms of transportation and storage. Less stigma may be attached to cash, which, compared with in-kind assistance or vouchers, is less visible to non-recipients. Providing cash to ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups can also reduce the burden on the households and communities that receive these individuals. If a banking system is operational, cash can be paid directly into recipients\u2019 bank accounts, thereby reducing the security risks involved in cash distribution and, at the same time, strengthening the local banking system. The provision of cash may also have beneficial knock-on effects for local markets and trade.Prior to the provision of cash payments, DDR practitioners shall conduct a review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation. This is because the injection of cash into one locality can cause local prices to rise and adversely affect non-recipients living in the area. DDR practitioners shall also review the goods available on the local market. This is because cash will be of little utility in places where the commodities that people require (such as tools, equipment and food) are unavailable locally. DDR practitioners shall seek to avoid the perception that cash is being provided as payment for weapons (\u2018buy-back\u2019) or in return for demobilization. If combatants perceive that they are paid and rewarded for their participation in a DDR programme, this may lead to expectations that cannot be met, perhaps sparking unrest. One option to avoid this perception is to pay cash only when demobilized individuals leave demobilization sites and return to their communities, not at earlier stages of the DDR programme.The common concern that cash is often misused, and used to purchase alcohol and drugs, is, for the most part, not borne out by the evidence. Any potential misuse can be reduced through decisions related to targeting and conditionality. For example, household control over the way that cash is spent can be supported by providing cash to the families of ex-combatants, rather than ex-combatants alone. Ex-combatants and their wives\/husbands can also be asked to sign a contract that leads to the release of cash. This contract can outline how the money is supposed to be spent and would require follow- up to check that the goods purchased comply with the terms of this contract. Basic literacy and financial education should be provided alongside cash payments, as this can also help to reduce the risk that cash is misused.Providing cash is sometimes seen as posing security risks both for the staff that transport large amounts of money and for recipients. This is because cash is prone to diversion, capture by elites and seizure by armed groups, particularly in settings where corruption is high and armed conflict is ongoing. This is especially true for cash payments that are distributed at regular times at publicly known locations. Military commanders may also try to confiscate reinsertion payments from ex- combatants that were formerly under their control. Women and more vulnerable participants such as persons with disabilities, those with chronic illnesses and the elderly are at an increased risk for confiscation of payments and\/or intimidation or threats. Cash transfers may also be hampered by the absence of banks in some parts of the country, and banks may be slow to process payments and have strict requirements in terms of identification documents. These requirements may, in some instances, lead to delays.Digital payments, such as over-the-counter and mobile money payments, may help to circumvent these problems by offering new and discreet opportunities to distribute cash. Preliminary evidence indicates that distributing cash through mobile money transfers has a positive impact because it does not require that the recipient has a bank account, and because recipients spend less time traveling to cash pick-up points and waiting for their transfer. Recipients can also cash out small amounts of their payment as and when needed and\/or store money on their mobile wallet over the long term.In order to benefit from mobile money transfers, recipients need to be in the possession of a mobile phone or, at a minimum, a SIM card that can be used in a mobile phone that is shared with others. The recipient will also need to reside in an area (or close to an area) where there are mobile network coverage and accessible cash-out points or agents. It is also necessary to ensure that agents have sufficient cash on hand in order to make the payment. The agents will need to be monitored to ensure that they adhere to previously agreed-upon standards. It is also important to ensure that recipients are not subjected to coercion or undue pressure by the agent to use their cash to buy goods in the agent\u2019s store. Finally, new users of digital payments may need to be educated in how to use them and should, where possible, be provided with accompanying literacy training and financial education."},{"ID":48,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control","Heading2":"7.2 Vouchers and in-kind support","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":32,"Paragraph":"Value and\/or commodity vouchers may be used together with or instead of cash. Several factors may prompt this choice, including donor constraints, security concerns surrounding the transportation of large amounts of cash, market weakness and\/or a desire to ensure that a particular type of good or commodity is purchased by the recipients.2 Vouchers may be more effective than cash if the objective is not just to transfer income to a household, but to meet a particular goal. For example, if the goal is to improve nutrition, then a commodity voucher may be linked to a specific type of food (see IDDRS 5.50 on Food Assistance in DDR). In some cases, vouchers may also be linked to specific services, such as health care, as part of the reinsertion package. Vouchers can be designed to help ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups meet their familial responsibilities. For example, vouchers can be designed so that they are redeemable at schools and shops and can be used to cover school fees or to purchase books or uniforms. Voucher systems generally require more planning and preparation than the distribution of cash, including agreements with traders so that vouchers can be exchanged easily. Setting up such a system may be challenging if local trade is mainly informal.Although giving value vouchers or cash may be preferable when local prices are declining, recipients are protected from price increases when they receive commodity vouchers or in-kind support. Many past DDR programmes have provided in-kind support through the provision of reinsertion kits, which often include clothing, eating utensils, sanitary napkins for women, diapers, hygiene materials, basic household goods, seeds and tools. While such kits may be useful if certain items are not easily available on the local market, if not well tailored to the local job market demobilized individuals may simply resell these kits at a lower market value in order to receive the cash that is required to meet more pressing and specific needs. In countries with limited infrastructure, the delivery of in-kind support may be very challenging, particularly during the rainy season. Delays may lead to unrest among demobilized individuals waiting for benefits. Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups may also allege that the kits are overpriced and that the items they contain could have been sourced more cheaply from elsewhere if they were instead given cash."},{"ID":49,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control","Heading2":"7.3 Public works programmes","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":33,"Paragraph":"The work that is conducted as part of a public works programme is labour intensive and aims to build or rehabilitate public\/community assets and infrastructure that are vital for sustaining the livelihoods of a community and create immediate job opportunities for former members of armed forces and groups and members of the community. Examples are the rehabilitation and maintenance of roads, improving drainage, water supplies and sanitation, demining, or environmental work including the planting of trees.In return for their participation in a public works programme, demobilized individuals and community members receive income in the form of cash, vouchers or in-kind assistance (food or other commodities) and on-the-job training. Public works programmes may be favoured over cash, vouchers or in-kind transfers alone, because the creation or rehabilitation of community assets may provide communities with better protection against future negative shocks, such as rising food prices or drought. In addition, by maintaining ex-combatant support networks for a short period of time, this approach may soften the otherwise abrupt transition from military to civilian life. It ensures that incomes are maintained as demobilized individuals are re-entering their communities. Furthermore, by enabling former members of armed forces and groups to contribute to the rebuilding of their communities, public works programmes provide training opportunities and may encourage reconciliation and community acceptance of demobilized individuals, and may ease the reintegration process.Public works programmes must be preceded by needs and feasibility assessments. The willingness of civilians, ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups to undertake this kind of work must also be assessed. Public works programmes should only be implemented when markets are functioning (although this is not necessary for food for work programmes); when cash for work activities will not interfere with already-existing livelihood practices; and when the assets and infrastructure to be built or rehabilitated will meet the basic needs of the target population, be useful to the community and can be maintained. Additional key questions for determining the appropriateness of public works programmes include: \\n Is there sufficient useful work available? \\n Is the security situation conducive to public works programmes? \\n What are the risks for demobilized participants? \\n Would public works programmes disrupt traditional community practices that value unpaid collective work for the community? \\n Are both men and women interested in participating in public works programmes? Are there any specific cultural considerations? \\n What is the attitude of the community towards paid labour? \\n Will public works programmes compete with local labour and disrupt seasonal activities? \\n Do work activities vary by season? \\n Do demobilized participants require training and\/or equipment to conduct the work?Salaries for participation in public works programmes shall consider what is required in order to meet the basic needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. The minimum wage in the programme location shall also be taken into account, together with the total number of days of work to be completed and the benefits being offered by other providers. If demobilized participants assume different tasks \u2013 e.g., some manage small teams \u2013 then differential wage criteria should be considered, corresponding to level of responsibility. DDR practitioners shall also decide whether wages are to be time based (a daily or weekly wage) or output based (tied to the accomplishment of a particular task). Time-based wages require close monitoring to ensure that individuals complete a pre-defined number of hours of work. Output-based wages can help to avoid a situation in which workers deliberately prolong the programme. Wage levels shall be regularly reviewed and shall not be so high as to distort the local economy, for example, by causing a steep increase in local prices.When planning public works programmes, DDR practitioners shall carefully assess the barriers to participation for demobilized individuals who are unable to engage in labour-intensive work because they are elderly, are disabled or suffer from chronic illnesses. In these cases, additional alternative assistance measures, such as the direct provision of cash transfers, vouchers or in-kind support should be considered. DDR practitioners shall also identify obstacles that prevent the participation of women formerly associated with armed forces and groups. For example, in contexts where employment is in short supply and labour-intensive jobs are usually reserved for men, it may be difficult for women to gain access to public works programmes. It may also be difficult for women to take on additional work, particularly if they are already managing households and childcare responsibilities. Measures should be taken to address these obstacles, such as providing flexible work schedules and childcare facilities close to public works sites. While women should be encouraged to participate in public works programmes, if they choose, direct cash transfers, vouchers and in-kind support may be considered instead."},{"ID":50,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control","Heading2":"7.4 Determining transfer modality","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":34,"Paragraph":"As explained above, cash, vouchers and in-kind support can be provided as part of a public works programme or as stand-alone reinsertion support. DDR practitioners should choose whether to use one of these transfer modalities (e.g., cash), or a mix of cash, vouchers and\/or in-kind support. At a minimum, the choice of a particular modality or combination of modalities should be based on: \\n The preference of recipients; \\n The ability of markets to supply goods at an appropriate price and quality; \\n The access of DDR participants to local markets; \\n The predicted effectiveness of different transfers in meeting the desired outcome; \\n The timeliness in which transitional reinsertion assistance can be delivered; \\n Time to delivery; \\n The potential negative impacts of different types of transfers; \\n The potential benefits of different types of transfers; \\n The comparative efficiency and cost of different types of transfers; \\n The risks associated with different types of transfers; \\n The protection risks related to gender; \\n The capacity of different organizations to deliver transfers; \\n The availability of reliable delivery mechanisms; and \\n Potential links to social protection programming.When an appropriate transfer modality has been decided upon, DDR practitioners shall also consider whether reinsertion assistance should be given as one-off support or paid in instalments. One preferred approach is payment by instalments that decrease over time, thereby reducing dependency and clearly establishing that assistance is strictly time limited.DDR practitioners shall also consider whether all demobilized individuals should be provided with the same amount of assistance or whether different amounts should be given to different individuals on the basis of pre-defined criteria such as rank, number of dependants, length of service, reintegration location (urban or rural) and\/or level of disability. If differentiating criteria are adopted, they should be transparent, clearly communicated and based on needs identified through careful profiling (see section 6.3).Finally, a non-corruptible identification system must be established during demobilization that will allow former combatants to receive their reinsertion assistance. The payment list needs to be complete and accurate, former combatants should be registered and provided with a non-transferable photographic ID, and benefits should be tracked through a DDR database or case management system. For information on registration and identity documents, see sections 6.2 and 6.6; for information on case management, see section 6.8.As much as possible, the value of reinsertion assistance should be similar to the standard of living of the rest of the population and be in line with assistance provided to other conflict-affected populations such as refugees or internally displaced persons. This is to avoid the perception that ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups are receiving special treatment. It is also to avoid creating a disincentive to find employment.Irrespective of the type of transfer modality selected, the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers.For guidance on cash, voucher and in-kind assistance to children, as well as the participation of children in public works programmes, see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR."},{"ID":51,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Demobilization","Heading1":"Annex C: Sample terms and conditions form","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.20 Demobilization","PageNum":37,"Paragraph":"As a participant in the DDR process, the terms of your benefits are conditional on the following: \\n 1. Your hand over of all weapons and ammunition; \\n 2. Your agreement to renounce military status; \\n 3. Your acceptance of and conformity with all rules and regulations during the full period of your stay at the disarmament and\/or demobilization site; \\n 4. Your agreement to respect the staff, officials and other demobilized combatants at the disarmament and\/or demobilization site; \\n 5. Your refraining from all criminal activity and contributing to your nation\u2019s development; \\n 6. Your cooperation with and participation in programmes designed to facilitate your return to civilian life."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.30 Reintegration.json b/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.30 Reintegration.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6206329 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.30 Reintegration.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Successful reintegration is a particular complex part of DDR. Ex-combatants and those previously associated with armed forces and groups are finally cut loose from structures and processes that are familiar to them. In some contexts, they re-enter societies that may be equally unfamiliar and that have often been significantly transformed by conflict.A key challenge that faces former combatants and associated groups is that it may be impossible for them to reintegrate in the area of origin. Their limited skills may have more relevance and market-value in urban settings, which are also likely to be unable to absorb them. In the worst cases, places from which ex-combatants came may no longer exist after a war, or ex-combatants may have been with armed forces and groups that committed atrocities in or near their own communities and may not be able to return home.Family and community support is essential for the successful reintegration of ex-com- batants and associated groups, but their presence may make worse the real or perceived vulnerability of local populations, which have neither the capacity nor the desire to assist a \u2018lost generation\u2019 with little education, employment or training, war trauma, and a high militarized view of the world. Unsupported former combatants can be a major threat to the security of communities because of their lack of skills or assets and their tendency to rely on violence to get what they want.Ex-combatants and associated groups will usually need specifically designed, sus- tainable support to help them with their transition from military to civilian life. Yet the United Nations (UN) must also ensure that such support does not mean that other war-af- fected groups are treated unfairly or resentment is caused within the wider community. The reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups must therefore be part of wider recovery strategies for all war-affected populations. Reintegration programmes should aim to build local and national capacities to manage the process in the long-term, as rein- tegration increasingly turns into reconstruction and development.This module recognizes that reintegration challenges are multidimensional, rang- ing from creating micro-enterprises and providing education and training, through to preparing receiving communities for the return of ex-combatants and associated groups, dealing with the psychosocial effects of war, ensuring ex-combatants also enjoy their civil and political rights, and meeting the specific needs of different groups."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The objective of this module is to provide DDR planners and practitioners with an over- view of the issues that need to be taken into account when planning, designing and implementing a reintegration programme, in addition to offering practical guidance on how to successfully deal with any challenges that may arise. Given the complexity of reintegration, and the need for context-specific programmes, the guidance offered here is less prescriptive than in some other modules of the IDDRS. Following discussion of the approaches to reintegration and guidance on programme planning and design, the key components of a reintegration programme are outlined and discussed, from economic, social\/psychosocial, and political perspectives. Finally, the module identifies linkages between reintegration and the wider recovery\/peacebuilding frameworks."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of definitions used in this Reintegration standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of Integrated DDR Standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the word \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201da) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201dDEFINING \u2018REINTEGRATION\u2019 \\n In the Note by the Secretary-General dated 24 May 2005, reintegration is defined as, \u201cthe process by which ex-com- batants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. Reintegration is essentially a social and economic process with an open timeframe, primarily taking place in communities at the local level. It is part of the general development of a country and a national responsibility, and often necessitates long-term external assistance.\u201d \\n Recognizing new developments in the reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups since the release of the 2005 Note, the Third Report of the Secretary-General on DDR (2011) includes revised policy and guidance. It observes that, \u201cin most countries, economic aspects, while central, are not sufficient for the sustainable reintegration of ex-combatants. Serious consideration of the social and political aspects of reintegration\u2026is [also] crucial for the sustainability and success of reintegration programmes,\u201d including interventions, such as psychosocial support, mental health counseling and clinical treatment and medical health support, as well as reconciliation, access to justice\/transitional justice, participation in political processes. \\n Additionally, it emphasizes that while \u201creintegration programmes supported by the United Nations are time-bound by nature\u2026the reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups is a long-term process that takes place at the indi- vidual, community, national and regional levels, and is dependent upon wider recovery and development.\u201d \\n Note by the Secretary-General on administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of UN peacekeeping operations, 24 May 2005 (A\/C.5\/59\/31); Third report of the Secretary-General on Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, 21 March 2011 (A\/65\/741)"},{"ID":3,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Sustainable reintegration of former combatants and associated groups into their commu- nities of origin or choice is the ultimate objective of DDR. A reintegration programme is designed to address the many destabilizing factors that threaten ex-combatants\u2019 suc- cessful transition to peace, including: economic hardship, social exclusion, psychological and physical trauma, and political disenfranchisement. Failure to successfully reintegrate ex-combatants will undermine the achievements of disarmament and demobilization, furthering the risk of renewal of armed conflict.Reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups is a long-term process that occurs at the individual, community, national, and at times even regional level, and has economic, social\/psychosocial, political and security factors affecting its success. Post-conflict economies have often collapsed, posing significant challenges to creating sustainable livelihoods for former combatants and other conflict-affected groups. Social and psychological issues of identity, trust, and acceptance are crucial to ensure violence prevention and lasting peace. In addition, empowering ex-combatants to take part in the political life of their communities and state can bring forth a range of benefits, such as providing civilians with a voice to address any former or residual grievances in a socially constructive, non-violent manner. Without sustainable and comprehensive reintegration, former combatants may become further marginalized and vulnerable to re-recruitment or engagement in criminal or gang activities.A reintegration programme will attempt to facilitate the longer-term reintegration process by providing time-bound, targeted assistance. A reintegration programme cannot match the breadth, depth or duration of the reintegration process, nor of the long-term recovery and development process; therefore, careful analysis is required in order to design and implement a strategic and pragmatic reintegration programme that best bal- ances timing, sequencing and a mix of programme elements from among the resources available. A strong monitoring system is needed to continuously track if the approach taken is yielding the desired effect. A well-planned exit strategy, with an emphasis on capacity building and ownership by national and local actors who will be engaged in the reintegration process for much longer than the externally assisted reintegration pro- gramme, is therefore crucial from the beginning.A number of key contextual factors should be taken into account when planning and designing the reintegration strategy. These contextual factors include: (i) the nature of the conflict (i.e. ideology-driven, resource-driven, identity-driven, etc.) and duration as determined by a conflict and security analysis; (ii) the nature of the peace (i.e. military victory, principle party negotiation, third party mediation); (iii) the state of the economy (especially demand for skills and labour); (iv) the governance capacity and reach of the state (legitimacy and institutional capacity); and, (v) the character and cohesiveness of combatants and receiving communities (trust and social cohesiveness). These will be dis- cussed in greater detail throughout the module.There are also several risks and challenges that must be carefully assessed, moni- tored and managed in order to successfully implement a reintegration programme. One of the key challenges in designing and implementing DDR programmes is how to ful- fill the specific and essential needs of ex-combatants without turning them into a real or perceived privileged group within the community. The reintegration support for ex-com- batants should therefore be planned in such a manner as to avoid creating resentment and bitterness within wider communities or society or putting a strain on a community\u2019s limited resources. Accordingly, this module seeks to emphasize the importance and ben- efits of approaching reintegration programmes from a community-based perspective in order to more effectively execute programme activities and avoid possible tensions form- ing between ex-combatants and community members.In order to increase the effectiveness of reintegration programmes, it is also essential to recognize and identify their limitations and boundaries. Firstly, the trust of ex-com- batants in the political process is often heavily influenced by the nature of the peace settlement and the trust of the overall population in the process; DDR both influences and is influenced by political processes. Secondly, the presence of economic opportunities is critical. And thirdly, the governance capacity of the state, referring to its perceived legit- imacy and institutional capacity to govern and provide basic services, is essential to the successful implementation of a DDR programme. DDR is fundamentally social, economic and political in character and should be seen as part of a broader integrated approach to recovery, including security, governance, and political and developmental aspects. There- fore, programmes shall be based upon context analyses (see above on contextual factors) that are integrated, comprehensive and coordinated across the UN family with national and other international partners."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that shall guide all aspects of DDR planning and implementation. All UN DDR programmes shall be: people-centred; flexible; accountable and transparent; nationally and locally owned; inte- grated; and well-planned, in addition to being gender-sensitive. More specifically, when designing and implementing reintegration programmes, planners and practitioners shall take the following guidance into consideration:"},{"ID":5,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1. People-centred","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"UN-supported reintegration strategies will include diverse people and communities with various needs. Non-discrimination and fair and equitable treatment of participants and beneficiaries are core principles of the UN approach to DDR. A \u2018people-centred\u2019 approach recognizes that differences exist among reintegration participants and beneficiaries \u2013 differences which include, but are not limited to sex, age, class, religion, and physical, intellectual or psycho-social capacities \u2013 all of which require targeted responses. Rein- tegration assistance shall therefore be based on thorough profiling of ex-combatants and assessments of the social, economic, political and cultural contexts into which they are reintegrating in order to support specific needs."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2. Flexible","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"To respond to contextual changes and remain relevant, reintegration programmes should be designed in such a way that allows for maximum adaptability. While the reintegration programme design will be based on initial assessments, it is important to remember that many contextual factors will change significantly during the course of the programme, such as the wishes and ambitions of ex-combatants, the labour market, the capacity of service providers, the capacity of the different government bodies, in addition to the agen- das of political parties and leaders in power. Furthermore, new or broader recovery plans may be designed during the timeframe of the DDR programme, for which reintegration programmes should be linked.Additionally, flexibility is required on the issue of targeting principles. While in the beginning of the programme exclusive targeted approaches might be appropriate, flexibil- ity to enlarge the target group within the scope of the programme should be considered and may also be part of the programme exit strategy. This means that the total number of combatants might be known at the beginning of a programme, but not necessarily the total number of beneficiaries or people assisted. Furthermore, flexibility of the types of reintegration assistance offered should be applied within the national programme. Fixed packages of individual assistance shall therefore be avoided."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3. Accountable and transparent","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Reintegration assistance shall be based on the principles of accountability and transpar- ency. Public information and communication strategies shall therefore be drawn up and implemented as early as possible. Public information, awareness-raising and community consultation and sensitization ensure that affected participant and beneficiary groups have a chance to influence and to receive accurate information on DDR programme proce- dures and reintegration assistance.Once expected results are clearly defined by all stakeholders, key indicators for mon- itoring and measuring programme impact shall be agreed upon, based on careful context assessments and analysis. Defining a set of indicators in a participatory manner helps to clarify expectations and leads to a broad agreement on realistic targets. Individuals or organizations responsible for monitoring should also be agreed upon, as well as how often monitoring reports will be drawn up. The data for indicators should be updated at least quarterly and communicated to stakeholders."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4. Nationally and locally owned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The success of reintegration programmes depends on the combined efforts of individu- als, families and communities and therefore reintegration programmes shall be designed through an inclusive, participatory process that involves ex-combatants and communities, local and national authorities, and non-governmental actors in planning and deci- sion-making from the earliest stages. Buy-in to the reintegration process by key armed actors and military leaders shall be one of the first priorities of the DDR programme, and should be achieved in collaboration with national government and other key stakeholders in accordance with UN mandates. All parties to the conflict shall commit themselves to accepting an agreed framework, together with a timetable for carrying out activities.The primary responsibility for the successful outcome of DDR programmes rests with national authorities and local stakeholders. Reintegration programmes shall there- fore seek to develop the capacities of receiving communities, as well as local and national authorities. In contexts where national capacity is weak, it is important to ensure that international actors do not act as substitutes for national authorities in programme man- agement and implementation, but rather put forth all efforts to strengthen the national capacities needed to implement the long-term reintegration process."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5. Integrated","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"DDR processes both influence and are affected by wider recovery, peacebuilding and state transformational processes. It is therefore essential that reintegration programmes work collaboratively with other programmes and stakeholders to achieve policy coherence, sec- toral programme integration, inter-agency cooperation and coordination from the start.UN integrated units should be used wherever possible to support the implementation of DDR programmes. In addition, the use of technical working groups, donor forums, and rapid response\/surge modalities should be used to further integrate efforts in the area of DDR.It is also particularly relevant that line ministries receive appropriate support from DDR programmes to ensure that reintegration will be sustainable and in accordance with other national policies and plans."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6. Well-planned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"A well-planned reintegration programme shall assess and respond to the specific needs of its male and female participants (i.e. gender-sensitive planning), who might be children, youth, adults, elders and\/or persons with disabilities.Effective and sustainable reintegration depends on early planning that is based on: a comprehensive understanding of the local context, a clear and unambiguous agreement among all stakeholders about objectives and results of the programme, the establishment of realistic timeframes, clear budgeting requirements and human resource needs, and a clearly defined programme exit strategy. Planning shall be based on existing assessments which include conflict and security analyses, gender analyses, early recovery and\/or post-conflict needs assessments, in addition to reintegration-specific assessments. Reinte- gration practitioners shall furthermore ensure a results-based monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework is developed during the planning phase and that sufficient resources and expertise are allocated for this task at the outset.Those planning the disarmament and demobilization phases shall work in tandem with the reintegration phase planners and experts to ensure a smooth transition, and more specifically that the programme has sufficient resources and capacity to absorb the demo- bilized groups, where applicable. It is important that promises on reintegration assistance are not made during the disarmament and demobilization phases that cannot be deliv- ered upon later.Finally, planning should recognize that DDR programming does not take place in a vacuum. Planners should therefore carefully consider, and where possible link with, other early recovery and peacebuilding initiatives and processes."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.7. Gender-sensitive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Reintegration programmes shall be designed, implemented and evaluated in a gen- der-sensitive manner. Gender-sensitive reintegration includes planning based upon sex-disaggregated data so that programmes can identify the specific needs and potentials of women, men, boys and girls. Women\u2019s and young girls\u2019 needs may include availability of child care facilities, access to land, property and livelihoods resources and rehabil- itation from sexual violence, whereas men and young boys may need more support to overcome socialization to violence and substance abuse, for example.In cases where women have self-demobilized or were excluded from DDR prog- ammes by commanders, efforts should be made to provide them with access to the formal or official reintegration programme, if they so choose. Female-specific reintegration pro- grammes may also be devised to address those women who will not access reintegration opportunities in official DDR programmes to avoid further stigmatization.In order to implement gender-responsive reintegration programmes, DDR staff, local stakeholders and implementing parterns may need to receive gender training and other capacity development. Public information and sensitization may also benefit from collab- oration with women\u2019s and men\u2019s organizations to address gender-specific needs.Gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation requires that the DDR M&E framework includes gender-related indicators and specific assessments on gender. Reintegration pro- grammes should seek specific funding for such initiatives, and should work to monitor and evaluate the gender appropriateness of programmes."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"5. Transitioning from reinsertion to reintegration","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"In post-conflict settings that require economic revitalization and infrastructure develop- ment, the transition of ex-combatants to reintegration may be facilitated through reinsertion interventions. These short-term interventions are sometimes termed stabilization or \u2018stop gap\u2019 measures and may take on various forms, such as emergency employment, liveli- hood and start-up grants or quick-impact projects (QIPs).Reinsertion assistance should not be confused with or substituted for reintegration programme assistance; reinsertion assistance is meant to assist ex-combatants, associated groups and their families for a limited period of time until the reintegration programme begins, filling the gap in support often present between demobilization and reintegration activities. Although reinsertion is considered as part of the demobilization phase, it is important to understand that it is closely linked with and can support reintegration. In fact, these two phases at times overlap or run almost parallel to each other with different levels of intensity, as seen in the figure below. DPKO budgets will likely cover up to one year of reinsertion assistance. However, in some cases reinsertion may last beyond the one year mark.Reinsertion is often focused on economic aspects of the reintegration process, but does not guarantee sustainable income for ex-combatants and associated groups. Reinte- gration takes place by definition at the community level, should lead to sustainable income, social belonging and political participation. Reintegration aims to tackle the motives that led ex-combatants to join armed forces and groups. Wand when successful, it dissuades ex-combatants and associated groups from re-joining and\/or makes re-recruitment efforts useless.If well designed, reinsertion activities can buy the necessary time and\/or space to establish better conditions for reintegration programmes to be prepared. Reinsertion train- ing initiatives and emergency employment and quick-impact projects can also serve to demonstrate peace dividends to communities, especially in areas suffering from destroyed infrastructure and lacking in basic services like water, roads and communication. Rein- sertion and reintegration should therefore be jointly planned to maximize opportunities for the latter to meaningfully support the former (see Module 4.20 on Demobilization for more information on reinsertion activities)."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"The approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants represent the different options avail- able to DDR planners when defining the reintegration strategy. The approaches discussed are not mutually exclusive. Rather, they can be used in an appropriate mix, timing and sequencing in order to support the overall goal of the specific DDR programme.An understanding of the needs and capacities of the ex-combatants, how they were psychosocially affected by the conflict, whether they are marginalized or not, the absorp- tive capacities of the receiving communities\u2019 labour markets, and the functionality of related markets and resources (land, natural resources and capital), including the local political (power dynamics) and institutional realities, should guide programme design and resource allocation. Local knowledge of these dynamics is essential to informing pro- gramme design.Based on the data gathered and its analysis, programme planners and practitioners should build consensus with partners and stakeholders on how to best allocate available resources to provide reintegration support to the identified participants and beneficiaries, deciding on the appropriate approach or mix of approaches."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants","Heading2":"6.1. Individual reintegration","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"In practice, individual reintegration has aimed to provide long-term assistance to each ex-combatant depending upon his\/her specific needs, the nature of the environment of return (urban or rural), and the services available in these locations. Individual reintegra- tion has typically included targeted activities geared towards increasing ex-combatants\u2019 individual employability and enabling their access to productive assets and opportunities. In addition, activities and means that have aimed to facilitate social reintegration \u2013 such as access to land and water, livelihoods assets, life skills training, psychosocial assistance, and activities that stimulate community acceptance \u2013 have been included.The individual reintegration approach has included ongoing technical advice, train- ing and mentoring, and other support services for the individual ex-combatant. Proper and timely advice, adequate monitoring, and follow-up have aimed to keep each ex-combatant focused on his\/her plan and to help him\/her to adapt to the ever-changing post-con- flict environment. Furthermore, assistance has often been delivered through information, counseling and referral services (ICRS).While individual reintegration has historically been a leading approach in the reinte- gration of ex-combatants, lessons learned from DDR programmes around the world have shown that reintegration approaches that include elements of community and family participation and assistance, as well as enlarged targeting principles, have higher success rates. For more information, see section 6.2. on community-based reintegration."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants","Heading2":"6.2. Community-based reintegration (CBR)","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Lessons learned from DDR programmes around the world have shown that reintegration approaches that include elements of community and family participation and assistance, as well as enlarged targeting principles, have higher success rates.Where DDR programmes have delivered individual reintegration to ex-combatants alone, the result has often been hostility or resentment on the part of community members who feel excluded from reintegration benefits. The problems arising from such dynamics have created barriers to the goals of social reintegration and the strengthening of com- munity cohesion, ultimately threatening the sustainability of reintegration programmes. Where community members are included in the planning process and provided access to concrete benefits, however, the result is often enhanced local ownership and acceptance of the reintegration programme. Reintegration programmes should therefore facilitate com- munities coming together to discuss and decide on their own priorities and methods that they believe will help in the reintegration of ex-combatants.While it is not the whole community that will receive reintegration assistance, in community-based reintegration approaches ex-combatants are assisted together with other members of the community. Selection criteria and percentages of ex-combatants to community members can vary. Lessons learned have shown that targeting community members with a similar profile to the ex-combatants can be particularly effective (such as unemployed youth)."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants","Heading2":"6.2. Community-based reintegration (CBR)","Heading3":"6.2.1. Dual targeting","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Dual targeting \u2013 providing reintegration assistance that simultaneously targets individ- ual ex-combatants and members of their communities of return or choice \u2013 can create a \u201cwin-win\u201d situation, contributing to the achievement of economic and social goals for both individual participants and community beneficiaries. Such assistance typically targets 50% ex-combatants and 50% conflict-affected community members, though pro- portions may vary depending on the context. This approach promotes greater inclusion in the reintegration process and can prove to be a useful way to manage risks and improve community security."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants","Heading2":"6.2. Community-based reintegration (CBR)","Heading3":"6.2.2. Ex-combatant-led initiatives","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Ex-combatant-led initiatives are those reintegration activities identified, planned and exe- cuted by the ex-combatants themselves with the aim of directly benefiting communities of return or choice. Through consultation and dialogue with community and civil society leaders, ex-combatants can work to identify those activities best suited to the community at large and their own skill sets. Such activities can provide ex-combatants with a sense of ownership of the reintegration achievements that take place at the community level. In addition, if well-executed and genuinely planned with the best interest of the community in mind, this approach has the potential to build ex-combatants\u2019 rapport with community members and greatly enhance reconciliation.DDR staff shall work closely with ex-combatants in the planning, implementation and monitoring of these initiatives to ensure that the activities chosen are transparent, fea- sible (e.g. sufficient capacity exists to implement the initiative, the activity is cost efficient, the activity can be completed within a reasonable timeframe) and appropriately benefit the community as a whole based on prior assessments and the local context."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants","Heading2":"6.2. Community-based reintegration (CBR)","Heading3":"6.2.3. Area-based interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Area-based reintegration targets a specifically defined geographic territory containing conflict-affected communities where large clusters of ex-combatants have been identi- fied. It aims to reintegrate conflict-affected groups into the economic and social life of a community through economic projects, such as those that focus on rebuilding public infrastructure, in addition to social reintegration activities that promote reconciliation.The objective of these interventions is to optimize the use of locally-based resources (rural and\/or urban) and the synergies arising among local businesses, civil society, busi- ness development service providers, investors, authorities, etc. Rather than focusing on specific target groups, area-based interventions make use of local resources and exter- nal investments in order to offer context-specific solutions to post-war economic recovery. When applying an area-based approach, reintegration planners shall consider all net- works and economic flows that affect (or could affect) the defined territory."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants","Heading2":"6.3. Focus on command structures","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"The risks posed by enduring command structures should also be taken into account dur- ing reintegration planning and may require specific action. A stated aim of demobilization is the breakdown of armed groups\u2019 command structures. However, experience has shown this is difficult to achieve, quantify, qualify or monitor. Over time hierarchical structures erode, but informal networks and associations based upon loyalties and shared experi- ences may remain long into the post-conflict period.In order to break command structures and prevent mid-level commanders from becoming spoilers in DDR, programmes may have to devise specific assistance strategies that better correspond to the profiles and needs of mid-level commanders. Such support may include preparation for nominations\/vetting for public appointments, redundancy payments based on years of service, and guidance on investment options, expanding a family business and creating employment, etc. Commander incentive programmes (CIPs) can further work to support the transformation of command structures into more defined organizations, such as political parties and groups, or socially and economically produc- tive entities such as cooperatives and credit unions.DDR managers should keep in mind that the creation of veterans\u2019 associations should be carefully assessed and these groups supported only if they positively support the DDR process. Extreme caution should be exercised when requested to support the creation and maintenance of veterans\u2019 associations. Although these associations may arise spontane- ously as representation and self-help groups due to the fact that members face similar challenges, have affinities and have common pasts, prolonged affiliation may perpetu- ate the retention of \u201cex-combatant\u201d identities, preventing ex-combatants from effectively transitioning from military to their new civilian identities and roles.The overriding principle for supporting transformed command structures is that the associations that arise permit individual freedom of choice (i.e. joining is not required or coerced). In some instances, these associations may provide early warning and response systems for identifying dissatisfaction among ex-combatants, and for building confidence between discontented groups and the rest of the community."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design","Heading2":"7.1. Overview","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Reintegration planning should be based on rapid, reliable and detailed assessments and should begin as early as possible. This is to ensure that reintegration programmes are designed and implemented in a timely and effective manner, where the gap between demobilization\/reinsertion and reintegration support is minimized as much as pos- sible. This requires that relevant UN agencies, programmes and funds jointly plan for reintegration.The planning phase of a reintegration programme should be based on clear assess- ments that, at a minimum, ask the following questions: \\n\\n KEY REINTEGRATION PLANNING QUESTIONS THAT ASSESSMENTS SHOULD ANSWER \\n What reintegration approach or combination of approaches will be most suitable for the context in question? Dual targeting? Ex-combatant-led economic activity that benefits also the community? \\n Will ex-combatants access area-based programmes as any other conflict-affected group? What would prevent them from doing that? How will these programmes track numbers of ex-combatants participating and the levels of reintegration achieved? \\n What will be the geographical coverage of the programme? Will focus be on rural or urban reintegration or a combination of both? \\n How narrow or expansive will be the eligibility criteria to participate in the programme? Based on ex-combatant\/ returnee status or vulnerability? \\n What type of reintegration assistance should be offered (i.e. economic, social, psychosocial, and\/or political) and with which levels of intensity? \\n What strategy will be deployed to match supply and demand (e.g. employability\/employment creation; psychosocial need such as trauma\/psychosocial counseling service; etc.) \\n What are the most appropriate structures to provide programme assistance? Dedicated structures created by the DDR programme such as an information, counseling and referral service? Existing state structures? Other implementing partners? Why? \\n What are the capacities of these potential implementing partners? \\n Will the cost per participant be reasonable in comparison with other similar programmes? What about operational costs, will they be comparable with similar programmes? \\n How can resources be maximized through partnerships and linkages with other existing programmes?A comprehensive understanding and constant re-appraisal of these questions and corresponding factors during planning and implementation phases will enhance and shape a programme\u2019s strategy and resource allocation. This data will also serve to inform concerned parties of the objectives and expected results of the DDR programme and linkages to broader recovery and development issues.Finally, DDR planners and practitioners should also be aware of existing policies, strategies and framework on reintegration and recovery to ensure adequate coordina- tion. DDR planners and managers should carefully assess timings, opportunities and risks involved in order to integrate DDR programmes with wider frameworks and pro- grammes. Partnerships with institutions and agencies leading on the implementation of such frameworks and programmes should be sought as much as possible to make an effi- cient and effective use of resources and avoid overlapping interventions."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design","Heading2":"7.2. Mainstreaming gender into analyses and assessments","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The planning and design of reintegration programmes should be based on the collection of sex and age disaggregated data in order to analyze and identify the specific needs of both male and female programme participants. Sex and age disaggregated data should be captured in all types of pre-programme and programme assessments, starting with the conflict and security analysis, moving into post-conflict needs assessments and in all DDR-specific assessments.The gathering of gender-sensitive data from the start will help make visible the unique and varying needs, capacities, interests, priorities, power relations and roles of women, men, girls and boys. At this early stage, conflict and security analysis and rein- tegration assessments should also identify any variations among certain subgroups (i.e. children, youth, elderly, dependants, disabled, foreign combatants, abducted and so on) within male and female DDR beneficiaries and participants.The overall objective of integrating gender into conflict and security analysis and DDR assessments is to build efficiency into reintegration programmes. By taking a more gender-sensitive approach from the start, DDR programmes can make more informed decisions and take appropriate action to ensure that women, men, boys and girls equally benefit from reintegration opportunities that are designed to meet their specific needs. For more information on gender-sensitive programming, see Module 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design","Heading2":"7.3. Conflict and security analysis","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The nature of the conflict will determine the nature of the peace process, which in turn will influence the objectives and expected results of DDR and the type of reintegration approach that is required. Conflict and security analyses should be carried out and con- sulted in order to clarify the nature of the conflict and how it was resolved, and to identify the political, economic and social challenges facing a DDR programme. These analyses can provide critical information on the structure of armed groups during the conflict, how ex-combatants are perceived by their communities (e.g. as heroes who defended their communities or as perpetrators of violent acts who should be punished), and what ex-combatants\u2019 expectations will be following a peace agreement.A holistic analysis of conflict and security dynamics should inform the development of the objectives and strategies of the DDR programme. The following table suggests ques- tions for this analysis and assessment.For further information, please also refer to the UNDP Guide on Conflict-related Development Analysis (available online)."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design","Heading2":"7.4. Post-conflict needs assessments (PCNAs)","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Post-conflict needs assessments (PCNAs) are a tool developed jointly by the UN Develop- ment Group (UNDG), the European Commission (EC), the World Bank (WB) and regional development banks in collaboration with national governments and with the cooperation of donor countries. National and international actors use PCNAs as an entry point for conceptualizing, negotiating and financing a common shared strategy for recovery and development in fragile, post-conflict settings. The PCNA includes both the assessment of needs and the national prioritization and costing of needs in an accompanying transi- tional results matrix.PCNAs are also used to determine baselines on crosscutting issues such as gender, HIV\/AIDS, human rights and the environment. To this end, the results of completed PCNAs represent a valuable tool that should be used by DDR experts during reintegration programming.In countries where PCNAs are in the process of being completed, DDR managers and planners should integrate as much as possible DDR into these exercises. In addition to influencing inclusion of more traditional areas of practice, DDR planners should aim to influence and lobby for the inclusion of more recently identified areas of need, such as psy- chosocial and political reintegration. For more detailed and updated information about PCNAs, see Joint Guidance Note on Integrated Recovery Planning using Post-Conflict Needs Assessments and Transitional Frameworks, Also see Module 2.20 section 6.1."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design","Heading2":"7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"The registration of ex-combatants during the demobilization phase provides detailed information on each programme participant\u2019s social and economic expectations, as well as his\/her capacities, resources, or even the nature of his\/her marginalization. How- ever, by the time this registration takes place, it is already too late to begin planning the reintegration programme. As a result, to adequately plan for the reintegration phase, a general profile of potential beneficiaries and participants of the DDR programme should be developed before disarmament and demobilization begins. Such a profile can be done through carefully randomized and stratified (to the extent possible) sampled surveys of smaller numbers of representative combatants.In order for these assessments to adequately form the basis for reintegration pro- gramme planning, implementation, and M&E, they should be further supplemented by data on specific needs groups and additional research, particularly in the fields of anthro- pology, history, and area studies. During the assessment process, attention should be paid to specific needs groups, including female combatants, WAAFG, youth, children, and combatants with disabilities. In addition, research on specific countries and peoples, including that of scholars from the country or region will prove useful. Cultural rela- tionships to land and other physical resources should also be noted here to better inform reintegration programme planners.The most important types of ex-combatant focused assessments are: \\n 1. Early profiling and pre-registration surveys; \\n 2. Full profiling and registration of ex-combatants; \\n 3. Identification and assessment of areas of return and resettlement; \\n 4. Community perception surveys; \\n 5. Reintegration opportunity mapping; and \\n 6. Services mapping and institutional capacity assessment."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design","Heading2":"7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments","Heading3":"7.5.1. Early profiling and pre-registration surveys","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Also known as pre-programme assessments, early profiling and pre-registration surveys will establish the nature and size of the group for which a reintegration programme is to be designed. Profiling on a sample basis is typically done as soon as access to combatants is possible. This enables a quick assessment of the combatants to be included in DDR, including information on their demographics, human and material capital, as well as their aspirations. The collection of personal and socio-economic data also provides baseline information needed for the planning, design and formulation of a monitoring and evalu- ation plan.Early profiling, registration, and surveying should take into account gender-sensitive procedures, so that women, men, girls and boys are able to accurately state their involve- ment and needs, and other relevant information.In some cases it can be very difficult to obtain accurate or any information regarding the profiles and number of ex-combatants for the DDR programme. In such cases, DDR experts should rely on information from local civil society and other UN agencies, and plan their programmes as best they can with the available information."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design","Heading2":"7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments","Heading3":"7.5.2. Full profiling and registration of ex-combatants","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"As full profiling and registration of ex-combatants is typically conducting during disar- mament and demobilization, programme planners and managers should ensure that these activities are designed to support reintegration, and that information gathered through profiling forms the basis of reintegration assistance. For more information on profiling and registration during disarmament and demobilization, see Module 4.10 section 7 and Module 4.20 sections 6 and 8.Previous DDR programmes have often experienced a delay between registration and the delivery of assistance, which can lead to frustration among ex-combatants. To deal with this problem, DDR programmes should provide ex-combatants with a clear and realistic timetable of when they will receive reintegration assistance when they first register for DDR."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design","Heading2":"7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments","Heading3":"7.5.3. Identification and assessment of areas of return and resettlement","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Based on the information gathered from the early profiling and pre-registration survey, an assessment should be made of the economic, political, and social potential and con- straints of the areas that ex-combatants and associated groups are expected to return to or resettle in. This assessment should then be enhanced and greatly expanded based on the individual data collected during disarmament and\/or demobilization, and stored in a management information system (MIS) (for more information on managing data see sec- tion 7.6). Among its benefits, it may prove an important component of risk assessments to map and monitor \u201chot spots.\u201dThe assessment of communities and areas of return or choice should take into account the availability of natural resources (including land, water, forests, wildlife), livelihood conditions, economic opportunities and existing infrastructure (such as transportation, access to markets, and the availability of communications and services), and the overall security situation in the area. It should also map the accessibility of local social services and institutions that serve persons with disabilities, offer psychosocial care, etc.Local and traditional knowledge related to ownership of land, resource use, man- agement of natural resources (including agricultural practices in cultivation, animal husbandry, fishing rights and access, etc.) should be sought during these assessments. See Module 6.30 for more information on natural resource management and DDR.Additional data will need to be examined concerning social and political conditions to be sure that there are not underlying historical tensions which could prevent success- ful reintegration. Gender audits will also be necessary. From a political perspective, an assessment of the formal and informal leadership, power relationships and group dynam- ics within receptor communities should also be undertaken. This information should be placed within an understanding of the macroeconomic situation (i.e. the country and regional situation)."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design","Heading2":"7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments","Heading3":"7.5.4. Community perception surveys","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Community perception surveys include background information on socioeconomic and demographic data on all future direct beneficiaries of the reintegration programme including community expectations and perceptions of assistance provided to returning\/ resettling ex-combatants. Community perception surveys collect useful data which can be used for qualitative indicators and to monitor changes in community perceptions of the reintegration process over time. DDR programmes should assess the strength of support for the reintegration process from these surveys and try their best to produce activities and programming that match the needs and desires of both programme participants and beneficiaries.DDR programmes should rely on local institutions and civil society to carry out such surveys whenever and wherever possible. These can be conducted as interviews or focus groups, depending on appropriateness and context. Communities should have the opportunity to express their opinions and preferences freely in terms of activities that best support the reintegration process and the community as a whole. Surveyors should also be careful not to raise expectations here as well, since the reintegration programme will not be able to meet all desires in terms of economic opportunities and social support to communities.DDR programmes should rely on local institutions and civil society to carry out such surveys whenever and wherever possible. These can be conducted as interviews or focus groups, depending on appropriateness and context. Communities should have the opportunity to express their opinions and preferences freely in terms of activities that best support the reintegration process and the community as a whole. Surveyors should also be careful not to raise expectations here as well, since the reintegration programme will not be able to meet all desires in terms of economic opportunities and social support to communities."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design","Heading2":"7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments","Heading3":"7.5.5. Reintegration opportunity mapping","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"The post-conflict economic environment can be extremely complex and difficult as armed conflicts invariably damage or destroy human and economic capital, transform social relationships and trust, weaken production and trade systems, and distort the labour mar- ket. In this challenging environment, it is essential that DDR programmes avoid creating unrealistic expectations among stakeholders, especially programme participants and ben- eficiaries. By conducting reintegration opportunity mappings, programme managers will have a clearer understanding of the actual economic opportunities and assets available to those being reintegrated and be better equipped to provide ex-combatants with clear information as to what the reintegration programme will involve.DDR programme planners should prioritize the development of a countrywide sys- tematic mapping that builds upon the PCNA and other assessments conducted by relevant organizations to identify existing and potential employment opportunities. The analysis should include the functioning of: i) markets (labour, capital, goods and services, etc.); ii) input factors (land, energy resources, infrastructure, technology and information, etc.); and iii) supporting factors (institutional capacity in formal and informal economies, finan- cial markets, etc.). It should also capture potential financial service providers or training institutions available to support self-employment opportunities. Successful collaboration with development agencies and their monitoring activities is essential to this process.Opportunity mappings will also assess access to land and other natural resources, education and training possibilities, micro credit services (in contexts where they exist) and other employment and business development services (i.e. technical advisory, information and counseling services). The survey should include other development pro- grammes (both existing and planned) within the national recovery effort, as well as those of international and national development organizations.Attention shall be paid to different groups during opportunity mapping so that the employment, education and training needs and opportunities, as well as other resource needs of women and men, youth, children, and persons with disabilities, are well-un- derstood (also see Module 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, Module 5.20 on Youth and DDR, and Module 5.30 on Children and DDR). Social support services, such as support for people living with HIV\/AIDS, trauma and drug abuse counseling, and\/or disability rehabilitation services, should also be identified.This mapping should take place as early as possible (ideally beginning 9-12 months before the disarmament and demobilization phases begin) to ensure that training and social support programmes are ready when ex-combatants need them. They should reflect local and international laws and standards on gender- and age-appropriate labour, as well as changes in gender roles that may have occurred during conflict.On the basis of these assessments, the DDR programme can select training provid- ers, assess costs and capacity support needs, and develop context-specific programmes designed to meet the needs of diverse programme participants and beneficiaries."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design","Heading2":"7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments","Heading3":"7.5.6. Services mapping and capacity assessment","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Capacity development of government entities and service providers after a conflict consti- tutes one of the most important aspects to successful reintegration. It is therefore essential for reintegration assessments to collect data on levels of institutional capacities to ensure adequate funding for capacity development of partners from the outset. Institutional capacity assessments should start as early as possible with an analysis of potential service providers such as public vocational centers, business development services, relevant line ministries and NGOs, including organizational practices and absorption capacities as it takes several months to upgrade capacities.Capacity development can be \u201cindirect\u201d (designed to support national partners in the creation of conditions and relationships needed to foster incentives for outcomes) or \u201cdirect\u201d support for the achievements of outcomes (such as technical interventions or information management in a finance ministry or a central bank). The first step is to help to identify the country\u2019s specific needs on which the overall capacity building actions will be based."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design","Heading2":"7.6. Managing data collected in assessments","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"A management information system (MIS) is vital in order to capture, store, access, and manage information on individual ex-combatants and communities of return\/resettle- ment, and data on available opportunities for training, education and employment. It can also provide vital data for monitoring, feedback, and evaluation. DDR planners shall give early consideration to the design and maintenance of an MIS, as it will work to support and better organize all reintegration activities. See the generic MIS called DREAM (\u2018Dis- armament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Arms Management\u2019) developed by UNDP, which can be adapted to the needs of each UN integrated DDR programme to minimize implementation delays and provide savings for DDR projects.Individual ex-combatant data included within an MIS should be captured prior to the start of reintegration activities, preferably during the disarmament and demobilization phases. The design and construction of the MIS should capture data that can be used to build a profile of the participant caseload. The collection of sex-, age- and disability-dis- aggregated socio-economic data (including information on specific needs, such as for wheelchairs or psychosocial services) is essential to the DDR programme. In addition, the data in the MIS should be easy to aggregate in order to provide regular updates for broad indicators.The development of new technologies, such as fingerprint identification and retina scanning, possess the potential to eradicate \u2018double dipping\u2019 of DDR assistance, particu- larly when cash assistance is provided as part of reinsertion assistance, or as an element of reintegration support.While providing for transparency and accountability, an MIS should also inform ongoing programme decision-making by influencing necessary programme adjustments to improve programme efficiency and effectiveness. DDR managers should therefore establish a concrete plan to incorporate feedback based on information gathered in the MIS."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"8. Programme planning and design","Heading2":"8.1. Reintegration Planning","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Reintegration planning is more likely to lead to successful programmes when it is based upon rapid and reliable assessments, starts early and is integrated. This requires the various UN agencies, programmes and funds that are likely to be involved in support- ing national reintegration programmess to carry out planning jointly and cooperatively. Moreover, reintegration planning should be an integral part of all five phases of DDR planning. See Module 3.10, section 5 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Struc- tures and Module 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting for more information."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"8. Programme planning and design","Heading2":"8.1. Reintegration Planning","Heading3":"8.1.1. Participatory, inclusive and transparent planning","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Lack of local ownership or agency on the part of ex-combatants and receptor communities has contributed to failures in past DDR operations. The participation of a broad range of stakeholders in the development of a DDR strategy is therefore essential to its success. Par- ticipatory, inclusive and transparent planning will provide a basis for effective dialogue among national and local authorities, community leaders, and former combatants, helping to define a role for all parties in the decision-making process.A participatory approach will significantly improve the DDR programme by: \\n providing a forum for testing ideas that could improve programme design; \\n enabling the development of strategies that respond to local realities and needs; \\n providing a sense of empowerment or agency; \\n providing a forum for impartial information in the case of disputes or misperceptions about the programme; \\n ensuring local ownership; \\n encouraging DDR and other local processes such as peace-building or recovery to work together and support each other; \\n encouraging communication and negotiation among the main actors to reduce levels of tension and fear and to enhance reconciliation and human security; \\n recognizing and supporting the capacity and voices of youth, women and persons (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR and IDDRS 5.20 on Youth and DDR); \\n recognizing new and evolving roles for women in society, especially in non-tradi- tional areas such as security-related matters (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR); \\n building respect for the rights of marginalized and specific needs groups (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR and 5.30 on Children and DDR); and \\n helping to ensure the sustainability of reintegration by developing community capac- ity to provide services and establishing community monitoring, management and oversight structures and systems."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"8. Programme planning and design","Heading2":"8.1. Reintegration Planning","Heading3":"8.1.2. Ex-combatant engagement","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"DDR programme planners should ensure that participatory planning includes representa- tion of the armed forces\u2019 and groups\u2019 leadership and the (ex-) combatants themselves, both women and men. To facilitate the inclusion of younger and less educated (ex-) combatants and associated groups in planning activities, DDR representatives should seek out cred- ible mid-level commanders to encourage and inform about participation. This outreach will help to ensure that the range of expectations (of leaders, mid-level commanders, and the rank and file) are, where possible, met in the programme design or at least managed from an early stage.DDR planners and managers should exercise caution and carefully analyze pros and cons in supporting the creation of veterans\u2019 associations as a way of ensuring adequate representation and social support to ex-combatants in a DDR process. Although these asso- ciations may be useful in some contexts and function as an early warning and response system for identifying dissatisfaction among ex-combatants, and for confidence-building between discontented groups and the rest of the community, they should not become an impediment to the reintegration of ex-combatants in society by perpetuating violent or militaristic identities."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"8. Programme planning and design","Heading2":"8.1. Reintegration Planning","Heading3":"8.1.3. Community engagement","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Ultimately, it is communities who will or who will not accept ex-combatants, and who will foster their reintegration into civilian life. It is therefore important to ensure that com- munities are at the centre of reintegration planning. Through community engagement, reintegration programmes will be better able to identify opportunities for ex-combatants, cope with transitional justice issues affecting ex-combatants and victims, pinpoint poten- tial stressors, and identify priorities for community recovery projects. However, while it is crucial to involve communities in the design and implementation of reintegration programmes, their capacities and commitment to encourage ex-combatants\u2019 reintegration should be carefully assessed.It is good practice to involve or consult families, traditional and religious leaders, women\u2019s, men\u2019s and youth groups, disabled persons\u2019 organizations and other local asso- ciations when planning the return of ex-combatants. These groups should receive support and training to assist in the process. Community women\u2019s groups should be sensitized to support and protect women and girls returning from armed forces and groups, who may struggle to reintegrate (see Module 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for more informa- tion). Linkages with existing HIV programmes should also be made, and people living with HIV\/AIDS in the community should be consulted and involved in planning for HIV activities from the outset (see Module 5.60 on HIV\/AIDS and DDR for more information). Disabled persons\u2019 organizations can be similarly mobilized to participate in planning and as potential implementing partners.When engaging communities, it should be remembered that youth and women have not always benefited from the services or opportunities created in receptor communities, nor have they automatically had a voice in community-driven approaches. To ensure a holistic approach to community engagement, such realities should be carefully considered and addressed so that the whole community \u2013 including specific needs groups \u2013 can ben- efit from reintegration programming."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"8. Programme planning and design","Heading2":"8.1. Reintegration Planning","Heading3":"8.1.4. Private sector involvement","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Building a close partnership with the private sector is indispensable to creating oppor- tunities to absorb ex-combatants into a labour market. Job referral, training (especially apprenticeship, training voucher, and employment subsidy programmes) and employ- ment creation aspects of reintegration are often reliant on the private sector and existing businesses. Involvement of the private sector in the planning of reintegration programmes maximizes the relevance of reintegration assistance and can ensure that training activities support the skills required within the prevailing employment market.Private sector actors should be sensitized to DDR programme activities and con- sulted from the initial programme design stage so that the reintegration assistance can target actual needs in the labour market. A thorough understanding of the existing pri- vate sector and war economy is also necessary for reintegration planning. The following options can be considered to encourage private sector investment (see ILO Guidelines for the Socio-economic Reintegration of Ex-combatants, pp. 26-27): \\n Create incentives for private companies and employers\u2019 associations to help re-estab- lish small local units (e.g. sub-contracting) to supply services and provide employment. \\n Consider how short-term job creation for ex-combatants can be linked to the private sector. For example, provide private sector actors incentives in primary and second- ary infrastructure contracts, with contractual obligations to take on a fixed number of labourers and apprentices from ex-combatant groups. \\n Upgrade existing enterprises, transfer appropriate technology (especially to the urban informal economy), organize livelihoods and vocational training, and provide access to credit. \\n Stimulate public-private partnerships (PPPs) in areas most suitable to commu- nity reintegration (infrastructure, basic services) that promote social inclusion. \\n\\n Reintegration programmes can seek to facilitate linking the entities to make such partnerships possible."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"8. Programme planning and design","Heading2":"8.1. Reintegration Planning","Heading3":"8.1.5. Urban vs. rural reintegration planning","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"In the programme planning phase, attention must be paid to the inherent differences between urban and rural reintegration. Even though the majority of ex-combatants come from rural areas, experience has shown that they often prefer to be reintegrated in urban settings. This is likely due to a change in lifestyle during time with armed forces and groups, as well as an association of agricultural work with poorer living conditions. Another reason may be that rural reintegration packages are seen as less attractive than urban packages, the latter of which often include vocational training in more appealing professions.A key issue to consider when planning for reintegration is that urban areas generally involve more complex and demand-driven planning than rural areas. Depending on the context and in accordance with national recovery and development policies, it may be necessary to encourage ex-combatants and associated members to return to rural areas through the promotion of agricultural activities. Reintegration programmes should there- fore offer agriculture packages that include high quality farming tools and seeds, as well as financial means (or food) to cover the first pre-harvest period. For ex-combatants with limited or no previous knowledge of farming and\/or with limited access to land, cooper- atives may be favorable.Careful attention should also be paid to the question of land acquisition since pro- gramme participants may have lost their access to land due to conflict. Terms must be negotiated that are profitable to both the landowner\/community and the ex-combatants."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"8. Programme planning and design","Heading2":"8.2. Reintegration design","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"A well-designed DDR programme shall not only enhance basic security but shall also sup- port wider recovery and development efforts. It shall further define strategies to address the following essential elements for progamme success: \\n Reintegration strategy and exit strategy; \\n Eligibility criteria; \\n Public information and sensitization; \\n Information counseling and referral services (ICRS); \\n Monitoring and evaluation (M&E); \\n Capacity development; \\n Resource mobilization."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"8. Programme planning and design","Heading2":"8.2. Reintegration design","Heading3":"8.2.1. Reintegration strategy and exit strategy","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Reintegration programmes are often only able to cover the conflict transition and early recovery periods as the timeframes of externally-supported programmes is limited. Reintegration processes, however, take much longer and become in large part \u2013 if not entirely \u2013 the responsibility of national actors. Due to this timeframe, the reintegration process is inherently linked to long-term recovery and development processes. Many aspects and outcomes of the reintegration programme, therefore, need to be transferred and sustained beyond the lifespan of the DDR operation to support national counterparts in the immense task at hand. To ensure this smooth transition, reintegration programme managers shall clearly define the exit strategy during the planning stage, focusing on the transition between reintegration and broader SSR, violence prevention, wider recovery, peace building and development processes.A capacity development component at the end of the reintegration programme should be planned for from the earliest stage to assure a smooth programme transition and to ensure that the responsibility for reintegration consistently rests with national institutions and government ministries."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"8. Programme planning and design","Heading2":"8.2. Reintegration design","Heading3":"8.2.2. Eligibility criteria","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"The eligibility criteria established for the reintegration programme will not necessarily be the same as the criteria established for the disarmament and demobilization phases. Groups associated with armed forces and groups and dependants may not have been eligible to participate in disarmament or demobilization, for instance, but may qualify to participate in reintegration programme activities. It is therefore important to assess eligi- bility on an individual basis using a screening or verification process.DDR planners should develop transparent, easily understood and unambiguous and verifiable eligibility criteria as early as possible, taking into account a balance between security, equity and vulnerability; available resources and funding; and logistical consid- erations. Establishing criteria will therefore depend largely on the size and nature of the caseload and context-specific elements."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"8. Programme planning and design","Heading2":"8.2. Reintegration design","Heading3":"8.2.3. Public information and sensitization","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"The return of ex-combatants to communities can create real or perceived security prob- lems. The DDR programme should therefore include a strong, long-term public information campaign to keep communities and ex-combatants informed of the reintegration strategy, timetable and resources available. Communication strategies can also integrate broader peace-building messages as part of support for reconciliation processes.Substantial opportunities exist for disseminating public information and sensitiza- tion around DDR programmes through creative use of media (film, radio, television) as well as through using central meeting places (such as market areas) to provide regular programme information and updates. Bringing film messages via portable screens and equipment to rural areas is also an effective way to disseminate messages about DDR and the peace process in general. Lessons learned from previous DDR programmes suggest that radio programmes in which ex-combatants have spoken about their experiences can be a powerful tool for reconciliation (also see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Stra- tegic Communication in Support of DDR).Focus-group interviews with a wide range of people in sample communities can pro- vide DDR programme managers with a sense of the difficulties and issues that should be dealt with before the return of the ex-combatants. Identifying \u2018areas at-risk\u2019 can also help managers and practitioners prioritize areas in which communication strategies should initially be focused.Particular communication strategies should be developed in receiving communities to provide information support services, including \u2018safe spaces\u2019 for reporting security threats related to sexual and gender-based violence (especially for women and girls). Like- wise, focus groups for women and girls who are being reintegrated into communities should assess socio-economic and security needs of those individual who may face stig- matization and exclusion during reintegration."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"8. Programme planning and design","Heading2":"8.2. Reintegration design","Heading3":"8.2.4. Information, counseling and referral services (ICRS)","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Information, counseling and referral services (ICRS) should serve as a repository of information concerning all the programmes, training and assistance available through government, international organizations and local organizations. These services should, where possible, build on strengthening existing national and local capacities to deliver reintegration assistance, for example through the Ministries of Labour, Health, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Youth and Sports, Education and Planning. In coun- tries where government structures and services are weak or non-existent, the reintegration programme may consider temporary structures for targeting ex-combatants, if necessary."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"8. Programme planning and design","Heading2":"8.2. Reintegration design","Heading3":"8.2.5. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E)","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"One of the weaknesses of past DDR programmes has been the lack of clearly defined objectives and measurable indicators, which are needed for the monitoring and evalua- tion (M&E) of the programme. The measurement of outcomes is essential to determining the success and effectiveness of inputs and outputs in the programme. Once the decision to implement a DDR programme has been taken, the government and\/or national and local stakeholders, together with UN agencies and partners, shall develop a framework for results-based monitoring and evaluation. For more details on M&E see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes and the UNDP How-to Guide on Monitor- ing and Evaluation for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Programmes.The starting point for effective, results-based M&E is for all concerned parties to arrive at a clear and unambiguous agreement about the context-specific objectives and expected results of the reintegration programme. Once expected results are clearly defined, all stakeholders must agree on key indicators for monitoring progress towards and measur- ing the achievement of outputs and outcomes.Reintegration outcomes typically refer to employment rates, changes in income, changes in ex-combatant behaviour, successful interactions with other social groups, and improvement in security both at national and local levels. M&E programmes should be sure to include indicators related to the efficient use of livelihoods resources in order to determine if programme approaches need to be adapted mid-way to increase the likeli- hood of success in the long-term.The programme budget required for M&E will largely depend on the following factors: \\n The number of dedicated M&E staff the programme hires and at what level; \\n The number of planned external evaluations; \\n The number and type of surveys and other primary data collection activities; \\n The costs associated with training; \\n The costs of establishing baselines.A very approximate rule of thumb is that around 3-7 percent of dedicated programme resources will be needed for effective and meaningful M&E."},{"ID":44,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"8. Programme planning and design","Heading2":"8.2. Reintegration design","Heading3":"8.2.6. Capacity development","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"Armed conflict often has devastating effects on educational development, employment and business development, health systems, legal institutions, etc. Qualified individuals have often fled, organizations have lost their capacity and resources, and the systems within which institutions function have been disrupted. Often reintegration programmes and development plans have no alternative but to work towards (re-) building the capacity of those individuals who have remained or returned.A primary role of all international assistance, and specifically UN assistance, is to support the development of national and local capacities. This capacity built as part of rein- tegration programmes will encourage ownership, commitment and successful delivery of services, as well as the long-term sustainability of reintegration processes. Reintegration assistance should include a component on developing the capacity of national actors including line ministries, training institutions and service providers through educa- tion and training in institution building, organizational and financial management, and technical and material assistance. Support should also be given to communities to set up local forums and consultative committees that form the basis of decision-making processes that define and shape the focus of local reintegration assistance, and provide community oversight and ownership. It is particularly important to synchronize the tim- ing of ex-combatants\u2019 reintegration with the period necessary to develop the capacity of local governments.Providing training in planning, management and social skills to reintegration service providers constitutes an important contribution, but capacity building must not be lim- ited to training. On-the-job learning and knowledge transfer is effective as well. In many cases it will prove necessary and beneficial for international staff in key positions to work directly with local counterparts in order to ensure transfer of competences in a timely manner. Since this method is not suitable for the long-term, institution-based and cross-in- stitutional assistance programmes can replace the assistance provided by internationals."},{"ID":45,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"8. Programme planning and design","Heading2":"8.2. Reintegration design","Heading3":"8.2.7. Resource mobilization","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"Reintegration programmes\u2019 scope, commencement and timeframe are subject to funding availability, meaning implementation can frequently be delayed due to late or absent dis- bursement of funding. Previous reintegration programmes have faced serious funding problems, as outlined below. However, such examples can be readily used to inform and improve future reintegration initiatives.The move towards integration across the UN could help to solve some of these prob- lems. Resolution A\/C.5\/59\/L.53 of the Fifth Committee of the UN General Assembly formally endorsed the financing of staffing and operational costs for disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion activities), which allows the use of the assessed budget for DDR during peacekeeping activities. The resolution agreed that the demo- bilization process must provide \u201ctransitional assistance to help cover the basic needs of ex-combatants and their families and can include transitional safety allowances, food, clothes, shelter, medical services, short-term education, training, employment and tools.\u201d However, committed funding for reintegration programming remains a key issue.Due to the challenges faced when mobilizing resources and funding, it is essential that DDR funding arrangements remain flexible. As past experience shows, strict alloca- tion of funds for specific DDR components (e.g. reintegration only) or expenditures (e.g. logistics and equipment) reinforces an artificial distinction between the different phases of DDR. Cooperation with projects and programmes or interventions by bilateral donors may work to fill this gap. For more information on funding and resource mobilization see Module 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting.Finally, ensuring the formulation of gender-responsive budgets and better tracking of spending and resource allocation on gender issues in DDR programmes would be an important accountability tool for the UN system internally, as well as for the host country and population."},{"ID":46,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"The end of hostilities does not automatically result in an improvement of economic condi- tions. The war economy may still be in full-force and understanding its effects on labour markets, private security and public sector activities is essential to ensuring successful economic reintegration. Access to those productive assets (such as land, capital, technol- ogy, natural resources and markets) needed for reintegration, for example, may be limited. At the end of a conflict there is often an abrupt release into the labour market of thousands of ex-combatants who compete with ordinary civilians for extremely scarce jobs and live- lihood opportunities. In such circumstances, ex-combatants and vulnerable youth may turn to illicit activities such as organized crime, banditry, illegal exploitation of natural resources and other socially harmful and violent activities. Providing immediate support for the reintegration of ex-combatants is therefore vital to help develop alternatives to vio- lence-based livelihoods and to enhance security.Creating economic opportunities is essential to helping ex-combatants (re-) build their civilian lives and develop alternatives to violence-based livelihoods. Ex-combatants in many contexts have consistently identified an alternative livelihood and the ability to generate income as key factors to their successful reintegration. Many have also indicated that being able to provide for family is particularly important in establishing their sense of identity, the level of respect they receive in communities, and to ensuring a healthy self-esteem.Efforts should be made by reintegration programmes to pave the way for decent and sustainable work. Decent work involves employment opportunities that are productive and deliver a fair income, provide security in the workplace and social protection for workers and their families, offer prospects for personal development and encourage social integra- tion, and give people the freedom to express their concerns, to organize and to participate in decisions that affect their lives. Furthermore, decent work guarantees equal oppor- tunities and equal treatment for all.1 Reintegration programmes should be particularly careful not to lead girls or boys, young women or men, into any forms of hazardous work. In addition, women and girls who choose to self-reintegrate should be offered support mechanisms within their communities, such as vocational training to gain economic live- lihoods and decent work.Support for reintegration should go beyond placing programme participants in survival occupations and trades, although as alluded to earlier it may be necessary to develop interim stabilization programmes during reinsertion, such as labour intensive public works, to buy time and space to establish more sustainable programming. Atten- tion should be paid to the specific needs of the agricultural industry, as this sector is likely to absorb most of those returning to rural areas in the aftermath of conflict. Availability of land, soil conditions, access to water and irrigation infrastructure, availability of seed vari- etals and support for value-added production or processing should be expertly evaluatedProgress towards economic reintegration can typically be monitored using quantitative tools like surveys based on small representative samples. Recovery and sustainable employment creation should be a priority national or regional level effort, and local level reintegration programmes should make all efforts to link to national economic policies."},{"ID":47,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"9.1. United Nations Policy for Post-Conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":31,"Paragraph":"Recognizing that employment creation, income generation and reintegration are particu- larly challenging in post-conflict environments, in May 2008 the UN Secretary-General endorsed the UN Policy for Post-Conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reinte- gration. The objective of the Policy is to scale up and maximize the impact, coherence and efficiency of employment and reintegration support provided to post-conflict countries by UN programmes, funds and specialized agencies.These tracks are: \\n Track A, focused on stabilizing income generation and creating emergency employ- ment and targeting specific conflict-affected individuals, including ex-combatants; \\n Track B, focused on local economic recovery (LER) for employment and reintegration, including in communities ex-combatants and displaced persons chose to return to; and \\n Track C, focused on sustainable employment creation and decent work.The implementation of the three programme tracks should start simultaneously dur- ing peace negotiations, with varying intensity and duration depending on the national\/ local context. This implies that an enabling environment for employment creation needs to be actively promoted by reintegration programmes within the immediate aftermath of conflict. During the implementation of the Policy, specific attention should be given to conflict-affected groups, such as displaced people, returnees and ex-combatants, with particular focus on women and youth who are often marginalized during these processes. This module focuses on interventions that fall primarily under Track B programmes, whereas most reinsertion activities fall under Track A programmes. Track B is the most critical for reintegration as its success is dependent on the adoption of employment crea- tion and income generation strategies, mainly through local economic recovery. See ILO Guidelines on Local Economic Recovery in Post-Conflict (2010). This approach will allow the economy to absorb the numerous new entrants in the labour market and build the foun- dations for creating decent work."},{"ID":48,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"9.2. Economic reintegration opportunity and mapping surveys","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":32,"Paragraph":"Early assessment of the opportunities and services open to ex-combatants is vital in the design and planning of a reintegration programme. It should be emphasized that analyses of the labour market need to be regularly updated during the implementation of the rein- tegration programme to ensure relevant responses.Economic reintegration opportunity and mapping surveys should include analy- sis of culturally appropriate professions and\/or trades for men and women of varying age groups, abilities, capacities and literacy levels, recognizing how conflict may have changed cultural norms about gender-appropriate work.However, analyses should not just assess what is culturally appropriate for men and women, but also what women and men want to do. At times, such information may contradict what is or was thought to be culturally appropriate. Acting carefully, reintegration assis- tance should aim to avoid reinforcing traditional gender stereotypes which may only permit women to work in lower paying professional activities. National capacity (such as the Min- istry of Employment or Labour), should be strengthened to perform this task at the national and provincial level, while providers of vocational training and employment services should be equipped to complement these efforts with regular assessments at the local level.Mapping surveys should seek to include detailed information concerning the avail- ability of livelihoods resources and desires by beneficiaries to more efficiently transform these resources into productive assets. A realistic assessment of existing employment opportunities and opportunities that could be supported quickly in the short term by either the public or private sector should also be included."},{"ID":49,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"9.3. Employability of ex-combatants","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":33,"Paragraph":"Armed conflict interrupts skills development for many wage-earning and self-employ- ment activities and disrupts the typical institutions and social mechanisms through which people develop social skills. As a result, the immediate post-conflict period may be characterized by a skills and education crisis.Many ex-combatants have missed opportunities for basic and further education, and as a result are disadvantaged in the competition for jobs and other opportunities. Provision of adult literacy classes, adult education, and technical and vocational train- ing is important both to improve the skill sets of adult and young ex-combatants and to provide opportunities for reorientation and demilitarization. While functional literacy programmes may help ex-combatants find employment, utilizing educational training techniques, which are tailored for illiterate beneficiaries, may also be highly effective in teaching marketable skills.As far as possible, education and training for ex-combatants and those associated with armed forces and groups should be supplied as part of the wider provision of edu- cational services to the general population, and not in schools or colleges exclusively for them. Such inclusiveness will play an important facilitative role in the social reintegration of ex-combatants.Reintegration experts should also take into account the multiple skill sets and liveli- hoods possibilities that one individual may have so that training and livelihoods support can reflect the cross-sector realities of individuals\u2019 skills and training. This is especially true in contexts where there appears to be little or no capacity for employable skills; each individual will have some type of skill that she or he is capable of, and the DDR reintegra- tion programme should be designed to capitalize on this in the best way possible."},{"ID":50,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"9.3. Employability of ex-combatants","Heading3":"9.3.1. Life skills","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":34,"Paragraph":"Reintegration programme managers should regard the provision of life skills as a neces- sity, not a luxury, in reintegration programmes. Life skills include non-violent ways of resolving conflict at the workplace and in civilian life. Life skills also allow individuals to learn socially-acceptable behaviours to use in their personal and professional lives.This type of training requires an understanding of ever-shifting cultural and gen- der identities and roles and should complement the various other forms of educational and\/or training services provided. Youth can benefit from acquisition of basic skills for managing a family and other domestic responsibilities. Economic, labour, education and political rights and responsibilities shall be communicated to ex-combatants, especially in countries undergoing major governance reform where it is essential to encourage the participation of ex-combatants in democratic structures and processes."},{"ID":51,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"9.3. Employability of ex-combatants","Heading3":"9.3.2. Vocational training","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":34,"Paragraph":"Ex-combatants often need to learn new skills in order to make a living in the civilian economy. Vocational education (formal school-based or informal apprenticeship) plays a vital role in successful reintegration, by increasing the chances of ex-combatants chances to effectively join the labour market. Training can also help break down military attitudes and behaviour, and develop values and norms based on peace and democracy. Vocational training activities should be based upon the outcomes of the opportunity mapping assess- ments and the profiles of the (ex-) combatants.Skills training does not by itself create employment. However, when it matches the real requirements of the labour market, it may enhance a person\u2019s employability and chances of finding a wage-paying job or of becoming self-employed. Training is therefore a natural component of any effective strategy for tackling poverty and social exclusion, as well as for empowering conflict-affected people to fend for themselves, to contribute to the reconstruction of their countries, and to be able to overcome some of the inequalities they suffered before the conflict and to enhance their human security.Typically, training has received inadequate attention in post-conflict contexts. Inertia and resistance often prove to be among the greatest challenges in relation to changing training systems. The focus on employability and more flexible training approaches in post-crisis contexts, however, constitutes an opportunity to revisit the relevance and the efficiency of the training supply systems in close relation to the real market demands. Providing training at later stages of reintegration is also advisable, since beneficiaries will have some experience after returning to their communities and may have a clearer idea of the types of training that they would most benefit from.Additionally, provisions for gender equity, to ensure that all participants can equally access the programme should be considered, including child care for female participants, their other duties (such as household activities which may prevent them from partici- pating at certain times of the day), as well as considerations for transportation. Training locations should be in close proximity to women\u2019s homes so it is more likely they can attend. Training activities can also include other essential components, such as reproduc- tive health and HIV information and care."},{"ID":52,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"9.3. Employability of ex-combatants","Heading3":"9.3.3. Education and scholarships","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":35,"Paragraph":"Young ex-combatants, especially those aged under 15, should be reintegrated into formal education, which may mean extra support for teachers and trainers to manage the special needs of such learners. Some ex-combatants can be offered scholarships to finish their studies. Youth (see IDDRS 5.20 on Youth) should have priority in these cases, and particu- lar attention must be paid to assisting girls to return to school, requiring making available child care facilities for children in their care as well as evening courses.In some countries where the conflict was particularly protracted and ex-combatants have received little or no schooling, emphasis should be placed on \u2018catch-up\u2019 education to ensure that this group does not remain in a disadvantaged position, in relation to their peers. If allowances or school fees are to be funded by the reintegration programme, programme managers should ensure that resources are available for the full duration of ex-combatants\u2019 catch-up or accelerated education, which could be longer than the reinte- gration programme. If resources are not available, there should be a clearly communicated plan for phasing out support.It is clear that the funding available from a DDR programme will not cover all edu- cation costs of the programme participants who wish to continue their studies. This must be acknowledged and expectations managed during counseling for reintegration, so that ex-combatants are able to plan for some way to pay for the rest of their studies. It should also be acknowledged during counseling that in post-conflict economies education does not guarantee employment."},{"ID":53,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"9.3. Employability of ex-combatants","Heading3":"9.3.4. Apprenticeships and on-the-job training","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":35,"Paragraph":"Apprenticeships and other forms of on-the-job training can be particularly effective as they are likely to result in more sustainable employment and fill the large gap in the avail- ability of training providers.Apprenticeships are a form of on-the-job training where employers agree by contract to train individuals (apprentices) in a particular trade for a fixed period of time. A reinte- gration programme can subsidize such learning and training opportunities by paying the trainees an allowance and\/or subsidizing the employers directly with equivalent wage support to take on apprentices for a fixed period. These interventions can also be an excel- lent means of social reintegration and reconciliation, as they place ex-combatants into an already existing socio-economic network consisting of non-ex-combatants through the mentor\/trainer. Apprenticeships are also a particularly effective form of training for youth employability as they impart technical and business skills and induct young people into a business culture and network of clients.In order to protect existing incentives for master craftspeople and apprentices to par- ticipate, apprenticeships should be carried out according to local traditions and norms regarding access, cost-sharing arrangements, duration and conditions for graduation, when appropriate. Skill certification mechanisms should be established to provide legiti- macy to those with existing skills as well as those acquiring new skills. Such certification is useful for potential future employers and consumers as a form of verification and con- fidence for employment.For trades with no apprenticeship system in place, other forms of on-the-job-training should be considered to support socio-economic reintegration. In addition, since fund- ing is often not sufficient within a reintegration programme to cover all training during apprenticeships, linkages to microfinance programmes should be established in an effort to address this gap."},{"ID":54,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"9.3. Employability of ex-combatants","Heading3":"9.3.5. Micro and small business training and start-ups","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":36,"Paragraph":"Since most programme participants will need to rely on the informal economy for employ- ment, a strong focus on self-employment through business training support will offer those with entrepreneurial drive an effective means to succeed independently. While the recovery and expansion of the private sector should be encouraged, it is often necessary to focus on creating new micro enterprises for most ex-combatants.Vocational training needs to be accompanied by the provision of access to micro- finance and start-up grants or tools to facilitate micro business and self-employment activities. If such institutions and mechanisms are already locally available, the reinte- gration programme should establish partnerships with them to ensure accessibility for programme participants. Consistent follow up of such programmes is extremely impor- tant, as many reintegration programme participants may be attempting self-employment for the first time and will need significant coaching and mentoring.The success of microfinance projects involves a significant amount of business skills training, for which provisions must be made for participants to attend (i.e. subsidies for food, transportation, childcare etc). Such assistance should culminate in a business plan. In situations of low literacy or illiteracy, a programme must begin with literacy training or must develop low literacy tools such as pictograms for accounting, stock management, market analysis, how to access micro-credit and other business functions. One of the most important parts of any micro-finance programme is the social benefit. Often the business skills and training are complemented by social education on a range of context-appropri- ate topics including reproductive health, HIV, peace building, conflict resolution, gender equality, and general sessions that work to build self-esteem and self-confidence.Reintegration programmes should also ensure that many different kinds of small businesses are started to avoid distorting the balance of supply and demand in local markets. In addition, these businesses should be based on market surveys that iden- tify businesses and services needed in a particular area. It is also important to ensure that the same businesses do not get support from multiple organizations. Finally, value chain analysis focusing on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in high demand niche market commodities, and linkage arrangements between micro enterprises as suppliers to medium and larger scale firms, should be sought out, thus helping to guarantee sustaina- bility for SMEs in an otherwise difficult post-conflict market environment."},{"ID":55,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"9.4. Income generating opportunities","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":37,"Paragraph":"A national enabling environment for job creation and decent work is essential as con- sensus-building and policy development take time. Enabling policies and programmes therefore need to be initiated early and supported by DDR planners. The ILO Guidelines for the Socio-Economic Reintegration of Ex-Combatants identify the following key factors for creating such an environment at the policy level:3 \\n Strongly considering policy choices that ensure that infrastructure production and maintenance rely on local labour, local technical capacity and local materials to the greatest extent possible. \\n Supporting national policies for labour-intensive work that are especially suitable for employing large numbers of ex-combatants. \\n Reviewing and supporting national policies and legislation to create an enabling environment for private sector and small and medium enterprise (SME) development in rural and urban areas. This should include incentives for local companies to hire high-risk groups, often linked to reconstruction and rehabilitation. It should also consider the role of the private sector in supporting conflict-sensitive business devel- opment and in aiding in the transition from a war to peace economy. \\n Recognizing potential limitations within the post-conflict context when supporting particular national policies. \\n Identifying priority economic sectors with potential of rapid expansion and job creation.International assistance should be aligned with national priorities in building capac- ities to support and\/or implement these policies. Early support and capacity-building within the NCDDR and line ministries relevant to reintegration should be aligned with an element of wider reintegration assistance and long-term recovery and development."},{"ID":56,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"9.4. Income generating opportunities","Heading3":"9.4.1. Private sector employment","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":38,"Paragraph":"Reintegration programmes should ideally aim to place qualified ex-combatants in existing businesses. Nonetheless, this is often difficult since business owners may not be willing (i.e. due to negative perceptions of ex-combatants) or able (i.e. du to stark economic real- ities) to employ them. Reintegration programmes should therefore help to increase the opportunities available to ex-combatants by offering wage, training and equipment subsi- dies. These subsidies, however, should have the following conditions: \\n Wage subsidies should be partial and last for a fixed period of time; \\n In-kind donations of equipment or training to allow for the expansion of existing businesses should be explored in exchange for the employment of reintegration pro- gramme beneficiaries; \\n Newly hired ex-combatants should not take the jobs of workers who are already employed; \\n Employers should use the subsidies to expand their businesses and to provide long- term employment for ex-combatants.Providing business development services (BDS) can help overcome the difficulties faced by ex-combatants, such as lack of education, inadequate technical skills, poor access to markets and lack of information. In many post-conflict societies, government agen- cies lack the capacity to support and deliver services to micro- and small enterprises. Various actors, including businesses, local NGOs with experience in economic projects, governmental institutions and community groups should therefore be encouraged and supported to provide BDS.Governments should also be supported in the creation of a legal framework to ensure that labour rights are respected and that demobilized or other vulnerable groups are not exploited within the private sector. Concessions and contracts created between the private sector and the national, regional or local government must be transparent and conducted in such a way that affected communities are able to make their voices heard. In the case of extraction of natural resources upon which livelihoods and recovery depends, it is espe- cially important to be sure that the terms of the contracts are fair to the communities and local peoples, and that the contracts of private companies address human security. When it comes to job placement, DDR practitioners should also support affirmative action for disadvantaged groups where applicable. See section 8.1.4. on private sector involvement for more information."},{"ID":57,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"9.4. Income generating opportunities","Heading3":"9.4.2. Micro-grants and access to credit","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":38,"Paragraph":"If the main way of funding the creation of micro enterprises is decided to be micro- grants, they should be provided to the ex-combatants only after they have drawn up a clear start-up business plan and should be paid in installments with diligent follow-up. As part of information and counseling services, reintegration programmes should ensure that relevant service providers are in place to advise ex-combatants on financial manage- ment. Installments should, when possible, be given in kind (equipment, supplies, training, etc.), avoiding large cash payments, which are difficult to monitor effectively. Training and technical assistance services are also essential to the success of start-ups, together with direct, on-the-ground supervision and monitoring by the reintegration programmeGrant schemes have often been used in reintegration programmes. However, where possible, it is important that reintegration programmes gradually shift aim from small grants to credit access. This shift is needed so as not to create dependencies on grant schemes and to support entrepreneurship. Involving female family members \u2013 such as wives of ex-combatants \u2013 in economic activities and access to credit may further help cre- ate successful outcomes."},{"ID":58,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"9.4. Income generating opportunities","Heading3":"9.4.3. Access to technology, information and capital","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":39,"Paragraph":"Technology and information which can lead to better information concerning agricultural growing techniques, commodities markets, and fluctuations in food prices is essential to sustainable reintegration programmes which incorporate agricultural livelihoods and agriculturally-derived livelihoods. DDR experts must address issues of access to such assets in the reintegration phase through coordination with relevant national ministries, government counterparts, rule of law and early recovery partners, and in line with appro- priate cultural norms.Access to technology and information can be further promoted through the use of low tech and appropriate means, such as cellular phones, SMS market information ser- vices, radios, personal digital assistants (PDAs), internet kiosks, and any other means of transmitting information about commodity market changes, changes in the supply or demand for goods, shifting weather patterns, or other potential impacts. Where access is not possible through the DDR programme, DDR experts should make every effort to link with NGOs, other UN agencies, or private sector actors who can support such access to technology and information.Access to technology, information and capital is also essential to build value chains for products derived from the agricultural or other rural livelihood sectors, to diversify such sectors and to ensure the sustainability of the activities in question in terms of use of natural and other resources. Capital used to provide essential equipment to scale-up processing, manufacturing and marketing of goods derived from agricultural products or other natural resources should be sought through networks and other implementing partners working with the DDR programme and in the early recovery context. This capital should be supplied along with proper training programmes and business education skills. It should not be given in the form of cash payments.DDR programmes should seek to address the access of women, youth, disabled, indig- enous and other marginalized groups to technology, information and capital through coordination with national and local government and rule of law programmes."},{"ID":59,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"9.4. Income generating opportunities","Heading3":"9.4.4. Land tenure and access to land","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":39,"Paragraph":"Many comprehensive peace agreements (CPAs) do not contain specific provisions to resolve land ownership issues and disputes. However, property rights, land tenure and access to land are all extremely important to economic reintegration in both rural and urban contexts. Land distribution, for example, can inform DDR practitioners of potential tensions and grievances that may (re-) emerge and lead to further disputes or conflict.While DDR programmes cannot produce land reform mechanisms, they can incorpo- rate awareness of the linkages between land and livelihoods into reintegration planning and implementation. Land becomes an asset when it is coupled with access to agricultural tools and inputs, technology, and information regarding markets and services. Access to land and security of land tenure are also essential to the development of land as an asset.Access to land cannot be granted and legitimized without capacity for land manage- ment at the local and national government levels, which involve land policies, laws and land administrations. Most DDR contexts are likely to be faced with a myriad of land ten- ure systems and legal procedures involving traditional, indigenous, religious, colonial or other legacies. Support for legal aid services to aid those undergoing land disputes should be coordinated with relevant international and national actors to compliment reintegra- tion programmes. Special attention should be paid to access to land by women, widows, child-headed households, disabled individuals and other groups with specific needs. For more information on housing, land and property dispute mechanisms see section 10.6.The roles of women and their relationship to land and property should be addressed by the DDR programme through community-based reintegration whenever possible. In many cases, women suffer the most discrimination when it comes to access to land. DDR programmes should aim to support women\u2019s access to land and tenure security to promote gender equality and women\u2019s civil and human rights, but also because their productivity in the agricultural sector is extremely important for increased food security and overall GDP growth, as shown in several studies conducted in post-conflict settings. While it is important to encourage land management and tenure policies that are consistent with cultural norms, the reform of such administrative sectors also provides an opportunity to pave the way for women\u2019s rights in terms of property and land tenure.DDR programmes should seek to make land as profitable an asset as possible, by providing incentives for the sustainable use of natural resources, helping to develop the capacity for land and property rights through local and national institutions. These efforts can be augmented by linking up with early recovery and rule of law institutions wherever possible as well. In addition, land tenure security to protect those who are invested in land and who depend on it for livelihoods, such as in agricultural sectors, should be addressed through other partners at the national and international level."},{"ID":60,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":40,"Paragraph":"Former combatants face a number of personal challenges during reintegration, including separation from social support networks inherent within armed groups and a subsequent sense of isolation, stigma, and rejection by communities of return and challenges related to renegotiating their societal and gender roles within the public and private spheres. Other challenges faced by ex-combatants include difficulty obtaining employment, psy- chosocial issues, including trauma-spectrum disorders, and physical health issues, such as living with a disability. These challenges may leave former combatants in particularly vulnerable social and\/or mental health situations and at risk for developing \u201canti-so- cial\u201d behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse or engaging in violence against others or themselves.Acceptance of ex-combatants within communities of return, and wider society, is a key indicator of successful reintegration. An ex-combatant who has economic oppor- tunities but who is socially isolated or excluded cannot be considered as successfully reintegrated. Experience has shown that social reintegration is not only as equally impor- tant as economic reintegration, but that it can also be a pre-condition and a catalyst for employment and economic security. Progress towards and the success of social reinte- gration can often be tracked through qualitative tools like focus groups or key informant interviews with communities."},{"ID":61,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.1. Socialization to violence of combatants","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":41,"Paragraph":"Many ex-combatants have been trained and socialized to use violence, and have inter- nalized norms that condone violence. Socialization to violence is often the result of an ex-combatant\u2019s exposure to and involvement in violence while with armed forces or groups who may have encouraged, taught, promoted, and\/or condoned the use of vio- lence (such as rape, torture or killing) as a mechanism to achieve group objectives. As a result of time spent with armed forces and groups, ex-combatants may associate weapons and\/or violence in general with power and see these things as central to their identities as men or women and to fulfilling their personal needs.Systematic data on patterns of violence among ex-combatants is still fragmentary, but evidence from many post-conflict contexts suggests that ex-combatants who have been socialized to use violence often continue these patterns into the peacebuilding period. Violence is carried from the battlefield to the home and the community, where it can take on new forms and expressions. While the majority of ex-combatants are male, and vio- lence among male ex-combatants is more visible, female ex-combatants also appear to be more vulnerable to violent behaviour than civilian women in the general population. Without breaking down these norms, learning alternative behaviors, and coming to terms with the violent acts that they have experienced or committed, ex-combatants can find it difficult to reintegrate into civilian life.In economically challenging and socially complex post-conflict environments, male ex-combatants in particular may find it difficult to fulfill traditional gender and cultural roles associated with masculinity. Many may return home to discover that in their absence women have taken on traditional male responsibilities such as the role of \u2018breadwinner\u2019 or \u2018protector\u2019, challenging men\u2019s place in both the home and community and leading lead- ing to frustration, feelings of helplessness, etc. Equally, the return of men to communities may challenge these new roles, freedoms and authority experienced by women, causing further social disquiet.Ex-combatants\u2019 inability to deal with feelings of frustration, anger or sadness can result in self-directed violence (suicide, drug and alcohol abuse as coping mechanisms), interpersonal violence (GBV, intimate partner violence, child abuse, rape and murder) and group violence against the community (burglary, rape, harassment, beatings and murder), all forms of violence which are found to be common in some post-conflict environments. Integrated approaches work best for facilitating comprehensive change. In order to effectively address socialization to violence, reintegration assistance should target family and community members as well as ex-combatants themselves to address social and psy- chosocial needs and perceptions of these needs holistically. For more information on the concept of \u2018socialization to violence\u2019 see UNDP\u2019s report entitled, Blame It on the War? The Gender Dimensions of Violence in Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (2012)."},{"ID":62,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.2. Reconciliation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":41,"Paragraph":"Reconciliation among all groups is perhaps the most fragile and significant process within a national peace-building strategy, and may include many parallel processes, such as transitional justice measures (i.e. reparations and truth commissions) (see Module 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice for more information).A key component of the reintegration is the process of reconciliation. Reconciliation should take place within war-affected communities if long-term security is to be firmly established. Ex-combatants, associated groups and their dependants are one of several groups, including refugees and the internally displaced, who are returning and reinte- grating into post-conflict communities. These groups, and the community itself, have each had different experiences of the conflict and may require different strategies and assis- tance to rebuild their lives and social networks.Reconciliation between ex-combatants and receiving communities is the backbone of the reintegration process. Any reconciliation initiative needs to make sure that the dignity and safety of victims, especially survivors of sexual and gender-based vio- lence, is respected. Furthermore, it must be remembered that conceptions of transitional justice and reconciliation differ in each context. DDR practitioners should therefore explore and consider cultural traditions and indigenous practices that may be effectively used to begin reconciliation processes. Ceremonies that involve a public confrontation between victim and perpetrator should be avoided as they can lead to further trauma and stigmatization.In addition to focused \u2018reconciliation activities\u2019, reintegration programmes should aim to mainstream and encourage reconciliation in all components of reintegration. To achieve this, DDR programmes should benefit the community as a whole and should offer specifically-designed assistance to other war-affected groups (see section 6.2. on commu- nity-based reintegration).Working together in mixed groups of returning combatants, IDPs, refugees, and com- munity members, especially on economically productive activities such as agricultural cooperatives, group micro credit schemes, and labour-intensive community infrastruc- ture rehabilitation, can reduce negative stereotypes and build trust. DDR programmes should also identify \u2013 together with other reintegration and recovery programmes \u2013 ways of supporting reconciliation, peacebuilding and reparation initiatives and mechanisms."},{"ID":63,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.3. Strengthening social capital and social acceptance","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":42,"Paragraph":"Successful reintegration of ex-combatants is a complex process that depends on a myriad of factors, including satisfying the complex expectations of receiving communities. It is the interplay of a community\u2019s physical and social capital and an ex-combatant\u2019s financial and human capital that determines the ease and success of reintegration.The acceptance of ex-combatants by community members is essential, but relations between ex-combatants and other community members are usually anything but \u2018nor- mal\u2019 at the end of a conflict. Ex-combatants often reintegrate into extremely difficult social environments where they might be seen as additional burdens to communities rather than assets. In some cases, communities may have perceptions that returning combat- ants are HIV positive, regardless of actual HIV status, resulting in discrimination against and stigmatization of returnees and inhibiting effective reintegration. The success of any DDR programme and the effective reintegration of former combatants therefore depend on the extent to which ex-combatants can become (and be perceived as) positive agents for change in receptor communities.The importance of providing civilian life skills training to ex-combatants will prove vital to strengthening their social capital and jumpstarting their integration into com- munities. Ex-combatants who have been socialized to use violence may face difficulties when trying to negotiate everyday situations in the public and private spheres. Those who have been out of their communities for an extended period of time, and who may have committed extreme acts of violence, might feel disconnected from the human compo- nents of home and community life. Reintegration programme managers should therefore regard the provision of civilian life skills as a necessity, not a luxury. Life skills include understanding gender identities and roles, non-violent ways of resolving conflict, and non-violent civilian and social behaviours (such as good parenting skills). See section 9.4.1. for more information on life skills.Public information and sentitization campaigns can also be an extremely effective mech- anism for facilitating social reintegration, including utilizing media to address issues such as returnees, their dependants, stigma, peacebuilding, reconciliation\/co-habitation, and socialization to violence. Reintegration programme planners should carry out public information and sensitization campaigns to ensure a broad understanding among stake- holders that DDR is not about rewarding ex-combatants, but rather about turning them into valuable assets to rebuild their communities and ensure that security and peace pre- vail. In order to combat discrimination against returning combatants due to perceived HIV status, HIV\/AIDS initiatives need to start in receiving communities before demobilization and continue during the reintegration process. The same applies for female ex-combatants and women and girls associated with armed forces and groups who in many cases expe- rienced sexual and gender-based violence, and risk stigmatization and social exclusion. See Module 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR for more information."},{"ID":64,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.4. Social support networks","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":43,"Paragraph":"Social support networks are key to ex-combatants\u2019 adjustment to a normal civilian life. In addition to family members, having persons to turn to who share one\u2019s background and experiences in times of need and uncertainty is a common feature of many successful adjustment programmes, ranging from Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to widows support groups. Socially-constructive support networks, such as peer groups in addition to groups formed during vocational and life skills training, should therefore be encouraged and supported with information, training and guidance, where possible and appropriate.As previously stated, DDR practitioners should keep in mind that the creation of vet- erans\u2019 associations should be carefully assessed and these groups supported only if they positively support the DDR process."},{"ID":65,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.4. Social support networks","Heading3":"10.4.1. Nuclear and extended families","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":43,"Paragraph":"Although various forms of family structures exist in different cultural, political and social systems, reference is commonly made to two types of family: the nuclear family and the extended family. Nuclear families comprise the ex-combatant, his\/her spouse, companion or permanent companion, dependent children and\/or parents and siblings in those cases where the previously mentioned family members do not exist. Extended family includes a 4.60 social unit that contains the nuclear family together with blood relatives, often spanning three or more generations.Family members often need to be assisted to play the supporting, educating and nur- turing roles that will aid ex-combatants in their transitions from military to civilian life and in their reintegration into families and communities. This is especially important for elderly, chronically-ill, and ex-combatants with disabilities. Family members will need to understand the experiences that ex-combatants have gone through, such as socialization to violence and the use of drugs and other substances, in order to help them to overcome trauma and\/or inappropriate habits acquired during the time they spent with armed forces and groups. In order to encourage their peaceful transition into civilian life, family members will also need to be particularly attentive to help prevent feelings of isolation, alienation and stigmatization.DDR planners should recognize the vital importance of family reunification and pro- mote its integration into DDR programmes and strategies to ensure protection of the unity of the family, where reunification proves appropriate. Depending on the context, nuclear and\/or extended families should be assisted to play a positive supporting role in the social reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups.DDR programmes should also create opportunities for family members of nuclear and\/or extended families to understand and meet their social responsibilities related to the return of ex-combatant relatives. Nuclear and\/or extended family members also need to understand the challenges involved in welcoming back ex-combatants and the need to deal with such return in a way that will allow for mutual respect, tolerance and coopera- tion within the family and within communities."},{"ID":66,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.4. Social support networks","Heading3":"10.4.2. Youth engagement","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":44,"Paragraph":"Involving youth in any approach addressing socialization to violence and social reinte- gration is critical to programme success. Oftentimes, youth who were raised in the midst of conflict have become socialized to see violence and weapons as a means to gaining power, prestige and respect (see Module 5.20 on Youth and DDR and Module 5.30 on Children and DDR). If youth interventions are not designed and implemented during the post-conflict stage, DDR programmes risk neglecting a new generation of citizens raised and socialized to take part in a culture of violence.Youth also often tend to be far more vulnerable than adults to political manipulation and (re-) recruitment into armed forces and groups, as well as gangs in the post-conflict environment. Youth who participated in conflict often face considerable struggles to rein- tegrate into communities where they are frequently marginalized, offered few economic opportunities, or taken for mere children despite their wartime experiences. Civic engage- ment of youth has been shown to contribute to the social reintegration of at-risk youth and young ex-combatants."},{"ID":67,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.4. Social support networks","Heading3":"10.4.3. Men\u2019s and women\u2019s groups","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":44,"Paragraph":"Informal or formal men\u2019s and women\u2019s groups can provide a forum for women and men to discuss social expectations of women, men, violence, and health issues. It can be an extremely effective way to harness their interest and capacities to become agents of change in their community by disseminating information and educating the public.Many times, due to social constraints, men do not have forums to discuss such issues, either because there are social barriers or because there has never been a space or guided assistance in starting one. Support to such activities through reintegration assistance, should allow for a mix of ex-combatants and civilians. Oftentimes women\u2019s and men\u2019s groups are started informally around points of interest for men, such as recreational\/ sports associations, cooperatives, coffee houses, or water points, or for women such as beauty salons, water points, schools, in the community. Many times they evolve to be more formal groups, which provide a forum for civic education as well as discussion on issues affecting personal lives, the community and the family. Continued assessments of the effects of reintegration assistance and communities of return may identify such groupings forming, and may provide support."},{"ID":68,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.5. Housing, land and property dispute mechanisms","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":45,"Paragraph":"The lack of available land for resettlement has been a major obstacle to successful rein- tegration in several countries, particularly those with high demographic pressure. Land is of critical concern in all components of reintegration ranging from the political to the social and economic spheres (for more information see section 9.5.4. of this module). It is also very closely associated with the definition of one\u2019s identity, and can represent a diffi- cult issue for DDR programme participants in both rural and urban settings. The return of refugees and IDPs along with ex-combatants and associated groups is likely to heighten tensions over land, thereby calling for the need to address these issues early on.Disputes over land and access to natural resources are among the root causes of many conflicts and can prove instrumental in the deterioration of the security situation (see Module 6.30 on DDR and Natural Resource Management). DDR programme planners must take these underlying tensions into account when planning the return, resettlement and reintegration of ex-combatants, as they are often competing with other returnees for access to land. Conducting an early conflict analysis which includes information on his- torical and available dispute mechanisms will assist reintegration planners in identifying the impact, availability and effectiveness of land and property dispute mechanisms. These assessments will also allow DDR programmes to respond to these issues with support to wider initiatives addressing land and access to natural resources and to avoid doing more harm through their interventions.DDR reintegration programmes should seek to support the mediation of housing and land disputes at the local level whenever possible, through support to legal aid groups or other appropriate service providers. Such mechanisms can transform potential conflict scenarios into reconciliation opportunities (e.g. through involving both ex-combatants and community members in finding solutions through mediation and arbitration that are acceptable to all and in line with cultural norms, where appropriate). Women, youth, children and disabled ex-combatants are among the most vulnerable groups with regard to land exclusion and disfranchisement. This not only has direct con- sequences on their livelihoods but also on their social standing within their communities. DDR planners and managers must keep in mind that in rural areas, traditional laws are likely to be those most abided by the population. In these systems, women may not tradi- tionally have access to property rights, but rather to user rights through their husbands and families. Should they find themselves widowed, separated or single for any reason, their livelihoods may be threatened unless recourse to traditional\/local authorities is made on their behalf (see also IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR)."},{"ID":69,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.6. Psychosocial services","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":46,"Paragraph":"The widespread presence of psychosocial problems among ex-combatants and those associated with armed forces and groups has only recently been recognized as a serious obstacle to successful reintegration. Research has begun to reveal that reconciliation and peacebuilding is impeded if a critical mass of individuals (including both ex-combatants and civilians) is affected by psychological concerns.Ex-combatants and those associated with armed forces and groups have often been exposed to extreme and repeated traumatic events and stress, especially long-term recruits and children formerly associated with armed forces and groups. Such exposure can have a severe negative impact on the mental health of ex-combatants and is directly related to the development of psychopathology and bodily illness. This can lead to emotional-, social-, occupational- and\/or educational-impairment of functioning on several levels.At the individual level, repeated exposure to traumatic events can lead to post-trau- matic stress disorder (PTSD), alcohol and substance abuse, as well as depression (including suicidal tendencies). At the interpersonal level, affected ex-combatants may struggle in their personal relationships, as well as face difficulties adjusting to changes in societal roles and concepts of identity. Persons affected by trauma-spectrum disorders also dis- play an increased vulnerability to contract infectious diseases and have a heightened risk to develop chronic diseases. In studies, individuals suffering from trauma-related symp- toms have shown greater tendencies towards aggression, hostility and acting out against both self and others \u2013 a significant impediment to efforts at reconciliation and peace.Severely psychologically-affected ex-combatants and other vulnerable groups should be identified as early as possible through screening tools within the DDR pro- gramme and referred to psychological services. If these ex-combatants do not receive adequate psychosocial care, they face an extraordinarily high risk of failing in their reintegration. Unfortunately, insufficient availability, adequacy and access to mental health services and social support for ex-combatants, and other vulnerable groups in post-war communities, continues to prove a huge problem during DDR. Given the great risks posed by psychologically-affected participants, reintegration programmes should seek to prioritize psychological and physical health rehabilitation as a key measure to successful reintegration."},{"ID":70,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.5. Housing, land and property dispute mechanisms","Heading3":"10.6. Psychosocial services","Heading4":"10.6.1. Screening for mental health","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":46,"Paragraph":"At a minimum, the psychosocial component of DDR programmes should offer an initial screening of ex-combatants as well as regular basic counseling where needed. A screen- ing procedure can be carried out by trained local staff to identify ex-combatants who are in need of special assistance. Early screening will not only aid psychologically-affected ex-combatants, but it will makes it possible to establish which participants are unlikely to benefit from more standard reintegration options. Providing more specialized options for this group will save valuable resources, and even more importantly, it will spare par- ticipants from the frustrating experience of not being able to fully engage in trainings or make use of economic support in the way healthier participants might.Following the screening process, ex-combatants who show clear signs of mental ill- health should, at a minimum, receive continuous basic counseling. This counseling must take place on a regular basis and allow for continuous contact with the affected ex-com- batants. As with screening, this basic counseling can be carried out by locally-trained DDR programme staff, and\/or trained community professionals such as social workers, teachers or nurses.DDR programmes will likely encounter a number of ex-combatants suffering from full-blown trauma-spectrum disorders. These disorders cannot be treated through basic counseling and should be referred to psychological experts. In field settings, using narra- tive exposure therapy may be an option."},{"ID":71,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.5. Housing, land and property dispute mechanisms","Heading3":"10.6. Psychosocial services","Heading4":"10.6.2. Community-based stepped-care system","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":47,"Paragraph":"To adequately assess the existing capacities of local\/regional support systems, an inven- tory and analysis of existing gaps is a first priority. Such an inventory should help to identify the existing local means used to address social and psychosocial issues, poten- tial partners, and the need to create or strengthen a network of practitioners. Next, the capacity of the existing social\/psychosocial support structures as well as new ones (where needed), can be built to provide adequate services. A standard team consisting of trauma counselors (locally trained lay practitioners), may serve as a first-level of service providers in terms of trauma-related counseling as well as treatment of psycho-somatic condi- tions. They could also serve as mediators in cases of social adversity (e.g. family violence, extreme poverty, abuse and neglect of children). For the set-up of the treatment it has to be ensured that it is culturally acceptable (i.e. cultural acceptable gender and age match of trauma counselor and client).Sensitization and public awareness programmes on mental health and related psycho-social issues should also be developed and informed by the work of the commu- nity-based local staff. The focus of such programms should be sensitizing the community to the symptoms experienced by those who suffer from mental illness and impairment of associated functioning. This will involve strong efforts to de-stigmatize the conditions faced by psychologically-affected individuals. They should also provide information on access to care.Ideally, specialized treatment to address mental health should be offered to both civil- ians and ex-combatants in a community-based structure. Every DDR programme within a post-conflict setting is confronted with the challenge of reintegrating ex-combatants into a society which is itself recovering from trauma. Offering psychosocial care in a commu- nity-based structure for both former ex-combatants and civilians will foster reconciliation and make it possible for both groups to learn about each other\u2019s experiences during the war. In this way, psychosocial care does not only support the individual to heal, but can foster the restoration of the social fabric. Thus, a DDR programme may refer mentally-ill ex-combatants who cannot be treated through basic counseling to a common health ser- vice structure.Most importantly, all interventions have to be carried out within a framework of implementation research, including micro-level analysis. It will be important to con- duct impact evaluations on effectiveness and efficiency of trauma treatment, functioning recovery pre- and post-treatment in selected individuals, impact on social cohesion in the community, recovery of occupational functioning, socio-economic indicators, impact on readiness for reconciliation, etc,., on a continuing basis. Without such evaluations, there is the risk that ineffective and sometimes even harmful programmes are extended to regional services. Parallel to these evaluations, a measure of supervision (by master counselor, clinical practitioners) and peer sharing has to be set in motion between community, district practitioners and researchers at national level."},{"ID":72,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.7. Medical and physical health issues","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":48,"Paragraph":"If an ex-combatants\u2019 life expectancy is short due to war-related injuries or other illnesses, no degree of reintegration assistance will achieve its aim. Experience has shown that untreated wounded, ill and terminal ex-combatants constitute the most violent and dis- ruptive elements within any immediate post-conflict environment. Immediate health care assistance should therefore be provided during DDR from the very earliest stage.Planning for such assistance should include issues of sustainability by ensuring that ex-combatants are not a distinct target group for medical assistance, but receive care along with members of their communities of return\/choice. Support should also be given to the main caregivers in receptor communities.The demobilization process provides a first opportunity to brief ex-combatants on key health issues. Former combatants are likely to suffer a range of both short- and long- term health problems that can affect both their own reintegration prospects and receptor communities. In addition to basic medical screening and treatment for wounds and dis- eases, particular attention should be directed towards the needs of those with disabilities, those infected with HIV\/AIDS, the chronically ill, and those experiencing psychosocial trauma and related illnesses. As in the case of information, counseling and referral, the services may start during the demobilization process, but continue into and, in some cases go beyond, the reintegration programme (also see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR)."},{"ID":73,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.7. Medical and physical health issues","Heading3":"10.7.1. HIV\/AIDS","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":48,"Paragraph":"The conditions that exist during conflict increase risk of infection for HIV and other sexu- ally transmitted infections (STIs), and can have a devastating effect on access to essential information, care and treatment. The lack of a safe blood supply; the shortage of clean equipment for injecting drug users; an insufficient supply of condoms and health care; and the widespread practice of sexual and gender-based violence, both as a weapon of war and as a means to discipline and control people (especially women and girls within armed forces and groups), are just a few examples of the ways conflict can heighten risk of HIV infection (see Module 5.60 on HIV\/AIDS and DDR for more information).In addition, a growing body of evidence shows that immediate post-conflict and recovery phases, including the reintegration process, involve heightened risk of HIV trans- mission due to the re-opening of borders and other formerly inaccessible areas, increased mobility, the return of displaced populations, and other factors.Often, regardless of actual HIV status, receptor communities may perceive ex-com- batants as HIV-positive and react with discrimination or stigmatization. In many cases, these negative reactions from communities are a result of fear due to misinformation about HIV and AIDS. Discrimination against or stigmatization of (potentially) HIV-in- fected individuals can be countered with appropriate sensitization campaigns.DDR can provide an opportunity to plan and implement essential HIV\/AIDS initi- atives, in close coordination with broader recovery and humanitarian assistance at the community level and the National AIDS Control Programme (see section 9 of Module 5.60 on HIV\/AIDS and DDR for more information on planning and implementing HIV\/AIDS activities in the reinsertion and reintegration phases). These services can be integrated into existing reintegration packages through the development of joint programming and strategic partnerships. Furthermore, with the right engagement and training, former com- batants have the potential to become agents of change by assisting in their communities with HIV prevention and awareness activities.HIV initiatives need to start in receiving communities before demobilization, and should be linked wherever possible with the broader recovery and humanitarian assis- tance provided at the community level, and to National AIDS Control Programmes. Activities such as peer education training in HIV prevention and awareness can begin prior to demobilization."},{"ID":74,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.7. Medical and physical health issues","Heading3":"10.7.2. Persons with disabilities","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":48,"Paragraph":"War leaves behind large numbers of injured people, including both civilians and com- batants. Ex-combatants with disabilities should be treated equally to others injured or affected by conflict. This group should be included in general reintegration pro- grammes, not excluded from them, i.e. many ex-combatants with disabilities can and should benefit from the same programmes and services made available to non-disabled ex-combatants.Some ex-combatants with disabilities will require long-term medical care and family support. While some will receive some form of pension and medical assistance (especially if they were part of a government force), most disabled ex-combatants who were part of informal armed groups will not receive long-term assistance.In places where the health infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, attention must be paid to informal care providers \u2014 often women and girls \u2014 who care for disabled combatants. In addition, support structures must be put into place to lessen the largely unpaid burden of the care that these informal providers carry.DDR programmes must also plan for participants with disabilities by agreeing on and arranging for alternative methods of transport of supplies or kits given to partici- pants. These may include livelihoods kits, food supplies, or other vocational materials. Assistance and special planning for these groups during reintegration should be included in the assessment and planning phases of DDR."},{"ID":75,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"10. Social\/Psychosocial reintegration","Heading2":"10.7. Medical and physical health issues","Heading3":"10.7.3. Reproductive health","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":48,"Paragraph":"The provision of reproductive health services, which should start as soon as the demo- bilization registration and screening process has identified specific needs, should be continued, as appropriate, during reintegration. Linkages should be made to public or private national and\/or community health facilities. Preferential or subsidized access may still be required, particularly in those cases where the lack of continued treatment can in itself create a renewed public threat, such as HIV\/AIDS, drug abuse and psycho- logical illness."},{"ID":76,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"11. Political Reintegration","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":50,"Paragraph":"Political reintegration is the involvement and participation of ex-combatants and people associated with armed forces and groups\u2014and the communities to which they return\u2014in post-conflict decision- and policy-making processes at the national, regional and commu- nity levels. Political reintegration activities include providing ex-combatants and other war-affected individuals with the support, training, technical assitance and knowledge to vote, form political parties and extend their civil and political rights as part of the overar- ching democratic and transitional processes in their communities and countries.It is important to differentiate between political reintegration and the political nature of DDR and other peace-building processes. Almost without exception, DDR processes are part of an overarching political strategy to induce armed actors to exchange violence for dialogue and compromise through power-sharing and electoral participation. In that it aims to reestablish the State as the sole authority over the use of violence, DDR is inherently part of the overall political strategy during peacemaking, peacekeeping and peace-building. While political reintegration is related to this strategy, its goals are far more specific, focusing on integrating programme participants into the political processes of their communities and countries at both the individual and group level.If properly executed, political reintegration will allow for the legitimate grievances and concerns of ex-combatants and former armed groups to be voiced in a socially-con- structive and peaceful manner that addresses root causes of conflict."},{"ID":77,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"11. Political Reintegration","Heading2":"11.1. Types of political reintegration","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":51,"Paragraph":"Generally, political reintegration occurs along two broad trajectories, namely at the group level and the individual level, as follows: \\n Group level: At the group level, political reintegration is transformative in that it seeks to aid in transforming a group or organization from an illegally armed entity into a legit- imate political party or civilian unit operating within the legal parameters of the state. \\n Individual level: At the individual level, political reintegration is restorative in that it involves restoring an ex-combatant\u2019s (and other programme participants\u2019) deci- sion-making power within a given community in relation to his\/her citizen status within that community."},{"ID":78,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"11. Political Reintegration","Heading2":"11.1. Types of political reintegration","Heading3":"11.1.1. Group level political reintegration","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":51,"Paragraph":"Aiding former armed forces and groups and ex-combatants to form political parties and peaceful civilian movements is essential to ensuring that grievances and visions for soci- ety continue to be expressed in a non-violent manner in the post-conflict period. Group level political reintegration is most evidently seen in transformations of armed groups into political parties that seek to enter or re-enter the political arena as a way to advance their claims and perspectives.While a successful transformation from armed group to political party can yield a plethora of benefits for citizens and the overall democratization process, new political parties in post-conflict societies often lack the capacity, structural organization, resources, political knowledge and legitimacy necessary to successfully compete in the political arena. Moreover, individual ex-combatants and armed groups often face a number of uncertainties concerning how they will fare in the post-conflict period. Without proper guidance and careful monitoring, emerging political parties can likely face failure or even do more harm than good.Given such complexities, when planning and designing political reintegration interventions, DDR practitioners must consider the following key factors influencing the viability and outcome of group level political transformations of armed forces and groups: \\n Nature of the peace (e.g. negotiated peace agreement, military victory, etc.); \\n Post-conflict security situation; \\n Motivation(s) of armed group (keeping in mind that such motivations can change over time); \\n Degree of popular support and perceived legitimacy; \\n Degree of political experience and capacity; \\n Leadership capacities; \\n Organizational structure; \\n Resources, funding and technical support; \\n Criminal prosecutions and transitional justice measures.Notably, group level political reintegration processes largely depend on both the country context and form of the peace settlement established. In the case of a negotiated peace agreement, for instance, political reintegration typically involves the transforma- tion of armed groups (both political and military wings) into political parties, usually in tandem with a mix of DDR processes linked to larger SSR efforts. Political reintegration in cases of military victory, however, involve a different set of considerations that are less-de- fined and require further research and experiential understanding at this point in time. In cases where political reintegration is part and parcel of a CPA, explicit programming in DDR is more evident."},{"ID":79,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"11. Political Reintegration","Heading2":"11.1. Types of political reintegration","Heading3":"11.1.2. Individual level political reintegration","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":52,"Paragraph":"Effective political reintegration at the individual level involves empowering citizens by providing them with the knowledge and tools to voice their opinions, vote and take part in the government of their country without fear of intimidation, discrimination, retalia- tion or violence. Due to the nature and duration of a conflict, many ex-combatants and associated groups, particularly youth, may have little or no past experience in taking part in elections or joining a political party. In some cases, authoritative regimes or widespread conflict may have completely prevented the extension of one\u2019s civil and political rights.The right to vote and take part in the political life of one\u2019s country has become a funda- mental tenant in international law and democratic frameworks as outlined in several key human rights instruments, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the African Charter on Human and Peoples\u2019 Rights, the American Declaration of the Right and Duties of Man and the Asian Human Rights Charter.Engaging individual ex-combatants in the political process has the dual advantage of pre-empting them from becoming spoilers to an electoral process while aiming to vest in them the desire and knowledge to exercise their civil rights. Building the capacities of ex-combatants and community members in the various areas of civic participation and democratic governance is found to be a critical step in enabling the political reintegration of national stakeholders."},{"ID":80,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"11. Political Reintegration","Heading2":"11.2. Context assessments","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":53,"Paragraph":"In order to determine the role of, relevance of and obstacles to initiating and supporting political reintegration activities, DDR planners should ensure that the assessment and planning phases of DDR programming include questions and analyses that address the context-specific aspects of political reintegration.In preparing and analyzing assessments, DDR planners and reintegration practition- ers should pay close attention to the nature of the peace (e.g. negotiated peace agreement, military victory, etc.) to determine how it might impact DDR participants\u2019 and beneficiar- ies\u2019 ability to form political parties, extend their civil and political rights and take part in the overall democratic transition period.To inform both group level and individual level political reintegration activities, DDR planners should consider asking the following questions, as outlined below:"},{"ID":81,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"11. Political Reintegration","Heading2":"11.3. Establishing partnerships and coordination mechanisms","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":54,"Paragraph":"It is important to recall that DDR programmes are not vested with the authority or capacity to deliver full-scale political and electoral support. Development of political reintegration programme activities should therefore aim to link closely with relevant organizations and capacities involved specifically in electoral processes and political party development, including national stakeholders, UN agencies, international and regional organizations and NGOs.Within the UN system, the Department of Political Affairs, through its Electoral Assistance Division (EAD), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and existing civil affairs and PI units of UN missions, can be looked to for key guidance on implementing both individual and group political reintegration efforts. Outside the UN system, key multilateral organizations working to provide political party assistance and election observations include the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the Organization of American States (OAS) and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA).In addition, leading international actors active in providing relevant assistance include: the German and Swedish party foundations, the National Democratic Insti- tute (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI) in the United States, Britain\u2019s Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) and Australia\u2019s Centre for Democratic Institutions (CDI). It is impor- tant to emphasize that the majority of these party assistance organizations, although mostly funded by bilateral aid agencies and governments, are independent institutes that are relatively autonomous as regards how, with whom and where they execute their pro- grammes. Where applicable and appropriate, DDR managers should aim to partner with such organizations to build capacity within the DDR programme on political reintegra- tion issues and exchange information regarding best practices.For more information on coordination and partnerships in the area of political rein- tegration, see UNDP\u2019s Elections and Conflict Prevention: A Guide to Analysis, Planning, and Programming, 2009."},{"ID":82,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"11. Political Reintegration","Heading2":"11.4. Entry points for political reintegration","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":55,"Paragraph":"Offering information services and capacity development in the area of civic and political participation is central to creating an enabling environment for the political reintegra- tion of all stakeholders in a DDR process. This may include community sensitization campaigns, education on the nature and functioning of democratic institutions (at the national, regional and\/or local levels), leadership training, and initiatives to foster wom- en\u2019s participation.Focusing on particular subject areas, such as human rights (especially those rights reflected in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) and in the devel- opment of political parties in the methods and processes of democracy, constituency relations, community organizing and participation in dialogue processes that involve other stakeholders and political opponents, is recommended.Specific entry points to build capacity and enhance participation in political processes include, but are not limited to, the following: "},{"ID":83,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"11. Political Reintegration","Heading2":"11.4. Entry points for political reintegration","Heading3":"11.4.1. Public information and sensitization campaigns on civil and political rights ","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":55,"Paragraph":"Communities of return should receive sensitization related to political reintegration and the accompanying peace process."},{"ID":84,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"11. Political Reintegration","Heading2":"11.4. Entry points for political reintegration","Heading3":"11.4.2. Access to social benefits","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":55,"Paragraph":"Reintegration practitioners should support access to social benefits through access to identity cards, social security documents, and voter and property registration."},{"ID":85,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"11. Political Reintegration","Heading2":"11.4. Entry points for political reintegration","Heading3":"11.4.3. Civic and voter education","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":55,"Paragraph":"In order to build capacity and enhance participation in the democratic process, DDR programmes should support civic and voter education. This may include providing edu- cation or referrals to education opportunities on the nature and functioning of democratic institutions at the national, regional and\/or local levels. Civic education on the country\u2019s comprehensive peace agreement (where applicable) or peace process should be consid- ered. At the local level, approaches to human rights education that draw from \u201cstreet law\u201d may be particularly effective, such as the practical application of citizens\u2019 rights, such as freedom of expression, the right to dissent, and the right to vote in secrecy in electoral processes that are free of coercion or intimidation, may be particularly effective."},{"ID":86,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"11. Political Reintegration","Heading2":"11.4. Entry points for political reintegration","Heading3":"11.4.4. Leadership training","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":55,"Paragraph":"Senior DDR managers can serve in an advisory capacity to senior government and military officials on issues concerning political reintegration. Through implementing leadership training, DDR programmes will aim to facilitate and increase the legitimacy and support received by newly-established political leaders. DDR managers should consider undergo- ing targeted training in leadership and political negotiation that is IDDRS compliant."},{"ID":87,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"11. Political Reintegration","Heading2":"11.4. Entry points for political reintegration","Heading3":"11.4.5. Lobbying for mid-level commanders","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":55,"Paragraph":"Research into comparative peace processes suggests that the political roles and associ- ated livelihoods futures of mid-level commanders are critical in post-conflict contexts. Given mid-level commanders\u2019 ranks and level of responsibility and authority while with armed forces or groups, they often seek commensurate positions in post-conflict settings. Many seek an explicitly political role in post-conflict governance. Where DDR programmes have determined that commander incentive programmes will be required, a resource mobilization strategy should be planned and implemented in addition to a dedicated vetting process."},{"ID":88,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"11. Political Reintegration","Heading2":"11.4. Entry points for political reintegration","Heading3":"11.4.6. Women\u2019s participation","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":56,"Paragraph":"The UN\u2019s commitment to restoring security, the protection of vulnerable groups and gen- der equality has been formalized in United Nations Security Council resolutions 1325 and 1820, and more recently re-affirmed by resolutions 1888 and 1889.DDR processes form an invaluable window of opportunity to enhance women\u2019s inclu- sion in decision-making and political processes. Civil affairs and human rights sections, in addition to civil society organizations and NGOs specialized in gender and women\u2019s rights can support political reintegration efforts to include trainings on gender and wom- en\u2019s inclusion in civil and political affairs. Women\u2019s participation and representation in public institutions ranging from public administration to justice and security sectors will not only enhance gender equality, but may prove critical in addressing the vulnerabilities that initially led many women and girls into forced recruitment or association with armed forces or groups."},{"ID":89,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"11. Political Reintegration","Heading2":"11.4. Entry points for political reintegration","Heading3":"11.4.9. Youth participation","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":56,"Paragraph":"The special needs of youth should be addressed during political reintegration not only because this group may become a security threat, but also because they can act as a major force for positive change in contemporary politics. Youth are often more open to voting for new parties, less loyal to established traditions and more idealistic in their goals for their societies."},{"ID":90,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"12. Linking reintegration to wider recovery and development","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":57,"Paragraph":"Many DDR programmes have failed in the past due to their narrow focus and short-term approach. To achieve sustainability and meet its goals to improve security, DDR must pave the way for post-conflict recovery and development to take root. Reintegration pro- grammes shall therefore be conceptualized, planned, designed and implemented as part of, or at least in very close cooperation with, wider recovery strategies. Linkages shall include, but not be limited to the areas of post-conflict rehabilitation, resettlement of dis- placed populations, reconciliation efforts, human rights promotion, transitional justice, improved governance and security sector reform. To achieve coherence, when design- ing reintegration programmes, UN practitioners should coordinate, and where possible, jointly plan programmes with actors working in these areas.In the case of reintegration, a number of UN agencies work in parallel to integrate various war-affected peoples including ex-combatants, returnees and IDPs, into the same labour market and communities. Information, such as number and profile of beneficiar- ies, therefore needs to be shared among UN agencies engaged in reintegration assistance. It should be the guiding principle from the earliest pre-mission assessment phase and continue throughout all stages of strategy development, programme planning and imple- mentation. The use of Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) between agencies intervening in the same sector or on the same issue has proven an efficient mechanism for coordination.DDR programme managers will need to ensure close coordination: \\n In the field, where coordination among UN entities, national counterparts, receiving communities, NGOs, donors, governmental aid organizations, and other implementing partners should be established at the earliest stages of mission planning; \\n At Headquarters, through integrated mission planning structures and processes (also see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures) to ensure that coordinated, coherent and consistent direction and support is provided to field operators; \\n Between the field and Headquarters, to ensure that lessons learned and policy devel- opment on DDR are built into field-level programming, particularly at the start of missions and DDR processes, as well as to ensure the participation of key stakehold- ers at the international level.Programme managers should also focus on building strong local, national and inter- national partnerships from the start. Partnerships are essential, both in direct, short-term programme implementation and in forming links to longer-term recovery, peace-build- ing, governance and development programmes.DDR managers should also ensure that relevant recovery and development frame- works are identified and guide their programmes, with specific attention to national recovery plans and poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSPs), the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), and the UN Policy for Post-Conflict Employment Crea- tion, Income Generation and Reintegration. This is vital to ensure that DDR programming is linked to peace-building, transition, recovery and reconstruction strategies and that it will facilitate the involvement of the various UN and other international agencies. While all efforts should be made to coordinate closely with other actors implementing related programmes, DDR programme managers should also clearly identify those objectives 3.10 that the reintegration programme can deal with directly, and those in which it can only contribute.Experience has shown that coordination is difficult to achieve, and that post-conflict governments often do not possess the organizational capacity to coordinate all of the pro- gram partners. This must be effectively communicated to donors so that they do not have unrealistic expectations on the ground for DDR programmes."},{"ID":91,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":59,"Paragraph":"Apprenticeship: Refers to any system by which an employer undertakes by contract to employ a young person and to train him or have him trained systematically for a trade for a period of which the duration has been fixed in advance and in the course of which the apprentice is bound to work in the employer\u2019s service. (ILO Apprenticeship Recommendation no. 60, 1939).Business development services: Services that improve the performance of the enterprise, its access to markets, and its ability to compete. The definition of \u201cbusiness development services\u201d includes a wide array of business services, both strategic and operational. Busi- ness development services are designed to serve individual businesses, as opposed to larger business community. (Business Development Services for Small Enterprises: Guiding Principles for Donor Intervention, 2001).Cooperatives: Autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and dem- ocratically controlled enterprise. A cooperative is essentially a vehicle for self-help and mutual aid. Many cooperatives throughout the world have a commitment to a distinctive statement of identity formulated by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA). (Interna- tional Labour Conference, Recommendation 193, Recommendation Concerning the Promotion of Cooperatives,Section 1 Paragraph 2, 2002).Decent work: Involves opportunities for work that is productive and delivers a fair income provide s security in the workplace and social protection for workers and their families; offers better prospects for personal development and encourages social integration; gives people the freedom to express their concerns, to organize and to participate in decisions that affect their lives; and guarantees equal opportunities and equal treatment for all. (United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) Toolkit for Main- streaming Employment and Decent Work, 2007).Employment: The employed comprise all persons about a specified age who during the reference period were either (i) at work or (ii) with a job or enterprise but not at work (i.e.) persons temporarily absent from work). Persons at work are defined as persons who during the reference period performed work for a wage or a salary, or for profit or family gain, in cash or in kind, for at least an hour. (The Thirteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians, 1982).Minimum working age: The Minimum Age Convention defines a range of minimum ages below which no child should be allowed to work and stipulates that: (a) the mini- mum age for employment should normally not be less than 15 years , but exemptions can be made for developing countries which may fix it at 14; (b) the minimum age for permit- ting light work should be not less than 13 years, but developing countries may fix it at 12; c) the minimum age for admission to hazardous work should not be less than 18 years, but under strict conditions may be permitted at 16. (ILO Minimum Age Convention 138, 1973).Sustainable livelihoods approach: Approach that tries to ensure that households can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks, and maintain and improve their capabil- ities and assets now and in the future. (IDDRS, 2006).Vocational (career) guidance: The OECD Career Guidance Policy Review defines it as \u201cser- vices and activities intended to assist individuals, of any age and at any point throughout their lives, to make educational, training and occupational choices and to manage their careers.\u201d This definition includes making information about the labour market and about educational and employment opportunities more accessible by organizing it, systematizing it and having it available when and where people need it. It also includes assisting people to reflect on their aspirations, interests, competencies, personal attributes, qualifications and abilities and to match these with available training and employment opportunities. The term career guidance is replacing the term vocational guidance in high-income coun- tries. Vocational guidance is focused upon the choice of occupation and is distinguished from educational guidance, which focuses upon choices of courses of study. Career guid- ance brings the two together and stresses the interaction between learning and work. (Career Guidance \u2013 A Resource Handbook for Low- and Middle-Income Countries, 2006).Vocational training: The expression vocational training means any form of training by means of which technical or trade knowledge can be acquired or developed, whether the training is given at school or at the place of work. (ILO Recommendation 57, 1939) Training is not an end in itself, but a means of developing a person\u2019s occupational capacities, due account being taken of the employment opportunities, and of enabling him to use his abilities to the greatest advantage of himself and of the community; it should be designed to develop personality, particularly where young persons are concerned. (ILO Recommen- dation 117, 1962) For the purpose of this Recommendation, the qualification of the terms guidance and training by the term vocational means that guidance and training are directed to identify and developing human.Socialization to violence: In the case of combatants and associated groups, this sociali- zation or conditioning process involves the development of violent behaviours that are, or that appear to be, essential for effective participation in the armed force or armed group, or more broadly essential for basic survival in an environment rife with armed violence. During armed conflict, many combatants witness and become victims of violence and severe abuse themselves and may enter into the early recovery period with significant psychosocial support needs. Systematic data on patterns of violence among ex-combatants is still fragmentary, but evidence from many post-conflict contexts suggests that ex-com- batants who have been socialized to use violence often continue these patterns into the peacebuilding period. (UNDP Report, Blame It on the War? The Gender Dimensions of Vio- lence in DDR, 2012).Culture of violence: When socialization to violence reaches a level where it has become an integral part of a particular society and of individuals\u2019 collective response mechanisms.Behaviour change communication (BCC): An interactive process with communities (as integrated with an overall program) to develop tailored messages and approaches using a variety of communication channels (such as drama, music, radio, media, print, etc) to develop positive behaviours; promote and sustain individual, community and societal behaviour change; and maintain appropriate\/non-violent behaviours and interactions between individuals and groups.Behaviour change interventions (BCI): A combination of activities\/interventions tailored to the needs of a specific group and developed with that group to help reduce violence by creating an enabling environment for individual and collective change.Caregiving: A kind of interaction of a person with the world around him\/her, including objects, plants, animals and particularly other human beings. This also includes self-care. In many cultures this \u2018caring\u2019 relationship or attitude can be defined as a \u201cfemale\u201d attrib- ute or characteristic, and from whose domain men, from an early age, are encouraged to exclude themselves.Interim stabilization measures: Stabilization measures that may be used to keep former combatants\u2019 cohesiveness intact within a military or civilian structure for a time-bound period of time, creating space and buying time for a political dialogue and the formation of an environment conducive to social and economic reintegration. Such measures range from military integration to the formation of transitional security forces, to the establish- ment of civilian service corps, among other such arrangements \u2018holding patterns\u2019."},{"ID":92,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"Annex B: UN policies, guidelines and frameworks relevant for reintegration","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":62,"Paragraph":"UN inter-agency policies, guidelines and frameworks \\n i. Policy for Post-conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration (2008) \\n ii. Operational Guidance Note for Post-conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration (2009) \\n iii. CWGER Guidance Note on Early Recovery (2008)UN agency policies, guidelines and frameworks \\n i. ILO Guidebook for Socio-Economic Reintegration of Ex-Combatants (2009) \\n ii. ILO Guidelines for Local Economic Recovery in Post-Conflict (2010) \\n iii. Policy Framework & Implementation Strategy - UNHCR\u2019s Role in Support of the Return & Reintegration of Displaced Populations \\n iv. UNICEF-ILO Technical Note on Economic Reintegration of Children Associated with Armed Forces and Groups (draft under production)"},{"ID":93,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Reintegration","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.30 Reintegration","PageNum":63,"Paragraph":"\\n 1 United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) Toolkit for Mainstreaming Employment and Decent Work, 2007. \\n 2 Taken from the Prevention of child recruitment and reintegration of children associated with armed forces and groups: Strategic framework for addressing the economic gap, ILO (2007). \\n 3 International Labour Organization. 2009. Guidelines for the Socio-economic Reintegration of Ex-combatants. Geneva, Switzerland, pp.23-29."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities.json b/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a81c57 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Military personnel possess a wide range of skills and capacities that can contribute to DDR processes in mission and non-mission settings. As outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR, mission settings are those situations in which peace operations are deployed through peacekeeping operations, political missions and good offices engagements, by the UN or a regional organization. Non-mission settings are those where no peace operation is deployed, either through a peacekeeping operation, political missions or good offices engagements.When DDR is implemented in mission settings with a UN peacekeeping operation, the primary role of the military component should be to provide a secure environment and to observe, monitor and report on security-related issues. This role may include the provision of security to DDR programmes and to DDR-related tools, including pre-DDR. In addition to providing security, military components in mission settings may also provide technical support to disarmament, transitional weapons and ammunition management, and the establishment and maintenance of transitional security arrangements (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management, and IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR).To ensure the successful employment of a military component within a mission setting, DDR tasks must be included in endorsed mission operational requirements, include a gender perspective and be specifically mandated and properly resourced. Without the requisite planning and coordination, military logistical capacity cannot be guaranteed.UN military contingents are often absent from special political missions (SPMs) and non-mission settings. In SPMs, UN military personnel will more often consist of military observers (MILOBs) and military advisers.1 These personnel may be able to provide technical advice on a range of security issues in support of DDR processes. They may also be required to build relationships with non-UN military forces mandated to support DDR processes, including national armed forces and regionally- led peace support operations.In non-mission settings, UN or regionally-led peace operations with military components are absent. Instead, national and international military personnel can be mandated to support DDR processes either as part of national armed forces or as part of joint military teams formed through bilateral military cooperation. The roles and responsibilities of these military personnel may be similar to those played by UN military personnel in mission settings."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The objective of this module is to outline possible military contributions to DDR processes in the context of UN peacekeeping operations, special political missions (SPMs) and non-mission settings. Although the guidance in this module is based on the experience of UN military components, it is designed for all military personnel who contribute to DDR processes, irrespective of whether these personnel are affiliated to the UN, regional organizations, joint military teams or national armed forces. The guidance is also designed for civilian DDR practitioners who are interested in the ways that military personnel may be able to support their work. The module discusses the factors to be considered when employing military capacity in support of DDR. Routine military tasks that are carried out according to national security policies and strategies are beyond the scope of this module."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should,\u2019 \u2018may,\u2019 \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Military personnel possess a wide range of skills and capacities that may contribute to DDR processes in the context of UN peacekeeping operations, SPMs, and non-mission settings. In peacekeeping operations, military components may be made up of formed contingents\/units, MILOBs, and staff officers (see section 4). In contrast, in SPMs, MILOBs and military advisers may be deployed in the absence of formed military contingents. In non-mission settings, national and international military personnel can be mandated to support DDR processes either as part of national armed forces or as part of joint military teams formed through bilateral military cooperation. In these various types of settings, the role of the military will differ depending on the specific mandate and the resources available."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to military roles and responsibilities."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1 Voluntary","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"Integrated DDR shall not be conflated with military operations or counter-insurgency strategies. DDR is a voluntary process, and practitioners shall therefore seek legal advice if confronted with combatants who surrender or are captured during overt military operations, or if there are any concerns regarding the voluntariness of persons participating in DDR. In contexts where DDR is linked to Security Sector Reform, the integration of vetted former members of armed groups into national armed forces, the police or other uniformed services as part of a DDR process shall be voluntary (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and SSR)."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People-centred","Heading3":"4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"When DDR and SSR processes are linked, former members of armed groups shall only be recruited into the reformed security sector if they are thoroughly vetted and meet the designated recruitment criteria. Former members of armed groups shall not be integrated into the national armed forces merely because of their status as a member of an armed group. Children shall not be recruited into the national armed forces and effective age assessment procedures must be in place (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). Former members of armed groups who have been involved in the commission of war crimes or human rights violations shall not be eligible for recruitment into the national armed forces, including when DDR processes are linked to SSR."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People-centred","Heading3":"4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"In missions that hold a specific Child Protection\/Children and Armed Conflict mandate, child protection is a specified mandated task for the military component. The child protection mandates for missions can include: support to DDR processes, including the effective identification and demobilisation of children, taking into account the specific concerns of girls and boys; a requirement to monitor and report on the Six Grave Violations against children, namely, recruitment and use of children, killing and maiming, sexual violence against children, abduction, attacks on schools and hospitals and denial of humanitarian access; and\/or a requirement for the mission to work closely with the government or armed groups to adopt and implement measures to protect children including Action Plans to end and prevent grave violations.. The tasks of the military component, in close coordination with mission child protection advisors, therefore include, but are not limited to: providing physical protection for children; gathering and sharing information through the military chain of command and child protection advisors on the Six Grave Violations; supporting the separation of children from armed forces and groups, including their handover to civilian child protection actors; and providing security for Child Protection Advisers or civil society actors when they visit the military barracks of armed forces\/armed groups. Child protection shall be integrated into all military work, including when UN civilian and military personnel undertake mentoring and advisory activities and build the capacity of State armed forces in conflict affected countries.The military component shall ensure that gender-responsive child protection is understood by all members of the force and those persons working with military personnel through in-mission induction briefings and ongoing training on child protection. Child protection shall also be mainstreamed into daily operations and, in particular, into protection activities. Commanders, staff and associated personnel at all levels should ensure that threats to and from children and their vulnerabilities are identified, and that plans and orders are developed to provide effective protection on the ground, working in concert with mission child protection advisers, other protection partners and local communities. These plans should include a gender perspective in order to recognise the different threats to, and protection concerns of, girls and boys.A military child protection focal point network shall be implemented at the operational and tactical levels to ensure that child protection concerns are considered at all stages of the planning process and in operational activities. The military component shall appoint a military child protection focal point at mission headquarters as well as child protection focal points within Battalion\/Company Headquarters.Child protection and child rights shall be included not only in military training but in standard operating procedures as well as in military guidance as appropriate. Force commanders and tactical level commanders, in consultation with mission child protection actors, shall issue specific guidance on child protection in the format of a Force Directive on Child Protection and tactical level SOPs. Specific SOPs and\/or protocols shall be developed on the handover to civilian child protection actors of children captured in operations, those who surrender to the peacekeeping force, or those released en masse. Specific gender-responsive guidelines shall also be developed for the battalion on child protection concerns for girls and boys, including detention, conduct during interaction with children, and prevention of all forms of exploitation against children, including child labour, sexual exploitation and abuse, and protection of civilians. Whenever orders are written, or an activity planned, military staff should always consider the impact on girls and boys and their protection, and always consult mission child protection advisers. All SOPs and guidelines shall include a gender perspective in order for practitioners to develop fully gender-responsive plans that meet the differing needs of girls and boys. For further guidance, refer to the UN\u2019s Military Specialised Training Materials on Child Protection.2"},{"ID":8,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People-centred","Heading3":"4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"UN military personnel should be impartial. Furthermore, any form of support by United Nations military personnel or UN entities to non-UN security forces must be provided in full compliance with the UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations Support to Non-UN Security Forces.3 This policy requires an assessment of the risk that recipients of UN support will commit grave violations of international humanitarian, human rights or refugee law. If a level of risk is identified, mitigating measures shall be put in place. It is the responsibility of every UN entity providing support to undertake such a risk assessment. As defined in the HRDDP, \u201csupport\u201d encompasses a range of potential activities, from training, mentoring and advisory services to joint operations conducted by UN and non-UN security forces. Risk assessments shall be undertaken prior to the delivery of support to recipients."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Since the adoption in 2000 of Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security, there have been numerous resolutions and calls for more women in peacekeeping. Under the 2018 Action for Peace (A4P) initiative, Member States commit themselves to ensure the full, equal and meaningful participation of women in all stages of the peace process by systematically integrating a gender perspective into all stages of analysis, planning, implementation and reporting. They further commit to increase the number of civilian and uniformed women in peacekeeping at all levels and in key positions. The Uniformed Gender Parity Strategy 2018\u20142028 calls for 15 % female representation in the contingent unit and 25% in individual positions.The meaningful participation of women as peacekeepers, MILOBs, and staff officers has a number of benefits to the DDR process. Female military personnel can access populations and venues that are closed to men. They can search women when necessary and can help to make peacekeeping forces more approachable to local communities, particularly to women and girls who may have suffered acts of sexual violence. Lastly, female military personnel are role models in the communities in which they serve and in their respective countries. For these reasons, the planning phase of any operation must include a gender perspective, and the gender composition of incoming forces should reflect the community it is mandated to protect.UNSCR 1325 stipulates that all peacekeeping personnel shall receive training on \u201cthe protection, rights and the particular needs of women, as well as on the importance of involving women in all peacekeeping and peacebuilding measures\u201d. All incoming forces shall also receive training on gender and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, particularly the UN\u2019s Zero Tolerance Policy."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4 Context specific","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"There is no one-size-fits-all military policy and, as a result, there can be no standardized approach to determining military support to a particular DDR process."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5 Well planned","Heading3":"4.5.1 Safety and security ","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"In a mission context with a peacekeeping operation, the provision of security around disarmament and demobilization sites will typically be undertaken by the military component. However, all matters related to law and order shall be undertaken by the UN police component (see IDDRS 4.50 on UN Police Roles and Responsibilities)."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5 Well planned","Heading3":"4.5.2 Transition and exit strategies","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The withdrawal of international peacekeeping forces shall be a carefully planned exercise, drawing on consultations with all relevant stakeholders, including concerned Governments and the humanitarian, development, peace and political arms of the UN system present in mission contexts. The pace of this withdrawal shall be based, among other factors, on the ability of State security institutions to take over the maintenance of security and public order, as well as of other actors to take over certain services previously provided by the peacekeeping force."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Most UN peacekeeping operations, particularly those with a DDR mandate, rely on contingent troops and MILOBS that are collectively referred to as the peacekeeping force. The primary function of the military component is to provide security and to observe and report on security-related issues. Military contingents vary in their capabilities, structures, policies and procedures. Each peacekeeping operation has a military component specifically designed to fulfil the mandate and operational requirement of the mission.Early and comprehensive DDR planning will ensure that appropriately trained and equipped units are available to support DDR. As military resources and assets for peace operations are limited, and often provided for multiple purposes, it is important to identify specific DDR tasks that are to be carried out by the military at an early stage in the mission-planning process. These tasks will be different from the generic tasks usually captured in Statement of Unit Requirements. If any specific DDR-related tasks are identified during the planning phase, they must be specified in the Statement of Unit Requirements of the concerned unit(s)."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.1 Composition","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"The military component can be made up of: \\n Formed units or contingents: These can include motorized, mechanized and light infantry units, aviation units, engineering units, and various support units, some of which can provide logistics support, including specialists in explosives and weapons destruction. Normally the support element of the force, usually called the Enabler, is designed primarily for the needs of the overall mission. The chief of mission support controls the tasking of logistics support, aviation, engineering and mobile medical\/field hospital units. \\n Military observers: MILOBs are officers normally provided by Member States for 12 months who operate in small teams of between two and six. Where possible, MILOBs are incorporated into the force command structure. MILOBs typically operate unarmed. \\n Staff officers: Individual military officers serve in staff posts, both within the force headquarters and in various specialized positions where some are integrated with the civilian staff. Some staff officers are deployed on individual assignments, while others are part of broader military contingents. \\n\\n Table 1 below shows the various structures and ranks within a military component. It should be taken as a broad guide only, as each contingent may vary."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.2 Command and control","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"The peacekeeping force is commanded by a force commander. It is important to distinguish between operational military tasks in support of DDR processes, which are directed by the military chain of command in close coordination with the DDR component of the mission, and engagement in the DDR planning and policymaking process, which is often politically sensitive. Any military personnel involved in the latter, although remaining under military command and control, will operate under the overall guidance of the chief of the DDR component, senior mission leadership, and the Joint Operations Centre (JOC). For support and logistics tasks, the peacekeeping force will operate under the guidance of the Chief of Mission Support\/Director of Mission Support (CMS\/DMS)."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.3 Military component contribution","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Specialized military capacities such as communications, aviation, engineering, medical and logistics support are often in short supply, and hence may be used only when uniquely able to fulfil the task at hand. Where civilian sources can meet an approved operational requirement and the military component of a mission is fully engaged with other tasks, civilian resources should be used. If mandated, resourced and appropriately equipped, the military should be able to contribute to DDR in the ways described below. Furthermore, if the mandate and the concept of operations specify military support to a DDR process, then this should be factored into the force structure when the concept of operations is drawn up."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.3 Military component contribution","Heading3":"5.3.1 Security ","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"The primary contribution of the military component to a DDR process is to provide security for DDR staff, partners, infrastructure and beneficiaries. Security is essential to ensure former combatants\u2019 confidence in DDR, and to ensure the security of other elements of a mission and the civilian population.If tasked and resourced, a military component may contribute to the creation and maintenance of a stable, secure environment in which DDR can take place. This may include the provision of security to areas in which DDR programmes and DDR-related tools (including pre-DDR and community violence reduction) are being implemented. Military components may also provide security to DDR and child protection practitioners, and to those participating in DDR processes, including children and dependants. This may include the provision of security to routes that participants will use to enter DDR and\/or the provision of military escorts. Security is provided primarily by armed UN troops, but could be supplemented by the State\u2019s defence security forces and\/or any other security provider.Finally, military components may also secure the collection, transportation and storage of weapons and ammunition handed in as part of a DDR process. They may also monitor and report on security-related issues, including incidents of sexual and gender-based violence. Experience has shown that unarmed MILOBs do not provide security, although in some situations they can assist by contributing to early warning, wider information gathering and information distribution."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.3 Military component contribution","Heading3":"5.3.2 Disarmament","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Military components may possess ammunition and weapons expertise useful for the disarmament phase of a DDR programme. Disarmament typically involves the collection, documentation (registration), identification, storage, and disposal (including destruction) of conventional arms and ammunition (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). Depending on the methods agreed in peace agreements and plans for future national security forces, weapons and ammunition will either be destroyed or safely and securely managed. Military components can therefore assist in performing the following disarmament-related tasks, which should include a gender-perspective in their planning and execution: \\n Monitoring the separation of forces. \\n Monitoring troop withdrawal from agreed-upon areas. \\n Manning reception centres. \\n Undertaking identification and physical checks of weapons. \\n Collection, registration and identification of weapons, ammunition and explosives. \\n Registration of male and female ex-combatants and associated groups.Not all military units possess the requisite capabilities to support the disarmament component of a DDR programme. Early and comprehensive planning should identify whether this is a requirement, and units\/capabilities should be generated accordingly. For example, the collection of unused landmines may constitute a component of disarmament and requires military explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) units. The destruction and disposal of ammunition and explosives is also a highly specialized process and shall only be conducted by specially trained EOD military personnel in coordination with the DDR component of the mission. When the military is receiving weapons, it is important that both male and female soldiers participate in the process, particularly if it is necessary to search former combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.3 Military component contribution","Heading3":"5.3.3 Transitional weapons and ammunition management","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Military components may also assist with transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM) as part of pre-DDR, as part of community violence reduction, or as part of DDR support to transitional security arrangements. The precise roles and responsibilities to be played by military components in each of these scenarios should be outlined in a set of standard operating procedures for transitional WAM (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management)."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.3 Military component contribution","Heading3":"5.3.4 Information gathering and reporting","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"The DDR component of the mission should coordinate and manage information gathering and reporting tasks, with supplementary information provided by the Joint Operations Centre (JOC) and Joint Mission Analysis Centre (JMAC). The military component can seek information on the following: \\n The locations, sex- and age-disaggregated troop strengths, and intentions of former combatants or associated groups, who may or will become part of a DDR process. \\n Estimates of the number\/type of weapons and ammunition expected to be collected\/stored during a DDR process, including those held by women and children. As accurate estimates may be difficult to achieve, planning for disarmament and broader transitional WAM must include some flexibility. \\n Sex- and age-disaggregated estimates of non-combatants associated with the armed forces, including women, children, and elderly or wounded\/disabled people. Their roles and responsibilities should also be identified, particularly if human trafficking, slavery, and\/or sexual and gender-based violence is suspected. \\n Information from UN system organizations, NGOs, and women\u2019s and youth groups. \\n\\n The information-gathering process can be a specific task of the military component, but it can also be a by-product of its normal operations, e.g., information gathered by patrols and the activities of MILOBs. Previous experience has shown that the leaders of armed groups often withhold or distort information related to DDR, particularly when communicating with the rank and file. Military components can be used to detect whether this is happening and can assist in dealing with this challenge as part of the public information and sensitization campaigns associated with DDR (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).The military component can assist dedicated mission DDR staff by monitoring and reporting on progress. This work must be managed by the DDR staff in conjunction with the JOC."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.3 Military component contribution","Heading3":"5.3.5 Information dissemination and sensitization","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Military components are typically widely spread across the conflict-affected country\/region and can therefore assist by distributing information on DDR to potential participants and beneficiaries. Any information campaign should be planned and monitored by the DDR component and wider mission public information staff (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR). MILOBs and the infantry battalion can assist in the dissemination of public information and in sensitization campaigns."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.3 Military component contribution","Heading3":"5.3.6 Logistics support","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Military components may conduct a wide range of logistical tasks ranging from transportation to the construction of static disarmament and demobilization sites (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament and IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Logistics support provided by a military component must be coordinated with units that provide integrated services support to a mission. Where the military is specifically tasked with providing certain kinds of support, additional military capability may be required by the military component for the duration of the task. A less ideal solution would be to reprioritize or reschedule the activities of military elements carrying out other mandated tasks. This approach can have the disadvantage of degrading wider efforts to provide a secure environment, perhaps even at the expense of the security of the population at large."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.4 Pre-deployment planning","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"During pre-deployment planning, assessment and advisory visits (AAVs) are conducted to facilitate planning and decision-making processes at the UN Headquarters (UNHQ) level and to improve understanding of the preparedness of Member States wishing to contribute to UN peacekeeping operations. For new and emerging Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs), an AAV provides advice on specific UN operational and performance requirements. If DDR is required, TCCs can be provided with advice on the preparation of DDR activities during AAVs. A lead role should be played by the Integrated Training Service, who should include information on the preparation and implementation of DDR, including through a gender-perspective, within the pre-deployment training package. AAVs also support those Member States that are contributing a new capability in UN peace operations with guidance on specific UN requirements and assist them in meeting those requirements. Finally, preparedness for DDR is a responsibility of TCCs with UNHQ guidance. During pre-deployment visits, preparedness for DDR can be evaluated\/assessed.For the military component, DDR planning is not very different from planning related to other military tasks in UN peace operations. Clear guidance is necessary on the scope of the military\u2019s involvement."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.5 Contingency planning","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Contingency planning for military contributions to DDR processes will typically be carried out by military staff at UNHQ in collaboration with the Force Headquarters of the Mission. Ideally, once it appears likely that a mission will be established, individuals can be identified in Member States to fill specialist DDR military staff officer posts in a DDR component in mission headquarters. These specialists could be called upon to assist at UNHQ if required, ahead of the main deployment."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.6 Joint assessment mission","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Military staff officers, either from UNHQ or, ideally, individuals specifically allocated as DDR staff for peace operations, will participate, when required and available, in joint assessment missions to assist in determining the military operational requirement specifically needed to support DDR. These officers can advise on technical issues that will be relevant to the particular DDR process and should possess gender expertise."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.7 Mission concept of operations","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"A mission concept of operations is drawn up as part of an integrated activity at UNHQ. As part of this process, a detailed operational requirement will be developed for military capability to meet the proposed tasks in the concept. This will include military capability to support UN DDR. The overall military requirement is the responsibility of the Military Adviser, however, this individual is not responsible for the overall DDR plan. There must be close consultation among all components involved in DDR throughout the planning process."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.8 Mission plan","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Ideally, detailed mission plans will be drawn up by individuals who will fill planning and management positions in the proposed new mission. If this is not possible, initial plans will be drawn up by UNHQ staff, then reviewed and adjusted by mission staff as DDR progresses. Mission plans and concepts of operations will also need to be reviewed, should the Security Council not approve all identified and proposed operational requirements. In addition, as DDR processes should be owned by Governments or transitional Governments, mission plans should be flexible and allow for adjustments."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.9 Force generation ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"The UN\u2019s Force Generation Service is responsible for interaction with Member States to acquire the military capabilities identified in the operational requirement. Contributions are negotiated on a case- by-case basis. Member States will not start formal negotiations until the Security Council has mandated a mission. For complex missions, i.e., most missions involving DDR, the UN has a target of having troops completely deployed within 90 days.If the military operational requirement specifically identified to support DDR is likely to be concentrated on support to disarmament, transitional WAM, and demobilization, it may be possible to reduce the size of the force once these aspects have been completed, if the security situation allows. In other words, it may be possible to design a force structure that has an element that will be required only for these specific activities."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. The military component in mission settings","Heading2":"5.10 DDR component staffing","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Military capacity used in a DDR process is planned in detail and carried out by the military component of the mission within the limits of its capabilities. Military staff officers could fill posts in a DDR component as follows: \\n Mil SO1 DDR \u2013 military liaison (Lieutenant Colonel); \\n Mil SO2 DDR \u2013 military liaison (Major); \\n Mil SO2 DDR \u2013 disarmament and weapons control (Major); \\n Mil SO2 DDR \u2013 gender and protection issues (Major). \\n\\n The posts will be designed to meet the specific requirements of the mission."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"6. Special political missions and non-mission settings","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"In SPMs, MILOBs and military advisers may be deployed in the absence of formed military contingents. Depending on the particular context, the roles and responsibilities of military personnel in these settings may include the provision of technical advice on disarmament and transitional WAM (see section 5.3.3); and the building of bilateral relationships with non-UN military forces including national armies and regional peace support operations. Importantly, DDR practitioners shall ensure that all UN engagement with non-UN security forces be undertaken in accordance with the United Nations Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on UN Support to Non-UN Security Forces.In non-mission settings, national and international military personnel can be invited to support DDR processes either as part of national armed forces or as part of joint military teams formed through bilateral military cooperation. The roles and responsibilities of these military personnel may be similar to those played by UN military personnel in mission settings."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"7. DDR and security sector reform","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"DDR may be closely linked to security sector reform (SSR) in a peace agreement. This agreement may stipulate that vetted former members of armed forces and groups are to be integrated into the national armed forces, police, gendarmerie or other uniformed services. In some DDR-SSR processes, the reform of the security sector may also lead to the discharge of members of the armed forces for reintegration into civilian life. Dependant on the DDR-SSR agreement in place, these individuals can be given the option of benefiting from reintegration support.The modalities of integration into the security sector can be outlined in technical agreements and\/or in protocols on defence and security. National legislation regulating the security sector may also need to be adjusted through the passage of laws and decrees in line with the peace agreement. At a minimum, the institutional and legal framework for SSR shall provide: \\n An agreement on the number of former members of armed groups for integration into the security sector; \\n Clear vetting criteria, in particular a process shall be in place to ensure that individuals who have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, terrorist offences or human rights violations are not eligible for integration; in addition, due diligence measures shall be taken to ensure that children are not recruited into the military; \\n A clear framework to establish a policy and ensure implementation of appropriate training on relevant legal and regulatory instruments applicable to the security sector, including a code of conduct; \\n A clear and transparent policy for rank harmonization.DDR planning and management should be closely linked to SSR planning and management. Although international engagement with SSR is often provided through bilateral cooperation agreements, between the State carrying out SSR and the State(s) providing support, UN entities may provide SSR support upon request of the parties concerned, including by participating in reviews that lead to the rightsizing of the security sector in conflict-affected countries. Military personnel supporting DDR processes may also engage with external actors in order to contribute to coherent and interconnected DDR and SSR efforts, and may provide tactical, strategic and operational advice on the reform of the armed forces.For further information on vetting and the integration of armed forces and groups in the security sector, see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"8. DDR training requirements for military personnel","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Military components and personnel must be adequately trained. In General Assembly Resolution A\/RES\/49\/37 (1995), Member States recognized their responsibility for the training of uniformed personnel for UN peacekeeping operations and requested the Secretary-General to develop relevant training materials and establish a range of measures to assist Member States. In 2007, the Integrated Training Service was created as the centre responsible for peacekeeping training. The Peacekeeping Resource Hub was also launched in order to disseminate peacekeeping guidance and training materials to Member States, peacekeeping training institutes and other partners. A number of trainings institutions, including peacekeeping training centers, offer annual DDR training courses for both civilian and military personnel. DDR practitioners should plan and budget for the participation of civilian and military personnel in DDR training courses."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"Annex A: Abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"\\n 1 Good offices engagements may vary and will not necessarily include MILOBS or military advisers. \\n 2 See http:\/\/\/handle\/11176\/400883 \\n 3 See https:\/\/\/CONT\/GEN\/CS\/UNHR_V3\/Module_01\/story_content\/external_files\/4.11_HRDDP%20Guidance%20Note% 202015.pdf"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities.json b/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fc08a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Police personnel possess a wide range of skills and capacities that can contribute to DDR processes in mission and non-mission settings. As outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR, mission settings are those situations in which peace operations are deployed through peacekeeping operations, political missions and good offices engagements, by the UN or a regional organization. Non-mission settings are those where no peace operation is deployed, either through a peacekeeping operation, political missions or good offices engagements.In mission settings, the mandate granted by the UN Security Council will dictate the type and extent of UN police involvement in a DDR process. Dependent on the situation on the ground, this mandate can range from monitoring and advisory functions to full policing responsibilities. In mission settings with a peacekeeping operation, the UN police component will typically consist of individual police officers, formed police units and specialized police teams. In special political missions, formed police units will typically not be present, and the UN police presence may consist of senior advisers.In non-mission settings there is no UN Security Council mandate. Therefore, the type and extent of UN or international police involvement in a DDR process will be determined by the nature of the request received from a national Government or by bilateral cooperation agreements. An international police presence in a non-mission setting (whether UN or otherwise) will typically consist of advisers, mentors, trainers and\/or policing experts, complemented where necessary by a specialized police team.When supporting DDR processes, police personnel may conduct several general tasks, including the provision of advice, support to coordination, monitoring and building public confidence. Police personnel may also conduct more specific tasks related to the particular type of DDR process that is underway. For example, as part of a DDR programme, police personnel at disarmament and demobilization sites can facilitate weapons tracing and the dynamic surveillance of weapons and ammunition storage sites. Police personnel may also support the implementation of different DDR- related tools (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). For example, police may support DDR practitioners who are engaged in the mediation of local peace agreements by orienting these individuals, and broader negotiating teams, to entry points in the community. Community-oriented policing practices and community violence reduction (CVR) programmes can also be mutually reinforcing (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction).Finally, when DDR processes are linked to security sector reform (SSR), UN police personnel have an important role to play in the reform of State police and law enforcement institutions and can positively contribute to the establishment and furtherance of professional standards and codes of conduct of policing."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"The objective of this module is to outline possible police contributions to DDR processes in the context of UN peacekeeping operations, special political missions (SPMs) and non-mission settings. Although the guidance in this module is based on the experience of UN police components, it is designed for all police personnel who contribute to DDR processes, irrespective of whether these personnel are affiliated to the UN, regional organizations, or State police. The module is also designed for civilian DDR practitioners who are interested in the ways that police personnel and UN law enforcement experts may support their work."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.UN police personnel can include both uniformed police officers and civilian policing experts.Individual police officers (IPOs) are usually unarmed and have historically been utilised for community-oriented policing, information gathering, capacity building, training and monitoring.Formed Police Units (FPUs) are self-contained police units of 140 to 160 officers capable of providing a range of tactical police options, including an effective public order function. FPUs are armed, and, generally speaking, deliver a more robust form of policing than IPOs based on mandate authority and tasks.Specialised Police Teams (SPTs) sometimes reinforce FPUs and consist of a group of experts in a particular area of policing such as special weapons and tactics teams.UN policing experts may be deployed to Member States as part of technical assistance programmes agreed between United Nations country team entities and the Member State, to provide capacity building or other forms of technical assistance.Interim Executive mandate: The mandates provided to UN police personnel in mission settings may range from non-executive to partial-executive to full-executive. Full-executive mandates are rarely granted, as they mean that UN police will assume complete responsibility for the maintenance of law and order, and the performance of the whole spectrum of activities associated with policing, including powers of arrest and detention, collecting evidence, investigation of crime and assistance in criminal investigations, border security, riot and crowd control, and robust patrols."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"Police personnel possess a wide range of skills and capacities that may contribute to DDR processes in the context of UN peacekeeping operations, SPMs and non-mission settings. In peacekeeping operations, UN police components will typically consist of IPOs, FPUs and SPTs. In special political missions, FPUs will typically not be present, and the UN police presence may consist of IPOs who work as senior advisers. In non-mission contexts, the UN or international police presence will typically consist of advisers, mentors, trainers and\/or policing experts complemented, where necessary, by a SPT.The type and extent of UN or international police involvement in a DDR process in a non- mission setting will be determined by the nature of the request received from a national Government or by bilateral cooperation agreements. In mission settings, the mandate given to a UN police component will dictate the level and extent of its involvement in a DDR process. Dependent on the situation on the ground, the Security Council can grant mandates to UN police that range from monitoring and advisory functions to full policing responsibilities. In both mission and non-mission settings, police-related tasks may also include support for the reform, restructuring and development of the State police service and other law enforcement institutions."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to police roles and responsibilities."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1 Voluntary","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"In contexts where DDR is linked to SSR, the integration of vetted former members of armed groups into the armed forces, the State police service or other uniformed services as part of DDR processes shall be voluntary (also see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform)."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People-centred","Heading3":"4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"When DDR and SSR processes are linked, former members of armed groups shall only be recruited into the State police service if they are thoroughly vetted and meet the designated recruitment criteria. Former members of armed groups shall not be integrated into the State police service merely because of their status as former members of an armed group. Furthermore, former members of armed groups who have been involved in war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist offences and genocide shall not be eligible for recruitment into State police services (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). Importantly, children shall not be recruited into the State police service and effective age assessment procedures must be put in place (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR)."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People-centred","Heading3":"4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"In both mission and non-mission settings, UN police personnel are bound to international norms, laws and standards and must uphold the highest standards of protection, including child protection standards, in all aspects of their work. The importance of child protection shall be understood by all police personnel, through ongoing training, and mainstreamed into daily operations, and in particular, into protection activities. Police officers at all levels should ensure that differentiated and shared threats to boys and girls and their vulnerabilities are identified and that plans and orders are developed to provide effective protection on the ground, working in concert with mission child protection advisers (when relevant), other child protection partners and the responsible government authorities. A police child protection focal point shall be established. Child protection and child rights, including justice for children and other special protections in international law and standards applicable to children in contact with the law, shall be included not only in police training but in standard operating procedures as well as in police guidance as appropriate. Child protection shall be integrated into all police work, including when UN and international police personnel undertake mentoring and advisory activities and build the capacity of State police services in conflict-affected countries. UN police personnel shall contribute to larger efforts to bring about positive change in national laws and practices, promoting the highest standards for protecting children. Whenever orders are written, or an activity planned, UN police personnel shall always consider the impact on children and their protection, including the appropriate measures to be taken to address any child protection concerns."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People-centred","Heading3":"4.2.3 In accordance with the standards and principles of humanitarian assistance","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Any form of support by United Nations police personnel or UN entities to non-UN security forces shall be governed by the UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations Support to Non- UN Security Forces.1 This policy requires an assessment of the risk that recipients of UN support will commit grave violations of international humanitarian, human rights or refugee law. If a level of risk is identified, mitigating measures shall be put in place. It is the responsibility of every UN entity providing support to undertake such a risk assessment. As identified in the HRDDP, \u201csupport\u201d encompasses a range of potential activities from training, mentoring and advisory services to joint operations conducted by UN and non-UN security forces. Risk assessments shall be undertaken prior to the delivery of support to recipients."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Gender-sensitive policing is an operational necessity to address the different and shared security needs of women, men, boys and girls. Particular attention shall be granted to the ability of women, men, boys and girls to share protection threats that concern them and to help identify responses to these threats. Security Council Resolution 2185 (2014) on policing in peacekeeping emphasizes the promotion of gender equality as part of a comprehensive approach to conflict prevention and sustainable peace. UN police personnel shall use a gender analysis and incorporate gender considerations into key aspects of UN police operations such as assessment, planning, management, budgeting and capacity development programmes for police reform. UN police personnel shall promote non-discriminatory and adequate representation of qualified women in State police services at all levels and work to ensure that women in State police services are provided with equal capacity and career development opportunities. UN police personnel shall ensure adequate participation of female police officers in decision-making in the police reform process. UN police personnel shall recognize the specific needs and contributions of women in conflict and post-conflict environments, including the need for protection from sexual and gender-based violence and for community strategies to reflect women\u2019s needs, including through the deployment of women within FPUs and the establishment of special protection units."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4 Conflict sensitive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Community engagement through community-oriented policing shall not expose persons to risk or cause them harm \u2013 particularly those who may be at greatest risk, including the most vulnerable, human rights defenders and\/or civil society activists."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5 Context specific","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"There is no one-size-fits all policing policy and, as a result, there can be no standardized approach to determining police support to a particular DDR process. Instead, police support to DDR processes shall be context specific and in accordance with country plans and strategies."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent","Heading3":"4.6.1 Flexible, accountable and transparent funding arrangements","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Police reform and capacity-building is a long-term commitment. Piecemeal police reform without sustained international support often brings no long-term benefits. However, contributing to the police reform process can be politically sensitive, and many donor countries are not willing to support this particular activity. It is therefore very important to make the best use of available resources by coordinating and integrating international support so that, through the united effort of all concerned, the best possible end result can be achieved."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.7 Nationally and locally owned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Police reform, restructuring and development require strong national political will. This is demonstrated when measures are taken to ensure the promulgation and amendment of police regulations and police statutes. National political will is also shown by protecting police reform plans and processes from political interference. The police shall be a non-partisan institution that represents all groups and sex and age considerations within a nation, and police officers shall be responsible to the public through obeying and being loyal to a duly elected Government. Making resources available for paying regular salaries and providing basic needs such as uniforms are other ways of displaying political will and commitment. Ultimately, the police reform process shall be nationally owned and rooted in the particular needs and conditions of the country concerned and based on the development of expertise at the national and community levels. The sustainability of the reform depends on the level of national ownership of the entire process and the ability of the Government to support it in the long run."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.8 Regionally supported","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"When necessary, UN police personnel shall coordinate with international and regional police in information sharing and strategic and operational cooperation and planning, particularly when dealing with regional DDR processes, arms trafficking, terrorism and other trans-border crimes."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.9 Integrated","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"When police support to a DDR process is mandated by the Security Council or requested by a Government, it shall be integrated appropriately into DDR planning and management processes. Additionally, support to police reform cannot be an isolated activity and should take place at the same time as the reform and development of the criminal justice system, including prosecution, judiciary and prison systems, in a comprehensive SSR process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and SSR). All three components of the criminal justice system work together and support one another."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.10 Well planned","Heading3":"4.10.1 Safety and security","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"In DDR processes in mission settings, the protection of civilians and of UN personnel, their assets and freedom of movement can be provided by UN police personnel, either in the form of IPOs or FPUs. The support of IPOs and FPUs shall be sought if and when DDR personnel, sites and activities are endangered. FPU engagement shall always be limited to the regular maintenance of law and order and shall not cross into high-risk matters of weapons security and military security. If the situation does escalate to involve violence and the use of firearms, military units shall be alerted in order to be ready to support the FPU (see IDDRS 4.40 on UN Military Roles and Responsibilities)."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.10 Well planned","Heading3":"4.10.2 Transitional and exit strategies","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Often during armed conflict, State police services are reduced in size and many of the functions of the police are taken over by the military. As peace returns, the State police service and other law enforcement institutions often need to be restructured and their role in maintaining internal security and public order re-established and strengthened. While a short transition period increases the chances of successfully establishing accountable public institutions, the withdrawal of an international police presence shall be a carefully planned exercise, and the pace of this withdrawal shall be based on the ability of State security institutions to take over the maintenance of security and public order."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. Deployment of UN police","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"The mechanism for the deployment of UN police differs in both mission and non-mission settings."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. Deployment of UN police","Heading2":"5.1 Mission settings","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"In mission settings, the deployment of UN police personnel is defined during pre-mission assessment and pre-deployment planning:"},{"ID":20,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. Deployment of UN police","Heading2":"5.1 Mission settings","Heading3":"5.1.1 The pre-mission assessment","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"As soon as the possibility of UN involvement in peacekeeping activities becomes evident, a multi- agency technical team will visit the area to draw up an operational strategy. The level of engagement of UN police will be decided based on the existing structures and capability of the State police service, including its legal basis; human resources; and administrative, technical, management and operational capabilities, including a gender analysis. The police assessment takes into account the capabilities of the State police service that are in place to deal with the immediate problems of the conflict and post-conflict environment. It also estimates what would be required to ensure the long- term effectiveness of the State police service as it is redeveloped into a professional police service. Of critical importance during this assessment is the identification of the various security agencies that are actually performing law enforcement tasks. During conflict, military intelligence units may have been utilized to perform law enforcement functions. Paramilitary forces and other irregular forces may have also carried out these functions, using methods and techniques that would exceed the ordinary capacities of a State police service.During the assessment phase, it should be decided whether the State police service is also to be included in the DDR process. Police may have been directly involved in the conflict as combatants or as supporters of the armed forces. If this is the case, maintaining the same police in service could jeopardize the peace and stability of the nation. Furthermore, the police as an institution would have to be disarmed, demobilized, adequately vetted for any violation of human rights, and then re- recruited and trained to perform proper policing functions.1The assessment phase should also examine the extent to which disarmament or transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM) will be required. UN police personnel can play a central role in contributing to the assessment and identification of the number and type of small arms in the possession of civilians and armed groups, in close cooperation with national authorities and civil society. This assessment should also evaluate the capacity of the State police service to protect civilians in light of the prospective number of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependents who will be demobilized and supported to return and reintegrate into the community, as well as the impact of this return on public order and security at national and community levels.UN police personnel should then, with the approval of the national authorities and in coordination with relevant stakeholders, contribute to a preliminary assessment of the possibility of rapid rearmament by armed groups due to unregulated arms possession and arms flows. Legal statutes to regulate the possession of arms by individuals for self-protection should be carefully assessed, and recommendations in support of appropriate weapons control should be made. If it is necessary to rapidly reduce the number of weapons in circulation, ad hoc provisions, in the form of decrees emanating from the central, regional and provincial authorities, can be recommended."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. Deployment of UN police","Heading2":"5.1 Mission settings","Heading3":"5.1.2 Pre-deployment planning ","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Before the establishment of any UN mission, the prospective mission mandate will be examined in order to jumpstart work on the UN police concept of operations. This is the document that will translate the political intent of the mission mandate into UN police strategies and operational directives, and will contain references to all UN police structures, locations, assets, capabilities and indicators of achievement. The necessary course of action for UN police personnel in relation to the DDR process should be outlined, taking into account the broad aims of the integrated mission, the integrated assessment, and consultations with other UN agencies, funds and programmes. The outlined course of action will also depend on the realities on the ground, the expectations of the parties concerned and the DDR structures to be deployed (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Structures and Processes). As soon as a Security Council Resolution is issued, a UN police deployment plan is drawn up."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. Deployment of UN police","Heading2":"5.1 Mission settings","Heading3":"5.1.3 Peacekeeping operations","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"The UN police structure in an integrated UN peacekeeping operation will be based on the Strategic Guidance Framework for International Police Peacekeeping and will consist of four pillars: UN Police Command, UN Police Operations, UN Police Capacity-Building and Development, and UN Police Administration. Capabilities to prevent serious and organized crime should be activated and coordinated in order to support operations conducted by the State police service and to build the capacity of these forces where necessary. SPTs should also be included in the police contingent to assist in the development of national police capacities in specific technical fields including, but not limited to, forensics, criminal intelligence, investigations, and sexual exploitation and abuse\/sexual and gender-based violence.At the strategic level, the UN police deployment will engage with the State\u2019s central police and security authorities and with the UN Country Team. At the operational level, the UN police deployment will develop regional and sector commands with team sites in critical locations. IPOs will work alongside and in close coordination with the national police, while FPUs will be based at the provincial level, in areas sensitive to public order and security disturbances. These FPUs may undertake protection of civilian tasks, secure and reinforce the activities of the IPOs, participate in joint missions with the force and civilian components of the mission, and provide general protection to UN staff, assets and freedom of movement. In this latter regard, FPUs shall be ready to implement evacuation plans if the need arises.Upon deployment to a mission area with a peacekeeping operation, all UN police personnel shall receive induction training which outlines their role in the DDR process. It is essential that all UN police personnel in the mission fully understand the aims and scope of the DDR process and are aware of the responsibilities of the UN police component in relation to DDR. With the deployment of UN police personnel to the mission area, the UN police commissioner will (depending on the size of the UN police component and its mandate) establish a dedicated DDR coordinating unit with a liaison officer who will work very closely with the mission\u2019s DDR command structures to coordinate activity with the military, the State police service and other relevant institutions involved in the DDR process. The DDR coordinating unit should be supported by a police gender adviser\/focal point who can advise on gender perspectives related to the work of the police on DDR."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. Deployment of UN police","Heading2":"5.1 Mission settings","Heading3":"5.1.4 Special political missions","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"In special political missions, pre-mission assessment and pre-deployment planning will take place as outlined above. However, UN police will be structured within a Police Advisory Unit. Within this unit, a Senior Police Adviser to the Special Representative of the Secretary General will be tasked to liaise and coordinate with the State police and security authorities in order to foster reform and development, to engage in the routing and channelling of international assistance, and to oversee the UN Country Office\u2019s activities related to police and security issues. The police deployment will typically occur in phases, responding to the immediate priorities in the country where the mission will be deployed."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"5. Deployment of UN police","Heading2":"5.2 Non-mission settings ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"In non-mission settings, UN policing experts may be deployed to support a DDR process in response to a request from a national Government. The deployment may be part of a technical assistance programme agreed between a UN entity and the Government, or may be defined by the Global Focal Point for Police, Justice and Corrections Areas in the Rule of Law in Post-Conflict and Other Crisis Situations (GFP). Advisers, mentors, trainers and\/or policing experts may be deployed complemented, where necessary, by the deployment of a SPT. International police deployments of non-UN personnel can also take place on the basis of bilateral cooperation agreements."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"The general tasks that police personnel undertake in relation to DDR processes are advice, coordination, monitoring and building public confidence. The capacity of UN police personnel to carry out these functions will differ in different settings \u2013 mission and non-mission \u2013 contingent on mandated tasks and whether FPUs, IPOs and SPTs are present or absent. For example, building public confidence and strong relationships with local communities will not be realistically achievable in a non-mission setting if only one police adviser is deployed."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks","Heading2":"6.1 Advice","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"UN police personnel carry out advisory functions when serving within missions that include advisory and assistance tasks within their mandate. In non-mission settings, UN or international police personnel may be deployed in response to a request from a national Government or as a result of bilateral cooperation agreements.Advisory functions can take place at three levels and shall also be in compliance with the United Nations Human Rights Due Diligence Policy (HRDDP).Strategic: This is the level where specific policy issues are conceptualized and formulated, usually with the ministry of interior or equivalent. UN police personnel can provide assistance in adopting policing policies, drafting police reform decrees, and reiterating that professional, effective, accountable, accessible and gender-responsive law enforcement, corrections, and judicial institutions are necessary to lay the foundations for sustaining peace and peacebuilding. They can also provide advice to police executive boards and senior police leadership on the establishment of institutional development plans, the enhancement of internal and effective oversight structures, the creation of training programmes and the promotion of gender equality within the police service. Operational or middle management: At this level, UN police personnel can work with operational commanders and mid-level managers, advising them on how to implement concepts and policies on the ground. UN police personnel should also take note of any specific equipment, infrastructure and training requirements and take action to address these needs. \\n Service delivery: At this level, UN police personnel can monitor, mentor and advise local police officers working at the community-level, both through working side by side and by conducting joint activities. This work is done in order to ensure that the delivery of the State police service is appropriate and complies with professional standards and codes of conduct of policing as well as with the UN HRDDP. This work is also built on the recognition that State police services are often the primary link between the Government and communities on security issues.UN police personnel can positively influence the way that State police services perform their tasks in a human rights compliant manner. Advice and capacity-building can range from establishing policy frameworks on disarmament to drawing up future regulations on arms possession, and can include reforming the State police service in its entirety, including through the adoption of policies to promote gender equality within the police service (see section 8). At the operational level, UN police personnel can help local operational commanders to prevent and tackle crime and lawlessness, and suggest ways to deal with these problems. Furthermore, UN police personnel can assist in planning specific crime prevention and security strategies that can be operationalized with an integrated commitment by the UN mission (if in a mission setting), or by the State police service, particularly in settings where armed groups are engaged in criminal activities (see IDDRS 6.40 on DDR and Organized Crime) This may include the creation of Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) and CVR programmes (see section 7.1).Preventing and combating crime and lawlessness can be particularly important when conflict- affected populations \u2013 including ex-combatants, their dependants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, displaced persons and refugees \u2013 begin to return to communities. As the return of these individuals gets underway, social tensions may appear. Such tensions, if not tackled straight away, could lead to more complicated situations that require a major diversion of resources, effort and time. In these situations, UN police personnel can provide information and criminal intelligence that help to prevent a deterioration of the security situation and of public order. In mission settings, UN police personnel can also engage with local authorities, communities and civil society organizations, including women and youth organizations, in order to enhance early warning and situational awareness for the benefit of all mission components. In a similar manner, UN police personnel are often well positioned to gather information that the military component of the mission can use to maintain and improve the security of the area in which the mission operates. In non-mission settings, the UN Country Team will be well positioned to detect the signs of a potential return to armed conflict. In these contexts UN police personnel can be utilized in order to advise on the implementation of preventative measures."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks","Heading2":"6.2 Coordination","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"DDR is a complex process requiring full coordination among all stakeholders, particularly local communities. Contingent on mandate and\/or deployment strength, UN police personnel should aim to build a strong working relationship with different segments of local communities that enables the DDR process to take place. More specifically, UN police personnel can contribute to the selection of sites for disarmament and demobilization, broker agreements with communities and help to assure the safety of community members. UN police personnel can monitor disarmament and demobilization sites and regularly liaise with communities and their male and female leaders at critical phases of the DDR process. Experience has shown that neglecting to address the different and shared concerns of the various segments of communities can lead to delays and a loss of the momentum required to push DDR forward. Due to their role in community policing, UN police personnel are often well placed to identify local concerns and coordinate with the parties involved to quickly resolve any problems that may arise.The presence of a dedicated UN police liaison officer within a mission\u2019s DDR component helps in the gathering and processing of intelligence on ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, their current situation and their possible future activities\/locations. Such a liaison officer provides a valuable link to the operations of the UN police component and State police and law enforcement institutions. In this regard, the liaison officer can also keep the DDR component up to date on the progress of UN police personnel in advising and training the State police service."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks","Heading2":"6.3 Monitoring","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The monitoring of crime trends is important to limit and control the spread of activities that could hinder stability and derail the peace process. Demobilized combatants are sometimes involved in human trafficking, the sex trade, racketeering, smuggling and other organized criminal activities (see IDDRS 6.40 on DDR and Organized Crime). UN police personnel, contingent on mandate and\/or deployment strength, shall try to ensure that these activities are controlled effectively right from the start. If DDR practitioners obtain information that is relevant to crime monitoring and prevention, this information shall be shared with UN police. Furthermore, if UN police personnel observe a return to military-style activities, they can assist in getting rid of checkpoints, illegal collection points and hold- ups, and can help persuade former combatants to abandon violence.Another aspect of monitoring should be that of establishing mechanisms to gather information and intelligence and observe any increase in the possession of arms by the civilian population. Where rules and regulations on the possession of arms for self-protection are well defined, they shall be strictly enforced by the State police service. Monitoring the efforts of the national authorities in controlling the movement of arms across borders will be crucial to identifying possible rearmament trends. Disarmament and\/or transitional WAM as part of a DDR process will not be successful if the flow of small arms and light weapons is not fully controlled (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament and IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management).When provided with a mandate and\/or appropriate deployment strength, UN police personnel shall also monitor whether State police personnel comply with professional standards of policing. This type of monitoring should be linked to capacity-building, in that, if problems are found, UN police personnel should then support the State police to apply corrective measures. If police misconduct is discovered during the monitoring process, UN police personnel shall report this to the appropriate national or local internal oversight mechanism. Non-compliance reporting is one of the best tools available to monitors for ensuring that host authorities fulfil their obligations, and it should be used to apply pressure if State police personnel and authorities fail to deal with incidents of non- compliance, or routinely violate the principles of an agreement. Non-compliance reporting usually focuses on two themes: the standards of professional service delivery (client-focused) and the agreed principles of access and transparency with regard to commitments (bilateral agreements, access to records, detention centres, etc.).Finally, in UN missions that hold a specific Child Protection\/Children and Armed Conflict mandate, child protection is a specified mandated task for the UN police component. The child protection mandates for missions can include support to DDR processes, to ensure the effective identification and demobilization of children, taking into account the specific concerns of girls and boys, a requirement to monitor and report on the Six Grave Violations against children, namely recruitment and use of children, killing and maiming, sexual violence against children, abduction, attacks on schools and hospitals and denial of humanitarian access, and\/or a requirement for the mission to work closely with the government or armed groups to adopt and implement measures to protect children, including Action Plans to end and prevent grave violations. The tasks of the police component, in close consultation with mission child protection advisers, therefore include, but are not limited to: providing physical protection for children; monitoring child protection concerns through community-oriented policing; gathering and sharing information on the Six Grave Violations; ensuring the rights of children in contact with the law; and addressing juvenile justice issues such as arbitrary or prolonged pre-trial detention and prison conditions."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks","Heading2":"6.4 Building public confidence","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"A division between the State police service and the community may emerge during armed conflict. This division should be bridged, and public confidence in the State police service should be (re)built, in order for long-term peace to be sustained. Community-oriented policing initiatives, as espoused in the United Nations Strategic Guidance Framework for International Police Peacekeeping, are an effective means of establishing and sustaining long-term community reconciliation processes. 2 They involve a shift in policing methods and practice, so that the police and different segments of the community work together to solve problems concerning crime, disorder and insecurity (see Box 1). In this way, and through a gender-responsive approach, a relationship between the police and the public is (re)established.The philosophy of community-oriented policing encourages the development of new ways of dealing with community security concerns, particularly to ensure that the needs of women, men, the old and young, minorities, persons with disabilities and other specific-needs groups are systematically addressed. Police personnel (both State and UN) shall be trained in how to tackle gender-based violence towards women and children, both girls and boys, in addition to other hidden social problems such as abuse of the elderly. UN police personnel shall utilize their gender officers and advisers to closely follow up on all aspects related to protections for women and vulnerable groups. They shall include engagement with local communities and civil society organizations, including women\u2019s and youth organizations, to assess the nature and extent of possible abuses and provide immediate assistance and follow-up.The sensitization of communities on how to take preventative action and avoid interpersonal violence increases public confidence in the police and enables them to more effectively address the needs of the most vulnerable. The following steps can be taken to strengthen public confidence in the police: \\n Open access to all police services; \\n The availability of police services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; \\n A highly visible police presence; \\n Extensive public information campaigns; \\n The representation of minority groups and balanced ethnic composition in the police service; \\n The promotion of gender balance in the police service and gender mainstreaming in all police work; \\n The establishment of police stations or temporary advances in localities where security services are not installed. \\n Raising awareness among the police on human rights and rule of law compliant policing in practice.In addition to these steps, community policing forums are useful means to create environments that enable the acceptance of ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and discredited local police personnel back into the community. In both mission and non- mission contexts, UN police personnel can support the development of such local forums and sensitize all concerned parties to the need for reconciliation and trust. Such initiatives offer the opportunity for community members to regularly share matters of concern and encourage mutual understanding. They also provide an opportunity for community members and civil society representatives to regularly evaluate the actions of the police.When fulfilling an executive mandate, UN police personnel shall develop and carry out all appropriate confidence-building measures. When fulfilling a non-executive mandate, UN police personnel shall assist and advise the State police service in their confidence-building initiatives. Where appropriate, UN police personnel can conduct community policing activities and gradually include the State service. This approach can help to ensure that community trust in the State police service is increased over time. This will enable the State police service to take over when the mission withdraws."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"As outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR, integrated DDR processes are made up of various combinations of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support. In addition to the general tasks outlined above, UN police personnel may also perform more specific tasks that are linked to the particular DDR process in place. These tasks may be implemented in both mission and non-mission settings, contingent on mandate and\/or deployment strength, and are outlined below:"},{"ID":31,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks","Heading2":"7.1 DDR programmes","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"When disarmament and demobilization is planned as part of a DDR programme, UN police personnel can provide advice and training to State police personnel to ensure that they develop procedures and processes to deal with the shorter-term aspects of disarmament and demobilization. These shorter- term aspects may include, but are not limited to, the travel and assembly of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups and dependants.In disarmament and demobilization sites (including encampments or cantonments), the gathering of large numbers of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups may create security risks. The mere presence of UN police personnel at disarmament and demobilization sites can help to reassure local communities. For example, regular FPU patrols in cantonment sites are a strong confidence-building initiative, providing a highly visible presence to deter crime and criminal activities. This presence also eases the burden on the military component of the mission, which can then concentrate on other threats to security and wider humanitarian support. Importantly, FPU engagement shall always be limited to the regular maintenance of law and order and shall not cross into high-risk matters of weapons security and military security. With that said, the outreach and mediation capabilities of UN police personnel may sometimes be deployed in such situations in order to defuse tensions.In a mission context with a peacekeeping operation, the provision of security around disarmament and demobilization sites will typically be undertaken by the military component (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). State police shall proactively act to address criminal activities inside and in the immediate vicinity of disarmament and demobilization sites. However, if the State police service delays or appears reluctant to take action, UN police personnel may intervene in order to ensure that the DDR process is not adversely affected. The immediate deployment of an FPU, to operationally engage in crowd control and public order challenges, can serve to contain the situation with minimum use of force. In contrast, direct military engagement in these situations may lead to escalation and consequently to greater numbers of casualties and wider damage. If public order disturbances are foreseen, it may be necessary to plan in advance for the engagement of FPU contingents and place a request for a specific, temporary deployment, particularly if the FPU is not conveniently located in the area of the disarmament and\/or demobilization site. If the situation does escalate to involve violence and the use of firearms, military units shall be alerted in order to be ready to support the FPU.In mission settings where an FPU is deployed, the presence of UN police personnel should be requested, as often as possible, when combatants assemble for disarmament and demobilization as part of a DDR programme. Duplicate records of the weapons and ammunition handed over should, wherever possible, be shared with UN police personnel for the purposes of (i) preservation of the records and (ii) weapons tracing. UN police personnel can also be requested to provide dynamic surveillance of weapons and ammunition storage sites, together with a perimeter to secure destruction operations. Furthermore, when weapons and ammunition are temporarily stored, as a form of confidence-building, UN police personnel can oversee the management of the double-key system or be entrusted with custody of one of the keys (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament)."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks","Heading2":"7.2 Community violence reduction","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"The role of CVR programmes within DDR processes is explained in IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction. CVR programmes can contribute to the ability of UN and State police personnel to improve local security conditions, especially outside capital cities, by exploring synergies between CVR and community-oriented policing. These possible synergies include: \\n The involvement of UN and\/or local State police representatives in the project advisory\/review committee or local selection committees. In particular, UN police personnel may be able to provide advice on sources of community violence that need to be addressed. \\n The development of CVR projects that reinforce State policing capacities. \\n Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) implemented by UN police personnel, such as the rehabilitation of local police infrastructure or the training of female police personnel, could also, where appropriate, become part of a CVR programme. \\n If the eligibility criteria for a CVR programme require the handover of weapons and\/or ammunition, UN police personnel can provide support in a variety of ways including the preliminary assessment of weapons collected, the choice of temporary storage facilities for weapons and ammunition, the registration of weapons and ammunition, and the collection of photographic records. \\n UN police personnel can also provide support to CVR programmes by diffusing key messages related to the programme. When relevant to the project at hand, UN police personnel can also provide lectures on civic education, multicultural tolerance, gender equality and respect for the rule of law."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks","Heading2":"7.3 Transitional weapons and ammunition management","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"The role of transitional WAM in DDR processes is explained in IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional WAM. UN police personnel can contribute to transitional WAM activities in a variety of ways, including by supporting and advising State police on the control of civilian-held weapons, and encouraging registration and handover procedures with the aim of establishing weapons-free zones and enhancing security. These measures can help to limit the recirculation of weapons diverted or illicitly retained by former combatants.Community-based policing can play an important role in strengthening weapons control initiatives. If community members have a certain degree of trust in police and security institutions, they may feel more comfortable engaging in activities related to transitional WAM. Similarly, if there is a good working relationship between the police and the community, the police will more easily obtain information about weapons caches.In addition, UN police personnel may also provide support to the development of longer-term laws and procedures to manage the legitimate possession of weapons. UN police personnel can then contribute to the verification, registration and tracing of the weapons held by citizens, offering advice on the security, handling and custody of these weapons, as well as encouraging civilians to hand these weapons over to the authorities as a means of building confidence in the State police and security institutions."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks","Heading2":"7.4 DDR support to mediation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"When DDR practitioners provide support to the mediation of local-level peace agreements, UN police personnel can orient these practitioners, and broader negotiating teams, to the most suitable entry channels in the community. To build confidence, UN police personnel can then assist and facilitate the introduction of negotiating teams and provide them with security that allows freedom of movement. UN police personnel can also be deployed to ensure that delegates on both sides of the negotiations are not subject to hostile actions during the discussions or when en route to the chosen venue for the negotiations. UN police personnel can also be used to obtain the commitment of community and religious leaders, representatives of women\u2019s and youth groups, and other relevant stakeholders in order to support the settlement of local disputes and encourage acceptance of a DDR process. When requested, UN police personnel can also give advice concerning the security portion of the agreement being discussed."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks","Heading2":"7.5 DDR support to transitional security arrangements ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"When DDR practitioners support the creation of TSAs, UN police personnel can contribute to analyses of the overall security situation in the area of interest, the activities undertaken by criminal and armed groups (including any trends in these activities), and what type of TSA may be most useful and where (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). Where required, UN police personnel can engage male and female community leaders to ensure that their expectations and experience are taken into account when tailoring particular TSAs. In addition, UN police personnel can oversee the general security and protection tasks undertaken by the armed forces and groups that are participating in TSAs in order to ensure that these activities are not being used as a cover for illicit activities or harassment of the population."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks","Heading2":"7.6 Police support during reintegration into society","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Police can also play an important security role during reintegration. State police services should be supported to discharge community-policing functions during reintegration in accordance with international human rights law and principles. State police can play an important dissuasive role where ex-combatants may be at risk of using violent means to gain access to illegal income and livelihoods. They can also protect ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups who are reintegrating into society.Law and order disturbances may arise if the reintegration of these groups is inadequately supported, if grievances related to the conflict remain unresolved and in situations where ex- combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups and their families are not necessarily welcomed by communities (see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). Contingent on mandate and\/or deployment strength, UN police personnel can also assist in the monitoring and countering of efforts by armed groups to re-recruit demobilized combatants and\/or formerly associated persons.In particular, UN police personnel can disseminate messages discouraging the resort to arms among demobilized combatants and their families and protect these individuals from stigmatization and reprisals by community members or other armed groups yet to adhere to the DDR process."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"8. Police reform and restructuring","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"The establishment of an effective and professional police service is essential to the transformation of militarized societies into civilian ones. Often, the police service that existed previously will have been reduced in both its size and powers during the period of armed conflict, and many of its functions will have been taken over by a military apparatus with far greater resources. This serves to militarize the police, which is then comprised of personnel who may not have a specific police background and may operate without professional police capacities and attitudes. When States use the military in police functions, the distinction between maintaining internal order and external security becomes blurred, particularly because policing and public order control tend to be conducted with military techniques. At the same time, the general population will increasingly come to identify military forces as the primary security and order responder\/provider.As countries transition from war to peace, the State police service should be reformed and restructured and its role as the security service responsible for maintaining internal security and public order should be (re)established. The period during which the police assume overall responsibility for internal security can be challenging. There may, for example, be a lack of accountability for acts committed during the prior conflict and rivalry between the different institutions involved. In this context, the withdrawal of international peacekeeping forces \u2013 including the UN police component \u2013 should be carefully planned, and the speed and phasing of the withdrawal should be based on the ability of State security institutions to assume responsibility for the maintenance of security and public order.During the period of transition from war to peace, DDR processes are sometimes linked to the reform of the State police services, particularly through the integration of former members of armed groups into the police and other law enforcement institutions. For further information on this integration process, see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"1 See https:\/\/\/CONT\/GEN\/CS\/UNHR_V3\/Module_01\/story_content\/external_files\/4.11_H RDDP%20Guidance%20Note%202015.pdf \\n 2 See also DPKO-DFS Policy on United Nations Police in Peacekeeping Operations and Special Political Missions, Ref. 2014.01, and DPKO-DFS Guidelines on Police Operations in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Special Political Missions, Ref. 2015.15."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR.json b/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c7834b --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Public information and strategic communication (PI\/SC) are key support activities that are instrumental in the overall success of DDR processes. Public information is used to inform DDR participants, beneficiaries and other stakeholders of the process, while strategic communication influences attitudes towards DDR. If successful, PI\/SC strategies will secure buy-in to the DDR process by outlining what DDR consists of and encouraging individuals to take part, as well as contribute to changing attitudes and behaviour.A DDR process should always be accompanied by a clearly articulated PI\/SC strategy. As DDR does not occur in a vacuum, the design, dissemination and planning of PI\/SC interventions should be an iterative process that occurs at all stages of the DDR process. PI\/SC interventions should be continuously updated to be relevant to political and operational realities, including public sentiment about DDR and the wider international effort to which DDR contributes. It is crucial that DDR is framed and communicated carefully, taking into account the varying informational requirements of different stakeholders and the various grievances, perceptions, culture, biases and political perspectives of DDR participants, beneficiaries and communities.An effective PI\/SC strategy should have clear overall objectives based on a careful assessment of the context in which DDR will take place. There are four principal objectives of PI\/SC: (i) to inform by providing accurate information about the DDR process; (ii) to mitigate the potential negative impact of inaccurate and deceptive information that may hamper the success of DDR and wider peace efforts; (iii) to sensitize members of armed forces and groups to the DDR process; and (iv) to transform attitudes in communities in such a way that is conducive to DDR. PI\/SC should make an important contribution towards creating a climate of peace and security, as well as promote gender-equitable norms and non-violent forms of masculinities. DDR practitioners should support their national counterparts (national Government and local authorities) to define these objectives so that activities related to PI\/SC can be conducted while planning for the wider DDR process is ongoing. PI\/SC as part of a DDR process should (i) be based on a sound analysis of the context, conflict and motivations of the many different groups at which these activities are directed; (ii) make use of the best and most trusted local methods of communication; and (iii) ensure that PI\/SC materials and messages are pre- tested on a local audience and subsequently closely monitored and evaluated."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"This module aims to present the range of objectives, target groups and means of communication that DDR practitioners may choose from to formulate a PI\/SC strategy in support of DDR, both at the field and headquarters levels. The module includes guidance, applicable to both mission and non-mission settings, on the planning, design, implementation and monitoring of a PI\/SC strategy."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.Public information seeks to provide relevant and factually accurate information to a specific audience.Strategic communication involves persuading an identified audience to adopt a desired behaviour.Disinformation: The deliberate dissemination of false information. It is an act of deception to convince an audience of something. Disinformation is intended to mislead.Misinformation: Giving erroneous or incorrect information. It is false or inaccurate information that is spread unintentionally."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"DDR is a process that requires the involvement of multiple actors, including the Government or legitimate authority and other signatories to a peace agreement (if one is in place); combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups, their dependants, receiving communities and youth at risk of recruitment; and other regional, national and international stakeholders.Attitudes towards the DDR process may vary within and between these groups. Potential spoilers, such as those left out of the peace agreement or former commanders, may wish to sabotage DDR, while others will be adamant that it takes place. These differing attitudes will be at least partly determined by individuals\u2019 levels of knowledge of the DDR and broader peace process, their personal expectations and their motivations. In order to bring the many different stakeholders in a conflict or post-conflict country (and region) together in support of DDR, it is essential to ensure that they are aware of how DDR is meant to take place and that they do not have false expectations about what it can mean for them. Changing and managing attitudes and behaviour \u2013 whether in support of or in opposition to DDR \u2013 through information dissemination and strategic communication are therefore essential parts of the planning, design and implementation of a DDR process. PI\/SC plays an important catalytic function in the DDR process, and the conceptualization of and preparation for the PI\/SC strategy should start in a timely manner, in parallel with planning for the DDR process.The basic rule for an effective PI\/SC strategy is to have clear overall objectives. DDR practitioners should, in close collaboration with PI\/SC experts, support their national and local counterparts to define these objectives. These national counterparts may include, but are not limited to, Government; civil society organizations; media partners; and other entities with experience in community sensitization, community engagement, public relations and media relations. It is important to note, however, that PI activities cannot compensate for a faulty DDR process, or on their own convince people that it is safe to enter the programme. If combatants are not willing to disarm, for whatever reason, PI alone will not persuade them to do so.DDR practitioners should keep in mind that PI\/SC should be aimed at a much wider audience than those people who are directly involved in or affected by the DDR process within a particular context. PI\/SC strategies can also play an essential role in building regional and international political support for DDR efforts and can help to mobilize resources for parts of the DDR process that are funded through voluntary donor contributions and are crucial for the success of reintegration programmes. PI\/SC staff in both mission and non-mission settings should therefore be actively involved in the preparation, design and planning of any events in-country or elsewhere that can be used to highlight the objectives of the DDR process and raise awareness of DDR among relevant regional and international stakeholders. Additionally, PI can play an important role in encouraging a holistic view of the challenges of rebuilding a nation and can serve as a major tool in advocacy for gender equality and inclusiveness, which form part of DDR (also see IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). The role of national authorities is also critical in public information. DDR must be nationally-led in order to build the foundation of long-term peace. Therefore, DDR practitioners should ensure that relevant messages are approved and transmitted by national authorities.Communication is rarely neutral. This means that DDR practitioners should consider how messages will be received as well as how they are to be delivered. Culture, custom, gender, and other contextual drivers shall form part of the PI\/SC strategy design. Information, disinformation and misinformation are all hallmarks of the conflict settings in which DDR takes place. In times of crisis, information becomes a critical need for those affected, and individuals and communities can become vulnerable to misinformation and disinformation. Therefore, one objective of a DDR PI\/SC strategy should be to provide information that can address this uncertainty and the fear, mistrust and possible violence that can arise from a lack of reliable information.Merely providing information to ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, dependants, victims, youth at risk of recruitment and conflict-affected communities will not in itself transform behaviour. It is therefore important to make a distinction between public information and strategic communication. Public information is reliable, accurate, objective and sincere. For example, if members of armed forces and groups are not provided with such information but, instead, with confusing, inaccurate and misleading information (or promises that cannot be fulfilled), then this will undermine their trust, willingness and ability to participate in DDR. Likewise, the information communicated to communities and other stakeholders about the DDR process must be factually correct. This information shall not, in any case, stigmatize or stereotype former members of armed forces and groups. Here it is particularly important to acknowledge that: (i) no ex-combatant or person formerly associated with an armed force or group should be assumed to have a natural inclination towards violence; (ii) studies have shown that most ex-combatants do not (want to) resort to violence once they have returned to their communities; but (iii) they have to live with preconceptions, distrust and fear of the local communities towards them, which further marginalizes them and makes their return to civilian life more difficult; and (iv) female ex-combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups (WAAFAG) and their children are often stigmatized, and may be survivors of conflict-related sexual violence and other grave rights violations.If public information relates to activities surrounding DDR, strategic communication, on the other hand, needs to be understood as activities that are undertaken in support of DDR objectives. Strategic communication explicitly involves persuading an identified audience to adopt a desired behaviour. In other words, whereas public information seeks to provide relevant and factually accurate information to a specific audience, strategic communication involves complex messaging that may evolve along with the DDR process and the broader strategic objectives of the national authorities or the UN. It is therefore important to systematically assess the impact of the communicated messages. In many cases, armed forces and groups themselves are engaged in similar activities based on their own objectives, perceptions and goals. Therefore, strategic communication is a means to provide alternative narratives in response to rumours and to debunk false information that may be circulating. In addition, strategic communication has the vital purpose of helping communities understand how the DDR process will involve them, for example, in programmes of community violence reduction (CVR) or in the reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. Strategic communication can directly contribute to the promotion of both peacebuilding and social cohesion, increasing the prospects of peaceful coexistence between community members and returning former members of armed forces and groups. It can also provide alternative narratives about female returnees, mitigating stigma for women as well as the impact of the conflict on mental health for both DDR participants and beneficiaries in the community at large."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to PI\/SC strategies for DDR:"},{"ID":5,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1 People centred","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"DDR practitioners shall manage expectations concerning the DDR process by being clear, realistic, honest, communicative and consistent about what DDR can and cannot deliver. The PI\/SC strategy shall focus on the national (and, where applicable, regional) stakeholders, participants and beneficiaries of the DDR process, i.e., ex-combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, dependants, receiving communities, parties to the peace agreement, civil society, local and national authorities, and the media."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Unconditional release and protection of children","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Children associated with armed forces and groups and their caregivers shall be provided with child- friendly, age-appropriate and gender-sensitive information about DDR. Information should be provided to children on access to justice and reparation, and on their rights to be free from discrimination and to be safe and protected from violence and abuse. Children should also be informed of the services and support available to them, how to access this support and the procedures to access safe complaint mechanisms and judicial recourse. PI\/SC strategies developed as part of a DDR process shall include provisions for disseminating messages on the rights of children and the consequences that armed forces and groups will face if engaging in child recruitment, including messages that dismantle stigma and ostracization by the child\u2019s family or home community (noting that stigma can be imposed disproportionately on girls). Communities, local authorities and police shall also be provided with information and training on how to assist children who have exited or been released from armed forces and groups and which protocols apply to ensure their protection and safe handover to child protection services. The personal information of children shall never be shared for the purposes of PI\/SC, and all information gathered from children shall be treated according to the requirements of confidentiality."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"PI\/SC messages shall take into consideration the needs and interests of women and girls, who play a central role in peacebuilding at the community level. Female ex-combatants and other WAAFAG must be informed about their eligibility for DDR and any special programmes for them, which may require specific strategies and approaches. PI\/SC messages shall also encourage the participation of women and girls in the DDR process. DDR practitioners shall strive to ensure that key messages, communications material and information campaigns are gender responsive, taking into account the need for tailored messaging that addresses the specific needs of women, men, boys and girls. They shall also leverage opportunities to support gender-transformative norms and women\u2019s empowerment. Specific attention should be paid to developing gender-responsive information strategies that can play an important role in the reintegration and return of women by mitigating their stigmatization and contributing to community sensitization."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4 Conflict sensitive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"DDR practitioners shall base any and all strategic communications interventions \u2013 for example, to combat misinformation and disinformation \u2013 on clear conflict analysis. Strategic communications have a direct impact on conflict dynamics and the perceptions of armed forces and groups, and shall therefore be carefully considered. \u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support shall be evaluated at all times. No false promises shall be made through the PI\/SC strategy."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5 Context specific","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"To increase the effectiveness of a PI\/SC strategy, DDR practitioners shall consider cultural factors and levels of trust in different types of media. PI\/SC strategies shall be responsive to new political, social and\/or technological developments, as well as changes within the DDR process as it evolves. DDR practitioners shall also take into account the accessibility of the information provided. This includes considerations related to both the selection of media and choice of language. All communications methods shall be designed with an understanding of potential context-specific barriers, including, for example, the remoteness of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Messages should be tested before dissemination to ensure that they meet the above mentioned criteria."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Nationally and locally owned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"DDR practitioners shall ensure that PI\/SC strategies are nationally and locally owned. National authorities should lead the implementation of PI\/SC strategies. National ownership ensures that DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support are informed by an understanding of the local context, the dynamics of the conflict, and the dynamics between community members and former members of armed forces and groups. National ownership also ensures that PI\/SC strategies are culturally and contextually relevant, especially with regard to the PI\/SC messages and communication tools used. In both mission and non-mission contexts, UN practitioners should coordinate closely with, and provide support to, national actors as part of the larger national PI\/SC strategy. When combined with UN support (e.g. technical, logistical), national ownership encourages national authorities to assume leadership in the overall transition process. Additionally, PI\/SC capacities must be kept close to central decision-making processes, in order to be responsive to the perogatives of the DDR process."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"5. Objectives of PI\/SC in support of DDR","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"A PI\/SC strategy should outline what the DDR process in the specific context consists of through public information activities and contribute to changing attitudes and behaviour through strategic communication interventions. There are four overall objectives of PI\/SC: \\n To inform stakeholders about the DDR process (public information): This includes providing tailored key messages to various stakeholders, such as where to go, when to deposit weapons, who is eligible for DDR and what reintegration options are available. The result is that DDR participants, beneficiaries and other stakeholders are made fully aware of what the DDR process involves. This kind of messaging also serves the purpose of making communities understand how the DDR process will involve them. Most importantly, it serves to manage expectations, clearly defining what falls within and outside the scope of DDR. If the DDR process is made up of different combinations of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools or reintegration support, messages should clearly define who is eligible for what. Given that, historically, women and girls have not always received the same information as male combatants, as they may be purposely hidden by male commanders or may have \u2018self-demobilized\u2019, it is essential that PI\/SC strategies take into consideration the specific information channels required to reach them. It is important to note, however, that PI activities cannot compensate for a faulty DDR process, or on their own convince people that it is safe to participate. If combatants are not willing to disarm, for whatever reason, PI alone will not persuade them to do so. In such sitatutions, strategic communications may be used to create the conditions for a successful DDR process. \\n To mitigate the negative impact of misinformation and disinformation (strategic communication): It is important to understand how conflict actors such as armed groups and other stakeholders respond, react to and\/or provide alternative messages that are disseminated in support of the DDR process. In the volatile conflict and post-conflict contexts in which DDR takes place, those who profit(ed) from war or who believe their political objectives have not been met may not wish to see the DDR process succeed. They may have access to radio stations from which they can make broadcasts or may distribute pamphlets and other materials spreading \u2018hate\u2019 or messages that incite violence and undermine the UN and\/or some of the (former) warring parties. These spoilers likely will have access to online platforms, such as blogs and social media, where they can easily reach and influence a large number of people. It is therefore critical that PI\/SC extends beyond merely providing information to the public. A comprehensive PI\/SC strategy shall be designed to identify and address sources of misinformation and disinformation and to develop tailored strategic communication interventions. Implementation should be iterative, whereby messages are deployed to provide alternative narratives for specific misinformation or disinformation that may hamper the implementation of a DDR process. \\n To sensitize members of armed forces and groups to the DDR process (strategic communication): Strategic communication interventions can be used to sensitize potential DDR participants. That is, beyond informing stakeholders, beneficiaries and participants about the details of the DDR process and beyond mitigating the negative impacts of misinformation and disinformation, strategic communication can be used to influence the decisions of individuals who are considering leaving their armed force or group including providing the necessary information to leave safely. The transformative objective of strategic communication interventions should be context specific and based on a concrete understanding of the political aspects of the conflict, the grievances of members of armed forces and groups, and an analysis of the potential motivations of individuals to join\/leave warring parties. Strategic communication interventions may include messages targeting active combatants to encourage their participation in the DDR process, for example, stories and testimonials from ex-combatants and other positive DDR impact stories. They may also include communication campaigns aimed at preventing recruitment. The potential role of the national authorities should also be assessed through analysis and where possible, national authorities should lead the strategic communication. \\n To transform attitudes in communities so as to foster DDR (strategic communication): Reintegration and\/or CVR programmes are often crucial elements of DDR processes (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). Strategic communication interventions can help to create conditions that facilitate peacebuilding and social cohesion and encourage the peaceful return of former members of armed forces and groups to civilian life. Communities are not homogeneous entities, and individuals within a single community may have differing attitudes towards the return of former members of armed forces and groups. For example, those who have been hit hardest by the conflict may be more likely to have negative perceptions of returning combatants. Others may simply be happy to be reunited with family members. The DDR process may also be negatively perceived as rewarding combatants. When necessary, strategic communication can be used as a means to transform the perceptions of communities and to combat stigmatization, hate speech, marginalization and discrimination against former members of armed forces and groups. Women and girls are often stigmatized in receiving communities and PI\/SC can play a pivotal role in creating a more supportive environment for them. PI\/SC should also be utilized to promote non-violent behaviour, including engaging men and boys as allies in promoting positive masculine norms (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Finally, PI\/SC should also be used to destigmatize the mental health impacts of conflict and raise awareness of psychosocial support services."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"6. Planning and designing PI\/SC strategies","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"When designing a PI\/SC strategy, DDR practitioners should take the following key factors into account: \\n At what stage is the DDR process? \\n Who are the primary and intermediary target audiences? Do these target audiences differ for different components of the DDR process (DDR programmes, DDR-related tools, reintegration support)? \\n Who may not be eligible to participate in the DDR process? Does eligibility differ for different components of the DDR process (DDR programmes, DDR-related tools, reintegration support)? \\n Are other, related PI\/SC campaigns underway, and should these be aligned\/deconflicted with the PI\/SC strategy for the DDR process? \\n What are the roles of men, women, boys and girls, and how have each of these groups been impacted by the conflict? \\n What are the existing gender stereotypes and identities, and how can PI\/SC strategies support positive change? \\n Is there stigma against women and girls associated with armed forces and groups? Is there stigma against mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress? \\n What are the literacy levels of the men and women intended to receive the information? \\n What behavioural\/attitude change is the PI\/SC strategy trying to bring about? \\n How can this change be achieved (taking into account literacy rates, the presence of different media, etc.)? \\n What are the various networks involved in the dissemination of information (e.g., interconnections among social networks of ex-combatants, household membership, community ties, military reporting lines, etc.)? Which network members have the greatest influence? \\n Do women and men obtain information by different means? (If so, which channels most effectively reach women?) \\n In what language does the information need to be delivered (also taking into account possible foreign combatants)? \\n What other organizations are involved, and what are their PI\/SC strategies? \\n How can the PI\/SC strategy be monitored? \\n What is the prevailing information situation? (What are the information needs?) \\n What are the sources of disinformation and misinformation? \\n Who are the key local influencers\/amplifiers? \\n What dominant media technologies are in use locally and by which population segments\/demographics?"},{"ID":13,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"6. Planning and designing PI\/SC strategies","Heading2":"6.1 Understanding the local context","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"To ensure that the DDR PI\/SC strategy fits local needs, DDR practitioners should understand the social, political and cultural context and identify factors that shape attitudes. It will then be possible to define behavioural objectives and design messages to bring about the required social change. Target audience and issue analysis must be adopted to provide a tailored approach to engage with different audiences based on their concerns, issues and attitudes. During the planning stage, the aim should be to collect the following minimum information to aid practitioners in understanding the local context: \\n Conflict analysis, including an understanding of local ethnic, racial and religious divisions at the national and local levels; \\n Gender analysis, including the role of women, men, girls and boys in society, as well as the gendered power structures in society and in armed forces and groups; \\n Media mapping, including the geographic reach, political slant and cost of different media; \\n Social mapping to identify key influencers and communicators in the society and their constituencies (e.g., academics and intelligentsia, politicians, youth leaders, women leaders, religious leaders, village leaders, commanders, celebrities, etc.); \\n Traditional methods of communication; \\n Cultural perceptions of the disabled, the chronically ill, rape survivors, extra-marital childbirth, mental health issues including post-traumatic stress, etc.; \\n Literacy rates; \\n Prevalence of intimate partner violence and sexual and gender-based violence; and \\n Cultural moments and\/or religious holidays that may be used to amplify messages of peace and the benefits of DDR.Partners in the process also need to be identified. Particular emphasis \u2013 especially in the case of information directed at DDR participants, beneficiaries and communities \u2013 should be placed on selecting local theatre troops and animators who can explain concepts such as DDR, reconciliation and acceptance using figurative language. Others who command the respect of communities, such as traditional village leaders, should also be brought into PI\/SC efforts and may be asked to distribute DDR messages. DDR practitioners should ensure that partners are able and willing to speak to all DDR participants and beneficiaries and also to all community members, including women and children.Two additional context determinants may fundamentally alter the design and delivery of the PI\/SC intervention: \\n The attitudes of community members towards ex-combatants, women and men formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and youth at risk; and \\n The presence of hate speech and\/or xenophobic discourse.In this regard, DDR practitioners shall have a full understanding of how the open communication and publicity surrounding a DDR process may negatively impact the safety and security of participants, as well as DDR practitioners themselves. To this end, DDR practitioners should continuously assess and determine measures that need to be taken to adjust information related to the DDR process. These measures may include: \\n Removing and\/or amending specific designation of sensitive information related to the DDR process, including but not limited to the location of reception centres, the location of disarmament and demobilization sites, details related to the benefits provided to former members of armed forces and groups, and so forth; and \\n Ensuring the protection of the privacy, and rights thereof, of former members of armed forces and groups related to their identity, ensuring at all times that permission is obtained should any identifiable details be used in communication material (such as photo stories, testimonials or ex- combatant profiles)."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"6. Planning and designing PI\/SC strategies","Heading2":"6.2 Communicating about former members of armed forces and groups","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"It is very important to pay attention to the language used in reference to DDR. This includes messaging about the process of disarmament and the \u2018surrender\u2019 of weapons, as well as the terms and expressions used to speak about and to ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. It is necessary to acknowledge that they are not naturally violent; that they might have left a lot behind in terms of social standing, respect and income in their armed group; and that therefore their return to civilian life may come with great economic and social sacrifices. The self-perception of former members of armed forces and groups (e.g., as revolutionaries or liberty fighters) also needs be understood, taken into consideration and, in some cases, positively reinforced to ensure their buy-in to the DDR process. Taking these sensitives into account may sometimes include the need to reprofile the language used by Government and local or even international media. It is of vital importance, especially when it comes to the prospect of reintegration, that the discourse used to talk about ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups is not pejorative and does not reinforce existing stereotypes or community fears.Communicating about former members of armed forces and groups is also important in contexts where transitional justice measures are underway. The strategic communication and public information elements of supporting transitional justice as part of a DDR process (including, truth telling, criminal prosecutions and other accountability measures, reparations, and guarantees of non- recurrence) should be carefully planned (see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice). PI\/SC campaigns should be designed to complement transitional justice interventions, and to manage the expectations of DDR participants, beneficiaries and communities. When transitional justice measures are visibly and publically integrated into DDR processes, this may help to ensure that grievances are addressed and demonstrate that these grievances were heard and taken into account. The visibility of these measures, in turn, contribute to improving the the prospects of social cohesion and receptibility between ex-combatants and communities."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"6. Planning and designing PI\/SC strategies","Heading2":"6.3 The preparation of PI\/SC material","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"While a PI\/SC strategy is being prepared, other public information resources can be activated. In mission settings, ready-made public information material on peacekeeping and the UN\u2019s role can be distributed. However, DDR practitioners should be aware that most DDR-specific material will be created for the particular country where DDR will take place. Production of PI\/SC material is a lengthy process. The time needed to design and produce printed sensitization tools, develop online content, and establishing dissemination channels (such as radio stations) should be taken into account when planning the schedule for PI\/SC activities. Certain PI\/SC materials may take less time to produce, such as digital communication; basic pamphlets; DDR radio programmes for broadcasting on non-UN radios; interviews on local and international media; and debates, seminars and public theatre productions. Pre-testing of PI\/SC materials must also be included in operational schedules.In addition to these considerations, the strategy should have a coherent timeline, bearing in mind that while some PI\/SC activities will continue throughout the DDR process, others will take place at specific times or during specific phases. For instance, particularly during reintegration, SC activities may be oriented towards educating communities to accept DDR participants and to have reasonable expectations of what reintegration will bring, as well as ensuring that survivors of sexual violence and\/or those living with HIV\/AIDS are not stigmatized and that connections are made with ongoing security sector reform, including arms control, police and judicial reform."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"6. Planning and designing PI\/SC strategies","Heading2":"6.4 Hate speech and developing counter-narratives","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Measures must be developed that, in addition to addressing misinformation and disinformation, challenge hate speech and attempt to mitigate its potential impacts on the DDR process. If left unchecked, hate speech and incitement to hatred in the media can lead to atrocities and genocide. In line with the United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech, there must be intentional efforts to address the root causes and drivers of hate speech and to enable effective responses to the impact of hate speech.Hate speech is any kind of communication in speech, writing, or behaviour that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identifying factor. Hate speech aims to exclude, dehumanize and often legitimize the extinction of \u201cthe Other\u201d. It is supported by stereotypes, enemy images, attributions of blame for national misery and xenophobic discourse, all of which aim to strip the imagined Other of all humanity. This kind of communication often successfully incites violence. Preventing and challenging hate speech is vital to the DDR process and sustainable peace.Depending on the nature of the conflict, former members of armed forces and groups and their dependants may be the targets of hate speech. In some contexts, those who leave armed groups may be perceived, by some segments of the population, as traitors to the cause. They or their families may be targeted by hate speech, rumours, and other means of incitement to violence against them. As part of the planning for a DDR process in contexts where hate speech is occurring, DDR practitioners shall make all necessary efforts to include counter-narratives in the PI\/SC strategy. These measures may include the following: \\n Counter hate speech by using accurate and reliable information. \\n Include peaceful counter-narratives in education and communication skills training related to the DDR process (e.g., as part of training provided during reintegration support). \\n Incorporate media and information literacy skills to recognize and critically evaluate hate speech when engaging with communities. \\n Include specific language on hate speech in DDR policy documents and\/or related legislation. \\n Include narratives, stories, and other material that rehumanize ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups in strategic communication interventions in support of DDR processes."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"6. Planning and designing PI\/SC strategies","Heading2":"6.5 Gender-sensitive PI\/SC for DDR","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"PI officers and gender officers shall work closely together in the formulation of PI\/SC strategies for DDR processes, drawing on existing gender analysis, and conducting additional gender assessments as required. Doing so allows the PI\/SC strategy to support gender-equitable norms, to promote women\u2018s empowerment and non-violent versions of masculinities, and to combat stigma and socialization to violence (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).One of the most critical PI\/SC objectives in DDR is reaching WAAFAG and informing them of their eligibility. Ensuring that women are well represented in all PI materials helps prevent their exclusion from DDR processes. Engaging women early in the development and testing of PI messaging is essential to ensuring that communication materials and approaches respond to the specific needs and capacities of women and girls. Recognizing women\u2019s roles in peacebuilding and social cohesion, and utilizing opportunities to actively engage them in disseminating PI messages, is essential. Sensitization activities can provide an important entry point to address the gender dimensions of violence early in the DDR process.PI activities should capitalize on lessons already learned about how to implement gender- responsive PI campaigns geared towards men. For example, showing male leaders and male youth as strong and non-violent, and men as engaged fathers and partners with females in the community, can help to support both men and boys as well as women and girls.Through these approaches, PI\/SC can support broader gender equality work in the country, ensuring that campaign messages, visuals, and awareness raising activities incorporate gender transformative messages including supporting women\u2019s empowerment, men\u2019s role as fathers, and non-violent, demilitarized forms of masculinities.PI\/SC interventions and tools should include messaging on: \\n Women\u2019s and men\u2019s roles as leaders working in partnership; \\n Demilitarization of masculinities; \\n Positive gender norms, including men\u2019s roles in communities as fathers; \\n Destigmatization of psychosocial support services and individuals dealing with post-traumatic stress; \\n Promotion of non-violent behaviour; \\n Destigmatization of female combatants, females associated with armed forces and groups and their children, and male combatants; \\n Men\u2019s and women\u2019s mutual responsibility and awareness around reproductive health and HIV\/AIDS; \\n Women\u2019s empowerment; and \\n Destigmatization of victims\/survivors of sexual violence and their children."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"6. Planning and designing PI\/SC strategies","Heading2":"6.6 Anti-stigma and mental health PI\/SC in support of DDR","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Given the psychological impact of conflict on ex-combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups, as well as survivors and conflict-affected communities, it is essential for PI\/SC to support anti-stigma campaigns and programmes, and to disseminate accurate and reliable information on ways to access support (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR, IDDRS 5.80 on Disability-Inclusive DDR and IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support).PI\/SC should draw on assessments and mapping of services and be developed in collaboration with health authorities, ensuring continuous access to information on the availability of assistance as well as clear referral pathways (clincs, servies, hotlines etc). Anti-stigma campaigns should include messaging on normalizing the mental health impacts of conflict on both men and women and fostering support for individuals and communities. In conflict settings, one person in five is living with some form of mental disorder, from mild depression or anxiety to psychosis. In this regard, PI\/SC should avoid targeting or singling out DDR participants as the impact of conflict extends further than those who actively participated in combat.z Interventions may include radio programs, public service announcements, community theatre or seminars, print media, and other outlets as outlined in section 8."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"The planning and implementation of the PI\/SC strategy shall acknowledge the diversity of stakeholders involved in the DDR process and their varied information needs. The PI\/SC strategy shall also be based on integrated conflict and security analyses (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). As each DDR process may contain different combinations of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support, the type of DDR process under way will influence the stakeholders involved and the primary and secondary audiences, and will shape the nature and content of PI\/SC activities. The intended audience(s) will also vary according to the phase of the DDR process and, crucially, the changes in people\u2019s attitudes that the PI\/SC strategy would like to bring about. What follows is therefore a non-exhaustive list of the types of target audiences most commonly found in a PI\/SC strategy for DDR:"},{"ID":20,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks","Heading2":"7.1 Primary audience (participants and beneficiaries)","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"The following stakeholders are often the primary audience of a DDR process: \\n The political leadership: This may include the signatories of ceasefires and peace accords, when they are in place. Political leaderships may or may not represent the military branches of their organizations. \\n The military leadership of armed forces and groups: These leaders may have motivations and interests that differ from the political leaderships of these entities. Likewise, within these military leaderships, mid-level commanders may hold their own views concerning the DDR process. DDR practitioners should recognize that the rank-and-file members of armed forces and groups often receive information about DDR from their immediate commanders, who may have incentives to provide disinformation about DDR if they are reluctant for their subordinates to leave military life. \\n Rank-and-file of armed forces and groups: It is important to make the distinction between military leaderships, military commanders, mid-level commanders and their rank-and-file, because their motivations and interests may differ. Testimonials from the successfully demobilized and reintegrated rank-and-file have proven to be effective in informing their peers. Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups can play an important role in amplifying messages aimed at demonstrating life after war. \\n Women associated with armed groups and forces in non-combat roles: It is important to cater to the information needs of WAAFAG, especially those who have been abducted. Communities, particularly women\u2019s groups, should also be informed about how to further assist women who manage to leave an armed force or group of their own accord. \\n Children associated with armed forces and groups: Individuals in this group need child-friendly, age- and gender-sensitive information to help reassure and safely remove those who are illegally held by an armed force or group. Communities, local authorities and police should also be informed about how to assist children who have exited or been released from armed groups, as well as about protocols to ensure the protection of children and their prompt handover to child protection services. \\n Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups with disabilities: Information and sensitization to opportunities to access and participate in DDR should reach this group. Families and communities should also be informed on how to support the reintegration of persons with disabilities. \\n Youth at risk of recruitment: In countries affected by conflict, youth are both a force for positive change and, at the same time, a group that may be vulnerable to being drawn into renewed violence. When PI\/SC strategies focus only on children and mature adults, the specific needs and experiences of youth are missed. \\n Local authorities and receiving communities: Enabling the smooth reintegration of DDR participants into their communities is vital to the success of DDR. Communities and their leaders also have an important role to play in other local-level DDR activities, such as CVR programmes and transitional WAM as well as community-based reintegration support."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks","Heading2":"7.2 Secondary audience (partners)","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"In many cases, partnerships with other stakeholders are required to support the design, planning and implementation of the PI\/SC strategy. The following partners are often the secondary audience of a DDR process; however, depending on the context, they may also be the primary audience (e.g., the international community in a regionalized armed conflict): \\n Civil society: This includes women\u2019s groups, youth groups, local associations and non- governmental organizations that play a role in the DDR process, including those working as implementing partners of national and international governmental institutions. \\n Religious leaders and institutions: The voices of moderate religious leaders can be amplified and coordinated with educators to foster coordination and promote messages of peace and tolerance. \\n Legislative and policy-setting authorities: The legal framework in the country regulating the media can be reviewed and laws put in place to prevent the distribution of messages inciting hate or spreading misinformation. If this approach is used, care must be taken to ensure that civil and political rights are not affected. \\n International and local media: International and local media are often the main source of information on progress in the peace process. Keeping both media segments supplied with accurate and up-to-date information on the planning and implementation of DDR is important in order to increase support for the process and avoid bad press. The media are also key whistleblowers that can identify, expose and denounce potential spoilers of the peace process. \\n Private sector: Companies in the private sector can also be important amplifiers and partners, for example, by generating specific recruitment advertisements in support of reintegration opportunities. Local telecommunication companies and internet service providers can also offer avenues to further disseminate key messages. \\n Opinion leaders\/influencers: In many contexts, opinion leaders are public personalities who actively produce and interpret multiple sources of information to form an opinion. With the advent of social media, these actors generate viewership and large followings through regular programming and online presence. \\n Regional stakeholders: These include Governments, regional organizations, military and political parties of neighbouring countries, civil society in neighboring States, businesses and potential spoilers. \\n The international community: This includes donors, their constituencies (including, if applicable, the diaspora who can influence the direction of DDR), troop-contributing countries, the UN system, international financial institutions, non-governmental organizations and think tanks."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"8. Media","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"This section outlines the various media that can be used in PI\/SC strategies and the advantages and disadvantages associated with each.In both mission and non-mission settings, DDR practitioners should proactively identify PI\/SC capacities to support national counterparts that are leading the process. Most peacekeeping operations include a PI\/SC office with the following work streams and skill sets: media relations, multimedia and content production, radio content or station, and an outreach and campaigns unit. It is important for DDR practitioners to keep in mind that former members of armed forces and groups are not usually a standard target audience within a mission\u2019s PI\/SC strategy. They may therefore need to engage with the PI\/SC office in order for this group to be considered. In non-mission settings, DDR practitioners may seek out partnerships with relevant organizations or explore the possibility of bringing on board or working with existing PI\/SC personnel. For example, most agencies, funds and programmes within the UN country team maintain communications officers or individuals with similar job profiles. In all contexts, local advisers shall be consulted.Once created, PI\/SC messages and activities can be channeled using the various media outlined below. The selection of media type should be based on a thorough analysis of the geographic availability of that media, as well as which form of media best suits the content to be disseminated."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"8. Media","Heading2":"8.1 Online and web presence","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"When internet access is widespread, online tools (videos, dedicated websites, podcasts, social media campaigns, etc.) are important. Social media campaigns should be considered as they represent a low- resource way of reaching a large audience."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"8. Media","Heading2":"8.2 Radio: local, national and international stations","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"When compared with other media, the advantage of radio is that it often reaches the largest number of people, particularly in developing countries. This is because radio is less dependent on infrastructural development or the technological sophistication and wealth of the listener. It can also reach those who are illiterate. However, it should not be assumed that women (and children) have the same access to radio as men, especially in rural areas, since they may not have the resources to buy either the radio or batteries.A DDR radio programme can assist in providing updates on the DDR process (e.g., the opening of demobilization sites and inauguration of reintegration projects). It can also be used to disseminate messages targeting women and girls (to encourage their participation in the process), as well as children associated with armed forces and groups (for e.g., on the consequences of enlisting or holding children). Radio messages can also support behavioural change programming, for example, by destigmatizing mental health needs (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR, IDDRS 5.80 on Disability- Inclusive DDR and IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support). Some peacekeeping missions have their own UN Radio stations. In contexts where this is not the case, DDR practitioners should explore partnerships with the private sector and\/or civil society."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"8. Media","Heading2":"8.3 Print media","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Print media may include leaflets, pamphlets, posters\/cartoons, newsletters and magazines. Although the effectiveness of these various formats will be limited by the literacy of the intended audience, their main advantage is the durability and level of detail that printed information can contain. The added benefit of print media is that it can be passed from person to person in close-knit networks, increasing the potential impact of the content as it comes from a trusted source."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"8. Media","Heading2":"8.4 Visual media: TV, film and billboards","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"In countries where television is the most popular way of distributing information, it is essential that this medium is used, even if in a limited way. Some peacekeeping missions have established their own UN TV stations on a dedicated broadcasting frequency, while others have made arrangements to broadcast films, documentaries or other programming on existing public or private stations. The scheduling and frequency of broadcasts must be carefully planned to respond to the needs of the widest possible audience. Where cultural restrictions prevent women from watching films in public, alternatives, such as a women-only screening, should be negotiated. Billboards should not be overlooked as an effective tool for advertising DDR activities and\/or achievements, as, when strategically positioned, they can reach a significant number of people."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"8. Media","Heading2":"8.5 Interactive forums: theatre, seminars, debate","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Although the main impact of theatre productions, seminars and debates may be on their direct audience, oral forms of communication have the advantage of involving the audience and building on existing cultural norms. Presenting ideas and concepts figuratively, especially if based on local folklore, culture and humour, can be particularly useful in communities with a strong oral culture. Interactive opportunities like this also afford critical opportunities to support equitable and positive gender norms, destigmatize mental health, and foster peacebuilding and social cohesion. These interactive mechanisms may also help to build social cohesion and work through trauma."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"8. Media","Heading2":"8.6 Local townhall events","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Local townhall events that are open to the public can offer a platform for dialogue with communities. They can serve as a wider peacebuilding platform using participatory methods to solicit input from affected populations. They can also provide the opportunity to pre-test messages on a small scale to ascertain their impact and reception before wider use and dissemination."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"8. Media","Heading2":"8.7 Hotlines","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Hotlines can be a useful tool to inform DDR participants and beneficiaries about the development of the DDR process. Hotlines should be free of charge and can foster the engagement of the target audience and provide information and clarification on the DDR process."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"8. Media","Heading2":"8.8 Augmented and virtual reality","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Augmented and virtual reality techniques can allow partners, donors and members of the general public who are unfamiliar with DDR to immerse themselves in a real-life setting \u2013 for example, walking the path of an ex-combatant as he\/she leaves an armed group and participates in a DDR process."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"8. Media","Heading2":"8.9 Gamification","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Gamification involves the application of typical elements of game playing (e.g., point scoring, competition with others, rules of play) to other areas of activity, typically as an interactive and social technique to encourage engagement with a topic, such as DDR."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#7366A3","Level":4,"LevelName":"Operations, Programmes and Support","Title":"Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","Heading1":"9. Economic reintegration","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"From the start, it is important to identify measurable indicators (the pieces of information that will show whether objectives are being met) as well as how this information will be gathered (sources and techniques) in order to monitor and evaluate the impact of the PI\/SC strategy. Any aspects of the PI\/SC strategy that do not have the effect they were designed to achieve shall be adapted. Indicators may include: \\n The number, sex, age and location (e.g, rural or urban) of people listening to radio programmes and consulting other media, including websites and social media, that convey messages regarding DDR; \\n The number of participants and beneficiaries engaging in the DDR process as a result of PI\/SC activities; \\n The extent of the involvement of the local civilian population in reintegration programmes as a result of PI\/SC efforts; and \\n The change in expectations and knowledge about the process among target audiences before and after PI\/SC activities.This information can be gathered through surveys and interviews conducted throughout the implementation of the DDR process and also from the activity reports of other organizations, media reports, staff at the demobilization sites, local civil society actors in the communities, etc. Findings should be used to guide and shape ongoing activities and contribute to improving future efforts. For further information, refer to IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.10 Women, Gender and DDR.json b/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.10 Women, Gender and DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..509da3f --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.10 Women, Gender and DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Women are increasingly involved in combat or are associated with armed groups and forces in other roles, work as community peace-builders, and play essential roles in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) processes. Yet they are almost never included in the planning or implementation of DDR. Since 2000, the United Nations (UN) and all other agencies involved in DDR and other post-conflict reconstruction activities have been in a better position to change this state of affairs by using Security Council resolution 1325, which sets out a clear and practical agenda for measuring the advancement of women in all aspects of peace-building. The resolution begins with the recognition that women\u2019s visibility, both in national and regional instruments and in bi- and multilateral organizations, is vital. It goes on to call for gender awareness in all aspects of peacekeeping initiatives, especially demobi- lization and reintegration, urges women\u2019s informed and active participation in disarmament exercises, and insists on the right of women to carry out their post-conflict reconstruction activities in an environment free from threat, especially of sexualized violence.Even when they are not involved with armed forces and groups themselves, women are strongly affected by decisions made during the demobilization of men. Furthermore, it is impossible to tackle the problems of women\u2019s political, social and economic marginaliza- tion or the high levels of violence against women in conflict and post-conflict zones without paying attention to how men\u2019s experiences and expectations also shape gender relations. This module therefore includes some ideas about how to design DDR processes for men in such a way that they will learn to resolve interpersonal conflicts without using violence to do so, which will increase the security of their families and broader communities.Special note is also made of girl soldiers in this module, because in some parts of the world, a girl who bears a child, no matter how young she is, immediately gains the status of a woman. Care should therefore be taken to understand local interpretations of who is seen as a girl and who a woman soldier.Peace-building, especially in the form of practical disarmament, needs to continue for a long time after formal demobilization and reintegration processes come to an end. This module is therefore intended to assist planners in designing and implementing gender- sensitive short-term goals, and to help in the planning of future-oriented long-term peace support measures. It focuses on practical ways in which both women and girls, and men and boys can be included in the processes of disarmament and demobilization, and be recognized and supported in the roles they play in reintegration.The processes of DDR take place in such a wide variety of conditions that it would be impossible to discuss each of the circumstance-specific challenges that might arise. This module raises issues that frequently disappear in the planning stages of DDR, and aims to provoke further thinking and debate on the best ways to deal with the varied needs of people \u2014 male and female, old and young, healthy and unwell \u2014 in armed groups and forces, and those of the communities to which they return after war."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"This module provides policy guidance on the gender aspects of the various stages in a DDR process, and outlines gender-aware interventions and female-specific actions that should be carried out in order to make sure that DDR programmes are sustainable and equitable. The module is also designed to give guidance on mainstreaming gender into all DDR poli- cies and programmes to create gender-responsive DDR programmes. As gender roles and relations are by definition constructed in a specific cultural, geographic and communal con- text, the guidance offered is intended to be applied with sensitivity to and understanding of the context in which a DDR process is taking place. However, all UN and bilateral policies and programmes should comply with internationally agreed norms and standards, such as Security Council resolution 1325, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrim- ination Against Women and the Beijing Platform for Action."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com- plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicated requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d"},{"ID":3,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Generally, it is assumed that armed men are the primary threat to post-conflict security and that they should therefore be the main focus of DDR. The picture is usually more complex than this: although males (adults, youth and boys) may more obviously take part in the conflict and make up the largest number of combatants, females (adults, youth and girls) are also likely to have been involved in violence, and may have participated in every aspect of the conflict. Despite stereotypical beliefs, women and girls are not peacemakers only, but can also contribute to ongoing insecurity and violence during wartime and when wars come to an end.The work carried out by women and girl combatants and other women and girls asso- ciated with armed forces and groups in non-fighting roles may be difficult to measure, but efforts should be made to assess their contribution as accurately as possible when a DDR programme is designed. The involvement of women in the security sector reform (SSR) pro- cesses that accompany and follow DDR should also be deliberately planned from the start. Women take on a variety of roles during wartime. For example, many may fight for brief periods and then return to their communities to carry out other forms of work that contri- bute to the war. These women will have reintegrated and are unlikely to present themselves for DDR. Nor should they be encouraged to do so, since the resources allocated for DDR are limited and intended to create a founda- tion of stability on which longer-term peace and SSR can be built. It is therefore appro- priate, in the reconstruction period, to focus resources on women and men who are still active fighters and potential spoilers. Women who have already rejoined their communities can, however, be an important asset in the rein- tegration period, including through playingexpanded roles in the security sector, and efforts should be made to include their views when designing reintegration processes. Their experiences may significantly help commu- nities with the work of reintegrating former fighters, especially when they are able to help bring about reconciliation and assist in making communities safer.It is important to remember that women are present in every part of a society touched by DDR \u2014 from armed groups and forces to receiving communities. Exclusionary power struc- tures, including a backlash against women entering into political, economic and security structures in a post-conflict period, may make their contributions difficult to assess. It is therefore the responsibility of all DDR planners to work with female representatives and women\u2019s groups, and to make it difficult for male leaders to exclude women from the form- ulation and implementation of DDR processes. Planners of SSR should also pay attention to women as a resource base for improving all aspects of human security in the post-conflict period. It is especially important not to lose the experiences and public standing acquired by those women who played peace-building roles in the conflict period, or who served in an armed group or force, learning skills that can usefully be turned to community service in the reconstruction period.Ultimately, DDR should lead to a sustainable transition from military to civilian rule, and therefore from militarized to civilian structures in the society more broadly. Since women make up at least half the adult population, and in post-conflict situations may head up to 75 percent of all households, the involvement of women in DDR and SSR is the most important factor in achieving effective and sustainable security. Furthermore, as the main caregivers in most cultures, women and girls shoulder more than their fair share of the burden for the social reintegration of male and female ex-combatants, especially the sick, traumatized, injured, HIV-positive and under-aged.Dealing with the needs and harnessing the different capacities and potential of men, women, boy and girl former fighters; their supporters; and their dependants will improve the success of the challenging and long-term transformation process that is DDR, as well as providing a firm foundation for the reconstruction of the security sector to meet peacetime needs. However, even five years since the passing of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) on Women and Peace and Security, gender is still not fully taken into account in DDR plan- ning and delivery. This module shows policy makers and practitioners how to replace this with a routine consideration of the different needs and capacities of the women and men involved in DDR processes."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"Up till now, DDR efforts have concerned themselves mainly with the disarmament, demo- bilization and reintegration of male combatants. This approach fails to deal with the fact that women can also be armed combatants, and that they may have different needs from their male counterparts. Nor does it deal with the fact that women play essential roles in maintaining and enabling armed forces and groups, in both forced and voluntary capacities. A narrow definition of who qualifies as a \u2018combatant\u2019 came about because DDR focuses on neutralizing the most potentially dangerous members of a society (and because of limits imposed by the size of the DDR budget); but leaving women out of the process underesti- mates the extent to which sustainable peace-building and security require them to participate equally in social transformation.In UN-supported DDR, the following principles of gender equality are applied: \\n Non-discrimination, and fair and equitable treatment: In practice, this means that no group is to be given special status or treatment within a DDR programme, and that indivi- duals should not be discriminated against on the basis of gender, age, race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, political opinion, or other personal characteristics or associa- tions. This is particularly important when establishing eligibility criteria for entry into DDR programmes (also see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament); \\n Gender equality and women\u2019s participation: Encouraging gender equality as a core principle of UN-supported DDR programmes means recognizing and supporting the equal rights of women and men, and girls and boys in the DDR process. The different experiences, roles and responsibilities of each of them during and after conflict should be recognized and reflected in the design and implementation of DDR programmes; \\n Respect for human rights: DDR programmes should support ways of preventing reprisal or discrimination against, or stigmatization of those who participate. The rights of the community should also be protected and upheld."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"5. International mandates","Heading2":"5.1. Security Council resolution 1325","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Security Council resolution 1325 marks an important step towards the recognition of women\u2019s contributions to peace and reconstruction, and draws attention to the particular impact of conflict on women and girls. On DDR, it specifically \u201cencourages all those involved in the planning for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration to consider the different needs of female and male ex-combatants and to take into account the needs of their depen- dants\u201d. Since it was passed, the Council has recalled the principles laid down in resolution 1325 when establishing the DDR-related mandates of several peacekeeping missions, such as the UN Missions in Liberia and Sudan and the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"5. International mandates","Heading2":"5.2. The Beijing Platform for Action","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"At the Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995, 189 Member States com- mitted themselves to a range of strategic objectives and actions aimed at achieving gender equality. The Member States repeated their commitment to ensuring that women make up 30 percent of all decision-making bodies and further committed themselves, among other things, to: \\n increase the participation of women in conflict resolution at decision-making levels, and protect women living in situations of armed and other conflicts or under foreign occupation (E.1); \\n reduce excessive military expenditures and control the availability of armaments (E.2); \\n encourage and support women\u2019s contribution to fostering a culture of peace (E.4)."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"5. International mandates","Heading2":"5.3. The Secretary-General\u2019s Study on Women, Peace and Security","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"In his 2002 Study on Women, Peace and Security, the Secretary-General recommended the following actions on DDR: \\n Action 1: Incorporate the needs and priorities of women and girls as ex-combatants, \u2018camp-followers\u201d\u2019 and families of ex-combatants in the design and implementation of DDR programmes, including the design of camps; the distribution of benefits; and access to basic resources and services, including food, water, health care and counsel- ling, in order to ensure the success of such programmes, women and girls\u2019 full partici- pation, and their access to benefits; \\n Action 2: Increase the number of programmes for child soldiers, fully include attention to the specific situation and needs of girl soldiers, and identify means to support child soldiers, including girls, who do not enter DDR programmes; \\n Action 3: Recognize the impact of armed conflict and displacement on family relations, and develop awareness of the risk of increased domestic violence, especially in the fami- lies of ex-combatants; and develop programmes on the prevention of domestic violence that are designed for families and communities, and especially male ex-combatants; \\n Action 4: Recognize and use the contributions of women and girls in encouraging ex- combatants to lay down arms and participate in weapons-collection programmes, and ensure that they benefit from any incentives provided for such activities; \\n Action 5: Ensure full access of women and girls to all resources and benefits provided in reintegration programmes, including skills development programmes."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"A gender-responsive approach to DDR should be built into every stage of DDR. This begins with discussions during the peace negotiations on the methods that will be used to carry out DDR. DDR advisers participating in such negotiations should ensure that women\u2019s interests and needs are adequately included. This can be done by insisting on the participation of female representatives at the negotiations, ensuring they understand DDR-related clauses and insisting on their active involvement in the DDR planning phase. Trained female leaders will contribute towards ensuring that women and girls involved in DDR (women and girls who are ex-combatants, women and girls working in support functions for armed groups and forces, wives and dependants of male ex-combatants, and members of the receiving com- munity) understand, support and strengthen the DDR process."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation","Heading3":"6.1.1. Negotiating DDR: Gender-aware interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Negotiation, mediation and facilitation teams should get expert advice on current gender dynamics, gender relations in and around armed groups and forces, and the impact the peace agreement will have on the status quo. All the participants at the negotiation table should have a good understanding of gender issues in the country and be willing to include ideas from female representatives. To ensure this, facilitators of meetings and gender advisers should organize gender workshops for wom- en participants before the start of the formal negotiation. The UN should develop a group of deployment-ready experts in gender and DDR by using a combined strategy of recruit- ment and training, and insist on their full participation in the DDR process through af- firmative action."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation","Heading3":"6.1.2. Negotiating DDR: Female-specific interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Facilitators, Special Representatives of the Secretary-General (SRSGs) and senior UN person- nel supporting the peace process should receive an explicit mandate to cater for the needs and interests of women and girls, whether combatants, supporters or dependants. Moni- toring and evaluation mechanisms should be set in place to assess the effectiveness of their interventions. (See Annex D for a gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation framework.) Peace process facilitators, SRSGs and envoys should be made aware of the interna- tionally agreed minimum standard of 30 percent female participation in any democratic decision-making forum. Women who are familiar with the needs of female fighters, veterans and other community-based women peace-builders should attend and be allowed to raise concerns in the negotiation process. In circumstances where the participation of women is not possible, DDR planners should hold consultations with women\u2019s groups during the planning and pre-deployment phase and ensure that the latter\u2019s views are represented at negotiation forums.Women in leadership positions at national and local levels, including female local coun- cillors, representatives of women\u2019s non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and female community leaders, all of whom will assist the return of male and female ex-combatants, supporters and dependants to civilian life, are stakeholders in the peace process, and should be enlisted as partners in the DDR process. Furthermore, governmental ministries or depart- ments with gender-related mandates should be included in negotiations and decision-making whenever possible.To facilitate women\u2019s participation, the UN advance team or country team should carry out a risk assessment to evaluate the threat posed to women who take up a public role in the peace process. Adequate protection should be provided by governmental bodies or the UN itself if these women\u2019s security is at risk. Facilitators and other participants in the peace process should attempt to create an inclusive environment so that female representatives feel comfortable to raise their concerns and needs.The release of abducted women and girls from within the ranks of an armed force or group should be made a condition of the peace agreement.The requirement for the representation of women in structures established to manage DDR processes, such as a national DDR commission, should be included in the peace accord. Information about the DDR programme and process should be made available to any sub- sidiary bodies or sub-committees established to facilitate the participation of civil society in the peace process."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.2 Assessment phase","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Planners should develop a good understanding of the legal, political, economic, social and security context of the DDR programme and how it affects women, men, girls and boys differently, both in the armed forces and groups and in the receiving communities. In addition, planners should understand the different needs of women, men, girls and boys who participate in DDR processes according to their different roles during the conflict (i.e., armed ex-combatants, supporters, or\/and depend- ants). The following should be considered. \\n Different choices: There may be a difference in the life choices made by women and girls, as opposed to men and boys. This is because women, men, girls and boys have different roles before, during and after conflicts, and they face different problems and expectations from society and their family. They may, as a result, have different prefer- ences for reintegration training and support. Some women and girls may wish to return to their original homes, while others may choose to follow male partners to a new loca- tion, including across international boundaries; \\n Different functions: Many women and girls participate in armed conflict in roles other than as armed combatants. These individuals, who may have participated as cooks, mes- sengers, informal health care providers, por- ters, sex slaves, etc., are often overlooked in the DDR process. Women and girls carry out these roles both through choice and, in the case of abductees and slaves, because they are forced to do so.Within receiving communities, in which women already have heavy responsibilities for caregiving, reintegration may place fur- ther burdens of work and care on them that will undermine sustainable reintegration if they are not adequately supported."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.2 Assessment phase","Heading3":"6.2.1. Assessment phase: Gender-aware interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Gender expertise should be considered an essential element of any assessment mission carried out by the UN, specifically those teams with DDR-related mandates, and gender analysis and information should be adequately reflected in reporting to the Security Council and the UN Development Group that coordinates joint assessment missions before the deployment of a peacekeeping mission.The assessment team should identify community responses to giving female ex-com- batants the option of joining reconstructed peacetime armies and other security institutions such as intelligence services, border police, customs, immigration services and other law- enforcement services. To boost the number of female peacekeepers, women\u2019s eligibility for peacekeeping roles in other conflict zones should also be determined.In order to plan how to deal with obstacles to reintegration and better prepare the community and returnees to play supportive roles, an ongoing assessment should be con- ducted of community attitudes towards returning female combatants, supporters and depend- ants. Baseline data and analysis should be gathered and then reassessed at various stages of the process. Analysis should focus closely on potential causes of insecurity for returning women and on the extent of gender-based insecurity (e.g., gender-based violence) in comm- unities more generally.If the assessment team has the task of identifying sites for cantonment, such sites should be able to provide separate facilities for women and men, and girls and boys, as required. Sanitary facilities should be designed in a way that allows for privacy, in accordance with culturally accepted norms, and water and sanitation should be available to meet women\u2019s and girls\u2019 hygiene needs."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.2 Assessment phase","Heading3":"6.2.2. Assessment phase: Female-specific interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"The number and percentage of women and girls in armed groups and forces, and their rank and category, should be ascertained as far as possible before planning begins. Necessary measures should be put in place \u2014 in cooperation with existing military structures, where possible \u2014 to deal with commanders who refuse to disclose the number of female combat- ants or associates in the armed forces or groups that they command. It is the human right of all women and girls who have been abducted to receive assistance to safely leave an armed force or group.Baseline information on patterns of weapons possession and ownership among women and girls should be collected \u2014 if possible, before demobilization \u2014 to gain an accurate picture of what should be expected during disarmament, and to guard against exploitation of women and girls by military personnel, in attempts either to cache weapons or control access to DDR.The assessment team should identify local capacities of women\u2019s organizations already working on security-related issues and work with them to learn about the presence of women and girls in armed groups and forces. All interventions should be designed to sup- port and strengthen existing capacity. (See Annex D for gender-responsive needs assessment and the capacities and vulnerabilities analysis matrix of women\u2019s organizations.)Along with community peace-building forums, women\u2019s organizations should routinely be consulted during assessment missions, as they are often a valuable source of information for planners and public information specialists about, for instance, the community\u2019s percep- tions of the dangers posed by illicit weapons, attitudes towards various types of weapons, the location of weapons caches and other issues such as trans-border weapons trade. Women\u2019s organizations can also provide information about local perceptions of returning female ex- combatants, and of women and girls associated with armed groups and forces.Working closely with senior commanders within armed forces and groups before demo- bilization to begin raising awareness about women\u2019s inclusion and involvement in DDR will have a positive impact and can help improve the cooperation of mid-level commanders where a functioning chain of command is in place.Female interpreters familiar with relevant terminology and concepts should be hired and trained by assessment teams to help with interviewing women and girls involved in or associated with armed groups or forces.Women\u2019s specific health needs, including gynaecological care, should be planned for. Reproductive health services (including items such as reusable sanitary napkins) and pro- phylactics against sexually transmitted infection (both male and female condoms) should be included as essential items in any health care packages.When planning the transportation of people associated with armed groups and forces to cantonment sites or to their communities, sufficient resources should be budgeted for to offer women and girls the option of being transported separately from men and boys, if their personal safety is a concern.The assessment team report and recommendations for personnel and budgetary require- ments for the DDR process should include provision for female DDR experts, female trans- lators and female field staff for reception centres and cantonment sites to which women combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups can safely report."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.3 Demobilization","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"A strict \u2018one man, one gun\u2019 eligibility requirement for DDR, or an eligibility test based on proficiency in handling weapons, may exclude many women and girls from entry into DDR programmes. The narrow definition of who qualifies as a \u2018combatant\u2019 has been moti- vated to a certain extent by budgetary considerations, and this has meant that DDR planners have often overlooked or inadequately attended to the needs of a large group of people participating in and associated with armed groups and forces. However, these same peo- ple also present potential security concerns that might complicate DDR.If those who do not fit the category of a \u2018male, able-bodied combatant\u2019 are overlooked, DDR activities are not only less efficient, but run the risk of reinforcing existing gender inequalities in local communities and making economic hardship worse for women and girls in armed groups and forces, some of whom may have unresolved trauma and reduced physical capacity as a result of violence experienced during the conflict. Marginalized women with experience of combat are at risk for re-recruitment into armed groups and forces and may ultimately undermine the peace-building potential of DDR processes. The involvement of women is the best way of ensuring their longer-term participation in security sector reform and in the uniformed services more generally, which again will improve long-term security.Box 3 Why are female supporters\/FAAFGs eligible for demobilization? \\n Female supporters and females associated with armed forces and groups shall enter DDR at the demobilization stage because, even if they are not as much of a security risk as combatants, the DDR process, by definition, will break down their social support systems through the demobilization of those on whom they have relied to make a living. If the aim of DDR is to provide broad-based community security, it cannot create insecurity for this group of women by ignoring their special needs. Even if the argument is made that women associated with armed forces and groups should be included in more broadly coordinated reintegration and recovery frameworks, it is important to remember that they will then miss out on specifically designed support to help them make the transition from a military to a civilian lifestyle. In addition, many of the programmes aimed at enabling communities to reinforce reintegration will not be in place early enough to deal with the immediate needs of this group of women."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.3 Demobilization","Heading3":"6.3.1. Demobilization mandates, scope, institutional arrangements: Gender-aware interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"In drafting a peace mission\u2019s plan of operations, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) shall reflect the recommendations of the assessment team and produce language that defines a mandate for a gender-sensitive DDR process in compliance with Security Council resolution 1325. Specifically, DDR programme participants shall include those who play support functions essential for the maintenance and cohesion of armed groups and forces, and reflect consideration of the needs of individuals dependent on combatants.When the Security Council establishes a peacekeeping operation with mandated DDR functions, components that will ensure gender equity should be adequately financed through the assessed budget of UN peacekeeping operations and not voluntary contributions alone. From the start, funds should be allocated for gender experts and expertise to help with the planning and implementation of dedicated programmes serving the needs of female ex-com- batants, supporters and dependants. Gender advisers and expertise should be considered essential in the staffing structure of DDR units.The UN should facilitate financial support of the gender components of DDR processes. DDR programme budgets should be made gender-responsive by allocating sufficient amounts of resources to all gender-related activities and female-specific interventions.When collaborating with regional, bilateral and multilateral organizations, DDR prac- titioners should encourage gender mainstreaming and compliance with Security Council resolution 1325 throughout all DDR efforts that they lead or support, encouraging all partners, such as client countries, donors and other stakeholders, to dedicate human and economic resources towards gender mainstreaming throughout all phases of DDR.DDR practitioners should ensure that the various personnel of the peacekeeping mission, from the SRSG to the troops on the ground, are aware of the importance of gender consid- erations in DDR activities. Several strategies can be used: (1) ensuring that DDR training programmes that are routinely provided for military and civilian staff reflect gender-related aspects; (2) developing accountability mechanisms to ensure that all staff are committed to gender equity; and (3) integrating gender training into the training programme for the troops involved.Box 4 Gender training in DDR \\n\\n Main topics of training \\n Gender mainstreaming and human rights \\n Sexual and gender-based violence \\n Gender roles and relations (before, during and after the conflict) \\n Gender identities \\n Gender issues in HIV\/AIDS and human trafficking \\n\\n Main participants \\n Ex-combatants, supporters, dependants (both male and female) \\n DDR programme staffs \\n Representatives of government \\n Women\u2019s groups and NGOs \\n Community leaders and traditional authorities"},{"ID":16,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.3 Demobilization","Heading3":"6.3.2. Demobilization mandates, scope, institutional arrangements: Female-specific interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Definitions of who is a dependant should reflect the varied nature and complexity of the conflict situation, where dependent women and girls may not be legal wives of ex-combatants. Where a male ex-combatant and a woman or girl live as man and wife according to local perceptions and practices, this will guarantee the eligibility of the woman or girl for inclu- sion in the DDR programme. Eligibility criteria should be determined so that they include \u2014 where relevant \u2014 multiple wives (both formal and informal) of a male ex-combatant. The dependants of an ex-combatant should include any person living as part of the ex- combatant\u2019s household under their care.xxIn situations where governments are responsible for all or part of the DDR process, UN representatives should encourage national DDR commissions to work closely with government ministries in charge of women\u2019s affairs, as well as women\u2019s peace-building networks. National DDR commissions should be encouraged to employ women in leader- ship positions and assign gender focal points within the commission.Troop-contributing countries should be encouraged by DPKO to make it an urgent priority to deploy women in peacekeeping operations. Female military personnel with gen- der training should be used as much as possible during the DDR process, in particular during the initial stages of screening and identification. Female military personnel should also play an important role in receiving and transmitting information on gender-based violence and\/or sexual exploitation and abuse occurring in DDR sites."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.4 Transitional support","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Transitional support can include one or more of the following: financial resources; material resources; and basic training. The overall aim should be to ensure that the distribution of benefits enables women and girls to have the same economic choices as men and boys, regardless of the roles they performed during the war, and that women and men, and girls and boys are able to engage constructively in reintegration activities that contribute to overall security in their communities.A good understanding of women\u2019s rights and social attitudes relating to women\u2019s access to economic resources is needed when designing the benefits package. This will assist planners in designing the package in a way that will allow women to keep control over benefits, especially financial reinsertion packages, after leaving the cantonment site. For example, providing land as part of the benefits package may not be appropriate in a country where women cannot legally own land.Although DDR planners have assumed that financial packages given to male ex-com- batants will be used for the benefit of family members, anecdotal evidence from the field suggests that demobilized men use their start- up cash irresponsibly, rather than to the benefit of family and community. This com- promises the success of DDR programmes and undermines security and community recovery. On the other hand, much empirical evidence from the field indicates that women use the resources they are given for family sustenance and community development. For reintegration to be sustainable, gendered strategies must be developed that will equally benefit women and men, and ensure the equitable distribution of aid and resources within the family unit."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.4 Transitional support","Heading3":"6.4.1. Transitional support: Gender-aware interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"When planning the demobilization package, women\/girls and men\/boys who were armed ex-combatants and supporters should receive equitable and appropriate basic demobili- zation benefits packages, including access to land, tools, credit and training.Planning should include a labour market assessment that provides details of the various job options and market opportunities that will be available to men and women after they leave demobilization sites. This assessment should take place as early as possible so that train- ing programmes are ready when ex-combatants and supporters need them.Opportunities for women\u2019s economic independence should be considered and potential problems faced by women entering previously \u2018male\u2019 workplaces and professions should be dealt with as far as possible. Offering demobilized women credit and capital should be viewed as a positive investment in reconstruction, since women have an established record of high rates of return and reinvestment.Demobilization packages for men and boys should be also sensitive to their different gender roles and identities. Demobilization packages might be prepared under the assump- tion that men are the \u2018breadwinner\u2019 in a household, which might pressurize men to be more aggressively hierarchical in their behaviour at home. Men can also feel emasculated when women appear more successful than them, and may express their frustration in increased violence. More careful preparation is needed so that transitional support packages will not reinforce negative gender stereotypes."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.4 Transitional support","Heading3":"6.4.2. Transitional support: Female-specific interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"If cash hand-outs are given to DDR participants as part of their transitional support, the needs and spending patterns of women should be taken into account, and accommodated as much as possible (e.g., do women prefer large payments of cash or monthly payments? Does either form of payment subject women and girls to additional security risks?).Women\u2019s traditional forms of money management should be recognized and supported (e.g., through rotational loan and credit schemes or other innovative forms of microcredit), and, where available, women should be given access to banks and encouraged to open private bank accounts to safeguard their money.Education and training efforts should deal with the needs and desires of the women and girls and start as soon as possible during the demobilization phase. Experience has shown that women and girls tend to be overwhelmed by household responsibilities and may be unable to move around freely once they return home, and are therefore less likely to be able to attend training programmes. Women\u2019s access will be greatly improved if efforts are made to provide child-care and other services.In many countries, women and girls have lower educational levels and are skilled in jobs that earn less money than their male peers. This should be taken into account in training programmes through providing additional resources for literacy and training in high-earning skills for women and girls. Skills should be culturally appropriate as far as possible, although efforts should be made not to restrict women to low-paid \u2018traditional\u2019 female work, since the post-conflict period offers the possibility of social transformation, including making use of skills acquired by women in wartime.Educational opportunities should be equally available to female and male children of ex-combatants and widows.The spouse or other female family mem- bers of a male ex-combatant should be brought in to witness the signing of an agreement on how his money will get paid. In this way, the resources may actually get passed on to the family, and from there move into the broader community.Receiving communities and women community leaders should be informed about the intention and use of reintegration packages and their potential impact. It cannot be assumed that the benefits of DDR will automatically enrich the community that they enter; they may in fact cause resentment and violence. Efforts should be made to include communities when deciding how development packages will be provided so that ex-combatants\u2019 access to these resources can be influenced and monitored by the community to which they return."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.5 Assembly","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Female ex-combatants are less likely to ask to participate in DDR than their male peers, for a variety of reasons: \\n a failure to adequately assess the number of women and girl combatants, supporters and dependants in the assessment phase, so that women and girls are neither expected nor catered for; \\n women and girls in many post-war contexts having poorer access to news sources such as radios and being less likely to be able to read than men; \\n the stigma during peacetime of being associated with an armed force or group; \\n the perception or fact that a weapon is required for participation in a DDR programme; \\n security concerns or a fear of exposure or re-exposure to sexual and gender-based violence; \\n in some cases, commanders deliberately holding girls back because they are considered essential workers and the most desirable sexual partners within the group.2 They may also hide women and girls who have been abducted, for fear of legal and social consequences. Measures should be put in place to ensure women know they have the right to leave, and the capacity to do so in safety."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.5 Assembly","Heading3":"6.5.1. Assembly: Gender-aware interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Male and female ex-combatants should be equally able to get access to clear information on their eligibility for participation in DDR programmes, as well as the benefits available to them and how to obtain them. At the same time, information and awareness-raising sessions should be offered to the communities that will receive ex-combatants, especially to women\u2019s groups, to help them understand what DDR is, and what they can and cannot expect to gain from it.Information campaigns though the media (e.g., radio and newspapers) should provide information that encourages ex-combatants, supporters and dependants to join programmes. However, it is important to bear in mind that women do not always have access to these tech- nologies, and word of mouth may be the best way of spreading information aimed at them.Eligibility criteria for the three groups of participants should be clearly provided through the information campaign. This includes informing male ex-combatants that women and girls are participants in DDR and that they (i.e., the men) face punishment if they do not release sex slaves. Women and girls should be informed that separate accommodation facil- ities and services (including registration) will be provided for them. Female staff should be present at all assembly areas to process women who report for DDR.Gender balance shall be a priority among staff in the assembly and cantonment sites. It is especially important that men see women in positions of authority in DDR processes. If there are no female leaders (including field officers), men are unlikely to take seriously education efforts aimed at changing their attitudes and ideas about militarized, masculine power. Therefore, information campaigns should emphasize the importance of female lead- ership and of coordination between local women\u2019s NGOs and other civil society groups.Registration forms and questionnaires should be designed to supply sex-disaggregated data on groups to be demobilized."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.5 Assembly","Heading3":"6.5.2. Assembly: Female-specific interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"It is imperative that information on the DDR process, including eligibility and benefits, reach women and girls associated with armed groups or forces, as commanders may try to exclude them. In the past, commanders have been known to remove weapons from the possession of girls and women combatants when DDR begins. Public information and advocacy cam- paigners should ensure that information on women-specific assistance, as well as on women\u2019s rights, is transmitted through various media.Many female combatants, supporters, females associated with armed groups and forces, and female dependants were sexually abused during the war. Links should be developed between the DDR programme and the justice system \u2014 and with a truth and reconciliation commission, if it exists \u2014 to ensure that criminals are prosecuted. Women and girls par- ticipating in the DDR process should be made aware of their rights at the cantonment and demobilization stages. DDR practitioners may consider taking steps to gather information on human rights abuses against women during both stages, including setting up a separate and discreet reporting office specifically for this purpose, because the process of assembling testimonies once the DDR participants return to their communities is complicated.Female personnel, including translators, military staff, social workers and gender ex- perts, should be available to deal with the needs and concerns of those assembling, who are often experiencing high levels of anxiety and facing particular problems such as separation from family members, loss of property, lack of identity documents, etc.In order for women and girl fighters to feel safe and welcomed in a DDR process, and to avoid their self-demobilization, female workers at the assembly point are essential. Training should be put in place for female field workers whose role will be to interview female combatants and other participants in order to identify who should be included in DDR processes, and to support those who are eligible. (See Annex C for gender-sensitive interview questions.)Box 5 Gender-sensitive measures for interviews \\n Men and women should be interviewed separately. \\n They should be assured that all conversations are confidential. \\n Both sexes should be interviewed. \\n Female ex-combatants and supporters must be interviewed by female staff and female interpreters with gender training, if possible. \\n Questions must assess women\u2019s and men\u2019s different experiences, gender roles, relations and identities. \\n Victims of gender-based violence must be interviewed in a very sensitive way, and the interviewer should inform them of protection measures and the availability of counselling. If violence is disclosed, there must be some capacity for follow-up to protect the victim. If no such assistance is available, other methods should be developed to deal with gender-based violence."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.6 Cantonment","Heading3":"6.6.1. Cantonment: Gender-aware interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"The physical layout of the reception centre should be structured so that women and girls may register separately from their male partner, and receive separate identity cards. This will help ensure the safety and autonomy of women and girls who are sex slaves or forced \u2018wives\u2019, for whom the assembly point may offer a rare opportunity for escape from their captors.Separate facilities will be made available to male and female DDR participants at the cantonment site. However, it is also important to make space available for families that do not wish to be separated. Men, women, boys and girls will initially be escorted to separate facilities, but reassured and shown that there will be frequent opportunities offered for con- tact in the early stages of the demobilization processes, as families may have joint decisions to make about their futures. However, women and girls should be given the option of being out of contact with their male counterparts, if they choose to be.Men, women, boys and girls should be offered equal (but, if necessary, separate) access to education about HIV\/AIDS, including voluntary testing, and other health services and supplies (also see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV\/AIDS and DDR).Efforts should be made to balance domestic duties between men and women so that rather than collecting fuel or water, women and girls can take equal advantage of briefings, retrainings and other facilities at the site. An unequal division of domestic duties can also make women and girls more likely to suffer gender-based violence as they leave the site to fetch water, food or fuel."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.6 Cantonment","Heading3":"6.6.2. Cantonment: Female-specific interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"If women and girls are to take advantage of training and education opportunities offered in the cantonment phase, child-care provisions cannot be optional or considered as non-essential. In order to safeguard against sexual violence, latrines, ablution areas, and washing and kitchen facilities should be placed in open areas and should be well lit at night. Cooking facilities, fuel and water should be provided so that women and girls do not need to leave the cantonment area.Health care services, which include reproductive and psychosocial health services, are essential. Women and girls may have specific health and psychosocial needs, e.g., relating to maternity or gender-based violence. Cantonment sites should provide birthing kits, suffi- cient clean water, supplemental feeding and medical facilities. Women and girls who have been abducted and\/or suffered sexual assault during and after the conflict should be assisted by women who are trained in trauma management and offered counselling services, pro- vided that these are culturally acceptable and appropriate. Such assistance is essential to allow female ex-combatants in particular to participate in training and receive any health care or counselling services required.Opportunities should be provided during cantonment to educate women and girls about their rights, e.g., the right to own land or the right to take legal action against those who have committed crimes against them.In some countries, demobilized soldiers are offered opportunities to be employed in new security structures. Female ex-combatants should be provided with the same opportuni- ties as their male counterparts to join the restructured police and security forces."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.7. Disarmament","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Weapons possession has traditionally been a criterion for eligibility in DDR programmes. Because women and girls are often less likely to possess weapons even when they are actively engaged in armed forces and groups, and because commanders have been known to remove weapons from the possession of women and girls before assembly, this criterion often leads to the exclusion of women and girls from DDR processes (also see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament)."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.7. Disarmament","Heading3":"6.7.1. Disarmament: Gender-aware interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Women\u2019s equal access to secure disarmament sites is important to ensure that gendered stereo- types of male and female weapons ownership are not reinforced.Ongoing programmes to disarm, through weapons collections, weapons amnesties, the creation of new gun control laws that assist in the registration of legally owned weapons, programmes of action such as weapons in exchange for development (WED; also referred to as WfD), and other initiatives, should be put in place to support reintegration and devel- opment processes. Such initiatives should be carried out with a full understanding of the gender dynamics in the society and of how gun ownership is gendered in a given context. Media images that encourage or support violent masculinity should be discouraged.Other incentives can be given that replace the prestige and power of owning a weap- on, and social pressure can be applied when communities have a sense of involvement in weapons-collection processes. Men are traditionally associated with the use, ownership and promotion of small arms, and are injured and killed by guns in far larger numbers than are women. However, the difference between female and male gun ownership does not mean that women have no guns. They may pose threats to security and are not only nurturers, innocents and victims in situations of armed conflict."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.7. Disarmament","Heading3":"6.7.2. Disarmament: Female-specific interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"At the weapons-collection sites, identification of female ex-combatants who return their weapons and female community members who hand in weapons on behalf of ex-combatants is vital in order to collect and distribute different types of information. Female ex-combatants can be a source of information about the number, location and situation of hidden weapons, and can be asked about these, provided there are adequate security measures to protect the identity of the informant. Programme staff should also ask female community members if they know any female ex-combatant, supporter or dependant who has \u2018self-reintegrated\u2019 and ask them to participate in any WED programmes and other disarmament processes."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.7. Disarmament","Heading3":"6.7.3. Arms reduction and control: Female-specific interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"WED projects are ideal opportunities for delivering specific training for women and girls, as such projects are often tied to the provision of services or goods that can reduce the burden of care disproportionately placed on women and girls in many parts of the world, such as water and fuel collection.Existing efforts of women\u2019s NGOs and female community leaders to raise awareness of weapons spread and misuse should be identified and recognized when planning long-term disarmament processes.Women\u2019s knowledge of trading routes, weapons caches, and other sources of hidden small arms and light weapons should be accessed, where this can be done safely, during the field assessment phase, and this information should be used in disarmament planning. Those conducting interviews will need to establish a close relationship with interviewees; and there is a moral responsibility on the part of such interviewers to protect their sources.When surveys are being carried out to determine attitudes to small arms and light weap- ons, women and girls (both those who participated in conflicts and community members) should be interviewed at the same time as, but separately from, men.Educating and including women prominently in disarmament activities can strengthen women\u2019s profile and leadership roles in the public sphere, and should be encouraged. Opportun- ities should be taken to link women\u2019s knowledge and awareness of disarmament to the pro- motion of their broader political participation and involvement in community development.Collected weapons should be properly guarded and, ideally, destroyed. The involvement of women\u2019s groups in monitoring weapons collection and destruction, and as participants in destruction ceremonies, can be a powerful way of solidifying community support for and investment in the peace process."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.8. Resettlement","Heading3":"6.8.1. Resettlement: Female-specific interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"After demobilization, mechanisms should be put in place to allow female ex-combatants and supporters to return to their destination of choice using a safe means of transport that minimizes exposure to gender-based violence, re-recruitment and abduction or human trafficking.Female ex-combatants and supporters should be properly catered for and included in any travel assistance that is offered after encampment. If a journey will take several days, the needs of women and girls and their children should be catered for, with separate vehicles made available if required.Female ex-combatants and supporters should be free to choose where they will live, and can decide to return to a rural area from which they or their partner came, or to move to a semi-urban or urban area where they may have more freedom from traditional gender roles. Those who have been attached to an armed force or group for a long period of time might not know where they want to go, and therefore need more time and special support to help them decide.A transitional safety net should be put in place to help resettled female ex-combatants and supporters with housing, health care and counselling, and offer educational support to get their children (especially girls) into school.Female ex-combatants and supporters should be fully informed about, and able to access, any reintegration support services, e.g., a local demobilization support office, if one is established.Measures should be put in place to help reunify mothers and children."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.9. Social reintegration","Heading3":"6.9.1. Social reintegration: Gender-aware interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Ex-combatants who have been wounded or disabled in action, or have become chronically ill owing to exposure to combat, should be provided with medical care, counselling, reha- bilitation facilities and relevant vocational training. Counselling should also deal with problems such as drugs, alcohol and gender-based violence. These measures will reduce the burden of care that is carried by women and girls, usually unpaid, and can lead to nega- tive coping mechanisms, such as the withdrawal of girls from school to care for disabled relatives.Ex-combatants, their partners and dependants, and receiving families and communities need to be sensitized to the difficulties of readjustment to civilian life of persons participat- ing in or associated with armed groups and forces. Messages of reconciliation should also deal with the problems and specific needs of women and girls who may have suffered abuse in armed groups or forces.Leadership training for community leaders, including church leaders, traditional author- ities and women\u2019s NGOs, should be carried out before community sensitization projects begin, in order to inform them about community development projects associated with reintegration programmes and to strengthen their leadership skills. Training for community members should also include gender training.The media and arts should be used to exchange ideas and experiences and encourage a culture of peace, and respect for human rights and women\u2019s rights"},{"ID":31,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.9. Social reintegration","Heading3":"6.9.2. Social reintegration: Female-specific interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"As part of the broad consultation carried out with a wide variety of social actors, community awareness-raising meetings should be held to prepare the community to receive ex-combat- ants. Inclusion of women and women\u2019s organizations in these processes shall be essential, as women often play a central role in post-conflict reconstruction and the provision of care. Receiving communities should be informed about the intention and use of reintegration programmes and their potential impact on community development and sustainable peace- building. WED projects should recognize the important role of women in development activities, and should organize information campaigns specifically for female community members.Resources should be allocated to train female community members, ex-combatants and supporters to understand and cope with traumatized children, including how to help ab- ducted girls gain demobilization and reintegration support. It is unfair to burden women with the challenges of reintegrating and rehabilitating child soldiers simply because they are usually the primary caregivers of children.Women\u2019s organizations should be supported; and should be trained to participate in healing and reconciliation work in general, and, in particular, to assist in the reconciliation and reintegration of ex-combatants from different factions. Have women in the post-conflict zone already begun the process of reconstruction after war? Is this work recognized and supported?The expertise of female ex-combatants and supporters \u2014 which may be non-traditional expertise \u2014 should be recognized, respected and utilized by other women. Female ex- combatants\u2019 reintegration should be connected to broader strategies aimed at women\u2019s post-conflict development in order to prevent resentment against fighters as a \u2018privileged\u2019 group.Radio networks should include women\u2019s voices and experiences when educating local people about those who are being reintegrated, to prevent potential tensions from developing.Community mental health practices (such as cleansing ceremonies) should be encour- aged to contribute to the long-term psychological rehabilitation of ex-combatants and to address women\u2019s and girls\u2019 specific suffering or trauma (often a result of sexualized violence), as long as they encourage and support rather than undermine women\u2019s and girls\u2019 human rights and well-being.Female ex-combatants should have equal access to legal aid or support to assist them in combating discrimination (in both the private and public spheres).The establishment of formal\/informal network groups among female ex-combatants and supporters should be encouraged, with support from women\u2019s NGOs. This will give them an opportunity to support each other and foster leadership. Particularly for those who decide to go to a new place rather than home, such support will be essential.Box 6 Example of factors that may contribute to women\u2019s social reintegration \\n\\n The level of women\u2019s participation in decision-making: \\n in the household \\n at the community level \\n at the national and government levels \\n\\n The public image and self-image of women and men \\n\\n The public and private\/domestic roles of women and men* \\n the level of diversity and flexibility in these gender roles \\n inflexible gender roles \\n\\n The public perception of gender-based violence, including rape \\n\\n Organizational and other capacity of women\u2019s NGOs and women\u2019s ministries \\n\\n Social networks of local women\u2019s groups, female community leaders and church leaders \\n\\n Media coverage of women and gender issues \\n * Note: An assessment of gender roles could help women and men to think about: \\n\\n what women and men can and cannot do in their society \\n\\n what kinds of expectations the community has of women and men \\n\\n what barriers women and men face if they want to perform non-traditional roles \\n\\n in what area(s) women and men could transform their gender roles \\n\\n how women\u2019s and men\u2019s roles have changed during conflict"},{"ID":32,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.10. Economic reintegration","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Women and girls may have acquired skills during the conflict that do not fit in with tradi- tional ideas of appropriate work for women and girls, so female ex-combatants often find it more difficult than male ex-combatants to achieve economic success in the reintegration period, especially if they have not received their full entitlements under the DDR programme. Women often find it more difficult to get access to credit, especially the bigger amounts needed in order to enter the formal sectors of the economy. With few job opportunities, particularly within the formal sector, women and girls have limited options for economic success, which has serious implications if they are the main providers for their dependants. The burden of care that many women and girls shoulder means they are less able to take advantage of training and capacity-building opportunities that could offer them better opportunities for economic self-sufficiency."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.10. Economic reintegration","Heading3":"6.10.1. Economic reintegration: Gender-aware interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Measures should be put in place to prevent women ex-combatants, supporters, dependants and war widows from being forced to live on the fringes of the economy. Even excessive reliance on women\u2019s unpaid or low-paid NGO activity might become a substitute for their meaningful participation in the labour market.One of the greatest needs of ex-combatants and their families is access to land and housing. In securing these, specific gender dynamics should be taken into account, particu- larly when traditional practices do not allow female-headed households or women\u2019s land ownership. Legal reform should aim to get rid of this exclusion.In many societies, the production of crops and animal husbandry is divided among household members according to gender and age. This division of labour should be assessed and should be taken into account when providing reintegration assistance that is aimed at reviving the agricultural sector, improving food security and securing livelihoods for ex- combatants."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"6. Gender-responsive DDR","Heading2":"6.10. Economic reintegration","Heading3":"6.10.2. Economic reintegration: Female-specific interventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Special measures have to be put in place to ensure that female participants have equal training and employment opportunities after leaving the cantonment site. Funding should be allocated for childcare to be provided, and for training to be conducted as close as possible to where the women and girls live. This will also reduce the chances of irregular attendance as a result of problems with transport (e.g., infrequent buses) or mobility (e.g., cultural restric- tions on women\u2019s travel). Barriers such as employers refusing to hire women ex-combatants or narrow expectations of the work women are permitted to do should be taken into account before retraining is offered. Potential employees should be identified for sensitization train- ing to encourage them to employ female ex-combatants.Women and girls should be given a say in determining the types of skills they learn. They should be provided with options that will allow them to build on useful skills acquired during their time with armed groups and forces, including skills that may not usually be considered \u2018women\u2019s work\u2019, such as driving or construction jobs. They should be taught vocational skills in fields for which there is likely to be a long-term demand. Those success- fully completing vocational training should be issued with certificates confirming this.Widows, widowers and dependants of ex-combatants killed in action may need financial and material assistance. They should be assisted in setting up income-generating initiatives. Widows and widowers should be made active participants in reintegration training pro- grammes and should also be able to benefit from credit schemes.Because women\u2019s homes are often the main geographical base for their work, technical and labour support systems should be in place to assist demobilized women in building a house and to support self-employment opportunities.Single or widowed women ex-combatants should be recognized as heads of household and permitted to own and rent existing housing and land.Measures should be taken to protect women ex-combatants or war widows from being forced into casual labour on land that is not their own.Where needed, particularly in rural areas, women should be provided with training in agricultural methods and they should have the right to farm cash crops and own and use livestock, as opposed to engaging in subsistence agriculture.Security should be provided for women on their way to work, or to the marketplace, particularly to protect them from banditry, especially in places with large numbers of small arms.Women should have equal access to communally owned farming tools and water- pumping equipment, and have the right to own such equipment.Greater coordination with development agencies and women\u2019s NGOs that carry out projects to assist women, such as adult literacy courses, microcredit facilities and family planning advice, is essential to make this reintegration programme sustainable and to reach all beneficiaries."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Empowerment: Refers to women and men taking control over their lives: setting their own agendas, gaining skills, building self-confidence, solving problems and developing self- reliance. No one can empower another; only the individual can empower herself or himself to make choices or to speak out. However, institutions, including international cooperation agencies, can support processes that can nurture self-empowerment of individuals or groups.3 Empowerment of participants, regardless of their gender, should be a central goal of any DDR interventions, and measures should be taken to ensure that no particular group is disem- powered or excluded through the DDR process.Gender: The social attributes and opportunities associated with being male and female and the relationships between women, men, girls and boys, as well as the relations between women and those between men. These attributes, opportunities and relationships are socially con- structed and are learned through socialization processes. They are context\/time-specific and changeable. Gender is part of the broader sociocultural context. Other important criteria for sociocultural analysis include class, race, poverty level, ethnic group and age.4 The concept of gender also includes the expectations held about the characteristics, aptitudes and likely behaviours of both women and men (femininity and masculinity). The concept of gender is vital, because, when it is applied to social analysis, it reveals how women\u2019s sub- ordination (or men\u2019s domination) is socially constructed. As such, the subordination can be changed or ended. It is not biologically predetermined, nor is it fixed forever.5 As with any group, interactions among armed forces and groups, members\u2019 roles and responsibili- ties within the group, and interactions between members of armed forces\/groups and policy and decision makers are all heavily influenced by prevailing gender roles and gender rela- tions in society. In fact, gender roles significantly affect the behaviour of individuals even when they are in a sex-segregated environment, such as an all-male cadre.Gender analysis: The collection and analysis of sex-disaggregated information. Men and women perform different roles in societies and in armed groups and forces. This leads to women and men having different experience, knowledge, talents and needs. Gender analysis explores these differences so that policies, programmes and projects can identify and meet the different needs of men and women. Gender analysis also facilitates the strategic use of distinct knowledge and skills possessed by women and men, which can greatly improve the long-term sustainability of interventions.6 In the context of DDR, gender analysis should be used to design policies and interventions that will reflect the different roles, capacity and needs of women, men, girls and boys.Gender balance: The objective of achieving representational numbers of women and men among staff. The shortage of women in leadership roles, as well as extremely low numbers of women peacekeepers and civilian personnel, has contributed to the invisibility of the needs and capacities of women and girls in the DDR process. Achieving gender balance, or at least improving the representation of women in peace operations, has been defined as a strategy for increasing operational capacity on issues related to women, girls, gender equality and mainstreaming.7Gender equality: The equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities of women and men and girls and boys. Equality does not mean that women and men will become the same, but that women\u2019s and men\u2019s rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female. Gender equality implies that the interests, needs and priorities of both women and men are taken into consideration, while recognizing the di- versity of different groups of women and men. Gender equality is not a women\u2019s issue, but should concern and fully engage men as well as women. Equality between women and men is seen both as a human rights issue and as a precondition for, and indicator of, sus- tainable people-centred development.8Gender equity: The process of being fair to men and women. To ensure fairness, measures must often be put in place to compensate for the historical and social disadvantages that prevent women and men from operating on a level playing field. Equity is a means; equality is the result.9Gender mainstreaming: Defined by the 52nd session of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 1997 as \u201cthe process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for making women\u2019s as well as men\u2019s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and pro- grammes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetrated. The ultimate goal of this strategy is to achieve gender equality.\u201d10 Gender mainstreaming emerged as a major strategy for achieving gen- der equality following the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995. In the context of DDR, gender mainstreaming is necessary in order to ensure that women and girls receive equitable access to assistance programmes and packages, and it should, there- fore, be an essential component of all DDR-related interventions. In order to maximize the impact of gender mainstreaming efforts, these should be complemented with activities that are directly tailored for marginalized segments of the intended beneficiary group.Gender relations: The social relationship between men, women, girls and boys. Gender relations shape how power is distributed among women, men, girls and boys and how that power is translated into different positions in society. Gender relations are generally fluid and vary depending on other social relations, such as class, race, ethnicity, etc.Gender-aware policies: Policies that utilize gender analysis in their formulation and design, and recognize gender differences in terms of needs, interests, priorities, power and roles. They recognize further that both men and women are active development actors for their community. Gender-aware policies can be further divided into the following three policies: \\n Gender-neutral policies use the knowledge of gender differences in a society to reduce biases in development work in order to enable both women and men to meet their practical gender needs. \\n Gender-specific policies are based on an understanding of the existing gendered division of resources and responsibilities and gender power relations. These policies use knowledge of gender difference to respond to the practical gender needs of women or men. \\n Gender-transformative policies consist of interventions that attempt to transform existing distributions of power and resources to create a more balanced relationship among women, men, girls and boys by responding to their strategic gender needs. These policies can target both sexes together, or separately. Interventions may focus on women\u2019s and\/or men\u2019s practical gender needs, but with the objective of creating a conducive environment in which women or men can empower themselves.11Gendered division of labour is the result of how each society divides work between men and women according to what is considered suitable or appropriate to each gender.12 Atten- tion to the gendered division of labour is essential when determining reintegration oppor- tunities for both male and female ex-combatants, including women and girls associated with armed forces and groups in non-combat roles and dependants.Gender-responsive DDR programmes: Programmes that are planned, implemented, moni- tored and evaluated in a gender-responsive manner to meet the different needs of female and male ex-combatants, supporters and dependants.Gender-responsive objectives: Programme and project objectives that are non-discrimina- tory, equally benefit women and men and aim at correcting gender imbalances.13Practical gender needs: What women (or men) perceive as immediate necessities, such as water, shelter, food and security.14 Practical needs vary according to gendered differences in the division of agricultural labour, reproductive work, etc., in any social context.Sex: The biological differences between men and women, which are universal and deter- mined at birth.15Sex-disaggregated data: Data that are collected and presented separately on men and women.16 The availability of sex-disaggregated data, which would describe the proportion of women, men, girls and boys associated with armed forces and groups, is an essential precondition for building gender-responsive policies and interventions.Strategic gender needs: Long-term needs, usually not material, and often related to struc- tural changes in society regarding women\u2019s status and equity. They include legislation for equal rights, reproductive choice and increased participation in decision-making. The notion of \u2018strategic gender needs\u2019, first coined in 1985 by Maxine Molyneux, helped develop gender planning and policy development tools, such as the Moser Framework, which are currently being used by development institutions around the world. Interventions dealing with stra- tegic gender interests focus on fundamental issues related to women\u2019s (or, less often, men\u2019s) subordination and gender inequities.17Violence against women: Defined by the UN General Assembly in the 1993 Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women as \u201cany act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private. Violence against women shall be understood to encompass, but not be limited to, the following: \\n Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring in the family, including batter- ing, sexual abuse of female children in the household, dowry-related violence, marital rape, female genital mutilation and other traditional practices harmful to women, non- spousal violence and violence related to exploitation; \\n Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring within the general community, including rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment and intimidation at work, in educa- tional institutions and elsewhere, trafficking in women and forced prostitution; \\n Physical, sexual and psychological violence perpetrated or condoned by the State, wherever it occurs.\u201d18"},{"ID":36,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex B: DDR gender checklist for peace operations assessment missions","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"\\n How many women and girls are in and associated with the armed forces and groups? What roles have they played? \\n Are there facilities for treatment, counselling and protection to prevent sexualized vio- lence against women combatants, both during the conflict and after it? \\n Who is demobilized and who is retained as part of the restructured force? Do women and men have the same right to choose to be demobilized or retained? \\n Is there sustainable funding to ensure the long-term success of the DDR process? Are special funds allocated to women, and if not, what measures are in place to ensure that their needs will receive proper attention? \\n Has the support of local, regional and national women\u2019s organizations been enlisted to aid reintegration? \\n Has the collaboration of women leaders in assisting ex-combatants and widows returning to civilian life been enlisted? \\n Are existing women\u2019s organizations being trained to understand the needs and experiences of ex-combatants? \\n If cantonment is being planned, will there be separate and secure facilities for women? Will fuel, food and water be provided so women do not have to leave the security of the site? \\n If a social security system exists, can women ex-combatants easily access it? Is it specifically designed to meet their needs and to improve their skills? \\n Can the economy support the kind of training women might ask for during the demobi- lization period? \\n Have obstacles, such as narrow expectations of women\u2019s work, been taken into account? Will childcare be provided to ensure that women have equitable access to training opportunities? \\n Do training packages offered to women reflect local gender norms and standards about gender-appropriate behaviour or does training attempt to change these norms? Does this benefit or hinder women\u2019s economic independence? \\n Are single or widowed female ex-combatants recognized as heads of households and permitted access to housing and land? \\n Are legal measures in place to protect their access to land and water?"},{"ID":37,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"1. Gender-responsive field\/needs assessment","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"Field\/Needs assessment for female ex-combatants, supporters and dependants should be carried out independently of general need assessment, because of the specific needs and concerns of women. Those assessing the needs of women should be aware of gender needs in conflict situations. The use of gender-analysis frameworks should be strongly encouraged to collect information and data on the following: \\n\\n Social and cultural context \\n Gender roles and gender division of labour (both in public and private spheres) \\n Traditional practices that oppose the human rights of women \\n\\n Political context \\n Political participation of women at the national and community levels \\n Access to education for girls \\n\\n Economic context \\n Socio-economic status of women \\n Women\u2019s access to and control over resources \\n\\n Capacity and vulnerability \\n Capacities and vulnerabilities of women and girls \\n Existing local support networks for women and girls \\n Capacities of local women\u2019s associations and NGOs \\n\\n Security \\n Extent of women\u2019s participation in the security sector (police, military, government) \\n Level of sexual and gender-based violence \\n\\n Specific needs of female ex-combatants, supporters and dependants (economic, social, physical, psychological, cultural, political, etc.)The methodology of data collection should be participatory, and sensitive to gender- related issues. The assessment group should include representatives from local women\u2019s organizations and the local community. This might mean that local female interpreter(s) and translator(s) are needed (also see IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design)."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"1. Gender-responsive field\/needs assessment","Heading3":"1.1. Matrix to assess capacities and vulnerabilities","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"The Capacities and Vulnerabilities Framework21 can be used to plan and measure the out- come of gender-responsive DDR programmes. This framework is also useful for assessing needs by mapping the strengths and weaknesses of the target population.The matrix below is an example of how the framework can be used. A similar approach can be created in the field, based on collective interviews and\/or focus groups with women\u2019s NGOs, community leaders, female ex-combatants and supporters: \\n Capacities refer to the existing strengths of individuals and groups to cope with a crisis and to improve the quality of their lives; \\n Vulnerabilities refer to factors that weaken the people\u2019s ability to create positive changes in their lives and community."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"2. Gender-responsive programme design","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"The formulation of a project\/programme should reflect the results of needs assessments of female ex-combatants and other FAAFGs. Gender dimensions should be included in the following components: \\n programme goals; project objectives; \\n outputs; \\n indicative activities; \\n inputs; \\n indicators (for baseline data and monitoring and evaluation)."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"3. Gender-responsive budgeting in DDR programming","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":31,"Paragraph":"The formulation of a gender-responsive budget is a way of ensuring that female-specific interventions will be sufficiently funded. It also ensures that equal attention is paid to females and males by disaggregating costs by gender. Budgetary processes should ensure the par- ticipation of a DDR gender adviser, women\u2019s organizations and community members in order to encourage accountability and transparency.In addition to objectives, indicators and outputs defined in the programme design, there is a need to specify the following categories within a results-based budgeting framework: \\n female-specific activities (e.g., job training for female ex-combatants, counselling for the victims of gender-based violence) and its inputs (trained staff, adequate facilities); \\n gender training (to programme staff, government officials, ex-combatants, supporters and dependants) and its inputs (trained staff, adequate facilities); \\n gender adviser(s); \\n unit cost (per participant) of all activities disaggregated by gender. \\n\\n It is also advisable to ask donors to specify the allocation of funds to female-specific interventions and gender training (also see IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting)."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":32,"Paragraph":"Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is necessary to find out if DDR pro- grammes are meeting the needs of women and girls, and to examine the gendered impact of DDR. At present, the gender dimensions of DDR are not monitored and evaluated effec- tively in DDR programmes, partly because of poorly allocated resources, and partly because there is a shortage of evaluators who are aware of gender issues and have the skills needed to include gender in their evaluation practices.To overcome these gaps, it is necessary to create a primary framework for gender- responsive M&E. Disaggregating existing data by gender alone is not enough. By identifying a set of specific indicators that measure the gender dimensions of DDR programmes and their impacts, it should be possible to come up with more comprehensive and practical recommendations for future programmes. The following matrixes show a set of gender- related indicators for M&E (also see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes).These matrixes consist of six M&E frameworks: \\n 1.Monitoring programme performance (disarmament; demobilization; reintegration) \\n 2.Monitoring process \\n 3.Evaluation of outcomes\/results \\n 4.Evaluation of impact \\n 5.Evaluation of budget (gender-responsive budget analysis) \\n 6.Evaluation of programme management.The following are the primary sources of data, and data collection instruments and techniques: \\n national and municipal government data; \\n health-related data (e.g., data collected at ante-natal clinics); \\n programme\/project reports; \\n surveys (e.g., household surveys); \\n interviews (e.g., focus groups, structured and open-ended interviews).Whenever necessary, data should be disaggregated not only by gender (to compare men and women), but also by age, different role(s) during the conflict, location (rural\/urban) and ethnic background.Gender advisers in the regional office of DDR programme and general evaluators will be the main coordinators for these gender-responsive M&E activities, but the responsibility will fall to the programme director and chief as well. All information should be shared with donors, programme management staff and programme participants, where relevant. Key findings will be used to improve future programmes and M&E. The following tables offer examples of gender analysis frameworks and gender-responsive budgeting analysis for DDR programmes.Note: Female ex-combatants = FXC; women associated with armed groups and forces = FS; female dependants = FD"},{"ID":42,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation","Heading3":"4.1. Gender-responsive monitoring of programme performance","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":33,"Paragraph":"\\n\\n Purpose of monitoring: To monitor programme performance for female ex-combatants, supporters and dependants at each stage of DDR: \\n monitoring of disarmament; \\n monitoring of demobilization; \\n monitoring of reintegration; \\n\\n Data collection frequency: Every month during the implementation of the programme."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation","Heading3":"4.1. Gender-responsive monitoring of programme performance","Heading4":"4.1.1. Monitoring of disarmament","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":33,"Paragraph":"Key questions to ask: \\n To what extent did the disarmament programme succeed in disarming female ex- combatants? \\n To what extent did the disarmament programme provide gender-sensitive and female- specific services?KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS \\n 1. Number of FXC who registered for disarmament programme \\n 2. % of weapons collected from FXC \\n 3. Number of female staff who were at weapons-collection and -registration sites (e.g., female translators, military staff, social workers, gender advisers) \\n 4. Number of information campaigns conducted specifically to inform women and girls about DDR programmes"},{"ID":44,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation","Heading3":"4.1. Gender-responsive monitoring of programme performance","Heading4":"4.1.2. Monitoring of demobilization","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":33,"Paragraph":"Key questions to ask: \\n To what extent did the demobilization programme succeed in demobilizing female ex-combatants and supporters? \\n To what extent did the demobilization programme provide gender-sensitive and female-specific services?KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS \\n 1. Number of FXC and FS who registered for demobilization programme \\n 2. % of FXC and FS who were demobilized (completed the programme) per camp \\n 3. Number of demobilization facilities created specifically for FXC and FS per camp (e.g., toilets, clinic) \\n 4. % of FXC, FS and FD who were allocated to female-only accommodation facilities \\n 5. Number of female staff in each camp (e.g., female translators, military staff, social workers, gender advisers) \\n 6. Number of gender trainings conducted per camp \\n 5.10 34\u2003Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Standards 1 August 2006 \\n 7. Average length of time spent in gender training \\n 8. Number of FXC, FS and FD who participated in gender training \\n 9. Number and level of gender-based violence reported in each demobilization camp \\n 10. Average length of stay of FXC and FS at each camp \\n 11. % of FXC, FS and FD who received transitional support to prepare for reintegration (e.g. health care, food, living allowance, etc.) \\n 12. % of FXC, FS and FD who received female-specific assistance and package (e.g., sanitary napkins, female clothes) \\n 13. % of FXC, FS and FD attending female-specific counselling sessions \\n 14. Average length of time spent in counselling for victims of gender-based violence \\n 15. Number of child-care services per camp \\n 16. % of FXC, FS and FD who used child-care services per camp \\n 17. Existence of medical facilities and personnel for childbirth \\n 18. % of FXC, FS and FD who used medical facilities for childbirth"},{"ID":45,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation","Heading3":"4.1. Gender-responsive monitoring of programme performance","Heading4":"4.1.3. Monitoring of reintegration","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":34,"Paragraph":"Key questions to ask: \\n To what extent did the reintegration programme succeed in reintegrating female ex- combatants, supporters and dependants? \\n To what extent did the reintegration programme provide gender-sensitive and female- specific services?KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS \\n 1. Number of information\/media campaigns conducted in each community to inform community members of issues associated with FXC, FS and FD \\n 2. Number of information\/media campaigns conducted in each community to inform female community members (e.g., wives of male ex-combatants) of benefits \\n 3. Number of FXC, FS and FD who registered for reintegration programme \\n 4. % of FXC, FS and FD who returned to their home community \\n 5. % of FXC, FS and FD who went to new places rather than home community \\n 6. Number of female-specific transportation services available \\n 7. % of FXC, FS and FD who used those transportation services to return to community \\n 8. Number of vocational trainings implemented for FXC, FS and\/or FD \\n 9. % of FXC, FS and FD who registered for vocational training \\n 10. Average length of time spent in vocational training \\n 11. % of FXC, FS and FD who completed vocational training \\n 12. % of FXC and FS incorporated into the national army or police \\n 13. % of FXC, FS and FD who gained the ownership of land and\/or other property \\n 14. Number of microcredit projects implemented for FXC, FS and\/or FD \\n 15. % of FXC, FS and FD who received microcredit \\n 16. % of FXC, FS and FD who started income-generating activities based on microcredit \\n 17. Number of literacy programmes implemented for FXC, FS and\/or FD \\n 18. % of FXC, FS and FD who completed the literacy programmes \\n 19. Number of child-care services created for FXC, FS and FD (so that they can attend trainings) \\n 20. % of FXC, FS and FD who use the child-care services \\n 21. Number of community-based reintegration rituals\/ceremonies conducted for FXC, FS and FD \\n 22. % of FXC, FS and FD who attended community-based reintegration rituals\/ceremonies \\n 23. Number of female staff in each community (e.g., female translators, social workers, gender advisers) \\n 24. Number of support networks created by FXC, FS and FD \\n 25. % of FXC, FS and FD who joined support networks"},{"ID":46,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation","Heading3":"4.2. Gender-responsive monitoring of process","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":35,"Paragraph":"Purpose of evaluation: To examine if and to what extent DDR programmes meet the needs of female ex-combatants, supporters and dependants, and to examine the level of participation of women; \\n Process: (1) Reaching the right target population; (2) meeting the needs of stakeholders; (3) the dynamics of participation of stakeholders; \\n Gendered dimensions of process: (1) Reaching female target population; (2) meeting the needs of women and girls; (3) equal participation of women and women\u2019s organi- zations; \\n Data collection frequency: Every three weeks during the implementation of the pro- gramme.\\n To what extent did the DDR programme meet the needs of female ex-combatants, FAAGFs, and dependants? \\n To what extent did the DDR programme encourage and support the participation of women and women\u2019s organizations at each stage of the programme?KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS \\n 1. Level of satisfaction (ranking) among FXC, FS and FD who received benefits and services from the programmes \\n 2. Level of satisfaction (ranking) among programme staff, including gender advisers \\n 3. Number of and level of complaints that programme staff received from FXC, FS and FD \\n 4. % of female participants at the peace process\/negotiation (should be at least 30 percent \u2014 internationally agreed) \\n 5. % of female participants at the risk\/need assessment \\n 6. Number of FXC, FS and FD who were interviewed during the risk\/need assessment \\n 7. Number of local women and\/or women\u2019s organizations that were interviewed by programme staff to collection information on trading routes and hidden small arms and light weapons \\n 8. Number of women\u2019s organizations that participated in monitoring weapons collection and destruction \\n 9. Number of female leaders and women\u2019s organizations that participated in the planning and\/or implementation of reintegration programme \\n 10. Number of DDR programme meetings that included female leaders and women\u2019s organizations"},{"ID":47,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation","Heading3":"4.3. Gender-responsive evaluation of outcomes\/results","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":35,"Paragraph":"Purpose of evaluation: To examine the contribution of DDR programmes to the creation of security for female ex-combatants, FAAGFs and dependants; \\n Outcomes and intermediate results: (1) Capacity-building of ex-combatants and com- munity members; (2) human security; (3) social capital; \\n Gender dimensions of outcomes: (1) Reduction of gender-based violence and dis- crimination against women and girls; (2) human security for women and girls; (3) capacity-building of female ex-combatants, FAAGFs and dependants; \\n Data collection frequency: Every three months upon the completion of programme.Key question to ask: \\n To what extent did the DDR programme increase human security (physical, psycho- logical, economic, social, political, cultural) for female ex-combatants, FAAFGs and dependants?KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS (COMPARED WITH THE BASELINE DATA) \\n 1. % change in the number of female deaths, injuries, abductions, rapes and domestic violence cases reported among FXC, FS and FD \\n 2. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who initiated and are maintaining income-generating activities \\n 3. % change in the number of FXC and FS who joined the police services \\n 4. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who are participating in peace-building activities \\n 5. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who have access to health services (including counselling, contraceptives, family planning) \\n 6. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who are participating in political activities \\n 7. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who are participating in cultural activities \\n 8. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who are participating in public\/community meetings \\n 9. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who have a higher level of self-confidence \\n 10. % change in the HIV and other sexually transmitted disease infection rate among FXC, FS and FD \\n 11. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who feel safe to live in their community \\n 12. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who feel threatened by something or someone \\n 13. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who feel a sense of belonging to their community"},{"ID":48,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation","Heading3":"4.4. Gender-responsive evaluation of impact","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":36,"Paragraph":"Purpose of evaluation: To examine (1) the impact of DDR on empowerment of female ex-combatants, FAAGFs and dependants; (2) the contribution of DDR programme towards the creation of gender-responsive community development: \\n Impact\/Long-term goals: (1) Community development; (2) sustainable peace; Gender dimensions of impact: (1) Gender equality in community development and peace; (2) empowerment of women; \\n\\n Data collection frequency: Every six months for at least one to three years after the completion of the programme.Key questions to ask: \\n To what extent did the DDR programme empower female ex-combatants, FAAGFs and dependants? \\n To what extent did the reintegration programme encourage and support the creation of gender-responsive community development?KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS (COMPARED WITH THE BASELINE DATA) \\n 1. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who vote or\/and stand for national and local elections in the concerned country \\n 2. % change in the employment rate among FXC, FS and FD (in both formal and informal sectors) Level 5 Cross-cutting Issues Women, Gender and DDR 37 5.10 \\n 3. % change in the literacy rate among FXC, FS and FD, and their children \\n 4. % change in disposable income among FXC, FS and FD, and their household \\n 5. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who are the members of any type of association, including women\u2019s NGOs and ex-combatant support networks \\n 6. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who are involved in the implementation\/management of community development programmes \\n 7. % change in the number of women\u2019s organizations that receive(d) reintegration assistance and implement development-related programme\/project(s) \\n 8. % change in the number of female-specific development programmes supported by reintegration assistance to meet the needs of women and girls \\n 9. % change in the number of female participants in development programmes who receive reintegration assistance. \\n 10. % change in the number of communities with a high return rate of ex-combatants receiving reintegration assistance \\n 11. % change in the number of awareness campaigns on women\u2019s human rights and gender-based violence supported by reintegration assistance \\n 12. Community perception of FXC, FS and FD \\n 13. Community perception of women\u2019s human rights and gender-based violence"},{"ID":49,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation","Heading3":"4.5. Gender-responsive evaluation of budget (gender-responsive budgeting analysis)","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":37,"Paragraph":"Purpose of evaluation: To examine the level of gender mainstreaming in the DDR budget; \\n Budget: Allocation of resources, balancing revenue and expenditure, cost efficiency; \\n Gender dimensions of budget: (1) Allocation of sufficient resources for female-specific interventions and gender-related interventions, such as gender training; (2) equal treat- ment of male and female ex-combatants in the overall programmes; (3) participation of women and women\u2019s NGOs in budgetary processes; \\n Data collection frequency: Every stage of the budget cycle (preparation, approval, appre- ciation, auditing, revision, reporting).Key questions to ask: \\n To what extent did the budget specify female-specific and gender-related activities, their inputs, and the cost? \\n To what extent was the allocation of resources adequate to effectively implement female- specific and gender-specific activities? \\n To what extent did gender specialists\/advisers and women\u2019s organizations participate in the processes of the budget cycle (e.g., preparation, auditing)?KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS \\n 1. % of resource allocation for general activities \\n 2. % of resource allocation for female-specific activities \\n 3. % of resource allocation for gender-related activities (e.g., gender training) \\n 4. % of resource allocation for gender specialists and advisers (compared with other staff) \\n 5. Number of donors that specify the use of funds for female-specific activities and\/or gender training \\n 6. Unit cost of each activity for numbers 1\u20134 \\n 7. Unit cost of each input for each activity \\n 8. Duration of each activity \\n 9. % of activities that were successfully completed \\n 10. % of activities that could not be completed owing to lack of resources \\n 11. % change in the number of women\u2019s organizations and gender advisers who participated in budget meetings at each stage of the budget cycle, including auditing \\n 12. Number of budget meetings attended by women\u2019s organizations and gender advisers\/specialists \\n 13. % of budget revision on the advice of women\u2019s organizations and gender advisers\/specialists"},{"ID":50,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation","Heading3":"4.6. Evaluation to assess the level of gender mainstreaming in programme management","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":38,"Paragraph":"Purpose of evaluation: To examine the level of gender mainstreaming in each DDR programme\/project cycle and its management; \\n Programme\/Project cycle: (1) Situational analysis and need assessment; (2) project design; (3) project appraisal; (4) secure funding; (5) project implementation; (6) M&E; \\n Gender dimensions of project cycle: (1) Assessment of women\u2019s and girls\u2019 participation; (2) gender-responsive project design and M&E; (3) understanding and implementation of gender mainstreaming among programme staff; \\n Data collection frequency: Every month during the implementation of the programme, and before and after the implementation of the programme.Key question to ask: \\n To what extent was gender mainstreamed in the DDR programme management and its project cycle?"},{"ID":51,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS \\n 1. % of staff who have participated in gender training \\n 2. % of staff who have used gender analysis framework in needs assessment, situational analyses or\/and evaluation \\n 3. % of staff who have interviewed girls and women for needs assessment, situational analyses or\/and evaluation \\n 4. % of staff who have worked with local women\u2019s organizations \\n 5. % of staff who are in charge of female-specific interventions and\/or gender training \\n 6. % of the programme meetings attended by local women\u2019s organizations and female community leaders \\n 7. % of staff who have carried out gender analysis of the DDR programme budget \\n 8. % of indicators and data disaggregated by gender \\n 9. % of indicators and data that reflects female specific status and\/or issues \\n 10. Number of gender trainings conducted for DDR programme staff \\n 11. % of staff who are familiar with Security Council resolution 1325 \\n 12. % of staff who are familiar with gender issues associated with conflicts (e.g. gender-based violence, human trafficking) \\n 13. % of training specifically aimed at understanding gender issues and use of gender analysis frame\u00adworks for those who conduct M&E \\n 14. distribution of guidelines or manual for gender analysis and gender mainstreaming for DDR programme management"},{"ID":52,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Annex E: Further reading","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":39,"Paragraph":"This module was largely derived from: UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), Get- ting It Right, Doing It Right: Gender and Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, UNIFEM, New York, October 2004. \\n\\n Other key sources include: \\n Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), \u2018Mainstreaming a Gender Perspective into Multi-dimensional Peace Operations, DPKO Lessons Learned Unit, New York, July 2000, http:\/\/\/pbpu\/library\/Gender%20Mainstreaming%202000.pdf. \\n Farr, Vanessa, \u2018Gendering Disarmament as a Peace-building Tool\u2019, Paper No. 20, Bonn Inter- national Center for Conversion, 2002, http:\/\/\/publications\/papers\/paper20\/ paper20.pdf. \\n March, Candida, Ines Smyth and Maitrayee Mukhopadhyay, A Guide to Gender-analysis Frameworks, Oxfam Press, Oxford, 1999. \\n Mazurana, Dyan and Susan McKay, Where Are the Girls? Girls in Fighting Forces in Northern Uganda, Sierra Leone and Mozambique, Canadian International Development Agency, Child Pro- tection Research Fund, March 2004, http:\/\/\/english\/commdoc\/publications\/ women\/Girls\/girlsmainEN.html. \\n Rehn, Elisabeth and Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Women, War, Peace: The Independent Experts\u2019 Assess- ment on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Women and Women\u2019s Role in Peace-building, UNIFEM, New York, 2002."},{"ID":53,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Women, Gender and DDR","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.10 Women, Gender and DDR","PageNum":40,"Paragraph":"\\n 1 Nussbaum, Martha, Women and Human Development, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000. \\n 2 Mazurana, Dyan and Susan McKay, Where Are the Girls? Girls in Fighting Forces in Northern Uganda, Sierra Leone and Mozambique\u2019, Canadian International Development Agency, Child Protection Research Fund, March 2004, http:\/\/\/english\/commdoc\/publications\/women\/Girls\/girlsmain EN.html. \\n 3 From UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Gender Mainstreaming Imple- mentation Framework, 2002, http:\/\/\/images\/0013\/001318\/131854e.pdf. \\n 4 http:\/\/\/womenwatch\/osagi\/conceptsandefinitions.htm. \\n 5 From UNESCO, op. cit. \\n 6 Ibid. \\n 7 Statistics on women\u2019s participation in peace operations available at \u2018Peacekeeping Watch\u2019, http:\/\/\/un\/pkwatch\/pkindex.html. \\n 8 http:\/\/\/womenwatch\/osagi\/conceptsandefinitions.htm. \\n 9 From UNESCO, op. cit. \\n 10 http:\/\/\/womenwatch\/asp\/user\/list.asp?ParentID=10314. \\n 11 March, Candida, Ines Smyth and Maitrayee Mukhopadhyay, A Guide to Gender-analysis Frameworks, Oxfam Press, Oxford, 1999. \\n 12 From UNESCO, op. cit. \\n 13 Ibid. \\n 14 Ibid. \\n 15 Ibid. \\n 16 Ibid. \\n 17 Ibid. \\n 18 http:\/\/\/humanrts\/instree\/e4devw.htm. \\n 19 This checklist is drawn partially from UN Inter-Agency Taskforce on Women, Peace and Security, Gender Checklist for Peace Operations, June 2003. \\n 20 Some of the questions are drawn from De Watteville, Nathalie, Addressing Gender Issues in Demobili- zation and Reintegration Programs, World Bank, Washington, DC, May 2002, http:\/\/www.worldbank. org\/afr\/wps\/wp33.pdf. \\n 21 March, Smyth and Mukhopadhyay, op. cit. \\n 22 This matrix is based on ibid."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.20 Children and DDR.json b/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.20 Children and DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b95069f --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.20 Children and DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The recruitment of children \u2013 girls and boys under the age of 18 \u2013 and their use in hostilities or for other purposes by armed forces and groups is illegal. It is also one of the worst forms of child labour and exploitation. Efforts to prevent the recruitment of children into armed forces and groups should be a primary consideration during all DDR processes. Prevention efforts should start early\u2014when possible, they should commence prior to armed conflict\u2014and they should take place continuously throughout the conflict, with careful consideration given to the structural, social and individual factors associated with the risk of recruitment and re-recruitment.Irrespective of how children were recruited, the unconditional and immediate release of children associated with armed forces and groups (CAAFAG) shall be required. Any person under 18 years old must be supported to demobilize and reintegrate into families and communities at all times, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and\/or the development of DDR processes. Nonetheless, where relevant, peace processes, including peace agreements and DDR policy documents, offer an opportunity to highlight the needs of children affected by armed conflict and to ensure that actions and funding streams to support child-specific processes are included. The commitment to stop the recruitment and use of children and to release children from armed forces and groups shall be explicit within peace agreements.DRR processes shall be specific to the needs of children and apply child-sensitive and gender- transformative approaches to planning, implementation, and monitoring. As such, children shall be separated from armed forces and groups, handed over to child protection actors and supported to demobilize and reintegrate into families and communities. DDR practitioners and relevant child protection actors shall work together to design and implement services and interventions that aim to prevent children\u2019s recruitment and re-recruitment, that help children to recover and reintegrate into their communities, and that take into account differences in age and gender needs. DDR practitioners should promote agency of children, enabling their right to participate in decision- making and shape DDR processes in line with their concerns\/needs.The specific needs of children formerly associated with armed forces and groups during reintegration are multisectoral, as boys and girls often require support in (re)accessing education, an alternative livelihood, medical and mental health services, including reproductive health services and sexual violence recovery services, as well as other services that promote life skills and help them establish a meaningful role in society. Child-sensitive approaches to reintegration support should be focused on long-term and sustainable opportunities for children formerly associated with armed forces and groups that are gender- and age-sensitive. For sustainability, and to avoid tension, stigmatization or envy when a child is returned, DDR practitioners should ensure that broader community development processes are also consideredDDR practitioners should also be aware that no child below the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) should be investigated, prosecuted, or deprived of their liberty for any offence, including security and terrorism-related offences, in line with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Committee on the Rights of the Child encourages States to increase the MACR where possible, and not to lower it below 14 years of age, commending States that set a higher MACR such as 15 or 16 years of age. Children, above the age of criminal responsibility, who are suspected of committing a serious crime, shall be handed over to civilian actors, and justice should be provided within juvenile justice frameworks. During all processes they shall be treated primarily as victims and as survivors of grave violations of their rights. Any investigation or determination of culpability shall be handled by trained civilian actors, including, where relevant, trained juvenile justice actors and made based on processes consistent with applicable international child rights standards, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and internationally recognized juvenile justice standards and principles, due process and fair trial standards, prioritizing the child\u2019s recovery, reintegration, and best interests in all decisions."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"This module aims to provide DDR practitioners and child protection actors with guidance on the planning, design and implementation of DDR processes for CAAFAG in both mission and non- mission settings. The main objectives of this guidance are: \\n To set out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes for children. \\n To outline the normative legal framework that applies to children and must be integrated across DDR processes for children through planning, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. \\n To provide guidance and key considerations to drive continuous efforts to prevent the recruitment and re-recruitment of children into armed forces and groups. \\n To provide guidance on child- and gender-sensitive approaches to DDR highlighting the importance of both individualized and community-based approaches. \\n To highlight international norms and standards around criminal responsibility and accountability in relation to CAAFAG.This module is applicable to all CAAFAG but should be used in conjunction with IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR. IDDRS 5.30 provides guidance on children who are closer to 18 years of age. These children, who are likely to enter into employment and who have socio-political reintegration demands, especially young adults with their own children, require special assistance. The challenge of demobilizing and reintegrating former combatants who were mobilized as children and demobilized as adults is also covered in IDDRS 5.30. In addition, this module should also be read in conjunction with IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.Children associated with armed forces or armed groups refers to persons below 18 years of age who are or who have been recruited or used by an armed force or group in any capacity, including but not limited to children, boys or girls, used as fighters, cooks, porters, messengers, spies or for sexual purposes. This term is used in the Paris Principles and is used here instead of the term \u2018child soldiers\u2019 because it more inclusively recognizes children who perform not only combat roles but also support or other functions in an armed force or group.Child recruitment refers to compulsory, forced and any other conscription or enlistment of children into any kind of armed force or armed group. This can include recruitment by communities, coerced recruitment, or abductions into armed forces and groups. The definition is purposefully broad and encompasses the possibility that any child recruitment may be coerced, forced, or manipulated based on the child\u2019s circumstances and may appear voluntary.Unlawful recruitment or use is recruitment or use of children under the age stipulated in the international treaties applicable to the armed force or group in question or under applicable national law. The Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict (OPAC) bans recruitment of children under 15 and requires States to take all possible measures to prevent recruitment of children under 18 including the adoption of legal measures necessary to prohibit and criminalize such practices.1 It also bans all recruitment and use of children by armed groups. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute ban recruitment of children under age 15.Release includes the process of formal and controlled disarmament and demobilization of children from an armed force or group, as well as the informal ways in which children leave by escaping, being captured or any other means. It implies a disassociation from the armed force or group and the beginning of the transition from military to civilian life. Release can take place during a situation of armed conflict; it is not dependent on the temporary or permanent cessation of hostilities. Release is not dependent on children having weapons to forfeit.Reintegration of children is the process through which children transition into society and enter meaningful roles and identities as civilians who are accepted by their families and communities in a context of local and national reconciliation. Sustainable reintegration is achieved when the political, legal, economic and social conditions needed for children to maintain life, livelihood and dignity have been secured. The reintegration process aims to ensure that children can access their rights, including formal and non-formal education, family unity, dignified livelihoods and safety from harm."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"All child recruitment or use by armed groups is illegal under international law (OPAC Article 4), as is all use of children in hostilities (OPAC Article 1), conscription by state armed forces (OPAC Article 2, International Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labour (ILO Convention (No. 182)), or enlistment of children without appropriate safeguards (OPAC Article 3). All child recruitment and use into armed forces is also illegal for those State parties to the Operational Protocol to the Convention Against Torture. The recruitment and use of children under 15 by armed forces and groups may amount to a war crime. There is significant international consensus that the recruitment of children under 18 years old is inconsistent with international standards on child protection. DDR processes, including release and reintegration support for children, shall therefore prioritize prevention, separation of children from armed forces or groups, and redress of this human rights violation.DDR processes shall be specific to the needs of children and apply child- and gender-sensitive approaches. This module provides critical guidance for DDR practitioners and child protection actors on how to work together to plan, design and implement services and interventions that aim to prevent children\u2019s recruitment and re-recruitment, as well as help children to recover and reintegrate children into their families and communities. The guidance recognizes that the needs of children formerly associated with armed forces and groups during reintegration are multisectoral and different than those of adults. Child-sensitive approaches require DDR practitioners and child protection actors to tailor interventions to meet the specific needs of individual boys and girls, but also to target other conflict-affected or at-risk children within the broader community in which children are reintegrating.Finally, the module recognizes that children, as victims of recruitment and use, should not be prosecuted, punished or threatened with prosecution or punishment solely for their membership in armed forces or groups, and notes that children who have reached the MACR and who may have committed criminal acts shall be afforded the protections to which they are entitled, including their rights to child-specific due process and minimum standards based on their age, needs and specific vulnerabilities."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to children and DDR."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1 Voluntary","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Children are entitled to release from armed forces and groups at all times, without pre- condition. Processes for planning and implementing DDR processes shall not delay demobilization or other forms of release of children. Given their age, vulnerability and child- specific needs, during DDR processes, children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection actors and supported to demobilize and reintegrate into families and communities in processes that are separate from those for adults, according to their best interests. While it is critical that children be supported, they shall not be pressured to wait for or to participate in release processes. They shall also not be removed from their families or communities to participate in DDR processes unless it has been determined to be in their best interest. Their decision to participate shall voluntary and based on informed consent."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People centred","Heading3":"4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Any person below 18 years of age who is associated with an armed force or group shall be eligible for participation in a DDR process designed specifically for children. Children can be associated with armed forces and groups in a variety of ways, not only as combatants, so some may not have access to weapons or ammunition. This is especially true for girls who are often used for sexual purposes, as wives or cooks, but may also be used as spies, logisticians, fighters, etc. DDR practitioners shall recognize that all children must be released by the armed forces and groups that recruited them and receive reintegration support. Eligibility for DDR processes for CAAFAG shall not be conditioned on the child\u2019s possession and handover of a weapon or ammunition, participation in hostilities or weapons training; there shall be no conditions, of any kind, for their participation. If there is doubt as to whether an individual is under 18 years old, an age assessment shall be conducted (see Annex B). In cases where there is no proof of age, or inconclusive evidence, the child shall have the right to the rule of the benefit of the doubt.A dependent child of an ex-combatant shall not automatically be considered to be associated with an armed force or group. However, armed forces or groups may identify some children, particularly girls, as dependents, including as wives, when the child is an extended family member\/relative, or when the child has been abducted, or otherwise recruited or used, including through forced marriage. A safe, child- and gender-sensitive individualized determination shall be undertaken to determine the child\u2019s status and eligibility for participation in a DDR process. DDR practitioners and child protection actors shall be aware that, although not all dependent children may be eligible for DDR, they may be at heightened vulnerability and may have been exposed to conflict-related violence, especially if they were in close proximity to combatants or if their parents are ex-combatants. These children shall therefore be referred for support as part of wider child protection and humanitarian services in their communities."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People centred","Heading3":"4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"DDR processes for children shall not be contingent on political negotiations or adult DDR processes. Efforts shall always be made to prevent recruitment and to secure the release of children associated with armed forces or armed groups, irrespective of the stage of the conflict or status of peace negotiations. Doing so may require negotiations with armed forces or groups. Special provisions and efforts may be needed to reach girls, who often face unique obstacles to identification and release. These obstacles may include specific sociocultural factors, such as the perception that girl \u2018wives\u2019 are dependents rather than associated children, gendered barriers to information and sensitization, or fear by armed forces and groups of admitting to the presence of girls.The mechanisms and structures for the release and reintegration of children shall be set up as soon as possible and continue during ongoing armed conflict, before a peace agreement is signed, a peacekeeping mission is deployed, or a DDR process or security sector reform (SSR) process is established.Armed forces and groups rarely acknowledge the presence of children in their ranks, so children are often not identified and are therefore excluded from support linked to DDR. DDR practitioners and child protection actors involved in providing services during DDR processes, as well as UN personnel more broadly, shall actively call for the unconditional release of all CAAFAG at all times, and for children\u2019s needs to be considered. Advocacy of this kind aims to highlight the issues faced by CAAFAG and ensures that the roles played by girls and boys in conflict situations are identified and acknowledged. Advocacy shall take place at all levels, through both formal and informal discussions. UN agencies, diplomatic missions, mediators, donors and representatives of parties to conflict should all be involved. If possible, advocacy should also be linked to existing civil society actions and national systems."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People centred","Heading3":"4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"DDR processes shall respect the principles of international humanitarian law and promote the human rights of DDR participants, including children, and the communities into which they reintegrate. Core principles for delivery of humanitarian assistances include humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence. When supporting children and families therefore, care shall be taken to assess the possible impact of measures on vulnerable populations which may, by their very nature, have disproportionate or discriminatory impacts on different groups, even if unintended. Responses shall enhance the safety, dignity, and rights of people, and avoid exposing them to harm, provide access to assistance according to need and without discrimination, assist people to recover from the physical and psychological effects of threatened or actual violence, coercion or deliberate deprivation, and support people to fulfil their rights."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Conflict harms all children, whether they have been recruited or not. An inclusive approach that provides support to all conflict-affected children, including girls, particularly those with vulnerabilities that place them at risk of recruitment and use, shall be adopted to address children\u2019s needs and to avoid the perception that CAAFAG are being rewarded for association with an armed force or group. Gender-responsive approaches recognize the unique and specific needs of boys and girls, including the need for both to have access to sexual violence recovery services, emotional skill development and mental health and psychosocial support. Non- discrimination and fair and equitable treatment are core principles of DDR processes. Children shall not be discriminated against due to age, sex, race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, disability or other personal characteristics or associations they or their families may hold. Based on their needs, CAAFAG shall have access to the same opportunities irrespective of the armed force or group with which they were associated. Non-discrimination also requires the establishment of mechanisms to enable those CAAFAG who informally leave armed forces or groups to access child-sensitive DDR processes (see section 4.1)."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4 Conflict sensitive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"A conflict sensitive approach ensures that children associated with different groups and forces shall have equal access to and benefit from programmes. Additionally, opportunities to promote peacebuilding and social cohesion through child protection support services and activities shall be leveraged to fortify and build stronger connections between children, irrespective of the armed group or force with which they were previously traveling or associated.DDR practitioners shall ensure that no harm is done to children or their families. Rather, they shall seek to maximize any benefits to children, while minimizing any harm. This shall be done through: \\n Assessing and monitoring both positive and negative impacts for children, disaggregating data by age, gender and vulnerabilities of the child, while keeping such data protected; and \\n Listening to and considering the voices and views of children in the planning, design, implementation and review of DDR processes."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5 Context specific","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"DDR practitioners shall recognize that each conflict context is different, with its own social, political, cultural, economic, gender and other dynamics, and that girls and boys have different needs and capacities. These specificities also require DDR practitioners to recognize that the mechanisms for consultation and engagement may differ by context, hence requiring tailored strategies. There is no simple formula that can be applied in all circumstances."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ","Heading3":"4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Sufficient long-term funding is required to implement effective child-sensitive DDR processes. Funding should be made available through a funding mechanism that is independent of, and managed separately from, DDR processes for adults. This funding should be planned for at the outset. DDR practitioners and specialized child protection actors shall be called upon for the necessary political, technical and operational leadership within the Government and within the framework of the UN mission or the UN Country Team."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ","Heading3":"4.6.2 Accountability and transparency","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"DDR practitioners and child protection actors shall reaffirm the importance of and respect the best interests of the child and require project staff to be accountable to children and their caregivers."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.7 Nationally and locally owned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"DDR processes for children shall link to national and local structures for child protection with efforts to strengthen institutions working on child rights and advocacy. DDR processes for children require a long implementation period and the long-term success of DDR processes depends on and correlates to the capacities of local actors and communities. These capacities shall be strengthened to support community acceptance and local advocacy potential.Participatory and decentralized consultation should be encouraged so that common strategies, responsive to local realities, can be designed. National frameworks, including guiding principles, norms and procedures specific to the local and regional context, shall be established. Clear roles and responsibilities, including engagement and exit strategies, shall be agreed upon by all actors. All such consultation must ensure that the voices of children, both boys and girls, are heard and their views are incorporated into the design of DDR processes. As social norms may influence the ability of children to speak openly and safely, DDR practitioners shall consult with experts on child participation.To ensure long-term sustainability, Government should be a key partner\/owner in DDR processes for children. The level of responsibility and national ownership will depend on the context and\/or the terms of the peace accord (if one exists). Appropriate ministries, such as those of education, social affairs, families, women, labour, etc., as well as any national DDR commission that is set up, shall be involved in the planning and design of DDR processes for children. Where possible, support should be provided to build Government capacity on child protection and other critical social services."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.8 Regionally supported","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Where appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider regional initiatives prohibiting and responding to the recruitment and use of CAAFAG. Furthermore, regional organizations and arrangements to undertake efforts to obtain the release of children from armed forces and groups and their family reunification shall be supported."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.9 Integrated","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Effective coordination with other related sectors (including education, health, youth, and employment) and relevant agencies\/ministries is critical to the success of DDR processes for children. Systems for coordination, information-sharing and reporting shall be established and continuously implemented, so that all concerned parties can work together and support each other, particularly in the case of contingency and security planning. Coordination shall be seen as a vital element of the ongoing monitoring of children\u2019s well-being and shall be utilized to further advanced preparedness, prevent (re-)recruitment and ensure conflict sensitivity. Effective coordination between DDR practitioners working with children and adults should be promoted to support the transition from child to adult for older children (ages 15\u201318). Data on CAAFAG shall be safely secured and only made available to those who have a specific need to access it for a specific purpose that is in a child\u2019s best interests, for example, to deliver a service or make a referral. Confidentiality shall be respected at all times."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.10 Well planned","Heading3":"4.10.1 Safety and security","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Prevention and release require considerations related to safety of children, families, communities, DDR practitioners and other staff delivering services for children. DDR processes for children may be implemented in locations where conflict is ongoing or escalating, or in fragile environments. Such contexts present many potential risks and DDR practitioners shall therefore conduct risk assessments and put in place measures to mitigate identified risks before initiating DDR processes. Particular consideration shall be given to the needs of girls and protection of all children from sexual exploitation and abuse. All staff of UN organizations delivering child protection services and organizing DDR processes shall adhere to the requirements of the Secretary-General\u2019s Bulletin on the Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (for UN entities) and the Interagency Standing Committee\u2019s Six Core Principles Relating to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.DDR processes shall establish an organizational child protection policy and\/or safeguarding policy and an individual code of conduct that have clear, strong, and positive commitments to safeguard children and that outline appropriate standards of conduct, preventive measures, reporting, monitoring, investigation and corrective measures the Organization will take to protect participants and beneficiaries from sexual exploitation and abuse."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.10 Well planned","Heading3":"4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"The best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration in all assumptions and decisions made during planning. Emphasis is often placed on the need to estimate the numbers of children in armed forces and groups in order to plan actions. While this is important, policymakers and planners should also recognize that it is difficult to obtain accurate figures. Uncertain estimates during planning, however, should not prevent DDR processes for children from being implemented, or from assuring that every child will have sustained reintegration support.Children shall not be included in the count of members of any armed force or group at the time of a DDR process, SSR, or power-sharing negotiations. Legitimacy shall not be given to child recruitment through the inclusion of children within DDR processes to inflate numbers, for example. However, as children will require services, for the purposes of planning the budget and the DDR process itself, children shall be included in the count of persons qualifying for demobilization and reintegration support.Many children who are formally or informally released or who have otherwise left armed forces or groups never have the opportunity to participate in child-sensitive DDR processes. This can happen when a child who flees an armed force or group is not aware of their rights or lives in an area where DDR processes are unavailable. Girls, in particular, may be at higher risk of this as they are often \u2018unseen\u2019 or viewed as dependents. DDR practitioners and child protection actors shall understand and plan for this type of \u201cself-demobilization,\u201d and the difficulties associated with accessing children who have taken this route. If levels of informal release or separation are believed to be high (through informal knowledge, data collection or situation analysis), during the planning and design phases, in collaboration with child protection actors, DDR practitioners shall establish mechanisms to inform these children of their rights and enable access to reintegration support."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.10 Well planned","Heading3":"4.10.3 Public information and community sensitization","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Families and communities shall be sensitized on the experiences their children may have had during their association with an armed force or group and the changes they may see, without stigmatizing them. CAAFAG, both girls and boys, often experience high levels of abuse (sexual, physical, and emotional), neglect and distressing and events (e.g., exposure to and perpetration of violence, psychological and physical injury, etc.). They will require significant support from their families and communities to overcome these challenges, and it is therefore important that appropriate sensitization initiatives are in place to ensure that this support is understood and forthcoming.To increase children\u2019s awareness of their rights and the services available, DDR practitioners should use targeted gender- and age-sensitive public communication strategies such as public service announcement campaigns (radio, social media and print), child-friendly leaflet drops in strategic locations, peer messaging and coordination with grassroots service providers to reach children. It is critical for DDR practitioners to maintain regular communication with CAAFAG regarding release and reintegration processes and support, including services offered and eligibility criteria, any changes to the support provided (delays or alternative modes of service delivery), and the availability of other services and referrals. A lack of proper communication may lead to misunderstandings and frustration among children and community members and further conflict.Communications strategies should be highly flexible and responsive to changing situations and needs. Strategies should include providing opportunities for people to ask questions about DDR processes for children and involve credible and legitimate local actors (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR). A well-designed communications strategy creates trust within the community and among the key actors involved in the response and facilitates maximum participation. In all communications, children\u2019s confidentiality shall be maintained, and their privacy protected."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"5. Normative legal frameworks","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"DDR practitioners shall proactively seek to build the following key normative legal frameworks into DDR, from planning, design, and implementation to monitoring and evaluation."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"5. Normative legal frameworks","Heading2":"5.1 International Human Rights Law","Heading3":"5.1.1 The convention on the rights of the child and its optional protocols","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"The CRC and its OPAC constitute the framework for the principles, norms and standards that underpin DDR processes for children. The CRC defines a \u2018child\u2019 as any human being below the age of 18 years unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier. OPAC prohibits recruitment and use in hostilities of anybody under 18 years of age by armed groups. OPAC also obligates States Parties to set the minimum age of voluntary recruitment of persons into their national armed forces as 15 years of age, establishes safeguards for the voluntary recruitment of persons below the age of 18, and asserts that State Parties take all feasible measures to ensure that members of the national armed forces that are under the age of 18 do not take part in direct hostilities.The rights of the child, as espoused through the CRC and its OPAC, further support the reintegration of CAAFAG through requiring States to promote: \\n The child's right to life, survival and development: This right is not limited to ensuring a child\u2019s physical wellbeing but includes the need to ensure full and harmonious development, including at the spiritual, moral and social levels, where education plays a key role. In respect to DDR processes for children, this shall include consideration of how a child\u2019s experience in conflict impacts upon his\/her own evolving capacities, as well as recognition of the resilience displayed in surviving and overcoming difficulties. \\n The child\u2019s right to be free from arbitrary detention - No child shall be deprived of his or her liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily. The arrest, detention or imprisonment of a child shall be in conformity with the law and shall be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time. \\n The child\u2019s right to fair justice and fair treatment - States recognize the right of every child alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law to be treated in a manner consistent with the promotion of the child's sense of dignity and worth, which reinforces the child's respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of others and which takes into account the child's age and the desirability of promoting the child's reintegration and the child's assuming a constructive role in society. States shall seek to promote the establishment of laws, procedures, authorities and institutions specifically applicable to children alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law, and, in particular \\n The physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of child victims: States shall take all appropriate measures to promote physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of a child victim of: any form of neglect, exploitation, or abuse; torture or any other form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; or armed conflicts. DDR practitioners shall work with States to ensure that recovery and reintegration takes place in an environment which fosters the health, self-respect and dignity of the child. Article 7 of the OPAC forms the legal basis for support to CAAFAG through the obligation of signatories to rehabilitate and socially reintegrate CAAFAG. \\n The child\u2019s right to be free from discrimination: States shall ensure respect for the rights of all children within their jurisdiction \u2013 including non-national children \u2013 regardless of race, sex, age, religion, ethnicity, opinions, disability or any other status of the child or the child\u2019s parents or legal guardians. DDR practitioners shall pay particular attention to ensuring the full involvement and inclusion of girls and their children, as well as addressing any stigmatization of CAAFAG. \\n The child\u2019s right to participate: Children shall be allowed to express their opinions freely and participate in making decisions concerning family reunification and career and educational opportunities, and those opinions should be given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child. Children shall be consulted at all stages of the release and reintegration process, and actions that affect them shall be in their best interests, considering their needs and concerns, placement and family. \\n The child\u2019s best interests as a primary consideration: Actions that affect the child should be based on an assessment of whether those actions are in the child\u2019s best interests. As part of DDR processes for children, this shall mean that all measures to assure release, protection, reintegration and prevention of re-recruitment shall be determined by their best interests. A child shall participate in determining what is in his\/her best interests."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"5. Normative legal frameworks","Heading2":"5.1 International Human Rights Law","Heading3":"5.1.2 The worst forms of child labour convention","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Under Article 3 of the International Labour Organization Convention No. 182, States Parties shall take immediate and effective measures to secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, which include the forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict (a child being defined as a person under the age of 18). Under Article 7(b) the convention also requires States to prevent the engagement of children in the worst forms of child labour, and to provide the necessary and appropriate direct assistance for the removal of children from the worst forms of child labour and for their rehabilitation and reintegration."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"5. Normative legal frameworks","Heading2":"5.1 International Human Rights Law","Heading3":"5.1.3 African charter on the rights and welfare of the child","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (1990) requires that States take all necessary measures to ensure that no child shall take a direct part in hostilities and refrain, in particular, from recruiting any child (Article 22)."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"5. Normative legal frameworks","Heading2":"5.2 International Humanitarian Law","Heading3":"5.2.1 Additional protocols I and II to the Geneva conventions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The Additional Protocols I (Article 77) and II (Article 4(3)) to the Geneva Conventions call for the special respect and protection of children in armed conflict (Rule 135), underscoring that children who have not attained the age of fifteen years, shall neither be recruited into armed forces or groups (Rule 136), nor be allowed to take part in hostilities (Rule 137).The protocols provide for additional special protection for children affected by armed conflict to include protection against all forms of sexual violence (Rule 93), separation from adults while deprived of liberty, unless they are members of the same family (Rule 120), access to education food and health care (Rules 55, 118, and 131), evacuation from areas of combat for safety reasons (Rule 129), reunification of unaccompanied children with their families (Rules 105 and 131), and application of the death penalty."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"5. Normative legal frameworks","Heading2":"5.3 International Criminal Law","Heading3":"5.3.1 The Rome statute of the international criminal court","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Article 8(2)(b)(xxvi) and 8(2)(e)(vii) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court makes it a war crime, leading to individual criminal prosecution, to conscript or enlist children under the age of 15 years into armed forces or groups or to use them to participate actively in hostilities, in both international and non-international armed conflicts."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"5. Normative legal frameworks","Heading2":"5.4 UN Security Council resolutions: engagement with armed forces and groups","Heading3":"5.4.1 Security Council Resolution 1539","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Security Council resolution 1539 (2004) calls for engaging armed forces and groups in dialogue leading to time-bound action plans to prevent and end grave violations against children, including the release of children. Those engaged in securing the release of children should make contact with armed forces and groups recruiting and using children, where it is safe to do so and in accordance with UN guidelines.3 Engagement with armed forces and groups will often occur as part of the Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism (MRM) led by the Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting. Those parties to the conflict that enter into dialogue with the UN can develop time- bound action plans, following their listing in the annexes of the Secretary General\u2019s annual report for grave violations against children (including the recruitment and use of children). The unconditional release of children, prevention of grave violations and awareness-raising on the issue of child recruitment and use, as well as other activities, shall be included in such action plans.Training and capacity building for armed forces or groups on their obligations under international law relating to the recruitment and use of children should be provided, including the identification and release of children, age assessment procedures to prevent child association, gender-based violence and other child protection concerns, and respect for humanitarian norms and principles."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"5. Normative legal frameworks","Heading2":"5.4 UN Security Council resolutions: engagement with armed forces and groups","Heading3":"5.4.2 Security Council Resolution 3427","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Security Council Resolution 2427 (2018) urges \u201cconcerned Member States to mainstream child protection and ensure that the specific needs of girls and boys are fully taken into account at all stages of disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration processes (DDR), including through the development of a gender-and age-sensitive DDR process\u201d. The resolution also stresses the need to pay particular attention to the treatment of children associated or allegedly associated with all non-state armed groups, including those who commit acts of terrorism, in particular by establishing standard operating procedures for the rapid handover of these children to relevant civilian child protection actors."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"5. Normative legal frameworks","Heading2":"5.5 International Standards","Heading3":"5.5.1 The Paris Principles and Paris commitments","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"The 2007 Paris Principles, building on the 1997 Cape Town Principles, detail eight general principles and eight operational principles to protect children. Specific consideration is given to girls and their particular needs and challenges. The Paris Principles aim to guide interventions with the following objectives: \\n To prevent the unlawful recruitment or use of children; and \\n To facilitate the release of CAAFAG; and \\n To facilitate the reintegration of all CAAFAG; and \\n To ensure the most protective environment for all children.The Paris Commitments \u2013 commitments to protect children from unlawful recruitment or use by armed forces or groups \u2013 supplement the Paris Principles and have two main priorities: (1) to put an end to the unlawful recruitment and use of children by armed forces and groups globally, and (2) to make all necessary efforts to uphold and apply the Paris Principles through political, diplomatic, humanitarian, technical assistance and funding roles, consistent with international obligations."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"5. Normative legal frameworks","Heading2":"5.5 International Standards","Heading3":"5.5.2 \u201cThe Beijing Rules\u201d for administration of Juvenile Justice","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Applicable in the context of CAAFAG, the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice adopted by General Assembly resolution 40\/33 in 1985 provide guidance for the arrest or detention of children. Children retain all the rights already covered for adults if arrested. The rules require detention of children only as a last resort so that arrest, detention or imprisonment of children should be avoided whenever possible. When children are arrested and detained, their cases are to be given the highest priority and handled expeditiously to ensure the shortest possible period of detention prior to trial. States should ensure that accountability mechanisms are fully in line with international law related to juvenile justice.International child rights and juvenile justice standards require that alternatives to normal judicial proceedings in criminal courts should be applied, providing that human rights and legal safeguards are fully respected (CRC, Article 40[3b], Rule 11, \u2018Beijing Rules\u2019). For example, restorative justice \u2013 achieved through finding alternatives to criminal courts \u2013 involves the child offender understanding and taking responsibility for his\/her actions with the goal of achieving reconciliation between the offender, the victim and the wider community through reparations. Such a procedure should ensure that the rights of the child are protected throughout. The child\u2019s participation in a restorative justice process shall be voluntary and preceded by informed consent (given by both the child and his\/her parent or guardian). Measures to prevent the child from becoming distressed must be in place."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"DDR processes for children require joint planning and coordination between DDR practitioners and child protection actors involved in providing services. Joint planning and coordination should be informed by a detailed situation analysis and by a number of Minimum Preparedness Actions."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children","Heading2":"6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"A detailed situation analysis should assess broad conflict-related issues (location, political and social dynamics, causes, impacts, etc.) but also the specific impacts on children, including disaggregation by gender, age and location (urban-rural). The situation analysis is critical to identifying obstacles to, and opportunities for, reintegration support. A detailed situation analysis should examine: \\n\u00a7 The objectives, tactics and command structure\/management\/hierarchy of the armed force or group; \\n\u00a7 The circumstances, patterns, causes, conditions, means and extent of child recruitment by age and gender; \\n\u00a7 The emotional and psychological consequences of children\u2019s living conditions and experiences and their gendered dimensions; \\n\u00a7 Attitudes, beliefs and norms regarding gender identities in armed forces and groups and in the community; \\n\u00a7 The attitudes of families and communities towards the conflict, and the extent of their resilience and capacities; \\n\u00a7 The absorption capacity of and support services necessary in communities of return, in particular families, which play a critical role in successful release and reintegration efforts; \\n\u00a7 The extent of children\u2019s participation in armed forces and groups, including roles played and gender, age or other differences; \\n\u00a7 Children\u2019s needs, expectations, and aspirations; \\n\u00a7 The evident obstacles to, and opportunities for, child and youth reintegration, with consideration of what risks and opportunities may arise in the future; and \\n\u00a7 The needs of, and challenges of working with, special groups (girls, girl mothers, disabled children, foreign children, young children, adolescents, male survivors of sexual violence, 16 severely distressed children, children displaying signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, and unaccompanied and separated children).DDR practitioners should be aware that the act of asking about children\u2019s and communities\u2019 wishes through assessments can raise expectations, which can only be managed by being honest about which services or assistance may or may not ultimately be provided. Under no circumstances should interviewers or practitioners make promises or give assurances that they are not certain they can deliver. Neither should they make promises about actions others may take. Some suggested key questions for context analysis can be found in Box 1 (see also IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments).BOX 1: KEY QUESTIONS FOR CONTEXT ANALYSIS \\n What is the context? What are the social, political, economic and cultural origins of the conflict? Is it perceived as a struggle for liberation? Is it limited to a particular part of the country? Does it involve particular groups or people, or is it more generalized? What is the demographic composition of the population? What are the direct impacts of the conflict on children? Are the impacts different according to the background of the girls or boys? How are children perceived or described by other stakeholders in the context? \\n What is the ideology of the armed force or group? Do its members have a political ideology? Do they have political, social or other goals? What means does the armed force\/group use to pursue its ideology? What are the gender dimensions of their ideology? Who supports the armed force\/group? What is the level of perceived legitimacy of the armed force\/group? How does age- and gender-based norms and practices feature in the armed force\/group\u2019s ideology? \\n How is the armed force or group structured? Where is the locus of power? How many levels of hierarchy exist? Does the leadership have tight control over its forces? What roles are traditionally assigned to children within the force\/group? Whom do children associated with armed forces and groups report to? Is reporting the same for boys and girls? How is authority\/rank established? Who makes decisions regarding the movements of the armed force\/group? Has the armed force\/group had foreign sponsors (companies, organizations)? \\n Does the armed force\/group focus on particular ethnic, religious, geographic or socioeconomic groups for recruitment? Are children directly targeted for recruitment? Are girls and boys targeted equally? Is there a particular reason why the armed force\/group may target the recruitment of girls and boys? Where does the armed force\/group do most of its recruiting? Is recruitment \u2018voluntary\u2019, forced or compulsory? Looking back over three, six and twelve months, has recruitment been increasing or decreasing, and does it differ over the course of the year? Are children promised anything when they join up (e.g., protection for their families, money, goods, weapons)? What is the proportion of children in the armed force\/group? \\n What conditions did the children live in while in the armed force\/group? How do the children feel about their conditions? Was there exploitation or abuse, and if so, for how long and of what kind? How are boys and girls affected differently by their recruitment and use by the armed force\/group? What kind of work did children perform in the armed force\/group? How has 17 children\u2019s behaviour changed as a result of being recruited? Have their attitudes and values changed? What were the children's perceptions of the armed force\/group before recruitment? \\n How do children recruited understand their role in the conflict? Are there any perceived benefits for children to join armed forces\/groups (i.e., status recognition, addressing grievances)? What are their expectations and aspirations for the future? How can their experiences be harnessed for productive purposes? \\n What do the communities feel about the impact of the conflict on children? How do communities view the role of children in armed forces and groups? What impact is this likely to have on the children\u2019s reintegration? How has the conflict affected perceptions of the roles of girls and women? What are the community\u2019s perceptions of sexual violence against boys and girls? What is the people\u2019s understanding of children\u2019s responsibility in the conflict? What social, cultural and traditional practices exist to help children\u2019s reintegration into their communities? Do institutions, policies and social groups have specific procedures or services to cater for children\u2019s specific needs? How familiar are children with these practices?"},{"ID":32,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children","Heading2":"6.2 Assessment phase","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"In addition to the context analysis, DDR practitioners and child protection actors should take the following Minimum Preparedness Actions into consideration when planning. These actions (outlined below) are informed by the Interagency Standing Committee\u2019s Emergency Response Preparedness Guidelines (2015): \\n Risk monitoring is an activity that should be ongoing throughout implementation, based on initial risk assessments. Plans should be developed detailing how this action will be conducted. For CAAFAG, specific risks might include (re-)recruitment; lack of access to DDR processes; unidentified psychosocial trauma; family or community abuse; stigmatization; and sexual and gender-based violence. Risk monitoring should specifically consider the needs of girls of all ages. \\n Risk monitoring is especially critical when children self-demobilize and return to communities during ongoing conflict. Results should be disaggregated to ensure that girls and other particularly vulnerable groups are considered. \\n Clearly defined coordination and management arrangements are critical to ensuring a child-sensitive approach for DDR processes, particularly given the complexity of the process and the need for transparency and accountability to generate community support. DDR processes for children involve a number of agencies and stakeholders (national and international) and require comprehensive planning regarding how these bodies will coordinate and report. The opportunity for children to be able to report and provide feedback on DDR processes in a safe and confidential manner shall be ensured. Moreover, an exit strategy should feature within a coordinated approach. \\n Needs assessments, information management and response monitoring arrangements must be central to any planning process. The needs of boy and girl CAAFAG are multifaceted and may change over time. A robust needs assessment and ongoing monitoring of the reintegration process for children is essential to minimize risk, identify opportunities for extended support and ensure the effective 18 protection of all children \u2013 especially vulnerable children \u2013 involved in DDR. Effective information management should be a priority and should include disaggregated data (by age, sex, ethnicity, location, or any other valid variable) to enable DDR practitioners and child protection actors to proactively adapt their approaches as needs emerge. It is important to note that all organizations working with children should fully respect the rights and confidentiality of data subjects, and act in accordance with the \u201cdo no harm\u201d principle and the best interests of children. \\n Case management systems should be community-based and, ideally, fit within existing community-based structures. Case management systems should be used to tailor the types of support that each child needs and should link to sexual and\/or gender-based violence case management systems that provide specialized support for children who need it. Because reintegration of children is tailored to the individual needs of a child over time, a case management system is best to both address those needs and to build up case management systems in communities for the long term. \\n Reintegration opportunities and services, including market analysis are critical to inform an effective response that supports the sustainable economic reintegration of children. They should be used in conjunction with socioeconomic profiles to enable the development of solutions that meet market demand as well as the expectations of child participants and beneficiaries, taking into account gendered socio-cultural dynamics. See IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR, sections 7 and 8, for more information. \\n Operational capacity and arrangements to deliver reintegration outcomes and ensure protection are essential to DDR processes for children. Plans should be put in place to enhance the institutional capacity of relevant stakeholders (including UN agencies, national and local Governments, civil society and sectors\/clusters) where necessary. Negotiation capacity should also be considered in situations where children continue to be retained by armed forces and groups. The capacity of local service providers, businesses and communities, all of which will be directly involved on a daily basis in the reintegration process, should also be supported. \\n Contingency plans, linked to the risk analysis and monitoring system, should be developed to ensure that DDR processes for children retain enough flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children","Heading2":"6.3 Data","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Data is critical to the design and implementation of DDR processes for children. Information on a child\u2019s identity, family, the history of their recruitment and experience in their armed force or group, and their additional needs shall be collected by trained child protection personnel as early as possible and safely stored. All data shall be sex-disaggregated to ensure that DDR processes are able to effectively respond to gendered concerns."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children","Heading2":"6.3 Data","Heading3":"6.3.1 Data collection","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Information collected from CAAFAG shall be used only to deliver services to children and to design and implement child- and gender-sensitive DDR processes. Other actors often try to obtain 19 actionable military or intelligence information on armed opposition groups from demobilized children or may interrogate children as they view them as threats. Such actions could amount to a violation of child rights, as it places children in danger and may undermine the release process. The Paris Principles (Article 7.25) expressly state that \u201cinterviews should never be conducted to collect information for military purposes.\u201d In addition, Security Council resolution 2427 (2018) states that CAAFAG are to be treated as victims of violations of international law. A commitment shall be obtained from Governments that children will be handed over to civilian child protection authorities as soon as possible and that military information will not be sought from them under any circumstances. Where interviews are necessary for legitimate purposes, as few individuals as possible should interview children to eliminate risks and harms that stem from repeated interviewing. Interviewers shall be trained child protection actors skilled in interviewing children.The Security Council has expressed \u201cgrave concern at the use of detained children for information gathering purposes.\u201d (UNSCR 2427, OP 20) Therefore, interviews with CAAFAG shall be carried out with the utmost concern for the child\u2019s privacy, dignity and confidentiality. Those providing information (children and caregivers) shall be fully informed about the purpose of the information gathering, how the information will be used and how it will be kept confidential. Voluntary and informed consent shall be required before proceeding with any interview and the child shall be informed that he or she may stop the interview at any time without any need to give a reason. Child protection agencies and\/or safeguarding personnel shall provide support, guidance and direction for such interviews. If no parent or guardian is available, a trusted adult shall be provided during any interview and undertake the role of protecting the child\u2019s interests.Interviews shall be conducted in the mother tongue of the child at the pace that he or she sets. Questions shall be posed in child-friendly and age-appropriate language and be rephrased if necessary, and information received clarified. Some information can be sensitive, and the children who provide it may be subject to threats. As children are usually aware of the threats they face, they may provide misleading information to try to protect themselves. These fears shall be identified and measures to deal with them shall be developed. Security should be a key concern and informed by a security risk assessment. During interviews, staff shall pay attention to, and have plans to safeguard children from, anyone who may intimidate or threaten them. Interviews with children shall be carried out in a safe place. If the child wishes to stop the interview, or begins to display signs of distress, the interview shall be stopped immediately. To safeguard the child and the interviewer, no adult shall conduct an interview alone with the child; mixed gender teams shall be provided. No child shall be subject to pressure, coercion, manipulation, including promises, or to any other physical, emotional or psychological tactics to obtain information."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children","Heading2":"6.3 Data","Heading3":"6.3.2 Data management","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Effective and secure data management is an important aspect of DDR processes for children as, beyond ethical considerations, it helps to create trust in the DDR process. Data management shall follow a predetermined and standardized format, including information on roles and responsibilities, procedures and protocols for data collection, processing, storage, sharing, reporting and archiving. Rules on confidentiality and information security shall be established, and all relevant staff shall be trained in these rules, to protect the security of children and their families, and staff. Databases that contain sensitive information related to children shall be encrypted and access to information shall be based on principles of informed consent, \u2018need to know\u2019 basis, \u2018do no harm\u2019 and the best interests of the child so that only those who need to have access to the information shall be granted permissions and the ability to do so."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children","Heading2":"6.3 Data","Heading3":"6.3.3 Gender responsive and transformative","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"The specific needs of girls and boys shall be fully considered in all stages of DDR processes. A gender-transformative approach should be pursued, aiming to shift social norms and address structural inequalities that lead girls and boys to engage in armed conflict and that negatively affect their reintegration. Within DDR processes, a gender-transformative approach shall focus on the following: \\n Agency: Interventions should strengthen the individual and collective capacities (knowledge and skills), attitudes, critical reflection, assets, actions and access to services that support the reintegration of girls. \\n Relations: Interventions should equip girls with the skills to navigate the expectations and cooperative or negotiation dynamics embedded within relationships between people in the home, market, community, and groups and organizations that will influence choice. \\n Structures: Interventions should address the informal and formal institutional rules and practices, social norms and statuses that limit options available to girls and work to create space for their empowerment.The inclusion of girls in DDR processes is central to a gender-transformative approach. CAAFAG are often at great risk of gender-based violence, including sexual violence, and hence may require a range of gender-specific services and programmes to support their recovery. Children, especially girls, are often not identified during DDR processes as they are not always considered to be full members of an armed force or group or may be treated as dependents or wives. Furthermore, DDR practitioners are not always properly trained to identify girls associated with or formerly associated with armed forces and groups and cater to their needs. Often, girls who informally leave armed forces or groups do so to avoid stigmatization or reprisal, or because they are unaware that they have the right to benefit from any kind of support. For these reasons, specific mechanisms should be developed to identify girls formerly associated with armed forces and groups and inform them about the benefits they may be entitled to through child-sensitive DDR processes. In order not to put girls at risk, this must be done in a sensitive manner, for example, through organizations and groups with which girls are already involved, such as health care facilities (particularly those dealing with reproductive health), religious centres and organizations that assist survivors of sexual violence (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).As a key element, a gender-transformative approach should also engage boys, young men, and the wider community so that girls may be viewed and treated more equally by the whole community. It should also recognize that boys and men may also become associated with armed forces and groups due to expectations about the gender roles they should perform, including roles as protector and bread winner even at young ages, particularly where a father has died or is missing, and about social norms that promote violence and\/or taking up arms as acceptable or preferred measures to resolve problems. This community-based approach is necessary to help promote the empowerment of girls by educating traditional patriarchal communities on gender equality and thus work towards countering harmful gender norms that enable violence to flourish. Other gender transformative approaches critical for boys include: \\n Non-violent forms of masculinities: Often through socialization into violence or through witnessing the use of violence while with armed forces and groups, boys may develop an association of violence through social norms surrounding masculinity and social recognition. Such associations may in turn lead to the development of anti-social behaviour towards themselves, to girls or vulnerable groups, or to community. Supporting boys in deconstructing violent or militarized norms about masculinity is an essential part of breaking the cycle of violence and supporting successful reintegration. This may also involve supporting emotional skill development, including understanding and working with anger in a healthy way. \\n Gender-Equitable Relations and Structures: The ideology, structure and treatment of women or girls in armed forces and groups may have led to the development of non-equitable views regarding gender norms, which may affect notions of what \u2018consent\u2019 is. Supporting equitable norms, views, and approaches to being in relationship with girls, and cultivating respect for agency and choice of girls and women, is critical to supporting boys formulate healthy norms and relationships in adulthood.A gender-transformative approach should also ensure that gender is a key feature of all DDR assessments and is incorporated into all elements of release and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated Assessments).The factors that lead to children associating with armed forces and groups are complex, and usually involve a number of push and pull factors specific to each child and their wider environment. Understanding the recruitment pathways of children into armed forces and groups is important for development of effective (re-)recruitment prevention strategies and can influence reintegration programming. For example, in some instances of forcible recruitment, new members are required to engage in violence against their family and community to reduce the incentive to escape. This can make their reintegration and community acceptance particularly difficult."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Prevention efforts should start early and take place before and continuously throughout armed conflict. Furthermore, these efforts should recognize that children are embedded in families and communities, and programmes must target each part of their ecosystem. Prevention efforts should be based on an analysis of the dynamics of recruitment and its underlying causes and include advocacy strategies that are directed at all levels of governance, both formal and informal. Government ministries, child focused non-governmental organizations, DDR practitioners and child protection actors should monitor and analyse information on the recruitment of children to understand recruitment patterns."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children","Heading2":"7.1 Identification and documentation of risks of (re-)recruitment","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"To prevent the (re-)recruitment of children as part of DDR processes, various risk factors should be analysed at the structural, social and individual levels (see Table 1 below). Special focus shall be given to children at the most risk of recruitment.Some children are particularly vulnerable to (re-)recruitment because of inadequate protection, such as children living in conflict zones, child refugees or those who have been internally displaced, unaccompanied children, orphans or those separated from their families, children in child- or female-headed households, and children with very young parents. Girls and boys are at greater risk of being recruited in certain locations, such as zones of intense conflict; areas frequently crossed by troops; and public places with concentrations of children such as markets, schools, refugee camps or camps for internally displaced persons, and places where children go to fetch wood or water.Child recruitment is not always a sudden occurrence, but can take place gradually, progressing from initial contact to formal association. Children may start with occasional visits to the camps of armed forces or groups to look for food, polish shoes or carry out other tasks. Increasingly, they are given more responsibilities, then they may seek shelter at these camps, and eventually they start to take part fully in military life. Preventing this kind of \u2018voluntary\u2019 recruitment is a particular challenge and engagement is needed to sensitize communities on the risks of children having contact and forming associations with an armed force or group, even if it appears harmless.It is also important that the identification and documentation of (re-)recruitment risk considers aspects of child agency that may make children more vulnerable to recruitment. While forcible recruitment remains an issue, most children are recruited through the manipulation of their economic, social, political and\/or psychological vulnerability."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children","Heading2":"7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"The most effective way to prevent child (re-)recruitment is the development and ongoing strengthening of a protective environment. Building a protective environment helps all children in the community and supports not only prevention of (re-)recruitment but effective reintegration. To this end, DDR practitioners should jointly coordinate with Government, civil society, and child protection actors involved in providing services during DDR processes to strengthen the protective environment of children in affected communities through:"},{"ID":40,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children","Heading2":"7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment","Heading3":"7.2.1 Family resilience","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Efforts should be made to strengthen family resilience, especially in assisting parents to cope with wartime stress, including through access to mental health support and parenting classes, and to minimize the risks of negative family coping behaviours (e.g., child neglect, domestic violence, child marriage and parental discord). Parents also have a role to play to build resilience in their children and educate them on the risks of recruitment. This may include informing them about recruiting efforts on the internet and social media, if they play a key role in driving the conflict. Parents should also be supported to counter gender-based societal expectations of boys as fighters and girls as \u2018bush wives\u2019."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children","Heading2":"7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment","Heading3":"7.2.2 Community resilience","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Working with communities to help them better understand why children might join armed forces and groups, explain the developmental effects of child recruitment, and identify how to protect children will all help to prevent (re-)recruitment. Communities should be encouraged to establish community-based child protection networks. These networks can work on awareness- raising, good parenting skills, identifying at-risk children and mediating family disputes (where appropriate and with training). Where appropriate, these networks can be supported to establish community monitoring mechanisms, such as early warning systems. Non-individually identifiable data from these early warning systems can then be shared with national human rights commissions, national observatories and\/or Government authorities.In addition, where appropriate, children may be included in community violence reduction (CVR) programmes, consistent with relevant national and international legal safeguards, including on the involvement of children in hazardous work, to ensure their rights, needs and well-being are carefully accounted for (see section 8.4 below and IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction)."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children","Heading2":"7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment","Heading3":"7.2.3 Life skills","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"To bolster children\u2019s individual resilience to (re-)recruitment, support can be provided that allows children to develop their life skills (see section 7.9.3)."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children","Heading2":"7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment","Heading3":"7.2.4 Addressing socioeconomic insecurity","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"An important way to prevent child recruitment into armed forces and groups can be to address the underlying socioeconomic factors that cause children to be vulnerable to (re-)recruitment. Investment in education and broader economic development and employment opportunities may help. Investment in basic service delivery, necessary community infrastructure and key markets at the local level can also support community initiatives to prevent (re-)recruitment. Socioeconomic prevention methodologies should be linked \u201ccoherently and as early as possible to national and sectoral frameworks and policies for peacebuilding, recovery and development where they exist at the country level.\u201d4"},{"ID":44,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children","Heading2":"7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment","Heading3":"7.2.5 Child protection advocacy","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Adult members of armed forces and groups shall be sensitized regarding child rights, including rights of girls. Taking this action contributes to a protective environment, as it removes justifications for recruitment of children.Advocacy shall also be directed towards national decision makers, as this can raise awareness of the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict and can lead to the introduction of new laws. Advocacy may include measures towards the ratification and implementation of international legal instruments on child protection, or the reinforcement of these legal instruments; the adaptation of laws related to the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict; and the end of impunity for those who recruit and\/or use children in armed conflict. It should also include laws and policies that protect children against forms of child abuse, including gender-based violence, that are sometimes among the factors that prompt children to join armed forces and groups. After enactment, appropriate sanctions can be implemented and enforced against people who continue to recruit children.A strong awareness of the existing legal framework is considered central to prevention strategies, but international norms and procedures alone do not restrain armed groups. Awareness campaigns should be followed up with accountability measures against the perpetrators. However, it should also be recognized that punitive approaches intended to strengthen prevention down the line can also have unintended consequences, including armed groups actively hiding information about children in their ranks, which may make military commanders more reluctant to enter DDR processes (see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice)."},{"ID":45,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children","Heading2":"7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment","Heading3":"7.2.7 Monitoring and reporting on the recruitment and use of children","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Monitoring and reporting on the (re-)recruitment of children is an important component of prevention and should be given adequate investment in terms of resourcing, capacity, safety and time. The UN mandated monitoring and reporting mechanism (MRM) on grave violations of child rights in situations of armed conflict, including their recruitment and use, is a comprehensive system for collecting, verifying and reporting on such violations (UNSCR 1612 (2005)). The MRM is designed \u201cto provide for the systematic gathering of accurate, timely, objective and reliable information on grave violations committed against children\u201d5 within the context of armed conflict that will enable responses to increase compliance with international legal obligations and to end and prevent violations. Where the MRM has been activated, engagement with parties to the conflict to develop action plans to eliminate recruitment and use of children can both lead to release of children in the ranks of armed forces or groups and provide opportunities to prevent future (re-)recruitment (see section 5.3). Where possible and safe to do so, DDR processes should support engagement with armed forces and groups and be part of verification of compliance with such action plans, including commitments to release children.Any activities should adhere to mandatory reporting laws on child abuse or gender-based violence against children, regardless of whether an MRM has been activated. Practitioners should be clear about what these laws are, be sure that children understand any mandatory reporting nationally and provide informed consent if relevant. Referral pathways for necessary response services should be available before engaging with survivors so that referrals can be made in the event of a disclosure.In addition, where relevant and safe, there should be coordination, harmonization and cross checks with the Monitoring and Reporting Arrangement (MARA) of the Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV). CRSV takes multiple forms such as rape, forced pregnancy, forced sterilization, forced abortion, forced prostitution, sexual exploitation, trafficking, sexual enslavement, forced circumcision, castration, forced nudity or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity. Depending on the circumstances, it could constitute a war crime, a crime against humanity, genocide, torture or other gross violation of human rights. See definition of CRSV: Analytical and Conceptual Framing of Conflict-related Sexual Violence, June 2011."},{"ID":46,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"When designing and implementing DDR processes for CAAFAG, DDR practitioners and child protection actors must tailor support to the individual child and root them in community-based approaches and structures.Individualized interventions recognize that there important differences between children based on age; from those who may appear to have voluntarily joined an armed force or group and those who have been obviously forced to do so; from those who have made decisions and been given leadership or other responsibilities when they were members of armed forces and groups and those who have been slaves; and from those who have a family waiting for them and those who cannot or wish not to return, etc. Not all children will require the same level of attention, the same approach, or the same support. Some children (e.g., girl mothers, child heads of households, etc.) may have current responsibilities that require training support for immediate employment. Workable ways of addressing each child\u2019s situation should be developed.However, it is critical that support to CAAFAG be provided through broader holistic community-based strategies and approaches, that target CAAFAG as well as other children in conflict-affected communities. Providing similar services and reintegration support that benefit children within the wider community will mitigate against the risk of resentment, while also serving as a prevention tool that can build community resilience and address some of the underlying factors that contribute to the (re)recruitment of children into armed forces and groups."},{"ID":47,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.1 Disarmament","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Disarmament may represent the first sustained contact for CAAFAG with people outside of the armed force or group. This can be a difficult process, as it is often the first step in the transition from military to civilian life. As outlined in section 4.2.1, CAAFAG shall be eligible for DDR processes for children irrespective of whether they present themselves with a weapon or ammunition and irrespective of the role they may have played. Children with weapons and ammunition shall be disarmed, preferably by a military or government authority rather than a DDR practitioner or child protection actor. They shall not be required to demonstrate that they know how to use a weapon. CAAFAG shall be given the option of receiving a document certifying the surrender of their weapon or ammunition if there is a procedure in place and if this is in their best interests. For example, this would be a positive option if the certificate can protect the child against any doubt over his\/her surrender of the weapon\/ammunition, but not if it will be seen as an admission of guilt and participation in violence in an unstable or insecure environment or if it could lead to criminal prosecution (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament)."},{"ID":48,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.2 Demobilization","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Transition from military to civilian life may be difficult for CAAFAG because, in spite of the hardships they may have experienced during their association, they may also have found a defined role, responsibility, purpose, status and power in an armed force or group. For children who have been in an armed force or group for many years, it may at first seem impossible to conceive of a new life; this is particularly true of younger children or CAAFAG who have been indoctrinated to believe that military life is best for them and who know nothing else.DDR practitioners must work together with child protection actors to prioritize physically removing CAAFAG from contact with adult combatants. Removing CAAFAG from armed forces and groups should be done in a responsible but efficient way. Symbolic actions \u2013 such as replacing military clothing with civilian clothing \u2013 can aid this adjustment; however, such actions must be clearly explained, and the child\u2019s welfare must be paramount. Providing civilian documentation such as identity papers may be symbolic but also practical as it may allow the child to access certain services and therefore ease the child\u2019s reintegration. Children need immediate reassurance that there are fair and realistic alternatives to military life and should receive information that they can understand about the benefits of participating in DDR processes as well as the different steps of the process. However, under no circumstances should interviewers or practitioners make promises or give assurances that they are not absolutely certain they can deliver.Official documentation marking demobilization may help to protect children from abuse by authorities or armed forces and groups that are still active. However, staff should establish that such documents cannot be seen and will not be used as an admission of guilt or wrongdoing. Official identification documents certifying that a child has demobilized can be provided when this protects children from re-recruitment and assures their access to reintegration support. Civilian documents proving the identity of the child with no mention of his\/her participation in an armed force or group should be made available as soon as possible."},{"ID":49,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.2 Demobilization","Heading3":"8.2.1 Demobilization sites","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"Depending on the specific DDR process in place, demobilization may occur at semi- permanent military-controlled sites (such as cantonment sites), reception centres or mobile demobilization sites (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). When reporting to such sites, the time CAAFAG spend at the site shall be as short as possible, and every effort shall be made to rapidly identify them, register them and supply them with their immediate needs. Where possible, children should be identified before arrival at the demobilization site so that the documentation process (identification, verification, registration, medical needs) and other applicable procedures last no longer than 48 hours, after which they shall be transferred to an interim care centre (ICC) for children or to another location under civilian control. If CAAFAG report or are brought to mobile demobilization sites or reception centres, standard operating procedures shall be in place outlining when and how the handover to civilian authorities will take place.At all demobilization sites, semi-permanent or otherwise, particular attention shall be given to the safety and protection of children during their stay, through measures such as proper lighting, regular surveillance and security patrols. Children shall be physically separated from adult combatants, and a security system shall be established to prevent adult access to them. Girl mothers, however, shall not be separated from their children. Separate accommodation must be provided for boys and girls, including separate washing and toilet facilities, with specific health services provided when necessary (e.g., reproductive health services and hygiene kits adapted to specific needs). Female staff shall be provided for locations where girls are staying.Since a number of girls are likely to be mothers, demobilization sites shall also be designed to provide proper food and health care for infants and young children, with childcare assistance provided for mothers unable to care for their children. Demobilization sites must, without exception, provide medical health screening, including sexual health screening to all children, and provide necessary treatment. Efforts shall be made to improve the overall health of CAAFAG through early detection, immunization, treatment of severe conditions (such as malaria and acute respiratory infections), treatment for wounds and injuries, triage and referral of serious cases to secondary\/tertiary facilities (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR).Children shall be informed that they have the right not to be abused or exploited including the right to protection from sexual exploitation and abuse, and child labour, and that they have the right and ability, through adapted and efficient reporting and complaints mechanisms, to report abuse. When children do report abuse or exploitation by adult former combatants, staff or adult caregivers, they shall not be stigmatized or made to feel disloyal in any way. Their complaints must also be acted upon immediately through child-friendly mechanisms designed and put in place to protect them from such exploitation and to punish the offenders to the fullest extent possible. If children reporting abuse request such a service, they shall be given space and time to share their emotions and reflect on their experiences with health workers trained in psychotherapeutic assistance. Mechanisms shall be established to prevent offending staff from working with children in similar situations in the future (see also section 4.10.1)."},{"ID":50,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.3 Interim alternative care","Heading3":"8.3.1 Interim care centres","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"Interim care centres are not necessary in all DDR processes for children, especially when the placement of a child in an ICC delays family and community reunification. However, ICCs can be used as a last resort, as they provide a secure space that may help children sever their links with armed forces and groups; allow time for family tracing, verification and, if necessary, gradual reunification (see section 7.4); enable medical support to be provided, including mental health and psychosocial support; and provide an opportunity for pre-discharge awareness-raising\/ sensitization.ICCs are not the same as cantonment sites. ICCs shall be child-friendly and their management and services consistent with the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action\u2019s Minimum Standards and the Guiding Principles in Interim Care Planning and Provision6 for community- based interim care. The best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. Factors of necessity and appropriateness shall also be considered with the aim that a child will be placed into an ICC only if there is no other family- or community-based interim care available, and any placement will be for the shortest period necessary. Staffing levels for ICCs shall depend on the number, ages and needs of children in the facility. Their care and protection should be paramount, with an emphasis on reuniting children with their families or providing alternative community- based care solutions as swiftly as possible (see Annex C for more details). While security of the facility is a key concern, ICCs shall remain child-friendly and not inadvertently transform into detention facilities.Adults shall not be accommodated at ICCs, and children accommodated at these centres should be grouped according to age (unless they are girl mothers). Tracing, verification, reunification, case management and monitoring should be carried out at ICCs to facilitate the return of children to their communities (including community outreach). Health check-ups and specialized health services should be provided \u2013 for example, reproductive health and antenatal services, diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, and voluntary and confidential HIV testing and counselling \u2013 while nutritional deficiencies and war-related injuries should receive treatment. Children should receive counselling, including help to overcome distress or trauma, develop self- esteem and learn life skills; learn about reintegration and livelihood opportunities, as well as information about child labour; and receive peace education and training in non-violent conflict resolution to help them regain a sense of the social norms and routines of civilian life. Sports, cultural and recreational activities should be provided to keep children occupied and help them build trust, but there should be no formal education or training activities within the ICC apart from assessments of literacy and numeracy. Formal education and training should be provided within the community. Children should be transferred as quickly as possible to their communities, consistent with their best interests, for reintegration into communities, education, and social cohesion activities with all children as well as any community-based case management support needed. Where return is not possible, family and community-based solutions should be sought."},{"ID":51,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.3 Interim alternative care","Heading3":"8.3.2 Interim care placements","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"Interim care placements should be used in cases where ICCs are not available or appropriate (for example, when a child is already in the community) and when family unification is not possible or in the best interests of the child. These types of placements can include community-based care, fostering or guardianship. The Inter-Agency Guiding Principles on Unaccompanied and Separated Children (2004) provide clear guidelines on how interim care placements should be conducted. Furthermore, community-based temporary alternative care must be consistent with the United Nations Guidelines for Alternative Care (General Assembly resolution 64\/142)."},{"ID":52,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.4 Community violence reduction","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"DDR processes increasingly include CVR programmes in an effort to reduce armed violence and sustain peace (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). Specific provisions shall be developed to ensure the protection, care and support of young people (aged 15\u201324) who participate in CVR programmes (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Where appropriate, children (under 18) may be included in CVR activities, but with relevant legal safeguards to ensure their rights and needs are carefully accounted for."},{"ID":53,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.5 Reintegration","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"The purpose of reintegration support is to provide children with assistance that has been tailored to their needs and that provides them with a viable, long-term alternative to military life. Reintegration support provided to children shall take into account differences in age, sex, individual resilience, the capacity of the child to make informed decisions, the length of stay and individual experience with an armed force or group, culture, the reintegration opportunities in an environment that will have changed in the child\u2019s absence and other relevant factors. Reintegration support should be individualized, targeting CAAFAG as well as other at-risk, vulnerable or conflict-affected children, as well as community-based, utilizing strategies and approaches that empower communities to accept and receive CAAFAG and support their reintegration.Because reintegration of adult ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should be considered even in the absence of a DDR programme, reintegration programmes of adults and children can mutually reinforce each other and where relevant and safe to do so should be coordinated as much as possible. (see IDDRS 2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace, and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration)."},{"ID":54,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.5 Reintegration","Heading3":"8.5.1 Health","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"CAAFAG face a range of health issues that may impact their reintegration. The identification of health needs shall begin when the child first comes into contact with a DDR process, for example, at a reception centre or cantonment site or an interim care centre. However, ongoing health needs shall also be addressed during the reintegration process. This may be via referral to relevant local or national health facilities, medical fee coverage or the direct provision of support. All service and referral provision shall be private and confidential.Reproductive health \\n As soon as possible after their release from an armed force or group, and for as long as necessary, girls and boys who have survived sexual violence, abuse and exploitation shall receive medical care in addition to mental health and psychosocial care (see section 7.9.1). Consideration shall also be given to boys who may have been forced to perpetrate sexual violence. All children who have experienced sexual violence shall receive access to the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for sexual and reproductive health.7 Girl mothers shall be referred to community health services and psychosocial support as a priority. To prevent cycles of violence, girl mothers shall be enabled to learn positive parenting skills so that their children develop in a nurturing household. \\n DDR practitioners should invest in reproductive health awareness-raising initiatives for boys and girls (especially adolescents) covering issues such as safe motherhood, sexual violence, sexually transmitted infections, family planning and the reproductive health of young people. Increasing the awareness of boys will help to reduce the reproductive health burden on girls and enable a gender-transformative approach (see section 4.3). Consideration shall be given to any sensitivities that may arise through the inclusion of boys in these awareness-raising initiatives, and necessary preparations shall be made with families and community leaders to gain their support.HIV\/AIDS \\n Children who test positive for HIV\/AIDS may experience additional community stigmatization that negatively impacts upon their reintegration. Initial screening and testing for HIV\/AIDS shall be provided to CAAFAG during demobilization in a manner that voluntary and confidential. During reintegration, support for children living with HIV\/AIDS should include specialist counselling by personnel with experience of working with children, support to families, targeted referrals to existing medical facilities and linkages to local, national and\/or international health programmes. To ease reintegration, community-based HIV\/AIDS awareness training and education can be considered (see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV\/AIDS and DDR). Children may also prefer to receive treatment in locations that are discreet (i.e., not in public spaces or through discreet entrances at clinics).Drug and alcohol addiction \\n Drugs and alcohol are often used by commanders to establish dependence, manipulate and coerce children into committing violence. Children\u2019s substance use can create obstacles to reintegration such as behavioural issues in the home and community, risk-taking behaviour, poor nutrition and general health, and increased vulnerability to re-recruitment. DDR practitioners should coordinate with child-focused local, national and\/or international health organizations to develop or identify for referral drug and alcohol rehabilitation programmes adapted to the needs of CAAFAG. Treatment shall follow the International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders.8"},{"ID":55,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.5 Reintegration","Heading3":"8.5.2 Psychosocial support and special care","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":31,"Paragraph":"Mental and psychosocial health is critical to effective reintegration for all age groups; however, children face specific challenges that can seriously undermine their return to civilian life. Some children may have mental health or psychosocial needs when they re-enter their communities due to their experiences during conflict, the tremendous effort required to adapt to being back in civilian life, anxiety and uncertainty, stigmatization, fear of being rejected, poverty and a lack of livelihood.Mental health and psychosocial support should be offered (dependent on individual need and resources) to help children develop new patterns of behaviour, improve their self-esteem, develop their capacity to make decisions about the future and enable them to express emotions should they want to do so. Children and communities, with support, do have the capacity to cope with the distress caused by war. Mental health and psychosocial support activities should build on children\u2019s natural resilience and family and community support mechanisms and encourage coping and positive development. A community-based case management system should be active for children who require individualized mental health support. This system should be available for all children in the community who may be in need.Some children may need specific mental health or psychosocial assistance to overcome particularly negative or harmful experiences during their stay with an armed force or group. Boys and girls who have experienced sexual violence, including when of a prolonged nature, may face significant psychosocial issues affecting their reintegration \u2013 for example, an inability to trust adults, aggression and social withdrawal. Those living with injury and disability and the terminally ill, in particular, require care that is adapted to their needs and environment.Mental health and psychosocial support interventions for children in DDR processes shall abide by the following core principles:9 \\n Human rights and equality: Focus on the protection of children most at risk of human rights violations and the promotion of equity and non-discrimination, maximizing fairness across all sub-groups of children. Equality in provision of support includes taking into consideration and tailoring support to the specific, and different needs, of boys and girls. \\n Participation: Ensure the participation of children in decisions affecting them to support their resilience and promote the participation of families and communities, as they are the most important support structures for children\u2019s psychosocial health. \\n Do no harm: Minimize the risk of harm to children through psychosocial support by employing good coordination (with families, communities and other actors), appropriate needs assessments, cultural sensitivity, and ongoing monitoring and reflection on approach. \\n Build on available resources and capacities: Engage with existing structures and self-help mechanisms to root the intervention in local solutions. \\n Integrated support systems: Integrate into wider systems (e.g., existing community support mechanisms, formal\/non-formal school systems, general health services, general mental health services, social services) to reach more people (community-based approaches) and limit stigma. \\n Multilayered supports: A layered system of complementary supports is most effective in meeting different needs: \\n\\n Basic services and security: Securing basic needs (food, shelter, water, basic health care) and ensuring a minimum level of security represent the first steps in mental and psychosocial well-being. \\n\\n Community and family supports: Most children will require some level of family\/community support to address psychosocial disruption. This may include communal healing ceremonies, supportive parenting programmes, formal and non-formal educational activities, livelihood activities and the activation of social networks. \\n\\n Focused, non-specialized supports: More-affected children will require interventions by trained and supervised personnel in areas such as psychological first aid and basic mental health care by primary health-care workers. \\n\\n Specialized services: Targeting the most affected children who exhibit serious mental health and psychosocial symptoms and require either (a) referral to specialized services, if they exist, or (b) initiation of longer-term training and supervision of primary\/general health- care providers.Each context requires a specific approach to mental health and psychosocial support. However, Annex D provides some generalized do\u2019s and don\u2019ts for planning mental health and psychosocial support interventions. The guidelines for psychosocial support set out in IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR are also applicable to children, although specific considerations for age should be made."},{"ID":56,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.5 Reintegration","Heading3":"8.5.3 Family tracing and reunification","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":33,"Paragraph":"Following the release of children from armed forces and groups, efforts should be made to reunify children with their families, whenever possible and in their best interests. Family tracing and reunification shall be based on the Inter-Agency Guiding Principles on Unaccompanied and Separated Children.10 Family reunification is not simply a matter of returning a child to his or her family, but requires preparation, mediation, and follow-up, possibly including ceremonies of return, to help the family recognize and address problems of alienation, addiction, aggression and resistance to civil forms of authority. Reunification also involves the family in decisions regarding the child\u2019s re-adaptation, education, learning and training. Children need to be reassured that their families want them back and accept them as they now are. Assistance should not only consist of material aid, but also include social support and follow-up.Family tracing should be started at the earliest possible stage and can be carried out at the same time as other activities. Family reunification will follow after mediation and an assessment of the situation that is quick, but thorough enough to be sure that there is no threat or discomfort to the child. Children can feel worried about returning to their family or community because of acts they may have committed when with armed forces or groups, or for any number of other reasons (e.g., girls may have been victims of sexual violence, abuse or exploitation, and may feel especially trepidatious if they have children born from those experiences).Phased approaches to reunification may be considered if reunification is determined to be in the best interests of the child but certain challenges exist. For example, there may be family trauma as a result of conflict, or economic conditions may make immediate reunification difficult. These issues may also necessitate ongoing mediation, as well as psychosocial support to the child and family focused initially on the immediate challenge of reunification, but with a longer-term strategy to address more systemic issues.Family-based reintegration and services are crucial to the long-term success of reintegration. Case management may need to include components on support to families such as parenting support or economic support to the adults in the family.In some cases, family reunification may not be in the best interests of the child, because of difficult security or family conditions that do not provide the child with required levels of protection. It must also be recognized that poor family conditions or family connections to armed forces and groups may have been the reason the child was recruited in the first place. If these conditions remain unchanged, children are at risk of being re-recruited. When family reunification is not in the best interests of the child, for whatever reason, the aforementioned Guidelines for Alternative Care shall be followed."},{"ID":57,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.5 Reintegration","Heading3":"8.5.4 Supporting families and communities","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":34,"Paragraph":"Families and communities have a critical role to play in the successful reintegration of CAAFAG. After their release, many CAAFAG return to some form of family relationship \u2013 be it with parents or extended family. Others, however, do not return to their family due to fear or rejection, or because their families may have been killed or cannot be traced. Family rejection often disproportionately affects girls, as they are presumed to have engaged in sexual relations with men or to have performed roles not regarded as suitable for girls according to traditional norms.With family acceptance and support, reintegration is more likely to be successful. The process of family reintegration, however, is not always simple. Residual conflict may remain, or new conflicts may emerge due to various stressors. Intergenerational conflict, often a feature of societies in conflict, may be an issue and, as returning children push for voice and recognition, can intensify. Assisting families in the creation of a supportive environment for returning CAAFAG can be achieved through a variety of means and should be considered in all DDR processes for children. This support may take a number of different forms: \\n Psychosocial support to the extended family can help to address broader psychosocial well-being concerns, overcome initial tensions and strengthen the resilience of the family as a whole. \\n Positive parenting programmes can increase awareness of the rights (and needs) of the child and help to develop parenting skills to better support returning CAAFAG (e.g., recognizing symptoms of trauma, parent-child communication, productively addressing negative behaviours in the child). \\n Promotion of parent-teacher associations (development or membership of) can provide ways for parents to support their children in school and highlight parents\u2019 needs (e.g., help with fees, uniforms, food). \\n Income-generating activities that involve or support the whole family rather than only the child can alleviate financial concerns and promote working together. \\n Establishment of community-based child protection networks involving parents can assist in the delivery of early warnings related to recruitment risk, children\u2019s engagement in risk-taking behaviours (e.g., drug or alcohol abuse, unsafe sex) or conflicts among children and youth in the community. \\n Support to associations of families of conflict-affected children beyond CAAFAG can help build awareness in the community of their specific needs, address stigma and provide support in a range of areas including health, income generation, community voice and participation.When supporting families to take a stronger role in the reintegration of their children, it is important that the wider community does not feel that children are rewarded for their involvement with armed forces or groups, or that broader community needs are being neglected. Community acceptance is essential for a child\u2019s reintegration, but preconceived ideas about children coming out of armed forces and groups, or the scars of violence committed against families and\/or communities, can severely limit community support. To prevent reprisals, stigmatization and community rejection, communities shall be prepared for returning CAAFAG through sensitization. This sensitization process shall begin as early as possible. Additional activities to help prepare the community include the strengthening of local child protection networks, peace and reconciliation education, and events aimed at encouraging the lasting reintegration of children.Cultural, religious and traditional rituals can play an important role in the protection and reintegration of girls and boys into their communities. These may include traditional healing, cleansing and forgiveness rituals, where they are considered not to be harmful; the development of solidarity mechanisms based on tradition; and the use of proverbs and sayings in sensitization and mediation activities. Care should be taken to ensure that religious beliefs serve the best interests of the child, especially in areas where religion or cultural values may have played a role in recruitment.Reconciliation ceremonies can offer forgiveness for acts committed, allow children to be \u2018cleansed\u2019 of the violence they have suffered or contributed to, restore cultural links and demonstrate children\u2019s involvement in civilian life. Such ceremonies can increase the commitment of communities to a child\u2019s reintegration process. Children should contribute to the creation of appropriate reintegration mechanisms to improve their sense of belonging and capacity. However, it is also essential to understand and neutralize community traditions that are physically or mentally harmful to a child. In addition, such rituals may not be suitable in all contexts.Particular attention should be paid to the information that circulates among communities about returning boys and girls, so that harmful rumours (e.g., about real or presumed rates of HIV\/AIDS among them and the alleged sexual behaviour of girls) can be effectively countered. Girls are at highest risk of rejection by their communities, and it is important for programme staff to engage on a continual basis with the community to educate them about the experience girls have had and the challenges they face without fostering pity or stigma. Programme staff should consult with affected girls and include them in the planning and implementation of initiatives, including how their experiences are portrayed, where possible.Specific focus should be given to addressing issues of gender-based violence, including sexual violence. Girls who experience gender-based violence during their time associated with an armed force or group will often face stigmatization on their return, while boys will often never discuss it due to societal taboos.Specific engagement with communities to aid the reintegration of CAAFAG may include: \\n Community sensitization and awareness-raising to educate communities on the rights of the child, the challenges CAAFAG face in their reintegration and the role that the community plays in this process; \\n Community-based psychosocial support addressing the needs of conflict-affected community members as well as CAAFAG and their families; \\n Community-wide parenting programmes that include the parents of CAAFAG and non-CAAFAG and help improve awareness and foster social inclusion and cohesion; \\n Support to community-based child protection structures that benefits the whole community, including those that reduce the risk of recruitment; \\n Investment in child-focused infrastructure rehabilitation (e.g., schools, health centres, child\/youth centres) that provide benefit to all children in the community; \\n Community-wide income-generation and employment programmes that bring older children as well as the parents of CAAFAG and non-CAAFAG together and provide much-needed livelihood opportunities; \\n Creation of community child committees that bring together community leaders, parents and child representatives (selected from children in the community, including CAAFAG and non- CAAFAG) to provide children with a platform to ensure their voice and participation, especially in the reconstruction process, is guaranteed; and \\n Advocacy support (including training, resources and\/or linkages) to increase the role and voice of communities and children\/youth in the development\/revision of national child and youth policies, as well as interventions."},{"ID":58,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.5 Reintegration","Heading3":"8.5.5 Access to education","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":36,"Paragraph":"Education is a critical component of enabling returning CAAFAG to successfully transition into normal civilian routines and helps to prepare them for future opportunities. The higher a child\u2019s level of education, the more likely his\/her reintegration is to succeed. DDR processes for children shall therefore support children to try to reach (or recover) as high a level of education as possible, often starting with basic literacy.After a relatively long stay within armed forces or groups, or because of the difficulties they previously experienced in school, children may not be able to adapt to traditional teaching methods. For these situations, schooling programmes should be developed in consultation with the ministry of education that are specifically designed for such children, and that achieve the same results as other formal educational programmes. To better support children who are struggling, teachers should receive specific training. This may include training in recognizing signs of emotional stress, managing problematic behaviour and developing effective pupil-parent relations.Accelerated Education Programmes (AEPs) and other remedial schooling programmes for children who have been out of school for long periods can provide vital catch-up education. An AEP is \u201ca flexible, age-appropriate programme, run in an accelerated timeframe, which aims to provide access to education for disadvantaged, over-age, out-of-school children and youth. This may include those who missed out on or had their education disrupted due to poverty, marginalization, conflict and crisis. The goal of AEPs is to provide learners with equivalent, certified competencies for basic education using effective teaching and learning approaches that match their level of cognitive maturity.\u201dThe AEP Working Group details 10 principles for the delivery of accelerated education, as well as key action points, key definitions, essential information, examples and case studies, and indications of challenges and other points to consider. These principles shall be followed by any programme engaging in AEPs.DDR processes for children can further support the education of demobilized CAAFAG through various other means including AEP teacher training; capacity-building of a country training team; provision of teaching and learning materials; provision of school furniture; payment of incentives to AEP teachers; payment of registration and examination fees; and the renovation and rehabilitation of schools, including sanitation facilities. Moreover, modalities should be developed that enable part-time study if this is desirable, and other assistance should be provided to boost attendance (e.g., food, childcare facilities for girl mothers).The aim, wherever possible, should be to integrate returning children into existing education systems. Supporting these systems provides a benefit for the entire community and can help to ease reintegration of CAAFAG. However, even with the assistance of such programmes, some children may not be able to return to the regular school system. In such cases, programmes should be designed to include vocational training activities (skills training and apprenticeships) that are suited to local conditions and markets, and in line with national legislation on minimum working age and working conditions, (see section 7.9.5)."},{"ID":59,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.5 Reintegration","Heading3":"8.5.6 Life skills","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":37,"Paragraph":"Life skills are those abilities that help to promote psychological well-being and competence in children as they face the realities of life. These are the ten core life skill strategies and techniques: \\n problem-solving; \\n critical thinking; \\n effective communication skills; \\n agency and decision-making; \\n creative thinking; \\n interpersonal relationship skills; \\n self-awareness building skills; \\n empathy; \\n coping with stress; and \\n emotions.Programmes aimed at developing life skills can, among other effects, lessen violent behaviour and increase prosocial behaviour. They can also increase children\u2019s ability to plan ahead and choose effective solutions to problems. CAAFAG often lose the opportunity to develop life skills during armed conflict, and this can adversely affect their reintegration. For this reason, DDR processes for children should explicitly focus on the development of such skills. Life skills training can be integrated into other parts of the reintegration process, such as education or health initiatives, or can be developed as a stand-alone initiative if the need is identified during demobilization. The inclusion of all conflict-affected children within a community in such initiatives will have greater impact than focusing solely on CAAFAG."},{"ID":60,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.5 Reintegration","Heading3":"8.5.7 Vocational training and livelihood development","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":38,"Paragraph":"Vocational training opportunities for children shall be realistic in terms of what the local economy can support and shall also reflect the wishes of the child. There should be made available as wide a range of training options as possible, consistent with local market conditions, to help children adapt successfully to civilian life and to what the market demands. This training may build on skills and competencies learned when the child was associated with an armed force or group. A choice of training options beyond traditional areas should be promoted, as should the provision of support to girls (including financial and childcare support, where appropriate). More specifically, vocational and skills training may include: \\n Analysis of livelihood systems, agriculture, market opportunities, and household economies to develop economically relevant training, alternative forms of education and opportunities for economic reintegration. \\n Coordination between stakeholders to improve lessons learned, development of joint programmes, appropriate referrals and measures to avoid inconsistencies in the benefits provided. \\n Community consultation to develop collective initiatives benefiting the community. Business skills training to prepare children to keep accounts and handle money. \\n Apprenticeships and on-the-job training for those with no previous work experience. \\n Life skills training, including basic social norms and civic education, parenting skills, rights at work and home, prevention of HIV\/AIDS, and education to counter interpersonal violence. \\n Incorporation of gender-transformative approaches to ensure sensitivity to the particular challenges faced by girls, increase awareness in both girls and boys of the challenges faced by the other gender, and foster positive gender relationships. \\n Development of skills in non-violent conflict resolution and anger management to help CAAFAG in their everyday lives. \\n Provision of childcare and, if necessary, flexible training schedules for girl mothers.Some children need to start earning a living immediately after they return to their family and community and should be helped to earn an income or receive benefits while they obtain training and\/or an education. For example, the sale of things they have made, or animals reared during their training may facilitate the purchase of tools or other equipment that are needed for future work. Boys and girls, particularly those of legal working age, should benefit from an adapted version of socioeconomic support programmes designed for demobilized adults (see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). However, income-generating activities for children should be in line with national and international laws on child labour, including ILO convention 138 on minimum age of work. Livelihood options for girls should not be based on traditionally assigned gender roles. Instead, the focus should be on what girls want to do. Linkages to the local business, trades and agricultural communities should be sought and can aid in employment, small business mentoring and ongoing analysis of market needs.12"},{"ID":61,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.5 Reintegration","Heading3":"8.5.8 Social protection assistance","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":39,"Paragraph":"As part of planning and implementing a child-sensitive approach to DDR-related interventions, CAAFAG can be provided with social protection assistance to reduce vulnerability to poverty and deprivation, promote social inclusion and child protection, and strengthen family and community resilience. This may include: \\n Multipurpose cash grants. \\n Commodity (e.g., food or rent) or value vouchers. \\n Family and child allowances. \\n Disability social pensions and benefits. \\n Transfers in exchange for a parent working (cash for work). \\n Transfers in exchange for attending health check-ups (for all family members). \\n Business recovery or start-up grants (for older children or parents of CAAFAG) subject to conditions (e.g., business management training, business plan development, etc.); and \\n Scholarship benefits restricted to certain areas (e.g., school fees, school supplies, etc.).To ensure that assistance is child-sensitive, it must be governed by a number of guiding principles: \\n Assistance must be designed with the child\u2019s best interests in mind and necessary safeguards in place, so that cash or other material assistance does not create incentives or push\/pull factors to recruitment of children in the community or re-recruitment of the child and does not draw attention to the child. \\n Assistance must be based on findings from the situation analysis and risk assessments (see sections 6.1 and 6.2). \\n Assistance shall be targeted towards the most vulnerable CAAFAG (for example, girl mothers, persons with disabilities, and separated or unaccompanied minors) and their families. \\n Assistance shall be predictable, allowing households to plan, manage risk and invest in diverse activities. \\n Mixed delivery approaches (individual and community) should be considered, where appropriate, to strengthen conflict sensitivity. \\n Community-based approaches should be promoted when they are likely to reduce resentment, increase community acceptance of returning CAAFAG, result in local economic benefits and strengthen social reintegration outcomes. \\n Focus should be given to assistance that is multisectoral (e.g., health, education, water, sanitation and protection) and that has multiplier impacts. \\n Conditions should be placed on community grants (e.g., training, awareness-raising activities, investment in community-level income-generating activities and benefits for the children of the households engaged). \\n Investment in community structures should be promoted when these structures foster a protective environment for children (e.g., community-based child protection committees and community early warning prevention systems). \\n Risk mitigation strategies shall be developed and implemented to reduce the risk of abuse. For example, it should be ensured that distributors of assistance work in pairs, that post- distribution monitoring is carried out and that children are empowered to speak out about their rights."},{"ID":62,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.5 Reintegration","Heading3":"8.5.9 Voice, participation and representation","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":40,"Paragraph":"Being recognized, accepted, respected, and heard in the community is an important part of the reintegration process. However, this is a complex issue for children, as they are generally excluded from community decision-making processes. Children may also lack the self-esteem and skills necessary to engage in community affairs usually reserved for adults. Reintegration support should strive to generate capacities for such participation in civilian life.Although political reintegration is generally a feature of adult DDR processes (see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration), children also have political rights and should be heard in decisions that shape their future. Efforts should be made to ensure that children\u2019s voices are heard in local-level decision-making processes that affect them. Not only is this a rights-based issue, but it is also an important way to address some of the grievances that may have led to their recruitment (and potential re-recruitment). For children nearing the age of majority, having a voice in decision- making can be a key factor in reducing intergenerational conflict.CAAFAG may face particular difficulties attaining a role in their community due to their past associations or because they belong to communities that were excluded prior to the conflict. Girls, persons with disabilities, or people living with HIV\/AIDS may also be denied full participation in community life. The creation of inclusive societies is an issue bigger than DDR. However, the reintegration process provides an opportunity to make an initial investment in this endeavour through potential interventions in several areas.Civic education \\n To make the transition from military to civilian life, children need to be aware of their political rights and, eventually, responsibilities. They need to understand good citizenship, communication and teamwork, and non-violent conflict resolution methods. Ultimately, it is the child\u2019s behaviour that will facilitate successful reintegration, and preparing a child to engage socially and politically, in a productive manner, will be central to this process. Such activities can prepare them to play a socially useful role that is acknowledged by the community. Special efforts should be made to include girls in civic education training to ensure they are aware of their rights. However, children should not be forced to participate in any activities, nor used by armed or political groups to achieve specific political objectives, and their rights to free speech, opinion and privacy should be prioritized.Ensure child participants in DDR processes have a voice in local and national recovery \\n DDR processes should be aligned with national plans and strategies for recovery, the design of which should be informed by inputs from their participants. The inclusion of conflict-affected children and CAAFAG in these processes enables children to identify and advocate for specific measures of importance with regard to youth and recovery policies. Specific attention should be given to particularly vulnerable groups who may ordinarily be marginalized.Promote the gender transformation agenda \\n Efforts to strengthen the agency of girls will only go so far in addressing gender inequality. It is also important to work with the relationships and structures present that contribute to their (dis)empowerment. It is critical to support the voice and representation of girls within their communities to enable their full reintegration and to contribute to eradication of the structural inequalities that influenced their recruitment. Working with men and boys to address male gender roles and masculine norms that promote violence is required.Build a collective voice \\n An inclusive programme sees community children, particularly those affected by conflict in other ways, participating in programming alongside CAAFAG. This provides an opportunity for children and youth to coordinate and advocate for greater inclusion in decision-making processes.Create children\u2019s committees across the various areas of reintegration programming \\n Children should have the opportunity to put forward their views individually and collectively. Doing so will provide a mechanism to substantively improve programme outcomes and thus ensure the best interests of the child. It also gives greater voice to other vulnerable and marginalized children in the community. Steps should be taken to ensure that girls, and especially girl mothers, are included in these committees.Encourage the participation and visibility of programme beneficiaries in public events \\n Greater participation and visibility of CAAFAG as well as non-CAAFAG will increase the opportunities for children to be involved in community processes. As community members, and community decision makers in particular, have more positive interactions with CAAFAG, they are more likely to open up space for their involvement in community affairs. However, all participation shall be voluntary, and CAAFAG should not be pushed into visible roles unless they feel comfortable occupying them."},{"ID":63,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.5 Reintegration","Heading3":"8.5.10 Monitoring and follow-up","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":42,"Paragraph":"After CAAFAG have returned to their families and communities, monitoring and follow-up is essential. It requires careful planning, adequate funding and the collaboration of key governmental bodies, UN agencies and non-governmental organizations.Monitoring activities should occur through regular visits to children\u2019s homes, schools, and communities, including meetings with families, peers, teachers, and community leaders, without creating stigma or risk to the individuals and families involved. The living conditions of the child, the quality of his\/her relationship with family members and caregivers, and the level of reintegration in the community should be regularly assessed. Confidential, accessible, and safe feedback mechanisms that allow children to report any concerns should be in place. Challenges should be identified to facilitate problem-solving, referral or programme adaptation where required. Success stories are also important for the generation of positive lessons learned and to present opportunities for replication in other areas or programmes.Monitoring should be conducted by a dedicated monitoring, evaluation and learning team. More staff are likely to be needed when large numbers of children are reunited with their families, because monitoring visits and other support activities become more labour-intensive and time- consuming as children are dispersed from a few central locations to scattered communities. Community-based child protection networks and community leaders, especially women, should be actively involved in monitoring the safety and well-being of reunited children, and should assume increasing responsibility for ongoing monitoring and follow-up to ensure a smooth takeover of this work by the community.Monitoring systems should be developed to use programme-related data gathered during demobilization including verification exercises for children. Effective programme monitoring improves accountability by recording information on programme progress, suitability of selected approaches, and impact of support on children\u2019s well-being. Monitoring should be conducted throughout programming to inform programme adjustments, including how to better reach particularly vulnerable groups of children, such as girls or disabled children. Close, continuous monitoring at the situational level is also essential, as the context will certainly change over time as issues relating to child recruitment and use, verification and release are complex and often unpredictable.Follow-up systems should be established to ensure post-programme support for reintegrating children. The reintegration process takes time and will usually not be completed within the period of the programme. Returning CAAFAG remain vulnerable to re-recruitment, social exclusion and poverty and will require ongoing support for several years. Regular follow-up should be seen as an important element of the continuum of care for children. Therefore, follow-up support is critical to an effective exit strategy, ensuring that programme gains in reintegration are safeguarded.Follow-up systems should be developed in close consultation with children and the community. They should focus on especially vulnerable children (e.g., girl mothers, those not reunited with their family, those with severe psychosocial issues and disabled children). Support measures should be informed by disaggregated monitoring to ensure accurate targeting. Follow- up systems should also be community-based but linked to national systems. This can be achieved, for example, by supporting child well-being assessments."},{"ID":64,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR","Heading2":"8.6 Security sector reform","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":43,"Paragraph":"When DDR programmes are linked to security sector reform (SSR), the composition of the new national army may be tied to the number of members of each armed force and group (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and SSR). Children are often included in these figures. Negotiations on SSR and force reduction must include the release of all children. CAAFAG shall not be included in troop numbers because the presence of children is illegal and including them may encourage more recruitment of children in the period before negotiations."},{"ID":65,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"9. Criminal responsibility and accountability","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":43,"Paragraph":"Governments are bound by the CRC and guided by international standards and norms when dealing with children who are alleged to have, accused of having, or recognized as having infringed the penal law during the course of their association with an armed force or group. This is independent of the type of crime that is alleged to have been committed. In all cases, children shall be treated primarily as victims of human rights violations. Prosecution and judicial proceedings should only be used as a last resort, with emphasis instead on recovery and reintegration."},{"ID":66,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"9. Criminal responsibility and accountability","Heading2":"9.1 Children as victims","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":44,"Paragraph":"Children, as victims of recruitment and use, should not be deprived of their liberty, prosecuted, punished or threatened with prosecution or punishment solely for their membership in armed forces or groups, consistent with Article 8.7 of the Paris Principles. National laws that criminalize child association effectively criminalize the child\u2019s status (associated) which results from an adult\u2019s criminal conduct (recruitment and use), and that violates the human rights of the child. Such laws should not apply to children. In addition, as for adults, any expressions of support for particular groups, acts, or ideologies that do not rise to the level of legally defined crimes such as incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence, or to committing terrorist acts, should not constitute criminal offenses. Under the convention on the rights of the child (Article 2) States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to protect children against discrimination or punishment on the basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs of their parents, legal guardians, or family members. Thus, children should not be interrogated as a suspect or prosecuted due to the actual or alleged affiliation of a family member. As part of the investigation of cases involving a child victim or witness, child victims or witnesses, their parents or guardians, legal representatives or a designated support person, should be promptly and adequately informed of their rights, availability of services and protection measures, and procedures in relation to any adult and\/or juvenile justice processes, from their first contact with the justice process and throughout, to the extent feasible and consistent with the child\u2019s best interests.Any investigative action, including interviews with or examinations of the child, shall be conducted by professionals specially trained in dealing with children using a child-sensitive approach. All investigative actions shall be conducted in a suitable environment, in a language that the child uses and understands, and in the presence of the child\u2019s parent, legal guardian, legal representative, or designated support person.13To the extent possible, the repetition of interviews of child victims or witnesses should be minimized to prevent secondary victimization. The child\u2019s best interest and right to privacy must be considered in all actions (see also Section 6.3.1 Data Collection, and Section 9.5 Collecting testimonies from children)."},{"ID":67,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"9. Criminal responsibility and accountability","Heading2":"9.2 Minimum age of criminal responsibility","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":44,"Paragraph":"Under the CRC, States are required to establish a minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR). The Committee on the Rights of the Child encouraged States to increase the MACR where possible, and not to lower it below 14 years of age, commending States that set a higher MACR such as 15 or 16 years of age. This is because children\u2019s brain development is still evolving during these years. Children under the MACR shall never be processed through the criminal justice system. Criminal accountability measures imposed on a child above the MACR shall consider the child\u2019s best interests, the child\u2019s age at the time of the commission of any alleged crime, the coercive environment under which the child may have been living, and any other mitigating circumstances, while simultaneously supporting the child\u2019s protection and reintegration. For all children, reintegration processes should be focused on addressing the root causes of their association and recovery, rather than punishment for any actions."},{"ID":68,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"9. Criminal responsibility and accountability","Heading2":"9.3 Juvenile justice and child-specific due process and minimum standards","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":45,"Paragraph":"Children over the MACR can be held accountable for criminal acts they may have committed, including terrorist offences, but only while respecting their rights, employing child-specific juvenile justice processes, and with their best interests as a primary consideration. Due consideration shall be given to their right to child-specific due process and minimum standards based on their age, needs and specific vulnerabilities, including for example, the right to legal representation, and protections against self-incrimination. Justice systems handling cases of children over the MACR should always also prioritize the child\u2019s best interests and recognize the long-term process for children to sustainably reintegrate. Any judicial proceedings for children shall respect internationally recognized juvenile justice and fair trial standards, with a focus on recovery and restorative justice in order to assist children\u2019s physical, psychological and social recovery.14 Where no separate juvenile justice system is in place, cases should be handled by civilian authorities who have special training in child-friendly procedures, rather than military or intelligence authorities. All judicial actions relating to children shall take place in the presence of the child\u2019s appointed legal representative or other appropriate assistance, whose role it is to protect the rights and interests of the child, and unless contrary to the best interests of the child, in the presence of the child\u2019s parents or legal guardians.The UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (\u2018The Beijing Rules\u2019) adopted by General Assembly resolution 40\/33 in 1985 provide guidance for the arrest or detention of children. Children retain all the rights already covered for adults if arrested. The Beijing Rules require detention of children only as a last resort so that arrest, detention or imprisonment of children should be avoided whenever possible. This requirement is further supported through the CRC which provides an obligation under international law for States to ensure that \u201cno child shall be deprived of his or her liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily\u201d and that the \u201carrest, detention or imprisonment of a child shall be in conformity with the law and shall be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time\u201d.15 As such when children are arrested and detained, their cases are to be given the highest priority and handled expeditiously to ensure the shortest possible period of detention prior to trial. States should ensure that accountability mechanisms are fully in line with international law related to juvenile justice.International child rights and juvenile justice standards require that alternatives to normal judicial proceedings in criminal courts should be applied, providing that human rights and legal safeguards are fully respected (CRC, Article 40[3b], Rule 11, \u2018Beijing Rules\u2019). For example, restorative justice \u2013 achieved through finding alternatives to criminal courts \u2013 involves the child offender understanding and taking responsibility for his\/her actions with the goal of achieving reconciliation between the offender, the victim and the wider community through reparations. Such a procedure should ensure that the rights of the child are protected throughout. The child\u2019s participation in a restorative justice process shall be voluntary and preceded by informed consent (given by both the child and his\/her parent or guardian). Measures to prevent the child from becoming distressed must be in place."},{"ID":69,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"9. Criminal responsibility and accountability","Heading2":"9.3 Juvenile justice and child-specific due process and minimum standards","Heading3":"9.3.1 Girl mothers and their children","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":45,"Paragraph":"Girl mothers in contact with the law should receive special consideration \u2013 such as consideration of mitigating circumstances in sentencing \u2013 and the rights of her child(ren) should be factored into judicial decisions. This may include allowing mothers to serve sentences at home, in order to respect the best interests of their children and maintain family unity. Specific interventions shall be developed to address the various challenges that girl mothers and their children may face. Any such interventions shall be based on the best interests of each child, in recognition of the detrimental impacts that family separation and deprivation of liberty have on children. Family unity should be maintained save in exceptional circumstances where the parent poses an immediate and actual harm to the child. Practitioners shall advocate with Governments for mothers under 18 years of age to have the right to confer their nationality onto their children,16 a right that protects their children from becoming stateless."},{"ID":70,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"9. Criminal responsibility and accountability","Heading2":"9.4 Children associated with armed groups designated by the UN as terrorist organizations","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":46,"Paragraph":"DDR practitioners shall encourage the release and reintegration of CAAFAG at all times and without precondition. There is no exception to this rule for children associated with armed groups that have been designated as terrorist by the Security Council Committee concerning ISIL (Da\u2019esh), Al-Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) or by any other state or regional body.No matter the armed group involved and no matter the age, status or conduct of the child, all relevant provisions of international law, including human rights, humanitarian, and refugee law. This includes all provisions and standards previously discussed, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols, all standards for justice for children, the Paris Principles and Guidelines, where applicable, and the Geneva Conventions. As with all CAAFAG, children associated with designated terrorist groups shall be treated primarily as victims and be afforded their right to be released and provide them with the reintegration and other support described in this module without discrimination (Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Articles 6(3) and 7(1) and the Paris Principles and Guidelines on Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups (Articles 3.11-3.13).Security Council resolution 2427 (2018) \u201c[s]trongly condemns all violations of applicable international law involving the recruitment and use of children by parties to armed conflict as well as their re-recruitment\u2026\u201d and \u201c\u2026all other violations of international law, including international humanitarian law, human rights law and refugee law, committed against children in situations of armed conflict and demands that all relevant parties immediately put an end to such practices and take special measures to protect children.\u201d (OP1) The Security Council also emphasizes the responsibility of states to end impunity \u201cfor genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and other egregious crimes perpetrated against children\u201d including their recruitment and use.17Children who have been recruited and used by terrorist groups are victims of violations of international law and have the same rights and protections as all children. Some children may also have committed crimes during their period of association. While children above the minimum age of criminal responsibility may be held accountable consistent with international law (see section 9.3), as victims of crime, these children should not face criminal charges for the mere fact of their association with a designated terrorist group or for activities that would not otherwise be criminal such as cooking, cleaning, or driving.18 Children whose parents, caregivers or family members are alleged to be associated with a designated terrorist group, also shall not be held accountable for the actions of their relatives nor shall they be excluded from measures or services that promote their physical and psychosocial recovery or reintegration.Security Council resolution 2427 (2018) stresses the need for States \u201cto pay particular attention to the treatment of children associated or allegedly associated with all non-state armed groups, including those who commit actors of terrorism, in particular by establishing standard operating procedures for the rapid handover of children to relevant civilian child protection actors\u201d (OP 19). It also urges Member States to mainstream child protection in all stages of DDR (OP24) and in security sector reforms (OP25), including through gender- and age-sensitive DDR processes, the establishment of child protection units in national security forces, and the strengthening of effective age assessment mechanisms to prevent underage recruitment. It stresses the importance of long-term sustainable reintegration for all boys and girls affected by armed conflict and working with communities to avoid stigmatization of children while facilitating their return in a way that enhances their wellbeing (OP 26).Children formerly under the control of UN designated terrorist groups, may be able to access refugee and asylum procedures depending on their individual situation and status (e.g., if they were forcibly recruited and trafficked across borders). All children and asylum seekers have a right to individual determinations to assess any claims they may have. For any child who asks for refugee or asylum status, the practitioner shall refer the child to the relevant UN entity or to a legal services provider. DDR practitioners shall not determine eligibility for asylum or refugee status."},{"ID":71,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"9. Criminal responsibility and accountability","Heading2":"9.4 Children associated with armed groups designated by the UN as terrorist organizations","Heading3":"9.4.1 Justice for children allegedly accused of terrorism-related offences","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":47,"Paragraph":"Consistent with Article 40 of the CRC, any child suspected, accused, or convicted of having committed a terrorism-related offence or an offence against national security has the right to be treated in a manner consistent with international law and standards, including juvenile justice standards: \u201cProcedures employed should promote the child\u2019s dignity and worth and reinforce the child\u2019s respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. It should take into account the child\u2019s age and the desirability of promoting the child\u2019s reintegration and the child\u2019s assuming a constructive role in society.\u201d19 In addition, if a state seeks to hold a child accountable for criminal acts alleged to have been committed while under the control of an armed group, courts and service providers should account for the child\u2019s experience and the coercive environment under which the child was living or forced to act when determining both criminal responsibility and the services or support that a child may need. In all decisions, the child\u2019s best interests shall be a primary consideration, \u201ceven when the child\u2019s interests may conflict with the State\u2019s perceived security interests.\u201d20Any child allegedly associated with an armed group should be treated primarily as a victim. In this regard, irrespective of considerations of their legal responsibility with regard to any alleged offence defined as terrorist and\/or a threat to national security under national legislation, children shall be afforded the rights set forth by the international legal framework related to child victims. Any child associated with an armed group and who is or has been suspected, charged or convicted of a terrorism related offence or is deprived of his or her liberty as a result, shall be treated in accordance with international law and internationally recognized juvenile justice standards, including the right to legal representation and the right to appeal. In case such a child is released from detention, the child shall be provided with required reintegration assistance and be part of the overall reintegration programme."},{"ID":72,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"9. Criminal responsibility and accountability","Heading2":"9.5 Collecting testimonies from children","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":48,"Paragraph":"As with all decisions involving children, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration when determining if a child should give information or testimony; however, under no circumstances shall a child be compelled to give testimony or a statement against himself or herself. Protective rules shall be established when collecting testimonies from children through justice mechanisms, a truth and reconciliation commission or the International Criminal Court. It is essential to protect the identity of child witnesses, to not require children to relive traumatic experiences as they testify, and to make it clear in criminal cases that their testimony may or may not succeed in convicting the accused, so that they do not have unrealistic expectations. Social support, such as psychological support, to facilitate this engagement should be provided at all times according to specific needs. Testimonies shall only be gathered once the child has given informed consent. The process should be explained in child-friendly language (in the language of the child), and, where possible, and if not contrary to the child\u2019s best interest, a parent or guardian should support the child in giving informed consent.21"},{"ID":73,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"Annex B: Determining a child\u2019s age","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":48,"Paragraph":"Often children do not have civil registration documents showing their birth or age. However, because it is a breach of international humanitarian law, human rights law and international criminal law to recruit children under 15 years old anywhere, and to allow any child to take part in hostilities, and because children are entitled to special protections and support, it may be important to determine whether an individual is below age 18. Reintegration and child DDR generally are designed to ensure appropriate support to children under age 18, with no difference in definition, and regardless of the legal age of recruitment or other definitions or age of a child locally.It is important to manage the identification and separation of children from adults in a coordinated way during demobilization, and throughout DDR. Failure to do so may lead to serious unintended consequences, such as the re-recruitment of children, children claiming to be adults, and adults claiming to be children.To determine a child\u2019s age, the following are general principles: \\n If in doubt, assume the person is below 18. \\n Identification should take place as early as possible to allow them to access age-appropriate services. \\n Identification must occur before disarmament. \\n A child protection actor should be given access to disarmament sites to identify children. \\n Children should be immediately informed that they are entitled to support so that they are less likely to try to identify as adults.Considerations: \\n Interviews should be confidential. \\n Identification of children should take place before any other identification processes. \\n Children should be required to show that they can use a weapon (this is because they may have been used in a non-combat role). \\n During negotiations, children should not be counted in the number of armed forces or group (this is to avoid incentivizing child recruitment to inflate numbers). \\n The role that a person plays in the armed group should have no effect of the determination of whether the person is a child.For practitioners who are handling demobilization, Age Assessment: A Technical Note (2013) gives more detailed information on age determinations and includes the following core standards: \\n 1) An age assessment should only be requested when it is in the best interests of the child. \\n 2) Children should be given relevant information about the age assessment procedure \\n 3) Informed consent must be sought from the person whose age is being assessed before the assessment begins. \\n 4) Age assessments should only be a measure of last resort and be initiated only if a serious doubt about the person\u2019s age exists. \\n 5) Age assessments should be applied without discrimination. \\n 6) An unaccompanied or separated child should have a guardian appointed to support them through the age assessment procedure. \\n 7) Assessments must follow the least intrusive method, which upholds the dignity and physical integrity of the child at all times, and be gender and culturally appropriate \\n 8) Where there is a margin of error, this margin should be applied in favour of the child. \\n 9) Age assessments should take an holistic approach. \\n 10) A means of challenging the age determination should exist if the child wishes to contest the outcome of the assessment. \\n 11) Age assessments should only be undertaken by independent and appropriately skilled practitioners.The checklist to determine the age includes: \\n\\n Pre-procedure: \\n Undertake an age assessment only when relevant actors have serious doubts about the stated age of the child; ensure that the assessment is not being initiated as a routine or standard procedure. Is the procedure really necessary? \\n Plan any physical examination only as a measure of last resort to take place only when all other attempts e.g., the gathering of documentary evidence, interviewing the child, etc., have failed to establish age. Is a physical examination the only method of assessing age? \\n Secure informed consent to conduct the age assessment from the child or the guardian. It is extremely unlikely that genuine informed consent can be forthcoming at a time of \u2018crisis\u2019 and consent should only be sought when a child has had time to recover from traumatic or unsettling episodes \u2013 this may take considerable time in some instances. In circumstances where there is no consent, it cannot be used against the person and the person should be considered a child. Has the child given informed consent to a physical examination? \\n\\n During the Procedure \\n Conduct any age assessment procedure using a multi-disciplinary approach that draws on a range of appropriately skilled professionals and not solely on a physical examination. Is a range of approaches being used in the age assessment? \\n When selecting professionals to conduct an age assessment, select only those without a vested interest in the outcome, and who are independent from any agencies and actors that would provide services or support to the child or who would become responsible for the child if they are assessed as being a child. Are the professionals engaged in the assessment independent? \\n Subject to the wishes of the child, support him or her throughout the process of assessment, including by informing the child in a language he or she understands, and providing a guardian, legal or other representative to accompany them during the entire process. Is the child supported throughout the process? \\n Develop and conduct the age assessment process in a culturally and gender sensitive way using practitioners who are fully familiar with the child\u2019s cultural and ethnic background. Is the assessment sensitive to cultural and gender needs? \\n Protect the child\u2019s bodily integrity and dignity at every stage of the process. Is the process free from humiliation, discrimination, or other affront? \\n Conduct the age assessment in an environment that is safe for children, which supports their needs and is child appropriate. Is the process consistent with child safeguarding principles and child-friendly? \\n\\n Post procedure \\n Provide any services and support relevant to the outcome of the assessment without delay. What services and support are required to address the person\u2019s identified needs? \\n If any doubt remains about the age of the child, ensure that this is applied to the advantage of the child. Has any doubt about the child\u2019s age been resolved in favor of the child? \\n As promptly as is reasonably practical, explain the outcome and the consequences of the outcome to the child. Have the outcome and its consequences been explained? \\n Inform the child of the ways that he or she can challenge a decision which they disagree with. Has the child been informed of his or her rights to challenge the decision?"},{"ID":74,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Children and DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Management guidelines for interim care centres","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.20 Children and DDR","PageNum":51,"Paragraph":"Interim care centres (ICCs), sometimes referred to as transit centres, are not a necessary step in all DDR situations. Indeed, in the view of many protection agencies, an ICC may delay the reunification of children with their families and communities, which should happen as soon as possible. Nevertheless, while in some circumstances immediate reunification and support can occur, in others a centre can provide a protected temporary environment before family reunification.Other advantages to ICCs include that they provide the necessary space and time to carry out family tracing and verification; they provide a secure space in an otherwise insecure context before reunification, and gradual reunification when necessary; they allow medical support, including psychosocial support, to be provided; they provide additional time to children to cut their links with the military; and they provide an opportunity for pre-discharge awareness- raising\/sensitization.Guiding principles and implementation strategies \\n The decision to open a centre should be based on the following conditions: The level of insecurity in community of origin; \\n The level of success in tracing the child\u2019s family or primary caregiver; \\n The level of medical assistance and follow-up required before integration; and \\n The level of immediate psychosocial support required before reintegration.Management guidelines for Interim Care Centres \\n\\n The following management guidelines apply: \\n Child protection specialists, not military or other actors should manage the centres. \\n Children should only stay a limited amount of time in ICCs, and documentation and monitoring systems should be established to ensure that the length of stay is brief (weeks not months). \\n At the end of their stay, if family reunification is not feasible, provision should be made for children to be cared for in other ways (in foster families, extended family networks, etc.). Systems should be established to protect children from abuse, and a code of conduct should be drawn up and applied. An adequate number of male and female staff should be available to deal with the differing needs of boys and girls. \\n Staff should be trained in prevention of and response to gender-based violence and exploitation involving children, norms of confidentiality, child psychosocial development, tracing and reunification. \\n ICCs should only accommodate children under 18. Some flexibility can be considered, based on the best interests of the child, e.g., in relation to girl mothers with infants and children or on medical grounds, on a case-by-case basis. In addition, young children (under 14) should be separated from adolescents in order to avoid any risk of older children abusing younger ones. \\n Sanitation and accommodation facilities should separate girls from boys and be sensitive to the needs of infants and girl mothers. \\n ICCs should be located at a safe distance from conflict and recruitment areas; external access to the centre should be controlled. (For example, entry of adult combatants and fighters and the media can be disruptive, and can expose children to additional risks.) Security should be provided by peacekeepers or neutral forces.Activity guidelines \\n\\n Tracing, verification, reunification and monitoring should be carried out. \\nTemporary care should take place within a community-based tracing and reintegration programme to assist the return of children to their communities (including community outreach), and to encourage the protection and development of war-affected children in general. Experience has showed that when only care is offered, centres present a risk of children becoming \u2018institutionalized\u2019 and dependent. \\nHealth check-ups and specialized health services should be provided when necessary (e.g., reproductive health and antenatal services, diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, voluntary and confidential HIV testing with appropriate psychosocial support, and health care for nutritional deficiencies and war-related injuries). \\nBasic psychosocial counselling should be provided, including help to overcome trauma and develop self-esteem and life skills. \\nInformation and guidance should be provided on the reintegration opportunities available. \\nActivities should focus on restoring the social norms and routines of civilian life; age- and gender-appropriate sports, cultural and recreational activities should be provided. \\nCommunity sensitization should be carried out before the child\u2019s arrival. \\nFormal education or training activities should not be provided at the ICC; however, literacy testing can be conducted. \\nCommunities near the ICC should be sensitized about the ICC\u2019s role. Children in the centres should be encouraged to participate in community activities to encourage trust. During temporary care, peace education should be part of everyday life as well as the formal programmes, and cover key principles, objectives, and values related to the non-violent resolution of conflict.Additional Resources: \\n United Nations Guidelines for Alternative Care, A\/Res\/64\/142 (24 Feb 2010) \\n Care in Emergencies Toolkit, Interagency Working Group on Unaccompanied and Separated Children (2013). \\n Field Handbook on Unaccompanied and Separated Children, Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (2016) \\n Toolkit on Unaccompanied and Separated Children, Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (2017) \\n Child Safeguarding Standards and How to Implement Them, Keeping Children Safe (2014) \\n Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Task Force online resources \\n Guidelines for Justice in Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime (2009)."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.30 Youth and DDR.json b/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.30 Youth and DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edf51a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.30 Youth and DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"DDR processes are often conducted in contexts where the majority of combatants and fighters are youth, an age group defined by the United Nations (UN) as those between 15 and 24 years of age. If DDR processes cater only to younger children and mature adults, the specific needs and experiences of youth may be missed. DDR practitioners shall promote the participation, recovery and sustainable reintegration of youth, as failure to consider their needs and opinions can undermine their rights, their agency and, ultimately, peace processes.In countries affected by conflict, youth are a force for positive change, while at the same time, some young people may be vulnerable to being drawn into conflict. To provide a safe and inclusive space for youth, manage the expectations of youth in DDR processes and direct their energies positively, DDR practitioners shall support youth in developing the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive and promote an enabling environment where young people can more systematically have influence upon their own lives and societies. The reintegration of youth is particularly complex due to a mix of underlying economic, social, political, and\/or personal factors often driving the recruitment of youth into armed forces or groups. This may include social and political marginalization, protracted displacement, other forms of social exclusion, or grievances against the State. DDR practitioners shall therefore pay special attention to promoting significant participation and representation of youth in all DDR processes, so that reintegration support is sensitive to the rights, aspirations, and perspectives of youth. Their reintegration may also be more complex, as they may have become associated with an armed forces or group during formative years of brain development and social conditioning. Whenever possible, reintegration planning for youth should be linked to national reconciliation strategies, socioeconomic reconstruction plans, and youth development policies.The specific needs of youth transitioning to civilian life are diverse, as youth often require gender responsive services to address social, acute and\/or chronic medical and psychosocial support needs resulting from the conflict. Youth may face greater levels of societal pressure and responsibility, and as such, be expected to work, support family, and take on leadership roles in their communities. Recognizing this, as well as the need for youth to have the ability to resolve conflict in non-violent ways, DDR practitioners shall invest in and mainstream life skills development across all components of reintegration programming.As youth may have missed out on education or may have limited employable skills to enable them to provide for their families and contribute to their communities, complementary programming is required to promote educational and employment opportunities that are sensitive to their needs and challenges. This may include support to access formal education, accelerated learning curricula, or market-driven vocational training coupled with apprenticeships or \u2018on-the-job\u2019 (OTJ) training to develop employable skills. Youth should also be supported with employment services ranging from employment counselling, career guidance and information on the labour market to help youth identify opportunities for learning and work and navigate the complex barriers they may face when entering the labour market. Given the severe competition often seen in post-conflict labour markets, DDR processes should support opportunities for youth entrepreneurship, business training, and access to microfinance to equip youth with practical skills and capital to start and manage small businesses or cooperatives and should consider the long-term impact of educational deprivation on their employment opportunities.It is critical that youth have a structured platform to have their voices heard by decision- makers, often comprised of the elder generation. Where possible DDR practitioners should look for opportunities to include the perspective of youth in local and national peace processes. DDR practitioners should ensure that youth play a central role in the planning, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of Community Violence Reduction (CVR) programmes and transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management (WAM) measures."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"This module aims to provide DDR practitioners with guidance on the planning, design and implementation of youth-focused DDR processes in both mission and non-mission contexts. The main objectives of this guidance are: \\n To set out the main principles that guide aspects of DDR processes for Youth. \\n To provide guidance and key considerations to drive continuous efforts to prevent the recruitment and re-recruitment of youth into armed forces and groups. \\n To provide guidance on youth-focused approaches to DDR and reintegration support highlighting critical personal, social, political, and economic factors.This module is applicable to youth between the ages of 15 and 24. However, the document should be read in conjunction with IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR, as youth between the ages of 15 to 17, are also children, and require special considerations and protections in line with legal frameworks for children and may benefit from child sensitive approaches to DDR consistent with the best interests of the child. Children between the ages of 15 to 17 are included in this module in recognition of the reality that children who are nearing the age of 18 are more likely to have employment needs and\/or socio- political reintegration demands, requiring additional guidance that is youth-focused. This module should also be read in conjunction with IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.DDR processes are often implemented in contexts where the majority of former combatants are youth, an age group defined by the United Nations (UN) as those between 15 and 24 years of age. Individuals within this age bracket have a unique set of needs and do not easily fit into pre-determined categories. Those under 18 are regarded as children associated with armed forces or armed groups (CAAFAG) and shall be treated as children. Legally, children and youth up to the age of 18 are covered under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other protective frameworks (see section 5 of IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR) and all have the same rights and protections.Youth: There is no universally agreed international definition of youth. For statistical purposes the United Nations defines \u2018youth\u2019 as those persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years, while in context of the UN Security Council resolution 2250 (2015) on youth, peace and security, youth is defined as those persons between the ages of 18 and 29 years. . Beyond the UN system, the age of people included in this cohort can vary considerably between one context and another. Social, legal, economic and cultural systems define the age limits for the specific roles and responsibilities of children, youth and adults. Conflicts and violence often force youth to assume adult roles such as being parents, breadwinners, caregivers or fighters. Cultural expectations surrounding girls and boys also affect the perception of them as adults, such as the age of marriage, initiation and circumcision practices, and motherhood. Such expectations can be disturbed by conflict. UN Security Council resolution 2250 (2015) on youth, peace and security recognizes the positive role that youth have in building, contributing to and maintaining international peace and security and urges member states to take steps to enable the participation of youth in this regard."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"DDR processes are often implemented in contexts where the majority of former combatants are youth, an age group defined by the United Nations (UN) as those between 15 and 24 years of age. Individuals within this age bracket have a unique set of needs and do not easily fit into pre-determined categories. Those under 18 are regarded as children associated with armed forces or armed groups (CAAFAG) and shall be treated as children. Legally, children and youth up to the age of 18 are covered under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other protective frameworks (see section 5 of IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR) and all have the same rights and protections.Youth above the age of 18 are treated as adults in DDR processes despite that, if recruited as children, their emotional, social and educational development may have been severely disrupted. Regardless of whether or not they were recruited as children, youth who demobilize when they are over the age of 18 generally fall under the same legal frameworks as adults. However, in terms of criminal responsibility and accountability, any criminal process applicable to youth regarding acts they may have committed as a child should be subject to the criminal procedure relevant for juveniles in the jurisdiction and should consider their status as a child at the time of the alleged offense and the coercive environment under which they lived or were forced to act as mitigating factors.Youth in countries that are affected by armed conflict may be forced to \u2018grow up quickly\u2019 and take on adult roles and responsibilities. As with children associated with armed forces or armed groups, engagement in armed conflict negatively affects the stages of social and emotional development as well as educational outcomes of young people. Conflict may create barriers to youth building basic literacy and numeracy skills, and gaps in key social, cognitive and emotional development phases such as skill building in critical thinking, problem solving, emotional self- regulation, and sense of self-identity within their community and the world. When schools close due to conflict or insecurity, and there are few opportunities for decent work, many young people lose their sense of pride, trust and place in the community, as well as their hope for the future. Compounding this, youth are often ignored by authorities after conflict, excluded from decision- making structures and, in many cases, their needs and opinions are not taken into account. Health care services, especially reproductive health care services, are often unavailable to them. The accumulation of these factors, particularly where insecurity exists, may push young people into a cycle of poverty and social exclusion, and expose them to criminality, violence and (re-)recruitment into armed forces or groups. These disruptions also reduce the ability of communities and States to benefit from and harness the positive resilience, energy and endeavour of youth.Youth can provide leadership and inspiration to their societies. UN Security Council resolution 2250 explicitly recognises \u201cthe important and positive contribution of youth in efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security\u2026[and affirms]\u2026 the important role youth can play in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and as a key aspect of the sustainability, inclusiveness and success of peacekeeping and peacebuilding efforts.\u201d Youth should have a stake in the post-conflict social order so that they support it. Their exposure to violence and risky behaviour, as well as their disadvantages in the labour market, are specific. Youth are at a critical stage in their life cycle and may be permanently disadvantaged if they do not receive appropriate assistance.This module provides critical guidance for DDR practitioners on how to plan, design and implement youth-focused DDR processes that aim to promote the participation, recovery and sustainable reintegration of youth into their families and communities. The guidance recognizes the unique needs and challenges facing youth during their transition to civilian life, as well as the critical role they play in armed conflict and peace processes."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"This module provides critical guidance for DDR practitioners on how to plan, design and implement youth-focused DDR processes that aim to promote the participation, recovery and sustainable reintegration of youth into their families and communities. The guidance recognizes the unique needs and challenges facing youth during their transition to civilian life, as well as the critical role they play in armed conflict and peace processes."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1 Voluntary","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"A young person\u2019s decision to participate in a DDR process shall be informed and voluntary."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People centred","Heading3":"4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"As outlined in IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR, any person below 18 years of age who is associated with an armed force or group shall be eligible for participation in a DDR process designed specifically for children. Eligibility for DDR processes for CAAFAG shall not be conditioned on the child\u2019s possession and handover of a weapon or ammunition, participation in hostilities or weapons training; there shall be no conditions, of any kind, for their participation. If there is doubt as to whether an individual is under 18 years old, an age assessment shall be conducted (see Annex B in IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). For any youth under age 18, child-specific programming and rights shall be the priority, however, when appropriate, DDR practitioners may consider complementary youth-focused approaches to address the risks and needs of youth nearing adulthood.For ex-combatants and persons associated with armed forces or groups aged 18-24, eligibility for DDR will depend on the particular DDR process in place. If a DDR programme is being implemented, eligibility criteria shall be defined in a national DDR programme document. If a CVR programme is being implemented, then eligibility criteria shall be developed in consultation with target communities, and, if in existence, a Project Selection Committee (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). If the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, eligibility for reintegration support shall be decided by relevant national and local authorities, with support, where appropriate, from relevant UN mission entities as well as UN agencies, programmes and funds (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace)."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People centred","Heading3":"4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"DDR processes for children shall not be contingent on political negotiations or adult DDR processes. Efforts shall always be made to prevent recruitment and to secure the release of CAFFAG, irrespective of the stage of the conflict or status of peace negotiations. Doing so may require negotiations with armed forces or groups for this specific purpose. Special provisions and efforts may be needed to reach girls, who often face unique obstacles to identification and release. These obstacles may include specific sociocultural factors, such as the perception that girl \u2018wives\u2019 are dependents rather than associated children, gendered barriers to information and sensitization, or fear by armed forces and groups of admitting to the presence of girls.The mechanisms and structures for the release and reintegration of children shall be set up as soon as possible and continue during ongoing armed conflict, before a peace agreement is signed, a peacekeeping mission is deployed, or a DDR process or related process, such as Security Sector Reform (SSR), is established.Armed forces and groups rarely acknowledge the presence of children in their ranks, so children are often not identified and therefore may be excluded from DDR support. DDR practitioners and child protection actors involved in providing services during DDR processes, as well as UN personnel more broadly, shall actively call for and take steps to obtain the unconditional release of all CAAFAG at all times, and for children\u2019s needs to be considered. Advocacy of this kind aims to highlight the issues faced by CAAFAG and ensures that the roles played by girls and boys in conflict situations are identified and acknowledged. Advocacy shall take place at all levels, through both formal and informal discussions. UN agencies, foreign missions, mediators, donors and representatives of parties to conflict should all be involved. If possible, advocacy should also be linked to existing civil society actions and national systems (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR)."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People centred","Heading3":"4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Youth-focused DDR processes shall respect the principles of international humanitarian law and promote the human rights of DDR participants and the communities into which they reintegrate. Core principles for delivery of humanitarian assistances include humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence. When supporting youth, care shall be taken to assess the possible impact of measures on vulnerable populations which may, by their very nature, have disproportionate or discriminatory impacts on different groups, even if unintended. Responses shall enhance the safety, dignity, and rights of all people, and avoid exposing them to harm, provide access to assistance according to need and without discrimination, assist people to recover from the physical and psychological effects of threatened or actual violence, coercion or deliberate deprivation, and support people to fulfil their rights.2"},{"ID":9,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Non-discrimination and fair and equitable treatment are core principles of integrated DDR processes. Youth who are ex-combatants or persons formerly associated with armed forces or groups shall not be discriminated against due to age, gender, sex, race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, disability or other personal characteristics or associations. The specific needs of male and female youth shall be fully taken into account in all stages of planning and implementation of youth-focused DDR processes. A gender transformative approach to youth-focused DDR should also be pursued. This is because overcoming gender inequality is particularly important when dealing with young people in their formative years.DDR processes shall also foster connections between youth who are (and are not) former members of armed forces or groups and the wider community. Community-based approaches to DDR expose young people who are former members of armed forces or groups to non-military rules and behaviour and encourage their inclusion in the community and society at large. This exposure also provides opportunities for joint economic activities and supports broader reconciliation efforts."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4 Conflict sensitive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"A youth-focused approach to DDR shall ensure that no harm is done to youth. Rather, DDR processes shall seek to maximize the benefit to youth, while minimizing any harm. This shall be done through: \\n Assessing and monitoring both positive and negative impacts for youth, and disaggregating data by age, gender and vulnerabilities of young people (while protecting youth\u2019s privacy) and where safe to do so, other social identities. \\n Listening to and taking account of the voices and views of youth in the planning, design, implementation and review of youth-focused DDR processes. \\n Leveraging opportunities for youth to promote peacebuilding and social cohesion through DDR including by building and fortifying stronger connections between youth, irrespective of the armed group or force they may have been traveling or associated with, including those in receiving communities."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5 Context specific","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"There is no simple formula for youth-focused DDR that can be routinely applied in all circumstances. DDR processes shall be contextualized as much as possible in order to take into account the different needs and capacities of youth DDR participants and beneficiaries based on conflict dynamics, cultural, socio-economic, gender and other factors."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ","Heading3":"4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Sufficient long-term funding for DDR processes for children should be made available through a funding mechanism that is independent of and managed separately from adult DDR (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). Youth-focused DDR processes for those aged 18 \u2013 24 should also be backed by flexible and long-term funding, that takes into account the importance of creating space for youth (especially the most marginalised) to participate in the planning, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of DDR processes."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ","Heading3":"4.6.2 Accountability and transparency","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Youth shall be provided information about the DDR process so that they can make an informed decision about whether and how they may participate. DDR practitioners shall also solicit and take the views of youth seriously and act upon them."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.7 Nationally and locally owned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Youth-focused DDR processes shall be closely linked to national development strategies, the Sustainable Development Goals and youth development policies. Youth development policies generally include different combinations of social, economic, environmental and health objectives relating to young women and men. In some countries, youth programmes focus on education and training; in others, they focus on youth, sports and other recreational activities, cultural heritage, prevention of substance abuse and HIV\/AIDS, and population planning. The variety of approaches is reflected in different institutional frameworks that may include different ministries \u2014 such as education, health, labour and sports and\/or youth affairs.DDR practitioners shall support the active participation of youth organizations in DDR processes as local youth organizations, working with other civil society groups, often have the potential to direct the energy and ability of young people towards rebuilding a prosperous and fair society."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.8 Regionally supported","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Where appropriate, youth-focused DDR processes shall consider regional initiatives to prevent the (re-)recruitment of youth. DDR practitioners shall also tap into regional youth networks where these have the potential to support the DDR process."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.9 Integrated","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Many of the problems confronting youth are complex, interrelated and require integrated solutions. However, national youth policies are often drawn up by different institutions with little coordination between them. The setting up of a national commission on DDR (NCDDR) that prioritizes inclusion of youth perspectives, allows the process of coordination and integration to take place, creates synergies and can help to ensure continuity in strategies from DDR to reconstruction and development. To meet the needs of young people in a sustainable way, when applicable, DDR practitioners shall support the NCDDR to make sure that a wide range of people and institutions take part, including representatives from the ministries of youth, gender, family, labour, education and sports, and encourage local governments and community-based youth organizations to play an important part in the identification of specific youth priorities, in order to promote bottom-up approaches that encourage the inclusion and participation of young people."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.10 Well planned","Heading3":"4.10.1 Safety and security","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Youth shall not be put in harm\u2019s way during DDR processes. Youth shall be kept safe and shall be provided information about where to go for help if they feel unsafe while participating in a DDR process. Risks to youth shall be identified, and efforts shall be made to mitigate such risks. DDR practitioners shall promote decent work conditions to avoid creating further grievances, with a focus on equal conditions for all regardless of their past engagement in armed conflicts, ethnic or other sociocultural background, political or religious beliefs, gender or other considerations to avoid prejudice and discrimination."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.10 Well planned","Heading3":"4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"The planning, assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation of youth-focused DDR processes shall, at a minimum, involve youth representatives (ex-combatants, persons associated with armed forces or groups, and community members), including both male and female youth. This helps to ensure that youth immediately begin to act as agents of their own future, fosters trust between the generations, and ensures that both male and female youth priorities are given adequate consideration. Preventing the (re-) recruitment of youth into armed groups shall be a stated goal of DDR processes and included in the planning process."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.10 Well planned","Heading3":"4.10.3 Public information and community sensitization","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Effective communication is a critical aspect of successful DDR (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication). A specific communication strategy involving, and where safe and possible, led by youth, shall be developed while planning for a youth-focused DDR process. At a minimum, this communication strategy shall include actions to ensure that youth participants and beneficiaries (and their families) are aware of their eligibility and the opportunities on offer, as well as alternative support available for those that are ineligible. Youth can help to identify how best to communicate this information to other youth and to reach youth in a variety of locations. Youth participants and beneficiaries shall be partners in the communications approach, rather than passive recipients.Public information and awareness raising campaigns shall be designed to specifically address the challenges faced by male and female youth transitioning to civilian status and to provide gender responsive information. Specific efforts shall be made to address societal gender norms that may create stigmatization based on gender and hinder reintegration. For example, female youth who were combatants or associated with armed forces or groups may be particularly affected due to societal perceptions surrounding traditional roles. Male youth may also be similarly affected due to community expectations surrounding masculinity."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for youth-focused DDR processes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"For CAAFAG between the ages of 15 to 17, the situation analysis and minimum preparedness actions outlined in IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR shall be undertaken. For youth between the ages of 18 and 24, who are members of armed forces or groups, planning should follow similar processes for that of adult combatants, integrating specific considerations for youth. Specific focus shall be given to the following:Assessments shall include data disaggregated by age and gender. For example, prior to a CVR programme, baseline assessments of local violence dynamics should explicitly unpack the threats and risks to the security of male and female youth (see section 6.3 in IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). If the DDR process involves reintegration support, assessments of local market conditions should take into account the skills that youth acquired before and during their engagement in armed forces or groups (see section 7.5.5 in IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). Weapons surveys for disarmament and\/or T-WAM activities should also include youth and youth organizations as sources of information, analyse the patterns of weapons possession among youth, map risk and protective factors in relation to youth, and identify youth-specific entry points for programming (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management and MOSAIC 6.20 on Children, Adolescents, Youth and Small Arms and Light Weapons). It is also important for intergenerational issues to be included in the conflict\/context assessments that are undertaken prior to a youth-focused DDR process. This will elucidate whether it is necessary to include reconciliation measures to reduce inter-generational conflict in the DDR process. Gender analysis including age specific considerations should also be conducted. For more information on DDR-related assessments, see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments.Planning should also take into account different possible types of youth participation \u2013 from consultative participation to collaborative participation, to participation that is youth-led. In certain instances, for example CVR programmes and reintegration support, there may be space for youth to assume an active, leading role. In other instances, such as when a Comprehensive Peace Agreement is being negotiated, the UN should, at a minimum, ensure that youth representatives are consulted (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). More broadly, youth representatives (both civilians and members of armed forces or groups) shall be consulted in the planning, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of all DDR processes as key stakeholders, rather than presented with a DDR process in which they had no influence. Principles on how to involve youth in planning processes in a non-tokenistic way can be found in section 7.4 of MOSAIC 6.20 on Children, Adolescents, Youth and Small Arms and Light Weapons. No matter how youth are involved, safety of youth and do no harm principles should always be considered when engaging them on sensitive topics such as association with armed actors."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for youth-focused DDR processes","Heading2":"5.1 Gender responsive and transformative","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"DDR processes for female ex-combatants, females formerly associated with armed forces or groups and female dependents shall be gender-responsive and gender-transformative. To ensure that DDR processes reflect the differing needs, capacities, and priorities of young women and girls, it is critical that gender analysis is a key feature of all DDR assessments and is incorporated into in all stages of DDR (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments and IDDRS 5.10 Women, Gender and DDR for more information).Young women and girls are often at great risk of gender-based violence, including conflict related sexual violence, and hence may require a range of gender-specific services and programmes to support their recovery. Women\u2019s specific health needs, including gynaecological care should be planned for, and reproductive health services, and prophylactics against sexually transmitted infections (STI) should be included as essential items in any health care packages (see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV\/AIDS and DDR and IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR).With the exception of identified child dependents, young women and girls shall be kept separately from men during demobilization processes. Young women and girls (and their dependents) should be provided with gender-sensitive legal assistance, as well as support in securing civil documentation (i.e., personal ID, birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, etc.), if and when relevant. An absence of such documentation can create significant barriers to reintegration, access to basic services such as health care and education, and in some cases can leave women and children at risk of statelessness.Young women and girls often face different challenges during the reintegration process, facing increased stigma, discrimination and rejection, which may be exacerbated by the presence of a child that was conceived during their association with the armed force or armed group. Based on gender analysis which considers the level of stigma and risk in communities of return, DDR practitioners should engage with communities, leveraging women\u2019s civil society organizations, to address and navigate the different cultural, political, protection and socioeconomic barriers faced by young women and girls (and their dependents) during reintegration.The inclusion of young women and girls in DDR processes is central to a gender- transformative approach, aimed at shifting social norms and addressing structural inequalities that lead young women and girls to engage in armed conflict and that negatively affect their reintegration. Within DDR processes, a gender-transformative approach shall focus on the following: \\n Agency: Interventions should strengthen the individual and collective capacities (knowledge and skills), attitudes, critical reflection, assets, actions and access to services that support the reintegration of young women and girls. \\n Relations: Interventions should equip young women and girls with the skills to navigate the expectations and cooperative or negotiation dynamics embedded within relationships between people in the home, market, community, and groups and organizations that will influence choice. Interventions should also engage men and boys to challenge gender inequities including through education and dialogue on gender norms, relations, violence and inequality, which can negatively impact women, men, children, families and societies. \\n Structures: Interventions should address the informal and formal institutional rules and practices, social norms and statuses that limit options available to young women and girls and work to create space for their empowerment. This will require engaging both female and male leaders including community and religious leaders."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"6. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of youth","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Understanding the recruitment pathways of youth into armed forces and groups is essential for the development of effective (re-)recruitment prevention strategies. Prevention efforts should start early and take place continuously throughout armed conflict. Prevention efforts should be based on an analysis of the dynamics of recruitment and its underlying causes and include advocacy strategies that are directed at all levels of governance, both formal and informal.In recognition that youth are often recruited as children, and\/or face similar \u2018push\u2019 and \u2018pull\u2019 risk factors, DDR practitioners should analyse the structural, social, and individual-level risk factors outlined in section 8 of IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR when designing and implementing strategies to prevent the (re-)recruitment of youth. DDR practitioners should also be aware that: \\n Youth participation in armed conflict is not always driven by negative motivations. Volunteerism into armed groups can be driven by a desire to change the social and political landscape in positive ways and to participate in something bigger than oneself. \\n Gender must be considered when considering reasons for youth engagement. Although an increasing number of young women and girls are involved in conflicts, particularly the longer conflicts continue, young men and boys are over-represented in armed forces and groups. This pattern is most often a result of societal gender expectations that value aggressive masculinity and peaceable femininity. While young women and girls often serve armed forces and groups in non- fighting roles and their contributions can be difficult to measure, their participation, reintegration and recovery is critical to peace building processes as marginalized women and girls remain at higher risk of (re)recruitment. Societal expectations may have implications for the roles of young women and men in conflict, as well as how they reintegrate following conflict (see IDDRS Module 5.10 Gender and DDR). It is important to understand the drivers for recruitment and re- recruitment, including the different challenges that male and female youth may experience.; \\n CVR and community-based reintegration programmes can be useful in preventing the (re-) recruitment of youth (see section 7.4 and IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration); \\n Young people can play a crucial role in preventing the spread of rumours that may fuel recruitment and armed conflict, particularly through social media. Different youth networks and organizations may use their connections to fact-check rumours and then spread corrected information to their communities; \\n \u2018Safe spaces\u2019 that may take the form of youth centres or other contextually appropriate and gender sensitive form are recommended to be created as a place for young people to interact with each other. Centres that allow youth to meet off the streets and experience non-violent excitement and social connection can provide alternatives to joining armed forces or groups, offer marginalized youth a space where they feel included, and provide spaces to educate youth about the realities of life in armed groups. These centres can also help with training and employment efforts by, for example, organizing job information fairs and providing referrals to employment services and counselling. Informal youth drop-in centres may also attract young former combatants who are vulnerable to re-recruitment, and who did not go through DDR because of fear or misinformation, or because they managed to escape and are looking for help by themselves. Well-trained mentors who act as role models should manage these centres; \\\u203a Interaction between different youth organizations, networks and movements as well as youth centres, platforms and councils or others similar entitiescan provide opportunities to build trust between members of different communities. DDR practitioners should support programmes that encourage young people to initiate spaces that form bridges across conflict lines at community and state levels."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"It is neither possible nor advisable to design and implement DDR processes for all young people in the same way. For youth between the ages of 15 to 17, the guidance outlined in section 7 of IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR shall be followed. However, elements of the guidance in this section, which focuses on youth aged 18 to 24, may also be applicable."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.1 DDR programmes","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"DDR programmes consist of a set of related measures, with a particular aim, falling under the operational categories of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration. DDR programmes require certain preconditions, such as the signing of a peace agreement, to be viable (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR)."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.1 DDR programmes","Heading3":"7.1.1 Personnel","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Youth-focused DDR programmes should include technical personnel and local staff with experience in working on youth and gender issues in order to ensure that explicit needs are identified and addressed from an early stage of engagement. This should be expressed either through distinct roles or as a function of an existing role and developed into relevant terms of reference. For example, the disarmament team should include a national youth specialist."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.1 DDR programmes","Heading3":"7.1.2 Disarmament and demobilization sites","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"During disarmament or demobilisation processes youth should be screened for age, following age assessment guidance found in Annex B of IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR. Youth, under the age of 18, should be separated from adults.With the exception of young child dependants who are with their caregivers, female youth participating in DDR programmes should, at a minimum, be accommodated in a female only section and, where possible, housed in female only facilities along with other female ex-combatants and females associated with armed forces or groups. Further guidance can be found in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization, and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR"},{"ID":27,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.1 DDR programmes","Heading3":"7.1.3 Profiling","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Even before disarmament begins, a general profile of the potential participants and beneficiaries of a DDR programme should be developed in order to inform later reintegration programming. The following data should be collected: demographic composition of participants and beneficiaries, education and skills, special needs, areas of return, expectations and security risks. To the extent possible, a random and representative sample should be taken, and the data gathered should be disaggregated by age and gender (see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). During disarmament and demobilization, ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces or groups should be registered and more comprehensive profiling should take place (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). This profiling should be used, at a minimum, to identify obstacles that may prevent youth from full participation in a DDR programme, to identify the specific needs and ambitions of youth, and to devise protective measures for youth. For example, profiling may reveal the need for extended outreach services to families to address trauma, distress, or loss, and increase their ability to support returning youth.The registration and profiling of youth should include an emphasis on better understanding their reasons for engagement, aspirations for reintegration, education and technical\/professional skill levels and major gaps, health-related issues that may affect reintegration (including psychosocial health), family situation, economic status, and any other relevant information that will aid in the design of reintegration solutions that are most appropriate for youth. A standardized questionnaire collecting quantitative and qualitative data from youth ex-combatants and youth formerly associated with armed forces or groups should be designed. This questionnaire can be supported by conducting qualitative profiling: assessing life skills and skills learned during armed service (for example, leadership, driving, maintenance\/repair, construction, logistics) which their record often does not reflect (see Annex B for Sample Profiling Questions to Guide Reintegration)."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.1 DDR programmes","Heading3":"7.1.4 Medical health screening","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"During demobilization, individuals shall be directed to a doctor or medical team for health screening. Both general and specific health needs shall be assessed. Given their age and increased risk factors, youth shall be provided with basic specialized attention in the areas of reproductive health and STIs, including voluntary testing and counselling for HIV\/AIDS (see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV\/AIDS and DDR and IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR). Female medical personnel shall be made available for women and girls. In addition, screening for mental health and psychosocial support needs should be available. Plans for how to protect personal health information shall also be made."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.1 DDR programmes","Heading3":"7.1.5 Pre-Discharge Awareness Raising","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"The transition from military to civilian life can be extremely difficult and stressful for youth who are ex-combatants or persons associated with armed forces or groups. These young men and women often lack experience in navigating civilian systems or processes such as finding accommodation, accessing services and engaging in civilian life. Pre-discharge awareness raising can be a critical component in ensuring a smooth initial transition and to begin to prepare youth for civilian life. As such, specialized sensitization programmes should be developed for youth to address the various concerns specific to this group. These programmes should take into account specific gender differences such as addressing societal expectations (e.g., for males to be the primary breadwinner, for females to fulfil traditional gender roles) and risks of stigmatization\/rejection. However, they should also be designed to prepare youth for their reintegration, including beginning to raise and where appropriate address issues such as social norms and how to resolve disagreements and disputes non-violently. Given that youth may have been socialized into violence during the period they were associated with an armed force or group, longer-term reintegration support is necessary. Sensitization should therefore focus on helping youth find solutions to the challenges they may face on their return, rather than purely identifying those challenges."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Reintegration support can be provided as part of a DDR programme, or when the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). For youth 15-17, reintegration support can be provided at any time (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR) The guidance provided in this section is applicable to both scenarios.Reintegration is a complex mix of economic, social, political and personal factors, all of which work together. While the reintegration of youth ex-combatants and youth formerly associated with armed forces or groups may depend, in part, on their successful transition into the world of work, if youth retain deep-rooted grievances due to political marginalization, or face significant, unaddressed psychosocial distress, or are experiencing ongoing conflict with their family, then they are extremely unlikely to be successful in making such a transition. Additionally, if communities and other stakeholders, including the State, do not recognize or value young people\u2019s contributions, expertise, and opinions it may increase the vulnerability of youth to re-recruitment.Youth-focused reintegration support should be designed and developed in consultation with youth. From the beginning, programme components should address the rights, aspirations, and perspectives of youth, and be as inclusive, multisectoral, and long term as is feasible from the earliest phases."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.1 Psychosocial Support and Special Care","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Mental health and psychosocial support needs and capacities should be identified during the profiling survey undertaken during demobilization (see above) and appropriate support mechanisms should be established to be implemented during reintegration. When necessary, demobilized youth should be supported through extended outreach mental health and psychosocial support services. This may include individual, group or family therapy, or training in various community-based psychosocial support and psychological first aid techniques. It may require recruitment of mental health or psychosocial support professionals as staff or outsourcing to local service providers or civil society. Local providers can also help address potential stigmatization relating to mental health and psychosocial support. All DDR participants and beneficiaries requiring and\/or requesting mental health or psychosocial support should have access to such support. Programme staff must ensure that appropriate protections are put in place and that any stigmatization is effectively addressed.DDR practitioners should consider the utility of a variety of innovative strategies to help young people deal with trauma. In some contexts, for example, music and theatre have been used to spread information, raise awareness and empower youth (e.g., \u2018theatre of the oppressed\u2019). Sports and cultural events can strongly attract young people while also having great social benefits. DDR practitioners should be aware that the cultural sector can also provide employment. Youth radio can be an excellent way of allowing youth to communicate and engage with each other and DDR practitioners should consider supplying related equipment and professional trainers. Radio can reach and inform many people and is accessible even to difficult-to-reach groups. Rural cinemas may also serve as an interactive activity in which youth can participate. Such initiatives may benefit wider social cohesion. Some of these strategies could result in new businesses run by both civilian youth and youth who are former members of armed forces or groups. This may help to bring youth together and provide\/strengthen support networks.Mental health and psychosocial support interventions should be planned to respond to specific gender needs. Female youth ex-combatants may face several distinct challenges that affect their mental and psychosocial health in different ways. Specific experience of conflict (for e.g., forced sexual activity, childbirth, abortion, desertion by \u2018bush husbands\u2019) and of reintegration (e.g., rejection by family and community due to involvement in socially unacceptable activities for a female, lack of access to specific employment opportunities, and greater care-giver duties) may create a subset of mental health and psychosocial support needs that the programme should address. Likewise, young male ex-combatants may face psychosocial difficulties associated with their conflict experience (e.g., perpetrator and victim of sexual violence, extreme violence) and reintegration (e.g., high levels of post-traumatic stress, appetitive aggression, and notions of masculinity and societal expectation).The capacity of the health and social services sectors to assist youth with mental health and psychosocial support should be improved. Training of trainers in psychological first aid and other community-based techniques can be particularly useful, especially in the short to medium-term. However, longer term planning for the health and social services sectors is required."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.2 Health","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Youth reintegration programmes should build on healthcare provided during the demobilization process to support youth to address the various health issues that may negatively impact their successful reintegration. These health interventions should be planned as a distinct component of reintegration programming rather than as ad hoc support. For more information, see IDDRS 5.70 Health and DDR."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.3 Disability","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Conflict-related disability can represent a significant barrier to reintegration for youth who are former members of armed forces or groups. As well as having to cope with the pain and difficulty of living with a disability, it can have a disruptive influence on employment and social engagement. Moreover, individuals with disabilities can be extremely hard to access and, as a result, have often been overlooked and excluded from meaningful reintegration support. Support for disabled youth ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should be informed by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CPRD) (see IDDRS 5.80 on Disability- Inclusive DDR). Based on the principles of non-discrimination, inclusion, participation and accessibility, compliance with the CPRD enables DDR programmes to be more inclusive of young former members of armed forces and groups with disabilities and responsive to their specific and unique needs. While young ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces or groups with disabilities should be supported through innovative employment and social protections initiatives (e.g., pensions, housing, compensation funds, land, etc.), medical and physical rehabilitation support should also be a feature of reintegration, or at the least, effective referral for necessary support."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.4 HIV\/AIDS","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Educating young people about HIV and AIDS and teaching them skills in negotiation, conflict resolution, critical thinking, self-awareness, decision-making and communication improves their self- confidence and ability to make informed choices about their own reproductive health and to keep themselves safer and healthier.Since the involvement of parents, extended families, communities, schools and peers is vital in guiding and supporting young people to make safe choices about their health and well-being, DDR practitioners should consult with agencies involved in HIV prevention strategies and ensure that any health component of DDR works together with other community-based strategies to avoid transmission of HIV and to care for those infected with HIV or who are AIDS patients. Studies have shown that a consistent, positive, emotional relationship with a caring adult helps young people feel safe and secure, allowing them to develop the resilience needed to manage challenges in their lives and to protect their sexual well-being. Mentors in DDR training programmes should therefore be trained as educators and counsellors on HIV.Young women are much more likely to be infected with HIV than young men, especially when they live in conditions of poverty, are exploited by older men, or carry out sex work to survive. Specific interventions to reduce the vulnerabilities of young women to sexually transmitted infections (STI\u2019s) should be considered to address this risk and should include young men, given the role that they may play in transmission. Respect for each other can protect both young men and young women from the dangers of forced or unwanted sex and enable them to feel comfortable discussing sexual matters and negotiating safety and protection.Youth-friendly services within reintegration programmes should offer treatment for STI\u2019s and help young people access sexual and reproductive health information and services. Voluntary and confidential HIV counselling and testing services allow young people to find out their HIV status and understand safe ways of behaving, whether they are infected or not (see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV\/AIDS and DDR)."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.5 Drug and Alcohol Addiction","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Many youths may have habitually taken or been given drugs as combatants. In some war zones, commanders routinely give drugs to youngsters to make them dependent on the group, more obedient, and reduce their resistance to committing violent acts or crimes. At the end of the conflict, some youth may fall into drug and alcohol abuse as a coping mechanism.Reintegration programmes should make a particular effort to deal with the issue of the harmful use of drugs and alcohol by young combatants, including through the provision of drug\/alcohol abuse treatment and\/or the provision of referral services. In many countries, the use of such substances seriously undermines the effective implementation of youth employment and reintegration programmes. If young combatants are provided with money to start their businesses while they are not fully detoxed and rehabilitated from drugs they were using during combat, their reintegration is less likely to be successful. A fear that ex-combatants are habitual drug users is also an important reason why employers may be unwilling to recruit these individuals (also see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR)."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.6 Life skills","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Life skills represent a key aspect of reintegration. Youth face greater levels of responsibility than children but may have had their education or personal development interrupted due to armed conflict. Youth may be expected to work, support family, and take on leadership roles for which they may not be prepared. For female youth, strengthening life skills can facilitate the development of mechanisms to help overcome societal pressures and obstacles, positively influence the role of women in peacebuilding, and ensure that any elevation in their position during the conflict is not lost in civilian life. For male youth, improved life skills can help address negative aspects of contextual notions of masculinity and increase their ability to resolve conflict in non-violent ways.Investment in life skills development for all youth must be considered of critical importance for DDR practitioners. This should be seen as a key reintegration strategy and should be mainstreamed throughout all the main components of reintegration programming. Examples of the type of life skills that may be developed through reintegration support are outlined in Table 1 below. When reintegration is being supported as part of a DDR programme, the life skills to be developed should be determined by the findings from the profiling survey conducted during demobilization."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.7 Education","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"A young person\u2019s level of education will often determine whether he or she makes a successful transition into the world of work. There is also evidence that keeping young people in school slows the transmission of HIV\/AIDS and has other mental health and psychosocial benefits for youth affected by armed conflict (see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV\/AIDS and DDR). Although a lack of primary education is normally a problem that only affects younger children, in an increasing number of conflict-affected countries, low literacy has become a major problem among youth.Time spent with an armed force or group results in a loss of educational opportunities. This in turn can create barriers to socioeconomic (re)integration, as youth are often faced with pressure to provide for themselves and their families. In contrast, a return to education can help to foster a sense of normalcy, including social interaction with other students, that assists with other elements of reintegration. As explained in detail in IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR, when transitioning from military to civilian life, youth may be reluctant to resume formal basic education because they feel embarrassed to attend schools with children of a much younger age, or because their care-giving responsibilities are simply too heavy to allow them the time to study without earning an income. Costs can be prohibitive, and older youth may be pressured into employment. For those youth who do return to education, many experience diminished educational attainment. This may be due to an inability to concentrate because of the trauma they experienced, or due to the absence of teachers with the experience and capacity to deal with the obstacles to learning that they face.Obstacles to the education of youth who are ex-combatants and persons associated with armed forces or groups must be overcome if their reintegration is to be successful. Youth should not feel stigmatized because they lost the opportunity to acquire an education, served in armed forces or groups, became refugees, or were not able to attend school for other reasons. Youth should also not be prevented from attending school due to costs, or because they are parents or hold other responsibilities (e.g., main household earner). The best solution may be to provide youth who have missed out on education with Accelerated Learning Programmes (ALP), which are designed and tailored for older learners and that are compatible with and recognized by the formal system of education (see section 7.9.4 in IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). This may require the development of creative modalities for the provision of catch-up education in order to remain sensitive to the needs of youth, overcome obstacles, and maximize accessibility. For example: \/\/n Begin education (basic literacy, numeracy and primary education) during demobilization and begin youth on a trajectory that will enable easier integration into formal education. \/\/n Develop education programmes for different subsets of youth who are former members of armed forces and groups to best take into account their ability to learn and their level of development and maturity (e.g., through remedial education). \/\/n Provide initial bridging education in separate facilities (for a short time only) to build up to a minimal level of educational attainment before entering mainstream classes. \/\/n Train and mentor teachers in the provision of education to vulnerable, at-risk youth. \/\/n Train teachers to promote peaceful coexistence and adapt curricula accordingly. \/\/n Provide child-care facilities at all schools offering education for youth, to allow young mothers and youth who have responsibilities for dependents to attend. Childcare should be free and include a feeding\/nutritional programme. \/\/n Deliver vocational training on a part-time basis, so that it is possible to use the rest of the week for regular catch-up education. The mix of education and vocational training provides former combatants with a broader basis for finding long-term employment than simple vocational training. This system has the additional advantage of increasing the number of places available at training centres, which exist only in a limited number, as trainees will only attend two half-days of training a week, allowing many more people to be trained than if only one group attended full-time."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.8 Vocational training","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Vocational training can play a key role in the successful reintegration of young ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces or groups by increasing their chances to effectively participate in the labour market. By providing youth with the means to acquire \u2018employable skills,\u2019 vocational training can increase self-esteem and build confidence, while helping young people to (re)gain respect and appreciation from the community.Most armed conflicts result in the disruption of training and economic systems and, because of time spent in armed forces or groups, many young ex-combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups do not acquire the skills that lead to a job or to sustainable livelihoods. At the same time, the reconstruction and recovery of a conflict-affected country requires large numbers of skilled and unskilled persons. Training provision needs to reflect the balance between demand and supply, as well as the aspirations of youth DDR participants and beneficiaries.DDR practitioners should develop strong networks with local businesses and agriculturalists in their area of operation as early as possible to engage them as key stakeholders in the reintegration process and to enhance employment and livelihood options post-training. Partnerships with the private sector should be established early on to identify specific employment opportunities for youth post-training. This could include the development of apprenticeship programmes (see below), entering into Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with local chambers of commerce or orientation events bringing together key business and community leaders, local authorities, service providers, trade unions, and youth participants. DDR practitioners should explore opportunities to collaborate with vocational training institutes to see how they could adapt their programmes to specifically cater for demobilized youth.Employers\u2019, agriculturalists, and trade unions are important partners, as they may identify growth sectors in the economy, and provide assistance and advice to vocational training agencies. They can help to identify a list of national core competencies or curricula and create a system for national recognition of these competencies\/curricula. Employers\u2019 organizations can also encourage their members to offer on-the-job training to young employees by explaining the benefits to their businesses such as increased productivity and competitiveness, and reduced job turn-over and recruitment expenses.Systematic data on the labour market and on the quantitative and qualitative capacities of training partners may be unavailable in conflict-affected countries. Engagement with businesses, agriculturalists, and service providers at the national, sub-national and local levels is therefore vital to fill these knowledge gaps in real-time, and to sensitize these actors on the challenges faced by youth ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. DDR practitioners should also explore opportunities to collaborate with national and local authorities, other UN agencies\/programmes and any other relevant\/appropriate actors to promote the restoration of training facilities and institutions, apprenticeship education and training programmes, and the capacity building of trainers.For youth who have little or no experience of decent work, vocational training should include a broad range of training and livelihood options to provide young people with choice and control over decision-making that affects their lives. In rural settings, agricultural and animal husbandry, veterinary, and related skills may be more valuable and more marketable and should not be ignored as options. Specifically, consideration should be given to the type of training that female youth would prefer, rather than limiting them to training for roles that have traditionally been associated with females .The level of training should also match the need of the local economy to increase the probability of employment, so that the skills and expectations of youth match labour market needs, and training modalities should be developed to most appropriately reflect the learning needs of youth deprived of much of their schooling. As youth may have experienced trauma or loss, mental health and psychosocial support should be available during training to those who need it. Vocational training modalities should also specifically consider those with dependants (particularly young women) to enable them sustained access to training programmes. This may include supporting access to social protection measures such as kindergarten or other forms of childcare. In addition, it is important to understand the motivations and interests of young people as part of facilitating a match of training with the local economy needs.Young people require learning strategies that allow them to learn at their own pace. Learning approaches should be interactive and utilize appropriate new technologies, particularly when attempting to extend skills training to hard-to-reach youth. This may include digital resources and eLearning, as well as mobile skills-building facilities. The role of the trainer involved in these programmes should be that of a facilitator who encourages active learning, supports teamwork and provides a positive adult \u2018role model\u2019 for young participants. Traditional supply-driven and instructor-oriented training methods should be avoided.Where possible, and in order to prepare young people with no previous work experience for the highly competitive labour market, vocational training should be paired with apprenticeship and\/or on-the-job training opportunities. Trainees can then combine the skills they are learning with practical experience of norms and values, productivity and competition in the world of work. DDR practitioners should also plan staff development activities that aim at training existing or newly recruited vocational trainers in how to address the specific needs and experiences of young DDR participants and beneficiaries.Youth ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces or groups can experience further frustration and hopelessness if they do not find a job after having been involved in ineffective or poorly targeted training programme. These feelings can make re-recruitment more likely. One of the clearest lessons learned from past DDR programmes is that even after training, young combatants often struggle to succeed in weak economies that have been damaged by war, as do adults. Businesses owned by former members of armed forces and groups regularly fail due to market saturation, competition with highly qualified people already running the same kinds of businesses, limited experience in business start-up, management and development, and because of the very limited cash available to pay for goods and services in post-war societies. Youth may also be in competition for limited job opportunities with more experienced adults.To address these issues, reintegration programmes should more effectively empower youth by combining several skills in one course, e.g., home economics with tailoring, pastry or soap- making. This is because possession of a range of skills greatly improves the employability of young people. Also, providing easy-to-learn skills such as mobile phone repair makes young people less vulnerable and more adaptable to rapidly changing market demands. Together the acquisition of business skills and life skills (see above) can help young people become more effective in the market. Depending on the context, agricultural and animal husbandry, veterinary, and related skills should be considered.Training demobilized youth in trades they might identify as their preference should be avoided if the trades are not required in the labour market. The feeling of frustration and helplessness that might have caused people to take up arms in the first place only increases when they cannot find employment after training and could increase the risk of re-recruitment. Training and apprenticeship programmes should be adapted to young people\u2019s abilities, interests and needs, to enable them to complete the programme, which will both boost their employment prospects and bolster their self- confidence. A commitment to motivating young people to realize their potential is a vital part of successful programming and implementation.This can be achieved through greater involvement of both youth participants and the business community in reintegration programming and design. This can enable a more realistic appreciation of the economic context, the identification of interesting but non-standard alternatives (so long as they can lead to sustainable job prospects or livelihoods), and the development of initial relationships. Effective career or livelihood counselling will be central to this process, and it is therefore necessary to recruit DDR staff with skills not only in vocational and technical training provision, but also in working with youth. Where such capacities are not evident it is important to invest in capacity development before DDR staff make contact with programme participants."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.9 Employment Services","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Vocational training should be accompanied by high quality employment counselling and livelihood or career guidance. Young people who have been engaged with an armed force or armed group may have no experience of looking for employment, no professional contacts, and may not know what they can do or even want to do. Employment counselling, career guidance and labour market information that is grounded in the realities of the context can help youth ex-combatants and youth formerly associated with an armed force or group to: \\n manage the change from the military to civilian life and from childhood to adulthood; \\n understand the labour market; \\n identify opportunities for work and learning; \\n build important attitudes and life skills; \\n make decisions; \\n plan their career and life.Employment counselling and career and livelihood guidance should match the skills and aspirations of youth who have transitioned to civilian status with employment or education and training opportunities. Counselling and guidance should be offered as early as possible (and at an early stage of the DDR programme if one exists), so that they can play a key role in designing employment programmes, identifying education and training opportunities, and helping young ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces or groups make realistic choices. Female youth and youth with disabilities should receive tailored support to make choices that appropriately reflect their wishes rather than being pressured into following a career path that fits with social norms. This will require significant work with service providers, employers, family and the wider community to sensitize on these issues, and may necessitate additional training, capacity building and orientation of DDR staff to ensure that this is done effectively.Employment counsellors should work closely with the business community and youth both before and during vocational training. Employment services including counselling, career guidance, and directing young people to the appropriate jobs and educational institutions should also be offered to all young people seeking employment, not only those previously engaged with armed forces or groups. Such a community-based approach will demonstrate the benefit of accepting returning former members of armed forces and groups into the community. Employment and livelihood services must build on existing national structures and are normally under the control of the ministry of labour and\/or youth. DDR practitioners should be aware of fair recruitment principles and guidelines 3 and how they may apply to a DDR context when seeking to promote employment through both public employment services and private recruitment agencies."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.10 Public works programmes","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Public works programmes aim to build or rehabilitate public\/community assets and infrastructure that are vital for sustaining the livelihoods of a community. Examples are the rehabilitation of maintenance of roads, improving drainage, water supplies and sanitation, demining or environmental work including the planting of trees (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Public works programmes can be easily designed to create job opportunities for youth who are community members and\/or former members of armed forces and groups. There is always urgent work to be done in priority sectors \u2014 such as essential public facilities \u2014 and geographical areas, especially those most affected by armed conflict. Job-creation schemes may provide employment and income support and, at the same time, develop physical and social infrastructure. Such schemes should be designed to promote the value-chain, exploring the full range of activities needed to create a product or services, and should make use of locally available resources, whenever possible, to boost the sustainable economic impact.Although these programmes offer only a limited number of long-term jobs, they can provide immediate employment, increase the productivity of low-skilled youth and help young participants gain work experience that can be critical for more sustainable employment. A further key impact is that they can assist in raising the social status of youth former members of armed forces and groups from individuals who may be perceived as \u201cdestroyers\u201d to individuals who are considered \u201cconstructors\u201d. Chosen schemes can be part of special reconstruction projects to directly benefit youth, such as training centres, sports facilities, health facilities, schools, or places where young people can engage in local politics or play and listen to music. Such projects can be developed within the local construction industry and assist groups of youth to become small contractors. Community-based employment provides an ideal opportunity to mix young former members of armed forces and groups with other youth, paving the way for social reintegration, and should be made available equally to young women and men.Where possible, public works programmes shall be implemented immediately after young people transition from military to civilian status. Care must be taken to ensure that safe labour standards are prioritized, and that youth are given options in terms of the type of work available to them, and not forced into physically demanding work. The creation of employment-intensive work for youth should include other components such as flexible on-site training, mentoring, community services and psychosocial care (where necessary) to support their reintegration into society."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.11 Wage incentives","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Employers may be hesitant to hire youth who are former members of armed forces or groups for a wide range of reasons. These reasons may include distrust, image\/perceptions, as well as issues of discrimination linked to ethnicity, sociocultural background, political and\/or religious beliefs, gender, etc. To help overcome barriers and create opportunities, employers should be given incentives to hire youth or create apprenticeship places. For example, construction companies could receive certain DDR-related contracts on the condition that their labour force includes a high percentage of youth or even a specific group of youth, such as female youth who are ex-combatants. Wage subsidies and other incentives, such as tax exemptions for a limited period, can also be offered to employers who hire young former members of armed forces and groups. This can, for example, pay for the cost of initial training required for young workers. These subsidies can be particularly useful in enabling certain groups of youth to access the labour market (e.g., ex-combatants with disabilities), or areas of the labour market that may traditionally be off limits (e.g., female ex-combatants with a desire to work in traditionally male dominated areas).There are many schemes for sharing initial hiring costs between employers and government. The main issues to be decided are the length of the period in which young people will be employed; the amount of subsidy or other compensation employers will receive; and the type of contracts that young people will be offered. Employers may, for example, receive the same amount as the wage of each person hired or apprenticed. Other programmes combine subsidized employment with limited-term employment contracts for young people. Work training contracts may provide incentives to employers who recruit young former members of armed forces and groups and provide them with on-the-job training. Care should be taken to make sure that this opportunity includes youth who are former members of armed forces and groups, in order to incentivize employers to work with a group that they may have otherwise been wary of. Furthermore, DDR practitioners should develop an efficient monitoring system to make sure that training, mentoring and employment incentives are used to improve employability, rather than turn youth into a cheap source of labour."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.12 Trade unions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Trade unions should be encouraged to identify and share examples of good practice for organizing and recruiting young people. These include youth-recruiting-youth methods, networks of young trade union activists for sharing experiences, and other informal networks for exchanging information. Youth committees and working groups from different unions should be set up in order to share information, identify the needs and problems of young people and implement relevant policies and strategies. Young members can learn from other unions about how to open up job opportunities and improve working conditions. Tripartite consultations and collective bargaining can be used by unions to pressure governments and employers to deal with questions of youth employment and make youth issues part of policies and programmes. It is also a good idea to work with governments and workers\u2019 organizations to develop and implement strategies for youth reintegration that everyone involved supports. Decent work for youth can be made part of collective agreements negotiated by unions.Unions can also provide advice on workplace issues and proposed legislation, support and encourage the provision of social protection for both young people and adults, put pressure on employers and employers\u2019 organizations to prevent child labour, and make sure that young workers are informed about their rights and the role of trade unions."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.13 The private sector","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"The private sector can play an important role in reintegration, not only through employers\u2019 organizations, but also because individual companies can contribute to the socioeconomic (re)integration of young people. There are a great many potential initiatives that the private sector can contribute to, ranging from strategic dialogue to high-risk arrangements. The private sector may sponsor scholarships and support education by, for example: sponsoring young people working toward higher qualifications that provide relevant skills for the labour market; sponsoring special events or school infrastructure, such as books and computers or other office equipment; and establishing meaningful traineeships that provide young people with valuable work experience and help them reintegrate into society. The private sector should also be encouraged to support young entrepreneurs during the critical first years of their new business. Large firms could introduce mentorship or coaching programmes, and offer practical support such as providing non-financial resources by allowing young people to use company facilities (internet, printer, etc.), which is a low-cost yet effective way of helping them to start their own businesses or apply for jobs. Volunteer work at a large business provides young entrepreneurs with valuable expertise, knowledge, experience and advice. This could also be provided in seminars and workshops. The private sector can also provide start-up capital, for example, by holding competitions to provide young people who develop innovative business ideas with start- up funding.Networks of small businesses run by young people should be helped to cooperate with each other and with other businesses, as well as with institutions such as universities and specialized institutions in particular sectors of the economy, so that they can better compete with large, well- established companies. They can cooperate and share the costs of buying more expensive equipment, as well as share experiences and knowledge.Public\u2013private partnerships can also assist youth who are former members of armed forces and groups, for e.g., by working together to provide employment service centres for young people. Training centres, job centres and microfinance providers should be linked to members of the private sector, be well informed of the needs and potential of youth, and adapt their services to help this group."},{"ID":44,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.14 Youth Entrepreneurship","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"As there is often severe competition in post-conflict labour markets, youth will often have very limited access to existing jobs. The large majority of youth will need to start their own businesses, in groups or individually. To increase their success rate, DDR practitioners should: \\n\\n develop young people\u2019s ability to deal with the problems they will face in the world of work through business development education. They should learn the following sets of skills: \\n being enterprising \u2014 learning to see and respond to opportunities; \\n business development skills \u2014 learning to investigate and develop a business idea; \\n business management skills \u2014 learning how to get a business going and manage it successfully. \\n\\n develop the capacities of young entrepreneurs to manage businesses that positively contribute to sustainable development in their communities and societies and that do no harm. \\n\\n encourage business persons and agricultural leaders to support young (or young potential) entrepreneurs during the vital first years of their new enterprise by transferring their knowledge, experience and contacts to them. They can do this by providing on-the-job learning, mentoring, including them in their networks and associations, and using youth businesses to supply their own businesses. The more support a young entrepreneur receives in the first years of their business, the better their chances of creating a sustainable business or of becoming more employable. \\n\\n ensure business-focused DDR activities align with national priorities and strategies in order to maximise potential access to resources and government support. \\n\\n provide access to business training. Among several business training methods, Start Your Business, for start-ups, and Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) help train people who train entrepreneurs and through this multiplier effect, reach a large number of unemployed or potential business starters. SIYB is a sustainable and cost- effective method that equips young entrepreneurs with the practical management skills needed in a competitive business environment. If the illiteracy rate among young combatants is very high, other methods are available, such as Grassroots Management Training.4Youth entrepreneurship is more likely to be effective if supported by enabling policies and regulations. For example, efficient and fair regulations for business registration will help young people to start a business in the formal economy. Employers\u2019 organizations can play an important role in providing one-on-one mentoring to young entrepreneurs. Support from a mentor is particularly effective for young entrepreneurs during the first years of business start-up, since this is when youth enterprises tend to have high failure rates. It is important that youth themselves control the mentoring relationships they engage in to ensure these are formed on a voluntary basis and are positive in nature. Some youth may enjoy more formal structures, while for others an informal arrangement is preferable. Group-based youth entrepreneurship, in the form of associations or cooperatives, is another important way of providing decent jobs for youth ex-combatants and youth formerly associated with armed forces and groups. This is because many of the obstacles that young entrepreneurs face can be overcome by working in a team with other people. In recognition of this, DDR practitioners should encourage business start-ups in small groups and where possible there should be a balance between civilians and former members of armed forces and groups. DDR practitioners should empower these youth businesses by monitoring their performance and defending their interests through business advisory services, including them in employers\u2019 and workers\u2019 organizations, providing access to business development services and micro-finance, and creating a favourable environment for business development.A number of issues may also need to be tackled in relation to youth entrepreneurship, including: \\n the need for investment in premises and equipment (a warehouse, marketplace, cooling stores, workplace, equipment); \\n the size and nature of the local market (purchasing power and availability of raw materials); \\n the economic infrastructure (roads, communications, energy); and \\n the safety of the environment and of any new equipment.Given that such issues go beyond the scope of DDR, there should be direct links between DDR and other development initiatives or programmes to encourage national or international investments in these areas. Where possible, reintegration programmes should also source products and services from local suppliers."},{"ID":45,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.15 Microfinance for youth","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"Microcredit remains an important source of financial help for people who do not meet the criteria for regular bank loans and has wide reaching benefits in terms of enhancing social capital and facilitating conflict resolution and reconciliation through cross-group cooperation. Reintegration programmes should take active steps to provide microfinance options.The success of microfinance lies in its bottom-up approach, which allows for the establishment of new links among individuals, NGOs, governments and businesses. Traditionally, youth have largely been denied access to finance. While some young people are simply too young to sign legal contracts, there is also a perception that youth ex-combatants and youth formerly associated with armed forces and groups are unpredictable, volatile, and therefore a high-risk group for credits or investments. These prejudices tend to disempower youth, turning them into passive receivers of assistance rather than enabling them to take charge of their own lives.Microfinance holds great potential for young people. Youth should be allowed access to loans within small cooperatives in which they can buy essential assets as a group. When the group members have together been able to save or accumulate some capital, the savings or loans group can be linked to, or even become, a microfinance institution with access to donor capital.Governments should assist youth to get credits on favourable terms to help them start their own business, e.g., by guaranteeing loans through microfinance institutions or temporarily subsidizing loans. In general, providing credit is a controversial issue, whether it aims at creating jobs or making profits. It is thus important to determine which lending agencies can best meet the specific needs of young entrepreneurs. With adequate support, such credit agencies can play an important role in helping young people to become successful entrepreneurs. Depending on the case, the credit can either be publicly or privately funded, or through a public-private partnership that would increase the buy-in of the local business community into the reintegration process.Microfinance programmes designed specifically for youth should be accompanied by complementary support services, including business training and other non-financial services such as business development services, information and counselling, skills development, and networking."},{"ID":46,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.16 The role of families and communities","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"The reintegration of young former members of armed forces and groups is more likely to be successful they receive support from their families. The family unit provides critical initial needs (shelter, food, clothing, etc.) and the beginning of a social network that can be crucial to community acceptance and finding employment, both important factors in minimising the risk of re-recruitment and in successful, sustained reintegration. Youth-focused reintegration programmes should develop initiatives that promote family reintegration through preparing families for youth returns, providing support to families who welcome back youth who are reintegrating, and working with families and communities to come together to reduce potential stigma that the family may experience for welcoming back a former member of an armed force or group.After serving in armed groups or forces in which they had status and even power, youth are likely to experience a sudden drop in their influence in families and communities. A community- based approach that elevates the position of youth and ensures their social and political inclusion, is central to the successful reintegration of youth. Young men and women should be explicitly involved in the decision-making structures that affect the reintegration process, to allow them to express their specific concerns and needs, and to build their sense of ownership of post-conflict reconstruction processes.Youth-focused reintegration programmes should emphasise the identification and support of role models to provide leadership to all youth. This may include young women who are engaged in non-gender-traditional employment to demonstrate the possibilities open to young women and to provide mentoring support to others in training and employment choices. Equally, it may include young men who challenge gender norms and promote non-violent conflict management who can help to change attitudes towards gender and violence in both young men and women. Youth who have successfully transitioned from military to civilian life may serve as mentors to those who have more recently made the transition, preferably in a group setting alongside civilian youth so as to avoid stigma and isolation."},{"ID":47,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.2 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.2.17 Voice, participation and representation","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"Political marginalization is a significant driving factor behind youth (re-)recruitment into armed forces and groups. Ensuring that youth have necessary and appropriate levels of voice and representation in their communities and nationally is a critical element of successful reintegration.Reintegration support should aim to create opportunities for young people\u2019s civic and political engagement at the local level, including strategies for ensuring the inclusion of youth former combatants and youth formerly associated with armed forces and groups in local decision-making processes. Programmatic collaboration with community-based organizations and NGOs engaging in political development initiatives (for e.g., political party capacity development and the establishment of youth parliaments) to identify and promote opportunities for youth engagement can be a useful way to develop this stream of work. At the national level, DDR practitioners should coordinate and collaborate with national youth organisations to help facilitate social relations with peers and opportunities to engage in youth-led political initiatives. This should be accompanied by the aforementioned life-skills, including civic education, which could be jointly attended by civilian youth, to ensure a conflict sensitive approach.Youth ex-combatants and youth formerly associated with armed forces and groups have the potential to play a significant, positive role in peace building. Reintegration programmes should therefore make significant resources available to promote youth as agents of change. Programmatic interventions seeking to promote the role of youth as peaceful agents of change might include: \\n a training programme for youth (former members of armed forces and groups and otherwise) in political mediation, grassroots organization and advocacy. \\n a youth-led community peace education programme utilising creative platforms (e.g. sport, music, visual arts, theatre and dance) to promote a culture of non-violence and peace \\n a youth managed peer education and mentoring programme promoting equality, trust and thought-provoking learning on issues such as SGBV, social inclusion, violence prevention, climate change and sustainable development, among others. \\n an activity reusing scrapped weapons for artistic and symbolic purposes could be included as a reintegration activity involving community youth in an effort to build confidence and connections between youth, as well as leave lasting messages for peace in communities. \\n a small grants facility for youth (both former members of armed forces and groups and otherwise) supporting youth designed and implemented social programmes that have an articulated community benefit. \\n a community-driven development facility that brings youth (both former members of armed forces and groups and otherwise) together with community leaders to identify, design and implement small infrastructure projects benefiting the community (and providing employment). \\n a local-level political forum that enables youth to engagement in local decision-making processes and provides referral services for access to resources. \\n a national dialogue process, coordinating with other relevant youth actors, to lobby for greater youth participation in the formal political process and give youth a seat at the table at local, sub- national and national levels.Such an approach should promote the inclusion of all youth, male and female, whether former members of armed forces or groups or not. However, it is critical that such interventions are youth owned and that it is the youth themselves who drive these initiatives forward. DDR practitioners and community leaders can work with local and national authorities, formal and informal, to help open up space for youth to pursue these activities. This might be by first engaging in joint activities that benefit the community and demonstrate the positive effect youth can have on the reconstruction process. This is important as Governments should be convinced of the \u2018added value\u2019 of youth involvement in reconstruction activities and of the positive reasons for investing in youth.After leaving armed forces and groups, youth may wish to retain some linkage with the political entity of the armed group to which they were previously affiliated. Every person has the legal right to freedom of political expression, which should be considered and supported at all stages of the planning and implementation of youth-focused DDR. DRR practitioners shall ensure that youth are not inadvertently prevented from freely expressing their rights."},{"ID":48,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.3 DDR support to mediation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":31,"Paragraph":"Young people often lack a structured platform and the opportunity to have their voice heard by decision makers, comprised mainly of the elder generation. For this reason, the process by which national level peace agreements are negotiated often provides very little space for young people to share their perspectives. To counteract this, youth often create their own youth forums and networks. In some settings, interaction between different youth networks has been used to encourage trust- building between different communities and to reduce the risk of escalation to armed conflict. Some young people also informally mediate conflicts at the community level.The likelihood that a peace agreement will be sustainable in the future depends on the engagement of young people, as the ultimate owners, implementers and stakeholders of the peace process. UN Security Council Resolution 2250 recognises this, urging Member States to increase inclusive representation of youth in decision making, including direct involvement in peace processes.While youth may have the energy, flexibility and time to work on peacebuilding they may also lack exposure to education, theory, technical skill and best practice around peacebuilding and mediation. They may also be vulnerable to being instrumentalized by spoilers or other political actors during peace processes. Where possible, DDR practitioners should support the empowerment of youth to act as agents of positive change by advocating for youth representation in peace processes and for spaces through which youth can apply creative approaches to conflict resolution. DDR practitioners should also invest in the capacity development of young women and men in mediation and dialogue, and aim to strengthen existing youth-led efforts. All youth empowerment efforts should be developed and designed in consultation with young people. Seeing youth as positive assets for society and acting on that new perception is vital to prevent alienation."},{"ID":49,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.4 Community violence reduction","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":32,"Paragraph":"CVR programmes are bottom-up interventions that focus on the reduction of armed violence at the local level by fostering improved social cohesion and providing incentives to resist recruitment. CVR programmes may include an explicit focus on youth, including youth ex-combatants and youth formerly associated with armed forces and groups. In addition, CVR programmes may explicitly target individuals who are not members of an armed group, but who are at risk of recruitment by such groups. This may include youth who are ineligible to participate in a DDR programme, but who exhibit the potential to build peace and to contribute to the prevention of recruitment in their community. Wherever possible, youth should be represented in CVR Project Selection Committees and youth organizations should be engaged as project partners. In instances where CVR is due to be followed by support to community-based reintegration then CVR and community-based reintegration should, from the outset, be planned as a single and continuous programme.In addition, where safe and appropriate, children may be included in CVR programmes, consistent with relevant national and international legal safeguards, including on the involvement of children in hazardous work, to ensure their rights, needs and well-being are carefully accounted for.If the individuals being considered for inclusion in a CVR programme have left an armed group designated as a terrorist organization by the UN Security Council, then proper screening mechanisms and criteria shall be incorporated to identify (and exclude) individuals who may have committed terrorist acts in compliance with international law (for further information on specific requirements see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR and IDDRS 6.50 on Armed Groups Designated as Terrorist Organizations). For further information on CVR, see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction."},{"ID":50,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.5 Transitional weapons and ammunition management ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":32,"Paragraph":"Transitional WAM is primarily aimed at reducing the capacity of individuals and groups to engage in armed violence and conflict. Transitional WAM also aims to reduce accidents and save lives by addressing the immediate risks related to the possession of weapons, ammunition and explosives. In order to design effective transitional WAM measures targeting youth, it is essential to understand the factors contributing to the proliferation and misuse of weapons, ammunition and explosives. As outlined in MOSAIC 6.20 on Children, Adolescents, Youth and Small Arms and Light Weapons, armed violence puts youth at risk by threatening their security, health, education, wellbeing and development, both during and after conflict. By far the greatest risk of death and injury by gunshot is borne by young males aged 15 to 29. The risks to and behaviour of young men are often influenced by social and group norms related to masculinity and manhood. As young men constitute the primary victims and perpetrators of armed violence, they should play a central role in the development of transitional WAM initiatives. Equally, young women, both as victims and perpetrators can offer an alternative and no less important perspective. While it may not be possible to keep youth physically separate from weapons and ammunition in the context of a transitional WAM initiative (such as when youth are handing over weapons during a collection programme), such physical separation should be imposed to the extent possible in order to minimise risks. It should also be kept in mind that youth may be targeted by individuals, such as former commanders, who seek to discourage T-WAM initiatives. Special attention should therefore be given to ensuring their protection and security. The priorities and inputs of youth should be taken into account, as relevant, throughout the planning, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of transitional WAM initiatives. For further information, see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management."},{"ID":51,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR","Heading2":"7.6 Monitoring and follow up","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":32,"Paragraph":"It is vital to monitor and follow-up with youth DDR participants and beneficiaries. For children under the age of 18 the guidance in IDDRS 5.20 should be followed. In developing follow-up monitoring and support services for older youth, it is critical to provide a platform for feedback on the impact of DDR (positive and negative) to promote participation and representation and give youth a voice on their rights, aspirations, and perspectives which are critical for sustainable outcomes. Youth should also be sensitized on how to seek follow-up support from DDR practitioners, or relevant government or civil society actors, linked to service provision as well as how to address protection issues or other barriers to reintegration that they may face."},{"ID":52,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"8. Criminal accountability and responsibility","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":32,"Paragraph":"Treating all youth, in the same manner, irrespective of age, when it comes to criminal responsibility and accountability presents a challenge because the definition of youth includes children under the age of 18, who have the right to special protection through child justice mechanisms, as well as adults, who are subject to standard criminal processes.To be sure that children are afforded their rights and protection under law, where there is any question about whether the person is a child, an age assessment shall be conducted before any kind of criminal process, interrogation, or prosecution occurs. Any judicial proceedings for children shall respect internationally recognized juvenile justice and fair trial standards, with a focus on recovery and restorative justice in order to assist children\u2019s physical, psychological and social recovery.5 Where no separate juvenile justice system is in place, cases should be handled by civilian authorities who have special training in child-friendly procedures, rather than military or intelligence authorities. All judicial actions relating to children shall take place in the presence of the child\u2019s appointed legal representative or other appropriate assistance, whose role it is to protect the rights and interests of the child, and unless contrary to the best interests of the child, in the presence of the child\u2019s parents or legal guardians.Most youth will fall over the minimum age of criminal responsibility (recommended to be 14- 16 by the Committee on the Rights of the Child), and thus may be held liable for crimes that they commit. Nevertheless, children, as victims of recruitment and use, should not be deprived of their liberty, prosecuted, punished or threatened with prosecution or punishment solely for their membership in armed forces or groups, consistent with Article 8.7 of the Paris Principles. National laws that criminalize child association effectively criminalize the child\u2019s status (associated) which results from an adult\u2019s criminal conduct (recruitment and use), and that violates the human rights of the child. Such laws should not apply to children. In addition, as for adults, expressions of support for particular groups, acts, or ideologies that do not rise to the level of legally defined crimes, should not constitute criminal offenses. Children should not be interrogated as a suspect or prosecuted due to the actual or alleged affiliation of a family member. With respect to children suspected of committing crimes, due consideration shall be given to children\u2019s right to child-specific due process and minimum standards based on their age, needs and specific vulnerabilities, including for example, the right to legal representation, prioritizing the child\u2019s best interests, protections against self- incrimination, and support from their families (see IDDRS 5.20 Children and DDR for more guidance). Any processes for youth who were recruited and used by an armed force or group as children but who were demobilized as adults should consider their status as a child at the time of the alleged offense and the coercive environment under which they lived or been forced to act. For example, a youth who is demobilized as an adult, but became associated as a child and who is suspected of committing a crime before reaching the age of 18, should, be subject to the criminal procedure relevant for juveniles in the jurisdiction and the court should consider the fact that the individual was recruited as a child as a mitigating factor. If a youth is suspected of committing multiple offences, some before and some after he or she has reached 18 years of age, states should consider establishing procedures that allow the application of juvenile procedures in respect of all offences alleged to have been committed, when there are reasonable grounds to do so.6"},{"ID":53,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Youth and DDR","Heading1":"Annex B: Sample Profiling Questions on Reintegration","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.30 Youth and DDR","PageNum":34,"Paragraph":"\\n\\n Basic Information \\n Sex \\n Date of Birth\/Age \\n Ethnic Group\/Tribe\/Clan \\n Place of Origin \\n City and Community of Reintegration \\n Marital Status \\n Number of Children and Dependants \\n Number of school aged children \\n Household Size \\n\\n Income Generation\/Economic Situation \\n Do you and your family have a place to live? \\n How do you support your family financially now? \\n What type of work do you do now or in the past? \\n Do any other members of your household earn an income? \\n How much money do you earn per month on average? \\n What is the total earned per month of all working household members? \\n Over the last few months, how often have you had to reduce the quantity or quality of food you eat because of its cost? \\n If necessary, are you able to borrow money from banks, family, friends or other traditional loans systems? If not, why? \\n Do you borrow money? If yes, how frequently? \\n Do you currently work? If yes, what are your sources of income? \\n If you are unemployed, what support\/skills do you need to find work? \\n\\n Perceived Challenges\/Barriers to Reintegration \\n What are the biggest challenges you face? \\n\\n Perceived strengths \\n What are your strengths? What professional skills do you have? \\n\\n Support System \\n Do you have any trusted persons (from your family, community, etc.) that you can seek help from or talk to if you need support? Who are these persons? \\n\\n Psychosocial wellbeing \\n How often are you invited to participate in social activities (family reunions, family events, weddings, religious events, community events)? \\n Do you feel you are part of the community where you currently live? \\n What safety concerns do you currently have? \\n How frequently do you experience important tensions or conflicts between you and your family since you returned?"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.40 Cross-border Population Movements.json b/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.40 Cross-border Population Movements.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cd2af1 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.40 Cross-border Population Movements.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"This module offers advice to policy makers and operational staff of agencies dealing with combatants and associated civilians moving across international borders on how to work closely together to establish regional strategies for disarmament, demobilization and rein\u00ad tegration (DDR) processes.Armed conflicts are increasingly characterized by \u2018mixed population movements\u2019 of combatants and civilians moving across international borders, as well as lines of conflict spilling over and across State boundaries. Because many previous DDR programmes lacked a regional dimension that took this reality into account, the \u2018recycling\u2019 of combatants from conflict to conflict within a region and even beyond has become an increasing problem. However, combatants are not the only people who are highly mobile in times of complex emergency. Given that the majority of people fleeing across borders are civilians seeking asylum, it remains vital for the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum to be preserved by host States, with the support of the international community. Combatants must therefore be separated from civilians in order to maintain States\u2019 internal and external security and to safeguard asylum for refugees, as well as to find appropriate long\u00adlasting ways of assisting the various population groups concerned, in accordance with international law standards."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"This module attempts to answer the following questions: \\n What are the population groups connected with combatants moving across interna\u00ad tional borders? \\n What are the standards and legal frameworks governing their treatment? What are recommendations for action on both sides of the border? \\n What are the roles and responsibilities of international and national agencies on both sides of the border?The module discusses issues relating to foreign adult combatants, foreign women asso\u00ad ciated with armed groups and forces in non\u00adcombat roles, foreign children associated with armed groups and forces, civilian family members\/dependants of foreign combatants, and cross\u00adborder abductees. Their status at various phases \u2014 upon crossing into a host country, at the stage of DDR and repatriation planning, and upon return to and reintegration in their country of origin \u2014 is discussed, and ways of dealing with those who do not repatriate are explored.The module\u2019s aims to provide guidance to agencies supporting governments to fulfil their obligations under international law in deciding on the appropriate treatment of the population groups connected with cross\u00adborder combatants.The principles in this module are intended to be applied not only in formal DDR pro\u00ad grammes, but also in situations where there may be no such programme (and perhaps no United Nations [UN] mission), but where activities related to the identification of foreign combatants, disarmament, demobilization, internment, repatriation and reintegration or other processes are nevertheless needed in response to the presence of foreign combatants on a State\u2019s territory."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"This module is intended primarily for policy makers and operational staff of agencies deal\u00ad ing with combatants and associated civilians moving across international borders, regardless of whether or not there are DDR programmes on either side of the border. The guidelines offered in it are also aimed at assisting governments to fulfil their international obligations, and at guiding donors in making funding decisions. They are based on relevant provisions of international law, field experience and lessons learned from a number of operations, par\u00ad ticularly in Africa.This module on cross\u00adborder population movements has been included in the integrated DDR standards because of the regional and international dimensions of conflicts and the impact on population movements: wars lead to both combatants and civilians crossing borders; there are regional and international causes and actors; and cross\u00adborder combatants can a pose a threat to regional and international security. At the end of a conflict, repatriation and sustainable reintegration are needed for both combatants and civilians, contributing to the creation of properly functioning communities in the country of origin. For some, local integration in the host country \u2014 or, in exceptional cases, third\u00adcountry resettlement \u2014 will be the appropriate long\u00adterm course of action."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"International law provides a framework for dealing with cross\u00adborder movements of com\u00ad batants and associated civilians. In particular, neutral States have an obligation to identify, separate and intern foreign combatants who cross into their territory, to prevent the use of their territory as a base from which to engage in hostilities against another State. In con\u00ad sidering how to deal with foreign combatants in a DDR programme, it is important to recognize that they may have many different motives for crossing international borders, and that host States in turn will have their own agendas for either preventing or encour\u00ad aging such movement.No single international agency has a mandate for issues relating to cross\u00adborder movements of combatants, but all have an interest in ensuring that these issues are prop\u00ad erly dealt with, and that States abide by their international obligations. Therefore, DDR\u00adrelated processes such as identification, disarmament, separation, internment, demo\u00ad bilization and reintegration of combatants, as well as building State capacity in host countries and countries of origin, must be carried out within an inter\u00adagency framework. Annex B contains an overview of key inter\u00adnational agencies with relevant mandates that could be expected to assist governments to deal with regional and cross\u00adborder issues relating to combatants in host countries and countries of origin.Foreign combatants are not necessarily \u2018mercenaries\u2019 within the definition of interna\u00ad tional law; and since achieving lasting peace and stability in a region depends on the ability of DDR programmes to attract and retain the maximum possible number of former com\u00ad batants, careful distinctions are necessary between foreign combatants and mercenaries. It is also essential, however, to ensure coherence between DDR processes in adjacent countries in regions engulfed by conflict in order to prevent combatants from moving around from process to process in the hopes of gaining benefits in more than one place.Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups should be treated separately from adult foreign combatants, and should be given special protection and assistance dur\u00ad ing the DDR process, with a particular emphasis on rehabilitation and reintegration. Their social reintegration, recovery and reconciliation with their communities may work better if they are granted protection such as refugee status, following an appropriate process to determine if they deserve that status, while they are in host countries.Civilian family members of foreign combatants should be treated as refugees or asylum seekers, unless there are individual circumstances that suggest they should be treated dif\u00ad ferently. Third\u00adcountry nationals\/civilians who are not seeking refugee status \u2014 such as cross\u00adborder abductees \u2014 should be assisted to voluntarily repatriate or find another long\u00ad term course of action to assist them within an applicable framework and in close consultation\/ collaboration with the diplomatic representations of their countries of nationality.At the end of an armed conflict, UN missions should support host countries and countries of origin to find long\u00adterm solutions to the problems faced by foreign combatants. The primary solution is to return them in safety and dignity to their country of origin, a process that should be carried out in coordination with the voluntary repatriation of their civilian family members.When designing and implementing DDR programmes, the regional dimensions of the conflict should be taken into account, ensuring that foreign combatants who have parti\u00ad cipated in the war are eligible for such programmes, as well as other individuals who have crossed an international border with an armed force or group and need to be repatriated and included in DDR processes. DDR programmes should therefore be open to all persons who have taken part in the conflict, regardless of their nationality, and close coordination and links should be formed among all DDR programmes in a region to ensure that they are coherently planned and implemented.As a matter of principle and because of the nature of his\/her activities, an active foreign combatant cannot be considered as a refugee. However, a former combatant who has gen\u00ad uinely given up military activities and become a civilian may at a later stage be given refugee status, provided that he\/she applies for this status after a reasonable period of time and is not \u2018excludable from international protection\u2019 on account of having committed crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, serious non\u00adpolitical crimes outside the country of refuge before entering that country, or acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) assists governments in host countries to determine whether demobilized former combatants are eligible for refugee status using special procedures when they ask for asylum."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"5. The context of regional conflicts and cross-border population movements","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Forced displacement is mainly caused by the insecurity of armed conflict. Conflicts that cause refugee movements across international borders by definition involve neighbouring States, and thus have regional security implications. As is evident in recent conflicts in Africa in particular, the lines of conflict frequently run across State boundaries, because they are being fought by people with ethnic, cultural, political and military ties that are not confined to one country. The mixed movements of populations that result are very complex and involve not only refugees, but also combatants and civilians associated with armed groups and forces, including family members and other dependants, cross\u00adborder abductees, etc.The often\u00adinterconnected nature of conflicts within a region, recruitment (both forced and voluntary) across borders and the \u2018recycling\u2019 of combatants from conflict to conflict within a region has meant that not only nationals of a country at war, but also foreign com\u00ad batants may be involved in the struggle. When wars come to an end, it is not only refugees who are in need of repatriation and reintegration, but also foreign combatants and associated civilians. DDR programmes need to be regional in scope in order to deal with this reality. Enormous complexities are involved in managing mass influxes and mixed population movements of combatants and civilians. Combatants\u2019 status may not be obvious, as many arrive without weapons and in civilian clothes. At the same time, however, especially in societies where there are large numbers of weapons, not everyone who arrives with a weap\u00ad on is a combatant or can be presumed to be a combatant (refugee influxes usually include young males and females escaping from forced recruitment). The sheer size of population movements can be overwhelming, sometimes making it impossible to carry out any screen\u00ading of arrivals.Whereas refugees by definition flee to seek sanctuary, combatants who cross inter\u00ad national borders may have a range of motives for doing so \u2014 to launch cross\u00adborder attacks, to escape from the heat of battle before re\u00ad grouping to fight, to desert permanently, to seek refuge, to bring family members and other dependants to safety, to find food, etc. Their reasons for moving with civilians may be varied \u2014 not only to protect and assist their dependants, but also sometimes to ex\u00ad ploit civilians as human shields and to prevent voluntary repatriation, to use refugee camps as a place for rest and recuperation between attacks or as a recruiting and\/or training ground, and to divert humanitarian assistance for military purposes. Civilians may be supportive of or intimidated by combatants. The presence of combatants and militarized camps close to border areas may provoke cross\u00ad border reprisals and risk a spillover of the conflict. Host countries may also have their own reasons for sheltering foreign combatants, since complete neutrality is probably rare in today\u2019s conflicts, and in addition there may be a lack of political will and capacity to prevent foreign combatants from entering a neighbouring country. In their responses to mixed cross\u00ad border population movements, the international community should take into account these complexities.Experience has shown that DDR processes directed at nationals of a specific country in isolation have failed to adequately deal with the problems of combatants being recycled from conflict to conflict within (and sometimes even outside) a region, and with the spillover effects of such wars. In addition, the failure of host countries to identify, disarm and separate foreign combatants from refugee populations has contributed to endless cycles of security problems, including militarization of and attacks on refugee camps and settlements, xeno\u00ad phobia, and failure to maintain asylum for refugees. These issues compromise the neutrality of aid work and pose a security threat to the host State and surrounding countries.The disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation, reintegration and repatriation of com\u00ad batants and associated civilians therefore require a stronger and more consistent cross\u00adborder focus, involving both host countries and countries of origin and benefiting both national and foreign combatants. This dimension has increasingly been recognized by the UN in its recent peacekeeping operations.1"},{"ID":6,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"International law lays down obligations for host countries with regard to foreign combatants and associated civilians who cross their borders. This framework is derived from the laws of neutrality, international humanitarian law, human rights law and refugee law, as well as international principles governing the conduct of inter\u00adState relations. These different areas of law provide grounds for the identification and separation of foreign combatants from civilians who cross an international border, as well as for the disarmament and internment of foreign combatants until either they can be repatriated or another course of action can be found at the end of the conflict.As long as a host country fulfils its obligations under international law, it may also rely on its national law: e.g., the criminal law can be used to prosecute cross\u00adborder combatants in order to protect national security, prevent subversive activities, and deal with illegal arms possession and forced recruitment."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians","Heading2":"6.1. The Charter of the United Nations","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Under Article 2(4) of the Charter of the UN, States have an obligation to \u201crefrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations\u201d (this is regarded as customary international law binding on all States). This article should be read and interpreted within the wider spirit of the Charter, and parti\u00ad cularly article 1, which includes among the aims of the UN the maintenance of international peace and security, the development of friendly relations among nations and the resolution of international problems. Therefore, in addition to refraining from actions that might endanger peace and security, States also have a duty to take steps to strengthen peace and encourage friendly relations with others. Article 2(4) provides the foundation for the premise that States have an obligation to disarm, separate and intern foreign combatants.UN General Assembly resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970, which adopted the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Coop\u00ad eration among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, prohibits the indirect use of armed force, through assisting, encouraging or tolerating armed activities against another State by irregular forces, armed bands or individuals, whether nationals or foreigners.2"},{"ID":8,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians","Heading2":"6.2. The law of neutrality","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"The law of neutrality requires neutral States to disarm foreign combatants, separate them from civilian populations, intern them at a safe distance from the conflict zone and pro\u00ad vide humane treatment until the end of the war, in order to ensure that they no longer pose a threat or continue to engage in hostilities. Neutral States are also required to provide such interned combatants with humane treatment and conditions of internment.The Hague Convention of 1907 dealing with the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Land, which is considered to have attained customary law status, making it binding on all States, sets out the rules governing the conduct of neutral States. Although it relates to international armed conflicts, it is generally accepted as appli\u00ad cable by analogy also to internal armed conflicts in which foreign combatants from govern\u00ad ment armed forces or opposition armed groups have entered the territory of a neutral State. It contains an obligation to intern such combatants, as is described in detail in section 7.3.7 of this module."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians","Heading2":"6.3. International humanitarian law","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"In accordance with article 4(B)2 of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949 relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, foreign combatants interned by neutral States are entitled to treatment and conditions of internment given to prisoners of war under the Convention.Additional Protocol II, relating to Protection of Victims of Non\u00adInternational Armed Conflicts, provides in Part II for humane, non\u00addiscriminatory treatment for those who do not take a direct part or who have ceased to take part in hostilities, whether or not their liberty has been restricted.These standards are discussed in section 7.3.7 of this paper dealing with the internment of adult foreign combatants."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians","Heading2":"6.4. Human rights law","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"The 1984 UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment contains a broad non\u00adrefoulement provision, which states that: \u201cNo State shall expel, return (\u2018refouler\u2019) or extradite a person to another State where there are sub\u00ad stantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture\u201d (art. 3[1]). As there are no exceptions to this non\u00adrefoulement provision, foreign combatants may benefit from this prohibition against forcible return to a country of origin in situations where there are grounds to believe that they would be at risk of torture if returned. \u201cFor the purposes of determining whether there are such grounds, the competent authorities shall take into account all relevant considerations including, where applicable, the existence in the State concerned of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violation of human rights\u201d (art. 3[2]).Several UN and regional conventions protect children caught up in armed conflict, in\u00ad cluding the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the 2000 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Con\u00adflict (for details, see IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).International law standards on detention are relevant to internment of foreign com\u00ad batants, e.g., the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons Under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment,3 UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners,4 and the Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners.5"},{"ID":11,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians","Heading2":"6.5. Refugee law","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"A refugee is defined in the 1951 UN Convention and 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees as a person who: \\n is outside his\/her country of origin; \\n has a well\u00adfounded fear of persecution because of race, religion, nationality, member\u00ad ship of a particular social group or political opinion; \\n is unable or unwilling to avail him\u00ad\/herself of the protection of that country, or to return there, owing to the well\u00adfounded fear of persecution.Later regional instruments extended this definition. The 1969 Organization of African Unity (OAU) Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa repeats the 1951 Convention\u2019s definition of a refugee, but also covers any person who, \u201cowing to external aggression, occupation, foreign domination or events seriously disturbing public order in either part or the whole of his country of origin or nationality, is compelled to leave his place of habitual residence in order to seek refuge in another place outside his country of origin or nationality\u201d (art. 1[2]). This means that in Africa, persons fleeing civil distur\u00ad bances, widespread violence and war are entitled to refugee status in States parties to the OAU Convention, whether or not they have a well\u00adfounded fear of persecution. In Latin America, the Cartagena Declaration of 1984, although not binding, recommends that the definition of a refugee used in the region should include, in addition to those fitting the 1951 Convention definition, persons who fled their country \u201cbecause their lives, safety or freedom have been threatened by generalized violence, foreign aggression, internal conflicts, massive violations of human rights or other circumstances which have seriously disturbed public order\u201d. Some Latin American States have incorporated this definition into their national legislation.The 1951 Convention \u2014 and also the 1969 OAU Convention \u2014 explicitly defines those who do not deserve international protection as refugees, even if they meet the above defi\u00ad nitions. These exclusion clauses are particularly relevant in the case of former combatants who have committed crimes against humanity, war crimes, etc., and are discussed in more detail in section 13.3.4.The instruments of refugee law set out a range of obligations of States parties, as well as rights and duties of refugees. The fundamental obligation of a country of asylum is not to \u201cexpel or return (\u2018refouler\u2019) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion\u201d (art.e 33[1] of the 1951 UN Convention). However, there is an exception to this rule, permitting return to the country of origin in the case of \u201ca refugee whom there are reasonable grounds for regarding as a danger to the security of the country in which he is, or who, having been convicted by a final judg\u00ad ment of a particularly serious crime, constitutes a danger to the community of that country\u201d (art. 33[2]).While the humanitarian character of asylum is implicit in the 1951 UN Convention, its definition of a refugee describes a victim of serious human rights violations, and it pro\u00ad vides an obligation for refugees to obey the laws and public order measures of the host country. It does not, however, deal explicitly with issues relating to combatants. Neverthe\u00ad less, principles relating to the humanitarian and civilian character of asylum have been developed in the OAU Refugee Convention and in recommendations of UNHCR\u2019s Executive Committee (the governing body of representatives of States) and have been reaffirmed by the UN General Assembly.The OAU Convention specifies that \u201cthe grant of asylum to refugees is a peaceful and humanitarian act and shall not be regarded as an unfriendly act by any Member State\u201d and highlights the need to make \u201ca distinction between a refugee who seeks a peaceful and normal life and a person fleeing his country for the sole purpose of fomenting subver\u00ad sion from outside\u201d and to be \u201cdetermined that the activities of such subversives should be discouraged, in accordance with the Declaration on the Problem of Subversion and Reso\u00ad lution of the Problem of Refugees adopted in Accra in 1965\u201d. Under article III of the OAU Convention, refugees not only have a duty to obey the laws of the country of asylum, but must also abstain from subversive activities against other countries. Parties to the OAU Convention undertake to prohibit refugees residing in their countries from attacking other countries, by any activities likely to cause tensions with other countries. Under article II, countries of asylum have an obligation \u201cas far as possible [to] settle refugees at a reasonable distance from the frontier of their country of origin\u201d.The UNHCR Executive Committee has formulated a number of conclusions, providing guidance for protection during mixed population movements. Conclusion 94 on preserving the humanitarian and civilian character of asylum is attached as Annex C. It recommends, among other things, that States receiving influxes of refugees and combatants should take measures as early as possible to: \\n disarm armed elements; \\n identify and separate combatants from the refugee population; \\n intern combatants.These recommendations are reaffirmed in various UN General Assembly resolutions. The General Assembly has \u201curge[d] States to uphold the civilian and humanitarian character of refugee camps and settlements, consistent with international law, inter alia, through effec\u00ad tive measures to prevent the infiltration of armed elements, to identify and separate any such armed elements from refugee populations, to settle refugees at safe locations, where possible away from the border, and to ensure prompt and unhindered access to them by humanitarian personnel\u201d.6 The General Assembly has also \u201cwelcom[ed] the increased atten\u00ad tion being given by the United Nations to the problem of refugee camp security, including through the development of operational guidelines on the separation of armed elements from refugee populations\u201d.7 In a report to the General Assembly, the UNHCR Executive Committee has recommended that the international community \u201cmobiliz[e] . . . adequate resources to support and assist host States in maintaining the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum, including in particular through disarmament of armed elements and the identification, separation and internment of combatants\u201d.8The exclusively civilian and humanitarian character of asylum serves several purposes: it reduces potential tensions between countries of asylum and origin; it provides refugees with better protection; it allows the identification and separation of armed elements; and it helps to deal with internal and external security problems. A foreigner planning or carrying out military\u00adrelated activities in the host country is therefore not a refugee, and the host country must prevent foreign armed elements from using its territory to attack another State and prevent genuine refugees from joining them."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.1. Context","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"The varying reasons for the arrival of foreign combatants in a host country, as well as whether or not that country is involved in armed conflict, will be among the factors that determine the response of the host country and that of the international community. For example, foreign combatants may enter a country directly involved in armed conflict; they may be in a country that is a neutral neighbouring State; or they may be in a non\u00adneutral country not directly involved in the conflict. Host countries may have political sympathies or State interests with regard to one of the parties to a conflict, and this may affect their policies or responses to influxes of combatants mixed in with refugees. Even if the host country is not neutral, international agencies should highlight the benefits to the host country and the region of complying with the international law framework described above. Awareness\u00adraising, training and ad\u00ad vocacy efforts, as well as individual country strategies to deal with issues of State capacity, cooperation and compliance with interna\u00ad tional obligations and recommended actions, should be carried out."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.2. Key agencies","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Key international agencies that could assist governments with issues relating to adult combatants include the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), UNHCR, the UN High Commission on Human Rights (UNHCHR), the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the World Food Programme (WFP), the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).Key national agencies that deal with these issues are those concerned with defence, armed forces, police, DDR, refugee\/humanitarian activities and foreign affairs."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.3. Key actions","Heading3":"7.3.1. Coordination","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Identification, disarmament, separation, internment, demobilization and eventual repatri\u00ad ation and reintegration of foreign combatants (as well as other interventions) are multi\u00adState processes that require the participation and cooperation of multiple actors, including the host State, countries of origin, local communities, refugee communities, donor States, interna\u00ad tional and national agencies, regional organizations, and the political and military parts of the UN system. Therefore coordination within a host State and cross\u00adborder is vital.At the national level, it may be helpful for key government and international agencies to set up an inter\u00adagency forum for coordination and collaboration. This will be particu\u00ad larly useful where the capacity and resources of the host country are limited, and there is a need for the international community to provide large amounts of assistance. It is recom\u00ad mended that such a forum be restricted to essential and operational agencies present in the host country. The forum could arrange for and manage coordination and collaboration in matters of advocacy, awareness\u00adraising, providing policy guidance, capacity\u00adbuilding, and setting up and supervising the methods used for the separation and internment of com\u00ad batants, as well as later repatriation. Such a forum may also provide assistance with the maintenance of State security and with the mobilization of resources, including funding."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.3. Key actions","Heading3":"7.3.2. Advocacy","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Advocacy by agencies should be coordinated. Agencies should focus on assisting the host government to understand and implement its obligations under international law and show how this would be beneficial to State interests, such as preserving State security, demonstrating neutrality, etc.What key points should be highlighted in advocacy on international obligations? \\n The government must respect the right to seek asylum and the principle of non-refoulement for all persons seeking asylum, including acceptance at the frontier; \\n The government must take measures to identify, disarm and separate combatants from refugees as early as possible, preferably at the border; \\n The government of a neutral State has an obligation to intern identified combatants in a safe location away from the border\/conflict zone; \\n An active combatant cannot be considered as a refugee. However, at a later stage, when it is clear that combatants have genuinely and permanently given up military activities, UNHCR would assist the government to determine the refugee status of demobilized former combatants using special procedures if any apply for refugee status; \\n Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups should be dealt with separately from adult foreign combatants and should benefit from special protection and assistance with regard to disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration. They should first be properly identified as persons under the age of 18, separated from adult combatants as soon as possible, and should not be accommodated in internment camps for adult combatants. They may be given the status of refugees or asylum seekers and accommodated in refugee camps or settlements in order to encourage their rehabilitation, reintegration and reconciliation with their communities; \\n Civilian family members of combatants should be treated as prima facie refugees or asylum seekers and may be accommodated in refugee camps or settlements; \\n Special assistance should be offered to women or girls abducted\/forcibly married into armed groups and forces and then taken over borders."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.3. Key actions","Heading3":"7.3.3. Security screening and identification of foreign combatants","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Security screening is vital to the identification and separation of combatants. This screening is the responsibility of the host government\u2019s police or armed forces, which should be present at entry points during population influxes.International personnel\/agencies that may be present at border entry points during influxes include: peacekeeping forces; military observers; UN Civilian Police; UNHCR for reception of refugees, as well as reception of foreign children associated with fighting forces, if the latter are to be given refugee status; and the UN Children\u2019s Fund (UNICEF) for gen\u00ad eral issues relating to children. UNHCR\u2019s and\/or UNICEF\u2019s child protection partner non\u00ad governmental organizations (NGOs) may also be present to assist with separated refugee children and children associated with armed forces and groups. Child protection agencies may be able to assist the police or army with identifying persons under the age of 18 years among foreign combatants.Training in security screening and identification of foreign combatants could usefully be provided to government authorities by specialist personnel, such as international police, DPKO and military experts. They may also be able to help in making assessments of situa\u00ad tions where there has been an infiltration of combatants, providing advice on preventive and remedial measures, and advocating for responses from the international community. The presence of international agencies as observers in identification, disarmament and separation processes for foreign combatants will make the combatants more confident that the process is transparent and neutral.Identification and disarmament of combatants should be carried out at the earliest possible stage in the host country, preferably at the entry point or at the first reception\/ transit centre for new arrivals. Security maintenance at refugee camps and settlements may also lead to identification of combatants.If combatants are identified, they should be disarmed and transported to a secure loca\u00ad tion in the host country for processing for internment, in accordance with the host govern\u00ad ment\u2019s obligations under international humanitarian law."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.3. Key actions","Heading3":"7.3.4. Methods of identifying foreign combatants","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"What methods are there for identification? \\n Self-identification. Especially in situations where it is known that the host government has facilities for foreign combatants, some combatants may identify themselves voluntarily, either as part of military structures or individually. Providing information on the availability of internment camp facilities for foreign combatants may encourage self-identification. Groups of combatants from a country at war may negotiate with a host country to cross into its territory before actually doing so, and peacekeepers with a presence at the border may have a role to play in such negotiations. The motivation of those who identify themselves as combatants is usually either to desert on a long-term basis and perhaps to seek asylum or to escape the heat of battle temporarily. \\n Appearance. Military uniforms, weapons and arriving in troop formation are obvious signs of persons being combatants. Even where there are no uniforms or weapons, military and security officials of the host country will often be skilful at recognizing fellow military and security personnel \u2014 from appearance, demeanour, gait, scars and wounds, responses to military language and commands, etc. Combatants\u2019 hands may show signs of having carried guns, while their feet may show marks indicating that they have worn boots. Tattoos may be related to the various fighting factions. Combatants may be healthier and stronger than refugees, especially in situations where food is limited. It is important to avoid arbitrarily identifying all single, able-bodied young men as combatants, as among refugee influxes there are likely to be boys and young men who have been fleeing from forced military recruitment, and they may never have fought. \\n Security screening questions and luggage searches. Questions asked about the background of foreigners entering the host country (place of residence, occupation, circumstances of flight, family situation, etc.) may reveal that the individual has a military background. Luggage searches may reveal military uniforms, insignia or arms. Lack of belongings may also be an indication of combatant status, depending on the circumstances of flight. \\n Identification by refugees and local communities. Some refugees may show fear or wariness of combatants and may point out combatants in their midst, either at entry points or as part of relocation movements to refugee camps. Local communities may report the presence of strangers whom they suspect of being combatants. This should be carefully verified and the individual(s) concerned should have the opportunity to prove that they have been wrongly identified as combatants, if that is the case. \\n Perpetrators of cross-border armed incursions and attacks. Host country authorities may intercept combatants who are launching cross-border attacks and who pose a serious threat to the country. Stricter security and confinement measures would be necessary for such individuals."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.3. Key actions","Heading3":"7.3.5. Disarmament","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Once combatants are identified, they will usually be taken into the custody of the army of the host country and\/or peacekeepers. They should be disarmed as soon as possible. Inter\u00ad national military and police personnel may need to assist in this process. Weapons should be documented and securely stored for destruction or handing over to the government of the country of origin at the end of the internment period (e.g., at the end of the conflict). Other items such as vehicles should be kept in safe locations, also to be handed over at the end of the internment period. Personal items may be left in the possession of the owner.After they have been disarmed, foreign combatants may be handed over to the author\u00ad ity responsible for their transportation to an internment facility \u2014 usually the police or security forces. The assistance of peacekeeping forces and any other relevant agencies may be required."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.3. Key actions","Heading3":"7.3.6. Demobilization","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"The host country, in collaboration with UN missions and other relevant international agencies, should decide at an early stage what level of demobilization of interned foreign combatants is desirable and within what time\u00adframe. This will depend partly on the profile and motives of internees, and will determine the types of structures, services and level of security in the internment facility. For example, keeping military command and control structures will assist with maintaining discipline through commanders. Lack of demobilization, however, will delay the process of internees becoming civilians, and as a result the possibility of their gaining future refugee status as an exit strategy for foreign combatants who are seeking asylum. On the other hand, discouraging and dismantling military hierarchies will assist the demobilization process. Reuniting family members or putting them in contact with each other and providing skills training, peace education and rehabilitation programmes will also aid demobilization. Mixing different and rival factions from the country of origin, the feasibility of which will depend on the nature of the conflict and the reasons for the fighting, will also make demobilization and reconciliation processes easier."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.3. Key actions","Heading3":"7.3.7. Internment10","Heading4":"The nature of internment","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Article 11 of the 1907 Hague Convention provides that: \u201cA Neutral Power which receives on its territory troops belonging to the belligerent armies shall intern them, as far as possible, at a distance from the theatre of war. It may keep them in camps and even confine them in fortresses or in places set apart for this purpose. It shall decide whether officers can be left at liberty on giving their parole not to leave the neutral territory without permission.\u201d Internment therefore does not necessarily require complete loss of liberty, and host States could grant internees varying degrees of freedom of movement, as long as the foreign combatants can no longer participate in hostilities from the neutral States\u2019 territory. The host government should therefore decide what level of freedom of movement it wants to allow internees and set up a system to regulate movement in and out of internment camps. In order to be able to monitor the movement of internees properly and prevent them from engaging in unlawful activities, including use of the host country\u2019s territory for military purposes, it is likely to be necessary for internment to involve at least some level of confinement. Depending on the local circumstances (mainly the extent of the security risk), this may range from a closed camp with no external freedom of movement to systems that provide for freedom of movement (e.g., a pass system that permits visits outside the camp or a system of reporting to authorities).Article 12 of the Convention lays down the conditions of treatment for internees as follows: \u201cIn the absence of a special convention to the contrary, the Neutral Power shall supply the interned with the food, clothing, and relief required by humanity. At the conclu\u00ad sion of peace the expenses caused by the internment shall be made good.\u201d"},{"ID":21,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.3. Key actions","Heading3":"7.3.7. Internment10","Heading4":"Standards of internment","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"The Third Geneva Convention of 1949 lays down minimum rights and conditions of intern\u00ad ment to be granted to captured combatants. These rights also apply by analogy to foreign combatants interned in a neutral State.What are the basic standards under the Third Geneva Convention? \\n Internees must be treated humanely at all times and are entitled to respect for their person (art. 3); \\n There must be no harmful discrimination among internees (art. 16); \\n Female internees must be treated in a way that caters for their specific needs and must be given treatment as favourable as that given to men (art. 14); \\n Internees must be provided, free of charge, with the necessary maintenance and medical attention required by their state of health (art. 15); \\n No physical or mental torture, or any other form of coercion, may be inflicted on them to get information of any kind (art. 17); \\n Internees must be provided with an identity card (art. 17); \\n After they are separated from civilians, combatants must be evacuated as soon as possible to camps a safe distance away from the combat zone, and these evacuations must be carried out humanely (i.e., evacuees must be given sufficient food, drinking water and necessary clothing and medical attention) (arts. 19 and 20); \\n Interned combatants must not be accommodated in prisons (art. 22); \\n Places of internment must be hygienic and healthy places to live. Internees\u2019 quarters must be protected from dampness and adequately heated and lighted Level 5 Cross-cutting Issues Cross-border Population Movements 15 5.40 (conditions must not harm their health). Camps must be kept clean, and proper sanitary measures should be taken to prevent epidemics (arts. 22, 25 and 29); \\n Female internees must be accommodated separately from men, and separate dormitories and hygienic supplies should be provided for them (arts. 25 and 29); \\n Daily food rations must be sufficient in quantity, quality and variety to keep internees in good health, and their habitual diet must also be taken into account (art. 26); \\n Internees must enjoy complete freedom in the exercise of their religion and in the practice of sports and intellectual activities (arts. 34\u201338); \\n Internees must be permitted to receive and send letters, as well as individual parcels or collective shipments (e.g., of food, clothing) (arts. 71\u201373); \\n Internees\u2019 working conditions should be properly regulated (arts. 49\u201357); \\n Internees must have the right to make requests to the authorities interning them regarding their conditions of captivity (art. 78).Additional Protocol II relating to Protection of Victims of Non\u00adInternational Armed Conflicts provides in Part II for humane, non\u00addiscriminatory treatment for those who do not take a direct part in, or who have ceased to take part in, hostilities, whether or not their liberty has been restricted. Such persons may include internees.What are applicable standards under Additional Protocol II? \\n Internees must receive similar treatment to the local civilian population regarding provision of food and drinking water, health and hygiene, and protection against the climate and the dangers of the armed conflict (art. 5[1][b]); \\n They must be allowed to receive individual or collective relief (art. 5[1][c]); \\n They must have freedom to practise their religion (art. 5[1][d]); \\n If made to work, they must have the benefit of working conditions and safeguards similar to those enjoyed by the local civilian population (art. 5[1][e]); \\n They should be allowed to send and receive letters and cards (art. 5[2][b]); \\n Places of internment must not be located close to the combat zone (art. 5[2][c]); \\n Internees must be evacuated under conditions of safety if the internment site becomes exposed to danger arising out of the armed conflict (art. 5[2][c]); \\n Internees are entitled to free medical examinations and treatment (art. 5[2][d]); \\n Internees\u2019 physical or mental health and integrity must not be endangered by any unjustified act or omission (art. 5[2][e]); \\n Women must be accommodated in separate quarters and be under the supervision of women, except where they are accommodated with male family members (art. 5[2][a]); \\n If it is decided to release persons deprived of their liberty, necessary measures must be taken to ensure their safety (art. 5[4])."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.3. Key actions","Heading3":"7.3.7. Internment10","Heading4":"Assistance by the international community","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"At least at the early stages of setting up and managing an internment camp, it is likely that host governments will lack capacity and resources for the task. International agencies have an important role to play in acquiring and supplying resources in order to assist the host government to provide internees with the \u201crelief required by humanity\u201d (as required under the Hague Convention): \\n In collaboration with the host government, international agencies should assist with awareness\u00adraising and lobbying of donors, which should take place as soon as possible, as donor funding often takes time to be made available. Donors should be informed about the resource needed to separate and intern combatants and the benefits of such policies, e.g., maintaining State security, helping the host government to keep borders open for asylum seekers, etc.; \\n International agencies should favourably consider contributing financial grants, mate\u00ad rial and other assistance to internment programmes, especially in the early phases when the host government will not have donor funding for such programmes. Contributing assistance, even on an ad hoc and temporary basis, will make international agencies\u2019 advocacy and advisory roles more effective. The following are some illustrations of ways in which international agencies can contribute:Food. WFP may assist with providing food. Given the inability of internees to feed themselves because of their restricted freedom of movement, each internee should be entitled to a full food ration of at least 2,100 kilocalories per day. \\n Health care. International agencies\u2019 partners (e.g., local Red Cross societies) may be able to provide mobile health clinics, to supplement hospital treatment for more serious medical matters. Medical care should include reproductive health care for female internees. \\n Non-food items. Items such as plastic sheeting, plates, buckets, blankets, sleeping mats, soap, etc. will be needed for each internee and agency contributions will be essential. Agencies such as UNHCR and ICRC, if they have the resources, may be able to give extra assistance at least temporarily until the government receives regular donor funding for the internment initiative. \\n Registration and documentation. Agencies could help the host government to develop a system for registration and issuing of identity documentation. Agencies will often need the data themselves, e.g., ICRC in order to arrange family tracing and family visits, and UNHCR for the purpose of getting information on the profiles of internees who may later come within their mandate if, at a later stage, internees apply for refugee status. ICRC may issue its own documentation to internees in connection with its detention-monitoring role. \\n Skills training. To combat the problem of idleness and to provide rehabilitation and alternative skills for internees, as well as to maintain order and dignity during internment, agency partners must try to provide\/fund vocational skills training programmes as soon as possible. In order for demobilization and reintegration to start in internment camps, it is essential to have skills training programmes that could help internees to become rehabilitated. Social skills training would also be helpful here, such as sensitization in human rights, civic education, peace-building, HIV\/AIDS, and sexual and gender-based violence. \\n Recreation. Sufficient space for recreation and sporting equipment should be provided for the purpose of recreation. \\n Re-establishing family links. ICRC, together with national societies, should try to trace family members of internees, both across borders and within the host country, which will allow family links to be re-established and maintained (e.g., through exchange of Red Cross messages). Where civilian family members have also crossed into the host country, arrangements should be made for maintaining family unity. There are various options: families could be accommodated in internment camps, or in a separate nearby facility, or in a refugee camp or settlement. If family members are voluntarily accommodated Level 5 Cross-cutting Issues Cross-border Population Movements 17 5.40 together with or near to internees, this has the advantage of preserving family unity, helping to break down military hierarchies in internment camps, reducing risks of local\/refugee community retaliation against the family members on account of their connections to combatants, and minimizing the chances of combatants moving to civilian sites in order to be with their family members. However, the family members may face security risks, including physical violence and sexual harassment, from internees. Where civilian spouses and children are not accommodated with internees, regular and adequate family visits to internment camps must be arranged by ICRC, UNHCR or other relevant agencies. \\n Monitoring. ICRC should be able to carry out regular, confidential monitoring of internment camps, including the treatment of internees and the standards of their internment, in accordance with its mandate for persons deprived of their liberty for reasons related to armed conflict. Reports from monitoring visits will be provided on a confidential basis to the government of the host country. \\n Host communities. The involvement and support of host communities will be vital to the internment process. Therefore, agencies should consider providing host communities with community-based development assistance programmes."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.3. Key actions","Heading3":"7.3.7. Internment10","Heading4":"Nationality issues","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"In view of the chaotic conditions usually found in conflict situations and the difficulties in setting up an adequate identification programme that could be operational immediately, combatants may be admitted to separation, disarmament and internment processes re\u00ad gardless of their nationality. Hence, it would be more practical to deal with problems of nationality at the end of internment, in order to decide, in consultation with the former combatants, the country in which they would undergo a DDR programme and the country to which they would finally return. This will require liaison between the governments in\u00ad volved, and should be closely monitored\/supervised by the relevant agencies."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.3. Key actions","Heading3":"7.3.7. Internment10","Heading4":"Special requirements of female combatants","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Internment camps should provide gender\u00adappropriate facilities, including separate accom\u00ad modation, washing and toilet facilities, as well as sex\u00adspecific health services, including reproductive health care. This must include sanitary kits and clean birthing kits for women. Women with babies should be given the means to care for their own children. With the ex\u00ad ception of young babies, accommodating children in internment camps should be avoided and alternative accommodation should be found for them and their mothers. When intern\u00ad ees are transported, sufficient vehicles should be provided to offer women the option of being transported separately from men, if their personal safety is threatened. Protection from sexual harassment and other violence should be ensured at all times (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR)."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.3. Key actions","Heading3":"7.3.7. Internment10","Heading4":"Redressing incorrect internment decisions","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"In the internment camps, authorities should have flexibility to review and change incorrect decisions regarding who has been interned on a case\u00adby\u00adcase basis. For this purpose, agen\u00ad cies with a protection mandate, such as ICRC, UNHCR, UNHCHR and UNICEF, should have confidential access to internees.Persons incorrectly interned include: \\n civilians who have not participated in military activities, and who could therefore be regarded as refugees or asylum seekers; \\n civilians who have not participated in military activities and who were abducted by combatants (including women and girls abducted for the purpose of sexual slavery and men abducted for medical or other labour services), but who do not fall within the definition of a refugee. Such persons will usually be voluntarily repatriated; \\n children associated with armed forces and groups who were not identified as children during the separation process, incorrectly ending up in internment camps for adult combatants; \\n persons who do not fit the definition of combatant, and who were separated and in\u00ad terned on the basis of criteria other than those established for the separation process."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.3. Key actions","Heading3":"7.3.7. Internment10","Heading4":"Exit strategies","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"It is important, whenever possible, to plan for exit strategies for internment programmes, although where the conflict in the country of origin lasts a long time, internment may also be lengthy. Exit strategies may include: \\n including internees in DDR programmes in the country of origin at the end of the conflict; \\n deciding whether internees who are considered to have become civilians after a period of demobilization and who apply for refugee status should be given that status."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"7.3. Key actions","Heading3":"7.3.8. Mercenarie","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"International law makes special provision for and prohibits the recruitment, use, financing or training of mercenaries. A mercenary is defined as a foreign fighter who is specially recruited to fight in an armed conflict, is motivated essentially by the desire for private gain, and is promised wages or other rewards much higher than those received by local combat\u00ad ants of a similar rank and function.12 Mercenaries are not considered to be combatants, and are not entitled to prisoner\u00adof\u00adwar status. The crime of being a mercenary is committed by any person who sells his\/her labour as an armed fighter, or the State that assists or recruits mercenaries or allows mercenary activities to be carried out in territory under its jurisdiction. Not every foreign combatant meets the definition of a mercenary: those who are not motivated by private gain and given high wages and other rewards are not mercenaries. It may sometimes be difficult to distinguish between mercenaries and other types of foreign combatants, because of the cross\u00adborder nature of many conflicts, ethnic links across porous borders, the high levels of recruitment and recycling of combatants from conflict to conflict within a region, sometimes the lack of real alternatives to recruitment, and the lack of a regional dimension to many previous DDR programmes.Even when a foreign combatant may fall within the definition of a mercenary, this does not limit the State\u2019s authority to include such a person in a DDR programme, despite any legal action States may choose to take against mercenaries and those who recruit them or assist them in other ways. In practice, in many conflicts, it is likely that officials carrying out disarmament and demobilization processes would experience great difficulty distinguish\u00ad ing between mercenaries and other types of foreign combatants. Since the achievement of lasting peace and stability in a region depends on the ability of DDR programmes to attract the maximum possible number of former combatants, it is recommended that mercenaries should not be automatically excluded from DDR processes\/programmes, in order to break the cycle of recruitment and weapons circulation and provide the individual with sustain\u00ad able alternative ways of making a living.DDR programmers may establish criteria to deal with such cases. Issues for consideration include: Who is employing and commanding mercenaries and how do they fit into the conflict? What threat do mercenaries pose to the peace process, and are they factored into the peace accord? If there is resistance to account for mercenaries in peace processes, what are the underlying political reasons and how can the situation be resolved? How can mercenaries be identified and distinguished from other foreign combatants? Do individuals have the capacity to act on their own? Do they have a chain of command? If so, is their leadership seen as legitimate and representative by the other parties to the process and the UN? Can this leadership be approached for discussions on DDR? Do its members have an interest in DDR? If mercenaries fought for personal gain, are DDR benefits likely to be large enough to make them genuinely give up armed activities? If DDR is not appropriate, what measures can be put in place to deal with mercenaries, and by whom \u2014 their employers and\/or the national authorities and\/or the UN?"},{"ID":28,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"8.1. Context","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"In many armed conflicts, it is common to find large numbers of children among combat\u00adants, especially in armed groups and in long\u00ad lasting conflicts. Priority shall be given to identifying, removing and providing appro\u00ad priate care for children during operations to identify and separate foreign combatants. Correct identification of children among com\u00ad batants who enter a host country is vital, because children shall benefit from separate programmes that provide for their safe re\u00ad moval, rehabilitation and reintegration."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"8.2. Key agencies","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"UNHCR, UNICEF and ICRC will be particularly involved in helping governments to deal with foreign children associated with armed forces and groups. Key national agencies in\u00ad clude those concerned with children\u2019s issues, social welfare, and refugee and humanitarian affairs."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"8.3. Key actions","Heading3":"8.3.1. Agreement with host country government on the status and treatment of foreign children associated with armed forces and groups","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Agencies such as UNHCR, UNICEF and ICRC should advocate with the host country for foreign children associated with armed forces and groups to be given a legal status, and care and protection that promote their speedy rehabilitation and best interests, in accordance with States\u2019 obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocol on Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict.An appropriate status for children may include refugee status, because of the illegality of and serious child rights violations involved in the under\u00adaged recruitment of children, as well as the need for children to be removed, rehabilitated and reintegrated in their com\u00ad munities as soon as possible. Refugee status can be given on a prima facie and collective basis in cases of large\u00adscale arrivals, as and if applicable. Where the refugee status of indi\u00ad viduals must be decided, reasons for giving refugee status in the case of children fleeing armed conflict may include a well\u00adfounded fear of illegal recruitment, sexual slavery or other serious child rights violations.Agreement should be reached with the host government on the definition of a \u2018child\u2019 for the purpose of providing separate treatment for children associated with armed forces and groups. In view of the development of international law towards the position that persons under age 18 should not participate in hostilities, it is recommended that advocacy with host governments should be for all combatants under the age of 18 to be regarded as children."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"8.3. Key actions","Heading3":"8.3.2. Identification of children among foreign combatants","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"When agreement is reached with the host country government about the definition of a child and the methods for providing children with separate treatment from adults, this informa\u00ad tion should be provided to all those involved in the process of identifying and separating combatants (i.e., army, police, peacekeepers, international police, etc.).It is often difficult to decide whether a combatant is under the age of 18, for a range of reasons. The children themselves may not know their own ages. They are likely to be under the influence of commanders who may not want to lose them, or they may be afraid to separate from commanders. Questioning children in the presence of commanders may not, therefore, always provide accurate information, and should be avoided. On the other hand, young adult combatants who do not want to be interned may try to falsify their age. Child protection agencies present at border entry points may be able to help army and police personnel with determining the ages of persons who may be children. It is therefore rec\u00ad ommended that agreement be reached with the government of the host country on the involvement of such agencies as advisers in the identification process (also see IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR)."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"8.3. Key actions","Heading3":"8.3.3. Separation of foreign children associated with armed forces and groups","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Once identified, children should be disarmed if necessary, removed from commanders and handed over to the custody of relevant agencies present at the border such as UNHCR, UNICEF and child protection NGOs."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"8.3. Key actions","Heading3":"8.3.4. Demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Children should not be accommodated in internment camps with adult combatants, unless a particular child is a serious security threat. This should only happen in exceptional circum\u00ad stances, and for no longer than absolutely necessary.Where the government has agreed to recognize children associated with fighting forces as refugees, these children can be accommodated in refugee camps or settlements, with due care given to possible security risks. For example, a short period in a refugee transit centre or appropriate interim care facility may give time for the child to start the demobilization process, socialize, readjust to a civilian environment, and prepare to transfer to a refugee camp or settlement. Temporary care measures like these would also provide time for agencies to carry out registration and documentation of the child and inter\u00adcamp tracing for family members, and find a suitable camp for placement. Finally, the use of an interim facility will allow the organization of a sensitization campaign in the camp to help other refugees to accept children associated with armed forces and groups who may be placed with them for reintegration in communities.Children associated with armed forces and groups should be included in programmes for other populations of separated children rather than being isolated as a separate group within a refugee camp or settlement. The social reintegration of children associated with fighting forces in refugee communities will be assisted by offering them normal activities such as education, vocational skills training and recreation, as well as family tracing and reunification. Younger children may be placed in foster care, whereas \u2018independent\/group living\u2019 arrangements with supervision by a welfare officer and \u2018older brother\u2019 peer support may be more appropriate for older adolescents."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"8.3. Key actions","Heading3":"8.3.5. Prevention of military recruitment","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Prevention of (re\u00ad)recruitment, especially of at\u00adrisk young people such as children previously associated with armed forces and groups and separated children, must be an important focus in refugee camps and settlements. Preventive measures include: locating camps and settlements a safe distance from the border; sufficient agency staff being present at the camps; security and good governance measures; sensitization of refugee communities, families and children themselves to assist them to avoid recruitment in camps; birth registration of children; and adequate programmes for at\u00adrisk young people, including family\u00adtracing activities, education and vocational skills programmes to provide alternative livelihood options for the future."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"8.3. Key actions","Heading3":"8.3.6. Specific needs of girls","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"In many conflicts, there is a significant level of war\u00adrelated sexual violence against girls. (NB: Boys may also be affected by sexual abuse, and it is necessary to identify survivors, although this may be difficult.) Girls who have been associated with armed groups and forces may have been subjected to sexual slavery, exploitation and other abuses and may have babies of their own. Once removed from the armed group or force, they may continue to be at risk of exploitation in a refugee camp or settlement, especially if they are separated from their families. Adequate and culturally appropriate sexual and gender\u00adbased violence pro\u00ad grammes should be provided in refugee camps and communities to help protect girls, and community mobilization is needed to raise awareness and help prevent exploitation and abuse. Special efforts should be made to allow girls access to basic services in order to prevent exploitation (also see IDDRS 5.20 on Youth and DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR)."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"9. Civilian family members or other dependants of combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"9.1. Context","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Foreign combatants entering a host country may sometimes be accompanied by civilian fam\u00ad ily members or other dependants. Family members may also independently make their way to the host country. If the family members have entered the host country to seek asylum, they should be considered as refugees or asylum seekers, unless there are individual cir\u00ad cumstances to the contrary."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"9. Civilian family members or other dependants of combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"9.2. Key agencies","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"UNHCR is the mandated UN agency for refugees. Key national agencies include those deal\u00ad ing with refugees and humanitarian affairs."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"9. Civilian family members or other dependants of combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"9.3. Key actions","Heading3":"9.3.1. Providing safe asylum and accommodation","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"When civilian family members of combatants enter a country of asylum, they should be directed to UNHCR and the host government\u2019s refugee agency, while the adult combatants will be dealt with by the army and police. Family members or dependants may be accom\u00ad modated in refugee camps or settlements or urban areas (depending on the policy of the government of the host country). Accommodation placements should be carried out with due regard to protection concerns, e.g., family members of a combatant should be protected from other refugees who may be victims of that combatant."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"9. Civilian family members or other dependants of combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"9.3. Key actions","Heading3":"9.3.2. Maintaining family links with foreign combatants","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"It is important to try to establish family links between refugee family members and com\u00ad batants in internment camps, since separation and internment policies may create many female\u00adheaded households. Family links can be maintained through family tracing, ex\u00ad changes of Red Cross messages and family visits to internment camps, which should be organized by ICRC, Red Cross national societies and UNHCR. Women and girls who have been forcibly abducted and are married under circumstances not recognized by customary or national law have the right, with their children where applicable, to be safely separated from their \u2018husbands\u2019 (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR)."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"9. Civilian family members or other dependants of combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"9.3. Key actions","Heading3":"9.3.3. Preserving the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"It is essential to ensure that refugee camps and settlements do not become militarized through the infiltration of combatants, which may lead to camps and settlements becoming the focus of security problems, including military attacks. Preventing this problem is primarily the responsibility of the government of the host country, but international agencies should support the government, and donor support will be essential.Security in and around refugee camps and settlements can be achieved through: \\n locating refugee camps and settlements a safe distance away from the border (generally at least 50 kilometres) and conflict zones; \\n the systematic identification, disarmament, separation and internment of combatants; \\n the screening of persons being relocated to refugee camps to ensure that only civilians are admitted; \\n prohibiting armed elements from residence in, transit though or visits to refugee camps and settlements; \\n prohibiting all military activities in refugee camps, including recruitment, training and providing support to combatants; \\n prohibiting the holding, trading and bringing of weapons and ammunition into refugee camps and settlements by unauthorized persons; \\n ensuring the presence of enough agency staff in camps and settlements; enforcing law and order in camps and settlements; \\n enforcing security measures such as stationing police in and around camps and settle\u00ad ments; \\n involving refugees in ensuring their own security and the peaceful and humanitarian character of camps and settlements, e.g., through community\u00adbased neighbourhood watch schemes and good governance measures in camps and settlements; \\n enforcing properly functioning camp rules and by\u00adlaws to regulate the conduct of refugees, resolve disputes, etc., in order to supplement the laws of the host country (to which refugees are also subject); \\n correctly designing the size and physical layout of camps and settlements; encouraging good neighbourliness between refugee camps\/settlements and host communities."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"10. Cross-border abductees and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"10.1. Context","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"In the context of regionalized conflicts, cross\u00adborder attacks and movements of combatants across borders, experience has shown that within the households of combatants, or under their control in other ways, will be persons who have been abducted across borders for the purposes of forced labour, sexual exploitation, military recruitment, etc. Their presence may not become known until some time after fighting has ended."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"10. Cross-border abductees and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"10.2. Key agencies","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Cross\u00adborder abductees do not necessarily come within the mandate of any specific inter\u00ad national agency. However, agencies such as UNHCR and ICRC are encouraged to assist such third\u00adcountry nationals on humanitarian grounds in view of their situation of external dis\u00ad placement. Key national agencies include those concerned with humanitarian affairs."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"10. Cross-border abductees and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"10.3. Key actions","Heading3":"10.3.1. Identification, release, finding long-lasting solutions","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"The main ways in which agencies can protect and assist cross\u00adborder abductees are for them to: (1) identify those who have been abducted (they may often be \u2018invisible\u2019, particularly in view of their vulnerability and their marginalization from the local community because of their foreign nationality, although it may be possible to get access to them by working through local, especially women\u2019s organizations); (2) arrange for their release if necessary; and (3) arrange for their voluntary repatriation or find another long\u00adterm way to help them. Foreign abductees should be included in inter\u00adagency efforts to help national abductees, such as advocacy with and sensitization of combatants to release abductees under their control (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR)."},{"ID":44,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"10. Cross-border abductees and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"10.3. Key actions","Heading3":"10.3.2. Eligibility for DDR","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Cross\u00adborder abductees should be considered as eligible to participate in reintegration pro\u00ad grammes in the host country or country of origin together with other persons associated with the armed forces and groups, regardless of whether or not they are in possession of weapons. Although linked to the main DDR process, such programmes should be separate from those dealing with persons who have fought\/carried weapons, and should carefully screen refugees to identify those who are eligible."},{"ID":45,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"10. Cross-border abductees and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"10.3. Key actions","Heading3":"10.3.3. Issues relating to women and girls","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Women and girl abductees, including forced wives of combatants and those with children conceived during their captivity, are likely to be in a particularly difficult situation, both in the host country and in the country of origin. They will need special attention in protection, reintegration and reconciliation activities."},{"ID":46,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"10. Cross-border abductees and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"10.3. Key actions","Heading3":"10.3.4. Local integration and empowerment","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Cross\u00adborder abductees who do not want to repatriate, or are not in a position to make a decision to separate themselves from abduc\u00ad tors\/combatants, should be included in hu\u00ad manitarian assistance programmes in these locations, in order to empower them so that they can make decisions about their future, as well as to help them integrate into the host country, if that is what they want to do."},{"ID":47,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"10. Cross-border abductees and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"10.3. Key actions","Heading3":"10.3.5. Re-establishing family links","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Cross\u00adborder family links should be estab\u00ad lished and coordinated in collaboration with ICRC and national Red Cross and Red Cres\u00ad cent societies (which have a mandate for tracing people across international borders) or other relevant agencies. This service will assist cross\u00adborder abductees to make decisions about their long\u00adterm future (e.g., by helping them to assess the reaction of family members to their situation) and will help to bring about future family reunification. Both abductees and family members are likely to be in need of counselling before family reunification."},{"ID":48,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations","Heading2":"11.1. Regional dimensions to be taken into account in setting up DDR programmes","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Since lasting peace and stability in a region depend on the ability of DDR programmes to attract the maximum possible number of former combatants, the following principles relat\u00ad ing to regional and cross\u00adborder issues should be taken into account in planning for DDR: \\n DDR programmes should be open to all persons who have taken part in the con\u00ad flict, including foreigners and nationals who have crossed international borders. Extensive sensitization is needed both in countries of origin and host countries to ensure that all persons entitled to par\u00ad ticipate in DDR programmes are aware of their right to do so; DDR programmes should be open to all persons who have taken part in the conflict, including foreigners and nationals who have crossed international borders. \\n close coordination and links among all DDR programmes in a region are essential. There should be regular coordination meetings on DDR issues \u2014 including, in particular, regional aspects \u2014 among UN missions, national commissions on DDR or competent government agencies, and other relevant agencies; \\n to avoid disruptive consequences, including illicit cross\u00adborder movements and traffick\u00ad ing of weapons, standards in DDR programmes within a region should be harmonized as much as possible. While DDR programmes may be implemented within a regional framework, such programmes must nevertheless take into full consideration the poli\u00ad tical, social and economic contexts of the different countries in which they are to be implemented; \\n in order to have accurate information on foreign combatants who have been involved in a conflict, DDR registration forms should contain a specific question on the national\u00ad ity of the combatant."},{"ID":49,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations","Heading2":"11.2. Repatriation agreements","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"As part of regional DDR processes, agreements should be concluded between countries of origin and host countries to allow both the repatriation and the incorporation into DDR programmes of combatants who have crossed international borders. UN peacekeeping missions and regional organizations have a key role to play in carrying out such agreements, particularly in view of the sensitivity of issues concerning foreign combatants.Agreements should contain guarantees for the repatriation in safety and dignity of former combatants, bearing in mind, however, that States have the right to try individuals for criminal offences not covered by amnesties. In the spirit of post\u00adwar reconciliation, guarantees may include an amnesty for desertion or an undertaking that no action will be taken in the case of former combatants from the government forces who laid down their arms upon entry into the host country. Protection from prosecution as mercenaries may also be necessary. However, there shall be no amnesty for breaches of international humanitarian law during the conflict.Agreements should also provide a basis for resolving nationality issues, including meth\u00ad ods of finding out the nationality those involved, deciding on the country in which former combatants will participate in a DDR programme and the country of eventual destination. Family members\u2019 nationalities may have to be taken into account when making long\u00adterm plans for particular families, such as in cases where spouses and children are of different nationalities."},{"ID":50,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations","Heading2":"11.3. Information and sensitization campaigns","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"UN missions, with the support of agencies such as UNDP, UNICEF and UNHCR, should lead extensive information campaigns in host countries to ensure that foreign combatants are provided with essential information on how to present themselves for DDR programmes. The information should enable them to make free and informed decisions about their repa\u00ad triation and reintegration prospects. It is important to ensure that refugee family members in camps and settlements in the host country also receive relevant information.UN missions should help arrange voluntary contacts between government officials and foreign combatants. This will assist in encouraging voluntary repatriation and planning for the inclusion of such combatants in DDR programmes in their country of origin. However, foreign combatants who do not want to meet with government officials of their country of origin should not be forced to do so.The government of the country of origin, together with the UN mission and relevant agencies, should sensitize receiving communities in areas to which former combatants will be repatriating, in order to encourage reintegration and reconciliation. Receiving com\u00ad munities may plan traditional ceremonies for healing, forgiveness and reconciliation, and these should be encouraged, provided they do not violate human rights standards."},{"ID":51,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations","Heading2":"11.4. Identification of foreign combatants and disarmament","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Apart from combatants who are confined in internment camps, there are likely to be other former or active combatants living in communities in host countries. Therefore, national security authorities in host countries, in collaboration with UN missions, should identify sites in the host country where combatants can present themselves for voluntary repatria\u00ad tion and incorporation in DDR programmes. In all locations, UNICEF, in collaboration with child protection NGOs, should verify each child\u2019s age and status as a child soldier. In the event that female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups are identified, their situation should be brought to the attention of the lead agency for women in the DDR process. Where combatants are in possession of armaments, they should be immediately disarmed by security forces in collaboration with the UN mission in the host country."},{"ID":52,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations","Heading2":"11.5. Voluntary repatriation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"In keeping with the principle that \u201ceveryone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution\u201d,13 repatriation should be voluntary. However, where an application for refugee status has been rejected according to fair procedures and the individual has been assessed as not being in need of international protection, he\/she may be returned to the country of origin even against his\/her will (see section 10.6). The fact that repatriation is voluntary could be verified by UN missions in the case of adult combatants, and by UNICEF and child protection agencies in the case of children associated with armed forces and groups. Where children associated with armed forces and groups are living in refugee camps, the fact that repatriation is voluntary shall be verified by UNHCR."},{"ID":53,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations","Heading2":"11.6. Maintaining family unity during repatriation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"Every effort should be made to ensure that family unity is preserved in repatriation move\u00ad ments. UN missions should support the governments of the host country and country of origin by assisting with transportation. Where combatants have family members or other dependants in refugee camps, there should be close consultation with UNHCR so that the voluntary repatriation of family members can be coordinated and carried out according to the wishes of the family members and with full respect for their safety and dignity. In cases where it is not possible to repatriate combatants and family members\/dependants as family units, mechanisms to reunite the family upon return should be established.Spouses and children who are not citizens of the country to which they are travelling should be allowed by the government concerned to enter and live in that country with an appropriate legal status. This applies equally to spouses and children of \u2018traditional mar\u00ad riages\u2019 and legally recognized marriages."},{"ID":54,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations","Heading2":"11.7. Repatriation movements","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"Governments and UN missions will be responsible for repatriation movements of foreign combatants, while UNHCR will provide transportation of family members. Depending on the local circumstances, the two repatriation operations could be merged under the overall management of one agency.The concerned governments should agree on travel documents for foreign former com\u00ad batants, e.g., DDR cards for those who have been admitted to a disarmament programme in the host country, or ICRC travel documents or host country documentation for those who have been interned.To allow the speedy repatriation of foreign former combatants and their family members, the governments involved should consider not requesting or obliging those being repatri\u00ad ated to complete official immigration, customs and health formalities."},{"ID":55,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations","Heading2":"11.8. Factors affecting foreign children associated with armed forces and groups","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"Particular care should be taken with regard to whether, and how, to include foreign children associated with armed forces and groups in DDR programmes in the country of origin, especially if they have been living in refugee camps and communities. Since they are already living in a civilian environment, they will benefit most from DDR rehabilitation and rein\u00ad tegration processes. Their level of integration in refugee camps and communities is likely to be different. Some children may be fully integrated as refugees, and it may no longer be in their best interests to be considered as children associated with armed forces and groups in need of DDR assistance upon their return to the country of origin. Other children may not yet have made the transition to a civilian status, even if they have been living in a civilian environment, and it may be in their best interests to participate in a DDR programme. In all cases, stigmatization should be avoided.It is recommended that foreign children associated with armed forces and groups should be individually assessed by UNHCR, UNICEF and\/or child protection partner NGOs to plan for the child\u2019s needs upon repatriation, including possible inclusion in an appropriate DDR programme. Factors to consider should include: the nature of the child\u2019s association with armed forces or groups; the circumstances of arrival in the asylum country; the stability of present care arrangements; the levels of integration into camp\/community\u00adbased civilian activities; and the status of family\u00adtracing efforts. All decisions should involve the partici\u00ad pation of the child and reflect his\/her best interests. It is recommended that assessments should be carried out in the country of asylum, where the child should already be well known to, and should have a relationship of trust with, relevant agencies in the refugee camp or settlement. The assessment can then be given to relevant agencies in the country of origin when planning the voluntary repatriation of the child, and decisions can be made about whether and how to include the child in a DDR programme. If it is recommended that a child should be included in a DDR programme, he\/she should receive counselling and full information about the programme (also see IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR)."},{"ID":56,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin","Heading2":"12.1. Assurances upon return","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"Governments must ensure that former combatants and their dependants are able to return in conditions of safety and dignity.Return in safety implies a guarantee of: \\n legal security (e.g., appropriate amnesties or public assurances of personal safety, integ\u00ad rity, non\u00addiscrimination and freedom from fear of persecution); \\n physical security (e.g., protection from armed attacks, routes that are free of unexploded ordnances and mines); \\n material security (e.g., access to land or ways to earn a living).Return in dignity implies that returnees should not be harassed on departure, on route or on arrival. If returning spontaneously, they should be allowed to do so at their own pace; should not be separated from family members; should be allowed to return without pre\u00ad conditions; should be accepted and welcomed by national authorities and local populations; and their rights and freedoms should be fully restored so that they can start a meaningful life with self\u00adesteem and self\u00adconfidence.In keeping with the spirit of post\u00adwar reconciliation, it is recommended that the govern\u00ad ment of the country of origin should not take disciplinary action against former combatants who were members of the government armed forces and who laid down their arms during the war. They should benefit from any amnesties in force for former combatants in general."},{"ID":57,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin","Heading2":"12.2. Inclusion in DDR programmes","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"In accordance with agreements reached between the country of asylum and the country of origin during the planning for repatriation of former combatants, they should be included in appropriate DDR programmes in their country of origin. Entitlements should be syn\u00ad chronized with DDR assistance received in the host country, e.g., if disarmament and demo\u00ad bilization has been carried out in the host country, then reintegration is likely to be the most important process for repatriated former combatants in the country of origin. Lack of rein\u00ad tegration may contribute to future cross\u00adborder movements of combatants and mercenaries."},{"ID":58,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin","Heading2":"12.3. Reintegration","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"Entitlements under DDR programmes are only a contribution towards the process of rein\u00ad tegration. This process should gradually result in the disappearance of differences in legal rights, duties and opportunities of different population groups who have rejoined society \u2014 whether they were previously displaced persons or demobilized combatants \u2014 so that all are able to contribute to community stabilization and development.Agencies involved in reintegration programming should support the creation of eco\u00ad nomic and social opportunities that assist the recovery of the community as a whole, rather than focusing on former combatants. Every effort shall be made not to increase tensions that could result from differences in the type of assistance received by victims and perpetrators. Community\u00adbased reintegration assistance should therefore be designed in a way that encourages reconciliation through community participation and commitment, including demobilized former combatants, returnees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other needy community members (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration).Efforts should be made to ensure that different types of reintegration programmes work closely together. For example, in countries where the \u20184Rs\u2019 (repatriation, reintegration, re\u00ad habilitation and reconstruction) approach is used to deal with the return and reintegration of displaced populations, it is important to ensure that programme contents, methodologies and approaches support each other and work towards achieving the overall objective of supporting communities affected by conflict (also see IDDRS 2.30 on Participants, Benefici\u00ad aries and Partners).Links between DDR and other reintegration programming activities are especially relevant where there are plans to reintegrate former combatants into communities or areas alongside returnees and IDPs (e.g., former combatants may benefit from UNHCR\u2019s com\u00ad munity\u00adbased reintegration programmes for returnees and war\u00adaffected communities in the main areas of return). Such links will not only contribute to agencies working well together and supporting each other\u2019s activities, but also ensure that all efforts contribute to social and political stability and reconciliation, particularly at the grass\u00adroots level.In accordance with the principle of equity for different categories of persons returning to communities, repatriation\/returnee policies and DDR programmes should be coordinated and harmonized as much as possible."},{"ID":59,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin","Heading2":"12.4. Monitoring","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"The disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration of former combatants should be monitored and reported on by relevant agencies as part of a community\u00adfocused approach (i.e., including monitoring the rights of war\u00adaffected communities, returnees and IDPs, rather than singling out former combatants for preferential treatment). Relevant monitoring agencies include UN missions, UNHCHR, UNICEF and UNHCR. Human rights monitoring partnerships should also be established with relevant NGOs.In the case of an overlap in areas of return, UNHCR will usually have established a field office. As returnee family members of former combatants come within UNHCR\u2019s mandate, the agency should monitor both the rights and welfare of the family unit as a whole, and those of the receiving community. Such monitoring should also help to build confidence.What issues should be monitored? \\n Non-discrimination: Returned former combatants and their families\/other dependants should not be targeted for harassment, intimidation, extra-judicial punishment, violence, denial of fair access to public institutions or services, or be discriminated against in the enjoyment of any basic rights or services (e.g., health, education, shelter); \\n Amnesties and guarantees: Returned former combatants and their families should benefit from any amnesties in force for the population generally or for returnees specifically. Amnesties may cover, for example, matters relating to having left the country of origin and having found refuge in another country, draft evasion and desertion, as well as the act of performing military service in unrecognized armed groups. Amnesties for international crimes, such as genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and serious violations of international humanitarian law, are not supported by the UN. Former combatants may legitimately be prosecuted for such crimes, but they must receive a fair trial in accordance with judicial procedures; \\n Respect for human rights: In common with all other citizens, the human rights and fundamental freedoms of former combatants and their families must be fully respected; 2.30 Level 5 Cross-cutting Issues Cross-border Population Movements 31 5.40 \\n Access to land: Equitable access to land for settlement and agricultural use should be encouraged; \\n Property recovery: Land or other property that returned former combatants and their families may have lost or left behind should be restored to them. UN missions should support governments in setting up dispute resolution procedures on issues such as property recovery. The specific needs of women, including widows of former combatants, should be taken into account, particularly where traditional practices and laws discriminate against women\u2019s rights to own and inherit property; \\n Protection from landmines and unexploded ordnances: Main areas of return may be at risk from landmines and unexploded ordnances that have not yet been cleared. Awareness-raising, mine clearance and other efforts should therefore include all members of the community; \\n Protection from stigmatization: Survivors of sexual abuse, and girls and women who have had to bear their abusers\u2019 children may be at risk of rejection from their communities and families. There may be a need for specific community sensitization to combat this problem, as well as efforts to empower survivors through inclusion in constructive socio-economic activities."},{"ID":60,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions","Heading2":"13.1. Refugee status","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":31,"Paragraph":"Foreign combatants should not be included in the prima facie awarding of refugee status to large groups of refugees, as asylum should be granted to civilians only. UNHCR recom\u00ad mends that where active or former combatants may be mixed in with refugees in population influxes, host countries should declare that prima facie recognition of refugee status does not apply to either group.After a reasonable period of time has been allowed to confirm that former combatants have genuinely renounced armed\/military activities, UNHCR will support governments of host countries by helping to determine the refugee status (or helping governments to determine the refugee status) of former combatants who refuse to repatriate and instead ask for international protection. These assessments should carefully take into account the \u2018excludability\u2019 of such individuals from international protection as provided by article 1 F of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol."},{"ID":61,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions","Heading2":"13.2. Sustainable plans for the future","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":31,"Paragraph":"Determining refugee status must be linked to making sustainable long\u00adterm future plans for former combatants. These could be: \\n\\n Repatriation: Voluntary, safe and dignified repatriation to the country of origin at the end of the conflict or other event that gave rise to refugee claims is considered the best response for most population influxes; \\n\\n Local integration: For former combatants who are protected as refugees and therefore cannot be repatriated, the best option will be local integration, since options for third\u00ad country resettlement are likely to be limited. UNHCR negotiates with countries of asylum for local integration, and this process should be supported by UN missions and agencies. Local integration involves: \\n Legal processes: Refugees are granted an increasingly wider range of rights and entitlements identical to those enjoyed by other citizens, e.g., freedom of move\u00ad ment; family reunification in the country of asylum; access to education, the labour market, public relief and assistance, including health facilities; the possibility of acquiring and disposing of property; and the capacity to travel out of and return to the country of asylum with valid travel and identity documents. This process should gradually lead to permanent residence rights and the option to apply for citizenship in accordance with national laws; \\n Economic processes: Refugees become increasingly less reliant on humanitarian assistance or State aid, achieving a growing degree of self\u00adreliance and having permanent jobs, thus contributing to the economic life of the host country; \\n Social and cultural processes: These are interactive processes involving refugees feeling more and more at home in their new country, and local communities accept\u00ad ing their presence with greater ease, which allow refugees to live among the host population without fear of discrimination and contribute actively to the social life of their country of asylum; \\n\\n Resettlement: Third\u00adcountry resettlement may be appropriate for certain refugees who were formerly combatants, e.g., where the refugee has protection needs that cannot be met in the country of asylum, is unlikely to integrate into the host country, etc. However, despite UNHCR advocacy for assistance from the international community, it is often difficult to find resettlement opportunities for refugees who were former combatants. Some resettlement countries do not take former combatants, with sometimes varying definitions of what exactly a former combatant is. Therefore, resettlement to a third coun\u00ad try is unlikely to be a viable option for large numbers of former combatants, although it may be a solution in individual cases. The fact that very few countries take former com\u00ad batants could be used to encourage the host country to accept them for local integration."},{"ID":62,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions","Heading2":"13.3. Determining refugee status","Heading3":"13.3.1. Timing and sequence of applications for refugee status","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":32,"Paragraph":"UNHCR recommends that applications for refugee status by former combatants should not be encouraged in the early stages of influxes into the host country, because it is not practical to determine individual refugee status when large numbers of people have to be processed. The timing of applications for refugee status will be one of the factors that decide what will eventually happen to refugees in the long term, e.g., voluntary repatriation is more likely to be a viable option at the end of the conflict.Where a peace process is under way or is in sight and therefore voluntary repatriation is feasible in the foreseeable future, the refugee status should be determined after repatria\u00ad tion operations have been completed for former combatants who wish to return at the end of the conflict. Former combatants who are afraid to return to the country of origin must be given the option of applying for refugee status instead of being repatriated against their will.Where voluntary repatriation is not yet feasible because of unsafe conditions in the coun\u00adtry of origin, the determination of refugee status should preferably be conducted only after a meaningful DDR process in the host country, in order to ensure that former combatants applying for refugee status have achieved civilian status through demobilization, rehabilita\u00ad tion and reintegration initiatives in the host country.In order to determine whether former combatants have genuinely given up armed activities, there should be a reasonable period of time between an individual laying down arms and being considered for refugee status. This \u2018cooling\u00adoff period\u2019, during which former combatants will be monitored to ensure that they really have given up military activities, will vary depending on the local circumstances, but should not be too long \u2014 generally only a matter of months. The length of the waiting period could be decided according to the profile of the former combatants, either individually or as a group (e.g., length of service, rank and position, type of recruitment ([orced or voluntary], whether there are addictions, family situation, etc.), and the nature of the armed conflict in which they have been involved (duration, intensity, whether there were human rights violations, etc.). Determining the refugee status of children associated with armed forces and groups who have applied for refugee status shall be done as quickly as possible. Determining the refugee status of other vulnerable persons can also be done quickly, such as disabled former combatants whose disabilities prevent them from further participating in military activities."},{"ID":63,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions","Heading2":"13.3. Determining refugee status","Heading3":"13.3.2. Requirements for refugee status for foreign former combatants","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":33,"Paragraph":"Refugee status determination for former combatants involves establishing three facts: \\n that they have genuinely and permanently given up arms and become civilians; \\n that they meet the definition of a refugee under the 1951 UN Refugee Convention or regional instruments; \\n that they are not excluded from being protected as refugees, according to the exclusion clauses of refugee conventions."},{"ID":64,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions","Heading2":"13.3. Determining refugee status","Heading3":"13.3.3. Genuine and permanent giving up of military activities","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":33,"Paragraph":"The giving up of military activities by foreign former combatants is more likely to be genuine if they have been demobilized and they have a real chance of earning a living in civilian life, including through DDR programmes in the host country. Detention in internment camps without demobilization and rehabilitation activities will not automatically lead to combatants becoming civilians. Breaking up military structures; linking up families; and providing vocational skills training, counselling, rehabilitation and peace education programmes for foreign former combatants in the host country will make it easier for them to become civil\u00ad ians and be considered for refugee status some time in the future.It needs to be carefully verified that individuals have given up military activities, includ\u00ad ing in situations where foreign former combatants are interned or where they have some degree of freedom of movement. Verification should include information gathered through\u00ad out the period of identification, separation and internment. For example, it will be easier to understand individual motives and activities if the movements of internees in and out of internment camps are monitored. Actions or attitudes that may prove that an individual has genuinely given up military activities may include expressions of regret for past military ac\u00ad tivities and for the victims of the conflict, signs of weariness with the war and a general feeling of homesickness, and clear signs of dissatisfaction with a military or political organization. Internment camp authorities or other agencies that are closely in contact with internees should share information with UNHCR, unless such information must be kept confidential."},{"ID":65,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions","Heading2":"13.3. Determining refugee status","Heading3":"13.3.4. Exclusion from refugee protection","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":33,"Paragraph":"Even if a foreign former combatant has a genuine fear of persecution, he\/she may not be eligible for international protection as a refugee if he\/she has committed acts that would mean that the exclusion clauses of the Refugee Convention would apply to him\/her. This is to prevent abuse of asylum by undeserving persons who have seriously abused the human rights of others.The issue of exclusion from protection as a refugee will be particularly relevant if there are serious reasons for believing that an individual has committed a crime against peace, a war crime, a crime against humanity, a serious non\u00adpolitical crime outside the country of refuge before he\/she was admitted to that country as a refugee, or acts contrary to the pur\u00ad poses and principles of the UN. As defined by international instruments and interpreted in case law, exclusion clauses would apply if an individual had committed any of the following: \\n crimes against peace, e.g., planning or participating in an unlawful war; \\n war crimes involving grave breaches of international humanitarian law, e.g., mistreatment of civilians and prisoners of war, infliction of unjustified property damage during wartime; \\n crimes against humanity involving fundamentally inhumane conduct on a widespread or system\u00ad atic scale against a civilian population, e.g., genocide, slavery, torture, rape, deportations; \\n serious non\u00adpolitical crimes committed outside the country of refuge prior to admission to that country as a refugee: The purpose of this clause is to ensure that important fugitives from justice are not able to avoid the jurisdiction of a State in which they may lawfully face punishment for genuine, serious crimes, by claiming refugee status in another country; \\n acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN: This clause covers, for example, high\u00ad level government officials (Heads of State, ministers, high officials) who have exploited their political authority to endanger the well\u00adbeing of individuals, their country and\/ or the world community.A foreign former combatant cannot be excluded from refugee protection simply because he\/she is a member of an organization or political party involved in a conflict. It must be established whether he\/she was personally responsible for excludable acts. However, affili\u00ad ation with a particularly violent group or unit (that is known on the basis of clear and cred\u00ad ible information from the country of origin to carry out serious crimes of the type included in the exclusion clauses) may not only be important evidence, but also give rise to a presump\u00ad tion that the individual has been involved in the excludable acts of that group. However, the procedure for determining refugee status must give the individual an opportunity to show that this is not the case. If an individual can defend his\/her actions or claim mitigating circumstances, these should be taken into account in assessing whether to exclude an indi\u00ad vidual from refugee protection.In examining refugee claims by foreign children associated with armed forces and groups, a child\u2019s age and maturity should be taken into account when assessing whether he\/she had the mental capacity to be held responsible for crimes that may exclude him\/her from protection as a refugee.Refugee status may be cancelled if information comes to light that an individual, who was recognized as a refugee (either individually or on a prima facie basis), should have been subject to the exclusion clauses when the refugee status was accorded (i.e., where refugee status was obtained through fraudulent means or substantial misrepresentations).Refugee status may be withdrawn if an individual who was properly recognized as a refugee later commits acts covered by the exclusion clauses."},{"ID":66,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions","Heading2":"13.4. Foreign former combatants who are given refugee status","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":34,"Paragraph":"When foreign former combatants are recognized as refugees, UNHCR will try to integrate them into the country of asylum or resettle them in a third country. The refugee always has the option to voluntarily repatriate in the future, when conditions in his\/her country of origin improve.Foreign former combatants who have been detained (e.g., in internment camps) should be reunited with their families as soon as they are found to be refugees and may be accom\u00ad modated in refugee camps or settlements, but specific measures may be necessary to protect them."},{"ID":67,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions","Heading2":"13.5. Foreign former combatants who are excluded from protection as refugees","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":35,"Paragraph":"Individuals who fall within the Refugee Convention\u2019s exclusion clauses are not entitled to international protection or assistance from UNHCR. As a matter of principle, they should not be accommodated in refugee camps or settlements. Practical solutions to manage them will depend on the host country\u2019s capacity and willingness to deal with matters such as separating them from refugee populations.Foreign former combatants who are excluded from protection as refugees may be re\u00ad turned to their country of origin. However, the UN Convention Against Torture provides an obligation for host countries not to return an individual to his\/her country of origin where there are serious reasons to believe he\/she would be tortured or treated inhumanely in other ways. In such cases, the UNHCHR and UN missions, as well as any human rights organizations established in the host country, should advocate for the protection provided in the Convention Against Torture.Foreign former combatants who have committed crimes that exclude them from being given refugee status should not only be excluded from refugee protection, but also be brought to justice, e.g., extradited to face prosecution in the domestic courts of the country of origin or international tribunals (ad hoc war crimes tribunals and the International Criminal Court). In exceptional cases of the most serious types of crimes (e.g., genocide, serious breaches of the laws of armed conflict, torture as defined in the Convention Against Torture), there have been an increasing number of prosecutions in the national courts of host countries, under the principle of universality, which recognizes that some crimes are so grave that all countries have an interest in prosecuting them."},{"ID":68,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions","Heading2":"13.6. Foreign former combatants who do not meet the criteria for refugee status and are not in need of international protection","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":35,"Paragraph":"The term \u2018not in need of international protection\u2019 is understood to refer to persons who, after due consideration of their applications for refugee status in fair procedures, are found not to qualify for refugee status under refugee conventions, nor to be in need of international protection on other grounds after a review of protection needs of whatever nature, and who are not authorized to stay in the host country for other good reasons. Such persons include those for whom there are no serious reasons to believe that they would be tortured or treated inhumanely in other ways if returned to the country of origin, as provided for under the UN Convention Against Torture.Foreign former combatants whose applications for refugee status have been rejected by fair procedures and who have been assessed not to be in need of international protection on any other basis may be returned to their country of origin, as an exercise of national sovereignty by the host country if it does not want them to be integrated into the local community. Return of persons not in need of international protection is necessary in order to maintain the integrity of the asylum system. The return of such persons is a bilateral matter between the two countries. The UN mission and other relevant agencies (e.g., UNHCHR, IOM) should support governments in finding other options, such as repatriation and local integration, for foreign former combatants who are not in need of international protection.15"},{"ID":69,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"Annex A: Abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":37,"Paragraph":"Terms and definitions \\n (NB: For the purposes of this document, the following terms are given the meaning set out below, without prejudice to more precise definitions they may have for other purposes.)Asylum: The grant, by a State, of protection on its territory to persons from another State who are fleeing persecution or serious danger. A person who is granted asylum is a refugee. Asylum encompasses a variety of elements, including non\u00adrefoulement, permission to remain in the territory of the asylum country and humane standards of treatment.Asylum seeker: A person whose request or application for refugee status has not been finally decided on by a possible country of refuge.Child associated with armed forces and groups: According to the Cape Town Principles and Best Practices (1997), \u201cAny person under 18 years of age who is part of any kind of regular or irregular armed force or armed group in any capacity, including, but not limited to: cooks, porters, messengers and anyone accompanying such groups, other than family members. The definition includes girls recruited for sexual purposes and for forced mar\u00ad riage. It does not, therefore, only refer to a child who is carrying or has carried weapons.\u201d For further discussion of the term, see the entry in IDRRS 1.20.Combatant: Based on an analogy with the definition set out in the Third Geneva Conven\u00ad tion of 1949 relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War in relation to persons engaged in international armed conflicts, a combatant is a person who: \\n is a member of a national army or an irregular military organization; or is actively participating in military activities and hostilities; or \\n is involved in recruiting or training military personnel; or \\n holds a command or decision\u00admaking position within a national army or an armed organization; or \\n arrived in a host country carrying arms or in military uniform or as part of a military structure; or \\n having arrived in a host country as an ordinary civilian, thereafter assumes, or shows determination to assume, any of the above attributes.Exclusion from protection as a refugee: This is provided for in legal provisions under refugee law that deny the benefits of international protection to persons who would other\u00ad wise satisfy the criteria for refugee status, including persons in respect of whom there are serious reasons for considering that they have committed a crime against peace, a war crime, a crime against humanity, a serious non\u00adpolitical crime, or acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN.Ex-combatant\/Former combatant: A person who has assumed any of the responsibilities or carried out any of the activities mentioned in the above definition of \u2018combatant\u2019, and has laid down or surrendered his\/her arms with a view to entering a DDR process.Foreign former combatant: A person who previously met the above definition of combatant and has since disarmed and genuinely demobilized, but is not a national of the country where he\/she finds him\u00ad\/herself.Host country: A foreign country into whose territory a combatant crosses.Internally displaced persons (IDPs): Persons who have been obliged to flee from their homes \u201cin particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflicts, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human\u00admade disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognized State border\u201d (according to the definition in the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement).Internee: A person who falls within the definition of combatant (see above) who has crossed an international border from a State experiencing armed conflict and is interned by a neutral State whose territory he\/she has entered.Internment: An obligation of a neutral State to restrict the liberty of movement of foreign combatants who cross into its territory, as provided for under the 1907 Hague Convention Respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in the Case of War on Land. This rule is considered to have attained customary international law status, so that it is binding on all States, whether or not they are parties to the Hague Convention. It is appli\u00ad cable by analogy also to internal armed conflicts in which combatants from government armed forces or opposition armed groups enter the territory of a neutral State. Internment involves confining foreign combatants who have been separated from civilians in a safe location away from combat zones and providing basic relief and humane treatment. Varying degrees of freedom of movement can be provided, subject to the interning State ensuring that the in\u00ad ternees cannot use its territory for participation in hostilities.\\n\\n 1. A mercenary is any person who: \\n a) Is specially recruited locally or abroad in order to fight in an armed conflict; \\n b) Is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar rank and func\u00ad tions in the armed forces of that party; \\n c) Is neither a national of a party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a party to the conflict; \\n d) Is not a member of the armed forces of a party to the conflict; and \\n e) Has not been sent by a State which is not a party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces. \\n\\n 2. A mercenary is also any person who, in any other situation: \\n a) Is specially recruited locally or abroad for the purpose of participating in a concerted act of violence aimed at: \\n (i) Overthrowing a Government or otherwise undermining the constitutional order of a State; or \\n (ii) Undermining the territorial integrity of a State; \\n b) Is motivated to take part therein essentially by the desire for significant private gain and is prompted by the promise of payment of material compensation; \\n c) Is neither a national nor a resident of the State against which such an act is directed; \\n d) Has not been sent by a State on official duty; and \\n e) Is not a member of the armed forces of the State on whose territory the act is undertaken.Non-refoulement: A core principle of international law that prohibits States from returning persons in any manner whatsoever to countries or territories in which their lives or freedom may be threatened. It finds expression in refugee law, human rights law and international humanitarian law and is a rule of customary international law and is therefore binding on all States, whether or not they are parties to specific instruments such as the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees.Prima facie: As appearing at first sight or on first impression; relating to refugees, if someone seems obviously to be a refugee.Refugee: A refugee is defined in the 1951 UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees as a person who: \\n \u201cIs outside the country of origin; \\n Has a well\u00adfounded fear of persecution because of race, religion, nationality, member\u00ad ship of a particular social group or political opinion; and \\n Is unable or unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country, or to return there, for fear of persecution.\u201d \\n\\n In Africa and Latin America, this definition has been extended. The 1969 OAU Conven\u00ad tion Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa also includes as refugees persons fleeing civil disturbances, widespread violence and war. In Latin America, the Carta\u00ad gena Declaration of 1984, although not binding, recommends that the definition should also include persons who fled their country \u201cbecause their lives, safety or freedom have been threatened by generalized violence, foreign aggression, internal conflicts, massive violations of human rights or other circumstances which have seriously disturbed public order\u201d.Refugee status determination: Legal and administrative procedures undertaken by UNHCR and\/or States to determine whether an individual should be recognized as a refugee in accordance with national and international law.Returnee: A refugee who has voluntarily repatriated from a country of asylum to his\/her country of origin, after the country of origin has confirmed that its environment is stable and secure and not prone to persecution of any person. Also refers to a person (who could be an internally displaced person [IDP] or ex\u00adcombatant) returning to a community\/town\/ village after conflict has ended."},{"ID":70,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"Annex C: UNHCR Executive COmmittee COnclusion On the Civilian and Humanitarian Character Of Asylum NO. 94 (LIII)","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":42,"Paragraph":"The Executive Committee, \\n\\n Remaining seriously concerned by the continuing occurrence of military or armed attacks and other threats to the security of refugees, including the infiltration and presence of armed elements in refugee camps and settlements;17 \\n\\n Recalling the relevant provisions of international refugee law, international human rights law and international humanitarian law; \\n\\n Recalling its Conclusion No. 27 (XXXIII) and Conclusion No. 32 (XXXIV) on military attacks on refugee camps and settlements in Southern Africa and elsewhere; Conclusion 72 (XLIV) on personal security of refugees; Conclusion No. 48 (XXXVIII) on military or armed attacks on refugee camps and settlements; Conclusion No. 47 (XXXVIII) and Conclusion No. 84 (XLVII), on refugee children and adolescents, as well as Conclusion 64 (XLI) on refugee women and international protection; \\n\\n Recalling also United Nations Security Council resolution S\/RES\/1208 (1998) and S\/RES\/1296 (2000), and the two reports of the United Nations Secretary\u00adGeneral on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict18, noting in particular the recommendations made therein with respect to enhancing the security of refugee camps and settlements; \\n\\n Welcoming the discussion which took place on the civilian character of asylum in the context of the Global Consultations on International Protection;19 \\n\\n Noting that several international meetings have recently been held, aimed at identifying effective operational strategies for maintaining the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum;20 \\n\\n Reiterating that refugee camps and settlements should have an exclusively civilian and humanitarian character, that the grant of asylum is a peaceful and humanitarian act which should not be regarded as unfriendly by another State, as stated in the 1969 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa and a number of EXCOM Conclusions, and that all actors, including refugees themselves, have the obligation to coop\u00ad erate in ensuring the peaceful and humanitarian character of refugee camps and settlements; \\n\\n Recognizing that the presence of armed elements in refugee camps or settlements; recruit\u00ad ment and training by government armed forces or organized armed groups; the use of such camps, intended to accommodate refugee populations on purely humanitarian grounds, for the internment of prisoners of war; as well as other forms of exploitation of refugee situations for the purpose of promoting military objectives are likely to expose refugees, par\u00ad ticularly women and children, to serious physical danger, inhibit the realization of durable solutions, in particular voluntary repatriation, but also local integration, jeopardize the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum and may threaten the national security of States, as well as inter\u00adState relations; \\n\\n Recognizing the special protection needs of refugee children and adolescents who, especially when living in camps where refugees are mixed with armed elements, are particularly vul\u00ad nerable to recruitment by government armed forces or organized armed groups; \\n\\n Reaffirming the importance of States, UNHCR and other relevant actors, integrating safety and security concerns from the outset of a refugee emergency into refugee camp manage\u00ad ment in a holistic manner; \\n (a) Acknowledges that host States have the primary responsibility to ensure the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum by, inter alia, making all efforts to locate refugee camps and settlements at a reasonable distance from the border, maintaining law and order, curtailing the flow of arms into refugee camps and settlements, preventing their use for the internment of prisoners of war, as well as through the disarmament of armed elements and the identification, separation and internment of combatants; \\n (b) Urges refugee\u00adhosting States to respect the civilian and humanitarian character of refu\u00ad gee camps by preventing their use for purposes which are incompatible with their civilian character; \\n (c) Recommends that action taken by States to ensure respect for the civilian and humani\u00ad tarian character of asylum be guided, inter alia, by the following principles; \\n (i) Respect for the right to seek asylum, and for the fundamental principle of non\u00ad refoulement, should be maintained at all times; \\n (ii) Measures for the disarmament of armed elements and the identification, sep\u00ad aration and internment of combatants should be taken as early as possible, preferably at the point of entry or at the first reception\/transit centres for new arrivals; \\n (iii) To facilitate early identification and separation of combatants, registration of new arrivals should be conducted by means of a careful screening process; \\n (iv) Refugee camps and settlements should benefit from adequate security arrange\u00ad ments to deter infiltration by armed elements and the strengthening of law and order; \\n (v) Once identified, disarmed and separated from the refugee population, combat\u00ad ants should be interned at a safe location from the border; \\n (vi) Where the granting of refugee status is based on group determination, civilian family members of combatants should be treated as refugees and should not be interned together with them; \\n (vii) Combatants should not be considered as asylum\u00adseekers until the authorities have established within a reasonable timeframe that they have genuinely and permanently renounced military activities. Once this has been established, special procedures should be put in place for individual refugee status deter\u00ad mination, to ensure that those seeking asylum fulfil the criteria for the recogni\u00ad tion of refugee status. During the refugee status determination process, utmost attention should be paid to article 1F of the 1951 Convention, in order to avoid abuse of the asylum system by those who do not deserve international protection; \\n (viii) Former child soldiers should benefit from special protection and assistance measures, in particular as regards their demobilization and rehabilitation; \\n (ix) Where necessary, host States should develop, with assistance from UNHCR, operational guidelines in the context of group determination to exclude those individuals who are not deserving of international refugee protection; \\n (d) Further to para 3 (b) above, calls upon UNHCR to convene a meeting of experts in sup\u00ad port of the elaboration of measures for the disarmament of armed elements and the identification, separation, and internment of combatants, including the clarification of relevant procedures and standards, in consultation with States, United Nations Secre\u00ad tariat entities and agencies, and interested organizations, such as the ICRC, and report back to the Executive Committee on progress achieved; \\n (e) Calls upon States to ensure that measures are taken to prevent the recruitment of refugees by government armed forces or organized armed groups, in particular of children, taking into account also that unaccompanied and separated children are even more vulner\u00ad able to recruitment than other children; \\n (f) Calls upon the relevant United Nations organs and regional organizations, in pursuance of their respective mandates, as well as the international community at large, to mobi\u00ad lize adequate resources to support and assist host States in maintaining the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum, in line with the principles of international solidarity, co\u00adoperation, burden and responsibility sharing; \\n (g) Calls upon UNHCR and the Department of Peacekeeping Operations of the United Nations Secretariat to enhance collaboration on all aspects of this complex matter, and as appropriate, to deploy, with the consent of host States, multi\u00addisciplinary assess\u00ad ment teams to an emerging crisis area in order to clarify the situation on the ground, evaluate security threats for refugee populations and consider appropriate practical responses; \\n (h) Calls upon UNHCR to explore how it may develop, in consultation with relevant part\u00ad ners, its own institutional capacity to address insecurity in refugee camps, inter alia by assisting States to ensure the physical safety and dignity of refugees, building, as appro\u00ad priate, upon its protection and operational expertise."},{"ID":71,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"Annex D: Sample agreement on repatriation and reintegration of cross-border combatants","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":45,"Paragraph":"Agreement between the Government of [country of origin] and the Government of [host country] for the voluntary repatriation and reintegration of combatants of [country of origin] \\n\\n Preamble \\n Combatants of [country of origin] have been identified in neighbouring countries. Approxi\u00ad mately [number] of these combatants are presently located in [host country]. This Agreement is the result of a series of consultations for the repatriation and incorporation in a disarma\u00ad ment, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programme of these combatants between the Government of [country of origin] and the Government of [host country]. The Parties have agreed to facilitate the process of repatriating and reintegrating the combatants from [host country] to [country of origin] in conditions of safety and dignity. Accordingly, this Agree\u00ad ment outlines the obligations of the Parties.Article 1 \u2013 Definitions \\n\\n Article 2 \u2013 Legal bases \\n The Parties to this Agreement are mindful of the legal bases for the [internment and] repatri\u00ad ation of the said combatants and base their intentions and obligations on the following inter\u00ad national instruments: \\n [If applicable, in cases involving internment] The Hague Convention (V) Respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Land, 18 October 1907 (Annex 1) \\n [If applicable, in cases involving internment] The Third Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, Geneva, 12 August 1949 (Annex 2) \\n [If applicable, in cases involving internment] The Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Non\u00adInter\u00ad national Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), Geneva, 12 December 1977 (Annex 3) \\n Article 33 of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, Geneva, 28 July 1951 (Annex 4) \\n [If applicable, in cases involving African States] The 1969 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa (Annex 5) \\n\\n Article 3 \u2013 Commencement \\n The repatriation of the said combatants will commence on [ ]. \\n\\n Article 4 \u2013 Technical Task Force \\n A Technical Task Force of representatives of the following parties to determine the opera\u00ad tional framework for the repatriation and reintegration of the said combatants shall be constituted: \\n National Commission on DDR [of country of origin and of host country] Representatives of the embassies [of country of origin and host country] \\n [Relevant government departments of country of origin and host country, e.g. foreign affairs, defence, internal affairs, immigration, refugee\/humanitarian affairs, children and women\/gender] \\n UN Missions [in country of origin and host country] \\n [Relevant international agencies, e.g. UNHCR, UNICEF, ICRC, IOM] \\n\\n Article 5 \u2013 Obligations of Government of [country of origin] The Government of [country of origin] agrees: \\n i. To accept the return in safety and dignity of the said combatants. \\n ii. To provide sufficient information to the said combatants, as well as to their family members, to make free and informed decisions concerning their repatriation and rein\u00ad tegration. \\n iii. To include the returning combatants in the amnesty provided for in article [ ] of the Peace Accord (Annex 6). \\n iv. To waive any court martial action for desertion from government forces. \\n v. To facilitate the return of the said combatants to their places of origin or choice through [relevant government agencies such as the National Commission on DDR and inter\u00ad national agencies and NGO partners], taking into account the specific needs and circum\u00ad stances of the said combatants and their family members. \\n vi. To consider and facilitate the payment of any DDR benefits, including reintegration assistance, upon the return of the said combatants and to provide appropriate identi\u00ad fication papers in accordance with the eligibility criteria of the DDR programme. \\n vii. To assist the returning combatants of government forces who wish to benefit from the restructuring of the army by rejoining the army or obtaining retirement benefits, depend\u00ad ing on their choice and if they meet the criteria for the above purposes. \\n viii. To facilitate through the immigration department the entry of spouses, partners, children and other family members of the combatants who may not be citizens of [country of origin] and to regularize their residence in [country of origin] in accordance with the provisions of its immigration or other relevant laws. \\n ix. To grant free and unhindered access to [UN Missions, relevant international agencies, etc.] to monitor the treatment of returning combatants and their family members in accordance with human rights and humanitarian standards, including the implemen\u00ad tation of commitments contained in this Agreement. \\n x. To meet the [applicable] cost of repatriation and reintegration of the combatants. \\n\\n Article 6 \u2013 Obligations of Government of [host country] The Government of [host country] agrees: \\n i. To facilitate the processing of repatriation of the said combatants who wish to return to [country of origin]. \\n ii. To return the personal effects (excluding arms and ammunition) of the said combatants. \\n iii. To provide clear documentation and records which account for arms and ammunition collected from the said combatants. \\n iv. To meet the [applicable] cost of repatriation of the said combatants. \\n v. To consider local integration for any of the said combatants for whom this is assessed to be the most appropriate durable solution. \\n\\n Article 7 \u2013 Children associated with armed forces and groups \\n The return, family reunification and reintegration of children associated with armed forces and groups will be carried out under separate arrangements, taking into account the special needs of the children. \\n\\n Article 8 \u2013 Special measures for vulnerable persons\/persons with special needs \\n The Parties shall take special measures to ensure that vulnerable persons and those with special needs, such as disabled combatants or those with other medical conditions that affect their travel, receive adequate protection, assistance and care throughout the repatri\u00ad ation and reintegration processes. \\n\\n Article 9 \u2013 Families of combatants \\n Wherever possible, the Parties shall ensure that the families of the said combatants residing in [host country] return to [country of origin] in a coordinated manner that allows for the maintenance of family links and reunion. \\n\\n Article 10 \u2013 Nationality issues \\n The Parties shall mutually resolve through the Technical Task Force any applicable nation\u00ad ality issues, including establishment of modalities for ascertaining nationality, and deter\u00ad mining the country in which combatants will benefit from a DDR programme and the country of eventual destination. \\n\\n Article 11 \u2013 Asylum \\n Should any of the said combatants, having permanently renounced armed activities, not wish to repatriate for reasons relevant to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, they shall have the right to seek and enjoy asylum in [host country]. The grant of asylum is a peaceful and humanitarian act and shall not be regarded as an unfriendly act. \\n\\n Article 12 \u2013 Designated border crossing points \\n The Parties shall agree on border crossing points for repatriation movements. Such agree\u00ad ment may be modified to better suit operational requirements. \\n\\n Article 13 \u2013 Immigration, customs and health formalities \\n i. To ensure the expeditious return of the said combatants, their family members and belongings, the Parties shall waive their respective immigration, customs and health formalities usually carried out at border crossing points. \\n ii. The personal or communal property of the said combatants and their family members, including livestock and pets, shall be exempted from all customs duties, charges and tariffs. \\n iii. [If applicable] The Parties shall also waive any fees, passenger service charges as well as all other airport, marine, road or other taxes for vehicles entering or transiting their respective territories under the auspices of [repatriation agency] for the repatriation operation. \\n\\n Article 14 \u2013 Access and monitoring upon return \\n [The UN Mission and other relevant international and non\u00adgovernmental agencies] shall be granted free and unhindered access to all the said combatants and their family members in [the host country] and upon return in [the country of origin], in order to monitor their treatment in accordance with human rights and humanitarian standards, including the implementation of commitments contained in this Agreement. \\n\\n Article 15 \u2013 Continued validity of other agreements \\n This Agreement shall not affect the validity of any existing agreements, arrangements or mechanisms of cooperation between the Parties. \\n To the extent necessary or applicable, such agreements, arrangements or mechanisms may be relied upon and applied as if they formed part of this Agreement to assist in the pursuit of this Agreement, namely the repa\u00ad triation and reintegration of the said combatants. \\n\\n Article 16 \u2013 Resolution of disputes \\n Any question arising out of the interpretation or application of this Agreement, or for which no provision is expressly made herein, shall be resolved amicably through consultations between the Parties. \\n\\n Article 17 \u2013 Entry into force \\n This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by the Parties. \\n\\n Article 18 \u2013 Amendment \\n This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement in writing between the Parties. \\n\\n Article 19 \u2013 Termination \\n This Agreement shall remain in force until it is terminated by mutual agreement between the Parties. \\n\\n Article 20 \u2013 Succession \\n This Agreement binds any successors of both Parties. \\n\\n In witness whereof, the authorized representatives of the Parties have hereby signed this Agreement. \\n\\n DONE at ..........................., this..... day of..... , in two originals. \\n\\n For the Government of [country of origin]: For the Government of [host country]:"},{"ID":72,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Cross-border Population Movements","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.40 Cross-border Population Movements","PageNum":49,"Paragraph":"\\n 1 See, for example, Special Report of the Secretary\u00adGeneral on the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, S\/2002\/1005, 10 September 2002, section on \u2018Principles Involved in the Disarmament, Demobilization, Repatriation, Resettlement and Reintegration of Foreign Armed Groups\u2019, pp. 6\u20137; Report of the Secretary\u00adGeneral to the Security Council on Liberia, 11 September 2003, para. 49: \u201cFor the planned disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process in Liberia to suc\u00ad ceed, a subregional approach which takes into account the presence of foreign combatants in Liberia and Liberian ex\u00adcombatants in neighbouring countries would be essential In view of the subre\u00ad gional dimensions of the conflict, any disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme for Liberia should be linked, to the extent possible, to the ongoing disarmament, demobilization and rein\u00ad tegration process in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire \u201d; Security Council resolution 1509 (2003) establishing the United Nations Mission in Liberia, para. 1(f) on DDR: \u201caddressing the inclusion of non\u00adLiberian combatants\u201d; Security Council press release, \u2018Security Council Calls for Regional Approach in West Africa to Address such Cross\u00adborder Issues as Child Soldiers, Mercenaries, Small Arms\u2019, SC\/8037, 25 March 2004. \\n 2 \u201cEvery State has the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands, including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of another state . . . . Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts in another State or acquiescing in organized activities within its territory directed towards the commission of such acts, when the acts referred to in the present paragraph involve a threat or use of force No State shall organize, assist, foment, finance, incite or tolerate subversive, terrorist or armed activities directed towards the violent overthrow of the regime of another State, or interfere in civil strife in another State.\u201d \\n 3 Adopted by UN General Assembly resolution 43\/173, 9 December 1988. \\n 4 Adopted by the First UN Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Geneva 1955, and approved by the UN Economic and Social Council in resolutions 663 C (XXIV) of 31 July 1957 and 2076 (LXII) of 13 May 1977. \\n 5 Adopted by UN General Assembly resolution 45\/111, 14 December 1990. \\n 6 UN General Assembly resolution 56\/166, Human Rights and Mass Exoduses, para. 8, 26 February 2002; see also General Assembly resolution 58\/169, para. 7. \\n 7 UN General Assembly resolution 58\/169, Human Rights and Mass Exoduses, 9 March 2004. \\n 8 UN General Assembly, Report of the Fifty\u00adFifth Session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner\u2019s Programme, A\/AC.96\/1003, 12 October 2004. \\n 9 Information on separation and internment of combatants in sections 7 to 10 draws significantly from papers presented at the Experts\u2019 Roundtable organized by UNHCR on the Civilian and Humanitar\u00ad ian Character of Asylum (June 2004), in particular the background resource paper prepared for the conference, Maintaining the Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Asylum by Rosa da Costa, UNHCR (Legal and Protection Policy Research Series, Department of International Protection, PPLA\/2004\/02, June 2004), as well as the subsequent UNHCR draft, Operational Guidelines on Maintaining the Civilian Character of Asylum in Mass Refugee Influx Situations. \\n 10 Internment camps for foreign combatants have been established in Sierra Leone (Mapeh and Mafanta camps for combatants from the Liberian war), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) (Zongo for combatants from Central African Republic), Zambia (Ukwimi camp for combatants from Angola, Burundi, Rwanda and DRC) and Tanzania (Mwisa separation facility for combatants from Burundi and DRC). \\n 11 Da Costa, op. cit. \\n 12 The full definition in the 1989 International Convention Against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries is contained in the glossary of terms in Annex A. In Africa, the 1977 Convention of the OAU for the Elimination of Mercenarism in Africa is also applicable. \\n 13 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, art. 14. The article contains an exception \u201cin the case of prose\u00ad cutions genuinely arising from non\u00adpolitical crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations\u201d. \\n 14 For further information see UNHCR, Handbook for Repatriation and Reintegration Activities, Geneva, May 2004. \\n 15 The UN General Assembly has \u201cemphasiz[ed] the obligation of all States to accept the return of their nationals, call[ed] upon States to facilitate the return of their nationals who have been determined not to be in need of international protection, and affirm[ed] the need for the return of persons to be undertaken in a safe and humane manner and with full respect for their human rights and dignity, irrespective of the status of the persons concerned\u201d (UN General Assembly resolution 57\/187, para. 11, 18 December 2002). \\n 16 Refer to UNHCR\/DPKO note on cooperation, 2004. \\n 17 For the purpose of this Conclusion, the term \u201carmed elements\u201d is used as a generic term in a refugee context that refers to combatants as well as civilians carrying weapons. Similarly, for the purpose of this Conclusion, the term \u201ccombatants\u201d covers persons taking active part in hostilities in both inter\u00ad national and non\u00adinternational armed conflict who have entered a country of asylum. \\n 18 S\/1999\/957; S\/2001\/331 \\n 19 EC\/GC\/01\/8\/Rev.1 \\n 20 Workshop on the Potential Role of International Police in Refugee Camp Security (Ottawa, Canada, March 2001); Regional Symposium on Maintaining the Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Refugee Status, Camps and other locations (Pretoria, South Africa, February 2001); International Seminar on Exploring the Role of the Military in Refugee Camp Security (Oxford, UK, July 2001)."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.50 Food Assistance in DDR.json b/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.50 Food Assistance in DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4469dbe --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.50 Food Assistance in DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Acute food insecurity can be a trigger or root cause of armed conflict. Furthermore, armed conflict itself is a major driver of food insecurity. In countries and regions affected by armed conflict, humanitarian food assistance agencies are often already engaged in large-scale life-saving and livelihood support programmes to assist vulnerable and conflict-affected civilian communities, including displaced populations. These same agencies may be asked by a national Government, a peace operation or UN Resident Coordinator (UN RC) to provide food assistance in support of a disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) process.Food assistance provided by humanitarian food assistance agencies as part of a DDR process shall adhere to humanitarian principles and the best practices of humanitarian food assistance. Humanitarian agencies shall not provide food assistance to armed personnel at any point in a DDR process and all reasonable precautions and measures shall be taken to ensure that food assistance is not taken or used by combatants or warring factions. When food is provided to armed forces and groups prior to their demobilization, Governments or peacekeeping actors and their cooperating partners, and not humanitarian agencies, shall be responsible for all aspects of the process \u2013 from the acquisition of food to its distribution.As outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR, DDR processes can include various combinations of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support. The objectives and means through which food assistance is provided will differ depending on the type of DDR process being supported. For example, during DDR programmes food assistance can be provided at disarmament and\/or cantonment sites and as part of a transitional safety net in support of reinsertion and reintegration. Food assistance can also be provided as part of reintegration support either during a DDR programme or when the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). In addition, food assistance can be part of pre-DDR and CVR (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction).Food assistance that is provided in support of a DDR process shall be based on a careful analysis of the food security situation. This shall include an analysis of any potential gender, age or disability barriers to receiving food assistance. The capacities and coping mechanisms of individuals, households and communities shall also be analysed to ensure the appropriateness and effectiveness of the assistance. Food assistance as part of a DDR process shall also be informed by a context\/conflict analysis and an analysis of the protection risks that could potentially be created by this assistance. For example, it is important to analyse whether food assistance may inadvertently create or exacerbate household or community tensions.Available and flexible resources are necessary in order to respond to the changes and unexpected problems that may arise during DDR processes. A food assistance component of a DDR process should not be implemented unless adequate resources and capacity are in place, including human, financial and logistics resources. If resources are not adequate, a risk analysis must inform decision- making and implementation. Maintaining a well-resourced food assistance pipeline, regardless of the selected transfer modality (in-kind support or cash-based transfers) is essential."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"This module outlines the operational requirements for the planning, design and implementation of the food assistance component of a DDR process in both mission and non-mission settings. It focuses on instances where food assistance is provided by humanitarian food assistance agencies as part of a DDR process to ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, dependants and community members.1 It also examines the different modalities through which food assistance can be provided, including in-kind support, cash-based transfers, vouchers and digital payments (such as mobile money transfers). Although not the focus of this module, the guidance provided herein may also be of use to Government and peacekeeping actors engaged in the provision of food assistance during DDR."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.Cash-based transfers (CBTs): This term is used when, instead of providing a package of food, money is given to buy food. CBTs include cash as well as value vouchers. Value vouchers \u2013 also known as gift cards or stamps - provide access to commodities for a given monetary amount and can often be used in predetermined locations, including selected shops. CBTs may also include digital transfers such as payments made to mobile phones (\u201cmobile money transfers\u201d).Commodity vouchers: Vouchers may also be commodity-based i.e., tied to a predefined quantity of given foods.Coping mechanisms: The methods by which members of households try to deal with a crisis. For example, at times of severe food insecurity, household members may (1) make greater use than normal of wild foods, (2) plant other crops, (3) seek other sources of income, (4) rely more on gifts and remittances, (5) sell off assets to buy food and (6) migrate. Coping mechanisms should be discouraged if they lead to disinvestment, reduce a household\u2019s capacity to recover its long-term ability to survive, or harm the environment. Positive coping mechanisms should be encouraged and strengthened.Food assistance for assets (FFA): FFA aims to address the immediate food needs of the most food-insecure people while improving their long-term food security and resilience. People receive cash, vouchers or in-kind food assistance while they build or boost assets, such as constructing a road or rehabilitating degraded land. These assets should in turn improve their livelihoods by creating healthier natural environments, reducing risks and the impact of shocks, increasing food productivity and strengthening resilience to natural disasters. FFA is sometimes referred to as food for work.Food assistance programmes (FAPs): These programmes aim to improve the food security and nutritional status of the targeted population and can be implemented through different transfer modalities, including in-kind food rations and CBTs.Food assistance for training (FFT): A programme in which food or cash is supplied on the condition that the recipient attends a training programme.Food security: A situation where all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. (Note: This definition includes the three key dimensions of food security: sufficient availability of food, adequate access to food, and appropriate utilization of food.)Vulnerability: In terms of food supply, vulnerability refers to the presence of factors that place people at risk of becoming food insecure or malnourished, including those factors that affect their ability to cope with these risks."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"Acute food insecurity can be a trigger or root cause of armed conflict. Furthermore, armed conflict itself is a major driver of food insecurity. In countries and regions affected by armed conflict, humanitarian food assistance agencies are often already engaged in programmes to assist vulnerable and conflict-affected civilian communities, including displaced populations. These same agencies may be asked by a national Government, a peace operation or UN RC to provide food assistance in support of a DDR process.As outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR, DDR processes can include various combinations of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support. The objectives and means through which food assistance is provided will differ depending on the type of DDR process being supported (see Table 1 below). For example, during DDR programmes food assistance can be provided at disarmament and\/or cantonment sites and as part of a transitional safety net in support of reinsertion and reintegration. Food assistance can also be provided as part of reintegration support either a part of a DDR programme or when the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). In addition, food assistance can be part of pre-DDR and CVR (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). When food assistance is provided prior to demobilization, i.e., to active armed forces and groups, it shall be provided by Governments or peacekeeping actors and their cooperating partners, not humanitarian agencies."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to the food assistance provided by humanitarian food assistance agencies during DDR."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1 Voluntary","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Participation in the food assistance component of a DDR process shall be voluntary."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People centred","Heading3":"4.2.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Food assistance may be provided to all five categories of people that should be taken into consideration in integrated DDR processes, depending on the context (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR and IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). In a DDR process, those who receive food assistance may be eligible not just because they are in a particular situation of vulnerability to food and nutrition insecurity, but because they are members of, or associated with, a particular armed force or group. The objectives and eligibility criteria are different from those of a purely humanitarian food assistance intervention and align with those of the broader DDR process. This may in some circumstances contradict the needs-based approach of humanitarian food security organizations, and, as such, shall be carefully considered and weighed against overall peacebuilding and stabilization objectives.Some female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups (WAAFG) may self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigmatization that may result from being known as a female member of an armed force or group. These women may also be forcibly prevented from registering for DDR by male commanders (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Therefore, community-based food assistance in areas where WAAFG have returned may be the only way to reach these women (see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).Careful consideration shall also be given to how to best meet the food assistance requirements and other humanitarian needs of the dependants (partners, children and relatives) of ex-combatants. Whenever possible, meeting the food assistance needs of this group shall be part of broader strategies that are developed to improve food security in receiving communities.Dependants are eligible for assistance from DDR processes if they fulfil certain vulnerability criteria and\/or if their main household income was that of an eligible combatant. The criteria for eligibility for food assistance and to assess vulnerability shall be agreed upon and coordinated among key national and agency stakeholders, with humanitarian agencies playing a key role in this process. The process shall also involve participatory consultations with women and men of different ages.Because dependants are civilians, they should not be involved in disarmament and demobilization. However, they should be screened and identified as dependants of an eligible combatant (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). In this context, food assistance for dependants may be implemented in one of two ways. The first would involve dependants being cantoned in a separate, nearby camp while combatants are disarmed and demobilized. The second would involve dependants being taken or being asked to go directly to their communities. These two approaches would require different methods for distributing food assistance. During the planning process for the food assistance component of a DDR process, a clear, coordinated approach to inter-agency procedures for meeting the needs of dependants shall be outlined for all agency partners that will be involved.It is also essential when planning food assistance, that support provided to DDR participants and beneficiaries be balanced against the assistance provided to host community members or other returnees (such as internally displaced persons and refugees) as part of wider recovery programmes. When possible, and depending on the operational context, the needs of dependants may be best met by linking to concurrent food assistance programmes that are designed to assist the recovery of other conflict-affected populations. This approach shall be considered the preferred programming option."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People centred","Heading3":"4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Children associated with armed forces and armed groups (CAAFAG) are particularly vulnerable to re-recruitment, and, because of this, food assistance can provide valuable support for programmes of education, training, rehabilitation, and family and community reunification. When dealing with CAAFAG, appropriate food assistance benefits should only be selected after careful analysis of the situation and context, and be guided by the principle of \u2018do no harm\u2019. Although food assistance can in some cases offer these children incentives to reintegrate into their communities, food assistance can also motivate children to join or re-join armed forces and groups in order to access this support. Food assistance in the form of cash shall not be provided to children, as cash may easily be taken from children (for e.g., by military commanders). Instead, in-kind food assistance may be offered during child DDR processes. Any food assistance support shall be coordinated with specialized child protection actors. Protection analysis and referral systems to child protection agencies shall be included in the food assistance component of the DDR process (see section 7.1).The diverse and specific needs of CAAFAG, boys and girls, including in relation to nutrition, shall be taken into account in the design and implementation of the food assistance component of a child DDR process. DDR practitioners and food assistance staff shall be aware of the relevant legal conventions and key issues and vulnerabilities that have to be dealt with when assisting CAAFAG and work closely with child protection specialists when developing the food assistance component of a child DDR process. In addition, appropriate reporting mechanisms shall be established in advance with specialized child protection agencies to deal with child protection and other issues that arise during child demobilization (\u2018release\u2019) (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR)."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 People centred","Heading3":"4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Any food assistance component that is part of a DDR process shall be designed in accordance with humanitarian principles and the best practices of humanitarian food assistance. Food assistance shall only be provided when an overall assessment concludes that it is a required form of assistance as part of the DDR process. Similarly, the transfer modality to be used for the food assistance shall be based on a careful contextual and feasibility analysis (see section 5.5). Furthermore, when food assistance is provided as part of a DDR process in a mission context, the political requirements of the peacekeeping mission and the guiding principles of humanitarian assistance and development aid shall be kept completely separate.Food assistance as part of a DDR process shall be designed and implemented in a way that contributes to the safety, dignity and integrity of ex-combatants, their dependants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and community members. In any circumstance where these conditions are not met, humanitarian agencies shall carefully consider the appropriateness of providing food assistance.Humanitarian food assistance agencies shall only be involved in DDR processes when they have sufficient capacity. Support to a DDR process shall not undermine a humanitarian food assistance agency\u2019s capacity to deal with other urgent humanitarian problems\/crises, nor shall it affect the process of prioritizing food assistance to conflict-affected populations.In accordance with humanitarian principles, food assistance agencies shall not provide food assistance to armed personnel at any point in a DDR process. All reasonable precautions and measures shall be taken to ensure that food assistance is not taken or used by combatants or warring factions. When food is provided to armed forces and groups during the pre-disarmament and disarmament phases of a DDR process, Governments or peacekeeping actors and their cooperating partners, and not humanitarian agencies, shall be responsible for all aspects of the process \u2013 from the acquisition of food to its distribution."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"In each context in which a DDR process takes place, women, men, girls and boys will have different needs, interests and capacities. Food assistance in support of DDR shall be designed and implemented to take this into account. In particular, DDR practitioners shall be aware of the nutritional needs of women, adolescent girls and girls and boys. They shall also assess in advance and monitor whether food assistance provides equal benefit to women\/girls and men\/boys, and whether the assistance exacerbates gender inequality or promotes gender equality.The food assistance component of a DDR process shall ensure that women and girls have control over the assistance they receive and that they are empowered to make their own choices about their lives. In order to achieve this, it is essential that women and girls and women\u2019s groups, as well as child advocacy groups, be closely and meaningfully involved in DDR planning and implementation.The food assistance component of a DDR process shall also consider gender analysis and power dynamics in household resource distribution, as it may be necessary to create specific benefit tracks for women. As with all food assistance programmes, those established in support of a DDR process shall be gender-responsive and appropriate to the rights and specific needs of women and girls (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). A gender-transformative approach to food assistance shall be applied, promoting women\u2019s roles in decision-making, leadership, distribution, and monitoring and evaluation. More specifically: \\n A gender-transformative lens shall be integrated into the design and delivery of food assistance components, leveraging opportunities to support gender-equitable engagement by men, women, boys and girls, including ensuring equal representation of women in leadership roles. \\n The women and men who are to be recipients of food assistance shall determine the selection of the transfer modality and delivery mechanism (time, date, place, quantity of food, separate queues, etc.). The transfer type and delivery mechanism shall not reinforce discriminatory and restrictive gender roles. \\n The provision of food assistance shall be monitored, and gender and gender-equality considerations shall be integrated into the tools, procedures and reporting of on-site, post- distribution and market monitoring. \\n Changes in food security, nutrition situation, decision-making authority and empowerment, equitable participation and access, protection and safety issues, and satisfaction with assistance received shall be monitored for individual women, men, girls and boys, households and community groups. \\n Food assistance staff shall receive training on protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), including regular refresher trainings. \\n Confidential complaints and feedback mechanisms related to food assistance that are accessible to women, men, girls and boys shall be designed, established and managed. These mechanisms shall ensure that women have a safe space to report protection issues and incidents of sexual and gender-based violence. An accountability system should be designed, established and managed to ensure appropriate follow up. \\n Possible violations of women\u2019s and girls\u2019 rights shall be identified, addressed and responded to when supporting the food assistance component of a DDR process. Opportunities for women to take a more active role in designing and implementing food assistance programmes shall also be promoted. \\n The equal representation of women and men in peace mediation and decision-making at all levels and stages of humanitarian assistance shall be ensured, including in food management committees and at distribution points. \\n The participation of women\u2019s organizations in capacity-building for humanitarian response, rehabilitation and recovery shall be ensured."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4 Conflict sensitive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"DDR processes shall be designed through a conflict-sensitive lens with careful consideration given to how a possible food assistance component could potentially increase tensions and vulnerabilities. Food assistance provided as part of a DDR process shall not create, exacerbate or contribute to gender inequalities or discrimination, including the risk of gender-based violence. Furthermore, it shall not present possibilities for theft or manipulation of assistance, or compromise the legitimacy of organizations and actors providing humanitarian and development aid. The most adequate transfer modalities and delivery mechanisms for food assistance as part of a DDR process shall be identified. Food assistance staff and DDR practitioners shall be highly aware of the potential for their decisions to have unintended negative consequences and shall analyse possible inadvertent contributions to tension\/conflict. This analysis shall include: \\n a) Having a sound understanding of the social tensions that already exist; \\n b) Assessing how the DDR process and the food assistance component may interact with those tensions; \\n c) Adapting the DDR process and the food assistance component to avoid contributing to tension\/conflict, and to support sustainable peace where possible.DDR processes with a food assistance component shall also leverage opportunities to \u2018do more good\u2019 and contribute to social cohesion and peacebuilding as well as to gender equality and women\u2019s empowerment."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5 Context specific","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"The food assistance component of a DDR process, and the modality through which food assistance is provided, will be highly context-specific. The appropriate local, country and\/or regional approach to assistance shall be adopted and be based on good-quality data and analysis of the social, political and economic context, taking into account gender and age inequalities."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ","Heading3":"4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"If the food assistance component of a DDR process is to be effective, sufficient human, financial and logistics resources are required. In a mission context, contributions from the UN peacekeeping assessed budget, supplemented by voluntary donations, must be available. Security provisions and the presence of adequate numbers of peacekeepers are also required. The lead food assistance agency shall support the UN mission administration in defining scenarios and predicting operational costs. In a non-mission context, voluntary donations are required."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ","Heading3":"4.6.2 Accountability and transparency","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Accountability to affected populations is essential to ensure that the design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of the food assistance component of a DDR process is informed by and reflects the views of affected people. As part of accountability to affected populations, information about food assistance shall be provided to affected populations in an accurate, timely and accessible way. The information provided shall be clearly understandable to all, irrespective of age, gender, ability, literacy level or other characteristics. In addition, the views of the affected population shall be sought throughout each stage of the food assistance component of a DDR process. This requires separate consultations with women, men, youth and elders to ensure that their views and concerns are heard and accounted for. In particular, separate consultations with men and women shall be required in order to provide opportunities for confidential feedback and to report protection or sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) issues related to food assistance (see Box 1)."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.7 Nationally and locally owned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"The food assistance component of a DDR process shall be linked to the broader recovery strategy of the country concerned. This linkage shall be included in the earliest stages of inter-agency DDR planning and negotiations, so that eligibility criteria and the necessary processes for receiving assistance are clearly communicated to all concerned. It is also essential to work with humanitarian coordinating structures, including the UN Humanitarian Coordinator (UN HC)."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.8 Integrated","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Food assistance to DDR processes shall be provided in close consultation with all relevant UN components (peacekeeping, humanitarian and development), as well as with the Government, affected populations, donors and cooperating partner organizations, including representatives of women\u2019s organizations and organizations working for gender equality.Food assistance shall not be provided as part of DDR processes if there is no clear, established institutional and operational framework. Effective mechanisms for sharing information, and where appropriate joint planning and preparation, shall be established between the leading food agency, its cooperating partners and other UN agencies, as well as peacekeeping actors and donors. This will further help uphold and respect humanitarian principles."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.9 Well planned","Heading3":"4.9.1 Assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The lead food assistance agency shall participate in all negotiation and planning processes that may have a direct or indirect effect on the design and implementation of the food assistance component of a DDR process. All cooperating and implementing partners in the food assistance component shall be consulted during the planning process in order to establish the appropriate and necessary measures for exchanging information and coordinating activities. Assessments shall involve and inform local communities and, where possible, consultation on the design of a food assistance component shall include these communities and a feedback mechanism to support continual refinement."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.9 Well planned","Heading3":"4.9.2 Public information and community sensitization","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Community members may sometimes believe that more attractive food assistance (such as rice) is being provided to ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups than the support being provided to broader communities (for example, bulgur). This can cause resentment in these communities and potentially fuel conflict. There is also the danger that humanitarian food assistance agencies will no longer be seen as neutral. For these reasons, every effort shall be made to manage public information and community perceptions when sensitizing communities where ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups will return (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR)."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.9 Well planned","Heading3":"4.9.3 Transition and exit strategies","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The food assistance component of a DDR process may initially focus on ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. In order to encourage self-reliance and minimize resentment from others in the community who do not have access to similar support, over time, and where appropriate, this focus shall be phased out. Any continuing efforts to address the vulnerabilities of reintegrating former combatants, their dependants, and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups shall take place through other programmes of assistance dealing with the needs of the broader conflict-affected population, recognizing that the effectiveness of these programmes is often related to available resources. The aim shall always be to encourage the re-establishment of self- reliance from the earliest possible moment, therefore minimizing the possible negative effects of distributing food assistance over a long period of time."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Planning for food assistance as part of a DDR process often begins when food assistance agencies receive a request from a national Government, a peace operation or a UN RC. This request signals the need for the lead food agency to begin inter-agency coordination, in order to ensure that the operational requirements of a food assistance component are fully incorporated into an integrated DDR process framework."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.1 Food assistance planning data","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Food assistance may be provided as part of a DDR process only when the overall analysis shows that it is a needed, appropriate form of assistance as part of a broader package of DDR support.When developing the initial plans for a short-term food assistance component, the lead food agency shall gather information about the numbers and categories of recipients, the modality to be used to provide assistance, logistics and distribution\/disbursement plans. Depending on the timeline of the response, security concerns, and difficulties in terms of access, food assistance agencies may have to rely on secondary data provided by Governments and\/or the UN mission and the UN peacekeeping DDR component. Nevertheless, sex and age disaggregated data should be sought to ensure that the food assistance component responds to the specific needs of the targeted population.Longer-term food assistance interventions, such as those supporting reintegration, should ideally be based on more accurate food security and vulnerability data and analysis. This is to ensure that the food assistance component is designed according to a comprehensive understanding of food security and nutrition issues in a particular context. The analysis should include a detailed protection, gender and age analysis of the context and populations where the operation will take place. Generally, data collected through assessments carried out by humanitarian agencies to inform other food assistance programmes for the conflict-affected population should be used as the basis for planning reintegration support. In all planning for food assistance, vulnerability and feasibility assessments should be carried out, if possible, at the regional, community and\/or household levels to gather data on areas that are particularly vulnerable, as well as communities, households and specific groups (such as single parents with small children, older people) or individuals (women versus men) experiencing food insecurity. To the extent possible, the analysis should also consider individual food security and nutrition needs, as well as the use of food and livelihood coping strategies within households, taking into account intra-household inequalities in access to and the utilization of food.The tools available for assessment and analysis include: \\n Crop and food security assessment mission; \\n Emergency food security assessments; \\n Mobile vulnerability analysis and mapping remote surveys; \\n Essential needs assessments; \\n Integrated food security phase classification exercises including acute malnutrition; \\n Food security monitoring systems; \\n Transfer modality selection guidance; \\n Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transition (SMART) nutrition surveys or joint food security and nutrition assessments; \\n Other types of rapid assessments to identify vulnerable communities and to better understand local food management practices. Rapid assessments use a variety of quick and inexpensive survey techniques. They tend to be qualitative rather than quantitative, and they depend more on the ability and judgement of the person carrying out the survey than do other research methods that are more rigorous, but also slower and costlier.These assessment methods provide the basis for identifying the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and the needs of communities, households and individuals in specific locations, and provide detailed information on food availability, food markets, economic and physical access to food, food consumption and utilization, food and livelihood-based coping strategies, exposure to shocks, and other root causes of food insecurity, including insecurity or gender inequalities. When possible, such assessments should be carried out through a participatory, gender-sensitive approach to ensure that the needs, interests and capacities of all community members (women, men, old, young) are identified.Community-based organizations such as women\u2019s organizations and village relief committees, including local leaders, can help to identify the people or households most in need of assistance and the local root causes of food insecurity. Engaging local organizations in surveys and assessments as key informants can contribute to the engagement of all members of the community in ensuring that food assistance is effective and that it benefits all those in need equally and does not create protection risks."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.1 Food assistance planning data","Heading3":"5.1.1 Data needed for planning","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Early in the integrated planning process, food assistance agencies should provide details of the data that they require to the lead coordinating actors in the DDR process so that information can be collected in the early phases of preparing for the food assistance component. The transfer modality that is chosen to provide food assistance will have implications for the types of data required, and this should be taken into account. Agencies should also be careful to ask for data about less visible groups (e.g., abducted girls, breastfeeding mothers) so that these groups can be included in the estimates. It should be noted, however, that acquiring certain data (e.g., accurate numbers and descriptions of members of armed forces and groups) is not always possible, because of the tendency of parties to hide children, ignore (leave out) women who were not in combat positions, and increase or reduce figures for political, financial or strategic reasons. Therefore, plans will often be made according to a best estimate that can only be verified when the food assistance component is in progress. For this reason, DDR practitioners and food assistance staff should be prepared for unexpected or unplanned events\/circumstances.The following data are essential for food assistance planning as part of a DDR process, and shall be provided to, or collected by, the lead agency at the earliest possible stages of planning, ensuring that data protection standards are respected: \\n Numbers of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups (disaggregated by sex and age, and with specific assessments of the numbers and characteristics of vulnerable groups); \\n Numbers of dependants (partners, children, relatives, disaggregated by sex and age) and their expenditure on food and food intake; \\n Profiles of participants and beneficiaries (i.e., who they are, what their special needs are); \\n Basic nutritional data, by sex and age; \\n Logistics corridors\/supply routes; \\n Roads and infrastructure information; \\n Information on market capacity and functionality; \\n Information on financial service provider networks; \\n Basic information on beneficiary expenditure\/consumption behaviour; \\n Information regarding demining; \\n Other security-related information.Qualitative data, that will be especially useful in planning reintegration assistance, should also be collected, including through ad hoc surveys carried out among ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants on the initiative of the UN humanitarian coordinating body and partner UN agencies. This process should be carried out in consultation with the national Government and third parties. These surveys identify the main features of the social profile of the intended participants and beneficiaries and provide useful information about the different needs, interests and capacities of the women, men and children of various ages that will be eligible for assistance. Preliminary data gathered through surveys can be checked and verified at a later stage, for e.g., during an identification and registration process.Data on food habits and preliminary information on nutritional requirements may also be collected by food agencies through ad hoc surveys before, or immediately following, the start of the DDR process (also see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures)."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.2 The food assistance plan","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"The following parts of the food assistance component should be finalized in a food assistance plan and made part of the inter-agency approach to the DDR process: \\n Context\/conflict analysis, including protection and gender analysis; \\n Agreement on ration\/food basket\/transfer value for assembly and reinsertion periods, taking into account the diverse needs of recipients; \\n Agreement on the most appropriate modality (i.e., in-kind food, cash, or voucher\/e-voucher); \\n The identification of programme resources; \\n The establishment of viable distribution\/disbursement\/voucher redemption mechanisms, taking into consideration gender and protection issues; \\n Putting plans and resources in place for special feeding programmes (e.g., school\/interim care centre feeding, take home rations, malnutrition and prevention treatment programmes; integrating nutrition awareness education); \\n Preparations for special project activities (e.g., FFA, FFT, etc.); \\n The development of a logistics plan; \\n The establishment of monitoring and reporting systems; \\n The development of contingency plans; \\n The establishment of security measures.Having one lead food assistance agency as part of the DDR process will permit a more cost- effective operation and minimize coordination problems. In some cases, to improve the quality and variety of the food that is provided, extra supplies may be contributed by donors and other agencies. These actors can also provide non-food items required for the preparation and distribution of food (e.g., cooking pots, charcoal, paper plates, condiments, etc.).Experience has shown that the sharing of responsibilities between humanitarian and Government actors in the provision of food assistance must be done with caution. In countries emerging from conflict situations, Governments may have limited capacity and\/or resources to ensure timely and regular food assistance supplies. In such situations, upon a request from a national Government, a peace operation or a UN RC, humanitarian actors may step in appealing for donor funds to cover gaps in the provision of food assistance."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.3 Participatory planning","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"As with all parts of an integrated DDR process, the planning process for a food assistance component should involve, as far as possible, the participation of leaders of stakeholder groups (local Government; leaders of armed forces and groups; and representatives of civil society, communities, women\u2019s groups and vulnerable groups). This participatory approach enables a better understanding of the sociopolitical, gender and economic contexts in which the food assistance component of a DDR process will operate. It also allows for the identification of any possible protection risks to individuals or communities, and the risks of becoming caught up in conflict. Finally, a participatory approach can increase trust and social cohesion among groups and create consensus and raise awareness of the benefits offered and the procedures for receiving benefits. Representatives of communities, women\u2019s leaders and women\u2019s organizations, associations or informal groups should be meaningfully and equitably consulted.Although the extent to which any group participates should be decided on a case-by-case basis, even limited consultations, as long as they involve a variety of stakeholders, can improve the security of the food assistance component of a DDR process and increase the appropriateness of the assistance, distribution and monitoring. Such participation builds confidence among ex-combatant groups, improves the ability to meet the needs of vulnerable groups and helps strengthen links with the receiving community. Participants in the planning process should be specified in advance, as well as how these groups\/individuals will work together and what factors will aid or hinder the process.Food\/cash\/voucher distribution arrangements shall also be designed in consultation with women to avoid putting them at risk. In cases where rations are to be collected from distribution points, a participatory assessment shall take place to identify the best place, date and time for distribution in order to allow women and girls to collect the rations themselves and to avoid difficult and unsafe travel, for example in the dark. It shall also be determined whether special packaging is needed to make the collection and carrying of food rations by women easier."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.4 Resources and funding","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Once food assistance requirements have been identified, the lead food agency should take part in the drawing up of budget proposals. The food assistance component of a DDR process is often funded as part of the wider strategy of assistance and recovery, although the costs of a DDR food assistance component will depend largely on the resources and organizational capacity already in place in a given context. In both mission and non-mission contexts, food assistance in support of a DDR process shall not be implemented in the absence of adequate resources and capacity, including human, financial and logistic resources from donor contributions and\/or the UN peacekeeping assessed budget. In mission contexts, the UN peacekeeping assessed budget should be available to support food assistance costs and should be designed to take into account unexpected adjustments to the length of the food assistance component, delays, and other changes that require sufficient and flexible funding.Owing to the potential for unexpected changes, maintaining a well-resourced pipeline is essential. DDR processes are often time-sensitive and volatile, and food\/CBTs shall be available for pre-positioning, distribution and\/or timely disbursement to avoid the risks caused by delays. The pipeline shall have enough resources not only to meet the needs of the present situation, but also to meet the needs of other possible circumstances outlined in contingency plans."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.5 Transfer modality selection","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Some transfer modalities will more effectively contribute to food assistance objectives than others, depending on the specific circumstances of each intervention. CBTs provide people with money while in-kind food transfers include the distribution of commodities. Vouchers \u2013 also known as gift cards or stamps - can be used in predetermined locations, including selected shops. Vouchers can be value- based i.e., provide access to commodities for a given monetary amount. They may also be commodity- based i.e., tied to a predefined quantity of given foods. In some situations, combinations of transfer modalities may also prove most effective. For example, half of the transfer could be delivered in cash and the other half in-kind. Another alternative is the distribution of cash and food transfers by season, with food provided in the lean season and cash immediately after the harvest.Before deciding on the transfer modality for the food assistance component of a DDR process, an analysis shall be conducted to determine the appropriate transfer modality in a given context, and how this food component complements other transitional DDR support. At a minimum, the analysis should take into account factors linked to context, feasibility, market functioning, targeting, conditionality, women\u2019s preferences, duration, effectiveness towards objectives and cost-efficiency, as well as \u2018safety and dignity\u2019 (see Figure 1). This can be done for the food assistance component alone or for a multipurpose transfer to meet the essential needs of the targeted population. Particular care shall be taken to select an appropriate transfer modality when food assistance is provided during ongoing conflict. This is because armed groups can attempt to steal cash and food during the time that this assistance is being transported or stored."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.6 In-kind food distribution","Heading3":"5.6.1 Logistics strategy","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"The primary logistical goal of the food assistance component of a DDR process is to deliver food supplies to the right place, at the right time and cost, in good condition and with no loss. The main elements of a logistics strategy should include: \\n Port(s) of entry \u2013 identifying the most appropriate unloading port with the best location, capacity and costs; \\n Identifying the location for\/of the warehouses in transit and recipient countries; \\n Identifying logistics corridors\/routes and means of transport. The logistics strategy should plan for the following: \\n Organizing transport; \\n Setting up and managing warehouses; \\n Identifying additional needs; \\n Special operations; \\n Recommended logistic arrangements; \\n Cost analysis.The logistics strategy should be based on the logistics capacity assessment, which gives a detailed overview of the logistics infrastructure in the relevant country. Once the agencies and partners in the DDR process have been identified, an assessment of their logistics capacity is prepared through consultations, in order to develop the logistics strategy.Agreements signed by all the organizations and agencies concerned provide the basis for logistics planning. All partners shall formally define their logistics roles and responsibilities, including the reporting and financial obligations of each. Every agreement must deal with logistics issues and clearly define the logistics responsibilities of all participating partners. The assessments of partners\u2019 capacities and structures carried out during the preparation phase shall provide the basis for agreements and eventually be reflected in them."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.6 In-kind food distribution","Heading3":"5.6.2 Selecting commodities for in-kind rations","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"A cereal that is familiar to recipients, pulses and oil are the basic foods included in most rations. Other items are included to provide extra nutrients if people have no access to fresh foods. When selecting the types of food that will be supplied, the following issues should be considered:"},{"ID":28,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.6 In-kind food distribution","Heading3":"5.6.3 Nutritional and dietary requirements","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"The mix of food must provide the nutrients required to supply recipients with adequate energy, protein, fat and micronutrients, taking into account what they can acquire from other sources.For in-kind transfers, foods that are rich in energy, protein or micronutrients, including fortified complementary foods, are preferred. In emergencies, fortified flours and oil, bio-fortified staple foods and iodized salt may be good options to optimize the nutritional quality of the food basket.When CBTs or commodity vouchers are provided, food baskets that address the nutrient needs of the targeted households must be closely examined as part of preparedness and planning. Pre- calculated transfer values can factor in the prices of nutrient-dense foods that are available in local markets, including those mentioned above as well as animal-source foods, fruits and vegetables, taking into account any impacts that emergency or crisis situations may have on availability and affordability of food and especially for nutritionally vulnerable groups. A key opportunity to enhance the nutrition-sensitivity of food transfers is to improve their nutritional quality and to ensure adequate size and timing of the transfers.Particular consideration shall also be given to those with specific nutrient requirements, including women of childbearing age; pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls; children 6\u201323 months old; preschool children (2\u20135 years); school-age children (6\u201310 years); adolescents (10\u201319 years), especially girls; and older people. Other important vulnerable groups shall be considered according to the context and type of intervention, such as persons with disabilities and persons with chronic illnesses.In addition, for young children, provision of food supplements should always be accompanied by dedicated counselling on feeding and other infant and young child feeding practices like breastfeeding, consumption of family\/local foods, hygiene and responsive feeding and care."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.6 In-kind food distribution","Heading3":"5.6.4 Local food habits","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Foods shall be familiar to those who receive them, be compatible with their traditional dietary habits and respectful of any religious taboos. Consultation with those who are to receive food assistance, including women, shall be undertaken prior to determining the composition of the food basket."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.6 In-kind food distribution","Heading3":"5.6.5 Children and older people","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Families must be able to prepare easily digestible energy-dense foods for young children. Easily chewed and digestible foods are also needed for older people."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.6 In-kind food distribution","Heading3":"5.6.6 Ease of transport, storage and use","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Foods shall be reasonably easy to transport, capable of being stored in the average household, and simple to prepare using little fuel. This last criterion takes into consideration that women and girls are usually overburdened with preparing food and collecting firewood, which sometimes creates new protection risks, and that domestic pollution is a major health concern. In addition, this criterion further protects people living with disabilities. Foods must be adapted to available cooking facilities, water and cooking fuel. The provision, promotion and use of fuel-efficient stoves is recommended, wherever possible."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.6 In-kind food distribution","Heading3":"5.6.7 Cost effectiveness, attractiveness and local value","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Cost must be taken into account for each of the various items that could be provided: \\n In relation to the nutrient value the food supplies to those who will receive it; \\n In relation to local (resale) value, as recipients may trade limited quantities of some items to obtain other essential items, e.g., fruits and vegetables from the local market; \\n With regard to whether some items are more likely to be misappropriated than others, as items that do not reach the groups they are intended for, or that are stolen from them, are of no benefit."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.6 In-kind food distribution","Heading3":"5.6.8 Availability of local commodities","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Commodities should be purchased locally wherever possible, to support local market recovery and employment opportunities. The quality and shelf-life of the food available should also be considered. It is important to determine whether whole grains or milled cereals should be provided and whether fortified blended foods might be produced locally rather than imported."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.7 Cash-based transfers","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"CBTs can be paid in cash, in the form of value vouchers, or by bank or digital-money transfers (for example, through mobile phones). They can be one-off or paid in instalments and used instead of or alongside in-kind food assistance.There are many different benefits associated with the provision of food assistance in the form of cash. For example, not only can the recipients of cash determine and meet their individual consumption and nutritional needs more efficiently, the ability to do so is a fundamental step towards empowerment, as it helps restore a sense of normalcy and dignity in the lives of recipients. Cash can also be an efficient way to deliver support because it entails lower transaction and logistical costs than in-kind food assistance, particularly in terms of transportation and storage. The provision of cash may also have beneficial knock-on effects for local markets and trade. It also helps to avoid a scenario in which the recipients of in-kind food assistance simply resell the commodities they receive at a loss in value.Cash will be of little utility in places where the food items that people require are unavailable on the local market. However, the oft-cited concern that cash is often misused, and used to purchase alcohol and drugs, is, in the most part, not borne out by the evidence. Any potential misuse can also be reduced through decisions related to targeting and conditionality. For example, household control over the way that cash is spent can be supported by providing cash to the families of ex-combatants, rather than ex-combatants alone. Ex-combatants and their wives\/husbands can also be asked to sign a contract that leads to the release of cash. This contract could outline how the money is supposed to be spent, and would require follow-up to check that the goods purchased comply with the terms of this contract. Basic literacy and financial education can also help to reduce the risk that cash is misused, and basic nutrition education can help to ensure that families are aware of the importance of feeding nutritious foods, especially to young children who rely on caregivers to be fed.Providing cash is sometimes seen as generating security risks both for the staff that transport large amounts of money and for recipients. This is because cash is prone to diversion, capture by elites and seizure by armed groups, particularly in settings where corruption is high and armed conflict is ongoing. This is particularly true for cash payments that are distributed at regular times at publicly known locations. Digital payments, such as over-the-counter and mobile money payments, may help to circumvent this problem by offering new and discrete opportunities to distribute CBTs. For example, recipients may cash out small amounts of their payment as and when it is needed to buy food, directly transfer money to a bank account, or store money on their mobile wallet over the long- term.Preliminary evidence indicates that distributing cash for food through mobile money transfers has a positive impact on dietary diversity, in part because recipients spend less time traveling to and waiting for their transfer. In order to benefit from mobile money transfers, recipients need to be in the possession of a mobile phone, or at a minimum, a SIM card that can be used in a mobile phone that is shared with others. The recipient will also need to reside in an area (or close to an area) where there is mobile network coverage and where there are accessible cash-out points or agents. It is also necessary to ensure that agents have sufficient cash on hand in order to make the payment. The agents will need to be monitored in order to ensure that they adhere to previously agreed upon standards. It is also important to ensure that recipients are not subjected to coercion or undue pressure by the agent to use their cash to buy other goods in the agent\u2019s store. Adequate sensitization campaigns targeting both recipients and agents should be an integral part of the programme design. Finally, new users of digital payments may need to be educated in how to use them and should, where possible, be provided with accompanying literacy training and financial education.Irrespective of the type of CBT selected, the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers. It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients and encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy. A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set-up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women. When food assistance is provided through CBTs, humanitarian agencies often work closely with service providers from the private sector (financial service providers, traders, etc.). Where this is the case, all necessary service procurement procedures shall be followed to ensure timely set-up of the operation. Clear Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) shall be put in place to ensure that all stakeholders have the same understanding of their roles and responsibilities."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.7 Cash-based transfers","Heading3":"5.7.1 Calculating the transfer value for CBTs","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"The transfer value for a CBT to cover basic food needs should take into consideration the preferences of recipients, consumption patterns and the availability of food items in the local market. The transfer value should be sufficient to cover the consumption gap of the target group to consume a nutritionally balanced diet covering essential macro- and micronutrients. The transfer value can be obtained by multiplying the cost of a nutritionally balanced basket informed by consumption patterns and preferences by average food prices of the most commonly consumed items in the local market.Cash transfers in the form of value vouchers should be sufficient to cover the consumption gap of the target group to consume a nutritionally balanced diet covering essential macro- and micronutrients. The value can be calculated by multiplying the cost of a nutritionally balanced basket informed by consumption patterns and preferences by prices negotiated with contracted retailers."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes","Heading2":"5.8 Equity with other assistance programmes","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Food assistance provided to DDR participants and beneficiaries should be balanced against assistance provided to other returnees or conflict-affected populations as part of the wider recovery programme to avoid treating some conflict-affected groups unfairly. The provision of special entitlements to DDR participants should always be seen in the context of the needs and resources of the broader population. If communities perceive that preferential treatment is being given to ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, this can cause resentment, and there is the danger that humanitarian food assistance agencies will no longer be perceived as neutral. Every effort to achieve an equal standard of living for ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, dependants and other members of the community should be made in order to minimize the risk that benefits given through DDR could fuel tensions among these groups."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Food assistance can be provided at different points throughout a DDR process, including as part of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process","Heading2":"6.1. The Charter of the United Nations","Heading3":"6.1.1 Disarmament and Demobilization","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"When DDR participants are grouped at specific locations, such as disarmament and\/or cantonment sites, in-kind food assistance is distributed in a way that is similar to a typical encampment relief situation. In this context, demobilizing combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups have limited buying power and their access to alternative sources of income and food security is restricted. In addition, their health may be poor after the prolonged isolation they have experienced and the poor food they may have eaten during wartime (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR). Ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups may see the regular provision of food assistance as proof of the commitment by the Government and the international community to support the transition to peace. Insufficient, irregular or substandard food assistance can become a source of friction and protest. Every reasonable measure should be taken to ensure that, at the very minimum, standard rations or transfers are distributed when DDR participants are grouped together at disarmament and\/or cantonment sites.If ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups are present at disarmament and\/or cantonment sites, the type of food supplied should normally be more varied than in standard food assistance emergency operations. Table 2 provides an example of a recommended food basket.Inclusion of fortified blended flour such as Super Cereal is essential to cover basic micronutrients and protein needs. Up to 20g of sugar can be added to meet local preferences. Fresh vegetables and fruit or other foods to increase the nutritional value of the food basket should be supplied when alternative sources can be found and if they can be stored and distributed.Standard emergency food baskets can be supplied to family dependants if they are included as beneficiaries of the DDR programme. In this context, food assistance for dependants may often be implemented in one of two possible ways. The first involves dependants being cantoned in a separate, nearby camp while combatants are disarmed and demobilized. The second involves dependants being taken or directed to their communities. These two approaches would require different methods for distributing food assistance. Although food assistance should not encourage ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups and\/or dependants to stay for long periods at cantonment sites, prepared foods may be served when doing so is more appropriate than creating cooking spaces and\/or providing equipment for participants to prepare their own food.DDR practitioners and food assistance staff shall be aware of problems concerning protection and human rights that are especially relevant to women and girls at disarmament and demobilization sites. Codes of conduct and appropriate reporting and referral mechanisms shall be established in advance among UN agencies and human rights and child protection actors to deal with gender-based violence, sexual exploitation and abuse, and human rights abuses. There shall also be strict procedures in place to protect women and girls from sexual exploitation by those who control access to food assistance. Staff and the recipients of food assistance alike shall be aware of the proper channels available to them for reporting cases of abuse or attempted abuse linked to food distribution. Women, men, girls and boys shall be consulted from the outset in order to identify protection issues that need to be taken into account."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process","Heading2":"6.1. The Charter of the United Nations","Heading3":"6.1.2 Reinsertion","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"If a DDR programme is underway, food assistance can be part of a broader reinsertion package made available by Governments and the international community (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Food assistance can form part of a transitional safety net and support the establishment of medium- term household food security.In this scenario, food assistance can be provided as a take-home package (for those leaving cantonment sites) and\/or can be provided in the community. In communities that have access to functional markets, and where there is a reliable financial network, CBTs are likely to be a useful option during the reinsertion phase, as these transfers provide recipients with the flexibility to redeem the entitlement in the location and moment they prefer, according to their needs. When CBTs are dispensed through financial service providers who offer additional financial services, linking the food assistance to a financial inclusion objective can help to facilitate reinsertion. Where CBTs are not possible for contextual or infrastructural reasons, in-kind assistance can be considered for take-home rations.A general guideline is that food assistance in the reinsertion phase of a DDR programme should not be provided for longer than a year; however, benefits should also be appropriate to the particular context. The following factors should be taken into account when deciding on the length of time the transfer should cover: \\n Whether ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups will be transported by vehicle to the relevant communities or whether they will have to carry the ration (if in-kind) (the latter may require protection mechanisms for women or other vulnerable groups); \\n The level of assistance when they reach the community; \\n The resources available to the food component of the DDR programme; \\n The timing and expected yields\/production of the next harvest; \\n The prospects for the re-establishment of employment and other income-generating activities, or the creation of new opportunities; \\n The overall food policy for the area, taking into account the total economic, social and ecological situation and related recovery and development activities.The aim shall always be to encourage the re-establishment of self-reliance from the earliest possible moment, therefore minimizing the possible negative effects of distributing food assistance over a long period of time."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process","Heading2":"6.2 Food assistance and reintegration support","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Reintegration support can be provided as part of a DDR programme, or when the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place. In both instances, the role of food assistance will depend on the type of reintegration support provided and whether any form of targeting is applied (see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). DDR participants and beneficiaries will often eventually be included in a community-based approach and access food in the same way as members of these communities, rather than receive special entitlements. Ultimately, they should be seen as part of the community and, if in need of assistance, take part in programmes covering broader recovery efforts.In broader operations in post-conflict environments during the recovery phase, where there are pockets of relative security and political stability and greater access to groups in need, general free food distribution is gradually replaced by help directed at particular groups, to develop the ability of affected populations to meet their own food needs and work towards long-term food security. Activities should be closely linked to efforts to restart positive coping mechanisms and methods of households supplying their own food by growing it themselves or earning the money to buy it.The following food assistance activities could be implemented when support to reintegration is provided as part of a DDR process within or outside a DDR programme: \\n Supporting communities through FFA activities that directly benefit the selected populations; \\n Providing support, in particular nutrition interventions, directed at specific vulnerable groups; \\n Providing support to restore production capacity and increase food production by households; \\n Providing support (training, equipment, seeds and agricultural inputs) to selected populations or the wider community to restart agricultural production, enhance post-harvest management, identify market access options, and organise farmers to work and sell collectively; \\n Providing support for local markets through CBTs, buying supplies for DDR processes locally, encouraging private-sector involvement in food transport and delivery, and supporting social market outlets and community-based activities such as small enterprises for both women and men, and linking CBT programmes to a financial inclusion objective; \\n Encouraging participation in education and skills training (school feeding with nutrition education, FFT, education, adult literacy); \\n Maintaining the capacity to respond to emergencies and setbacks; \\n Expanding emergency rehabilitation projects (i.e., projects which rehabilitate local infrastructure) and reintegration projects; \\n Running household food security projects (urban\/rural).The link between learning and nutrition is well established, and inter-agency collaboration should ensure that all those who enter training and education programmes in the reintegration period are properly nourished. Different nutritional needs for girls and boys and women and men should be taken into account."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process","Heading2":"6.3 Food assistance and DDR-related tools","Heading3":"6.3.1 Community Violence Reduction","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Community violence reduction as part of a DDR process seeks to build social cohesion and provide ex-combatants and other at-risk individuals, particularly youth, with alternatives to (re-)joining armed groups. As outlined in IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction, one way to achieve this may be to involve various groups in the design, implementation and evaluation of an FFA or FFT programme. During these programmes, interaction and dialogue among these groups can build social cohesion and reduce the risk of violence. Food assistance as part of CVR shall be based on food assistance analysis (see section 5) in addition to the assessments that are regularly conducted as part of planning for CVR. These include, among others, a context\/conflict analysis, a security and consequence assessment, and a comprehensive and gender-responsive baseline assessment of local violence dynamics (see section 6.3 in IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction and IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments)."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process","Heading2":"6.3 Food assistance and DDR-related tools","Heading3":"6.3.2 Pre-DDR","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Pre-DDR is a local-level transitional stabilization measure designed for those who are eligible for a DDR programme (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). When a DDR programme is delayed, pre-DDR can be conducted with male and female ex-combatants who are in camps, or with ex-combatants who are already in communities. Activities may include cash for work, FFT or FFA. Wherever possible, pre-DDR activities should be linked to the reintegration support that will be provided when the DDR programme is eventually implemented."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Food assistance may be provided to all five categories of people that should be taken into consideration in integrated DDR processes, depending on the context. \\n members of armed forces and groups who served in combat and\/or support roles (those in support roles are often referred to as being associated with armed forces and groups); \\n abductees\/victims; \\n dependants\/families; \\n civilian returnees\/\u2019self-demobilized\u2019; \\n community members.Within these five categories, consideration should be given to addressing the specific needs of nutritionally vulnerable groups. These groups have specific nutrient requirements and include: \\n women of childbearing age; \\n pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls; \\n children 6\u201323 months old; \\n preschool children (2\u20135 years); \\n school-age children (6\u201310 years); \\n adolescents (10\u201319 years), especially girls; \\n older people; \\n persons with disabilities; and \\n persons with chronic illnesses including people leaving with HIV and TB.Analysis of the particular nutritional needs of vulnerable groups is a prerequisite of programming for the food assistance component of a DDR process. The Fill the Nutrient Gap tool in countries where this analysis has been completed is an invaluable resource to understand the key barriers to adequate nutrient intake in a specific context for different target groups.3A key opportunity to make food assistance components of DDR processes more nutrition sensitive is to deliver them within a multi-sectoral package of interventions that aim to improve food security, nutrition, health, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Social and behaviour change communication (SBCC) is likely to enhance the nutritional impact of the transfer. Gender equality and ensuring a gender lens in analysis and design also make nutrition programmes more effective.As far as possible, the food assistance component of a DDR process should try to ensure that the nutritionally vulnerable receive assistance that meets their energy and nutrient intake needs. Although not all women are nutritionally vulnerable, the nutrition of women who are single heads of households or sole caregivers of children often suffers when there is a scarcity of food. Special attention should therefore be paid to food assistance for households where women are the only adult (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Referral mechanisms and procedures should also be established to ensure that vulnerable individuals in need of specialized services \u2013 for example, those related to health \u2013 have timely and confidential access to these services (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR)."},{"ID":44,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"8. Monitoring and evaluation","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"Mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating (M&E) interventions are essential when food assistance is provided as part of a DDR process, to ensure accountability to all stakeholders and in particular to the affected population.The food assistance component shall be monitored and evaluated as part of a broader M&E plan for the DDR process. In general, arrangements for monitoring the distribution of assistance provided during DDR should be made in advance between all the implementing partners, using existing tools for monitoring and applying international best practices.In terms of food distribution, at a minimum, information shall be gathered on: \\n The receipt and delivery of commodities; \\n The number (disaggregated by sex and age) of people receiving assistance; \\n Food storage, handling and the distribution of commodities; \\n Food assistance availability and unmet needs. There are two main types of monitoring through which this information can be gathered: \\n Distribution: This type of monitoring, which is conducted on the day of distribution, includes several activities, including commodity monitoring, on-site monitoring and food basket monitoring. \\n Post-distribution: This monitoring takes place sometime after the distribution but before the next one. It includes monitoring of the way in which food assistance is used in households and communities, and market surveys.In order to increase the effectiveness of the current and future food assistance component, it is particularly important for data on DDR participants and beneficiaries to be collected so that it can be easily disaggregated. Numerical data should be systematically collected for the following categories: ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants (partners and relatives of ex-combatants). Every effort should be made to disaggregate the data by: \\n Sex and age; \\n Vulnerable group category (CAAFAG, people living with HIV\/ AIDS, persons with disabilities, etc.); \\n DDR location(s); \\n Armed force\/group affiliation.Also, identifying lessons learned and conducting evaluations of the impacts of food assistance helps to improve the approach to delivering food assistance within DDR processes and the broader inter-agency approach to DDR. The UN agencies involved in the DDR process should ensure that a comprehensive evaluation of the food assistance provided during early stages of the DDR process (for example the disarmament and demobilization phases of a DDR programme) are carried out and factored into later stages (such as the reintegration phase of a DDR programme). The evaluation should provide an in-depth analysis of early food assistance activities and allow for later food assistance components to be reviewed and, if necessary, redesigned\/reoriented. Gender should be taken into consideration in the evaluation to assess if there were any unexpected outcomes of food assistance on women and men, and on gender relations and gender equality. Lessons learned should be recorded and shared with all relevant stakeholders to guide future policies and to improve the effectiveness of future planning and support to operations."},{"ID":45,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Food Assistance in DDR","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.50 Food Assistance in DDR","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"\\n 1 Guidance on how the provision of food assistance is affected in contexts where armed groups designated as terrorist organisations by the United Nations Security Council, Member States or regional organizations are active will be developed at a later stage particularly to address elements of risk and vulnerability in the provision of support in these contexts. \\n 2 See Gina Pattugalan (2014) Linking food security, food assistance and protection from gender- based violence: WFP\u2019s experience \\n 3 See https:\/\/\/publications\/2017-fill-nutrient-gap"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR.json b/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c2a79a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The United Nations (UN) Security Council and General Assembly have noted that a number of converging factors make conflict and post-conflict settings high risk environments for the spread of HIV, and that there is an elevated risk of infection among uniformed services and ex-combatants. This module outlines the strategies to address HIV\/AIDS during disarm- ament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) processes, in the interests of the individuals concerned, the sustainability of reintegration efforts and general post-conflict recovery.National beneficiaries should provide the lead for HIV\/AIDS initiatives, and interven- tions should be as inclusive as possible, while acknowledging the limitations of DDR HIV\/ AIDS programmes. A risk-mapping exercise should include the collection of baseline data on knowledge, attitudes and vulnerability, HIV\/AIDS prevalence, and identify existing capacity.The basic requirements for HIV\/AIDS programmes in DDR are: \\n identification and training of HIV focal points within DDR field offices; \\n the development of HIV\/AIDS awareness material and provision of basic awareness training for target groups, with peer education programmes during the reinsertion and reintegration phases to build capacity. Awareness training can start before demobiliza- tion, depending on the nature of soldiers\u2019\/ex-combatants\u2019 deployment and organizational structure; \\n the provision of voluntary confidential counselling and testing (VCT) during demobi- lization and reintegration. An HIV test, with counselling, should be routinely offered (opt-in) as a standard part of medical screening in countries with an HIV prevalence of 5 percent or more. VCT should be provided in all settings throughout the DDR process, building on local services. Undergoing an HIV test, however, should not be a condition for participation in the DDR process, although planners should be aware of any national legislation that may exclude HIV-positive personnel from newly formed military or civil defence forces; \\n screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which should be a standard part of health checks for participants; \\n the provision of condoms and availability of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) kits dur- ing demobilization, reinsertion and reintegration; \\n treatment for opportunistic infections and, where feasible, referral for anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment within the national health care system; \\n the implementation of HIV\/AIDS public information and awareness campaigns to sensitize \u2018receiving\u2019 communities, to raise general awareness and to reduce possible stigma and discrimination against returning combatants, including women associated with armed forces and groups, which could undermine reintegration efforts. Planning in communities needs to start in advance of demobilization.In instances where the time allotted for a specific phase is very limited or has been re- duced, as when there is a shortened cantonment period, it must be understood that the HIV\/ AIDS requirements envisaged are not dropped, but will be included in the next DDR phase."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"This module aims to provide policy makers, operational planners and DDR officers with guidance on how to plan and implement HIV\/AIDS programmes as part of a DDR frame- work. It focuses on interventions during the demobilization and reintegration phases. A basic assumption is that broader HIV\/AIDS programmes at the community level fall outside the planning requirements of DDR officers. Community programmes require a multisectoral approach and should be sustainable after DDR is completed. The need to integrate HIV\/ AIDS in community-based demobilization and reintegration efforts, however, can make this distinction unclear, and therefore it is vital that the national and international part- ners responsible for longer-term HIV\/AIDS programmes are involved and have a lead role in DDR initiatives from the outset, and that HIV\/AIDS is included in national recon- struction. DDR programmes need to integrate HIV concerns and the planning of national HIV strategies need to consider DDR.The importance of HIV\/AIDS sensitization and awareness programmes for peace- keepers is acknowledged, and their potential to assist with programmes is briefly discussed. Guidance on this issue can be provided by mission-based HIV\/AIDS advisers, the Depart- ment of Peacekeeping Operations and the Joint UN Programme on HIV\/AIDS (UNAIDS)."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"AIDS is a global issue. Every region of the world is affected and all are reporting increases in HIV infection rates. There is still no cure and no vaccine. Access to ARV treatment, which mitigates the effects of the virus, is being scaled up in low- and middle-income countries; but an emphasis on preventing new infections remains paramount.HIV\/AIDS challenges human rights and gender relations, aggravates socio-economic crises and undermines \u2018human security\u2019. In the most severely affected countries, AIDS threatens to deplete the supply of skilled labour, reverse economic progress and under- mine food security. It overwhelms health systems and changes the demographic profile of nations.1 In July 2000, Security Council resolution 1308 (S\/RES\/1308) recognized that the \u201cspread of HIV\/AIDS can have a uniquely devastating impact on all sectors and levels of society\u201d.In addition, resolution 1308 recognized that the HIV\/AIDS pandemic is \u201cexacerbated by conditions of violence and instability\u201d. DDR programmes often take place in areas of high HIV\/AIDS prevalence or high-risk environments, and ex-combatants are considered a high-risk group. As noted by the Inter- Agency Standing Committee (IASC), the very characteristics that define a complex emergency, such as conflict, social instability, poverty and powerlessness, are those that favour the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Mass displace- ments can result in the movement of people between high and low HIV\/AIDS prevalence areas, especially with migration towards urban settings. The breakdown of social networks and support mechanisms place women and children at an increased risk of violence, and can force them into having sex to gain access to basic needs such as food, water and security. The risk of HIV is further increased when rape and sexual abuse are used as tools of war, as illustrated by the recent conflicts in Haiti, Liberia and Sudan.The UN General Assembly\u2019s 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV\/AIDS, endorsed by General Assembly resolution A\/RES\/S-26\/2, further emphasized the concern that con- flicts contribute to the spread of HIV, and recognized that \u201cpopulations destabilized by armed conflict, humanitarian emergencies and natural disasters, including refugees, inter- nally displaced persons and in particular women and children, are at increased risk of exposure to HIV infection\u201d. In some circumstances, however, conflict may actually slow the transmission of HIV in pockets of communities or specific areas, as it restricts access and trade routes, and it is the post-conflict phase including, potentially, the reintegration process, that sees an increase in HIV vulnerability."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"A number of UN resolutions and declarations highlight the obligation to include HIV\/AIDS initiatives in responses to conflict and provide the legal framework for such a requirement: \\n Security Council resolution 1308 (S\/RES\/1308) of 2000 and Presidential Statement (S\/PRST\/2005\/33) of 2005; \\n Security Council resolution 1325 (S\/RES\/1325) of 2000; \\n UN General Assembly HIV\/AIDS Declaration of Commitment of June 2001, endorsed by General Assembly resolution A\/RES\/S-26\/2 and reiterated by General Assembly A\/RES\/60\/262."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1. Security Council resolution 1308 and Presidential Statement 2005\/33","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"Security Council resolution 1308 (2000) \u201con the responsibility of the Security Council in the maintenance of international peace and security: HIV\/AIDS and international peace- keeping operations\u201d,2 calls for HIV\/AIDS training and prevention programmes for peace- keeping personnel. In addition, by recognizing the devastating impact that HIV\/AIDS has on all sectors of society and by stressing that \u201cthe HIV\/AIDS pandemic, if unchecked, may pose a risk to stability and security\u201d, the resolution points to a broader framework and obli- gation to integrate HIV\/AIDS initiatives into post-conflict programmes, including DDR. Furthermore, the resolution stresses the importance of a coordinated approach among UN agencies, and essentially calls for the mainstreaming of HIV\/AIDS into their respective mandates. Following discussions in 2005 on the implementation of Security Council resolu- tion 1308 (2000), the Security Council Presidential Statement (S\/PRST\/2005\/33) supported the efforts of peacekeeping missions to integrate HIV\/AIDS awareness into their activities and outreach projects for vulnerable communities."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2. Security Council resolution 1325","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) \u201con Women, peace and security\u201d3 encourages \u201call involved in the planning for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration to consider the different needs of female and male ex-combatants and to take into account the needs of their dependants\u201d. Consideration of HIV\/AIDS interventions and requirements comes under this obligation. Furthermore, the resolution makes specific reference for the need to provide HIV\/AIDS training for military, civilian police, and civilian personnel deployed in peace- keeping operations."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3. General Assembly Declaration of Commitment on HIV\/AIDS and General Assembly resolutions A\/RES\/S-26\/2 and A\/RES\/60\/262","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"The UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV\/AIDS Declaration of Commitment (June 2001), endorsed by resolution A\/RES\/S-26\/2 and reiterated in 2006 by resolution A\/RES\/ 60\/262, established a common set of targets and agreed strategies to reduce the spread of HIV and mitigate its impact. It called for HIV\/AIDS components to be included in interna- tional assistance programmes in crisis situations. More specifically, in addition to training for personnel involved in peacekeeping operations, the Declaration called on Member States \u201cby 2003 to have in place national strategies to address the spread of HIV among national uniformed services, where this is required, including armed forces and civil defence forces\u201d (para. 77). The obligation to include strategies to address HIV\/AIDS in DDR programmes is clear for two reasons. First, national uniformed (government) forces, directly referred to in the Declaration, and non-State combatants face HIV risks. Second, by extension, there is a need to consider HIV in broader security sector reform (SSR) initiatives and efforts to establish newly integrated national armed service and civil defence forces in post-conflict settings, as DDR is often closely linked to SSR. The Declaration also points to national uniformed services as being a possible resource in themselves for HIV\/AIDS initiatives, calling on Member States to \u201cconsider ways of using personnel from these services who are educated and trained in HIV\/AIDS awareness and prevention to assist with HIV\/AIDS awareness and prevention activities, including participation in emergency, humanitarian, disaster relief and rehabilitation assistance\u201d (para. 77)."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4. Inter-Agency Standing Committee guidelines on HIV\/AIDS interventions in emergency settings","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"The Inter-Agency Standing Committee, which is the primary mechanism for facilitating inter-agency decision-making in response to complex emergencies and natural disasters, issued guidelines in 2004 for HIV\/AIDS interventions in emergency settings. The guide- lines are a practical handbook and planning tool to enable governments and cooperating organizations, including UN agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), to make the minimum required multisectoral response to HIV\/AIDS during the early phase of emergency situations, as well as during the stabilization phase.4 Most of the recommended actions for vulnerable groups are also valid for DDR and addressing HIV\/AIDS among DDR participants (see Annex B)."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"5. Rationale for HIV\/AIDS integration into DDR programming","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"As noted in the introduction, a number of factors make conflict and post-conflict settings high-risk environments for the spread of HIV. The age range, mobility and risk taking ethos of armed forces and groups can make them high-risk to HIV \u2014 with some national mili- taries reporting higher rates of HIV than their civilian counterparts \u2014 and \u2018core transmitters\u2019 to the wider population.5 Child soldiers are often (though not always) sexually active at a much earlier age and are therefore potentially exposed to HIV. Female combatants, women associated with fighting forces, abductees and dependants are frequently at high risk, given widespread sexual violence and abuse and because, in situations of insecurity and destitu- tion, sex is often exchanged for basic goods or protection. In some conflicts, drugs have been used to induce in combatants a fighting spirit and a belief in their own invincibility. This not only increases risk behaviour but also, in the case of intravenous drug users, can directly result in HIV infection as the virus can be transmitted through the sharing of in- fected needles.Integrating HIV\/AIDS into DDR initiatives is necessary to meet the immediate health and social needs of the participant and the interests of the wider community, and it is impor- tant for the long-term recovery of the country. The impact of HIV\/AIDS at every level of society undermines development and makes it more difficult for a country to emerge from conflict and achieve social and economic stability. The sustainability of reintegration efforts requires that HIV\/AIDS awareness and prevention strategies be directed at DDR partici- pants, beneficiaries and stakeholders in order to prevent increases in HIV rates or more generalized epidemics developing in countries where HIV infection may be mainly limited to particular high-risk groups.Negative community responses to returning former combatants may also arise and make HIV a community security issue. To assist reintegration into communities, it is necessary to counter discrimination against, and stigmatization of, those who are (or are perceived to be) HIV-positive. In some instances, communities have reacted with threats of violence; such responses are largely based on fear because of misinformation about the disease.In cases where SSR follows a DDR process, former combatants may enter into reintegrated\/ reformed military, police and civil defence forces. In many developing countries, ministries of defence and of the interior are reporting high HIV infection rates in the uniformed services, which are compromising command structures and combat readiness. Increasingly, there are national policies of screening recruits and excluding those who are HIV-positive. Engaging in HIV\/AIDS prevention at the outset of DDR will help to reduce new in- fections, thus \u2014 where national policies of HIV screening are in place \u2014 increasing the pool of potential candidates for recruitment, and will assist in planning for alternative occu- pational support and training for those found to be HIV-positive.6DDR programmes offer a unique opportunity to target high-risk groups for sensitization. In addition, with the right engagement and training, former combatants have the potential to become \u2018change agents\u2019, assisting in their communities with HIV\/AIDS prevention activi- ties, and so becoming part of the solution rather than being perceived as part of the problem."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"6. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Lead to be provided by national beneficiaries\/stakeholders. HIV\/AIDS initiatives within the DDR process will constitute only a small element of the overall national AIDS strategy (assum- ing there is one). It is essential that local actors are included from the outset to guide the process and implementation, in order to harmonize approaches and ensure that awareness- raising and the provision of voluntary confidential counselling and testing and support, including, wherever possible, treatment, can be sustained. Information gained in focus group discussions with communities and participants, particularly those living with HIV\/AIDS, should inform the design of HIV\/AIDS initiatives. Interventions must be sensitive to local culture and customs.Inclusive approach. As far as possible, it is important that participants and beneficiaries have access to the same\/similar facilities \u2014 for example, voluntary confidential counselling and testing \u2014 so that programmes continue to be effective during reintegration and to reduce stigma. This emphasises the need to link and harmonize DDR initiatives with national programmes. (A lack of national programmes does not mean, however, that HIV\/AIDS initiatives should be dropped from the DDR framework.) Men and women, boys and girls should be included in all HIV\/AIDS initiatives. Standard definitions of \u2018sexually active age\u2019 often do not apply in conflict settings. Child soldiers, for example, may take on an adult mantle, which can extend to their sexual behaviour, and children of both sexes can also be subject to sexual abuse.Strengthen existing capacity. Successful HIV\/AIDS interventions are part of a long-term pro- cess going beyond the DDR programme. It is therefore necessary to strengthen the capacity of communities and local actors in order for projects to be sustainable. Planning should seek to build on existing capacity rather than create new programmes or structures. For example, local health care workers should be included in any training of HIV counsellors, and the capacity of existing testing facilities should be augmented rather than parallel facilities being set up. This also assists in building a referral system for demobilized ex-combatants who may need additional or follow-up care and treatment.Ethical\/human rights considerations. The UN supports the principle of VCT. Undergoing an HIV test should not be a condition for participation in the DDR process or eligibility for any programme. HIV test should be voluntary and results should be confidential or \u2018medical- in-confidence\u2019 (for the knowledge of a treating physician). A person\u2019s actual or perceived HIV status should not be considered grounds for exclusion from any of the benefits. Planners, however, must be aware of any existing national legislation on HIV testing. For example, in some countries recruitment into the military or civil defence forces includes HIV screen- ing and the exclusion of those found to be HIV-positive.Universal precautions and training for UN personnel. Universal precautions shall be followed by UN personnel at all times. These are a standard set of procedures to be used in the care of all patients or at accident sites in order to minimize the risk of transmission of blood- borne pathogens, including, but not exclusively, HIV. All UN staff should be trained in basic HIV\/AIDS awareness in preparation for field duty and as part of initiatives on HIV\/ AIDS in the workplace, and peacekeeping personnel should be trained and sensitized in HIV\/AIDS awareness and prevention.Using specialized agencies and expertise. Agencies with expertise in HIV\/AIDS prevention, care and support, such as UNAIDS, the UN Development Programme, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the World Health Organization (WHO), and relevant NGOs and other experts, should be consulted and involved in opera- tions. HIV\/AIDS is often wrongly regarded as only a medical issue. While medical guidance is certainly essential when dealing with issues such as testing procedures and treatment, the broader social, human rights and political ramifications of the epidemic must also be considered and are often the most challenging in terms of their impact on reintegration efforts. As a result, the HIV\/AIDS programme requires specific expertise in HIV\/AIDS train- ing, counselling and communication strategies, in addition to qualified medical personnel. Teams must include both men and women: the HIV\/AIDS epidemic has specific gender dimensions and it is important that prevention and care are carried out in close coordination with gender officers (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).Limitations and obligations of DDR HIV\/AIDS initiatives. it is crucial that DDR planners are transparent about the limitations of the HIV\/AIDS programme to avoid creating false expectations. It must be clear from the start that it is normally beyond the mandate, capacity and financial limitations of the DDR programme to start any kind of roll-out plan for ARV treatment (beyond, perhaps, the provision of PEP kits and the prevention of mother-to- child transmission (also see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR). The provision of treatment needs to be sustainable beyond the conclusion of the DDR programme in order to avoid the development of resistant strains of the virus, and should be part of national AIDS strategies and health care programmes. DDR programmes can, however, provide the following for target groups: treatment for opportunis- tic infections; information on ARV treatment options available in the country; and referrals to treatment centres and support groups. The roll-out of ARVs is increasing, but in many countries access to treatment is still very limited or non-existent. This means that much of the emphasis still has to be placed on prevention initiatives. HIV\/AIDS community initiatives require a long-term commitment and fundamentally form part of humanitarian assistance, reconstruction and development programmes."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"7. Planning factors","Heading2":"7.1. Planning assessments","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"During the planning process, a risk mapping exercise and assessment of local capacities (at the national and community level) needs to be conducted as part of a situation analysis and to profile the country\u2019s epidemic. This will include the collection of qualitative and quantitative data, including attitudes of communities towards those being demobilized and presumed or real HIV infection rates among different groups, and an inventory of both actors on the ground and existing facilities and programmes.There may be very little reliable data about HIV infection rates in conflict and post- conflict environments. In many cases, available statistics only relate to the epidemic before the conflict started and may be years out of date. A lack of data, however, should not prevent HIV\/AIDS initiatives from being put in place. Data on rates of STIs from health clinics and NGOs are valuable proxy indicators for levels of risk. It is also useful to consider the epi- demic in its regional context by examining prevalence rates in neighbouring countries and the degree of movement between states. In \u2018younger\u2019 epidemics, HIV infections may not yet have translated into AIDS-related deaths, and the epidemic could still be relatively hidden, especially as AIDS deaths may be recorded by the opportunistic infection and not the pres- ence of the virus. Tuberculosis (TB), for example, is both a common opportunistic infection and a common disease in many low-income countries.A situation analysis for action planning for HIV should include the following important components: \\n Baseline data: What is the national HIV\/AIDS prevalence (usually based on sentinel surveillance of pregnant women)? What are the rates of STIs? Are there significant differences in different areas of the country? Is it a generalized epidemic or restricted to high-risk groups? What data are available from blood donors (are donors routinely tested)? What are the high-risk groups? What is driving the epidemic (for example: heterosexual sex; men who have sex with men; poor medical procedures and blood transfusions; mother-to-child transmission; intravenous drug use)? What is the regional status of the epidemic, especially in neighbouring countries that may have provided an external base for ex-combatants? \\n Knowledge, attitudes and vulnerability: Qualitative data can be obtained through key in- formant interviews and focus group discussions that include health and community workers, religious leaders, women and youth groups, government officials, UN agency and NGO\/CBOs, as well as ex-combatants and those associated with fighting forces and groups. Sometimes data on knowledge, attitudes and practice regarding HIV\/ AIDS are contained in demographic and health surveys that are regularly carried out in many countries (although these may have been interrupted because of the conflict). It is important to identify the factors that may increase vulnerability to HIV \u2014 such as levels of rape and gender-based violence and the extent of \u2018survival sex\u2019. In the planning process, the cultural sensitivities of participants and beneficiaries must be considered so that appropriate services can be designed. Within a given country, for example, the acceptability and trends of condom use or attitudes to sexual relations outside of marriage can vary enormously; the country specific context must inform the design of programmes. Understanding local perceptions is also important in order to prevent problems during the reintegration phase, for example in cases where communities may blame ex-com-batants or women associated with fighting forces for the spread of HIV and therefore stigmatize them. \\n Identify existing capacities: The assessment needs to map existing health care facilities in and around communities where reintegration is going to take place. The exercise should ascertain whether the country has a functioning national AIDS control strategy and programme, and the extent that ministries are engaged (this should go beyond just the health ministry and include, for example, ministries of the interior, defence, education, etc.). Are there prevention and awareness programmes in place? Are these directed at specific groups? Does any capacity for counselling and testing exist? Is there a strategy for the roll-out of ARVs? Is there financial support available or pending from the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria and TB, the US President\u2019s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief or the World Bank? Do these assistance frameworks include DDR? What other actors (national and international) are present in the country? Are the UN theme group and technical working group in place ( the standard mechanisms to coordinate the HIV initiatives of UN agencies)?Basic requirements for HIV\/AIDS programmes in DDR include: \\n collection of baseline HIV\/AIDS data; \\n identification and training of HIV focal points within DDR field offices; \\n development of HIV\/AIDS awareness material and provision of basic awareness train- ing, with peer education programmes during extended cantonment and the reinsertion and reintegration phases to build capacity; \\n provision of VCT, both specifically within cantonment sites, where relevant, and through support to community services, and the routine offer of (opt-in) testing with counselling as a standard part of medical screening in countries with an HIV prevalence of 5 per- cent or more; \\n provision of condoms, PEP kits, and awareness material; \\n treatment of STIs and opportunistic infections, and referral to existing services for ARV treatment; \\n public information campaigns and sensitization of receiving communities as part of more general preparations for the return of DDR participants.The number of those being processed through a particular site and the amount of time available would determine what can be offered before or during demobilization, what is part of reinsertion packages and what can be offered during reintegration. The IASC guidelines are a useful tool for planning and implementation (see section 4.4 of this module)."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"7. Planning factors","Heading2":"7.2. Design of DDR field offices","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"The design of DDR field offices responsible for the registration and reintegration process must take into account the need for capacity to address HIV\/AIDS. Possible options include a central dedicated (but mobile) unit to coordinate HIV issues; the establishment of focal points in each region; and the secondment of experts to field offices from relevant UN agencies and NGOs or, in the case of national DDR field offices, from the national ministry of health, National AIDS Control Programme and local NGOs. In many cases, field offices will play a key role in basic briefings to DDR participants and referrals to VCT, so it is essential that all personnel are trained in HIV awareness strategies and are fully aware of on available facilities."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"7. Planning factors","Heading2":"7.3. Monitoring and evaluation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"During planning, core indicators need to be developed to monitor the progress and impact of DDR HIV initiatives. This should include process indicators, such as the provision of condoms and the number of peer educators trained, and outcome indicators, like STI inci- dence by syndrome and the number of people seeking voluntary counselling and testing. DDR planners need to work with national programmes in the design and monitoring of initiatives, as it is important that the indicators used in DDR programmes are harmonised with national indicators. DDR planners, implementing partners and national counterparts should agree on the bench-marks against which DDR-HIV programmes will be assessed. The IASC guidelines include reference material for developing indicators in emergency settings."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Depending on the nature of soldiers\u2019\/ex-combatants\u2019 deployment and organizational structure, it may be possible to start awareness training before demobilization begins. For example, it may be that troops are being kept in their barracks in the interim period between the signing of a peace accord and the roll-out of DDR; this provides an ideal captive (and restive) audience for awareness programmes and makes use of existing structures.7 In such cases, DDR planners should design joint projects with other actors working on HIV issues in the country. To avoid duplication or over-extending DDR HIV budgets, costs could be shared based on a proportional breakdown of the target group. For example, if it is anticipated that 40% of armed personnel will be demobilized, the DDR programme could cover 40% of the costs of awareness and prevention strategies at the pre-demobilization stage. Such an approach would be more comprehensive, easier to implement, and have longer-term benefits. It would also complement HIV\/AIDS initiatives in broader SSR programmes.Demobilization is often a very short process, in some cases involving only reception and documentation. While cantonment offers an ideal environment to train and raise the awareness of a \u2018captive audience\u2019, there is a general trend to shorten the cantonment period and instead carry out community-based demobilization. Ultimately, most HIV initiatives will take place during the reinsertion phase and the longer process of reintegration. However, initial awareness training (distinct from peer education programmes) should be considered part of general demobilization orientation training, and the provision of voluntary HIV testing and counselling should be included alongside general medical screening and should be available throughout the reinsertion and reintegration phases.During cantonments of five days or more, voluntary counselling and testing, and awareness sessions should be provided during demobilization. If the time allowed for a specific phase is changed, for example, if an envisaged cantonment period is shortened, it should be understood that the HIV\/AIDS minimum requirements are not dropped but are instead included in the next phase of the DDR programme. Condoms and awareness material\/referral information should be available whatever the length of cantonment, and must be included in \u2018transitional packages\u2019."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization","Heading2":"8.1. Planning for cantonment sites","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"The safety and protection of women, girls and boys must be taken into account in the plan- ning for cantonment sites and interim care centres (ICCs), to reduce the possibility of sexual exploitation and abuse (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, IDDRS 5.20 on Youth and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).Medical screening facilities should ensure privacy during physical check-ups, and shall ensure that universal precautions are respected.An enclosed space is required for testing and counselling. This can be a tent, as long as the privacy of conversations can be maintained. Laboratory facilities are not required on site."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization","Heading2":"8.2. HIV\/AIDS awareness training","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Initial HIV awareness training should be provided to DDR participants, covering the basic facts of HIV transmission and prevention methods, and debunking common myths (2-hour sessions). On the basis of the qualitative data gathered during the planning stages, infor- mation, education and communication materials should be developed that are sensitive to the local culture and customs. Written materials in local languages are useful, but alternative materials using pictures should also be provided to account for different literacy rates and specifically to target children. Separate training for men and women should be available to encourage individuals to speak openly and ask questions. Children should receive special training in ICCs, in collaboration with child-protection officers (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).Peer education programmes can be initiated during more extended cantonment periods of four weeks or more, and during reinsertion. Peer education typically involves training and supporting a small group with the same background, experience and values to share knowledge and change behaviour patterns among their peers. Peer education is often used to bring about changes in the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours at the indivi- dual level. However, the approach can also be used as part of efforts to create change at the group level or in society as a whole by modifying norms and stimulating collective action, both of which contribute to changes in policies and programmes. Globally, peer education is one of the most widely used strategies to address the HIV\/AIDS pandemic. It increases the capacity and sustainability of HIV\/AIDS awareness and sensitization efforts. HIV\/AIDS peer education kits for uniformed services and additional material for awareness sessions for women and children are available from UNAIDS and Family Health International.8 (See section 9.2 of this module.)"},{"ID":17,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization","Heading2":"8.3. Syndromic management of STIs","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Screening and treatment for STIs should be a standard component of health screening for participants. STIs indicate risk behaviour, and their presence increases the chances of contracting or transmitting HIV. Syndromic management is a cost-effective approach that allows health workers to diagnose STIs based on a patient\u2019s history and symptoms, without the need for laboratory analysis. Treatment normally includes the use of broad-spectrum anti-biotics. Individuals with an STI should be strongly encouraged to bring their partners in for STI screening so that both can receive treatment in order to prevent reinfection (also see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR)."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization","Heading2":"8.4. HIV counselling and testing","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Counselling and testing as a way of allowing people to find out their HIV status is an inte- gral element of prevention activities. Testing can be problematic in countries where ARVs are not yet easily available, and it is therefore important that any test is based on informed consent and that providers are transparent about benefits and options (for example, addi- tional nutritional support for HIV-positive people from the World Food Programme, and treatment for opportunistic infections). The confidentiality of results shall also be assured. Even if treatment is not available, HIV-positive individuals can be provided with nutritional and other health advice to avoid opportunistic infections (also see IDDRS 5.50 on Food Aid Programmes in DDR). Their HIV status may also influence their personal planning, includ- ing vocational choices, etc. According to UNAIDS, the majority of people living with HIV do not even know that they are infected. This emphasizes the importance of providing DDR participants with the option to find out their HIV status. Indeed, it may be that demand for VCT at the local level will have to be generated through awareness and advocacy cam- paigns, as people may either not understand the relevance of, or be reluctant to have, an HIV-test.It is particularly important for pregnant women to know their HIV status, as this may affect the health of their baby. During counselling, information on mother-to-child-trans- mission, including short-course ARV therapy (to reduce the risk of transmission from an HIV-positive mother to the foetus), and guidance on breastfeeding can be provided. Testing technologies have improved significantly, cutting the time required to get a result and reduc- ing the reliance on laboratory facilities. It is therefore more feasible to include testing and counselling in DDR. Testing and counselling for children associated with armed forces and groups should only be carried out in consultation with a child-protection officer with, where possible, the informed consent of the parent (see IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR). \\n Training and funding of HIV counsellors: Based on an assessment of existing capacity, counsellors could include local medical personnel, religious leaders, NGOs and CBOs. Counselling capacity needs to be generated (where it does not already exist) and funded to ensure suffi- cient personnel to run VCT and testing being offered as part of routine health checks, either in cantonment sites or during community-based demobilization, and continued during rein- sertion and reintegration (see section 10.1 of this module)."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization","Heading2":"8.4. HIV counselling and testing","Heading3":"8.4.1. Counselling","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Counselling is generally offered before and after an HIV test in order to help individuals make an informed decision about whether they want a test and to understand their risk behaviour and cope with a possible positive result (including information on how to stay as healthy as possible and how to minimize the risk of transmission to others) and provide referrals to options for treatment, care and support within the national system. Counselling also helps those who are not infected to stay HIV-negative. Counselling on an individual basis is ideal but it can also be offered in group settings with individual follow up.Individuals shall always be informed of their test result and post-test counselling should be provided for both an HIV-positive and an HIV-negative result, especially given the \u2018window period\u2019, the possibility for \u2018false negatives\u2019 and the need to impact on behav- iour. HIV-positive individuals should be strongly encouraged to bring their partner(s) for testing. In all instances, participants should be provided with referrals to further services in their communities. (For psychological, medical and legal support to rape victims see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR.)"},{"ID":20,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization","Heading2":"8.4. HIV counselling and testing","Heading3":"8.4.2. Testing","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"In countries with an estimated HIV prevalence of 5 percent or more, an HIV test (opt-in), with counselling and informed consent, should be routinely offered as part of standard health checks for ex-combatants, but this must be linked to provisions for treatment and\/or other benefits. In opt-in testing, individuals in a defined group (in this case, DDR participants) are given counselling and are offered the option of having an HIV test. It must be explained that they have the right to decide whether or not they wish to undergo an HIV test, without any personal repercussions. Routinely offering a test respects human rights guidelines, while also reaching a larger population. In general, such an approach results in greater numbers of people finding out their HIV status.Routine opt-in testing is suggested on the basis that DDR participants are a distinct and potentially high-risk group. However, VCT services for participants and beneficiaries should also be provided alongside any offer of testing as part of medicals. Voluntary testing is a client initiated process, whereby an individual chooses to go to a testing facility\/provider to find out his\/her HIV status.Advances in testing technology mean that rapid tests can provide a test result within approximately 30 minutes and do not require blood to be drawn or laboratory facilities. HIV-positive results need to be confirmed to rule out \u2018false positives\u2019. If local laboratory facilities do not exist, a combination of two further different rapid tests should be used to confirm an HIV-positive result. The mapping exercise will have identified national capacities (also see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR). Planners also need to consult national legislation regarding which HIV tests are ac- cepted, particularly with regard to rapid tests."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization","Heading2":"8.5. Providing condoms","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Male and female condoms should be available, and information regarding their correct use should be provided during the demobilization and in transitional packs. A range of contra- ception measures also need to be considered as part of basic reproductive health services to prevent unwanted pregnancies.Many countries may not be familiar with female condoms. Post-conflict settings, how- ever, have proved to be receptive environments for the introduction of female-controlled methods of HIV\/STI prevention and contraception. It is important that any introduction of female condoms in DDR programmes be strongly linked to national\/local initiatives. UNFPA and Population Services International can provide information on designing and running programmes to promote and supply female condoms. If female condoms are not available locally and there are no existing programmes, it may not be feasible or appropriate for DDR HIV\/AIDS programmes to introduce and promote the use of female condoms, as it requires training and specifically tailored information campaigns."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization","Heading2":"8.6. Provision of post-exposure prophylaxis kits","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) kits are a short-term antiretroviral treatment that reduces the likelihood of HIV infection after potential exposure to infected body fluids, such as through a needle-stick injury, or as a result of rape. The treatment should only be administered by a qualified health care practitioner. It essentially consists of taking high doses of ARVs for 28 days. To be effective, the treatment must start within 2 to 72 hours of the possible exposure; the earlier the treatment is started, the more effective it is. The patient should be counselled extensively before starting treatment, and advised to follow up with regular check-ups and HIV testing. PEP kits shall be available for all DDR staff and for victims of rape who present within the 72-hour period required (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR)."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases","Heading2":"9.1. Planning and preparation in receiving communities","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"HIV\/AIDS initiatives need to start in receiving communities before demobilization in order to support or create local capacity and an environment conducive to sustainable reintegra- tion. HIV\/AIDS activities are a vital part of, but not limited to, DDR initiatives. Whenever possible, planners should work with stakeholders and implementing partners to link these activities with the broader recovery and humanitarian assistance being provided at the community level and the Strategy of the national AIDS Control Programme. People living with HIV\/AIDS in the community should be consulted and involved in planning from the outset.The DDR programme should plan and budget for the following initiatives: \\n Community capacity-enhancement and public information programmes: These involve pro- viding training for local government, NGOs\/community-based organizations (CBOs) and faith-based organizations to support forums for communities to talk openly about HIV\/AIDS and related issues of stigma, discrimination, gender and power relations; the issue of men having sex with men; taboos and fears. This enables communities to better define their needs and address concerns about real or perceived HIV rates among returning ex-combatants. Public information campaigns should raise awareness among communities, but it is important that communication strategies do not inadvertently increase stigma and discrimination. HIV\/AIDS should be approached as an issue of concern for the entire community and not something that only affects those being demobilized; \\n Maintain counsellor and peer educator capacity: training and funding is needed to maintain VCT and peer education programmes."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases","Heading2":"9.2. Peer education programme","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Peer education training (including behaviour-change communication strategies) should be initiated during the reinsertion and reintegration phases or, if started during cantonment, continued during the subsequent phases. Based on the feedback from the programmes to improve community capacity, training sessions should be extended to include both DDR participants and communities, in particular local NGOs.During peer education programmes, it may be possible to identify among DDR parti- cipants those who have the necessary skills and personal profile to provide ongoing HIV\/ AIDS programmes in the communities and become \u2018change agents\u2019. Planning and funding for vocational training should consider including such HIV\/AIDS educators in broader initiatives within national HIV\/AIDS strategies and the public health sector. It cannot be assumed, however, that all those trained will be sufficiently equipped to become peer edu- cators. Trainees should be individually evaluated and supported with refresher courses in order to maintain levels of knowledge and tackle any problems that may arise.During the selection of participants for peer education training, it is important to con- sider the different profiles of DDR participants and the different phases of the programme. For example, women associated with fighting forces would probably be demobilized before combatants and peer education programmes need to target them and NGOs working with women specifically. In addition, before using DDR participants as community HIV\/AIDS workers, it is essential to identify whether they may be feared within the community because of the nature of the conflict in which they participated. If ex-combatants are highly respected in their communities this can strengthen reintegration and acceptance of HIV- sensitization activities. Conversely, if involving them in HIV\/AIDS training could increase stigma, and therefore undermine reintegration efforts, they should not be involved in peer education at the community level. Focus group discussions and local capacity-enhancement programmes that are started before reintegration begins should include an assessment of the community\u2019s receptiveness. An understanding of the community\u2019s views on the subject will help in the selection of people to train as peer educators."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases","Heading2":"9.3. Voluntary counselling and testing","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) should be available during the reinsertion and reintegration phases in the communities to which ex-combatants are returning. This is distinct from any routine offer of testing as part of medical checks. VCT can be provided through a variety of mechanisms, including through free-standing sites, VCT services inte- grated with other health services, VCT services provided within already established non- health locations and facilities, and mobile\/outreach VCT services."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases","Heading2":"9.4. Condoms and PEP kits","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Male and female condoms should continue to be provided during the reinsertion and re- integration phases to the DDR target groups. It is imperative, though, that such access to condoms is linked \u2014 and ultimately handed over to \u2014 local HIV initiatives as it would be unmanageable for the DDR programme to maintain the provision of condoms to former combatants, associated groups and their families. Similarly, DDR planners should link with local initiatives for providing PEP kits, especially in instances of rape. (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR)."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases","Heading2":"9.5. Vocational training","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"One of the major factors increasing vulnerability to HIV in post-conflict settings is the increased levels of commercial\/survival sex in communities where unemployment rates are high. Poverty-reductioninitiatives, includingincome-generationandvocationaltrainingprogrammes, should be seen as vital parts of overall community reconstruction, and also contribute to reducing the social risk factors for HIV transmission.For HIV-negative DDR participants, the creation of livelihoods is, by extension, an important aspect of HIV prevention for them and their families. For those who may be HIV-positive, but otherwise healthy (i.e., have functioning immune systems and showing no symptoms), vocational counselling may need to consider health and risk issues, but shall not deny each individual\u2019s ability or right to be trained and have a livelihood. The long incubation period of the virus means that it can be many years before an HIV-positive individual develops AIDS, even if he\/she is not on treatment."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases","Heading2":"9.6. Caring for people living with AIDS","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Caring for people living with AIDS, especially in resource poor settings, can present a number of challenges, particularly the provision of even basic drugs and treatments. It also raises concerns about the extent to which families (some of who may already be affected by the disease) and communities are able or willing to commit themselves to caring for ex-combat- ants who may have been away for some time. Overall, the burden of care tends to fall on women in communities who will already be facing an increased burden of care with the return of ex-combatants. This will make the overall support and absorption of ex-combat- ants into civilian life more complicated. In addition, any differences in the types or levels of AIDS care and support provided to ex-combatants and communities is a very sensitive issue. It is extremely important to provide a balance in services, so that communities do not think that ex-combatants are receiving preferential treatment. Wherever possible, support should be provided to existing medical and hospice facilities, linking up with national and local programmes, with targeted support and referrals for families caring for ex-combatants suffering from AIDS."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"10. Identifying existing capacities","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"National AIDS control programmes, where they exist, must be the first point of reference for, and key actors in, designing and running HIV\/AIDS DDR programmes. UNAIDS country coordinators can give essential guidance and will have established networks with relevant NGOs\/CBOs. The UN theme group is the main mechanism to coordinate HIV\/ AIDS initiatives among UN agencies and other partners."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"10. Identifying existing capacities","Heading2":"10.1. Implementing partners","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"In many settings, key HIV\/AIDS implementing partners, such as the International Rescue Committee and Family Health International, may already be working in the country, but not necessarily in all the areas where demobilization and reinsertion\/reintegration will take place. To initiate programmes, DDR officers should consider providing seed money to kick-start projects, for example covering the initial costs of establishing a basic VCT centre and training counsellors in a particular area, on the understanding that the implementing partner would assume the costs of running the facility for an agreed period of time. This is because it is often easier for NGOs to raise donor funds to maintain a project that has been shown to work than to set one up. Such an approach has the additional benefit of extend- ing HIV facilities to local communities beyond the time-frame of DDR, and can provide a buffer for HIV-related services at the reinsertion stage for example if there are delays in the demobilization process such as time-lags between the demobilization of special groups and ex-combatants."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"10. Identifying existing capacities","Heading2":"10.2. HIV-related support for peacekeeping missions","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"HIV\/AIDS advisers. Peacekeeping missions routinely have HIV\/AIDS advisers, assisted by UN volunteers and international\/national professionals, as a support function of the mis- sion to provide awareness and prevention programmes for peacekeeping personnel and to integrate HIV\/AIDS into mission mandated activities. HIV\/AIDS advisers can facilitate the initial training of peer educators, provide guidance on setting up VCT, and assist with the design of information, education and communication materials. They should be involved in the planning of DDR from the outset.Peacekeepers. Peacekeepers are increasingly being trained as HIV\/AIDS peer educators, and therefore might be used to help support training. This role would, however, be beyond their agreed duties as defined in troop contributing country memorandums of understanding (MoUs), and would require the agreement of their contingent commander and the force commander. In addition, abilities vary enormously: the mission HIV\/AIDS adviser should be consulted to identify those who could take part.Many battalion medical facilities offer basic treatment to host populations, often treating cases of STIs, as part of \u2018hearts and minds\u2019 initiatives. Battalion doctors may be able to assist in training local medical personnel in the syndromic management of STIs, or directly pro- vide treatment to communities. Again, any such assistance provided to host communities is not included in MoUs or self-sustainment agreements, and so would require the authori- zation of contingent commanders and the force commander, and the capability and expertise of any troop-contributing country doctor would have to be assessed in advance."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Terms and definitions \\n\\n AIDS: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome: the stage of HIV when the immune system is depleted, leaving the body vulnerable to one or more life-threatening diseases. \\n\\n Anti-retrovirals (ARVs): Broad term for the main type of treatment for HIV and AIDS. ARVs are not a cure. \\n\\n Behaviour-change communication (BCC): A participatory, community-level process aimed at developing positive behaviours; promoting and sustaining individual, community and societal behaviour change; and maintaining appropriate behaviours. \\n\\n False negative\/positive: HIV test result that is wrong, either giving a negative result when the person is HIV-positive, or a positive result when the person is HIV-negative. \\n\\n HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus, the virus that causes AIDS. \\n\\n HIV confirmation tests: According to WHO\/UNAIDS recommendations, all positive HIV- test results (whether ELISA [enzyme-linked immunabsorbent assay] or simple\/rapid tests) should be confirmed using a second, different test to confirm accuracy, or two further dif- ferent rapid tests if laboratory facilities are not available. \\n\\n HIV counselling: Counselling generally offered before and after an HIV test in order to help individuals understand their risk behaviour and cope with an HIV-positive result or stay HIV-negative. The counselling service also links individuals to options for treatment, care and support, and provides information on how to stay as healthy as possible and how to minimize the risk of transmission to others. Test results shall be confidential. Usually a vol- untary counselling and testing service package ensures that: the HIV test is voluntary; pre and post test counselling is offered; informed consent is obtained (agreement to a medical test or procedure after clear explanation of risks and benefits); and HIV tests are performed using approved HIV test kits and following testing protocols. \\n\\n HIV-negative result: The HIV test did not detect any antibodies in the blood. This either means that the person is not infected with the virus at the time of the test or that he\/she is in the \u2018window period\u2019 (i.e., false negative, see above). It does not mean that he\/she is immune to the virus. \\n\\n HIV-positive result: A positive HIV test result means that a person has the HIV antibodies in his\/her blood and is infected with HIV. It does not mean that he\/she has AIDS. HIV test: Usually a test for the presence of antibodies. There are two main methods of HIV testing: \\n HIV ELISA (enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay) test: This is the most efficient test for testing large numbers per day, but requires laboratory facilities with equipment, maintenance staff and a reliable power supply; \\n Simple\/rapid HIV tests: These do not require special equipment or highly trained staff and are as accurate as ELISA. Rapid tests will usually give results in approximately 30 minutes and are easy to perform. Suitable combinations of three simple\/rapid tests are recommended by WHO where facilities for ELISA or ELISA\/Western Blot testing are not available. \\n\\n Inconclusive (indeterminate) result: A small percentage of HIV test results are inconclu- sive. This means that the result is neither positive nor negative. This may be due to a number of factors that are not related to HIV infection, or it can be because of the person is in the early stages of infection when there are insufficient HIV antibodies present to give a positive result. If this happens the test must be repeated. \\n\\n Information, education and communication (IEC): The development of communication strategies and support materials, based on formative research and designed to impact on levels of knowledge and influence behaviours among specific groups. \\n\\n Mandatory testing: Testing or screening required by federal, state, or local law to compel individuals to submit to HIV testing without informed consent. Within those countries that conduct mandatory testing, it is usually limited to specific \u2018populations\u2019 such as cat- egories of health care providers, members of the military, prisoners or people in high-risk situations. \\n\\n Nutritional requirements: AIDS patients usually need a food intake that is 30 percent higher than standard recommended levels. \\n\\n Opportunistic infection (OI): Infection that occurs when an immune system is weakened, but which might not cause a disease \u2014 or be as serious \u2014 in a person with a properly func- tioning immune system. \\n\\n Peer education: A popular concept that variously refers to an approach, a communication channel, a methodology and\/or an intervention strategy. Peer education usually involves training and supporting members of a given group with the same background, experience and values to effect change among members of that group. It is often used to influence knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours at the individual level. However, peer educa- tion may also create change at the group or societal level by modifying norms and stimulating collective action that contributes to changes in policies and programmes. Worldwide, peer education is one of the most widely used HIV\/AIDS awareness strategies. \\n\\n Post-exposure prophylaxis\/post-exposure prevention (PEP): A short-term antiretroviral treatment that reduce the likelihood of HIV infection after potential exposure to infected body fluids, such as through a needle-stick injury or as a result of rape. The treatment should only be administered by a qualified health care practitioner. It essentially consists of taking high doses of ARVs for 28 days. To be effective, the treatment must start within 2 to 72 hours of the possible exposure; the earlier the treatment is started, the more effective it is. Its success rate varies. \\n\\n Routine opt-in testing: Approach to testing whereby the individual is offered an HIV test as a standard part of a treatment\/health check that he\/she is about to receive. The indivi- dual is informed that he\/she has the right to decide whether or not to undergo the test. \\n\\n Sentinel surveillance: Surveillance based on selected population samples chosen to repre- sent the relevant experience of particular groups. \\n\\n Sero-conversion: The period when the blood starts producing detectable antibodies in response to HIV infection. \\n\\n Sero-positive: Having HIV antibodies; being HIV-positive. \\n\\n Sexually transmitted infection (STI): Disease that is commonly transmitted through vaginal, oral or anal sex. The presence of an STI is indicative of risk behaviour and also increases the actual risk of contracting HIV. \\n\\n STI syndromic management: A cost-effective approach that allows health workers to diag- nose sexually transmitted infections on the basis of a patient\u2019s history and symptoms, without the need for laboratory analysis. Treatment normally includes the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. \\n\\n Universal precautions: Simple infection control measures that reduce the risk of transmis- sion of blood borne pathogens through exposure to blood or body fluids among patients and health care workers. Under the \u2018universal precaution\u2019 principle, blood and body fluids from all persons should be considered as infected with HIV, regardless of the known or supposed status of the person. \\n Use of new, single-use disposable injection equipment for all injections is highly recom- mended. Sterilising injection equipment should only be considered if single-use equip- ment is not available. \\n Discard contaminated sharps immediately and without recapping in puncture- and liquid-proof containers that are closed, sealed and destroyed before completely full. \\n Document the quality of the sterilization for all medical equipment used for percuta- neous procedures. \\n Wash hands with soap and water before and after procedures; use protective barriers such as gloves, gowns, aprons, masks and goggles for direct contact with blood and other body fluids. \\n Disinfect instruments and other contaminated equipment. \\n Handle properly soiled linen with care. Soiled linen should be handled as little as pos- sible. Gloves and leak-proof bags should be used if necessary. Cleaning should occur outside patient areas, using detergent and hot water. \\n\\n Voluntary HIV testing: A client-initiated HIV test whereby the individual chooses to go to a testing facility\/provider to find out his\/her HIV status. \\n\\n Window period: The time period between initial infection with HIV and the body\u2019s pro- duction of antibodies, which can be up to three months. During this time, an HIV test for antibodies may be negative, even though the person has the virus and can infect others."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"Annex C: Reference material and resources","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Family Health International resources available at http:\/\/\/en\/HIVAIDS\/ index.htm. \\n Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Guidelines for HIV\/AIDS Interventions in Emergency Set- tings, http:\/\/\/iasc. \\n \u2014\u2014, Guidelines for Gender Based Violence in Humanitarian Settings: Focusing on Pre- vention of and Response to Sexual Violence in Emergencies, September 2005, http:\/\/www.\/iasc\/content\/products\/docs\/tfgender_GBVGuidelines2005.pdf. Joint UN Programme on HIV\/AIDS (UNAIDS), Peer Education Kit for Uniformed Services, 2003. \\n \u2014\u2014, Best Practice Case Studies, http:\/\/ Reproductive Health Response in Conflict (RHRC) Consortium 2004, HIV\/AIDs Preven- tion and Control: a short course for humanitarian workers, \\n Rehn, Elisabeth and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Women, War and Peace: The Independent Experts\u2019 Assessment on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Women and Women\u2019s Role in Peace-building, http:\/\/ \\n UN Population Fund (UNFPA), Clinical Management of Rape Survivors: Developing Protocols for Use with Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, revised version, http:\/\/www.unfpa. org\/upload\/lib_pub_file\/373_filename_clinical-mgt-2005rev1.pdf. \\n WHO resources available at http:\/\/\/topics\/hiv_infections\/en\/. \\n \u2014\u2014, Reproductive Health in Refugee Settings: An Inter-Agency Field Manual, http:\/\/www.\/reproductive-health\/publications\/interagency_manual_on_RH_in_refugee_ situations\/full_text.pdf."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"HIV\/AIDS and DDR","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"\\n 1 Bazergan, R., Intervention and Intercourse: HIV\/AIDS and peacekeepers, Conflict, Security and Develop- ment, vol 3 no 1, April 2003, King\u2019s College, London, pp. 27\u201351. \\n 2 http:\/\/\/docs\/sc\/. \\n 3 Ibid. \\n 4 Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Guidelines for HIV\/AIDS Interventions in Emergency Settings, http:\/\/\/iasc. \\n 5 HIV risk in militaries is related to specific contexts, with a number of influencing factors, including the context in which troops are deployed. Many AIDS interventions by ministries of defence have been effective, and have reduced HIV infection rates in the uniformed services. \\n 6 In many cases, ex-combatants who are set to join a uniformed service do not go through the DDR process. There would still be a potential benefit, however, in instances where HIV\/AIDS awareness has started in the barracks\/camps. \\n 7 At the same time planners cannot assume that all fighting forces will have an organised structure in barracks with the associated logistical support. In some cases, combatants may be mixed with the population and hard to distinguish from the general population. \\n 8 See http:\/\/ and http:\/\/\/en\/index.htm."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.70 Health and DDR.json b/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.70 Health and DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86338c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.70 Health and DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"This module is intended to assist operators and managers from other sectors who are involved in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR), as well as health practitioners, to understand how health partners, like the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN) Population Fund (UNFPA), Joint UN Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS), Inter- national Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and so on, can make their best contribution to the short- and long-term goals of DDR. It provides a framework to support cooperative decision-making for health action rather than technical advice on health care needs. Its intended audiences are generalists who need to be aware of each component of a DDR pro- cess, including health actions; and health practitioners who, when called upon to support the DDR process, might need some basic guidance and reference on the subject to help contextualize their technical expertise. Because of its close interconnections with these areas, the module should be read in conjunction with IDDRS 5.60 on HIV\/AIDS and DDR and IDDRS 5.50 on Food Aid Programmes in DDR."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"This module is intended to assist operators and managers from other sectors who are involved in DDR, as well as health practitioners, to understand how health partners can make their best contribution to the short- and long-term goals of DDR. It provides a framework to support decision-making for health actions. The module highlights key areas that deserve attention and details the specific challenges that are likely to emerge when operating within a DDR framework. It cannot provide a response to all technical problems, but it provides technical references when these are relevant and appropriate, and it assumes that managers, generalists and experienced health staff will consult with each other and coordinate their efforts when planning and implementing health programmes.As the objective of this module is to provide a platform for dialogue in support of the design and implementation of health programmes within a DDR framework, there are two intended audiences: generalists who need to be aware of each component of a DDR process, including health actions; and health practitioners who, when called upon to support the DDR process, might need some basic guidance and reference on the subject to help contex- tualize their technical expertise."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"This module consolidates the lessons learned by WHO and its partners, including UNFPA, UNAIDS, ICRC, etc., in supporting DDR processes in a number of countries. UN technical agencies play a supportive role within a DDR framework, and WHO has a specific respon- sibility as far as health is concerned. The exact nature of this role may change in different situations, ranging from standards-setting to direct operational responsibilities such as con- tracting with and supervising non-governmental organizations (NGOs) delivering health care and health-related activities in assembly areas and demobilization sites, negotiating with conflicting parties to implement health programmes, and supporting the provision of health equipment and services in transit\/cantonment areas.The priority of public health partners in DDR is: \\n to assess health situations and monitor levels of risk; \\n to co-ordinate the work of health actors and others whose activities contribute to health (e.g., food programmes); \\n to provide \u2014 or to ensure that others provide \u2014 key health services that may be lacking in particular contexts where DDR programmes are operating; \\n to build capacity within national authorities and civil society.Experience shows that, even with the technical support offered by UN and partner agencies, meeting these priorities can be difficult. Both in the initial demobilization phase and afterwards in the reintegration period, combatants, child soldiers, women associated with armed forces and groups, and their dependants may present a range of specific needs to which the national health sector is not always capable of responding. While the basic mech- anisms governing the interaction between individuals and the various threats to their health are very much the same anywhere, what alters is the environment where these interactions take place, e.g., in terms of epidemiological profile, security and political context. In each country where a DDR process is being implemented, even without considering the different features of each process itself, a unique set of health needs will have to be met. Nonetheless, some general lessons can be drawn from the past: \\n In DDR processes, the short-term planning that is part of humanitarian interventions also needs to be built into a medium- to long-term framework. This applies to health as well as to other sectors;1 \\n A clear understanding of the various phases laid out in the peace process in general and specified for DDR in particular is vital for the appropriate timing, delivery and targeting of health activities;2 \\n The capacity to identify and engage key stakeholders and build long-term capacity is essential for coordination, implementation and sustainability."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"Health action should always prioritize basic preventive and curative care to manage the entire range of health threats in the geographical area, and deal with the specific risks that threaten the target population. Health action within a DDR process should apply four key principles: \\n Principle 1: Health programmes\/actions that are part of DDR should be devised in coordi- nation with plans to rehabilitate the entire health system of the country, and to build local and national capacity; and they should be planned and implemented in cooperation and consultation with the national authorities and other key stakeholders so that resources are equitably shared and the long-term health needs of former combatants, women associated with armed groups and forces, their family members and communities of reintegration are sustainably met; \\n Principle 2: Health programmes\/actions that are part of DDR should promote and respect ethical and internationally accepted human rights standards; \\n Principle 3: Health programmes\/actions that are part of DDR should be devised after careful analysis of different needs and in consultation with a variety of representatives (male and female, adults, youth and children) of the various fighting factions; and services offered during demobilization should specifically deal with the variety of health needs presented by adult and young combatants and women associated with armed groups and forces; \\n Principle 4: In the reintegration part of DDR, as an essential component of community- based DDR in resource-poor environments, health programmes\/actions should be open to all those in need, not only those formerly associated with armed groups and forces."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"5. Health and DDR","Heading2":"5.1. Tensions between humanitarian and political objectives","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"DDR programmes result from political settlements negotiated to create the political and legal system necessary to bring about a transition from violent conflict to stability and peace. To contribute to these political goals, DDR processes use military, economic and humani- tarian \u2014 including health care delivery \u2014 tools.Thus, humanitarian work carried out within a DDR process is implemented as part of a political framework whose objectives are not specifically humanitarian. In such a situation, tensions can arise between humanitarian principles and the establishment of the overall political\u2013strategic crisis management framework of integrated peace-building missions, which is the goal of the UN system. Offering health services as part of the DDR process can cause a conflict between the \u2018partiality\u2019 involved in supporting a political transition and the \u2018im- partiality\u2019 needed to protect the humanitarian aspects of the process and humanitarian space.3It is not within the scope of this module to explore all the possible features of such tensions. However, it is useful for personnel involved in the delivery of health care as part of DDR processes to be aware that political priorities can affect operations, and can result in tensions with humanitarian principles. For example, this can occur when humanitarian programmes aimed at combatants are used to create an incentive for them to \u2018buy in\u2019 to the peace process.4"},{"ID":6,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"5. Health and DDR","Heading2":"5.2. Linking health action to DDR and the peace process","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"A good understanding of the various phases of the peace process in general, and of how DDR in particular will take place over time, is vital for the appropriate timing and targeting of health activities. Similarly, it must be clearly understood which national or international institutions will lead each aspect or phase of health care delivery within DDR, and the coordination mechanism needed to streamline delivery. Operationally, deciding on the tim- ing and targeting of health interventions requires two things to be done.First, an analysis of the political and legal terms and arrangements of the peace proto- col and the specific nature of the situation on the ground should be carried out as part of the general assessment that will guide and inform the planning and implementation of health activities. For appropriate planning to take place, information must be gathered on the expected numbers of combatants, associates and dependants involved in the process; their gender- and age-specific needs; the planned length of the demobilization phase and its location (demobilization sites, assembly areas, cantonment sites, or other); and local capa- cities for the provision of health care services.Key questions for the pre-planning assessment: \\n What are the key features of the peace protocols? \\n Which actors are involved? \\n How many armed groups and forces have participated in the peace negotiation? What is their make-up in terms of age and sex? \\n Are there any foreign troops (e.g., foreign mercenaries) among them? \\n Does the peace protocol require a change in the administrative system of the country? Will the health system be affected by it? \\n What role did the UN play in achieving the peace accord, and how will agencies be deployed to facilitate the implementation of its different aspects? \\n Who will coordinate the health-related aspects of integrated, inter-agency DDR efforts (ministry of health, WHO, medical services of peacekeeping mission, UNFPA, food agencies such as the \\n World Food Programme [WFP], implementing partners, etc.)? Who will set up the UN coordinating mechanism, division of responsibilities, etc., and when? \\n What national steering bodies\/committees for DDR are planned (joint commission, transitional government, national commission on DDR, working groups, etc.)? \\n Who are the members and what is the mandate of such bodies? \\n Is the health sector represented in such bodies? Should it be? \\n Is assistance to combatants set out in the peace protocol, and if so, what plans have been made for DDR? \\n Which phases in the DDR process have been planned? \\n What is the time-frame for each phase? \\n What role, if any, can\/should the health sector play in each phase?Second, the health sector should be represented in all bodies established to oversee DDR from the earliest stages of the process possible. Early inclusion is essential if the guiding principles described above are to be applied in practice during operations. In particular: \\n It can ensure that public health concerns are taken into account when key planning decisions are made, e.g., on the selection of locations for pick-up points or other assembly\/transit areas, on the level of services that will be established there, and on the best way of dealing with different health needs; \\n It can advocate in favour of vulnerable groups; \\n It will establish a political, legislative and administrative link with national authorities, which is necessary to create the space for health actions in the short and medium\/long term. For example, appropriate support for the health needs of specific groups, such as girl mothers or the war-disabled, can be provided only if the appropriate legislative\/ administrative frameworks have been set up and capacity-building begun; \\n It will reduce the risk of creating ad hoc health services for former combatants, women associated with armed groups and forces, dependants and the communities to which they return. Health programmes in support of a DDR process can be highly visible, but they are seldom more than a limited part of all the health-related activities taking place in a country during a transition period; \\n Careful cooperation with health and relevant non-health national authorities can result in the establishment of health programmes that start out in support of demobilization, but later, through coordination with the overall rehabilitation of the country strategy for the health sector, become a sustainable asset in the reintegration period and beyond; \\n It can bring about the adoption at national level of specific health guidelines\/protocols that are equitable, affordable by and accessible to all, and gender- and age-responsive.It should be seen as a priority to encourage the collaboration of international and national health staff in all areas of health-related work, as this increases local ownership of health activities and builds capacity."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"5. Health and DDR","Heading2":"5.3. Health and the sequencing of DDR processes","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The different aspects of DDR processes \u2014 disarmament, demobilization and reintegration \u2014 may not necessarily follow a fixed chronological order, and are closely interrelated. The extent of the contribution of health activities in each phase increases steadily, from assess- ment and planning to the actual delivery of health services. Health services, in turn, will evolve: starting by focusing on immediate, life-threatening conditions, they will at a later stage be required to support ex-combatants and those associated with them when they return to civilian life and take up civilian jobs as a part of reintegration.Figure 1 provides a simplified image of the general direction in which the health sector has to move to best support a DDR process. Clearly, health actions set up to meet the specific needs of the demobilization phase, which will only last for a short period of time, must be planned as only the first steps of a longer-term, open-ended and comprehensive reintegra- tion process. In what follows, some of the factors that will help the achievement of this long-term goal are outlined."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"5. Health and DDR","Heading2":"5.4. Health and the geographical dimensions of DDR","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The geography of the country\/region in which the DDR operation takes place should be taken into account when planning the health-related parts of the operation, as this will help in the difficult task of identifying the stakeholders and the possible partners that will be involved, and to plan the network of fixed structures and outreach circuits designed to cater for first health contact and\/or referral, health logistics, etc., all of which have to be organized at local, district, national or even international (i.e., possibly cross-border) levels.Health activities in support of DDR processes must take into account the movements of populations within countries and across borders. From an epidemiological point of view, the mass movements of people displaced by conflict may bring some communicable diseases into areas where they are not yet endemic, and also speed up the spread of outbreaks of diseases that can easily turn into epidemics. Thus, health actors need to develop appropriate strategies to prevent or minimize the risk that these diseases will propagate and to allow for the early detection and containment of any possible epidemic resulting from the popula- tion movements. Those whom health actors will be dealing with include former combatants, associates and dependants, as well as the hosting communities in the transit areas and at the final destinations.In cases where foreign combatants will be repatriated, cross-border health strategies should be devised in collaboration with the local health authorities and partner organizations in both the sending and receiving countries (also see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-border Popula- tion Movements).Figure 2 shows the likely movements of combatants and associates (and often their dependants) during a DDR process. It should be noted that the assembly\/cantonment\/ transit area is the most important place (and probably the only place) where adult combat- ants come into contact with health programmes designed in support of the DDR process, because both before and after they assemble here, they are dispersed over a wide area. Chil- dren should receive health assistance at interim care centres (ICCs) after being released from armed groups and forces. Before and after the cantonment\/transit period, combatants, associates and their dependants are mainly the responsibility of the national health system, which is likely to be degraded and in need of systematic, long-term support in order to do its work."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"6. Operational objectives for the health sector in the DDR process","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"The overall goal of health action is to reduce avoidable illness and death. In the context of DDR, this requires that the health programmes focus on providing: \\n basic, preventive and curative, specifically designed and good-quality health care that is easily accessible at every stage of the process \u2014 in any transit stations, in demobili- zation\/cantonment\/assembly camps if they are used, in ICCs for children, and in the communities where combatants will live once they are demobilized; \\n basic health care, including reproductive health care and psychosocial care, that is appropriate to the different needs of men, women, youth, girls and boys going through DDR. This service needs to be supported by effective referral systems and emergency back-up systems, e.g., to control outbreaks of infectious diseases or deal with immediate, life-threatening mental trauma. Health information and advice must be made available in language that can be understood by the different groups for which the health care is designed; \\n training of camp managers on health-related matters, e.g., on the construction of appro- priate areas for the registration and protection of vulnerable groups, the provision of food appropriate to different needs (e.g., for the sick, and for nursing mothers, infants and small children), problems with drug and alcohol addiction, water, shelter, sanita- tion, supplies of items needed for hygiene (soap, buckets), and fuel. Women and girls will need specific assistance to meet their hygiene needs, including menstrual supplies and clean birthing kits."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"7. The role of the health sector in the planning process","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"The health sector has three main areas of responsibility during the planning phase: (1) to assess the epidemiological profile in the areas and populations of interest; (2) to assess exist- ing health resources; and (3) to advise on public health concerns in choosing the sites where combatants, women associated with armed groups and forces and\/or dependants will be assembled. Planning to meet health needs should start as early as possible and should be constantly updated as the DDR process develops."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"7. The role of the health sector in the planning process","Heading2":"7.1. Assessing epidemiological profiles","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Three key questions must be asked in order to create an epidemiological profile: (1) What is the health status of the targeted population? (2) What health risks, if any, will they face when they move during DDR processes? (3) What health threats might they pose, if any, to local communities near transit areas or those in which they reintegrate?Epidemiological data, i.e., at least minimum statistics on the most prevalent causes of illness and death, are usually available from the national health authorities or the WHO country office. These data are usually of poor quality in war-torn countries or those in transi- tion into a post-conflict phase, and are often outdated. However, even a broad overview can provide enough information to start planning.Assess the risks and plan accordingly.5 Information that will be needed includes: \\n the composition of target population (age and sex) and their general health status; \\n the transit sites and the health care situation there; \\n the places to which former combatants and the people associated with them will return and the capacity to supply health services there.ore detailed and updated information may be available from NGOs working in the area or the health services of the armed forces or groups. If possible, it should come from field assessments or rapid surveys.6 The following guiding questions should be asked: \\n What kinds of population movements are expected during the DDR process (not only movements of people associated with armed forces and groups, but also an idea of where populations of refugees and internally displaced persons might intersect\/interact with them in some way)? \\n What are the most prevalent health hazards (e.g., endemic diseases, history of epidem- ics) in the areas of origin, transit and destination? \\n What is the size of groups (women combatants and associates, child soldiers, disabled people, etc.) with specific health needs? \\n Are there specific health concerns relating to military personnel, as opposed to the civil- ian population?"},{"ID":12,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"7. The role of the health sector in the planning process","Heading2":"7.2. Assessment of health resources","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"After the completion of an assessment of the health needs to be met in a crisis, the capacity of the system to meet these needs should be examined. It is necessary to identify the system\u2019s main weaknesses and to make improvements so that they do not endanger the success of the DDR process.7The following information is needed: \\n What is the location and state of existing health infrastructure? What can be done to upgrade it quickly, if necessary? \\n Do adequate storage facilities for health supplies exist nearby? \\n Is there an adequate communications infrastructure\/system with a good flow of information? \\n What human resources are there (numbers, qualification and experience levels, and geographical distribution)? \\n Where is the closest humanitarian and\/or health organization? Is it ready to participate or offer support? Who will coordinate efforts? \\n What material resources, including supplies, equipment and finances, have been established? \\n What is the state of support systems, including transport, energy, logistics and admin- istration?After answering these questions and assessing the situation, it is possible to identify important gaps in the health system and to start taking steps to support the DDR process (e.g., rehabilitating a health centre in an area where troops will be assembled), and to identify stakeholders \u2014 national and international \u2014 who can form partnerships with the health sector.When relevant and possible, the level of health expertise within armed groups and forces should be assessed to start identifying people who can be trained during the demo- bilization phase. Health expertise should be understood in a wide sense to include, when this is relevant and appropriate, traditional practitioners, and combatants and associates who have experience of health work, even without formal education and training, provided that appropriate supervision is guaranteed."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"7. The role of the health sector in the planning process","Heading2":"7.3. Support in the identification of assembly areas","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"When assembly areas or cantonment sites are established to carry out demobilization and disarmament, health personnel should help with site selection and provide technical advice on site design. International humanitarian standards on camp design should apply, and gender-specific requirements should be taken into account (e.g., security, rape prevention, the provision of female-specific health care assistance). As a general rule, the area must conform with the Sphere standards for water supply and sanitation, drainage, vector control, etc. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be pre-identi- fied, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to cater for any emergencies that might arise, e.g., post-partum bleeding (the distance to the nearest health facility and the time required to get there are important factors to consider here).When combatants are housed in military barracks or public buildings are restored for this purpose, these should also be assessed in terms of public health needs. Issues to con- sider include basic sanitary facilities, the possibility of health referrals in the surrounding area, and so on.If nearby health facilities are to be rehabilitated or new facilities established, the work should fit in with medium- to long-term plans. Even though health care will be provided for combatants, associates and dependants during the DDR process only for a short time, facilities should be rehabilitated or established that meet the requirements of the national strategy for rehabilitating the health system and provide the maximum long-term benefit possible to the general population."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"The concrete features of a DDR health programme will depend on the nature of a specific situation and on the key characteristics of the demobilization process (e.g., how long it is planned for). In all cases, at least the following must be guaranteed: a medical screening on first contact, ongoing access to health care and outbreak control. Supplementary or therapeutic feeding and other specific care should be planned for if pregnant or lactating women and girls, children or infants, and chronically ill patients are expected at the site.8Skilled workers, supplies, equipment and infrastructures will be needed inside, or within a very short distance from, the assembly area (within a maximum of one kilometre), to deliver, on a routine basis: (1) medical screening of newcomers; (2) basic health care; and, if necessary, (3) therapeutic feeding. Coordination with local health authorities and other sectors will ensure the presence of the necessary systems for medical evacuation, early detection of and response to disease outbreaks, and the equitable catering for people\u2019s vital needs."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process","Heading2":"8.1. Dealing with key health concerns during demobilization","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Health concerns will vary greatly according to the geographical area where the demobili- zation occurs. Depending on location, health activities will normally include some or all of the following: \\n providing medical screening and counselling for combatants and dependants; \\n establishing basic preventive and curative health services. \\n Priority should go to acute and infectious conditions (typically malaria); however, as soon as possible, measures should also be set in place for chronic and non-infectious cases (e.g., tuberculosis and diabetes, or epilepsy) and for voluntary testing and counselling services for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV\/AIDS; \\n establishing a referral system that can cover medical, surgical and obstetric emergencies, as well as laboratory confirmation at least for diseases that could cause epidemics; \\n adopting and adapting national standard protocols for the treatment of the most common diseases;9 \\n establishing systems to monitor potential epidemiological\/nutritional problems within assembly areas, barracks, camps for dependants, etc. with the capacity for early warning and outbreak response; \\n providing drugs and equipment including a system for water quality control and bio- logical sample management; \\n organizing public health information campaigns on STIs (including HIV\/AIDS), water- borne disease, sanitation issues such as excreta disposal, food conservation and basic hygiene (especially for longer-term cantonment); \\n establishing systems for coordination, communication and logistics in support of the delivery of preventive and curative health care; \\n establishing systems for coordination with other sectors, to ensure that all vital needs and support systems are in place and functioning.Whenever people are grouped together in a temporary facility such as a cantonment site, there will be matters of specific concern to health practitioners. Issues to be aware of include: \\n Chronic communicable diseases: Proper compliance with anti-TB treatment can be difficult to organize and sustain, but it should be considered a priority; \\n HIV\/AIDS: Screening of soldiers should be voluntary and carried out after combatants are given enough information about the screening process. The usefulness of screening when the system is not able to respond adequately (by providing anti-retroviral therapy and proper follow-up) should be carefully thought out. Combatants have the right to the confidentiality of the information collected;10 \\n Violence\/injury prevention: Cantonment is a strategy for reducing violence, because it aims to contain armed combatants until their weapons can be safely removed. However, there is a strong likelihood of violence within cantonment sites, especially when abducted women or girls are separated from men. Specific care should be taken to avoid all pos- sible situations that might lead to sexual violence; \\n Mental health, psychosocial support and substance abuse:11 While cantonment provides an opportunity to check for the presence of self-directed violence such as drug and alcohol abuse, a key principle is that the best way of improving the mental well-being of ex- combatants and their associates is through economic and social reintegration, with com- munities having the central role in developing and implementing the social support systems needed to achieve this. In the demobilization stage of DDR, the health services must have the capacity to detect and treat severe, acute and chronic mental disorders. An evidence-based approach to substance abuse in DDR processes has still to be developed."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process","Heading2":"8.2. An essential DDR health package in resource-poor settings","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"In sites where resources are limited, health planning to meet the needs of those going through the DDR process starts from a minimum package of medical screening, on-the-spot treat- ment, provision of condoms and medical evacuation\/referral, which should be developed to cover, at least: \\n early detection of and response to epidemic outbreaks; \\n measles immunization + vitamin A for children aged 0\u201315 years; \\n polio immunization for children under 5; \\n treatment of severe, acute conditions (malaria, acute respiratory infections), diarrhoea, anaemia in pregnant women, acute malnutrition, dressing of wounds, STIs, etc.); \\n uncomplicated deliveries; \\n provision of long-lasting impregnated bed nets to prevent malaria; \\n referral of serious cases to secondary\/tertiary care facilities; \\n voluntary testing and counselling for STIs, including HIV\/AIDS; \\n care and treatment for survivors of sexual violence, including testing and treatment for STIs.The delivery of such services requires the following personnel and equipment in each cantonment site or assembly area: \\n an average team of one doctor or mid-level health technician, 4\u20135 public health care nurses and 3\u20134 ancillary workers per camp; one midwife where necessary; \\n essential medicines and equipment (for sterilization, stabilization, cold-chain, etc.); \\n rapid tests and combined treatment for P. Falciparum malaria; \\n means of transport, easy procedures and pre-positioned facilities for medical\/obstetric evacuation; \\n options \u2014 either locally or by referral \u2014 for the treatment of chronic conditions: at least TB and epilepsy should be covered; \\n back-up systems \u2014 teams on call, easy-access procedures, transport and buffer stocks (including protective equipment) \u2014 for early detection and treatment of outbreaks; \\n availability and adoption of national standard case definitions and case management protocols.12WHO provides hospitals with emergency health kits and UNFPA can provide emergency reproductive health kits (which may include post-exposure prophylaxis kits, when appropriate) to individuals, clinics and hospitals, along with training on their use as and when this is appropriate (also see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV\/AIDS and DDR).13"},{"ID":17,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process","Heading2":"8.3. Training of personnel","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"Training of local health personnel is vital in order to implement the complex health response needed during DDR processes. In many cases, the warring parties will have their own mili- tary medical staff who have had different training, roles, experiences and expectations. However, these personnel can all play a vital role in the DDR process. Their skills and knowl- edge will need to be updated and refreshed, since the health priorities likely to emerge in assembly areas or cantonment sites \u2014 or neighbouring villages \u2014 are different from those of the battlefield.An analysis of the skills of the different armed forces\u2019 and groups\u2019 health workers is needed during the planning of the health programme, both to identify the areas in need of in-service training and to compare the medical knowledge and practices of different armed groups and forces. This analysis will not only be important for standardizing care during the demobilization phase, but will give a basic understanding of the capacities of military health workers, which will assist in their reintegration into civilian life, for example, as employees of the ministry of health.The following questions can guide this assessment process: \\n What kinds of capacity are needed for each health service delivery point (tent-to-tent active case finding and\/or specific health promotion messages, health posts within camps, referral health centre\/hospital)? \\n Which mix of health workers and how many are needed at each of these delivery points? (The WHO recommended standard is 60 health workers for each 10,000 members of the target population.) \\n Are there national standard case definitions and case management protocols available, and is there any need to adapt these to the specific circumstances of DDR? \\n Is there a need to define or agree to specific public health intervention(s) at national level to respond to or prevent any public health threats (e.g., sleeping sickness mass screening to prevent the spread of the diseases during the quartering process)?It is important to assume that no sophisticated tools will be available in assembly or transit areas. Therefore, training should be based on syndrome-based case definitions, indi- vidual treatment protocols and the implementation of mass treatment interventions."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process","Heading2":"8.4. Responding to the needs of vulnerable groups","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Special arrangements will be necessary for vulnerable groups. WHO recommends planning for children, the elderly, chronically sick and disabled people, as well as for women and girls who are pregnant or lactating, and anyone who has survived sexual violence. Guiding questions to assess the specific needs of each of these groups are as follows: \\n What are the specific health needs of these groups? \\n Do they need special interventions? \\n Are health personnel aware of their specific needs? \\n Are health personnel trained to assist individuals who have survived extreme inter- personal violence and have symptoms that they may be unable or unwilling to describe (e.g., survivors of rape describing \u2018stomach pains\u2019)?"},{"ID":19,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process","Heading2":"8.4. Responding to the needs of vulnerable groups","Heading3":"8.4.1. Children and adolescents associated with armed groups and forces","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Boy and girl child and adolescent soldiers can range in age from 6 to 18. It is very likely that they have been exposed to a variety of physical and psychological traumas, including mental and sexual abuse, and that they have had very limited access to clinical and public health services. Child and adolescent soldiers, who are often brutally recruited from very poor communities, or orphaned, are already in a poor state of health before they face the additional hardship of life with an armed group or force. Their vulnerability remains high during the DDR process, and health services should therefore deal with their specific needs as a priority. Special attention should be given to problems that may cause the child fear, embarrassment or stigmatization, e.g.: \\n child and adolescent care and support services should offer a special focus on trauma- related stress disorders, depression and anxiety; \\n treatment should be provided for drug and alcohol addiction; \\n there should be services for the prevention, early detection and clinical management of STIs and HIV\/AIDS; \\n special assistance should be offered to girls and boys for the treatment and clinical management of the consequences of sexual abuse, and every effort should be made to prevent sexual abuse taking place, with due respect for confidentiality.14To decrease the risk of stigma, these services should be provided as a part of general medical care. Ideally, all health care providers should have training in basic counselling, with some having the capacity to deal with the most serious cases (also see IDDRS 5.20 on Youth and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR)."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process","Heading2":"8.4. Responding to the needs of vulnerable groups","Heading3":"8.4.2. Disabled or chronically ill people","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"To assist this group, DDR health practitioners and national authorities should agree on a system to respond to war disabilities in order for disabled people to gain entitlement to disability pensions and\/or to join the social security system. An approach can be designed that measures an individual\u2019s physical impairment and how much the impairment limits his\/her capacity to benefit from socio-economic reintegration."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process","Heading2":"8.4. Responding to the needs of vulnerable groups","Heading3":"8.4.3. Women","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Women combatants and other women associated with armed forces and groups in non- combat roles require special measures to protect them throughout the cantonment or assembly phase, in transit camps and while travelling to their reintegration locations. Camps must be designed to offer women security, privacy and protection. Women who are pregnant, lac- tating or caring for young children will require health services that cater for their specific needs. Those who have survived rape or other gender-based violence should receive access to the Minimal Initial Service Package for reproductive health.15 Particular care should be taken to include women in the health team at assembly areas or cantonment sites (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR and IDDRS 5.60 on HIV\/AIDS and DDR)."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"9. The role of health services in the reintegration process","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"This section explains how to use the resources allocated to health action in DDR to reinforce and support the national health system in the medium and longer term.It needs to be emphasized that after combatants are discharged, they come under the responsibility of the national health system. It is vital, therefore, for all the health actions carried out during the demobilization phase to be consistent with national protocols and regulation (e.g., the administration of TB drugs). Especially in countries emerging from long-lasting violent conflict, the capacity of the national health system may not be able to meet the needs of population, and more often than not, good health care is expensive. In this case, preferential or subsidized access to health care for former combatants and others associated with armed groups and forces can be provided if possible. It needs to be em- phasized that the decision to create positive discrimination for former combatants is a political one."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"10. Systems for programme implementation","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"The diagram in figure 3 (to be read from the top) shows how it is possible to systematize the various components, levels and executive lines of the health programme in a country emerging from conflict. Whatever the overall institutional setting in which DDR takes place, WHO, in consultation with the other agencies contributing to health service deliv- ery, will be represented as member of the UN\/Inter-Agency Standing Committee country team. The WHO country representatives will be in a position to: (1) ensure that the neces- sary lines of liaison and coordination with the national health authorities are set up and managed; and (2) provide health information to other sectors and agencies, in order to ensure cooperation among the different actors involved in different components of the DDR process.In administering a DDR programme, the health sector is expected to supply both the technical guidance and the resources \u2014 personnel, supplies, funds, and administrative and logistic support \u2014 that are necessary for various partners to deliver coordinated and effective health preventive and curative care at the local level, i.e., in the assembly camps, etc., and beyond into the reintegration phase. In some instances, the military will be the main implementing partners at local level, with the support, in most cases, of medical NGOs and possibly the health units of peacekeeping forces."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#D10007","Level":5,"LevelName":"Cross-cutting Issues","Title":"Health and DDR","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"5.70 Health and DDR","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"1 WHO\/Emergency and Humanitarian Action, \u2018Preliminary Ideas for WHO Contribution to Disarma- ment, Demobilization, Repatriation, Reintegration and Resettlement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo\u2019, unpublished technical paper, WHO Office in WR, 2002. \\n 2 Zagaria, N. and G. Arcadu, What Role for Health in a Peace Process? The Case Study of Angola, Rome, October 1997. \\n 3 Eide, E. B., A. T. Kaspersen, R. Kent and K. von Hippel, Report on Integrated Missions: Practical Perspec\u00ad tive and Recommendation, Independent Study for the Expanded UN ECHA (Executive Committee for Humanitarian Affairs) Core Group, May 2005, pp. 3 and 28. \\n 4 In one example, in Angola during UN Verification Angola Mission III, the humanitarian entitlements for UNITA troops were much higher than the ones provided for their dependants. \\n 5 For technical guidance, refer to WHO, Communicable Disease Control in Emergencies: A Field Manual, http:\/\/\/infectious-disease-news\/IDdocs\/whocds200527\/whocds200527chapters\/ index.htm. \\n 6 For short health profiles of many countries in crisis, and for guidelines on rapid health assessments, see WHO, http:\/\/\/hac. \\n 7 The Sphere Project provides a wide range of standards that can provide useful points of reference for an assessment of the capacity of a local health system in a poor country (see Sphere Project, Humani\u00ad tarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, 2004, or http:\/\/ \\n 8 See Women\u2019s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Field\u00adfriendly Guide to Integrate Emergency Obstetric Care in Humanitarian Programs, http:\/\/\/resources\/general%5Ffieldtools\/. \\n 9 Case definitions must be developed for each health event\/disease\/syndrome. Standard WHO case definitions are available, but these may have to be adapted according to the local situation. If pos- sible, the case definitions of the host country\u2019s ministry of health should be used, if they are available. What is important is that all of those reporting to the monitoring\/surveillance system, regardless of affiliation, use the same case definitions so that there is consistency in reporting. \\n 10 See Reproductive Health Responses in Conflict Consortium, Emergency Contraception for Conflict Affected Settings: A Reproductive Health Response in Conflict Consortium Distance Learning Module, 2004, http:\/\/\/resources\/general%5Ffieldtools\/. \\n 11 See the Sphere Project, op. cit., pp. 291\u2013293. \\n 12 WHO\/Emergency and Humanitarian Action, op. cit. \\n 13 Emergency reproductive health (RH) kits were originally developed in 1996 by the members of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Refugee Situations to deliver RH services in emergency and refugee situations. To obtain these kits, the DDR practitioners\/health experts should contact the WHO\/UNFPA field office in that country or relevant implementing partners. \\n 14 http:\/\/\/child-adolescent-health; see also WHO\/UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Clinical Management of Rape Survivors: Developing Protocols for Use with Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, revised edition, 2004, http:\/\/\/resources\/general%5Ffieldtools\/. \\n 15 See resources at the Reproductive Health in Conflict Consortium, http:\/\/\/resources\/ general%5Ffieldtools\/, especially the Inter\u00adagency Field Manual."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform.json b/static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..305573b --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The purpose of this module is to provide policy makers, operational planners and officers at field level with background information and guidance on related but distinct sets of activi- ties associated with disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) and security sector reform (SSR).1 The intention is not to set out a blueprint but to build from common principles in order to provide insights that will support the development of synergies as well as preventing harmful contradictions in the design, implementation and sequencing of different elements of DDR and SSR programmes."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"3. Background","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The UN has recognised in several texts and key documents that inter-linkages exist between DDR and SSR.2 This does not imply a linear relationship between different activities that involve highly distinct challenges depending on the context. It is essential to take into account the specific objectives, timelines, stakeholders and interests that affect these issues. However, understanding the relationship between DDR and SSR can help identify synergies in policy and programming and provide ways of ensuring short to medium term activities associated with DDR are linked to broader efforts to support the development of an effec- tive, well-managed and accountable security sector. Ignoring how DDR and SSR affect each other may result in missed opportunities or unintended consequences that undermine broader security and development goals.The Secretary-General\u2019s report Securing Peace and Development: the Role of the United Nations in Security Sector Reform (S\/2008\/39) of 23 January 2008 describes SSR as \u201ca process of assessment, review and implementation as well as monitoring and evalu- ation led by national authorities that has as its goal the enhancement of effective and accountable security for the State and its peoples without discrimination and with full respect for human rights and the rule of law.\u201d3 The security sector includes security pro- viders such as defence, law enforcement, intelligence and border management services as well as actors involved in management and oversight, notably government ministries, legislative bodies and relevant civil society actors. Non-state actors also fulfill important security provision, management and oversight functions. SSR therefore draws on a diverse range of stakeholders and may include activities as varied as political dialogue, policy and legal advice, training programmes and technical and financial assistance.While individual activities can involve short term goals, achieving broader SSR objec- tives requires a long term perspective. In contrast, DDR tends to adopt a more narrow focus on ex-combatants and their dependents. Relevant activities and actors are often more clearly defined and limited while timelines generally focus on the short to medium-term period following the end of armed conflict. But the distinctions between DDR and SSR are potentially less important than the convergences. Both sets of activities are preoccupied with enhancing the security of the state and its citizens. They advocate policies and programmes that engage public and private security actors including the military and ex-combatants as well as groups responsible for their management and oversight. Decisions associated with DDR contribute to defining central elements of the size and composition of a country\u2019s security sector while the gains from carefully executed SSR programmes can also generate positive consequences on DDR interventions. SSR may lead to downsizing and the conse- quent need for reintegration. DDR may also free resources for SSR. Most significantly, considering these issues together situates DDR within a developing security governance framework. If conducted sensitively, this can contribute to the legitimacy and sustainability of DDR programmes by helping to ensure that decisions are based on a nationally-driven assessment of applicable capacities, objectives and values."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"3. Background","Heading2":"3.1. Why are DDR-SSR dynamics important?","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"DDR and SSR play an important role in post-conflict efforts to prevent the resurgence of armed conflict and to create the conditions necessary for sustainable peace and longer term development.4 They form part of a broader post-conflict peacebuilding agenda that may include measures to address small arms and light weapons (SALW), mine action activi- ties or efforts to redress past crimes and promote reconciliation through transitional justice (see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice). The security challenges that these meas- ures seek to address are often the result of a state\u2019s loss of control over the legitimate use of force. DDR and SSR should therefore be understood as closely linked to processes of post- conflict statebuilding that enhance the ability of the state to deliver security and reinforce the rule of law. The complex, interrelated nature of these challenges has been reflected by the development of whole of system (e.g. \u2018one UN\u2019 or \u2018whole of government\u2019) approaches to supporting states emerging from conflict. The increasing drive towards such integrated approaches reflects a clear need to bridge early areas of post-conflict engagement with support to the consolidation of reconstruction and longer term development.An important point of departure for this module is the inherently political nature of DDR and SSR. DDR and SSR processes will only be successful if they acknowledge the need to develop sufficient political will to drive and build synergies between them.Box 1 DDR\/SSR dynamics \\n DDR shapes the terrain for SSR by influencing the size and nature of the security sector \\n Successful DDR can free up resources for SSR activities that in turn may support the development of efficient, affordable security structures \\n A national vision of the security sector should provide the basis for decisions on force size and structure \\n SSR considerations should help determine criteria for the integration of ex-combatants in different parts of the formal\/informal security sector \\n DDR and SSR offer complementary approaches that can link reintegration of ex-combatants to enhancing community security \\n Capacity-building for security management and oversight bodies provide a means to enhance the sustainability and legitimacy of DDR and SSRThis reflects the sensitivity of issues that touch directly on internal power relations, sover- eignty and national security as well as the fact that decisions in both areas create \u2018winners\u2019 and \u2018losers.\u2019 In order to avoid doing more harm than good, related policies and programmes must be grounded in a close understanding of context-specific political, socio-economic and security factors. Understanding \u2018what the market will bear\u2019 and ensuring that activities and how they are sequenced incorporate practical constraints are crucial considerations for assessments, programme design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.The core objective of SSR is \u201cthe enhancement of effective and accountable security for the state and its peoples.\u201d5 This underlines an emerging consensus that insists on the need to link effective and efficient provision of security to a framework of democratic gov- ernance and the rule of law.6 If one legacy of conflict is mistrust between the state, security providers and citizens, supporting participative processes that enhance the oversight roles of actors such as parliament and civil society7 can meet a common DDR\/SSR goal of build- ing trust in post-conflict security governance institutions. Oversight mechanisms can provide necessary checks and balances to ensure that national decisions on DDR and SSR are appro- priate, cost effective and made in a transparent manner."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"3. Background","Heading2":"3.2. Challenges of operationalising the DDR\/SSR nexus","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"A number of DDR and SSR activities have been challenged for their lack of context-specificity and flexibility, leading to questions concerning their effectiveness when weighed against the major investments such activities entail.8 The lack of coordination between bilateral and multilateral partners that support these activities is widely acknowledged as a contrib- uting factor: stovepiped or contradictory approaches each present major obstacles to pro- viding mutually reinforcing support to DDR and SSR. The UN\u2019s legitimacy, early presence on the ground and scope of its activities points to an important coordinating role that can help to address challenges of coordination and coherence within the international commu- nity in these areas.A lack of conceptual clarity on \u2018SSR\u2019 has had negative consequences for the division of responsibilities, prioritisation of tasks and allocation of resources.9 Understandings of the constituent activities within DDR are relatively well-established. On the other hand, while common definitions of SSR may be emerging at a policy level, these are often not reflected in programming. This situation is further complicated by the absence of clear indicators for success in both areas. Providing clarity on the scope of activities and linking these to a desired end state provide an important starting point to better understanding the relationship between DDR and SSR.Both DDR and SSR should be nationally owned and designed to fit the circumstances of each particular country. However, the engagement by the international community in these areas is routinely criticised for failing to apply these key principles in practice. SSR in particular is viewed by some as a vehicle for imposing externally driven objectives and approaches. In part, this reflects the particular challenges of post-conflict environments, including weak or illegitimate institutions, shortage of capacity amongst national actors, a lack of political will and the marginalisation of civil society. There is a need to recognise these context-specific sensitivities and ensure that approaches are built around the contributions of a broad cross-section of national stakeholders. Prioritising support for the development of national capacities to develop effective, legitimate and sustainable security institutions is essential to meeting common DDR\/SSR goals.Following a summary of applicable UN institutional mandates and responsibilities (Section 4), this module outlines a rationale for the appropriate linkage of DDR and SSR (Section 5) and sets out a number of guiding principles common to the UN approach to both sets of activities (Section 6). Important DDR-SSR dynamics before and during demo- bilization (Section 7) and before and during repatriation and reintegration (Section 8) are then considered. Operationalising the DDR-SSR nexus in different elements of the pro- gramme cycle and consideration of potential entry points (Section 9) is followed by a focus on national and international capacities in these areas (Section 10). The module concludes with a checklist that is intended as a point of departure for the development of context- specific policies and programmes that take into account the relationship between DDR and SSR (Section 11)."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"4. UN institutional mandates and responsibilities","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"A number of UN documents address the interrelated issues of DDR, SSR and rule of law. Short summaries of some of the following key documents are included in Annex \u2018A\u2019 to this module: \\n Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cThe role of United Nations Peacekeeping in disarm- ament, demobilization and reintegration\u201d of 11 February 2000 (S\/2000\/101) \\n Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cThe rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies\u201d of 3 August 2004 (S\/2004\/616) \\n Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cDisarmament, demobilization and reintegration\u201d of 2 March 2006 (A\/60\/705) \\n Presidential Statement on \u201cMaintenance of international peace and security: role of the Security Council in supporting security sector reform\u201d of 21 February 2007 (S\/PRST\/ 2007\/3); \\n Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cSecuring peace and development: the role of the United Nations in supporting security sector reform\u201d of 23 January 2008 (S\/2008\/39); \\n Presidential Statement on \u201cMaintenance of international peace and security: role of the Security Council in supporting security sector reform\u201d of 12 May 2008 (S\/PRST\/ 2008\/14)."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"5. Rationale for linking DDR and SSR","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Considering the relationship between DDR \u2018design\u2019 and the appropriate parameters of a state\u2019s security sector provides an important dimension to shape strategic decision making and thus to broader processes of national policy formulation and implementation. The con- siderations outlined below suggest ways that different components of DDR and SSR can relate to each other.Disarmament \\n Disarmament is not just a short term security measure designed to collect surplus weapons and ammunition. It is also implicitly part of a broader process of state regulation and con- trol over the transfer, trafficking and use of weapons within a national territory. As with civilian disarmament, disarming former combatants should be based on a level of confi- dence that can be fostered through broader SSR measures (such as police or corrections reform). These can contribute jointly to an increased level of community security and pro- vide the necessary reassurance that these weapons are no longer necessary. There are also direct linkages between disarmament of ex-combatants and efforts to strengthen border management capacities, particularly in light of unrestricted flows of arms (and combatants) across porous borders in conflict-prone regions.Demobilization \\n While often treated narrowly as a feature of DDR, demobilization can also be conceived within an SSR framework more generally. Where decisions affecting force size and structure provide for inefficient, unaffordable or abusive security structures this will undermine long term peace and security. Decisions should therefore be based on a rational, inclusive assess- ment by national actors of the objectives, role and values of the future security sector. One important element of the relationship between demobilization and SSR relates to the impor- tance of avoiding security vacuums. Ensuring that decisions on both the structures estab- lished to house the demobilization process and the return of demobilised ex-combatants are taken in parallel with complementary community law enforcement activities can miti- gate this concern. The security implications of cross-border flows of ex-combatants also highlight the positive relationship between demobilization and border security.Reintegration \\n Successful reintegration fulfils a common DDR\/SSR goal of ensuring a well-managed tran- sition of former combatants to civilian life while taking into account the needs of receiving communities. By contrast, failed reintegration can undermine SSR efforts by placing exces- sive pressures on police, courts and prisons while harming the security of the state and its citizens. Speed of response and adequate financial support are important since a delayed or underfunded reintegration process may skew options for SSR and limit flexibility. Ex- combatants may find employment in different parts of the formal or informal security sector. In such cases, clear criteria should be established to ensure that individuals with inappropriate backgrounds or training are not re-deployed within the security sector, weakening the effectiveness and legitimacy of relevant bodies. Appropriate re-training of personnel and processes that support vetting within reformed security institutions are therefore two examples where DDR and SSR efforts intersect."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"6. Guiding principles","Heading2":"6.1. People-centred and rights-based: DDR and SSR to improve the security of individuals and communities","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"The overarching principles for a comprehensive and coherent UN approach to DDR stress the need to be people-centred, flexible, transparent and accountable, nationally owned, integrated and well-planned. In the absence of a specific UN doctrine,10 the Secretary- General\u2019s Report on SSR is a significant departure because it provides a clear statement of the UN\u2019s general understanding of and approach to SSR. It is important that there is comple- mentarity between the two: shared principles provide a common basis in order to develop an integrated UN approach to DDR and SSR. This section reviews these shared principles in order to underline key elements that can support the development of synergies."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"6. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"While a given DDR programme might generate important returns in terms of performance indicators (e.g. numbers of weapons collected and ex-combatants reintegrated) this may not translate into effective outcomes (e.g. improvements in real and perceived individual or community security). Involving communities and local authorities in planning, implement- ing and monitoring interventions can potentially integrate efforts such as the community reintegration of former combatants with the provision of security at the local level in order to ensure that reintegration and SSR are complementary. Supporting the capacity of national armed and other security forces and line ministries can build morale, demonstrating a \u2018duty of care\u2019 through fair treatment."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"6. Guiding principles","Heading2":"6.2. Flexibility: the importance of context and sequencing","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"DDR and SSR interventions need to be flexible and responsive to changing conditions on the ground. Policy guidance must build in the need to understand contextual factors and adjust to changing realities. Mapping relevant actors and understanding the opportunities and constraints posed by specific political, security and socio-economic factors are common requirements for DDR and SSR. Addressing these issues in assessments, ensuring that such knowledge informs both mediation support and negotiating processes, integrating it into the design of DDR and SSR programmes will help to ensure a common appreciation of what is realistic in a given context. Regular monitoring and evaluation should inform the sequencing of activities while avoiding inappropriate or insensitive approaches."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"6. Guiding principles","Heading2":"6.3. Transparency and accountability: a good governance approach to DDR\/SSR","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"DDR and SSR conceived narrowly as technical support for military or other security bodies may fail to take sufficient account of the dynamic political environment within which these actors are situated. Emphasising the need to build or enhance the respective roles of the executive, legislative, judiciary as well as civil society will help to ensure that programmes are realistic, transparent and widely understood. Developing a nationally-driven picture of security needs in order to determine the scope and objectives of DDR is a lengthy and challenging process that may be too sensitive to address in the early post-conflict period. Avoiding rigid prescriptions is therefore important while identifying and applying mini- mum standards that should be non-negotiable."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"6. Guiding principles","Heading2":"6.4. National ownership: legitimacy and the DDR\/SSR nexus","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"National ownership is a much broader concept than \u2018state\u2019 ownership and includes both state and non-state actors at national, regional and local levels. Seeking to involve as many former conflict parties as possible as well as groups that have been marginalised, or are generally under-represented on issues of security in DDR and SSR decision-making is particularly important. This contributes to ensuring that different segments of society feel part of this process. Participatory approaches provide a means to work through the conflict- ing interests of different domestic constituencies. Enhancing the capacity of national and regional authorities to manage, implement and oversee these programmes provides a cru- cial bridge from post-conflict stabilisation to longer term recovery and development by supporting the creation of skills that will remain once international support has been drawn down."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"6. Guiding principles","Heading2":"6.5. Integration and planning: the importance of coordination & coherence .","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"The range of objectives and actors involved in DDR and SSR place particular emphasis on coordination issues. Failures to align activities may result in incoherent and potentially destructive outcomes. It is important to coordinate DDR and SSR and relate them to other post-conflict peacebuilding activities such as small arms and light weapons (SALW), transi- tional justice or mine action programmes. Due attention to context-specific issues of timing and sequencing is essential to ensure that the different activities do not become incompat- ible. The absence of adequate, timely and well-targeted funding provides a particularly acute challenge to sustainable, coherent DDR and SSR."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"This section begins by identifying certain early areas of SSR support that can reinforce DDR activities (7.1-7.4) while preparing the ground for a more programmatic approach to SSR. An important element of the DDR-SSR nexus is the integration of ex-combatants into the reformed security sector. Particular emphasis is therefore put on issues relating to secu- rity sector integration (7.5-7.12)."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation","Heading2":"7.1. Disarmament and longer-term SSR","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Reducing the availability of illegal weapons connects DDR and SSR to related security challenges such as wider civilian arms availability. In particular, there is a danger of \u2018leak- age\u2019 during transportation of weapons and ammunition gathered through disarmament processes or as a result of inadequately managed and controlled storage facilities. Failing to recognise these links may represent a missed opportunity to develop the awareness and capacity of the security sector to address security concerns related to the collection and management of weapon stocks (see IDDRS 2.20 on post-conflict stabilization, peace-building and recovery frameworks).Disarmament programmes should be complemented, where appropriate, by training and other activities to enhance law enforcement capacities and national control over weap- ons and ammunition stocks. The collection of arms through the disarmament component of the DDR programme may in certain cases provide an important source of weapons for reformed security forces. In such cases, disarmament may be considered a potential entry point for coordination between DDR and SSR."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation","Heading2":"7.2. Illegal armed groups","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"In cases where combatants are declared part of illegal groups, progress in police reform and relevant judicial functions can project deterrence and help ensure compliance with the DDR process. This role must be based on adequate police capacity to play such a supporting role (see Case Study Box 1).The role of the police in supporting DDR activities should be an element of joint plan- ning. In particular, decisions on police support to DDR should be based on their capacity to support the DDR programme. Where there are synergies to be realised, this should be reflected in resource allocation, training and priority setting for police reform activities."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation","Heading2":"7.3. The disengagement process","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"A number of common DDR\/SSR concerns relate to the disengagement of ex-combatants. Rebel groups often inflate their numbers before or at the start of a DDR process due to financial incentives as well as to strengthen their negotiating position for terms of entry into the security sector. This practice can result in forced recruitment of individuals, including children, to increase the headcount. Security vacuums may be one further consequence of a disengagement process with the movement of ex-combatants to de- mobilization centres resulting in potential risks to communities. Analysis of context-specific security dynamics linked to the disengagement process should provide a common basis for DDR\/SSR decisions. When negotiating with rebel groups, criteria for integration to the security sector should be carefully set and not based simply on the number of people the group can round up (see IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design, Para The requirement that chil- dren be released prior to negotiations on integration into the armed forces should be stip- ulated and enforced to discourage their forced recruitment (see IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR). The risks of potential security vacuums as a result of the DDR process should provide a basis for joint DDR\/SSR coordination and planning."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation","Heading2":"7.4. Natural resource exploitation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"The illegal exploitation of natural resources creates an obstacle to effective DDR and under- mines prospects for economic recovery. Control over natural resources provides a resource base for continued recruitment of combatants and the prolonging of violence. Rebel groups are unlikely to agree to disarmament\/demobilization if that means losing control of valu- able land.SSR activities should address relevant training requirements necessary for targeting armed groups in control of natural resources. Mandates and resource allocation for national security forces should be elaborated and allocated, where appropriate, to focus on this priority.11 Shared conflict and security analysis that focuses on this issue should inform DDR\/SSR planning processes."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation","Heading2":"7.5. Rank harmonisation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Policies establishing a new rank structure for members of the reformed security sector may facilitate integration by supporting the creation of a new command structure. It is particu- larly important to address perceived inequities between different groups in order to avoid resulting security risks.Rank harmonisation processes should be based on clear provisions in a peace agreement or other legal documents and be planned in full consideration of the consequences this may have on security budgets (i.e. if too many high ranks are attributed to ex-combatants). Policies should be based on consideration of appropriate criteria for determining ranks, the need for affirmative action for marginalised groups and an agreed formula for conver- sion from former armed groups to members of the reformed security sector."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation","Heading2":"7.6. Data collection and management","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"While the data capture at disarmament or demobilization points is designed to be utilised during reintegration, the early provision of relevant data can provide essential support to SSR processes. Sharing information can 1) help avoid multiple payments to ex-combatants registering for integration into more than one security sector institution, or for both inte- gration and reintegration; 2) provide the basis for a security sector census to help national authorities assess the number of ex-combatants that can realistically be accommodated within the security sector; 3) support human resource management by providing relevant information for the reform of security institutions; and 4) where appropriate, inform the vetting process for members of security sector institutions (see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice).Extensive data is often collected during the demobilization stage (see Module 4.20 on Demobilization, Para 5.4). A mechanism for collecting and processing this information within the Management Information System (MIS) should capture information require- ments for both DDR and SSR and may also support related activities such as mine action (See Box 2). Relevant information should be used to support human resource and financial management needs for the security sector. (See Module 4.20 on Demobilization, Para 8.2, especially box on Military Information.) This may also support the work of those respon- sible for undertaking a census or vetting of security personnel. Guidelines should include confidentiality issues in order to mitigate against inappropriate use of information.Box 2 Examples of DDR information requirements relevant for SSR \\n Sex \\n Age \\n Health Status \\n Rank or command function(s) \\n Length of service \\n Education\/Training \\n Literacy (especially for integration into the police) \\n Weapons specialisations \\n Knowledge of location\/use of landmines \\n Location\/willingness to re-locate \\n Dependents \\n Photo \\n Biometric digital imprint"},{"ID":20,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation","Heading2":"7.7. Vetting","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Vetting is a particularly contentious issue in many post-conflict contexts. However, sensi- tively conducted, it provides a means of enhancing the integrity of security sector institutions through ensuring that personnel have the appropriate background and skills.12 Failure to take into account issues relating to past conduct can undermine the development of effec- tive and accountable security institutions that are trusted by individuals and communities. The introduction of vetting programmes should be carefully considered in relation to minimum political conditions being met. These include sufficient political will and ade- quate national capacity to implement measures. Vetting processes should not single out ex-combatants but apply common criteria to all members of the vetted institution. Minimum requirements should include relevant skills or provision for re-training (particularly im- portant for ex-combatants integrated into reformed law enforcement bodies). Criteria should also include consideration of past conduct to ensure that known criminals, human rights abusers or perpetrators of war crimes are not admitted to the reformed security sector. (See IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice.)"},{"ID":21,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation","Heading2":"7.8 Support to the integration of ex-combatants within the security sector","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Ex-combatants that have been socialized to the use of violence in conflict require proper support and training to assist their transition from armed combatant to security provider. Moreover, high HIV infection rates are common in many uniformed services and can com- promise command structures and combat readiness. Increasingly, there are national policies of screening recruits and excluding those who are HIV-positive.In addition to identifying appropriate selection criteria for combatants eligible for inte- gration, ex-combatants should be provided with sufficient training and sensitization on behaviour change, and access to psychosocial support to enable a successful transition. Engaging in HIV\/AIDS prevention at the outset of DDR will help to reduce new infections, thus\u2014where national policies of HIV screening are in place\u2014increasing the pool of potential candidates for recruitment, as well as assisting in planning for alternative occupational support and training for those found to be HIV-positive (see IDDRS Module 5.60 on HIV\/ AIDS and DDR)."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation","Heading2":"7.9. Balancing demobilisation and security sector integration","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Offering ex-combatants a voluntary choice between integrating into the security sector and pursuing civilian livelihoods can, in certain cases, be problematic. Resulting challenges may include disproportionate numbers of officers compared to other ranks, or mismatches between national security priorities and the comparative advantages of different security providers. Excessive integration into the security sector may be unrealistic in relation to the absorptive capacity of these institutions as well as financial limitations and perceived security requirements. There is also a risk to community security if large numbers of ex- combatants return without the prospect of meaningful employment.Decisions on the incentives provided to ex-combatants registering for demobilization versus those registering for integration should be carefully considered to avoid unsustain- able outcomes. The financial and social benefits provided to each group should not therefore strongly favour one option over the other. Funding considerations should reflect national financial limitations in order to avoid unwanted course corrections. A communication strategy should be developed to ensure that options are clearly understood. Job counsel- ling\u2014presenting realistic career options\u2014may also reduce the risk of raising expectations among demobilised combatants entering into socio-economic programmes (see IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration, Section 9.2).Case Study Box 2 Integration followed by rightsizing in Burundi \\n Disproportionate numbers may need to be included in integrated force structures as a transitional measure to \u2018buy the peace\u2019 while \u2018rightsizing\u2019 is left to a later stage. This may be a necessary short-term solution but can heighten tensions if expectations are not managed. In Burundi, a two-step approach was adopted with ex-combatants first integrated into the armed forces with many demobilised in a second round. While it can be argued that the integrated army supported the conduct of peaceful elections in 2005, this double-trigger mechanism has generated uncertainty, frustration and disappointment amongst those demobilised through the subsequent rightsizing: at the beginning of 2008, 900 soldiers refused compulsory demobilization. The process lacked transparency and the criteria used for assessing those to be demobilised (i.e. disciplinary records) have been questioned. Moreover, the fact that previously integrated combatants develop skills within newly integrated security bodies that are subsequently lost undermines longer term SSR goals"},{"ID":23,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation","Heading2":"7.10. Social conditions within the security sector","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Research has shown that there is a link between (future) crimes committed by security forces and inadequate terms and conditions of service. Poor social conditions within the security sector may also contribute to an unbalanced distribution of ex-combatants between reinte- gration and security sector integration.SSR activities should focus from an early stage on addressing right-financing, man- agement and accountability in security budgeting. An important early measure may be to support the establishment of a chain of payments system to prevent the diversion of sala- ries and ensure prompt payment. These measures may be most effective if combined with a census of the armed and security forces (see Case Study Box 3). In parallel to the DDR process, efforts to enhance the knowledge base of groups responsible for oversight of the security sector should be supported. This may include visits of parliamentarians, repre- sentatives of the Ministry of Labour, the media and civil society organisations to security installations (including barracks).Case Study Box 3 The impact of the census and chain of payments system in the DRC \\n In the DRC, low or non-existent salaries within the army and police was a cause of disproportionate numbers of ex-combatants registering for reintegration as opposed to army integration. This resulted in a large backload in the payment of reinsertion benefits as well as difficulties in identifying reintegration opportunities for these ex-combatants. Two separate measures were taken to improve the overall human and financial management of the armed forces. A census of the army was conducted in 2008 which identified non-existent \u2018ghost soldiers.\u2019 Resulting savings benefited the army as a whole through an increase in overall salary levels. The \u2018chain of payments\u2019 system also had a similar effect of improving confidence in the system. The military chain of command was separated from the financial management process making it more difficult to re-route salary payments from their intended recipients. Resulting savings have led to improved terms and conditions for the soldiers, thus increasing incentives for ex-combatants choosing integration."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation","Heading2":"7.11. Gender-responsive DDR and SSR","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The absence of women from the security sector is not just discriminatory but can represent a lost opportunity to benefit from the different skill sets and approaches offered by women as security providers.13 Giving women the means and support to enter the DDR process should be linked to encouraging the full representation of women in the security sector and thus to meeting a key goal of Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, Para 6.3). If female ex-combatants are not given adequate consideration in DDR processes, it is very unlikely they will be able to enter the security forces through the path of integration.Specific measures shall be undertaken to ensure that women are encouraged to enter the DDR process by taking measures to de-stigmatise female combatants, by making avail- able adequate facilities for women during disarmament and demobilization, and by provid- ing specialised reinsertion kits and appropriate reintegration options to women. Female ex-combatants should be informed of their options under the DDR and SSR processes and incentives for joining a DDR programme should be linked to the option of a career within the security sector when female ex-combatants demobilise. Consideration of the specific challenges female ex-combatants face during reintegration (stigma, non-conventional skill sets, trauma) should also be given when considering their integration into the security sector. Related SSR measures should ensure that reformed security institutions provide fair and equal treatment to female personnel including their special security and protection needs."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation","Heading2":"7.12. Physical vs. mobile DDR structures","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"When considering demobilization based on semi-permanent (encampment) or mobile de- mobilization sites, a number of SSR-related factors should be taken into account. Mobile demobilization sites may offer greater flexibility for the DDR process as they are easier to set up, cheaper and may pose less of a security risk than encampment (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). On the other hand, the cantonment of ex-combatants in a physical struc- ture can provide for greater oversight and control in sites that may have longer term utility as part of an SSR process.Planning for demobilization sites should assess the availability of a capable and neutral security provider, paying particular attention to the safety of women, girls and vulnerable groups. Developing a communication strategy in partnership with community leaders should be encouraged in order to dispel misperceptions, better understand potential threats and build confidence. The potential long term use of demobilization sites may also be a factor in DDR planning. Investment in physical sites may be used post-DDR for SSR activities with semi-permanent sites subsequently converted into barracks, thus offering cost savings. Similarly, the infrastructure created under the auspices of a DDR programme to collect and manage weapons may support a longer term weapons procurement and storage system.Box 3 Action points for the transition from DDR to security sector integration \\n Integrate Information management \u2013 identify and include information requirements for both DDR and SSR when designing a Management Information System and establish mechanisms for information sharing. \\n Establish clear recruitment criteria \u2013 set specific criteria for integration into the security sector that reflect national security priorities and stipulate appropriate background\/skills. \\n Implement census and identification process \u2013 generate necessary baseline data to inform training needs, salary scales, equipment requirements, rank harmonisation policies etc. \\n Clarify roles and re-training requirements \u2013 of different security bodies and re-training for those with new roles within the system. \\n Ensure transparent chain of payments \u2013 for both ex-combatants integrated into the security sector and existing members. \\n Provide balanced benefits \u2013 consider how to balance benefits for entering the reintegration programme with those for integration into the security sector. \\n Support the transition from former combatant to security provider \u2013 through training, psychosocial support, and sensitization on behaviour change, GBV, and HIV"},{"ID":26,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"While the military remains a central actor, during the reintegration phase, common DDR\/ SSR concerns focus on community safety and policing initiatives. Activities relating to the judiciary, border management and revenue collection, as well as wider issues pertaining to the inclusion of ex-combatants and their receiving communities in local and national decision making processes are also significant."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration","Heading2":"8.1. Securing vulnerable communities","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"Targeting reintegration options and securing vulnerable communities represents an im- portant area where synergies can be developed between DDR and SSR programmes. The reintegration of ex-combatants into the community provides a unique opportunity for con- fidence building between law enforcement bodies and local residents. The police has a key role to play in ensuring the safety of returning ex-combatants as well as securing communities that may be at greater risk following their return (see IDDRS 4.50 on UN Police Roles and Responsibilities, Para 11). However, police capacities will only be focused on this prior- ity if support to the DDR process is factored into planning, training and resource allocation. The ability of ex-combatants and their receiving communities to communicate their concerns and priorities to local law enforcement agencies, and vice-versa, is a key compo- nent of sustainable reintegration. Reintegration may provide an entry point for the develop- ment of local security plans through constructive dialogue between communities, including vulnerable and marginalised groups, and security providers. Capacity development within the military, police and other community level security providers should be prioritised to ensure police support for DDR objectives. In parallel, mandates and tasking should reflect the critical role of the police in establishing an enabling environment for the successful reintegration of ex-combatants."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration","Heading2":"8.2. Tracking the return of ex-combatants","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"There is a need to identify and act on information relating to the return and reintegration of ex-combatants. This can support the DDR process by facilitating reinsertion payments for ex-combatants and monitoring areas where employment opportunities exist. From an SSR perspective, better understanding the dynamics of returning ex-combatants can help identify potential security risks and sequence appropriate SSR support.Conflict and security analysis that takes account of returning ex-combatants is a com- mon DDR\/SSR requirement. Comprehensive and reliable data collection and analysis may be developed and shared in order to understand shifting security dynamics and agree security needs linked to the return of ex-combatants. This should provide the basis for coordinated planning and implementation of DDR\/SSR activities. Where there is mistrust between security forces and ex-combatants, information security should be an important consideration."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration","Heading2":"8.3. Housing, land and property (HLP) dispute mechanisms","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"HLP projects are often developed to support the return of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other vulnerable groups. While ex-combatants only represent a small segment of this group, they are more likely to resort to intimidation or force in order to attempt to resolve disputes. Moreover, ex-combatants may find that their land has been occupied as a deliberate strategy of intimidation. HLP therefore offers an opportunity to support re-integration while mitigating potential security problems down the line (see IDDRS module 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration). Complementary SSR measures that address the return of ex-combatants may focus on supporting dispute resolution mechanisms as well as addressing related security threats. Engagement with local authorities, community security and justice providers on HLP offers a means to link SSR concerns with support for returning ex-combatants. The devel- opment of special mechanisms for ex-combatants may be considered so that the time- sensitivity and stigma associated with their cases is taken into consideration. This should be balanced against the risk of perceived inequalities between ex-combatants and receiving communities. In either case, it is important to provide sensitisation on available support structures and how to access them."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration","Heading2":"8.4. Community security initiatives","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Community security initiatives can be considered as a mechanism for both encouraging acceptance of ex-combatants and enhancing the status of local police forces in the eyes of communities (see IDDRS 4.50 on UN Police Roles and Responsibilities). Community-policing is increasingly supported as part of SSR programmes. Integrated DDR programme plan- ning may also include community security projects such as youth at risk programmes and community policing and support services (see IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting).Community security initiatives provide an entry point for developing synergies be- tween DDR and SSR. DDR programmes may benefit from engaging with police public information units to disseminate information about the DDR process at the community level. Pooling financial and human resources including joint information campaigns may contribute to improved outreach, cost-savings and increased coherence.Box 4 DDR\/SSR action points for supporting community security \\n Identify and include relevant law enforcement considerations in DDR planning. Where appropriate, coordinate reintegration with police authorities to promote coherence. \\n Assess the security dynamics of returning ex-combatants. Consider whether information generated from tracking the reintegration of ex-combatants should be shared with the national police. If so, make provision for data confidentiality. \\n Consider opportunities to support joint community safety initiatives (e.g. weapons collection, community policing). \\n Support work with men and boys in violence reduction initiatives, including GBV."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration","Heading2":"8.5. DDR, SSR and SALW","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"While DDR and SALW control initiatives tend to take place separately, they are linked because in practice they both seek to manage, reduce and control the availability of weapons. SALW control measures are also closely linked to SSR because they depend on the enforce- ment capacity of the police, the ability of border management bodies to restrict illicit flows of these weapons across borders as well as security sector oversight and accountability mechanisms to ensure appropriate control over national stocks.SALW control initiatives may provide an entry point for coordinating DDR-SSR efforts. Developing linkages between national SALW Commissions and DDR\/SSR Commissions may provide one means to institutionalise coordination. To ensure potential synergies are not lost, SALW control measures should form part of joint assessments and be reflected in the design of DDR\/SSR programmes. SALW availability should be a component of conflict and security analysis (see IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration, Section 5.1.)."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration","Heading2":"8.6. DDR and the private security sector","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"There is a need to understand the influence of DDR processes on the role and capacities of the private security sector and how this affects the security of communities and individuals (see Case Study Box 4). Ex-combatants are a natural target group for recruitment by pri- vate security bodies. However, the security implications of DDR activities in this area are unclear due to lack of knowledge concerning the nature, capacity, motives and the general lack of oversight and accountability of the private security sector.The scale and role of private security bodies should form part of evaluations of ex- combatants reintegrating into rural and urban settings in order to inform potential SSR responses. Complementary SSR initiatives may include regulation of commercial entities or practical measures at the community level to align the roles and objectives of state and non-state security providers.Case Study Box 4 PSC regulation as an entry point for coordination \\n In Afghanistan, increasing numbers of private security companies (PSCs) have contributed to a blurring of roles with illegal armed groups. There are concerns that many ex-combatants joined the private security sector without having to give up their weapons. The heavy weapons carried by some PSCs in Afghanistan have also contributed to negative perceptions in the eyes of local populations. Laws covering PSCs have now been enacted as part of the SSR process in order to regulate the groups and their weapons. The PSC regulatory framework is linked to both the Disbandment of Illegal Armed Groups (DIAG) programme and the weapons law. The Joint Secretariat of the DIAG has contributed to the regulation of PSCs by drafting a Government Policy on Private Security Companies. PSC regulation therefore serves as a useful bridge between demilitarization and SSR activities."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration","Heading2":"8.7. DDR and border management","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":16,"Paragraph":"Instability is exacerbated by the flow of combatants as well as the trafficking of people, arms and other goods across porous borders. Cross-border trafficking can provide com- batants with the resource base and motivation to resist entering the DDR process. There is also a risk of re-recruitment of ex-combatants into armed groups in adjacent countries, thus undermining regional stability. Developing sustainable border management capacities can therefore enhance the effectiveness of disarmament measures, prevent the re-recruitment of foreign combatants that transit across borders and contribute to the protection of vulner- able communities.Training and capacity building activities should acknowledge linkages between DDR and border security. Where appropriate, conflict and security analysis should address re- gional security considerations including cross-border flows of combatants in order to coor- dinate responses with border security authorities. At the same time, adequate options and opportunities should be open to ex-combatants in case they are intercepted at the border. Lack of logistics and personnel capacity as well as inaccessibility of border areas can pose major challenges that should be addressed through complementary SSR activities. SALW projects may also benefit from coordination with border management programmes."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"9. Programming factors and entry points","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"DDR and related programmes should be mutually supportive and integrated within a common framework (see IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design). This section proposes ways to appropriately integrate SSR concerns into DDR assessments, programme design, monitoring and evaluation (9.1-9.3). To avoid unrealistic and counter-productive approaches, decisions on how to sequence activities should be tailored to context-specific security, political and socio-economic factors. Entry points are therefore identified where DDR\/SSR concerns may be usefully considered (9.4)."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"9. Programming factors and entry points","Heading2":"9.1. SSR-sensitive assessments","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Needs assessments are undertaken periodically in order to help planners and programmers understand progress and undertake appropriate course corrections. During the period prior to the development of a DDR programme, assessments can have the dual purpose of identifying programming options and providing guidance for DDR-related input into peace agreementsWhile DDR specialists should be included in integrated assessments that situate DDR within broader UN and national planning (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning) this should also be a regular practice for SSR. Promoting joint assessments through includ- ing representatives of other relevant bilateral\/multilateral actors should also be encouraged to enhance coherence and reduce duplication. In designing DDR assessments, SSR con- siderations should be reflected in ToRs, the composition of assessment teams and in the knowledge gathered during assessment missions (see Box 5).Box 5 Designing SSR-sensitive assessments \\n Developing the terms of reference \u2013 Terms of reference (ToRs) for DDR assessments should include the need to consider potential synergies between DDR and SSR that can be identified and fed into planning processes. Draft ToRs should be shared between relevant DDR and SSR focal points to ensure that all relevant and cross-cutting issues are considered. The ToRs should also set out the composition of the assessment team. \\n Composing the assessment team \u2013 Assessment teams should be multi-sectoral and include experts or focal points from related fields that are linked to the DDR process. The inclusion of SSR expertise represents an important way of creating an informed view on the relationship between DDR and SSR. In providing inputs to more general assessments, broad expertise on the political and integrated nature of an SSR process may be more important than sector-specific knowledge. Where appropriate, experts from relevant bilateral\/multilateral actors should also be included. Including host state nationals or experts from the region within assessment teams will improve contextual understanding and awareness of local sensitivities and demonstrate a commitment to national ownership. Inclusion of team members with appropriate local language skills is essential. \\n Information gathering \u2013 Knowledge should be captured on SSR-relevant issues in a given context. It is important to engage with representatives of local communities including non-state and community-based security providers. This will help clarify community perceptions of security provision and vulnerabilities and identify the potential for tensions when ex-combatants are reintegrated into communities, including how this may be tied to weapons availability."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"9. Programming factors and entry points","Heading2":"9.1. SSR-sensitive assessments","Heading3":"9.1.1. Multidimensional technical assessment mission","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"A first step in the pre-mission planning stage leading to the development of a UN concept of operations is the initial technical assessment (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning). In most cases, this is now conducted through a multidimensional technical assessment mission. Multidimensional technical assessment missions represent an entry point to begin en- gaging in discussion with SSR counterparts on potential synergies between DDR and SSR. If these elements are already reflected in the initial assessment report submitted to the Secretary-General, it is more likely that the provisions that subsequently appear in the mis- sion mandate for DDR and SSR will be coherent and mutually supportive.Box 6 Indicative SSR-related questions to include in assessments \\n Is there a strategic policy framework or a process in place to develop a national security and justice strategy that can be used to inform DDR decision-making? \\n Map the security actors that are active at the national level as well as in regions particularly relevant for the DDR process. How do they relate to each other? \\n What are the regional political and security dynamics that may positively or negatively impact on DDR\/SSR? \\n Map the international actors active in DDR\/SSR. What areas do they support and how do they coordinate? \\n What non-state security providers exist and what gaps do they fill in the formal security sector? A\\n re they supporting or threatening the stability of the State? Are they supporting or threatening the security of individuals and communities? \\n What oversight and accountability mechanisms are in place for the security sector at national, regional and local levels? \\n Do security sector actors play a role or understand their functions in relation to supporting DDR? \\n Is there capacity\/political will to play this role? \\n What are existing mandates and policies of formal security sector actors in providing security for vulnerable and marginalised groups? \\n Are plans for the DDR process compatible with Government priorities for the security sector? \\n Do DDR funding decisions take into account the budget available for the SSR process as well as the long-run financial means available so that gaps and delays are avoided? \\n What is the level of national management capacity (including human resource and financial aspects) to support these programmes? \\n Who are the potential champions and spoilers in relation to the DDR and SSR processes? \\n What are public perceptions toward the formal and informal security sector?"},{"ID":37,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"9. Programming factors and entry points","Heading2":"9.1. SSR-sensitive assessments","Heading3":"9.1.2. Detailed field assessments","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"If SSR issues and perspectives are to be integrated at an early stage, assessments and their outputs must reflect a holistic SSR approach and not just partial elements that may be most applicable in terms of early deployment. Situational analysis of relevant political, economic and security factors is essential in order to determine the type of SSR support that will best complement the DDR programme as well as to identify local and regional implications of decisions that may be crafted at the national level.Detailed field assessments that inform the development of the DDR programme should be linked to the design of SSR activities (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning, Para 5.4). This may be done through joint assessment missions combining DDR and SSR com- ponents, or by drawing on SSR expertise throughout the assessment phase. Up to date conflict and security analysis should address the nexus between DDR and SSR in order to support effective engagement (see Box 6). Participatory assessments and institutional capac- ity assessments may be particularly useful for security-related research (see IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design, Para. 5.3.6)."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"9. Programming factors and entry points","Heading2":"9.2. Programme design","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"It is particularly important that each phase of DDR programme design (see IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design) addresses the context-specific political environment within which DDR\/SSR issues are situated. Shifting political and security dynamics means that flexibility is an essential design factor. Specific elements of programme design should be integrated within overall strategic objectives that reflect the end state goals that DDR and SSR are seeking to achieve.Detailed field assessments should cover political and security issues as well as identifying key national and international stakeholders in these processes (see Box 6). The programme development and costing phase should result in indicators that reflect the relationship between DDR and SSR. These may include: linking disarmament\/demobilization and community security; ensuring integration reflects national security priorities and budgets; or demonstrating that operational DDR activities are combined with support for national management and oversight capacities. Development of the DDR implementation plan should integrate relevant capacities across UN, international community and national stake- holders that support DDR and SSR and reflect the implementation capacity of national authorities."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"9. Programming factors and entry points","Heading2":"9.3. Monitoring and evaluation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Monitoring and evaluation can provide for a structured approach to recognising and opera- tionalising the linkages between DDR and SSR. It also serves as a mechanism for enhancing knowledge management and transfer. A common challenge results from information gaps due to rapidly changing political and security dynamics. While the MIS provides a structured means of collecting information, baseline data should be established and continuously mon- itored to adjust to changing conditions.In outcome evaluations, effective monitoring and evaluation should provide an entry point for reviewing DDR and SSR programmes to ensure that they are planned in a mutually supportive manner (see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes). Reports of impact evaluations may provide a useful basis for analysing the intended impact of DDR\/SSR programmes, identifying their unintended consequences as well as adjusting programming objectives and priorities as appropriate. Mid-term reviews should be used as an opportunity to assess effectiveness and make necessary changes to programmes.14"},{"ID":40,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"9. Programming factors and entry points","Heading2":"9.4. Entry points","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Linking international support to a broad based, nationally owned process provides an important basis for coherent DDR and SSR programming. As discussed below, national dialogue, peace processes and national security or sector-specific policy reviews all repre- sent entry points to link DDR and SSR within a broader national governance framework."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"9. Programming factors and entry points","Heading2":"9.4. Entry points","Heading3":"9.4.1. National dialogue","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Holding a national seminar does not mean that a common vision of necessary reform measures will (or should) be the outcome. Rather, it can mark the start of a participatory process of dialogue intended to clarify national needs and values and thus link short term security goals to longer term objectives. How national dialogue processes are designed and implemented may be more important than concrete outputs. Broad participation, including the transitional or elected authorities as well as representatives of the security sector, oversight bodies and civil society is important to enhance legitimacy and relevance. They can occur before or after the signing of a peace agreement. Equally, they can take place during transitional periods or following national elections to provide impetus to the peacebuilding process.National dialogue processes should be supported as a means to foster common understandings of DDR and SSR challenges (See Case Study Box 5). Depending on the circumstances, specific sectoral presentations at national seminars may be useful to share developments in different parts of the security sector, foster national ownership and better understand the expectations and perspectives of different stakeholder groups. A sub-group on DDR-SSR linkages or specific sub-groups on issues such as political good governance may be established in order to develop knowledge and raise awareness on this nexus. Support to national dialogue processes should include provision of follow-up mechanisms to enhance sustainability.Case Study Box 5 DDR & the national dialogue on SSR in the CAR \\n In the Central African Republic, a dysfunctional and poorly governed security sector has been identified as one of the root causes of conflict. Discussions on DDR were therefore couched in the broader framework of SSR and encouraging a national dialogue process was identified as a first step in addressing this issue. As part of this process, a national seminar was held from 14\u201317 April 2008. The seminar was prepared by a national Security Sector Reform Committee consisting of government officials, rep-resentatives of CAR\u2019s security and justice services, and members of civil society. The seminar resulted in a roadmap for SSR implementation and also set up an evaluation mechanism to review progress. It provided a framework for many of the decisions in subsequent discussions and agreements. The seminar was held at an opportune moment as it was able to guide discussions on other critical aspects of the peace process. A working group session on DDR\/SSR linkages contributed to crystallizing in the minds of the various stakeholders the need to avoid thinking about these issues separately."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"9. Programming factors and entry points","Heading2":"9.4. Entry points","Heading3":"9.4.2. Peace agreements","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Peace processes serve as an early opportunity to ensure DDR and SSR concerns are included on the national agenda and linked within a common framework.15 While DDR decisions often form part of agreements, the relationship between these provisions and decisions on the size and nature of post-conflict security forces frequently reflect the immediate priorities and interests of the different parties\u2014such as maintaining a power base and rewarding allies\u2014rather than being determined by the security needs of the state and its citizens. In supporting peace processes, SSR concerns should therefore influence approach and substance.Where feasible, decisions within peace agreements on demobilization and retention of ex-combatants should be informed by the needs of the future security sector. Level 6 Linkages with other Processes DDR and Security Sector Reform 21 6.10 needs of the future security sector. Given that SSR frameworks will evolve long after the conclusion of peace negotiations, flexibility is important to ensure that parties are not tightly bound to decisions (e.g. on force size) that later prove unrealistic. However, agreement on the broad frameworks of subsequent SSR processes, especially commitments to consultative mechanisms, can provide parties with confidence in and commitment to both the initial DDR programme and recognition of the linkages with longer term SSR requirements. The provision of both DDR and SSR expertise within negotiations can ensure coherence between the two processes. In particular, it is important that advisers promote a broad understanding of SSR that links reform of security providers to issues of management, oversight and accountability. Providing expertise drawn from the same region and ensuring a role for regional political organisations in negotiations may provide additional credibility through their contextual awareness and legitimacy."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"9. Programming factors and entry points","Heading2":"9.4. Entry points","Heading3":"9.4.3. Transitional arrangements","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Transitional political arrangements offer clear entry points and opportunities to link DDR and SSR. In particular, transitional arrangements often have a high degree of legitimacy when they are linked to peace agreements and can be used to prepare the ground for longer term reform processes. However, a programmatic approach to SSR that offers opportunities to link DDR to longer term governance objectives may require levels of political will and legiti- mate governance institutions that will most likely only follow the successful completion of national elections that meet minimum democratic standards.During transitional periods prior to national elections, SSR activities should address immediate security needs linked to the DDR process while supporting the development of sustainable national capacities. Building management capacity, promoting an active civil society role and identifying practical measures such as a security sector census or improved payroll system can enhance the long term effectiveness and sustainability of DDR and SSR programmes. In the absence of appropriate oversight mechanisms for the security sector, supporting an ad hoc mechanism to oversee the DDR process, which includes a coordina- tion mechanism for DDR and SSR, should be considered. Such provision should include the subsequent transfer of competencies to formal oversight bodies."},{"ID":44,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"9. Programming factors and entry points","Heading2":"9.4. Entry points","Heading3":"9.4.4. Elections","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Elections should serve as an entry point for discussions on DDR and SSR. While successful elections can provide important legitimacy for DDR and SSR processes, they tend to mono- polise the available political space and thus strongly influence timelines and priorities, including resource allocation for DDR and SSR. Army integration may be prioritised in order to support the provision of effective security forces for election security while SSR measures may be designed around the development of an election security plan which brings together the different actors involved.Election security can provide a useful catalyst for discussion on the roles and respon- sibilities of different security actors. It may also result in a focus on capacity building for police and other bodies with a role in elections. Priority setting and planning around sup- port for elections should be linked to longer term SSR priorities. In particular, criteria for entry and training for ex-combatants integrating within the security sector should be con- sistent with the broader values and approaches that underpin the SSR process."},{"ID":45,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"9. Programming factors and entry points","Heading2":"9.4. Entry points","Heading3":"9.4.5. National commissions","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"National DDR commissions exist in many of the countries that embark on DDR processes and are used to coordinate government authorities and international entities that support the national DDR programme (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). National DDR commissions therefore provide an impoThe ToRs of National DDR commissions may provide an opportunity to link national DDR and SSR capacities. For example, the commission may share information with rele- vant Ministries (beyond the Ministry of Defence) such as Justice and the Interior as well as the legislative and civil society. Depending on the context, national commissions may be- come permanent parts of the national security sector governance architecture. This can help to ensure that capacities developed in support of a DDR programme are retained within the system beyond the lifespan of the DDR process itself."},{"ID":46,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"10. Supporting national and international capacities","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"This section addresses the common challenge of operationalising national ownership in DDR and SSR programmes. It then considers how to enhance synergies in international support for DDR and SSR."},{"ID":47,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"10. Supporting national and international capacities","Heading2":"10.1. National ownership","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Weak institutions and limited capacities are frequently cited as impediments to national ownership in post-conflict contexts. However, this points to the need for a dual focus on supporting transparent, inclusive national decision-making combined with the develop- ment of sustainable national capacities. Due attention to national ownership is therefore critical to addressing challenges of legitimacy and sustainability that are common to DDR and SSR."},{"ID":48,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"10. Supporting national and international capacities","Heading2":"10.1. National ownership","Heading3":"10.1.1. Participation and consultation","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"National ownership extends beyond central government to include a wide range of actors with a role in security provision, management and oversight. An important component of the DDR assessment phase should therefore be to identify national stakeholders that can contribute to the process. Supporting the meaningful involvement of parliament, civil soci- ety as well as local authorities and communities in DDR and SSR decision-making can help ensure that programmes are realistic and respond to local needs. The development of a comprehensive national security strategy (NSS) or narrower, sector specific strategies can (and should) be a lengthy process that continues after DDR is underway. However, insights drawn from discussions at national and local levels should be reflected in the de- sign, implementation and sequencing of DDR and SSR programmes.A process of national dialogue (see 9.4.1.) can help shape DDR\/SSR frameworks that are underpinned by context-specific political and security considerations. Processes enacted to develop national or sector-specific security strategies should inform priorities and har- monise the roles of actors involved in both DDR and SSR (see Box 7). Participation should be encouraged from relevant government ministries (e.g. interior, finance, defence, intelli- gence, police, justice, immigration, health, education, labour, social welfare, gender, national HIV\/AIDS Programme Councils), as well as legislative committees and financial manage- ment bodies. Civil society represents a key target group in helping to build trust, fostering \u2018buy in\u2019 and avoiding perceptions that the security sector is de-linked from the needs of citizens. Community consultations and communications strategies should be developed with national and local media to enhance dialogue processes in support of DDR and SSR programmes.Box 7 Constructing a national vision of security \\n Key questions: \\n Is there sufficient trust between national stakeholders to support the development of a national vision of security? If not, what enabling steps can be taken to build confidence in this process? \\n What are the most important current and future threats and challenges (both internal and external) to national security? \\n What is the role of the security sector and what values should underpin its work? \\n What are the security needs of communities and individuals, including the special needs of women, girls and vulnerable groups? \\n What areas should be granted priority in order to address these threats? \\n How should available resources be divided between competing public needs? \\n Do current mandates, capacities, resources and division of responsibilities reflect these threats? \\n What can be done to ensure that the objectives identified will be implemented? Who is responsible for and how effective is oversight and accountability of the security sector?"},{"ID":49,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"10. Supporting national and international capacities","Heading2":"10.1. National ownership","Heading3":"10.1.2. Capacity development","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Supporting the development of relevant national capacities to develop, manage and imple- ment programmes enhances the effectiveness of DDR and SSR while creating cross-cutting skills that contribute to the long term integrity of security institutions. Given their experi- ence, ex-combatants may play a significant role in these areas at national and community levels. In particular, a focus on security sector management and oversight provides an important means of contributing to sustainable national capacities.Identifying national capacity gaps linked to DDR\/SSR should be an important objec- tive of needs assessments (see Box 6). Opportunities to develop cross-cutting skills (e.g. strategic planning, human resources, financial management, including gender budgeting, communications and outreach) should be agreed and prioritised with national authorities. Measures to enhance national capacities for democratic control and civilian oversight and to develop effective checks and balances within a clear legal framework are particularly important. Support for parliaments in fulfilling their oversight function can promote trans- parency and therefore trust in programmes and their use of resources."},{"ID":50,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"10. Supporting national and international capacities","Heading2":"10.1. National ownership","Heading3":"10.1.3. Sustainability","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"The politically sensitive nature of decisions relating to DDR and SSR means that external actors must pay particular attention to both the form and substance of their engagement. Close understanding of context, including identification of key stakeholders, is essential to ensure that support to national actors is realistic, culturally sensitive and sustainable. Externally- driven pressure to move forward on programming priorities will be counter-productive if this is de-linked from necessary political will and implementation capacity to develop policy and implement programmes at the national level.The design, implementation and timing of external support for DDR and SSR should be closely aligned with national priorities and capacities (see Boxes 6, 7 and 8). Given that activities may raise concerns over interference in areas of national sovereignty, design and approach should be carefully framed. In certain cases, \u201cdevelopment\u201d or \u201cprofessionalisation\u201d rather than \u201creform\u201d may represent more acceptable terminology. Setting out DDR\/SSR commitments in a joint letter of agreement and regularly monitoring implementation pro- vides a transparent means to set out agreed commitments between national authorities and the international community.Box 8 Supporting national ownership and capacities \\n Jointly establish capacity-development strategies with national authorities (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR) that support common DDR and SSR objectives. \\n Support training to develop cross-cutting skills that will be useful in the long term (human resources, financial management, building gender capacity). \\n Identify and empower national reform \u2018champions\u2019 that can support DDR\/SSR. This should be developed through actor mapping during the needs assessment phase. \\n Support the capacity of oversight and coordination bodies to lead and harmonise DDR and SSR activities. Identify gaps in the national legal framework to support oversight and accountability. \\n Consider twinning international experts with national counterparts within security institutions to support skills transfer. \\n Evaluate the potential role of national committees as a mechanism to establish permanent bodies to coordinate DDR\/SSR. \\n Set down commitments in a joint letter of agreement that includes provision for regular evaluation of implementation."},{"ID":51,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"10. Supporting national and international capacities","Heading2":"10.2. International support","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"A common challenge for DDR and SSR programmes is to develop approaches where exter- nal assistance supports national actors in defining and implementing their own security needs and objectives. While operationalising national ownership remains a major challenge for the international community, this can be mitigated through effective coordination, en- hanced capacities and targeted funding."},{"ID":52,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"10. Supporting national and international capacities","Heading2":"10.2. International support","Heading3":"10.2.1. Coordination","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Improved coordination can support more coherent policy making and programming that takes into account the nexus between DDR and SSR. By contrast, parallel or contradictory approaches risk undermining common objectives to support national DDR and SSR proc- esses. While DDR is characterised by a strong UN role, SSR activities (and funding) are predominantly supported by bilateral donors through specific arrangements with national authorities. In some cases there may be a mixed approach, for example, with bilateral partners supporting army reform, whereas UN Police is advising on rebuilding the police sector. Promoting \u2018joint\u2019 assessments and develop- ing in-country coordination mechanisms can provide a clearer basis for developing co- herent international support in these areas.In practice, limited overlap between ac- tors engaged in DDR and SSR indicates a need to establish more effective coordination mechanisms. The UN may in many cases provide a coordinating role for international support in a given context. Mapping the var- ious actors involved in DDR and SSR and their activities provides a structured basis to identify gaps and build synergies across the international community (see Case Study Box 6 below). Agreeing common understandings of \u2018SSR\u2019, consistent with the UN approach and other relevant policy frameworks is an important starting point for coordination. The creation of a joint steering committee or similar coordination mechanism for DDR\/SSR may contribute to enhancing coherence throughout programme implementation. However, sufficient political will to implement \u2018joined up\u2019 approaches remains the key enabling fac- tor for improved coordination.Case Study Box 6 Strengthening SSR coordination in Burundi \\n In Burundi, the large number of international actors engaged in supporting SSR led to coordination challenges. In 2006, the DDR\/SSR unit of the United Nations Operation in Burundi (ONUB) recognized the need to improve coordination and identified as a first step the importance of gaining an overview of relevant actors and activities. This was done by mapping current and planned SSR support by international actors in order to minimize overlaps and identify gaps. The mapping was divided by categories of support and included applicable implementation timelines. The DDR\/SSR unit regularly distributed results to the wider international community. Several bilateral actors recognized the value of this initiative and highlighted that the DDR\/SSR unit had a comparative advantage in fulfilling this role because it had the human resources necessary to undertake such efforts.16 While coordination challenges among such a large number of actors is inevitable, ONUB\u2019s efforts has contributed to a more structured dialogue on these issues within the international community in Burundi."},{"ID":53,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"10. Supporting national and international capacities","Heading2":"10.2. International support","Heading3":"10.2.2. Capacities","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Support to DDR\/SSR processes requires the deployment of a range of different capacities.17 Awareness of the potential synergies that may be realised through a coherent approach to these activities is equally important. Appropriate training offers a means to develop such awareness while including the need to consider the relationship between DDR and SSR in the terms of reference (ToRs) of staff members provides a practical means to embed this issue within programmes.Cross-participation by DDR and SSR experts in tailored training programmes that ad- dress the DDR\/SSR nexus should be developed to support knowledge transfer and foster common understandings. Where appropriate, coordination with SSR counterparts (and vice versa) should be included in the ToRs of relevant headquarters and field-based personnel. Linking the provision of DDR\/SSR capacities to a shared vision of DDR\/SSR objectives in a given context and an understanding of comparative advantages in different aspects of DDR\/ SSR should be an important component of joint coordination and planning (see 10.2.1.)."},{"ID":54,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"10. Supporting national and international capacities","Heading2":"10.2. International support","Heading3":"10.2.3 Funding","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"Recognizing that the success of DDR may be linked to progress in SSR, or vice versa, re- quires sensitivity to the need to invest simultaneously in related programmes. Implementation of DDR and SSR programmes is frequently hampered by the non-availability or slow disburse- ment of funds. Delays in one area due to lack of funding can mean that funds earmarked for other key activities can also be blocked. If ex-combatants are forced to wait to enter the DDR process because of funding delays, this may result in heightened tensions or participants abandoning the process.Given the context specific ways that DDR and SSR can influence each other, there is no ideal model for integrated DDR-SSR funding. Increased use of multi-donor trust funds that address both issues represents one potential means to more effectively integrate DDR and SSR through pooled funding. National ownership is a key consideration: funding support for DDR\/SSR should reflect the absorptive capacity of the state, including national resource limitations. In particular, the levels of ex-combatants integrated within the reformed security sector should be sus- tainable through national budgets. Supporting measures to enhance management and oversight of security budgeting provide an important means to support the effective use of limited resources for DDR and SSR. Improved transparency and accountability also contributes to building trust at the national level and between national authorities and international partners."},{"ID":55,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"11. Planning and design checklist","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"The following is an indicative checklist for considering DDR-SSR linkages. Without being exhaustive, it summarises key points emerging from the module relevant for policy mak- ers and practitioners."},{"ID":56,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"11. Planning and design checklist","Heading2":"11.1. General","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Have measures been taken to engage both DDR and SSR experts in the negotiation of peace agreements so that provisions for the two are mutually supportive? \\n Are a broad range of stakeholders involved in discussions on DDR and SSR in peace negotiations including civil society and relevant regional organisations? \\n Do decisions reflect a nationally-driven vision of the role, objective and values for the security forces? \\n Have SSR considerations been introduced into DDR decision-making and vice versa? Do assessments include the concerns of all stakeholders, including national and inter- national partners? \\n Have SSR experts commented on the terms of reference of the assess- ment and participated in the assessment mission? \\n Is monitoring and evaluation carried out systematically and are efforts made to link it with SSR? Is M&E used as an entry-point for linking DDR and SSR concerns in planning?"},{"ID":57,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"11. Planning and design checklist","Heading2":"11.2. Programming and planning","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Programming and planning \\n SSR\/DDR dynamics before and during demobilization \\n Has the potential long-term use of demobilization and disarmament sites been fac- tored into planning for DDR? \\n Have disarmament programmes been complemented by security sector training and other activities to improve national control over stocks of weapons and ammunition? Has a security sector census been considered\/implemented to support human and financial resource management and inform integration decisions? \\n Have clear criteria been developed for entry of ex-combatants into the security sector? Does this reflect national security priorities as well as the capacity of the security forces to absorb them? Is provision made for vetting to ensure appropriate skills and consid- eration of past conduct? \\n Have rank harmonisation policies been introduced which establish a formula for con- version from former armed groups to national armed forces? Was this the result of a dialogue which considered the need for affirmative action for marginalised groups? \\n Is there a sustainable distribution of ex-combatants between the reintegration and inte- gration programmes? Has information been disseminated and counselling been offered to ex-combatants facing a voluntary choice between integration and reintegration? \\n Have measures been taken to identify and address potential security vacuums in places where ex-combatants are demobilized, and has this information been shared with rel- evant authorities? Are security concerns related to dependents taken into account? \\n Have efforts been made to actively encourage female ex-combatants to enter the DDR process? Have they been offered the choice to integrate into the security sector? Has appropriate action been taken to ensure that the security institutions provide women with fair and equal treatment, including realistic employment opportunities? \\n Is there a communications\/training strategy in place? Does it include messages specifi- cally designed to facilitate the transition from combatant to security provider including behaviour change, HIV risks and GBV? \\n\\n SSR\/DDR dynamics before and during reintegration \\n Is data collected on the return and reintegration of ex-combatants? Is this analysed in order to coordinate relevant DDR and SSR activities? \\n Has capacity-building within the security sector been prioritised in a way to ensure that security institutions are capable of supporting DDR objectives? \\n Have ex-combatants been sensitised to the availability of housing, land and property dispute mechanisms? \\n In cases where private security bodies are a source of employment for ex-combatants, are efforts actively made to ensure their regulation and that appropriate vetting mech- anisms are in place? \\n Have border management services been sensitised and trained on issues relating to cross-border flows of ex-combatants?"},{"ID":58,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"11. Planning and design checklist","Heading2":"11.3. Communication and coordination","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"Communication and coordination Coordination \\n Have opportunities been taken to engage with national security sector management and oversight bodies on how they can support the DDR process? \\n Is there a mechanism that supports national dialogue and coordination across DDR and SSR? If not, could the national commission on DDR fulfil this role by inviting representatives of other ministries to selected meetings? \\n Are the specific objectives of DDR and SSR clearly set out and understood (e.g. in a \u2018letter of commitment\u2019)? Is this understanding shared by national actors and interna- tional partners as the basis for a mutually supportive approach? \\n\\n Knowledge management \\n When developing information management systems, are efforts made to also collect data that will be useful for SSR? Is there a mechanism in place to share this data? \\n Is there provision for up to date conflict and security analysis as a common basis for DDR\/SSR decision-making? \\n Have efforts been made to share information with border management authorities on high risk areas for foreign combatants transiting borders? \\n Has regular information sharing taken place with relevant security sector institutions as a basis for planning to ensure appropriate support to DDR objectives? \\n Are adequate mechanisms in place to ensure institutional memory and avoid over reliance on key individuals? Are assessment reports and other key documents retained and easily accessible in order to support lessons learned processes for DDR\/SSR?"},{"ID":59,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"11. Planning and design checklist","Heading2":"11.4. Funding","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"Funding \\n Does resource planning seek to identify gaps, increase coherence and mitigate compe- tition between DDR and SSR? \\n Have the financial resource implications of DDR for the security sector been considered, and vice versa? \\n Are DDR and SSR programmes realistic and compatible with national budgets?"},{"ID":60,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"11. Planning and design checklist","Heading2":"11.5. Capacity development, pooling resources and training","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"Capacity development, pooling resources and training H\\n ave efforts been made to sensitise staff on the DDR\/SSR nexus through training or other activities? \\n Has the need for personnel to link DDR and SSR concerns been clearly agreed at Head- quarters and included in the ToRs of relevant personnel? \\n Has cross-participation in DDR or SSR training been implemented to foster knowledge transfer and build relationships? \\n Have key skills sets been identified and provision made for the availability of a multi- disciplinary resource pool? Are linguistic and \u2018knowledge transfer\u2019 skills adequately represented in order to support national capacity development? \\n In the area of national capacity-building, has the development of cross-cutting skills such as human resources and financial management (common requirements for both DDR and SSR) been encouraged? \\n Has pooling financial and physical resources for DDR and SSR been considered, for example, in the area of community security initiatives or SALW initiatives? \\n Are UN personnel aware of available SSR Resources, including through the UN Inter- Agency SSR Task Force (e.g. policy guidance, resources, gap analysis, backstopping)?"},{"ID":61,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"Annex B: Key UN documents","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cThe rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies\u201d (2004) \\n The Secretary-General\u2019s Report \u201cThe rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies,\u201d defines the rule of law as \u201ca principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are account- able to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards\u201d.18 DDR is identified as one key element of \u201ctransitioning out of conflict and back to normalcy.\u201d Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cDisarmament, demobilization and reintegration\u201d (2006) \\n The Secretary-General\u2019s report on \u201cDisarmament, demobilization and reintegration\u201d dis- cusses the increased engagement of the United Nations in DDR from 2000-2005 in peace- keeping and non-peacekeeping contexts. Some important \u201clessons learned\u201d from this work include: 1) DDR cannot be implemented without coordinating with the wider peacebuild- ing and recovery process; 2) DDR work should continue beyond the life of a traditional peacekeeping operation thus national capacities must be developed to ensure sustainability; 3) a fragmented approach to DDR is counterproductive; and 4) DDR \u201cmust also be planned in close coordination with transitional processes to review and reform the rule of law and security sectors, as well as efforts to control and reduce small arms proliferation.\u201d19Presidential Statement on \u201cMaintenance of international peace and security: role of the Security Council in supporting security sector reform\u201d (21 February 2007) \\n The Presidential Statement of 21 February 2007 emphasises that \u201creforming the security sector in post-conflict environments is critical to the consolidation of peace and stability, promoting poverty reduction, rule of law and good governance, extending legitimate state authority, and preventing countries from relapsing into conflict.\u201d20 The importance of a \u201cprofessional\u201d and \u201caccountable\u201d security sector as well as an \u201cimpartial\u201d justice sector are critical to sustainable peace and development. The fundamental role of the United Nations in \u201cpromoting comprehensive, coherent, and co-ordinated international support to nationally- owned security sector reform programmes, implemented with the consent of the country concerned\u201d is stressed, as is the need for a balanced approach to SSR that considers institu- tional capacity, affordability and sustainability of SSR programmes. Inter-linkages between SSR and \u201ctransitional justice, disarmament, demobilization and repatriation, reintegration and rehabilitation of former combatants, small arms and light weapons control, as well as gender equality, children and armed conflict and human rights issues\u201d are emphasised.21Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cSecuring peace and development: the role of the United Nations in supporting security sector reform\u201d (2008) \\n The Secretary-General\u2019s report \u201cSecuring peace and development: the role of the United Nations in supporting security sector reform\u201d, notes that \u201cthe development of effective and accountable security institutions on the basis of non-discrimination, full respect for human rights and the rule of law is essential\u201d.22 As part of a holistic strategy, the United Nations can play a normative as well as operational role in SSR. Normatively, the United Nations can \u201c[elaborate] policies and guidelines for the implementation of security sector reform plans and programmes and ensure that peacekeeping operations and United Nations country teams engaged in reform receive practical guidance and assistance in the estab- lishment of benchmarks and other evaluation processes\u201d.23 Operationally, the United Nations can: 1) provide a minimum level of security from which to launch SSR activities; 2) support needs assessments and strategic planning efforts; 3) facilitate dialogue among the many actors and stakeholders involved in a country\u2019s SSR process; 4) provide technical advice on defence and law enforcement institutions, border management, crime prevention and customs, among others; 5) coordinate and mobilize resources; 6) support the development of oversight mechanisms; and 7) support monitoring, evaluation and review efforts.24Presidential Statement on \u201cMaintenance of international peace and security: role of the Security Council in supporting security sector reform\u201d (12 May 2008) \\n The Presidential Statement of 12 May 2008 on supporting security sector reform highlights that SSR is a long-term process and that \u201cit is the sovereign right and primary responsibil- ity of the country concerned to determine its national approach and priorities for security sector reform\u201d.25 The statement also reiterates that a holistic and coherent UN approach is needed and underlines the important role the Peacebuilding Commission \u201ccan play in ensuring continuous international support to countries emerging from conflict.\u201d26"},{"ID":62,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Security Sector Reform","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform","PageNum":33,"Paragraph":"1 Boxes included throughout the module provide practical examples and suggestions. Specific case study boxes draw on four field-based case studies conducted in Afghanistan, Burundi, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo in support of this module. \\n 2 See: Statement by the President of the Security Council at the 5632nd meeting of the Security Council, held on 20 February 2007, S\/PRST\/2007\/3\/ (21 February 2007); Statement by the President of the Security Council, \u201cThe maintenance of international peace and security: the role of the Security Council in humanitarian crises: challenges, lessons learned and the way ahead,\u201d S\/PRST\/2005\/30, 12 July 2005; United Nations Report of the Secretary-General, \u201cSecuring peace and development: the role of the United Nations in supporting security sector reform,\u201d S\/2008\/39, 23 January 2008; and, United Nations General Assembly, \u201cReport of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Opera- tions and its Working Group: 2008 substantive session,\u201d A\/62\/19, 10 March \u2013 4 April and 3 July 2008. \\n 3 Report of the Secretary General, Securing Peace and development, para 17. \\n 4 All States periodically review and reform their security sectors. While recognising that SSR is not only a post-conflict challenge, this module focuses on these contexts as most relevant to DDR and SSR concerns. \\n 5 Report of the Secretary General, Securing Peace and development. Para 17. \\n 6 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, \u201cSecurity System Reform and Gover- nance; A DAC Reference Document,\u201d 2005; Council of the European Union, \u201cEU Concept for ESDP support to Security Sector Reform (SSR),\u201d Council document 12566\/4\/05, 13 October 2005; Com- mission of the European Communities, \u201cA Concept for European Community Support for Security Sector Reform,\u201d SEC(2006) 658, 24 May 2006; ECOWAS, \u201cECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework (ECPF),\u201d enacted by Regulation MSC\/REG.1\/01\/08 of the Mediation and Security Council of ECOWAS, 16 January 2008; and, United Nations Security Council, \u201cAnnex to the letter dated 20 November 2007 from the Permanent Representatives of Slovakia and South Africa to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General. Statement of the Co-Chairs of the International Work- shop on Enhancing United Nations Support for Security Sector Reform in Africa: Towards an African Perspective,\u201d S\/2007\/687, 29 November 2007. \\n 7 For practical guidance on supporting parliamentary and civil society oversight of the security sector see: Born, H., Fluri, P. and Johnsson, A., (eds) Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector, DCAF\/ Inter-Parliamentary Union: 2003; Cole, E., Eppert, K and Kinzelback, K., (eds) Public Oversight of the Security Sector, DCAF\/UNDP: 2008. \\n 8 Muggah, Robert (ed), \u2018Security and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Dealing with Fighters in the After- math of War\u2019, Routledge: 2009. \\n 9 H\u00e4nggi, H & Scherrer, V. (eds.), 2008, \u2018Security Sector Reform and UN Integrated Missions: Experi- ence from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, and Kosovo\u2019, Lit Verlag, M\u00fcnster. \\n 10 The OECD DAC Handbook on Security System Reform: Supporting Security and Justice provides extensive guidance on both political and technical aspects of SSR through the different phases of the programme cycle. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, \u201cOECD DAC Hand- book on Security System Reform: Supporting Security and Justice,\u201d 2007: http:\/\/\/ dataoecd\/43\/25\/38406485.pdf. \\n 11 This is recommended in the interim report of the group of experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, pursuant to Security Council resolution 1698 (2006), S\/2007\/40. \\n 12 See: UNDP BCPR, (2006) Vetting Public Employees in Post-Conflict Settings: Operational Guidelines. \\n 13 Bastick, Megan & Valasek, Kristin (eds). Gender & Security Sector Reform Toolkit, DCAF, OSCE\/ ODIHR, UN-INSTRAW. 2008. Available at: http:\/\/\/gender-security-sector-reform\/ gssr-toolkit.cfm?navsub1=37&navsub2=3&nav1=3 \\n 14 See: Greene, Owen and Simon Rynn, Linking and Co-ordinating DDR and SSR for Human Security after Conflict: Issues, Experience and Priorities, Centre for International Cooperation and Security, Safer- world and the University of Bradford, July 2008. \\n 15 A recent study by the African Security Sector Network (ASSN) provides valuable insights drawn from analysis of SSR in peace agreements in 8 states from Africa, Asia and Central America (see Annex B for full details). \\n 16 See Laurent Banal and Vincenza Scherrer, \u2018ONUB and the Importance of Local Ownership: The Case of Burundi\u2019 in Security Sector Reform and UN Integrated Missions: Experience from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, and Kosovo, eds. H. H\u00e4nggi & V. Scherrer, Lit Verlag, 2008. \\n 17 UN SSR resources may be available through the UN Inter-Agency Taskforce on SSR. This capacity includes guidance, resources, gap analysis and backstopping to field operations. \\n 18 United Nations Report of the Secretary-General, \u201cThe rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies,\u201d S\/2004\/616, 23 August 2004, Para 6. \\n 19 United Nations Report of the Secretary-General, \u201cDisarmament, demobilization and reintegration,\u201d A\/60\/705\/, 2 March 2006, Para 9. \\n 20 United Nations, \u201cStatement by the President of the Security Council,\u201d S\/PRST\/2007\/3, 21 February 2007. \\n 21 United Nations, \u201cStatement by the President of the Security Council,\u201d S\/PRST\/2007\/3, 21 February 2007. \\n 22 Report of the Secretary-General, Securing Peace and Development, Page 1. \\n 23 Report of the Secretary-General, Securing Peace and Development, Para 48. \\n 24 Report of the Secretary-General, Securing Peace and Development, Para 50. \\n 25 United Nations, \u201cStatement by the President of the Security Council,\u201d S\/PRST\/2008\/14, 12 May 2008. \\n 26 United Nations, \u201cStatement by the President of the Security Council,\u201d S\/PRST\/2008\/14, 12 May 2008."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice.json b/static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcdafb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"This module on DDR and transitional justice aims to contribute to accountable DDR pro- grammes that are based on more systematic and improved coordination between DDR and transitional justice processes, so as to best support the successful transition from con- flict to sustainable peace. It is intended to provide a legal framework, guiding principles and options for policymakers and programme planners who are contributing to strategies that aim to minimize tensions and build on opportunities between transitional justice and DDR. Coordination between transitional justice and DDR programmes begins with an under- standing of how transitional justice and DDR may interact positively in the short-term in ways that, at a minimum, do not hinder their respective objectives of accountability and stability. Coordination between transitional justice and DDR practitioners should, however, aim beyond that. Efforts should be undertaken to constructively connect these two processes in ways that contribute to a stable, just and long-term peace."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"This module will explore the linkages between DDR programmes and transitional justice measures that seek prosecutions, truth-seeking, reparation for victims and institutional reform to address mass atrocities that occurred in the past. It is based on the principle that DDR programmes that are informed by international humanitarian law and international human rights law are more likely to achieve the long term objectives of the programme and be better supported by the international community. It aims to contribute to DDR programmes that comply with international standards and promote transitional justice objectives by pro- viding a relevant legal framework and set of guidelines and options for practitioners to consider when designing, implementing, and evaluating DDR programmes."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Since the mid-1980s, societies emerging from violent conflict or repressive rule have often chosen to address past violations of international human rights law and international humani- tarian law through transitional justice measures.Transitional justice \u201ccomprises the full range of processes and measures associated with a society\u2019s attempts to come to terms with a legacy of large-scale past abuses, in order to ensure accountability, serve justice and achieve reconciliation.\u201d1 (S\/2004\/616) It is primarily concerned with gross violations of international human rights law2 and seri- ous violations of international humanitarian law. Transitional justice measures may in- clude judicial and non-judicial responses such as prosecutions, truth commissions, reparations programmes for victims and tools for institutional reform such as vetting. Whatever combination is chosen must be in conformity with international legal standards and obligations. This module will also provide information on locally-based processes of justice, justice for women, and justice for children.Transitional justice measures are increasingly part of the political package that is agreed to by the parties to a conflict in a cease-fire or peace agreement. Subsequently, it is not uncommon for DDR programmes and transitional justice measures to coexist in the post- conflict period. The overlap of transitional justice measures with DDR programmes can create tension. Yet the coexistence of these two types of initiatives in the immediate aftermath of conflict\u2014one focused on accountability, truth and redress and the other on security\u2014 may also contribute to achieving the long-term shared objectives of reconciliation and peace. DDR may contribute to the stability necessary to implement transitional justice ini- tiatives; and the implementation of transitional justice measures for accountability, truth, redress and institutional reform can increase the likelihood that DDR programmes will achieve their aims, by strengthening the legitimacy of the programme from the perspec- tive of the victims of violence and their communities, and contributing in this way to their willingness to accept returning ex-combatants.The relationship between DDR programmes and transitional justice measures can vary widely depending on the country context, the manner in which the conflict was fought and how it ended, and the level of involvement by the international community, among many other factors. In situations where DDR programmes and transitional justice meas- ures coexist in the field, both stand to benefit from a better understanding of their respec- tive mandates and ultimate aims. In all DDR processes there is a need to understand how DDR programmes link in with other aspects of a peace consolidation process, be they political, humanitarian, security or justice related, so as to avoid one process impacting negatively on another. UN-supported DDR aims to be people-centred, flexible, accountable and transparent; nationally owned; integrated; and well planned (see IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR). This module therefore further aims to contribute to an accountable DDR that is based on more systematic and improved coordination between DDR and tran- sitional justice processes so as to best facilitate the successful transition from conflict to sustainable peace.Box 1 Primary approaches to transitional justice \\n Prosecutions \u2013 are the conduct of investigations and judicial proceedings against an alleged perpetrator of a crime in accordance with international standards for the administration of justice. For the purposes of this module, the focus is on the prosecution of individuals accused of criminal conduct involving gross violations of international human rights law, serious violations of international humanitarian law and violations of international criminal law. Prosecutions initiatives can vary. They can be broad in scope, aiming to try many perpetrators, or they can be narrowly focused on those that bear the most responsibility for the crimes committed. \\n Reparations \u2013 are a set of measures that provides redress for victims of gross violations of international human rights law, serious violations of international humanitarian law and violations of international criminal law. Reparations can take the form of restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction, and guarantees of non-repetition. Reparations programs have two goals: first, to provide recognition for victims because reparation are explicitly and primarily carried out on behalf of victims; and, second, to encourage trust among citizens, and between citizens and the state, by demonstrating that past abuses are regarded seriously by the new government. \\n Truth commissions \u2013 are non-judicial or quasi-judicial fact-finding bodies. They have the primary purpose of investigating and reporting on past abuses in an attempt to understand the extent and patterns of past violations, as well as their causes and consequences. The work of a commission is to help a society understand and acknowledge a contested or denied history, and bring the voices and stories of victims to the public at large. It also aims at preventing further abuses. Truth commissions can be official, local or national. They can conduct investigations and hearings, and can identify the individuals and institutions responsible for abuse. Truth commissions can also be empowered to make policy and prosecutorial recommendations. \\n Institutional reform \u2013 is changing public institutions, including those that may have perpetuated a conflict or served a repressive regime, and transforming them into institutions that are more effective and accountable and thus better able to support the transition, sustain peace and preserve the rule of law. Following a period of massive human rights abuse, building fair and efficient public institutions play a critical role in preventing future abuses. It also enables public institutions, in particular in the security and justice sectors, to provide criminal accountability for past abuses."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"4. Background","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"There are good reasons to anticipate a rise in situations where DDR and transitional justice initiatives will be pursued simultaneously. Transitioning states are increasingly using transitional justice measures to address past violations of international human rights law and humanitarian law, and prevent such violations in the future.At present, formal institutional connections between DDR and transitional justice are rarely considered. In some cases, the different timings of DDR and transitional justice processes constrain the forging of more formal institutional interconnections. Disarmament and demobilization components of DDR are frequently initiated during a cease-fire, or immediately after a peace agreement is signed; while transitional justice initiatives often require the forming of a new government and some kind of legislative approval, which may delay implementation by months or, not uncommonly, years. Additionally, DDR processes and transitional justice initiatives have very different constituencies: DDR pro- grammes are directed primarily at ex-combatants while transitional justice initiatives focus more on victims and on society more generally.The lack of coordination between transitional justice and DDR may lead to unbal- anced outcomes and missed opportunities. One outcome, for example, is that victims receive markedly less attention and resources than ex-combatants. The inequity is most stark when comparing benefits for ex-combatants with reparations for victims. In many cases the latter receive nothing whereas ex-combatants usually receive some sort of DDR package. The im- balance between the benefits provided to ex-combatants and the lack of benefits provided to victims has led to criticism by some that DDR rewards violent behaviour. Enhanced coordination between DDR and transitional justice measures may create opportunities to mitigate this imbalance and increase the legitimacy of the DDR programme from the per- spective of the communities which need to accept returning ex-combatants.The relationships between DDR and transitional justice are important to consider be- cause both processes are critical components of strategies for peacekeeping and peace- building. UN peacekeeping operations have increasingly been entrusted with mandates to promote and protect human rights and accountability, as well as to assist national authori- ties in strengthening the rule of law. For example, the UN Peacekeeping Operation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was given a specific mandate \u201cto contribute to the dis- armament portion of the national programme of disarmament, demobilization and reinte- gration (DDR) of Congolese combatants and their dependants, in monitoring the process and providing as appropriate security in some sensitive locations;\u201d as well as \u201cto assist in the promotion and protection of human rights, with particular attention to women, children and vulnerable persons, investigate human rights violations to put an end to impunity, and continue to cooperate with efforts to ensure that those responsible for serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law are brought to justice\u201d.3Importantly DDR and transitional justice also aim to contribute to peacebuilding and reconciliation (see IDDRS 2.20 on Post-conflict Stabilization, Peace-building and Recovery Frameworks). DDR programmes may contribute to peacemaking and stability, creating environments more conducive to establishing transitional justice measures. Comprehensive approaches to transitional justice may address some of the root causes of conflict, provide accountability for past violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, and inform the institutional reform necessary to prevent the reemergence of violence. To that end they are \u201cmutually reinforcing imperatives\u201d.4Reconciliation remains a difficult concept to define or measure. There is no single model for overcoming divisions and building trust within societies recovering from conflict or totalitarian rule. DDR aims to encourage trust and confidence between ex-combatants, society and the State by presenting a transparent process by which former fighters give up their weapons, renounce their affiliations to armed groups, and commit to respecting the basic norms and laws including in the resolution of conflicts and the struggle for political power (see IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR). Transitional justice initiatives aim to build trust between victims, society, and the state through transitional justice measures that provide some acknowledgement from the State that citizen rights have been violated and that they deserve justice, truth and reparation. Increased consultation with victims\u2019 groups, communities receiving demobilized combatants, municipal governments, faith- based organizations and the demobilized combatants and their families, may inform and strengthen the legitimacy of DDR and transitional justice processes and enhance the pros- pects of reconciliation."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"5. International legal framework for transitional justice","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, interna- tional human rights law, international humanitarian law, international criminal law and international refugee law provide the normative framework for transitional justice. In rec- ognition of these international instruments, transitional justice mechanisms seek to ensure compliance with the right to justice, the right to truth, the right to reparations, and the guarantees of non-repetition. Various widely ratified human rights and humanitarian law treaties require States to ensure punishment of specific offences.5 Furthermore, treaty bodies repeatedly found that amnesties that foreclose criminal prosecutions of gross violations of human rights violate States\u2019 obligations under these treaties. An amnesty that impeded victims\u2019 recourse to effective civil remedy would also violate this obligation.The important developments in international law and practice related to transitional justice and witnessed in the last several decades, have been reflected in the Updated Set of Principles for the protection and promotion of human rights through action to combat impunity 6 (E\/CN.4\/2005\/102\/Add.1) and in the Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of the International Humanitarian Law.7 (A\/RES\/60\/147) The Updated Principles affirm the need for a comprehensive approach towards combating impunity, including investigations and prosecutions, remedies and reparations, truth seeking, and guarantees of non-repetition of violations.\u201d8 Furthermore, the 2004 Report of the Secretary General on The rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies (S\/2004\/616) is a notable contribution to the UN doctrine on transitional justice and highlights key issues and lessons learned from the UN experiences.9While not exhaustive, the following section provides an overview of some of the inter- nationally recognized rights relevant to transitional justice processes and DDR. It also offers a review of the various transitional justice measures that could be established to implement these rights."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"5. International legal framework for transitional justice","Heading2":"5.1. The right to justice","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Various widely ratified human rights and humanitarian law treaties require State parties to investigate, prosecute and bring to justice the perpetrators of specific offences (see also the Updated Principles, principle 19). Amnesties that foreclose prosecution of those respon- sible for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes or gross violations of human rights are inconsistent with States\u2019 obligations under international law10 and the UN policy. The \u201cUnited Nations-endorsed peace agreements may never promise amnesties for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or gross violations of human rights\u201d11 and the UN staff may never condone amnesties that international law condemn.States have the primary responsibility to ensure accountability for violations of inter- national human rights law and international humanitarian law and thus domestic court systems are often the preferred venue. Yet in post-conflict situations, the domestic court system is often unable or unwilling to conduct effective investigations or prosecutions. Important options are international ad hoc tribunals or hybrid courts. These judicial bodies are created to address particular situations, for a limited amount of time, and are the result of singular political and historical circumstances. They are composed of independent judges, working on the basis of predetermined rules of procedure, and rendering binding decisions. They are subject to the same principles governing the work of all international judiciaries (e.g., due process, impartiality and independence). The creation of international or hybrid tribunals in situations where national actors are unwilling or unable to prosecute alleged perpetrators is a revolutionary step in establishing accountability for gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law. For instance, the Statute of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Statute of the International Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), and the Statute of the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) provide these tribunals with jurisdiction over serious crimes under international law.The entry into force of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in 2002 was a major step forward in the history of international criminal accountability. For the first time, the world has an independent, permanent court to try individuals for the most serious crimes under international law: genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The ICC is complementary to national criminal jurisdictions. The ICC will not exercise its jurisdiction, unless the State is unwilling or unable genuinely to carry out the investigation or prosecution.12 As of July 2009, the ICC treaty had been ratified by 110 states.In addition to domestic courts, ad hoc and hybrid tribunals, and the ICC, prosecutions against individuals who have committed human rights violations and international crimes may also, in certain circumstances and depending on national laws, be pursued through the principle of \u2018universal jurisdiction\u2019. This principle is based on the notion that certain crimes are so harmful to international interests that States are entitled\u2014and even obliged\u2014 to bring proceedings against the perpetrator, regardless of the location of the crime and the nationality of the perpetrator or the victim.13"},{"ID":7,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"5. International legal framework for transitional justice","Heading2":"5.2. The right to the truth","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"There has been a growing recognition that both individual victims and society as a whole have the right to know the truth about past violations, and the State has responsibility in giving effect to this right. The Updated Principles emphasize that States must take appropri- ate measures to give effect to the right to know the truth. This may include non-judicial processes such as truth commissions that complement the role of the judiciary. Regardless of whether a State establishes such a body, it must ensure the preservation of archives and other information relevant to exercising the right to know about past violations. The Updated Principles also emphasize the importance of the participation of victims and other citizens, and specifically women and minorities, in the truth-seeking process."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"5. International legal framework for transitional justice","Heading2":"5.3. The right to reparations","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"Victims of gross violations of human rights and serious violations of international humani- tarian law are entitled to a remedy, including reparations. The Basic Principles and Guide- lines14 provide that \u201ca State shall provide reparation to victims for acts or omissions which may be attributed to the State and constitute gross violations of international human rights law or serious violations of international humanitarian law.\u201d15 Moreover, \u201cStates should endeavor to establish national programmes for reparation and other assistance to victims in the event that the parties liable for the harm suffered are unable or unwilling to meet their obligations.\u201d16 Reparations may include the following forms of redress: restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition.17"},{"ID":9,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"5. International legal framework for transitional justice","Heading2":"5.4. Guarantees of non-repetition","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"The Updated Principles contribute to a normative framework for institutional reform, one of the most important means of guaranteeing that the systemic violation of human rights will not be repeated. They observe that \u201c[S]tates must take all necessary measures, includ- ing legislative and administrative reforms, to ensure that public institutions are organised in a manner that ensures respect for the rule of law and protection of human rights.\u201d18 To this extent, civilian control of military and security forces, as well as of intelligence agencies must be ensured and, where necessary, established or restored. At the same time, public officials and employees who are personally responsible for gross violations of human rights or serious crimes under international law, in particular those involved in military, security, police, intelligence and judicial sectors, should not continue to serve in State institu- tions.19 Vetting processes have been an important aspect of institutional reform in countries in transition. They aim to exclude individuals from public service whose previous conduct is incompatible with their holding a public position, with a view to re-establishing civic trust and re-legitimize public institutions.20 Their removal should comply with requirements of due process of law and principles of non-discrimination.21"},{"ID":10,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"6. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Do no harm: A first step in creating a constructive relationship between DDR and transitional justice is to understand how transitional justice and DDR can interact in ways that, at a minimum, do not obstruct their respective objectives of accountability and reconciliation and maintenance of peace and security. \\n Balanced approaches: While the imperative to maintain peace and security often de- mands a specific focus on ex-combatants in the short-term, long-term strategies should aim to provide reintegration opportunities to all war-affected populations, including victims.22 \\n Respect for international human rights law: DDR programmes shall respect and promote international human rights law. This includes supporting ways of preventing reprisal or discrimination against, or stigmatization of those who participate in DDR programmes as well as to protect the rights of the communities that are asked to receive ex-combatants, and members of the society at large. DDR processes shall provide for a commitment to gender, age and disability specific principles and shall comply with principles of non-discrimination. \\n Respect for international humanitarian law: DDR programmes shall respect and promote international humanitarian law, including the humane treatment of persons no longer actively engaged in combat. United Nations Peacekeeping Forces, includ- ing military members involved in administrative DDR programmes, are also subject to the fundamental principles and rules of international humanitarian law, and in cases of violation, are subject to prosecution in their national courts.23"},{"ID":11,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"7. Transitional justice and DDR ","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"This section provides an overview of how DDR programmes may relate to transitional jus- tice measures, including prosecutions, truth commissions, reparations, institutional reform, and locally-based justice processes. The section also explores how DDR and transitional justice measures address issues concerning women and children associated with armed groups and forces. The section identifies potential positive and negative aspects of these relationships in order to provide an informed basis for future strategies that aim to minimize tensions and build on opportunities."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"7. Transitional justice and DDR ","Heading2":"7.1. Criminal investigations and prosecutions","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Criminal investigations and DDR have potentially important synergies. In particular, infor- mation gathered through DDR processes may be very useful for criminal investigations. Such information does not need to be person-specific, but might focus on more general issues such as structures and areas of operation.Since criminal justice initiatives in post-conflict situations would often only be able to deal with a relatively small number of suspects, most prosecutions strategies ought to focus on those bearing the greatest degree of responsibility for crimes committed. As such, these objectives must be effectively communicated in a context of DDR processes to ensure that those participating in DDR understand whether or not they are likely to face prosecutions. Prosecutions can make positive contributions to DDR. First, at the most general level, a DDR process stands to gain if the distinction between ex-combatants and perpetrators of human rights violations can be firmly established. Obviously, not all ex-combatants are human rights violators. This is a distinction to which criminal prosecutions can make a contribution: prosecutions may serve to individualize the guilt of specific perpetrators and therefore lessen the public perception that all ex-combatants are guilty of serious crimes under international law. Second, prosecution efforts may remove spoilers and potential spoilers from threatening the DDR process. Prosecutions may remove obstacles to the demo- bilization of vast numbers of combatants that would be ready to cease hostilities but for the presence of recalcitrant commanders. A successful prosecutorial strategy in a transitional justice context requires a clear, transparent and publicized criminal policy indicating what kind of cases will be prosecuted and what kind of cases will be dealt with in an alternative manner. Most importantly, prosecutions may foster trust in the reintegration process and enhance the prospects for trust building between ex-combatants and other citizens by pro- viding communities with some assurance that those whom they are asked to admit back into their midst do not include the perpetrators of serious crimes under international law. The pursuit of accountability through prosecutions may also create tensions with DDR efforts. When these processes overlap, or when prosecutions are instigated early in a DDR process, some tension between prosecutions and DDR, stemming from the fact that DDR requires the cooperation of ex-combatants and their leaders, while prosecutors seek to hold accountable those responsible for criminal conduct involving violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law, may be hard to avoid. This tension may be dimin- ished by effective communications campaigns. Misinformation or partial information about prosecutions efforts may further contribute to this tension. Ex-combatants are often unin- formed of the mandate of a prosecutions process and are unaware of the basic tenets of international law. In Liberia, for example, confusion about whether or not the mandate of the Special Court for Sierra Leone covered crimes committed in Liberia initially inhibited some fighters from entering the DDR process.While these concerns deserve careful consideration, there have been a number of con- texts in which DDR processes have coexisted with prosecutorial efforts, and the latter have not created an impediment to DDR. In some situations, transitional justice measures and DDR programmes have been connected through some sort of conditionality. For example, there have been cases where combatants who have committed crimes have been offered judicial benefits in exchange for disarming, demobilizing and providing information or collaborating in dismantling the group to which they belong. There are, however, serious concerns about whether such measures comply with the international legal obligations to ensure that perpetrators of serious crimes are subject to appropriate criminal process, that victims\u2019 and societies\u2019 right to the truth is fully realized, and that victims receive an effective remedy and reparation."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"7. Transitional justice and DDR ","Heading2":"7.2. Truth commissions","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Truth commissions seek to provide societies with an even-handed account of the causes and consequences of armed conflict. The reports created by truth commissions may provide recommendations for reform and reparation as well as, in a few cases, recommendations for judicial proceedings. Truth commissions may demonstrate to victims and victimized communities a willingness to acknowledge and address past injustices. They may also pro- vide a strategy for peacebuilding; such is the case with the comprehensive report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in Sierra Leone.Ex-combatants may hold varying views of truth commissions. Some will avoid them entirely, refusing to acknowledge victims or the harm caused by themselves or other mem- bers of armed forces and groups. Others may regard truth commissions as an opportunity to tell their side of the story and to apologize. Accompanied by appropriate public infor- mation and outreach initiatives, including tailored responses such as in-camera hearings for survivors of sexual violence, they may help break down rigid representations of victims and perpetrators by allowing ex-combatants to tell their own stories of victimization and by exploring and identifying the roots of violent conflict. Less positively, ex-combatants may perceive truth commissions as a threat, for example in cases where the names of indi- vidual perpetrators are made public.More often truth commissions are perceived as initiatives for victims and the partici- pation of demobilized combatants is minimal, even in situations where ex-combatants have experienced victimization. For example, in South Africa, ex-combatant participation in the TRC was limited primarily to the amnesty hearings\u2014relatively few made statements as victims of abuse or were given a chance to testify at victims\u2019 hearings. Ex-combatants later expressed a sense that they had been left out of the process. Children should also have an opportunity to, voluntarily, participate in truth commissions. They should be treated equally as witnesses or victims.In at least one case a truth commission has played a direct role in reintegrating former combatants and promoting reconciliation. The Commission for Reception, Truth and Rec- onciliation in East Timor included a process of community reconciliation for those who had committed \u2018less serious crimes\u2019, including members of militias. The Community Recon- ciliation Process was a voluntary process that combined \u201cpractices of traditional justice, arbitration, mediation and aspects of both criminal and civil law.\u201d24 In community hearings, the perpetrators were asked to explain their participation in the armed conflict. Victims and other members of the community were allowed to ask questions and make comments. Finally, a panel of local leaders worked with the perpetrators and the victims to come to an agreement on some kind of reparation\u2014often in the form of community service\u2014that the guilty party could provide in exchange for acceptance back into the community.25Box 2 Sierra Leone case study: DDR in the context of a hybrid tribunal and a truth and reconciliation commission* \\n The post conflict situation in Sierra Leone was distinctive in that the DDR process and the national transitional justice initiatives were implemented very closely after each other, and because of the co-existence of both a truth commission and a criminal tribunal. The Lom\u00e9 Peace Agreement stipulated the mandates for DDR and for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), no formal links, however, were made between the two processes in the peace document or in practice. Disarmament and demobilization was largely successful in Sierra Leone, yet some research suggests that the lack of accountability had a negative impact on the reintegration of certain ex-combatants. Ex-combatants of armed factions that were known to have committed abuses against the civilian population have faced more difficulties in reintegration than others.** \\n The Lom\u00e9 Accord of 1999 included a cessation of hostilities, the initiation of a DDR program, inclusion of the rebel force the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) in government, a blanket amnesty for all combatants, and DDR for fighters. During the signing of the Accord, the representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) to the peace negotiations included a disclaimer stating that the UN understood that the amnesty and pardon provided by the agreement would not cover international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and other serious crimes under international humanitarian law. Through the active efforts of civil society leaders in Sierra Leone, as well as international advocates, the Lom\u00e9 Accord also mandated a truth and reconciliation commission and a human rights commission. \\n The progress made at Lom\u00e9 was shattered in May 2000 when fighting resumed in the capital city of Freetown. The peace process was put back on track after the reinforcement of the UN peacekeeping mission there and increased mediation efforts resulting in the signing of the Abuja Protocols in 2001. The Abuja Protocols also marked an abrupt change in the national approach to accountability and justice. The government formally requested the UN\u2019s assistance to establish a court to try members of the RUF involved in war crimes. The UN supported the initiative, and the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) was set up in August 2002 with a mandate to try those who bear the greatest responsibility for the atrocities committed in Sierra Leone. \\n The DDR was in its closing phases when the SCSL and TRC were established. All parties to the Lom\u00e9 peace agreement, including the national government and the RUF, backed the establishment of a TRC, which began operations in 2002. While the SCSL stoked fears among ex-combatants about their possible criminal prosecution, there was a great deal of hope that the TRC would provide an effective and essential mechanism for promoting reconciliation. \\n Although, at first, the concurrence of a tribunal and a truth commission generated considerable misunderstanding, civil society efforts to provide information to ex-combatants were successful in increasing the latters understanding of the separate mandates of each institution. Support for the TRC amongst ex-combatants rose from 53 to 85 per cent after ex-combatants understood its design and purpose, while those who believed it would bring reconciliation rose from 52 to 84 per cent. For those ex-combatants who admitted to human rights violations the TRC offered an opportunity to take responsibility for their actions. According to one report, \u201cThey want to confess to the TRC because they think it will enable them to return to their communities.\u201d*** \\n * This is excerpted from: Gibril Sesay and Mohamed Suma, \u201cDDR, Transitional Justice, and Sierra Leone,\u201d A Case Study on DDR and Transitional Justice (New York: International Center for Transitional Justice, forthcoming). \\n ** Jeremy Weinstein and Macartan Humphreys, Disentangling the Determinants of Successful Demobilization and Reintegration, Working Paper No. 69, Washington DC: Center for Global Development, 2005. \\n *** The Post-conflict Reintegration Initiative for Development and Empowerment (PRIDE) and ICTJ, \u201cEx-Combatants Views of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Special Court in Sierra Leone,\u201d (September 2002). http:\/\/www.ictj\/org\/en\/where\/region1\/141.html"},{"ID":14,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"7. Transitional justice and DDR ","Heading2":"7.3. Reparations","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Reparations focus directly on the recognition and acknowledgement of victims\u2019 rights, and seek to provide some redress for the harms they have suffered. The aspect of recogni- tion is what makes reparations distinct from social services that attend to the basic socio- economic rights of all citizens, such as housing, water and education. A comprehensive approach to reparations provides a combination of material and symbolic benefits to victims, such as cash payments or access to health, psycho-social rehabilitation or educational bene- fits, as well as a formal apology or a memorial. Often public acknowledgement is indicated by victims as the most important element of the reparations they seek. Reparations are a means of including victims and victims\u2019 rights firmly on the post-conflict agenda and may contribute to the process of building trust in the government and in its commitment to guaranteeing human rights in the future. Yet victims\u2019 needs are often marginalized in post conflict, peacebuilding contexts.The design of a reparations programme may have positive implications for the entire community and include elements of social healing. Individual measures deliver concrete benefits to individual recipients. In East Timor, the truth commission recommended a process that combined individual benefits with a form of delivery designed to promote collective healing. Single mothers, including war widows and victims of sexual violence, would benefit from scholarship grants for their school-aged children. In picking up their benefits, the mothers would have to travel to a regional service center, where they would, in turn, have access to peer support, skills training, healthcare, and counseling.Collective reparations may deliver reparations either in the context of practical limita- tions or of concerns about drawing too stark a line between classes of victims or between victims and non-victim groups. In this way, a specific village that was particularly affected by various kinds of abuses might, for example, receive a fund for community projects, even though not every individual in the village was affected in the same way and even if some people there contributed to the harms. In Peru, for example, communities hardest hit by the violence were asked to submit community funding proposals up to a $30,000 limit. These projects would benefit the entire community, generally, rather than only serve spe- cific victims and would be implemented regardless of whether some former perpetrators also live there.Generally, programmes for ex-combatants and reparations programmes for victims are developed in isolation of one another. Reinsertion assistance is offered to demobilized com- batants in order to assist with their immediate civilian resettlement\u2014i.e., to get them home and provide them with a start toward establishing a livelihood\u2014prior to longer-term support for reintegration (see IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration). Support to ex-combatants is motivated by the genuine concern that without such assistance ex- combatants will re-associate themselves with armed groups as a means of supporting them- selves or become frustrated and threaten the peace process. Victims rarely represent the same kinds of threat, and reparations programmes may be politically challenging and expen- sive to design and implement. The result is that ex-combatants participating in DDR often receive aid in the form of cash, counseling, skills training, education opportunities, access to micro-credit loans and\/or land, as part of the benefits of DDR programmes, while, in most cases no programmes to redress the vio- lations of the rights of victims are established.Providing benefits to ex-combatants while ignoring the rights of victims may give rise to new grievances and increase their resistance against returning ex-combatants, in this way becoming an obstacle to their reintegration. The absence of reparations pro- grammes for victims in contexts in which DDR programmes provide various benefits to ex-combatants, grounds the judgment that ex-combatants are receiving special treatment. For example, the Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Programme, financed by the World, Bank has a budget of US$65.5 million. Ex-combatants receive reinsertion, recognition of service, and reintegration benefits in cash from between US$500 to US$1,000 depending on the rank of the ex-combatant.26 Yet as of 2009, the compensation fund for genocide sur- vivors called for in the 1996 Genocide Law has not been established.Such outcomes are not merely inequitable; they may also undermine the possibilities of effective reintegration. The provision of reparations for victims may contribute to the reintegration dimension of a DDR programme by reducing the resentment and compara- tive grievance that victims and communities may feel in the aftermath of violent conflict. In some cases the reintegration component of DDR programmes includes funding for community development that benefits individuals in the community beyond ex-combatants (see also IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration). While the objective and nature of reparations programmes for victims are distinct, most importantly in the critical area of acknowledgement of the violations of victims\u2019 rights, these efforts to focus on aiding the communities where ex-combatants live are noteworthy and may contribute to the effective reintegration of ex-combatants, as well as victims and other war-affected populations."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"7. Transitional justice and DDR ","Heading2":"7.4. Institutional reform","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"DDR can contribute to ending or limiting violence by disarming large numbers of armed actors, disbanding illegal or dysfunctional military organizations, and reintegrating ex- combatants into civilian or legitimate security-related livelihoods. DDR alone, however, cannot build peace, nor can it prevent armed groups from reverting to conflict. DDR needs to be part of a larger system of peacebuilding interventions, including institutional reformInstitutional reform that transforms public institutions that perpetuated human rights violations is critical to peace and reconciliation. Transitional justice initiatives contribute to institutional reform efforts in a variety of ways. Prosecutions of leaders for war crimes, or violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, criminalizes this kind of behavior, demonstrates that no one is above the law, and may act as a deterrent and con- tribute to the prevention of future abuse. Truth commissions and other truth-seeking en- deavors can provide critical analysis about the roots of conflict, identifying individuals and institutions responsible for abuse. Truth commissions can also provide critical informa- tion about the patterns of violence and violations, so that institutional reform can target or prioritize efforts in particular areas. Reparations for victims may contribute to trust-building between victims and government, including public institutions. Vetting processes contribute to dismantling abusive structures by excluding from public service those who have com- mitted gross human rights violations and serious violations of international humanitarian law (See Box 3: Vetting.)As security sector institutions are sometimes implicated in past and ongoing viola- tions of human rights and international humanitarian law, there is a particular interest in reforming security sector institutions. Security Sector Reform (SSR) aims to enhance \u201ceffective and accountable security for the State and its people without discrimination and with full respect for human rights and the rule of law.\u201d27 SSR efforts may sustain the DDR process in multiple ways, for example by providing employment opportunities. Yet DDR programmes are seldom coordinated to SSR. The lack of coordination can lead to further vio- lations, such as the reappointment of human rights abusers into the legitimate security sector. Such cases undermine public faith in security sector institutions, and may also lead to distrust within the armed forces. (See IDDRS Module 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform for a detailed discussion on the relationship between DDR and SSR.)Box 3 Vetting* One important aspect of institutional reform efforts in countries in transition is vetting processes to exclude from public institutions persons who lack integrity. Vetting may be defined as assessing integrity to determine suitability for public employment. Integrity refers to an employee\u2019s adherence to international standards of human rights and professional conduct, including a person\u2019s financial propriety. Public employees who are personally responsible for gross violations of human rights or serious crimes under international law reveal a basic lack of integrity and breach the trust of the citizens they were meant to serve. The citizens, in particular the victims of abuses, are unlikely to trust and rely on a public institution that retains or hires individuals with serious integrity deficits, which would fundamentally impair the institution\u2019s capacity to deliver its mandate. Vetting processes aim at excluding from public service persons with serious integrity deficits in order to (re-establish) civic trust and (re-) legitimize public institutions. \\n In many DDR programmes, ex-combatants are offered the possibility of reintegration in the national armed forces, other security sector positions such as police or border control. In these situations, coordination between DDR programs and institution reform initiatives such as SSR programmes on vetting strategies can be particularly critical. A coordinated strategy shall aim to ensure that individuals who have committed human rights violations are not employed in the public sector. \\n * This text is summarized from the OHCHR Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States, Vetting: an operational framework (Geneva and New York: OHCHR, 2006)"},{"ID":16,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"7. Transitional justice and DDR ","Heading2":"7.5. DDR and locally-based processes of justice","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"In his 2004 report on transitional justice and the rule of law, the Secretary General of the UN wrote that \u201cdue regard must be given to indigenous and informal traditions for admin- istering justice or settling disputes, to help them to continue their often vital role and to do so in conformity with both international standards and local tradition.\u201d28 Locally-based justice processes range from informal courts to local truth-telling exercises, to traditional ceremonies. They may include an approach that directly involves victims and communi- ties in defining the responsibilities and obligations of those who have committed crimes. In some situations, these locally-based processes are used to promote trust between ex- combatants and their communities. In Mozambique, for example, cleansing ceremonies offered ex-combatants a way to reintegrate into communities by renouncing violence, acknowledging wrong-doing and providing victims, or families of victims, with some kind of compensation.Locally-based justice processes may complement reintegration efforts and national level transitional justice measures by providing a community-level means of addressing issues of accountability of ex-combatants. These locally based processes may contain elements of the four main transitional justice approaches: prosecutions, truth-telling, reparation and institutional reform, and thus offer similar incentives and disincentives for ex-combatants, but they have an additional aim of reintegration. To a large extent the purpose of these processes is to reintegrate community members who have violated the norms of the com- munity and to reconcile them with the victims. When ex-combatants participate in these processes, they demonstrate their desire to be a part of the community again, and to take steps to repair the damage for which they are responsible. This contributes to building or renewing trust between ex-combatants and the communities in which they seek to reinte- grate. These processes may not be as successful in situations where combatants refuse to acknowledge responsibility or continue to perceive themselves as heroes.Locally-based justice processes may, however, be problematic. They may not comply with national and international human rights standards, in particular fair trial guarantees. Unfair treatment of ex-combatants who participate in such processes may hinder reintegra- tion. Additionally, many of these processes are not equipped to handle serious violations of international law, such as war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide. Locally-based processes also frequently replicate gender or other biases that are present in community life and traditions, for example, by excluding women and children, or by forgiving men for acts of sexual aggression against women.The experience of linking national reintegration strategies with locally-based justice processes is limited, but there are a few positive examples to build on. UNICEF\u2019s work with locally based justice processes supported the reintegration of children in Sierra Leone, for example.Creating connections between reintegration strategies, particularly community reinte- gration strategies, for ex-combatants and locally-based justice processes may be one way to bridge the gap between the aims of DDR and the aims of transitional justice. Such con- nections should be consistent with the broad peacebuilding goals of security, respect for human rights including international standards of child rights and juvenile justice, rule of law, and reconciliation."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"7. Transitional justice and DDR ","Heading2":"7.6. Justice for women associated with armed forces and groups","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"The IDDRS module 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR refers to three types of female ben- eficiaries: 1) female ex-combatants, 2) female supporters, and females associated with armed forces and groups and 3) female dependents. The module identifies a range of possible barriers for entry of women into DDR programmes and proposes strategies and guide- lines to ensure that DDR programmes are gender responsive. Likewise, practitioners in the field of transitional justice seek to understand and better design means to facilitate the participation of women. Yet there is still a gap between the policy and the implementation of comprehensive approaches.The experience of women in conflict often goes beyond usual notions of victim and perpetrator. Women returning to life as civilians may face greater social barriers and exclusion than men. They may not participate in either DDR or transitional justice measures for a variety of reasons, including because of their exclusion from the agendas of these proc- esses, the refusal of armed forces and groups to release women, fear of further stigmatization, or lack of faith in public institutions to address their particular situations (for a more in-depth analysis, see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Women\u2019s lack of partici- pation may undermine their reintegration, and prevent those among them who have also experienced human rights violations from their rights to justice or reparation, and rein- force gender biases. Yet women may also be agents of change, actively involved in efforts to make and build peace. Women and girl combatants have displayed remarkable commitment to reintegrating into communities and working for peace. In Northern Uganda, former teenage LRA combatants (themselves abducted and abused) run community projects supporting other \u2018girl mothers\u2019, provide counseling for the young abductees and care for their children, and seek reconciliation with communities they were often forced to terrorize. The trauma and victimization they endured is being transformed into a positive force for empowerment and development.Transitional justice measures may facilitate the reintegration of women associated with armed forces and groups. Prosecutions initiatives, for example, may contribute to the re- integration of women by prosecuting those involved in their forcible recruitment, and by recognizing and prosecuting crimes committed against all women, particularly rape and other forms of sexual violence. Women ex-combatants who have committed crimes should also be prosecuted. Excluding women from prosecution denies their role as participants in the armed conflict.Women have been central to the process of truth seeking, exposing hidden truths about the legacy of human rights in conflict. Many female combatants, like their male counter- parts, do not participate in truth commissions because they perceive these processes to be for victims, and they do not identify themselves as victims. Yet their participation may help the community to better understand the many dimensions of women\u2019s involvement in conflict, and in turn, increase the probability of their acceptance. Great care must be taken to ensure that women who choose to participate are well-informed as to the purpose and mandate of the truth commission, that they understand their rights in terms of confidenti- ality, and are protected from any possible harm resulting from their testimony.Women associated with armed forces and groups have frequently endured violations such as abduction, torture, and sexual violations, including rape and other forms of sexual violence, and may be eligible for reparation. Reparations may provide official acknowledge- ment of these violations, access to specialized health care related to the specific violation they have suffered, and material benefits that may facilitate their integration. Yet these women, due to frequent stigmatization, are commonly reluctant to explain what happened to them, particularly when it involves sexual violations, and often do not come forward to claim their due.Women associated with armed forces and groups are potential participants in both DDR and transitional justice measures, and both are faced with the challenge of increasing and supporting their participation. See Module 5.10 for a detailed discussion of Women, Gender, and DDR."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"7. Transitional justice and DDR ","Heading2":"7.7. Justice for children recruited or used by armed groups and forces","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"Children\u2014girls and boys under 18\u2014associated with armed forces and groups (CAAFG) represent a special category of protected persons under international law and should be subject to a separate DDR process from adults (for a detailed normative and legal frame- work, see Annex B of IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR). Recruitment of children under the age of 15 is recognized as a war crime in the ICC Statute. Many states have criminal- ized the recruitment of children below the age of 18. Child DDR requires that the release (as opposed to demobilization) and reintegration of children be actively carried out at all times, including before a DDR process is formerly implemented and that actions to pre- vent child recruitment should be continuous. In this process, particular attention needs to be given to girls since their gender makes girls particularly vulnerable to violations, including sexual violence and exploitation, lack of educational and training opportunities, mis- treatment and neglect (for specific ways to address girls\u2019 needs in DDR programmes, see Chapter 6 of IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).Transitional justice processes can play a positive role in facilitating the long-term re-integration of children. At the same time such processes can create obstacles to children\u2019s reconciliation and reintegration. The best interests of the child should always guide deci- sions related to children\u2019s involvement in transitional justice mechanisms. Children who have been illegally recruited and used by armed groups or forces are victims and witnesses and may also be alleged perpetrators. Each of these aspects of children\u2019s experiences cor- responds to specific international obligations outlined below.Children as victims and witnesses \\n The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict prohibits the compulsory recruitment and the direct participa- tion in hostilities of persons below 18 by armed forces (arts. 1 and 2). When it comes to armed groups distinct from regular armed forces, such recruitment is under any circum- stance prohibited (no matter whether voluntary or compulsory). Recruitment or use of children under the age of 15 is a recognized war crime in the Rome Statute of the ICC. The Special Court for Sierra Leone also considers child recruitment under the age of 15 as a war crime based on customary international law. A growing number of states have criminal- ized the recruitment of children (under 18) as reflected in the Optional Protocol of the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict. Of the 130 countries that have ratified the Optional Protocol, more than two thirds have adopted a minimum age of 18 for entry into the armed forces (the so called \u2018straight 18\u2019 standard.) Domestic proceedings following or during an armed conflict may also try adults for having recruited children, in which case the domestic legal standard would apply.The prosecution of commanders who have recruited children may help the reintegra- tion of children by highlighting that children associated with armed forces and groups who may have been responsible for violations of human rights and international humanitarian law should be considered primarily as victims, not only as perpetrators.29 International law further establishes binding obligations on States with regard to physical and psycho- logical recovery and social reintegration of child victims.30To facilitate the participation of child victims and witnesses in legal proceedings, the justice systems need to adopt child-sensitive and gender-appropriate procedures in line with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, its Optional Protocols as well as with the UN Guidelines on Justice Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime and adapted to the evolving capacities of the child. It is also important that child vic- tims are informed of their rights to receive redress, including legal and psycho-social support. Child victims and witnesses should have access to independent and free legal assist- ance to ensure that their rights are guaranteed, that they are informed of the purpose of their role and are able to participate in a meaningful way. In order to avoid further trauma and re-victimization a careful assessment should be carried out to determine whether or not it is in the best interests of the child to testify in court during a criminal proceeding and what special protective measures are required to facilitate the testimony. Protection meas- ures to facilitate the child\u2019s testimony should protect the child\u2019s identity and privacy, be culturally appropriate and include: private interview rooms designed for children, modified court environments that take child witnesses into consideration, interviews by specially trained staff out of sight of the alleged perpetrator using testimonial aids and psychosocial support before, during and after the process.31Likewise, children\u2019s statements given before a truth commission or other non-judicial process can offer unique potential for children\u2019s participation in post-conflict reconcilia- tion and may foster dialogue about the impact of war on children and contribute to pre- vention of further conflict and victimization of children. Children should participate in truth commissions only on a voluntary basis and child-friendly policy and protection measures should be in place to protect the rights of children involved.It is important to recognize that children demobilized from fighting forces may be identified as a vulnerable group and eligible for reparations through a reintegration pro- gramme, such as specific education support, access to specialized healthcare, vocational training, and follow-up social work. In some situations children may benefit from financial reparation, not as part of the reintegration programme but as part of a reparations scheme, on the basis of particular violations that they have suffered. Providing benefits to children formerly associated with fighting forces that other children in the community do not receive may increase resentment and create obstacles for reintegration. If benefits or reparations are provided for children affected by armed conflict, careful consideration must be given to ensure that such benefits are in the best interests of the child. It is important to coordi- nate benefits that may be offered to demobilized children through a DDR programme and what is offered to them, more generally, as victims. This is to prevent the provision of double benefits, something which is particularly important in country situations where these programmes rarely cover all of their potential beneficiaries.Children as alleged perpetrators \\n Children who have been associated with armed forces or armed groups should not be prosecuted or punished solely for their membership in these forces or groups. Children accused of crimes under international law must be treated in accordance with the CRC, the Beijing Rules and related international juvenile justice and fair trial standards. Accounta- bility measures for alleged child perpetrators should be in the best interests of the child and should be conducted in a manner that takes into account their age at the time of the alleged commission of the crime, promotes their sense of dignity and worth, and supports their reintegration and potential to assume a constructive role in society. Wherever appropriate, alternatives to judicial proceedings should be pursued.In situations where children are alleged to have participated in crimes committed during armed conflict, the primary objectives should be i) reintegration and return to a \u2018constructive role\u2019 in society (article 40, CRC); rehabilitation (article 14(4), ICCPR; article 39, CRC), reinforcing the child\u2019s respect for the rights of others (article 40, CRC; Paris Princi- ples, sections 3.6 to 3.8 and 8.6 to 8.11). If national judicial proceedings take place, children must be treated in accordance with the CRC, in particular its articles 37 and 40, the Beijing Rules and other international law and standards governing juvenile justice, including the Committee\u2019s General Comment n\u00b0 10 on \u201cChildren\u2019s rights in juvenile justice.\u201d While some process of accountability serves the best interest of the child, international child rights and juvenile justice standards recommend that alternatives to judicial proceedings should be applied, whenever appropriate and desirable (article 40(3b), CRC; rule 11, Beijing Rules). Staff working on release and reintegration associated with armed groups and forces should advocate and enable, where appropriate, the diversion of children from judicial proceedings to alternative mechanisms suitable for dealing with the nature of the particular offence, in line with international standards and the best interests of the child. If a child has been convicted for a crime, alternatives to deprivation of liberty should be put in place and advocated for, in view of promoting the successful reintegration of the child.The death penalty and life imprisonment without possibility of release must never be imposed against children and detention of children should only be used as a measure of last resort and for the shortest period of time.As discussed in Chapter 9 of IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR, locally-based justice and reconciliation processes may contribute to the reintegration of children. These proc- esses may create a means for the child to express remorse and make reparation for past action. In all cases, local processes must adhere to international standards of child protec- tion. Locally-based processes for justice and reconciliation for children may be more effec- tive if they are considered as part of a comprehensive peacebuilding approach strategy, in which reintegration, justice, and reconciliation are key goals; and are consistent with over- all strategies for the reintegration of children demobilized from fighting forces.Box 4 The rule of law and transitional justice \\n Strategies for expediting a return to the rule of law must be integrated with plans to reintegrate both displaced civilians and former fighters. Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes are one of the keys to a transition out of conflict and back to normalcy. For populations traumatized by war, those processes are among the most visible signs of the gradual return of peace and security. Similarly, displaced persons must be the subject of dedicated programmes to facilitate return. Carefully crafted amnesties can help in the return and reintegration of both groups and should be encouraged, although, as noted above, these can never be permitted to excuse genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or gross violations of human rights. \\n * This text is summarized from the OHCHR Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States, Vetting: an operational framework (Geneva and New York: OHCHR, 2006)"},{"ID":19,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Coordination between transitional justice and DDR programmes begins with an understand- ing of how the two processes may interact positively in the short-term in ways that, at the very least, do not hinder their respective objectives of accountability and stability. Coordination between transitional justice and DDR practitioners should, however, aim to constructively connect these two processes in ways that contribute to a stable, just and long-term peace. In the UN System, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has the lead responsibility for transitional justice issues. UN support to DDR programmes may be led by the Department of Peacekeeping (DPKO) or the United Nations Develop- ment Programme (UNDP). In other cases, such support may be led by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) or a combination of the above UN entities. OHCHR representatives can coordinate directly with DDR practitioners on transitional justice. Human rights officers who work as part of UN peacekeeping missions may also be appropriate focal points or liaisons between a DDR programme and transitional justice initiatives.This section presents options for DDR that stress the international obligations stem- ming from the right to accountability, truth, reparation, and guarantees of non-repetition. These options are meant to make DDR compliant with international standards, being mindful of both equity and security considerations. At the very least, they seek to ensure that DDR observes the \u201cdo no harm\u201d principle, and does not foreclose the possibility of achieving accountability in the future. When possible, the options presented in this section seek to go beyond \u201cdo no harm,\u201d establishing more constructive and positive connections between DDR and transi- tional justice. These options are presented with the understanding that diverse contexts will present different opportunities and challenges for connecting DDR and transitional justice. DDR must be designed and implemented with reference to the country context, including the existing justice provisions."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.1. Ensuring DDR that complies with international standards .","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Box 5 Action points for mediators, donors, practitioners and national actors \\n\\n Action points for mediators and other participants in peacemaking \\n Include obligations for accountability, truth, reparation and guarantees of non-reoccurrence in peace agreements. \\n Include victims in peace negotiation processes. \\n Reject amnesties for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and gross violations of human rights. \\n\\n Action points for donors \\n Donors for DDR programmes may consider comparative commitments to reparations for victims before or while the DDR process proceeds. \\n\\n Action points for DDR practitioners \\n Integrate human rights and transitional justice components into the training programmes and support materials for UN mediators and DDR practitioners, including of national DDR commissions. \\n\\n Action points for national DDR actors \\n Incorporate a commitment to international humanitarian and human rights law into the design of the DDR programme. \\n Ensure that the DDR programme meets national and international obligations concerning account-ability, truth, reparations and guarantees of non-repetition."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.1. Ensuring DDR that complies with international standards .","Heading3":"8.1.1. Observe obligations concerning accountability, truth, reparation and guarantees of non- repetition in peace agreements","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"A peace agreement can be considered a reflection of the priorities of the government(s), armed groups, and international organization(s), and other parties involved in a negotia- tion. While political and security issues, including DDR, may dominate the agenda, these issues need to be addressed in ways that observe international legal obligations. UN media- tors and other UN staff involved in advising a peace negotiation shall advise that agree- ments must be based on a commitment to international humanitarian and human rights law, and include specific reference to obligations concerning accountability, truth, repara- tions and guarantees of non-repetition. Inclusion of these obligations demonstrates, at the least, that the violations suffered by war-affected populations other than ex-combatants are acknowledged, and keeps the door open for transitional justice in the future. This kind of acknowledgement may \u201cbuy time\u201d for DDR, reducing the initial resentment that vic- tims and their advocates may feel towards ex-combatants. It signals to victims and their advocates that while the attention of the government and the international community involved in a peace process may be on the armed actors in the immediate post conflict period the obligation to victims will not be disregarded."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.1. Ensuring DDR that complies with international standards .","Heading3":"8.1.2. Include victims and civil society in peace negotiation processes","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Similarly to armed actors, victims and civil society should have a role in peace negotiation processes that allows them to articulate demands for accountability, truth and reparations."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.1. Ensuring DDR that complies with international standards .","Heading3":"8.1.3. Reject amnesties for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and gross violations of human rights","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"It has been recognized that amnesties can play a valuable role in ending armed conflicts and reconciling divided communities, provided that they do not grant immunity to indi- viduals responsible for serious violations of international law. Under international law and UN policy, amnesties are impermissible if they: \\n prevent prosecution of those who may be responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and gross violations of human rights: \\n violate victims\u2019 rights to an effective remedy and to the truth; \\n Such broad amnesties may also undermine the law\u2019s function as a deterrent against crime and may create the impression that serious international crimes may be com- mitted with impunity."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.1. Ensuring DDR that complies with international standards .","Heading3":"8.1.4. Consider targeted amnesties","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"While UN mediators and staff shall not condone amnesties for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and gross violations of human rights, certain targeted amnesties for political offences such as treason and rebellion may act as an incentive for demobilization while still allowing for prosecution of those most responsible for serious violations of inter- national humanitarian law and gross violations of international human rights law.32"},{"ID":25,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.1. Ensuring DDR that complies with international standards .","Heading3":"8.1.5. Donors for DDR programmes may consider comparable commitments to reparations for victims","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Member states that provide funding for DDR programmes should consider an equitable approach to war-affected populations, including investing in reparation and services to victims."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.1. Ensuring DDR that complies with international standards .","Heading3":"8.1.6. Integrate transitional justice into the training programmes and support materials for DDR practitioners","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"Important elements of both DDR and transitional justice are shaped during peace negotia- tions in the preparation of the legal framework regulating post-conflict situations. When both DDR and transitional justice initiatives are included in a peace agreement, a connection is de facto created. UN mediators and other advisors to peace negotiations should be aware of the impact DDR and transitional justice measures may have on one another and con- sider how features of the peace agreement or a newly established legal framework may sustain the objectives of accountability and stability sought by transitional justice and DDR initiatives. Integrating transitional justice into the training programmes and support materials for UN mediators and officials and staff working in UN peacekeeping missions will provide UN professionals with a basic knowledge of different transitional justice measures, the relationship between transitional justice and DDR, and a sense of how these issues have been approached in other country contexts."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Box 6 Action points for DDR and TJ practitioners \\n Action points for DDR practitioners \\n Integrate information on transitional justice measures into the field assessment. (See Annex B for a list of critical questions.) \\n Incorporate a commitment to international humanitarian and human rights law into the design of DDR programmes. \\n Identify a transitional justice focal point in the DDR programme and plan regular briefings and meetings with UN and national authorities working on transitional justice measures. \\n Coordinate on public information and outreach. \\n Integrate information on transitional justice into the ex-combatant discharge awareness raising process. \\n Involve and prepare recipient communities. \\n Consider community based reintegration approaches. \\n Action points for TJ practitioners \\n Designate a DDR focal point \\n Integrate information on DDR in conflict analysis, assessments and evaluations undertaken to support or advance transitional justice initiatives."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d","Heading3":"8.2.1. Integrate information on transitional justice measures into the field assessment","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Information about transitional justice measures is an important component of DDR assess- ment and design. Transitional justice measures and their potential for contributing to or hindering DDR objectives should be considered in the integrated DDR planning process, particularly in the detailed field assessment. Are transitional justice measures mandated in the peace agreement? Did the peace agreement stipulate any connection between the DDR process and transitional justice measures? A list of critical questions related to the intersection between transitional justice and DDR is available in Annex C. For more infor- mation on conducting a field assessment see Module 3.20 on DDR Programme Design."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d","Heading3":"8.2.2. Incorporate a commitment to international humanitarian and human right law into the design of DDR programmes","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"DDR programmes supported by the UN are committed to respect, ensure respect for, and implement international humanitarian and human rights law (see Module 2.1, section 5.15). This means protecting the rights of those who participate in DDR programmes, as well as the rights of the members of the communities who are asked to receive and integrate ex-combatants. DDR programmes that uphold humanitarian and human rights law and hold accountable those who violate the law are likely to be perceived as more legitimate processes by both the ex-combatants, who are their immediate beneficiaries, and the society as a whole. Procedures that affirm this commitment may include the following: \\n 1. International and national staff shall be trained as to their obligations under international law; \\n 2. Rules and regulations aimed at protecting human rights and upholding international humanitarian law shall be developed, posted, and communicated to staff and all ex- combatants who participate in DDR. \\n 3.Additionally, an appropriate means of reporting and penalizing those who violate international or national law to the appropriate authorities shall be created and made available to staff, participating ex-combatants, and members of recipient communities."},{"ID":30,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d","Heading3":"8.2.3. Identify a transitional justice focal point in the DDR programme and plan regular briefing and meetings with UN and national authorities working on transitional justice measures","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Identification of individuals that may serve as formal focal points within the DDR programme, within the UN country team working on transitional justice, and within relevant national institutions, may facilitate regular communication between DDR and transitional justice measures. DDR administrators and international and national actors working on transitional justice initiatives should plan for regular meetings as opportunities for exchange, to proac- tively deal with any possible tensions, and to explore the possibilities for effective coordination."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d","Heading3":"8.2.4. Coordinate on public information and outreach","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"The dissemination of public information is a crucial task of both DDR and transitional justice initiatives (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR). Poor coordination in public outreach may generate conflicting and par- tial messages. DDR and transitional justice should seek ways to coordinate their public information efforts. Increased consultation and coordination concerning what and how information is released to the public may reduce the spread of misinformation and rein- force the objectives of both transitional justice and DDR. The designation of a transitional justice focal point in the DDR programme, and regular meetings with other relevant UN and national actors, may facilitate discussion on how to better coordinate public informa- tion and outreach to support the goals of both DDR and transitional justice.Civil society may also play a role in public information and outreach. Working with relevant civil society organizations may help the DDR programme to reach a wider audi- ence and ensure that information offered to the public is communicated in appropriate ways, for example, in local languages or through local radio."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d","Heading3":"8.2.5. Integrate information on transitional justice into the ex-combatant pre-discharge sensitization process","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Ex-combatants also need information about provisions for justice, particularly if it could affect their reintegration process. Clearly communicated information may decrease anxiety that ex-combatants may feel about transitional justice measures. The discharge awareness raising process is an opportunity to work with UN colleagues or national authorities to develop a briefing on transitional justice measures ongoing in the country and to discuss how, or if, this will have an impact on ex-combatants."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d","Heading3":"8.2.6. Involve and prepare recipient communities","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Community tension around reintegration processes will be eased if recipient communities are involved and prepared for returning ex-combatants. Recipient communities should be included in the public information and outreach strategy and should have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the reintegration process before ex-combatants return, including issues related to ex-combatant accountability. In some cases, DDR programmes have encour- aged the organization of community committees to deal with ex-combatant reintegration. These committees may serve as a forum for exploring ex-combatant participation in locally- based justice processes as well as for dispute resolution and problem solving if problems arise between community members and ex-combatants (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration)."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d","Heading3":"8.2.7. Consider community-based reintegration approaches","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Compared to targeted assistance programmes for ex-combatants, community-based reinte- gration approaches have advantages that may provide broader benefits within the com- munity. Such approaches have more potential for sustainability as ex-combatants are located in the communities and work together with other community members for local develop- ment. Such an approach may also promote community reconciliation as ex-combatants are not seen as the sole beneficiaries of assistance. Additionally, reintegration activities, apart from community recovery and reintegration, may link into other development programmes. It also promotes closer collaboration with other development actors. Finally, community- based reintegration promotes community empowerment, transparency and accountability as beneficiaries are selected through community-based approaches."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d","Heading3":"8.2.8. Transitional justice initiatives should designate a focal point for DDR","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Transitional justice practitioners working on prosecutions processes, truth commissions, reparations programmes and institutional reform initiatives should communicate with the DDR program, identify a focal point for DDR as part of their outreach activities and actively seek opportunities for information exchange and collaboration, including possible coordi- nation on public information strategies as proposed above."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d","Heading3":"8.2.9. Integrate information on DDR in conflict analysis, assessments and evaluations undertaken to support or advance transitional justice initiatives","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Transitional justice practitioners should also be aware of the impact of DDR on their goals and objectives by considering the DDR programme in their analytical tools for design, assess- ment and evaluation."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Box 7 Action points for DDR and TJ practitioners \\n Consider sharing programme information. \\n Consider developing a common approach to gathering information on children who leave armed forces and groups \\n Consider screening of human rights records of ex-combatants. \\n Collaborate on sequencing DDR and TJ efforts. \\n Coordinate on strategies to target spoilers. \\n Encourage ex-combatants to participate in transitional justice measures. \\n Consider how DDR may connect to and support legitimate locally based justice processes. \\n Consider how DDR and transitional justice measures may coordinate to support the reintegration of women associated with armed groups and forces. \\n Consider how DDR and transitional justice measures may coordinate to support the reintegration of children associated with armed groups and forces. \\n Consider how the design of the DDR programme contributes to the aims of institutional reform."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .","Heading3":"8.3.1. Consider sharing DDR information with transitional justice measures","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Both DDR and transitional justice initiatives engage in gathering, sharing, and disseminating information. However, rarely is information shared in a systematic or coherent manner between these two programmes. DDR programmes, which are usually established before transitional justice measures may consider sharing information with the latter. This need not necessarily include sharing information relating to particular individuals for purposes of prosecutions, as this may create difficulties in some contexts (although, as illustrated in section 7.1 above, it frequently does not). Information about the more structural dimen- sion of combating forces, none of which needs to be person-specific, may be very useful for transitional justice measures. Socio-economic and background data gathered from ex- combatants through DDR programmes can also be informative. Similarly, transitional justice initiatives may obtain information that is important to DDR programmes, for example on the location or operations of armed groups.DDR programmes may also accommodate procedures that include gathering infor- mation on ex-combatants accused or suspected of gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law. This could be done for example through the information management database, which is essential for tracking the DDR participants throughout the DDR process (also see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization, section 5.4).Truth commissions, in particular, present optimum opportunities for DDR programmes to share certain data. Truth commissions often try to reliably describe broad patterns of past violence. Insights into the size, location, and territory of armed groups, their com- mand structures, type of arms collected, recruitment processes, and other aspects of their mode of operation could assist in reconstructing an historical \u2018memory\u2019 of past patterns of collective violence.Sharing information with a national reparations programme may also be important. Here, details about benefits offered to ex-combatants through DDR programmes may be useful in efforts to secure equity in the treatment of victims through reparations programmes. If communities received benefits through DDR programmes, this will also be relevant to those who are tasked with the responsibility of designing collective reparations programmes."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .","Heading3":"8.3.2. Consider developing a common approach to gathering information on children who leave armed forces and groups","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"DDR programmes, UNICEF, child protection NGOs and the relevant child DDR agency in the Government often develop common individual child date forms, and even shared data- bases, for consistent gathering of information on children who leave the armed forces or groups. Various child protection agencies do not systematically record in their individual child forms the identity of the commanders who recruited the children. Yet, this informa- tion could be used later on for justice or vetting purposes regarding perpetrators of child recruitment. While the agencies indicate that such omission is done intentionally to protect the individual children released and CAAGF more generally, in some cases a thorough discussion on the value of recording certain data and the links of DDR with ongoing\/poten- tial transitional justice initiatives had not taken place amongst these actors. Child DDR and child protection actors may examine DDR information management databases, with appropriate consideration for issues of confidentiality, disclosure and consent, with a view on their potential value for justice and TJ purposes."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .","Heading3":"8.3.3. Consider screening of human rights records of ex-combatants","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"DDR programmes may include a variety of screening procedures, for example screening against eligibility criteria for entry into the programme, and screening for different kinds of skills training. Screening procedures designed to put in place measures that avoid provid- ing benefits to known or suspected violators of human rights or international humanitarian law should also be considered. Integrating a screening procedure based on human rights considerations may be more problematic in some contexts than others because of concern that it will deter combatants from entering the DDR programme. At a minimum, those ex- combatants against whom judicial investigations are pending or against whom credible allegations of perpetrating violations of international human rights law or international humanitarian law have been raised should not receive benefits until these allegations are resolved. The proposed focal point on transitional justice should correspond regularly with national and international authorities in order to develop strategies for dealing with alleged perpetrators among the ex-combatants population."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .","Heading3":"8.3.4. Collaborate on sequencing DDR and TJ efforts","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"DDR donors, administrators and prosecutors may also collaborate more effectively in terms of sequencing their efforts. The possibilities for sequencing are numerous; this section merely provides ideas that can facilitate sequencing discussions between DDR and TJ practitioners. Prosecutors, for instance, may inform DDR administrators of the imminent announce- ment of indictments of certain commanders so that there is time to prepare for the possible negative reactions. Alternatively, in some cases prosecutors may take into account the prog- ress of the disarmament and demobilization operations when timing the announcement of their indictments.United Nations Staff working on DDR programmes should encourage their national interlocutors to coordinate on sequencing with truth commissions. Hearings for truth commissions, for example, could be scheduled in communities that are receiving large numbers of demobilized ex-combatants, thus providing ex-combatants with an immediate opportunity to apologize or tell their side of the story.The most important reason that implementation of reparations and DDR initiatives is not coordinated is that while DDR is funded, reparations are not. However, in situations where reparations are funded, the design and disbursements of reintegration benefits for ex-combatants through the DDR programme may be sequenced with reparation for victims and delivery of return packages for refugees and IDPs returning to their home communi- ties (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-border Population Movements). Assistance offered to ex- combatants is less likely to foster resentment if reparations for victims are provided at a comparative level and within the same relative time period. If calendars for the provision of DDR benefits to ex-combatants and reparations to individual victims may not be made to coincide, some benefits to communities perhaps may be planned either through DDR or parallel programmes, or through an early phase of a national reparation or reconstruction programme. Likewise, where collective reparations are provided in a community or region, both victims and ex-combatants potentially benefit\u2014even as separate individualized DDR benefits are also made available (see IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration).The Stockholm Initiative on DDR recommends establishing parallel windows of financ- ing for DDR and community oriented programming. This has the virtue of providing incen- tives for the coordination of programmes without providing incentives for fusing or merging programmes which may result in a dilution of mandates\u2014and effectiveness. Moreover ex-combatants may play a direct role in some reparations, either by providing direct repara- tion when they have individual responsibility for the violations that occurred, or, when appropriate, by contributing to reparations projects that aim to address community needs, such as working on a memorial or rebuilding a school or home that was destroyed in the armed conflict."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .","Heading3":"8.3.5. Collaborate on strategies to target spoilers","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Even after a ceasefire or peace agreement, DDR is frequently challenged by commanders who refuse for a variety of reasons to disarm and demobilize, and impede their combatants from participating in DDR. In some of these cases, national DDR commissions (or other officials charged with DDR) and prosecutors may collaborate on prosecutorial strategies, for example focused on those most responsible for violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, that may help to remove these spoilers from the situation and allow for the DDR of the combat unit or group. Such an approach requires an accompanying pub- lic information strategy that indicates a clear and transparent criminal policy, indicating what kind of cases will be prosecuted, and avoiding any perception of political influence, arbitrary prosecution, corruption or favoritism. The public information efforts of both the DDR programme and the prosecutions outreach units should seek to reassure lower rank- ing combatants that the focus of the prosecution initiative is on those most responsible and that they will be welcomed into the DDR programme."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .","Heading3":"8.3.6. Encourage ex-combatants to participate in transitional justice measures","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Ex-combatants are often simultaneously fighters, witnesses, and victims of an armed con- flict. Their testimonies may be valuable for a prosecutions initiative or a truth commission. Additionally their story or experience may change the way others in the society may view them, by blurring the sharp distinctions between combatants, often seen solely as perpetra- tors, and victims, and exposing the structural roots of the conflict. A more comprehensive understanding of the experience of ex-combatants may ease the reintegration process.DDR programmes may encourage ex-combatant participation in transitional justice measures by offering information sessions on transitional justice during the demobilization process and working collaboratively with national actors working on transitional justice measures in their outreach to ex-combatants."},{"ID":44,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .","Heading3":"8.3.7. Consider how DDR may connect to and support legitimate locally based justice processes","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Locally based justice processes may complement reintegration efforts and national level transitional justice measures by providing a community-level means of addressing issues of accountability of ex-combatants. When ex-combatants participate in these processes, they demonstrate their desire to be a part of the community again, and to take steps to repair the damage for which they are responsible. This contributes to building or renewing trust between ex-combatants and the communities in which they seek to reintegrate. Locally based justice processes have particular potential for the reintegration of children associated with armed forces and groups.Creating links between reintegration strategies, particularly community reintegration strategies, for ex-combatants and locally-based justice processes may be one way to bridge the gap between the aims of DDR and the aims of transitional justice. UNICEF\u2019s work with locally based justice processes in support of the reintegration of children in Sierra Leone is one example.Before establishing a link with locally based processes, DDR programmes must ensure that they are legitimate and that they respect international human rights standards, includ- ing that they do not discriminate, particularly against women, and children. The national authorities in charge of DDR will include local experts that may provide advice to DDR programmes about locally based processes. Additionally civil society organizations may be able to provide information and contribute to strategies for connecting DDR programmes to locally based justice processes. Finally, outreach to recipient communities may include discussions about locally based justice processes and their applicability to the situations of ex-combatants."},{"ID":45,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .","Heading3":"8.3.8. Consider how DDR and transitional justice measures may coordinate to support the reintegration of women associated with armed groups and forces","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"Women associated with armed groups and forces are potential participants in both DDR programmes and transitional justice measures, and both are faced with the challenge of increasing and supporting the participation of women. Both DDR and transitional justice should work towards a better understanding of the motivations, roles and needs of women ex-combatants and other women associated with armed forces and groups by directly engaging women in planning for both programmes and ensuring they are adequately rep- resented in decision-making bodies, in line with UNSC Resolution1325 on women, peace and security (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender, and DDR). Sharing information on their respective lessons learned in terms of facilitating the participation of women may be a first step. The ways in which women victims articulate their need for reparations, for example, might be considered in developing specific reintegration strategies for women. Additionally, DDR programme managers may coordinate with transitional justice meas- ures on community approaches that include women, such as strengthening women\u2019s role in locally based justice processes."},{"ID":46,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .","Heading3":"8.3.9. Consider how DDR and transitional justice measures may coordinate to support the reintegration of children associated with armed groups and forces (CAAGF)","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"DDR and transitional justice represent two types of initiatives among a range of interven- tions that are (at least partly) aimed at reintegrating children associated with armed groups and forces. Given the status of children as a special category of protected persons under international law, both DDR and transitional justice actors should work together on a strat- egy that considers these children primarily as victims.Joint coordination on the reintegration of children is possible in at least three broad areas. First, DDR and transitional justice measures may coordinate on a strategy to iden- tify and hold accountable those who are recruiting children\u2014in order to make sure that the welfare of children is considered as the highest priority in that process. Second, both kinds of measures may work together on approaches to reintegrating children who may be responsible for violations of international humanitarian law or human rights law. Given the focus on CAAGF as victims, such an approach would preferably focus on non-judicial measures such as truth commissions and locally-based processes of truth and reconcilia- tion, which may better contribute to the reintegration of children than prosecution. At a minimum, a clear DDR and TJ policy should be developed as to the criminal responsibil- ity of children that takes adequate account of their protection and social reintegration. In the DRC, for example, the position shared by child protection agencies was for CAAFG accused of serious crimes to go through the juvenile justice system, applying special pro-cedures and reintegration measures. Third, if a reparations programme is under considera- tion, DDR and Transitional justice actors may work together to ensure a balance between what kind of DDR benefits are offered to CAAGF as former combatants and what is offered to them as reparations as victims.In this process, particular attention needs to be given to girls. Gender inequality and cultural perceptions of women and girls may have particularly negative consequences for the reintegration of girl children associated with armed groups and forces. Targeted efforts by DDR and TJ may be necessary to ensure that girls are protected, but also that girls are given the opportunity to participate and benefit from these programmes."},{"ID":47,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"8. Prospects for coordination","Heading2":"8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .","Heading3":"8.3.10. Consider how the design of the DDR programme contributes to the aims of institutional reform, including vetting processes","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"Consideration should be given to how the design of the DDR process relates to institutional reform efforts. For example, DDR programmes may coordinate with vetting procedures, providing information to ensure that ex-combatants who are responsible for gross viola- tions of human rights or serious crimes under international law are not reintegrated into public institutions, particularly the armed forces or other national security institutions (also see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform)."},{"ID":48,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"Annex A: Terms and definitions","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"Ad hoc international criminal tribunals \u2013 are international judicial bodies created to ad- dress particular situations, for a limited amount of time, and are the result of singular political and historical circumstances. They are composed of independent judges, working on the basis of predetermined rules of procedure, and rendering binding decisions. They are subject to the same principles governing the work of all international judiciaries (e.g., due process, impartiality and independence).Hybrid courts or tribunals \u2013 are courts of mixed composition and jurisdiction, encom- passing both national and international aspects, and usually operating where the crimes occurred. Similar to international tribunals, hybrid courts are ad hoc institutions, created to address particular situations, for a limited amount of time, and are the result of singular political and historical circumstances. They are composed of independent judges, working on the basis of predetermined rules of procedure, and rendering binding decisions. They are subject to the same principles governing the work of all international judiciaries (e.g., due process, impartiality and independence).Institutional reform \u2013 is changing public institutions that perpetuated a conflict or served a repressive regime to be transformed into institutions that support the transition, sustain peace and preserve the rule of law. Following a period of massive human rights abuse, building fair and efficient public institutions play a critical role in preventing future abuses. It also enables public institutions, in particular in the security and justice sectors, to pro- vide criminal accountability for past abuses.International Humanitarian Law (IHL) \u2013 is a set of international rules, established by trea- ties and customary law, which seeks to limit the effects of armed conflict. It aims to protect persons who are not, or are no longer, participating in the hostilities and restricts the means and methods of warfare. International humanitarian law main treaty sources applicable in international armed conflict are the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocol I of 1977. The main treaty sources applicable in non-international armed conflict are article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II of 1977. Inter- national humanitarian law is applicable in times of armed conflict, whether international or non-international. For more information see OHCHR\u2019s Fact Sheet No.13, International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights at http:\/\/\/html\/menu6\/2\/fs13.htmInternational human rights law \u2013 is a set of international rules, established by treaties and customary law which lays down obligations on States to respect, protect and fulfill human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals or groups. International human rights law main treaty sources, inter alia, are the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights (1966) and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966), as well as Conventions on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948), the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965), the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979), against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment (1984), and on the Rights of the Child (1989). Other instruments, such as declarations, guidelines and principles adopted at the interna- tional level also belong to the body of international human rights standards. International human rights law applies at all times, both in peacetime and in situations of armed con- flict. See also http:\/\/\/EN\/ProfessionalInterest\/Pages\/InternationalLaw.aspxProsecutions \u2013 are the conduct of investigations and judicial proceedings against an alleged perpetrator of a crime in accordance with international standards for the administration of justice. For the purposes of this module, the focus is on the prosecution of individuals ac- cused of criminal conduct involving gross violations of international human rights law, serious violations of international humanitarian law and violations of international criminal law. The form, function and mandate of prosecutions initiatives can vary. They can be broad in scope, aiming to try many perpetrators, or they can be narrowly focused on those that bear the most responsibility for the crimes committed.Reparations \u2013 are a set of measures that provides redress for victims of gross violations of international human rights law, serious violations of international humanitarian law and violations of international criminal law. Reparations can take the form of restitution, com- pensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction, and guarantees of non-repetition. Reparations programs have two goals: first, to provide recognition for victims because reparation are explicitly and primarily carried out on behalf of victims ; and, second, to encourage trust among citizens, and between citizens and the state, by demonstrating that past abuses are regarded seriously by the new government.Transitional justice \u2013 comprises the full range of processes and measures associated with a society\u2019s attempts to come to terms with a legacy of large-scale past abuses, in order to ensure accountability, serve justice and achieve reconciliation. It may include criminal pros- ecutions, truth commissions, vetting, reparations programs and memorialization efforts. Whatever combination is chosen must be in conformity with international legal standards and obligations.Truth commissions \u2013 are non-judicial or quasi-judicial fact-finding bodies. They have the primary purpose of investigating and reporting on past abuses in an attempt to understand the extent and patterns of past violations, as well as their causes and consequences. The work of a commission is to help a society understand and acknowledge a contested or denied history, and bring the voices and stories of victims to the public at large. It also aims at preventing further abuses. Truth commissions can be official, local or national. They may conduct investigations and hearings, and may identify the individuals and insti- tutions responsible for abuse. Truth commissions may also be empowered to make policy and prosecutorial recommendations.Vetting \u2013 is a process that aims to exclude individuals from public service whose previous conduct is incompatible with their holding a public position, with a view to re-establishing civic trust and re-legitimize public institutions. Their removal should comply with require- ments of due process of law and principles of non-discrimination."},{"ID":49,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"Annex B: Critical questions for the field assessment","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":31,"Paragraph":"Questions related to the overall human rights situation \\n What crimes involving violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law were perpetrated by the different protagonists in the armed conflict? In what different ways were women involved in the conflict? Describe any specific forms of abuse to \\n \\n which women and girls were subjected during the conflict. \\n Describe any use of children by combatant groups. Was this abuse part of an orches- trated strategy, i.e. systematic and perpetrated by state and non-state security forces? If so, what were the institutional processes that facilitated such abuse?Questions related to the peace agreement \\n What were the key components of the final peace agreement? \\n Was amnesty offered as part of the peace process? What type of amnesty? And for what abuses (forced recruitment of children, sexual violence etc)? \\n Were there any transitional justice measures mandated in the peace agreement such as a truth commission, prosecutions process, reparations programme for victims, or insti- tutional reform aimed at preventing future human rights violations? \\n Did the peace agreement stipulate any connection between the DDR process and transitional justice measures? \\n How was information about the peace agreement disseminated to the general popu- lation, in particular to vulnerable and marginalized groups?Questions related to DDR \\n Is there any form of conditionality that links DDR and justice measures, for example, amnesty or the promise of reduced sentences for combatants that enter the DDR program? \\n What are the criteria for admittance into the DDR program? Do the criteria take into consideration the varied roles of women and children associated with armed forces and groups? \\n Will there be any stipulated differences between treatment of men, women or children in the DDR programme? \\n What kind of information will be gathered from combatants during the DDR process? Will the information collected be disaggregated by gender? Will it assess whether ex- combatants committed acts of sexual violence? \\n Will demobilized combatants have the opportunity to be reintegrated into a new army or police force? \\n Is the local community involved in the reintegration programme? \\n Will the reintegration programme consider or aim to provide benefits to the commu- nities where demobilized combatants will return?Questions related to transitional justice \\n What office in the United Nations peacekeeping mission and\/or what UN agency is the focal point on transitional justice, human rights, and rule of law issues? \\n What government entity is the focal point on transitional justice, human rights and rule of law issues? \\n Is there a national truth commission? Are there any other truth-seeking initiatives, for example at the local or regional level of the country? \\n Are there any investigations and\/or prosecutions of perpetrators of crimes involving violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law that occurred during the conflict? \\n Does the truth commission or prosecutions process have any specific outreach to, or strategy for dealing with, ex-combatants? \\n Does the truth commission or prosecutions process have a public information or out- reach capacity? What kind of information is being disseminated? How are they reaching out to vulnerable, marginalized groups including ex-combatants in communicating mandate and operations? \\n Are there plans to offer reparations to victims or communities ravaged by the conflict? Who are the targeted beneficiaries of the reparations? How are women survivors of sexual violence considered in reparations programmes, female ex-combatants, WAAFG, children? When will reparations be distributed? How will reparations distributed? Who is funding or could fund the reparation programme? \\n Are reparations tied to any other transitional justice measures such as prosecutions, truth-telling, institutional reform and\/or local justice initiatives? \\n Is institutional reform, such as vetting, mandated as part of the peace agreement or post-conflict legal framework? Are security sector institutions targeted for such reform? Are there any accountability mechanisms set up to address the integrity of the security sector personnel? \\n Are there any justice or reconciliation efforts at the local\/community level? \\n What is the involvement of women and\/or children in locally based justice and rec- onciliation initiatives? \\n What is the criterion for determining who could participate in locally based justice and reconciliation initiatives? \\n Are these locally based justice and reconciliation initiatives linked to any other tran- sitional justice measures such as prosecutions, truth-telling and\/or reparations?Questions related to possibilities for coordination \\n Will the planned timetable for the DDR programme overlap with planned transitional justice measures? \\n Are there opportunities to coordinate information strategies around DDR and transi- tional justice measures? \\n Will ex-combatants be screened on human rights criteria as part of the DDR programme? Can the DDR programme integrate human rights education and\/or information ses- sions that specifically provide information on transitional justice? \\n Can the DDR programme provide incentives for ex-combatants to participate in pros- ecutions processes or truth-seeking initiatives? \\n Will there be any screening on human rights criteria of those ex-combatants interested in staying in or joining the security forces? \\n How can the DDR programme support or coordinate with other initiatives that address justice for women and justice for children? \\n Can any information gathered during the DDR programme be shared with a truth com- mission or prosecutions process? \\n How do the benefits offered to ex-combatants in the DDR programme compare to any reparations offered to victims of the armed conflict? \\n Can the benefits provided to ex-combatants be considered in light of reparations offered to victims? Is coordination between these two mechanisms possible? \\n Are there opportunities to connect the reintegration programme with locally based justice and reconciliation initiatives? For example, can any benefits provided to the community include support for locally based justice and reconciliation initiatives? \\n Can the reintegration programme include a component that involves ex-combatants in efforts to rebuild communities that have been physically destroyed as a result of the armed conflict? \\n Does the monitoring and assessment of the DDR programme include assessment of the impact of the programme on human rights, justice, and rule of law?"},{"ID":50,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"Annex C: Further reading","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":34,"Paragraph":"International Standards and Resolutions \\n Updated Set of Principles for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights Through Action to Combat Impunity, 8 February 2005, UN Doc. E\/CN.4\/2005\/102\/Add.1. \\n United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (\u201cThe Beijing Rules\u201d), 29 November 1985, UN Doc. A\/RES\/40\/33. \\n Guidelines on Justice Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses, 22 July 2005, Resolution 2005\/20 see UN Doc. E\/2005\/INF\/2\/Add.1. \\n Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparations for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law, 21 March 2006, UN Doc. A\/RES\/60\/147. \\n Report of the Secretary-General on the Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Conflict and Post- conflict Societies, 3 August 2004, UN Doc. S\/2002\/616. \\n \u2014, Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security, 31 October 2000, UN Doc. S\/RES\/1325. \\n \u2014, Resolution 1820 on Sexual Violence, 19 June 2008, UN Doc. S\/RES\/1820. Rule of Law Tools \\n Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: Amnesties. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2009. \\n \u2014, Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: Maximizing the Legacy of Hybrid Courts. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2008. \\n \u2014, Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: Reparations Programmes. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2008. \\n \u2014, Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: Prosecutions Initiatives. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2006. \\n \u2014, Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: Truth Commissions. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2006. \\n \u2014, Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: Vetting: An Operational Framework. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2006.Analysis and Case Studies \\n Baptista-Lundin, Ira\u00ea, \u201cPeace Process in Mozambique\u201d. A case study on DDR and transi- tional justice. New York: International Center for Transitional Justice. \\n de Greiff, Pablo, \u201cContributing to Peace and Justice\u2014Finding a Balance Between DDR and Reparations\u201d, a paper presented at the conference Building a Future on Peace and Justice, Nuremberg, Germany (June 25-27, 2007). Available at http:\/\/\/documents.asp \\n De Greiff, P. (ed.), The Handbook for Reparations, (Oxford University and The International Center for Transitional Justice, 2006) \\n King, Jamesina, \u201cGender and Reparations in Sierra Leone: The Wounds of War Remain Open\u201d in What Happened to the Women: Gender and Reparations for Human Rights Violations, edited by Ruth Rubio-Marin. New York: Social Science Research Council \/ International Center for Transitional Justice, pp. 246-283. \\n Mayer-Rieckh, Alexander, \u201cOn Preventing Abuse: Vetting and Other Transitional Re- forms\u201d in Justice as Prevention: Vetting Public Employees in Transitional Societies, edited by Alexander Mayer-Rieckh and Pablo de Greiff. New York: Social Science Research Council \/ International Center for Transitional Justice, 2007, pp. 482-521. \\n Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Program resources available at http:\/\/ \\n Stockholm Initiative on Disarmament Demobilisation Reintegration, Stockholm: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, 2006. Final Report and Background Studies available at http:\/\/\/sb\/d\/4890 \\n van der Merwe, Hugo and Guy Lamb, \u201cDDR and Transitional Justice in South Africa\u201d. A case study on DDR and transitional justice. New York: International Center for Transitional Justice, forthcoming. \\n Waldorf, Lars, \u201cTransitional Justice and DDR in Post-Genocide Rwanda\u201d. A case study on DDR and transitional justice. New York: International Center for Transitional Justice, forthcoming. \\n Weinstein, Jeremy and Macartan Humphreys, Disentangling the Determinants of Successful Demobilization and Reintegration, Working Paper No. 69, Washington DC: Center for Global Development, 2005. \\n Alie, J. \u201cReconciliation and transitional justice: Tradition-based practices of the Kpaa Mende in Sierra Leone,\u201d in Huyse, L. and \\n Salter, M. (eds.), Traditional Justice and Reconciliation after Violent Conflict: Learning from African Experiences (Stockholm: International IDEA, 2008), p. 142. \\n Waldorf, L. \u201cMass Justice for Mass Atrocity: Rethinking Local Justice as Transitional Justice\u201d, Temple Law Review 79, no. 1 (2006): pp. 1-87. \\n van der Mere, H. and Lamb, G., \u201cDDR and Transitional Justice in South Africa\u201d, a case study on DDR and transitional justice (New York: International Center for Transitional Justice, forthcoming). \\n \u201cPart 9: Community Reconciliation\u201d, in Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor, p. 4, http:\/\/\/static\/Timor.CAVR.English\/09-Community-Reconciliation. pdf (accessed on 12 August 2008)."},{"ID":51,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Transitional Justice","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice","PageNum":36,"Paragraph":"1 United Nations Security Council, Report of the Secretary-General on the Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies, 3 August 2004, UN Doc. S\/2004\/616. \\n 2 While not formally defined, it is generally assumed that genocide, slavery and slave trade, extra- judicial, summary or arbitrary executions; enforces disappearances, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment ; prolonged arbitrary detention, deportation or forcible trans- fer of populations, and systematic racial discrimination fall into the category of gross violations of human rights. Deliberate and systematic deprivation of essential foodstuffs, essential primary health care or basic shelter and housing may also amount to gross violations of human rights. \\n 3 Security Council, Resolution 1856, 2 December 2008, UN Doc. S\/Res\/1856 \\n 4 United Nations Security Council, Report of the Secretary-General. \\n 5 The 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the 1984 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment of Punishment; the International Convention for the Protection of All per- sons from Enforced Disappearance; the Geneva Conventions of 1949; the 1977 Protocol Additional (No.I) to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949; and the Protocol Additional (No.II). \\n 6 UN document E\/CN.4\/2005\/102\/Add.1. \\n 7 UN document A\/RES\/60\/147. \\n 8 United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Updated Set of principles for the protection and promo- tion of human rights through action to combat impunity (hereafter, Updated Set of Principles), Principle 32, 8 February 2005, UN Doc. E\/CN.4\/2005\/102\/Ad.1. \\n 9 UN document S\/2004\/616. \\n 10 See the Updated Principles, principle 24. \\n 11 UN document S\/2004\/616 \\n 12 The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, see Preamble and article 17. \\n 13 Mary Robinson, \u2018Foreword\u2019, The Princeton Principles on Universal Jurisdiction, Princeton Univer- sity Press, Princeton, 2001, p. 16. \\n 14 United Nations General Assembly, 16 December 2005, UN Doc. A\/RES\/60\/147. \\n 15 Ibid., Principle 15. \\n 16 Ibid., Principle 16. \\n 17 Ibid., Principle 19. \\n 18 See United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Updated Set of Principles, Principle 36. See also Principle 36 (c) and (e) according to which \u201cCivilian control of military and security forces as well as of intelligence agencies must be ensured and, where necessary, established or restored. To this end, States should establish effective institutions of civilian oversight over military and security forces and intelligence agencies, including legislative oversight bodies; . . . Public officials and employees, in particular those involved in military, security, police, intelligence and judicial sectors, should re- ceive comprehensive and ongoing training in human rights and, where applicable, humanitarian law standards and in implementation of those standards.\u201d \\n 19 Vetting processes that aim to exclude persons with serious integrity deficits from public service have been an important aspect of institutional reform in countries in transition. United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Updated Set of Principles, Principle 36. See also \\n 20 OHCHR Tool on Vetting, page 4. \\n 21 Updated Set of Principles on Impunity, principle 36. \\n 22 IDDRS, \u201cOperations, Programmes and Support: Social and Economic Reintegration,\u201d (United Nations: New York, August 2006) 4.10. \\n 23 United Nations, \u201cSecretary-General\u2019s Bulletin\u201d, 6 August 1999, UN Doc. ST\/SGB\/1999\/13. \\n 24 Ibid. p. 2 \\n 25 Pigou, Piers, The Community Reconciliation Process of the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation, UNDP Timor-Leste, Dili, April 2004. \\n 26 Multi-country Demobilization and Reintegration Program, \u201cRwanda\u201d, http:\/\/\/rwanda. htm (accessed 9 July 2008). \\n 27 United Nations Security Council, Report of the Secretary General on Securing peace and development: the role of the United Nations in supporting security sector reform, 23 January 2008, UN Doc. A\/62\/659\u2014 S\/2008\/39. \\n 28 United Nations Security Council, Report of the Secretary-General. \\n 29 Paris Principles, 3.6 \\n 30 CRC, article 39 and Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on involvement of children in armed conflict, article 6 \\n 31 UN Guidelines on Justice Matters Involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime. \\n 32 Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), article 6 (5)."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management.json b/static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f10110 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"The relationship between natural resources and armed conflict is well known and documented, evidenced by numerous examples from all over the world.1 Natural resources may be implicated all along the peace continuum, from contributing to grievances, to financing armed groups, to supporting livelihoods and recovery via the sound management of natural resources. Furthermore, the economies of countries suffering from armed conflict are often marked by unsustainable or illicit trade in natural resources, thereby tying conflict areas to the rest of the world through global supply chains. For DDR processes to be effective, practitioners should consider both the risks and opportunities that natural resource management may pose to their efforts.As part of the war economy, natural resources may be exploited and traded directly by, or through local communities under the auspices of, armed groups, organized criminal groups or members of the security sector, and eventually be placed on national and international markets through trade with multinational companies. This not only reinforces the actors directly implicated in the conflict, but it also undermines the good governance of natural resources needed to support development and sustainable peace. Once conflict is underway, natural resources may be exploited to finance the acquisition of weapons and ammunition and to reinforce the war economy, linking armed groups and even the security sector to international markets and organized criminal groups.These dynamics are challenging to address through DDR processes, but are necessary to contend with if sustainable peace is to be achieved. When DDR processes promote good governance practices, transparent policies and community engagement around natural resource management, they can also simultaneously address conflict drivers and the impacts of armed conflict on the environment and host communities. Issues of land rights, equal access to natural resources for livelihoods, equitable distribution of their benefits, and sociocultural disparities may all underpin the drivers of conflict that motivate individuals and groups to take up arms. It is critical that DDR practitioners take these linkages into account to avoid exacerbating existing grievances or creating new conflicts, as well as to effectively use natural resource management to contribute to sustainable peace.This module aims to contribute to DDR processes that are grounded in a clear understanding of how natural resource management can contribute to sustainable peace and reduce the likelihood of a resurgence of conflict. It considers how DDR practitioners can integrate youth, women, persons with disabilities and other key specific needs groups when addressing natural resource management in reintegration. It also includes guidance on relevant natural resource management related issues like public health, disaster-risk reduction, resiliency and climate change. With enhanced interagency cooperation, coordination and dialogue among relevant stakeholders working in DDR, natural resource management and governance sectors - especially national actors - these linkages can be addressed in a more conscious and deliberate manner for sustainable peace.Lastly, this module recognizes that the degree to which natural resources are incorporated into DDR processes will vary based on the political economy of a given context, size, resource availability, partners and capacity. While some contexts may have different agencies or stakeholders with expertise in natural resource management to inform context analyses, assessment processes and subsequent programme design and implementation, DDR processes may also need to rely primarily on external experts and partners. However, limited natural resource management capacities within a DDR process should not discourage practitioners from capitalizing on the opportunities or guidance available, or to seek collaboration and possible programme synergies with other partners that can offer natural resource management expertise. For example, in settings where the UN has no mission presence, such capacity and expertise may also be found within the UN country team, civil society, and\/or academia."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"This module provides DDR practitioners - in mission and non-mission settings - with necessary information on the linkages between natural resource management and integrated DDR processes during the various stages of the peace continuum. The guidance provided highlights the role of natural resources in all phases of the conflict cycle, focusing especially on the linkages with armed groups, the war economy, and how natural resource management can support successful DDR processes. It also emphasizes the ways that natural resource management can support the additional goals of gender-responsive reconciliation, resiliency to climate change, and sustainable reintegration through livelihoods and employment creation.The module highlights the risks and opportunities presented by natural resource management in an effort to improve the overall effectiveness and sustainability of DDR processes. It also seeks to support DDR practitioners in understanding the associated risks that threaten people\u2019s health, livelihoods, security and the opportunities to build economic and environmental resilience against future crises."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.Natural resources refer to any natural assets (raw materials) occurring in nature that can be used for economic production or consumption (OECD).2 These may include, but are not limited to, hard commodities such as minerals, gemstones, petroleum resources, timber, or other geological resources. They can also include soft commodities including agricultural products like cocoa, palm oil, sugar, coffee, wheat and other highly traded global commodities. Natural resources can also include endangered rare species of flora and fauna (including those used in narcotics) and related products traded on global markets.War economy refers to the economic structure developed to support armed conflict in a given jurisdiction, whether set up by the existing government or an armed group. The war economy includes legal and illegal exploitation of natural resources with the aim of supporting one or more sides of a conflict.Sustainable use of natural resources refers to the exploitation or management of natural resources in a way that ensures their long-term availability to support development for future generations.Natural resource management: Activities related with the management of natural capital stocks, (monitoring, control, surveys, administration and actions for facilitating structural adjustments of the sectors concerned) and their exploitation (e.g., abstraction and harvesting)."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"When well-managed, natural resources have the potential to support sustainable peace, development, and to address long-standing grievances. However, there is also mounting evidence that in many violent conflicts worldwide there is a strong link between armed conflict and weak governance or mismanagement of natural resources, dynamics which also contribute to violent conflict.3Over the past 60 years at least 40 percent of all intrastate conflicts were linked to natural resources.4 Furthermore, conflicts where natural resources are implicated have been shown to be more likely to relapse within five years.5 Looking back over the history of UN peacekeeping operations, nearly twenty missions have been deployed to conflicts fuelled or financed by natural resources, yet only a few of these missions have had a direct mandate to tackle natural resource challenges. However, the United Nations recognizes the need to incorporate the environment and natural resource dimensions of conflict and peacebuilding along the entire peace continuum, as evidenced in the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, the Humanitarian Response Plan and\/or the Integrated Strategic Framework across multiple settings.6Although evident risks exist, natural resource management also has the potential to enable sustainable peace, including through sustainable development that contributes to job creation, reduced grievances, and equitable sharing of benefits from natural resources. Through sound management, individuals and societies can employ natural resources in ways that secure livelihoods, generate tax revenues, stimulate exports, and engage the private sector in employment-creation purposes. Furthermore, natural resource management provides both temporary (Track A) and more sustainable (Track B) employment opportunities, as outlined in the United Nations Post Conflict Policy for Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration.In DDR contexts where strong governance is present, policy processes may specifically target natural resource sectors - including forestry, mining and conservation - to support job creation for long-term sustainable peace. Since natural resources underpin livelihoods for the vast majority of populations in post-conflict contexts, DDR practitioners should ensure to analyze any ways in which special-needs groups - such as women, youth, persons with disabilities or different vulnerable populations - can safely access and productively use natural resources. Gender issues in particular are crucial for sustainability and efficiency in economic recovery when it comes to natural resource management as gender norms in society can affect the division of labour between men and women and the distribution of capital assets, including land, credit, skills and participation in decision making, often negatively impacting women. Gender can also impact whether natural resources can be accessed and used safely; for example, the provisioning of essential natural resources for daily subsistence by women and girls, such as gathering firewood or charcoal, often puts them at risk for sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).7 In other cases, the physical strength needed to work in natural resource management sectors can prohibit women from accessing these kinds of economic opportunities (e.g., certain roles in the forestry or mining sectors).In addition to their economic benefits, natural resources can play an important role in supporting successful social reintegration and reconciliation through community-based approaches to natural resource management, including promoting access to grievance- and dispute-resolution mechanisms. To ensure that growth in natural resource management sectors will contribute positively to peace efforts, DDR practitioners shall undertake all necessary efforts to understand the risks and opportunities presented by natural resource management and fully analyze and incorporate them into process planning, design and implementation. The linkages between organized criminal groups, armed forces and groups and illicit trade - including implications of local community actors - should also be taken into account. These include the potential for poor natural resource management, coupled with weak governance, to lead to further grievances and recruitment. Since natural resource management takes place at the local, regional and national levels, there are multiple opportunities to work cooperatively with relevant stakeholders during DDR processes."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to the linkages between DDR and natural resource management."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1 People-centred","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Natural resources can be used to support or to undermine development and sustainable peace. Ultimately, natural resources are part of the naturally protected rights of the citizens of any sovereign nation and DDR practitioners must seek to protect and respect these rights in accordance with relevant international and national laws and policies (including customary law). In particular, DDR practitioners shall seek advice from human rights officers, rule of law or other experts in natural resource management, especially if the land and other rights of indigenous or otherwise marginalized communities are potentially affected."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Gender responsive and inclusive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"Equitable participation and access to natural resource-related opportunities and benefits shall be ensured for women, men, girls and boys, regardless of their ethnicity, sexual orientation and other intersecting factors. For DDR practitioners, a special emphasis should be placed on helping to secure tenure and access to land and other resources within existing or proposed frameworks for women and girls, since this is shown to be key to their successful reintegration, as well as to providing both male and female DDR participants and beneficiaries with equitable access to economic reintegration opportunities in natural resource management sectors.8 As part of DDR assessments, a specific gender analysis - carried out in consultation with both female and male participants and community members in their preferred language - should be undertaken in order to map the gender-specific roles and responsibilities in natural resource management and gender division of labour as well as associated risks and protection concerns. Based on the analysis, DDR practitioners shall promote the equal participation and decision-making opportunities of female and male participants and beneficiaries in natural resource management."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3 Conflict sensitive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"As outlined in IDDRS 2.10, \u201cdo no harm\u201d is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support shall be evaluated at all times. In the case of natural resources, DDR practitioners shall ensure that they are not implementing or encouraging practices that will threaten the long-term sustainability of natural resources and the livelihoods that depend on them. They should further seek to ensure that they will not contribute to potential environment- related health problems for affected populations; this is particularly important when considering water resources, land allocation and increase in demand for natural resources by development programmes or aid groups (such as increased demand for charcoal, timber, etc. without proper natural resource management measures in place).9Finally, DDR practitioners should approach natural resource issues with conflict sensitivity to ensure that interventions do not exacerbate conflict or grievances around natural resources or other existing community tensions or grievances (such as those based on ethnic, religious, racial or other dimensions), contribute to any environmental damage, and are equipped to deal with potential tensions related to natural resource management. In particular, sectors targeted by reintegration programmes should be carefully analysed to ensure that interventions will not cause further grievances or aggravate existing tensions between communities; this may include encouraging grievance- and dispute-resolution mechanisms to be put in place."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4 Context specific","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"DDR processes shall be context-specific to reflect both the nature of the conflict and the role of natural resources in the conflict, taking into account the national, regional and global implications of any activities. The specific role of natural resources should be considered in each context by DDR practitioners, including where natural resources are part of underlying grievances, or where they are being exploited directly by armed forces, groups or organized criminal groups - or by local communities under the auspices of these actors - to control territories or to finance the purchase of weapons and ammunition.DDR practitioners should also consult any local civil society, academic institutions and other expertise that may be available at the local level to inform interventions. Local experts may be included in assessments of all types of local institutions, armed groups, organized criminal groups, and local political activities, as well as in the development and implementation of DDR processes.Where possible and appropriate, DDR processes should seek to adopt livelihoods strategies and employment generation opportunities that respect human rights and the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, promote sound natural resource management, participatory decision- making, conflict sensitivity and that do not exploit natural resources at unsustainable rates. DDR practitioners should focus on promoting sustainable livelihoods and consider incorporating environmental feasibility studies for any projects based on natural resource exploitation. They should also ensure that post-project impact monitoring and evaluation includes the environment, natural resources and ecosystem services, especially where the latter relates to disaster-risk reduction and resiliency in the face of climate change."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5 Flexible, accountable and transparent","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"DDR processes are undertaken in the context of national and local frameworks that must comply with relevant rights and obligations under international law (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). Whether in a conflict setting or not, the State and any other regional law enforcement authorities have the responsibility to implement any criminal justice measures related to the illegal exploitation and\/or trafficking of natural resources, including instances of scorched-earth policies or other violations of humanitarian or human rights law. DDR practitioners shall also take into account any international or regional sanctions regimes in place against the export of natural resources. At times when the State itself is directly involved in these activities, DDR practitioners must be aware and factor this risk into interventions."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Nationally and locally owned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Every context is unique when it comes to natural resource management, depending on the characteristics of local ecosystems and existing socio-cultural relationships to land and other natural resources. Strong or weak local and national governance can also impact how natural resources may be treated by DDR processes, specifically where a weak state can lead to more incentives for illicit exploitation and trafficking of natural resources in ways that may fuel or exacerbate armed conflict. DDR practitioners should ensure they thoroughly understand these dynamics through assessments and risk management efforts when designing interventions.For DDR processes, local communities and national institutions - including relevant line ministries - are sources of critical knowledge and information. For this reason, DDR processes shall explicitly incorporate national and local civil society organizations, academic institutions, private sector and other stakeholders into intervention planning and implementation where appropriate. Since international mandates and resources for DDR processes are limited, DDR practitioners shall seek to build local capacities around natural resource management whenever possible and shall establish relevant local partnerships to ensure coordination and technical capacities are available for the implementation of any interventions incorporating natural resource management.In some cases, natural resource management can be used as a platform for reconciliation and trust building between communities and even regional actors. DDR practitioners should seek to identify these opportunities where they exist and integrate them into interventions."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.7 Regionally supported","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"In cases where natural resources are exploited and trafficked to finance the activities of armed forces and groups or organized criminal groups active in conflict settings, regional dynamics may be at play. Private sector and government actors from neighbouring States may be implicated in the trade of natural resources and DDR practitioners should engage regional stakeholders as much as possible to control for these risks and to identify opportunities to create a regional environment conducive to sustainable peace."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.8 Integrated","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"DDR processes will be more successful when considerations related to natural resource management are integrated from the earliest assessment phase through all stages of strategy development, planning and implementation. Expertise within the UN system and with other interagency partners should inform the interventions of DDR processes, in tandem with local and national expertise and knowledge."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"5. Natural resources in conflict settings","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"In contexts with poor governance, weak diversification and poor sectoral linkages, natural resources may be exploited to sustain the political and military agendas of armed forces and\/or other groups.10 This dynamic contributes to a broader war economy that may incentivize unsustainable exploitation, resource grabs and human rights abuses that may be related, although not exhaustively, to the environment and natural resources.11 When captured by armed forces and groups, or organized criminal groups, high-value commodity sectors with significant global demand - such as minerals, oil and gas, timber and other agricultural commodities - represent a serious threat to peace, security and development.12 This may occur with high-value commodities including charcoal, timber, ivory, gems and minerals, as well as agricultural commodities like cocoa and or palm oil. This trade links conflict actors to the global economy and ultimately to the end consumer of the good or service, thereby implicating a multitude of stakeholders from local private sector to regional and global multi-national enterprises and their investors.13The exploitation of natural resources and associated environmental stresses, such as the contamination of soils, air or water during extraction processes, can impact all phases of the conflict cycle, from contributing to the outbreak and perpetuation of violence to undermining prospects for peace. In addition, the environment itself may be damaged through scorched-earth tactics in order to harm specific groups of people or to render land and areas unusable by opposing groups. In extreme cases, land can also be damaged when communities are significantly displaced, where populations may be forced to degrade the natural resource base in order to survive. This environmental damage, coupled with the collapse of institutions and governance practices, can present significant risks that threaten people\u2019s health, livelihoods and undermine security. It may also undermine a country\u2019s capacity to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as exacerbate vulnerabilities to climate change and natural disasters.Identifying the role of natural resources in armed conflict is a necessary starting point to effectively address the factors that may have caused or sustained conflict, could trigger a relapse into violence, or may impede the process of consolidating sustainable peace. Analyses and assessments on environmental and natural resource issues can help DDR practitioners to identify the ways in which natural resources are intentionally and\/or inadvertently utilized, exploited, depleted and destroyed as part of conflict. While the UN has increasingly adopted guidance on integrating natural resource considerations into its peacebuilding assessments and interventions, in practice, natural resources are still too often considered as \u201ctoo hard to fix\u201d and as an issue to be addressed at a later stage in the recovery or peacebuilding process. However, doing so fails to take into account the broad and changing nature of threats to national and international security, as well as opportunities for natural resource management to contribute to sustainable peace.Integrating natural resource management issues into peacebuilding \u2013 and DDR in particular \u2013 should be seen as a security imperative following the strong linkages between natural resources and conflict. Deferred action or uninformed choices made early on often establish unsustainable trajectories of recovery that can undermine long-term peace and stability. At the same time, natural resource management offers important opportunities for sustainable livelihoods recovery, employment creation and reconciliation.The following sections provide a frame of reference to support the improved consideration of natural resources in DDR processes. In order to apply this frame, DDR practitioners should seek the appropriate expertise and work across different national and international agencies to gather the information related to natural resources needed to inform interventions.The relationship between natural resources, the environment and conflict is multidimensional and complex, but three principal pathways can be drawn. These pathways are described in more detail in the following sections:"},{"ID":14,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"5. Natural resources in conflict settings","Heading2":"5.1 Contributing to the causes of conflict","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"Natural resources underpin livelihoods and the socio-cultural rights of peoples in many parts of the world. When access to these resources is disrupted - and especially where long-standing historic grievances (real or perceived) over access to land and resources are present - natural resources may be more easily exploited to encourage recruitment by armed groups. This relationship can be complex, but there is evidence in the historical record as to how access to land or other natural resources can motivate parties to a conflict. Grievances related to land (communal or individually owned) and access to resources can be deeply embedded in the historical narrative of peoples and hugely motivating for individuals and groups to participate in violent conflict. These dynamics are critical for DDR practitioners to understand and to factor into planning.Natural resources can also contribute to the causes of conflict where their governance and management has been handled in a way that privileges certain social or ethnic groups over others. Marginalized groups, excluded from access to natural resources and related benefits, may be more inclined to participate in the illicit or informal economy where armed conflict is present, thereby potentially engaging in riskier livelihoods sectors less protected by labour regulations.14 They may also be more likely to participate in the activities of organized criminal groups involved in the exploitation of natural resources. These dynamics can further undermine the ability of the Government to provide benefits (i.e., education, healthcare and development) and resources to communities due to a loss of tax revenue from formal economic sectors, as well as create the right conditions for illicit trade in weapons, ammunition and other illicit goods. This combination of factors can increase the likelihood that additional resentments will build and fuel recruitment into armed forces and groups.Finally, in some cases, scorched earth tactics may be used to gain control of a particular territory, resulting in significant displacement of populations and permanent damage to the environment. To secure a strategic advantage, demoralize local populations or subdue resistance, leaders and members of armed forces and groups may pollute water wells, burn crops, cut down forests, poison soils and kill domestic animals. In some cases, entire ecosystems have been deliberately targeted to achieve political and military goals. These tactics can result in grievances that ultimately undermine DDR processes and sustainable peace, and limit the positive role that natural resource management can play in sustaining peace."},{"ID":15,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"5. Natural resources in conflict settings","Heading2":"5.2 Financing and sustaining conflict","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"Once armed conflict is underway, natural resources will often be targeted by armed forces and groups - as well as organized criminal groups - in order to trade them for revenues or for weapons and ammunition. These resources may be used to finance the activities of armed forces and groups, including their ability to compensate recruits, purchase weapons and ammunition, acquire materials necessary for transportation or control of strategic territories, and even their ability to expand territorial control. The exploitation of natural resources in conflict contexts is also closely linked to corruption and weak governance, where government, organized criminal groups, the private sector and armed forces and groups become interdependent through the licit or illicit revenue and trade flows that natural resources provide. In this way, armed groups and organized criminal groups can even capture the role of government and can integrate themselves into political processes by leveraging their influence over trade and access to markets and associated revenues (see IDDRS 6.40 on DDR and Organized Crime).In addition to capturing the market for natural resources, the financing of weapons and ammunition may permit armed forces and groups to coerce or force communities to abandon their lands and territories, depriving them of livelihoods resources such as livestock or crops. Hostile takeovers of land can also target valuable natural resources for the purpose of taxing their local trade routes or gaining access to markets and\/or licit or illicit commodity flows associated with those resources.15 This is especially true in contexts of weak governance.Conflict contexts with weak governance are ripe for the proliferation of organized criminal groups and capture of revenues from the exploitation and trade of natural resources. However, this is only possible where there are market actors willing to purchase these resources and to engage in trade with armed forces and groups. This relationship may be further complicated on the ground by the different actors involved in markets and trade, which could include government authorities in customs and border protection, shell companies created to purposely distort the paper trail around this trade and subvert efforts at traceability by markets further downstream (i.e., closer to the end consumer), or direct involvement of other governments surrounding the country experiencing violent conflict to facilitate this trade. In these cases, the private sector at the local and national level, as well as buyers in international markets, may be implicated, whether the resources are legally or illegally traded. The relationship between the private sector and armed forces and groups in conflict is complex and can involve trade, arms and financial flows that may or may not be addressed by sanctions regimes, national and international regulations or other measures.Tracing conflict resources in global supply chains is inherently difficult; these materials may be one of hundreds that are part of a product purchased by an end user and may be traded through dozens of markets and jurisdictions before they end up in a manufacturing process, allowing multiple opportunities for the laundering of resources through fake certificates in the chain of custody.16 Consumer goods companies find the traceability of materials to a point of origin challenging in the best of circumstances; the complexities of a war economy and outbreak of violent conflict makes this even more complicated. However, technologies developed in recent years - including chemical markers, RFID tags and QR codes - are increasingly reliable, and the manufacturers, brands and retailers who sell products that contain conflict resources are increasingly subject to legal regimes that address these issues, depending on where they are domiciled.17 Globally, legal regimes that address conflict resources in global supply chains are still nascent, but awareness of these issues is growing in consumer markets and technological solutions to traceability and company due diligence challenges are emerging at a rapid rate.18There are many groups working to track the trade in conflict resources that DDR practitioners can collaborate with to ensure they are able to identify critical changes and shifts in the activities, tactics and potential resource flows of armed forces and groups. DDR practitioners should seek out these resources and engage these stakeholders to support assessments and the design and implementation of DDR processes whenever appropriate and possible."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"5. Natural resources in conflict settings","Heading2":"5.3 Contributing to reconciliation and sustaining peace","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":11,"Paragraph":"Governance institutions and State authorities, including those critical to accountability and transparency, may have been eroded by conflict or weak to start with. When tensions intensify and lead to armed conflict, rule of law breaks down and the resulting institutional vacuum can lead to a culture of impunity and corruption. This collapse of governance structures contributes directly to widespread institutional failures in all sectors, allowing opportunistic individuals, organized criminal groups, armed groups and\/or private entities to establish uncontrolled systems of resource exploitation.19 At the same time, public finances are often diverted for military purposes, resulting in the decay of, or lack of investment in, water, waste management and energy services, with corresponding health and environmental contamination risks.During a DDR process, the success and the long-term sustainability of natural resource-based interventions will largely depend on whether there is a good, functioning governance structure at the local, sub-regional, national or regional level. The effective and inclusive governance of natural resources and the environment should be viewed as an investment in conflict prevention within peacebuilding and development processes. Where past activities violate national laws, it is up to the State to exercise its jurisdiction, but egregious crimes constituting gross violations of human rights, as often seen with scorched earth tactics, oblige DDR processes to exclude any individuals associated with these events from participating in the process (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). However, there may be other jurisdictions where multi-national private entities can be targeted and pressured or prosecuted to cut their ties with armed forces and organized criminal groups in conflict areas. Sanctions set by the UN Security Council may also be brought to bear where they cover natural resources that are trafficked or traded by private sector entities and armed forces and groups.DDR practitioners will not be able to influence, control or focus upon all aspects of natural resource governance. However, through careful attention to risk factors in the planning, design and implementation of natural resource-based activities, DDR processes can play a multifaceted and pivotal role in paving the way for good natural resource governance that supports sustainable peace and development. Moreover, DDR practitioners can ensure that access to grievance- and non-violent dispute-resolution mechanisms are available for participants, beneficiaries and others implicated in the DDR process, in order to mitigate the risks that natural resources pose for conflict relapse.Furthermore, environmental issues and protection of natural resources can serve as effective platforms or catalysts for enhancing dialogue, building confidence, exploiting shared interests and broadening cooperation and reconciliation between ex-combatants and their communities, between communities themselves, between communities and the State, as well as between States themselves.20 People and cultures are closely tied to the environment in which they live and to the natural resources upon which they depend. In addition to their economic benefits, natural resources and ecosystem services can support successful social reintegration and reconciliation. In this sense, the management of natural resources can be used as a tool for engaging community members to work together, to revive and strengthen traditional natural resource management techniques that may have been lost during the conflict, and to encourage cooperation towards a shared goal, between and amongst communities and between communities and the State.In settings where natural resources have played a significant role in the conflict, DDR practitioners should explore opportunities for addressing underlying grievances over such resources by promoting equitable and fair access to natural resources, including for women, youth and participants with disability. Access to natural resources, especially land, often carries significant importance for ex-combatants during reintegration, particularly for female ex-combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups. Whether the communities are their original places of origin or are new to them, ensuring that they have access to land will be important in establishing their social status and in ensuring that they have access to basic resources for livelihoods. In rural areas, it is essential that DDR practitioners recognize the connection between land and social identity, especially for young men, who often have few alternative options for establishing their place in society, and for women, who are often responsible for food security and extremely vulnerable to exclusion from land or lack of access.To further support social reintegration and reconciliation, as well as to enhance peacebuilding, DDR practitioners should seek to support reintegration activities that empower communities affected by natural resource issues, applying community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) approaches where applicable and promoting inclusive approaches to natural resource management. Ensuring that specific needs groups such as women and youth receive equitable access to and opportunities in natural resource sectors is especially important, as they are essential to ensuring that peacebuilding interventions are sustainable in the long-term."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"At the outset, there are several key risk factors to consider when looking to leverage natural resources to support DDR processes. Depending on where DDR practitioners are working along the peace continuum, the following are three key areas where risks and opportunities should be considered: \\n Supporting economic recovery: When natural resources are properly governed and carefully managed, \u201chigh-value\u201d resources (such as hydrocarbons, minerals, metals, stones and export timber) can form an important basis for employment creation and budget revenue for development. With close attention to whether a robust framework is in place with respect to land rights, and sub-surface natural resource rights as a pre-cursor, engagement with private sector entities can help to facilitate these types of opportunities, whether for high-value natural resources or agricultural commodities with significant market value such as coffee, cocoa, grains or other soft commodities. The risk, however, is that the pressure to kick-start development and earn foreign exchange can lead to rapid, uncontrolled exploitation of such resources at sub-optimal prices, without due attention to land and sub-surface resource rights, environmental sustainability, employment creation and the equitable distribution of revenues. When the benefits are not shared, or when environmental degradation occurs as a consequence of exploitation, there could be serious potential for conflict to resume. \\n Developing sustainable livelihoods for peace: Sustainable peace fundamentally hinges on the development of sustainable livelihoods, the provision of basic services, and on the recovery and sound management (including equitable distribution of related benefits) of the natural resource base. Environmental damage caused by conflicts, coping strategies and chronic environmental problems (including climate change impacts) that undermine livelihoods must therefore be addressed from the outset. Minimizing vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change through the management of key natural resources and the introduction of appropriate technologies may also be addressed. Women and children are often disproportionally affected by environmental contamination economically, socially as well as in terms of their health and well-being. DDR practitioners should therefore seek to address the specific needs of women and children in relation to their dependence on natural resources and risks involved. Careful coordination and attention to issues of land access, tenure and the availability of agricultural inputs and access to financing are critical elements for ensuring success and sustainability. Women, and especially unmarried women and women who are not closely associated with a male relative, or those who face stigma or discrimination due to various other circumstances (i.e., sexual violence survivors, single mothers, unmarried women, etc.) are often disadvantaged in regard to access to capital assets as women\u2019s ownership rights are often based on de facto agreements through male community members and traditional gender roles may prevent women and girls from accessing education and capacity building. \\n Contributing to dialogue, reconciliation and confidence building: Natural resources can be a neutral entry point or catalyst for enhancing dialogue, building confidence, exploring shared interests and broadening cooperation between divided communities as well as within and between states. Such actions should aim to use an inclusive approach that seeks to consider and respond to the needs of the entire population, especially women and youth. Bringing communities together to discuss and resolve common challenges and concerns, such as access to water points and grazing lands, can be a powerful peacebuilding tool and can help to mitigate the risk of further conflict between competing natural resource user groups."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations","Heading2":"6.1 Assessments and design","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":14,"Paragraph":"During the pre-planning and preparatory assistance phase, DDR practitioners should clarify the role natural resources may have played in contributing to the causes of conflict, if any, and determine whether DDR is an appropriate response or whether there are other types of interventions that could be employed. In line with IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments, DDR practitioners should factor the linkage between natural resources and armed forces and groups, as well as organized criminal groups, into baseline assessments, programme design and exit strategies. This includes identifying the key natural resources involved in addition to key individuals, armed forces and groups, any known organized criminal groups and\/or Governments who may have used (or continue to use) these particular resources to finance or sustain conflict or undermine peace. The analysis should also consider gender, disability and other intersectional considerations by examining the sex- and age- disaggregated impacts of natural resource conflicts or grievances on female ex-combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups.The assessments should seek to achieve two main objectives regarding natural resources and will form the basis for risk management. First, they should determine the role that natural resources have played in contributing to the outbreak of conflict (i.e., through grievances or other factors), how they have been used to finance conflict and how natural resources that are essential for livelihoods may have been degraded or damaged due to the conflict, or become a security factor (especially for women and girls, but also boys and men) at a community level. Secondly, they should seek to anticipate any potential conflicts or relapse into conflict that could occur as a result of unresolved or newly aggravated grievances, competition or disputes over natural resources, continued war economy dynamics, and the risk of former combatants joining ranks with criminal networks to continue exploiting natural resources. This requires working closely with national actors through coordinated interagency processes. Once these elements have been identified, and the potential consequences of such analysis are fully understood, DDR practitioners can seek to explicitly address them.Where appropriate, DDR practitioners should ensure that assessment activities include technical experts on land and natural resources who can successfully incorporate key natural resource issues into DDR processes. These technical experts should also display expertise in recognizing the social, psychological and economic livelihoods issues connected to natural resources to be able to properly inform programme design. The participation of local civil society organizations and groups with knowledge on natural resources will also aid in the formation of a holistic perspective during the assessment phase. In addition, special attention should be given to gathering any relevant information on issues of access to land (both individually owned and communal), water and other natural resources, especially for women and youth.Land governance and tenure issues - including around sub-surface resource rights - are likely to be an issue in almost every context where DDR processes are implemented. DDR practitioners should identify existing efforts and potential partners working on issues of land governance and tenure and use this as a starting point for assessments to identify the risk and opportunities associated with related natural resources. Land governance will underpin all other natural resource sectors and should be a key element of any assessment carried out when planning DDR. While DDR processes cannot directly overcome challenges related to land governance issues, DDR practitioners should be aware of the risk and opportunities that current land governance issues present and do their best to mitigate these through planning and implementation."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations","Heading2":"6.1 Assessments and design","Heading3":"6.1.1 Natural resources and conflict linkages","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"In order to determine if natural resources have played (or continue to play) a critical role in armed conflict, assessments should seek to understand the key actors in the conflict and their linkages to natural resources (see Table 1). Assessments should also identify: \\n Key financial and strategic benefits and drawbacks of the identified resources on all warring parties and civilian populations affected by the conflict. \\n The nature and extent of grievances over the identified natural resources (real and perceived), if any. \\n The location of implicated resources and overlap with territories under the control of armed forces and groups. \\n The role of sanctions in deterring illegal exploitation of natural resources. \\n The extent and type of resource depletion and environmental damage caused as a result of mismanagement of natural resources during the conflict. \\n Displacement of local populations and their potential loss of access to natural resources. \\n Cross-border activities regarding natural resources. \\n Linkages to organized criminal groups (see IDDRS 6.40 on DDR and Organized Crime). \\n Linkages to armed groups designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 6.50 on DDR and Armed Groups Designated as Terrorist Organizations) \\n Analyses of different actors in the conflict and their relationship with natural resources.The abovementioned assessments can be completed through desk reviews (i.e., using reports from the national Government, UN agencies, NGOs, local civil society groups and media) as well as field assessments. An assessment mission can also help to collect the necessary background information for analysis. Assessment methodology shall be developed in consultation with gender experts and assessment teams shall include gender expertise. The role of natural resources in the political and security sectors affecting the planning of DDR processes should be duly considered. Where appropriate, conflict and security analysis should factor in considerations related to natural resources (see Box 1). In post-conflict contexts, assessments of the linkages between natural resources and armed conflict should also complement a post-conflict needs assessment that identifies the main social and physical needs of conflict-affected populations. For further information, see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments.Box 1. Conflict and security analysis for natural resources and conflict: sample questions forces or groups, in particular women and youth? If a peace agreement or ceasefire has been signed, were these grievances addressed when the conflict ended or in the peace agreement?Box 1. Conflict and security analysis for natural resources and conflict: sample questions \\n Is scarcity of natural resources or unequal distribution of related benefits an issue? How are different social groups able to access natural resources differently? \\n What is the role of land tenure and land governance in contributing to conflict - and potentially to conflict relapse - during DDR efforts? \\n What are the roles, priorities and grievances of women and men of different ages in regard to management of natural resources? \\n What are the protection concerns related to natural resources and conflict and which groups are most at risk (men, women, children, minority groups, youth, elders, etc.)? \\n Did grievances over natural resources originally lead individuals to join \u2013 or to be recruited into \u2013 armed forces or groups? What about the grievances of persons associated with armed forces or groups, in particular women and youth? If a peace agreement or ceasefire has been signed, were these grievances addressed when the conflict ended or in the peace agreement? \\n Is the political position of one or more of the parties to the conflict related to access to natural resources or to the benefits derived from them? \\n Has access to natural resources supported the chain of command in armed forces or groups? How has natural resource control allowed for political or social gain over communities and the State? \\n Who are the main local and global actors (including private sector and organized crime) involved in the conflict and what is their relationship to natural resources? \\n Have armed forces and groups maintained or splintered? How are they supporting themselves? Do natural resources factor in and what markets are they accessing to achieve this? \\n How have natural resources been leveraged to control the civilian population? \\n Has the conflict stopped or seriously impeded economic activities in natural resource sectors, including agricultural production, forestry, fisheries, or extractive industries? Are there issues with parallel taxation, smuggling, or militarization of supply chains? What populations have been most affected by this? \\n Has the conflict involved land-grabbing or other appropriation of land and natural resources? Have groups with specific needs, including women, youth and persons with disabilities, been particularly affected? \\n How has the degradation or exploitation of natural resources during conflict socially impacted affected populations? \\n Have conflict activities led to the degradation of key natural resources, for example through deforestation, pollution or erosion of topsoil, contamination or depletion of water sources, destruction of sanitation facilities and infrastructure, or interruption of energy supplies? \\n Are risks of climate change or natural disasters exacerbated by the ways that natural resources are being used before, during or after the conflict? Are there opportunities to address these risks through DDR processes? \\n Are there foreseeable, specific effects (i.e., risks and opportunities) of natural resource management on female ex-combatants and women formerly associated with armed forces and groups? And for youth?The results of these assessments and the natural resource sectors targeted should indicate to DDR practitioners as to which planning and implementation partners will be required. A diverse range of partners should be sought, including partners from local civil society as well as those working in and with the private sector. When planning and implementation partners have been identified, DDR practitioners should ensure that there are dedicated resources for a knowledge management focal point to support natural resource management, gender and other cross-cutting themes.Many DDR processes already use natural resource management in CVR or reintegration efforts. Without recognizing the potential risks and adopting adequate safeguards, DDR processes could have negative impacts on natural resources. See section 6.3 for information on how to recognize and mitigate these risks.DDR practitioners planning the implementation of employment and livelihoods programmes - for example, as part of a CVR or DDR programme - should also seek to gather information on the risks and opportunities associated with natural resources. For example, questions concerning natural resources should be integrated into the profiling questionnaires administered during the demobilization component of a DDR programme (see Box 2). These questionnaires seek to identify the specific needs and ambitions of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups (for further information on profiling, see section 6.3 in IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Natural resource related questions should also be included in assessments conducted for the purpose of designing reintegration programmes. For sample questions see Table 2 and, for further information on reintegration assessments, see section 7 in IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration. Many of these sample questions may also be relevant for the design of CVR programmes (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction)."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations","Heading2":"6.1 Assessments and design","Heading3":"6.1.2 Employment and livelihood opportunities","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"At a minimum, assessments focused on natural resources and employment and livelihood opportunities should reflect on the demand for natural resources and any derived products in local, regional, national and international markets. They should also examine existing and planned private sector activity in natural resource sectors. Assessments should also consider whether any areas environmentally degraded or damaged as a result of the conflict can be rehabilitated and strengthened through quick-impact projects (see section 7.2.1). DDR practitioners should seek to incorporate information gathered in Strategic Environmental Assessments and Environmental and Social Impact Assessments where appropriate and possible, to avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts. The data collected can also be used to identify potential reconciliation and conflict resolution activities around natural resources. These activities may, for example, be included in the design of reintegration programmes.Box 2. Sample questions for the profiling of male and female members of armed forces and groups: \\n - Motivations for joining armed forces and groups linked to natural resources? \\n - Potential areas of return and likely livelihoods options to identify potential natural resource sectors to support? Seasonality of these occupations and related migration patterns? Are there communal natural resources in question in the area of return? Will DDR participants have access to these? \\n - The use of natural resources by the members of armed forces and groups to identify potential hot spots? \\n - Possibility to employ job\/vocational skills in natural resource management? \\n - Economic activities already undertaken prior to joining or while with armed forces and groups in different natural resource sectors? \\n - Interest to undertake economic activities in natural resource sectors?"},{"ID":21,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations","Heading2":"6.2 Specific-needs groups and cross-cutting issues","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"In order to appropriately address the needs of all DDR participants and beneficiaries, a thorough analysis of groups with specific needs in natural resource management should be carried out as part of general DDR assessments. These considerations should then be mainstreamed throughout design and implementation. Specific needs groups often include women and girls, youth, persons with disabilities and persons with chronic illnesses, and indigenous and tribal peoples and local communities, but other vulnerabilities might also exist in different DDR contexts. Annex B presents a non-exhaustive list of questions that can be incorporated into DDR assessments in regard to specific- needs groups and natural resource management."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations","Heading2":"6.2 Specific-needs groups and cross-cutting issues","Heading3":"6.2.1 Youth","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Many conflict-affected countries have substantial numbers of youth \u2013 individuals between 15 and 24 years of age - relative to the rest of the population. Natural resources can offer specific opportunities for this group. For example, when following a value chain approach (see section 7.3.1) with agricultural products, non-timber forest products or fisheries, DDR practitioners should seek to identify processing stages that can be completed by youth with little work experience or skills. Habitat and ecosystem services restoration can also offer opportunities for young people. Youth can also be targeted as leaders through training-of-trainers programmes to further disseminate best practices and skills for improving the use of natural resources. When embarking on youth-focused DDR processes, efforts should be made to ensure that both male and female youth are engaged. While male youth are often the more visible group in conflict-affected countries, there are proven peace dividends in providing support to female youth. For additional guidance, see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations","Heading2":"6.2 Specific-needs groups and cross-cutting issues","Heading3":"6.2.2 Women and girls","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Women and girls often directly manage communal natural resources for their livelihoods and provide for the food security of their families (e.g., through the direct cultivation of land and the collection of water, fodder, herbs, firewood, etc.). However, they often lack tenure or official rights to the natural resources they rely on, or may have access to communal resources that are not recognized (or upheld if they are recognized) in local or national laws. DDR practitioners should pay special attention to ensuring that women are able to access natural resources especially in situations where this access is restricted due to lack of support from a male relative. In rural areas, this is especially crucial for access to land, which can provide the basis for women\u2019s livelihoods and which often determines their ability to access credit and take-out loans. For example, where DDR processes link to land titling, they should encourage shared titling between male and female heads of households. In addition, DDR practitioners should ensure that employment opportunities and necessary skills training are available for girls and women in natural resource sectors, including non-traditional women\u2019s jobs. Moreover, DDR practitioners should also ensure that women are part of any decision-making processes related to natural resources and that their voices are heard in planning, programmatic decisions and prioritization of policy.In cases where access to natural resources for livelihoods has put women and girls at higher risk of SGBV, special care must be taken to establish safe and secure access to these resources, or a safe and secure alternative. Awareness and training of security forces may be appropriate for this, as well as negotiated safe spaces for women and girls to use to cultivate or gather natural resources that they rely on. DDR practitioners should ensure that these considerations are included in DDR assessments so that the safety and security risks to women and girls from accessing natural resources are minimized during the DDR process and beyond. For more guidance, see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations","Heading2":"6.2 Specific-needs groups and cross-cutting issues","Heading3":"6.2.3 Persons with disabilities","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"Many DDR participants and beneficiaries will have experienced the onset of one or more physical, sensory, cognitive or psychosocial disabilities during conflict. DDR practitioners should ensure that in all contexts, including those in which natural resources are present, disability-inclusive DDR is integrated into the overall DDR process and is not pursued in a segregated, siloed fashion. Persons with disabilities have many different needs and face different barriers to participation in DDR and in activities involving the natural resources sector. DDR practitioners should identify these barriers and the possibilities for dismantling them when conducting assessments. DDR practitioners should seek expert advice from, and engage in discussions with, organizations of persons with disabilities, relevant NGOs and government line ministries working to promote the rights of persons with disabilities, as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) and Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1993)."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations","Heading2":"6.2 Specific-needs groups and cross-cutting issues","Heading3":"6.2.4 Health considerations","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Natural resource management can have profound implications on public health. For example, the use of firewood and charcoal for cooking can lead to significant respiratory problems and is a major health concern, particularly for women and children in many countries. Improved access to energy resources, can help to mitigate this (see section 7.3.4). Other key health concerns include waste management and water management, both natural resource management issues that can be addressed through CVR and reintegration programmes. DDR practitioners should include these considerations into assessments and seek to improve health conditions through natural resource management wherever possible. Other areas where health is implicated is related to the deforestation and degradation of land. Pushing the forest frontier can lead to increased exposure of local populations to wildlife that may transmit disease, even leading to the outbreak of pandemics. DDR practitioners should identify areas that have experienced high rates of deforestation and target them for reforestation and other ecosystem rehabilitation activities wherever possible, according to the results of assessments and risk considerations. For further guidance, see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations","Heading2":"6.2 Specific-needs groups and cross-cutting issues","Heading3":"6.2.5 Indigenous and tribal peoples and local communities ","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Indigenous and tribal peoples and local communities around the world have close traditional and cultural ties to land and other aspects of natural resources. They often have customary forms of managing natural resources that support overall goals of conservation and preservation of natural resources - including for food, medicines and cultural purposes - as a form of management. In many contexts, the rights of indigenous peoples to their land are undermined or under-recognized (or not recognized at all) in national legislation, leading to allocation of these lands through concessions or other acts to private companies or groups seeking to exploit the land for commercial production of agricultural or forest commodities. Their right to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) may often be undermined or ignored. DDR practitioners should identify where indigenous peoples and local communities have claim to lands that are otherwise subjected to overlapping claims by private or state entities seeking to exploit these lands and once identified, seek to support these groups with access to local civil society and other legal aid groups that can help them to advocate for their lands and resources. DDR practitioners can also ensure that representatives of indigenous groups and local communities are included in natural resource management decision-making at local, national and regional levels."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations","Heading2":"6.3 Risk management and implementation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Following the abovementioned assessments, DDR practitioners shall develop an inclusive and gender-responsive risk management approach to implementation. The table below includes a comprehensive set of risk factors related to natural resources to assist DDR practitioners when navigating and mitigating risks.In some cases, there may be systems in place to mitigate against the risk of the exploitation of natural resources by armed forces and groups as well as organized criminal groups. These measures are often implemented by the UN (e.g., sanctions) but will implicate other actors as well, especially when the natural resources in question are traded in global markets and end up in products placed in consumer markets with protections in place against trade in conflict resources. DDR practitioners shall avoid being seen as supporting individuals or armed forces and groups that are targeted by sanctions or other regimes and work closely with national and international authorities.Depending on the context, different types of natural resources will be a risk factors for DDR practitioners. In almost all cases, land will be a risk factor that can drive grievances, while also being essential to kick-starting rural economies and for the agricultural sector. Other natural resources, including agricultural commodities (\u201csoft commodities\u201d) or extractive resources (\u201chard commodities\u201d) will come into play based on the nature of the context. Once identified through assessments, DDR practitioners should further analyse the nature of the risk based on the natural resource sectors present in the particular context, as well as the opportunities to create employment through the sector. For each of the sectors identified in the table below, DDR practitioners should note the particular risk and seek expertise to implement mitigating factors."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"To incorporate natural resources into the design and implementation of DDR programmes, DDR practitioners should ensure that technical capacities on natural resource issues exist in support of DDR, within DDR teams or national DDR structures (i.e., national government and military structures where appropriate) and\/or are made available through partnerships with relevant institutions or partners, including representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities, or other civil society groups with relevant expertise pertaining to the land and natural resources in question. This may be done through the secondment of experts, providing training on natural resources and through consulting local partners and civil society groups with relevant expertise.During the programme development phase, risks and opportunities identified as part of the assessment and risk management process should be factored into the overall strategy for the programme. This can be accomplished by working closely with government institutions and relevant line ministries responsible for agriculture, land distribution, forestry, fisheries, minerals and water, as well as civil society, relevant NGOs and the local and international private sector, where appropriate. DDR practitioners should ensure that all major risks for health, livelihoods and infrastructure, as well as disaster-related vulnerabilities of local communities, are identified and addressed in programme design and implementation, including for specific-needs groups. This is especially important for extractive industries such as mining, as well as forestry21 and agriculture, where government contracts and concessions that are being negotiated will impact local areas and communities, or where the extraction or production of the resources can result in pollution or contamination of basic life resources (such as soils, air and water). Private sector entities are increasingly pressured to conform to due diligence and transparency standards that seek to uphold human rights, labour rights and sustainable development principles and DDR practitioners can leverage this to increase their cooperation. Local traditional knowledge about natural resource management should also be sought and built into the DDR programme as much as possible."},{"ID":29,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"7.1 Disarmament","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"Where the exploitation of natural resources is an entrenched part of the war economy and linked to the activities of armed forces and groups, as well as organized criminal groups, natural resources can be leveraged as a means of gaining control over certain territories and accessing weapons and ammunition. The main concern of DDR practitioners will be to support efforts to break the linkages between the flows of natural resources used to finance the acquisition of weapons and ammunition, including by working with actors involved in the implementation and monitoring of sanctions, including the UN Group of Experts, and contributing to strengthening the capacity of the security sector to reduce illicit weapons and ammunition flows. This can be difficult in contexts where members of armed groups and communities are unwilling to disarm because of concerns for their security. In such cases, transitional weapons and ammunition management approaches may be needed (see section 8.2).In order to ensure that security objectives are achieved, DDR practitioners should examine the role of natural resources in the acquisition of weapons and ammunition and how weapons and ammunition result in control over natural resources and access to the revenues from their trade. DDR practitioners should collaborate with relevant interagency stakeholders to ensure that natural resources are no longer used to finance the acquisition of weapons and ammunition for armed groups undergoing disarmament and demobilization or by individual combatants being disarmed and demobilized. When planning the destruction of weapons and ammunition, DDR practitioners should consider the environmental impact of the planned destruction. For further guidance on disarmament, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.Disarmament: Key questions \\n - How are weapons and ammunition being acquired? Are natural resource exploited to finance this? \\n - What steps can be taken to prevent the trade and trafficking of natural resources by armed forces and groups and\/or by organized criminal groups? \\n - In conflict settings, what steps can be taken to disrupt the flow of trafficked weapons in order to reduce the capacity of individuals and groups to engage in armed conflict and save lives? \\n - How can DDR programmes highlight the constructive roles of women who may have engaged in the illicit trafficking of weapons and\/or conflict? What precautions can be taken to avoid reinforcing or creating gender-based inequalities? \\n - How can DDR programmes address the presence of children associated with armed forces and groups whom may have been used in the exploitation of natural resources? \\n - To what extent would the removal of weapons jeopardize security and economic opportunities for male and female ex-combatants and communities, including land tenure and access to critical livelihoods resources? \\n - When disarmament is currently impossible, can DDR related tools, such as transitional WAM be implemented? Can alternative stages (demobilization and reintegration) be offered prior to disarmament to gain trust and contribute to the relinquishment of weapons? \\n - Does the proposed disarmament operation have sufficient resources to safely store weapons and ammunition and prevent diversion to armed groups engaged in criminal activities? \\n - Is there evidence of armed forces engaging in criminal activities related to natural resources, including illicit trafficking of natural resources, related crimes against humanity, war crimes and serious human rights violations, and what are the risks of incorporating weapons and ammunition collected during disarmament into national stockpiles?"},{"ID":30,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"7.2 Demobilization","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":28,"Paragraph":"Demobilization includes a reinsertion phase in which transitional assistance is offered to DDR programme participants for a period of up to one year, prior to reintegration support (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Transitional assistance may be offered in a number of ways including in-kind support, cash-based transfers, public works programmes or other income-generating activities. In contexts where there has been degradation of natural resources that are important for livelihoods or destruction of key water, sanitation and energy infrastructure, DDR programme participants can be employed in labour-intensive, quick-impact infrastructure or rehabilitation projects during the demobilization phase. When targeting natural resource management sectors, these projects can contribute to restoration and rehabilitation of environmental damages; increased protection of critical ecosystems; improved management of critical natural resources; and reduced vulnerability to natural disasters. Concerted efforts should be made to include women, youth, elderly, disabled, in planning and implementation of reinsertion activities."},{"ID":31,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"7.2 Demobilization","Heading3":"7.2.1 Quick-impact projects in natural resource management","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"During reinsertion, DDR participants and beneficiaries can work on labour-intensive but unskilled activities that help them to build their capacity and contribute to natural resource management. Examples of specific activities are included in the box below.Box 4. Sample quick-impact projects Soil conservation and stabilization \\n - the construction of soil conservation structures, including terracing or planting of soil stabilizing vegetation \\n - stabilization of riverbanks and other natural flood control structures through increased vegetation Restoration of degraded or deforested lands \\n - reforestation or afforestation of degraded sites, where determined to be ecologically appropriate, ideally with native species \\n - establishment of renewable wood lots for firewood and charcoal \\n - restoration of riverine vegetation Reparation of critical public infrastructures for sanitation, water and transportation \\n - desilting of irrigation canals and construction of rainwater catchments or earth dams \\n - reparation of roads, drainage canals, groundwater wells, irrigation canals and sanitation infrastructure \\n - development of systems for municipal sanitation, including recycling and creation of designated areas for wasteThese types of activities are especially important in rural areas where many people depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. In urban areas, priority should be given to sanitation and access to water and health-related activities that will ensure that high-density areas are safe to live in. Activities designed to restore specific ecosystem functions, such as the restoration of mangroves to protect coastal communities from hurricanes or typhoons, or the stabilization of hillsides and mountains from heavy rains through reforestation or afforestation, can also improve the resiliency of local communities to the increased frequency of natural disasters that accompany climate change. These efforts can be integrated into broader climate security efforts as well, though interagency coordination.DDR practitioners should prioritize investment in infrastructure projects that strengthen environmental resilience against future crises like climate change and natural disasters. The objective of addressing natural resources during the reinsertion phase of a DDR programme is to improve strengthen environmental resilience and lay the groundwork for sound, sustainable management of natural resources. Where possible, reinsertion activities should be linked to longer-term reintegration support (see Table 4)."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"7.2 Demobilization","Heading3":"7.2.2 Demining agricultural areas","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"Landmines and explosive remnants of war take a heavy toll on people\u2019s livelihoods, countries\u2019 economic and social development, and peacebuilding efforts. Restoring agricultural lands to a productive state is paramount for supporting livelihoods and improving food security, two of the most important concerns in any conflict-affected setting. Demining fields and potential areas for livestock and agriculture will therefore provide an essential step to restoring safety and access to agricultural lands and to restoring the confidence of local populations in the peace process. To ensure that agricultural land is returned to safety and productivity as quickly as possible, where applicable, DDR programmes should seek specific demining expertise. Male and female DDR programme participants and beneficiaries may be trained in demining during the reinsertion phase of a DDR programme and be supported to continue this work over the longer-term reintegration phase."},{"ID":33,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"7.2 Demobilization","Heading3":"7.2.3 Disposal and management of waste from conflict","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":30,"Paragraph":"Conflicts often result in a large amount of waste and debris from the destruction of infrastructure, buildings and other resources. Short-term public works programmes can be used to clean up this debris and to provide income for community members and former members of armed forces and groups. Participants can also be engaged in the training, employment and planning aspects of waste and debris management. Attention should be paid to health and safety regulations in such activities, since hazardous materials can be located within building materials and other debris. Expertise on safe disposal options should be sought. Barriers to the participation of specific needs groups should be identified and addressed.Demobilization: Key questions \\n - What is the risk (if any) that reinsertion assistance will equip former members of armed forces and groups with skills that can be used to further exploit natural resources or engage in criminal activities? \\n - If skills training and catch-up education are provided as part of short-term reinsertion assistance, do they adequately initiate former members of armed forces and groups in the realities of the lawful economic and social environment, including as it pertains to natural resources? \\n - What safeguards can be put in place to prevent former members of armed forces and groups from continuing to engage in any illicit or licit exploitation, control over and\/or trade in natural resources linked to the conflict? \\n - What does demobilization offer that membership in armed forces and groups that are controlling or exploiting natural resources does not? Conversely, what does such membership in armed forces and groups offer that demobilization does not? What are the (perceived) benefits of continued engagement in illicit activities? \\n - How does demobilization address the specific needs of certain groups such as women and children who may have been recruited and used and\/or been victims of armed forces and groups involved in natural resource exploitation, control or trafficking in conflict?"},{"ID":34,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"7.3 Reintegration","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":33,"Paragraph":"The guidance in this section is intended to complement IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration.DDR practitioners should seek to design reintegration activities that involve natural resources and support long-term sustainable livelihoods interventions. In conflict contexts, natural resource management is typically already a part of existing livelihoods and employment opportunities, in both formal and informal sectors. By carefully assessing and including natural resource management considerations - including foreseen impacts and potential threats from climate change - into reintegration efforts, DDR practitioners can help improve sustainability and resiliency in these key livelihoods sectors. Together with national stakeholders and interagency coordination, promoting sound natural resource management may also create pathways to support key natural resource sectors to transition from the war economy and come into alignment with national development priorities.Engaging the private sector in the reintegration phase of a DDR programme is also an opportunity to formalize natural resource sectors. This is especially important for sectors that have been part of the root causes of conflict, continue to be exploited to finance conflict, or where ex- combatants may already be engaged in informal employment or other income-generating activities. Changing these sectors helps to move the entire context from conflict towards sustainable peace. This is especially true in countries with significant potential for development of key natural resource sectors, whether in extractives or others. For example, individuals may join armed groups in order to access employment opportunities in the mining sector, but experience has shown that they prefer to work in mines regulated in the formal economy if they have the option. Support for the formalization of natural resource sectors may support both reduced recruitment and the creation of formal employment opportunities that will provide tax revenues for the State and be subject to national laws, including labour regulations.DDR practitioners must also consider both national and international private sector actors as key contributors to economic revitalization. While it can be difficult to get accurate information on the activities of private companies and their agreements with governments before, during and after conflict, DDR programmes offer an opportunity to engage with the private sector to enhance existing employment opportunities and to encourage their support for sustainable peace. DDR practitioners should determine the impacts and dependencies of the private sector on natural resources as part of their assessments and actively engage with local and international private companies to explore opportunities to generate employment and support community development through collaborations. This can help to identify existing and upcoming private sector companies that could be engaged to supply training and employment to DDR programme participants and beneficiaries.In natural resource sectors, private companies can also provide much-needed expertise and support for infrastructure development. While this should be encouraged, DDR practitioners must also be aware that national policies and enforcement capacities also need to be in place in order for this to contribute to sustainable peace. For example, in countries where the government is granting concessions to private entities for the exploitation of extractive or agricultural resources, sufficient due diligence requirements for transparency must be in place. These can include the ability for local communities to monitor company activities and the existence and enforcement of accompanying processes such as Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) and other principles of international norms included in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.Formalizing sectors that contribute to global supply chains, including minerals, timber, or other high-demand agricultural commodities requires understanding the existing supply chain. This could mean working with existing actors and efforts contributing to improved transparency, traceability and engagement of emerging technologies and systems to support this. For instance, due diligence efforts in mineral supply chains are increasingly being digitized, thereby reducing the risk of fraud present with paper-based systems. Electronic systems also enable clearer tracing to downstream companies implicated in mineral supply chains that are also subject to regulations governing their risk of exposure to conflict in their supply chains. DDR practitioners should engage with these efforts to identify ways to target and improve employment opportunities for those participating in reintegration programmes, as well as to help contribute to the overall stabilization of these sectors and their contribution to sustainable peace."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"7.3 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.3.1 Value chain approaches and community-based natural resource management","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":34,"Paragraph":"Value chains are defined as the full range of interrelated productive activities performed by organizations in different geographical locations to produce a good or service from conception to complete production and delivery to the final consumer. A value chain encompasses more than the production process and also includes the raw materials, networks, flow of information and incentives between people involved at various stages. It is important to note that value chains may involve several products, including waste and by-products.Each step in a value chain process allows for employment and income-generating opportunities. Value chain approaches are especially useful for natural resource management sectors such as forestry, non-timber forest products (such as seeds, bark, resins, fruits, medicinal plants, etc.), fisheries, agriculture, mining, energy, water management and waste management. A value chain approach can aid in strengthening the market opportunities available to support reintegration efforts, including improving clean technology to support production methods, accessing new and growing markets and scaling employment and income-generation activities that are based on natural resources. DDR practitioners may use value chain approaches to enhance reintegration opportunities and to link opportunities across various sectors.22Engaging in different natural resource sectors can be extremely contentious in conflict settings. To reduce any grievances or existing tensions over shared resources, DDR practitioners should undertake careful assessments and community consultations shall be undertaken before including beneficiaries in economic reintegration opportunities in natural resource sectors. As described in the UN Employment Policy, community participation in these issues can help mitigate potential causes of conflict, including access to water, land or other natural resources. Capacity-building within the government will also need to take place to ensure fair and equitable benefit-sharing during local economic recovery.Reintegration programmes can benefit from engagement with private sector entities to identify value chain development opportunities; these can be at the local level or for placement on international markets. In order for the activities undertaken during reintegration to continue successfully beyond the end of reintegration efforts, communities and local authorities need to be placed at the centre of decision-making around the use of natural resources and how those sectors will be developed going forward. It is therefore essential that natural resource-based reintegration programmes be conducted with input from communities and local civil society as well as the government. Moving a step further, community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) approaches, which seek to increase related economic opportunities and support local ownership over natural resource management decisions, including by having women and youth representatives in CBNRM committees or village development committees, provide communities with strong incentives to sustainably manage natural resources themselves. Through an inclusive approach to CBNRM, DDR practitioners may ensure that communities have the technical support they need to manage natural resources to support their economic activities and build social cohesion.Box 5. Considerations to improve reconciliation and dialogue through CBNRM CBNRM can also contribute to social cohesion, dialogue and reconciliation, where these are considered as an explicit outcome of the reintegration programme. To achieve this, DDR practitioners should analyse the following opportunities during the design phase: \\n - Identification of shared natural resources, such as communal lands, water resources, or forests during the assessment phase, including analysis of which groups may be seen as the legitimate authorities and decision-makers over the particular resource. \\n - Establishment of decision-making bodies to manage communal natural resources through participatory and inclusive processes, with the inclusion of women, youth, and 36 marginalized groups. Special attention paid to the safety of women and girls when accessing these resources. \\n - Outreach to indigenous peoples and local communities, or other groups with local knowledge on natural resource management to inform the design of any interventions and integration of these groups for technical assistance or overall support to reintegration efforts. \\n - At the outset of the DDR programme and during the assessment and analysis phases, identify locations or potential \u201chotspots\u201d where natural resources may create tensions between groups, as well as opportunities for environmental cooperation and joint planning to complement and reinforce reconciliation and peacebuilding efforts. \\n - Make dialogue and confidence-building between DDR participants and communities an integral part of environmental projects during reintegration. \\n - Build reintegration options on existing community-based systems and traditions of natural resource management as potential sources for post-conflict peacebuilding, while working to ensure that they are broadly inclusive of different specific needs groups, including women, youth and persons with disabilities.Due to their different roles and gendered divisions of labour, female and male community members may have different natural resource-related knowledge skills and needs that should be considered when planning and implementing CBNRM activities. Education and access to information is an essential component of community empowerment and CBNRM programmes. In terms of natural resources, this means that DDR practitioners should work to ensure that communities and specific needs groups are fully informed of the risks and opportunities related to the natural resources and environment in the areas where they live. Providing communities with the tools and resources to manage natural resources can empower them to take ownership and to seek further engagement and accountability from the Government and private sector regarding natural resource management and governance."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"7.3 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.3.2 Reintegration support and land rights","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":36,"Paragraph":"In both rural and urban contexts, property rights, land tenure and access to land may underpin grievances and lead to further disputes or conflicts that undermine reintegration and sustainable peace. Land issues can be particularly complicated in countries where land governance frameworks and accompanying laws are not fully in place, where tenure systems do not exist or are contested, and where there are not due processes to resolve conflicts over land rights. In many cases, the State may claim rights to land that communities claim historical rights to and grant these lands to companies as concessions for extractive resources or to develop agricultural resources for trade in domestic and international markets.In these cases, DDR practitioners should carefully analyse the existing state of land tenure and related grievances to understand how they relate to the conflict context and may contribute to or undermine sustainable peace. Interagency cooperation and collaboration with national authorities will be essential for this, especially close collaboration with civil society and representatives of local communities. Where possible, addressing land-related grievances should be a priority for DDR practitioners, with support from experts and other agencies with mandates and resources to undertake the necessary efforts to improve the land tenure system of a particular context.DDR practitioners shall follow international guidelines for land tenure in the assessment, design and implementation phase of reintegration programmes. Since land tenure issues are a long- term development challenge, it is essential that DDR practitioners work with other specialized agencies to address this and ensure that land tenure reform efforts continue after the reintegration programme has come to an end."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"7.3 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.3.3 Reintegration support and agriculture and fisheries","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":37,"Paragraph":"In many conflict contexts, agriculture and fisheries are mainstays of economic activities and subsistence livelihoods. However, the resources needed for these activities, including access to land, livestock and grazing areas, or boats can be compromised or destroyed by conflict. Seasonal patterns associated with agriculture and fisheries activities are to be accounted for when providing reintegration support and in particular when aiming at the promotion of income-generation activities. DDR practitioners should analyse the agricultural sector to understand which crops are most important for livelihoods and work with experts to determine how reintegration efforts can support the revitalization of the sector after conflict, including consideration of seasonality of agricultural activities and any associated migration patterns, as well as changing climate and rainfall patterns that are likely to affect agriculture. As described at the beginning of this section, a value chain and CBNRM approach to these sectors can help to maximize the opportunities and success of reintegration efforts by supporting improved production and processing of a particular agricultural commodity or fisheries product. DDR practitioners should seek experts from national institutions, local communities and interagency partners to bring as much technical expertise and resources to bear as possible, including perspectives on which crop species and methods may yield the greatest impact in terms of resiliency, sustainability and climate change adaptation.Improving resiliency in the agricultural sector should be a high priority for DDR practitioners, with considerations for shifting rainfall patterns and the need for responsive mitigation factors related to climate change prioritized. Access to water, technology to manage crop seasons and improved varieties that are drought-tolerant are some of the factors that DDR practitioners can take into consideration. DDR practitioners should consult experts for technical recommendations to improve the resiliency of reintegration programmes in the agriculture sector, both in terms of ecological and technological improvements, as well as links and connections to markets and supply chains to improve prospects for long-term economic recovery."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"7.3 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.3.4 Reintegration support and forestry and energy","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":39,"Paragraph":"Forestry as an economic sector can employ a substantial number of people but requires sound management to be sustainable. Forest lands are also often the traditional territories of indigenous peoples and their rights to those lands may be undermined during the conflict or by hostile takeovers as part of the granting of concessions to logging companies. DDR practitioners should be careful to analyze the full range of claims and rights to forest lands and promote sustainable forest management as part of reintegration efforts, including promoting the human rights of forest-dwelling peoples. Opportunities to work collaboratively with the private sector for job creation must be accompanied by commitments to promote human rights, including land rights, as part of any reintegration effort in the forestry sector. National actors should be supported to build capacity for sustainable forest management and safe and decent working conditions as part of these efforts. Interagency collaborators can also support capacity building and technical training."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"7.3 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.3.5 Reintegration support and energy","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":40,"Paragraph":"The energy sector varies in each context, but where natural resource management and reintegration is concerned, DDR practitioners should carefully analyse critical energy resources for livelihoods and households. In many contexts, the unsustainable use of small trees for charcoal production can lead to reduced soil stability and heightened vulnerability to climate change impacts. For women and girls, the distance required to travel to gather wood for charcoal can also pose security risks, especially concerning sexual and gender-based violence. Alternatives that may be promoted by DDR practitioners include the development of community-managed woodlots specifically for charcoal production that are sustainably managed and located in secure areas. These efforts also help to improve resiliency by increasing supply for local energy needs as well as creating a sustainable source of livelihoods.In areas where other opportunities for energy production exist, such as micro-hydro or solar infrastructure, DDR practitioners should engage technical experts to identify opportunities and to determine what kinds of interventions may be feasible and recommended as part of reintegration efforts. Collaboration with national authorities and interagency stakeholders is also recommended for these efforts."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"7.3 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.3.6 Reintegration support and extractives","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":41,"Paragraph":"The extractive sector - which can include hydrocarbons as well as minerals, gems and precious metals - is often implicated in conflicts. The lootable nature of some of these resources, as well as the fact that they are in high demand and are highly valuable in international markets, makes them critical sources of potential financing for armed forces and groups, as well as organized criminal groups. Alternatively, these sectors have significant potential to contribute to livelihoods, employment and development if well-managed. DDR practitioners shall include these sectors in their analysis and identify opportunities and potential partnerships to contribute to the formalization and management of these sectors as part of reintegration efforts.Critical sources of information include entities working on improved transparency and traceability in these supply chains (including certification systems) who can provide DDR practitioners with critical information on operations that may be good candidates for reintegration opportunities in the mining and extractives sector. Likewise, DDR practitioners can provide these entities with information on risks related to armed forces and groups, creating a flow of information to ensure that efforts to improve conflict-free operations and employment opportunities in the mining and extractives sector are well coordinated.Other critical actors to consider include male and female members of organized criminal groups who may already be involved in the extraction and trade of these resources. Where organized criminal groups, or armed forces and groups, or even national security sector actors are implicated in the extraction and trade of these resources, DDR practitioners must ensure that they do not perpetuate this illicit capture of the extractive sector. Close collaboration with national and international stakeholders to help improve governance and enforcement of regulations in these sectors overall may be necessary before reintegration programmes can begin. DDR practitioners should look to engage with entities contributing to improving the transparency of these supply chains and to formalizing and strengthening employment opportunities.Once these sectors and actors have been identified, national actors and other technical expertise via interagency partnerships can be called upon by DDR practitioners to help support employment creation and formalization of the identified sectors. There are significant civil society resources at the international, regional and national levels that may be brought to bear here as well. In addition, DDR practitioners should seek to establish clear collaborations with private sector entities engaged in these sectors in order to promote their adherence to national laws and international norms for the extractive sector, including around land rights, labour rights, and human rights, including the FPIC of any potentially affected communities. This might include efforts to register the miners, traders and other actors along the supply chain and to encourage purchasing from mines that are certified or that have due diligence traceability measures in place.Finally, DDR practitioners should identify any potential environmental harms that may have resulted or could result from interventions in these sectors. Where environmental harms already exist, DDR practitioners may design reintegration programmes to mitigate and repair these damages. Where development of the extractives sector could potentially contribute to future harms, DDR practitioners shall identify the appropriate mitigating measures necessary to protect both the health and labour rights of workers, as well as any potential environmental harms"},{"ID":41,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"7.3 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.3.7 Reintegration support and water management","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":43,"Paragraph":"Water management is a critical sector for livelihoods for use by both households and the agricultural sector as well as a potentially critical issue of grievance, depending on the conflict context. In areas where water resources have been a cause of conflict, DDR practitioners should include a full analysis of the various perspectives of those who claim any grievance over the water resource and seek opportunities to use water management as a means to promote social cohesion. Community-based approaches to water management can be employed to ensure that decision-making authority is distributed amongst key affected parties, with special attention to the inclusion of specific needs groups and vulnerable populations who need access to water for safe consumption and their livelihoods.Water resource management can also be a powerful tool to promote cross-border, inter- regional or local cooperation. In areas where water resources cross political boundaries, this may necessitate transboundary agreements. In more local areas within political boundaries, water resource management can be addressed through locally devised options. Special attention shall be paid to any risk of contamination or diversion of water resources by upstream interventions as part of or outside of DDR programmes; to ensure this, DDR practitioners should consult technical experts to complete full analyses of the risks to any important water resource and integrate local and national actors and other interagency experts into the design of reintegration efforts as necessary. Attention should also be paid to allocation of water resources at the local level, including ensuring that access is equitable and that there are proper systems in place to ensure water quality and quantity. In addition, the current and likely future effects of climate change on water resources \u2013 underground as well as surface level and contributing rainfall patterns \u2013 should be considered when determining any interventions that may affect future water access and availability."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and natural resources","Heading2":"7.3 Reintegration","Heading3":"7.3.8 Reintegration support and waste management","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":44,"Paragraph":"Waste management can be a productive sector that contributes to economic reintegration and also needs to be considered for potential risks that could contaminate other natural resources. Any opportunities to improve sanitation and upcycle water materials can be integrated into reintegration efforts; DDR practitioners should engage technical experts to support analysis for this sector to mitigate any potential risks and create employment opportunities where possible.Reintegration: Key questions \\n- Has data been collected and analysed on natural resource management, including formal and informal, licit and illicit activities, through relevant assessments, to inform reintegration options? \\n- What opportunities exist for reintegration activities in natural resource management to address the root causes and grievances that led to conflict? \\n- Have the risks and opportunities associated with natural resource management as relevant to armed forces and groups or organized criminal groups been analysed (through conflict analysis) when determining effective approaches to reintegration that will avoid the risk of future conflict? \\n- Have the cultural and social dimensions of natural resources in livelihoods and employment, including the gender dimensions of resource access and use, been addressed? \\n- Have all relevant actors in the government, civil society, NGOs, international organizations and local and international private sector entities been engaged and consulted? \\n- Have a selection of environmental and natural resource indicators to monitor DDR and any potential destabilizing trends been included? \\n- Have the impact of government proposals and concession negotiations for extractive industries and any risks for security and durable peace been analysed and considered?"},{"ID":43,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"8. DDR-related tools and natural resource management","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":46,"Paragraph":"When the preconditions are not present to support a DDR programme, a number of DDR-related tools may be used in contexts where natural resources are present. Alternatively, DDR-related tools may also be used before, during and after DDR programmes as complementary measures (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR)."},{"ID":44,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"8. DDR-related tools and natural resource management","Heading2":"8.1 DDR support to mediation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":46,"Paragraph":"The parameters for DDR programmes are often set during peace negotiations and DDR practitioners should seek to advise mediators on what type of DDR provisions are realistic and implementable (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). Benefit sharing, whether of minerals, land, timber or water resources, can be a make-or-break aspect of peace negotiations. Thus, in conflicts where armed forces and groups use natural resources as a means of financing conflict or where they act as an underlying grievance for recruitment, DDR should advise mediators that, where possible, natural resources (or a future commitment to address natural resources) should also be included in peace agreements. Addressing these grievances directly in mediation processes is extremely difficult, making it extremely important that sound and viable strategies for subsequent peacebuilding processes that seek to prevent the re-emergence of armed conflict related to natural resources are prioritized. It is important to carefully analyse how the conflict ended, to note if it was a military victory, a peace settlement, or otherwise, as this will have implications for how natural resources (especially land) might be distributed after the conflict ends. It is important to ensure that women\u2019s voices are also included, as they will be essential to the implementation of any peace agreement and especially to the success of DDR at the community level. Research shows that women consistently prioritize natural resources as part of peace agreements and therefore their inputs should specifically be sought on this issue.23"},{"ID":45,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"8. DDR-related tools and natural resource management","Heading2":"8.2 Transitional weapons and ammunition management","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":46,"Paragraph":"Transitional weapons and ammunition management is a series of interim arms control measures. When implemented as part of a DDR process, transitional WAM is primarily aimed at reducing the capacity of individuals and armed groups to engage in armed violence and conflict. Transitional WAM also aims to reduce accidents and save lives by addressing the immediate risks related to the possession of weapons, ammunition and explosives. As outlined in section 5.2, natural resources may be exploited to finance the acquisition of weapons and ammunition. These weapons and ammunition may then be used armed forces and groups to control territory. If members of armed forces and groups refuse to disarm, for reasons of insecurity, or because they wish to maintain territorial control, DDR practitioners may, in some instances, consider supporting transitional WAM measures focused on safe and secure storage and recordkeeping. For further information, see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management."},{"ID":46,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"8. DDR-related tools and natural resource management","Heading2":"8.3 Community violence reduction","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":47,"Paragraph":"Community violence reduction programmes have many different uses, including the prevention of recruitment. When natural resources are managed in a way that creates employment opportunities and supports development, they can help prevent or discourage the recruitment of individuals into armed forces and groups. Community-based initiatives and short-term employment opportunities that support good natural resource management, such as in infrastructure, disaster-risk reduction, rehabilitation of water resources, restoration of degraded ecosystems and others can provide needed livelihoods resources and discourage participation in other illicit activities or armed groups.In addition, CVR programmes can also be used as stop-gap reinsertion assistance when the reintegration phase of a DDR programme is delayed. The projects implemented as part of a CVR programme are determined by local priorities and can include, but are not limited to, agriculture, labour-intensive short-term employment, and infrastructure improvement. As CVR and reintegration support may sometimes be designed as one programme, particularly in non-mission settings, DDR practitioners should be aware that the guidance on reinsertion and reintegration in this module also applies to CVR. For further information on CVR, see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction."},{"ID":47,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"8. DDR-related tools and natural resource management","Heading2":"8.4 Transitional security arrangements","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":47,"Paragraph":"Many comprehensive peace agreements include provisions for transitional security arrangements (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). Depending on the context, these arrangements may include the deployment of the national police, community police, or the creation of joint units, patrols or operations involving the different parties to a conflict. Joint efforts can help to increase scrutiny on the illicit trade in natural resources. However, these efforts may be compromised in areas where organized criminal groups are present or where natural resources are being exploited by armed forces or groups. In this type of context, DDR practitioners may be better off working with mediators and other actors to help increase provisions for natural resources in peace agreements or cease-fires (see section 8.1 and IDDRS 6.40 on DDR and Organized Crime). Where transitional security arrangements exist, education and training for security units on how to secure natural resources will ensure greater transparency and oversight which can reduce opportunities for misappropriation."},{"ID":48,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"9. Reintegration support and natural resource management","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":48,"Paragraph":"Reintegration support may be provided at all stages of conflict, even if there is no formal DDR programme or peace agreement (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). The guidance provided in section 7.3 of this module, on reintegration as part of a DDR programme, also applies to reintegration efforts outside of DDR programmes. In contexts of ongoing armed conflict, reintegration support can focus on resiliency and improving opportunities in natural resource management sectors, picking up on many of the CBNRM approaches discussed in previous sections. In particular, engagement with other efforts to improve the transparency in targeted natural resource supply chains is extremely important, as this can be a source of creating sustainable employment opportunities and reduce the risk that key sectors are re- captured by armed forces and groups. Undertaking these efforts together with other measures to help the recovery of conflict-affected communities can also create opportunities for social reconciliation and cohesion."},{"ID":49,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"10. DDR, SSR and natural resource management","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":48,"Paragraph":"Armed forces and groups often fuel their activities by assuming control over resource rich territory. When States lose sovereign control over these resources, DDR and SSR processes are impeded. For example, resource revenues can prove relatively more attractive than the benefits offered through DDR and, as a result, individuals and groups may opt not to participate. Similarly, armed groups that are required by peace agreements to integrate into the national army and redeploy to a different geographical area may refuse to do so if it means losing control over resource rich territory. Where members of the security sector have been controlling natural resource extraction and\/ or trade areas or networks, this dynamic is likely to continue until the sector becomes formalized and there are appropriate systems of accountability in place to prevent illegal exploitation or trafficking of resources.Peace agreements that do not effectively address the role of natural resources risk leaving warring parties with the economic means to resume fighting as soon as they decide that peace no longer suits them. In contexts where natural resources fuel conflict, integrated DDR and SSR processes should be planned with this in mind. Where appropriate, DDR practitioners should advise mediation teams on the impact of militarized resource exploitation on DDR and SSR and recommend that provisions regarding the governance of natural resources are included in the peace agreement (if one exists). Care must also be taken not to further militarize natural resource extraction areas. The implementation of DDR in this context can be supported by SSR programmes that address the governance of natural resources. Among other elements, these programmes may focus on ensuring the transparent and accountable allocation of natural resource concessions and transparent management of the revenues derived from their exploitation. This will involve supporting assessments of what natural resources the country has and their best possible usage; assisting in the creation of laws and regulations that require transparency and accountability; and building institutional capacity to manage natural resources wisely and enforce the law effectively. For more information on the relationship between DDR and SSR, see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform."},{"ID":50,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"Annex B: Sample questions for specific needs analysis in regard to natural resources in DDR","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":49,"Paragraph":"Sample questions for conflict and security analysis: \\n Who in the communities\/society\/government\/armed groups benefits from the natural resources that were implicated in the conflict? How do men, women, boys, girls and people with disabilities benefit specifically? \\n Who has access to and control over natural resources? What is the role of armed groups in this? \\n What trends and changes in natural resources are being affected by climate change, and how is access and control over natural resources impacted by climate change? \\n Who has access to and control over land, water and non-extractive resources disaggregated by sex, age, ethnic and\/or religion? What is the role of armed groups in this? \\n What are the implications for those who do not carry arms (e.g., security and access to control over resources)? \\n Who are the most vulnerable people in regard to depletion of natural resources or contamination? \\n Who is vulnerable people in terms of safety and security regarding access to natural resources and what are the specific vulnerabilities of men, women, and minorities? \\n Which groups face constraints in regard to access to and ownership of capital assets?Sample questions for disarmament operations and transitional weapons and ammunition management: \\n Who within the armed groups or in the communities carry arms? Do they use these to control natural resources or specific territories? \\n What are the implications of disarmament and stockpile management sites for local communities\u2019 livelihoods and access to natural resources? Are the implications different for women and men? \\n What are the reasons for male and female members of armed groups to hold arms and ammunition (e.g., lack of alternative livelihoods, lootability of natural resources, status)? \\n What are the reasons for male and female community members to possess arms and ammunition (e.g. access to natural resources, protection, status)?Sample questions for demobilization (including reinsertion): \\n How do cantonments or other demobilization sites affect local communities\u2019 access to natural resources? \\n How are women and men affected differently? \\n What are the infrastructure needs of local communities? \\n What are the differences of women and men\u2019s priorities? \\n In order to act in a manner inclusive of all relevant stakeholders, whose voices should be heard in the process of planning and implementing reinsertion activities with local communities? \\n What are the traditional roles of women and men in labour market participation? What are the differences between different age groups? \\n Do women or men have cultural roles that affect their participation (e.g. child care roles, cultural beliefs, time poverty)? \\n What skills and abilities are required from participants of the planned reinsertion activities? \\n Are there groups that require special support to be able to participate in reinsertion activities?Sample questions for reintegration and community violence reduction programmes: \\n What are the gender roles of women and men of different age groups in the community? \\n What decisions do men and women make in the family and community? \\n Who within the household carries out which tasks (e.g. subsistence\/breadwinning, decision making over income spending, child care, household chores)? \\n What are the incentives of economic opportunities for different family members and who receives them? \\n Which expenditures are men and women responsible for? \\n How rigid is the gendered division of labour? \\n What are the daily and seasonal variations in women and men\u2019s labour supply? \\n Who has access to and control over enabling assets for productive resources (e.g., land, finances, credit)? \\n Who has access to and control over human capital resources (e.g., education, knowledge, time, mobility)? \\n What are the implications for those with limited access or control? For those who risk their safety and security to access natural resources? \\n How do constraints under which men and women of different age groups operate differ? \\n Who are the especially vulnerable groups in terms of access to natural resources (e.g., women without male relatives, internally displaced people, female-headed households, youth, persons with disabilities)? \\n What are the support needs of these groups (e.g. legal aid, awareness raising against stigmatization, protection)? How can barriers to the full participation of these groups be mitigated?"},{"ID":51,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Natural Resource Management","Heading1":"Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management","PageNum":52,"Paragraph":"Second Report on protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts of 2019 (A\/CN.4\/728) by Special Rapporteur Marja Lehto \\n The present report considers certain questions of the protection of the environment in non- international armed conflicts, with a focus on how the international rules and practices concerning natural resources may enhance the protection of the environment during and after such conflicts. It should be underlined here that the two questions considered\u2013 illegal exploitation of natural resources and unintended environmental effects of human displacement \u2013 are not exclusive to non-international armed conflicts. Nor do they provide a basis for a comprehensive consideration of environmental issues relating to non-international conflicts. At the same time, they are representative of problems that have been prevalent in current non-international armed conflicts and have caused severe stress to the environment. The present report will lay the basis for finalizing work on the topic by the International Law Commission, so that a complete set of draft principles together with the accompanying commentaries could be adopted.The Sustaining Peace Approach and twin resolutions on the review of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture of 2018 (GA resolution 70\/262 and SC resolution 2282 (2016)) \\n The concept of \u2018Sustaining Peace\u2019 has emerged as a new and comprehensive approach to preventing the outbreak, continuation and recurrence of conflict. It marks a clear break from the past where efforts to build peace were perceived to be mainly restricted to post-conflict contexts. The concept, framed by the twin sustaining peace resolutions and the United Nations (UN) Secretary General Report on peacebuilding and sustaining peace, recognises that a comprehensive approach is required across the peace continuum, from conflict prevention, through peace-making, peacekeeping and longer-term development. It therefore necessitates an 'integrated and coherent approach among relevant political, security and developmental actors, within and outside of the United Nations system.SG Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative and Declaration of Shared Commitments (2018) \\n\\n Through his Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative, the Secretary-General called on Member States, the Security Council, host countries, troop- and police- contributing countries, regional partners and financial contributors to renew our collective engagement with UN peacekeeping and mutually commit to reach for excellence. The Declaration commitments focus on a set of key priorities that build on both new commitments and existing workstreams. Implementation goals are centered on eight priority commitment areas: \\n politics \\n women, peace and security \\n protection \\n safety and security \\n performance and accountability \\n peacebuilding and sustaining peace \\n partnerships \\n conduct of peacekeepers and peacekeeping operations2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) \\n The SDGs include elements that pertain to DDR, gender and natural resources. A comprehensive approach to achieving them requires humanitarian and development practitioners, including those working in DDR processes, to take into account each of these goals when planning and designing interventions. _____ Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cWomen\u2019s participation in peacebuilding\u201d of 7 September 2010 (A\/65\/354 - S\/2010\/466) \\n The report calls on all peacebuilding actors to \u201censure gender-responsive economic recovery\u201d through \u201cthe promotion of women as \u2018front-line\u2019 service-delivery agents,\u201d including in the areas of \u201cagricultural extension and natural resource management.\u201dThird Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cDisarmament, demobilization and reintegration\u201d of 21 March 2011 (A\/65\/741) \\n The 2011 Report of the Secretary-General on DDR identifies trafficking in natural resources as a \u201ckey regional issue affecting the reintegration of ex-combatants,\u201d and specifically refers to natural resource management as an emerging issue that can contribute to the sustainability of reintegration programmes if properly addressed.Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on \u201cObservance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control\u201d of 13 January 2011 (A\/RES\/65\/53) \\n This General Assembly resolution underlines \u201cthe importance of the observance of environmental norms in the preparation and implementation of disarmament and arms limitation agreements\u201d and reaffirms that the international community should contribute to ensuring compliance with relevant environmental norms in negotiating treaties and agreements on disarmament and arms limitation. It further calls on \u201call States to adopt unilateral, bilateral, regional and multilateral measures so as to contribute to ensuring the application of scientific and technological progress within the framework of international security, disarmament and other related spheres, without detriment to the environment or to its effective contribution to attaining sustainable development.\u201dReport of the Secretary-General on \u201cPeacebuilding in the immediate aftermath of conflict\u201d of 16 July 2010 (A\/64\/866\u2013S\/2010\/386) \\n In this report, the Secretary-General notes that \u201cgreater efforts will be needed to deliver a more effective United Nations response\u201d in the area of natural resources, and he \u201ccall[s] on Member States and the United Nations system to make questions of natural resource allocation, ownership and access an integral part of peacebuilding strategies.\u201dUnited Nations Policy for Post-Conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration (2009) \\n The Policy notes the importance of addressing \u201croot causes of conflict such as inequitable access to land and natural resources\u201d through the use of \u201cfiscal and redistributive incentives to minimize social tensions\u201d during the reintegration process. It further suggests: \\n diversifying away from natural resource exports by expanding labour-intensive exports and tourism; \\n implementing cash-for-work projects in relevant agricultural and natural resource sectors in rural areas; \\n engaging traditional authorities in dispute resolution, particularly with regard to access to property and other natural resources (such as forestry, fishing and grazing land); and \\n implementing labour-intensive infrastructure programmes to promote sustainable agriculture, including restoration of the natural resource base, while simultaneously emphasizing social acceptance and community participation. ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169) \\n Convention No. 169 offers a unique framework for the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples as an integral aspect of inclusive and sustainable development. As the only international treaty on the subject, it contains specific provisions promoting the improvement of the standards of living of indigenous peoples from an inclusive perspective, and includes their participation from the initial stages in the planning of public policies that affect them, including labour policies. Regarding the rights of ownership and possession over the lands which they traditionally occupy shall be recognized.ILO Recommendation on Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience (No 205) 2017 This policy builds on ILO recommendation 77 \\n Transition from War to peace and features an expanded scope including internal conflicts and disasters. It broadens and updates the guidance on employment and several other elements of the Decent Work Agenda, taking into account the current global context and the complex and evolving nature of contemporary crises as well as the experience gained by the ILO and the international community in crisis response over the last decades. It also focuses on recovery and reconstruction in post-conflict and disaster situations, as well as on addressing root causes of fragility and taking preventive measures for building resilience.Security Council \u201cResolution 1509 (2003)\u201d on Liberia (S\/RES\/1509); \u201cResolution 1565 (2004)\u201d on DRC (S\/RES\/1565); and \u201cResolution 1856 (2008)\u201d on DRC (S\/RES\/1856) \\n\\n These resolutions share an emphasis on the link between armed conflict and the illicit exploitation and trade of natural resources, categorically condemning the illegal exploitation of these resources and other sources of wealth: \\n In resolution 1509 (2003), the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Liberia was called upon to assist the transitional government in restoring the proper administration of natural resources; \\n Resolution 1565 (2004) \u201curge[s] all States, especially those in the region including the Democratic Republic of the Congo itself, to take appropriate steps in order to end these illegal activities, including if necessary, through judicial means \u2026 and exhort[ed] the international financial institutions to assist the Government of National Unity and Transition in establishing efficient and transparent control of the exploitation of natural resources;\u201d \\n \u201cRecognizing the link between the illegal exploitation of natural resources, the illicit trade in such resources and the proliferation and trafficking of arms as one of the major factors fuelling and exacerbating conflicts in the Great Lakes region of Africa, and in particular in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,\u201d Security Council Resolution 1856 (2008) decided that the UN Peacekeeping Mission would work in close cooperation with the Government in order to, among other things, execute the \u201cdisarmament, demobilization, monitoring of resources of foreign and Congolese armed groups,\u201d and more specifically, \u201cuse its monitoring and inspection capacities to curtail the provision of support to illegal armed groups derived from illicit trade in natural resources.\u201dReport of the Secretary-General entitled Progress report on the prevention of armed conflict of 18 July 2006 (A\/60\/891) \\n The Secretary-General\u2019s progress report notes that \u201cThe most effective way to prevent crisis is to reduce the impact of risk factors \u2026 These include, for instance, international efforts to regulate trade in resources that fuel conflict, such as diamonds \u2026 efforts to combat narcotics cultivation, trafficking and addiction \u2026 and steps to reduce environmental degradation, with its associated economic and political fallout. Many of these endeavours include international regulatory frameworks and the building of national capacities.\u201d In addition, he emphasizes more specifically that, \u201cEnvironmental degradation has the potential to destabilize already conflict-prone regions, especially when compounded by inequitable access or politicization of access to scarce resources,\u201d and \u201curge[s] Member States to renew their efforts to agree on ways that allow all of us to live sustainably within the planet\u2019s means.\u201d He encourages, among other things, implementing programmes that \u201ccan also have a positive impact locally by promoting dialogue around shared resources and enabling opposing groups to focus on common problems.\u201dUNDG-ECHA Guidance Note on Natural Resource Management in Transition Settings (January 2013) \\n This note provides guidance on policy anchors for natural resource management in transition settings, key guiding questions for extractive industries, renewable resources and land to help understand their existing and potential contribution to conflict and peacebuilding and describes entry points where these issues should be considered within existing UN processes and tools. It also includes annexes, which highlight tools, resources and sources of best practice and other guidance for addressing natural resource management challenges in transition settings.Examples of relevant Certification Schemes, Standards, Guidelines and Principles \\n Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) The EITI is a coalition of governments, companies, civil society groups, investors and international organizations that has developed an international standard for transparent reporting on revenues from natural resources. With the EITI, companies publish what they pay and governments publish what they receive in order to encourage transparency and accountability on both sides. The process is overseen by a multi stakeholder group of governments, civil society and companies that provides a forum for dialogue and a platform for broader reforms along the natural resources value chain.Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Land Tenure Guidelines \\n The purpose of these guidelines is to serve as a reference and provide guidance to improve the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests with the overarching goal of achieving food security for all. The Guidelines have a particular focus on the linkages between tenure of land, fisheries and forests with poverty eradication, food security and sustainable livelihoods, with an emphasis on vulnerable and marginalized people. They mention specific actions that can be taken in order to improve tenure for land, fisheries and forests, especially for women, children, youth and indigenous peoples, as well as for the resolution of disputes, conflicts over tenure, and cooperation on transboundary matters. The Guidelines are voluntary.Pinheiro Principles on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons \\n The Pinheiro Principles on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons were endorsed by the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights on 11 August 2005 and are firmly established on the basis of international humanitarian and human rights law. The Principles provide restitution practitioners, as well as States and UN agencies, with specific policy guidance relating to the legal, policy, procedural, institutional and technical implementation mechanisms for housing and property restitution following conflicts, disasters or complex emergencies. While the principles are focused on housing, land and property (HLP) rights, they also refer to commercial properties, including agricultural and pastoral land. They also advocate for the inclusion of HLP issues in peace agreements and for appeals or other humanitarian budgets.Natural Resources Charter \\n The Natural Resource Charter is a set of principles for governments and societies on how to best harness the opportunities created by extractive resources for development. It outlines tools and policy options designed to avoid the mismanagement of diminishing natural riches and ensure their ongoing benefits. The charter is organized around 12 core precepts offering guidance on key decisions governments face, beginning with whether to extract resources and ending with how generated revenue can produce maximum good for citizens. It is not a recipe or blueprint for the policies and institutions countries must build, but rather a set of principles to guide decision making processes. First launched in 2010 at the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, the charter was written by an independent group of practitioners and academics under the governance of an oversight board composed of distinguished international figures with first-hand experience of the challenges faced by resource-rich countries.OECD due diligence guidance for responsible supply chains of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas \\n The OECD Due Diligence Guidance provides detailed recommendations to help companies respect human rights and avoid contributing to conflict through their mineral purchasing decisions and practices. This Guidance is for use by any company potentially sourcing minerals or metals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas. The OECD Guidance is global in scope and applies to all mineral supply chains. Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act \\n The \u201cconflict minerals\u201d provision\u2014commonly known as Section 1502 of the Dodd Frank Act\u2014 requires U.S. publicly-listed companies to check their supply chains for tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold, if they might originate in Congo or its neighbors, take steps to address any risks they find, and to report on their efforts every year to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Companies are not encouraged to stop sourcing from this region but are required to show they are working with the appropriate care\u2014what is now known as \u201cdue diligence\u201d\u2014to make sure they are not funding armed groups or human rights abuses.Kimberley Process \\n The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) imposes extensive requirements on its members to enable them to certify shipments of rough diamonds as \u2018conflict-free' and prevent conflict diamonds from entering the legitimate trade. Under the terms of the KPCS, participating states must meet \u2018minimum requirements' and must put in place national legislation and institutions; export, import and internal controls; and also commit to transparency and the exchange of statistical data. Participants can only legally trade with other participants who have also met the minimum requirements of the scheme, and international shipments of rough diamonds must be accompanied by a KP certificate guaranteeing that they are conflict-free.UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights \\n The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights are a set of guidelines for States and companies to prevent, address and remedy human rights abuses committed in business operations. The Principles are organized under three main tenets: Protect, Respect and Remedy. Companies worldwide are expected to comply with these norms, which underpin existing movements to create due diligence legislation for company supply chain operations worldwide. Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF) \\n Development practitioners of all persuasions recognize that a well-functioning land sector can boost a country's economic growth, foster social development, shield the rights of vulnerable groups, and help with environmental protection. The World Bank\u2019s LGAF is a diagnostic instrument to assess the state of land governance at the national or sub-national level. Local experts rate the quality of a country's land governance along a comprehensive set of dimensions. These ratings and an accompanying report serve as the basis for policy dialogue at the national or sub-national level."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.40 DDR and Organized Crime.json b/static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.40 DDR and Organized Crime.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c110ea --- /dev/null +++ b/static/data/6 IDDRS FRAMEWORK/6.40 DDR and Organized Crime.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID":0,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"Summary","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"Organized crime and conflict converge in several ways, notably in terms of the actors and motives involved, modes of operating and economic opportunities. Conflict settings \u2013 marked by weakened social, economic and security institutions; the delegitimization or absence of State authority; shortages of goods and services for local populations; and emerging war economies \u2013 provide opportunities for criminal actors to fill these voids. They also offer an opening for illicit activities, including human, drugs and weapons trafficking, to flourish. At the same time, the profits from criminal activities provide conflict parties and individual combatants with economic and often social and political incentives to carry on fighting. For DDR processes to succeed, DDR practitioners should consider these factors.Dealing with the involvement of ex-combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups in organized crime not only requires the promotion of alternative livelihoods and reconciliation, but also the strengthening of national and local capacities. When DDR processes promote good governance practices, transparent policies and community engagement to find alternatives to illicit economies, they can simultaneously address conflict drivers and the impacts of conflict on organized crime, while supporting sustainable economic and social opportunities. Building stronger State institutions and civil service systems can contribute to better governance and respect for the rule of law. Civil services can be strengthened not only through training, but also by improving the salaries and living conditions of those working in the system. It is through the concerted efforts and goodwill of these systems, among other players, that the sustainability of DDR efforts can be realized.This module highlights the need for DDR practitioners to translate the recognized linkages between organized crime, conflict and peacebuilding into the design and implementation of DDR processes. It aims to contribute to age- and gender-sensitive DDR processes that are based on a more systematic understanding of organized crime in conflict and post-conflict settings, so as to best support the successful transition from conflict to sustainable peace. Through enhanced cooperation, mapping and dialogue among relevant stakeholders, the linkages between DDR and organized crime interventions can be addressed in a manner that supports DDR in the context of wider recovery, peacebuilding and sustainable development."},{"ID":1,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"1. Module scope and objectives","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":1,"Paragraph":"This module provides DDR practitioners with information on the linkages between organized crime and DDR and guidance on how to include these linkages in integrated planning and assessment in an age- and gender-sensitive way. The module also aims to help DDR practitioners identify the risks and opportunities associated with incorporating organized crime considerations into DDR processes. The module highlights the role of organized crime across all phases of the peace continuum, from conflict prevention and resolution to peacekeeping, peacebuilding and longer-term development. It addresses the linkages between armed conflict, armed groups and organized crime, and outlines the ways that illicit economies can temporarily support reconciliation and sustainable reintegration. The guidance provided is applicable to mission and non-mission settings and may be relevant for all actors engaged in combating the conflict-crime nexus at local, national and regional levels."},{"ID":2,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":2,"Paragraph":"Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.An organized criminal group shall mean a structured group of three or more persons, existing for a period of time and acting in concert with the aim of committing one or more serious crimes or offences established in accordance with the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC), in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit.1A serious crime shall mean conduct constituting an offence punishable by a maximum deprivation of liberty of at least four years or a more serious penalty.2A structured group shall mean a group that is not randomly formed for the immediate commission of an offence and that does not need to have formally defined roles for its members, continuity of its membership or a developed structure.3Illicit economies are generally defined as economic transactions that are deemed illegal either because (a) \u2018licit\u2019 commodities or services are traded unlawfully or (b) illicit commodities or services are traded through unlawful measures."},{"ID":3,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"3. Introduction","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":3,"Paragraph":"Organized crime can impact all stages of conflict, contributing to its onset, perpetuating violence (including through the financing of armed groups) and posing obstacles to lasting peace. Crime and conflict interact cyclically. Conflict creates space and opportunities for organized crime to flourish by weakening States\u2019 capacities to enforce the rule of law and social order. This creates the conditions for those engaging in organized crime (including both armed forces and armed groups) to operate with comparably little risk.4Criminal activities can directly contribute to the intensity and duration of war, as new armed groups emerge that engage in illicit activities (involving both licit and illicit commodities) while \ufb01ghting each other and the State.5 Criminal activities help to supply parties to armed conflict with weapons, ammunition and revenues, augmenting their ability to engage in armed violence, exploit and abuse the most vulnerable, and promote the proliferation of weapons and ammunition in society, therefore undermining prospects for peace.6Armed groups in part derive resources, power and legitimacy from participation in illicit economies that allow them to impose a scheme of violent governance on locals or provide services to the communities where they are based.7 Additionally, extortion schemes may be imposed on communities, whereby payments are made to armed groups in exchange for protection and\/or the provision of other services. In the absence of State institutions, such tactics can often become accepted and acknowledged as a form of taxation by armed groups. This means that those engaged in criminal activities can, over time, be perceived as legitimate political actors. This perceived legitimacy can, in turn, translate into popular support, while undermining State authority and complicating conflict resolution.Additionally, the UN Security Council has emphasized that terrorists and terrorist groups can benefit from organized crime, whether domestic or transnational, as a source of financing or logistical support. Recognizing that the nature and scope of the linkages between terrorism and organized crime, whether domestic or transnational, vary by context,8 these ties may include an alliance of opportunities such as the engagement of terrorist groups in criminal activities for profit and\/or the receipt of taxes to allow illicit flows to pass through territory under the control of terrorist groups. Overall, the combined presence of terrorism, violent extremism conducive to terrorism and organized crime, whether domestic or transnational, may exacerbate conflicts in affected regions and may contribute to undermining the security, stability, governance, and social and economic development of States.Importantly, in addition to diminishing law and order, armed conflict also makes it more difficult for local populations to meet their basic needs. Communities may turn to the black market for licit goods and services and seek economic opportunities in the illicit economy in order to survive. Since organized crime can underpin livelihoods for local populations before, during and after conflict, the planning for DDR processes must consider the role illicit activities play in communities at large and for specific portions of the population, including women, as well as the linkages between criminal groups and armed forces and groups.The response to organized crime will vary depending on whether the criminal activities at play involve licit or illicit commodities. The legality of commodities may also impact notions of who or what acts as a \u2018spoiler\u2019 to the peace process, community perceptions of DDR and which reintegration options are sought.DDR practitioners should also consider gender dimensions when contemplating how organized crime and armed conflict interact. Organized crime and armed conflict affect and involve women, men, boys and girls differently, irrespective of whether they are combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, victims of organized crime or a combination thereof. For example, although notions of masculinity may be more often associated with engagement in organized crime and males (adults, youth and boys) may more obviously take part in the conflict and make up the largest number of combatants, females who engage in criminal activities and conflict (both in combat and non-combat roles) can face discrimination based on gender from both ex-combatants and communities. Moreover, women are more often survivors of certain forms of organized crime, particularly human trafficking, and can be stigmatized or shamed due to the sexual exploitation they have experienced. They may be rejected by their families and communities upon their return leaving them with few opportunities for social and economic support. The experiences and treatment of males and females both during armed conflict and during their return to society may vary based on social, cultural and economic practices and norms. The organized crime\u2013conflict nexus therefore requires a gender- and age-sensitive DDR response.Children are highly vulnerable to trafficking and to the worst forms of child labour. Child victims may also be stigmatized, hidden or identified as dependants of adults. Therefore, within DDR, the identification of child victims and abductees, both girls and boys, requires age-sensitive approaches.Depending on the circumstances, organized crime may have existed prior to armed conflict (and possibly have given rise to it) or may have emerged during conflict. Organized crime may also remain long after peace is negotiated. Given the linkages between organized crime and armed conflict, it is necessary to recognize and understand this nexus as an integral part of the entire DDR process. DDR practitioners shall understand this convergence and implement measures that mitigate against associated risks, such as the reengagement of DDR participants in organized crime or the inadvertent removal of illegal livelihoods without alternatives."},{"ID":4,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to the linkages between DDR and organized crime."},{"ID":5,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1 People centred","Heading3":"4.1.1 Criteria for participation\/eligibility","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":4,"Paragraph":"In contexts in which organized crime and armed conflict converge, members of armed forces and groups under consideration to participate in DDR may be (or may have been) engaged in criminal activities. Ultimately, States have the prerogative to legislate on crimes and determine applicable sanctions, including judicial and non-judicial measures. International humanitarian law encourages the granting of amnesties at the end of hostilities to persons who have participated in armed conflict as a measure of clemency favouring national reconciliation and a return to peace. DDR practitioners shall therefore seek advice from human rights officers or rule-of-law or other legal experts to assess the types of crimes committed in a particular context, whether amnesties have been issued in accordance with international humanitarian and human rights law, and for which types of crimes those amnesties have been issued, as their commission may make those involved ineligible for DDR. Engagement in organized criminal activities may sometimes rise to the level of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, and\/or gross violations of human rights. Therefore, if DDR participants are found to have committed these crimes, they shall immediately be removed from participation. For additional guidance on armed groups and individuals listed by the Security Council as terrorists, as well as perpetrators or suspected perpetrators of terrorist acts, see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR."},{"ID":6,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.1 People centred","Heading3":"4.1.2 Unconditional release and protection of children ","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"The majority of girls and boys associated with armed forces and groups may be victims of human trafficking, and DDR practitioners shall treat all children who have been recruited by armed forces and groups, including children who have otherwise been exploited, as victims of crime and of human rights violations. When DDR processes are implemented, children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies. As victims of crime, children\u2019s cases shall be handled by child protection authorities. Children shall be provided with support for their recovery and reintegration into families and communities, and the specific needs arising from their exploitation shall be addressed. For further information, see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR."},{"ID":7,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.2 Gender responsive and inclusive ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"DDR practitioners shall be aware that, in contexts of organized crime, not all DDR participants and beneficiaries have the same needs. For example, the majority of victims of human trafficking, sexual abuse and exploitation are women, girls and boys. Moreover, women may be forcibly recruited for labour by armed groups and used as smuggling agents for weapons and ammunition. Whether they become members of armed groups or are abductees, women have specific needs derived from their human trafficking exploitation including debt bondage; physical, psychological and sexual abuse; and restricted movement. DDR practitioners shall therefore pay particular attention to the specific needs of women and men, boys and girls derived from their condition of having been trafficked and implement DDR processes that offer appropriate, age- and gender- specific psychological, economic and social assistance. For further information, see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR."},{"ID":8,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.3 Conflict sensitive","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":5,"Paragraph":"DDR practitioners shall be aware of the way that crime can influence politics in the country in which they operate and avoid inadvertently feeding harmful dynamics. For example, DDR participants may seek to negotiate for political positions in exchange for violence reduction, without necessarily stepping away from their links to organized criminal groups.9 In these scenarios, DDR practitioners shall consider wider strategies to strengthen institutions, fight corruption and foster good governance. DDR practitioners shall be aware that without safeguards, DDR processes may inadvertently legitimize illicit flows of both licit and illicit commodities, and corruption in political and State institutions. The establishment of prevention, protection and monitoring mechanisms (including systems for ensuring access to justice and police protection) is essential to prevent and punish sexual and gender-based violence, harassment and intimidation, and any other violation of human rights."},{"ID":9,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.4 Context specific","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"DDR processes shall be context specific in order to address local, national, regional and global circumstances. Organized crime takes on very different shapes and forms from one place to another and can evolve over time to adapt to changing realities. The evolution of organized crime may outpace DDR processes that require time to adapt. DDR processes that address organized crime through risk prevention and mitigation measures in one particular context cannot necessarily be replicated in another. Thus, in the planning of DDR processes, practitioners shall incorporate organized crime considerations into integrated assessments, by including an examination of organized crime as well as the local political economy, potential risks, mitigating factors and opportunities for local collaboration. For further information, see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments."},{"ID":10,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.5 Flexible, accountable and transparent","Heading3":"4.5.1 Accountable and transparent","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"DDR processes are undertaken in the context of national and local frameworks that must comply with relevant rights and obligations under international law (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). Both in and out of conflict settings, it is the State that has prosecutorial discretion and identifies which crimes are \u2018serious\u2019. In the absence of most serious crimes under international law, such as crimes against humanity, war crimes and gross violations of human rights, it falls on the State to implement criminal justice measures to tackle individuals\u2019 engagement in organized criminal activities. However, issues arise when the State itself engages in criminal activities or is a party to the conflict (and therefore cannot perform a neutral role in prosecuting members of adversarial groups). For armed groups, DDR processes and other peacebuilding\/peacekeeping measures may be perceived as implementing victors\u2019 justice by focusing on engagement in illicit activities that fuel conflict, rather than seeking to understand why the group was fighting in the first place. DDR practitioners shall be aware of these potential risks to the success of DDR processes and ensure that efforts are as transparent as possible. For further information, see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice."},{"ID":11,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.6 Nationally and locally owned","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":6,"Paragraph":"DDR processes shall have built-in mechanisms to allow for national stakeholders, including civil society groups and the private sector, to not only be engaged in the implementation of DDR processes but to be involved in planning. Ultimately, internationally supported DDR processes are finite and constricted by mandates and resources. Therefore, both external and national DDR practitioners shall, to the extent possible, work with (other) national stakeholders to build political will and capacities on organized crime issues. DDR practitioners shall establish relevant and appropriate partnerships to make available technical assistance on organized crime issues through expert consultations, staff training, and resource guides and toolkits.Armed forces may themselves be discharged as part of DDR processes and, at the same time, may have been actively involved in facilitating or gatekeeping illicit activities. To address the challenges posed by the entrenched interests of conflict entrepreneurs, improved law enforcement, border controls, police training and criminal justice reform is required. Where appropriate, DDR practitioners shall seek to partner with entities engaged in this type of broader security sector reform (SSR). For further information, see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform."},{"ID":12,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"4. Guiding principles","Heading2":"4.7 Regionally supported","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"The regional causes of conflict and the political, social and economic interrelationships among neighbouring States sharing insecure borders will present challenges in the implementation of DDR. Organized crime that is transnational in nature can exacerbate these challenges. DDR practitioners shall carefully coordinate with regional organizations and other relevant stakeholders when managing issues related to repatriation and the cross-border movement of weapons, armed groups and trafficked persons. The return of foreign former combatants and children formerly associated with armed forces and groups may pose particular challenges and will require separate strategies (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements and IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR)."},{"ID":13,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Identifying the role of organized crime in armed conflict is integral to effectively addressing the factors that may give rise to conflict, sustain it or pose obstacles to sustainable peace. Broader analysis of organized crime in local contexts and the role it plays in local economies and in social and political frameworks can help DDR practitioners develop processes that minimize risks, including the risk of a relapse in violence, the risk that former members of armed forces and groups will re-engage in illicit activities, the risk that DDR processes will remove livelihoods, and the risk of impunity. By integrating organized crime considerations throughout DDR processes and in overall peacebuilding efforts, practitioners can provide ex-combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and local communities with holistic recovery assistance that promotes long-term peace and stability.The following sections seek to clarify the relationship between DDR processes, organized crime and armed conflict by looking at the role that criminal activities play in armed conflict, how and why armed forces and groups engage in organized crime, and the implications for DDR planning and implementation."},{"ID":14,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings","Heading2":"5.1 The role of organized crime in conflict","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Although multi-dimensional and complex, the impact of criminal activities on armed conflict can generally be described as the following:"},{"ID":15,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings","Heading2":"5.1 The role of organized crime in conflict","Heading3":"5.1.1 Contributing to the outbreak of conflict","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":7,"Paragraph":"Organized crime often emerges when resources, governance, and social and economic opportunities are distributed inequitably. Individuals who feel politically and economically marginalized may turn to the illicit or informal economy, and the social gains derived from illicit activities may become increasingly attractive. Likewise, those who are marginalized may become increasingly resentful of formal economies and social and political channels from which they are excluded. This may make engagement in criminal activities and\/or armed conflict appear legitimate. At the same time, illicit funds from criminal activities detract from the formal economy and divert potential tax revenues from States that could have used these funds to invest in education, health care and development. This diversion of funds further exacerbates discontent among the population while diminishing governance. The illicit trade in arms and ammunition may also result in the increased circulation of illicit materiel in communities at the same time as discontent is rising."},{"ID":16,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings","Heading2":"5.1 The role of organized crime in conflict","Heading3":"5.1.2 Sustaining conflict ","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"Once armed conflict has erupted, illicit and informal economies are vulnerable to capture by armed groups, which transforms them into both war and criminal economies. Criminal economies can interweave with war economies by providing financial support and weapons and ammunition for armed groups. Violence can serve as a tool, not only to facilitate or control the illicit movement of goods, but also among armed groups that sell violence to provide protection or reinforcement of a flow under extortion schemes.10 While some armed groups may impose their authority over populations within their captured territory through a scheme of violent governance, in other cases (or in parallel), they may bolster their authority through organized crime by acting as (perceived) legitimate economic and political regulators to local communities."},{"ID":17,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings","Heading2":"5.1 The role of organized crime in conflict","Heading3":"5.1.3 Undermining peace","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":8,"Paragraph":"For example, illicit revenue gained by armed groups engaged in criminal activities may be used to maintain social services and protect civilians and supporters in marginalized communities against predatory groups, particularly where the State is weak, absent or corrupt. In areas where the illicit economy forms the largest or sole source of income for local communities, armed groups can protect local livelihoods from State efforts to suppress these illegal activities. Often, marginalized communities depend on the informal economy to survive, and even more so in times of armed conflict, when goods and services are scarce.During armed conflict, when armed forces and groups make territorial gains, they may also gain access to informal markets and illicit flows of both licit and illicit commodities. This access can be used to further their war efforts. In these circumstances, in addition to direct engagement in criminal activities, rent-seeking dynamics emerge between armed groups and local communities and other actors, under the threat of violence or under the premise of protection of locals against other predatory groups. For example, rather than engaging in criminal activities directly, armed groups may extort or tax those using key transport (and consequently trafficking) hubs or demand payment for access to resources and extraction sites.Criminal economies risk becoming embedded in a State\u2019s economic and social fabric even after an armed conflict and its war economy formally end. Civilian livelihoods may continue to depend on illicit activities previously undertaken during wartime. Corruption patterns established by State actors during wartime may also continue, particularly when the rule of law has been weakened. This may prevent the development of effective institutions of governance and pose challenges to establishing long-term peace and stability.Even in a post-conflict context, the widespread availability of weapons and ammunition (due to trafficking by armed forces and groups, stockpile mismanagement and weapons retention by former combatants) may undermine the transition to peace. Violence may be used strategically in order to disrupt the distribution of power and resources, particularly in transitioning States where criminal violence has erupted.11Where communities are supported and protected by armed groups, combatants become legitimized in the eyes of the people. Armed groups that act as protectors of local livelihoods, even if livelihoods are made illegally, may gain more widespread political and social capital than State institutions. Where organized crime becomes embedded, these circumstances can result in a resurgence of conflict."},{"ID":18,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings","Heading2":"5.2 The relationship between organized crime and armed forces and groups ","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":9,"Paragraph":"As a preliminary consideration, DDR practitioners should first distinguish between organized crime as an entity and organized crime as an activity. Labelling groups as \u2018organized criminal groups\u2019 (entity) has become increasingly irrelevant in conflict settings where armed groups (and occasionally armed forces) are engaged in organized crime, often rendering organized criminal groups and armed groups indistinguishable. The progressive blurring of lines between organized criminal groups and armed groups necessitates an understanding of the motivations for engaging in organized crime (as an activity) and armed conflict. This awareness is particularly important for DDR practitioners when determining whom to involve as participants in DDR processes and when determining the types of measures to implement in order to minimize continued involvement (and\/or re-engagement) in illicit activities.Where crime and armed conflict converge, two general motives emerge: economic and social\/political. Economic motivations arise in conflict when the State is absent or weak and actors can monopolize a market or carry out a lucrative illicit activity with impunity. Social\/political motives can also arise in the absence of the State apparatus, leading actors to take the State\u2019s place through the pursuit of legitimacy or exercise of power through violent governance. While organized criminal groups have largely been described as carrying out their activities for a financial or material benefit, recent evidence indicates that motives exist beyond profits. Similarly, where armed groups have traditionally fought for a political or ideological reason, economic opportunities presented by organized crime may expand their objectives.While these considerations are most frequently applied to armed groups, armed forces may also directly engage in organized crime. For example, poor working conditions coupled with low wages may be insufficient for individual members of armed forces to survive, leading some to sell weapons to armed groups and communities for financial gain. More broadly, in some cases, challenges to State strongholds mean that State actors must struggle to maintain their power, joining armed groups in competing for resources and territorial control, and often also engaging in organized crime activities for economic profit."},{"ID":19,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings","Heading2":"5.2 The relationship between organized crime and armed forces and groups ","Heading3":"5.2.1 The politicization of crime and criminalization of politics","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"When State involvement in criminal activities is indirect, symbiotic relationships can arise with other conflict actors through corruption. Corruption has been widely identified as a major spoiler of peace processes and poses serious risks to the success of DDR processes. Armed groups engaged in organized crime may actively seek political protection and facilitation for their operations, using bribery and the threat of violence and capturing parts of the democratic process to influence progressively higher levels of the State. In some cases, organized crime becomes so pervasive that it \u2018captures\u2019 the State\u2019s public and political spaces. Due to individuals\u2019 positions within the State apparatus, illicit activities may flourish with impunity. State officials who are linked to illicit activities that contribute to violence can exert their political influence and power to sway negotiations and settlements to benefit their dealings, at the expense of sustainable peace. While the criminalization of politics can become a residual legacy of conflict, the subversion of the rule of law and mismanagement of public services may lead to conditions that risk the recurrence of conflict."},{"ID":20,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings","Heading2":"5.3 Relevant frameworks and approaches to combat organized crime during conflict","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":10,"Paragraph":"In supporting DDR processes, organizations are governed by their respective constituent instruments; specific mandates; and applicable internal rules, policies and procedures. DDR is also supported within the context of a broader international legal framework, which contains rights and obligations that must be adhered to in the implementation of DDR. As such, the applicable legal frameworks should be considered at every stage of the DDR process, from planning to execution and evaluation, and, in some cases, the legal architecture to counter organized crime may supersede DDR policies and frameworks. Failure to abide by the applicable legal framework may result in consequences for the UN, national institutions, the individual DDR practitioners involved and the success of the DDR process as a whole.Within the context of organized crime and armed conflict, DDR practitioners must consider national as well as international legal frameworks that pertain to organized crime, in both conflict and post-conflict settings, in order to understand how they may apply to combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who have engaged in criminal activities. While \u2018organized crime\u2019 itself remains undefined, a number of related international instruments that define concepts and specific manifestations of organized crime form the legal framework upon which interventions and obligations are based (refer to Annex B for a list of key instruments).A country\u2019s international obligations put forth by these instruments are usually translated into domestic legislation. While domestic legal frameworks on organized crime may differ in the treatment of organized crime across States, by ratifying international instruments, States are required to align their national legislation with international standards. Given that DDR processes are carried out within the jurisdiction of a State, DDR practitioners should be aware of the international instruments that the State in which DDR is taking place has ratified and how these may impact the implementation of DDR processes, particularly when determining the eligibility of DDR participants.As a preliminary obligation, DDR practitioners shall respect the national laws of the host State, which in turn must comply with standards set forth by the international legal framework on organized crime, corruption and terrorism as well as international humanitarian and human rights laws. For example, participation in criminal activities by certain former members of armed forces and groups may limit their participation in DDR processes, as outlined in a State\u2019s penal code and criminal procedure codes. Moreover, where crimes (such as forms of human trafficking) committed by ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups are so egregious as to constitute crimes against humanity, war crimes or gross violations of human rights, their participation in DDR processes must be excluded by international humanitarian law.In cases where armed forces have engaged in criminal activities amounting to the most serious crimes under international law, it is the duty of every State to exercise its criminal jurisdiction over those responsible. DDR practitioners shall not facilitate any violations of international human rights law or international humanitarian law by the host State, including arbitrary deprivation of liberty and unlawful confinement, or surveillance\/maintaining watchlists of participants. DDR practitioners should be aware of local and international mechanisms for achieving justice and accountability. Moreover, it is a long-established policy that the UN will not endorse provisions in a transitional justice process that include amnesties for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and gross violations of human rights (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform and IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice). Therefore, if there is a concern regarding the obligation to respect a host State\u2019s law and the activities of the DDR practitioner, the DDR practitioner shall seek legal advice from the competent legal office and human rights office, and DDR processes may need to be adjusted. For further information, see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR.DDR processes may also be impacted by Security Council sanctions regimes. Targeted sanctions against individuals, groups and entities have been utilized by the UN to address threats to international peace and security, including the threat of organized crime by armed groups. DDR practitioners should be aware of any relevant sanctions regime, particularly arms embargo measures that may restrict the options available during disarmament or transitional weapons and ammunitions management activities, limit eligibility for participation in DDR processes and restrict the provision of financial support to DDR participants. (For more information, refer to IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament and IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management.) While each sanctions regime is unique, DDR practitioners shall be aware of those applicable to armed groups and seek legal advice about whether listed individuals or groups can indeed be eligible to participate in DDR processes.For example, the Security Council Committee concerning ISIL (Da\u2019esh), Al-Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities, established pursuant to Resolutions 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015), is the only sanctions committee of the Security Council that lists individuals and groups for their association with terrorism. DDR practitioners shall be further aware that donor States may also designate groups as terrorists through \u2018national listings\u2019. DDR practitioners should consult their legal adviser on the implications a terrorist listing may have for the planning or implementation of DDR processes, including whether the group was designated by the UN Security Council, a regional organization, the host State or a State supporting the DDR process, as well as whether the host or a donor State criminalizes the provision of support to terrorists, in line with applicable international counter-terrorism requirements. For an overview of the legal framework related to DDR more generally, see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR."},{"ID":21,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings","Heading2":"5.4 Implications for DDR","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":12,"Paragraph":"The crime-conflict nexus shall be considered by DDR practitioners as they contemplate engagement and ultimately determine whether DDR is an appropriate response or whether law enforcement interventions and\/or criminal justice mechanisms are better suited to the context.In order to develop successful DDR processes, DDR practitioners should assess whether participants\u2019 involvement in criminal economies came about as a function of war or as part of broader economic or social dynamics. During DDR processes, incentives for combatants to disarm and demobilize may be insufficient if they control access to lucrative resources and have well-established informal taxation regimes that depend upon the continued threat or use of violence.12 Regardless of whether conflict is ongoing or has ended, if these economic motives are not addressed, the risk that former members of armed forces and groups will re-engage in criminal activities increases.Likewise, DDR processes that do not consider social and political motives risk failure. Participation in DDR processes may decrease if members of armed forces and groups feel that they will lose social and political status in their communities by disarming and demobilizing, or if they fear retaliation against themselves and their families for abandoning armed forces and groups who engage in criminal activities. Similarly, communities themselves may be reluctant to accept and trust DDR processes if they feel that such efforts mean losing protection and stability. In such cases, public information can play an important role in supporting DDR processes, by helping to raise awareness of what the DDR process involves and the opportunities available to leave behind illicit economies. For further information, see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR.Moreover, the type of illicit economy can influence local perspectives. For example, labour- intensive illicit economies, such as the cultivation of drug crops or artisanal mining of natural resources including metals and minerals, but also logging and fishing, can easily employ hundreds of thousands to millions of people in a particular locale.13 In these instances, DDR processes that work to remove involvement in what can be \u2018positive\u2019 illicit activities may be unsuccessful if no alternative economic opportunities are offered, and a better route may be to support the formalization and regulation of the relevant sectors.Additionally, the interaction between organized crime and armed conflict is a fundamentally gendered phenomenon, affecting men and women differently in both conflict and post-conflict settings. Although notions of masculinity may be more frequently associated with engagement in organized crime, and males (adults, youth and boys) may more obviously take part in the conflict and make up the largest number of combatants, females who engage in criminal activities and conflict (both in combat and non-combat roles) can face discrimination on the basis of gender from both ex-combatants and communities. Moreover, women are more frequently victims of certain forms of organized crime, particularly human trafficking for sexual exploitation, and can be stigmatized or shamed due to the sexual exploitation they have experienced.14 They may be rejected by their families and communities upon their return, leaving them with few opportunities for social and economic support.At the same time, men and boys who are trafficked, either through sexual exploitation or otherwise, may face a different set of challenges based on perceived emasculation. In addition to economic difficulties, they may face stigma in communities who may not view them as victims at all. DDR processes should therefore follow an intersectional and gender-based approach in providing social, economic and psychological services to former members of armed forces and groups. For example, providing reintegration opportunities specific to female or male DDR participants and beneficiaries that promote equality, independence and a sense of ownership over their futures can have a significant impact on social, psychological and economic well-being.Finally, given that DDR processes are guided by national and local policies, DDR practitioners should bear in mind the role that crime can play in the politics of the countries in which they operate. Even if ex-combatants lay down their arms, they may retain their links to organized crime. In some cases, participation in DDR may be predicated on the condition that ex- combatants engaged in criminal activities are offered positions in the political sphere. This condition risks embedding criminality in the State apparatus. Moreover, for certain types of organized crime, amnesties cannot be granted, as serious human rights violations may have taken place, as in the case of human trafficking. DDR processes must form part of a wider response to strengthening institutions, building resilience towards corruption, strengthening the rule of law, and fostering good governance, which can, in turn, prevent the conditions that may contribute to the recurrence of conflict."},{"ID":22,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"6. DDR and organized crime: planning considerations","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"DDR processes shall form part of overall efforts to achieve peace, considering organized crime as an element of the conflict, through a political prism rather than solely an economic one. Illicit economies should be carefully tackled to avoid unintentionally stigmatizing combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and other DDR participants and beneficiaries. Political dynamics and balances of power should also be kept in mind. Given the complexities of organized crime and conflict, there are very few good practices in peace time, let alone during ongoing conflict. Nevertheless, the basis of any DDR processes should centre on a robust analysis of the local context and thorough information gathering on the dynamics of criminality and conflict.The following section provides guidance on integrating organized crime considerations into DDR planning, including in assessments such as conflict, security and political economy analysis."},{"ID":23,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"6. DDR and organized crime: planning considerations","Heading2":"6.1 Assessments and design","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":13,"Paragraph":"Crime in conflict and post-conflict settings means that DDR must be planned with three major overlapping factors in mind: \\n\\n 1. Actors: When organized crime and conflict converge, several actors may be involved, including combatants and criminal groups as well as State actors, each fuelled by particular and often overlapping motives and engagement in similar activities. Moreover, the blurring of motivations, whether they be political, social or economic, means that membership across these groups may be fluid. In this context, the success and sustainability of DDR rests not in treating armed groups as monolithic entities separate from State armed forces, but rather in making alliances with those who benefit from adopting rule-of-law procedures. The labelling of what is legal and illegal, or legitimate and illegitimate, is done by State actors and, as this is a normative decision, the definition privileges the State. Particularly in conflict settings in which State governance is weak, corrupt or contested, the binary choice of good versus bad is arbitrary and often does not reflect the views of the population. In labelling actors as organized criminal groups, potential partners in peace processes may be discouraged from engaging and become spoilers instead. \\n In DDR planning, the economic, social and political motives that persuade individuals to partake in organized criminal activities should be identified and understood. DDR practitioners should also recognize how organized crime and conflict affect particular groups of actors, such as women and children, differently. \\n\\n 2. Criminal activities: The type of criminal activity in a given conflict setting may have implications for the planning of DDR processes. While organized crime encompasses a wide range of activities, certain criminal markets frequently arise in conflict settings, including the illegal exploitation of natural resources, weapons and ammunition trafficking, drug trafficking and the trafficking of human beings. Recent conflicts also show conflict actors profiting from protection and extortion payments, as well as kidnapping for ransom and other exploitation-based crimes. Not all organized crimes are similar in nature. For example, while some organized crimes are guided by personal greed and profit, others receive local legitimacy because they address the needs of the local community amid an infrastructural and political collapse. For instance, the trafficking of licit goods, such as subsidized food products, can form an integral part of economic and livelihoods strategies. In this context, rather than being seen as criminal conduct, the activities of organized criminal networks may be viewed as a way to build parallel informal economies and greater resilience.15 \\n A number of factors relating to any given criminal economy should be considered when planning a DDR process, including the pervasiveness of the criminal economy; whether it evolved before, during or after the conflict; how violence links criminal activities to armed conflict; whether criminal activities carried out reach the threshold of the most serious crimes under international law; linkages between organized crime and terrorists and\/or terrorist groups; and the labour intensiveness of criminal activities. \\n\\n 3. Context: How the local context serves as both a driver and spoiler of peacebuilding efforts is central to the planning of DDR processes, particularly reintegration. Social factors, including local culture, the perceived legitimacy of criminal activities and individual combatants, and general notions of support or hostility towards DDR itself, shape the way that DDR should be approached. Moreover, understanding the broader economic and\/or political environment in which armed conflict begins and ends allows DDR practitioners to identify entry points, potential obstacles and projections for sustainability. Although DDR processes deal with members of armed forces and groups rather than criminals, it is important to understand how local circumstances beyond the war context can affect reintegration, and the role that reintegration can play in preventing former combatants and persons formerly associated with armed groups from falling into organized crime. This includes assessing the State\u2019s role in either contributing to or deterring engagement in illicit activities, and the abilities of criminal groups to infiltrate conflict settings by appealing to former combatants. \\n UN peace operations may inadvertently contribute to criminal flows because of misguided interventions or as an indirect consequence of their presence. Interventions should be guided by the \u2018do no harm\u2019 principle, and DDR practitioners should support the formulation of context- specific DDR processes based on a sound analysis of local factors, vulnerabilities and risks, rather than by replicating past experiences. A political analysis of the local context should consider the non-exhaustive list of elements listed in table 1 and, to the extent possible, identify gender dimensions where applicable."},{"ID":24,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"6. DDR and organized crime: planning considerations","Heading2":"6.2 Risk management and implementation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":15,"Paragraph":"In the planning, design, implementation and monitoring of DDR processes in organized crime contexts, practitioners shall undertake a comprehensive risk management scheme. The following list of organized crime\u2013related risks is intended to assist DDR practitioners to assess and manage vulnerabilities in such contexts in order to prevent negative consequences. \\n Programmatic risk: In contexts of ongoing conflict, organized crime activities can be used to further both economic and power-seeking gains. The risk that ex-combatants will be re- recruited or (continue to) engage in criminal activity is higher when conflict is ongoing, protracted or financed through organized crime. In the absence of a formal peace agreement, DDR participants may be more reluctant to give up the perceived opportunities that illicit activities offer, particularly when reintegration opportunities are limited, formal and informal economies overlap, and unresolved grievances persist. \\n \u2018Do no harm\u2019 risk: Because DDR processes not only present the risk of reinforcing illicit activities and flows, but may also be vulnerable to corruption and capture, DDR practitioners shall ensure that processes are implemented in a manner that avoids inadvertently contributing to illicit flows and\/or retaliation by armed forces and groups that engage in criminal activities. This includes the careful selection of partnering institutions and groups to implement DDR processes. Within an organized crime\u2013conflict context, DDR processes may also present the risk of reinforcing extortion schemes through the payment of cash\/stipends to DDR participants as part of reinsertion assistance. Practitioners should consider the distribution of payments through the issuance of pre-paid cards, vouchers or digital transfers where possible, to reduce the risk that participants will be extorted by those engaged in criminal activities, including armed forces and groups. \\n Security risk: The possibility of armed groups directly targeting staff\/programmes they may perceive as hostile is high in ongoing conflict contexts, particularly if DDR processes are perceived to be associated with the removal of livelihoods and social status. Conversely, DDR practitioners who are perceived to be supporting individuals (formerly) associated with criminal activities, particularly those who engaged in violence against local populations, can also be at risk of reprisals by certain communities or national actors. It is also important that potential risks to communities and civil society groups that may arise as a consequence of their engagement with DDR processes be properly assessed, managed and mitigated. \\n Reputational risk: DDR practitioners should be aware of the risk of being seen as promoting impunity or being lenient towards individuals who may have engaged in schemes of violent governance against communities. DDR practitioners should also be aware of the risk that they may be seen as being complicit in abusive State policies and\/or behaviour, particularly if armed forces are known to engage in organized criminal activities and pervasive corruption. Due diligence and appropriate frameworks, safeguards and mechanisms shall be applied to continuously address these complex issues. \\n Legal risks: DDR practitioners who rely on Government donors may face additional challenges if these Governments insert conditions or clauses into their grant agreements in order to comply with Security Council resolutions. As stated in IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR, DDR practitioners should consult with their legal adviser if applicable host State national legislation criminalizes the provision of support, including to suspected terrorists or armed groups designated as terrorist organizations. For more information on legal issues and risks, see section 5.3 of this module."},{"ID":25,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"6. DDR and organized crime: planning considerations","Heading2":"6.3 Opportunities for joint approaches in combatting organized crime","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Planning for DDR processes should be undertaken with a diverse range of partners. By coordinating with Government institutions, the criminal justice sector, academia, civil society and the private sector, DDR can provide ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups with a wide range of viable alternatives to criminal activities and violence.While the nature of partnerships in DDR processes may vary, local actors possess in-depth knowledge of the local context. This knowledge should serve as an entry point for joint approaches, particularly in the mapping of actors and local conditions. DDR practitioners can also draw on the research skills of academia and crime observatories to build evidence-based DDR processes. Additionally, cooperation with the criminal justice sector can provide a basis for the sharing of criminal intelligence and expertise to inform DDR processes, as well as capacity- building to assist in the integration of former combatants.DDR practitioners should recognize that not only local authorities, but also civil society actors and the private sector, may be the frontline responders who lay the foundation for peace and development and ensure its long-term sustainability. Innovative financing sources and partnerships should be sought. Local partnerships contribute to the collective ownership of DDR processes. DDR practitioners should therefore be exposed to national and local development actors, strategies and priorities.Beyond engagement with local actors, when conflict and organized crime have a transnational element, DDR practitioners should seek to build partnerships regionally to coordinate the repatriation and sustainable reintegration of ex-combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Armed forces and groups may engage in criminal activities that span borders in terms of perpetrators, victims, violence, supply chains and commodities, including arms and ammunition. When armed conflicts affect more than one country, DDR practitioners should engage regional bodies to address issues related to armed groups operating on foreign territory and to coordinate the repatriation of victims of trafficking. Moreover, even when an armed conflict remains in one country, DDR practitioners should be aware that criminal links may transcend borders and should avoid inadvertently reinforcing illicit cross-border flows. For further information, see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements."},{"ID":26,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"6. DDR and organized crime: planning considerations","Heading2":"6.4 DDR prioritization in organized crime-conflict settings","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"Based on a local mapping of the conflict and its ties to criminal activities, DDR practitioners should set out their primary objectives, taking into account risk factors while managing expectations. It may be useful to outline priorities sequentially, in terms of short-, medium-, and long-term goals, followed by how to achieve them and a baseline of areas for bargaining and concessions. For example, recognizing that some criminal market types are beneficial to local communities in terms of employment, DDR practitioners may negotiate with ex-combatants to continue their involvement in informal economies temporarily, rather than providing training for employment opportunities that do not yet exist. When setting out these objectives, DDR practitioners should be thorough and organized but flexible enough to adapt to changes in the conflict landscape."},{"ID":27,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and organized crime","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":17,"Paragraph":"The trafficking of arms and ammunition supports the capacity of armed groups to engage in conflict settings. Disarmament as part of a DDR programme is essential to developing and maintaining a secure environment in which demobilization and reintegration can take place and can play an important role in crime prevention (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). Moreover, in many cases, Government stockpiles can be a key source of illicit weapons and ammunition, underlining the need to support the development of national weapons and ammunition management capacity. While arms trafficking in and of itself is a direct factor in the duration and escalation of violence, the possession of weapons also secures the ability to maintain or expand other criminal economies, including human trafficking, environmental crimes and the illicit drug trade."},{"ID":28,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and organized crime","Heading2":"7.1 Disarmament","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":18,"Paragraph":"Where criminal activities and economic predation are entrenched, armed groups can secure income through the pillaging of lucrative natural resources, movement of other goods or civilian predation. Under these circumstances, the possession of weapons and ammunition is not merely a function of ongoing insecurity but is also an economic asset and means of control. Weapons are needed to maintain protection economies that centre around governance and violence, thereby creating enormous disincentives for armed groups to disarm. Even after formal peace negotiations, post-conflict areas may remain saturated with weapons and ammunition. Their widespread availability and misuse can lead to increased crime and renewed violence, while undermining peacebuilding efforts. Furthermore, if illicit trafficking of weapons and ammunition is combined with the failure of the State to provide security to its citizens, locals may be motivated to acquire weapons for self-protection.In addition to the considerations laid out in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, DDR practitioners should consider the following key factors when developing disarmament operations as part of DDR programmes in contexts of organized crime: \\nTransparency mechanisms: Specifically, the collection and destruction of weapons, ammunition and explosives should have accounting and monitoring measures in place to prevent diversion. This includes recordkeeping of weapons, ammunition and explosives collected during the disarmament phase of a DDR programme. Transparency in the disposal of weapons and ammunition collected from former conflict parties is key to building trust in the DDR programme. Destruction should not take place if there is a risk that judicial evidence may be lost as a result of the disposal, and especially where there is a risk of linkages to organized crime activities. Recordkeeping and tracing of weapons should be mandatory, and of ammunition where feasible. The use of digital technology should be deployed during recordkeeping, where possible, to allow for weapons tracing from the time of retrieval and throughout the management chain, enhancing accountability. For further information, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament. \\nLink to wider SSR and arms control: Law enforcement agencies in conflict-affected countries often lack the capacity to investigate and prosecute weapons trafficking offenders and to collect and secure illegal weapons and ammunition. DDR practitioners should therefore align their efforts with broader arms control initiatives to ensure that weapons and ammunition management capacity deficits do not further contribute to illicit flows and the perpetration of armed violence. Understanding arms trafficking dynamics, achieved by ensuring collected weapons are marked and thus traceable, is critical to countering illicit arms flows. In the absence of this understanding, illicit flows may continue to provide arms to conflict parties and may continue to provide traffickers with incentives to fuel armed conflicts in order to create or expand their illicit arms market. For further information, see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management and IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform.BOX 1: DISARMAMENT: KEY QUESTIONS \\n What are the roles of weapons and ammunition in the commission of crime, including organized crime? \\n What are the social perspectives of conflict actors and communities on weapons and ammunition? What steps can be taken to develop local norms against the illegal use of weapons and ammunition? \\n What are the sources of illicit weapons and ammunition and possible trafficking routes? \\n In conflict settings, what steps can be taken to disrupt the flow of illicit weapons and ammunition in order to reduce the capacity of individuals and groups to engage in armed conflict and criminal activities? \\n How can DDR programmes highlight the constructive roles of women who may have previously engaged in the illicit trafficking of weapons and\/or ammunition? What precautions can be taken to avoid reinforcing or creating gender-based inequalities? \\n To what extent would the removal of weapons and ammunition jeopardize security and economic opportunities for ex-combatants and communities? \\n When disarmament is not appropriate, can DDR-related tools, such as transitional weapons and ammunition management, be implemented? Can alternative stages (demobilization and reintegration) be offered prior to disarmament to gain trust and contribute to the hand over of weapons and ammunition? \\n Does the proposed disarmament operation have sufficient resources to safely store weapons and ammunition and prevent diversion to armed groups engaged in criminal activities?"},{"ID":29,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and organized crime","Heading2":"7.2 Demobilization","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":19,"Paragraph":"In crime-conflict contexts, demobilization as part of a DDR programme presents a number of challenges. While the formal and controlled discharge of active combatants may be clear cut, persuading them to relinquish their ties to organized criminal activities may be harder. This is also true for persons associated with armed forces and groups. Given the clandestine nature of organized crime, establishing whether DDR programme participants continue to engage in organized crime may be difficult.Continued engagement in organized criminal activities can serve not only to further war efforts, but may also offer former members of armed forces and groups a stable livelihood that they otherwise would not have. In some cases, the economic opportunities and rewards available through violent predation and\/or patronage networks might exceed those expected through the DDR programme. Therefore, it is important that the short-term reinsertion support on offer is linked to long-term prospects for a sustainable livelihood and is sufficient to fight the perceived short-term \u2018benefits\u2019 from engagement in illicit activities. For further information, see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization.Moreover, if DDR programme participants are not swiftly integrated into the legal workforce, the probability of their falling prey to organized criminal groups or finding livelihoods in illicit economies is high. Even if members of armed forces and groups demobilize, they continue to be at risk for recruitment by criminal groups due to the expertise they have gained during war. These circumstances mean that DDR practitioners should compare what DDR programmes and criminal groups offer. For example, beyond economic incentives, male combatants often perceive a loss of masculinity, while female ex-combatants struggle with losing some degree of gender equality, respect and security compared to wartime. When demobilizing, feelings of comradeship and belonging can erode, and joining criminal groups may serve as a replacement if DDR programmes do not fill this gap.On the other hand, involvement in illicit activities may pose a risk to the personal safety and well-being of former members of armed forces and groups and their families. Individuals may remain \u2018loyal\u2019 to criminal groups for fear of retaliation. As such, it is important for DDR practitioners to ensure the safety of DDR programme participants. Similarly, where aims are political and actors have built legitimacy in local communities, demobilization may be perceived as accepting a loss of status or defeat. DDR programme participants may continue to engage in criminal activities post-conflict in order to maintain the provision of goods and services to local communities, thereby retaining loyalty and respect.BOX 2: DEMOBILIZATION: KEY QUESTIONS \\n What is the risk (if any) that reinsertion assistance will equip former members of armed forces and groups with skills that can be used in criminal activities? \\n If skills training and catch-up education are provided as part of short-term reinsertion assistance, do they adequately initiate former members of armed forces and groups into the realities of the lawful economic and social environment? \\n What safeguards can be put into place to prevent former members of armed forces and groups from being recruited by criminal actors? \\n What does demobilization offer that organized crime does not? Conversely, what does organized crime offer that demobilization does not? What are the (perceived) benefits of continued engagement in illicit activities? \\n How does demobilization address the specific needs of certain groups, such as women and children, who may have engaged in and\/or been victims of organized crime in conflict?"},{"ID":30,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"7. DDR programmes and organized crime","Heading2":"7.3 Reintegration","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":20,"Paragraph":"Reintegration support should be based on an assessment of the economic, social, psychosocial and political challenges faced by ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, their families and communities. In addition to the guidance outlined in IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration, DDR practitioners should also consider the factors that sustain organized criminal networks and activities when planning reintegration support.In communities where engagement in illicit economies is widespread and normalized, certain criminal activities may have no social stigma attached to them. DDR practitioners or may even bring power and prestige. Ex-combatants \u2013 especially those who were previously in high-ranking positions \u2013 often share the same level of status as successful criminals, posing challenges to their long-lasting reintegration into lawful society. DDR practitioners should therefore consider the impact of involvement of ex-combatants\u2019 involvement in organized crime on the design of reintegration support programmes, taking into account the roles they played in illicit activities and crime-conflict dynamics in the society at large.DDR practitioners should examine the types and characteristics of criminal activities. While organized crime can encompass a range of activities, the distinction between violent and non- violent criminal enterprises, or non-labour intensive and labour-intensive criminal economies may help DDR practitioners to prioritize certain reintegration strategies. For example, some criminal market activities may be considered vital to the local economy of communities, particularly when employing most of the local workforce.Economic reintegration can be a challenging process because there may be few available jobs in the formal sector. It becomes imperative that reintegration support not only enable former members of armed forces and groups to earn a living, but that the livelihood is enough to disincentivize the return to illicit activities. In other cases, laissez-faire policies towards labour- intensive criminal economies, such as the exploitation of natural resources, may open windows of opportunity, regardless of their legality, and could be accompanied by a process to formalize and regulate informal and artisanal sectors. Partnerships with multiple stakeholders, including civil society and the private sector, may be useful in devising holistic reintegration assessments and programmatic responses.The box below outlines key questions that DDR practitioners should consider when supporting reintegration in conflict-crime contexts. For further information on reintegration support, and specific guidance on environment crime, drug and human trafficking, see section 9.BOX 3: REINTEGRATION: KEY QUESTIONS \\n What are the risks and benefits involved in disrupting the illicit economies upon which communities depend? \\n How can support be distributed between former members of armed forces and groups, communities and victims in ways that are fair, facilitate reintegration, and avoid re-recruitment by organized criminal actors? \\n What steps can be taken when the reintegration support offered cannot outweigh the benefits offered through illicit activities? \\n What community-based monitoring initiatives can be put in place to ensure the sustained reintegration of former members of armed forces and groups and their continued non-involvement in criminal activities? \\n How can reintegration efforts work to address the motives and incentives of conflict actors through non-violent means, and what are the associated risks? \\n Which actors should contribute to addressing the conflict-crime nexus during reintegration, and in which capacity (including, among others, international agencies, public institutions, civil society and the private sector)?"},{"ID":31,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"8. DDR-related tools and organized crime","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":21,"Paragraph":"Organized crime often exacerbates and may prolong armed conflict. When the preconditions are not present to support a DDR programme, a number of DDR-related tools may be used in crime-conflict contexts. Alternatively, DDR-related tools may also be used before, during and after DDR programmes as complementary measures (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR)."},{"ID":32,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"8. DDR-related tools and organized crime","Heading2":"8.1 DDR support to mediation","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"When DDR practitioners provide support to mediation teams, they can help to ensure that the provisions included within peace agreements are realistic and implementable (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). In organized crime contexts, DDR practitioners should seek to provide mediators with a contextual analysis of combatants\u2019 motives for engaging in illicit activities. They should also be aware that engaging with armed groups may confer legitimacy that impacts upon the local political economy. DDR practitioners should advise mediators to be wary of entrenching criminal interests in the peace agreement. Where feasible, DDR practitioners may advise mediators to address organized crime activities within the peace agreement, either directly or by putting in place an institutional framework to deal with these issues at a later date. Lessons learned from gang truces can be instructive and should be considered before entering a mediation process with actors involved in criminal activities.16"},{"ID":33,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"8. DDR-related tools and organized crime","Heading2":"8.2 Transitional weapons and ammunition management","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"The trafficking of weapons and ammunition facilitates not only conflict but other criminal activities as well, including the trafficking of persons and drugs. Transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM) may be a suitable approach to control or limit the circulation of weapons, ammunition and explosives to reduce violence and engagement in illicit activities. Transitional WAM can contribute to preventing the outbreak, escalation, continuation and recurrence of conflict by preventing the diversion of weapons, ammunition and explosives to unauthorized end users, including both communities and armed groups engaged in illicit activities. For more information, refer to IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management."},{"ID":34,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"8. DDR-related tools and organized crime","Heading2":"8.3 Community violence reduction","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":22,"Paragraph":"In an organized crime\u2013conflict context, community violence reduction (CVR) can help foster social cohesion and provide ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and other at-risk individuals with economic and social alternatives to joining armed groups and engaging in criminal activities. Community-based initiatives, such as vocational training and short-term employment opportunities, not only reduce the risk that ex-combatants will return to conflict but also that they will continue participating in illicit activities as a means to survive.CVR can also serve as a complementary measure to other DDR processes. For example, as part of transitional WAM, communities prone to violence can be encouraged to build community storage facilities or hand over a certain quantity of weapons and ammunition as a precondition for benefiting from a CVR programme. Such measures not only disrupt illicit weapons flows but encourage collective and active participation in the security of communities.Additionally, CVR efforts such as mental health and psychosocial support and empowerment initiatives for specific needs groups, including women, children and persons with drug addictions, can both prevent and reduce victimization from conflict-related criminal activities, including sexual exploitation and drug trafficking. For further information, see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction."},{"ID":35,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"8. DDR-related tools and organized crime","Heading2":"8.4 Transitional security arrangements","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Although they may vary depending on the context, transitional security arrangements can support DDR processes by establishing security structures either jointly between State forces, armed groups, and communities or with a third party (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). Members of armed groups may be reluctant to participate in the DDR process for fear that they may lose their capacity to defend themselves against those who continue to engage in conflict and illicit activities. Through joint efforts, transitional security arrangements can be vital for building trust and confidence and encourage collective ownership of the steps towards peace. DDR practitioners should be aware that engagement in illicit activities can complicate efforts to create transitional security arrangements, particularly if certain members of armed forces and groups are required to redeploy away from areas that are rich in natural resources. In this scenario, it may be appropriate for DDR practitioners to advise mediating teams that provisions regarding the governance of natural resources be included in the peace agreement (also see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform)."},{"ID":36,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"9. Reintegration support and organized crime","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":23,"Paragraph":"Reintegration support may be provided at all stages of conflict, even when there is no peace agreement and no DDR programme. The risk of the re-recruitment of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups or their engagement in criminal activity is higher where conflict is ongoing, protracted or financed through organized crime. DDR practitioners should seek to identify positive entry points for supporting reintegration.In contexts of ongoing conflict and organized crime, these entry points may include geographical areas where reintegration is most likely to succeed, such as pockets of peace not affected by military operations or other types of armed violence. These pilot areas could serve as models of reintegration support for other areas to follow. Additional entry points may include armed groups whose members have shown a willingness to leave or are assessed as more likely to reintegrate, or specific reintegration interventions involving local economies and partners that will function as pull factors.The guidance on supporting reintegration within DDR programmes provided in section 7.3 is also applicable to planning reintegration support in contexts of ongoing conflict. For further information on reintegration more generally, see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration.The sub-sections below offer guidance on reintegration support in relation to common forms of organized criminal activity in conflict and post-conflict settings: environmental crime, drug and human trafficking."},{"ID":37,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"9. Reintegration support and organized crime","Heading2":"9.1 Reintegration support and environmental crime","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":24,"Paragraph":"Natural resources have an enormous impact on armed conflict, and they can be used to either support or undermine efforts towards peace. Members of armed forces and groups frequently engage in environmental crime as a low-risk, high-profit source of revenue to fund recruitment or the purchase of weapons, or even to exert de facto control over geographic territories. Environmental crime encompasses a range of different activities in which natural resources are illegally exploited and often trafficked or sold into global supply chains. It can have heavy consequences on communities, including direct environmental degradation, such as the contamination of water or soils, or the destruction of agricultural crops; indirect environmental degradation, such as the loss of biodiversity and other ecosystem services; and\/or direct displacement and exposure to violence.At the same time, natural resources hold tremendous potential to support peace and development. In many parts of the world, elements of the natural environment are culturally significant and represent key components of social status and identity. Engaging former members of armed forces and groups in the management of natural resources, including in decision-making, direct environmental rehabilitation and\/or community-based natural resource management, helps to consolidate their status as civil citizens, thus reinforcing their political and social reintegration. Additionally, linking reintegration with well-managed natural resources can increase the range of options for economic reintegration support. Given the increase in environmental crime as a transnational organized crime activity and its role in war economies, understanding the links between natural resources, crime and reintegration is key.17 For further information, see IDDRS 6.30 on DDR and Natural Resources.The reintegration of individuals who were previously engaged in environmental organized crime should aim to create sustainable alternatives in the same natural resources sector (to the extent possible, barring illegal trade in endangered species), keeping in mind the principle of \u2018do no harm\u2019. Reintegration in natural resource sectors should be consistent with national laws and legal frameworks and promote environmental protection and restoration of the rule of law."},{"ID":38,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"9. Reintegration support and organized crime","Heading2":"9.2 Reintegration support and drug trafficking","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":25,"Paragraph":"The drug trade has an important impact on conflict-affected societies. It weakens State authority and drives legitimacy away from legal institutions, diverts funds from the formal economy, creates economic dependence, and causes widespread violence and insecurity. The drug trade also impacts communities, with serious consequences for people\u2019s general well-being and health. High rates of addiction and HIV\/AIDS prevalence have been found in societies where narcotics are cultivated and produced.DDR practitioners implementing reintegration programmes may respond to illicit crop cultivation through support to crop substitution, integrated rural development and\/or alternative livelihoods. However, DDR practitioners should consider the risks and opportunities associated with these approaches, including the security requirements and socioeconomic impacts of removing illicit cultivation. Crop substitution is a valid but lengthy measure that may deprive small-scale farmers of an immediate and valuable source of income. It may also make them vulnerable to threats and violence from the criminal networks that control illicit cultivation and trade. It may be possible to encourage the private sector to purchase substituted crops cultivated by former members of armed forces and groups. This will help to ensure the sustainability of crop substitution, by providing income and investment in exchange for locally produced raw material. This can in turn decrease costs and increase product quality.Crop substitution, integrated rural development and alternative livelihoods should fit into broader macroeconomic and rural reform. These measures should be accompanied by a law enforcement strategy to guarantee protection and justice to participants in the reintegration programme. DDR practitioners should also consider rehabilitation and health-care assistance to tackle high levels of substance addiction and drug-related illness. Since the funding for reintegration support is often timebound, it is important for DDR practitioners to establish partnerships and coordination mechanisms with relevant local organizations in a range of sectors, including civil society, health care and the private sector. These entities can work to address the social and medical issues of former members of armed forces and groups, as well as community members, who have been engaged in or affected by the illicit drug trade."},{"ID":39,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"9. Reintegration support and organized crime","Heading2":"9.3 Reintegration support and human trafficking","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":26,"Paragraph":"Armed conflict amplifies the conditions in which human trafficking occurs. During a conflict, the vulnerability of the affected population increases, due to economic desperation, weak rule of law and unavailability of social services, forcing people to flee for safety. Human trafficking targets the most vulnerable segments of the population. Armed groups \u2018recruit\u2019 their victims in refugee and internally displaced persons camps, as well as among populations affected by the conflict, attracting them with false promises of employment, education or safety. Many trafficked people end up being exploited abroad, but others remain inside the country\u2019s borders filling armed groups, providing forced labour, and becoming \u2018war wives\u2019 and sex slaves.Human trafficking often has a strong transnational component, which, in turn, may affect reintegration efforts. Armed groups and organized criminal groups engage in human trafficking by collaborating with networks active in other countries. Conflict areas can be source, transit or destination countries. Reintegration programmes should exercise extreme caution in sustaining activities that may conceal trafficking links or may be used to launder the proceeds of trafficking. Continuous assessment is key to recognizing and evaluating the risk of human trafficking. DDR practitioners should engage with a wide range of actors in neighbouring countries and regionally to coordinate the repatriation and reintegration of victims of human trafficking, where appropriate.Children are often victims of organized crime, including child trafficking and the worst forms of child labour, being frequent victims of sexual exploitation, forced marriage, forced labour and recruitment into armed forces or groups. Reintegration practitioners should be aware that children who present as dependants may be victims of trafficking. Reintegration efforts specifically targeting children, as survivors of cross-border human trafficking, including forcible recruitment, forced labour and sexual exploitation by armed forces and groups, require working closely with local, national and regional child protection agencies and programmes to ensure their specific needs are met and that they are supported in their reintegration beyond the end of DDR. Family tracing and reunification (if in the best interests of the child) should be started at the earliest possible stage and can be carried out at the same time as other activities.Children who have been trafficked should be considered and treated as victims, including those who may have committed crimes during the period of their exploitation. Any criminal action taken against them should be handled according to child-friendly juvenile justice procedures, consistent with international law and norms regarding children in contact with the law, including the Beijing Rules and Havana Principles, among others. Consistent with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration in all decisions pertaining to a child. For further information, see IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR.Women are more likely to become victims of organized crime than men, being subjected to sex exploitation and trade, rape, abuse and murder. The prevailing subcultures of hegemonic masculinity and machismo become detrimental to women in conflict situations where there is a lack of instituted rule of law and security measures. In these situations, since the criminal justice system is rendered ineffective, organized crimes directed against women go unpunished. DDR practitioners, as part of reintegration programming, should develop targeted measures to address the organized crime subculture and correlated machismo. For further information, see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR."},{"ID":40,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"10. DDR, transitional justice and organized crime","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":27,"Paragraph":"In an organized crime\u2013conflict context, States may decide to adjust the range of criminal acts that preclude members of armed forces and groups from participation in DDR programmes, DDR- related tools and reintegration support. For example, human trafficking encompasses a wide range of forms, from the recruitment of children into armed forces and groups, to forced labour and sexual exploitation. In certain instances, engagement in these crimes may rise to the level of war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and\/or gross violations of human rights. Therefore, if DDR participants are found to have committed these crimes, they shall immediately be removed from participation.Similarly, the degree of engagement in criminal activities is not the only consideration, and States may also consider who commits specific acts. For example, should a foot soldier who is involved in the sexual exploitation of individuals from specific groups in their controlled territory or who marries a child bride be held accountable to the same degree as a commander who issues orders that the foot soldier do so? Just as international humanitarian law declares that compliance with a superior order does not constitute a defence, but a mitigating factor, DDR practitioners may also advise States as to whether different approaches are needed for different ranks.DDR practitioners inevitably operate within a State-based framework and must therefore abide by the determinations set by the State, identified as the legitimate authority. Both in and out of conflict settings, it is the State that has prosecutorial discretion and identifies which crimes are \u2018serious\u2019 as defined under the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. In the absence of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes or serious human rights violations, it falls on the State to implement criminal justice measures to tackle individuals\u2019 and groups\u2019 engagement in organized criminal activities.However, issues arise when the State itself is a party to the conflict and either weaponizes organized crime in order to prosecute members of adversarial groups or engages in criminal activities itself. Although illicit economies are a major source of financing for armed groups, in many cases they could not be in place without the assistance of the State. Corruption is an important issue that needs to be addressed as much as organized crime. Political actors may be involved with criminal economies at various levels, particularly locally. In addition, the State apparatus may pay lip service to fighting organize crime while at the same time participating in the illegal economy.DDR practitioners should assess the state of corruption in the country in which they are operating. Additionally, reintegration programmes should be conceptualized in close interaction with related anti-corruption and transitional justice efforts focused on \u2018institutional reform\u2019. Transitional justice initiatives contribute to institutional reform efforts in a variety of ways. Prosecutions of leaders for war crimes or violations of international human rights and humanitarian law criminalize this kind of behaviour, demonstrate that no one is above the law, and may act as a deterrent and contribute to the prevention of future abuse. Truth commissions and other truth-seeking endeavours can provide critical analysis of the roots of conflict, identifying individuals and institutions responsible for abuse. Truth commissions can also provide critical information about the patterns of violence and violations, so that institutional reform can target or prioritize efforts in particular areas.A successful prosecutorial strategy in a transitional justice context requires a clear, transparent and publicized criminal policy indicating what kind of cases will be prosecuted and what kind of cases will be dealt with in an alternative manner. Most importantly, prosecutions can foster trust in the reintegration process and enhance the prospects for trust building between former members of armed forces and groups and other citizens by providing communities with some assurance that those they are asked to admit back into their midst do not include the perpetrators of serious crimes under international law.Moreover, while it theoretically falls on the State to implement criminal justice measures, in reality, the State apparatus may be too weak to administer justice fairly, if at all. In order to build confidence and ensure legitimacy, DDR processes must establish transparent mechanisms for independent monitoring, oversight and evaluation, and their financing mechanisms, so as to avoid inadvertently contributing to criminal activities and undermining the overall objective of sustainable peace. Transitional justice and human rights components should be incorporated into DDR processes from the outset. For further information, see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice and IDDRS 2.11 on the Legal Framework for UN DDR."},{"ID":41,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"11. DDR, security sector reform and organized crime","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"As State actors can be implicated in organized criminal activities in conflict and post-conflict settings, including past and ongoing violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, there may be a need to reform security sector institutions. As IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform states, SSR aims to enhance \u201ceffective and accountable security for the State and its people without discrimination and with full respect for human rights and the rule of law\u201d. DDR processes that fail to coordinate with SSR can lead to further violations, such as the reappointment of human rights abusers or those engaged in other criminal activities into the legitimate security sector. Such cases undermine public faith in security sector institutions.Mistrust between the State, security providers and citizens is a potential contributing factor to the outbreak of a conflict, and one that has the potential to undermine sustainable peace, particularly if the State itself is corrupt or directly engages in criminal activities. Another factor is the integration of ex-combatants who may still have criminal ties into the reformed security sector. To avoid further propagation of criminality, vetting should be conducted prior to integration, with a special focus on any evidence relating to continued links with actors known to engage in criminal activities. Finally, Government security forces, both civilian and military, may themselves be part of rightsizing exercises. The demobilization of excess forces may be particularly difficult if these individuals have been actively involved in facilitating or gatekeeping the illicit economy, and DDR practitioners should take these dynamics into account in the design of reintegration support (see sections 7.3 and 9).SSR that encourages participatory processes that enhance the oversight roles of actors such as parliament and civil society can meet the common goal of DDR and SSR of building trust in post-conflict security governance institutions. Additionally, oversight mechanisms can provide necessary checks and balances to ensure that national decisions on DDR and SSR are appropriate, cost effective and made in a transparent manner. For further information, see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform."},{"ID":42,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"Annex B: International legal framework for organized crime","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":29,"Paragraph":"United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2000) \\n The UNTOC is the main international instrument in the fight against transnational organized crime. States that ratify this instrument commit themselves to taking a series of measures against transnational organized crime, including creating domestic criminal offences (participation in an organized criminal group, money laundering, corruption and obstruction of justice); adopting new and sweeping frameworks for extradition, mutual legal assistance and law enforcement cooperation; and promoting training and technical assistance for building or upgrading the necessary capacity of national authorities. The UNTOC defines the terms \u2018organized criminal group\u2019, \u2018serious crime\u2019, and \u2018structured group\u2019 (as per section 3 of this module).Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2000) \\n This is the first global legally binding instrument with an agreed definition on trafficking in persons. This definition is intended to facilitate convergence in national approaches with regard to the establishment of domestic criminal offences that would support efficient international cooperation in investigating and prosecuting trafficking in persons cases. An additional objective of the Protocol is to protect and assist the victims of trafficking with full respect for their human rights. Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2000) \\n The Protocol deals with the growing problem of organized criminal groups who smuggle migrants. It marks the first time that a definition of smuggling of migrants was developed and agreed upon in a global international instrument. The Protocol aims at preventing and combating the smuggling of migrants, as well as promoting cooperation among States parties, while protecting the rights of smuggled migrants and preventing the worst forms of their exploitation, which often characterize the smuggling process. Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the \\n United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2001) The objective of the Protocol, the first legally binding instrument on small arms adopted at the global level, is to promote, facilitate and strengthen cooperation among States parties in order to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition. By ratifying the Protocol, States make a commitment to adopt a series of crime-control measures and implement in their domestic legal order three sets of normative provisions: the first one relates to the establishment of criminal offences related to illegal manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms on the basis of the Protocol requirements and definitions; the second to a system of Government authorizations or licencing intended to ensure legitimate manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms; and the third one to the marking and tracing of firearms. In addition to the Protocol, a number of non-legally binding instruments also apply to the illicit trade of small arms and light weapons.18Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 as amended by the 1972 Protocol \\n This Convention aims to combat drug abuse by coordinated international action. There are two forms of intervention and control that work together. First, the Convention seeks to limit the possession, use, trade, distribution, import, export, manufacture and production of drugs exclusively to medical and scientific purposes. Second, it combats drug trafficking through international cooperation to deter and discourage drug traffickers.Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 \\n The Convention establishes an international control system for psychotropic substances in response to the diversification and expansion of the spectrum of drugs of abuse. The Convention introduces controls over a number of synthetic drugs, balancing their abuse against their therapeutic value.United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988 \\n This Convention provides comprehensive measures against drug trafficking, including provisions against money laundering and the diversion of precursor chemicals. It provides for international cooperation through, for example, extradition of drug traffickers, controlled deliveries and transfer of proceedings.United Nations Convention against Corruption (2003) \\n This Convention is the only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument. It covers five main areas: preventive measures, criminalization and law enforcement, international cooperation, asset recovery, and technical assistance and information exchange. The Convention covers many different forms of corruption, such as bribery, trading in influence and abuse of functions.Security Council Resolutions \\n The United Nations Security Council has increasingly recognized the role that organized crime and illicit markets play in sustaining and fuelling contemporary conflicts. Since the UNTOC was adopted in 2000, the UN Security Council has passed hundreds of resolutions on organized crime in specific countries, missions or regions. \\n\\n Security Council resolution 2220 (2015) on small arms \\n The Council emphasizes that the illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons can aid terrorism and illegal armed groups and facilitate increasing levels of transnational organized crime, and underscores that such illicit trafficking could harm civilians, including women and children, create instability and long-term governance challenges, and complicate conflict resolution. \\n\\n Security Council resolution 2331 (2016) on trafficking in persons in conflict situations, including linkages with the activities of armed groups, terrorism and sexual violence in conflict \\n The Security Council recognizes the connection between trafficking in persons, sexual violence, terrorism and other transnational organized criminal activities that can prolong and exacerbate conflict and instability or intensify its impact on civilian populations. The Council condemns all acts of trafficking, particularly the sale or trade in persons undertaken by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as Da\u2019esh), and recognizes the importance of collecting and preserving evidence relating to such acts to ensure that those responsible can be held accountable. \\n\\n Security Council Resolution 2388 (2017) on trafficking in persons in armed conflict \\n This resolution recognizes \u201cthat trafficking in persons in areas affected by armed conflict and post- conflict situations can be for the purpose of various forms of exploitation\u201d, including sexual exploitation and the recruitment of child soldiers. The resolution underlines the importance of providing \u201cappropriate care, assistance and services for their physical, psychological and social recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration, in full respect of their human rights\u201d. The resolution also recognizes \u201cthat trafficking in persons entails the violation or abuse of human rights\u201d and underscores \u201cthat certain acts or offences associated with trafficking in persons in the context of armed conflict may constitute war crimes\u201d, and it notes States\u2019 responsibility to \u201cprosecute those responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes as well as other crimes\u201d. The resolution calls for the \u201ctraining of relevant personnel of special political and peacekeeping missions\u201d. \\n\\n Security Council resolution 2462 (2019) on the financing of terrorism through illicit activities and sanctions lists \\n This resolution reaffirms the Security Council\u2019s decision in its resolution 1373 (2001) that all States shall prevent and suppress the financing of terrorist acts, including through organized criminal activity, and shall refrain from providing support to those involved in them. Furthermore, the resolution urges all States to participate actively in implementing and updating the ISIL (Da\u2019esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions List and to consider including, when submitting new listing requests, individuals and entities involved in the financing of terrorism. \\n\\n Security Council Resolution 2482 (2019) on threats to international peace and security caused by international terrorism and organized crime \\n This resolution underlines that organized crime, along with terrorism and violent extremism, whether domestic or transnational, \u201cmay exacerbate conflicts in affected regions, and may contribute to undermining affected States, specifically their security, stability, governance, social and economic development\u201d and notes that organized criminal groups \u201ccan, in some cases and in some regions, complicate conflict prevention and resolution efforts\u201d. The resolution also notes the impact of the illicit drug trade, trafficking in persons and arms trafficking, and their links to corruption in furthering the financing of terrorism and fuelling conflict. Environmental Crime \\n A number of General Assembly and Security Council documents highlight the intersection between conflict, criminality and the illicit exploitation of natural resources. Crimes against the environment, such as deforestation, illegal logging, fishing and the illicit wildlife trade have a more fragmented legal framework. For more information on specific natural resources policy frameworks and legal instruments, refer to IDDRS 6.30 on DDR and Natural Resources."},{"ID":43,"Color":"#CF7AB2","Level":6,"LevelName":"IDDRS FRAMEWORK","Title":"DDR and Organized Crime","Heading1":"Endnotes","Heading2":"","Heading3":"","Heading4":"","Module":"6.40 DDR and Organized Crime","PageNum":32,"Paragraph":"1 United Nations Convention on Transnational Crime, Article 2(a). \\n 2 United Nations Convention on Transnational Crime, Article 2(b). \\n 3 United Nations Convention on Transnational Crime, Article 2 (c). \\n 4 Christina Steenkamp, \u201cThe Crime-Conflict Nexus and the Civil War in Syria\u201d, Stability, vol. 6, no. 1 (2017). \\n 5 Marina Caparini, \u201cUN Police and the Challenges of Organized Crime\u201d, Discussion Paper (SIPRI, April 2019). \\n 6 Ibid. \\n 7 Steenkamp, \u201cCrime-Conflict Nexus\u201d. \\n 8 See, for instance, UNSC resolution 2482 (2019). \\n 9 Philip Gounev and Tihomir Bezlov, Examining the Links between Organized Crime and Corruption (Centre for the Study of Democracy, 2010). \\n 10 Mark Shaw and Tuesday Reitano, \u201cGlobal Illicit Flows and Local Conflict Dynamics: The Case for Pre-Emptive Analysis and Experimental Policy Options\u201d, Crime-Conflict Nexus Series No. 2 (United Nations University, 2017). \\n 11 Caparini, \u201cUN Police\u201d. \\n 12 Heiko Nitzschke, \u201cTransforming War Economies: Challenges for Peacemaking and Peacebuilding\u201d (New York, International Peace Academy, December 2003). \\n 13 Virginia Comolli, ed., Organized Crime and Illicit Trade: How to Respond to This Strategic Challenge in Old and New Domains (Cham, Switzerland, Springer International, 2018). \\n 14 United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, \u201cGlobal Report on Trafficking in Persons 2018, Booklet 2: Trafficking in Persons in the Context of Armed Conflict\u201d (New York, 2018). \\n 15 International Alert, \u201cOrganised Crime in Mali: Why It Matters for a Peaceful Transition from Conflict\u201d, Policy Brief (2016). \\n 16 Matt Herbert, \u201cEl Salvador\u2019s Gang Truce: A Durable Model?\u201d (Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, July 2013); Charles M. Katz, E. C. Hedberg and Luis Enrique Amaya, \u201cGang Truce for Violence Prevention, El Salvador\u201d, Bulletin of the World Health Organization (June 2016). \\n 17 United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), \u201cThe Rise of Environmental Crime \u2013 A Growing Threat to Natural Resources, Peace, Development and Security\u201d, a UNEP-INTERPOL Rapid Response Assessment (2016); UNEP and United Nations Development Programme, \u201cThe Role of Natural Resources in Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration: Addressing Risks and Seizing Opportunities\u201d, (2013). \\n 18 While the Programme of Action on the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons is not a legally binding instrument, it is the only universal political framework on measures to tackle illicit trade, including in the context of organized crime. For more information about the Programme of Action, as well as the related International Tracing Instrument, see https:\/\/\/disarmament\/convarms\/salw\/programme-of-action\/."}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/1 General IDDRS/1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS.json b/static/dataOLD/1 General IDDRS/1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c448f93 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/1 General IDDRS/1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS.json @@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ +[ + { + "ID": 0, + "Paragraph": "Since the late 1980s, the United Nations (UN) has increasingly been called upon to support the implementation of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programmes in countries emerging from conflict. In a peacekeeping context, this trend has been part of a move towards complex operations that seek to deal with a wide variety of issues ranging from security to human rights, rule of law, elections and economic governance, rather than traditional peacekeeping where two warring parties were separated by a ceasefire line patrolled by blue-helmeted soldiers.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Background", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 1, + "Paragraph": "The changed nature of peacekeeping and post-conflict recovery strategies requires close coordination among UN departments, agencies, funds and programmes. In the past five years alone, DDR has been included in the mandates for multidimensional peacekeeping operations in Burundi, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Liberia and Sudan. Simultaneously, the UN has increased its DDR engagement in non-peacekeeping contexts, namely in Afghanistan, the Central African Republic, the Congo, Indonesia (Aceh), Niger, Somalia, Solomon Islands and Uganda.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Background", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 2, + "Paragraph": "While the UN has acquired significant experience in the planning and management of DDR programmes, it has yet to establish a collective approach to DDR, or clear and usable policies and guidelines to facilitate coordination and cooperation among UN agencies, departments and programmes. This has resulted in poor coordination and planning and gaps in the implementation of DDR programmes.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Background", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 3, + "Paragraph": "In response to this fragmented approach, six UN agencies, departments, funds and programmes came together in 2004 to draft a series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS), i.e., a set of policies, guidelines and procedures for UN-supported DDR programmes in a peacekeeping context. Following workshop discussions and extensive consultations with country-level practitioners from the UN, member states, regional organizations, non-governmental organizations and the World Bank, the IDDRS were further developed and a second draft was tested in 2005.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "1. Towards a common UN approach to DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 4, + "Paragraph": "The Inter-Agency Working Group on DDR, which was formally established by the Executive Committee on Peace and Security in March 2005 with a mandate to improve the UN performance in DDR, now counts 15 UN departments, agencies, funds and programmes as its members.1 This first edition of the IDDRS has been jointly developed and approved by all 15 Working Group members.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "1. Towards a common UN approach to DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 5, + "Paragraph": "The objective of the DDR process is to contribute to security and stability in post-conflict environments so that recovery and development can begin. The DDR of ex-combatants is a complex process, with political, military, security, humanitarian and socio-economic dimensions. It aims to deal with the post-conflict security problem that arises when ex-combatants are left without livelihoods or support networks, other than their former comrades, during the vital transition period from conflict to peace and development. Through a process of removing weapons from the hands of combatants, taking the combatants out of military structures and helping them to integrate socially and economically into society, DDR seeks to support ex-combatants so that they can become active participants in the peace process.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "2. What is DDR?", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 6, + "Paragraph": "In this regard, DDR lays the groundwork for safeguarding and sustaining the communities in which these individuals can live as law-abiding citizens, while building national capacity for long-term peace, security and development. It is important to note that DDR alone cannot resolve conflict or prevent violence; it can, however, help establish a secure environment so that other elements of a recovery and peace-building strategy can proceed.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. What is DDR?", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 7, + "Paragraph": "The official UN definition of each of the stages of DDR is as follows:", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. What is DDR?", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 8, + "Paragraph": "Disarmament is the collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons of combatants and often also of the civilian population. Disarmament also includes the development of responsible arms ----management programmes.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. What is DDR?", + "Heading2": "DISARMAMENT", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 9, + "Paragraph": "Demobilization is the formal and controlled discharge of active combatants from armed forces or other armed groups. The first stage of demobilization may extend from the processing of individual combatants in temporary centres to the massing of troops in camps designated for this purpose (cantonment sites, encampments, assembly areas or barracks). The second stage of demobilization encompasses the support package provided to the demobilized, which is called reinsertion.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. What is DDR?", + "Heading2": "DEMOBILIZATION", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 10, + "Paragraph": "Reinsertion is the assistance offered to ex-combatants during demobilization but prior to the longer-term process of reintegration. Reinsertion is a form of transitional assistance to help cover the basic needs of ex-combatants and their families and can include transitional safety allowances, food, clothes, shelter, medical services, short-term education, training, employment and tools. While reintegration is a long-term, continuous social and economic process of development, reinsertion is a short-term material and/or financial assistance to meet immediate needs, and can last up to one year.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. What is DDR?", + "Heading2": "REINSERTION", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 11, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration is the process by which ex-combatants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. Reintegration is essentially a social and economic process with an open time-frame, primarily taking place in communities at the local level. It is part of the general development of a country and a national responsibility, and often necessitates long-term external assistance. ", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. What is DDR?", + "Heading2": "REINTEGRATION", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 12, + "Paragraph": "The IDDRS have been drafted on the basis of lessons and best practices drawn from the experience of all the departments, agencies, funds and programmes involved to provide the UN system with a set of policies, guidelines and procedures for the planning, implementation and monitoring of DDR programmes in a peacekeeping context. While the IDDRS were designed with peacekeeping contexts in mind, much of the guidance contained within these standards will also be applicable for non-peacekeeping contexts.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "3. The integrated DDR standards", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 13, + "Paragraph": "The three main aims of the IDDRS are:\\nto give DDR practitioners the opportunity to make informed decisions based on a clear, flexible and in-depth body of guidance across the range of DDR activities;\\nto serve as a common foundation for the commencement of integrated operational planning in Headquarters and at the country level; \\nto function as a resource for the training of DDR specialists.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. The integrated DDR standards", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 14, + "Paragraph": "The standards consist of 23 modules and three submodules divided into five levels:\\nLevel one consists of the introduction and a glossary to the full IDDRS; \\nLevel two sets out the strategic concepts of an integrated approach to DDR in a peacekeeping context; \\nLevel three elaborates on the structures and processes for planning and implementation of DDR at Headquarters and in the field; \\nLevel four provides considerations, options and tools for carrying out DDR operations;\\nLevel five covers the UN approach to essential cross-cutting issues, such as gender, youth and children associated with the armed forces and groups, cross-border movements, food assistance, HIV/AIDS and health.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. The integrated DDR standards", + "Heading2": "3.1. IDDRS levels and modules", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 15, + "Paragraph": "The UN uses the concept and abbreviation \u2018DDR\u2019 as an all-inclusive term that includes related activities, such as repatriation, rehabilitation and reconciliation, that aim to achieve sustainable reintegration.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. The integrated DDR standards", + "Heading2": "3.2. Technical language", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 16, + "Paragraph": "Following a summary, a table of contents and a description of the scope and objectives, each IDDRS module also contains a section on terms, definitions and abbreviations. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines:\\n\u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard;\\nb) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; and\\nc) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. The integrated DDR standards", + "Heading2": "3.2. Technical language", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 17, + "Paragraph": "A complete list of terms and definitions used in the IDDRS is provided in IDDRS 1.20.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. The integrated DDR standards", + "Heading2": "3.2. Technical language", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 18, + "Paragraph": "Each IDDRS module is intended to serve both as part of the overall IDDRS framework and as a freestanding document. In the published version of the IDDRS, all modules are therefore collected in a ring-binder so that they can easily be taken out and used separately.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. The integrated DDR standards", + "Heading2": "3.3. How to use the IDDRS", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 19, + "Paragraph": "Since the topics covered in the different modules are interlinked, cross-references are provided throughout the IDDRS where more information on a particular issue can be found in another IDDRS module. Cross-references are clearly marked in the margins of the text.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "3. The integrated DDR standards", + "Heading2": "3.3. How to use the IDDRS", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 20, + "Paragraph": "The Inter-Agency Working Group on DDR has published two supplementary publications to the IDDRS: the Operational Guide to the IDDRS and the DDR Briefing Note for Senior Managers. The Operational Guide is intended to help users navigate the IDDRS by briefly outlining the key guidance in each module. The Briefing Note for Senior Managers is intended to facilitate managerial decisions and includes key strategic considerations and their policy implications. Both these publications are available at the UN DDR Resource Centre (, which serves as an online platform on DDR and includes regular updates of both the IDDRS and the Operational Guide, a document database, training tools, a photo library and video clips.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "3. The integrated DDR standards", + "Heading2": "3.4. Supplementary publications and resources", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 21, + "Paragraph": "Each IDDRS module is current with effect from the date shown on the cover page. As the IDDRS are periodically reviewed, users should consult the UN DDR Resource Centre web site for updates:\\nFeedback and comments on the IDDRS are actively encouraged and should be sent to the Secretariat of the Inter-Agency Working Group via the DDR Resource Centre web site.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "3. The integrated DDR standards", + "Heading2": "3.5. Updates and feedback", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + }, + { + "ID": 22, + "Paragraph": "1. Department of Disarmament Affairs, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Department of Political Affairs, Department of Public Information, International Labour Organization, International Organization for Migration, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, United Nations Children\u2019s Fund, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Development Fund for Women, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, United Nations Population Fund, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, World Food Programme, World Health Organization.\\n2. Note of the Secretary-General to the General Assembly on the administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations, A/C.5/59/31, 24 May 2005.\\n3. A worldwide federation of national bodies from over 130 countries. Its work results in international agreements, which are published as ISO standards and guides. ISO is a non-governmental organization and the standards it develops are voluntary, although some (mainly those concerned with health, safety and environmental aspects) have been adopted by many countries as part of their regulatory framework. A list of ISO standards and guides is given in the ISO Catalogue, at\\nThe IDDRS have been developed to be compatible with ISO standards and guides. Adopting the ISO format and language provides some important advantages, including consistency of layout, use of internationally recognized terminology, and a greater acceptance by international, national and regional organizations who are accustomed to the ISO series of standards and guides.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Introduction to the IDDRS", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "Endnotes", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.10 Introduction to the IDDRS" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/1 General IDDRS/1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions.json b/static/dataOLD/1 General IDDRS/1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79450d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/1 General IDDRS/1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions.json @@ -0,0 +1,3110 @@ +[ + { + "ID": 0, + "Paragraph": "The ability of a community, economy and/or country to include ex-combatants as active full members of the society. Absorption capacity is often used in relation to the capacities of local communities, but can also refer to social and political reintegration opportunities.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Absorption capacity", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 1, + "Paragraph": "The advisory body that reviews the budgets of peacekeeping missions and makes recommendations to the Fifth (Administrative and Budgetary) committee of the General Assembly.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 2, + "Paragraph": "Acquired immune deficiency syndrome: the stage of HIV when the immune system is depleted, leaving the body vulnerable to one or more life-threateningdiseases.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "AIDS", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 3, + "Paragraph": "See \u2018munition\u2019.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Ammunition", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 4, + "Paragraph": "Broad term for the main type of treatment for HIV and AIDS. ARVs are not a cure.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Anti-retrovirals (ARVs)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 5, + "Paragraph": "The imposition of restrictions on the production, exchange and spread of weapons by an authority vested with legitimate powers to enforce such restrictions.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Arms control", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 6, + "Paragraph": "The sending of weapons, guns and ammunition from one country to another, often closely monitored and controlled by governments.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Arms exports ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 7, + "Paragraph": "The military organization of a State with a legal basis, and supporting institutional infrastructure (salaries, benefits, basic services, etc.)", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Armed forces", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 8, + "Paragraph": "A group that has the potential to employ arms in the use of force to achieve political, ideological or economic objectives; is not within the formal military structures of a State, State-alliance or intergovernmental organization; and is not under the control of the State(s) in which it operates.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Armed group", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 9, + "Paragraph": "The protection granted by a State on its territory to persons from another state who are fleeing serious danger or persecution based on race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion. A person who is granted asylum is a refugee. Asylum includes a variety of elements, including non-refoulement (for definition, see \u2018non-refoulement\u2019), permission to remain in the territory of the asylum country and humane standards of treatment.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Asylum", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 10, + "Paragraph": "A person whose request or application for refugee status has not been finally decided on by a prospective country of refuge.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Asylum seeker", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 11, + "Paragraph": "A participatory, community-level process aimed at developing positive behaviours; promoting and sustaining individual, community and societal behaviour change; and maintaining appropriate behaviours.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Behaviour-change communication (BCC)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 12, + "Paragraph": "Refers to both individuals and groups who receive indirect benefits through a UN-supported DDR operation or programme. This includes communities in which DDR programme participants resettle, businesses where ex-combatants work as part of the DDR programme, etc.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Beneficiary/ies", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 13, + "Paragraph": "The existence of checks and regulations between countries that control access to and from the country of people, goods and services.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Border controls", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 14, + "Paragraph": "The natural person or legal entity that carries out a brokering activity; anyone who directly performs an activity defined as a brokering activity in the exercise of their own commercial or legal relations. The acts of natural persons, especially employees, are to be ascribed to the legal entity.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Broker", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 15, + "Paragraph": "Activities that serve to facilitate the transfer of arms between persons in different third countries, insofar as such transfer is furthered through the assistance of a so-called broker. Core brokering activities include:\\nacquisition of SALW located in one third country for the purpose of transfer to another third country;\\nmediation between sellers and buyers of SALW to facilitate the trans\u00adfer of these arms from one third country to another; \\nthe indication of an opportunity for such a transaction to the seller or buyer (in particular, the introduction of a seller or buyer in return for a fee or other consideration).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Brokering", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 16, + "Paragraph": "A set of \u2018business services\u2019 that include any services that improve the performance of a business and its access to and ability to compete in markets.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Business development services (BDS)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 17, + "Paragraph": "The direct link between the surrender of weapons, ammunition, mines and explosives in return for cash. There is a perception that such schemes reward irresponsible armed personnel who may have already harmed society and the innocent civilian population. They also provide the opportunity for an individual to conduct low-level trading in SALW. ", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Buy-back", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 18, + "Paragraph": "The strength and ability, which could include knowledge, skill, personnel and resources, to achieve desired objectives.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Capacity", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 19, + "Paragraph": "Used as a noun, refers to processes and programmes that empower and enable the recipients\u2019 independent development. Can also be used as an adjective (e.g., capacity-building activity).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Capacity-building", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 20, + "Paragraph": "A binding, non-aggression pact to enable dialogue between conflicting parties.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Ceasefire agreement", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 21, + "Paragraph": "Any human below the age of 18, unless under the law applicable to the child in a particular country, majority is attained earlier.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Child", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 22, + "Paragraph": "The definition commonly applied to children associated with armed forces andGroups in prevention, demobilization and reintegration programmes derives from the Cape Town Principles and Best Practices (1997), in which the term \u2018child soldier\u2019 refers to: \u201cAny person under 18 years of age who is part of any kind of regular or irregular armed force or armed group in any capacity, including, but not limited to: cooks, porters, messengers and anyone accompanying such groups, other than family members. The definition includes girls recruited for sexual purposes and for forced marriage. It does not, therefore, only refer to a child who is carrying or has carried arms.\u201d\\nIn his February 2000 report to the UN Security Council, the SecretaryGeneral defined a child soldier \u201cas any person under the age 18 years of age who forms part of an armed force in any capacity and those accompanying such groups, other than purely as family members, as well as girls recruited for sexual purposes and forced marriage\u201d. The CRC specifies that a child is every human below the age of 18.\\nThe term \u2018children associated with armed forces and groups\u2019, although more cumbersome, is now used to avoid the perception that the only children of concern are combatant boys. It points out that children eligible for release and reintegration programmes are both those associated with armed forces and groups and those who fled armed forces and groups (often considered as deserters and therefore requiring support and protection), children who were abducted, those forcibly married and those in detention.\\nAccess to demobilization does not depend on a child\u2019s level of involvement in armed forces and groups. No distinction is made between combatants and non-combatants for fear of unfair treatment, oversight or exclusion (mainly of girls). Nevertheless, the child\u2019s personal history and activities in the armed conflict can help decide on the kind of support he/she needs in the reintegration phase.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "Child associated with fighting forces/armed conflict/armed groups/armed forces", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 23, + "Paragraph": "The term \u2018demobilization\u2019 refers to ending a child\u2019s association with armed forces or groups. The terms \u2018release\u2019 or \u2018exit from an armed force or group\u2019 and \u2018children coming or exiting from armed forces and groups\u2019 rather than \u2018demobilized children\u2019 are preferred.\\nChild demobilization/release is very brief and involves removing a child from a military or armed group as swiftly as possible. This action may require official documentation (e.g., issuing a demobilization card or official registration in a database for ex-combatants) to confirm that the child has no military status, although formal documentation must be used carefully so that it does not stigmatize an already-vulnerable child.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "Child demobilization, release, exit from an armed force or Group", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 24, + "Paragraph": "According to article 39 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, \u201cStates parties shall take all appropriate measures to promote . . . social reintegration of a child victim of . . . armed conflicts\u201d.\\nReintegration includes family reunification, mobilizing and enabling the child\u2019s existing care system, medical screening and health care, schooling and/or vocational training, psychosocial support, and social and community-based reintegration. Reintegration programmes need to be sustainable and to take into account children\u2019s aspirations.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "Child reintegration", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 25, + "Paragraph": "The three-sector model, which looks at the State as consisting of the government, the market and the citizenry, is a useful starting point to define civil society. In this perspective, civil society constitutes the third sector, existing alongside and interacting with the State and profit-seeking firms. Civil society emerges as a voluntary sector made up of freely and formally associating individuals pursuing non-profit purposes in social movements, religious bodies, women and youth groups, indigenous peoples\u2019 organizations, professional associations, unions, etc", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "Civil society", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 26, + "Paragraph": "Non-State organization composed of voluntary participants.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "Civil society organization (CSO)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 27, + "Paragraph": "Based on an analogy with the definition set out in the Third Geneva Convention of 1949 relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War in relation to persons engaged in international armed conflicts, a combatant is a person who:\\nis a member of a national army or an irregular military organization; or \\nis actively participating in military activities and hostilities; or\\nis involved in recruiting or training military personnel; or \\nholds a command or decision-making position within a national army or an armed organization; or \\narrived in a host country carrying arms or in military uniform or as part of a military structure; or \\nhaving arrived in a host country as an ordinary civilian, thereafter assumes, or shows determination to assume, any of the above attributes.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "Combatant", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 28, + "Paragraph": "CBP involves the police participating in the community and responding to the needs of that community, and the community participating in its own policing and supporting the police. It can further be explained as the police working in partnership with the community; the community thereby participating in its own policing; and the two working together, mobilizing resources to solve problems affecting public safety over the longer term rather than the police, alone, reacting short term to incidents as they occur.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "Community-based policing (CBP) ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 29, + "Paragraph": "In the context of peace-building, community disarmament/small arms limitation advocates a change of public attitude toward the possession and use of weapons, as well as the benefits of weapons control measures within the community.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "Community disarmament/Small arms limitation", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 30, + "Paragraph": "In the context of SALW, the term refers to a process designed to place the needs and priorities of affected communities at the centre of the planning, implementation and monitoring of SALW control and other sectors.\\nCommunity involvement is based on an exchange of information and involves communities in the decision-making process in order to establish priorities for SALW control. In this way, SALW control aims to be inclusive, community focused and ensure the maximum involvement of all sections of the community. This involvement includes joint planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects.\\nCommunity involvement also works with communities to develop specific interim safety strategies that encourage individual and community behavioural change. This is designed to reduce the impact of SALW on individuals and communities until such time as the threat is removed.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "Community involvement", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 31, + "Paragraph": "Sensitizing a community before, during and after the DDR process is essentiallythe process of making community members (whether they are ex-combatantor not) aware of the effects and changes DDR creates within the community. for example, it will be important for the community to know that reintegrationcan be a long-term, challenging process before it leads to stability; that excombatants might not readily take on their new livelihoods; that local capacity building will be an important emphasis for community building, etc. Such messages to the community can be dispersed with media tools, such as television; radio, print and poster campaigns; community town halls, etc., ensuring that a community\u2019s specific needs are addressed throughout the DDR process. See also \u2018sensitization\u2019.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "Community sensitization", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 32, + "Paragraph": "Taking measures to try and prevent violent confrontation.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "Conflict prevention", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 33, + "Paragraph": "Process employed by States with the aim of diffusing tensions and building sustainable peace.\\nConflict reduction strategies may include programmes designed to build national and local capacity to settle disputes; encouraging the establishment of coordinated conflict prevention policies among international actors, and assisting countries in reducing the spread of arms.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "Conflict reduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 34, + "Paragraph": "Efforts designed to increase cooperation among the parties to a conflict and strengthen their relationships by building or deepening the institutions and processes through which the parties interact.conflict resolution is used to reduce the possibility of violence, or to consolidate the cessation of a violent conflict in an attempt to prevent its re-escalation.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "Conflict resolution", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 35, + "Paragraph": "The process of combining separate actors (States/members/armies) to work together as a cohesive unit in attaining pre-defined goals.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "Cooperation", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 36, + "Paragraph": "The methods by which members of households try to deal with a crisis. For example, at times of severe food insecurity, household members may (1) make Greater use than normal of wild foods, (2) plant other crops, (3) seek other sources of income, (4) rely more on gifts and remittances, (5) sell off assets to buy food, or (6) migrate. Coping mechanisms should be discouraged if they lead to disinvestment, if they reduce a household\u2019s capacity to recover its long term capacity to survive, and if they harm the environment. Positive coping mechanisms should be encouraged and strengthened.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "Coping mechanisms/strategies", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 37, + "Paragraph": "Support generally offered before and after a test in order to help individuals Understand their risk behaviour and cope with an HIV-positive result or main\u00adtain an HIV-negative status. The counselling service also links individuals to options for treatment, care and support; and provides information on how to stay as healthy as possible and minimize the risk of transmission to others.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "Counselling (HIV)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 38, + "Paragraph": "Actions undertaken by governments and non-governmental agencies in an attempt to respond to security problems, identify their root causes and buildinternational capacity to prevent conflicts from recurring.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "Crisis management", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 39, + "Paragraph": "The complete range of processes that render weapons, ammunition and explo\u00adsives unfit for their originally intended purpose. Demilitarization not only involves the final destruction process, but also includes all of the other transport, storage, accounting and pre-processing operations that are equally as essential to achieving the final result.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "Demilitarization", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 40, + "Paragraph": "\u201cDemobilization is the formal and controlled discharge of active combatants from armed forces or other armed groups. The first stage of demobilization may extend from the processing of individual combatants in temporary centres to the massing of troops in camps designated for this purpose (cantonment sites, encampments, assembly areas or barracks). the second stage of demobilization encompasses the support package provided to the demobilized, which is called reinsertion\u201d (Secretary-General, note to the General Assembly, A/C.5/59/31, May 2005).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "Demobilization (see also \u2018Child demobilization\u2019)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 41, + "Paragraph": "A civilian who depends upon a combatant for his/her livelihood. This can include friends and relatives of the combatant, such as aged men and women, non-mobilized children, and women and girls. Some dependants may also be active members of a fighting force. For the purposes of DDR programming, such persons shall be considered combatants, not dependants.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "Dependant", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 42, + "Paragraph": "The process of final conversion of weapons, ammunition and explosives into an inert state so that they can no longer function as designed.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "Destruction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 43, + "Paragraph": "A detailed field assessment is essential to identify the nature of the problem a DDR programme is to deal with, as well as to provide key indicators for the development of a detailed DDR strategy and its associated components. detailed field assessments shall be undertaken to ensure that DDR strategies, programmes and implementation plans reflect realities, are well targeted and sustainable, and to assist with their monitoring and evaluation.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "Detailed field assessment", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 44, + "Paragraph": "\u201cDisarmament is the collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons of combatants and often also of the civilian population. Disarmament also includes the development of responsible arms management programmes\u201d (Secretary-General, note to the General Assembly, A/C.5/59/31, May 2005). ", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "Disarmament", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 45, + "Paragraph": "A process that contributes to security and stability in a post-conflict recovery context by removing weapons from the hands of combatants, taking the combatants out of military structures and helping them to integrate socially and economically into society by finding civilian livelihoods. also see separate entries for \u2018disarmament\u2019, \u2018demobilization\u2019 and \u2018reintegration\u2019.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 46, + "Paragraph": "The removal of ammunition and explosives from a stockpile using a variety of methods (that may not necessarily involve destruction). Logistic disposal may or may not require the use of render safe procedures.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "Disposal", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 47, + "Paragraph": "The exposure of ammunition and explosives to the temperature changes caused by day, night and change of season.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "Diurnal cycling", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 48, + "Paragraph": "An approach that tries to avoid unintended negative impacts of development and other interventions.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 49, + "Paragraph": "Criteria that establish who will benefit from DDR assistance and who will not. there are five categories of people that should be taken into consideration in DDR programmes: (1) male and female adult combatants; (2) children associated with armed forces and groups; (3) those working in non-combat roles (including women); (4) ex-combatants with disabilities and chronic illnesses; and (5) dependants. \\nWhen deciding on who will benefit from DDR assistance, planners should be guided by three principles, which include: (1) focusing on improving security. DDR assistance should target groups that pose the greatest risk to peace, while paying careful attentions to laying the foundation for recovery and development; (2) balancing equity with security. Targeted assistance should be balanced against rewarding violence. Fairness should guide eligibility; and (3) achieving flexibility. \\nThe eligibility criteria are decided at the beginning of a DDR planning process and determine the cost, scope and duration of the DDR programme in question.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "Eligibility criteria ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 50, + "Paragraph": "A combination of skills, knowledge and attitudes that improve a person\u2019s ability to secure and retain a job, progress at work and cope with change, secure alternative employment if he/she so wishes or has been laid off, and enter more easily into the labour market at different periods of his/her working life.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "Employability", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 51, + "Paragraph": "Refers to women and men taking control over their lives: setting their own agendas, gaining skills, building self-confidence, solving problems and developing self-reliance. No one can empower another; only the individual can empower herself or himself to make choices or to speak out. However,institutions, including international cooperation agencies, can support processes that can nurture self-empowerment of individuals or groups. Empowerment of recipients, regardless of their gender, should be a central goal of any DDR interventions, and measures must be taken to ensure no particular Group is disempowered or excluded through the DDR process.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "Empowerment", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 52, + "Paragraph": "Evaluation is a management tool. It is a time-bound activity that systematically and objectively assesses the relevance, performance and success of ongoing and completed programmes and projects. Evaluation is carried out selectively, asking and answering specific questions to guide decision makers and/or programme managers. Evaluation determines the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of a programme or project.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Evaluation", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 53, + "Paragraph": "This is provided for in legal provisions under refugee law that deny the benefits of international protection to persons who would otherwise satisfy the criteria for refugee status, including persons in respect of whom there are serious reasons for considering that they have committed a crime against peace, a war crime, a crime against humanity, a serious non-political crime or acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "Exclusion from protection as a refugee", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 54, + "Paragraph": "A person who has assumed any of the responsibilities or carried out any of the activities mentioned in the definition of \u2018combatant\u2019, and has laid down or surrendered his/her arms with a view to entering a DDR process. Former combatant status may be certified through a demobilisation process by a recognised authority. Spontaneously auto-demobilised individuals, such as deserters, may also be considered ex-combatants if proof of non-combatant status over a period of time can be given.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "Ex-combatan", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 55, + "Paragraph": "It may also include the rendering safe and/or disposal of such explosive ordnance, which has become hazardous by damage or deterioration, when the disposal of such explosive ordnance is beyond the capabilities of those personnel normally assigned the responsibility for routine disposal. The presence of ammunition and explosives during disarmament operations will inevitably require some degree of EOD response. The level of this response will depend on the condition of the ammunition, its level of deterioration and the way that the local community handles it", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 56, + "Paragraph": "Substances or mixtures of substances that, under external influences, are capable of rapidly releasing energy in the form of gases and heat.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "Explosives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 57, + "Paragraph": "HIV test result that is wrong, either giving a negative result when the person is HIV-positive, or a positive result when the person is HIV-negative", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "False negative/positive", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 58, + "Paragraph": "The office in the Office of Mission Support (OMS) in DPKO mandated to provide financial management and support services to peacekeeping, peacemaking and preventive diplomacy operations, and trust funds related to peacekeeping and peacemaking activities from start-up through closure and liquidation", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "Finance and Management Support Service (FMSS) ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 59, + "Paragraph": "Programme in which food is supplied on condition that the recipient attends a training programme", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "Food for training (FFT) ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 60, + "Paragraph": "FFW projects and activities are those in which food is given as full or part payment for work performed in the context of a supervised work programme.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "Food for work (FFW)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 61, + "Paragraph": "A situation where people lack secure access to sufficient amounts of safe and nutritious food for normal growth and development, and an active and healthy life. Food insecurity may be caused by the unavailability of food, insufficient purchasing power, inappropriate distribution, or inadequate use of food at the household level", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "Food insecurity", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 62, + "Paragraph": "A situation where all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Note: This definition includes the following three key dimensions of food security: sufficient availability of food; adequate access to food; and appropriate utilization of food.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "Food security", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 63, + "Paragraph": "A person who previously met the definition of a combatant and has since disarmed and genuinely demobilized, but is not a national of the country where he/she finds him-/herself.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "Foreign former combatant", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 64, + "Paragraph": "A self-contained police unit of 125 officers capable of providing a range of tactical options, including an effective public order function.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "Formed police unit (FPU)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 65, + "Paragraph": "See \u2018ex-combatant\u2019", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "Former combatant", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 66, + "Paragraph": "The social attributes and opportunities associated with being male and female and the relationships between women, men, girls and boys, as well as the relations between women and those between men. These attributes, opportunities and relationships are socially constructed and are learned through socialization processes. They are context/time-specific and changeable. Gender is part of the broader sociocultural context. Other important criteria for sociocultural analysis include class, race, poverty level, ethnic group and age. The concept of gender also includes the expectations held about the characteristics, aptitudes and likely behaviours of both women and men (femininity and masculinity). The concept of gender is vital, because, when it is applied to social analysis, it reveals how women\u2019s subordination (or men\u2019s domination) is socially constructed. As such, the subordination can be changed or ended. It is not biologically predetermined, nor is it fixed forever. As with any group, interactions among armed forces and groups, members\u2019 roles and responsibilities within the group, and interactions between members of armed forces/groups and policy and decision makers are all heavily influenced by prevailing gender roles and gender relations in society. In fact, gender roles significantly affect the behaviour of individuals even when they are in a sex-segregated environment, such as an all-male cadre.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "Gender", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 67, + "Paragraph": "The collection and analysis of sex-disaggregated information. Men and women perform different roles in societies and in armed groups and forces. This leads to women and men having different experience, knowledge, talents and needs. Gender analysis explores these differences so that policies, programmes and projects can identify and meet the different needs of men and women. Gender analysis also facilitates the strategic use of distinct knowledge and skills possessed by women and men, which can greatly improve the long-term sustainability of interventions. In the context of DDR, gender analysis should be used to design policies and interventions that will reflect the different roles, capacity and needs of women, men, girls and boys.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "Gender analysis", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 68, + "Paragraph": "The objective of achieving representational numbers of women and men among staff. The shortage of women in leadership roles, as well as extremely low numbers of women peacekeepers and civilian personnel, has contributed to the invisibility of the needs and capacities of women and girls in the DDR process. Achieving gender balance, or at least improving the representation of women in peace operations, has been defined as a strategy for increasing operational capacity on issues related to women, girls, gender equality and mainstreaming.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "Gender balance", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 69, + "Paragraph": "The equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities of women and men and Girls and boys. Equality does not mean that women and men will become the same, but that women\u2019s and men\u2019s rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female. Gender equality implies that the interests, needs and priorities of both women and men are taken into consideration, while recognizing the diversity of different groups of women and men. Gender equality is not a women\u2019s issue, but should concern and fully engage men as well as women. Equality between women and men is seen both as a human rights issue and as a precondition for, and indicator of, sustainable people-centred development.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "Gender equality", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 70, + "Paragraph": "The process of being fair to men and women. To ensure fairness, measures must often be put in place to compensate for the historical and social disadvantages that prevent women and men from operating on a level playing field. equity is a means; equality is the result.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "Gender equity", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 71, + "Paragraph": "Defined by the 52nd Session of ECOSOC in 1997 as \u201cthe process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for making women\u2019s as well as men\u2019s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres, so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetrated. The ultimate goal of gender mainstreaming is to achieve gender equality.\u201d Gender mainstreaming emerged as a major strategy for achieving gender equality following the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995. In the context of DDR, gender mainstreaming is necessary in order to ensure women and girls receive equitable access to assistance programmes and packages, and it should, therefore, be an essential component of all DDR-related interventions. In order to maximize the impact of gender mainstreaming efforts, these should be complemented with activities that are directly tailored for marginalized segments of the intended beneficiary group.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "Gender mainstreaming", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 72, + "Paragraph": "The social relationships among men, women, girls and boys. Gender relations shape how power is distributed among women, men, girls and boys and how it is translated into different positions in society. Gender relations are generally fluid and vary depending on other social relations, such as class, race, ethnicity, etc.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "Gender relations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 73, + "Paragraph": "Policies that utilize gender analysis in their formulation and design, and recognize gender differences in terms of needs, interests, priorities, power and roles. They further recognize that both men and women are active development actors for their community. Gender-aware policies can be further divided into the following three policies: \\nGender-neutral policies use the knowledge of gender differences in society to reduce biases in development work in order to enable both women and men to meet their practical gender needs. \\nGender-specific policies are based on an understanding of the existing gendered division of resources and responsibilities and gender power relations. These policies use knowledge of gender difference to respond to the practical gender needs of women or men. \\nGender-transformative policies consist of interventions that attempt to transform existing distributions of power and resources to create a more balanced relationship among women, men, girls and boys by responding to their strategic gender needs. These policies can target both sexes together, or separately. Interventions may focus on women\u2019s and/or men\u2019s practical gender needs, but with the objective of creating a conducive environment in which women or men can empower themselve", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "Gender-aware policies", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 74, + "Paragraph": "Programmes that are planned, implemented, monitored and evaluated in a gender-responsive manner to meet the different needs of female and male ex-combatants, supporters and dependants.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "Gender-responsive DDR programmes", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 75, + "Paragraph": "Programme and project objectives that are non-discriminatory, equally benefit women and men and aim at correcting gender imbalances.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "Gender-responsive objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 76, + "Paragraph": "This is the result of how each society divides work between men and women according to what is considered suitable or appropriate to each gender. Atten\u00adtion to the gendered division of labour is essential when determining reintegration opportunities for both male and female ex-combatants, including women and girls associated with armed forces and groups in non-combat roles and dependants.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "Gendered division of labour", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 77, + "Paragraph": "Physical injury or damage to the health of people, or damage to property or the environment (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E]).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "Harm", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 78, + "Paragraph": "Occurrence in which a hazardous situation results in harm (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E]).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "Harmful event", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 79, + "Paragraph": "Potential source of harm (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E]).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "Hazard", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 80, + "Paragraph": "Circumstance in which people, property or the environment are exposed to one or more hazards (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E]).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "Hazardous situation ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 81, + "Paragraph": "Human immunodeficiency virus, the virus that causes AIDS.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "HIV", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 82, + "Paragraph": "According to WHO/UNAIDS recommendations, all positive HIV-test results (whether ELISA [enzyme-linked immunabsorbent assay] or simple/rapid tests) should be confirmed using a second, different test to confirm accuracy, or two further different rapid tests if laboratory facilities are not available.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "HIV confirmation tests", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 83, + "Paragraph": "Counselling generally offered before and after an HIV test in order to help individuals understand their risk behaviour and cope with an HIV-positive result or stay HIV-negative. The counselling service also links individuals to options for treatment, care and support, and provides information on how to stay as healthy as possible and how to minimize the risk of transmission to others. Test results shall be confidential. Usually a voluntary counselling and testing service package ensures that: the HIV test is voluntary; pre and post-test counselling is offered; informed consent is obtained (agreement to a medical test or procedure after clear explanation of risks and benefits); and HIV tests are performed using approved HIV test kits and following testing protocols.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "HIV counselling", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 84, + "Paragraph": "The HIV test did not detect any antibodies in the blood. This either means that the person is not infected with the virus at the time of the test or that he/she is in the \u2018window period\u2019 (i.e., false negative, see above). It does not mean that he/she is immune to the virus.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "HIV-negative result", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 85, + "Paragraph": "A positive HIV test result means that a person has the HIV antibodies in his/ her blood and is infected with HIV. It does not mean that he/she has AIDS.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "HIV-positive result ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 86, + "Paragraph": "Usually a test for the presence of antibodies. There are two main methods of HIV testing: \\nHIV ELISA (enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay) test: This is the most efficient test for testing large numbers per day, but requires laboratory facilities with equipment, maintenance staff and a reliable power supply; \\nSimple/rapid HIV tests: These do not require special equipment or highly trained staff and are as accurate as ELISA. Rapid tests will usually give results in approximately 30 minutes and are easy to perform. Suitable combinations of three simple/rapid tests are recommended by WHO where facilities for ELISA or ELISA/Western Blot testing are not available.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "HIV test", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 87, + "Paragraph": "A foreign country into whose territory a combatant crosses.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "Host country", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 88, + "Paragraph": "The knowledge, skills, competencies and other attributes embodied in individuals that are relevant to economic activity. (Duration of schooling and levels of qualification are the standard measures.)", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "Human capital", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 89, + "Paragraph": "Constitutes (1) safety from chronic threats, such as hunger, disease and repression, and (2) protection from sudden and hurtful disruptions in the patterns of daily life. Although the scope of human security is vast, it can be divided into seven areas: economic security (freedom from poverty), food security (access to food), health security (access to health care and protection from diseases), environmental security (protection from the danger of environmental pollution), personal security (physical protection against torture, war, criminal attacks, domestic violence, etc.), community security (survival of traditional cultures and ethnic groups) and political security (civil and political rights, freedom from political oppression).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "Human security", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 90, + "Paragraph": "Also known as an operations or action plan, an implementation plan describes the detailed steps necessary to implement programme activities, together with a division of labour and overall time-frame.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "Implementation plan", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 91, + "Paragraph": "Organizations and agencies that execute programmes and services within UN-supported DDR operations. The presence and capacity of implementing partners varies significantly in different countries and may include national authorities, UN missions and agencies, national and international NGOs, community-based organizations and local businesses.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "Implementing partner", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 92, + "Paragraph": "Acts or conditions that encourage the achievement of a goal.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "Incentives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 93, + "Paragraph": "A small percentage of HIV test results are inconclusive. This means that the result is neither positive nor negative. This may be due to a number of factors that are not related to HIV infection, or it can be because of the person is in the early stages of infection when there are insufficient HIV antibodies present to give a positive result. If this happens the test must be repeated.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "Inconclusive (indeterminate) test", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 94, + "Paragraph": "Time period between first infection by the disease agent and the appearance of disease symptoms. With HIV, this can vary from months to many years.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "Incubation period", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 95, + "Paragraph": "Quantitative or qualitative factor or variable that provides a simple and reliable means to measure achievement, to reflect changes connected to an intervention, or to help assess the performance of a given development or aid factor.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "Indicator", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 96, + "Paragraph": "The development of communication strategies and support materials, based on formative research and designed to impact on levels of knowledge and influence behaviours among specific groups.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "nformation, education and communication (IEC)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 97, + "Paragraph": "The co-operative implementation of policies, structures and processes that support effective disarmament, demobilization and reintegration operations within a peacekeeping environment.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "Integrated disarmament, demobilization and reintegration", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 98, + "Paragraph": "The implementation of policies and processes, in pursuit of a common strategic aim, that provide mechanisms for mutually beneficial cooperation.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "Integration", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 99, + "Paragraph": "Persons who have been obliged to flee from their homes \u201cin particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflicts, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognized State border\u201d (according to the definition in the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement)", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "Internally displaced persons (IDPs)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 100, + "Paragraph": "State, international or regional body or organization that plays the role of facilitation and arbitration in negotiations and the implementation of a peace accord.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "International guarantor", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 101, + "Paragraph": "A person who falls within the definition of a combatant (see above), who has crossed an international border from a State experiencing armed conflict and is interned by a neutral State whose territory he/she has entered.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "Internee", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 102, + "Paragraph": "An obligation of a neutral State when foreign former combatants cross into its territory, as provided for under the 1907 Hague Convention Respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in the Case of War on land. This rule is considered to have attained customary international law status, so that it is binding on all States, whether or not they are parties to the Hague Convention. It is applicable by analogy also to internal armed conflicts in which combatants from government armed forces or opposition armed groups enter the territory of a neutral State. Internment involves confining foreign combatants who have been separated from civilians in a safe location away from combat zones and providing basic relief and humane treatment. Varying degrees of freedom of movement can be provided, subject to the interning State ensuring that the internees cannot use its territory for participation in hostilities.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "Internment", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 103, + "Paragraph": "A process in which an actor enters into the area of another, with or without the consent of the other.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "Intervention", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 104, + "Paragraph": "For the purposes of the IDDRS, defined as armed group.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "Irregular force", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 105, + "Paragraph": "For the UN, an ideal of accountability and fairness in the protection and vindication of rights and the prevention and punishment of wrongs. Justice implies regard for the rights of the accused, for the interests of victims and for the well-being of society at large. It is a concept rooted in all national cultures and traditions, and while its administration usually implies formal judicial mechanisms, traditional dispute resolution mechanisms are equally relevant. the international community has worked to articulate collectively the substantive and procedural requirements for the administration of justice for more than half a century", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "Justice", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 106, + "Paragraph": "The national legal regimes that regulate the possession, use and circulation of small arms and light weapons. These may be enforced by the State\u2019s security forces. ", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "Legislative disarmament/small arms contro", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 107, + "Paragraph": "The capabilities, assets (including both material and social assets) and activities required for a means of living. A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stress and shocks, and maintain or improve its capabilities and assets, while not undermining the natural resource base.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "Livelihood", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 108, + "Paragraph": "Testing or screening required by federal, state, or local law to compel individuals to submit to HIV testing without informed consent. Within those countries that conduct mandatory testing, it is usually limited to specific \u2018populations\u2019 such as categories of health care providers, members of the military, prisoners or people in high-risk situations.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "Mandatory testing", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 109, + "Paragraph": "\u201cA mercenary is any person who:\\n(a) Is specially recruited locally or abroad in order to fight in an armed conflict;\\n(b) Is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar rank and functions in the armed forces of that party;\\n(c) Is neither a national of a party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a party to the conflict;\\n(d) Is not a member of the armed forces of a party to the conflict; and \\n(e) Has not been sent by a State which is not a party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces.\\n\\nA mercenary is also any person who, in any other situation:\\n(a) Is specially recruited locally or abroad for the purpose of participating in a concerted act of violence aimed at:\\n(i) Overthrowing a Government or otherwise undermining the constitutional order of a State; or\\n(ii) Undermining the territorial integrity of a State;\\n(b) Is motivated to take part therein essentially by the desire for significant private gain and is prompted by the promise of payment of material compen\u00adsation;\\n(c) Is neither a national nor a resident of the State against which such an act is directed;\\n(d) Has not been sent by a State on official duty; and\\n(e) Is not a member of the armed forces of the State on whose territory the act is undertaken\u201d (International Convention Against the Recruitment, Use, financing and Training of Mercenaries, 1989)", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "Mercenary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 110, + "Paragraph": "A military group that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency or a rebel group acting in opposition to a regular army. Also see \u2018irregular force\u2019.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "Militia", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 111, + "Paragraph": "The Millennium Development Goals summarize the development goals agreedon at international conferences and world summits during the 1990s. At the end of the decade, world leaders distilled the key goals and targets in the millennium Declaration (September 2000).the Millennium Development Goals, to be achieved between 1990 and 2015, include:\\nhalving extreme poverty and hunger;\\nachieving universal primary education;\\npromoting gender equality; \\nreducing under-five mortality by two-thirds;\\nreducing maternal mortality by three-quarters;\\nreversing the spread of HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB; \\nensuring environmental sustainability; \\ndeveloping a global partnership for development, with targets for aid, \\ntrade and debt relief.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "Millennium Development Goals", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 112, + "Paragraph": "Monitoring is a management tool. It is the systematic oversight of the implementation of an activity that establishes whether input deliveries, work schedules, other required actions and targeted outputs have proceeded according to plan, so that timely action can be taken to correct deficiencies.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "Monitoring", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 113, + "Paragraph": "The government department(s), organization(s) or institution(s) in a country responsible for the regulation, management and coordination of DDR activities.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "National authority", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 114, + "Paragraph": "A comprehensive, short, medium or long-term strategy to bring about the development of a specific issue in a country.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "National plan", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 115, + "Paragraph": "An approach that focuses on what people need or are short of and, therefore, on what they should be provided with.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "Needs-based approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 116, + "Paragraph": "A core principle of international law that prohibits States from returning persons in any manner whatsoever to countries or territories in which their lives or freedom may be threatened. It finds expression in refugee law, human rights law and international humanitarian law, is a rule of customary international law, and is therefore binding on all States, whether or not they are parties to specific instruments such as the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "Non-refoulement", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 117, + "Paragraph": "AIDS patients usually need a food intake that is 30 percent higher than standard recommended levels.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "Nutritional requirements", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 118, + "Paragraph": "Specific target set by an organization to achieve a mission. Operational objectives should be precise, ideally quantifiable, and should be achievable with the resources that are likely to become available.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "Operational objective", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 119, + "Paragraph": "Infection that occurs when an immune system is weakened, but which might not cause a disease \u2014 or be as serious \u2014 in a person with a properly functioning immune system.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "Opportunistic infection (OI)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 120, + "Paragraph": "All persons who will receive direct assistance through the DDR process, inclu\u00adding ex-combatants, women and children associated with fighting forces, and others identified during negotiations of the political framework and planning for a UN-supported DDR process.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "Participants", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 121, + "Paragraph": "Tool designed, in a World Food Programme (WFP) intervention, to assess rural people\u2019s perceptions, access to and control over resources, attitudes, benefits, decision-making positions, constraints and degree of involvement.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "Participatory rural assessment (PRA)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 122, + "Paragraph": "Process to prevent the resurgence of conflict and to create the conditions necessary for a sustainable peace in war-torn societies. It is a holistic pro\u00adcess involving broad-based inter-agency cooperation across a wide range of issues. it includes activities such as disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of armed forces and groups; rehabilitation of basic national infrastructure; human rights and elections monitoring; monitoring or retraining of civil administrators and police; training in customs and border control procedures; advice or training in fiscal or macroeconomic stabilization policy and support for landmine removal.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "Peace-building", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 123, + "Paragraph": "he assessed contribution of Member States to the operations of the UN peacekeeping missions, based on a scale established by the General Assembly.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "Peacekeeping assessed budget", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 124, + "Paragraph": "A popular concept that variously refers to an approach, a communication channel, a methodology and/or an intervention strategy. Peer education usually involves training and supporting members of a given group with the same background, experience and values to effect change among members of that group. It is often used to influence knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours at the individual level. However, peer educa\u00adtion may also create change at the group or societal level by modifying norms and stimulating collective action that contributes to changes in policies and programmes. worldwide, peer education is one of the most widely used HIV/AIDS awareness strategies. ", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "Peer education", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 125, + "Paragraph": "A law, decree or edict enacted by the relevant authority governing the establishment, functions and organization of a law enforcement agency", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "Police statute", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 126, + "Paragraph": "A set of statements that define the purpose and goals of an organization and the rules, standards and principles of action that govern the way in which the organization aims to achieve these goals. \\nPolicy evolves in response to strategic direction and field experience. in turn, it influences the way in which plans are developed, and how resources are mobilized and applied. Policy is prescriptive and compliance is assumed, or at least is encouraged.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "Policy", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 127, + "Paragraph": "The process whereby many academic, international and non-governmental organizations provide assistance to governments in developing their strategies and managerial approaches to particular issues, problems or events.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "Policy development", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 128, + "Paragraph": "A situation where the political system and its actors, rules, cultures and institutions achieve balance and maintain a certain degree of order.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "Political stability ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 129, + "Paragraph": "Can describe the time, period or events taking place in a given State or region that had experienced an outbreak of violence or conflict in its recent past.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "Post-conflict", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 130, + "Paragraph": "A short-term antiretroviral treatment that reduce the likelihood of HIV infection after potential exposure to infected body fluids, such as through a needle-stick injury or as a result of rape. The treatment should only be administered by a qualified health care practitioner. It essentially consists of taking high doses of ARVs for 28 days. To be effective, the treatment must start within 2 to 72 hours of the possible exposure; the earlier the treatment is started, the more effective it is. Its success rate varies.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "Post-exposure prophylaxis/Post-exposure prevention (PEP)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 131, + "Paragraph": "PRSPs are prepared by governments in low-income countries through a participatory process involving domestic stakeholders and external development partners, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. a PRSP describes the macroeconomic, structural and social policies and programmes that a country will follow over several years to bring about broadbased growth and reduce poverty, as well as external financing needs and the associated sources of financing (IMF, Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper: A Fact sheet, September 2005,", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "Poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSPs)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 132, + "Paragraph": "What women (or men) perceive as immediate necessities, such as water, shelter, food and security. Practical needs vary according to gendered differences in the division of agricultural labour, reproductive work, etc., in any social context.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Practical gender needs", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 133, + "Paragraph": "Programmes provided at the point of demobilization to former combatants and their families to better equip them for reinsertion to civil society. This process also provides a valuable opportunity to monitor and manage expectations.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Pre-discharge orientation (PDO)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 134, + "Paragraph": "The sources of budgetary support available to the Secretary-General of the UN to establish or expand a peacekeeping operations or special political mission. Certain conditions govern the use of the PMCA, which may include (depending on circumstances) approval from the ACABQ or notification of the President of the Security Council.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Pre-mandate commitment authority (PMCA)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 135, + "Paragraph": "Child-focused agencies use the term \u2018prevention of recruitment, and demobilization and reintegration\u2019 rather than DDR when referring to child-centred processes.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Prevention of recruitment, and demobilization and reintegration (PDR)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 136, + "Paragraph": "As appearing at first sight or on first impression; relating to refugees, if someone seems obvious to be a refugee.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Prima facie", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 137, + "Paragraph": "A generic (general) term for a set of activities designed to achieve a specific objective. In order to ensure that a programme\u2019s results, outputs and overall outcome are reached, activities are often framed by a strategy, key principles and identified targets. Together, these indicate how the activities will be structured and implemented. Programmes also include a description of all aspects necessary to implement the planned activities, including inputs and resources (staff, equipment, funding, etc.), management arrangements, legal frameworks, partnerships and other risk analysis.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Programme", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 138, + "Paragraph": "Within each programme there may be several projects, each of which is a separately identified undertaking. A project is an intervention that consists of a set of planned, interrelated activities aimed at achieving defined objectives over a fixed time. A project\u2019s activities and objectives are normally given in a project document. This legal agreement binds the signatories to carry out the defined activities and to provide specific resources over a fixed period of time in order to reach agreed objectives.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Project", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 139, + "Paragraph": "All activities that are aimed at obtaining full respect for the rights of the individual, in accordance with the letter and spirit of international human rights law, international humanitarian law and refugee law.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Protection", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 140, + "Paragraph": "Information that is released or published for the primary purpose of keeping the public fully informed, thereby gaining their understanding and support. The objective of public information within SALW control is to raise general awareness. It is a mass mobilization approach that delivers information on the SALW problem. In an emergency situation, due to lack of time and accurate data it is the most practical means of communicating safety information. In other situations, public information can support community liaison/ involvement.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Public information", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 141, + "Paragraph": "Quick-impact projects are small, rapidly implemented projects intended to: \\nhelp create conditions for durable solutions for refugees and returnees through rapid interventions; \\nthrough community participation, provide for small-scale initial rehabilitation and enable communities to take advantage of development opportunities; \\nhelp strengthen the absorptive capacity of target areas, while meeting urgent community needs (UNHCR, Quick Impact Projects (QIPs): A Provisional Guide, Geneva, May 2004).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "Quick-impact project (QIP)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 142, + "Paragraph": "Assessment that uses a variety of survey techniques for quick and inexpensive assessment. Rapid assessments tend to be qualitative rather than quantitative, and they depend more on the ability and judgment of the person carrying out the survey than do other research methods that are more rigorous, but also slower and costlier.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "Rapid assessment (RA)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 143, + "Paragraph": "The communities where the ex-combatants will go, live and work. Within this concept, the social network of a small community is referred to, and also the bordering local economy.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "Receiving communities", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 144, + "Paragraph": "The process of rebuilding the institutions of State that have failed or are failing due to circumstances of war or to systematic destruction through poor governance.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "Reconstruction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 145, + "Paragraph": "A restorative process in relation to the situation prior to the distress. It might entail \u2018healing\u2019, reparation, amelioration and even regeneration.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "Recovery", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 146, + "Paragraph": "Includes compulsory, forced and voluntary recruitment into any kind of regular or irregular armed force or armed group.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "Recruitment", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 147, + "Paragraph": "Defined in the 1951 UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees as a person who: \\n\u201cIs outside the country of origin; \\nHas a well-founded fear of persecution because of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion; and \\nIs unable or unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country, or to return there, for fear of persecution.\u201d \\nIn Africa and Latin America, this definition has been extended. The 1969 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa also includes as refugees persons fleeing civil disturbances, widespread violence and war. In Latin America, the Cartagena Declaration of 1984, although not binding, recommends that the definition should also include persons who fled their country \u201cbecause their lives, safety or freedom have been threatened by generalised violence, foreign aggression, internal conflicts, massive violations of human rights or other circumstances which have seriously disturbed public order\u201d.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "Refugee", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 148, + "Paragraph": "Legal and administrative procedures undertaken by UNHCR and/or States to determine whether an individual should be recognized as a refugee in accordance with national and international law.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "Refugee status determination", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 149, + "Paragraph": "Institutionalized armed cadre in organized, structured and trained professional armies, with a legal basis and supporting institutional infrastructure (salaries, benefits, basic services, etc.).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "Regular forces ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 150, + "Paragraph": "\u201cReinsertion is the assistance offered to ex-combatants during demobilization but prior to the longer-term process of reintegration. Reinsertion is a form of transitional assistance to help cover the basic needs of ex-combatants and their families and can include transitional safety allowances, food, clothes, shelter, medical services, short-term education, training, employment and tools. While reintegration is a long-term, continuous social and economic process of development, reinsertion is short-term material and/or financial assistance to meet immediate needs, and can last up to one year\u201d (Secretary-General, note to the General Assembly, A/C.5/59/31, May 2005).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "Reinsertion", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 151, + "Paragraph": "\u201cReintegration is the process by which ex-combatants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. Reintegration is essentially a social and economic process with an open time-frame, primarily taking place in communities at the local level. It is part of the general development of a country and a national responsibility, and often necessitates long-term external assistance\u201d (Secretary-General, note to the General Assembly, A/C.5/59/31, May 2005).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "Reintegration", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 152, + "Paragraph": "The provision of reintegration support is a right enshrined in article 39 of the CRC: \u201cState Parties shall take all appropriate measures to promote . . . social reintegration of a child victim of . . . armed conflicts\u201d. Child-centred reintegration is multi-layered and focuses on family reunification; mobilizing and enabling care systems in the community; medical screening and health care, including reproductive health services; schooling and/or vocational training; psychosocial support; and social, cultural and economic support. Socio-economic reintegration is often underestimated in DDR programmes, but should be included in all stages of programming and budgeting, and partner organizations should be involved at the start of the reintegration process to establish strong collaboration structures.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "Reintegration of children", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 153, + "Paragraph": "The application of special explosive ordnance disposal methods and tools to provide for the interruption of functions or separation of essential components to prevent an unacceptable detonation.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "Render safe procedure (RSP)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 154, + "Paragraph": "The return of an individual to his/her country of citizenship. ", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "Repatriation", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 155, + "Paragraph": "The relocation of a refugee to a third country, which is neither the country of citizenship nor the country into which the refugee has fled. Resettlement to a third country is granted by accord of the country of resettlement, and is based on a number of criteria, including legal and physical protection needs, lack of local integration opportunities, medical needs, family reunification needs, protecting survivors of violence and torture, etc.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "Resettlement", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 156, + "Paragraph": "In the context of disarmament, the term refers to the risk remaining following the application of all reasonable efforts to remove the risks inherent in all collection and destruction activities (adapted from ISO Guide 51:1999).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "Residual risk", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 157, + "Paragraph": "A strategic planning framework that focuses on concrete objectives, expected accomplishments and indicators of achievement for the allocation of resources. As such, the RBB aims to shift focus from output accounting (i.e., activities) to results-based accountability (indicators of achievements).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "Results-based budgeting (RBB) ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 158, + "Paragraph": "A refugee who has voluntarily repatriated from a country of asylum to his/her country of origin, after the country of origin has confirmed that its environment is stable and secure and not prone to persecution of any person. Also refers to a person (who could be an internally displaced person [IDP] or ex-combatant) returning to a community/town/village after conflict has ended.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "Returnee", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 159, + "Paragraph": "Combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E]).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "Risk", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 160, + "Paragraph": "Systematic use of available information to identify hazards and to estimate the risk (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E]).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "Risk analysis", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 161, + "Paragraph": "Overall process comprising a risk analysis and a risk evaluation (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E]).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "Risk assessment", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 162, + "Paragraph": "Process based on risk analysis to determine whether the tolerable risk has been achieved (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E]).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "Risk evaluation", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 163, + "Paragraph": "Actions taken to lessen the probability, negative consequences or both, associated with a particular event or series of events.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "Risk reduction ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 164, + "Paragraph": "Approach to testing whereby the individual is offered an HIV test as a standard part of a treatment/health check that he/she is about to receive. The individual is informed that he/she has the right to decide whether or not to undergo the test.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "Routine opt-in testing", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 165, + "Paragraph": "A principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards. It requires, as well, measures to ensure adherence to the principles of supremacy of law, equality before the law, accountability to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of powers, participation in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of arbitrariness, and procedural and legal transparency.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "Rule of law", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 166, + "Paragraph": "A technical assessment, by an appropriately qualified technician or technical officer, of the physical condition and stability of ammunition and explosives prior to any proposed move. Should the ammunition and explosives fail a \u2018safe to move\u2019 inspection, then they must be destroyed on site (i.e., at the place where it is found), or as close as is practically possible, by a qualified EOD team acting under the advice and control of the qualified technician or technical officer who conducted the initial \u2018safe to move\u2019 inspection.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "\u2018Safe to move\u2019", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 167, + "Paragraph": "The degree of freedom from unacceptable risk (ISO Guide 51: 1999[E]).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "Safety", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 168, + "Paragraph": "A programme of activities carried out with the overall goal of minimizing, and where possible eliminating, the negative consequences of inadequate SALW control by carrying out an appropriate combination of SALW advocacy,SALW risk education and media operations/public information campaigns, which together work to change behaviours and introduce appropriate alternative ways attitudes over the long term. Wherever it exists, the operational objectives of a national SALW control initiative will dictate the appropriate type of SALW awareness activities. SALW awareness is a mass mobilization approach that delivers information on the SALW threat. It may take the form of formal or non-formal education and may use mass media techniques. In an emergency situation, due to lack of time and available data, it is the most practical way of communicating safety information. In other situations it can support community liaison.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "SALW awareness programme", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 169, + "Paragraph": "A programme of activities that aim to raise SALW problems and issues with the general public, the authorities, the media, governments and their institutions to achieve changes at both institutional and/or individual levels. These types of activities also include campaigns highlighting the SALW problems and issues with the aim of encouraging people to surrender weapons. This is generally carried out to support weapons collection programmes.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "SALW advocacy", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 170, + "Paragraph": "Activities that, together, aim to reduce the social, economic and environmental impact of uncontrolled SALW spread and possession. These activities include cross-border control issues, legislative and regulatory measures, SALW awareness and communications strategies, SALW collection and destruction operations, SALW survey and the management of information and SALW stockpile management.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "SALW control", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 171, + "Paragraph": "A process that encourages the adoption of safer behaviours by at-risk groups and by SALW holders, and which provides the links among affected communities, other SALW components and other sectors. SALW risk education can be implemented as a stand-alone activity, in contexts where no weapons collection is taking place. If an amnesty is to be set up at a later stage, risk education activities will permit an information campaign to take place efficiently, using the networks, systems and methods in place as part of the risk education programme and adapting the content accordingly. \\nSALW risk education is an essential component of SALW control. There are two related and mutually reinforcing components: (1) community involvement; and (2) public education. \\nGenerally, SALW risk education programmes can use both approaches, as they reinforce each other. They are not, however, alternatives to each other, nor are they alternatives to eradicating the SALW threat by weapons collection and destruction. The use of those approaches will also depend on whether a weapons collection programme is taking place or not.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "SALW risk education", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 172, + "Paragraph": "A systematic and logical process to determine the nature and extent of SALW spread and impact within a region, nation or community in order to provide accurate data and information for a safe, effective and efficient intervention by an appropriate organisation. The following terms have been used in the past, though the preferred one is as indicated above: \u2018national assessment\u2019, \u2018base-line assessment\u2019 and \u2018mapping\u2019.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "SALW survey", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 173, + "Paragraph": "An individual\u2019s or State\u2019s feeling of safety or well-being, protected from attack or violent conflict. OR The control of threat, integrated with an appropriate response capability.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "Security", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 174, + "Paragraph": "A dynamic concept involving the design and implementation of strategy for the management of security functions in a democratically accountable, efficient and effective manner to initiate and support reform of the national security infrastructure. The national security infrastructure includes appropriate national ministries, civil authorities, judicial systems, the armed forces, paramilitary forces, police, intelligence services, private\u2013military companies (PMCs), correctional services and civil society \u2018watch-dogs\u2019.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "Security sector reform (SSR)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 175, + "Paragraph": "Sensitization within the DDR context refers to creating awareness, positive understanding and behavioural change towards: (1) specific components that are important to DDR planning, implementation and follow-up; and (2) transitional changes for ex-combatants, their dependants and surrounding communities, both during and post-DDR processes. For those who are planning and implementing DDR, sensitization can entail making sure that specific needs of women and children are included within DDR programme planning. It can consist of taking cultural traditions and values into consideration, depending on where the DDR process is taking place. For ex-combatants, their dependants and surrounding communities who are being sensitized, it means being prepared for and made aware of what will happen to them and their communities after being disarmed and demobilized, e.g., taking on new livelihoods, which will change both their lifestyle and environment. Such sensitization processes can occur with a number of tools: training and issue-specific workshops; media tools such as television, radio, print and poster campaigns; peer counselling, etc.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "Sensitization", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 176, + "Paragraph": "Surveillance based on selected population samples chosen to represent the relevant experience of particular groups.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "Sentinel surveillance", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 177, + "Paragraph": "The period when the blood starts producing detectable antibodies in response to HIV infection.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "Sero-conversion ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 178, + "Paragraph": "Having HIV antibodies; being HIV-positive.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "Sero-positive", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 179, + "Paragraph": "The biological differences between men and women, which are universal and determined at birth.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "Sex", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 180, + "Paragraph": "Data that are collected and presented separately on men and women. The availability of sex-disaggregated data, which would describe the proportion of women, men, girls and boys associated with armed forces and groups, is an essential precondition for building gender-responsive policies and interventions", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "Sex-disaggregated data", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 181, + "Paragraph": "Disease that is commonly transmitted through vaginal, oral or anal sex. The presence of an STI is indicative of risk behaviour and also increases the actual risk of contracting HIV.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "Sexually transmitted infection (STI)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 182, + "Paragraph": "All lethal conventional weapons and ammunition that can be carried by an individual combatant or a light vehicle, that also do not require a substantial logistic and maintenance capability. There are a variety of definitions for SALW circulating and international consensus on a \u2018correct\u2019 definition has yet to be agreed. Based on common practice, weapons and ammunition up to 100 mm in calibre are usually considered as SALW. For the purposes of the IDDRS series, the above definition will be used.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "Small arms and light weapons (SALW)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 183, + "Paragraph": "The component of SALW survey that collects data on the local resources available to respond to the SALW problem.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "Small arms capacity assessment (SACA)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 184, + "Paragraph": "The component of SALW survey that collects data on the type, quantity, ownership, distribution and movement of SALW within the country or region.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "Small arms distribution assessment (SADA)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 185, + "Paragraph": "The component of SALW survey that collects data on the impact of SALW on the community and social and economic development.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "Small arms impact survey (SAIS) ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 186, + "Paragraph": "See \u2018community disarmament\u2019.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "Small arms limitation", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 187, + "Paragraph": "The component of SALW survey that collects qualitative and quantitative information, using focus groups, interviews and household surveys, on the attitudes of the local community to SALW and possible interventions.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "Small arms perception survey (SAPS)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 188, + "Paragraph": "The existence of a certain set of informal values or norms shared among members of a group that permit cooperation among them. The sharing of values and norms does not in itself produce social capital, because the values may be the wrong ones: the norms that produce social capital must substantively include virtues like truth-telling, the meeting of obligations and reciprocity. Note: There are multiple and nuanced definitions of social capital.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "Social capital ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 189, + "Paragraph": "A broad term used to denote all local, national and international actors who have an interest in the outcome of any particular DDR process. This includes participants and beneficiaries, parties to peace accords/political frameworks, national authorities, all UN and partner implementing agencies, bilateral and multilateral donors, and regional actors and international political guarantors of the peace process.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "Stakeholders", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 190, + "Paragraph": "A documented agreement containing technical specifications or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines or definitions of characteristics to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose. IDDRS aim to improve safety and efficiency in DDR operations by encouraging the use of the preferred procedures and practices at both Headquarters and field level. To be effective, the standards should be definable, measurable, achievable and verifiable.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "Standard", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 191, + "Paragraph": "A cost-effective approach that allows health workers to diagnose sexually transmitted infections on the basis of a patient\u2019s history and symptoms, without the need for laboratory analysis. Treatment normally includes the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "STI syndromic management", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 192, + "Paragraph": "In the context of DDR, the term refers to a large accumulated stock of weapons and explosive ordnance.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "Stockpile", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 193, + "Paragraph": "The physical activities and destructive procedures towards a continual reduction of the national stockpile.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "Stockpile destruction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 194, + "Paragraph": "Long-term needs, usually not material, and often related to structural changes in society regarding women\u2019s status and equity. They include legislation for equal rights, reproductive choice and increased participation in decision-making.The notion of \u2018strategic gender needs\u2019, first coined in 1985 by Maxine Molyneux, helped develop gender planning and policy development tools, such as the Moser Framework, which are currently being used by development institutions around the world. Interventions dealing with strategic gender interests focus on fundamental issues related to women\u2019s (or, less often, men\u2019s) subordination and gender inequities.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "Strategic gender needs", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 195, + "Paragraph": "Approach that tries to ensure that households can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks, and maintain and improve their capabilities and assets now and in the future.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "Sustainable livelihoods approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 196, + "Paragraph": "Risk that is accepted in a given context on the basis of the current values of society (ISO Guide 51: 1999 [E]).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "Tolerable risk", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 197, + "Paragraph": "The period in a crisis when external assistance is most crucial in supporting or underpinning still fragile ceasefires or peace processes by helping to create the conditions for political stability, security, justice and social equity. Thus, peace-building is the area where UN activities in a transition context intersect. Consolidating peace remains the overarching aim of transition.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "Transition", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 198, + "Paragraph": "Transitional justice comprises the full range of processes and mechanisms associated with a society\u2019s attempts to come to terms with a legacy of large-scale past abuses, in order to ensure accountability, serve justice and achieve reconciliation. These may include both judicial and non-judicial mechanisms, with differing levels of international involvement (or none at all) and individual prosecutions, reparations, truth-seeking, institutional reform, vetting and dismissals, or a combination thereof.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "Transitional justice", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 199, + "Paragraph": "Free and open access to information that enables civil society to perform its regulatory function. Transparency is sometimes used as a synonym for accountability in governance.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "Transparency", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 200, + "Paragraph": "UNDAF is the common strategic framework for the operational activities of the UN system at the country level. It provides a collective, coherent and integrated UN system response to national priorities and needs, including PRSPs and equivalent national strategies, within the framework of the Millennium Development Goals and the commitments, goals and targets of the Millennium Declaration and international conferences, summits, conventions and human rights instruments of the UN system (UN, Common Country Assessment and United Nations Development Assistance Framework: Guidelines for UN Country Teams, 2004).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "UN development assistance framework (UNDAF)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 201, + "Paragraph": "Explosive ordnance that has been primed, fuzed, armed or otherwise prepared for action, and which has been dropped, fired, launched, projected or placed in such a manner as to be a hazard to operations, installations, personnel or material, and remains unexploded either by malfunction or design or for any other cause.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "Unexploded ordnance (UXO) ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 202, + "Paragraph": "Simple infection control measures that reduce the risk of transmission of blood borne pathogens through exposure to blood or body fluids among patients and health care workers. Under the \u2018universal precaution\u2019 principle, blood and body fluids from all persons should be considered as infected with HIV, regardless of the known or supposed status of the person. \\nUse of new, single-use disposable injection equipment for all injections is highly recommended. Sterilising injection equipment should only be considered if single-use equipment is not available. \\nDiscard contaminated sharps immediately and without recapping in puncture- and liquid-proof containers that are closed, sealed and destroyed before completely full. \\nDocument the quality of the sterilization for all medical equipment used for percutaneous procedures. \\nWash hands with soap and water before and after procedures; use protective barriers such as gloves, gowns, aprons, masks and goggles for direct contact with blood and other body fluids. \\nDisinfect instruments and other contaminated equipment. \\nHandle properly soiled linen with care. Soiled linen should be handled as little as possible. Gloves and leak-proof bags should be used if necessary. Cleaning should occur outside patient areas, using detergent and hot water.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "Universal precautions", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 203, + "Paragraph": "Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been fulfilled (ISO 9000:2000).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "Verification", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 204, + "Paragraph": "The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or a group or community that either results in, or has a high likelihood of resulting in, injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development or deprivation.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "Violence", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 205, + "Paragraph": "Defined as \u201cany act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private. Violence against women shall be understood to encompass, but not be limited to, the following: (a) Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring in the family, including battering, sexual abuse of female children in the household, dowry-related violence, marital rape, female genital mutilation and other traditional practices harmful to women, non-spousal violence and violence related to exploitation; (b) Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring within the general community, including rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment and intimidation at work, in educational institutions and elsewhere, trafficking in women and forced prostitution; (c) Physical, sexual and psychological violence perpetrated or condoned by the State, wherever it occurs\u201d (UN General Assembly Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women, 1993).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "Violence against women/Gender-based violence", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 206, + "Paragraph": "Financial support that Member States pledge (often in a donors\u2019 conference) and commit on a case-by-case basis to support programme implementation. Contributions can be made to UN or non-UN trust funds. At times, donors implement their contributions through their own bilateral aid agency or directly through non-government organizations.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "Voluntary contributions", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 207, + "Paragraph": "A client-initiated HIV test whereby the individual chooses to go to a testing facility/provider to find out his/her HIV status.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "Voluntary HIV testing", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 208, + "Paragraph": "The physical return on their own accord by an individual(s) or community of SALW to the legal government or an international organization with no further penalty.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "Voluntary surrender", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 209, + "Paragraph": "The high probability of exposure to risks and reduced capacity to overcome their negative results. Vulnerability is a result of exposure to risk factors, and of underlying socio-economic processes, which reduce the capacity of populations to cope with risks.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "Vulnerability", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 210, + "Paragraph": "Anything used, designed or used or intended for use: \\n(1) in causing death or injury to any person; or \\n(2) for the purposes of threatening or intimidating any person and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes a firearm.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "Weapon", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 211, + "Paragraph": "A temporary, or semi-permanent, location laid out in accordance with the principles of explosive and weapons safety, which is designed to act as a focal point for the surrender of SALW by the civil community.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "Weapons collection point (WCP)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 212, + "Paragraph": "The direct linkage between the voluntary surrender of small arms and light weapons by competing communities in exchange for an agreed proportion of small-scale infrastructure development by the legal government, an international organization or NGO", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "Weapons in competition for development (WCD)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 213, + "Paragraph": "Regulation of the possession and use of firearms and other lethal weapons by citizens through legal issuances (e.g., laws, regulations, decrees, etc.).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "Weapons control", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 214, + "Paragraph": "The indirect linkage between the voluntary surrender of small arms and light weapons by the community as a whole in exchange for the provision of sustainable infrastructure development by the legal government, an international organization or NGO.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "Weapons in exchange for development (WED; WfD)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 215, + "Paragraph": "The direct linkage between the voluntary surrender of small arms and light weapons by individuals in exchange for the provision of appropriate materials by the legal government, an international organization or an NGO.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "Weapons in exchange for incentives (WEI)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 216, + "Paragraph": "The direct linkage between the voluntary surrender of small arms and light weapons by the community as a whole in return for an increase in ongoing development assistance by the legal government, an international organization or an NGO.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "Weapons linked to development (WLD)", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 217, + "Paragraph": "Within the DDR context, weapons management refers to the handling, administration and oversight of surrendered weapons, ammunition and unexploded ordnance (UXO) whether received, disposed of, destroyed or kept in long-term storage. An integral part of managing weapons during the DDR process is their registration, which should preferably be managed by international and government agencies, and local police, and monitored by international forces. A good inventory list of weapons\u2019 serial numbers allows for the effective tracing and tracking of weapons\u2019 future usage. During voluntary weapons collections, food or money-related incentives are given in order to encourage registration. \\nAlternately, weapons management refers to a national government\u2019s administration of its own legal weapons stock. Such administration includes registration, according to national legislation, of the type, number, location and condition of weapons. In addition, a national government\u2019s implementation of its transfer controls of weapons, to decrease illicit weapons\u2019 flow, and regulations for weapons\u2019 export and import authorizations (within existing State responsibilities), also fall under this definition.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "Weapons management", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 218, + "Paragraph": "The time period between initial infection with HIV and the body\u2019s production of antibodies, which can be up to three months. During this time, an HIV test for antibodies may be negative, even though the person has the virus and can infect others.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "Window period", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 219, + "Paragraph": "The Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138) contains provisions aimed at protecting young persons against hazardous or exploitative activities or conditions of work. It requires the setting not only of a general minimum age for admission to work \u2014 which cannot be less than age 15 and, according to its accompanying Recommendation No. 146, should be progressively raised to age 16 \u2014 but also of a higher minimum age of 18 for admission to work likely to jeopardize the health, safety or morals of young persons.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "Working age", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 220, + "Paragraph": "The Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182) aims at putting an end to the involvement of all persons under age 18 in the harmful activities it lists. Forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict is listed as one of the worst forms of child labour.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "Worst forms of child labour", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + }, + { + "ID": 221, + "Paragraph": "Within the UN system, young people are identified as those between 15 and 24 years of age. However, this can vary considerably between one context and another. Social, economic and cultural systems define the age limits for the specific roles and responsibilities of children, youth and adults. Conflicts and violence often force youth to assume adult roles such as being parents, breadwinners, caregivers or fighters. Cultural expectations of girls and boys also affect the perception of them as adults, such as the age of marriage, circumcision practices and motherhood. Such expectations can be disturbed by conflict.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Glossary: Terms and Definitions", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "Youth", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "1.20 Glossary: Terms and Definitions" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.10 The UN Approach to DDR.json b/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.10 The UN Approach to DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd001b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.10 The UN Approach to DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1,1556 @@ +[ + { + "ID": 0, + "Paragraph": "Integrated disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) is part of the United Nations (UN) system\u2019s multidimensional approach that contributes to the entire peace continuum, from prevention, conflict resolution and peacekeeping, to peace-building and development. Integrated DDR processes are made up of various combinations of: \\nDDR programmes; \\nDDR-related tools; \\nReintegration support, including when complementing DDR-related tools.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 1, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners select the most appropriate of these measures to be applied on the basis of a thorough analysis of the particular context. Coordination is key to integrated DDR and is predicated on mechanisms that guarantee synergy and common purpose among all UN actors.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 2, + "Paragraph": "The Integrated DDR Standards (IDDRS) contained in this document are a compilation of the UN\u2019s knowledge and experience in this field. They show how integrated DDR processes can contribute to preventing conflict escalation, supporting political processes, building security, protecting civilians, promoting gender equality and addressing its root causes, reconstructing the social fabric and developing human capacity. Integrated DDR is at the heart of peacebuilding and aims to contribute to long-term security and stability.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 3, + "Paragraph": "Within the UN, integrated DDR takes place in partnership with Member States in both mission and non-mission settings, including in peace operations where they are mandated, and with the cooperation of agencies, funds and programmes. In countries and regions where integrated DDR processes are implemented, there should be a focus on capacity-building at the regional, national and local levels in order to encourage sustainable regional, national and/or local ownership and other peace-building measures.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 4, + "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR processes should work towards sustaining peace. Whereas peace-building activities are typically understood as a response to conflict once it has already broken out, the sustaining peace approach recognizes the need to work along the entire peace continuum and towards the prevention of conflict before it occurs. In this way the UN should support those capacities, institutions and attitudes that help communities to resolve conflicts peacefully. The implications of working along the peace continuum are particularly important for the provision of reintegration support. Now, as part of the sustaining peace approach those individuals leaving armed groups can be supported not only in post-conflict situations, but also during conflict escalation and ongoing conflict.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 5, + "Paragraph": "Community-based approaches to reintegration support, in particular, are well-positioned to operationalize the sustaining peace approach. They address the needs of former combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and receiving communities, while necessitating the multidimensional/sectoral expertise of several UN and regional actors across the humanitarian-peace-development nexus (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 6, + "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR should also be characterized by flexibility, including in funding structures, to adapt quickly to the dynamic and often volatile conflict and post-conflict environment. DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support, in whichever combination they are implemented, shall be synchronized through integrated coordination mechanisms, and carefully monitored and evaluated for effectiveness and with sensitivity to conflict dynamics and potential unintended effects.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 7, + "Paragraph": "Five categories of people should be taken into consideration in integrated DDR processes as participants or beneficiaries, depending on the context: \\n1. members of armed forces and groups who served in combat and/or support roles (those in support roles are often referred to as being associated with armed forces and groups); \\n2. abductees or victims; \\n3. dependents/families; \\n4. civilian returnees or \u2018self-demobilized\u2019; \\n5. community members.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 8, + "Paragraph": "In each of these five categories, consideration should be given to addressing the specific needs and capacities of women, youth, children, persons with disabilities, and persons with chronic illnesses. In particular, the unconditional and immediate release of children associated with armed forces and groups must be a priority. Children must be supported to demobilize and reintegrate into families and communities at all times, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and/or the development of DDR programmes and DDR-related tools.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 9, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes consist of a set of related measures, with a particular aim, falling under the operational categories of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration. Disarmament and other DDR-related weapons control activities aim to reduce the number of illicit weapons, ammunition and explosives in circulation and are important elements in responding to and addressing the drivers of conflict. Demobilization, including the provision of tailored reinsertion packages, is crucial in discharging combatants and those in support roles from the structures of armed forces and groups. Furthermore, DDR programmes emphasize the developmental impact of sustainable and inclusive reintegration and its positive effect on the consolidation of long-lasting peace and security.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 10, + "Paragraph": "Lessons and experiences have shown that the following preconditions are required for the implementation of a viable DDR programme: \\nthe signing of a negotiated ceasefire and/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; \\ntrust in the peace process; \\nwillingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and \\na minimum guarantee of security.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 11, + "Paragraph": "When these preconditions are in place, a DDR programme provides a common results framework for the coordination, management and implementation of DDR by national Governments with support from the UN system and regional and local stakeholders. A DDR programme establishes the outcomes, outputs, activities and inputs required, organizes costing requirements into a budget, and sets the monitoring and evaluation framework, including by identifying indicators, targets and milestones.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 12, + "Paragraph": "In addition to DDR programmes, the UN has developed a set of DDR-related tools aiming to provide immediate and targeted responses. These include pre-DDR, transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM), community violence reduction (CVR), initiatives to prevent individuals from joining armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, DDR support to mediation, and DDR support to transitional security arrangements. In addition, support to programmes for those leaving armed groups labelled and/or designated as terrorist organizations may also be provided by DDR practitioners in compliance with international standards.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 13, + "Paragraph": "The specific aims of DDR-related tools vary according to the context and can contribute to broader political and peacebuilding efforts in line with United Nations Security Council and General Assembly mandates and broader strategic frameworks, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) and/or the Integrated Strategic Framework. A gender- and child-sensitive approach should be applied to the planning, implementation and monitoring of DDR-related tools.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 14, + "Paragraph": "DDR-related tools may be applied before, during and after DDR programmes as complementary measures. However, they may also be used when the preconditions for DDR programmes are not in place. When this occurs, it is particularly important to delimit the boundaries of an integrated DDR process. Integrated DDR processes without DDR programmes do not include all ongoing stabilization and recovery measures, but only those DDR-related tools (CVR, transitional WAM, and so forth) and reintegration efforts that directly respond to the presence of active and/or former members of armed groups. Clear DDR mandates and specific requests for DDR assistance also define the parameters and scope of integrated DDR processes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 15, + "Paragraph": "The UN approach to integrated DDR recognizes the need to provide support for reintegration when the preconditions for DDR programmes are not present. In these contexts, reintegration may take place alongside/following DDR-related tools, or when DDR-related tools are not in use. The aim of this support is to facilitate the sustainable reintegration of those leaving armed forces and groups. Moreover, as part of the sustaining peace approach, community-based reintegration programmes also aim to contribute to preventing further recruitment and to sustaining peace, by supporting communities of return, restoring social relations and avoiding perceptions of inequitable access to resources. In this context, exits from armed groups and the reintegration of adult ex-combatants can and should be supported at all times, even in the absence of a DDR programme.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 16, + "Paragraph": "Support to sustainable reintegration that addresses the needs of affected groups and harnesses their capacities, either as part of DDR programmes or not, requires a thorough understanding of the drivers of conflict, the specific needs of men, women, children and youth, their coping mechanisms and the opportunities for peace. Reintegration assistance should ensure the transition from individually focused to community approaches. This is so that resources can be applied to the benefit of the community in a balanced manner minimizing the stigmatization of former armed group members and contributing to reconciliation and reconstruction of the social fabric. In non-mission contexts, where funding mechanisms are not linked to peacekeeping assessed budgets, the use of DDR-related tools should, even in the initial planning phases, be coordinated with community-based reintegration support in order to ensure sustainability.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 17, + "Paragraph": "Together, DDR programmes, DDR-related tools, and reintegration support provide a menu of options for DDR practitioners. If the aforementioned preconditions are in place, DDR-related tools may be used before, after or alongside a DDR programme. DDR-related tools and/or reintegration support may also be applied in the absence of preconditions and/or following the determination that a DDR programme is not appropriate for the context. In these cases, DDR-related tools may serve to build trust among the parties and contribute to a secure environment, possibly even paving the way for a DDR programme in the future (if still necessary). Notably, if DDR-related tools are applied with the explicit intent of creating the preconditions for a DDR programme, a combination of top-down and bottom-up measures (e.g., CVR coupled with DDR support to mediation) may be required.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 18, + "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, all DDR-related tools and support to reintegration efforts shall be implemented in line with the applicable legal framework and the key principles of integrated DDR as defined in these standards.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 19, + "Paragraph": "This module outlines the reasons behind integrated DDR, defines the elements that makeup DDR programmes as agreed by the UN General Assembly, and establishes how the UN views integrated DDR processes. The module also defines the UN approach to integrated DDR for both mission and non-mission settings, which is: \\nvoluntary; \\npeople-centred; \\ngender-responsive and inclusive; \\nconflict-sensitive; \\ncontext-specific; \\nflexible, accountable and transparent; \\nnationally and locally owned; \\nregionally supported; \\nintegrated; and \\nwell planned.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 20, + "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 21, + "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: a. \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; b. \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; c. \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; d. \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; e. \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 22, + "Paragraph": "A DDR programme contains the elements set out by the Secretary-General in his May 2005 note to the General Assembly (A/C.5/59/31). (See box below.) These definitions are also used for drawing up budgets where UN Member States have agreed to fund the disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion) phases of DDR programmes from the peacekeeping assessed budget. These budgetary aspects are also reflected in a General Assembly resolution on cross-cutting issues, including DDR (A/RES/59/296). Further reviews of both the United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda refer to the full, unencumbered participation of women in all phases of DDR programmes, as ex-combatants or persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 23, + "Paragraph": "Disarmament is the collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons of combatants and often also of the civilian population. Disarmament also includes the development of responsible arms management programmes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "DEFINITIONS OF DISARMAMENT, DEMOBILIZATION AND REINTEGRATION", + "Heading3": "DISARMAMENT", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 24, + "Paragraph": "Demobilization is the formal and controlled discharge of active combatants from armed forces or other armed groups. The first stage of demobilization may extend from the processing of individual combatants in temporary centres to the massing of troops in camps designated for this purpose (cantonment sites, encampments, assembly areas or barracks). The second stage of demobilization encompasses the support package provided to the demobilized, which is called reinsertion.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "DEFINITIONS OF DISARMAMENT, DEMOBILIZATION AND REINTEGRATION", + "Heading3": "DEMOBILIZATION", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 25, + "Paragraph": "Reinsertion is the assistance offered to ex-combatants during demobilization but prior to the longer-term process of reintegration. Reinsertion is a form of transitional assistance to help cover the basic needs of ex-combatants and their families and can include transitional safety allowances, food, clothes, shelter, medical services, short-term education, training, employment and tools. Reinsertion is short-term material and/or financial assistance to meet immediate needs and can last up to one year.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "DEFINITIONS OF DISARMAMENT, DEMOBILIZATION AND REINTEGRATION", + "Heading3": "REINSERTION", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 26, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration is the process by which ex-combatants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. Reintegration is essentially a social and economic process with an open time frame, primarily taking place in communities at the local level. It is part of the general development of a country and a national responsibility and often necessitates long-term external assistance. \\n\\nRecognizing new developments in the reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups since the release of the 2005 Note, the Third Report of the Secretary-General on DDR (2011) includes revised policy and guidance. It observes that, \u201cin most countries, economic aspects, while central, are not sufficient for the sustainable reintegration of ex-combatants. Serious consideration of the social and political aspects of reintegration \u2026 is [also] crucial for the sustainability and success of reintegration programmes\u201d, including interventions, such as psychosocial support, mental health counseling and clinical treatment and medical health support, as well as reconciliation, access to justice/ transitional justice and participation in political processes. Additionally, it emphasizes that while \u201creintegration programmes supported by the United Nations are time-bound by nature \u2026 the reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups is a long-term process that takes place at the individual, community, national and regional levels, and is dependent upon wider recovery and development.\u201d \\n\\nNote by the Secretary-General on administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of UN peacekeeping operations, 24 May 2005 (A/C.5/59/31); Third report of the Secretary-General on disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, 21 March 2011 (A/65/741", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "DEFINITIONS OF DISARMAMENT, DEMOBILIZATION AND REINTEGRATION", + "Heading3": "REINTEGRATION", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 27, + "Paragraph": "DDR-related tools are immediate and targeted measures that may be used before, after or alongside DDR programmes or when the preconditions for DDR-programmes are not in place. These include pre-DDR, transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM), community violence reduction (CVR), initiatives to prevent individuals from joining armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, DDR support to mediation and DDR support to transitional security arrangements. In addition, support to programmes for those leaving armed groups labelled and/or designated as terrorist organizations may be provided by DDR practitioners in compliance with international standards.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 28, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration support, including when complementing DDR-related tools: The UN should provide support to the reintegration of former members of armed forces and groups not only as part of DDR programmes, but also in the absence of such programmes, during conflict escalation, conflict and post-conflict. In these contexts, reintegration may take place alongside/following DDR-related tools or when DDR-related tools are not in use. The aim of this support is to facilitate the sustainable reintegration of those leaving armed forces and groups. Moreover, as part of the sustaining peace approach, community-based reintegration programmes should also aim to contribute to dynamics that aim to prevent further recruitment and sustain peace, by supporting communities of return, restoring social relations and avoiding perceptions of inequitable access to resources.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 29, + "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR processes are made up of different combinations of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support, including when complementing DDR-related tools. These different measures should be applied in an integrated manner, with joint mechanisms that guarantee coordination and synergy among all UN actors. The UN shall use the concept and abbreviation \u2018DDR\u2019 as a comprehensive term referring to integrated DDR, and including DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support. Importantly, integrated DDR processes without DDR programmes do not include all ongoing stabilization and recovery measures, but only those DDR-related tools (CVR, transitional WAM, and so forth) and reintegration efforts that directly respond to the presence of active and/or former members of armed groups. Clear DDR mandates and specific requests for DDR assistance also define the parameters and scope of integrated DDR processes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 30, + "Paragraph": "As DDR is implemented in partnership with Member States and draws on the expertise of a wide range of stakeholders, an integrated approach is vital to ensure that all actors are working in harmony towards the same end. Past experiences have highlighted the need for those involved in planning and implementing DDR and monitoring its impacts to work together in a complementary way that avoids unnecessary duplication of effort or competition for funds and other resources (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction: The rationale and mandate for integrated DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 31, + "Paragraph": "The UN\u2019s integrated approach to DDR is guided by several policies and agendas that frame the UN\u2019s work on peace, security and development: Echoing the Brahimi Report (A/55/305; S/2000/809), the High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations (HIPPO) in June 2015 recommended a common and realistic understanding of mandates, including required capabilities and standards, to improve the design and delivery of peace operations. Integrated DDR is part of this effort, based on joint analysis, comprehensive approaches, coordinated policies, DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction: The rationale and mandate for integrated DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 32, + "Paragraph": "The Sustaining Peace Approach \u2013 manifested in the General Assembly and Security Council twin resolutions on the Review of the United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture (General Assembly resolution 70/262 and Security Council resolution 2282 [2016]) \u2013 underscores the mutually reinforcing relationship between prevention and sustaining peace, while recognizing that effective peacebuilding must involve the entire UN system. It also emphasizes the importance of joint analysis and effective strategic planning across the UN system in its long-term engagement with conflict-affected countries, and, where appropriate, in cooperation and coordination with regional and sub-regional organizations as well as international financial institutions. \\nIntegrated DDR also needs to be understood as a concrete and direct contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are underpinned by the principle of leaving no one behind. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development explicitly links development to peace and security, while SDG 16 is \\nSDG 16.1: Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere. \\nSDG 16.4: By 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows, strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets and combat all forms of organized crime. \\nSDG 8.7: Take immediate steps to \u2026secure the prohibition and elimination of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2015 end child labour in all its forms. \\n\\nGender-responsive DDR also contributes to: \\nSDG 5.1: End all forms of discrimination against women. \\nSDG 5.2: Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in public and private spaces, including trafficking, sexual and other types of exploitation. \\nSDG 5.6: Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction: The rationale and mandate for integrated DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 33, + "Paragraph": "The Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (A/71/243, 21 December 2016, para. 14), states that \u201ca comprehensive whole-of-system response, including greater cooperation and complementarity among development, disaster risk reduction, humanitarian action and sustaining peace, is fundamental to most efficiently and effectively addressing needs and attaining the Sustainable Development Goals.\u201d", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction: The rationale and mandate for integrated DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 34, + "Paragraph": "Moreover, integrated DDR often takes place amid protracted humanitarian contexts which, since the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit Commitment to Action, have been framed through various initiatives that recognize the need to strengthen the humanitarian, development and peace nexus. These initiatives \u2013 such as the Grand Bargain, the New Way of Working (NWoW), and the Global Compact on Refugees \u2013 all call for humanitarian, development and peace stakeholders to identify shared priorities or collective outcomes that can serve as a common framework to guide respective planning processes. In contexts where the UN system implements these approaches, integrated DDR processes can contribute to the achievement of these collective outcomes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction: The rationale and mandate for integrated DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 35, + "Paragraph": "In all contexts \u2013 humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding \u2013 upholding human rights, including gender equality, is pivotal to UN-supported integrated DDR. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, UNGA 217, 1948), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights form the International Bill of Human Rights. These fundamental instruments, combined with various treaties and conventions, including (but not limited to) the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the United Nations Convention Against Torture, establish the obligations of Governments to promote and protect human rights and the fundamental freedoms of individuals and groups, applicable throughout integrated DDR. The work of the United Nations in all contexts is conducted under the auspices of upholding this body of law, promoting and protecting the rights of DDR participants and the communities into which they integrate, and assisting States in carrying out their responsibilities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction: The rationale and mandate for integrated DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 36, + "Paragraph": "At the same time, the Secretary-General\u2019s Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative, launched in March 2018 as the core agenda for peacekeeping reform, seeks to refocus peacekeeping with realistic expectations, make peacekeeping missions stronger and safer, and mobilize greater support for political solutions and for well-structured, well-equipped and well-trained forces. In relation to the need for integrated DDR solutions, the A4P Declaration of Shared Commitment, shared by the Secretary-General on 16 August 2018, calls for the inclusion and engagement of civil society and all segments of the local population in peacekeeping mandate implementation. In addition, it includes commitments related to strengthening national ownership and capacity, ensuring integrated analysis and planning, and seeking greater coherence among UN system actors, including through joint platforms such as the Global Focal Point on Police, Justice and Corrections. Relatedly, the Secretary-General\u2019s Agenda for Disarmament, launched in May 2018, also calls for \u201cdisarmament that saves lives\u201d, including new efforts to rein in the use of explosive weapons in populated areas \u2013 through common standards, the collection of data on collateral harm, and the sharing of policy and practice.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction: The rationale and mandate for integrated DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 37, + "Paragraph": "The UN General Assembly and the Security Council have called on all parts of the UN system to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women within their mandates, ensuring that commitments made are translated into progress on the ground and gender policies in the IDDRS. More concretely, UNSCR 1325 (2000) encourages all those involved in the planning of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration to consider the distinct needs of female and male ex-combatants and to take into account the needs of their dependents. The Global Study on 1325, reflected in UNSCR 2242 (2015), also recommends that mission planning include gender-responsive DDR programmes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction: The rationale and mandate for integrated DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 38, + "Paragraph": "Furthermore, Security Council Resolution 2282 (2016), the Review of the United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture, the Review of Women, Peace and Security, and the High-Level Panel on Peace Operations (HIPPO) note the importance of women\u2019s roles in sustaining peace. UNSCR 2282 highlights the importance of women\u2019s leadership and participation in conflict prevention, resolution and peacebuilding, recognizing the continued need to increase the representation of women at all decision-making levels, including in the negotiation and implementation of DDR programmes. UN General Assembly resolution 70/304 calls for women\u2019s participation as negotiators in peace processes, including those incorporating DDR provisions, while the Secretary-General\u2019s Seven-Point Action Plan on Gender-Responsive Peacebuilding calls for 15% of funding in support of post-conflict peacebuilding projects to be earmarked for womenen\u2019s empowerment and gender-equality programming. Finally, the Secretary-General\u2019s Agenda for Disarmament calls on States to incorporate gender perspectives into the development of national legislation and policies on disarmament and arms control \u2013 in particular, the gendered aspects of ownership, use and misuse of arms; the differentiated impacts of weapons on women and men; and the ways in which gender roles can shape arms control and disarmament policies and practices.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction: The rationale and mandate for integrated DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 39, + "Paragraph": "The UN\u2019s integrated approach to DDR is applicable to mission and non-mission contexts, and emphasizes the role of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools, and reintegration support, including when complementing DDR-related tools.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 40, + "Paragraph": "The unconditional and immediate release of children associated with armed forces and groups must be a priority. Children must be supported to demobilize and reintegrate into families and communities at all times, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and/or the development of DDR programmes and DDR-related tools.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 41, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes consist of a range of activities falling under the operational categories of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration. (See definitions above.) These programmes are typically top-down and are designed to implement the terms of a peace agreement between armed groups and the Government.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 42, + "Paragraph": "The UN views DDR programmes as an integral part of peacebuilding efforts. DDR programmes focus on the post-conflict security problem that arises when combatants are left without livelihoods and support networks during the vital period stretching from conflict to peace, recovery and development. DDR programmes also help to build national capacity for long-term reintegration and human security, and they recognize the need to contribute to the right to reparation and to guarantees of non-repetition (see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 43, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes are complex endeavours, with political, military, security, humanitarian and socio-economic dimensions. The establishment of a DDR programme is usually agreed to and defined within a ceasefire, the ending of hostilities or a comprehensive peace agreement. This provides the political, policy and operational framework for the DDR programme. More generally, lessons and experiences have shown that the following preconditions are required for the implementation of a viable DDR programme:", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 44, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes are complex endeavours, with political, military, security, humanitarian and socio-economic dimensions. The establishment of a DDR programme is usually agreed to and defined within a ceasefire, the ending of hostilities or a comprehensive peace agreement. This provides the political, policy and operational framework for the DDR programme. More generally, lessons and experiences have shown that the following preconditions are required for the implementation of a viable DDR programme: \\nthe signing of a negotiated ceasefire and/or peace agreement that provides the framework for \\nDDR; \\ntrust in the peace process; \\nwillingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and \\na minimum guarantee of security.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 45, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes provide a framework for their coordination, management and implementation by national Governments with support from the UN system, international financial institutions, and regional stakeholders. They establish the expected outcomes, outputs and activities required, organize costing requirements into a budget, and set the monitoring and evaluation framework by identifying indicators, targets and milestones.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 46, + "Paragraph": "The UN\u2019s integrated approach to DDR acknowledges that planning for DDR programmes shall be initiated as early as possible, even before a ceasefire and/or peace agreement is signed, before sufficient trust is built in the peace process, and before minimum conditions of security are reached that enable the parties to the conflict to engage willingly in DDR (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 47, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes alone cannot resolve conflict or prevent violence, and such programmes need to be firmly anchored in an overall political and peacebuilding strategy. However, DDR programmes can contribute to security and stability so that other elements of a political and peacebuilding strategy, such as elections and power-sharing, weapons and ammunition management, security sector reform (SSR) and rule of law reform, can proceed (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and SSR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 48, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes alone cannot resolve conflict or prevent violence, and such programmes need to be firmly anchored in an overall political and peacebuilding strategy. However, DDR programmes can contribute to security and stability so that other elements of a political and peacebuilding strategy, such as elections and power-sharing, weapons and ammunition management, security sector reform (SSR) and rule of law reform, can proceed (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and SSR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 49, + "Paragraph": "In recent years, DDR practitioners have increasingly been deployed in settings where the preconditions for DDR programmes are not in place. In some contexts, a peace agreement may have been signed but the armed groups have lost trust in the peace process or reneged on the terms of the deal. In other settings, where there are multiple armed groups, some may sign on to a peace agreement while others do not. In contexts of violent extremism conducive to terrorism, peace agreements are only a remote possibility.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 50, + "Paragraph": "It is not solely the lack of ceasefire agreements or peace processes that makes integrated DDR more challenging, but also the proliferation and diversification of armed groups, including some with links to transnational networks and organized crime. The phenomenon of violent extremism, as and when conducive to terrorism, creates legal and operational challenges for integrated DDR and, as a result, requires specific guidance. (For legal guidance pertinent to the UN approach to DDR, see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR.) Support to programmes for individuals leaving armed groups labelled and/or designated as terrorist organizations, among other things, should be predicated on a comprehensive screening process based on international standards, including international human rights obligations and national justice frameworks. There is no universally agreed upon definition of \u2018terrorism\u2019, nor associated terms such as \u2018violent extremism\u2019. Nevertheless, the 19 international instruments on terrorism agree on definitions of terrorist acts/offenses, which are binding on Member States that are party to these conventions, as well as Security Council resolutions that describe terrorist acts. Practitioners should have a solid grounding in the evolving international counter-terrorism framework as established by the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, relevant General Assembly and Security Council resolutions and mandates, and the Secretary-General\u2019s Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 51, + "Paragraph": "In response to these challenges, DDR practitioners may contribute to stabilization initiatives through the use of DDR-related tools. The specific aims of DDR-related tools will vary according to the context and can contribute to broader political and peacebuilding efforts in line with United Nations Security Council and General Assembly mandates and broader strategic frameworks, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), and/or the Integrated Strategic Framework. A gender- and child-sensitive approach should be applied to the planning, implementation and monitoring of DDR-related tools.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 52, + "Paragraph": "DDR-related tools may be applied before, during and after DDR programmes as complementary measures. However, they may also be used when the preconditions for DDR programmes are not in place. When this occurs, it is particularly important to delimit the boundaries of an integrated DDR process. Integrated DDR processes without DDR programmes do not include all ongoing stabilization and recovery measures, but only those DDR-related tools (CVR, transitional WAM, and so forth) and reintegration efforts that directly respond to the presence of active and/or former members of armed groups. Clear DDR mandates and specific requests for DDR assistance also define the parameters and scope of integrated DDR processes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 53, + "Paragraph": "The UN\u2019s integrated approach to DDR recognizes the need to provide support for reintegration when the preconditions for DDR programmes are not present. In line with the sustaining peace approach, this means that the UN should provide long-term support to reintegration that takes place in the absence of DDR programmes during conflict escalation, ongoing conflict and post-conflict reconstruction (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace). The first goal of this support should be to facilitate the sustainable reintegration of those leaving armed forces and groups. However, as part of the sustaining peace approach, community-based reintegration programmes should also aim to contribute to dynamics that aim to prevent future recruitment and sustain peace.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 54, + "Paragraph": "In this regard, opportunities should be seized to prevent relapse into conflict (or any form of violence), including by tackling root causes and understanding peace dynamics. Appropriate linkages should also be established with local and national stabilization, recovery and development plans. Reintegration support as part of sustaining peace is not only an integral part of DDR programmes, it also follows SSR where armed forces or the police are rightsized; complements DDR-related tools, such as CVR, through sustainable measures; or is provided to persons formerly associated with armed groups labelled and/or designated as terrorist organizations.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 55, + "Paragraph": "In sum, in countries in active armed conflict or emerging from armed conflict, DDR programmes, related tools and reintegration support contribute to stabilization efforts, to addressing gender inequalities exacerbated by conflict, and to creating an environment in which a peace process, political and social reconciliation, access to livelihoods and sustainable decent work, and long-term development can take root. When the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, the DDR of combatants from both armed forces and groups can help to establish a climate of confidence and security, a necessity for recovery activities to begin, which can directly yield tangible benefits for the population. When the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, practitioners may choose from a set of DDR-related tools and measures in support of reintegration that can contribute to stabilization, help to make the returns of stability more tangible, and create more conducive environments for national and local peace processes. As such, integrated DDR processes should be seen as integral parts of efforts to consolidate peace and promote stability, and not merely as a set of sequenced technical programmes and activities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "4. The UN DDR approach", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 56, + "Paragraph": "Overall, integrated DDR has evolved beyond support to national, linear and sequenced DDR programmes, to become a process addressing the entire peace continuum in both mission and non-mission contexts, at regional, national and local levels", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "5.2 DDR in non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 57, + "Paragraph": "The UN has been involved in integrated DDR across the peace continuum since the late 1980s. During the past 25 years, the UN has amassed considerable experience and knowledge of the coordination, design, implementation, financing, and monitoring and evaluation of DDR programmes. Over the past 10 years the UN has also gained similar experience in the use of DDR-related tools and reintegration support when the preconditions for DDR programmes are not present. Integrated DDR originates from various parts of the UN\u2019s core mandate, as set out in the Charter of the UN, particularly the areas of peace and security, economic and social development, human rights and humanitarian assistance.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 58, + "Paragraph": "UN departments, agencies, programmes and funds are uniquely able to support integrated DDR processes both in mission settings, where peace operations are in place, and in non-mission settings, where there is no peace operation present, providing breadth of scope, neutrality, impartiality and capacity-building through the sharing of technical DDR skills.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 59, + "Paragraph": "Mission settings are those situations in which peace operations are deployed through peacekeeping operations, political missions and good offices engagements, by the UN or a regional organization. Where peace operations are mandated to manage and re-solve an actual or potential conflict within States, DDR is generally mandated through a UN Security Council resolution, ideally within the framework of a ceasefire and/or a comprehensive peace agreement with specific provisions on DDR. Decision-making and accountability rest with the Special Representative or Special Envoy of the Secretary-General.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "5.1 DDR in mission settings", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 60, + "Paragraph": "Missions with a DDR mandate usually include a dedicated DDR component to support the design and implementation of a nationally led DDR programme. When the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, the Security Council may also mandate UN peace operations to implement specific DDR-related tools, such as CVR, to support the creation of a conducive environment for a DDR programme. These types of DDR-related tools can also be designed and implemented to contribute to other mandated priorities such as the protection of civilians, stabilization and support to the overall peace process.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "5.1 DDR in mission settings", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 61, + "Paragraph": "Integrated disarmament, demobilization (including reinsertion) and other DDR-related tools (except those covering reintegration support) fall under the responsibility of the UN peace operation\u2019s DDR component. The reintegration component will be supported and/or undertaken in an integrated manner very often by relevant agencies, funds and programmes within the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), as well as international financial institutions, under the leadership of the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG)/Humanitarian Coordinator (HC)/Resident Coordinator (RC), who will designate lead agency(ies). The DDR mission component shall therefore work in close coordination with the UNCT. The UN DSRSG/HC/RC should establish a UN DDR Working Group at the country level with co-chairs to be defined, as appropriate, to coordinate the contributions of the UNCT and international financial institutions to integrated DDR.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "5.1 DDR in mission settings", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 62, + "Paragraph": "While UN military and police contingents provide a minimum level of security, support from other mission components may include communications, gender equality, women\u2019s empowerment, and youth and child protection. With regard to special political missions and good offices engagements, DDR implementation structures and partnerships may need to be adjusted to the mission\u2019s composition as the mandate evolves. This adjustment can take account of needs at the country level, most notably with regard to the size and capacities of the DDR component, uniformed personnel and other relevant technical expertise.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "5.1 DDR in mission settings", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 63, + "Paragraph": "In the case of peace operations, the Security Council mandate also forms the basis for assessed funding for all activities related to disarmament, demobilization (including reinsertion) and DDR-related tools (except those covering reintegration support). Fundraising for reintegration assistance and other activities needs to be conducted by Governments and/or regional organizations with support from United Nations peace operations, agencies, funds and programmes, bilateral donors and relevant international financial institutions. Regarding special political missions and good offices engagements, support to integrated DDR planning and implementation may require extra-budgetary funding in the form of voluntary contributions and the establishment of alternative financial management structures, such as a dedicated multi-donor trust fund.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "5.1 DDR in mission settings", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 64, + "Paragraph": "Non-mission settings are those situations in which there is no peace operation deployed to a country, either through peacekeeping, political missions or good offices engagements, by either the UN or regional organizations. In countries where there is no United Nations peace operation mandated by the Security Council, UN DDR support will be provided when either a national Government and/or UN RC requests assistance.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "5.2 DDR in non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 65, + "Paragraph": "The disarmament and demobilization components of a DDR programme will be undertaken by national institutions with advice and technical support from relevant UN departments, agencies, programmes and funds, the UNCT, regional organizations and bilateral actors. The reintegration component will be supported and/or implemented by the UNCT and relevant international financial institutions in an integrated manner. When the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, the implementation of specific DDR-related tools, such as CVR, and/or reintegration support, may be considered. The alignment of CVR initiatives in non-mission contexts with reintegration assistance is essential.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "5.2 DDR in non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 66, + "Paragraph": "Decision-making and accountability for UN-supported DDR rest, in this context, with the UN RC, who will identify one or more UN lead agency(ies) in the UNCT based on in-country capacity and expertise. The UN RC should establish a UN DDR Working Group co-chaired by the lead agency(ies) at the country level to coordinate the contribution of the UNCT to integrated DDR, including on issues related to gender equality, women\u2019s empowerment, youth and child protection, and support to persons with disabilities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "5.2 DDR in non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 67, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support, where applicable, will require the allocation of national budgets and/or the mobilization of voluntary contributions, including through the establishment of financial management structures, such as a dedicated multi-donor trust fund or catalytic funding provided by the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF)", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "5. UN DDR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading2": "5.2 DDR in non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 68, + "Paragraph": "Violent conflicts do not always completely cease when a political settlement is reached or a peace agreement is signed. There remains a real danger that violence will flare up again during the immediate post-conflict period, because putting right the political, security, social and economic problems and other root causes of war is a long-term project. Furthermore, peace operations are often mandated in contexts where an agreement is yet to be reached or where a peace process is yet to be initiated or is only partially initiated. In non-mission contexts, requests from the Government for the UN to support DDR are made either when ceasefires are reached or when a peace agreement or a comprehensive peace agreement is signed. This is why practitioners should decide whether DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and/or reintegration support constitute the most appropriate response to a particular situation. A DDR programme will only be appropriate when the preconditions referred to above are in place.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "6. When is DDR appropriate?", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 69, + "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, the reintegration of former combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups may be supported in line with the sustaining peace approach, i.e., during conflict escalation, conflict and post-conflict. Furthermore, practitioners may choose from a menu of DDR-related tools. (See table above.)", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "6. When is DDR appropriate?", + "Heading2": "6.1 When the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 70, + "Paragraph": "Unlike DDR programmes, DDR-related tools are not designed to implement the terms of a peace agreement. Instead, when the preconditions for a DDR-programme are not in place, DDR-related tools may be used in line with United Nations Security Council and General Assembly mandates and broader strategic frameworks, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) and/or the Integrated Strategic Framework. A gender- and child-sensitive approach should be applied to the planning, implementation and monitoring of DDR-related tools", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "6. When is DDR appropriate?", + "Heading2": "6.1 When the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 71, + "Paragraph": "When the preconditions are in place, the UN may support the establishment of DDR programmes. Other DDR-related tools can also be implemented before, after or along-side DDR programmes, as complementary measures (see table above).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "6. When is DDR appropriate?", + "Heading2": "6.2 When the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 72, + "Paragraph": "The UN may employ or support a variety of DDR programming elements adapted to suit each context. These may include: \\nThe disbanding of armed groups: Governments may request assistance to disband armed groups. The establishment of a DDR programme is agreed to and defined within a ceasefire, the ending of hostilities or a comprehensive peace agreement. Trust and commitment by the parties to the implementation of an agreement and minimum conditions of security are essential for the success of a DDR programme. Administratively, there is little difference between DDR programmes for armed forces and armed groups. Both may require the full registration of weapons and personnel, followed by the collection of information, referral and counselling that are needed before effective reintegration programmes can be put in place. \\nThe rightsizing of armed forces or police: Governments may request assistance to downsize or restructure their armies or police and supporting institutional infrastructure (salaries, benefits, basic services, etc.). Such processes contribute to security sector reform (SSR) (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). DDR practitioners should work in close collaboration with SSR experts while planning reintegration support to former members of armed forces. \\nThe repatriation of foreign combatants and associated groups: Considering the regional dimensions of conflict, Governments may agree to assistance to repatriation. DDR programmes may need to become involved in repatriating national combatants and their civilian family members, as well as children associated with armed forces and groups who may have crossed an international border. Such repatriation needs to be in accordance with the principle of non-refoulement, as set out in international humanitarian, human rights and refugee law (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "6. When is DDR appropriate?", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 73, + "Paragraph": "While DDR programmes are primarily used to address the security challenges posed by members of armed forces and groups, provisions should be made for the inclusion of other groups (including civilians and youth at risk), depending on resources and local circumstances. National institutions should be supported to determine the policy on direct benefits and reintegration assistance during a DDR programme.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "6. When is DDR appropriate?", + "Heading2": "6.2 When the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 74, + "Paragraph": "Civilians and civil society groups in communities to which members of the above-mentioned groups will return should be consulted during the planning and design phase of DDR programmes, as well as informed and supported in order to assist them to receive ex-combatants and their dependents/families during the reintegration phase.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "6. When is DDR appropriate?", + "Heading2": "6.2 When the preconditions for a DDR programme are in place", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 75, + "Paragraph": "Five categories of people should be taken into consideration, as participants and beneficiaries, in integrated DDR processes. This will depend on the context, and the particular combination of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools, and reintegration support in use: \\n1. members of armed forces and groups who served in combat and/or support roles (those in support roles are often referred to as being associated with armed forces and groups); \\n2. abductees/victims; \\n3. dependents/families; \\n4. civilian returnees/\u2019self-demobilized\u2019; \\n5. community members.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "7. Who is DDR for?", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 76, + "Paragraph": "Consideration should be given to addressing the specific needs of women, youth, children, persons with disabilities, and persons with chronic illnesses in each of these five categories.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "7. Who is DDR for?", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 77, + "Paragraph": "National actors, such as Governments, political parties, the military, signatory and non-signatory armed groups, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations and the media are all stakeholders in integrated DDR processes along with international actors.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "7. Who is DDR for?", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 78, + "Paragraph": "All UN DDR programmes, DDR-related tools, and reintegration support shall be voluntary, people-centred, gender-responsive and inclusive, conflict sensitive, context specific, flexible, accountable and transparent, nationally and locally owned, regionally supported, integrated and well planned.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 79, + "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall be a voluntary process for both armed forces and groups, both as organizations and individual (ex)combatants. Groups and individuals shall not be coerced to participate. This principle has become even more important, but contested, in contemporary conflict environments where the participation of some combatants in nationally, locally, or privately supported efforts is arguably involuntary, for example as a result of their capture on the battlefield or their being forced into a DDR programme under duress.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.1 Voluntary", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 80, + "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR should not be conflated with military operations or counter-insurgency strategies. Although the UN does not generally engage in detention operations and DDR has traditionally been a voluntary process, the nature of conflict environments and the growing potential for overlap with State-led efforts countering violent extremism and counter-terrorism has increased the likelihood that the UN and other actors engaging in DDR may be faced with detention-related dilemmas. DDR practitioners should therefore pay particular attention to such questions when operating in complex conflict environments and seek legal advice if confronted with surrendered or captured combatants in overt military operations, or if there are any concerns regarding the voluntariness of persons participating in DDR. They should also be aware of requirements contained in Chapter VII resolutions of the Security Council that, among other things, call for Member States to bring terrorists to justice and oblige national authorities to ensure the prosecution of suspected terrorists as appropriate (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.1 Voluntary", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 81, + "Paragraph": "Determining the criteria that define which people are eligible to participate in integrated DDR, particularly in situations where mainly armed groups are involved, is vital if aims are to be achieved. In DDR programmes, eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and ready for use in the disarmament and demobilization stages. DDR programmes are aimed at combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. These groups may be composed of different categories of people who have participated in the conflict within armed forces and groups such as abductees/victims or dependents/families.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "8.2.1. Criteria for participation/eligibility", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 82, + "Paragraph": "In instances where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, or where combatants are ineligible for DDR programmes, DDR-related tools, such as CVR, or support to reintegration may be provided. Determination of eligibility for these activities should be undertaken by relevant national and local authorities with support from UN missions, agencies, programmes and funds as appropriate. Armed groups in particular have a variety of structures \u2013 rebel groups, armed gangs, etc. In order to provide the best assistance, operational and implementation strategies that deal with their specific needs should be adopted.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "8.2.1. Criteria for participation/eligibility", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 83, + "Paragraph": "The unconditional and immediate release of children associated with armed forces and groups must be a priority, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and/ or the development of DDR programmes and DDR-related tools. UN-supported DDR interventions shall not be allowed to encourage the recruitment of children into armed forces and groups in any way, especially by commanders trying to increase the number of combatants entering DDR programmes in order to profit from assistance provided to combatants. When DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support are implemented, children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies. Children will then be supported to demobilize and reintegrate into families and communities (see IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR). Only child protection practitioners should interview children associated with armed forces and groups.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "8.2.2. Unconditional release and protection of children", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 84, + "Paragraph": "UN-supported integrated DDR processes promote the human rights of participants and the communities into which they integrate, and are conducted in line with international humanitarian, human rights and refugee law. The UN and its partners should be neutral, transparent and impartial, and should not take sides in any conflict or in political, racial, religious or ideological controversies, or give preferential treatment to different parties taking part in DDR.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "8.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 85, + "Paragraph": "Neutrality within a rights-based approach should not, however, prevent UN personnel from protesting against or documenting human rights violations or taking some other action (e.g., advocacy, simple presence, political steps, local negotiations, etc.) to prevent them. Under the UN\u2019s Human Rights Due Diligence Policy (HRDDP), providers of support have a responsibility to monitor the related human rights context, to suspend support under certain circumstances and to engage with national authorities towards addressing violations. Where one or more parties or individuals violate agreements and undertakings, the UN can take appropriate remedial action and/or exclude individuals from DDR.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "8.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 86, + "Paragraph": "Humanitarian aid must be delivered to all those who are suffering, according to their need, and human rights provide the framework on which an assessment of needs is based. However, mechanisms must also be designed to prevent those who have committed violations of human rights from going unpunished by ensuring that DDR programmes, related tools and reintegration support do not operate as a reward system for the worst violators. In many post-conflict situations, there is often a tension between reconciliation and justice, but efforts must be made to ensure that serious violations of human rights and humanitarian law by ex-combatants and their supporters are dealt with through appropriate national and international legal and/or transitional justice mechanisms.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "8.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 87, + "Paragraph": "Children released from their association with armed forces and groups who have committed war crimes and mass violations of human rights may also be criminally responsible under national law, though any criminal responsibility must be in accordance with international juvenile justice standards and the International Criminal Court Policy on Children (see IDDRS 5.20 on Youth and DDR, and IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "8.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 88, + "Paragraph": "UN-supported DDR interventions should take into consideration local and international mechanisms for achieving justice and accountability, as well as respect for the rule of law, including any accountability, justice and reconciliation mechanisms that may be established with respect to crimes committed in a particular Member State. These can take various forms, depending on the specificities of the local context.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "8.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 89, + "Paragraph": "Like men and boys, women and girls are likely to have played many different roles in armed forces and groups, as fighters, supporters, wives or sex slaves, messengers and cooks. The design and implementation of integrated DDR processes should aim to address the specific needs of women and girls, as well as men and boys, taking into account these different experiences, roles, capacities and responsibilities acquired during and after conflicts. Specific measures should be put in place to ensure the equal and meaningful participation of women in all stages of integrated DDR \u2013 from the negotiation of DDR provisions in peace agreements and the establishment of national institutions, to CVR and community-based reintegration support (see IDDRS 5.10 on Gender and DDR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 90, + "Paragraph": "Non-discrimination and fair and equitable treatment are core principles in both the design and implementation of integrated DDR processes. The eligibility criteria for DDR shall not discriminate against individuals on the basis of sex, age, gender identity, race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, political opinion, or other personal characteristics or associations. Furthermore, the opportunities/benefits that eligible ex-combatants have access to when participating in a particular DDR process shall not discriminate against individuals on the basis of their former affiliation with a particular armed force or group.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 91, + "Paragraph": "It is likely there will be a need to address potential \u2018spoilers\u2019, e.g., by negotiating \u2018special packages\u2019 for commanders in order to secure their buy-in and to ensure that they allow combatants to participate. This political compromise must be carefully negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Furthermore, the inclusion of youth at risk and other non-combatants should also be seen as a measure helping to prevent future recruitment.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 92, + "Paragraph": "\u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support shall be evaluated at all times. No false promises shall be made; and, ultimately, no individual or community should be made less secure by the return of ex-combatants or the presence of UN peacekeeping, police or civilian personnel. The establishment of UN-supported prevention, protection and monitoring mechanisms (including systems for ensuring access to justice and police protection, etc.) is essential to prevent and punish sexual and gender-based violence, harassment and intimidation, or any other violation of human rights. It is particularly important to consider \u2018do no harm\u2019 when assessing the reinsertion and reintegration options for female fighters or women and girls associated with armed forces and groups.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.4 Conflict sensitive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 93, + "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR needs to be flexible and context-specific in order to address national, regional, and global realities. DDR should consider the nature of armed groups, conflict drivers, peace opportunities, gender dynamics, and community dynamics. All UN or UN-supported DDR interventions shall be designed to take local conditions and needs into account. The IDDRS provide DDR practitioners with comprehensive guidance and analytical tools for the planning and design of DDR rather than a standard formula that is applicable to every situation.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.5 Context specific", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 94, + "Paragraph": "Due to the complex and dynamic nature of integrated DDR processes, flexible and long-term funding arrangements are essential. The multidimensional nature of DDR requires an initial investment of staff and funds for planning and programming, as well as accessible and sustainable sources of funding throughout the different phases of implementation. Funding mechanisms, including trust funds, pooled funding, etc., and the criteria established for the use of funds shall be flexible. Past experience has shown that assigning funds exclusively for specific DDR components (e.g., disarmament and demobilization) or expenditures (e.g., logistics and equipment) sets up an artificial distinction between the different elements of a DDR programme and makes it difficult to implement the programme in an integrated, flexible and dynamic way. The importance of planning and initiating reinsertion and reintegration support activities at the start of a DDR programme has become increasingly evident, so adequate financing for reintegration needs to be secured in advance. This should help to prevent delays or gaps in implementation that could threaten or undermine the programme\u2019s credibility and viability (see IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ", + "Heading3": "8.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 95, + "Paragraph": "In order to build confidence and ensure legitimacy, and to justify financial and technical support by international actors, DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support are, from the very beginning, predicated on the principles of accountability and transparency. Post-conflict stabilization and the establishment of immediate security are the overall goals of DDR, but integrated DDR also takes place in a wider recovery and reconstruction framework. While both short-term and long-term strategies should be developed in the planning phase, due to the dynamic and volatile conflict and post-conflict context, interventions must be flexible and adaptable.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ", + "Heading3": "8.6.2 Accountability and transparency", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 96, + "Paragraph": "The UN aims to establish transparent mechanisms for the independent monitoring, oversight and evaluation of integrated DDR and its financing mechanisms. It also attempts to create an environment in which all stakeholders understand and are accountable for achieving broad objectives and implementing the details of integrated DDR processes, even if circumstances change. Many types of accountability are needed to ensure transparency, including: \\n the commitment of the national authorities and the parties to a peace agreement or political framework to honour the agreements they have signed and implement DDR programmes in good faith; the accountability and transparency of all relevant actors in contexts where the preconditions for DDR are not in place and alternative DDR-related tools and reintegration support measures are implemented; \\n the accountability of national and international implementing agencies to the five categories of persons who can become participants in DDR for the professional and timely carrying out of activities and delivery of services; \\n the adherence of all parts of the UN system (missions, departments, agencies, programmes and funds) to IDDRS principles and guidance for designing and implementing DDR; \\n the commitment of Member States and bilateral partners to provide timely political and financial support to integrated DDR processes", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ", + "Heading3": "8.6.2 Accountability and transparency", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 97, + "Paragraph": "Although DDR practitioners should always aim to meet core commitments, setbacks and unforeseen events should be expected. Flexibility and contingency planning are therefore needed. It is essential to establish realistic goals and make reasonable promises to those involved, and to explain setbacks to stakeholders and participants in order to maintain their confidence and cooperation.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ", + "Heading3": "8.6.2 Accountability and transparency", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 98, + "Paragraph": "Ensuring national and local ownership is crucial to the success of integrated DDR. National ownership ensures that DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support are informed by an understanding of the local context, the dynamics of the conflict, and the dynamics between ex-combatants and community members. Even when receiving financial and technical assistance from partners, it is the responsibility of national Governments to ensure coordination between government ministries and local government, between Government and national civil society, and between Government and external partners.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.7. Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 99, + "Paragraph": "In contexts where national capacity is weak, a Government exerts national ownership by building the capacity of its national institutions, by contributing to the integrated DDR process and by creating links to other peacebuilding and development initiatives. This is particularly important in the case of reintegration support, as measures should be designed as part of national development and recovery efforts.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.7. Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 100, + "Paragraph": "National and local capacity must be systematically developed, as follows: \\n Creating national and local institutional capacity: A primary role of the UN is to supply technical assistance, training and financial support to national authorities to establish credible, capable, representative and sustainable national institutions and programmes. Such assistance should be based on an assessment and understanding of the particular context and the type of DDR activities to be implemented, including commitments to gender equality. \\n Finding implementing partners: Besides national institutions, civil society is a key partner in DDR. The technical capacity and expertise of civil society groups will often need to be strengthened, particularly when conflict has diminished human and financial resources. Particular attention should be paid to supporting the capacity development of women\u2019s civil society groups to ensure equal participation as partners in DDR. Doing so will help to create a sustainable environment for DDR and to ensure its long-term success. \\n Employing local communities and authorities: Local communities and authorities play an important role in ensuring the sustainability of DDR, particularly in support of reintegration and the implementation of DDR-related tools. Therefore, their capacities for strategic planning and programme and/or financial management must be strengthened. Local authorities and populations, ex-combatants and their dependents/families, and women and girls formerly associated with armed forces and groups shall all be involved in the planning, implementation and monitoring of integrated DDR processes. This is to ensure that the needs of both individuals and the community are addressed. Increased local ownership builds support for reintegration and reconciliation efforts and supports other local peacebuilding and recovery processes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.7. Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 101, + "Paragraph": "As the above list shows, national ownership involves more than just central government leadership: it includes the participation of a broad range of State and non-State actors at national, provincial and local levels. Within the IDDRS framework, the UN supports the development of a national DDR strategy, not only by representatives of the various parties to the conflict, but also by civil society; and it encourages the active participation of affected communities and groups, particularly those formerly marginalized in DDR and post-conflict reconstruction processes, such as representatives of women\u2019s groups, children\u2019s advocates, people from minority communities, and persons with disabilities and chronic illness.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.7. Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 102, + "Paragraph": "In supporting national institutions, the UN, along with key international and regional actors, can help to ensure broad national ownership, adherence to international principles, credibility, transparency and accountability (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.7. Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 103, + "Paragraph": "The regional causes of conflict and the political, social and economic interrelationships among neighbouring States sharing insecure borders will present challenges in the implementation of DDR. Managing repatriation and the cross-border movement of weapons and armed groups requires careful coordination among UN agencies and regional organizations supporting DDR, both in the countries concerned and in neighbouring countries where there may be spill-over effects. The return of foreign former combatants and mercenaries may be a particular problem and will require a separate strategy (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements). Most notably, UN actors need to engage regional stakeholders in order to foster a conducive regional environment, including support from neighbouring countries, for DDR interventions addressing armed groups operating on foreign national territory and with regional structures.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.8 Regionally supported", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 104, + "Paragraph": "From the earliest assessment phase and throughout all stages of strategy development, planning and implementation, it is essential to encourage integration and unity of effort within the UN system and with national players. It is also important to coordinate the participation of international partners so as to achieve common objectives. Joint assess-ments and programming are key to ensuring that DDR programmes in both mission and non-mission contexts are implemented in an integrated manner. DDR practitioners should also strive for an integrated approach in contexts where DDR programmes are used in combination with DDR-related tools, and in settings where the preconditions for DDR programmes are absent (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated Planning).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.9. Integrated ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 105, + "Paragraph": "Given that DDR is aimed at groups who are a security risk and is implemented in fragile security environments, both risks and operational security and safety protocols should be decided on before the planning and implementation of activities. These should include the security and safety needs of UN and partner agency personnel involved in DDR operations, DDR participants (who will have many different needs) and members of local communities. Security and other services must be provided either by UN military and/or a UN police component or national police and security forces. Security concerns should be included in operational plans, and clear criteria, in line with the UN Programme Criticality Framework, should be established for starting, delaying, suspending or cancelling activities and/or operations, should security risks be too high.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.10. Well planned", + "Heading3": "8.10.1. Safety and security", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 106, + "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR processes shall be designed on the basis of detailed quantitative and qualitative data. Supporting information management systems should ensure that this data remains up to date, accurate and accessible. In the planning stages, information is gathered on the location of armed forces and groups, the demographics of their members (grouped according to sex and age), their weapons stocks, and the political and conflict dynamics at national and local levels. Surveys of national and local labour market conditions and reintegration opportunities should be undertaken. Regularly updating this information, as well as population-specific surveys (e.g., with women associated with armed forces and groups), allows for DDR to adapt to changing circumstances (also see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated Planning, IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design and IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.10. Well planned", + "Heading3": "8.10.2. Planning: assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 107, + "Paragraph": "Internal and external monitoring and evaluation mechanisms must be established from the start to strengthen accountability within integrated DDR, ensure quality in the implementation and delivery of DDR activities and services, and allow for flexibility and adaptation of strategies and activities when required. Monitoring and evaluation should be based on an integrated approach to metrics, and produce lessons learned and best practices that will influence the further development of IDDRS policy and practice (see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.10. Well planned", + "Heading3": "8.10.2. Planning: assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 108, + "Paragraph": "Public information, awareness-raising and community sensitization ensure that affected communities and participants receive accurate information on DDR procedures and benefits. The sharing of information helps generate broad public support and national ownership, and at the same time manages expectations and encourages behavioural change, the demilitarization of hearts and minds, and reconciliation between ex-com-batants and war-affected communities. Public information strategies should be drawn up and implemented as early as possible. Messages should be appropriately tailored for different audiences, considering gender and cultural dimensions in design and delivery, and should employ many different and locally appropriate means of communication (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.10. Well planned", + "Heading3": "8.10.3. Public information and community sensitization", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 109, + "Paragraph": "While DDR programmes last for a specific period of time that includes the immediate post-conflict situation and the transition and early recovery periods, other aspects of DDR may need to be continued, albeit in a different form. DDR-related tools can be initiated after DDR programmes, such as when the disarmament of armed groups is followed by community-based weapons and ammunition management. Reintegration assistance also becomes an integral part of recovery and development. To ensure a smooth transition from one stage to another, an exit strategy should be defined as soon as possible, and should focus on how integrated DDR will seamlessly transform into broader and/or longer-term development strategies, such as security sector reform, violence prevention, socio-economic recovery, national reconciliation, peacebuilding, gender equality and poverty reduction.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "8.10. Well planned", + "Heading3": "8.10.4. Transition and exit strategies", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 110, + "Paragraph": "idk404", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The UN Approach to DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "8. What principles guide UN DDR?", + "Heading2": "Annex A: Abbreviations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.10 The UN Approach to DDR" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR.json b/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8c9d45 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1,1640 @@ +[ + { + "ID": 0, + "Paragraph": "A variety of actors in the UN system support DDR processes within national contexts. In carrying out DDR, these actors are governed by their respective constituent instruments, by the specific mandates provided by their respective governing bodies, and by applicable internal rules, policies and procedures.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 1, + "Paragraph": "DDR is also undertaken within the context of a broader international legal framework, which contains rights and obligations that may be of relevance for the implementation of DDR tasks. This framework includes international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law, and international refugee law, as well as the international counter-terrorism and arms control frameworks. UN system-supported DDR processes should be implemented in a manner that ensures that the relevant rights and obligations under the international legal framework are respected.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 2, + "Paragraph": "This module aims to provide an overview of the international legal framework that may be relevant to UN system-supported DDR processes. Unless otherwise stated, in this module, the term \u201cDDR practitioners\u201d refers only to DDR practitioners within the UN system, namely the United Nations (UN), its subsidiary organs, country offices and field missions, as well as UN specialized agencies and related organizations.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 3, + "Paragraph": "This module is intended to sensitize DDR practitioners within the UN system to the legal issues that should be considered, and that may arise, when developing or implementing a DDR process. This sensitization is done so that DDR practitioners will be conscious of when to reach out to an appropriate, competent legal office to seek legal advice. Each section thus contains guiding principles and some red lines, where they exist, to highlight issues that DDR practitioners should be aware of. Guiding principles seek to provide direction, while red lines indicate boundaries that DDR practitioners should not cross. If it is possible that a red line might be crossed, or if a red line has been crossed inadvertently, legal advice should be sought immediately.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 4, + "Paragraph": "This module should not be relied upon to the exclusion of legal advice in a specific case or context. In situations of doubt with regard to potential legal issues, or to the application or interpretation of a particular legal rule, advice should always be sought from the competent legal office of the relevant entity, who may, when and as appropriate, refer it to their relevant legal office at headquarters.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 5, + "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 6, + "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\na) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\nb) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\nc) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\nd) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\ne) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 7, + "Paragraph": "This Module does not adopt the terminology of \u2018must\u2019. For the purposes of this Module, the word \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate an obligation, arising from a variety of sources1 , which has to be complied with by the DDR practitioner.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 8, + "Paragraph": "In carrying out DDR processes, UN system actors are governed by their constituent instruments and by the specific mandates given to them by their respective governing bodies. In general, a mandate authorizes and tasks an actor to carry out specific functions. Mandates are the main points of reference for UN-supported DDR processes that will determine the scope of activities that can be undertaken.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 9, + "Paragraph": "In the case of the UN and its subsidiary organs, including its funds and programmes, the primary source of all mandates is the Charter of the United Nations (the \u2018Charter\u2019). Specific mandates are further established through the adoption of decisions by the Organization\u2019s principal organs in accordance with their authority under the Charter. Both the General Assembly and the Security Council have the competency to provide DDR mandates as measures related to the maintenance of international peace and security. For the funds and programmes, mandates are further provided by the decisions of their executive boards. Specialized agencies and related organizations of the UN system similarly operate in host States in accordance with the terms of their constituent instruments and the decisions of their deliberative bodies or other competent organs.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 10, + "Paragraph": "In addition to mandates, UN system actors are governed by their internal rules, policies and procedures.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 11, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes are also undertaken in the context of a broader international legal framework and should be implemented in a manner that ensures that the relevant rights and obligations under that broader legal framework are respected. Peace agreements, where they exist, are also crucial in informing the implementation of DDR practitioners\u2019 mandates by providing a framework for the DDR process. Peace agreements can take a variety of forms, ranging from local-level agreements to national-level ceasefires and Comprehensive Peace Agreements (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). Following the conclusion of an agreement, a DDR policy document may also be developed by the Government and the signatory armed groups, often with UN support. Where the UN DDR mandate consists of providing support to national DDR efforts and makes reference to the peace agreement, DDR practitioners will typically work within the framework of the peace agreement and the DDR policy document.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 12, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes can also be implemented in contexts where there are no peace agreements (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Therefore, if there is no such framework in place, UN system DDR practitioners will have to rely solely on their own entity\u2019s mandate in order to determine their role and responsibilities, as well as the applicable basic principles.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 13, + "Paragraph": "Finally, to facilitate DDR processes, UN system actors conclude project and technical agreements with the States in which they operate, which also provide a framework. They also enter into agreements with the host State to regulate their status, privileges and immunities and those of their personnel.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 14, + "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of UN supported DDR processes. In addition to these principles, the following general guiding principles related specifically to the legal framework apply when carrying out DDR processes. \\n Abide by the applicable legal framework. The applicable legal framework should be a core consideration at all stages, when drafting, designing, executing and evaluating DDR processes. Failure to abide by the applicable legal framework may result in consequences for the UN entity involved and the UN more generally, including possible liabilities. It may also lead to personal accountability for the DDR practitioner(s) involved. \\n Know your mandate. DDR practitioners should be familiar with the source and scope of their mandate. To the extent that their involvement in the DDR process requires coordination and/or cooperation with other UN system actors, they should also know the respective roles and responsibilities of those other actors. If a peace agreement exists, it should be one of the first documents that DDR practitioners consult to understand the framework in which they will carry out the DDR process. \\n Develop a concept of operations (CONOPS). DDR practitioners should have a common, agreed approach in order to ensure coherence amongst UN system-supported DDR processes and coordination among the various UN system actors that are conducting DDR in a particular context. This can be achieved through a written CONOPS, developed in consultation, as necessary, with the relevant headquarters. The CONOPS can also be adjusted to include the legal obligations of the UN system actor. \\n Develop operation-specific standard operating procedures (SOPs) or guidelines for DDR. Consistent with the CONOPS, DDR practitioners should consider developing operation-specific SOPs or guidelines. These may address, for instance, standards for cooperation with criminal justice and other accountability processes, measures for controlling access to DDR encampments or other installations, measures for the safe handling and destruction of weapons and ammunition, and other relevant issues. They may also include references to, and explanations of, the applicable legal standards. \\n Include legal considerations in all relevant project documents. In general, legal considerations should be integrated and addressed, as appropriate, in all relevant written project documents, including those agreed with the host State. \\n Seek legal advice. As a general matter, DDR practitioners should seek legal advice when they are in doubt as to whether a situation raises legal concerns. In particular, DDR practitioners should seek advice when they foresee new elements or significant changes in their DDR processes (e.g., when a new type of activity or new partners are involved). It is important to know where, and how, such advice may be requested and obtained. Familiarity with the legal office in-country and having clear channels of communication for seeking expeditious advice from headquarters are critical.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 15, + "Paragraph": "As noted above, mandates are the main points of reference for UN-supported DDR processes. The mandate will determine what, when and how DDR processes can be supported or implemented. There are various sources of a UN actor\u2019s mandate to assist DDR processes. For UN peace operations, which are subsidiary organs of the Security Council, the mandate is found in the applicable Security Council resolution.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.1 Mandate ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 16, + "Paragraph": "Certain UN funds and programmes also have explicit mandates addressing DDR. In the absence of explicit, specific DDR-related provisions within their mandates, these UN funds and programmes should conduct any activity related to DDR processes in accordance with the principles and objectives in their general mandates.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.1 Mandate ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 17, + "Paragraph": "In addition, a number of specialized agencies and related organizations are mandated to conduct activities related to DDR processes. These entities often cooperate with UN peace operations, funds and programmes within their respective mandates in order to ensure a common approach to and coherency of their activities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.1 Mandate ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 18, + "Paragraph": "Where a peace agreement exists, it may address the roles and responsibilities of DDR practitioners, both domestic and international, the basic principles applicable to the DDR process, the strategic approach, institutional mechanisms, timeframes and eligibility criteria. The peace agreement would thus provide guidance to DDR practitioners as to the implementation of their DDR mandate, where they are tasked with providing support to national DDR efforts undertaken pursuant to the peace agreement. It is important to remember, however, that while peace agreements may provide a framework for and guide the implementation of the DDR process, they do not provide the actual mandate to undertake such activities for UN system actors. It is the reference to the peace agreement in the practitioner\u2019s DDR mandate that makes the peace agreement (and the accompanying DDR policy document) relevant. As mentioned above, the authority to carry out DDR processes is established in a UN system actor\u2019s constitutive instrument and/or in a decision by the actor\u2019s governing organ.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.1 Mandate ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 19, + "Paragraph": "In countries where no peace agreement exists, there may be no overarching framework for the DDR process, which could result in a lack of clarity regarding objectives, activities, coordination and strategy. In such cases, the fall-back for DDR practitioners would be to rely solely on the mandate of their own entity that is applicable in the relevant State to determine their role in the DDR process, how to coordinate with other actors and the activities they may undertake.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.1 Mandate ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 20, + "Paragraph": "If a particular mandate includes assistance to the national authorities in the development and implementation of a DDR process, the UN system actor concerned may, in accordance with its mandate, enter into a technical agreement with the host State on logistical and operational coordination and cooperation. The technical agreement may, as necessary, integrate elements from the peace agreement, if one exists.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.1 Mandate ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 21, + "Paragraph": "DDR mandates may also include provisions that tie the development and implementation of DDR processes to other ongoing conflict and post-conflict initiatives, including ones concerning transitional justice (TJ).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.1 Mandate ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 22, + "Paragraph": "Many UN system entities operating in post-conflict situations have simultaneous DDR and TJ mandates. The overlap of TJ measures with DDR processes can create tension but may also contribute towards achieving the long-term shared objectives of reconciliation and peace. It is thus crucial that UN-supported DDR processes have a clear and coherent relationship with any TJ measures ongoing within the country (see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.1 Mandate ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 23, + "Paragraph": "Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be familiar with the most recent documents establishing the mandate to conduct DDR processes, specifically, the source and scope of that mandate. \\n When starting a new form of activity related to the DDR process, DDR practitioners should seek legal advice if there is doubt as to whether this new form of activity is authorized under the mandate of their particular entity. \\n When starting a new form of activity related to the DDR process, DDR practitioners should ensure coordination with other relevant initiatives. \\n Peace agreements, in themselves, do not provide UN entities with a mandate to support DDR. It is the reference to the peace agreement in the mandate of the DDR practitioner\u2019s particular entity that makes the peace agreement (and the accompanying DDR policy document) relevant. This mandate may set boundaries regarding what DDR practitioners can do or how they go about their jobs.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.1 Mandate ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 24, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes are also undertaken within the context of a broader international legal framework of rights and obligations that may be relevant to their implementation. This includes, in particular, international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law, international refugee law, and the international counter-terrorism and arms control frameworks. For the purpose of this module, this international legal framework is referred to as the \u2018normative legal framework\u2019. UN-supported DDR processes should be implemented so as to ensure that the relevant rights and obligations under that normative legal framework are respected.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 25, + "Paragraph": "International humanitarian law (IHL) applies to situations of armed conflict and regulates the conduct of armed forces and non-State armed groups in such situations. It seeks to limit the effects of armed conflict, mainly by protecting persons who are not or are no longer participating in the hostilities and by regulating the means and methods of warfare. Among other things, IHL sets out the obligations of parties to armed conflicts to protect civilians, injured and sick persons, and persons deprived of their liberty for reasons related to armed conflicts.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.1 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 26, + "Paragraph": "The main sources of IHL are the Geneva Conventions (1949) and the two Additional Protocols (1977).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.1 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 27, + "Paragraph": "There are two types of armed conflict under IHL: (1) international armed conflict (an armed conflict between States) and (2) non-international armed conflict (an armed conflict between a State\u2019s armed forces and an organized armed group, or between organized armed groups). Each type of armed conflict is governed by a distinct set of rules, though the differences between the two regimes have diminished as the law governing non-international armed conflict has developed", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.1 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 28, + "Paragraph": "Article 3, which is contained in all four Geneva Conventions (often referred to as \u2018common article 3\u2019), applies to non-international armed conflicts and establishes fundamental rules from which no derogation is permitted (i.e., States cannot suspend the performance of their obligations under common article 3). It requires, among other things, humane treatment for all persons in enemy hands, without any adverse distinction. It also specifically prohibits murder; mutilation; torture; cruel, humiliating and degrading treatment; the taking of hostages and unfair trial.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.1 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 29, + "Paragraph": "Serious violations of IHL (e.g., murder, rape, torture, arbitrary deprivation of liberty and unlawful confinement) in an international or non-international armed conflict situation may constitute war crimes. Issues relating to the possible commission of such crimes (together with crimes against humanity and genocide), and the prosecution of such criminals, are of particular concern when assisting Member States in the development of eligibility criteria for DDR processes (see section 4.2.4, as well as IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.1 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 30, + "Paragraph": "The UN is not a party to the international legal instruments comprising IHL. However, the Secretary-General has confirmed that certain fundamental principles and rules of IHL are applicable to UN forces when, in situations of armed conflict, they are actively engaged as combatants, to the extent and for the duration of their engagement (ST/SGB/1999/13, sect. 1.1)", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.1 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 31, + "Paragraph": "In the context of DDR processes assisted by UN peacekeeping operations, IHL rules regarding deprivation of liberty are normally not applicable to activities undertaken within DDR processes. This is based on the fact that participation in DDR is voluntary \u2014 in other words, persons enrol in DDR processes of their own accord and stay in DDR processes voluntarily (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). They are not deprived of their liberty, and IHL rules concerning detention or internment do not apply. In the event that there are doubts as to whether a person is in fact enrolled in DDR voluntarily, this issue should immediately be brought to the attention of the competent legal office, and advice should be sought. Separately, legal advice should also be sought if the DDR practitioner is of the view that detention is in fact taking place.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.1 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 32, + "Paragraph": "IHL may nevertheless apply to the wider context within which a DDR process is situated. For example, when national authorities, for whatever purpose, wish to take into custody persons enrolled in DDR processes, the UN peacekeeping operation or other UN system actor concerned should take measures to ensure that those national authorities will treat the persons concerned in accordance with their obligations under IHL, and international human rights and refugee laws, where applicable. \\n\\nSpecific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be conscious of the conditions of DDR facilities, particularly with respect to the voluntariness of the presence and involvement of DDR participants and beneficiaries (see IDDRS 3.10 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). \\n DDR practitioners should be conscious of the fact that IHL may apply to the wider context within which DDR processes are situated. Safeguards should be put in place to ensure compliance with IHL and international human rights and refugee laws by the host State authorities. \\n\\n Red lines \\nParticipation in DDR processes shall be voluntary at all times. DDR participants and beneficiaries are not detained, interned or otherwise deprived of their liberty. DDR practitioners should seek legal advice if there are concerns about the voluntariness of involvement in DDR processes", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.1 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 33, + "Paragraph": "Article 55 of the UN Charter calls on the Organization to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, based on the recognition of the dignity, worth and equal rights of all. In their work, all UN personnel have a responsibility to ensure that human rights are promoted, respected, protected and advanced.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.2 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 34, + "Paragraph": "Accordingly, UN DDR practitioners have a duty in carrying out their work to promote and respect the human rights of all DDR participants and beneficiaries. ", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.2 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 35, + "Paragraph": "The main sources of international human rights law are: \\n The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (UDHR) was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations. It set out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected. \\n The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) (ICCPR) establishes a range of civil and political rights, including rights of due process and equality before the law, freedom of movement and association, freedom of religion and political opinion, and the right to liberty and security of person. \\n The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966) (ICESCR) establishes the rights of individuals and duties of States to provide for the basic needs of all persons, including access to employment, education and health care. \\n The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) (CAT) establishes that torture is prohibited under all circumstances, including in times of war, internal political instability or other public emergency, and regardless of the orders of superiors or public authorities. \\n The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) (CRC) and the Optional Protocol to the CRC on Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict (2000) recognize the special status of children and reconfirm their rights, as well as States\u2019 duty to protect children in a number of specific settings, including during armed conflict. The Optional Protocol is particularly relevant to the DDR context, as it concerns the rights of children involved in armed conflict. \\n The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979) (CEDAW) defines what constitutes discrimination against women and sets up an agenda for national action to end it. CEDAW provides the basis for realizing equality between women and men through ensuring women\u2019s equal access to, and equal opportunities in, political and public life \u2013 including the right to vote and to stand for election \u2013 as well as education, health and employment. States parties agree to take all appropriate measures, including legislation and temporary special measures, so that women can enjoy all their human rights and fundamental freedoms. General recommendation No. 30 on women in conflict prevention, conflict and post-conflict situations, issued by the CEDAW Committee in 2013, specifically recommends that States parties, among others, ensure (a) women\u2019s participation in all stages of DDR processes; (b) that DDR processes specifically target female combatants and women and girls associated with armed groups and that barriers to their equitable participation are addressed; (c) that mental health and psychosocial support as well as other support services are provided to them; and (d) that DDR processes specifically address women\u2019s distinct needs in order to provide age and gender-specific DDR support. \\n The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) (CRPD) clarifies and qualifies how all categories of rights apply to persons with disabilities and identifies areas where adaptations have to be made for persons with disabilities to effectively exercise their rights, and where protection of rights must be reinforced. This is also relevant for people with psychosocial, intellectual and cognitive disabilities, and is a key legislative framework addressing their human rights including the right to quality services and the right to community integration. \\n The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (2006) (ICPPED) establishes that enforced disappearances are prohibited under all circumstances, including in times of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or other public emergency.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.2 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 36, + "Paragraph": "The following rights enshrined in these instruments are particularly relevant, as they often arise within the DDR context, especially with regard to the treatment of persons located in DDR facilities (including but not limited to encampments): \\n Right to life (article 3 of UDHR; article 6 of ICCPR; article 6 of CRC; article 10 of CRPD); \\n Right to freedom from torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (article 5 of UDHR; article 7 of ICCPR; article 2 of CAT; article 37(a) of CRC; article 15 of CRPD); \\n Right to liberty and security of person, which includes the prohibition of arbitrary arrest or detention (article 9 of UDHR; article 9(1) of ICCPR; article 37 of CRC); \\n Right to fair trial (article 10 of UDHR; article 9 of ICCPR; article 40(2)(iii) of CRC); \\n Right to be free from discrimination (article 2 of UDHR; articles 2 and 24 of ICCPR; article 2 of CRC; article 2 of CEDAW; article 5 of CRPD); and \\n Rights of the child, including considering the best interests of the child (article 3 of CRC; article 7(2) of CRPD), and protection from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation (article 19 of CRC).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.2 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 37, + "Paragraph": "While the UN is not a party to the above instruments, they provide relevant standards to guide its operations. Accordingly, the above rights should be taken into consideration when developing UN-supported DDR processes, when supporting host State DDR processes and when national authorities, for whatever purpose, wish to take into custody persons enrolled in DDR processes, in order to ensure that the rights of DDR participants and beneficiaries are promoted and respected at all times.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.2 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 38, + "Paragraph": "The application and interpretation of international human rights law must also be viewed in light of the voluntary nature of DDR processes. The participants and beneficiaries of DDR processes shall not be held against their will or subjected to other deprivations of their liberty and security of their persons. They shall be treated at all times in accordance with international human rights law norms and standards.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.2 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 39, + "Paragraph": "Special protections may also apply with respect to members of particularly vulnerable groups, including women, children and persons with disabilities. Specifically, with regard to women participating in DDR processes, Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) on women and peace and security calls on all actors involved, when negotiating and implementing peace agreements, to adopt a gender perspective, including the special needs of women and girls during repatriation and resettlement and for rehabilitation, reintegration and post-conflict reconstruction (para. 8(a)), and encourages all those involved in the planning for DDR to consider the different needs of female and male ex-combatants and to take into account the needs of their dependents. In all, DDR processes should be gender-responsive, and there should be equal access for and participation of women at all stages (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.2 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 40, + "Paragraph": "Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of the international human rights instruments that guide the UN in supporting DDR processes. \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of the relevant domestic legislation that provides for the rights and freedoms of DDR participants and beneficiaries within the Member State where the DDR process is being undertaken. \\n DDR practitioners shall take the necessary precautions, special measures or actions to protect and ensure the human rights of DDR participants and beneficiaries. \\n DDR practitioners shall report and seek legal advice in the event that they witness any violations of human rights by national authorities within a UN-supported DDR facility.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.2 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 41, + "Paragraph": "Red lines \\n DDR practitioners shall not facilitate any violations of human rights by national authorities within a UN-supported DDR facility.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.2 International humanitarian law", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 42, + "Paragraph": "International refugee law serves as another part of the normative international legal framework that may be of relevance to UN-supported DDR processes. This area of law may be particularly relevant when DDR processes include a repatriation component or are open to foreign nationals (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "i. International refugee law", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 43, + "Paragraph": "International refugee law serves as another part of the normative international legal framework that may be of relevance to UN-supported DDR processes. This area of law may be particularly relevant when DDR processes include a repatriation component or are open to foreign nationals (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "i. International refugee law", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 44, + "Paragraph": "A refugee is a person who is outside his or her country of nationality or habitual residence; has a well-founded fear of being persecuted because of his or her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion; and is unable or unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country, or to return there, for fear of persecution.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "i. International refugee law", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 45, + "Paragraph": "However, articles 1C to 1F of the 1951 Convention provide for circumstances in which it shall not apply to a person who would otherwise fall within the general definition of a refugee. In the context of situations involving DDR processes, article 1F is of particular relevance, in that it stipulates that the provisions of the 1951 Convention shall not apply to any person with respect to whom there are serious reasons for considering that he or she has: \\n committed a crime against peace, a war crime or a crime against humanity, as defined in relevant international instruments; \\n committed a serious non-political crime outside the country of refuge prior to the person\u2019s admission to that country as a refugee; or \\n been guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "i. International refugee law", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 46, + "Paragraph": "Asylum means the granting by a State of protection on its territory to individuals fleeing another country owing to persecution, armed conflict or violence. Military activity is incompatible with the concept of asylum. Persons who pursue military activities in a country of asylum cannot be asylum seekers or refugees. It is thus important to ensure that refugee camps/settlements are protected from militarization and the presence of fighters or combatants.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "i. International refugee law", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 47, + "Paragraph": "During emergency situations, particularly when people are fleeing armed conflict, refugee flows may occur simultaneously or mixed with combatants or fighters. It is thus important that combatants or fighters are identified and separated. Once separated from the refugee population, combatants and fighters may enter into a DDR process, if available.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "i. International refugee law", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 48, + "Paragraph": "Former combatants or fighters who have been verified to have genuinely and permanently renounced military activities may seek asylum. Participation in a DDR programme provides a verifiable process through which the former combatant or fighter genuinely and permanently renounces military activities. Other types of DDR processes may also provide this verification, as long as there is a formal process through which a combatant becomes an ex-combatant (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "i. International refugee law", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 49, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should also take into consideration that civilian family members of participants in DDR processes may be refugees or asylum seekers, and efforts must be in place to consider family unity during, for example, repatriation.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "i. International refugee law", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 50, + "Paragraph": "The principle of non-refoulement (article 33 of the 1951 Convention) is so fundamental that no reservations or derogations may be made to it. The principle also has the status of international customary law, which means that it is binding on all States, including those that are not party to the 1951 Convention. It provides that no State shall expel or return (\u2018refouler\u2019) a refugee against his or her will, in any manner whatsoever, to a territory where he or she fears with good reason that his or her life or freedom would be threatened, or where he or she would be subject to persecution on account of his/her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion. ", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "ii. The principle of non-refoulement", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 51, + "Paragraph": "The prohibition of refoulement under international refugee law is applicable to any form of forcible removal, including deportation, expulsion, extradition, informal transfer or \u2018renditions\u2019, and non-admission at the border, as per article 33(1) of the 1951 Convention, which refers to expulsion or return (refoulement) \u201cin any manner whatsoever\u201d. This has been interpreted to include not only a return to the country of origin or, in the case of a stateless person, the country of former habitual residence, but also to any other place where a person has reason to fear threats to his or her life or freedom related to one or more of the grounds set out in the 1951 Convention, or from where the person risks being sent to a territory where he or she faces such a risk.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "ii. The principle of non-refoulement", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 52, + "Paragraph": "In the context of DDR, this means that a former fighter/combatant who has renounced military activity and been admitted to the asylum procedure is protected from refoulement by virtue of Article 33(1) of the 1951 Convention and international customary law. This precludes the forced repatriation of this individual unless and until his or her asylum claim is finally rejected.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "ii. The principle of non-refoulement", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 53, + "Paragraph": "Under Article 33(2) of the 1951 Convention, an exception to the non-refoulement obligation in international refugee law exists where (1) there are reasonable grounds for regarding the refugee as a danger to the security of the country in which the refugee is located; or (2) the refugee, having been convicted of a particularly serious crime by final judgment, constitutes a danger to the community of the country where the refugee is located.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "ii. The principle of non-refoulement", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 54, + "Paragraph": "While the principle of non-refoulement originates in international refugee law, it has also become an integral part of international human rights law. This principle is explicitly contained in Article 3 of the CAT, and has also been interpreted by the Human Rights Committee to be part of Articles 6 (right to life) and 7 (right to be free from tor-ture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment) of the ICCPR.6 In international human rights law, the principle applies without exception, and there is no provision similar to Article 33(2) of the 1951 Convention (see above). Accordingly, States are bound not to transfer any individual to another State, if this would expose him or her to a real risk of being subjected to arbitrary deprivation of life, or torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or enforced disappearance.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "ii. The principle of non-refoulement", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 55, + "Paragraph": "As such, the principle of non-refoulement under international human rights law also applies to active fighters/combatants even though these individuals are not considered refugees.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "ii. The principle of non-refoulement", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 56, + "Paragraph": "Relatedly, a body of rules has also been developed with respect to internally displaced persons (IDPs). In addition to relevant human rights law principles, the \u201cGuiding Principles on Internal Displacement\u201d (E/CN.4/1998/53/Add.2) provide a framework for the protection and assistance of IDPs. The Guiding Principles contain practical guidance to the UN in its protection of IDPs, as well as serve as an instrument for public policy education and awareness-raising. Substantively, the Guiding Principles address the specific needs of IDPs worldwide. They identify rights and guarantees relevant to the protection of persons from forced displacement and to their protection and assistance during displacement as well as during return or reintegration.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "iii. Internally displaced persons", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 57, + "Paragraph": "Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of international refugee law and how it relates to UN DDR processes. \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of the principle of non-refoulement, which exists under both international human rights law and international refugee law, though with different conditions. \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of the relevant domestic legislation that provides for the rights and freedoms of DDR participants and beneficiaries within the Member State where the DDR process is carried out.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "iii. Internally displaced persons", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 58, + "Paragraph": "Red lines \\n DDR practitioners shall not facilitate any violations of international refugee law by national authorities. In particular, they shall not facilitate any violations of the principle of non-refoulement including for DDR participants and beneficiaries who may not qualify as refugees.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 International refugee law and internally displaced persons", + "Heading4": "iii. Internally displaced persons", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 59, + "Paragraph": "In general, it is the duty of every State to exercise its criminal jurisdiction over those responsible for international crimes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.4 Accountability mechanisms at the national and international levels", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 60, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should be aware of local and international mechanisms for achieving justice and accountability for international crimes. These include any judicial or non-judicial mechanisms that may be established with respect to international crimes committed in the host State. These can take various forms, depending on the specificities of local context.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.4 Accountability mechanisms at the national and international levels", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 61, + "Paragraph": "National courts usually have jurisdiction over all crimes committed within the State\u2019s territory, even when there are international criminal accountability mechanisms with complementary or concurrent jurisdiction over the same crimes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.4 Accountability mechanisms at the national and international levels", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 62, + "Paragraph": "In terms of international criminal law, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) establishes individual and command responsibility under international law for (1) genocide;8 (2) crimes against humanity, which include, inter alia, murder, enslavement, deportation or forcible transfer of population, imprisonment, torture, rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization or \u201cany other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity\u201d, when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against the civilian population;9 (3) war crimes, which similarly include sexual violence;10 and (4) the crime of aggression.11 The law governing international crimes is also developed further by other sources of international law (e.g., treaties12 and customary international law13 ).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.4 Accountability mechanisms at the national and international levels", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 63, + "Paragraph": "Separately, there have been a number of international criminal tribunals14 and \u2018hybrid\u2019 international tribunals15 addressing crimes committed in specific situations. These tribunals have contributed to the extensive development of substantive and procedural international criminal law.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.4 Accountability mechanisms at the national and international levels", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 64, + "Paragraph": "Recently, there have also been a number of initiatives to provide degrees of international support to domestic courts or tribunals that are established in States to try international law crimes.16 Various other transitional justice initiatives may also apply, depending on the context.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.4 Accountability mechanisms at the national and international levels", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 65, + "Paragraph": "The UN opposes the application of the death penalty, including with respect to persons convicted of international crimes. The UN also discourages the extradition or deportation of a person where there is genuine risk that the death penalty may be imposed unless credible and reliable assurances are obtained that the death penalty will not be sought or imposed and, if imposed, will not be carried out but commuted. The UN\u2019s own criminal tribunals, UN-assisted criminal tribunals and the ICC are not empowered to impose capital punishment on any convicted person, regardless of the seriousness of the crime(s) of which he or she has been convicted. UN investigative mechanisms mandated to share information with national courts and tribunals should only do so with jurisdictions that respect international human rights law and standards, including the right to a fair trial, and shall only do so for use in criminal proceedings in which capital punishment will not be sought, imposed or carried out.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.4 Accountability mechanisms at the national and international levels", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 66, + "Paragraph": "Accountability mechanisms, together with DDR processes, form part of the toolkit for advancing peace processes. However, there is often tension, whether real or perceived, between peace, on the one hand, and justice and accountability, on the other. A prominent example is the issuance of amnesties or assurances of non-prosecution in exchange for participation in DDR processes, which could hinder the achievement of justice-related aims.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.4 Accountability mechanisms at the national and international levels", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 67, + "Paragraph": "It is a long-established policy that the UN will not endorse provisions in a transitional justice process that include amnesties for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and gross violations of human rights (see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice). With regard to the issue of terrorist offences, see section 4.2.6.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.4 Accountability mechanisms at the national and international levels", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 68, + "Paragraph": "The Security Council, in establishing a DDR mandate, may address the tension between transitional justice and DDR, by excluding combatants suspected of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or abuses of human rights from participation in DDR processes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.5 UN Security Council sanctions regimes", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 69, + "Paragraph": "Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be aware that it is the primary duty of States to prosecute those responsible for international crimes. \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of a parallel UN or national mandate, if any, for transitional justice in the State. \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of ongoing international and/or national accountability and/or transitional justice mechanisms or processes. \\n When planning for and conducting DDR processes, DDR practitioners should consult with UN human rights, accountability and/or transitional justice advisers to ensure coordination, where such mechanisms or processes exist. \\n DDR practitioners should incorporate screening mechanisms and criteria into DDR processes for adults to identify suspected perpetrators of international crimes and exclude them from DDR processes. Suspected perpetrators should be reported to the competent national authorities. Legal advice should be sought, if possible, beforehand. \\n If the potential DDR participant is under 18 years old, DDR practitioners should refer to IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR for additional guidance.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.5 UN Security Council sanctions regimes", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 70, + "Paragraph": "The international counter-terrorism framework is comprised of relevant Security Council resolutions, as well as 19 international counter-terrorism instruments,18 which have been widely ratified by UN Member States. That framework must be implemented in compliance with other relevant international standards, particularly international humanitarian law, international refugee law and international human rights la", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "i. The requirement \u2018to bring terrorists to justice\u2019", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 71, + "Paragraph": "Under the Security Council resolutions, Member States are required, among other things, to: \\n Ensure that any person who participates in the preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts or in supporting terrorist acts is brought to justice; \\n Ensure that such terrorist acts are established as serious criminal offences in domestic laws and regulations and that the punishment duly reflects the seriousness of such terrorist acts,19 including with respect to: \\n Financing, planning, preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts or support of these acts and \\n Offences related to the travel of foreign terrorist fighters.20", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "i. The requirement \u2018to bring terrorists to justice\u2019", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 72, + "Paragraph": "Under the Security Council resolutions, Member States are also exhorted to establish criminal responsibility for: \\n Terrorist acts intended to destroy critical infrastructure21 and \\n Trafficking in persons by terrorist organizations and individuals.22", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "i. The requirement \u2018to bring terrorists to justice\u2019", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 73, + "Paragraph": "While there is no universally agreed definition of terrorism, several of the 19 international counter-terrorism instruments define certain terrorist acts and/or offences with clarity and precision, including offences related to the financing of terrorism, the taking of hostages and terrorist bombing.23", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "i. The requirement \u2018to bring terrorists to justice\u2019", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 74, + "Paragraph": "The Member State\u2019s obligation to \u2018bring terrorists to justice\u2019 is triggered and it shall consider whether a prosecution is warranted when there are reasonable grounds to believe that a group or individual has committed a terrorist offence set out in: \\n 1. A Security Council resolution or \\n 2. One of the 19 international counter-terrorism instruments to which a Member State is a party", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "i. The requirement \u2018to bring terrorists to justice\u2019", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 75, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should be aware of the fact that their host State has an international legal obligation to comply with relevant Security Council resolutions on counter-terrorism (that is, those that the Security Council has adopted in binding terms) and the international counter-terrorism instruments to which it is a party.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "i. The requirement \u2018to bring terrorists to justice\u2019", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 76, + "Paragraph": "Of particular relevance to the DDR practitioner is the fact that under Security Council resolutions, with respect to suspected terrorists (as defined above), Member States are further called upon to: \\n Develop and implement comprehensive and tailored prosecution, rehabilitation, and reintegration strategies and protocols, in line with their obligations under international law, including with respect to returning and relocating foreign terrorist fighters and their spouses and children who accompany them, and to address their suitability for rehabilitation.24", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "i. The requirement \u2018to bring terrorists to justice\u2019", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 77, + "Paragraph": "There are two main scenarios where DDR processes and the international counter-terrorism legal framework may intersect: \\n 1. In addition to the traditional concerns with regard to screening out for prosecution persons suspected of war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide, the DDR practitioner, in advising and assisting a Member State, should also be aware of the Member State\u2019s obligations under the international counter-terrorism legal framework, and remind them of those obligations, if need be. Specific criteria, as appropriate and applicable to the context and Member States, should be incorporated into screening for DDR processes to identify and disqualify persons who have committed or are reasonably believed to have committed a terrorist act, or who are identified as clearly associated with a Security Council-designated terrorist organization. \\n 2. Although DDR programmes are not appropriate for persons associated with such organizations (see section below), lessons learned and programming experience from DDR programmes may be very relevant to the design, implementation and support to programmes to prosecute, rehabilitate and reintegrate these persons.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "i. The requirement \u2018to bring terrorists to justice\u2019", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 78, + "Paragraph": "As general guidance, for terrorist groups designated by the Security Council, Member States are required to develop prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration strategies. Terrorist suspects, including foreign terrorist fighters and their family members, and victims should be the subject of such strategies, which should be both tailored to specific categories and comprehensive.25 The initial step is to establish a clear and coherent screening process to determine the main profile of a person who is in the custody of authorities or under the responsibility of authorities, in order to recommend particular treatment, including further investigation or prosecution, or immediate entry into and participation in a rehabilitation and/or reintegration programme. The criteria to be applied during the screening process shall comply with international human rights norms and standards and conform to other applicable regimes, such as international humanitarian law and the international counter-terrorism framework.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "i. The requirement \u2018to bring terrorists to justice\u2019", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 79, + "Paragraph": "Not all persons will be prosecuted as a result of this screening, but the screening process shall address the question of whether or not a person should be prosecuted. In this respect, the term \u2018screening\u2019 should be distinguished from usage in the context of a DDR programme, where screening refers to the process of ensuring that a person who met previously agreed eligibility criteria will be registered in the programme.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "i. The requirement \u2018to bring terrorists to justice\u2019", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 80, + "Paragraph": "Additional UN guidance with regard to the prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration of foreign terrorist fighters can be found, inter alia, in the Madrid Guiding Principles and their December 2018 Addendum (S/2018/1177). The Madrid Guiding Principles were adopted by the Security Council (S/2015/939) in December 2015 with the aim of becoming a practical tool for use by Member States in their efforts to combat terrorism and to stem the flow of foreign terrorist fighters in accordance with resolution 2178 (2014)", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "i. The requirement \u2018to bring terrorists to justice\u2019", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 81, + "Paragraph": "Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be aware that the host State has legal obligations under Security Council resolutions and/or international counter-terrorism instruments to ensure that terrorists are brought to justice. \\n DDR practitioners shall incorporate proper screening mechanisms and criteria into DDR processes to identify suspected terrorists. \\n Depending on the circumstances, the terrorist organization they are associated with and the terrorist offences committed, it may not be appropriate for suspected terrorists to participate in DDR processes. Children associated with such groups should be treated in accordance with the standards set out in IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "i. The requirement \u2018to bring terrorists to justice\u2019", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 82, + "Paragraph": "The Security Council Committee concerning ISIL (Da\u2019esh), Al-Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities was established pursuant to Resolution 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015). It is the only sanctions committee of the Security Council that lists individuals and groups for their association with terrorism. In addition, the Security Council may list individuals or groups for other reasons26 and impose sanctions on them. These individuals or groups may also be described as \u2018terrorist groups\u2019 in separate Council resolutions.27", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "ii. Sanctions relating to terrorism, including from Security Council committees ", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 83, + "Paragraph": "In this regard, a specific set of issues arises vis-\u00e0-vis engaging groups or individuals in a DDR process when the group(s) or individual(s) are (a) listed as a terrorist group, individual or organization by the Security Council (either via the Da\u2019esh-Al Qaida Committee or another relevant Committee); and/or (b) listed as a terrorist group, individual or organization by a Member State for that Member State, by way of domestic legislation.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "ii. Sanctions relating to terrorism, including from Security Council committees ", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 84, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should be aware that donor states may also designate groups as terrorists through such \u2018national listings\u2019.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "ii. Sanctions relating to terrorism, including from Security Council committees ", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 85, + "Paragraph": "Moreover, as a consequence of Security Council, regional or national listings, donor states in particular may have constraints placed upon them as a result of their national legislation that could impact what support (financial or otherwise) they can provide.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "ii. Sanctions relating to terrorism, including from Security Council committees ", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 86, + "Paragraph": "Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of whether or not a group, entity or individual has been listed by the Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) and should consult their legal adviser on the implications this may have for planning or implementation of DDR processes. \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of whether or not a group, entity or individual has been designated a terrorist organization or individual by a regional organization or Member State (including the host State or donor country) and should consult their legal adviser on the implications this may have on the planning and implementation of DDR processes. \\n DDR practitioners should consult with their legal adviser upon applicable host State national legislation targeting the provision of support to listed terrorist groups, including its possible criminalization.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "ii. Sanctions relating to terrorism, including from Security Council committees ", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 87, + "Paragraph": "Red line \\n Groups or individuals listed by the Security Council, as well as perpetrators or suspected perpetrators of terrorist acts cannot be participants in DDR programmes. However, in compliance with relevant international standards and within the proper framework, support may be provided by DDR practitioners, using DDR-related tools, to persons associated to Security Council\u2013designated terrorist organizations.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.6 International counter-terrorism framework", + "Heading4": "ii. Sanctions relating to terrorism, including from Security Council committees ", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 88, + "Paragraph": "The international arms control framework is made up of a number of international legal instruments that set out obligations for Member States with regard to a range of arms control issues relevant to DDR activities, including the management, storage, security, transfer and disposal of arms, ammunition and related material. These instruments include: \\n The Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, is the only legally binding instrument at the global level to counter the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition. It provides a framework for States to control and regulate licit arms and arms flows, prevent their diversion into illegal circulation, and facilitate the investigation and prosecution of related offences without hampering legitimate transfers. \\n The Arms Trade Treaty regulates the international trade in conventional arms, ranging from small arms to battle tanks, combat aircraft and warships. \\n The Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects as amended on 21 December 2001 bans or restricts the use of specific types of weapons that are considered to cause unnecessary or unjustifiable suffering to combatants or to affect civilians indiscriminately. \\n The Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction prohibits the development, production, stockpiling, transfer and use of anti-personnel mines. \\n The Convention on Cluster Munitions prohibits all use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions. It also establishes a framework for cooperation and assistance to ensure adequate support to survivors and their communities, clearance of contaminated areas, risk reduction education and destruction of stockpiles.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.7 International arms control framework ", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 89, + "Paragraph": "Specific guiding principles \\n In addition to relevant national legislation, DDR practitioners should be aware of the international and regional legal instruments that the State in which the DDR practitioner is operating has ratified, and how these may impact the design of disarmament and transitional weapons and ammunition management activities (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament and IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Normative legal framework ", + "Heading3": "4.2.7 International arms control framework ", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 90, + "Paragraph": "A Member State\u2019s international obligations are usually translated into domestic legislation. A Member State\u2019s domestic legislation has effect within the territory of that Member State.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.3 Member States\u2019 international obligations and domestic legal framework ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 91, + "Paragraph": "In order to determine a DDR participant\u2019s immediate rights and freedoms in the Member State, and/or to find the domestic basis, within the State, to ensure the protection of the rights of DDR participants and beneficiaries, the DDR practitioner will have to look towards the specific context of the Member State, i.e., the Member State\u2019s international obligations and its domestic legislation. This is despite the fact that the UN DDR practitioner is guided by the international law principles set out above in the conduct of the Organization\u2019s activities, or that the DDR practitioner may wish to engage with Member States to ensure that their treatment of DDR participants and beneficiaries is in line with their international obligations.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.3 Member States\u2019 international obligations and domestic legal framework ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 92, + "Paragraph": "For example, the following issues would usually be addressed in a Member State\u2019s domestic legislation, in particular its constitution and criminal procedure code: \\n Length of pretrial detention; \\n Due process rights; \\n Protections and procedure with regard to investigations and prosecutions of alleged crimes, and \\n Criminal penalties", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.3 Member States\u2019 international obligations and domestic legal framework ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 93, + "Paragraph": "Similarly, in order to understand how the Member State has decided to implement the above Security Council resolutions on counter-terrorism, as well as relevant resolutions on organized crimes, DDR practitioners will have to look towards domestic legislation, in particular, to understand the acts that would constitute crimes in the Member State in which they work.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.3 Member States\u2019 international obligations and domestic legal framework ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 94, + "Paragraph": "For the purposes of DDR, it is thus important to have an understanding of the Member State that the UN DDR practitioner is operating in, in particular, 1) the Member State\u2019s international obligations, including the international conventions that the Member State has signed and ratified; and 2) the relevant protections provided for under the Member State\u2019s domestic legislation that the UN DDR practitioner can rely upon to help ensure the protection of DDR participants\u2019 rights and freedoms", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.3 Member States\u2019 international obligations and domestic legal framework ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 95, + "Paragraph": "Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of the international conventions that the Member State, in which they operate, has signed and ratified. \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of domestic legislation that may address the rights and freedoms of DDR participants and beneficiaries, as well as limit their participation in DDR processes, in particular the penal code, criminal procedure code and counter-terrorism legislation. \\n DDR practitioners may wish to rely on domestic legislation to secure the rights and freedoms of DDR participants and beneficiaries within the Member State, as appropriate and necessary", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.3 Member States\u2019 international obligations and domestic legal framework ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 96, + "Paragraph": "Red line \\n DDR practitioners shall respect the national laws of the host State. If there is a concern regarding the obligation to respect a host State\u2019s law and the activities of the DDR practitioner, the DDR practitioner should seek legal advice.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.3 Member States\u2019 international obligations and domestic legal framework ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 97, + "Paragraph": "The UN has adopted a number of internal rules, policies and procedures. Other actors in the broader UN system also have similar rules, policies and procedures.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.4 Internal rules, policies and procedures", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 98, + "Paragraph": "Such rules, policies and procedures are binding internally. They typically also serve to signal to external parties the UN system\u2019s expectations regarding the behaviour of those to whom it provides assistance.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.4 Internal rules, policies and procedures", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 99, + "Paragraph": "The general guide for UN-supported DDR processes is the UN IDDRS. Other internal documents that may be relevant to DDR processes include the following: \\n The UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy (HRDDP) (A/67/775-S/2013/110) governs the UN\u2019s provision of support to non-UN security forces, which could include the provision of support to national DDR processes if such processes or their programmes are being implemented by security forces, or if there is any repatriation of DDR participants and beneficiaries by security forces. The HRDDP requires UN entities that are contemplating providing support to non-UN security forces to take certain due diligence, compliance and monitoring measures with the aim of ensuring that receiving entities do not commit grave violations of international humanitarian law, international human rights law or refugee law. Where there are substantial grounds for believing that grave violations are occurring or have occurred, involving security forces to which support is being provided by the UN, the UN shall intercede with the competent authorities to bring such violations to an end and/or seek accountability in respect of them. For further information, please refer to the Guidance Note for the implementation of the HRDDP.28 \\n The Secretary-General issued a bulletin on special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (ST/SGB/2003/13), which applies to the staff of all UN departments, programmes, funds and agencies, prohibiting them from committing acts of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. In line with the UN Staff Regulations and Rules, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse constitute acts of serious misconduct and are therefore grounds for disciplinary measures, including dismissal. Further, UN staff are obliged to create and maintain an environment that prevents sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. Managers at all levels have a particular responsibility to support and develop systems that maintain this environment.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.4 Internal rules, policies and procedures", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 100, + "Paragraph": "Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should be aware of and follow relevant internal rules, policies and procedures at all stages of the DDR process. \\n DDR practitioners in management positions shall ensure that team members are kept up to date on the most recent developments in the internal rules, policies and procedures, and that managers and team members complete all necessary training and courses", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.4 Internal rules, policies and procedures", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 101, + "Paragraph": "Red line \\n Violation of the UN internal rules, policies and procedures could lead to harm to the UN, and may lead to disciplinary measures for DDR practitioners.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.4 Internal rules, policies and procedures", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 102, + "Paragraph": "Under the Charter, the Organization enjoys \u201cin the territory of each of its Members such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the fulfilment of its purposes\u201d. Similarly, UN officials \u201cenjoy such privileges as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in connexion with the Organization\u201d.29 These Charter provisions have been implemented in a detailed manner by the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations (the \u2018General Convention\u2019). The privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies are separately set out in the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies (\u2018Specialized Agencies Convention\u2019).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Status, privileges and immunities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 103, + "Paragraph": "Furthermore, privileges and immunities of the UN and its personnel may be incorporated in mission-specific Status-of-Forces Agreements (SOFAs) and Status-of-Mission Agreements (SOMAs), Standard Basic Assistance Agreements (SBAAs), host country agreements and other similar agreements concluded between the Organization and host States to allow for the secure and effective implementation of mandated activities. It is thus essential for each DDR practitioner to refer to the relevant agreement to determine the privileges and immunities of any relevant UN system actor, as well as its personnel.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Status, privileges and immunities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 104, + "Paragraph": "As regards military personnel of national contingents assigned to a UN peace-keeping operation\u2019s military component, the SOFA addresses the legal status and obligations of the military component in the host country, including with respect to privileges and immunities and criminal jurisdiction. Unlike other categories of UN personnel, military members of military contingents are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of their sending States in respect of any criminal offences they may commit in the host country.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Status, privileges and immunities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 105, + "Paragraph": "Under the SOFA or SOMA, the UN peacekeeping operation or mission, as well as its members, shall respect all local laws and regulations. Similarly, under the model host country agreement for the establishment of an office, it is the duty of all persons enjoying the privileges and immunities accorded by the agreement to respect the laws and regulations of the host country.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Status, privileges and immunities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 106, + "Paragraph": "Specifically, the General Convention provides certain privileges and immunities to the UN, as well as its officials, for the fulfilment of the Organization\u2019s purposes and to allow its personnel to conduct their official duties without interference. The Specialized Agencies Convention similarly provides for specialized agencies and their personnel.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Status, privileges and immunities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 107, + "Paragraph": "With the exception of certain high-ranking officials, who enjoy privileges and immunities similar to those accorded to diplomatic envoys by international law, UN officials and experts on mission, as well as officials of specialized agencies, enjoy immunity from legal process in the host State only in respect of official functions (\u2018functional immunity\u2019). This means that they are immune from legal proceedings only with respect to acts done in their official capacity. They do not enjoy immunity in respect of private acts.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Status, privileges and immunities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 108, + "Paragraph": "Immunity is granted to UN and specialized agencies personnel in the interests of their organization and not for the personal benefit of the individuals concerned. The Secretary-General has the right and the duty to waive the immunity of any UN personnel where, in the opinion of the Secretary-General, the immunity would impede the course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the interests of the UN.30 Each specialized agency shall have the right and the duty to waive the immunity of their officials on the same grounds.31", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Status, privileges and immunities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 109, + "Paragraph": "The General Convention and the Specialized Agencies Convention also provide that the premises of the UN and the specialized agencies are inviolable, and that the property, assets and archives of the UN and the specialized agencies, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation and any other form of interference, whether by executive, administrative, judicial or legislative action. The archives of the UN and the specialized agencies, and in general all documents belonging to it or held by it, shall be inviolable wherever located.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Status, privileges and immunities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 110, + "Paragraph": "Any request for the production or disclosure of UN documents that are not in the public domain should be by way of an official request from the Member State Government to the UN. The sharing of information is regulated by the Secretary-General\u2019s bulletin on information sensitivity, classification, and handling (ST/SGB/2007/6). Pursuant to this bulletin, documents that are responsive to a request shall be reviewed to verify that they do not contain any sensitive information. \u2018Sensitive\u2019 information means: \\n Information received from third parties under an expectation of confidentiality; \\n Information whose disclosure would endanger the safety or security of any individual; \\n Information whose disclosure would violate any individual\u2019s rights or invade his or her privacy; \\n Information whose disclosure is likely to endanger the security of a Member State; \\n Information whose disclosure would prejudice the security or proper conduct of any operation or activity of the UN; \\n Information covered by legal privilege or relating to internal investigations; \\n Information whose disclosure would undermine the Organization\u2019s free and independent decision-making process; \\n Commercial information whose disclosure would harm either the financial interests of the UN or those of other parties involved; or \\n Other kinds of information, which because of their content or the circumstances of their creation or communication shall be deemed confidential.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Status, privileges and immunities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 111, + "Paragraph": "Documents that contain sensitive information should be redacted to prevent the disclosure of their information or, when this is not practically possible, not disclosed.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Status, privileges and immunities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 112, + "Paragraph": "In accordance with the applicable legal framework, the UN is required to cooperate, at all times, with the appropriate authorities of host States to facilitate the proper administration of justice, secure the observance of police regulations and prevent the occurrence of any abuse in connection with the privileges, immunities and facilities.32", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Status, privileges and immunities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 113, + "Paragraph": "In the event of uncertainty with respect to privileges and immunities or individuals, all queries should be directed to the relevant legal adviser of the mission or field presence, who may then refer the matter to the Legal Counsel. For specialized agencies, all queries should be directed to the legal adviser of the specialized agency.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Status, privileges and immunities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 114, + "Paragraph": "Specific guiding principles \\n DDR practitioners should seek legal advice from the relevant legal adviser of the mission or field presence if there are requests for the production or disclosure of documents or information produced by or in the possession of the UN. \\n DDR practitioners should seek legal advice if asked to provide testimony or participate in an interview or interrogation by national authorities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Status, privileges and immunities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 115, + "Paragraph": "Red lines \\n DDR practitioners shall not produce or disclose any documents or information produced by or in the possession of the UN that are not in the public domain without first seeking legal advice. \\n DDR practitioners shall not provide testimony to or participate in any interview or interrogation by the State authorities without first seeking legal advice and receiving authorization to do so (which may require a waiver of immunity", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "4. General guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Status, privileges and immunities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 116, + "Paragraph": "1 These sources include, among others, international law sources and instruments, as well as internal rules, policies and procedures. \\n2 Specifically, the first and second Geneva Conventions relate respectively to the improvement of the conditions of (1) the wounded and sick of armed forces in the field and (2) the condition of wounded, sick and shipwrecked members of armed forces at sea. The third Geneva Convention relates to the treatment of prisoners of war, and the fourth Geneva Convention relates to the protection of civilians in time of war, including in occupied territory. Additional Protocols I and II are international treaties that supplement the Geneva Conventions of 1949. They significantly improve the legal protections covering civilians and the wounded. Additional Protocol I concerns international armed conflicts, that is, those involving at least two countries. Additional Protocol II is the first international treaty that applies solely to civil wars and other armed conflicts within a State and sets restrictions on the use of force in those conflicts. \\n3 Article 31 of the 1951 Convention. \\n4 Article 1(2)A of the 1951 Convention. \\n5 UNHCR Advisory Opinion on the Extraterritorial Application of Non-refoulement Obligations under the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol (26 January 2007), para 7. \\n6 Human Rights Committee general comment No. 36 (2018) on article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on the right to life (30 October 2018), paras. 30 and 31; Human Rights Committee general comment No. 20 (1992) on article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on the prohibition of torture, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (10 March 1992), para. 9; UNHCR Advisory Opinion on the Extraterritorial Application of Non-refoulement Obligations under the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol (26 January 2007), paras. 18 and 19. \\n7 Preamble of the Rome Statute of the ICC, sixth recital. \\n8 Article 6 of the Rome Statute of the ICC \u2013 Genocide. \\n9 Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the ICC \u2013 Crimes against humanity. \\n10 Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the ICC \u2013 War crimes. \\n11 Article 8 bis of the Rome Statute of the ICC \u2013 Crime of aggression. \\n12 See Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (9 December 1948). Article 1 of the Genocide Convention provides that Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish. \\n13 See International Law Commission\u2019s draft articles on crimes against humanity. \\n14 For example, the International Criminal Tribunal of Rwanda, the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals. \\n15 For example, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the Residual Special Court for Sierra Leone and Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. \\n16 For example, the Special Criminal Court in Central African Republic. \\n17 The Consolidated Sanctions List includes all individuals and entities subject to sanctions measures imposed by the Security Council. ( \\n18 and counterterrorism/legal-instruments.shtml. \\n19 Security Council resolution 1373 (2001), operative para. 2(e); and Security Council resolution 2396 (2017), operative paras. 17 and 19. \\n20 Security Council resolution 2178 (2014), operative paras. 6 (a), (b) and (c); Security Council resolution 2396 (2017), operative para. 17. \\n21 See resolution 2341 (2017) \\n22 See resolution 2331 (2016). \\n23 \\n24 Security Council resolution 2178 (2014), operative para. 4, and Security Council resolution 2396 (2017), operative paras. 18 and 30. \\n25 Security Council resolution 2349 (2017), operative para. 32; Security Council resolution 2396 (2017), operative paras. 30, 31, 36, A/RES/72/282, para. 39. \\n26 \\n27 One example is the description, by the UN Security Council, of a group that is listed by the UN Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning Somalia, as a \u2018terrorist group\u2019 in the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia. \\n28 \\n29 Article 105, paras. 1 and 2. \\n30 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN, sect. 20 and 23. \\n31 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies, sect. 22. \\n32 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN, sect. 21. This responsibility is generally reflected in UN host country agreements.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Legal Framework for UN DDR", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.11 The Legal Framework for UN DDR" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.20 The Politics of DDR.json b/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.20 The Politics of DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c53f9a --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.20 The Politics of DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1,1234 @@ +[ + { + "ID": 0, + "Paragraph": "Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) is not only a technical undertaking. Many aspects of the DDR process will influence, and be influenced by, political dynamics. Understanding the political dynamics that influence DDR process- es requires knowledge of the historical and political context, the actors and stakehold- ers (armed and unarmed), and the conflict drivers, including local, national and re- gional aspects that may interact and feed into an armed conflict.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 1, + "Paragraph": "Armed groups often mobilize for political reasons and/or in response to a range of security, socioeconomic or other grievances. Peace negotiations and processes provide warring parties with a way to end violence and address their grievances through peaceful means. Armed forces may also need to be factored into peace agreements and proportion- ality between armed forces and groups \u2013 in terms of DDR support \u2013 taken into account.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 2, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners may provide support to the mediation of peace agreements and to the subsequent oversight and implementation of the relevant parts of these agree- ments. DDR practitioners can also advise mediators and facilitators so as to ensure that peace agreements incorporate realistic DDR-related clauses, that the parties have a common understanding of the outcome of the DDR process and how this will be im- plemented, and that DDR processes are not undertaken in isolation but are integrated with other aspects of a peace process, since the success of each is mutually reinforcing. ", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 3, + "Paragraph": "All peace agreements contain security provisions to address the control and man- agement of violence in various forms including right-sizing, DDR, and/or other forms of security coordination and control. When and if a given peace agreement demands a DDR process, the national political framework for that particular DDR process is often provided by a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that seeks to address political and security issues. Without such an agreement, warring parties are unlikely to agree to measures that reduce their ability to use military force to reach their goals. In a CPA, it is very common for DDR programmes to be tied to ceasefire provisions and \u2018final security arrangements\u2019. If armed groups have political aspirations, the chances of the successful implementation of a CPA can be improved if DDR processes are sensitively designed to support the transformation of these groups into political entities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 4, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes may also follow local-level agreements. Local politics can be as important in driving armed conflict as grievances against the State. By focusing on the latter, national-level peace agreements may not address or resolve local conflicts. Therefore, these conflicts may continue even when national-level peace agreements have been signed and implemented. Local-level peace agreements may take a number of different forms, in- cluding (but not limited to) local non-aggression pacts between armed groups, deals re- garding access to specific areas and community violence reduction (CVR) agreements. DDR practitioners should assess whether local DDR processes remain at the local level, or wheth- er local- and national-level dynamics should be linked in a common multilevel approach.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 5, + "Paragraph": "Finally, DDR processes can also be undertaken in the absence of peace agreements. In these instances, DDR interventions may be designed to contribute to stabilization, to make the returns of stability more tangible or to create more conducive environments for peace agreements (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). These interven- tions should not be reactive and ad hoc, but should be carefully planned in advance in accordance with a predefined strategy.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 6, + "Paragraph": "This module introduces the political dynamics of DDR and provides an overview of how to analyse and better understand them so as to develop politically sensitive DDR processes. It discusses the role of DDR practitioners in the negotiation of local and na- tional peace agreements, the role of transitional and final security arrangements, and how practitioners may work to generate political will for DDR among warring parties. Finally, this chapter discusses the transformation of armed groups into political parties and the political dynamics of DDR in active conflict settings.1", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 7, + "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 8, + "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a. \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b. \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c. \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d. \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e. \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 9, + "Paragraph": "The impact of DDR on the political landscape is influenced by the context, the history of the conflict, and the structures and motivations of the warring parties. Some armed groups may have few political motivations or demands. Others, however, may fight against the State, seeking political power. Armed conflict may also be more localized, linked to local politics and issues such as access to land. There may also be complex interactions between political dynamics and conflict drivers at the local, national and regional levels.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 10, + "Paragraph": "In order to support a peaceful resolution to armed conflict, DDR practitioners can support the mediation, oversight and implementation of peace agreements. Local- level peace agreements may take many forms, including (but not limited to) local non- aggression pacts between armed groups, deals regarding access to specific areas and CVR agreements. National-level peace agreements may also vary, ranging from cease- fire agreements to Comprehensive Peace Agreements (CPAs) with provisions for the establishment of a political power-sharing system. In this context, the role of former warring parties in interim political institutions may include participation in the interim administration as well as in other political bodies or movements, such as being repre- sented in national dialogues. DDR can support this process, including by helping to demilitarize politics and supporting the transformation of armed groups into political parties.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 11, + "Paragraph": "DDR is not only a technical endeavour \u2013 many aspects of the DDR process will influ- ence, and be influenced by, political dynamics. For example, armed groups may refuse to disarm and demobilize until they are sure that their political demands will be met. Having control over DDR processes can constitute a powerful political position, and, as a result, groups or individuals may attempt to manipulate these processes for political gain. Furthermore, during a con- flict armed groups may become politically empowered and can challenge established political systems and structures, create DDR is not only a technical endeavour \u2013 many aspects of the DDR process will influence, and be influenced by, political dynamics. alternative political arrangements or take over functions usually reserved for the State, including as security providers. Measures to disband armed groups can provide space for the restoration of the State in places where it was previously absent, and therefore can have a strong impact upon the security and political environment.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 12, + "Paragraph": "The political limitations of DDR should also be considered. Integrated DDR processes can facilitate engagement with armed groups but will have limited impact unless parallel efforts are undertaken to address the reasons why these groups felt it necessary to mobilize in the first place, their current and prospective security concerns, and their expectations for the future. Overcoming these political limitations requires recognition of the strong linkages between DDR and other aspects of a peace process, including broader political arrangements, transitional justice and reconciliation, and peacebuilding activities, without which there will be no sustainable peace. Importantly, national-level peace agreements may not be appropriate to resolve ongoing local-level conflicts or regional conflicts, and it will be necessary for DDR practitioners to develop strategies and select DDR-related tools that are appropriate to each level.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 13, + "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to the political dynamics of DDR:", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 14, + "Paragraph": "A people-centred approach shall be followed. This approach must take into account the needs and positions of all stakeholders (Government, armed and unarmed opposition, the population and the international community) in a sensitive manner and seek to understand and accommodate them.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles ", + "Heading2": "4.1 People-centred", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 15, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes shall be gender-responsive and -inclusive, and at all stages take into account the gender dimensions of peace processes and conflict resolution. DDR practi- tioners shall advance substantive gender equality before, during and after conflict and ensure that women\u2019s diverse experiences are fully integrated into all peacebuilding, peacemaking and reconstruction processes.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles ", + "Heading2": "4.2 Gender-responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 16, + "Paragraph": "Accountability, transparency and flexibility shall be maintained not only when holding stakeholders to their commitments, but also when ensuring that the process designed is appropriate for the context in which it is to be implemented.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles ", + "Heading2": "4.3 Flexible, accountable and transparent", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 17, + "Paragraph": "It is essential to encourage unity of effort in the analysis, design and implementation of politically sensitive DDR processes. This emphasis must start with ensuring that those negotiating a peace agreement are properly advised so as to reach technically sound agreements and to integrate DDR processes with other relevant parts of the peace process.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles ", + "Heading2": "4.4 Integrated", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 18, + "Paragraph": "To understand the political dynamics of DDR processes, a thorough contextual analysis is required. In mission settings, such analyses are undertaken by UN peace operations, special political missions or offices. In non-mission settings, contextual analysis forms an integral part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) process.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR", + "Heading2": "5.1 Contextual considerations ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 19, + "Paragraph": "In both mission and non-mission settings, the analysis of the political dynamics of a DDR process forms just one part of a broader situational analysis. It may therefore be linked to conflict and development analysis (CDA) or other analysis that is requested/ mandatory in the UN system. The sections immediately below focus only on the contex- tual analysis of the political dynamics of DDR processes. This type of analysis should examine the following factors:", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR", + "Heading2": "5.1 Contextual considerations ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 20, + "Paragraph": "Understanding the political dynamics that influence DDR processes requires knowl- edge of the historical and political context. A summary of relevant factors to consider can be found in Table 1 below.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR", + "Heading2": "5.1 Contextual considerations ", + "Heading3": "5.1.1. The political and historical context", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 21, + "Paragraph": "The structures and motivations of armed forces and groups should be assessed. \\n It should be kept in mind, however, that these structures and motivations may vary over time and at the individual and collective levels. For example, certain individuals may have been motivated to join armed groups for reasons of opportunism rather than political goals. Some opportunist individuals may become progressively politicized or, alternatively, those with political motives may become more opportunist. Crafting an effective DDR process requires an understanding of these different and changing motivations. Furthermore, the stated motives of warring parties and their members may differ significantly from their actual motives or be against international law and principles.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR", + "Heading2": "5.1 Contextual considerations ", + "Heading3": "5.1.2. The structures and motivations of armed forces and groups", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 22, + "Paragraph": "As explained in more detail in Annex B, potential motives may include one or several of the following: \\nPolitical \u2013 seeking to impose or protect a political system, ideology or party. \\nSocial \u2013 seeking to bring about changes in social status, roles or balances of power, discrimination and marginalization. \\nEconomic \u2013 seeking a redistribution or accumulation of wealth, often coupled with joining to escape poverty and to provide for the family. \\nSecurity driven \u2013 seeking to protect a community or group from a real or per- ceived threat. \\nCultural/spiritual \u2013 seeking to protect or impose values, ideas or principles. \\nReligious \u2013 seeking to advance religious values, customs and ideas. \\nMaterial \u2013 seeking to protect material resources. \\nOpportunistic \u2013 seeking to leverage a situation to achieve any of the above.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR", + "Heading2": "5.1 Contextual considerations ", + "Heading3": "5.1.2. The structures and motivations of armed forces and groups", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 23, + "Paragraph": "It is important to undertake a thorough analysis of armed forces and groups so as to better understand the DDR target groups and to design DDR processes that maximize political buy-in. Analysis of armed forces and groups should include the following: \\n Leadership: Including associated political leaders or structures (see below) and other persons who may have influence over the warring parties. The analysis should take into account external actors, including possible foreign supporters but also exiled leaders or others who may have some control over armed groups. It should also consider how much control the leadership has over the combatants and to what extent the leadership is representative of its members. Both control and representativeness can change over time. \\n Internal group dynamics: Including the balance between an organization\u2019s po- litical and military wings, interactions between prominent members or factions within an armed force or group and how they influence the behaviour of the or- ganization, internal conflict patterns and potential fragmentation, the presence of female fighters or women associated with armed forces and groups (WAAFG), gender norms in the group, and the existence and pervasiveness of sexual violence. \\n Associated political leaders and structures: Including whether warring parties have a separate political branch or are integrated politico-military movements and how this shapes their agenda. Are women involved in political structures, and if so to what extent? Armed groups with separate political structures or a history of political engagement prior to the conflict have sometimes been more successful at transforming themselves into political parties, although this potential may erode during a prolonged conflict. \\n Associated religious leaders: Are religious leaders or personalities associated with the armed groups? What role could they play in peace negotiations? Do they have influence on the warring parties, and how can they help to shape the outcome of peace efforts? \\n Linkages with their base: Is a given armed group close to a political base or a popu- lation, and how do these linkages influence the group? Has this support been weak- ened by the use of certain tactics or actions (e.g., mass atrocities), or will repression of its base influence the armed group? Will efforts to demobilize combatants affect the armed group\u2019s relations with its base or otherwise push it to change tactics \u2013 for instance eschewing violence so as to mobilize a political base that would otherwise reject violence. \\n Linkages with local, national and regional elites: Including influential indi- viduals or groups who hold sway over the armed forces and groups. These could include business people or communities, religious or traditional leaders or insti- tutions such as trade unions or cultural groupings. The diaspora may also be an important actor, providing political and economic support to communities and/or armed groups. \\n External support: Are there regional and/or broader international actors or net- works that provide political and financial support to armed groups, including on the basis of geopolitical interests? This might include State sponsors, diaspora or political exiles, transnational criminal networks or ideological affiliation and \u2018franchising\u2019 with foreign, often extremist, armed groups.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR", + "Heading2": "5.1 Contextual considerations ", + "Heading3": "5.1.2. The structures and motivations of armed forces and groups", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 24, + "Paragraph": "The way a conflict ends can influence the political dynamics of DDR. The following scenarios should be considered: \\n A clear victor: This usually results in a \u2018victor\u2019s peace\u2019, where the winner can \u2018im- pose\u2019 demands on the party that lost the conflict. This may mean that the armed structures of the victor are preserved, while the losing party will be the one tar- geted for DDR. Less emphasis may be placed on the reintegration of the defeated combatants, and the stigma of being an ex-combatant or person formerly associated with an armed force or group (including children associated with armed forces and groups [CAAFG] and WAAFG) is compounded by that of having been a part of a defeated group, resulting in increased marginalization, exclusion and discrim- ination. The victorious group may seek to dominate the new security structures. \\n A negotiated process: At the national level, this is the most common form of con- flict resolution and often results in a comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) that addresses the political aspects of a conflict and might include provisions for DDR (this is considered a prerequisite for a DDR programme). Negotiated processes can also lead to local-level peace agreements, which can be followed by DDR- related tools such as CVR and transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM) or reintegration support. DDR processes that are the outcome of negotiations (whether local or national) are more likely to be acceptable to warring parties. However, unless expert advice is provided, the DDR-related clauses in such agree- ments can be unrealistic. \\n Partial peace: In some conflicts the multiplicity of armed groups may result in peace processes that are not fully inclusive, since some of the armed groups are excluded from or refuse to sign the agreement. This can be a disincentive for signatory armed groups to disarm and demobilize due to fear for their security and that of the population they represent, concerns over loss of territory to a non- signatory armed group or uncertainty about how their political position might be affected should other armed groups eventually join the peace process.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR", + "Heading2": "5.1 Contextual considerations ", + "Heading3": "5.1.3 Conflict outcomes", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 25, + "Paragraph": "National-level peace agreements will not always put an end to local-level conflicts. Local agendas \u2013 at the level of the individual, family, clan, municipality, community, district or ethnic group \u2013 can at least partly drive the continuation of violence. Some incidents of localized violence, such as clashes between rivals over positions of tradi- tional authority between two clans, will require primarily local solutions. However, other types of localized armed conflict may be intrinsically linked to the national level, and more amenable to top-down intervention. An example would be competition over political roles at the subfederal or district level. Experience shows that international interventions often neglect local mediation and conflict resolution, focusing instead on national-level cleavages. However, in many instances a combination of local and national conflict or dispute resolution mechanisms, including traditional ones, may be required. For these reasons, local political dynamics should be assessed.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR", + "Heading2": "5.1 Contextual considerations ", + "Heading3": "5.1.4 Local, national, regional and international dynamics", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 26, + "Paragraph": "In addition to these local- and national-level dynamics, DDR practitioners should also understand and address cross-border/transnational conflict causes and dynamics, including their gender dimensions, as well as the interdependencies of armed groups with regional actors. In some cases, foreign armed groups may receive support from a third country, have bases across a border, or draw recruits and support from commu- nities that straddle a border. These contexts often require approaches to repatriate for- eign combatants and persons associated with foreign armed groups. Such programmes should be accompanied by reintegration support in the former combatant\u2019s country of origin (see also IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR", + "Heading2": "5.1 Contextual considerations ", + "Heading3": "5.1.4 Local, national, regional and international dynamics", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 27, + "Paragraph": "Regional dimensions may also involve the presence of regional or international forces operating in the country. Their impact on DDR should be assessed, and the con- fluence of DDR efforts and ongoing military operations against non-signatory move- ments may need to be managed. DDR processes are voluntary and shall not be conflated with counter-insurgency operations or used to achieve counter-insurgency objectives.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR", + "Heading2": "5.1 Contextual considerations ", + "Heading3": "5.1.4 Local, national, regional and international dynamics", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 28, + "Paragraph": "The conflict may also have international links beyond the immediate region. These may include proxy wars, economic interests, and political support to one or several groups, as well as links to organized crime networks. Those involved may have specific inter- ests to protect in the conflict and might favour one side over the other, or a specific out- come. DDR processes will not usually address these factors directly, but their success may be influenced by the need to engage politically or otherwise with these external actors.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR", + "Heading2": "5.1 Contextual considerations ", + "Heading3": "5.1.4 Local, national, regional and international dynamics", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 29, + "Paragraph": "As outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR, integrated DDR processes may be pursued even when conflict is ongoing. In these contexts, DDR practitioners will need to assess how their interventions may affect local, national, regional and international political dynamics. For example, will the implementation of CVR projects contribute to the restoration and reinvigoration of (dormant) local government (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction)? Will local-level interventions impact political dynamics only at the local level, or will they also have an impact on national-level dynamics?", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR", + "Heading2": "5.1 Contextual considerations ", + "Heading3": "5.1.5 DDR in conflict contexts or in contexts with multiple armed groups", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 30, + "Paragraph": "In conflict settings, DDR practitioners should also assess the political dynamics created by the presence of multiple armed groups. Complex contexts involving multiple armed groups can increase the pressure for a peace agreement to succeed (including through successful DDR and the transformation of armed groups into political parties) if this provides an example and an incentive for other armed groups to enter into a negotiated solution.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "5. Understanding and analyzing the political dynamics of DDR", + "Heading2": "5.1 Contextual considerations ", + "Heading3": "5.1.5 DDR in conflict contexts or in contexts with multiple armed groups", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 31, + "Paragraph": "Governments and armed groups are key stakeholders in peace processes. Despite this, the commitment of these parties cannot be taken for granted and steps should be tak- en to build their support for the DDR process. It will be important to consider various options and approaches at each stage of the DDR process so as to ensure that next steps are politically acceptable and therefore more likely to be attractive to the parties. If there is insufficient political support for DDR, its efficacy may be undermined. In order to foster political will for DDR, the following factors should be taken into account:", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 32, + "Paragraph": "Participation in peacetime politics may be a key demand of groups, and the opportu- nity to do so may be used as an incentive for them to enter into a peace agreement. If armed groups, armed forces or wartime Governments are to become part of the political process, they should transform themselves into entities able to operate in a transitional political administration or an electoral system.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.1 The political aspirations of armed groups", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 33, + "Paragraph": "Leaders may be reluctant to give up their command and therefore lose their political base before they are able to make the shift to a political party that can re- ab- sorb this constituency. At the same time, they may be unwilling to give up their wartime structures until they are sure that the political provisions of an agreement will be implemented.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.1 The political aspirations of armed groups", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 34, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes should consider the parties\u2019 political motivations. Doing so can reassure armed groups that they can retain the ability to pursue their political agen- das through peaceful means and that they can therefore safely disband their military structures.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.1 The political aspirations of armed groups", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 35, + "Paragraph": "The post-conflict demilitarization of politics and institutions goes beyond DDR practitioners\u2019 mandates, yet DDR processes should not ignore the political aspirations of armed groups and their members. Such aspirations may include participating in political life by being able to vote, being a member of a political party that represents their ideas and aims, or running for office.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.1 The political aspirations of armed groups", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 36, + "Paragraph": "For some armed groups, participation in politics may involve transformation into a political party, a merger or alignment with an existing party, or the candidacy of former members in elections.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.1 The political aspirations of armed groups", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 37, + "Paragraph": "The transformation of an armed group into a political party may appear to be incompatible with the aim of disbanding military structures and breaking their chains of command and control because a political party may seek to build upon wartime com- mand structures. Practitioners and political leaders need to consider the effects of a DDR process that seeks to disband and break the structures of an armed group that aims to become a political party. Attention should be paid as to whether the planned DDR pro- cess could help or hinder this transformation and whether this could support or undermine the wider peace process. DDR processes may need to be adapted accordingly.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.1 The political aspirations of armed groups", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 38, + "Paragraph": "The DDR-related clauses included within peace agreements should be realistic and appropriate for the setting. In CPAs, the norm is to include a commitment to under- take a DDR programme. The details, including provisions regarding female combat- ants, WAAFG and CAAFG, are usually developed later in a national DDR programme document. Local-level peace agreements will not necessarily include a DDR programme, but may include a range of DDR-related tools such as CVR and transi- tional WAM (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Provisions that legitimize entitlements for those who have been members of armed forces and groups should be avoided (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.2 Ensuring adequate provisions for DDR in peace agreements ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 39, + "Paragraph": "Regardless of the type of peace agreement, mediators and signatories should have a minimum understanding of DDR, including the preconditions and principles of gender- responsive and child-friendly DDR (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Where necessary they should call upon DDR experts to build capacity and knowledge among all of the actors involved and to advise them on the negotiation of relevant and realistic DDR provisions.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.2 Ensuring adequate provisions for DDR in peace agreements ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 40, + "Paragraph": "In some instances, integrated DDR processes should be closely linked to other parts of a peace process. For example, DDR programmes may be connected to security sector reform and transitional justice (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform and IDDRS 6.20 on Transitional Justice and DDR). Unless these other activities are clear, the signatories cannot decide on their participation in DDR with full knowledge of the options available to them and may block the process. Donors and other partners may also find it difficult to support DDR processes when there are many unknowns. It is therefore important to ensure that stakeholders have a minimum level of under- standing and agreement on other related activities, as this will affect their decisions on whether or how to participate in a DDR process.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.3 Building and ensuring integrated DDR processes ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 41, + "Paragraph": "Information on associated activities is usually included in a CPA; however, in the absence of such provisions, the push to disarm and demobilize forces combined with a lack of certainty on fundamental issues such as justice, security and integration can un- dermine confidence in the process. In such cases an assessment should be made of the opportunities and risks of starting or delaying a DDR process, and the consequences shall be made clear to UN senior leadership, who will take a decision on this. If the de- cision is to postpone a programme, donors and budgeting bodies shall be kept informed. ", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.3 Building and ensuring integrated DDR processes ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 42, + "Paragraph": "There may also be a need to link local and national conflict resolution and media- tion so that one does not undermine the other.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.3 Building and ensuring integrated DDR processes ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 43, + "Paragraph": "Although the negotiating parties may not need to know the details of a DDR process when they sign a peace agreement, they should have a shared understanding of the principles and outcomes of the DDR process and how this will be implemented.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.4 Ensuring a common understanding of DDR", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 44, + "Paragraph": "It is important for the parties to a peace agreement to have a common understanding of what DDR involves, including the gender dimensions and requirements and pro- tections for children. This may not always be the case, especially if the stakeholders have not all had the same opportunity to learn about DDR. This is particularly true for groups that may be difficult to access because of security or geography, or because they are considered \u2018off limits\u2019 due to their ideology. The ability to hold meaningful dis- cussions on DDR may therefore require capacity-building with the parties to balance the levels of knowledge and ensure a common understanding of the process. In con- texts where DDR has been implemented before, this history can affect perceptions of future DDR activities, and there may be a need to review and manage expectations and clarify differences between past and planned processes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.4 Ensuring a common understanding of DDR", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 45, + "Paragraph": "The capacity-building and provision of expertise extends to the mediation teams and international supporters of the peace process (envoys, mediators, facilitators, spon- sors and donors) who must have access to experts who can guide them in designing appropriate DDR provisions.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.4 Ensuring a common understanding of DDR", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 46, + "Paragraph": "International actors, including the UN, Member States and other concerned stakehold- ers must understand the need to politically support DDR processes. They must also ensure that the agreements reached are responsive to the parties\u2019 demands, fair and implementable, and create a supportive environment for DDR.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.5 Ensuring international support for DDR", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 47, + "Paragraph": "Donors and UN budgetary bodies should understand that DDR is a long and expen- sive undertaking. While DDR is a crucial process, it is but one part of a broader political and peacebuilding strategy. Hence, the objectives and expectations of DDR must be realistic. A partial commitment to such an undertaking is insufficient to allow for a sustainable DDR process and may cause harm. This support must extend to an understanding of the difficult circumstances in which DDR is implemented and the need to sometimes wait until the conditions are right to start and assure that funding and support is avail- able for a long-term process. However, there is often a push to spend allocated funding even when the conditions for a process are not in place. This financial pressure should be better understood, and budgetary rules and regulations should not precipitate the premature launch of a DDR process, as this will only undermine its success.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "6. Fostering political support for DDR", + "Heading2": "6.5 Ensuring international support for DDR", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 48, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes are often preceded by a period of negotiation and the establishment of a peace agreement.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 49, + "Paragraph": "Local peace agreements can take many different forms and may include local non- aggression pacts between armed groups, deals regarding access to specific areas, CVR agreements and reintegration support for those who have left the armed groups. These local agreements may sometimes be one part of a broader peace strategy. A large range of actors can be involved in the negotiation of these agreements, including informal local mediation committees, Government-established local peace and reconciliation committees, religious actors, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the UN. Local capacities for peace should also be assessed and engaged in the peace and medi- ation processes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.1 Local peace agreements ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 50, + "Paragraph": "There are usually two types of agreements that are negotiated during a national-level peace process: preliminary ceasefires and CPAs.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.2 Preliminary ceasefires and comprehensive peace agreements ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 51, + "Paragraph": "In some cases, preliminary ceasefires may be agreed to prior to a final agreement. These aim to create a more conducive environment for talks to take place. DDR provi- sions are not included in such agreements.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.2 Preliminary ceasefires and comprehensive peace agreements ", + "Heading3": "7.2.1 Preliminary ceasefires", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 52, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes are often the result of a CPA that seeks to address political and security issues. Without such an agreement, warring parties are unlikely to agree to measures that reduce their ability to use military force to reach their goals.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.2 Preliminary ceasefires and comprehensive peace agreements ", + "Heading3": "7.2.2 Comprehensive Peace Agreements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 53, + "Paragraph": "As illustrated in Diagram 1 below, CPAs usually include several chapters or annexes addressing different substantive issues. \\n The first three activities under \u201cCeasefire and Security Arrangements\u201d are typically part of the ceasefire process. The cantonment of forces, especially when cantonment sites are also used for DDR activities, is usually the nexus between the ceasefire and the \u201cfinal security arrangements\u201d that include DDR and SSR (see section 7.5).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.2 Preliminary ceasefires and comprehensive peace agreements ", + "Heading3": "7.2.2 Comprehensive Peace Agreements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 54, + "Paragraph": "Ceasefires usually require the parties to provide a declaration of forces for moni- toring purposes, ideally disaggregated by sex and including information regarding the presence of WAAFG, CAAFG, abductees, etc. This declaration can provide important planning information for DDR practitioners and, in some cases, negotiated agreements may stipulate the declared number of people in each movement that are expected to participate in a DDR process. Likewise, the assembly or cantonment of forces may provide the opportunity to launch disarmament and demobilization activities in assembly areas, or, at a minimum, to provide information outreach and a preliminary registra- tion of personnel for planning purposes. Outreach should always include messages about the eligibility of female DDR participants and encourage their registration.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.2 Preliminary ceasefires and comprehensive peace agreements ", + "Heading3": "7.2.2 Comprehensive Peace Agreements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 55, + "Paragraph": "Discussions on the disengagement and withdrawal of troops may provide infor- mation as to where the process is likely to take place as well as the number of persons involved and the types and quantities of weapons and ammunition present.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.2 Preliminary ceasefires and comprehensive peace agreements ", + "Heading3": "7.2.2 Comprehensive Peace Agreements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 56, + "Paragraph": "In addition to security arrangements, the role of armed groups in interim political institutions is usually laid out in the political chapters of a CPA. If political power-sharing systems are set up straight after a conflict, these are the bodies whose membership will be negotiated during a peace agreement. Transitional governments must deal with critical issues and processes resulting from the conflict, including in many cases DDR. It is also these bodies that may be responsible for laying the foundations of longer-term political structures, often through activities such as the review of constitutions, the holding of national political dialogues and the organization of elections. Where there is also a security role for these actors, this may be established in either the political or security chapters of a CPA.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.2 Preliminary ceasefires and comprehensive peace agreements ", + "Heading3": "7.2.2 Comprehensive Peace Agreements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 57, + "Paragraph": "Political roles may include participation in the interim administration at all levels (central Government and regional and local authorities) as well as in other political bodies or movements such as being represented in national dialogues. Security areas of consideration might include the need to provide security for political actors, in many cases by establishing protection units for politicians, often drawn from the ranks of their combatants. It may also include the establishment of interim security systems that will incorporate elements from armed forces and groups (see section 7.5.1)", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.2 Preliminary ceasefires and comprehensive peace agreements ", + "Heading3": "7.2.2 Comprehensive Peace Agreements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 58, + "Paragraph": "As members of mediation support teams or mission staff in an advisory role to the Special Representative to the Secretary-General (SRSG) or the Deputy Special Repre- sentative to the Secretary-General (DSRSG), DDR practitioners can provide advice on how to engage with armed forces and groups on DDR issues and contribute to the attainment of agreements. In non-mission settings, the UN peace and development advisors (PDAs) deployed to the office of the UN Resident Coordinator (RC) play a key role in advising the RC and the government on how to engage and address armed groups. DDR practitioners assigned to UN mediation support teams may also draft DDR provisions of ceasefires, local peace agreements and CPAs, and make proposals on the design and implementation of DDR processes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.3 DDR support to mediation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 59, + "Paragraph": "In addition to the various parties to the conflict, the UN should also support the participation of civil society in peace negotiations, in particular women, youth and others traditionally excluded from peace talks. Women\u2019s participation (in mediation and negotiations) can expand the range of domestic constituencies engaged in a peace process, strengthening its legitimacy and credibility. Women\u2019s perspectives also bring a different understanding of the causes and consequences of conflict, generating more comprehensive and potentially targeted proposals for its resolution.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.3 DDR support to mediation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 60, + "Paragraph": "Mediators and DDR practitioners should recognize the sensitivities around lan- guage and be flexible and contextual with the terms that are used. The term \u2018reinte- gration\u2019 may be perceived as inappropriate, particularly if members of armed groups never left their communities. Terms such as \u2018rehabilitation\u2019 or \u2018reincorporation\u2019 may be considered instead. Similarly, the term \u2018disarmament\u2019 can include connotations of surrender or of having weapons taken away by a more powerful actor, and its use can prevent warring parties from moving forward with the negotiations (see also IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). DDR practitioners and mediators can consider the use of more neutral terms, such as \u2018laying aside of weapons\u2019 or \u2018transitional weapons and ammu- nition management\u2019. The use of transitional WAM activities and terminology may also set the ground for more realistic arms control provisions in a peace agreement while guarantees around security, justice and integration into the security sector are lacking (see also IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management). Medi- ators and other actors supporting the mediation process should have strong DDR and WAM knowledge or have access to expertise that can guide them in designing appro- priate and evidence-based DDR WAM provisions.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.3 DDR support to mediation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 61, + "Paragraph": "Within a CPA, the detail of large parts of the final security arrangements, including strategy and programme documents and budgets, is often left until later. However, CPAs should typically establish the principle that DDR will take place and outline the structures responsible for implementation.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.3 DDR support to mediation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 62, + "Paragraph": "If contextual analysis reveals that both local and national conflict dynamics are at play (see section 5.1.4) DDR practitioners can support a multilevel approach to mediation. This approach should not be reactive and ad hoc, but part of a well-articulated strategy explicitly connecting the local to the national.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.3 DDR support to mediation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 63, + "Paragraph": "Problems may arise if those engaged in negotiations are not well informed about DDR and commit to an unsuitable or unrealistic process. This usually occurs when DDR expertise is not available in negotiations or the organizations that might support a DDR process are not consulted by the mediators or facilitators of a peace process. It is therefore important to ensure that DDR experts are available to advise on peace agree- ments that include provisions for DDR.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.3 DDR support to mediation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 64, + "Paragraph": "Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) calls on all actors involved, when negotiating and implementing peace agreements, to adopt a gender perspective, including, inter alia: \\na.The special needs of women and girls during repatriation and resettlement and for rehabilitation, reintegration and post-conflict reconstruction; \\nb.Measures that support local women\u2019s peace initiatives and indigenous pro- cesses for conflict resolution, and that involve women in all of the implementa- tion mechanisms of the peace agreements; \\nc.Measures that ensure the protection of and respect for human rights of women and girls, particularly as they relate to the constitution, the electoral system, the police and the judiciary.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.3 DDR support to mediation", + "Heading3": "7.3.1 Peace mediation and gender", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 65, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes often contend with a lack of trust between the signatories to peace agreements. Previous experience with DDR programmes indicates two common delay tactics: the inflation of numbers of fighters to increase a party\u2019s importance and weight in the peace negotiations, and the withholding of combatants and arms until there is greater trust in the peace process. Some peace agreements have linked progress in DDR to progress in the political track so as to overcome fears that, once disarmed, the movement will lose influence and its political claims may not be fully met.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.4 DDR support to confidence-building measures .", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 66, + "Paragraph": "Confidence-building measures (CBMs) are often used to reduce or eliminate the causes of mistrust and tensions during negotiations or to reinforce confidence where it already exists. Certain DDR activities and related tools can also be considered CBMs and could be instituted in support of peace negotiations. For example, CVR programmes can also be used as a means to de-escalate violence during a preliminary ceasefire and to build confidence before the signature of a CPA and the launch of a DDR programme (see also IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). Furthermore, pre-DDR may be used to try to reduce tensions on the ground while negotiations are ongoing.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.4 DDR support to confidence-building measures .", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 67, + "Paragraph": "Pre-DDR and CVR can provide combatants with alternatives to waging war at a time when negotiating parties may be cut off or prohibited from accessing their usual funding sources (e.g., if a preliminary agreement forbids their participation in resource exploitation, taxation or other income-generating activities). However, in the absence of a CPA, prolonged CVR and pre-DDR can also become a support mechanism for armed groups rather than an incentive to finalize peace negotiations. Such processes should therefore be approached with caution.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.4 DDR support to confidence-building measures .", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 68, + "Paragraph": "Most CPAs include provisions for transitional (or \u2018interim\u2019) and final security arrange- ments. Transitional security arrangements are typically put in place to support DDR programmes by establishing security structures, often jointly or with a third party such as a UN peace operation, that can provide security before the final post-conflict security structures are established. In situations where UN peace operations are un- likely to be established following the signature of a CPA, joint security mechanisms may be put in place as part of transitional and final security arrangements with or without different forms of international verification. Alternatively, a separate mech- anism driven either by regional economic communities or bilateral players agreed to by the warring parties may be deployed. DDR programmes are usually part of the final security arrangements that establish, among other things, what will happen to the fighting forces post-conflict.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.5 DDR and transitional and final security arrangements", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 69, + "Paragraph": "Transitional security arrangements vary in scope depending on the context, levels of trust and what might be acceptable to the parties. Options that might be considered include: \\n Acceptable third-party actor(s) who are able to secure the process. \\n Joint units, patrols or operations involving the parties to a conflict, often alongside a third-party presence (see also IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammu- nition Management). \\n Local security actors such as community police who are acceptable to the commu- nities and to the actors, as they are considered neutral and not a force brought in from outside. \\n Deployment of national police. Depending on the situation, this may have to occur with prior consent for any operations within a zone or be done alongside a third-party actor.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.5 DDR and transitional and final security arrangements", + "Heading3": "7.5.1 Transitional security", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 70, + "Paragraph": "Transitional security structures may require the parties to act as a security pro- vider during a period of political transition. This may happen prior to or alongside DDR programmes. This transition phase is vital for building confidence at a time when warring parties may be losing their military capacity and their ability to defend them- selves. This transitional period also allows for progress in parallel political, economic or social tracks. There is, however, often a push to proceed as quickly as possible to the final security arrangements and a normalization of the security scene. Consequently, DDR may take place during the transition phase so that when this comes to an end the armed groups have been demobilized. This may mean that DDR proceeds in advance of other parts of the peace process, despite its success being tied to progress in these other areas.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.5 DDR and transitional and final security arrangements", + "Heading3": "7.5.1 Transitional security", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 71, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes are usually considered to be part of the CPA\u2019s provisions on final security arrangements. These seek to address the final status of signatories to the CPA through DDR, SSR, restructuring of security governance institutions and other related reforms.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.5 DDR and transitional and final security arrangements", + "Heading3": "7.5.2 Final security arrangements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 72, + "Paragraph": "Verification measures are used to ensure that the parties comply with an agreement. Veri- fication is usually carried out by inclusive, neutral or joint bodies. The latter often include the parties and an impartial actor (such as the UN or local parties acceptable to all sides) that can help resolve disagreements. Verification mechanisms for disarmament may be separate from the bodies established to implement DDR (usually a DDR commission) and may also verify other parts of a peace process in both mission and non-mission settings.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "7. Peace mediation and DDR", + "Heading2": "7.5 DDR and transitional and final security arrangements", + "Heading3": "7.5.3 Verification", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 73, + "Paragraph": "DDR should not be seen as a purely technical process, but one that requires active political support at all levels. In mission settings, this also means that DDR should not be viewed as the unique preserve of the DDR section. It should be given the attention and support it deserves by the senior mission leadership, who must be the political champions of such processes. In non-mission settings, DDR will fall under the respon- sibility of the UN RC system and the UNCT.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.1 Recognizing the political dynamics of DDR ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 74, + "Paragraph": "A peace agreement is a precondition for a DDR programme, but DDR programmes need not always follow peace agreements. Other DDR-related tools, such as CVR, may be more appropriate, particularly following a local-level peace agreement or even during active conflict (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.2 DDR-related tools ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 75, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners must assess the political consequences, if any, of supporting DDR processes in active conflict contexts. In particular, the intended outcomes of such interventions should be clear. For example, is the aim to contribute to local-level sta- bilization or to make the rewards of stability more tangible, perhaps through a CVR project or by supporting the reintegration of those who leave active armed groups? Alternatively, is the purpose to provide impetus to a national-level peace process? If the latter, a clear theory of change, outlining how local interventions are intended to scale up, is required.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.2 DDR-related tools ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 76, + "Paragraph": "If designed properly, DDR programmes and pre-DDR can reduce parties\u2019 concerns about disbanding their fighting forces and losing political and military advantage. The following political sensitivities should be taken into account:", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.3 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 77, + "Paragraph": "The handover of weapons from one party to another (e.g., from an armed group to a Government) may be inappropriate, as it could be viewed as one side surrendering to the other (see also IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). To address this issue, DDR practitioners can consider: \\n The handover of weapons to a neutral third party. \\n The design of disarmament sites, as well as who is present there. The design should seek to minimize negative perceptions linked to the handover of weapons. This may also mean that the sites are under the control of a neutral party.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.3 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "8.3.1 Political optics", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 78, + "Paragraph": "Demobilizing selected elements (e.g., war wounded, veterans, child soldiers) from an armed force or group can be a strong signal of the movement\u2019s willingness to move forward with peace while allowing the bulk of their forces to remain intact until political goals or benchmarks have been met. This can be a controversial approach, as in some cases it can allow warring parties to get rid of members who are less combat capable, thus leaving them with smaller but more effective forces.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.3 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "8.3.1 Political optics", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 79, + "Paragraph": "Disarmament provisions are not always applied evenly to all parties and, most often, armed forces are not disarmed. This can create an imbalance in the process, with one side being asked to hand over more weapons than the other. Even the symbolic disar- mament or control (safe storage as a part of a supervised process) of a number of the armed forces\u2019 weapons can help to create a perception of parity in the process. This could involve the control of the same number of weapons from the armed forces as those handed in by armed groups.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.3 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "8.3.2 Parity in disarmament and demobilization", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 80, + "Paragraph": "Similarly, because it is often argued that armed forces are required to protect the nation and uphold the rule of law, DDR processes may demobilize only the armed opposition. This can create security concerns for the disarmed and demobilized groups whose opponents retain the ability to use force, and perceptions of inequality in the way that armed forces and groups are treated, with one side retaining jobs and salaries while the other is demobilized. In order to create a more equitable process, mediators may allow for the cantonment or barracking of a number of Government troops equivalent to the number of fighters from armed groups that are cantoned, disarmed and demobilized. They may also push for the demobilization of some members of the armed forces so as to make room for the integration of members of opposition armed groups into the national army.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.3 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "8.3.2 Parity in disarmament and demobilization", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 81, + "Paragraph": "Opposition armed groups may be reluctant to demobilize their troops and dismantle their command structures before receiving tangible indications that the political aspects of an agreement will be implemented. This can take time, and there may be a need to consider measures to keep troops under command and control, fed and paid in the interim. They could include: \\n Extended cantonment (this should not be open ended, and a reasonable end date should be set, even if it needs to be renegotiated later); \\n Linking demobilization to the successful completion of benchmarks in the political arena and in the transformation of armed groups into political parties; \\n Pre-DDR activities; \\n Providing other opportunities such as work brigades that keep the command and control of the groups but reorientate them towards more constructive activities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.3 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "8.3.3 Linkages to other aspects of the peace process", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 82, + "Paragraph": "Such processes must be measured against the ability of the organization to control its troops and may be controversial as they retain command and control structures that can facilitate remobilization.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.3 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "8.3.3 Linkages to other aspects of the peace process", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 83, + "Paragraph": "Mid-level and senior commander\u2019s political aspirations should be considered when developing demobilization options. Support for political actors is a sensitive issue and can have important implications for the perceived neutrality of the UN, so decisions on this should be taken at the highest level. If agreed to, support in this field may require linking up with other organizations that can assist. Similarly, reintegration into civilian life could be broadened to include a political component for DDR programme participants. This could include civic education and efforts to build political platforms, including political parties. While these activities lie outside of the scope of DDR, DDR practitioners could develop partnerships with actors that are already engaged in this field. The latter could develop projects to assist armed group members who enter into politics in preparing for their new roles.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.3 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "8.3.3 Linkages to other aspects of the peace process", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 84, + "Paragraph": "Finally, when reintegration support is offered to former combatants, persons for- merly associated with armed forces and groups, and community members, there may be politically motivated attempts to influence whether these individuals opt to receive reintegration support or take up other, alternative options. Warring parties may push their members to choose an option that supports their former armed force or group as opposed to the individual\u2019s best chances at reintegration. They may push cadres to run for political office, encourage integration into the security services so as to build a power base within these forces, or opt for cash reintegration assistance, some of which is used to support political activities. The notion of individual choice should therefore be encouraged so as to counter attempts to co-opt reintegration to political ends.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.3 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "8.3.3 Linkages to other aspects of the peace process", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 85, + "Paragraph": "Along with the signature of a peace agreement, elections are often seen as a symbol marking the end of the transition from war to peace. If they are to be truly representative and offer an alternative way of contesting power, politics must be demilitarized (\u201dtake the gun out of politics\u201d or go \u201cfrom bullet to ballot\u201d) and transform armed groups into viable political parties that compete in the political arena. It is also through political parties that citizens, including former combatants, can involve themselves in politics and policymaking, as parties provide them with a structure for political participation and a channel for making their voices heard. Not all armed groups can become viable political parties. In this case, alternatives can be sought, including the establishment of a civil society organization aimed at advancing the cause of the group. However, if the transformation of armed groups into political parties is part of the conflict resolution process, reflected in a peace agreement, then the UN should provide support towards this end.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.3 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "8.3.4 Elections and the transformation of armed groups", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 86, + "Paragraph": "DDR may affect the holding of or influence the outcome of elections in several ways: \\n Armed forces and groups that wield power through weapons and the threat of violence can influence the way people vote, affecting the free and fair nature of the elections. \\n Hybrid political \u2019parties\u2019 that are armed and able to organize violence retain the ability to challenge electoral results through force. \\n Armed groups may not have had the time nor space to transform into political actors. They may feel cheated if they are not able to participate fully in the process and revert to violence, as this is their usual way of challenging institutions or articulating grievances. \\n Women in armed groups may be excluded or marginalized as leadership roles and places in the political ranks are carved out.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.3 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "8.3.4 Elections and the transformation of armed groups", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 87, + "Paragraph": "There is often a push for DDR to happen before elections are held. This may be a part of the sequencing of a peace process (signature of an agreement \u2013 DDR programme \u2013 elections), and in some cases completing DDR may be a pre-condition for holding polls. Delays in DDR may affect the timing of elections, or elections that are planned too early can result in a rushed DDR process, all of which may compromise the credi- bility of the broader peace process. Conversely, postponing elections until DDR is com- pleted can be difficult, especially given the long timeframes for DDR, and when there are large caseloads of combatants still to be demobilized or non-signatory movements are still active and can become spoilers. For these reasons DDR practitioners should consider the sequencing of DDR and elections and acknowledge that the interplay between them will have knock-on effects.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "The Politics of DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "8. Designing politically sensitive DDR processes ", + "Heading2": "8.3 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "8.3.4 Elections and the transformation of armed groups", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.20 The Politics of DDR" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.30 Community Violence Reduction.json b/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.30 Community Violence Reduction.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12ef7f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.30 Community Violence Reduction.json @@ -0,0 +1,1332 @@ +[ + { + "ID": 0, + "Paragraph": "Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) is not only a technical undertaking. Many aspects of the DDR process will influence, and be influenced by, political dynamics. Understanding the political dynamics that influence DDR process- es requires knowledge of the historical and political context, the actors and stakehold- ers (armed and unarmed), and the conflict drivers, including local, national and re- gional aspects that may interact and feed into an armed conflict.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 1, + "Paragraph": "Armed groups often mobilize for political reasons and/or in response to a range of security, socioeconomic or other grievances. Peace negotiations and processes provide warring parties with a way to end violence and address their grievances through peaceful means. Armed forces may also need to be factored into peace agreements and proportion- ality between armed forces and groups \u2013 in terms of DDR support \u2013 taken into account.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 2, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners may provide support to the mediation of peace agreements and to the subsequent oversight and implementation of the relevant parts of these agree- ments. DDR practitioners can also advise mediators and facilitators so as to ensure that peace agreements incorporate realistic DDR-related clauses, that the parties have a common understanding of the outcome of the DDR process and how this will be im- plemented, and that DDR processes are not undertaken in isolation but are integrated with other aspects of a peace process, since the success of each is mutually reinforcing. ", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 3, + "Paragraph": "All peace agreements contain security provisions to address the control and man- agement of violence in various forms including right-sizing, DDR, and/or other forms of security coordination and control. When and if a given peace agreement demands a DDR process, the national political framework for that particular DDR process is often provided by a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that seeks to address political and security issues. Without such an agreement, warring parties are unlikely to agree to measures that reduce their ability to use military force to reach their goals. In a CPA, it is very common for DDR programmes to be tied to ceasefire provisions and \u2018final security arrangements\u2019. If armed groups have political aspirations, the chances of the successful implementation of a CPA can be improved if DDR processes are sensitively designed to support the transformation of these groups into political entities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 4, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes may also follow local-level agreements. Local politics can be as important in driving armed conflict as grievances against the State. By focusing on the latter, national-level peace agreements may not address or resolve local conflicts. Therefore, these conflicts may continue even when national-level peace agreements have been signed and implemented. Local-level peace agreements may take a number of different forms, in- cluding (but not limited to) local non-aggression pacts between armed groups, deals re- garding access to specific areas and community violence reduction (CVR) agreements. DDR practitioners should assess whether local DDR processes remain at the local level, or wheth- er local- and national-level dynamics should be linked in a common multilevel approach.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 5, + "Paragraph": "Finally, DDR processes can also be undertaken in the absence of peace agreements. In these instances, DDR interventions may be designed to contribute to stabilization, to make the returns of stability more tangible or to create more conducive environments for peace agreements (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). These interven- tions should not be reactive and ad hoc, but should be carefully planned in advance in accordance with a predefined strategy.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 6, + "Paragraph": "This module sets out the basic conceptual and strategic parameters of CVR and its place within integrated DDR processes. It also outlines the principles and programmatic con- siderations that should guide the design, planning and implementation of CVR.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 7, + "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 8, + "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardiza- tion (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 9, + "Paragraph": "CVR programmes may include different types of coordination mechanisms to guide CVR project selection, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Two common coordination mechanisms are: \\n Project Selection Committees (PSCs): Community-based PSCs are established in selected areas, include a representative sample of stakeholders, and are responsible for selecting projects that are vetted by the PAC/PRC. (See below.) All project selec- tion should comply with gender quotas of a minimum of 30% of projects benefitting women, and women\u2019s involvement in 30% of leadership and management positions. \\n Project Approval/Review Committee (PAC/PRC): A PAC/PRC sets the overall strategic direction for CVR, vets and approves projects selected by PSCs, and helps to raise finances. The PAC/PRC should exhibit a high degree of clarity on its roles and functions. Such entities meet on a semi-regular basis, usually after a certain number of CVR projects have been presented (a minimum of a week in advance) to PAC/PRC members for consideration. The PAC/PRC should ensure all proposals comply with gender quotas.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 10, + "Paragraph": "CVR is a DDR-related tool that directly responds to the presence of active and/or for- mer members of armed groups in a community and is designed to promote security and stability in both mission and non-mission contexts (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). CVR shall not be used to provide material and financial assistance to active members of armed groups.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 11, + "Paragraph": "CVR programmes have a variety of uses.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 12, + "Paragraph": "In situations where the preconditions for a DDR programme exist \u2013 including a ceasefire or peace agreement, trust in the peace process, willingness of the parties to engage in DDR and minimum guarantees of security \u2013 CVR may be pursued before, during and after a DDR programme, as a complementary measure. Specific provisions for CVR may also be included in local-level peace agreements, sometimes instead of DDR programmes (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR).", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 13, + "Paragraph": "When the preconditions for a DDR programme are absent, CVR may be used to contribute to security and stabilization, to help make the returns of stability more tangible, and to create more conducive environments for national and local peace processes. More specifically, CVR programmes can be used as a means to: \\n De-escalate violence during a preliminary ceasefire and build confidence before the signature of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and the launch of a DDR programme; \\n Prevent at-risk individuals, particularly at-risk youth, from joining armed groups; \\n Stop former members of armed groups from rejoining these groups and from en- gaging in violent crime and destructive social unrest; \\n Provide stop-gap reinsertion assistance for a defined period (6\u201318 months), par- ticularly if demobilization is complete and reintegration support is still at the planning and/or resource mobilization stage; \\n Encourage members of armed groups that have not signed on to peace agreements to move away from armed violence; \\n Reorient members of armed groups away from waging war and towards construc- tive activities; \\n Reduce violence in communities and neighbourhoods that are vulnerable to high rates of armed violence, organized crime and/or sexual or gender-based violence; and \\n Increase the capacity of communities and neighbourhoods to absorb newly rein- serted and reintegrated former combatants.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 14, + "Paragraph": "CVR programmes are typically short to medium term and include, but are not limited to, a combination of: \\n Weapons and ammunition management; \\n Labour-intensive short-term employment; \\n Vocational/skills training and job employment; \\n Infrastructure improvement; \\n Community security and police rapprochement; \\n Educational outreach and social mobilization; \\n Mental health and psychosocial support, in both collective and individual formats; \\n Civic education; and \\n Gender transformative projects including education and awareness-raising pro- grammes with community members on gender, women\u2019s empowerment, and con- flict-related sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) prevention and response.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 15, + "Paragraph": "Whether introduced in mission or non-mission settings, CVR priorities and projects should, without exception, be crafted at the local level, with representative participation, and where possible, consultation of community stakeholders, including women, boys, girls and youth.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 16, + "Paragraph": "All CVR programmes should be underpinned by a clear theory of change that defines the problem to be solved, surfaces the core assumptions underlying the theory of change, explains the core targets and metrics to be addressed, and describes how the proposed intervention activities will address these issues.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 17, + "Paragraph": "Specific theories of change for CVR programmes should be adapted to particular con- texts. However, very often an underlying ex- pectation of CVR is that specific programme activities will provide former combatants and other at-risk individuals with alternatives that are more attractive than joining armed groups or resorting to armed violence and/or provide the mental tools and interpersonal coping strat- egies to resist incitements to violence. Another common underlying expectation is that CVR projects will contribute to social cohesion. In socially cohesive communities, com- munity members feel that they belong to the community, that there is trust between community members, and that community members can work together. Members of socially cohesive communities are more likely to be aware of, and more likely to inter- vene when they see, behaviour that may lead to violence. Therefore, by fostering social cohesion and providing alternatives, communities become active participants in the reduction of armed violence.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 18, + "Paragraph": "By promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, CVR has the potential to directly contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, and particularly SDG 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. CVR can also reinforce other SDG targets, including 4.1 and 4.7, on education and promoting cultures of peace, respectively; 5.2 and 5.5, on preventing violence against women and girls and promoting women\u00b4s leadership and participation; and 8.7 and 8.8, related to child soldiers and improving workplace safety. CVR may also contribute to SDG 10.2, on political, social and economic inclusion; 11.1, 11.2 and 11.7, on housing, transport and safe public spaces; and 16.1, 16.2 and 16.4, related to reducing violence, especially against children, and the availability of arms.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 19, + "Paragraph": "CVR programmes aim to sustain peace by preventing the (re-)recruitment of former combatants and other individuals at risk of recruitment (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace). More specifically, CVR programmes should actively strengthen the protective factors that increase the resilience of young people, women and communities to involvement in, or harms associated with, violence.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 20, + "Paragraph": "CVR shall not lead, but could help to facilitate, a political process (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). Although CVR is essentially a technical intervention, the pro- cess of planning, formulating, negotiating and executing activities may be intensely political. CVR should involve routine engagement and negotiation with government officials, active and/or former members of armed groups, individuals at risk of recruit- ment, business and civic leaders, and communities as a whole; it necessitates a deep understanding of the local context and the common definition/understanding of an overarching CVR strategy.", + "Color": "#F07F4E", + "Level": 1, + "LevelName": "General IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 21, + "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to CVR:", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 22, + "Paragraph": "Participation in CVR as part of a DDR process shall be voluntary.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 23, + "Paragraph": "The eligibility criteria for CVR should be developed in consultation with target com- munities and, if in existence, a Project Selection Committee (PSC) or equivalent body. Eligibility criteria shall be developed and communicated in the most transparent man- ner possible. This is because eligibility and ineligibility can become a source of com- munity tension and conflict. Eligibility for CVR does not mean that those who partic- ipate will necessarily be ineligible to participate in other programmes that form part of the broader DDR process \u2013 this will depend on the particular framework in place. Some frameworks may require the surrender of a weapon as a precondition for partic- ipation in a CVR programme (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammuni- tion Management). Furthermore, when members of armed groups that are not signa- tory to a peace agreement are being considered for inclusion in CVR programmes, the status of these individuals and armed groups must be analysed and specified in order to mitigate any risks. If the individuals being considered for inclusion in a CVR pro- gramme have voluntarily left an armed group designated as a terrorist organization by the United Nations Security Council, DDR practitioners shall incorporate proper screening mechanisms and criteria to identify suspected terrorists (for further infor- mation on specific requirements for children refer to IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Depending on the circumstances, the terrorist organization they are associated with and the terrorist offences committed, it may not be appropriate for suspected terrorists to participate in CVR programmes (see IDDRS 2.11 on Legal Framework for UN DDR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Criteria for participation/eligibility", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 24, + "Paragraph": "Specific provisions shall be developed to ensure the protection, care and support of young people (15\u201324) who participate in CVR programmes (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Where appropriate, children (under 18) may be included in CVR activi- ties, but with relevant legal safeguards to ensure their rights and needs are carefully accounted for. Mental health and psychosocial support services as well as social services should be established, as appropriate, in consultation with relevant child protection units and agencies (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.3 Unconditional release and protection of children", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 25, + "Paragraph": "CVR does not reward those who have engaged in violent behaviours for their past activi- ties, but rather invests in individuals and communities that actively renounce past violent behaviour and that are looking for a productive and peaceful future. CVR shall not be used to provide material and financial assistance to active members of armed groups.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.4 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 26, + "Paragraph": "CVR shall actively ensure a gender-responsive approach that accounts for the specific needs of men and women, boys and girls. This may include more proportional gender representation within DDR/CVR sections, among CVR project implementing partners, within PSCs (or equivalent bodies), and among individual and community beneficiaries. The inclusion of women across all aspects of CVR strengthens the overall legitimacy and credibility of the enterprise. Moreover, developing the agency of women, girls and youth will enhance their political and social influence in civic associations and their authority in relation to economic productivity, thereby reducing violence. CVR can also incorpo- rate measures to challenge harmful notions of masculinity and engage with men and boys to promote behaviours and attitudes that value gender equality and non-violence.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Gender-responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 27, + "Paragraph": "In some settings, there may be strong sociocultural and economic constraints to expanding women\u2019s representation in PSCs or among project beneficiaries. To mitigate these challenges, DDR practitioners1 have introduced quota systems requiring a min- imum level of female participation (30%) in PSCs and among selected projects (30% of projects must directly support women\u2019s specific needs). These quota systems shall be discussed with national counterparts at the outset of UN engagement in CVR and ex- plained to all personnel and partners working on CVR programmes at the subnational and local levels. All CVR projects should report on the gender and age dimensions of PSCs as well as on CVR projects themselves. Introducing gender- and age-specific quotas in CVR project tenders should also mitigate discriminatory practices. Likewise, DDR practitioners shall ensure that any public works projects selected for support are designed in a way that respects the rights and specific needs of every person.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Gender-responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 28, + "Paragraph": "CVR shall be inclusive to the extent that it focuses not only on former combatants, but also on at-risk children and youth (male and female) as well as a wide range of community members living in volatile areas and in need of assistance. CVR shall be aligned with a \u2018rights-based\u2019 approach, in that processes adhere to international hu- man rights law and standards. For example, all community members in selected areas should benefit from interventions without discrimination.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Gender-responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 29, + "Paragraph": "CVR shall also be tailored to address distinct ethnic, religious and other groups to the extent possible. Specifically, training, education and outreach initiatives that pro- mote civic education, life and parenting skills, and psychosocial support, education and counselling should reach across specific needs groups. By advocating for a plural caseload, CVR should help to promote more responsible civic engagement, a key fea- ture of social cohesion.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Gender-responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 30, + "Paragraph": "In all cases, CVR shall do no harm. When projects and implementing partners are not adequately monitored and evaluated, CVR support can be channeled to one group at the expense of others. Moreover, communities in resource scarce and inaccessible areas that are not included in CVR may resent being left out. Some population groups may feel legitimately abandoned and resort to crime and banditry. In some cases, this may result in increases in interpersonal violence in the home, including domestic and child abuse, or increases in sexual or gender-based violence. Communities that are included in CVR programmes may also have unrealistic expectations and cre- ate problems if they feel they are not ade- quately benefiting from them. CVR should have a whole of community and equity focus, as the privileging of some geographic areas for CVR over others may result in disputes. Negative perceptions of exclusion and potential additional grievances should be anticipated and accounted for in DDR practitioners\u2019 conflict assessments.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.6 Conflict sensitive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 31, + "Paragraph": "There is no single template for CVR, and the vast diversity of CVR programmes is by design: form follows function. As a practice area, CVR is continuing to evolve in both mission and non-mission settings. Whether implemented through the UN or through national and community-based non-governmental organizations, CVR can adapt and change over time, even in a single context.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.7 Context specific", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 32, + "Paragraph": "CVR programmes are ultimately the responsibility of local, national and subnational governments and non-government partners. Yet in many settings, public and civil soci- ety capacities may be exceedingly weak. Where possible and appropriate, CVR should aim to reinforce the legitimacy, credibility and capacity of state and non-governmental partners. While guided by violence reduction imperatives, implementing partners and projects should also be selected on the basis of promoting local and national ownership. Leadership is required from government entities including, as appropriate, a national DDR commission (if one exists) or equivalent entity. In cases where government delivery of CVR is not feasible, DDR practitioners should seek to foster institutional capacities and representation. The goal in all cases must be to strengthen, not replace, state and non-state capacities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.8 Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 33, + "Paragraph": "Although typically short to medium term, CVR programmes shall be strongly aligned with national and community security priorities, based on needs assessment and tailored to local capacities. Defining what security means for a particular com- munity should be part of the initial first steps. CVR should allow for direct dialogue, technical engagement, implementation and outreach with a wide array of stakeholders from the national to the community level. By working directly with affected commu- nities and local governments, CVR can help lay the foundation for stabilization and allow for recovery and reconstruction. The sustainability of CVR projects during and after they are launched requires the formation of a strong partnership with public, pri- vate and non-governmental authorities. Strategies to embed state partners and private- sector and civil society groups in CVR project design, planning, implementation and monitoring are pathways to facilitate handovers.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.8 Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 34, + "Paragraph": "CVR is bottom-up in orientation and should devolve decision-making, project design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation to the local level. While the strategic direction of CVR programmes should be set by government personnel with support from the UN, decisions related to project selection and execution, and monitor- ing and evaluation, should be delegated to PSCs and local project implementers. PSCs are typically composed of local community members and leaders and should ensure representation of minority groups, women and youth. Subnational government, pri- vate-sector and civil society representatives may also be included. If alternate institu- tions already exist (such as local peace and development committees), then they should be harnessed (subject to the usual due diligence) and steps should be taken to ensure that they are representative of the broader society.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.8 Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 35, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should ensure that once selected, CVR projects are mediated, to the extent possible, by local counterparts \u2013 at the communal, county, municipal or neighbourhood level. CVR may build trust and confidence \u2013 and stimulate local eco- nomic activity \u2013 by recruiting implementing partners and engineering support locally. When drawing on local pools of talent and expertise, it is important to explore ways that CVR projects can continue after funding ends.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.8 Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 36, + "Paragraph": "CVR should strengthen a coordinated and integrated UN approach to addressing security threats in mission and non-mission settings. CVR can and should involve, where realistically possible, a range of UN agencies and international and national partners in the design, implementation and evaluation of specific activities. Because CVR exists at the intersection of a wide range of agendas and sectors, clear and predict- able direction is essential.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 37, + "Paragraph": "CVR shall contribute to the UN \u201cdelivering as one\u201d. At a minimum, CVR pro- grammes should not compete with or duplicate other initiatives carried out by UN agencies, funds and programmes as well as those fielded by national and international partners. CVR programmes may often be implemented in contexts where development, humanitarian and peace actors and interventions co-exist. To maximize complemen- tarity and coordination, CVR strategies shall be guided by a clear set of objectives and targets, as well as a theory of change. Where feasible and appropriate, partnerships should be pursued.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 38, + "Paragraph": "CVR programmes shall aim to be data-driven and evidence-based. Monitoring and evaluation measures shall be prepared before CVR programmes are started and ap- plied throughout the entire life cycle of the intervention (see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation). Relevant baseline assessments, the collection of gender and sex-dis- aggregated data on project participants, and mid- and end-term evaluations shall be anticipated and budgeted for by DDR practitioners well in advance. Data collection and retention policies for implementing partners and DDR practitioners shall also include privacy provisions, including procedures on data retention, sharing and disposal. The progress of CVR programmes shall be regularly analysed and communicated to rele- vant partners to ensure that core objectives are achieved, and that mitigation strategies are prepared when they are not.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 39, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should, at the outset of a CVR programme, agree on a common un- derstanding of the role of CVR within the DDR process, including its possible rela- tionship to a DDR programme, to other DDR-related tools (such as transitional WAM), and to reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Achieving shared clarity of purpose between national and local stakeholders, the UN and the entities responsible for coordinating CVR is critical.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 40, + "Paragraph": "The target groups for CVR programmes may vary according to the context. (See section 6.4.) However, four categories stand out: \\n Former combatants who are part of an existing UN-supported or national DDR programme. These typically include ex-combatants and persons formerly associat- ed with armed groups who are waiting for support and could be perceived as a threat to broader security and stability. If reintegration support is delayed, CVR can serve as a stop-gap measure, providing temporary reinsertion assistance for a defined period (6\u201318 months) (also see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). \\n Members of armed groups who are not formally eligible for a DDR programme because their group is not signatory to a peace agreement. These groups may include rebel factions, paramilitaries, militia groups, members of armed gangs or other entities that are not part of a peace agreement. This category may include individuals who voluntarily leave active armed groups, including those that are designated as terrorist organizations by the United Nations Security Council (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). The status of these individuals and armed groups must be analysed and specified to mitigate any risks associated with their inclusion in CVR programmes. \\n Individuals who are not members of an armed group, but who are at risk of re- cruitment by such groups. These individuals are not part of an established armed group and are therefore ineligible to participate in a DDR programme. They do, however, exhibit the potential to build peace and to contribute to the prevention of recruitment in their community. This wide category of beneficiaries can include male and female children and youth (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and 5.30 on Youth and DDR). \\n Designated communities that are susceptible to outbreaks of violence, close to cantonment sites, or likely to receive former combatants. In some cases, CVR may target communities and neighbourhoods that are situated close to cantonment sites and/or vulnerable to high rates of political violence, organized crime, or sex- ual or gender-based violence. CVR can also be focused on a sample of productive members of a community to enhance their potential to absorb newly reinserted and reintegrated former combatants.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 41, + "Paragraph": "CVR may be pursued before, during and after DDR programmes in both mission and non-mission settings. (See Table 1 below.)", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 42, + "Paragraph": "CVR may be undertaken prior to a DDR programme. Past experience has shown that military commanders can sometimes try to recruit additional group members during negotiation processes in order to strengthen their troop numbers and conse- quent influence at the negotiating table. Similarly, previous experience has shown that imminent access to a DDR programme may have the perverse incentive of encouraging recruitment. CVR can counter this possibility, by fostering social cohesion and providing alternatives to joining armed groups.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "5.1 CVR in support of and as a complement to a DDR programme", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 43, + "Paragraph": "CVR may also be undertaken in parallel with DDR programmes. For example, CVR programmes can be implemented near cantonment sites for a number of reasons. Firstly, there may be community resistance to the nearby cantoning of armed forces and groups. CVR can respond to this while also showing community members that ex-combatants are not the only ones to benefit from the DDR process. CVR can also help to mitigate insecurity around cantonment sites, particularly if cantonment goes on for longer than anticipated.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "5.1 CVR in support of and as a complement to a DDR programme", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 44, + "Paragraph": "Even in communities that are not close to cantonment sites, CVR can be undertaken parallel to a DDR programme in order to strengthen the capacities of communities to absorb former combatants and to reduce tensions that may be caused by the arrival of ex-combatants and associated groups. More specifically, over the short to medium term, CVR can equip communities with dispute mechanisms as well as community dialogue mechanisms to manage grievances and stimulate local economic activity that benefits a wider population.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "5.1 CVR in support of and as a complement to a DDR programme", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 45, + "Paragraph": "CVR can also be used as a means of addressing armed groups that have not signed on to a peace agreement. The aim of CVR in this context would be to minimize the potentially disruptive effects that non-signatory groups can have on an ongoing DDR programme.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "5.1 CVR in support of and as a complement to a DDR programme", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 46, + "Paragraph": "Parallel to DDR programmes, CVR can also play a critical role in strengthen- ing reinsertion efforts and bridging the so-called \u2018reintegration gap\u2019. In mission set- tings, CVR will be funded through the allocation of assessed contributions. Therefore, if DDR programmes are unable to mobilize sufficient reintegration assistance, CVR may smooth the transition through the provision of tailored reinsertion assistance for ex-combatants and associated groups and the communities to which they return. For this reason, CVR is sometimes described as a stop-gap measure. In non-mission settings, funding for CVR and reintegration support will depend on the allocation of national budgets and/or voluntary contributions from donors. Therefore, in instances where CVR and support to communi- ty-based reintegration are both envisaged in a non-mission setting, they should, from the outset, be planned and implemented as a single and continuous programme. The distinctions between CVR and reinsertion as part of a DDR programme are outlined in Table 2 below.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "5.1 CVR in support of and as a complement to a DDR programme", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 47, + "Paragraph": "CVR may also be appropriate after a formal DDR programme has ended. For ex- ample, CVR may be administered after a DDR programme in combination with transi- tional weapons and ammunition management (WAM) in order to bolster resilience to (re-)recruitment and to mop up or safely register and store any remaining civilian-held weapons (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional WAM and section 5.3 below). CVR may also provide a constructive transitional function, particularly if reintegration support is ended prematurely. Any plans to maintain CVR activities after a DDR programme should be agreed with relevant stakeholders.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "5.1 CVR in support of and as a complement to a DDR programme", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 48, + "Paragraph": "CVR may also be used in the absence of a DDR programme. (See Table 3 below.) CVR can be used to build confidence between warring parties and to show the possible dividends of future peace. In turn, this may help to foster an environment that is con- ducive to the signing of a peace agreement.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "5.2 CVR in the absence of DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 49, + "Paragraph": "It is possible that DDR processes will not include DDR programmes, either because the preconditions for DDR programmes are not present or because alternative meas- ures are more appropriate. For example, a local-level peace agreement may include provisions for CVR rather than a DDR programme. These local-level agreements can take many different forms, including (but not limited to) local non-aggression pacts between armed groups, deals regarding access to specific areas and CVR agreements (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Political Dimensions of DDR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "5.2 CVR in the absence of DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 50, + "Paragraph": "Alternatively, in certain cases armed groups designated as terrorist organizations by the United Nations Security Council may refuse to sign peace agreements. Individ- uals who voluntarily decide to leave these armed groups may participate in CVR pro- grammes. However, they must first be screened in order to assess whether they have committed certain crimes, including terrorist acts that would disqualify them from participation in a DDR process (see IDDRS 2.11 on Legal Framework for UN DDR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "5.2 CVR in the absence of DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 51, + "Paragraph": "CVR may involve activities related to collecting, managing and/or destroying weapons and ammunition. Arms control initiatives and potential CVR arms-related eligibility criteria should be in line with the disarmament component of the DDR programme (if there is one), as well as other arms control initiatives running in the country (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament and 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "5.3 Relationship between CVR and weapons and ammunition management", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 52, + "Paragraph": "While not a disarmament program per se, CVR may include measures to pro- mote community or locally led weapons collection and management initiatives, to sup- port national weapons amnesties, and to collect, store and destroy small arms, light weapons, other conventional arms, ammunition and explosives. The collection and destruction of weapons may play an important symbolic and catalytic role in war-torn communities. Although the return of a weapon is not typically a condition of partic- ipation in CVR, voluntary returns may demonstrate the willingness of beneficiaries to engage. Moreover, the removal and/or safe storage of weapons from individuals\u2019 or armed groups\u2019 inventories may help reduce open carrying and home possession of weaponry \u2013 factors that can contribute to violent exchanges and unintentional injuries. Even when weapons are not handed over as part of a CVR programme, it is beneficial to collect information on the weapons still in possession of those participating in CVR. This is because weapons in circulation will continue to represent a risk factor and have the potential to facilitate violence. Expectations should be kept realistic: in settings marked by high levels of insecurity, it is unlikely that voluntary surrenders or amnesties of weapons will meaningfully reduce overall accessibility.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "5.3 Relationship between CVR and weapons and ammunition management", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 53, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners may, in consultation with relevant partners, propose conditions for the submission of weapons as part of a CVR programme. In some instances, modern and artisanal weapons and ammunition have been collected as part of CVR programmes and have later been destroyed in public ceremonies. Weapons and ammunition col- lected as part of CVR programmes should be destroyed, but if the authorities decide to integrate the material into their national stockpiles, this should be done in compliance with the State\u2019s obligations under relevant international instruments and with technical guidelines.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "5. The role of CVR within a DDR process", + "Heading2": "5.3 Relationship between CVR and weapons and ammunition management", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 54, + "Paragraph": "The legitimacy and effectiveness of CVR begins and ends with community engage- ment. CVR programmes should not be limited to a small number of partners, but rather include a wide-ranging and representative sample of community stakeholders. Selected partners should be included at all stages of the programming cycle \u2013 project submission, design, development, implementation, communications, and monitoring and evaluation \u2013 in order to help build local capacities and achieve maximum impact. Where counterpart government capacities are weak or compromised, community-level partnerships should be pursued to promote buy-in, to reach difficult-to-access areas, and to help CVR interventions thrive after funding cycles come to an end.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 55, + "Paragraph": "At a minimum, CVR strategy and programming shall be aligned with wider na- tional, regional and international stabilization objectives. While the overall strategic direction is determined from above, DDR practitioners should work closely with local intermediaries to ensure that community-driven priorities are front and centre in project selection. This is because community buy-in and local norms and sanctions are critical to limiting the prevalence of violence and helping regulate violence once it has broken out. Local ownership is not an incidental by-product \u2013 it is absolutely essential to CVR effectiveness. CVR programmes are less beholden to a predetermined design than many other stability measures, and they should take advantage of this by incorporating com- munity demands while also ensuring a comprehensive strategy for community security.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 56, + "Paragraph": "In both mission and non-mission settings, CVR programmes should be based on a clear, predictable and agile CVR strategy. The strategy shall clearly specify core goals, targets, indicators, and the theory of change and overall rationale for CVR. The strate- gic plan should spell out the division of labour, rules and responsibilities of partners, and their performance targets.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.1 CVR strategy and coordination mechanisms", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 57, + "Paragraph": "CVR programmes are not static and, when political and security dynamics change, shall be regularly adjusted to reflect the new set of circumstances. All updates should be informed by comprehensive conflict and security analysis, consultations with national and international counterparts, and internal mission and United Nations Country Team (UNCT) priorities. Changes in CVR programmes should also ensure that revised tar- gets meet basic results-based practices, are aligned within budgetary constraints, and are informed by high-quality data collection and monitoring systems.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.1 CVR strategy and coordination mechanisms", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 58, + "Paragraph": "While CVR shall be a short-to-medium-term measure, longer-range planning is essential to ensure linkages with broader security, rights-related, gender and develop- ment priorities. These future-looking priorities \u2013 together with potential and actual bridges to relevant UN and non-UN agencies \u2013 should be clearly articulated in the CVR strategy. CVR programme and project documents should highlight partnerships to facilitate sus- tainability. The longer-term potential of CVR should also be noted in the mandate of the National DDR Commission (if one exists) or an equivalent body as well as relevant in- ternational and national development frameworks. Preparing for the end of CVR early on \u2013 and including national government and international donor representatives in the planning process \u2013 is essential for a smooth and sustainable exit strategy.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.1 CVR strategy and coordination mechanisms", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 59, + "Paragraph": "Strategically embedding CVR in national and subnational development frame- works may also generate positive effects. While CVR is not a development activity, in- tegrating CVR into a UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) and/or national development strategy can provide stronger impetus for coordinated and ad- equately resourced activities. DDR practitioners should therefore be exposed to national, regional and municipal development strategies and pri- orities. At the subnational level, selected CVR projects should be strongly aligned with state, municipal and neighbourhood development pri- orities where possible. Representation of line ministries, secretaries and departments in relevant planning and coordination bodies is strongly encouraged.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.1 CVR strategy and coordination mechanisms", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 60, + "Paragraph": "A number of different coordination mechanisms may guide CVR project selection, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Two possible mechanisms are high- lighted below. However, if alternate representative institutions already exist (such as village development committees), then they could be harnessed (subject to the usual due diligence) and steps should be taken to ensure that they are representative of the broader society.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.1 CVR strategy and coordination mechanisms", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 61, + "Paragraph": "Two commonly utilized CVR coordination mechanisms are: \\n Project Selection Committees (PSCs): Community-based PSCs are established in selected areas, include a representative sample of stakeholders, and are responsi- ble for selecting projects that are vetted by the PAC/PRC (see below). All project selection shall comply with gender quotas of a minimum of 30% of projects bene- fitting women, and women\u2019s involvement in 30% of leadership and management positions. \\n A Project Approval/Review Committee (PAC/PRC): A PAC/PRC sets the over- all strategic direction for CVR and vets and approves projects selected by PSCs. The PAC/PRC should exhibit a high degree of clarity on its roles and functions. Such entities meet on a semi-regular basis, usually after a certain number of CVR projects have been presented (a minimum of a week in advance) to PAC/PRC members for consideration. The PAC/PRC may request changes to project proposals or ask for additional information to be provided. The PAC/PRC shall ensure all proposals comply with gender quotas.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.1 CVR strategy and coordination mechanisms", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 62, + "Paragraph": "When the two aforementioned coordination mechanisms exist, individual CVR projects will typically be developed by the PSC, reviewed by the PAC/PRC, and then sent back to the PSC for revision and sign-off. PSCs should also proactively ensure alignment between project activities and (actual or planned) regional and municipal plans and priorities. While a short-to-medium-term focus is paramount, CVR projects that directly and indirectly stimulate development dividends (alongside violence reduc- tion) should be favourably considered.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.1 CVR strategy and coordination mechanisms", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 63, + "Paragraph": "PSCs (or equivalent bodies) may conduct a number of different tasks: identifying prospective partners, developing projects, communicating tender processes, vetting project submissions, monitoring beneficiary performance and quality controls, and trouble-shooting problems as and when they arise. PSCs are typically composed of local community members and local leaders and should ensure representation of minority groups, women and youth. Subnational government, private-sector and civil society representatives may also be included, as may representatives of armed groups. PSCs should meet on a regular prescribed basis and serve as the primary interlocutor with the UN mission (mission settings) or UNCT (non-mission settings), and where relevant (such as in refugee settings) the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT). Representatives of DDR/CVR sections (in mission settings) and of the UNCT (in non-mission settings), should, where practical and appropriate, participate in the PSC.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.1 CVR strategy and coordination mechanisms", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 64, + "Paragraph": "PAC/PRCs (or equivalent bodies) are often responsible for reviewing and approv- ing CVR project submissions, and for asking for changes/further information from the PSC when necessary. PAC/PRCs may be composed of senior representatives from the DSRSG (in mission settings) or senior representatives of the UNCT (in non-mission set- tings), alongside government officials and other representatives from relevant UN en- tities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.1 CVR strategy and coordination mechanisms", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 65, + "Paragraph": "These two aforementioned coordination entities are intended to properly vet pro- ject partners and ensure a high degree of quality control in project execution. In all cases, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) shall be developed to help clarify overall goals, structure and approaches for CVR, particularly the nature of PAC/PRCs, PSCs, target groups and criteria for projects. These SOPs shall be regularly adapted and up- dated in line with realities on the ground and the priorities of the mission or the UNCT in non-mission settings.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.1 CVR strategy and coordination mechanisms", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 66, + "Paragraph": "If the priority is for rapid delivery or if local government and non-government capaci- ties are weak, then agreed-upon CVR responses should be administered directly by the UN. However, the UN may also work indirectly, by supporting local partners.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.2 CVR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 67, + "Paragraph": "In mission settings, CVR may be explicitly mandated by a UN Security Council and/ or General Assembly resolution. CVR will therefore be funded through the allocation of assessed contributions.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.2 CVR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "6.2.1 Mission settings", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 68, + "Paragraph": "The UNSC and UNGA directives for CVR are often general, with specific pro- gramming details to be worked out by relevant UN entities in partnership with the host government. In mission settings, the DDR/CVR section should align CVR stra- tegic goals and activities with the mandate of the National DDR Commission (if one exists) or an equivalent government-designated body. The National DDR Commission, which typically includes representatives of the executive, the armed forces, police, and relevant line ministries and departments, should be solicited to provide direct inputs into CVR planning and programming. In cases where government capacity and volition exist, the National DDR Commission may manage and resource CVR by setting targets, managing tendering of local partners and administering financial oversight with donor partners. In such cases, the UN mission shall play a supportive role.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.2 CVR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "6.2.1 Mission settings", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 69, + "Paragraph": "Where CVR is administered directly by the UN in the context of a peace support operation or political mission, the DDR/CVR section shall be responsible for the design, development, coordination and oversight of CVR, in conjunction with senior represent- atives of the mission. DDR practitioners shall be in regular contact with representatives of the UNCT as well as international and national partners to ensure alignment of pro- gramming goals, and to leverage the strengths and capacities of relevant UN agencies and avoid duplication. Community outreach and engagement shall be pursued and nurtured at the national, regional, municipal and neighbourhood scale.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.2 CVR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "6.2.1 Mission settings", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 70, + "Paragraph": "The DDR/CVR section should typically include senior and mid-level DDR officers. Depending on the budget allocated to CVR, personnel may range from the director and deputy director level to field staff and volunteer officers. A dedicated DDR/CVR team should include a selection of international and national staff forming a unit at headquarters (HQ) as well as small implementation teams at the forward operating base (FOB) level. It is important that DDR practitioners are directly involved in DDR strategy development and decision-making at the HQ. Likewise, regular com- munication between DDR field personnel is crucial to share experiences, identify best practices, and understand wider political and economic dynamics. The UN DSRSG shall establish a DDR/CVR working group or an equivalent body. The working group should be co-chaired by lead agencies, with due consideration for gender equality, youth and child protection, and support to persons with disabilities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.2 CVR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "6.2.1 Mission settings", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 71, + "Paragraph": "The DDR/CVR section, and particularly its field offices, could create a PSC and PAC/PRC. In this event, the PAC/PRC (or equivalent body) should liaise with UNCT partners to align stability priorities with wider development concerns. It may be appro- priate to add an additional support mechanism to oversee and support project partners. This additional support mechanism could be made up of members of the DDR/CVR section who could conduct a variety of tasks, including but not limited to support to the development of project proposals, support to the finalization of project submissions and the identification of possible implementing partners able to work in hotspot sites.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.2 CVR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "6.2.1 Mission settings", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 72, + "Paragraph": "Whichever approach is adopted, the DDR/CVR section should ensure transparent and predictable coordination with national institutions and within the mission or UNCT. Where appropriate, DDR/CVR sections may provide supplementary training for implementing partners in selected programming areas. The success or failure of CVR depends in large part on the quality of the partners and partnerships, so it is critical that they are properly vetted.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.2 CVR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "6.2.1 Mission settings", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 73, + "Paragraph": "In non-mission settings, the UNCT will generally undertake joint assessments in response to an official request from the host government, regional bodies and/or the UN Resident Coordinator (RC). These official requests will typically ask for assistance to address particular issues. If the issue concerns armed groups and their active and former members, CVR as a DDR-related tool may be an appropriate response. However, it is important to note that in non-mission settings, there may already be instances where community-based programming at local levels is used, but not as a DDR-related tool. These latter types of responses are anchored under Agenda 2030 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), and have links to much broader issues of rule of law, community security, crime reduction, armed vio- lence reduction and small arms control. If there is no link to active or former members of armed groups, then these types of activities typically fall outside the scope of a DDR process (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.2 CVR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "6.2.2 Non-mission settings", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 74, + "Paragraph": "In non-mission settings where there has been agreement that CVR as a DDR- related tool is the most appropriate response to the presence of armed groups, the UN RC shall establish a DDR/CVR working group or an equivalent body. The working group should be co-chaired by lead agencies, with due consideration for gender equality, youth and child protection, and support to persons with disabilities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.2 CVR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "6.2.2 Non-mission settings", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 75, + "Paragraph": "In non-mission settings there may not always be a National DDR Commission to provide direct inputs into CVR planning and programming. However, alternative interlocutors should be sought \u2013 including relevant line ministries and departments \u2013 in order to ensure that the broad strategic direction of the CVR programme is aligned with relevant national and regional stabilization objectives.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.2 CVR in mission and non-mission settings", + "Heading3": "6.2.2 Non-mission settings", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 76, + "Paragraph": "In both mission and non-mission contexts, CVR programmes shall be preceded by regularly updated assessments, including but not limited to: \\n A security and consequence assessment accounting for the costs and benefits of conducting selected activities (and the risks of not conducting them). \\n A comprehensive and gender-responsive baseline assessment of local violence dynamics. This assessment should take note of factors that may contribute to violence (e.g., harmful use of alcohol and drugs) as well as the impact that vio- lence can have on mental health and well-being (e.g., acute stress, grief, depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). It should also explicitly unpack the threats to security for men, women, boys and girls, and analyse the root causes of violence and insecurity, including their gender dimensions. \\n Conflict context analysis. \\n A detailed stakeholder mapping and a diagnostic of the capacities, interests and cohesiveness of communities and national institutions. \\n An assessment of local market conditions. \\n The dynamics of eligible and non-eligible armed groups \u2013 their leadership, internal dynamics, command and control, linkages with elites and external support.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.3 Assessments", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 77, + "Paragraph": "Importantly, the privileging of some geographic areas for CVR over others may result in disputes that should be anticipated and accounted for in conflict assessments. While information supplied by security and intelligence units is essential, there is no substitute for grounded diagnostics and mapping by UN field offices, implementing partners and third-party researchers. Assessments can be cross-sectional or ongoing, and should be conducted by national or international experts in partnership with UNCT. Assessments should identify prospective beneficiary groups; assess govern- ment, private and civil society capacities; and review the causes and consequences of organized and interpersonal violence. These assessments are critical for the design of project proposals, setting appropriate benchmarks, and monitoring and evaluation.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.3 Assessments", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 78, + "Paragraph": "The selection of CVR target groups and intervention sites is a political decision that should be taken on the basis of assessments (see section 6.3), and in consultation with national and/or local government authorities. The identification of target groups and locations for CVR should also be informed through: \\n The priorities of the host government and, if in a mission context, the mandate of the mission; and \\n Consultations with UN senior management.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.4 Target groups and locations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 79, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners can, where appropriate, adopt broad categories for target groups that can be applied nationally. In some cases, the selection of target groups is made pragmatically based on a list prepared by a PSC (or equivalent body) and/ or implementing partners. Prospective participants should be vetted locally according to pre-set eligibility criteria. For example, these eligibility criteria may require former affiliation to specific armed groups and/or possession of modern or artisanal weapons (see section 4.2).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.4 Target groups and locations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 80, + "Paragraph": "Clear criteria for who is included and excluded from CVR programmes should be carefully communicated in order to avoid unnecessarily inflating expectations and generating tension. One means of doing this is to prepare a glossary with specific selection criteria that can be shared with implementing partners and PSCs. In all cases, DDR practitioners shall ensure that women and girls are adequately represented in the iden- tification of priorities and implementation strategies, by making sure that: \\n Assessments include separate focus group discussions for women, led by female facilitators. \\n Women\u2019s groups are engaged in the consultative process and as implementing partners. \\n The PAC/PRC (or equivalent entity) is 30% female. \\n A minimum of 30% of CVR projects within the broader CVR programme directly benefit women\u2019s safety and security issues. \\n The entire CVR programme integrates and leverages opportunities for women\u2019s leadership and gender equality. \\n Staffing of CVR projects includes female employees.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.4 Target groups and locations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 81, + "Paragraph": "Additional target groups, assessed as having the potential to either amplify or undermine broader security and stability efforts in general, or DDR in particular, may be identified on a case-by-case basis. For example, CVR may be expanded to include newly displaced populations \u2013 refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) \u2013 that are at risk of mobilization into armed groups or that may unintentionally generate flashpoints for community violence. There may also be possibilities to extend CVR programmes to particular geographic areas and population groups susceptible to out- breaks of violence and/or experiencing concentrated disadvantage. The flexibility to adapt CVR to target groups that may disrupt and impede the DDR process is critical.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.4 Target groups and locations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 82, + "Paragraph": "There is tremendous heterogeneity in the types of CVR projects that are implemented as part of CVR programmes, both within and between countries. However, there are also commonalities. All CVR programmes generate interactions with state authorities and/ or stimulate inter- and intra-community dialogue. These communication exchanges not only help to ensure better identification of the types of CVR projects to support, but they can also contribute to the more effective design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of CVR. DDR/CVR partners should be aware that some prospective im- plementing partners shall require support in preparing project proposals. Appropriate support mechanisms should be introduced in advance to offer support in relation to proposal writing and reporting processes so as to avoid major delays.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.5 Types of projects", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 83, + "Paragraph": "A wide array of technical sectors are included in CVR interventions. These include commercial-based projects (e.g., grocery retail, bakeries, tailors, mechanics, salons, agri- cultural production, livestock and animal husbandry activities), social projects (e.g. the construction and maintenance of youth centres, civic education, community reconcilia- tion), infrastructure initiatives (e.g., the construction of roads, bridges, clinics, schools and other labour-based activities involving training, apprenticeship and paid work for ex-com- batants and at-risk groups), security and corrections measures (e.g., community-oriented policing, lighting systems, prevention of gender-based violence and corporal punishment), and weapons and ammunition management activities (e.g., collection, storage, manage- ment and destruction). Table 5 below provides a summary of possible CVR projects.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.5 Types of projects", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 84, + "Paragraph": "The selection of CVR projects shall be informed by political, climatic and demograph- ic factors as well as the merits of individual project proposals. PSCs and PAC/PRCs (or equivalent entities) may prioritize CVR projects according to the stage of the peace pro- cess (e.g., contingent on the short-term emergency to medium-term recovery needs), geo- graphic location (e.g., water wells and animal husbandry in dry climates and information and communications technology (ICT) training and business apprenticeships in urban settings) and social and identity-related dynamics (e.g., projects tailored to specific reli- gious or ethnic groups). The sequencing and timing of financial support for CVR projects should not be arbitrary, but should account for the specific types of projects approved. For example, financing for agricultural projects may require more rapid disbursement (in line with seasonal imperatives) than other initiatives. It is also critical that implementing part- ners are equipped with the appropriate technical capacities to meet project timelines \u2013 the lack of engineering support, for example, can generate delays and hinder maintenance. DDR practitioners should prioritize project development and financing accordingly.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.5 Types of projects", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 85, + "Paragraph": "Precisely because CVR is short-to-medium-term, selected projects should also in- clude a basic sustainability plan, including realistic commitments for monitoring and evaluation and details on when and how CVR activities will be handed over in full to the national government (see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation). Clear provi- sions for these activities should be included (and resources appropriately allocated) in final contracts. Implementing partner contracts should include clauses that specify the maintenance and management of specific assets, together with direction on how the initiative will be sustained after funding comes to an end. Likewise, contracts should specify the requirement to collect minimum qualitative and quantitative information on CVR project outcomes and impacts. Where implementing partners lack such capac- ities or where supplementary training may not be sufficient, DDR practitioners should explore opportunities to facilitate such activities with third parties.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.5 Types of projects", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 86, + "Paragraph": "CVR programmes should adopt a graduated approach to implementation. In many cases, it is advisable to start CVR initiatives with an experimental pilot phase of 6\u20138 months. Pilot projects are useful to assess local capacities, identify prospective part- ners and test out community receptivity. An incremental approach may help DDR practitioners sharpen their overall objectives and theories of change, while gradually building up strategic partnerships across government, host communities and interna- tional agencies that are essential for longer-term success. There are potentially strong demonstration effects from successful projects, and these should be advertised where possible.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.6 Partnerships and implementation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 87, + "Paragraph": "Delays in CVR implementation \u2013 particularly in relation to project selection and project disbursements \u2013 may undermine the credibility of the intervention and gen- erate risks for personnel. Bottlenecks are routine, yet in many cases avoidable. DDR practitioners, implementing partners and PSCs (or equivalent entities) shall set real- istic timelines, manage expectations and ensure regular communication with project beneficiaries. DDR practitioners may also elect to introduce administrative procedures to speed up decision-making on project selection, reduce the number of tranches for projects and prioritize initiatives that are subject to seasonal effects (e.g., planting, har- vest, transhumance, insect-born disease), climatic factors (e.g., rainfall, flooding and droughts), and calendar years (e.g., schooling and holidays).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.6 Partnerships and implementation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 88, + "Paragraph": "CVR projects should ensure a high degree of oversight and support to benefi- ciaries. Effective CVR is often a function of the quality of field personnel \u2013 including implementing partners \u2013 and their ability to apply a high degree of emotional intelli- gence. Experienced DDR practitioners should have a demonstrated ability to engage with complex social and cultural norms and their intersecting gender dynamics in order to build trust with beneficiaries and affected communities. This engagement frequently requires a minimum competence in the local language(s) together with a developed capacity to empathize and communicate. DDR field practitioners should have the discretion and autonomy to craft inter-agency partnerships, rapidly solve problems in volatile settings, and innovate in moments of crisis.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.6 Partnerships and implementation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 89, + "Paragraph": "CVR shall involve an array implementing partners and a variety of coordinat- ing mechanisms. The nature of these partnerships and coordination mechanisms shall depend on the national and local context, the extent of capacities on the ground and the resources available. CVR coordination and partnerships should be devolved as much as possible to the local level, and bureaucratic and administrative procedures should be kept to an acceptable minimum. Decisions on the particular form and content of part- nerships and coordination will be informed by the CVR mandate; the peace agreement (if one has been signed); government, donor, and mission and UNCT capacities; and local dynamics on the ground. Partners and coordinating mechanisms may change over time.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.6 Partnerships and implementation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 90, + "Paragraph": "There is no fixed or standard timeframe for CVR. The length of CVR projects varies according to the nature of the context, including the funding source \u2013 whether an assessed budget, a dedicated trust fund, a voluntary contribution or some combination of these options. Specific CVR projects in mission contexts will be no more than one year, whereas this timeframe may be longer in non-mission contexts, particularly when it forms a single programme with reintegration support. Setting a temporal threshold is important to set expectations and to avoid an indefinite continuation of CVR projects. DDR practitioners should also set aside adequate time to undertake due diligence of partners, organize partnership modalities, transfer grants, monitor and evaluate inter- ventions, and communicate results.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.7 Timeframes and budgeting", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 91, + "Paragraph": "There are economies of scale that are associated with CVR. Specifically, there are advantages in investing in larger CVR projects with wider caseloads from capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX) perspectives. Specifically, the initial CAPEX in CVR \u2013 in personnel, transportation, logistics and large project outlays \u2013 can be high. This is because many CVR interventions are frequently pursued in challenging environments: large public works projects often require complex engi- neering support. The marginal OPEX implications of adding additional beneficiaries is comparatively low. CVR may at times be more cost-effective as the size of the caseload grows. There are risks, of course, in that CVR programmes may introduce biases by favouring projects and locations with larger prospective caseloads. In some cases, it may be preferable to explore mobile CVR teams for modest-sized target groups in hard-to-reach areas.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.7 Timeframes and budgeting", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 92, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should design a robust communications and sensitization plan to reach prospective and actual beneficiaries. The plan should be informed by the baseline assessment (see section 6.3) and by an assessment of how people take up information and what outlets and means are considered most legitimate. These assessments should be adjusted as conditions change on the ground. Outreach can be facilitated by UN rep- resentatives, implementing partners, PSCs (or equivalent entities) and project benefi- ciaries themselves. Public information and sensitization campaigns shall explain CVR objectives, project selection criteria and the timelines involved. The goal is to strengthen the self-selection of prospective participants while also shaping the expectations of in- dividuals and communities. All communications, education and outreach campaigns and activities should be gender-responsive so as to reach women and girls and men and boys. Communications should also be gender-transformative and inclusive. This entails having a balance of voices and visual representations of men, women, boys, girls, minorities and other vulnerable groups, and their active involvement in leader- ship and implementation of outreach and education activities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.8 Communication", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 93, + "Paragraph": "The communications plan for a CVR programme should have clearly identified objectives, core stakeholder groups and expected results. Such plans can be delivered through television, radio, print outlets, social media, direct SMS outreach and other platforms. Ensuring a minimum level of transparency in CVR measures is critical in order to manage stakeholder expectations, be they government counterparts, international and national partners, or beneficiaries. CVR communications activities in mission and non-mission settings should be aligned to wider UN security, stability and devel- opment priorities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.8 Communication", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + }, + { + "ID": 94, + "Paragraph": "The communications plan can be administered in mission and country office settings through, where appropriate, a public sensitization and outreach (PSO) unit or equivalent body. All plans shall be clear about the intended primary and intermediate audiences, the languages being used, the underlying behavioural shifts that are expected (theory of change), the particular approaches to addressing the needs of women and girls as well as the protection of children, the most appropriate methods and modes for delivering sensitization material, the training measures for staff and communicators, and the expected indicators to track outputs and outcomes. Communications strate- gies should support positive gender norms and the positive roles played by men and women.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Community Violence Reduction", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "6. CVR programming", + "Heading2": "6.8 Communication", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.30 Community Violence Reduction" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace.json b/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4cd043b --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/2 Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS/2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace.json @@ -0,0 +1,1164 @@ +[ + { + "ID": 0, + "Paragraph": "The reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups is a long-term process with social, economic and political dimensions. It may be influenced by factors such as the choices and capacities of individuals to shape a new life, the security situation and perceptions of security, family and support networks, and the psychological well-being and mental health of ex-combatants and the wider community. Reintegration processes are part of the development of a country. Facilitating reintegration is therefore primarily the responsibility of national Governments and their institutions, with the international community playing a supporting role if requested.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 1, + "Paragraph": "Efforts to support the transition of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups into civilian life have typically taken place as part of post-conflict DDR programmes. During DDR programmes assistance is often given collectively, to large numbers of DDR participants and beneficiaries, as part of the implementation of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). However, when the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, reintegration support can still play an important role in sustaining peace. The twin UN resolutions on the 2015 peacebuilding architecture review, General Assembly resolution 70/262 and Security Council resolution 2282, recognize that efforts to sustain peace are necessary at all stages of conflict. This renewed UN policy engagement emerges from the need to address ongoing armed conflicts that are often protracted and complex. In these settings, individuals may exit armed forces and groups during all phases of an armed conflict. This type of exit will often be individual and can take different forms, including voluntary exit or capture.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 2, + "Paragraph": "In order to support and strengthen the foundation for sustainable peace, the reintegration of ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should not only be supported after an armed conflict has ended. Instead, reintegration support should be considered at all times, even in the absence of a DDR programme. This support may include the provision of assistance to those who return to peaceful areas of the conflict-affected country, and to those who return to peaceful countries of origin, in the case of foreign fighters.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 3, + "Paragraph": "When reintegration support is provided during ongoing conflict, it should aim to strengthen resilience against re-recruitment and also to prevent additional first-time recruitment. To do this it is important to strengthen what still works, including the residual capacities for peace that people and communities draw on in times of conflict. The strengthening of peace capacities can be based on the identification of the reasons why some individuals do not join armed groups, and why some combatants leave armed groups and turn away from armed violence.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 4, + "Paragraph": "There will be additional challenges when supporting reintegration during ongoing conflict. Support to reintegration as part of sustaining peace requires analysis of the intended and unintended outcomes precipitated by engagement in dynamic, conflict-affected environments. DDR practitioners and others involved in the provision of reintegration support should understand how engagement in such contexts has implications for social relations/dynamics \u2013 positive and negative \u2013 so as to \u2018do no harm\u2019 and, in fact, \u2018do good\u2019. It should also be recognized that the risk of doing harm is greater in ongoing conflict contexts, thereby demanding a higher level of coordination among existing and planned programmes to avoid the possibility that they may negatively affect each other. In order to support the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, reintegration programme coordination should extend to broader programmes and actors.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 5, + "Paragraph": "This module explains the shift introduced by IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR concerning reintegration support to ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. Reintegration support has long been presented as a component of post-conflict DDR programmes, i.e., DDR programmes supported when the following preconditions are in place: \\n The signing of a negotiated ceasefire and/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; \\n Trust in the peace process; \\n Willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and \\n A minimum guarantee of security.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 6, + "Paragraph": "The revised UN Approach to DDR recognizes the need to provide reintegration support even when the above preconditions are not in place. The aim of this support is to assist the sustainable reintegration of those who have left armed forces and groups even before peace agreements are negotiated and signed, responding to opportunities as well as humanitarian, developmental and security imperatives.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 7, + "Paragraph": "The objectives of this module are to: \\n Explain the implications of the UN\u2019s sustaining peace approach for reintegration support. \\n Provide policy guidance on how to address reintegration challenges and realize reintegration opportunities across the peace continuum. \\n Consider the general issues concerning reintegration support in contexts where the preconditions for DDR programmes are not in place.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 8, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners involved in outlining and negotiating the content of reintegration support with Governments and other stakeholders are invited to consult IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration for specific programmatic guidance on the various ways to support reintegration. Options and considerations for reintegration support to specific needs groups can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR. Finally, as reintegration support may involve a broad array of practitioners (including but not limited to \u2018DDR practitioners\u2019), when appropriate, this module refers to DDR practitioners and others involved in the planning, implementation and management of reintegration support.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 9, + "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 10, + "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a)\u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b)\u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c)\u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d)\u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and \\n e)\u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 11, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration is the process by which ex-combatants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. Reintegration is essentially a social and economic process with an open time frame, primarily taking place in communities at the local level. It is part of the general development of a country and a national responsibility and often necessitates long-term external assistance.\\nRecognizing new developments in the reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups since the release of the 2005 note on administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of UN peacekeeping operations (A/C.5/59/31), the third report of the Secretary-General on DDR (A/65/741), issued in 2011, includes revised policy and guidance. It observes that, \u201cin most countries, economic aspects, while central, are not sufficient for the sustainable reintegration of ex-combatants. Serious consideration of the social and political aspects of reintegration\u2026is [also] crucial for the sustainability and success of reintegration programmes\u201d, including psychosocial and psychological support, clinical mental health care and medical health support, as well as reconciliation, access to justice/transitional justice and participation in political processes. Additionally, the report emphasizes that while \u201creintegration programmes supported by the United Nations are time-bound by nature\u2026the reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups is a long-term process that takes place at the individual, community, national and regional levels, and is dependent upon wider recovery and development.\u201d", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 12, + "Paragraph": "Sustaining peace approach: UN General Assembly resolution 70/262 and UN Security Council resolution 2282 on sustaining peace outline a new approach for peacebuilding. These twin resolutions demonstrate the commitment of Member States to strengthening the United Nations\u2019 ability to prevent the \u201coutbreak, escalation, continuation and recurrence of [violent] conflict\u201d, and \u201caddress the root causes and assist parties to conflict to end hostilities\u201d. Sustaining peace should be understood as encompassing not only efforts to prevent relapse into conflict, but also to prevent lapse into conflict in the first place.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 13, + "Paragraph": "Humanitarian-development-peace nexus: Humanitarian, development and peace actions are linked. The nexus approach refers to the aim of strengthening collaboration, coherence and complementarity. The approach seeks to capitalize on the comparative advantages of each sector \u2013 to the extent that they are relevant in a specific context \u2013 in order to reduce overall vulnerability and the number of unmet needs, strengthen risk management capacities and address the root causes of conflict.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 14, + "Paragraph": "Resilience: Resilience refers to the ability to adapt, rebound, and strengthen functioning in the face of violence, extreme adversity or risk. For the purposes of the IDDRS, with a particular focus on reintegration processes, it refers to the ability of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups to withstand, resist and overcome the violence and potentially traumatic events experienced in an armed force or group when coping with the social and environmental pressures typical of conflict and post-conflict settings and beyond. The acquisition of social skills, emotional development, academic achievement, psychological well-being, self-esteem, coping mechanisms and attitudes when faced with stress and recovery from potentially traumatic events are all factors associated with resilience.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 15, + "Paragraph": "Vulnerability: In the IDDRS, vulnerability is a result of exposure to risk factors, and of underlying socio-economic processes which reduce the capacity of populations to cope with risks. In the context of reintegration, vulnerability therefore refers to those factors that increase the likelihood that ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups will be affected by violence, resort to it, or be drawn into groups that perpetrate it.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 16, + "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to reintegration:", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 17, + "Paragraph": "Participation in a reintegration programme as part of a DDR process shall be voluntary.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.1 Voluntary", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 18, + "Paragraph": "When there is a DDR programme, eligibility shall be defined within a national DDR programme document. Different groups of those eligible will participate in each component of the DDR programme: combatants and persons associated with armed groups carrying weapons and ammunition shall participate in disarmament. In addition to these groups, all other unarmed individuals considered members of an armed force or group shall participate in demobilization. Reintegration support should be provided not only to ex-combatants, but also to persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, including women and children among these categories, and, where appropriate, dependants and host community members. When the preconditions for a DDR programme are not present, or when combatants are ineligible to participate in DDR programmes, eligibility for reintegration support shall be decided by relevant national and local authorities, with support, where appropriate, from relevant UN mission entities as well as UN agencies, programmes and funds. Eligibility for reintegration support in such cases should also take into account ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, including women, and, where appropriate, dependants and host community members. Children associated or formerly associated with armed groups should always be encouraged to participate in DDR processes with no eligibility limitations.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "3.2.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 19, + "Paragraph": "Children who were recruited by armed groups may have experienced significant harm and have specific needs. Furthermore, children who joined or supported armed forces or groups may have done so under duress, coercion or manipulation. For many children and youth who have been associated with armed forces or groups, the focus should be on reintegration and highlighting their self-worth and their ability to contribute to society, as well as offering alternatives to participation in armed groups in the form of training and education. At the same time, opportunities should be provided to other children and youth in the area, so as not to create tension or stigma. The following principles regarding reintegration support to children and youth apply: \\n Children shall be treated as children and, if they have been associated with armed forces or groups, as survivors of violations of their rights. They shall always be referred to as children. \\n In any decision that affects children, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. International legal standards pertaining to children shall be applied. \\n States shall engage children\u2019s families to support rehabilitation and reintegration.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 20, + "Paragraph": "Efforts shall be made to ensure that serious violations of human rights and humanitarian law by ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups are dealt with through appropriate national and international legal and/or transitional justice mechanisms (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR and IDDRS 6.20 on Transitional Justice and DDR). Mechanisms shall also be designed and included in reintegration programmes to prevent those who have committed violations of human rights from going unpunished. In addition, where appropriate, community-based reintegration programmes shall explore opportunities to contribute to reparations for victims.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 21, + "Paragraph": "Non-discrimination and fair and equitable treatment of participants and beneficiaries are core principles of the UN\u2019s involvement in reintegration support. Differences exist among the people who benefit from reintegration support \u2013 which include, but are not limited to, sex, age, class, religion, gender identity, and physical, intellectual, psychosocial and social capacities \u2013 all of which require specific responses. Reintegration support shall therefore be based on the thorough profiling of ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, as well as assessments of the social, economic, political and cultural contexts into which they are reintegrated, in order to support specific needs. In general, individual reintegration support shall shift focus from uniform entitlements provided to individuals with the status of ex-combatants or persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. Instead, reintegration support shall aim to fulfil specific needs and harness individual capacities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.3 Gender-responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 22, + "Paragraph": "Gender refers to the socially constructed attributes and opportunities associated with being male or female and the relationships between and among women, men, girls and boys, in a certain sociocultural context (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Gender-responsive reintegration programmes shall be planned, implemented, monitored and evaluated in a manner that meets the different needs of female and male ex-combatants, supporters and dependents. Understanding and addressing gender always requires careful analysis, looking into the responsibilities, activities, interests and priorities of women and men, and how their experiences of problems may differ. Planning for reintegration support shall therefore be based on sex- disaggregated data so that reintegration programmes can identify the specific needs and potential of women, men, boys and girls. These needs may include, among others, access to land, childcare facilities, property and livelihoods, resources and rehabilitation following sexual violence, and support to overcome socialization to violence and substance abuse.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.3 Gender-responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 23, + "Paragraph": "In some cases, women may have \u2018self-demobilized\u2019 or been excluded from DDR programmes by military commanders (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). When this happens, and if women so choose, efforts should be made to provide them with access to the reintegration programme. Female- specific reintegration programmes may also be created to address these women.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.3 Gender-responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 24, + "Paragraph": "In order to implement gender-responsive reintegration programmes, UN and Government programme staff, implementing partners and other stakeholders should receive training in gender- sensitive approaches and good practices, as well as other capacity-building support.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.3 Gender-responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 25, + "Paragraph": "Gender-sensitivity requires that the monitoring and evaluation framework for reintegration support shall include gender-related indicators and specific assessments on gender. Reintegration programmes shall ensure specific funding for such initiatives and shall work to monitor and evaluate their gender appropriateness.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.3 Gender-responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 26, + "Paragraph": "A conflict-sensitive approach involves ensuring a sound understanding of the two-way interaction between activities and context, and acting to minimize the negative impacts and maximize the positive impacts of intervention on conflict, within an organization\u2019s given mandate. The first principle that is usually applied in a conflict-sensitive approach is do no harm; however, conflict sensitivity goes beyond this. To do no harm and to support local capacities for peace requires: \\n An awareness of both the intended and unintended consequences of reintegration programming; \\n Analysis of the conflict context and the programme, examining how reintegration support interacts with the conflict; \\n A willingness to adapt, create options and, if needed, redesign programmes to improve quality; \\n Careful reflection on staff conduct and organizational policies, to ensure that the behaviour of individuals and organizations meets the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.4 Conflict sensitive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 27, + "Paragraph": "Conflict analysis and risk mitigation measures shall be applied as key components of a conflict sensitivity approach, as well as integrated into monitoring and evaluation processes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.4 Conflict sensitive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 28, + "Paragraph": "Planning for the effective and sustainable reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups shall be based, among other aspects, on a comprehensive understanding of the local context. In settings where there is no ceasefire and/or peace agreement, the ex-combatant status of those who \u2018self-demobilize\u2019 may be unclear. Where feasible, DDR practitioners should work to clarify the status of ex-combatants through the establishment of a clear framework. However, where this is not feasible, the status of ex-combatants must still be analysed, at the programme level, in order to ensure that reintegration support is not provided to individuals who are active members of armed groups.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.5 Context specific", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 29, + "Paragraph": "To respond to contextual changes and remain relevant, reintegration support shall be designed in a way that allows for adaptability. While the design of a reintegration programme is based on initial assessments, it is also important to note that many contextual factors will change significantly during the course of the programme, such as the wishes and ambitions of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, the labour market, the capacities of service providers, the capacities of different Government bodies, and the agendas of political parties and leaders in power. Furthermore, new or broader recovery plans may be designed during the time frame of the reintegration programme, to which the latter should be linked.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.6 Flexible", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 30, + "Paragraph": "The need for flexibility will be particularly acute in ongoing conflict settings where the risks of doing harm, including inadvertently fuelling recruitment to active armed groups, must be carefully assessed. A flexible approach should allow for the early identification of these risks and the development of risk mitigation strategies.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.6 Flexible", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 31, + "Paragraph": "It is important to note that, despite the benefits of a flexible approach, providing ad hoc reintegration support can be problematic. One of the challenges is to provide clarity to ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and broader communities early on about the reintegration support to be provided and the benefits and eligibility criteria involved, while on the other hand maintaining sufficient flexibility in the programme to be able to respond to changing needs and circumstances.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.6 Flexible", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 32, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration support shall be based on the principles of accountability and transparency. Public information and communications strategies and policies shall therefore be drawn up and implemented as early as possible. Public information allows affected participants and beneficiary groups to receive accurate information on the principles and procedures of reintegration support. Efforts to provide public information and sensitization concerning reintegration efforts may also benefit from collaboration with women\u2019s and men\u2019s organizations to address gender-specific needs (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.7 Accountable and transparent", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 33, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration support measures and expected results shall be reflected in key indicators. Defining indicators in a participatory manner helps to clarify expectations and contributes to a broad consensus on realistic targets. Individuals or organizations responsible for monitoring shall also be agreed upon, as well as how frequently monitoring reports should be produced.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.7 Accountable and transparent", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 34, + "Paragraph": "Relevant entities of the UN system shall remain transparent vis-\u00e0-vis the Government and its institutions in regard to activities and plans in support of reintegration, particularly if not fully agreed upon in advance.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.7 Accountable and transparent", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 35, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration support provided by the UN system shall be based on a partnership with the national authorities and other stakeholders. The primary responsibility for the reintegration strategy and policy, as well as the successful outcome of the programme, rests with national authorities and their local institutions. UN support to reintegration programmes shall include efforts to develop the capacities of receiving communities and local and national authorities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.8 Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 36, + "Paragraph": "UN-supported DDR processes may take place when a recently established Government is still finding a political balance between (remnants of) the previously combating parties, which could include members of the Government itself (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). The national institutions in charge of reintegration support may operate in a fluid political environment, which may include regular changes in institutional set-up and personnel. In these settings, international actors shall not act as substitutes for national authorities in programme management and implementation, but rather, shall put forth all efforts to strengthen those national institutions that are managing reintegration support.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.8 Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 37, + "Paragraph": "The success of reintegration programmes depends on the combined efforts of individuals, families and supporting communities to identify and work towards their own solutions. Reintegration should be led and implemented by community members themselves \u2013 with support from external actors where needed. The community-based approach begins with community sensitization during the earliest phases of the reintegration programme, to gain community inputs and consider the dynamics of the conflict. To the extent possible, all reintegration support should be linked to existing social services and protection networks, while bolstering the capacities of existing systems.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.8 Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 38, + "Paragraph": "Therefore, reintegration programmes shall be designed through an inclusive participatory process involving ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, community representatives, local and national authorities, and non-governmental actors in planning and decision-making from the earliest stages. Buy-in from key members of armed forces and groups shall be a priority of the reintegration programme, and shall be achieved in collaboration with the national Government and other key stakeholders in accordance with UN principles and mandates.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.9 Regionally supported", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 39, + "Paragraph": "In some contexts there may be regional dimensions to reintegration support, such as cross-border flows of small arms and light weapons (SALW); trafficking in natural resources as a source of revenue; cross-border recruitment, including of children; and the repatriation and reintegration of foreign ex-combatants in their countries of origin. The design of a reintegration programme shall therefore consider the regional level in addition to the individual, community and national levels (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.10 Integrated", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 40, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration both influences and is affected by wider recovery, peacebuilding and state transformational processes. Therefore, reintegration programmes shall work collaboratively with other programmes and stakeholders in order to achieve policy coherence, sectoral programme integration, and UN inter-agency cooperation and coordination throughout design and implementation. In addition, the use of technical working groups, donor forums, and rapid response modalities shall be used to further integrate efforts in the area of reintegration support. Relevant line ministries shall also receive appropriate support from reintegration programmes to ensure that the reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups will be sustainable and in alignment with other national and local plans.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.9 Regionally supported", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 41, + "Paragraph": "Planning should consider that the reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups is a long-term process, in some contexts taking several years to be successfully and sustainably completed with family support at the community level. A well-planned reintegration programme shall be based on a comprehensive understanding of the type of armed force and/or group(s) to which the individual belonged, the duration of his or her membership with the armed force and/or armed group(s), as well as the local context and community dynamics. Furthermore, a well-planned reintegration programme requires clear agreement among all stakeholders on the objectives and results of the programme, the establishment of realistic time frames, clear budgetary requirements and human resource needs, and a clearly defined exit strategy.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.11 Well planned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 42, + "Paragraph": "Planning shall be based on existing assessments that include conflict and development analyses, gender analyses, early recovery and/or post-conflict needs assessments, and reintegration-specific assessments. Those involved in the design and negotiation of reintegration support with Government and other relevant stakeholders shall ensure that a results-based monitoring and evaluation framework is developed during the planning phase and that sufficient resources and expertise are allocated for this task at the outset.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.11 Well planned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 43, + "Paragraph": "A well-planned reintegration programme shall assess and respond to the needs of its participants and beneficiaries through gender-specific planning. Planning shall be done in close collaboration with related programmes and initiatives. Although long-term planning is required, it shall still allow for a degree of flexibility (see section 3.6). Those involved in planning for reintegration support shall work in an integrated manner with those planning disarmament and demobilization in order to ensure smooth transitions. DDR practitioners shall not make promises regarding reintegration support during disarmament and demobilization that cannot be delivered upon.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "3. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "3.11 Well planned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 44, + "Paragraph": "The reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups is a long-term process with social, economic, political and security dimensions. It may be influenced by factors such as the choices and capacities of individuals to shape a new life, the security situation and perceptions of security, family and support networks, and the psychological well-being of combatants and the wider community. Reintegration processes are part of the development of a country. Facilitating reintegration is therefore primarily the responsibility of national Governments and their institutions, with the international community playing a supporting role if requested.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "4. Reintegration as part of sustaining peace", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 45, + "Paragraph": "Supporting ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups to sustainably reintegrate into civilian life is seen as the most complex part of the DDR process in both mission and non- mission contexts. Ex-combatants and those formerly associated with armed forces and groups find themselves, willingly or not, separated from command structures and support networks. The conflict-affected communities to which these individuals return are often characterized by weakened governance, lack of social cohesion, damaged economies and insecurity. In some instances, individuals may re-enter societies and communities that are unfamiliar to them, and which have been significantly affected by extended periods of conflict. The acceptance of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups by receiving communities is essential and is linked to perceptions of fair treatment, including towards victims, ex-combatants and other conflict-affected groups.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "4. Reintegration as part of sustaining peace", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 46, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration support can be provided to address different elements of the reintegration process, ranging from socioeconomic challenges to the psychosocial aspects of reintegration. Support can also be provided in order to mitigate destabilizing factors, such as social exclusion and stigmatization, the harmful use of alcohol and drugs and other physical and psychosocial trauma, political disenfranchisement and insecurity. A robust and evidence-based theory of change should underpin the contribution of reintegration support to the overall reduction of armed violence sought by Sustainable Development Goal 16. This will allow those working on reintegration support, across different institutions and with different programming approaches, to identify the collective outcomes that reintegration programmes are aiming to achieve. The various types of reintegration support and the different modalities of its provision are outlined in IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration. It should be noted, however, that the support provided by a reintegration programme should not be expected to match the breadth, depth or duration of individual reintegration processes, nor the longer-term recovery and development process.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "4. Reintegration as part of sustaining peace", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 47, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration support can play an important role in sustaining peace, even when a peace agreement has not yet been negotiated or signed. The twin UN resolutions on the 2015 peacebuilding architecture review, General Assembly resolution 70/262 and Security Council resolution 2282, recognize that efforts to sustain peace are necessary at all stages of conflict. Therefore, in order to support, and strengthen, the foundation for sustainable peace, the reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should not only be supported after an armed conflict has ended. As individuals may leave armed forces and groups during all phases of armed conflict, the need to support them should be considered at all times, even in the absence of a DDR programme. This may mean providing support to those who return to peaceful areas of the conflict-affected country, and to those who return to peaceful countries of origin, in the case of foreign fighters.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "4. Reintegration as part of sustaining peace", + "Heading2": "4.1 The Sustaining Peace Approach", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 48, + "Paragraph": "As part of the sustaining peace approach, support to reintegration should be designed and carried out to contribute to dynamics that aim to prevent future recruitment. In this regard, opportunities should be seized to prevent relapse into armed conflict, including by tackling root causes and understanding peace dynamics. Armed conflict may be the result of a combination of root causes including exclusion, inequality, discrimination and other violations of human rights, including women\u2019s rights. While these challenges cannot be fully addressed through reintegration support, community-based reintegration support that is well integrated into local and national development efforts is likely to contribute to addressing the root causes of conflict and, as such, contribute to sustaining peace. It is also important to strengthen what still works, including the residual capacities for peace that people and communities draw on in times of conflict. Sustaining peace seeks to reclaim the concept of peace in its own right, by acknowledging that the existing capacities for peace, i.e., the structures, attitudes and institutions that sustain peace, should be strengthened not only in situations of conflict, but even in peaceful settings. This strengthening of peace capacities can be based on the identification of the reasons why some individuals do not join armed groups, and why some combatants leave armed groups and turn away from armed violence.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "4. Reintegration as part of sustaining peace", + "Heading2": "4.1 The Sustaining Peace Approach", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 49, + "Paragraph": "Inclusion is also an important part of reintegration support as part of the sustaining peace approach. Exclusion and marginalization, including gender inequalities, are key drivers of violent conflict. Community-owned and -led approaches to reintegration support that are inclusive and integrate a gender perspective, specifically addressing the needs of women, youth, disabled persons, ethnic minorities and indigenous groups have a positive impact on a country\u2019s capacity to manage and avoid conflict, and ultimately on the sustainability of peace processes. Empowering the voices and capacities of women and youth in the planning and design of reintegration programmes contributes to addressing conflict drivers, socioeconomic and gender inequalities, and youth disenchantment. Additionally, given that national-level peace processes are not always possible, opportunities to leverage reintegration support, particularly around social cohesion through local peace processesbetween groups and communities, can be sought through local governance initiatives, such as participatory budgeting and planning.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "4. Reintegration as part of sustaining peace", + "Heading2": "4.1 The Sustaining Peace Approach", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 50, + "Paragraph": "The UN\u2019s sustaining peace approach calls for the breaking of operational silos. The joint analysis, planning and management of ongoing programmes helps to ensure the sustainability of collectively defined reintegration outcomes. This process also serves as an entry point for innovative partnerships and the contextually anchored flexible approaches that are needed. For effective reintegration support as part of sustaining peace, it is essential to draw on capacities across and beyond the UN system in support of local and national authorities. DDR practitioners and others involved in developing and managing this support should recognize that community authorities may be the frontline responders who lay the foundation for peace and development. Innovative financing sources and partnerships should be sought, and funding partners should pay particular attention to increasing, restructuring and prioritizing the financing of reintegration support.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "4. Reintegration as part of sustaining peace", + "Heading2": "4.1 The Sustaining Peace Approach", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 51, + "Paragraph": "In light of the above, reintegration support as part of sustaining peace should focus on: \\n The enhancement of capacities for peace. \\n The adoption of a clear definition of reintegration outcomes within the humanitarian- development-peace nexus, recognizing the strong interconnectedness between and among the three pillars. \\n Efforts to actively break out of institutional silos, eliminating fragmentation and contributing to a comprehensive, coordinated and coherent DDR process. \\n The application of a gender lens to all reintegration support. The rationale is that men and women, boys and girls, have differentiated needs, aspirations, capacities and contributions. \\n The importance of strengthening resilience during reintegration support. Individuals, communities, countries and regions lay the foundations for resilience to stresses and shocks associated with insecure environments through the development of local and national development plans, including national action plans on UN Security Council Resolution 1325. \\n The consistent implementation of monitoring and evaluation across all phases of the peace continuum with a focus on cross-sectoral approaches that emphasize collective programming outcomes. \\n The development of innovative partnerships to achieve reintegration as part of sustaining peace, based on whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches, involving ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups and their families, as well as receiving communities. \\n The engagement of the private sector in the creation of economic opportunities, fostering capacities of local small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as involving international private- sector investment in reintegration opportunities, where appropriate.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "4. Reintegration as part of sustaining peace", + "Heading2": "4.1 The Sustaining Peace Approach", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 52, + "Paragraph": "For reintegration programmes to play their role in sustaining peace effectively, DDR practitioners and others involved in the planning and implementation of reintegration support should ensure that they: \\n Have a shared understanding of the drivers of a specific conflict, as well as the risks faced by individuals who are reintegrating and their receiving communities and countries; \\n Conduct joint analysis and monitoring and evaluation allowing for the development of strategic approaches that can strengthen peace and resilience; \\n Align with the women, peace and security agenda, ensuring that gender considerations are front and centre in reintegration support; \\n Have a shared understanding of the importance of youth in all efforts towards peace and security; \\\n Foster collective ownership by local authorities and other stakeholders that is anchored in local and national development plans \u2013 the international community shall play a supporting role and avoid creating parallel structures; \\n Create the long-term partnerships necessary for sustaining peace through the development of local institutional capacity, adaptive programming that is responsive to the context, and adequate human and financial resources.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "4. Reintegration as part of sustaining peace", + "Heading2": "4.1 The Sustaining Peace Approach", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 53, + "Paragraph": "Additionally, as part of the conflict prevention and peacebuilding agenda, reintegration processes should be linked more deliberately with development programming. For instance, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a universal, multi-stakeholder, multi-sector set of goals adopted by all UN Member States in 2015. The Agenda includes 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) covering poverty, food security, education, health care, justice and peace for which strategies, policies and plans should be developed at the national level and against which progress should be measured. The human and economic cost of armed conflict globally requires all stakeholders to work collaboratively in supporting Member States to achieve the SDGs; with all those concerned with development providing support to prevention agendas through targeted and sustained engagement at the national and regional levels.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "4. Reintegration as part of sustaining peace", + "Heading2": "4.1 The Sustaining Peace Approach", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 54, + "Paragraph": "Efforts to support the transition of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups into civilian life have typically taken place as part of post-conflict DDR programmes. DDR programmes are often \u2018collective\u2019 in that they address groups of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups through a formal and controlled programme, often as part of the implementation of a CPA.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 55, + "Paragraph": "Increasingly, the UN is called upon to address security challenges that arise from situations where comprehensive political settlements are lacking and the preconditions for DDR programmes are not present. When conflict is ongoing, exit from armed groups is often individual and can take different forms. Those who are captured or who voluntarily leave armed groups will likely fall under the custody of authorities, such as the regular armed forces or law enforcement officials. In some contexts, however, those leaving armed groups may find their way back into communities without falling into the custody of authorities. This is often the case for female ex-combatants and women formerly associated with armed forces and groups who escape \u2018invisibly\u2019 and who may be difficult to identify and reach for support. Community-based reintegration programmes aiming to support these groupsshould be based on credible information, verified through an agreed-upon mechanism that includes key actors. Local peace and development committees may play an important role in prioritizing and identifying these women.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 56, + "Paragraph": "In addition, in contexts where the preconditions for DDR programmes are not in place, DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction (CVR) and transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM) have been used along with support to mediation and transitional security measures (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR, IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction and IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management). Where appropriate, early elements of reintegration support can be part of CVR programming, such as different types of employment and livelihoods support, improvement of the capacities of vulnerable communities to absorb returning ex-combatants, and investments in public goods designed to strengthen the social cohesion of communities. Reintegration as part of the sustaining peace approach is not only an integral part of DDR programmes. It also follows security sector reform (SSR) where armed forces or the police are rightsized; complements DDR-related tools, such as CVR, through sustainable measures; or is provided to persons formerly associated with armed groups designated as terrorist organizations by the United Nations Security Council.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 57, + "Paragraph": "The increased complexity of the political and socioeconomic settings in which most reintegration support is provided does not necessarily imply that the support provided must also become more complicated. DDR practitioners and others involved in planning, managing and funding the support programme should be knowledgeable about the context and its dynamics, but also be able to prioritize the critical elements of the response. In addition to prioritization, effective support requires reliable and dedicated funding for these priority activities. It may also be important to lower (often inflated) expectations, and be realistic, about what reintegration support can deliver.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 58, + "Paragraph": "Support to reintegration as part of sustaining peace requires analysis of the intended and unintended outcomes precipitated by engagement in dynamic, conflict-affected environments. DDR practitioners and all those involved in the provision of reintegration support should understand how engagement in such contexts has implications for social relations/dynamics \u2013 positive and negative \u2013 so as to do no harm and, in fact, do good. In order to support the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, reintegration programme coordination should extend to broader programmes and actors. It should also be recognized that the risk of doing harm is greater in ongoing conflict contexts, which demand greater coordination among existing, and planned, programmes to avoid the possibility that they may negatively affect each other.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 59, + "Paragraph": "Depending on the context and conflict analysis developed, DDR practitioners and others involved in the planning and implementation of reintegration support may determine that a potential unintended consequence of working with ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups is the perceived injustice in supporting those who perpetrated violence when others affected by the conflict may feel they are inadequately supported. This should be avoided. One option is community-based approaches. Stigmatization related to programmes that prevent recruitment should also be avoided. Participants in these programmes could be seen as having the potential to become violent perpetrators, a stigma that could be particularly harmful to youth.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 60, + "Paragraph": "In addition to programmed support, there are numerous non-programmatic factors that can have a major impact on whether or not reintegration is successful. Some of the key non-programmatic factors are: \\n Acceptance in the community/society; \\n The general security situation/perception of the security situation; \\n The economic environment and associated opportunities; \\n The availability of relevant basic and social services; \\n The protection of land rights and other property rights.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 61, + "Paragraph": "In conflict settings these non-programmatic factors may be particularly fluid and difficult to both analyse and adapt to. The security situation may not allow for reintegration support to take place in all areas. The economy may also be severely affected by the ongoing conflict. Receiving communities may also be particularly reluctant to accept returning ex-combatants during ongoing conflict as they can, for example, constitute a security risk to the community. Influencing these non-programmatic factors requires a broad structural approach. Providing an enabling environment and facilitating access to opportunities outside the reintegration programme may be as important for reintegration processes as the reintegration support provided through the programme. In addition, in most instances it is important to establish practical linkages with existing employment creation programmes, business development services, psychosocial and mental health support referral systems, disability support networks and other relevant services. The implications of these non- programmatic factors could be different for men and women, especially in contexts where insecurity is high and the economy is depressed. Social networks and connections between different members and levels of society may provide these groups with the resilience and coping mechanisms necessary to navigate their reintegration process.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 62, + "Paragraph": "Strengthening resilience is one of the most important aspects of supporting reintegration during ongoing conflict. Resilience refers to the ability to adapt, rebound and strengthen functioning in the face of violence, extreme adversity and risk. For ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, it is related to the ability to withstand, resist and overcome the violence and potentially traumatic events experienced during armed conflict when coping with social and environmental pressures. Resilience also refers to the capacity to withstand the pressure to rejoin a former armed group or to join a new armed group or other type of criminal organization. Community resilience can also be enhanced by reintegration support, such as when this support enhances the capacity of communities to absorb ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.1 Resilience as a basis for reintegration", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 63, + "Paragraph": "The acquisition of social skills, emotional development, academic achievement, psychological well- being, self-esteem, coping mechanisms and attitudes when faced with stress and recovery from trauma, including sexual violence, are all factors of resilience. Reintegration support should therefore consider the impact of different resilience and vulnerability factors relevant for reintegration at the individual, family, community and institutional levels (see Figure 1).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.1 Resilience as a basis for reintegration", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 64, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration support calls for a twin approach in fostering not only \u2018negative peace\u2019 \u2013 as in mitigation strategies \u2013 but also \u2018positive peace\u2019, by addressing the root causes of armed conflict as they manifest at the local level and strengthening peace capacities at various levels. Understood in this way, reintegration support can contribute to the prevention of armed conflict, helping to address some of the structural issues that create or fuel the risks of conflict escalation and recurrence.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 65, + "Paragraph": "For instance, by accounting for aspects related to mental health and psychosocial support, reintegration programmes can assist in building the necessary pillars needed for a \u2018positive peace\u2019 to develop. If these issues are left unaddressed, individuals may turn to negative coping mechanisms. Conflict may also lead to negative social patterns that increase the likelihood of widespread criminality and the victimization of certain groups. These negative patterns may also serve to increase vulnerability to involvement in armed groups and other criminal behaviour. The specific needs of women and girls formerly associated with armed forces and groups also need to be addressed, including preventing and addressing sexual and gender-based violence.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 66, + "Paragraph": "Second, while some reintegration support measures focus on education, vocational skills training and income-generating opportunities, they may help to prevent conflict if aligned with and supportive of the absorption capacities of receiving communities. Situated within the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, approaches to reintegration support shall be sensitive to the fact that populations in fragile situations and subjected to protracted conflict experience diverse needs simultaneously \u2013 be they humanitarian, security-related or developmental. As a result, reintegration support may only play an effective role in conflict prevention when these needs are acknowledged and addressed comprehensively. Thus, reintegration programmes can help to prevent conflict only when they account for: \\n The motivations of individuals to engage in and leave armed groups; \\n The criminogenic, or crime-inducing, risks present in the context that may impede sustained reintegration and increase vulnerability to involvement in armed groups and other criminal behaviour; \\n Local needs and existing capacities; \\n The strengthened resilience of individuals, families, communities and institutions to cope with adversity and to withstand violence and conflict-related pressures.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 67, + "Paragraph": "Linking reintegration programmes to other elements of the DDR process strengthens their conflict prevention potential. Reintegration programmes should to the extent possible be combined and coordinated with mediation efforts, confidence-building measures and broader conflict resolution and peacebuilding.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 68, + "Paragraph": "From a conflict sensitivity angle, it is important to note that reintegration support is sometimes provided later than expected, and that actual levels of support are sometimes lower than foreseen, for example, due to slow political processes, logistical constraints and/or the unavailability (or delay) of financing. It is therefore important to explicitly raise questions about the possible negative impact of waiting for reintegration support on the actual reintegration processes of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. The following questions should be raised as soon as the negotiation and planning of reintegration support begins: \\n Is the reintegration support foreseen realistic? \\n Will the reintegration support be able to meet the various expectations? \\n How will the (expected) reintegration support affect the coping strategies of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups? \\n What are potential negative effects of reintegration support on social dynamics, power dynamics and social equity issues? \\n How can expectations and/or misinformation concerning reintegration support be managed by the relevant Government and UN agencies, for example, through appropriate communication and risk management?", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 69, + "Paragraph": "As part of sustaining peace, reintegration programmes should plan to contribute to dynamics that aim to prevent re-recruitment. The risk of the re-recruitment of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated into armed groups or their engagement in criminal activity is higher where conflict is ongoing, protracted or financed through organized crime, including illicit natural resource exploitation such as mineral mining and poaching. In such war economies, licit and illicit markets may overlap, and criminal networks may constitute an attractive source of income for ex-combatants as well as provide a sense of belonging. Criminal groups could allow ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups to regain or retain a social status after leaving their armed force or group, and may bridge feelings of social dislocation in receiving communities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "5.2.1 Preventing re-recruitment", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 70, + "Paragraph": "The risk of re-recruitment or involvement in criminal activity increases in contexts where reintegration opportunities are limited and where national and local capacity is low. This is the case when ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups return to areas of high insecurity, where formal and informal economies lack diversity and opportunities are limited to unskilled labour, including agriculture. The conditions in these geographical areas should therefore be considered in the design of reintegration support. Collaborating with actors that are able to influence the non-programmatic factors mentioned above can be a first step in supporting those who have decided to settle in these areas.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "5.2.1 Preventing re-recruitment", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 71, + "Paragraph": "Rejoining a former armed group or joining a new one may be a result of the real, or perceived, absence of viable alternatives to armed conflict as a means of subsistence and as an avenue for social integration and political change (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). The reasons why individuals join armed groups are diverse and may include grievances linked to social status, self- defence, a lack of jobs and economic opportunities, exclusion, human rights abuses and other real or perceived injustices. Risk of re-recruitment may therefore be higher in contexts where the causes of the conflict remain unresolved and grievances persist, or where there are no viable alternative livelihoods.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "5.2.1 Preventing re-recruitment", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 72, + "Paragraph": "Community receptivity to returning ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups also impacts the likelihood of return to an armed group. Receptivity is likely to be lower in contexts of ongoing conflict, as returning ex-combatants could constitute a risk to the community. Female ex-combatants, women formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and their children potentially face additional challenges related to community receptivity, including potential stigma that can profoundly impact their ability to reintegrate.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "5.2.1 Preventing re-recruitment", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 73, + "Paragraph": "The length of time an individual has spent in an armed group will also influence his or her ability to adjust to civilian life and the degree to which he or she is able to build social networks and reconnect. In general, the longer an individual spent with an armed group, the more challenging his or her reintegration process is likely to be. Given this reality, the design of reintegration programmes must be based on solid gender analysis and risk management, which could include mentorships, peer learning, institutional learning and relevant institutional and programmatic linkages.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "5.2.1 Preventing re-recruitment", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 74, + "Paragraph": "In settings of ongoing conflict, it is possible that armed groups may splinter and multiply. Some of these armed groups may sign peace agreements while others refuse. Reintegration support to individuals who have exited non-signatory armed groups in ongoing conflict needs to be carefully designed; risk mitigation and adherence to principles such as \u2018do no harm\u2019 shall be ensured. A full DDR programme may in such cases not be the most appropriate response (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Based on conflict analysis and armed group mapping, DDR practitioners should consider direct engagement with armed groups through political negotiations and other DDR- related activities (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR and IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). The risks of such engagement should, of course, be properly assessed in advance, and along the way.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "5.2.2. Entry points and risk mitigation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 75, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners and others involved in designing or managing reintegration assistance should also be aware that as a result of the risks of supporting reintegration in settings of ongoing conflict, combined with a possible lack of national political will, legitimacy of governance and weak capacity, programme funding may be difficult to mobilize. Reintegration programmes should therefore be designed in a transparent and flexible manner, scaled appropriately to offer viable opportunities to ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed groups.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "5.2.2. Entry points and risk mitigation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 76, + "Paragraph": "In line with the shift to peace rather than conflict as the starting point of analysis, programmes should seek to identify positive entry points for supporting reintegration. In ongoing conflict contexts, these entry points could include geographical areas where reintegration is most likely to succeed, such as pockets of peace not affected by military operations or other types of armed violence. These pilot areas could serve as models for other areas to follow. Reintegration support provided as part of a pilot effort would likely set the bar for future assistance and establish expectations for other groups that may need to be met to ensure equity and to avoid negative outcomes.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "5.2.2. Entry points and risk mitigation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 77, + "Paragraph": "Additional entry points for reintegration support in ongoing conflict may be a particular armed group whose members have shown a willingness to leave or are assessed as more likely to reintegrate, or specific reintegration interventions involving local economies and partners that will function as pull factors. Reintegration programmes should consider local champions, known figures to support such efforts from local government, tribal, religious and community leadership, and private and business actors. These actors can be key in generating peace dividends and building the necessary trust and support for the programme.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "5.2.2. Entry points and risk mitigation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 78, + "Paragraph": "For more detail on entry points and risks regarding reintegration support during armed conflict, see section 9 of IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.2 Reintegration support for conflict prevention", + "Heading3": "5.2.2. Entry points and risk mitigation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 79, + "Paragraph": "In the absence of a peace agreement, reintegration support during ongoing conflict may follow amnesty or other legal processes. An amnesty act or special justice law is usually adopted to encourage combatants to lay down weapons and report to authorities; if they do so they usually receive pardon for having joined armed groups or, in the case of common crimes, reduced sentences.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.4 Amnesty and other special justice measures during conflict", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 80, + "Paragraph": "These provisions may also encourage dialogue with armed groups, promote return to communities and support reconciliation through transitional justice and reparations at the community level. Ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups typically receive documentation attesting to the fact that they benefitted from amnesty under these provisions and are free to rejoin their families and communities (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). To ensure that amnesty processes are successful, they should include reintegration support to those reporting to the \u2018Amnesty Commission\u2019 and/or relevant authorities.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.4 Amnesty and other special justice measures during conflict", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 81, + "Paragraph": "Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions encourages States to grant amnesties for mere participation in hostilities as a means of encouraging armed groups to comply with international humanitarian law. It recognizes that amnesties may also help to facilitate peace negotiations or enable a process of reconciliation. However, amnesties should not be granted for war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity and gross violations of human rights (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR and IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice).", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.4 Amnesty and other special justice measures during conflict", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + }, + { + "ID": 82, + "Paragraph": "In summary, the following are key considerations that, in contexts of ongoing conflict, DDR practitioners and others involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of reintegration programmes should take into account: \\n Conflict and context analysis and assessment will be more challenging to undertake than in post- conflict settings and will need to be frequently updated. \\n There will be increased security risks if ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups: \\n\\n are perceived as traitors by active members of their former group, particularly if the group is still operating in the country, across a nearby border or in the community in which the individual would like to return; \\n\\n become involved in providing information to military or security agencies for the planning of counter-insurgency operations; \\n\\n return to communities still affected by armed conflict and/or where armed groups operate. \\n Alongside the need for constructive collaboration with military and security agencies, there will be a need to preserve the independence and impartiality of the reintegration programme in order to avoid the perception that the programme is part of the counter-insurgency strategy. \\n The national stakeholders leading reintegration support could have been \u2013 or may still be \u2013 in conflict with the armed groups to which ex-combatants previously belonged. \\n The use of case management is necessary and could include traditional chiefs or religious leaders (imams, bishops, ministers), and trained and supervised providers of mental health services as community supervision officers where appropriate. \\n It is important to work closely with and develop common reintegration strategies with other women, peace and security actors and prevent violence against women and girls. \\n It is important to work closely with and develop common reintegration strategies with programmes aiming to protect children and support the reintegration of children formerly associated with armed forces and groups. More specifically, there is a need to develop common strategies for the prevention of recruitment for youth at risk.", + "Color": "#008DCA", + "Level": 2, + "LevelName": "Concepts, Policy and Strategy of the IDDRS", + "Title": "Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "5. Reintegration support across the peace continuum", + "Heading2": "5.5 Common challenges in supporting reintegration during conflict", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures.json b/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0fbd18 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures.json @@ -0,0 +1,1122 @@ +[ + { + "ID": 0, + "Paragraph": "Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) are all complex and sensitively linked processes that demand considerable human and financial resources to plan, imple- ment and monitor. Given the many different actors involved in the various stages of DDR, and the fact that its phases are interdependent, integrated planning, effective coordination and coherent reporting arrangements are essential. Past experiences have highlighted the need for the various actors involved in planning and implementing DDR, and monitoring its impacts, to work together in a complementary way that avoids unnecessary duplication of effort or competition for funds and other resources.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 1, + "Paragraph": "This module provides guidelines for improving inter-agency cooperation in the planning of DDR programmes and operations. The module shows how successful implementation can be achieved through an inclusive process of assessment and analysis that provides the basis for the formulation of a comprehensive programme framework and operational plan. This mechanism is known as the \u2018planning cycle\u2019, and originates from both the inte- grated mission planning process (IMPP) and post-conflict United Nations (UN) country team planning mechanisms.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 2, + "Paragraph": "This module outlines a general planning process and framework for providing and struc- turing UN support for national DDR efforts in a peacekeeping environment. This planning process covers the actions carried out by DDR practitioners from the time a conflict or crisis is put on the agenda of the Security Council to the time a peacekeeping mission is formally established by a Security Council resolution, with such a resolution assigning the peace- keeping mission a role in DDR. This module also covers the broader institutional requirements for planning post-mission DDR support. (See IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design for more detailed coverage of the development of DDR programme and implementation frameworks.)", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 3, + "Paragraph": "The planning process and requirements given in this module are intended to serve as a general guide. A number of factors will affect the various planning processes, including: \\n The pace and duration of a peace process: A drawn-out peace process gives the UN, and the international community generally, more time to consult, plan and develop pro- grammes for later implementation (the Sudanese peace process is a good example); \\n Contextual and local realities: The dynamics and consequences of conflict; the attitudes of the actors and other parties associated with it; and post-conflict social, economic and institutional capacities will affect planning for DDR, and have an impact on the strategic orientation of UN support; \\n National capacities for DDR: The extent of pre-existing national and institutional capacities in the conflict-affected country to plan and implement DDR will considerably affect the nature of UN support and, consequently, planning requirements. Planning for DDR in contexts with weak or non-existent national institutions will differ greatly from planning DDR in contexts with stable and effective national institutions; \\n The role of the UN: How the role of the UN is defined in general terms, and for DDR specifically, will depend on the extent of responsibility and direct involvement assumed by national actors, and the UN\u2019s own capacity to complement and support these efforts. This role definition will directly influence the scope and nature of the UN\u2019s engagement in DDR, and hence requirements for planning; \\n Interaction with other international and regional actors: The presence and need to collaborate with international or regional actors (e.g., the European Union, NATO, the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States) with a current or potential role in the management of the conflict will affect the general planning process.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 4, + "Paragraph": "In addition, this module provides guidance on: \\n adapting the DDR planning process to the broader framework of mission and UN country team planning in post-conflict contexts; \\n linking the UN planning process to national DDR planning processes; \\n the chronological stages and sequencing (i.e., the ordering of activities over time) of DDR planning activities; \\n the different aspects and products of the planning process, including its political (peace process and Security Council mandate), programmatic/operational and organizational/ institutional dimensions; \\n the institutional capacities required at both Headquarters and country levels to ensure an efficient and integrated UN planning process.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 5, + "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of the abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards(IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 6, + "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the word \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca)\u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b)\u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c)\u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 7, + "Paragraph": "The ability of the UN to comprehensively and collectively plan its joint response to crisis has evolved considerably over the last decade. Nonetheless, the expansion of complex peacemaking, peacekeeping, humanitarian and peace-building tasks in complex internal conflicts, which often have regional repercussions, continues to demand an even earlier, closer and more structured process of planning among UN entities and partners.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 8, + "Paragraph": "Meeting this demand for more structured planning is essential to delivering better DDR programmes, because DDR is a multisectoral, multi-stakeholder and multi-phase process requiring coordination and adequate links among various post-conflict planning mechanisms. The implementation of DDR programmes often requires difficult compromises and trade-offs among various political, security and development considerations. It also relies very much on establishing an appropriate balance between international involvement and national ownership.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 9, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes have a better chance of success when the DDR planning process starts early (preferably from the beginning of the peace process), builds on the accumulated experience and expertise of local actors, is based on a solid understanding of the conflict (causes, perpetrators, etc.), and deliberately encourages greater unity of effort among UN agencies and their community of partners.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 10, + "Paragraph": "The planning process for the DDR programmes is guided by the principles, key considerations and approaches defined in IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR. Of particular importance are: \\n Unity of effort: The achievement of unity of effort and integration is only possible with an inclusive and sound mission planning process involving all relevant UN agencies, departments, funds and programmes at both the Headquarters and field levels. DDR planning takes place within this broader integrated mission planning process; \\n Integration: The integrated approach to planning tries to develop, to the extent possible: \\n\\n a common framework (i.e., one that everyone involved uses) for developing, man- aging, funding and implementing a UN DDR strategy within the context of a peace mission; \\n\\n an integrated DDR management structure (unit or section), with the participation of staff from participating UN agencies and primary reporting lines to the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) for humanitarian and development affairs. Such an approach should include the co-location of staff, infrastructure and resources, as this allows for increased efficiency and reduced overhead costs, and brings about more responsive planning, implementation and coordination; \\n\\n joint programmes that harness UN country team and mission resources into a single process and results-based approach to putting the DDR strategy into operation and achieving shared objectives; \\n\\n a single framework for managing multiple sources of funding, as well as for co- ordinating funding mechanisms, thus ensuring that resources are used to deal with common priorities and needs; Efficient and effective planning: At the planning stage, a common DDR strategy and work plan should be developed on the basis of joint assessments and evaluation. This should establish a set of operational objectives, activities and expected results that all UN entities involved in DDR will use as the basis for their programming and implemen- tation activities. A common resource mobilization strategy involving all participating UN entities should be established within the integrated DDR framework in order to prevent duplication, and ensure coordination with donors and national authorities, and coherent and efficient planning.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 11, + "Paragraph": "This section discusses integrated DDR planning in the context of planning for integrated UN peace operations, as well as broader peace-building efforts. These processes are currently under review by the UN system. While references are made to the existing integrated mission planning process (IMPP), the various steps that make up the process of integrated DDR planning (from the start of the crisis to the Security Council mandate) apply to whatever planning process the UN system eventually decides upon to guide its mission planning and peace-building support process. Where possible (and before the establishment of the Peace-building Support Office and the review of the IMPP), specific DDR planning issues are linked to the main phases or stages of mission and UN country team planning, to lay the foundations for integrated DDR planning in the UN system.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 12, + "Paragraph": "At the moment, the planning cycle for integrated peace support missions is centred on the interdepartmental mission task force (IMTF) that is established for each mission. This forum includes representatives from all UN departments, agencies, funds and programmes. The IMTF provides an important link between the activities taking place on the ground and the planning cycle at Headquarters.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 13, + "Paragraph": "Because planning time-frames will differ from mission to mission, it is not possible to say how long each phase will take. What is important is the sequence of planning stages, as well as how they correspond to the main stages of transitions from conflict to peace and sustainable development. The diagram below illustrates this:", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 14, + "Paragraph": "During the pre-planning phase of the UN\u2019s involvement in a post-conflict peacekeeping or peace-building context, the identification of an appropriate role for the UN in supporting DDR efforts should be based on timely assessments and analyses of the situation and its requirements. The early identification of potential entry points and strategic options for UN support is essential to ensuring the UN\u2019s capacity to respond efficiently and effectively. Integrated preparatory activities and pre-mission planning are vital to the delivery of that capacity. While there is no section/unit at UN Headquarters with the specific role of coordinating integrated DDR planning at present, many of the following DDR pre-planning tasks can and should be coordinated by the lead planning depart- ment and key operational agencies of the UN country team. Activities that should be included in a preparatory assistance or pre- planning framework include:", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.1. Phase I: Pre-planning and preparatory assistance", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 15, + "Paragraph": "During the pre-planning phase of the UN\u2019s involvement in a post-conflict peacekeeping or peace-building context, the identification of an appropriate role for the UN in supporting DDR efforts should be based on timely assessments and analyses of the situation and its requirements. The early identification of potential entry points and strategic options for UN support is essential to ensuring the UN\u2019s capacity to respond efficiently and effectively. Integrated preparatory activities and pre-mission planning are vital to the delivery of that capacity. While there is no section/unit at UN Headquarters with the specific role of coordinating integrated DDR planning at present, many of the following DDR pre-planning tasks can and should be coordinated by the lead planning department and key operational agencies of the UN country team. Activities that should be included in a preparatory assistance or pre- planning framework include: \\n the development of an initial set of strategic options for or assessments of DDR, and the potential role of the UN in supporting DDR; \\n the provision of DDR technical advice to special envoys, Special Representatives of the Secretary-General or country-level UN staff within the context of peace negotiations or UN mediation; \\n the secondment of DDR specialists or hiring of private DDR consultants (sometimes funded by interested Member States) to assist during the peace process and provide strategic and policy advice to the UN and relevant national parties at country level for planning purposes; \\n the assignment of a UN country team to carry out exploratory DDR assessments and surveys as early as possible. These surveys and assessments include: conflict assess- ment; combatant needs assessments; the identification of reintegration opportunities; and labour and goods markets assessments; \\n assessing the in-country DDR planning and delivery capacity to support any DDR programme that might be set up (both UN and national institutional capacities); \\n contacting key donors and other international stakeholders on DDR issues with the aim of defining priorities and methods for information sharing and collaboration; \\n the early identification of potential key DDR personnel for the integrated DDR unit.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.2. Phase II: Initial technical assessment and concept of operations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 16, + "Paragraph": "Once the UN Security Council has requested the UN Secretary-General to present options for possible further UN involvement in supporting peacekeeping and peace-building in a particular country, planning enters a second stage, focusing on an initial technical assess- ment of the UN role and the preparation of a concept of operations for submission to the Security Council.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.2. Phase II: Initial technical assessment and concept of operations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 17, + "Paragraph": "In most cases, this process will be initiated through a multidimensional technical assess- ment mission fielded by the Secretary-General to develop the UN strategy in a conflict area. In this context, DDR is only one of several components such as political affairs, elections, public information, humanitarian assistance, military, security, civilian police, human rights, rule of law, gender equality, child protection, food security, HIV/AIDS and other health matters, cross-border issues, reconstruction, governance, finance and logistic support.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.2. Phase II: Initial technical assessment and concept of operations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 18, + "Paragraph": "These multidisciplinary technical assessment missions shall integrate inputs from all relevant UN entities (in particular the UN country team), resulting in a joint UN concept of operations. Initial assessments by country-level agencies, together with pre-existing efforts or initiatives, should be used to provide information on which to base the technical assessment for DDR, which itself should be closely linked with other inter-agency processes established to assess immediate post-conflict needs.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.2. Phase II: Initial technical assessment and concept of operations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 19, + "Paragraph": "A well-prepared and well-conducted technical assessment should focus on: \\n the conditions and requirements for DDR; its relation to a peace agreement; \\n an assessment of national capacities; \\n the identification of options for UN support, including strategic objectives and the UN\u2019s operational role; \\n the role of DDR within the broader UN peace-building and mission strategy; \\n the role of UN support in relation to that of other national and international stakeholders.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.2. Phase II: Initial technical assessment and concept of operations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 20, + "Paragraph": "This initial technical assessment should be used as a basis for a more in-depth assessment required for programme design (also see IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design). The results of this assessment should provide inputs to the Secretary-General\u2019s report and any Security Council resolutions and mission mandates that follow (see Annex B for a reference guide on conducting a DDR assessment mission).", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.2. Phase II: Initial technical assessment and concept of operations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 21, + "Paragraph": "The key output of the planning process at this stage should be a recommendation as to whether DDR is the appropriate response for the conflict at hand and whether the UN is well suited to provide support for the DDR programme in the country concerned. This is contained in a report by the Secretary-General to the Security Council, which includes the findings of the technical assessment mission.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.2. Phase II: Initial technical assessment and concept of operations", + "Heading3": "5.2.1. Report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 22, + "Paragraph": "The report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council sometimes contains proposals for the mandate for peace operation. The following points should be considered when pro- viding inputs to the DDR mandate: \\n It shall be consistent with the UN approach to DDR; \\n While it is important to stress the national aspect of the DDR programme, it is also necessary to recognize the immediate need to provide capacity-building support to increase or bring about national ownership, and to recognize the political difficulties that may complicate national ownership in a transitional situation.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.2. Phase II: Initial technical assessment and concept of operations", + "Heading3": "5.2.2. Mission mandate on DDR", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 23, + "Paragraph": "Time-lines for planning and implementation should be realistic. The Security Council, when it establishes a multidimensional UN mission, may assign DDR responsibilities to the UN. This mandate can be either to directly support the national DDR authorities or to implement aspects of the DDR programme, especially when national capacities are lim- ited. What is important to note is that the nature of a DDR mandate, if one is given, may differ from the recommended concept of operations, for political and other reasons.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.2. Phase II: Initial technical assessment and concept of operations", + "Heading3": "5.2.2. Mission mandate on DDR", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 24, + "Paragraph": "The inclusion of DDR as a component of the overall UN integrated mission and peace-building support strategy will require the development of initial strategic objectives for the DDR programme to guide further planning and programme development. DDR practitioners shall be required to identify four key elements to create this framework: \\n the overall strategic objectives of UN engagement in DDR in relation to national pri- orities (see Annex C for an example of how DDR aims may be developed); \\n the key DDR tasks of the UN (see Annex C for related DDR tasks that originate from the strategic objectives); \\n an initial organizational and institutional framework (see IDDRS 3.42 on Personnel and Staffing for the establishment of the integrated DDR unit and IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR); \\n the identification of other national and international stakeholders on DDR and the areas of engagement of each.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.3. Phase III: Development of a strategic and policy framework (strategic planning)", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 25, + "Paragraph": "The policy and strategy framework for UN support for DDR should ideally be developed after the establishment of the mission, and at the same time as its actual deployment. Several key issues should be kept in mind in developing such a framework: \\n To ensure that this framework adequately reflects country realities and needs with respect to DDR, its development should be a joint effort of mission planners (whether Headquarters- or country-based), DDR staff already deployed and the UN country team; \\n Development of the framework should also involve consultations with relevant national counterparts, to ensure that UN engagement is consistent with national planning and frameworks; \\n The framework should be harmonized \u2014 and integrated \u2014 with other UN and national planning frameworks, notably Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) results-based budgeting frameworks, UN work plans and transitional appeals, and post-conflict needs assessment processes.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.3. Phase III: Development of a strategic and policy framework (strategic planning)", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 26, + "Paragraph": "After establishing a strategic objectives and policy framework for UN support for DDR, the UN should start developing a detailed programmatic and operational framework. Refer to IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design for the programme design process and tools to assist in the development of a DDR operational plan.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.4. Phase IV: Development of a programme and operational framework", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 27, + "Paragraph": "The objective of developing a DDR programme and implementation plan is to provide further details on the activities and operational requirements necessary to achieve DDR goals and the strategy identified in the initial planning for DDR. In the context of integrated DDR approaches, DDR programmes also provide a common framework for the implemen- tation and management of joint activities among actors in the UN system.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.4. Phase IV: Development of a programme and operational framework", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 28, + "Paragraph": "In general, the programme design cycle should consist of three main phases: \\n Detailed field assessments: A detailed field assessment builds on the initial technical assess- ment described earlier, and is intended to provide a basis for developing the full DDR programme, as well as the implementation and operational plan. The main issues that should be dealt with in a detailed assessment include: \\n\\n the political, social and economic context and background of the armed conflict; \\n\\n the causes, dynamics and consequences of the armed conflict; \\n\\n the identification of participants, potential partners and others involved; \\n\\n the distribution, availability and proliferation of weapons (primarily small arms and light weapons); \\n\\n the institutional capacities of national stakeholders in areas related to DDR; \\n\\n a survey of socio-economic conditions and the capacity of local communities to absorb ex-combatants and their dependants; \\n\\n preconditions and other factors influencing prospects for DDR; \\n\\n baseline data and performance indicators for programme design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; \\n Detailed programme development and costing of requirements: A DDR \u2018programme\u2019 is a framework that provides an agreed-upon blueprint (i.e., detailed plan) for how DDR will be put into operation in a given context. It also provides the basis for developing operational or implementation plans that provide time-bound information on how individual DDR tasks and activities will be carried out and who will be responsible for doing this. Designing a comprehensive DDR programme is a time- and labour-intensive process that usually takes place after a peacekeeping mission has been authorized and deployment in the field has started. In most cases, the design of a comprehensive UN programme on DDR should be integrated with the design of the national DDR programme and architecture, and linked to the design of programmes in other related sectors as part of the overall transition and recovery plan; \\n Development of an implementation plan: Once a programme has been developed, planning instruments should be developed that will aid practitioners (UN, non-UN and national government) to implement the activities and strategies that have been planned. Depen- ding on the scale and scope of a DDR programme, an implementation or operations plan usually consists of four main elements: implementation methods; time-frame; a detailed work plan; and management arrangements.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.4. Phase IV: Development of a programme and operational framework", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 29, + "Paragraph": "A DDR strategy and plan should remain flexible so as to be able to deal with changing circumstances and demands at the country level, and should possess a capacity to adapt in order to deal with shortcomings and new opportunities. Continuation planning involves a process of periodic reviews, monitoring and real-time evaluations to measure performance and impact during implementation of the DDR programme, as well as revisions to programmatic and operational plans to make adjustments to the actual implementation process. A DDR programme does not end with the exit of the peacekeeping mission. While security may be restored, the broader task of linking the DDR programme to overall development, i.e., the sustainable reintegration of ex-com- batants and long-term stability, remains. It is therefore essential that the departure of the peacekeeping mission is planned with the UN country team as early as possible to ensure that capacities are sufficiently built up in the country team for it to assume the full financial, logistic and human resources responsibilities for the continuation of the longer-term aspects of the DDR programme. A second essential requirement is the building of national capacities to assume full responsibility for the DDR programme, which should begin from the start of the DDR programme.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "5. Situating DDR within UN and national planning in post-conflict contexts", + "Heading2": "5.5. Phase V: Continuation and transition planning", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 30, + "Paragraph": "The objective of an integrated UN approach to DDR in the context of peace operations is to combine the different experiences, competencies and resources of UN funds, programmes, departments and agencies within a common approach and framework for planning and developing DDR programming, and to ensure a consistent and decentralized approach to implementation.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 31, + "Paragraph": "Achieving the above objective requires sound mission planning involving all relevant UN agencies, departments, funds and programmes at both the Headquarters and field levels. The planning of integrated DDR programmes should be coordinated closely with the broader integrated mission planning and design process, and, ideally, should start before the mandate for the mission is adopted.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 32, + "Paragraph": "Within this framework, the following Headquarters- and country-level institutional requirements are needed to ensure an overall integrated approach to developing, implemen- ting and evaluating DDR programming in the country in which is has been implemented.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 33, + "Paragraph": "The establishment of an interdepartmental mission task force (IMTF) provides a framework within which various UN entities should contribute to the coordination and planning of peace operations, and ensures that institutional and field-level capacities and resources work closely and effectively together to achieve the objectives of a particular mission.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning", + "Heading2": "6.1. Planning structures: Headquarters", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 34, + "Paragraph": "An IMTF subgroup on DDR should be established within this framework to ensure an integrated approach to pre-deployment planning at the Headquarters level (i.e., before a field presence has been established). The key planning functions to be covered by the IMTF DDR subgroup should include the design and planning of integrated staffing struc- tures (as far as possible); agreement on common lines of authority for DDR planning, operations and implementation; institutional division of responsibilities; integrated task management organization; the drawing up of an overall budget; and the inclusion of best practices learned from earlier missions. In the pre-deployment phase, the IMTF subgroups should also act as the institutional focal points and links between Headquarters and field operations.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning", + "Heading2": "6.1. Planning structures: Headquarters", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 35, + "Paragraph": "To ensure effective and sustainable involvement of the UN country team in integrated DDR programming, a UN country team DDR task force (headed by the DSRSG) and technical working group should be established to manage and supervise the integrated approach, including providing the resources and staff that have been agreed upon, being involved in key strategic decisions, and ensuring adequate liaison with Headquarters-level bodies and processes. Individual members of the UN country team shall be responsible for ensuring that their respective agencies, funds or programmes fulfil the responsibilities and carry out the roles defined in the integrated DDR strategy.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning", + "Heading2": "6.2. Field DDR planning structures and processes", + "Heading3": "6.2.1. UN country team DDR task force", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 36, + "Paragraph": "Given the involvement of the different components of the mission in DDR or DDR-related activities, a DDR steering group should also be established within the peacekeeping mission to ensure the exchange of information, joint planning and joint operations. The DSRSG should chair such a steering group. The steering group should include, at the very least, the DSRSG (political/rule of law), force commander, police commissioner, chief of civil affairs, chief of political affairs, chief of public information, chief of administration and chief of the DDR unit.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning", + "Heading2": "6.2. Field DDR planning structures and processes", + "Heading3": "6.2.2. Mission DDR steering group", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 37, + "Paragraph": "Given the central role played by the UN country team and Resident Coordinator in coordinating UN activities in the field both before and after peace operations, as well as its continued role after peace operations have come to an end, the UN country team should retain strategic oversight of and responsibility, together with the mission, for putting the integrated DDR approach into operation at the field level.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning", + "Heading2": "6.2. Field DDR planning structures and processes", + "Heading3": "6.2.2. Mission DDR steering group", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 38, + "Paragraph": "An integrated DDR unit should be established within the peacekeeping mission in order to ensure that planning and implementation of the DDR strategy and programmes is com- prehensive and coordinated, and includes all the necessary elements, within the missionand among partners in the field (see Annex C and IDDRS 3.42 on Personnel and Staffing).", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning", + "Heading2": "6.2. Field DDR planning structures and processes", + "Heading3": "6.2.3. Integrated UN DDR unit", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 39, + "Paragraph": "Given the important differences among the administrative and financial procedures of different UN Agencies, Departments, Funds and Programmes, as well as their various implementation methods, it is not possible to achieve complete operational/administrative integration. Instead, the goal should be complete integration at the planning level and in the methods of the various entities involved in the mission to ensure efficient and timely coordination of operations within this framework.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning", + "Heading2": "6.2. Field DDR planning structures and processes", + "Heading3": "6.2.3. Integrated UN DDR unit", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 40, + "Paragraph": "An integrated and centralized mechanism for reporting on DDR programme results should be established to compile, consolidate and distribute information and monitor results from the activities of all the UN entities involved.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning", + "Heading2": "6.2. Field DDR planning structures and processes", + "Heading3": "6.2.3. Integrated UN DDR unit", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 41, + "Paragraph": "To ensure an integrated approach to DDR programme development and management, all UN entities should participate in and contribute to the various processes involved, in parti- cular, conducting comprehensive technical assessments, the design of a programme strategy, the identification of key outputs and results and the development of integrated management arrangements. Participation in these processes is essential to the identification of how each UN entity can best contribute, according to its particular expertise, to both the integrated DDR strategy and the precise methods for ensuring the best possible coordination and a joint overall approach.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning", + "Heading2": "6.2. Field DDR planning structures and processes", + "Heading3": "6.2.4. Integrated planning, programming and management", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 42, + "Paragraph": "A joint \u2014 as opposed to fully integrated \u2014 approach to DDR operations and implementa- tion should be adopted among all participating UN entities, involving close coordination using a common operational work plan. To maximize coordination, overall authority for coordination and supervision of implementation should be delegated to those UN staff integrated into the DDR programme management structure, while the programme should be implemented by the appropriate agency staff.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "6. Institutional requirements and methods for planning", + "Heading2": "6.2. Field DDR planning structures and processes", + "Heading3": "6.2.5. Joint operations and implementation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 43, + "Paragraph": "This annex provides a guide to the preparation and carrying out of a DDR assessment mission.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 44, + "Paragraph": "In order to ensure that the maximum amount of information is gathered from meetings in the mission area, a great deal of preparatory work should be done before starting the assess- ment mission.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Preparation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 45, + "Paragraph": "This will include developing a good understanding of the following: \\n the UN approach to DDR issues; \\n an overview of the regional conflict map; neighbouring States\u2019 political, commercial and security interests, etc.; \\n the country situation, including the number and availability of small arms and light weapons;1 \\n existing work being performed by the UN country team and other partners, such as the World Bank and non-governmental organizations (NGOs); \\n existing provisions for DDR within current security arrangements or peace agreements signed between parties to the conflict; \\n the experience of previous DDR operations (if any) and the role of regional organiza- tions and interested Member States.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Preparation", + "Heading3": "Background information", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 46, + "Paragraph": "Staff members on a DDR assessment visit should plan to meet with representatives from: \\n the parties to the conflict at the political and military levels; \\n members of the government; \\n civil society (such as political parties, church groups, women\u2019s organizations, local NGOs, etc.); \\n regional mediators or regional organizations, including monitoring bodies; \n interested Member States supporting the peace process; \\n members of the UN country team and international organizations; \\n major international NGOs.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Preparation", + "Heading3": "Meetings", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 47, + "Paragraph": "The aim of the assessment mission is to develop an in-depth understanding of the key DDR-related areas, in order to ensure efficient, effective and timely planning and resource mobilization for the DDR programme. The DDR staff member(s) of a DDR assessment mission should develop a good understanding of the following areas: \\n the legal framework for the DDR programme, i.e., the peace agreement; \\n specifically designated groups that will participate in the DDR programme; \\n the DDR planning and implementation context; \\n international, regional and national implementing partners; \\n methods for implementing the different phases of the DDR programme; \\n a public information strategy for distributing information about the DDR programme; \\n military/police- and security-related DDR tasks; \\n administrative and logistic support requirements.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Conduct of the DDR assessment mission", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 48, + "Paragraph": "In most post-conflict situations, a peace agreement provides the legal framework for the implementation of a DDR programme. Many of the terms and conditions of the DDR pro- gramme should be specified in the peace agreement: who is to be disarmed; by whom; the time schedule for disarmament; the nature of the programme (disengagement, cantonment, type of reintegration assistance); and institutional arrangements (national and international) to guide and implement the programme.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Legal framework", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 49, + "Paragraph": "The assessment mission should decide whether the agreed terms and conditions con- tained in the legal framework are sufficient or realistic enough to allow successful imple- mentation of the DDR programme. If an assessment mission is carried out before any legal framework has been established, efforts should be made to ensure that there is clarity and agreement on the key DDR issues. Much of the required information may not be contained within the peace agreement. Therefore, the joint assessment mission is an important tool to gather more information in order to structure a UN approach to support the mission DDR programme.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Legal framework", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 50, + "Paragraph": "A key aspect of the assessment mission is to understand the opportunities and problems posed by the unique political/diplomatic, military and socio-economic context in the post- conflict society, and assess their implications for the planning and implementation of the DDR programme.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 51, + "Paragraph": "A genuine commitment of the parties to the process is vital to the success of DDR. Commit- ment on the part of the former warring parties, as well as the government and the community at large, is essential to ensure that there is national ownership of the DDR programme. Often, the fact that parties have signed a peace agreement indicating their willingness to be dis- armed may not always represent actual intent (at all levels of the armed forces and groups) to do so. A thorough understanding of the (potentially different) levels of commitment to the DDR process will be important in determining the methods by which the international community may apply pressure or offer incentives to encourage cooperation. Different incentive (and disincentive) structures are required for senior-, middle- and lower-level members of an armed force or group. It is also important that political and military com- manders (senior- and middle-level) have sufficient command and control over their rank and file to ensure compliance with DDR provisions agreed to and included in the peace agreement.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Political and diplomatic factors", + "Heading4": "Political will", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 52, + "Paragraph": "An inclusive national framework to provide the political and policy guidance for the national DDR programme is central to two guiding principles of a successful programme: national ownership and inclusiveness. Past DDR programmes have been less successful when carried out entirely by the regional or international actors without the same level of local involve- ment to move the process forward. However, even when there is national involvement in the DDR programme, it is important to ensure that the framework for DDR brings together a broad spectrum of society to include the former warring parties, government, civil society (including children\u2019s and women\u2019s advocacy groups) and the private sector, as well as regional and international guarantors of the peace process.An inclusive national framework to provide the political and policy guidance for the national DDR programme is central to two guiding principles of a successful programme: national ownership and inclusiveness. Past DDR programmes have been less successful when carried out entirely by the regional or international actors without the same level of local involve- ment to move the process forward. However, even when there is national involvement in the DDR programme, it is important to ensure that the framework for DDR brings together a broad spectrum of society to include the former warring parties, government, civil society (including children\u2019s and women\u2019s advocacy groups) and the private sector, as well as regional and international guarantors of the peace process.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Political and diplomatic factors", + "Heading4": "Inclusive national framework", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 53, + "Paragraph": "Post-conflict political transition processes generally experience many difficulties. Problems in any one area of the transition process can have serious implications on the DDR programme.2 A good understanding of these links and potential problems should allow planners to take the required preventive action to keep the DDR process on track, as well as provide a realistic assessment of the future progress of the DDR programme. This assessment may mean that the start of any DDR activities may have to be delayed until issues that may prevent the full commitment of all the parties involved in the DDR programme have been sorted out. For this reason, mechanisms must be established in the peace agreement to mediate the inevitable differences that will arise among the parties, in order to prevent them from under- mining or holding up the planning and implementation of the DDR programme.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Political and diplomatic factors", + "Heading4": "Transition problems and mediation mechanisms", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 54, + "Paragraph": "Third-party political, diplomatic and financial support is often one such mediation mechanism that can reduce some of the tensions of post-conflict political transitions. Third-party actors, either influential Member States, or regional or international organizations can also focus their attention on the broader aspects of the DDR programme, such as the regional dimen- sion of the conflict, cross-border trafficking of small arms, foreign combatants and displaced civilians, as well as questions of arms embargoes and moratoriums on the transfer of arms, or other sanctions.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Political and diplomatic factors", + "Heading4": "Third-party support", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 55, + "Paragraph": "A good understanding of the overall security situation in the country where DDR will take place is essential. Conditions and commitment often vary greatly between the capital and the regions, as well as among regions. This will influence the approach to DDR. The exist- ing security situation is one indicator of how soon and where DDR can start, and should be assessed for all stages of the DDR programme. A situation where combatants can be disarmed and demobilized, but their safety when they return to their areas of reintegration cannot be guaranteed will also be problematic.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Security factors", + "Heading4": "The security situation", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 56, + "Paragraph": "The capacity of local authorities to provide security for commanders and disarmed com- batants to carry out voluntary or coercive disarmament must be carefully assessed. A lack of national capacity in these two areas will seriously affect the resources needed by the peacekeeping force. UN military, civilian police and support capacities may be required to perform this function in the early phase of the peacekeeping mission, while simultaneously developing national capacities to eventually take over from the peacekeeping mission. If this security function is provided by a non-UN multinational force (e.g., an African Union or NATO force), the structure and processes for joint planning and operations must be assessed to ensure that such a force and the peacekeeping mission cooperate and coordinate effec- tively to implement (or support the implementation of) a coherent DDR programme.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Security factors", + "Heading4": "The security situation", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 57, + "Paragraph": "Ceasefires, disengagement and voluntary disarmament of forces are important confidence- building measures, which, when carried out by the parties, can have a positive effect on the DDR and wider recovery programme. The international community should, wherever possible, support these initiatives. Also, mechanisms should be put in place to investigate violations of ceasefires, etc., in a transparent manner.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Security factors", + "Heading4": "Building confidence", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 58, + "Paragraph": "The post-conflict socio-economic condition of the country is a major factor in determining the kind of DDR programme that should be implemented. The level of unemployment, the state of the (formal and informal) economy and the agricultural sector (i.e., access to land, rights and the ability of the country to feed itself), the condition of the country\u2019s infra- structure, and the capacity of state institutions to deliver basic services, combined with the length of the conflict, are all factors that should be taken into account when considering the specifics of any demobilization (length and types of programme) and socio-economic (reconciliation, justice issues and types of economic assistance) reintegration programme.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "Overall socio-economic conditions", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 59, + "Paragraph": "The role of the receiving communities is central to the successful reintegration of ex-com- batants. Therefore, close consultation must take place with all levels of the local community about the possible implications of the DDR programme for these communities, and the type of support (economic, reconciliation, etc.) required to reintegrate ex-combatants. This issue of returning ex-combatants to the communities must be assessed together with the overall impact of all the groups of people who will return, including internally displaced persons and refugees.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "Local participation", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 60, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes can succeed only if there is a strong link with a national recovery pro- gramme, which provides not only for political and economic development, but also for a restructuring and reform of the State\u2019s security sector and the fostering of national reconcili- ation. An assessment should ascertain if these factors are being considered and who will be supporting this aspect of post-conflict peace-building.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "A development approach", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 61, + "Paragraph": "The weapons control framework is another key element that affects a DDR programme. Constitutional and legislative guarantees for weapons ownership, the import/export of small arms, and the regulation of the national gun industry and private security firms must be considered in terms of how they support or limit the effective implementation of a DDR programme. Equally important are the national administrative infrastructure and enforcement capacity to implement the weapons control framework.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "Weapons control framework", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 62, + "Paragraph": "The assessment mission should examine the illicit supply of small arms and light weapons coming into the post-conflict zone. This is often caused by porous borders and weak border- policing capacities. Arms embargoes should be considered as one tool available to deal with illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons, thus supporting both DDR and the wider national recovery programme.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "Arms embargoes", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 63, + "Paragraph": "The character, size, composition and location of the groups specifically identified for DDR are among the required details that are often not included the legal framework, but which are essential to the development and implementation of a DDR programme. In consultation with the parties and other implementing partners on the ground, the assessment mission should develop a detailed picture of: \\n WHO will be disarmed, demobilized and reintegrated; \\n WHAT weapons are to be collected, destroyed and disposed of; \\n WHERE in the country the identified groups are situated, and where those being dis- armed and demobilized will be resettled or repatriated to; \\n WHEN DDR will (or can) take place, and in what sequence for which identified groups, including the priority of action for the different identified groups.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "Defining specific groups for DDR", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 64, + "Paragraph": "It is often difficult to get this information from the former warring parties. Therefore, the UN should find other, independent sources, such as Member States or local or regional agencies, in order to acquire information. Community-based organizations are a particularly useful source of information on armed groups.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "Defining specific groups for DDR", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 65, + "Paragraph": "Potential targets for disarmament include government armed forces, opposition armed groups, civil defence forces, irregular armed groups and armed individuals. These generally include: \\n male and female combatants, and those associated with the fighting groups, such as those performing support roles (voluntarily or because they have been forced to) or who have been abducted; \\n child (boys and girls) soldiers, and those associated with the armed forces and groups; \\n foreign combatants; \\n dependants of combatants.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "Defining specific groups for DDR", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 66, + "Paragraph": "The end product of this part of the assessment of the armed forces and groups should be a detailed listing of the key features of the armed forces/groups.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "Defining specific groups for DDR", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 67, + "Paragraph": "The assessment mission should document the relative capacities of the various potential DDR partners (UN family; other international, regional and national actors) in the mission area that can play a role in implementing (or supporting the implementation of) the DDR programme.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "DRR planning and implementation partners", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 68, + "Paragraph": "UN funds, agencies and programmes \\n UN agencies can perform certain functions needed for DDR. The resources available to the UN agencies in the country in question should be assessed and reflected in discussions at Headquarters level amongst the agencies concerned. The United Nations Development Programme may already be running a DDR programme in the mission area. This, along with support from other members of the DDR inter-agency forum, will provide the basis for the integrated DDR unit and the expansion of the DDR operation into the peacekeeping mission, if required.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "DRR planning and implementation partners", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 69, + "Paragraph": "International and regional organizations \\n Other international organizations, such as the World Bank, and other regional actors may be involved in DDR before the arrival of the peacekeeping mission. Their role should also be taken into account in the overall planning and implementation of the DDR programme.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "DRR planning and implementation partners", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 70, + "Paragraph": "Non-governmental organizations \\n NGOs are usually the major implementing partners of specific DDR activities as part of the overall programme. The various NGOs contain a wide range of expertise, from child protection and gender issues to small arms, they tend to have a more intimate awareness of local culture and are an integral partner in a DDR programme of a peacekeeping mission. The assessment mission should identify the major NGOs that can work with the UN and the government, and should involve them in the planning process at the earliest opportunity.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "DRR planning and implementation partners", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 71, + "Paragraph": "Following a review of the extent and nature of the problem and an assessment of the relative capacities of other partners, the assessment mission should determine the DDR support (finance, staffing and logistics) requirements, both in the pre-mandate and establishment phases of the peacekeeping mission.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "Support requirements", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 72, + "Paragraph": "Finance \\n The amount of money required for the overall DDR programme should be estimated, including what portions are required from the assessed budget and what is to come from voluntary contributions. In the pre-mandate period, the potential of quick-impact projects that can be used to stabilize ex-combatant groups or communities before the formal start of the DDR should be examined. Finance and budgeting processes are detailed in IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "Support requirements", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 73, + "Paragraph": "Staffing \\n The civilian staff, civilian police and military staff requirements for the planning and imple- mentation of the DDR programme should be estimated, and a deployment sequence for these staff should be drawn up. The integrated DDR unit should contain personnel represent- ing mission components directly related to DDR operations: military; police; logistic support; public information; etc. (integrated DDR personnel and staffing matters are discussed in IDDRS 3.42 on Personnel and Staffing). \\n The material requirements for DDR should also be estimated, in particular weapons storage facilities, destruction machines and disposal equipment, as well as requirements for the demobilization phase of the operation, including transportation (air and land). Mission and programme support logistics matters are discussed in IDDRS 3.40 on Mission and Pro- gramme Support for DDR.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "Support requirements", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 74, + "Paragraph": "The assessment mission report should be submitted in the following format (Section II on the approach of the UN forms the input into the Secretary-General\u2019s report to the Security Council): \\n\\n Preface \\n Maps \\n Introduction \\n Background \\n Summary of the report \\n\\n Section I: Situation \\n Armed forces and groups \\n Political context \\n Socio-economic context \\n Security context \\n Legal context \\n Lessons learned from previous DDR operations in the region, the country and elsewhere (as relevant) \\n Implications and scenarios for DDR programme \\n Key guiding principles for DDR operations \\n Existing DDR programme in country \\n\\n Section II: The UN approach \\n DDR strategy and priorities \\n Support for national processes and institutions \\n Approach to disarmament \\n Approach to demobilization \\n Approach to socio-economic reintegration \\n Approach to children, women and disabled people in the DDR programme \\n Approach to public information \\n Approach to weapons control regimes (internal and external) \\n Approach to funding of the DDR programme \\n Role of the international community \\n\\n Section III: Support requirements \\n Budget \\n Staffing \\n Logistics \\n\\n Suggested annexes \\n Relevant Security Council resolution authorizing the assessment mission \\n Terms of reference of the multidisciplinary assessment mission \\n List of meetings conducted \\n Summary of armed forces and groups \\n Additional information on weapons flows in the region \\n Information on existing disarmament and reintegration activities \\n Lessons learned and evaluations of past disarmament and demobilization programmes \\n Proposed budget, staffing structure and logistic requirements", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Guide to conducting a DDR technical assessment mission", + "Heading2": "Assessing the planning and implementation context", + "Heading3": "Socio-economic factors", + "Heading4": "The structure and content of the joint assessment repor", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 75, + "Paragraph": "The UN DDR strategic framework consists of three interrelated strategic policy objectives, and supports the overall UN aim of a stable and peaceful country x, and the accompanying DDR tasks.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "Annex C: Developing the DDR strategic objectives and policy frameworks", + "Heading2": "An example of DDR strategic objectives", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 76, + "Paragraph": "A detailed, realistic and achievable DDR implementation annex in the comprehensive peace agreement. \\n Key tasks \\n\\n The UN should assist in achieving this aim by providing technical support to the parties at the peace talks to support the development of: \\n 1. Clear and sound DDR approaches for the different identified groups, with a focus on social and economic reintegration; \\n 2. An equal emphasis on vulnerable identified groups (children, women and disabled people) in or associated with the armed forces and \\n groups; \\n 3. A detailed description of the disposition and deployment of armed forces and groups (local and foreign) to be included in the DDR programme; \\n 4. A realistic time-line for the commencement and duration of the DDR programme; \\n 5. Unified national political, policy and operational mechanisms to support the implementation of the DDR programme; \\n 6. A clear division of labour among parties (government and party x) and other implementing partners (DPKO [civilian, military]; UN agencies, funds and programmes; international financial organizations [World Bank]; and local and international NGOs).", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "Annex C: Developing the DDR strategic objectives and policy frameworks", + "Heading2": "An example of DDR strategic objectives", + "Heading3": "DDR strategic objective #1", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 77, + "Paragraph": "A well-resourced, joint strategic and operational plan for the implementation of DDR in country x. \\n Key tasks \\n\\n The UN should assist in achieving this aim by providing planning capacities and physical resources to: \\n 1. Establish all-inclusive joint planning mechanisms; \\n 2. Develop a time-phased concept of the DDR operations; \\n 3. Establish division of labour for key DDR tasks; \\n 4. Estimate the broad resource requirements; \\n 5. Start securing voluntary contributions; \\n 6. Start the procurement of DDR items with long lead times; \\n 7. Start the phased recruitment of personnel required from DPKO and other UN agencies; \\n 8. Raise a military component from the armed forces of Member States for DDR activities; \\n 9. Establish an effective public information campaign; \\n 10. Establish programmatic links between the DDR operation and other areas of the mission\u2019s work: security sector reform; recovery and reconstruction; etc.; \\n 11. Support the implementation of the established DDR strategy/plan.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "Annex C: Developing the DDR strategic objectives and policy frameworks", + "Heading2": "An example of DDR strategic objectives", + "Heading3": "DDR strategic objective #2", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 78, + "Paragraph": "A national weapons management programme and a regional strategy to stop the flow of small arms and light weapons into country x. \\n Key tasks \\n\\n To ensure a comprehensive approach to disarmament, the UN should also focus on the supply side of the weapons issue. In this regard, the UN can provide technical, political (good offices) and diplomatic support to: \\n assist the parties to establish and implement necessary weapons management legislation; \\n support country x\u2019s capacity to implement the UN \\n Programme of Action to Prevent, Com\u00ad bat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects in 2001 (A/Conf.192/15); \\n support regional initiatives to control the flow of illicit small arms and light weapons in the region.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "Annex C: Developing the DDR strategic objectives and policy frameworks", + "Heading2": "An example of DDR strategic objectives", + "Heading3": "DDR strategic objective #3", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + }, + { + "ID": 79, + "Paragraph": "\\n 1 A good source for this information is the relevant Small Arms Survey report; see http://www.small- \\n 2 In Liberia, the dispute over the allocation of ministerial positions resulted in the walkout of junior members of the three factions in the first meeting of the National Commission on Disarmament, Demobilization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration in 2003, while uncertainty and disagreement over elections delayed the start of the DDR programme in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire.", + "Color": "#00A554", + "Level": 3, + "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", + "Title": "Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "Endnotes", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "3.10 Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.20 DDR Programme Design.json b/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.20 DDR Programme Design.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e6452e --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.20 DDR Programme Design.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "Each programme design cycle, including the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programme design cycle, has three stages: (1) detailed field assessments; (2) detailed programme development and costing of requirements; and (3) development of an implemen\u00ad tation plan. Throughout the programme design cycle, it is of the utmost importance to use a flexible approach. While experiencing each stage of the cycle and moving from one stage to the other, it is important to ensure coordination among all the participants and stakeholders involved, especially national stakeholders. A framework that would probably work for integrated DDR programme design is the post\u00adconflict needs assessment (PCNA), which ensures consistency between United Nations (UN) and national objectives, while consider\u00ad ing differing approaches to DDR.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "Before the detailed programme design cycle can even begin, a comprehensive field needs assessment should be carried out, focusing on areas such as the country\u2019s social, economic and political context; possible participants, beneficiaries and partners in the DDR programme; the operational environment; and key priority objectives. This assessment helps to establish important aspects such as positive or negative factors that can affect the outcome of the DDR programme, baseline factors for programme design and identification of institutional capacities for carrying out DDR.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "During the second stage of the cycle, key considerations include identifying DDR participants and beneficiaries, as well as performance indicators, such as reintegration oppor\u00ad tunities, the security situation, size and organization of the armed forces and groups, socio\u00adeconomic baselines, the availability and distribution of weapons, etc. Also, methodolo\u00ad gies for data collection together with analysis of assessment results (quantitative, qualitative, mass surveys, etc.) need to be decided.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "When developing DDR programme documents, the central content should be informed by strategic objectives and outcomes, key principles of intervention, preconditions and, most importantly, a strategic vision and approach. For example, in determining an overall strategic approach to DDR, the following questions should be asked: (1) How will multiple components of DDR programme design reflect the realities and needs of the situation? (2) How will eligibility criteria for entry in the DDR programme be determined? (3) How will DDR activities be organized into phases and in what order will they take place within the recom\u00ad mended programme time\u00adframe? (4) Which key issues are vital to the implementation of the programme? Defining the overall approach to DDR defines how the DDR programme will, ultimately, be put into operation.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "When developing the results and budgeting framework, an important consideration should be ensuring that the programme that is designed complies with the peacekeeping results\u00adbased budgeting framework, and establishing a sequence of stages for the implemen\u00ad tation of the programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "The final stage of the DDR programme design cycle should include developing planning instruments to aid practitioners (UN, non\u00adUN and government) to implement the activities and strategies that have been planned. When formulating the sequence of stages for the implementation of the programme, particular attention should be paid to coordinated management arrangements, a detailed work plan, timing and methods of implementation.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "This module provides guidance on how to develop a DDR programme. It is therefore the fourth stage of the overall DDR planning cycle, following the assessment of DDR require\u00ad ments (which forms the basis for the DDR mandate) and the development of a strategic and policy framework for UN support to DDR (which covers key objectives, activities, basic insti\u00ad tutional/operational requirements, and links with the joint assessment mission (JAM) and other processes; also see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "This module does not deal with the actual content of DDR processes (which is covered in IDDRS Levels 4 and 5), but rather describes the methods, procedures and steps neces\u00ad sary for the development of a programme strategy, results framework and operational plan. Assessments are essential to the success or failure of a programme, and not a mere formality.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of inte\u00ad grated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the word \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "In the past, the quality, consistency and effectiveness of UN support for DDR has sufferred as a result of a number of problems, including a narrowly defined \u2018operational/logistic\u2019 approach, inadequate attention to the national and local context, and poor coordination between UN actors and other partners in the delivery of DDR support services.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "The IDDRS are intended to solve most of these problems. The application of an inte\u00ad grated approach to DDR should go beyond integrated or joint planning and organizational arrangements, and should be supported by an integrated programme and implementation framework for DDR.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "In order to do this, the inputs of various agencies need to be defined, organized and placed in sequence within a framework of objectives, results and outputs that together establish how the UN will support each DDR process. The need for an all\u00adinclusive pro\u00adgramme and implementation framework is emphasized by the lengthy time\u00adframe of DDR (which in some cases can go beyond the lifespan of a UN peacekeeping mission, necessitating close cooperation with the UN country team), the multisectoral nature of interventions, the range of sub\u00adprocesses and stakeholders, and the need to ensure close coordination with national and other DDR\u00adrelated efforts.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "DDR programme and implementation plans are developed so as to provide further details on the activities and operational requirements necessary to achieve DDR goals and carry out the strategy identified in the initial planning of DDR. In the context of integrated DDR approaches, DDR programmes also provide a common framework for the implementation and management of joint activities among actors in the UN system.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. The programme design cycle", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "In general, the programme design cycle consists of three main stages: \\n I: Conducting a detailed field assessment; \\n II: Preparing the programme document and budget; \\n III: Developing an implementation plan.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. The programme design cycle", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "Given that the support provided by the UN for DDR forms one part of a larger multi\u00ad stakeholder process, the development of a UN programme and implementation framework should be carried out with national and other counterparts, and, as far as possible, should be combined with the development of a national DDR programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. The programme design cycle", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "There are several frameworks that can be used to coordinate programme develop\u00adment efforts. One of the most appropriate frameworks is the post\u00adconflict needs assess\u00adment (PCNA) process, which attempts to define the overall objectives, strategies and activi\u00adties for a number of different interventions in different sectors, including DDR. The PCNA represents an important mechanism to ensure consistency between UN and national objec\u00adtives and approaches to DDR, and defines the specific role and contributions of the UN, which can then be fed into the programme development process.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. The programme design cycle", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "A detailed field assessment builds on assessments and planning for DDR that have been carried out in the pre\u00adplanning and technical assessment stages of the planning process (also see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures). Contributing to the design of the DDR programme, the detailed field assessment: \\n deepens understanding of key DDR issues and the broader operating environment; \\n verifies information gathered during the technical assessment mission; \\n verifies the assumptions on which planning will be based, and defines the overall approach of DDR; \\n identifies key priority objectives, issues of concern, and target and performance indicators; \\n identifies operational DDR options and interventions that are precisely targeted, realistic and sustainable.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment", "Heading2": "5.1. Objectives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "The following should be considered when planning a detailed field assessment for DDR: \\n Scope: From the start of DDR, practitioners should determine the geographical area that will be covered by the programme, how long the programme will last, and the level of detail and accuracy needed for its smooth running and financing. The scope and depth of this detailed field assessment will depend on the amount of information gathered in previous assessments, such as the technical assessment mission. The current political and military situation in the country concerned and the amount of access possible to areas where combatants are located should also be carefully considered; \\n Thematic areas of focus: The detailed field assessment should deepen understanding, analysis and assessments conducted in the pre\u00admission period. It therefore builds on information gathered on the following thematic areas: \\n\\n political, social and economic context and background; \\n\\n causes, dynamics and consequences of the armed conflict; \\n\\n identification of specific groups, potential partners and others involved in the discussion process; \\n\\n distribution, availability and proliferation of weapons (primarily small arms and light weapons); \\n\\n institutional capacities of national stakeholders in areas related to DDR; \\n\\n survey of socio\u00adeconomic conditions and local capacities to absorb ex\u00adcombatants and their dependants; \\n\\n preconditions and other factors that will influence DDR; \\n\\n baseline data and performance indicators for programme design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. \\n\\n (Also see Annex B of IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures.); \\n Expertise: The next step is to identify the DDR expertise required. Assessment teams should be composed of specialists in all aspects of DDR (see IDDRS Level 5 for more information on the different needs that have to be met during a DDR mission). To ensure coherence with the political process and overall objectives of the peacekeeping mandate, the assessment should be led by a member of the UN DDR unit; \\n Local participation: Where the political situation allows, national and local participation in the assessment should be emphasized to ensure that local analyses of the situation, the needs and appropriate solutions are reflected and included in the DDR pro\u00ad gramme. There is a need, however, to be aware of local bias, especially in the tense immediate post\u00adconflict environment; \\n Building confidence and managing expectations: Where possible, detailed field assessments should be linked with preparatory assistance projects and initiatives (e.g., community development programmes and quick\u00adimpact projects) to build confidence in and support for the DDR programme. Care must be taken, however, not to raise unrealistic expec\u00ad tations of the DDR programme; \\n Design of the field assessment: Before starting the assessment, DDR practitioners should: \\n\\n identify the research objectives and indicators (what are we assessing?); \\n\\n identify the sources and methods for data collection (where are we going to obtain our information?); \\n\\n develop appropriate analytical tools and techniques (how are we going to make sense of our data?); \\n\\n develop a method for interpreting the findings in a practical way (how are we going to apply the results?); \\n Being flexible: Thinking about and answering these questions are essential to developing a well\u00addesigned approach and work plan that allows for a systematic and well\u00adstructured data collection process. Naturally, the approach will change once data collection begins in the field, but this should not in any way reduce its importance as an initial guiding blueprint.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment", "Heading2": "5.2. Planning for an assessment", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "Once the outlines for the assessment have been developed, the next stage should be to decide on the best methods to collect data, some of which are: \\n direct observation; \\n key informant interviews and focus groups; \\n mass surveys; \\n participatory assessments; \\n market research; \\n institutional capacity research; \\n sampling.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment", "Heading2": "5.3. Implementing the assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "The best approach is to be flexible and \u2018mix and match\u2019 methodologies. Data should be collected from as broad a sample as possible, and particular efforts should be made to include women, younger people (youth) and children. In an unstable context with unreliable or fragmentary data, multiple sources and techniques can be used, and results derived through triangulation or cross\u00adchecking of information.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment", "Heading2": "5.3. Implementing the assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "The sections below describe each one of these methodologies for data collection.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment", "Heading2": "5.3. Implementing the assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "Several vital types of information can only be collected by direct observation. This can include sighting weapons (recording type, model, serial number, country of manufacture and condition); examining weapons caches and stockpiles (geographic location, distribu\u00ad tion, contents and condition of weapons, physical size, etc.); recording information on military installations and forces (location, size, identity, etc.); investigating weapons markets and other commercial transactions (supply and demand, prices, etc.); and recording the effects of small arms (displaced camps and conditions, destruction of infrastructure, types of wounds caused by small arms, etc.). Direct observation may also be a useful technique to obtain information about \u2018hidden\u2019 members of armed groups and forces, such as children, abductees and foreign fighters, whose association with the group may not be formally acknowledged.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment", "Heading2": "5.3. Implementing the assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection", "Heading4": " Direct observation", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "Interviews and focus groups are essential to obtain information on, for example, com\u00ad mand structures, numbers and types of people associated with the group, weaponry, etc., through direct testimony and group discussions. Vital information, e.g., numbers, types and distribution of weapons, as well as on weapons trafficking, children and abductees being held by armed forces and groups and foreign fighters (which some groups may try to conceal), can often be obtained directly from ex\u00adcombatants, local authorities or civilians. Although the information given may not be quantitatively precise or reliable, important qualitative conclusions can be drawn from it. Corroboration by multiple sources is a tried and tested method of ensuring the validity of the data (also see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarma\u00ad ment, IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, IDDRS 5.20 on Youth and DDR, IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.40 on Cross\u00adborder Population Movements).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment", "Heading2": "5.3. Implementing the assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection", "Heading4": " Key informant interviews and focus groups", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "Surveys can reveal important information, e.g., on trends in weapons availability, possession and distribution among ex\u00adcombatants; or information on the extent and nature of armed violence against civilians. The success or failure of a mass\u00adbased survey ultimately depends on several factors, including the willingness of combatants and civilians to disclose sensi\u00ad tive information, access to affected areas, design and administration of the questionnaire (is it easy to understand and administer?), and the extent to which the sample used in the survey is inclusive and representative.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment", "Heading2": "5.3. Implementing the assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection", "Heading4": " Mass-based surveys", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "Participatory assessments, using the tools and methodology of participatory rural assess\u00ad ment (PRA),1 is a useful methodology when the real issues and problems are not known to the researcher, and provides a way to avoid the problem of researcher bias in orientation and analysis. It is a particularly useful methodology when working with illiterate people, and can be adapted for use with different ages and sexes. To date, PRA tools have been used in security\u00adrelated research, e.g.: for a small arms assessment, to explore subjective perceptions of small arms\u00adrelated insecurity (e.g., what impacts are most felt by civilians?); to obtain overviews of militia organizations and weapons distribution (through social mapping and history time\u00adline exercises); and to identify community perceptions of matters relating to security sector reform (SSR), e.g., policing.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment", "Heading2": "5.3. Implementing the assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection", "Heading4": " Participatory assessments", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "Two sets of market research should be carried out. The first focuses on gathering informa\u00ad tion relating to small arms. This could include: information on prices and how these have changed over time; identification of companies and other entities involved in weapons production, procurement and distribution; and details on weapons pipelines. This can provide important data on the nature, size and dynamics of the market or trade in small arms. Price information, particularly when collected at different locations within a country, can give insights into supply and demand dynamics that reveal differences in the extent of small arms proliferation and availability. Market research can also be used as a preventive measure by monitoring small arms prices, where a dramatic spike in prices usually indicates an upsurge in demand.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment", "Heading2": "5.3. Implementing the assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection", "Heading4": " Market research", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "A second set of market research should focus on gathering information on the local economic and employment situation so as to identify opportunities in the job market for reintegrating combatants (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment", "Heading2": "5.3. Implementing the assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection", "Heading4": " Market research", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "An assessment of the national institutional capacity to manage and implement the different aspects of DDR requires an evaluation of existing institutions and systems, human resources, and capacities. Three issues are of particular importance: the examination of existing capaci\u00ad ties, as compared with those that are still needed; the efficiency and effectiveness of existing management structures; and the adequacy of legal and regulatory frameworks. This assess\u00ad ment should provide information on institutional capacities for weapons collection and control, institutional coordination, managing and running demobilization camps, managing information flows, and providing support for reintegration planning and implementation.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment", "Heading2": "5.3. Implementing the assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection", "Heading4": " Institutional capacity assessments", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "Although not a method for collecting or analysing information, sampling is a useful tool for determining the scope, focus and precision of data collection activities, and should be used together with all of the methods described above. Through sampling, general insight on specific DDR issues can be obtained from civilian populations and subgroups (especially armed forces and groups). The key to obtaining valid assumptions through sampling is to ensure that the population sampled is representative, i.e., has characteristics broadly similar", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Stage I: Conducting a detailed field assessment", "Heading2": "5.3. Implementing the assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.6. Methodologies for data collection", "Heading4": " Sampling", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "Once datasets for different themes or areas have been generated, the next step is to make sense of the results. Several analytical tools and techniques can be used, depending on the degree of accuracy needed and the quality of the data: \\n Qualitative analytical tools are used to make sense of facts, descriptions and perceptions through comparative analysis, inference, classification and categorization. Such tools help to understand the context; the political, social and historical background; and the details that numbers alone cannot provide; \\n Quantitative analytical tools (statistical, geometric and financial) are used to calculate trends and distribution, and help to accurately show the size and extent, quantity and dispersion of the factors being studied; \\n Estimation and extrapolation help to obtain generalized findings or results from sampled data. Given the large geographical areas in which DDR assessments are carried out, estimating and extrapolating based on a representative sample is the only way to obtain an idea of the \u2018bigger picture\u2019; \\n Triangulation (cross\u00adreferencing), or the comparison of results from three different methods or data sources, helps to confirm the validity of data collected in contexts where infor\u00admation is fragmentary, imprecise or unreliable. Although normally used with direct observation and interviewing (where facts are confirmed by using three or more differ\u00ad ent sources), triangulation can also be applied between different methods, to increase the probability of reaching a reasonably accurate result, and to maximize reliability and validity; \\n Geographic/Demographic mapping, which draws on all the techniques mentioned above, involves plotting the information gained about participants and beneficiaries geo\u00ad graphically (i.e., the way they are spread over a geographical area) or chronologically (over time) to determine their concentration, spread and any changes over time.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "5.3.7. Analysing results: Tools and techniques", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "Designing a comprehensive DDR programme document is a time\u00ad and labour\u00adintensive process that usually takes place after a peacekeeping mission has been authorized, and before deployment in the field has started.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "The programme document represents a blueprint for how DDR will be put into oper\u00ad ation, and by whom. It is different from an implementation plan (which is often more technical), provides time\u00adlines and information on how individual DDR tasks and activities will be carried out, and assigns responsibilities.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "The DDR programme document should be based on an in\u00addepth understanding of the national or local context and the situation in which the programme is to be implemented, as this will shape the objectives, overall strategy and criteria for entry, as follows: \\n General context and problem: This defines the \u2018problem\u2019 of DDR in the specific context in which it will be implemented (levels of violence, provisions in peace accords, lack of alternative livelihoods for ex\u00adcombatants, etc.), with a focus on the nature and con\u00ad sequences of the conflict; existing national and local capacities for DDR and SSR; and the broad political, social and economic characteristics of the operating environment; \\n Rationale and justification: Drawing from the situation analysis, this explains the need for DDR: why the approach suggested is an appropriate and viable response to the identified problem, the antecedents to the problem (i.e., what caused the problem in the first place) and degree of political will for its resolution; and any other factors that provide a compelling argument for undertaking DDR. In addition, the engagement and role of the UN should be specified here; \\n Overview of armed forces and groups: This section should provide an overview of all armed forces and groups and their key characteristics, e.g., force/group strength, loca\u00ad tion, organization and structure, political affiliations, type of weaponry, etc. This information should be the basis for developing specifically designed strategies and approaches for the DDR of the armed forces and groups (see Annex D for a sample table of armed forces and groups); \\n Definition of participants and beneficiaries: Drawing on the comprehensive assessments and profiles of armed groups and forces and levels of violence that are normally inclu\u00ad ded in the framework, this section should identify which armed groups and forces should be prioritized for DDR programmes. This prioritization should be based on their involvement in or potential to cause violence, or otherwise affect security and the peace process. In addition, subgroups that should be given special attention (e.g., special needs groups) should be identified; \\n Socio-economic profile in areas of return: A general overview of socio\u00adeconomic conditions in the areas and communities to which ex\u00adcombatants will return is important in order to define both the general context of reintegration and specific strategies to ensure effec\u00ad tive and sustainable support for it. Such an overview can also provide an indication of how much pre\u00adDDR community recovery and reconstruction assistance will be necessary to improve the communities\u2019 capacity to absorb former combatants and other returning populations, and list potential links to other, either ongoing or planned, reconstruction and development initiatives.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.1. Contextual analysis and rationale", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "Because the DDR programme document should contain strategies and requirements for a complex and multi\u00adcomponent process, it should be guided by both an overall goal and a series of smaller objectives that clearly define expected outputs in each subsector. While generic (general) objectives exist, they should be adapted to the realities and needs of each context. The set of general and specific objectives outlined in this section make up the overall framework for the DDR programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.2. DDR programme objectives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "Example: Objectives of the national DDR programme in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) \\n General objective: Contribute to the consolidation of peace, national reconciliation and the socio\u00adeconomic reconstruction of the country, as well as regional stability.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.2. DDR programme objectives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "Specific objectives: \\n Disarm combatants belonging to the armed groups and forces that will not be integrated into the DRC armed forces or in the police, as foreseen in the DRC peace accords; \\n Demobilize the military elements and armed groups not eligible for integration into the DRC armed forces; \\n Reintegrate demobilized elements into social and economic life within the framework of community productive systems.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.2. DDR programme objectives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "The guiding principles specify those factors, considerations and assumptions that are con\u00ad sidered important for a DDR programme\u2019s overall viability, effectiveness and sustainability. These guiding principles must be taken into account when developing the strategic approach and activities. Universal (general) principles (see IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR) can be included, but principles that are specific to the operating context and associated requirements should receive priority. Principles can apply to the entire DDR programme, and need not be limited to operational or thematic issues alone; thus they can include political principles (how DDR relates to political processes), institutional principles (how DDR should be structured insti\u00ad tutionally) and operational principles (overall strategy, implementation approach, etc.).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.3. Guiding principles", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "This section defines the issues that must be dealt with or included in the design of the DDR programme in order to ensure its effectiveness and viability. These include preconditions (i.e., those factors that must be dealt with or be in place before DDR implementation starts), as well as foundations (i.e., those aspects or factors that must provide the basis for planning and implementing DDR). In general, preconditions and foundations can be divided into those that are vital for the overall viability of DDR and those that can influence the overall efficiency, effectiveness and relevance of the process (but which are not vital in determining whether DDR is possible or not).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.4. Preconditions and foundations for DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "Example: Preconditions and foundations for DDR in Liberia \\n A government\u00addriven process of post\u00adconflict reconciliation is developed and imple\u00ad mented in order to shape and define the framework for post\u00adconflict rehabilitation and reintegration measures; \\n A National Transitional Government is established to run the affairs of the country up until 2006, when a democratically elected government will take office; \\n Comprehensive measures to stem and control the influx and possible recycling of weapons by all armed forces and groups and their regional network of contacts are put in place; \\n The process of disbandment of armed groups and restructuring of the Liberian security forces is organized and begun; \\n A comprehensive national recovery programme and a programme for community reconstruction, rehabilitation and reintegration are simultaneously developed and implemented by the government, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and other UN agencies as a strategy of pre\u00adpositioning and providing assistance to all war\u00adaffected communities, refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs). This programme will provide the essential drive and broader framework for the post\u00adwar recovery effort; \\n Other complementary political provisions in the peace agreement are initiated and implemented in support of the overall peace process; \\n A complementary community arms collection programme, supported with legislative process outlawing the possession of arms in Liberia, would be started and enforced following the completion of formal disarmament process.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.4. Preconditions and foundations for DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "While the objectives, principles and preconditions/foundations establish the overall design and structure of the DDR programme, a description of the overall strategic approach is essential in order to explain how DDR will be implemented. This section is essential in order to: \\n explain how the multiple components of DDR will be designed to reflect realities and needs, thus ensuring efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the overall approach; \\n explain how the targets for assisting DDR participants and beneficiaries (number of ex\u00adcombatants assisted, etc.) will be met; \\n explain how the various components and activities of DDR will be divided into phases and sequenced (planned over time) within the programme time\u00adframe; \\n identify issues that are critical to the implementation of the overall programme and provide information on how they will be dealt with.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "The core components of DDR (demobilization, disarmament and reintegration) can vary significantly in terms of how they are designed, the activities they involve and how they are implemented. In other words, although the end objective may be similar, DDR varies from country to country. Each DDR process must be adapted to the specific realities and requirements of the country or setting in which it is to be carried out. Important issues that will guide this are, for example, the nature and organization of armed forces and groups, the socio\u00adeconomic context and national capacities. These need to be defined within the overall strategic approach explaining how DDR is to be put into practice, and how its components will be sequenced and implemented (also see IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "6.5.1. Defining the approach to DDR", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "The specific context in which a DDR programme is to be implemented, the programme requirements and the best way to reach the defined objectives will all affect the way in which a DDR operation is conceptualized. When developing a DDR concept, there is a need to: describe the overall strategic approach; justify why this approach was chosen; describe the activities that the programme will carry out; and lay out the broad operational methods or guidelines for implementing them. In general, there are three strategic approaches that can be taken (also see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization): \\n DDR of conventional armed forces, involving the structured and centralized disarma\u00ad ment and demobilization of formed units in assembly or cantonment areas. This is often linked to their restructuring as part of an SSR process; \\n DDR of armed groups, involving a decentralized demobilization process in which indi\u00ad viduals are identified, registered and processed; incentives are provided for voluntary disarmament; and reintegration assistance schemes are integrated with broader com\u00ad munity\u00adbased recovery and reconstruction projects; \\n A \u2018mixed\u2019 DDR approach, combining both of the above models, used when participant groups include both armed forces and armed groups;", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "6.5.1. Defining the approach to DDR", "Heading4": " Putting DDR into operation", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "After a comprehensive assessment of the operational guidelines according to which DDR will be implemented, a model should be created as a basis for planning (see Annexes C and D. Annex E illustrates an approach taken to DDR in the DRC). In addition to defining how to operationalize the core components of DDR, the overall strategic approach should also describe any other components necessary for an effective and viable DDR process. For the most part, these will be activities that will take throughout the DDR programme and ensure the effectiveness of core DDR components. Some examples are: \\n awareness\u00adraising and sensitization (in order to increase local understanding of, and participation in, DDR processes); \\n capacity development for national institutions and communities (in contexts where capacities are weak or non\u00adexistent); \\n weapons control and management (in contexts involving widespread availability of weapons in society); \\n repatriation and resettlement (in contexts of massive internal and cross\u00adborder dis\u00ad placement); \\n local peace\u00adbuilding and reconciliation (in contexts of deep social/ethnic conflict).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "6.5.1. Defining the approach to DDR", "Heading4": " Putting DDR into operation", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "Once the main components of a DDR programme have been identified, an overall strategy for implementation needs to be drawn up. The overall strategy should usually be developed on the basis of operational objectives and targets broken down by time period or programme phase. This enables practitioners to see in broad terms how DDR will be implemented, plan the allocation of resources and other requirements, and coordinate among themselves.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "6.5.1. Defining the approach to DDR", "Heading4": " Sequencing and phasing of DDR", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "As programme scale and scope, participants and beneficiaries, eligibility criteria, incentive schemes, and monitoring and evaluation all affect programme design, they should be con\u00ad sidered when developing a DDR strategy.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "The scale of a DDR programme is determined by the number of beneficiaries and the geo\u00ad graphical area the programme covers (most often determined by the size of the country or region where the programme is taking place). These figures determine the complexity, size and resource requirements for the programme, and must be estimated at the programme design stage.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme", "Heading4": " Scale and scope", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "The extent to which a DDR programme directly includes activities that formally belong to other sectors determines its scope or extent (i.e., exactly how much it is going to try and achieve). In the past, DDR programmes focused strictly on the core components of disarm\u00ad ament, demobilization and reintegration. Today, most DDR programmes include or take account of activities relating to SSR (such as weapons control and regulation), peace\u00adbuilding and reconciliation, and community recovery and reconstruction (also see IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR and IDDRS 2.20 on Post\u00adconflict Stabilization, Peace\u00adbuilding and Recovery Frameworks).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme", "Heading4": " Scale and scope", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "The identification of DDR participants affects the size and scope of a DDR programme. DDR participants are usually prioritized according to their political status or by the actual or potential threat to security and stability that they represent. They can include regular armed forces, irregular armed groups, militias and paramilitary groups, self\u00addefence groups, members of private security companies, armed street gangs, vigilance brigades and so forth.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme", "Heading4": " DDR participants", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "Among the beneficiaries are communities, who stand to benefit the most from improved security; local and state governments; and State structures, which gain from an improved capacity to regulate law and order. Clearly defining DDR beneficiaries determines both the operational role and the expected impacts of programme implementation.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme", "Heading4": " DDR participants", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "Another important factor that determines the scope of a DDR programme is the extent of national capacity and the involvement of national and non\u00adUN bodies in the implementa\u00ad tion of DDR activities. In a country with a strong national capacity to implement DDR, the UN\u2019s operational role (i.e. the extent to which it is involved in directly implementing DDR activities) should be focused more on ensuring adequate coordination than on direct imple\u00ad mentation activities. In a country with weak national implementing capacity, the UN\u2019s role in implementation should be broader and more operational.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme", "Heading4": " Operational role", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria provide a mechanism for determining who should enter a DDR pro\u00ad gramme and receive reintegration assistance. This often involves proving combatant status or membership of an armed force or group. It is easier to establish the eligibility of par\u00ad ticipants to a DDR programme when this involves organized, legal armed forces with members who have an employment contract. When armed groups are involved, however, there will be difficulties in proving combatant status, which increases the risk of admitting non\u00adcombatants and increasing the number of people who take part in a DDR programme. In such cases, it is important to have strict and well\u00addefined eligibility criteria, which can help to eliminate the risk of non\u00adcombatants gaining access to the programme (also see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme", "Heading4": " Eligibility criteria", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "When targeting armed groups in a DDR programme, their often\u00adweak command and con\u00ad trol structures should be taken into account, and it should not be assumed that combatants will obey their commanders\u2019 orders to enter DDR programmes. Moreover, there may also be risks or stigma attached to obeying such orders (i.e., fear of reprisals), which discour\u00ad ages people from taking part in the programme. In such cases, incentive schemes, e.g., the offering of individual or collective benefits, may be used to overcome the combatants\u2019 concerns and encourage participation. It is important also to note that awareness\u00adraising and public information on the DDR pro\u00adgramme can also help towards overcoming combatants\u2019 concerns about entering a DDR programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme", "Heading4": " Incentive schemes", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "Incentives may be directly linked to the disarmament, demobilization or reintegration components of DDR, although care should be taken to avoid the perception of \u2018cash for weapons\u2019 or weapons buy\u00adback programmes when these are linked to the disarmament component. If used, incentives should be taken into consideration in the design of the overall programme strategy.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme", "Heading4": " Incentive schemes", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "The development of baseline data is vital to measuring the overall effectiveness and impact of a DDR programme. Baseline data and indicators are only useful, however, if their collec\u00ad tion, distribution, analysis and use are systematically managed. DDR programmes should have a good monitoring and information system that is integrated with the entire DDR programme, allowing for information collected in one component to be available in another, and for easy cross\u00adreferencing of information. The early establishment of an information management strategy as part of the overall programme design will ensure that an appro\u00ad priate monitoring and evaluation system can be developed once the programme is finalized (also see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.5. Overall strategic approach to DDR", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Strategic elements of a DDR programme", "Heading4": " Monitoring and evaluation", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "Once the strategic approach for the DDR programme has been designed, detailed imple\u00ad mentation strategies should be developed for each programme component. These may be annexed to the original programme document or developed as separate documents. Each strategy should include the following: \\n the objective of the component; \\n the strategic approach and methods adopted for its implementation; \\n an explanation of how key issues and considerations will be dealt with; \\n an overview of the implementation process and key activities necessary to achieve the objective.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.6. DDR strategies", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "In most cases, the development of DDR programmes happens at the same time as the devel\u00ad opment of programmes in other sectors such as rule of law, SSR, reintegration and recovery, and peace\u00adbuilding. The DDR programmes should be linked, as far as possible, to these other processes so that each process supports and strengthens the others and helps integrate DDR into the broader framework for international assistance. DDR should be viewed as a com\u00ad ponent of a larger strategy to achieve post\u00adconflict objectives and goals. Other processes to which DDR programme could be linked include JAM/PCNA activities, and the development of a common country assessment/UN development assessment framework and poverty reduction strategy paper (also see IDDRS 2.20 on Post\u00adconflict Stabilization, Peace\u00adbuilding and Recovery Frameworks).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. Stage II: Preparing the DDR programme document", "Heading2": "6.7. Ensuring cross-programme links with broader transition and recovery frameworks", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "A key part of programme design is the development of a logical framework that clearly defines the hierarchy of outputs, activities and inputs necessary to achieve the objectives and outcomes that are being aimed at. In line with the shift towards results\u00adbased pro\u00ad gramming, such logical frameworks should focus on determining how to achieve the planned outcomes within the time that has been made available. This approach ensures coordination and programme implementation, and provides a framework for monitoring and evaluating performance and impact.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. Developing the results and budgeting framework", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "When DDR is conducted in an integrated peacekeeping context, two complementary results\u00adbased frameworks should be used: a general results framework containing the main outputs, inputs and activities of the overall DDR programme; and a framework specifically designed for DDR activities that will be funded from mission assessed funds as part of the overall mission planning process. Naturally, the two are complementary and should con\u00ad tain common elements.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. Developing the results and budgeting framework", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "The general results framework for a DDR programme should consist of the following elements (but not necessarily all of them) (see also Annex F for a general results framework for DDR that was used in Liberia): \\n Specific objectives and component outcomes: For each component of a DDR programme (i.e., disarmament, demobilization, reinsertion, reintegration, etc.), the main or longer\u00ad term strategic objectives should be clearly defined, together with the outcomes the UN is supporting. These provide a strategic framework for organizing and anchoring relevant activities and outputs; \\n Baseline data: For each specific objective, the initial starting point should be briefly described. In the absence of hard quantitative baseline data, give a qualitative descrip\u00ad tion of the current situation. Defining the baseline is a critical part of monitoring and evaluating the performance and impact of programmes; \\n Indicative activities: For each objective, a list of indicative activities should be provided in order to give a sense of the range and kind of activities that need to be implemented so as to achieve the expected outputs and objectives. For the general results frame\u00ad work, these do not need to be complete or highly detailed, but they must be sufficient to provide a sense of the underlying strategy, scope and range of actions that will be implemented; \\n Intervals: Activities and priority outputs should be have precise time\u00adlines (preferably specific dates). For each of these dates, indicate the expected level of result that should be achieved. This should allow an overview of how each relevant component of the programme is expected to progress over time and what has to be achieved by what date; \\n Targets and monitoring indicators: For each activity there should be an observable target, objectively verifiable and useful as a monitoring indicator. These indicators will vary depending on the activity, and they do not always have to be quantitative. For example, \u2018reduction in perceptions of violence\u2019 is as useful as \u201815 percent of ex\u00adcombatants success\u00ad fully reintegrated\u2019; \\n Inputs: For each activity or output there should be an indication of inputs and their costs. General cost categories should be used to identify the essential requirements, which can include staff, infrastructure, equipment, operating expenses, service contracts, grants, consultancies, etc.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. Developing the results and budgeting framework", "Heading2": "7.1. General results framework", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "The results\u00adbased budgeting (RBB) framework is the main budgetary planning tool used by the UN Secretariat and peacekeeping missions, and is part of the Secretary\u00adGeneral\u2019s programme of reform and vision of a more results\u00adoriented organization.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "7. Developing the results and budgeting framework", "Heading2": "7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "An important feature of RBB is the definition of expected results at the beginning of the planning and budget cycle, before the programme is implemented. Thus RBB aims to shift focus from output accounting (i.e., activities) to results\u00adbased accountability (i.e., indi\u00ad cators of achievements). RBB is therefore not simply an administrative process, but a strategic planning tool, improving the clarity of programmes, and bringing about a common under\u00ad standing and better communication between Member States and programme managers to improve results. Results\u00adbased management is intended to be a dynamic process, providing feedback throughout the full programme cycle: planning, programming, budgeting, and monitoring and evaluation. Since it was introduced, RBB has continued to evolve in order to better fulfil its role as a strategic planning tool for the UN.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "7. Developing the results and budgeting framework", "Heading2": "7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 62, "Paragraph": "RBB has four main components: \\n the DDR objective statement, serving as the basis for developing programme activities and identifying benchmarks for success; \\n indicators of achievement, which measure performance, justify the resource requirements and are linked to outputs; \\n outputs, listing the activities that will be conducted in order to achieve the objective; \\n external factors, identifying factors outside of the programme manger\u2019s control that may have an impact on programme performance.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "7. Developing the results and budgeting framework", "Heading2": "7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 63, "Paragraph": "This section is intended to assist DDR programme managers in the field to develop RBB frameworks for submission to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, which will serve as the basis for cost estimates. Mission budget officers who are specialized in the develop\u00ad ment of RBB frameworks should be able to assist with the development of this tool.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Developing the results and budgeting framework", "Heading2": "7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework", "Heading3": "7.2.1. Developing an RBB framework", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 64, "Paragraph": "The DDR objective statement draws its legal foundation from Security Council mission mandates. It is important to note that the DDR objective will not be fully achieved in the lifetime of the peacekeeping mission, although certain activities such as the (limited) phys\u00ad ical disarmament of combatants may be completed. Other important aspects of DDR such as reintegration, the establishment of the legal framework, and the technical and logistic capacity to deal with small arms and light weapons often extend beyond the duration of a peacekeeping mission. In this regard, the objective statement must reflect the contribution of the peacekeeping mission to the \u2018progress towards\u2019 the DDR objective. An example of a DDR objective statement is as follows: \\n \u201cProgress towards the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of members of armed forces and groups, including meeting the specific needs of women and children associated with such groups, as well as weapons control and destruction.\u201d", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Developing the results and budgeting framework", "Heading2": "7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework", "Heading3": "7.2.1. Developing an RBB framework", "Heading4": " The DDR objective statement", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 65, "Paragraph": "The targeted achievement should include no more than five clear and measurable indicators, and baseline information from which increases/decreases in the baseline variables are measured.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Developing the results and budgeting framework", "Heading2": "7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework", "Heading3": "7.2.1. Developing an RBB framework", "Heading4": " Indicators of achievement", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 66, "Paragraph": "When developing the DDR outputs for an RBB framework, programmer managers should take the following into account: (1) specific references to the implementation time\u00adframe should be included; (2) DDR technical assistance or advice needs should be further defined to specify what that means in practice and, if possible, quantified (e.g., workshops, training programmes, legislative models, draft work plans); (3) participants in DDR programmes or recipients of the mission\u2019s efforts should be included in the output description; and (4) when describing these outputs, the verb should be placed before the output definition (e.g., \u2018Destroyed 9,000 weapons\u2019; \u2018Chaired 10 community sensitization meetings\u2019).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Developing the results and budgeting framework", "Heading2": "7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework", "Heading3": "7.2.1. Developing an RBB framework", "Heading4": " Outputs", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 67, "Paragraph": "When developing the external factors of the DDR RBB framework, programme managers are requested to identify those factors that are outside the control of the DDR unit. These should not repeat the factors that make up the indicators of achievement.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Developing the results and budgeting framework", "Heading2": "7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework", "Heading3": "7.2.1. Developing an RBB framework", "Heading4": " External factors", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 68, "Paragraph": "For an example of an RBB framework for DDR in Sudan, see Annex G; also see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Developing the results and budgeting framework", "Heading2": "7.2. Peacekeeping results-based budgeting framework", "Heading3": "7.2.1. Developing an RBB framework", "Heading4": " External factors", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 69, "Paragraph": "Once a programme has been prepared, planning instruments should be developed that will aid practitioners (UN, non\u00adUN and the national government) to implement the planned activities and strategies. An actions or operations plan usually consists of four main elements: \\n Implementation methods: This consists of a narrative description of how each DDR com\u00ad ponent will be made operational within the framework of the programme, focusing on the precise sequencing of activities, operational requirements, logistic requirements, links with other mission components, key risks and factors that will reduce these risks. This section can be used by practitioners to guide implementation and operations and provide an overall framework for the other components of the operational and action plan; \\n Timing: There should be an overview of the time\u00adframe and schedule for implementation of DDR activities for each component of the programme, which provides an overall picture of the phasing and sequencing of programme implementation. This will provide practitioners with a quick overview of the activities, which is important for defining and planning resource requirements and allocations. An example of a time\u00adframe is included in Annex H; \\n Detailed work plan: A detailed work plan should also be included in the operational plan. It should break all programme activities down into their various tasks, and indi\u00ad cate who is responsible for different operational roles. The main categories of such a work plan should include: \\n\\n the activities to be implemented; \\n\\n a detailed description of individual tasks; \\n\\n the required inputs (human, material, financial); \\n\\n the actor \\n\\n responsible for funding each task; \\n\\n the actor responsible for logistic support; \\n\\n the actor responsible for staffing; \\n\\n the actor responsible for coordination/supervision; \\n\\n the actor responsible for implementation; \\n\\n the expected time\u00adframe for implementation of task. \\n The work plan should be considered a dynamic document that should be updated periodically and used to guide DDR planners and practitioners on programme imple\u00ad mentation on a day\u00adto\u00adday basis. A generic work plan is included in Annex I; \\n Management arrangements: This section should detail the institutional arrangements established to provide strategic guidance, coordination and implementation of the programme (also see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures and IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "8. Stage III: Developing an implementation plan", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 70, "Paragraph": "Terms and definitions \\n Detailed field assessment: A detailed field assessment is essential to identify the nature of the problem a DDR programme is to deal with, as well as to provide key indicators for the development of a detailed DDR strategy and its associated components. Detailed field assess\u00ad ments shall be undertaken to ensure that DDR strategies, programmes and implementation plans reflect realities, are well targeted and sustainable, and to assist with their monitoring and evaluation.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 71, "Paragraph": "Implementation plan: \\n Also known as an operations or action plan, an implementation plan describes the detailed steps necessary to implement programme activities, together with a division of labour and overall time\u00adframe.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 72, "Paragraph": "Programme: \\n A generic (general) term for a set of activities designed to achieve a specific objective. In order to ensure that a programme\u2019s results, outputs and overall outcome are reached, activities are often framed by a strategy, key principles and identified targets. Together, these indicate how the activities will be structured and implemented. Programmes also include a description of all aspects necessary to implement the planned activities, includ\u00ad ing inputs and resources (staff, equipment, funding, etc.), management arrangements, legal frameworks, partnerships and other risk analysis.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 73, "Paragraph": "Project: \\n Within each programme there may be several projects, each of which is a separately identified undertaking. A project is an intervention that consists of a set of planned, inter\u00ad related activities aimed at achieving defined objectives over a fixed time. A project\u2019s activities and objectives are normally given in a project document. This legal agreement binds the signatories to carry out the defined activities and to provide specific resources over a fixed period of time in order to reach agreed objectives.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}, {"ID": 74, "Paragraph": "1 PRA uses group animation and exercises to obtain information. Using PRA methods, local people carry out the data collection and analysis, with outsiders assisting with the process rather than control\u00ad ling it. This approach brings about shared learning between local people and outsiders; emphasizes local knowledge; and enables local people to make their own appraisal, analysis and plans. PRA was originally developed so as to enable development practitioners, government officials and local people to work together to plan context\u00adappropriate programmes. PRA\u00adtype exercises can also be used in other contexts such as in planning for DDR. \\n 2 LCA \u2013 Lusaka Ceasefire Accords, 1999; SCA \u2013 Sun City Accord, April 2002; DRA \u2013 DRC/Rwanda Accords, July 2002. \\n 3 UNDP D3 report, 2001. \\n 4 DRC authorities. \\n 5 Privileged source. \\n 6 Unverified information. \\n 7 UNDP/IOM registration records. \\n 8 UNDP D3 report, 2001. \\n 9 Government of Uganda sources, United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC). \\n 10 FNL estimated at 3,000 men (UNDP D3 report), located mainly in Burundi.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "DDR Programme Design", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.20 DDR Programme Design"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.30 National Institutions for DDR.json b/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.30 National Institutions for DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3270022 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.30 National Institutions for DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programmes have increasingly relied on national institutions to ensure their success and sustainability. This module discusses three main issues related to national institutions: \\n 1) mandates and legal frameworks; \\n 2) structures and functions; and \\n 3) coordination with international DDR structures and processes.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "The mandates and legal frameworks of national institutions will vary according to the nature of the DDR programme, the approach that is adopted, the division of responsi- bilities with international partners and the administrative structures found in the country. It is important to ensure that national and international mandates for DDR are clear and coherent, and that a clear division of labour is established. Mandates and basic principles, institutional mechanisms, time-frames and eligibility criteria should be defined in the peace accord, and national authorities should establish the appropriate framework for DDR through legislation, decrees or executive orders.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "The structures of national institutions will also vary depending on the political and institutional context in which they are created. They should nevertheless reflect the security, social and economic dimensions of the DDR process in question by including broad rep- resentation across a number of government ministries, civil society organizations and the private sector.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "In addition, national institutions should adequately function at three different levels: \\n the policy/strategic level through the establishment of a national commission on DDR; \\n the planning and technical levels through the creation of a national technical planning and coordination body; and \\n the implementation/operational level through a joint implementation unit and field/ regional offices.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "There will be generally a range of national and international partners engaged in imple- mentation of different components of the national DDR programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "Coordination with international DDR structures and processes should be also ensured at the policy, planning and operational levels. The success and sustainability of a DDR pro- gramme depend on the ability of international expertise to complement and support a nationally led process. A UN strategy in support of DDR should therefore take into account not only the context in which DDR takes place, but also the existing capacity of national and local actors to develop, manage and implement DDR.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "Areas of support for national institutions are: institutional capacity development; legal frameworks; policy, planning and implementation; financial management; material and logis- tic assistance; training for national staff; and community development and empowerment.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "This module provides United Nations (UN) DDR policy makers and practitioners with guidance on the structures, roles and responsibilities of national counterparts for DDR, their relationships with the UN and the legal frameworks within which they operate. It also provides guidance on how the UN should define its role, the scope of support it should offer to national structures and institutions, and capacity development.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "The term \u2018a national framework for DDR\u2019 describes the political, legal, programmatic/ policy and institutional framework, resources and capacities established to structure and guide national engagement with a DDR process. The implementation of DDR requires mul- tiple stakeholders; therefore, participants in the establishment and implementation of a national DDR framework include not only the government, but also all parties to the peace agreement, civil society, and all other national and local stakeholders.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "UN-supported DDR aims to be people-centred, flexible, accountable and transparent, na- tionally owned, integrated and well planned. Within the UN, integrated DDR is delivered with the cooperation of agencies, programmes, funds and peacekeeping missions.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "In a country in which it is implemented, there is a focus on capacity-building at both government and local levels to achieve sustainable national ownership of DDR, among other peace-building measures. Certain conditions should be in place for DDR to proceed: these include the signing of a negotiated peace agreement, which provides a legal frame- work for DDR; trust in the peace process; transparency; the willingness of the parties to the conflict to engage in DDR; and a minimum guarantee of security. This module focuses on how to create and sustain these conditions.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "The principles guiding the development of national DDR frameworks, as well as the princi- ples of UN engagement with, and support to, national institutions and stakeholders, are outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR. Here, they are discussed in more detail.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "National ownership is essential for the success and sustainability of DDR programmes, and supporting national institutions is a core principle of the UN. However, in the past, too many DDR programmes were overly controlled by external actors who did not make enough effort to establish true partnership with national institutions and local authorities, producing programmes that were insufficiently adapted to the dynamics of local conflicts, unsuppor- tive of the capacities of local institutions and unresponsive to the needs of local populations. ", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1. National ownership", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "While the UN system may be called upon to provide strategic, technical, operational and financial support to DDR, national and local actors \u2014 who are ultimately responsible for the peace, security and development of their own communities and nations \u2014 should lead the process. When the UN supports DDR, it also aims to increase the capacities of govern- ments, implementing partners, communities and participants, and to assist them as they take ownership of the process: the promotion of national ownership is therefore a principle that guides both policy and the operational design of DDR programmes carried out with UN support.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1. National ownership", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "Another core principle in the establishment and support of national institutions is the in- clusion of all stakeholders. National ownership is both broader and deeper than central government leadership: it requires the participation of a range of state and non-state actors at national, provincial and local levels. National DDR institutions should include all parties to the conflict, as well as representa- tives of civil society and the private sector. The international community should play a role in supporting the development of capacities in civil society and at local levels to enable them to participate in DDR processes (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, IDDRS 5.20 on Youth and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2. Inclusivity", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "Accountability and transparency are important principles for all national institutions. DDR institutions should adopt and encourage/support these values in order to: \\n build confidence among the parties to the DDR process; \\n establish the legitimacy of the process with the general population and local commu- nities; \\n ensure continued financial and technical support from international actors.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3. Accountability and transparency", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "Accountability mechanisms should be established for the monitoring, oversight and evaluation of processes through both internal and external review. Transparency should be also supported through a broad communications strategy that raises awareness of the prin- ciples and details of the programme (also see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes and IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR). ", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3. Accountability and transparency", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "The mandates and legal frameworks established for national DDR institutions will vary according to the nature of the DDR process to be carried out and the approach adopted, the division of responsibilities with international partners, and the administrative structures of the state itself. All stakeholders should agree to the establishment of the mandate and legal framework (also see IDDRS 2.30 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "The national and international mandates for DDR should be clear and coherent. A clear division of responsibilities should be established in the different levels of programme co- ordination and for different programme components. This can be done through: \\n supporting international experts to provide technical advice on DDR to parties to the peace negotiations; \\n incorporating national authorities into inter-agency assessment missions to ensure that national policies and strategies are reflected in the Secretary-General\u2019s report and Secu- rity Council mandates for UN peace-support operations; \\n discussing national and international roles, responsibilities and functions within the framework of an agreed common DDR plan or programme; \\n providing technical advice to national authorities on the design and development of legal frameworks, institutional mechanisms and national programmes for DDR; \\n establishing mechanisms for the joint implementation and coordination of DDR pro- grammes and activities at the policy, planning and operational levels.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR", "Heading2": "5.1. Establishing clear and coherent national and international mandates", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "When parties to a conflict have concluded a peace accord or political agreement, provisions should have been included in it on the establishment of a legal framework for the DDR process. Mandates and basic principles, institutional mechanisms, time-frames and eligi- bility criteria should all be defined. As the programme starts, institutional mechanisms and programme details should be elaborated further through the adoption of national legisla- tion or executive decree(s).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR", "Heading2": "5.2. Political frameworks and peace accord provisions", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "In addition to the provisions of the peace accord, national authorities should develop legal instruments (legislation, decree[s] or executive order[s]) that establish the appropriate legal framework for DDR. These should include, but are not limited to, the following: \\n a letter of demobilization policy, which establishes the intent of national authorities to carry out a process of demobilization and reduction of armed forces and groups, indi- cating the total numbers to be demobilized, how this process will be carried out and under whose authority, and links to other national processes, particularly the reform and restructuring of the security sector; \\n legislation, decree(s) or executive order(s) establishing the national institutional frame- work for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the DDR process. This legislation should include articles or separate instruments relating to: \\n\\n a national political body representing different parties to the process, ministries responsible for the programme and civil society. This legal instrument should establish the body\u2019s mandate for political coordination, policy direction and general oversight of the DDR programme. It should also establish the specific composi- tion of the body, frequency of meetings, responsible authority (usually the prime minister or president) and reporting lines to technical coordination and implemen- tation mechanisms; \\n\\n a technical planning and coordination body responsible for the technical design and implementation of the DDR programme. This legal instrument should specify the body\u2019s different technical units/directions and overall management structure, as well as functional links to implementation mechanisms; \\n\\n operational and implementation mechanisms at national, provincial and local levels. Legal provisions should specify the institutions, international and local partners responsible for delivering different components of the DDR programme. It should also define financial management and reporting structures within the national programme; \\n\\n an institution or unit responsible for the financial management and oversight of the DDR programme, funds received from national accounts, bilateral and multi- lateral donors, and contracts and procurement. This unit may be housed within a national institution or entrusted to an international partner. Often a joint national\u2013 international management and oversight system is established, particularly where donor funds are being received.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR", "Heading2": "5.3. National legislative framework", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "The national DDR programme itself should be formally approved or adopted through legislation, executive order or decree. Programme principles and policies regarding eligi- bility criteria, definition of target groups, benefits structures and time-frame, as well as pro- gramme integration within other processes such as security sector reform (SSR), transitional justice and election timetables, should be identified through this process.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR", "Heading2": "5.3. National legislative framework", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "DDR is a component of larger peace-building and recovery strategies. For this reason, na- tional DDR efforts should be linked with other national initiatives and processes, including SSR, transitional justice mechanisms, the electoral process, economic reconstruction and recovery (also see IDDRS 2.20 on Post-conflict Stabilization, Peace-building and Recovery Frameworks and IDDRS 2.30 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "Through the establishment of amnesties and transitional justice programmes, as part of the broader peace-building process, parties attempt to deal with crimes and violations in the conflict period, while promoting reconciliation and drawing a line between the period of conflict and a more peaceful future. Transitional justice processes vary widely from place to place, depending on the historical circumstances and root causes of the conflict. They try to balance justice and truth with national reconciliation, and may include amnesty provisions for those involved in political and armed struggles. Generally, truth commissions are tem- porary fact-finding bodies that investigate human rights abuses within a certain period, and they present findings and recommendations to the government. They assist post-conflict communities to establish facts about what went on during the conflict period. Some truth commissions include a reconciliation component to support dialogue between factions within the community.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework", "Heading3": "5.4.1. Transitional justice and amnesty provisions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "In addition to national efforts, international criminal tribunals may be established to prosecute and hold accountable people who committed serious crimes. While national justice systems may also wish to prosecute wrongdoers, they may not be capable of doing so, owing to lack of capacity or will.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework", "Heading3": "5.4.1. Transitional justice and amnesty provisions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "During the negotiation of peace accords and political agreements, parties may make their involvement in DDR programmes conditional on the provision of amnesties for carry- ing weapons or less serious crimes. These amnesties will generally absolve (pardon) parti- cipants who conducted a political and armed struggle, and free them from prosecution. While amnesties may be agreed for violations of national law, the UN system is obliged to uphold the principles of international law, and shall therefore not support DDR processes that do not properly deal with serious violations such as genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity.1 However, the UN should support the establishment of transitional justice processes to properly deal with such violations. Proper links should be created with DDR and the broader SSR process.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework", "Heading3": "5.4.1. Transitional justice and amnesty provisions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "In conflicts where ethnicity, religion or other identities have been causes of the conflict, there are often questions of citizenship or nationality that need to be resolved as part of the peace process. The resolution of these issues are likely to affect parties\u2019 willingness to engage in other parts of the larger peace-building framework, including elections, DDR and the restructuring of security forces (also see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-border Population Movements).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework", "Heading3": "5.4.2. Citizenship and nationality laws", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "A national legal regime for weapons control and management establishes conditions for the lawful acquisition, trade, possession and use of arms by state authorities and citizens. Provisional laws or decrees governing weapons control and management are often introduced during periods of post-conflict transition (also see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament and IDDRS 4.11 on SALW Control, Security and Development).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework", "Heading3": "5.4.3. Citizenship and nationality laws", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "According to the Secretary-General\u2019s report on The Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Con\u00ad flict and Post\u00adConflict Societies, \u2018rule of law\u2019 refers to a \u201cprinciple of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards. It requires, as well, measures to ensure adherence to the principles of supremacy of law, equality before the law, accountability to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of powers, participation in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of arbitrariness and procedural and legal transparency\u201d.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework", "Heading3": "5.4.4. Citizenship and nationality laws", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "However, the rule of law often breaks down during long periods of conflict; or a lack of justice, or manipulation of the justice system by authorities or political groups may be one of the causes of conflict. Some parties may be reluctant to participate in DDR when the rule of law has broken down and where their personal safety is not properly protected. Re-establishing the rule of law and carrying out justice reform are often essential aspects of a larger peace-building strategy. DDR should contribute to strengthening the rule of law by disarming armed forces and groups, who afterwards become subject to regular criminal justice systems.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework", "Heading3": "5.4.4. Citizenship and nationality laws", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "DDR is generally linked to the restructuring of armed forces and SSR as part of a broader peace-building framework. Agreement between the parties on the new mandate, structures, composition and powers of national security forces is often a condition for their entry into a formal DDR process. As a result, the planning and design of the DDR programme needs to be closely linked to the SSR process to ensure coherence on such issues as vetting of ex- combatants (to establish eligibility for integration into the reformed security forces) and establishing the legal status and entitlements of demobilized ex-combatants, including pensions and health care benefits.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. Mandates and legal frameworks for national engagement with DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Integrated peace-building and recovery framework", "Heading3": "5.4.5. Restructuring of armed forces", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "The architecture of national DDR institutions will vary depending on the political and institutional context in which they are created. The following generic (general) model repre- sents a basic outline of structures and functions for a national DDR institutional framework, and lays out the structure of relationships with UN integrated missions and international coordination mechanisms. While the basic functions of national DDR institutions will be similar in most cases, the organization of institutional structures and their relation to inter- national actors will vary widely from country to country.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "Integration is not only a principle for UN support to DDR, but also for the establishment of national institutions. The form of national institutions should reflect the security, economic and social dimensions of the DDR process. To achieve this, national institutions should include broad representation across a number of government ministries. Although the composition of national institutions for DDR will vary according to the particular govern- ment structures of different countries, the following institutions are generally represented at the level of policy and planning of national DDR institutions: \\n the executive (the presidency and/or prime minister\u2019s office); \\n the ministries of defence and interior (national security); \\n the ministries of planning and finance; \\n the ministries of labour, employment and industry; \\n the ministries of agriculture and natural resources; \\n the ministries of social welfare, status of women and protection of children; \\n human rights and national reconciliation agencies; \\n electoral authorities.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.1. Integrated approach", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "As well as representation of the various agencies and ministries of government, it is important to include representatives of civil society and the private sector in DDR policy and strategic coordination mechanisms.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.1. Integrated approach", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "The following diagram presents a schematic overview of links among national and international DDR mechanisms at policy, planning and implementation levels (see Annexes B\u2013D for examples from Haiti, Liberia and Sierra Leone).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.2. Model for a national DDR institutional framework", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "A national DDR policy body representing key national and international stakeholders should be set up under a government or transitional authority established through peace accords, or under the authority of the president or prime minister. This body meets periodically to perform the following main functions: \\n to provide political coordination and policy direction for the national DDR programme; \\n to coordinate all government institutions and international agencies in support of the national DDR programme; \\n to ensure coordination of national DDR programme with other components of the national peace-building and recovery process; \\n to ensure oversight of the agency(ies) responsible for the design and implementation of the national DDR programme; \\n to review progress reports and financial statements; \\n to approve annual/quarterly work plans.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.3. Policy/Strategic level", "Heading3": "6.3.1. National DDR commission", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "The precise composition of this policy body will vary; however, the following are gen- erally represented: \\n government ministries and agencies responsible for components of DDR (including national women\u2019s councils or agencies, and agencies responsible for youth and children); \\n representatives of parties to the peace accord/political agreement; \\n representatives of the UN, regional organizations and donors; \\n representatives of civil society and the private sector.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.3. Policy/Strategic level", "Heading3": "6.3.1. National DDR commission", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "Depending on whether a UN mission has been established, support is provided for the development of national policies and strategies through the offices of the UN Resident Co- ordinator, or upon appointment of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG)/ Deputy SRSG (DSRSG). When there is a UN Security Council mandate, the SRSG will be responsible for the coordination of international support to the peace-building and transition process, including DDR. When the UN has a mandate to support national DDR institutions, the SRSG/DSRSG may be invited to chair or co-chair the national commission on DDR (NCDDR), particularly if there is a need for neutral arbitration.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.3. Policy/Strategic level", "Heading3": "6.3.2. International coordination and assistance", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "A national technical planning and coordination body, responsible for the design and im- plementation of the DDR programme, should be established. The national coordinator/ director of this body oversees the day-to-day management of the DDR programme and ensures regular reporting to the NCDDR. The main functions of the national DDR agency include: \\n the design of the DDR programme, including conducting assessments, collecting base- line data, establishing indicators and targets, and defining eligibility criteria for the inclusion of individuals in DDR activities; \\n planning of DDR programme activities, including the establishment of information management systems, and monitoring and evaluations procedures; \\n oversight of the joint implementation unit (JIU) for DDR programme implementation.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.4. Planning and technical levels", "Heading3": "6.4.1. National DDR agency", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "Directed by a national coordinator/director, the staff of the national DDR agency should include programme managers and technical experts (including those seconded from national ministries) and international technical experts (these may include advisers from the UN system and/or the mission\u2019s DDR unit) (also see IDDRS 2.30 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.4. Planning and technical levels", "Heading3": "6.4.1. National DDR agency", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "An international technical coordination committee provides a forum for consultation, co- ordination and joint planning between national and international partners at the technical level of DDR programme development and implementation. This committee should meet regularly to review technical issues related to national DDR programme planning and implementation.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.4. Planning and technical levels", "Heading3": "6.4.2. International technical coordination committee", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "Participation in the technical coordination committee will vary a great deal, depending on which international actors are present in a country. The committee should include tech- nical experts from the national DDR agency and from those multilateral and bilateral agen- cies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with operations or activities that have a direct or indirect impact on the national DDR programme (also see IDDRS 2.30 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.4. Planning and technical levels", "Heading3": "6.4.2. International technical coordination committee", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "A project approval committee (PAC) can be established to ensure transparency in the use of donor resources for DDR by implementing partners, i.e., to review and approve applications by national and international NGOs or agencies for funding for projects. Its role does not include oversight of either the regular operating budget for national DDR institutions or programmes (monitored by the independent financial management unit), or the activities of the UN mission\u2019s DDR unit. The PAC will generally include representatives of donors, the national DDR agency and the UN mission/agencies (also see IDDRS 2.30 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners and IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting.)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.4. Planning and technical levels", "Heading3": "6.4.3. Project approval committee", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "Operational and implementation mechanisms should be established at national, provincial and local levels. These mechanisms should operate under the supervision of the technical coordination and planning body.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.5. Implementation/Operational level", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "The JIU is the operational arm of a national DDR agency, responsible for the implementation of a national DDR programme under the direction of the national coordinator, and ultimately accountable to the NCDDR. The organization of a JIU will vary depending on the priorities and implementation methods of particular national DDR programmes. It should be organ- ized by a functional unit that is designed to integrate the sectors and cross-cutting compo- nents of a national DDR programme, which may include: \\n disarmament and demobilization; reintegration; \\n child protection, youth, gender, cross-border, food, health and HIV/AIDS advisers; \\n public information and community sensitization; \\n monitoring and evaluation.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.5. Implementation/Operational level", "Heading3": "6.5.1. Joint implementation unit", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "Other functional units may be established according to the design and needs of parti- cular DDR programmes.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.5. Implementation/Operational level", "Heading3": "6.5.1. Joint implementation unit", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "Given the size and sensitivities of resource allocation to large DDR operations, an independ- ent financial management, contracts and procurement unit for the national DDR programme should be established. This unit may be housed within the national DDR institution or entrusted to an international partner. A joint national\u2013international management and over- sight system may be established, particularly when donors are contributing significant funds for DDR. This unit should be responsible for the following: \\n establishing standards and procedures for financial management and accounting, con- tracts, and procurement of goods and services for the DDR programme; \\n mobilizing and managing national and international funds received for DDR programme activities; \\n reviewing and approving budgets for DDR programme activities; \\n establishing a reporting system and preparing financial reports and audits as required (also see IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.5. Implementation/Operational level", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Independent financial management unit", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "There will generally be a range of national and international partners engaged in the im- plementation of different components of the national DDR programme. These will vary significantly depending on the presence and capabilities of government agencies, local authorities and community-based organizations; UN agencies; and national and international NGOs located near DDR operations. The activities of implementing partners should be coordinated by regional/field offices that report to the JIU of a national DDR agency(also see IDDRS 2.30 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Structures and functions of national institutions", "Heading2": "6.5. Implementation/Operational level", "Heading3": "6.5.4. Implementing agencies/partners", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "National and international DDR structures and processes should, as far as possible, be jointly developed and coordinated at the policy, planning and operational levels, as explained below. The planning of UN missions and national DDR institutions has not always been sufficiently integrated, reducing the efficiency and effectiveness of both. The success and sustainability of a DDR programme depend on the ability of international expertise and resources to complement and support nationally led processes. ", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Coordination of national and international DDR structures and processes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "A key factor in close coordination is the early consultation of national authorities and parties to the DDR process during UN assessment missions and mission planning processes. International DDR expertise, political support and technical assistance should also be available from the earliest point in the peace process through the establishment of national institutions and programmes.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Coordination of national and international DDR structures and processes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "Coordination of national and international efforts at the policy/strategic level will vary a great deal, depending on the dynamics of the conflict, the parties to the peace process and the role/mandate of the UN in support of peace-building and recovery, including DDR. However, coordination (and where possible, integration) of national and international efforts will be essential at the following points: \\n ensuring national and local stakeholder participation in UN assessment and mission planning exercises (also see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures). National stakeholders should be consulted and, where possible, participate fully in the initial planning phases of international support for DDR; \\n providing international support for the establishment of an NCDDR or political over- sight mechanisms; \\n coordinating bilateral and multilateral actors to ensure a coherent message on DDR and to support national institutions.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Coordination of national and international DDR structures and processes", "Heading2": "7.1. Policy/Strategic level", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "Coordination of national and international efforts at the planning and technical levels is important to ensure that the national DDR programme and UN support for DDR operations work together in an integrated and coherent way. It is important to ensure coordination at the following points: \\n in national DDR programme development; \\n in the development of DDR programmes of UN mission and agencies; \\n in technical coordination with bilateral partners and NGOs.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Coordination of national and international DDR structures and processes", "Heading2": "7.2. Planning and technical levels", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "Coordination between the national DDR agency and UN mission/system at the operational level should be established through the following: \\n the establishment of a JIU with mixed national/international staff; \\n the provision of international technical assistance for implementation; \\n the coordination of national and international implementing agencies/partners.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "7. Coordination of national and international DDR structures and processes", "Heading2": "7.3. Implementation/Operational level", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "The DDR of ex-combatants in countries emerging from conflict is complex and involves many different activities. Flexibility and a sound analysis of local needs and contexts are the most essential requirements for designing a UN strategy in support of DDR. It is im- portant to establish the context in which DDR is taking place and the existing capacities of national and local actors to develop, manage and implement DDR operations.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "8. The role of international assistance", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "The UN recognizes that a genuine, effective and broad national ownership of the DDR process is important for the successful implementation of the disarmament and demobili- zation process, and that this is essential for the sustainability of the reintegration of ex- combatants into post-conflict society. The UN should work to encourage genuine, effective and broad national ownership at all phases of the DDR programme, wherever possible.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "8. The role of international assistance", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "The UN approach to the planning, management and monitoring of DDR programmes in a peacekeeping environment should be informed by the following factors: \\n Strength and legitimacy of governments: Post-conflict governments and their attendant bureaucracies may vary widely in terms of their strength and viability; their legitimacy in the eyes of the population; their level of existing capacities for programme devel- opment and management; the territorial extent and scope of government authority; and the degree to which the State has a monopoly over the means of violence in its territory. Taken together, these will affect the degree to which a given government can take effective ownership of and responsibility for DDR; \\n Technical capacities and knowledge: Even when post-conflict governments are legitimate and capable, they may lack the specific technical knowledge that is needed to link DDR to a national reconstruction plan and SSR; \\n Participation of civil society: In many post-conflict situations, civil society may have been repressed or marginalized and lack access to political decision-making processes. The representation of civil society at all levels in the body politic is essential, and the UN should support the participation and engagement of civil society in DDR processes wherever possible. Possible roles may include involvement in the policy development process (and particularly its link with transitional justice and equity issues); assistance with the identification of people associated with armed groups and forces, especially women and children; and implementing (particularly focusing on the involvement of local communities) and monitoring the effectiveness of DDR programmes.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "8. The role of international assistance", "Heading2": "8.1. Considerations in defining the role of the UN", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "The national stakeholders and the UN should establish a letter of agreement where the government and relevant national stakeholders outline their respective roles and responsi- bilities; establish commitments to DDR according to international standards; establish links to SSR (including plans for future military size and budget, military unification, and restruc- turing, where relevant); and outline humanitarian activities and reconstruction/recovery efforts.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "8. The role of international assistance", "Heading2": "8.1.1. Letter of agreement", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "UN support to national efforts take place in the following areas (the actual degree of UN engagement should be determined on the basis of the considerations outlined above): \\n Political/Strategic support: In order for the international community to provide political support to the DDR process, it is essential to understand the dynamics of both the conflict and the post-conflict period. By carrying out a stakeholder analysis (as part of a larger conflict assessment process), it will be possible to better understand the dynam- ics among national actors, and to identify DDR supporters and potential spoilers; \\n Institutional capacity development: It is important that capacity development strategies are established jointly with national authorities at the start of international involvement in DDR to ensure that the parties themselves take ownership of and responsibility for the success of the process. The UN system should play an important role in supporting the development of national and local capacities for DDR through providing technical assistance, establishing partnership arrangements with national institutions, and pro- viding training and capacity-building to local implementing partners; \\n Support for the establishment of legal frameworks: A key area in which international exper- tise can support the development of national capacities is in the drawing up of legal frameworks for DDR and related processes of SSR and weapons management. The UN system should draw on experiences from a range of political and legal systems, and assist national authorities in drafting appropriate legislation and legal instruments; \\n Technical assistance for policy and planning: Through the provision of technical assistance, the UN system should provide direct support to the development of national DDR policy and programmes. It is important to ensure, however, that this assistance is provided through partnership or mentoring arrangements that allow for knowledge and skills transfers to national staff, and to avoid situations where international experts take direct responsibility for programme functions within national institutions. When several international institutions are providing technical assistance to national authori- ties, it is important to ensure that this assistance is coordinated and coherent; \\n Direct support for implementation and financial management: The UN system may also be called upon, either by Security Council mandate or at the request of national authorities, to provide direct support for the implementation of certain components of a DDR pro- gramme, including the financial management of resources for DDR. A memorandum of understanding should be established between the UN and national authorities that defines the precise area of responsibility for programme delivery, mechanisms for co- ordination with local partners and clear reporting responsibilities; \\n Material/Logistic support: In the post-conflict period, many national institutions lack both material and human resources. The UN system should provide material and logistic support to national DDR institutions and implementing agencies, particularly in the areas of: information and communications technology and equipment; transportation; rehabilitation, design and management of DDR sites, transit centres and other facilities; the establishment of information management and referral systems; and the procurement of basic goods for reinsertion kits, among others (also see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization and IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration); \\n Training programmes for national staff: The UN system should further support capacity development through the provision of training. There are a number of different training methodologies, including the provision of courses or seminars, training of trainers, on- the-job or continuous training, and exchanges with experts from other national DDR institutions. Although shortage of time and money may limit the training options that can be offered, it is important that the approach chosen builds skills through a continuous process of capacity development that transfers skills to local actors; \\n Support to local capacity development and community empowerment: Through local capacity development and community empowerment, the UN system should support local ownership of DDR processes and programmes. Since the success of the DDR process depends largely on the reintegration of individuals at the community level, it is im- portant to ensure that capacity development efforts are not restricted to assisting national authorities, but include direct support to communities in areas of reintegration. In particular, international agencies can help to build local capacities for participation in assessment and planning processes, project and financial management, reporting, and evaluation.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "8. The role of international assistance", "Heading2": "8.2. Areas of UN support", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "Prepared by the Draft Interim Secretariat (Comprising UNDP, UNMIL, World Bank, USAID, UNICEF, UNHCR, OCHA, World Vision) \\n Monrovia, 31 October 2003 \\n Excerpts: pp. 17\u201324", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "The programme will be implemented under the guidance and supervision of the National Commission on Disarmament, Demobilization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration (NCDDRR), a temporary institution established by the peace agreement August 2003. The NCDDRR will consist of representatives from relevant National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL) agencies, the Government of Liberia (GOL), the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD), the Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the United Nations (UN), the African Union (AU) and the International Contact Group on Liberia (ICGL).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Implementation modalities", "Heading3": "The national commission", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 62, "Paragraph": "The NCDDRR will: \\n provide policy guidance to the Joint Implementation Unit (JIU); \\n formulate the strategy and co-ordinate all government institutions in support of the Disarmament, Demobilization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration Programme (DDRRP); \\n identify problems related to programme implementation and impact; and \\n undertake all measures necessary for their quick and effective solution. During start-up, the NCDDRR will hold at least monthly meetings, but extraordinary meetings can be called if necessary.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Implementation modalities", "Heading3": "The national commission", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 63, "Paragraph": "The NCDDRR will be supported by a Secretary, who will be responsible for: \\n reporting to the NCDDRR on the activities of the JIU with regard to the DDRR process; \\n promoting programme activities as well as managing relationships with external key stakeholders; \\n assisting the JIU with necessary support and facilitation required to secure the political commitment of the leadership of the various fighting groups in order to implement the DDRR programme; \\n participating in the various committees of the JIU \u2013 particularly with the Technical Coordination Committee and the Project Approval Committee (PAC); \\n providing general oversight of the DDRR process on behalf of the NCDDRR committee and preparing reports to the committee.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Implementation modalities", "Heading3": "The national commission", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 64, "Paragraph": "In order to ensure rapid implementation that will protect the credibility of the programme, a Joint Implementation Unit (JIU), headed by a Programme and Policy Adviser, will carry out the planning and implementation of the day-to-day operation and execution of the programme. The JIU will be an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental entity composed of four units dealing with: \\n disarmament and demobilization: staffed with expertise from the UNMIL comprising a disarmament and demobilization expert, demobilization officers and field officers, as well as qualified national staff; \\n rehabilitation and reintegration: staffed with expertise from the UNDP and other relevant agencies consisting of reintegration operation experts and national experts in vocational training and small enterprise development, employment creation and appren- ticeship promotion, agriculture and food production; \\n monitoring and evaluation: staffed by technical assistance from the UNDP including a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) expert, and national staff as systems analyst, pro- grammer and M&E field monitors as well as short-term data entry clerks; and \\n information and sensitization: staffed with expertise from UNMIL and OCHA includ- ing specialists in public information development and dissemination, social adaptation programmes in the area of civic education, psychosocial counselling, community-based reconciliation and peace-building measures.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Joint Implementation Unit", "Heading3": "Function", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 65, "Paragraph": "Accountable to the NCDDRR, the JIU will be responsible for ensuring: \\n the planning and implementation of the individual programme components in collabo- ration with other government departments, NGOs and donors; \\n the transparent and accountable administration of the programme (including procure- ment and disbursements); and \\n monitoring and evaluation.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Joint Implementation Unit", "Heading3": "Function", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 66, "Paragraph": "The institutional capacity of the JIU will be ensured through rigorous selection of staff, payment consistent with the quality of outputs required, and staff training where appro- priate. Technical assistance will be contracted on the basis of specific terms of reference for providing a management information system (MIS) and financial management as well as the implementation of specific programme components.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Joint Implementation Unit", "Heading3": "Function", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 67, "Paragraph": "The various units of the JIU will be assigned with expertise from UN agencies as follows: \\n the UNMIL DDR team will be deployed for the DD Unit in the JIU; \\n programme and policy coordination, MIS and reintegration will be assigned to the team from the UNDP; and \\n UNMIL and OCHA will handle the Information and Sensitization Unit.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Joint Implementation Unit", "Heading3": "Function", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 68, "Paragraph": "This arrangement will enhance the capacity of the JIU as well as reducing the overall staffing cost for the programme, while ensuring continuity in programme development in the event of the completion of the mandate of the mission. Each unit will be supported with national staff recruited to understudy the international staff of the JIU.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Joint Implementation Unit", "Heading3": "Function", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 69, "Paragraph": "A Programme and Policy Co-ordinator will manage and coordinate an internal manage- ment team comprising the heads of units of the JIU, and will report to the Office of the SRSG or to his or her designate in matters relating to the implementation of the programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Joint Implementation Unit", "Heading3": "Function", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 70, "Paragraph": "All implementing partners such as bilateral agencies, international and local NGOs will undertake their responsibilities in full compliance with programme guidelines and under the supervision of the JIU in respect of contracts entered into with the JIU of the NCDDRR.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Joint Implementation Unit", "Heading3": "Function", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 71, "Paragraph": "In addition to the central office in Monrovia, the JIU will establish five small DDRR field offices based on where ex-combatants are concentrated. The field offices will be co-located with the UNMIL field offices.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Joint Implementation Unit", "Heading3": "DDRR field offices", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 72, "Paragraph": "Each DDRR field office will comprise a reintegration officer and up to four referral and counselling officers, all familiar with the local socio-political environment. The reinte- gration officers will be UN Volunteers (UNVs) recruited for this purpose and support with national staff. In addition, each DDRR field office will have an administration and account- ing officer, who will report directly to the financial manager of the Direct Execution (DEX) for administering reinsertion and reintegration assistance.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Joint Implementation Unit", "Heading3": "DDRR field offices", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 73, "Paragraph": "In order to reinforce the capacity at the local level, each DDRR field office will have a UNV as the reintegration or DDRR officer working with various local staff.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Joint Implementation Unit", "Heading3": "DDRR field offices", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 74, "Paragraph": "The field offices will be responsible for: \\n information and counselling; \\n administration of reintegration assistance under the different programme components; \\n monitoring and evaluation; \\n co-ordination with traditional/religious leaders, and maintaining linkages and coordi- nation with other community-based reconstruction and rehabilitation interventions; \\n sensitizing the local population; \\n assisting in programme implementation; \\n identifying and solving local problems related to ex-combatant reintegration; and \\n reporting on the progress and impact of the programme to the JIU in Monrovia.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Joint Implementation Unit", "Heading3": "DDRR field offices", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 75, "Paragraph": "On the basis of the settlement pattern of ex-combatants, additional referral and coun- selling officers may be recruited.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Joint Implementation Unit", "Heading3": "DDRR field offices", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 76, "Paragraph": "A military liaison office will be created to facilitate co-operation with UNMIL and the DD Unit for all security-related aspects of the programme. Within the overall mandates given to them by their respective institutions, UNMIL is expected to perform the following functions within the DDRR programme: \\n provide relevant input and information as well as security assistance and advice with regard to the selection of potential sites for disarmament and demobilization; \\n provide technical input with regard to the process of disarmament, registration, docu- mentation and screening of potential candidates for demobilization; \\n develop and install systems for arms control and advise on a larger legislative frame- work to monitor and control arms recycling; \\n monitor and verify the conformity of the DDR process according to recognized and acceptable standards; \\n assume responsibility for effecting disarmament of combatants, maintain a pertinent registry of surrendered weaponry and conduct pre-demobilization screening and evaluation; and \\n ensure the destruction of all weapons surrendered.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Joint Implementation Unit", "Heading3": "Roles and functions of the military units", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 77, "Paragraph": "A considerable part of the programme implementation will be contracted out to local and international NGOs as well as in partnership with various UN agencies, line ministries, private sector institutions and community-based structures.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Role of implementing partners and selection criteria", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 78, "Paragraph": "Implementing agencies will be selected on the basis of the following criteria: \\n Track record and technical capacity. The agency must demonstrate a track record of technical and functional expertise in its chosen area of participation for not less then four years; \\n Financial management capacity. It needs to demonstrate a proven record of sound finan- cial management and/or the capacity to pre-finance initial project costs. It must provide audited financial record for the past three years; \\n Management capacity. The agency must demonstrate sound management capability in respect of the programme delivery structure and expertise.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Role of implementing partners and selection criteria", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 79, "Paragraph": "The implementing agency will be expected to adhere to the policy guidelines with regard to camp management and other operational regulations. It will be accountable to the JIU in matters of technical and financial issues related to its contractual obligations.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Role of implementing partners and selection criteria", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 80, "Paragraph": "The programme comprises three separate but highly related processes, namely the military process of selecting and assembling combatants for demobilization and the civilian process of discharge, reinsertion and reintegration.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 81, "Paragraph": "How soldiers are demobilized affects the reinsertion and reintegration processes. At each phase: \\n the administration of assistance has to be accounted for; \\n weapons collected need to be classified and analysed; \\n beneficiaries of reintegration assistance need to be tracked; and \\n the quality of services provided during the implementation of the programme needs to be assessed.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 82, "Paragraph": "To plan, monitor and evaluate the processes, a management information system (MIS) regarding the discharged ex-combatants is required and will contain the following components: \\n a database on the basic socio-economic profile of ex-combatants; \\n a database on disarmament and weapons classification; \\n a database of tracking benefit administration such as on payments of the settling-in package, training scholarships and employment subsidies to the ex-combatants; and \\n a database on the programme\u2019s financial flows.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 83, "Paragraph": "The MIS depends on the satisfactory performance of all those involved in the collection and processing of information. There is, therefore, a need for extensive training of enumer- ators, country staff and headquarters staff. Particular emphasis will be given to the fact that the MIS is a system not only of control but also of assistance. Consequently, a constant two- way flow of information between the DDRR field offices and the JIU will be ensured through- out programme implementation.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 84, "Paragraph": "The MIS will provide a useful tool for planning and implementing demobilization. In connection with the reinsertion and reintegration of ex-combatants, the system is indispen- sable to the JIU in efficiently discharging its duties in planning and budgeting, implemen- tation, monitoring and evaluation. The system serves multiple functions and users. It is also updated from multiple data sources.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 85, "Paragraph": "The MIS may be conceived as comprising several simple databases that are logically linked together using a unique identifier (ID number). An MIS expert will be recruited to design, install and run the programme start-up. To keep the overheads of maintaining the system to a minimum, a self-updating and checking mechanism will be put in place.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 86, "Paragraph": "Fundamental principles for the management of the DDRR Trust Fund are based on trans- parency and openness with a clear separation between the policy/allocation aspects of the DDRR Trust Fund operations and the fiduciary/administrative responsibility.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "DEX Unit", "Heading3": "Management of the DDRR Trust Fund", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 87, "Paragraph": "The Trust Fund will be administered by UNDP in accordance with the terms of refer- ence of the Trust Fund. In this capacity, the UNDP will establish and maintain appropriate records and accounts to identify the contributions to the Fund, the commitments to be financed out of the Fund and the receipt and disbursement of funds.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "DEX Unit", "Heading3": "Management of the DDRR Trust Fund", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 88, "Paragraph": "The DEX Unit will be established and will be composed of UNDP staff with the overall responsibility for financial management and procurement for the programme. The DEX Unit will monitor expenditures related to the activities financed under the Trust Fund. The respon- sibilities of the DEX Unit will include procurement of goods, services and other items, screening and recommending UNDP\u2019s approval and payment, and monitoring all expen- ditures financed by the funds. UNDP will finance the cost of the DEX Unit from its own proper resources; therefore, all contributions will go towards direct costs of the DDRR programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "DEX Unit", "Heading3": "Management of the DDRR Trust Fund", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 89, "Paragraph": "The UNDP, as the administrator of the DDRR Trust Fund, will be responsible for all dis- bursements in conformity with its own regulations, rules and procedures and consistent with the allocations and decisions made by the project approval and review committee of the JIU of the NCDDRR as well as the broader priorities set in consultation with the NCDDRR and the donor community.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "DEX Unit", "Heading3": "Modalities of administration and administrative charges", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 90, "Paragraph": "The UNDP will strive for maximum efficiency and effectiveness in administering the DDRR Trust Fund while promoting sound financial management and accountability to ensure that all required fiduciary and administrative cost elements are adequately funded.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "DEX Unit", "Heading3": "Modalities of administration and administrative charges", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 91, "Paragraph": "A sound, independent monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the entire Fund will be established as well as adequate external audits.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "DEX Unit", "Heading3": "Monitoring and evaluation", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 92, "Paragraph": "Appropriate progress reports will be forwarded to the donors on a monthly basis covering general progress on implementation, financial reports on income and expenditure. The progress reporting will be the prime responsibility of the UNDP Resident Representative in Monrovia. However, the reports will also be submitted to the donors through UNDP Headquarters in New York to the relevant permanent missions to the United Nations. These progress reports will include the status of intended outputs, achievements and progress on the programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "DEX Unit", "Heading3": "Reporting and auditing", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 93, "Paragraph": "On an annual basis, UNDP will provide financial reports on income and expenditure of the Trust Fund to donors, in accordance with UNDP\u2019s financial regulations and rules. An annual financial statement will be prepared for the Fund showing income and expendi- tures as of 31 December of every year and shall be submitted by the 30 June, i.e., six months after.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "DEX Unit", "Heading3": "Reporting and auditing", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 94, "Paragraph": "Contributions made available will be subject exclusively to the internal and external auditing procedures provided for in the financial regulations, rules and directives of UNDP. Should an audit report of the Board of Auditors of UNDP to its governing body contain observations relevant to the contributions, such information will be available to the donor(s).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "DEX Unit", "Heading3": "Reporting and auditing", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 95, "Paragraph": "A Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) will be established by the JIU to consult and inform external programme partners on critical issues of planning and programme develop- ment with regard to the DDRR programme. This will provide a broad forum for technical and strategic consultation in support of rational programming for all the DDRR activities.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Technical Coordination Committee", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 96, "Paragraph": "The responsibilities of the TCC will be to: \\n identify strategic, operational and technical issues that may have an impact on the dis- armament, demobilisation and reintegration process; \\n develop technical standards, guidelines, and operating principles, which will be adhered to by all involved in the implementation of specific DDRR activities; \\n provide the framework for securing the support of key partners with regard to input to planning and implementing disarmament and demobilization activities as well as the reintegration process; \\n provide the basis for operational planning and consensus on issues relating to disarm- ament, demobilization and reintegration; and \\n on a regular basis identify key policy issues that need to be resolved by the policy com- mittee and provide policy options to the NCDDRR for consideration.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Technical Coordination Committee", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 97, "Paragraph": "The membership of the TCC will be based on invitation by the JIU and consist of rele- vant programme staff from agencies such as UNICEF, UNDP, UNHCR, WFP, WHO, EU, USAID, UNMIL, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), OCHA and other appro- priate agencies. Relevant NTGL agencies could be invited for participation when necessary. The TCC will be constituted on a relevant sector basis such as disarmament and demobiliza- tion and reintegration, and it will meet fortnightly or as and when required. The membership and participation will vary according to the relevant sector.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Technical Coordination Committee", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 98, "Paragraph": "A Project Approval Committee (PAC) will be established to ensure transparency in the use of donor resources. The PAC will be responsible for the review and approval of projects submitted by the implementing partners (i.e., international and national NGOs, etc.) to the JIU of the NCDDRRP. Financial resources from the assessed budget of the mission would be processed outside this framework. The members of the PAC will comprise one represen- tative each from the EU, USAID, UNDP, UNMIL, UNICEF and NTGL.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "Annex C: Liberia DDR programme: Strategy and implementation modalities", "Heading2": "Project Approval Committee", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}, {"ID": 99, "Paragraph": "1 See The Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Conflict and Post\u00adConflict Societies, report of the Secretary- General to the Security Council, S/2004/616, 3 August 2004. \\n 2 Ibid., p. 4.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "National Institutions for DDR", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.30 National Institutions for DDR"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR.json b/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..624cb82 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "The base of a well-functioning integrated disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programme is the strength of its logistic, financial and administrative performance. If the multifunctional support capabilities, both within and outside peacekeeping missions, operate efficiently, then planning and delivery of logistic support to a DDR programme are more effective.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "The three central components of DDR logistic requirements include: equipment and services; finance and budgeting; and personnel. Depending on the DDR programme in question, many support services might be necessary in the area of equipment and services, e.g. living and working accommodation, communications, air transport, etc. Details regard- ing finance and budgeting, and personnel logistics for an integrated DDR unit are described in IDDRS 3.41 and 3.42.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission provides a number of options. Within an integrated mission support structure, logistic support is available for civilian staffing, finances and a range of elements such as transportation, medical services and information technology. In a multidimensional operation, DDR is just one of the components requiring specific logistic needs. Some of the other components may include military and civilian headquarters staff and their functions, or military observers and their activities.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "When the DDR unit of a mission states its logistic requirements, the delivery of the supplies/services requested all depends on the quality of information provided to logistics planners by DDR managers. Some of the important information DDR managers need to provide to logistics planners well ahead of time are the estimated total number of ex-com- batants, broken down by sex, age, disability or illness, parties/groups and locations/sectors. Also, a time-line of the DDR programme is especially helpful.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "DDR managers must also be aware of long lead times for acquisition of services and materials, as procurement tends to slow down the process. It is also recommended that a list of priority equipment and services, which can be funded by voluntary contributions, is made. Each category of logistic resources (civilian, commercial, military) has distinct advantages and disadvantages, which are largely dependent upon how hostile the operating environ- ment is and the cost.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "This module provides practitioners with an overview of the integrated mission support concept and explains the planning and delivery of logistic support to a DDR programme. A more detailed treatment of the finance and budgeting aspects of DDR programmes are provided in IDDRS 3.41, while IDDRS 3.42 deals with the issue of personnel and staffing in an integrated DDR unit.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "Annex A gives a list of abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the word \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "The effectiveness and responsiveness of a DDR programme relies on the administrative, logistic and financial support it gets from the peacekeeping mission, United Nations (UN) agencies, funds and programmes. DDR is multidimensional and involves multiple actors; as a result, different support capabilities, within and outside the peacekeeping mission, should not be seen in isolation, but should be dealt with together in an integrated way as far as possible to provide maximum flexibility and responsiveness in the implementation of the DDR programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "The planning of the logistic support for DDR programmes is guided by the principles, key considerations and approaches outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR; in particular: \\n unity of effort in the planning and implementation of support for all phases of the DDR programme, bearing in mind that different UN (and other) actors have a role to play in support of the DDR programme; \\n accountability, transparency and flexibility in using the most appropriate support mech- anisms available to ensure an efficient and effective DDR programme, from the funding through to logistic support, bearing in mind that DDR activities may not occur sequen- tially (i.e., one after the other); \\n a people-centred approach, by catering for the different and specific needs (such as dietary, medical and gender-specific requirements) of the participants and beneficiaries of the DDR programme; \\n means of ensuring safety and security, which is a major consideration, as reliable estimates of the size and extent of the DDR operation may not be available; contingency planning must therefore also be included in logistics planning.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "Depending on the specific character of the DDR programme, some or all of the following support services may be required: \\n living accommodation; \\n camp construction material, including outsourcing of construction and management; \\n fire prevention and precautions, and fire-fighting equipment; \\n working accommodation; \\n office furniture; \\n office equipment and supplies; \\n communications; \\n information technology; \\n medical services capable of responding to different needs; \\n movement control; \\n surface transport; \\n air transport; \\n water; \\n food rations; food preparation and supply arrangements; \\n fuel; \\n general services such as janitorial, waste disposal, etc.; \\n security; \\n management information software, identity card machines; \\n weapons destruction equipment.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "5. DDR lOgistic requirements", "Heading2": "5.1. Equipment and services", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "DDR programmes in a peacekeeping context are funded from a combination of the peace- keeping-assessed budget and voluntary sources, which could come from UN-managed trust funds, World Bank trust funds and direct bilateral support (also see IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "5. DDR lOgistic requirements", "Heading2": "5.2. Finance and budgeting", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "The UN takes an integrated approach to DDR, which is reflected in the effort to establish a single integrated DDR unit in the field. The aim of this integrated unit is to facilitate joint planning to ensure the effective and efficient decentralization of the many DDR tasks (also see IDDRS 3.42 on Personnel and Staffing).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "5. DDR lOgistic requirements", "Heading2": "5.3. Personnel", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "Note that unless otherwise specified, guidelines in this section refer to logistics issues under the direct management of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), or funded through assessed contributions to a peacekeeping mission budget. Other UN agencies, funds and programmes will in most cases need to comply with the rules and procedures govern- ing operations, logistics and the financing of their activities.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "In a peacekeeping mission, integrated support is provided. This includes civilian staffing, different logistic elements (such as logistics planning, transportation, supply, engineering, communications and information technology, medical services and general services) and finances, which are all considered together to develop the mission support strategy (see figure 1). A peacekeeping mission adopts this general approach for the delivery of logistic support to all mandated programmes, although it also caters to the specific needs of the DDR programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission", "Heading2": "6.1. Integrated mission support .", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "DDR is one component of a multidimensional peacekeeping operation. Other components may include: \\n mission civilian substantive staff and the staff of political, humanitarian, human rights, public information, etc., programmes; \\n military and civilian police headquarters staff and their functions; \\n military observers and their activities; \\n military contingents and their operations; \\n civilian police officers and their activities; \\n formed police units and their operations; \\n UN support staffs; \\n other UN agencies, programmes and funds, as mandated.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission", "Heading2": "6.2. A multidimensional operation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "The quality and timeliness of DDR logistic support to a peacekeeping mission depend on the quality and timeliness of information provided by DDR planners and managers to logistics planners. DDR programme managers need to state the logistic requirements that fall under the direct managerial or financial scope of the peacekeeping mission and DPKO. In addition, the logistic requirements have to be submitted to the Division of Administration as early as possible to ensure timely logistic support. Some of the more important elements are listed below as a guideline: \\n estimated total number of ex-combatants, broken down according to sex, age, dis- ability or illness, parties/groups and locations/sectors; \\n estimated total number of weapons, broken down according to type of weap- on, ammunition, explosives, etc.; \\n time-lineoftheentireprogramme, show- ing start/completion of activities; \\n allocation of resources, materials and services included in the assessed budget; \\n names of all participating UN entities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other implementing partners, with their focal points and telephone numbers/email addresses; \\n forums/meetings and other coordination mechanisms where Joint Logistics Operations Centre (JLOC) participation is requested; \\n requirement of office premises, office furniture, office equipment and related services, with locations; \\n ground transport requirements \u2014 types and quantities; \\n air transport requirements; \\n communications requirements, including identity card machines; \\n medical support requirements; \\n number and location of various disarmament sites, camps, cantonments and other facilities; \\n layout of each site, camp/cantonment with specifications, including: \\n\\n camp/site management structure with designations and responsibilities of officials; \\n\\n number and type of combatants, and their sex and age; \\n\\n number and type of all categories of staff, including NGOs\u2019 staff, expected in the camp; \\n\\n nature of activities to be conducted in the site/camp and special requirements for rations storage, distribution of insertion benefits, etc.; \\n\\n security considerations and requirements; \\n\\n preferred type of construction; \\n\\n services/amenities provided by NGOs; \\n\\n camp services to be provided by the mission, as well as any other specific requirements; \\n\\n dietary restrictions/considerations; \\n\\n fire-fighting equipment; \\n\\n camp evacuation standard operating procedures; \\n\\n policy on employment of ex-combatants as labourers in camp construction.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission", "Heading2": "6.3. DDR statement of requirements", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "For procurement funded from the mission budget (assessed contributions), DDR manag- ers must recognize and build into their planning estimates of the lead times for the acqui- sition of services and materials. Typical lead times for common equipment/commodities, exclusive of processing and shipping time, are given below: \\n In principle, programme managers should attempt to get all logistic requirements for UN support to DDR funded out of the regular mission budget. Also, they should identify a (small) number of priority pieces of equipment and services that could be funded from voluntary contributions (which often have the ability to procure locally and with shorter lead times) on a reimbursable basis. The procurement of equipment and services in this way should be carried out according to the rules and regulations of individual agencies.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission", "Heading2": "6.4. Long lead time items .", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "The range of logistic support provided to a programme or activity will normally include a combination of UN civilian, commercial and military resources. Each of these elements has distinct advantages and disadvantages: \\n UN civilian support under direct UN control is easily adjusted to programme-specific requirements, and can operate in all but the most hostile environment; however, it takes time to assemble the required personnel and equipment, and to establish the necessary organization; \\n Commercial support comes fully staffed and equipped, but it takes time to put the appro- priate contractual arrangements in place, and commercial support cannot always be relied on to operate in hostile conditions; \\n Military support can operate in the most hostile environments, can be mobilized rela- tively quickly (depending on the troop-contributing country) and comes fully staffed and equipped. However, military support lacks continuity, because of the need to rotate personnel every 6\u201312 months. It can also be expensive.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission", "Heading2": "6.5. Options for the provision of logistic support for DDR activities .", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "This section outlines the management structure, and the planning and delivery of logistic support in a peacekeeping mission. These structures apply to the components of a DDR programme managed directly by DPKO or funded from the regular mission budget.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission", "Heading2": "6.6. Support management structures and processes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "Within a UN peacekeeping mission, the chief administrative officer (CAO) (or director of administration \u2014 DOA) is the sole financially accountable officer (for the assessed budget), and is responsible for the provision of all administrative and logistic support to all mission components. The senior mission management determines the priorities for programmes and their activities. It is the responsibility of the CAO/DOA to turn these priorities into plans, resource allocations, tasks, and coordination and monitoring arrangements.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission", "Heading2": "6.6. Support management structures and processes", "Heading3": "6.6.1. Chief administrative officer", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "A joint civilian\u2013military management structure, known as integrated support services (ISS), reviews and prioritizes all requests for logistic support in accordance with the mission\u2019s objectives and priorities, and allocates the most suitable civilian, commercial or military support resource to meet the requirements in the most effective and economic manner. A diagram of a typical ISS structure is given in Annex B.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission", "Heading2": "6.6. Support management structures and processes", "Heading3": "6.6.2. Integrated support services", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "The day-to-day planning, analysis, coordination and tasking of all requests for logistic support are handled by the JLOC; see Annex B). The JLOC is also the mission\u2019s single point of contact for the coordination of logistics issues with non-DPKO actors such as NGOs or other UNagencies, fundsandprogrammes. All requests for logistic support should be channelled through the JLOC for appropriate prioritization and tasking.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission", "Heading2": "6.6. Support management structures and processes", "Heading3": "6.6.3. Joint Logistics Operations Centre", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "For the JLOC to effectively plan and de- liver logistic support to a DDR programme, it is essential that the DDR management team keeps the JLOC informed of its future support requirements during the planning stage and that it provides the JLOC with the programme operational plan before the DDR operation starts, keeping in view the lead times for design, acquisition, packaging and delivery of logistic services.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission", "Heading2": "6.6. Support management structures and processes", "Heading3": "6.6.3. Joint Logistics Operations Centre", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "The DDR operational plan needs to describe what is needed to achieve its planned activities, as follows: \\n physical resources: space, supplies, equipment; \\n human resources: international, national (local, national professional officers), UN volunteers; \\n services; \\n supplies; \\n partnerships/links with implementing partners; \\n time-lines.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Logistic support in a peacekeeping mission", "Heading2": "6.6. Support management structures and processes", "Heading3": "6.6.3. Joint Logistics Operations Centre", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.40 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR.json b/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ce4e67 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "The system of funding of a disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) pro- gramme varies according to the different involvement of international actors. When the World Bank (with its Multi-Donor Trustfund) plays a leading role in supporting a national DDR programme, funding is normally provided for all demobilization and reintegration activities, while additional World Bank International Development Association (IDA) loans are also provided. In these instances, funding comes from a single source and is largely guaranteed.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "In instances where the United Nations (UN) takes the lead, several sources of funding may be brought together to support a national DDR programme. Funds may include con- tributions from the peacekeeping assessed budget; core funding from the budgets of UN agencies, funds and programmes; voluntary contributions from donors to a UN-managed trust fund; bilateral support from a Member State to the national programme; and contribu- tions from the World Bank.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "In a peacekeeping context, funding may come from some or all of the above funding sources. In this situation, a good understanding of the policies and procedures governing the employment and management of financial support from these different sources is vital to the success of the DDR programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "Since several international actors are involved, it is important to be aware of important DDR funding requirements, resource mobilization options, funding mechanisms and finan- cial management structures for DDR programming. Within DDR funding requirements, for example, creating an integrated DDR plan, investing heavily in the reintegration phase and increasing accountability by using the results-based budgeting (RBB) process can contribute to the success and long-term sustainability of a DDR programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "When budgeting for DDR programmes, being aware of the various funding sources available is especially helpful. The peacekeeping assessed budget process, which covers military, personnel and operational costs, is vital to DDR programming within the UN peace- keeping context. Both in and outside the UN system, rapid response funds are available. External sources of funding include voluntary donor contributions, the World Bank Post- Conflict Fund, the Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Programme (MDRP), government grants and agency in-kind contributions.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "Once funds have been committed to DDR programmes, there are different funding mechanisms that can be used and various financial management structures for DDR pro- grammes that can be created. Suitable to an integrated DDR plan is the Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP), which is the normal UN inter-agency planning, coordination and resource mobilization mechanism for the response to a crisis. Transitional appeals, Post-Conflict Needs Assessments (PCNAs) and international donors\u2019 conferences usually involve govern- ments and are applicable to the conflict phase. In the case of RBB, programme budgeting that is defined by clear objectives, indicators of achievement, outputs and influence of external factors helps to make funds more sustainable. Effective financial management structures for DDR programmes are based on a coherent system for ensuring flexible and sustainable financing for DDR activities. Such a coherent structure is guided by, among other factors, a coordinated arrangement for the funding of DDR activities and an agreed framework for joint DDR coordination, monitoring and evaluation.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide DDR practitioners in Headquarters and the field, in peacekeeping missions as well as field-based UN agencies, funds and programmes with a good understanding of: \\n the major DDR activities that need to be considered and their associated cost; \\n the planning and budgetary framework used for DDR programming in a peacekeeping environment; \\n potential sources of funding for DDR programmes, relevant policies guiding their use and the key actors that play an important role in funding DDR programmes; \\n the financial mechanisms and frameworks used for DDR fund and programmes man- agement.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "Specifically, the module outlines the policies and procedures for the mobilization, man- agement and allocation of funds for DDR programmes, from planning to implementation. It provides substantive information about the budgeting process used in a peacekeeping mission (including the RBB framework) and UN country team. It also discusses the funding mechanisms available to support the launch and implementation of DDR programmes and ensure coordination with other stakeholders involved in the funding of DDR programmes. Finally, it outlines suggestions about how the UN\u2019s financial resources for DDR can be managed as part of the broader framework for DDR, defining national and international responsibilities and roles, and mechanisms for collective decision-making.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "The module does not deal with the specific policies and procedures of World Bank funding of DDR programmes. It should be read together with the module on planning of integrated DDR (IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures), the module on programme design (IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design), which provides guidance on developing cost-efficient and effective DDR programmes, and the module on national institutions (IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR), which specifies the role of national institutions in DDR.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of inte- grated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the word \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "The primary purpose of DDR is to build the conditions for sustainable reintegration and reconciliation at the community level. Therefore, both early, adequate and sustainable funding and effective and transparent financial management arrangements are vital to the success of DDR programmes. Funding and financial management must be combined with cost-efficient and effective DDR programme strategies that both increase immediate security and contribute to the longer-term reintegration of ex-combatants. Strategies containing poorly conceived eligibility criteria, a focus on individual combatants, up-front cash incentives, weapons buy-back schemes and hastily planned re- integration programmes must be avoided. They are both a financial drain and will not help to achieve the purpose of DDR.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "Programme managers should be aware that the reliance on multiple sources and mechanisms for funding DDR in a peacekeeping environment has several implications: \\n First, most programmes experience a gap of about a year from the time funds are pledged at a donors\u2019 conference to the time they are received. Payment may be further delayed if there is a lack of donor confidence in the peace process or in the implemen- tation of the peace agreement; \\n Second, the peacekeeping assessed budget is a predictable and reliable source of funding, but a lack of knowledge about what can or cannot be carried out with this source of funding, lack of clarity about the budgetary process and late submissions have all lim- ited the contributions of the peacekeeping assessed budget to the full DDR programme; \\n Third, the multiple funding sources have, on occasion, resulted in poorly planned and unsynchronized resource mobilization activities and unnecessary duplication of administrative structures. This has led to further confusion among DDR planners and implementers, diminished donor confidence in the DDR programme and, as a result, increased unwillingness to contribute the required funds.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "The following principles should guide the resource mobilization and financial management of DDR programmes:", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "The funding strategy of the UN for a DDR programme should be based on an integrated DDR plan and strategy that show the division of labour and relationships among different national and local stakeholders, and UN departments, agencies, funds and programmes. The planning process to develop the integrated plan should include the relevant national stakeholders, UN partners, implementing local and international partners (wherever pos- sible), donors and other actors such as the World Bank. The integrated DDR plan shall also define programme and resource management arrangements, and the roles and responsi- bilities of key national and international stakeholders.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1. Integrated DDR plan", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "Planning and budgeting for DDR shall also be harmonized with other assessment, planning and financing mechanisms that are established to manage and allocate financial resources for transition and recovery needs.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2. Harmonization with other post-conflict planning mechanisms", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners and donors shall recognize the indivisible character of DDR. Sufficient funds must be secured to finance the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration acti- vities for an individual participant and his/her receiving community before the UN should consider starting the disarmament process.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3. Funding DDR as an indivisible process", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "The UN must avoid duplicative, high-cost administrative structures for fund management in-country, as well as unnecessary duplication in programmes for ex-combatants and those associated with the armed forces and groups.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4. Minimizing duplication", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "The UN system should ensure that adequate, timely funding is allocated for the reintegra- tion component of the programme. Additional investments into community level services to assist and support reintegration and reconciliation (such as community security initia- tives) should be planned and harmonized with the investments of the UN system and bilateral and multilateral actors working on reintegrating internally displaced persons and refugees.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.5. Investing in reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "Wherever possible, cost estimates should be based on thorough assessments and surveys. In the absence of concrete information, the UN shall make the assumptions/estimates needed in order to carry out planning and budgeting for a DDR programme. The planning and budgetary process shall take into account realistic worst-case scenarios and build in sufficient financial flexibility to deal with potential identified political and security contin- gencies that may affect DDR.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6. Flexibility and worst-case planning estimates", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "The UN, together with relevant bilateral or multilateral partners, shall establish rigorous oversight mechanisms at the national and international levels to ensure a high degree of accuracy in monitoring and evaluation, transparency, and accountability. These tools ensure that the use of funds meets the programme objectives and conforms to both the financial rules and regulations of the UN (in the case of the assessed budget) and those of donors contributing funds to the DDR programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.7. Accountability", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "The matrix below identifies the main DDR activities from the negotiation of the peace proc- ess to the implementation of the programme, the main activities that may take place in each phase of the process, and possible resource requirements and sources of funding. This list provides a general example of the processes involved, and other issues may have to be included, depending on the requirements of a particular DDR mission", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. DDR logistic requirements", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "Budgeting for DDR activities, using the peacekeeping assessed budget, must be guided by two elements: \\n The Secretary-General\u2019s DDR definitions: In May 2005, the Secretary-General standardized the DDR definitions to be used by all peacekeeping missions in their budget submissions, in his note to the General Assembly (A/C.5/59/31); \\n General Assembly resolution A/RES/59/296: Following the note of the Secretary-General on DDR definitions, the General Assembly in resolution A/RES/59/296 recognized that a reinsertion period of one year is an integral part of the demobilization phase of the programme, and agreed to finance reinsertion activities for demobilized combatants for up to that period. (For the remaining text of resolution A/RES/59/296, please see Annex C.)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development", "Heading2": "6.1. The peacekeeping assessed budget of the UN", "Heading3": "6.1.1. Elements of budgeting for DDR", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "DISARMAMENT \\n Disarmament is the collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons of combatants and often also of the civilian population. It also includes the development of responsible arms management programmes. \\n\\n DEMOBILIZATION \\n Demobilization is the formal and controlled discharge of active combatants from armed forces or other armed groups. The first stage of demobilization may comprise the processing of individual combatants in temporary centres to the massing of troops in camps designated for this purpose (cantonment sites, encampments, assembly areas or barracks). The second stage of demobilization encompasses the support package provided to the demobilized, which is called reinsertion. \\n\\n REINSERTION \\n Reinsertion is the assistance offered to ex-combatants during demobilization but prior to the longer-term process of reintegration. Reinsertion is a form of transitional assistance to help cover the basic needs of ex-combatants and their families and can include transitional safety allowances, food, clothes, shelter, medical services, short-term education, training, employment and tools. While reintegration is a long-term, continuous social and economic process of development, reinsertion is a short-term material and/ or financial assistance to meet immediate needs, and can last up to a year. \\n\\n REINTEGRATION \\n Reintegration is the process by which ex-combatants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. It is essentially a social and economic process with an open time-frame, primarily taking place in communities at the local level. It is part of the general development of a country and a national responsibility and often necessitates long-term external assistance.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development", "Heading2": "6.1. The peacekeeping assessed budget of the UN", "Heading3": "6.1.1. Elements of budgeting for DDR", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "Guided by the Secretary-General\u2019s definitions and resolution A/RES/59/296 of the General Assembly, below is a list of the categories that may be funded by the peacekeeping assessed budget:", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development", "Heading2": "6.1. The peacekeeping assessed budget of the UN", "Heading3": "6.1.2. Categories that may be funded by the peacekeeping assessed budget", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "This section outlines the typical process for developing the budget for a peacekeeping mission and describes the RBB methodology used in DPKO missions for the preparation and sub- mission of budgets to the General Assembly. (Note: With the exception of new missions, the budget cycle for all peacekeeping budgets is from 1 July to 30 June of the following year.)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "7. The peacekeeping budgeting process", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "This section provides an overview of the main sources of funding used for DDR, as well as the types of activities they can finance. The section also illustrates how different funds and funding sources can be used within an overall phased plan for funding DDR.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "Section II: Resource mobilization", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "In general, five funding sources are used to finance DDR activities. These are: \\n the peacekeeping assessed budget of the UN; \\n rapid response (emergency) funds; voluntary contributions from donors; \\n government grants, government loans and credits; \\n agency cost-sharing.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "8. Sources of funding", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "An outline of the peacekeeping assessed budget process of the UN is given at the end of Section I. Next to the peacekeeping assessed budget, rapid response funds are another vital source of funding for DDR programming.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "8. Sources of funding", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "There are several sources of funds that can be accessed relatively quickly to fund urgent require- ments and emergencies: they can be used to fund specific activities needed to develop and launch DDR activities. The funds provide up-front capacities and resources in the immediate post-conflict period that cannot be covered by voluntary contributions, owing to delays in funds being disbursed and often lengthy procedures for authorization and disbursement. These funds often have flexible management arrangements, can be quickly disbursed, and can help the peacekeeping assessed budget to deal with strategic priorities immediately preceding, and during, the development and launch of DDR programmes. These sources of funding include the following:", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "9. Rapid response funds", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "The UN Development Programme (UNDP), through both its core funds for emergency situations (known as TRAC 1.1.3) and its Crisis Prevention and Recovery Thematic Trust Fund (CPR/TTF), can provide limited seed funding for developing and launching DDR programmes in the immediate pre-mandate and mission deployment period, and for providing technical and capacity-development assistance to parties engaged in peace negotiations:", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "9. Rapid response funds", "Heading2": "9.1. UNDP crisis prevention and recovery funds", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "The European Commission (EC) Rapid Reaction Mechanism (RRM) is designed to allow the European Union (EU) to respond urgently to the needs of countries threatened with or undergoing severe political instability or suffering from the effects of technological or natu- ral disasters.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "9. Rapid response funds", "Heading2": "9.2. European Commission Rapid Reaction Mechanism", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "The World Bank Post-Conflict Fund (PCF) supports planning, piloting and analysing of DDR activities by funding governments and partner organizations doing this work. The emphasis is on speed and flexibility without sacrificing quality.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "9. Rapid response funds", "Heading2": "9.3. World Bank Post-Conflict Fund", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "Voluntary contributions from UN Member States are the main source of financing for DDR programmes, and in particular reintegration activities. Contributions can originate from various sources, including foreign affairs ministries, overseas development assistance funds and defence ministries, among others. Key donors that usually provide financing for DDR, as well as security sector reform (SSR) and post-conflict recovery initiatives, include the following countries, together with their respective bilateral aid agencies and specialized mechanisms for funding post-conflict and transition priorities:", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "10. Voluntary (donor) contributions", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "The World Bank manages a regional DDR programme for the Greater Lakes Region in Cen- tral Africa, which can work closely with the UN in supporting national DDR programmes in peacekeeping missions.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "10. Voluntary (donor) contributions", "Heading2": "10.1. The World Bank\u2019s Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Programme (MDRP)", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "Although most post-conflict governments lack institutional capacity to carry out DDR, many (such as Sierra Leone) contribute towards the cost of domestic DDR programmes, given their importance as a national priority. Although these funds are not generally used to finance UN-implemented activities and operations, they play a key role in establishing and making operational national DDR institutions and programmes, while helping to generate a mean- ingful sense of national ownership of the process.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "10. Voluntary (donor) contributions", "Heading2": "10.2. Government grants", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "For some activities in a DDR programme, certain UN agencies might be in a position to provide in-kind contributions, particularly when these activities correspond to or consist of priorities and goals in their general programming and assistance strategy. Such in-kind contributions could include, for instance, the provision of food assistance to ex-combatants during their cantonment in the demobilization stage, medical health screening, or HIV/ AIDS counselling and sensitization. The availability and provision of these contributions for DDR programming should be discussed, identified and agreed upon during the programme design/planning phase, and the agencies in question should be active participants in the overall integrated approach to DDR. Traditional types of in-kind contributions include: \\n security and protection services (military) \u2014 mainly outside of DDR in peacekeeping missions; \\n construction of basic infrastructure; \\n logistics and transport; \\n food assistance to ex-combatants and dependants; \\n child-specific assistance; \\n shelter, clothes and other basic subsistence needs; \\n health assistance; \\n HIV/AIDS screening and testing; \\n public information services; \\n counselling; \\n employment creation in existing development projects.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "10. Voluntary (donor) contributions", "Heading2": "10.3. Agency in-kind contributions", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "A key element of a resource mobilization strategy is to focus on different donors and fund- ing sources, depending on what range of activities they can fund at different phases in the DDR programme cycle.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "11. Overview of phased DDR funding requirements", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "Some types of funding (particularly emergency response funding) are particularly useful in the initial planning and launch phase of DDR programmes, owing to their imme- diate availability, quick disbursal and flexibility, while other types of funding (voluntary contributions or loans) are more applicable for financing long-term reintegration assistance, owing to their slower disbursement, often of larger amounts, and their ability to finance multi-year arrangements.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "11. Overview of phased DDR funding requirements", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "Annex E illustrates how different sources and kinds of funds could be utilized within an overall phased approach to implementing DDR programmes. This type of planning could form a vital component of a resource mobilization strategy and allow the establishment of clear goals.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "11. Overview of phased DDR funding requirements", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "The UN system uses a number of different funding mechanisms and frameworks to mobilize financial resources in crisis and post-conflict contexts, covering all stages of the relief-to- development continuum, and including the mission period. For the purposes of financing DDR, the following mechanisms and instruments should be considered:", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "12. Standard funding mechanisms", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "The results-based budgeting (RBB) framework is the primary budgetary planning tool used by the UN Secretariat and peacekeeping missions, and is part of the Secretary-General\u2019s programme of reform and vision of a more results-oriented organization.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "12. Standard funding mechanisms", "Heading2": "12.1. Results-based budgeting for DDR in a peacekeeping environment", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "A significant feature of RBB is the defining of expected results at the beginning of the planning and budget cycle, before implementation. Thus RBB aims to shift focus from output accounting (i.e., activities) to results-based accountability (i.e., indicators of achievements). RBB is not simply an administrative process, but a strategic planning tool, improving the clarity of programmes, bringing about a common understanding and better communication between Member States and programme managers about the desired results. Results-based management is intended to be a dynamic process, providing feedback throughout the full programme cycle: in planning, programming, budgeting, and monitoring and evaluation. Since its inception, RBB has continued to evolve in order to better fulfil its role as a strategic planning tool for the UN. (See Annex D.1 for an overview of the RBB framework develop- ment and Annex D. 2 for an example from Sudan.)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "12. Standard funding mechanisms", "Heading2": "12.1. Results-based budgeting for DDR in a peacekeeping environment", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "RBB has four main components: \\n Objective: Serving as the basis for developing programme activities and identifying benchmarks for success; \\n Indicators of achievement: Measuring performance, justifying the resource requirements and linking them to outputs; \\n Outputs: Listing the activities that will be conducted in order to achieve the objective; \\n External factors: Identifying factors outside the control of the programme manager that may affect programme performance.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "12. Standard funding mechanisms", "Heading2": "12.1. Results-based budgeting for DDR in a peacekeeping environment", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR programmes should develop, to the extent possible, a single structure for managing and coordinating: \\n the receipt of funds from various funding sources and mechanisms; \\n the allocation of funds to specific projects, activities and implementing partners; \\n adequate monitoring, oversight and reporting on the use of funds.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "In order to achieve these goals, the structure should ideally: \\n include a coordinated arrangement for the funding of DDR activities that would be administered by either the UN or jointly with another organization such as the World Bank, with an agreed structure for joint coordination, monitoring and evaluation; \\n establish a direct link with integrated DDR planning and programming frameworks; \\n include all key stakeholders on DDR, while ensuring the primacy of national ownership; \\n bring together within one framework all available sources of funding, as well as related methods (including trust funds and pass-through arrangements, for instance), in order to establish a well-coordinated and coherent system for ensuring flexible and sustain- able financing of DDR activities.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "The establishment of a financial and management structure for funding DDR should clearly reflect the primacy of national ownership and responsibility, the extent of direct national implementation and fund management, and the nature of UN support. In this sense, a DDR funding structure should not be exclusively oriented towards UN management and imple- mentation, but rather be planned as an \u2018open\u2019 architecture to enable national and other international actors to meaningfully participate in the DDR process. As a part of the process of ensuring national participation, meaningful national ownership should be reflected in the leadership role that national stakeholders should play in the coordination mechanisms established within the overall financial and management structure.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "13.1. National role and coordination", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "The core elements of a DDR financial and management structure should ideally include the following: \\n a steering committee to provide overall strategic guidance and policy direction on DDR financing; ensure coherence with DDR strategy, priorities and programming framework; and ensure adequate coordination among key stakeholders (national actors, donors, UN agencies, the World Bank and other partners); \\n a coordination committee to coordinate the overall programme of activities to be financed through the funding structure, monitor coherence of programme activities and funding structure objectives, and ensure that the programmes are coordinated with broader frameworks and processes (e.g., recovery and SSR), as well as the overall national pro- gramme and other initiatives taking place at the same time; \\n a technical committee to provide general technical advice, carry out technical review of funding proposals and eligibility, and provide recommendations on the suitability of funding. The technical committee should include UN technical advisers, national rep- resentatives, donors and the chair of the steering committee; \\n a project approval committee to examine and approve eligible funding proposals sub- mitted to the DDR funding structure, provide strategic guidance on the use of funds, and ensure coherence and coordination between the funding structure and national priorities; \\n a secretariat to support the work of the committee through informational, administra- tive and secretarial responsibilities. The secretariat should also ensure adequate and consistent reporting on activities financed by the funding structure, as well as overall financial tracking. In certain cases, the secretariat could also be tasked with management of financial services such as procurement and contracting.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "13.2. Institutional and management structures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "The organization responsible for the administration of funds is responsible for establishing and maintaining appropriate records and accounts to identify financial contributions to funds and arrangements established within the funding structure, as well as to identify the commitments to be financed out of the contributions, and the receipt and disbursement of these funds, in accordance with specified arrangements.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "13.3. Administration of funds", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "If multiple mechanisms are established to manage receipt of funds (such as two separate trust funds covering different funding areas or funding sources), multiple administrative agents (AAs) will be required. To avoid confusion, the same standards and criteria for allo- cating, monitoring and reporting funds should be adopted.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "13.3. Administration of funds", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "Given the complexity and scope of DDR interventions, as well as the range of stakeholders involved, parallel initiatives, both UN and non-UN, are inevitable. Links shall be created between the national and UN DDR frameworks to ensure that these do not duplicate or otherwise affect overall coherence. The basic requirement of good coordination between integrated and parallel processes is an agreement on common strategic, planning and policy frameworks, which should be based on national policy priorities, if they exist. Structurally, stakeholders involved in parallel initiatives should participate on the steering and coordi- nation committees of the DDR funding structure, even though the actual administration and management of funds takes place outside this framework. This will avoid duplication of efforts and ensure a link to operational coordination, and enable the development of an aggregated/consolidated overall budget and work plan for DDR. Normal parallel funding mechanisms include the following: \\n Mission financing: Although the UN peacekeeping mission is a key component of the overall UN integrated structure for DDR, its main funding mechanism (assessed contri- butions) is managed directly by the mission itself in coordination with DPKO Head- quarters, and cannot be integrated fully into the DDR funding structure. For this reason, it should be considered a parallel funding mechanism, even though the DDR funding structure decides how funds are used and managed; \\n Parallel agency funds: Certain agencies might have programmes that could support DDR activities (e.g., food assistance for ex-combatants as part of a broader food assistance programme), or even DDR projects that fall outside the overall integrated programme framework; \\n Bilateral assistance funds: Some donors, particularly those whose bilateral aid agencies are active on post-conflict and/or DDR issues (such as USAID, DFID, CIDA, etc.) might choose to finance programmes that are parallel to integrated efforts, and which are directly implemented by national or sub-national partners. In this context, it is important to ensure that these donors are active participants in DDR and the funding structures involved, and to ensure adequate operational coordination (particularly to ensure that the intended geographic areas and beneficiaries are covered by the programme).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "13.4. Linking parallel funding mechanisms", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "Mechanisms for receiving and managing funds include the following:", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "13.5. Fund management mechanisms and methods", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "Under this option, participating UN organizations pool funds together within one UN organization, chosen jointly by the coordination committee of the DDR financial management structure, which will assume the responsibility of administering the funds. This organization, known as the administrative agent (AA), will support the partners authorized to manage and implement the joint programme of activities identified for these funds. Programme and financial accountability for the UN support to the joint programme will rest with the AA. This fund management option is likely to be the most effective and efficient when participating UN organizations work for the same results with a common national or sub- national partner (e.g., department, provincial office, NGO) and/or in the same geographical area (see Annex D.1).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "13.5. Fund management mechanisms and methods", "Heading3": "13.5.1. Pooled funding", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "If the integrated DDR programme is made operational through an association between activi- ties and projects to be implemented and/or managed by identified UN agencies or other partners, funding can be still be channelled through a central mechanism. If the donor(s) and participating UN organizations agree to channel the funds through one participating UN organization, then the pass-through method is used. In such a case, the AA would be jointly selected by the DDR coordination committee. Programmatic and financial account- ability should then rest with the participating organizations and (sub-)national partners that are managing their respective components of the joint programme. This approach has the advantage of allowing funding of DDR on the basis of an agreed-upon division of labour within the UN system (see Annex D.2).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "13.5. Fund management mechanisms and methods", "Heading3": "13.5.2. Pass-through funding", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "Cost-sharing is a procedure for receiving and managing funds for objectives, activities and results within a specific project or programme managed by a single UN agency. Given the relatively higher transaction costs involved in these arrangements, cost-sharing should be used exclusively for: specialized projects not foreseen in the initial programme document; smaller projects for implementation before the main funding mechanisms are established; funding with special arrangements; and projects that serve as a bridge to other processes and programmes and, therefore, require different management arrangements. Although funding is tied to specific projects and UN agencies in this method, its use should nonetheless be governed by the DDR coordination committee and the applicable criteria, procedures and reporting requirements.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "13.5. Fund management mechanisms and methods", "Heading3": "13.5.3. Cost-sharing", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "A trust fund is a mechanism used to receive and manage donor funds to achieve a broad aim as opposed to carrying out a specific project. As such, it is established as a separate accounting entity with a designated trust fund manager (an AA, in this case), as well as a governance structure that decides on the allocation of received funding, and is responsible for monitoring and evaluating how funds have been used. When located within an overall funding structure, these structures would be linked or merged with the coordination com- mittee and its respective subsidiary organs. In general, funds channeled through a trust fund are not initially allocated to a particular project and can therefore later be allocated to spe- cific projects or activities working to achieve the broad aim of the programme, based on the discretion of the DDR funding structure and the programme of work the trust fund is supposed to support, which can be a part of the overall DDR programme (e.g., covering reintegration activities specifically).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "13.5. Fund management mechanisms and methods", "Heading3": "13.5.4.Trust funds", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "A trust fund is a mechanism used to receive and manage donor funds to achieve a broad aim as opposed to carrying out a specific project. As such, it is established as a separate accounting entity with a designated trust fund manager (an AA, in this case), as well as a governance structure that decides on the allocation of received funding, and is responsible for monitoring and evaluating how funds have been used. When located within an overall funding structure, these structures would be linked or merged with the coordination com- mittee and its respective subsidiary organs. In general, funds channeled through a trust fund are not initially allocated to a particular project and can therefore later be allocated to spe- cific projects or activities working to achieve the broad aim of the programme, based on the discretion of the DDR funding structure and the programme of work the trust fund is supposed to support, which can be a part of the overall DDR programme (e.g., covering reintegration activities specifically).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "13.5. Fund management mechanisms and methods", "Heading3": "13.5.4.Trust funds", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "In the area of DDR, both the UN (through UNDP) and the World Bank have established and managed trust funds. Experience has shown that the use of trust funds for DDR offers several advantages, including: \\n the ability to rapidly mobilize and disburse voluntary funding (especially where up- front financing is available); \\n decentralized decision-making and management systems (where trust funds are country- specific); \\n the capacity to ensure broad national oversight and ownership, through national leader- ship of the trust fund governance structure; \\n the capacity to ensure sustainability and continuity (by not being linked to the opera- tional presence of any one organization); \\n unified donor coordination and funding structures so that gaps and duplication in funding, and inconsistency in policy advice, are avoided; \\n implementation and funding methods that create transparency and accountability and bring about efficient and prompt delivery.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "13.5. Fund management mechanisms and methods", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "Funds will be allocated on the basis of a set of criteria dealing with programme objectives, activities and results, among others, which will be used by the technical and project appraisal committees when they consider individual requests for funding by UN agencies and other implementing partners. Criteria can vary depending on the funding mechanism (e.g., a reintegration trust fund will consider only those proposals directly centred on reintegration). Generic categories of criteria can include: \\n links to the general thematic sector and/or programme objective(s); \\n the capacity and demonstrated results of the proposing organization; \\n the strength of the technical proposal; \\n cost-efficiency; \\n the involvement of national and local stakeholders; \\n the results that can be achieved.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "13.6. Fund allocation criteria", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "In order to ensure that the DDR funding structure reflects the overall strategic direction and substantive content of the integrated DDR programme, all funding decisions and criteria should be based, as far as possible, on the planning, results, and monitoring and evaluation frameworks of the DDR programme and action plan. For this reason, DDR planning and programme officers should participate at all levels of the fund management structure, and the same information management systems should be used. Changes to programme strat- egy should be immediately reflected in the way in which the funding structure is organized and approved by the key stakeholders involved. With respect to financial monitoring and reporting, the members of the funding facility secretariat should maintain close links with the monitoring and evaluation staff of the integrated DDR section, and use the same metho- dologies, frameworks and mechanisms as much as possible.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "13. Financial management", "Heading2": "13.7. Coordination of planning, monitoring and reporting", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ): The advisory body that reviews the budgets of peacekeeping missions and makes recommendations to the Fifth (Administrative and Budgetary) Committee of the General Assembly \\n Peacekeeping assessed budget: The assessed financial contribution of Member States to the operating of the UN peacekeeping missions, based on a scale established by the General Assembly. \\n Results-based budgeting (RBB): A strategic planning framework that focuses on concrete objectives, expected accomplishments and indicators of achievement for the allocation of resources. As such, the RBB aims to shift focus from output accounting (i.e., activities) to results-based accountability (indicators of achievements). \\n Voluntary contributions: This is a form of financial support that Member States pledge (often in a donors\u2019 conference) and commit on a case-by-case basis to support programme implementation. Contributions can be made to UN or non-UN trust funds. At times, donors implement their contributions through their own bilateral aid agency or directly through NGOs.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "Takes note of the note by the Secretary-General (definitions); \\n Notes that reinsertion activities are part of the disarmament and demobilization process, as outlined in the note by the Secretary-General; \\n Emphasizes that disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes are a critical part of peace processes and integrated peacekeeping operations, as mandated by the Security Council, and supports strengthening the coordination of those programmes in an integrated approach; \\n Stresses the importance of a clear description of respective roles of peacekeeping missions and all other relevant actors; \\n Also stresses the need for strengthened cooperation and coordination between the various actors within and outside the United Nations system to ensure effective use of resources and coherence on the ground in implementing disarmament, demobilization and reintegra- tion programmes; \\n Requests the Secretary-General, when submitting future budget proposals containing man- dated resource requirements for disarmament, demobilization and reinsertion, to provide clear information on these components and associated post and non-post costs; \\n Notes that the components used by the Secretary-General for budgeting for disarmament, demobilization and reinsertion activities are set out in the note by the Secretary-General, recognizing ongoing discussions on these concepts; \\n Notes also the intention of the Secretary-General to submit integrated disarmament, demo- bilization and reintegration standards to the General Assembly at its sixtieth session;", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "Annex C: Excerpt from General Assembly resolution A/RES/59/296", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 62, "Paragraph": "DDR objective statement. The DDR objective statement draws its legal foundation from Security Council mission mandates. It is important to note that the DDR objective will not be fully achieved in the lifetime of the peacekeeping mission, although certain specific activities such as the (limited) physical disarmament of combatants may be completed. Other important aspects of DDR such as reintegration, establishment of the legal framework, and the technical and logistic capacity to destroy or make safe small arms and light weapons all extend beyond the duration of a peacekeeping mission. In this regard, the objective statement must reflect the contribution of the peacekeeping mission to the \u2018progress towards\u2019 the DDR objective. \\n SAMPLE DDR OBJECTIVE STATEMENT \\n \u2018Progress towards the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of members of armed forces and groups, including meeting the specific needs of women and children associated with such groups, as well as weapons control and destruction\u2019", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "Annex D.1: Developing an RBB framework", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 63, "Paragraph": "Indicators of achievement. The targeted achievement should include the following dimensions: (1) include no more than five clear and measurable indicators; (2) in the first year of a DDR programme, the most important indicators of achievement should relate to the political will of the government to develop and implement the DDR programme; and (3) include baseline information from which increases/decreases are measured.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "Annex D.1: Developing an RBB framework", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 64, "Paragraph": "SAMPLE SET OF DDR INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENT \\n \u2018Transitional Government of National Unity adopts legislation establishing national and subnational DDR institutions, and related weapons control law\u2019 \\n \u2018Establishment of national and sub-national DDR authorities\u2019 \\n \u2018Development of a national DDR programme\u2019 \\n \u201834,000 members of armed forces and groups participate in disarmament, demobilization and community-based reintegration programmes, including 14,000 children released to return to their families\u2019 \\n \u2018Destroyed 4,000 of an estimated 20,000 weapons established in a small arms baseline survey conducted in January 2005\u2019", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "Annex D.1: Developing an RBB framework", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 65, "Paragraph": "Outputs. When developing the DDR outputs for an RBB framework, programme managers should bear in mind the following considerations: (1) specific references to the time-frame for implementation should be included; (2) DDR technical assistance or advice needs should be further defined to specify what that means in practice and, if possible, quantified (e.g., workshops, training programmes, legislative models, draft work plans); (3) the beneficiaries or recipients of the mission\u2019s efforts should be included in the output description; and (4) the verb should precede the output definition (e.g., Destroyed 9,000 weapons; Chaired 10 community sensitization meetings).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "Annex D.1: Developing an RBB framework", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 66, "Paragraph": "SAMPLE SET OF DDR OUTPUTS \\n \u2018Provided technical support (advice and programme development support) to the National DDR Coordination Council (NDDRCC), regional DDR commissions and their field structures, in collaboration with international financial institutions, international development organizations, non-governmental organizations and donors, in the development and implementation of a national DDR programme for all armed forces and groups\u2019 \\n \u2018Provided technical support (advice and programme development support) to assist the government in strengthening its capacity (legal, institutional, technical and physical) in the areas of weapons collection, control, management and destruction\u2019 \\n \u2018Conducted 10 training courses on DDR and weapons control for the military and civilian authorities in the first 6 months of the mission mandate\u2019 \\n \u2018Supported the DDR institutions to collect, store, control and destroy (where applicable and necessary) weapons, as part of the DDR programme\u2019 \\n \u2018Conducted with the DDR institutions and in partnership with international research institutions, small arms survey, economic and market surveys, verification of the size of the DDR caseload and eligibility criteria to support the planning of a comprehensive DDR programme in x\u2019 \\n \u2018Developed options (eligibility criteria, encampment options and integration in civil administration) for force reduction process for the government of national unity\u2019 \\n \u2018Disarmed and demobilized 15,000 allied militia forces, including provided related services such as feeding, clothing, civic education, medical profiling and counselling, education, training and employment referral, transitional safety allowance, training material\u2019 \\n \u2018Disarmed and demobilized 5,000 members of special groups (women, disabled and veterans), including provided related services such as feeding, clothing, civic education, medical, profiling and counselling, education, training and employment referral, transitional safety allowance, training material\u2019 \\n \u2018Negotiated and secured the release of 14,000 (UNICEF estimate) children associated with the armed forces and groups, and facilitated their return to their families within 12 months of the mission\u2019s mandate\u2019 \\n \u2018Developed, coordinated and implemented reinsertion support at the community level for 34,000 armed individuals, as well as individuals associated with the armed forces and groups (women and children), in collaboration with the national DDR institutions, and other UN funds, programmes and agencies. Community-based DDR projects include: transitional support programmes; labour-intensive public works; microenterprise support; training; and short-term education support\u2019 \\n \u2018Developed, coordinated and implemented community-based weapons for quick-impact projects programmes in 40 communities in x\u2019 \\n \u2018Developed and implemented a DDR and small arms sensitization and community mobilization programme in 6 counties of x, inter alia, to develop consensus and support for the national DDR programme at national, regional and local levels, and in particular to encourage the participation of women in the DDR programme\u2019 \\n \u2018Organized 10 regional workshops on DDR with x\u2019s military and civilian authorities\u2019", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "Annex D.1: Developing an RBB framework", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 67, "Paragraph": "External factors. When developing the external factors of the DDR RBB framework, pro- gramme managers are requested to identify those factors that are outside the control of the DDR unit. These should not repeat the factors that have been included in the indicators of achievement.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "Annex D.1: Developing an RBB framework", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 68, "Paragraph": "SAMPLE SET OF EXTERNAL FACTORS \\n \u2018Political commitment on the part of the parties to the peace agreement to implement the programme\u2019 [rather than \u2018Transitional Government of National Unity adopts legislation establishing national and sub-national DDR institutions, and related weapons control laws\u2019 \u2014 which was stated as an indicator of achievement above] \\n \u2018Commitment of non-signatories to the peace process to support the DDR programme\u2019 \\n \u2018Timely and adequate funding support from voluntary sources\u2019", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "Annex D.1: Developing an RBB framework", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}, {"ID": 69, "Paragraph": "1 For more information, see \\n 2 For more information, see \\n 3 For more information, see PostConflictFund. \\n 4 A/C.5/59/31.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Mission and Programme Support for DDR", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.41 Mission and Programme Support for DDR"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.42 Personnel and Staffing.json b/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.42 Personnel and Staffing.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5132c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.42 Personnel and Staffing.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "Creating an effective disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) unit requires paying careful attention to a set of multidimensional components and principles. The main components of an integrated DDR unit are: political and programme management; overall DDR planning and coordination; monitoring and evaluation; public information and sen\u00ad sitization; administrative and financial management; and setting up and running regional DDR offices. Each of these components has specific requirements for appropriate and well\u00ad trained personnel.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "As the process of DDR includes numerous cross\u00adcutting issues, personnel in an inte\u00ad grated DDR unit include individuals from varying work sectors and specialities. Therefore, the selection and maintenance of integrated DDR unit personnel, based on a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is defined by the following principles: joint management of the DDR unit (in this case, management by a peacekeeping mission chief and UNDP chief); secondment of an administrative and finance cell by UNDP; second\u00ad ment of staff from other United Nations (UN) entities assisted by project support staff to fulfil the range of needs for an integrated DDR unit; and, finally, continuous links with other parts of the peacekeeping mission for the development of a joint DDR planning and programming approach.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to explain: \\n the role of an integrated DDR unit in a peacekeeping mission; \\n personnel requirements of the DDR unit; \\n the recruitment and deployment process; \\n training opportunities for DDR practitioners.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of the abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "The success of a DDR strategy depends to a great extent on the timely selection and appoint\u00ad ment of qualified, experienced and appropriately trained personnel deployed in a coherent DDR organizational structure.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "To ensure maximum cooperation (and minimize duplication) among the many UN agencies, funds and programmes working on DDR, the UN adopts an integrated approach towards the establishment of a DDR unit.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "The design of the personnel structure, and the deployment and management of personnel in the integrated unit and how they relate to others working in DDR are guided by the principles, key considerations and approaches defined in IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR. Of particular importance are: \\n Unity of effort: The peacekeeping mission, UN agencies, funds and programmes should work together at all stages of the DDR programme \u2014 from planning to implementa\u00ad tion to evaluation \u2014 to ensure that the programme is successful. An appropriate joint planning and coordination mechanism must be established as early as possible to ensure cooperation among all UN partners that may be involved in any aspect of the DDR programme; \\n Integration: Wherever possible, and when consistent with the mandate of the Security Council, the peacekeeping mission and the UN agencies, funds and programmes shall support an integrated DDR unit, which brings together the expertise, planning and coordination capacities of the various UN entities.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "The aim of establishing an integrated unit is to ensure joint planning and coordination, and effective and efficient decentralized implementation. The integrated DDR unit also employs the particular skills and expertise of the different UN entities to ensure flexibility, responsiveness, expertise and success for the DDR programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. The aim of the integrated unit", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "The integrated DDR unit, in general terms, should fulfil the following functions: \\n Political and programme management: The chief and deputy chief of the integrated DDR unit are responsible for the overall political and programme management. Both the chief and his/her deputy will work to ensure that the DDR programme supports the overall peace process and mission objectives, and that there is close cooperation and collaboration with national stakeholders and other implementing partners, such as other UN entities, international organizations, non\u00adgovernmental organizations (NGOs) and the donor community; \\n Overall DDR planning and coordination: This component of the DDR unit is responsible for the overall development of the DDR programme. Seconded personnel from UN agencies, funds and programmes will work in this section to contribute to the joint planning and coordination of the DDR programme. Attached military and police per\u00ad sonnel from within the mission will also form part of this component; \\n Disarmament and demobilization: This component will be responsible for the overall implementation and management of all aspects of the disarmament and demobilization phases of the DDR programme. This includes short\u00adterm disarmament activities, such as weapons collection and registration, but also longer\u00adterm disarmament activities that support the establishment of a legal regime for the control of small arms and light weapons, and other community weapons collection initiatives. Where mandated, this component will coordinate with the military to assist in the destruction of weapons, ammunition and unexploded ordnance; \\n Reintegration: This component plans the economic and social reintegration strategies. It also plans the reinsertion programme to ensure consistency and coherence with the overall reintegration strategy. It needs to work closely with other parts of the mission facilitating the return and reintegration of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees; \\n Monitoring and evaluation: This component is responsible for setting up and monitoring indicators to measure the achievements in all phases of the DDR programme. It also conducts DDR\u00adrelated surveys such as small arms baseline surveys, profiling of parti\u00ad cipants and beneficiaries, mapping of economic opportunities, etc.; \\n Public information and sensitization: This component works to develop the public informa\u00ad tion and sensitization strategy for the DDR programme. It draws on the direct support of the public information unit in the peacekeeping mission, but also employs other information dissemination personnel within the mission, such as the military, police and civil affairs officers, as well as local mechanisms such as theatre groups, adminis\u00ad trative structures, etc.; \\n Administrative and financial management: This is a small component of the unit, which may be seconded from an integrating UN entity to support the programme delivery aspect of the DDR unit. Its role is to utilize the administrative and financial capacities of the UN country office; \\n Regional DDR offices: These are the regional implementing components of the DDR unit, which would implement programmes at the local level in close cooperation with the other regionalized components of civil affairs, military, police, etc.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. The aim of the integrated unit", "Heading2": "5.1. Components of the integrated DDR unit", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "DPKO and UNDP are in the process of developing an MoU on the establishment of an integrated DDR unit in a peacekeeping mission. For the time being, the following principles shall guide the establishment of the integrated DDR unit: \\n Joint management of the DDR unit: The chief of the DDR unit shall come from the peace\u00ad keeping mission. His/Her post shall be funded from the peacekeeping assessed budget. The deputy chief of the integrated DDR unit shall be seconded from UNDP, although the peacekeeping mission will provide him/her with administrative and logistic support for him/her to perform his/her function as deputy chief of the DDR unit. Such integration allows the DDR unit to use the particular skills of both the mission and the country office, maximizing existing local knowledge and ensuring a smooth transition on DDR\u00adrelated issues when the mandate of the peacekeeping mission ends; \\n Administrative and finance cell from UNDP: UNDP shall second a small administrative and finance cell from its country office to support the programme delivery aspects of the DDR component. The principles of secondment use for the deputy chief of the DDR unit shall apply; \\n Secondment of staff from other UN entities: In order to maximize coherence and coordina\u00ad tion on DDR between missions and UN agencies, staff members from other agencies may be seconded to specific posts in the integrated DDR unit. Use of this method ensures the active engagement and participation of UN agencies in strategic policy decisions and coordination of UN DDR activities (including both mission operational support and programme implementation). The integration and co\u00adlocation of UN agency staff in this structure are essential, given the complex and highly operational nature of DDR. Decisions on secondment shall be made at the earliest stages of planning to ensure that the proper budgetary support is secure to support the integrated DDR unit and the seconded personnel; \\n Project support units: Core UN agency staff seconded to the integrated DDR unit may be complemented by additional project support staff located in project support units (PSUs) in order to provide capacity (programme, monitoring, operations, finance) for implementing key elements of UN assistance within the national planning and pro\u00ad gramme framework for DDR. The PSU will also be responsible for ensuring links and coordination with other agency programme areas (particularly in rule of law and security sector reform). Additional PSUs managed by other UN agencies can also be established, depending on the implementation/operational role attributed to them; \\n Links with other parts of the peacekeeping mission: The integrated DDR unit shall be closely linked with other parts of the peacekeeping mission, in particular the military and the police, to ensure a \u2018joined\u00adup\u2019 approach to the DDR programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. The aim of the integrated unit", "Heading2": "5.2. Principles of integration .", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "In line with the wide\u00adranging functions of the integrated DDR unit, the list below gives typical (generic) appointments that may be made in a DDR unit.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. The aim of the integrated unit", "Heading2": "5.3. Personnel requirements of the DDR unit .", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "Regardless of the size of the DDR programme, appointments of staff concerned with joint planning and coordination will remain largely the same, although they need to be consistent with the specific DDR mandate provided by the Security Council.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. The aim of the integrated unit", "Heading2": "5.3. Personnel requirements of the DDR unit .", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "The regional offices and the personnel requirement in these offices will differ, however, according the size of the DDR programme. The list below provides an example of a relatively large mission DDR unit appointment list, which may be adapted to suit mission\u00adspecific needs.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. The aim of the integrated unit", "Heading2": "5.3. Personnel requirements of the DDR unit .", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "Given the breadth and scope of DDR activities, staff members may come from a number of sources such as: \\n peacekeeping missions; \\n UN agencies, funds and programmes; UN Headquarters; \\n UN volunteer system; \\n other international organizations (World Bank, European Union, Organization for Secu\u00ad rity and Co\u00adoperation in Europe, etc.); \\n local and international NGOs; \\n the private sector.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "The Personnel Management and Support Service (PMSS) in the Office of Mission Support is responsible for the recruitment and deployment of staff in a peacekeeping mission, with the exception of staff seconded from UN agencies (who will follow their own recruitment procedures).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development", "Heading2": "6.1. Personnel Management and Support Service", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "The typical recruitment process for a staff member in the mission is as follows: \\n candidate applies on line to a generic vacancy announcement in the Galaxy system (; \\n PMSS screens applications to select candidates who meet all the requirements of the post, and includes them in a roster of candidates for that occupational group/level; \\n mission chief civilian personnel officer identifies the vacancy and requests recruitment action from PMSS; \\n PMSS makes available to the mission rosters of pre\u00adscreened and technically cleared candidates; \\n mission programme manager interviews candidates and recommends selection; \\n PMSS commences recruitment action (e.g., reference checks, offer of appointment, medical clearance, travel arrangements, etc.).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development", "Heading2": "6.2. Recruitment process .", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "Below is a list of appointments for which generic job descriptions are available; these can be found in the annexes as shown. \\n Chief, DDR Unit (Annex C.1) \\n Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (Annex C.2) \\n Senior Military DDR Officer (Annex C.3) \\n DDR Field Officer (Annex C.4) \\n DDR Field Officer (UNV) (Annex C.5) \\n DDR Programme Officer (UNV) (Annex C.6) \\n DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (UNV) (Annex C.7) \\n DDR Officer (International) (Annex C.8) \\n Reintegration Officer (International) (Annex C.9) \\n DDR Field Coordination Officer (National) (Annex C.10) \\n Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (Annex C.11) \\n DDR Gender Officer (Annex C.12) \\n DDR HIV/AIDS Officer (Annex C.13)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development", "Heading2": "6.3. Generic job descriptions", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "At the planning stages of the mission, the DDR programme manager should develop the staff induction plan for the DDR unit. The staff induction plan specifies the recruitment and deployment priorities for the personnel in the DDR unit, who will be hired at different times during the mission start\u00adup period. The plan will assist the mission support compo\u00ad nent to recruit and deploy the appropriate personnel at the required time. The following template may be used in the development of the staff induction plan:", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Budgeting for DDR during programme development", "Heading2": "6.4. Staff induction plan", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "A training strategy will be developed as soon as possible to assist staff members at every level in the DDR unit to advance their professional knowledge of DDR, and assist them to gain access to the more general leadership and management training available through the civilian training and development section.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "7. DDR training strategy", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "DDR training courses may be found on the UN DDR Resource Centre Web site: http://", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "7. DDR training strategy", "Heading2": "7.1. Current DDR training courses .", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "Chief, DDR Unit (D1\u2013P5)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.1: Chief, DDR Unit (D1\u2013P5)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent normally reports directly to the Deputy SRSG (Resident Coordinator/ Humanitarian Coordinator).", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.1: Chief, DDR Unit (D1\u2013P5)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Deputy SRSG (Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator), the Chief of the DDR Unit is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n provide effective leadership and ensure the overall management of the DDR Unit in all its components; \\n\\n provide strategic vision and guidance to the DDR Unit and its staff; \\n\\n coordinate activities among international and national partners on disarmament, demo\u00ad bilization and reintegration; \\n\\n develop frameworks and policies to integrate civil society in the development and implementation of DDR activities; \\n\\n account to the national disarmament commission on matters of policy as well as peri\u00ad odic updates with regard to the process of disarmament and reintegration; \\n\\n advise the Deputy SRSG (Humanitarian and Development Component) on various aspects of DDR and recommend appropriate action; \\n\\n advise and assist the government on DDR policy and operations; \\n\\n coordinate and integrate activities with other components of the mission on DDR, notably communications and public information, legal affairs, policy/planning, civilian police and the military component; \\n\\n develop resource mobilization strategy and ensure coordination with donors, includ\u00ad ing the private sector; \\n\\n be responsible for the mission\u2019s DDR programme page in the UN DDR Resource Centre to ensure up\u00adto\u00addate information is presented to the international community. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.1: Chief, DDR Unit (D1\u2013P5)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "Vision: Identifies and defines strategic direction for the unit\u2019s work programme; ability to recognize requirements and translate requirements into programmes and services that achieve objectives and goals. \\n Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations; strong negotiating skills; proven critical thinking skills. \\n Leadership: Proven ability to provide effective leadership and transfer advice and knowl\u00ad edge to staff at all levels and from different national and cultural backgrounds. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and provide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, coor\u00ad dinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/problems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes and services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Excellent communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating positions on issues, articulating options, concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.1: Chief, DDR Unit (D1\u2013P5)", "Heading3": "Competencies", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in social sciences, manage\u00ad ment, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. \\n Experience: Minimum of 10 years of progressively responsible professional experience in peacekeeping and peace\u00adbuilding operations in the field of DDR of ex\u00adcombatants, including extensive experience in working on small arms reduction programmes. Detailed knowledge of development process and post\u00adconflict related issues particularly on the DDR process. Additional experience in developing support strategies for IDPs, refugees, disaffected popu\u00ad lations, children and women in post\u00adconflict situations will be valuable. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.1: Chief, DDR Unit (D1\u2013P5)", "Heading3": "Qualifications", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (P5\u2013P4)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.2: Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (P5\u2013P4)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent reports directly to the Deputy SRSG (Resident Coordinator/Humani\u00ad tarian Coordinator). In most cases, the staff member filling this post would be seconded and paid for by UNDP. For duration of his/her secondment as Deputy Chief, he/she will receive administrative and logistic support from the peacekeeping mission.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.2: Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (P5\u2013P4)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Deputy Chief is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n assist Chief of DDR Unit in the overall management of the DDR Unit in all its components; support Chief of DDR Unit in the overall day\u00adto\u00adday supervision of staff and field operations; \\n\\n support Chief of DDR Unit in the identification and development of synergies and partnerships with other actors (national and international) at the strategic, technical and operational levels; \\n\\n support Chief of DDR Unit in resource mobilization and ensure coordination with donors, including the private sector; \\n\\n provide technical advice and support to the national disarmament commission and programme as necessary; \\n\\n act as the programmatic linkage to the work of the UN country team on the broader reintegration and development issues of peace\u00adbuilding; \\n\\n provide overall coordination and financial responsibility for the programming and implementation of UNDP funds for disarmament and reintegration; \\n\\n oversee the development and coordination of the implementation of a comprehensive socio\u00adeconomic reintegration framework for members of armed forces and groups taking advantage of existing or planned recovery and reconstruction plans; \\n\\n oversee the development and coordination of the implementation of a comprehensive national capacity development support strategy focusing on weapons control, manage\u00ad ment, stockpiling and destruction; \\n\\n support Chief of DDR Unit in all other areas necessary for the success of DDR activities. Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.2: Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (P5\u2013P4)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "Vision: Identifies and defines strategic direction for the unit\u2019s work programme; ability to recognize requirements and translate requirements into programmes and services that achieve objectives and goals. \\n Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations; strong negotiating skills; proven critical thinking skills. \\n Leadership: Proven ability to provide effective leadership and transfer advice and knowl\u00ad edge to staff at all levels and from different national and cultural backgrounds. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, coor\u00ad dinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/problems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes and services, offer new and diff\u00ad erent options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Excellent communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating positions on issues, articulating options concisely, conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.2: Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (P5\u2013P4)", "Heading3": "Competencies", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in social sciences, manage\u00ad ment, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. \\n Experience: Minimum of 10 years of progressively responsible professional experience in peacekeeping and peace\u00adbuilding operations in the field of DDR of ex\u00adcombatants, including extensive experience in working on small arms reduction programmes. Detailed knowledge of development process and post\u00adconflict related issues, particularly on the DDR process. Additional experience in developing support strategies for IDPs, refugees, disaffected popu\u00ad lations, children and women in post\u00adconflict situations will be valuable. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.2: Deputy Chief, DDR Unit (P5\u2013P4)", "Heading3": "Qualifications", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "Senior Military DDR Officer (Lieutenant-Colonel/Colonel)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.3: Senior Military DDR Officer", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.3: Senior Military DDR Officer", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Senior Military DDR Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n support the overall DDR plan, specifically in the strategic, functional and operational areas relating to disarmament and demobilization; \\n direct and supervise all military personnel appointed to the DDR Unit; \\n ensure direct liaison and coordination between DDR operations and the military head\u00ad quarters, specifically the Joint Operations Centre; \\n ensure accurate and timely reporting of security matters, particularly those likely to affect DDR tasks; \\n provide direct liaison, advice and expertise to the Force Commander relating to DDR matters; \\n assist Chief of DDR Unit in the preparation and planning of the DDR strategy, provid\u00ad ing military advice, coordination between sub\u00adunits and civilian agencies; \\n liaise with other mission military elements, as well as national military commanders and, where appropriate, those in national DDR bodies; \\n supervise the development of appropriate mechanisms and systems for the registration and tracking of weapons collection, registration, storage and disposal/destruction, etc.; \\n coordinate and facilitate the use of mission forces for the potential construction or development of DDR facilities \u2014 camps, reception centres, pick\u00adup points, etc. As required, facilitate security of such locations; \\n assist in the coordination and development of DDR Unit mechanisms for receiving and recording group profile information, liaise on this subject with the military information unit; \\n liaise with military operations for the deployment of military observers in support of DDR tasks; \\n be prepared to support security sector reform linkages and activities in future mission planning; \\n undertake such other tasks as may be reasonably requested by the Force Commander and Chief of DDR Unit in relation to DDR activities. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.3: Senior Military DDR Officer", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "Professionalism: Should be formally staff trained and command qualified. Ideally experi\u00ad enced in other peacekeeping operations, specifically in relation to DDR activities. The selected candidate should be well acquainted with regional and subregional conflict/political issues and ideally have knowledge of the specific mission background. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective command and supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and provide guidance and support. Must be capable of working within a multi\u00adagency integrated team. The candidate would benefit from CIMIC experience and should have an understanding of the nature, capacities and limitations of non\u00adUN agencies, NGOs, etc. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness, sound judgement and decision\u00admaking skills. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/problems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Excellent and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, includ\u00ad ing ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating positions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Excellent interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective work\u00ad ing relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.3: Senior Military DDR Officer", "Heading3": "Competencies", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "Education and work experience: Graduate of Military Command and Staff College. A minimum of 15 years of progressive responsibility in military command appointments, preferably to include peacekeeping and peace\u00adbuilding operations in the field of DDR of ex\u00adcombatants. Detailed knowledge of development process and post\u00adconflict related issues, particularly on the DDR process. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.3: Senior Military DDR Officer", "Heading3": "Qualifications", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "DDR Field Officer (P4\u2013P3)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.4: DDR Field Officer (P4\u2013P3)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the DDR Field Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n be in charge of the overall planning and implementation of the DDR programme in his/her regional area of responsibility; \\n act as officer in charge of all DDR staff members in the regional office, including the administration and management of funds allocated to achieve DDR programme in the region; \\n be responsible for the day\u00adto\u00adday coordination of DDR operations with other mission components in the regional office and other UN entities; \\n identify and develop synergies and partnerships with other actors (national and inter\u00ad national) in his/her area of responsibility; \\n provide technical advice and support to regional and local DDR commissions and offices, as appropriate; \\n be responsible for regular reporting on the situation pertaining to the armed forces and groups in his/her area of responsibility and progress on the implementation of the DDR strategy. Prepare and contribute to the preparation of various reports and documents. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.4: DDR Field Officer (P4\u2013P3)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and provide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.4: DDR Field Officer (P4\u2013P3)", "Heading3": "Competencies", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.4: DDR Field Officer (P4\u2013P3)", "Heading3": "Qualifications", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "DDR Field Officer (UNV)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.5: DDR Field Officer (UNV)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within the limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Regional DDR Officer, the DDR Field Officer (UNV) is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n assist the DDR Field Officer in the planning and implementation of one aspect of the DDR programme in his/her regional area of responsibility; \\n be responsible for the day\u00adto\u00adday coordination of DDR operations with other mission components in the regional office and other UN entities on the specific area of respon\u00ad sibility; \\n identify and develop synergies and partnerships with other actors (national and inter\u00ad national) in his/her area of responsibility; \\n provide technical advice and support to regional and local DDR commissions and offices, as appropriate; \\n be responsible for regular reporting on the situation pertaining to the armed forces and groups in his/her area of responsibility and progress on the implementation of the DDR strategy. Prepare and contribute to the preparation of various reports and documents. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.5: DDR Field Officer (UNV)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.5: DDR Field Officer (UNV)", "Heading3": "Competencies", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of three years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.5: DDR Field Officer (UNV)", "Heading3": "Qualifications", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "DDR Programme Officer (UNV)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.6: DDR Programme Officer (UNV)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit and DDR Field Coordinator, the DDR Programme Officer is respon\u00ad sible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n work with local authorities and civil society organizations to facilitate and implement all aspects of the DDR programme \\n represent the DDR Unit in mission internal regional meetings; \\n work closely with DDR partners at the regional level to facilitate collection, safe storage and accountable collection of small arms and light weapons. Ensure efficient, account\u00ad able and transparent management of all field facilities pertaining to community\u00adspecific DDR projects; \\n plan and support activities at the regional level pertaining to the community arms col\u00ad lection and development including: (1) capacity\u00adbuilding; (2) sensitization and public awareness\u00adraising on the dangers of illicit weapons circulating in the community; (3) implementation of community project; \\n monitor, evaluate and report on all field project activities; monitor and guide field staff working in the project, including the coordination of sensitization and arms col\u00ad lection activities undertaken by Field Assistants at regional level; \\n ensure proper handling of project equipment and accountability of all project resources. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.6: DDR Programme Officer (UNV)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.6: DDR Programme Officer (UNV)", "Heading3": "Competencies", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. Experience with local development, microcredit and participatory approaches essential. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.6: DDR Programme Officer (UNV)", "Heading3": "Qualifications", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (P2\u2013UNV)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.7: DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (P2\u2013UNV) Draft generic job profile", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\nAccountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer is responsible for the follow\u00ad ing duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n develop monitoring and evaluation criteria for all aspects of disarmament and reinte\u00ad gration activities, as well as an overall strategy and monitoring calendar; \\n establish baselines for monitoring and evaluation purposes in the areas related to disarmament and reintegration, working in close collaboration with the disarmament and reintegration officers, to allow for effective evaluations of programme impact; \\n undertake periodic reviews of disarmament and reintegration activities to assess effec\u00ad tiveness, efficiency, achievement of results and compliance with procedures; \\n develop a field manual on standards and procedures for use by local partners and executing agencies, and organize training; \\n undertake periodic field visits to inspect the provision of reinsertion benefits and the implementation of reintegration projects, and reporting; \\n develop recommendations on ongoing and future activities, lessons learned, modifica\u00ad tions to implementation strategies and arrangements with partners. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.7: DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (P2\u2013UNV) Draft generic job profile", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.7: DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (P2\u2013UNV) Draft generic job profile", "Heading3": "Competencies", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of three years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. Experience in results\u00adoriented programming and moni\u00ad toring and evaluation. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.7: DDR Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (P2\u2013UNV) Draft generic job profile", "Heading3": "Qualifications", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "DDR Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.8: DDR Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the DDR Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n support the Chief and Deputy Chief of the DDR Unit in operational planning for the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, including developing the policies and programmes, as well as implementation targets and work plans; \\n undertake negotiations with armed forces and groups in order to create conditions for their entrance into the DDR programme; \\n undertake and organize risk and threat assessments, target group profiles, political fac\u00ad tors, security, and other factors affecting operations; \\n undertake planning of weapons collection activities, in conjunction with the military component of the peacekeeping mission; \\n undertake planning and management of the demobilization phase of the programme, which may include camp management, as well as short\u00adterm transitional support to demobilized combatants; \\n provide support for the development of joint programming frameworks on reintegration with the government and partner organizations, taking advantage of opportunities and synergies with economic recovery and community development programmes; \\n assist in the development of criteria for the selection of partners (local and interna\u00ad tional) for the implementation of reinsertion and reintegration activities; \\n liaise with other national and international actors on activities and initiatives related to reinsertion and reintegration; \\n supervise the development of appropriate mechanisms and systems for the registration and tracking of beneficiaries for reinsertion and reintegration, as well as mapping of socio\u00adeconomic opportunities in other development projects, employment possibili\u00ad ties, etc.; \\n coordinate and facilitate the participation of local communities in the planning and implementation of reintegration assistance, using existing capacities at the local level and in close synergy with economic recovery and local development initiatives; \\n liaise closely with organizations and partners to develop assistance programmes for vulnerable groups, e.g., women and children; \\n facilitate the mobilization and organization of networks of local partners around the goals of socio\u00adeconomic reintegration and economic recovery, involving local NGOs, community\u00adbased organizations, private sector enterprises, and local authorities (com\u00ad munal and municipal); \\n supervise the undertaking of studies to determine reinsertion and reintegration benefits and implementation modalities; \\n ensure good coordination and information sharing with implementation partners and other organizations, as well as with other relevant sections of the mission; \\n ensure that DDR activities are well integrated and coordinated with the activities of other mission components (particularly communication and public information, mis\u00ad sion analysis, political, military and police components); \\n perform a liaison function with other national and international actors in matters related to DDR; \\n support development of appropriate legal frameworks on disarmament and weapons control. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.8: DDR Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and provide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.8: DDR Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)", "Heading3": "Competencies", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. Experience with local development, microcredit and participatory approaches essential. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.8: DDR Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)", "Heading3": "Qualifications", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "Draft generic job profile", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.9: Reintegration Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Reintegration Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. There\u00ad fore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n support the development of the registration, reinsertion and reintegration component of the disarmament and reintegration programme, including overall framework, imple\u00admentation strategy, and operational modalities, respecting national programme priori\u00ad ties and targets; \\n supervise field office personnel on work related to reinsertion and reintegration; \\n assist in the development of criteria for the selection of partners (local and interna\u00ad tional) for the implementation of reinsertion and reintegration activities; \\n liaise with other national and international actors on activities and initiatives related to reinsertion and reintegration; \\n supervise the development of appropriate mechanisms and systems for the registration and tracking of beneficiaries for reinsertion and reintegration, as well as mapping of socio\u00adeconomic opportunities in other development projects, employment possibili\u00ad ties, etc.; \\n coordinate and facilitate the participation of local communities in the planning and implementation of reintegration assistance, using existing capacities at the local level and in close synergy with economic recovery and local development initiatives; \\n liaise closely with organizations and partners to develop assistance programmes for vulnerable groups, e.g., women and children; \\n facilitate the mobilization and organization of networks of local partners around the goals of socio\u00adeconomic reintegration and economic recovery, involving local NGOs, community\u00adbased organizations, private sector enterprises and local authorities (com\u00ad munal and municipal); \\n supervise the undertaking of studies to determine reinsertion and reintegration benefits and implementation modalities. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.9: Reintegration Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs; \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.9: Reintegration Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)", "Heading3": "Competencies", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. Experience with local development, microcredit and participatory approaches essential. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.9: Reintegration Officer (P4\u2013P3, International)", "Heading3": "Qualifications", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "DDR Field Coordination Officer (National)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.10: DDR Field Coordination Officer (National)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "Under the overall supervision of the Chief of DDR Unit and working closely with the DDR Officer, the Field Coordination Officer carries out the work, information feedback and coordination of field rehabilitation and reintegration activities. The Field Coordination Officer will improve field supervision, sensitization, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. He/she will also assist in strengthening the working relationships of DDR staff with other peacekeeping mission substantive sections in the field. He/she will also endeavour to strengthen, coordination and collaboration with government offices, the national commis\u00ad sion on DDR (NCDDR), international NGOs, NGOs (implementing partners) and other UN agencies working on reintegration in order to unify reintegration activities. The Field Coordination Officer will liaise closely with the DDR Officer/Reintegration Officer and undertake the following duties: \\n assist and advise DDR Unit in areas within his/her remit; \\n provide direction and support to field staff and activities; \\n carry out monitoring, risk assessment and reporting in relation to the environment and practices that bear on the security of staff in the field (physical security, accommo\u00ad dation, programme fiscal and procurement practices, transport and communications); \\n support the efficient implementation of all DDR coordination projects; \\n develop and sustain optimal information feedback, in both directions, between the field and Headquarters; \\n support the DDR Unit in the collection of programme performance information, pro\u00ad gress and impact assessment; \\n collect the quantitative and qualitative information on programme implementation; \\n carry out follow\u00adup monitoring visits on activities of implementing partners and regional offices; \\n liaise with ex\u00adcombatants, beneficiaries, implementing partners and referral officer for proper sensitization and reinforcement of the programme; \\n create efficient early warning alert system and rapid response mechanisms for \u2018hot spot\u2019 development; \\n ensure DDR coordination programs complement each other and are implemented efficiently; \\n support liaison with the NCDDR and other agencies in relation to the reintegration of ex\u00adcombatants, CAAFG, WAAFG and war\u00adaffected people in the field; \\n provide guidance and on\u00adthe\u00adground support to reintegration officers; \\n liaise with Military Observers, Reintegration Unit and UN Police in accordance with the terms of reference; \\n liaise and coordinate with civil affairs section in matters of mutual interest; \\n carry out any other duties as directed by the DDR Unit.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.10: DDR Field Coordination Officer (National)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 62, "Paragraph": "Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (P4\u2013P3)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.11: Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (P3\u2013P4)", "Heading3": "Draft generic Job Profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 63, "Paragraph": "Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer is responsible for the follow\u00ad ing duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n formulate and implement, within the DDR programme, a small arms and light weapons (SALW) reduction and control project for the country in support of the peace process; \\n coordinate SALW reduction and control activities taking place in the country and among the parties, the national government, civil society and the donor community; \\n provide substantive technical inputs and advice to the Chief of the DDR Unit and the national authorities for the development of national legal instruments for the control of SALW; \\n undertake broad consultations with relevant stakeholders through inclusive and par\u00ad ticipatory processes through community\u00adbased violence and weapons reduction pro\u00ad gramme; \\n manage the collection of data on SALW stocks during the disengagement and DDR processes; \\n develop targeted training programmes for national institutions on SALW; \\n liaise closely with the gender and HIV/AIDS adviser in the mission or these capacities seconded to the DDR Unit by UN entities to ensure that gender issues are adequately reflected in policy, legislation, programming and resource mobilization, and develop strategies for involvement of women in small arms management and control activities; \\n\\n ensure timely and effective delivery of project inputs and outputs; \\n\\n undertake continuous monitoring of project activities; produce top\u00adlevel progress and briefing reports; \\n support efforts in resource mobilization and development of strategic partnerships with multiple donors and agencies. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.11: Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (P3\u2013P4)", "Heading3": "Draft generic Job Profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 64, "Paragraph": "Vision: An in\u00addepth understanding of the unit\u2019s strategic direction and ability to transform it into a results\u00adoriented work programme. \\n Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Leadership: Proven ability to provide effective leadership and transfer advice and knowl\u00ad edge staff at all levels and from different national and cultural backgrounds. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness, sound judgement and decision\u00admaking skills. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Excellent and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, includ\u00ad ing ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating positions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Excellent interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity. \\n Negotiation skills: Effective negotiating skills and ability to work with others to reach mutually benefiting and lasting understanding.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.11: Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (P3\u2013P4)", "Heading3": "Competencies", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 65, "Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on post\u00adconflict, progressive national and international experience and knowledge in development work, with specific focus on disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and small arms control programmes. An understanding of the literature on DDR and security sector reform. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.11: Small Arms and Light Weapons Officer (P3\u2013P4)", "Heading3": "Qualifications", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 66, "Paragraph": "DDR Gender Officer (P3\u2013P2)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.12: DDR Gender Officer (P3\u2013P2)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 67, "Paragraph": "Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. This staff member is expected to be seconded from a UN specialized agency working on mainstreaming gender issues in post\u00adconflict peace\u00adbuilding, and is expected to work closely with the Gender Adviser of the peace\u00ad keeping mission. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the DDR Gender Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n ensure the full integration of gender through all DDR processes (including small arms) in the DDR programme; \\n provide close coordination and technical support to national institutions for DDR, particularly Offices of Gender, Special Groups and Reintegration; \\n provide support to decision\u00admaking and programme formulation on the DDR pro\u00ad gramme to ensure that gender issues are fully integrated and that the programme promotes equal involvement and access of women; \\n undertake ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the DDR process to ensure applica\u00ad tion of principles of gender sensitivity as stated in the peace agreement; \\n provide support to policy development in all areas of DDR to ensure integration of gender; \\n develop mechanisms to support the equal access and involvement of female combatants in the DDR process; \\n take the lead in development of advocacy strategies to gain commitment from key actors on gender issues within DDR; \\n support national parties in coordinating the profiling, documentation and dissemina\u00ad tion of data and issues relating to the presence and role of women and girls associated with the armed forces and groups, and militias; \\n review the differing needs of male and female ex\u00adcombatants during community\u00adbased reintegration, including analysis of reintegration opportunities and constraints, and advocate for these needs to be taken into account in DDR and community\u00adbased re\u00ad integration programming; \\n prepare and provide briefing notes and guidance for relevant actors, including national partners, UN agencies, international NGOs, donors and others, on gender in the con\u00ad text of DDR; \\n provide technical support and advice on gender to national partners on policy devel\u00ad opment related to DDR and human security; \\n develop tools and other practical guides for the implementation of gender within DDR and human security frameworks; \\n assist in the development of capacity\u00adbuilding activities for the national offices drawing on lessons learned on gender and DDR in the region, and facilitating regional resource networks on these issues; \\n participate in field missions and assessments related to human security and DDR to advise on gender issues. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.12: DDR Gender Officer (P3\u2013P2)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 68, "Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00ad tions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.12: DDR Gender Officer (P3\u2013P2)", "Heading3": "Competencies", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 69, "Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on gender issues in post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.12: DDR Gender Officer (P3\u2013P2)", "Heading3": "Qualifications", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 70, "Paragraph": "DDR HIV/AIDS Officer (P3\u2013P2)", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.13: DDR HIV/AIDS Officer (P3\u2013P2)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 71, "Paragraph": "Organizational setting and reporting relationship: These positions are located in peace operations. Depending on the organizational structure of the mission and location of the post, the incumbent may report directly to the Chief of the DDR Unit or to a senior official in charge of DDR activities in a field location. This staff member is expected to be seconded from a UN specialized agency working on mainstreaming activities to deal with the HIV/ AIDS issue in post\u00adconflict peace\u00adbuilding and is expected to work closely with the HIV/ AIDS adviser of the peacekeeping mission. \\n Accountabilities: Within limits of delegated authority and under the supervision of the Chief of the DDR Unit, the DDR HIV/AIDS Officer is responsible for the following duties: \\n (These functions are generic and may vary depending on the mission\u2019s mandate. Therefore, incumbents may carry out most, but not all, of the functions listed.) \\n\\n ensure the full integration of activities to address the HIV/AIDS issue through all phases of the DDR programme; \\n provide close coordination and technical support to national institutions for DDR, par\u00ad ticularly offices of HIV/AIDS reintegration; \\n support national parties in coordinating the profiling, documentation and dissemina\u00ad tion of data and issues relating to the presence and role of women and girls associated with the armed forces and groups; \\n document and disseminate data and issues relating to HIV/AIDS as well as the factors fuelling the epidemic in the armed forces and groups; \\n prepare and provide briefing notes and guidance for relevant actors including national partners, UN agencies, international NGOs, donors and others on gender and HIV/ AIDS in the context of DDR; \\n provide technical support and advice on HIV/AIDS to national partners on policy development related to DDR and human security; \\n develop tools and other practical guides for the implementation of HIV/AIDS strategies within DDR and human security frameworks; \\n generate effective results\u00adoriented partnerships among different partners, civil society and community\u00adbased actors to implement a consolidated response to HIV/AIDS within the framework of the DDR programme. \\n\\n Core values are integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.13: DDR HIV/AIDS Officer (P3\u2013P2)", "Heading3": "Draft generic job profile", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 72, "Paragraph": "Professionalism: Proven expertise in area of assignment; in\u00addepth understanding of and an ability to evaluate international political situations in that area; experience in bilateral and multilateral negotiations. \\n Managing performance: Proven effective supervisory skills; ability to mentor staff and pro\u00ad vide guidance and support. \\n Planning and organizing: Proven ability to establish priorities and to plan, organize, co\u00ad ordinate and monitor own work plan and provide advice and guidance to others; in\u00addepth understanding of division\u2019s strategic direction; resourcefulness. \\n Judgement/Decision-making: Demonstrated sound judgement in resolving issues/prob\u00ad lems; ability to proactively seek and recommend sound policy initiatives. \\n Creativity: Ability to actively seek to improve programmes/services, offer new and different options to solve problems/meet client needs. \\n Communications: Well\u00addeveloped and effective communication (verbal and written) skills, including ability to prepare reports and conduct presentations by clearly formulating posi\u00adtions on issues, articulating options concisely conveying maximum necessary information, making and defending recommendations; diplomacy and tact; ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials. \\n Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people in a multicultural, multi\u00adethnic environment with sensitivity and re\u00ad spect for diversity.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.13: DDR HIV/AIDS Officer (P3\u2013P2)", "Heading3": "Competencies", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}, {"ID": 73, "Paragraph": "Education: Advanced university degree in social sciences, management, economics, business administration, international development or other relevant fields. A relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience in related areas may be accepted in lieu of the advanced degree. \\n Work experience: Minimum of five years of substantial experience working on gender issues in post\u00adconflict, crisis and economic recovery issues. \\n Languages: Fluency in oral and written English and/or French, depending on the working language of the mission; knowledge of a second UN official language may be a requirement for a specific post.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Personnel and Staffing", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "Annex C: Generic job descriptions for integrated DDR unit", "Heading2": "Annex C.13: DDR HIV/AIDS Officer (P3\u2013P2)", "Heading3": "Qualifications", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.42 Personnel and Staffing"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes.json b/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42920b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/3 Structures and Processes/3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) has been one of the weakest areas of disarmament, demo\u00ad bilization and reintegration (DDR) programme management in the past, partly due to a lack of proper planning, a standardized M&E framework, and human and financial resources specifically dedicated to M&E. Past experiences have highlighted the need for more effective M&E in order to develop an effective, efficient and sustainable DDR programme that will achieve the objectives of improving stability and security.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "M&E is an essential management tool and provides a chance to track progress, improve activities, objectively verify the outcomes and impact of a programme, and learn lessons that can be fed into future programmes and policies. This module outlines standards for improving inter\u00adagency cooperation in designing and conducting effective M&E. It further shows how M&E can be planned and implemented effectively through a creation of a DDR\u00ad specific M&E work plan, which consists of a plan for data collection, data analysis and reporting. It also provides some generic M&E indicators within a results\u00admanagement frame\u00ad work, which can be modified and adapted to each programme and project.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "These guidelines cover the basic M&E procedures for integrated DDR programmes. The purpose of these guidelines is to establish standards for managing the implementation of integrated DDR projects and to provide guidance on how to perform M&E in a way that will make project management more effective, lead to follow\u00adup and make reporting more consistent.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "Traditionally, M&E in DDR programmes has focused on assessing inputs and implemen\u00ad tation processes. Today, the focus is on assessing how various factors contribute to or detract from the achievement of the proposed outcomes and programme objectives, and measur\u00ad ing the effectiveness of outputs, partnerships, policy advice and dialogue, advocacy, and brokering/coordination. The main objectives of results\u00adoriented M&E are to: \\n increase organizational and development learning; \\n ensure informed decision\u00admaking; \\n support genuine accountability and ensure quality control; \\n contribute to the further development of best practice and policy; \\n build country capacities, especially in M&E.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "In order to enable programme managers to improve strategies, programmes and other activities, M&E aims to generate information in several key areas to allow the measure\u00ad ment of: \\n programme performance, which indicates whether programme implementation is pro\u00ad ceeding in accordance with the programme plan and budget; \\n programme effectiveness, which answers such questions as whether and to what extent the programme has achieved its objectives, and on what external conditions it depends; \\n programme efficiency, which determines whether programme outputs and outcomes were produced in the most economical way, i.e., by maximizing outputs and/or mini\u00ad mizing inputs.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "When developing an M&E strategy as part of the overall process of programme development, several important principles are relevant for DDR: \\n Planners shall ensure that baseline data (data that describes the problem or situation before the intervention and which can be used to later provide a point of comparison) and relevant performance indicators are built into the programme development process itself. Baseline data are best collected within the framework of the comprehensive assess\u00ad ments that are carried out before the programme is developed, while performance indicators are defined in relation to both baseline data and the outputs, activities and outcomes that are expected; \\n The development of an M&E strategy and framework for a DDR programme is essen\u00ad tial in order to develop a systematic approach for collecting, processing, and using data and results; \\n M&E should use information and data from the regular information collection mech\u00ad anisms and reports, as well as periodic measurement of key indicators; \\n Monitoring and data collection should be an integral component of the information management system for the DDR process, and as such should be made widely available to key DDR staff and stakeholders for consultation; \\n M&E plans specifying the frequency and type of reviews and evaluations should be a part of the overall DDR work planning process; \\n A distinction should be made between the evaluation of UN support for national DDR (i.e., the UN DDR programme itself) and the overall national DDR effort, given the focus on measuring the overall effectiveness and impact of UN inputs on DDR, as opposed to the overall effectiveness and impact of DDR at the national level; \\n All integrated DDR sections should make provision for the necessary staff, equipment and other requirements to ensure that M&E is adequately dealt with and carried out, independently of other DDR activities, using resources that are specifically allocated to this purpose.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "M&E is far more than periodic assessments of performance. Particularly with complex processes like DDR, with its diversity of activities and multitude of partners, M&E plays an important role in ensuring constant qual\u00adity control of activities and processes, and it also provides a mechanism for periodic evaluations of performance in order to adapt strategies and deal with the problems and bottlenecks that inevitably arise. Because of the political importance of DDR, and its po\u00ad tential impacts (both positive and negative) on both security and prospects for develop\u00ad ment, impact assessments are essential to ensuring that DDR contributes to the overall goal of improving stability and security in a particular country.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "The definition of a comprehensive strat\u00ad egy and framework for DDR is a vital part of the overall programme implementation process. Although strategies will differ a great deal in different contexts, key guiding questions that should be asked when designing an effec\u00ad tive framework for M&E include: \\n What objectives should an M&E strategy and framework measure? \\n What elements should go into a work plan for reporting, monitoring and evaluating performance and results? \\n What key indicators are important in such a framework? \\n What information management systems are necessary to ensure timely capture of appro\u00ad priate data and information? \\n How can the results of M&E be integrated into programme implementation and used to control quality and adapt processes?", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "The following section discusses these and other key elements involved in the develop\u00ad ment of an M&E work plan and strategy.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "M&E is an essential part of the results\u00adbased approach to implementing and managing programmes. It allows for the measurement of progress made towards achieving outcomes and outputs, and assesses the overall impact of programme on security and stability. In the context of DDR, M&E is particularly important, because it helps keep track of a complex range of outcomes and outputs in different components of the DDR mission, and assesses how each contributes towards achieving the goal of improved stability and security. M&E also gives a longitudinal assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the strat\u00ad egies, mechanisms and processes carried out in DDR.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.1. M&E and results-based management", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "For the purposes of integrated DDR, M&E can be divided into two levels related to the results\u00adbased framework: \\n measurement of the performance of DDR programmes in achieving outcomes and outputs throughout its various components generated by a set of activities: disarma\u00ad ment (e.g., number of weapons collected and destroyed); demobilization (number of ex\u00adcombatants screened, processed and assisted); and reintegration (number of ex\u00ad combatants reintegrated and communities assisted); \\n measurement of the outcomes of DDR programmes in contributing towards an overall goal. This can include reductions in levels of violence in society, increased stability and security, and consolidation of peace processes. It is difficult, however, to determine the impact of DDR on broader society without isolating it from other processes and initiatives (e.g., peace\u00adbuilding, security sector reform [SSR]) that also have an impact.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.1. M&E and results-based management", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "Provisions for M&E, and in particular the key elements of a strategy and framework, should be integrated into the programme development and implementation process from the beginning. This should occur in the following ways: \\n Performance indicators relevant for M&E should be identified, together with the devel\u00ad opment of a baseline study and indicators framework for the comprehensive assessment, as well as the results framework for the DDR programme itself (see IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design for advice on the development of a results framework); \\n Requirements for establishing and implementing an M&E system should be taken into consideration during the identification of programme requirements, including dedicated staff, material and information management systems; \\n Key aspects of the M&E system and activities should be developed and harmonized with the overall programme implementation cycle and included in the corresponding work plans; \\n Programme implementation methods should be designed to permit the analysis and incorporation of M&E results into planning and coordination of activities in order to provide programmes with the capacity to modify the implementation approach based on M&E results and lessons learned.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.2. Integrating M&E in programme development and implementation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "An M&E work plan can be integrated into general or specific programme implementation work plans, or can be designed separately. In general, implementing and supervising the implementation of such a work plan is the basic responsibility of the M&E officer respon\u00ad sible for this process.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.3. The M&E work plan", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "Key elements of an M&E work plan include the following, which are usually arranged in the form of a matrix:", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.3. The M&E work plan", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "Given the potentially large number of reports and documents generated by M&E activities, the development and maintenance of a report\u00adtracking system is essential in order to pro\u00ad vide a \u2018history\u2019 of M&E results and make them accessible to managers. This provides the DDR programme with institutional memory that can be drawn from to monitor progress and ensure that emerging best practices and problems are identified.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.3. The M&E work plan", "Heading3": "5.3.1. M&E tracking systems", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "Indicators are variables (i.e., factors that can change, e.g., number of weapons collected) that should be measured to reveal progress (or lack thereof) towards the achievement of objectives, outcomes or outputs, and should provide information on what has been achieved in either quantitative or qualitative terms, or changes over time. In order for indicators to be meaningful, measurement must be made against a baseline, or baseline data, both of which are collected either in the context of the pre\u00adprogramme comprehensive assessment or during programme implementation. In general, most indicators should be developed together with the definition of programme activities, outputs, outcomes, objectives and goals. In general, indicators can be classified as follows: \\n Performance indicator: A particular characteristic or dimension used to measure intended changes defined by a programme results framework. Performance indicators are used to observe progress and to measure actual outputs and outcomes compared to those that were expected. They indicate \u2018how, \u2018whether\u2019 or \u2018to what extent\u2019 a unit is pro\u00ad gressing towards its objectives, rather than \u2018why\u2019 or \u2018why not\u2019 such progress is being made. Performance indicators are usually expressed in quantifiable terms, and should be objective and measurable (e.g., numeric values, percentages, scores and indices); \\n Impact indicator: A variable or set of variables used to measure the overall and long\u00ad term impact of an intervention, i.e., overall changes in the environment that DDR aims to influence. Impact indicators often use a composite set (or group) of indicators, each of which provides information on the size, sustainability and consequences of a change brought about by a DDR intervention. Such indicators can include both quan\u00ad titative variables (e.g., change in homicide levels or incidence of violence) or qualitative variables (e.g., behavioural change among reintegrated ex\u00adcombatants, social cohesion, etc.). Impact indicators depend on comprehensive and reliable baseline data, and should be as specific in possible in order to isolate the impact of DDR on complex social and economic dynamics from other factors and processes; \\n Proxy indicators: Cost, complexity and/or the timeliness of data collection may prevent a result from being measured directly. In this case, proxy indicators \u2014 which are variables that substitute for others that are difficult to measure directly \u2014 may reveal performance trends and make managers aware of potential problems or areas of success. This is often the case for outcomes in behavioural change, social cohesion and other results that are difficult to measure.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Development of M&E indicators", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "The balanced scorecard is a useful tool for capturing key indicators for M&E activities. It lists the main indicators used to measure progress in the implementation of different pro\u00ad gramme components, as well as overall effectiveness. Annex B provides an example of a balanced scorecard used in the Afghanistan DDR programme.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Development of M&E indicators", "Heading3": "5.4.1. Balanced scorecards", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "Monitoring is the systematic oversight of the implementation of an activity, and establishes the extent to which input deliveries, work schedules, other required actions and targeted outputs are proceeding according to the actual plan, so that timely action can be taken to correct deficiencies. The application of monitoring mechanisms and tools, the reporting of outcomes, and subsequent adjustments in the implementation process are an integral part of the programme cycle and a key management tool.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "Three types of monitoring mechanisms and tools can be identified, which should be planned as part of the overall M&E work plan: \\n reporting/analysis, which entails obtaining and analysing documentation from the project that provides information on progress; \\n validation, which involves checking or verifying whether or not the reported progress is accurate; \\n participation, which involves obtaining feedback from partners and participants on pro\u00ad gress and proposed actions.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1. Monitoring mechanisms and tools", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "The table below lists the different types of monitoring mechanisms and tools according to these categories, while Annex C provides illustrations of monitoring tools used for DDR in Afghanistan.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1. Monitoring mechanisms and tools", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "Although the definition of monitoring indicators will differ a great deal according to both the context in which DDR is implemented and the DDR strategy and components, certain generic (general or typical) indicators should be identified that can guide DDR managers to establish monitoring mechanisms and systems. These indicators should aim to measure performance in terms of outcomes and outputs, effectiveness in achieving programme objec\u00ad tives, and the efficiency of the performance by which outcomes and outputs are achieved (i.e., in relation to inputs). (See IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, Annex D, sec. 4 for gender\u00adrelated and female\u00adspecific monitoring and evaluation indicators.) These indica\u00ad tors can be divided to address the main components of DDR, as follows:", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.2. Monitoring indicators", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "In general, the results of monitoring activities and tools should be used in three different ways to improve overall programme effectiveness and increase the achievement of objec\u00ad tives and goals: P\\n rogramme management: Monitoring outputs and outcomes for specific components or activities can provide important information about whether programme implementa\u00ad tion is proceeding in accordance with the programme plan and budget. If results indicate that implementation is \u2018off course\u2019, these results provide DDR management with infor\u00ad mation on what corrective action needs to be taken in order to bring implementation back into conformity with the overall programme implementation strategy and work plan. These results are therefore an important management tool; \\n Revision of programme strategy: Monitoring results can also provide information on the relevance or effectiveness of an existing strategy or course of action to produce specific outcomes or achieve key objectives. In certain cases, such results can demonstrate that a given course of action is not producing the intended outcomes and can provide DDR managers with an opportunity to reformulate or revise specific implementation strategies and approaches, and make the corresponding changes to the programme work plan. Examples include types of reintegration assistance that are not viable or appro\u00ad priate to the local context, and that can be corrected before many other ex\u00adcombatants enter similar schemes; \\n Use of resources: Monitoring results can provide important indications about the effi\u00ad ciency with which resources are used to implement activities and achieve outcomes. Given the large scale and number of activities and sub\u00adprojects involved in DDR, overall cost\u00adeffectiveness is an essential element in ensuring that DDR programmes achieve their overall objectives. In this regard, accurate and timely monitoring can enable programme managers to develop more cost\u00adeffective or efficient uses and distri\u00ad bution of resources.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.3. Use of monitoring results", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "As described earlier, evaluations are a method of systematically and objectively assessing the relevance, efficiency, sustainability, effectiveness and impact of ongoing and completed programmes and projects. Evaluation is carried out selectively to answer questions that will guide decision makers and/or programme managers. It is a valuable strategic manage\u00ad ment tool enabling DDR managers and policy makers to assess the overall role and impact of DDR in a post\u00adconflict setting, make strategic decisions, generate important lessons for future programmes and contribute to the refinement of international policy.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "The scope or extent of an evaluation, which determines the range and type of indicators or factors that will be measured and analysed, should be directly linked to the objectives and purpose of the evaluation process, and how its results, conclusions and proposals will be used. In general, the scope of an evaluation varies between evaluations that focus primarily on \u2018impacts\u2019 and those that focus on broader \u2018outcomes\u2019: \\n Outcome evaluations: These focus on examining how a set of related projects, programmes and strategies brought about an anticipated outcome. DDR programmes, for instance, contribute to the consolidation of peace and security, but they are not the sole pro\u00ad gramme or factor that explains progress in achieving (or not achieving) this outcome, owing to the role of other programmes (SSR, police training, peace\u00adbuilding activities, etc.). Outcome evaluations define the specific contribution made by DDR to achieving this goal, or explain how DDR programmes interrelated with other processes to achieve the outcome. In this regard, outcome evaluations are primarily designed for broad comparative or strategic policy purposes. Example of an objective: \u201cto contribute to the consolidation of peace, national security, reconciliation and development through the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex\u00adcombatants into civil society\u201d; \\n Impact evaluations: These focus on the overall, longer\u00adterm impact, whether intended or unintended, of a programme. Impact evaluations can focus on the direct impacts of a DDR programme \u2014 e.g., its ability to successfully demobilize entire armies and decrease the potential for a return to conflict \u2014 and its indirect impact in helping to increase economic productivity at the local level, or in attracting ex\u00adcombatants from neighbouring countries where other conflicts are occurring. An example of an objective of a DDR programme is: \u201cto facilitate the development and environment in which ex\u00ad combatants are able to be disarmed, demobilized and reintegrated into their communities of choice and have access to social and economic reintegration opportunities\u201d.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.1. Establishing evaluation scope", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "In general, evaluations should be carried out at key points in the programme implementation cycle in order to achieve related yet distinct objectives. Four main categories or types of evaluations can be identified: \\n Formative internal evaluations are primarily conducted in the early phase of programme implementation in order to assess early hypotheses and working assumptions, analyse outcomes from pilot interventions and activities, or verify the viability or relevance of a strategy or set of intended outputs. Such evaluations are valuable mechanisms that allow implementation strategies to be corrected early on in the programme implemen\u00ad tation process by identifying potential problems. This type of evaluation is particularly important for DDR processes, given their complex strategic arrangements and the many different sub\u00adprocesses involved. Most formative internal evaluations can be carried out internally by the M&E officer or unit within a DDR section; \\n Mid-term evaluations are similar to formative internal evaluations, but are usually more comprehensive and strategic in their scope and focus, as opposed to the more diag\u00ad nostic function of the formative type. Mid\u00adterm evaluations are usually intended to provide an assessment of the performance and outcomes of a DDR process for stake\u00ad holders, partners and donors, and to enable policy makers to assess the overall role of DDR in the broader post\u00adconflict context. Mid\u00adterm evaluations can also include early assessments of the overall contribution of a DDR process to achieving broader post\u00ad conflict goals; \\n Terminal evaluations are usually carried out at the end of the programme cycle, and are designed to evaluate the overall outcomes and effectiveness of a DDR strategy and programme, the degree to which their main aims were achieved, and their overall effec\u00ad tiveness in contributing to broader goals. Terminal evaluations usually also try to answer a number of key questions regarding the overall strategic approach and focus of the programme, mainly its relevance, efficiency, sustainability and effectiveness; \\n Ex-post evaluations are usually carried out some time (usually several years) after the end of a DDR programme in order to evaluate the long\u00adterm effectiveness of the programme, mainly the sustainability of its activities and positive outcomes (e.g., the extent to which ex\u00adcombatants remain productively engaged in alternatives to violence or mili\u00ad tary activity) or its direct and indirect impacts on security conditions, prospects for peace\u00adbuilding, and consequences for economic productivity and development. Ex\u00adpost evaluations of DDR programmes can also form part of larger impact evaluations to assess the overall effectiveness of a post\u00adconflict recovery strategy. Both terminal and ex\u00adpost evaluations are valuable mechanisms for identifying key lessons learned and best practice for further policy development and the design of future DDR programmes.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.2. Timing and objectives of evaluations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "Given the broad scope of DDR programmes, and the differences in strategies, objectives and context, it is difficult to identify specific or generic (i.e., general) results or indicators for evaluating DDR programmes. A more meaningful approach is to identify the various types of impacts or issues to be analysed, and to construct composite (i.e., a group of) indi\u00ad cators as part of an overall methodological approach to evaluating the programme. The following factors usually form the basis from which an evaluation\u2019s focus is defined: \\n Relevance describes the extent to which the objectives of a programme or project remain valid and pertinent (relevant) as originally planned, or as modified owing to changing circumstances within the immediate context and external environment of that pro\u00ad gramme or project. Relevance can also include the suitability of a particular strategy or approach for dealing with a specific problem or issue. A DDR\u00adspecific evaluation could focus on the relevance of cantonment\u00adbased demobilization strategies, for instance, in comparison with other approaches (e.g., decentralized registration of combatants) that perhaps could have more effectively achieved the same objectives; \\n Sustainability involves the success of a strategy in continuing to achieve its initial objec\u00ad tives even after the end of a programme, i.e., whether it has a long\u00adlasting effect. In a DDR programme, this is most important in determining the long\u00adterm viability and effectiveness of reintegration assistance and the extent to which it ensures that ex\u00ad combatants remain in civilian life and do not return to military or violence\u00adbased livelihoods. Indicators in such a methodology include the viability of alternative eco\u00ad nomic livelihoods, behavioural change among ex\u00adcombatants, and so forth; \\n Impact includes the immediate and long\u00adterm consequences of an intervention on the place in which it is implemented, and on the lives of those who are assisted or who benefit from the programme. Evaluating the impact of DDR includes focusing on the immediate social and economic effects of the return of ex\u00adcombatants and their inte\u00ad gration into social and economic life, and the attitudes of communities and the specific direct or indirect effects of these on the lives of individuals; \\n Effectiveness measures the extent to which a programme has been successful in achieving its key objectives. The measurement of effectiveness can be quite specific (e.g., the success of a DDR programme in demobilizing and reintegrating the majority of ex\u00ad combatants) or can be defined in broad or strategic terms (e.g., the extent to which a DDR programme has lowered political tensions, reduced levels of insecurity or improved the well\u00adbeing of host communities); \\n Efficiency refers to how well a given DDR programme and strategy transformed inputs into results and outputs. This is a different way of focusing on the impact of a pro\u00ad gramme, because it places more emphasis on how economically resources were used to achieve specific outcomes. In certain cases, a DDR programme might have been successful in demobilizing and reintegrating a significant number of ex\u00adcombatants, and improving the welfare of host communities, but used up a disproportionately large share of resources that could have been better used to assist other groups that were not covered by the programme. In such a case, a lack of programme efficiency limited the potential scope of its impact.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3. Selection of results and indicators for evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "In general, the results and conclusions of evaluations should be used in several important and strategic ways: \\n A key function of evaluations is to enable practitioners and programme managers to identify, capture and disseminate lessons learned from programme implementation. This can have an immediate operational benefit, as these lessons can be \u2018fed back\u2019 to the programme implementation process, but it can also contribute to the body of lessons learned on DDR at regional and global levels; \\n Evaluations can also provide important mechanisms for identifying and institutional\u00ad izing best practice by identifying effective models, strategies and techniques that can be applied in other contexts; innovative approaches to dealing with outstanding problems; or linking DDR to other processes such as local peace\u00adbuilding, access to justice, and so forth; \\n Evaluation results also enable practitioners and managers to refine and further develop their programme strategy. This is particularly useful when programmes are designed to be implemented in phases, which allows for the assessment and identification of problems and best practice at the end of each phase, which can then be fed into later phases; \\n Evaluations also contribute to discussions between policy makers and practitioners on the further development of international and regional policies on DDR, by providing them with information and analyses that influence the way key policy issues can be dealt with and decisions reached. Evaluations can provide invaluable support to the elaboration of future policy frameworks for DDR.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.4. Use of evaluation results", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "The complexity of DDR and the specific skills needed for in\u00addepth and comprehensive evaluations usually means that this activity should be carried out by specialized, contracted external actors or partners. Because an external team will be brought in, it is essential to draw up precise terms of reference for the carrying out of the evaluation, and to be clear about how the overall objective and coverage of issues will be defined/expressed. An evaluation terms of reference document includes the following sections: \\n Introduction: Contains a brief description of the rationale and focus of the evaluation (outcome, programme, project, series of interventions by several partners, etc.); \\n Objectives: Describes the purpose of the evaluation, e.g., \u201cto analyse strategic program\u00ad matic and policy dimensions\u201d; \\n Scope: Defines which issues, subjects and areas the evaluation will cover, and the period of the programme\u2019s life it will examine; \\n Expected results: Defines what results the evaluation is expected to produce (e.g., findings, recommendations, lessons learned, rating on performance, an \u2018action item\u2019 list, etc.); \\n Methodology or approach: Defines how data is collected and analysed for the evaluation; \\n Evaluation team: Defines the composition of the staff involved and their areas of expertise; \\n Management arrangements: Defines how the evaluation will be managed and organized, and how interactions with the DDR programme management will be structured.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.5. Planning evaluations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "Terms and definitions \\n Evaluation is a management tool. It is a time\u00adbound activity that systematically and objectively assesses the relevance, performance and success of ongoing and completed programmes and projects. Evaluation is carried out selectively, asking and answering specific questions to guide decision makers and/or programme managers. Evaluation determines the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of a programme or project. \\n Monitoring is a management tool. It is the systematic oversight of the implementation of an activity that establishes whether input deliveries, work schedules, other required actions and targeted outputs have proceeded according to plan, so that timely action can be taken to correct deficiencies.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "\\n 1 The term \u2018ex\u00adcombatants\u2019 in each indicator include supporters and those associated with armed forces and groups. Indicators for reintegration also include dependants. \\n 2 Total number of corps: 11. \\n 3 No. of XCs who started the reintegration package (excluding those who are in temporary wage labour and those who chose not to participate). \\n 4 Number of XCs who started but did not finish the reintegration package. \\n 5 Includes deputy commanders and chief of staff of corps and divisions.", "Color": "#00A554", "Level": 3, "LevelName": "Structures and Processes", "Title": "Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "3.50 Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.10 Disarmament.json b/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.10 Disarmament.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..967e73a --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.10 Disarmament.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "Disarmament is the act of reducing or eliminating access to weapons. It is usually regarded as the first step in a DDR programme. This voluntary handover of weapons, ammunition and explosives is a highly symbolic act in sealing the end of armed conflict, and in concluding an individual\u2019s active role as a combatant. Disarmament is also essential to developing and maintaining a secure environment in which demobilization and reintegration can take place and can play an important role in crime prevention.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "Disarmament operations are increasingly implemented in contexts characterized by acute armed violence, complex and varied armed forces and groups, and the prevalence of a wide range of weaponry and explosives.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "This module provides the guidance necessary to effectively plan and implement disarmament operations within DDR programmes and to ensure that these operations contribute to the establishment of an environment conducive to inclusive political transition and sustainable peace.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "The disarmament component of a DDR programme is usually broken down into four main phases: (1) operational planning, (2) weapons collection operations, (3) stockpile management, and (4) disposal of collected materiel. This module provides technical and programmatic guidance for each phase to ensure that activities are evidence-based, coherent, effective, gender-responsive and as safe as possible.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "The handling of weapons, ammunition and explosives comes with significant risks. Therefore, the guidance provided within this module is based on the Modular Small-Arms Control Implementation Compendium (MOSAIC)1 and the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG).2 Additional documents containing norms, standards and guidelines relevant to this module can be found in Annex B.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "Disarmament operations must take the regional and sub-regional context into consideration, as well as applicable legal frameworks. All disarmament operations must also be designed and implemented in an inclusive and gender responsive manner. Disarmament carried out within a DDR programme is only one aspect of broader DDR arms control activities and of the national arms control management system (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management). DDR programmes should therefore be designed to reinforce security nationwide and be planned in coordination with wider peacebuilding and recovery efforts.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "DDR processes include two main arms control components: (a) disarmament as part of a DDR programme and (b) transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM). This module provides DDR practitioners with practical standards for the planning and implementation of the disarmament component of a DDR programme in contexts where the preconditions for such programmes are present. These preconditions include a negotiated ceasefire and/or peace agreement, sufficient trust in the peace process, willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional WAM in support of DDR processes is covered in IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management. The linkages between disarmament as part of a DDR programme and Security Sector Reform are covered in IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20. Definitions of technical terms related to weapons and ammunition are taken from MOSAIC and the IATG.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines. \\n a)\u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b)\u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c)\u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d)\u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e)\u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "In the context of DDR, disarmament refers to the collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons of combatants and often also of the civilian population. Disarmament also includes the development of responsible arms management programmes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "The term \u2018disarmament\u2019 can be sensitive. It can carry connotations of surrender or of having weapons forcibly removed by a more powerful actor. Depending on the contextual realities and sensitivities, as well as the provisions of the peace agreement, alternative terms, such as \u2018laying down arms\u2019 or \u2018putting weapons beyond use\u2019 or \u2018weapons control\u2019, may be employed.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "Ammunition: A complete device (e.g., missile, shell, mine, demolition store) charged with explosives, propellants, pyrotechnics, initiating composition, or nuclear, biological or chemical material for use in connection with offence or defence, or training, or non-operational purposes, including those parts of weapons systems containing explosives.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "Deactivated weapon: A weapon that has been rendered incapable of expelling or launching a shot, bullet, missile or other projectile by the action of an explosive, that cannot be readily restored to do so, and that has been certified and marked as deactivated by a competent State authority.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "Note 1: Deactivation requires that all pressure-bearing components of a weapon be permanently altered in such a way so as to render the weapon unusable. This includes modifications to the barrel, bolt, cylinder, slide, firing pin and/or receiver/frame.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "Demilitarization: The complete range of processes that render weapons, ammunition and explosives unfit for their originally intended purpose. Demilitarization not only involves the final destruction process, but also includes all of the other transport, storage, accounting and pre- processing operations that are equally critical to achieving the final result.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "Destruction: The rendering as permanently inoperable weapons, their parts, components or ammunition.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "Disposal: The removal of arms, ammunition and explosives from a stockpile by the utilization of a variety of methods (that may not necessarily involve destruction). Environmental concerns should be considered when selecting which method to use. There are six traditional methods of disposal used by armed forces around the world: (1) sale, (2) gift, (3) use for training, (4) deep sea dumping, (5) land fill, and (6) destruction or demilitarization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "Diversion: The movement \u2013 physical, administrative or otherwise \u2013 of a weapon and/or its parts, components or ammunition from the legal to the illicit realm.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "Explosive: A substance or mixture of substances that, under external influences, is capable of rapidly releasing energy in the form of gases and heat, without undergoing a nuclear chain reaction.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD): The detection, identification, evaluation, rendering safe, recovery and final disposal of unexploded explosive ordnance. Note 1: It may also include the rendering safe and/or disposal of explosive ordnance that has become hazardous through damage or deterioration, when such tasks are beyond the capabilities of personnel normally assigned responsibility for routine disposal. Note 2: The presence of ammunition and explosives during disarmament operations inevitably requires some degree of EOD response. The level of EOD response will be dictated by the condition of the ammunition or explosives, their level of deterioration and the way in which the local community handles them.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "Firearms: Any portable barreled weapon that expels, is designed to expel or may be readily converted to expel a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive, excluding antique firearms of their replicas. Antique firearms and their replicas shall be defined in accordance with domestic law. In no case, however, shall antique firearms include firearms manufactured after 1899.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "Light weapon: Any man-portable lethal weapon designed for use by two or three persons serving as a crew (although some may be carried and used by a single person) that expels or launches, is designed to expel or launch, or may be readily converted to expel or launch a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive. Note 1: Includes, inter alia, heavy machine guns, hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers, portable anti-aircraft guns, portable anti-tank guns, recoilless rifles, portable launchers of anti- tank missile and rocket systems, portable launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems, and mortars of a calibre of less than 100 millimetres, as well as their parts, components and ammunition. Note 2: Excludes antique light weapons and their replicas.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "Marking: The application of permanent inscriptions on weapons, ammunition and ammunition packaging to permit their identification.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "Render safe procedure (RSP): The application of special explosive ordnance disposal methods and tools to provide for the interruption of functions or separation of essential components to prevent an unacceptable detonation.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "Safe to move: A technical assessment, by an appropriately qualified technician or technical officer, of the physical condition and stability of ammunition and explosives prior to any proposed move. Should the ammunition and explosives fail a \u2018safe to move\u2019 inspection, they must be destroyed in situ (i.e., at the place where they are found) by a qualified EOD team acting under the advice and control of the qualified technician or technical officer who conducted the initial \u2018safe to move\u2019 inspection.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "Small arm: Any man-portable lethal weapon designed for individual use that expels or launches, is designed to expel or launch, or may be readily converted to expel or launch a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive. Note 1: Includes, inter alia, revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns, as well as their parts, components and ammunition. Note 2 Excludes antique small arms and their replicas.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "Stockpile: In the context of DDR, the term refers to a large accumulated stock of weapons and explosive ordnance.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "Disarmament is generally understood to be the act of reducing or eliminating arms and, as such, is applicable to all weapons systems, ammunition and explosives, including nuclear, chemical, biological, radiological and conventional systems. This module will focus only on conventional weapons systems and ammunition that are typically held by members of armed forces and groups dealt with during DDR programmes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "When transitioning out of armed conflict, States may be vulnerable to conflict relapse, particularly if key conflict drivers, including the proliferation of arms and ammunition, remain unaddressed. Inclusive and effective arms control, and disarmament in particular, is critical to prevent and reduce armed conflict and crime and to support recovery and development, as reflected in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Security Council and General Assembly\u2019s 2016 resolutions on sustaining peace. National arms control management systems encompass more than just disarmament. Therefore, disarmament operations should be planned and conducted in coordination with, and in support of, other arms control and reduction measures, including SALW control (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "The disarmament component of any DDR programme should be specifically designed to respond and adapt to the security environment. It should also be planned in coherence with wider peace- making, peacebuilding and recovery efforts. Disarmament plays an essential role in maintaining a secure environment in which demobilization and reintegration can take place as part of a long-term peacebuilding strategy. Depending on the context, DDR phases could be differently sequenced with, for example, demobilization and reintegration paving the way for disarmament.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "The disarmament component of a DDR programme will usually consist of four main phases: \\n (1) Operational planning; \\n (2) Weapons collection; \\n (3) Stockpile management; \\n (4) Disposal of collected materiel.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "The cross-cutting activities that should take place throughout these four main phases are data collection, awareness raising, and monitoring and evaluation. Within each phase there are also a number of recommended specific components (see Table 1).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to the disarmament component of DDR programmes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "In order to lay the foundation for an effective DDR programme and sustainable peace, disarmament shall be voluntary. Forced disarmament can have a negative impact on contexts in transition, including in terms of restoring trust in authorities and efforts towards national reconciliation. In addition, removing weapons forcibly from combatants or persons associated with armed forces and groups risks creating a security vacuum and an imbalance in military capabilities which may generate increased tensions and lead to a resumption of armed violence. Voluntary disarmament should be facilitated through strong sensitization and communication efforts. It should also be underpinned by firm guarantees of security and immunity from prosecution for the illegal possession of weapon(s) handed in.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "Agreeing on child-specific disarmament procedures avoids further possible abuse and exploitation of children, especially for political or tactical gain; and, prepares children for separate and specific child- related demobilization and reintegration processes (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). Specific attention should also be given to the disarmament of youth (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People-centred", "Heading3": "4.2.1 Unconditional release and protection of children", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "Disarmament activities must not introduce distinctions based on sex, race, ethnicity, religion or other arbitrary criteria that may create or exacerbate vulnerabilities and power imbalances. All stages of disarmament or other arms control initiatives must integrate gender and age considerations, including the differing impacts and perceptions of such processes on women, men, boys and girls. Such an approach requires gender expertise, gender analysis, the collection of sex- and age-disaggregated data, and the meaningful participation of women and girls at each stage of the process. A gender- transformative approach actively examines, questions and changes unequal gender norms and imbalances of power. A gender-transformative approach thus helps countries to promote equitable rights and health, and contributes to the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence. A gender- transformative DDR programme should acknowledge, incorporate and address messages on masculinities and violence, including the linkage between masculinities and weapons ownership. Gender-transformative DDR programmes should also ensure that there are both male and female UN military personnel in leadership roles at pick-up points and mobile disarmament sites, and participating in the destruction of weapons. All precautions shall also be taken to avoid reinforcing or generating gender inequalities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Gender-responsive and inclusive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "Disarmament operations shall not increase the vulnerability of communities, groups or individuals to internal or external threats. Disarmament strategies should therefore be based on a thorough analysis of the security context, relevant actors and their military capabilities to avoid creating a security imbalance or vacuum, leading to further tensions or jeopardizing the implementation of a peace agreement.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "National Governments have the right and responsibility to apply their own national standards to all disarmament operations on their territory and shall act in compliance with international arms control instruments and applicable legal frameworks. The primary responsibility for disarmament and weapons collection lies with the Government of the affected State. The support and specialist knowledge of the UN is placed at the disposal of a national Government to ensure that disarmament planning and implementation are conducted in accordance with international arms control instruments, standards and guidance, including those of the IDDRS, the IATG and MOSAIC. Strong national ownership is important, including where the UN is supporting DDR programmes in non- mission settings. Building national and local institutional and technical capacity is essential to the effective, successful, sustainable continuation of disarmament and other arms control efforts.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.5 Nationally and locally owned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "Handling weapons, ammunition and explosives comes with high levels of risk. The involvement of technically qualified WAM advisers in the planning and implementation of disarmament operations is critical to their safety and success. Technical advisers shall have formal training and operational field experience in ammunition and weapons storage, marking, transportation, deactivation and the destruction of arms, ammunition and explosives, as relevant.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Safety and security", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "In order to effectively implement the disarmament component of a DDR programme, meticulous planning is required. Planning for disarmament operations includes information collection, a risk and security assessment, identification of eligibility criteria, the development of standard operating procedures (SOPs), the identification of the disarmament team structure, and a clear and realistic timetable for operations. All disarmament operations shall be based on gender responsive analysis.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "The disarmament component is often the first stage of the entire DDR programme, and operational decisions made at this stage will have an impact on subsequent stages. Disarmament, therefore, cannot be designed in isolation from the rest of the DDR programme, and integrated assessment and DDR planning is key (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures, and IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "It is essential to determine the extent of the capability needed to carry out a disarmament component, and then to compare this with a realistic appraisal of the current capacity available to deliver it. Requests for further assistance from the UN mission military and police components shall be made as early as possible in the planning stage (see IDDRS 4.40 on UN Military Roles and Responsibilities and IDDRS 4.50 on UN Police Roles and Responsibilities). In non-mission settings, requests for capacity development assistance for disarmament operations may be directed to relevant UN agency(ies).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "Key terms and conditions for disarmament should be discussed during the peace negotiations and included in the agreement (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). This requires that parties and mediators have an in-depth understanding of disarmament and arms control, or access to expertise to guide them and provide a common understanding of the different options available. In some contexts, the handover of weapons from one party to another (for example, from armed groups to State institutions) may be inappropriate, resulting in the need for the involvement of a neutral third party.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "Initial planning should be based on a careful data collection and analysis on the armed forces and groups to be disarmed, disaggregated by sex and age, as well as an analysis of the dynamics of armed violence and illicitly held weapons and ammunition. DDR programmes are increasingly implemented in environments with a myriad of armed forces and groups whose alliances are fluid or unclear, often within a context of weak State institutions and fragile or absent rule of law. Solid analysis informed by continuous data gathering and assessment is essential in order to navigate these challenging, rapidly changing environments.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "A DDR integrated assessment should start as early as possible in the peace negotiation process and the pre-planning phase (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). This assessment should contribute to determining whether disarmament or any transitional arms control initiatives are desirable or feasible in the current context, and the potential positive and negative impacts of any such activities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", "Heading3": "5.1.1 Integrated assessment", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "The collection of information is an ongoing process that requires sufficient resources to ensure that assessments are updated throughout the lifecycle of a DDR programme. Information management systems and data protection measures should be employed from the start by DDR practitioners with support from the UN mission or lead UN agency(ies) Information Technology (IT) unit. The collection of data relating to weapons and those who carry them is a sensitive undertaking and can present significant risks to DDR practitioners and their sources. United Nations security guidelines should be followed at all times, particularly with regards to protecting sources by maintaining their anonymity.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", "Heading3": "5.1.1 Integrated assessment", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "Integrated assessments should include information related to the political and security context and the main drivers of armed conflict. In addition, in order to design evidence-based, age-specific and gender-sensitive disarmament operations, the integrated assessment should include: \\n An analysis of the memberships of armed forces and groups (number, origin, age, sex, etc.) and their arsenals (estimates of the number and the type of weapons, ammunition and explosives); \\n An analysis of the patterns of weapons possession among men, women, girls, boys, and youth; \\n A mapping of the locations and access routes to materiel and potential caches (to the extent possible); \\n An understanding of the power imbalances and disparities in weapons possession between communities; \\n An analysis of the use of weapons in the commission of serious human rights violations or abuses and grave breaches of international humanitarian law, as well as crime, including organized crime; \\n An understanding of cultural and gendered attitudes towards weapons and the value of arms and ammunition locally; \\n The identification of sources of illicit weapons and ammunition and possible trafficking routes; \\n Lessons learnt from any past disarmament or weapons collections initiatives; \\n An understanding of the willingness of and incentives for armed forces and groups to participate in DDR. \\n An assessment of the presence of armed groups not involved in DDR and the possible impact these groups can have on the DDR process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", "Heading3": "5.1.1 Integrated assessment", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "Methods to gather data, including desk research, telephone interviews and face-to-face meetings, should be adapted to the resources available, as well as to the security and political context. Information should be centralized and managed by a dedicated focal point.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", "Heading3": "5.1.1 Integrated assessment", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "BOX 1: HOW TO COLLECT INFORMATION \\n Use information already available (previous UN reports, publications by specialized research centres, etc.). Research has often already been undertaken in conflict-affected States, particularly if a country has previously implemented a DDR programme. \\n Engage with national authorities. Talk to their experts and obtain available data (e.g., previous SALW survey data, DDR data, national registers of weapons, and records of thefts/looting from storage facilities). \\n Ensure that all data collected on individuals is sex and age disaggregated. \\n If ceasefires have been implemented, warring parties may have provided a declaration of forces for the purpose of monitoring the ceasefire. Such declarations typically include information related to the disengagement and movement of troops and weapons. \\n Obtain data from seizures of weapons or discoveries of caches that provide insight into which armed forces and groups possess which materiel, as well as its origins and the context in which the seizures take place. \\n If the DDR programme is to be implemented with the support of a UN peace operation, organize regular meetings to compare observations and information with other UN agencies collecting data on security issues and armed forces and groups, as well as with other relevant international organizations and diplomatic representations. \\n Develop a network of key informants, including by meeting with ex-combatants and with male and female representatives and members of armed forces and groups. This should be done in line with the policy of the UN mission on engaging with armed forces and groups, if any, and in line with the UN\u2019s guidance on the modalities of engagement with armed forces and groups (see Annex B). \\n Meet with community leaders, women\u2019s organizations, youth groups, human rights organizations and other civil society groups. \\n Search for information and images on social media (e.g., monitor Facebook pages of armed groups and national defence forces).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", "Heading3": "5.1.1 Integrated assessment", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "Once sufficient, reliable information has been gathered, collaborative plans can be drawn up by the National DDR Commission and the UN DDR component in mission settings or the National DDR Commission and lead UN agency(ies) in non-mission settings outlining the intended locations and site requirements for disarmament operations, the logistics and staffing required to carry out disarmament, and a timetable for operations.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", "Heading3": "5.1.1 Integrated assessment", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "An accurate and detailed weapons survey is essential to draw up effective and safe plans for the disarmament component of a DDR programme. Weapons surveys are also important for transitional weapons and ammunition management activities (IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management). Sufficient data on the number and type of weapons, ammunition and explosives that can be expected to be recovered are crucial. A weapons survey enables the accurate definition of the extent of the disarmament task, allowing for planning of the collection and future storage and destruction requirements. The more accurate and verifiable the initial data regarding the specifically identified armed forces and groups participating in the conflict, the better the capacity of the UN to make appropriate plans or provide national authorities with relevant advice to achieve the aims of the disarmament component. Data disaggregated by sex and age is a prerequisite for understanding the age- and gender-specific impacts of arms misuse and for designing evidence-based, gender-responsive disarmament operations to address them. It is important to take into consideration the fact that, while women may be active members of armed groups, they may not actually hold weapons. Evidence has shown that female combatants have been left out of DDR processes as a result of this on multiple occasions in the past. A gender-responsive mapping of armed forces and groups is therefore critical to identify patterns of gender-differentiated roles within armed forces and groups, and to ensure that the design of any approach is appropriately targeted.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", "Heading3": "5.1.2 Weapons survey", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "A weapons survey should be implemented as early as possible in the planning of a DDR programme; however, it requires significant resources, access to sensitive and often unstable parts of the country, buy-in from local authorities and ownership by national authorities, all of which can take considerable time to pull together and secure. A survey should draw on a range of research methods and sources in order to collate, compare and confirm information (see Annex C on the methodology of weapons surveys).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", "Heading3": "5.1.2 Weapons survey", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "The overarching aim of the disarmament component of a DDR programme is to control and reduce arms, ammunition and explosives held by combatants before demobilization in order to build confidence in the peace process, increase security and prevent a return to conflict. Clear operational objectives should also be developed and agreed. These may include: \\n A reduction in the number of weapons, ammunition and explosives possessed by, or available to, armed forces and groups; \\n A reduction in actual armed violence or the threat of it; \\n Optimally zero, or at the most minimal, casualties during the disarmament component; \\n An improvement in the perception of human security by men, women, boys, girls and youth within communities; \\n A public connection between the availability of weapons and armed violence in society; \\n The development of community awareness of the problem and hence community solidarity; \\n The reduction and disruption of the illicit trade of weapons within the DDR area of operations; \\n A reduction in the open visibility of weapons in the community; \\n A reduction in crimes committed with weapons, such as conflict-related sexual violence; \\n The development of norms against the illegal use of weapons.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.2 Objectives of disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "BOX 2: MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF DISARMAMENT \\n The disarmament objectives listed in section 5.2 could serve as a basis for the identification of performance indicators to track progress and assess the impact of disarmament interventions. Monitoring and evaluating the disarmament component of a DDR programme should form part of the overall monitoring and evaluation framework of the DDR process, and specific resources should be earmarked for this purpose (see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR). \\n Standardized indicators to monitor and evaluate disarmament operations should be identified early in the DDR programme. Quantitative indicators could be developed in line with specific technical outputs providing clear measures, including the number of weapons and rounds of ammunition collected, the number of items recorded, marked and destroyed, or the number of items lost or stolen in the process. Qualitative indicators might include the evolution of the armed criminality rate in the target area, or perceptions of security in the target population disaggregated by sex and age. Information collection efforts and a weapons survey (see section 5.1) provide useful sources for identifying key indicators and measuring progress. \\n\\n Monitoring and evaluation should also verify that: \\n Gender- and age-specific risks to women and men have been adequately and equitably addressed. \\n Women and men participate in all aspects of the initiative \u2013 design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. \\n The initiative contributes to gender equality.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.2 Objectives of disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of disarmament operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. Operational and technical risks to be assessed when considering which approach to take might relate to the combatants themselves, as well as to the types of weapons, ammunition and explosives being collected, and to external threats.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.3 Risk and security assessment", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety, and that many of the activities carried out during weapons collection operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non- governmental organizations (NGOs) must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.3 Risk and security assessment", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "There are likely to be several operational risks, depending on the context, including the following: \\n Threats to the safety and security of DDR programme personnel (both UN and non-UN): During the disarmament phase of the DDR programme, staff are likely to be in direct contact with armed individuals, including members of both armed forces and groups. Staff should be conscious not only of the risks associated with handling weapons, ammunition and explosives, but also of the risks of unpredictable behaviour as a result of the significant levels of stress that disarmament activities can generate among combatants and other stakeholders. \\n Avoid supporting weapons buy-back: UN supported DDR programmes shall avoid attaching monetary value to weapons as a means of encouraging their surrender by members of armed forces and groups. Weapons buy-back programmes within and outside DDR have proven to be inefficient and even counter-productive as they tend to fuel national and regional arms flows, which in the end can jeopardize the achievement of disarmament objectives in a DDR programme. Buy-back programmes can also have unintended societal consequences such as economically rewarding combatants and exacerbating existing gender inequalities \\n Disarmament of foreign combatants: Disarmament operations may also need to consider armed foreign combatants. Foreign combatants may be disarmed in the host country or at the border of the country of origin to which they will be returning. DDR programmes should plan for disarmament of foreign combatants within or outside repatriation agreements between the country of origin and the host country (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements). \\n Terrorism and violent extremism threats: DDR programmes are increasingly being conducted in contexts affected by terrorism. Disarmament operations in these contexts require the highest security safeguards and robust on-site WAM expertise to maximize the safety of all involved. DDR practitioners should be aware of the requirements imposed on States by UN Security Council resolutions 2370 (2017) and 2482 (2019) and Council\u2019s 2015 Madrid Guiding Principles and its 2018 Addendum, in terms of, inter alia, ensuring that appropriate legal actions are taken against those who knowingly engage in providing terrorists with weapons.4 \\n Lack of sustainability: Disarmament operations shall not start unless the sustainability of funding and resources is guaranteed. Previous attempts to carry out disarmament operations with insufficient assets and funds have resulted in unconstructive, partial disarmament, a return to armed conflict, and the failure of the entire DDR process. The reconfiguring and closing of UN missions is another crucial moment that should be planned in advance. Such transitions often require handing over responsibility to national authorities or to the United Nations Country Team (UNCT). It is important to ensure these entities have the mandate and capacity to complete the DDR programme even after the withdrawal of UN mission resources.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.3 Risk and security assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.1 Operational risks", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "In order to deal with potential technical threats during the disarmament component of DDR programmes, and to implement an appropriate response to such threats, it is necessary to distinguish between risks and hazards. Commonly, a hazard is defined as \u201ca potential source of physical injury or damage to the health of people, or damage to property or the environment,\u201d while a risk can be defined as \u201cthe combination of the probability of occurrence of a hazard and the severity of that hazard\u201d (see ISO/IEC Guide 51: 2014 [E)).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.3 Risk and security assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.2 Technical risks and hazards", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "In terms of disarmament operations, many hazards are created by the presence of weapons, ammunition and explosives. The level of risk is mostly dependent on the knowledge and training of the disarmament teams (see section 5.7). The physical condition of the weapons, ammunition and explosives and the environment in which they are handed over or stored have a major effect on that risk. A range of techniques for estimating risk are contained in IATG 2.10 on Introduction to Risk Management Principles and Processes. All relevant guidelines contained in the IATG should be strictly adhered to in order to ensure the safety of all persons and assets when handling conventional ammunition. Adequate expertise is critical. Unqualified personnel should never handle ammunition or any type of explosive material.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.3 Risk and security assessment", "Heading3": "5.3.2 Technical risks and hazards", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "If women are not adequately integrated into DDR programmes, and disarmament operations in particular, gender stereotypes of masculinity associated with violence, and femininity dissociated from power and decision-making, may be reinforced. If implemented in a gender-sensitive manner, a DDR programme can actually highlight the constructive roles of women in the transition from conflict to sustainable peace.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.4 Gender-sensitive disarmament operations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "Disarmament can increase a combatant\u2019s feeling of vulnerability. In addition to providing physical protection, weapons are often seen as important symbols of power and status. Men may experience disarmament as a symbolic loss of manhood and status. Undermined masculinities at all ages can lead to profound feelings of frustration and disempowerment. For women, disarmament can threaten the gender equality and respect that may have been gained through the possession of a weapon while in an armed force or group.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.4 Gender-sensitive disarmament operations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "DDR programmes should explore ways to promote alternative symbols of power that are relevant to particular cultural contexts and that foster peace dividends. This can be done by removing the gun as a symbol of power, addressing key concerns over safety and protection, and developing strategic engagement with women (particularly female dependants) in disarmament operations.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.4 Gender-sensitive disarmament operations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 62, "Paragraph": "Female combatants and women and girls associated with armed forces and groups are common in armed conflicts across the world. To ensure that men and women have equal rights to participate in the design and implementation of disarmament operations, a gender-inclusive and -responsive approach should be applied at every stage of assessment, planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Such an approach requires gender expertise, gender analysis, the collection of sex- and age-disaggregated data, and the meaningful participation of women at each stage of the DDR process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.4 Gender-sensitive disarmament operations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 63, "Paragraph": "Gender-sensitive disarmament operations are proven to be more effective in addressing the impact of the illicit circulation and misuse of weapons than those that do not incorporate a gender perspective (MOSAIC 6.10 on Women, Men and the Gendered Nature of Small Arms and Light Weapons). Therefore, ensuring that gender is adequately integrated into all stages of disarmament and other DDR-related arms control initiatives is essential to the overall success of DDR processes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.4 Gender-sensitive disarmament operations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 64, "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous and transparent criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital to achieving the objectives of DDR. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed to by all parties, and screening processes must be in place in the disarmament stage.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.5 Eligibility criteria for access to DDR programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 65, "Paragraph": "Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the content of the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.5 Eligibility criteria for access to DDR programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 66, "Paragraph": "Participants in DDR programmes may include individuals in support and non-combatant roles or those associated with armed forces and groups, including children. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see Figure 1 and Box 3).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.5 Eligibility criteria for access to DDR programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 67, "Paragraph": "BOX 3: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES \\n Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms. \\n Female supporters/women associated with armed forces and groups (WAAFG): Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers/slaves). \\n Female dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives/war wives, children, mothers/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.5 Eligibility criteria for access to DDR programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 68, "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.5 Eligibility criteria for access to DDR programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 69, "Paragraph": "Depending on the context and the content of the ceasefire and/or peace agreement, eligibility for a DDR programme can include specific weapons/ammunition-related criteria. These criteria should be based on a thorough understanding of the context if effective disarmament is to be achieved. The arsenals of armed forces and groups vary in size, quality and types of weapons. For instance, in conflicts where foreign States actively support armed groups, these groups\u2019 arsenals are often quite large and varied, including not only serviceable SALW but also heavy-weapons systems.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.5 Eligibility criteria for access to DDR programmes", "Heading3": "5.5.1 Weapons-related eligibility criteria", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 70, "Paragraph": "Past experience shows that the eligibility criteria related to weapons and ammunition are often not consistent or stringent enough. This can lead to the inclusion of individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups and the collection of poor-quality materiel while illicit serviceable materiel remains in circulation. Accurate information regarding armed forces and groups\u2019 arsenals (see section 5.1) is key in determining relevant and effective weapons-related criteria. These include the type and status (serviceable versus non-serviceable) of weapons or the quantity of ammunition that a combatant should bring along in order to be enrolled in the programme. According to the context, the ratio of arms and ammunition to individual combatants can vary and may include SALW as well as heavy weapons and ammunition.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.5 Eligibility criteria for access to DDR programmes", "Heading3": "5.5.1 Weapons-related eligibility criteria", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 71, "Paragraph": "In order to ascertain their eligibility, combatants may also need to take a weapons procedures test, which will identify their familiarity with and ability to handle weapons. Although members of armed groups may not have received formal training to military standards, they should be able to demonstrate an understanding of how to use a weapon. This test should be balanced against other ways to identify combatant status (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Children with weapons should be disarmed but should not be required to demonstrate their capacity to use a weapon or prove familiarity with weaponry to be admitted to the DDR programme (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). All weapons brought by ineligible individuals as part of a disarmament operation shall be collected even if these individuals will not be eligible to enter the DDR programme.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.5 Eligibility criteria for access to DDR programmes", "Heading3": "5.5.1 Weapons-related eligibility criteria", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 72, "Paragraph": "To avoid confusion and frustration, it is key that eligibility criteria are communicated clearly and unambiguously to members of armed groups and the wider population (see Box 4 and IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR). Legal implications should also be clearly explained \u2014 for example, that the voluntary submission of weapons during the disarmament phase by eligible and ineligible individuals will not result in prosecution for illegal possession.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.5 Eligibility criteria for access to DDR programmes", "Heading3": "5.5.1 Weapons-related eligibility criteria", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 73, "Paragraph": "BOX 4: DISARMAMENT AWARENESS ACTIVITIES \\n For weapons to be successfully removed, the early and ongoing information and sensitization of armed forces and groups \u2013 as well as affected communities \u2013 to the planned collection process is essential. Public information and sensitization campaigns will have a strong influence on the success of the entire DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR). \\n\\n In addition to direct contact with armed forces and groups and community representatives, a range of media \u2013 including radio, print media, TV and social media \u2013 can be used to: \\n Encourage combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to disarm. \\n Inform armed forces and groups about locations and dates of disarmament and explain procedures, including security measures. \\n Explain what will happen to collected arms and ammunition and the absence of legal repercussions, as relevant. \\n Explain the eligibility criteria for entering a DDR programme and provide information about potential alternatives for non-eligible individuals (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). \\n Explain legal implications, including amnesties or assurances of non-prosecution (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). \\n Manage expectations. \\n Distinguish between the voluntary disarmament of armed forces and groups as part of a DDR programme and prior forced disarmament and any past or ongoing forced disarmament in the country. \\n\\n A professional, gender-responsive and age-appropriate DDR awareness campaign for the weapons collection component of any DDR programme should be conducted well before the collection phase begins. Awareness-raising campaigns shall take into consideration the findings of gender analysis in the design and implementation of programme activities. DDR practitioners shall ensure representation of all genders and ages in the campaign; engage youth, women and women\u2019s groups; and mitigate against the risk of linking gender identities with weapons, reinforcing violent masculinities and other gender stereotypes. Media and awareness activities are critical channels to counter the socially constructed yet enduring associations between small arms, protection, power and masculinity. \\n It is key that local communities be made aware of ongoing disarmament operations so that the presence or movement of armed individuals does not create confusion. If destruction of ammunition is planned, it is also important to inform communities beforehand to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary tensions. Finally, during ongoing operations, details on progress towards the objectives of the disarmament programme should be disseminated to help reassure stakeholders and communities that the number of illicit weapons in circulation is being reduced, and that overall security is improving.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.5 Eligibility criteria for access to DDR programmes", "Heading3": "5.5.1 Weapons-related eligibility criteria", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 74, "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are a set of mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners within a particular DDR programme in the conduct of disarmament operations and subsequent WAM activities. The development of disarmament SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 75, "Paragraph": "In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in disarmament. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the DDR component, with the support of WAM advisers, and signed off by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as UN military component members and any other partners supporting disarmament activities shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 76, "Paragraph": "In non-mission contexts, the national authority should also be advised by the lead UN agency(ies) on the development of national SOPs for the safe, effective and efficient conduct of the disarmament component of the DDR programme. All those engaged in supporting disarmament operations shall also be familiar with the relevant SOPs.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 77, "Paragraph": "A single disarmament SOP, or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to disarmament activities, should be informed by the integrated assessment and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards (IATG and MOSAIC), as well as with national laws and international obligations of the country where the programme is being implemented (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 78, "Paragraph": "SOPs should cover all disarmament-related activities and include two lines of management procedures: one for ammunition and explosives, and one for weapons systems. The SOP(s) should refer to and be consistent with any other WAM SOPs adopted by the mission and/or national authorities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 79, "Paragraph": "While some missions and/or national authorities have developed a single disarmament SOP, others have preferred a set of SOPs. Regardless, SOPs should cover the following procedures: \\n Reception of arms and/or ammunition and explosives in static or mobile disarmament; \\n Compliance with weapons- and ammunition-related eligibility criteria (e.g., what is considered a serviceable weapon?); \\n Weapons storage management; \\n Ammunition and explosives storage management; \\n Accounting for weapons and ammunition; \\n Transportation of weapons; \\n Transportation of ammunition; \\n Storage checks; \\n Reporting and investigating loss or theft; \\n Destruction of weapons (or other appropriate methods of disposal and potential marking); \\n Destruction of ammunition (or other appropriate methods of disposal). \\n Managing spontaneous disarmament, including in advance of a formal DDR process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 80, "Paragraph": "The disarmament team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for disarmament: physical verification of arms and ammunition, recording of materiel, issuance of disarmament receipts/certificates, storage of materiel, and the destruction of unsafe ammunition and explosives.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.7 Disarmament team structure", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 81, "Paragraph": "WAM advisers (see Box 5) should be duly incorporated from the planning stage throughout the implementation of the disarmament phase. As per the IATG, force commanders (military component) should designate a force explosives safety officer responsible for advising on all arms, ammunition and explosives safety matters, including with regards to DDR activities (see Annex L of IATG 01.90).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.7 Disarmament team structure", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 82, "Paragraph": "BOX 5: WAM ADVISERS \\n In both mission and non-mission settings, the involvement of UN WAM advisers in the planning and implementation of disarmament operations and WAM is critical to the success of the programme. Depending on the type of activities involved, WAM advisers shall have extensive formal training and operational field experience in ammunition and weapons storage, inspection, transportation and destruction/disposal, including in fragile settings, as well as experience in the development and administration of new storage facilities. If the DDR component does not include such profiles among its staff, it may rely on support from other specialist UN agencies or NGOs. The WAM adviser shall, among other things, advise on explosive safety, certify that ammunition and explosives are safe to move, identify a nearby demolition site for unsafe ammunition, conduct render-safe procedures on unsafe ammunition, and determine safety distances during collection processes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.7 Disarmament team structure", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 83, "Paragraph": "A disarmament team should include a gender-balanced composition of: \\n DDR practitioners; \\n A representative of the national DDR commission (and potentially other national institutions); \\n An adequately sized technical support team from a specialized UN agency or NGO, including a team leader/WAM adviser (IMAS EOD level 3), two weapons inspectors to identify weapons and assess safety of items, registration officers, storemen/women and a medic; \\n Military observers (MILOBs) and representatives from the protection force; \\n National security forces armament specialists (police, army and/or gendarmerie); \\n A representative from the mission\u2019s department for child protection; \\n A national gender specialist. \\n A national youth specialist.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.7 Disarmament team structure", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 84, "Paragraph": "Depending on the provisions of the ceasefire and/or peace agreement and the national DDR policy document, commanders of armed groups may also be part of the disarmament team.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.7 Disarmament team structure", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 85, "Paragraph": "Disarmament teams should receive training on the disarmament SOPs (see section 5.6), the chain of procedures involved in conducting disarmament operations, entering data into the registration database, and the types of arms and ammunition they are likely to deal with and their safe handling. Training should be designed by the DDR component with the support of WAM/EOD-qualified force representatives or a specialized UN agency or NGO. DDR practitioners and other personnel who are not arms and ammunition specialists should also attend the training to ensure that they fully understand the chain of operations and security procedures involved; however, unless qualified to do so, staff shall not handle weapons or ammunition at any stage. Before the launch of operations, a simulation exercise should be organized to test the planning phase, and to support each stakeholder in understanding his or her role and responsibilities. The mission DDR component, specialized UN agencies, and the military component should identify liaison officers to facilitate the implementation of disarmament operations", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.7 Disarmament team structure", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 86, "Paragraph": "In non-mission settings, the conduct and security of disarmament operations may rely on national security forces, joint commissions or teams and on national specialists with technical support from relevant UN agency (ies), multilateral and bilateral partners. The UN and partners should support the organization of training for national disarmament teams to develop capacity.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.7 Disarmament team structure", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 87, "Paragraph": "Timelines for the implementation of the disarmament component of a DDR programme should be developed by taking the following factors into account: \\n The provisions of the peace agreement or the ceasefire agreement; \\n The availability of accurate information about demographics, including sex and age, as well as the size of the armed forces and groups to be disarmed; \\n The location of the armed forces\u2019 and groups\u2019 units and the number, type and location of their weapons; \\n The nature, processing capacity and location of mobile and static disarmament sites; \\n The time it takes to process each ex-combatant or person formerly associated with an armed force or group (this could be anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes per person). The simulation exercise will help to determine how long individual weapons collection and accounting will take.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.8 Timelines for disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 88, "Paragraph": "Depending on the nature of the conflict and other political and social conditions, a well- planned and well-implemented disarmament component may see large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups arriving for disarmament during the early stages of the DDR programme. The number of individuals reporting for disarmament may drop in the middle of the process, but it is prudent to plan for a rush towards the end. Late arrivals may report for disarmament because of improved confidence in the peace process or because some combatants and weapons have been held back until the final stages of disarmament as a self- protection measure.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.8 Timelines for disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 89, "Paragraph": "The minimum possible time should be taken to safely process combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups through the disarmament and demobilization phases, and then back into the community. This swiftness is necessary to avoid a loss of momentum and to prevent former combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups from settling in temporary camps away from their communities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.8 Timelines for disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 90, "Paragraph": "Depending on the context, individuals may leave armed groups and engage in spontaneous disarmament outside of official DDR programme and disarmament operations (see section 6.3). In such situations, DDR practitioners should ensure adherence to this disarmament standard as much as possible. To facilitate this spontaneous disarmament process, procedures and timelines should be clearly communicated to authorities, members of armed groups and the wider community.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "5. Developing an M&E strategy and framework for DDR", "Heading2": "5.8 Timelines for disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 91, "Paragraph": "The planning of disarmament operations should be initiated at the peace negotiations stage when the appropriate modus operandi for disarming combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups will be set out. The UN should support the national authorities in identifying the best disarmament approach. Mobile and static approaches have been developed to fit different contexts and constraints, and can be combined to form a multi-strand approach. Depending on the national strategy and the sequencing of DDR phases, the disarmament component may be intrinsically linked to demobilization, and sites for both activities could be combined (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 92, "Paragraph": "The selection of the approach, or combination of approaches, to take should be based on the following: \\n Findings from the integrated assessment and weapons survey, including a review of previous approaches to disarmament (see section 5.1); \\n Discussions and strategic planning by the national authorities; \\n Exchanges with leaders of armed forces and groups; \\n The security and risk assessment; \\n Gender analysis; \\n Financial resources.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 93, "Paragraph": "Notwithstanding the selection of the specific disarmament approach, all combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups should be informed of: \\n The time and date to report, and the location to which to report; \\n Appropriate weapons and ammunition safety measures; \\n The activities involved and steps they will be asked to follow; \\n The level of UN or military security to expect on arrival.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 94, "Paragraph": "Static or site-based (cantonment) disarmament uses specifically designed disarmament sites to carry out the disarmament operation. These require detailed planning and considerable organization and rely on the coordination of a range of implementing partners. The establishment and management of disarmament sites should be specifically included in the peace agreement to ensure that former warring factions agree and are aware that they have a responsibility under the peace agreement to proceed to such sites. Depending on the disarmament plan, geographic and security constraints, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups can move directly to disarmament sites, or their transportation can be organized through pick-up points.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "6.1.1. Static disarmament ", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 95, "Paragraph": "The role of pick-up points (PUPs) is to concentrate combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups in a safe location, prior to a controlled and supervised move to designated disarmament sites. Administrative and safety processes begin at the PUP. There are similarities between procedures at the PUP and those carried out during mobile disarmament operations, but the two processes are different and should not be confused. Members of armed forces and groups that report to a PUP will then be moved to a disarmament site, while those who enter through the mobile disarmament route will be directed to make their way to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "6.1.1. Static disarmament ", "Heading4": " Pick-up points", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 96, "Paragraph": "PUPs are locations agreed to in advance by the leaders of armed forces and groups and the UN mission military component. They are selected because of their convenience, security and accessibility for all parties. The time, date, place and conditions for entering the disarmament process should be negotiated by commanders, the National DDR Commission and the DDR component in mission settings and the UN lead agency(ies) in non-mission settings.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "6.1.1. Static disarmament ", "Heading4": " Pick-up points", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 97, "Paragraph": "Combatants often need to be moved from rural locations, and since many armed forces and groups will not have adequate transport, PUPs should be situated close to their positions. PUPs shall not be located in or near civilian areas such as villages, towns or cities. Special measures should be considered for children associated with armed forces and groups arriving at PUPs (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). Gender-responsive provisions shall also be planned to provide guidance on how to process female combatants and WAAFG, including DDR/UN military staff composed of a mix of genders, separation of men and women during screening and clothing/baggage searches at PUPs, and adequate medical support particularly in the case of pregnant and lactating women (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "6.1.1. Static disarmament ", "Heading4": " Pick-up points", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 98, "Paragraph": "Disarmament operations should also include combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups with disabilities and/or chronically ill and/or wounded who may not be able to access the PUPs. These persons may also qualify for disarmament, while requiring special transportation and assistance by specialists, such as medical staff and psychologists (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR and IDDRS 5.80 on Disabilities and DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "6.1.1. Static disarmament ", "Heading4": " Pick-up points", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 99, "Paragraph": "Once combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups have arrived at the designated PUP, they will be met by male and female UN representatives, including military and child protection staff, who shall arrange their transportation to the disarmament site. This first meeting between armed individuals and UN staff shall be considered a high-risk situation, and all members of armed forces and groups shall be considered potentially dangerous until disarmed.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "6.1.1. Static disarmament ", "Heading4": " Pick-up points", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 100, "Paragraph": "At the PUP, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may either be completely disarmed or may keep their weapons during movement to the disarmament site. In the latter case, they should surrender their ammunition. The issue of weapons surrender at the PUP will either be a requirement of the peace agreement, or, more usually, a matter of negotiation between the leadership of armed forces and groups, the national authorities and the UN.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "6.1.1. Static disarmament ", "Heading4": " Pick-up points", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 101, "Paragraph": "The following activities should occur at the PUP: \\n Members of the disarmament team meet combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups outside the PUP at clearly marked waiting areas; personnel deliver a PUP briefing, explaining what will happen at the sites. \\n Qualified personnel check that weapons are clear of ammunition and made safe, ensuring that magazines are removed; combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are screened to identify those carrying ammunition and explosives. These individuals should be immediately moved to the ammunition area in the disarmament site. \\n Qualified personnel conduct a clothing and baggage search of all combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups; men and women should be searched separately by those of the same sex. \\n Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups with eligible weapons and safe ammunition pass through the screening area to the transport area, before moving to the disarmament site. The UN shall be responsible for ensuring the protection and physical security of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups during their movement from the PUP. In non-mission settings, the national security forces, joint commissions or teams would be responsible for the above-mentioned tasks with technical support from relevant UN agency (ies), multilateral and bilateral partners.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "6.1.1. Static disarmament ", "Heading4": " Pick-up points", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 102, "Paragraph": "Those individuals who do not meet the eligibility criteria for entry into the DDR programme should leave the PUP after being disarmed and, where needed, transported away from the PUP. Individuals with defective weapons should hand these over, but, depending on the eligibility criteria, may not be allowed to enter the DDR programme. These individuals should be given a receipt that shows full details of the ineligible weapon handed over. This receipt may be used if there is an appeal process at a later date. People who do not meet the eligibility criteria for the DDR programme should be told why and orientated towards different programmes, if available, including CVR.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "6.1.1. Static disarmament ", "Heading4": " Pick-up points", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 103, "Paragraph": "In certain circumstances, the establishment of a fixed disarmament site may be inappropriate. In such cases, one option is the use of mobile disarmament, which usually consists of a group of modified road vehicles and has the advantage of decreased logistical outlay, increased flexibility, reduced cost, and rapid deployment and assembly.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "6.1.2 Mobile disarmament", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 104, "Paragraph": "A mobile approach permits a more rapid response than site-based disarmament and can be used when weapons are concentrated in a specific geographical area, when moving collected arms, or when assembling scattered members of armed forces and groups would be difficult or trigger insecurity. This approach allows for more flexibility and for the limited movement of armed combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who remain in their communities. Mobile disarmament may also be more accessible to women, children, disabled and other specific-needs groups. While mobile disarmament ensures the limited movement of unsafe ammunition, a sound mobile WAM and EOD capacity is required to collect and destroy items on site and to transport arms and ammunition to storage facilities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.1 Disarmament locations", "Heading3": "6.1.2 Mobile disarmament", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 105, "Paragraph": "A disarmament SOP should state the step-by-step procedures for receiving weapons and ammunition, including identifying who has responsibility for each step and the gender-responsive provisions required. The SOP should also include a diagram of the disarmament site(s) (either mobile or static). Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are processed one by one. Procedures, to be adapted to the context, are generally as follows.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.2 Procedures for disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 106, "Paragraph": "Before entering the disarmament site perimeter: \\n The individual is identified by his/her commander and physically checked by the designated security officials. Special measures will be required for children (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). Men and women will be checked by those of the same sex, which requires having both male and female officers among UN military/DDR staff in mission settings and national security/DDR staff in non-mission settings. \\n If the individual is carrying ammunition or explosives that might present a threat, she/he will be asked to leave it outside the handover area, in a location identified by a WAM/EOD specialist, to be handled separately. \\n The individual is asked to move with the weapon pointing towards the ground, the catch in safety position (if relevant) and her/his finger off the trigger.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.2 Procedures for disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 107, "Paragraph": "After entering the perimeter: \\n The individual is directed to the unloading bay, where she/he will proceed with the clearing of his/her weapon under the instruction and supervision of a MILOB or representative of the UN military component in mission settings or designated security official in a non-mission setting. If the individual is under 18 years old, child protection staff shall be present throughout the process. \\n Once the weapon has been cleared, it is handed over to a MILOB or representative of the military component in a mission setting or designated security official in a non-mission setting who will proceed with verification. \\n If the individual is also in possession of ammunition for small arms or machine guns, she/he will be asked to place it in a separate pre-identified location, away from the weapons. \\n The materiel handed in is recorded by a DDR practitioner with guidance on weapons and ammunition identification from specialist UN agency personnel or other arms specialists along with information on the individual concerned. \\n The individual is provided with a receipt that proves she/he has handed in a weapon and/or ammunition. The receipt indicates the name of the individual, the date and location, the type, the status (serviceable or not) and the serial number of the weapon. \\n Weapons are tagged with a code to facilitate storage, management and recordkeeping throughout the disarmament process until disposal (see section 7.1). \\n Weapons and ammunition are stored separately or organized for transportation under the instructions and guidance of a WAM adviser (see section 7.2 and DDR WAM Handbook Unit 11). Ammunition presenting an immediate risk, or deemed unfit for transport, should be destroyed in situ by qualified EOD specialists.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.2 Procedures for disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 108, "Paragraph": "BOX 6: PROCESSING HEAVY WEAPONS AND THEIR AMMUNITION \\n An increasing number of armed groups in areas of conflict across the world use light and heavy weapons, including heavy artillery or armoured fighting vehicles. Dealing with heavy weapons presents both logistical and political challenges. In certain settings, heavy weapons could be included in the eligibility criteria for a DDR programme, and the ratio of arms to combatants could be determined based on the number of crew required to operate each specific weapons system. However, while small arms and most light weapons are generally seen as an individual asset, heavy weapons are often considered a group asset, and thus may not be surrendered during disarmament operations that focus on individual combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. \\n To ensure comprehensive disarmament and avoid the exploitation of loopholes, peace negotiations and the national DDR programme should determine the procedures related to the arsenals of armed groups, including heavy weapons and/or caches of materiel. Processing heavy weapons and their ammunition requires a high level of technical knowledge. Heavy-weapons systems can be complex and require specialist expertise to ensure that systems are made safe, unloaded and all items of ammunition are safely separated from the platform. Conducting a thorough weapons survey and planning is vital to ensure the correct expertise is made available. The UN DDR component in mission settings or UN lead agency(ies) in non-mission settings should provide advice with regards to the collection, storage and disposal of heavy weapons, and support the development of any related SOPs. Procedures regarding heavy weapons should be clearly communicated to armed forces and groups prior to any disarmament operations to avoid unorganized and unscheduled movements of heavy weapons that might foment further tensions among the population. Destruction of heavy weapons requires significant logistics (see section 8); it is therefore critical to ensure the physical security of these weapons in order to reduce the risk of diversion.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.2 Procedures for disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 109, "Paragraph": "In some contexts, in order to encourage individuals to leave armed groups when there is no DDR programme, a modus operandi for receiving combatants and persons associated with armed groups may be established. This may include the identification of a network of reception points, such as DDR offices or peacekeeping camps, or the deployment of mobile disarmament units. Procedures should be communicated to authorities, members of armed groups and the wider community on a regular basis to ensure all are informed and sensitized (see Box 4 and IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.3 Spontaneous disarmament outside of official disarmament operations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 110, "Paragraph": "In the case peacekeeping camps are designated as reception points, the DDR component \u2013 in coordination with the military component and the battalion commander \u2013 should identify specific focal points within the camp to deal with combatants and persons associated with armed groups. These focal points should be trained in how to handle and disarm new arrivals, including taking gender-sensitive approaches with women and age-sensitive approaches with children, and in how to register and store materiel until DDR practitioners take over. Unsafe items should be stored in a pre-identified or purpose-built area as advised by DDR WAM advisers until specialized UN agency personnel or force EOD specialists can assess the safety of the items and recommend appropriate action.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "6. Monitoring", "Heading2": "6.3 Spontaneous disarmament outside of official disarmament operations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 111, "Paragraph": "The term \u2018stockpile management\u2019 can be defined as procedures and activities designed to ensure the safe and secure accounting, storage, transportation and handling of arms, ammunition and explosives. The IATG and MOSAIC shall guide the design and implementation of this phase, and qualified WAM advisers should develop relevant SOP(s) (see section 5.6). The stockpile management and destruction of ammunition and explosives require a much more detailed technical response, as the risks and hazards are greater than for weapons, and stockpiles present a larger logistical challenge. Ammunition and explosives shall be handled only by those with the necessary technical competencies.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "7. Stockpile management phase", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 112, "Paragraph": "In smaller disarmament operations or when IMS has not yet been set for the capture of the above information, a separate simple database should be developed to manage weapons, ammunition and explosives collected. For example, the use of a standardized Excel spreadsheet template which would allow for the effective centralization of data. DDR components and UN lead agency(ies) should dedicate appropriate resources to the development and ongoing maintenance of this database and consider the establishment of a more comprehensive and permanent IMS where disarmament operations will clearly involve the collection of thousands of weapons and ammunition. Ownership of data by the UN, the national authorities or both should be decided ahead of the launch of the DDR programme.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.1 Accounting for weapons and ammunition", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 113, "Paragraph": "Data should be protected in order to ensure the security of DDR participants and stockpiles but could be shared with relevant UN entities for analysis and tracing purposes, as appropriate. In instances where the peace agreement does not prevent the formal tracing or investigation of the weapons and ammunition collected, specialized UN entities including Panels of Experts or a Joint Mission Analysis Centre may analyse information and send tracing requests to national authorities, manufacturing countries or other former custodians of weapons regarding the origins of the materiel. These entities should be given access to weapons, ammunition and explosives collected and also check firearms against INTERPOL\u2019s Illicit Arms Records and tracing Management System (iARMS) database. Doing this would shed light on points of diversion, supply chains, and trafficking routes, inter alia, which may contribute to efforts to counter proliferation and illicit trafficking and support the overall objectives of DDR. Forensic analysis may also lead to investigations regarding the licit or illicit origin of the collected weapons and possible linkages to terrorist organizations, in line with UN Security Council resolutions 2370 (2017) and 2482 (2019).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.1 Accounting for weapons and ammunition", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 114, "Paragraph": "In a number of DDR settings, ammunition is generally handed in without its original packaging and will be loose packed and consist of a range of different calibres. Ammunition should be segregated into separate calibres and then accounted for in accordance with IATG 03.10 on Inventory Management.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.1 Accounting for weapons and ammunition", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 115, "Paragraph": "The transportation of dangerous goods from disarmament sites to storage areas should be planned in order to mitigate the risk of explosions and diversions. A WAM adviser should supervise the organization of materiel: arms and ammunition should be transported separately and moved in different shipments. Similarly, whenever advisable for security reasons and practicable in terms of time and capacity, the weapons to be transported should be made temporarily inactive by removing a principal functional part (e.g., bolt, cylinder, slide) and providing for separate transportation of ammunition, ultimately in a different shipment or convoy. All boxes and crates containing weapons or ammunition should be secured and sealed prior to loading onto transport vehicles. As most DDR materiel is transported by road, security of transportation should be ensured by the UN military component in mission settings or by national security forces or by designated security officials in non-mission settings.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.2 Transportation of weapons and ammunition", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 116, "Paragraph": "In the absence of qualified personnel, all ammunition and explosives other than small arms and machine gun ammunition7 should not be transported. In such cases, SOPs should provide directions and WAM advisers should be contacted to confirm instructions on how and where the remaining ammunition should be stored until relevant personnel are able to come and transport it or destroy it in situ.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.2 Transportation of weapons and ammunition", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 117, "Paragraph": "Upon receipt, the shipment should be checked against the DDR weapons and ammunition database, which should be updated accordingly, and a handover declaration should be signed.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.2 Transportation of weapons and ammunition", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 118, "Paragraph": "The safety and security of collected weapons, ammunition and explosives shall be a primary concern. This is because the diversion of materiel or an unplanned storage explosion would have an immediate negative impact on the credibility and the objectives of the whole DDR programme, while also posing a serious safety and security risk. DDR programmes very rarely have appropriate storage infrastructure at their disposal, and most are therefore required to build their own temporary structures, for example, using shipping containers. Conventional arms and ammunition can be stored effectively and safely in these temporary facilities if they comply with international guidelines including IATG 04.10 on Field Storage, IATG 04.20 on Temporary Storage and MOSAIC 5.20 on Stockpile Management.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3 Storage", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 119, "Paragraph": "The stockpile management phase shall be as short as possible. The sooner that collected weapons and ammunition are disposed of (see section 8), the better in terms of (1) security and safety risks; (2) improved confidence and trust; and (3) a lower requirement for personnel and funding.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3 Storage", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 120, "Paragraph": "Post-collection storage shall be planned before the start of the collection phase with the support of a qualified DDR WAM adviser who will determine the size, location, staff and equipment required based on the findings of the integrated assessment (see section 5.1). The SOP should identify the actors responsible for securing storage sites, and a risk assessment shall be conducted by a WAM adviser in order to determine the optimal locations for storage facilities, including appropriate safety distances. The assessment shall also help identify priorities in terms of security measures to be adopted with regards to physical protection (see DDR WAM Handbook Unit 16).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3 Storage", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 121, "Paragraph": "The content of DDR storage sites shall be checked and verified on a regular basis against the DDR weapons and ammunition database (see section 7.3.1). Any suspected loss or theft shall be reported immediately and investigated according to the SOP (see MOSAIC 5.20 for an investigative report template as well as UN SOP Ref.2017.22 on Loss of Weapons and Ammunition in Peace Operations).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3 Storage", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 122, "Paragraph": "Weapons and ammunition must be taken from a store only by personnel who are authorized to do so. These personnel and their affiliation should be identified and authenticated before removing the materiel. The details of personnel removing and returning materiel should be recorded in a log, identifying their name, affiliation and signature, dates and times, weapons/ammunition details and the purpose of removal.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3 Storage", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 123, "Paragraph": "The storage of weapons is less technical than that of ammunition and explosives, with the primary risks being loss and theft due to poor management. Although options for security measures are often quite limited in the field, in order to prevent or delay theft, containers should be equipped with fixed racks on which weapons can be secured with chains or steel cables affixed with padlocks. Some light weapons that contain explosive components, such as man-portable air- defence systems, will present explosive hazards and should be stored with other explosive materiel, in line with guidance on Compatibility Groups as defined by IATG 01.50 on UN Explosive Hazard Classification Systems and Codes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3 Storage", "Heading3": "7.3.1 Storing weapons", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 124, "Paragraph": "To allow for effective management and stocktaking, weapons that have been collected should be tagged. Most DDR programmes use handwritten tags, including the serial number and a tag number, which are registered in the DDR database. However, this method is not effective in the long term and, more recently, DDR components have been using purpose-made bar code tags, allowing for electronic reading, including with a smartphone.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3 Storage", "Heading3": "7.3.1 Storing weapons", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 125, "Paragraph": "A physical stock check by number and type of arms should be conducted on a weekly basis in each storage facility, and the serial numbers of no less than 10 per cent of arms should be checked against the DDR weapons and ammunition database. Every six months, a 100 per cent physical stock check by quantity, type and serial number should be conducted, and records of storage checks should be kept for review and audit processes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3 Storage", "Heading3": "7.3.1 Storing weapons", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 126, "Paragraph": "The storage of ammunition and explosives, other than for small arms and machine guns (1.4 UN Hazard Division), requires highly qualified personnel, as the risks related to this materiel are substantial. Technical guidance to minimize the risk of accidents and their effects is very specific with regards to storing ammunition and explosives in line with Compatibility Groups (see IATG 01.50) and distances (see IATG 2.20). Ammunition collected during the disarmament phase of a DDR programme is often of unknown status and may have been stored in non-optimal environmental conditions (e.g., high temperature/high humidity) that render ammunition unsafe. A thorough risk assessment of ammunition storage facilities shall be carried out by the WAM adviser. A range of quantitative and qualitative methods for this assessment are available in IATG 2.10.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3 Storage", "Heading3": "7.3.2 Storing ammunition and explosives", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 127, "Paragraph": "In accordance with the IATG, all ammunition storage facilities should be at a minimum of Risk-Reduction Process Level 1 compliance (see IATG 12.20) in order to mitigate the risk of explosions and diversion. A physical stock check by quantity and type of ammunition should be conducted on a weekly basis.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3 Storage", "Heading3": "7.3.2 Storing ammunition and explosives", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 128, "Paragraph": "An accessible demolition area that can be used for the destruction of ammunition deemed unsafe and at risk of detonation or deflagration should be identified.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. Evaluations", "Heading2": "7.3 Storage", "Heading3": "7.3.2 Storing ammunition and explosives", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 129, "Paragraph": "Destruction shall be the preferred method of disposal of materiel collected through DDR. However, other options may be possible, including the transfer of materiel to national stockpiles and the deactivation of weapons. Operations should be safe, cost-effective and environmentally benign.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 130, "Paragraph": "Destruction reduces the flow of illicit arms and ammunition in circulation and removes the risk of materiel being diverted (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management). Arms and ammunition that are surrendered during disarmament operations are in an unknown state and likely hazardous, and their markings may have been altered or removed. The destruction of arms and ammunition during a DDR programme is a highly symbolic gesture and serves as a strong confidence-building measure if performed and verified transparently. Furthermore, destruction is usually less financially burdensome than storing and guarding arms and ammunition in accordance with global guidelines.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.1 Destruction of materiel", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 131, "Paragraph": "Obtaining agreement from the appropriate authorities to proceed usually takes time, resulting in delays and related risks of diversion or unplanned explosions. Disposal methods should therefore be decided upon with the national authorities at an early stage and clearly stated in the national DDR programme. Transparency in the disposal of weapons and ammunition collected from former warring parties is key to building trust in DDR and the entire peace process. ", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.1 Destruction of materiel", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 132, "Paragraph": "A clear plan for destruction should be established by the DDR component or the lead UN agency(ies) with the support of WAM advisers, including the most suitable method for destruction (see Annex E), the development of an SOP, the location, as well as options for the processing and monitoring of scrap metal recycling, if relevant, and the associated costs of the destruction process. The plan shall also provide for the monitoring of the destruction by a third party to ensure that the process was efficient and that all materiel is accounted for to avoid diversion. The physical destruction of weapons is much simpler and safer than the physical destruction of ammunition, which requires highly qualified personnel and a thorough risk assessment.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.1 Destruction of materiel", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 133, "Paragraph": "In most existing DDR programmes, due to the absence of an industrial steel smelting facility to melt down small arms, cutting is the preferred method of destruction, particularly where quantities of weapons are limited and where it is logistically easier and safer to take the cutting tool to the weapons rather than vice versa. If not done correctly, cutting carries the risk that the parts may be re-used to produce new weapons. Cutting is also labour intensive and produces significant quantities of scrap metal. (See Annex E to select the most suitable method of destruction.)", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.1 Destruction of materiel", "Heading3": "8.1.1 Destruction of weapons", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 134, "Paragraph": "With regards to heavy weapons, demilitarization by dismantling and recycling should be the preferred disposal option for the majority of these systems. The market for conversion to civilian use is very limited. This is because sale is also a proliferation risk and reputable end users are rare. The demilitarization by dismantling and recycling technique involves the cleaning and dismantling/cutting of the vehicle but results in significant quantities of scrap. If a large quantity of heavy weapons is to be destroyed, financial planning could include the value of the scrap recovered.8 It is also important to maintain strict control over weapons designated for destruction to prevent the risk of their entry into the illicit market before the destruction takes place.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.1 Destruction of materiel", "Heading3": "8.1.1 Destruction of weapons", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 135, "Paragraph": "The safe destruction of recovered ammunition and explosives presents a variety of technical challenges, and the demolition of a large number of explosive items requires a significant degree of training. Risks inherent in destruction are significant if the procedure does not comply with strict technical guidelines (see IATG 10.10), including casualties and contamination. During the disarmament phase of a DDR programme, ammunition may need to be destroyed either at the collection point (PUP, disarmament site) because it is unsafe, or after being transferred to a secure DDR storage facility.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.1 Destruction of materiel", "Heading3": "8.1.2 Destruction of ammunition", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 136, "Paragraph": "Ammunition destruction requires a strict planning phase by WAM/EOD advisers or engineers who should identify priorities, obtain authorization from the national authorities, select the most appropriate method (see Annex E) and location for destruction, and develop a risk assessment and security plan for the operation. The following types of ammunition should be destroyed as a priority: (a) ammunition that poses the greatest risk in terms of explosive safety, (b) ammunition that is attractive to criminals or armed groups, (c) ammunition that must be destroyed in order to comply with international obligations (for instance, anti-personnel mines for States that are party to the Mine Ban Treaty) and (d) small arms and machine gun ammunition less than 20 mm.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.1 Destruction of materiel", "Heading3": "8.1.2 Destruction of ammunition", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 137, "Paragraph": "After destruction, decontamination operations at demolition sites and demilitarization facilities should be undertaken to ensure that all recovered materials and other generated residues, including unexploded items, are appropriately treated, and that scrap and empty packaging are free from explosives.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.1 Destruction of materiel", "Heading3": "8.1.2 Destruction of ammunition", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 138, "Paragraph": "National authorities may insist that serviceable materiel collected during disarmament should be incorporated into national stockpiles. Reasons for this may be linked to a lack of resources to acquire new materiel, the desire to regain control over materiel previously looted from national stockpiles or the existence of an arms embargo making procurement difficult.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.2 Transfers to national authorities", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 139, "Paragraph": "Before transferring arms or ammunition to the national authorities, the DDR component or lead UN agency(ies) shall take account of all obligations under relevant regional and international instruments as well as potential UN arms embargos and should seek the advice of the mission\u2019s or lead UN agency(ies) legal adviser (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). If the host State is prohibited from using or possessing certain weapons or ammunition (e.g., mines or cluster munitions), such materiel shall be destroyed. Furthermore, in line with the UN human rights due diligence policy, materiel shall not be transferred where there are substantial indications that the consignee is committing grave violations of international humanitarian, human rights or refugee law.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.2 Transfers to national authorities", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 140, "Paragraph": "WAM advisers should explain to the national authorities the potential negative consequences of incorporating DDR weapons and ammunition into their stockpiles. These consequences not only include the symbolic connotations of using conflict weapons, but also the costs and operational challenges that come from the management of materiel that differs from standard equipment. The integration of ammunition into national stockpiles should be discouraged, as ammunition of unknown origin can be extremely hazardous. A technical inspection of weapons and ammunition should be jointly carried out by both UN and national experts before handover to the national authorities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.2 Transfers to national authorities", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 141, "Paragraph": "Finally, weapons handed over to national authorities should bear markings made at the time of manufacture, and best practice recommends the destruction or remarking of weapons whose original markings have been altered or erased. Weapons should be registered by the national authorities in line with international standards.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.2 Transfers to national authorities", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 142, "Paragraph": "The deactivation of arms involves rendering the weapon incapable of expelling or launching a shot, bullet, missile or other projectile by the action of an explosive, that cannot be readily restored to do so, and that has been certified and marked as deactivated in compliance with international guidelines by a competent State authority. Deactivation requires that all pressure-bearing components of a weapon be permanently altered in such a way so as to render the weapon unusable; this includes modifications to the barrel, bolt, cylinder, slide, firing pin and/or receiver/frame. Weapons that have not been properly deactivated represent a significant threat, as they may be reactivated and used by criminals and terrorists.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.3 Deactivation of weapons", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 143, "Paragraph": "While destruction of weapons should be the preferred method of disposal, deactivation could be stipulated as part of a peace agreement where some of the collected weapons would be used in museum settings, or to create \u2018peace art\u2019 or monuments, to symbolically reflect the end of armed conflict. The process of deactivation should occur rapidly after a peace agreement so that weapons do not remain indefinitely in stores incurring unnecessary costs and raising the risk of diversion", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "8. Disposal phase", "Heading2": "8.3 Deactivation of weapons", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 144, "Paragraph": "A weapons survey can take more than a year from the time resources are allocated and mobilized to completion and the publication of results and recommendations. The survey must be designed, implemented and the results applied in a gender responsive manner.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "Annex C: Weapons survey", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 145, "Paragraph": "Who should implement the weapons survey? \\n While the DDR component and specialized UN agencies can secure funding and coordinate the process, it is critical to ensure that ownership of the project sits at the national level due to the sensitivities involved, and so that the results have greater legitimacy in informing any future national policymaking on the subject. This could be through the National Coordinating Mechanism on SALW, for example, or the National DDR Commission. Buy-in must also be secured from local authorities on the ground where research is to be conducted. Such authorities must also be kept informed of developments for political and security reasons. \\n Weapons surveys are often sub-contracted out by UN agencies and national authorities to independent and impartial research organizations and/or an expert consultant to design and coordinate the survey components. The survey team should include independent experts and surveyors who are nationals of the country in which the DDR component or the UN lead agency(ies) is operating and who speak the local language(s). The implementation of weapons surveys should always serve as an opportunity to develop national research capacity.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "Annex C: Weapons survey", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 146, "Paragraph": "What information should be gathered during a weapons survey? \\n Weapons surveys can support the design of multiple types of activities related to SALW control in various contexts, including those related to DDR. The information collected during this process can inform a wide range of initiatives, and it is therefore important to identify other UN stakeholders with whom to engage when designing the survey to avoid duplication of effort. \\n\\n Components \\n Contextual analysis: conflict analysis; mapping of armed actors; political, economic, social, environmental, cultural factors. \\n Weapons distribution assessment: types; quantities; possession by men, women and children; movements of SALW; illicit sources of weapons and ammunition; potential locations of materiel and caches. \\n Impact survey: impact of weapons on children, women, men, vulnerable groups, DDR beneficiaries etc.; social and economic developments; number of acts of armed violence and victims. \\n Perception survey: attitudes of various groups towards weapons; reasons for armed groups holding weapons; alternatives to weapons possession etc. \\n Capacity assessment: community, local, national coping mechanism; legal tools; security and non-security responses.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "Annex C: Weapons survey", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 147, "Paragraph": "The survey should draw on a variety of research methods and sources in order to collate, compare and confirm information \u2014 e.g., desk research, collection of official quantitative data (including crime and health data related to firearms), and interviews with key informants such as national security and defence forces, community leaders, representatives of civilian groups (including women, youth and professionals) affected by armed violence, armed groups, foreign analysts and diplomats.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "Annex C: Weapons survey", "Heading2": "Methodology", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 148, "Paragraph": "The main component of the survey should be the perception survey (see above) \u2014 i.e., the administration of a questionnaire. A representative sample is to be determined by an expert according to the target population. The questionnaire should be developed and administered by a research team including male and female nationals, ensuring respect for ethical considerations and gender and cultural sensitivities. The questionnaire should not take more than 30 minutes to administer, and careful thought should be given as to how to frame the questions to ensure maximum impact (see Annex C of MOSAIC 5.10 for a list of sample questions).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "Annex C: Weapons survey", "Heading2": "Methodology", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 149, "Paragraph": "A survey can help the DDR component to identify interventions related to disarmament of combatants or ex-combatants, but also to CVR and other transitional programming.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "Annex C: Weapons survey", "Heading2": "Methodology", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 150, "Paragraph": "Among others, the weapons survey will help identify the following: \\n Communities particularly affected by weapons availability and armed violence. \\n Communities particularly affected by violence related to ex-combatants. \\n Communities ready to participate in CVR and the types of programming they would like to see developed. \\n Types of weapons and ammunition in circulation and in demand. \\n Trafficking routes and modus operandi of weapons trafficking. \\n Groups holding weapons and the profiles of combatants. \\n Cultural and monetary values of weapons. \\n Security concerns and other negative impacts linked to potential interventions.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "Annex C: Weapons survey", "Heading2": "Methodology", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 151, "Paragraph": "There are many different techniques for destroying SALW that vary in complexity, cost and results. The DDR component in mission settings and the UN lead agency(ies) in non-mission settings will be responsible for identifying the most suitable method with the support of a technical adviser or specialized UN agency.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 38, "Heading1": "Annex E: Destruction methods", "Heading2": "Destruction of SALW", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 152, "Paragraph": "Selection criteria include: \\n Type of weapons; \\n Quantity of weapons; \\n Availability of funds (for equipment, training and staff); \\n Available level of WAM expertise; \\n Availability of local resources and technology; \\n Available infrastructure; \\n Security constraints; \\n Local customs and references.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 38, "Heading1": "Annex E: Destruction methods", "Heading2": "Destruction of SALW", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 153, "Paragraph": "In most existing DDR programmes, weapons cutting is the preferred though not necessarily the most efficient method of destruction. The advantages and disadvantages of this method and others are outlined below.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 38, "Heading1": "Annex E: Destruction methods", "Heading2": "Destruction of SALW", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 154, "Paragraph": "Other methods of weapons destruction, including burning (with kerosene) and crushing (with tracked vehicles), are sometimes used for their highly visible and symbolic impact. Although simple and relatively low cost, these methods are not effective, as weapons and component parts may still be serviceable and must therefore undergo a further process to ensure destruction.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "Annex E: Destruction methods", "Heading2": "Destruction of SALW", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 155, "Paragraph": "IATG 10.10 shall serve as the basis for all destruction of ammunition and explosives activities. The following IMAS also cover the stockpile destruction of ammunition and explosives: \\n IMAS 11.10: \u2018Stockpile Destruction\u2019; \\n IMAS 11.20: \u2018Open Burning and Open Detonation (OBOD) Operations\u2019; \\n IMAS 11.30: \u2018National Planning Guidelines\u2019.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "Annex E: Destruction methods", "Heading2": "Destruction of ammunition and explosives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 156, "Paragraph": "The EOD expert will select the method according to: \\n Type and quantity of ammunition to be destroyed; \\n Availability of qualified human resources; \\n Location and type of destruction sites available; \\n Distance from storage and destruction sites and accessibility; \\n Financial resources available; \\n Requisite equipment and materials available; \\n Environmental impact.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "Annex E: Destruction methods", "Heading2": "Destruction of ammunition and explosives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 157, "Paragraph": "The most commonly used methods in DDR settings are open burning and open detonation. These are regarded as the easiest ways to destroy ammunition and often present the most cost- effective solution; they are also highly symbolic and can serve as effective mechanisms for building confidence in the DDR programme. \\n Open burning is generally used for the destruction of propellants and pyrotechnic compositions and has the potential to cause significant environmental harm. \\n Open detonation uses serviceable explosives as charges to destroy ammunition and requires a large cordon to ensure protection from the blast. This method is labour intensive and may not destroy all ammunition, requiring post-blast EOD clearance.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "Annex E: Destruction methods", "Heading2": "Destruction of ammunition and explosives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 158, "Paragraph": "The industrial-level destruction of ammunition and explosives combines the skills of production, mechanical, chemical and explosive engineering. It is a highly specialist occupation, and appropriate independent technical advice shall be taken during the planning phase if stockpile levels suggest that industrial destruction may be the safest, most environmentally friendly or most cost-effective option.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "Annex E: Destruction methods", "Heading2": "Destruction of ammunition and explosives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}, {"ID": 159, "Paragraph": "\\n 1 \\n 2 \\n 3 The seven categories of major conventional arms, as defined by the UN Register of Conventional Arms, can be found at: -armaments/ \\n 4 See Operative Paragraph 6 of UN Security Council resolution 2370 (2017) and Operative Paragraph 10 of UN Security Council resolution 2482 (2019); and Section VI. Preventing and combating the illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons and Guiding Principle 52 of Security Council\u2019s 2018 Addendum to the Madrid Guiding Principles (S/2018/1177). \\n 5 See DDR WAM Handbook Unit 11. \\n 6 See ibid., Annex 6. \\n 7 Aside from those containing high explosive (HE) material. \\n 8 See Seesac. Defence Conversion \u2013 The Disposal and Demilitarization of Heavy Weapons Systems. 2006. \\n 9 See OSCE. 2018. Best Practice Guide: Minimum Standards for National Procedures for the Deactivation of SALW.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Disarmament", "PageNum": 40, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.10 Disarmament"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management.json b/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01dc31b --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management.json @@ -0,0 +1,884 @@ +[ + { + "ID": 0, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners increasingly operate in contexts with fragmented but well-equipped armed groups and acute levels of proliferation of illicit weapons, ammunition and ex- plosives. In settings where armed conflict is ongoing and peace agreements have been neither signed nor implemented, disarmament as part of a DDR programme may not be the most suitable approach to control the circulation of weapons, ammunition and explosives because armed groups may be reluctant to disarm without strong security guarantees (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). Instead, these contexts require the de- sign and implementation of innovative DDR-related tools, such as transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 1, + "Paragraph": "When implemented as part of a DDR process (either with or without a DDR pro- gramme), transitional WAM has two primary aims: to reduce the capacity of individ- uals and groups to engage in armed conflict, and to reduce accidents and save lives by addressing the immediate risks related to the illicit possession of weapons, ammuni- tion and explosives. By supporting better arms control and preventing the diversion of weapons, ammunition and explosives to unauthorized end users, transitional WAM can be a strong component of the sustaining peace approach and contribute to pre- venting the outbreak, escalation, continuation and recurrence of conflict (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace). In settings where a peace agreement has been signed and the necessary preconditions for a DDR programme are in place, transitional WAM can also be used before, during and after DDR programmes as a complementary measure (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 2, + "Paragraph": "As shown in Figure 1, DDR arms control activities include: (1) disarmament as part of a DDR programme and (2) transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool. This sub-module, which should be read as a complement to IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, aims to equip DDR practitioners with the basic legal, programmatic and technical knowledge to de- sign and implement safe and effective transitional WAM in both mission and non-mis- sion contexts.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 3, + "Paragraph": "This sub-module also provides guidance on how transitional WAM implemented as part of a DDR process should align with and reinforce security sector reform (SSR), as well as national small arms and light weapons (SALW) control strategies.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 4, + "Paragraph": "When collecting, registering, storing, transporting, and disposing of weapons, ammunition and explosives during transitional WAM the core guidelines outlined in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament apply. As such, DDR-related transitional WAM should always adhere to United Nations standards and guidelines, namely the Modular small- arms-control Implementation Compendium (MOSAIC) and International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 5, + "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 6, + "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a. \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b. \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c. \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d. \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e. \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 7, + "Paragraph": "Weapons and ammunition management (WAM) is the oversight, accountability and management of arms and ammunition throughout their lifecycle, including the estab- lishment of frameworks, processes and practices for safe and secure materiel acquisi- tion, stockpiling, transfers, tracing and disposal.1 WAM does not only focus on small arms and light weapons, but on a broader range of conventional weapons including ammunition and artillery.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 8, + "Paragraph": "Transitional WAM is a series of interim arms control measures that can be imple- mented by DDR practitioners before, after and alongside DDR programmes. Transi- tional WAM can also be implemented when the preconditions for a DDR programme are absent. The transitional WAM component of a DDR process is primarily aimed at reducing the capacity of individuals and groups to engage in armed violence and conflict. Transitional WAM also aims to reduce accidents and save lives by addressing the immediate risks related to the possession of weapons, ammunition and explosives.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 9, + "Paragraph": "Light weapon: Any man-portable lethal weapon designed for use by two or three per- sons serving as a crew (although some may be carried and used by a single person) that expels or launches, is designed to expel or launch, or may be readily converted to expel or launch a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive. \\n Note 1: Includes, inter alia, heavy machine guns, hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers, portable anti-aircraft guns, portable anti-tank guns, re- coilless rifles, portable launchers of anti- tank missile and rocket systems, portable launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems, and mortars of a calibre of less than 100 millimetres, as well as their parts, components and ammunition. \\n Note 2: Excludes antique light weapons and their replicas.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 10, + "Paragraph": "Small arm: Any man-portable lethal weapon designed for individual use that expels or launches, is designed to expel or launch, or may be readily converted to expel or launch a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive. Note 1: Includes, inter alia, re- volvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns, as well as their parts, components and ammunition. Note 2 Excludes antique small arms and their replicas.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 11, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes are increasingly launched in contexts where members of armed groups and communities are unwilling to disarm because of concerns for their security. In such situations, communities and individuals may take their own security measures, including through increased weapons ownership. Some armed groups may also be characterized as community self-defence forces or \u2018vigilante groups\u2019.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 12, + "Paragraph": "The ownership of weapons, ammunition and explosives by individuals and armed groups carries a number of risks. For example, if armed groups store incompatible types of ammunition together then it may lead to explosions and surrounding loss of life. Furthermore, inadequately secured weapons and ammunition can facilitate inter-personal armed violence, including sexual and gender-based violence, as well as theft and diversion to the illicit market.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 13, + "Paragraph": "In order to contribute to a more secure environment that is conducive to long-term stability, development and reconciliation, DDR practitioners may consider the use of transitional WAM. Transitional WAM may be used as an alternative to disarmament as part of a DDR programme or it can also be used before, during or after a DDR pro- gramme as a complementary measure. In both contexts, a multifaceted approach is required that addresses both the root causes of armed violence and the means through which that violence is perpetrated.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 14, + "Paragraph": "Transitional WAM may therefore also be used in combination with programmes of Community Violence Reduction, particularly when these programmes include for- mer combatants or individuals at-risk of recruitment by armed groups (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). Finally, transitional WAM may also be used in combination with activities that support the reintegration of former combatants and persons formerly associated with armed groups (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 15, + "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to tran- sitional WAM as part of a DDR process.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 16, + "Paragraph": "Transitional WAM as part of a DDR process shall be implemented on a voluntary basis and, where appropriate, through engaging communities and armed forces and groups to identify issues and design solutions.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 17, + "Paragraph": "Transitional WAM shall not introduce distinctions based on age, sex, race, ethnicity, religion or other arbitrary criteria that may create or exacerbate vulnerabilities and power imbalances. DDR practitioners shall ensure that the gendered dimensions of WAM and its links to gender identities, as well as the differing impacts on men and women and their perceptions of weapons, ammunition and explosives, are adequately integrated into all stages of arms control initiatives. Such an approach requires gender expertise, gender analysis, the collection of sex- and age-disaggregated data as well as considerations related to children.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Gender-responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 18, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall also adopt a gender-transformative approach, including through interventions and messages on the linkages between masculinities and weapons ownership, and by ensuring that both men and women are involved in the design and implementation of transitional WAM.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 Gender-responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 19, + "Paragraph": "Transitional WAM shall not increase the vulnerability of communities, groups (including ethnic and religious minorities), or individuals to internal or external threats by desta- bilizing the distribution of power. All precautions shall also be taken to avoid reinforcing or generating inequalities based on age and gender.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.3 Conflict sensitive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 20, + "Paragraph": "National Governments have the right and responsibility to apply their own national standards to all transitional WAM measures within their territories and shall act in compliance with relevant international and (sub)-regional arms control instruments and applicable legal frameworks (see section 5.2). The primary responsibility for transi- tional WAM lies with the Government of the concerned State. The support and special- ist knowledge of the UN is placed at the disposal of a national Government to ensure that the planning and implementation of transitional WAM are conducted in ac- cordance with international arms control instruments, standards and guidance, including those of the IDDRS, the IATG and MOSAIC. Transitional WAM shall be de- signed and implemented in coordination with, and in support of, national arms. control policies and management systems. Building national and local institutional and technical WAM capacity is essential to effective and sustainable arms control ef- forts and, where relevant could support SSR processes.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.4 Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 21, + "Paragraph": "Transitional WAM shall be coordinated with all other aspects of an integrated DDR process as well as with other components of the broader peace process, including, ceasefires and arms control measures associated with transitional security arrange- ments, arms embargo measures where existent and applicable, SSR and SALW control.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Integrated", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 22, + "Paragraph": "Handling weapons, ammunition and explosives comes with high levels of risk. The involvement of technically and appropriately qualified WAM personnel in the planning and implementation of transitional WAM is absolutely critical. Techni- cal advisers shall have formal training and operational field experience in ammu- nition and weapons storage, marking, transportation, deactivation and disposal including the destruction of weapons, ammunition and explosives.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.6 Safety and security", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 23, + "Paragraph": "Meticulous assessments, planning and monitoring are required in order to implement effective, evidence-based, tailored, gender- and age-responsive transitional WAM as part of a DDR process. Such an approach includes a contextual analysis, age and gen- der analysis, a risk and security assessment, the development of standard operating procedures (SOPs), the identification of technical and logistical resources, and a timeta- ble for operations and public awareness activities (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament for guidance on these activities). The planning for transitional WAM should be articulated in the DDR national strategy, arms control strategy and/or broader national security strategy. If the context is a UN mission setting, the planning for transitional WAM should also be articulated in the mission concept, lower-level strategies and vision doc- uments of the UN mission. Importantly, DDR-related transitional WAM must not be designed in isolation from other arms control or related initiatives run by the national authorities and their international partners.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 24, + "Paragraph": "The design, modalities and objectives of transitional WAM as part of a DDR process vary according to the political and security context, the level of proliferation of weap- ons, ammunition and explosives, the weapons culture and societal perspectives, gen- dered experiences of WAM, and the timing and sequencing of other initiatives (which may include a DDR programme, DDR-related tools, and/or reintegration support) (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.1 Assessments and weapons survey", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 25, + "Paragraph": "Integrated assessments should start as early as possible in the peace negotiation process and in the pre-planning phase (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). An integrated assessment should contribute to determining whether any disarmament or transitional WAM measures are desirable or feasible in the current context, and the po- tential positive and negative impacts of any such measures (see section 5.1.1 of IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament for guidance on integrated assessments).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.1 Assessments and weapons survey", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 26, + "Paragraph": "In addition, DDR practitioners can commission a weapons survey (the same weap- ons survey outlined in section 5.1.2 and Annex C of IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament) and draw information from national injury surveillance systems (see section 5.5.2 of MO- SAIC 05.10). Weapons surveys and injury surveillance are essential in order to draw up effective and safe plans for both disarmament and transitional WAM. A weapons survey and injury surveillance system also allow DDR practitioners to scope the extent of the WAM task ahead and to gauge national and local expectations concerning the transitional WAM measures to be carried out. This knowledge helps to ensure tailored programming and results. Data disaggregated by sex and age is a prerequisite for un- derstanding age- and gender-specific attitudes towards weapons, ammunition and ex- plosives, and their age- and gender-specific impacts. This type of data is also necessary to design evidence-based, and age- and gender-sensitive responses.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.1 Assessments and weapons survey", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 27, + "Paragraph": "The early collection of data also provides a baseline for DDR monitoring and eval- uation activities. These baseline indicators should be adjusted in line with evolving conflict dynamics. Monitoring and evaluation are crucial to ensure accountability and the effective implementation and management of transitional WAM. For more detailed guidance on monitoring and evaluation, refer to Box 2 of IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR and section 5.5 of MOSAIC 05.10.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.1 Assessments and weapons survey", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 28, + "Paragraph": "Once reliable information has been gathered, collaborative transitional WAM plans can be drawn up by the national DDR commission and the UN DDR component in mission settings and by the national DDR commission and the UN lead agency(ies) in non-mission settings. These plans should outline the intended target populations and requirements for transitional WAM, the type of WAM measures and operations that are planned, a timetable, and logistics, budget and staffing needs.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.1 Assessments and weapons survey", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 29, + "Paragraph": "DDR-related transitional WAM shall be conducted in compliance with the national legislation of the concerned country and relevant international and regional legal frame- works, as well as complying with any reporting requirements under relevant sub-/ regional and international instruments. Compliance with provisions specifically designed to promote gender equality, in particular, the empowerment of women, and the prevention of serious acts of armed violence against women and girls is especially critical.2 So too is compliance with provisions designed to support youth engagement and participation.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.2 National, regional and international regulatory framework", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 30, + "Paragraph": "Many countries have national legislation regulating all or parts of the life cycle of weap- ons, ammunition and explosives, including manufacture, marking, import, export, re- cord-keeping and civilian possession. Often, if States have ratified/adopted global and regional treaties and instruments, then relevant provisions of these instruments will be reflected in their national legislation. There may, however, be some variation in the extent to which States have developed or updated this legislation.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.2 National, regional and international regulatory framework", + "Heading3": "5.2.1 National legislation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 31, + "Paragraph": "In addition to legislation, national authorities may have developed national weap- ons and ammunition normative frameworks and/or operational guidance documents, including a SALW national action plan and SOPs in accordance with the IATG and MOSAIC. These standards, strategies, national action plans and/or strategic and oper- ational guidance documents should, at an early stage, be taken into consideration when planning and executing transitional WAM as part of a DDR process.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.2 National, regional and international regulatory framework", + "Heading3": "5.2.1 National legislation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 32, + "Paragraph": "The regional and global instruments referred to below are legally binding. DDR prac- titioners should therefore identify which instruments are applicable to the country in which they operate.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.2 National, regional and international regulatory framework", + "Heading3": "5.2.2 Legally binding instruments", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 33, + "Paragraph": "Regional instruments \\n Several regional, legally binding instruments have been adopted to support the imple- mentation of the UN Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in SALW in All Its Aspects (see below).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.2 National, regional and international regulatory framework", + "Heading3": "5.2.2 Legally binding instruments", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 34, + "Paragraph": "International instruments \\n The Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, which supplements the UN Con- vention against Transnational Organized Crime, was adopted in the context of crime prevention and law enforcement. State parties to the legally binding treaty agreed to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit manufacturing of and traffick- ing in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition. \\n The Arms Trade Treaty regulates the international legal trade in conventional arms and seeks to prevent and eradicate their diversion to the illicit market by es- tablishing international standards governing arms transfers. The Treaty addresses the relationship between conventional arms transfers and the commission of gen- der-based violence. It requires States parties to assess the risk of the transferred conventional arms being used to commit or facilitate serious acts of gender-based violence or serious acts of violence against women and children. \\n United Nations human rights conventions, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as interpreted by their universal oversight mechanisms, require States to curb the proliferation of small arms and regulate access to them as part of the duty to protect the right to life. \\n\\n Other binding instruments may be relevant, including the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons and the Conven- tion on Cluster Munitions. Security Council resolutions related to counter-terrorism as well as the Security Council\u2019s 2015 Madrid Guiding Principles and its 2018 Addendum may also be relevant.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.2 National, regional and international regulatory framework", + "Heading3": "5.2.2 Legally binding instruments", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 35, + "Paragraph": "Politically binding instruments \\n The UN Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (PoA) addresses the illicit trade in SALW with the objective of reducing human suffering. The PoA consists of commit- ments at the national, regional and global levels to combat the illicit trade in SALW. \\n The International Tracing Instrument, which was adopted within the framework of the PoA, promotes the development of marking, record-keeping and tracing meas- ures for SALW. \\n The Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Offi- cials is also relevant for planning and designing transitional WAM where inter-linkages between SSR and DDR exist.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.2 National, regional and international regulatory framework", + "Heading3": "5.2.2 Legally binding instruments", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 36, + "Paragraph": "Women, men, children, adolescents and youth play an instrumental role in the imple- mentation of transitional WAM as part of a DDR process, including through encourag- ing family, community members and members of armed forces and groups to partic- ipate. Gender- and age-responsive transitional WAM is proven to be more effective in addressing the impacts of the illicit circulation and misuse of weapons, ammunition and explosives than transitional WAM that is gender or age blind. Gender and age mainstreaming is essential to assuring the overall success of DDR processes.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.3 Gender-sensitive transitional WAM", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 37, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should involve women, children, adolescents and youth from affected communities in the planning, design, implementation, and monitoring and eval- uation phases of transitional WAM. Women can, for example, contribute to raising aware- ness of the risks associated with weapons ownership and ensure that rules adopted by the community, in terms of weapons control, are effective and enforced. As the owners and users of weapons, ammunition and explosives are predominantly men, including youth, communication and outreach efforts should focus on dissociating arms ownership from notions of power, protection, status and masculinity. For this type of gender- and age-transformative transitional WAM to be effective, it should be linked to other DDR- related tools, such as CVR, pre-DDR, and DDR support to mediation (see section 6).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.3 Gender-sensitive transitional WAM", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 38, + "Paragraph": "To ensure that transitional WAM is gender- and age-responsive, DDR practitioners should focus on the following areas of strategic importance: (a) the involvement of both men and women at all stages of transitional WAM, as well as children, adolescents and youth where appropriate; (b) the collection of sex- and age-disaggregated data and gender and age analysis as a baseline for understanding challenges and needs; (c) the measurement of progress through the development of age- and gender-sensitive in- dicators; (d) the enhancement of the gender competence and commitment to gender equality among programme staff and national partners, including the national DDR commission and other relevant bodies; (e) ensuring organizational structures, work- flows and knowledge management are responsive to different environments; (f) work- ing with partners to strengthen age- and gender-responsiveness, including women\u2019s, men\u2019s and youth networks and organizations; and (g) gender- and age-sensitive pro- gramme monitoring and evaluation exercises. Specific guidance can be found in ID- DRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, as well as in MOSAIC Module 06.10 on Women, Men and the Gendered Nature of SALW and MOSAIC Module 06.20 on Children, Ad- olescents, Youth and SALW. (See Annex B for other normative references.)", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "5.3 Gender-sensitive transitional WAM", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 39, + "Paragraph": "When part of a DDR process, transitional WAM should be considered when there is a need to respond to the presence of active and/or former members of armed groups. For example, transitional WAM may be appropriate when: \\n Armed groups refuse to disarm as the pre-conditions for a DDR programme are not in place. \\n Former combatants and/or persons formerly associated with armed groups return to their communities with weapons, ammunition and/or explosives, perhaps be- cause of ongoing insecurity or because weapons possession is a cultural practice or tied to notions of power and masculinity. \\n Weapons and ammunition are circulating in communities and pose a security threat, especially where: \\n\\n Civilians, including in certain contexts children, are at-risk of recruitment by armed groups; \\n\\n Civilians, including women, girls, men and boys, are at risk of serious interna- tional crimes, including conflict-related sexual violence. \\n\\n Former combatants and/or persons formerly associated with armed groups are about to return as part of DDR programmes.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 40, + "Paragraph": "While transitional WAM should always aim to remove or facilitate the legal regis- tration of all weapons in circulation, the reality of weapons culture and the desire for self-protection and/or empowerment should be recognized, with transitional WAM options and objectives identified accordingly. A generic typology of DDR-related tran- sitional WAM measures is found in Table 1. When reference is made to the collec- tion, registration, storage, transportation and/or disposal, including the destruction, of weapons, ammunition and explosives during transitional WAM, the core guidelines outlined in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament apply.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 41, + "Paragraph": "In addition to the generic measures outlined above, in some instances DDR practi- tioners may consider supporting the WAM capacity of armed groups. DDR practition- ers should exercise extreme caution when supporting armed groups\u2019 WAM capacity. While transitional WAM may help to build trust with national and international stake- holders and address some of the immediate risks with regard to the proliferation of weapons, ammunition and explosives, building the WAM capacity of armed groups carries certain risks, and may inadvertently reinforce the fighting capacity of armed groups, legitimize their status, and tarnish the UN\u2019s reputation, all of which could threaten wider DDR objectives. As a result, any decision to support armed groups\u2019 WAM capacity shall consider the following: \\n This approach must align with the broader DDR strategy agreed with and approved by national authorities as an integral part of a peace process or an alter- native conflict resolution strategy. \\n This approach must be in line with the overall UN mission mandate and objec- tives of the UN mission (if a UN mission has been established). \\n Engagement with armed groups shall follow UN policy on this matter, i.e. UN mission policy, including SOPs on engagement with armed groups where they have been adopted, the UN\u2019s Aide Memoire on Engaging with Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) for Political Purposes (see Annex B) and the UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy. \\n This approach shall be informed by risk analysis and be accompanied by risk mitigation measures.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 42, + "Paragraph": "If all of the above conditions are fulfilled, DDR support to WAM capacity-building for armed groups may include storing ammunition stockpiles away from inhabited areas and in line with the IATG, destroying hazardous ammunition and explosives as identified by armed groups, and providing basic stockpile management advice, support and solutions.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 43, + "Paragraph": "Pre-DDR is an interim, time-limited stabilization mechanism aimed at creating the necessary political and security conditions to facilitate the negotiation and/or imple- mentation of peace agreements and pave the way towards a full DDR programme (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR and IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "6.1 Transitional WAM in support of DDR-related tools", + "Heading3": "6.1.2 Pre-DDR and transitional WAM", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 44, + "Paragraph": "Pre-DDR is designed for those who are eligible for a national DDR programme. The eligibility criteria for both will therefore be the same and could require individu- als, among other things, to prove that they have combatant status and are in possession of a serviceable manufactured weapon or a certain quantity of ammunition (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). The eligibility criteria shall be gender-responsive and not dis- criminate against women. Depending on the specific circumstances, individuals who do not meet the eligibility criteria could be enrolled in a CVR programme (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "6.1 Transitional WAM in support of DDR-related tools", + "Heading3": "6.1.2 Pre-DDR and transitional WAM", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 45, + "Paragraph": "While most materiel should be handed in during the disarmament phase of a DDR programme, pre-DDR offers DDR practitioners the opportunity to better understand the quantity and types of materiel that armed groups possess and to collect, register and manage such materiel.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "6.1 Transitional WAM in support of DDR-related tools", + "Heading3": "6.1.2 Pre-DDR and transitional WAM", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 46, + "Paragraph": "Depending on the context, pre-DDR can include the handing over of weapons and ammunition by members of armed groups and armed forces. In order to avoid confu- sion, this phase could be named \u2018Pre-disarmament\u2019 rather than \u2018Disarmament\u2019, which will take place at a point in the future.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "6.1 Transitional WAM in support of DDR-related tools", + "Heading3": "6.1.2 Pre-DDR and transitional WAM", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 47, + "Paragraph": "Pre-disarmament involves collecting, registering and storing materiel in a safe loca- tion. Depending on the context and agreements in place with armed forces and groups, pre-disarmament could focus on certain types of materiel, including larger crew- operated systems in contexts where warring parties are very well equipped. Hand- overs can be: \\n Temporary: Materiel is registered and stored properly but remains under the joint control of armed forces, armed groups and the United Nations through a dual-key system with well established roles and procedures; \\n Permanent: Materiel is handed over, registered and ultimately disposed of (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). \\n\\n In both cases, unsafe ammunition shall be destroyed, and all activities must be carried out in full transparency and with respect of safety and security procedures during the destruction process.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "6.1 Transitional WAM in support of DDR-related tools", + "Heading3": "6.1.2 Pre-DDR and transitional WAM", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 48, + "Paragraph": "Pre-disarmament should: \\n Build and strengthen the confidence of armed forces, armed groups and the civilian population in any future disarmament process and the wider DDR programme; \\n Reduce the circulation and visibility of weapons and ammunition; \\n Contribute to improved perceptions of peace and security; \\n Raise awareness about the dangers of illicit weapons and ammunition; \\n Build knowledge of armed groups\u2019 arsenals; \\n Allow DDR practitioners to identify and mitigate risks that may arise during the disarmament component of the future DDR programme, including through the planning and conduct of operational tests (see section 5.3 in IDDRS 4.10 on Disar- mament); \\n Encourage members of armed groups to voluntarily disarm and engage in a full DDR programme.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "6.1 Transitional WAM in support of DDR-related tools", + "Heading3": "6.1.2 Pre-DDR and transitional WAM", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 49, + "Paragraph": "During a period of political transition, warring parties may be required to act as security providers. This may happen prior to or alongside DDR programmes. This transition phase is vital for building confidence at a time when warring parties may be losing their military capacity and their ability to defend themselves.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "6.1 Transitional WAM in support of DDR-related tools", + "Heading3": "6.1.3 DDR support to transitional security arrangements and transitional WAM", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 50, + "Paragraph": "Transitional security arrangements may include joint units, patrols or operations involving the parties to a conflict, often alongside a third-party presence (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). The management of the weapons and ammunition used during these types of transitional security arrangements shall be governed by a clear legal framework and will require a robust plan agreed to by all actors. This plan shall also be underpinned by detailed SOPs for conducting activities and identifying precise responsibilities, by which all shall abide (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). These SOPs should include guidance on how to handle arms and ammunition captured, collected or found by the joint units.4 Depending on the context and the positions of stakeholders, members of armed forces and groups would be demobilized and disarmed, or would retain use of their own small arms and ammunition, which would be registered and stored when not in use.5 In some cases, such measures could facilitate the large-scale integration of ex-combatants into the security sector as part of a peace agreement (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and SSR).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "6.1 Transitional WAM in support of DDR-related tools", + "Heading3": "6.1.3 DDR support to transitional security arrangements and transitional WAM", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 51, + "Paragraph": "There is a strong arms control component to the negotiation of peace, including through the setting of preliminary ceasefires and the design and adoption of comprehensive peace agreements. Transitional WAM in support of peace mediation efforts should con- tribute to weapons control, reduce armed violence, build confidence in the process, generate a better understanding of the weapons arsenals of armed forces and groups, and prepare the ground for the transfer of responsibility for weapons management later in the DDR process, either to the UN or to the national authorities.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "6.1 Transitional WAM in support of DDR-related tools", + "Heading3": "6.1.4 DDR support to peace mediation efforts and transitional WAM", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 52, + "Paragraph": "Disarmament can be associated with defeat and a significant shift in the balance of power, as well as the removal of a key bargaining chip for well-equipped armed groups. Disarmament can also be perceived as the removal of symbols of masculinity, protection and power. Pushing for disarmament while guarantees around security, justice or integration into the security sector are lacking will have limited effectiveness and may undermine the overall DDR process.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "6.1 Transitional WAM in support of DDR-related tools", + "Heading3": "6.1.4 DDR support to peace mediation efforts and transitional WAM", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 53, + "Paragraph": "The use of transitional WAM concepts, measures and terminology provides a solution to this issue and lays the ground for more realistic arms control provisions in peace agreements. Transitional WAM can also be a first step towards more comprehen- sive arms control, paving the way for full disarmament once the context has matured. Mediators and DDR practitioners supporting the mediation process should have strong DDR and WAM knowledge, or at least have access to expertise that can guide them in designing appropriate and evidence-based DDR-related transitional WAM provisions. Transitional WAM as part of CVR and pre-DDR can also enable relevant parties to engage more confidently in negotiations as they maintain ownership of and access to their materiel. Prolonged CVR and pre-DDR, however, can also become a support mechanism for armed groups rather than an incentive to finalize peace negotiations. Such processes should therefore be approached with caution (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "6.1 Transitional WAM in support of DDR-related tools", + "Heading3": "6.1.4 DDR support to peace mediation efforts and transitional WAM", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 54, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration support can be provided to ex-combatants as part of a DDR programme and also when the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace). When transitional WAM and rein- tegration support are linked as part of a DDR programme, ex-combatants will have already been disarmed and demobilized. In contexts where there is no DDR programme, combatants may leave armed groups during active conflict and return to their com- munities, taking their weapons and ammunition with them or hiding them in weap- ons caches. In both scenarios, ex-combatants may return to communities where levels of weapons and ammunition possession are high. It may therefore be necessary to coherently combine the transitional WAM measures listed in Table 1 with reintegration support as part of a single programme.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", + "Heading2": "6.2 Transitional WAM and reintegration support", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 55, + "Paragraph": "Although DDR and SALW control are separate areas of engagement, technically they are very closely linked, particularly in DDR settings where transitional WAM overlaps with SALW control objectives, activities and target audiences. SALW remain particu- larly prevalent in many regions where DDR is implemented. Furthermore, the uncon- trolled circulation of SALW can impede the implementation of DDR processes and enable conflict (see the report of the Secretary General on SALW (S/2019/1011)). DDR practitioners should work in close collaboration with both national DDR commissions and SALW control bodies, if they exist, and both areas of work should be closely co- ordinated and strategically sequenced. For instance, the implementation of a weapons survey and the use of mortality and morbidity data from an ongoing injury surveil- lance national system could serve as the basis for the development of both DDR-related transitional WAM activities and SALW control strategy.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 56, + "Paragraph": "The term \u2018SALW control\u2019 refers to those activities that together aim to reduce the security, social, economic and environmental impact of uncontrolled SALW proliferation, possession and circulation. These activities largely consist of, but are not limited to: \\n Cross-border control measures; \\n Information management and exchange; \\n Legislative and regulatory measures; \\n SALW awareness and outreach strategies; \\n SALW surveys and assessments; \\n SALW collection and registration, including utilization of relevant regional and international databases for cross-checking \\n SALW destruction; \\n Stockpile management; \\n Marking, recordkeeping and tracing.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 57, + "Paragraph": "The international community, recognizing the need to deal with the challenges posed by the illicit trade in SALW, adopted the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (A/Conf.192/15) in 2001 (PoA) (see section 5.2). In this framework, states commit themselves to, among other things, strengthen agreed norms and measures to help prevent and combat the illicit trade in SALW, and mobilize political will and resources in order to prevent the illicit transfer, manufacture, export and import of SALW. Regional agreements, declarations and conventions have built upon and deepened the commitments contained within the PoA. As a result, a number of countries around the world have set up SALW control programmes as well as institutional processes to implement them. SALW control programmes and activities should be designed and implemented in line with MOSAIC (see Annex B), which provides clear, practical and comprehensive guidance to practitioners and policymakers.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 58, + "Paragraph": "During DDR, SALW control should be implemented to focus on wider arms con- trol at the national and community levels. It is essential that all weapons are considered during a DDR process, even though the focus may initially be on those weapons held by armed forces and groups. For these reasons, the transitional WAM mechanisms established during DDR processes should be designed to be applicable and sustainable in broader arms control initiatives even after the DDR process has been completed. It is also critical that DDR-related transitional WAM and SALW control activities are strategically sequenced, and that a robust public awareness strategy based on clear messaging accompanies these efforts (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, MOSAIC 04.30 on Awareness Raising and IMAS 12.10 on Explosive Ordnance Risk Education).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 59, + "Paragraph": "DDR-related transitional WAM may be implemented at the same time as the UN is providing support to SSR. The UN may support national authorities in the rightsizing of their armed forces (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and SSR). Such reforms include the need to adapt national arsenals to the size, needs and objectives of the security sector of the country in question. This requires an effective needs assessment, strategic planning, and the technical capacity and support to identify surplus or obsolete materiel and destroy it.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "8. SSR and transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 60, + "Paragraph": "When SSR is ongoing, DDR-related transitional WAM may be used as an entry point to align national WAM capacity with international WAM guidance and inter- national and regional legal frameworks. For instance, storage facilities built or refur- bished to store DDR materiel could then be used to house stockpiles for security insti- tutions, and as a proof of concept for upgrading of facilities. All WAM activities shall be designed and implemented in line with international technical guidance, including MOSAIC Module 02.20 Small Arms and Light Weapons Control in the Context of SSR and the IATG.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "8. SSR and transitional WAM", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 61, + "Paragraph": "The following normative documents (i.e., documents containing applicable norms, standards and guidelines) contain provisions that apply to the processes dealt with in this module. \\n International Ammunition Technical Guidelines, un-saferguard/guide-lines. \\n International Standards Organization, ISO Guide 51: \u2018Safety Aspects: Guidelines for Their Inclusion in Standards\u2019. \\n Modular Small-arms-control Implementation Compendium, disarmament/convarms/mosaic. \\n Small Arms Survey and South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms (SEESAC), SALW Survey Protocols, Survey-Protocols. \\n Weapons and Ammunition Management Policy, United Nations Department of Operational Support, Department of Peace Operations, Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Department of Safety and Security, 2019. bitstream/handle/11176/400906/Weapons%20and%20Ammunition%20Policy.pdf. \\n UN Department of Political Affairs and UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Aide Memoire \u2013 Engaging with Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) for Political Purposes: Considerations for UN Mediators and Missions, 2017. \\n UN Development Programme, Blame It on the War? The Gender Dimensions of Violence in DDR, 2012. \\n UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations and UN Office for Disarmament Af- fairs. Effective Weapons and Ammunition Management in a Changing Disarma- ment, Demobilization and Reintegration Context. Handbook for United Nations DDR practitioners. 2018. Referred as \u2018DDR WAM Handbook\u2019 in this standard. \\n UN Institute for Disarmament Research, Utilizing the International Ammunition Tech- nical Guidelines in Conflict-Affected and Low-Capacity Environments, 2019, http:// nical-guidelines-in-conflict-affected-and-low-capacity-environments-en-749.pdf. \\n UN Institute for Disarmament Research, The Role of Weapon and Ammunition Management in Preventing Conflict and Supporting Security Transition, 2019, ment-preventing-conflict-and-supporting-security.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Normative documents", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + }, + { + "ID": 62, + "Paragraph": "\\n 1 See flict-and-supporting-security \\n 2 See, for instance, Article 7.4 of the Arms Trade Treaty and section II.B.2 in the Report of the Third United Nations Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (A/CONF.192/2018/RC/3). \\n 3 A world map including all relevant regional instruments can be consulted in the DDR WAM Hand- book, p. xx, and the texts of the various conventions and protocols can be found via disarmament. \\n 4 Also see DDR WAM Handbook Unit 5. \\n 5 Ibid., Units 14 and 16. \\n 6 Ibid., Unit 13.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "Disarmament", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "Endnotes", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.11 Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.20 Demobilization.json b/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.20 Demobilization.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f6273a --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.20 Demobilization.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "Demobilization occurs when members of armed forces and groups transition from military to civilian life. It is the second step of a DDR programme and part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. Demobilization operations shall be designed for combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups have traditionally faced obstacles to entering DDR programmes, so particular attention should be given to facilitating their access to reinsertion and reintegration support. Victims, dependants and community members do not participate in demobilization activities. However, where dependants have accompanied armed forces or groups, provisions may be made for them during demobilization, including for their accommodation or transportation to their communities. All demobilization operations shall be gender and age sensitive, nationally and locally owned, context specific and conflict sensitive.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "Demobilization must be meticulously planned. Demobilization operations should be preceded by an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize, as well as their immediate needs. A risk and security assessment, to identify threats to the DDR programme, should also be conducted. Under the leadership of national authorities, rigorous, unambiguous and transparent eligibility criteria should be established, and decisions should be made on the number, type (semi-permanent or temporary) and location of demobilization sites.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "During demobilization, potential DDR participants should be screened to ascertain if they are eligible. Mechanisms to verify eligibility should be led or conducted with the close engagement of the national authorities. Verification can include questions concerning the location of specific battles and military bases, and the names of senior group members. If DDR participants are found to have committed, or there is a clear and reasonable indication that a DDR participant knowingly committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist acts or offences1 and/or genocide, they shall be removed from the DDR programme. Once eligibility has been established, basic registration data (name, age, contact information, etc.) should be entered into a case management system.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "Individuals who demobilize should also be provided with orientation briefings, physical and psychosocial health screenings and information that will support their return to the community. A discharge document, such as a demobilization declaration or certificate, should be given to former members of armed forces and groups as proof of their demobilization. During demobilization, DDR practitioners should also conduct a profiling exercise to identify obstacles that may prevent those eligible from full participation in the DDR programme, as well as the specific needs and ambitions of the demobilized. This information should be used to inform planning for reinsertion and/or reintegration support.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "If reinsertion assistance is foreseen as the second stage of the demobilization operation, DDR practitioners should also determine an appropriate transfer modality (cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support and/or public works programmes). As much as possible, reinsertion assistance should be designed to pave the way for subsequent reintegration support.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "The aim of this module is to provide guidance to DDR practitioners supporting the planning, design and implementation of demobilization operations during DDR programmes within the framework of peace agreements in mission and non-mission settings. Additional guidance related to the demobilization of women, children, youth, foreign combatants and persons with disabilities can be found in IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR; IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR; IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR; IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements; and IDDRS 5.60 on Disability and DDR.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "The guidance in this module is also relevant for practitioners supporting demobilization in the context of security sector reform as part of a rightsizing process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In addition, the guidance may be relevant to contexts where the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place. For example, in some instances, DDR practitioners may be called upon to support national entities charged with the application of amnesty laws or other pathways for individuals to leave armed groups and return to civilian status Those individuals who take this route \u2013 reporting to amnesty commissions or the national authorities \u2013 also transition from military to civilian life.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS is given in IDDRS 1.20.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n a)\u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b)\u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c)\u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d)\u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e)\u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "Demobilization as part of a DDR programme is the separation of members of armed forces and groups from military command and control structures and their transition to civilian status. The first stage of demobilization includes the formal and controlled discharge of members of armed forces and groups in designated sites. A peace agreement provides the political, policy and operational framework for demobilization and may be accompanied by a DDR policy document. When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, the transition from combatant to civilian status can be facilitated and formalized through different approaches by national authorities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "Reinsertion, the second stage of demobilization, is transitional assistance offered for a period of up to one year and prior to reintegration support. Reinsertion assistance is offered to combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who have been formally demobilized.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "Self-demobilization is the term used in this module to refer to situations where individuals leave armed forces or groups to return to civilian life without reporting to national authorities and officially changing their status from military to civilian.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "Members of armed forces and groups is the term used in the IDDRS to refer both to combatants (armed) and those who belong to an armed force or group but who serve in a supporting role (generally unarmed, providing logistical and other types of support). The latter are referred to in the IDDRS as \u2018persons associated with armed forces and groups\u2019. The IDDRS use the term \u2018combatant\u2019 in its generic meaning, indicating that these persons do not enjoy the protection against attack accorded to civilians. This also does not imply the right to combatant status or prisoner-of-war status, as applicable in international armed conflicts.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "Demobilization officially certifies an individual\u2019s change of status from being a member of an armed force or group to being a civilian. Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups formally acquire civilian status when they receive official documentation that confirms their new status.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "Demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces, the complete disbanding of armed groups, or the disbanding of armed forces and groups with a view to forming new armed forces. It is generally part of the demilitarization efforts of a society emerging from conflict. It is therefore a symbolically important step in the consolidation of peace, particularly within the framework of the implementation of peace agreements.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "Demobilization is the second component of a DDR programme. DDR programmes require certain preconditions in order to be viable, including the signing of a negotiated ceasefire and/or peace agreement that provides the framework for DDR; trust in the peace process; willingness of the parties to the armed conflict to engage in DDR; and a minimum guarantee of security (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "When demobilization contributes to the rightsizing of armed forces or the disbanding and creation of new armed forces, it is part of a security sector reform process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform). In such a context, those who are not integrated into the armed forces may be demobilized and provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may experience challenges related to demobilization and the transition to civilian life. Armed forces and groups are often effective in socializing their members to violence and military ways of life. Training, initiation rituals and hazing are common methods of military socialization. So too are shared experiences of violence and combat. When leaving armed forces and groups, individuals may experience difficulties in shedding their military identity as well as rejection and stigmatization in their communities. Demobilization can mean adjustment to a new role and status, and new routines of family or home life. Persons who demobilize may also experience a loss of purpose, difficulty in creating and sustaining a livelihood, and a loss of military community and friendships.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "The way in which an individual demobilizes has implications for the type of support that DDR practitioners can and should provide. For example, those who are demobilized as part of a DDR programme are entitled to reinsertion and reintegration support. However, in some instances, individuals may decide to return to civilian life without first reporting to and passing through an official process to formalize their civilian status. DDR practitioners shall be aware that providing targeted assistance to these individuals may create severe legal and reputational risks for the UN. Such self-demobilized individuals may, however, benefit from broader, non-targeted community- based reintegration support as part of developmental and peacebuilding efforts implemented in their community of settlement. Standard operating procedures on how to address such cases shall be developed jointly with the national authorities responsible for DDR.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "BOX 1: WHEN NO DDR PROGRAMME IS IN PLACE \\n When the preconditions for a DDR programme do not exist, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups may still decide to leave armed forces and groups, either individually or in small groups. Individuals leave armed forces and groups for many different reasons. Some become tired of life as a combatant, while others are sick or wounded and can no longer continue to fight. Some leave because they are disillusioned with the goals of the group, they see greater benefit in civilian life or they believe they have won. \\n In some circumstances, States also encourage this type of voluntary exit by offering safe pathways out of the group, either to push those who remain towards negotiated settlement or to deplete the military capacity of these groups in order to render them more vulnerable to defeat. These individuals might report to an amnesty commission or to State institutions that will formally recognize their transition to civilian status. Those who transition to civilian status in this way may be eligible to receive assistance through DDR-related tools such as community violence reduction initiatives and/or to be provided with reintegration support (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). Transitional assistance (similar to reinsertion as part of a DDR programme) may also be provided to these individuals. Different considerations and requirements apply when armed groups are designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.5 Context specific", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", "Heading3": "4.6.2 Accountable and transparent", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.8 Regionally supported", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.11 Public information and community sensitization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "To effectively demobilize members of armed forces and groups, meticulous planning is required. At a minimum, planning for demobilization operations should include information collection; agreement with national authorities on eligibility criteria; decisions on the type, number and location of demobilization sites; decisions on the type of transfer modality for reinsertion assistance; a risk and security assessment; the development of standard operating procedures; and the creation of a demobilization team. All demobilization operations shall be based on gender- and age-responsive analysis and shall be developed in close cooperation with the national authorities or institutions responsible for the DDR programme.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization should be based on an in-depth assessment of the location, number and type of individuals who are expected to demobilize. This should include the number of members of armed forces and groups but also the number of dependants who are expected to accompany them. To the extent possible, this assessment should be disaggregated by sex and age, and include data on specific sub-groups such as foreign combatants and persons with disabilities. Armed forces and groups that have signed on to peace agreements are likely to provide reliable information on their memberships and the location of their bases only when there is no strategic advantage to be gained from keeping this information secret. Disclosures at a very early planning stage can therefore be quite unreliable, and should be complemented by information from a variety of (independent) sources (see box 1 on How to Collect Information in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). All assessments should be regularly updated in order to respond to changing circumstances on the ground.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "In addition to these assessments, planning for reinsertion should be informed by an analysis of the preferences and needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. These immediate needs may be wide-ranging and include food, clothes, health care, psychosocial support, children\u2019s education, shelter, agricultural tools and other materials needed to earn a livelihood. The profiling exercises undertaken at demobilization sites (see section 6.3) may allow for the tailoring of reinsertion and reintegration assistance \u2013 i.e., matching individual needs to the reinsertion options on offer. However, profiling undertaken at demobilization sites will likely occur too late for reinsertion planning purposes. For these reasons, the following assessments should be conducted as early as possible, before demobilization gets underway: \\n An analysis of the needs and preferences of ex-combatants and associated persons; \\n Market analysis; \\n A review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation (if cash-based transfers are being considered); \\n Gender analysis; \\n Feasibility studies; and \\n Assessments of the capacity of potential implementing partners.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.1 Information collection", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "Establishing rigorous, unambiguous, transparent and nationally owned criteria that allow people to participate in DDR programmes is vital. Eligibility criteria must be carefully designed and agreed by all parties. Eligibility for a DDR programme may or may not require the physical possession of a weapon and/or ammunition, depending on the context. The determination of eligibility criteria shall be based on the peace agreement or ceasefire, if these documents include relevant provisions, as well as the results of the aforementioned integrated assessment. In either case, eligibility for a DDR programme must be gender inclusive and shall not discriminate on the basis of age or gender. When pre-DDR is being implemented prior to the onset of a full DDR programme, the same process for determining eligibility criteria shall be used (for more information on pre-DDR and eligibility related to weapons and ammunition possession, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "Persons associated with armed forces and groups may be participants in DDR programmes. As these individuals are typically unarmed, they may not be eligible for disarmament, but will be eligible for demobilization and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). Historically, it has been shown that women who are eligible to participate in DDR programmes may not be aware of their eligibility, may be deliberately excluded by commanders or may be deprived of their weapons to the benefit of men seeking to enter the DDR programme. For these reasons, DDR practitioners shall be aware of different categories of eligibility and should ensure that proper public information and sensitization with commanders and potential DDR participants and beneficiaries is completed (on female participants and beneficiaries, see figure 1 and box 2). While Figure 1 could also apply to men, it has been designed specifically to minimize the potential for women to be excluded from DDR programmes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "BOX 2: TYPOLOGY OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS AND BENEFICIARIES \\n Female combatants: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts as active combatants using arms. \\n Female supporters/females associated with armed forces and groups: Women and girls who participated in armed conflicts in support roles, whether by force or voluntarily. Rather than being members of a civilian community, they are economically and socially dependent on the armed force or group for their income and social support (examples: porters, cooks, nurses, spies, administrators, translators, radio operators, medical assistants, public information officers, camp leaders, sex workers/slaves). \\n Female dependants: Women and girls who are part of ex-combatants\u2019 households. They are mainly socially and financially dependent on ex-combatants, although they may also have kept other community ties (examples: wives/war wives, children, mothers/parents, female siblings, female members of the extended family). \\n\\n There are different requirements for armed groups designated as terrorist organizations, including for women and girls who have traveled to a conflict zone to join a designated terrorist organization (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria must be designed to prevent individuals who are not members of armed forces and groups from gaining access to DDR programmes. The prospect of a DDR programme and the associated benefits can present an enticement to many individuals. Furthermore, armed groups that inflate their membership numbers to increase their political weight could try to rapidly recruit civilians to meet the shortfall. The screening process (see section 6.1) is used to confirm whether individuals meet the eligibility criteria for entering the DDR programme. Close cooperation with the leadership of armed forces and groups, civil society (including women\u2019s groups), local police and national DDR-related bodies, and a well-conducted public information and sensitization campaign are essential tools to ensure that only those who are eligible participate in a DDR programme (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.2 Eligibility criteria", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "Demobilization activities are carried out at designated sites. Static demobilization sites are most typically used for the demobilization of large numbers of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. They can be semi-permanent and constructed specifically for this purpose, such as cantonment camps (see Annex B for the generic layout of a cantonment camp). Although cantonment was long considered standard practice in DDR programmes, temporary sites may also be appropriate. The decision concerning which type of demobilization site to use should be guided by the specific country context, the security situation, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with semi-permanent and temporary sites, as outlined in the sections that follow.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites can provide an important means for armed forces and groups to show their commitment to the peace process, although they are often costly to construct and maintain and are ill-suited for armed groups based in communities. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of semi-permanent demobilization sites, see table 1.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", "Heading3": "5.3.1 Semi-permanent demobilization sites", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "Where assessments recommend the use of cantonment sites, DDR practitioners and planning teams should take all possible measures to minimize the negative aspects of this approach.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", "Heading3": "5.3.1 Semi-permanent demobilization sites", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites that make use of existing facilities may be used as an alternative to the construction of semi-permanent demobilization sites. In this approach, combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups are told to meet at a specific location for demobilization within a specific time period. Temporary demobilization sites may be particularly useful if the target group is small, if individuals are likely to report for demobilization in small groups, or if the target group is scattered in multiple, known locations that are logistically accessible. This kind of site allows demobilization teams to carry out their activities in these locations without the need to build permanent structures. This approach may also be more appropriate than semi-permanent cantonment sites when the target group is already based in the community where its members will reintegrate. This is because combatants who are already in their communities should, where possible, remain there rather than be transported to a demobilization centre and back again. For a full list of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary demobilization sites, see table 2.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "BOX 3: WHICH TYPE OF DEMOBILIZATION SITE \\n\\n When choosing which type of demobilization site is most appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider: \\n Do the peace agreement and/or national DDR policy document contain references to demobilization sites? \\n Are both male and female combatants already in the communities where they will reintegrate? \\n Will the demobilization process consist of formed military units reporting with their commanders, or individual combatants leaving active armed groups? \\n What approach is being taken in other components of the DDR process \u2013 for example, is disarmament being undertaken at a mobile or static site? (See IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.) \\n Will cantonment play an important confidence-building role in the peace process? \\n What does the context tell you about the potential security threat to those who demobilize? Are active armed groups likely to retaliate against former members who opt to demobilize? \\n Can reception, disarmament and demobilization take place at the same site? \\n Can existing sites be used? Do they require refurbishment? \\n Will there be enough resources to build semi-permanent demobilization sites? How long will the construction process take? \\n What are the potential risks of cantoning any one of the groups?", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", "Heading3": "5.3.2 Temporary demobilization sites", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "If the DDR programme has been negotiated within the framework of a peace agreement, then the location of semi-permanent demobilization sites may have already been agreed. If agreement has not been reached, the parties to the conflict should be involved in selecting locations. The following factors should be taken into account in the selection of locations for semi-permanent demobilization sites: \\n Accessibility: The site should be easily accessible. Distance to roads, airfields, rivers and railways should be considered. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be identified, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to address any emergencies that may arise. Accessibility allowing national or international military forces to secure the site and for logistic and supply lines is extremely important. The effects of weather changes (e.g., the start of the rainy season) should be considered when assessing accessibility. \\n Security: Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should feel and be safe in the selected location. When establishing sites, it is important to consider the general political and military environment, as well as how vulnerable DDR participants are to potential threats, including cross-border violence and retaliation by active armed forces and groups. The security of nearby communities must also be taken into account. \\n Local communities: DDR practitioners should adequately liaise with local leaders and national and international military forces to ensure that nearby communities are not adversely affected by the demobilization site or operation. \\n General amenities: Demobilization sites should be chosen with the following needs taken into account: potable water supply, washing and toilet facilities (separate facilities for men and women, with locks and lighting if they will be used after dark), drainage for rain and waste, flooding potential and the natural water course, local power and food supply, environmental hazards, pollution, infestation, cooking and eating facilities, lighting both for security and functionality, and, finally, facility space for recreation, including sports. Special arrangements/contingency plans should be made for children, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, and pregnant or lactating women. \\n Storage facilities/armoury: If disarmament and demobilization are to take place at the same site, secure and guarded facilities/armouries for temporary storage of collected weapons shall be set up (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). \\n Communications infrastructure: The site should be located in an area suitable for radio and/or telecommunications infrastructure.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", "Heading4": "Semi-permanent demobilization sites", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "Temporary demobilization sites require few facilities because the period during which they will be used is relatively short. Finding a location that offers protection is necessary. The internal perimeter of an old school or warehouse, or, where the local population supports the DDR programme, a football field may be all that is required. Fresh potable water and electricity should be available. If they are not, a water purification system or water supplies and a generator should be brought in. Sanitary facilities must be supplied. Lighting should be installed to ensure security around the perimeter of the camp.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", "Heading4": "Temporary demobilization sites", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "When temporary demobilization sites are being used, it is particularly important to agree, in advance, on the distribution of tasks, financial responsibilities and the post-DDR ownership of the location. Where relevant, the following should also be considered: \\n The refurbishment and temporary use of community property: If available in the area where the demobilization site is to be set up, the use of existing hard-walled property should be considered. The decision should be made by weighing the medium- and long-term benefits to the community of repairing local facilities against the overall security and financial implications. These installations may not need rebuilding, and may be made usable by adding plastic sheeting, concertina wire, etc. Possible sites include disused factories, warehouses, hospitals, colleges and farms. Efforts should be made to verify ownership and to avoid legal complications. \\n The refurbishment and temporary use of state/military property: Where regular armed forces or well-organized/disciplined armed groups are to be demobilized, the use of existing military barracks, with the agreement of national authorities, should be considered. Generally speaking, these facilities should offer a degree of security and may have the required infrastructure already in place. The same security and administrative arrangements should apply to these sites as to others.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", "Heading3": "5.3.3 Location", "Heading4": "Temporary demobilization sites", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "The size and capacity of demobilization sites should be determined by the number of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups to be processed. Typically, demobilization sites with a small number of combatants and associated persons are easier to administer, control and secure. However, if many small demobilization sites are in operation at one time, this can lead to widely dispersed resources and difficult logistical situations. Demobilization sites should not accommodate more than 600 people at one time. When time constraints mean that larger numbers must be dealt with in a short period of time, two demobilization sites may be constructed simultaneously and managed by the same team. In order to optimize the use of demobilization sites and avoid bottlenecks, an operational plan should be developed that contains methods for controlling the number and flow of people to be demobilized at any particular time. Carrying out demobilization in phases is one option to increase efficiency. This process may include a pilot test phase, which makes it possible to learn from mistakes in the early phases and adapt the process so as to improve performance in later phases.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "Families often accompany combatants to cantonment sites. Where necessary, camps that are close to cantonment sites may be established for family members. Alternatively, transport may be provided for family members to return to their communities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "The duration of demobilization will depend on the time that is needed to complete the activities planned during demobilization (e.g., screening, profiling, awareness raising). Generally speaking, the demobilization component of a DDR process should be as short as possible. At temporary demobilization sites, it may be possible to process individuals in one or two days. If semi-permanent demobilization sites have been constructed, cantonment should be kept as short as possible \u2013 from one week to a maximum of one month. DDR practitioners should also seek to ensure that the conditions at demobilization sites are equivalent to those in civilian life. If this is the case, then it is less likely that demobilized individuals will be reluctant to leave. Demobilization should not begin until plans for reinsertion (or community violence reduction, as a stop-gap measure) and reintegration are ready to be put into operation.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", "Heading3": "5.3.4 Size, capacity and duration", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "The manager of the demobilization site and his/her support team are responsible for the day-to-day running of the site and should be trained before demobilization operations begin. In semi-permanent sites, where those who demobilize may reside for up to one month, DDR practitioners should consider involving DDR participants in the management of the site. Group leaders, including women, should be chosen and given the responsibility of reporting any misbehaviour. A mechanism should also exist between group leaders and staff that will enable arbitration to take place should disputes or complaints arise.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.3 Demobilization sites", "Heading3": "5.3.5 Managing demobilization sites", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "A comprehensive risk and security assessment should be conducted to inform the planning of demobilization operations and identify threats to the DDR programme and its personnel, as well as to participants and beneficiaries. The assessment should identify the tolerable risk (the risk accepted by society in a given context based on current values), and then identify the protective measures necessary to achieve a residual risk (the risk remaining after protective measures have been taken). Risks related to women, youth, children, dependants and other specific-needs groups should also be considered. In developing this \u2018safe\u2019 working environment, it must be acknowledged that there can be no absolute safety and that many of the activities carried out during demobilization operations have a high risk associated with them. However, national authorities, international organizations and non-governmental organizations must try to achieve the highest possible levels of safety. Risks during demobilization operations may include: \\n Attacks on demobilization site personnel: The personnel who staff demobilization sites may be targeted by armed groups that have not signed on to the peace agreement. \\n Attacks on demobilized individuals: In some instances, peace agreements may cause armed groups to fracture, with some parts of the group opting to enter DDR while others continue fighting. In these instances, those who favour continued armed conflict may retaliate against individuals who demobilize. In some cases, active armed groups may approach demobilization sites with the aim of retrieving their former members. If demobilized individuals have already returned home, members of active armed groups may attempt to track these individuals down in order to punish or forcibly re-recruit them. The family members of the demobilized may also be subject to threats and attacks, particularly if they reside in areas where members of their family member\u2019s former group are still present. \\n Attacks on women and minority groups: Historically, SGBV against women and minority groups in cantonment sites has been high. It is essential that security and risk assessments take into consideration the specific vulnerabilities of women, identify minority groups who may also be at risk and provide additional security measures to ensure their safety. \\n Attacks on individuals transporting and receiving reinsertion support: Security risks are associated with the transportation of cash and commodities that can be easily seized by armed individuals. If it is known that demobilized individuals will receive cash and/or commodities at a certain time and/or place, it may make them targets for robbery. \\n Unrest and criminality: If armed groups remain in demobilization sites (particularly cantonment sites) for long periods of time, perhaps because of delays in the DDR programme, these sites may become places of unrest, especially if food and water become scarce. Demobilization delays can lead to mutinies by combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups as they lose trust in the process. This is especially true if demobilizing individuals begin to feel that the State and/or international community is reneging on previous promises. In these circumstances, demobilized individuals may resort to criminality in nearby communities or mount protests against demobilization personnel. \\n Recruitment: Armed forces and groups may use the prospect of demobilization (and associated reinsertion benefits) as an incentive to recruit civilians.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.4 Risk and security assessment", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "Action should be taken to ensure that demobilization sites (whether temporary, semi-permanent or otherwise) respond to the different needs of men and women. Gender-sensitive demobilization sites should: \\n Include separate accommodation and sanitation facilities (with locks) for men and women. In some circumstances these separate facilities may be located within the same demobilization site, or separate demobilization sites for men and women may be set up; \\n Feature sanitary facilities designed to ensure women\u2019s privacy and support their hygiene needs (e.g., sanitary napkins), as well as take into consideration cultural norms; \\n Include provisions for childcare; \\n Be safe for women and recognize and deal with the threat of sexual violence within the demobilization site, including ensuring locks in facilities, good lighting, information provided on specific contact within the camp to address women\u2019s security incidents and issues, and, where possible, the presence of female security guards and police (for internal site security). If female security guards are not available, male security guards shall be trained on sexual exploitation and harassment, sexual violence prevention, and gender sensitivity prior to deployment, and there shall exist a clear and gender-responsive system at the demobilization site for handling any complaints by women against security guards, as well as policies that call for the immediate removal of any officer about whom security concerns are raised; \\n Provide for the specific nutritional needs of nursing and pregnant women; \\n Ensure that health care and counselling is available to meet women\u2019s specific needs, including those women who have suffered SGBV; and \\n Take protective measures to ensure women\u2019s safety during transportation to and from the demobilization sites.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "Where possible, female staff should receive and process women at demobilization sites. Gender balance should be a priority among the staff managing demobilization sites. If men do not see women in positions of authority, they are less likely to take efforts aimed at changing their attitudes towards traditional gender roles and women\u2019s empowerment seriously. Screening and profiling tools should be designed to be responsive to women\u2019s specific needs and experiences. Women should also have the same opportunities to access support as men, and the briefings and information provided should include specific information on the challenges that women may encounter upon reinsertion into their communities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 62, "Paragraph": "As women formerly associated with armed forces and groups are often stigmatized upon return to their communities, briefings during the demobilization operation should include attention to safety and referrals to support services in civilian life. Irrespective of the type of transfer modality that has been selected for reinsertion support (see section 7), the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers. It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients, or encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy. A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.5 Gender-sensitive demobilization operations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 63, "Paragraph": "Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are mandatory step-by-step instructions designed to guide practitioners through particular activities. The development of SOPs has become common practice across DDR programmes, as it allows for coherence in the delivery of activities, ensuring greater safety and security through adherence to standardized regulations. In mission contexts, SOPs should identify the precise responsibilities of the various UN components involved in demobilization. All stakeholders should agree on the content of the SOP(s), and the document(s) should be reviewed by the UN\u2019s legal office at Headquarters. The development of SOPs is led by the mission DDR component and signed off on by the head of the UN mission. All staff from the DDR component as well as other relevant stakeholders shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs. The content of SOPs shall be kept up to date.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 64, "Paragraph": "In non-mission contexts, the national authority should also be advised by the lead UN agency(ies) on the development of national SOPs for demobilization. All those engaged in supporting demobilization shall be familiar with the relevant SOPs, which shall also be kept up to date.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 65, "Paragraph": "A single demobilization SOP or a set of SOPs each covering specific procedures related to demobilization activities (see section 6) should be informed by integrated assessments (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments) and the national DDR policy document, and comply with international guidelines and standards as well as national laws and the international obligations of the country where DDR is being implemented. At a minimum, SOPs should cover the following procedures: \\n Security of demobilization sites; \\n Reception of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants; \\n Transportation to and from demobilization sites (i.e., from reception or pick-up points); \\n Transportation from demobilization sites either to communities or to take up positions in the reformed security sector; \\n Orientation at the demobilization site (this may include the rules and regulations at the site); \\n Registration/identification; \\n Screening for eligibility; \\n Demobilization and integration into the security sector (if applicable); \\n Health screenings, including psychosocial assessments, HIV/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health services, sexual violence recovery services (e.g., rape kits), etc.; \\n Gender-aware services and procedures; \\n Reinsertion (e.g., procedures for cash-based transfers, commodity vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, vocational training and/or income-generating opportunities); \\n Handling of foreign combatants, associated persons and dependants (if applicable); and \\n Interaction with national authorities and/or other mission components.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.6 Standard operating procedures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 66, "Paragraph": "The demobilization team is responsible for implementing all operational procedures for demobilization and should be trained in the use of the abovementioned SOPs. The demobilization team should include a gender-balanced composition of: \\n DDR practitioners; \\n Representatives from the national DDR commission (and potentially other national institutions); \\n Child protection officers; \\n Gender specialists; and \\n Youth specialists.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "5. Planning and designing transitional WAM", "Heading2": "5.7 Demobilization team structure", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 67, "Paragraph": "The activities outlined below should be carried out during the demobilization component of a DDR programme. These activities can be conducted at either semi-permanent or temporary demobilization sites.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 68, "Paragraph": "Potential DDR participants shall be screened to ascertain if they are eligible to participate in a DDR programme. The objectives of screening are to: \\n Establish the eligibility of the potential DDR participant and register those who meet the criteria; \\n Weed out individuals trying to cheat the system, for example, those attempting to demobilize more than once in the hope of receiving additional benefits, or civilians trying to access demobilization benefits; \\n Identify DDR participants with specific requirements (children, youth, child mobilized\u2013adult demobilized, women, persons with disabilities and persons with chronic illnesses); and \\n Depending on the context, identify foreign combatants that need to be repatriated to their home countries (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.1 Screening, verification and registration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 69, "Paragraph": "When combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups report for a DDR programme, their eligibility should be determined by a specific set of eligibility criteria developed by national authorities, such as membership in a specific armed force or group, possession of a weapon and/or ammunition, and/or proven ability to use a weapon (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). Whether or not an individual meets these eligibility criteria should be verified. Verification can be conducted by representatives from the armed forces and groups undergoing demobilization; the UN and national authorities, such as the national DDR commission; or joint teams. Questions touching upon the location of specific battles and military bases and the names of senior group members should be asked. Without verification, military commanders may attempt to bring civilians into the DDR programme. They may also attempt to engage in recruitment just prior to the onset of DDR in order to provide benefits to followers of the group or to take a cut of the benefits being offered to these newly recruited individuals. Explicitly stating the maximum number of individuals who may participate in a peace agreement or DDR policy document can limit incentives for commanders to engage in recruitment. So too can a cut-off date for eligibility. Armed forces and groups often prepare lists of their members prior to the onset of a DDR programme. Whenever lists are prepared, DDR practitioners shall ensure that a verification mechanism is in place to ensure that those listed meet the required eligibility criteria. A mechanism should also be in place to resolve disputed cases and to deal with those who are excluded. Clear messaging shall be employed to ensure that armed forces and groups are aware that being named on a list does not automatically confer DDR eligibility.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.1 Screening, verification and registration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 70, "Paragraph": "Once the eligibility of a particular individual has been established, his/her basic registration data (name, age, contact information, sex, etc.) should be entered into a case management system. This system can be used to track when and where DDR benefits are disbursed and to whom (see section 6.8). The data recorded in the case management system should include a biometric component where possible. Biometric systems store the unique physical features \u2013 iris, face or fingerprint data \u2013 of individuals for future reference. Biometric registration serves mainly to ensure that DDR participants do not try to \u2018game the system\u2019 by going through the DDR programme more than once to receive multiple benefits. An advantage of all biometric systems is that, if properly implemented, they are completely confidential. A unique string of letters or numbers is assigned to a photograph or fingerprint, and the original photos or prints are then discarded. Different biometric systems have different levels of cost and user friendliness. Facial recognition systems are the most sophisticated but also the most expensive. DDR practitioners using this technology will require appropriate training. Alternatively, fingerprinting is an easy and cheap way to obtain biometric data. Fingerprints can be taken on smart phones or mobile fingerprint scanners, and training requirements are minimal. The context in which registration takes place should be taken into account when considering biometric registration. For example, if the armed conflict was tied to civic and national honour, peer control mechanisms may be sufficient to ensure that individuals do not try to \u2018double dip\u2019. However, in contexts marked by distrust between the warring parties, and combatants who move from one group or conflict to another, more careful biometric monitoring may be required. The biometric registration systems established for demobilization processes can also be linked to processes of security sector integration and reform (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.1 Screening, verification and registration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 71, "Paragraph": "Immediately after eligible individuals have been registered, they should be informed of their rights and obligations during the DDR programme and the terms and conditions of their participation. If they agree to these terms and conditions, DDR participants should be asked to sign a terms and conditions form and be provided with a copy of this form in their chosen language (see Annex C for a sample terms and conditions form).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.1 Screening, verification and registration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 72, "Paragraph": "Individuals shall be ineligible for DDR programmes if they have committed, or if there is a clear and reasonable indication that they knowingly committed war crimes, terrorist acts or offences, crimes against humanity and/or genocide (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). As it may not always be possible to check the criminal background of all DDR participants prior to the onset of a DDR process, due to scarcity of information or a large caseload of demobilizing individuals, background checks should begin prior to DDR and continue, where necessary, throughout the DDR programme. If evidence is found to suggest that a particular participant in the DDR programme has committed crimes, the individuals\u2019 eligibility to participate in DDR shall be revoked. These types of background checks will typically not be conducted by DDR practitioners. Instead, national criminal justice authorities would need to be involved. DDR practitioners should seek support from human rights experts who can undertake a proactive process of collecting background information from a variety of sources. For a more detailed description of this process, see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.1 Screening, verification and registration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 73, "Paragraph": "Combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups should be provided with clear and simple guidance when they arrive at demobilization sites, taking into consideration their level of literacy. This is to ensure that they are informed about the demobilization process, their rights during the process, and the rules and regulations they are expected to observe. If a large number of participants are being addressed, it is key to stick to simple concepts, mainly who, what and where. More complex explanations can be provided to smaller groups organized in follow-up to the initial briefing. This can help to prevent unrest and stress within the group. Contingent on the type of demobilization site, introductory briefings should cover, among other things, the following: \\n Site orientation; \\n Outline of activities and processes; \\n Routines and time schedules; \\n The rights and obligations of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups throughout the demobilization process; \\n Rules and discipline, including areas that are off limits; \\n Policies concerning freedom of movement in and out of the demobilization site; \\n Policies on SGBV and the consequences of infringement of these policies; \\n Security at the demobilization site; \\n How to report misbehaviour, including specific mechanisms for women; \\n Mechanisms to raise complaints about conditions and treatment at the demobilization site; \\n Procedures for dependants; and \\n Fire precautions and physical safety.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.2 Reception", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 74, "Paragraph": "Where possible, oral briefings should be supported by written material produced in the local language(s). Experience has shown that drawings and cartoons displayed at key locations within demobilization sites can also be helpful in transmitting information about the different steps of the demobilization operation.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.2 Reception", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 75, "Paragraph": "When demobilization is to be followed by reinsertion and reintegration support, then profiling should be used, at a minimum, to identify obstacles that may prevent demobilized individuals from full participation and to identify the specific needs and ambitions of males and females. Profiling should build on the information gathered prior to the onset of the DDR programme (see section 5.1) and should be used to inform, revise and better tailor existing planning and resource allocation. Profiling should include an emphasis on better understanding the reasons why these individuals joined armed forces or groups, aspirations for reintegration, what is needed for a given individual to become a productive citizen, education and technical/professional skill levels and major gaps, heath-related issues that may affect reintegration (including psychosocial health), family situation, economic status, and any other relevant information that will aid in the design of reinsertion and reintegration support. A standardized questionnaire collecting quantitative and qualitative information from ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups shall be developed. This questionnaire can be supported by qualitative profiling, such as assessing life skills and skills learned during armed service (for example, leadership, driving, maintenance/repair, construction, logistics). DDR practitioners should be aware that profiling may lead to raised expectations, especially if ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups interpret questions about what they want to do in civilian life as promises of future support. DDR practitioners should therefore clearly explain the purpose of the profiling survey (i.e., to better tailor subsequent support) and inform participants of the limitations of future support. A sample profiling questionnaire can be found in Annex D.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.3 Profiling", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 76, "Paragraph": "During demobilization, individuals should be directed to a doctor or medical team for physical and pyschosocial health screening. Both general and specific health needs should be assessed (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR and IDDRS 5.80 on Disability-Inclusive DDR). Medical screening facilities shall ensure privacy during physical check-ups. Those who require immediate medical attention of a kind that is not available at the demobilization site shall be taken to hospital. Others shall be treated in situ. Basic specialized attention in the areas of reproductive health and sexually transmitted infections, including voluntary testing and counselling for HIV/AIDS, shall be provided (see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV/AIDS). Reproductive health education and materials shall be provided to both men and women. Possible addictions (such as to drugs and/or alcohol) shall also be assessed and specific provisions provided for follow-up care. Psychosocial screening for mental health issues, including post-traumatic stress, shall be initiated at sites with available counselling support for initial consultation and referral to appropriate services. Although the demobilization period will not be long enough to sufficiently address these issues, DDR practitioners shall support ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups to continue to access treatment throughout subsequent stages of the DDR programme and closely liaise with reintegration practitioners to ensure that data collected is utilized to design appropriate reintegration interventions. This can be done, for example, through an Information, Counselling and Referral System (see section 6.8).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.4 Health screening", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 77, "Paragraph": "Demobilization operations provide an opportunity to offer individuals information that can practically and psychologically prepare them for the transition from military to civilian life. For example, if demobilized individuals are to receive reinsertion support (cash, vouchers, in-kind support, public works programmes, etc.), then the modalities of this support should be clearly explained. Furthermore, if reinsertion assistance is to be followed by reintegration support, orientation sessions should include information on the opportunities and support services available as part of the reintegration programme and how these can be accessed.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.5 Awareness raising and sensitization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 78, "Paragraph": "Awareness-raising materials and educational sessions should leverage opportunities to promote healthy, non-violent gender identities, including fatherhood, and to showcase men and women in equal roles in the community. Materials shall also be visually representative of different religious, ethnic, and racial compositions of the community and promote social cohesion among all groups and genders. Conversely, misinformation, disinformation and the creation of false expectations can undermine the reinsertion and reintegration efforts of DDR programmes. Accurate information should be provided by the DDR team and partners (also see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.5 Awareness raising and sensitization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 79, "Paragraph": "Those about to leave the demobilization site should be provided with counselling on what to expect regarding their changed status and role in society, and what they can do if they are stigmatized or not accepted back by their communities. They should also receive advice on political and legal issues, civic and community responsibilities, reconciliation initiatives and logistics for transportation when they leave the demobilization site. Demobilized individuals and their dependants may be reluctant to return to their home areas if members of their former group (or a different group) remain active in the region. This is because they may fear retaliation against themselves and/or their families. This possibility should be addressed through a security and risk assessment (see section 5.5). When retaliation is a possibility, those affected should be informed of the risks and supported to find alternative accommodation in a different location (if they so choose). Where possible, specialized confidential counselling should be offered, to avoid peer pressure and promote the independence of each demobilized individual.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.5 Awareness raising and sensitization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 80, "Paragraph": "Sensitization sessions can be an essential part of supporting the transition from military to civilian life and preparing DDR participants for their return to families and communities. Core sensitization may include sessions on: \\n Reproductive health, including HIV/AIDS and STI awareness raising; \\n Psychosocial education and awareness raising, including the symptoms associated with post- traumatic stress, destigmatizing experiences, education on managing stress responses, navigating discussions with families and host communities, and when to seek help; \\n Conflict resolution, non-violent communication and anger management; \\n Human rights, including women\u2019s and children\u2019s rights; \\n Parenting, for both fathers and mothers; \\n Gender, for both men and women, including discussion on gender identities and how they may be impacted by the conflict, as well as roles and responsibilities in armed forces and groups and in the community (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR); and \\n First aid or other key skills. \\n\\n See Module 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for additional guidance on SGBV mitigation and response during demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.5 Awareness raising and sensitization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 81, "Paragraph": "DDR participants shall be registered and issued a non-transferable identity document (such as a photographic demobilization card) that attests to their eligibility and their official civilian status. Such documents have important symbolic and legal value for demobilized individuals. Demobilized individuals should be required to present them in order to access DDR-related entitlements in subsequent phases of the DDR programme. To avoid discrimination based on prior factional affiliation, these documents should not include the name of the armed force or group of which the individual was previously a member. Wherever demobilization is carried out, whether in temporary or semi-permanent sites, provisions should be made to ensure that information can be entered into a case management system and that demobilization papers/identity documents can be printed on site.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.6 Documentation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 82, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners may provide transport to DDR participants to assist them to return to their communities. The logistical implications of providing transport must be taken into account. It will not be possible for all ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups to be transported to their final destination. A mixture of transport to certain key locations and funding for onward transport may therefore be required. Cash for transport may be given as part of transitional reinsertion assistance (see section 7). Specific attention shall be paid to the safe transport of women and minorities to their final destination, recognizing the unique security threats they may face.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.7 Transportation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 83, "Paragraph": "If transport is provided in UN vehicles, authorizations from UN administration and waivers for passengers need to be signed. DDR practitioners should arrange pre-signed authorizations and waivers in order to avoid last-minute blockages and delays. Alternatively, private companies and/or other implementing partners may be subcontracted to provide transport.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.7 Transportation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 84, "Paragraph": "In cases where it is necessary to repatriate foreign ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, transportation arrangements will need to be adjusted to involve national authorities from these individuals\u2019 countries of origin as well as other sub-regional organizations and mechanisms (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.7 Transportation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 85, "Paragraph": "Information from the demobilization operation (registration data, information related to screening and profiling, etc.), should be recorded in a secure case management system (or \u2018database\u2019). A case management system enables DDR practitioners to track assistance and progress at the individual level, and to analyse the data as a whole to identify good practices; flag problem areas; and understand how geography, gender and other variables influence demobilization and reintegration outcomes (see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Processes).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.8 Case management", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 86, "Paragraph": "DDR case management systems shall be the property of the national Government but may sometimes be managed by the United Nations and handed over to the national authorities when the DDR process is complete. Which stakeholders and individuals have access to all (or some) of the data in the case management system should be agreed upon when the system is established so that necessary data protections (such as different levels of password protection) can be built in. The establishment of an effective and reliable means of case management is essential to the entire DDR programme, and is necessary to track the reinsertion and reintegration of DDR participants and follow up on protection and human rights issues. A good-quality case management system should be installed, tested and secured before DDR programmes begin. This system should be mobile, suitable for use in the field, cross-referenced and able to provide DDR teams with a clear aggregate picture of the DDR programme (including how many individuals have been processed). In all cases, security and data protections are imperative, but this is especially true in settings where armed groups remain active. In these settings, if information containing the names and locations of demobilized individuals is leaked, these individuals may find themselves subject to forcible re-recruitment.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.8 Case management", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 87, "Paragraph": "If appropriate, DDR practitioners can consider an Information, Counselling and Referral System (ICRS). An ICRS stores data not only on the reintegration intentions of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, but on available services and reintegration opportunities, which should be mapped prior to reintegration (see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). By mapping and regularly updating referral information, DDR practitioners can identify critical gaps in service delivery and take steps to address these gaps, for example, by investing in existing services to strengthen their capacities, advocating to remove access barriers for DDR participants and providing direct assistance.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.8 Case management", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 88, "Paragraph": "ICRS caseworkers should be trained in basic counselling techniques and refer demobilized individuals to services/opportunities, including peacebuilding and recovery programmes, governmental services, potential employers and community-based support structures. Counselling involves the identification of individual needs and capabilities, and may lead to a wide variety of referrals, ranging from job placement to psychosocial assistance to voluntary testing for HIV/AIDS (see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV/AIDS and DDR). Integrating specific questions on psychosocial screening, health and gender is pivotal to understanding the specific needs of men and women and defining appropriate reintegration interventions. The usefulness of an ICRS hinges on having trained ICRS caseworkers with whom ex-combatants can regularly and easily communicate. Female caseworkers should provide information, counselling and referral services to female DDR participants. By actively seeking the feedback of DDR participants on programmes and services, the counselling relationship fosters accountability. If an ICRS is to be used, it should be established as soon as possible during demobilization and continued throughout the DDR programme.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "6. Transitional WAM as a DDR-related tool", "Heading2": "6.8 Case management", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 89, "Paragraph": "Reinsertion support is transitional assistance provided as part of a DDR programme and is the second step of demobilization. It aims to provide ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups with support to meet their immediate needs and those of their dependants, until they are able to enter a reintegration programme. Reinsertion assistance should be planned to pave the way for reintegration support and should consist of time-bound, basic benefits delivered for up to 12 months. In mission settings, reinsertion assistance may be funded from the UN peacekeeping operation\u2019s assessed budget.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 90, "Paragraph": "This kind of transitional assistance may be provided in a number of different ways, including: \\n Cash-based transfers; \\n Commodity vouchers; \\n In-kind support; and \\n Public works programmes", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 91, "Paragraph": "Cash-based transfers include cash; digital transfers, such as payments made to mobile phones (\u2018mobile money transfers\u2019); and value vouchers. Value vouchers \u2013 also known as gift cards or stamps \u2013 provide access to commodities for a given monetary amount and can often be used in predetermined locations, including selected shops. Vouchers may also be commodity-based \u2013 i.e., tied to a predefined quantity of given commodities, for example, food (see IDDRS 5.50 on Food Assistance in DDR). Commodities may also be provided directly as in-kind support. In-kind support may take various forms, including food or \u2018reinsertion kits\u2019. The latter are often composed of materials linked to job training or future employment, such as fishing kits and agricultural tools. Finally, public works programmes create temporary opportunities for demobilized individuals to receive cash, vouchers or food/other commodities as part of a reinsertion package. In some cases, reinsertion support may also be provided in the form of vocational training and/or income-generating opportunities. For guidance on these latter two options, see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 92, "Paragraph": "There are many benefits associated with the provision of reinsertion assistance in the form of cash. Not only can the recipients of cash determine their own needs, but the ability to do so is a fundamental step towards empowerment. Cash can also be an efficient way to deliver support because it entails lower transaction and logistics costs than in-kind assistance, particularly in terms of transportation and storage. Less stigma may be attached to cash, which, compared with in-kind assistance or vouchers, is less visible to non-recipients. Providing cash to ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups can also reduce the burden on the households and communities that receive these individuals. If a banking system is operational, cash can be paid directly into recipients\u2019 bank accounts, thereby reducing the security risks involved in cash distribution and, at the same time, strengthening the local banking system. The provision of cash may also have beneficial knock-on effects for local markets and trade.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.1 Cash", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 93, "Paragraph": "Prior to the provision of cash payments, DDR practitioners shall conduct a review of the local economy\u2019s capacity to absorb cash inflation. This is because the injection of cash into one locality can cause local prices to rise and adversely affect non-recipients living in the area. DDR practitioners shall also review the goods available on the local market. This is because cash will be of little utility in places where the commodities that people require (such as tools, equipment and food) are unavailable locally. DDR practitioners shall seek to avoid the perception that cash is being provided as payment for weapons (\u2018buy-back\u2019) or in return for demobilization. If combatants perceive that they are paid and rewarded for their participation in a DDR programme, this may lead to expectations that cannot be met, perhaps sparking unrest. One option to avoid this perception is to pay cash only when demobilized individuals leave demobilization sites and return to their communities, not at earlier stages of the DDR programme.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.1 Cash", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 94, "Paragraph": "The common concern that cash is often misused, and used to purchase alcohol and drugs, is, for the most part, not borne out by the evidence. Any potential misuse can be reduced through decisions related to targeting and conditionality. For example, household control over the way that cash is spent can be supported by providing cash to the families of ex-combatants, rather than ex-combatants alone. Ex-combatants and their wives/husbands can also be asked to sign a contract that leads to the release of cash. This contract can outline how the money is supposed to be spent and would require follow- up to check that the goods purchased comply with the terms of this contract. Basic literacy and financial education should be provided alongside cash payments, as this can also help to reduce the risk that cash is misused.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.1 Cash", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 95, "Paragraph": "Providing cash is sometimes seen as posing security risks both for the staff that transport large amounts of money and for recipients. This is because cash is prone to diversion, capture by elites and seizure by armed groups, particularly in settings where corruption is high and armed conflict is ongoing. This is especially true for cash payments that are distributed at regular times at publicly known locations. Military commanders may also try to confiscate reinsertion payments from ex- combatants that were formerly under their control. Women and more vulnerable participants such as persons with disabilities, those with chronic illnesses and the elderly are at an increased risk for confiscation of payments and/or intimidation or threats. Cash transfers may also be hampered by the absence of banks in some parts of the country, and banks may be slow to process payments and have strict requirements in terms of identification documents. These requirements may, in some instances, lead to delays.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.1 Cash", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 96, "Paragraph": "Digital payments, such as over-the-counter and mobile money payments, may help to circumvent these problems by offering new and discreet opportunities to distribute cash. Preliminary evidence indicates that distributing cash through mobile money transfers has a positive impact because it does not require that the recipient has a bank account, and because recipients spend less time traveling to cash pick-up points and waiting for their transfer. Recipients can also cash out small amounts of their payment as and when needed and/or store money on their mobile wallet over the long term.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.1 Cash", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 97, "Paragraph": "In order to benefit from mobile money transfers, recipients need to be in the possession of a mobile phone or, at a minimum, a SIM card that can be used in a mobile phone that is shared with others. The recipient will also need to reside in an area (or close to an area) where there are mobile network coverage and accessible cash-out points or agents. It is also necessary to ensure that agents have sufficient cash on hand in order to make the payment. The agents will need to be monitored to ensure that they adhere to previously agreed-upon standards. It is also important to ensure that recipients are not subjected to coercion or undue pressure by the agent to use their cash to buy goods in the agent\u2019s store. Finally, new users of digital payments may need to be educated in how to use them and should, where possible, be provided with accompanying literacy training and financial education.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.1 Cash", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 98, "Paragraph": "Value and/or commodity vouchers may be used together with or instead of cash. Several factors may prompt this choice, including donor constraints, security concerns surrounding the transportation of large amounts of cash, market weakness and/or a desire to ensure that a particular type of good or commodity is purchased by the recipients.2 Vouchers may be more effective than cash if the objective is not just to transfer income to a household, but to meet a particular goal. For example, if the goal is to improve nutrition, then a commodity voucher may be linked to a specific type of food (see IDDRS 5.50 on Food Assistance in DDR). In some cases, vouchers may also be linked to specific services, such as health care, as part of the reinsertion package. Vouchers can be designed to help ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups meet their familial responsibilities. For example, vouchers can be designed so that they are redeemable at schools and shops and can be used to cover school fees or to purchase books or uniforms. Voucher systems generally require more planning and preparation than the distribution of cash, including agreements with traders so that vouchers can be exchanged easily. Setting up such a system may be challenging if local trade is mainly informal.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.2 Vouchers and in-kind support", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 99, "Paragraph": "Although giving value vouchers or cash may be preferable when local prices are declining, recipients are protected from price increases when they receive commodity vouchers or in-kind support. Many past DDR programmes have provided in-kind support through the provision of reinsertion kits, which often include clothing, eating utensils, sanitary napkins for women, diapers, hygiene materials, basic household goods, seeds and tools. While such kits may be useful if certain items are not easily available on the local market, if not well tailored to the local job market demobilized individuals may simply resell these kits at a lower market value in order to receive the cash that is required to meet more pressing and specific needs. In countries with limited infrastructure, the delivery of in-kind support may be very challenging, particularly during the rainy season. Delays may lead to unrest among demobilized individuals waiting for benefits. Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups may also allege that the kits are overpriced and that the items they contain could have been sourced more cheaply from elsewhere if they were instead given cash.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.2 Vouchers and in-kind support", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 100, "Paragraph": "The work that is conducted as part of a public works programme is labour intensive and aims to build or rehabilitate public/community assets and infrastructure that are vital for sustaining the livelihoods of a community and create immediate job opportunities for former members of armed forces and groups and members of the community. Examples are the rehabilitation and maintenance of roads, improving drainage, water supplies and sanitation, demining, or environmental work including the planting of trees.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.3 Public works programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 101, "Paragraph": "In return for their participation in a public works programme, demobilized individuals and community members receive income in the form of cash, vouchers or in-kind assistance (food or other commodities) and on-the-job training. Public works programmes may be favoured over cash, vouchers or in-kind transfers alone, because the creation or rehabilitation of community assets may provide communities with better protection against future negative shocks, such as rising food prices or drought. In addition, by maintaining ex-combatant support networks for a short period of time, this approach may soften the otherwise abrupt transition from military to civilian life. It ensures that incomes are maintained as demobilized individuals are re-entering their communities. Furthermore, by enabling former members of armed forces and groups to contribute to the rebuilding of their communities, public works programmes provide training opportunities and may encourage reconciliation and community acceptance of demobilized individuals, and may ease the reintegration process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.3 Public works programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 102, "Paragraph": "Public works programmes must be preceded by needs and feasibility assessments. The willingness of civilians, ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups to undertake this kind of work must also be assessed. Public works programmes should only be implemented when markets are functioning (although this is not necessary for food for work programmes); when cash for work activities will not interfere with already-existing livelihood practices; and when the assets and infrastructure to be built or rehabilitated will meet the basic needs of the target population, be useful to the community and can be maintained. Additional key questions for determining the appropriateness of public works programmes include: \\n Is there sufficient useful work available? \\n Is the security situation conducive to public works programmes? \\n What are the risks for demobilized participants? \\n Would public works programmes disrupt traditional community practices that value unpaid collective work for the community? \\n Are both men and women interested in participating in public works programmes? Are there any specific cultural considerations? \\n What is the attitude of the community towards paid labour? \\n Will public works programmes compete with local labour and disrupt seasonal activities? \\n Do work activities vary by season? \\n Do demobilized participants require training and/or equipment to conduct the work?", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.3 Public works programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 103, "Paragraph": "Salaries for participation in public works programmes shall consider what is required in order to meet the basic needs of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. The minimum wage in the programme location shall also be taken into account, together with the total number of days of work to be completed and the benefits being offered by other providers. If demobilized participants assume different tasks \u2013 e.g., some manage small teams \u2013 then differential wage criteria should be considered, corresponding to level of responsibility. DDR practitioners shall also decide whether wages are to be time based (a daily or weekly wage) or output based (tied to the accomplishment of a particular task). Time-based wages require close monitoring to ensure that individuals complete a pre-defined number of hours of work. Output-based wages can help to avoid a situation in which workers deliberately prolong the programme. Wage levels shall be regularly reviewed and shall not be so high as to distort the local economy, for example, by causing a steep increase in local prices.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.3 Public works programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 104, "Paragraph": "When planning public works programmes, DDR practitioners shall carefully assess the barriers to participation for demobilized individuals who are unable to engage in labour-intensive work because they are elderly, are disabled or suffer from chronic illnesses. In these cases, additional alternative assistance measures, such as the direct provision of cash transfers, vouchers or in-kind support should be considered. DDR practitioners shall also identify obstacles that prevent the participation of women formerly associated with armed forces and groups. For example, in contexts where employment is in short supply and labour-intensive jobs are usually reserved for men, it may be difficult for women to gain access to public works programmes. It may also be difficult for women to take on additional work, particularly if they are already managing households and childcare responsibilities. Measures should be taken to address these obstacles, such as providing flexible work schedules and childcare facilities close to public works sites. While women should be encouraged to participate in public works programmes, if they choose, direct cash transfers, vouchers and in-kind support may be considered instead.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.3 Public works programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 105, "Paragraph": "As explained above, cash, vouchers and in-kind support can be provided as part of a public works programme or as stand-alone reinsertion support. DDR practitioners should choose whether to use one of these transfer modalities (e.g., cash), or a mix of cash, vouchers and/or in-kind support. At a minimum, the choice of a particular modality or combination of modalities should be based on: \\n The preference of recipients; \\n The ability of markets to supply goods at an appropriate price and quality; \\n The access of DDR participants to local markets; \\n The predicted effectiveness of different transfers in meeting the desired outcome; \\n The timeliness in which transitional reinsertion assistance can be delivered; \\n Time to delivery; \\n The potential negative impacts of different types of transfers; \\n The potential benefits of different types of transfers; \\n The comparative efficiency and cost of different types of transfers; \\n The risks associated with different types of transfers; \\n The protection risks related to gender; \\n The capacity of different organizations to deliver transfers; \\n The availability of reliable delivery mechanisms; and \\n Potential links to social protection programming.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.4 Determining transfer modality", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 106, "Paragraph": "When an appropriate transfer modality has been decided upon, DDR practitioners shall also consider whether reinsertion assistance should be given as one-off support or paid in instalments. One preferred approach is payment by instalments that decrease over time, thereby reducing dependency and clearly establishing that assistance is strictly time limited.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.4 Determining transfer modality", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 107, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall also consider whether all demobilized individuals should be provided with the same amount of assistance or whether different amounts should be given to different individuals on the basis of pre-defined criteria such as rank, number of dependants, length of service, reintegration location (urban or rural) and/or level of disability. If differentiating criteria are adopted, they should be transparent, clearly communicated and based on needs identified through careful profiling (see section 6.3).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.4 Determining transfer modality", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 108, "Paragraph": "Finally, a non-corruptible identification system must be established during demobilization that will allow former combatants to receive their reinsertion assistance. The payment list needs to be complete and accurate, former combatants should be registered and provided with a non-transferable photographic ID, and benefits should be tracked through a DDR database or case management system. For information on registration and identity documents, see sections 6.2 and 6.6; for information on case management, see section 6.8.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.4 Determining transfer modality", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 109, "Paragraph": "As much as possible, the value of reinsertion assistance should be similar to the standard of living of the rest of the population and be in line with assistance provided to other conflict-affected populations such as refugees or internally displaced persons. This is to avoid the perception that ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups are receiving special treatment. It is also to avoid creating a disincentive to find employment.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.4 Determining transfer modality", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 110, "Paragraph": "Irrespective of the type of transfer modality selected, the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.4 Determining transfer modality", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 111, "Paragraph": "For guidance on cash, voucher and in-kind assistance to children, as well as the participation of children in public works programmes, see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "7. DDR arms control activities and SALW control", "Heading2": "7.4 Determining transfer modality", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}, {"ID": 112, "Paragraph": "As a participant in the DDR process, the terms of your benefits are conditional on the following: \\n 1. Your hand over of all weapons and ammunition; \\n 2. Your agreement to renounce military status; \\n 3. Your acceptance of and conformity with all rules and regulations during the full period of your stay at the disarmament and/or demobilization site; \\n 4. Your agreement to respect the staff, officials and other demobilized combatants at the disarmament and/or demobilization site; \\n 5. Your refraining from all criminal activity and contributing to your nation\u2019s development; \\n 6. Your cooperation with and participation in programmes designed to facilitate your return to civilian life.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Demobilization", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "Annex C: Sample terms and conditions form", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.20 Demobilization"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.30 Reintegration.json b/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.30 Reintegration.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e2877d --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.30 Reintegration.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "Successful reintegration is a particular complex part of DDR. Ex-combatants and those previously associated with armed forces and groups are finally cut loose from structures and processes that are familiar to them. In some contexts, they re-enter societies that may be equally unfamiliar and that have often been significantly transformed by conflict.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "A key challenge that faces former combatants and associated groups is that it may be impossible for them to reintegrate in the area of origin. Their limited skills may have more relevance and market-value in urban settings, which are also likely to be unable to absorb them. In the worst cases, places from which ex-combatants came may no longer exist after a war, or ex-combatants may have been with armed forces and groups that committed atrocities in or near their own communities and may not be able to return home.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "Family and community support is essential for the successful reintegration of ex-com- batants and associated groups, but their presence may make worse the real or perceived vulnerability of local populations, which have neither the capacity nor the desire to assist a \u2018lost generation\u2019 with little education, employment or training, war trauma, and a high militarized view of the world. Unsupported former combatants can be a major threat to the security of communities because of their lack of skills or assets and their tendency to rely on violence to get what they want.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "Ex-combatants and associated groups will usually need specifically designed, sus- tainable support to help them with their transition from military to civilian life. Yet the United Nations (UN) must also ensure that such support does not mean that other war-af- fected groups are treated unfairly or resentment is caused within the wider community. The reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups must therefore be part of wider recovery strategies for all war-affected populations. Reintegration programmes should aim to build local and national capacities to manage the process in the long-term, as rein- tegration increasingly turns into reconstruction and development.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "This module recognizes that reintegration challenges are multidimensional, rang- ing from creating micro-enterprises and providing education and training, through to preparing receiving communities for the return of ex-combatants and associated groups, dealing with the psychosocial effects of war, ensuring ex-combatants also enjoy their civil and political rights, and meeting the specific needs of different groups.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "The objective of this module is to provide DDR planners and practitioners with an over- view of the issues that need to be taken into account when planning, designing and implementing a reintegration programme, in addition to offering practical guidance on how to successfully deal with any challenges that may arise. Given the complexity of reintegration, and the need for context-specific programmes, the guidance offered here is less prescriptive than in some other modules of the IDDRS. Following discussion of the approaches to reintegration and guidance on programme planning and design, the key components of a reintegration programme are outlined and discussed, from economic, social/psychosocial, and political perspectives. Finally, the module identifies linkages between reintegration and the wider recovery/peacebuilding frameworks.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of definitions used in this Reintegration standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of Integrated DDR Standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the word \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201da) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "DEFINING \u2018REINTEGRATION\u2019 \\n In the Note by the Secretary-General dated 24 May 2005, reintegration is defined as, \u201cthe process by which ex-com- batants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. Reintegration is essentially a social and economic process with an open timeframe, primarily taking place in communities at the local level. It is part of the general development of a country and a national responsibility, and often necessitates long-term external assistance.\u201d \\n Recognizing new developments in the reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups since the release of the 2005 Note, the Third Report of the Secretary-General on DDR (2011) includes revised policy and guidance. It observes that, \u201cin most countries, economic aspects, while central, are not sufficient for the sustainable reintegration of ex-combatants. Serious consideration of the social and political aspects of reintegration\u2026is [also] crucial for the sustainability and success of reintegration programmes,\u201d including interventions, such as psychosocial support, mental health counseling and clinical treatment and medical health support, as well as reconciliation, access to justice/transitional justice, participation in political processes. \\n Additionally, it emphasizes that while \u201creintegration programmes supported by the United Nations are time-bound by nature\u2026the reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups is a long-term process that takes place at the indi- vidual, community, national and regional levels, and is dependent upon wider recovery and development.\u201d \\n Note by the Secretary-General on administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of UN peacekeeping operations, 24 May 2005 (A/C.5/59/31); Third report of the Secretary-General on Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, 21 March 2011 (A/65/741)", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "Sustainable reintegration of former combatants and associated groups into their commu- nities of origin or choice is the ultimate objective of DDR. A reintegration programme is designed to address the many destabilizing factors that threaten ex-combatants\u2019 suc- cessful transition to peace, including: economic hardship, social exclusion, psychological and physical trauma, and political disenfranchisement. Failure to successfully reintegrate ex-combatants will undermine the achievements of disarmament and demobilization, furthering the risk of renewal of armed conflict.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "Reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups is a long-term process that occurs at the individual, community, national, and at times even regional level, and has economic, social/psychosocial, political and security factors affecting its success. Post-conflict economies have often collapsed, posing significant challenges to creating sustainable livelihoods for former combatants and other conflict-affected groups. Social and psychological issues of identity, trust, and acceptance are crucial to ensure violence prevention and lasting peace. In addition, empowering ex-combatants to take part in the political life of their communities and state can bring forth a range of benefits, such as providing civilians with a voice to address any former or residual grievances in a socially constructive, non-violent manner. Without sustainable and comprehensive reintegration, former combatants may become further marginalized and vulnerable to re-recruitment or engagement in criminal or gang activities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "A reintegration programme will attempt to facilitate the longer-term reintegration process by providing time-bound, targeted assistance. A reintegration programme cannot match the breadth, depth or duration of the reintegration process, nor of the long-term recovery and development process; therefore, careful analysis is required in order to design and implement a strategic and pragmatic reintegration programme that best bal- ances timing, sequencing and a mix of programme elements from among the resources available. A strong monitoring system is needed to continuously track if the approach taken is yielding the desired effect. A well-planned exit strategy, with an emphasis on capacity building and ownership by national and local actors who will be engaged in the reintegration process for much longer than the externally assisted reintegration pro- gramme, is therefore crucial from the beginning.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "A number of key contextual factors should be taken into account when planning and designing the reintegration strategy. These contextual factors include: (i) the nature of the conflict (i.e. ideology-driven, resource-driven, identity-driven, etc.) and duration as determined by a conflict and security analysis; (ii) the nature of the peace (i.e. military victory, principle party negotiation, third party mediation); (iii) the state of the economy (especially demand for skills and labour); (iv) the governance capacity and reach of the state (legitimacy and institutional capacity); and, (v) the character and cohesiveness of combatants and receiving communities (trust and social cohesiveness). These will be dis- cussed in greater detail throughout the module.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "There are also several risks and challenges that must be carefully assessed, moni- tored and managed in order to successfully implement a reintegration programme. One of the key challenges in designing and implementing DDR programmes is how to ful- fill the specific and essential needs of ex-combatants without turning them into a real or perceived privileged group within the community. The reintegration support for ex-com- batants should therefore be planned in such a manner as to avoid creating resentment and bitterness within wider communities or society or putting a strain on a community\u2019s limited resources. Accordingly, this module seeks to emphasize the importance and ben- efits of approaching reintegration programmes from a community-based perspective in order to more effectively execute programme activities and avoid possible tensions form- ing between ex-combatants and community members.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "In order to increase the effectiveness of reintegration programmes, it is also essential to recognize and identify their limitations and boundaries. Firstly, the trust of ex-com- batants in the political process is often heavily influenced by the nature of the peace settlement and the trust of the overall population in the process; DDR both influences and is influenced by political processes. Secondly, the presence of economic opportunities is critical. And thirdly, the governance capacity of the state, referring to its perceived legit- imacy and institutional capacity to govern and provide basic services, is essential to the successful implementation of a DDR programme. DDR is fundamentally social, economic and political in character and should be seen as part of a broader integrated approach to recovery, including security, governance, and political and developmental aspects. There- fore, programmes shall be based upon context analyses (see above on contextual factors) that are integrated, comprehensive and coordinated across the UN family with national and other international partners.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that shall guide all aspects of DDR planning and implementation. All UN DDR programmes shall be: people-centred; flexible; accountable and transparent; nationally and locally owned; inte- grated; and well-planned, in addition to being gender-sensitive. More specifically, when designing and implementing reintegration programmes, planners and practitioners shall take the following guidance into consideration:", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "UN-supported reintegration strategies will include diverse people and communities with various needs. Non-discrimination and fair and equitable treatment of participants and beneficiaries are core principles of the UN approach to DDR. A \u2018people-centred\u2019 approach recognizes that differences exist among reintegration participants and beneficiaries \u2013 differences which include, but are not limited to sex, age, class, religion, and physical, intellectual or psycho-social capacities \u2013 all of which require targeted responses. Rein- tegration assistance shall therefore be based on thorough profiling of ex-combatants and assessments of the social, economic, political and cultural contexts into which they are reintegrating in order to support specific needs.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1. People-centred", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "To respond to contextual changes and remain relevant, reintegration programmes should be designed in such a way that allows for maximum adaptability. While the reintegration programme design will be based on initial assessments, it is important to remember that many contextual factors will change significantly during the course of the programme, such as the wishes and ambitions of ex-combatants, the labour market, the capacity of service providers, the capacity of the different government bodies, in addition to the agen- das of political parties and leaders in power. Furthermore, new or broader recovery plans may be designed during the timeframe of the DDR programme, for which reintegration programmes should be linked.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2. Flexible", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "Additionally, flexibility is required on the issue of targeting principles. While in the beginning of the programme exclusive targeted approaches might be appropriate, flexibil- ity to enlarge the target group within the scope of the programme should be considered and may also be part of the programme exit strategy. This means that the total number of combatants might be known at the beginning of a programme, but not necessarily the total number of beneficiaries or people assisted. Furthermore, flexibility of the types of reintegration assistance offered should be applied within the national programme. Fixed packages of individual assistance shall therefore be avoided.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2. Flexible", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "Reintegration assistance shall be based on the principles of accountability and transpar- ency. Public information and communication strategies shall therefore be drawn up and implemented as early as possible. Public information, awareness-raising and community consultation and sensitization ensure that affected participant and beneficiary groups have a chance to influence and to receive accurate information on DDR programme proce- dures and reintegration assistance.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3. Accountable and transparent", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "Once expected results are clearly defined by all stakeholders, key indicators for mon- itoring and measuring programme impact shall be agreed upon, based on careful context assessments and analysis. Defining a set of indicators in a participatory manner helps to clarify expectations and leads to a broad agreement on realistic targets. Individuals or organizations responsible for monitoring should also be agreed upon, as well as how often monitoring reports will be drawn up. The data for indicators should be updated at least quarterly and communicated to stakeholders.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3. Accountable and transparent", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "The success of reintegration programmes depends on the combined efforts of individu- als, families and communities and therefore reintegration programmes shall be designed through an inclusive, participatory process that involves ex-combatants and communities, local and national authorities, and non-governmental actors in planning and deci- sion-making from the earliest stages. Buy-in to the reintegration process by key armed actors and military leaders shall be one of the first priorities of the DDR programme, and should be achieved in collaboration with national government and other key stakeholders in accordance with UN mandates. All parties to the conflict shall commit themselves to accepting an agreed framework, together with a timetable for carrying out activities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4. Nationally and locally owned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "The primary responsibility for the successful outcome of DDR programmes rests with national authorities and local stakeholders. Reintegration programmes shall there- fore seek to develop the capacities of receiving communities, as well as local and national authorities. In contexts where national capacity is weak, it is important to ensure that international actors do not act as substitutes for national authorities in programme man- agement and implementation, but rather put forth all efforts to strengthen the national capacities needed to implement the long-term reintegration process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4. Nationally and locally owned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "DDR processes both influence and are affected by wider recovery, peacebuilding and state transformational processes. It is therefore essential that reintegration programmes work collaboratively with other programmes and stakeholders to achieve policy coherence, sec- toral programme integration, inter-agency cooperation and coordination from the start.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.5. Integrated", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "UN integrated units should be used wherever possible to support the implementation of DDR programmes. In addition, the use of technical working groups, donor forums, and rapid response/surge modalities should be used to further integrate efforts in the area of DDR.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.5. Integrated", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "It is also particularly relevant that line ministries receive appropriate support from DDR programmes to ensure that reintegration will be sustainable and in accordance with other national policies and plans.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.5. Integrated", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "A well-planned reintegration programme shall assess and respond to the specific needs of its male and female participants (i.e. gender-sensitive planning), who might be children, youth, adults, elders and/or persons with disabilities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6. Well-planned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "Effective and sustainable reintegration depends on early planning that is based on: a comprehensive understanding of the local context, a clear and unambiguous agreement among all stakeholders about objectives and results of the programme, the establishment of realistic timeframes, clear budgeting requirements and human resource needs, and a clearly defined programme exit strategy. Planning shall be based on existing assessments which include conflict and security analyses, gender analyses, early recovery and/or post-conflict needs assessments, in addition to reintegration-specific assessments. Reinte- gration practitioners shall furthermore ensure a results-based monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework is developed during the planning phase and that sufficient resources and expertise are allocated for this task at the outset.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6. Well-planned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "Those planning the disarmament and demobilization phases shall work in tandem with the reintegration phase planners and experts to ensure a smooth transition, and more specifically that the programme has sufficient resources and capacity to absorb the demo- bilized groups, where applicable. It is important that promises on reintegration assistance are not made during the disarmament and demobilization phases that cannot be deliv- ered upon later.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6. Well-planned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "Finally, planning should recognize that DDR programming does not take place in a vacuum. Planners should therefore carefully consider, and where possible link with, other early recovery and peacebuilding initiatives and processes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6. Well-planned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "Reintegration programmes shall be designed, implemented and evaluated in a gen- der-sensitive manner. Gender-sensitive reintegration includes planning based upon sex-disaggregated data so that programmes can identify the specific needs and potentials of women, men, boys and girls. Women\u2019s and young girls\u2019 needs may include availability of child care facilities, access to land, property and livelihoods resources and rehabil- itation from sexual violence, whereas men and young boys may need more support to overcome socialization to violence and substance abuse, for example.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.7. Gender-sensitive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "In cases where women have self-demobilized or were excluded from DDR prog- ammes by commanders, efforts should be made to provide them with access to the formal or official reintegration programme, if they so choose. Female-specific reintegration pro- grammes may also be devised to address those women who will not access reintegration opportunities in official DDR programmes to avoid further stigmatization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.7. Gender-sensitive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "In order to implement gender-responsive reintegration programmes, DDR staff, local stakeholders and implementing parterns may need to receive gender training and other capacity development. Public information and sensitization may also benefit from collab- oration with women\u2019s and men\u2019s organizations to address gender-specific needs.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.7. Gender-sensitive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "Gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation requires that the DDR M&E framework includes gender-related indicators and specific assessments on gender. Reintegration pro- grammes should seek specific funding for such initiatives, and should work to monitor and evaluate the gender appropriateness of programmes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.7. Gender-sensitive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "In post-conflict settings that require economic revitalization and infrastructure develop- ment, the transition of ex-combatants to reintegration may be facilitated through reinsertion interventions. These short-term interventions are sometimes termed stabilization or \u2018stop gap\u2019 measures and may take on various forms, such as emergency employment, liveli- hood and start-up grants or quick-impact projects (QIPs).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. Transitioning from reinsertion to reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "Reinsertion assistance should not be confused with or substituted for reintegration programme assistance; reinsertion assistance is meant to assist ex-combatants, associated groups and their families for a limited period of time until the reintegration programme begins, filling the gap in support often present between demobilization and reintegration activities. Although reinsertion is considered as part of the demobilization phase, it is important to understand that it is closely linked with and can support reintegration. In fact, these two phases at times overlap or run almost parallel to each other with different levels of intensity, as seen in the figure below. DPKO budgets will likely cover up to one year of reinsertion assistance. However, in some cases reinsertion may last beyond the one year mark.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. Transitioning from reinsertion to reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "Reinsertion is often focused on economic aspects of the reintegration process, but does not guarantee sustainable income for ex-combatants and associated groups. Reinte- gration takes place by definition at the community level, should lead to sustainable income, social belonging and political participation. Reintegration aims to tackle the motives that led ex-combatants to join armed forces and groups. Wand when successful, it dissuades ex-combatants and associated groups from re-joining and/or makes re-recruitment efforts useless.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. Transitioning from reinsertion to reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "If well designed, reinsertion activities can buy the necessary time and/or space to establish better conditions for reintegration programmes to be prepared. Reinsertion train- ing initiatives and emergency employment and quick-impact projects can also serve to demonstrate peace dividends to communities, especially in areas suffering from destroyed infrastructure and lacking in basic services like water, roads and communication. Rein- sertion and reintegration should therefore be jointly planned to maximize opportunities for the latter to meaningfully support the former (see Module 4.20 on Demobilization for more information on reinsertion activities).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Transitioning from reinsertion to reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "The approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants represent the different options avail- able to DDR planners when defining the reintegration strategy. The approaches discussed are not mutually exclusive. Rather, they can be used in an appropriate mix, timing and sequencing in order to support the overall goal of the specific DDR programme.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "An understanding of the needs and capacities of the ex-combatants, how they were psychosocially affected by the conflict, whether they are marginalized or not, the absorp- tive capacities of the receiving communities\u2019 labour markets, and the functionality of related markets and resources (land, natural resources and capital), including the local political (power dynamics) and institutional realities, should guide programme design and resource allocation. Local knowledge of these dynamics is essential to informing pro- gramme design.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "Based on the data gathered and its analysis, programme planners and practitioners should build consensus with partners and stakeholders on how to best allocate available resources to provide reintegration support to the identified participants and beneficiaries, deciding on the appropriate approach or mix of approaches.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "In practice, individual reintegration has aimed to provide long-term assistance to each ex-combatant depending upon his/her specific needs, the nature of the environment of return (urban or rural), and the services available in these locations. Individual reintegra- tion has typically included targeted activities geared towards increasing ex-combatants\u2019 individual employability and enabling their access to productive assets and opportunities. In addition, activities and means that have aimed to facilitate social reintegration \u2013 such as access to land and water, livelihoods assets, life skills training, psychosocial assistance, and activities that stimulate community acceptance \u2013 have been included.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.1. Individual reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "The individual reintegration approach has included ongoing technical advice, train- ing and mentoring, and other support services for the individual ex-combatant. Proper and timely advice, adequate monitoring, and follow-up have aimed to keep each ex-combatant focused on his/her plan and to help him/her to adapt to the ever-changing post-con- flict environment. Furthermore, assistance has often been delivered through information, counseling and referral services (ICRS).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.1. Individual reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "While individual reintegration has historically been a leading approach in the reinte- gration of ex-combatants, lessons learned from DDR programmes around the world have shown that reintegration approaches that include elements of community and family participation and assistance, as well as enlarged targeting principles, have higher success rates. For more information, see section 6.2. on community-based reintegration.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.1. Individual reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "Lessons learned from DDR programmes around the world have shown that reintegration approaches that include elements of community and family participation and assistance, as well as enlarged targeting principles, have higher success rates.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.2. Community-based reintegration (CBR)", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "Where DDR programmes have delivered individual reintegration to ex-combatants alone, the result has often been hostility or resentment on the part of community members who feel excluded from reintegration benefits. The problems arising from such dynamics have created barriers to the goals of social reintegration and the strengthening of com- munity cohesion, ultimately threatening the sustainability of reintegration programmes. Where community members are included in the planning process and provided access to concrete benefits, however, the result is often enhanced local ownership and acceptance of the reintegration programme. Reintegration programmes should therefore facilitate com- munities coming together to discuss and decide on their own priorities and methods that they believe will help in the reintegration of ex-combatants.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.2. Community-based reintegration (CBR)", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "While it is not the whole community that will receive reintegration assistance, in community-based reintegration approaches ex-combatants are assisted together with other members of the community. Selection criteria and percentages of ex-combatants to community members can vary. Lessons learned have shown that targeting community members with a similar profile to the ex-combatants can be particularly effective (such as unemployed youth).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.2. Community-based reintegration (CBR)", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "Dual targeting \u2013 providing reintegration assistance that simultaneously targets individ- ual ex-combatants and members of their communities of return or choice \u2013 can create a \u201cwin-win\u201d situation, contributing to the achievement of economic and social goals for both individual participants and community beneficiaries. Such assistance typically targets 50% ex-combatants and 50% conflict-affected community members, though pro- portions may vary depending on the context. This approach promotes greater inclusion in the reintegration process and can prove to be a useful way to manage risks and improve community security.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.2. Community-based reintegration (CBR)", "Heading3": "6.2.1. Dual targeting", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "Ex-combatant-led initiatives are those reintegration activities identified, planned and exe- cuted by the ex-combatants themselves with the aim of directly benefiting communities of return or choice. Through consultation and dialogue with community and civil society leaders, ex-combatants can work to identify those activities best suited to the community at large and their own skill sets. Such activities can provide ex-combatants with a sense of ownership of the reintegration achievements that take place at the community level. In addition, if well-executed and genuinely planned with the best interest of the community in mind, this approach has the potential to build ex-combatants\u2019 rapport with community members and greatly enhance reconciliation.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.2. Community-based reintegration (CBR)", "Heading3": "6.2.2. Ex-combatant-led initiatives", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "DDR staff shall work closely with ex-combatants in the planning, implementation and monitoring of these initiatives to ensure that the activities chosen are transparent, fea- sible (e.g. sufficient capacity exists to implement the initiative, the activity is cost efficient, the activity can be completed within a reasonable timeframe) and appropriately benefit the community as a whole based on prior assessments and the local context.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.2. Community-based reintegration (CBR)", "Heading3": "6.2.2. Ex-combatant-led initiatives", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "Area-based reintegration targets a specifically defined geographic territory containing conflict-affected communities where large clusters of ex-combatants have been identi- fied. It aims to reintegrate conflict-affected groups into the economic and social life of a community through economic projects, such as those that focus on rebuilding public infrastructure, in addition to social reintegration activities that promote reconciliation.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.2. Community-based reintegration (CBR)", "Heading3": "6.2.3. Area-based interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "The objective of these interventions is to optimize the use of locally-based resources (rural and/or urban) and the synergies arising among local businesses, civil society, busi- ness development service providers, investors, authorities, etc. Rather than focusing on specific target groups, area-based interventions make use of local resources and exter- nal investments in order to offer context-specific solutions to post-war economic recovery. When applying an area-based approach, reintegration planners shall consider all net- works and economic flows that affect (or could affect) the defined territory.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.2. Community-based reintegration (CBR)", "Heading3": "6.2.3. Area-based interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "The risks posed by enduring command structures should also be taken into account dur- ing reintegration planning and may require specific action. A stated aim of demobilization is the breakdown of armed groups\u2019 command structures. However, experience has shown this is difficult to achieve, quantify, qualify or monitor. Over time hierarchical structures erode, but informal networks and associations based upon loyalties and shared experi- ences may remain long into the post-conflict period.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.3. Focus on command structures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "In order to break command structures and prevent mid-level commanders from becoming spoilers in DDR, programmes may have to devise specific assistance strategies that better correspond to the profiles and needs of mid-level commanders. Such support may include preparation for nominations/vetting for public appointments, redundancy payments based on years of service, and guidance on investment options, expanding a family business and creating employment, etc. Commander incentive programmes (CIPs) can further work to support the transformation of command structures into more defined organizations, such as political parties and groups, or socially and economically produc- tive entities such as cooperatives and credit unions.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.3. Focus on command structures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "DDR managers should keep in mind that the creation of veterans\u2019 associations should be carefully assessed and these groups supported only if they positively support the DDR process. Extreme caution should be exercised when requested to support the creation and maintenance of veterans\u2019 associations. Although these associations may arise spontane- ously as representation and self-help groups due to the fact that members face similar challenges, have affinities and have common pasts, prolonged affiliation may perpetu- ate the retention of \u201cex-combatant\u201d identities, preventing ex-combatants from effectively transitioning from military to their new civilian identities and roles.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.3. Focus on command structures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "The overriding principle for supporting transformed command structures is that the associations that arise permit individual freedom of choice (i.e. joining is not required or coerced). In some instances, these associations may provide early warning and response systems for identifying dissatisfaction among ex-combatants, and for building confidence between discontented groups and the rest of the community.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants", "Heading2": "6.3. Focus on command structures", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "Reintegration planning should be based on rapid, reliable and detailed assessments and should begin as early as possible. This is to ensure that reintegration programmes are designed and implemented in a timely and effective manner, where the gap between demobilization/reinsertion and reintegration support is minimized as much as pos- sible. This requires that relevant UN agencies, programmes and funds jointly plan for reintegration.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.1. Overview", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "The planning phase of a reintegration programme should be based on clear assess- ments that, at a minimum, ask the following questions: \\n\\n KEY REINTEGRATION PLANNING QUESTIONS THAT ASSESSMENTS SHOULD ANSWER \\n What reintegration approach or combination of approaches will be most suitable for the context in question? Dual targeting? Ex-combatant-led economic activity that benefits also the community? \\n Will ex-combatants access area-based programmes as any other conflict-affected group? What would prevent them from doing that? How will these programmes track numbers of ex-combatants participating and the levels of reintegration achieved? \\n What will be the geographical coverage of the programme? Will focus be on rural or urban reintegration or a combination of both? \\n How narrow or expansive will be the eligibility criteria to participate in the programme? Based on ex-combatant/ returnee status or vulnerability? \\n What type of reintegration assistance should be offered (i.e. economic, social, psychosocial, and/or political) and with which levels of intensity? \\n What strategy will be deployed to match supply and demand (e.g. employability/employment creation; psychosocial need such as trauma/psychosocial counseling service; etc.) \\n What are the most appropriate structures to provide programme assistance? Dedicated structures created by the DDR programme such as an information, counseling and referral service? Existing state structures? Other implementing partners? Why? \\n What are the capacities of these potential implementing partners? \\n Will the cost per participant be reasonable in comparison with other similar programmes? What about operational costs, will they be comparable with similar programmes? \\n How can resources be maximized through partnerships and linkages with other existing programmes?", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.1. Overview", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "A comprehensive understanding and constant re-appraisal of these questions and corresponding factors during planning and implementation phases will enhance and shape a programme\u2019s strategy and resource allocation. This data will also serve to inform concerned parties of the objectives and expected results of the DDR programme and linkages to broader recovery and development issues.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.1. Overview", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "Finally, DDR planners and practitioners should also be aware of existing policies, strategies and framework on reintegration and recovery to ensure adequate coordina- tion. DDR planners and managers should carefully assess timings, opportunities and risks involved in order to integrate DDR programmes with wider frameworks and pro- grammes. Partnerships with institutions and agencies leading on the implementation of such frameworks and programmes should be sought as much as possible to make an effi- cient and effective use of resources and avoid overlapping interventions.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.1. Overview", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "The planning and design of reintegration programmes should be based on the collection of sex and age disaggregated data in order to analyze and identify the specific needs of both male and female programme participants. Sex and age disaggregated data should be captured in all types of pre-programme and programme assessments, starting with the conflict and security analysis, moving into post-conflict needs assessments and in all DDR-specific assessments.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.2. Mainstreaming gender into analyses and assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "The gathering of gender-sensitive data from the start will help make visible the unique and varying needs, capacities, interests, priorities, power relations and roles of women, men, girls and boys. At this early stage, conflict and security analysis and rein- tegration assessments should also identify any variations among certain subgroups (i.e. children, youth, elderly, dependants, disabled, foreign combatants, abducted and so on) within male and female DDR beneficiaries and participants.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.2. Mainstreaming gender into analyses and assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 62, "Paragraph": "The overall objective of integrating gender into conflict and security analysis and DDR assessments is to build efficiency into reintegration programmes. By taking a more gender-sensitive approach from the start, DDR programmes can make more informed decisions and take appropriate action to ensure that women, men, boys and girls equally benefit from reintegration opportunities that are designed to meet their specific needs. For more information on gender-sensitive programming, see Module 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.2. Mainstreaming gender into analyses and assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 63, "Paragraph": "The nature of the conflict will determine the nature of the peace process, which in turn will influence the objectives and expected results of DDR and the type of reintegration approach that is required. Conflict and security analyses should be carried out and con- sulted in order to clarify the nature of the conflict and how it was resolved, and to identify the political, economic and social challenges facing a DDR programme. These analyses can provide critical information on the structure of armed groups during the conflict, how ex-combatants are perceived by their communities (e.g. as heroes who defended their communities or as perpetrators of violent acts who should be punished), and what ex-combatants\u2019 expectations will be following a peace agreement.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.3. Conflict and security analysis", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 64, "Paragraph": "A holistic analysis of conflict and security dynamics should inform the development of the objectives and strategies of the DDR programme. The following table suggests ques- tions for this analysis and assessment.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.3. Conflict and security analysis", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 65, "Paragraph": "For further information, please also refer to the UNDP Guide on Conflict-related Development Analysis (available online).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.3. Conflict and security analysis", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 66, "Paragraph": "Post-conflict needs assessments (PCNAs) are a tool developed jointly by the UN Develop- ment Group (UNDG), the European Commission (EC), the World Bank (WB) and regional development banks in collaboration with national governments and with the cooperation of donor countries. National and international actors use PCNAs as an entry point for conceptualizing, negotiating and financing a common shared strategy for recovery and development in fragile, post-conflict settings. The PCNA includes both the assessment of needs and the national prioritization and costing of needs in an accompanying transi- tional results matrix.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.4. Post-conflict needs assessments (PCNAs)", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 67, "Paragraph": "PCNAs are also used to determine baselines on crosscutting issues such as gender, HIV/AIDS, human rights and the environment. To this end, the results of completed PCNAs represent a valuable tool that should be used by DDR experts during reintegration programming.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.4. Post-conflict needs assessments (PCNAs)", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 68, "Paragraph": "In countries where PCNAs are in the process of being completed, DDR managers and planners should integrate as much as possible DDR into these exercises. In addition to influencing inclusion of more traditional areas of practice, DDR planners should aim to influence and lobby for the inclusion of more recently identified areas of need, such as psy- chosocial and political reintegration. For more detailed and updated information about PCNAs, see Joint Guidance Note on Integrated Recovery Planning using Post-Conflict Needs Assessments and Transitional Frameworks, Also see Module 2.20 section 6.1.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.4. Post-conflict needs assessments (PCNAs)", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 69, "Paragraph": "The registration of ex-combatants during the demobilization phase provides detailed information on each programme participant\u2019s social and economic expectations, as well as his/her capacities, resources, or even the nature of his/her marginalization. How- ever, by the time this registration takes place, it is already too late to begin planning the reintegration programme. As a result, to adequately plan for the reintegration phase, a general profile of potential beneficiaries and participants of the DDR programme should be developed before disarmament and demobilization begins. Such a profile can be done through carefully randomized and stratified (to the extent possible) sampled surveys of smaller numbers of representative combatants.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 70, "Paragraph": "In order for these assessments to adequately form the basis for reintegration pro- gramme planning, implementation, and M&E, they should be further supplemented by data on specific needs groups and additional research, particularly in the fields of anthro- pology, history, and area studies. During the assessment process, attention should be paid to specific needs groups, including female combatants, WAAFG, youth, children, and combatants with disabilities. In addition, research on specific countries and peoples, including that of scholars from the country or region will prove useful. Cultural rela- tionships to land and other physical resources should also be noted here to better inform reintegration programme planners.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 71, "Paragraph": "The most important types of ex-combatant focused assessments are: \\n 1. Early profiling and pre-registration surveys; \\n 2. Full profiling and registration of ex-combatants; \\n 3. Identification and assessment of areas of return and resettlement; \\n 4. Community perception surveys; \\n 5. Reintegration opportunity mapping; and \\n 6. Services mapping and institutional capacity assessment.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 72, "Paragraph": "Also known as pre-programme assessments, early profiling and pre-registration surveys will establish the nature and size of the group for which a reintegration programme is to be designed. Profiling on a sample basis is typically done as soon as access to combatants is possible. This enables a quick assessment of the combatants to be included in DDR, including information on their demographics, human and material capital, as well as their aspirations. The collection of personal and socio-economic data also provides baseline information needed for the planning, design and formulation of a monitoring and evalu- ation plan.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.1. Early profiling and pre-registration surveys", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 73, "Paragraph": "Early profiling, registration, and surveying should take into account gender-sensitive procedures, so that women, men, girls and boys are able to accurately state their involve- ment and needs, and other relevant information.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.1. Early profiling and pre-registration surveys", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 74, "Paragraph": "In some cases it can be very difficult to obtain accurate or any information regarding the profiles and number of ex-combatants for the DDR programme. In such cases, DDR experts should rely on information from local civil society and other UN agencies, and plan their programmes as best they can with the available information.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.1. Early profiling and pre-registration surveys", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 75, "Paragraph": "As full profiling and registration of ex-combatants is typically conducting during disar- mament and demobilization, programme planners and managers should ensure that these activities are designed to support reintegration, and that information gathered through profiling forms the basis of reintegration assistance. For more information on profiling and registration during disarmament and demobilization, see Module 4.10 section 7 and Module 4.20 sections 6 and 8.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.2. Full profiling and registration of ex-combatants", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 76, "Paragraph": "Previous DDR programmes have often experienced a delay between registration and the delivery of assistance, which can lead to frustration among ex-combatants. To deal with this problem, DDR programmes should provide ex-combatants with a clear and realistic timetable of when they will receive reintegration assistance when they first register for DDR.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.2. Full profiling and registration of ex-combatants", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 77, "Paragraph": "Based on the information gathered from the early profiling and pre-registration survey, an assessment should be made of the economic, political, and social potential and con- straints of the areas that ex-combatants and associated groups are expected to return to or resettle in. This assessment should then be enhanced and greatly expanded based on the individual data collected during disarmament and/or demobilization, and stored in a management information system (MIS) (for more information on managing data see sec- tion 7.6). Among its benefits, it may prove an important component of risk assessments to map and monitor \u201chot spots.\u201d", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.3. Identification and assessment of areas of return and resettlement", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 78, "Paragraph": "The assessment of communities and areas of return or choice should take into account the availability of natural resources (including land, water, forests, wildlife), livelihood conditions, economic opportunities and existing infrastructure (such as transportation, access to markets, and the availability of communications and services), and the overall security situation in the area. It should also map the accessibility of local social services and institutions that serve persons with disabilities, offer psychosocial care, etc.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.3. Identification and assessment of areas of return and resettlement", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 79, "Paragraph": "Local and traditional knowledge related to ownership of land, resource use, man- agement of natural resources (including agricultural practices in cultivation, animal husbandry, fishing rights and access, etc.) should be sought during these assessments. See Module 6.30 for more information on natural resource management and DDR.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.3. Identification and assessment of areas of return and resettlement", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 80, "Paragraph": "Additional data will need to be examined concerning social and political conditions to be sure that there are not underlying historical tensions which could prevent success- ful reintegration. Gender audits will also be necessary. From a political perspective, an assessment of the formal and informal leadership, power relationships and group dynam- ics within receptor communities should also be undertaken. This information should be placed within an understanding of the macroeconomic situation (i.e. the country and regional situation).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.3. Identification and assessment of areas of return and resettlement", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 81, "Paragraph": "Community perception surveys include background information on socioeconomic and demographic data on all future direct beneficiaries of the reintegration programme including community expectations and perceptions of assistance provided to returning/ resettling ex-combatants. Community perception surveys collect useful data which can be used for qualitative indicators and to monitor changes in community perceptions of the reintegration process over time. DDR programmes should assess the strength of support for the reintegration process from these surveys and try their best to produce activities and programming that match the needs and desires of both programme participants and beneficiaries.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.4. Community perception surveys", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 82, "Paragraph": "DDR programmes should rely on local institutions and civil society to carry out such surveys whenever and wherever possible. These can be conducted as interviews or focus groups, depending on appropriateness and context. Communities should have the opportunity to express their opinions and preferences freely in terms of activities that best support the reintegration process and the community as a whole. Surveyors should also be careful not to raise expectations here as well, since the reintegration programme will not be able to meet all desires in terms of economic opportunities and social support to communities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.4. Community perception surveys", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 83, "Paragraph": "DDR programmes should rely on local institutions and civil society to carry out such surveys whenever and wherever possible. These can be conducted as interviews or focus groups, depending on appropriateness and context. Communities should have the opportunity to express their opinions and preferences freely in terms of activities that best support the reintegration process and the community as a whole. Surveyors should also be careful not to raise expectations here as well, since the reintegration programme will not be able to meet all desires in terms of economic opportunities and social support to communities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.4. Community perception surveys", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 84, "Paragraph": "The post-conflict economic environment can be extremely complex and difficult as armed conflicts invariably damage or destroy human and economic capital, transform social relationships and trust, weaken production and trade systems, and distort the labour mar- ket. In this challenging environment, it is essential that DDR programmes avoid creating unrealistic expectations among stakeholders, especially programme participants and ben- eficiaries. By conducting reintegration opportunity mappings, programme managers will have a clearer understanding of the actual economic opportunities and assets available to those being reintegrated and be better equipped to provide ex-combatants with clear information as to what the reintegration programme will involve.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.5. Reintegration opportunity mapping", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 85, "Paragraph": "DDR programme planners should prioritize the development of a countrywide sys- tematic mapping that builds upon the PCNA and other assessments conducted by relevant organizations to identify existing and potential employment opportunities. The analysis should include the functioning of: i) markets (labour, capital, goods and services, etc.); ii) input factors (land, energy resources, infrastructure, technology and information, etc.); and iii) supporting factors (institutional capacity in formal and informal economies, finan- cial markets, etc.). It should also capture potential financial service providers or training institutions available to support self-employment opportunities. Successful collaboration with development agencies and their monitoring activities is essential to this process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.5. Reintegration opportunity mapping", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 86, "Paragraph": "Opportunity mappings will also assess access to land and other natural resources, education and training possibilities, micro credit services (in contexts where they exist) and other employment and business development services (i.e. technical advisory, information and counseling services). The survey should include other development pro- grammes (both existing and planned) within the national recovery effort, as well as those of international and national development organizations.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.5. Reintegration opportunity mapping", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 87, "Paragraph": "Attention shall be paid to different groups during opportunity mapping so that the employment, education and training needs and opportunities, as well as other resource needs of women and men, youth, children, and persons with disabilities, are well-un- derstood (also see Module 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, Module 5.20 on Youth and DDR, and Module 5.30 on Children and DDR). Social support services, such as support for people living with HIV/AIDS, trauma and drug abuse counseling, and/or disability rehabilitation services, should also be identified.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.5. Reintegration opportunity mapping", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 88, "Paragraph": "This mapping should take place as early as possible (ideally beginning 9-12 months before the disarmament and demobilization phases begin) to ensure that training and social support programmes are ready when ex-combatants need them. They should reflect local and international laws and standards on gender- and age-appropriate labour, as well as changes in gender roles that may have occurred during conflict.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.5. Reintegration opportunity mapping", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 89, "Paragraph": "On the basis of these assessments, the DDR programme can select training provid- ers, assess costs and capacity support needs, and develop context-specific programmes designed to meet the needs of diverse programme participants and beneficiaries.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.5. Reintegration opportunity mapping", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 90, "Paragraph": "Capacity development of government entities and service providers after a conflict consti- tutes one of the most important aspects to successful reintegration. It is therefore essential for reintegration assessments to collect data on levels of institutional capacities to ensure adequate funding for capacity development of partners from the outset. Institutional capacity assessments should start as early as possible with an analysis of potential service providers such as public vocational centers, business development services, relevant line ministries and NGOs, including organizational practices and absorption capacities as it takes several months to upgrade capacities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.6. Services mapping and capacity assessment", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 91, "Paragraph": "Capacity development can be \u201cindirect\u201d (designed to support national partners in the creation of conditions and relationships needed to foster incentives for outcomes) or \u201cdirect\u201d support for the achievements of outcomes (such as technical interventions or information management in a finance ministry or a central bank). The first step is to help to identify the country\u2019s specific needs on which the overall capacity building actions will be based.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.5. Ex-combatant-focused reintegration assessments", "Heading3": "7.5.6. Services mapping and capacity assessment", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 92, "Paragraph": "A management information system (MIS) is vital in order to capture, store, access, and manage information on individual ex-combatants and communities of return/resettle- ment, and data on available opportunities for training, education and employment. It can also provide vital data for monitoring, feedback, and evaluation. DDR planners shall give early consideration to the design and maintenance of an MIS, as it will work to support and better organize all reintegration activities. See the generic MIS called DREAM (\u2018Dis- armament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Arms Management\u2019) developed by UNDP, which can be adapted to the needs of each UN integrated DDR programme to minimize implementation delays and provide savings for DDR projects.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.6. Managing data collected in assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 93, "Paragraph": "Individual ex-combatant data included within an MIS should be captured prior to the start of reintegration activities, preferably during the disarmament and demobilization phases. The design and construction of the MIS should capture data that can be used to build a profile of the participant caseload. The collection of sex-, age- and disability-dis- aggregated socio-economic data (including information on specific needs, such as for wheelchairs or psychosocial services) is essential to the DDR programme. In addition, the data in the MIS should be easy to aggregate in order to provide regular updates for broad indicators.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.6. Managing data collected in assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 94, "Paragraph": "The development of new technologies, such as fingerprint identification and retina scanning, possess the potential to eradicate \u2018double dipping\u2019 of DDR assistance, particu- larly when cash assistance is provided as part of reinsertion assistance, or as an element of reintegration support.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.6. Managing data collected in assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 95, "Paragraph": "While providing for transparency and accountability, an MIS should also inform ongoing programme decision-making by influencing necessary programme adjustments to improve programme efficiency and effectiveness. DDR managers should therefore establish a concrete plan to incorporate feedback based on information gathered in the MIS.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "7. Analysis and assessments relevant fOr reintegration planning and programme design", "Heading2": "7.6. Managing data collected in assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 96, "Paragraph": "Reintegration planning is more likely to lead to successful programmes when it is based upon rapid and reliable assessments, starts early and is integrated. This requires the various UN agencies, programmes and funds that are likely to be involved in support- ing national reintegration programmess to carry out planning jointly and cooperatively. Moreover, reintegration planning should be an integral part of all five phases of DDR planning. See Module 3.10, section 5 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Struc- tures and Module 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting for more information.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.1. Reintegration Planning", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 97, "Paragraph": "Lack of local ownership or agency on the part of ex-combatants and receptor communities has contributed to failures in past DDR operations. The participation of a broad range of stakeholders in the development of a DDR strategy is therefore essential to its success. Par- ticipatory, inclusive and transparent planning will provide a basis for effective dialogue among national and local authorities, community leaders, and former combatants, helping to define a role for all parties in the decision-making process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.1. Reintegration Planning", "Heading3": "8.1.1. Participatory, inclusive and transparent planning", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 98, "Paragraph": "A participatory approach will significantly improve the DDR programme by: \\n providing a forum for testing ideas that could improve programme design; \\n enabling the development of strategies that respond to local realities and needs; \\n providing a sense of empowerment or agency; \\n providing a forum for impartial information in the case of disputes or misperceptions about the programme; \\n ensuring local ownership; \\n encouraging DDR and other local processes such as peace-building or recovery to work together and support each other; \\n encouraging communication and negotiation among the main actors to reduce levels of tension and fear and to enhance reconciliation and human security; \\n recognizing and supporting the capacity and voices of youth, women and persons (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR and IDDRS 5.20 on Youth and DDR); \\n recognizing new and evolving roles for women in society, especially in non-tradi- tional areas such as security-related matters (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR); \\n building respect for the rights of marginalized and specific needs groups (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR and 5.30 on Children and DDR); and \\n helping to ensure the sustainability of reintegration by developing community capac- ity to provide services and establishing community monitoring, management and oversight structures and systems.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.1. Reintegration Planning", "Heading3": "8.1.1. Participatory, inclusive and transparent planning", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 99, "Paragraph": "DDR programme planners should ensure that participatory planning includes representa- tion of the armed forces\u2019 and groups\u2019 leadership and the (ex-) combatants themselves, both women and men. To facilitate the inclusion of younger and less educated (ex-) combatants and associated groups in planning activities, DDR representatives should seek out cred- ible mid-level commanders to encourage and inform about participation. This outreach will help to ensure that the range of expectations (of leaders, mid-level commanders, and the rank and file) are, where possible, met in the programme design or at least managed from an early stage.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.1. Reintegration Planning", "Heading3": "8.1.2. Ex-combatant engagement", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 100, "Paragraph": "DDR planners and managers should exercise caution and carefully analyze pros and cons in supporting the creation of veterans\u2019 associations as a way of ensuring adequate representation and social support to ex-combatants in a DDR process. Although these asso- ciations may be useful in some contexts and function as an early warning and response system for identifying dissatisfaction among ex-combatants, and for confidence-building between discontented groups and the rest of the community, they should not become an impediment to the reintegration of ex-combatants in society by perpetuating violent or militaristic identities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.1. Reintegration Planning", "Heading3": "8.1.2. Ex-combatant engagement", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 101, "Paragraph": "Ultimately, it is communities who will or who will not accept ex-combatants, and who will foster their reintegration into civilian life. It is therefore important to ensure that com- munities are at the centre of reintegration planning. Through community engagement, reintegration programmes will be better able to identify opportunities for ex-combatants, cope with transitional justice issues affecting ex-combatants and victims, pinpoint poten- tial stressors, and identify priorities for community recovery projects. However, while it is crucial to involve communities in the design and implementation of reintegration programmes, their capacities and commitment to encourage ex-combatants\u2019 reintegration should be carefully assessed.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.1. Reintegration Planning", "Heading3": "8.1.3. Community engagement", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 102, "Paragraph": "It is good practice to involve or consult families, traditional and religious leaders, women\u2019s, men\u2019s and youth groups, disabled persons\u2019 organizations and other local asso- ciations when planning the return of ex-combatants. These groups should receive support and training to assist in the process. Community women\u2019s groups should be sensitized to support and protect women and girls returning from armed forces and groups, who may struggle to reintegrate (see Module 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR for more informa- tion). Linkages with existing HIV programmes should also be made, and people living with HIV/AIDS in the community should be consulted and involved in planning for HIV activities from the outset (see Module 5.60 on HIV/AIDS and DDR for more information). Disabled persons\u2019 organizations can be similarly mobilized to participate in planning and as potential implementing partners.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.1. Reintegration Planning", "Heading3": "8.1.3. Community engagement", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 103, "Paragraph": "When engaging communities, it should be remembered that youth and women have not always benefited from the services or opportunities created in receptor communities, nor have they automatically had a voice in community-driven approaches. To ensure a holistic approach to community engagement, such realities should be carefully considered and addressed so that the whole community \u2013 including specific needs groups \u2013 can ben- efit from reintegration programming.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.1. Reintegration Planning", "Heading3": "8.1.3. Community engagement", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 104, "Paragraph": "Building a close partnership with the private sector is indispensable to creating oppor- tunities to absorb ex-combatants into a labour market. Job referral, training (especially apprenticeship, training voucher, and employment subsidy programmes) and employ- ment creation aspects of reintegration are often reliant on the private sector and existing businesses. Involvement of the private sector in the planning of reintegration programmes maximizes the relevance of reintegration assistance and can ensure that training activities support the skills required within the prevailing employment market.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.1. Reintegration Planning", "Heading3": "8.1.4. Private sector involvement", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 105, "Paragraph": "Private sector actors should be sensitized to DDR programme activities and con- sulted from the initial programme design stage so that the reintegration assistance can target actual needs in the labour market. A thorough understanding of the existing pri- vate sector and war economy is also necessary for reintegration planning. The following options can be considered to encourage private sector investment (see ILO Guidelines for the Socio-economic Reintegration of Ex-combatants, pp. 26-27): \\n Create incentives for private companies and employers\u2019 associations to help re-estab- lish small local units (e.g. sub-contracting) to supply services and provide employment. \\n Consider how short-term job creation for ex-combatants can be linked to the private sector. For example, provide private sector actors incentives in primary and second- ary infrastructure contracts, with contractual obligations to take on a fixed number of labourers and apprentices from ex-combatant groups. \\n Upgrade existing enterprises, transfer appropriate technology (especially to the urban informal economy), organize livelihoods and vocational training, and provide access to credit. \\n Stimulate public-private partnerships (PPPs) in areas most suitable to commu- nity reintegration (infrastructure, basic services) that promote social inclusion. \\n\\n Reintegration programmes can seek to facilitate linking the entities to make such partnerships possible.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.1. Reintegration Planning", "Heading3": "8.1.4. Private sector involvement", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 106, "Paragraph": "In the programme planning phase, attention must be paid to the inherent differences between urban and rural reintegration. Even though the majority of ex-combatants come from rural areas, experience has shown that they often prefer to be reintegrated in urban settings. This is likely due to a change in lifestyle during time with armed forces and groups, as well as an association of agricultural work with poorer living conditions. Another reason may be that rural reintegration packages are seen as less attractive than urban packages, the latter of which often include vocational training in more appealing professions.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.1. Reintegration Planning", "Heading3": "8.1.5. Urban vs. rural reintegration planning", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 107, "Paragraph": "A key issue to consider when planning for reintegration is that urban areas generally involve more complex and demand-driven planning than rural areas. Depending on the context and in accordance with national recovery and development policies, it may be necessary to encourage ex-combatants and associated members to return to rural areas through the promotion of agricultural activities. Reintegration programmes should there- fore offer agriculture packages that include high quality farming tools and seeds, as well as financial means (or food) to cover the first pre-harvest period. For ex-combatants with limited or no previous knowledge of farming and/or with limited access to land, cooper- atives may be favorable.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.1. Reintegration Planning", "Heading3": "8.1.5. Urban vs. rural reintegration planning", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 108, "Paragraph": "Careful attention should also be paid to the question of land acquisition since pro- gramme participants may have lost their access to land due to conflict. Terms must be negotiated that are profitable to both the landowner/community and the ex-combatants.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.1. Reintegration Planning", "Heading3": "8.1.5. Urban vs. rural reintegration planning", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 109, "Paragraph": "A well-designed DDR programme shall not only enhance basic security but shall also sup- port wider recovery and development efforts. It shall further define strategies to address the following essential elements for progamme success: \\n Reintegration strategy and exit strategy; \\n Eligibility criteria; \\n Public information and sensitization; \\n Information counseling and referral services (ICRS); \\n Monitoring and evaluation (M&E); \\n Capacity development; \\n Resource mobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 110, "Paragraph": "Reintegration programmes are often only able to cover the conflict transition and early recovery periods as the timeframes of externally-supported programmes is limited. Reintegration processes, however, take much longer and become in large part \u2013 if not entirely \u2013 the responsibility of national actors. Due to this timeframe, the reintegration process is inherently linked to long-term recovery and development processes. Many aspects and outcomes of the reintegration programme, therefore, need to be transferred and sustained beyond the lifespan of the DDR operation to support national counterparts in the immense task at hand. To ensure this smooth transition, reintegration programme managers shall clearly define the exit strategy during the planning stage, focusing on the transition between reintegration and broader SSR, violence prevention, wider recovery, peace building and development processes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.1. Reintegration strategy and exit strategy", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 111, "Paragraph": "A capacity development component at the end of the reintegration programme should be planned for from the earliest stage to assure a smooth programme transition and to ensure that the responsibility for reintegration consistently rests with national institutions and government ministries.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.1. Reintegration strategy and exit strategy", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 112, "Paragraph": "The eligibility criteria established for the reintegration programme will not necessarily be the same as the criteria established for the disarmament and demobilization phases. Groups associated with armed forces and groups and dependants may not have been eligible to participate in disarmament or demobilization, for instance, but may qualify to participate in reintegration programme activities. It is therefore important to assess eligi- bility on an individual basis using a screening or verification process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.2. Eligibility criteria", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 113, "Paragraph": "DDR planners should develop transparent, easily understood and unambiguous and verifiable eligibility criteria as early as possible, taking into account a balance between security, equity and vulnerability; available resources and funding; and logistical consid- erations. Establishing criteria will therefore depend largely on the size and nature of the caseload and context-specific elements.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.2. Eligibility criteria", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 114, "Paragraph": "The return of ex-combatants to communities can create real or perceived security prob- lems. The DDR programme should therefore include a strong, long-term public information campaign to keep communities and ex-combatants informed of the reintegration strategy, timetable and resources available. Communication strategies can also integrate broader peace-building messages as part of support for reconciliation processes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.3. Public information and sensitization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 115, "Paragraph": "Substantial opportunities exist for disseminating public information and sensitiza- tion around DDR programmes through creative use of media (film, radio, television) as well as through using central meeting places (such as market areas) to provide regular programme information and updates. Bringing film messages via portable screens and equipment to rural areas is also an effective way to disseminate messages about DDR and the peace process in general. Lessons learned from previous DDR programmes suggest that radio programmes in which ex-combatants have spoken about their experiences can be a powerful tool for reconciliation (also see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Stra- tegic Communication in Support of DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.3. Public information and sensitization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 116, "Paragraph": "Focus-group interviews with a wide range of people in sample communities can pro- vide DDR programme managers with a sense of the difficulties and issues that should be dealt with before the return of the ex-combatants. Identifying \u2018areas at-risk\u2019 can also help managers and practitioners prioritize areas in which communication strategies should initially be focused.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.3. Public information and sensitization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 117, "Paragraph": "Particular communication strategies should be developed in receiving communities to provide information support services, including \u2018safe spaces\u2019 for reporting security threats related to sexual and gender-based violence (especially for women and girls). Like- wise, focus groups for women and girls who are being reintegrated into communities should assess socio-economic and security needs of those individual who may face stig- matization and exclusion during reintegration.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.3. Public information and sensitization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 118, "Paragraph": "Information, counseling and referral services (ICRS) should serve as a repository of information concerning all the programmes, training and assistance available through government, international organizations and local organizations. These services should, where possible, build on strengthening existing national and local capacities to deliver reintegration assistance, for example through the Ministries of Labour, Health, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Youth and Sports, Education and Planning. In coun- tries where government structures and services are weak or non-existent, the reintegration programme may consider temporary structures for targeting ex-combatants, if necessary.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.4. Information, counseling and referral services (ICRS)", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 119, "Paragraph": "One of the weaknesses of past DDR programmes has been the lack of clearly defined objectives and measurable indicators, which are needed for the monitoring and evalua- tion (M&E) of the programme. The measurement of outcomes is essential to determining the success and effectiveness of inputs and outputs in the programme. Once the decision to implement a DDR programme has been taken, the government and/or national and local stakeholders, together with UN agencies and partners, shall develop a framework for results-based monitoring and evaluation. For more details on M&E see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes and the UNDP How-to Guide on Monitor- ing and Evaluation for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Programmes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.5. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E)", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 120, "Paragraph": "The starting point for effective, results-based M&E is for all concerned parties to arrive at a clear and unambiguous agreement about the context-specific objectives and expected results of the reintegration programme. Once expected results are clearly defined, all stakeholders must agree on key indicators for monitoring progress towards and measur- ing the achievement of outputs and outcomes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.5. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E)", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 121, "Paragraph": "Reintegration outcomes typically refer to employment rates, changes in income, changes in ex-combatant behaviour, successful interactions with other social groups, and improvement in security both at national and local levels. M&E programmes should be sure to include indicators related to the efficient use of livelihoods resources in order to determine if programme approaches need to be adapted mid-way to increase the likeli- hood of success in the long-term.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.5. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E)", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 122, "Paragraph": "The programme budget required for M&E will largely depend on the following factors: \\n The number of dedicated M&E staff the programme hires and at what level; \\n The number of planned external evaluations; \\n The number and type of surveys and other primary data collection activities; \\n The costs associated with training; \\n The costs of establishing baselines.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.5. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E)", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 123, "Paragraph": "A very approximate rule of thumb is that around 3-7 percent of dedicated programme resources will be needed for effective and meaningful M&E.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.5. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E)", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 124, "Paragraph": "Armed conflict often has devastating effects on educational development, employment and business development, health systems, legal institutions, etc. Qualified individuals have often fled, organizations have lost their capacity and resources, and the systems within which institutions function have been disrupted. Often reintegration programmes and development plans have no alternative but to work towards (re-) building the capacity of those individuals who have remained or returned.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.6. Capacity development", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 125, "Paragraph": "A primary role of all international assistance, and specifically UN assistance, is to support the development of national and local capacities. This capacity built as part of rein- tegration programmes will encourage ownership, commitment and successful delivery of services, as well as the long-term sustainability of reintegration processes. Reintegration assistance should include a component on developing the capacity of national actors including line ministries, training institutions and service providers through educa- tion and training in institution building, organizational and financial management, and technical and material assistance. Support should also be given to communities to set up local forums and consultative committees that form the basis of decision-making processes that define and shape the focus of local reintegration assistance, and provide community oversight and ownership. It is particularly important to synchronize the tim- ing of ex-combatants\u2019 reintegration with the period necessary to develop the capacity of local governments.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.6. Capacity development", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 126, "Paragraph": "Providing training in planning, management and social skills to reintegration service providers constitutes an important contribution, but capacity building must not be lim- ited to training. On-the-job learning and knowledge transfer is effective as well. In many cases it will prove necessary and beneficial for international staff in key positions to work directly with local counterparts in order to ensure transfer of competences in a timely manner. Since this method is not suitable for the long-term, institution-based and cross-in- stitutional assistance programmes can replace the assistance provided by internationals.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.6. Capacity development", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 127, "Paragraph": "Reintegration programmes\u2019 scope, commencement and timeframe are subject to funding availability, meaning implementation can frequently be delayed due to late or absent dis- bursement of funding. Previous reintegration programmes have faced serious funding problems, as outlined below. However, such examples can be readily used to inform and improve future reintegration initiatives.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.7. Resource mobilization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 128, "Paragraph": "The move towards integration across the UN could help to solve some of these prob- lems. Resolution A/C.5/59/L.53 of the Fifth Committee of the UN General Assembly formally endorsed the financing of staffing and operational costs for disarmament and demobilization (including reinsertion activities), which allows the use of the assessed budget for DDR during peacekeeping activities. The resolution agreed that the demo- bilization process must provide \u201ctransitional assistance to help cover the basic needs of ex-combatants and their families and can include transitional safety allowances, food, clothes, shelter, medical services, short-term education, training, employment and tools.\u201d However, committed funding for reintegration programming remains a key issue.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.7. Resource mobilization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 129, "Paragraph": "Due to the challenges faced when mobilizing resources and funding, it is essential that DDR funding arrangements remain flexible. As past experience shows, strict alloca- tion of funds for specific DDR components (e.g. reintegration only) or expenditures (e.g. logistics and equipment) reinforces an artificial distinction between the different phases of DDR. Cooperation with projects and programmes or interventions by bilateral donors may work to fill this gap. For more information on funding and resource mobilization see Module 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.7. Resource mobilization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 130, "Paragraph": "Finally, ensuring the formulation of gender-responsive budgets and better tracking of spending and resource allocation on gender issues in DDR programmes would be an important accountability tool for the UN system internally, as well as for the host country and population.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "8. Programme planning and design", "Heading2": "8.2. Reintegration design", "Heading3": "8.2.7. Resource mobilization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 131, "Paragraph": "The end of hostilities does not automatically result in an improvement of economic condi- tions. The war economy may still be in full-force and understanding its effects on labour markets, private security and public sector activities is essential to ensuring successful economic reintegration. Access to those productive assets (such as land, capital, technol- ogy, natural resources and markets) needed for reintegration, for example, may be limited. At the end of a conflict there is often an abrupt release into the labour market of thousands of ex-combatants who compete with ordinary civilians for extremely scarce jobs and live- lihood opportunities. In such circumstances, ex-combatants and vulnerable youth may turn to illicit activities such as organized crime, banditry, illegal exploitation of natural resources and other socially harmful and violent activities. Providing immediate support for the reintegration of ex-combatants is therefore vital to help develop alternatives to vio- lence-based livelihoods and to enhance security.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 132, "Paragraph": "Creating economic opportunities is essential to helping ex-combatants (re-) build their civilian lives and develop alternatives to violence-based livelihoods. Ex-combatants in many contexts have consistently identified an alternative livelihood and the ability to generate income as key factors to their successful reintegration. Many have also indicated that being able to provide for family is particularly important in establishing their sense of identity, the level of respect they receive in communities, and to ensuring a healthy self-esteem.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 133, "Paragraph": "Efforts should be made by reintegration programmes to pave the way for decent and sustainable work. Decent work involves employment opportunities that are productive and deliver a fair income, provide security in the workplace and social protection for workers and their families, offer prospects for personal development and encourage social integra- tion, and give people the freedom to express their concerns, to organize and to participate in decisions that affect their lives. Furthermore, decent work guarantees equal oppor- tunities and equal treatment for all.1 Reintegration programmes should be particularly careful not to lead girls or boys, young women or men, into any forms of hazardous work. In addition, women and girls who choose to self-reintegrate should be offered support mechanisms within their communities, such as vocational training to gain economic live- lihoods and decent work.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 134, "Paragraph": "Support for reintegration should go beyond placing programme participants in survival occupations and trades, although as alluded to earlier it may be necessary to develop interim stabilization programmes during reinsertion, such as labour intensive public works, to buy time and space to establish more sustainable programming. Atten- tion should be paid to the specific needs of the agricultural industry, as this sector is likely to absorb most of those returning to rural areas in the aftermath of conflict. Availability of land, soil conditions, access to water and irrigation infrastructure, availability of seed vari- etals and support for value-added production or processing should be expertly evaluated", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 135, "Paragraph": "Progress towards economic reintegration can typically be monitored using quantitative tools like surveys based on small representative samples. Recovery and sustainable employment creation should be a priority national or regional level effort, and local level reintegration programmes should make all efforts to link to national economic policies.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 136, "Paragraph": "Recognizing that employment creation, income generation and reintegration are particu- larly challenging in post-conflict environments, in May 2008 the UN Secretary-General endorsed the UN Policy for Post-Conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reinte- gration. The objective of the Policy is to scale up and maximize the impact, coherence and efficiency of employment and reintegration support provided to post-conflict countries by UN programmes, funds and specialized agencies.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.1. United Nations Policy for Post-Conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 137, "Paragraph": "These tracks are: \\n Track A, focused on stabilizing income generation and creating emergency employ- ment and targeting specific conflict-affected individuals, including ex-combatants; \\n Track B, focused on local economic recovery (LER) for employment and reintegration, including in communities ex-combatants and displaced persons chose to return to; and \\n Track C, focused on sustainable employment creation and decent work.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.1. United Nations Policy for Post-Conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 138, "Paragraph": "The implementation of the three programme tracks should start simultaneously dur- ing peace negotiations, with varying intensity and duration depending on the national/ local context. This implies that an enabling environment for employment creation needs to be actively promoted by reintegration programmes within the immediate aftermath of conflict. During the implementation of the Policy, specific attention should be given to conflict-affected groups, such as displaced people, returnees and ex-combatants, with particular focus on women and youth who are often marginalized during these processes. ", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.1. United Nations Policy for Post-Conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 139, "Paragraph": "This module focuses on interventions that fall primarily under Track B programmes, whereas most reinsertion activities fall under Track A programmes. Track B is the most critical for reintegration as its success is dependent on the adoption of employment crea- tion and income generation strategies, mainly through local economic recovery. See ILO Guidelines on Local Economic Recovery in Post-Conflict (2010). This approach will allow the economy to absorb the numerous new entrants in the labour market and build the foun- dations for creating decent work.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.1. United Nations Policy for Post-Conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 140, "Paragraph": "Early assessment of the opportunities and services open to ex-combatants is vital in the design and planning of a reintegration programme. It should be emphasized that analyses of the labour market need to be regularly updated during the implementation of the rein- tegration programme to ensure relevant responses.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.2. Economic reintegration opportunity and mapping surveys", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 141, "Paragraph": "Economic reintegration opportunity and mapping surveys should include analy- sis of culturally appropriate professions and/or trades for men and women of varying age groups, abilities, capacities and literacy levels, recognizing how conflict may have changed cultural norms about gender-appropriate work.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.2. Economic reintegration opportunity and mapping surveys", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 142, "Paragraph": "However, analyses should not just assess what is culturally appropriate for men and women, but also what women and men want to do. At times, such information may contradict what is or was thought to be culturally appropriate. Acting carefully, reintegration assis- tance should aim to avoid reinforcing traditional gender stereotypes which may only permit women to work in lower paying professional activities. National capacity (such as the Min- istry of Employment or Labour), should be strengthened to perform this task at the national and provincial level, while providers of vocational training and employment services should be equipped to complement these efforts with regular assessments at the local level.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.2. Economic reintegration opportunity and mapping surveys", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 143, "Paragraph": "Mapping surveys should seek to include detailed information concerning the avail- ability of livelihoods resources and desires by beneficiaries to more efficiently transform these resources into productive assets. A realistic assessment of existing employment opportunities and opportunities that could be supported quickly in the short term by either the public or private sector should also be included.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.2. Economic reintegration opportunity and mapping surveys", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 144, "Paragraph": "Armed conflict interrupts skills development for many wage-earning and self-employ- ment activities and disrupts the typical institutions and social mechanisms through which people develop social skills. As a result, the immediate post-conflict period may be characterized by a skills and education crisis.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 145, "Paragraph": "Many ex-combatants have missed opportunities for basic and further education, and as a result are disadvantaged in the competition for jobs and other opportunities. Provision of adult literacy classes, adult education, and technical and vocational train- ing is important both to improve the skill sets of adult and young ex-combatants and to provide opportunities for reorientation and demilitarization. While functional literacy programmes may help ex-combatants find employment, utilizing educational training techniques, which are tailored for illiterate beneficiaries, may also be highly effective in teaching marketable skills.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 146, "Paragraph": "As far as possible, education and training for ex-combatants and those associated with armed forces and groups should be supplied as part of the wider provision of edu- cational services to the general population, and not in schools or colleges exclusively for them. Such inclusiveness will play an important facilitative role in the social reintegration of ex-combatants.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 147, "Paragraph": "Reintegration experts should also take into account the multiple skill sets and liveli- hoods possibilities that one individual may have so that training and livelihoods support can reflect the cross-sector realities of individuals\u2019 skills and training. This is especially true in contexts where there appears to be little or no capacity for employable skills; each individual will have some type of skill that she or he is capable of, and the DDR reintegra- tion programme should be designed to capitalize on this in the best way possible.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 148, "Paragraph": "Reintegration programme managers should regard the provision of life skills as a neces- sity, not a luxury, in reintegration programmes. Life skills include non-violent ways of resolving conflict at the workplace and in civilian life. Life skills also allow individuals to learn socially-acceptable behaviours to use in their personal and professional lives.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.1. Life skills", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 149, "Paragraph": "This type of training requires an understanding of ever-shifting cultural and gen- der identities and roles and should complement the various other forms of educational and/or training services provided. Youth can benefit from acquisition of basic skills for managing a family and other domestic responsibilities. Economic, labour, education and political rights and responsibilities shall be communicated to ex-combatants, especially in countries undergoing major governance reform where it is essential to encourage the participation of ex-combatants in democratic structures and processes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.1. Life skills", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 150, "Paragraph": "Ex-combatants often need to learn new skills in order to make a living in the civilian economy. Vocational education (formal school-based or informal apprenticeship) plays a vital role in successful reintegration, by increasing the chances of ex-combatants chances to effectively join the labour market. Training can also help break down military attitudes and behaviour, and develop values and norms based on peace and democracy. Vocational training activities should be based upon the outcomes of the opportunity mapping assess- ments and the profiles of the (ex-) combatants.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.2. Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 151, "Paragraph": "Skills training does not by itself create employment. However, when it matches the real requirements of the labour market, it may enhance a person\u2019s employability and chances of finding a wage-paying job or of becoming self-employed. Training is therefore a natural component of any effective strategy for tackling poverty and social exclusion, as well as for empowering conflict-affected people to fend for themselves, to contribute to the reconstruction of their countries, and to be able to overcome some of the inequalities they suffered before the conflict and to enhance their human security.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.2. Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 152, "Paragraph": "Typically, training has received inadequate attention in post-conflict contexts. Inertia and resistance often prove to be among the greatest challenges in relation to changing training systems. The focus on employability and more flexible training approaches in post-crisis contexts, however, constitutes an opportunity to revisit the relevance and the efficiency of the training supply systems in close relation to the real market demands. Providing training at later stages of reintegration is also advisable, since beneficiaries will have some experience after returning to their communities and may have a clearer idea of the types of training that they would most benefit from.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.2. Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 153, "Paragraph": "Additionally, provisions for gender equity, to ensure that all participants can equally access the programme should be considered, including child care for female participants, their other duties (such as household activities which may prevent them from partici- pating at certain times of the day), as well as considerations for transportation. Training locations should be in close proximity to women\u2019s homes so it is more likely they can attend. Training activities can also include other essential components, such as reproduc- tive health and HIV information and care.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.2. Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 154, "Paragraph": "Young ex-combatants, especially those aged under 15, should be reintegrated into formal education, which may mean extra support for teachers and trainers to manage the special needs of such learners. Some ex-combatants can be offered scholarships to finish their studies. Youth (see IDDRS 5.20 on Youth) should have priority in these cases, and particu- lar attention must be paid to assisting girls to return to school, requiring making available child care facilities for children in their care as well as evening courses.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.3. Education and scholarships", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 155, "Paragraph": "In some countries where the conflict was particularly protracted and ex-combatants have received little or no schooling, emphasis should be placed on \u2018catch-up\u2019 education to ensure that this group does not remain in a disadvantaged position, in relation to their peers. If allowances or school fees are to be funded by the reintegration programme, programme managers should ensure that resources are available for the full duration of ex-combatants\u2019 catch-up or accelerated education, which could be longer than the reinte- gration programme. If resources are not available, there should be a clearly communicated plan for phasing out support.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.3. Education and scholarships", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 156, "Paragraph": "It is clear that the funding available from a DDR programme will not cover all edu- cation costs of the programme participants who wish to continue their studies. This must be acknowledged and expectations managed during counseling for reintegration, so that ex-combatants are able to plan for some way to pay for the rest of their studies. It should also be acknowledged during counseling that in post-conflict economies education does not guarantee employment.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.3. Education and scholarships", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 157, "Paragraph": "Apprenticeships and other forms of on-the-job training can be particularly effective as they are likely to result in more sustainable employment and fill the large gap in the avail- ability of training providers.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.4. Apprenticeships and on-the-job training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 158, "Paragraph": "Apprenticeships are a form of on-the-job training where employers agree by contract to train individuals (apprentices) in a particular trade for a fixed period of time. A reinte- gration programme can subsidize such learning and training opportunities by paying the trainees an allowance and/or subsidizing the employers directly with equivalent wage support to take on apprentices for a fixed period. These interventions can also be an excel- lent means of social reintegration and reconciliation, as they place ex-combatants into an already existing socio-economic network consisting of non-ex-combatants through the mentor/trainer. Apprenticeships are also a particularly effective form of training for youth employability as they impart technical and business skills and induct young people into a business culture and network of clients.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.4. Apprenticeships and on-the-job training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 159, "Paragraph": "In order to protect existing incentives for master craftspeople and apprentices to par- ticipate, apprenticeships should be carried out according to local traditions and norms regarding access, cost-sharing arrangements, duration and conditions for graduation, when appropriate. Skill certification mechanisms should be established to provide legiti- macy to those with existing skills as well as those acquiring new skills. Such certification is useful for potential future employers and consumers as a form of verification and con- fidence for employment.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.4. Apprenticeships and on-the-job training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 160, "Paragraph": "For trades with no apprenticeship system in place, other forms of on-the-job-training should be considered to support socio-economic reintegration. In addition, since fund- ing is often not sufficient within a reintegration programme to cover all training during apprenticeships, linkages to microfinance programmes should be established in an effort to address this gap.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.4. Apprenticeships and on-the-job training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 161, "Paragraph": "Since most programme participants will need to rely on the informal economy for employ- ment, a strong focus on self-employment through business training support will offer those with entrepreneurial drive an effective means to succeed independently. While the recovery and expansion of the private sector should be encouraged, it is often necessary to focus on creating new micro enterprises for most ex-combatants.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.5. Micro and small business training and start-ups", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 162, "Paragraph": "Vocational training needs to be accompanied by the provision of access to micro- finance and start-up grants or tools to facilitate micro business and self-employment activities. If such institutions and mechanisms are already locally available, the reinte- gration programme should establish partnerships with them to ensure accessibility for programme participants. Consistent follow up of such programmes is extremely impor- tant, as many reintegration programme participants may be attempting self-employment for the first time and will need significant coaching and mentoring.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.5. Micro and small business training and start-ups", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 163, "Paragraph": "The success of microfinance projects involves a significant amount of business skills training, for which provisions must be made for participants to attend (i.e. subsidies for food, transportation, childcare etc). Such assistance should culminate in a business plan. In situations of low literacy or illiteracy, a programme must begin with literacy training or must develop low literacy tools such as pictograms for accounting, stock management, market analysis, how to access micro-credit and other business functions. One of the most important parts of any micro-finance programme is the social benefit. Often the business skills and training are complemented by social education on a range of context-appropri- ate topics including reproductive health, HIV, peace building, conflict resolution, gender equality, and general sessions that work to build self-esteem and self-confidence.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.5. Micro and small business training and start-ups", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 164, "Paragraph": "Reintegration programmes should also ensure that many different kinds of small businesses are started to avoid distorting the balance of supply and demand in local markets. In addition, these businesses should be based on market surveys that iden- tify businesses and services needed in a particular area. It is also important to ensure that the same businesses do not get support from multiple organizations. Finally, value chain analysis focusing on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in high demand niche market commodities, and linkage arrangements between micro enterprises as suppliers to medium and larger scale firms, should be sought out, thus helping to guarantee sustaina- bility for SMEs in an otherwise difficult post-conflict market environment.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.3. Employability of ex-combatants", "Heading3": "9.3.5. Micro and small business training and start-ups", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 165, "Paragraph": "A national enabling environment for job creation and decent work is essential as con- sensus-building and policy development take time. Enabling policies and programmes therefore need to be initiated early and supported by DDR planners. The ILO Guidelines for the Socio-Economic Reintegration of Ex-Combatants identify the following key factors for creating such an environment at the policy level:3 \\n Strongly considering policy choices that ensure that infrastructure production and maintenance rely on local labour, local technical capacity and local materials to the greatest extent possible. \\n Supporting national policies for labour-intensive work that are especially suitable for employing large numbers of ex-combatants. \\n Reviewing and supporting national policies and legislation to create an enabling environment for private sector and small and medium enterprise (SME) development in rural and urban areas. This should include incentives for local companies to hire high-risk groups, often linked to reconstruction and rehabilitation. It should also consider the role of the private sector in supporting conflict-sensitive business devel- opment and in aiding in the transition from a war to peace economy. \\n Recognizing potential limitations within the post-conflict context when supporting particular national policies. \\n Identifying priority economic sectors with potential of rapid expansion and job creation.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 166, "Paragraph": "International assistance should be aligned with national priorities in building capac- ities to support and/or implement these policies. Early support and capacity-building within the NCDDR and line ministries relevant to reintegration should be aligned with an element of wider reintegration assistance and long-term recovery and development.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 167, "Paragraph": "Reintegration programmes should ideally aim to place qualified ex-combatants in existing businesses. Nonetheless, this is often difficult since business owners may not be willing (i.e. due to negative perceptions of ex-combatants) or able (i.e. du to stark economic real- ities) to employ them. Reintegration programmes should therefore help to increase the opportunities available to ex-combatants by offering wage, training and equipment subsi- dies. These subsidies, however, should have the following conditions: \\n Wage subsidies should be partial and last for a fixed period of time; \\n In-kind donations of equipment or training to allow for the expansion of existing businesses should be explored in exchange for the employment of reintegration pro- gramme beneficiaries; \\n Newly hired ex-combatants should not take the jobs of workers who are already employed; \\n Employers should use the subsidies to expand their businesses and to provide long- term employment for ex-combatants.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 38, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "9.4.1. Private sector employment", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 168, "Paragraph": "Providing business development services (BDS) can help overcome the difficulties faced by ex-combatants, such as lack of education, inadequate technical skills, poor access to markets and lack of information. In many post-conflict societies, government agen- cies lack the capacity to support and deliver services to micro- and small enterprises. Various actors, including businesses, local NGOs with experience in economic projects, governmental institutions and community groups should therefore be encouraged and supported to provide BDS.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 38, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "9.4.1. Private sector employment", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 169, "Paragraph": "Governments should also be supported in the creation of a legal framework to ensure that labour rights are respected and that demobilized or other vulnerable groups are not exploited within the private sector. Concessions and contracts created between the private sector and the national, regional or local government must be transparent and conducted in such a way that affected communities are able to make their voices heard. In the case of extraction of natural resources upon which livelihoods and recovery depends, it is espe- cially important to be sure that the terms of the contracts are fair to the communities and local peoples, and that the contracts of private companies address human security. When it comes to job placement, DDR practitioners should also support affirmative action for disadvantaged groups where applicable. See section 8.1.4. on private sector involvement for more information.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 38, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "9.4.1. Private sector employment", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 170, "Paragraph": "If the main way of funding the creation of micro enterprises is decided to be micro- grants, they should be provided to the ex-combatants only after they have drawn up a clear start-up business plan and should be paid in installments with diligent follow-up. As part of information and counseling services, reintegration programmes should ensure that relevant service providers are in place to advise ex-combatants on financial manage- ment. Installments should, when possible, be given in kind (equipment, supplies, training, etc.), avoiding large cash payments, which are difficult to monitor effectively. Training and technical assistance services are also essential to the success of start-ups, together with direct, on-the-ground supervision and monitoring by the reintegration programme", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 38, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "9.4.2. Micro-grants and access to credit", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 171, "Paragraph": "Grant schemes have often been used in reintegration programmes. However, where possible, it is important that reintegration programmes gradually shift aim from small grants to credit access. This shift is needed so as not to create dependencies on grant schemes and to support entrepreneurship. Involving female family members \u2013 such as wives of ex-combatants \u2013 in economic activities and access to credit may further help cre- ate successful outcomes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "9.4.2. Micro-grants and access to credit", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 172, "Paragraph": "Technology and information which can lead to better information concerning agricultural growing techniques, commodities markets, and fluctuations in food prices is essential to sustainable reintegration programmes which incorporate agricultural livelihoods and agriculturally-derived livelihoods. DDR experts must address issues of access to such assets in the reintegration phase through coordination with relevant national ministries, government counterparts, rule of law and early recovery partners, and in line with appro- priate cultural norms.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "9.4.3. Access to technology, information and capital", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 173, "Paragraph": "Access to technology and information can be further promoted through the use of low tech and appropriate means, such as cellular phones, SMS market information ser- vices, radios, personal digital assistants (PDAs), internet kiosks, and any other means of transmitting information about commodity market changes, changes in the supply or demand for goods, shifting weather patterns, or other potential impacts. Where access is not possible through the DDR programme, DDR experts should make every effort to link with NGOs, other UN agencies, or private sector actors who can support such access to technology and information.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "9.4.3. Access to technology, information and capital", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 174, "Paragraph": "Access to technology, information and capital is also essential to build value chains for products derived from the agricultural or other rural livelihood sectors, to diversify such sectors and to ensure the sustainability of the activities in question in terms of use of natural and other resources. Capital used to provide essential equipment to scale-up processing, manufacturing and marketing of goods derived from agricultural products or other natural resources should be sought through networks and other implementing partners working with the DDR programme and in the early recovery context. This capital should be supplied along with proper training programmes and business education skills. It should not be given in the form of cash payments.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "9.4.3. Access to technology, information and capital", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 175, "Paragraph": "DDR programmes should seek to address the access of women, youth, disabled, indig- enous and other marginalized groups to technology, information and capital through coordination with national and local government and rule of law programmes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "9.4.3. Access to technology, information and capital", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 176, "Paragraph": "Many comprehensive peace agreements (CPAs) do not contain specific provisions to resolve land ownership issues and disputes. However, property rights, land tenure and access to land are all extremely important to economic reintegration in both rural and urban contexts. Land distribution, for example, can inform DDR practitioners of potential tensions and grievances that may (re-) emerge and lead to further disputes or conflict.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "9.4.4. Land tenure and access to land", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 177, "Paragraph": "While DDR programmes cannot produce land reform mechanisms, they can incorpo- rate awareness of the linkages between land and livelihoods into reintegration planning and implementation. Land becomes an asset when it is coupled with access to agricultural tools and inputs, technology, and information regarding markets and services. Access to land and security of land tenure are also essential to the development of land as an asset.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "9.4.4. Land tenure and access to land", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 178, "Paragraph": "Access to land cannot be granted and legitimized without capacity for land manage- ment at the local and national government levels, which involve land policies, laws and land administrations. Most DDR contexts are likely to be faced with a myriad of land ten- ure systems and legal procedures involving traditional, indigenous, religious, colonial or other legacies. Support for legal aid services to aid those undergoing land disputes should be coordinated with relevant international and national actors to compliment reintegra- tion programmes. Special attention should be paid to access to land by women, widows, child-headed households, disabled individuals and other groups with specific needs. For more information on housing, land and property dispute mechanisms see section 10.6.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 40, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "9.4.4. Land tenure and access to land", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 179, "Paragraph": "The roles of women and their relationship to land and property should be addressed by the DDR programme through community-based reintegration whenever possible. In many cases, women suffer the most discrimination when it comes to access to land. DDR programmes should aim to support women\u2019s access to land and tenure security to promote gender equality and women\u2019s civil and human rights, but also because their productivity in the agricultural sector is extremely important for increased food security and overall GDP growth, as shown in several studies conducted in post-conflict settings. While it is important to encourage land management and tenure policies that are consistent with cultural norms, the reform of such administrative sectors also provides an opportunity to pave the way for women\u2019s rights in terms of property and land tenure.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 40, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "9.4.4. Land tenure and access to land", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 180, "Paragraph": "DDR programmes should seek to make land as profitable an asset as possible, by providing incentives for the sustainable use of natural resources, helping to develop the capacity for land and property rights through local and national institutions. These efforts can be augmented by linking up with early recovery and rule of law institutions wherever possible as well. In addition, land tenure security to protect those who are invested in land and who depend on it for livelihoods, such as in agricultural sectors, should be addressed through other partners at the national and international level.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 40, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "9.4. Income generating opportunities", "Heading3": "9.4.4. Land tenure and access to land", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 181, "Paragraph": "Former combatants face a number of personal challenges during reintegration, including separation from social support networks inherent within armed groups and a subsequent sense of isolation, stigma, and rejection by communities of return and challenges related to renegotiating their societal and gender roles within the public and private spheres. Other challenges faced by ex-combatants include difficulty obtaining employment, psy- chosocial issues, including trauma-spectrum disorders, and physical health issues, such as living with a disability. These challenges may leave former combatants in particularly vulnerable social and/or mental health situations and at risk for developing \u201canti-so- cial\u201d behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse or engaging in violence against others or themselves.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 40, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 182, "Paragraph": "Acceptance of ex-combatants within communities of return, and wider society, is a key indicator of successful reintegration. An ex-combatant who has economic oppor- tunities but who is socially isolated or excluded cannot be considered as successfully reintegrated. Experience has shown that social reintegration is not only as equally impor- tant as economic reintegration, but that it can also be a pre-condition and a catalyst for employment and economic security. Progress towards and the success of social reinte- gration can often be tracked through qualitative tools like focus groups or key informant interviews with communities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 40, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 183, "Paragraph": "Many ex-combatants have been trained and socialized to use violence, and have inter- nalized norms that condone violence. Socialization to violence is often the result of an ex-combatant\u2019s exposure to and involvement in violence while with armed forces or groups who may have encouraged, taught, promoted, and/or condoned the use of vio- lence (such as rape, torture or killing) as a mechanism to achieve group objectives. As a result of time spent with armed forces and groups, ex-combatants may associate weapons and/or violence in general with power and see these things as central to their identities as men or women and to fulfilling their personal needs.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 41, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.1. Socialization to violence of combatants", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 184, "Paragraph": "Systematic data on patterns of violence among ex-combatants is still fragmentary, but evidence from many post-conflict contexts suggests that ex-combatants who have been socialized to use violence often continue these patterns into the peacebuilding period. Violence is carried from the battlefield to the home and the community, where it can take on new forms and expressions. While the majority of ex-combatants are male, and vio- lence among male ex-combatants is more visible, female ex-combatants also appear to be more vulnerable to violent behaviour than civilian women in the general population. Without breaking down these norms, learning alternative behaviors, and coming to terms with the violent acts that they have experienced or committed, ex-combatants can find it difficult to reintegrate into civilian life.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 41, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.1. Socialization to violence of combatants", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 185, "Paragraph": "In economically challenging and socially complex post-conflict environments, male ex-combatants in particular may find it difficult to fulfill traditional gender and cultural roles associated with masculinity. Many may return home to discover that in their absence women have taken on traditional male responsibilities such as the role of \u2018breadwinner\u2019 or \u2018protector\u2019, challenging men\u2019s place in both the home and community and leading lead- ing to frustration, feelings of helplessness, etc. Equally, the return of men to communities may challenge these new roles, freedoms and authority experienced by women, causing further social disquiet.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 41, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.1. Socialization to violence of combatants", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 186, "Paragraph": "Ex-combatants\u2019 inability to deal with feelings of frustration, anger or sadness can result in self-directed violence (suicide, drug and alcohol abuse as coping mechanisms), interpersonal violence (GBV, intimate partner violence, child abuse, rape and murder) and group violence against the community (burglary, rape, harassment, beatings and murder), all forms of violence which are found to be common in some post-conflict environments. ", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 41, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.1. Socialization to violence of combatants", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 187, "Paragraph": "Integrated approaches work best for facilitating comprehensive change. In order to effectively address socialization to violence, reintegration assistance should target family and community members as well as ex-combatants themselves to address social and psy- chosocial needs and perceptions of these needs holistically. For more information on the concept of \u2018socialization to violence\u2019 see UNDP\u2019s report entitled, Blame It on the War? The Gender Dimensions of Violence in Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (2012).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 41, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.1. Socialization to violence of combatants", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 188, "Paragraph": "Reconciliation among all groups is perhaps the most fragile and significant process within a national peace-building strategy, and may include many parallel processes, such as transitional justice measures (i.e. reparations and truth commissions) (see Module 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice for more information).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 41, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.2. Reconciliation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 189, "Paragraph": "A key component of the reintegration is the process of reconciliation. Reconciliation should take place within war-affected communities if long-term security is to be firmly established. Ex-combatants, associated groups and their dependants are one of several groups, including refugees and the internally displaced, who are returning and reinte- grating into post-conflict communities. These groups, and the community itself, have each had different experiences of the conflict and may require different strategies and assis- tance to rebuild their lives and social networks.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 42, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.2. Reconciliation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 190, "Paragraph": "Reconciliation between ex-combatants and receiving communities is the backbone of the reintegration process. Any reconciliation initiative needs to make sure that the dignity and safety of victims, especially survivors of sexual and gender-based vio- lence, is respected. Furthermore, it must be remembered that conceptions of transitional justice and reconciliation differ in each context. DDR practitioners should therefore explore and consider cultural traditions and indigenous practices that may be effectively used to begin reconciliation processes. Ceremonies that involve a public confrontation between victim and perpetrator should be avoided as they can lead to further trauma and stigmatization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 42, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.2. Reconciliation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 191, "Paragraph": "In addition to focused \u2018reconciliation activities\u2019, reintegration programmes should aim to mainstream and encourage reconciliation in all components of reintegration. To achieve this, DDR programmes should benefit the community as a whole and should offer specifically-designed assistance to other war-affected groups (see section 6.2. on commu- nity-based reintegration).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 42, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.2. Reconciliation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 192, "Paragraph": "Working together in mixed groups of returning combatants, IDPs, refugees, and com- munity members, especially on economically productive activities such as agricultural cooperatives, group micro credit schemes, and labour-intensive community infrastruc- ture rehabilitation, can reduce negative stereotypes and build trust. DDR programmes should also identify \u2013 together with other reintegration and recovery programmes \u2013 ways of supporting reconciliation, peacebuilding and reparation initiatives and mechanisms.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 42, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.2. Reconciliation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 193, "Paragraph": "Successful reintegration of ex-combatants is a complex process that depends on a myriad of factors, including satisfying the complex expectations of receiving communities. It is the interplay of a community\u2019s physical and social capital and an ex-combatant\u2019s financial and human capital that determines the ease and success of reintegration.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 42, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.3. Strengthening social capital and social acceptance", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 194, "Paragraph": "The acceptance of ex-combatants by community members is essential, but relations between ex-combatants and other community members are usually anything but \u2018nor- mal\u2019 at the end of a conflict. Ex-combatants often reintegrate into extremely difficult social environments where they might be seen as additional burdens to communities rather than assets. In some cases, communities may have perceptions that returning combat- ants are HIV positive, regardless of actual HIV status, resulting in discrimination against and stigmatization of returnees and inhibiting effective reintegration. The success of any DDR programme and the effective reintegration of former combatants therefore depend on the extent to which ex-combatants can become (and be perceived as) positive agents for change in receptor communities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 42, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.3. Strengthening social capital and social acceptance", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 195, "Paragraph": "The importance of providing civilian life skills training to ex-combatants will prove vital to strengthening their social capital and jumpstarting their integration into com- munities. Ex-combatants who have been socialized to use violence may face difficulties when trying to negotiate everyday situations in the public and private spheres. Those who have been out of their communities for an extended period of time, and who may have committed extreme acts of violence, might feel disconnected from the human compo- nents of home and community life. Reintegration programme managers should therefore regard the provision of civilian life skills as a necessity, not a luxury. Life skills include understanding gender identities and roles, non-violent ways of resolving conflict, and non-violent civilian and social behaviours (such as good parenting skills). See section 9.4.1. for more information on life skills.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 43, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.3. Strengthening social capital and social acceptance", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 196, "Paragraph": "Public information and sentitization campaigns can also be an extremely effective mech- anism for facilitating social reintegration, including utilizing media to address issues such as returnees, their dependants, stigma, peacebuilding, reconciliation/co-habitation, and socialization to violence. Reintegration programme planners should carry out public information and sensitization campaigns to ensure a broad understanding among stake- holders that DDR is not about rewarding ex-combatants, but rather about turning them into valuable assets to rebuild their communities and ensure that security and peace pre- vail. In order to combat discrimination against returning combatants due to perceived HIV status, HIV/AIDS initiatives need to start in receiving communities before demobilization and continue during the reintegration process. The same applies for female ex-combatants and women and girls associated with armed forces and groups who in many cases expe- rienced sexual and gender-based violence, and risk stigmatization and social exclusion. See Module 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR for more information.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 43, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.3. Strengthening social capital and social acceptance", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 197, "Paragraph": "Social support networks are key to ex-combatants\u2019 adjustment to a normal civilian life. In addition to family members, having persons to turn to who share one\u2019s background and experiences in times of need and uncertainty is a common feature of many successful adjustment programmes, ranging from Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to widows support groups. Socially-constructive support networks, such as peer groups in addition to groups formed during vocational and life skills training, should therefore be encouraged and supported with information, training and guidance, where possible and appropriate.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 43, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.4. Social support networks", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 198, "Paragraph": "As previously stated, DDR practitioners should keep in mind that the creation of vet- erans\u2019 associations should be carefully assessed and these groups supported only if they positively support the DDR process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 43, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.4. Social support networks", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 199, "Paragraph": "Although various forms of family structures exist in different cultural, political and social systems, reference is commonly made to two types of family: the nuclear family and the extended family. Nuclear families comprise the ex-combatant, his/her spouse, companion or permanent companion, dependent children and/or parents and siblings in those cases where the previously mentioned family members do not exist. Extended family includes a 4.60 social unit that contains the nuclear family together with blood relatives, often spanning three or more generations.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 43, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.4. Social support networks", "Heading3": "10.4.1. Nuclear and extended families", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 200, "Paragraph": "Family members often need to be assisted to play the supporting, educating and nur- turing roles that will aid ex-combatants in their transitions from military to civilian life and in their reintegration into families and communities. This is especially important for elderly, chronically-ill, and ex-combatants with disabilities. Family members will need to understand the experiences that ex-combatants have gone through, such as socialization to violence and the use of drugs and other substances, in order to help them to overcome trauma and/or inappropriate habits acquired during the time they spent with armed forces and groups. In order to encourage their peaceful transition into civilian life, family members will also need to be particularly attentive to help prevent feelings of isolation, alienation and stigmatization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 44, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.4. Social support networks", "Heading3": "10.4.1. Nuclear and extended families", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 201, "Paragraph": "DDR planners should recognize the vital importance of family reunification and pro- mote its integration into DDR programmes and strategies to ensure protection of the unity of the family, where reunification proves appropriate. Depending on the context, nuclear and/or extended families should be assisted to play a positive supporting role in the social reintegration of ex-combatants and associated groups.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 44, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.4. Social support networks", "Heading3": "10.4.1. Nuclear and extended families", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 202, "Paragraph": "DDR programmes should also create opportunities for family members of nuclear and/or extended families to understand and meet their social responsibilities related to the return of ex-combatant relatives. Nuclear and/or extended family members also need to understand the challenges involved in welcoming back ex-combatants and the need to deal with such return in a way that will allow for mutual respect, tolerance and coopera- tion within the family and within communities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 44, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.4. Social support networks", "Heading3": "10.4.1. Nuclear and extended families", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 203, "Paragraph": "Involving youth in any approach addressing socialization to violence and social reinte- gration is critical to programme success. Oftentimes, youth who were raised in the midst of conflict have become socialized to see violence and weapons as a means to gaining power, prestige and respect (see Module 5.20 on Youth and DDR and Module 5.30 on Children and DDR). If youth interventions are not designed and implemented during the post-conflict stage, DDR programmes risk neglecting a new generation of citizens raised and socialized to take part in a culture of violence.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 44, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.4. Social support networks", "Heading3": "10.4.2. Youth engagement", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 204, "Paragraph": "Youth also often tend to be far more vulnerable than adults to political manipulation and (re-) recruitment into armed forces and groups, as well as gangs in the post-conflict environment. Youth who participated in conflict often face considerable struggles to rein- tegrate into communities where they are frequently marginalized, offered few economic opportunities, or taken for mere children despite their wartime experiences. Civic engage- ment of youth has been shown to contribute to the social reintegration of at-risk youth and young ex-combatants.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 44, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.4. Social support networks", "Heading3": "10.4.2. Youth engagement", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 205, "Paragraph": "Informal or formal men\u2019s and women\u2019s groups can provide a forum for women and men to discuss social expectations of women, men, violence, and health issues. It can be an extremely effective way to harness their interest and capacities to become agents of change in their community by disseminating information and educating the public.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 44, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.4. Social support networks", "Heading3": "10.4.3. Men\u2019s and women\u2019s groups", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 206, "Paragraph": "Many times, due to social constraints, men do not have forums to discuss such issues, either because there are social barriers or because there has never been a space or guided assistance in starting one. Support to such activities through reintegration assistance, should allow for a mix of ex-combatants and civilians. Oftentimes women\u2019s and men\u2019s groups are started informally around points of interest for men, such as recreational/ sports associations, cooperatives, coffee houses, or water points, or for women such as beauty salons, water points, schools, in the community. Many times they evolve to be more formal groups, which provide a forum for civic education as well as discussion on issues affecting personal lives, the community and the family. Continued assessments of the effects of reintegration assistance and communities of return may identify such groupings forming, and may provide support.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 45, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.4. Social support networks", "Heading3": "10.4.3. Men\u2019s and women\u2019s groups", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 207, "Paragraph": "The lack of available land for resettlement has been a major obstacle to successful rein- tegration in several countries, particularly those with high demographic pressure. Land is of critical concern in all components of reintegration ranging from the political to the social and economic spheres (for more information see section 9.5.4. of this module). It is also very closely associated with the definition of one\u2019s identity, and can represent a diffi- cult issue for DDR programme participants in both rural and urban settings. The return of refugees and IDPs along with ex-combatants and associated groups is likely to heighten tensions over land, thereby calling for the need to address these issues early on.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 45, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.5. Housing, land and property dispute mechanisms", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 208, "Paragraph": "Disputes over land and access to natural resources are among the root causes of many conflicts and can prove instrumental in the deterioration of the security situation (see Module 6.30 on DDR and Natural Resource Management). DDR programme planners must take these underlying tensions into account when planning the return, resettlement and reintegration of ex-combatants, as they are often competing with other returnees for access to land. Conducting an early conflict analysis which includes information on his- torical and available dispute mechanisms will assist reintegration planners in identifying the impact, availability and effectiveness of land and property dispute mechanisms. These assessments will also allow DDR programmes to respond to these issues with support to wider initiatives addressing land and access to natural resources and to avoid doing more harm through their interventions.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 45, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.5. Housing, land and property dispute mechanisms", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 209, "Paragraph": "DDR reintegration programmes should seek to support the mediation of housing and land disputes at the local level whenever possible, through support to legal aid groups or other appropriate service providers. Such mechanisms can transform potential conflict scenarios into reconciliation opportunities (e.g. through involving both ex-combatants and community members in finding solutions through mediation and arbitration that are acceptable to all and in line with cultural norms, where appropriate). Women, youth, children and disabled ex-combatants are among the most vulnerable groups with regard to land exclusion and disfranchisement. This not only has direct con- sequences on their livelihoods but also on their social standing within their communities. DDR planners and managers must keep in mind that in rural areas, traditional laws are likely to be those most abided by the population. In these systems, women may not tradi- tionally have access to property rights, but rather to user rights through their husbands and families. Should they find themselves widowed, separated or single for any reason, their livelihoods may be threatened unless recourse to traditional/local authorities is made on their behalf (see also IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 45, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.5. Housing, land and property dispute mechanisms", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 210, "Paragraph": "The widespread presence of psychosocial problems among ex-combatants and those associated with armed forces and groups has only recently been recognized as a serious obstacle to successful reintegration. Research has begun to reveal that reconciliation and peacebuilding is impeded if a critical mass of individuals (including both ex-combatants and civilians) is affected by psychological concerns.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 46, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.6. Psychosocial services", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 211, "Paragraph": "Ex-combatants and those associated with armed forces and groups have often been exposed to extreme and repeated traumatic events and stress, especially long-term recruits and children formerly associated with armed forces and groups. Such exposure can have a severe negative impact on the mental health of ex-combatants and is directly related to the development of psychopathology and bodily illness. This can lead to emotional-, social-, occupational- and/or educational-impairment of functioning on several levels.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 46, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.6. Psychosocial services", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 212, "Paragraph": "At the individual level, repeated exposure to traumatic events can lead to post-trau- matic stress disorder (PTSD), alcohol and substance abuse, as well as depression (including suicidal tendencies). At the interpersonal level, affected ex-combatants may struggle in their personal relationships, as well as face difficulties adjusting to changes in societal roles and concepts of identity. Persons affected by trauma-spectrum disorders also dis- play an increased vulnerability to contract infectious diseases and have a heightened risk to develop chronic diseases. In studies, individuals suffering from trauma-related symp- toms have shown greater tendencies towards aggression, hostility and acting out against both self and others \u2013 a significant impediment to efforts at reconciliation and peace.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 46, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.6. Psychosocial services", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 213, "Paragraph": "Severely psychologically-affected ex-combatants and other vulnerable groups should be identified as early as possible through screening tools within the DDR pro- gramme and referred to psychological services. If these ex-combatants do not receive adequate psychosocial care, they face an extraordinarily high risk of failing in their reintegration. Unfortunately, insufficient availability, adequacy and access to mental health services and social support for ex-combatants, and other vulnerable groups in post-war communities, continues to prove a huge problem during DDR. Given the great risks posed by psychologically-affected participants, reintegration programmes should seek to prioritize psychological and physical health rehabilitation as a key measure to successful reintegration.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 46, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.6. Psychosocial services", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 214, "Paragraph": "At a minimum, the psychosocial component of DDR programmes should offer an initial screening of ex-combatants as well as regular basic counseling where needed. A screen- ing procedure can be carried out by trained local staff to identify ex-combatants who are in need of special assistance. Early screening will not only aid psychologically-affected ex-combatants, but it will makes it possible to establish which participants are unlikely to benefit from more standard reintegration options. Providing more specialized options for this group will save valuable resources, and even more importantly, it will spare par- ticipants from the frustrating experience of not being able to fully engage in trainings or make use of economic support in the way healthier participants might.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 46, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.5. Housing, land and property dispute mechanisms", "Heading3": "10.6. Psychosocial services", "Heading4": "10.6.1. Screening for mental health", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 215, "Paragraph": "Following the screening process, ex-combatants who show clear signs of mental ill- health should, at a minimum, receive continuous basic counseling. This counseling must take place on a regular basis and allow for continuous contact with the affected ex-com- batants. As with screening, this basic counseling can be carried out by locally-trained DDR programme staff, and/or trained community professionals such as social workers, teachers or nurses.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 47, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.5. Housing, land and property dispute mechanisms", "Heading3": "10.6. Psychosocial services", "Heading4": "10.6.1. Screening for mental health", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 216, "Paragraph": "DDR programmes will likely encounter a number of ex-combatants suffering from full-blown trauma-spectrum disorders. These disorders cannot be treated through basic counseling and should be referred to psychological experts. In field settings, using narra- tive exposure therapy may be an option.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 47, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.5. Housing, land and property dispute mechanisms", "Heading3": "10.6. Psychosocial services", "Heading4": "10.6.1. Screening for mental health", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 217, "Paragraph": "To adequately assess the existing capacities of local/regional support systems, an inven- tory and analysis of existing gaps is a first priority. Such an inventory should help to identify the existing local means used to address social and psychosocial issues, poten- tial partners, and the need to create or strengthen a network of practitioners. Next, the capacity of the existing social/psychosocial support structures as well as new ones (where needed), can be built to provide adequate services. A standard team consisting of trauma counselors (locally trained lay practitioners), may serve as a first-level of service providers in terms of trauma-related counseling as well as treatment of psycho-somatic condi- tions. They could also serve as mediators in cases of social adversity (e.g. family violence, extreme poverty, abuse and neglect of children). For the set-up of the treatment it has to be ensured that it is culturally acceptable (i.e. cultural acceptable gender and age match of trauma counselor and client).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 47, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.5. Housing, land and property dispute mechanisms", "Heading3": "10.6. Psychosocial services", "Heading4": "10.6.2. Community-based stepped-care system", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 218, "Paragraph": "Sensitization and public awareness programmes on mental health and related psycho-social issues should also be developed and informed by the work of the commu- nity-based local staff. The focus of such programms should be sensitizing the community to the symptoms experienced by those who suffer from mental illness and impairment of associated functioning. This will involve strong efforts to de-stigmatize the conditions faced by psychologically-affected individuals. They should also provide information on access to care.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 47, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.5. Housing, land and property dispute mechanisms", "Heading3": "10.6. Psychosocial services", "Heading4": "10.6.2. Community-based stepped-care system", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 219, "Paragraph": "Ideally, specialized treatment to address mental health should be offered to both civil- ians and ex-combatants in a community-based structure. Every DDR programme within a post-conflict setting is confronted with the challenge of reintegrating ex-combatants into a society which is itself recovering from trauma. Offering psychosocial care in a commu- nity-based structure for both former ex-combatants and civilians will foster reconciliation and make it possible for both groups to learn about each other\u2019s experiences during the war. In this way, psychosocial care does not only support the individual to heal, but can foster the restoration of the social fabric. Thus, a DDR programme may refer mentally-ill ex-combatants who cannot be treated through basic counseling to a common health ser- vice structure.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 47, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.5. Housing, land and property dispute mechanisms", "Heading3": "10.6. Psychosocial services", "Heading4": "10.6.2. Community-based stepped-care system", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 220, "Paragraph": "Most importantly, all interventions have to be carried out within a framework of implementation research, including micro-level analysis. It will be important to con- duct impact evaluations on effectiveness and efficiency of trauma treatment, functioning recovery pre- and post-treatment in selected individuals, impact on social cohesion in the community, recovery of occupational functioning, socio-economic indicators, impact on readiness for reconciliation, etc,., on a continuing basis. Without such evaluations, there is the risk that ineffective and sometimes even harmful programmes are extended to regional services. Parallel to these evaluations, a measure of supervision (by master counselor, clinical practitioners) and peer sharing has to be set in motion between community, district practitioners and researchers at national level.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 47, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.5. Housing, land and property dispute mechanisms", "Heading3": "10.6. Psychosocial services", "Heading4": "10.6.2. Community-based stepped-care system", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 221, "Paragraph": "If an ex-combatants\u2019 life expectancy is short due to war-related injuries or other illnesses, no degree of reintegration assistance will achieve its aim. Experience has shown that untreated wounded, ill and terminal ex-combatants constitute the most violent and dis- ruptive elements within any immediate post-conflict environment. Immediate health care assistance should therefore be provided during DDR from the very earliest stage.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 48, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.7. Medical and physical health issues", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 222, "Paragraph": "Planning for such assistance should include issues of sustainability by ensuring that ex-combatants are not a distinct target group for medical assistance, but receive care along with members of their communities of return/choice. Support should also be given to the main caregivers in receptor communities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 48, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.7. Medical and physical health issues", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 223, "Paragraph": "The demobilization process provides a first opportunity to brief ex-combatants on key health issues. Former combatants are likely to suffer a range of both short- and long- term health problems that can affect both their own reintegration prospects and receptor communities. In addition to basic medical screening and treatment for wounds and dis- eases, particular attention should be directed towards the needs of those with disabilities, those infected with HIV/AIDS, the chronically ill, and those experiencing psychosocial trauma and related illnesses. As in the case of information, counseling and referral, the services may start during the demobilization process, but continue into and, in some cases go beyond, the reintegration programme (also see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 48, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.7. Medical and physical health issues", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 224, "Paragraph": "The conditions that exist during conflict increase risk of infection for HIV and other sexu- ally transmitted infections (STIs), and can have a devastating effect on access to essential information, care and treatment. The lack of a safe blood supply; the shortage of clean equipment for injecting drug users; an insufficient supply of condoms and health care; and the widespread practice of sexual and gender-based violence, both as a weapon of war and as a means to discipline and control people (especially women and girls within armed forces and groups), are just a few examples of the ways conflict can heighten risk of HIV infection (see Module 5.60 on HIV/AIDS and DDR for more information).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 48, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.7. Medical and physical health issues", "Heading3": "10.7.1. HIV/AIDS", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 225, "Paragraph": "In addition, a growing body of evidence shows that immediate post-conflict and recovery phases, including the reintegration process, involve heightened risk of HIV trans- mission due to the re-opening of borders and other formerly inaccessible areas, increased mobility, the return of displaced populations, and other factors.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 49, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.7. Medical and physical health issues", "Heading3": "10.7.1. HIV/AIDS", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 226, "Paragraph": "Often, regardless of actual HIV status, receptor communities may perceive ex-com- batants as HIV-positive and react with discrimination or stigmatization. In many cases, these negative reactions from communities are a result of fear due to misinformation about HIV and AIDS. Discrimination against or stigmatization of (potentially) HIV-in- fected individuals can be countered with appropriate sensitization campaigns.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 49, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.7. Medical and physical health issues", "Heading3": "10.7.1. HIV/AIDS", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 227, "Paragraph": "DDR can provide an opportunity to plan and implement essential HIV/AIDS initi- atives, in close coordination with broader recovery and humanitarian assistance at the community level and the National AIDS Control Programme (see section 9 of Module 5.60 on HIV/AIDS and DDR for more information on planning and implementing HIV/AIDS activities in the reinsertion and reintegration phases). These services can be integrated into existing reintegration packages through the development of joint programming and strategic partnerships. Furthermore, with the right engagement and training, former com- batants have the potential to become agents of change by assisting in their communities with HIV prevention and awareness activities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 49, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.7. Medical and physical health issues", "Heading3": "10.7.1. HIV/AIDS", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 228, "Paragraph": "HIV initiatives need to start in receiving communities before demobilization, and should be linked wherever possible with the broader recovery and humanitarian assis- tance provided at the community level, and to National AIDS Control Programmes. Activities such as peer education training in HIV prevention and awareness can begin prior to demobilization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 49, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.7. Medical and physical health issues", "Heading3": "10.7.1. HIV/AIDS", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 229, "Paragraph": "War leaves behind large numbers of injured people, including both civilians and com- batants. Ex-combatants with disabilities should be treated equally to others injured or affected by conflict. This group should be included in general reintegration pro- grammes, not excluded from them, i.e. many ex-combatants with disabilities can and should benefit from the same programmes and services made available to non-disabled ex-combatants.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 48, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.7. Medical and physical health issues", "Heading3": "10.7.2. Persons with disabilities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 230, "Paragraph": "Some ex-combatants with disabilities will require long-term medical care and family support. While some will receive some form of pension and medical assistance (especially if they were part of a government force), most disabled ex-combatants who were part of informal armed groups will not receive long-term assistance.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 49, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.7. Medical and physical health issues", "Heading3": "10.7.2. Persons with disabilities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 231, "Paragraph": "In places where the health infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, attention must be paid to informal care providers \u2014 often women and girls \u2014 who care for disabled combatants. In addition, support structures must be put into place to lessen the largely unpaid burden of the care that these informal providers carry.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 49, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.7. Medical and physical health issues", "Heading3": "10.7.2. Persons with disabilities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 232, "Paragraph": "DDR programmes must also plan for participants with disabilities by agreeing on and arranging for alternative methods of transport of supplies or kits given to partici- pants. These may include livelihoods kits, food supplies, or other vocational materials. Assistance and special planning for these groups during reintegration should be included in the assessment and planning phases of DDR.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 49, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.7. Medical and physical health issues", "Heading3": "10.7.2. Persons with disabilities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 233, "Paragraph": "The provision of reproductive health services, which should start as soon as the demo- bilization registration and screening process has identified specific needs, should be continued, as appropriate, during reintegration. Linkages should be made to public or private national and/or community health facilities. Preferential or subsidized access may still be required, particularly in those cases where the lack of continued treatment can in itself create a renewed public threat, such as HIV/AIDS, drug abuse and psycho- logical illness.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 48, "Heading1": "10. Social/Psychosocial reintegration", "Heading2": "10.7. Medical and physical health issues", "Heading3": "10.7.3. Reproductive health", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 234, "Paragraph": "Political reintegration is the involvement and participation of ex-combatants and people associated with armed forces and groups\u2014and the communities to which they return\u2014in post-conflict decision- and policy-making processes at the national, regional and commu- nity levels. Political reintegration activities include providing ex-combatants and other war-affected individuals with the support, training, technical assitance and knowledge to vote, form political parties and extend their civil and political rights as part of the overar- ching democratic and transitional processes in their communities and countries.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 50, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 235, "Paragraph": "It is important to differentiate between political reintegration and the political nature of DDR and other peace-building processes. Almost without exception, DDR processes are part of an overarching political strategy to induce armed actors to exchange violence for dialogue and compromise through power-sharing and electoral participation. In that it aims to reestablish the State as the sole authority over the use of violence, DDR is inherently part of the overall political strategy during peacemaking, peacekeeping and peace-building. While political reintegration is related to this strategy, its goals are far more specific, focusing on integrating programme participants into the political processes of their communities and countries at both the individual and group level.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 50, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 236, "Paragraph": "If properly executed, political reintegration will allow for the legitimate grievances and concerns of ex-combatants and former armed groups to be voiced in a socially-con- structive and peaceful manner that addresses root causes of conflict.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 50, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 237, "Paragraph": "Generally, political reintegration occurs along two broad trajectories, namely at the group level and the individual level, as follows: \\n Group level: At the group level, political reintegration is transformative in that it seeks to aid in transforming a group or organization from an illegally armed entity into a legit- imate political party or civilian unit operating within the legal parameters of the state. \\n Individual level: At the individual level, political reintegration is restorative in that it involves restoring an ex-combatant\u2019s (and other programme participants\u2019) deci- sion-making power within a given community in relation to his/her citizen status within that community.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 51, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.1. Types of political reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 238, "Paragraph": "Aiding former armed forces and groups and ex-combatants to form political parties and peaceful civilian movements is essential to ensuring that grievances and visions for soci- ety continue to be expressed in a non-violent manner in the post-conflict period. Group level political reintegration is most evidently seen in transformations of armed groups into political parties that seek to enter or re-enter the political arena as a way to advance their claims and perspectives.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 51, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.1. Types of political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.1.1. Group level political reintegration", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 239, "Paragraph": "While a successful transformation from armed group to political party can yield a plethora of benefits for citizens and the overall democratization process, new political parties in post-conflict societies often lack the capacity, structural organization, resources, political knowledge and legitimacy necessary to successfully compete in the political arena. Moreover, individual ex-combatants and armed groups often face a number of uncertainties concerning how they will fare in the post-conflict period. Without proper guidance and careful monitoring, emerging political parties can likely face failure or even do more harm than good.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 51, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.1. Types of political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.1.1. Group level political reintegration", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 240, "Paragraph": "Given such complexities, when planning and designing political reintegration interventions, DDR practitioners must consider the following key factors influencing the viability and outcome of group level political transformations of armed forces and groups: \\n Nature of the peace (e.g. negotiated peace agreement, military victory, etc.); \\n Post-conflict security situation; \\n Motivation(s) of armed group (keeping in mind that such motivations can change over time); \\n Degree of popular support and perceived legitimacy; \\n Degree of political experience and capacity; \\n Leadership capacities; \\n Organizational structure; \\n Resources, funding and technical support; \\n Criminal prosecutions and transitional justice measures.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 51, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.1. Types of political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.1.1. Group level political reintegration", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 241, "Paragraph": "Notably, group level political reintegration processes largely depend on both the country context and form of the peace settlement established. In the case of a negotiated peace agreement, for instance, political reintegration typically involves the transforma- tion of armed groups (both political and military wings) into political parties, usually in tandem with a mix of DDR processes linked to larger SSR efforts. Political reintegration in cases of military victory, however, involve a different set of considerations that are less-de- fined and require further research and experiential understanding at this point in time. In cases where political reintegration is part and parcel of a CPA, explicit programming in DDR is more evident.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 52, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.1. Types of political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.1.1. Group level political reintegration", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 242, "Paragraph": "Effective political reintegration at the individual level involves empowering citizens by providing them with the knowledge and tools to voice their opinions, vote and take part in the government of their country without fear of intimidation, discrimination, retalia- tion or violence. Due to the nature and duration of a conflict, many ex-combatants and associated groups, particularly youth, may have little or no past experience in taking part in elections or joining a political party. In some cases, authoritative regimes or widespread conflict may have completely prevented the extension of one\u2019s civil and political rights.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 52, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.1. Types of political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.1.2. Individual level political reintegration", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 243, "Paragraph": "The right to vote and take part in the political life of one\u2019s country has become a funda- mental tenant in international law and democratic frameworks as outlined in several key human rights instruments, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the African Charter on Human and Peoples\u2019 Rights, the American Declaration of the Right and Duties of Man and the Asian Human Rights Charter.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 52, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.1. Types of political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.1.2. Individual level political reintegration", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 244, "Paragraph": "Engaging individual ex-combatants in the political process has the dual advantage of pre-empting them from becoming spoilers to an electoral process while aiming to vest in them the desire and knowledge to exercise their civil rights. Building the capacities of ex-combatants and community members in the various areas of civic participation and democratic governance is found to be a critical step in enabling the political reintegration of national stakeholders.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 52, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.1. Types of political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.1.2. Individual level political reintegration", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 245, "Paragraph": "In order to determine the role of, relevance of and obstacles to initiating and supporting political reintegration activities, DDR planners should ensure that the assessment and planning phases of DDR programming include questions and analyses that address the context-specific aspects of political reintegration.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 53, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.2. Context assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 246, "Paragraph": "In preparing and analyzing assessments, DDR planners and reintegration practition- ers should pay close attention to the nature of the peace (e.g. negotiated peace agreement, military victory, etc.) to determine how it might impact DDR participants\u2019 and beneficiar- ies\u2019 ability to form political parties, extend their civil and political rights and take part in the overall democratic transition period.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 53, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.2. Context assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 247, "Paragraph": "To inform both group level and individual level political reintegration activities, DDR planners should consider asking the following questions, as outlined below:", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 53, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.2. Context assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 248, "Paragraph": "It is important to recall that DDR programmes are not vested with the authority or capacity to deliver full-scale political and electoral support. Development of political reintegration programme activities should therefore aim to link closely with relevant organizations and capacities involved specifically in electoral processes and political party development, including national stakeholders, UN agencies, international and regional organizations and NGOs.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 54, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.3. Establishing partnerships and coordination mechanisms", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 249, "Paragraph": "Within the UN system, the Department of Political Affairs, through its Electoral Assistance Division (EAD), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and existing civil affairs and PI units of UN missions, can be looked to for key guidance on implementing both individual and group political reintegration efforts. Outside the UN system, key multilateral organizations working to provide political party assistance and election observations include the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the Organization of American States (OAS) and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 54, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.3. Establishing partnerships and coordination mechanisms", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 250, "Paragraph": "In addition, leading international actors active in providing relevant assistance include: the German and Swedish party foundations, the National Democratic Insti- tute (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI) in the United States, Britain\u2019s Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) and Australia\u2019s Centre for Democratic Institutions (CDI). It is impor- tant to emphasize that the majority of these party assistance organizations, although mostly funded by bilateral aid agencies and governments, are independent institutes that are relatively autonomous as regards how, with whom and where they execute their pro- grammes. Where applicable and appropriate, DDR managers should aim to partner with such organizations to build capacity within the DDR programme on political reintegra- tion issues and exchange information regarding best practices.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 54, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.3. Establishing partnerships and coordination mechanisms", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 251, "Paragraph": "For more information on coordination and partnerships in the area of political rein- tegration, see UNDP\u2019s Elections and Conflict Prevention: A Guide to Analysis, Planning, and Programming, 2009.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 54, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.3. Establishing partnerships and coordination mechanisms", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 252, "Paragraph": "Offering information services and capacity development in the area of civic and political participation is central to creating an enabling environment for the political reintegra- tion of all stakeholders in a DDR process. This may include community sensitization campaigns, education on the nature and functioning of democratic institutions (at the national, regional and/or local levels), leadership training, and initiatives to foster wom- en\u2019s participation.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 55, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.4. Entry points for political reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 253, "Paragraph": "Focusing on particular subject areas, such as human rights (especially those rights reflected in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) and in the devel- opment of political parties in the methods and processes of democracy, constituency relations, community organizing and participation in dialogue processes that involve other stakeholders and political opponents, is recommended.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 55, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.4. Entry points for political reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 254, "Paragraph": "Specific entry points to build capacity and enhance participation in political processes include, but are not limited to, the following: ", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 55, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.4. Entry points for political reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 255, "Paragraph": "Communities of return should receive sensitization related to political reintegration and the accompanying peace process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 55, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.4. Entry points for political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.4.1. Public information and sensitization campaigns on civil and political rights ", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 256, "Paragraph": "Reintegration practitioners should support access to social benefits through access to identity cards, social security documents, and voter and property registration.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 55, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.4. Entry points for political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.4.2. Access to social benefits", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 257, "Paragraph": "In order to build capacity and enhance participation in the democratic process, DDR programmes should support civic and voter education. This may include providing edu- cation or referrals to education opportunities on the nature and functioning of democratic institutions at the national, regional and/or local levels. Civic education on the country\u2019s comprehensive peace agreement (where applicable) or peace process should be consid- ered. At the local level, approaches to human rights education that draw from \u201cstreet law\u201d may be particularly effective, such as the practical application of citizens\u2019 rights, such as freedom of expression, the right to dissent, and the right to vote in secrecy in electoral processes that are free of coercion or intimidation, may be particularly effective.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 55, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.4. Entry points for political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.4.3. Civic and voter education", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 258, "Paragraph": "Senior DDR managers can serve in an advisory capacity to senior government and military officials on issues concerning political reintegration. Through implementing leadership training, DDR programmes will aim to facilitate and increase the legitimacy and support received by newly-established political leaders. DDR managers should consider undergo- ing targeted training in leadership and political negotiation that is IDDRS compliant.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 55, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.4. Entry points for political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.4.4. Leadership training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 259, "Paragraph": "Research into comparative peace processes suggests that the political roles and associ- ated livelihoods futures of mid-level commanders are critical in post-conflict contexts. Given mid-level commanders\u2019 ranks and level of responsibility and authority while with armed forces or groups, they often seek commensurate positions in post-conflict settings. Many seek an explicitly political role in post-conflict governance. Where DDR programmes have determined that commander incentive programmes will be required, a resource mobilization strategy should be planned and implemented in addition to a dedicated vetting process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 55, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.4. Entry points for political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.4.5. Lobbying for mid-level commanders", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 260, "Paragraph": "The UN\u2019s commitment to restoring security, the protection of vulnerable groups and gen- der equality has been formalized in United Nations Security Council resolutions 1325 and 1820, and more recently re-affirmed by resolutions 1888 and 1889.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 56, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.4. Entry points for political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.4.6. Women\u2019s participation", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 261, "Paragraph": "DDR processes form an invaluable window of opportunity to enhance women\u2019s inclu- sion in decision-making and political processes. Civil affairs and human rights sections, in addition to civil society organizations and NGOs specialized in gender and women\u2019s rights can support political reintegration efforts to include trainings on gender and wom- en\u2019s inclusion in civil and political affairs. Women\u2019s participation and representation in public institutions ranging from public administration to justice and security sectors will not only enhance gender equality, but may prove critical in addressing the vulnerabilities that initially led many women and girls into forced recruitment or association with armed forces or groups.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 56, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.4. Entry points for political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.4.6. Women\u2019s participation", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 262, "Paragraph": "The special needs of youth should be addressed during political reintegration not only because this group may become a security threat, but also because they can act as a major force for positive change in contemporary politics. Youth are often more open to voting for new parties, less loyal to established traditions and more idealistic in their goals for their societies.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 56, "Heading1": "11. Political Reintegration", "Heading2": "11.4. Entry points for political reintegration", "Heading3": "11.4.9. Youth participation", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 263, "Paragraph": "Many DDR programmes have failed in the past due to their narrow focus and short-term approach. To achieve sustainability and meet its goals to improve security, DDR must pave the way for post-conflict recovery and development to take root. Reintegration pro- grammes shall therefore be conceptualized, planned, designed and implemented as part of, or at least in very close cooperation with, wider recovery strategies. Linkages shall include, but not be limited to the areas of post-conflict rehabilitation, resettlement of dis- placed populations, reconciliation efforts, human rights promotion, transitional justice, improved governance and security sector reform. To achieve coherence, when design- ing reintegration programmes, UN practitioners should coordinate, and where possible, jointly plan programmes with actors working in these areas.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 57, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "12. Linking reintegration to wider recovery and development", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 264, "Paragraph": "In the case of reintegration, a number of UN agencies work in parallel to integrate various war-affected peoples including ex-combatants, returnees and IDPs, into the same labour market and communities. Information, such as number and profile of beneficiar- ies, therefore needs to be shared among UN agencies engaged in reintegration assistance. It should be the guiding principle from the earliest pre-mission assessment phase and continue throughout all stages of strategy development, programme planning and imple- mentation. The use of Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) between agencies intervening in the same sector or on the same issue has proven an efficient mechanism for coordination.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 57, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "12. Linking reintegration to wider recovery and development", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 265, "Paragraph": "DDR programme managers will need to ensure close coordination: \\n In the field, where coordination among UN entities, national counterparts, receiving communities, NGOs, donors, governmental aid organizations, and other implementing partners should be established at the earliest stages of mission planning; \\n At Headquarters, through integrated mission planning structures and processes (also see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures) to ensure that coordinated, coherent and consistent direction and support is provided to field operators; \\n Between the field and Headquarters, to ensure that lessons learned and policy devel- opment on DDR are built into field-level programming, particularly at the start of missions and DDR processes, as well as to ensure the participation of key stakehold- ers at the international level.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 57, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "12. Linking reintegration to wider recovery and development", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 266, "Paragraph": "Programme managers should also focus on building strong local, national and inter- national partnerships from the start. Partnerships are essential, both in direct, short-term programme implementation and in forming links to longer-term recovery, peace-build- ing, governance and development programmes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 57, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "12. Linking reintegration to wider recovery and development", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 267, "Paragraph": "DDR managers should also ensure that relevant recovery and development frame- works are identified and guide their programmes, with specific attention to national recovery plans and poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSPs), the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF), and the UN Policy for Post-Conflict Employment Crea- tion, Income Generation and Reintegration. This is vital to ensure that DDR programming is linked to peace-building, transition, recovery and reconstruction strategies and that it will facilitate the involvement of the various UN and other international agencies. While all efforts should be made to coordinate closely with other actors implementing related programmes, DDR programme managers should also clearly identify those objectives 3.10 that the reintegration programme can deal with directly, and those in which it can only contribute.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 57, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "12. Linking reintegration to wider recovery and development", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 268, "Paragraph": "Experience has shown that coordination is difficult to achieve, and that post-conflict governments often do not possess the organizational capacity to coordinate all of the pro- gram partners. This must be effectively communicated to donors so that they do not have unrealistic expectations on the ground for DDR programmes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 58, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "12. Linking reintegration to wider recovery and development", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 269, "Paragraph": "Apprenticeship: Refers to any system by which an employer undertakes by contract to employ a young person and to train him or have him trained systematically for a trade for a period of which the duration has been fixed in advance and in the course of which the apprentice is bound to work in the employer\u2019s service. (ILO Apprenticeship Recommendation no. 60, 1939).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 59, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 270, "Paragraph": "Business development services: Services that improve the performance of the enterprise, its access to markets, and its ability to compete. The definition of \u201cbusiness development services\u201d includes a wide array of business services, both strategic and operational. Busi- ness development services are designed to serve individual businesses, as opposed to larger business community. (Business Development Services for Small Enterprises: Guiding Principles for Donor Intervention, 2001).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 59, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 271, "Paragraph": "Cooperatives: Autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and dem- ocratically controlled enterprise. A cooperative is essentially a vehicle for self-help and mutual aid. Many cooperatives throughout the world have a commitment to a distinctive statement of identity formulated by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA). (Interna- tional Labour Conference, Recommendation 193, Recommendation Concerning the Promotion of Cooperatives,Section 1 Paragraph 2, 2002).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 59, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 272, "Paragraph": "Decent work: Involves opportunities for work that is productive and delivers a fair income provide s security in the workplace and social protection for workers and their families; offers better prospects for personal development and encourages social integration; gives people the freedom to express their concerns, to organize and to participate in decisions that affect their lives; and guarantees equal opportunities and equal treatment for all. (United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) Toolkit for Main- streaming Employment and Decent Work, 2007).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 59, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 273, "Paragraph": "Employment: The employed comprise all persons about a specified age who during the reference period were either (i) at work or (ii) with a job or enterprise but not at work (i.e.) persons temporarily absent from work). Persons at work are defined as persons who during the reference period performed work for a wage or a salary, or for profit or family gain, in cash or in kind, for at least an hour. (The Thirteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians, 1982).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 59, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 274, "Paragraph": "Minimum working age: The Minimum Age Convention defines a range of minimum ages below which no child should be allowed to work and stipulates that: (a) the mini- mum age for employment should normally not be less than 15 years , but exemptions can be made for developing countries which may fix it at 14; (b) the minimum age for permit- ting light work should be not less than 13 years, but developing countries may fix it at 12; c) the minimum age for admission to hazardous work should not be less than 18 years, but under strict conditions may be permitted at 16. (ILO Minimum Age Convention 138, 1973).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 59, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 275, "Paragraph": "Sustainable livelihoods approach: Approach that tries to ensure that households can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks, and maintain and improve their capabil- ities and assets now and in the future. (IDDRS, 2006).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 59, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 276, "Paragraph": "Vocational (career) guidance: The OECD Career Guidance Policy Review defines it as \u201cser- vices and activities intended to assist individuals, of any age and at any point throughout their lives, to make educational, training and occupational choices and to manage their careers.\u201d This definition includes making information about the labour market and about educational and employment opportunities more accessible by organizing it, systematizing it and having it available when and where people need it. It also includes assisting people to reflect on their aspirations, interests, competencies, personal attributes, qualifications and abilities and to match these with available training and employment opportunities. The term career guidance is replacing the term vocational guidance in high-income coun- tries. Vocational guidance is focused upon the choice of occupation and is distinguished from educational guidance, which focuses upon choices of courses of study. Career guid- ance brings the two together and stresses the interaction between learning and work. (Career Guidance \u2013 A Resource Handbook for Low- and Middle-Income Countries, 2006).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 60, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 277, "Paragraph": "Vocational training: The expression vocational training means any form of training by means of which technical or trade knowledge can be acquired or developed, whether the training is given at school or at the place of work. (ILO Recommendation 57, 1939) Training is not an end in itself, but a means of developing a person\u2019s occupational capacities, due account being taken of the employment opportunities, and of enabling him to use his abilities to the greatest advantage of himself and of the community; it should be designed to develop personality, particularly where young persons are concerned. (ILO Recommen- dation 117, 1962) For the purpose of this Recommendation, the qualification of the terms guidance and training by the term vocational means that guidance and training are directed to identify and developing human.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 60, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 278, "Paragraph": "Socialization to violence: In the case of combatants and associated groups, this sociali- zation or conditioning process involves the development of violent behaviours that are, or that appear to be, essential for effective participation in the armed force or armed group, or more broadly essential for basic survival in an environment rife with armed violence. During armed conflict, many combatants witness and become victims of violence and severe abuse themselves and may enter into the early recovery period with significant psychosocial support needs. Systematic data on patterns of violence among ex-combatants is still fragmentary, but evidence from many post-conflict contexts suggests that ex-com- batants who have been socialized to use violence often continue these patterns into the peacebuilding period. (UNDP Report, Blame It on the War? The Gender Dimensions of Vio- lence in DDR, 2012).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 60, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 279, "Paragraph": "Culture of violence: When socialization to violence reaches a level where it has become an integral part of a particular society and of individuals\u2019 collective response mechanisms.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 60, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 280, "Paragraph": "Behaviour change communication (BCC): An interactive process with communities (as integrated with an overall program) to develop tailored messages and approaches using a variety of communication channels (such as drama, music, radio, media, print, etc) to develop positive behaviours; promote and sustain individual, community and societal behaviour change; and maintain appropriate/non-violent behaviours and interactions between individuals and groups.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 60, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 281, "Paragraph": "Behaviour change interventions (BCI): A combination of activities/interventions tailored to the needs of a specific group and developed with that group to help reduce violence by creating an enabling environment for individual and collective change.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 60, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 282, "Paragraph": "Caregiving: A kind of interaction of a person with the world around him/her, including objects, plants, animals and particularly other human beings. This also includes self-care. In many cultures this \u2018caring\u2019 relationship or attitude can be defined as a \u201cfemale\u201d attrib- ute or characteristic, and from whose domain men, from an early age, are encouraged to exclude themselves.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 61, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 283, "Paragraph": "Interim stabilization measures: Stabilization measures that may be used to keep former combatants\u2019 cohesiveness intact within a military or civilian structure for a time-bound period of time, creating space and buying time for a political dialogue and the formation of an environment conducive to social and economic reintegration. Such measures range from military integration to the formation of transitional security forces, to the establish- ment of civilian service corps, among other such arrangements \u2018holding patterns\u2019.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 61, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 284, "Paragraph": "UN inter-agency policies, guidelines and frameworks \\n i. Policy for Post-conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration (2008) \\n ii. Operational Guidance Note for Post-conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration (2009) \\n iii. CWGER Guidance Note on Early Recovery (2008)", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 62, "Heading1": "Annex B: UN policies, guidelines and frameworks relevant for reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 285, "Paragraph": "UN agency policies, guidelines and frameworks \\n i. ILO Guidebook for Socio-Economic Reintegration of Ex-Combatants (2009) \\n ii. ILO Guidelines for Local Economic Recovery in Post-Conflict (2010) \\n iii. Policy Framework & Implementation Strategy - UNHCR\u2019s Role in Support of the Return & Reintegration of Displaced Populations \\n iv. UNICEF-ILO Technical Note on Economic Reintegration of Children Associated with Armed Forces and Groups (draft under production)", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 62, "Heading1": "Annex B: UN policies, guidelines and frameworks relevant for reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}, {"ID": 286, "Paragraph": "\\n 1 United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) Toolkit for Mainstreaming Employment and Decent Work, 2007. \\n 2 Taken from the Prevention of child recruitment and reintegration of children associated with armed forces and groups: Strategic framework for addressing the economic gap, ILO (2007). \\n 3 International Labour Organization. 2009. Guidelines for the Socio-economic Reintegration of Ex-combatants. Geneva, Switzerland, pp.23-29.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Reintegration", "PageNum": 63, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.30 Reintegration"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities.json b/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d9030f --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "Military personnel possess a wide range of skills and capacities that can contribute to DDR processes in mission and non-mission settings. As outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR, mission settings are those situations in which peace operations are deployed through peacekeeping operations, political missions and good offices engagements, by the UN or a regional organization. Non-mission settings are those where no peace operation is deployed, either through a peacekeeping operation, political missions or good offices engagements.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "When DDR is implemented in mission settings with a UN peacekeeping operation, the primary role of the military component should be to provide a secure environment and to observe, monitor and report on security-related issues. This role may include the provision of security to DDR programmes and to DDR-related tools, including pre-DDR. In addition to providing security, military components in mission settings may also provide technical support to disarmament, transitional weapons and ammunition management, and the establishment and maintenance of transitional security arrangements (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management, and IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "To ensure the successful employment of a military component within a mission setting, DDR tasks must be included in endorsed mission operational requirements, include a gender perspective and be specifically mandated and properly resourced. Without the requisite planning and coordination, military logistical capacity cannot be guaranteed.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "UN military contingents are often absent from special political missions (SPMs) and non-mission settings. In SPMs, UN military personnel will more often consist of military observers (MILOBs) and military advisers.1 These personnel may be able to provide technical advice on a range of security issues in support of DDR processes. They may also be required to build relationships with non-UN military forces mandated to support DDR processes, including national armed forces and regionally- led peace support operations.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "In non-mission settings, UN or regionally-led peace operations with military components are absent. Instead, national and international military personnel can be mandated to support DDR processes either as part of national armed forces or as part of joint military teams formed through bilateral military cooperation. The roles and responsibilities of these military personnel may be similar to those played by UN military personnel in mission settings.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "The objective of this module is to outline possible military contributions to DDR processes in the context of UN peacekeeping operations, special political missions (SPMs) and non-mission settings. Although the guidance in this module is based on the experience of UN military components, it is designed for all military personnel who contribute to DDR processes, irrespective of whether these personnel are affiliated to the UN, regional organizations, joint military teams or national armed forces. The guidance is also designed for civilian DDR practitioners who are interested in the ways that military personnel may be able to support their work. The module discusses the factors to be considered when employing military capacity in support of DDR. Routine military tasks that are carried out according to national security policies and strategies are beyond the scope of this module.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in these standards. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should,\u2019 \u2018may,\u2019 \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "Military personnel possess a wide range of skills and capacities that may contribute to DDR processes in the context of UN peacekeeping operations, SPMs, and non-mission settings. In peacekeeping operations, military components may be made up of formed contingents/units, MILOBs, and staff officers (see section 4). In contrast, in SPMs, MILOBs and military advisers may be deployed in the absence of formed military contingents. In non-mission settings, national and international military personnel can be mandated to support DDR processes either as part of national armed forces or as part of joint military teams formed through bilateral military cooperation. In these various types of settings, the role of the military will differ depending on the specific mandate and the resources available.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to military roles and responsibilities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "Integrated DDR shall not be conflated with military operations or counter-insurgency strategies. DDR is a voluntary process, and practitioners shall therefore seek legal advice if confronted with combatants who surrender or are captured during overt military operations, or if there are any concerns regarding the voluntariness of persons participating in DDR. In contexts where DDR is linked to Security Sector Reform, the integration of vetted former members of armed groups into national armed forces, the police or other uniformed services as part of a DDR process shall be voluntary (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and SSR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "When DDR and SSR processes are linked, former members of armed groups shall only be recruited into the reformed security sector if they are thoroughly vetted and meet the designated recruitment criteria. Former members of armed groups shall not be integrated into the national armed forces merely because of their status as a member of an armed group. Children shall not be recruited into the national armed forces and effective age assessment procedures must be in place (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). Former members of armed groups who have been involved in the commission of war crimes or human rights violations shall not be eligible for recruitment into the national armed forces, including when DDR processes are linked to SSR.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People-centred", "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "In missions that hold a specific Child Protection/Children and Armed Conflict mandate, child protection is a specified mandated task for the military component. The child protection mandates for missions can include: support to DDR processes, including the effective identification and demobilisation of children, taking into account the specific concerns of girls and boys; a requirement to monitor and report on the Six Grave Violations against children, namely, recruitment and use of children, killing and maiming, sexual violence against children, abduction, attacks on schools and hospitals and denial of humanitarian access; and/or a requirement for the mission to work closely with the government or armed groups to adopt and implement measures to protect children including Action Plans to end and prevent grave violations.. The tasks of the military component, in close coordination with mission child protection advisors, therefore include, but are not limited to: providing physical protection for children; gathering and sharing information through the military chain of command and child protection advisors on the Six Grave Violations; supporting the separation of children from armed forces and groups, including their handover to civilian child protection actors; and providing security for Child Protection Advisers or civil society actors when they visit the military barracks of armed forces/armed groups. Child protection shall be integrated into all military work, including when UN civilian and military personnel undertake mentoring and advisory activities and build the capacity of State armed forces in conflict affected countries.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People-centred", "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "The military component shall ensure that gender-responsive child protection is understood by all members of the force and those persons working with military personnel through in-mission induction briefings and ongoing training on child protection. Child protection shall also be mainstreamed into daily operations and, in particular, into protection activities. Commanders, staff and associated personnel at all levels should ensure that threats to and from children and their vulnerabilities are identified, and that plans and orders are developed to provide effective protection on the ground, working in concert with mission child protection advisers, other protection partners and local communities. These plans should include a gender perspective in order to recognise the different threats to, and protection concerns of, girls and boys.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People-centred", "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "A military child protection focal point network shall be implemented at the operational and tactical levels to ensure that child protection concerns are considered at all stages of the planning process and in operational activities. The military component shall appoint a military child protection focal point at mission headquarters as well as child protection focal points within Battalion/Company Headquarters.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People-centred", "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "Child protection and child rights shall be included not only in military training but in standard operating procedures as well as in military guidance as appropriate. Force commanders and tactical level commanders, in consultation with mission child protection actors, shall issue specific guidance on child protection in the format of a Force Directive on Child Protection and tactical level SOPs. Specific SOPs and/or protocols shall be developed on the handover to civilian child protection actors of children captured in operations, those who surrender to the peacekeeping force, or those released en masse. Specific gender-responsive guidelines shall also be developed for the battalion on child protection concerns for girls and boys, including detention, conduct during interaction with children, and prevention of all forms of exploitation against children, including child labour, sexual exploitation and abuse, and protection of civilians. Whenever orders are written, or an activity planned, military staff should always consider the impact on girls and boys and their protection, and always consult mission child protection advisers. All SOPs and guidelines shall include a gender perspective in order for practitioners to develop fully gender-responsive plans that meet the differing needs of girls and boys. For further guidance, refer to the UN\u2019s Military Specialised Training Materials on Child Protection.2", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People-centred", "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "UN military personnel should be impartial. Furthermore, any form of support by United Nations military personnel or UN entities to non-UN security forces must be provided in full compliance with the UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations Support to Non-UN Security Forces.3 This policy requires an assessment of the risk that recipients of UN support will commit grave violations of international humanitarian, human rights or refugee law. If a level of risk is identified, mitigating measures shall be put in place. It is the responsibility of every UN entity providing support to undertake such a risk assessment. As defined in the HRDDP, \u201csupport\u201d encompasses a range of potential activities, from training, mentoring and advisory services to joint operations conducted by UN and non-UN security forces. Risk assessments shall be undertaken prior to the delivery of support to recipients.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People-centred", "Heading3": "4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "Since the adoption in 2000 of Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security, there have been numerous resolutions and calls for more women in peacekeeping. Under the 2018 Action for Peace (A4P) initiative, Member States commit themselves to ensure the full, equal and meaningful participation of women in all stages of the peace process by systematically integrating a gender perspective into all stages of analysis, planning, implementation and reporting. They further commit to increase the number of civilian and uniformed women in peacekeeping at all levels and in key positions. The Uniformed Gender Parity Strategy 2018\u20142028 calls for 15 % female representation in the contingent unit and 25% in individual positions.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "The meaningful participation of women as peacekeepers, MILOBs, and staff officers has a number of benefits to the DDR process. Female military personnel can access populations and venues that are closed to men. They can search women when necessary and can help to make peacekeeping forces more approachable to local communities, particularly to women and girls who may have suffered acts of sexual violence. Lastly, female military personnel are role models in the communities in which they serve and in their respective countries. For these reasons, the planning phase of any operation must include a gender perspective, and the gender composition of incoming forces should reflect the community it is mandated to protect.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "UNSCR 1325 stipulates that all peacekeeping personnel shall receive training on \u201cthe protection, rights and the particular needs of women, as well as on the importance of involving women in all peacekeeping and peacebuilding measures\u201d. All incoming forces shall also receive training on gender and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, particularly the UN\u2019s Zero Tolerance Policy.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "There is no one-size-fits-all military policy and, as a result, there can be no standardized approach to determining military support to a particular DDR process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4 Context specific", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "In a mission context with a peacekeeping operation, the provision of security around disarmament and demobilization sites will typically be undertaken by the military component. However, all matters related to law and order shall be undertaken by the UN police component (see IDDRS 4.50 on UN Police Roles and Responsibilities).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.5 Well planned", "Heading3": "4.5.1 Safety and security ", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "The withdrawal of international peacekeeping forces shall be a carefully planned exercise, drawing on consultations with all relevant stakeholders, including concerned Governments and the humanitarian, development, peace and political arms of the UN system present in mission contexts. The pace of this withdrawal shall be based, among other factors, on the ability of State security institutions to take over the maintenance of security and public order, as well as of other actors to take over certain services previously provided by the peacekeeping force.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.5 Well planned", "Heading3": "4.5.2 Transition and exit strategies", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "Most UN peacekeeping operations, particularly those with a DDR mandate, rely on contingent troops and MILOBS that are collectively referred to as the peacekeeping force. The primary function of the military component is to provide security and to observe and report on security-related issues. Military contingents vary in their capabilities, structures, policies and procedures. Each peacekeeping operation has a military component specifically designed to fulfil the mandate and operational requirement of the mission.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "Early and comprehensive DDR planning will ensure that appropriately trained and equipped units are available to support DDR. As military resources and assets for peace operations are limited, and often provided for multiple purposes, it is important to identify specific DDR tasks that are to be carried out by the military at an early stage in the mission-planning process. These tasks will be different from the generic tasks usually captured in Statement of Unit Requirements. If any specific DDR-related tasks are identified during the planning phase, they must be specified in the Statement of Unit Requirements of the concerned unit(s).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "The military component can be made up of: \\n Formed units or contingents: These can include motorized, mechanized and light infantry units, aviation units, engineering units, and various support units, some of which can provide logistics support, including specialists in explosives and weapons destruction. Normally the support element of the force, usually called the Enabler, is designed primarily for the needs of the overall mission. The chief of mission support controls the tasking of logistics support, aviation, engineering and mobile medical/field hospital units. \\n Military observers: MILOBs are officers normally provided by Member States for 12 months who operate in small teams of between two and six. Where possible, MILOBs are incorporated into the force command structure. MILOBs typically operate unarmed. \\n Staff officers: Individual military officers serve in staff posts, both within the force headquarters and in various specialized positions where some are integrated with the civilian staff. Some staff officers are deployed on individual assignments, while others are part of broader military contingents. \\n\\n Table 1 below shows the various structures and ranks within a military component. It should be taken as a broad guide only, as each contingent may vary.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.1 Composition", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "The peacekeeping force is commanded by a force commander. It is important to distinguish between operational military tasks in support of DDR processes, which are directed by the military chain of command in close coordination with the DDR component of the mission, and engagement in the DDR planning and policymaking process, which is often politically sensitive. Any military personnel involved in the latter, although remaining under military command and control, will operate under the overall guidance of the chief of the DDR component, senior mission leadership, and the Joint Operations Centre (JOC). For support and logistics tasks, the peacekeeping force will operate under the guidance of the Chief of Mission Support/Director of Mission Support (CMS/DMS).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.2 Command and control", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "Specialized military capacities such as communications, aviation, engineering, medical and logistics support are often in short supply, and hence may be used only when uniquely able to fulfil the task at hand. Where civilian sources can meet an approved operational requirement and the military component of a mission is fully engaged with other tasks, civilian resources should be used. If mandated, resourced and appropriately equipped, the military should be able to contribute to DDR in the ways described below. Furthermore, if the mandate and the concept of operations specify military support to a DDR process, then this should be factored into the force structure when the concept of operations is drawn up.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Military component contribution", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "The primary contribution of the military component to a DDR process is to provide security for DDR staff, partners, infrastructure and beneficiaries. Security is essential to ensure former combatants\u2019 confidence in DDR, and to ensure the security of other elements of a mission and the civilian population.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Military component contribution", "Heading3": "5.3.1 Security ", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "If tasked and resourced, a military component may contribute to the creation and maintenance of a stable, secure environment in which DDR can take place. This may include the provision of security to areas in which DDR programmes and DDR-related tools (including pre-DDR and community violence reduction) are being implemented. Military components may also provide security to DDR and child protection practitioners, and to those participating in DDR processes, including children and dependants. This may include the provision of security to routes that participants will use to enter DDR and/or the provision of military escorts. Security is provided primarily by armed UN troops, but could be supplemented by the State\u2019s defence security forces and/or any other security provider.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Military component contribution", "Heading3": "5.3.1 Security ", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "Finally, military components may also secure the collection, transportation and storage of weapons and ammunition handed in as part of a DDR process. They may also monitor and report on security-related issues, including incidents of sexual and gender-based violence. Experience has shown that unarmed MILOBs do not provide security, although in some situations they can assist by contributing to early warning, wider information gathering and information distribution.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Military component contribution", "Heading3": "5.3.1 Security ", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "Military components may possess ammunition and weapons expertise useful for the disarmament phase of a DDR programme. Disarmament typically involves the collection, documentation (registration), identification, storage, and disposal (including destruction) of conventional arms and ammunition (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). Depending on the methods agreed in peace agreements and plans for future national security forces, weapons and ammunition will either be destroyed or safely and securely managed. Military components can therefore assist in performing the following disarmament-related tasks, which should include a gender-perspective in their planning and execution: \\n Monitoring the separation of forces. \\n Monitoring troop withdrawal from agreed-upon areas. \\n Manning reception centres. \\n Undertaking identification and physical checks of weapons. \\n Collection, registration and identification of weapons, ammunition and explosives. \\n Registration of male and female ex-combatants and associated groups.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Military component contribution", "Heading3": "5.3.2 Disarmament", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "Not all military units possess the requisite capabilities to support the disarmament component of a DDR programme. Early and comprehensive planning should identify whether this is a requirement, and units/capabilities should be generated accordingly. For example, the collection of unused landmines may constitute a component of disarmament and requires military explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) units. The destruction and disposal of ammunition and explosives is also a highly specialized process and shall only be conducted by specially trained EOD military personnel in coordination with the DDR component of the mission. When the military is receiving weapons, it is important that both male and female soldiers participate in the process, particularly if it is necessary to search former combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Military component contribution", "Heading3": "5.3.2 Disarmament", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "Military components may also assist with transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM) as part of pre-DDR, as part of community violence reduction, or as part of DDR support to transitional security arrangements. The precise roles and responsibilities to be played by military components in each of these scenarios should be outlined in a set of standard operating procedures for transitional WAM (see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Military component contribution", "Heading3": "5.3.3 Transitional weapons and ammunition management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "The DDR component of the mission should coordinate and manage information gathering and reporting tasks, with supplementary information provided by the Joint Operations Centre (JOC) and Joint Mission Analysis Centre (JMAC). The military component can seek information on the following: \\n The locations, sex- and age-disaggregated troop strengths, and intentions of former combatants or associated groups, who may or will become part of a DDR process. \\n Estimates of the number/type of weapons and ammunition expected to be collected/stored during a DDR process, including those held by women and children. As accurate estimates may be difficult to achieve, planning for disarmament and broader transitional WAM must include some flexibility. \\n Sex- and age-disaggregated estimates of non-combatants associated with the armed forces, including women, children, and elderly or wounded/disabled people. Their roles and responsibilities should also be identified, particularly if human trafficking, slavery, and/or sexual and gender-based violence is suspected. \\n Information from UN system organizations, NGOs, and women\u2019s and youth groups. \\n\\n The information-gathering process can be a specific task of the military component, but it can also be a by-product of its normal operations, e.g., information gathered by patrols and the activities of MILOBs. Previous experience has shown that the leaders of armed groups often withhold or distort information related to DDR, particularly when communicating with the rank and file. Military components can be used to detect whether this is happening and can assist in dealing with this challenge as part of the public information and sensitization campaigns associated with DDR (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Military component contribution", "Heading3": "5.3.4 Information gathering and reporting", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "The military component can assist dedicated mission DDR staff by monitoring and reporting on progress. This work must be managed by the DDR staff in conjunction with the JOC.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Military component contribution", "Heading3": "5.3.4 Information gathering and reporting", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "Military components are typically widely spread across the conflict-affected country/region and can therefore assist by distributing information on DDR to potential participants and beneficiaries. Any information campaign should be planned and monitored by the DDR component and wider mission public information staff (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR). MILOBs and the infantry battalion can assist in the dissemination of public information and in sensitization campaigns.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Military component contribution", "Heading3": "5.3.5 Information dissemination and sensitization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "Military components may conduct a wide range of logistical tasks ranging from transportation to the construction of static disarmament and demobilization sites (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament and IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Logistics support provided by a military component must be coordinated with units that provide integrated services support to a mission. Where the military is specifically tasked with providing certain kinds of support, additional military capability may be required by the military component for the duration of the task. A less ideal solution would be to reprioritize or reschedule the activities of military elements carrying out other mandated tasks. This approach can have the disadvantage of degrading wider efforts to provide a secure environment, perhaps even at the expense of the security of the population at large.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Military component contribution", "Heading3": "5.3.6 Logistics support", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "During pre-deployment planning, assessment and advisory visits (AAVs) are conducted to facilitate planning and decision-making processes at the UN Headquarters (UNHQ) level and to improve understanding of the preparedness of Member States wishing to contribute to UN peacekeeping operations. For new and emerging Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs), an AAV provides advice on specific UN operational and performance requirements. If DDR is required, TCCs can be provided with advice on the preparation of DDR activities during AAVs. A lead role should be played by the Integrated Training Service, who should include information on the preparation and implementation of DDR, including through a gender-perspective, within the pre-deployment training package. AAVs also support those Member States that are contributing a new capability in UN peace operations with guidance on specific UN requirements and assist them in meeting those requirements. Finally, preparedness for DDR is a responsibility of TCCs with UNHQ guidance. During pre-deployment visits, preparedness for DDR can be evaluated/assessed.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.4 Pre-deployment planning", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "For the military component, DDR planning is not very different from planning related to other military tasks in UN peace operations. Clear guidance is necessary on the scope of the military\u2019s involvement.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.4 Pre-deployment planning", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "Contingency planning for military contributions to DDR processes will typically be carried out by military staff at UNHQ in collaboration with the Force Headquarters of the Mission. Ideally, once it appears likely that a mission will be established, individuals can be identified in Member States to fill specialist DDR military staff officer posts in a DDR component in mission headquarters. These specialists could be called upon to assist at UNHQ if required, ahead of the main deployment.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.5 Contingency planning", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "Military staff officers, either from UNHQ or, ideally, individuals specifically allocated as DDR staff for peace operations, will participate, when required and available, in joint assessment missions to assist in determining the military operational requirement specifically needed to support DDR. These officers can advise on technical issues that will be relevant to the particular DDR process and should possess gender expertise.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.6 Joint assessment mission", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "A mission concept of operations is drawn up as part of an integrated activity at UNHQ. As part of this process, a detailed operational requirement will be developed for military capability to meet the proposed tasks in the concept. This will include military capability to support UN DDR. The overall military requirement is the responsibility of the Military Adviser, however, this individual is not responsible for the overall DDR plan. There must be close consultation among all components involved in DDR throughout the planning process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.7 Mission concept of operations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "Ideally, detailed mission plans will be drawn up by individuals who will fill planning and management positions in the proposed new mission. If this is not possible, initial plans will be drawn up by UNHQ staff, then reviewed and adjusted by mission staff as DDR progresses. Mission plans and concepts of operations will also need to be reviewed, should the Security Council not approve all identified and proposed operational requirements. In addition, as DDR processes should be owned by Governments or transitional Governments, mission plans should be flexible and allow for adjustments.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.8 Mission plan", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "The UN\u2019s Force Generation Service is responsible for interaction with Member States to acquire the military capabilities identified in the operational requirement. Contributions are negotiated on a case- by-case basis. Member States will not start formal negotiations until the Security Council has mandated a mission. For complex missions, i.e., most missions involving DDR, the UN has a target of having troops completely deployed within 90 days.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.9 Force generation ", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "If the military operational requirement specifically identified to support DDR is likely to be concentrated on support to disarmament, transitional WAM, and demobilization, it may be possible to reduce the size of the force once these aspects have been completed, if the security situation allows. In other words, it may be possible to design a force structure that has an element that will be required only for these specific activities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.9 Force generation ", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "Military capacity used in a DDR process is planned in detail and carried out by the military component of the mission within the limits of its capabilities. Military staff officers could fill posts in a DDR component as follows: \\n Mil SO1 DDR \u2013 military liaison (Lieutenant Colonel); \\n Mil SO2 DDR \u2013 military liaison (Major); \\n Mil SO2 DDR \u2013 disarmament and weapons control (Major); \\n Mil SO2 DDR \u2013 gender and protection issues (Major). \\n\\n The posts will be designed to meet the specific requirements of the mission.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "5. The military component in mission settings", "Heading2": "5.10 DDR component staffing", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "In SPMs, MILOBs and military advisers may be deployed in the absence of formed military contingents. Depending on the particular context, the roles and responsibilities of military personnel in these settings may include the provision of technical advice on disarmament and transitional WAM (see section 5.3.3); and the building of bilateral relationships with non-UN military forces including national armies and regional peace support operations. Importantly, DDR practitioners shall ensure that all UN engagement with non-UN security forces be undertaken in accordance with the United Nations Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on UN Support to Non-UN Security Forces.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Special political missions and non-mission settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "In non-mission settings, national and international military personnel can be invited to support DDR processes either as part of national armed forces or as part of joint military teams formed through bilateral military cooperation. The roles and responsibilities of these military personnel may be similar to those played by UN military personnel in mission settings.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Special political missions and non-mission settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "DDR may be closely linked to security sector reform (SSR) in a peace agreement. This agreement may stipulate that vetted former members of armed forces and groups are to be integrated into the national armed forces, police, gendarmerie or other uniformed services. In some DDR-SSR processes, the reform of the security sector may also lead to the discharge of members of the armed forces for reintegration into civilian life. Dependant on the DDR-SSR agreement in place, these individuals can be given the option of benefiting from reintegration support.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. DDR and security sector reform", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "The modalities of integration into the security sector can be outlined in technical agreements and/or in protocols on defence and security. National legislation regulating the security sector may also need to be adjusted through the passage of laws and decrees in line with the peace agreement. At a minimum, the institutional and legal framework for SSR shall provide: \\n An agreement on the number of former members of armed groups for integration into the security sector; \\n Clear vetting criteria, in particular a process shall be in place to ensure that individuals who have committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, terrorist offences or human rights violations are not eligible for integration; in addition, due diligence measures shall be taken to ensure that children are not recruited into the military; \\n A clear framework to establish a policy and ensure implementation of appropriate training on relevant legal and regulatory instruments applicable to the security sector, including a code of conduct; \\n A clear and transparent policy for rank harmonization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "7. DDR and security sector reform", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "DDR planning and management should be closely linked to SSR planning and management. Although international engagement with SSR is often provided through bilateral cooperation agreements, between the State carrying out SSR and the State(s) providing support, UN entities may provide SSR support upon request of the parties concerned, including by participating in reviews that lead to the rightsizing of the security sector in conflict-affected countries. Military personnel supporting DDR processes may also engage with external actors in order to contribute to coherent and interconnected DDR and SSR efforts, and may provide tactical, strategic and operational advice on the reform of the armed forces.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "7. DDR and security sector reform", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "For further information on vetting and the integration of armed forces and groups in the security sector, see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "7. DDR and security sector reform", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "Military components and personnel must be adequately trained. In General Assembly Resolution A/RES/49/37 (1995), Member States recognized their responsibility for the training of uniformed personnel for UN peacekeeping operations and requested the Secretary-General to develop relevant training materials and establish a range of measures to assist Member States. In 2007, the Integrated Training Service was created as the centre responsible for peacekeeping training. The Peacekeeping Resource Hub was also launched in order to disseminate peacekeeping guidance and training materials to Member States, peacekeeping training institutes and other partners. A number of trainings institutions, including peacekeeping training centers, offer annual DDR training courses for both civilian and military personnel. DDR practitioners should plan and budget for the participation of civilian and military personnel in DDR training courses.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "8. DDR training requirements for military personnel", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "\\n 1 Good offices engagements may vary and will not necessarily include MILOBS or military advisers. \\n 2 See \\n 3 See 202015.pdf", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "UN Military Roles and Responsibilities", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.40 UN Military Roles and Responsibilities"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities.json b/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ccdf26 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities.json @@ -0,0 +1,1080 @@ +[ + { + "ID": 0, + "Paragraph": "Police personnel possess a wide range of skills and capacities that can contribute to DDR processes in mission and non-mission settings. As outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR, mission settings are those situations in which peace operations are deployed through peacekeeping operations, political missions and good offices engagements, by the UN or a regional organization. Non-mission settings are those where no peace operation is deployed, either through a peacekeeping operation, political missions or good offices engagements.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 1, + "Paragraph": "In mission settings, the mandate granted by the UN Security Council will dictate the type and extent of UN police involvement in a DDR process. Dependent on the situation on the ground, this mandate can range from monitoring and advisory functions to full policing responsibilities. In mission settings with a peacekeeping operation, the UN police component will typically consist of individual police officers, formed police units and specialized police teams. In special political missions, formed police units will typically not be present, and the UN police presence may consist of senior advisers.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 2, + "Paragraph": "In non-mission settings there is no UN Security Council mandate. Therefore, the type and extent of UN or international police involvement in a DDR process will be determined by the nature of the request received from a national Government or by bilateral cooperation agreements. An international police presence in a non-mission setting (whether UN or otherwise) will typically consist of advisers, mentors, trainers and/or policing experts, complemented where necessary by a specialized police team.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 3, + "Paragraph": "When supporting DDR processes, police personnel may conduct several general tasks, including the provision of advice, support to coordination, monitoring and building public confidence. Police personnel may also conduct more specific tasks related to the particular type of DDR process that is underway. For example, as part of a DDR programme, police personnel at disarmament and demobilization sites can facilitate weapons tracing and the dynamic surveillance of weapons and ammunition storage sites. Police personnel may also support the implementation of different DDR- related tools (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). For example, police may support DDR practitioners who are engaged in the mediation of local peace agreements by orienting these individuals, and broader negotiating teams, to entry points in the community. Community-oriented policing practices and community violence reduction (CVR) programmes can also be mutually reinforcing (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 4, + "Paragraph": "Finally, when DDR processes are linked to security sector reform (SSR), UN police personnel have an important role to play in the reform of State police and law enforcement institutions and can positively contribute to the establishment and furtherance of professional standards and codes of conduct of policing.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 5, + "Paragraph": "The objective of this module is to outline possible police contributions to DDR processes in the context of UN peacekeeping operations, special political missions (SPMs) and non-mission settings. Although the guidance in this module is based on the experience of UN police components, it is designed for all police personnel who contribute to DDR processes, irrespective of whether these personnel are affiliated to the UN, regional organizations, or State police. The module is also designed for civilian DDR practitioners who are interested in the ways that police personnel and UN law enforcement experts may support their work.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 6, + "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 7, + "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 8, + "Paragraph": "UN police personnel can include both uniformed police officers and civilian policing experts.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 9, + "Paragraph": "Individual police officers (IPOs) are usually unarmed and have historically been utilised for community-oriented policing, information gathering, capacity building, training and monitoring.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 10, + "Paragraph": "Formed Police Units (FPUs) are self-contained police units of 140 to 160 officers capable of providing a range of tactical police options, including an effective public order function. FPUs are armed, and, generally speaking, deliver a more robust form of policing than IPOs based on mandate authority and tasks.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 11, + "Paragraph": "Specialised Police Teams (SPTs) sometimes reinforce FPUs and consist of a group of experts in a particular area of policing such as special weapons and tactics teams.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 12, + "Paragraph": "UN policing experts may be deployed to Member States as part of technical assistance programmes agreed between United Nations country team entities and the Member State, to provide capacity building or other forms of technical assistance.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 13, + "Paragraph": "Interim Executive mandate: The mandates provided to UN police personnel in mission settings may range from non-executive to partial-executive to full-executive. Full-executive mandates are rarely granted, as they mean that UN police will assume complete responsibility for the maintenance of law and order, and the performance of the whole spectrum of activities associated with policing, including powers of arrest and detention, collecting evidence, investigation of crime and assistance in criminal investigations, border security, riot and crowd control, and robust patrols.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 14, + "Paragraph": "Police personnel possess a wide range of skills and capacities that may contribute to DDR processes in the context of UN peacekeeping operations, SPMs and non-mission settings. In peacekeeping operations, UN police components will typically consist of IPOs, FPUs and SPTs. In special political missions, FPUs will typically not be present, and the UN police presence may consist of IPOs who work as senior advisers. In non-mission contexts, the UN or international police presence will typically consist of advisers, mentors, trainers and/or policing experts complemented, where necessary, by a SPT.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 15, + "Paragraph": "The type and extent of UN or international police involvement in a DDR process in a non- mission setting will be determined by the nature of the request received from a national Government or by bilateral cooperation agreements. In mission settings, the mandate given to a UN police component will dictate the level and extent of its involvement in a DDR process. Dependent on the situation on the ground, the Security Council can grant mandates to UN police that range from monitoring and advisory functions to full policing responsibilities. In both mission and non-mission settings, police-related tasks may also include support for the reform, restructuring and development of the State police service and other law enforcement institutions.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 16, + "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to police roles and responsibilities.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 17, + "Paragraph": "In contexts where DDR is linked to SSR, the integration of vetted former members of armed groups into the armed forces, the State police service or other uniformed services as part of DDR processes shall be voluntary (also see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 18, + "Paragraph": "When DDR and SSR processes are linked, former members of armed groups shall only be recruited into the State police service if they are thoroughly vetted and meet the designated recruitment criteria. Former members of armed groups shall not be integrated into the State police service merely because of their status as former members of an armed group. Furthermore, former members of armed groups who have been involved in war crimes, crimes against humanity, terrorist offences and genocide shall not be eligible for recruitment into State police services (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). Importantly, children shall not be recruited into the State police service and effective age assessment procedures must be put in place (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 19, + "Paragraph": "In both mission and non-mission settings, UN police personnel are bound to international norms, laws and standards and must uphold the highest standards of protection, including child protection standards, in all aspects of their work. The importance of child protection shall be understood by all police personnel, through ongoing training, and mainstreamed into daily operations, and in particular, into protection activities. Police officers at all levels should ensure that differentiated and shared threats to boys and girls and their vulnerabilities are identified and that plans and orders are developed to provide effective protection on the ground, working in concert with mission child protection advisers (when relevant), other child protection partners and the responsible government authorities. A police child protection focal point shall be established. Child protection and child rights, including justice for children and other special protections in international law and standards applicable to children in contact with the law, shall be included not only in police training but in standard operating procedures as well as in police guidance as appropriate. Child protection shall be integrated into all police work, including when UN and international police personnel undertake mentoring and advisory activities and build the capacity of State police services in conflict-affected countries. UN police personnel shall contribute to larger efforts to bring about positive change in national laws and practices, promoting the highest standards for protecting children. Whenever orders are written, or an activity planned, UN police personnel shall always consider the impact on children and their protection, including the appropriate measures to be taken to address any child protection concerns.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 20, + "Paragraph": "Any form of support by United Nations police personnel or UN entities to non-UN security forces shall be governed by the UN Human Rights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations Support to Non- UN Security Forces.1 This policy requires an assessment of the risk that recipients of UN support will commit grave violations of international humanitarian, human rights or refugee law. If a level of risk is identified, mitigating measures shall be put in place. It is the responsibility of every UN entity providing support to undertake such a risk assessment. As identified in the HRDDP, \u201csupport\u201d encompasses a range of potential activities from training, mentoring and advisory services to joint operations conducted by UN and non-UN security forces. Risk assessments shall be undertaken prior to the delivery of support to recipients.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 People-centred", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 In accordance with the standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 21, + "Paragraph": "Gender-sensitive policing is an operational necessity to address the different and shared security needs of women, men, boys and girls. Particular attention shall be granted to the ability of women, men, boys and girls to share protection threats that concern them and to help identify responses to these threats. Security Council Resolution 2185 (2014) on policing in peacekeeping emphasizes the promotion of gender equality as part of a comprehensive approach to conflict prevention and sustainable peace. UN police personnel shall use a gender analysis and incorporate gender considerations into key aspects of UN police operations such as assessment, planning, management, budgeting and capacity development programmes for police reform. UN police personnel shall promote non-discriminatory and adequate representation of qualified women in State police services at all levels and work to ensure that women in State police services are provided with equal capacity and career development opportunities. UN police personnel shall ensure adequate participation of female police officers in decision-making in the police reform process. UN police personnel shall recognize the specific needs and contributions of women in conflict and post-conflict environments, including the need for protection from sexual and gender-based violence and for community strategies to reflect women\u2019s needs, including through the deployment of women within FPUs and the establishment of special protection units.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 22, + "Paragraph": "Community engagement through community-oriented policing shall not expose persons to risk or cause them harm \u2013 particularly those who may be at greatest risk, including the most vulnerable, human rights defenders and/or civil society activists.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 23, + "Paragraph": "There is no one-size-fits all policing policy and, as a result, there can be no standardized approach to determining police support to a particular DDR process. Instead, police support to DDR processes shall be context specific and in accordance with country plans and strategies.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Context specific", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 24, + "Paragraph": "Police reform and capacity-building is a long-term commitment. Piecemeal police reform without sustained international support often brings no long-term benefits. However, contributing to the police reform process can be politically sensitive, and many donor countries are not willing to support this particular activity. It is therefore very important to make the best use of available resources by coordinating and integrating international support so that, through the united effort of all concerned, the best possible end result can be achieved.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent", + "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, accountable and transparent funding arrangements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 25, + "Paragraph": "Police reform, restructuring and development require strong national political will. This is demonstrated when measures are taken to ensure the promulgation and amendment of police regulations and police statutes. National political will is also shown by protecting police reform plans and processes from political interference. The police shall be a non-partisan institution that represents all groups and sex and age considerations within a nation, and police officers shall be responsible to the public through obeying and being loyal to a duly elected Government. Making resources available for paying regular salaries and providing basic needs such as uniforms are other ways of displaying political will and commitment. Ultimately, the police reform process shall be nationally owned and rooted in the particular needs and conditions of the country concerned and based on the development of expertise at the national and community levels. The sustainability of the reform depends on the level of national ownership of the entire process and the ability of the Government to support it in the long run.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 26, + "Paragraph": "When necessary, UN police personnel shall coordinate with international and regional police in information sharing and strategic and operational cooperation and planning, particularly when dealing with regional DDR processes, arms trafficking, terrorism and other trans-border crimes.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.8 Regionally supported", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 27, + "Paragraph": "When police support to a DDR process is mandated by the Security Council or requested by a Government, it shall be integrated appropriately into DDR planning and management processes. Additionally, support to police reform cannot be an isolated activity and should take place at the same time as the reform and development of the criminal justice system, including prosecution, judiciary and prison systems, in a comprehensive SSR process (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and SSR). All three components of the criminal justice system work together and support one another.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 28, + "Paragraph": "In DDR processes in mission settings, the protection of civilians and of UN personnel, their assets and freedom of movement can be provided by UN police personnel, either in the form of IPOs or FPUs. The support of IPOs and FPUs shall be sought if and when DDR personnel, sites and activities are endangered. FPU engagement shall always be limited to the regular maintenance of law and order and shall not cross into high-risk matters of weapons security and military security. If the situation does escalate to involve violence and the use of firearms, military units shall be alerted in order to be ready to support the FPU (see IDDRS 4.40 on UN Military Roles and Responsibilities).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", + "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 29, + "Paragraph": "Often during armed conflict, State police services are reduced in size and many of the functions of the police are taken over by the military. As peace returns, the State police service and other law enforcement institutions often need to be restructured and their role in maintaining internal security and public order re-established and strengthened. While a short transition period increases the chances of successfully establishing accountable public institutions, the withdrawal of an international police presence shall be a carefully planned exercise, and the pace of this withdrawal shall be based on the ability of State security institutions to take over the maintenance of security and public order.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", + "Heading3": "4.10.2 Transitional and exit strategies", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 30, + "Paragraph": "The mechanism for the deployment of UN police differs in both mission and non-mission settings.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. Deployment of UN police", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 31, + "Paragraph": "In mission settings, the deployment of UN police personnel is defined during pre-mission assessment and pre-deployment planning:", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "5. Deployment of UN police", + "Heading2": "5.1 Mission settings", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 32, + "Paragraph": "As soon as the possibility of UN involvement in peacekeeping activities becomes evident, a multi- agency technical team will visit the area to draw up an operational strategy. The level of engagement of UN police will be decided based on the existing structures and capability of the State police service, including its legal basis; human resources; and administrative, technical, management and operational capabilities, including a gender analysis. The police assessment takes into account the capabilities of the State police service that are in place to deal with the immediate problems of the conflict and post-conflict environment. It also estimates what would be required to ensure the long- term effectiveness of the State police service as it is redeveloped into a professional police service. Of critical importance during this assessment is the identification of the various security agencies that are actually performing law enforcement tasks. During conflict, military intelligence units may have been utilized to perform law enforcement functions. Paramilitary forces and other irregular forces may have also carried out these functions, using methods and techniques that would exceed the ordinary capacities of a State police service.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "5. Deployment of UN police", + "Heading2": "5.1 Mission settings", + "Heading3": "5.1.1 The pre-mission assessment", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 33, + "Paragraph": "During the assessment phase, it should be decided whether the State police service is also to be included in the DDR process. Police may have been directly involved in the conflict as combatants or as supporters of the armed forces. If this is the case, maintaining the same police in service could jeopardize the peace and stability of the nation. Furthermore, the police as an institution would have to be disarmed, demobilized, adequately vetted for any violation of human rights, and then re- recruited and trained to perform proper policing functions.1", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "5. Deployment of UN police", + "Heading2": "5.1 Mission settings", + "Heading3": "5.1.1 The pre-mission assessment", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 34, + "Paragraph": "The assessment phase should also examine the extent to which disarmament or transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM) will be required. UN police personnel can play a central role in contributing to the assessment and identification of the number and type of small arms in the possession of civilians and armed groups, in close cooperation with national authorities and civil society. This assessment should also evaluate the capacity of the State police service to protect civilians in light of the prospective number of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and dependents who will be demobilized and supported to return and reintegrate into the community, as well as the impact of this return on public order and security at national and community levels.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "5. Deployment of UN police", + "Heading2": "5.1 Mission settings", + "Heading3": "5.1.1 The pre-mission assessment", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 35, + "Paragraph": "UN police personnel should then, with the approval of the national authorities and in coordination with relevant stakeholders, contribute to a preliminary assessment of the possibility of rapid rearmament by armed groups due to unregulated arms possession and arms flows. Legal statutes to regulate the possession of arms by individuals for self-protection should be carefully assessed, and recommendations in support of appropriate weapons control should be made. If it is necessary to rapidly reduce the number of weapons in circulation, ad hoc provisions, in the form of decrees emanating from the central, regional and provincial authorities, can be recommended.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "5. Deployment of UN police", + "Heading2": "5.1 Mission settings", + "Heading3": "5.1.1 The pre-mission assessment", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 36, + "Paragraph": "Before the establishment of any UN mission, the prospective mission mandate will be examined in order to jumpstart work on the UN police concept of operations. This is the document that will translate the political intent of the mission mandate into UN police strategies and operational directives, and will contain references to all UN police structures, locations, assets, capabilities and indicators of achievement. The necessary course of action for UN police personnel in relation to the DDR process should be outlined, taking into account the broad aims of the integrated mission, the integrated assessment, and consultations with other UN agencies, funds and programmes. The outlined course of action will also depend on the realities on the ground, the expectations of the parties concerned and the DDR structures to be deployed (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Structures and Processes). As soon as a Security Council Resolution is issued, a UN police deployment plan is drawn up.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "5. Deployment of UN police", + "Heading2": "5.1 Mission settings", + "Heading3": "5.1.2 Pre-deployment planning ", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 37, + "Paragraph": "The UN police structure in an integrated UN peacekeeping operation will be based on the Strategic Guidance Framework for International Police Peacekeeping and will consist of four pillars: UN Police Command, UN Police Operations, UN Police Capacity-Building and Development, and UN Police Administration. Capabilities to prevent serious and organized crime should be activated and coordinated in order to support operations conducted by the State police service and to build the capacity of these forces where necessary. SPTs should also be included in the police contingent to assist in the development of national police capacities in specific technical fields including, but not limited to, forensics, criminal intelligence, investigations, and sexual exploitation and abuse/sexual and gender-based violence.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "5. Deployment of UN police", + "Heading2": "5.1 Mission settings", + "Heading3": "5.1.3 Peacekeeping operations", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 38, + "Paragraph": "At the strategic level, the UN police deployment will engage with the State\u2019s central police and security authorities and with the UN Country Team. At the operational level, the UN police deployment will develop regional and sector commands with team sites in critical locations. IPOs will work alongside and in close coordination with the national police, while FPUs will be based at the provincial level, in areas sensitive to public order and security disturbances. These FPUs may undertake protection of civilian tasks, secure and reinforce the activities of the IPOs, participate in joint missions with the force and civilian components of the mission, and provide general protection to UN staff, assets and freedom of movement. In this latter regard, FPUs shall be ready to implement evacuation plans if the need arises.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "5. Deployment of UN police", + "Heading2": "5.1 Mission settings", + "Heading3": "5.1.3 Peacekeeping operations", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 39, + "Paragraph": "Upon deployment to a mission area with a peacekeeping operation, all UN police personnel shall receive induction training which outlines their role in the DDR process. It is essential that all UN police personnel in the mission fully understand the aims and scope of the DDR process and are aware of the responsibilities of the UN police component in relation to DDR. With the deployment of UN police personnel to the mission area, the UN police commissioner will (depending on the size of the UN police component and its mandate) establish a dedicated DDR coordinating unit with a liaison officer who will work very closely with the mission\u2019s DDR command structures to coordinate activity with the military, the State police service and other relevant institutions involved in the DDR process. The DDR coordinating unit should be supported by a police gender adviser/focal point who can advise on gender perspectives related to the work of the police on DDR.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "5. Deployment of UN police", + "Heading2": "5.1 Mission settings", + "Heading3": "5.1.3 Peacekeeping operations", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 40, + "Paragraph": "In special political missions, pre-mission assessment and pre-deployment planning will take place as outlined above. However, UN police will be structured within a Police Advisory Unit. Within this unit, a Senior Police Adviser to the Special Representative of the Secretary General will be tasked to liaise and coordinate with the State police and security authorities in order to foster reform and development, to engage in the routing and channelling of international assistance, and to oversee the UN Country Office\u2019s activities related to police and security issues. The police deployment will typically occur in phases, responding to the immediate priorities in the country where the mission will be deployed.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "5. Deployment of UN police", + "Heading2": "5.1 Mission settings", + "Heading3": "5.1.4 Special political missions", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 41, + "Paragraph": "In non-mission settings, UN policing experts may be deployed to support a DDR process in response to a request from a national Government. The deployment may be part of a technical assistance programme agreed between a UN entity and the Government, or may be defined by the Global Focal Point for Police, Justice and Corrections Areas in the Rule of Law in Post-Conflict and Other Crisis Situations (GFP). Advisers, mentors, trainers and/or policing experts may be deployed complemented, where necessary, by the deployment of a SPT. International police deployments of non-UN personnel can also take place on the basis of bilateral cooperation agreements.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "5. Deployment of UN police", + "Heading2": "5.2 Non-mission settings ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 42, + "Paragraph": "The general tasks that police personnel undertake in relation to DDR processes are advice, coordination, monitoring and building public confidence. The capacity of UN police personnel to carry out these functions will differ in different settings \u2013 mission and non-mission \u2013 contingent on mandated tasks and whether FPUs, IPOs and SPTs are present or absent. For example, building public confidence and strong relationships with local communities will not be realistically achievable in a non-mission setting if only one police adviser is deployed.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 43, + "Paragraph": "UN police personnel carry out advisory functions when serving within missions that include advisory and assistance tasks within their mandate. In non-mission settings, UN or international police personnel may be deployed in response to a request from a national Government or as a result of bilateral cooperation agreements.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.1 Advice", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 44, + "Paragraph": "Advisory functions can take place at three levels and shall also be in compliance with the United Nations Human Rights Due Diligence Policy (HRDDP).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.1 Advice", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 45, + "Paragraph": "Strategic: This is the level where specific policy issues are conceptualized and formulated, usually with the ministry of interior or equivalent. UN police personnel can provide assistance in adopting policing policies, drafting police reform decrees, and reiterating that professional, effective, accountable, accessible and gender-responsive law enforcement, corrections, and judicial institutions are necessary to lay the foundations for sustaining peace and peacebuilding. They can also provide advice to police executive boards and senior police leadership on the establishment of institutional development plans, the enhancement of internal and effective oversight structures, the creation of training programmes and the promotion of gender equality within the police service. Operational or middle management: At this level, UN police personnel can work with operational commanders and mid-level managers, advising them on how to implement concepts and policies on the ground. UN police personnel should also take note of any specific equipment, infrastructure and training requirements and take action to address these needs. \\n Service delivery: At this level, UN police personnel can monitor, mentor and advise local police officers working at the community-level, both through working side by side and by conducting joint activities. This work is done in order to ensure that the delivery of the State police service is appropriate and complies with professional standards and codes of conduct of policing as well as with the UN HRDDP. This work is also built on the recognition that State police services are often the primary link between the Government and communities on security issues.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.1 Advice", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 46, + "Paragraph": "UN police personnel can positively influence the way that State police services perform their tasks in a human rights compliant manner. Advice and capacity-building can range from establishing policy frameworks on disarmament to drawing up future regulations on arms possession, and can include reforming the State police service in its entirety, including through the adoption of policies to promote gender equality within the police service (see section 8). At the operational level, UN police personnel can help local operational commanders to prevent and tackle crime and lawlessness, and suggest ways to deal with these problems. Furthermore, UN police personnel can assist in planning specific crime prevention and security strategies that can be operationalized with an integrated commitment by the UN mission (if in a mission setting), or by the State police service, particularly in settings where armed groups are engaged in criminal activities (see IDDRS 6.40 on DDR and Organized Crime) This may include the creation of Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) and CVR programmes (see section 7.1).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.1 Advice", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 47, + "Paragraph": "Preventing and combating crime and lawlessness can be particularly important when conflict- affected populations \u2013 including ex-combatants, their dependants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, displaced persons and refugees \u2013 begin to return to communities. As the return of these individuals gets underway, social tensions may appear. Such tensions, if not tackled straight away, could lead to more complicated situations that require a major diversion of resources, effort and time. In these situations, UN police personnel can provide information and criminal intelligence that help to prevent a deterioration of the security situation and of public order. In mission settings, UN police personnel can also engage with local authorities, communities and civil society organizations, including women and youth organizations, in order to enhance early warning and situational awareness for the benefit of all mission components. In a similar manner, UN police personnel are often well positioned to gather information that the military component of the mission can use to maintain and improve the security of the area in which the mission operates. In non-mission settings, the UN Country Team will be well positioned to detect the signs of a potential return to armed conflict. In these contexts UN police personnel can be utilized in order to advise on the implementation of preventative measures.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.1 Advice", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 48, + "Paragraph": "DDR is a complex process requiring full coordination among all stakeholders, particularly local communities. Contingent on mandate and/or deployment strength, UN police personnel should aim to build a strong working relationship with different segments of local communities that enables the DDR process to take place. More specifically, UN police personnel can contribute to the selection of sites for disarmament and demobilization, broker agreements with communities and help to assure the safety of community members. UN police personnel can monitor disarmament and demobilization sites and regularly liaise with communities and their male and female leaders at critical phases of the DDR process. Experience has shown that neglecting to address the different and shared concerns of the various segments of communities can lead to delays and a loss of the momentum required to push DDR forward. Due to their role in community policing, UN police personnel are often well placed to identify local concerns and coordinate with the parties involved to quickly resolve any problems that may arise.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.2 Coordination", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 49, + "Paragraph": "The presence of a dedicated UN police liaison officer within a mission\u2019s DDR component helps in the gathering and processing of intelligence on ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, their current situation and their possible future activities/locations. Such a liaison officer provides a valuable link to the operations of the UN police component and State police and law enforcement institutions. In this regard, the liaison officer can also keep the DDR component up to date on the progress of UN police personnel in advising and training the State police service.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.2 Coordination", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 50, + "Paragraph": "The monitoring of crime trends is important to limit and control the spread of activities that could hinder stability and derail the peace process. Demobilized combatants are sometimes involved in human trafficking, the sex trade, racketeering, smuggling and other organized criminal activities (see IDDRS 6.40 on DDR and Organized Crime). UN police personnel, contingent on mandate and/or deployment strength, shall try to ensure that these activities are controlled effectively right from the start. If DDR practitioners obtain information that is relevant to crime monitoring and prevention, this information shall be shared with UN police. Furthermore, if UN police personnel observe a return to military-style activities, they can assist in getting rid of checkpoints, illegal collection points and hold- ups, and can help persuade former combatants to abandon violence.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.3 Monitoring", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 51, + "Paragraph": "Another aspect of monitoring should be that of establishing mechanisms to gather information and intelligence and observe any increase in the possession of arms by the civilian population. Where rules and regulations on the possession of arms for self-protection are well defined, they shall be strictly enforced by the State police service. Monitoring the efforts of the national authorities in controlling the movement of arms across borders will be crucial to identifying possible rearmament trends. Disarmament and/or transitional WAM as part of a DDR process will not be successful if the flow of small arms and light weapons is not fully controlled (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament and IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.3 Monitoring", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 52, + "Paragraph": "When provided with a mandate and/or appropriate deployment strength, UN police personnel shall also monitor whether State police personnel comply with professional standards of policing. This type of monitoring should be linked to capacity-building, in that, if problems are found, UN police personnel should then support the State police to apply corrective measures. If police misconduct is discovered during the monitoring process, UN police personnel shall report this to the appropriate national or local internal oversight mechanism. Non-compliance reporting is one of the best tools available to monitors for ensuring that host authorities fulfil their obligations, and it should be used to apply pressure if State police personnel and authorities fail to deal with incidents of non- compliance, or routinely violate the principles of an agreement. Non-compliance reporting usually focuses on two themes: the standards of professional service delivery (client-focused) and the agreed principles of access and transparency with regard to commitments (bilateral agreements, access to records, detention centres, etc.).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.3 Monitoring", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 53, + "Paragraph": "Finally, in UN missions that hold a specific Child Protection/Children and Armed Conflict mandate, child protection is a specified mandated task for the UN police component. The child protection mandates for missions can include support to DDR processes, to ensure the effective identification and demobilization of children, taking into account the specific concerns of girls and boys, a requirement to monitor and report on the Six Grave Violations against children, namely recruitment and use of children, killing and maiming, sexual violence against children, abduction, attacks on schools and hospitals and denial of humanitarian access, and/or a requirement for the mission to work closely with the government or armed groups to adopt and implement measures to protect children, including Action Plans to end and prevent grave violations. The tasks of the police component, in close consultation with mission child protection advisers, therefore include, but are not limited to: providing physical protection for children; monitoring child protection concerns through community-oriented policing; gathering and sharing information on the Six Grave Violations; ensuring the rights of children in contact with the law; and addressing juvenile justice issues such as arbitrary or prolonged pre-trial detention and prison conditions.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.3 Monitoring", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 54, + "Paragraph": "A division between the State police service and the community may emerge during armed conflict. This division should be bridged, and public confidence in the State police service should be (re)built, in order for long-term peace to be sustained. Community-oriented policing initiatives, as espoused in the United Nations Strategic Guidance Framework for International Police Peacekeeping, are an effective means of establishing and sustaining long-term community reconciliation processes. 2 They involve a shift in policing methods and practice, so that the police and different segments of the community work together to solve problems concerning crime, disorder and insecurity (see Box 1). In this way, and through a gender-responsive approach, a relationship between the police and the public is (re)established.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.4 Building public confidence", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 55, + "Paragraph": "The philosophy of community-oriented policing encourages the development of new ways of dealing with community security concerns, particularly to ensure that the needs of women, men, the old and young, minorities, persons with disabilities and other specific-needs groups are systematically addressed. Police personnel (both State and UN) shall be trained in how to tackle gender-based violence towards women and children, both girls and boys, in addition to other hidden social problems such as abuse of the elderly. UN police personnel shall utilize their gender officers and advisers to closely follow up on all aspects related to protections for women and vulnerable groups. They shall include engagement with local communities and civil society organizations, including women\u2019s and youth organizations, to assess the nature and extent of possible abuses and provide immediate assistance and follow-up.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.4 Building public confidence", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 56, + "Paragraph": "The sensitization of communities on how to take preventative action and avoid interpersonal violence increases public confidence in the police and enables them to more effectively address the needs of the most vulnerable. The following steps can be taken to strengthen public confidence in the police: \\n Open access to all police services; \\n The availability of police services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; \\n A highly visible police presence; \\n Extensive public information campaigns; \\n The representation of minority groups and balanced ethnic composition in the police service; \\n The promotion of gender balance in the police service and gender mainstreaming in all police work; \\n The establishment of police stations or temporary advances in localities where security services are not installed. \\n Raising awareness among the police on human rights and rule of law compliant policing in practice.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.4 Building public confidence", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 57, + "Paragraph": "In addition to these steps, community policing forums are useful means to create environments that enable the acceptance of ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and discredited local police personnel back into the community. In both mission and non- mission contexts, UN police personnel can support the development of such local forums and sensitize all concerned parties to the need for reconciliation and trust. Such initiatives offer the opportunity for community members to regularly share matters of concern and encourage mutual understanding. They also provide an opportunity for community members and civil society representatives to regularly evaluate the actions of the police.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.4 Building public confidence", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 58, + "Paragraph": "When fulfilling an executive mandate, UN police personnel shall develop and carry out all appropriate confidence-building measures. When fulfilling a non-executive mandate, UN police personnel shall assist and advise the State police service in their confidence-building initiatives. Where appropriate, UN police personnel can conduct community policing activities and gradually include the State service. This approach can help to ensure that community trust in the State police service is increased over time. This will enable the State police service to take over when the mission withdraws.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "6. DDR processes and policing \u2013 general tasks", + "Heading2": "6.4 Building public confidence", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 59, + "Paragraph": "As outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR, integrated DDR processes are made up of various combinations of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support. In addition to the general tasks outlined above, UN police personnel may also perform more specific tasks that are linked to the particular DDR process in place. These tasks may be implemented in both mission and non-mission settings, contingent on mandate and/or deployment strength, and are outlined below:", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 60, + "Paragraph": "When disarmament and demobilization is planned as part of a DDR programme, UN police personnel can provide advice and training to State police personnel to ensure that they develop procedures and processes to deal with the shorter-term aspects of disarmament and demobilization. These shorter- term aspects may include, but are not limited to, the travel and assembly of combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups and dependants.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", + "Heading2": "7.1 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 61, + "Paragraph": "In disarmament and demobilization sites (including encampments or cantonments), the gathering of large numbers of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups may create security risks. The mere presence of UN police personnel at disarmament and demobilization sites can help to reassure local communities. For example, regular FPU patrols in cantonment sites are a strong confidence-building initiative, providing a highly visible presence to deter crime and criminal activities. This presence also eases the burden on the military component of the mission, which can then concentrate on other threats to security and wider humanitarian support. Importantly, FPU engagement shall always be limited to the regular maintenance of law and order and shall not cross into high-risk matters of weapons security and military security. With that said, the outreach and mediation capabilities of UN police personnel may sometimes be deployed in such situations in order to defuse tensions.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", + "Heading2": "7.1 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 62, + "Paragraph": "In a mission context with a peacekeeping operation, the provision of security around disarmament and demobilization sites will typically be undertaken by the military component (see IDDRS 4.40 on Military Roles and Responsibilities). State police shall proactively act to address criminal activities inside and in the immediate vicinity of disarmament and demobilization sites. However, if the State police service delays or appears reluctant to take action, UN police personnel may intervene in order to ensure that the DDR process is not adversely affected. The immediate deployment of an FPU, to operationally engage in crowd control and public order challenges, can serve to contain the situation with minimum use of force. In contrast, direct military engagement in these situations may lead to escalation and consequently to greater numbers of casualties and wider damage. If public order disturbances are foreseen, it may be necessary to plan in advance for the engagement of FPU contingents and place a request for a specific, temporary deployment, particularly if the FPU is not conveniently located in the area of the disarmament and/or demobilization site. If the situation does escalate to involve violence and the use of firearms, military units shall be alerted in order to be ready to support the FPU.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", + "Heading2": "7.1 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 63, + "Paragraph": "In mission settings where an FPU is deployed, the presence of UN police personnel should be requested, as often as possible, when combatants assemble for disarmament and demobilization as part of a DDR programme. Duplicate records of the weapons and ammunition handed over should, wherever possible, be shared with UN police personnel for the purposes of (i) preservation of the records and (ii) weapons tracing. UN police personnel can also be requested to provide dynamic surveillance of weapons and ammunition storage sites, together with a perimeter to secure destruction operations. Furthermore, when weapons and ammunition are temporarily stored, as a form of confidence-building, UN police personnel can oversee the management of the double-key system or be entrusted with custody of one of the keys (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", + "Heading2": "7.1 DDR programmes", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 64, + "Paragraph": "The role of CVR programmes within DDR processes is explained in IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction. CVR programmes can contribute to the ability of UN and State police personnel to improve local security conditions, especially outside capital cities, by exploring synergies between CVR and community-oriented policing. These possible synergies include: \\n The involvement of UN and/or local State police representatives in the project advisory/review committee or local selection committees. In particular, UN police personnel may be able to provide advice on sources of community violence that need to be addressed. \\n The development of CVR projects that reinforce State policing capacities. \\n Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) implemented by UN police personnel, such as the rehabilitation of local police infrastructure or the training of female police personnel, could also, where appropriate, become part of a CVR programme. \\n If the eligibility criteria for a CVR programme require the handover of weapons and/or ammunition, UN police personnel can provide support in a variety of ways including the preliminary assessment of weapons collected, the choice of temporary storage facilities for weapons and ammunition, the registration of weapons and ammunition, and the collection of photographic records. \\n UN police personnel can also provide support to CVR programmes by diffusing key messages related to the programme. When relevant to the project at hand, UN police personnel can also provide lectures on civic education, multicultural tolerance, gender equality and respect for the rule of law.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", + "Heading2": "7.2 Community violence reduction", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 65, + "Paragraph": "The role of transitional WAM in DDR processes is explained in IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional WAM. UN police personnel can contribute to transitional WAM activities in a variety of ways, including by supporting and advising State police on the control of civilian-held weapons, and encouraging registration and handover procedures with the aim of establishing weapons-free zones and enhancing security. These measures can help to limit the recirculation of weapons diverted or illicitly retained by former combatants.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", + "Heading2": "7.3 Transitional weapons and ammunition management", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 66, + "Paragraph": "Community-based policing can play an important role in strengthening weapons control initiatives. If community members have a certain degree of trust in police and security institutions, they may feel more comfortable engaging in activities related to transitional WAM. Similarly, if there is a good working relationship between the police and the community, the police will more easily obtain information about weapons caches.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", + "Heading2": "7.3 Transitional weapons and ammunition management", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 67, + "Paragraph": "In addition, UN police personnel may also provide support to the development of longer-term laws and procedures to manage the legitimate possession of weapons. UN police personnel can then contribute to the verification, registration and tracing of the weapons held by citizens, offering advice on the security, handling and custody of these weapons, as well as encouraging civilians to hand these weapons over to the authorities as a means of building confidence in the State police and security institutions.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", + "Heading2": "7.3 Transitional weapons and ammunition management", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 68, + "Paragraph": "When DDR practitioners provide support to the mediation of local-level peace agreements, UN police personnel can orient these practitioners, and broader negotiating teams, to the most suitable entry channels in the community. To build confidence, UN police personnel can then assist and facilitate the introduction of negotiating teams and provide them with security that allows freedom of movement. UN police personnel can also be deployed to ensure that delegates on both sides of the negotiations are not subject to hostile actions during the discussions or when en route to the chosen venue for the negotiations. UN police personnel can also be used to obtain the commitment of community and religious leaders, representatives of women\u2019s and youth groups, and other relevant stakeholders in order to support the settlement of local disputes and encourage acceptance of a DDR process. When requested, UN police personnel can also give advice concerning the security portion of the agreement being discussed.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", + "Heading2": "7.4 DDR support to mediation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 69, + "Paragraph": "When DDR practitioners support the creation of TSAs, UN police personnel can contribute to analyses of the overall security situation in the area of interest, the activities undertaken by criminal and armed groups (including any trends in these activities), and what type of TSA may be most useful and where (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). Where required, UN police personnel can engage male and female community leaders to ensure that their expectations and experience are taken into account when tailoring particular TSAs. In addition, UN police personnel can oversee the general security and protection tasks undertaken by the armed forces and groups that are participating in TSAs in order to ensure that these activities are not being used as a cover for illicit activities or harassment of the population.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", + "Heading2": "7.5 DDR support to transitional security arrangements ", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 70, + "Paragraph": "Police can also play an important security role during reintegration. State police services should be supported to discharge community-policing functions during reintegration in accordance with international human rights law and principles. State police can play an important dissuasive role where ex-combatants may be at risk of using violent means to gain access to illegal income and livelihoods. They can also protect ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups who are reintegrating into society.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", + "Heading2": "7.6 Police support during reintegration into society", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 71, + "Paragraph": "Law and order disturbances may arise if the reintegration of these groups is inadequately supported, if grievances related to the conflict remain unresolved and in situations where ex- combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups and their families are not necessarily welcomed by communities (see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). Contingent on mandate and/or deployment strength, UN police personnel can also assist in the monitoring and countering of efforts by armed groups to re-recruit demobilized combatants and/or formerly associated persons.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", + "Heading2": "7.6 Police support during reintegration into society", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 72, + "Paragraph": "In particular, UN police personnel can disseminate messages discouraging the resort to arms among demobilized combatants and their families and protect these individuals from stigmatization and reprisals by community members or other armed groups yet to adhere to the DDR process.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", + "Heading2": "7.6 Police support during reintegration into society", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 73, + "Paragraph": "The establishment of an effective and professional police service is essential to the transformation of militarized societies into civilian ones. Often, the police service that existed previously will have been reduced in both its size and powers during the period of armed conflict, and many of its functions will have been taken over by a military apparatus with far greater resources. This serves to militarize the police, which is then comprised of personnel who may not have a specific police background and may operate without professional police capacities and attitudes. When States use the military in police functions, the distinction between maintaining internal order and external security becomes blurred, particularly because policing and public order control tend to be conducted with military techniques. At the same time, the general population will increasingly come to identify military forces as the primary security and order responder/provider.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "8. Police reform and restructuring", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 74, + "Paragraph": "As countries transition from war to peace, the State police service should be reformed and restructured and its role as the security service responsible for maintaining internal security and public order should be (re)established. The period during which the police assume overall responsibility for internal security can be challenging. There may, for example, be a lack of accountability for acts committed during the prior conflict and rivalry between the different institutions involved. In this context, the withdrawal of international peacekeeping forces \u2013 including the UN police component \u2013 should be carefully planned, and the speed and phasing of the withdrawal should be based on the ability of State security institutions to assume responsibility for the maintenance of security and public order.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "8. Police reform and restructuring", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 75, + "Paragraph": "During the period of transition from war to peace, DDR processes are sometimes linked to the reform of the State police services, particularly through the integration of former members of armed groups into the police and other law enforcement institutions. For further information on this integration process, see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "8. Police reform and restructuring", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + }, + { + "ID": 76, + "Paragraph": "1 See RDDP%20Guidance%20Note%202015.pdf \\n 2 See also DPKO-DFS Policy on United Nations Police in Peacekeeping Operations and Special Political Missions, Ref. 2014.01, and DPKO-DFS Guidelines on Police Operations in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Special Political Missions, Ref. 2015.15.", + "Color": "#7366A3", + "Level": 4, + "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", + "Title": "UN Police Roles and Responsibilities", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "Endnotes", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "4.50 UN Police Roles and Responsibilities" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR.json b/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac563b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/4 Operations, Programmes and Support/4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "Public information and strategic communication (PI/SC) are key support activities that are instrumental in the overall success of DDR processes. Public information is used to inform DDR participants, beneficiaries and other stakeholders of the process, while strategic communication influences attitudes towards DDR. If successful, PI/SC strategies will secure buy-in to the DDR process by outlining what DDR consists of and encouraging individuals to take part, as well as contribute to changing attitudes and behaviour.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "A DDR process should always be accompanied by a clearly articulated PI/SC strategy. As DDR does not occur in a vacuum, the design, dissemination and planning of PI/SC interventions should be an iterative process that occurs at all stages of the DDR process. PI/SC interventions should be continuously updated to be relevant to political and operational realities, including public sentiment about DDR and the wider international effort to which DDR contributes. It is crucial that DDR is framed and communicated carefully, taking into account the varying informational requirements of different stakeholders and the various grievances, perceptions, culture, biases and political perspectives of DDR participants, beneficiaries and communities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "An effective PI/SC strategy should have clear overall objectives based on a careful assessment of the context in which DDR will take place. There are four principal objectives of PI/SC: (i) to inform by providing accurate information about the DDR process; (ii) to mitigate the potential negative impact of inaccurate and deceptive information that may hamper the success of DDR and wider peace efforts; (iii) to sensitize members of armed forces and groups to the DDR process; and (iv) to transform attitudes in communities in such a way that is conducive to DDR. PI/SC should make an important contribution towards creating a climate of peace and security, as well as promote gender-equitable norms and non-violent forms of masculinities. DDR practitioners should support their national counterparts (national Government and local authorities) to define these objectives so that activities related to PI/SC can be conducted while planning for the wider DDR process is ongoing. PI/SC as part of a DDR process should (i) be based on a sound analysis of the context, conflict and motivations of the many different groups at which these activities are directed; (ii) make use of the best and most trusted local methods of communication; and (iii) ensure that PI/SC materials and messages are pre- tested on a local audience and subsequently closely monitored and evaluated.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "This module aims to present the range of objectives, target groups and means of communication that DDR practitioners may choose from to formulate a PI/SC strategy in support of DDR, both at the field and headquarters levels. The module includes guidance, applicable to both mission and non-mission settings, on the planning, design, implementation and monitoring of a PI/SC strategy.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "Public information seeks to provide relevant and factually accurate information to a specific audience.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "Strategic communication involves persuading an identified audience to adopt a desired behaviour.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "Disinformation: The deliberate dissemination of false information. It is an act of deception to convince an audience of something. Disinformation is intended to mislead.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "Misinformation: Giving erroneous or incorrect information. It is false or inaccurate information that is spread unintentionally.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "DDR is a process that requires the involvement of multiple actors, including the Government or legitimate authority and other signatories to a peace agreement (if one is in place); combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups, their dependants, receiving communities and youth at risk of recruitment; and other regional, national and international stakeholders.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "Attitudes towards the DDR process may vary within and between these groups. Potential spoilers, such as those left out of the peace agreement or former commanders, may wish to sabotage DDR, while others will be adamant that it takes place. These differing attitudes will be at least partly determined by individuals\u2019 levels of knowledge of the DDR and broader peace process, their personal expectations and their motivations. In order to bring the many different stakeholders in a conflict or post-conflict country (and region) together in support of DDR, it is essential to ensure that they are aware of how DDR is meant to take place and that they do not have false expectations about what it can mean for them. Changing and managing attitudes and behaviour \u2013 whether in support of or in opposition to DDR \u2013 through information dissemination and strategic communication are therefore essential parts of the planning, design and implementation of a DDR process. PI/SC plays an important catalytic function in the DDR process, and the conceptualization of and preparation for the PI/SC strategy should start in a timely manner, in parallel with planning for the DDR process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "The basic rule for an effective PI/SC strategy is to have clear overall objectives. DDR practitioners should, in close collaboration with PI/SC experts, support their national and local counterparts to define these objectives. These national counterparts may include, but are not limited to, Government; civil society organizations; media partners; and other entities with experience in community sensitization, community engagement, public relations and media relations. It is important to note, however, that PI activities cannot compensate for a faulty DDR process, or on their own convince people that it is safe to enter the programme. If combatants are not willing to disarm, for whatever reason, PI alone will not persuade them to do so.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should keep in mind that PI/SC should be aimed at a much wider audience than those people who are directly involved in or affected by the DDR process within a particular context. PI/SC strategies can also play an essential role in building regional and international political support for DDR efforts and can help to mobilize resources for parts of the DDR process that are funded through voluntary donor contributions and are crucial for the success of reintegration programmes. PI/SC staff in both mission and non-mission settings should therefore be actively involved in the preparation, design and planning of any events in-country or elsewhere that can be used to highlight the objectives of the DDR process and raise awareness of DDR among relevant regional and international stakeholders. Additionally, PI can play an important role in encouraging a holistic view of the challenges of rebuilding a nation and can serve as a major tool in advocacy for gender equality and inclusiveness, which form part of DDR (also see IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). The role of national authorities is also critical in public information. DDR must be nationally-led in order to build the foundation of long-term peace. Therefore, DDR practitioners should ensure that relevant messages are approved and transmitted by national authorities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "Communication is rarely neutral. This means that DDR practitioners should consider how messages will be received as well as how they are to be delivered. Culture, custom, gender, and other contextual drivers shall form part of the PI/SC strategy design. Information, disinformation and misinformation are all hallmarks of the conflict settings in which DDR takes place. In times of crisis, information becomes a critical need for those affected, and individuals and communities can become vulnerable to misinformation and disinformation. Therefore, one objective of a DDR PI/SC strategy should be to provide information that can address this uncertainty and the fear, mistrust and possible violence that can arise from a lack of reliable information.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "Merely providing information to ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, dependants, victims, youth at risk of recruitment and conflict-affected communities will not in itself transform behaviour. It is therefore important to make a distinction between public information and strategic communication. Public information is reliable, accurate, objective and sincere. For example, if members of armed forces and groups are not provided with such information but, instead, with confusing, inaccurate and misleading information (or promises that cannot be fulfilled), then this will undermine their trust, willingness and ability to participate in DDR. Likewise, the information communicated to communities and other stakeholders about the DDR process must be factually correct. This information shall not, in any case, stigmatize or stereotype former members of armed forces and groups. Here it is particularly important to acknowledge that: (i) no ex-combatant or person formerly associated with an armed force or group should be assumed to have a natural inclination towards violence; (ii) studies have shown that most ex-combatants do not (want to) resort to violence once they have returned to their communities; but (iii) they have to live with preconceptions, distrust and fear of the local communities towards them, which further marginalizes them and makes their return to civilian life more difficult; and (iv) female ex-combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups (WAAFAG) and their children are often stigmatized, and may be survivors of conflict-related sexual violence and other grave rights violations.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "If public information relates to activities surrounding DDR, strategic communication, on the other hand, needs to be understood as activities that are undertaken in support of DDR objectives. Strategic communication explicitly involves persuading an identified audience to adopt a desired behaviour. In other words, whereas public information seeks to provide relevant and factually accurate information to a specific audience, strategic communication involves complex messaging that may evolve along with the DDR process and the broader strategic objectives of the national authorities or the UN. It is therefore important to systematically assess the impact of the communicated messages. In many cases, armed forces and groups themselves are engaged in similar activities based on their own objectives, perceptions and goals. Therefore, strategic communication is a means to provide alternative narratives in response to rumours and to debunk false information that may be circulating. In addition, strategic communication has the vital purpose of helping communities understand how the DDR process will involve them, for example, in programmes of community violence reduction (CVR) or in the reintegration of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. Strategic communication can directly contribute to the promotion of both peacebuilding and social cohesion, increasing the prospects of peaceful coexistence between community members and returning former members of armed forces and groups. It can also provide alternative narratives about female returnees, mitigating stigma for women as well as the impact of the conflict on mental health for both DDR participants and beneficiaries in the community at large.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to PI/SC strategies for DDR:", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall manage expectations concerning the DDR process by being clear, realistic, honest, communicative and consistent about what DDR can and cannot deliver. The PI/SC strategy shall focus on the national (and, where applicable, regional) stakeholders, participants and beneficiaries of the DDR process, i.e., ex-combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, dependants, receiving communities, parties to the peace agreement, civil society, local and national authorities, and the media.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1 People centred", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "Children associated with armed forces and groups and their caregivers shall be provided with child- friendly, age-appropriate and gender-sensitive information about DDR. Information should be provided to children on access to justice and reparation, and on their rights to be free from discrimination and to be safe and protected from violence and abuse. Children should also be informed of the services and support available to them, how to access this support and the procedures to access safe complaint mechanisms and judicial recourse. PI/SC strategies developed as part of a DDR process shall include provisions for disseminating messages on the rights of children and the consequences that armed forces and groups will face if engaging in child recruitment, including messages that dismantle stigma and ostracization by the child\u2019s family or home community (noting that stigma can be imposed disproportionately on girls). Communities, local authorities and police shall also be provided with information and training on how to assist children who have exited or been released from armed forces and groups and which protocols apply to ensure their protection and safe handover to child protection services. The personal information of children shall never be shared for the purposes of PI/SC, and all information gathered from children shall be treated according to the requirements of confidentiality.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "PI/SC messages shall take into consideration the needs and interests of women and girls, who play a central role in peacebuilding at the community level. Female ex-combatants and other WAAFAG must be informed about their eligibility for DDR and any special programmes for them, which may require specific strategies and approaches. PI/SC messages shall also encourage the participation of women and girls in the DDR process. DDR practitioners shall strive to ensure that key messages, communications material and information campaigns are gender responsive, taking into account the need for tailored messaging that addresses the specific needs of women, men, boys and girls. They shall also leverage opportunities to support gender-transformative norms and women\u2019s empowerment. Specific attention should be paid to developing gender-responsive information strategies that can play an important role in the reintegration and return of women by mitigating their stigmatization and contributing to community sensitization.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall base any and all strategic communications interventions \u2013 for example, to combat misinformation and disinformation \u2013 on clear conflict analysis. Strategic communications have a direct impact on conflict dynamics and the perceptions of armed forces and groups, and shall therefore be carefully considered. \u2018Do no harm\u2019 is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support shall be evaluated at all times. No false promises shall be made through the PI/SC strategy.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "To increase the effectiveness of a PI/SC strategy, DDR practitioners shall consider cultural factors and levels of trust in different types of media. PI/SC strategies shall be responsive to new political, social and/or technological developments, as well as changes within the DDR process as it evolves. DDR practitioners shall also take into account the accessibility of the information provided. This includes considerations related to both the selection of media and choice of language. All communications methods shall be designed with an understanding of potential context-specific barriers, including, for example, the remoteness of combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Messages should be tested before dissemination to ensure that they meet the above mentioned criteria.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.5 Context specific", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that PI/SC strategies are nationally and locally owned. National authorities should lead the implementation of PI/SC strategies. National ownership ensures that DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support are informed by an understanding of the local context, the dynamics of the conflict, and the dynamics between community members and former members of armed forces and groups. National ownership also ensures that PI/SC strategies are culturally and contextually relevant, especially with regard to the PI/SC messages and communication tools used. In both mission and non-mission contexts, UN practitioners should coordinate closely with, and provide support to, national actors as part of the larger national PI/SC strategy. When combined with UN support (e.g. technical, logistical), national ownership encourages national authorities to assume leadership in the overall transition process. Additionally, PI/SC capacities must be kept close to central decision-making processes, in order to be responsive to the perogatives of the DDR process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Nationally and locally owned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "A PI/SC strategy should outline what the DDR process in the specific context consists of through public information activities and contribute to changing attitudes and behaviour through strategic communication interventions. There are four overall objectives of PI/SC: \\n To inform stakeholders about the DDR process (public information): This includes providing tailored key messages to various stakeholders, such as where to go, when to deposit weapons, who is eligible for DDR and what reintegration options are available. The result is that DDR participants, beneficiaries and other stakeholders are made fully aware of what the DDR process involves. This kind of messaging also serves the purpose of making communities understand how the DDR process will involve them. Most importantly, it serves to manage expectations, clearly defining what falls within and outside the scope of DDR. If the DDR process is made up of different combinations of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools or reintegration support, messages should clearly define who is eligible for what. Given that, historically, women and girls have not always received the same information as male combatants, as they may be purposely hidden by male commanders or may have \u2018self-demobilized\u2019, it is essential that PI/SC strategies take into consideration the specific information channels required to reach them. It is important to note, however, that PI activities cannot compensate for a faulty DDR process, or on their own convince people that it is safe to participate. If combatants are not willing to disarm, for whatever reason, PI alone will not persuade them to do so. In such sitatutions, strategic communications may be used to create the conditions for a successful DDR process. \\n To mitigate the negative impact of misinformation and disinformation (strategic communication): It is important to understand how conflict actors such as armed groups and other stakeholders respond, react to and/or provide alternative messages that are disseminated in support of the DDR process. In the volatile conflict and post-conflict contexts in which DDR takes place, those who profit(ed) from war or who believe their political objectives have not been met may not wish to see the DDR process succeed. They may have access to radio stations from which they can make broadcasts or may distribute pamphlets and other materials spreading \u2018hate\u2019 or messages that incite violence and undermine the UN and/or some of the (former) warring parties. These spoilers likely will have access to online platforms, such as blogs and social media, where they can easily reach and influence a large number of people. It is therefore critical that PI/SC extends beyond merely providing information to the public. A comprehensive PI/SC strategy shall be designed to identify and address sources of misinformation and disinformation and to develop tailored strategic communication interventions. Implementation should be iterative, whereby messages are deployed to provide alternative narratives for specific misinformation or disinformation that may hamper the implementation of a DDR process. \\n To sensitize members of armed forces and groups to the DDR process (strategic communication): Strategic communication interventions can be used to sensitize potential DDR participants. That is, beyond informing stakeholders, beneficiaries and participants about the details of the DDR process and beyond mitigating the negative impacts of misinformation and disinformation, strategic communication can be used to influence the decisions of individuals who are considering leaving their armed force or group including providing the necessary information to leave safely. The transformative objective of strategic communication interventions should be context specific and based on a concrete understanding of the political aspects of the conflict, the grievances of members of armed forces and groups, and an analysis of the potential motivations of individuals to join/leave warring parties. Strategic communication interventions may include messages targeting active combatants to encourage their participation in the DDR process, for example, stories and testimonials from ex-combatants and other positive DDR impact stories. They may also include communication campaigns aimed at preventing recruitment. The potential role of the national authorities should also be assessed through analysis and where possible, national authorities should lead the strategic communication. \\n To transform attitudes in communities so as to foster DDR (strategic communication): Reintegration and/or CVR programmes are often crucial elements of DDR processes (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). Strategic communication interventions can help to create conditions that facilitate peacebuilding and social cohesion and encourage the peaceful return of former members of armed forces and groups to civilian life. Communities are not homogeneous entities, and individuals within a single community may have differing attitudes towards the return of former members of armed forces and groups. For example, those who have been hit hardest by the conflict may be more likely to have negative perceptions of returning combatants. Others may simply be happy to be reunited with family members. The DDR process may also be negatively perceived as rewarding combatants. When necessary, strategic communication can be used as a means to transform the perceptions of communities and to combat stigmatization, hate speech, marginalization and discrimination against former members of armed forces and groups. Women and girls are often stigmatized in receiving communities and PI/SC can play a pivotal role in creating a more supportive environment for them. PI/SC should also be utilized to promote non-violent behaviour, including engaging men and boys as allies in promoting positive masculine norms (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Finally, PI/SC should also be used to destigmatize the mental health impacts of conflict and raise awareness of psychosocial support services.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. Objectives of PI/SC in support of DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "When designing a PI/SC strategy, DDR practitioners should take the following key factors into account: \\n At what stage is the DDR process? \\n Who are the primary and intermediary target audiences? Do these target audiences differ for different components of the DDR process (DDR programmes, DDR-related tools, reintegration support)? \\n Who may not be eligible to participate in the DDR process? Does eligibility differ for different components of the DDR process (DDR programmes, DDR-related tools, reintegration support)? \\n Are other, related PI/SC campaigns underway, and should these be aligned/deconflicted with the PI/SC strategy for the DDR process? \\n What are the roles of men, women, boys and girls, and how have each of these groups been impacted by the conflict? \\n What are the existing gender stereotypes and identities, and how can PI/SC strategies support positive change? \\n Is there stigma against women and girls associated with armed forces and groups? Is there stigma against mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress? \\n What are the literacy levels of the men and women intended to receive the information? \\n What behavioural/attitude change is the PI/SC strategy trying to bring about? \\n How can this change be achieved (taking into account literacy rates, the presence of different media, etc.)? \\n What are the various networks involved in the dissemination of information (e.g., interconnections among social networks of ex-combatants, household membership, community ties, military reporting lines, etc.)? Which network members have the greatest influence? \\n Do women and men obtain information by different means? (If so, which channels most effectively reach women?) \\n In what language does the information need to be delivered (also taking into account possible foreign combatants)? \\n What other organizations are involved, and what are their PI/SC strategies? \\n How can the PI/SC strategy be monitored? \\n What is the prevailing information situation? (What are the information needs?) \\n What are the sources of disinformation and misinformation? \\n Who are the key local influencers/amplifiers? \\n What dominant media technologies are in use locally and by which population segments/demographics?", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "To ensure that the DDR PI/SC strategy fits local needs, DDR practitioners should understand the social, political and cultural context and identify factors that shape attitudes. It will then be possible to define behavioural objectives and design messages to bring about the required social change. Target audience and issue analysis must be adopted to provide a tailored approach to engage with different audiences based on their concerns, issues and attitudes. During the planning stage, the aim should be to collect the following minimum information to aid practitioners in understanding the local context: \\n Conflict analysis, including an understanding of local ethnic, racial and religious divisions at the national and local levels; \\n Gender analysis, including the role of women, men, girls and boys in society, as well as the gendered power structures in society and in armed forces and groups; \\n Media mapping, including the geographic reach, political slant and cost of different media; \\n Social mapping to identify key influencers and communicators in the society and their constituencies (e.g., academics and intelligentsia, politicians, youth leaders, women leaders, religious leaders, village leaders, commanders, celebrities, etc.); \\n Traditional methods of communication; \\n Cultural perceptions of the disabled, the chronically ill, rape survivors, extra-marital childbirth, mental health issues including post-traumatic stress, etc.; \\n Literacy rates; \\n Prevalence of intimate partner violence and sexual and gender-based violence; and \\n Cultural moments and/or religious holidays that may be used to amplify messages of peace and the benefits of DDR.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.1 Understanding the local context", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "Partners in the process also need to be identified. Particular emphasis \u2013 especially in the case of information directed at DDR participants, beneficiaries and communities \u2013 should be placed on selecting local theatre troops and animators who can explain concepts such as DDR, reconciliation and acceptance using figurative language. Others who command the respect of communities, such as traditional village leaders, should also be brought into PI/SC efforts and may be asked to distribute DDR messages. DDR practitioners should ensure that partners are able and willing to speak to all DDR participants and beneficiaries and also to all community members, including women and children.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.1 Understanding the local context", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "Two additional context determinants may fundamentally alter the design and delivery of the PI/SC intervention: \\n The attitudes of community members towards ex-combatants, women and men formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and youth at risk; and \\n The presence of hate speech and/or xenophobic discourse.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.1 Understanding the local context", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "In this regard, DDR practitioners shall have a full understanding of how the open communication and publicity surrounding a DDR process may negatively impact the safety and security of participants, as well as DDR practitioners themselves. To this end, DDR practitioners should continuously assess and determine measures that need to be taken to adjust information related to the DDR process. These measures may include: \\n Removing and/or amending specific designation of sensitive information related to the DDR process, including but not limited to the location of reception centres, the location of disarmament and demobilization sites, details related to the benefits provided to former members of armed forces and groups, and so forth; and \\n Ensuring the protection of the privacy, and rights thereof, of former members of armed forces and groups related to their identity, ensuring at all times that permission is obtained should any identifiable details be used in communication material (such as photo stories, testimonials or ex- combatant profiles).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.1 Understanding the local context", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "It is very important to pay attention to the language used in reference to DDR. This includes messaging about the process of disarmament and the \u2018surrender\u2019 of weapons, as well as the terms and expressions used to speak about and to ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. It is necessary to acknowledge that they are not naturally violent; that they might have left a lot behind in terms of social standing, respect and income in their armed group; and that therefore their return to civilian life may come with great economic and social sacrifices. The self-perception of former members of armed forces and groups (e.g., as revolutionaries or liberty fighters) also needs be understood, taken into consideration and, in some cases, positively reinforced to ensure their buy-in to the DDR process. Taking these sensitives into account may sometimes include the need to reprofile the language used by Government and local or even international media. It is of vital importance, especially when it comes to the prospect of reintegration, that the discourse used to talk about ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups is not pejorative and does not reinforce existing stereotypes or community fears.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.2 Communicating about former members of armed forces and groups", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "Communicating about former members of armed forces and groups is also important in contexts where transitional justice measures are underway. The strategic communication and public information elements of supporting transitional justice as part of a DDR process (including, truth telling, criminal prosecutions and other accountability measures, reparations, and guarantees of non- recurrence) should be carefully planned (see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice). PI/SC campaigns should be designed to complement transitional justice interventions, and to manage the expectations of DDR participants, beneficiaries and communities. When transitional justice measures are visibly and publically integrated into DDR processes, this may help to ensure that grievances are addressed and demonstrate that these grievances were heard and taken into account. The visibility of these measures, in turn, contribute to improving the the prospects of social cohesion and receptibility between ex-combatants and communities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.2 Communicating about former members of armed forces and groups", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "While a PI/SC strategy is being prepared, other public information resources can be activated. In mission settings, ready-made public information material on peacekeeping and the UN\u2019s role can be distributed. However, DDR practitioners should be aware that most DDR-specific material will be created for the particular country where DDR will take place. Production of PI/SC material is a lengthy process. The time needed to design and produce printed sensitization tools, develop online content, and establishing dissemination channels (such as radio stations) should be taken into account when planning the schedule for PI/SC activities. Certain PI/SC materials may take less time to produce, such as digital communication; basic pamphlets; DDR radio programmes for broadcasting on non-UN radios; interviews on local and international media; and debates, seminars and public theatre productions. Pre-testing of PI/SC materials must also be included in operational schedules.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.3 The preparation of PI/SC material", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "In addition to these considerations, the strategy should have a coherent timeline, bearing in mind that while some PI/SC activities will continue throughout the DDR process, others will take place at specific times or during specific phases. For instance, particularly during reintegration, SC activities may be oriented towards educating communities to accept DDR participants and to have reasonable expectations of what reintegration will bring, as well as ensuring that survivors of sexual violence and/or those living with HIV/AIDS are not stigmatized and that connections are made with ongoing security sector reform, including arms control, police and judicial reform.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.3 The preparation of PI/SC material", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "Measures must be developed that, in addition to addressing misinformation and disinformation, challenge hate speech and attempt to mitigate its potential impacts on the DDR process. If left unchecked, hate speech and incitement to hatred in the media can lead to atrocities and genocide. In line with the United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech, there must be intentional efforts to address the root causes and drivers of hate speech and to enable effective responses to the impact of hate speech.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.4 Hate speech and developing counter-narratives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "Hate speech is any kind of communication in speech, writing, or behaviour that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identifying factor. Hate speech aims to exclude, dehumanize and often legitimize the extinction of \u201cthe Other\u201d. It is supported by stereotypes, enemy images, attributions of blame for national misery and xenophobic discourse, all of which aim to strip the imagined Other of all humanity. This kind of communication often successfully incites violence. Preventing and challenging hate speech is vital to the DDR process and sustainable peace.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.4 Hate speech and developing counter-narratives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "Depending on the nature of the conflict, former members of armed forces and groups and their dependants may be the targets of hate speech. In some contexts, those who leave armed groups may be perceived, by some segments of the population, as traitors to the cause. They or their families may be targeted by hate speech, rumours, and other means of incitement to violence against them. As part of the planning for a DDR process in contexts where hate speech is occurring, DDR practitioners shall make all necessary efforts to include counter-narratives in the PI/SC strategy. These measures may include the following: \\n Counter hate speech by using accurate and reliable information. \\n Include peaceful counter-narratives in education and communication skills training related to the DDR process (e.g., as part of training provided during reintegration support). \\n Incorporate media and information literacy skills to recognize and critically evaluate hate speech when engaging with communities. \\n Include specific language on hate speech in DDR policy documents and/or related legislation. \\n Include narratives, stories, and other material that rehumanize ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups in strategic communication interventions in support of DDR processes.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.4 Hate speech and developing counter-narratives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "PI officers and gender officers shall work closely together in the formulation of PI/SC strategies for DDR processes, drawing on existing gender analysis, and conducting additional gender assessments as required. Doing so allows the PI/SC strategy to support gender-equitable norms, to promote women\u2018s empowerment and non-violent versions of masculinities, and to combat stigma and socialization to violence (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.5 Gender-sensitive PI/SC for DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "One of the most critical PI/SC objectives in DDR is reaching WAAFAG and informing them of their eligibility. Ensuring that women are well represented in all PI materials helps prevent their exclusion from DDR processes. Engaging women early in the development and testing of PI messaging is essential to ensuring that communication materials and approaches respond to the specific needs and capacities of women and girls. Recognizing women\u2019s roles in peacebuilding and social cohesion, and utilizing opportunities to actively engage them in disseminating PI messages, is essential. Sensitization activities can provide an important entry point to address the gender dimensions of violence early in the DDR process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.5 Gender-sensitive PI/SC for DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "PI activities should capitalize on lessons already learned about how to implement gender- responsive PI campaigns geared towards men. For example, showing male leaders and male youth as strong and non-violent, and men as engaged fathers and partners with females in the community, can help to support both men and boys as well as women and girls.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.5 Gender-sensitive PI/SC for DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "Through these approaches, PI/SC can support broader gender equality work in the country, ensuring that campaign messages, visuals, and awareness raising activities incorporate gender transformative messages including supporting women\u2019s empowerment, men\u2019s role as fathers, and non-violent, demilitarized forms of masculinities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.5 Gender-sensitive PI/SC for DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "PI/SC interventions and tools should include messaging on: \\n Women\u2019s and men\u2019s roles as leaders working in partnership; \\n Demilitarization of masculinities; \\n Positive gender norms, including men\u2019s roles in communities as fathers; \\n Destigmatization of psychosocial support services and individuals dealing with post-traumatic stress; \\n Promotion of non-violent behaviour; \\n Destigmatization of female combatants, females associated with armed forces and groups and their children, and male combatants; \\n Men\u2019s and women\u2019s mutual responsibility and awareness around reproductive health and HIV/AIDS; \\n Women\u2019s empowerment; and \\n Destigmatization of victims/survivors of sexual violence and their children.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.5 Gender-sensitive PI/SC for DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "Given the psychological impact of conflict on ex-combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups, as well as survivors and conflict-affected communities, it is essential for PI/SC to support anti-stigma campaigns and programmes, and to disseminate accurate and reliable information on ways to access support (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR, IDDRS 5.80 on Disability-Inclusive DDR and IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support).", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.6 Anti-stigma and mental health PI/SC in support of DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "PI/SC should draw on assessments and mapping of services and be developed in collaboration with health authorities, ensuring continuous access to information on the availability of assistance as well as clear referral pathways (clincs, servies, hotlines etc). Anti-stigma campaigns should include messaging on normalizing the mental health impacts of conflict on both men and women and fostering support for individuals and communities. In conflict settings, one person in five is living with some form of mental disorder, from mild depression or anxiety to psychosis. In this regard, PI/SC should avoid targeting or singling out DDR participants as the impact of conflict extends further than those who actively participated in combat.z Interventions may include radio programs, public service announcements, community theatre or seminars, print media, and other outlets as outlined in section 8.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. Planning and designing PI/SC strategies", "Heading2": "6.6 Anti-stigma and mental health PI/SC in support of DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "The planning and implementation of the PI/SC strategy shall acknowledge the diversity of stakeholders involved in the DDR process and their varied information needs. The PI/SC strategy shall also be based on integrated conflict and security analyses (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments). As each DDR process may contain different combinations of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support, the type of DDR process under way will influence the stakeholders involved and the primary and secondary audiences, and will shape the nature and content of PI/SC activities. The intended audience(s) will also vary according to the phase of the DDR process and, crucially, the changes in people\u2019s attitudes that the PI/SC strategy would like to bring about. What follows is therefore a non-exhaustive list of the types of target audiences most commonly found in a PI/SC strategy for DDR:", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "The following stakeholders are often the primary audience of a DDR process: \\n The political leadership: This may include the signatories of ceasefires and peace accords, when they are in place. Political leaderships may or may not represent the military branches of their organizations. \\n The military leadership of armed forces and groups: These leaders may have motivations and interests that differ from the political leaderships of these entities. Likewise, within these military leaderships, mid-level commanders may hold their own views concerning the DDR process. DDR practitioners should recognize that the rank-and-file members of armed forces and groups often receive information about DDR from their immediate commanders, who may have incentives to provide disinformation about DDR if they are reluctant for their subordinates to leave military life. \\n Rank-and-file of armed forces and groups: It is important to make the distinction between military leaderships, military commanders, mid-level commanders and their rank-and-file, because their motivations and interests may differ. Testimonials from the successfully demobilized and reintegrated rank-and-file have proven to be effective in informing their peers. Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups can play an important role in amplifying messages aimed at demonstrating life after war. \\n Women associated with armed groups and forces in non-combat roles: It is important to cater to the information needs of WAAFAG, especially those who have been abducted. Communities, particularly women\u2019s groups, should also be informed about how to further assist women who manage to leave an armed force or group of their own accord. \\n Children associated with armed forces and groups: Individuals in this group need child-friendly, age- and gender-sensitive information to help reassure and safely remove those who are illegally held by an armed force or group. Communities, local authorities and police should also be informed about how to assist children who have exited or been released from armed groups, as well as about protocols to ensure the protection of children and their prompt handover to child protection services. \\n Ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups with disabilities: Information and sensitization to opportunities to access and participate in DDR should reach this group. Families and communities should also be informed on how to support the reintegration of persons with disabilities. \\n Youth at risk of recruitment: In countries affected by conflict, youth are both a force for positive change and, at the same time, a group that may be vulnerable to being drawn into renewed violence. When PI/SC strategies focus only on children and mature adults, the specific needs and experiences of youth are missed. \\n Local authorities and receiving communities: Enabling the smooth reintegration of DDR participants into their communities is vital to the success of DDR. Communities and their leaders also have an important role to play in other local-level DDR activities, such as CVR programmes and transitional WAM as well as community-based reintegration support.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", "Heading2": "7.1 Primary audience (participants and beneficiaries)", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "In many cases, partnerships with other stakeholders are required to support the design, planning and implementation of the PI/SC strategy. The following partners are often the secondary audience of a DDR process; however, depending on the context, they may also be the primary audience (e.g., the international community in a regionalized armed conflict): \\n Civil society: This includes women\u2019s groups, youth groups, local associations and non- governmental organizations that play a role in the DDR process, including those working as implementing partners of national and international governmental institutions. \\n Religious leaders and institutions: The voices of moderate religious leaders can be amplified and coordinated with educators to foster coordination and promote messages of peace and tolerance. \\n Legislative and policy-setting authorities: The legal framework in the country regulating the media can be reviewed and laws put in place to prevent the distribution of messages inciting hate or spreading misinformation. If this approach is used, care must be taken to ensure that civil and political rights are not affected. \\n International and local media: International and local media are often the main source of information on progress in the peace process. Keeping both media segments supplied with accurate and up-to-date information on the planning and implementation of DDR is important in order to increase support for the process and avoid bad press. The media are also key whistleblowers that can identify, expose and denounce potential spoilers of the peace process. \\n Private sector: Companies in the private sector can also be important amplifiers and partners, for example, by generating specific recruitment advertisements in support of reintegration opportunities. Local telecommunication companies and internet service providers can also offer avenues to further disseminate key messages. \\n Opinion leaders/influencers: In many contexts, opinion leaders are public personalities who actively produce and interpret multiple sources of information to form an opinion. With the advent of social media, these actors generate viewership and large followings through regular programming and online presence. \\n Regional stakeholders: These include Governments, regional organizations, military and political parties of neighbouring countries, civil society in neighboring States, businesses and potential spoilers. \\n The international community: This includes donors, their constituencies (including, if applicable, the diaspora who can influence the direction of DDR), troop-contributing countries, the UN system, international financial institutions, non-governmental organizations and think tanks.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "7. DDR processes and policing \u2013 specific tasks", "Heading2": "7.2 Secondary audience (partners)", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "This section outlines the various media that can be used in PI/SC strategies and the advantages and disadvantages associated with each.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "8. Media", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "In both mission and non-mission settings, DDR practitioners should proactively identify PI/SC capacities to support national counterparts that are leading the process. Most peacekeeping operations include a PI/SC office with the following work streams and skill sets: media relations, multimedia and content production, radio content or station, and an outreach and campaigns unit. It is important for DDR practitioners to keep in mind that former members of armed forces and groups are not usually a standard target audience within a mission\u2019s PI/SC strategy. They may therefore need to engage with the PI/SC office in order for this group to be considered. In non-mission settings, DDR practitioners may seek out partnerships with relevant organizations or explore the possibility of bringing on board or working with existing PI/SC personnel. For example, most agencies, funds and programmes within the UN country team maintain communications officers or individuals with similar job profiles. In all contexts, local advisers shall be consulted.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "8. Media", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "Once created, PI/SC messages and activities can be channeled using the various media outlined below. The selection of media type should be based on a thorough analysis of the geographic availability of that media, as well as which form of media best suits the content to be disseminated.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "8. Media", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "When internet access is widespread, online tools (videos, dedicated websites, podcasts, social media campaigns, etc.) are important. Social media campaigns should be considered as they represent a low- resource way of reaching a large audience.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "8. Media", "Heading2": "8.1 Online and web presence", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "When compared with other media, the advantage of radio is that it often reaches the largest number of people, particularly in developing countries. This is because radio is less dependent on infrastructural development or the technological sophistication and wealth of the listener. It can also reach those who are illiterate. However, it should not be assumed that women (and children) have the same access to radio as men, especially in rural areas, since they may not have the resources to buy either the radio or batteries.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "8. Media", "Heading2": "8.2 Radio: local, national and international stations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "A DDR radio programme can assist in providing updates on the DDR process (e.g., the opening of demobilization sites and inauguration of reintegration projects). It can also be used to disseminate messages targeting women and girls (to encourage their participation in the process), as well as children associated with armed forces and groups (for e.g., on the consequences of enlisting or holding children). Radio messages can also support behavioural change programming, for example, by destigmatizing mental health needs (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR, IDDRS 5.80 on Disability- Inclusive DDR and IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support). Some peacekeeping missions have their own UN Radio stations. In contexts where this is not the case, DDR practitioners should explore partnerships with the private sector and/or civil society.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "8. Media", "Heading2": "8.2 Radio: local, national and international stations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "Print media may include leaflets, pamphlets, posters/cartoons, newsletters and magazines. Although the effectiveness of these various formats will be limited by the literacy of the intended audience, their main advantage is the durability and level of detail that printed information can contain. The added benefit of print media is that it can be passed from person to person in close-knit networks, increasing the potential impact of the content as it comes from a trusted source.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "8. Media", "Heading2": "8.3 Print media", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "In countries where television is the most popular way of distributing information, it is essential that this medium is used, even if in a limited way. Some peacekeeping missions have established their own UN TV stations on a dedicated broadcasting frequency, while others have made arrangements to broadcast films, documentaries or other programming on existing public or private stations. The scheduling and frequency of broadcasts must be carefully planned to respond to the needs of the widest possible audience. Where cultural restrictions prevent women from watching films in public, alternatives, such as a women-only screening, should be negotiated. Billboards should not be overlooked as an effective tool for advertising DDR activities and/or achievements, as, when strategically positioned, they can reach a significant number of people.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "8. Media", "Heading2": "8.4 Visual media: TV, film and billboards", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "Although the main impact of theatre productions, seminars and debates may be on their direct audience, oral forms of communication have the advantage of involving the audience and building on existing cultural norms. Presenting ideas and concepts figuratively, especially if based on local folklore, culture and humour, can be particularly useful in communities with a strong oral culture. Interactive opportunities like this also afford critical opportunities to support equitable and positive gender norms, destigmatize mental health, and foster peacebuilding and social cohesion. These interactive mechanisms may also help to build social cohesion and work through trauma.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "8. Media", "Heading2": "8.5 Interactive forums: theatre, seminars, debate", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "Local townhall events that are open to the public can offer a platform for dialogue with communities. They can serve as a wider peacebuilding platform using participatory methods to solicit input from affected populations. They can also provide the opportunity to pre-test messages on a small scale to ascertain their impact and reception before wider use and dissemination.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "8. Media", "Heading2": "8.6 Local townhall events", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "Hotlines can be a useful tool to inform DDR participants and beneficiaries about the development of the DDR process. Hotlines should be free of charge and can foster the engagement of the target audience and provide information and clarification on the DDR process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "8. Media", "Heading2": "8.7 Hotlines", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "Augmented and virtual reality techniques can allow partners, donors and members of the general public who are unfamiliar with DDR to immerse themselves in a real-life setting \u2013 for example, walking the path of an ex-combatant as he/she leaves an armed group and participates in a DDR process.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "8. Media", "Heading2": "8.8 Augmented and virtual reality", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "Gamification involves the application of typical elements of game playing (e.g., point scoring, competition with others, rules of play) to other areas of activity, typically as an interactive and social technique to encourage engagement with a topic, such as DDR.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "8. Media", "Heading2": "8.9 Gamification", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "From the start, it is important to identify measurable indicators (the pieces of information that will show whether objectives are being met) as well as how this information will be gathered (sources and techniques) in order to monitor and evaluate the impact of the PI/SC strategy. Any aspects of the PI/SC strategy that do not have the effect they were designed to achieve shall be adapted. Indicators may include: \\n The number, sex, age and location (e.g, rural or urban) of people listening to radio programmes and consulting other media, including websites and social media, that convey messages regarding DDR; \\n The number of participants and beneficiaries engaging in the DDR process as a result of PI/SC activities; \\n The extent of the involvement of the local civilian population in reintegration programmes as a result of PI/SC efforts; and \\n The change in expectations and knowledge about the process among target audiences before and after PI/SC activities.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "This information can be gathered through surveys and interviews conducted throughout the implementation of the DDR process and also from the activity reports of other organizations, media reports, staff at the demobilization sites, local civil society actors in the communities, etc. Findings should be used to guide and shape ongoing activities and contribute to improving future efforts. For further information, refer to IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation.", "Color": "#7366A3", "Level": 4, "LevelName": "Operations, Programmes and Support", "Title": "Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "9. Economic reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "4.60 Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.10 Women, Gender and DDR.json b/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.10 Women, Gender and DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..020f6f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.10 Women, Gender and DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "Women are increasingly involved in combat or are associated with armed groups and forces in other roles, work as community peace-builders, and play essential roles in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) processes. Yet they are almost never included in the planning or implementation of DDR. Since 2000, the United Nations (UN) and all other agencies involved in DDR and other post-conflict reconstruction activities have been in a better position to change this state of affairs by using Security Council resolution 1325, which sets out a clear and practical agenda for measuring the advancement of women in all aspects of peace-building. The resolution begins with the recognition that women\u2019s visibility, both in national and regional instruments and in bi- and multilateral organizations, is vital. It goes on to call for gender awareness in all aspects of peacekeeping initiatives, especially demobi- lization and reintegration, urges women\u2019s informed and active participation in disarmament exercises, and insists on the right of women to carry out their post-conflict reconstruction activities in an environment free from threat, especially of sexualized violence.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "Even when they are not involved with armed forces and groups themselves, women are strongly affected by decisions made during the demobilization of men. Furthermore, it is impossible to tackle the problems of women\u2019s political, social and economic marginaliza- tion or the high levels of violence against women in conflict and post-conflict zones without paying attention to how men\u2019s experiences and expectations also shape gender relations. This module therefore includes some ideas about how to design DDR processes for men in such a way that they will learn to resolve interpersonal conflicts without using violence to do so, which will increase the security of their families and broader communities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "Special note is also made of girl soldiers in this module, because in some parts of the world, a girl who bears a child, no matter how young she is, immediately gains the status of a woman. Care should therefore be taken to understand local interpretations of who is seen as a girl and who a woman soldier.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "Peace-building, especially in the form of practical disarmament, needs to continue for a long time after formal demobilization and reintegration processes come to an end. This module is therefore intended to assist planners in designing and implementing gender- sensitive short-term goals, and to help in the planning of future-oriented long-term peace support measures. It focuses on practical ways in which both women and girls, and men and boys can be included in the processes of disarmament and demobilization, and be recognized and supported in the roles they play in reintegration.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "The processes of DDR take place in such a wide variety of conditions that it would be impossible to discuss each of the circumstance-specific challenges that might arise. This module raises issues that frequently disappear in the planning stages of DDR, and aims to provoke further thinking and debate on the best ways to deal with the varied needs of people \u2014 male and female, old and young, healthy and unwell \u2014 in armed groups and forces, and those of the communities to which they return after war.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "This module provides policy guidance on the gender aspects of the various stages in a DDR process, and outlines gender-aware interventions and female-specific actions that should be carried out in order to make sure that DDR programmes are sustainable and equitable. The module is also designed to give guidance on mainstreaming gender into all DDR poli- cies and programmes to create gender-responsive DDR programmes. As gender roles and relations are by definition constructed in a specific cultural, geographic and communal con- text, the guidance offered is intended to be applied with sensitivity to and understanding of the context in which a DDR process is taking place. However, all UN and bilateral policies and programmes should comply with internationally agreed norms and standards, such as Security Council resolution 1325, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrim- ination Against Women and the Beijing Platform for Action.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com- plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019 and \u2018may\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization standards and guidelines: \\n \u201ca) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicated requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard. \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications. \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action.\u201d", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "Generally, it is assumed that armed men are the primary threat to post-conflict security and that they should therefore be the main focus of DDR. The picture is usually more complex than this: although males (adults, youth and boys) may more obviously take part in the conflict and make up the largest number of combatants, females (adults, youth and girls) are also likely to have been involved in violence, and may have participated in every aspect of the conflict. Despite stereotypical beliefs, women and girls are not peacemakers only, but can also contribute to ongoing insecurity and violence during wartime and when wars come to an end.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "The work carried out by women and girl combatants and other women and girls asso- ciated with armed forces and groups in non-fighting roles may be difficult to measure, but efforts should be made to assess their contribution as accurately as possible when a DDR programme is designed. The involvement of women in the security sector reform (SSR) pro- cesses that accompany and follow DDR should also be deliberately planned from the start. ", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "Women take on a variety of roles during wartime. For example, many may fight for brief periods and then return to their communities to carry out other forms of work that contri- bute to the war. These women will have reintegrated and are unlikely to present themselves for DDR. Nor should they be encouraged to do so, since the resources allocated for DDR are limited and intended to create a founda- tion of stability on which longer-term peace and SSR can be built. It is therefore appro- priate, in the reconstruction period, to focus resources on women and men who are still active fighters and potential spoilers. Women who have already rejoined their communities can, however, be an important asset in the rein- tegration period, including through playingexpanded roles in the security sector, and efforts should be made to include their views when designing reintegration processes. Their experiences may significantly help commu- nities with the work of reintegrating former fighters, especially when they are able to help bring about reconciliation and assist in making communities safer.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "It is important to remember that women are present in every part of a society touched by DDR \u2014 from armed groups and forces to receiving communities. Exclusionary power struc- tures, including a backlash against women entering into political, economic and security structures in a post-conflict period, may make their contributions difficult to assess. It is therefore the responsibility of all DDR planners to work with female representatives and women\u2019s groups, and to make it difficult for male leaders to exclude women from the form- ulation and implementation of DDR processes. Planners of SSR should also pay attention to women as a resource base for improving all aspects of human security in the post-conflict period. It is especially important not to lose the experiences and public standing acquired by those women who played peace-building roles in the conflict period, or who served in an armed group or force, learning skills that can usefully be turned to community service in the reconstruction period.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "Ultimately, DDR should lead to a sustainable transition from military to civilian rule, and therefore from militarized to civilian structures in the society more broadly. Since women make up at least half the adult population, and in post-conflict situations may head up to 75 percent of all households, the involvement of women in DDR and SSR is the most important factor in achieving effective and sustainable security. Furthermore, as the main caregivers in most cultures, women and girls shoulder more than their fair share of the burden for the social reintegration of male and female ex-combatants, especially the sick, traumatized, injured, HIV-positive and under-aged.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "Dealing with the needs and harnessing the different capacities and potential of men, women, boy and girl former fighters; their supporters; and their dependants will improve the success of the challenging and long-term transformation process that is DDR, as well as providing a firm foundation for the reconstruction of the security sector to meet peacetime needs. However, even five years since the passing of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) on Women and Peace and Security, gender is still not fully taken into account in DDR plan- ning and delivery. This module shows policy makers and practitioners how to replace this with a routine consideration of the different needs and capacities of the women and men involved in DDR processes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "Up till now, DDR efforts have concerned themselves mainly with the disarmament, demo- bilization and reintegration of male combatants. This approach fails to deal with the fact that women can also be armed combatants, and that they may have different needs from their male counterparts. Nor does it deal with the fact that women play essential roles in maintaining and enabling armed forces and groups, in both forced and voluntary capacities. A narrow definition of who qualifies as a \u2018combatant\u2019 came about because DDR focuses on neutralizing the most potentially dangerous members of a society (and because of limits imposed by the size of the DDR budget); but leaving women out of the process underesti- mates the extent to which sustainable peace-building and security require them to participate equally in social transformation.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "In UN-supported DDR, the following principles of gender equality are applied: \\n Non-discrimination, and fair and equitable treatment: In practice, this means that no group is to be given special status or treatment within a DDR programme, and that indivi- duals should not be discriminated against on the basis of gender, age, race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, political opinion, or other personal characteristics or associa- tions. This is particularly important when establishing eligibility criteria for entry into DDR programmes (also see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament); \\n Gender equality and women\u2019s participation: Encouraging gender equality as a core principle of UN-supported DDR programmes means recognizing and supporting the equal rights of women and men, and girls and boys in the DDR process. The different experiences, roles and responsibilities of each of them during and after conflict should be recognized and reflected in the design and implementation of DDR programmes; \\n Respect for human rights: DDR programmes should support ways of preventing reprisal or discrimination against, or stigmatization of those who participate. The rights of the community should also be protected and upheld.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "Security Council resolution 1325 marks an important step towards the recognition of women\u2019s contributions to peace and reconstruction, and draws attention to the particular impact of conflict on women and girls. On DDR, it specifically \u201cencourages all those involved in the planning for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration to consider the different needs of female and male ex-combatants and to take into account the needs of their depen- dants\u201d. Since it was passed, the Council has recalled the principles laid down in resolution 1325 when establishing the DDR-related mandates of several peacekeeping missions, such as the UN Missions in Liberia and Sudan and the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "5. International mandates", "Heading2": "5.1. Security Council resolution 1325", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "At the Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995, 189 Member States com- mitted themselves to a range of strategic objectives and actions aimed at achieving gender equality. The Member States repeated their commitment to ensuring that women make up 30 percent of all decision-making bodies and further committed themselves, among other things, to: \\n increase the participation of women in conflict resolution at decision-making levels, and protect women living in situations of armed and other conflicts or under foreign occupation (E.1); \\n reduce excessive military expenditures and control the availability of armaments (E.2); \\n encourage and support women\u2019s contribution to fostering a culture of peace (E.4).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. International mandates", "Heading2": "5.2. The Beijing Platform for Action", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "In his 2002 Study on Women, Peace and Security, the Secretary-General recommended the following actions on DDR: \\n Action 1: Incorporate the needs and priorities of women and girls as ex-combatants, \u2018camp-followers\u201d\u2019 and families of ex-combatants in the design and implementation of DDR programmes, including the design of camps; the distribution of benefits; and access to basic resources and services, including food, water, health care and counsel- ling, in order to ensure the success of such programmes, women and girls\u2019 full partici- pation, and their access to benefits; \\n Action 2: Increase the number of programmes for child soldiers, fully include attention to the specific situation and needs of girl soldiers, and identify means to support child soldiers, including girls, who do not enter DDR programmes; \\n Action 3: Recognize the impact of armed conflict and displacement on family relations, and develop awareness of the risk of increased domestic violence, especially in the fami- lies of ex-combatants; and develop programmes on the prevention of domestic violence that are designed for families and communities, and especially male ex-combatants; \\n Action 4: Recognize and use the contributions of women and girls in encouraging ex- combatants to lay down arms and participate in weapons-collection programmes, and ensure that they benefit from any incentives provided for such activities; \\n Action 5: Ensure full access of women and girls to all resources and benefits provided in reintegration programmes, including skills development programmes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. International mandates", "Heading2": "5.3. The Secretary-General\u2019s Study on Women, Peace and Security", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "A gender-responsive approach to DDR should be built into every stage of DDR. This begins with discussions during the peace negotiations on the methods that will be used to carry out DDR. DDR advisers participating in such negotiations should ensure that women\u2019s interests and needs are adequately included. This can be done by insisting on the participation of female representatives at the negotiations, ensuring they understand DDR-related clauses and insisting on their active involvement in the DDR planning phase. Trained female leaders will contribute towards ensuring that women and girls involved in DDR (women and girls who are ex-combatants, women and girls working in support functions for armed groups and forces, wives and dependants of male ex-combatants, and members of the receiving com- munity) understand, support and strengthen the DDR process.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "Negotiation, mediation and facilitation teams should get expert advice on current gender dynamics, gender relations in and around armed groups and forces, and the impact the peace agreement will have on the status quo. All the participants at the negotiation table should have a good understanding of gender issues in the country and be willing to include ideas from female representatives. To ensure this, facilitators of meetings and gender advisers should organize gender workshops for wom- en participants before the start of the formal negotiation. The UN should develop a group of deployment-ready experts in gender and DDR by using a combined strategy of recruit- ment and training, and insist on their full participation in the DDR process through af- firmative action.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation", "Heading3": "6.1.1. Negotiating DDR: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "Facilitators, Special Representatives of the Secretary-General (SRSGs) and senior UN person- nel supporting the peace process should receive an explicit mandate to cater for the needs and interests of women and girls, whether combatants, supporters or dependants. Moni- toring and evaluation mechanisms should be set in place to assess the effectiveness of their interventions. (See Annex D for a gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation framework.) ", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation", "Heading3": "6.1.2. Negotiating DDR: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "Peace process facilitators, SRSGs and envoys should be made aware of the interna- tionally agreed minimum standard of 30 percent female participation in any democratic decision-making forum. Women who are familiar with the needs of female fighters, veterans and other community-based women peace-builders should attend and be allowed to raise concerns in the negotiation process. In circumstances where the participation of women is not possible, DDR planners should hold consultations with women\u2019s groups during the planning and pre-deployment phase and ensure that the latter\u2019s views are represented at negotiation forums.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation", "Heading3": "6.1.2. Negotiating DDR: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "Women in leadership positions at national and local levels, including female local coun- cillors, representatives of women\u2019s non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and female community leaders, all of whom will assist the return of male and female ex-combatants, supporters and dependants to civilian life, are stakeholders in the peace process, and should be enlisted as partners in the DDR process. Furthermore, governmental ministries or depart- ments with gender-related mandates should be included in negotiations and decision-making whenever possible.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation", "Heading3": "6.1.2. Negotiating DDR: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "To facilitate women\u2019s participation, the UN advance team or country team should carry out a risk assessment to evaluate the threat posed to women who take up a public role in the peace process. Adequate protection should be provided by governmental bodies or the UN itself if these women\u2019s security is at risk. Facilitators and other participants in the peace process should attempt to create an inclusive environment so that female representatives feel comfortable to raise their concerns and needs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation", "Heading3": "6.1.2. Negotiating DDR: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "The release of abducted women and girls from within the ranks of an armed force or group should be made a condition of the peace agreement.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation", "Heading3": "6.1.2. Negotiating DDR: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "The requirement for the representation of women in structures established to manage DDR processes, such as a national DDR commission, should be included in the peace accord. Information about the DDR programme and process should be made available to any sub- sidiary bodies or sub-committees established to facilitate the participation of civil society in the peace process.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation", "Heading3": "6.1.2. Negotiating DDR: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "Planners should develop a good understanding of the legal, political, economic, social and security context of the DDR programme and how it affects women, men, girls and boys differently, both in the armed forces and groups and in the receiving communities. In addition, planners should understand the different needs of women, men, girls and boys who participate in DDR processes according to their different roles during the conflict (i.e., armed ex-combatants, supporters, or/and depend- ants). The following should be considered. \\n Different choices: There may be a difference in the life choices made by women and girls, as opposed to men and boys. This is because women, men, girls and boys have different roles before, during and after conflicts, and they face different problems and expectations from society and their family. They may, as a result, have different prefer- ences for reintegration training and support. Some women and girls may wish to return to their original homes, while others may choose to follow male partners to a new loca- tion, including across international boundaries; \\n Different functions: Many women and girls participate in armed conflict in roles other than as armed combatants. These individuals, who may have participated as cooks, mes- sengers, informal health care providers, por- ters, sex slaves, etc., are often overlooked in the DDR process. Women and girls carry out these roles both through choice and, in the case of abductees and slaves, because they are forced to do so.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "Within receiving communities, in which women already have heavy responsibilities for caregiving, reintegration may place fur- ther burdens of work and care on them that will undermine sustainable reintegration if they are not adequately supported.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "Gender expertise should be considered an essential element of any assessment mission carried out by the UN, specifically those teams with DDR-related mandates, and gender analysis and information should be adequately reflected in reporting to the Security Council and the UN Development Group that coordinates joint assessment missions before the deployment of a peacekeeping mission.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "6.2.1. Assessment phase: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "The assessment team should identify community responses to giving female ex-com- batants the option of joining reconstructed peacetime armies and other security institutions such as intelligence services, border police, customs, immigration services and other law- enforcement services. To boost the number of female peacekeepers, women\u2019s eligibility for peacekeeping roles in other conflict zones should also be determined.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "6.2.1. Assessment phase: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "In order to plan how to deal with obstacles to reintegration and better prepare the community and returnees to play supportive roles, an ongoing assessment should be con- ducted of community attitudes towards returning female combatants, supporters and depend- ants. Baseline data and analysis should be gathered and then reassessed at various stages of the process. Analysis should focus closely on potential causes of insecurity for returning women and on the extent of gender-based insecurity (e.g., gender-based violence) in comm- unities more generally.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "6.2.1. Assessment phase: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "If the assessment team has the task of identifying sites for cantonment, such sites should be able to provide separate facilities for women and men, and girls and boys, as required. Sanitary facilities should be designed in a way that allows for privacy, in accordance with culturally accepted norms, and water and sanitation should be available to meet women\u2019s and girls\u2019 hygiene needs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "6.2.1. Assessment phase: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "The number and percentage of women and girls in armed groups and forces, and their rank and category, should be ascertained as far as possible before planning begins. Necessary measures should be put in place \u2014 in cooperation with existing military structures, where possible \u2014 to deal with commanders who refuse to disclose the number of female combat- ants or associates in the armed forces or groups that they command. It is the human right of all women and girls who have been abducted to receive assistance to safely leave an armed force or group.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "6.2.2. Assessment phase: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "Baseline information on patterns of weapons possession and ownership among women and girls should be collected \u2014 if possible, before demobilization \u2014 to gain an accurate picture of what should be expected during disarmament, and to guard against exploitation of women and girls by military personnel, in attempts either to cache weapons or control access to DDR.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "6.2.2. Assessment phase: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "The assessment team should identify local capacities of women\u2019s organizations already working on security-related issues and work with them to learn about the presence of women and girls in armed groups and forces. All interventions should be designed to sup- port and strengthen existing capacity. (See Annex D for gender-responsive needs assessment and the capacities and vulnerabilities analysis matrix of women\u2019s organizations.)", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "6.2.2. Assessment phase: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "Along with community peace-building forums, women\u2019s organizations should routinely be consulted during assessment missions, as they are often a valuable source of information for planners and public information specialists about, for instance, the community\u2019s percep- tions of the dangers posed by illicit weapons, attitudes towards various types of weapons, the location of weapons caches and other issues such as trans-border weapons trade. Women\u2019s organizations can also provide information about local perceptions of returning female ex- combatants, and of women and girls associated with armed groups and forces.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "6.2.2. Assessment phase: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "Working closely with senior commanders within armed forces and groups before demo- bilization to begin raising awareness about women\u2019s inclusion and involvement in DDR will have a positive impact and can help improve the cooperation of mid-level commanders where a functioning chain of command is in place.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "6.2.2. Assessment phase: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "Female interpreters familiar with relevant terminology and concepts should be hired and trained by assessment teams to help with interviewing women and girls involved in or associated with armed groups or forces.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "6.2.2. Assessment phase: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "Women\u2019s specific health needs, including gynaecological care, should be planned for. Reproductive health services (including items such as reusable sanitary napkins) and pro- phylactics against sexually transmitted infection (both male and female condoms) should be included as essential items in any health care packages.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "6.2.2. Assessment phase: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "When planning the transportation of people associated with armed groups and forces to cantonment sites or to their communities, sufficient resources should be budgeted for to offer women and girls the option of being transported separately from men and boys, if their personal safety is a concern.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "6.2.2. Assessment phase: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "The assessment team report and recommendations for personnel and budgetary require- ments for the DDR process should include provision for female DDR experts, female trans- lators and female field staff for reception centres and cantonment sites to which women combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups can safely report.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", "Heading3": "6.2.2. Assessment phase: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "A strict \u2018one man, one gun\u2019 eligibility requirement for DDR, or an eligibility test based on proficiency in handling weapons, may exclude many women and girls from entry into DDR programmes. The narrow definition of who qualifies as a \u2018combatant\u2019 has been moti- vated to a certain extent by budgetary considerations, and this has meant that DDR planners have often overlooked or inadequately attended to the needs of a large group of people participating in and associated with armed groups and forces. However, these same peo- ple also present potential security concerns that might complicate DDR.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.3 Demobilization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "If those who do not fit the category of a \u2018male, able-bodied combatant\u2019 are overlooked, DDR activities are not only less efficient, but run the risk of reinforcing existing gender inequalities in local communities and making economic hardship worse for women and girls in armed groups and forces, some of whom may have unresolved trauma and reduced physical capacity as a result of violence experienced during the conflict. Marginalized women with experience of combat are at risk for re-recruitment into armed groups and forces and may ultimately undermine the peace-building potential of DDR processes. The involvement of women is the best way of ensuring their longer-term participation in security sector reform and in the uniformed services more generally, which again will improve long-term security.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.3 Demobilization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "Box 3 Why are female supporters/FAAFGs eligible for demobilization? \\n Female supporters and females associated with armed forces and groups shall enter DDR at the demobilization stage because, even if they are not as much of a security risk as combatants, the DDR process, by definition, will break down their social support systems through the demobilization of those on whom they have relied to make a living. If the aim of DDR is to provide broad-based community security, it cannot create insecurity for this group of women by ignoring their special needs. Even if the argument is made that women associated with armed forces and groups should be included in more broadly coordinated reintegration and recovery frameworks, it is important to remember that they will then miss out on specifically designed support to help them make the transition from a military to a civilian lifestyle. In addition, many of the programmes aimed at enabling communities to reinforce reintegration will not be in place early enough to deal with the immediate needs of this group of women.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.3 Demobilization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "In drafting a peace mission\u2019s plan of operations, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) shall reflect the recommendations of the assessment team and produce language that defines a mandate for a gender-sensitive DDR process in compliance with Security Council resolution 1325. Specifically, DDR programme participants shall include those who play support functions essential for the maintenance and cohesion of armed groups and forces, and reflect consideration of the needs of individuals dependent on combatants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.3 Demobilization", "Heading3": "6.3.1. Demobilization mandates, scope, institutional arrangements: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "When the Security Council establishes a peacekeeping operation with mandated DDR functions, components that will ensure gender equity should be adequately financed through the assessed budget of UN peacekeeping operations and not voluntary contributions alone. From the start, funds should be allocated for gender experts and expertise to help with the planning and implementation of dedicated programmes serving the needs of female ex-com- batants, supporters and dependants. Gender advisers and expertise should be considered essential in the staffing structure of DDR units.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.3 Demobilization", "Heading3": "6.3.1. Demobilization mandates, scope, institutional arrangements: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "The UN should facilitate financial support of the gender components of DDR processes. DDR programme budgets should be made gender-responsive by allocating sufficient amounts of resources to all gender-related activities and female-specific interventions.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.3 Demobilization", "Heading3": "6.3.1. Demobilization mandates, scope, institutional arrangements: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "When collaborating with regional, bilateral and multilateral organizations, DDR prac- titioners should encourage gender mainstreaming and compliance with Security Council resolution 1325 throughout all DDR efforts that they lead or support, encouraging all partners, such as client countries, donors and other stakeholders, to dedicate human and economic resources towards gender mainstreaming throughout all phases of DDR.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.3 Demobilization", "Heading3": "6.3.1. Demobilization mandates, scope, institutional arrangements: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should ensure that the various personnel of the peacekeeping mission, from the SRSG to the troops on the ground, are aware of the importance of gender consid- erations in DDR activities. Several strategies can be used: (1) ensuring that DDR training programmes that are routinely provided for military and civilian staff reflect gender-related aspects; (2) developing accountability mechanisms to ensure that all staff are committed to gender equity; and (3) integrating gender training into the training programme for the troops involved.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.3 Demobilization", "Heading3": "6.3.1. Demobilization mandates, scope, institutional arrangements: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "Box 4 Gender training in DDR \\n\\n Main topics of training \\n Gender mainstreaming and human rights \\n Sexual and gender-based violence \\n Gender roles and relations (before, during and after the conflict) \\n Gender identities \\n Gender issues in HIV/AIDS and human trafficking \\n\\n Main participants \\n Ex-combatants, supporters, dependants (both male and female) \\n DDR programme staffs \\n Representatives of government \\n Women\u2019s groups and NGOs \\n Community leaders and traditional authorities", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.3 Demobilization", "Heading3": "6.3.1. Demobilization mandates, scope, institutional arrangements: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "Definitions of who is a dependant should reflect the varied nature and complexity of the conflict situation, where dependent women and girls may not be legal wives of ex-combatants. Where a male ex-combatant and a woman or girl live as man and wife according to local perceptions and practices, this will guarantee the eligibility of the woman or girl for inclu- sion in the DDR programme. Eligibility criteria should be determined so that they include \u2014 where relevant \u2014 multiple wives (both formal and informal) of a male ex-combatant. The dependants of an ex-combatant should include any person living as part of the ex- combatant\u2019s household under their care.xx", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.3 Demobilization", "Heading3": "6.3.2. Demobilization mandates, scope, institutional arrangements: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "In situations where governments are responsible for all or part of the DDR process, UN representatives should encourage national DDR commissions to work closely with government ministries in charge of women\u2019s affairs, as well as women\u2019s peace-building networks. National DDR commissions should be encouraged to employ women in leader- ship positions and assign gender focal points within the commission.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.3 Demobilization", "Heading3": "6.3.2. Demobilization mandates, scope, institutional arrangements: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "Troop-contributing countries should be encouraged by DPKO to make it an urgent priority to deploy women in peacekeeping operations. Female military personnel with gen- der training should be used as much as possible during the DDR process, in particular during the initial stages of screening and identification. Female military personnel should also play an important role in receiving and transmitting information on gender-based violence and/or sexual exploitation and abuse occurring in DDR sites.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.3 Demobilization", "Heading3": "6.3.2. Demobilization mandates, scope, institutional arrangements: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "Transitional support can include one or more of the following: financial resources; material resources; and basic training. The overall aim should be to ensure that the distribution of benefits enables women and girls to have the same economic choices as men and boys, regardless of the roles they performed during the war, and that women and men, and girls and boys are able to engage constructively in reintegration activities that contribute to overall security in their communities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.4 Transitional support", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "A good understanding of women\u2019s rights and social attitudes relating to women\u2019s access to economic resources is needed when designing the benefits package. This will assist planners in designing the package in a way that will allow women to keep control over benefits, especially financial reinsertion packages, after leaving the cantonment site. For example, providing land as part of the benefits package may not be appropriate in a country where women cannot legally own land.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.4 Transitional support", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "Although DDR planners have assumed that financial packages given to male ex-com- batants will be used for the benefit of family members, anecdotal evidence from the field suggests that demobilized men use their start- up cash irresponsibly, rather than to the benefit of family and community. This com- promises the success of DDR programmes and undermines security and community recovery. On the other hand, much empirical evidence from the field indicates that women use the resources they are given for family sustenance and community development. For reintegration to be sustainable, gendered strategies must be developed that will equally benefit women and men, and ensure the equitable distribution of aid and resources within the family unit.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.4 Transitional support", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "When planning the demobilization package, women/girls and men/boys who were armed ex-combatants and supporters should receive equitable and appropriate basic demobili- zation benefits packages, including access to land, tools, credit and training.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.4 Transitional support", "Heading3": "6.4.1. Transitional support: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "Planning should include a labour market assessment that provides details of the various job options and market opportunities that will be available to men and women after they leave demobilization sites. This assessment should take place as early as possible so that train- ing programmes are ready when ex-combatants and supporters need them.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.4 Transitional support", "Heading3": "6.4.1. Transitional support: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "Opportunities for women\u2019s economic independence should be considered and potential problems faced by women entering previously \u2018male\u2019 workplaces and professions should be dealt with as far as possible. Offering demobilized women credit and capital should be viewed as a positive investment in reconstruction, since women have an established record of high rates of return and reinvestment.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.4 Transitional support", "Heading3": "6.4.1. Transitional support: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "Demobilization packages for men and boys should be also sensitive to their different gender roles and identities. Demobilization packages might be prepared under the assump- tion that men are the \u2018breadwinner\u2019 in a household, which might pressurize men to be more aggressively hierarchical in their behaviour at home. Men can also feel emasculated when women appear more successful than them, and may express their frustration in increased violence. More careful preparation is needed so that transitional support packages will not reinforce negative gender stereotypes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.4 Transitional support", "Heading3": "6.4.1. Transitional support: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "If cash hand-outs are given to DDR participants as part of their transitional support, the needs and spending patterns of women should be taken into account, and accommodated as much as possible (e.g., do women prefer large payments of cash or monthly payments? Does either form of payment subject women and girls to additional security risks?).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.4 Transitional support", "Heading3": "6.4.2. Transitional support: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 62, "Paragraph": "Women\u2019s traditional forms of money management should be recognized and supported (e.g., through rotational loan and credit schemes or other innovative forms of microcredit), and, where available, women should be given access to banks and encouraged to open private bank accounts to safeguard their money.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.4 Transitional support", "Heading3": "6.4.2. Transitional support: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 63, "Paragraph": "Education and training efforts should deal with the needs and desires of the women and girls and start as soon as possible during the demobilization phase. Experience has shown that women and girls tend to be overwhelmed by household responsibilities and may be unable to move around freely once they return home, and are therefore less likely to be able to attend training programmes. Women\u2019s access will be greatly improved if efforts are made to provide child-care and other services.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.4 Transitional support", "Heading3": "6.4.2. Transitional support: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 64, "Paragraph": "In many countries, women and girls have lower educational levels and are skilled in jobs that earn less money than their male peers. This should be taken into account in training programmes through providing additional resources for literacy and training in high-earning skills for women and girls. Skills should be culturally appropriate as far as possible, although efforts should be made not to restrict women to low-paid \u2018traditional\u2019 female work, since the post-conflict period offers the possibility of social transformation, including making use of skills acquired by women in wartime.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.4 Transitional support", "Heading3": "6.4.2. Transitional support: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 65, "Paragraph": "Educational opportunities should be equally available to female and male children of ex-combatants and widows.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.4 Transitional support", "Heading3": "6.4.2. Transitional support: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 66, "Paragraph": "The spouse or other female family mem- bers of a male ex-combatant should be brought in to witness the signing of an agreement on how his money will get paid. In this way, the resources may actually get passed on to the family, and from there move into the broader community.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.4 Transitional support", "Heading3": "6.4.2. Transitional support: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 67, "Paragraph": "Receiving communities and women community leaders should be informed about the intention and use of reintegration packages and their potential impact. It cannot be assumed that the benefits of DDR will automatically enrich the community that they enter; they may in fact cause resentment and violence. Efforts should be made to include communities when deciding how development packages will be provided so that ex-combatants\u2019 access to these resources can be influenced and monitored by the community to which they return.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.4 Transitional support", "Heading3": "6.4.2. Transitional support: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 68, "Paragraph": "Female ex-combatants are less likely to ask to participate in DDR than their male peers, for a variety of reasons: \\n a failure to adequately assess the number of women and girl combatants, supporters and dependants in the assessment phase, so that women and girls are neither expected nor catered for; \\n women and girls in many post-war contexts having poorer access to news sources such as radios and being less likely to be able to read than men; \\n the stigma during peacetime of being associated with an armed force or group; \\n the perception or fact that a weapon is required for participation in a DDR programme; \\n security concerns or a fear of exposure or re-exposure to sexual and gender-based violence; \\n in some cases, commanders deliberately holding girls back because they are considered essential workers and the most desirable sexual partners within the group.2 They may also hide women and girls who have been abducted, for fear of legal and social consequences. Measures should be put in place to ensure women know they have the right to leave, and the capacity to do so in safety.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.5 Assembly", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 69, "Paragraph": "Male and female ex-combatants should be equally able to get access to clear information on their eligibility for participation in DDR programmes, as well as the benefits available to them and how to obtain them. At the same time, information and awareness-raising sessions should be offered to the communities that will receive ex-combatants, especially to women\u2019s groups, to help them understand what DDR is, and what they can and cannot expect to gain from it.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.5 Assembly", "Heading3": "6.5.1. Assembly: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 70, "Paragraph": "Information campaigns though the media (e.g., radio and newspapers) should provide information that encourages ex-combatants, supporters and dependants to join programmes. However, it is important to bear in mind that women do not always have access to these tech- nologies, and word of mouth may be the best way of spreading information aimed at them.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.5 Assembly", "Heading3": "6.5.1. Assembly: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 71, "Paragraph": "Eligibility criteria for the three groups of participants should be clearly provided through the information campaign. This includes informing male ex-combatants that women and girls are participants in DDR and that they (i.e., the men) face punishment if they do not release sex slaves. Women and girls should be informed that separate accommodation facil- ities and services (including registration) will be provided for them. Female staff should be present at all assembly areas to process women who report for DDR.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.5 Assembly", "Heading3": "6.5.1. Assembly: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 72, "Paragraph": "Gender balance shall be a priority among staff in the assembly and cantonment sites. It is especially important that men see women in positions of authority in DDR processes. If there are no female leaders (including field officers), men are unlikely to take seriously education efforts aimed at changing their attitudes and ideas about militarized, masculine power. Therefore, information campaigns should emphasize the importance of female lead- ership and of coordination between local women\u2019s NGOs and other civil society groups.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.5 Assembly", "Heading3": "6.5.1. Assembly: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 73, "Paragraph": "Registration forms and questionnaires should be designed to supply sex-disaggregated data on groups to be demobilized.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.5 Assembly", "Heading3": "6.5.1. Assembly: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 74, "Paragraph": "It is imperative that information on the DDR process, including eligibility and benefits, reach women and girls associated with armed groups or forces, as commanders may try to exclude them. In the past, commanders have been known to remove weapons from the possession of girls and women combatants when DDR begins. Public information and advocacy cam- paigners should ensure that information on women-specific assistance, as well as on women\u2019s rights, is transmitted through various media.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.5 Assembly", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Assembly: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 75, "Paragraph": "Many female combatants, supporters, females associated with armed groups and forces, and female dependants were sexually abused during the war. Links should be developed between the DDR programme and the justice system \u2014 and with a truth and reconciliation commission, if it exists \u2014 to ensure that criminals are prosecuted. Women and girls par- ticipating in the DDR process should be made aware of their rights at the cantonment and demobilization stages. DDR practitioners may consider taking steps to gather information on human rights abuses against women during both stages, including setting up a separate and discreet reporting office specifically for this purpose, because the process of assembling testimonies once the DDR participants return to their communities is complicated.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.5 Assembly", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Assembly: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 76, "Paragraph": "Female personnel, including translators, military staff, social workers and gender ex- perts, should be available to deal with the needs and concerns of those assembling, who are often experiencing high levels of anxiety and facing particular problems such as separation from family members, loss of property, lack of identity documents, etc.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.5 Assembly", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Assembly: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 77, "Paragraph": "In order for women and girl fighters to feel safe and welcomed in a DDR process, and to avoid their self-demobilization, female workers at the assembly point are essential. Training should be put in place for female field workers whose role will be to interview female combatants and other participants in order to identify who should be included in DDR processes, and to support those who are eligible. (See Annex C for gender-sensitive interview questions.)", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.5 Assembly", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Assembly: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 78, "Paragraph": "Box 5 Gender-sensitive measures for interviews \\n Men and women should be interviewed separately. \\n They should be assured that all conversations are confidential. \\n Both sexes should be interviewed. \\n Female ex-combatants and supporters must be interviewed by female staff and female interpreters with gender training, if possible. \\n Questions must assess women\u2019s and men\u2019s different experiences, gender roles, relations and identities. \\n Victims of gender-based violence must be interviewed in a very sensitive way, and the interviewer should inform them of protection measures and the availability of counselling. If violence is disclosed, there must be some capacity for follow-up to protect the victim. If no such assistance is available, other methods should be developed to deal with gender-based violence.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.5 Assembly", "Heading3": "6.5.2. Assembly: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 79, "Paragraph": "The physical layout of the reception centre should be structured so that women and girls may register separately from their male partner, and receive separate identity cards. This will help ensure the safety and autonomy of women and girls who are sex slaves or forced \u2018wives\u2019, for whom the assembly point may offer a rare opportunity for escape from their captors.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.6 Cantonment", "Heading3": "6.6.1. Cantonment: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 80, "Paragraph": "Separate facilities will be made available to male and female DDR participants at the cantonment site. However, it is also important to make space available for families that do not wish to be separated. Men, women, boys and girls will initially be escorted to separate facilities, but reassured and shown that there will be frequent opportunities offered for con- tact in the early stages of the demobilization processes, as families may have joint decisions to make about their futures. However, women and girls should be given the option of being out of contact with their male counterparts, if they choose to be.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.6 Cantonment", "Heading3": "6.6.1. Cantonment: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 81, "Paragraph": "Men, women, boys and girls should be offered equal (but, if necessary, separate) access to education about HIV/AIDS, including voluntary testing, and other health services and supplies (also see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV/AIDS and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.6 Cantonment", "Heading3": "6.6.1. Cantonment: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 82, "Paragraph": "Efforts should be made to balance domestic duties between men and women so that rather than collecting fuel or water, women and girls can take equal advantage of briefings, retrainings and other facilities at the site. An unequal division of domestic duties can also make women and girls more likely to suffer gender-based violence as they leave the site to fetch water, food or fuel.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.6 Cantonment", "Heading3": "6.6.1. Cantonment: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 83, "Paragraph": "If women and girls are to take advantage of training and education opportunities offered in the cantonment phase, child-care provisions cannot be optional or considered as non-essential. ", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.6 Cantonment", "Heading3": "6.6.2. Cantonment: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 84, "Paragraph": "In order to safeguard against sexual violence, latrines, ablution areas, and washing and kitchen facilities should be placed in open areas and should be well lit at night. Cooking facilities, fuel and water should be provided so that women and girls do not need to leave the cantonment area.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.6 Cantonment", "Heading3": "6.6.2. Cantonment: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 85, "Paragraph": "Health care services, which include reproductive and psychosocial health services, are essential. Women and girls may have specific health and psychosocial needs, e.g., relating to maternity or gender-based violence. Cantonment sites should provide birthing kits, suffi- cient clean water, supplemental feeding and medical facilities. Women and girls who have been abducted and/or suffered sexual assault during and after the conflict should be assisted by women who are trained in trauma management and offered counselling services, pro- vided that these are culturally acceptable and appropriate. Such assistance is essential to allow female ex-combatants in particular to participate in training and receive any health care or counselling services required.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.6 Cantonment", "Heading3": "6.6.2. Cantonment: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 86, "Paragraph": "Opportunities should be provided during cantonment to educate women and girls about their rights, e.g., the right to own land or the right to take legal action against those who have committed crimes against them.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.6 Cantonment", "Heading3": "6.6.2. Cantonment: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 87, "Paragraph": "In some countries, demobilized soldiers are offered opportunities to be employed in new security structures. Female ex-combatants should be provided with the same opportuni- ties as their male counterparts to join the restructured police and security forces.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.6 Cantonment", "Heading3": "6.6.2. Cantonment: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 88, "Paragraph": "Weapons possession has traditionally been a criterion for eligibility in DDR programmes. Because women and girls are often less likely to possess weapons even when they are actively engaged in armed forces and groups, and because commanders have been known to remove weapons from the possession of women and girls before assembly, this criterion often leads to the exclusion of women and girls from DDR processes (also see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.7. Disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 89, "Paragraph": "Women\u2019s equal access to secure disarmament sites is important to ensure that gendered stereo- types of male and female weapons ownership are not reinforced.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.7. Disarmament", "Heading3": "6.7.1. Disarmament: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 90, "Paragraph": "Ongoing programmes to disarm, through weapons collections, weapons amnesties, the creation of new gun control laws that assist in the registration of legally owned weapons, programmes of action such as weapons in exchange for development (WED; also referred to as WfD), and other initiatives, should be put in place to support reintegration and devel- opment processes. Such initiatives should be carried out with a full understanding of the gender dynamics in the society and of how gun ownership is gendered in a given context. Media images that encourage or support violent masculinity should be discouraged.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.7. Disarmament", "Heading3": "6.7.1. Disarmament: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 91, "Paragraph": "Other incentives can be given that replace the prestige and power of owning a weap- on, and social pressure can be applied when communities have a sense of involvement in weapons-collection processes. Men are traditionally associated with the use, ownership and promotion of small arms, and are injured and killed by guns in far larger numbers than are women. However, the difference between female and male gun ownership does not mean that women have no guns. They may pose threats to security and are not only nurturers, innocents and victims in situations of armed conflict.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.7. Disarmament", "Heading3": "6.7.1. Disarmament: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 92, "Paragraph": "At the weapons-collection sites, identification of female ex-combatants who return their weapons and female community members who hand in weapons on behalf of ex-combatants is vital in order to collect and distribute different types of information. Female ex-combatants can be a source of information about the number, location and situation of hidden weapons, and can be asked about these, provided there are adequate security measures to protect the identity of the informant. Programme staff should also ask female community members if they know any female ex-combatant, supporter or dependant who has \u2018self-reintegrated\u2019 and ask them to participate in any WED programmes and other disarmament processes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.7. Disarmament", "Heading3": "6.7.2. Disarmament: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 93, "Paragraph": "WED projects are ideal opportunities for delivering specific training for women and girls, as such projects are often tied to the provision of services or goods that can reduce the burden of care disproportionately placed on women and girls in many parts of the world, such as water and fuel collection.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.7. Disarmament", "Heading3": "6.7.3. Arms reduction and control: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 94, "Paragraph": "Existing efforts of women\u2019s NGOs and female community leaders to raise awareness of weapons spread and misuse should be identified and recognized when planning long-term disarmament processes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.7. Disarmament", "Heading3": "6.7.3. Arms reduction and control: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 95, "Paragraph": "Women\u2019s knowledge of trading routes, weapons caches, and other sources of hidden small arms and light weapons should be accessed, where this can be done safely, during the field assessment phase, and this information should be used in disarmament planning. Those conducting interviews will need to establish a close relationship with interviewees; and there is a moral responsibility on the part of such interviewers to protect their sources.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.7. Disarmament", "Heading3": "6.7.3. Arms reduction and control: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 96, "Paragraph": "When surveys are being carried out to determine attitudes to small arms and light weap- ons, women and girls (both those who participated in conflicts and community members) should be interviewed at the same time as, but separately from, men.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.7. Disarmament", "Heading3": "6.7.3. Arms reduction and control: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 97, "Paragraph": "Educating and including women prominently in disarmament activities can strengthen women\u2019s profile and leadership roles in the public sphere, and should be encouraged. Opportun- ities should be taken to link women\u2019s knowledge and awareness of disarmament to the pro- motion of their broader political participation and involvement in community development.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.7. Disarmament", "Heading3": "6.7.3. Arms reduction and control: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 98, "Paragraph": "Collected weapons should be properly guarded and, ideally, destroyed. The involvement of women\u2019s groups in monitoring weapons collection and destruction, and as participants in destruction ceremonies, can be a powerful way of solidifying community support for and investment in the peace process.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.7. Disarmament", "Heading3": "6.7.3. Arms reduction and control: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 99, "Paragraph": "After demobilization, mechanisms should be put in place to allow female ex-combatants and supporters to return to their destination of choice using a safe means of transport that minimizes exposure to gender-based violence, re-recruitment and abduction or human trafficking.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.8. Resettlement", "Heading3": "6.8.1. Resettlement: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 100, "Paragraph": "Female ex-combatants and supporters should be properly catered for and included in any travel assistance that is offered after encampment. If a journey will take several days, the needs of women and girls and their children should be catered for, with separate vehicles made available if required.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.8. Resettlement", "Heading3": "6.8.1. Resettlement: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 101, "Paragraph": "Female ex-combatants and supporters should be free to choose where they will live, and can decide to return to a rural area from which they or their partner came, or to move to a semi-urban or urban area where they may have more freedom from traditional gender roles. Those who have been attached to an armed force or group for a long period of time might not know where they want to go, and therefore need more time and special support to help them decide.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.8. Resettlement", "Heading3": "6.8.1. Resettlement: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 102, "Paragraph": "A transitional safety net should be put in place to help resettled female ex-combatants and supporters with housing, health care and counselling, and offer educational support to get their children (especially girls) into school.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.8. Resettlement", "Heading3": "6.8.1. Resettlement: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 103, "Paragraph": "Female ex-combatants and supporters should be fully informed about, and able to access, any reintegration support services, e.g., a local demobilization support office, if one is established.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.8. Resettlement", "Heading3": "6.8.1. Resettlement: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 104, "Paragraph": "Measures should be put in place to help reunify mothers and children.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.8. Resettlement", "Heading3": "6.8.1. Resettlement: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 105, "Paragraph": "Ex-combatants who have been wounded or disabled in action, or have become chronically ill owing to exposure to combat, should be provided with medical care, counselling, reha- bilitation facilities and relevant vocational training. Counselling should also deal with problems such as drugs, alcohol and gender-based violence. These measures will reduce the burden of care that is carried by women and girls, usually unpaid, and can lead to nega- tive coping mechanisms, such as the withdrawal of girls from school to care for disabled relatives.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.9. Social reintegration", "Heading3": "6.9.1. Social reintegration: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 106, "Paragraph": "Ex-combatants, their partners and dependants, and receiving families and communities need to be sensitized to the difficulties of readjustment to civilian life of persons participat- ing in or associated with armed groups and forces. Messages of reconciliation should also deal with the problems and specific needs of women and girls who may have suffered abuse in armed groups or forces.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.9. Social reintegration", "Heading3": "6.9.1. Social reintegration: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 107, "Paragraph": "Leadership training for community leaders, including church leaders, traditional author- ities and women\u2019s NGOs, should be carried out before community sensitization projects begin, in order to inform them about community development projects associated with reintegration programmes and to strengthen their leadership skills. Training for community members should also include gender training.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.9. Social reintegration", "Heading3": "6.9.1. Social reintegration: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 108, "Paragraph": "The media and arts should be used to exchange ideas and experiences and encourage a culture of peace, and respect for human rights and women\u2019s rights", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.9. Social reintegration", "Heading3": "6.9.1. Social reintegration: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 109, "Paragraph": "As part of the broad consultation carried out with a wide variety of social actors, community awareness-raising meetings should be held to prepare the community to receive ex-combat- ants. Inclusion of women and women\u2019s organizations in these processes shall be essential, as women often play a central role in post-conflict reconstruction and the provision of care. ", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.9. Social reintegration", "Heading3": "6.9.2. Social reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 110, "Paragraph": "Receiving communities should be informed about the intention and use of reintegration programmes and their potential impact on community development and sustainable peace- building. WED projects should recognize the important role of women in development activities, and should organize information campaigns specifically for female community members.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.9. Social reintegration", "Heading3": "6.9.2. Social reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 111, "Paragraph": "Resources should be allocated to train female community members, ex-combatants and supporters to understand and cope with traumatized children, including how to help ab- ducted girls gain demobilization and reintegration support. It is unfair to burden women with the challenges of reintegrating and rehabilitating child soldiers simply because they are usually the primary caregivers of children.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.9. Social reintegration", "Heading3": "6.9.2. Social reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 112, "Paragraph": "Women\u2019s organizations should be supported; and should be trained to participate in healing and reconciliation work in general, and, in particular, to assist in the reconciliation and reintegration of ex-combatants from different factions. Have women in the post-conflict zone already begun the process of reconstruction after war? Is this work recognized and supported?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.9. Social reintegration", "Heading3": "6.9.2. Social reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 113, "Paragraph": "The expertise of female ex-combatants and supporters \u2014 which may be non-traditional expertise \u2014 should be recognized, respected and utilized by other women. Female ex- combatants\u2019 reintegration should be connected to broader strategies aimed at women\u2019s post-conflict development in order to prevent resentment against fighters as a \u2018privileged\u2019 group.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.9. Social reintegration", "Heading3": "6.9.2. Social reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 114, "Paragraph": "Radio networks should include women\u2019s voices and experiences when educating local people about those who are being reintegrated, to prevent potential tensions from developing.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.9. Social reintegration", "Heading3": "6.9.2. Social reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 115, "Paragraph": "Community mental health practices (such as cleansing ceremonies) should be encour- aged to contribute to the long-term psychological rehabilitation of ex-combatants and to address women\u2019s and girls\u2019 specific suffering or trauma (often a result of sexualized violence), as long as they encourage and support rather than undermine women\u2019s and girls\u2019 human rights and well-being.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.9. Social reintegration", "Heading3": "6.9.2. Social reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 116, "Paragraph": "Female ex-combatants should have equal access to legal aid or support to assist them in combating discrimination (in both the private and public spheres).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.9. Social reintegration", "Heading3": "6.9.2. Social reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 117, "Paragraph": "The establishment of formal/informal network groups among female ex-combatants and supporters should be encouraged, with support from women\u2019s NGOs. This will give them an opportunity to support each other and foster leadership. Particularly for those who decide to go to a new place rather than home, such support will be essential.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.9. Social reintegration", "Heading3": "6.9.2. Social reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 118, "Paragraph": "Box 6 Example of factors that may contribute to women\u2019s social reintegration \\n\\n The level of women\u2019s participation in decision-making: \\n in the household \\n at the community level \\n at the national and government levels \\n\\n The public image and self-image of women and men \\n\\n The public and private/domestic roles of women and men* \\n the level of diversity and flexibility in these gender roles \\n inflexible gender roles \\n\\n The public perception of gender-based violence, including rape \\n\\n Organizational and other capacity of women\u2019s NGOs and women\u2019s ministries \\n\\n Social networks of local women\u2019s groups, female community leaders and church leaders \\n\\n Media coverage of women and gender issues \\n * Note: An assessment of gender roles could help women and men to think about: \\n\\n what women and men can and cannot do in their society \\n\\n what kinds of expectations the community has of women and men \\n\\n what barriers women and men face if they want to perform non-traditional roles \\n\\n in what area(s) women and men could transform their gender roles \\n\\n how women\u2019s and men\u2019s roles have changed during conflict", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.9. Social reintegration", "Heading3": "6.9.2. Social reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 119, "Paragraph": "Women and girls may have acquired skills during the conflict that do not fit in with tradi- tional ideas of appropriate work for women and girls, so female ex-combatants often find it more difficult than male ex-combatants to achieve economic success in the reintegration period, especially if they have not received their full entitlements under the DDR programme. ", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 120, "Paragraph": "Women often find it more difficult to get access to credit, especially the bigger amounts needed in order to enter the formal sectors of the economy. With few job opportunities, particularly within the formal sector, women and girls have limited options for economic success, which has serious implications if they are the main providers for their dependants. The burden of care that many women and girls shoulder means they are less able to take advantage of training and capacity-building opportunities that could offer them better opportunities for economic self-sufficiency.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 121, "Paragraph": "Measures should be put in place to prevent women ex-combatants, supporters, dependants and war widows from being forced to live on the fringes of the economy. Even excessive reliance on women\u2019s unpaid or low-paid NGO activity might become a substitute for their meaningful participation in the labour market.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "6.10.1. Economic reintegration: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 122, "Paragraph": "One of the greatest needs of ex-combatants and their families is access to land and housing. In securing these, specific gender dynamics should be taken into account, particu- larly when traditional practices do not allow female-headed households or women\u2019s land ownership. Legal reform should aim to get rid of this exclusion.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "6.10.1. Economic reintegration: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 123, "Paragraph": "In many societies, the production of crops and animal husbandry is divided among household members according to gender and age. This division of labour should be assessed and should be taken into account when providing reintegration assistance that is aimed at reviving the agricultural sector, improving food security and securing livelihoods for ex- combatants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "6.10.1. Economic reintegration: Gender-aware interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 124, "Paragraph": "Special measures have to be put in place to ensure that female participants have equal training and employment opportunities after leaving the cantonment site. Funding should be allocated for childcare to be provided, and for training to be conducted as close as possible to where the women and girls live. This will also reduce the chances of irregular attendance as a result of problems with transport (e.g., infrequent buses) or mobility (e.g., cultural restric- tions on women\u2019s travel). Barriers such as employers refusing to hire women ex-combatants or narrow expectations of the work women are permitted to do should be taken into account before retraining is offered. Potential employees should be identified for sensitization train- ing to encourage them to employ female ex-combatants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "6.10.2. Economic reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 125, "Paragraph": "Women and girls should be given a say in determining the types of skills they learn. They should be provided with options that will allow them to build on useful skills acquired during their time with armed groups and forces, including skills that may not usually be considered \u2018women\u2019s work\u2019, such as driving or construction jobs. They should be taught vocational skills in fields for which there is likely to be a long-term demand. Those success- fully completing vocational training should be issued with certificates confirming this.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "6.10.2. Economic reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 126, "Paragraph": "Widows, widowers and dependants of ex-combatants killed in action may need financial and material assistance. They should be assisted in setting up income-generating initiatives. Widows and widowers should be made active participants in reintegration training pro- grammes and should also be able to benefit from credit schemes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "6.10.2. Economic reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 127, "Paragraph": "Because women\u2019s homes are often the main geographical base for their work, technical and labour support systems should be in place to assist demobilized women in building a house and to support self-employment opportunities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "6.10.2. Economic reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 128, "Paragraph": "Single or widowed women ex-combatants should be recognized as heads of household and permitted to own and rent existing housing and land.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "6.10.2. Economic reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 129, "Paragraph": "Measures should be taken to protect women ex-combatants or war widows from being forced into casual labour on land that is not their own.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "6.10.2. Economic reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 130, "Paragraph": "Where needed, particularly in rural areas, women should be provided with training in agricultural methods and they should have the right to farm cash crops and own and use livestock, as opposed to engaging in subsistence agriculture.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "6.10.2. Economic reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 131, "Paragraph": "Security should be provided for women on their way to work, or to the marketplace, particularly to protect them from banditry, especially in places with large numbers of small arms.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "6.10.2. Economic reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 132, "Paragraph": "Women should have equal access to communally owned farming tools and water- pumping equipment, and have the right to own such equipment.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "6.10.2. Economic reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 133, "Paragraph": "Greater coordination with development agencies and women\u2019s NGOs that carry out projects to assist women, such as adult literacy courses, microcredit facilities and family planning advice, is essential to make this reintegration programme sustainable and to reach all beneficiaries.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "6. Gender-responsive DDR", "Heading2": "6.10. Economic reintegration", "Heading3": "6.10.2. Economic reintegration: Female-specific interventions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 134, "Paragraph": "Empowerment: Refers to women and men taking control over their lives: setting their own agendas, gaining skills, building self-confidence, solving problems and developing self- reliance. No one can empower another; only the individual can empower herself or himself to make choices or to speak out. However, institutions, including international cooperation agencies, can support processes that can nurture self-empowerment of individuals or groups.3 Empowerment of participants, regardless of their gender, should be a central goal of any DDR interventions, and measures should be taken to ensure that no particular group is disem- powered or excluded through the DDR process.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 135, "Paragraph": "Gender: The social attributes and opportunities associated with being male and female and the relationships between women, men, girls and boys, as well as the relations between women and those between men. These attributes, opportunities and relationships are socially con- structed and are learned through socialization processes. They are context/time-specific and changeable. Gender is part of the broader sociocultural context. Other important criteria for sociocultural analysis include class, race, poverty level, ethnic group and age.4 The concept of gender also includes the expectations held about the characteristics, aptitudes and likely behaviours of both women and men (femininity and masculinity). The concept of gender is vital, because, when it is applied to social analysis, it reveals how women\u2019s sub- ordination (or men\u2019s domination) is socially constructed. As such, the subordination can be changed or ended. It is not biologically predetermined, nor is it fixed forever.5 As with any group, interactions among armed forces and groups, members\u2019 roles and responsibili- ties within the group, and interactions between members of armed forces/groups and policy and decision makers are all heavily influenced by prevailing gender roles and gender rela- tions in society. In fact, gender roles significantly affect the behaviour of individuals even when they are in a sex-segregated environment, such as an all-male cadre.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 136, "Paragraph": "Gender analysis: The collection and analysis of sex-disaggregated information. Men and women perform different roles in societies and in armed groups and forces. This leads to women and men having different experience, knowledge, talents and needs. Gender analysis explores these differences so that policies, programmes and projects can identify and meet the different needs of men and women. Gender analysis also facilitates the strategic use of distinct knowledge and skills possessed by women and men, which can greatly improve the long-term sustainability of interventions.6 In the context of DDR, gender analysis should be used to design policies and interventions that will reflect the different roles, capacity and needs of women, men, girls and boys.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 137, "Paragraph": "Gender balance: The objective of achieving representational numbers of women and men among staff. The shortage of women in leadership roles, as well as extremely low numbers of women peacekeepers and civilian personnel, has contributed to the invisibility of the needs and capacities of women and girls in the DDR process. Achieving gender balance, or at least improving the representation of women in peace operations, has been defined as a strategy for increasing operational capacity on issues related to women, girls, gender equality and mainstreaming.7", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 138, "Paragraph": "Gender equality: The equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities of women and men and girls and boys. Equality does not mean that women and men will become the same, but that women\u2019s and men\u2019s rights, responsibilities and opportunities will not depend on whether they are born male or female. Gender equality implies that the interests, needs and priorities of both women and men are taken into consideration, while recognizing the di- versity of different groups of women and men. Gender equality is not a women\u2019s issue, but should concern and fully engage men as well as women. Equality between women and men is seen both as a human rights issue and as a precondition for, and indicator of, sus- tainable people-centred development.8", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 139, "Paragraph": "Gender equity: The process of being fair to men and women. To ensure fairness, measures must often be put in place to compensate for the historical and social disadvantages that prevent women and men from operating on a level playing field. Equity is a means; equality is the result.9", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 140, "Paragraph": "Gender mainstreaming: Defined by the 52nd session of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 1997 as \u201cthe process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for making women\u2019s as well as men\u2019s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and pro- grammes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and men benefit equally and inequality is not perpetrated. The ultimate goal of this strategy is to achieve gender equality.\u201d10 Gender mainstreaming emerged as a major strategy for achieving gen- der equality following the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995. In the context of DDR, gender mainstreaming is necessary in order to ensure that women and girls receive equitable access to assistance programmes and packages, and it should, there- fore, be an essential component of all DDR-related interventions. In order to maximize the impact of gender mainstreaming efforts, these should be complemented with activities that are directly tailored for marginalized segments of the intended beneficiary group.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 141, "Paragraph": "Gender relations: The social relationship between men, women, girls and boys. Gender relations shape how power is distributed among women, men, girls and boys and how that power is translated into different positions in society. Gender relations are generally fluid and vary depending on other social relations, such as class, race, ethnicity, etc.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 142, "Paragraph": "Gender-aware policies: Policies that utilize gender analysis in their formulation and design, and recognize gender differences in terms of needs, interests, priorities, power and roles. They recognize further that both men and women are active development actors for their community. Gender-aware policies can be further divided into the following three policies: \\n Gender-neutral policies use the knowledge of gender differences in a society to reduce biases in development work in order to enable both women and men to meet their practical gender needs. \\n Gender-specific policies are based on an understanding of the existing gendered division of resources and responsibilities and gender power relations. These policies use knowledge of gender difference to respond to the practical gender needs of women or men. \\n Gender-transformative policies consist of interventions that attempt to transform existing distributions of power and resources to create a more balanced relationship among women, men, girls and boys by responding to their strategic gender needs. These policies can target both sexes together, or separately. Interventions may focus on women\u2019s and/or men\u2019s practical gender needs, but with the objective of creating a conducive environment in which women or men can empower themselves.11", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 143, "Paragraph": "Gendered division of labour is the result of how each society divides work between men and women according to what is considered suitable or appropriate to each gender.12 Atten- tion to the gendered division of labour is essential when determining reintegration oppor- tunities for both male and female ex-combatants, including women and girls associated with armed forces and groups in non-combat roles and dependants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 144, "Paragraph": "Gender-responsive DDR programmes: Programmes that are planned, implemented, moni- tored and evaluated in a gender-responsive manner to meet the different needs of female and male ex-combatants, supporters and dependants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 145, "Paragraph": "Gender-responsive objectives: Programme and project objectives that are non-discrimina- tory, equally benefit women and men and aim at correcting gender imbalances.13", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 146, "Paragraph": "Practical gender needs: What women (or men) perceive as immediate necessities, such as water, shelter, food and security.14 Practical needs vary according to gendered differences in the division of agricultural labour, reproductive work, etc., in any social context.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 147, "Paragraph": "Sex: The biological differences between men and women, which are universal and deter- mined at birth.15", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 148, "Paragraph": "Sex-disaggregated data: Data that are collected and presented separately on men and women.16 The availability of sex-disaggregated data, which would describe the proportion of women, men, girls and boys associated with armed forces and groups, is an essential precondition for building gender-responsive policies and interventions.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 149, "Paragraph": "Strategic gender needs: Long-term needs, usually not material, and often related to struc- tural changes in society regarding women\u2019s status and equity. They include legislation for equal rights, reproductive choice and increased participation in decision-making. The notion of \u2018strategic gender needs\u2019, first coined in 1985 by Maxine Molyneux, helped develop gender planning and policy development tools, such as the Moser Framework, which are currently being used by development institutions around the world. Interventions dealing with stra- tegic gender interests focus on fundamental issues related to women\u2019s (or, less often, men\u2019s) subordination and gender inequities.17", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 150, "Paragraph": "Violence against women: Defined by the UN General Assembly in the 1993 Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women as \u201cany act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private. Violence against women shall be understood to encompass, but not be limited to, the following: \\n Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring in the family, including batter- ing, sexual abuse of female children in the household, dowry-related violence, marital rape, female genital mutilation and other traditional practices harmful to women, non- spousal violence and violence related to exploitation; \\n Physical, sexual and psychological violence occurring within the general community, including rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment and intimidation at work, in educa- tional institutions and elsewhere, trafficking in women and forced prostitution; \\n Physical, sexual and psychological violence perpetrated or condoned by the State, wherever it occurs.\u201d18", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 151, "Paragraph": "\\n How many women and girls are in and associated with the armed forces and groups? What roles have they played? \\n Are there facilities for treatment, counselling and protection to prevent sexualized vio- lence against women combatants, both during the conflict and after it? \\n Who is demobilized and who is retained as part of the restructured force? Do women and men have the same right to choose to be demobilized or retained? \\n Is there sustainable funding to ensure the long-term success of the DDR process? Are special funds allocated to women, and if not, what measures are in place to ensure that their needs will receive proper attention? \\n Has the support of local, regional and national women\u2019s organizations been enlisted to aid reintegration? \\n Has the collaboration of women leaders in assisting ex-combatants and widows returning to civilian life been enlisted? \\n Are existing women\u2019s organizations being trained to understand the needs and experiences of ex-combatants? \\n If cantonment is being planned, will there be separate and secure facilities for women? Will fuel, food and water be provided so women do not have to leave the security of the site? \\n If a social security system exists, can women ex-combatants easily access it? Is it specifically designed to meet their needs and to improve their skills? \\n Can the economy support the kind of training women might ask for during the demobi- lization period? \\n Have obstacles, such as narrow expectations of women\u2019s work, been taken into account? Will childcare be provided to ensure that women have equitable access to training opportunities? \\n Do training packages offered to women reflect local gender norms and standards about gender-appropriate behaviour or does training attempt to change these norms? Does this benefit or hinder women\u2019s economic independence? \\n Are single or widowed female ex-combatants recognized as heads of households and permitted access to housing and land? \\n Are legal measures in place to protect their access to land and water?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "Annex B: DDR gender checklist for peace operations assessment missions", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 152, "Paragraph": "Field/Needs assessment for female ex-combatants, supporters and dependants should be carried out independently of general need assessment, because of the specific needs and concerns of women. Those assessing the needs of women should be aware of gender needs in conflict situations. The use of gender-analysis frameworks should be strongly encouraged to collect information and data on the following: \\n\\n Social and cultural context \\n Gender roles and gender division of labour (both in public and private spheres) \\n Traditional practices that oppose the human rights of women \\n\\n Political context \\n Political participation of women at the national and community levels \\n Access to education for girls \\n\\n Economic context \\n Socio-economic status of women \\n Women\u2019s access to and control over resources \\n\\n Capacity and vulnerability \\n Capacities and vulnerabilities of women and girls \\n Existing local support networks for women and girls \\n Capacities of local women\u2019s associations and NGOs \\n\\n Security \\n Extent of women\u2019s participation in the security sector (police, military, government) \\n Level of sexual and gender-based violence \\n\\n Specific needs of female ex-combatants, supporters and dependants (economic, social, physical, psychological, cultural, political, etc.)", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "1. Gender-responsive field/needs assessment", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 153, "Paragraph": "The methodology of data collection should be participatory, and sensitive to gender- related issues. The assessment group should include representatives from local women\u2019s organizations and the local community. This might mean that local female interpreter(s) and translator(s) are needed (also see IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "1. Gender-responsive field/needs assessment", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 154, "Paragraph": "The Capacities and Vulnerabilities Framework21 can be used to plan and measure the out- come of gender-responsive DDR programmes. This framework is also useful for assessing needs by mapping the strengths and weaknesses of the target population.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "1. Gender-responsive field/needs assessment", "Heading3": "1.1. Matrix to assess capacities and vulnerabilities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 155, "Paragraph": "The matrix below is an example of how the framework can be used. A similar approach can be created in the field, based on collective interviews and/or focus groups with women\u2019s NGOs, community leaders, female ex-combatants and supporters: \\n Capacities refer to the existing strengths of individuals and groups to cope with a crisis and to improve the quality of their lives; \\n Vulnerabilities refer to factors that weaken the people\u2019s ability to create positive changes in their lives and community.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "1. Gender-responsive field/needs assessment", "Heading3": "1.1. Matrix to assess capacities and vulnerabilities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 156, "Paragraph": "The formulation of a project/programme should reflect the results of needs assessments of female ex-combatants and other FAAFGs. Gender dimensions should be included in the following components: \\n programme goals; project objectives; \\n outputs; \\n indicative activities; \\n inputs; \\n indicators (for baseline data and monitoring and evaluation).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "2. Gender-responsive programme design", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 157, "Paragraph": "The formulation of a gender-responsive budget is a way of ensuring that female-specific interventions will be sufficiently funded. It also ensures that equal attention is paid to females and males by disaggregating costs by gender. Budgetary processes should ensure the par- ticipation of a DDR gender adviser, women\u2019s organizations and community members in order to encourage accountability and transparency.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "3. Gender-responsive budgeting in DDR programming", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 158, "Paragraph": "In addition to objectives, indicators and outputs defined in the programme design, there is a need to specify the following categories within a results-based budgeting framework: \\n female-specific activities (e.g., job training for female ex-combatants, counselling for the victims of gender-based violence) and its inputs (trained staff, adequate facilities); \\n gender training (to programme staff, government officials, ex-combatants, supporters and dependants) and its inputs (trained staff, adequate facilities); \\n gender adviser(s); \\n unit cost (per participant) of all activities disaggregated by gender. \\n\\n It is also advisable to ask donors to specify the allocation of funds to female-specific interventions and gender training (also see IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "3. Gender-responsive budgeting in DDR programming", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 159, "Paragraph": "Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is necessary to find out if DDR pro- grammes are meeting the needs of women and girls, and to examine the gendered impact of DDR. At present, the gender dimensions of DDR are not monitored and evaluated effec- tively in DDR programmes, partly because of poorly allocated resources, and partly because there is a shortage of evaluators who are aware of gender issues and have the skills needed to include gender in their evaluation practices.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 160, "Paragraph": "To overcome these gaps, it is necessary to create a primary framework for gender- responsive M&E. Disaggregating existing data by gender alone is not enough. By identifying a set of specific indicators that measure the gender dimensions of DDR programmes and their impacts, it should be possible to come up with more comprehensive and practical recommendations for future programmes. The following matrixes show a set of gender- related indicators for M&E (also see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 161, "Paragraph": "These matrixes consist of six M&E frameworks: \\n 1.Monitoring programme performance (disarmament; demobilization; reintegration) \\n 2.Monitoring process \\n 3.Evaluation of outcomes/results \\n 4.Evaluation of impact \\n 5.Evaluation of budget (gender-responsive budget analysis) \\n 6.Evaluation of programme management.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 162, "Paragraph": "The following are the primary sources of data, and data collection instruments and techniques: \\n national and municipal government data; \\n health-related data (e.g., data collected at ante-natal clinics); \\n programme/project reports; \\n surveys (e.g., household surveys); \\n interviews (e.g., focus groups, structured and open-ended interviews).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 163, "Paragraph": "Whenever necessary, data should be disaggregated not only by gender (to compare men and women), but also by age, different role(s) during the conflict, location (rural/urban) and ethnic background.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 164, "Paragraph": "Gender advisers in the regional office of DDR programme and general evaluators will be the main coordinators for these gender-responsive M&E activities, but the responsibility will fall to the programme director and chief as well. All information should be shared with donors, programme management staff and programme participants, where relevant. Key findings will be used to improve future programmes and M&E. The following tables offer examples of gender analysis frameworks and gender-responsive budgeting analysis for DDR programmes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 165, "Paragraph": "Note: Female ex-combatants = FXC; women associated with armed groups and forces = FS; female dependants = FD", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 166, "Paragraph": "\\n\\n Purpose of monitoring: To monitor programme performance for female ex-combatants, supporters and dependants at each stage of DDR: \\n monitoring of disarmament; \\n monitoring of demobilization; \\n monitoring of reintegration; \\n\\n Data collection frequency: Every month during the implementation of the programme.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.1. Gender-responsive monitoring of programme performance", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 167, "Paragraph": "Key questions to ask: \\n To what extent did the disarmament programme succeed in disarming female ex- combatants? \\n To what extent did the disarmament programme provide gender-sensitive and female- specific services?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.1. Gender-responsive monitoring of programme performance", "Heading4": "4.1.1. Monitoring of disarmament", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 168, "Paragraph": "KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS \\n 1. Number of FXC who registered for disarmament programme \\n 2. % of weapons collected from FXC \\n 3. Number of female staff who were at weapons-collection and -registration sites (e.g., female translators, military staff, social workers, gender advisers) \\n 4. Number of information campaigns conducted specifically to inform women and girls about DDR programmes", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.1. Gender-responsive monitoring of programme performance", "Heading4": "4.1.1. Monitoring of disarmament", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 169, "Paragraph": "Key questions to ask: \\n To what extent did the demobilization programme succeed in demobilizing female ex-combatants and supporters? \\n To what extent did the demobilization programme provide gender-sensitive and female-specific services?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.1. Gender-responsive monitoring of programme performance", "Heading4": "4.1.2. Monitoring of demobilization", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 170, "Paragraph": "KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS \\n 1. Number of FXC and FS who registered for demobilization programme \\n 2. % of FXC and FS who were demobilized (completed the programme) per camp \\n 3. Number of demobilization facilities created specifically for FXC and FS per camp (e.g., toilets, clinic) \\n 4. % of FXC, FS and FD who were allocated to female-only accommodation facilities \\n 5. Number of female staff in each camp (e.g., female translators, military staff, social workers, gender advisers) \\n 6. Number of gender trainings conducted per camp \\n 5.10 34\u2003Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Standards 1 August 2006 \\n 7. Average length of time spent in gender training \\n 8. Number of FXC, FS and FD who participated in gender training \\n 9. Number and level of gender-based violence reported in each demobilization camp \\n 10. Average length of stay of FXC and FS at each camp \\n 11. % of FXC, FS and FD who received transitional support to prepare for reintegration (e.g. health care, food, living allowance, etc.) \\n 12. % of FXC, FS and FD who received female-specific assistance and package (e.g., sanitary napkins, female clothes) \\n 13. % of FXC, FS and FD attending female-specific counselling sessions \\n 14. Average length of time spent in counselling for victims of gender-based violence \\n 15. Number of child-care services per camp \\n 16. % of FXC, FS and FD who used child-care services per camp \\n 17. Existence of medical facilities and personnel for childbirth \\n 18. % of FXC, FS and FD who used medical facilities for childbirth", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.1. Gender-responsive monitoring of programme performance", "Heading4": "4.1.2. Monitoring of demobilization", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 171, "Paragraph": "Key questions to ask: \\n To what extent did the reintegration programme succeed in reintegrating female ex- combatants, supporters and dependants? \\n To what extent did the reintegration programme provide gender-sensitive and female- specific services?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.1. Gender-responsive monitoring of programme performance", "Heading4": "4.1.3. Monitoring of reintegration", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 172, "Paragraph": "KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS \\n 1. Number of information/media campaigns conducted in each community to inform community members of issues associated with FXC, FS and FD \\n 2. Number of information/media campaigns conducted in each community to inform female community members (e.g., wives of male ex-combatants) of benefits \\n 3. Number of FXC, FS and FD who registered for reintegration programme \\n 4. % of FXC, FS and FD who returned to their home community \\n 5. % of FXC, FS and FD who went to new places rather than home community \\n 6. Number of female-specific transportation services available \\n 7. % of FXC, FS and FD who used those transportation services to return to community \\n 8. Number of vocational trainings implemented for FXC, FS and/or FD \\n 9. % of FXC, FS and FD who registered for vocational training \\n 10. Average length of time spent in vocational training \\n 11. % of FXC, FS and FD who completed vocational training \\n 12. % of FXC and FS incorporated into the national army or police \\n 13. % of FXC, FS and FD who gained the ownership of land and/or other property \\n 14. Number of microcredit projects implemented for FXC, FS and/or FD \\n 15. % of FXC, FS and FD who received microcredit \\n 16. % of FXC, FS and FD who started income-generating activities based on microcredit \\n 17. Number of literacy programmes implemented for FXC, FS and/or FD \\n 18. % of FXC, FS and FD who completed the literacy programmes \\n 19. Number of child-care services created for FXC, FS and FD (so that they can attend trainings) \\n 20. % of FXC, FS and FD who use the child-care services \\n 21. Number of community-based reintegration rituals/ceremonies conducted for FXC, FS and FD \\n 22. % of FXC, FS and FD who attended community-based reintegration rituals/ceremonies \\n 23. Number of female staff in each community (e.g., female translators, social workers, gender advisers) \\n 24. Number of support networks created by FXC, FS and FD \\n 25. % of FXC, FS and FD who joined support networks", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.1. Gender-responsive monitoring of programme performance", "Heading4": "4.1.3. Monitoring of reintegration", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 173, "Paragraph": "Purpose of evaluation: To examine if and to what extent DDR programmes meet the needs of female ex-combatants, supporters and dependants, and to examine the level of participation of women; \\n Process: (1) Reaching the right target population; (2) meeting the needs of stakeholders; (3) the dynamics of participation of stakeholders; \\n Gendered dimensions of process: (1) Reaching female target population; (2) meeting the needs of women and girls; (3) equal participation of women and women\u2019s organi- zations; \\n Data collection frequency: Every three weeks during the implementation of the pro- gramme.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.2. Gender-responsive monitoring of process", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 174, "Paragraph": "\\n To what extent did the DDR programme meet the needs of female ex-combatants, FAAGFs, and dependants? \\n To what extent did the DDR programme encourage and support the participation of women and women\u2019s organizations at each stage of the programme?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.2. Gender-responsive monitoring of process", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 175, "Paragraph": "KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS \\n 1. Level of satisfaction (ranking) among FXC, FS and FD who received benefits and services from the programmes \\n 2. Level of satisfaction (ranking) among programme staff, including gender advisers \\n 3. Number of and level of complaints that programme staff received from FXC, FS and FD \\n 4. % of female participants at the peace process/negotiation (should be at least 30 percent \u2014 internationally agreed) \\n 5. % of female participants at the risk/need assessment \\n 6. Number of FXC, FS and FD who were interviewed during the risk/need assessment \\n 7. Number of local women and/or women\u2019s organizations that were interviewed by programme staff to collection information on trading routes and hidden small arms and light weapons \\n 8. Number of women\u2019s organizations that participated in monitoring weapons collection and destruction \\n 9. Number of female leaders and women\u2019s organizations that participated in the planning and/or implementation of reintegration programme \\n 10. Number of DDR programme meetings that included female leaders and women\u2019s organizations", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.2. Gender-responsive monitoring of process", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 176, "Paragraph": "Purpose of evaluation: To examine the contribution of DDR programmes to the creation of security for female ex-combatants, FAAGFs and dependants; \\n Outcomes and intermediate results: (1) Capacity-building of ex-combatants and com- munity members; (2) human security; (3) social capital; \\n Gender dimensions of outcomes: (1) Reduction of gender-based violence and dis- crimination against women and girls; (2) human security for women and girls; (3) capacity-building of female ex-combatants, FAAGFs and dependants; \\n Data collection frequency: Every three months upon the completion of programme.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.3. Gender-responsive evaluation of outcomes/results", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 177, "Paragraph": "Key question to ask: \\n To what extent did the DDR programme increase human security (physical, psycho- logical, economic, social, political, cultural) for female ex-combatants, FAAFGs and dependants?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.3. Gender-responsive evaluation of outcomes/results", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 178, "Paragraph": "KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS (COMPARED WITH THE BASELINE DATA) \\n 1. % change in the number of female deaths, injuries, abductions, rapes and domestic violence cases reported among FXC, FS and FD \\n 2. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who initiated and are maintaining income-generating activities \\n 3. % change in the number of FXC and FS who joined the police services \\n 4. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who are participating in peace-building activities \\n 5. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who have access to health services (including counselling, contraceptives, family planning) \\n 6. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who are participating in political activities \\n 7. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who are participating in cultural activities \\n 8. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who are participating in public/community meetings \\n 9. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who have a higher level of self-confidence \\n 10. % change in the HIV and other sexually transmitted disease infection rate among FXC, FS and FD \\n 11. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who feel safe to live in their community \\n 12. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who feel threatened by something or someone \\n 13. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who feel a sense of belonging to their community", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.3. Gender-responsive evaluation of outcomes/results", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 179, "Paragraph": "Purpose of evaluation: To examine (1) the impact of DDR on empowerment of female ex-combatants, FAAGFs and dependants; (2) the contribution of DDR programme towards the creation of gender-responsive community development: \\n Impact/Long-term goals: (1) Community development; (2) sustainable peace; Gender dimensions of impact: (1) Gender equality in community development and peace; (2) empowerment of women; \\n\\n Data collection frequency: Every six months for at least one to three years after the completion of the programme.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.4. Gender-responsive evaluation of impact", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 180, "Paragraph": "Key questions to ask: \\n To what extent did the DDR programme empower female ex-combatants, FAAGFs and dependants? \\n To what extent did the reintegration programme encourage and support the creation of gender-responsive community development?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.4. Gender-responsive evaluation of impact", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 181, "Paragraph": "KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS (COMPARED WITH THE BASELINE DATA) \\n 1. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who vote or/and stand for national and local elections in the concerned country \\n 2. % change in the employment rate among FXC, FS and FD (in both formal and informal sectors) Level 5 Cross-cutting Issues Women, Gender and DDR 37 5.10 \\n 3. % change in the literacy rate among FXC, FS and FD, and their children \\n 4. % change in disposable income among FXC, FS and FD, and their household \\n 5. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who are the members of any type of association, including women\u2019s NGOs and ex-combatant support networks \\n 6. % change in the number of FXC, FS and FD who are involved in the implementation/management of community development programmes \\n 7. % change in the number of women\u2019s organizations that receive(d) reintegration assistance and implement development-related programme/project(s) \\n 8. % change in the number of female-specific development programmes supported by reintegration assistance to meet the needs of women and girls \\n 9. % change in the number of female participants in development programmes who receive reintegration assistance. \\n 10. % change in the number of communities with a high return rate of ex-combatants receiving reintegration assistance \\n 11. % change in the number of awareness campaigns on women\u2019s human rights and gender-based violence supported by reintegration assistance \\n 12. Community perception of FXC, FS and FD \\n 13. Community perception of women\u2019s human rights and gender-based violence", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.4. Gender-responsive evaluation of impact", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 182, "Paragraph": "Purpose of evaluation: To examine the level of gender mainstreaming in the DDR budget; \\n Budget: Allocation of resources, balancing revenue and expenditure, cost efficiency; \\n Gender dimensions of budget: (1) Allocation of sufficient resources for female-specific interventions and gender-related interventions, such as gender training; (2) equal treat- ment of male and female ex-combatants in the overall programmes; (3) participation of women and women\u2019s NGOs in budgetary processes; \\n Data collection frequency: Every stage of the budget cycle (preparation, approval, appre- ciation, auditing, revision, reporting).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.5. Gender-responsive evaluation of budget (gender-responsive budgeting analysis)", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 183, "Paragraph": "Key questions to ask: \\n To what extent did the budget specify female-specific and gender-related activities, their inputs, and the cost? \\n To what extent was the allocation of resources adequate to effectively implement female- specific and gender-specific activities? \\n To what extent did gender specialists/advisers and women\u2019s organizations participate in the processes of the budget cycle (e.g., preparation, auditing)?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.5. Gender-responsive evaluation of budget (gender-responsive budgeting analysis)", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 184, "Paragraph": "KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS \\n 1. % of resource allocation for general activities \\n 2. % of resource allocation for female-specific activities \\n 3. % of resource allocation for gender-related activities (e.g., gender training) \\n 4. % of resource allocation for gender specialists and advisers (compared with other staff) \\n 5. Number of donors that specify the use of funds for female-specific activities and/or gender training \\n 6. Unit cost of each activity for numbers 1\u20134 \\n 7. Unit cost of each input for each activity \\n 8. Duration of each activity \\n 9. % of activities that were successfully completed \\n 10. % of activities that could not be completed owing to lack of resources \\n 11. % change in the number of women\u2019s organizations and gender advisers who participated in budget meetings at each stage of the budget cycle, including auditing \\n 12. Number of budget meetings attended by women\u2019s organizations and gender advisers/specialists \\n 13. % of budget revision on the advice of women\u2019s organizations and gender advisers/specialists", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.5. Gender-responsive evaluation of budget (gender-responsive budgeting analysis)", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 185, "Paragraph": "Purpose of evaluation: To examine the level of gender mainstreaming in each DDR programme/project cycle and its management; \\n Programme/Project cycle: (1) Situational analysis and need assessment; (2) project design; (3) project appraisal; (4) secure funding; (5) project implementation; (6) M&E; \\n Gender dimensions of project cycle: (1) Assessment of women\u2019s and girls\u2019 participation; (2) gender-responsive project design and M&E; (3) understanding and implementation of gender mainstreaming among programme staff; \\n Data collection frequency: Every month during the implementation of the programme, and before and after the implementation of the programme.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 38, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.6. Evaluation to assess the level of gender mainstreaming in programme management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 186, "Paragraph": "Key question to ask: \\n To what extent was gender mainstreamed in the DDR programme management and its project cycle?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 38, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "4. Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "4.6. Evaluation to assess the level of gender mainstreaming in programme management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 187, "Paragraph": "KEY MEASURABLE INDICATORS \\n 1. % of staff who have participated in gender training \\n 2. % of staff who have used gender analysis framework in needs assessment, situational analyses or/and evaluation \\n 3. % of staff who have interviewed girls and women for needs assessment, situational analyses or/and evaluation \\n 4. % of staff who have worked with local women\u2019s organizations \\n 5. % of staff who are in charge of female-specific interventions and/or gender training \\n 6. % of the programme meetings attended by local women\u2019s organizations and female community leaders \\n 7. % of staff who have carried out gender analysis of the DDR programme budget \\n 8. % of indicators and data disaggregated by gender \\n 9. % of indicators and data that reflects female specific status and/or issues \\n 10. Number of gender trainings conducted for DDR programme staff \\n 11. % of staff who are familiar with Security Council resolution 1325 \\n 12. % of staff who are familiar with gender issues associated with conflicts (e.g. gender-based violence, human trafficking) \\n 13. % of training specifically aimed at understanding gender issues and use of gender analysis frame\u00adworks for those who conduct M&E \\n 14. distribution of guidelines or manual for gender analysis and gender mainstreaming for DDR programme management", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "Annex D: Gender-responsive DDR programme management frameworks and indicators .", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 188, "Paragraph": "This module was largely derived from: UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), Get- ting It Right, Doing It Right: Gender and Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, UNIFEM, New York, October 2004. \\n\\n Other key sources include: \\n Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), \u2018Mainstreaming a Gender Perspective into Multi-dimensional Peace Operations, DPKO Lessons Learned Unit, New York, July 2000, http:// \\n Farr, Vanessa, \u2018Gendering Disarmament as a Peace-building Tool\u2019, Paper No. 20, Bonn Inter- national Center for Conversion, 2002, paper20.pdf. \\n March, Candida, Ines Smyth and Maitrayee Mukhopadhyay, A Guide to Gender-analysis Frameworks, Oxfam Press, Oxford, 1999. \\n Mazurana, Dyan and Susan McKay, Where Are the Girls? Girls in Fighting Forces in Northern Uganda, Sierra Leone and Mozambique, Canadian International Development Agency, Child Pro- tection Research Fund, March 2004, women/Girls/girlsmainEN.html. \\n Rehn, Elisabeth and Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Women, War, Peace: The Independent Experts\u2019 Assess- ment on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Women and Women\u2019s Role in Peace-building, UNIFEM, New York, 2002.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "Annex E: Further reading", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}, {"ID": 189, "Paragraph": "\\n 1 Nussbaum, Martha, Women and Human Development, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000. \\n 2 Mazurana, Dyan and Susan McKay, Where Are the Girls? Girls in Fighting Forces in Northern Uganda, Sierra Leone and Mozambique\u2019, Canadian International Development Agency, Child Protection Research Fund, March 2004, EN.html. \\n 3 From UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Gender Mainstreaming Imple- mentation Framework, 2002, \\n 4 \\n 5 From UNESCO, op. cit. \\n 6 Ibid. \\n 7 Statistics on women\u2019s participation in peace operations available at \u2018Peacekeeping Watch\u2019, http:// \\n 8 \\n 9 From UNESCO, op. cit. \\n 10 \\n 11 March, Candida, Ines Smyth and Maitrayee Mukhopadhyay, A Guide to Gender-analysis Frameworks, Oxfam Press, Oxford, 1999. \\n 12 From UNESCO, op. cit. \\n 13 Ibid. \\n 14 Ibid. \\n 15 Ibid. \\n 16 Ibid. \\n 17 Ibid. \\n 18 \\n 19 This checklist is drawn partially from UN Inter-Agency Taskforce on Women, Peace and Security, Gender Checklist for Peace Operations, June 2003. \\n 20 Some of the questions are drawn from De Watteville, Nathalie, Addressing Gender Issues in Demobili- zation and Reintegration Programs, World Bank, Washington, DC, May 2002, http://www.worldbank. org/afr/wps/wp33.pdf. \\n 21 March, Smyth and Mukhopadhyay, op. cit. \\n 22 This matrix is based on ibid.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Women, Gender and DDR", "PageNum": 40, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.10 Women, Gender and DDR"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.20 Children and DDR.json b/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.20 Children and DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8a4caa --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.20 Children and DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1,2704 @@ +[ + { + "ID": 0, + "Paragraph": "The recruitment of children \u2013 girls and boys under the age of 18 \u2013 and their use in hostilities or for other purposes by armed forces and groups is illegal. It is also one of the worst forms of child labour and exploitation. Efforts to prevent the recruitment of children into armed forces and groups should be a primary consideration during all DDR processes. Prevention efforts should start early\u2014when possible, they should commence prior to armed conflict\u2014and they should take place continuously throughout the conflict, with careful consideration given to the structural, social and individual factors associated with the risk of recruitment and re-recruitment.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 1, + "Paragraph": "Irrespective of how children were recruited, the unconditional and immediate release of children associated with armed forces and groups (CAAFAG) shall be required. Any person under 18 years old must be supported to demobilize and reintegrate into families and communities at all times, irrespective of the status of peace negotiations and/or the development of DDR processes. Nonetheless, where relevant, peace processes, including peace agreements and DDR policy documents, offer an opportunity to highlight the needs of children affected by armed conflict and to ensure that actions and funding streams to support child-specific processes are included. The commitment to stop the recruitment and use of children and to release children from armed forces and groups shall be explicit within peace agreements.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 2, + "Paragraph": "DRR processes shall be specific to the needs of children and apply child-sensitive and gender- transformative approaches to planning, implementation, and monitoring. As such, children shall be separated from armed forces and groups, handed over to child protection actors and supported to demobilize and reintegrate into families and communities. DDR practitioners and relevant child protection actors shall work together to design and implement services and interventions that aim to prevent children\u2019s recruitment and re-recruitment, that help children to recover and reintegrate into their communities, and that take into account differences in age and gender needs. DDR practitioners should promote agency of children, enabling their right to participate in decision- making and shape DDR processes in line with their concerns/needs.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 3, + "Paragraph": "The specific needs of children formerly associated with armed forces and groups during reintegration are multisectoral, as boys and girls often require support in (re)accessing education, an alternative livelihood, medical and mental health services, including reproductive health services and sexual violence recovery services, as well as other services that promote life skills and help them establish a meaningful role in society. Child-sensitive approaches to reintegration support should be focused on long-term and sustainable opportunities for children formerly associated with armed forces and groups that are gender- and age-sensitive. For sustainability, and to avoid tension, stigmatization or envy when a child is returned, DDR practitioners should ensure that broader community development processes are also considered", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 4, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should also be aware that no child below the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) should be investigated, prosecuted, or deprived of their liberty for any offence, including security and terrorism-related offences, in line with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Committee on the Rights of the Child encourages States to increase the MACR where possible, and not to lower it below 14 years of age, commending States that set a higher MACR such as 15 or 16 years of age. Children, above the age of criminal responsibility, who are suspected of committing a serious crime, shall be handed over to civilian actors, and justice should be provided within juvenile justice frameworks. During all processes they shall be treated primarily as victims and as survivors of grave violations of their rights. Any investigation or determination of culpability shall be handled by trained civilian actors, including, where relevant, trained juvenile justice actors and made based on processes consistent with applicable international child rights standards, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and internationally recognized juvenile justice standards and principles, due process and fair trial standards, prioritizing the child\u2019s recovery, reintegration, and best interests in all decisions.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 5, + "Paragraph": "This module aims to provide DDR practitioners and child protection actors with guidance on the planning, design and implementation of DDR processes for CAAFAG in both mission and non- mission settings. The main objectives of this guidance are: \\n To set out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes for children. \\n To outline the normative legal framework that applies to children and must be integrated across DDR processes for children through planning, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. \\n To provide guidance and key considerations to drive continuous efforts to prevent the recruitment and re-recruitment of children into armed forces and groups. \\n To provide guidance on child- and gender-sensitive approaches to DDR highlighting the importance of both individualized and community-based approaches. \\n To highlight international norms and standards around criminal responsibility and accountability in relation to CAAFAG.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 6, + "Paragraph": "This module is applicable to all CAAFAG but should be used in conjunction with IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR. IDDRS 5.30 provides guidance on children who are closer to 18 years of age. These children, who are likely to enter into employment and who have socio-political reintegration demands, especially young adults with their own children, require special assistance. The challenge of demobilizing and reintegrating former combatants who were mobilized as children and demobilized as adults is also covered in IDDRS 5.30. In addition, this module should also be read in conjunction with IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 7, + "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of abbreviations used in this standard. A complete glossary of all terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the IDDRS series is given in IDDRS 1.20.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 8, + "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 9, + "Paragraph": "Children associated with armed forces or armed groups refers to persons below 18 years of age who are or who have been recruited or used by an armed force or group in any capacity, including but not limited to children, boys or girls, used as fighters, cooks, porters, messengers, spies or for sexual purposes. This term is used in the Paris Principles and is used here instead of the term \u2018child soldiers\u2019 because it more inclusively recognizes children who perform not only combat roles but also support or other functions in an armed force or group.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 10, + "Paragraph": "Child recruitment refers to compulsory, forced and any other conscription or enlistment of children into any kind of armed force or armed group. This can include recruitment by communities, coerced recruitment, or abductions into armed forces and groups. The definition is purposefully broad and encompasses the possibility that any child recruitment may be coerced, forced, or manipulated based on the child\u2019s circumstances and may appear voluntary.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 11, + "Paragraph": "Unlawful recruitment or use is recruitment or use of children under the age stipulated in the international treaties applicable to the armed force or group in question or under applicable national law. The Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict (OPAC) bans recruitment of children under 15 and requires States to take all possible measures to prevent recruitment of children under 18 including the adoption of legal measures necessary to prohibit and criminalize such practices.1 It also bans all recruitment and use of children by armed groups. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute ban recruitment of children under age 15.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 12, + "Paragraph": "Release includes the process of formal and controlled disarmament and demobilization of children from an armed force or group, as well as the informal ways in which children leave by escaping, being captured or any other means. It implies a disassociation from the armed force or group and the beginning of the transition from military to civilian life. Release can take place during a situation of armed conflict; it is not dependent on the temporary or permanent cessation of hostilities. Release is not dependent on children having weapons to forfeit.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 13, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration of children is the process through which children transition into society and enter meaningful roles and identities as civilians who are accepted by their families and communities in a context of local and national reconciliation. Sustainable reintegration is achieved when the political, legal, economic and social conditions needed for children to maintain life, livelihood and dignity have been secured. The reintegration process aims to ensure that children can access their rights, including formal and non-formal education, family unity, dignified livelihoods and safety from harm.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 14, + "Paragraph": "All child recruitment or use by armed groups is illegal under international law (OPAC Article 4), as is all use of children in hostilities (OPAC Article 1), conscription by state armed forces (OPAC Article 2, International Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labour (ILO Convention (No. 182)), or enlistment of children without appropriate safeguards (OPAC Article 3). All child recruitment and use into armed forces is also illegal for those State parties to the Operational Protocol to the Convention Against Torture. The recruitment and use of children under 15 by armed forces and groups may amount to a war crime. There is significant international consensus that the recruitment of children under 18 years old is inconsistent with international standards on child protection. DDR processes, including release and reintegration support for children, shall therefore prioritize prevention, separation of children from armed forces or groups, and redress of this human rights violation.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 15, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes shall be specific to the needs of children and apply child- and gender-sensitive approaches. This module provides critical guidance for DDR practitioners and child protection actors on how to work together to plan, design and implement services and interventions that aim to prevent children\u2019s recruitment and re-recruitment, as well as help children to recover and reintegrate children into their families and communities. The guidance recognizes that the needs of children formerly associated with armed forces and groups during reintegration are multisectoral and different than those of adults. Child-sensitive approaches require DDR practitioners and child protection actors to tailor interventions to meet the specific needs of individual boys and girls, but also to target other conflict-affected or at-risk children within the broader community in which children are reintegrating.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 16, + "Paragraph": "Finally, the module recognizes that children, as victims of recruitment and use, should not be prosecuted, punished or threatened with prosecution or punishment solely for their membership in armed forces or groups, and notes that children who have reached the MACR and who may have committed criminal acts shall be afforded the protections to which they are entitled, including their rights to child-specific due process and minimum standards based on their age, needs and specific vulnerabilities.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 17, + "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to children and DDR.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 18, + "Paragraph": "Children are entitled to release from armed forces and groups at all times, without pre- condition. Processes for planning and implementing DDR processes shall not delay demobilization or other forms of release of children. Given their age, vulnerability and child- specific needs, during DDR processes, children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection actors and supported to demobilize and reintegrate into families and communities in processes that are separate from those for adults, according to their best interests. While it is critical that children be supported, they shall not be pressured to wait for or to participate in release processes. They shall also not be removed from their families or communities to participate in DDR processes unless it has been determined to be in their best interest. Their decision to participate shall voluntary and based on informed consent.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 19, + "Paragraph": "Any person below 18 years of age who is associated with an armed force or group shall be eligible for participation in a DDR process designed specifically for children. Children can be associated with armed forces and groups in a variety of ways, not only as combatants, so some may not have access to weapons or ammunition. This is especially true for girls who are often used for sexual purposes, as wives or cooks, but may also be used as spies, logisticians, fighters, etc. DDR practitioners shall recognize that all children must be released by the armed forces and groups that recruited them and receive reintegration support. Eligibility for DDR processes for CAAFAG shall not be conditioned on the child\u2019s possession and handover of a weapon or ammunition, participation in hostilities or weapons training; there shall be no conditions, of any kind, for their participation. If there is doubt as to whether an individual is under 18 years old, an age assessment shall be conducted (see Annex B). In cases where there is no proof of age, or inconclusive evidence, the child shall have the right to the rule of the benefit of the doubt.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", + "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 20, + "Paragraph": "A dependent child of an ex-combatant shall not automatically be considered to be associated with an armed force or group. However, armed forces or groups may identify some children, particularly girls, as dependents, including as wives, when the child is an extended family member/relative, or when the child has been abducted, or otherwise recruited or used, including through forced marriage. A safe, child- and gender-sensitive individualized determination shall be undertaken to determine the child\u2019s status and eligibility for participation in a DDR process. DDR practitioners and child protection actors shall be aware that, although not all dependent children may be eligible for DDR, they may be at heightened vulnerability and may have been exposed to conflict-related violence, especially if they were in close proximity to combatants or if their parents are ex-combatants. These children shall therefore be referred for support as part of wider child protection and humanitarian services in their communities.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", + "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 21, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes for children shall not be contingent on political negotiations or adult DDR processes. Efforts shall always be made to prevent recruitment and to secure the release of children associated with armed forces or armed groups, irrespective of the stage of the conflict or status of peace negotiations. Doing so may require negotiations with armed forces or groups. Special provisions and efforts may be needed to reach girls, who often face unique obstacles to identification and release. These obstacles may include specific sociocultural factors, such as the perception that girl \u2018wives\u2019 are dependents rather than associated children, gendered barriers to information and sensitization, or fear by armed forces and groups of admitting to the presence of girls.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", + "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 22, + "Paragraph": "The mechanisms and structures for the release and reintegration of children shall be set up as soon as possible and continue during ongoing armed conflict, before a peace agreement is signed, a peacekeeping mission is deployed, or a DDR process or security sector reform (SSR) process is established.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", + "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 23, + "Paragraph": "Armed forces and groups rarely acknowledge the presence of children in their ranks, so children are often not identified and are therefore excluded from support linked to DDR. DDR practitioners and child protection actors involved in providing services during DDR processes, as well as UN personnel more broadly, shall actively call for the unconditional release of all CAAFAG at all times, and for children\u2019s needs to be considered. Advocacy of this kind aims to highlight the issues faced by CAAFAG and ensures that the roles played by girls and boys in conflict situations are identified and acknowledged. Advocacy shall take place at all levels, through both formal and informal discussions. UN agencies, diplomatic missions, mediators, donors and representatives of parties to conflict should all be involved. If possible, advocacy should also be linked to existing civil society actions and national systems.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", + "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 24, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes shall respect the principles of international humanitarian law and promote the human rights of DDR participants, including children, and the communities into which they reintegrate. Core principles for delivery of humanitarian assistances include humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence. When supporting children and families therefore, care shall be taken to assess the possible impact of measures on vulnerable populations which may, by their very nature, have disproportionate or discriminatory impacts on different groups, even if unintended. Responses shall enhance the safety, dignity, and rights of people, and avoid exposing them to harm, provide access to assistance according to need and without discrimination, assist people to recover from the physical and psychological effects of threatened or actual violence, coercion or deliberate deprivation, and support people to fulfil their rights.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", + "Heading3": "4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 25, + "Paragraph": "Conflict harms all children, whether they have been recruited or not. An inclusive approach that provides support to all conflict-affected children, including girls, particularly those with vulnerabilities that place them at risk of recruitment and use, shall be adopted to address children\u2019s needs and to avoid the perception that CAAFAG are being rewarded for association with an armed force or group. Gender-responsive approaches recognize the unique and specific needs of boys and girls, including the need for both to have access to sexual violence recovery services, emotional skill development and mental health and psychosocial support. Non- discrimination and fair and equitable treatment are core principles of DDR processes. Children shall not be discriminated against due to age, sex, race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, disability or other personal characteristics or associations they or their families may hold. Based on their needs, CAAFAG shall have access to the same opportunities irrespective of the armed force or group with which they were associated. Non-discrimination also requires the establishment of mechanisms to enable those CAAFAG who informally leave armed forces or groups to access child-sensitive DDR processes (see section 4.1).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 26, + "Paragraph": "A conflict sensitive approach ensures that children associated with different groups and forces shall have equal access to and benefit from programmes. Additionally, opportunities to promote peacebuilding and social cohesion through child protection support services and activities shall be leveraged to fortify and build stronger connections between children, irrespective of the armed group or force with which they were previously traveling or associated.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 27, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall ensure that no harm is done to children or their families. Rather, they shall seek to maximize any benefits to children, while minimizing any harm. This shall be done through: \\n Assessing and monitoring both positive and negative impacts for children, disaggregating data by age, gender and vulnerabilities of the child, while keeping such data protected; and \\n Listening to and considering the voices and views of children in the planning, design, implementation and review of DDR processes.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 28, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall recognize that each conflict context is different, with its own social, political, cultural, economic, gender and other dynamics, and that girls and boys have different needs and capacities. These specificities also require DDR practitioners to recognize that the mechanisms for consultation and engagement may differ by context, hence requiring tailored strategies. There is no simple formula that can be applied in all circumstances.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.5 Context specific", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 29, + "Paragraph": "Sufficient long-term funding is required to implement effective child-sensitive DDR processes. Funding should be made available through a funding mechanism that is independent of, and managed separately from, DDR processes for adults. This funding should be planned for at the outset. DDR practitioners and specialized child protection actors shall be called upon for the necessary political, technical and operational leadership within the Government and within the framework of the UN mission or the UN Country Team.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ", + "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 30, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners and child protection actors shall reaffirm the importance of and respect the best interests of the child and require project staff to be accountable to children and their caregivers.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ", + "Heading3": "4.6.2 Accountability and transparency", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 31, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes for children shall link to national and local structures for child protection with efforts to strengthen institutions working on child rights and advocacy. DDR processes for children require a long implementation period and the long-term success of DDR processes depends on and correlates to the capacities of local actors and communities. These capacities shall be strengthened to support community acceptance and local advocacy potential.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 32, + "Paragraph": "Participatory and decentralized consultation should be encouraged so that common strategies, responsive to local realities, can be designed. National frameworks, including guiding principles, norms and procedures specific to the local and regional context, shall be established. Clear roles and responsibilities, including engagement and exit strategies, shall be agreed upon by all actors. All such consultation must ensure that the voices of children, both boys and girls, are heard and their views are incorporated into the design of DDR processes. As social norms may influence the ability of children to speak openly and safely, DDR practitioners shall consult with experts on child participation.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 33, + "Paragraph": "To ensure long-term sustainability, Government should be a key partner/owner in DDR processes for children. The level of responsibility and national ownership will depend on the context and/or the terms of the peace accord (if one exists). Appropriate ministries, such as those of education, social affairs, families, women, labour, etc., as well as any national DDR commission that is set up, shall be involved in the planning and design of DDR processes for children. Where possible, support should be provided to build Government capacity on child protection and other critical social services.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 34, + "Paragraph": "Where appropriate, DDR practitioners shall consider regional initiatives prohibiting and responding to the recruitment and use of CAAFAG. Furthermore, regional organizations and arrangements to undertake efforts to obtain the release of children from armed forces and groups and their family reunification shall be supported.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.8 Regionally supported", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 35, + "Paragraph": "Effective coordination with other related sectors (including education, health, youth, and employment) and relevant agencies/ministries is critical to the success of DDR processes for children. Systems for coordination, information-sharing and reporting shall be established and continuously implemented, so that all concerned parties can work together and support each other, particularly in the case of contingency and security planning. Coordination shall be seen as a vital element of the ongoing monitoring of children\u2019s well-being and shall be utilized to further advanced preparedness, prevent (re-)recruitment and ensure conflict sensitivity. Effective coordination between DDR practitioners working with children and adults should be promoted to support the transition from child to adult for older children (ages 15\u201318). Data on CAAFAG shall be safely secured and only made available to those who have a specific need to access it for a specific purpose that is in a child\u2019s best interests, for example, to deliver a service or make a referral. Confidentiality shall be respected at all times.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 36, + "Paragraph": "Prevention and release require considerations related to safety of children, families, communities, DDR practitioners and other staff delivering services for children. DDR processes for children may be implemented in locations where conflict is ongoing or escalating, or in fragile environments. Such contexts present many potential risks and DDR practitioners shall therefore conduct risk assessments and put in place measures to mitigate identified risks before initiating DDR processes. ", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", + "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 37, + "Paragraph": "Particular consideration shall be given to the needs of girls and protection of all children from sexual exploitation and abuse. All staff of UN organizations delivering child protection services and organizing DDR processes shall adhere to the requirements of the Secretary-General\u2019s Bulletin on the Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (for UN entities) and the Interagency Standing Committee\u2019s Six Core Principles Relating to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", + "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 38, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes shall establish an organizational child protection policy and/or safeguarding policy and an individual code of conduct that have clear, strong, and positive commitments to safeguard children and that outline appropriate standards of conduct, preventive measures, reporting, monitoring, investigation and corrective measures the Organization will take to protect participants and beneficiaries from sexual exploitation and abuse.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", + "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 39, + "Paragraph": "The best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration in all assumptions and decisions made during planning. Emphasis is often placed on the need to estimate the numbers of children in armed forces and groups in order to plan actions. While this is important, policymakers and planners should also recognize that it is difficult to obtain accurate figures. Uncertain estimates during planning, however, should not prevent DDR processes for children from being implemented, or from assuring that every child will have sustained reintegration support.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", + "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 40, + "Paragraph": "Children shall not be included in the count of members of any armed force or group at the time of a DDR process, SSR, or power-sharing negotiations. Legitimacy shall not be given to child recruitment through the inclusion of children within DDR processes to inflate numbers, for example. However, as children will require services, for the purposes of planning the budget and the DDR process itself, children shall be included in the count of persons qualifying for demobilization and reintegration support.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", + "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 41, + "Paragraph": "Many children who are formally or informally released or who have otherwise left armed forces or groups never have the opportunity to participate in child-sensitive DDR processes. This can happen when a child who flees an armed force or group is not aware of their rights or lives in an area where DDR processes are unavailable. Girls, in particular, may be at higher risk of this as they are often \u2018unseen\u2019 or viewed as dependents. DDR practitioners and child protection actors shall understand and plan for this type of \u201cself-demobilization,\u201d and the difficulties associated with accessing children who have taken this route. If levels of informal release or separation are believed to be high (through informal knowledge, data collection or situation analysis), during the planning and design phases, in collaboration with child protection actors, DDR practitioners shall establish mechanisms to inform these children of their rights and enable access to reintegration support.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", + "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 42, + "Paragraph": "Families and communities shall be sensitized on the experiences their children may have had during their association with an armed force or group and the changes they may see, without stigmatizing them. CAAFAG, both girls and boys, often experience high levels of abuse (sexual, physical, and emotional), neglect and distressing and events (e.g., exposure to and perpetration of violence, psychological and physical injury, etc.). They will require significant support from their families and communities to overcome these challenges, and it is therefore important that appropriate sensitization initiatives are in place to ensure that this support is understood and forthcoming.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", + "Heading3": "4.10.3 Public information and community sensitization", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 43, + "Paragraph": "To increase children\u2019s awareness of their rights and the services available, DDR practitioners should use targeted gender- and age-sensitive public communication strategies such as public service announcement campaigns (radio, social media and print), child-friendly leaflet drops in strategic locations, peer messaging and coordination with grassroots service providers to reach children. It is critical for DDR practitioners to maintain regular communication with CAAFAG regarding release and reintegration processes and support, including services offered and eligibility criteria, any changes to the support provided (delays or alternative modes of service delivery), and the availability of other services and referrals. A lack of proper communication may lead to misunderstandings and frustration among children and community members and further conflict.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", + "Heading3": "4.10.3 Public information and community sensitization", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 44, + "Paragraph": "Communications strategies should be highly flexible and responsive to changing situations and needs. Strategies should include providing opportunities for people to ask questions about DDR processes for children and involve credible and legitimate local actors (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR). A well-designed communications strategy creates trust within the community and among the key actors involved in the response and facilitates maximum participation. In all communications, children\u2019s confidentiality shall be maintained, and their privacy protected.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", + "Heading3": "4.10.3 Public information and community sensitization", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 45, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall proactively seek to build the following key normative legal frameworks into DDR, from planning, design, and implementation to monitoring and evaluation.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 46, + "Paragraph": "The CRC and its OPAC constitute the framework for the principles, norms and standards that underpin DDR processes for children. The CRC defines a \u2018child\u2019 as any human being below the age of 18 years unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier. OPAC prohibits recruitment and use in hostilities of anybody under 18 years of age by armed groups. OPAC also obligates States Parties to set the minimum age of voluntary recruitment of persons into their national armed forces as 15 years of age, establishes safeguards for the voluntary recruitment of persons below the age of 18, and asserts that State Parties take all feasible measures to ensure that members of the national armed forces that are under the age of 18 do not take part in direct hostilities.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "5.1 International Human Rights Law", + "Heading3": "5.1.1 The convention on the rights of the child and its optional protocols", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 47, + "Paragraph": "The rights of the child, as espoused through the CRC and its OPAC, further support the reintegration of CAAFAG through requiring States to promote: \\n The child's right to life, survival and development: This right is not limited to ensuring a child\u2019s physical wellbeing but includes the need to ensure full and harmonious development, including at the spiritual, moral and social levels, where education plays a key role. In respect to DDR processes for children, this shall include consideration of how a child\u2019s experience in conflict impacts upon his/her own evolving capacities, as well as recognition of the resilience displayed in surviving and overcoming difficulties. \\n The child\u2019s right to be free from arbitrary detention - No child shall be deprived of his or her liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily. The arrest, detention or imprisonment of a child shall be in conformity with the law and shall be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time. \\n The child\u2019s right to fair justice and fair treatment - States recognize the right of every child alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law to be treated in a manner consistent with the promotion of the child's sense of dignity and worth, which reinforces the child's respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of others and which takes into account the child's age and the desirability of promoting the child's reintegration and the child's assuming a constructive role in society. States shall seek to promote the establishment of laws, procedures, authorities and institutions specifically applicable to children alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law, and, in particular \\n The physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of child victims: States shall take all appropriate measures to promote physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of a child victim of: any form of neglect, exploitation, or abuse; torture or any other form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; or armed conflicts. DDR practitioners shall work with States to ensure that recovery and reintegration takes place in an environment which fosters the health, self-respect and dignity of the child. Article 7 of the OPAC forms the legal basis for support to CAAFAG through the obligation of signatories to rehabilitate and socially reintegrate CAAFAG. \\n The child\u2019s right to be free from discrimination: States shall ensure respect for the rights of all children within their jurisdiction \u2013 including non-national children \u2013 regardless of race, sex, age, religion, ethnicity, opinions, disability or any other status of the child or the child\u2019s parents or legal guardians. DDR practitioners shall pay particular attention to ensuring the full involvement and inclusion of girls and their children, as well as addressing any stigmatization of CAAFAG. \\n The child\u2019s right to participate: Children shall be allowed to express their opinions freely and participate in making decisions concerning family reunification and career and educational opportunities, and those opinions should be given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child. Children shall be consulted at all stages of the release and reintegration process, and actions that affect them shall be in their best interests, considering their needs and concerns, placement and family. \\n The child\u2019s best interests as a primary consideration: Actions that affect the child should be based on an assessment of whether those actions are in the child\u2019s best interests. As part of DDR processes for children, this shall mean that all measures to assure release, protection, reintegration and prevention of re-recruitment shall be determined by their best interests. A child shall participate in determining what is in his/her best interests.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "5.1 International Human Rights Law", + "Heading3": "5.1.1 The convention on the rights of the child and its optional protocols", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 48, + "Paragraph": "Under Article 3 of the International Labour Organization Convention No. 182, States Parties shall take immediate and effective measures to secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, which include the forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict (a child being defined as a person under the age of 18). Under Article 7(b) the convention also requires States to prevent the engagement of children in the worst forms of child labour, and to provide the necessary and appropriate direct assistance for the removal of children from the worst forms of child labour and for their rehabilitation and reintegration.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "5.1 International Human Rights Law", + "Heading3": "5.1.2 The worst forms of child labour convention", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 49, + "Paragraph": "The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (1990) requires that States take all necessary measures to ensure that no child shall take a direct part in hostilities and refrain, in particular, from recruiting any child (Article 22).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "5.1 International Human Rights Law", + "Heading3": "5.1.3 African charter on the rights and welfare of the child", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 50, + "Paragraph": "The Additional Protocols I (Article 77) and II (Article 4(3)) to the Geneva Conventions call for the special respect and protection of children in armed conflict (Rule 135), underscoring that children who have not attained the age of fifteen years, shall neither be recruited into armed forces or groups (Rule 136), nor be allowed to take part in hostilities (Rule 137).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "5.2 International Humanitarian Law", + "Heading3": "5.2.1 Additional protocols I and II to the Geneva conventions", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 51, + "Paragraph": "The protocols provide for additional special protection for children affected by armed conflict to include protection against all forms of sexual violence (Rule 93), separation from adults while deprived of liberty, unless they are members of the same family (Rule 120), access to education food and health care (Rules 55, 118, and 131), evacuation from areas of combat for safety reasons (Rule 129), reunification of unaccompanied children with their families (Rules 105 and 131), and application of the death penalty.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "5.2 International Humanitarian Law", + "Heading3": "5.2.1 Additional protocols I and II to the Geneva conventions", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 52, + "Paragraph": "Article 8(2)(b)(xxvi) and 8(2)(e)(vii) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court makes it a war crime, leading to individual criminal prosecution, to conscript or enlist children under the age of 15 years into armed forces or groups or to use them to participate actively in hostilities, in both international and non-international armed conflicts.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "5.3 International Criminal Law", + "Heading3": "5.3.1 The Rome statute of the international criminal court", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 53, + "Paragraph": "Security Council resolution 1539 (2004) calls for engaging armed forces and groups in dialogue leading to time-bound action plans to prevent and end grave violations against children, including the release of children. Those engaged in securing the release of children should make contact with armed forces and groups recruiting and using children, where it is safe to do so and in accordance with UN guidelines.3 Engagement with armed forces and groups will often occur as part of the Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism (MRM) led by the Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting. Those parties to the conflict that enter into dialogue with the UN can develop time- bound action plans, following their listing in the annexes of the Secretary General\u2019s annual report for grave violations against children (including the recruitment and use of children). The unconditional release of children, prevention of grave violations and awareness-raising on the issue of child recruitment and use, as well as other activities, shall be included in such action plans.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "5.4 UN Security Council resolutions: engagement with armed forces and groups", + "Heading3": "5.4.1 Security Council Resolution 1539", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 54, + "Paragraph": "Training and capacity building for armed forces or groups on their obligations under international law relating to the recruitment and use of children should be provided, including the identification and release of children, age assessment procedures to prevent child association, gender-based violence and other child protection concerns, and respect for humanitarian norms and principles.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "5.4 UN Security Council resolutions: engagement with armed forces and groups", + "Heading3": "5.4.1 Security Council Resolution 1539", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 55, + "Paragraph": "Security Council Resolution 2427 (2018) urges \u201cconcerned Member States to mainstream child protection and ensure that the specific needs of girls and boys are fully taken into account at all stages of disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration processes (DDR), including through the development of a gender-and age-sensitive DDR process\u201d. The resolution also stresses the need to pay particular attention to the treatment of children associated or allegedly associated with all non-state armed groups, including those who commit acts of terrorism, in particular by establishing standard operating procedures for the rapid handover of these children to relevant civilian child protection actors.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "5.4 UN Security Council resolutions: engagement with armed forces and groups", + "Heading3": "5.4.2 Security Council Resolution 3427", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 56, + "Paragraph": "The 2007 Paris Principles, building on the 1997 Cape Town Principles, detail eight general principles and eight operational principles to protect children. Specific consideration is given to girls and their particular needs and challenges. The Paris Principles aim to guide interventions with the following objectives: \\n To prevent the unlawful recruitment or use of children; and \\n To facilitate the release of CAAFAG; and \\n To facilitate the reintegration of all CAAFAG; and \\n To ensure the most protective environment for all children.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "5.5 International Standards", + "Heading3": "5.5.1 The Paris Principles and Paris commitments", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 57, + "Paragraph": "The Paris Commitments \u2013 commitments to protect children from unlawful recruitment or use by armed forces or groups \u2013 supplement the Paris Principles and have two main priorities: (1) to put an end to the unlawful recruitment and use of children by armed forces and groups globally, and (2) to make all necessary efforts to uphold and apply the Paris Principles through political, diplomatic, humanitarian, technical assistance and funding roles, consistent with international obligations.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "5.5 International Standards", + "Heading3": "5.5.1 The Paris Principles and Paris commitments", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 58, + "Paragraph": "Applicable in the context of CAAFAG, the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice adopted by General Assembly resolution 40/33 in 1985 provide guidance for the arrest or detention of children. Children retain all the rights already covered for adults if arrested. The rules require detention of children only as a last resort so that arrest, detention or imprisonment of children should be avoided whenever possible. When children are arrested and detained, their cases are to be given the highest priority and handled expeditiously to ensure the shortest possible period of detention prior to trial. States should ensure that accountability mechanisms are fully in line with international law related to juvenile justice.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "5.5 International Standards", + "Heading3": "5.5.2 \u201cThe Beijing Rules\u201d for administration of Juvenile Justice", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 59, + "Paragraph": "International child rights and juvenile justice standards require that alternatives to normal judicial proceedings in criminal courts should be applied, providing that human rights and legal safeguards are fully respected (CRC, Article 40[3b], Rule 11, \u2018Beijing Rules\u2019). For example, restorative justice \u2013 achieved through finding alternatives to criminal courts \u2013 involves the child offender understanding and taking responsibility for his/her actions with the goal of achieving reconciliation between the offender, the victim and the wider community through reparations. Such a procedure should ensure that the rights of the child are protected throughout. The child\u2019s participation in a restorative justice process shall be voluntary and preceded by informed consent (given by both the child and his/her parent or guardian). Measures to prevent the child from becoming distressed must be in place.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "5. Normative legal frameworks", + "Heading2": "5.5 International Standards", + "Heading3": "5.5.2 \u201cThe Beijing Rules\u201d for administration of Juvenile Justice", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 60, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes for children require joint planning and coordination between DDR practitioners and child protection actors involved in providing services. Joint planning and coordination should be informed by a detailed situation analysis and by a number of Minimum Preparedness Actions.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 61, + "Paragraph": "A detailed situation analysis should assess broad conflict-related issues (location, political and social dynamics, causes, impacts, etc.) but also the specific impacts on children, including disaggregation by gender, age and location (urban-rural). The situation analysis is critical to identifying obstacles to, and opportunities for, reintegration support. A detailed situation analysis should examine: \\n\u00a7 The objectives, tactics and command structure/management/hierarchy of the armed force or group; \\n\u00a7 The circumstances, patterns, causes, conditions, means and extent of child recruitment by age and gender; \\n\u00a7 The emotional and psychological consequences of children\u2019s living conditions and experiences and their gendered dimensions; \\n\u00a7 Attitudes, beliefs and norms regarding gender identities in armed forces and groups and in the community; \\n\u00a7 The attitudes of families and communities towards the conflict, and the extent of their resilience and capacities; \\n\u00a7 The absorption capacity of and support services necessary in communities of return, in particular families, which play a critical role in successful release and reintegration efforts; \\n\u00a7 The extent of children\u2019s participation in armed forces and groups, including roles played and gender, age or other differences; \\n\u00a7 Children\u2019s needs, expectations, and aspirations; \\n\u00a7 The evident obstacles to, and opportunities for, child and youth reintegration, with consideration of what risks and opportunities may arise in the future; and \\n\u00a7 The needs of, and challenges of working with, special groups (girls, girl mothers, disabled children, foreign children, young children, adolescents, male survivors of sexual violence, 16 severely distressed children, children displaying signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, and unaccompanied and separated children).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 62, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should be aware that the act of asking about children\u2019s and communities\u2019 wishes through assessments can raise expectations, which can only be managed by being honest about which services or assistance may or may not ultimately be provided. Under no circumstances should interviewers or practitioners make promises or give assurances that they are not certain they can deliver. Neither should they make promises about actions others may take. Some suggested key questions for context analysis can be found in Box 1 (see also IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 63, + "Paragraph": "BOX 1: KEY QUESTIONS FOR CONTEXT ANALYSIS \\n What is the context? What are the social, political, economic and cultural origins of the conflict? Is it perceived as a struggle for liberation? Is it limited to a particular part of the country? Does it involve particular groups or people, or is it more generalized? What is the demographic composition of the population? What are the direct impacts of the conflict on children? Are the impacts different according to the background of the girls or boys? How are children perceived or described by other stakeholders in the context? \\n What is the ideology of the armed force or group? Do its members have a political ideology? Do they have political, social or other goals? What means does the armed force/group use to pursue its ideology? What are the gender dimensions of their ideology? Who supports the armed force/group? What is the level of perceived legitimacy of the armed force/group? How does age- and gender-based norms and practices feature in the armed force/group\u2019s ideology? \\n How is the armed force or group structured? Where is the locus of power? How many levels of hierarchy exist? Does the leadership have tight control over its forces? What roles are traditionally assigned to children within the force/group? Whom do children associated with armed forces and groups report to? Is reporting the same for boys and girls? How is authority/rank established? Who makes decisions regarding the movements of the armed force/group? Has the armed force/group had foreign sponsors (companies, organizations)? \\n Does the armed force/group focus on particular ethnic, religious, geographic or socioeconomic groups for recruitment? Are children directly targeted for recruitment? Are girls and boys targeted equally? Is there a particular reason why the armed force/group may target the recruitment of girls and boys? Where does the armed force/group do most of its recruiting? Is recruitment \u2018voluntary\u2019, forced or compulsory? Looking back over three, six and twelve months, has recruitment been increasing or decreasing, and does it differ over the course of the year? Are children promised anything when they join up (e.g., protection for their families, money, goods, weapons)? What is the proportion of children in the armed force/group? \\n What conditions did the children live in while in the armed force/group? How do the children feel about their conditions? Was there exploitation or abuse, and if so, for how long and of what kind? How are boys and girls affected differently by their recruitment and use by the armed force/group? What kind of work did children perform in the armed force/group? How has 17 children\u2019s behaviour changed as a result of being recruited? Have their attitudes and values changed? What were the children's perceptions of the armed force/group before recruitment? \\n How do children recruited understand their role in the conflict? Are there any perceived benefits for children to join armed forces/groups (i.e., status recognition, addressing grievances)? What are their expectations and aspirations for the future? How can their experiences be harnessed for productive purposes? \\n What do the communities feel about the impact of the conflict on children? How do communities view the role of children in armed forces and groups? What impact is this likely to have on the children\u2019s reintegration? How has the conflict affected perceptions of the roles of girls and women? What are the community\u2019s perceptions of sexual violence against boys and girls? What is the people\u2019s understanding of children\u2019s responsibility in the conflict? What social, cultural and traditional practices exist to help children\u2019s reintegration into their communities? Do institutions, policies and social groups have specific procedures or services to cater for children\u2019s specific needs? How familiar are children with these practices?", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "6.1. Negotiating DDR: Ensuring women\u2019s political participation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 64, + "Paragraph": "In addition to the context analysis, DDR practitioners and child protection actors should take the following Minimum Preparedness Actions into consideration when planning. These actions (outlined below) are informed by the Interagency Standing Committee\u2019s Emergency Response Preparedness Guidelines (2015): \\n Risk monitoring is an activity that should be ongoing throughout implementation, based on initial risk assessments. Plans should be developed detailing how this action will be conducted. For CAAFAG, specific risks might include (re-)recruitment; lack of access to DDR processes; unidentified psychosocial trauma; family or community abuse; stigmatization; and sexual and gender-based violence. Risk monitoring should specifically consider the needs of girls of all ages. \\n Risk monitoring is especially critical when children self-demobilize and return to communities during ongoing conflict. Results should be disaggregated to ensure that girls and other particularly vulnerable groups are considered. \\n Clearly defined coordination and management arrangements are critical to ensuring a child-sensitive approach for DDR processes, particularly given the complexity of the process and the need for transparency and accountability to generate community support. DDR processes for children involve a number of agencies and stakeholders (national and international) and require comprehensive planning regarding how these bodies will coordinate and report. The opportunity for children to be able to report and provide feedback on DDR processes in a safe and confidential manner shall be ensured. Moreover, an exit strategy should feature within a coordinated approach. \\n Needs assessments, information management and response monitoring arrangements must be central to any planning process. The needs of boy and girl CAAFAG are multifaceted and may change over time. A robust needs assessment and ongoing monitoring of the reintegration process for children is essential to minimize risk, identify opportunities for extended support and ensure the effective 18 protection of all children \u2013 especially vulnerable children \u2013 involved in DDR. Effective information management should be a priority and should include disaggregated data (by age, sex, ethnicity, location, or any other valid variable) to enable DDR practitioners and child protection actors to proactively adapt their approaches as needs emerge. It is important to note that all organizations working with children should fully respect the rights and confidentiality of data subjects, and act in accordance with the \u201cdo no harm\u201d principle and the best interests of children. \\n Case management systems should be community-based and, ideally, fit within existing community-based structures. Case management systems should be used to tailor the types of support that each child needs and should link to sexual and/or gender-based violence case management systems that provide specialized support for children who need it. Because reintegration of children is tailored to the individual needs of a child over time, a case management system is best to both address those needs and to build up case management systems in communities for the long term. \\n Reintegration opportunities and services, including market analysis are critical to inform an effective response that supports the sustainable economic reintegration of children. They should be used in conjunction with socioeconomic profiles to enable the development of solutions that meet market demand as well as the expectations of child participants and beneficiaries, taking into account gendered socio-cultural dynamics. See IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR, sections 7 and 8, for more information. \\n Operational capacity and arrangements to deliver reintegration outcomes and ensure protection are essential to DDR processes for children. Plans should be put in place to enhance the institutional capacity of relevant stakeholders (including UN agencies, national and local Governments, civil society and sectors/clusters) where necessary. Negotiation capacity should also be considered in situations where children continue to be retained by armed forces and groups. The capacity of local service providers, businesses and communities, all of which will be directly involved on a daily basis in the reintegration process, should also be supported. \\n Contingency plans, linked to the risk analysis and monitoring system, should be developed to ensure that DDR processes for children retain enough flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "6.2 Assessment phase", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 65, + "Paragraph": "Data is critical to the design and implementation of DDR processes for children. Information on a child\u2019s identity, family, the history of their recruitment and experience in their armed force or group, and their additional needs shall be collected by trained child protection personnel as early as possible and safely stored. All data shall be sex-disaggregated to ensure that DDR processes are able to effectively respond to gendered concerns.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "6.3 Data", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 66, + "Paragraph": "Information collected from CAAFAG shall be used only to deliver services to children and to design and implement child- and gender-sensitive DDR processes. Other actors often try to obtain 19 actionable military or intelligence information on armed opposition groups from demobilized children or may interrogate children as they view them as threats. Such actions could amount to a violation of child rights, as it places children in danger and may undermine the release process. The Paris Principles (Article 7.25) expressly state that \u201cinterviews should never be conducted to collect information for military purposes.\u201d In addition, Security Council resolution 2427 (2018) states that CAAFAG are to be treated as victims of violations of international law. A commitment shall be obtained from Governments that children will be handed over to civilian child protection authorities as soon as possible and that military information will not be sought from them under any circumstances. Where interviews are necessary for legitimate purposes, as few individuals as possible should interview children to eliminate risks and harms that stem from repeated interviewing. Interviewers shall be trained child protection actors skilled in interviewing children.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "6.3 Data", + "Heading3": "6.3.1 Data collection", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 67, + "Paragraph": "The Security Council has expressed \u201cgrave concern at the use of detained children for information gathering purposes.\u201d (UNSCR 2427, OP 20) Therefore, interviews with CAAFAG shall be carried out with the utmost concern for the child\u2019s privacy, dignity and confidentiality. Those providing information (children and caregivers) shall be fully informed about the purpose of the information gathering, how the information will be used and how it will be kept confidential. Voluntary and informed consent shall be required before proceeding with any interview and the child shall be informed that he or she may stop the interview at any time without any need to give a reason. Child protection agencies and/or safeguarding personnel shall provide support, guidance and direction for such interviews. If no parent or guardian is available, a trusted adult shall be provided during any interview and undertake the role of protecting the child\u2019s interests.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "6.3 Data", + "Heading3": "6.3.1 Data collection", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 68, + "Paragraph": "Interviews shall be conducted in the mother tongue of the child at the pace that he or she sets. Questions shall be posed in child-friendly and age-appropriate language and be rephrased if necessary, and information received clarified. Some information can be sensitive, and the children who provide it may be subject to threats. As children are usually aware of the threats they face, they may provide misleading information to try to protect themselves. These fears shall be identified and measures to deal with them shall be developed. Security should be a key concern and informed by a security risk assessment. During interviews, staff shall pay attention to, and have plans to safeguard children from, anyone who may intimidate or threaten them. Interviews with children shall be carried out in a safe place. If the child wishes to stop the interview, or begins to display signs of distress, the interview shall be stopped immediately. To safeguard the child and the interviewer, no adult shall conduct an interview alone with the child; mixed gender teams shall be provided. No child shall be subject to pressure, coercion, manipulation, including promises, or to any other physical, emotional or psychological tactics to obtain information.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "6.3 Data", + "Heading3": "6.3.1 Data collection", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 69, + "Paragraph": "Effective and secure data management is an important aspect of DDR processes for children as, beyond ethical considerations, it helps to create trust in the DDR process. Data management shall follow a predetermined and standardized format, including information on roles and responsibilities, procedures and protocols for data collection, processing, storage, sharing, reporting and archiving. Rules on confidentiality and information security shall be established, and all relevant staff shall be trained in these rules, to protect the security of children and their families, and staff. Databases that contain sensitive information related to children shall be encrypted and access to information shall be based on principles of informed consent, \u2018need to know\u2019 basis, \u2018do no harm\u2019 and the best interests of the child so that only those who need to have access to the information shall be granted permissions and the ability to do so.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "6.3 Data", + "Heading3": "6.3.2 Data management", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 70, + "Paragraph": "The specific needs of girls and boys shall be fully considered in all stages of DDR processes. A gender-transformative approach should be pursued, aiming to shift social norms and address structural inequalities that lead girls and boys to engage in armed conflict and that negatively affect their reintegration. Within DDR processes, a gender-transformative approach shall focus on the following: \\n Agency: Interventions should strengthen the individual and collective capacities (knowledge and skills), attitudes, critical reflection, assets, actions and access to services that support the reintegration of girls. \\n Relations: Interventions should equip girls with the skills to navigate the expectations and cooperative or negotiation dynamics embedded within relationships between people in the home, market, community, and groups and organizations that will influence choice. \\n Structures: Interventions should address the informal and formal institutional rules and practices, social norms and statuses that limit options available to girls and work to create space for their empowerment.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "6.3 Data", + "Heading3": "6.3.3 Gender responsive and transformative", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 71, + "Paragraph": "The inclusion of girls in DDR processes is central to a gender-transformative approach. CAAFAG are often at great risk of gender-based violence, including sexual violence, and hence may require a range of gender-specific services and programmes to support their recovery. Children, especially girls, are often not identified during DDR processes as they are not always considered to be full members of an armed force or group or may be treated as dependents or wives. Furthermore, DDR practitioners are not always properly trained to identify girls associated with or formerly associated with armed forces and groups and cater to their needs. Often, girls who informally leave armed forces or groups do so to avoid stigmatization or reprisal, or because they are unaware that they have the right to benefit from any kind of support. For these reasons, specific mechanisms should be developed to identify girls formerly associated with armed forces and groups and inform them about the benefits they may be entitled to through child-sensitive DDR processes. In order not to put girls at risk, this must be done in a sensitive manner, for example, through organizations and groups with which girls are already involved, such as health care facilities (particularly those dealing with reproductive health), religious centres and organizations that assist survivors of sexual violence (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "6.3 Data", + "Heading3": "6.3.3 Gender responsive and transformative", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 72, + "Paragraph": "As a key element, a gender-transformative approach should also engage boys, young men, and the wider community so that girls may be viewed and treated more equally by the whole community. It should also recognize that boys and men may also become associated with armed forces and groups due to expectations about the gender roles they should perform, including roles as protector and bread winner even at young ages, particularly where a father has died or is missing, and about social norms that promote violence and/or taking up arms as acceptable or preferred measures to resolve problems. This community-based approach is necessary to help promote the empowerment of girls by educating traditional patriarchal communities on gender equality and thus work towards countering harmful gender norms that enable violence to flourish. Other gender transformative approaches critical for boys include: \\n Non-violent forms of masculinities: Often through socialization into violence or through witnessing the use of violence while with armed forces and groups, boys may develop an association of violence through social norms surrounding masculinity and social recognition. Such associations may in turn lead to the development of anti-social behaviour towards themselves, to girls or vulnerable groups, or to community. Supporting boys in deconstructing violent or militarized norms about masculinity is an essential part of breaking the cycle of violence and supporting successful reintegration. This may also involve supporting emotional skill development, including understanding and working with anger in a healthy way. \\n Gender-Equitable Relations and Structures: The ideology, structure and treatment of women or girls in armed forces and groups may have led to the development of non-equitable views regarding gender norms, which may affect notions of what \u2018consent\u2019 is. Supporting equitable norms, views, and approaches to being in relationship with girls, and cultivating respect for agency and choice of girls and women, is critical to supporting boys formulate healthy norms and relationships in adulthood.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "6.3 Data", + "Heading3": "6.3.3 Gender responsive and transformative", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 73, + "Paragraph": "A gender-transformative approach should also ensure that gender is a key feature of all DDR assessments and is incorporated into all elements of release and reintegration (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated Assessments).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "6.3 Data", + "Heading3": "6.3.3 Gender responsive and transformative", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 74, + "Paragraph": "The factors that lead to children associating with armed forces and groups are complex, and usually involve a number of push and pull factors specific to each child and their wider environment. Understanding the recruitment pathways of children into armed forces and groups is important for development of effective (re-)recruitment prevention strategies and can influence reintegration programming. For example, in some instances of forcible recruitment, new members are required to engage in violence against their family and community to reduce the incentive to escape. This can make their reintegration and community acceptance particularly difficult.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "6. Planning and Designing DDR processes for children", + "Heading2": "6.3 Data", + "Heading3": "6.3.3 Gender responsive and transformative", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 75, + "Paragraph": "Prevention efforts should start early and take place before and continuously throughout armed conflict. Furthermore, these efforts should recognize that children are embedded in families and communities, and programmes must target each part of their ecosystem. Prevention efforts should be based on an analysis of the dynamics of recruitment and its underlying causes and include advocacy strategies that are directed at all levels of governance, both formal and informal. Government ministries, child focused non-governmental organizations, DDR practitioners and child protection actors should monitor and analyse information on the recruitment of children to understand recruitment patterns.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 76, + "Paragraph": "To prevent the (re-)recruitment of children as part of DDR processes, various risk factors should be analysed at the structural, social and individual levels (see Table 1 below). Special focus shall be given to children at the most risk of recruitment.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.1 Identification and documentation of risks of (re-)recruitment", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 77, + "Paragraph": "Some children are particularly vulnerable to (re-)recruitment because of inadequate protection, such as children living in conflict zones, child refugees or those who have been internally displaced, unaccompanied children, orphans or those separated from their families, children in child- or female-headed households, and children with very young parents. Girls and boys are at greater risk of being recruited in certain locations, such as zones of intense conflict; areas frequently crossed by troops; and public places with concentrations of children such as markets, schools, refugee camps or camps for internally displaced persons, and places where children go to fetch wood or water.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.1 Identification and documentation of risks of (re-)recruitment", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 78, + "Paragraph": "Child recruitment is not always a sudden occurrence, but can take place gradually, progressing from initial contact to formal association. Children may start with occasional visits to the camps of armed forces or groups to look for food, polish shoes or carry out other tasks. Increasingly, they are given more responsibilities, then they may seek shelter at these camps, and eventually they start to take part fully in military life. Preventing this kind of \u2018voluntary\u2019 recruitment is a particular challenge and engagement is needed to sensitize communities on the risks of children having contact and forming associations with an armed force or group, even if it appears harmless.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.1 Identification and documentation of risks of (re-)recruitment", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 79, + "Paragraph": "It is also important that the identification and documentation of (re-)recruitment risk considers aspects of child agency that may make children more vulnerable to recruitment. While forcible recruitment remains an issue, most children are recruited through the manipulation of their economic, social, political and/or psychological vulnerability.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.1 Identification and documentation of risks of (re-)recruitment", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 80, + "Paragraph": "The most effective way to prevent child (re-)recruitment is the development and ongoing strengthening of a protective environment. Building a protective environment helps all children in the community and supports not only prevention of (re-)recruitment but effective reintegration. To this end, DDR practitioners should jointly coordinate with Government, civil society, and child protection actors involved in providing services during DDR processes to strengthen the protective environment of children in affected communities through:", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 81, + "Paragraph": "Efforts should be made to strengthen family resilience, especially in assisting parents to cope with wartime stress, including through access to mental health support and parenting classes, and to minimize the risks of negative family coping behaviours (e.g., child neglect, domestic violence, child marriage and parental discord). Parents also have a role to play to build resilience in their children and educate them on the risks of recruitment. This may include informing them about recruiting efforts on the internet and social media, if they play a key role in driving the conflict. Parents should also be supported to counter gender-based societal expectations of boys as fighters and girls as \u2018bush wives\u2019.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment", + "Heading3": "7.2.1 Family resilience", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 82, + "Paragraph": "Working with communities to help them better understand why children might join armed forces and groups, explain the developmental effects of child recruitment, and identify how to protect children will all help to prevent (re-)recruitment. Communities should be encouraged to establish community-based child protection networks. These networks can work on awareness- raising, good parenting skills, identifying at-risk children and mediating family disputes (where appropriate and with training). Where appropriate, these networks can be supported to establish community monitoring mechanisms, such as early warning systems. Non-individually identifiable data from these early warning systems can then be shared with national human rights commissions, national observatories and/or Government authorities.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment", + "Heading3": "7.2.2 Community resilience", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 83, + "Paragraph": "In addition, where appropriate, children may be included in community violence reduction (CVR) programmes, consistent with relevant national and international legal safeguards, including on the involvement of children in hazardous work, to ensure their rights, needs and well-being are carefully accounted for (see section 8.4 below and IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment", + "Heading3": "7.2.2 Community resilience", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 84, + "Paragraph": "To bolster children\u2019s individual resilience to (re-)recruitment, support can be provided that allows children to develop their life skills (see section 7.9.3).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment", + "Heading3": "7.2.3 Life skills", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 85, + "Paragraph": "An important way to prevent child recruitment into armed forces and groups can be to address the underlying socioeconomic factors that cause children to be vulnerable to (re-)recruitment. Investment in education and broader economic development and employment opportunities may help. Investment in basic service delivery, necessary community infrastructure and key markets at the local level can also support community initiatives to prevent (re-)recruitment. Socioeconomic prevention methodologies should be linked \u201ccoherently and as early as possible to national and sectoral frameworks and policies for peacebuilding, recovery and development where they exist at the country level.\u201d4", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment", + "Heading3": "7.2.4 Addressing socioeconomic insecurity", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 86, + "Paragraph": "Adult members of armed forces and groups shall be sensitized regarding child rights, including rights of girls. Taking this action contributes to a protective environment, as it removes justifications for recruitment of children.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment", + "Heading3": "7.2.5 Child protection advocacy", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 87, + "Paragraph": "Advocacy shall also be directed towards national decision makers, as this can raise awareness of the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict and can lead to the introduction of new laws. Advocacy may include measures towards the ratification and implementation of international legal instruments on child protection, or the reinforcement of these legal instruments; the adaptation of laws related to the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict; and the end of impunity for those who recruit and/or use children in armed conflict. It should also include laws and policies that protect children against forms of child abuse, including gender-based violence, that are sometimes among the factors that prompt children to join armed forces and groups. After enactment, appropriate sanctions can be implemented and enforced against people who continue to recruit children.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment", + "Heading3": "7.2.5 Child protection advocacy", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 88, + "Paragraph": "A strong awareness of the existing legal framework is considered central to prevention strategies, but international norms and procedures alone do not restrain armed groups. Awareness campaigns should be followed up with accountability measures against the perpetrators. However, it should also be recognized that punitive approaches intended to strengthen prevention down the line can also have unintended consequences, including armed groups actively hiding information about children in their ranks, which may make military commanders more reluctant to enter DDR processes (see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment", + "Heading3": "7.2.5 Child protection advocacy", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 89, + "Paragraph": "Monitoring and reporting on the (re-)recruitment of children is an important component of prevention and should be given adequate investment in terms of resourcing, capacity, safety and time. The UN mandated monitoring and reporting mechanism (MRM) on grave violations of child rights in situations of armed conflict, including their recruitment and use, is a comprehensive system for collecting, verifying and reporting on such violations (UNSCR 1612 (2005)). The MRM is designed \u201cto provide for the systematic gathering of accurate, timely, objective and reliable information on grave violations committed against children\u201d5 within the context of armed conflict that will enable responses to increase compliance with international legal obligations and to end and prevent violations. Where the MRM has been activated, engagement with parties to the conflict to develop action plans to eliminate recruitment and use of children can both lead to release of children in the ranks of armed forces or groups and provide opportunities to prevent future (re-)recruitment (see section 5.3). Where possible and safe to do so, DDR processes should support engagement with armed forces and groups and be part of verification of compliance with such action plans, including commitments to release children.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment", + "Heading3": "7.2.7 Monitoring and reporting on the recruitment and use of children", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 90, + "Paragraph": "Any activities should adhere to mandatory reporting laws on child abuse or gender-based violence against children, regardless of whether an MRM has been activated. Practitioners should be clear about what these laws are, be sure that children understand any mandatory reporting nationally and provide informed consent if relevant. Referral pathways for necessary response services should be available before engaging with survivors so that referrals can be made in the event of a disclosure.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment", + "Heading3": "7.2.7 Monitoring and reporting on the recruitment and use of children", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 91, + "Paragraph": "In addition, where relevant and safe, there should be coordination, harmonization and cross checks with the Monitoring and Reporting Arrangement (MARA) of the Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV). CRSV takes multiple forms such as rape, forced pregnancy, forced sterilization, forced abortion, forced prostitution, sexual exploitation, trafficking, sexual enslavement, forced circumcision, castration, forced nudity or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity. Depending on the circumstances, it could constitute a war crime, a crime against humanity, genocide, torture or other gross violation of human rights. See definition of CRSV: Analytical and Conceptual Framing of Conflict-related Sexual Violence, June 2011.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "7. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of children", + "Heading2": "7.2 Prevention of recruitment through the creation of a protective environment", + "Heading3": "7.2.7 Monitoring and reporting on the recruitment and use of children", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 92, + "Paragraph": "When designing and implementing DDR processes for CAAFAG, DDR practitioners and child protection actors must tailor support to the individual child and root them in community-based approaches and structures.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 93, + "Paragraph": "Individualized interventions recognize that there important differences between children based on age; from those who may appear to have voluntarily joined an armed force or group and those who have been obviously forced to do so; from those who have made decisions and been given leadership or other responsibilities when they were members of armed forces and groups and those who have been slaves; and from those who have a family waiting for them and those who cannot or wish not to return, etc. Not all children will require the same level of attention, the same approach, or the same support. Some children (e.g., girl mothers, child heads of households, etc.) may have current responsibilities that require training support for immediate employment. Workable ways of addressing each child\u2019s situation should be developed.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 94, + "Paragraph": "However, it is critical that support to CAAFAG be provided through broader holistic community-based strategies and approaches, that target CAAFAG as well as other children in conflict-affected communities. Providing similar services and reintegration support that benefit children within the wider community will mitigate against the risk of resentment, while also serving as a prevention tool that can build community resilience and address some of the underlying factors that contribute to the (re)recruitment of children into armed forces and groups.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 95, + "Paragraph": "Disarmament may represent the first sustained contact for CAAFAG with people outside of the armed force or group. This can be a difficult process, as it is often the first step in the transition from military to civilian life. As outlined in section 4.2.1, CAAFAG shall be eligible for DDR processes for children irrespective of whether they present themselves with a weapon or ammunition and irrespective of the role they may have played. Children with weapons and ammunition shall be disarmed, preferably by a military or government authority rather than a DDR practitioner or child protection actor. They shall not be required to demonstrate that they know how to use a weapon. CAAFAG shall be given the option of receiving a document certifying the surrender of their weapon or ammunition if there is a procedure in place and if this is in their best interests. For example, this would be a positive option if the certificate can protect the child against any doubt over his/her surrender of the weapon/ammunition, but not if it will be seen as an admission of guilt and participation in violence in an unstable or insecure environment or if it could lead to criminal prosecution (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.1 Disarmament", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 96, + "Paragraph": "Transition from military to civilian life may be difficult for CAAFAG because, in spite of the hardships they may have experienced during their association, they may also have found a defined role, responsibility, purpose, status and power in an armed force or group. For children who have been in an armed force or group for many years, it may at first seem impossible to conceive of a new life; this is particularly true of younger children or CAAFAG who have been indoctrinated to believe that military life is best for them and who know nothing else.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.2 Demobilization", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 97, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners must work together with child protection actors to prioritize physically removing CAAFAG from contact with adult combatants. Removing CAAFAG from armed forces and groups should be done in a responsible but efficient way. Symbolic actions \u2013 such as replacing military clothing with civilian clothing \u2013 can aid this adjustment; however, such actions must be clearly explained, and the child\u2019s welfare must be paramount. Providing civilian documentation such as identity papers may be symbolic but also practical as it may allow the child to access certain services and therefore ease the child\u2019s reintegration. Children need immediate reassurance that there are fair and realistic alternatives to military life and should receive information that they can understand about the benefits of participating in DDR processes as well as the different steps of the process. However, under no circumstances should interviewers or practitioners make promises or give assurances that they are not absolutely certain they can deliver.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.2 Demobilization", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 98, + "Paragraph": "Official documentation marking demobilization may help to protect children from abuse by authorities or armed forces and groups that are still active. However, staff should establish that such documents cannot be seen and will not be used as an admission of guilt or wrongdoing. Official identification documents certifying that a child has demobilized can be provided when this protects children from re-recruitment and assures their access to reintegration support. Civilian documents proving the identity of the child with no mention of his/her participation in an armed force or group should be made available as soon as possible.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.2 Demobilization", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 99, + "Paragraph": "Depending on the specific DDR process in place, demobilization may occur at semi- permanent military-controlled sites (such as cantonment sites), reception centres or mobile demobilization sites (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). When reporting to such sites, the time CAAFAG spend at the site shall be as short as possible, and every effort shall be made to rapidly identify them, register them and supply them with their immediate needs. Where possible, children should be identified before arrival at the demobilization site so that the documentation process (identification, verification, registration, medical needs) and other applicable procedures last no longer than 48 hours, after which they shall be transferred to an interim care centre (ICC) for children or to another location under civilian control. If CAAFAG report or are brought to mobile demobilization sites or reception centres, standard operating procedures shall be in place outlining when and how the handover to civilian authorities will take place.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.2 Demobilization", + "Heading3": "8.2.1 Demobilization sites", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 100, + "Paragraph": "At all demobilization sites, semi-permanent or otherwise, particular attention shall be given to the safety and protection of children during their stay, through measures such as proper lighting, regular surveillance and security patrols. Children shall be physically separated from adult combatants, and a security system shall be established to prevent adult access to them. Girl mothers, however, shall not be separated from their children. Separate accommodation must be provided for boys and girls, including separate washing and toilet facilities, with specific health services provided when necessary (e.g., reproductive health services and hygiene kits adapted to specific needs). Female staff shall be provided for locations where girls are staying.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.2 Demobilization", + "Heading3": "8.2.1 Demobilization sites", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 101, + "Paragraph": "Since a number of girls are likely to be mothers, demobilization sites shall also be designed to provide proper food and health care for infants and young children, with childcare assistance provided for mothers unable to care for their children. Demobilization sites must, without exception, provide medical health screening, including sexual health screening to all children, and provide necessary treatment. Efforts shall be made to improve the overall health of CAAFAG through early detection, immunization, treatment of severe conditions (such as malaria and acute respiratory infections), treatment for wounds and injuries, triage and referral of serious cases to secondary/tertiary facilities (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.2 Demobilization", + "Heading3": "8.2.1 Demobilization sites", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 102, + "Paragraph": "Children shall be informed that they have the right not to be abused or exploited including the right to protection from sexual exploitation and abuse, and child labour, and that they have the right and ability, through adapted and efficient reporting and complaints mechanisms, to report abuse. When children do report abuse or exploitation by adult former combatants, staff or adult caregivers, they shall not be stigmatized or made to feel disloyal in any way. Their complaints must also be acted upon immediately through child-friendly mechanisms designed and put in place to protect them from such exploitation and to punish the offenders to the fullest extent possible. If children reporting abuse request such a service, they shall be given space and time to share their emotions and reflect on their experiences with health workers trained in psychotherapeutic assistance. Mechanisms shall be established to prevent offending staff from working with children in similar situations in the future (see also section 4.10.1).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 28, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.2 Demobilization", + "Heading3": "8.2.1 Demobilization sites", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 103, + "Paragraph": "Interim care centres are not necessary in all DDR processes for children, especially when the placement of a child in an ICC delays family and community reunification. However, ICCs can be used as a last resort, as they provide a secure space that may help children sever their links with armed forces and groups; allow time for family tracing, verification and, if necessary, gradual reunification (see section 7.4); enable medical support to be provided, including mental health and psychosocial support; and provide an opportunity for pre-discharge awareness-raising/ sensitization.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 28, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.3 Interim alternative care", + "Heading3": "8.3.1 Interim care centres", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 104, + "Paragraph": "ICCs are not the same as cantonment sites. ICCs shall be child-friendly and their management and services consistent with the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action\u2019s Minimum Standards and the Guiding Principles in Interim Care Planning and Provision6 for community- based interim care. The best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. Factors of necessity and appropriateness shall also be considered with the aim that a child will be placed into an ICC only if there is no other family- or community-based interim care available, and any placement will be for the shortest period necessary. Staffing levels for ICCs shall depend on the number, ages and needs of children in the facility. Their care and protection should be paramount, with an emphasis on reuniting children with their families or providing alternative community- based care solutions as swiftly as possible (see Annex C for more details). While security of the facility is a key concern, ICCs shall remain child-friendly and not inadvertently transform into detention facilities.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 28, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.3 Interim alternative care", + "Heading3": "8.3.1 Interim care centres", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 105, + "Paragraph": "Adults shall not be accommodated at ICCs, and children accommodated at these centres should be grouped according to age (unless they are girl mothers). Tracing, verification, reunification, case management and monitoring should be carried out at ICCs to facilitate the return of children to their communities (including community outreach). Health check-ups and specialized health services should be provided \u2013 for example, reproductive health and antenatal services, diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, and voluntary and confidential HIV testing and counselling \u2013 while nutritional deficiencies and war-related injuries should receive treatment. Children should receive counselling, including help to overcome distress or trauma, develop self- esteem and learn life skills; learn about reintegration and livelihood opportunities, as well as information about child labour; and receive peace education and training in non-violent conflict resolution to help them regain a sense of the social norms and routines of civilian life. Sports, cultural and recreational activities should be provided to keep children occupied and help them build trust, but there should be no formal education or training activities within the ICC apart from assessments of literacy and numeracy. Formal education and training should be provided within the community. Children should be transferred as quickly as possible to their communities, consistent with their best interests, for reintegration into communities, education, and social cohesion activities with all children as well as any community-based case management support needed. Where return is not possible, family and community-based solutions should be sought.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 29, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.3 Interim alternative care", + "Heading3": "8.3.1 Interim care centres", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 106, + "Paragraph": "Interim care placements should be used in cases where ICCs are not available or appropriate (for example, when a child is already in the community) and when family unification is not possible or in the best interests of the child. These types of placements can include community-based care, fostering or guardianship. The Inter-Agency Guiding Principles on Unaccompanied and Separated Children (2004) provide clear guidelines on how interim care placements should be conducted. Furthermore, community-based temporary alternative care must be consistent with the United Nations Guidelines for Alternative Care (General Assembly resolution 64/142).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 29, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.3 Interim alternative care", + "Heading3": "8.3.2 Interim care placements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 107, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes increasingly include CVR programmes in an effort to reduce armed violence and sustain peace (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). Specific provisions shall be developed to ensure the protection, care and support of young people (aged 15\u201324) who participate in CVR programmes (see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR). Where appropriate, children (under 18) may be included in CVR activities, but with relevant legal safeguards to ensure their rights and needs are carefully accounted for.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 29, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.4 Community violence reduction", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 108, + "Paragraph": "The purpose of reintegration support is to provide children with assistance that has been tailored to their needs and that provides them with a viable, long-term alternative to military life. Reintegration support provided to children shall take into account differences in age, sex, individual resilience, the capacity of the child to make informed decisions, the length of stay and individual experience with an armed force or group, culture, the reintegration opportunities in an environment that will have changed in the child\u2019s absence and other relevant factors. Reintegration support should be individualized, targeting CAAFAG as well as other at-risk, vulnerable or conflict-affected children, as well as community-based, utilizing strategies and approaches that empower communities to accept and receive CAAFAG and support their reintegration.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 30, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 109, + "Paragraph": "Because reintegration of adult ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should be considered even in the absence of a DDR programme, reintegration programmes of adults and children can mutually reinforce each other and where relevant and safe to do so should be coordinated as much as possible. (see IDDRS 2.40 Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace, and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 30, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 110, + "Paragraph": "CAAFAG face a range of health issues that may impact their reintegration. The identification of health needs shall begin when the child first comes into contact with a DDR process, for example, at a reception centre or cantonment site or an interim care centre. However, ongoing health needs shall also be addressed during the reintegration process. This may be via referral to relevant local or national health facilities, medical fee coverage or the direct provision of support. All service and referral provision shall be private and confidential.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 30, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.1 Health", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 111, + "Paragraph": "Reproductive health \\n As soon as possible after their release from an armed force or group, and for as long as necessary, girls and boys who have survived sexual violence, abuse and exploitation shall receive medical care in addition to mental health and psychosocial care (see section 7.9.1). Consideration shall also be given to boys who may have been forced to perpetrate sexual violence. All children who have experienced sexual violence shall receive access to the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for sexual and reproductive health.7 Girl mothers shall be referred to community health services and psychosocial support as a priority. To prevent cycles of violence, girl mothers shall be enabled to learn positive parenting skills so that their children develop in a nurturing household. \\n DDR practitioners should invest in reproductive health awareness-raising initiatives for boys and girls (especially adolescents) covering issues such as safe motherhood, sexual violence, sexually transmitted infections, family planning and the reproductive health of young people. Increasing the awareness of boys will help to reduce the reproductive health burden on girls and enable a gender-transformative approach (see section 4.3). Consideration shall be given to any sensitivities that may arise through the inclusion of boys in these awareness-raising initiatives, and necessary preparations shall be made with families and community leaders to gain their support.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 30, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.1 Health", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 112, + "Paragraph": "HIV/AIDS \\n Children who test positive for HIV/AIDS may experience additional community stigmatization that negatively impacts upon their reintegration. Initial screening and testing for HIV/AIDS shall be provided to CAAFAG during demobilization in a manner that voluntary and confidential. During reintegration, support for children living with HIV/AIDS should include specialist counselling by personnel with experience of working with children, support to families, targeted referrals to existing medical facilities and linkages to local, national and/or international health programmes. To ease reintegration, community-based HIV/AIDS awareness training and education can be considered (see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV/AIDS and DDR). Children may also prefer to receive treatment in locations that are discreet (i.e., not in public spaces or through discreet entrances at clinics).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 31, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.1 Health", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 113, + "Paragraph": "Drug and alcohol addiction \\n Drugs and alcohol are often used by commanders to establish dependence, manipulate and coerce children into committing violence. Children\u2019s substance use can create obstacles to reintegration such as behavioural issues in the home and community, risk-taking behaviour, poor nutrition and general health, and increased vulnerability to re-recruitment. DDR practitioners should coordinate with child-focused local, national and/or international health organizations to develop or identify for referral drug and alcohol rehabilitation programmes adapted to the needs of CAAFAG. Treatment shall follow the International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders.8", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 31, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.1 Health", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 114, + "Paragraph": "Mental and psychosocial health is critical to effective reintegration for all age groups; however, children face specific challenges that can seriously undermine their return to civilian life. Some children may have mental health or psychosocial needs when they re-enter their communities due to their experiences during conflict, the tremendous effort required to adapt to being back in civilian life, anxiety and uncertainty, stigmatization, fear of being rejected, poverty and a lack of livelihood.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 31, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.2 Psychosocial support and special care", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 115, + "Paragraph": "Mental health and psychosocial support should be offered (dependent on individual need and resources) to help children develop new patterns of behaviour, improve their self-esteem, develop their capacity to make decisions about the future and enable them to express emotions should they want to do so. Children and communities, with support, do have the capacity to cope with the distress caused by war. Mental health and psychosocial support activities should build on children\u2019s natural resilience and family and community support mechanisms and encourage coping and positive development. A community-based case management system should be active for children who require individualized mental health support. This system should be available for all children in the community who may be in need.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 31, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.2 Psychosocial support and special care", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 116, + "Paragraph": "Some children may need specific mental health or psychosocial assistance to overcome particularly negative or harmful experiences during their stay with an armed force or group. Boys and girls who have experienced sexual violence, including when of a prolonged nature, may face significant psychosocial issues affecting their reintegration \u2013 for example, an inability to trust adults, aggression and social withdrawal. Those living with injury and disability and the terminally ill, in particular, require care that is adapted to their needs and environment.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 31, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.2 Psychosocial support and special care", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 117, + "Paragraph": "Mental health and psychosocial support interventions for children in DDR processes shall abide by the following core principles:9 \\n Human rights and equality: Focus on the protection of children most at risk of human rights violations and the promotion of equity and non-discrimination, maximizing fairness across all sub-groups of children. Equality in provision of support includes taking into consideration and tailoring support to the specific, and different needs, of boys and girls. \\n Participation: Ensure the participation of children in decisions affecting them to support their resilience and promote the participation of families and communities, as they are the most important support structures for children\u2019s psychosocial health. \\n Do no harm: Minimize the risk of harm to children through psychosocial support by employing good coordination (with families, communities and other actors), appropriate needs assessments, cultural sensitivity, and ongoing monitoring and reflection on approach. \\n Build on available resources and capacities: Engage with existing structures and self-help mechanisms to root the intervention in local solutions. \\n Integrated support systems: Integrate into wider systems (e.g., existing community support mechanisms, formal/non-formal school systems, general health services, general mental health services, social services) to reach more people (community-based approaches) and limit stigma. \\n Multilayered supports: A layered system of complementary supports is most effective in meeting different needs: \\n\\n Basic services and security: Securing basic needs (food, shelter, water, basic health care) and ensuring a minimum level of security represent the first steps in mental and psychosocial well-being. \\n\\n Community and family supports: Most children will require some level of family/community support to address psychosocial disruption. This may include communal healing ceremonies, supportive parenting programmes, formal and non-formal educational activities, livelihood activities and the activation of social networks. \\n\\n Focused, non-specialized supports: More-affected children will require interventions by trained and supervised personnel in areas such as psychological first aid and basic mental health care by primary health-care workers. \\n\\n Specialized services: Targeting the most affected children who exhibit serious mental health and psychosocial symptoms and require either (a) referral to specialized services, if they exist, or (b) initiation of longer-term training and supervision of primary/general health- care providers.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 32, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.2 Psychosocial support and special care", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 118, + "Paragraph": "Each context requires a specific approach to mental health and psychosocial support. However, Annex D provides some generalized do\u2019s and don\u2019ts for planning mental health and psychosocial support interventions. The guidelines for psychosocial support set out in IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR are also applicable to children, although specific considerations for age should be made.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 33, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.2 Psychosocial support and special care", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 119, + "Paragraph": "Following the release of children from armed forces and groups, efforts should be made to reunify children with their families, whenever possible and in their best interests. Family tracing and reunification shall be based on the Inter-Agency Guiding Principles on Unaccompanied and Separated Children.10 Family reunification is not simply a matter of returning a child to his or her family, but requires preparation, mediation, and follow-up, possibly including ceremonies of return, to help the family recognize and address problems of alienation, addiction, aggression and resistance to civil forms of authority. Reunification also involves the family in decisions regarding the child\u2019s re-adaptation, education, learning and training. Children need to be reassured that their families want them back and accept them as they now are. Assistance should not only consist of material aid, but also include social support and follow-up.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 33, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.3 Family tracing and reunification", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 120, + "Paragraph": "Family tracing should be started at the earliest possible stage and can be carried out at the same time as other activities. Family reunification will follow after mediation and an assessment of the situation that is quick, but thorough enough to be sure that there is no threat or discomfort to the child. Children can feel worried about returning to their family or community because of acts they may have committed when with armed forces or groups, or for any number of other reasons (e.g., girls may have been victims of sexual violence, abuse or exploitation, and may feel especially trepidatious if they have children born from those experiences).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 33, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.3 Family tracing and reunification", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 121, + "Paragraph": "Phased approaches to reunification may be considered if reunification is determined to be in the best interests of the child but certain challenges exist. For example, there may be family trauma as a result of conflict, or economic conditions may make immediate reunification difficult. These issues may also necessitate ongoing mediation, as well as psychosocial support to the child and family focused initially on the immediate challenge of reunification, but with a longer-term strategy to address more systemic issues.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 33, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.3 Family tracing and reunification", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 122, + "Paragraph": "Family-based reintegration and services are crucial to the long-term success of reintegration. Case management may need to include components on support to families such as parenting support or economic support to the adults in the family.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 33, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.3 Family tracing and reunification", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 123, + "Paragraph": "In some cases, family reunification may not be in the best interests of the child, because of difficult security or family conditions that do not provide the child with required levels of protection. It must also be recognized that poor family conditions or family connections to armed forces and groups may have been the reason the child was recruited in the first place. If these conditions remain unchanged, children are at risk of being re-recruited. When family reunification is not in the best interests of the child, for whatever reason, the aforementioned Guidelines for Alternative Care shall be followed.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 33, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.3 Family tracing and reunification", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 124, + "Paragraph": "Families and communities have a critical role to play in the successful reintegration of CAAFAG. After their release, many CAAFAG return to some form of family relationship \u2013 be it with parents or extended family. Others, however, do not return to their family due to fear or rejection, or because their families may have been killed or cannot be traced. Family rejection often disproportionately affects girls, as they are presumed to have engaged in sexual relations with men or to have performed roles not regarded as suitable for girls according to traditional norms.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 34, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.4 Supporting families and communities", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 125, + "Paragraph": "With family acceptance and support, reintegration is more likely to be successful. The process of family reintegration, however, is not always simple. Residual conflict may remain, or new conflicts may emerge due to various stressors. Intergenerational conflict, often a feature of societies in conflict, may be an issue and, as returning children push for voice and recognition, can intensify. ", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 34, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.4 Supporting families and communities", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 126, + "Paragraph": "Assisting families in the creation of a supportive environment for returning CAAFAG can be achieved through a variety of means and should be considered in all DDR processes for children. This support may take a number of different forms: \\n Psychosocial support to the extended family can help to address broader psychosocial well-being concerns, overcome initial tensions and strengthen the resilience of the family as a whole. \\n Positive parenting programmes can increase awareness of the rights (and needs) of the child and help to develop parenting skills to better support returning CAAFAG (e.g., recognizing symptoms of trauma, parent-child communication, productively addressing negative behaviours in the child). \\n Promotion of parent-teacher associations (development or membership of) can provide ways for parents to support their children in school and highlight parents\u2019 needs (e.g., help with fees, uniforms, food). \\n Income-generating activities that involve or support the whole family rather than only the child can alleviate financial concerns and promote working together. \\n Establishment of community-based child protection networks involving parents can assist in the delivery of early warnings related to recruitment risk, children\u2019s engagement in risk-taking behaviours (e.g., drug or alcohol abuse, unsafe sex) or conflicts among children and youth in the community. \\n Support to associations of families of conflict-affected children beyond CAAFAG can help build awareness in the community of their specific needs, address stigma and provide support in a range of areas including health, income generation, community voice and participation.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 34, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.4 Supporting families and communities", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 127, + "Paragraph": "When supporting families to take a stronger role in the reintegration of their children, it is important that the wider community does not feel that children are rewarded for their involvement with armed forces or groups, or that broader community needs are being neglected. ", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 34, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.4 Supporting families and communities", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 128, + "Paragraph": "Community acceptance is essential for a child\u2019s reintegration, but preconceived ideas about children coming out of armed forces and groups, or the scars of violence committed against families and/or communities, can severely limit community support. To prevent reprisals, stigmatization and community rejection, communities shall be prepared for returning CAAFAG through sensitization. This sensitization process shall begin as early as possible. Additional activities to help prepare the community include the strengthening of local child protection networks, peace and reconciliation education, and events aimed at encouraging the lasting reintegration of children.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 34, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.4 Supporting families and communities", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 129, + "Paragraph": "Cultural, religious and traditional rituals can play an important role in the protection and reintegration of girls and boys into their communities. These may include traditional healing, cleansing and forgiveness rituals, where they are considered not to be harmful; the development of solidarity mechanisms based on tradition; and the use of proverbs and sayings in sensitization and mediation activities. Care should be taken to ensure that religious beliefs serve the best interests of the child, especially in areas where religion or cultural values may have played a role in recruitment.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 35, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.4 Supporting families and communities", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 130, + "Paragraph": "Reconciliation ceremonies can offer forgiveness for acts committed, allow children to be \u2018cleansed\u2019 of the violence they have suffered or contributed to, restore cultural links and demonstrate children\u2019s involvement in civilian life. Such ceremonies can increase the commitment of communities to a child\u2019s reintegration process. Children should contribute to the creation of appropriate reintegration mechanisms to improve their sense of belonging and capacity. However, it is also essential to understand and neutralize community traditions that are physically or mentally harmful to a child. In addition, such rituals may not be suitable in all contexts.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 35, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.4 Supporting families and communities", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 131, + "Paragraph": "Particular attention should be paid to the information that circulates among communities about returning boys and girls, so that harmful rumours (e.g., about real or presumed rates of HIV/AIDS among them and the alleged sexual behaviour of girls) can be effectively countered. Girls are at highest risk of rejection by their communities, and it is important for programme staff to engage on a continual basis with the community to educate them about the experience girls have had and the challenges they face without fostering pity or stigma. Programme staff should consult with affected girls and include them in the planning and implementation of initiatives, including how their experiences are portrayed, where possible.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 35, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.4 Supporting families and communities", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 132, + "Paragraph": "Specific focus should be given to addressing issues of gender-based violence, including sexual violence. Girls who experience gender-based violence during their time associated with an armed force or group will often face stigmatization on their return, while boys will often never discuss it due to societal taboos.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 35, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.4 Supporting families and communities", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 133, + "Paragraph": "Specific engagement with communities to aid the reintegration of CAAFAG may include: \\n Community sensitization and awareness-raising to educate communities on the rights of the child, the challenges CAAFAG face in their reintegration and the role that the community plays in this process; \\n Community-based psychosocial support addressing the needs of conflict-affected community members as well as CAAFAG and their families; \\n Community-wide parenting programmes that include the parents of CAAFAG and non-CAAFAG and help improve awareness and foster social inclusion and cohesion; \\n Support to community-based child protection structures that benefits the whole community, including those that reduce the risk of recruitment; \\n Investment in child-focused infrastructure rehabilitation (e.g., schools, health centres, child/youth centres) that provide benefit to all children in the community; \\n Community-wide income-generation and employment programmes that bring older children as well as the parents of CAAFAG and non-CAAFAG together and provide much-needed livelihood opportunities; \\n Creation of community child committees that bring together community leaders, parents and child representatives (selected from children in the community, including CAAFAG and non- CAAFAG) to provide children with a platform to ensure their voice and participation, especially in the reconstruction process, is guaranteed; and \\n Advocacy support (including training, resources and/or linkages) to increase the role and voice of communities and children/youth in the development/revision of national child and youth policies, as well as interventions.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 35, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.4 Supporting families and communities", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 134, + "Paragraph": "Education is a critical component of enabling returning CAAFAG to successfully transition into normal civilian routines and helps to prepare them for future opportunities. The higher a child\u2019s level of education, the more likely his/her reintegration is to succeed. DDR processes for children shall therefore support children to try to reach (or recover) as high a level of education as possible, often starting with basic literacy.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 36, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.5 Access to education", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 135, + "Paragraph": "After a relatively long stay within armed forces or groups, or because of the difficulties they previously experienced in school, children may not be able to adapt to traditional teaching methods. For these situations, schooling programmes should be developed in consultation with the ministry of education that are specifically designed for such children, and that achieve the same results as other formal educational programmes. To better support children who are struggling, teachers should receive specific training. This may include training in recognizing signs of emotional stress, managing problematic behaviour and developing effective pupil-parent relations.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 36, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.5 Access to education", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 136, + "Paragraph": "Accelerated Education Programmes (AEPs) and other remedial schooling programmes for children who have been out of school for long periods can provide vital catch-up education. An AEP is \u201ca flexible, age-appropriate programme, run in an accelerated timeframe, which aims to provide access to education for disadvantaged, over-age, out-of-school children and youth. This may include those who missed out on or had their education disrupted due to poverty, marginalization, conflict and crisis. The goal of AEPs is to provide learners with equivalent, certified competencies for basic education using effective teaching and learning approaches that match their level of cognitive maturity.\u201d", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 36, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.5 Access to education", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 137, + "Paragraph": "The AEP Working Group details 10 principles for the delivery of accelerated education, as well as key action points, key definitions, essential information, examples and case studies, and indications of challenges and other points to consider. These principles shall be followed by any programme engaging in AEPs.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 36, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.5 Access to education", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 138, + "Paragraph": "DDR processes for children can further support the education of demobilized CAAFAG through various other means including AEP teacher training; capacity-building of a country training team; provision of teaching and learning materials; provision of school furniture; payment of incentives to AEP teachers; payment of registration and examination fees; and the renovation and rehabilitation of schools, including sanitation facilities. Moreover, modalities should be developed that enable part-time study if this is desirable, and other assistance should be provided to boost attendance (e.g., food, childcare facilities for girl mothers).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 37, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.5 Access to education", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 139, + "Paragraph": "The aim, wherever possible, should be to integrate returning children into existing education systems. Supporting these systems provides a benefit for the entire community and can help to ease reintegration of CAAFAG. However, even with the assistance of such programmes, some children may not be able to return to the regular school system. In such cases, programmes should be designed to include vocational training activities (skills training and apprenticeships) that are suited to local conditions and markets, and in line with national legislation on minimum working age and working conditions, (see section 7.9.5).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 37, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.5 Access to education", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 140, + "Paragraph": "Life skills are those abilities that help to promote psychological well-being and competence in children as they face the realities of life. These are the ten core life skill strategies and techniques: \\n problem-solving; \\n critical thinking; \\n effective communication skills; \\n agency and decision-making; \\n creative thinking; \\n interpersonal relationship skills; \\n self-awareness building skills; \\n empathy; \\n coping with stress; and \\n emotions.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 37, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.6 Life skills", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 141, + "Paragraph": "Programmes aimed at developing life skills can, among other effects, lessen violent behaviour and increase prosocial behaviour. They can also increase children\u2019s ability to plan ahead and choose effective solutions to problems. CAAFAG often lose the opportunity to develop life skills during armed conflict, and this can adversely affect their reintegration. For this reason, DDR processes for children should explicitly focus on the development of such skills. Life skills training can be integrated into other parts of the reintegration process, such as education or health initiatives, or can be developed as a stand-alone initiative if the need is identified during demobilization. The inclusion of all conflict-affected children within a community in such initiatives will have greater impact than focusing solely on CAAFAG.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 38, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.6 Life skills", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 142, + "Paragraph": "Vocational training opportunities for children shall be realistic in terms of what the local economy can support and shall also reflect the wishes of the child. There should be made available as wide a range of training options as possible, consistent with local market conditions, to help children adapt successfully to civilian life and to what the market demands. This training may build on skills and competencies learned when the child was associated with an armed force or group. A choice of training options beyond traditional areas should be promoted, as should the provision of support to girls (including financial and childcare support, where appropriate). More specifically, vocational and skills training may include: \\n Analysis of livelihood systems, agriculture, market opportunities, and household economies to develop economically relevant training, alternative forms of education and opportunities for economic reintegration. \\n Coordination between stakeholders to improve lessons learned, development of joint programmes, appropriate referrals and measures to avoid inconsistencies in the benefits provided. \\n Community consultation to develop collective initiatives benefiting the community. Business skills training to prepare children to keep accounts and handle money. \\n Apprenticeships and on-the-job training for those with no previous work experience. \\n Life skills training, including basic social norms and civic education, parenting skills, rights at work and home, prevention of HIV/AIDS, and education to counter interpersonal violence. \\n Incorporation of gender-transformative approaches to ensure sensitivity to the particular challenges faced by girls, increase awareness in both girls and boys of the challenges faced by the other gender, and foster positive gender relationships. \\n Development of skills in non-violent conflict resolution and anger management to help CAAFAG in their everyday lives. \\n Provision of childcare and, if necessary, flexible training schedules for girl mothers.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 38, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.7 Vocational training and livelihood development", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 143, + "Paragraph": "Some children need to start earning a living immediately after they return to their family and community and should be helped to earn an income or receive benefits while they obtain training and/or an education. For example, the sale of things they have made, or animals reared during their training may facilitate the purchase of tools or other equipment that are needed for future work. Boys and girls, particularly those of legal working age, should benefit from an adapted version of socioeconomic support programmes designed for demobilized adults (see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). However, income-generating activities for children should be in line with national and international laws on child labour, including ILO convention 138 on minimum age of work. Livelihood options for girls should not be based on traditionally assigned gender roles. Instead, the focus should be on what girls want to do. Linkages to the local business, trades and agricultural communities should be sought and can aid in employment, small business mentoring and ongoing analysis of market needs.12", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 39, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.7 Vocational training and livelihood development", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 144, + "Paragraph": "As part of planning and implementing a child-sensitive approach to DDR-related interventions, CAAFAG can be provided with social protection assistance to reduce vulnerability to poverty and deprivation, promote social inclusion and child protection, and strengthen family and community resilience. This may include: \\n Multipurpose cash grants. \\n Commodity (e.g., food or rent) or value vouchers. \\n Family and child allowances. \\n Disability social pensions and benefits. \\n Transfers in exchange for a parent working (cash for work). \\n Transfers in exchange for attending health check-ups (for all family members). \\n Business recovery or start-up grants (for older children or parents of CAAFAG) subject to conditions (e.g., business management training, business plan development, etc.); and \\n Scholarship benefits restricted to certain areas (e.g., school fees, school supplies, etc.).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 39, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.8 Social protection assistance", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 145, + "Paragraph": "To ensure that assistance is child-sensitive, it must be governed by a number of guiding principles: \\n Assistance must be designed with the child\u2019s best interests in mind and necessary safeguards in place, so that cash or other material assistance does not create incentives or push/pull factors to recruitment of children in the community or re-recruitment of the child and does not draw attention to the child. \\n Assistance must be based on findings from the situation analysis and risk assessments (see sections 6.1 and 6.2). \\n Assistance shall be targeted towards the most vulnerable CAAFAG (for example, girl mothers, persons with disabilities, and separated or unaccompanied minors) and their families. \\n Assistance shall be predictable, allowing households to plan, manage risk and invest in diverse activities. \\n Mixed delivery approaches (individual and community) should be considered, where appropriate, to strengthen conflict sensitivity. \\n Community-based approaches should be promoted when they are likely to reduce resentment, increase community acceptance of returning CAAFAG, result in local economic benefits and strengthen social reintegration outcomes. \\n Focus should be given to assistance that is multisectoral (e.g., health, education, water, sanitation and protection) and that has multiplier impacts. \\n Conditions should be placed on community grants (e.g., training, awareness-raising activities, investment in community-level income-generating activities and benefits for the children of the households engaged). \\n Investment in community structures should be promoted when these structures foster a protective environment for children (e.g., community-based child protection committees and community early warning prevention systems). \\n Risk mitigation strategies shall be developed and implemented to reduce the risk of abuse. For example, it should be ensured that distributors of assistance work in pairs, that post- distribution monitoring is carried out and that children are empowered to speak out about their rights.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 39, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.8 Social protection assistance", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 146, + "Paragraph": "Being recognized, accepted, respected, and heard in the community is an important part of the reintegration process. However, this is a complex issue for children, as they are generally excluded from community decision-making processes. Children may also lack the self-esteem and skills necessary to engage in community affairs usually reserved for adults. Reintegration support should strive to generate capacities for such participation in civilian life.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 40, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.9 Voice, participation and representation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 147, + "Paragraph": "Although political reintegration is generally a feature of adult DDR processes (see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration), children also have political rights and should be heard in decisions that shape their future. Efforts should be made to ensure that children\u2019s voices are heard in local-level decision-making processes that affect them. Not only is this a rights-based issue, but it is also an important way to address some of the grievances that may have led to their recruitment (and potential re-recruitment). For children nearing the age of majority, having a voice in decision- making can be a key factor in reducing intergenerational conflict.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 41, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.9 Voice, participation and representation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 148, + "Paragraph": "CAAFAG may face particular difficulties attaining a role in their community due to their past associations or because they belong to communities that were excluded prior to the conflict. Girls, persons with disabilities, or people living with HIV/AIDS may also be denied full participation in community life. The creation of inclusive societies is an issue bigger than DDR. However, the reintegration process provides an opportunity to make an initial investment in this endeavour through potential interventions in several areas.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 41, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.9 Voice, participation and representation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 149, + "Paragraph": "Civic education \\n To make the transition from military to civilian life, children need to be aware of their political rights and, eventually, responsibilities. They need to understand good citizenship, communication and teamwork, and non-violent conflict resolution methods. Ultimately, it is the child\u2019s behaviour that will facilitate successful reintegration, and preparing a child to engage socially and politically, in a productive manner, will be central to this process. Such activities can prepare them to play a socially useful role that is acknowledged by the community. Special efforts should be made to include girls in civic education training to ensure they are aware of their rights. However, children should not be forced to participate in any activities, nor used by armed or political groups to achieve specific political objectives, and their rights to free speech, opinion and privacy should be prioritized.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 41, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.9 Voice, participation and representation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 150, + "Paragraph": "Ensure child participants in DDR processes have a voice in local and national recovery \\n DDR processes should be aligned with national plans and strategies for recovery, the design of which should be informed by inputs from their participants. The inclusion of conflict-affected children and CAAFAG in these processes enables children to identify and advocate for specific measures of importance with regard to youth and recovery policies. Specific attention should be given to particularly vulnerable groups who may ordinarily be marginalized.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 41, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.9 Voice, participation and representation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 151, + "Paragraph": "Promote the gender transformation agenda \\n Efforts to strengthen the agency of girls will only go so far in addressing gender inequality. It is also important to work with the relationships and structures present that contribute to their (dis)empowerment. It is critical to support the voice and representation of girls within their communities to enable their full reintegration and to contribute to eradication of the structural inequalities that influenced their recruitment. Working with men and boys to address male gender roles and masculine norms that promote violence is required.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 41, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.9 Voice, participation and representation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 152, + "Paragraph": "Build a collective voice \\n An inclusive programme sees community children, particularly those affected by conflict in other ways, participating in programming alongside CAAFAG. This provides an opportunity for children and youth to coordinate and advocate for greater inclusion in decision-making processes.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 42, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.9 Voice, participation and representation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 153, + "Paragraph": "Create children\u2019s committees across the various areas of reintegration programming \\n Children should have the opportunity to put forward their views individually and collectively. Doing so will provide a mechanism to substantively improve programme outcomes and thus ensure the best interests of the child. It also gives greater voice to other vulnerable and marginalized children in the community. Steps should be taken to ensure that girls, and especially girl mothers, are included in these committees.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 42, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.9 Voice, participation and representation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 154, + "Paragraph": "Encourage the participation and visibility of programme beneficiaries in public events \\n Greater participation and visibility of CAAFAG as well as non-CAAFAG will increase the opportunities for children to be involved in community processes. As community members, and community decision makers in particular, have more positive interactions with CAAFAG, they are more likely to open up space for their involvement in community affairs. However, all participation shall be voluntary, and CAAFAG should not be pushed into visible roles unless they feel comfortable occupying them.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 42, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.9 Voice, participation and representation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 155, + "Paragraph": "After CAAFAG have returned to their families and communities, monitoring and follow-up is essential. It requires careful planning, adequate funding and the collaboration of key governmental bodies, UN agencies and non-governmental organizations.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 42, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.10 Monitoring and follow-up", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 156, + "Paragraph": "Monitoring activities should occur through regular visits to children\u2019s homes, schools, and communities, including meetings with families, peers, teachers, and community leaders, without creating stigma or risk to the individuals and families involved. The living conditions of the child, the quality of his/her relationship with family members and caregivers, and the level of reintegration in the community should be regularly assessed. Confidential, accessible, and safe feedback mechanisms that allow children to report any concerns should be in place. Challenges should be identified to facilitate problem-solving, referral or programme adaptation where required. Success stories are also important for the generation of positive lessons learned and to present opportunities for replication in other areas or programmes.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 42, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.10 Monitoring and follow-up", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 157, + "Paragraph": "Monitoring should be conducted by a dedicated monitoring, evaluation and learning team. More staff are likely to be needed when large numbers of children are reunited with their families, because monitoring visits and other support activities become more labour-intensive and time- consuming as children are dispersed from a few central locations to scattered communities. Community-based child protection networks and community leaders, especially women, should be actively involved in monitoring the safety and well-being of reunited children, and should assume increasing responsibility for ongoing monitoring and follow-up to ensure a smooth takeover of this work by the community.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 42, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.10 Monitoring and follow-up", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 158, + "Paragraph": "Monitoring systems should be developed to use programme-related data gathered during demobilization including verification exercises for children. Effective programme monitoring improves accountability by recording information on programme progress, suitability of selected approaches, and impact of support on children\u2019s well-being. Monitoring should be conducted throughout programming to inform programme adjustments, including how to better reach particularly vulnerable groups of children, such as girls or disabled children. Close, continuous monitoring at the situational level is also essential, as the context will certainly change over time as issues relating to child recruitment and use, verification and release are complex and often unpredictable.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 43, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.10 Monitoring and follow-up", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 159, + "Paragraph": "Follow-up systems should be established to ensure post-programme support for reintegrating children. The reintegration process takes time and will usually not be completed within the period of the programme. Returning CAAFAG remain vulnerable to re-recruitment, social exclusion and poverty and will require ongoing support for several years. Regular follow-up should be seen as an important element of the continuum of care for children. Therefore, follow-up support is critical to an effective exit strategy, ensuring that programme gains in reintegration are safeguarded.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 43, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.10 Monitoring and follow-up", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 160, + "Paragraph": "Follow-up systems should be developed in close consultation with children and the community. They should focus on especially vulnerable children (e.g., girl mothers, those not reunited with their family, those with severe psychosocial issues and disabled children). Support measures should be informed by disaggregated monitoring to ensure accurate targeting. Follow- up systems should also be community-based but linked to national systems. This can be achieved, for example, by supporting child well-being assessments.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 43, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.5 Reintegration", + "Heading3": "8.5.10 Monitoring and follow-up", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 161, + "Paragraph": "When DDR programmes are linked to security sector reform (SSR), the composition of the new national army may be tied to the number of members of each armed force and group (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and SSR). Children are often included in these figures. Negotiations on SSR and force reduction must include the release of all children. CAAFAG shall not be included in troop numbers because the presence of children is illegal and including them may encourage more recruitment of children in the period before negotiations.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 43, + "Heading1": "8. Child-sensitive approaches to DDR", + "Heading2": "8.6 Security sector reform", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 162, + "Paragraph": "Governments are bound by the CRC and guided by international standards and norms when dealing with children who are alleged to have, accused of having, or recognized as having infringed the penal law during the course of their association with an armed force or group. This is independent of the type of crime that is alleged to have been committed. In all cases, children shall be treated primarily as victims of human rights violations. Prosecution and judicial proceedings should only be used as a last resort, with emphasis instead on recovery and reintegration.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 43, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 163, + "Paragraph": "Children, as victims of recruitment and use, should not be deprived of their liberty, prosecuted, punished or threatened with prosecution or punishment solely for their membership in armed forces or groups, consistent with Article 8.7 of the Paris Principles. National laws that criminalize child association effectively criminalize the child\u2019s status (associated) which results from an adult\u2019s criminal conduct (recruitment and use), and that violates the human rights of the child. Such laws should not apply to children. In addition, as for adults, any expressions of support for particular groups, acts, or ideologies that do not rise to the level of legally defined crimes such as incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence, or to committing terrorist acts, should not constitute criminal offenses. Under the convention on the rights of the child (Article 2) States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to protect children against discrimination or punishment on the basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs of their parents, legal guardians, or family members. Thus, children should not be interrogated as a suspect or prosecuted due to the actual or alleged affiliation of a family member. As part of the investigation of cases involving a child victim or witness, child victims or witnesses, their parents or guardians, legal representatives or a designated support person, should be promptly and adequately informed of their rights, availability of services and protection measures, and procedures in relation to any adult and/or juvenile justice processes, from their first contact with the justice process and throughout, to the extent feasible and consistent with the child\u2019s best interests.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 44, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.1 Children as victims", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 164, + "Paragraph": "Any investigative action, including interviews with or examinations of the child, shall be conducted by professionals specially trained in dealing with children using a child-sensitive approach. All investigative actions shall be conducted in a suitable environment, in a language that the child uses and understands, and in the presence of the child\u2019s parent, legal guardian, legal representative, or designated support person.13", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 44, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.1 Children as victims", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 165, + "Paragraph": "To the extent possible, the repetition of interviews of child victims or witnesses should be minimized to prevent secondary victimization. The child\u2019s best interest and right to privacy must be considered in all actions (see also Section 6.3.1 Data Collection, and Section 9.5 Collecting testimonies from children).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 44, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.1 Children as victims", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 166, + "Paragraph": "Under the CRC, States are required to establish a minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR). The Committee on the Rights of the Child encouraged States to increase the MACR where possible, and not to lower it below 14 years of age, commending States that set a higher MACR such as 15 or 16 years of age. This is because children\u2019s brain development is still evolving during these years. Children under the MACR shall never be processed through the criminal justice system. Criminal accountability measures imposed on a child above the MACR shall consider the child\u2019s best interests, the child\u2019s age at the time of the commission of any alleged crime, the coercive environment under which the child may have been living, and any other mitigating circumstances, while simultaneously supporting the child\u2019s protection and reintegration. For all children, reintegration processes should be focused on addressing the root causes of their association and recovery, rather than punishment for any actions.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 44, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.2 Minimum age of criminal responsibility", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 167, + "Paragraph": "Children over the MACR can be held accountable for criminal acts they may have committed, including terrorist offences, but only while respecting their rights, employing child-specific juvenile justice processes, and with their best interests as a primary consideration. Due consideration shall be given to their right to child-specific due process and minimum standards based on their age, needs and specific vulnerabilities, including for example, the right to legal representation, and protections against self-incrimination. Justice systems handling cases of children over the MACR should always also prioritize the child\u2019s best interests and recognize the long-term process for children to sustainably reintegrate. Any judicial proceedings for children shall respect internationally recognized juvenile justice and fair trial standards, with a focus on recovery and restorative justice in order to assist children\u2019s physical, psychological and social recovery.14 Where no separate juvenile justice system is in place, cases should be handled by civilian authorities who have special training in child-friendly procedures, rather than military or intelligence authorities. All judicial actions relating to children shall take place in the presence of the child\u2019s appointed legal representative or other appropriate assistance, whose role it is to protect the rights and interests of the child, and unless contrary to the best interests of the child, in the presence of the child\u2019s parents or legal guardians.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 45, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.3 Juvenile justice and child-specific due process and minimum standards", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 168, + "Paragraph": "The UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (\u2018The Beijing Rules\u2019) adopted by General Assembly resolution 40/33 in 1985 provide guidance for the arrest or detention of children. Children retain all the rights already covered for adults if arrested. The Beijing Rules require detention of children only as a last resort so that arrest, detention or imprisonment of children should be avoided whenever possible. This requirement is further supported through the CRC which provides an obligation under international law for States to ensure that \u201cno child shall be deprived of his or her liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily\u201d and that the \u201carrest, detention or imprisonment of a child shall be in conformity with the law and shall be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time\u201d.15 As such when children are arrested and detained, their cases are to be given the highest priority and handled expeditiously to ensure the shortest possible period of detention prior to trial. States should ensure that accountability mechanisms are fully in line with international law related to juvenile justice.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 45, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.3 Juvenile justice and child-specific due process and minimum standards", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 169, + "Paragraph": "International child rights and juvenile justice standards require that alternatives to normal judicial proceedings in criminal courts should be applied, providing that human rights and legal safeguards are fully respected (CRC, Article 40[3b], Rule 11, \u2018Beijing Rules\u2019). For example, restorative justice \u2013 achieved through finding alternatives to criminal courts \u2013 involves the child offender understanding and taking responsibility for his/her actions with the goal of achieving reconciliation between the offender, the victim and the wider community through reparations. Such a procedure should ensure that the rights of the child are protected throughout. The child\u2019s participation in a restorative justice process shall be voluntary and preceded by informed consent (given by both the child and his/her parent or guardian). Measures to prevent the child from becoming distressed must be in place.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 45, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.3 Juvenile justice and child-specific due process and minimum standards", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 170, + "Paragraph": "Girl mothers in contact with the law should receive special consideration \u2013 such as consideration of mitigating circumstances in sentencing \u2013 and the rights of her child(ren) should be factored into judicial decisions. This may include allowing mothers to serve sentences at home, in order to respect the best interests of their children and maintain family unity. Specific interventions shall be developed to address the various challenges that girl mothers and their children may face. Any such interventions shall be based on the best interests of each child, in recognition of the detrimental impacts that family separation and deprivation of liberty have on children. Family unity should be maintained save in exceptional circumstances where the parent poses an immediate and actual harm to the child. Practitioners shall advocate with Governments for mothers under 18 years of age to have the right to confer their nationality onto their children,16 a right that protects their children from becoming stateless.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 45, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.3 Juvenile justice and child-specific due process and minimum standards", + "Heading3": "9.3.1 Girl mothers and their children", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 171, + "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall encourage the release and reintegration of CAAFAG at all times and without precondition. There is no exception to this rule for children associated with armed groups that have been designated as terrorist by the Security Council Committee concerning ISIL (Da\u2019esh), Al-Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) or by any other state or regional body.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 46, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.4 Children associated with armed groups designated by the UN as terrorist organizations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 172, + "Paragraph": "No matter the armed group involved and no matter the age, status or conduct of the child, all relevant provisions of international law, including human rights, humanitarian, and refugee law. This includes all provisions and standards previously discussed, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols, all standards for justice for children, the Paris Principles and Guidelines, where applicable, and the Geneva Conventions. As with all CAAFAG, children associated with designated terrorist groups shall be treated primarily as victims and be afforded their right to be released and provide them with the reintegration and other support described in this module without discrimination (Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Articles 6(3) and 7(1) and the Paris Principles and Guidelines on Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups (Articles 3.11-3.13).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 46, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.4 Children associated with armed groups designated by the UN as terrorist organizations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 173, + "Paragraph": "Security Council resolution 2427 (2018) \u201c[s]trongly condemns all violations of applicable international law involving the recruitment and use of children by parties to armed conflict as well as their re-recruitment\u2026\u201d and \u201c\u2026all other violations of international law, including international humanitarian law, human rights law and refugee law, committed against children in situations of armed conflict and demands that all relevant parties immediately put an end to such practices and take special measures to protect children.\u201d (OP1) The Security Council also emphasizes the responsibility of states to end impunity \u201cfor genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and other egregious crimes perpetrated against children\u201d including their recruitment and use.17", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 46, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.4 Children associated with armed groups designated by the UN as terrorist organizations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 174, + "Paragraph": "Children who have been recruited and used by terrorist groups are victims of violations of international law and have the same rights and protections as all children. Some children may also have committed crimes during their period of association. While children above the minimum age of criminal responsibility may be held accountable consistent with international law (see section 9.3), as victims of crime, these children should not face criminal charges for the mere fact of their association with a designated terrorist group or for activities that would not otherwise be criminal such as cooking, cleaning, or driving.18 Children whose parents, caregivers or family members are alleged to be associated with a designated terrorist group, also shall not be held accountable for the actions of their relatives nor shall they be excluded from measures or services that promote their physical and psychosocial recovery or reintegration.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 46, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.4 Children associated with armed groups designated by the UN as terrorist organizations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 175, + "Paragraph": "Security Council resolution 2427 (2018) stresses the need for States \u201cto pay particular attention to the treatment of children associated or allegedly associated with all non-state armed groups, including those who commit actors of terrorism, in particular by establishing standard operating procedures for the rapid handover of children to relevant civilian child protection actors\u201d (OP 19). It also urges Member States to mainstream child protection in all stages of DDR (OP24) and in security sector reforms (OP25), including through gender- and age-sensitive DDR processes, the establishment of child protection units in national security forces, and the strengthening of effective age assessment mechanisms to prevent underage recruitment. It stresses the importance of long-term sustainable reintegration for all boys and girls affected by armed conflict and working with communities to avoid stigmatization of children while facilitating their return in a way that enhances their wellbeing (OP 26).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 47, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.4 Children associated with armed groups designated by the UN as terrorist organizations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 176, + "Paragraph": "Children formerly under the control of UN designated terrorist groups, may be able to access refugee and asylum procedures depending on their individual situation and status (e.g., if they were forcibly recruited and trafficked across borders). All children and asylum seekers have a right to individual determinations to assess any claims they may have. For any child who asks for refugee or asylum status, the practitioner shall refer the child to the relevant UN entity or to a legal services provider. DDR practitioners shall not determine eligibility for asylum or refugee status.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 47, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.4 Children associated with armed groups designated by the UN as terrorist organizations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 177, + "Paragraph": "Consistent with Article 40 of the CRC, any child suspected, accused, or convicted of having committed a terrorism-related offence or an offence against national security has the right to be treated in a manner consistent with international law and standards, including juvenile justice standards: \u201cProcedures employed should promote the child\u2019s dignity and worth and reinforce the child\u2019s respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. It should take into account the child\u2019s age and the desirability of promoting the child\u2019s reintegration and the child\u2019s assuming a constructive role in society.\u201d19 In addition, if a state seeks to hold a child accountable for criminal acts alleged to have been committed while under the control of an armed group, courts and service providers should account for the child\u2019s experience and the coercive environment under which the child was living or forced to act when determining both criminal responsibility and the services or support that a child may need. In all decisions, the child\u2019s best interests shall be a primary consideration, \u201ceven when the child\u2019s interests may conflict with the State\u2019s perceived security interests.\u201d20", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 47, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.4 Children associated with armed groups designated by the UN as terrorist organizations", + "Heading3": "9.4.1 Justice for children allegedly accused of terrorism-related offences", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 178, + "Paragraph": "Any child allegedly associated with an armed group should be treated primarily as a victim. In this regard, irrespective of considerations of their legal responsibility with regard to any alleged offence defined as terrorist and/or a threat to national security under national legislation, children shall be afforded the rights set forth by the international legal framework related to child victims. ", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 47, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.4 Children associated with armed groups designated by the UN as terrorist organizations", + "Heading3": "9.4.1 Justice for children allegedly accused of terrorism-related offences", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 179, + "Paragraph": "Any child associated with an armed group and who is or has been suspected, charged or convicted of a terrorism related offence or is deprived of his or her liberty as a result, shall be treated in accordance with international law and internationally recognized juvenile justice standards, including the right to legal representation and the right to appeal. In case such a child is released from detention, the child shall be provided with required reintegration assistance and be part of the overall reintegration programme.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 47, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.4 Children associated with armed groups designated by the UN as terrorist organizations", + "Heading3": "9.4.1 Justice for children allegedly accused of terrorism-related offences", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 180, + "Paragraph": "As with all decisions involving children, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration when determining if a child should give information or testimony; however, under no circumstances shall a child be compelled to give testimony or a statement against himself or herself. Protective rules shall be established when collecting testimonies from children through justice mechanisms, a truth and reconciliation commission or the International Criminal Court. It is essential to protect the identity of child witnesses, to not require children to relive traumatic experiences as they testify, and to make it clear in criminal cases that their testimony may or may not succeed in convicting the accused, so that they do not have unrealistic expectations. Social support, such as psychological support, to facilitate this engagement should be provided at all times according to specific needs. Testimonies shall only be gathered once the child has given informed consent. The process should be explained in child-friendly language (in the language of the child), and, where possible, and if not contrary to the child\u2019s best interest, a parent or guardian should support the child in giving informed consent.21", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 48, + "Heading1": "9. Criminal responsibility and accountability", + "Heading2": "9.5 Collecting testimonies from children", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 181, + "Paragraph": "Often children do not have civil registration documents showing their birth or age. However, because it is a breach of international humanitarian law, human rights law and international criminal law to recruit children under 15 years old anywhere, and to allow any child to take part in hostilities, and because children are entitled to special protections and support, it may be important to determine whether an individual is below age 18. Reintegration and child DDR generally are designed to ensure appropriate support to children under age 18, with no difference in definition, and regardless of the legal age of recruitment or other definitions or age of a child locally.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 48, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Determining a child\u2019s age", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 182, + "Paragraph": "It is important to manage the identification and separation of children from adults in a coordinated way during demobilization, and throughout DDR. Failure to do so may lead to serious unintended consequences, such as the re-recruitment of children, children claiming to be adults, and adults claiming to be children.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 49, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Determining a child\u2019s age", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 183, + "Paragraph": "To determine a child\u2019s age, the following are general principles: \\n If in doubt, assume the person is below 18. \\n Identification should take place as early as possible to allow them to access age-appropriate services. \\n Identification must occur before disarmament. \\n A child protection actor should be given access to disarmament sites to identify children. \\n Children should be immediately informed that they are entitled to support so that they are less likely to try to identify as adults.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 49, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Determining a child\u2019s age", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 184, + "Paragraph": "Considerations: \\n Interviews should be confidential. \\n Identification of children should take place before any other identification processes. \\n Children should be required to show that they can use a weapon (this is because they may have been used in a non-combat role). \\n During negotiations, children should not be counted in the number of armed forces or group (this is to avoid incentivizing child recruitment to inflate numbers). \\n The role that a person plays in the armed group should have no effect of the determination of whether the person is a child.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 49, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Determining a child\u2019s age", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 185, + "Paragraph": "For practitioners who are handling demobilization, Age Assessment: A Technical Note (2013) gives more detailed information on age determinations and includes the following core standards: \\n 1) An age assessment should only be requested when it is in the best interests of the child. \\n 2) Children should be given relevant information about the age assessment procedure \\n 3) Informed consent must be sought from the person whose age is being assessed before the assessment begins. \\n 4) Age assessments should only be a measure of last resort and be initiated only if a serious doubt about the person\u2019s age exists. \\n 5) Age assessments should be applied without discrimination. \\n 6) An unaccompanied or separated child should have a guardian appointed to support them through the age assessment procedure. \\n 7) Assessments must follow the least intrusive method, which upholds the dignity and physical integrity of the child at all times, and be gender and culturally appropriate \\n 8) Where there is a margin of error, this margin should be applied in favour of the child. \\n 9) Age assessments should take an holistic approach. \\n 10) A means of challenging the age determination should exist if the child wishes to contest the outcome of the assessment. \\n 11) Age assessments should only be undertaken by independent and appropriately skilled practitioners.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 49, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Determining a child\u2019s age", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 186, + "Paragraph": "The checklist to determine the age includes: \\n\\n Pre-procedure: \\n Undertake an age assessment only when relevant actors have serious doubts about the stated age of the child; ensure that the assessment is not being initiated as a routine or standard procedure. Is the procedure really necessary? \\n Plan any physical examination only as a measure of last resort to take place only when all other attempts e.g., the gathering of documentary evidence, interviewing the child, etc., have failed to establish age. Is a physical examination the only method of assessing age? \\n Secure informed consent to conduct the age assessment from the child or the guardian. It is extremely unlikely that genuine informed consent can be forthcoming at a time of \u2018crisis\u2019 and consent should only be sought when a child has had time to recover from traumatic or unsettling episodes \u2013 this may take considerable time in some instances. In circumstances where there is no consent, it cannot be used against the person and the person should be considered a child. Has the child given informed consent to a physical examination? \\n\\n During the Procedure \\n Conduct any age assessment procedure using a multi-disciplinary approach that draws on a range of appropriately skilled professionals and not solely on a physical examination. Is a range of approaches being used in the age assessment? \\n When selecting professionals to conduct an age assessment, select only those without a vested interest in the outcome, and who are independent from any agencies and actors that would provide services or support to the child or who would become responsible for the child if they are assessed as being a child. Are the professionals engaged in the assessment independent? \\n Subject to the wishes of the child, support him or her throughout the process of assessment, including by informing the child in a language he or she understands, and providing a guardian, legal or other representative to accompany them during the entire process. Is the child supported throughout the process? \\n Develop and conduct the age assessment process in a culturally and gender sensitive way using practitioners who are fully familiar with the child\u2019s cultural and ethnic background. Is the assessment sensitive to cultural and gender needs? \\n Protect the child\u2019s bodily integrity and dignity at every stage of the process. Is the process free from humiliation, discrimination, or other affront? \\n Conduct the age assessment in an environment that is safe for children, which supports their needs and is child appropriate. Is the process consistent with child safeguarding principles and child-friendly? \\n\\n Post procedure \\n Provide any services and support relevant to the outcome of the assessment without delay. What services and support are required to address the person\u2019s identified needs? \\n If any doubt remains about the age of the child, ensure that this is applied to the advantage of the child. Has any doubt about the child\u2019s age been resolved in favor of the child? \\n As promptly as is reasonably practical, explain the outcome and the consequences of the outcome to the child. Have the outcome and its consequences been explained? \\n Inform the child of the ways that he or she can challenge a decision which they disagree with. Has the child been informed of his or her rights to challenge the decision?", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 50, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Determining a child\u2019s age", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 187, + "Paragraph": "Interim care centres (ICCs), sometimes referred to as transit centres, are not a necessary step in all DDR situations. Indeed, in the view of many protection agencies, an ICC may delay the reunification of children with their families and communities, which should happen as soon as possible. Nevertheless, while in some circumstances immediate reunification and support can occur, in others a centre can provide a protected temporary environment before family reunification.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 51, + "Heading1": "Annex C: Management guidelines for interim care centres", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 188, + "Paragraph": "Other advantages to ICCs include that they provide the necessary space and time to carry out family tracing and verification; they provide a secure space in an otherwise insecure context before reunification, and gradual reunification when necessary; they allow medical support, including psychosocial support, to be provided; they provide additional time to children to cut their links with the military; and they provide an opportunity for pre-discharge awareness- raising/sensitization.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 51, + "Heading1": "Annex C: Management guidelines for interim care centres", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 189, + "Paragraph": "Guiding principles and implementation strategies \\n The decision to open a centre should be based on the following conditions: The level of insecurity in community of origin; \\n The level of success in tracing the child\u2019s family or primary caregiver; \\n The level of medical assistance and follow-up required before integration; and \\n The level of immediate psychosocial support required before reintegration.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 51, + "Heading1": "Annex C: Management guidelines for interim care centres", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 190, + "Paragraph": "Management guidelines for Interim Care Centres \\n\\n The following management guidelines apply: \\n Child protection specialists, not military or other actors should manage the centres. \\n Children should only stay a limited amount of time in ICCs, and documentation and monitoring systems should be established to ensure that the length of stay is brief (weeks not months). \\n At the end of their stay, if family reunification is not feasible, provision should be made for children to be cared for in other ways (in foster families, extended family networks, etc.). Systems should be established to protect children from abuse, and a code of conduct should be drawn up and applied. An adequate number of male and female staff should be available to deal with the differing needs of boys and girls. \\n Staff should be trained in prevention of and response to gender-based violence and exploitation involving children, norms of confidentiality, child psychosocial development, tracing and reunification. \\n ICCs should only accommodate children under 18. Some flexibility can be considered, based on the best interests of the child, e.g., in relation to girl mothers with infants and children or on medical grounds, on a case-by-case basis. In addition, young children (under 14) should be separated from adolescents in order to avoid any risk of older children abusing younger ones. \\n Sanitation and accommodation facilities should separate girls from boys and be sensitive to the needs of infants and girl mothers. \\n ICCs should be located at a safe distance from conflict and recruitment areas; external access to the centre should be controlled. (For example, entry of adult combatants and fighters and the media can be disruptive, and can expose children to additional risks.) Security should be provided by peacekeepers or neutral forces.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 52, + "Heading1": "Annex C: Management guidelines for interim care centres", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 191, + "Paragraph": "Activity guidelines \\n\\n Tracing, verification, reunification and monitoring should be carried out. \\nTemporary care should take place within a community-based tracing and reintegration programme to assist the return of children to their communities (including community outreach), and to encourage the protection and development of war-affected children in general. Experience has showed that when only care is offered, centres present a risk of children becoming \u2018institutionalized\u2019 and dependent. \\nHealth check-ups and specialized health services should be provided when necessary (e.g., reproductive health and antenatal services, diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, voluntary and confidential HIV testing with appropriate psychosocial support, and health care for nutritional deficiencies and war-related injuries). \\nBasic psychosocial counselling should be provided, including help to overcome trauma and develop self-esteem and life skills. \\nInformation and guidance should be provided on the reintegration opportunities available. \\nActivities should focus on restoring the social norms and routines of civilian life; age- and gender-appropriate sports, cultural and recreational activities should be provided. \\nCommunity sensitization should be carried out before the child\u2019s arrival. \\nFormal education or training activities should not be provided at the ICC; however, literacy testing can be conducted. \\nCommunities near the ICC should be sensitized about the ICC\u2019s role. Children in the centres should be encouraged to participate in community activities to encourage trust. During temporary care, peace education should be part of everyday life as well as the formal programmes, and cover key principles, objectives, and values related to the non-violent resolution of conflict.", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 52, + "Heading1": "Annex C: Management guidelines for interim care centres", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + }, + { + "ID": 192, + "Paragraph": "Additional Resources: \\n United Nations Guidelines for Alternative Care, A/Res/64/142 (24 Feb 2010) \\n Care in Emergencies Toolkit, Interagency Working Group on Unaccompanied and Separated Children (2013). \\n Field Handbook on Unaccompanied and Separated Children, Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (2016) \\n Toolkit on Unaccompanied and Separated Children, Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (2017) \\n Child Safeguarding Standards and How to Implement Them, Keeping Children Safe (2014) \\n Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Task Force online resources \\n Guidelines for Justice in Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime (2009).", + "Color": "#D10007", + "Level": 5, + "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", + "Title": "Children and DDR", + "PageNum": 53, + "Heading1": "Annex C: Management guidelines for interim care centres", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "5.20 Children and DDR" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.30 Youth and DDR.json b/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.30 Youth and DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0586499 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.30 Youth and DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "DDR processes are often conducted in contexts where the majority of combatants and fighters are youth, an age group defined by the United Nations (UN) as those between 15 and 24 years of age. If DDR processes cater only to younger children and mature adults, the specific needs and experiences of youth may be missed. DDR practitioners shall promote the participation, recovery and sustainable reintegration of youth, as failure to consider their needs and opinions can undermine their rights, their agency and, ultimately, peace processes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "In countries affected by conflict, youth are a force for positive change, while at the same time, some young people may be vulnerable to being drawn into conflict. To provide a safe and inclusive space for youth, manage the expectations of youth in DDR processes and direct their energies positively, DDR practitioners shall support youth in developing the necessary knowledge and skills to thrive and promote an enabling environment where young people can more systematically have influence upon their own lives and societies. The reintegration of youth is particularly complex due to a mix of underlying economic, social, political, and/or personal factors often driving the recruitment of youth into armed forces or groups. This may include social and political marginalization, protracted displacement, other forms of social exclusion, or grievances against the State. DDR practitioners shall therefore pay special attention to promoting significant participation and representation of youth in all DDR processes, so that reintegration support is sensitive to the rights, aspirations, and perspectives of youth. Their reintegration may also be more complex, as they may have become associated with an armed forces or group during formative years of brain development and social conditioning. Whenever possible, reintegration planning for youth should be linked to national reconciliation strategies, socioeconomic reconstruction plans, and youth development policies.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "The specific needs of youth transitioning to civilian life are diverse, as youth often require gender responsive services to address social, acute and/or chronic medical and psychosocial support needs resulting from the conflict. Youth may face greater levels of societal pressure and responsibility, and as such, be expected to work, support family, and take on leadership roles in their communities. Recognizing this, as well as the need for youth to have the ability to resolve conflict in non-violent ways, DDR practitioners shall invest in and mainstream life skills development across all components of reintegration programming.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "As youth may have missed out on education or may have limited employable skills to enable them to provide for their families and contribute to their communities, complementary programming is required to promote educational and employment opportunities that are sensitive to their needs and challenges. This may include support to access formal education, accelerated learning curricula, or market-driven vocational training coupled with apprenticeships or \u2018on-the-job\u2019 (OTJ) training to develop employable skills. Youth should also be supported with employment services ranging from employment counselling, career guidance and information on the labour market to help youth identify opportunities for learning and work and navigate the complex barriers they may face when entering the labour market. Given the severe competition often seen in post-conflict labour markets, DDR processes should support opportunities for youth entrepreneurship, business training, and access to microfinance to equip youth with practical skills and capital to start and manage small businesses or cooperatives and should consider the long-term impact of educational deprivation on their employment opportunities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "It is critical that youth have a structured platform to have their voices heard by decision- makers, often comprised of the elder generation. Where possible DDR practitioners should look for opportunities to include the perspective of youth in local and national peace processes. DDR practitioners should ensure that youth play a central role in the planning, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of Community Violence Reduction (CVR) programmes and transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management (WAM) measures.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "This module aims to provide DDR practitioners with guidance on the planning, design and implementation of youth-focused DDR processes in both mission and non-mission contexts. The main objectives of this guidance are: \\n To set out the main principles that guide aspects of DDR processes for Youth. \\n To provide guidance and key considerations to drive continuous efforts to prevent the recruitment and re-recruitment of youth into armed forces and groups. \\n To provide guidance on youth-focused approaches to DDR and reintegration support highlighting critical personal, social, political, and economic factors.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "This module is applicable to youth between the ages of 15 and 24. However, the document should be read in conjunction with IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR, as youth between the ages of 15 to 17, are also children, and require special considerations and protections in line with legal frameworks for children and may benefit from child sensitive approaches to DDR consistent with the best interests of the child. Children between the ages of 15 to 17 are included in this module in recognition of the reality that children who are nearing the age of 18 are more likely to have employment needs and/or socio- political reintegration demands, requiring additional guidance that is youth-focused. This module should also be read in conjunction with IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "DDR processes are often implemented in contexts where the majority of former combatants are youth, an age group defined by the United Nations (UN) as those between 15 and 24 years of age. Individuals within this age bracket have a unique set of needs and do not easily fit into pre-determined categories. Those under 18 are regarded as children associated with armed forces or armed groups (CAAFAG) and shall be treated as children. Legally, children and youth up to the age of 18 are covered under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other protective frameworks (see section 5 of IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR) and all have the same rights and protections.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "Youth: There is no universally agreed international definition of youth. For statistical purposes the United Nations defines \u2018youth\u2019 as those persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years, while in context of the UN Security Council resolution 2250 (2015) on youth, peace and security, youth is defined as those persons between the ages of 18 and 29 years. . Beyond the UN system, the age of people included in this cohort can vary considerably between one context and another. Social, legal, economic and cultural systems define the age limits for the specific roles and responsibilities of children, youth and adults. Conflicts and violence often force youth to assume adult roles such as being parents, breadwinners, caregivers or fighters. Cultural expectations surrounding girls and boys also affect the perception of them as adults, such as the age of marriage, initiation and circumcision practices, and motherhood. Such expectations can be disturbed by conflict. UN Security Council resolution 2250 (2015) on youth, peace and security recognizes the positive role that youth have in building, contributing to and maintaining international peace and security and urges member states to take steps to enable the participation of youth in this regard.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "DDR processes are often implemented in contexts where the majority of former combatants are youth, an age group defined by the United Nations (UN) as those between 15 and 24 years of age. Individuals within this age bracket have a unique set of needs and do not easily fit into pre-determined categories. Those under 18 are regarded as children associated with armed forces or armed groups (CAAFAG) and shall be treated as children. Legally, children and youth up to the age of 18 are covered under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and other protective frameworks (see section 5 of IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR) and all have the same rights and protections.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "Youth above the age of 18 are treated as adults in DDR processes despite that, if recruited as children, their emotional, social and educational development may have been severely disrupted. Regardless of whether or not they were recruited as children, youth who demobilize when they are over the age of 18 generally fall under the same legal frameworks as adults. However, in terms of criminal responsibility and accountability, any criminal process applicable to youth regarding acts they may have committed as a child should be subject to the criminal procedure relevant for juveniles in the jurisdiction and should consider their status as a child at the time of the alleged offense and the coercive environment under which they lived or were forced to act as mitigating factors.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "Youth in countries that are affected by armed conflict may be forced to \u2018grow up quickly\u2019 and take on adult roles and responsibilities. As with children associated with armed forces or armed groups, engagement in armed conflict negatively affects the stages of social and emotional development as well as educational outcomes of young people. Conflict may create barriers to youth building basic literacy and numeracy skills, and gaps in key social, cognitive and emotional development phases such as skill building in critical thinking, problem solving, emotional self- regulation, and sense of self-identity within their community and the world. When schools close due to conflict or insecurity, and there are few opportunities for decent work, many young people lose their sense of pride, trust and place in the community, as well as their hope for the future. Compounding this, youth are often ignored by authorities after conflict, excluded from decision- making structures and, in many cases, their needs and opinions are not taken into account. Health care services, especially reproductive health care services, are often unavailable to them. The accumulation of these factors, particularly where insecurity exists, may push young people into a cycle of poverty and social exclusion, and expose them to criminality, violence and (re-)recruitment into armed forces or groups. These disruptions also reduce the ability of communities and States to benefit from and harness the positive resilience, energy and endeavour of youth.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "Youth can provide leadership and inspiration to their societies. UN Security Council resolution 2250 explicitly recognises \u201cthe important and positive contribution of youth in efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security\u2026[and affirms]\u2026 the important role youth can play in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and as a key aspect of the sustainability, inclusiveness and success of peacekeeping and peacebuilding efforts.\u201d Youth should have a stake in the post-conflict social order so that they support it. Their exposure to violence and risky behaviour, as well as their disadvantages in the labour market, are specific. Youth are at a critical stage in their life cycle and may be permanently disadvantaged if they do not receive appropriate assistance.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "This module provides critical guidance for DDR practitioners on how to plan, design and implement youth-focused DDR processes that aim to promote the participation, recovery and sustainable reintegration of youth into their families and communities. The guidance recognizes the unique needs and challenges facing youth during their transition to civilian life, as well as the critical role they play in armed conflict and peace processes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "This module provides critical guidance for DDR practitioners on how to plan, design and implement youth-focused DDR processes that aim to promote the participation, recovery and sustainable reintegration of youth into their families and communities. The guidance recognizes the unique needs and challenges facing youth during their transition to civilian life, as well as the critical role they play in armed conflict and peace processes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "A young person\u2019s decision to participate in a DDR process shall be informed and voluntary.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "As outlined in IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR, any person below 18 years of age who is associated with an armed force or group shall be eligible for participation in a DDR process designed specifically for children. Eligibility for DDR processes for CAAFAG shall not be conditioned on the child\u2019s possession and handover of a weapon or ammunition, participation in hostilities or weapons training; there shall be no conditions, of any kind, for their participation. If there is doubt as to whether an individual is under 18 years old, an age assessment shall be conducted (see Annex B in IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). For any youth under age 18, child-specific programming and rights shall be the priority, however, when appropriate, DDR practitioners may consider complementary youth-focused approaches to address the risks and needs of youth nearing adulthood.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "For ex-combatants and persons associated with armed forces or groups aged 18-24, eligibility for DDR will depend on the particular DDR process in place. If a DDR programme is being implemented, eligibility criteria shall be defined in a national DDR programme document. If a CVR programme is being implemented, then eligibility criteria shall be developed in consultation with target communities, and, if in existence, a Project Selection Committee (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). If the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place, eligibility for reintegration support shall be decided by relevant national and local authorities, with support, where appropriate, from relevant UN mission entities as well as UN agencies, programmes and funds (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "DDR processes for children shall not be contingent on political negotiations or adult DDR processes. Efforts shall always be made to prevent recruitment and to secure the release of CAFFAG, irrespective of the stage of the conflict or status of peace negotiations. Doing so may require negotiations with armed forces or groups for this specific purpose. Special provisions and efforts may be needed to reach girls, who often face unique obstacles to identification and release. These obstacles may include specific sociocultural factors, such as the perception that girl \u2018wives\u2019 are dependents rather than associated children, gendered barriers to information and sensitization, or fear by armed forces and groups of admitting to the presence of girls.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "The mechanisms and structures for the release and reintegration of children shall be set up as soon as possible and continue during ongoing armed conflict, before a peace agreement is signed, a peacekeeping mission is deployed, or a DDR process or related process, such as Security Sector Reform (SSR), is established.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "Armed forces and groups rarely acknowledge the presence of children in their ranks, so children are often not identified and therefore may be excluded from DDR support. DDR practitioners and child protection actors involved in providing services during DDR processes, as well as UN personnel more broadly, shall actively call for and take steps to obtain the unconditional release of all CAAFAG at all times, and for children\u2019s needs to be considered. Advocacy of this kind aims to highlight the issues faced by CAAFAG and ensures that the roles played by girls and boys in conflict situations are identified and acknowledged. Advocacy shall take place at all levels, through both formal and informal discussions. UN agencies, foreign missions, mediators, donors and representatives of parties to conflict should all be involved. If possible, advocacy should also be linked to existing civil society actions and national systems (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "Youth-focused DDR processes shall respect the principles of international humanitarian law and promote the human rights of DDR participants and the communities into which they reintegrate. Core principles for delivery of humanitarian assistances include humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence. When supporting youth, care shall be taken to assess the possible impact of measures on vulnerable populations which may, by their very nature, have disproportionate or discriminatory impacts on different groups, even if unintended. Responses shall enhance the safety, dignity, and rights of all people, and avoid exposing them to harm, provide access to assistance according to need and without discrimination, assist people to recover from the physical and psychological effects of threatened or actual violence, coercion or deliberate deprivation, and support people to fulfil their rights.2", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "Non-discrimination and fair and equitable treatment are core principles of integrated DDR processes. Youth who are ex-combatants or persons formerly associated with armed forces or groups shall not be discriminated against due to age, gender, sex, race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, disability or other personal characteristics or associations. The specific needs of male and female youth shall be fully taken into account in all stages of planning and implementation of youth-focused DDR processes. A gender transformative approach to youth-focused DDR should also be pursued. This is because overcoming gender inequality is particularly important when dealing with young people in their formative years.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "DDR processes shall also foster connections between youth who are (and are not) former members of armed forces or groups and the wider community. Community-based approaches to DDR expose young people who are former members of armed forces or groups to non-military rules and behaviour and encourage their inclusion in the community and society at large. This exposure also provides opportunities for joint economic activities and supports broader reconciliation efforts.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "A youth-focused approach to DDR shall ensure that no harm is done to youth. Rather, DDR processes shall seek to maximize the benefit to youth, while minimizing any harm. This shall be done through: \\n Assessing and monitoring both positive and negative impacts for youth, and disaggregating data by age, gender and vulnerabilities of young people (while protecting youth\u2019s privacy) and where safe to do so, other social identities. \\n Listening to and taking account of the voices and views of youth in the planning, design, implementation and review of youth-focused DDR processes. \\n Leveraging opportunities for youth to promote peacebuilding and social cohesion through DDR including by building and fortifying stronger connections between youth, irrespective of the armed group or force they may have been traveling or associated with, including those in receiving communities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "There is no simple formula for youth-focused DDR that can be routinely applied in all circumstances. DDR processes shall be contextualized as much as possible in order to take into account the different needs and capacities of youth DDR participants and beneficiaries based on conflict dynamics, cultural, socio-economic, gender and other factors.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.5 Context specific", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "Sufficient long-term funding for DDR processes for children should be made available through a funding mechanism that is independent of and managed separately from adult DDR (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). Youth-focused DDR processes for those aged 18 \u2013 24 should also be backed by flexible and long-term funding, that takes into account the importance of creating space for youth (especially the most marginalised) to participate in the planning, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of DDR processes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ", "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "Youth shall be provided information about the DDR process so that they can make an informed decision about whether and how they may participate. DDR practitioners shall also solicit and take the views of youth seriously and act upon them.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ", "Heading3": "4.6.2 Accountability and transparency", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "Youth-focused DDR processes shall be closely linked to national development strategies, the Sustainable Development Goals and youth development policies. Youth development policies generally include different combinations of social, economic, environmental and health objectives relating to young women and men. In some countries, youth programmes focus on education and training; in others, they focus on youth, sports and other recreational activities, cultural heritage, prevention of substance abuse and HIV/AIDS, and population planning. The variety of approaches is reflected in different institutional frameworks that may include different ministries \u2014 such as education, health, labour and sports and/or youth affairs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall support the active participation of youth organizations in DDR processes as local youth organizations, working with other civil society groups, often have the potential to direct the energy and ability of young people towards rebuilding a prosperous and fair society.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "Where appropriate, youth-focused DDR processes shall consider regional initiatives to prevent the (re-)recruitment of youth. DDR practitioners shall also tap into regional youth networks where these have the potential to support the DDR process.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.8 Regionally supported", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "Many of the problems confronting youth are complex, interrelated and require integrated solutions. However, national youth policies are often drawn up by different institutions with little coordination between them. The setting up of a national commission on DDR (NCDDR) that prioritizes inclusion of youth perspectives, allows the process of coordination and integration to take place, creates synergies and can help to ensure continuity in strategies from DDR to reconstruction and development. To meet the needs of young people in a sustainable way, when applicable, DDR practitioners shall support the NCDDR to make sure that a wide range of people and institutions take part, including representatives from the ministries of youth, gender, family, labour, education and sports, and encourage local governments and community-based youth organizations to play an important part in the identification of specific youth priorities, in order to promote bottom-up approaches that encourage the inclusion and participation of young people.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.9 Integrated", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "Youth shall not be put in harm\u2019s way during DDR processes. Youth shall be kept safe and shall be provided information about where to go for help if they feel unsafe while participating in a DDR process. Risks to youth shall be identified, and efforts shall be made to mitigate such risks. DDR practitioners shall promote decent work conditions to avoid creating further grievances, with a focus on equal conditions for all regardless of their past engagement in armed conflicts, ethnic or other sociocultural background, political or religious beliefs, gender or other considerations to avoid prejudice and discrimination.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", "Heading3": "4.10.1 Safety and security", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "The planning, assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation of youth-focused DDR processes shall, at a minimum, involve youth representatives (ex-combatants, persons associated with armed forces or groups, and community members), including both male and female youth. This helps to ensure that youth immediately begin to act as agents of their own future, fosters trust between the generations, and ensures that both male and female youth priorities are given adequate consideration. Preventing the (re-) recruitment of youth into armed groups shall be a stated goal of DDR processes and included in the planning process.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", "Heading3": "4.10.2 Planning, assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "Effective communication is a critical aspect of successful DDR (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication). A specific communication strategy involving, and where safe and possible, led by youth, shall be developed while planning for a youth-focused DDR process. At a minimum, this communication strategy shall include actions to ensure that youth participants and beneficiaries (and their families) are aware of their eligibility and the opportunities on offer, as well as alternative support available for those that are ineligible. Youth can help to identify how best to communicate this information to other youth and to reach youth in a variety of locations. Youth participants and beneficiaries shall be partners in the communications approach, rather than passive recipients.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", "Heading3": "4.10.3 Public information and community sensitization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "Public information and awareness raising campaigns shall be designed to specifically address the challenges faced by male and female youth transitioning to civilian status and to provide gender responsive information. Specific efforts shall be made to address societal gender norms that may create stigmatization based on gender and hinder reintegration. For example, female youth who were combatants or associated with armed forces or groups may be particularly affected due to societal perceptions surrounding traditional roles. Male youth may also be similarly affected due to community expectations surrounding masculinity.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.10 Well planned", "Heading3": "4.10.3 Public information and community sensitization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "For CAAFAG between the ages of 15 to 17, the situation analysis and minimum preparedness actions outlined in IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR shall be undertaken. For youth between the ages of 18 and 24, who are members of armed forces or groups, planning should follow similar processes for that of adult combatants, integrating specific considerations for youth. Specific focus shall be given to the following:", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Planning for youth-focused DDR processes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "Assessments shall include data disaggregated by age and gender. For example, prior to a CVR programme, baseline assessments of local violence dynamics should explicitly unpack the threats and risks to the security of male and female youth (see section 6.3 in IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). If the DDR process involves reintegration support, assessments of local market conditions should take into account the skills that youth acquired before and during their engagement in armed forces or groups (see section 7.5.5 in IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). Weapons surveys for disarmament and/or T-WAM activities should also include youth and youth organizations as sources of information, analyse the patterns of weapons possession among youth, map risk and protective factors in relation to youth, and identify youth-specific entry points for programming (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management and MOSAIC 6.20 on Children, Adolescents, Youth and Small Arms and Light Weapons). It is also important for intergenerational issues to be included in the conflict/context assessments that are undertaken prior to a youth-focused DDR process. This will elucidate whether it is necessary to include reconciliation measures to reduce inter-generational conflict in the DDR process. Gender analysis including age specific considerations should also be conducted. For more information on DDR-related assessments, see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Planning for youth-focused DDR processes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "Planning should also take into account different possible types of youth participation \u2013 from consultative participation to collaborative participation, to participation that is youth-led. In certain instances, for example CVR programmes and reintegration support, there may be space for youth to assume an active, leading role. In other instances, such as when a Comprehensive Peace Agreement is being negotiated, the UN should, at a minimum, ensure that youth representatives are consulted (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). More broadly, youth representatives (both civilians and members of armed forces or groups) shall be consulted in the planning, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of all DDR processes as key stakeholders, rather than presented with a DDR process in which they had no influence. Principles on how to involve youth in planning processes in a non-tokenistic way can be found in section 7.4 of MOSAIC 6.20 on Children, Adolescents, Youth and Small Arms and Light Weapons. No matter how youth are involved, safety of youth and do no harm principles should always be considered when engaging them on sensitive topics such as association with armed actors.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Planning for youth-focused DDR processes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "DDR processes for female ex-combatants, females formerly associated with armed forces or groups and female dependents shall be gender-responsive and gender-transformative. To ensure that DDR processes reflect the differing needs, capacities, and priorities of young women and girls, it is critical that gender analysis is a key feature of all DDR assessments and is incorporated into in all stages of DDR (see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments and IDDRS 5.10 Women, Gender and DDR for more information).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Planning for youth-focused DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Gender responsive and transformative", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "Young women and girls are often at great risk of gender-based violence, including conflict related sexual violence, and hence may require a range of gender-specific services and programmes to support their recovery. Women\u2019s specific health needs, including gynaecological care should be planned for, and reproductive health services, and prophylactics against sexually transmitted infections (STI) should be included as essential items in any health care packages (see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV/AIDS and DDR and IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Planning for youth-focused DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Gender responsive and transformative", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "With the exception of identified child dependents, young women and girls shall be kept separately from men during demobilization processes. Young women and girls (and their dependents) should be provided with gender-sensitive legal assistance, as well as support in securing civil documentation (i.e., personal ID, birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, etc.), if and when relevant. An absence of such documentation can create significant barriers to reintegration, access to basic services such as health care and education, and in some cases can leave women and children at risk of statelessness.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Planning for youth-focused DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Gender responsive and transformative", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "Young women and girls often face different challenges during the reintegration process, facing increased stigma, discrimination and rejection, which may be exacerbated by the presence of a child that was conceived during their association with the armed force or armed group. Based on gender analysis which considers the level of stigma and risk in communities of return, DDR practitioners should engage with communities, leveraging women\u2019s civil society organizations, to address and navigate the different cultural, political, protection and socioeconomic barriers faced by young women and girls (and their dependents) during reintegration.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. Planning for youth-focused DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Gender responsive and transformative", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "The inclusion of young women and girls in DDR processes is central to a gender- transformative approach, aimed at shifting social norms and addressing structural inequalities that lead young women and girls to engage in armed conflict and that negatively affect their reintegration. Within DDR processes, a gender-transformative approach shall focus on the following: \\n Agency: Interventions should strengthen the individual and collective capacities (knowledge and skills), attitudes, critical reflection, assets, actions and access to services that support the reintegration of young women and girls. \\n Relations: Interventions should equip young women and girls with the skills to navigate the expectations and cooperative or negotiation dynamics embedded within relationships between people in the home, market, community, and groups and organizations that will influence choice. Interventions should also engage men and boys to challenge gender inequities including through education and dialogue on gender norms, relations, violence and inequality, which can negatively impact women, men, children, families and societies. \\n Structures: Interventions should address the informal and formal institutional rules and practices, social norms and statuses that limit options available to young women and girls and work to create space for their empowerment. This will require engaging both female and male leaders including community and religious leaders.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. Planning for youth-focused DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Gender responsive and transformative", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "Understanding the recruitment pathways of youth into armed forces and groups is essential for the development of effective (re-)recruitment prevention strategies. Prevention efforts should start early and take place continuously throughout armed conflict. Prevention efforts should be based on an analysis of the dynamics of recruitment and its underlying causes and include advocacy strategies that are directed at all levels of governance, both formal and informal.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "6. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of youth", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "In recognition that youth are often recruited as children, and/or face similar \u2018push\u2019 and \u2018pull\u2019 risk factors, DDR practitioners should analyse the structural, social, and individual-level risk factors outlined in section 8 of IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR when designing and implementing strategies to prevent the (re-)recruitment of youth. DDR practitioners should also be aware that: \\n Youth participation in armed conflict is not always driven by negative motivations. Volunteerism into armed groups can be driven by a desire to change the social and political landscape in positive ways and to participate in something bigger than oneself. \\n Gender must be considered when considering reasons for youth engagement. Although an increasing number of young women and girls are involved in conflicts, particularly the longer conflicts continue, young men and boys are over-represented in armed forces and groups. This pattern is most often a result of societal gender expectations that value aggressive masculinity and peaceable femininity. While young women and girls often serve armed forces and groups in non- fighting roles and their contributions can be difficult to measure, their participation, reintegration and recovery is critical to peace building processes as marginalized women and girls remain at higher risk of (re)recruitment. Societal expectations may have implications for the roles of young women and men in conflict, as well as how they reintegrate following conflict (see IDDRS Module 5.10 Gender and DDR). It is important to understand the drivers for recruitment and re- recruitment, including the different challenges that male and female youth may experience.; \\n CVR and community-based reintegration programmes can be useful in preventing the (re-) recruitment of youth (see section 7.4 and IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration); \\n Young people can play a crucial role in preventing the spread of rumours that may fuel recruitment and armed conflict, particularly through social media. Different youth networks and organizations may use their connections to fact-check rumours and then spread corrected information to their communities; \\n \u2018Safe spaces\u2019 that may take the form of youth centres or other contextually appropriate and gender sensitive form are recommended to be created as a place for young people to interact with each other. Centres that allow youth to meet off the streets and experience non-violent excitement and social connection can provide alternatives to joining armed forces or groups, offer marginalized youth a space where they feel included, and provide spaces to educate youth about the realities of life in armed groups. These centres can also help with training and employment efforts by, for example, organizing job information fairs and providing referrals to employment services and counselling. Informal youth drop-in centres may also attract young former combatants who are vulnerable to re-recruitment, and who did not go through DDR because of fear or misinformation, or because they managed to escape and are looking for help by themselves. Well-trained mentors who act as role models should manage these centres; \\\u203a Interaction between different youth organizations, networks and movements as well as youth centres, platforms and councils or others similar entitiescan provide opportunities to build trust between members of different communities. DDR practitioners should support programmes that encourage young people to initiate spaces that form bridges across conflict lines at community and state levels.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "6. Prevention of recruitment and re-recruitment of youth", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "It is neither possible nor advisable to design and implement DDR processes for all young people in the same way. For youth between the ages of 15 to 17, the guidance outlined in section 7 of IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR shall be followed. However, elements of the guidance in this section, which focuses on youth aged 18 to 24, may also be applicable.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "DDR programmes consist of a set of related measures, with a particular aim, falling under the operational categories of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration. DDR programmes require certain preconditions, such as the signing of a peace agreement, to be viable (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.1 DDR programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "Youth-focused DDR programmes should include technical personnel and local staff with experience in working on youth and gender issues in order to ensure that explicit needs are identified and addressed from an early stage of engagement. This should be expressed either through distinct roles or as a function of an existing role and developed into relevant terms of reference. For example, the disarmament team should include a national youth specialist.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.1 DDR programmes", "Heading3": "7.1.1 Personnel", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "During disarmament or demobilisation processes youth should be screened for age, following age assessment guidance found in Annex B of IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR. Youth, under the age of 18, should be separated from adults.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.1 DDR programmes", "Heading3": "7.1.2 Disarmament and demobilization sites", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "With the exception of young child dependants who are with their caregivers, female youth participating in DDR programmes should, at a minimum, be accommodated in a female only section and, where possible, housed in female only facilities along with other female ex-combatants and females associated with armed forces or groups. Further guidance can be found in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization, and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.1 DDR programmes", "Heading3": "7.1.2 Disarmament and demobilization sites", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "Even before disarmament begins, a general profile of the potential participants and beneficiaries of a DDR programme should be developed in order to inform later reintegration programming. The following data should be collected: demographic composition of participants and beneficiaries, education and skills, special needs, areas of return, expectations and security risks. To the extent possible, a random and representative sample should be taken, and the data gathered should be disaggregated by age and gender (see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). During disarmament and demobilization, ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces or groups should be registered and more comprehensive profiling should take place (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). This profiling should be used, at a minimum, to identify obstacles that may prevent youth from full participation in a DDR programme, to identify the specific needs and ambitions of youth, and to devise protective measures for youth. For example, profiling may reveal the need for extended outreach services to families to address trauma, distress, or loss, and increase their ability to support returning youth.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.1 DDR programmes", "Heading3": "7.1.3 Profiling", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "The registration and profiling of youth should include an emphasis on better understanding their reasons for engagement, aspirations for reintegration, education and technical/professional skill levels and major gaps, health-related issues that may affect reintegration (including psychosocial health), family situation, economic status, and any other relevant information that will aid in the design of reintegration solutions that are most appropriate for youth. A standardized questionnaire collecting quantitative and qualitative data from youth ex-combatants and youth formerly associated with armed forces or groups should be designed. This questionnaire can be supported by conducting qualitative profiling: assessing life skills and skills learned during armed service (for example, leadership, driving, maintenance/repair, construction, logistics) which their record often does not reflect (see Annex B for Sample Profiling Questions to Guide Reintegration).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.1 DDR programmes", "Heading3": "7.1.3 Profiling", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "During demobilization, individuals shall be directed to a doctor or medical team for health screening. Both general and specific health needs shall be assessed. Given their age and increased risk factors, youth shall be provided with basic specialized attention in the areas of reproductive health and STIs, including voluntary testing and counselling for HIV/AIDS (see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV/AIDS and DDR and IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR). Female medical personnel shall be made available for women and girls. In addition, screening for mental health and psychosocial support needs should be available. Plans for how to protect personal health information shall also be made.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.1 DDR programmes", "Heading3": "7.1.4 Medical health screening", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "The transition from military to civilian life can be extremely difficult and stressful for youth who are ex-combatants or persons associated with armed forces or groups. These young men and women often lack experience in navigating civilian systems or processes such as finding accommodation, accessing services and engaging in civilian life. Pre-discharge awareness raising can be a critical component in ensuring a smooth initial transition and to begin to prepare youth for civilian life. As such, specialized sensitization programmes should be developed for youth to address the various concerns specific to this group. These programmes should take into account specific gender differences such as addressing societal expectations (e.g., for males to be the primary breadwinner, for females to fulfil traditional gender roles) and risks of stigmatization/rejection. However, they should also be designed to prepare youth for their reintegration, including beginning to raise and where appropriate address issues such as social norms and how to resolve disagreements and disputes non-violently. Given that youth may have been socialized into violence during the period they were associated with an armed force or group, longer-term reintegration support is necessary. Sensitization should therefore focus on helping youth find solutions to the challenges they may face on their return, rather than purely identifying those challenges.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.1 DDR programmes", "Heading3": "7.1.5 Pre-Discharge Awareness Raising", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "Reintegration support can be provided as part of a DDR programme, or when the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). For youth 15-17, reintegration support can be provided at any time (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR) The guidance provided in this section is applicable to both scenarios.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "Reintegration is a complex mix of economic, social, political and personal factors, all of which work together. While the reintegration of youth ex-combatants and youth formerly associated with armed forces or groups may depend, in part, on their successful transition into the world of work, if youth retain deep-rooted grievances due to political marginalization, or face significant, unaddressed psychosocial distress, or are experiencing ongoing conflict with their family, then they are extremely unlikely to be successful in making such a transition. Additionally, if communities and other stakeholders, including the State, do not recognize or value young people\u2019s contributions, expertise, and opinions it may increase the vulnerability of youth to re-recruitment.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "Youth-focused reintegration support should be designed and developed in consultation with youth. From the beginning, programme components should address the rights, aspirations, and perspectives of youth, and be as inclusive, multisectoral, and long term as is feasible from the earliest phases.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "Mental health and psychosocial support needs and capacities should be identified during the profiling survey undertaken during demobilization (see above) and appropriate support mechanisms should be established to be implemented during reintegration. When necessary, demobilized youth should be supported through extended outreach mental health and psychosocial support services. This may include individual, group or family therapy, or training in various community-based psychosocial support and psychological first aid techniques. It may require recruitment of mental health or psychosocial support professionals as staff or outsourcing to local service providers or civil society. Local providers can also help address potential stigmatization relating to mental health and psychosocial support. All DDR participants and beneficiaries requiring and/or requesting mental health or psychosocial support should have access to such support. Programme staff must ensure that appropriate protections are put in place and that any stigmatization is effectively addressed.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.1 Psychosocial Support and Special Care", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should consider the utility of a variety of innovative strategies to help young people deal with trauma. In some contexts, for example, music and theatre have been used to spread information, raise awareness and empower youth (e.g., \u2018theatre of the oppressed\u2019). Sports and cultural events can strongly attract young people while also having great social benefits. DDR practitioners should be aware that the cultural sector can also provide employment. Youth radio can be an excellent way of allowing youth to communicate and engage with each other and DDR practitioners should consider supplying related equipment and professional trainers. Radio can reach and inform many people and is accessible even to difficult-to-reach groups. Rural cinemas may also serve as an interactive activity in which youth can participate. Such initiatives may benefit wider social cohesion. Some of these strategies could result in new businesses run by both civilian youth and youth who are former members of armed forces or groups. This may help to bring youth together and provide/strengthen support networks.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.1 Psychosocial Support and Special Care", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "Mental health and psychosocial support interventions should be planned to respond to specific gender needs. Female youth ex-combatants may face several distinct challenges that affect their mental and psychosocial health in different ways. Specific experience of conflict (for e.g., forced sexual activity, childbirth, abortion, desertion by \u2018bush husbands\u2019) and of reintegration (e.g., rejection by family and community due to involvement in socially unacceptable activities for a female, lack of access to specific employment opportunities, and greater care-giver duties) may create a subset of mental health and psychosocial support needs that the programme should address. Likewise, young male ex-combatants may face psychosocial difficulties associated with their conflict experience (e.g., perpetrator and victim of sexual violence, extreme violence) and reintegration (e.g., high levels of post-traumatic stress, appetitive aggression, and notions of masculinity and societal expectation).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.1 Psychosocial Support and Special Care", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 62, "Paragraph": "The capacity of the health and social services sectors to assist youth with mental health and psychosocial support should be improved. Training of trainers in psychological first aid and other community-based techniques can be particularly useful, especially in the short to medium-term. However, longer term planning for the health and social services sectors is required.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.1 Psychosocial Support and Special Care", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 63, "Paragraph": "Youth reintegration programmes should build on healthcare provided during the demobilization process to support youth to address the various health issues that may negatively impact their successful reintegration. These health interventions should be planned as a distinct component of reintegration programming rather than as ad hoc support. For more information, see IDDRS 5.70 Health and DDR.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.2 Health", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 64, "Paragraph": "Conflict-related disability can represent a significant barrier to reintegration for youth who are former members of armed forces or groups. As well as having to cope with the pain and difficulty of living with a disability, it can have a disruptive influence on employment and social engagement. Moreover, individuals with disabilities can be extremely hard to access and, as a result, have often been overlooked and excluded from meaningful reintegration support. Support for disabled youth ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups should be informed by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CPRD) (see IDDRS 5.80 on Disability- Inclusive DDR). Based on the principles of non-discrimination, inclusion, participation and accessibility, compliance with the CPRD enables DDR programmes to be more inclusive of young former members of armed forces and groups with disabilities and responsive to their specific and unique needs. While young ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces or groups with disabilities should be supported through innovative employment and social protections initiatives (e.g., pensions, housing, compensation funds, land, etc.), medical and physical rehabilitation support should also be a feature of reintegration, or at the least, effective referral for necessary support.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.3 Disability", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 65, "Paragraph": "Educating young people about HIV and AIDS and teaching them skills in negotiation, conflict resolution, critical thinking, self-awareness, decision-making and communication improves their self- confidence and ability to make informed choices about their own reproductive health and to keep themselves safer and healthier.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.4 HIV/AIDS", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 66, "Paragraph": "Since the involvement of parents, extended families, communities, schools and peers is vital in guiding and supporting young people to make safe choices about their health and well-being, DDR practitioners should consult with agencies involved in HIV prevention strategies and ensure that any health component of DDR works together with other community-based strategies to avoid transmission of HIV and to care for those infected with HIV or who are AIDS patients. Studies have shown that a consistent, positive, emotional relationship with a caring adult helps young people feel safe and secure, allowing them to develop the resilience needed to manage challenges in their lives and to protect their sexual well-being. Mentors in DDR training programmes should therefore be trained as educators and counsellors on HIV.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.4 HIV/AIDS", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 67, "Paragraph": "Young women are much more likely to be infected with HIV than young men, especially when they live in conditions of poverty, are exploited by older men, or carry out sex work to survive. Specific interventions to reduce the vulnerabilities of young women to sexually transmitted infections (STI\u2019s) should be considered to address this risk and should include young men, given the role that they may play in transmission. Respect for each other can protect both young men and young women from the dangers of forced or unwanted sex and enable them to feel comfortable discussing sexual matters and negotiating safety and protection.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.4 HIV/AIDS", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 68, "Paragraph": "Youth-friendly services within reintegration programmes should offer treatment for STI\u2019s and help young people access sexual and reproductive health information and services. Voluntary and confidential HIV counselling and testing services allow young people to find out their HIV status and understand safe ways of behaving, whether they are infected or not (see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV/AIDS and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.4 HIV/AIDS", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 69, "Paragraph": "Many youths may have habitually taken or been given drugs as combatants. In some war zones, commanders routinely give drugs to youngsters to make them dependent on the group, more obedient, and reduce their resistance to committing violent acts or crimes. At the end of the conflict, some youth may fall into drug and alcohol abuse as a coping mechanism.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.5 Drug and Alcohol Addiction", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 70, "Paragraph": "Reintegration programmes should make a particular effort to deal with the issue of the harmful use of drugs and alcohol by young combatants, including through the provision of drug/alcohol abuse treatment and/or the provision of referral services. In many countries, the use of such substances seriously undermines the effective implementation of youth employment and reintegration programmes. If young combatants are provided with money to start their businesses while they are not fully detoxed and rehabilitated from drugs they were using during combat, their reintegration is less likely to be successful. A fear that ex-combatants are habitual drug users is also an important reason why employers may be unwilling to recruit these individuals (also see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.5 Drug and Alcohol Addiction", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 71, "Paragraph": "Life skills represent a key aspect of reintegration. Youth face greater levels of responsibility than children but may have had their education or personal development interrupted due to armed conflict. Youth may be expected to work, support family, and take on leadership roles for which they may not be prepared. For female youth, strengthening life skills can facilitate the development of mechanisms to help overcome societal pressures and obstacles, positively influence the role of women in peacebuilding, and ensure that any elevation in their position during the conflict is not lost in civilian life. For male youth, improved life skills can help address negative aspects of contextual notions of masculinity and increase their ability to resolve conflict in non-violent ways.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.6 Life skills", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 72, "Paragraph": "Investment in life skills development for all youth must be considered of critical importance for DDR practitioners. This should be seen as a key reintegration strategy and should be mainstreamed throughout all the main components of reintegration programming. Examples of the type of life skills that may be developed through reintegration support are outlined in Table 1 below. When reintegration is being supported as part of a DDR programme, the life skills to be developed should be determined by the findings from the profiling survey conducted during demobilization.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.6 Life skills", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 73, "Paragraph": "A young person\u2019s level of education will often determine whether he or she makes a successful transition into the world of work. There is also evidence that keeping young people in school slows the transmission of HIV/AIDS and has other mental health and psychosocial benefits for youth affected by armed conflict (see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV/AIDS and DDR). Although a lack of primary education is normally a problem that only affects younger children, in an increasing number of conflict-affected countries, low literacy has become a major problem among youth.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.7 Education", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 74, "Paragraph": "Time spent with an armed force or group results in a loss of educational opportunities. This in turn can create barriers to socioeconomic (re)integration, as youth are often faced with pressure to provide for themselves and their families. In contrast, a return to education can help to foster a sense of normalcy, including social interaction with other students, that assists with other elements of reintegration. As explained in detail in IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR, when transitioning from military to civilian life, youth may be reluctant to resume formal basic education because they feel embarrassed to attend schools with children of a much younger age, or because their care-giving responsibilities are simply too heavy to allow them the time to study without earning an income. Costs can be prohibitive, and older youth may be pressured into employment. For those youth who do return to education, many experience diminished educational attainment. This may be due to an inability to concentrate because of the trauma they experienced, or due to the absence of teachers with the experience and capacity to deal with the obstacles to learning that they face.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.7 Education", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 75, "Paragraph": "Obstacles to the education of youth who are ex-combatants and persons associated with armed forces or groups must be overcome if their reintegration is to be successful. Youth should not feel stigmatized because they lost the opportunity to acquire an education, served in armed forces or groups, became refugees, or were not able to attend school for other reasons. Youth should also not be prevented from attending school due to costs, or because they are parents or hold other responsibilities (e.g., main household earner). The best solution may be to provide youth who have missed out on education with Accelerated Learning Programmes (ALP), which are designed and tailored for older learners and that are compatible with and recognized by the formal system of education (see section 7.9.4 in IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR). This may require the development of creative modalities for the provision of catch-up education in order to remain sensitive to the needs of youth, overcome obstacles, and maximize accessibility. For example: //n Begin education (basic literacy, numeracy and primary education) during demobilization and begin youth on a trajectory that will enable easier integration into formal education. //n Develop education programmes for different subsets of youth who are former members of armed forces and groups to best take into account their ability to learn and their level of development and maturity (e.g., through remedial education). //n Provide initial bridging education in separate facilities (for a short time only) to build up to a minimal level of educational attainment before entering mainstream classes. //n Train and mentor teachers in the provision of education to vulnerable, at-risk youth. //n Train teachers to promote peaceful coexistence and adapt curricula accordingly. //n Provide child-care facilities at all schools offering education for youth, to allow young mothers and youth who have responsibilities for dependents to attend. Childcare should be free and include a feeding/nutritional programme. //n Deliver vocational training on a part-time basis, so that it is possible to use the rest of the week for regular catch-up education. The mix of education and vocational training provides former combatants with a broader basis for finding long-term employment than simple vocational training. This system has the additional advantage of increasing the number of places available at training centres, which exist only in a limited number, as trainees will only attend two half-days of training a week, allowing many more people to be trained than if only one group attended full-time.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.7 Education", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 76, "Paragraph": "Vocational training can play a key role in the successful reintegration of young ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces or groups by increasing their chances to effectively participate in the labour market. By providing youth with the means to acquire \u2018employable skills,\u2019 vocational training can increase self-esteem and build confidence, while helping young people to (re)gain respect and appreciation from the community.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.8 Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 77, "Paragraph": "Most armed conflicts result in the disruption of training and economic systems and, because of time spent in armed forces or groups, many young ex-combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups do not acquire the skills that lead to a job or to sustainable livelihoods. At the same time, the reconstruction and recovery of a conflict-affected country requires large numbers of skilled and unskilled persons. Training provision needs to reflect the balance between demand and supply, as well as the aspirations of youth DDR participants and beneficiaries.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.8 Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 78, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should develop strong networks with local businesses and agriculturalists in their area of operation as early as possible to engage them as key stakeholders in the reintegration process and to enhance employment and livelihood options post-training. Partnerships with the private sector should be established early on to identify specific employment opportunities for youth post-training. This could include the development of apprenticeship programmes (see below), entering into Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with local chambers of commerce or orientation events bringing together key business and community leaders, local authorities, service providers, trade unions, and youth participants. DDR practitioners should explore opportunities to collaborate with vocational training institutes to see how they could adapt their programmes to specifically cater for demobilized youth.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.8 Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 79, "Paragraph": "Employers\u2019, agriculturalists, and trade unions are important partners, as they may identify growth sectors in the economy, and provide assistance and advice to vocational training agencies. They can help to identify a list of national core competencies or curricula and create a system for national recognition of these competencies/curricula. Employers\u2019 organizations can also encourage their members to offer on-the-job training to young employees by explaining the benefits to their businesses such as increased productivity and competitiveness, and reduced job turn-over and recruitment expenses.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.8 Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 80, "Paragraph": "Systematic data on the labour market and on the quantitative and qualitative capacities of training partners may be unavailable in conflict-affected countries. Engagement with businesses, agriculturalists, and service providers at the national, sub-national and local levels is therefore vital to fill these knowledge gaps in real-time, and to sensitize these actors on the challenges faced by youth ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. DDR practitioners should also explore opportunities to collaborate with national and local authorities, other UN agencies/programmes and any other relevant/appropriate actors to promote the restoration of training facilities and institutions, apprenticeship education and training programmes, and the capacity building of trainers.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.8 Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 81, "Paragraph": "For youth who have little or no experience of decent work, vocational training should include a broad range of training and livelihood options to provide young people with choice and control over decision-making that affects their lives. In rural settings, agricultural and animal husbandry, veterinary, and related skills may be more valuable and more marketable and should not be ignored as options. Specifically, consideration should be given to the type of training that female youth would prefer, rather than limiting them to training for roles that have traditionally been associated with females .", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.8 Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 82, "Paragraph": "The level of training should also match the need of the local economy to increase the probability of employment, so that the skills and expectations of youth match labour market needs, and training modalities should be developed to most appropriately reflect the learning needs of youth deprived of much of their schooling. As youth may have experienced trauma or loss, mental health and psychosocial support should be available during training to those who need it. Vocational training modalities should also specifically consider those with dependants (particularly young women) to enable them sustained access to training programmes. This may include supporting access to social protection measures such as kindergarten or other forms of childcare. In addition, it is important to understand the motivations and interests of young people as part of facilitating a match of training with the local economy needs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.8 Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 83, "Paragraph": "Young people require learning strategies that allow them to learn at their own pace. Learning approaches should be interactive and utilize appropriate new technologies, particularly when attempting to extend skills training to hard-to-reach youth. This may include digital resources and eLearning, as well as mobile skills-building facilities. The role of the trainer involved in these programmes should be that of a facilitator who encourages active learning, supports teamwork and provides a positive adult \u2018role model\u2019 for young participants. Traditional supply-driven and instructor-oriented training methods should be avoided.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.8 Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 84, "Paragraph": "Where possible, and in order to prepare young people with no previous work experience for the highly competitive labour market, vocational training should be paired with apprenticeship and/or on-the-job training opportunities. Trainees can then combine the skills they are learning with practical experience of norms and values, productivity and competition in the world of work. DDR practitioners should also plan staff development activities that aim at training existing or newly recruited vocational trainers in how to address the specific needs and experiences of young DDR participants and beneficiaries.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.8 Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 85, "Paragraph": "Youth ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces or groups can experience further frustration and hopelessness if they do not find a job after having been involved in ineffective or poorly targeted training programme. These feelings can make re-recruitment more likely. One of the clearest lessons learned from past DDR programmes is that even after training, young combatants often struggle to succeed in weak economies that have been damaged by war, as do adults. Businesses owned by former members of armed forces and groups regularly fail due to market saturation, competition with highly qualified people already running the same kinds of businesses, limited experience in business start-up, management and development, and because of the very limited cash available to pay for goods and services in post-war societies. Youth may also be in competition for limited job opportunities with more experienced adults.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.8 Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 86, "Paragraph": "To address these issues, reintegration programmes should more effectively empower youth by combining several skills in one course, e.g., home economics with tailoring, pastry or soap- making. This is because possession of a range of skills greatly improves the employability of young people. Also, providing easy-to-learn skills such as mobile phone repair makes young people less vulnerable and more adaptable to rapidly changing market demands. Together the acquisition of business skills and life skills (see above) can help young people become more effective in the market. Depending on the context, agricultural and animal husbandry, veterinary, and related skills should be considered.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.8 Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 87, "Paragraph": "Training demobilized youth in trades they might identify as their preference should be avoided if the trades are not required in the labour market. The feeling of frustration and helplessness that might have caused people to take up arms in the first place only increases when they cannot find employment after training and could increase the risk of re-recruitment. Training and apprenticeship programmes should be adapted to young people\u2019s abilities, interests and needs, to enable them to complete the programme, which will both boost their employment prospects and bolster their self- confidence. A commitment to motivating young people to realize their potential is a vital part of successful programming and implementation.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.8 Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 88, "Paragraph": "This can be achieved through greater involvement of both youth participants and the business community in reintegration programming and design. This can enable a more realistic appreciation of the economic context, the identification of interesting but non-standard alternatives (so long as they can lead to sustainable job prospects or livelihoods), and the development of initial relationships. Effective career or livelihood counselling will be central to this process, and it is therefore necessary to recruit DDR staff with skills not only in vocational and technical training provision, but also in working with youth. Where such capacities are not evident it is important to invest in capacity development before DDR staff make contact with programme participants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.8 Vocational training", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 89, "Paragraph": "Vocational training should be accompanied by high quality employment counselling and livelihood or career guidance. Young people who have been engaged with an armed force or armed group may have no experience of looking for employment, no professional contacts, and may not know what they can do or even want to do. Employment counselling, career guidance and labour market information that is grounded in the realities of the context can help youth ex-combatants and youth formerly associated with an armed force or group to: \\n manage the change from the military to civilian life and from childhood to adulthood; \\n understand the labour market; \\n identify opportunities for work and learning; \\n build important attitudes and life skills; \\n make decisions; \\n plan their career and life.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.9 Employment Services", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 90, "Paragraph": "Employment counselling and career and livelihood guidance should match the skills and aspirations of youth who have transitioned to civilian status with employment or education and training opportunities. Counselling and guidance should be offered as early as possible (and at an early stage of the DDR programme if one exists), so that they can play a key role in designing employment programmes, identifying education and training opportunities, and helping young ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces or groups make realistic choices. Female youth and youth with disabilities should receive tailored support to make choices that appropriately reflect their wishes rather than being pressured into following a career path that fits with social norms. This will require significant work with service providers, employers, family and the wider community to sensitize on these issues, and may necessitate additional training, capacity building and orientation of DDR staff to ensure that this is done effectively.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.9 Employment Services", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 91, "Paragraph": "Employment counsellors should work closely with the business community and youth both before and during vocational training. Employment services including counselling, career guidance, and directing young people to the appropriate jobs and educational institutions should also be offered to all young people seeking employment, not only those previously engaged with armed forces or groups. Such a community-based approach will demonstrate the benefit of accepting returning former members of armed forces and groups into the community. Employment and livelihood services must build on existing national structures and are normally under the control of the ministry of labour and/or youth. DDR practitioners should be aware of fair recruitment principles and guidelines 3 and how they may apply to a DDR context when seeking to promote employment through both public employment services and private recruitment agencies.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.9 Employment Services", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 92, "Paragraph": "Public works programmes aim to build or rehabilitate public/community assets and infrastructure that are vital for sustaining the livelihoods of a community. Examples are the rehabilitation of maintenance of roads, improving drainage, water supplies and sanitation, demining or environmental work including the planting of trees (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Public works programmes can be easily designed to create job opportunities for youth who are community members and/or former members of armed forces and groups. There is always urgent work to be done in priority sectors \u2014 such as essential public facilities \u2014 and geographical areas, especially those most affected by armed conflict. Job-creation schemes may provide employment and income support and, at the same time, develop physical and social infrastructure. Such schemes should be designed to promote the value-chain, exploring the full range of activities needed to create a product or services, and should make use of locally available resources, whenever possible, to boost the sustainable economic impact.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.10 Public works programmes", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 93, "Paragraph": "Although these programmes offer only a limited number of long-term jobs, they can provide immediate employment, increase the productivity of low-skilled youth and help young participants gain work experience that can be critical for more sustainable employment. A further key impact is that they can assist in raising the social status of youth former members of armed forces and groups from individuals who may be perceived as \u201cdestroyers\u201d to individuals who are considered \u201cconstructors\u201d. Chosen schemes can be part of special reconstruction projects to directly benefit youth, such as training centres, sports facilities, health facilities, schools, or places where young people can engage in local politics or play and listen to music. Such projects can be developed within the local construction industry and assist groups of youth to become small contractors. Community-based employment provides an ideal opportunity to mix young former members of armed forces and groups with other youth, paving the way for social reintegration, and should be made available equally to young women and men.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.10 Public works programmes", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 94, "Paragraph": "Where possible, public works programmes shall be implemented immediately after young people transition from military to civilian status. Care must be taken to ensure that safe labour standards are prioritized, and that youth are given options in terms of the type of work available to them, and not forced into physically demanding work. The creation of employment-intensive work for youth should include other components such as flexible on-site training, mentoring, community services and psychosocial care (where necessary) to support their reintegration into society.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.10 Public works programmes", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 95, "Paragraph": "Employers may be hesitant to hire youth who are former members of armed forces or groups for a wide range of reasons. These reasons may include distrust, image/perceptions, as well as issues of discrimination linked to ethnicity, sociocultural background, political and/or religious beliefs, gender, etc. To help overcome barriers and create opportunities, employers should be given incentives to hire youth or create apprenticeship places. For example, construction companies could receive certain DDR-related contracts on the condition that their labour force includes a high percentage of youth or even a specific group of youth, such as female youth who are ex-combatants. Wage subsidies and other incentives, such as tax exemptions for a limited period, can also be offered to employers who hire young former members of armed forces and groups. This can, for example, pay for the cost of initial training required for young workers. These subsidies can be particularly useful in enabling certain groups of youth to access the labour market (e.g., ex-combatants with disabilities), or areas of the labour market that may traditionally be off limits (e.g., female ex-combatants with a desire to work in traditionally male dominated areas).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.11 Wage incentives", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 96, "Paragraph": "There are many schemes for sharing initial hiring costs between employers and government. The main issues to be decided are the length of the period in which young people will be employed; the amount of subsidy or other compensation employers will receive; and the type of contracts that young people will be offered. Employers may, for example, receive the same amount as the wage of each person hired or apprenticed. Other programmes combine subsidized employment with limited-term employment contracts for young people. Work training contracts may provide incentives to employers who recruit young former members of armed forces and groups and provide them with on-the-job training. Care should be taken to make sure that this opportunity includes youth who are former members of armed forces and groups, in order to incentivize employers to work with a group that they may have otherwise been wary of. Furthermore, DDR practitioners should develop an efficient monitoring system to make sure that training, mentoring and employment incentives are used to improve employability, rather than turn youth into a cheap source of labour.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.11 Wage incentives", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 97, "Paragraph": "Trade unions should be encouraged to identify and share examples of good practice for organizing and recruiting young people. These include youth-recruiting-youth methods, networks of young trade union activists for sharing experiences, and other informal networks for exchanging information. Youth committees and working groups from different unions should be set up in order to share information, identify the needs and problems of young people and implement relevant policies and strategies. Young members can learn from other unions about how to open up job opportunities and improve working conditions. Tripartite consultations and collective bargaining can be used by unions to pressure governments and employers to deal with questions of youth employment and make youth issues part of policies and programmes. It is also a good idea to work with governments and workers\u2019 organizations to develop and implement strategies for youth reintegration that everyone involved supports. Decent work for youth can be made part of collective agreements negotiated by unions.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.12 Trade unions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 98, "Paragraph": "Unions can also provide advice on workplace issues and proposed legislation, support and encourage the provision of social protection for both young people and adults, put pressure on employers and employers\u2019 organizations to prevent child labour, and make sure that young workers are informed about their rights and the role of trade unions.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.12 Trade unions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 99, "Paragraph": "The private sector can play an important role in reintegration, not only through employers\u2019 organizations, but also because individual companies can contribute to the socioeconomic (re)integration of young people. There are a great many potential initiatives that the private sector can contribute to, ranging from strategic dialogue to high-risk arrangements. The private sector may sponsor scholarships and support education by, for example: sponsoring young people working toward higher qualifications that provide relevant skills for the labour market; sponsoring special events or school infrastructure, such as books and computers or other office equipment; and establishing meaningful traineeships that provide young people with valuable work experience and help them reintegrate into society. The private sector should also be encouraged to support young entrepreneurs during the critical first years of their new business. Large firms could introduce mentorship or coaching programmes, and offer practical support such as providing non-financial resources by allowing young people to use company facilities (internet, printer, etc.), which is a low-cost yet effective way of helping them to start their own businesses or apply for jobs. Volunteer work at a large business provides young entrepreneurs with valuable expertise, knowledge, experience and advice. This could also be provided in seminars and workshops. The private sector can also provide start-up capital, for example, by holding competitions to provide young people who develop innovative business ideas with start- up funding.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.13 The private sector", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 100, "Paragraph": "Networks of small businesses run by young people should be helped to cooperate with each other and with other businesses, as well as with institutions such as universities and specialized institutions in particular sectors of the economy, so that they can better compete with large, well- established companies. They can cooperate and share the costs of buying more expensive equipment, as well as share experiences and knowledge.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.13 The private sector", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 101, "Paragraph": "Public\u2013private partnerships can also assist youth who are former members of armed forces and groups, for e.g., by working together to provide employment service centres for young people. Training centres, job centres and microfinance providers should be linked to members of the private sector, be well informed of the needs and potential of youth, and adapt their services to help this group.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.13 The private sector", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 102, "Paragraph": "As there is often severe competition in post-conflict labour markets, youth will often have very limited access to existing jobs. The large majority of youth will need to start their own businesses, in groups or individually. To increase their success rate, DDR practitioners should: \\n\\n develop young people\u2019s ability to deal with the problems they will face in the world of work through business development education. They should learn the following sets of skills: \\n being enterprising \u2014 learning to see and respond to opportunities; \\n business development skills \u2014 learning to investigate and develop a business idea; \\n business management skills \u2014 learning how to get a business going and manage it successfully. \\n\\n develop the capacities of young entrepreneurs to manage businesses that positively contribute to sustainable development in their communities and societies and that do no harm. \\n\\n encourage business persons and agricultural leaders to support young (or young potential) entrepreneurs during the vital first years of their new enterprise by transferring their knowledge, experience and contacts to them. They can do this by providing on-the-job learning, mentoring, including them in their networks and associations, and using youth businesses to supply their own businesses. The more support a young entrepreneur receives in the first years of their business, the better their chances of creating a sustainable business or of becoming more employable. \\n\\n ensure business-focused DDR activities align with national priorities and strategies in order to maximise potential access to resources and government support. \\n\\n provide access to business training. Among several business training methods, Start Your Business, for start-ups, and Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) help train people who train entrepreneurs and through this multiplier effect, reach a large number of unemployed or potential business starters. SIYB is a sustainable and cost- effective method that equips young entrepreneurs with the practical management skills needed in a competitive business environment. If the illiteracy rate among young combatants is very high, other methods are available, such as Grassroots Management Training.4", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.14 Youth Entrepreneurship", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 103, "Paragraph": "Youth entrepreneurship is more likely to be effective if supported by enabling policies and regulations. For example, efficient and fair regulations for business registration will help young people to start a business in the formal economy. Employers\u2019 organizations can play an important role in providing one-on-one mentoring to young entrepreneurs. Support from a mentor is particularly effective for young entrepreneurs during the first years of business start-up, since this is when youth enterprises tend to have high failure rates. It is important that youth themselves control the mentoring relationships they engage in to ensure these are formed on a voluntary basis and are positive in nature. Some youth may enjoy more formal structures, while for others an informal arrangement is preferable. ", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.14 Youth Entrepreneurship", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 104, "Paragraph": "Group-based youth entrepreneurship, in the form of associations or cooperatives, is another important way of providing decent jobs for youth ex-combatants and youth formerly associated with armed forces and groups. This is because many of the obstacles that young entrepreneurs face can be overcome by working in a team with other people. In recognition of this, DDR practitioners should encourage business start-ups in small groups and where possible there should be a balance between civilians and former members of armed forces and groups. DDR practitioners should empower these youth businesses by monitoring their performance and defending their interests through business advisory services, including them in employers\u2019 and workers\u2019 organizations, providing access to business development services and micro-finance, and creating a favourable environment for business development.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.14 Youth Entrepreneurship", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 105, "Paragraph": "A number of issues may also need to be tackled in relation to youth entrepreneurship, including: \\n the need for investment in premises and equipment (a warehouse, marketplace, cooling stores, workplace, equipment); \\n the size and nature of the local market (purchasing power and availability of raw materials); \\n the economic infrastructure (roads, communications, energy); and \\n the safety of the environment and of any new equipment.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.14 Youth Entrepreneurship", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 106, "Paragraph": "Given that such issues go beyond the scope of DDR, there should be direct links between DDR and other development initiatives or programmes to encourage national or international investments in these areas. Where possible, reintegration programmes should also source products and services from local suppliers.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.14 Youth Entrepreneurship", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 107, "Paragraph": "Microcredit remains an important source of financial help for people who do not meet the criteria for regular bank loans and has wide reaching benefits in terms of enhancing social capital and facilitating conflict resolution and reconciliation through cross-group cooperation. Reintegration programmes should take active steps to provide microfinance options.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.15 Microfinance for youth", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 108, "Paragraph": "The success of microfinance lies in its bottom-up approach, which allows for the establishment of new links among individuals, NGOs, governments and businesses. Traditionally, youth have largely been denied access to finance. While some young people are simply too young to sign legal contracts, there is also a perception that youth ex-combatants and youth formerly associated with armed forces and groups are unpredictable, volatile, and therefore a high-risk group for credits or investments. These prejudices tend to disempower youth, turning them into passive receivers of assistance rather than enabling them to take charge of their own lives.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.15 Microfinance for youth", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 109, "Paragraph": "Microfinance holds great potential for young people. Youth should be allowed access to loans within small cooperatives in which they can buy essential assets as a group. When the group members have together been able to save or accumulate some capital, the savings or loans group can be linked to, or even become, a microfinance institution with access to donor capital.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.15 Microfinance for youth", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 110, "Paragraph": "Governments should assist youth to get credits on favourable terms to help them start their own business, e.g., by guaranteeing loans through microfinance institutions or temporarily subsidizing loans. In general, providing credit is a controversial issue, whether it aims at creating jobs or making profits. It is thus important to determine which lending agencies can best meet the specific needs of young entrepreneurs. With adequate support, such credit agencies can play an important role in helping young people to become successful entrepreneurs. Depending on the case, the credit can either be publicly or privately funded, or through a public-private partnership that would increase the buy-in of the local business community into the reintegration process.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.15 Microfinance for youth", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 111, "Paragraph": "Microfinance programmes designed specifically for youth should be accompanied by complementary support services, including business training and other non-financial services such as business development services, information and counselling, skills development, and networking.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.15 Microfinance for youth", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 112, "Paragraph": "The reintegration of young former members of armed forces and groups is more likely to be successful they receive support from their families. The family unit provides critical initial needs (shelter, food, clothing, etc.) and the beginning of a social network that can be crucial to community acceptance and finding employment, both important factors in minimising the risk of re-recruitment and in successful, sustained reintegration. Youth-focused reintegration programmes should develop initiatives that promote family reintegration through preparing families for youth returns, providing support to families who welcome back youth who are reintegrating, and working with families and communities to come together to reduce potential stigma that the family may experience for welcoming back a former member of an armed force or group.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.16 The role of families and communities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 113, "Paragraph": "After serving in armed groups or forces in which they had status and even power, youth are likely to experience a sudden drop in their influence in families and communities. A community- based approach that elevates the position of youth and ensures their social and political inclusion, is central to the successful reintegration of youth. Young men and women should be explicitly involved in the decision-making structures that affect the reintegration process, to allow them to express their specific concerns and needs, and to build their sense of ownership of post-conflict reconstruction processes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.16 The role of families and communities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 114, "Paragraph": "Youth-focused reintegration programmes should emphasise the identification and support of role models to provide leadership to all youth. This may include young women who are engaged in non-gender-traditional employment to demonstrate the possibilities open to young women and to provide mentoring support to others in training and employment choices. Equally, it may include young men who challenge gender norms and promote non-violent conflict management who can help to change attitudes towards gender and violence in both young men and women. Youth who have successfully transitioned from military to civilian life may serve as mentors to those who have more recently made the transition, preferably in a group setting alongside civilian youth so as to avoid stigma and isolation.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.16 The role of families and communities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 115, "Paragraph": "Political marginalization is a significant driving factor behind youth (re-)recruitment into armed forces and groups. Ensuring that youth have necessary and appropriate levels of voice and representation in their communities and nationally is a critical element of successful reintegration.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.17 Voice, participation and representation", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 116, "Paragraph": "Reintegration support should aim to create opportunities for young people\u2019s civic and political engagement at the local level, including strategies for ensuring the inclusion of youth former combatants and youth formerly associated with armed forces and groups in local decision-making processes. Programmatic collaboration with community-based organizations and NGOs engaging in political development initiatives (for e.g., political party capacity development and the establishment of youth parliaments) to identify and promote opportunities for youth engagement can be a useful way to develop this stream of work. At the national level, DDR practitioners should coordinate and collaborate with national youth organisations to help facilitate social relations with peers and opportunities to engage in youth-led political initiatives. This should be accompanied by the aforementioned life-skills, including civic education, which could be jointly attended by civilian youth, to ensure a conflict sensitive approach.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.17 Voice, participation and representation", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 117, "Paragraph": "Youth ex-combatants and youth formerly associated with armed forces and groups have the potential to play a significant, positive role in peace building. Reintegration programmes should therefore make significant resources available to promote youth as agents of change. Programmatic interventions seeking to promote the role of youth as peaceful agents of change might include: \\n a training programme for youth (former members of armed forces and groups and otherwise) in political mediation, grassroots organization and advocacy. \\n a youth-led community peace education programme utilising creative platforms (e.g. sport, music, visual arts, theatre and dance) to promote a culture of non-violence and peace \\n a youth managed peer education and mentoring programme promoting equality, trust and thought-provoking learning on issues such as SGBV, social inclusion, violence prevention, climate change and sustainable development, among others. \\n an activity reusing scrapped weapons for artistic and symbolic purposes could be included as a reintegration activity involving community youth in an effort to build confidence and connections between youth, as well as leave lasting messages for peace in communities. \\n a small grants facility for youth (both former members of armed forces and groups and otherwise) supporting youth designed and implemented social programmes that have an articulated community benefit. \\n a community-driven development facility that brings youth (both former members of armed forces and groups and otherwise) together with community leaders to identify, design and implement small infrastructure projects benefiting the community (and providing employment). \\n a local-level political forum that enables youth to engagement in local decision-making processes and provides referral services for access to resources. \\n a national dialogue process, coordinating with other relevant youth actors, to lobby for greater youth participation in the formal political process and give youth a seat at the table at local, sub- national and national levels.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.17 Voice, participation and representation", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 118, "Paragraph": "Such an approach should promote the inclusion of all youth, male and female, whether former members of armed forces or groups or not. However, it is critical that such interventions are youth owned and that it is the youth themselves who drive these initiatives forward. DDR practitioners and community leaders can work with local and national authorities, formal and informal, to help open up space for youth to pursue these activities. This might be by first engaging in joint activities that benefit the community and demonstrate the positive effect youth can have on the reconstruction process. This is important as Governments should be convinced of the \u2018added value\u2019 of youth involvement in reconstruction activities and of the positive reasons for investing in youth.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.17 Voice, participation and representation", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 119, "Paragraph": "After leaving armed forces and groups, youth may wish to retain some linkage with the political entity of the armed group to which they were previously affiliated. Every person has the legal right to freedom of political expression, which should be considered and supported at all stages of the planning and implementation of youth-focused DDR. DRR practitioners shall ensure that youth are not inadvertently prevented from freely expressing their rights.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.2 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.2.17 Voice, participation and representation", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 120, "Paragraph": "Young people often lack a structured platform and the opportunity to have their voice heard by decision makers, comprised mainly of the elder generation. For this reason, the process by which national level peace agreements are negotiated often provides very little space for young people to share their perspectives. To counteract this, youth often create their own youth forums and networks. In some settings, interaction between different youth networks has been used to encourage trust- building between different communities and to reduce the risk of escalation to armed conflict. Some young people also informally mediate conflicts at the community level.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.3 DDR support to mediation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 121, "Paragraph": "The likelihood that a peace agreement will be sustainable in the future depends on the engagement of young people, as the ultimate owners, implementers and stakeholders of the peace process. UN Security Council Resolution 2250 recognises this, urging Member States to increase inclusive representation of youth in decision making, including direct involvement in peace processes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.3 DDR support to mediation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 122, "Paragraph": "While youth may have the energy, flexibility and time to work on peacebuilding they may also lack exposure to education, theory, technical skill and best practice around peacebuilding and mediation. They may also be vulnerable to being instrumentalized by spoilers or other political actors during peace processes. Where possible, DDR practitioners should support the empowerment of youth to act as agents of positive change by advocating for youth representation in peace processes and for spaces through which youth can apply creative approaches to conflict resolution. DDR practitioners should also invest in the capacity development of young women and men in mediation and dialogue, and aim to strengthen existing youth-led efforts. All youth empowerment efforts should be developed and designed in consultation with young people. Seeing youth as positive assets for society and acting on that new perception is vital to prevent alienation.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.3 DDR support to mediation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 123, "Paragraph": "CVR programmes are bottom-up interventions that focus on the reduction of armed violence at the local level by fostering improved social cohesion and providing incentives to resist recruitment. CVR programmes may include an explicit focus on youth, including youth ex-combatants and youth formerly associated with armed forces and groups. In addition, CVR programmes may explicitly target individuals who are not members of an armed group, but who are at risk of recruitment by such groups. This may include youth who are ineligible to participate in a DDR programme, but who exhibit the potential to build peace and to contribute to the prevention of recruitment in their community. Wherever possible, youth should be represented in CVR Project Selection Committees and youth organizations should be engaged as project partners. In instances where CVR is due to be followed by support to community-based reintegration then CVR and community-based reintegration should, from the outset, be planned as a single and continuous programme.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.4 Community violence reduction", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 124, "Paragraph": "In addition, where safe and appropriate, children may be included in CVR programmes, consistent with relevant national and international legal safeguards, including on the involvement of children in hazardous work, to ensure their rights, needs and well-being are carefully accounted for.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.4 Community violence reduction", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 125, "Paragraph": "If the individuals being considered for inclusion in a CVR programme have left an armed group designated as a terrorist organization by the UN Security Council, then proper screening mechanisms and criteria shall be incorporated to identify (and exclude) individuals who may have committed terrorist acts in compliance with international law (for further information on specific requirements see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR and IDDRS 6.50 on Armed Groups Designated as Terrorist Organizations). For further information on CVR, see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.4 Community violence reduction", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 126, "Paragraph": "Transitional WAM is primarily aimed at reducing the capacity of individuals and groups to engage in armed violence and conflict. Transitional WAM also aims to reduce accidents and save lives by addressing the immediate risks related to the possession of weapons, ammunition and explosives. In order to design effective transitional WAM measures targeting youth, it is essential to understand the factors contributing to the proliferation and misuse of weapons, ammunition and explosives. As outlined in MOSAIC 6.20 on Children, Adolescents, Youth and Small Arms and Light Weapons, armed violence puts youth at risk by threatening their security, health, education, wellbeing and development, both during and after conflict. By far the greatest risk of death and injury by gunshot is borne by young males aged 15 to 29. The risks to and behaviour of young men are often influenced by social and group norms related to masculinity and manhood. As young men constitute the primary victims and perpetrators of armed violence, they should play a central role in the development of transitional WAM initiatives. Equally, young women, both as victims and perpetrators can offer an alternative and no less important perspective. While it may not be possible to keep youth physically separate from weapons and ammunition in the context of a transitional WAM initiative (such as when youth are handing over weapons during a collection programme), such physical separation should be imposed to the extent possible in order to minimise risks. It should also be kept in mind that youth may be targeted by individuals, such as former commanders, who seek to discourage T-WAM initiatives. Special attention should therefore be given to ensuring their protection and security. The priorities and inputs of youth should be taken into account, as relevant, throughout the planning, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of transitional WAM initiatives. For further information, see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.5 Transitional weapons and ammunition management ", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 127, "Paragraph": "It is vital to monitor and follow-up with youth DDR participants and beneficiaries. For children under the age of 18 the guidance in IDDRS 5.20 should be followed. In developing follow-up monitoring and support services for older youth, it is critical to provide a platform for feedback on the impact of DDR (positive and negative) to promote participation and representation and give youth a voice on their rights, aspirations, and perspectives which are critical for sustainable outcomes. Youth should also be sensitized on how to seek follow-up support from DDR practitioners, or relevant government or civil society actors, linked to service provision as well as how to address protection issues or other barriers to reintegration that they may face.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "7. Youth-focused approaches to DDR", "Heading2": "7.6 Monitoring and follow up", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 128, "Paragraph": "Treating all youth, in the same manner, irrespective of age, when it comes to criminal responsibility and accountability presents a challenge because the definition of youth includes children under the age of 18, who have the right to special protection through child justice mechanisms, as well as adults, who are subject to standard criminal processes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "8. Criminal accountability and responsibility", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 129, "Paragraph": "To be sure that children are afforded their rights and protection under law, where there is any question about whether the person is a child, an age assessment shall be conducted before any kind of criminal process, interrogation, or prosecution occurs. Any judicial proceedings for children shall respect internationally recognized juvenile justice and fair trial standards, with a focus on recovery and restorative justice in order to assist children\u2019s physical, psychological and social recovery.5 Where no separate juvenile justice system is in place, cases should be handled by civilian authorities who have special training in child-friendly procedures, rather than military or intelligence authorities. All judicial actions relating to children shall take place in the presence of the child\u2019s appointed legal representative or other appropriate assistance, whose role it is to protect the rights and interests of the child, and unless contrary to the best interests of the child, in the presence of the child\u2019s parents or legal guardians.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "8. Criminal accountability and responsibility", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 130, "Paragraph": "Most youth will fall over the minimum age of criminal responsibility (recommended to be 14- 16 by the Committee on the Rights of the Child), and thus may be held liable for crimes that they commit. Nevertheless, children, as victims of recruitment and use, should not be deprived of their liberty, prosecuted, punished or threatened with prosecution or punishment solely for their membership in armed forces or groups, consistent with Article 8.7 of the Paris Principles. National laws that criminalize child association effectively criminalize the child\u2019s status (associated) which results from an adult\u2019s criminal conduct (recruitment and use), and that violates the human rights of the child. Such laws should not apply to children. In addition, as for adults, expressions of support for particular groups, acts, or ideologies that do not rise to the level of legally defined crimes, should not constitute criminal offenses. Children should not be interrogated as a suspect or prosecuted due to the actual or alleged affiliation of a family member. With respect to children suspected of committing crimes, due consideration shall be given to children\u2019s right to child-specific due process and minimum standards based on their age, needs and specific vulnerabilities, including for example, the right to legal representation, prioritizing the child\u2019s best interests, protections against self- incrimination, and support from their families (see IDDRS 5.20 Children and DDR for more guidance). Any processes for youth who were recruited and used by an armed force or group as children but who were demobilized as adults should consider their status as a child at the time of the alleged offense and the coercive environment under which they lived or been forced to act. For example, a youth who is demobilized as an adult, but became associated as a child and who is suspected of committing a crime before reaching the age of 18, should, be subject to the criminal procedure relevant for juveniles in the jurisdiction and the court should consider the fact that the individual was recruited as a child as a mitigating factor. If a youth is suspected of committing multiple offences, some before and some after he or she has reached 18 years of age, states should consider establishing procedures that allow the application of juvenile procedures in respect of all offences alleged to have been committed, when there are reasonable grounds to do so.6", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "8. Criminal accountability and responsibility", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}, {"ID": 131, "Paragraph": "\\n\\n Basic Information \\n Sex \\n Date of Birth/Age \\n Ethnic Group/Tribe/Clan \\n Place of Origin \\n City and Community of Reintegration \\n Marital Status \\n Number of Children and Dependants \\n Number of school aged children \\n Household Size \\n\\n Income Generation/Economic Situation \\n Do you and your family have a place to live? \\n How do you support your family financially now? \\n What type of work do you do now or in the past? \\n Do any other members of your household earn an income? \\n How much money do you earn per month on average? \\n What is the total earned per month of all working household members? \\n Over the last few months, how often have you had to reduce the quantity or quality of food you eat because of its cost? \\n If necessary, are you able to borrow money from banks, family, friends or other traditional loans systems? If not, why? \\n Do you borrow money? If yes, how frequently? \\n Do you currently work? If yes, what are your sources of income? \\n If you are unemployed, what support/skills do you need to find work? \\n\\n Perceived Challenges/Barriers to Reintegration \\n What are the biggest challenges you face? \\n\\n Perceived strengths \\n What are your strengths? What professional skills do you have? \\n\\n Support System \\n Do you have any trusted persons (from your family, community, etc.) that you can seek help from or talk to if you need support? Who are these persons? \\n\\n Psychosocial wellbeing \\n How often are you invited to participate in social activities (family reunions, family events, weddings, religious events, community events)? \\n Do you feel you are part of the community where you currently live? \\n What safety concerns do you currently have? \\n How frequently do you experience important tensions or conflicts between you and your family since you returned?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Youth and DDR", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "Annex B: Sample Profiling Questions on Reintegration", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.30 Youth and DDR"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.40 Cross-border Population Movements.json b/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.40 Cross-border Population Movements.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f15009 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.40 Cross-border Population Movements.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "This module offers advice to policy makers and operational staff of agencies dealing with combatants and associated civilians moving across international borders on how to work closely together to establish regional strategies for disarmament, demobilization and rein\u00ad tegration (DDR) processes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "Armed conflicts are increasingly characterized by \u2018mixed population movements\u2019 of combatants and civilians moving across international borders, as well as lines of conflict spilling over and across State boundaries. Because many previous DDR programmes lacked a regional dimension that took this reality into account, the \u2018recycling\u2019 of combatants from conflict to conflict within a region and even beyond has become an increasing problem. However, combatants are not the only people who are highly mobile in times of complex emergency. Given that the majority of people fleeing across borders are civilians seeking asylum, it remains vital for the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum to be preserved by host States, with the support of the international community. Combatants must therefore be separated from civilians in order to maintain States\u2019 internal and external security and to safeguard asylum for refugees, as well as to find appropriate long\u00adlasting ways of assisting the various population groups concerned, in accordance with international law standards.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "This module attempts to answer the following questions: \\n What are the population groups connected with combatants moving across interna\u00ad tional borders? \\n What are the standards and legal frameworks governing their treatment? What are recommendations for action on both sides of the border? \\n What are the roles and responsibilities of international and national agencies on both sides of the border?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "The module discusses issues relating to foreign adult combatants, foreign women asso\u00ad ciated with armed groups and forces in non\u00adcombat roles, foreign children associated with armed groups and forces, civilian family members/dependants of foreign combatants, and cross\u00adborder abductees. Their status at various phases \u2014 upon crossing into a host country, at the stage of DDR and repatriation planning, and upon return to and reintegration in their country of origin \u2014 is discussed, and ways of dealing with those who do not repatriate are explored.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "The module\u2019s aims to provide guidance to agencies supporting governments to fulfil their obligations under international law in deciding on the appropriate treatment of the population groups connected with cross\u00adborder combatants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "The principles in this module are intended to be applied not only in formal DDR pro\u00ad grammes, but also in situations where there may be no such programme (and perhaps no United Nations [UN] mission), but where activities related to the identification of foreign combatants, disarmament, demobilization, internment, repatriation and reintegration or other processes are nevertheless needed in response to the presence of foreign combatants on a State\u2019s territory.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "This module is intended primarily for policy makers and operational staff of agencies deal\u00ad ing with combatants and associated civilians moving across international borders, regardless of whether or not there are DDR programmes on either side of the border. The guidelines offered in it are also aimed at assisting governments to fulfil their international obligations, and at guiding donors in making funding decisions. They are based on relevant provisions of international law, field experience and lessons learned from a number of operations, par\u00ad ticularly in Africa.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "This module on cross\u00adborder population movements has been included in the integrated DDR standards because of the regional and international dimensions of conflicts and the impact on population movements: wars lead to both combatants and civilians crossing borders; there are regional and international causes and actors; and cross\u00adborder combatants can a pose a threat to regional and international security. At the end of a conflict, repatriation and sustainable reintegration are needed for both combatants and civilians, contributing to the creation of properly functioning communities in the country of origin. For some, local integration in the host country \u2014 or, in exceptional cases, third\u00adcountry resettlement \u2014 will be the appropriate long\u00adterm course of action.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "International law provides a framework for dealing with cross\u00adborder movements of com\u00ad batants and associated civilians. In particular, neutral States have an obligation to identify, separate and intern foreign combatants who cross into their territory, to prevent the use of their territory as a base from which to engage in hostilities against another State. In con\u00ad sidering how to deal with foreign combatants in a DDR programme, it is important to recognize that they may have many different motives for crossing international borders, and that host States in turn will have their own agendas for either preventing or encour\u00ad aging such movement.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "No single international agency has a mandate for issues relating to cross\u00adborder movements of combatants, but all have an interest in ensuring that these issues are prop\u00ad erly dealt with, and that States abide by their international obligations. Therefore, DDR\u00adrelated processes such as identification, disarmament, separation, internment, demo\u00ad bilization and reintegration of combatants, as well as building State capacity in host countries and countries of origin, must be carried out within an inter\u00adagency framework. Annex B contains an overview of key inter\u00adnational agencies with relevant mandates that could be expected to assist governments to deal with regional and cross\u00adborder issues relating to combatants in host countries and countries of origin.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "Foreign combatants are not necessarily \u2018mercenaries\u2019 within the definition of interna\u00ad tional law; and since achieving lasting peace and stability in a region depends on the ability of DDR programmes to attract and retain the maximum possible number of former com\u00ad batants, careful distinctions are necessary between foreign combatants and mercenaries. It is also essential, however, to ensure coherence between DDR processes in adjacent countries in regions engulfed by conflict in order to prevent combatants from moving around from process to process in the hopes of gaining benefits in more than one place.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups should be treated separately from adult foreign combatants, and should be given special protection and assistance dur\u00ad ing the DDR process, with a particular emphasis on rehabilitation and reintegration. Their social reintegration, recovery and reconciliation with their communities may work better if they are granted protection such as refugee status, following an appropriate process to determine if they deserve that status, while they are in host countries.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "Civilian family members of foreign combatants should be treated as refugees or asylum seekers, unless there are individual circumstances that suggest they should be treated dif\u00ad ferently. Third\u00adcountry nationals/civilians who are not seeking refugee status \u2014 such as cross\u00adborder abductees \u2014 should be assisted to voluntarily repatriate or find another long\u00ad term course of action to assist them within an applicable framework and in close consultation/ collaboration with the diplomatic representations of their countries of nationality.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "At the end of an armed conflict, UN missions should support host countries and countries of origin to find long\u00adterm solutions to the problems faced by foreign combatants. The primary solution is to return them in safety and dignity to their country of origin, a process that should be carried out in coordination with the voluntary repatriation of their civilian family members.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "When designing and implementing DDR programmes, the regional dimensions of the conflict should be taken into account, ensuring that foreign combatants who have parti\u00ad cipated in the war are eligible for such programmes, as well as other individuals who have crossed an international border with an armed force or group and need to be repatriated and included in DDR processes. DDR programmes should therefore be open to all persons who have taken part in the conflict, regardless of their nationality, and close coordination and links should be formed among all DDR programmes in a region to ensure that they are coherently planned and implemented.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "As a matter of principle and because of the nature of his/her activities, an active foreign combatant cannot be considered as a refugee. However, a former combatant who has gen\u00ad uinely given up military activities and become a civilian may at a later stage be given refugee status, provided that he/she applies for this status after a reasonable period of time and is not \u2018excludable from international protection\u2019 on account of having committed crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, serious non\u00adpolitical crimes outside the country of refuge before entering that country, or acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) assists governments in host countries to determine whether demobilized former combatants are eligible for refugee status using special procedures when they ask for asylum.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "Forced displacement is mainly caused by the insecurity of armed conflict. Conflicts that cause refugee movements across international borders by definition involve neighbouring States, and thus have regional security implications. As is evident in recent conflicts in Africa in particular, the lines of conflict frequently run across State boundaries, because they are being fought by people with ethnic, cultural, political and military ties that are not confined to one country. The mixed movements of populations that result are very complex and involve not only refugees, but also combatants and civilians associated with armed groups and forces, including family members and other dependants, cross\u00adborder abductees, etc.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "5. The context of regional conflicts and cross-border population movements", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "The often\u00adinterconnected nature of conflicts within a region, recruitment (both forced and voluntary) across borders and the \u2018recycling\u2019 of combatants from conflict to conflict within a region has meant that not only nationals of a country at war, but also foreign com\u00ad batants may be involved in the struggle. When wars come to an end, it is not only refugees who are in need of repatriation and reintegration, but also foreign combatants and associated civilians. DDR programmes need to be regional in scope in order to deal with this reality. ", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. The context of regional conflicts and cross-border population movements", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "Enormous complexities are involved in managing mass influxes and mixed population movements of combatants and civilians. Combatants\u2019 status may not be obvious, as many arrive without weapons and in civilian clothes. At the same time, however, especially in societies where there are large numbers of weapons, not everyone who arrives with a weap\u00ad on is a combatant or can be presumed to be a combatant (refugee influxes usually include young males and females escaping from forced recruitment). The sheer size of population movements can be overwhelming, sometimes making it impossible to carry out any screen\u00ading of arrivals.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. The context of regional conflicts and cross-border population movements", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "Whereas refugees by definition flee to seek sanctuary, combatants who cross inter\u00ad national borders may have a range of motives for doing so \u2014 to launch cross\u00adborder attacks, to escape from the heat of battle before re\u00ad grouping to fight, to desert permanently, to seek refuge, to bring family members and other dependants to safety, to find food, etc. Their reasons for moving with civilians may be varied \u2014 not only to protect and assist their dependants, but also sometimes to ex\u00ad ploit civilians as human shields and to prevent voluntary repatriation, to use refugee camps as a place for rest and recuperation between attacks or as a recruiting and/or training ground, and to divert humanitarian assistance for military purposes. Civilians may be supportive of or intimidated by combatants. The presence of combatants and militarized camps close to border areas may provoke cross\u00ad border reprisals and risk a spillover of the conflict. Host countries may also have their own reasons for sheltering foreign combatants, since complete neutrality is probably rare in today\u2019s conflicts, and in addition there may be a lack of political will and capacity to prevent foreign combatants from entering a neighbouring country. In their responses to mixed cross\u00ad border population movements, the international community should take into account these complexities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. The context of regional conflicts and cross-border population movements", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "Experience has shown that DDR processes directed at nationals of a specific country in isolation have failed to adequately deal with the problems of combatants being recycled from conflict to conflict within (and sometimes even outside) a region, and with the spillover effects of such wars. In addition, the failure of host countries to identify, disarm and separate foreign combatants from refugee populations has contributed to endless cycles of security problems, including militarization of and attacks on refugee camps and settlements, xeno\u00ad phobia, and failure to maintain asylum for refugees. These issues compromise the neutrality of aid work and pose a security threat to the host State and surrounding countries.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. The context of regional conflicts and cross-border population movements", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "The disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation, reintegration and repatriation of com\u00ad batants and associated civilians therefore require a stronger and more consistent cross\u00adborder focus, involving both host countries and countries of origin and benefiting both national and foreign combatants. This dimension has increasingly been recognized by the UN in its recent peacekeeping operations.1", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. The context of regional conflicts and cross-border population movements", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "International law lays down obligations for host countries with regard to foreign combatants and associated civilians who cross their borders. This framework is derived from the laws of neutrality, international humanitarian law, human rights law and refugee law, as well as international principles governing the conduct of inter\u00adState relations. These different areas of law provide grounds for the identification and separation of foreign combatants from civilians who cross an international border, as well as for the disarmament and internment of foreign combatants until either they can be repatriated or another course of action can be found at the end of the conflict.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "As long as a host country fulfils its obligations under international law, it may also rely on its national law: e.g., the criminal law can be used to prosecute cross\u00adborder combatants in order to protect national security, prevent subversive activities, and deal with illegal arms possession and forced recruitment.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "Under Article 2(4) of the Charter of the UN, States have an obligation to \u201crefrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations\u201d (this is regarded as customary international law binding on all States). This article should be read and interpreted within the wider spirit of the Charter, and parti\u00ad cularly article 1, which includes among the aims of the UN the maintenance of international peace and security, the development of friendly relations among nations and the resolution of international problems. Therefore, in addition to refraining from actions that might endanger peace and security, States also have a duty to take steps to strengthen peace and encourage friendly relations with others. Article 2(4) provides the foundation for the premise that States have an obligation to disarm, separate and intern foreign combatants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.1. The Charter of the United Nations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "UN General Assembly resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970, which adopted the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Coop\u00ad eration among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, prohibits the indirect use of armed force, through assisting, encouraging or tolerating armed activities against another State by irregular forces, armed bands or individuals, whether nationals or foreigners.2", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.1. The Charter of the United Nations", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "The law of neutrality requires neutral States to disarm foreign combatants, separate them from civilian populations, intern them at a safe distance from the conflict zone and pro\u00ad vide humane treatment until the end of the war, in order to ensure that they no longer pose a threat or continue to engage in hostilities. Neutral States are also required to provide such interned combatants with humane treatment and conditions of internment.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.2. The law of neutrality", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "The Hague Convention of 1907 dealing with the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Land, which is considered to have attained customary law status, making it binding on all States, sets out the rules governing the conduct of neutral States. Although it relates to international armed conflicts, it is generally accepted as appli\u00ad cable by analogy also to internal armed conflicts in which foreign combatants from govern\u00ad ment armed forces or opposition armed groups have entered the territory of a neutral State. It contains an obligation to intern such combatants, as is described in detail in section 7.3.7 of this module.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.2. The law of neutrality", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "In accordance with article 4(B)2 of the Third Geneva Convention of 1949 relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, foreign combatants interned by neutral States are entitled to treatment and conditions of internment given to prisoners of war under the Convention.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.3. International humanitarian law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "Additional Protocol II, relating to Protection of Victims of Non\u00adInternational Armed Conflicts, provides in Part II for humane, non\u00addiscriminatory treatment for those who do not take a direct part or who have ceased to take part in hostilities, whether or not their liberty has been restricted.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.3. International humanitarian law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "These standards are discussed in section 7.3.7 of this paper dealing with the internment of adult foreign combatants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.3. International humanitarian law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "The 1984 UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment contains a broad non\u00adrefoulement provision, which states that: \u201cNo State shall expel, return (\u2018refouler\u2019) or extradite a person to another State where there are sub\u00ad stantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture\u201d (art. 3[1]). As there are no exceptions to this non\u00adrefoulement provision, foreign combatants may benefit from this prohibition against forcible return to a country of origin in situations where there are grounds to believe that they would be at risk of torture if returned. \u201cFor the purposes of determining whether there are such grounds, the competent authorities shall take into account all relevant considerations including, where applicable, the existence in the State concerned of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violation of human rights\u201d (art. 3[2]).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.4. Human rights law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "Several UN and regional conventions protect children caught up in armed conflict, in\u00ad cluding the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the 2000 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Con\u00adflict (for details, see IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.4. Human rights law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "International law standards on detention are relevant to internment of foreign com\u00ad batants, e.g., the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons Under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment,3 UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners,4 and the Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners.5", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.4. Human rights law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "A refugee is defined in the 1951 UN Convention and 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees as a person who: \\n is outside his/her country of origin; \\n has a well\u00adfounded fear of persecution because of race, religion, nationality, member\u00ad ship of a particular social group or political opinion; \\n is unable or unwilling to avail him\u00ad/herself of the protection of that country, or to return there, owing to the well\u00adfounded fear of persecution.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.5. Refugee law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "Later regional instruments extended this definition. The 1969 Organization of African Unity (OAU) Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa repeats the 1951 Convention\u2019s definition of a refugee, but also covers any person who, \u201cowing to external aggression, occupation, foreign domination or events seriously disturbing public order in either part or the whole of his country of origin or nationality, is compelled to leave his place of habitual residence in order to seek refuge in another place outside his country of origin or nationality\u201d (art. 1[2]). This means that in Africa, persons fleeing civil distur\u00ad bances, widespread violence and war are entitled to refugee status in States parties to the OAU Convention, whether or not they have a well\u00adfounded fear of persecution. In Latin America, the Cartagena Declaration of 1984, although not binding, recommends that the definition of a refugee used in the region should include, in addition to those fitting the 1951 Convention definition, persons who fled their country \u201cbecause their lives, safety or freedom have been threatened by generalized violence, foreign aggression, internal conflicts, massive violations of human rights or other circumstances which have seriously disturbed public order\u201d. Some Latin American States have incorporated this definition into their national legislation.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.5. Refugee law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "The 1951 Convention \u2014 and also the 1969 OAU Convention \u2014 explicitly defines those who do not deserve international protection as refugees, even if they meet the above defi\u00ad nitions. These exclusion clauses are particularly relevant in the case of former combatants who have committed crimes against humanity, war crimes, etc., and are discussed in more detail in section 13.3.4.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.5. Refugee law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "The instruments of refugee law set out a range of obligations of States parties, as well as rights and duties of refugees. The fundamental obligation of a country of asylum is not to \u201cexpel or return (\u2018refouler\u2019) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion\u201d (art.e 33[1] of the 1951 UN Convention). However, there is an exception to this rule, permitting return to the country of origin in the case of \u201ca refugee whom there are reasonable grounds for regarding as a danger to the security of the country in which he is, or who, having been convicted by a final judg\u00ad ment of a particularly serious crime, constitutes a danger to the community of that country\u201d (art. 33[2]).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.5. Refugee law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "While the humanitarian character of asylum is implicit in the 1951 UN Convention, its definition of a refugee describes a victim of serious human rights violations, and it pro\u00ad vides an obligation for refugees to obey the laws and public order measures of the host country. It does not, however, deal explicitly with issues relating to combatants. Neverthe\u00ad less, principles relating to the humanitarian and civilian character of asylum have been developed in the OAU Refugee Convention and in recommendations of UNHCR\u2019s Executive Committee (the governing body of representatives of States) and have been reaffirmed by the UN General Assembly.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.5. Refugee law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "The OAU Convention specifies that \u201cthe grant of asylum to refugees is a peaceful and humanitarian act and shall not be regarded as an unfriendly act by any Member State\u201d and highlights the need to make \u201ca distinction between a refugee who seeks a peaceful and normal life and a person fleeing his country for the sole purpose of fomenting subver\u00ad sion from outside\u201d and to be \u201cdetermined that the activities of such subversives should be discouraged, in accordance with the Declaration on the Problem of Subversion and Reso\u00ad lution of the Problem of Refugees adopted in Accra in 1965\u201d. Under article III of the OAU Convention, refugees not only have a duty to obey the laws of the country of asylum, but must also abstain from subversive activities against other countries. Parties to the OAU Convention undertake to prohibit refugees residing in their countries from attacking other countries, by any activities likely to cause tensions with other countries. Under article II, countries of asylum have an obligation \u201cas far as possible [to] settle refugees at a reasonable distance from the frontier of their country of origin\u201d.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.5. Refugee law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "The UNHCR Executive Committee has formulated a number of conclusions, providing guidance for protection during mixed population movements. Conclusion 94 on preserving the humanitarian and civilian character of asylum is attached as Annex C. It recommends, among other things, that States receiving influxes of refugees and combatants should take measures as early as possible to: \\n disarm armed elements; \\n identify and separate combatants from the refugee population; \\n intern combatants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.5. Refugee law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "These recommendations are reaffirmed in various UN General Assembly resolutions. The General Assembly has \u201curge[d] States to uphold the civilian and humanitarian character of refugee camps and settlements, consistent with international law, inter alia, through effec\u00ad tive measures to prevent the infiltration of armed elements, to identify and separate any such armed elements from refugee populations, to settle refugees at safe locations, where possible away from the border, and to ensure prompt and unhindered access to them by humanitarian personnel\u201d.6 The General Assembly has also \u201cwelcom[ed] the increased atten\u00ad tion being given by the United Nations to the problem of refugee camp security, including through the development of operational guidelines on the separation of armed elements from refugee populations\u201d.7 In a report to the General Assembly, the UNHCR Executive Committee has recommended that the international community \u201cmobiliz[e] . . . adequate resources to support and assist host States in maintaining the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum, including in particular through disarmament of armed elements and the identification, separation and internment of combatants\u201d.8", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.5. Refugee law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "The exclusively civilian and humanitarian character of asylum serves several purposes: it reduces potential tensions between countries of asylum and origin; it provides refugees with better protection; it allows the identification and separation of armed elements; and it helps to deal with internal and external security problems. A foreigner planning or carrying out military\u00adrelated activities in the host country is therefore not a refugee, and the host country must prevent foreign armed elements from using its territory to attack another State and prevent genuine refugees from joining them.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "6. International law framework governing cross-border movements of foreign combatants and associated civilians", "Heading2": "6.5. Refugee law", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "The varying reasons for the arrival of foreign combatants in a host country, as well as whether or not that country is involved in armed conflict, will be among the factors that determine the response of the host country and that of the international community. For example, foreign combatants may enter a country directly involved in armed conflict; they may be in a country that is a neutral neighbouring State; or they may be in a non\u00adneutral country not directly involved in the conflict. Host countries may have political sympathies or State interests with regard to one of the parties to a conflict, and this may affect their policies or responses to influxes of combatants mixed in with refugees. Even if the host country is not neutral, international agencies should highlight the benefits to the host country and the region of complying with the international law framework described above. Awareness\u00adraising, training and ad\u00ad vocacy efforts, as well as individual country strategies to deal with issues of State capacity, cooperation and compliance with interna\u00ad tional obligations and recommended actions, should be carried out.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.1. Context", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "Key international agencies that could assist governments with issues relating to adult combatants include the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), UNHCR, the UN High Commission on Human Rights (UNHCHR), the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the World Food Programme (WFP), the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.2. Key agencies", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "Key national agencies that deal with these issues are those concerned with defence, armed forces, police, DDR, refugee/humanitarian activities and foreign affairs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.2. Key agencies", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "Identification, disarmament, separation, internment, demobilization and eventual repatri\u00ad ation and reintegration of foreign combatants (as well as other interventions) are multi\u00adState processes that require the participation and cooperation of multiple actors, including the host State, countries of origin, local communities, refugee communities, donor States, interna\u00ad tional and national agencies, regional organizations, and the political and military parts of the UN system. Therefore coordination within a host State and cross\u00adborder is vital.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.1. Coordination", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "At the national level, it may be helpful for key government and international agencies to set up an inter\u00adagency forum for coordination and collaboration. This will be particu\u00ad larly useful where the capacity and resources of the host country are limited, and there is a need for the international community to provide large amounts of assistance. It is recom\u00ad mended that such a forum be restricted to essential and operational agencies present in the host country. The forum could arrange for and manage coordination and collaboration in matters of advocacy, awareness\u00adraising, providing policy guidance, capacity\u00adbuilding, and setting up and supervising the methods used for the separation and internment of com\u00ad batants, as well as later repatriation. Such a forum may also provide assistance with the maintenance of State security and with the mobilization of resources, including funding.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.1. Coordination", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "Advocacy by agencies should be coordinated. Agencies should focus on assisting the host government to understand and implement its obligations under international law and show how this would be beneficial to State interests, such as preserving State security, demonstrating neutrality, etc.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.2. Advocacy", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "What key points should be highlighted in advocacy on international obligations? \\n The government must respect the right to seek asylum and the principle of non-refoulement for all persons seeking asylum, including acceptance at the frontier; \\n The government must take measures to identify, disarm and separate combatants from refugees as early as possible, preferably at the border; \\n The government of a neutral State has an obligation to intern identified combatants in a safe location away from the border/conflict zone; \\n An active combatant cannot be considered as a refugee. However, at a later stage, when it is clear that combatants have genuinely and permanently given up military activities, UNHCR would assist the government to determine the refugee status of demobilized former combatants using special procedures if any apply for refugee status; \\n Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups should be dealt with separately from adult foreign combatants and should benefit from special protection and assistance with regard to disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration. They should first be properly identified as persons under the age of 18, separated from adult combatants as soon as possible, and should not be accommodated in internment camps for adult combatants. They may be given the status of refugees or asylum seekers and accommodated in refugee camps or settlements in order to encourage their rehabilitation, reintegration and reconciliation with their communities; \\n Civilian family members of combatants should be treated as prima facie refugees or asylum seekers and may be accommodated in refugee camps or settlements; \\n Special assistance should be offered to women or girls abducted/forcibly married into armed groups and forces and then taken over borders.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.2. Advocacy", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "Security screening is vital to the identification and separation of combatants. This screening is the responsibility of the host government\u2019s police or armed forces, which should be present at entry points during population influxes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.3. Security screening and identification of foreign combatants", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "International personnel/agencies that may be present at border entry points during influxes include: peacekeeping forces; military observers; UN Civilian Police; UNHCR for reception of refugees, as well as reception of foreign children associated with fighting forces, if the latter are to be given refugee status; and the UN Children\u2019s Fund (UNICEF) for gen\u00ad eral issues relating to children. UNHCR\u2019s and/or UNICEF\u2019s child protection partner non\u00ad governmental organizations (NGOs) may also be present to assist with separated refugee children and children associated with armed forces and groups. Child protection agencies may be able to assist the police or army with identifying persons under the age of 18 years among foreign combatants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.3. Security screening and identification of foreign combatants", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "Training in security screening and identification of foreign combatants could usefully be provided to government authorities by specialist personnel, such as international police, DPKO and military experts. They may also be able to help in making assessments of situa\u00ad tions where there has been an infiltration of combatants, providing advice on preventive and remedial measures, and advocating for responses from the international community. The presence of international agencies as observers in identification, disarmament and separation processes for foreign combatants will make the combatants more confident that the process is transparent and neutral.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.3. Security screening and identification of foreign combatants", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "Identification and disarmament of combatants should be carried out at the earliest possible stage in the host country, preferably at the entry point or at the first reception/ transit centre for new arrivals. Security maintenance at refugee camps and settlements may also lead to identification of combatants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.3. Security screening and identification of foreign combatants", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "If combatants are identified, they should be disarmed and transported to a secure loca\u00ad tion in the host country for processing for internment, in accordance with the host govern\u00ad ment\u2019s obligations under international humanitarian law.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.3. Security screening and identification of foreign combatants", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "What methods are there for identification? \\n Self-identification. Especially in situations where it is known that the host government has facilities for foreign combatants, some combatants may identify themselves voluntarily, either as part of military structures or individually. Providing information on the availability of internment camp facilities for foreign combatants may encourage self-identification. Groups of combatants from a country at war may negotiate with a host country to cross into its territory before actually doing so, and peacekeepers with a presence at the border may have a role to play in such negotiations. The motivation of those who identify themselves as combatants is usually either to desert on a long-term basis and perhaps to seek asylum or to escape the heat of battle temporarily. \\n Appearance. Military uniforms, weapons and arriving in troop formation are obvious signs of persons being combatants. Even where there are no uniforms or weapons, military and security officials of the host country will often be skilful at recognizing fellow military and security personnel \u2014 from appearance, demeanour, gait, scars and wounds, responses to military language and commands, etc. Combatants\u2019 hands may show signs of having carried guns, while their feet may show marks indicating that they have worn boots. Tattoos may be related to the various fighting factions. Combatants may be healthier and stronger than refugees, especially in situations where food is limited. It is important to avoid arbitrarily identifying all single, able-bodied young men as combatants, as among refugee influxes there are likely to be boys and young men who have been fleeing from forced military recruitment, and they may never have fought. \\n Security screening questions and luggage searches. Questions asked about the background of foreigners entering the host country (place of residence, occupation, circumstances of flight, family situation, etc.) may reveal that the individual has a military background. Luggage searches may reveal military uniforms, insignia or arms. Lack of belongings may also be an indication of combatant status, depending on the circumstances of flight. \\n Identification by refugees and local communities. Some refugees may show fear or wariness of combatants and may point out combatants in their midst, either at entry points or as part of relocation movements to refugee camps. Local communities may report the presence of strangers whom they suspect of being combatants. This should be carefully verified and the individual(s) concerned should have the opportunity to prove that they have been wrongly identified as combatants, if that is the case. \\n Perpetrators of cross-border armed incursions and attacks. Host country authorities may intercept combatants who are launching cross-border attacks and who pose a serious threat to the country. Stricter security and confinement measures would be necessary for such individuals.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.4. Methods of identifying foreign combatants", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "Once combatants are identified, they will usually be taken into the custody of the army of the host country and/or peacekeepers. They should be disarmed as soon as possible. Inter\u00ad national military and police personnel may need to assist in this process. Weapons should be documented and securely stored for destruction or handing over to the government of the country of origin at the end of the internment period (e.g., at the end of the conflict). Other items such as vehicles should be kept in safe locations, also to be handed over at the end of the internment period. Personal items may be left in the possession of the owner.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.5. Disarmament", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "After they have been disarmed, foreign combatants may be handed over to the author\u00ad ity responsible for their transportation to an internment facility \u2014 usually the police or security forces. The assistance of peacekeeping forces and any other relevant agencies may be required.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.5. Disarmament", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "The host country, in collaboration with UN missions and other relevant international agencies, should decide at an early stage what level of demobilization of interned foreign combatants is desirable and within what time\u00adframe. This will depend partly on the profile and motives of internees, and will determine the types of structures, services and level of security in the internment facility. For example, keeping military command and control structures will assist with maintaining discipline through commanders. Lack of demobilization, however, will delay the process of internees becoming civilians, and as a result the possibility of their gaining future refugee status as an exit strategy for foreign combatants who are seeking asylum. On the other hand, discouraging and dismantling military hierarchies will assist the demobilization process. Reuniting family members or putting them in contact with each other and providing skills training, peace education and rehabilitation programmes will also aid demobilization. Mixing different and rival factions from the country of origin, the feasibility of which will depend on the nature of the conflict and the reasons for the fighting, will also make demobilization and reconciliation processes easier.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.6. Demobilization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "Article 11 of the 1907 Hague Convention provides that: \u201cA Neutral Power which receives on its territory troops belonging to the belligerent armies shall intern them, as far as possible, at a distance from the theatre of war. It may keep them in camps and even confine them in fortresses or in places set apart for this purpose. It shall decide whether officers can be left at liberty on giving their parole not to leave the neutral territory without permission.\u201d Internment therefore does not necessarily require complete loss of liberty, and host States could grant internees varying degrees of freedom of movement, as long as the foreign combatants can no longer participate in hostilities from the neutral States\u2019 territory. The host government should therefore decide what level of freedom of movement it wants to allow internees and set up a system to regulate movement in and out of internment camps. In order to be able to monitor the movement of internees properly and prevent them from engaging in unlawful activities, including use of the host country\u2019s territory for military purposes, it is likely to be necessary for internment to involve at least some level of confinement. Depending on the local circumstances (mainly the extent of the security risk), this may range from a closed camp with no external freedom of movement to systems that provide for freedom of movement (e.g., a pass system that permits visits outside the camp or a system of reporting to authorities).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.7. Internment10", "Heading4": "The nature of internment", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 62, "Paragraph": "Article 12 of the Convention lays down the conditions of treatment for internees as follows: \u201cIn the absence of a special convention to the contrary, the Neutral Power shall supply the interned with the food, clothing, and relief required by humanity. At the conclu\u00ad sion of peace the expenses caused by the internment shall be made good.\u201d", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.7. Internment10", "Heading4": "The nature of internment", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 63, "Paragraph": "The Third Geneva Convention of 1949 lays down minimum rights and conditions of intern\u00ad ment to be granted to captured combatants. These rights also apply by analogy to foreign combatants interned in a neutral State.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.7. Internment10", "Heading4": "Standards of internment", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 64, "Paragraph": "What are the basic standards under the Third Geneva Convention? \\n Internees must be treated humanely at all times and are entitled to respect for their person (art. 3); \\n There must be no harmful discrimination among internees (art. 16); \\n Female internees must be treated in a way that caters for their specific needs and must be given treatment as favourable as that given to men (art. 14); \\n Internees must be provided, free of charge, with the necessary maintenance and medical attention required by their state of health (art. 15); \\n No physical or mental torture, or any other form of coercion, may be inflicted on them to get information of any kind (art. 17); \\n Internees must be provided with an identity card (art. 17); \\n After they are separated from civilians, combatants must be evacuated as soon as possible to camps a safe distance away from the combat zone, and these evacuations must be carried out humanely (i.e., evacuees must be given sufficient food, drinking water and necessary clothing and medical attention) (arts. 19 and 20); \\n Interned combatants must not be accommodated in prisons (art. 22); \\n Places of internment must be hygienic and healthy places to live. Internees\u2019 quarters must be protected from dampness and adequately heated and lighted Level 5 Cross-cutting Issues Cross-border Population Movements 15 5.40 (conditions must not harm their health). Camps must be kept clean, and proper sanitary measures should be taken to prevent epidemics (arts. 22, 25 and 29); \\n Female internees must be accommodated separately from men, and separate dormitories and hygienic supplies should be provided for them (arts. 25 and 29); \\n Daily food rations must be sufficient in quantity, quality and variety to keep internees in good health, and their habitual diet must also be taken into account (art. 26); \\n Internees must enjoy complete freedom in the exercise of their religion and in the practice of sports and intellectual activities (arts. 34\u201338); \\n Internees must be permitted to receive and send letters, as well as individual parcels or collective shipments (e.g., of food, clothing) (arts. 71\u201373); \\n Internees\u2019 working conditions should be properly regulated (arts. 49\u201357); \\n Internees must have the right to make requests to the authorities interning them regarding their conditions of captivity (art. 78).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.7. Internment10", "Heading4": "Standards of internment", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 65, "Paragraph": "Additional Protocol II relating to Protection of Victims of Non\u00adInternational Armed Conflicts provides in Part II for humane, non\u00addiscriminatory treatment for those who do not take a direct part in, or who have ceased to take part in, hostilities, whether or not their liberty has been restricted. Such persons may include internees.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.7. Internment10", "Heading4": "Standards of internment", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 66, "Paragraph": "What are applicable standards under Additional Protocol II? \\n Internees must receive similar treatment to the local civilian population regarding provision of food and drinking water, health and hygiene, and protection against the climate and the dangers of the armed conflict (art. 5[1][b]); \\n They must be allowed to receive individual or collective relief (art. 5[1][c]); \\n They must have freedom to practise their religion (art. 5[1][d]); \\n If made to work, they must have the benefit of working conditions and safeguards similar to those enjoyed by the local civilian population (art. 5[1][e]); \\n They should be allowed to send and receive letters and cards (art. 5[2][b]); \\n Places of internment must not be located close to the combat zone (art. 5[2][c]); \\n Internees must be evacuated under conditions of safety if the internment site becomes exposed to danger arising out of the armed conflict (art. 5[2][c]); \\n Internees are entitled to free medical examinations and treatment (art. 5[2][d]); \\n Internees\u2019 physical or mental health and integrity must not be endangered by any unjustified act or omission (art. 5[2][e]); \\n Women must be accommodated in separate quarters and be under the supervision of women, except where they are accommodated with male family members (art. 5[2][a]); \\n If it is decided to release persons deprived of their liberty, necessary measures must be taken to ensure their safety (art. 5[4]).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.7. Internment10", "Heading4": "Standards of internment", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 67, "Paragraph": "At least at the early stages of setting up and managing an internment camp, it is likely that host governments will lack capacity and resources for the task. International agencies have an important role to play in acquiring and supplying resources in order to assist the host government to provide internees with the \u201crelief required by humanity\u201d (as required under the Hague Convention): \\n In collaboration with the host government, international agencies should assist with awareness\u00adraising and lobbying of donors, which should take place as soon as possible, as donor funding often takes time to be made available. Donors should be informed about the resource needed to separate and intern combatants and the benefits of such policies, e.g., maintaining State security, helping the host government to keep borders open for asylum seekers, etc.; \\n International agencies should favourably consider contributing financial grants, mate\u00ad rial and other assistance to internment programmes, especially in the early phases when the host government will not have donor funding for such programmes. Contributing assistance, even on an ad hoc and temporary basis, will make international agencies\u2019 advocacy and advisory roles more effective. The following are some illustrations of ways in which international agencies can contribute:", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.7. Internment10", "Heading4": "Assistance by the international community", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 68, "Paragraph": "Food. WFP may assist with providing food. Given the inability of internees to feed themselves because of their restricted freedom of movement, each internee should be entitled to a full food ration of at least 2,100 kilocalories per day. \\n Health care. International agencies\u2019 partners (e.g., local Red Cross societies) may be able to provide mobile health clinics, to supplement hospital treatment for more serious medical matters. Medical care should include reproductive health care for female internees. \\n Non-food items. Items such as plastic sheeting, plates, buckets, blankets, sleeping mats, soap, etc. will be needed for each internee and agency contributions will be essential. Agencies such as UNHCR and ICRC, if they have the resources, may be able to give extra assistance at least temporarily until the government receives regular donor funding for the internment initiative. \\n Registration and documentation. Agencies could help the host government to develop a system for registration and issuing of identity documentation. Agencies will often need the data themselves, e.g., ICRC in order to arrange family tracing and family visits, and UNHCR for the purpose of getting information on the profiles of internees who may later come within their mandate if, at a later stage, internees apply for refugee status. ICRC may issue its own documentation to internees in connection with its detention-monitoring role. \\n Skills training. To combat the problem of idleness and to provide rehabilitation and alternative skills for internees, as well as to maintain order and dignity during internment, agency partners must try to provide/fund vocational skills training programmes as soon as possible. In order for demobilization and reintegration to start in internment camps, it is essential to have skills training programmes that could help internees to become rehabilitated. Social skills training would also be helpful here, such as sensitization in human rights, civic education, peace-building, HIV/AIDS, and sexual and gender-based violence. \\n Recreation. Sufficient space for recreation and sporting equipment should be provided for the purpose of recreation. \\n Re-establishing family links. ICRC, together with national societies, should try to trace family members of internees, both across borders and within the host country, which will allow family links to be re-established and maintained (e.g., through exchange of Red Cross messages). Where civilian family members have also crossed into the host country, arrangements should be made for maintaining family unity. There are various options: families could be accommodated in internment camps, or in a separate nearby facility, or in a refugee camp or settlement. If family members are voluntarily accommodated Level 5 Cross-cutting Issues Cross-border Population Movements 17 5.40 together with or near to internees, this has the advantage of preserving family unity, helping to break down military hierarchies in internment camps, reducing risks of local/refugee community retaliation against the family members on account of their connections to combatants, and minimizing the chances of combatants moving to civilian sites in order to be with their family members. However, the family members may face security risks, including physical violence and sexual harassment, from internees. Where civilian spouses and children are not accommodated with internees, regular and adequate family visits to internment camps must be arranged by ICRC, UNHCR or other relevant agencies. \\n Monitoring. ICRC should be able to carry out regular, confidential monitoring of internment camps, including the treatment of internees and the standards of their internment, in accordance with its mandate for persons deprived of their liberty for reasons related to armed conflict. Reports from monitoring visits will be provided on a confidential basis to the government of the host country. \\n Host communities. The involvement and support of host communities will be vital to the internment process. Therefore, agencies should consider providing host communities with community-based development assistance programmes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.7. Internment10", "Heading4": "Assistance by the international community", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 69, "Paragraph": "In view of the chaotic conditions usually found in conflict situations and the difficulties in setting up an adequate identification programme that could be operational immediately, combatants may be admitted to separation, disarmament and internment processes re\u00ad gardless of their nationality. Hence, it would be more practical to deal with problems of nationality at the end of internment, in order to decide, in consultation with the former combatants, the country in which they would undergo a DDR programme and the country to which they would finally return. This will require liaison between the governments in\u00ad volved, and should be closely monitored/supervised by the relevant agencies.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.7. Internment10", "Heading4": "Nationality issues", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 70, "Paragraph": "Internment camps should provide gender\u00adappropriate facilities, including separate accom\u00ad modation, washing and toilet facilities, as well as sex\u00adspecific health services, including reproductive health care. This must include sanitary kits and clean birthing kits for women. Women with babies should be given the means to care for their own children. With the ex\u00ad ception of young babies, accommodating children in internment camps should be avoided and alternative accommodation should be found for them and their mothers. When intern\u00ad ees are transported, sufficient vehicles should be provided to offer women the option of being transported separately from men, if their personal safety is threatened. Protection from sexual harassment and other violence should be ensured at all times (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.7. Internment10", "Heading4": "Special requirements of female combatants", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 71, "Paragraph": "In the internment camps, authorities should have flexibility to review and change incorrect decisions regarding who has been interned on a case\u00adby\u00adcase basis. For this purpose, agen\u00ad cies with a protection mandate, such as ICRC, UNHCR, UNHCHR and UNICEF, should have confidential access to internees.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.7. Internment10", "Heading4": "Redressing incorrect internment decisions", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 72, "Paragraph": "Persons incorrectly interned include: \\n civilians who have not participated in military activities, and who could therefore be regarded as refugees or asylum seekers; \\n civilians who have not participated in military activities and who were abducted by combatants (including women and girls abducted for the purpose of sexual slavery and men abducted for medical or other labour services), but who do not fall within the definition of a refugee. Such persons will usually be voluntarily repatriated; \\n children associated with armed forces and groups who were not identified as children during the separation process, incorrectly ending up in internment camps for adult combatants; \\n persons who do not fit the definition of combatant, and who were separated and in\u00ad terned on the basis of criteria other than those established for the separation process.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.7. Internment10", "Heading4": "Redressing incorrect internment decisions", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 73, "Paragraph": "It is important, whenever possible, to plan for exit strategies for internment programmes, although where the conflict in the country of origin lasts a long time, internment may also be lengthy. Exit strategies may include: \\n including internees in DDR programmes in the country of origin at the end of the conflict; \\n deciding whether internees who are considered to have become civilians after a period of demobilization and who apply for refugee status should be given that status.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.7. Internment10", "Heading4": "Exit strategies", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 74, "Paragraph": "International law makes special provision for and prohibits the recruitment, use, financing or training of mercenaries. A mercenary is defined as a foreign fighter who is specially recruited to fight in an armed conflict, is motivated essentially by the desire for private gain, and is promised wages or other rewards much higher than those received by local combat\u00ad ants of a similar rank and function.12 Mercenaries are not considered to be combatants, and are not entitled to prisoner\u00adof\u00adwar status. The crime of being a mercenary is committed by any person who sells his/her labour as an armed fighter, or the State that assists or recruits mercenaries or allows mercenary activities to be carried out in territory under its jurisdiction. ", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.8. Mercenarie", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 75, "Paragraph": "Not every foreign combatant meets the definition of a mercenary: those who are not motivated by private gain and given high wages and other rewards are not mercenaries. It may sometimes be difficult to distinguish between mercenaries and other types of foreign combatants, because of the cross\u00adborder nature of many conflicts, ethnic links across porous borders, the high levels of recruitment and recycling of combatants from conflict to conflict within a region, sometimes the lack of real alternatives to recruitment, and the lack of a regional dimension to many previous DDR programmes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.8. Mercenarie", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 76, "Paragraph": "Even when a foreign combatant may fall within the definition of a mercenary, this does not limit the State\u2019s authority to include such a person in a DDR programme, despite any legal action States may choose to take against mercenaries and those who recruit them or assist them in other ways. In practice, in many conflicts, it is likely that officials carrying out disarmament and demobilization processes would experience great difficulty distinguish\u00ad ing between mercenaries and other types of foreign combatants. Since the achievement of lasting peace and stability in a region depends on the ability of DDR programmes to attract the maximum possible number of former combatants, it is recommended that mercenaries should not be automatically excluded from DDR processes/programmes, in order to break the cycle of recruitment and weapons circulation and provide the individual with sustain\u00ad able alternative ways of making a living.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.8. Mercenarie", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 77, "Paragraph": "DDR programmers may establish criteria to deal with such cases. Issues for consideration include: Who is employing and commanding mercenaries and how do they fit into the conflict? What threat do mercenaries pose to the peace process, and are they factored into the peace accord? If there is resistance to account for mercenaries in peace processes, what are the underlying political reasons and how can the situation be resolved? How can mercenaries be identified and distinguished from other foreign combatants? Do individuals have the capacity to act on their own? Do they have a chain of command? If so, is their leadership seen as legitimate and representative by the other parties to the process and the UN? Can this leadership be approached for discussions on DDR? Do its members have an interest in DDR? If mercenaries fought for personal gain, are DDR benefits likely to be large enough to make them genuinely give up armed activities? If DDR is not appropriate, what measures can be put in place to deal with mercenaries, and by whom \u2014 their employers and/or the national authorities and/or the UN?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "7.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "7.3.8. Mercenarie", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 78, "Paragraph": "In many armed conflicts, it is common to find large numbers of children among combat\u00adants, especially in armed groups and in long\u00ad lasting conflicts. Priority shall be given to identifying, removing and providing appro\u00ad priate care for children during operations to identify and separate foreign combatants. Correct identification of children among com\u00ad batants who enter a host country is vital, because children shall benefit from separate programmes that provide for their safe re\u00ad moval, rehabilitation and reintegration.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "8.1. Context", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 79, "Paragraph": "UNHCR, UNICEF and ICRC will be particularly involved in helping governments to deal with foreign children associated with armed forces and groups. Key national agencies in\u00ad clude those concerned with children\u2019s issues, social welfare, and refugee and humanitarian affairs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "8.2. Key agencies", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 80, "Paragraph": "Agencies such as UNHCR, UNICEF and ICRC should advocate with the host country for foreign children associated with armed forces and groups to be given a legal status, and care and protection that promote their speedy rehabilitation and best interests, in accordance with States\u2019 obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocol on Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "8.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "8.3.1. Agreement with host country government on the status and treatment of foreign children associated with armed forces and groups", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 81, "Paragraph": "An appropriate status for children may include refugee status, because of the illegality of and serious child rights violations involved in the under\u00adaged recruitment of children, as well as the need for children to be removed, rehabilitated and reintegrated in their com\u00ad munities as soon as possible. Refugee status can be given on a prima facie and collective basis in cases of large\u00adscale arrivals, as and if applicable. Where the refugee status of indi\u00ad viduals must be decided, reasons for giving refugee status in the case of children fleeing armed conflict may include a well\u00adfounded fear of illegal recruitment, sexual slavery or other serious child rights violations.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "8.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "8.3.1. Agreement with host country government on the status and treatment of foreign children associated with armed forces and groups", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 82, "Paragraph": "Agreement should be reached with the host government on the definition of a \u2018child\u2019 for the purpose of providing separate treatment for children associated with armed forces and groups. In view of the development of international law towards the position that persons under age 18 should not participate in hostilities, it is recommended that advocacy with host governments should be for all combatants under the age of 18 to be regarded as children.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "8.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "8.3.1. Agreement with host country government on the status and treatment of foreign children associated with armed forces and groups", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 83, "Paragraph": "When agreement is reached with the host country government about the definition of a child and the methods for providing children with separate treatment from adults, this informa\u00ad tion should be provided to all those involved in the process of identifying and separating combatants (i.e., army, police, peacekeepers, international police, etc.).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "8.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "8.3.2. Identification of children among foreign combatants", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 84, "Paragraph": "It is often difficult to decide whether a combatant is under the age of 18, for a range of reasons. The children themselves may not know their own ages. They are likely to be under the influence of commanders who may not want to lose them, or they may be afraid to separate from commanders. Questioning children in the presence of commanders may not, therefore, always provide accurate information, and should be avoided. On the other hand, young adult combatants who do not want to be interned may try to falsify their age. Child protection agencies present at border entry points may be able to help army and police personnel with determining the ages of persons who may be children. It is therefore rec\u00ad ommended that agreement be reached with the government of the host country on the involvement of such agencies as advisers in the identification process (also see IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "8.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "8.3.2. Identification of children among foreign combatants", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 85, "Paragraph": "Once identified, children should be disarmed if necessary, removed from commanders and handed over to the custody of relevant agencies present at the border such as UNHCR, UNICEF and child protection NGOs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "8.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "8.3.3. Separation of foreign children associated with armed forces and groups", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 86, "Paragraph": "Children should not be accommodated in internment camps with adult combatants, unless a particular child is a serious security threat. This should only happen in exceptional circum\u00ad stances, and for no longer than absolutely necessary.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "8.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "8.3.4. Demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 87, "Paragraph": "Where the government has agreed to recognize children associated with fighting forces as refugees, these children can be accommodated in refugee camps or settlements, with due care given to possible security risks. For example, a short period in a refugee transit centre or appropriate interim care facility may give time for the child to start the demobilization process, socialize, readjust to a civilian environment, and prepare to transfer to a refugee camp or settlement. Temporary care measures like these would also provide time for agencies to carry out registration and documentation of the child and inter\u00adcamp tracing for family members, and find a suitable camp for placement. Finally, the use of an interim facility will allow the organization of a sensitization campaign in the camp to help other refugees to accept children associated with armed forces and groups who may be placed with them for reintegration in communities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "8.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "8.3.4. Demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 88, "Paragraph": "Children associated with armed forces and groups should be included in programmes for other populations of separated children rather than being isolated as a separate group within a refugee camp or settlement. The social reintegration of children associated with fighting forces in refugee communities will be assisted by offering them normal activities such as education, vocational skills training and recreation, as well as family tracing and reunification. Younger children may be placed in foster care, whereas \u2018independent/group living\u2019 arrangements with supervision by a welfare officer and \u2018older brother\u2019 peer support may be more appropriate for older adolescents.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "8.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "8.3.4. Demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 89, "Paragraph": "Prevention of (re\u00ad)recruitment, especially of at\u00adrisk young people such as children previously associated with armed forces and groups and separated children, must be an important focus in refugee camps and settlements. Preventive measures include: locating camps and settlements a safe distance from the border; sufficient agency staff being present at the camps; security and good governance measures; sensitization of refugee communities, families and children themselves to assist them to avoid recruitment in camps; birth registration of children; and adequate programmes for at\u00adrisk young people, including family\u00adtracing activities, education and vocational skills programmes to provide alternative livelihood options for the future.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "8.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "8.3.5. Prevention of military recruitment", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 90, "Paragraph": "In many conflicts, there is a significant level of war\u00adrelated sexual violence against girls. (NB: Boys may also be affected by sexual abuse, and it is necessary to identify survivors, although this may be difficult.) Girls who have been associated with armed groups and forces may have been subjected to sexual slavery, exploitation and other abuses and may have babies of their own. Once removed from the armed group or force, they may continue to be at risk of exploitation in a refugee camp or settlement, especially if they are separated from their families. Adequate and culturally appropriate sexual and gender\u00adbased violence pro\u00ad grammes should be provided in refugee camps and communities to help protect girls, and community mobilization is needed to raise awareness and help prevent exploitation and abuse. Special efforts should be made to allow girls access to basic services in order to prevent exploitation (also see IDDRS 5.20 on Youth and DDR and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "8. Foreign children associated with armed forces and groups and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "8.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "8.3.6. Specific needs of girls", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 91, "Paragraph": "Foreign combatants entering a host country may sometimes be accompanied by civilian fam\u00ad ily members or other dependants. Family members may also independently make their way to the host country. If the family members have entered the host country to seek asylum, they should be considered as refugees or asylum seekers, unless there are individual cir\u00ad cumstances to the contrary.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "9. Civilian family members or other dependants of combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "9.1. Context", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 92, "Paragraph": "UNHCR is the mandated UN agency for refugees. Key national agencies include those deal\u00ad ing with refugees and humanitarian affairs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "9. Civilian family members or other dependants of combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "9.2. Key agencies", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 93, "Paragraph": "When civilian family members of combatants enter a country of asylum, they should be directed to UNHCR and the host government\u2019s refugee agency, while the adult combatants will be dealt with by the army and police. Family members or dependants may be accom\u00ad modated in refugee camps or settlements or urban areas (depending on the policy of the government of the host country). Accommodation placements should be carried out with due regard to protection concerns, e.g., family members of a combatant should be protected from other refugees who may be victims of that combatant.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "9. Civilian family members or other dependants of combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "9.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "9.3.1. Providing safe asylum and accommodation", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 94, "Paragraph": "It is important to try to establish family links between refugee family members and com\u00ad batants in internment camps, since separation and internment policies may create many female\u00adheaded households. Family links can be maintained through family tracing, ex\u00ad changes of Red Cross messages and family visits to internment camps, which should be organized by ICRC, Red Cross national societies and UNHCR. Women and girls who have been forcibly abducted and are married under circumstances not recognized by customary or national law have the right, with their children where applicable, to be safely separated from their \u2018husbands\u2019 (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "9. Civilian family members or other dependants of combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "9.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "9.3.2. Maintaining family links with foreign combatants", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 95, "Paragraph": "It is essential to ensure that refugee camps and settlements do not become militarized through the infiltration of combatants, which may lead to camps and settlements becoming the focus of security problems, including military attacks. Preventing this problem is primarily the responsibility of the government of the host country, but international agencies should support the government, and donor support will be essential.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "9. Civilian family members or other dependants of combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "9.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "9.3.3. Preserving the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 96, "Paragraph": "Security in and around refugee camps and settlements can be achieved through: \\n locating refugee camps and settlements a safe distance away from the border (generally at least 50 kilometres) and conflict zones; \\n the systematic identification, disarmament, separation and internment of combatants; \\n the screening of persons being relocated to refugee camps to ensure that only civilians are admitted; \\n prohibiting armed elements from residence in, transit though or visits to refugee camps and settlements; \\n prohibiting all military activities in refugee camps, including recruitment, training and providing support to combatants; \\n prohibiting the holding, trading and bringing of weapons and ammunition into refugee camps and settlements by unauthorized persons; \\n ensuring the presence of enough agency staff in camps and settlements; enforcing law and order in camps and settlements; \\n enforcing security measures such as stationing police in and around camps and settle\u00ad ments; \\n involving refugees in ensuring their own security and the peaceful and humanitarian character of camps and settlements, e.g., through community\u00adbased neighbourhood watch schemes and good governance measures in camps and settlements; \\n enforcing properly functioning camp rules and by\u00adlaws to regulate the conduct of refugees, resolve disputes, etc., in order to supplement the laws of the host country (to which refugees are also subject); \\n correctly designing the size and physical layout of camps and settlements; encouraging good neighbourliness between refugee camps/settlements and host communities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "9. Civilian family members or other dependants of combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "9.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "9.3.3. Preserving the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 97, "Paragraph": "In the context of regionalized conflicts, cross\u00adborder attacks and movements of combatants across borders, experience has shown that within the households of combatants, or under their control in other ways, will be persons who have been abducted across borders for the purposes of forced labour, sexual exploitation, military recruitment, etc. Their presence may not become known until some time after fighting has ended.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "10. Cross-border abductees and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "10.1. Context", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 98, "Paragraph": "Cross\u00adborder abductees do not necessarily come within the mandate of any specific inter\u00ad national agency. However, agencies such as UNHCR and ICRC are encouraged to assist such third\u00adcountry nationals on humanitarian grounds in view of their situation of external dis\u00ad placement. Key national agencies include those concerned with humanitarian affairs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "10. Cross-border abductees and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "10.2. Key agencies", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 99, "Paragraph": "The main ways in which agencies can protect and assist cross\u00adborder abductees are for them to: (1) identify those who have been abducted (they may often be \u2018invisible\u2019, particularly in view of their vulnerability and their marginalization from the local community because of their foreign nationality, although it may be possible to get access to them by working through local, especially women\u2019s organizations); (2) arrange for their release if necessary; and (3) arrange for their voluntary repatriation or find another long\u00adterm way to help them. Foreign abductees should be included in inter\u00adagency efforts to help national abductees, such as advocacy with and sensitization of combatants to release abductees under their control (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "10. Cross-border abductees and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "10.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "10.3.1. Identification, release, finding long-lasting solutions", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 100, "Paragraph": "Cross\u00adborder abductees should be considered as eligible to participate in reintegration pro\u00ad grammes in the host country or country of origin together with other persons associated with the armed forces and groups, regardless of whether or not they are in possession of weapons. Although linked to the main DDR process, such programmes should be separate from those dealing with persons who have fought/carried weapons, and should carefully screen refugees to identify those who are eligible.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "10. Cross-border abductees and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "10.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "10.3.2. Eligibility for DDR", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 101, "Paragraph": "Women and girl abductees, including forced wives of combatants and those with children conceived during their captivity, are likely to be in a particularly difficult situation, both in the host country and in the country of origin. They will need special attention in protection, reintegration and reconciliation activities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "10. Cross-border abductees and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "10.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "10.3.3. Issues relating to women and girls", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 102, "Paragraph": "Cross\u00adborder abductees who do not want to repatriate, or are not in a position to make a decision to separate themselves from abduc\u00ad tors/combatants, should be included in hu\u00ad manitarian assistance programmes in these locations, in order to empower them so that they can make decisions about their future, as well as to help them integrate into the host country, if that is what they want to do.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "10. Cross-border abductees and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "10.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "10.3.4. Local integration and empowerment", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 103, "Paragraph": "Cross\u00adborder family links should be estab\u00ad lished and coordinated in collaboration with ICRC and national Red Cross and Red Cres\u00ad cent societies (which have a mandate for tracing people across international borders) or other relevant agencies. This service will assist cross\u00adborder abductees to make decisions about their long\u00adterm future (e.g., by helping them to assess the reaction of family members to their situation) and will help to bring about future family reunification. Both abductees and family members are likely to be in need of counselling before family reunification.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "10. Cross-border abductees and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "10.3. Key actions", "Heading3": "10.3.5. Re-establishing family links", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 104, "Paragraph": "Since lasting peace and stability in a region depend on the ability of DDR programmes to attract the maximum possible number of former combatants, the following principles relat\u00ad ing to regional and cross\u00adborder issues should be taken into account in planning for DDR: \\n DDR programmes should be open to all persons who have taken part in the con\u00ad flict, including foreigners and nationals who have crossed international borders. Extensive sensitization is needed both in countries of origin and host countries to ensure that all persons entitled to par\u00ad ticipate in DDR programmes are aware of their right to do so; DDR programmes should be open to all persons who have taken part in the conflict, including foreigners and nationals who have crossed international borders. \\n close coordination and links among all DDR programmes in a region are essential. There should be regular coordination meetings on DDR issues \u2014 including, in particular, regional aspects \u2014 among UN missions, national commissions on DDR or competent government agencies, and other relevant agencies; \\n to avoid disruptive consequences, including illicit cross\u00adborder movements and traffick\u00ad ing of weapons, standards in DDR programmes within a region should be harmonized as much as possible. While DDR programmes may be implemented within a regional framework, such programmes must nevertheless take into full consideration the poli\u00ad tical, social and economic contexts of the different countries in which they are to be implemented; \\n in order to have accurate information on foreign combatants who have been involved in a conflict, DDR registration forms should contain a specific question on the national\u00ad ity of the combatant.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.1. Regional dimensions to be taken into account in setting up DDR programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 105, "Paragraph": "As part of regional DDR processes, agreements should be concluded between countries of origin and host countries to allow both the repatriation and the incorporation into DDR programmes of combatants who have crossed international borders. UN peacekeeping missions and regional organizations have a key role to play in carrying out such agreements, particularly in view of the sensitivity of issues concerning foreign combatants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.2. Repatriation agreements", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 106, "Paragraph": "Agreements should contain guarantees for the repatriation in safety and dignity of former combatants, bearing in mind, however, that States have the right to try individuals for criminal offences not covered by amnesties. In the spirit of post\u00adwar reconciliation, guarantees may include an amnesty for desertion or an undertaking that no action will be taken in the case of former combatants from the government forces who laid down their arms upon entry into the host country. Protection from prosecution as mercenaries may also be necessary. However, there shall be no amnesty for breaches of international humanitarian law during the conflict.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.2. Repatriation agreements", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 107, "Paragraph": "Agreements should also provide a basis for resolving nationality issues, including meth\u00ad ods of finding out the nationality those involved, deciding on the country in which former combatants will participate in a DDR programme and the country of eventual destination. Family members\u2019 nationalities may have to be taken into account when making long\u00adterm plans for particular families, such as in cases where spouses and children are of different nationalities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.2. Repatriation agreements", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 108, "Paragraph": "UN missions, with the support of agencies such as UNDP, UNICEF and UNHCR, should lead extensive information campaigns in host countries to ensure that foreign combatants are provided with essential information on how to present themselves for DDR programmes. The information should enable them to make free and informed decisions about their repa\u00ad triation and reintegration prospects. It is important to ensure that refugee family members in camps and settlements in the host country also receive relevant information.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.3. Information and sensitization campaigns", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 109, "Paragraph": "UN missions should help arrange voluntary contacts between government officials and foreign combatants. This will assist in encouraging voluntary repatriation and planning for the inclusion of such combatants in DDR programmes in their country of origin. However, foreign combatants who do not want to meet with government officials of their country of origin should not be forced to do so.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.3. Information and sensitization campaigns", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 110, "Paragraph": "The government of the country of origin, together with the UN mission and relevant agencies, should sensitize receiving communities in areas to which former combatants will be repatriating, in order to encourage reintegration and reconciliation. Receiving com\u00ad munities may plan traditional ceremonies for healing, forgiveness and reconciliation, and these should be encouraged, provided they do not violate human rights standards.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.3. Information and sensitization campaigns", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 111, "Paragraph": "Apart from combatants who are confined in internment camps, there are likely to be other former or active combatants living in communities in host countries. Therefore, national security authorities in host countries, in collaboration with UN missions, should identify sites in the host country where combatants can present themselves for voluntary repatria\u00ad tion and incorporation in DDR programmes. In all locations, UNICEF, in collaboration with child protection NGOs, should verify each child\u2019s age and status as a child soldier. In the event that female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups are identified, their situation should be brought to the attention of the lead agency for women in the DDR process. Where combatants are in possession of armaments, they should be immediately disarmed by security forces in collaboration with the UN mission in the host country.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.4. Identification of foreign combatants and disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 112, "Paragraph": "In keeping with the principle that \u201ceveryone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution\u201d,13 repatriation should be voluntary. However, where an application for refugee status has been rejected according to fair procedures and the individual has been assessed as not being in need of international protection, he/she may be returned to the country of origin even against his/her will (see section 10.6). The fact that repatriation is voluntary could be verified by UN missions in the case of adult combatants, and by UNICEF and child protection agencies in the case of children associated with armed forces and groups. Where children associated with armed forces and groups are living in refugee camps, the fact that repatriation is voluntary shall be verified by UNHCR.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.5. Voluntary repatriation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 113, "Paragraph": "Every effort should be made to ensure that family unity is preserved in repatriation move\u00ad ments. UN missions should support the governments of the host country and country of origin by assisting with transportation. Where combatants have family members or other dependants in refugee camps, there should be close consultation with UNHCR so that the voluntary repatriation of family members can be coordinated and carried out according to the wishes of the family members and with full respect for their safety and dignity. In cases where it is not possible to repatriate combatants and family members/dependants as family units, mechanisms to reunite the family upon return should be established.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.6. Maintaining family unity during repatriation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 114, "Paragraph": "Spouses and children who are not citizens of the country to which they are travelling should be allowed by the government concerned to enter and live in that country with an appropriate legal status. This applies equally to spouses and children of \u2018traditional mar\u00ad riages\u2019 and legally recognized marriages.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.6. Maintaining family unity during repatriation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 115, "Paragraph": "Governments and UN missions will be responsible for repatriation movements of foreign combatants, while UNHCR will provide transportation of family members. Depending on the local circumstances, the two repatriation operations could be merged under the overall management of one agency.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.7. Repatriation movements", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 116, "Paragraph": "The concerned governments should agree on travel documents for foreign former com\u00ad batants, e.g., DDR cards for those who have been admitted to a disarmament programme in the host country, or ICRC travel documents or host country documentation for those who have been interned.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.7. Repatriation movements", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 117, "Paragraph": "To allow the speedy repatriation of foreign former combatants and their family members, the governments involved should consider not requesting or obliging those being repatri\u00ad ated to complete official immigration, customs and health formalities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.7. Repatriation movements", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 118, "Paragraph": "Particular care should be taken with regard to whether, and how, to include foreign children associated with armed forces and groups in DDR programmes in the country of origin, especially if they have been living in refugee camps and communities. Since they are already living in a civilian environment, they will benefit most from DDR rehabilitation and rein\u00ad tegration processes. Their level of integration in refugee camps and communities is likely to be different. Some children may be fully integrated as refugees, and it may no longer be in their best interests to be considered as children associated with armed forces and groups in need of DDR assistance upon their return to the country of origin. Other children may not yet have made the transition to a civilian status, even if they have been living in a civilian environment, and it may be in their best interests to participate in a DDR programme. In all cases, stigmatization should be avoided.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.8. Factors affecting foreign children associated with armed forces and groups", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 119, "Paragraph": "It is recommended that foreign children associated with armed forces and groups should be individually assessed by UNHCR, UNICEF and/or child protection partner NGOs to plan for the child\u2019s needs upon repatriation, including possible inclusion in an appropriate DDR programme. Factors to consider should include: the nature of the child\u2019s association with armed forces or groups; the circumstances of arrival in the asylum country; the stability of present care arrangements; the levels of integration into camp/community\u00adbased civilian activities; and the status of family\u00adtracing efforts. All decisions should involve the partici\u00ad pation of the child and reflect his/her best interests. It is recommended that assessments should be carried out in the country of asylum, where the child should already be well known to, and should have a relationship of trust with, relevant agencies in the refugee camp or settlement. The assessment can then be given to relevant agencies in the country of origin when planning the voluntary repatriation of the child, and decisions can be made about whether and how to include the child in a DDR programme. If it is recommended that a child should be included in a DDR programme, he/she should receive counselling and full information about the programme (also see IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "11. Planning for foreign combatants\u2019 voluntary repatriation and inclusion in cross-border DDR operations", "Heading2": "11.8. Factors affecting foreign children associated with armed forces and groups", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 120, "Paragraph": "Governments must ensure that former combatants and their dependants are able to return in conditions of safety and dignity.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin", "Heading2": "12.1. Assurances upon return", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 121, "Paragraph": "Return in safety implies a guarantee of: \\n legal security (e.g., appropriate amnesties or public assurances of personal safety, integ\u00ad rity, non\u00addiscrimination and freedom from fear of persecution); \\n physical security (e.g., protection from armed attacks, routes that are free of unexploded ordnances and mines); \\n material security (e.g., access to land or ways to earn a living).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin", "Heading2": "12.1. Assurances upon return", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 122, "Paragraph": "Return in dignity implies that returnees should not be harassed on departure, on route or on arrival. If returning spontaneously, they should be allowed to do so at their own pace; should not be separated from family members; should be allowed to return without pre\u00ad conditions; should be accepted and welcomed by national authorities and local populations; and their rights and freedoms should be fully restored so that they can start a meaningful life with self\u00adesteem and self\u00adconfidence.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin", "Heading2": "12.1. Assurances upon return", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 123, "Paragraph": "In keeping with the spirit of post\u00adwar reconciliation, it is recommended that the govern\u00ad ment of the country of origin should not take disciplinary action against former combatants who were members of the government armed forces and who laid down their arms during the war. They should benefit from any amnesties in force for former combatants in general.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin", "Heading2": "12.1. Assurances upon return", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 124, "Paragraph": "In accordance with agreements reached between the country of asylum and the country of origin during the planning for repatriation of former combatants, they should be included in appropriate DDR programmes in their country of origin. Entitlements should be syn\u00ad chronized with DDR assistance received in the host country, e.g., if disarmament and demo\u00ad bilization has been carried out in the host country, then reintegration is likely to be the most important process for repatriated former combatants in the country of origin. Lack of rein\u00ad tegration may contribute to future cross\u00adborder movements of combatants and mercenaries.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin", "Heading2": "12.2. Inclusion in DDR programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 125, "Paragraph": "Entitlements under DDR programmes are only a contribution towards the process of rein\u00ad tegration. This process should gradually result in the disappearance of differences in legal rights, duties and opportunities of different population groups who have rejoined society \u2014 whether they were previously displaced persons or demobilized combatants \u2014 so that all are able to contribute to community stabilization and development.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin", "Heading2": "12.3. Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 126, "Paragraph": "Agencies involved in reintegration programming should support the creation of eco\u00ad nomic and social opportunities that assist the recovery of the community as a whole, rather than focusing on former combatants. Every effort shall be made not to increase tensions that could result from differences in the type of assistance received by victims and perpetrators. Community\u00adbased reintegration assistance should therefore be designed in a way that encourages reconciliation through community participation and commitment, including demobilized former combatants, returnees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other needy community members (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin", "Heading2": "12.3. Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 127, "Paragraph": "Efforts should be made to ensure that different types of reintegration programmes work closely together. For example, in countries where the \u20184Rs\u2019 (repatriation, reintegration, re\u00ad habilitation and reconstruction) approach is used to deal with the return and reintegration of displaced populations, it is important to ensure that programme contents, methodologies and approaches support each other and work towards achieving the overall objective of supporting communities affected by conflict (also see IDDRS 2.30 on Participants, Benefici\u00ad aries and Partners).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin", "Heading2": "12.3. Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 128, "Paragraph": "Links between DDR and other reintegration programming activities are especially relevant where there are plans to reintegrate former combatants into communities or areas alongside returnees and IDPs (e.g., former combatants may benefit from UNHCR\u2019s com\u00ad munity\u00adbased reintegration programmes for returnees and war\u00adaffected communities in the main areas of return). Such links will not only contribute to agencies working well together and supporting each other\u2019s activities, but also ensure that all efforts contribute to social and political stability and reconciliation, particularly at the grass\u00adroots level.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin", "Heading2": "12.3. Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 129, "Paragraph": "In accordance with the principle of equity for different categories of persons returning to communities, repatriation/returnee policies and DDR programmes should be coordinated and harmonized as much as possible.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin", "Heading2": "12.3. Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 130, "Paragraph": "The disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration of former combatants should be monitored and reported on by relevant agencies as part of a community\u00adfocused approach (i.e., including monitoring the rights of war\u00adaffected communities, returnees and IDPs, rather than singling out former combatants for preferential treatment). Relevant monitoring agencies include UN missions, UNHCHR, UNICEF and UNHCR. Human rights monitoring partnerships should also be established with relevant NGOs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin", "Heading2": "12.4. Monitoring", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 131, "Paragraph": "In the case of an overlap in areas of return, UNHCR will usually have established a field office. As returnee family members of former combatants come within UNHCR\u2019s mandate, the agency should monitor both the rights and welfare of the family unit as a whole, and those of the receiving community. Such monitoring should also help to build confidence.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin", "Heading2": "12.4. Monitoring", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 132, "Paragraph": "What issues should be monitored? \\n Non-discrimination: Returned former combatants and their families/other dependants should not be targeted for harassment, intimidation, extra-judicial punishment, violence, denial of fair access to public institutions or services, or be discriminated against in the enjoyment of any basic rights or services (e.g., health, education, shelter); \\n Amnesties and guarantees: Returned former combatants and their families should benefit from any amnesties in force for the population generally or for returnees specifically. Amnesties may cover, for example, matters relating to having left the country of origin and having found refuge in another country, draft evasion and desertion, as well as the act of performing military service in unrecognized armed groups. Amnesties for international crimes, such as genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and serious violations of international humanitarian law, are not supported by the UN. Former combatants may legitimately be prosecuted for such crimes, but they must receive a fair trial in accordance with judicial procedures; \\n Respect for human rights: In common with all other citizens, the human rights and fundamental freedoms of former combatants and their families must be fully respected; 2.30 Level 5 Cross-cutting Issues Cross-border Population Movements 31 5.40 \\n Access to land: Equitable access to land for settlement and agricultural use should be encouraged; \\n Property recovery: Land or other property that returned former combatants and their families may have lost or left behind should be restored to them. UN missions should support governments in setting up dispute resolution procedures on issues such as property recovery. The specific needs of women, including widows of former combatants, should be taken into account, particularly where traditional practices and laws discriminate against women\u2019s rights to own and inherit property; \\n Protection from landmines and unexploded ordnances: Main areas of return may be at risk from landmines and unexploded ordnances that have not yet been cleared. Awareness-raising, mine clearance and other efforts should therefore include all members of the community; \\n Protection from stigmatization: Survivors of sexual abuse, and girls and women who have had to bear their abusers\u2019 children may be at risk of rejection from their communities and families. There may be a need for specific community sensitization to combat this problem, as well as efforts to empower survivors through inclusion in constructive socio-economic activities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "12. Foreign combatants and DDR issues upon return to the country of origin", "Heading2": "12.4. Monitoring", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 133, "Paragraph": "Foreign combatants should not be included in the prima facie awarding of refugee status to large groups of refugees, as asylum should be granted to civilians only. UNHCR recom\u00ad mends that where active or former combatants may be mixed in with refugees in population influxes, host countries should declare that prima facie recognition of refugee status does not apply to either group.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.1. Refugee status", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 134, "Paragraph": "After a reasonable period of time has been allowed to confirm that former combatants have genuinely renounced armed/military activities, UNHCR will support governments of host countries by helping to determine the refugee status (or helping governments to determine the refugee status) of former combatants who refuse to repatriate and instead ask for international protection. These assessments should carefully take into account the \u2018excludability\u2019 of such individuals from international protection as provided by article 1 F of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.1. Refugee status", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 135, "Paragraph": "Determining refugee status must be linked to making sustainable long\u00adterm future plans for former combatants. These could be: \\n\\n Repatriation: Voluntary, safe and dignified repatriation to the country of origin at the end of the conflict or other event that gave rise to refugee claims is considered the best response for most population influxes; \\n\\n Local integration: For former combatants who are protected as refugees and therefore cannot be repatriated, the best option will be local integration, since options for third\u00ad country resettlement are likely to be limited. UNHCR negotiates with countries of asylum for local integration, and this process should be supported by UN missions and agencies. Local integration involves: \\n Legal processes: Refugees are granted an increasingly wider range of rights and entitlements identical to those enjoyed by other citizens, e.g., freedom of move\u00ad ment; family reunification in the country of asylum; access to education, the labour market, public relief and assistance, including health facilities; the possibility of acquiring and disposing of property; and the capacity to travel out of and return to the country of asylum with valid travel and identity documents. This process should gradually lead to permanent residence rights and the option to apply for citizenship in accordance with national laws; \\n Economic processes: Refugees become increasingly less reliant on humanitarian assistance or State aid, achieving a growing degree of self\u00adreliance and having permanent jobs, thus contributing to the economic life of the host country; \\n Social and cultural processes: These are interactive processes involving refugees feeling more and more at home in their new country, and local communities accept\u00ad ing their presence with greater ease, which allow refugees to live among the host population without fear of discrimination and contribute actively to the social life of their country of asylum; \\n\\n Resettlement: Third\u00adcountry resettlement may be appropriate for certain refugees who were formerly combatants, e.g., where the refugee has protection needs that cannot be met in the country of asylum, is unlikely to integrate into the host country, etc. However, despite UNHCR advocacy for assistance from the international community, it is often difficult to find resettlement opportunities for refugees who were former combatants. Some resettlement countries do not take former combatants, with sometimes varying definitions of what exactly a former combatant is. Therefore, resettlement to a third coun\u00ad try is unlikely to be a viable option for large numbers of former combatants, although it may be a solution in individual cases. The fact that very few countries take former com\u00ad batants could be used to encourage the host country to accept them for local integration.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.2. Sustainable plans for the future", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 136, "Paragraph": "UNHCR recommends that applications for refugee status by former combatants should not be encouraged in the early stages of influxes into the host country, because it is not practical to determine individual refugee status when large numbers of people have to be processed. The timing of applications for refugee status will be one of the factors that decide what will eventually happen to refugees in the long term, e.g., voluntary repatriation is more likely to be a viable option at the end of the conflict.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.3. Determining refugee status", "Heading3": "13.3.1. Timing and sequence of applications for refugee status", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 137, "Paragraph": "Where a peace process is under way or is in sight and therefore voluntary repatriation is feasible in the foreseeable future, the refugee status should be determined after repatria\u00ad tion operations have been completed for former combatants who wish to return at the end of the conflict. Former combatants who are afraid to return to the country of origin must be given the option of applying for refugee status instead of being repatriated against their will.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.3. Determining refugee status", "Heading3": "13.3.1. Timing and sequence of applications for refugee status", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 138, "Paragraph": "Where voluntary repatriation is not yet feasible because of unsafe conditions in the coun\u00adtry of origin, the determination of refugee status should preferably be conducted only after a meaningful DDR process in the host country, in order to ensure that former combatants applying for refugee status have achieved civilian status through demobilization, rehabilita\u00ad tion and reintegration initiatives in the host country.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.3. Determining refugee status", "Heading3": "13.3.1. Timing and sequence of applications for refugee status", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 139, "Paragraph": "In order to determine whether former combatants have genuinely given up armed activities, there should be a reasonable period of time between an individual laying down arms and being considered for refugee status. This \u2018cooling\u00adoff period\u2019, during which former combatants will be monitored to ensure that they really have given up military activities, will vary depending on the local circumstances, but should not be too long \u2014 generally only a matter of months. The length of the waiting period could be decided according to the profile of the former combatants, either individually or as a group (e.g., length of service, rank and position, type of recruitment ([orced or voluntary], whether there are addictions, family situation, etc.), and the nature of the armed conflict in which they have been involved (duration, intensity, whether there were human rights violations, etc.). Determining the refugee status of children associated with armed forces and groups who have applied for refugee status shall be done as quickly as possible. Determining the refugee status of other vulnerable persons can also be done quickly, such as disabled former combatants whose disabilities prevent them from further participating in military activities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.3. Determining refugee status", "Heading3": "13.3.1. Timing and sequence of applications for refugee status", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 140, "Paragraph": "Refugee status determination for former combatants involves establishing three facts: \\n that they have genuinely and permanently given up arms and become civilians; \\n that they meet the definition of a refugee under the 1951 UN Refugee Convention or regional instruments; \\n that they are not excluded from being protected as refugees, according to the exclusion clauses of refugee conventions.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.3. Determining refugee status", "Heading3": "13.3.2. Requirements for refugee status for foreign former combatants", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 141, "Paragraph": "The giving up of military activities by foreign former combatants is more likely to be genuine if they have been demobilized and they have a real chance of earning a living in civilian life, including through DDR programmes in the host country. Detention in internment camps without demobilization and rehabilitation activities will not automatically lead to combatants becoming civilians. Breaking up military structures; linking up families; and providing vocational skills training, counselling, rehabilitation and peace education programmes for foreign former combatants in the host country will make it easier for them to become civil\u00ad ians and be considered for refugee status some time in the future.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.3. Determining refugee status", "Heading3": "13.3.3. Genuine and permanent giving up of military activities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 142, "Paragraph": "It needs to be carefully verified that individuals have given up military activities, includ\u00ad ing in situations where foreign former combatants are interned or where they have some degree of freedom of movement. Verification should include information gathered through\u00ad out the period of identification, separation and internment. For example, it will be easier to understand individual motives and activities if the movements of internees in and out of internment camps are monitored. Actions or attitudes that may prove that an individual has genuinely given up military activities may include expressions of regret for past military ac\u00ad tivities and for the victims of the conflict, signs of weariness with the war and a general feeling of homesickness, and clear signs of dissatisfaction with a military or political organization. ", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.3. Determining refugee status", "Heading3": "13.3.3. Genuine and permanent giving up of military activities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 143, "Paragraph": "Internment camp authorities or other agencies that are closely in contact with internees should share information with UNHCR, unless such information must be kept confidential.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.3. Determining refugee status", "Heading3": "13.3.3. Genuine and permanent giving up of military activities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 144, "Paragraph": "Even if a foreign former combatant has a genuine fear of persecution, he/she may not be eligible for international protection as a refugee if he/she has committed acts that would mean that the exclusion clauses of the Refugee Convention would apply to him/her. This is to prevent abuse of asylum by undeserving persons who have seriously abused the human rights of others.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.3. Determining refugee status", "Heading3": "13.3.4. Exclusion from refugee protection", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 145, "Paragraph": "The issue of exclusion from protection as a refugee will be particularly relevant if there are serious reasons for believing that an individual has committed a crime against peace, a war crime, a crime against humanity, a serious non\u00adpolitical crime outside the country of refuge before he/she was admitted to that country as a refugee, or acts contrary to the pur\u00ad poses and principles of the UN. As defined by international instruments and interpreted in case law, exclusion clauses would apply if an individual had committed any of the following: \\n crimes against peace, e.g., planning or participating in an unlawful war; \\n war crimes involving grave breaches of international humanitarian law, e.g., mistreatment of civilians and prisoners of war, infliction of unjustified property damage during wartime; \\n crimes against humanity involving fundamentally inhumane conduct on a widespread or system\u00ad atic scale against a civilian population, e.g., genocide, slavery, torture, rape, deportations; \\n serious non\u00adpolitical crimes committed outside the country of refuge prior to admission to that country as a refugee: The purpose of this clause is to ensure that important fugitives from justice are not able to avoid the jurisdiction of a State in which they may lawfully face punishment for genuine, serious crimes, by claiming refugee status in another country; \\n acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN: This clause covers, for example, high\u00ad level government officials (Heads of State, ministers, high officials) who have exploited their political authority to endanger the well\u00adbeing of individuals, their country and/ or the world community.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.3. Determining refugee status", "Heading3": "13.3.4. Exclusion from refugee protection", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 146, "Paragraph": "A foreign former combatant cannot be excluded from refugee protection simply because he/she is a member of an organization or political party involved in a conflict. It must be established whether he/she was personally responsible for excludable acts. However, affili\u00ad ation with a particularly violent group or unit (that is known on the basis of clear and cred\u00ad ible information from the country of origin to carry out serious crimes of the type included in the exclusion clauses) may not only be important evidence, but also give rise to a presump\u00ad tion that the individual has been involved in the excludable acts of that group. However, the procedure for determining refugee status must give the individual an opportunity to show that this is not the case. If an individual can defend his/her actions or claim mitigating circumstances, these should be taken into account in assessing whether to exclude an indi\u00ad vidual from refugee protection.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.3. Determining refugee status", "Heading3": "13.3.4. Exclusion from refugee protection", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 147, "Paragraph": "In examining refugee claims by foreign children associated with armed forces and groups, a child\u2019s age and maturity should be taken into account when assessing whether he/she had the mental capacity to be held responsible for crimes that may exclude him/her from protection as a refugee.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.3. Determining refugee status", "Heading3": "13.3.4. Exclusion from refugee protection", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 148, "Paragraph": "Refugee status may be cancelled if information comes to light that an individual, who was recognized as a refugee (either individually or on a prima facie basis), should have been subject to the exclusion clauses when the refugee status was accorded (i.e., where refugee status was obtained through fraudulent means or substantial misrepresentations).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.3. Determining refugee status", "Heading3": "13.3.4. Exclusion from refugee protection", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 149, "Paragraph": "Refugee status may be withdrawn if an individual who was properly recognized as a refugee later commits acts covered by the exclusion clauses.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.3. Determining refugee status", "Heading3": "13.3.4. Exclusion from refugee protection", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 150, "Paragraph": "When foreign former combatants are recognized as refugees, UNHCR will try to integrate them into the country of asylum or resettle them in a third country. The refugee always has the option to voluntarily repatriate in the future, when conditions in his/her country of origin improve.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.4. Foreign former combatants who are given refugee status", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 151, "Paragraph": "Foreign former combatants who have been detained (e.g., in internment camps) should be reunited with their families as soon as they are found to be refugees and may be accom\u00ad modated in refugee camps or settlements, but specific measures may be necessary to protect them.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.4. Foreign former combatants who are given refugee status", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 152, "Paragraph": "Individuals who fall within the Refugee Convention\u2019s exclusion clauses are not entitled to international protection or assistance from UNHCR. As a matter of principle, they should not be accommodated in refugee camps or settlements. Practical solutions to manage them will depend on the host country\u2019s capacity and willingness to deal with matters such as separating them from refugee populations.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.5. Foreign former combatants who are excluded from protection as refugees", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 153, "Paragraph": "Foreign former combatants who are excluded from protection as refugees may be re\u00ad turned to their country of origin. However, the UN Convention Against Torture provides an obligation for host countries not to return an individual to his/her country of origin where there are serious reasons to believe he/she would be tortured or treated inhumanely in other ways. In such cases, the UNHCHR and UN missions, as well as any human rights organizations established in the host country, should advocate for the protection provided in the Convention Against Torture.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.5. Foreign former combatants who are excluded from protection as refugees", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 154, "Paragraph": "Foreign former combatants who have committed crimes that exclude them from being given refugee status should not only be excluded from refugee protection, but also be brought to justice, e.g., extradited to face prosecution in the domestic courts of the country of origin or international tribunals (ad hoc war crimes tribunals and the International Criminal Court). In exceptional cases of the most serious types of crimes (e.g., genocide, serious breaches of the laws of armed conflict, torture as defined in the Convention Against Torture), there have been an increasing number of prosecutions in the national courts of host countries, under the principle of universality, which recognizes that some crimes are so grave that all countries have an interest in prosecuting them.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.5. Foreign former combatants who are excluded from protection as refugees", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 155, "Paragraph": "The term \u2018not in need of international protection\u2019 is understood to refer to persons who, after due consideration of their applications for refugee status in fair procedures, are found not to qualify for refugee status under refugee conventions, nor to be in need of international protection on other grounds after a review of protection needs of whatever nature, and who are not authorized to stay in the host country for other good reasons. Such persons include those for whom there are no serious reasons to believe that they would be tortured or treated inhumanely in other ways if returned to the country of origin, as provided for under the UN Convention Against Torture.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.6. Foreign former combatants who do not meet the criteria for refugee status and are not in need of international protection", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 156, "Paragraph": "Foreign former combatants whose applications for refugee status have been rejected by fair procedures and who have been assessed not to be in need of international protection on any other basis may be returned to their country of origin, as an exercise of national sovereignty by the host country if it does not want them to be integrated into the local community. Return of persons not in need of international protection is necessary in order to maintain the integrity of the asylum system. The return of such persons is a bilateral matter between the two countries. The UN mission and other relevant agencies (e.g., UNHCHR, IOM) should support governments in finding other options, such as repatriation and local integration, for foreign former combatants who are not in need of international protection.15", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "13. Foreign former combatants who choose not to repatriate: Status and solutions", "Heading2": "13.6. Foreign former combatants who do not meet the criteria for refugee status and are not in need of international protection", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 157, "Paragraph": "Terms and definitions \\n (NB: For the purposes of this document, the following terms are given the meaning set out below, without prejudice to more precise definitions they may have for other purposes.)", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 158, "Paragraph": "Asylum: The grant, by a State, of protection on its territory to persons from another State who are fleeing persecution or serious danger. A person who is granted asylum is a refugee. Asylum encompasses a variety of elements, including non\u00adrefoulement, permission to remain in the territory of the asylum country and humane standards of treatment.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 159, "Paragraph": "Asylum seeker: A person whose request or application for refugee status has not been finally decided on by a possible country of refuge.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 160, "Paragraph": "Child associated with armed forces and groups: According to the Cape Town Principles and Best Practices (1997), \u201cAny person under 18 years of age who is part of any kind of regular or irregular armed force or armed group in any capacity, including, but not limited to: cooks, porters, messengers and anyone accompanying such groups, other than family members. The definition includes girls recruited for sexual purposes and for forced mar\u00ad riage. It does not, therefore, only refer to a child who is carrying or has carried weapons.\u201d For further discussion of the term, see the entry in IDRRS 1.20.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 161, "Paragraph": "Combatant: Based on an analogy with the definition set out in the Third Geneva Conven\u00ad tion of 1949 relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War in relation to persons engaged in international armed conflicts, a combatant is a person who: \\n is a member of a national army or an irregular military organization; or is actively participating in military activities and hostilities; or \\n is involved in recruiting or training military personnel; or \\n holds a command or decision\u00admaking position within a national army or an armed organization; or \\n arrived in a host country carrying arms or in military uniform or as part of a military structure; or \\n having arrived in a host country as an ordinary civilian, thereafter assumes, or shows determination to assume, any of the above attributes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 162, "Paragraph": "Exclusion from protection as a refugee: This is provided for in legal provisions under refugee law that deny the benefits of international protection to persons who would other\u00ad wise satisfy the criteria for refugee status, including persons in respect of whom there are serious reasons for considering that they have committed a crime against peace, a war crime, a crime against humanity, a serious non\u00adpolitical crime, or acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 163, "Paragraph": "Ex-combatant/Former combatant: A person who has assumed any of the responsibilities or carried out any of the activities mentioned in the above definition of \u2018combatant\u2019, and has laid down or surrendered his/her arms with a view to entering a DDR process.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 164, "Paragraph": "Foreign former combatant: A person who previously met the above definition of combatant and has since disarmed and genuinely demobilized, but is not a national of the country where he/she finds him\u00ad/herself.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 165, "Paragraph": "Host country: A foreign country into whose territory a combatant crosses.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 166, "Paragraph": "Internally displaced persons (IDPs): Persons who have been obliged to flee from their homes \u201cin particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflicts, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human\u00admade disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognized State border\u201d (according to the definition in the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 167, "Paragraph": "Internee: A person who falls within the definition of combatant (see above) who has crossed an international border from a State experiencing armed conflict and is interned by a neutral State whose territory he/she has entered.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 38, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 168, "Paragraph": "Internment: An obligation of a neutral State to restrict the liberty of movement of foreign combatants who cross into its territory, as provided for under the 1907 Hague Convention Respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in the Case of War on Land. This rule is considered to have attained customary international law status, so that it is binding on all States, whether or not they are parties to the Hague Convention. It is appli\u00ad cable by analogy also to internal armed conflicts in which combatants from government armed forces or opposition armed groups enter the territory of a neutral State. Internment involves confining foreign combatants who have been separated from civilians in a safe location away from combat zones and providing basic relief and humane treatment. Varying degrees of freedom of movement can be provided, subject to the interning State ensuring that the in\u00ad ternees cannot use its territory for participation in hostilities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 38, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 169, "Paragraph": "\\n\\n 1. A mercenary is any person who: \\n a) Is specially recruited locally or abroad in order to fight in an armed conflict; \\n b) Is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar rank and func\u00ad tions in the armed forces of that party; \\n c) Is neither a national of a party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a party to the conflict; \\n d) Is not a member of the armed forces of a party to the conflict; and \\n e) Has not been sent by a State which is not a party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces. \\n\\n 2. A mercenary is also any person who, in any other situation: \\n a) Is specially recruited locally or abroad for the purpose of participating in a concerted act of violence aimed at: \\n (i) Overthrowing a Government or otherwise undermining the constitutional order of a State; or \\n (ii) Undermining the territorial integrity of a State; \\n b) Is motivated to take part therein essentially by the desire for significant private gain and is prompted by the promise of payment of material compensation; \\n c) Is neither a national nor a resident of the State against which such an act is directed; \\n d) Has not been sent by a State on official duty; and \\n e) Is not a member of the armed forces of the State on whose territory the act is undertaken.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 38, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 170, "Paragraph": "Non-refoulement: A core principle of international law that prohibits States from returning persons in any manner whatsoever to countries or territories in which their lives or freedom may be threatened. It finds expression in refugee law, human rights law and international humanitarian law and is a rule of customary international law and is therefore binding on all States, whether or not they are parties to specific instruments such as the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 38, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 171, "Paragraph": "Prima facie: As appearing at first sight or on first impression; relating to refugees, if someone seems obviously to be a refugee.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 172, "Paragraph": "Refugee: A refugee is defined in the 1951 UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees as a person who: \\n \u201cIs outside the country of origin; \\n Has a well\u00adfounded fear of persecution because of race, religion, nationality, member\u00ad ship of a particular social group or political opinion; and \\n Is unable or unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country, or to return there, for fear of persecution.\u201d \\n\\n In Africa and Latin America, this definition has been extended. The 1969 OAU Conven\u00ad tion Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa also includes as refugees persons fleeing civil disturbances, widespread violence and war. In Latin America, the Carta\u00ad gena Declaration of 1984, although not binding, recommends that the definition should also include persons who fled their country \u201cbecause their lives, safety or freedom have been threatened by generalized violence, foreign aggression, internal conflicts, massive violations of human rights or other circumstances which have seriously disturbed public order\u201d.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 173, "Paragraph": "Refugee status determination: Legal and administrative procedures undertaken by UNHCR and/or States to determine whether an individual should be recognized as a refugee in accordance with national and international law.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 174, "Paragraph": "Returnee: A refugee who has voluntarily repatriated from a country of asylum to his/her country of origin, after the country of origin has confirmed that its environment is stable and secure and not prone to persecution of any person. Also refers to a person (who could be an internally displaced person [IDP] or ex\u00adcombatant) returning to a community/town/ village after conflict has ended.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "Annex A: Abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 175, "Paragraph": "The Executive Committee, \\n\\n Remaining seriously concerned by the continuing occurrence of military or armed attacks and other threats to the security of refugees, including the infiltration and presence of armed elements in refugee camps and settlements;17 \\n\\n Recalling the relevant provisions of international refugee law, international human rights law and international humanitarian law; \\n\\n Recalling its Conclusion No. 27 (XXXIII) and Conclusion No. 32 (XXXIV) on military attacks on refugee camps and settlements in Southern Africa and elsewhere; Conclusion 72 (XLIV) on personal security of refugees; Conclusion No. 48 (XXXVIII) on military or armed attacks on refugee camps and settlements; Conclusion No. 47 (XXXVIII) and Conclusion No. 84 (XLVII), on refugee children and adolescents, as well as Conclusion 64 (XLI) on refugee women and international protection; \\n\\n Recalling also United Nations Security Council resolution S/RES/1208 (1998) and S/RES/1296 (2000), and the two reports of the United Nations Secretary\u00adGeneral on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict18, noting in particular the recommendations made therein with respect to enhancing the security of refugee camps and settlements; \\n\\n Welcoming the discussion which took place on the civilian character of asylum in the context of the Global Consultations on International Protection;19 \\n\\n Noting that several international meetings have recently been held, aimed at identifying effective operational strategies for maintaining the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum;20 \\n\\n Reiterating that refugee camps and settlements should have an exclusively civilian and humanitarian character, that the grant of asylum is a peaceful and humanitarian act which should not be regarded as unfriendly by another State, as stated in the 1969 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa and a number of EXCOM Conclusions, and that all actors, including refugees themselves, have the obligation to coop\u00ad erate in ensuring the peaceful and humanitarian character of refugee camps and settlements; \\n\\n Recognizing that the presence of armed elements in refugee camps or settlements; recruit\u00ad ment and training by government armed forces or organized armed groups; the use of such camps, intended to accommodate refugee populations on purely humanitarian grounds, for the internment of prisoners of war; as well as other forms of exploitation of refugee situations for the purpose of promoting military objectives are likely to expose refugees, par\u00ad ticularly women and children, to serious physical danger, inhibit the realization of durable solutions, in particular voluntary repatriation, but also local integration, jeopardize the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum and may threaten the national security of States, as well as inter\u00adState relations; \\n\\n Recognizing the special protection needs of refugee children and adolescents who, especially when living in camps where refugees are mixed with armed elements, are particularly vul\u00ad nerable to recruitment by government armed forces or organized armed groups; \\n\\n Reaffirming the importance of States, UNHCR and other relevant actors, integrating safety and security concerns from the outset of a refugee emergency into refugee camp manage\u00ad ment in a holistic manner; \\n (a) Acknowledges that host States have the primary responsibility to ensure the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum by, inter alia, making all efforts to locate refugee camps and settlements at a reasonable distance from the border, maintaining law and order, curtailing the flow of arms into refugee camps and settlements, preventing their use for the internment of prisoners of war, as well as through the disarmament of armed elements and the identification, separation and internment of combatants; \\n (b) Urges refugee\u00adhosting States to respect the civilian and humanitarian character of refu\u00ad gee camps by preventing their use for purposes which are incompatible with their civilian character; \\n (c) Recommends that action taken by States to ensure respect for the civilian and humani\u00ad tarian character of asylum be guided, inter alia, by the following principles; \\n (i) Respect for the right to seek asylum, and for the fundamental principle of non\u00ad refoulement, should be maintained at all times; \\n (ii) Measures for the disarmament of armed elements and the identification, sep\u00ad aration and internment of combatants should be taken as early as possible, preferably at the point of entry or at the first reception/transit centres for new arrivals; \\n (iii) To facilitate early identification and separation of combatants, registration of new arrivals should be conducted by means of a careful screening process; \\n (iv) Refugee camps and settlements should benefit from adequate security arrange\u00ad ments to deter infiltration by armed elements and the strengthening of law and order; \\n (v) Once identified, disarmed and separated from the refugee population, combat\u00ad ants should be interned at a safe location from the border; \\n (vi) Where the granting of refugee status is based on group determination, civilian family members of combatants should be treated as refugees and should not be interned together with them; \\n (vii) Combatants should not be considered as asylum\u00adseekers until the authorities have established within a reasonable timeframe that they have genuinely and permanently renounced military activities. Once this has been established, special procedures should be put in place for individual refugee status deter\u00ad mination, to ensure that those seeking asylum fulfil the criteria for the recogni\u00ad tion of refugee status. During the refugee status determination process, utmost attention should be paid to article 1F of the 1951 Convention, in order to avoid abuse of the asylum system by those who do not deserve international protection; \\n (viii) Former child soldiers should benefit from special protection and assistance measures, in particular as regards their demobilization and rehabilitation; \\n (ix) Where necessary, host States should develop, with assistance from UNHCR, operational guidelines in the context of group determination to exclude those individuals who are not deserving of international refugee protection; \\n (d) Further to para 3 (b) above, calls upon UNHCR to convene a meeting of experts in sup\u00ad port of the elaboration of measures for the disarmament of armed elements and the identification, separation, and internment of combatants, including the clarification of relevant procedures and standards, in consultation with States, United Nations Secre\u00ad tariat entities and agencies, and interested organizations, such as the ICRC, and report back to the Executive Committee on progress achieved; \\n (e) Calls upon States to ensure that measures are taken to prevent the recruitment of refugees by government armed forces or organized armed groups, in particular of children, taking into account also that unaccompanied and separated children are even more vulner\u00ad able to recruitment than other children; \\n (f) Calls upon the relevant United Nations organs and regional organizations, in pursuance of their respective mandates, as well as the international community at large, to mobi\u00ad lize adequate resources to support and assist host States in maintaining the civilian and humanitarian character of asylum, in line with the principles of international solidarity, co\u00adoperation, burden and responsibility sharing; \\n (g) Calls upon UNHCR and the Department of Peacekeeping Operations of the United Nations Secretariat to enhance collaboration on all aspects of this complex matter, and as appropriate, to deploy, with the consent of host States, multi\u00addisciplinary assess\u00ad ment teams to an emerging crisis area in order to clarify the situation on the ground, evaluate security threats for refugee populations and consider appropriate practical responses; \\n (h) Calls upon UNHCR to explore how it may develop, in consultation with relevant part\u00ad ners, its own institutional capacity to address insecurity in refugee camps, inter alia by assisting States to ensure the physical safety and dignity of refugees, building, as appro\u00ad priate, upon its protection and operational expertise.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 42, "Heading1": "Annex C: UNHCR Executive COmmittee COnclusion On the Civilian and Humanitarian Character Of Asylum NO. 94 (LIII)", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 176, "Paragraph": "Agreement between the Government of [country of origin] and the Government of [host country] for the voluntary repatriation and reintegration of combatants of [country of origin] \\n\\n Preamble \\n Combatants of [country of origin] have been identified in neighbouring countries. Approxi\u00ad mately [number] of these combatants are presently located in [host country]. This Agreement is the result of a series of consultations for the repatriation and incorporation in a disarma\u00ad ment, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programme of these combatants between the Government of [country of origin] and the Government of [host country]. The Parties have agreed to facilitate the process of repatriating and reintegrating the combatants from [host country] to [country of origin] in conditions of safety and dignity. Accordingly, this Agree\u00ad ment outlines the obligations of the Parties.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 45, "Heading1": "Annex D: Sample agreement on repatriation and reintegration of cross-border combatants", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 177, "Paragraph": "Article 1 \u2013 Definitions \\n\\n Article 2 \u2013 Legal bases \\n The Parties to this Agreement are mindful of the legal bases for the [internment and] repatri\u00ad ation of the said combatants and base their intentions and obligations on the following inter\u00ad national instruments: \\n [If applicable, in cases involving internment] The Hague Convention (V) Respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Land, 18 October 1907 (Annex 1) \\n [If applicable, in cases involving internment] The Third Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, Geneva, 12 August 1949 (Annex 2) \\n [If applicable, in cases involving internment] The Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Non\u00adInter\u00ad national Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), Geneva, 12 December 1977 (Annex 3) \\n Article 33 of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, Geneva, 28 July 1951 (Annex 4) \\n [If applicable, in cases involving African States] The 1969 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa (Annex 5) \\n\\n Article 3 \u2013 Commencement \\n The repatriation of the said combatants will commence on [ ]. \\n\\n Article 4 \u2013 Technical Task Force \\n A Technical Task Force of representatives of the following parties to determine the opera\u00ad tional framework for the repatriation and reintegration of the said combatants shall be constituted: \\n National Commission on DDR [of country of origin and of host country] Representatives of the embassies [of country of origin and host country] \\n [Relevant government departments of country of origin and host country, e.g. foreign affairs, defence, internal affairs, immigration, refugee/humanitarian affairs, children and women/gender] \\n UN Missions [in country of origin and host country] \\n [Relevant international agencies, e.g. UNHCR, UNICEF, ICRC, IOM] \\n\\n Article 5 \u2013 Obligations of Government of [country of origin] The Government of [country of origin] agrees: \\n i. To accept the return in safety and dignity of the said combatants. \\n ii. To provide sufficient information to the said combatants, as well as to their family members, to make free and informed decisions concerning their repatriation and rein\u00ad tegration. \\n iii. To include the returning combatants in the amnesty provided for in article [ ] of the Peace Accord (Annex 6). \\n iv. To waive any court martial action for desertion from government forces. \\n v. To facilitate the return of the said combatants to their places of origin or choice through [relevant government agencies such as the National Commission on DDR and inter\u00ad national agencies and NGO partners], taking into account the specific needs and circum\u00ad stances of the said combatants and their family members. \\n vi. To consider and facilitate the payment of any DDR benefits, including reintegration assistance, upon the return of the said combatants and to provide appropriate identi\u00ad fication papers in accordance with the eligibility criteria of the DDR programme. \\n vii. To assist the returning combatants of government forces who wish to benefit from the restructuring of the army by rejoining the army or obtaining retirement benefits, depend\u00ad ing on their choice and if they meet the criteria for the above purposes. \\n viii. To facilitate through the immigration department the entry of spouses, partners, children and other family members of the combatants who may not be citizens of [country of origin] and to regularize their residence in [country of origin] in accordance with the provisions of its immigration or other relevant laws. \\n ix. To grant free and unhindered access to [UN Missions, relevant international agencies, etc.] to monitor the treatment of returning combatants and their family members in accordance with human rights and humanitarian standards, including the implemen\u00ad tation of commitments contained in this Agreement. \\n x. To meet the [applicable] cost of repatriation and reintegration of the combatants. \\n\\n Article 6 \u2013 Obligations of Government of [host country] The Government of [host country] agrees: \\n i. To facilitate the processing of repatriation of the said combatants who wish to return to [country of origin]. \\n ii. To return the personal effects (excluding arms and ammunition) of the said combatants. \\n iii. To provide clear documentation and records which account for arms and ammunition collected from the said combatants. \\n iv. To meet the [applicable] cost of repatriation of the said combatants. \\n v. To consider local integration for any of the said combatants for whom this is assessed to be the most appropriate durable solution. \\n\\n Article 7 \u2013 Children associated with armed forces and groups \\n The return, family reunification and reintegration of children associated with armed forces and groups will be carried out under separate arrangements, taking into account the special needs of the children. \\n\\n Article 8 \u2013 Special measures for vulnerable persons/persons with special needs \\n The Parties shall take special measures to ensure that vulnerable persons and those with special needs, such as disabled combatants or those with other medical conditions that affect their travel, receive adequate protection, assistance and care throughout the repatri\u00ad ation and reintegration processes. \\n\\n Article 9 \u2013 Families of combatants \\n Wherever possible, the Parties shall ensure that the families of the said combatants residing in [host country] return to [country of origin] in a coordinated manner that allows for the maintenance of family links and reunion. \\n\\n Article 10 \u2013 Nationality issues \\n The Parties shall mutually resolve through the Technical Task Force any applicable nation\u00ad ality issues, including establishment of modalities for ascertaining nationality, and deter\u00ad mining the country in which combatants will benefit from a DDR programme and the country of eventual destination. \\n\\n Article 11 \u2013 Asylum \\n Should any of the said combatants, having permanently renounced armed activities, not wish to repatriate for reasons relevant to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, they shall have the right to seek and enjoy asylum in [host country]. The grant of asylum is a peaceful and humanitarian act and shall not be regarded as an unfriendly act. \\n\\n Article 12 \u2013 Designated border crossing points \\n The Parties shall agree on border crossing points for repatriation movements. Such agree\u00ad ment may be modified to better suit operational requirements. \\n\\n Article 13 \u2013 Immigration, customs and health formalities \\n i. To ensure the expeditious return of the said combatants, their family members and belongings, the Parties shall waive their respective immigration, customs and health formalities usually carried out at border crossing points. \\n ii. The personal or communal property of the said combatants and their family members, including livestock and pets, shall be exempted from all customs duties, charges and tariffs. \\n iii. [If applicable] The Parties shall also waive any fees, passenger service charges as well as all other airport, marine, road or other taxes for vehicles entering or transiting their respective territories under the auspices of [repatriation agency] for the repatriation operation. \\n\\n Article 14 \u2013 Access and monitoring upon return \\n [The UN Mission and other relevant international and non\u00adgovernmental agencies] shall be granted free and unhindered access to all the said combatants and their family members in [the host country] and upon return in [the country of origin], in order to monitor their treatment in accordance with human rights and humanitarian standards, including the implementation of commitments contained in this Agreement. \\n\\n Article 15 \u2013 Continued validity of other agreements \\n This Agreement shall not affect the validity of any existing agreements, arrangements or mechanisms of cooperation between the Parties. \\n To the extent necessary or applicable, such agreements, arrangements or mechanisms may be relied upon and applied as if they formed part of this Agreement to assist in the pursuit of this Agreement, namely the repa\u00ad triation and reintegration of the said combatants. \\n\\n Article 16 \u2013 Resolution of disputes \\n Any question arising out of the interpretation or application of this Agreement, or for which no provision is expressly made herein, shall be resolved amicably through consultations between the Parties. \\n\\n Article 17 \u2013 Entry into force \\n This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by the Parties. \\n\\n Article 18 \u2013 Amendment \\n This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement in writing between the Parties. \\n\\n Article 19 \u2013 Termination \\n This Agreement shall remain in force until it is terminated by mutual agreement between the Parties. \\n\\n Article 20 \u2013 Succession \\n This Agreement binds any successors of both Parties. \\n\\n In witness whereof, the authorized representatives of the Parties have hereby signed this Agreement. \\n\\n DONE at ..........................., this..... day of..... , in two originals. \\n\\n For the Government of [country of origin]: For the Government of [host country]:", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 45, "Heading1": "Annex D: Sample agreement on repatriation and reintegration of cross-border combatants", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}, {"ID": 178, "Paragraph": "\\n 1 See, for example, Special Report of the Secretary\u00adGeneral on the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, S/2002/1005, 10 September 2002, section on \u2018Principles Involved in the Disarmament, Demobilization, Repatriation, Resettlement and Reintegration of Foreign Armed Groups\u2019, pp. 6\u20137; Report of the Secretary\u00adGeneral to the Security Council on Liberia, 11 September 2003, para. 49: \u201cFor the planned disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process in Liberia to suc\u00ad ceed, a subregional approach which takes into account the presence of foreign combatants in Liberia and Liberian ex\u00adcombatants in neighbouring countries would be essential In view of the subre\u00ad gional dimensions of the conflict, any disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme for Liberia should be linked, to the extent possible, to the ongoing disarmament, demobilization and rein\u00ad tegration process in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire \u201d; Security Council resolution 1509 (2003) establishing the United Nations Mission in Liberia, para. 1(f) on DDR: \u201caddressing the inclusion of non\u00adLiberian combatants\u201d; Security Council press release, \u2018Security Council Calls for Regional Approach in West Africa to Address such Cross\u00adborder Issues as Child Soldiers, Mercenaries, Small Arms\u2019, SC/8037, 25 March 2004. \\n 2 \u201cEvery State has the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands, including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of another state . . . . Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in acts of civil strife or terrorist acts in another State or acquiescing in organized activities within its territory directed towards the commission of such acts, when the acts referred to in the present paragraph involve a threat or use of force No State shall organize, assist, foment, finance, incite or tolerate subversive, terrorist or armed activities directed towards the violent overthrow of the regime of another State, or interfere in civil strife in another State.\u201d \\n 3 Adopted by UN General Assembly resolution 43/173, 9 December 1988. \\n 4 Adopted by the First UN Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Geneva 1955, and approved by the UN Economic and Social Council in resolutions 663 C (XXIV) of 31 July 1957 and 2076 (LXII) of 13 May 1977. \\n 5 Adopted by UN General Assembly resolution 45/111, 14 December 1990. \\n 6 UN General Assembly resolution 56/166, Human Rights and Mass Exoduses, para. 8, 26 February 2002; see also General Assembly resolution 58/169, para. 7. \\n 7 UN General Assembly resolution 58/169, Human Rights and Mass Exoduses, 9 March 2004. \\n 8 UN General Assembly, Report of the Fifty\u00adFifth Session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner\u2019s Programme, A/AC.96/1003, 12 October 2004. \\n 9 Information on separation and internment of combatants in sections 7 to 10 draws significantly from papers presented at the Experts\u2019 Roundtable organized by UNHCR on the Civilian and Humanitar\u00ad ian Character of Asylum (June 2004), in particular the background resource paper prepared for the conference, Maintaining the Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Asylum by Rosa da Costa, UNHCR (Legal and Protection Policy Research Series, Department of International Protection, PPLA/2004/02, June 2004), as well as the subsequent UNHCR draft, Operational Guidelines on Maintaining the Civilian Character of Asylum in Mass Refugee Influx Situations. \\n 10 Internment camps for foreign combatants have been established in Sierra Leone (Mapeh and Mafanta camps for combatants from the Liberian war), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) (Zongo for combatants from Central African Republic), Zambia (Ukwimi camp for combatants from Angola, Burundi, Rwanda and DRC) and Tanzania (Mwisa separation facility for combatants from Burundi and DRC). \\n 11 Da Costa, op. cit. \\n 12 The full definition in the 1989 International Convention Against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries is contained in the glossary of terms in Annex A. In Africa, the 1977 Convention of the OAU for the Elimination of Mercenarism in Africa is also applicable. \\n 13 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, art. 14. The article contains an exception \u201cin the case of prose\u00ad cutions genuinely arising from non\u00adpolitical crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations\u201d. \\n 14 For further information see UNHCR, Handbook for Repatriation and Reintegration Activities, Geneva, May 2004. \\n 15 The UN General Assembly has \u201cemphasiz[ed] the obligation of all States to accept the return of their nationals, call[ed] upon States to facilitate the return of their nationals who have been determined not to be in need of international protection, and affirm[ed] the need for the return of persons to be undertaken in a safe and humane manner and with full respect for their human rights and dignity, irrespective of the status of the persons concerned\u201d (UN General Assembly resolution 57/187, para. 11, 18 December 2002). \\n 16 Refer to UNHCR/DPKO note on cooperation, 2004. \\n 17 For the purpose of this Conclusion, the term \u201carmed elements\u201d is used as a generic term in a refugee context that refers to combatants as well as civilians carrying weapons. Similarly, for the purpose of this Conclusion, the term \u201ccombatants\u201d covers persons taking active part in hostilities in both inter\u00ad national and non\u00adinternational armed conflict who have entered a country of asylum. \\n 18 S/1999/957; S/2001/331 \\n 19 EC/GC/01/8/Rev.1 \\n 20 Workshop on the Potential Role of International Police in Refugee Camp Security (Ottawa, Canada, March 2001); Regional Symposium on Maintaining the Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Refugee Status, Camps and other locations (Pretoria, South Africa, February 2001); International Seminar on Exploring the Role of the Military in Refugee Camp Security (Oxford, UK, July 2001).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Cross-border Population Movements", "PageNum": 49, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.40 Cross-border Population Movements"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.50 Food Assistance in DDR.json b/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.50 Food Assistance in DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49d2774 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.50 Food Assistance in DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "Acute food insecurity can be a trigger or root cause of armed conflict. Furthermore, armed conflict itself is a major driver of food insecurity. In countries and regions affected by armed conflict, humanitarian food assistance agencies are often already engaged in large-scale life-saving and livelihood support programmes to assist vulnerable and conflict-affected civilian communities, including displaced populations. These same agencies may be asked by a national Government, a peace operation or UN Resident Coordinator (UN RC) to provide food assistance in support of a disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) process.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "Food assistance provided by humanitarian food assistance agencies as part of a DDR process shall adhere to humanitarian principles and the best practices of humanitarian food assistance. Humanitarian agencies shall not provide food assistance to armed personnel at any point in a DDR process and all reasonable precautions and measures shall be taken to ensure that food assistance is not taken or used by combatants or warring factions. When food is provided to armed forces and groups prior to their demobilization, Governments or peacekeeping actors and their cooperating partners, and not humanitarian agencies, shall be responsible for all aspects of the process \u2013 from the acquisition of food to its distribution.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "As outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR, DDR processes can include various combinations of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support. The objectives and means through which food assistance is provided will differ depending on the type of DDR process being supported. For example, during DDR programmes food assistance can be provided at disarmament and/or cantonment sites and as part of a transitional safety net in support of reinsertion and reintegration. Food assistance can also be provided as part of reintegration support either during a DDR programme or when the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). In addition, food assistance can be part of pre-DDR and CVR (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "Food assistance that is provided in support of a DDR process shall be based on a careful analysis of the food security situation. This shall include an analysis of any potential gender, age or disability barriers to receiving food assistance. The capacities and coping mechanisms of individuals, households and communities shall also be analysed to ensure the appropriateness and effectiveness of the assistance. Food assistance as part of a DDR process shall also be informed by a context/conflict analysis and an analysis of the protection risks that could potentially be created by this assistance. For example, it is important to analyse whether food assistance may inadvertently create or exacerbate household or community tensions.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "Available and flexible resources are necessary in order to respond to the changes and unexpected problems that may arise during DDR processes. A food assistance component of a DDR process should not be implemented unless adequate resources and capacity are in place, including human, financial and logistics resources. If resources are not adequate, a risk analysis must inform decision- making and implementation. Maintaining a well-resourced food assistance pipeline, regardless of the selected transfer modality (in-kind support or cash-based transfers) is essential.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "This module outlines the operational requirements for the planning, design and implementation of the food assistance component of a DDR process in both mission and non-mission settings. It focuses on instances where food assistance is provided by humanitarian food assistance agencies as part of a DDR process to ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, dependants and community members.1 It also examines the different modalities through which food assistance can be provided, including in-kind support, cash-based transfers, vouchers and digital payments (such as mobile money transfers). Although not the focus of this module, the guidance provided herein may also be of use to Government and peacekeeping actors engaged in the provision of food assistance during DDR.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "Cash-based transfers (CBTs): This term is used when, instead of providing a package of food, money is given to buy food. CBTs include cash as well as value vouchers. Value vouchers \u2013 also known as gift cards or stamps - provide access to commodities for a given monetary amount and can often be used in predetermined locations, including selected shops. CBTs may also include digital transfers such as payments made to mobile phones (\u201cmobile money transfers\u201d).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "Commodity vouchers: Vouchers may also be commodity-based i.e., tied to a predefined quantity of given foods.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "Coping mechanisms: The methods by which members of households try to deal with a crisis. For example, at times of severe food insecurity, household members may (1) make greater use than normal of wild foods, (2) plant other crops, (3) seek other sources of income, (4) rely more on gifts and remittances, (5) sell off assets to buy food and (6) migrate. Coping mechanisms should be discouraged if they lead to disinvestment, reduce a household\u2019s capacity to recover its long-term ability to survive, or harm the environment. Positive coping mechanisms should be encouraged and strengthened.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "Food assistance for assets (FFA): FFA aims to address the immediate food needs of the most food-insecure people while improving their long-term food security and resilience. People receive cash, vouchers or in-kind food assistance while they build or boost assets, such as constructing a road or rehabilitating degraded land. These assets should in turn improve their livelihoods by creating healthier natural environments, reducing risks and the impact of shocks, increasing food productivity and strengthening resilience to natural disasters. FFA is sometimes referred to as food for work.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "Food assistance programmes (FAPs): These programmes aim to improve the food security and nutritional status of the targeted population and can be implemented through different transfer modalities, including in-kind food rations and CBTs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "Food assistance for training (FFT): A programme in which food or cash is supplied on the condition that the recipient attends a training programme.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "Food security: A situation where all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. (Note: This definition includes the three key dimensions of food security: sufficient availability of food, adequate access to food, and appropriate utilization of food.)", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "Vulnerability: In terms of food supply, vulnerability refers to the presence of factors that place people at risk of becoming food insecure or malnourished, including those factors that affect their ability to cope with these risks.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "Acute food insecurity can be a trigger or root cause of armed conflict. Furthermore, armed conflict itself is a major driver of food insecurity. In countries and regions affected by armed conflict, humanitarian food assistance agencies are often already engaged in programmes to assist vulnerable and conflict-affected civilian communities, including displaced populations. These same agencies may be asked by a national Government, a peace operation or UN RC to provide food assistance in support of a DDR process.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "As outlined in IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR, DDR processes can include various combinations of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support. The objectives and means through which food assistance is provided will differ depending on the type of DDR process being supported (see Table 1 below). For example, during DDR programmes food assistance can be provided at disarmament and/or cantonment sites and as part of a transitional safety net in support of reinsertion and reintegration. Food assistance can also be provided as part of reintegration support either a part of a DDR programme or when the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). In addition, food assistance can be part of pre-DDR and CVR (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction). When food assistance is provided prior to demobilization, i.e., to active armed forces and groups, it shall be provided by Governments or peacekeeping actors and their cooperating partners, not humanitarian agencies.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to the food assistance provided by humanitarian food assistance agencies during DDR.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "Participation in the food assistance component of a DDR process shall be voluntary.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1 Voluntary", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "Food assistance may be provided to all five categories of people that should be taken into consideration in integrated DDR processes, depending on the context (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR and IDDRS 3.21 on Participants, Beneficiaries and Partners). In a DDR process, those who receive food assistance may be eligible not just because they are in a particular situation of vulnerability to food and nutrition insecurity, but because they are members of, or associated with, a particular armed force or group. The objectives and eligibility criteria are different from those of a purely humanitarian food assistance intervention and align with those of the broader DDR process. This may in some circumstances contradict the needs-based approach of humanitarian food security organizations, and, as such, shall be carefully considered and weighed against overall peacebuilding and stabilization objectives.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "Some female combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups (WAAFG) may self-demobilize in order to avoid the stigmatization that may result from being known as a female member of an armed force or group. These women may also be forcibly prevented from registering for DDR by male commanders (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization and IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Therefore, community-based food assistance in areas where WAAFG have returned may be the only way to reach these women (see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "Careful consideration shall also be given to how to best meet the food assistance requirements and other humanitarian needs of the dependants (partners, children and relatives) of ex-combatants. Whenever possible, meeting the food assistance needs of this group shall be part of broader strategies that are developed to improve food security in receiving communities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "Dependants are eligible for assistance from DDR processes if they fulfil certain vulnerability criteria and/or if their main household income was that of an eligible combatant. The criteria for eligibility for food assistance and to assess vulnerability shall be agreed upon and coordinated among key national and agency stakeholders, with humanitarian agencies playing a key role in this process. The process shall also involve participatory consultations with women and men of different ages.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "Because dependants are civilians, they should not be involved in disarmament and demobilization. However, they should be screened and identified as dependants of an eligible combatant (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). In this context, food assistance for dependants may be implemented in one of two ways. The first would involve dependants being cantoned in a separate, nearby camp while combatants are disarmed and demobilized. The second would involve dependants being taken or being asked to go directly to their communities. These two approaches would require different methods for distributing food assistance. During the planning process for the food assistance component of a DDR process, a clear, coordinated approach to inter-agency procedures for meeting the needs of dependants shall be outlined for all agency partners that will be involved.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "It is also essential when planning food assistance, that support provided to DDR participants and beneficiaries be balanced against the assistance provided to host community members or other returnees (such as internally displaced persons and refugees) as part of wider recovery programmes. When possible, and depending on the operational context, the needs of dependants may be best met by linking to concurrent food assistance programmes that are designed to assist the recovery of other conflict-affected populations. This approach shall be considered the preferred programming option.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "Children associated with armed forces and armed groups (CAAFAG) are particularly vulnerable to re-recruitment, and, because of this, food assistance can provide valuable support for programmes of education, training, rehabilitation, and family and community reunification. When dealing with CAAFAG, appropriate food assistance benefits should only be selected after careful analysis of the situation and context, and be guided by the principle of \u2018do no harm\u2019. Although food assistance can in some cases offer these children incentives to reintegrate into their communities, food assistance can also motivate children to join or re-join armed forces and groups in order to access this support. Food assistance in the form of cash shall not be provided to children, as cash may easily be taken from children (for e.g., by military commanders). Instead, in-kind food assistance may be offered during child DDR processes. Any food assistance support shall be coordinated with specialized child protection actors. Protection analysis and referral systems to child protection agencies shall be included in the food assistance component of the DDR process (see section 7.1).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "The diverse and specific needs of CAAFAG, boys and girls, including in relation to nutrition, shall be taken into account in the design and implementation of the food assistance component of a child DDR process. DDR practitioners and food assistance staff shall be aware of the relevant legal conventions and key issues and vulnerabilities that have to be dealt with when assisting CAAFAG and work closely with child protection specialists when developing the food assistance component of a child DDR process. In addition, appropriate reporting mechanisms shall be established in advance with specialized child protection agencies to deal with child protection and other issues that arise during child demobilization (\u2018release\u2019) (see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.2 Unconditional release and protection of children", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "Any food assistance component that is part of a DDR process shall be designed in accordance with humanitarian principles and the best practices of humanitarian food assistance. Food assistance shall only be provided when an overall assessment concludes that it is a required form of assistance as part of the DDR process. Similarly, the transfer modality to be used for the food assistance shall be based on a careful contextual and feasibility analysis (see section 5.5). Furthermore, when food assistance is provided as part of a DDR process in a mission context, the political requirements of the peacekeeping mission and the guiding principles of humanitarian assistance and development aid shall be kept completely separate.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "Food assistance as part of a DDR process shall be designed and implemented in a way that contributes to the safety, dignity and integrity of ex-combatants, their dependants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and community members. In any circumstance where these conditions are not met, humanitarian agencies shall carefully consider the appropriateness of providing food assistance.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "Humanitarian food assistance agencies shall only be involved in DDR processes when they have sufficient capacity. Support to a DDR process shall not undermine a humanitarian food assistance agency\u2019s capacity to deal with other urgent humanitarian problems/crises, nor shall it affect the process of prioritizing food assistance to conflict-affected populations.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "In accordance with humanitarian principles, food assistance agencies shall not provide food assistance to armed personnel at any point in a DDR process. All reasonable precautions and measures shall be taken to ensure that food assistance is not taken or used by combatants or warring factions. When food is provided to armed forces and groups during the pre-disarmament and disarmament phases of a DDR process, Governments or peacekeeping actors and their cooperating partners, and not humanitarian agencies, shall be responsible for all aspects of the process \u2013 from the acquisition of food to its distribution.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 People centred", "Heading3": "4.2.3 In accordance with standards and principles of humanitarian assistance", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "In each context in which a DDR process takes place, women, men, girls and boys will have different needs, interests and capacities. Food assistance in support of DDR shall be designed and implemented to take this into account. In particular, DDR practitioners shall be aware of the nutritional needs of women, adolescent girls and girls and boys. They shall also assess in advance and monitor whether food assistance provides equal benefit to women/girls and men/boys, and whether the assistance exacerbates gender inequality or promotes gender equality.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "The food assistance component of a DDR process shall ensure that women and girls have control over the assistance they receive and that they are empowered to make their own choices about their lives. In order to achieve this, it is essential that women and girls and women\u2019s groups, as well as child advocacy groups, be closely and meaningfully involved in DDR planning and implementation.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "The food assistance component of a DDR process shall also consider gender analysis and power dynamics in household resource distribution, as it may be necessary to create specific benefit tracks for women. As with all food assistance programmes, those established in support of a DDR process shall be gender-responsive and appropriate to the rights and specific needs of women and girls (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). A gender-transformative approach to food assistance shall be applied, promoting women\u2019s roles in decision-making, leadership, distribution, and monitoring and evaluation. More specifically: \\n A gender-transformative lens shall be integrated into the design and delivery of food assistance components, leveraging opportunities to support gender-equitable engagement by men, women, boys and girls, including ensuring equal representation of women in leadership roles. \\n The women and men who are to be recipients of food assistance shall determine the selection of the transfer modality and delivery mechanism (time, date, place, quantity of food, separate queues, etc.). The transfer type and delivery mechanism shall not reinforce discriminatory and restrictive gender roles. \\n The provision of food assistance shall be monitored, and gender and gender-equality considerations shall be integrated into the tools, procedures and reporting of on-site, post- distribution and market monitoring. \\n Changes in food security, nutrition situation, decision-making authority and empowerment, equitable participation and access, protection and safety issues, and satisfaction with assistance received shall be monitored for individual women, men, girls and boys, households and community groups. \\n Food assistance staff shall receive training on protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), including regular refresher trainings. \\n Confidential complaints and feedback mechanisms related to food assistance that are accessible to women, men, girls and boys shall be designed, established and managed. These mechanisms shall ensure that women have a safe space to report protection issues and incidents of sexual and gender-based violence. An accountability system should be designed, established and managed to ensure appropriate follow up. \\n Possible violations of women\u2019s and girls\u2019 rights shall be identified, addressed and responded to when supporting the food assistance component of a DDR process. Opportunities for women to take a more active role in designing and implementing food assistance programmes shall also be promoted. \\n The equal representation of women and men in peace mediation and decision-making at all levels and stages of humanitarian assistance shall be ensured, including in food management committees and at distribution points. \\n The participation of women\u2019s organizations in capacity-building for humanitarian response, rehabilitation and recovery shall be ensured.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Gender responsive and inclusive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "DDR processes shall be designed through a conflict-sensitive lens with careful consideration given to how a possible food assistance component could potentially increase tensions and vulnerabilities. Food assistance provided as part of a DDR process shall not create, exacerbate or contribute to gender inequalities or discrimination, including the risk of gender-based violence. Furthermore, it shall not present possibilities for theft or manipulation of assistance, or compromise the legitimacy of organizations and actors providing humanitarian and development aid. The most adequate transfer modalities and delivery mechanisms for food assistance as part of a DDR process shall be identified. Food assistance staff and DDR practitioners shall be highly aware of the potential for their decisions to have unintended negative consequences and shall analyse possible inadvertent contributions to tension/conflict. This analysis shall include: \\n a) Having a sound understanding of the social tensions that already exist; \\n b) Assessing how the DDR process and the food assistance component may interact with those tensions; \\n c) Adapting the DDR process and the food assistance component to avoid contributing to tension/conflict, and to support sustainable peace where possible.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "DDR processes with a food assistance component shall also leverage opportunities to \u2018do more good\u2019 and contribute to social cohesion and peacebuilding as well as to gender equality and women\u2019s empowerment.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4 Conflict sensitive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "The food assistance component of a DDR process, and the modality through which food assistance is provided, will be highly context-specific. The appropriate local, country and/or regional approach to assistance shall be adopted and be based on good-quality data and analysis of the social, political and economic context, taking into account gender and age inequalities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.5 Context specific", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "If the food assistance component of a DDR process is to be effective, sufficient human, financial and logistics resources are required. In a mission context, contributions from the UN peacekeeping assessed budget, supplemented by voluntary donations, must be available. Security provisions and the presence of adequate numbers of peacekeepers are also required. The lead food assistance agency shall support the UN mission administration in defining scenarios and predicting operational costs. In a non-mission context, voluntary donations are required.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ", "Heading3": "4.6.1 Flexible, sustainable and transparent funding arrangements", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "Accountability to affected populations is essential to ensure that the design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of the food assistance component of a DDR process is informed by and reflects the views of affected people. As part of accountability to affected populations, information about food assistance shall be provided to affected populations in an accurate, timely and accessible way. The information provided shall be clearly understandable to all, irrespective of age, gender, ability, literacy level or other characteristics. In addition, the views of the affected population shall be sought throughout each stage of the food assistance component of a DDR process. This requires separate consultations with women, men, youth and elders to ensure that their views and concerns are heard and accounted for. In particular, separate consultations with men and women shall be required in order to provide opportunities for confidential feedback and to report protection or sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) issues related to food assistance (see Box 1).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Flexible, accountable and transparent ", "Heading3": "4.6.2 Accountability and transparency", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "The food assistance component of a DDR process shall be linked to the broader recovery strategy of the country concerned. This linkage shall be included in the earliest stages of inter-agency DDR planning and negotiations, so that eligibility criteria and the necessary processes for receiving assistance are clearly communicated to all concerned. It is also essential to work with humanitarian coordinating structures, including the UN Humanitarian Coordinator (UN HC).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.7 Nationally and locally owned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "Food assistance to DDR processes shall be provided in close consultation with all relevant UN components (peacekeeping, humanitarian and development), as well as with the Government, affected populations, donors and cooperating partner organizations, including representatives of women\u2019s organizations and organizations working for gender equality.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.8 Integrated", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "Food assistance shall not be provided as part of DDR processes if there is no clear, established institutional and operational framework. Effective mechanisms for sharing information, and where appropriate joint planning and preparation, shall be established between the leading food agency, its cooperating partners and other UN agencies, as well as peacekeeping actors and donors. This will further help uphold and respect humanitarian principles.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.8 Integrated", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "The lead food assistance agency shall participate in all negotiation and planning processes that may have a direct or indirect effect on the design and implementation of the food assistance component of a DDR process. All cooperating and implementing partners in the food assistance component shall be consulted during the planning process in order to establish the appropriate and necessary measures for exchanging information and coordinating activities. Assessments shall involve and inform local communities and, where possible, consultation on the design of a food assistance component shall include these communities and a feedback mechanism to support continual refinement.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.9 Well planned", "Heading3": "4.9.1 Assessment, design, monitoring and evaluation", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "Community members may sometimes believe that more attractive food assistance (such as rice) is being provided to ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups than the support being provided to broader communities (for example, bulgur). This can cause resentment in these communities and potentially fuel conflict. There is also the danger that humanitarian food assistance agencies will no longer be seen as neutral. For these reasons, every effort shall be made to manage public information and community perceptions when sensitizing communities where ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups will return (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.9 Well planned", "Heading3": "4.9.2 Public information and community sensitization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "The food assistance component of a DDR process may initially focus on ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups. In order to encourage self-reliance and minimize resentment from others in the community who do not have access to similar support, over time, and where appropriate, this focus shall be phased out. Any continuing efforts to address the vulnerabilities of reintegrating former combatants, their dependants, and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups shall take place through other programmes of assistance dealing with the needs of the broader conflict-affected population, recognizing that the effectiveness of these programmes is often related to available resources. The aim shall always be to encourage the re-establishment of self- reliance from the earliest possible moment, therefore minimizing the possible negative effects of distributing food assistance over a long period of time.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.9 Well planned", "Heading3": "4.9.3 Transition and exit strategies", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "Planning for food assistance as part of a DDR process often begins when food assistance agencies receive a request from a national Government, a peace operation or a UN RC. This request signals the need for the lead food agency to begin inter-agency coordination, in order to ensure that the operational requirements of a food assistance component are fully incorporated into an integrated DDR process framework.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "Food assistance may be provided as part of a DDR process only when the overall analysis shows that it is a needed, appropriate form of assistance as part of a broader package of DDR support.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Food assistance planning data", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "When developing the initial plans for a short-term food assistance component, the lead food agency shall gather information about the numbers and categories of recipients, the modality to be used to provide assistance, logistics and distribution/disbursement plans. Depending on the timeline of the response, security concerns, and difficulties in terms of access, food assistance agencies may have to rely on secondary data provided by Governments and/or the UN mission and the UN peacekeeping DDR component. Nevertheless, sex and age disaggregated data should be sought to ensure that the food assistance component responds to the specific needs of the targeted population.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Food assistance planning data", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "Longer-term food assistance interventions, such as those supporting reintegration, should ideally be based on more accurate food security and vulnerability data and analysis. This is to ensure that the food assistance component is designed according to a comprehensive understanding of food security and nutrition issues in a particular context. The analysis should include a detailed protection, gender and age analysis of the context and populations where the operation will take place. Generally, data collected through assessments carried out by humanitarian agencies to inform other food assistance programmes for the conflict-affected population should be used as the basis for planning reintegration support. In all planning for food assistance, vulnerability and feasibility assessments should be carried out, if possible, at the regional, community and/or household levels to gather data on areas that are particularly vulnerable, as well as communities, households and specific groups (such as single parents with small children, older people) or individuals (women versus men) experiencing food insecurity. To the extent possible, the analysis should also consider individual food security and nutrition needs, as well as the use of food and livelihood coping strategies within households, taking into account intra-household inequalities in access to and the utilization of food.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Food assistance planning data", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "The tools available for assessment and analysis include: \\n Crop and food security assessment mission; \\n Emergency food security assessments; \\n Mobile vulnerability analysis and mapping remote surveys; \\n Essential needs assessments; \\n Integrated food security phase classification exercises including acute malnutrition; \\n Food security monitoring systems; \\n Transfer modality selection guidance; \\n Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transition (SMART) nutrition surveys or joint food security and nutrition assessments; \\n Other types of rapid assessments to identify vulnerable communities and to better understand local food management practices. Rapid assessments use a variety of quick and inexpensive survey techniques. They tend to be qualitative rather than quantitative, and they depend more on the ability and judgement of the person carrying out the survey than do other research methods that are more rigorous, but also slower and costlier.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Food assistance planning data", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "These assessment methods provide the basis for identifying the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and the needs of communities, households and individuals in specific locations, and provide detailed information on food availability, food markets, economic and physical access to food, food consumption and utilization, food and livelihood-based coping strategies, exposure to shocks, and other root causes of food insecurity, including insecurity or gender inequalities. When possible, such assessments should be carried out through a participatory, gender-sensitive approach to ensure that the needs, interests and capacities of all community members (women, men, old, young) are identified.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Food assistance planning data", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "Community-based organizations such as women\u2019s organizations and village relief committees, including local leaders, can help to identify the people or households most in need of assistance and the local root causes of food insecurity. Engaging local organizations in surveys and assessments as key informants can contribute to the engagement of all members of the community in ensuring that food assistance is effective and that it benefits all those in need equally and does not create protection risks.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Food assistance planning data", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "Early in the integrated planning process, food assistance agencies should provide details of the data that they require to the lead coordinating actors in the DDR process so that information can be collected in the early phases of preparing for the food assistance component. The transfer modality that is chosen to provide food assistance will have implications for the types of data required, and this should be taken into account. Agencies should also be careful to ask for data about less visible groups (e.g., abducted girls, breastfeeding mothers) so that these groups can be included in the estimates. It should be noted, however, that acquiring certain data (e.g., accurate numbers and descriptions of members of armed forces and groups) is not always possible, because of the tendency of parties to hide children, ignore (leave out) women who were not in combat positions, and increase or reduce figures for political, financial or strategic reasons. Therefore, plans will often be made according to a best estimate that can only be verified when the food assistance component is in progress. For this reason, DDR practitioners and food assistance staff should be prepared for unexpected or unplanned events/circumstances.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Food assistance planning data", "Heading3": "5.1.1 Data needed for planning", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "The following data are essential for food assistance planning as part of a DDR process, and shall be provided to, or collected by, the lead agency at the earliest possible stages of planning, ensuring that data protection standards are respected: \\n Numbers of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups (disaggregated by sex and age, and with specific assessments of the numbers and characteristics of vulnerable groups); \\n Numbers of dependants (partners, children, relatives, disaggregated by sex and age) and their expenditure on food and food intake; \\n Profiles of participants and beneficiaries (i.e., who they are, what their special needs are); \\n Basic nutritional data, by sex and age; \\n Logistics corridors/supply routes; \\n Roads and infrastructure information; \\n Information on market capacity and functionality; \\n Information on financial service provider networks; \\n Basic information on beneficiary expenditure/consumption behaviour; \\n Information regarding demining; \\n Other security-related information.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Food assistance planning data", "Heading3": "5.1.1 Data needed for planning", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "Qualitative data, that will be especially useful in planning reintegration assistance, should also be collected, including through ad hoc surveys carried out among ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants on the initiative of the UN humanitarian coordinating body and partner UN agencies. This process should be carried out in consultation with the national Government and third parties. These surveys identify the main features of the social profile of the intended participants and beneficiaries and provide useful information about the different needs, interests and capacities of the women, men and children of various ages that will be eligible for assistance. Preliminary data gathered through surveys can be checked and verified at a later stage, for e.g., during an identification and registration process.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Food assistance planning data", "Heading3": "5.1.1 Data needed for planning", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "Data on food habits and preliminary information on nutritional requirements may also be collected by food agencies through ad hoc surveys before, or immediately following, the start of the DDR process (also see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning: Processes and Structures).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.1 Food assistance planning data", "Heading3": "5.1.1 Data needed for planning", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "The following parts of the food assistance component should be finalized in a food assistance plan and made part of the inter-agency approach to the DDR process: \\n Context/conflict analysis, including protection and gender analysis; \\n Agreement on ration/food basket/transfer value for assembly and reinsertion periods, taking into account the diverse needs of recipients; \\n Agreement on the most appropriate modality (i.e., in-kind food, cash, or voucher/e-voucher); \\n The identification of programme resources; \\n The establishment of viable distribution/disbursement/voucher redemption mechanisms, taking into consideration gender and protection issues; \\n Putting plans and resources in place for special feeding programmes (e.g., school/interim care centre feeding, take home rations, malnutrition and prevention treatment programmes; integrating nutrition awareness education); \\n Preparations for special project activities (e.g., FFA, FFT, etc.); \\n The development of a logistics plan; \\n The establishment of monitoring and reporting systems; \\n The development of contingency plans; \\n The establishment of security measures.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.2 The food assistance plan", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "Having one lead food assistance agency as part of the DDR process will permit a more cost- effective operation and minimize coordination problems. In some cases, to improve the quality and variety of the food that is provided, extra supplies may be contributed by donors and other agencies. These actors can also provide non-food items required for the preparation and distribution of food (e.g., cooking pots, charcoal, paper plates, condiments, etc.).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.2 The food assistance plan", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "Experience has shown that the sharing of responsibilities between humanitarian and Government actors in the provision of food assistance must be done with caution. In countries emerging from conflict situations, Governments may have limited capacity and/or resources to ensure timely and regular food assistance supplies. In such situations, upon a request from a national Government, a peace operation or a UN RC, humanitarian actors may step in appealing for donor funds to cover gaps in the provision of food assistance.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.2 The food assistance plan", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "As with all parts of an integrated DDR process, the planning process for a food assistance component should involve, as far as possible, the participation of leaders of stakeholder groups (local Government; leaders of armed forces and groups; and representatives of civil society, communities, women\u2019s groups and vulnerable groups). This participatory approach enables a better understanding of the sociopolitical, gender and economic contexts in which the food assistance component of a DDR process will operate. It also allows for the identification of any possible protection risks to individuals or communities, and the risks of becoming caught up in conflict. Finally, a participatory approach can increase trust and social cohesion among groups and create consensus and raise awareness of the benefits offered and the procedures for receiving benefits. Representatives of communities, women\u2019s leaders and women\u2019s organizations, associations or informal groups should be meaningfully and equitably consulted.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.3 Participatory planning", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "Although the extent to which any group participates should be decided on a case-by-case basis, even limited consultations, as long as they involve a variety of stakeholders, can improve the security of the food assistance component of a DDR process and increase the appropriateness of the assistance, distribution and monitoring. Such participation builds confidence among ex-combatant groups, improves the ability to meet the needs of vulnerable groups and helps strengthen links with the receiving community. Participants in the planning process should be specified in advance, as well as how these groups/individuals will work together and what factors will aid or hinder the process.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.3 Participatory planning", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "Food/cash/voucher distribution arrangements shall also be designed in consultation with women to avoid putting them at risk. In cases where rations are to be collected from distribution points, a participatory assessment shall take place to identify the best place, date and time for distribution in order to allow women and girls to collect the rations themselves and to avoid difficult and unsafe travel, for example in the dark. It shall also be determined whether special packaging is needed to make the collection and carrying of food rations by women easier.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.3 Participatory planning", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 62, "Paragraph": "Once food assistance requirements have been identified, the lead food agency should take part in the drawing up of budget proposals. The food assistance component of a DDR process is often funded as part of the wider strategy of assistance and recovery, although the costs of a DDR food assistance component will depend largely on the resources and organizational capacity already in place in a given context. In both mission and non-mission contexts, food assistance in support of a DDR process shall not be implemented in the absence of adequate resources and capacity, including human, financial and logistic resources from donor contributions and/or the UN peacekeeping assessed budget. In mission contexts, the UN peacekeeping assessed budget should be available to support food assistance costs and should be designed to take into account unexpected adjustments to the length of the food assistance component, delays, and other changes that require sufficient and flexible funding.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.4 Resources and funding", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 63, "Paragraph": "Owing to the potential for unexpected changes, maintaining a well-resourced pipeline is essential. DDR processes are often time-sensitive and volatile, and food/CBTs shall be available for pre-positioning, distribution and/or timely disbursement to avoid the risks caused by delays. The pipeline shall have enough resources not only to meet the needs of the present situation, but also to meet the needs of other possible circumstances outlined in contingency plans.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.4 Resources and funding", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 64, "Paragraph": "Some transfer modalities will more effectively contribute to food assistance objectives than others, depending on the specific circumstances of each intervention. CBTs provide people with money while in-kind food transfers include the distribution of commodities. Vouchers \u2013 also known as gift cards or stamps - can be used in predetermined locations, including selected shops. Vouchers can be value- based i.e., provide access to commodities for a given monetary amount. They may also be commodity- based i.e., tied to a predefined quantity of given foods. In some situations, combinations of transfer modalities may also prove most effective. For example, half of the transfer could be delivered in cash and the other half in-kind. Another alternative is the distribution of cash and food transfers by season, with food provided in the lean season and cash immediately after the harvest.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.5 Transfer modality selection", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 65, "Paragraph": "Before deciding on the transfer modality for the food assistance component of a DDR process, an analysis shall be conducted to determine the appropriate transfer modality in a given context, and how this food component complements other transitional DDR support. At a minimum, the analysis should take into account factors linked to context, feasibility, market functioning, targeting, conditionality, women\u2019s preferences, duration, effectiveness towards objectives and cost-efficiency, as well as \u2018safety and dignity\u2019 (see Figure 1). This can be done for the food assistance component alone or for a multipurpose transfer to meet the essential needs of the targeted population. Particular care shall be taken to select an appropriate transfer modality when food assistance is provided during ongoing conflict. This is because armed groups can attempt to steal cash and food during the time that this assistance is being transported or stored.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.5 Transfer modality selection", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 66, "Paragraph": "The primary logistical goal of the food assistance component of a DDR process is to deliver food supplies to the right place, at the right time and cost, in good condition and with no loss. The main elements of a logistics strategy should include: \\n Port(s) of entry \u2013 identifying the most appropriate unloading port with the best location, capacity and costs; \\n Identifying the location for/of the warehouses in transit and recipient countries; \\n Identifying logistics corridors/routes and means of transport. The logistics strategy should plan for the following: \\n Organizing transport; \\n Setting up and managing warehouses; \\n Identifying additional needs; \\n Special operations; \\n Recommended logistic arrangements; \\n Cost analysis.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.6 In-kind food distribution", "Heading3": "5.6.1 Logistics strategy", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 67, "Paragraph": "The logistics strategy should be based on the logistics capacity assessment, which gives a detailed overview of the logistics infrastructure in the relevant country. Once the agencies and partners in the DDR process have been identified, an assessment of their logistics capacity is prepared through consultations, in order to develop the logistics strategy.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.6 In-kind food distribution", "Heading3": "5.6.1 Logistics strategy", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 68, "Paragraph": "Agreements signed by all the organizations and agencies concerned provide the basis for logistics planning. All partners shall formally define their logistics roles and responsibilities, including the reporting and financial obligations of each. Every agreement must deal with logistics issues and clearly define the logistics responsibilities of all participating partners. The assessments of partners\u2019 capacities and structures carried out during the preparation phase shall provide the basis for agreements and eventually be reflected in them.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.6 In-kind food distribution", "Heading3": "5.6.1 Logistics strategy", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 69, "Paragraph": "A cereal that is familiar to recipients, pulses and oil are the basic foods included in most rations. Other items are included to provide extra nutrients if people have no access to fresh foods. When selecting the types of food that will be supplied, the following issues should be considered:", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.6 In-kind food distribution", "Heading3": "5.6.2 Selecting commodities for in-kind rations", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 70, "Paragraph": "The mix of food must provide the nutrients required to supply recipients with adequate energy, protein, fat and micronutrients, taking into account what they can acquire from other sources.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.6 In-kind food distribution", "Heading3": "5.6.3 Nutritional and dietary requirements", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 71, "Paragraph": "For in-kind transfers, foods that are rich in energy, protein or micronutrients, including fortified complementary foods, are preferred. In emergencies, fortified flours and oil, bio-fortified staple foods and iodized salt may be good options to optimize the nutritional quality of the food basket.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.6 In-kind food distribution", "Heading3": "5.6.3 Nutritional and dietary requirements", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 72, "Paragraph": "When CBTs or commodity vouchers are provided, food baskets that address the nutrient needs of the targeted households must be closely examined as part of preparedness and planning. Pre- calculated transfer values can factor in the prices of nutrient-dense foods that are available in local markets, including those mentioned above as well as animal-source foods, fruits and vegetables, taking into account any impacts that emergency or crisis situations may have on availability and affordability of food and especially for nutritionally vulnerable groups. A key opportunity to enhance the nutrition-sensitivity of food transfers is to improve their nutritional quality and to ensure adequate size and timing of the transfers.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.6 In-kind food distribution", "Heading3": "5.6.3 Nutritional and dietary requirements", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 73, "Paragraph": "Particular consideration shall also be given to those with specific nutrient requirements, including women of childbearing age; pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls; children 6\u201323 months old; preschool children (2\u20135 years); school-age children (6\u201310 years); adolescents (10\u201319 years), especially girls; and older people. Other important vulnerable groups shall be considered according to the context and type of intervention, such as persons with disabilities and persons with chronic illnesses.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.6 In-kind food distribution", "Heading3": "5.6.3 Nutritional and dietary requirements", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 74, "Paragraph": "In addition, for young children, provision of food supplements should always be accompanied by dedicated counselling on feeding and other infant and young child feeding practices like breastfeeding, consumption of family/local foods, hygiene and responsive feeding and care.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.6 In-kind food distribution", "Heading3": "5.6.3 Nutritional and dietary requirements", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 75, "Paragraph": "Foods shall be familiar to those who receive them, be compatible with their traditional dietary habits and respectful of any religious taboos. Consultation with those who are to receive food assistance, including women, shall be undertaken prior to determining the composition of the food basket.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.6 In-kind food distribution", "Heading3": "5.6.4 Local food habits", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 76, "Paragraph": "Families must be able to prepare easily digestible energy-dense foods for young children. Easily chewed and digestible foods are also needed for older people.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.6 In-kind food distribution", "Heading3": "5.6.5 Children and older people", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 77, "Paragraph": "Foods shall be reasonably easy to transport, capable of being stored in the average household, and simple to prepare using little fuel. This last criterion takes into consideration that women and girls are usually overburdened with preparing food and collecting firewood, which sometimes creates new protection risks, and that domestic pollution is a major health concern. In addition, this criterion further protects people living with disabilities. Foods must be adapted to available cooking facilities, water and cooking fuel. The provision, promotion and use of fuel-efficient stoves is recommended, wherever possible.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.6 In-kind food distribution", "Heading3": "5.6.6 Ease of transport, storage and use", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 78, "Paragraph": "Cost must be taken into account for each of the various items that could be provided: \\n In relation to the nutrient value the food supplies to those who will receive it; \\n In relation to local (resale) value, as recipients may trade limited quantities of some items to obtain other essential items, e.g., fruits and vegetables from the local market; \\n With regard to whether some items are more likely to be misappropriated than others, as items that do not reach the groups they are intended for, or that are stolen from them, are of no benefit.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.6 In-kind food distribution", "Heading3": "5.6.7 Cost effectiveness, attractiveness and local value", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 79, "Paragraph": "Commodities should be purchased locally wherever possible, to support local market recovery and employment opportunities. The quality and shelf-life of the food available should also be considered. It is important to determine whether whole grains or milled cereals should be provided and whether fortified blended foods might be produced locally rather than imported.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.6 In-kind food distribution", "Heading3": "5.6.8 Availability of local commodities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 80, "Paragraph": "CBTs can be paid in cash, in the form of value vouchers, or by bank or digital-money transfers (for example, through mobile phones). They can be one-off or paid in instalments and used instead of or alongside in-kind food assistance.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.7 Cash-based transfers", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 81, "Paragraph": "There are many different benefits associated with the provision of food assistance in the form of cash. For example, not only can the recipients of cash determine and meet their individual consumption and nutritional needs more efficiently, the ability to do so is a fundamental step towards empowerment, as it helps restore a sense of normalcy and dignity in the lives of recipients. Cash can also be an efficient way to deliver support because it entails lower transaction and logistical costs than in-kind food assistance, particularly in terms of transportation and storage. The provision of cash may also have beneficial knock-on effects for local markets and trade. It also helps to avoid a scenario in which the recipients of in-kind food assistance simply resell the commodities they receive at a loss in value.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.7 Cash-based transfers", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 82, "Paragraph": "Cash will be of little utility in places where the food items that people require are unavailable on the local market. However, the oft-cited concern that cash is often misused, and used to purchase alcohol and drugs, is, in the most part, not borne out by the evidence. Any potential misuse can also be reduced through decisions related to targeting and conditionality. For example, household control over the way that cash is spent can be supported by providing cash to the families of ex-combatants, rather than ex-combatants alone. Ex-combatants and their wives/husbands can also be asked to sign a contract that leads to the release of cash. This contract could outline how the money is supposed to be spent, and would require follow-up to check that the goods purchased comply with the terms of this contract. Basic literacy and financial education can also help to reduce the risk that cash is misused, and basic nutrition education can help to ensure that families are aware of the importance of feeding nutritious foods, especially to young children who rely on caregivers to be fed.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.7 Cash-based transfers", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 83, "Paragraph": "Providing cash is sometimes seen as generating security risks both for the staff that transport large amounts of money and for recipients. This is because cash is prone to diversion, capture by elites and seizure by armed groups, particularly in settings where corruption is high and armed conflict is ongoing. This is particularly true for cash payments that are distributed at regular times at publicly known locations. Digital payments, such as over-the-counter and mobile money payments, may help to circumvent this problem by offering new and discrete opportunities to distribute CBTs. For example, recipients may cash out small amounts of their payment as and when it is needed to buy food, directly transfer money to a bank account, or store money on their mobile wallet over the long- term.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.7 Cash-based transfers", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 84, "Paragraph": "Preliminary evidence indicates that distributing cash for food through mobile money transfers has a positive impact on dietary diversity, in part because recipients spend less time traveling to and waiting for their transfer. In order to benefit from mobile money transfers, recipients need to be in the possession of a mobile phone, or at a minimum, a SIM card that can be used in a mobile phone that is shared with others. The recipient will also need to reside in an area (or close to an area) where there is mobile network coverage and where there are accessible cash-out points or agents. It is also necessary to ensure that agents have sufficient cash on hand in order to make the payment. The agents will need to be monitored in order to ensure that they adhere to previously agreed upon standards. It is also important to ensure that recipients are not subjected to coercion or undue pressure by the agent to use their cash to buy other goods in the agent\u2019s store. Adequate sensitization campaigns targeting both recipients and agents should be an integral part of the programme design. Finally, new users of digital payments may need to be educated in how to use them and should, where possible, be provided with accompanying literacy training and financial education.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.7 Cash-based transfers", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 85, "Paragraph": "Irrespective of the type of CBT selected, the delivery mechanism (cash, vouchers, mobile money transfer) should take into account potential protection issues and gender-specific barriers. It is important that the delivery mechanism chosen permits women to access their entitlement safely and confidently, without being exposed to the risks of private service providers abusing their power over recipients and encountering difficulties in the redemption of their entitlement because of numerical or financial illiteracy. A help desk and complaint mechanism should also be set-up, and these should include specific referral pathways for women. When food assistance is provided through CBTs, humanitarian agencies often work closely with service providers from the private sector (financial service providers, traders, etc.). Where this is the case, all necessary service procurement procedures shall be followed to ensure timely set-up of the operation. Clear Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) shall be put in place to ensure that all stakeholders have the same understanding of their roles and responsibilities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.7 Cash-based transfers", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 86, "Paragraph": "The transfer value for a CBT to cover basic food needs should take into consideration the preferences of recipients, consumption patterns and the availability of food items in the local market. The transfer value should be sufficient to cover the consumption gap of the target group to consume a nutritionally balanced diet covering essential macro- and micronutrients. The transfer value can be obtained by multiplying the cost of a nutritionally balanced basket informed by consumption patterns and preferences by average food prices of the most commonly consumed items in the local market.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.7 Cash-based transfers", "Heading3": "5.7.1 Calculating the transfer value for CBTs", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 87, "Paragraph": "Cash transfers in the form of value vouchers should be sufficient to cover the consumption gap of the target group to consume a nutritionally balanced diet covering essential macro- and micronutrients. The value can be calculated by multiplying the cost of a nutritionally balanced basket informed by consumption patterns and preferences by prices negotiated with contracted retailers.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.7 Cash-based transfers", "Heading3": "5.7.1 Calculating the transfer value for CBTs", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 88, "Paragraph": "Food assistance provided to DDR participants and beneficiaries should be balanced against assistance provided to other returnees or conflict-affected populations as part of the wider recovery programme to avoid treating some conflict-affected groups unfairly. The provision of special entitlements to DDR participants should always be seen in the context of the needs and resources of the broader population. ", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.8 Equity with other assistance programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 89, "Paragraph": "If communities perceive that preferential treatment is being given to ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, this can cause resentment, and there is the danger that humanitarian food assistance agencies will no longer be perceived as neutral. Every effort to achieve an equal standard of living for ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, dependants and other members of the community should be made in order to minimize the risk that benefits given through DDR could fuel tensions among these groups.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "5. Planning for food assistance in DDR processes", "Heading2": "5.8 Equity with other assistance programmes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 90, "Paragraph": "Food assistance can be provided at different points throughout a DDR process, including as part of DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 91, "Paragraph": "When DDR participants are grouped at specific locations, such as disarmament and/or cantonment sites, in-kind food assistance is distributed in a way that is similar to a typical encampment relief situation. In this context, demobilizing combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups have limited buying power and their access to alternative sources of income and food security is restricted. In addition, their health may be poor after the prolonged isolation they have experienced and the poor food they may have eaten during wartime (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR). Ex- combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups may see the regular provision of food assistance as proof of the commitment by the Government and the international community to support the transition to peace. Insufficient, irregular or substandard food assistance can become a source of friction and protest. Every reasonable measure should be taken to ensure that, at the very minimum, standard rations or transfers are distributed when DDR participants are grouped together at disarmament and/or cantonment sites.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.1. The Charter of the United Nations", "Heading3": "6.1.1 Disarmament and Demobilization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 92, "Paragraph": "If ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups are present at disarmament and/or cantonment sites, the type of food supplied should normally be more varied than in standard food assistance emergency operations. Table 2 provides an example of a recommended food basket.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.1. The Charter of the United Nations", "Heading3": "6.1.1 Disarmament and Demobilization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 93, "Paragraph": "Inclusion of fortified blended flour such as Super Cereal is essential to cover basic micronutrients and protein needs. Up to 20g of sugar can be added to meet local preferences. Fresh vegetables and fruit or other foods to increase the nutritional value of the food basket should be supplied when alternative sources can be found and if they can be stored and distributed.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.1. The Charter of the United Nations", "Heading3": "6.1.1 Disarmament and Demobilization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 94, "Paragraph": "Standard emergency food baskets can be supplied to family dependants if they are included as beneficiaries of the DDR programme. In this context, food assistance for dependants may often be implemented in one of two possible ways. The first involves dependants being cantoned in a separate, nearby camp while combatants are disarmed and demobilized. The second involves dependants being taken or directed to their communities. These two approaches would require different methods for distributing food assistance. Although food assistance should not encourage ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups and/or dependants to stay for long periods at cantonment sites, prepared foods may be served when doing so is more appropriate than creating cooking spaces and/or providing equipment for participants to prepare their own food.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.1. The Charter of the United Nations", "Heading3": "6.1.1 Disarmament and Demobilization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 95, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners and food assistance staff shall be aware of problems concerning protection and human rights that are especially relevant to women and girls at disarmament and demobilization sites. Codes of conduct and appropriate reporting and referral mechanisms shall be established in advance among UN agencies and human rights and child protection actors to deal with gender-based violence, sexual exploitation and abuse, and human rights abuses. There shall also be strict procedures in place to protect women and girls from sexual exploitation by those who control access to food assistance. Staff and the recipients of food assistance alike shall be aware of the proper channels available to them for reporting cases of abuse or attempted abuse linked to food distribution. Women, men, girls and boys shall be consulted from the outset in order to identify protection issues that need to be taken into account.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.1. The Charter of the United Nations", "Heading3": "6.1.1 Disarmament and Demobilization", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 96, "Paragraph": "If a DDR programme is underway, food assistance can be part of a broader reinsertion package made available by Governments and the international community (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Food assistance can form part of a transitional safety net and support the establishment of medium- term household food security.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.1. The Charter of the United Nations", "Heading3": "6.1.2 Reinsertion", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 97, "Paragraph": "In this scenario, food assistance can be provided as a take-home package (for those leaving cantonment sites) and/or can be provided in the community. In communities that have access to functional markets, and where there is a reliable financial network, CBTs are likely to be a useful option during the reinsertion phase, as these transfers provide recipients with the flexibility to redeem the entitlement in the location and moment they prefer, according to their needs. When CBTs are dispensed through financial service providers who offer additional financial services, linking the food assistance to a financial inclusion objective can help to facilitate reinsertion. Where CBTs are not possible for contextual or infrastructural reasons, in-kind assistance can be considered for take-home rations.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.1. The Charter of the United Nations", "Heading3": "6.1.2 Reinsertion", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 98, "Paragraph": "A general guideline is that food assistance in the reinsertion phase of a DDR programme should not be provided for longer than a year; however, benefits should also be appropriate to the particular context. The following factors should be taken into account when deciding on the length of time the transfer should cover: \\n Whether ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups will be transported by vehicle to the relevant communities or whether they will have to carry the ration (if in-kind) (the latter may require protection mechanisms for women or other vulnerable groups); \\n The level of assistance when they reach the community; \\n The resources available to the food component of the DDR programme; \\n The timing and expected yields/production of the next harvest; \\n The prospects for the re-establishment of employment and other income-generating activities, or the creation of new opportunities; \\n The overall food policy for the area, taking into account the total economic, social and ecological situation and related recovery and development activities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.1. The Charter of the United Nations", "Heading3": "6.1.2 Reinsertion", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 99, "Paragraph": "The aim shall always be to encourage the re-establishment of self-reliance from the earliest possible moment, therefore minimizing the possible negative effects of distributing food assistance over a long period of time.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.1. The Charter of the United Nations", "Heading3": "6.1.2 Reinsertion", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 100, "Paragraph": "Reintegration support can be provided as part of a DDR programme, or when the preconditions for a DDR programme are not in place. In both instances, the role of food assistance will depend on the type of reintegration support provided and whether any form of targeting is applied (see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). DDR participants and beneficiaries will often eventually be included in a community-based approach and access food in the same way as members of these communities, rather than receive special entitlements. Ultimately, they should be seen as part of the community and, if in need of assistance, take part in programmes covering broader recovery efforts.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.2 Food assistance and reintegration support", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 101, "Paragraph": "In broader operations in post-conflict environments during the recovery phase, where there are pockets of relative security and political stability and greater access to groups in need, general free food distribution is gradually replaced by help directed at particular groups, to develop the ability of affected populations to meet their own food needs and work towards long-term food security. Activities should be closely linked to efforts to restart positive coping mechanisms and methods of households supplying their own food by growing it themselves or earning the money to buy it.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.2 Food assistance and reintegration support", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 102, "Paragraph": "The following food assistance activities could be implemented when support to reintegration is provided as part of a DDR process within or outside a DDR programme: \\n Supporting communities through FFA activities that directly benefit the selected populations; \\n Providing support, in particular nutrition interventions, directed at specific vulnerable groups; \\n Providing support to restore production capacity and increase food production by households; \\n Providing support (training, equipment, seeds and agricultural inputs) to selected populations or the wider community to restart agricultural production, enhance post-harvest management, identify market access options, and organise farmers to work and sell collectively; \\n Providing support for local markets through CBTs, buying supplies for DDR processes locally, encouraging private-sector involvement in food transport and delivery, and supporting social market outlets and community-based activities such as small enterprises for both women and men, and linking CBT programmes to a financial inclusion objective; \\n Encouraging participation in education and skills training (school feeding with nutrition education, FFT, education, adult literacy); \\n Maintaining the capacity to respond to emergencies and setbacks; \\n Expanding emergency rehabilitation projects (i.e., projects which rehabilitate local infrastructure) and reintegration projects; \\n Running household food security projects (urban/rural).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.2 Food assistance and reintegration support", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 103, "Paragraph": "The link between learning and nutrition is well established, and inter-agency collaboration should ensure that all those who enter training and education programmes in the reintegration period are properly nourished. Different nutritional needs for girls and boys and women and men should be taken into account.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.2 Food assistance and reintegration support", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 104, "Paragraph": "Community violence reduction as part of a DDR process seeks to build social cohesion and provide ex-combatants and other at-risk individuals, particularly youth, with alternatives to (re-)joining armed groups. As outlined in IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction, one way to achieve this may be to involve various groups in the design, implementation and evaluation of an FFA or FFT programme. During these programmes, interaction and dialogue among these groups can build social cohesion and reduce the risk of violence. Food assistance as part of CVR shall be based on food assistance analysis (see section 5) in addition to the assessments that are regularly conducted as part of planning for CVR. These include, among others, a context/conflict analysis, a security and consequence assessment, and a comprehensive and gender-responsive baseline assessment of local violence dynamics (see section 6.3 in IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction and IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.3 Food assistance and DDR-related tools", "Heading3": "6.3.1 Community Violence Reduction", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 105, "Paragraph": "Pre-DDR is a local-level transitional stabilization measure designed for those who are eligible for a DDR programme (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR). When a DDR programme is delayed, pre-DDR can be conducted with male and female ex-combatants who are in camps, or with ex-combatants who are already in communities. Activities may include cash for work, FFT or FFA. Wherever possible, pre-DDR activities should be linked to the reintegration support that will be provided when the DDR programme is eventually implemented.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "6. Food assistance as part of a DDR process", "Heading2": "6.3 Food assistance and DDR-related tools", "Heading3": "6.3.2 Pre-DDR", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 106, "Paragraph": "Food assistance may be provided to all five categories of people that should be taken into consideration in integrated DDR processes, depending on the context. \\n members of armed forces and groups who served in combat and/or support roles (those in support roles are often referred to as being associated with armed forces and groups); \\n abductees/victims; \\n dependants/families; \\n civilian returnees/\u2019self-demobilized\u2019; \\n community members.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 107, "Paragraph": "Within these five categories, consideration should be given to addressing the specific needs of nutritionally vulnerable groups. These groups have specific nutrient requirements and include: \\n women of childbearing age; \\n pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls; \\n children 6\u201323 months old; \\n preschool children (2\u20135 years); \\n school-age children (6\u201310 years); \\n adolescents (10\u201319 years), especially girls; \\n older people; \\n persons with disabilities; and \\n persons with chronic illnesses including people leaving with HIV and TB.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 108, "Paragraph": "Analysis of the particular nutritional needs of vulnerable groups is a prerequisite of programming for the food assistance component of a DDR process. The Fill the Nutrient Gap tool in countries where this analysis has been completed is an invaluable resource to understand the key barriers to adequate nutrient intake in a specific context for different target groups.3", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 109, "Paragraph": "A key opportunity to make food assistance components of DDR processes more nutrition sensitive is to deliver them within a multi-sectoral package of interventions that aim to improve food security, nutrition, health, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Social and behaviour change communication (SBCC) is likely to enhance the nutritional impact of the transfer. Gender equality and ensuring a gender lens in analysis and design also make nutrition programmes more effective.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 110, "Paragraph": "As far as possible, the food assistance component of a DDR process should try to ensure that the nutritionally vulnerable receive assistance that meets their energy and nutrient intake needs. Although not all women are nutritionally vulnerable, the nutrition of women who are single heads of households or sole caregivers of children often suffers when there is a scarcity of food. Special attention should therefore be paid to food assistance for households where women are the only adult (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Referral mechanisms and procedures should also be established to ensure that vulnerable individuals in need of specialized services \u2013 for example, those related to health \u2013 have timely and confidential access to these services (see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "7. Adult foreign combatants and DDR issues in host countries", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 111, "Paragraph": "Mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating (M&E) interventions are essential when food assistance is provided as part of a DDR process, to ensure accountability to all stakeholders and in particular to the affected population.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "8. Monitoring and evaluation", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 112, "Paragraph": "The food assistance component shall be monitored and evaluated as part of a broader M&E plan for the DDR process. In general, arrangements for monitoring the distribution of assistance provided during DDR should be made in advance between all the implementing partners, using existing tools for monitoring and applying international best practices.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "8. Monitoring and evaluation", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 113, "Paragraph": "In terms of food distribution, at a minimum, information shall be gathered on: \\n The receipt and delivery of commodities; \\n The number (disaggregated by sex and age) of people receiving assistance; \\n Food storage, handling and the distribution of commodities; \\n Food assistance availability and unmet needs. ", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "8. Monitoring and evaluation", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 114, "Paragraph": "There are two main types of monitoring through which this information can be gathered: \\n Distribution: This type of monitoring, which is conducted on the day of distribution, includes several activities, including commodity monitoring, on-site monitoring and food basket monitoring. \\n Post-distribution: This monitoring takes place sometime after the distribution but before the next one. It includes monitoring of the way in which food assistance is used in households and communities, and market surveys.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "8. Monitoring and evaluation", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 115, "Paragraph": "In order to increase the effectiveness of the current and future food assistance component, it is particularly important for data on DDR participants and beneficiaries to be collected so that it can be easily disaggregated. Numerical data should be systematically collected for the following categories: ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and dependants (partners and relatives of ex-combatants). Every effort should be made to disaggregate the data by: \\n Sex and age; \\n Vulnerable group category (CAAFAG, people living with HIV/ AIDS, persons with disabilities, etc.); \\n DDR location(s); \\n Armed force/group affiliation.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "8. Monitoring and evaluation", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 116, "Paragraph": "Also, identifying lessons learned and conducting evaluations of the impacts of food assistance helps to improve the approach to delivering food assistance within DDR processes and the broader inter-agency approach to DDR. The UN agencies involved in the DDR process should ensure that a comprehensive evaluation of the food assistance provided during early stages of the DDR process (for example the disarmament and demobilization phases of a DDR programme) are carried out and factored into later stages (such as the reintegration phase of a DDR programme). The evaluation should provide an in-depth analysis of early food assistance activities and allow for later food assistance components to be reviewed and, if necessary, redesigned/reoriented. Gender should be taken into consideration in the evaluation to assess if there were any unexpected outcomes of food assistance on women and men, and on gender relations and gender equality. Lessons learned should be recorded and shared with all relevant stakeholders to guide future policies and to improve the effectiveness of future planning and support to operations.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "8. Monitoring and evaluation", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}, {"ID": 117, "Paragraph": "\\n 1 Guidance on how the provision of food assistance is affected in contexts where armed groups designated as terrorist organisations by the United Nations Security Council, Member States or regional organizations are active will be developed at a later stage particularly to address elements of risk and vulnerability in the provision of support in these contexts. \\n 2 See Gina Pattugalan (2014) Linking food security, food assistance and protection from gender- based violence: WFP\u2019s experience \\n 3 See", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Food Assistance in DDR", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.50 Food Assistance in DDR"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR.json b/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c27e00a --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "The United Nations (UN) Security Council and General Assembly have noted that a number of converging factors make conflict and post-conflict settings high risk environments for the spread of HIV, and that there is an elevated risk of infection among uniformed services and ex-combatants. This module outlines the strategies to address HIV/AIDS during disarm- ament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) processes, in the interests of the individuals concerned, the sustainability of reintegration efforts and general post-conflict recovery.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "National beneficiaries should provide the lead for HIV/AIDS initiatives, and interven- tions should be as inclusive as possible, while acknowledging the limitations of DDR HIV/ AIDS programmes. A risk-mapping exercise should include the collection of baseline data on knowledge, attitudes and vulnerability, HIV/AIDS prevalence, and identify existing capacity.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "The basic requirements for HIV/AIDS programmes in DDR are: \\n identification and training of HIV focal points within DDR field offices; \\n the development of HIV/AIDS awareness material and provision of basic awareness training for target groups, with peer education programmes during the reinsertion and reintegration phases to build capacity. Awareness training can start before demobiliza- tion, depending on the nature of soldiers\u2019/ex-combatants\u2019 deployment and organizational structure; \\n the provision of voluntary confidential counselling and testing (VCT) during demobi- lization and reintegration. An HIV test, with counselling, should be routinely offered (opt-in) as a standard part of medical screening in countries with an HIV prevalence of 5 percent or more. VCT should be provided in all settings throughout the DDR process, building on local services. Undergoing an HIV test, however, should not be a condition for participation in the DDR process, although planners should be aware of any national legislation that may exclude HIV-positive personnel from newly formed military or civil defence forces; \\n screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which should be a standard part of health checks for participants; \\n the provision of condoms and availability of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) kits dur- ing demobilization, reinsertion and reintegration; \\n treatment for opportunistic infections and, where feasible, referral for anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment within the national health care system; \\n the implementation of HIV/AIDS public information and awareness campaigns to sensitize \u2018receiving\u2019 communities, to raise general awareness and to reduce possible stigma and discrimination against returning combatants, including women associated with armed forces and groups, which could undermine reintegration efforts. Planning in communities needs to start in advance of demobilization.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "In instances where the time allotted for a specific phase is very limited or has been re- duced, as when there is a shortened cantonment period, it must be understood that the HIV/ AIDS requirements envisaged are not dropped, but will be included in the next DDR phase.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "This module aims to provide policy makers, operational planners and DDR officers with guidance on how to plan and implement HIV/AIDS programmes as part of a DDR frame- work. It focuses on interventions during the demobilization and reintegration phases. A basic assumption is that broader HIV/AIDS programmes at the community level fall outside the planning requirements of DDR officers. Community programmes require a multisectoral approach and should be sustainable after DDR is completed. The need to integrate HIV/ AIDS in community-based demobilization and reintegration efforts, however, can make this distinction unclear, and therefore it is vital that the national and international part- ners responsible for longer-term HIV/AIDS programmes are involved and have a lead role in DDR initiatives from the outset, and that HIV/AIDS is included in national recon- struction. DDR programmes need to integrate HIV concerns and the planning of national HIV strategies need to consider DDR.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "The importance of HIV/AIDS sensitization and awareness programmes for peace- keepers is acknowledged, and their potential to assist with programmes is briefly discussed. Guidance on this issue can be provided by mission-based HIV/AIDS advisers, the Depart- ment of Peacekeeping Operations and the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "AIDS is a global issue. Every region of the world is affected and all are reporting increases in HIV infection rates. There is still no cure and no vaccine. Access to ARV treatment, which mitigates the effects of the virus, is being scaled up in low- and middle-income countries; but an emphasis on preventing new infections remains paramount.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "HIV/AIDS challenges human rights and gender relations, aggravates socio-economic crises and undermines \u2018human security\u2019. In the most severely affected countries, AIDS threatens to deplete the supply of skilled labour, reverse economic progress and under- mine food security. It overwhelms health systems and changes the demographic profile of nations.1 In July 2000, Security Council resolution 1308 (S/RES/1308) recognized that the \u201cspread of HIV/AIDS can have a uniquely devastating impact on all sectors and levels of society\u201d.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "In addition, resolution 1308 recognized that the HIV/AIDS pandemic is \u201cexacerbated by conditions of violence and instability\u201d. DDR programmes often take place in areas of high HIV/AIDS prevalence or high-risk environments, and ex-combatants are considered a high-risk group. As noted by the Inter- Agency Standing Committee (IASC), the very characteristics that define a complex emergency, such as conflict, social instability, poverty and powerlessness, are those that favour the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Mass displace- ments can result in the movement of people between high and low HIV/AIDS prevalence areas, especially with migration towards urban settings. The breakdown of social networks and support mechanisms place women and children at an increased risk of violence, and can force them into having sex to gain access to basic needs such as food, water and security. The risk of HIV is further increased when rape and sexual abuse are used as tools of war, as illustrated by the recent conflicts in Haiti, Liberia and Sudan.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "The UN General Assembly\u2019s 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, endorsed by General Assembly resolution A/RES/S-26/2, further emphasized the concern that con- flicts contribute to the spread of HIV, and recognized that \u201cpopulations destabilized by armed conflict, humanitarian emergencies and natural disasters, including refugees, inter- nally displaced persons and in particular women and children, are at increased risk of exposure to HIV infection\u201d. In some circumstances, however, conflict may actually slow the transmission of HIV in pockets of communities or specific areas, as it restricts access and trade routes, and it is the post-conflict phase including, potentially, the reintegration process, that sees an increase in HIV vulnerability.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "A number of UN resolutions and declarations highlight the obligation to include HIV/AIDS initiatives in responses to conflict and provide the legal framework for such a requirement: \\n Security Council resolution 1308 (S/RES/1308) of 2000 and Presidential Statement (S/PRST/2005/33) of 2005; \\n Security Council resolution 1325 (S/RES/1325) of 2000; \\n UN General Assembly HIV/AIDS Declaration of Commitment of June 2001, endorsed by General Assembly resolution A/RES/S-26/2 and reiterated by General Assembly A/RES/60/262.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "Security Council resolution 1308 (2000) \u201con the responsibility of the Security Council in the maintenance of international peace and security: HIV/AIDS and international peace- keeping operations\u201d,2 calls for HIV/AIDS training and prevention programmes for peace- keeping personnel. In addition, by recognizing the devastating impact that HIV/AIDS has on all sectors of society and by stressing that \u201cthe HIV/AIDS pandemic, if unchecked, may pose a risk to stability and security\u201d, the resolution points to a broader framework and obli- gation to integrate HIV/AIDS initiatives into post-conflict programmes, including DDR. Furthermore, the resolution stresses the importance of a coordinated approach among UN agencies, and essentially calls for the mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS into their respective mandates. Following discussions in 2005 on the implementation of Security Council resolu- tion 1308 (2000), the Security Council Presidential Statement (S/PRST/2005/33) supported the efforts of peacekeeping missions to integrate HIV/AIDS awareness into their activities and outreach projects for vulnerable communities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1. Security Council resolution 1308 and Presidential Statement 2005/33", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) \u201con Women, peace and security\u201d3 encourages \u201call involved in the planning for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration to consider the different needs of female and male ex-combatants and to take into account the needs of their dependants\u201d. Consideration of HIV/AIDS interventions and requirements comes under this obligation. Furthermore, the resolution makes specific reference for the need to provide HIV/AIDS training for military, civilian police, and civilian personnel deployed in peace- keeping operations.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2. Security Council resolution 1325", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "The UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS Declaration of Commitment (June 2001), endorsed by resolution A/RES/S-26/2 and reiterated in 2006 by resolution A/RES/ 60/262, established a common set of targets and agreed strategies to reduce the spread of HIV and mitigate its impact. It called for HIV/AIDS components to be included in interna- tional assistance programmes in crisis situations. More specifically, in addition to training for personnel involved in peacekeeping operations, the Declaration called on Member States \u201cby 2003 to have in place national strategies to address the spread of HIV among national uniformed services, where this is required, including armed forces and civil defence forces\u201d (para. 77). The obligation to include strategies to address HIV/AIDS in DDR programmes is clear for two reasons. First, national uniformed (government) forces, directly referred to in the Declaration, and non-State combatants face HIV risks. Second, by extension, there is a need to consider HIV in broader security sector reform (SSR) initiatives and efforts to establish newly integrated national armed service and civil defence forces in post-conflict settings, as DDR is often closely linked to SSR. The Declaration also points to national uniformed services as being a possible resource in themselves for HIV/AIDS initiatives, calling on Member States to \u201cconsider ways of using personnel from these services who are educated and trained in HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention to assist with HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention activities, including participation in emergency, humanitarian, disaster relief and rehabilitation assistance\u201d (para. 77).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3. General Assembly Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and General Assembly resolutions A/RES/S-26/2 and A/RES/60/262", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "The Inter-Agency Standing Committee, which is the primary mechanism for facilitating inter-agency decision-making in response to complex emergencies and natural disasters, issued guidelines in 2004 for HIV/AIDS interventions in emergency settings. The guide- lines are a practical handbook and planning tool to enable governments and cooperating organizations, including UN agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), to make the minimum required multisectoral response to HIV/AIDS during the early phase of emergency situations, as well as during the stabilization phase.4 Most of the recommended actions for vulnerable groups are also valid for DDR and addressing HIV/AIDS among DDR participants (see Annex B).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4. Inter-Agency Standing Committee guidelines on HIV/AIDS interventions in emergency settings", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "As noted in the introduction, a number of factors make conflict and post-conflict settings high-risk environments for the spread of HIV. The age range, mobility and risk taking ethos of armed forces and groups can make them high-risk to HIV \u2014 with some national mili- taries reporting higher rates of HIV than their civilian counterparts \u2014 and \u2018core transmitters\u2019 to the wider population.5 Child soldiers are often (though not always) sexually active at a much earlier age and are therefore potentially exposed to HIV. Female combatants, women associated with fighting forces, abductees and dependants are frequently at high risk, given widespread sexual violence and abuse and because, in situations of insecurity and destitu- tion, sex is often exchanged for basic goods or protection. In some conflicts, drugs have been used to induce in combatants a fighting spirit and a belief in their own invincibility. This not only increases risk behaviour but also, in the case of intravenous drug users, can directly result in HIV infection as the virus can be transmitted through the sharing of in- fected needles.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. Rationale for HIV/AIDS integration into DDR programming", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "Integrating HIV/AIDS into DDR initiatives is necessary to meet the immediate health and social needs of the participant and the interests of the wider community, and it is impor- tant for the long-term recovery of the country. The impact of HIV/AIDS at every level of society undermines development and makes it more difficult for a country to emerge from conflict and achieve social and economic stability. The sustainability of reintegration efforts requires that HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention strategies be directed at DDR partici- pants, beneficiaries and stakeholders in order to prevent increases in HIV rates or more generalized epidemics developing in countries where HIV infection may be mainly limited to particular high-risk groups.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. Rationale for HIV/AIDS integration into DDR programming", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "Negative community responses to returning former combatants may also arise and make HIV a community security issue. To assist reintegration into communities, it is necessary to counter discrimination against, and stigmatization of, those who are (or are perceived to be) HIV-positive. In some instances, communities have reacted with threats of violence; such responses are largely based on fear because of misinformation about the disease.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. Rationale for HIV/AIDS integration into DDR programming", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "In cases where SSR follows a DDR process, former combatants may enter into reintegrated/ reformed military, police and civil defence forces. In many developing countries, ministries of defence and of the interior are reporting high HIV infection rates in the uniformed services, which are compromising command structures and combat readiness. Increasingly, there are national policies of screening recruits and excluding those who are HIV-positive. Engaging in HIV/AIDS prevention at the outset of DDR will help to reduce new in- fections, thus \u2014 where national policies of HIV screening are in place \u2014 increasing the pool of potential candidates for recruitment, and will assist in planning for alternative occu- pational support and training for those found to be HIV-positive.6", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. Rationale for HIV/AIDS integration into DDR programming", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "DDR programmes offer a unique opportunity to target high-risk groups for sensitization. In addition, with the right engagement and training, former combatants have the potential to become \u2018change agents\u2019, assisting in their communities with HIV/AIDS prevention activi- ties, and so becoming part of the solution rather than being perceived as part of the problem.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. Rationale for HIV/AIDS integration into DDR programming", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "Lead to be provided by national beneficiaries/stakeholders. HIV/AIDS initiatives within the DDR process will constitute only a small element of the overall national AIDS strategy (assum- ing there is one). It is essential that local actors are included from the outset to guide the process and implementation, in order to harmonize approaches and ensure that awareness- raising and the provision of voluntary confidential counselling and testing and support, including, wherever possible, treatment, can be sustained. Information gained in focus group discussions with communities and participants, particularly those living with HIV/AIDS, should inform the design of HIV/AIDS initiatives. Interventions must be sensitive to local culture and customs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "Inclusive approach. As far as possible, it is important that participants and beneficiaries have access to the same/similar facilities \u2014 for example, voluntary confidential counselling and testing \u2014 so that programmes continue to be effective during reintegration and to reduce stigma. This emphasises the need to link and harmonize DDR initiatives with national programmes. (A lack of national programmes does not mean, however, that HIV/AIDS initiatives should be dropped from the DDR framework.) Men and women, boys and girls should be included in all HIV/AIDS initiatives. Standard definitions of \u2018sexually active age\u2019 often do not apply in conflict settings. Child soldiers, for example, may take on an adult mantle, which can extend to their sexual behaviour, and children of both sexes can also be subject to sexual abuse.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "Strengthen existing capacity. Successful HIV/AIDS interventions are part of a long-term pro- cess going beyond the DDR programme. It is therefore necessary to strengthen the capacity of communities and local actors in order for projects to be sustainable. Planning should seek to build on existing capacity rather than create new programmes or structures. For example, local health care workers should be included in any training of HIV counsellors, and the capacity of existing testing facilities should be augmented rather than parallel facilities being set up. This also assists in building a referral system for demobilized ex-combatants who may need additional or follow-up care and treatment.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "Ethical/human rights considerations. The UN supports the principle of VCT. Undergoing an HIV test should not be a condition for participation in the DDR process or eligibility for any programme. HIV test should be voluntary and results should be confidential or \u2018medical- in-confidence\u2019 (for the knowledge of a treating physician). A person\u2019s actual or perceived HIV status should not be considered grounds for exclusion from any of the benefits. Planners, however, must be aware of any existing national legislation on HIV testing. For example, in some countries recruitment into the military or civil defence forces includes HIV screen- ing and the exclusion of those found to be HIV-positive.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "Universal precautions and training for UN personnel. Universal precautions shall be followed by UN personnel at all times. These are a standard set of procedures to be used in the care of all patients or at accident sites in order to minimize the risk of transmission of blood- borne pathogens, including, but not exclusively, HIV. All UN staff should be trained in basic HIV/AIDS awareness in preparation for field duty and as part of initiatives on HIV/ AIDS in the workplace, and peacekeeping personnel should be trained and sensitized in HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "6. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "Using specialized agencies and expertise. Agencies with expertise in HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support, such as UNAIDS, the UN Development Programme, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the World Health Organization (WHO), and relevant NGOs and other experts, should be consulted and involved in opera- tions. HIV/AIDS is often wrongly regarded as only a medical issue. While medical guidance is certainly essential when dealing with issues such as testing procedures and treatment, the broader social, human rights and political ramifications of the epidemic must also be considered and are often the most challenging in terms of their impact on reintegration efforts. As a result, the HIV/AIDS programme requires specific expertise in HIV/AIDS train- ing, counselling and communication strategies, in addition to qualified medical personnel. Teams must include both men and women: the HIV/AIDS epidemic has specific gender dimensions and it is important that prevention and care are carried out in close coordination with gender officers (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "Limitations and obligations of DDR HIV/AIDS initiatives. it is crucial that DDR planners are transparent about the limitations of the HIV/AIDS programme to avoid creating false expectations. It must be clear from the start that it is normally beyond the mandate, capacity and financial limitations of the DDR programme to start any kind of roll-out plan for ARV treatment (beyond, perhaps, the provision of PEP kits and the prevention of mother-to- child transmission (also see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR). The provision of treatment needs to be sustainable beyond the conclusion of the DDR programme in order to avoid the development of resistant strains of the virus, and should be part of national AIDS strategies and health care programmes. DDR programmes can, however, provide the following for target groups: treatment for opportunis- tic infections; information on ARV treatment options available in the country; and referrals to treatment centres and support groups. The roll-out of ARVs is increasing, but in many countries access to treatment is still very limited or non-existent. This means that much of the emphasis still has to be placed on prevention initiatives. HIV/AIDS community initiatives require a long-term commitment and fundamentally form part of humanitarian assistance, reconstruction and development programmes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "During the planning process, a risk mapping exercise and assessment of local capacities (at the national and community level) needs to be conducted as part of a situation analysis and to profile the country\u2019s epidemic. This will include the collection of qualitative and quantitative data, including attitudes of communities towards those being demobilized and presumed or real HIV infection rates among different groups, and an inventory of both actors on the ground and existing facilities and programmes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "7. Planning factors", "Heading2": "7.1. Planning assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "There may be very little reliable data about HIV infection rates in conflict and post- conflict environments. In many cases, available statistics only relate to the epidemic before the conflict started and may be years out of date. A lack of data, however, should not prevent HIV/AIDS initiatives from being put in place. Data on rates of STIs from health clinics and NGOs are valuable proxy indicators for levels of risk. It is also useful to consider the epi- demic in its regional context by examining prevalence rates in neighbouring countries and the degree of movement between states. In \u2018younger\u2019 epidemics, HIV infections may not yet have translated into AIDS-related deaths, and the epidemic could still be relatively hidden, especially as AIDS deaths may be recorded by the opportunistic infection and not the pres- ence of the virus. Tuberculosis (TB), for example, is both a common opportunistic infection and a common disease in many low-income countries.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "7. Planning factors", "Heading2": "7.1. Planning assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "A situation analysis for action planning for HIV should include the following important components: \\n Baseline data: What is the national HIV/AIDS prevalence (usually based on sentinel surveillance of pregnant women)? What are the rates of STIs? Are there significant differences in different areas of the country? Is it a generalized epidemic or restricted to high-risk groups? What data are available from blood donors (are donors routinely tested)? What are the high-risk groups? What is driving the epidemic (for example: heterosexual sex; men who have sex with men; poor medical procedures and blood transfusions; mother-to-child transmission; intravenous drug use)? What is the regional status of the epidemic, especially in neighbouring countries that may have provided an external base for ex-combatants? \\n Knowledge, attitudes and vulnerability: Qualitative data can be obtained through key in- formant interviews and focus group discussions that include health and community workers, religious leaders, women and youth groups, government officials, UN agency and NGO/CBOs, as well as ex-combatants and those associated with fighting forces and groups. Sometimes data on knowledge, attitudes and practice regarding HIV/ AIDS are contained in demographic and health surveys that are regularly carried out in many countries (although these may have been interrupted because of the conflict). It is important to identify the factors that may increase vulnerability to HIV \u2014 such as levels of rape and gender-based violence and the extent of \u2018survival sex\u2019. In the planning process, the cultural sensitivities of participants and beneficiaries must be considered so that appropriate services can be designed. Within a given country, for example, the acceptability and trends of condom use or attitudes to sexual relations outside of marriage can vary enormously; the country specific context must inform the design of programmes. Understanding local perceptions is also important in order to prevent problems during the reintegration phase, for example in cases where communities may blame ex-com-batants or women associated with fighting forces for the spread of HIV and therefore stigmatize them. \\n Identify existing capacities: The assessment needs to map existing health care facilities in and around communities where reintegration is going to take place. The exercise should ascertain whether the country has a functioning national AIDS control strategy and programme, and the extent that ministries are engaged (this should go beyond just the health ministry and include, for example, ministries of the interior, defence, education, etc.). Are there prevention and awareness programmes in place? Are these directed at specific groups? Does any capacity for counselling and testing exist? Is there a strategy for the roll-out of ARVs? Is there financial support available or pending from the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria and TB, the US President\u2019s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief or the World Bank? Do these assistance frameworks include DDR? What other actors (national and international) are present in the country? Are the UN theme group and technical working group in place ( the standard mechanisms to coordinate the HIV initiatives of UN agencies)?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "7. Planning factors", "Heading2": "7.1. Planning assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "Basic requirements for HIV/AIDS programmes in DDR include: \\n collection of baseline HIV/AIDS data; \\n identification and training of HIV focal points within DDR field offices; \\n development of HIV/AIDS awareness material and provision of basic awareness train- ing, with peer education programmes during extended cantonment and the reinsertion and reintegration phases to build capacity; \\n provision of VCT, both specifically within cantonment sites, where relevant, and through support to community services, and the routine offer of (opt-in) testing with counselling as a standard part of medical screening in countries with an HIV prevalence of 5 per- cent or more; \\n provision of condoms, PEP kits, and awareness material; \\n treatment of STIs and opportunistic infections, and referral to existing services for ARV treatment; \\n public information campaigns and sensitization of receiving communities as part of more general preparations for the return of DDR participants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "7. Planning factors", "Heading2": "7.1. Planning assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "The number of those being processed through a particular site and the amount of time available would determine what can be offered before or during demobilization, what is part of reinsertion packages and what can be offered during reintegration. The IASC guidelines are a useful tool for planning and implementation (see section 4.4 of this module).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "7. Planning factors", "Heading2": "7.1. Planning assessments", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "The design of DDR field offices responsible for the registration and reintegration process must take into account the need for capacity to address HIV/AIDS. Possible options include a central dedicated (but mobile) unit to coordinate HIV issues; the establishment of focal points in each region; and the secondment of experts to field offices from relevant UN agencies and NGOs or, in the case of national DDR field offices, from the national ministry of health, National AIDS Control Programme and local NGOs. In many cases, field offices will play a key role in basic briefings to DDR participants and referrals to VCT, so it is essential that all personnel are trained in HIV awareness strategies and are fully aware of on available facilities.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "7. Planning factors", "Heading2": "7.2. Design of DDR field offices", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "During planning, core indicators need to be developed to monitor the progress and impact of DDR HIV initiatives. This should include process indicators, such as the provision of condoms and the number of peer educators trained, and outcome indicators, like STI inci- dence by syndrome and the number of people seeking voluntary counselling and testing. DDR planners need to work with national programmes in the design and monitoring of initiatives, as it is important that the indicators used in DDR programmes are harmonised with national indicators. DDR planners, implementing partners and national counterparts should agree on the bench-marks against which DDR-HIV programmes will be assessed. The IASC guidelines include reference material for developing indicators in emergency settings.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "7. Planning factors", "Heading2": "7.3. Monitoring and evaluation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "Depending on the nature of soldiers\u2019/ex-combatants\u2019 deployment and organizational structure, it may be possible to start awareness training before demobilization begins. For example, it may be that troops are being kept in their barracks in the interim period between the signing of a peace accord and the roll-out of DDR; this provides an ideal captive (and restive) audience for awareness programmes and makes use of existing structures.7 In such cases, DDR planners should design joint projects with other actors working on HIV issues in the country. To avoid duplication or over-extending DDR HIV budgets, costs could be shared based on a proportional breakdown of the target group. For example, if it is anticipated that 40% of armed personnel will be demobilized, the DDR programme could cover 40% of the costs of awareness and prevention strategies at the pre-demobilization stage. Such an approach would be more comprehensive, easier to implement, and have longer-term benefits. It would also complement HIV/AIDS initiatives in broader SSR programmes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "Demobilization is often a very short process, in some cases involving only reception and documentation. While cantonment offers an ideal environment to train and raise the awareness of a \u2018captive audience\u2019, there is a general trend to shorten the cantonment period and instead carry out community-based demobilization. Ultimately, most HIV initiatives will take place during the reinsertion phase and the longer process of reintegration. However, initial awareness training (distinct from peer education programmes) should be considered part of general demobilization orientation training, and the provision of voluntary HIV testing and counselling should be included alongside general medical screening and should be available throughout the reinsertion and reintegration phases.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "During cantonments of five days or more, voluntary counselling and testing, and awareness sessions should be provided during demobilization. If the time allowed for a specific phase is changed, for example, if an envisaged cantonment period is shortened, it should be understood that the HIV/AIDS minimum requirements are not dropped but are instead included in the next phase of the DDR programme. Condoms and awareness material/referral information should be available whatever the length of cantonment, and must be included in \u2018transitional packages\u2019.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "The safety and protection of women, girls and boys must be taken into account in the plan- ning for cantonment sites and interim care centres (ICCs), to reduce the possibility of sexual exploitation and abuse (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, IDDRS 5.20 on Youth and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.1. Planning for cantonment sites", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "Medical screening facilities should ensure privacy during physical check-ups, and shall ensure that universal precautions are respected.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.1. Planning for cantonment sites", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "An enclosed space is required for testing and counselling. This can be a tent, as long as the privacy of conversations can be maintained. Laboratory facilities are not required on site.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.1. Planning for cantonment sites", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "Initial HIV awareness training should be provided to DDR participants, covering the basic facts of HIV transmission and prevention methods, and debunking common myths (2-hour sessions). On the basis of the qualitative data gathered during the planning stages, infor- mation, education and communication materials should be developed that are sensitive to the local culture and customs. Written materials in local languages are useful, but alternative materials using pictures should also be provided to account for different literacy rates and specifically to target children. Separate training for men and women should be available to encourage individuals to speak openly and ask questions. Children should receive special training in ICCs, in collaboration with child-protection officers (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.2. HIV/AIDS awareness training", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "Peer education programmes can be initiated during more extended cantonment periods of four weeks or more, and during reinsertion. Peer education typically involves training and supporting a small group with the same background, experience and values to share knowledge and change behaviour patterns among their peers. Peer education is often used to bring about changes in the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours at the indivi- dual level. However, the approach can also be used as part of efforts to create change at the group level or in society as a whole by modifying norms and stimulating collective action, both of which contribute to changes in policies and programmes. Globally, peer education is one of the most widely used strategies to address the HIV/AIDS pandemic. It increases the capacity and sustainability of HIV/AIDS awareness and sensitization efforts. HIV/AIDS peer education kits for uniformed services and additional material for awareness sessions for women and children are available from UNAIDS and Family Health International.8 (See section 9.2 of this module.)", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.2. HIV/AIDS awareness training", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "Screening and treatment for STIs should be a standard component of health screening for participants. STIs indicate risk behaviour, and their presence increases the chances of contracting or transmitting HIV. Syndromic management is a cost-effective approach that allows health workers to diagnose STIs based on a patient\u2019s history and symptoms, without the need for laboratory analysis. Treatment normally includes the use of broad-spectrum anti-biotics. Individuals with an STI should be strongly encouraged to bring their partners in for STI screening so that both can receive treatment in order to prevent reinfection (also see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.3. Syndromic management of STIs", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "Counselling and testing as a way of allowing people to find out their HIV status is an inte- gral element of prevention activities. Testing can be problematic in countries where ARVs are not yet easily available, and it is therefore important that any test is based on informed consent and that providers are transparent about benefits and options (for example, addi- tional nutritional support for HIV-positive people from the World Food Programme, and treatment for opportunistic infections). The confidentiality of results shall also be assured. Even if treatment is not available, HIV-positive individuals can be provided with nutritional and other health advice to avoid opportunistic infections (also see IDDRS 5.50 on Food Aid Programmes in DDR). Their HIV status may also influence their personal planning, includ- ing vocational choices, etc. According to UNAIDS, the majority of people living with HIV do not even know that they are infected. This emphasizes the importance of providing DDR participants with the option to find out their HIV status. Indeed, it may be that demand for VCT at the local level will have to be generated through awareness and advocacy cam- paigns, as people may either not understand the relevance of, or be reluctant to have, an HIV-test.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.4. HIV counselling and testing", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "It is particularly important for pregnant women to know their HIV status, as this may affect the health of their baby. During counselling, information on mother-to-child-trans- mission, including short-course ARV therapy (to reduce the risk of transmission from an HIV-positive mother to the foetus), and guidance on breastfeeding can be provided. Testing technologies have improved significantly, cutting the time required to get a result and reduc- ing the reliance on laboratory facilities. It is therefore more feasible to include testing and counselling in DDR. Testing and counselling for children associated with armed forces and groups should only be carried out in consultation with a child-protection officer with, where possible, the informed consent of the parent (see IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR). \\n Training and funding of HIV counsellors: Based on an assessment of existing capacity, counsellors could include local medical personnel, religious leaders, NGOs and CBOs. Counselling capacity needs to be generated (where it does not already exist) and funded to ensure suffi- cient personnel to run VCT and testing being offered as part of routine health checks, either in cantonment sites or during community-based demobilization, and continued during rein- sertion and reintegration (see section 10.1 of this module).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.4. HIV counselling and testing", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "Counselling is generally offered before and after an HIV test in order to help individuals make an informed decision about whether they want a test and to understand their risk behaviour and cope with a possible positive result (including information on how to stay as healthy as possible and how to minimize the risk of transmission to others) and provide referrals to options for treatment, care and support within the national system. Counselling also helps those who are not infected to stay HIV-negative. Counselling on an individual basis is ideal but it can also be offered in group settings with individual follow up.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.4. HIV counselling and testing", "Heading3": "8.4.1. Counselling", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "Individuals shall always be informed of their test result and post-test counselling should be provided for both an HIV-positive and an HIV-negative result, especially given the \u2018window period\u2019, the possibility for \u2018false negatives\u2019 and the need to impact on behav- iour. HIV-positive individuals should be strongly encouraged to bring their partner(s) for testing. In all instances, participants should be provided with referrals to further services in their communities. (For psychological, medical and legal support to rape victims see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR.)", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.4. HIV counselling and testing", "Heading3": "8.4.1. Counselling", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "In countries with an estimated HIV prevalence of 5 percent or more, an HIV test (opt-in), with counselling and informed consent, should be routinely offered as part of standard health checks for ex-combatants, but this must be linked to provisions for treatment and/or other benefits. In opt-in testing, individuals in a defined group (in this case, DDR participants) are given counselling and are offered the option of having an HIV test. It must be explained that they have the right to decide whether or not they wish to undergo an HIV test, without any personal repercussions. Routinely offering a test respects human rights guidelines, while also reaching a larger population. In general, such an approach results in greater numbers of people finding out their HIV status.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.4. HIV counselling and testing", "Heading3": "8.4.2. Testing", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "Routine opt-in testing is suggested on the basis that DDR participants are a distinct and potentially high-risk group. However, VCT services for participants and beneficiaries should also be provided alongside any offer of testing as part of medicals. Voluntary testing is a client initiated process, whereby an individual chooses to go to a testing facility/provider to find out his/her HIV status.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.4. HIV counselling and testing", "Heading3": "8.4.2. Testing", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "Advances in testing technology mean that rapid tests can provide a test result within approximately 30 minutes and do not require blood to be drawn or laboratory facilities. HIV-positive results need to be confirmed to rule out \u2018false positives\u2019. If local laboratory facilities do not exist, a combination of two further different rapid tests should be used to confirm an HIV-positive result. The mapping exercise will have identified national capacities (also see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR). Planners also need to consult national legislation regarding which HIV tests are ac- cepted, particularly with regard to rapid tests.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.4. HIV counselling and testing", "Heading3": "8.4.2. Testing", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "Male and female condoms should be available, and information regarding their correct use should be provided during the demobilization and in transitional packs. A range of contra- ception measures also need to be considered as part of basic reproductive health services to prevent unwanted pregnancies.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.5. Providing condoms", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "Many countries may not be familiar with female condoms. Post-conflict settings, how- ever, have proved to be receptive environments for the introduction of female-controlled methods of HIV/STI prevention and contraception. It is important that any introduction of female condoms in DDR programmes be strongly linked to national/local initiatives. UNFPA and Population Services International can provide information on designing and running programmes to promote and supply female condoms. If female condoms are not available locally and there are no existing programmes, it may not be feasible or appropriate for DDR HIV/AIDS programmes to introduce and promote the use of female condoms, as it requires training and specifically tailored information campaigns.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.5. Providing condoms", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) kits are a short-term antiretroviral treatment that reduces the likelihood of HIV infection after potential exposure to infected body fluids, such as through a needle-stick injury, or as a result of rape. The treatment should only be administered by a qualified health care practitioner. It essentially consists of taking high doses of ARVs for 28 days. To be effective, the treatment must start within 2 to 72 hours of the possible exposure; the earlier the treatment is started, the more effective it is. The patient should be counselled extensively before starting treatment, and advised to follow up with regular check-ups and HIV testing. PEP kits shall be available for all DDR staff and for victims of rape who present within the 72-hour period required (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "8. HIV initiatives before and during demobilization", "Heading2": "8.6. Provision of post-exposure prophylaxis kits", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "HIV/AIDS initiatives need to start in receiving communities before demobilization in order to support or create local capacity and an environment conducive to sustainable reintegra- tion. HIV/AIDS activities are a vital part of, but not limited to, DDR initiatives. Whenever possible, planners should work with stakeholders and implementing partners to link these activities with the broader recovery and humanitarian assistance being provided at the community level and the Strategy of the national AIDS Control Programme. People living with HIV/AIDS in the community should be consulted and involved in planning from the outset.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases", "Heading2": "9.1. Planning and preparation in receiving communities", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "The DDR programme should plan and budget for the following initiatives: \\n Community capacity-enhancement and public information programmes: These involve pro- viding training for local government, NGOs/community-based organizations (CBOs) and faith-based organizations to support forums for communities to talk openly about HIV/AIDS and related issues of stigma, discrimination, gender and power relations; the issue of men having sex with men; taboos and fears. This enables communities to better define their needs and address concerns about real or perceived HIV rates among returning ex-combatants. Public information campaigns should raise awareness among communities, but it is important that communication strategies do not inadvertently increase stigma and discrimination. HIV/AIDS should be approached as an issue of concern for the entire community and not something that only affects those being demobilized; \\n Maintain counsellor and peer educator capacity: training and funding is needed to maintain VCT and peer education programmes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases", "Heading2": "9.1. Planning and preparation in receiving communities", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "Peer education training (including behaviour-change communication strategies) should be initiated during the reinsertion and reintegration phases or, if started during cantonment, continued during the subsequent phases. Based on the feedback from the programmes to improve community capacity, training sessions should be extended to include both DDR participants and communities, in particular local NGOs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases", "Heading2": "9.2. Peer education programme", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "During peer education programmes, it may be possible to identify among DDR parti- cipants those who have the necessary skills and personal profile to provide ongoing HIV/ AIDS programmes in the communities and become \u2018change agents\u2019. Planning and funding for vocational training should consider including such HIV/AIDS educators in broader initiatives within national HIV/AIDS strategies and the public health sector. It cannot be assumed, however, that all those trained will be sufficiently equipped to become peer edu- cators. Trainees should be individually evaluated and supported with refresher courses in order to maintain levels of knowledge and tackle any problems that may arise.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases", "Heading2": "9.2. Peer education programme", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "During the selection of participants for peer education training, it is important to con- sider the different profiles of DDR participants and the different phases of the programme. For example, women associated with fighting forces would probably be demobilized before combatants and peer education programmes need to target them and NGOs working with women specifically. In addition, before using DDR participants as community HIV/AIDS workers, it is essential to identify whether they may be feared within the community because of the nature of the conflict in which they participated. If ex-combatants are highly respected in their communities this can strengthen reintegration and acceptance of HIV- sensitization activities. Conversely, if involving them in HIV/AIDS training could increase stigma, and therefore undermine reintegration efforts, they should not be involved in peer education at the community level. Focus group discussions and local capacity-enhancement programmes that are started before reintegration begins should include an assessment of the community\u2019s receptiveness. An understanding of the community\u2019s views on the subject will help in the selection of people to train as peer educators.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases", "Heading2": "9.2. Peer education programme", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "Voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) should be available during the reinsertion and reintegration phases in the communities to which ex-combatants are returning. This is distinct from any routine offer of testing as part of medical checks. VCT can be provided through a variety of mechanisms, including through free-standing sites, VCT services inte- grated with other health services, VCT services provided within already established non- health locations and facilities, and mobile/outreach VCT services.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases", "Heading2": "9.3. Voluntary counselling and testing", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "Male and female condoms should continue to be provided during the reinsertion and re- integration phases to the DDR target groups. It is imperative, though, that such access to condoms is linked \u2014 and ultimately handed over to \u2014 local HIV initiatives as it would be unmanageable for the DDR programme to maintain the provision of condoms to former combatants, associated groups and their families. Similarly, DDR planners should link with local initiatives for providing PEP kits, especially in instances of rape. (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 16, "Heading1": "9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases", "Heading2": "9.4. Condoms and PEP kits", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "One of the major factors increasing vulnerability to HIV in post-conflict settings is the increased levels of commercial/survival sex in communities where unemployment rates are high. Poverty-reductioninitiatives, includingincome-generationandvocationaltrainingprogrammes, should be seen as vital parts of overall community reconstruction, and also contribute to reducing the social risk factors for HIV transmission.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases", "Heading2": "9.5. Vocational training", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 62, "Paragraph": "For HIV-negative DDR participants, the creation of livelihoods is, by extension, an important aspect of HIV prevention for them and their families. For those who may be HIV-positive, but otherwise healthy (i.e., have functioning immune systems and showing no symptoms), vocational counselling may need to consider health and risk issues, but shall not deny each individual\u2019s ability or right to be trained and have a livelihood. The long incubation period of the virus means that it can be many years before an HIV-positive individual develops AIDS, even if he/she is not on treatment.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases", "Heading2": "9.5. Vocational training", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 63, "Paragraph": "Caring for people living with AIDS, especially in resource poor settings, can present a number of challenges, particularly the provision of even basic drugs and treatments. It also raises concerns about the extent to which families (some of who may already be affected by the disease) and communities are able or willing to commit themselves to caring for ex-combat- ants who may have been away for some time. Overall, the burden of care tends to fall on women in communities who will already be facing an increased burden of care with the return of ex-combatants. This will make the overall support and absorption of ex-combat- ants into civilian life more complicated. In addition, any differences in the types or levels of AIDS care and support provided to ex-combatants and communities is a very sensitive issue. It is extremely important to provide a balance in services, so that communities do not think that ex-combatants are receiving preferential treatment. Wherever possible, support should be provided to existing medical and hospice facilities, linking up with national and local programmes, with targeted support and referrals for families caring for ex-combatants suffering from AIDS.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "9. Reinsertion and reintegration phases", "Heading2": "9.6. Caring for people living with AIDS", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 64, "Paragraph": "National AIDS control programmes, where they exist, must be the first point of reference for, and key actors in, designing and running HIV/AIDS DDR programmes. UNAIDS country coordinators can give essential guidance and will have established networks with relevant NGOs/CBOs. The UN theme group is the main mechanism to coordinate HIV/ AIDS initiatives among UN agencies and other partners.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "10. Identifying existing capacities", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 65, "Paragraph": "In many settings, key HIV/AIDS implementing partners, such as the International Rescue Committee and Family Health International, may already be working in the country, but not necessarily in all the areas where demobilization and reinsertion/reintegration will take place. To initiate programmes, DDR officers should consider providing seed money to kick-start projects, for example covering the initial costs of establishing a basic VCT centre and training counsellors in a particular area, on the understanding that the implementing partner would assume the costs of running the facility for an agreed period of time. This is because it is often easier for NGOs to raise donor funds to maintain a project that has been shown to work than to set one up. Such an approach has the additional benefit of extend- ing HIV facilities to local communities beyond the time-frame of DDR, and can provide a buffer for HIV-related services at the reinsertion stage for example if there are delays in the demobilization process such as time-lags between the demobilization of special groups and ex-combatants.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "10. Identifying existing capacities", "Heading2": "10.1. Implementing partners", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 66, "Paragraph": "HIV/AIDS advisers. Peacekeeping missions routinely have HIV/AIDS advisers, assisted by UN volunteers and international/national professionals, as a support function of the mis- sion to provide awareness and prevention programmes for peacekeeping personnel and to integrate HIV/AIDS into mission mandated activities. HIV/AIDS advisers can facilitate the initial training of peer educators, provide guidance on setting up VCT, and assist with the design of information, education and communication materials. They should be involved in the planning of DDR from the outset.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "10. Identifying existing capacities", "Heading2": "10.2. HIV-related support for peacekeeping missions", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 67, "Paragraph": "Peacekeepers. Peacekeepers are increasingly being trained as HIV/AIDS peer educators, and therefore might be used to help support training. This role would, however, be beyond their agreed duties as defined in troop contributing country memorandums of understanding (MoUs), and would require the agreement of their contingent commander and the force commander. In addition, abilities vary enormously: the mission HIV/AIDS adviser should be consulted to identify those who could take part.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "10. Identifying existing capacities", "Heading2": "10.2. HIV-related support for peacekeeping missions", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 68, "Paragraph": "Many battalion medical facilities offer basic treatment to host populations, often treating cases of STIs, as part of \u2018hearts and minds\u2019 initiatives. Battalion doctors may be able to assist in training local medical personnel in the syndromic management of STIs, or directly pro- vide treatment to communities. Again, any such assistance provided to host communities is not included in MoUs or self-sustainment agreements, and so would require the authori- zation of contingent commanders and the force commander, and the capability and expertise of any troop-contributing country doctor would have to be assessed in advance.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "10. Identifying existing capacities", "Heading2": "10.2. HIV-related support for peacekeeping missions", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 69, "Paragraph": "Terms and definitions \\n\\n AIDS: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome: the stage of HIV when the immune system is depleted, leaving the body vulnerable to one or more life-threatening diseases. \\n\\n Anti-retrovirals (ARVs): Broad term for the main type of treatment for HIV and AIDS. ARVs are not a cure. \\n\\n Behaviour-change communication (BCC): A participatory, community-level process aimed at developing positive behaviours; promoting and sustaining individual, community and societal behaviour change; and maintaining appropriate behaviours. \\n\\n False negative/positive: HIV test result that is wrong, either giving a negative result when the person is HIV-positive, or a positive result when the person is HIV-negative. \\n\\n HIV: Human immunodeficiency virus, the virus that causes AIDS. \\n\\n HIV confirmation tests: According to WHO/UNAIDS recommendations, all positive HIV- test results (whether ELISA [enzyme-linked immunabsorbent assay] or simple/rapid tests) should be confirmed using a second, different test to confirm accuracy, or two further dif- ferent rapid tests if laboratory facilities are not available. \\n\\n HIV counselling: Counselling generally offered before and after an HIV test in order to help individuals understand their risk behaviour and cope with an HIV-positive result or stay HIV-negative. The counselling service also links individuals to options for treatment, care and support, and provides information on how to stay as healthy as possible and how to minimize the risk of transmission to others. Test results shall be confidential. Usually a vol- untary counselling and testing service package ensures that: the HIV test is voluntary; pre and post test counselling is offered; informed consent is obtained (agreement to a medical test or procedure after clear explanation of risks and benefits); and HIV tests are performed using approved HIV test kits and following testing protocols. \\n\\n HIV-negative result: The HIV test did not detect any antibodies in the blood. This either means that the person is not infected with the virus at the time of the test or that he/she is in the \u2018window period\u2019 (i.e., false negative, see above). It does not mean that he/she is immune to the virus. \\n\\n HIV-positive result: A positive HIV test result means that a person has the HIV antibodies in his/her blood and is infected with HIV. It does not mean that he/she has AIDS. HIV test: Usually a test for the presence of antibodies. There are two main methods of HIV testing: \\n HIV ELISA (enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay) test: This is the most efficient test for testing large numbers per day, but requires laboratory facilities with equipment, maintenance staff and a reliable power supply; \\n Simple/rapid HIV tests: These do not require special equipment or highly trained staff and are as accurate as ELISA. Rapid tests will usually give results in approximately 30 minutes and are easy to perform. Suitable combinations of three simple/rapid tests are recommended by WHO where facilities for ELISA or ELISA/Western Blot testing are not available. \\n\\n Inconclusive (indeterminate) result: A small percentage of HIV test results are inconclu- sive. This means that the result is neither positive nor negative. This may be due to a number of factors that are not related to HIV infection, or it can be because of the person is in the early stages of infection when there are insufficient HIV antibodies present to give a positive result. If this happens the test must be repeated. \\n\\n Information, education and communication (IEC): The development of communication strategies and support materials, based on formative research and designed to impact on levels of knowledge and influence behaviours among specific groups. \\n\\n Mandatory testing: Testing or screening required by federal, state, or local law to compel individuals to submit to HIV testing without informed consent. Within those countries that conduct mandatory testing, it is usually limited to specific \u2018populations\u2019 such as cat- egories of health care providers, members of the military, prisoners or people in high-risk situations. \\n\\n Nutritional requirements: AIDS patients usually need a food intake that is 30 percent higher than standard recommended levels. \\n\\n Opportunistic infection (OI): Infection that occurs when an immune system is weakened, but which might not cause a disease \u2014 or be as serious \u2014 in a person with a properly func- tioning immune system. \\n\\n Peer education: A popular concept that variously refers to an approach, a communication channel, a methodology and/or an intervention strategy. Peer education usually involves training and supporting members of a given group with the same background, experience and values to effect change among members of that group. It is often used to influence knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours at the individual level. However, peer educa- tion may also create change at the group or societal level by modifying norms and stimulating collective action that contributes to changes in policies and programmes. Worldwide, peer education is one of the most widely used HIV/AIDS awareness strategies. \\n\\n Post-exposure prophylaxis/post-exposure prevention (PEP): A short-term antiretroviral treatment that reduce the likelihood of HIV infection after potential exposure to infected body fluids, such as through a needle-stick injury or as a result of rape. The treatment should only be administered by a qualified health care practitioner. It essentially consists of taking high doses of ARVs for 28 days. To be effective, the treatment must start within 2 to 72 hours of the possible exposure; the earlier the treatment is started, the more effective it is. Its success rate varies. \\n\\n Routine opt-in testing: Approach to testing whereby the individual is offered an HIV test as a standard part of a treatment/health check that he/she is about to receive. The indivi- dual is informed that he/she has the right to decide whether or not to undergo the test. \\n\\n Sentinel surveillance: Surveillance based on selected population samples chosen to repre- sent the relevant experience of particular groups. \\n\\n Sero-conversion: The period when the blood starts producing detectable antibodies in response to HIV infection. \\n\\n Sero-positive: Having HIV antibodies; being HIV-positive. \\n\\n Sexually transmitted infection (STI): Disease that is commonly transmitted through vaginal, oral or anal sex. The presence of an STI is indicative of risk behaviour and also increases the actual risk of contracting HIV. \\n\\n STI syndromic management: A cost-effective approach that allows health workers to diag- nose sexually transmitted infections on the basis of a patient\u2019s history and symptoms, without the need for laboratory analysis. Treatment normally includes the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. \\n\\n Universal precautions: Simple infection control measures that reduce the risk of transmis- sion of blood borne pathogens through exposure to blood or body fluids among patients and health care workers. Under the \u2018universal precaution\u2019 principle, blood and body fluids from all persons should be considered as infected with HIV, regardless of the known or supposed status of the person. \\n Use of new, single-use disposable injection equipment for all injections is highly recom- mended. Sterilising injection equipment should only be considered if single-use equip- ment is not available. \\n Discard contaminated sharps immediately and without recapping in puncture- and liquid-proof containers that are closed, sealed and destroyed before completely full. \\n Document the quality of the sterilization for all medical equipment used for percuta- neous procedures. \\n Wash hands with soap and water before and after procedures; use protective barriers such as gloves, gowns, aprons, masks and goggles for direct contact with blood and other body fluids. \\n Disinfect instruments and other contaminated equipment. \\n Handle properly soiled linen with care. Soiled linen should be handled as little as pos- sible. Gloves and leak-proof bags should be used if necessary. Cleaning should occur outside patient areas, using detergent and hot water. \\n\\n Voluntary HIV testing: A client-initiated HIV test whereby the individual chooses to go to a testing facility/provider to find out his/her HIV status. \\n\\n Window period: The time period between initial infection with HIV and the body\u2019s pro- duction of antibodies, which can be up to three months. During this time, an HIV test for antibodies may be negative, even though the person has the virus and can infect others.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 70, "Paragraph": "Family Health International resources available at index.htm. \\n Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Guidelines for HIV/AIDS Interventions in Emergency Set- tings, \\n \u2014\u2014, Guidelines for Gender Based Violence in Humanitarian Settings: Focusing on Pre- vention of and Response to Sexual Violence in Emergencies, September 2005, http://www. Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Peer Education Kit for Uniformed Services, 2003. \\n \u2014\u2014, Best Practice Case Studies, Reproductive Health Response in Conflict (RHRC) Consortium 2004, HIV/AIDs Preven- tion and Control: a short course for humanitarian workers, \\n Rehn, Elisabeth and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Women, War and Peace: The Independent Experts\u2019 Assessment on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Women and Women\u2019s Role in Peace-building, \\n UN Population Fund (UNFPA), Clinical Management of Rape Survivors: Developing Protocols for Use with Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, revised version, http://www.unfpa. org/upload/lib_pub_file/373_filename_clinical-mgt-2005rev1.pdf. \\n WHO resources available at \\n \u2014\u2014, Reproductive Health in Refugee Settings: An Inter-Agency Field Manual, http://www. situations/full_text.pdf.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "Annex C: Reference material and resources", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}, {"ID": 71, "Paragraph": "\\n 1 Bazergan, R., Intervention and Intercourse: HIV/AIDS and peacekeepers, Conflict, Security and Develop- ment, vol 3 no 1, April 2003, King\u2019s College, London, pp. 27\u201351. \\n 2 \\n 3 Ibid. \\n 4 Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Guidelines for HIV/AIDS Interventions in Emergency Settings, \\n 5 HIV risk in militaries is related to specific contexts, with a number of influencing factors, including the context in which troops are deployed. Many AIDS interventions by ministries of defence have been effective, and have reduced HIV infection rates in the uniformed services. \\n 6 In many cases, ex-combatants who are set to join a uniformed service do not go through the DDR process. There would still be a potential benefit, however, in instances where HIV/AIDS awareness has started in the barracks/camps. \\n 7 At the same time planners cannot assume that all fighting forces will have an organised structure in barracks with the associated logistical support. In some cases, combatants may be mixed with the population and hard to distinguish from the general population. \\n 8 See and", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "HIV/AIDS and DDR", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.60 HIV-AIDS and DDRAIDS and DDR"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.70 Health and DDR.json b/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.70 Health and DDR.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..460c5eb --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/5 Cross-cutting Issues/5.70 Health and DDR.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "This module is intended to assist operators and managers from other sectors who are involved in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR), as well as health practitioners, to understand how health partners, like the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN) Population Fund (UNFPA), Joint UN Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS), Inter- national Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and so on, can make their best contribution to the short- and long-term goals of DDR. It provides a framework to support cooperative decision-making for health action rather than technical advice on health care needs. Its intended audiences are generalists who need to be aware of each component of a DDR pro- cess, including health actions; and health practitioners who, when called upon to support the DDR process, might need some basic guidance and reference on the subject to help contextualize their technical expertise. Because of its close interconnections with these areas, the module should be read in conjunction with IDDRS 5.60 on HIV/AIDS and DDR and IDDRS 5.50 on Food Aid Programmes in DDR.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "This module is intended to assist operators and managers from other sectors who are involved in DDR, as well as health practitioners, to understand how health partners can make their best contribution to the short- and long-term goals of DDR. It provides a framework to support decision-making for health actions. The module highlights key areas that deserve attention and details the specific challenges that are likely to emerge when operating within a DDR framework. It cannot provide a response to all technical problems, but it provides technical references when these are relevant and appropriate, and it assumes that managers, generalists and experienced health staff will consult with each other and coordinate their efforts when planning and implementing health programmes.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "As the objective of this module is to provide a platform for dialogue in support of the design and implementation of health programmes within a DDR framework, there are two intended audiences: generalists who need to be aware of each component of a DDR process, including health actions; and health practitioners who, when called upon to support the DDR process, might need some basic guidance and reference on the subject to help contex- tualize their technical expertise.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "This module consolidates the lessons learned by WHO and its partners, including UNFPA, UNAIDS, ICRC, etc., in supporting DDR processes in a number of countries. UN technical agencies play a supportive role within a DDR framework, and WHO has a specific respon- sibility as far as health is concerned. The exact nature of this role may change in different situations, ranging from standards-setting to direct operational responsibilities such as con- tracting with and supervising non-governmental organizations (NGOs) delivering health care and health-related activities in assembly areas and demobilization sites, negotiating with conflicting parties to implement health programmes, and supporting the provision of health equipment and services in transit/cantonment areas.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "The priority of public health partners in DDR is: \\n to assess health situations and monitor levels of risk; \\n to co-ordinate the work of health actors and others whose activities contribute to health (e.g., food programmes); \\n to provide \u2014 or to ensure that others provide \u2014 key health services that may be lacking in particular contexts where DDR programmes are operating; \\n to build capacity within national authorities and civil society.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "Experience shows that, even with the technical support offered by UN and partner agencies, meeting these priorities can be difficult. Both in the initial demobilization phase and afterwards in the reintegration period, combatants, child soldiers, women associated with armed forces and groups, and their dependants may present a range of specific needs to which the national health sector is not always capable of responding. While the basic mech- anisms governing the interaction between individuals and the various threats to their health are very much the same anywhere, what alters is the environment where these interactions take place, e.g., in terms of epidemiological profile, security and political context. In each country where a DDR process is being implemented, even without considering the different features of each process itself, a unique set of health needs will have to be met. Nonetheless, some general lessons can be drawn from the past: \\n In DDR processes, the short-term planning that is part of humanitarian interventions also needs to be built into a medium- to long-term framework. This applies to health as well as to other sectors;1 \\n A clear understanding of the various phases laid out in the peace process in general and specified for DDR in particular is vital for the appropriate timing, delivery and targeting of health activities;2 \\n The capacity to identify and engage key stakeholders and build long-term capacity is essential for coordination, implementation and sustainability.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "Health action should always prioritize basic preventive and curative care to manage the entire range of health threats in the geographical area, and deal with the specific risks that threaten the target population. Health action within a DDR process should apply four key principles: \\n Principle 1: Health programmes/actions that are part of DDR should be devised in coordi- nation with plans to rehabilitate the entire health system of the country, and to build local and national capacity; and they should be planned and implemented in cooperation and consultation with the national authorities and other key stakeholders so that resources are equitably shared and the long-term health needs of former combatants, women associated with armed groups and forces, their family members and communities of reintegration are sustainably met; \\n Principle 2: Health programmes/actions that are part of DDR should promote and respect ethical and internationally accepted human rights standards; \\n Principle 3: Health programmes/actions that are part of DDR should be devised after careful analysis of different needs and in consultation with a variety of representatives (male and female, adults, youth and children) of the various fighting factions; and services offered during demobilization should specifically deal with the variety of health needs presented by adult and young combatants and women associated with armed groups and forces; \\n Principle 4: In the reintegration part of DDR, as an essential component of community- based DDR in resource-poor environments, health programmes/actions should be open to all those in need, not only those formerly associated with armed groups and forces.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "DDR programmes result from political settlements negotiated to create the political and legal system necessary to bring about a transition from violent conflict to stability and peace. To contribute to these political goals, DDR processes use military, economic and humani- tarian \u2014 including health care delivery \u2014 tools.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "5. Health and DDR", "Heading2": "5.1. Tensions between humanitarian and political objectives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "Thus, humanitarian work carried out within a DDR process is implemented as part of a political framework whose objectives are not specifically humanitarian. In such a situation, tensions can arise between humanitarian principles and the establishment of the overall political\u2013strategic crisis management framework of integrated peace-building missions, which is the goal of the UN system. Offering health services as part of the DDR process can cause a conflict between the \u2018partiality\u2019 involved in supporting a political transition and the \u2018im- partiality\u2019 needed to protect the humanitarian aspects of the process and humanitarian space.3", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "5. Health and DDR", "Heading2": "5.1. Tensions between humanitarian and political objectives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "It is not within the scope of this module to explore all the possible features of such tensions. However, it is useful for personnel involved in the delivery of health care as part of DDR processes to be aware that political priorities can affect operations, and can result in tensions with humanitarian principles. For example, this can occur when humanitarian programmes aimed at combatants are used to create an incentive for them to \u2018buy in\u2019 to the peace process.4", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "5. Health and DDR", "Heading2": "5.1. Tensions between humanitarian and political objectives", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "A good understanding of the various phases of the peace process in general, and of how DDR in particular will take place over time, is vital for the appropriate timing and targeting of health activities. Similarly, it must be clearly understood which national or international institutions will lead each aspect or phase of health care delivery within DDR, and the coordination mechanism needed to streamline delivery. Operationally, deciding on the tim- ing and targeting of health interventions requires two things to be done.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "5. Health and DDR", "Heading2": "5.2. Linking health action to DDR and the peace process", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "First, an analysis of the political and legal terms and arrangements of the peace proto- col and the specific nature of the situation on the ground should be carried out as part of the general assessment that will guide and inform the planning and implementation of health activities. For appropriate planning to take place, information must be gathered on the expected numbers of combatants, associates and dependants involved in the process; their gender- and age-specific needs; the planned length of the demobilization phase and its location (demobilization sites, assembly areas, cantonment sites, or other); and local capa- cities for the provision of health care services.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "5. Health and DDR", "Heading2": "5.2. Linking health action to DDR and the peace process", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "Key questions for the pre-planning assessment: \\n What are the key features of the peace protocols? \\n Which actors are involved? \\n How many armed groups and forces have participated in the peace negotiation? What is their make-up in terms of age and sex? \\n Are there any foreign troops (e.g., foreign mercenaries) among them? \\n Does the peace protocol require a change in the administrative system of the country? Will the health system be affected by it? \\n What role did the UN play in achieving the peace accord, and how will agencies be deployed to facilitate the implementation of its different aspects? \\n Who will coordinate the health-related aspects of integrated, inter-agency DDR efforts (ministry of health, WHO, medical services of peacekeeping mission, UNFPA, food agencies such as the \\n World Food Programme [WFP], implementing partners, etc.)? Who will set up the UN coordinating mechanism, division of responsibilities, etc., and when? \\n What national steering bodies/committees for DDR are planned (joint commission, transitional government, national commission on DDR, working groups, etc.)? \\n Who are the members and what is the mandate of such bodies? \\n Is the health sector represented in such bodies? Should it be? \\n Is assistance to combatants set out in the peace protocol, and if so, what plans have been made for DDR? \\n Which phases in the DDR process have been planned? \\n What is the time-frame for each phase? \\n What role, if any, can/should the health sector play in each phase?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "5. Health and DDR", "Heading2": "5.2. Linking health action to DDR and the peace process", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "Second, the health sector should be represented in all bodies established to oversee DDR from the earliest stages of the process possible. Early inclusion is essential if the guiding principles described above are to be applied in practice during operations. In particular: \\n It can ensure that public health concerns are taken into account when key planning decisions are made, e.g., on the selection of locations for pick-up points or other assembly/transit areas, on the level of services that will be established there, and on the best way of dealing with different health needs; \\n It can advocate in favour of vulnerable groups; \\n It will establish a political, legislative and administrative link with national authorities, which is necessary to create the space for health actions in the short and medium/long term. For example, appropriate support for the health needs of specific groups, such as girl mothers or the war-disabled, can be provided only if the appropriate legislative/ administrative frameworks have been set up and capacity-building begun; \\n It will reduce the risk of creating ad hoc health services for former combatants, women associated with armed groups and forces, dependants and the communities to which they return. Health programmes in support of a DDR process can be highly visible, but they are seldom more than a limited part of all the health-related activities taking place in a country during a transition period; \\n Careful cooperation with health and relevant non-health national authorities can result in the establishment of health programmes that start out in support of demobilization, but later, through coordination with the overall rehabilitation of the country strategy for the health sector, become a sustainable asset in the reintegration period and beyond; \\n It can bring about the adoption at national level of specific health guidelines/protocols that are equitable, affordable by and accessible to all, and gender- and age-responsive.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "5. Health and DDR", "Heading2": "5.2. Linking health action to DDR and the peace process", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "It should be seen as a priority to encourage the collaboration of international and national health staff in all areas of health-related work, as this increases local ownership of health activities and builds capacity.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. Health and DDR", "Heading2": "5.2. Linking health action to DDR and the peace process", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "The different aspects of DDR processes \u2014 disarmament, demobilization and reintegration \u2014 may not necessarily follow a fixed chronological order, and are closely interrelated. The extent of the contribution of health activities in each phase increases steadily, from assess- ment and planning to the actual delivery of health services. Health services, in turn, will evolve: starting by focusing on immediate, life-threatening conditions, they will at a later stage be required to support ex-combatants and those associated with them when they return to civilian life and take up civilian jobs as a part of reintegration.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. Health and DDR", "Heading2": "5.3. Health and the sequencing of DDR processes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "Figure 1 provides a simplified image of the general direction in which the health sector has to move to best support a DDR process. Clearly, health actions set up to meet the specific needs of the demobilization phase, which will only last for a short period of time, must be planned as only the first steps of a longer-term, open-ended and comprehensive reintegra- tion process. In what follows, some of the factors that will help the achievement of this long-term goal are outlined.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. Health and DDR", "Heading2": "5.3. Health and the sequencing of DDR processes", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "The geography of the country/region in which the DDR operation takes place should be taken into account when planning the health-related parts of the operation, as this will help in the difficult task of identifying the stakeholders and the possible partners that will be involved, and to plan the network of fixed structures and outreach circuits designed to cater for first health contact and/or referral, health logistics, etc., all of which have to be organized at local, district, national or even international (i.e., possibly cross-border) levels.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "5. Health and DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Health and the geographical dimensions of DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "Health activities in support of DDR processes must take into account the movements of populations within countries and across borders. From an epidemiological point of view, the mass movements of people displaced by conflict may bring some communicable diseases into areas where they are not yet endemic, and also speed up the spread of outbreaks of diseases that can easily turn into epidemics. Thus, health actors need to develop appropriate strategies to prevent or minimize the risk that these diseases will propagate and to allow for the early detection and containment of any possible epidemic resulting from the popula- tion movements. Those whom health actors will be dealing with include former combatants, associates and dependants, as well as the hosting communities in the transit areas and at the final destinations.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. Health and DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Health and the geographical dimensions of DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "In cases where foreign combatants will be repatriated, cross-border health strategies should be devised in collaboration with the local health authorities and partner organizations in both the sending and receiving countries (also see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-border Popula- tion Movements).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. Health and DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Health and the geographical dimensions of DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "Figure 2 shows the likely movements of combatants and associates (and often their dependants) during a DDR process. It should be noted that the assembly/cantonment/ transit area is the most important place (and probably the only place) where adult combat- ants come into contact with health programmes designed in support of the DDR process, because both before and after they assemble here, they are dispersed over a wide area. Chil- dren should receive health assistance at interim care centres (ICCs) after being released from armed groups and forces. Before and after the cantonment/transit period, combatants, associates and their dependants are mainly the responsibility of the national health system, which is likely to be degraded and in need of systematic, long-term support in order to do its work.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "5. Health and DDR", "Heading2": "5.4. Health and the geographical dimensions of DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "The overall goal of health action is to reduce avoidable illness and death. In the context of DDR, this requires that the health programmes focus on providing: \\n basic, preventive and curative, specifically designed and good-quality health care that is easily accessible at every stage of the process \u2014 in any transit stations, in demobili- zation/cantonment/assembly camps if they are used, in ICCs for children, and in the communities where combatants will live once they are demobilized; \\n basic health care, including reproductive health care and psychosocial care, that is appropriate to the different needs of men, women, youth, girls and boys going through DDR. This service needs to be supported by effective referral systems and emergency back-up systems, e.g., to control outbreaks of infectious diseases or deal with immediate, life-threatening mental trauma. Health information and advice must be made available in language that can be understood by the different groups for which the health care is designed; \\n training of camp managers on health-related matters, e.g., on the construction of appro- priate areas for the registration and protection of vulnerable groups, the provision of food appropriate to different needs (e.g., for the sick, and for nursing mothers, infants and small children), problems with drug and alcohol addiction, water, shelter, sanita- tion, supplies of items needed for hygiene (soap, buckets), and fuel. Women and girls will need specific assistance to meet their hygiene needs, including menstrual supplies and clean birthing kits.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "6. Operational objectives for the health sector in the DDR process", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "The health sector has three main areas of responsibility during the planning phase: (1) to assess the epidemiological profile in the areas and populations of interest; (2) to assess exist- ing health resources; and (3) to advise on public health concerns in choosing the sites where combatants, women associated with armed groups and forces and/or dependants will be assembled. Planning to meet health needs should start as early as possible and should be constantly updated as the DDR process develops.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "7. The role of the health sector in the planning process", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "Three key questions must be asked in order to create an epidemiological profile: (1) What is the health status of the targeted population? (2) What health risks, if any, will they face when they move during DDR processes? (3) What health threats might they pose, if any, to local communities near transit areas or those in which they reintegrate?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "7. The role of the health sector in the planning process", "Heading2": "7.1. Assessing epidemiological profiles", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "Epidemiological data, i.e., at least minimum statistics on the most prevalent causes of illness and death, are usually available from the national health authorities or the WHO country office. These data are usually of poor quality in war-torn countries or those in transi- tion into a post-conflict phase, and are often outdated. However, even a broad overview can provide enough information to start planning.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "7. The role of the health sector in the planning process", "Heading2": "7.1. Assessing epidemiological profiles", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "Assess the risks and plan accordingly.5 Information that will be needed includes: \\n the composition of target population (age and sex) and their general health status; \\n the transit sites and the health care situation there; \\n the places to which former combatants and the people associated with them will return and the capacity to supply health services there.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "7. The role of the health sector in the planning process", "Heading2": "7.1. Assessing epidemiological profiles", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "ore detailed and updated information may be available from NGOs working in the area or the health services of the armed forces or groups. If possible, it should come from field assessments or rapid surveys.6 The following guiding questions should be asked: \\n What kinds of population movements are expected during the DDR process (not only movements of people associated with armed forces and groups, but also an idea of where populations of refugees and internally displaced persons might intersect/interact with them in some way)? \\n What are the most prevalent health hazards (e.g., endemic diseases, history of epidem- ics) in the areas of origin, transit and destination? \\n What is the size of groups (women combatants and associates, child soldiers, disabled people, etc.) with specific health needs? \\n Are there specific health concerns relating to military personnel, as opposed to the civil- ian population?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "7. The role of the health sector in the planning process", "Heading2": "7.1. Assessing epidemiological profiles", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "After the completion of an assessment of the health needs to be met in a crisis, the capacity of the system to meet these needs should be examined. It is necessary to identify the system\u2019s main weaknesses and to make improvements so that they do not endanger the success of the DDR process.7", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "7. The role of the health sector in the planning process", "Heading2": "7.2. Assessment of health resources", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "The following information is needed: \\n What is the location and state of existing health infrastructure? What can be done to upgrade it quickly, if necessary? \\n Do adequate storage facilities for health supplies exist nearby? \\n Is there an adequate communications infrastructure/system with a good flow of information? \\n What human resources are there (numbers, qualification and experience levels, and geographical distribution)? \\n Where is the closest humanitarian and/or health organization? Is it ready to participate or offer support? Who will coordinate efforts? \\n What material resources, including supplies, equipment and finances, have been established? \\n What is the state of support systems, including transport, energy, logistics and admin- istration?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "7. The role of the health sector in the planning process", "Heading2": "7.2. Assessment of health resources", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "After answering these questions and assessing the situation, it is possible to identify important gaps in the health system and to start taking steps to support the DDR process (e.g., rehabilitating a health centre in an area where troops will be assembled), and to identify stakeholders \u2014 national and international \u2014 who can form partnerships with the health sector.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "7. The role of the health sector in the planning process", "Heading2": "7.2. Assessment of health resources", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "When relevant and possible, the level of health expertise within armed groups and forces should be assessed to start identifying people who can be trained during the demo- bilization phase. Health expertise should be understood in a wide sense to include, when this is relevant and appropriate, traditional practitioners, and combatants and associates who have experience of health work, even without formal education and training, provided that appropriate supervision is guaranteed.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "7. The role of the health sector in the planning process", "Heading2": "7.2. Assessment of health resources", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "When assembly areas or cantonment sites are established to carry out demobilization and disarmament, health personnel should help with site selection and provide technical advice on site design. International humanitarian standards on camp design should apply, and gender-specific requirements should be taken into account (e.g., security, rape prevention, the provision of female-specific health care assistance). As a general rule, the area must conform with the Sphere standards for water supply and sanitation, drainage, vector control, etc. Locations and routes for medical and obstetric emergency referral must be pre-identi- fied, and there should be sufficient capacity for referral or medical evacuation to cater for any emergencies that might arise, e.g., post-partum bleeding (the distance to the nearest health facility and the time required to get there are important factors to consider here).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "7. The role of the health sector in the planning process", "Heading2": "7.3. Support in the identification of assembly areas", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "When combatants are housed in military barracks or public buildings are restored for this purpose, these should also be assessed in terms of public health needs. Issues to con- sider include basic sanitary facilities, the possibility of health referrals in the surrounding area, and so on.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "7. The role of the health sector in the planning process", "Heading2": "7.3. Support in the identification of assembly areas", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "If nearby health facilities are to be rehabilitated or new facilities established, the work should fit in with medium- to long-term plans. Even though health care will be provided for combatants, associates and dependants during the DDR process only for a short time, facilities should be rehabilitated or established that meet the requirements of the national strategy for rehabilitating the health system and provide the maximum long-term benefit possible to the general population.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "7. The role of the health sector in the planning process", "Heading2": "7.3. Support in the identification of assembly areas", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "The concrete features of a DDR health programme will depend on the nature of a specific situation and on the key characteristics of the demobilization process (e.g., how long it is planned for). In all cases, at least the following must be guaranteed: a medical screening on first contact, ongoing access to health care and outbreak control. Supplementary or therapeutic feeding and other specific care should be planned for if pregnant or lactating women and girls, children or infants, and chronically ill patients are expected at the site.8", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "Skilled workers, supplies, equipment and infrastructures will be needed inside, or within a very short distance from, the assembly area (within a maximum of one kilometre), to deliver, on a routine basis: (1) medical screening of newcomers; (2) basic health care; and, if necessary, (3) therapeutic feeding. Coordination with local health authorities and other sectors will ensure the presence of the necessary systems for medical evacuation, early detection of and response to disease outbreaks, and the equitable catering for people\u2019s vital needs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "Health concerns will vary greatly according to the geographical area where the demobili- zation occurs. Depending on location, health activities will normally include some or all of the following: \\n providing medical screening and counselling for combatants and dependants; \\n establishing basic preventive and curative health services. \\n Priority should go to acute and infectious conditions (typically malaria); however, as soon as possible, measures should also be set in place for chronic and non-infectious cases (e.g., tuberculosis and diabetes, or epilepsy) and for voluntary testing and counselling services for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS; \\n establishing a referral system that can cover medical, surgical and obstetric emergencies, as well as laboratory confirmation at least for diseases that could cause epidemics; \\n adopting and adapting national standard protocols for the treatment of the most common diseases;9 \\n establishing systems to monitor potential epidemiological/nutritional problems within assembly areas, barracks, camps for dependants, etc. with the capacity for early warning and outbreak response; \\n providing drugs and equipment including a system for water quality control and bio- logical sample management; \\n organizing public health information campaigns on STIs (including HIV/AIDS), water- borne disease, sanitation issues such as excreta disposal, food conservation and basic hygiene (especially for longer-term cantonment); \\n establishing systems for coordination, communication and logistics in support of the delivery of preventive and curative health care; \\n establishing systems for coordination with other sectors, to ensure that all vital needs and support systems are in place and functioning.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "8.1. Dealing with key health concerns during demobilization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "Whenever people are grouped together in a temporary facility such as a cantonment site, there will be matters of specific concern to health practitioners. Issues to be aware of include: \\n Chronic communicable diseases: Proper compliance with anti-TB treatment can be difficult to organize and sustain, but it should be considered a priority; \\n HIV/AIDS: Screening of soldiers should be voluntary and carried out after combatants are given enough information about the screening process. The usefulness of screening when the system is not able to respond adequately (by providing anti-retroviral therapy and proper follow-up) should be carefully thought out. Combatants have the right to the confidentiality of the information collected;10 \\n Violence/injury prevention: Cantonment is a strategy for reducing violence, because it aims to contain armed combatants until their weapons can be safely removed. However, there is a strong likelihood of violence within cantonment sites, especially when abducted women or girls are separated from men. Specific care should be taken to avoid all pos- sible situations that might lead to sexual violence; \\n Mental health, psychosocial support and substance abuse:11 While cantonment provides an opportunity to check for the presence of self-directed violence such as drug and alcohol abuse, a key principle is that the best way of improving the mental well-being of ex- combatants and their associates is through economic and social reintegration, with com- munities having the central role in developing and implementing the social support systems needed to achieve this. In the demobilization stage of DDR, the health services must have the capacity to detect and treat severe, acute and chronic mental disorders. An evidence-based approach to substance abuse in DDR processes has still to be developed.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "8.1. Dealing with key health concerns during demobilization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "In sites where resources are limited, health planning to meet the needs of those going through the DDR process starts from a minimum package of medical screening, on-the-spot treat- ment, provision of condoms and medical evacuation/referral, which should be developed to cover, at least: \\n early detection of and response to epidemic outbreaks; \\n measles immunization + vitamin A for children aged 0\u201315 years; \\n polio immunization for children under 5; \\n treatment of severe, acute conditions (malaria, acute respiratory infections), diarrhoea, anaemia in pregnant women, acute malnutrition, dressing of wounds, STIs, etc.); \\n uncomplicated deliveries; \\n provision of long-lasting impregnated bed nets to prevent malaria; \\n referral of serious cases to secondary/tertiary care facilities; \\n voluntary testing and counselling for STIs, including HIV/AIDS; \\n care and treatment for survivors of sexual violence, including testing and treatment for STIs.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "8.2. An essential DDR health package in resource-poor settings", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "The delivery of such services requires the following personnel and equipment in each cantonment site or assembly area: \\n an average team of one doctor or mid-level health technician, 4\u20135 public health care nurses and 3\u20134 ancillary workers per camp; one midwife where necessary; \\n essential medicines and equipment (for sterilization, stabilization, cold-chain, etc.); \\n rapid tests and combined treatment for P. Falciparum malaria; \\n means of transport, easy procedures and pre-positioned facilities for medical/obstetric evacuation; \\n options \u2014 either locally or by referral \u2014 for the treatment of chronic conditions: at least TB and epilepsy should be covered; \\n back-up systems \u2014 teams on call, easy-access procedures, transport and buffer stocks (including protective equipment) \u2014 for early detection and treatment of outbreaks; \\n availability and adoption of national standard case definitions and case management protocols.12", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "8.2. An essential DDR health package in resource-poor settings", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "WHO provides hospitals with emergency health kits and UNFPA can provide emergency reproductive health kits (which may include post-exposure prophylaxis kits, when appropriate) to individuals, clinics and hospitals, along with training on their use as and when this is appropriate (also see IDDRS 5.60 on HIV/AIDS and DDR).13", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "8.2. An essential DDR health package in resource-poor settings", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "Training of local health personnel is vital in order to implement the complex health response needed during DDR processes. In many cases, the warring parties will have their own mili- tary medical staff who have had different training, roles, experiences and expectations. However, these personnel can all play a vital role in the DDR process. Their skills and knowl- edge will need to be updated and refreshed, since the health priorities likely to emerge in assembly areas or cantonment sites \u2014 or neighbouring villages \u2014 are different from those of the battlefield.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "8.3. Training of personnel", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "An analysis of the skills of the different armed forces\u2019 and groups\u2019 health workers is needed during the planning of the health programme, both to identify the areas in need of in-service training and to compare the medical knowledge and practices of different armed groups and forces. This analysis will not only be important for standardizing care during the demobilization phase, but will give a basic understanding of the capacities of military health workers, which will assist in their reintegration into civilian life, for example, as employees of the ministry of health.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "8.3. Training of personnel", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "The following questions can guide this assessment process: \\n What kinds of capacity are needed for each health service delivery point (tent-to-tent active case finding and/or specific health promotion messages, health posts within camps, referral health centre/hospital)? \\n Which mix of health workers and how many are needed at each of these delivery points? (The WHO recommended standard is 60 health workers for each 10,000 members of the target population.) \\n Are there national standard case definitions and case management protocols available, and is there any need to adapt these to the specific circumstances of DDR? \\n Is there a need to define or agree to specific public health intervention(s) at national level to respond to or prevent any public health threats (e.g., sleeping sickness mass screening to prevent the spread of the diseases during the quartering process)?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "8.3. Training of personnel", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "It is important to assume that no sophisticated tools will be available in assembly or transit areas. Therefore, training should be based on syndrome-based case definitions, indi- vidual treatment protocols and the implementation of mass treatment interventions.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "8.3. Training of personnel", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "Special arrangements will be necessary for vulnerable groups. WHO recommends planning for children, the elderly, chronically sick and disabled people, as well as for women and girls who are pregnant or lactating, and anyone who has survived sexual violence. Guiding questions to assess the specific needs of each of these groups are as follows: \\n What are the specific health needs of these groups? \\n Do they need special interventions? \\n Are health personnel aware of their specific needs? \\n Are health personnel trained to assist individuals who have survived extreme inter- personal violence and have symptoms that they may be unable or unwilling to describe (e.g., survivors of rape describing \u2018stomach pains\u2019)?", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "8.4. Responding to the needs of vulnerable groups", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "Boy and girl child and adolescent soldiers can range in age from 6 to 18. It is very likely that they have been exposed to a variety of physical and psychological traumas, including mental and sexual abuse, and that they have had very limited access to clinical and public health services. Child and adolescent soldiers, who are often brutally recruited from very poor communities, or orphaned, are already in a poor state of health before they face the additional hardship of life with an armed group or force. Their vulnerability remains high during the DDR process, and health services should therefore deal with their specific needs as a priority. Special attention should be given to problems that may cause the child fear, embarrassment or stigmatization, e.g.: \\n child and adolescent care and support services should offer a special focus on trauma- related stress disorders, depression and anxiety; \\n treatment should be provided for drug and alcohol addiction; \\n there should be services for the prevention, early detection and clinical management of STIs and HIV/AIDS; \\n special assistance should be offered to girls and boys for the treatment and clinical management of the consequences of sexual abuse, and every effort should be made to prevent sexual abuse taking place, with due respect for confidentiality.14", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "8.4. Responding to the needs of vulnerable groups", "Heading3": "8.4.1. Children and adolescents associated with armed groups and forces", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "To decrease the risk of stigma, these services should be provided as a part of general medical care. Ideally, all health care providers should have training in basic counselling, with some having the capacity to deal with the most serious cases (also see IDDRS 5.20 on Youth and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "8.4. Responding to the needs of vulnerable groups", "Heading3": "8.4.1. Children and adolescents associated with armed groups and forces", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "To assist this group, DDR health practitioners and national authorities should agree on a system to respond to war disabilities in order for disabled people to gain entitlement to disability pensions and/or to join the social security system. An approach can be designed that measures an individual\u2019s physical impairment and how much the impairment limits his/her capacity to benefit from socio-economic reintegration.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "8.4. Responding to the needs of vulnerable groups", "Heading3": "8.4.2. Disabled or chronically ill people", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "Women combatants and other women associated with armed forces and groups in non- combat roles require special measures to protect them throughout the cantonment or assembly phase, in transit camps and while travelling to their reintegration locations. Camps must be designed to offer women security, privacy and protection. Women who are pregnant, lac- tating or caring for young children will require health services that cater for their specific needs. Those who have survived rape or other gender-based violence should receive access to the Minimal Initial Service Package for reproductive health.15 Particular care should be taken to include women in the health team at assembly areas or cantonment sites (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR and IDDRS 5.60 on HIV/AIDS and DDR).", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "8. The role of health actions in the demobilization process", "Heading2": "8.4. Responding to the needs of vulnerable groups", "Heading3": "8.4.3. Women", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "This section explains how to use the resources allocated to health action in DDR to reinforce and support the national health system in the medium and longer term.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "9. The role of health services in the reintegration process", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "It needs to be emphasized that after combatants are discharged, they come under the responsibility of the national health system. It is vital, therefore, for all the health actions carried out during the demobilization phase to be consistent with national protocols and regulation (e.g., the administration of TB drugs). Especially in countries emerging from long-lasting violent conflict, the capacity of the national health system may not be able to meet the needs of population, and more often than not, good health care is expensive. In this case, preferential or subsidized access to health care for former combatants and others associated with armed groups and forces can be provided if possible. It needs to be em- phasized that the decision to create positive discrimination for former combatants is a political one.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "9. The role of health services in the reintegration process", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "The diagram in figure 3 (to be read from the top) shows how it is possible to systematize the various components, levels and executive lines of the health programme in a country emerging from conflict. Whatever the overall institutional setting in which DDR takes place, WHO, in consultation with the other agencies contributing to health service deliv- ery, will be represented as member of the UN/Inter-Agency Standing Committee country team. The WHO country representatives will be in a position to: (1) ensure that the neces- sary lines of liaison and coordination with the national health authorities are set up and managed; and (2) provide health information to other sectors and agencies, in order to ensure cooperation among the different actors involved in different components of the DDR process.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "10. Systems for programme implementation", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "In administering a DDR programme, the health sector is expected to supply both the technical guidance and the resources \u2014 personnel, supplies, funds, and administrative and logistic support \u2014 that are necessary for various partners to deliver coordinated and effective health preventive and curative care at the local level, i.e., in the assembly camps, etc., and beyond into the reintegration phase. In some instances, the military will be the main implementing partners at local level, with the support, in most cases, of medical NGOs and possibly the health units of peacekeeping forces.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "10. Systems for programme implementation", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "1 WHO/Emergency and Humanitarian Action, \u2018Preliminary Ideas for WHO Contribution to Disarma- ment, Demobilization, Repatriation, Reintegration and Resettlement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo\u2019, unpublished technical paper, WHO Office in WR, 2002. \\n 2 Zagaria, N. and G. Arcadu, What Role for Health in a Peace Process? The Case Study of Angola, Rome, October 1997. \\n 3 Eide, E. B., A. T. Kaspersen, R. Kent and K. von Hippel, Report on Integrated Missions: Practical Perspec\u00ad tive and Recommendation, Independent Study for the Expanded UN ECHA (Executive Committee for Humanitarian Affairs) Core Group, May 2005, pp. 3 and 28. \\n 4 In one example, in Angola during UN Verification Angola Mission III, the humanitarian entitlements for UNITA troops were much higher than the ones provided for their dependants. \\n 5 For technical guidance, refer to WHO, Communicable Disease Control in Emergencies: A Field Manual, index.htm. \\n 6 For short health profiles of many countries in crisis, and for guidelines on rapid health assessments, see WHO, \\n 7 The Sphere Project provides a wide range of standards that can provide useful points of reference for an assessment of the capacity of a local health system in a poor country (see Sphere Project, Humani\u00ad tarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, 2004, or \\n 8 See Women\u2019s Commission for Refugee Women and Children, Field\u00adfriendly Guide to Integrate Emergency Obstetric Care in Humanitarian Programs, \\n 9 Case definitions must be developed for each health event/disease/syndrome. Standard WHO case definitions are available, but these may have to be adapted according to the local situation. If pos- sible, the case definitions of the host country\u2019s ministry of health should be used, if they are available. What is important is that all of those reporting to the monitoring/surveillance system, regardless of affiliation, use the same case definitions so that there is consistency in reporting. \\n 10 See Reproductive Health Responses in Conflict Consortium, Emergency Contraception for Conflict Affected Settings: A Reproductive Health Response in Conflict Consortium Distance Learning Module, 2004, http:// \\n 11 See the Sphere Project, op. cit., pp. 291\u2013293. \\n 12 WHO/Emergency and Humanitarian Action, op. cit. \\n 13 Emergency reproductive health (RH) kits were originally developed in 1996 by the members of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Refugee Situations to deliver RH services in emergency and refugee situations. To obtain these kits, the DDR practitioners/health experts should contact the WHO/UNFPA field office in that country or relevant implementing partners. \\n 14; see also WHO/UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Clinical Management of Rape Survivors: Developing Protocols for Use with Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, revised edition, 2004, \\n 15 See resources at the Reproductive Health in Conflict Consortium, general%5Ffieldtools/, especially the Inter\u00adagency Field Manual.", "Color": "#D10007", "Level": 5, "LevelName": "Cross-cutting Issues", "Title": "Health and DDR", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "5.70 Health and DDR"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/6 Linkages/6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform.json b/static/dataOLD/6 Linkages/6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e590825 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/6 Linkages/6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform.json @@ -0,0 +1,1766 @@ +[ + { + "ID": 0, + "Paragraph": "The purpose of this module is to provide policy makers, operational planners and officers at field level with background information and guidance on related but distinct sets of activi- ties associated with disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) and security sector reform (SSR).1 The intention is not to set out a blueprint but to build from common principles in order to provide insights that will support the development of synergies as well as preventing harmful contradictions in the design, implementation and sequencing of different elements of DDR and SSR programmes.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 1, + "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 2, + "Paragraph": "The UN has recognised in several texts and key documents that inter-linkages exist between DDR and SSR.2 This does not imply a linear relationship between different activities that involve highly distinct challenges depending on the context. It is essential to take into account the specific objectives, timelines, stakeholders and interests that affect these issues. However, understanding the relationship between DDR and SSR can help identify synergies in policy and programming and provide ways of ensuring short to medium term activities associated with DDR are linked to broader efforts to support the development of an effec- tive, well-managed and accountable security sector. Ignoring how DDR and SSR affect each other may result in missed opportunities or unintended consequences that undermine broader security and development goals.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "3. Background", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 3, + "Paragraph": "The Secretary-General\u2019s report Securing Peace and Development: the Role of the United Nations in Security Sector Reform (S/2008/39) of 23 January 2008 describes SSR as \u201ca process of assessment, review and implementation as well as monitoring and evalu- ation led by national authorities that has as its goal the enhancement of effective and accountable security for the State and its peoples without discrimination and with full respect for human rights and the rule of law.\u201d3 The security sector includes security pro- viders such as defence, law enforcement, intelligence and border management services as well as actors involved in management and oversight, notably government ministries, legislative bodies and relevant civil society actors. Non-state actors also fulfill important security provision, management and oversight functions. SSR therefore draws on a diverse range of stakeholders and may include activities as varied as political dialogue, policy and legal advice, training programmes and technical and financial assistance.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "3. Background", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 4, + "Paragraph": "While individual activities can involve short term goals, achieving broader SSR objec- tives requires a long term perspective. In contrast, DDR tends to adopt a more narrow focus on ex-combatants and their dependents. Relevant activities and actors are often more clearly defined and limited while timelines generally focus on the short to medium-term period following the end of armed conflict. But the distinctions between DDR and SSR are potentially less important than the convergences. Both sets of activities are preoccupied with enhancing the security of the state and its citizens. They advocate policies and programmes that engage public and private security actors including the military and ex-combatants as well as groups responsible for their management and oversight. Decisions associated with DDR contribute to defining central elements of the size and composition of a country\u2019s security sector while the gains from carefully executed SSR programmes can also generate positive consequences on DDR interventions. SSR may lead to downsizing and the conse- quent need for reintegration. DDR may also free resources for SSR. Most significantly, considering these issues together situates DDR within a developing security governance framework. If conducted sensitively, this can contribute to the legitimacy and sustainability of DDR programmes by helping to ensure that decisions are based on a nationally-driven assessment of applicable capacities, objectives and values.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "3. Background", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 5, + "Paragraph": "DDR and SSR play an important role in post-conflict efforts to prevent the resurgence of armed conflict and to create the conditions necessary for sustainable peace and longer term development.4 They form part of a broader post-conflict peacebuilding agenda that may include measures to address small arms and light weapons (SALW), mine action activi- ties or efforts to redress past crimes and promote reconciliation through transitional justice (see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice). The security challenges that these meas- ures seek to address are often the result of a state\u2019s loss of control over the legitimate use of force. DDR and SSR should therefore be understood as closely linked to processes of post- conflict statebuilding that enhance the ability of the state to deliver security and reinforce the rule of law. The complex, interrelated nature of these challenges has been reflected by the development of whole of system (e.g. \u2018one UN\u2019 or \u2018whole of government\u2019) approaches to supporting states emerging from conflict. The increasing drive towards such integrated approaches reflects a clear need to bridge early areas of post-conflict engagement with support to the consolidation of reconstruction and longer term development.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "3. Background", + "Heading2": "3.1. Why are DDR-SSR dynamics important?", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 6, + "Paragraph": "An important point of departure for this module is the inherently political nature of DDR and SSR. DDR and SSR processes will only be successful if they acknowledge the need to develop sufficient political will to drive and build synergies between them.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "3. Background", + "Heading2": "3.1. Why are DDR-SSR dynamics important?", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 7, + "Paragraph": "Box 1 DDR/SSR dynamics \\n DDR shapes the terrain for SSR by influencing the size and nature of the security sector \\n Successful DDR can free up resources for SSR activities that in turn may support the development of efficient, affordable security structures \\n A national vision of the security sector should provide the basis for decisions on force size and structure \\n SSR considerations should help determine criteria for the integration of ex-combatants in different parts of the formal/informal security sector \\n DDR and SSR offer complementary approaches that can link reintegration of ex-combatants to enhancing community security \\n Capacity-building for security management and oversight bodies provide a means to enhance the sustainability and legitimacy of DDR and SSR", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Background", + "Heading2": "3.1. Why are DDR-SSR dynamics important?", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 8, + "Paragraph": "This reflects the sensitivity of issues that touch directly on internal power relations, sover- eignty and national security as well as the fact that decisions in both areas create \u2018winners\u2019 and \u2018losers.\u2019 In order to avoid doing more harm than good, related policies and programmes must be grounded in a close understanding of context-specific political, socio-economic and security factors. Understanding \u2018what the market will bear\u2019 and ensuring that activities and how they are sequenced incorporate practical constraints are crucial considerations for assessments, programme design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Background", + "Heading2": "3.1. Why are DDR-SSR dynamics important?", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 9, + "Paragraph": "The core objective of SSR is \u201cthe enhancement of effective and accountable security for the state and its peoples.\u201d5 This underlines an emerging consensus that insists on the need to link effective and efficient provision of security to a framework of democratic gov- ernance and the rule of law.6 If one legacy of conflict is mistrust between the state, security providers and citizens, supporting participative processes that enhance the oversight roles of actors such as parliament and civil society7 can meet a common DDR/SSR goal of build- ing trust in post-conflict security governance institutions. Oversight mechanisms can provide necessary checks and balances to ensure that national decisions on DDR and SSR are appro- priate, cost effective and made in a transparent manner.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Background", + "Heading2": "3.1. Why are DDR-SSR dynamics important?", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 10, + "Paragraph": "A number of DDR and SSR activities have been challenged for their lack of context-specificity and flexibility, leading to questions concerning their effectiveness when weighed against the major investments such activities entail.8 The lack of coordination between bilateral and multilateral partners that support these activities is widely acknowledged as a contrib- uting factor: stovepiped or contradictory approaches each present major obstacles to pro- viding mutually reinforcing support to DDR and SSR. The UN\u2019s legitimacy, early presence on the ground and scope of its activities points to an important coordinating role that can help to address challenges of coordination and coherence within the international commu- nity in these areas.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Background", + "Heading2": "3.2. Challenges of operationalising the DDR/SSR nexus", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 11, + "Paragraph": "A lack of conceptual clarity on \u2018SSR\u2019 has had negative consequences for the division of responsibilities, prioritisation of tasks and allocation of resources.9 Understandings of the constituent activities within DDR are relatively well-established. On the other hand, while common definitions of SSR may be emerging at a policy level, these are often not reflected in programming. This situation is further complicated by the absence of clear indicators for success in both areas. Providing clarity on the scope of activities and linking these to a desired end state provide an important starting point to better understanding the relationship between DDR and SSR.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Background", + "Heading2": "3.2. Challenges of operationalising the DDR/SSR nexus", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 12, + "Paragraph": "Both DDR and SSR should be nationally owned and designed to fit the circumstances of each particular country. However, the engagement by the international community in these areas is routinely criticised for failing to apply these key principles in practice. SSR in particular is viewed by some as a vehicle for imposing externally driven objectives and approaches. In part, this reflects the particular challenges of post-conflict environments, including weak or illegitimate institutions, shortage of capacity amongst national actors, a lack of political will and the marginalisation of civil society. There is a need to recognise these context-specific sensitivities and ensure that approaches are built around the contributions of a broad cross-section of national stakeholders. Prioritising support for the development of national capacities to develop effective, legitimate and sustainable security institutions is essential to meeting common DDR/SSR goals.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Background", + "Heading2": "3.2. Challenges of operationalising the DDR/SSR nexus", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 13, + "Paragraph": "Following a summary of applicable UN institutional mandates and responsibilities (Section 4), this module outlines a rationale for the appropriate linkage of DDR and SSR (Section 5) and sets out a number of guiding principles common to the UN approach to both sets of activities (Section 6). Important DDR-SSR dynamics before and during demo- bilization (Section 7) and before and during repatriation and reintegration (Section 8) are then considered. Operationalising the DDR-SSR nexus in different elements of the pro- gramme cycle and consideration of potential entry points (Section 9) is followed by a focus on national and international capacities in these areas (Section 10). The module concludes with a checklist that is intended as a point of departure for the development of context- specific policies and programmes that take into account the relationship between DDR and SSR (Section 11).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Background", + "Heading2": "3.2. Challenges of operationalising the DDR/SSR nexus", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 14, + "Paragraph": "A number of UN documents address the interrelated issues of DDR, SSR and rule of law. Short summaries of some of the following key documents are included in Annex \u2018A\u2019 to this module: \\n Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cThe role of United Nations Peacekeeping in disarm- ament, demobilization and reintegration\u201d of 11 February 2000 (S/2000/101) \\n Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cThe rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies\u201d of 3 August 2004 (S/2004/616) \\n Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cDisarmament, demobilization and reintegration\u201d of 2 March 2006 (A/60/705) \\n Presidential Statement on \u201cMaintenance of international peace and security: role of the Security Council in supporting security sector reform\u201d of 21 February 2007 (S/PRST/ 2007/3); \\n Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cSecuring peace and development: the role of the United Nations in supporting security sector reform\u201d of 23 January 2008 (S/2008/39); \\n Presidential Statement on \u201cMaintenance of international peace and security: role of the Security Council in supporting security sector reform\u201d of 12 May 2008 (S/PRST/ 2008/14).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. UN institutional mandates and responsibilities", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 15, + "Paragraph": "Considering the relationship between DDR \u2018design\u2019 and the appropriate parameters of a state\u2019s security sector provides an important dimension to shape strategic decision making and thus to broader processes of national policy formulation and implementation. The con- siderations outlined below suggest ways that different components of DDR and SSR can relate to each other.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "5. Rationale for linking DDR and SSR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 16, + "Paragraph": "Disarmament \\n Disarmament is not just a short term security measure designed to collect surplus weapons and ammunition. It is also implicitly part of a broader process of state regulation and con- trol over the transfer, trafficking and use of weapons within a national territory. As with civilian disarmament, disarming former combatants should be based on a level of confi- dence that can be fostered through broader SSR measures (such as police or corrections reform). These can contribute jointly to an increased level of community security and pro- vide the necessary reassurance that these weapons are no longer necessary. There are also direct linkages between disarmament of ex-combatants and efforts to strengthen border management capacities, particularly in light of unrestricted flows of arms (and combatants) across porous borders in conflict-prone regions.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "5. Rationale for linking DDR and SSR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 17, + "Paragraph": "Demobilization \\n While often treated narrowly as a feature of DDR, demobilization can also be conceived within an SSR framework more generally. Where decisions affecting force size and structure provide for inefficient, unaffordable or abusive security structures this will undermine long term peace and security. Decisions should therefore be based on a rational, inclusive assess- ment by national actors of the objectives, role and values of the future security sector. One important element of the relationship between demobilization and SSR relates to the impor- tance of avoiding security vacuums. Ensuring that decisions on both the structures estab- lished to house the demobilization process and the return of demobilised ex-combatants are taken in parallel with complementary community law enforcement activities can miti- gate this concern. The security implications of cross-border flows of ex-combatants also highlight the positive relationship between demobilization and border security.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "5. Rationale for linking DDR and SSR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 18, + "Paragraph": "Reintegration \\n Successful reintegration fulfils a common DDR/SSR goal of ensuring a well-managed tran- sition of former combatants to civilian life while taking into account the needs of receiving communities. By contrast, failed reintegration can undermine SSR efforts by placing exces- sive pressures on police, courts and prisons while harming the security of the state and its citizens. Speed of response and adequate financial support are important since a delayed or underfunded reintegration process may skew options for SSR and limit flexibility. Ex- combatants may find employment in different parts of the formal or informal security sector. In such cases, clear criteria should be established to ensure that individuals with inappropriate backgrounds or training are not re-deployed within the security sector, weakening the effectiveness and legitimacy of relevant bodies. Appropriate re-training of personnel and processes that support vetting within reformed security institutions are therefore two examples where DDR and SSR efforts intersect.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "5. Rationale for linking DDR and SSR", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 19, + "Paragraph": "The overarching principles for a comprehensive and coherent UN approach to DDR stress the need to be people-centred, flexible, transparent and accountable, nationally owned, integrated and well-planned. In the absence of a specific UN doctrine,10 the Secretary- General\u2019s Report on SSR is a significant departure because it provides a clear statement of the UN\u2019s general understanding of and approach to SSR. It is important that there is comple- mentarity between the two: shared principles provide a common basis in order to develop an integrated UN approach to DDR and SSR. This section reviews these shared principles in order to underline key elements that can support the development of synergies.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "6. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "6.1. People-centred and rights-based: DDR and SSR to improve the security of individuals and communities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 20, + "Paragraph": "While a given DDR programme might generate important returns in terms of performance indicators (e.g. numbers of weapons collected and ex-combatants reintegrated) this may not translate into effective outcomes (e.g. improvements in real and perceived individual or community security). Involving communities and local authorities in planning, implement- ing and monitoring interventions can potentially integrate efforts such as the community reintegration of former combatants with the provision of security at the local level in order to ensure that reintegration and SSR are complementary. Supporting the capacity of national armed and other security forces and line ministries can build morale, demonstrating a \u2018duty of care\u2019 through fair treatment.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "6. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 21, + "Paragraph": "DDR and SSR interventions need to be flexible and responsive to changing conditions on the ground. Policy guidance must build in the need to understand contextual factors and adjust to changing realities. Mapping relevant actors and understanding the opportunities and constraints posed by specific political, security and socio-economic factors are common requirements for DDR and SSR. Addressing these issues in assessments, ensuring that such knowledge informs both mediation support and negotiating processes, integrating it into the design of DDR and SSR programmes will help to ensure a common appreciation of what is realistic in a given context. Regular monitoring and evaluation should inform the sequencing of activities while avoiding inappropriate or insensitive approaches.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "6. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "6.2. Flexibility: the importance of context and sequencing", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 22, + "Paragraph": "DDR and SSR conceived narrowly as technical support for military or other security bodies may fail to take sufficient account of the dynamic political environment within which these actors are situated. Emphasising the need to build or enhance the respective roles of the executive, legislative, judiciary as well as civil society will help to ensure that programmes are realistic, transparent and widely understood. Developing a nationally-driven picture of security needs in order to determine the scope and objectives of DDR is a lengthy and challenging process that may be too sensitive to address in the early post-conflict period. Avoiding rigid prescriptions is therefore important while identifying and applying mini- mum standards that should be non-negotiable.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "6. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "6.3. Transparency and accountability: a good governance approach to DDR/SSR", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 23, + "Paragraph": "National ownership is a much broader concept than \u2018state\u2019 ownership and includes both state and non-state actors at national, regional and local levels. Seeking to involve as many former conflict parties as possible as well as groups that have been marginalised, or are generally under-represented on issues of security in DDR and SSR decision-making is particularly important. This contributes to ensuring that different segments of society feel part of this process. Participatory approaches provide a means to work through the conflict- ing interests of different domestic constituencies. Enhancing the capacity of national and regional authorities to manage, implement and oversee these programmes provides a cru- cial bridge from post-conflict stabilisation to longer term recovery and development by supporting the creation of skills that will remain once international support has been drawn down.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "6. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "6.4. National ownership: legitimacy and the DDR/SSR nexus", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 24, + "Paragraph": "The range of objectives and actors involved in DDR and SSR place particular emphasis on coordination issues. Failures to align activities may result in incoherent and potentially destructive outcomes. It is important to coordinate DDR and SSR and relate them to other post-conflict peacebuilding activities such as small arms and light weapons (SALW), transi- tional justice or mine action programmes. Due attention to context-specific issues of timing and sequencing is essential to ensure that the different activities do not become incompat- ible. The absence of adequate, timely and well-targeted funding provides a particularly acute challenge to sustainable, coherent DDR and SSR.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "6. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "6.5. Integration and planning: the importance of coordination & coherence .", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 25, + "Paragraph": "This section begins by identifying certain early areas of SSR support that can reinforce DDR activities (7.1-7.4) while preparing the ground for a more programmatic approach to SSR. An important element of the DDR-SSR nexus is the integration of ex-combatants into the reformed security sector. Particular emphasis is therefore put on issues relating to secu- rity sector integration (7.5-7.12).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 26, + "Paragraph": "Reducing the availability of illegal weapons connects DDR and SSR to related security challenges such as wider civilian arms availability. In particular, there is a danger of \u2018leak- age\u2019 during transportation of weapons and ammunition gathered through disarmament processes or as a result of inadequately managed and controlled storage facilities. Failing to recognise these links may represent a missed opportunity to develop the awareness and capacity of the security sector to address security concerns related to the collection and management of weapon stocks (see IDDRS 2.20 on post-conflict stabilization, peace-building and recovery frameworks).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.1. Disarmament and longer-term SSR", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 27, + "Paragraph": "Disarmament programmes should be complemented, where appropriate, by training and other activities to enhance law enforcement capacities and national control over weap- ons and ammunition stocks. The collection of arms through the disarmament component of the DDR programme may in certain cases provide an important source of weapons for reformed security forces. In such cases, disarmament may be considered a potential entry point for coordination between DDR and SSR.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.1. Disarmament and longer-term SSR", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 28, + "Paragraph": "In cases where combatants are declared part of illegal groups, progress in police reform and relevant judicial functions can project deterrence and help ensure compliance with the DDR process. This role must be based on adequate police capacity to play such a supporting role (see Case Study Box 1).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.2. Illegal armed groups", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 29, + "Paragraph": "The role of the police in supporting DDR activities should be an element of joint plan- ning. In particular, decisions on police support to DDR should be based on their capacity to support the DDR programme. Where there are synergies to be realised, this should be reflected in resource allocation, training and priority setting for police reform activities.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.2. Illegal armed groups", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 30, + "Paragraph": "A number of common DDR/SSR concerns relate to the disengagement of ex-combatants. Rebel groups often inflate their numbers before or at the start of a DDR process due to financial incentives as well as to strengthen their negotiating position for terms of entry into the security sector. This practice can result in forced recruitment of individuals, including children, to increase the headcount. Security vacuums may be one further consequence of a disengagement process with the movement of ex-combatants to de- mobilization centres resulting in potential risks to communities. ", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.3. The disengagement process", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 31, + "Paragraph": "Analysis of context-specific security dynamics linked to the disengagement process should provide a common basis for DDR/SSR decisions. When negotiating with rebel groups, criteria for integration to the security sector should be carefully set and not based simply on the number of people the group can round up (see IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design, Para The requirement that chil- dren be released prior to negotiations on integration into the armed forces should be stip- ulated and enforced to discourage their forced recruitment (see IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR). The risks of potential security vacuums as a result of the DDR process should provide a basis for joint DDR/SSR coordination and planning.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.3. The disengagement process", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 32, + "Paragraph": "The illegal exploitation of natural resources creates an obstacle to effective DDR and under- mines prospects for economic recovery. Control over natural resources provides a resource base for continued recruitment of combatants and the prolonging of violence. Rebel groups are unlikely to agree to disarmament/demobilization if that means losing control of valu- able land.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.4. Natural resource exploitation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 33, + "Paragraph": "SSR activities should address relevant training requirements necessary for targeting armed groups in control of natural resources. Mandates and resource allocation for national security forces should be elaborated and allocated, where appropriate, to focus on this priority.11 Shared conflict and security analysis that focuses on this issue should inform DDR/SSR planning processes.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.4. Natural resource exploitation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 34, + "Paragraph": "Policies establishing a new rank structure for members of the reformed security sector may facilitate integration by supporting the creation of a new command structure. It is particu- larly important to address perceived inequities between different groups in order to avoid resulting security risks.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.5. Rank harmonisation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 35, + "Paragraph": "Rank harmonisation processes should be based on clear provisions in a peace agreement or other legal documents and be planned in full consideration of the consequences this may have on security budgets (i.e. if too many high ranks are attributed to ex-combatants). Policies should be based on consideration of appropriate criteria for determining ranks, the need for affirmative action for marginalised groups and an agreed formula for conver- sion from former armed groups to members of the reformed security sector.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.5. Rank harmonisation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 36, + "Paragraph": "While the data capture at disarmament or demobilization points is designed to be utilised during reintegration, the early provision of relevant data can provide essential support to SSR processes. Sharing information can 1) help avoid multiple payments to ex-combatants registering for integration into more than one security sector institution, or for both inte- gration and reintegration; 2) provide the basis for a security sector census to help national authorities assess the number of ex-combatants that can realistically be accommodated within the security sector; 3) support human resource management by providing relevant information for the reform of security institutions; and 4) where appropriate, inform the vetting process for members of security sector institutions (see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.6. Data collection and management", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 37, + "Paragraph": "Extensive data is often collected during the demobilization stage (see Module 4.20 on Demobilization, Para 5.4). A mechanism for collecting and processing this information within the Management Information System (MIS) should capture information require- ments for both DDR and SSR and may also support related activities such as mine action (See Box 2). Relevant information should be used to support human resource and financial management needs for the security sector. (See Module 4.20 on Demobilization, Para 8.2, especially box on Military Information.) This may also support the work of those respon- sible for undertaking a census or vetting of security personnel. Guidelines should include confidentiality issues in order to mitigate against inappropriate use of information.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.6. Data collection and management", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 38, + "Paragraph": "Box 2 Examples of DDR information requirements relevant for SSR \\n Sex \\n Age \\n Health Status \\n Rank or command function(s) \\n Length of service \\n Education/Training \\n Literacy (especially for integration into the police) \\n Weapons specialisations \\n Knowledge of location/use of landmines \\n Location/willingness to re-locate \\n Dependents \\n Photo \\n Biometric digital imprint", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.6. Data collection and management", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 39, + "Paragraph": "Vetting is a particularly contentious issue in many post-conflict contexts. However, sensi- tively conducted, it provides a means of enhancing the integrity of security sector institutions through ensuring that personnel have the appropriate background and skills.12 Failure to take into account issues relating to past conduct can undermine the development of effec- tive and accountable security institutions that are trusted by individuals and communities. ", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.7. Vetting", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 40, + "Paragraph": "The introduction of vetting programmes should be carefully considered in relation to minimum political conditions being met. These include sufficient political will and ade- quate national capacity to implement measures. Vetting processes should not single out ex-combatants but apply common criteria to all members of the vetted institution. Minimum requirements should include relevant skills or provision for re-training (particularly im- portant for ex-combatants integrated into reformed law enforcement bodies). Criteria should also include consideration of past conduct to ensure that known criminals, human rights abusers or perpetrators of war crimes are not admitted to the reformed security sector. (See IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice.)", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.7. Vetting", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 41, + "Paragraph": "Ex-combatants that have been socialized to the use of violence in conflict require proper support and training to assist their transition from armed combatant to security provider. Moreover, high HIV infection rates are common in many uniformed services and can com- promise command structures and combat readiness. Increasingly, there are national policies of screening recruits and excluding those who are HIV-positive.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.8 Support to the integration of ex-combatants within the security sector", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 42, + "Paragraph": "In addition to identifying appropriate selection criteria for combatants eligible for inte- gration, ex-combatants should be provided with sufficient training and sensitization on behaviour change, and access to psychosocial support to enable a successful transition. Engaging in HIV/AIDS prevention at the outset of DDR will help to reduce new infections, thus\u2014where national policies of HIV screening are in place\u2014increasing the pool of potential candidates for recruitment, as well as assisting in planning for alternative occupational support and training for those found to be HIV-positive (see IDDRS Module 5.60 on HIV/ AIDS and DDR).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.8 Support to the integration of ex-combatants within the security sector", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 43, + "Paragraph": "Offering ex-combatants a voluntary choice between integrating into the security sector and pursuing civilian livelihoods can, in certain cases, be problematic. Resulting challenges may include disproportionate numbers of officers compared to other ranks, or mismatches between national security priorities and the comparative advantages of different security providers. Excessive integration into the security sector may be unrealistic in relation to the absorptive capacity of these institutions as well as financial limitations and perceived security requirements. There is also a risk to community security if large numbers of ex- combatants return without the prospect of meaningful employment.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.9. Balancing demobilisation and security sector integration", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 44, + "Paragraph": "Decisions on the incentives provided to ex-combatants registering for demobilization versus those registering for integration should be carefully considered to avoid unsustain- able outcomes. The financial and social benefits provided to each group should not therefore strongly favour one option over the other. Funding considerations should reflect national financial limitations in order to avoid unwanted course corrections. A communication strategy should be developed to ensure that options are clearly understood. Job counsel- ling\u2014presenting realistic career options\u2014may also reduce the risk of raising expectations among demobilised combatants entering into socio-economic programmes (see IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration, Section 9.2).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.9. Balancing demobilisation and security sector integration", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 45, + "Paragraph": "Case Study Box 2 Integration followed by rightsizing in Burundi \\n Disproportionate numbers may need to be included in integrated force structures as a transitional measure to \u2018buy the peace\u2019 while \u2018rightsizing\u2019 is left to a later stage. This may be a necessary short-term solution but can heighten tensions if expectations are not managed. In Burundi, a two-step approach was adopted with ex-combatants first integrated into the armed forces with many demobilised in a second round. While it can be argued that the integrated army supported the conduct of peaceful elections in 2005, this double-trigger mechanism has generated uncertainty, frustration and disappointment amongst those demobilised through the subsequent rightsizing: at the beginning of 2008, 900 soldiers refused compulsory demobilization. The process lacked transparency and the criteria used for assessing those to be demobilised (i.e. disciplinary records) have been questioned. Moreover, the fact that previously integrated combatants develop skills within newly integrated security bodies that are subsequently lost undermines longer term SSR goals", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.9. Balancing demobilisation and security sector integration", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 46, + "Paragraph": "Research has shown that there is a link between (future) crimes committed by security forces and inadequate terms and conditions of service. Poor social conditions within the security sector may also contribute to an unbalanced distribution of ex-combatants between reinte- gration and security sector integration.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.10. Social conditions within the security sector", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 47, + "Paragraph": "SSR activities should focus from an early stage on addressing right-financing, man- agement and accountability in security budgeting. An important early measure may be to support the establishment of a chain of payments system to prevent the diversion of sala- ries and ensure prompt payment. These measures may be most effective if combined with a census of the armed and security forces (see Case Study Box 3). In parallel to the DDR process, efforts to enhance the knowledge base of groups responsible for oversight of the security sector should be supported. This may include visits of parliamentarians, repre- sentatives of the Ministry of Labour, the media and civil society organisations to security installations (including barracks).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.10. Social conditions within the security sector", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 48, + "Paragraph": "Case Study Box 3 The impact of the census and chain of payments system in the DRC \\n In the DRC, low or non-existent salaries within the army and police was a cause of disproportionate numbers of ex-combatants registering for reintegration as opposed to army integration. This resulted in a large backload in the payment of reinsertion benefits as well as difficulties in identifying reintegration opportunities for these ex-combatants. Two separate measures were taken to improve the overall human and financial management of the armed forces. A census of the army was conducted in 2008 which identified non-existent \u2018ghost soldiers.\u2019 Resulting savings benefited the army as a whole through an increase in overall salary levels. The \u2018chain of payments\u2019 system also had a similar effect of improving confidence in the system. The military chain of command was separated from the financial management process making it more difficult to re-route salary payments from their intended recipients. Resulting savings have led to improved terms and conditions for the soldiers, thus increasing incentives for ex-combatants choosing integration.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.10. Social conditions within the security sector", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 49, + "Paragraph": "The absence of women from the security sector is not just discriminatory but can represent a lost opportunity to benefit from the different skill sets and approaches offered by women as security providers.13 Giving women the means and support to enter the DDR process should be linked to encouraging the full representation of women in the security sector and thus to meeting a key goal of Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) (see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, Para 6.3). If female ex-combatants are not given adequate consideration in DDR processes, it is very unlikely they will be able to enter the security forces through the path of integration.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.11. Gender-responsive DDR and SSR", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 50, + "Paragraph": "Specific measures shall be undertaken to ensure that women are encouraged to enter the DDR process by taking measures to de-stigmatise female combatants, by making avail- able adequate facilities for women during disarmament and demobilization, and by provid- ing specialised reinsertion kits and appropriate reintegration options to women. Female ex-combatants should be informed of their options under the DDR and SSR processes and incentives for joining a DDR programme should be linked to the option of a career within the security sector when female ex-combatants demobilise. Consideration of the specific challenges female ex-combatants face during reintegration (stigma, non-conventional skill sets, trauma) should also be given when considering their integration into the security sector. Related SSR measures should ensure that reformed security institutions provide fair and equal treatment to female personnel including their special security and protection needs.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.11. Gender-responsive DDR and SSR", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 51, + "Paragraph": "When considering demobilization based on semi-permanent (encampment) or mobile de- mobilization sites, a number of SSR-related factors should be taken into account. Mobile demobilization sites may offer greater flexibility for the DDR process as they are easier to set up, cheaper and may pose less of a security risk than encampment (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). On the other hand, the cantonment of ex-combatants in a physical struc- ture can provide for greater oversight and control in sites that may have longer term utility as part of an SSR process.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.12. Physical vs. mobile DDR structures", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 52, + "Paragraph": "Planning for demobilization sites should assess the availability of a capable and neutral security provider, paying particular attention to the safety of women, girls and vulnerable groups. Developing a communication strategy in partnership with community leaders should be encouraged in order to dispel misperceptions, better understand potential threats and build confidence. The potential long term use of demobilization sites may also be a factor in DDR planning. Investment in physical sites may be used post-DDR for SSR activities with semi-permanent sites subsequently converted into barracks, thus offering cost savings. Similarly, the infrastructure created under the auspices of a DDR programme to collect and manage weapons may support a longer term weapons procurement and storage system.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.12. Physical vs. mobile DDR structures", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 53, + "Paragraph": "Box 3 Action points for the transition from DDR to security sector integration \\n Integrate Information management \u2013 identify and include information requirements for both DDR and SSR when designing a Management Information System and establish mechanisms for information sharing. \\n Establish clear recruitment criteria \u2013 set specific criteria for integration into the security sector that reflect national security priorities and stipulate appropriate background/skills. \\n Implement census and identification process \u2013 generate necessary baseline data to inform training needs, salary scales, equipment requirements, rank harmonisation policies etc. \\n Clarify roles and re-training requirements \u2013 of different security bodies and re-training for those with new roles within the system. \\n Ensure transparent chain of payments \u2013 for both ex-combatants integrated into the security sector and existing members. \\n Provide balanced benefits \u2013 consider how to balance benefits for entering the reintegration programme with those for integration into the security sector. \\n Support the transition from former combatant to security provider \u2013 through training, psychosocial support, and sensitization on behaviour change, GBV, and HIV", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "7. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during demobilisation", + "Heading2": "7.12. Physical vs. mobile DDR structures", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 54, + "Paragraph": "While the military remains a central actor, during the reintegration phase, common DDR/ SSR concerns focus on community safety and policing initiatives. Activities relating to the judiciary, border management and revenue collection, as well as wider issues pertaining to the inclusion of ex-combatants and their receiving communities in local and national decision making processes are also significant.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 55, + "Paragraph": "Targeting reintegration options and securing vulnerable communities represents an im- portant area where synergies can be developed between DDR and SSR programmes. The reintegration of ex-combatants into the community provides a unique opportunity for con- fidence building between law enforcement bodies and local residents. The police has a key role to play in ensuring the safety of returning ex-combatants as well as securing communities that may be at greater risk following their return (see IDDRS 4.50 on UN Police Roles and Responsibilities, Para 11). However, police capacities will only be focused on this prior- ity if support to the DDR process is factored into planning, training and resource allocation. ", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.1. Securing vulnerable communities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 56, + "Paragraph": "The ability of ex-combatants and their receiving communities to communicate their concerns and priorities to local law enforcement agencies, and vice-versa, is a key compo- nent of sustainable reintegration. Reintegration may provide an entry point for the develop- ment of local security plans through constructive dialogue between communities, including vulnerable and marginalised groups, and security providers. Capacity development within the military, police and other community level security providers should be prioritised to ensure police support for DDR objectives. In parallel, mandates and tasking should reflect the critical role of the police in establishing an enabling environment for the successful reintegration of ex-combatants.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.1. Securing vulnerable communities", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 57, + "Paragraph": "There is a need to identify and act on information relating to the return and reintegration of ex-combatants. This can support the DDR process by facilitating reinsertion payments for ex-combatants and monitoring areas where employment opportunities exist. From an SSR perspective, better understanding the dynamics of returning ex-combatants can help identify potential security risks and sequence appropriate SSR support.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.2. Tracking the return of ex-combatants", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 58, + "Paragraph": "Conflict and security analysis that takes account of returning ex-combatants is a com- mon DDR/SSR requirement. Comprehensive and reliable data collection and analysis may be developed and shared in order to understand shifting security dynamics and agree security needs linked to the return of ex-combatants. This should provide the basis for coordinated planning and implementation of DDR/SSR activities. Where there is mistrust between security forces and ex-combatants, information security should be an important consideration.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.2. Tracking the return of ex-combatants", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 59, + "Paragraph": "HLP projects are often developed to support the return of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other vulnerable groups. While ex-combatants only represent a small segment of this group, they are more likely to resort to intimidation or force in order to attempt to resolve disputes. Moreover, ex-combatants may find that their land has been occupied as a deliberate strategy of intimidation. HLP therefore offers an opportunity to support re-integration while mitigating potential security problems down the line (see IDDRS module 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration). Complementary SSR measures that address the return of ex-combatants may focus on supporting dispute resolution mechanisms as well as addressing related security threats. ", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.3. Housing, land and property (HLP) dispute mechanisms", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 60, + "Paragraph": "Engagement with local authorities, community security and justice providers on HLP offers a means to link SSR concerns with support for returning ex-combatants. The devel- opment of special mechanisms for ex-combatants may be considered so that the time- sensitivity and stigma associated with their cases is taken into consideration. This should be balanced against the risk of perceived inequalities between ex-combatants and receiving communities. In either case, it is important to provide sensitisation on available support structures and how to access them.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.3. Housing, land and property (HLP) dispute mechanisms", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 61, + "Paragraph": "Community security initiatives can be considered as a mechanism for both encouraging acceptance of ex-combatants and enhancing the status of local police forces in the eyes of communities (see IDDRS 4.50 on UN Police Roles and Responsibilities). Community-policing is increasingly supported as part of SSR programmes. Integrated DDR programme plan- ning may also include community security projects such as youth at risk programmes and community policing and support services (see IDDRS 3.41 on Finance and Budgeting).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.4. Community security initiatives", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 62, + "Paragraph": "Community security initiatives provide an entry point for developing synergies be- tween DDR and SSR. DDR programmes may benefit from engaging with police public information units to disseminate information about the DDR process at the community level. Pooling financial and human resources including joint information campaigns may contribute to improved outreach, cost-savings and increased coherence.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.4. Community security initiatives", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 63, + "Paragraph": "Box 4 DDR/SSR action points for supporting community security \\n Identify and include relevant law enforcement considerations in DDR planning. Where appropriate, coordinate reintegration with police authorities to promote coherence. \\n Assess the security dynamics of returning ex-combatants. Consider whether information generated from tracking the reintegration of ex-combatants should be shared with the national police. If so, make provision for data confidentiality. \\n Consider opportunities to support joint community safety initiatives (e.g. weapons collection, community policing). \\n Support work with men and boys in violence reduction initiatives, including GBV.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.4. Community security initiatives", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 64, + "Paragraph": "While DDR and SALW control initiatives tend to take place separately, they are linked because in practice they both seek to manage, reduce and control the availability of weapons. SALW control measures are also closely linked to SSR because they depend on the enforce- ment capacity of the police, the ability of border management bodies to restrict illicit flows of these weapons across borders as well as security sector oversight and accountability mechanisms to ensure appropriate control over national stocks.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.5. DDR, SSR and SALW", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 65, + "Paragraph": "SALW control initiatives may provide an entry point for coordinating DDR-SSR efforts. Developing linkages between national SALW Commissions and DDR/SSR Commissions may provide one means to institutionalise coordination. To ensure potential synergies are not lost, SALW control measures should form part of joint assessments and be reflected in the design of DDR/SSR programmes. SALW availability should be a component of conflict and security analysis (see IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration, Section 5.1.).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.5. DDR, SSR and SALW", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 66, + "Paragraph": "There is a need to understand the influence of DDR processes on the role and capacities of the private security sector and how this affects the security of communities and individuals (see Case Study Box 4). Ex-combatants are a natural target group for recruitment by pri- vate security bodies. However, the security implications of DDR activities in this area are unclear due to lack of knowledge concerning the nature, capacity, motives and the general lack of oversight and accountability of the private security sector.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.6. DDR and the private security sector", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 67, + "Paragraph": "The scale and role of private security bodies should form part of evaluations of ex- combatants reintegrating into rural and urban settings in order to inform potential SSR responses. Complementary SSR initiatives may include regulation of commercial entities or practical measures at the community level to align the roles and objectives of state and non-state security providers.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.6. DDR and the private security sector", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 68, + "Paragraph": "Case Study Box 4 PSC regulation as an entry point for coordination \\n In Afghanistan, increasing numbers of private security companies (PSCs) have contributed to a blurring of roles with illegal armed groups. There are concerns that many ex-combatants joined the private security sector without having to give up their weapons. The heavy weapons carried by some PSCs in Afghanistan have also contributed to negative perceptions in the eyes of local populations. Laws covering PSCs have now been enacted as part of the SSR process in order to regulate the groups and their weapons. The PSC regulatory framework is linked to both the Disbandment of Illegal Armed Groups (DIAG) programme and the weapons law. The Joint Secretariat of the DIAG has contributed to the regulation of PSCs by drafting a Government Policy on Private Security Companies. PSC regulation therefore serves as a useful bridge between demilitarization and SSR activities.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.6. DDR and the private security sector", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 69, + "Paragraph": "Instability is exacerbated by the flow of combatants as well as the trafficking of people, arms and other goods across porous borders. Cross-border trafficking can provide com- batants with the resource base and motivation to resist entering the DDR process. There is also a risk of re-recruitment of ex-combatants into armed groups in adjacent countries, thus undermining regional stability. Developing sustainable border management capacities can therefore enhance the effectiveness of disarmament measures, prevent the re-recruitment of foreign combatants that transit across borders and contribute to the protection of vulner- able communities.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.7. DDR and border management", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 70, + "Paragraph": "Training and capacity building activities should acknowledge linkages between DDR and border security. Where appropriate, conflict and security analysis should address re- gional security considerations including cross-border flows of combatants in order to coor- dinate responses with border security authorities. At the same time, adequate options and opportunities should be open to ex-combatants in case they are intercepted at the border. Lack of logistics and personnel capacity as well as inaccessibility of border areas can pose major challenges that should be addressed through complementary SSR activities. SALW projects may also benefit from coordination with border management programmes.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "8. DDR and SSR dynamics to consider before and during reintegration", + "Heading2": "8.7. DDR and border management", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 71, + "Paragraph": "DDR and related programmes should be mutually supportive and integrated within a common framework (see IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design). This section proposes ways to appropriately integrate SSR concerns into DDR assessments, programme design, monitoring and evaluation (9.1-9.3). To avoid unrealistic and counter-productive approaches, decisions on how to sequence activities should be tailored to context-specific security, political and socio-economic factors. Entry points are therefore identified where DDR/SSR concerns may be usefully considered (9.4).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 72, + "Paragraph": "Needs assessments are undertaken periodically in order to help planners and programmers understand progress and undertake appropriate course corrections. During the period prior to the development of a DDR programme, assessments can have the dual purpose of identifying programming options and providing guidance for DDR-related input into peace agreements", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.1. SSR-sensitive assessments", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 73, + "Paragraph": "While DDR specialists should be included in integrated assessments that situate DDR within broader UN and national planning (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning) this should also be a regular practice for SSR. Promoting joint assessments through includ- ing representatives of other relevant bilateral/multilateral actors should also be encouraged to enhance coherence and reduce duplication. In designing DDR assessments, SSR con- siderations should be reflected in ToRs, the composition of assessment teams and in the knowledge gathered during assessment missions (see Box 5).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.1. SSR-sensitive assessments", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 74, + "Paragraph": "Box 5 Designing SSR-sensitive assessments \\n Developing the terms of reference \u2013 Terms of reference (ToRs) for DDR assessments should include the need to consider potential synergies between DDR and SSR that can be identified and fed into planning processes. Draft ToRs should be shared between relevant DDR and SSR focal points to ensure that all relevant and cross-cutting issues are considered. The ToRs should also set out the composition of the assessment team. \\n Composing the assessment team \u2013 Assessment teams should be multi-sectoral and include experts or focal points from related fields that are linked to the DDR process. The inclusion of SSR expertise represents an important way of creating an informed view on the relationship between DDR and SSR. In providing inputs to more general assessments, broad expertise on the political and integrated nature of an SSR process may be more important than sector-specific knowledge. Where appropriate, experts from relevant bilateral/multilateral actors should also be included. Including host state nationals or experts from the region within assessment teams will improve contextual understanding and awareness of local sensitivities and demonstrate a commitment to national ownership. Inclusion of team members with appropriate local language skills is essential. \\n Information gathering \u2013 Knowledge should be captured on SSR-relevant issues in a given context. It is important to engage with representatives of local communities including non-state and community-based security providers. This will help clarify community perceptions of security provision and vulnerabilities and identify the potential for tensions when ex-combatants are reintegrated into communities, including how this may be tied to weapons availability.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.1. SSR-sensitive assessments", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 75, + "Paragraph": "A first step in the pre-mission planning stage leading to the development of a UN concept of operations is the initial technical assessment (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning). In most cases, this is now conducted through a multidimensional technical assessment mission. ", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.1. SSR-sensitive assessments", + "Heading3": "9.1.1. Multidimensional technical assessment mission", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 76, + "Paragraph": "Multidimensional technical assessment missions represent an entry point to begin en- gaging in discussion with SSR counterparts on potential synergies between DDR and SSR. If these elements are already reflected in the initial assessment report submitted to the Secretary-General, it is more likely that the provisions that subsequently appear in the mis- sion mandate for DDR and SSR will be coherent and mutually supportive.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.1. SSR-sensitive assessments", + "Heading3": "9.1.1. Multidimensional technical assessment mission", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 77, + "Paragraph": "Box 6 Indicative SSR-related questions to include in assessments \\n Is there a strategic policy framework or a process in place to develop a national security and justice strategy that can be used to inform DDR decision-making? \\n Map the security actors that are active at the national level as well as in regions particularly relevant for the DDR process. How do they relate to each other? \\n What are the regional political and security dynamics that may positively or negatively impact on DDR/SSR? \\n Map the international actors active in DDR/SSR. What areas do they support and how do they coordinate? \\n What non-state security providers exist and what gaps do they fill in the formal security sector? A\\n re they supporting or threatening the stability of the State? Are they supporting or threatening the security of individuals and communities? \\n What oversight and accountability mechanisms are in place for the security sector at national, regional and local levels? \\n Do security sector actors play a role or understand their functions in relation to supporting DDR? \\n Is there capacity/political will to play this role? \\n What are existing mandates and policies of formal security sector actors in providing security for vulnerable and marginalised groups? \\n Are plans for the DDR process compatible with Government priorities for the security sector? \\n Do DDR funding decisions take into account the budget available for the SSR process as well as the long-run financial means available so that gaps and delays are avoided? \\n What is the level of national management capacity (including human resource and financial aspects) to support these programmes? \\n Who are the potential champions and spoilers in relation to the DDR and SSR processes? \\n What are public perceptions toward the formal and informal security sector?", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.1. SSR-sensitive assessments", + "Heading3": "9.1.1. Multidimensional technical assessment mission", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 78, + "Paragraph": "If SSR issues and perspectives are to be integrated at an early stage, assessments and their outputs must reflect a holistic SSR approach and not just partial elements that may be most applicable in terms of early deployment. Situational analysis of relevant political, economic and security factors is essential in order to determine the type of SSR support that will best complement the DDR programme as well as to identify local and regional implications of decisions that may be crafted at the national level.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.1. SSR-sensitive assessments", + "Heading3": "9.1.2. Detailed field assessments", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 79, + "Paragraph": "Detailed field assessments that inform the development of the DDR programme should be linked to the design of SSR activities (see IDDRS 3.10 on Integrated DDR Planning, Para 5.4). This may be done through joint assessment missions combining DDR and SSR com- ponents, or by drawing on SSR expertise throughout the assessment phase. Up to date conflict and security analysis should address the nexus between DDR and SSR in order to support effective engagement (see Box 6). Participatory assessments and institutional capac- ity assessments may be particularly useful for security-related research (see IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design, Para. 5.3.6).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.1. SSR-sensitive assessments", + "Heading3": "9.1.2. Detailed field assessments", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 80, + "Paragraph": "It is particularly important that each phase of DDR programme design (see IDDRS 3.20 on DDR Programme Design) addresses the context-specific political environment within which DDR/SSR issues are situated. Shifting political and security dynamics means that flexibility is an essential design factor. Specific elements of programme design should be integrated within overall strategic objectives that reflect the end state goals that DDR and SSR are seeking to achieve.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.2. Programme design", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 81, + "Paragraph": "Detailed field assessments should cover political and security issues as well as identifying key national and international stakeholders in these processes (see Box 6). The programme development and costing phase should result in indicators that reflect the relationship between DDR and SSR. These may include: linking disarmament/demobilization and community security; ensuring integration reflects national security priorities and budgets; or demonstrating that operational DDR activities are combined with support for national management and oversight capacities. Development of the DDR implementation plan should integrate relevant capacities across UN, international community and national stake- holders that support DDR and SSR and reflect the implementation capacity of national authorities.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.2. Programme design", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 82, + "Paragraph": "Monitoring and evaluation can provide for a structured approach to recognising and opera- tionalising the linkages between DDR and SSR. It also serves as a mechanism for enhancing knowledge management and transfer. A common challenge results from information gaps due to rapidly changing political and security dynamics. While the MIS provides a structured means of collecting information, baseline data should be established and continuously mon- itored to adjust to changing conditions.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.3. Monitoring and evaluation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 83, + "Paragraph": "In outcome evaluations, effective monitoring and evaluation should provide an entry point for reviewing DDR and SSR programmes to ensure that they are planned in a mutually supportive manner (see IDDRS 3.50 on Monitoring and Evaluation of DDR Programmes). Reports of impact evaluations may provide a useful basis for analysing the intended impact of DDR/SSR programmes, identifying their unintended consequences as well as adjusting programming objectives and priorities as appropriate. Mid-term reviews should be used as an opportunity to assess effectiveness and make necessary changes to programmes.14", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.3. Monitoring and evaluation", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 84, + "Paragraph": "Linking international support to a broad based, nationally owned process provides an important basis for coherent DDR and SSR programming. As discussed below, national dialogue, peace processes and national security or sector-specific policy reviews all repre- sent entry points to link DDR and SSR within a broader national governance framework.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.4. Entry points", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 85, + "Paragraph": "Holding a national seminar does not mean that a common vision of necessary reform measures will (or should) be the outcome. Rather, it can mark the start of a participatory process of dialogue intended to clarify national needs and values and thus link short term security goals to longer term objectives. How national dialogue processes are designed and implemented may be more important than concrete outputs. Broad participation, including the transitional or elected authorities as well as representatives of the security sector, oversight bodies and civil society is important to enhance legitimacy and relevance. They can occur before or after the signing of a peace agreement. Equally, they can take place during transitional periods or following national elections to provide impetus to the peacebuilding process.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.4. Entry points", + "Heading3": "9.4.1. National dialogue", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 86, + "Paragraph": "National dialogue processes should be supported as a means to foster common understandings of DDR and SSR challenges (See Case Study Box 5). Depending on the circumstances, specific sectoral presentations at national seminars may be useful to share developments in different parts of the security sector, foster national ownership and better understand the expectations and perspectives of different stakeholder groups. A sub-group on DDR-SSR linkages or specific sub-groups on issues such as political good governance may be established in order to develop knowledge and raise awareness on this nexus. Support to national dialogue processes should include provision of follow-up mechanisms to enhance sustainability.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.4. Entry points", + "Heading3": "9.4.1. National dialogue", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 87, + "Paragraph": "Case Study Box 5 DDR & the national dialogue on SSR in the CAR \\n In the Central African Republic, a dysfunctional and poorly governed security sector has been identified as one of the root causes of conflict. Discussions on DDR were therefore couched in the broader framework of SSR and encouraging a national dialogue process was identified as a first step in addressing this issue. As part of this process, a national seminar was held from 14\u201317 April 2008. The seminar was prepared by a national Security Sector Reform Committee consisting of government officials, rep-resentatives of CAR\u2019s security and justice services, and members of civil society. The seminar resulted in a roadmap for SSR implementation and also set up an evaluation mechanism to review progress. It provided a framework for many of the decisions in subsequent discussions and agreements. The seminar was held at an opportune moment as it was able to guide discussions on other critical aspects of the peace process. A working group session on DDR/SSR linkages contributed to crystallizing in the minds of the various stakeholders the need to avoid thinking about these issues separately.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.4. Entry points", + "Heading3": "9.4.1. National dialogue", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 88, + "Paragraph": "Peace processes serve as an early opportunity to ensure DDR and SSR concerns are included on the national agenda and linked within a common framework.15 While DDR decisions often form part of agreements, the relationship between these provisions and decisions on the size and nature of post-conflict security forces frequently reflect the immediate priorities and interests of the different parties\u2014such as maintaining a power base and rewarding allies\u2014rather than being determined by the security needs of the state and its citizens. In supporting peace processes, SSR concerns should therefore influence approach and substance.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.4. Entry points", + "Heading3": "9.4.2. Peace agreements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 89, + "Paragraph": "Where feasible, decisions within peace agreements on demobilization and retention of ex-combatants should be informed by the needs of the future security sector. Level 6 Linkages with other Processes DDR and Security Sector Reform 21 6.10 needs of the future security sector. Given that SSR frameworks will evolve long after the conclusion of peace negotiations, flexibility is important to ensure that parties are not tightly bound to decisions (e.g. on force size) that later prove unrealistic. However, agreement on the broad frameworks of subsequent SSR processes, especially commitments to consultative mechanisms, can provide parties with confidence in and commitment to both the initial DDR programme and recognition of the linkages with longer term SSR requirements. The provision of both DDR and SSR expertise within negotiations can ensure coherence between the two processes. In particular, it is important that advisers promote a broad understanding of SSR that links reform of security providers to issues of management, oversight and accountability. Providing expertise drawn from the same region and ensuring a role for regional political organisations in negotiations may provide additional credibility through their contextual awareness and legitimacy.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 20, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.4. Entry points", + "Heading3": "9.4.2. Peace agreements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 90, + "Paragraph": "Transitional political arrangements offer clear entry points and opportunities to link DDR and SSR. In particular, transitional arrangements often have a high degree of legitimacy when they are linked to peace agreements and can be used to prepare the ground for longer term reform processes. However, a programmatic approach to SSR that offers opportunities to link DDR to longer term governance objectives may require levels of political will and legiti- mate governance institutions that will most likely only follow the successful completion of national elections that meet minimum democratic standards.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.4. Entry points", + "Heading3": "9.4.3. Transitional arrangements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 91, + "Paragraph": "During transitional periods prior to national elections, SSR activities should address immediate security needs linked to the DDR process while supporting the development of sustainable national capacities. Building management capacity, promoting an active civil society role and identifying practical measures such as a security sector census or improved payroll system can enhance the long term effectiveness and sustainability of DDR and SSR programmes. In the absence of appropriate oversight mechanisms for the security sector, supporting an ad hoc mechanism to oversee the DDR process, which includes a coordina- tion mechanism for DDR and SSR, should be considered. Such provision should include the subsequent transfer of competencies to formal oversight bodies.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.4. Entry points", + "Heading3": "9.4.3. Transitional arrangements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 92, + "Paragraph": "Elections should serve as an entry point for discussions on DDR and SSR. While successful elections can provide important legitimacy for DDR and SSR processes, they tend to mono- polise the available political space and thus strongly influence timelines and priorities, including resource allocation for DDR and SSR. Army integration may be prioritised in order to support the provision of effective security forces for election security while SSR measures may be designed around the development of an election security plan which brings together the different actors involved.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.4. Entry points", + "Heading3": "9.4.4. Elections", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 93, + "Paragraph": "Election security can provide a useful catalyst for discussion on the roles and respon- sibilities of different security actors. It may also result in a focus on capacity building for police and other bodies with a role in elections. Priority setting and planning around sup- port for elections should be linked to longer term SSR priorities. In particular, criteria for entry and training for ex-combatants integrating within the security sector should be con- sistent with the broader values and approaches that underpin the SSR process.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.4. Entry points", + "Heading3": "9.4.4. Elections", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 94, + "Paragraph": "National DDR commissions exist in many of the countries that embark on DDR processes and are used to coordinate government authorities and international entities that support the national DDR programme (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR). National DDR commissions therefore provide an impo", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.4. Entry points", + "Heading3": "9.4.5. National commissions", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 95, + "Paragraph": "The ToRs of National DDR commissions may provide an opportunity to link national DDR and SSR capacities. For example, the commission may share information with rele- vant Ministries (beyond the Ministry of Defence) such as Justice and the Interior as well as the legislative and civil society. Depending on the context, national commissions may be- come permanent parts of the national security sector governance architecture. This can help to ensure that capacities developed in support of a DDR programme are retained within the system beyond the lifespan of the DDR process itself.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "9. Programming factors and entry points", + "Heading2": "9.4. Entry points", + "Heading3": "9.4.5. National commissions", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 96, + "Paragraph": "This section addresses the common challenge of operationalising national ownership in DDR and SSR programmes. It then considers how to enhance synergies in international support for DDR and SSR.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 97, + "Paragraph": "Weak institutions and limited capacities are frequently cited as impediments to national ownership in post-conflict contexts. However, this points to the need for a dual focus on supporting transparent, inclusive national decision-making combined with the develop- ment of sustainable national capacities. Due attention to national ownership is therefore critical to addressing challenges of legitimacy and sustainability that are common to DDR and SSR.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.1. National ownership", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 98, + "Paragraph": "National ownership extends beyond central government to include a wide range of actors with a role in security provision, management and oversight. An important component of the DDR assessment phase should therefore be to identify national stakeholders that can contribute to the process. Supporting the meaningful involvement of parliament, civil soci- ety as well as local authorities and communities in DDR and SSR decision-making can help ensure that programmes are realistic and respond to local needs. The development of a comprehensive national security strategy (NSS) or narrower, sector specific strategies can (and should) be a lengthy process that continues after DDR is underway. However, insights drawn from discussions at national and local levels should be reflected in the de- sign, implementation and sequencing of DDR and SSR programmes.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.1. National ownership", + "Heading3": "10.1.1. Participation and consultation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 99, + "Paragraph": "A process of national dialogue (see 9.4.1.) can help shape DDR/SSR frameworks that are underpinned by context-specific political and security considerations. Processes enacted to develop national or sector-specific security strategies should inform priorities and har- monise the roles of actors involved in both DDR and SSR (see Box 7). Participation should be encouraged from relevant government ministries (e.g. interior, finance, defence, intelli- gence, police, justice, immigration, health, education, labour, social welfare, gender, national HIV/AIDS Programme Councils), as well as legislative committees and financial manage- ment bodies. Civil society represents a key target group in helping to build trust, fostering \u2018buy in\u2019 and avoiding perceptions that the security sector is de-linked from the needs of citizens. Community consultations and communications strategies should be developed with national and local media to enhance dialogue processes in support of DDR and SSR programmes.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.1. National ownership", + "Heading3": "10.1.1. Participation and consultation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 100, + "Paragraph": "Box 7 Constructing a national vision of security \\n Key questions: \\n Is there sufficient trust between national stakeholders to support the development of a national vision of security? If not, what enabling steps can be taken to build confidence in this process? \\n What are the most important current and future threats and challenges (both internal and external) to national security? \\n What is the role of the security sector and what values should underpin its work? \\n What are the security needs of communities and individuals, including the special needs of women, girls and vulnerable groups? \\n What areas should be granted priority in order to address these threats? \\n How should available resources be divided between competing public needs? \\n Do current mandates, capacities, resources and division of responsibilities reflect these threats? \\n What can be done to ensure that the objectives identified will be implemented? Who is responsible for and how effective is oversight and accountability of the security sector?", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.1. National ownership", + "Heading3": "10.1.1. Participation and consultation", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 101, + "Paragraph": "Supporting the development of relevant national capacities to develop, manage and imple- ment programmes enhances the effectiveness of DDR and SSR while creating cross-cutting skills that contribute to the long term integrity of security institutions. Given their experi- ence, ex-combatants may play a significant role in these areas at national and community levels. In particular, a focus on security sector management and oversight provides an important means of contributing to sustainable national capacities.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.1. National ownership", + "Heading3": "10.1.2. Capacity development", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 102, + "Paragraph": "Identifying national capacity gaps linked to DDR/SSR should be an important objec- tive of needs assessments (see Box 6). Opportunities to develop cross-cutting skills (e.g. strategic planning, human resources, financial management, including gender budgeting, communications and outreach) should be agreed and prioritised with national authorities. Measures to enhance national capacities for democratic control and civilian oversight and to develop effective checks and balances within a clear legal framework are particularly important. Support for parliaments in fulfilling their oversight function can promote trans- parency and therefore trust in programmes and their use of resources.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.1. National ownership", + "Heading3": "10.1.2. Capacity development", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 103, + "Paragraph": "The politically sensitive nature of decisions relating to DDR and SSR means that external actors must pay particular attention to both the form and substance of their engagement. Close understanding of context, including identification of key stakeholders, is essential to ensure that support to national actors is realistic, culturally sensitive and sustainable. Externally- driven pressure to move forward on programming priorities will be counter-productive if this is de-linked from necessary political will and implementation capacity to develop policy and implement programmes at the national level.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.1. National ownership", + "Heading3": "10.1.3. Sustainability", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 104, + "Paragraph": "The design, implementation and timing of external support for DDR and SSR should be closely aligned with national priorities and capacities (see Boxes 6, 7 and 8). Given that activities may raise concerns over interference in areas of national sovereignty, design and approach should be carefully framed. In certain cases, \u201cdevelopment\u201d or \u201cprofessionalisation\u201d rather than \u201creform\u201d may represent more acceptable terminology. Setting out DDR/SSR commitments in a joint letter of agreement and regularly monitoring implementation pro- vides a transparent means to set out agreed commitments between national authorities and the international community.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.1. National ownership", + "Heading3": "10.1.3. Sustainability", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 105, + "Paragraph": "Box 8 Supporting national ownership and capacities \\n Jointly establish capacity-development strategies with national authorities (see IDDRS 3.30 on National Institutions for DDR) that support common DDR and SSR objectives. \\n Support training to develop cross-cutting skills that will be useful in the long term (human resources, financial management, building gender capacity). \\n Identify and empower national reform \u2018champions\u2019 that can support DDR/SSR. This should be developed through actor mapping during the needs assessment phase. \\n Support the capacity of oversight and coordination bodies to lead and harmonise DDR and SSR activities. Identify gaps in the national legal framework to support oversight and accountability. \\n Consider twinning international experts with national counterparts within security institutions to support skills transfer. \\n Evaluate the potential role of national committees as a mechanism to establish permanent bodies to coordinate DDR/SSR. \\n Set down commitments in a joint letter of agreement that includes provision for regular evaluation of implementation.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.1. National ownership", + "Heading3": "10.1.3. Sustainability", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 106, + "Paragraph": "A common challenge for DDR and SSR programmes is to develop approaches where exter- nal assistance supports national actors in defining and implementing their own security needs and objectives. While operationalising national ownership remains a major challenge for the international community, this can be mitigated through effective coordination, en- hanced capacities and targeted funding.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.2. International support", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 107, + "Paragraph": "Improved coordination can support more coherent policy making and programming that takes into account the nexus between DDR and SSR. By contrast, parallel or contradictory approaches risk undermining common objectives to support national DDR and SSR proc- esses. While DDR is characterised by a strong UN role, SSR activities (and funding) are predominantly supported by bilateral donors through specific arrangements with national authorities. In some cases there may be a mixed approach, for example, with bilateral partners supporting army reform, whereas UN Police is advising on rebuilding the police sector. Promoting \u2018joint\u2019 assessments and develop- ing in-country coordination mechanisms can provide a clearer basis for developing co- herent international support in these areas.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.2. International support", + "Heading3": "10.2.1. Coordination", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 108, + "Paragraph": "In practice, limited overlap between ac- tors engaged in DDR and SSR indicates a need to establish more effective coordination mechanisms. The UN may in many cases provide a coordinating role for international support in a given context. Mapping the var- ious actors involved in DDR and SSR and their activities provides a structured basis to identify gaps and build synergies across the international community (see Case Study Box 6 below). Agreeing common understandings of \u2018SSR\u2019, consistent with the UN approach and other relevant policy frameworks is an important starting point for coordination. The creation of a joint steering committee or similar coordination mechanism for DDR/SSR may contribute to enhancing coherence throughout programme implementation. However, sufficient political will to implement \u2018joined up\u2019 approaches remains the key enabling fac- tor for improved coordination.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.2. International support", + "Heading3": "10.2.1. Coordination", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 109, + "Paragraph": "Case Study Box 6 Strengthening SSR coordination in Burundi \\n In Burundi, the large number of international actors engaged in supporting SSR led to coordination challenges. In 2006, the DDR/SSR unit of the United Nations Operation in Burundi (ONUB) recognized the need to improve coordination and identified as a first step the importance of gaining an overview of relevant actors and activities. This was done by mapping current and planned SSR support by international actors in order to minimize overlaps and identify gaps. The mapping was divided by categories of support and included applicable implementation timelines. The DDR/SSR unit regularly distributed results to the wider international community. Several bilateral actors recognized the value of this initiative and highlighted that the DDR/SSR unit had a comparative advantage in fulfilling this role because it had the human resources necessary to undertake such efforts.16 While coordination challenges among such a large number of actors is inevitable, ONUB\u2019s efforts has contributed to a more structured dialogue on these issues within the international community in Burundi.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.2. International support", + "Heading3": "10.2.1. Coordination", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 110, + "Paragraph": "Support to DDR/SSR processes requires the deployment of a range of different capacities.17 Awareness of the potential synergies that may be realised through a coherent approach to these activities is equally important. Appropriate training offers a means to develop such awareness while including the need to consider the relationship between DDR and SSR in the terms of reference (ToRs) of staff members provides a practical means to embed this issue within programmes.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.2. International support", + "Heading3": "10.2.2. Capacities", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 111, + "Paragraph": "Cross-participation by DDR and SSR experts in tailored training programmes that ad- dress the DDR/SSR nexus should be developed to support knowledge transfer and foster common understandings. Where appropriate, coordination with SSR counterparts (and vice versa) should be included in the ToRs of relevant headquarters and field-based personnel. Linking the provision of DDR/SSR capacities to a shared vision of DDR/SSR objectives in a given context and an understanding of comparative advantages in different aspects of DDR/ SSR should be an important component of joint coordination and planning (see 10.2.1.).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.2. International support", + "Heading3": "10.2.2. Capacities", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 112, + "Paragraph": "Recognizing that the success of DDR may be linked to progress in SSR, or vice versa, re- quires sensitivity to the need to invest simultaneously in related programmes. Implementation of DDR and SSR programmes is frequently hampered by the non-availability or slow disburse- ment of funds. Delays in one area due to lack of funding can mean that funds earmarked for other key activities can also be blocked. If ex-combatants are forced to wait to enter the DDR process because of funding delays, this may result in heightened tensions or participants abandoning the process.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.2. International support", + "Heading3": "10.2.3 Funding", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 113, + "Paragraph": "Given the context specific ways that DDR and SSR can influence each other, there is no ideal model for integrated DDR-SSR funding. Increased use of multi-donor trust funds that address both issues represents one potential means to more effectively integrate DDR and SSR through pooled funding. National ownership is a key consideration: funding support for DDR/SSR should reflect the absorptive capacity of the state, including national resource limitations. In particular, the levels of ex-combatants integrated within the reformed security sector should be sus- tainable through national budgets. Supporting measures to enhance management and oversight of security budgeting provide an important means to support the effective use of limited resources for DDR and SSR. Improved transparency and accountability also contributes to building trust at the national level and between national authorities and international partners.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "10. Supporting national and international capacities", + "Heading2": "10.2. International support", + "Heading3": "10.2.3 Funding", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 114, + "Paragraph": "The following is an indicative checklist for considering DDR-SSR linkages. Without being exhaustive, it summarises key points emerging from the module relevant for policy mak- ers and practitioners.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "11. Planning and design checklist", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 115, + "Paragraph": "Have measures been taken to engage both DDR and SSR experts in the negotiation of peace agreements so that provisions for the two are mutually supportive? \\n Are a broad range of stakeholders involved in discussions on DDR and SSR in peace negotiations including civil society and relevant regional organisations? \\n Do decisions reflect a nationally-driven vision of the role, objective and values for the security forces? \\n Have SSR considerations been introduced into DDR decision-making and vice versa? Do assessments include the concerns of all stakeholders, including national and inter- national partners? \\n Have SSR experts commented on the terms of reference of the assess- ment and participated in the assessment mission? \\n Is monitoring and evaluation carried out systematically and are efforts made to link it with SSR? Is M&E used as an entry-point for linking DDR and SSR concerns in planning?", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "11. Planning and design checklist", + "Heading2": "11.1. General", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 116, + "Paragraph": "Programming and planning \\n SSR/DDR dynamics before and during demobilization \\n Has the potential long-term use of demobilization and disarmament sites been fac- tored into planning for DDR? \\n Have disarmament programmes been complemented by security sector training and other activities to improve national control over stocks of weapons and ammunition? Has a security sector census been considered/implemented to support human and financial resource management and inform integration decisions? \\n Have clear criteria been developed for entry of ex-combatants into the security sector? Does this reflect national security priorities as well as the capacity of the security forces to absorb them? Is provision made for vetting to ensure appropriate skills and consid- eration of past conduct? \\n Have rank harmonisation policies been introduced which establish a formula for con- version from former armed groups to national armed forces? Was this the result of a dialogue which considered the need for affirmative action for marginalised groups? \\n Is there a sustainable distribution of ex-combatants between the reintegration and inte- gration programmes? Has information been disseminated and counselling been offered to ex-combatants facing a voluntary choice between integration and reintegration? \\n Have measures been taken to identify and address potential security vacuums in places where ex-combatants are demobilized, and has this information been shared with rel- evant authorities? Are security concerns related to dependents taken into account? \\n Have efforts been made to actively encourage female ex-combatants to enter the DDR process? Have they been offered the choice to integrate into the security sector? Has appropriate action been taken to ensure that the security institutions provide women with fair and equal treatment, including realistic employment opportunities? \\n Is there a communications/training strategy in place? Does it include messages specifi- cally designed to facilitate the transition from combatant to security provider including behaviour change, HIV risks and GBV? \\n\\n SSR/DDR dynamics before and during reintegration \\n Is data collected on the return and reintegration of ex-combatants? Is this analysed in order to coordinate relevant DDR and SSR activities? \\n Has capacity-building within the security sector been prioritised in a way to ensure that security institutions are capable of supporting DDR objectives? \\n Have ex-combatants been sensitised to the availability of housing, land and property dispute mechanisms? \\n In cases where private security bodies are a source of employment for ex-combatants, are efforts actively made to ensure their regulation and that appropriate vetting mech- anisms are in place? \\n Have border management services been sensitised and trained on issues relating to cross-border flows of ex-combatants?", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "11. Planning and design checklist", + "Heading2": "11.2. Programming and planning", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 117, + "Paragraph": "Communication and coordination Coordination \\n Have opportunities been taken to engage with national security sector management and oversight bodies on how they can support the DDR process? \\n Is there a mechanism that supports national dialogue and coordination across DDR and SSR? If not, could the national commission on DDR fulfil this role by inviting representatives of other ministries to selected meetings? \\n Are the specific objectives of DDR and SSR clearly set out and understood (e.g. in a \u2018letter of commitment\u2019)? Is this understanding shared by national actors and interna- tional partners as the basis for a mutually supportive approach? \\n\\n Knowledge management \\n When developing information management systems, are efforts made to also collect data that will be useful for SSR? Is there a mechanism in place to share this data? \\n Is there provision for up to date conflict and security analysis as a common basis for DDR/SSR decision-making? \\n Have efforts been made to share information with border management authorities on high risk areas for foreign combatants transiting borders? \\n Has regular information sharing taken place with relevant security sector institutions as a basis for planning to ensure appropriate support to DDR objectives? \\n Are adequate mechanisms in place to ensure institutional memory and avoid over reliance on key individuals? Are assessment reports and other key documents retained and easily accessible in order to support lessons learned processes for DDR/SSR?", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "11. Planning and design checklist", + "Heading2": "11.3. Communication and coordination", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 118, + "Paragraph": "Funding \\n Does resource planning seek to identify gaps, increase coherence and mitigate compe- tition between DDR and SSR? \\n Have the financial resource implications of DDR for the security sector been considered, and vice versa? \\n Are DDR and SSR programmes realistic and compatible with national budgets?", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 28, + "Heading1": "11. Planning and design checklist", + "Heading2": "11.4. Funding", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 119, + "Paragraph": "Capacity development, pooling resources and training H\\n ave efforts been made to sensitise staff on the DDR/SSR nexus through training or other activities? \\n Has the need for personnel to link DDR and SSR concerns been clearly agreed at Head- quarters and included in the ToRs of relevant personnel? \\n Has cross-participation in DDR or SSR training been implemented to foster knowledge transfer and build relationships? \\n Have key skills sets been identified and provision made for the availability of a multi- disciplinary resource pool? Are linguistic and \u2018knowledge transfer\u2019 skills adequately represented in order to support national capacity development? \\n In the area of national capacity-building, has the development of cross-cutting skills such as human resources and financial management (common requirements for both DDR and SSR) been encouraged? \\n Has pooling financial and physical resources for DDR and SSR been considered, for example, in the area of community security initiatives or SALW initiatives? \\n Are UN personnel aware of available SSR Resources, including through the UN Inter- Agency SSR Task Force (e.g. policy guidance, resources, gap analysis, backstopping)?", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 28, + "Heading1": "11. Planning and design checklist", + "Heading2": "11.5. Capacity development, pooling resources and training", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 120, + "Paragraph": "Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cThe rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies\u201d (2004) \\n The Secretary-General\u2019s Report \u201cThe rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies,\u201d defines the rule of law as \u201ca principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are account- able to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards\u201d.18 DDR is identified as one key element of \u201ctransitioning out of conflict and back to normalcy.\u201d ", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 30, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Key UN documents", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 121, + "Paragraph": "Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cDisarmament, demobilization and reintegration\u201d (2006) \\n The Secretary-General\u2019s report on \u201cDisarmament, demobilization and reintegration\u201d dis- cusses the increased engagement of the United Nations in DDR from 2000-2005 in peace- keeping and non-peacekeeping contexts. Some important \u201clessons learned\u201d from this work include: 1) DDR cannot be implemented without coordinating with the wider peacebuild- ing and recovery process; 2) DDR work should continue beyond the life of a traditional peacekeeping operation thus national capacities must be developed to ensure sustainability; 3) a fragmented approach to DDR is counterproductive; and 4) DDR \u201cmust also be planned in close coordination with transitional processes to review and reform the rule of law and security sectors, as well as efforts to control and reduce small arms proliferation.\u201d19", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 30, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Key UN documents", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 122, + "Paragraph": "Presidential Statement on \u201cMaintenance of international peace and security: role of the Security Council in supporting security sector reform\u201d (21 February 2007) \\n The Presidential Statement of 21 February 2007 emphasises that \u201creforming the security sector in post-conflict environments is critical to the consolidation of peace and stability, promoting poverty reduction, rule of law and good governance, extending legitimate state authority, and preventing countries from relapsing into conflict.\u201d20 The importance of a \u201cprofessional\u201d and \u201caccountable\u201d security sector as well as an \u201cimpartial\u201d justice sector are critical to sustainable peace and development. The fundamental role of the United Nations in \u201cpromoting comprehensive, coherent, and co-ordinated international support to nationally- owned security sector reform programmes, implemented with the consent of the country concerned\u201d is stressed, as is the need for a balanced approach to SSR that considers institu- tional capacity, affordability and sustainability of SSR programmes. Inter-linkages between SSR and \u201ctransitional justice, disarmament, demobilization and repatriation, reintegration and rehabilitation of former combatants, small arms and light weapons control, as well as gender equality, children and armed conflict and human rights issues\u201d are emphasised.21", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 30, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Key UN documents", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 123, + "Paragraph": "Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cSecuring peace and development: the role of the United Nations in supporting security sector reform\u201d (2008) \\n The Secretary-General\u2019s report \u201cSecuring peace and development: the role of the United Nations in supporting security sector reform\u201d, notes that \u201cthe development of effective and accountable security institutions on the basis of non-discrimination, full respect for human rights and the rule of law is essential\u201d.22 As part of a holistic strategy, the United Nations can play a normative as well as operational role in SSR. Normatively, the United Nations can \u201c[elaborate] policies and guidelines for the implementation of security sector reform plans and programmes and ensure that peacekeeping operations and United Nations country teams engaged in reform receive practical guidance and assistance in the estab- lishment of benchmarks and other evaluation processes\u201d.23 Operationally, the United Nations can: 1) provide a minimum level of security from which to launch SSR activities; 2) support needs assessments and strategic planning efforts; 3) facilitate dialogue among the many actors and stakeholders involved in a country\u2019s SSR process; 4) provide technical advice on defence and law enforcement institutions, border management, crime prevention and customs, among others; 5) coordinate and mobilize resources; 6) support the development of oversight mechanisms; and 7) support monitoring, evaluation and review efforts.24", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 30, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Key UN documents", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 124, + "Paragraph": "Presidential Statement on \u201cMaintenance of international peace and security: role of the Security Council in supporting security sector reform\u201d (12 May 2008) \\n The Presidential Statement of 12 May 2008 on supporting security sector reform highlights that SSR is a long-term process and that \u201cit is the sovereign right and primary responsibil- ity of the country concerned to determine its national approach and priorities for security sector reform\u201d.25 The statement also reiterates that a holistic and coherent UN approach is needed and underlines the important role the Peacebuilding Commission \u201ccan play in ensuring continuous international support to countries emerging from conflict.\u201d26", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 30, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Key UN documents", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + }, + { + "ID": 125, + "Paragraph": "1 Boxes included throughout the module provide practical examples and suggestions. Specific case study boxes draw on four field-based case studies conducted in Afghanistan, Burundi, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo in support of this module. \\n 2 See: Statement by the President of the Security Council at the 5632nd meeting of the Security Council, held on 20 February 2007, S/PRST/2007/3/ (21 February 2007); Statement by the President of the Security Council, \u201cThe maintenance of international peace and security: the role of the Security Council in humanitarian crises: challenges, lessons learned and the way ahead,\u201d S/PRST/2005/30, 12 July 2005; United Nations Report of the Secretary-General, \u201cSecuring peace and development: the role of the United Nations in supporting security sector reform,\u201d S/2008/39, 23 January 2008; and, United Nations General Assembly, \u201cReport of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Opera- tions and its Working Group: 2008 substantive session,\u201d A/62/19, 10 March \u2013 4 April and 3 July 2008. \\n 3 Report of the Secretary General, Securing Peace and development, para 17. \\n 4 All States periodically review and reform their security sectors. While recognising that SSR is not only a post-conflict challenge, this module focuses on these contexts as most relevant to DDR and SSR concerns. \\n 5 Report of the Secretary General, Securing Peace and development. Para 17. \\n 6 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, \u201cSecurity System Reform and Gover- nance; A DAC Reference Document,\u201d 2005; Council of the European Union, \u201cEU Concept for ESDP support to Security Sector Reform (SSR),\u201d Council document 12566/4/05, 13 October 2005; Com- mission of the European Communities, \u201cA Concept for European Community Support for Security Sector Reform,\u201d SEC(2006) 658, 24 May 2006; ECOWAS, \u201cECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework (ECPF),\u201d enacted by Regulation MSC/REG.1/01/08 of the Mediation and Security Council of ECOWAS, 16 January 2008; and, United Nations Security Council, \u201cAnnex to the letter dated 20 November 2007 from the Permanent Representatives of Slovakia and South Africa to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General. Statement of the Co-Chairs of the International Work- shop on Enhancing United Nations Support for Security Sector Reform in Africa: Towards an African Perspective,\u201d S/2007/687, 29 November 2007. \\n 7 For practical guidance on supporting parliamentary and civil society oversight of the security sector see: Born, H., Fluri, P. and Johnsson, A., (eds) Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector, DCAF/ Inter-Parliamentary Union: 2003; Cole, E., Eppert, K and Kinzelback, K., (eds) Public Oversight of the Security Sector, DCAF/UNDP: 2008. \\n 8 Muggah, Robert (ed), \u2018Security and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Dealing with Fighters in the After- math of War\u2019, Routledge: 2009. \\n 9 H\u00e4nggi, H & Scherrer, V. (eds.), 2008, \u2018Security Sector Reform and UN Integrated Missions: Experi- ence from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, and Kosovo\u2019, Lit Verlag, M\u00fcnster. \\n 10 The OECD DAC Handbook on Security System Reform: Supporting Security and Justice provides extensive guidance on both political and technical aspects of SSR through the different phases of the programme cycle. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, \u201cOECD DAC Hand- book on Security System Reform: Supporting Security and Justice,\u201d 2007: dataoecd/43/25/38406485.pdf. \\n 11 This is recommended in the interim report of the group of experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, pursuant to Security Council resolution 1698 (2006), S/2007/40. \\n 12 See: UNDP BCPR, (2006) Vetting Public Employees in Post-Conflict Settings: Operational Guidelines. \\n 13 Bastick, Megan & Valasek, Kristin (eds). Gender & Security Sector Reform Toolkit, DCAF, OSCE/ ODIHR, UN-INSTRAW. 2008. Available at: gssr-toolkit.cfm?navsub1=37&navsub2=3&nav1=3 \\n 14 See: Greene, Owen and Simon Rynn, Linking and Co-ordinating DDR and SSR for Human Security after Conflict: Issues, Experience and Priorities, Centre for International Cooperation and Security, Safer- world and the University of Bradford, July 2008. \\n 15 A recent study by the African Security Sector Network (ASSN) provides valuable insights drawn from analysis of SSR in peace agreements in 8 states from Africa, Asia and Central America (see Annex B for full details). \\n 16 See Laurent Banal and Vincenza Scherrer, \u2018ONUB and the Importance of Local Ownership: The Case of Burundi\u2019 in Security Sector Reform and UN Integrated Missions: Experience from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, and Kosovo, eds. H. H\u00e4nggi & V. Scherrer, Lit Verlag, 2008. \\n 17 UN SSR resources may be available through the UN Inter-Agency Taskforce on SSR. This capacity includes guidance, resources, gap analysis and backstopping to field operations. \\n 18 United Nations Report of the Secretary-General, \u201cThe rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies,\u201d S/2004/616, 23 August 2004, Para 6. \\n 19 United Nations Report of the Secretary-General, \u201cDisarmament, demobilization and reintegration,\u201d A/60/705/, 2 March 2006, Para 9. \\n 20 United Nations, \u201cStatement by the President of the Security Council,\u201d S/PRST/2007/3, 21 February 2007. \\n 21 United Nations, \u201cStatement by the President of the Security Council,\u201d S/PRST/2007/3, 21 February 2007. \\n 22 Report of the Secretary-General, Securing Peace and Development, Page 1. \\n 23 Report of the Secretary-General, Securing Peace and Development, Para 48. \\n 24 Report of the Secretary-General, Securing Peace and Development, Para 50. \\n 25 United Nations, \u201cStatement by the President of the Security Council,\u201d S/PRST/2008/14, 12 May 2008. \\n 26 United Nations, \u201cStatement by the President of the Security Council,\u201d S/PRST/2008/14, 12 May 2008.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Security Sector Reform", + "PageNum": 33, + "Heading1": "Endnotes", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.10 DDR and Security Sector Reform" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/6 Linkages/6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice.json b/static/dataOLD/6 Linkages/6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..335235f --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/6 Linkages/6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice.json @@ -0,0 +1,1878 @@ +[ + { + "ID": 0, + "Paragraph": "This module on DDR and transitional justice aims to contribute to accountable DDR pro- grammes that are based on more systematic and improved coordination between DDR and transitional justice processes, so as to best support the successful transition from con- flict to sustainable peace. It is intended to provide a legal framework, guiding principles and options for policymakers and programme planners who are contributing to strategies that aim to minimize tensions and build on opportunities between transitional justice and DDR. ", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 1, + "Paragraph": "Coordination between transitional justice and DDR programmes begins with an under- standing of how transitional justice and DDR may interact positively in the short-term in ways that, at a minimum, do not hinder their respective objectives of accountability and stability. Coordination between transitional justice and DDR practitioners should, however, aim beyond that. Efforts should be undertaken to constructively connect these two processes in ways that contribute to a stable, just and long-term peace.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "Summary", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 2, + "Paragraph": "This module will explore the linkages between DDR programmes and transitional justice measures that seek prosecutions, truth-seeking, reparation for victims and institutional reform to address mass atrocities that occurred in the past. It is based on the principle that DDR programmes that are informed by international humanitarian law and international human rights law are more likely to achieve the long term objectives of the programme and be better supported by the international community. It aims to contribute to DDR programmes that comply with international standards and promote transitional justice objectives by pro- viding a relevant legal framework and set of guidelines and options for practitioners to consider when designing, implementing, and evaluating DDR programmes.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 3, + "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 1, + "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 4, + "Paragraph": "Since the mid-1980s, societies emerging from violent conflict or repressive rule have often chosen to address past violations of international human rights law and international humani- tarian law through transitional justice measures.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 5, + "Paragraph": "Transitional justice \u201ccomprises the full range of processes and measures associated with a society\u2019s attempts to come to terms with a legacy of large-scale past abuses, in order to ensure accountability, serve justice and achieve reconciliation.\u201d1 (S/2004/616) It is primarily concerned with gross violations of international human rights law2 and seri- ous violations of international humanitarian law. Transitional justice measures may in- clude judicial and non-judicial responses such as prosecutions, truth commissions, reparations programmes for victims and tools for institutional reform such as vetting. Whatever combination is chosen must be in conformity with international legal standards and obligations. This module will also provide information on locally-based processes of justice, justice for women, and justice for children.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 6, + "Paragraph": "Transitional justice measures are increasingly part of the political package that is agreed to by the parties to a conflict in a cease-fire or peace agreement. Subsequently, it is not uncommon for DDR programmes and transitional justice measures to coexist in the post- conflict period. The overlap of transitional justice measures with DDR programmes can create tension. Yet the coexistence of these two types of initiatives in the immediate aftermath of conflict\u2014one focused on accountability, truth and redress and the other on security\u2014 may also contribute to achieving the long-term shared objectives of reconciliation and peace. DDR may contribute to the stability necessary to implement transitional justice ini- tiatives; and the implementation of transitional justice measures for accountability, truth, redress and institutional reform can increase the likelihood that DDR programmes will achieve their aims, by strengthening the legitimacy of the programme from the perspec- tive of the victims of violence and their communities, and contributing in this way to their willingness to accept returning ex-combatants.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 7, + "Paragraph": "The relationship between DDR programmes and transitional justice measures can vary widely depending on the country context, the manner in which the conflict was fought and how it ended, and the level of involvement by the international community, among many other factors. In situations where DDR programmes and transitional justice meas- ures coexist in the field, both stand to benefit from a better understanding of their respec- tive mandates and ultimate aims. In all DDR processes there is a need to understand how DDR programmes link in with other aspects of a peace consolidation process, be they political, humanitarian, security or justice related, so as to avoid one process impacting negatively on another. UN-supported DDR aims to be people-centred, flexible, accountable and transparent; nationally owned; integrated; and well planned (see IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR). This module therefore further aims to contribute to an accountable DDR that is based on more systematic and improved coordination between DDR and tran- sitional justice processes so as to best facilitate the successful transition from conflict to sustainable peace.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 2, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 8, + "Paragraph": "Box 1 Primary approaches to transitional justice \\n Prosecutions \u2013 are the conduct of investigations and judicial proceedings against an alleged perpetrator of a crime in accordance with international standards for the administration of justice. For the purposes of this module, the focus is on the prosecution of individuals accused of criminal conduct involving gross violations of international human rights law, serious violations of international humanitarian law and violations of international criminal law. Prosecutions initiatives can vary. They can be broad in scope, aiming to try many perpetrators, or they can be narrowly focused on those that bear the most responsibility for the crimes committed. \\n Reparations \u2013 are a set of measures that provides redress for victims of gross violations of international human rights law, serious violations of international humanitarian law and violations of international criminal law. Reparations can take the form of restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction, and guarantees of non-repetition. Reparations programs have two goals: first, to provide recognition for victims because reparation are explicitly and primarily carried out on behalf of victims; and, second, to encourage trust among citizens, and between citizens and the state, by demonstrating that past abuses are regarded seriously by the new government. \\n Truth commissions \u2013 are non-judicial or quasi-judicial fact-finding bodies. They have the primary purpose of investigating and reporting on past abuses in an attempt to understand the extent and patterns of past violations, as well as their causes and consequences. The work of a commission is to help a society understand and acknowledge a contested or denied history, and bring the voices and stories of victims to the public at large. It also aims at preventing further abuses. Truth commissions can be official, local or national. They can conduct investigations and hearings, and can identify the individuals and institutions responsible for abuse. Truth commissions can also be empowered to make policy and prosecutorial recommendations. \\n Institutional reform \u2013 is changing public institutions, including those that may have perpetuated a conflict or served a repressive regime, and transforming them into institutions that are more effective and accountable and thus better able to support the transition, sustain peace and preserve the rule of law. Following a period of massive human rights abuse, building fair and efficient public institutions play a critical role in preventing future abuses. It also enables public institutions, in particular in the security and justice sectors, to provide criminal accountability for past abuses.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "3. Introduction", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 9, + "Paragraph": "There are good reasons to anticipate a rise in situations where DDR and transitional justice initiatives will be pursued simultaneously. Transitioning states are increasingly using transitional justice measures to address past violations of international human rights law and humanitarian law, and prevent such violations in the future.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "4. Background", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 10, + "Paragraph": "At present, formal institutional connections between DDR and transitional justice are rarely considered. In some cases, the different timings of DDR and transitional justice processes constrain the forging of more formal institutional interconnections. Disarmament and demobilization components of DDR are frequently initiated during a cease-fire, or immediately after a peace agreement is signed; while transitional justice initiatives often require the forming of a new government and some kind of legislative approval, which may delay implementation by months or, not uncommonly, years. Additionally, DDR processes and transitional justice initiatives have very different constituencies: DDR pro- grammes are directed primarily at ex-combatants while transitional justice initiatives focus more on victims and on society more generally.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "4. Background", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 11, + "Paragraph": "The lack of coordination between transitional justice and DDR may lead to unbal- anced outcomes and missed opportunities. One outcome, for example, is that victims receive markedly less attention and resources than ex-combatants. The inequity is most stark when comparing benefits for ex-combatants with reparations for victims. In many cases the latter receive nothing whereas ex-combatants usually receive some sort of DDR package. The im- balance between the benefits provided to ex-combatants and the lack of benefits provided to victims has led to criticism by some that DDR rewards violent behaviour. Enhanced coordination between DDR and transitional justice measures may create opportunities to mitigate this imbalance and increase the legitimacy of the DDR programme from the per- spective of the communities which need to accept returning ex-combatants.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Background", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 12, + "Paragraph": "The relationships between DDR and transitional justice are important to consider be- cause both processes are critical components of strategies for peacekeeping and peace- building. UN peacekeeping operations have increasingly been entrusted with mandates to promote and protect human rights and accountability, as well as to assist national authori- ties in strengthening the rule of law. For example, the UN Peacekeeping Operation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was given a specific mandate \u201cto contribute to the dis- armament portion of the national programme of disarmament, demobilization and reinte- gration (DDR) of Congolese combatants and their dependants, in monitoring the process and providing as appropriate security in some sensitive locations;\u201d as well as \u201cto assist in the promotion and protection of human rights, with particular attention to women, children and vulnerable persons, investigate human rights violations to put an end to impunity, and continue to cooperate with efforts to ensure that those responsible for serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law are brought to justice\u201d.3", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Background", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 13, + "Paragraph": "Importantly DDR and transitional justice also aim to contribute to peacebuilding and reconciliation (see IDDRS 2.20 on Post-conflict Stabilization, Peace-building and Recovery Frameworks). DDR programmes may contribute to peacemaking and stability, creating environments more conducive to establishing transitional justice measures. Comprehensive approaches to transitional justice may address some of the root causes of conflict, provide accountability for past violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, and inform the institutional reform necessary to prevent the reemergence of violence. To that end they are \u201cmutually reinforcing imperatives\u201d.4", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 4, + "Heading1": "4. Background", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 14, + "Paragraph": "Reconciliation remains a difficult concept to define or measure. There is no single model for overcoming divisions and building trust within societies recovering from conflict or totalitarian rule. DDR aims to encourage trust and confidence between ex-combatants, society and the State by presenting a transparent process by which former fighters give up their weapons, renounce their affiliations to armed groups, and commit to respecting the basic norms and laws including in the resolution of conflicts and the struggle for political power (see IDDRS 2.10 on the UN Approach to DDR). Transitional justice initiatives aim to build trust between victims, society, and the state through transitional justice measures that provide some acknowledgement from the State that citizen rights have been violated and that they deserve justice, truth and reparation. Increased consultation with victims\u2019 groups, communities receiving demobilized combatants, municipal governments, faith- based organizations and the demobilized combatants and their families, may inform and strengthen the legitimacy of DDR and transitional justice processes and enhance the pros- pects of reconciliation.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 3, + "Heading1": "4. Background", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 15, + "Paragraph": "The Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, interna- tional human rights law, international humanitarian law, international criminal law and international refugee law provide the normative framework for transitional justice. In rec- ognition of these international instruments, transitional justice mechanisms seek to ensure compliance with the right to justice, the right to truth, the right to reparations, and the guarantees of non-repetition. Various widely ratified human rights and humanitarian law treaties require States to ensure punishment of specific offences.5 Furthermore, treaty bodies repeatedly found that amnesties that foreclose criminal prosecutions of gross violations of human rights violate States\u2019 obligations under these treaties. An amnesty that impeded victims\u2019 recourse to effective civil remedy would also violate this obligation.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "5. International legal framework for transitional justice", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 16, + "Paragraph": "The important developments in international law and practice related to transitional justice and witnessed in the last several decades, have been reflected in the Updated Set of Principles for the protection and promotion of human rights through action to combat impunity 6 (E/CN.4/2005/102/Add.1) and in the Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of the International Humanitarian Law.7 (A/RES/60/147) The Updated Principles affirm the need for a comprehensive approach towards combating impunity, including investigations and prosecutions, remedies and reparations, truth seeking, and guarantees of non-repetition of violations.\u201d8 Furthermore, the 2004 Report of the Secretary General on The rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies (S/2004/616) is a notable contribution to the UN doctrine on transitional justice and highlights key issues and lessons learned from the UN experiences.9", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "5. International legal framework for transitional justice", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 17, + "Paragraph": "While not exhaustive, the following section provides an overview of some of the inter- nationally recognized rights relevant to transitional justice processes and DDR. It also offers a review of the various transitional justice measures that could be established to implement these rights.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "5. International legal framework for transitional justice", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 18, + "Paragraph": "Various widely ratified human rights and humanitarian law treaties require State parties to investigate, prosecute and bring to justice the perpetrators of specific offences (see also the Updated Principles, principle 19). Amnesties that foreclose prosecution of those respon- sible for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes or gross violations of human rights are inconsistent with States\u2019 obligations under international law10 and the UN policy. The \u201cUnited Nations-endorsed peace agreements may never promise amnesties for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or gross violations of human rights\u201d11 and the UN staff may never condone amnesties that international law condemn.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "5. International legal framework for transitional justice", + "Heading2": "5.1. The right to justice", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 19, + "Paragraph": "States have the primary responsibility to ensure accountability for violations of inter- national human rights law and international humanitarian law and thus domestic court systems are often the preferred venue. Yet in post-conflict situations, the domestic court system is often unable or unwilling to conduct effective investigations or prosecutions. Important options are international ad hoc tribunals or hybrid courts. These judicial bodies are created to address particular situations, for a limited amount of time, and are the result of singular political and historical circumstances. They are composed of independent judges, working on the basis of predetermined rules of procedure, and rendering binding decisions. They are subject to the same principles governing the work of all international judiciaries (e.g., due process, impartiality and independence). The creation of international or hybrid tribunals in situations where national actors are unwilling or unable to prosecute alleged perpetrators is a revolutionary step in establishing accountability for gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law. For instance, the Statute of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Statute of the International Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), and the Statute of the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) provide these tribunals with jurisdiction over serious crimes under international law.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 5, + "Heading1": "5. International legal framework for transitional justice", + "Heading2": "5.1. The right to justice", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 20, + "Paragraph": "The entry into force of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in 2002 was a major step forward in the history of international criminal accountability. For the first time, the world has an independent, permanent court to try individuals for the most serious crimes under international law: genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The ICC is complementary to national criminal jurisdictions. The ICC will not exercise its jurisdiction, unless the State is unwilling or unable genuinely to carry out the investigation or prosecution.12 As of July 2009, the ICC treaty had been ratified by 110 states.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. International legal framework for transitional justice", + "Heading2": "5.1. The right to justice", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 21, + "Paragraph": "In addition to domestic courts, ad hoc and hybrid tribunals, and the ICC, prosecutions against individuals who have committed human rights violations and international crimes may also, in certain circumstances and depending on national laws, be pursued through the principle of \u2018universal jurisdiction\u2019. This principle is based on the notion that certain crimes are so harmful to international interests that States are entitled\u2014and even obliged\u2014 to bring proceedings against the perpetrator, regardless of the location of the crime and the nationality of the perpetrator or the victim.13", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. International legal framework for transitional justice", + "Heading2": "5.1. The right to justice", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 22, + "Paragraph": "There has been a growing recognition that both individual victims and society as a whole have the right to know the truth about past violations, and the State has responsibility in giving effect to this right. The Updated Principles emphasize that States must take appropri- ate measures to give effect to the right to know the truth. This may include non-judicial processes such as truth commissions that complement the role of the judiciary. Regardless of whether a State establishes such a body, it must ensure the preservation of archives and other information relevant to exercising the right to know about past violations. The Updated Principles also emphasize the importance of the participation of victims and other citizens, and specifically women and minorities, in the truth-seeking process.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. International legal framework for transitional justice", + "Heading2": "5.2. The right to the truth", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 23, + "Paragraph": "Victims of gross violations of human rights and serious violations of international humani- tarian law are entitled to a remedy, including reparations. The Basic Principles and Guide- lines14 provide that \u201ca State shall provide reparation to victims for acts or omissions which may be attributed to the State and constitute gross violations of international human rights law or serious violations of international humanitarian law.\u201d15 Moreover, \u201cStates should endeavor to establish national programmes for reparation and other assistance to victims in the event that the parties liable for the harm suffered are unable or unwilling to meet their obligations.\u201d16 Reparations may include the following forms of redress: restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition.17", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 6, + "Heading1": "5. International legal framework for transitional justice", + "Heading2": "5.3. The right to reparations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 24, + "Paragraph": "The Updated Principles contribute to a normative framework for institutional reform, one of the most important means of guaranteeing that the systemic violation of human rights will not be repeated. They observe that \u201c[S]tates must take all necessary measures, includ- ing legislative and administrative reforms, to ensure that public institutions are organised in a manner that ensures respect for the rule of law and protection of human rights.\u201d18 To this extent, civilian control of military and security forces, as well as of intelligence agencies must be ensured and, where necessary, established or restored. At the same time, public officials and employees who are personally responsible for gross violations of human rights or serious crimes under international law, in particular those involved in military, security, police, intelligence and judicial sectors, should not continue to serve in State institu- tions.19 Vetting processes have been an important aspect of institutional reform in countries in transition. They aim to exclude individuals from public service whose previous conduct is incompatible with their holding a public position, with a view to re-establishing civic trust and re-legitimize public institutions.20 Their removal should comply with requirements of due process of law and principles of non-discrimination.21", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "5. International legal framework for transitional justice", + "Heading2": "5.4. Guarantees of non-repetition", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 25, + "Paragraph": "Do no harm: A first step in creating a constructive relationship between DDR and transitional justice is to understand how transitional justice and DDR can interact in ways that, at a minimum, do not obstruct their respective objectives of accountability and reconciliation and maintenance of peace and security. \\n Balanced approaches: While the imperative to maintain peace and security often de- mands a specific focus on ex-combatants in the short-term, long-term strategies should aim to provide reintegration opportunities to all war-affected populations, including victims.22 \\n Respect for international human rights law: DDR programmes shall respect and promote international human rights law. This includes supporting ways of preventing reprisal or discrimination against, or stigmatization of those who participate in DDR programmes as well as to protect the rights of the communities that are asked to receive ex-combatants, and members of the society at large. DDR processes shall provide for a commitment to gender, age and disability specific principles and shall comply with principles of non-discrimination. \\n Respect for international humanitarian law: DDR programmes shall respect and promote international humanitarian law, including the humane treatment of persons no longer actively engaged in combat. United Nations Peacekeeping Forces, includ- ing military members involved in administrative DDR programmes, are also subject to the fundamental principles and rules of international humanitarian law, and in cases of violation, are subject to prosecution in their national courts.23", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "6. Guiding principles", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 26, + "Paragraph": "This section provides an overview of how DDR programmes may relate to transitional jus- tice measures, including prosecutions, truth commissions, reparations, institutional reform, and locally-based justice processes. The section also explores how DDR and transitional justice measures address issues concerning women and children associated with armed groups and forces. The section identifies potential positive and negative aspects of these relationships in order to provide an informed basis for future strategies that aim to minimize tensions and build on opportunities.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 7, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 27, + "Paragraph": "Criminal investigations and DDR have potentially important synergies. In particular, infor- mation gathered through DDR processes may be very useful for criminal investigations. Such information does not need to be person-specific, but might focus on more general issues such as structures and areas of operation.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.1. Criminal investigations and prosecutions", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 28, + "Paragraph": "Since criminal justice initiatives in post-conflict situations would often only be able to deal with a relatively small number of suspects, most prosecutions strategies ought to focus on those bearing the greatest degree of responsibility for crimes committed. As such, these objectives must be effectively communicated in a context of DDR processes to ensure that those participating in DDR understand whether or not they are likely to face prosecutions. ", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.1. Criminal investigations and prosecutions", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 29, + "Paragraph": "Prosecutions can make positive contributions to DDR. First, at the most general level, a DDR process stands to gain if the distinction between ex-combatants and perpetrators of human rights violations can be firmly established. Obviously, not all ex-combatants are human rights violators. This is a distinction to which criminal prosecutions can make a contribution: prosecutions may serve to individualize the guilt of specific perpetrators and therefore lessen the public perception that all ex-combatants are guilty of serious crimes under international law. Second, prosecution efforts may remove spoilers and potential spoilers from threatening the DDR process. Prosecutions may remove obstacles to the demo- bilization of vast numbers of combatants that would be ready to cease hostilities but for the presence of recalcitrant commanders. A successful prosecutorial strategy in a transitional justice context requires a clear, transparent and publicized criminal policy indicating what kind of cases will be prosecuted and what kind of cases will be dealt with in an alternative manner. Most importantly, prosecutions may foster trust in the reintegration process and enhance the prospects for trust building between ex-combatants and other citizens by pro- viding communities with some assurance that those whom they are asked to admit back into their midst do not include the perpetrators of serious crimes under international law. ", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.1. Criminal investigations and prosecutions", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 30, + "Paragraph": "The pursuit of accountability through prosecutions may also create tensions with DDR efforts. When these processes overlap, or when prosecutions are instigated early in a DDR process, some tension between prosecutions and DDR, stemming from the fact that DDR requires the cooperation of ex-combatants and their leaders, while prosecutors seek to hold accountable those responsible for criminal conduct involving violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law, may be hard to avoid. This tension may be dimin- ished by effective communications campaigns. Misinformation or partial information about prosecutions efforts may further contribute to this tension. Ex-combatants are often unin- formed of the mandate of a prosecutions process and are unaware of the basic tenets of international law. In Liberia, for example, confusion about whether or not the mandate of the Special Court for Sierra Leone covered crimes committed in Liberia initially inhibited some fighters from entering the DDR process.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.1. Criminal investigations and prosecutions", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 31, + "Paragraph": "While these concerns deserve careful consideration, there have been a number of con- texts in which DDR processes have coexisted with prosecutorial efforts, and the latter have not created an impediment to DDR. In some situations, transitional justice measures and DDR programmes have been connected through some sort of conditionality. For example, there have been cases where combatants who have committed crimes have been offered judicial benefits in exchange for disarming, demobilizing and providing information or collaborating in dismantling the group to which they belong. There are, however, serious concerns about whether such measures comply with the international legal obligations to ensure that perpetrators of serious crimes are subject to appropriate criminal process, that victims\u2019 and societies\u2019 right to the truth is fully realized, and that victims receive an effective remedy and reparation.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 8, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.1. Criminal investigations and prosecutions", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 32, + "Paragraph": "Truth commissions seek to provide societies with an even-handed account of the causes and consequences of armed conflict. The reports created by truth commissions may provide recommendations for reform and reparation as well as, in a few cases, recommendations for judicial proceedings. Truth commissions may demonstrate to victims and victimized communities a willingness to acknowledge and address past injustices. They may also pro- vide a strategy for peacebuilding; such is the case with the comprehensive report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in Sierra Leone.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.2. Truth commissions", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 33, + "Paragraph": "Ex-combatants may hold varying views of truth commissions. Some will avoid them entirely, refusing to acknowledge victims or the harm caused by themselves or other mem- bers of armed forces and groups. Others may regard truth commissions as an opportunity to tell their side of the story and to apologize. Accompanied by appropriate public infor- mation and outreach initiatives, including tailored responses such as in-camera hearings for survivors of sexual violence, they may help break down rigid representations of victims and perpetrators by allowing ex-combatants to tell their own stories of victimization and by exploring and identifying the roots of violent conflict. Less positively, ex-combatants may perceive truth commissions as a threat, for example in cases where the names of indi- vidual perpetrators are made public.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.2. Truth commissions", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 34, + "Paragraph": "More often truth commissions are perceived as initiatives for victims and the partici- pation of demobilized combatants is minimal, even in situations where ex-combatants have experienced victimization. For example, in South Africa, ex-combatant participation in the TRC was limited primarily to the amnesty hearings\u2014relatively few made statements as victims of abuse or were given a chance to testify at victims\u2019 hearings. Ex-combatants later expressed a sense that they had been left out of the process. Children should also have an opportunity to, voluntarily, participate in truth commissions. They should be treated equally as witnesses or victims.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.2. Truth commissions", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 35, + "Paragraph": "In at least one case a truth commission has played a direct role in reintegrating former combatants and promoting reconciliation. The Commission for Reception, Truth and Rec- onciliation in East Timor included a process of community reconciliation for those who had committed \u2018less serious crimes\u2019, including members of militias. The Community Recon- ciliation Process was a voluntary process that combined \u201cpractices of traditional justice, arbitration, mediation and aspects of both criminal and civil law.\u201d24 In community hearings, the perpetrators were asked to explain their participation in the armed conflict. Victims and other members of the community were allowed to ask questions and make comments. Finally, a panel of local leaders worked with the perpetrators and the victims to come to an agreement on some kind of reparation\u2014often in the form of community service\u2014that the guilty party could provide in exchange for acceptance back into the community.25", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 9, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.2. Truth commissions", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 36, + "Paragraph": "Box 2 Sierra Leone case study: DDR in the context of a hybrid tribunal and a truth and reconciliation commission* \\n The post conflict situation in Sierra Leone was distinctive in that the DDR process and the national transitional justice initiatives were implemented very closely after each other, and because of the co-existence of both a truth commission and a criminal tribunal. The Lom\u00e9 Peace Agreement stipulated the mandates for DDR and for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), no formal links, however, were made between the two processes in the peace document or in practice. Disarmament and demobilization was largely successful in Sierra Leone, yet some research suggests that the lack of accountability had a negative impact on the reintegration of certain ex-combatants. Ex-combatants of armed factions that were known to have committed abuses against the civilian population have faced more difficulties in reintegration than others.** \\n The Lom\u00e9 Accord of 1999 included a cessation of hostilities, the initiation of a DDR program, inclusion of the rebel force the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) in government, a blanket amnesty for all combatants, and DDR for fighters. During the signing of the Accord, the representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) to the peace negotiations included a disclaimer stating that the UN understood that the amnesty and pardon provided by the agreement would not cover international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and other serious crimes under international humanitarian law. Through the active efforts of civil society leaders in Sierra Leone, as well as international advocates, the Lom\u00e9 Accord also mandated a truth and reconciliation commission and a human rights commission. \\n The progress made at Lom\u00e9 was shattered in May 2000 when fighting resumed in the capital city of Freetown. The peace process was put back on track after the reinforcement of the UN peacekeeping mission there and increased mediation efforts resulting in the signing of the Abuja Protocols in 2001. The Abuja Protocols also marked an abrupt change in the national approach to accountability and justice. The government formally requested the UN\u2019s assistance to establish a court to try members of the RUF involved in war crimes. The UN supported the initiative, and the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) was set up in August 2002 with a mandate to try those who bear the greatest responsibility for the atrocities committed in Sierra Leone. \\n The DDR was in its closing phases when the SCSL and TRC were established. All parties to the Lom\u00e9 peace agreement, including the national government and the RUF, backed the establishment of a TRC, which began operations in 2002. While the SCSL stoked fears among ex-combatants about their possible criminal prosecution, there was a great deal of hope that the TRC would provide an effective and essential mechanism for promoting reconciliation. \\n Although, at first, the concurrence of a tribunal and a truth commission generated considerable misunderstanding, civil society efforts to provide information to ex-combatants were successful in increasing the latters understanding of the separate mandates of each institution. Support for the TRC amongst ex-combatants rose from 53 to 85 per cent after ex-combatants understood its design and purpose, while those who believed it would bring reconciliation rose from 52 to 84 per cent. For those ex-combatants who admitted to human rights violations the TRC offered an opportunity to take responsibility for their actions. According to one report, \u201cThey want to confess to the TRC because they think it will enable them to return to their communities.\u201d*** \\n * This is excerpted from: Gibril Sesay and Mohamed Suma, \u201cDDR, Transitional Justice, and Sierra Leone,\u201d A Case Study on DDR and Transitional Justice (New York: International Center for Transitional Justice, forthcoming). \\n ** Jeremy Weinstein and Macartan Humphreys, Disentangling the Determinants of Successful Demobilization and Reintegration, Working Paper No. 69, Washington DC: Center for Global Development, 2005. \\n *** The Post-conflict Reintegration Initiative for Development and Empowerment (PRIDE) and ICTJ, \u201cEx-Combatants Views of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Special Court in Sierra Leone,\u201d (September 2002). http://www.ictj/org/en/where/region1/141.html", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 10, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.2. Truth commissions", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 37, + "Paragraph": "Reparations focus directly on the recognition and acknowledgement of victims\u2019 rights, and seek to provide some redress for the harms they have suffered. The aspect of recogni- tion is what makes reparations distinct from social services that attend to the basic socio- economic rights of all citizens, such as housing, water and education. A comprehensive approach to reparations provides a combination of material and symbolic benefits to victims, such as cash payments or access to health, psycho-social rehabilitation or educational bene- fits, as well as a formal apology or a memorial. Often public acknowledgement is indicated by victims as the most important element of the reparations they seek. Reparations are a means of including victims and victims\u2019 rights firmly on the post-conflict agenda and may contribute to the process of building trust in the government and in its commitment to guaranteeing human rights in the future. Yet victims\u2019 needs are often marginalized in post conflict, peacebuilding contexts.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.3. Reparations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 38, + "Paragraph": "The design of a reparations programme may have positive implications for the entire community and include elements of social healing. Individual measures deliver concrete benefits to individual recipients. In East Timor, the truth commission recommended a process that combined individual benefits with a form of delivery designed to promote collective healing. Single mothers, including war widows and victims of sexual violence, would benefit from scholarship grants for their school-aged children. In picking up their benefits, the mothers would have to travel to a regional service center, where they would, in turn, have access to peer support, skills training, healthcare, and counseling.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.3. Reparations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 39, + "Paragraph": "Collective reparations may deliver reparations either in the context of practical limita- tions or of concerns about drawing too stark a line between classes of victims or between victims and non-victim groups. In this way, a specific village that was particularly affected by various kinds of abuses might, for example, receive a fund for community projects, even though not every individual in the village was affected in the same way and even if some people there contributed to the harms. In Peru, for example, communities hardest hit by the violence were asked to submit community funding proposals up to a $30,000 limit. These projects would benefit the entire community, generally, rather than only serve spe- cific victims and would be implemented regardless of whether some former perpetrators also live there.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.3. Reparations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 40, + "Paragraph": "Generally, programmes for ex-combatants and reparations programmes for victims are developed in isolation of one another. Reinsertion assistance is offered to demobilized com- batants in order to assist with their immediate civilian resettlement\u2014i.e., to get them home and provide them with a start toward establishing a livelihood\u2014prior to longer-term support for reintegration (see IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration). Support to ex-combatants is motivated by the genuine concern that without such assistance ex- combatants will re-associate themselves with armed groups as a means of supporting them- selves or become frustrated and threaten the peace process. Victims rarely represent the same kinds of threat, and reparations programmes may be politically challenging and expen- sive to design and implement. The result is that ex-combatants participating in DDR often receive aid in the form of cash, counseling, skills training, education opportunities, access to micro-credit loans and/or land, as part of the benefits of DDR programmes, while, in most cases no programmes to redress the vio- lations of the rights of victims are established.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.3. Reparations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 41, + "Paragraph": "Providing benefits to ex-combatants while ignoring the rights of victims may give rise to new grievances and increase their resistance against returning ex-combatants, in this way becoming an obstacle to their reintegration. The absence of reparations pro- grammes for victims in contexts in which DDR programmes provide various benefits to ex-combatants, grounds the judgment that ex-combatants are receiving special treatment. For example, the Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Programme, financed by the World, Bank has a budget of US$65.5 million. Ex-combatants receive reinsertion, recognition of service, and reintegration benefits in cash from between US$500 to US$1,000 depending on the rank of the ex-combatant.26 Yet as of 2009, the compensation fund for genocide sur- vivors called for in the 1996 Genocide Law has not been established.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 11, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.3. Reparations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 42, + "Paragraph": "Such outcomes are not merely inequitable; they may also undermine the possibilities of effective reintegration. The provision of reparations for victims may contribute to the reintegration dimension of a DDR programme by reducing the resentment and compara- tive grievance that victims and communities may feel in the aftermath of violent conflict. ", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.3. Reparations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 43, + "Paragraph": "In some cases the reintegration component of DDR programmes includes funding for community development that benefits individuals in the community beyond ex-combatants (see also IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration). While the objective and nature of reparations programmes for victims are distinct, most importantly in the critical area of acknowledgement of the violations of victims\u2019 rights, these efforts to focus on aiding the communities where ex-combatants live are noteworthy and may contribute to the effective reintegration of ex-combatants, as well as victims and other war-affected populations.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.3. Reparations", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 44, + "Paragraph": "DDR can contribute to ending or limiting violence by disarming large numbers of armed actors, disbanding illegal or dysfunctional military organizations, and reintegrating ex- combatants into civilian or legitimate security-related livelihoods. DDR alone, however, cannot build peace, nor can it prevent armed groups from reverting to conflict. DDR needs to be part of a larger system of peacebuilding interventions, including institutional reform", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.4. Institutional reform", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 45, + "Paragraph": "Institutional reform that transforms public institutions that perpetuated human rights violations is critical to peace and reconciliation. Transitional justice initiatives contribute to institutional reform efforts in a variety of ways. Prosecutions of leaders for war crimes, or violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, criminalizes this kind of behavior, demonstrates that no one is above the law, and may act as a deterrent and con- tribute to the prevention of future abuse. Truth commissions and other truth-seeking en- deavors can provide critical analysis about the roots of conflict, identifying individuals and institutions responsible for abuse. Truth commissions can also provide critical informa- tion about the patterns of violence and violations, so that institutional reform can target or prioritize efforts in particular areas. Reparations for victims may contribute to trust-building between victims and government, including public institutions. Vetting processes contribute to dismantling abusive structures by excluding from public service those who have com- mitted gross human rights violations and serious violations of international humanitarian law (See Box 3: Vetting.)", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.4. Institutional reform", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 46, + "Paragraph": "As security sector institutions are sometimes implicated in past and ongoing viola- tions of human rights and international humanitarian law, there is a particular interest in reforming security sector institutions. Security Sector Reform (SSR) aims to enhance \u201ceffective and accountable security for the State and its people without discrimination and with full respect for human rights and the rule of law.\u201d27 SSR efforts may sustain the DDR process in multiple ways, for example by providing employment opportunities. Yet DDR programmes are seldom coordinated to SSR. The lack of coordination can lead to further vio- lations, such as the reappointment of human rights abusers into the legitimate security sector. Such cases undermine public faith in security sector institutions, and may also lead to distrust within the armed forces. (See IDDRS Module 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform for a detailed discussion on the relationship between DDR and SSR.)", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 12, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.4. Institutional reform", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 47, + "Paragraph": "Box 3 Vetting* One important aspect of institutional reform efforts in countries in transition is vetting processes to exclude from public institutions persons who lack integrity. Vetting may be defined as assessing integrity to determine suitability for public employment. Integrity refers to an employee\u2019s adherence to international standards of human rights and professional conduct, including a person\u2019s financial propriety. Public employees who are personally responsible for gross violations of human rights or serious crimes under international law reveal a basic lack of integrity and breach the trust of the citizens they were meant to serve. The citizens, in particular the victims of abuses, are unlikely to trust and rely on a public institution that retains or hires individuals with serious integrity deficits, which would fundamentally impair the institution\u2019s capacity to deliver its mandate. Vetting processes aim at excluding from public service persons with serious integrity deficits in order to (re-establish) civic trust and (re-) legitimize public institutions. \\n In many DDR programmes, ex-combatants are offered the possibility of reintegration in the national armed forces, other security sector positions such as police or border control. In these situations, coordination between DDR programs and institution reform initiatives such as SSR programmes on vetting strategies can be particularly critical. A coordinated strategy shall aim to ensure that individuals who have committed human rights violations are not employed in the public sector. \\n * This text is summarized from the OHCHR Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States, Vetting: an operational framework (Geneva and New York: OHCHR, 2006)", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.4. Institutional reform", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 48, + "Paragraph": "In his 2004 report on transitional justice and the rule of law, the Secretary General of the UN wrote that \u201cdue regard must be given to indigenous and informal traditions for admin- istering justice or settling disputes, to help them to continue their often vital role and to do so in conformity with both international standards and local tradition.\u201d28 Locally-based justice processes range from informal courts to local truth-telling exercises, to traditional ceremonies. They may include an approach that directly involves victims and communi- ties in defining the responsibilities and obligations of those who have committed crimes. In some situations, these locally-based processes are used to promote trust between ex- combatants and their communities. In Mozambique, for example, cleansing ceremonies offered ex-combatants a way to reintegrate into communities by renouncing violence, acknowledging wrong-doing and providing victims, or families of victims, with some kind of compensation.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.5. DDR and locally-based processes of justice", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 49, + "Paragraph": "Locally-based justice processes may complement reintegration efforts and national level transitional justice measures by providing a community-level means of addressing issues of accountability of ex-combatants. These locally based processes may contain elements of the four main transitional justice approaches: prosecutions, truth-telling, reparation and institutional reform, and thus offer similar incentives and disincentives for ex-combatants, but they have an additional aim of reintegration. To a large extent the purpose of these processes is to reintegrate community members who have violated the norms of the com- munity and to reconcile them with the victims. When ex-combatants participate in these processes, they demonstrate their desire to be a part of the community again, and to take steps to repair the damage for which they are responsible. This contributes to building or renewing trust between ex-combatants and the communities in which they seek to reinte- grate. These processes may not be as successful in situations where combatants refuse to acknowledge responsibility or continue to perceive themselves as heroes.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 13, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.5. DDR and locally-based processes of justice", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 50, + "Paragraph": "Locally-based justice processes may, however, be problematic. They may not comply with national and international human rights standards, in particular fair trial guarantees. Unfair treatment of ex-combatants who participate in such processes may hinder reintegra- tion. Additionally, many of these processes are not equipped to handle serious violations of international law, such as war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide. Locally-based processes also frequently replicate gender or other biases that are present in community life and traditions, for example, by excluding women and children, or by forgiving men for acts of sexual aggression against women.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.5. DDR and locally-based processes of justice", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 51, + "Paragraph": "The experience of linking national reintegration strategies with locally-based justice processes is limited, but there are a few positive examples to build on. UNICEF\u2019s work with locally based justice processes supported the reintegration of children in Sierra Leone, for example.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.5. DDR and locally-based processes of justice", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 52, + "Paragraph": "Creating connections between reintegration strategies, particularly community reinte- gration strategies, for ex-combatants and locally-based justice processes may be one way to bridge the gap between the aims of DDR and the aims of transitional justice. Such con- nections should be consistent with the broad peacebuilding goals of security, respect for human rights including international standards of child rights and juvenile justice, rule of law, and reconciliation.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.5. DDR and locally-based processes of justice", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 53, + "Paragraph": "The IDDRS module 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR refers to three types of female ben- eficiaries: 1) female ex-combatants, 2) female supporters, and females associated with armed forces and groups and 3) female dependents. The module identifies a range of possible barriers for entry of women into DDR programmes and proposes strategies and guide- lines to ensure that DDR programmes are gender responsive. Likewise, practitioners in the field of transitional justice seek to understand and better design means to facilitate the participation of women. Yet there is still a gap between the policy and the implementation of comprehensive approaches.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.6. Justice for women associated with armed forces and groups", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 54, + "Paragraph": "The experience of women in conflict often goes beyond usual notions of victim and perpetrator. Women returning to life as civilians may face greater social barriers and exclusion than men. They may not participate in either DDR or transitional justice measures for a variety of reasons, including because of their exclusion from the agendas of these proc- esses, the refusal of armed forces and groups to release women, fear of further stigmatization, or lack of faith in public institutions to address their particular situations (for a more in-depth analysis, see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR). Women\u2019s lack of partici- pation may undermine their reintegration, and prevent those among them who have also experienced human rights violations from their rights to justice or reparation, and rein- force gender biases. Yet women may also be agents of change, actively involved in efforts to make and build peace. Women and girl combatants have displayed remarkable commitment to reintegrating into communities and working for peace. In Northern Uganda, former teenage LRA combatants (themselves abducted and abused) run community projects supporting other \u2018girl mothers\u2019, provide counseling for the young abductees and care for their children, and seek reconciliation with communities they were often forced to terrorize. The trauma and victimization they endured is being transformed into a positive force for empowerment and development.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.6. Justice for women associated with armed forces and groups", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 55, + "Paragraph": "Transitional justice measures may facilitate the reintegration of women associated with armed forces and groups. Prosecutions initiatives, for example, may contribute to the re- integration of women by prosecuting those involved in their forcible recruitment, and by recognizing and prosecuting crimes committed against all women, particularly rape and other forms of sexual violence. Women ex-combatants who have committed crimes should also be prosecuted. Excluding women from prosecution denies their role as participants in the armed conflict.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.6. Justice for women associated with armed forces and groups", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 56, + "Paragraph": "Women have been central to the process of truth seeking, exposing hidden truths about the legacy of human rights in conflict. Many female combatants, like their male counter- parts, do not participate in truth commissions because they perceive these processes to be for victims, and they do not identify themselves as victims. Yet their participation may help the community to better understand the many dimensions of women\u2019s involvement in conflict, and in turn, increase the probability of their acceptance. Great care must be taken to ensure that women who choose to participate are well-informed as to the purpose and mandate of the truth commission, that they understand their rights in terms of confidenti- ality, and are protected from any possible harm resulting from their testimony.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.6. Justice for women associated with armed forces and groups", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 57, + "Paragraph": "Women associated with armed forces and groups have frequently endured violations such as abduction, torture, and sexual violations, including rape and other forms of sexual violence, and may be eligible for reparation. Reparations may provide official acknowledge- ment of these violations, access to specialized health care related to the specific violation they have suffered, and material benefits that may facilitate their integration. Yet these women, due to frequent stigmatization, are commonly reluctant to explain what happened to them, particularly when it involves sexual violations, and often do not come forward to claim their due.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.6. Justice for women associated with armed forces and groups", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 58, + "Paragraph": "Women associated with armed forces and groups are potential participants in both DDR and transitional justice measures, and both are faced with the challenge of increasing and supporting their participation. See Module 5.10 for a detailed discussion of Women, Gender, and DDR.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 14, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.6. Justice for women associated with armed forces and groups", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 59, + "Paragraph": "Children\u2014girls and boys under 18\u2014associated with armed forces and groups (CAAFG) represent a special category of protected persons under international law and should be subject to a separate DDR process from adults (for a detailed normative and legal frame- work, see Annex B of IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR). Recruitment of children under the age of 15 is recognized as a war crime in the ICC Statute. Many states have criminal- ized the recruitment of children below the age of 18. Child DDR requires that the release (as opposed to demobilization) and reintegration of children be actively carried out at all times, including before a DDR process is formerly implemented and that actions to pre- vent child recruitment should be continuous. In this process, particular attention needs to be given to girls since their gender makes girls particularly vulnerable to violations, including sexual violence and exploitation, lack of educational and training opportunities, mis- treatment and neglect (for specific ways to address girls\u2019 needs in DDR programmes, see Chapter 6 of IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.7. Justice for children recruited or used by armed groups and forces", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 60, + "Paragraph": "Transitional justice processes can play a positive role in facilitating the long-term re-integration of children. At the same time such processes can create obstacles to children\u2019s reconciliation and reintegration. The best interests of the child should always guide deci- sions related to children\u2019s involvement in transitional justice mechanisms. Children who have been illegally recruited and used by armed groups or forces are victims and witnesses and may also be alleged perpetrators. Each of these aspects of children\u2019s experiences cor- responds to specific international obligations outlined below.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.7. Justice for children recruited or used by armed groups and forces", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 61, + "Paragraph": "Children as victims and witnesses \\n The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict prohibits the compulsory recruitment and the direct participa- tion in hostilities of persons below 18 by armed forces (arts. 1 and 2). When it comes to armed groups distinct from regular armed forces, such recruitment is under any circum- stance prohibited (no matter whether voluntary or compulsory). Recruitment or use of children under the age of 15 is a recognized war crime in the Rome Statute of the ICC. The Special Court for Sierra Leone also considers child recruitment under the age of 15 as a war crime based on customary international law. A growing number of states have criminal- ized the recruitment of children (under 18) as reflected in the Optional Protocol of the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict. Of the 130 countries that have ratified the Optional Protocol, more than two thirds have adopted a minimum age of 18 for entry into the armed forces (the so called \u2018straight 18\u2019 standard.) Domestic proceedings following or during an armed conflict may also try adults for having recruited children, in which case the domestic legal standard would apply.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.7. Justice for children recruited or used by armed groups and forces", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 62, + "Paragraph": "The prosecution of commanders who have recruited children may help the reintegra- tion of children by highlighting that children associated with armed forces and groups who may have been responsible for violations of human rights and international humanitarian law should be considered primarily as victims, not only as perpetrators.29 International law further establishes binding obligations on States with regard to physical and psycho- logical recovery and social reintegration of child victims.30", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.7. Justice for children recruited or used by armed groups and forces", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 63, + "Paragraph": "To facilitate the participation of child victims and witnesses in legal proceedings, the justice systems need to adopt child-sensitive and gender-appropriate procedures in line with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, its Optional Protocols as well as with the UN Guidelines on Justice Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime and adapted to the evolving capacities of the child. It is also important that child vic- tims are informed of their rights to receive redress, including legal and psycho-social support. ", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.7. Justice for children recruited or used by armed groups and forces", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 64, + "Paragraph": "Child victims and witnesses should have access to independent and free legal assist- ance to ensure that their rights are guaranteed, that they are informed of the purpose of their role and are able to participate in a meaningful way. In order to avoid further trauma and re-victimization a careful assessment should be carried out to determine whether or not it is in the best interests of the child to testify in court during a criminal proceeding and what special protective measures are required to facilitate the testimony. Protection meas- ures to facilitate the child\u2019s testimony should protect the child\u2019s identity and privacy, be culturally appropriate and include: private interview rooms designed for children, modified court environments that take child witnesses into consideration, interviews by specially trained staff out of sight of the alleged perpetrator using testimonial aids and psychosocial support before, during and after the process.31", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 16, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.7. Justice for children recruited or used by armed groups and forces", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 65, + "Paragraph": "Likewise, children\u2019s statements given before a truth commission or other non-judicial process can offer unique potential for children\u2019s participation in post-conflict reconcilia- tion and may foster dialogue about the impact of war on children and contribute to pre- vention of further conflict and victimization of children. Children should participate in truth commissions only on a voluntary basis and child-friendly policy and protection measures should be in place to protect the rights of children involved.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.7. Justice for children recruited or used by armed groups and forces", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 66, + "Paragraph": "It is important to recognize that children demobilized from fighting forces may be identified as a vulnerable group and eligible for reparations through a reintegration pro- gramme, such as specific education support, access to specialized healthcare, vocational training, and follow-up social work. In some situations children may benefit from financial reparation, not as part of the reintegration programme but as part of a reparations scheme, on the basis of particular violations that they have suffered. Providing benefits to children formerly associated with fighting forces that other children in the community do not receive may increase resentment and create obstacles for reintegration. If benefits or reparations are provided for children affected by armed conflict, careful consideration must be given to ensure that such benefits are in the best interests of the child. It is important to coordi- nate benefits that may be offered to demobilized children through a DDR programme and what is offered to them, more generally, as victims. This is to prevent the provision of double benefits, something which is particularly important in country situations where these programmes rarely cover all of their potential beneficiaries.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.7. Justice for children recruited or used by armed groups and forces", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 67, + "Paragraph": "Children as alleged perpetrators \\n Children who have been associated with armed forces or armed groups should not be prosecuted or punished solely for their membership in these forces or groups. Children accused of crimes under international law must be treated in accordance with the CRC, the Beijing Rules and related international juvenile justice and fair trial standards. Accounta- bility measures for alleged child perpetrators should be in the best interests of the child and should be conducted in a manner that takes into account their age at the time of the alleged commission of the crime, promotes their sense of dignity and worth, and supports their reintegration and potential to assume a constructive role in society. Wherever appropriate, alternatives to judicial proceedings should be pursued.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.7. Justice for children recruited or used by armed groups and forces", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 68, + "Paragraph": "In situations where children are alleged to have participated in crimes committed during armed conflict, the primary objectives should be i) reintegration and return to a \u2018constructive role\u2019 in society (article 40, CRC); rehabilitation (article 14(4), ICCPR; article 39, CRC), reinforcing the child\u2019s respect for the rights of others (article 40, CRC; Paris Princi- ples, sections 3.6 to 3.8 and 8.6 to 8.11). If national judicial proceedings take place, children must be treated in accordance with the CRC, in particular its articles 37 and 40, the Beijing Rules and other international law and standards governing juvenile justice, including the Committee\u2019s General Comment n\u00b0 10 on \u201cChildren\u2019s rights in juvenile justice.\u201d While some process of accountability serves the best interest of the child, international child rights and juvenile justice standards recommend that alternatives to judicial proceedings should be applied, whenever appropriate and desirable (article 40(3b), CRC; rule 11, Beijing Rules). Staff working on release and reintegration associated with armed groups and forces should advocate and enable, where appropriate, the diversion of children from judicial proceedings to alternative mechanisms suitable for dealing with the nature of the particular offence, in line with international standards and the best interests of the child. If a child has been convicted for a crime, alternatives to deprivation of liberty should be put in place and advocated for, in view of promoting the successful reintegration of the child.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 17, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.7. Justice for children recruited or used by armed groups and forces", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 69, + "Paragraph": "The death penalty and life imprisonment without possibility of release must never be imposed against children and detention of children should only be used as a measure of last resort and for the shortest period of time.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.7. Justice for children recruited or used by armed groups and forces", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 70, + "Paragraph": "As discussed in Chapter 9 of IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR, locally-based justice and reconciliation processes may contribute to the reintegration of children. These proc- esses may create a means for the child to express remorse and make reparation for past action. In all cases, local processes must adhere to international standards of child protec- tion. Locally-based processes for justice and reconciliation for children may be more effec- tive if they are considered as part of a comprehensive peacebuilding approach strategy, in which reintegration, justice, and reconciliation are key goals; and are consistent with over- all strategies for the reintegration of children demobilized from fighting forces.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.7. Justice for children recruited or used by armed groups and forces", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 71, + "Paragraph": "Box 4 The rule of law and transitional justice \\n Strategies for expediting a return to the rule of law must be integrated with plans to reintegrate both displaced civilians and former fighters. Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes are one of the keys to a transition out of conflict and back to normalcy. For populations traumatized by war, those processes are among the most visible signs of the gradual return of peace and security. Similarly, displaced persons must be the subject of dedicated programmes to facilitate return. Carefully crafted amnesties can help in the return and reintegration of both groups and should be encouraged, although, as noted above, these can never be permitted to excuse genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or gross violations of human rights. \\n * This text is summarized from the OHCHR Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States, Vetting: an operational framework (Geneva and New York: OHCHR, 2006)", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 15, + "Heading1": "7. Transitional justice and DDR ", + "Heading2": "7.7. Justice for children recruited or used by armed groups and forces", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 72, + "Paragraph": "Coordination between transitional justice and DDR programmes begins with an understand- ing of how the two processes may interact positively in the short-term in ways that, at the very least, do not hinder their respective objectives of accountability and stability. Coordination between transitional justice and DDR practitioners should, however, aim to constructively connect these two processes in ways that contribute to a stable, just and long-term peace. ", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 73, + "Paragraph": "In the UN System, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has the lead responsibility for transitional justice issues. UN support to DDR programmes may be led by the Department of Peacekeeping (DPKO) or the United Nations Develop- ment Programme (UNDP). In other cases, such support may be led by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) or a combination of the above UN entities. OHCHR representatives can coordinate directly with DDR practitioners on transitional justice. Human rights officers who work as part of UN peacekeeping missions may also be appropriate focal points or liaisons between a DDR programme and transitional justice initiatives.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 74, + "Paragraph": "This section presents options for DDR that stress the international obligations stem- ming from the right to accountability, truth, reparation, and guarantees of non-repetition. These options are meant to make DDR compliant with international standards, being mindful of both equity and security considerations. At the very least, they seek to ensure that DDR observes the \u201cdo no harm\u201d principle, and does not foreclose the possibility of achieving accountability in the future. When possible, the options presented in this section seek to go beyond \u201cdo no harm,\u201d establishing more constructive and positive connections between DDR and transi- tional justice. These options are presented with the understanding that diverse contexts will present different opportunities and challenges for connecting DDR and transitional justice. DDR must be designed and implemented with reference to the country context, including the existing justice provisions.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 18, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 75, + "Paragraph": "Box 5 Action points for mediators, donors, practitioners and national actors \\n\\n Action points for mediators and other participants in peacemaking \\n Include obligations for accountability, truth, reparation and guarantees of non-reoccurrence in peace agreements. \\n Include victims in peace negotiation processes. \\n Reject amnesties for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and gross violations of human rights. \\n\\n Action points for donors \\n Donors for DDR programmes may consider comparative commitments to reparations for victims before or while the DDR process proceeds. \\n\\n Action points for DDR practitioners \\n Integrate human rights and transitional justice components into the training programmes and support materials for UN mediators and DDR practitioners, including of national DDR commissions. \\n\\n Action points for national DDR actors \\n Incorporate a commitment to international humanitarian and human rights law into the design of the DDR programme. \\n Ensure that the DDR programme meets national and international obligations concerning account-ability, truth, reparations and guarantees of non-repetition.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.1. Ensuring DDR that complies with international standards .", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 76, + "Paragraph": "A peace agreement can be considered a reflection of the priorities of the government(s), armed groups, and international organization(s), and other parties involved in a negotia- tion. While political and security issues, including DDR, may dominate the agenda, these issues need to be addressed in ways that observe international legal obligations. UN media- tors and other UN staff involved in advising a peace negotiation shall advise that agree- ments must be based on a commitment to international humanitarian and human rights law, and include specific reference to obligations concerning accountability, truth, repara- tions and guarantees of non-repetition. Inclusion of these obligations demonstrates, at the least, that the violations suffered by war-affected populations other than ex-combatants are acknowledged, and keeps the door open for transitional justice in the future. This kind of acknowledgement may \u201cbuy time\u201d for DDR, reducing the initial resentment that vic- tims and their advocates may feel towards ex-combatants. It signals to victims and their advocates that while the attention of the government and the international community involved in a peace process may be on the armed actors in the immediate post conflict period the obligation to victims will not be disregarded.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.1. Ensuring DDR that complies with international standards .", + "Heading3": "8.1.1. Observe obligations concerning accountability, truth, reparation and guarantees of non- repetition in peace agreements", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 77, + "Paragraph": "Similarly to armed actors, victims and civil society should have a role in peace negotiation processes that allows them to articulate demands for accountability, truth and reparations.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.1. Ensuring DDR that complies with international standards .", + "Heading3": "8.1.2. Include victims and civil society in peace negotiation processes", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 78, + "Paragraph": "It has been recognized that amnesties can play a valuable role in ending armed conflicts and reconciling divided communities, provided that they do not grant immunity to indi- viduals responsible for serious violations of international law. Under international law and UN policy, amnesties are impermissible if they: \\n prevent prosecution of those who may be responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and gross violations of human rights: \\n violate victims\u2019 rights to an effective remedy and to the truth; \\n Such broad amnesties may also undermine the law\u2019s function as a deterrent against crime and may create the impression that serious international crimes may be com- mitted with impunity.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.1. Ensuring DDR that complies with international standards .", + "Heading3": "8.1.3. Reject amnesties for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and gross violations of human rights", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 79, + "Paragraph": "While UN mediators and staff shall not condone amnesties for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and gross violations of human rights, certain targeted amnesties for political offences such as treason and rebellion may act as an incentive for demobilization while still allowing for prosecution of those most responsible for serious violations of inter- national humanitarian law and gross violations of international human rights law.32", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.1. Ensuring DDR that complies with international standards .", + "Heading3": "8.1.4. Consider targeted amnesties", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 80, + "Paragraph": "Member states that provide funding for DDR programmes should consider an equitable approach to war-affected populations, including investing in reparation and services to victims.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.1. Ensuring DDR that complies with international standards .", + "Heading3": "8.1.5. Donors for DDR programmes may consider comparable commitments to reparations for victims", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 81, + "Paragraph": "Important elements of both DDR and transitional justice are shaped during peace negotia- tions in the preparation of the legal framework regulating post-conflict situations. When both DDR and transitional justice initiatives are included in a peace agreement, a connection is de facto created. UN mediators and other advisors to peace negotiations should be aware of the impact DDR and transitional justice measures may have on one another and con- sider how features of the peace agreement or a newly established legal framework may sustain the objectives of accountability and stability sought by transitional justice and DDR initiatives. Integrating transitional justice into the training programmes and support materials for UN mediators and officials and staff working in UN peacekeeping missions will provide UN professionals with a basic knowledge of different transitional justice measures, the relationship between transitional justice and DDR, and a sense of how these issues have been approached in other country contexts.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 19, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.1. Ensuring DDR that complies with international standards .", + "Heading3": "8.1.6. Integrate transitional justice into the training programmes and support materials for DDR practitioners", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 82, + "Paragraph": "Box 6 Action points for DDR and TJ practitioners \\n Action points for DDR practitioners \\n Integrate information on transitional justice measures into the field assessment. (See Annex B for a list of critical questions.) \\n Incorporate a commitment to international humanitarian and human rights law into the design of DDR programmes. \\n Identify a transitional justice focal point in the DDR programme and plan regular briefings and meetings with UN and national authorities working on transitional justice measures. \\n Coordinate on public information and outreach. \\n Integrate information on transitional justice into the ex-combatant discharge awareness raising process. \\n Involve and prepare recipient communities. \\n Consider community based reintegration approaches. \\n Action points for TJ practitioners \\n Designate a DDR focal point \\n Integrate information on DDR in conflict analysis, assessments and evaluations undertaken to support or advance transitional justice initiatives.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 83, + "Paragraph": "Information about transitional justice measures is an important component of DDR assess- ment and design. Transitional justice measures and their potential for contributing to or hindering DDR objectives should be considered in the integrated DDR planning process, particularly in the detailed field assessment. Are transitional justice measures mandated in the peace agreement? Did the peace agreement stipulate any connection between the DDR process and transitional justice measures? A list of critical questions related to the intersection between transitional justice and DDR is available in Annex C. For more infor- mation on conducting a field assessment see Module 3.20 on DDR Programme Design.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d", + "Heading3": "8.2.1. Integrate information on transitional justice measures into the field assessment", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 84, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes supported by the UN are committed to respect, ensure respect for, and implement international humanitarian and human rights law (see Module 2.1, section 5.15). This means protecting the rights of those who participate in DDR programmes, as well as the rights of the members of the communities who are asked to receive and integrate ex-combatants. DDR programmes that uphold humanitarian and human rights law and hold accountable those who violate the law are likely to be perceived as more legitimate processes by both the ex-combatants, who are their immediate beneficiaries, and the society as a whole. Procedures that affirm this commitment may include the following: \\n 1. International and national staff shall be trained as to their obligations under international law; \\n 2. Rules and regulations aimed at protecting human rights and upholding international humanitarian law shall be developed, posted, and communicated to staff and all ex- combatants who participate in DDR. \\n 3.Additionally, an appropriate means of reporting and penalizing those who violate international or national law to the appropriate authorities shall be created and made available to staff, participating ex-combatants, and members of recipient communities.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d", + "Heading3": "8.2.2. Incorporate a commitment to international humanitarian and human right law into the design of DDR programmes", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 85, + "Paragraph": "Identification of individuals that may serve as formal focal points within the DDR programme, within the UN country team working on transitional justice, and within relevant national institutions, may facilitate regular communication between DDR and transitional justice measures. DDR administrators and international and national actors working on transitional justice initiatives should plan for regular meetings as opportunities for exchange, to proac- tively deal with any possible tensions, and to explore the possibilities for effective coordination.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 21, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d", + "Heading3": "8.2.3. Identify a transitional justice focal point in the DDR programme and plan regular briefing and meetings with UN and national authorities working on transitional justice measures", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 86, + "Paragraph": "The dissemination of public information is a crucial task of both DDR and transitional justice initiatives (see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR). Poor coordination in public outreach may generate conflicting and par- tial messages. DDR and transitional justice should seek ways to coordinate their public information efforts. Increased consultation and coordination concerning what and how information is released to the public may reduce the spread of misinformation and rein- force the objectives of both transitional justice and DDR. The designation of a transitional justice focal point in the DDR programme, and regular meetings with other relevant UN and national actors, may facilitate discussion on how to better coordinate public informa- tion and outreach to support the goals of both DDR and transitional justice.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d", + "Heading3": "8.2.4. Coordinate on public information and outreach", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 87, + "Paragraph": "Civil society may also play a role in public information and outreach. Working with relevant civil society organizations may help the DDR programme to reach a wider audi- ence and ensure that information offered to the public is communicated in appropriate ways, for example, in local languages or through local radio.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d", + "Heading3": "8.2.4. Coordinate on public information and outreach", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 88, + "Paragraph": "Ex-combatants also need information about provisions for justice, particularly if it could affect their reintegration process. Clearly communicated information may decrease anxiety that ex-combatants may feel about transitional justice measures. The discharge awareness raising process is an opportunity to work with UN colleagues or national authorities to develop a briefing on transitional justice measures ongoing in the country and to discuss how, or if, this will have an impact on ex-combatants.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d", + "Heading3": "8.2.5. Integrate information on transitional justice into the ex-combatant pre-discharge sensitization process", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 89, + "Paragraph": "Community tension around reintegration processes will be eased if recipient communities are involved and prepared for returning ex-combatants. Recipient communities should be included in the public information and outreach strategy and should have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the reintegration process before ex-combatants return, including issues related to ex-combatant accountability. In some cases, DDR programmes have encour- aged the organization of community committees to deal with ex-combatant reintegration. These committees may serve as a forum for exploring ex-combatant participation in locally- based justice processes as well as for dispute resolution and problem solving if problems arise between community members and ex-combatants (also see IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 22, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d", + "Heading3": "8.2.6. Involve and prepare recipient communities", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 90, + "Paragraph": "Compared to targeted assistance programmes for ex-combatants, community-based reinte- gration approaches have advantages that may provide broader benefits within the com- munity. Such approaches have more potential for sustainability as ex-combatants are located in the communities and work together with other community members for local develop- ment. Such an approach may also promote community reconciliation as ex-combatants are not seen as the sole beneficiaries of assistance. Additionally, reintegration activities, apart from community recovery and reintegration, may link into other development programmes. It also promotes closer collaboration with other development actors. Finally, community- based reintegration promotes community empowerment, transparency and accountability as beneficiaries are selected through community-based approaches.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d", + "Heading3": "8.2.7. Consider community-based reintegration approaches", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 91, + "Paragraph": "Transitional justice practitioners working on prosecutions processes, truth commissions, reparations programmes and institutional reform initiatives should communicate with the DDR program, identify a focal point for DDR as part of their outreach activities and actively seek opportunities for information exchange and collaboration, including possible coordi- nation on public information strategies as proposed above.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d", + "Heading3": "8.2.8. Transitional justice initiatives should designate a focal point for DDR", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 92, + "Paragraph": "Transitional justice practitioners should also be aware of the impact of DDR on their goals and objectives by considering the DDR programme in their analytical tools for design, assess- ment and evaluation.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.2. Designing DDR programmes that \u201cdo no harm\u201d", + "Heading3": "8.2.9. Integrate information on DDR in conflict analysis, assessments and evaluations undertaken to support or advance transitional justice initiatives", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 93, + "Paragraph": "Box 7 Action points for DDR and TJ practitioners \\n Consider sharing programme information. \\n Consider developing a common approach to gathering information on children who leave armed forces and groups \\n Consider screening of human rights records of ex-combatants. \\n Collaborate on sequencing DDR and TJ efforts. \\n Coordinate on strategies to target spoilers. \\n Encourage ex-combatants to participate in transitional justice measures. \\n Consider how DDR may connect to and support legitimate locally based justice processes. \\n Consider how DDR and transitional justice measures may coordinate to support the reintegration of women associated with armed groups and forces. \\n Consider how DDR and transitional justice measures may coordinate to support the reintegration of children associated with armed groups and forces. \\n Consider how the design of the DDR programme contributes to the aims of institutional reform.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 94, + "Paragraph": "Both DDR and transitional justice initiatives engage in gathering, sharing, and disseminating information. However, rarely is information shared in a systematic or coherent manner between these two programmes. DDR programmes, which are usually established before transitional justice measures may consider sharing information with the latter. This need not necessarily include sharing information relating to particular individuals for purposes of prosecutions, as this may create difficulties in some contexts (although, as illustrated in section 7.1 above, it frequently does not). Information about the more structural dimen- sion of combating forces, none of which needs to be person-specific, may be very useful for transitional justice measures. Socio-economic and background data gathered from ex- combatants through DDR programmes can also be informative. Similarly, transitional justice initiatives may obtain information that is important to DDR programmes, for example on the location or operations of armed groups.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.1. Consider sharing DDR information with transitional justice measures", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 95, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes may also accommodate procedures that include gathering infor- mation on ex-combatants accused or suspected of gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law. This could be done for example through the information management database, which is essential for tracking the DDR participants throughout the DDR process (also see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization, section 5.4).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.1. Consider sharing DDR information with transitional justice measures", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 96, + "Paragraph": "Truth commissions, in particular, present optimum opportunities for DDR programmes to share certain data. Truth commissions often try to reliably describe broad patterns of past violence. Insights into the size, location, and territory of armed groups, their com- mand structures, type of arms collected, recruitment processes, and other aspects of their mode of operation could assist in reconstructing an historical \u2018memory\u2019 of past patterns of collective violence.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.1. Consider sharing DDR information with transitional justice measures", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 97, + "Paragraph": "Sharing information with a national reparations programme may also be important. Here, details about benefits offered to ex-combatants through DDR programmes may be useful in efforts to secure equity in the treatment of victims through reparations programmes. If communities received benefits through DDR programmes, this will also be relevant to those who are tasked with the responsibility of designing collective reparations programmes.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.1. Consider sharing DDR information with transitional justice measures", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 98, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes, UNICEF, child protection NGOs and the relevant child DDR agency in the Government often develop common individual child date forms, and even shared data- bases, for consistent gathering of information on children who leave the armed forces or groups. Various child protection agencies do not systematically record in their individual child forms the identity of the commanders who recruited the children. Yet, this informa- tion could be used later on for justice or vetting purposes regarding perpetrators of child recruitment. While the agencies indicate that such omission is done intentionally to protect the individual children released and CAAGF more generally, in some cases a thorough discussion on the value of recording certain data and the links of DDR with ongoing/poten- tial transitional justice initiatives had not taken place amongst these actors. Child DDR and child protection actors may examine DDR information management databases, with appropriate consideration for issues of confidentiality, disclosure and consent, with a view on their potential value for justice and TJ purposes.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 24, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.2. Consider developing a common approach to gathering information on children who leave armed forces and groups", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 99, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes may include a variety of screening procedures, for example screening against eligibility criteria for entry into the programme, and screening for different kinds of skills training. Screening procedures designed to put in place measures that avoid provid- ing benefits to known or suspected violators of human rights or international humanitarian law should also be considered. Integrating a screening procedure based on human rights considerations may be more problematic in some contexts than others because of concern that it will deter combatants from entering the DDR programme. At a minimum, those ex- combatants against whom judicial investigations are pending or against whom credible allegations of perpetrating violations of international human rights law or international humanitarian law have been raised should not receive benefits until these allegations are resolved. The proposed focal point on transitional justice should correspond regularly with national and international authorities in order to develop strategies for dealing with alleged perpetrators among the ex-combatants population.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.3. Consider screening of human rights records of ex-combatants", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 100, + "Paragraph": "DDR donors, administrators and prosecutors may also collaborate more effectively in terms of sequencing their efforts. The possibilities for sequencing are numerous; this section merely provides ideas that can facilitate sequencing discussions between DDR and TJ practitioners. Prosecutors, for instance, may inform DDR administrators of the imminent announce- ment of indictments of certain commanders so that there is time to prepare for the possible negative reactions. Alternatively, in some cases prosecutors may take into account the prog- ress of the disarmament and demobilization operations when timing the announcement of their indictments.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.4. Collaborate on sequencing DDR and TJ efforts", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 101, + "Paragraph": "United Nations Staff working on DDR programmes should encourage their national interlocutors to coordinate on sequencing with truth commissions. Hearings for truth commissions, for example, could be scheduled in communities that are receiving large numbers of demobilized ex-combatants, thus providing ex-combatants with an immediate opportunity to apologize or tell their side of the story.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.4. Collaborate on sequencing DDR and TJ efforts", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 102, + "Paragraph": "The most important reason that implementation of reparations and DDR initiatives is not coordinated is that while DDR is funded, reparations are not. However, in situations where reparations are funded, the design and disbursements of reintegration benefits for ex-combatants through the DDR programme may be sequenced with reparation for victims and delivery of return packages for refugees and IDPs returning to their home communi- ties (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-border Population Movements). Assistance offered to ex- combatants is less likely to foster resentment if reparations for victims are provided at a comparative level and within the same relative time period. If calendars for the provision of DDR benefits to ex-combatants and reparations to individual victims may not be made to coincide, some benefits to communities perhaps may be planned either through DDR or parallel programmes, or through an early phase of a national reparation or reconstruction programme. Likewise, where collective reparations are provided in a community or region, both victims and ex-combatants potentially benefit\u2014even as separate individualized DDR benefits are also made available (see IDDRS 4.30 on Social and Economic Reintegration).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.4. Collaborate on sequencing DDR and TJ efforts", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 103, + "Paragraph": "The Stockholm Initiative on DDR recommends establishing parallel windows of financ- ing for DDR and community oriented programming. This has the virtue of providing incen- tives for the coordination of programmes without providing incentives for fusing or merging programmes which may result in a dilution of mandates\u2014and effectiveness. Moreover ex-combatants may play a direct role in some reparations, either by providing direct repara- tion when they have individual responsibility for the violations that occurred, or, when appropriate, by contributing to reparations projects that aim to address community needs, such as working on a memorial or rebuilding a school or home that was destroyed in the armed conflict.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 25, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.4. Collaborate on sequencing DDR and TJ efforts", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 104, + "Paragraph": "Even after a ceasefire or peace agreement, DDR is frequently challenged by commanders who refuse for a variety of reasons to disarm and demobilize, and impede their combatants from participating in DDR. In some of these cases, national DDR commissions (or other officials charged with DDR) and prosecutors may collaborate on prosecutorial strategies, for example focused on those most responsible for violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, that may help to remove these spoilers from the situation and allow for the DDR of the combat unit or group. Such an approach requires an accompanying pub- lic information strategy that indicates a clear and transparent criminal policy, indicating what kind of cases will be prosecuted, and avoiding any perception of political influence, arbitrary prosecution, corruption or favoritism. The public information efforts of both the DDR programme and the prosecutions outreach units should seek to reassure lower rank- ing combatants that the focus of the prosecution initiative is on those most responsible and that they will be welcomed into the DDR programme.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 23, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.5. Collaborate on strategies to target spoilers", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 105, + "Paragraph": "Ex-combatants are often simultaneously fighters, witnesses, and victims of an armed con- flict. Their testimonies may be valuable for a prosecutions initiative or a truth commission. Additionally their story or experience may change the way others in the society may view them, by blurring the sharp distinctions between combatants, often seen solely as perpetra- tors, and victims, and exposing the structural roots of the conflict. A more comprehensive understanding of the experience of ex-combatants may ease the reintegration process.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.6. Encourage ex-combatants to participate in transitional justice measures", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 106, + "Paragraph": "DDR programmes may encourage ex-combatant participation in transitional justice measures by offering information sessions on transitional justice during the demobilization process and working collaboratively with national actors working on transitional justice measures in their outreach to ex-combatants.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.6. Encourage ex-combatants to participate in transitional justice measures", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 107, + "Paragraph": "Locally based justice processes may complement reintegration efforts and national level transitional justice measures by providing a community-level means of addressing issues of accountability of ex-combatants. When ex-combatants participate in these processes, they demonstrate their desire to be a part of the community again, and to take steps to repair the damage for which they are responsible. This contributes to building or renewing trust between ex-combatants and the communities in which they seek to reintegrate. Locally based justice processes have particular potential for the reintegration of children associated with armed forces and groups.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.7. Consider how DDR may connect to and support legitimate locally based justice processes", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 108, + "Paragraph": "Creating links between reintegration strategies, particularly community reintegration strategies, for ex-combatants and locally-based justice processes may be one way to bridge the gap between the aims of DDR and the aims of transitional justice. UNICEF\u2019s work with locally based justice processes in support of the reintegration of children in Sierra Leone is one example.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 26, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.7. Consider how DDR may connect to and support legitimate locally based justice processes", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 109, + "Paragraph": "Before establishing a link with locally based processes, DDR programmes must ensure that they are legitimate and that they respect international human rights standards, includ- ing that they do not discriminate, particularly against women, and children. The national authorities in charge of DDR will include local experts that may provide advice to DDR programmes about locally based processes. Additionally civil society organizations may be able to provide information and contribute to strategies for connecting DDR programmes to locally based justice processes. Finally, outreach to recipient communities may include discussions about locally based justice processes and their applicability to the situations of ex-combatants.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.7. Consider how DDR may connect to and support legitimate locally based justice processes", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 110, + "Paragraph": "Women associated with armed groups and forces are potential participants in both DDR programmes and transitional justice measures, and both are faced with the challenge of increasing and supporting the participation of women. Both DDR and transitional justice should work towards a better understanding of the motivations, roles and needs of women ex-combatants and other women associated with armed forces and groups by directly engaging women in planning for both programmes and ensuring they are adequately rep- resented in decision-making bodies, in line with UNSC Resolution1325 on women, peace and security (also see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender, and DDR). Sharing information on their respective lessons learned in terms of facilitating the participation of women may be a first step. The ways in which women victims articulate their need for reparations, for example, might be considered in developing specific reintegration strategies for women. Additionally, DDR programme managers may coordinate with transitional justice meas- ures on community approaches that include women, such as strengthening women\u2019s role in locally based justice processes.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.8. Consider how DDR and transitional justice measures may coordinate to support the reintegration of women associated with armed groups and forces", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 111, + "Paragraph": "DDR and transitional justice represent two types of initiatives among a range of interven- tions that are (at least partly) aimed at reintegrating children associated with armed groups and forces. Given the status of children as a special category of protected persons under international law, both DDR and transitional justice actors should work together on a strat- egy that considers these children primarily as victims.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.9. Consider how DDR and transitional justice measures may coordinate to support the reintegration of children associated with armed groups and forces (CAAGF)", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 112, + "Paragraph": "Joint coordination on the reintegration of children is possible in at least three broad areas. First, DDR and transitional justice measures may coordinate on a strategy to iden- tify and hold accountable those who are recruiting children\u2014in order to make sure that the welfare of children is considered as the highest priority in that process. Second, both kinds of measures may work together on approaches to reintegrating children who may be responsible for violations of international humanitarian law or human rights law. Given the focus on CAAGF as victims, such an approach would preferably focus on non-judicial measures such as truth commissions and locally-based processes of truth and reconcilia- tion, which may better contribute to the reintegration of children than prosecution. At a minimum, a clear DDR and TJ policy should be developed as to the criminal responsibil- ity of children that takes adequate account of their protection and social reintegration. In the DRC, for example, the position shared by child protection agencies was for CAAFG accused of serious crimes to go through the juvenile justice system, applying special pro-cedures and reintegration measures. Third, if a reparations programme is under considera- tion, DDR and Transitional justice actors may work together to ensure a balance between what kind of DDR benefits are offered to CAAGF as former combatants and what is offered to them as reparations as victims.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 27, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.9. Consider how DDR and transitional justice measures may coordinate to support the reintegration of children associated with armed groups and forces (CAAGF)", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 113, + "Paragraph": "In this process, particular attention needs to be given to girls. Gender inequality and cultural perceptions of women and girls may have particularly negative consequences for the reintegration of girl children associated with armed groups and forces. Targeted efforts by DDR and TJ may be necessary to ensure that girls are protected, but also that girls are given the opportunity to participate and benefit from these programmes.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 28, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.9. Consider how DDR and transitional justice measures may coordinate to support the reintegration of children associated with armed groups and forces (CAAGF)", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 114, + "Paragraph": "Consideration should be given to how the design of the DDR process relates to institutional reform efforts. For example, DDR programmes may coordinate with vetting procedures, providing information to ensure that ex-combatants who are responsible for gross viola- tions of human rights or serious crimes under international law are not reintegrated into public institutions, particularly the armed forces or other national security institutions (also see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 28, + "Heading1": "8. Prospects for coordination", + "Heading2": "8.3. Beyond \u201cdo no harm\u201d: Constructively connecting DDR and TJ .", + "Heading3": "8.3.10. Consider how the design of the DDR programme contributes to the aims of institutional reform, including vetting processes", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 115, + "Paragraph": "Ad hoc international criminal tribunals \u2013 are international judicial bodies created to ad- dress particular situations, for a limited amount of time, and are the result of singular political and historical circumstances. They are composed of independent judges, working on the basis of predetermined rules of procedure, and rendering binding decisions. They are subject to the same principles governing the work of all international judiciaries (e.g., due process, impartiality and independence).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 29, + "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms and definitions", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 116, + "Paragraph": "Hybrid courts or tribunals \u2013 are courts of mixed composition and jurisdiction, encom- passing both national and international aspects, and usually operating where the crimes occurred. Similar to international tribunals, hybrid courts are ad hoc institutions, created to address particular situations, for a limited amount of time, and are the result of singular political and historical circumstances. They are composed of independent judges, working on the basis of predetermined rules of procedure, and rendering binding decisions. They are subject to the same principles governing the work of all international judiciaries (e.g., due process, impartiality and independence).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 29, + "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms and definitions", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 117, + "Paragraph": "Institutional reform \u2013 is changing public institutions that perpetuated a conflict or served a repressive regime to be transformed into institutions that support the transition, sustain peace and preserve the rule of law. Following a period of massive human rights abuse, building fair and efficient public institutions play a critical role in preventing future abuses. It also enables public institutions, in particular in the security and justice sectors, to pro- vide criminal accountability for past abuses.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 29, + "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms and definitions", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 118, + "Paragraph": "International Humanitarian Law (IHL) \u2013 is a set of international rules, established by trea- ties and customary law, which seeks to limit the effects of armed conflict. It aims to protect persons who are not, or are no longer, participating in the hostilities and restricts the means and methods of warfare. International humanitarian law main treaty sources applicable in international armed conflict are the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocol I of 1977. The main treaty sources applicable in non-international armed conflict are article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II of 1977. Inter- national humanitarian law is applicable in times of armed conflict, whether international or non-international. For more information see OHCHR\u2019s Fact Sheet No.13, International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights at", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 29, + "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms and definitions", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 119, + "Paragraph": "International human rights law \u2013 is a set of international rules, established by treaties and customary law which lays down obligations on States to respect, protect and fulfill human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals or groups. International human rights law main treaty sources, inter alia, are the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights (1966) and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966), as well as Conventions on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948), the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965), the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979), against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment (1984), and on the Rights of the Child (1989). Other instruments, such as declarations, guidelines and principles adopted at the interna- tional level also belong to the body of international human rights standards. International human rights law applies at all times, both in peacetime and in situations of armed con- flict. See also", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 29, + "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms and definitions", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 120, + "Paragraph": "Prosecutions \u2013 are the conduct of investigations and judicial proceedings against an alleged perpetrator of a crime in accordance with international standards for the administration of justice. For the purposes of this module, the focus is on the prosecution of individuals ac- cused of criminal conduct involving gross violations of international human rights law, serious violations of international humanitarian law and violations of international criminal law. The form, function and mandate of prosecutions initiatives can vary. They can be broad in scope, aiming to try many perpetrators, or they can be narrowly focused on those that bear the most responsibility for the crimes committed.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 29, + "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms and definitions", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 121, + "Paragraph": "Reparations \u2013 are a set of measures that provides redress for victims of gross violations of international human rights law, serious violations of international humanitarian law and violations of international criminal law. Reparations can take the form of restitution, com- pensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction, and guarantees of non-repetition. Reparations programs have two goals: first, to provide recognition for victims because reparation are explicitly and primarily carried out on behalf of victims ; and, second, to encourage trust among citizens, and between citizens and the state, by demonstrating that past abuses are regarded seriously by the new government.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 30, + "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms and definitions", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 122, + "Paragraph": "Transitional justice \u2013 comprises the full range of processes and measures associated with a society\u2019s attempts to come to terms with a legacy of large-scale past abuses, in order to ensure accountability, serve justice and achieve reconciliation. It may include criminal pros- ecutions, truth commissions, vetting, reparations programs and memorialization efforts. Whatever combination is chosen must be in conformity with international legal standards and obligations.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 30, + "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms and definitions", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 123, + "Paragraph": "Truth commissions \u2013 are non-judicial or quasi-judicial fact-finding bodies. They have the primary purpose of investigating and reporting on past abuses in an attempt to understand the extent and patterns of past violations, as well as their causes and consequences. The work of a commission is to help a society understand and acknowledge a contested or denied history, and bring the voices and stories of victims to the public at large. It also aims at preventing further abuses. Truth commissions can be official, local or national. They may conduct investigations and hearings, and may identify the individuals and insti- tutions responsible for abuse. Truth commissions may also be empowered to make policy and prosecutorial recommendations.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 30, + "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms and definitions", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 124, + "Paragraph": "Vetting \u2013 is a process that aims to exclude individuals from public service whose previous conduct is incompatible with their holding a public position, with a view to re-establishing civic trust and re-legitimize public institutions. Their removal should comply with require- ments of due process of law and principles of non-discrimination.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 30, + "Heading1": "Annex A: Terms and definitions", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 125, + "Paragraph": "Questions related to the overall human rights situation \\n What crimes involving violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law were perpetrated by the different protagonists in the armed conflict? In what different ways were women involved in the conflict? Describe any specific forms of abuse to \\n \\n which women and girls were subjected during the conflict. \\n Describe any use of children by combatant groups. Was this abuse part of an orches- trated strategy, i.e. systematic and perpetrated by state and non-state security forces? If so, what were the institutional processes that facilitated such abuse?", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 31, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Critical questions for the field assessment", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 126, + "Paragraph": "Questions related to the peace agreement \\n What were the key components of the final peace agreement? \\n Was amnesty offered as part of the peace process? What type of amnesty? And for what abuses (forced recruitment of children, sexual violence etc)? \\n Were there any transitional justice measures mandated in the peace agreement such as a truth commission, prosecutions process, reparations programme for victims, or insti- tutional reform aimed at preventing future human rights violations? \\n Did the peace agreement stipulate any connection between the DDR process and transitional justice measures? \\n How was information about the peace agreement disseminated to the general popu- lation, in particular to vulnerable and marginalized groups?", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 31, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Critical questions for the field assessment", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 127, + "Paragraph": "Questions related to DDR \\n Is there any form of conditionality that links DDR and justice measures, for example, amnesty or the promise of reduced sentences for combatants that enter the DDR program? \\n What are the criteria for admittance into the DDR program? Do the criteria take into consideration the varied roles of women and children associated with armed forces and groups? \\n Will there be any stipulated differences between treatment of men, women or children in the DDR programme? \\n What kind of information will be gathered from combatants during the DDR process? Will the information collected be disaggregated by gender? Will it assess whether ex- combatants committed acts of sexual violence? \\n Will demobilized combatants have the opportunity to be reintegrated into a new army or police force? \\n Is the local community involved in the reintegration programme? \\n Will the reintegration programme consider or aim to provide benefits to the commu- nities where demobilized combatants will return?", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 31, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Critical questions for the field assessment", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 128, + "Paragraph": "Questions related to transitional justice \\n What office in the United Nations peacekeeping mission and/or what UN agency is the focal point on transitional justice, human rights, and rule of law issues? \\n What government entity is the focal point on transitional justice, human rights and rule of law issues? \\n Is there a national truth commission? Are there any other truth-seeking initiatives, for example at the local or regional level of the country? \\n Are there any investigations and/or prosecutions of perpetrators of crimes involving violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law that occurred during the conflict? \\n Does the truth commission or prosecutions process have any specific outreach to, or strategy for dealing with, ex-combatants? \\n Does the truth commission or prosecutions process have a public information or out- reach capacity? What kind of information is being disseminated? How are they reaching out to vulnerable, marginalized groups including ex-combatants in communicating mandate and operations? \\n Are there plans to offer reparations to victims or communities ravaged by the conflict? Who are the targeted beneficiaries of the reparations? How are women survivors of sexual violence considered in reparations programmes, female ex-combatants, WAAFG, children? When will reparations be distributed? How will reparations distributed? Who is funding or could fund the reparation programme? \\n Are reparations tied to any other transitional justice measures such as prosecutions, truth-telling, institutional reform and/or local justice initiatives? \\n Is institutional reform, such as vetting, mandated as part of the peace agreement or post-conflict legal framework? Are security sector institutions targeted for such reform? Are there any accountability mechanisms set up to address the integrity of the security sector personnel? \\n Are there any justice or reconciliation efforts at the local/community level? \\n What is the involvement of women and/or children in locally based justice and rec- onciliation initiatives? \\n What is the criterion for determining who could participate in locally based justice and reconciliation initiatives? \\n Are these locally based justice and reconciliation initiatives linked to any other tran- sitional justice measures such as prosecutions, truth-telling and/or reparations?", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 31, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Critical questions for the field assessment", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 129, + "Paragraph": "Questions related to possibilities for coordination \\n Will the planned timetable for the DDR programme overlap with planned transitional justice measures? \\n Are there opportunities to coordinate information strategies around DDR and transi- tional justice measures? \\n Will ex-combatants be screened on human rights criteria as part of the DDR programme? Can the DDR programme integrate human rights education and/or information ses- sions that specifically provide information on transitional justice? \\n Can the DDR programme provide incentives for ex-combatants to participate in pros- ecutions processes or truth-seeking initiatives? \\n Will there be any screening on human rights criteria of those ex-combatants interested in staying in or joining the security forces? \\n How can the DDR programme support or coordinate with other initiatives that address justice for women and justice for children? \\n Can any information gathered during the DDR programme be shared with a truth com- mission or prosecutions process? \\n How do the benefits offered to ex-combatants in the DDR programme compare to any reparations offered to victims of the armed conflict? \\n Can the benefits provided to ex-combatants be considered in light of reparations offered to victims? Is coordination between these two mechanisms possible? \\n Are there opportunities to connect the reintegration programme with locally based justice and reconciliation initiatives? For example, can any benefits provided to the community include support for locally based justice and reconciliation initiatives? \\n Can the reintegration programme include a component that involves ex-combatants in efforts to rebuild communities that have been physically destroyed as a result of the armed conflict? \\n Does the monitoring and assessment of the DDR programme include assessment of the impact of the programme on human rights, justice, and rule of law?", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 31, + "Heading1": "Annex B: Critical questions for the field assessment", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 130, + "Paragraph": "International Standards and Resolutions \\n Updated Set of Principles for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights Through Action to Combat Impunity, 8 February 2005, UN Doc. E/CN.4/2005/102/Add.1. \\n United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (\u201cThe Beijing Rules\u201d), 29 November 1985, UN Doc. A/RES/40/33. \\n Guidelines on Justice Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses, 22 July 2005, Resolution 2005/20 see UN Doc. E/2005/INF/2/Add.1. \\n Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparations for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law, 21 March 2006, UN Doc. A/RES/60/147. \\n Report of the Secretary-General on the Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Conflict and Post- conflict Societies, 3 August 2004, UN Doc. S/2002/616. \\n \u2014, Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security, 31 October 2000, UN Doc. S/RES/1325. \\n \u2014, Resolution 1820 on Sexual Violence, 19 June 2008, UN Doc. S/RES/1820. ", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 34, + "Heading1": "Annex C: Further reading", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 131, + "Paragraph": "Rule of Law Tools \\n Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: Amnesties. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2009. \\n \u2014, Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: Maximizing the Legacy of Hybrid Courts. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2008. \\n \u2014, Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: Reparations Programmes. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2008. \\n \u2014, Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: Prosecutions Initiatives. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2006. \\n \u2014, Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: Truth Commissions. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2006. \\n \u2014, Rule of Law Tools for Post-Conflict States: Vetting: An Operational Framework. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2006.", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 34, + "Heading1": "Annex C: Further reading", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 132, + "Paragraph": "Analysis and Case Studies \\n Baptista-Lundin, Ira\u00ea, \u201cPeace Process in Mozambique\u201d. A case study on DDR and transi- tional justice. New York: International Center for Transitional Justice. \\n de Greiff, Pablo, \u201cContributing to Peace and Justice\u2014Finding a Balance Between DDR and Reparations\u201d, a paper presented at the conference Building a Future on Peace and Justice, Nuremberg, Germany (June 25-27, 2007). Available at \\n De Greiff, P. (ed.), The Handbook for Reparations, (Oxford University and The International Center for Transitional Justice, 2006) \\n King, Jamesina, \u201cGender and Reparations in Sierra Leone: The Wounds of War Remain Open\u201d in What Happened to the Women: Gender and Reparations for Human Rights Violations, edited by Ruth Rubio-Marin. New York: Social Science Research Council / International Center for Transitional Justice, pp. 246-283. \\n Mayer-Rieckh, Alexander, \u201cOn Preventing Abuse: Vetting and Other Transitional Re- forms\u201d in Justice as Prevention: Vetting Public Employees in Transitional Societies, edited by Alexander Mayer-Rieckh and Pablo de Greiff. New York: Social Science Research Council / International Center for Transitional Justice, 2007, pp. 482-521. \\n Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Program resources available at http:// \\n Stockholm Initiative on Disarmament Demobilisation Reintegration, Stockholm: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, 2006. Final Report and Background Studies available at \\n van der Merwe, Hugo and Guy Lamb, \u201cDDR and Transitional Justice in South Africa\u201d. A case study on DDR and transitional justice. New York: International Center for Transitional Justice, forthcoming. \\n Waldorf, Lars, \u201cTransitional Justice and DDR in Post-Genocide Rwanda\u201d. A case study on DDR and transitional justice. New York: International Center for Transitional Justice, forthcoming. \\n Weinstein, Jeremy and Macartan Humphreys, Disentangling the Determinants of Successful Demobilization and Reintegration, Working Paper No. 69, Washington DC: Center for Global Development, 2005. \\n Alie, J. \u201cReconciliation and transitional justice: Tradition-based practices of the Kpaa Mende in Sierra Leone,\u201d in Huyse, L. and \\n Salter, M. (eds.), Traditional Justice and Reconciliation after Violent Conflict: Learning from African Experiences (Stockholm: International IDEA, 2008), p. 142. \\n Waldorf, L. \u201cMass Justice for Mass Atrocity: Rethinking Local Justice as Transitional Justice\u201d, Temple Law Review 79, no. 1 (2006): pp. 1-87. \\n van der Mere, H. and Lamb, G., \u201cDDR and Transitional Justice in South Africa\u201d, a case study on DDR and transitional justice (New York: International Center for Transitional Justice, forthcoming). \\n \u201cPart 9: Community Reconciliation\u201d, in Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor, p. 4, pdf (accessed on 12 August 2008).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 34, + "Heading1": "Annex C: Further reading", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + }, + { + "ID": 133, + "Paragraph": "1 United Nations Security Council, Report of the Secretary-General on the Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies, 3 August 2004, UN Doc. S/2004/616. \\n 2 While not formally defined, it is generally assumed that genocide, slavery and slave trade, extra- judicial, summary or arbitrary executions; enforces disappearances, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment ; prolonged arbitrary detention, deportation or forcible trans- fer of populations, and systematic racial discrimination fall into the category of gross violations of human rights. Deliberate and systematic deprivation of essential foodstuffs, essential primary health care or basic shelter and housing may also amount to gross violations of human rights. \\n 3 Security Council, Resolution 1856, 2 December 2008, UN Doc. S/Res/1856 \\n 4 United Nations Security Council, Report of the Secretary-General. \\n 5 The 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the 1984 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment of Punishment; the International Convention for the Protection of All per- sons from Enforced Disappearance; the Geneva Conventions of 1949; the 1977 Protocol Additional (No.I) to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949; and the Protocol Additional (No.II). \\n 6 UN document E/CN.4/2005/102/Add.1. \\n 7 UN document A/RES/60/147. \\n 8 United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Updated Set of principles for the protection and promo- tion of human rights through action to combat impunity (hereafter, Updated Set of Principles), Principle 32, 8 February 2005, UN Doc. E/CN.4/2005/102/Ad.1. \\n 9 UN document S/2004/616. \\n 10 See the Updated Principles, principle 24. \\n 11 UN document S/2004/616 \\n 12 The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, see Preamble and article 17. \\n 13 Mary Robinson, \u2018Foreword\u2019, The Princeton Principles on Universal Jurisdiction, Princeton Univer- sity Press, Princeton, 2001, p. 16. \\n 14 United Nations General Assembly, 16 December 2005, UN Doc. A/RES/60/147. \\n 15 Ibid., Principle 15. \\n 16 Ibid., Principle 16. \\n 17 Ibid., Principle 19. \\n 18 See United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Updated Set of Principles, Principle 36. See also Principle 36 (c) and (e) according to which \u201cCivilian control of military and security forces as well as of intelligence agencies must be ensured and, where necessary, established or restored. To this end, States should establish effective institutions of civilian oversight over military and security forces and intelligence agencies, including legislative oversight bodies; . . . Public officials and employees, in particular those involved in military, security, police, intelligence and judicial sectors, should re- ceive comprehensive and ongoing training in human rights and, where applicable, humanitarian law standards and in implementation of those standards.\u201d \\n 19 Vetting processes that aim to exclude persons with serious integrity deficits from public service have been an important aspect of institutional reform in countries in transition. United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Updated Set of Principles, Principle 36. See also \\n 20 OHCHR Tool on Vetting, page 4. \\n 21 Updated Set of Principles on Impunity, principle 36. \\n 22 IDDRS, \u201cOperations, Programmes and Support: Social and Economic Reintegration,\u201d (United Nations: New York, August 2006) 4.10. \\n 23 United Nations, \u201cSecretary-General\u2019s Bulletin\u201d, 6 August 1999, UN Doc. ST/SGB/1999/13. \\n 24 Ibid. p. 2 \\n 25 Pigou, Piers, The Community Reconciliation Process of the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation, UNDP Timor-Leste, Dili, April 2004. \\n 26 Multi-country Demobilization and Reintegration Program, \u201cRwanda\u201d, htm (accessed 9 July 2008). \\n 27 United Nations Security Council, Report of the Secretary General on Securing peace and development: the role of the United Nations in supporting security sector reform, 23 January 2008, UN Doc. A/62/659\u2014 S/2008/39. \\n 28 United Nations Security Council, Report of the Secretary-General. \\n 29 Paris Principles, 3.6 \\n 30 CRC, article 39 and Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on involvement of children in armed conflict, article 6 \\n 31 UN Guidelines on Justice Matters Involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime. \\n 32 Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), article 6 (5).", + "Color": "#CF7AB2", + "Level": 6, + "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", + "Title": "DDR and Transitional Justice", + "PageNum": 36, + "Heading1": "Endnotes", + "Heading2": "", + "Heading3": "", + "Heading4": "", + "Module": "6.20 DDR and Transitional Justice" + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/6 Linkages/6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management.json b/static/dataOLD/6 Linkages/6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a3f43d --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/6 Linkages/6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "The relationship between natural resources and armed conflict is well known and documented, evidenced by numerous examples from all over the world.1 Natural resources may be implicated all along the peace continuum, from contributing to grievances, to financing armed groups, to supporting livelihoods and recovery via the sound management of natural resources. Furthermore, the economies of countries suffering from armed conflict are often marked by unsustainable or illicit trade in natural resources, thereby tying conflict areas to the rest of the world through global supply chains. For DDR processes to be effective, practitioners should consider both the risks and opportunities that natural resource management may pose to their efforts.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "As part of the war economy, natural resources may be exploited and traded directly by, or through local communities under the auspices of, armed groups, organized criminal groups or members of the security sector, and eventually be placed on national and international markets through trade with multinational companies. This not only reinforces the actors directly implicated in the conflict, but it also undermines the good governance of natural resources needed to support development and sustainable peace. Once conflict is underway, natural resources may be exploited to finance the acquisition of weapons and ammunition and to reinforce the war economy, linking armed groups and even the security sector to international markets and organized criminal groups.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "These dynamics are challenging to address through DDR processes, but are necessary to contend with if sustainable peace is to be achieved. When DDR processes promote good governance practices, transparent policies and community engagement around natural resource management, they can also simultaneously address conflict drivers and the impacts of armed conflict on the environment and host communities. Issues of land rights, equal access to natural resources for livelihoods, equitable distribution of their benefits, and sociocultural disparities may all underpin the drivers of conflict that motivate individuals and groups to take up arms. It is critical that DDR practitioners take these linkages into account to avoid exacerbating existing grievances or creating new conflicts, as well as to effectively use natural resource management to contribute to sustainable peace.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "This module aims to contribute to DDR processes that are grounded in a clear understanding of how natural resource management can contribute to sustainable peace and reduce the likelihood of a resurgence of conflict. It considers how DDR practitioners can integrate youth, women, persons with disabilities and other key specific needs groups when addressing natural resource management in reintegration. It also includes guidance on relevant natural resource management related issues like public health, disaster-risk reduction, resiliency and climate change. With enhanced interagency cooperation, coordination and dialogue among relevant stakeholders working in DDR, natural resource management and governance sectors - especially national actors - these linkages can be addressed in a more conscious and deliberate manner for sustainable peace.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "Lastly, this module recognizes that the degree to which natural resources are incorporated into DDR processes will vary based on the political economy of a given context, size, resource availability, partners and capacity. While some contexts may have different agencies or stakeholders with expertise in natural resource management to inform context analyses, assessment processes and subsequent programme design and implementation, DDR processes may also need to rely primarily on external experts and partners. However, limited natural resource management capacities within a DDR process should not discourage practitioners from capitalizing on the opportunities or guidance available, or to seek collaboration and possible programme synergies with other partners that can offer natural resource management expertise. For example, in settings where the UN has no mission presence, such capacity and expertise may also be found within the UN country team, civil society, and/or academia.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "This module provides DDR practitioners - in mission and non-mission settings - with necessary information on the linkages between natural resource management and integrated DDR processes during the various stages of the peace continuum. The guidance provided highlights the role of natural resources in all phases of the conflict cycle, focusing especially on the linkages with armed groups, the war economy, and how natural resource management can support successful DDR processes. It also emphasizes the ways that natural resource management can support the additional goals of gender-responsive reconciliation, resiliency to climate change, and sustainable reintegration through livelihoods and employment creation.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "The module highlights the risks and opportunities presented by natural resource management in an effort to improve the overall effectiveness and sustainability of DDR processes. It also seeks to support DDR practitioners in understanding the associated risks that threaten people\u2019s health, livelihoods, security and the opportunities to build economic and environmental resilience against future crises.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "Natural resources refer to any natural assets (raw materials) occurring in nature that can be used for economic production or consumption (OECD).2 These may include, but are not limited to, hard commodities such as minerals, gemstones, petroleum resources, timber, or other geological resources. They can also include soft commodities including agricultural products like cocoa, palm oil, sugar, coffee, wheat and other highly traded global commodities. Natural resources can also include endangered rare species of flora and fauna (including those used in narcotics) and related products traded on global markets.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "War economy refers to the economic structure developed to support armed conflict in a given jurisdiction, whether set up by the existing government or an armed group. The war economy includes legal and illegal exploitation of natural resources with the aim of supporting one or more sides of a conflict.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "Sustainable use of natural resources refers to the exploitation or management of natural resources in a way that ensures their long-term availability to support development for future generations.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "Natural resource management: Activities related with the management of natural capital stocks, (monitoring, control, surveys, administration and actions for facilitating structural adjustments of the sectors concerned) and their exploitation (e.g., abstraction and harvesting).", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "When well-managed, natural resources have the potential to support sustainable peace, development, and to address long-standing grievances. However, there is also mounting evidence that in many violent conflicts worldwide there is a strong link between armed conflict and weak governance or mismanagement of natural resources, dynamics which also contribute to violent conflict.3", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "Over the past 60 years at least 40 percent of all intrastate conflicts were linked to natural resources.4 Furthermore, conflicts where natural resources are implicated have been shown to be more likely to relapse within five years.5 Looking back over the history of UN peacekeeping operations, nearly twenty missions have been deployed to conflicts fuelled or financed by natural resources, yet only a few of these missions have had a direct mandate to tackle natural resource challenges. However, the United Nations recognizes the need to incorporate the environment and natural resource dimensions of conflict and peacebuilding along the entire peace continuum, as evidenced in the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, the Humanitarian Response Plan and/or the Integrated Strategic Framework across multiple settings.6", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "Although evident risks exist, natural resource management also has the potential to enable sustainable peace, including through sustainable development that contributes to job creation, reduced grievances, and equitable sharing of benefits from natural resources. Through sound management, individuals and societies can employ natural resources in ways that secure livelihoods, generate tax revenues, stimulate exports, and engage the private sector in employment-creation purposes. Furthermore, natural resource management provides both temporary (Track A) and more sustainable (Track B) employment opportunities, as outlined in the United Nations Post Conflict Policy for Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "In DDR contexts where strong governance is present, policy processes may specifically target natural resource sectors - including forestry, mining and conservation - to support job creation for long-term sustainable peace. Since natural resources underpin livelihoods for the vast majority of populations in post-conflict contexts, DDR practitioners should ensure to analyze any ways in which special-needs groups - such as women, youth, persons with disabilities or different vulnerable populations - can safely access and productively use natural resources. Gender issues in particular are crucial for sustainability and efficiency in economic recovery when it comes to natural resource management as gender norms in society can affect the division of labour between men and women and the distribution of capital assets, including land, credit, skills and participation in decision making, often negatively impacting women. Gender can also impact whether natural resources can be accessed and used safely; for example, the provisioning of essential natural resources for daily subsistence by women and girls, such as gathering firewood or charcoal, often puts them at risk for sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).7 In other cases, the physical strength needed to work in natural resource management sectors can prohibit women from accessing these kinds of economic opportunities (e.g., certain roles in the forestry or mining sectors).", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "In addition to their economic benefits, natural resources can play an important role in supporting successful social reintegration and reconciliation through community-based approaches to natural resource management, including promoting access to grievance- and dispute-resolution mechanisms. To ensure that growth in natural resource management sectors will contribute positively to peace efforts, DDR practitioners shall undertake all necessary efforts to understand the risks and opportunities presented by natural resource management and fully analyze and incorporate them into process planning, design and implementation. The linkages between organized criminal groups, armed forces and groups and illicit trade - including implications of local community actors - should also be taken into account. These include the potential for poor natural resource management, coupled with weak governance, to lead to further grievances and recruitment. Since natural resource management takes place at the local, regional and national levels, there are multiple opportunities to work cooperatively with relevant stakeholders during DDR processes.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to the linkages between DDR and natural resource management.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "Natural resources can be used to support or to undermine development and sustainable peace. Ultimately, natural resources are part of the naturally protected rights of the citizens of any sovereign nation and DDR practitioners must seek to protect and respect these rights in accordance with relevant international and national laws and policies (including customary law). In particular, DDR practitioners shall seek advice from human rights officers, rule of law or other experts in natural resource management, especially if the land and other rights of indigenous or otherwise marginalized communities are potentially affected.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1 People-centred", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "Equitable participation and access to natural resource-related opportunities and benefits shall be ensured for women, men, girls and boys, regardless of their ethnicity, sexual orientation and other intersecting factors. For DDR practitioners, a special emphasis should be placed on helping to secure tenure and access to land and other resources within existing or proposed frameworks for women and girls, since this is shown to be key to their successful reintegration, as well as to providing both male and female DDR participants and beneficiaries with equitable access to economic reintegration opportunities in natural resource management sectors.8 As part of DDR assessments, a specific gender analysis - carried out in consultation with both female and male participants and community members in their preferred language - should be undertaken in order to map the gender-specific roles and responsibilities in natural resource management and gender division of labour as well as associated risks and protection concerns. Based on the analysis, DDR practitioners shall promote the equal participation and decision-making opportunities of female and male participants and beneficiaries in natural resource management.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 Gender responsive and inclusive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "As outlined in IDDRS 2.10, \u201cdo no harm\u201d is a standard principle against which all DDR programmes, DDR-related tools and reintegration support shall be evaluated at all times. In the case of natural resources, DDR practitioners shall ensure that they are not implementing or encouraging practices that will threaten the long-term sustainability of natural resources and the livelihoods that depend on them. They should further seek to ensure that they will not contribute to potential environment- related health problems for affected populations; this is particularly important when considering water resources, land allocation and increase in demand for natural resources by development programmes or aid groups (such as increased demand for charcoal, timber, etc. without proper natural resource management measures in place).9", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Conflict sensitive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "Finally, DDR practitioners should approach natural resource issues with conflict sensitivity to ensure that interventions do not exacerbate conflict or grievances around natural resources or other existing community tensions or grievances (such as those based on ethnic, religious, racial or other dimensions), contribute to any environmental damage, and are equipped to deal with potential tensions related to natural resource management. In particular, sectors targeted by reintegration programmes should be carefully analysed to ensure that interventions will not cause further grievances or aggravate existing tensions between communities; this may include encouraging grievance- and dispute-resolution mechanisms to be put in place.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Conflict sensitive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "DDR processes shall be context-specific to reflect both the nature of the conflict and the role of natural resources in the conflict, taking into account the national, regional and global implications of any activities. The specific role of natural resources should be considered in each context by DDR practitioners, including where natural resources are part of underlying grievances, or where they are being exploited directly by armed forces, groups or organized criminal groups - or by local communities under the auspices of these actors - to control territories or to finance the purchase of weapons and ammunition.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4 Context specific", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should also consult any local civil society, academic institutions and other expertise that may be available at the local level to inform interventions. Local experts may be included in assessments of all types of local institutions, armed groups, organized criminal groups, and local political activities, as well as in the development and implementation of DDR processes.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4 Context specific", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "Where possible and appropriate, DDR processes should seek to adopt livelihoods strategies and employment generation opportunities that respect human rights and the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, promote sound natural resource management, participatory decision- making, conflict sensitivity and that do not exploit natural resources at unsustainable rates. DDR practitioners should focus on promoting sustainable livelihoods and consider incorporating environmental feasibility studies for any projects based on natural resource exploitation. They should also ensure that post-project impact monitoring and evaluation includes the environment, natural resources and ecosystem services, especially where the latter relates to disaster-risk reduction and resiliency in the face of climate change.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4 Context specific", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "DDR processes are undertaken in the context of national and local frameworks that must comply with relevant rights and obligations under international law (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). Whether in a conflict setting or not, the State and any other regional law enforcement authorities have the responsibility to implement any criminal justice measures related to the illegal exploitation and/or trafficking of natural resources, including instances of scorched-earth policies or other violations of humanitarian or human rights law. DDR practitioners shall also take into account any international or regional sanctions regimes in place against the export of natural resources. At times when the State itself is directly involved in these activities, DDR practitioners must be aware and factor this risk into interventions.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.5 Flexible, accountable and transparent", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "Every context is unique when it comes to natural resource management, depending on the characteristics of local ecosystems and existing socio-cultural relationships to land and other natural resources. Strong or weak local and national governance can also impact how natural resources may be treated by DDR processes, specifically where a weak state can lead to more incentives for illicit exploitation and trafficking of natural resources in ways that may fuel or exacerbate armed conflict. DDR practitioners should ensure they thoroughly understand these dynamics through assessments and risk management efforts when designing interventions.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Nationally and locally owned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "For DDR processes, local communities and national institutions - including relevant line ministries - are sources of critical knowledge and information. For this reason, DDR processes shall explicitly incorporate national and local civil society organizations, academic institutions, private sector and other stakeholders into intervention planning and implementation where appropriate. Since international mandates and resources for DDR processes are limited, DDR practitioners shall seek to build local capacities around natural resource management whenever possible and shall establish relevant local partnerships to ensure coordination and technical capacities are available for the implementation of any interventions incorporating natural resource management.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Nationally and locally owned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "In some cases, natural resource management can be used as a platform for reconciliation and trust building between communities and even regional actors. DDR practitioners should seek to identify these opportunities where they exist and integrate them into interventions.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Nationally and locally owned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "In cases where natural resources are exploited and trafficked to finance the activities of armed forces and groups or organized criminal groups active in conflict settings, regional dynamics may be at play. Private sector and government actors from neighbouring States may be implicated in the trade of natural resources and DDR practitioners should engage regional stakeholders as much as possible to control for these risks and to identify opportunities to create a regional environment conducive to sustainable peace.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.7 Regionally supported", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "DDR processes will be more successful when considerations related to natural resource management are integrated from the earliest assessment phase through all stages of strategy development, planning and implementation. Expertise within the UN system and with other interagency partners should inform the interventions of DDR processes, in tandem with local and national expertise and knowledge.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.8 Integrated", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "In contexts with poor governance, weak diversification and poor sectoral linkages, natural resources may be exploited to sustain the political and military agendas of armed forces and/or other groups.10 This dynamic contributes to a broader war economy that may incentivize unsustainable exploitation, resource grabs and human rights abuses that may be related, although not exhaustively, to the environment and natural resources.11 When captured by armed forces and groups, or organized criminal groups, high-value commodity sectors with significant global demand - such as minerals, oil and gas, timber and other agricultural commodities - represent a serious threat to peace, security and development.12 This may occur with high-value commodities including charcoal, timber, ivory, gems and minerals, as well as agricultural commodities like cocoa and or palm oil. This trade links conflict actors to the global economy and ultimately to the end consumer of the good or service, thereby implicating a multitude of stakeholders from local private sector to regional and global multi-national enterprises and their investors.13", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "The exploitation of natural resources and associated environmental stresses, such as the contamination of soils, air or water during extraction processes, can impact all phases of the conflict cycle, from contributing to the outbreak and perpetuation of violence to undermining prospects for peace. In addition, the environment itself may be damaged through scorched-earth tactics in order to harm specific groups of people or to render land and areas unusable by opposing groups. In extreme cases, land can also be damaged when communities are significantly displaced, where populations may be forced to degrade the natural resource base in order to survive. This environmental damage, coupled with the collapse of institutions and governance practices, can present significant risks that threaten people\u2019s health, livelihoods and undermine security. It may also undermine a country\u2019s capacity to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as exacerbate vulnerabilities to climate change and natural disasters.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "Identifying the role of natural resources in armed conflict is a necessary starting point to effectively address the factors that may have caused or sustained conflict, could trigger a relapse into violence, or may impede the process of consolidating sustainable peace. Analyses and assessments on environmental and natural resource issues can help DDR practitioners to identify the ways in which natural resources are intentionally and/or inadvertently utilized, exploited, depleted and destroyed as part of conflict. While the UN has increasingly adopted guidance on integrating natural resource considerations into its peacebuilding assessments and interventions, in practice, natural resources are still too often considered as \u201ctoo hard to fix\u201d and as an issue to be addressed at a later stage in the recovery or peacebuilding process. However, doing so fails to take into account the broad and changing nature of threats to national and international security, as well as opportunities for natural resource management to contribute to sustainable peace.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "Integrating natural resource management issues into peacebuilding \u2013 and DDR in particular \u2013 should be seen as a security imperative following the strong linkages between natural resources and conflict. Deferred action or uninformed choices made early on often establish unsustainable trajectories of recovery that can undermine long-term peace and stability. At the same time, natural resource management offers important opportunities for sustainable livelihoods recovery, employment creation and reconciliation.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "The following sections provide a frame of reference to support the improved consideration of natural resources in DDR processes. In order to apply this frame, DDR practitioners should seek the appropriate expertise and work across different national and international agencies to gather the information related to natural resources needed to inform interventions.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "The relationship between natural resources, the environment and conflict is multidimensional and complex, but three principal pathways can be drawn. These pathways are described in more detail in the following sections:", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "Natural resources underpin livelihoods and the socio-cultural rights of peoples in many parts of the world. When access to these resources is disrupted - and especially where long-standing historic grievances (real or perceived) over access to land and resources are present - natural resources may be more easily exploited to encourage recruitment by armed groups. This relationship can be complex, but there is evidence in the historical record as to how access to land or other natural resources can motivate parties to a conflict. Grievances related to land (communal or individually owned) and access to resources can be deeply embedded in the historical narrative of peoples and hugely motivating for individuals and groups to participate in violent conflict. These dynamics are critical for DDR practitioners to understand and to factor into planning.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.1 Contributing to the causes of conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "Natural resources can also contribute to the causes of conflict where their governance and management has been handled in a way that privileges certain social or ethnic groups over others. Marginalized groups, excluded from access to natural resources and related benefits, may be more inclined to participate in the illicit or informal economy where armed conflict is present, thereby potentially engaging in riskier livelihoods sectors less protected by labour regulations.14 They may also be more likely to participate in the activities of organized criminal groups involved in the exploitation of natural resources. These dynamics can further undermine the ability of the Government to provide benefits (i.e., education, healthcare and development) and resources to communities due to a loss of tax revenue from formal economic sectors, as well as create the right conditions for illicit trade in weapons, ammunition and other illicit goods. This combination of factors can increase the likelihood that additional resentments will build and fuel recruitment into armed forces and groups.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.1 Contributing to the causes of conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "Finally, in some cases, scorched earth tactics may be used to gain control of a particular territory, resulting in significant displacement of populations and permanent damage to the environment. To secure a strategic advantage, demoralize local populations or subdue resistance, leaders and members of armed forces and groups may pollute water wells, burn crops, cut down forests, poison soils and kill domestic animals. In some cases, entire ecosystems have been deliberately targeted to achieve political and military goals. These tactics can result in grievances that ultimately undermine DDR processes and sustainable peace, and limit the positive role that natural resource management can play in sustaining peace.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.1 Contributing to the causes of conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "Once armed conflict is underway, natural resources will often be targeted by armed forces and groups - as well as organized criminal groups - in order to trade them for revenues or for weapons and ammunition. These resources may be used to finance the activities of armed forces and groups, including their ability to compensate recruits, purchase weapons and ammunition, acquire materials necessary for transportation or control of strategic territories, and even their ability to expand territorial control. The exploitation of natural resources in conflict contexts is also closely linked to corruption and weak governance, where government, organized criminal groups, the private sector and armed forces and groups become interdependent through the licit or illicit revenue and trade flows that natural resources provide. In this way, armed groups and organized criminal groups can even capture the role of government and can integrate themselves into political processes by leveraging their influence over trade and access to markets and associated revenues (see IDDRS 6.40 on DDR and Organized Crime).", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.2 Financing and sustaining conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "In addition to capturing the market for natural resources, the financing of weapons and ammunition may permit armed forces and groups to coerce or force communities to abandon their lands and territories, depriving them of livelihoods resources such as livestock or crops. Hostile takeovers of land can also target valuable natural resources for the purpose of taxing their local trade routes or gaining access to markets and/or licit or illicit commodity flows associated with those resources.15 This is especially true in contexts of weak governance.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.2 Financing and sustaining conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "Conflict contexts with weak governance are ripe for the proliferation of organized criminal groups and capture of revenues from the exploitation and trade of natural resources. However, this is only possible where there are market actors willing to purchase these resources and to engage in trade with armed forces and groups. This relationship may be further complicated on the ground by the different actors involved in markets and trade, which could include government authorities in customs and border protection, shell companies created to purposely distort the paper trail around this trade and subvert efforts at traceability by markets further downstream (i.e., closer to the end consumer), or direct involvement of other governments surrounding the country experiencing violent conflict to facilitate this trade. In these cases, the private sector at the local and national level, as well as buyers in international markets, may be implicated, whether the resources are legally or illegally traded. The relationship between the private sector and armed forces and groups in conflict is complex and can involve trade, arms and financial flows that may or may not be addressed by sanctions regimes, national and international regulations or other measures.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.2 Financing and sustaining conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "Tracing conflict resources in global supply chains is inherently difficult; these materials may be one of hundreds that are part of a product purchased by an end user and may be traded through dozens of markets and jurisdictions before they end up in a manufacturing process, allowing multiple opportunities for the laundering of resources through fake certificates in the chain of custody.16 Consumer goods companies find the traceability of materials to a point of origin challenging in the best of circumstances; the complexities of a war economy and outbreak of violent conflict makes this even more complicated. However, technologies developed in recent years - including chemical markers, RFID tags and QR codes - are increasingly reliable, and the manufacturers, brands and retailers who sell products that contain conflict resources are increasingly subject to legal regimes that address these issues, depending on where they are domiciled.17 Globally, legal regimes that address conflict resources in global supply chains are still nascent, but awareness of these issues is growing in consumer markets and technological solutions to traceability and company due diligence challenges are emerging at a rapid rate.18", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.2 Financing and sustaining conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "There are many groups working to track the trade in conflict resources that DDR practitioners can collaborate with to ensure they are able to identify critical changes and shifts in the activities, tactics and potential resource flows of armed forces and groups. DDR practitioners should seek out these resources and engage these stakeholders to support assessments and the design and implementation of DDR processes whenever appropriate and possible.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.2 Financing and sustaining conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "Governance institutions and State authorities, including those critical to accountability and transparency, may have been eroded by conflict or weak to start with. When tensions intensify and lead to armed conflict, rule of law breaks down and the resulting institutional vacuum can lead to a culture of impunity and corruption. This collapse of governance structures contributes directly to widespread institutional failures in all sectors, allowing opportunistic individuals, organized criminal groups, armed groups and/or private entities to establish uncontrolled systems of resource exploitation.19 At the same time, public finances are often diverted for military purposes, resulting in the decay of, or lack of investment in, water, waste management and energy services, with corresponding health and environmental contamination risks.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Contributing to reconciliation and sustaining peace", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "During a DDR process, the success and the long-term sustainability of natural resource-based interventions will largely depend on whether there is a good, functioning governance structure at the local, sub-regional, national or regional level. The effective and inclusive governance of natural resources and the environment should be viewed as an investment in conflict prevention within peacebuilding and development processes. Where past activities violate national laws, it is up to the State to exercise its jurisdiction, but egregious crimes constituting gross violations of human rights, as often seen with scorched earth tactics, oblige DDR processes to exclude any individuals associated with these events from participating in the process (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). However, there may be other jurisdictions where multi-national private entities can be targeted and pressured or prosecuted to cut their ties with armed forces and organized criminal groups in conflict areas. Sanctions set by the UN Security Council may also be brought to bear where they cover natural resources that are trafficked or traded by private sector entities and armed forces and groups.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Contributing to reconciliation and sustaining peace", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners will not be able to influence, control or focus upon all aspects of natural resource governance. However, through careful attention to risk factors in the planning, design and implementation of natural resource-based activities, DDR processes can play a multifaceted and pivotal role in paving the way for good natural resource governance that supports sustainable peace and development. Moreover, DDR practitioners can ensure that access to grievance- and non-violent dispute-resolution mechanisms are available for participants, beneficiaries and others implicated in the DDR process, in order to mitigate the risks that natural resources pose for conflict relapse.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Contributing to reconciliation and sustaining peace", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "Furthermore, environmental issues and protection of natural resources can serve as effective platforms or catalysts for enhancing dialogue, building confidence, exploiting shared interests and broadening cooperation and reconciliation between ex-combatants and their communities, between communities themselves, between communities and the State, as well as between States themselves.20 People and cultures are closely tied to the environment in which they live and to the natural resources upon which they depend. In addition to their economic benefits, natural resources and ecosystem services can support successful social reintegration and reconciliation. In this sense, the management of natural resources can be used as a tool for engaging community members to work together, to revive and strengthen traditional natural resource management techniques that may have been lost during the conflict, and to encourage cooperation towards a shared goal, between and amongst communities and between communities and the State.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Contributing to reconciliation and sustaining peace", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "In settings where natural resources have played a significant role in the conflict, DDR practitioners should explore opportunities for addressing underlying grievances over such resources by promoting equitable and fair access to natural resources, including for women, youth and participants with disability. Access to natural resources, especially land, often carries significant importance for ex-combatants during reintegration, particularly for female ex-combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups. Whether the communities are their original places of origin or are new to them, ensuring that they have access to land will be important in establishing their social status and in ensuring that they have access to basic resources for livelihoods. In rural areas, it is essential that DDR practitioners recognize the connection between land and social identity, especially for young men, who often have few alternative options for establishing their place in society, and for women, who are often responsible for food security and extremely vulnerable to exclusion from land or lack of access.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Contributing to reconciliation and sustaining peace", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "To further support social reintegration and reconciliation, as well as to enhance peacebuilding, DDR practitioners should seek to support reintegration activities that empower communities affected by natural resource issues, applying community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) approaches where applicable and promoting inclusive approaches to natural resource management. Ensuring that specific needs groups such as women and youth receive equitable access to and opportunities in natural resource sectors is especially important, as they are essential to ensuring that peacebuilding interventions are sustainable in the long-term.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "5. Natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Contributing to reconciliation and sustaining peace", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "At the outset, there are several key risk factors to consider when looking to leverage natural resources to support DDR processes. Depending on where DDR practitioners are working along the peace continuum, the following are three key areas where risks and opportunities should be considered: \\n Supporting economic recovery: When natural resources are properly governed and carefully managed, \u201chigh-value\u201d resources (such as hydrocarbons, minerals, metals, stones and export timber) can form an important basis for employment creation and budget revenue for development. With close attention to whether a robust framework is in place with respect to land rights, and sub-surface natural resource rights as a pre-cursor, engagement with private sector entities can help to facilitate these types of opportunities, whether for high-value natural resources or agricultural commodities with significant market value such as coffee, cocoa, grains or other soft commodities. The risk, however, is that the pressure to kick-start development and earn foreign exchange can lead to rapid, uncontrolled exploitation of such resources at sub-optimal prices, without due attention to land and sub-surface resource rights, environmental sustainability, employment creation and the equitable distribution of revenues. When the benefits are not shared, or when environmental degradation occurs as a consequence of exploitation, there could be serious potential for conflict to resume. \\n Developing sustainable livelihoods for peace: Sustainable peace fundamentally hinges on the development of sustainable livelihoods, the provision of basic services, and on the recovery and sound management (including equitable distribution of related benefits) of the natural resource base. Environmental damage caused by conflicts, coping strategies and chronic environmental problems (including climate change impacts) that undermine livelihoods must therefore be addressed from the outset. Minimizing vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change through the management of key natural resources and the introduction of appropriate technologies may also be addressed. Women and children are often disproportionally affected by environmental contamination economically, socially as well as in terms of their health and well-being. DDR practitioners should therefore seek to address the specific needs of women and children in relation to their dependence on natural resources and risks involved. Careful coordination and attention to issues of land access, tenure and the availability of agricultural inputs and access to financing are critical elements for ensuring success and sustainability. Women, and especially unmarried women and women who are not closely associated with a male relative, or those who face stigma or discrimination due to various other circumstances (i.e., sexual violence survivors, single mothers, unmarried women, etc.) are often disadvantaged in regard to access to capital assets as women\u2019s ownership rights are often based on de facto agreements through male community members and traditional gender roles may prevent women and girls from accessing education and capacity building. \\n Contributing to dialogue, reconciliation and confidence building: Natural resources can be a neutral entry point or catalyst for enhancing dialogue, building confidence, exploring shared interests and broadening cooperation between divided communities as well as within and between states. Such actions should aim to use an inclusive approach that seeks to consider and respond to the needs of the entire population, especially women and youth. Bringing communities together to discuss and resolve common challenges and concerns, such as access to water points and grazing lands, can be a powerful peacebuilding tool and can help to mitigate the risk of further conflict between competing natural resource user groups.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "During the pre-planning and preparatory assistance phase, DDR practitioners should clarify the role natural resources may have played in contributing to the causes of conflict, if any, and determine whether DDR is an appropriate response or whether there are other types of interventions that could be employed. In line with IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments, DDR practitioners should factor the linkage between natural resources and armed forces and groups, as well as organized criminal groups, into baseline assessments, programme design and exit strategies. This includes identifying the key natural resources involved in addition to key individuals, armed forces and groups, any known organized criminal groups and/or Governments who may have used (or continue to use) these particular resources to finance or sustain conflict or undermine peace. The analysis should also consider gender, disability and other intersectional considerations by examining the sex- and age- disaggregated impacts of natural resource conflicts or grievances on female ex-combatants and women associated with armed forces and groups.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.1 Assessments and design", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "The assessments should seek to achieve two main objectives regarding natural resources and will form the basis for risk management. First, they should determine the role that natural resources have played in contributing to the outbreak of conflict (i.e., through grievances or other factors), how they have been used to finance conflict and how natural resources that are essential for livelihoods may have been degraded or damaged due to the conflict, or become a security factor (especially for women and girls, but also boys and men) at a community level. Secondly, they should seek to anticipate any potential conflicts or relapse into conflict that could occur as a result of unresolved or newly aggravated grievances, competition or disputes over natural resources, continued war economy dynamics, and the risk of former combatants joining ranks with criminal networks to continue exploiting natural resources. This requires working closely with national actors through coordinated interagency processes. Once these elements have been identified, and the potential consequences of such analysis are fully understood, DDR practitioners can seek to explicitly address them.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 14, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.1 Assessments and design", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "Where appropriate, DDR practitioners should ensure that assessment activities include technical experts on land and natural resources who can successfully incorporate key natural resource issues into DDR processes. These technical experts should also display expertise in recognizing the social, psychological and economic livelihoods issues connected to natural resources to be able to properly inform programme design. The participation of local civil society organizations and groups with knowledge on natural resources will also aid in the formation of a holistic perspective during the assessment phase. In addition, special attention should be given to gathering any relevant information on issues of access to land (both individually owned and communal), water and other natural resources, especially for women and youth.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.1 Assessments and design", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "Land governance and tenure issues - including around sub-surface resource rights - are likely to be an issue in almost every context where DDR processes are implemented. DDR practitioners should identify existing efforts and potential partners working on issues of land governance and tenure and use this as a starting point for assessments to identify the risk and opportunities associated with related natural resources. Land governance will underpin all other natural resource sectors and should be a key element of any assessment carried out when planning DDR. While DDR processes cannot directly overcome challenges related to land governance issues, DDR practitioners should be aware of the risk and opportunities that current land governance issues present and do their best to mitigate these through planning and implementation.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.1 Assessments and design", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "In order to determine if natural resources have played (or continue to play) a critical role in armed conflict, assessments should seek to understand the key actors in the conflict and their linkages to natural resources (see Table 1). Assessments should also identify: \\n Key financial and strategic benefits and drawbacks of the identified resources on all warring parties and civilian populations affected by the conflict. \\n The nature and extent of grievances over the identified natural resources (real and perceived), if any. \\n The location of implicated resources and overlap with territories under the control of armed forces and groups. \\n The role of sanctions in deterring illegal exploitation of natural resources. \\n The extent and type of resource depletion and environmental damage caused as a result of mismanagement of natural resources during the conflict. \\n Displacement of local populations and their potential loss of access to natural resources. \\n Cross-border activities regarding natural resources. \\n Linkages to organized criminal groups (see IDDRS 6.40 on DDR and Organized Crime). \\n Linkages to armed groups designated as terrorist organizations (see IDDRS 6.50 on DDR and Armed Groups Designated as Terrorist Organizations) \\n Analyses of different actors in the conflict and their relationship with natural resources.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.1 Assessments and design", "Heading3": "6.1.1 Natural resources and conflict linkages", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "The abovementioned assessments can be completed through desk reviews (i.e., using reports from the national Government, UN agencies, NGOs, local civil society groups and media) as well as field assessments. An assessment mission can also help to collect the necessary background information for analysis. Assessment methodology shall be developed in consultation with gender experts and assessment teams shall include gender expertise. The role of natural resources in the political and security sectors affecting the planning of DDR processes should be duly considered. Where appropriate, conflict and security analysis should factor in considerations related to natural resources (see Box 1). In post-conflict contexts, assessments of the linkages between natural resources and armed conflict should also complement a post-conflict needs assessment that identifies the main social and physical needs of conflict-affected populations. For further information, see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.1 Assessments and design", "Heading3": "6.1.1 Natural resources and conflict linkages", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "Box 1. Conflict and security analysis for natural resources and conflict: sample questions forces or groups, in particular women and youth? If a peace agreement or ceasefire has been signed, were these grievances addressed when the conflict ended or in the peace agreement?Box 1. Conflict and security analysis for natural resources and conflict: sample questions \\n Is scarcity of natural resources or unequal distribution of related benefits an issue? How are different social groups able to access natural resources differently? \\n What is the role of land tenure and land governance in contributing to conflict - and potentially to conflict relapse - during DDR efforts? \\n What are the roles, priorities and grievances of women and men of different ages in regard to management of natural resources? \\n What are the protection concerns related to natural resources and conflict and which groups are most at risk (men, women, children, minority groups, youth, elders, etc.)? \\n Did grievances over natural resources originally lead individuals to join \u2013 or to be recruited into \u2013 armed forces or groups? What about the grievances of persons associated with armed forces or groups, in particular women and youth? If a peace agreement or ceasefire has been signed, were these grievances addressed when the conflict ended or in the peace agreement? \\n Is the political position of one or more of the parties to the conflict related to access to natural resources or to the benefits derived from them? \\n Has access to natural resources supported the chain of command in armed forces or groups? How has natural resource control allowed for political or social gain over communities and the State? \\n Who are the main local and global actors (including private sector and organized crime) involved in the conflict and what is their relationship to natural resources? \\n Have armed forces and groups maintained or splintered? How are they supporting themselves? Do natural resources factor in and what markets are they accessing to achieve this? \\n How have natural resources been leveraged to control the civilian population? \\n Has the conflict stopped or seriously impeded economic activities in natural resource sectors, including agricultural production, forestry, fisheries, or extractive industries? Are there issues with parallel taxation, smuggling, or militarization of supply chains? What populations have been most affected by this? \\n Has the conflict involved land-grabbing or other appropriation of land and natural resources? Have groups with specific needs, including women, youth and persons with disabilities, been particularly affected? \\n How has the degradation or exploitation of natural resources during conflict socially impacted affected populations? \\n Have conflict activities led to the degradation of key natural resources, for example through deforestation, pollution or erosion of topsoil, contamination or depletion of water sources, destruction of sanitation facilities and infrastructure, or interruption of energy supplies? \\n Are risks of climate change or natural disasters exacerbated by the ways that natural resources are being used before, during or after the conflict? Are there opportunities to address these risks through DDR processes? \\n Are there foreseeable, specific effects (i.e., risks and opportunities) of natural resource management on female ex-combatants and women formerly associated with armed forces and groups? And for youth?", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.1 Assessments and design", "Heading3": "6.1.1 Natural resources and conflict linkages", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "The results of these assessments and the natural resource sectors targeted should indicate to DDR practitioners as to which planning and implementation partners will be required. A diverse range of partners should be sought, including partners from local civil society as well as those working in and with the private sector. When planning and implementation partners have been identified, DDR practitioners should ensure that there are dedicated resources for a knowledge management focal point to support natural resource management, gender and other cross-cutting themes.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.1 Assessments and design", "Heading3": "6.1.1 Natural resources and conflict linkages", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "Many DDR processes already use natural resource management in CVR or reintegration efforts. Without recognizing the potential risks and adopting adequate safeguards, DDR processes could have negative impacts on natural resources. See section 6.3 for information on how to recognize and mitigate these risks.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.1 Assessments and design", "Heading3": "6.1.1 Natural resources and conflict linkages", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners planning the implementation of employment and livelihoods programmes - for example, as part of a CVR or DDR programme - should also seek to gather information on the risks and opportunities associated with natural resources. For example, questions concerning natural resources should be integrated into the profiling questionnaires administered during the demobilization component of a DDR programme (see Box 2). These questionnaires seek to identify the specific needs and ambitions of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups (for further information on profiling, see section 6.3 in IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Natural resource related questions should also be included in assessments conducted for the purpose of designing reintegration programmes. For sample questions see Table 2 and, for further information on reintegration assessments, see section 7 in IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration. Many of these sample questions may also be relevant for the design of CVR programmes (see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction).", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.1 Assessments and design", "Heading3": "6.1.1 Natural resources and conflict linkages", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 62, "Paragraph": "At a minimum, assessments focused on natural resources and employment and livelihood opportunities should reflect on the demand for natural resources and any derived products in local, regional, national and international markets. They should also examine existing and planned private sector activity in natural resource sectors. Assessments should also consider whether any areas environmentally degraded or damaged as a result of the conflict can be rehabilitated and strengthened through quick-impact projects (see section 7.2.1). DDR practitioners should seek to incorporate information gathered in Strategic Environmental Assessments and Environmental and Social Impact Assessments where appropriate and possible, to avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts. The data collected can also be used to identify potential reconciliation and conflict resolution activities around natural resources. These activities may, for example, be included in the design of reintegration programmes.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.1 Assessments and design", "Heading3": "6.1.2 Employment and livelihood opportunities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 63, "Paragraph": "Box 2. Sample questions for the profiling of male and female members of armed forces and groups: \\n - Motivations for joining armed forces and groups linked to natural resources? \\n - Potential areas of return and likely livelihoods options to identify potential natural resource sectors to support? Seasonality of these occupations and related migration patterns? Are there communal natural resources in question in the area of return? Will DDR participants have access to these? \\n - The use of natural resources by the members of armed forces and groups to identify potential hot spots? \\n - Possibility to employ job/vocational skills in natural resource management? \\n - Economic activities already undertaken prior to joining or while with armed forces and groups in different natural resource sectors? \\n - Interest to undertake economic activities in natural resource sectors?", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.1 Assessments and design", "Heading3": "6.1.2 Employment and livelihood opportunities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 64, "Paragraph": "In order to appropriately address the needs of all DDR participants and beneficiaries, a thorough analysis of groups with specific needs in natural resource management should be carried out as part of general DDR assessments. These considerations should then be mainstreamed throughout design and implementation. Specific needs groups often include women and girls, youth, persons with disabilities and persons with chronic illnesses, and indigenous and tribal peoples and local communities, but other vulnerabilities might also exist in different DDR contexts. Annex B presents a non-exhaustive list of questions that can be incorporated into DDR assessments in regard to specific- needs groups and natural resource management.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.2 Specific-needs groups and cross-cutting issues", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 65, "Paragraph": "Many conflict-affected countries have substantial numbers of youth \u2013 individuals between 15 and 24 years of age - relative to the rest of the population. Natural resources can offer specific opportunities for this group. For example, when following a value chain approach (see section 7.3.1) with agricultural products, non-timber forest products or fisheries, DDR practitioners should seek to identify processing stages that can be completed by youth with little work experience or skills. Habitat and ecosystem services restoration can also offer opportunities for young people. Youth can also be targeted as leaders through training-of-trainers programmes to further disseminate best practices and skills for improving the use of natural resources. When embarking on youth-focused DDR processes, efforts should be made to ensure that both male and female youth are engaged. While male youth are often the more visible group in conflict-affected countries, there are proven peace dividends in providing support to female youth. For additional guidance, see IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.2 Specific-needs groups and cross-cutting issues", "Heading3": "6.2.1 Youth", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 66, "Paragraph": "Women and girls often directly manage communal natural resources for their livelihoods and provide for the food security of their families (e.g., through the direct cultivation of land and the collection of water, fodder, herbs, firewood, etc.). However, they often lack tenure or official rights to the natural resources they rely on, or may have access to communal resources that are not recognized (or upheld if they are recognized) in local or national laws. DDR practitioners should pay special attention to ensuring that women are able to access natural resources especially in situations where this access is restricted due to lack of support from a male relative. In rural areas, this is especially crucial for access to land, which can provide the basis for women\u2019s livelihoods and which often determines their ability to access credit and take-out loans. For example, where DDR processes link to land titling, they should encourage shared titling between male and female heads of households. In addition, DDR practitioners should ensure that employment opportunities and necessary skills training are available for girls and women in natural resource sectors, including non-traditional women\u2019s jobs. Moreover, DDR practitioners should also ensure that women are part of any decision-making processes related to natural resources and that their voices are heard in planning, programmatic decisions and prioritization of policy.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.2 Specific-needs groups and cross-cutting issues", "Heading3": "6.2.2 Women and girls", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 67, "Paragraph": "In cases where access to natural resources for livelihoods has put women and girls at higher risk of SGBV, special care must be taken to establish safe and secure access to these resources, or a safe and secure alternative. Awareness and training of security forces may be appropriate for this, as well as negotiated safe spaces for women and girls to use to cultivate or gather natural resources that they rely on. DDR practitioners should ensure that these considerations are included in DDR assessments so that the safety and security risks to women and girls from accessing natural resources are minimized during the DDR process and beyond. For more guidance, see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.2 Specific-needs groups and cross-cutting issues", "Heading3": "6.2.2 Women and girls", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 68, "Paragraph": "Many DDR participants and beneficiaries will have experienced the onset of one or more physical, sensory, cognitive or psychosocial disabilities during conflict. DDR practitioners should ensure that in all contexts, including those in which natural resources are present, disability-inclusive DDR is integrated into the overall DDR process and is not pursued in a segregated, siloed fashion. Persons with disabilities have many different needs and face different barriers to participation in DDR and in activities involving the natural resources sector. DDR practitioners should identify these barriers and the possibilities for dismantling them when conducting assessments. DDR practitioners should seek expert advice from, and engage in discussions with, organizations of persons with disabilities, relevant NGOs and government line ministries working to promote the rights of persons with disabilities, as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) and Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1993).", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.2 Specific-needs groups and cross-cutting issues", "Heading3": "6.2.3 Persons with disabilities", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 69, "Paragraph": "Natural resource management can have profound implications on public health. For example, the use of firewood and charcoal for cooking can lead to significant respiratory problems and is a major health concern, particularly for women and children in many countries. Improved access to energy resources, can help to mitigate this (see section 7.3.4). Other key health concerns include waste management and water management, both natural resource management issues that can be addressed through CVR and reintegration programmes. DDR practitioners should include these considerations into assessments and seek to improve health conditions through natural resource management wherever possible. Other areas where health is implicated is related to the deforestation and degradation of land. Pushing the forest frontier can lead to increased exposure of local populations to wildlife that may transmit disease, even leading to the outbreak of pandemics. DDR practitioners should identify areas that have experienced high rates of deforestation and target them for reforestation and other ecosystem rehabilitation activities wherever possible, according to the results of assessments and risk considerations. For further guidance, see IDDRS 5.70 on Health and DDR.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.2 Specific-needs groups and cross-cutting issues", "Heading3": "6.2.4 Health considerations", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 70, "Paragraph": "Indigenous and tribal peoples and local communities around the world have close traditional and cultural ties to land and other aspects of natural resources. They often have customary forms of managing natural resources that support overall goals of conservation and preservation of natural resources - including for food, medicines and cultural purposes - as a form of management. In many contexts, the rights of indigenous peoples to their land are undermined or under-recognized (or not recognized at all) in national legislation, leading to allocation of these lands through concessions or other acts to private companies or groups seeking to exploit the land for commercial production of agricultural or forest commodities. Their right to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) may often be undermined or ignored. DDR practitioners should identify where indigenous peoples and local communities have claim to lands that are otherwise subjected to overlapping claims by private or state entities seeking to exploit these lands and once identified, seek to support these groups with access to local civil society and other legal aid groups that can help them to advocate for their lands and resources. DDR practitioners can also ensure that representatives of indigenous groups and local communities are included in natural resource management decision-making at local, national and regional levels.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.2 Specific-needs groups and cross-cutting issues", "Heading3": "6.2.5 Indigenous and tribal peoples and local communities ", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 71, "Paragraph": "Following the abovementioned assessments, DDR practitioners shall develop an inclusive and gender-responsive risk management approach to implementation. The table below includes a comprehensive set of risk factors related to natural resources to assist DDR practitioners when navigating and mitigating risks.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.3 Risk management and implementation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 72, "Paragraph": "In some cases, there may be systems in place to mitigate against the risk of the exploitation of natural resources by armed forces and groups as well as organized criminal groups. These measures are often implemented by the UN (e.g., sanctions) but will implicate other actors as well, especially when the natural resources in question are traded in global markets and end up in products placed in consumer markets with protections in place against trade in conflict resources. DDR practitioners shall avoid being seen as supporting individuals or armed forces and groups that are targeted by sanctions or other regimes and work closely with national and international authorities.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.3 Risk management and implementation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 73, "Paragraph": "Depending on the context, different types of natural resources will be a risk factors for DDR practitioners. In almost all cases, land will be a risk factor that can drive grievances, while also being essential to kick-starting rural economies and for the agricultural sector. Other natural resources, including agricultural commodities (\u201csoft commodities\u201d) or extractive resources (\u201chard commodities\u201d) will come into play based on the nature of the context. Once identified through assessments, DDR practitioners should further analyse the nature of the risk based on the natural resource sectors present in the particular context, as well as the opportunities to create employment through the sector. For each of the sectors identified in the table below, DDR practitioners should note the particular risk and seek expertise to implement mitigating factors.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "6. DDR and natural resources: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.3 Risk management and implementation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 74, "Paragraph": "To incorporate natural resources into the design and implementation of DDR programmes, DDR practitioners should ensure that technical capacities on natural resource issues exist in support of DDR, within DDR teams or national DDR structures (i.e., national government and military structures where appropriate) and/or are made available through partnerships with relevant institutions or partners, including representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities, or other civil society groups with relevant expertise pertaining to the land and natural resources in question. This may be done through the secondment of experts, providing training on natural resources and through consulting local partners and civil society groups with relevant expertise.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 75, "Paragraph": "During the programme development phase, risks and opportunities identified as part of the assessment and risk management process should be factored into the overall strategy for the programme. This can be accomplished by working closely with government institutions and relevant line ministries responsible for agriculture, land distribution, forestry, fisheries, minerals and water, as well as civil society, relevant NGOs and the local and international private sector, where appropriate. DDR practitioners should ensure that all major risks for health, livelihoods and infrastructure, as well as disaster-related vulnerabilities of local communities, are identified and addressed in programme design and implementation, including for specific-needs groups. This is especially important for extractive industries such as mining, as well as forestry21 and agriculture, where government contracts and concessions that are being negotiated will impact local areas and communities, or where the extraction or production of the resources can result in pollution or contamination of basic life resources (such as soils, air and water). Private sector entities are increasingly pressured to conform to due diligence and transparency standards that seek to uphold human rights, labour rights and sustainable development principles and DDR practitioners can leverage this to increase their cooperation. Local traditional knowledge about natural resource management should also be sought and built into the DDR programme as much as possible.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 76, "Paragraph": "Where the exploitation of natural resources is an entrenched part of the war economy and linked to the activities of armed forces and groups, as well as organized criminal groups, natural resources can be leveraged as a means of gaining control over certain territories and accessing weapons and ammunition. The main concern of DDR practitioners will be to support efforts to break the linkages between the flows of natural resources used to finance the acquisition of weapons and ammunition, including by working with actors involved in the implementation and monitoring of sanctions, including the UN Group of Experts, and contributing to strengthening the capacity of the security sector to reduce illicit weapons and ammunition flows. This can be difficult in contexts where members of armed groups and communities are unwilling to disarm because of concerns for their security. In such cases, transitional weapons and ammunition management approaches may be needed (see section 8.2).", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.1 Disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 77, "Paragraph": "In order to ensure that security objectives are achieved, DDR practitioners should examine the role of natural resources in the acquisition of weapons and ammunition and how weapons and ammunition result in control over natural resources and access to the revenues from their trade. DDR practitioners should collaborate with relevant interagency stakeholders to ensure that natural resources are no longer used to finance the acquisition of weapons and ammunition for armed groups undergoing disarmament and demobilization or by individual combatants being disarmed and demobilized. When planning the destruction of weapons and ammunition, DDR practitioners should consider the environmental impact of the planned destruction. For further guidance on disarmament, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.1 Disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 78, "Paragraph": "Disarmament: Key questions \\n - How are weapons and ammunition being acquired? Are natural resource exploited to finance this? \\n - What steps can be taken to prevent the trade and trafficking of natural resources by armed forces and groups and/or by organized criminal groups? \\n - In conflict settings, what steps can be taken to disrupt the flow of trafficked weapons in order to reduce the capacity of individuals and groups to engage in armed conflict and save lives? \\n - How can DDR programmes highlight the constructive roles of women who may have engaged in the illicit trafficking of weapons and/or conflict? What precautions can be taken to avoid reinforcing or creating gender-based inequalities? \\n - How can DDR programmes address the presence of children associated with armed forces and groups whom may have been used in the exploitation of natural resources? \\n - To what extent would the removal of weapons jeopardize security and economic opportunities for male and female ex-combatants and communities, including land tenure and access to critical livelihoods resources? \\n - When disarmament is currently impossible, can DDR related tools, such as transitional WAM be implemented? Can alternative stages (demobilization and reintegration) be offered prior to disarmament to gain trust and contribute to the relinquishment of weapons? \\n - Does the proposed disarmament operation have sufficient resources to safely store weapons and ammunition and prevent diversion to armed groups engaged in criminal activities? \\n - Is there evidence of armed forces engaging in criminal activities related to natural resources, including illicit trafficking of natural resources, related crimes against humanity, war crimes and serious human rights violations, and what are the risks of incorporating weapons and ammunition collected during disarmament into national stockpiles?", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.1 Disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 79, "Paragraph": "Demobilization includes a reinsertion phase in which transitional assistance is offered to DDR programme participants for a period of up to one year, prior to reintegration support (see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization). Transitional assistance may be offered in a number of ways including in-kind support, cash-based transfers, public works programmes or other income-generating activities. In contexts where there has been degradation of natural resources that are important for livelihoods or destruction of key water, sanitation and energy infrastructure, DDR programme participants can be employed in labour-intensive, quick-impact infrastructure or rehabilitation projects during the demobilization phase. When targeting natural resource management sectors, these projects can contribute to restoration and rehabilitation of environmental damages; increased protection of critical ecosystems; improved management of critical natural resources; and reduced vulnerability to natural disasters. Concerted efforts should be made to include women, youth, elderly, disabled, in planning and implementation of reinsertion activities.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.2 Demobilization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 80, "Paragraph": "During reinsertion, DDR participants and beneficiaries can work on labour-intensive but unskilled activities that help them to build their capacity and contribute to natural resource management. Examples of specific activities are included in the box below.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.2 Demobilization", "Heading3": "7.2.1 Quick-impact projects in natural resource management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 81, "Paragraph": "Box 4. Sample quick-impact projects Soil conservation and stabilization \\n - the construction of soil conservation structures, including terracing or planting of soil stabilizing vegetation \\n - stabilization of riverbanks and other natural flood control structures through increased vegetation Restoration of degraded or deforested lands \\n - reforestation or afforestation of degraded sites, where determined to be ecologically appropriate, ideally with native species \\n - establishment of renewable wood lots for firewood and charcoal \\n - restoration of riverine vegetation Reparation of critical public infrastructures for sanitation, water and transportation \\n - desilting of irrigation canals and construction of rainwater catchments or earth dams \\n - reparation of roads, drainage canals, groundwater wells, irrigation canals and sanitation infrastructure \\n - development of systems for municipal sanitation, including recycling and creation of designated areas for waste", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.2 Demobilization", "Heading3": "7.2.1 Quick-impact projects in natural resource management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 82, "Paragraph": "These types of activities are especially important in rural areas where many people depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. In urban areas, priority should be given to sanitation and access to water and health-related activities that will ensure that high-density areas are safe to live in. Activities designed to restore specific ecosystem functions, such as the restoration of mangroves to protect coastal communities from hurricanes or typhoons, or the stabilization of hillsides and mountains from heavy rains through reforestation or afforestation, can also improve the resiliency of local communities to the increased frequency of natural disasters that accompany climate change. These efforts can be integrated into broader climate security efforts as well, though interagency coordination.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.2 Demobilization", "Heading3": "7.2.1 Quick-impact projects in natural resource management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 83, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should prioritize investment in infrastructure projects that strengthen environmental resilience against future crises like climate change and natural disasters. The objective of addressing natural resources during the reinsertion phase of a DDR programme is to improve strengthen environmental resilience and lay the groundwork for sound, sustainable management of natural resources. Where possible, reinsertion activities should be linked to longer-term reintegration support (see Table 4).", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.2 Demobilization", "Heading3": "7.2.1 Quick-impact projects in natural resource management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 84, "Paragraph": "Landmines and explosive remnants of war take a heavy toll on people\u2019s livelihoods, countries\u2019 economic and social development, and peacebuilding efforts. Restoring agricultural lands to a productive state is paramount for supporting livelihoods and improving food security, two of the most important concerns in any conflict-affected setting. Demining fields and potential areas for livestock and agriculture will therefore provide an essential step to restoring safety and access to agricultural lands and to restoring the confidence of local populations in the peace process. To ensure that agricultural land is returned to safety and productivity as quickly as possible, where applicable, DDR programmes should seek specific demining expertise. Male and female DDR programme participants and beneficiaries may be trained in demining during the reinsertion phase of a DDR programme and be supported to continue this work over the longer-term reintegration phase.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.2 Demobilization", "Heading3": "7.2.2 Demining agricultural areas", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 85, "Paragraph": "Conflicts often result in a large amount of waste and debris from the destruction of infrastructure, buildings and other resources. Short-term public works programmes can be used to clean up this debris and to provide income for community members and former members of armed forces and groups. Participants can also be engaged in the training, employment and planning aspects of waste and debris management. Attention should be paid to health and safety regulations in such activities, since hazardous materials can be located within building materials and other debris. Expertise on safe disposal options should be sought. Barriers to the participation of specific needs groups should be identified and addressed.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.2 Demobilization", "Heading3": "7.2.3 Disposal and management of waste from conflict", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 86, "Paragraph": "Demobilization: Key questions \\n - What is the risk (if any) that reinsertion assistance will equip former members of armed forces and groups with skills that can be used to further exploit natural resources or engage in criminal activities? \\n - If skills training and catch-up education are provided as part of short-term reinsertion assistance, do they adequately initiate former members of armed forces and groups in the realities of the lawful economic and social environment, including as it pertains to natural resources? \\n - What safeguards can be put in place to prevent former members of armed forces and groups from continuing to engage in any illicit or licit exploitation, control over and/or trade in natural resources linked to the conflict? \\n - What does demobilization offer that membership in armed forces and groups that are controlling or exploiting natural resources does not? Conversely, what does such membership in armed forces and groups offer that demobilization does not? What are the (perceived) benefits of continued engagement in illicit activities? \\n - How does demobilization address the specific needs of certain groups such as women and children who may have been recruited and used and/or been victims of armed forces and groups involved in natural resource exploitation, control or trafficking in conflict?", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.2 Demobilization", "Heading3": "7.2.3 Disposal and management of waste from conflict", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 87, "Paragraph": "The guidance in this section is intended to complement IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 88, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should seek to design reintegration activities that involve natural resources and support long-term sustainable livelihoods interventions. In conflict contexts, natural resource management is typically already a part of existing livelihoods and employment opportunities, in both formal and informal sectors. By carefully assessing and including natural resource management considerations - including foreseen impacts and potential threats from climate change - into reintegration efforts, DDR practitioners can help improve sustainability and resiliency in these key livelihoods sectors. Together with national stakeholders and interagency coordination, promoting sound natural resource management may also create pathways to support key natural resource sectors to transition from the war economy and come into alignment with national development priorities.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 89, "Paragraph": "Engaging the private sector in the reintegration phase of a DDR programme is also an opportunity to formalize natural resource sectors. This is especially important for sectors that have been part of the root causes of conflict, continue to be exploited to finance conflict, or where ex- combatants may already be engaged in informal employment or other income-generating activities. Changing these sectors helps to move the entire context from conflict towards sustainable peace. This is especially true in countries with significant potential for development of key natural resource sectors, whether in extractives or others. For example, individuals may join armed groups in order to access employment opportunities in the mining sector, but experience has shown that they prefer to work in mines regulated in the formal economy if they have the option. Support for the formalization of natural resource sectors may support both reduced recruitment and the creation of formal employment opportunities that will provide tax revenues for the State and be subject to national laws, including labour regulations.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 90, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners must also consider both national and international private sector actors as key contributors to economic revitalization. While it can be difficult to get accurate information on the activities of private companies and their agreements with governments before, during and after conflict, DDR programmes offer an opportunity to engage with the private sector to enhance existing employment opportunities and to encourage their support for sustainable peace. DDR practitioners should determine the impacts and dependencies of the private sector on natural resources as part of their assessments and actively engage with local and international private companies to explore opportunities to generate employment and support community development through collaborations. This can help to identify existing and upcoming private sector companies that could be engaged to supply training and employment to DDR programme participants and beneficiaries.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 33, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 91, "Paragraph": "In natural resource sectors, private companies can also provide much-needed expertise and support for infrastructure development. While this should be encouraged, DDR practitioners must also be aware that national policies and enforcement capacities also need to be in place in order for this to contribute to sustainable peace. For example, in countries where the government is granting concessions to private entities for the exploitation of extractive or agricultural resources, sufficient due diligence requirements for transparency must be in place. These can include the ability for local communities to monitor company activities and the existence and enforcement of accompanying processes such as Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) and other principles of international norms included in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 92, "Paragraph": "Formalizing sectors that contribute to global supply chains, including minerals, timber, or other high-demand agricultural commodities requires understanding the existing supply chain. This could mean working with existing actors and efforts contributing to improved transparency, traceability and engagement of emerging technologies and systems to support this. For instance, due diligence efforts in mineral supply chains are increasingly being digitized, thereby reducing the risk of fraud present with paper-based systems. Electronic systems also enable clearer tracing to downstream companies implicated in mineral supply chains that are also subject to regulations governing their risk of exposure to conflict in their supply chains. DDR practitioners should engage with these efforts to identify ways to target and improve employment opportunities for those participating in reintegration programmes, as well as to help contribute to the overall stabilization of these sectors and their contribution to sustainable peace.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 93, "Paragraph": "Value chains are defined as the full range of interrelated productive activities performed by organizations in different geographical locations to produce a good or service from conception to complete production and delivery to the final consumer. A value chain encompasses more than the production process and also includes the raw materials, networks, flow of information and incentives between people involved at various stages. It is important to note that value chains may involve several products, including waste and by-products.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.1 Value chain approaches and community-based natural resource management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 94, "Paragraph": "Each step in a value chain process allows for employment and income-generating opportunities. Value chain approaches are especially useful for natural resource management sectors such as forestry, non-timber forest products (such as seeds, bark, resins, fruits, medicinal plants, etc.), fisheries, agriculture, mining, energy, water management and waste management. A value chain approach can aid in strengthening the market opportunities available to support reintegration efforts, including improving clean technology to support production methods, accessing new and growing markets and scaling employment and income-generation activities that are based on natural resources. DDR practitioners may use value chain approaches to enhance reintegration opportunities and to link opportunities across various sectors.22", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 34, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.1 Value chain approaches and community-based natural resource management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 95, "Paragraph": "Engaging in different natural resource sectors can be extremely contentious in conflict settings. To reduce any grievances or existing tensions over shared resources, DDR practitioners should undertake careful assessments and community consultations shall be undertaken before including beneficiaries in economic reintegration opportunities in natural resource sectors. As described in the UN Employment Policy, community participation in these issues can help mitigate potential causes of conflict, including access to water, land or other natural resources. Capacity-building within the government will also need to take place to ensure fair and equitable benefit-sharing during local economic recovery.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.1 Value chain approaches and community-based natural resource management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 96, "Paragraph": "Reintegration programmes can benefit from engagement with private sector entities to identify value chain development opportunities; these can be at the local level or for placement on international markets. In order for the activities undertaken during reintegration to continue successfully beyond the end of reintegration efforts, communities and local authorities need to be placed at the centre of decision-making around the use of natural resources and how those sectors will be developed going forward. It is therefore essential that natural resource-based reintegration programmes be conducted with input from communities and local civil society as well as the government. Moving a step further, community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) approaches, which seek to increase related economic opportunities and support local ownership over natural resource management decisions, including by having women and youth representatives in CBNRM committees or village development committees, provide communities with strong incentives to sustainably manage natural resources themselves. Through an inclusive approach to CBNRM, DDR practitioners may ensure that communities have the technical support they need to manage natural resources to support their economic activities and build social cohesion.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.1 Value chain approaches and community-based natural resource management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 97, "Paragraph": "Box 5. Considerations to improve reconciliation and dialogue through CBNRM CBNRM can also contribute to social cohesion, dialogue and reconciliation, where these are considered as an explicit outcome of the reintegration programme. To achieve this, DDR practitioners should analyse the following opportunities during the design phase: \\n - Identification of shared natural resources, such as communal lands, water resources, or forests during the assessment phase, including analysis of which groups may be seen as the legitimate authorities and decision-makers over the particular resource. \\n - Establishment of decision-making bodies to manage communal natural resources through participatory and inclusive processes, with the inclusion of women, youth, and 36 marginalized groups. Special attention paid to the safety of women and girls when accessing these resources. \\n - Outreach to indigenous peoples and local communities, or other groups with local knowledge on natural resource management to inform the design of any interventions and integration of these groups for technical assistance or overall support to reintegration efforts. \\n - At the outset of the DDR programme and during the assessment and analysis phases, identify locations or potential \u201chotspots\u201d where natural resources may create tensions between groups, as well as opportunities for environmental cooperation and joint planning to complement and reinforce reconciliation and peacebuilding efforts. \\n - Make dialogue and confidence-building between DDR participants and communities an integral part of environmental projects during reintegration. \\n - Build reintegration options on existing community-based systems and traditions of natural resource management as potential sources for post-conflict peacebuilding, while working to ensure that they are broadly inclusive of different specific needs groups, including women, youth and persons with disabilities.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 35, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.1 Value chain approaches and community-based natural resource management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 98, "Paragraph": "Due to their different roles and gendered divisions of labour, female and male community members may have different natural resource-related knowledge skills and needs that should be considered when planning and implementing CBNRM activities. Education and access to information is an essential component of community empowerment and CBNRM programmes. In terms of natural resources, this means that DDR practitioners should work to ensure that communities and specific needs groups are fully informed of the risks and opportunities related to the natural resources and environment in the areas where they live. Providing communities with the tools and resources to manage natural resources can empower them to take ownership and to seek further engagement and accountability from the Government and private sector regarding natural resource management and governance.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.1 Value chain approaches and community-based natural resource management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 99, "Paragraph": "In both rural and urban contexts, property rights, land tenure and access to land may underpin grievances and lead to further disputes or conflicts that undermine reintegration and sustainable peace. Land issues can be particularly complicated in countries where land governance frameworks and accompanying laws are not fully in place, where tenure systems do not exist or are contested, and where there are not due processes to resolve conflicts over land rights. In many cases, the State may claim rights to land that communities claim historical rights to and grant these lands to companies as concessions for extractive resources or to develop agricultural resources for trade in domestic and international markets.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.2 Reintegration support and land rights", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 100, "Paragraph": "In these cases, DDR practitioners should carefully analyse the existing state of land tenure and related grievances to understand how they relate to the conflict context and may contribute to or undermine sustainable peace. Interagency cooperation and collaboration with national authorities will be essential for this, especially close collaboration with civil society and representatives of local communities. Where possible, addressing land-related grievances should be a priority for DDR practitioners, with support from experts and other agencies with mandates and resources to undertake the necessary efforts to improve the land tenure system of a particular context.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 36, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.2 Reintegration support and land rights", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 101, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall follow international guidelines for land tenure in the assessment, design and implementation phase of reintegration programmes. Since land tenure issues are a long- term development challenge, it is essential that DDR practitioners work with other specialized agencies to address this and ensure that land tenure reform efforts continue after the reintegration programme has come to an end.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.2 Reintegration support and land rights", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 102, "Paragraph": "In many conflict contexts, agriculture and fisheries are mainstays of economic activities and subsistence livelihoods. However, the resources needed for these activities, including access to land, livestock and grazing areas, or boats can be compromised or destroyed by conflict. Seasonal patterns associated with agriculture and fisheries activities are to be accounted for when providing reintegration support and in particular when aiming at the promotion of income-generation activities. DDR practitioners should analyse the agricultural sector to understand which crops are most important for livelihoods and work with experts to determine how reintegration efforts can support the revitalization of the sector after conflict, including consideration of seasonality of agricultural activities and any associated migration patterns, as well as changing climate and rainfall patterns that are likely to affect agriculture. As described at the beginning of this section, a value chain and CBNRM approach to these sectors can help to maximize the opportunities and success of reintegration efforts by supporting improved production and processing of a particular agricultural commodity or fisheries product. DDR practitioners should seek experts from national institutions, local communities and interagency partners to bring as much technical expertise and resources to bear as possible, including perspectives on which crop species and methods may yield the greatest impact in terms of resiliency, sustainability and climate change adaptation.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.3 Reintegration support and agriculture and fisheries", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 103, "Paragraph": "Improving resiliency in the agricultural sector should be a high priority for DDR practitioners, with considerations for shifting rainfall patterns and the need for responsive mitigation factors related to climate change prioritized. Access to water, technology to manage crop seasons and improved varieties that are drought-tolerant are some of the factors that DDR practitioners can take into consideration. DDR practitioners should consult experts for technical recommendations to improve the resiliency of reintegration programmes in the agriculture sector, both in terms of ecological and technological improvements, as well as links and connections to markets and supply chains to improve prospects for long-term economic recovery.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 37, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.3 Reintegration support and agriculture and fisheries", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 104, "Paragraph": "Forestry as an economic sector can employ a substantial number of people but requires sound management to be sustainable. Forest lands are also often the traditional territories of indigenous peoples and their rights to those lands may be undermined during the conflict or by hostile takeovers as part of the granting of concessions to logging companies. DDR practitioners should be careful to analyze the full range of claims and rights to forest lands and promote sustainable forest management as part of reintegration efforts, including promoting the human rights of forest-dwelling peoples. Opportunities to work collaboratively with the private sector for job creation must be accompanied by commitments to promote human rights, including land rights, as part of any reintegration effort in the forestry sector. National actors should be supported to build capacity for sustainable forest management and safe and decent working conditions as part of these efforts. Interagency collaborators can also support capacity building and technical training.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 39, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.4 Reintegration support and forestry and energy", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 105, "Paragraph": "The energy sector varies in each context, but where natural resource management and reintegration is concerned, DDR practitioners should carefully analyse critical energy resources for livelihoods and households. In many contexts, the unsustainable use of small trees for charcoal production can lead to reduced soil stability and heightened vulnerability to climate change impacts. For women and girls, the distance required to travel to gather wood for charcoal can also pose security risks, especially concerning sexual and gender-based violence. Alternatives that may be promoted by DDR practitioners include the development of community-managed woodlots specifically for charcoal production that are sustainably managed and located in secure areas. These efforts also help to improve resiliency by increasing supply for local energy needs as well as creating a sustainable source of livelihoods.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 40, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.5 Reintegration support and energy", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 106, "Paragraph": "In areas where other opportunities for energy production exist, such as micro-hydro or solar infrastructure, DDR practitioners should engage technical experts to identify opportunities and to determine what kinds of interventions may be feasible and recommended as part of reintegration efforts. Collaboration with national authorities and interagency stakeholders is also recommended for these efforts.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 40, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.5 Reintegration support and energy", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 107, "Paragraph": "The extractive sector - which can include hydrocarbons as well as minerals, gems and precious metals - is often implicated in conflicts. The lootable nature of some of these resources, as well as the fact that they are in high demand and are highly valuable in international markets, makes them critical sources of potential financing for armed forces and groups, as well as organized criminal groups. Alternatively, these sectors have significant potential to contribute to livelihoods, employment and development if well-managed. DDR practitioners shall include these sectors in their analysis and identify opportunities and potential partnerships to contribute to the formalization and management of these sectors as part of reintegration efforts.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 41, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.6 Reintegration support and extractives", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 108, "Paragraph": "Critical sources of information include entities working on improved transparency and traceability in these supply chains (including certification systems) who can provide DDR practitioners with critical information on operations that may be good candidates for reintegration opportunities in the mining and extractives sector. Likewise, DDR practitioners can provide these entities with information on risks related to armed forces and groups, creating a flow of information to ensure that efforts to improve conflict-free operations and employment opportunities in the mining and extractives sector are well coordinated.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 41, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.6 Reintegration support and extractives", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 109, "Paragraph": "Other critical actors to consider include male and female members of organized criminal groups who may already be involved in the extraction and trade of these resources. Where organized criminal groups, or armed forces and groups, or even national security sector actors are implicated in the extraction and trade of these resources, DDR practitioners must ensure that they do not perpetuate this illicit capture of the extractive sector. Close collaboration with national and international stakeholders to help improve governance and enforcement of regulations in these sectors overall may be necessary before reintegration programmes can begin. DDR practitioners should look to engage with entities contributing to improving the transparency of these supply chains and to formalizing and strengthening employment opportunities.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 42, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.6 Reintegration support and extractives", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 110, "Paragraph": "Once these sectors and actors have been identified, national actors and other technical expertise via interagency partnerships can be called upon by DDR practitioners to help support employment creation and formalization of the identified sectors. There are significant civil society resources at the international, regional and national levels that may be brought to bear here as well. In addition, DDR practitioners should seek to establish clear collaborations with private sector entities engaged in these sectors in order to promote their adherence to national laws and international norms for the extractive sector, including around land rights, labour rights, and human rights, including the FPIC of any potentially affected communities. This might include efforts to register the miners, traders and other actors along the supply chain and to encourage purchasing from mines that are certified or that have due diligence traceability measures in place.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 42, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.6 Reintegration support and extractives", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 111, "Paragraph": "Finally, DDR practitioners should identify any potential environmental harms that may have resulted or could result from interventions in these sectors. Where environmental harms already exist, DDR practitioners may design reintegration programmes to mitigate and repair these damages. Where development of the extractives sector could potentially contribute to future harms, DDR practitioners shall identify the appropriate mitigating measures necessary to protect both the health and labour rights of workers, as well as any potential environmental harms", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 42, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.6 Reintegration support and extractives", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 112, "Paragraph": "Water management is a critical sector for livelihoods for use by both households and the agricultural sector as well as a potentially critical issue of grievance, depending on the conflict context. In areas where water resources have been a cause of conflict, DDR practitioners should include a full analysis of the various perspectives of those who claim any grievance over the water resource and seek opportunities to use water management as a means to promote social cohesion. Community-based approaches to water management can be employed to ensure that decision-making authority is distributed amongst key affected parties, with special attention to the inclusion of specific needs groups and vulnerable populations who need access to water for safe consumption and their livelihoods.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 43, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.7 Reintegration support and water management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 113, "Paragraph": "Water resource management can also be a powerful tool to promote cross-border, inter- regional or local cooperation. In areas where water resources cross political boundaries, this may necessitate transboundary agreements. In more local areas within political boundaries, water resource management can be addressed through locally devised options. Special attention shall be paid to any risk of contamination or diversion of water resources by upstream interventions as part of or outside of DDR programmes; to ensure this, DDR practitioners should consult technical experts to complete full analyses of the risks to any important water resource and integrate local and national actors and other interagency experts into the design of reintegration efforts as necessary. Attention should also be paid to allocation of water resources at the local level, including ensuring that access is equitable and that there are proper systems in place to ensure water quality and quantity. In addition, the current and likely future effects of climate change on water resources \u2013 underground as well as surface level and contributing rainfall patterns \u2013 should be considered when determining any interventions that may affect future water access and availability.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 43, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.7 Reintegration support and water management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 114, "Paragraph": "Waste management can be a productive sector that contributes to economic reintegration and also needs to be considered for potential risks that could contaminate other natural resources. Any opportunities to improve sanitation and upcycle water materials can be integrated into reintegration efforts; DDR practitioners should engage technical experts to support analysis for this sector to mitigate any potential risks and create employment opportunities where possible.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 44, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.8 Reintegration support and waste management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 115, "Paragraph": "Reintegration: Key questions \\n- Has data been collected and analysed on natural resource management, including formal and informal, licit and illicit activities, through relevant assessments, to inform reintegration options? \\n- What opportunities exist for reintegration activities in natural resource management to address the root causes and grievances that led to conflict? \\n- Have the risks and opportunities associated with natural resource management as relevant to armed forces and groups or organized criminal groups been analysed (through conflict analysis) when determining effective approaches to reintegration that will avoid the risk of future conflict? \\n- Have the cultural and social dimensions of natural resources in livelihoods and employment, including the gender dimensions of resource access and use, been addressed? \\n- Have all relevant actors in the government, civil society, NGOs, international organizations and local and international private sector entities been engaged and consulted? \\n- Have a selection of environmental and natural resource indicators to monitor DDR and any potential destabilizing trends been included? \\n- Have the impact of government proposals and concession negotiations for extractive industries and any risks for security and durable peace been analysed and considered?", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 45, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and natural resources", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "7.3.8 Reintegration support and waste management", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 116, "Paragraph": "When the preconditions are not present to support a DDR programme, a number of DDR-related tools may be used in contexts where natural resources are present. Alternatively, DDR-related tools may also be used before, during and after DDR programmes as complementary measures (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 46, "Heading1": "8. DDR-related tools and natural resource management", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 117, "Paragraph": "The parameters for DDR programmes are often set during peace negotiations and DDR practitioners should seek to advise mediators on what type of DDR provisions are realistic and implementable (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). Benefit sharing, whether of minerals, land, timber or water resources, can be a make-or-break aspect of peace negotiations. Thus, in conflicts where armed forces and groups use natural resources as a means of financing conflict or where they act as an underlying grievance for recruitment, DDR should advise mediators that, where possible, natural resources (or a future commitment to address natural resources) should also be included in peace agreements. Addressing these grievances directly in mediation processes is extremely difficult, making it extremely important that sound and viable strategies for subsequent peacebuilding processes that seek to prevent the re-emergence of armed conflict related to natural resources are prioritized. It is important to carefully analyse how the conflict ended, to note if it was a military victory, a peace settlement, or otherwise, as this will have implications for how natural resources (especially land) might be distributed after the conflict ends. It is important to ensure that women\u2019s voices are also included, as they will be essential to the implementation of any peace agreement and especially to the success of DDR at the community level. Research shows that women consistently prioritize natural resources as part of peace agreements and therefore their inputs should specifically be sought on this issue.23", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 46, "Heading1": "8. DDR-related tools and natural resource management", "Heading2": "8.1 DDR support to mediation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 118, "Paragraph": "Transitional weapons and ammunition management is a series of interim arms control measures. When implemented as part of a DDR process, transitional WAM is primarily aimed at reducing the capacity of individuals and armed groups to engage in armed violence and conflict. Transitional WAM also aims to reduce accidents and save lives by addressing the immediate risks related to the possession of weapons, ammunition and explosives. As outlined in section 5.2, natural resources may be exploited to finance the acquisition of weapons and ammunition. These weapons and ammunition may then be used armed forces and groups to control territory. If members of armed forces and groups refuse to disarm, for reasons of insecurity, or because they wish to maintain territorial control, DDR practitioners may, in some instances, consider supporting transitional WAM measures focused on safe and secure storage and recordkeeping. For further information, see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 46, "Heading1": "8. DDR-related tools and natural resource management", "Heading2": "8.2 Transitional weapons and ammunition management", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 119, "Paragraph": "Community violence reduction programmes have many different uses, including the prevention of recruitment. When natural resources are managed in a way that creates employment opportunities and supports development, they can help prevent or discourage the recruitment of individuals into armed forces and groups. Community-based initiatives and short-term employment opportunities that support good natural resource management, such as in infrastructure, disaster-risk reduction, rehabilitation of water resources, restoration of degraded ecosystems and others can provide needed livelihoods resources and discourage participation in other illicit activities or armed groups.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 47, "Heading1": "8. DDR-related tools and natural resource management", "Heading2": "8.3 Community violence reduction", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 120, "Paragraph": "In addition, CVR programmes can also be used as stop-gap reinsertion assistance when the reintegration phase of a DDR programme is delayed. The projects implemented as part of a CVR programme are determined by local priorities and can include, but are not limited to, agriculture, labour-intensive short-term employment, and infrastructure improvement. As CVR and reintegration support may sometimes be designed as one programme, particularly in non-mission settings, DDR practitioners should be aware that the guidance on reinsertion and reintegration in this module also applies to CVR. For further information on CVR, see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 47, "Heading1": "8. DDR-related tools and natural resource management", "Heading2": "8.3 Community violence reduction", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 121, "Paragraph": "Many comprehensive peace agreements include provisions for transitional security arrangements (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). Depending on the context, these arrangements may include the deployment of the national police, community police, or the creation of joint units, patrols or operations involving the different parties to a conflict. Joint efforts can help to increase scrutiny on the illicit trade in natural resources. However, these efforts may be compromised in areas where organized criminal groups are present or where natural resources are being exploited by armed forces or groups. In this type of context, DDR practitioners may be better off working with mediators and other actors to help increase provisions for natural resources in peace agreements or cease-fires (see section 8.1 and IDDRS 6.40 on DDR and Organized Crime). Where transitional security arrangements exist, education and training for security units on how to secure natural resources will ensure greater transparency and oversight which can reduce opportunities for misappropriation.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 47, "Heading1": "8. DDR-related tools and natural resource management", "Heading2": "8.4 Transitional security arrangements", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 122, "Paragraph": "Reintegration support may be provided at all stages of conflict, even if there is no formal DDR programme or peace agreement (see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration). The guidance provided in section 7.3 of this module, on reintegration as part of a DDR programme, also applies to reintegration efforts outside of DDR programmes. In contexts of ongoing armed conflict, reintegration support can focus on resiliency and improving opportunities in natural resource management sectors, picking up on many of the CBNRM approaches discussed in previous sections. In particular, engagement with other efforts to improve the transparency in targeted natural resource supply chains is extremely important, as this can be a source of creating sustainable employment opportunities and reduce the risk that key sectors are re- captured by armed forces and groups. Undertaking these efforts together with other measures to help the recovery of conflict-affected communities can also create opportunities for social reconciliation and cohesion.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 48, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and natural resource management", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 123, "Paragraph": "Armed forces and groups often fuel their activities by assuming control over resource rich territory. When States lose sovereign control over these resources, DDR and SSR processes are impeded. For example, resource revenues can prove relatively more attractive than the benefits offered through DDR and, as a result, individuals and groups may opt not to participate. Similarly, armed groups that are required by peace agreements to integrate into the national army and redeploy to a different geographical area may refuse to do so if it means losing control over resource rich territory. Where members of the security sector have been controlling natural resource extraction and/ or trade areas or networks, this dynamic is likely to continue until the sector becomes formalized and there are appropriate systems of accountability in place to prevent illegal exploitation or trafficking of resources.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 48, "Heading1": "10. DDR, SSR and natural resource management", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 124, "Paragraph": "Peace agreements that do not effectively address the role of natural resources risk leaving warring parties with the economic means to resume fighting as soon as they decide that peace no longer suits them. In contexts where natural resources fuel conflict, integrated DDR and SSR processes should be planned with this in mind. Where appropriate, DDR practitioners should advise mediation teams on the impact of militarized resource exploitation on DDR and SSR and recommend that provisions regarding the governance of natural resources are included in the peace agreement (if one exists). Care must also be taken not to further militarize natural resource extraction areas. The implementation of DDR in this context can be supported by SSR programmes that address the governance of natural resources. Among other elements, these programmes may focus on ensuring the transparent and accountable allocation of natural resource concessions and transparent management of the revenues derived from their exploitation. This will involve supporting assessments of what natural resources the country has and their best possible usage; assisting in the creation of laws and regulations that require transparency and accountability; and building institutional capacity to manage natural resources wisely and enforce the law effectively. For more information on the relationship between DDR and SSR, see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 48, "Heading1": "10. DDR, SSR and natural resource management", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 125, "Paragraph": "Sample questions for conflict and security analysis: \\n Who in the communities/society/government/armed groups benefits from the natural resources that were implicated in the conflict? How do men, women, boys, girls and people with disabilities benefit specifically? \\n Who has access to and control over natural resources? What is the role of armed groups in this? \\n What trends and changes in natural resources are being affected by climate change, and how is access and control over natural resources impacted by climate change? \\n Who has access to and control over land, water and non-extractive resources disaggregated by sex, age, ethnic and/or religion? What is the role of armed groups in this? \\n What are the implications for those who do not carry arms (e.g., security and access to control over resources)? \\n Who are the most vulnerable people in regard to depletion of natural resources or contamination? \\n Who is vulnerable people in terms of safety and security regarding access to natural resources and what are the specific vulnerabilities of men, women, and minorities? \\n Which groups face constraints in regard to access to and ownership of capital assets?", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 49, "Heading1": "Annex B: Sample questions for specific needs analysis in regard to natural resources in DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 126, "Paragraph": "Sample questions for disarmament operations and transitional weapons and ammunition management: \\n Who within the armed groups or in the communities carry arms? Do they use these to control natural resources or specific territories? \\n What are the implications of disarmament and stockpile management sites for local communities\u2019 livelihoods and access to natural resources? Are the implications different for women and men? \\n What are the reasons for male and female members of armed groups to hold arms and ammunition (e.g., lack of alternative livelihoods, lootability of natural resources, status)? \\n What are the reasons for male and female community members to possess arms and ammunition (e.g. access to natural resources, protection, status)?", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 50, "Heading1": "Annex B: Sample questions for specific needs analysis in regard to natural resources in DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 127, "Paragraph": "Sample questions for demobilization (including reinsertion): \\n How do cantonments or other demobilization sites affect local communities\u2019 access to natural resources? \\n How are women and men affected differently? \\n What are the infrastructure needs of local communities? \\n What are the differences of women and men\u2019s priorities? \\n In order to act in a manner inclusive of all relevant stakeholders, whose voices should be heard in the process of planning and implementing reinsertion activities with local communities? \\n What are the traditional roles of women and men in labour market participation? What are the differences between different age groups? \\n Do women or men have cultural roles that affect their participation (e.g. child care roles, cultural beliefs, time poverty)? \\n What skills and abilities are required from participants of the planned reinsertion activities? \\n Are there groups that require special support to be able to participate in reinsertion activities?", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 50, "Heading1": "Annex B: Sample questions for specific needs analysis in regard to natural resources in DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 128, "Paragraph": "Sample questions for reintegration and community violence reduction programmes: \\n What are the gender roles of women and men of different age groups in the community? \\n What decisions do men and women make in the family and community? \\n Who within the household carries out which tasks (e.g. subsistence/breadwinning, decision making over income spending, child care, household chores)? \\n What are the incentives of economic opportunities for different family members and who receives them? \\n Which expenditures are men and women responsible for? \\n How rigid is the gendered division of labour? \\n What are the daily and seasonal variations in women and men\u2019s labour supply? \\n Who has access to and control over enabling assets for productive resources (e.g., land, finances, credit)? \\n Who has access to and control over human capital resources (e.g., education, knowledge, time, mobility)? \\n What are the implications for those with limited access or control? For those who risk their safety and security to access natural resources? \\n How do constraints under which men and women of different age groups operate differ? \\n Who are the especially vulnerable groups in terms of access to natural resources (e.g., women without male relatives, internally displaced people, female-headed households, youth, persons with disabilities)? \\n What are the support needs of these groups (e.g. legal aid, awareness raising against stigmatization, protection)? How can barriers to the full participation of these groups be mitigated?", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 51, "Heading1": "Annex B: Sample questions for specific needs analysis in regard to natural resources in DDR", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 129, "Paragraph": "Second Report on protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts of 2019 (A/CN.4/728) by Special Rapporteur Marja Lehto \\n The present report considers certain questions of the protection of the environment in non- international armed conflicts, with a focus on how the international rules and practices concerning natural resources may enhance the protection of the environment during and after such conflicts. It should be underlined here that the two questions considered\u2013 illegal exploitation of natural resources and unintended environmental effects of human displacement \u2013 are not exclusive to non-international armed conflicts. Nor do they provide a basis for a comprehensive consideration of environmental issues relating to non-international conflicts. At the same time, they are representative of problems that have been prevalent in current non-international armed conflicts and have caused severe stress to the environment. The present report will lay the basis for finalizing work on the topic by the International Law Commission, so that a complete set of draft principles together with the accompanying commentaries could be adopted.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 52, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 130, "Paragraph": "The Sustaining Peace Approach and twin resolutions on the review of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture of 2018 (GA resolution 70/262 and SC resolution 2282 (2016)) \\n The concept of \u2018Sustaining Peace\u2019 has emerged as a new and comprehensive approach to preventing the outbreak, continuation and recurrence of conflict. It marks a clear break from the past where efforts to build peace were perceived to be mainly restricted to post-conflict contexts. The concept, framed by the twin sustaining peace resolutions and the United Nations (UN) Secretary General Report on peacebuilding and sustaining peace, recognises that a comprehensive approach is required across the peace continuum, from conflict prevention, through peace-making, peacekeeping and longer-term development. It therefore necessitates an 'integrated and coherent approach among relevant political, security and developmental actors, within and outside of the United Nations system.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 52, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 131, "Paragraph": "SG Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative and Declaration of Shared Commitments (2018) \\n\\n Through his Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative, the Secretary-General called on Member States, the Security Council, host countries, troop- and police- contributing countries, regional partners and financial contributors to renew our collective engagement with UN peacekeeping and mutually commit to reach for excellence. The Declaration commitments focus on a set of key priorities that build on both new commitments and existing workstreams. Implementation goals are centered on eight priority commitment areas: \\n politics \\n women, peace and security \\n protection \\n safety and security \\n performance and accountability \\n peacebuilding and sustaining peace \\n partnerships \\n conduct of peacekeepers and peacekeeping operations", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 52, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 132, "Paragraph": "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) \\n The SDGs include elements that pertain to DDR, gender and natural resources. A comprehensive approach to achieving them requires humanitarian and development practitioners, including those working in DDR processes, to take into account each of these goals when planning and designing interventions. _____ Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cWomen\u2019s participation in peacebuilding\u201d of 7 September 2010 (A/65/354 - S/2010/466) \\n The report calls on all peacebuilding actors to \u201censure gender-responsive economic recovery\u201d through \u201cthe promotion of women as \u2018front-line\u2019 service-delivery agents,\u201d including in the areas of \u201cagricultural extension and natural resource management.\u201d", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 53, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 133, "Paragraph": "Third Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cDisarmament, demobilization and reintegration\u201d of 21 March 2011 (A/65/741) \\n The 2011 Report of the Secretary-General on DDR identifies trafficking in natural resources as a \u201ckey regional issue affecting the reintegration of ex-combatants,\u201d and specifically refers to natural resource management as an emerging issue that can contribute to the sustainability of reintegration programmes if properly addressed.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 53, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 134, "Paragraph": "Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on \u201cObservance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control\u201d of 13 January 2011 (A/RES/65/53) \\n This General Assembly resolution underlines \u201cthe importance of the observance of environmental norms in the preparation and implementation of disarmament and arms limitation agreements\u201d and reaffirms that the international community should contribute to ensuring compliance with relevant environmental norms in negotiating treaties and agreements on disarmament and arms limitation. It further calls on \u201call States to adopt unilateral, bilateral, regional and multilateral measures so as to contribute to ensuring the application of scientific and technological progress within the framework of international security, disarmament and other related spheres, without detriment to the environment or to its effective contribution to attaining sustainable development.\u201d", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 53, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 135, "Paragraph": "Report of the Secretary-General on \u201cPeacebuilding in the immediate aftermath of conflict\u201d of 16 July 2010 (A/64/866\u2013S/2010/386) \\n In this report, the Secretary-General notes that \u201cgreater efforts will be needed to deliver a more effective United Nations response\u201d in the area of natural resources, and he \u201ccall[s] on Member States and the United Nations system to make questions of natural resource allocation, ownership and access an integral part of peacebuilding strategies.\u201d", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 54, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 136, "Paragraph": "United Nations Policy for Post-Conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation and Reintegration (2009) \\n The Policy notes the importance of addressing \u201croot causes of conflict such as inequitable access to land and natural resources\u201d through the use of \u201cfiscal and redistributive incentives to minimize social tensions\u201d during the reintegration process. It further suggests: \\n diversifying away from natural resource exports by expanding labour-intensive exports and tourism; \\n implementing cash-for-work projects in relevant agricultural and natural resource sectors in rural areas; \\n engaging traditional authorities in dispute resolution, particularly with regard to access to property and other natural resources (such as forestry, fishing and grazing land); and \\n implementing labour-intensive infrastructure programmes to promote sustainable agriculture, including restoration of the natural resource base, while simultaneously emphasizing social acceptance and community participation. ", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 54, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 137, "Paragraph": "ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169) \\n Convention No. 169 offers a unique framework for the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples as an integral aspect of inclusive and sustainable development. As the only international treaty on the subject, it contains specific provisions promoting the improvement of the standards of living of indigenous peoples from an inclusive perspective, and includes their participation from the initial stages in the planning of public policies that affect them, including labour policies. Regarding the rights of ownership and possession over the lands which they traditionally occupy shall be recognized.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 54, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 138, "Paragraph": "ILO Recommendation on Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience (No 205) 2017 This policy builds on ILO recommendation 77 \\n Transition from War to peace and features an expanded scope including internal conflicts and disasters. It broadens and updates the guidance on employment and several other elements of the Decent Work Agenda, taking into account the current global context and the complex and evolving nature of contemporary crises as well as the experience gained by the ILO and the international community in crisis response over the last decades. It also focuses on recovery and reconstruction in post-conflict and disaster situations, as well as on addressing root causes of fragility and taking preventive measures for building resilience.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 55, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 139, "Paragraph": "Security Council \u201cResolution 1509 (2003)\u201d on Liberia (S/RES/1509); \u201cResolution 1565 (2004)\u201d on DRC (S/RES/1565); and \u201cResolution 1856 (2008)\u201d on DRC (S/RES/1856) \\n\\n These resolutions share an emphasis on the link between armed conflict and the illicit exploitation and trade of natural resources, categorically condemning the illegal exploitation of these resources and other sources of wealth: \\n In resolution 1509 (2003), the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Liberia was called upon to assist the transitional government in restoring the proper administration of natural resources; \\n Resolution 1565 (2004) \u201curge[s] all States, especially those in the region including the Democratic Republic of the Congo itself, to take appropriate steps in order to end these illegal activities, including if necessary, through judicial means \u2026 and exhort[ed] the international financial institutions to assist the Government of National Unity and Transition in establishing efficient and transparent control of the exploitation of natural resources;\u201d \\n \u201cRecognizing the link between the illegal exploitation of natural resources, the illicit trade in such resources and the proliferation and trafficking of arms as one of the major factors fuelling and exacerbating conflicts in the Great Lakes region of Africa, and in particular in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,\u201d Security Council Resolution 1856 (2008) decided that the UN Peacekeeping Mission would work in close cooperation with the Government in order to, among other things, execute the \u201cdisarmament, demobilization, monitoring of resources of foreign and Congolese armed groups,\u201d and more specifically, \u201cuse its monitoring and inspection capacities to curtail the provision of support to illegal armed groups derived from illicit trade in natural resources.\u201d", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 55, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 140, "Paragraph": "Report of the Secretary-General entitled Progress report on the prevention of armed conflict of 18 July 2006 (A/60/891) \\n The Secretary-General\u2019s progress report notes that \u201cThe most effective way to prevent crisis is to reduce the impact of risk factors \u2026 These include, for instance, international efforts to regulate trade in resources that fuel conflict, such as diamonds \u2026 efforts to combat narcotics cultivation, trafficking and addiction \u2026 and steps to reduce environmental degradation, with its associated economic and political fallout. Many of these endeavours include international regulatory frameworks and the building of national capacities.\u201d In addition, he emphasizes more specifically that, \u201cEnvironmental degradation has the potential to destabilize already conflict-prone regions, especially when compounded by inequitable access or politicization of access to scarce resources,\u201d and \u201curge[s] Member States to renew their efforts to agree on ways that allow all of us to live sustainably within the planet\u2019s means.\u201d He encourages, among other things, implementing programmes that \u201ccan also have a positive impact locally by promoting dialogue around shared resources and enabling opposing groups to focus on common problems.\u201d", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 55, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 141, "Paragraph": "UNDG-ECHA Guidance Note on Natural Resource Management in Transition Settings (January 2013) \\n This note provides guidance on policy anchors for natural resource management in transition settings, key guiding questions for extractive industries, renewable resources and land to help understand their existing and potential contribution to conflict and peacebuilding and describes entry points where these issues should be considered within existing UN processes and tools. It also includes annexes, which highlight tools, resources and sources of best practice and other guidance for addressing natural resource management challenges in transition settings.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 56, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 142, "Paragraph": "Examples of relevant Certification Schemes, Standards, Guidelines and Principles \\n Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) The EITI is a coalition of governments, companies, civil society groups, investors and international organizations that has developed an international standard for transparent reporting on revenues from natural resources. With the EITI, companies publish what they pay and governments publish what they receive in order to encourage transparency and accountability on both sides. The process is overseen by a multi stakeholder group of governments, civil society and companies that provides a forum for dialogue and a platform for broader reforms along the natural resources value chain.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 56, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 143, "Paragraph": "Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Land Tenure Guidelines \\n The purpose of these guidelines is to serve as a reference and provide guidance to improve the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests with the overarching goal of achieving food security for all. The Guidelines have a particular focus on the linkages between tenure of land, fisheries and forests with poverty eradication, food security and sustainable livelihoods, with an emphasis on vulnerable and marginalized people. They mention specific actions that can be taken in order to improve tenure for land, fisheries and forests, especially for women, children, youth and indigenous peoples, as well as for the resolution of disputes, conflicts over tenure, and cooperation on transboundary matters. The Guidelines are voluntary.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 56, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 144, "Paragraph": "Pinheiro Principles on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons \\n The Pinheiro Principles on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons were endorsed by the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights on 11 August 2005 and are firmly established on the basis of international humanitarian and human rights law. The Principles provide restitution practitioners, as well as States and UN agencies, with specific policy guidance relating to the legal, policy, procedural, institutional and technical implementation mechanisms for housing and property restitution following conflicts, disasters or complex emergencies. While the principles are focused on housing, land and property (HLP) rights, they also refer to commercial properties, including agricultural and pastoral land. They also advocate for the inclusion of HLP issues in peace agreements and for appeals or other humanitarian budgets.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 57, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 145, "Paragraph": "Natural Resources Charter \\n The Natural Resource Charter is a set of principles for governments and societies on how to best harness the opportunities created by extractive resources for development. It outlines tools and policy options designed to avoid the mismanagement of diminishing natural riches and ensure their ongoing benefits. The charter is organized around 12 core precepts offering guidance on key decisions governments face, beginning with whether to extract resources and ending with how generated revenue can produce maximum good for citizens. It is not a recipe or blueprint for the policies and institutions countries must build, but rather a set of principles to guide decision making processes. First launched in 2010 at the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, the charter was written by an independent group of practitioners and academics under the governance of an oversight board composed of distinguished international figures with first-hand experience of the challenges faced by resource-rich countries.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 57, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 146, "Paragraph": "OECD due diligence guidance for responsible supply chains of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas \\n The OECD Due Diligence Guidance provides detailed recommendations to help companies respect human rights and avoid contributing to conflict through their mineral purchasing decisions and practices. This Guidance is for use by any company potentially sourcing minerals or metals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas. The OECD Guidance is global in scope and applies to all mineral supply chains. ", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 57, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 147, "Paragraph": "Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act \\n The \u201cconflict minerals\u201d provision\u2014commonly known as Section 1502 of the Dodd Frank Act\u2014 requires U.S. publicly-listed companies to check their supply chains for tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold, if they might originate in Congo or its neighbors, take steps to address any risks they find, and to report on their efforts every year to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Companies are not encouraged to stop sourcing from this region but are required to show they are working with the appropriate care\u2014what is now known as \u201cdue diligence\u201d\u2014to make sure they are not funding armed groups or human rights abuses.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 57, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 148, "Paragraph": "Kimberley Process \\n The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) imposes extensive requirements on its members to enable them to certify shipments of rough diamonds as \u2018conflict-free' and prevent conflict diamonds from entering the legitimate trade. Under the terms of the KPCS, participating states must meet \u2018minimum requirements' and must put in place national legislation and institutions; export, import and internal controls; and also commit to transparency and the exchange of statistical data. Participants can only legally trade with other participants who have also met the minimum requirements of the scheme, and international shipments of rough diamonds must be accompanied by a KP certificate guaranteeing that they are conflict-free.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 58, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 149, "Paragraph": "UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights \\n The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights are a set of guidelines for States and companies to prevent, address and remedy human rights abuses committed in business operations. The Principles are organized under three main tenets: Protect, Respect and Remedy. Companies worldwide are expected to comply with these norms, which underpin existing movements to create due diligence legislation for company supply chain operations worldwide. ", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 58, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}, {"ID": 150, "Paragraph": "Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF) \\n Development practitioners of all persuasions recognize that a well-functioning land sector can boost a country's economic growth, foster social development, shield the rights of vulnerable groups, and help with environmental protection. The World Bank\u2019s LGAF is a diagnostic instrument to assess the state of land governance at the national or sub-national level. Local experts rate the quality of a country's land governance along a comprehensive set of dimensions. These ratings and an accompanying report serve as the basis for policy dialogue at the national or sub-national level.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Natural Resource Management", "PageNum": 55, "Heading1": "Annex C: Relevant frameworks and standards for natural resources in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.30 DDR and Natural Resource Management"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/dataOLD/6 Linkages/6.40 DDR and Organized Crime.json b/static/dataOLD/6 Linkages/6.40 DDR and Organized Crime.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9947268 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/dataOLD/6 Linkages/6.40 DDR and Organized Crime.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"ID": 0, "Paragraph": "Organized crime and conflict converge in several ways, notably in terms of the actors and motives involved, modes of operating and economic opportunities. Conflict settings \u2013 marked by weakened social, economic and security institutions; the delegitimization or absence of State authority; shortages of goods and services for local populations; and emerging war economies \u2013 provide opportunities for criminal actors to fill these voids. They also offer an opening for illicit activities, including human, drugs and weapons trafficking, to flourish. At the same time, the profits from criminal activities provide conflict parties and individual combatants with economic and often social and political incentives to carry on fighting. For DDR processes to succeed, DDR practitioners should consider these factors.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 1, "Paragraph": "Dealing with the involvement of ex-combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups in organized crime not only requires the promotion of alternative livelihoods and reconciliation, but also the strengthening of national and local capacities. When DDR processes promote good governance practices, transparent policies and community engagement to find alternatives to illicit economies, they can simultaneously address conflict drivers and the impacts of conflict on organized crime, while supporting sustainable economic and social opportunities. Building stronger State institutions and civil service systems can contribute to better governance and respect for the rule of law. Civil services can be strengthened not only through training, but also by improving the salaries and living conditions of those working in the system. It is through the concerted efforts and goodwill of these systems, among other players, that the sustainability of DDR efforts can be realized.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 2, "Paragraph": "This module highlights the need for DDR practitioners to translate the recognized linkages between organized crime, conflict and peacebuilding into the design and implementation of DDR processes. It aims to contribute to age- and gender-sensitive DDR processes that are based on a more systematic understanding of organized crime in conflict and post-conflict settings, so as to best support the successful transition from conflict to sustainable peace. Through enhanced cooperation, mapping and dialogue among relevant stakeholders, the linkages between DDR and organized crime interventions can be addressed in a manner that supports DDR in the context of wider recovery, peacebuilding and sustainable development.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "Summary", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 3, "Paragraph": "This module provides DDR practitioners with information on the linkages between organized crime and DDR and guidance on how to include these linkages in integrated planning and assessment in an age- and gender-sensitive way. The module also aims to help DDR practitioners identify the risks and opportunities associated with incorporating organized crime considerations into DDR processes. The module highlights the role of organized crime across all phases of the peace continuum, from conflict prevention and resolution to peacekeeping, peacebuilding and longer-term development. It addresses the linkages between armed conflict, armed groups and organized crime, and outlines the ways that illicit economies can temporarily support reconciliation and sustainable reintegration. The guidance provided is applicable to mission and non-mission settings and may be relevant for all actors engaged in combating the conflict-crime nexus at local, national and regional levels.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 1, "Heading1": "1. Module scope and objectives", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 4, "Paragraph": "Annex A contains a list of terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this standard. A com\u00ad plete glossary of all the terms, definitions and abbreviations used in the series of integrated DDR standards (IDDRS) is given in IDDRS 1.20. In the IDDRS series, the words \u2018shall\u2019, \u2018should\u2019, \u2018may\u2019, \u2018can\u2019 and \u2018must\u2019 are used to indicate the intended degree of compliance with the standards laid down. This use is consistent with the language used in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards and guidelines: \\n a) \u2018shall\u2019 is used to indicate requirements, methods or specifications that are to be applied in order to conform to the standard; \\n b) \u2018should\u2019 is used to indicate the preferred requirements, methods or specifications; \\n c) \u2018may\u2019 is used to indicate a possible method or course of action; \\n d) \u2018can\u2019 is used to indicate a possibility and capability; and, \\n e) \u2018must\u2019 is used to indicate an external constraint or obligation.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 5, "Paragraph": "An organized criminal group shall mean a structured group of three or more persons, existing for a period of time and acting in concert with the aim of committing one or more serious crimes or offences established in accordance with the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC), in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit.1", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 6, "Paragraph": "A serious crime shall mean conduct constituting an offence punishable by a maximum deprivation of liberty of at least four years or a more serious penalty.2", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 7, "Paragraph": "A structured group shall mean a group that is not randomly formed for the immediate commission of an offence and that does not need to have formally defined roles for its members, continuity of its membership or a developed structure.3", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 8, "Paragraph": "Illicit economies are generally defined as economic transactions that are deemed illegal either because (a) \u2018licit\u2019 commodities or services are traded unlawfully or (b) illicit commodities or services are traded through unlawful measures.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 2, "Heading1": "2. Terms, definitions and abbreviations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 9, "Paragraph": "Organized crime can impact all stages of conflict, contributing to its onset, perpetuating violence (including through the financing of armed groups) and posing obstacles to lasting peace. Crime and conflict interact cyclically. Conflict creates space and opportunities for organized crime to flourish by weakening States\u2019 capacities to enforce the rule of law and social order. This creates the conditions for those engaging in organized crime (including both armed forces and armed groups) to operate with comparably little risk.4", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 10, "Paragraph": "Criminal activities can directly contribute to the intensity and duration of war, as new armed groups emerge that engage in illicit activities (involving both licit and illicit commodities) while \ufb01ghting each other and the State.5 Criminal activities help to supply parties to armed conflict with weapons, ammunition and revenues, augmenting their ability to engage in armed violence, exploit and abuse the most vulnerable, and promote the proliferation of weapons and ammunition in society, therefore undermining prospects for peace.6", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 11, "Paragraph": "Armed groups in part derive resources, power and legitimacy from participation in illicit economies that allow them to impose a scheme of violent governance on locals or provide services to the communities where they are based.7 Additionally, extortion schemes may be imposed on communities, whereby payments are made to armed groups in exchange for protection and/or the provision of other services. In the absence of State institutions, such tactics can often become accepted and acknowledged as a form of taxation by armed groups. This means that those engaged in criminal activities can, over time, be perceived as legitimate political actors. This perceived legitimacy can, in turn, translate into popular support, while undermining State authority and complicating conflict resolution.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 12, "Paragraph": "Additionally, the UN Security Council has emphasized that terrorists and terrorist groups can benefit from organized crime, whether domestic or transnational, as a source of financing or logistical support. Recognizing that the nature and scope of the linkages between terrorism and organized crime, whether domestic or transnational, vary by context,8 these ties may include an alliance of opportunities such as the engagement of terrorist groups in criminal activities for profit and/or the receipt of taxes to allow illicit flows to pass through territory under the control of terrorist groups. Overall, the combined presence of terrorism, violent extremism conducive to terrorism and organized crime, whether domestic or transnational, may exacerbate conflicts in affected regions and may contribute to undermining the security, stability, governance, and social and economic development of States.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 13, "Paragraph": "Importantly, in addition to diminishing law and order, armed conflict also makes it more difficult for local populations to meet their basic needs. Communities may turn to the black market for licit goods and services and seek economic opportunities in the illicit economy in order to survive. Since organized crime can underpin livelihoods for local populations before, during and after conflict, the planning for DDR processes must consider the role illicit activities play in communities at large and for specific portions of the population, including women, as well as the linkages between criminal groups and armed forces and groups.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 14, "Paragraph": "The response to organized crime will vary depending on whether the criminal activities at play involve licit or illicit commodities. The legality of commodities may also impact notions of who or what acts as a \u2018spoiler\u2019 to the peace process, community perceptions of DDR and which reintegration options are sought.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 15, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should also consider gender dimensions when contemplating how organized crime and armed conflict interact. Organized crime and armed conflict affect and involve women, men, boys and girls differently, irrespective of whether they are combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, victims of organized crime or a combination thereof. For example, although notions of masculinity may be more often associated with engagement in organized crime and males (adults, youth and boys) may more obviously take part in the conflict and make up the largest number of combatants, females who engage in criminal activities and conflict (both in combat and non-combat roles) can face discrimination based on gender from both ex-combatants and communities. Moreover, women are more often survivors of certain forms of organized crime, particularly human trafficking, and can be stigmatized or shamed due to the sexual exploitation they have experienced. They may be rejected by their families and communities upon their return leaving them with few opportunities for social and economic support. The experiences and treatment of males and females both during armed conflict and during their return to society may vary based on social, cultural and economic practices and norms. The organized crime\u2013conflict nexus therefore requires a gender- and age-sensitive DDR response.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 16, "Paragraph": "Children are highly vulnerable to trafficking and to the worst forms of child labour. Child victims may also be stigmatized, hidden or identified as dependants of adults. Therefore, within DDR, the identification of child victims and abductees, both girls and boys, requires age-sensitive approaches.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 17, "Paragraph": "Depending on the circumstances, organized crime may have existed prior to armed conflict (and possibly have given rise to it) or may have emerged during conflict. Organized crime may also remain long after peace is negotiated. Given the linkages between organized crime and armed conflict, it is necessary to recognize and understand this nexus as an integral part of the entire DDR process. DDR practitioners shall understand this convergence and implement measures that mitigate against associated risks, such as the reengagement of DDR participants in organized crime or the inadvertent removal of illegal livelihoods without alternatives.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 3, "Heading1": "3. Introduction", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 18, "Paragraph": "IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR sets out the main principles that guide all aspects of DDR processes. This section outlines how these principles apply to the linkages between DDR and organized crime.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 19, "Paragraph": "In contexts in which organized crime and armed conflict converge, members of armed forces and groups under consideration to participate in DDR may be (or may have been) engaged in criminal activities. Ultimately, States have the prerogative to legislate on crimes and determine applicable sanctions, including judicial and non-judicial measures. International humanitarian law encourages the granting of amnesties at the end of hostilities to persons who have participated in armed conflict as a measure of clemency favouring national reconciliation and a return to peace. DDR practitioners shall therefore seek advice from human rights officers or rule-of-law or other legal experts to assess the types of crimes committed in a particular context, whether amnesties have been issued in accordance with international humanitarian and human rights law, and for which types of crimes those amnesties have been issued, as their commission may make those involved ineligible for DDR. Engagement in organized criminal activities may sometimes rise to the level of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, and/or gross violations of human rights. Therefore, if DDR participants are found to have committed these crimes, they shall immediately be removed from participation. For additional guidance on armed groups and individuals listed by the Security Council as terrorists, as well as perpetrators or suspected perpetrators of terrorist acts, see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 4, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1 People centred", "Heading3": "4.1.1 Criteria for participation/eligibility", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 20, "Paragraph": "The majority of girls and boys associated with armed forces and groups may be victims of human trafficking, and DDR practitioners shall treat all children who have been recruited by armed forces and groups, including children who have otherwise been exploited, as victims of crime and of human rights violations. When DDR processes are implemented, children shall be separated from armed forces and groups and handed over to child protection agencies. As victims of crime, children\u2019s cases shall be handled by child protection authorities. Children shall be provided with support for their recovery and reintegration into families and communities, and the specific needs arising from their exploitation shall be addressed. For further information, see IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.1 People centred", "Heading3": "4.1.2 Unconditional release and protection of children ", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 21, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall be aware that, in contexts of organized crime, not all DDR participants and beneficiaries have the same needs. For example, the majority of victims of human trafficking, sexual abuse and exploitation are women, girls and boys. Moreover, women may be forcibly recruited for labour by armed groups and used as smuggling agents for weapons and ammunition. Whether they become members of armed groups or are abductees, women have specific needs derived from their human trafficking exploitation including debt bondage; physical, psychological and sexual abuse; and restricted movement. DDR practitioners shall therefore pay particular attention to the specific needs of women and men, boys and girls derived from their condition of having been trafficked and implement DDR processes that offer appropriate, age- and gender- specific psychological, economic and social assistance. For further information, see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR, IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR and IDDRS 5.30 on Youth and DDR.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.2 Gender responsive and inclusive ", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 22, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners shall be aware of the way that crime can influence politics in the country in which they operate and avoid inadvertently feeding harmful dynamics. For example, DDR participants may seek to negotiate for political positions in exchange for violence reduction, without necessarily stepping away from their links to organized criminal groups.9 In these scenarios, DDR practitioners shall consider wider strategies to strengthen institutions, fight corruption and foster good governance. DDR practitioners shall be aware that without safeguards, DDR processes may inadvertently legitimize illicit flows of both licit and illicit commodities, and corruption in political and State institutions. The establishment of prevention, protection and monitoring mechanisms (including systems for ensuring access to justice and police protection) is essential to prevent and punish sexual and gender-based violence, harassment and intimidation, and any other violation of human rights.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 5, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.3 Conflict sensitive", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 23, "Paragraph": "DDR processes shall be context specific in order to address local, national, regional and global circumstances. Organized crime takes on very different shapes and forms from one place to another and can evolve over time to adapt to changing realities. The evolution of organized crime may outpace DDR processes that require time to adapt. DDR processes that address organized crime through risk prevention and mitigation measures in one particular context cannot necessarily be replicated in another. Thus, in the planning of DDR processes, practitioners shall incorporate organized crime considerations into integrated assessments, by including an examination of organized crime as well as the local political economy, potential risks, mitigating factors and opportunities for local collaboration. For further information, see IDDRS 3.11 on Integrated Assessments.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.4 Context specific", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 24, "Paragraph": "DDR processes are undertaken in the context of national and local frameworks that must comply with relevant rights and obligations under international law (see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR). Both in and out of conflict settings, it is the State that has prosecutorial discretion and identifies which crimes are \u2018serious\u2019. In the absence of most serious crimes under international law, such as crimes against humanity, war crimes and gross violations of human rights, it falls on the State to implement criminal justice measures to tackle individuals\u2019 engagement in organized criminal activities. However, issues arise when the State itself engages in criminal activities or is a party to the conflict (and therefore cannot perform a neutral role in prosecuting members of adversarial groups). For armed groups, DDR processes and other peacebuilding/peacekeeping measures may be perceived as implementing victors\u2019 justice by focusing on engagement in illicit activities that fuel conflict, rather than seeking to understand why the group was fighting in the first place. DDR practitioners shall be aware of these potential risks to the success of DDR processes and ensure that efforts are as transparent as possible. For further information, see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.5 Flexible, accountable and transparent", "Heading3": "4.5.1 Accountable and transparent", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 25, "Paragraph": "DDR processes shall have built-in mechanisms to allow for national stakeholders, including civil society groups and the private sector, to not only be engaged in the implementation of DDR processes but to be involved in planning. Ultimately, internationally supported DDR processes are finite and constricted by mandates and resources. Therefore, both external and national DDR practitioners shall, to the extent possible, work with (other) national stakeholders to build political will and capacities on organized crime issues. DDR practitioners shall establish relevant and appropriate partnerships to make available technical assistance on organized crime issues through expert consultations, staff training, and resource guides and toolkits.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Nationally and locally owned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 26, "Paragraph": "Armed forces may themselves be discharged as part of DDR processes and, at the same time, may have been actively involved in facilitating or gatekeeping illicit activities. To address the challenges posed by the entrenched interests of conflict entrepreneurs, improved law enforcement, border controls, police training and criminal justice reform is required. Where appropriate, DDR practitioners shall seek to partner with entities engaged in this type of broader security sector reform (SSR). For further information, see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 6, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.6 Nationally and locally owned", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 27, "Paragraph": "The regional causes of conflict and the political, social and economic interrelationships among neighbouring States sharing insecure borders will present challenges in the implementation of DDR. Organized crime that is transnational in nature can exacerbate these challenges. DDR practitioners shall carefully coordinate with regional organizations and other relevant stakeholders when managing issues related to repatriation and the cross-border movement of weapons, armed groups and trafficked persons. The return of foreign former combatants and children formerly associated with armed forces and groups may pose particular challenges and will require separate strategies (see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements and IDDRS 5.20 on Children and DDR).", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "4. Guiding principles", "Heading2": "4.7 Regionally supported", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 28, "Paragraph": "Identifying the role of organized crime in armed conflict is integral to effectively addressing the factors that may give rise to conflict, sustain it or pose obstacles to sustainable peace. Broader analysis of organized crime in local contexts and the role it plays in local economies and in social and political frameworks can help DDR practitioners develop processes that minimize risks, including the risk of a relapse in violence, the risk that former members of armed forces and groups will re-engage in illicit activities, the risk that DDR processes will remove livelihoods, and the risk of impunity. By integrating organized crime considerations throughout DDR processes and in overall peacebuilding efforts, practitioners can provide ex-combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and local communities with holistic recovery assistance that promotes long-term peace and stability.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 29, "Paragraph": "The following sections seek to clarify the relationship between DDR processes, organized crime and armed conflict by looking at the role that criminal activities play in armed conflict, how and why armed forces and groups engage in organized crime, and the implications for DDR planning and implementation.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 30, "Paragraph": "Although multi-dimensional and complex, the impact of criminal activities on armed conflict can generally be described as the following:", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.1 The role of organized crime in conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 31, "Paragraph": "Organized crime often emerges when resources, governance, and social and economic opportunities are distributed inequitably. Individuals who feel politically and economically marginalized may turn to the illicit or informal economy, and the social gains derived from illicit activities may become increasingly attractive. Likewise, those who are marginalized may become increasingly resentful of formal economies and social and political channels from which they are excluded. This may make engagement in criminal activities and/or armed conflict appear legitimate. At the same time, illicit funds from criminal activities detract from the formal economy and divert potential tax revenues from States that could have used these funds to invest in education, health care and development. This diversion of funds further exacerbates discontent among the population while diminishing governance. The illicit trade in arms and ammunition may also result in the increased circulation of illicit materiel in communities at the same time as discontent is rising.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 7, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.1 The role of organized crime in conflict", "Heading3": "5.1.1 Contributing to the outbreak of conflict", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 32, "Paragraph": "Once armed conflict has erupted, illicit and informal economies are vulnerable to capture by armed groups, which transforms them into both war and criminal economies. Criminal economies can interweave with war economies by providing financial support and weapons and ammunition for armed groups. Violence can serve as a tool, not only to facilitate or control the illicit movement of goods, but also among armed groups that sell violence to provide protection or reinforcement of a flow under extortion schemes.10 While some armed groups may impose their authority over populations within their captured territory through a scheme of violent governance, in other cases (or in parallel), they may bolster their authority through organized crime by acting as (perceived) legitimate economic and political regulators to local communities.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.1 The role of organized crime in conflict", "Heading3": "5.1.2 Sustaining conflict ", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 33, "Paragraph": "For example, illicit revenue gained by armed groups engaged in criminal activities may be used to maintain social services and protect civilians and supporters in marginalized communities against predatory groups, particularly where the State is weak, absent or corrupt. In areas where the illicit economy forms the largest or sole source of income for local communities, armed groups can protect local livelihoods from State efforts to suppress these illegal activities. Often, marginalized communities depend on the informal economy to survive, and even more so in times of armed conflict, when goods and services are scarce.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.1 The role of organized crime in conflict", "Heading3": "5.1.3 Undermining peace", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 34, "Paragraph": "During armed conflict, when armed forces and groups make territorial gains, they may also gain access to informal markets and illicit flows of both licit and illicit commodities. This access can be used to further their war efforts. In these circumstances, in addition to direct engagement in criminal activities, rent-seeking dynamics emerge between armed groups and local communities and other actors, under the threat of violence or under the premise of protection of locals against other predatory groups. For example, rather than engaging in criminal activities directly, armed groups may extort or tax those using key transport (and consequently trafficking) hubs or demand payment for access to resources and extraction sites.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.1 The role of organized crime in conflict", "Heading3": "5.1.3 Undermining peace", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 35, "Paragraph": "Criminal economies risk becoming embedded in a State\u2019s economic and social fabric even after an armed conflict and its war economy formally end. Civilian livelihoods may continue to depend on illicit activities previously undertaken during wartime. Corruption patterns established by State actors during wartime may also continue, particularly when the rule of law has been weakened. This may prevent the development of effective institutions of governance and pose challenges to establishing long-term peace and stability.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 8, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.1 The role of organized crime in conflict", "Heading3": "5.1.3 Undermining peace", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 36, "Paragraph": "Even in a post-conflict context, the widespread availability of weapons and ammunition (due to trafficking by armed forces and groups, stockpile mismanagement and weapons retention by former combatants) may undermine the transition to peace. Violence may be used strategically in order to disrupt the distribution of power and resources, particularly in transitioning States where criminal violence has erupted.11", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.1 The role of organized crime in conflict", "Heading3": "5.1.3 Undermining peace", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 37, "Paragraph": "Where communities are supported and protected by armed groups, combatants become legitimized in the eyes of the people. Armed groups that act as protectors of local livelihoods, even if livelihoods are made illegally, may gain more widespread political and social capital than State institutions. Where organized crime becomes embedded, these circumstances can result in a resurgence of conflict.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.1 The role of organized crime in conflict", "Heading3": "5.1.3 Undermining peace", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 38, "Paragraph": "As a preliminary consideration, DDR practitioners should first distinguish between organized crime as an entity and organized crime as an activity. Labelling groups as \u2018organized criminal groups\u2019 (entity) has become increasingly irrelevant in conflict settings where armed groups (and occasionally armed forces) are engaged in organized crime, often rendering organized criminal groups and armed groups indistinguishable. The progressive blurring of lines between organized criminal groups and armed groups necessitates an understanding of the motivations for engaging in organized crime (as an activity) and armed conflict. This awareness is particularly important for DDR practitioners when determining whom to involve as participants in DDR processes and when determining the types of measures to implement in order to minimize continued involvement (and/or re-engagement) in illicit activities.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.2 The relationship between organized crime and armed forces and groups ", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 39, "Paragraph": "Where crime and armed conflict converge, two general motives emerge: economic and social/political. Economic motivations arise in conflict when the State is absent or weak and actors can monopolize a market or carry out a lucrative illicit activity with impunity. Social/political motives can also arise in the absence of the State apparatus, leading actors to take the State\u2019s place through the pursuit of legitimacy or exercise of power through violent governance. While organized criminal groups have largely been described as carrying out their activities for a financial or material benefit, recent evidence indicates that motives exist beyond profits. Similarly, where armed groups have traditionally fought for a political or ideological reason, economic opportunities presented by organized crime may expand their objectives.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.2 The relationship between organized crime and armed forces and groups ", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 40, "Paragraph": "While these considerations are most frequently applied to armed groups, armed forces may also directly engage in organized crime. For example, poor working conditions coupled with low wages may be insufficient for individual members of armed forces to survive, leading some to sell weapons to armed groups and communities for financial gain. More broadly, in some cases, challenges to State strongholds mean that State actors must struggle to maintain their power, joining armed groups in competing for resources and territorial control, and often also engaging in organized crime activities for economic profit.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 9, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.2 The relationship between organized crime and armed forces and groups ", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 41, "Paragraph": "When State involvement in criminal activities is indirect, symbiotic relationships can arise with other conflict actors through corruption. Corruption has been widely identified as a major spoiler of peace processes and poses serious risks to the success of DDR processes. Armed groups engaged in organized crime may actively seek political protection and facilitation for their operations, using bribery and the threat of violence and capturing parts of the democratic process to influence progressively higher levels of the State. In some cases, organized crime becomes so pervasive that it \u2018captures\u2019 the State\u2019s public and political spaces. Due to individuals\u2019 positions within the State apparatus, illicit activities may flourish with impunity. State officials who are linked to illicit activities that contribute to violence can exert their political influence and power to sway negotiations and settlements to benefit their dealings, at the expense of sustainable peace. While the criminalization of politics can become a residual legacy of conflict, the subversion of the rule of law and mismanagement of public services may lead to conditions that risk the recurrence of conflict.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.2 The relationship between organized crime and armed forces and groups ", "Heading3": "5.2.1 The politicization of crime and criminalization of politics", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 42, "Paragraph": "In supporting DDR processes, organizations are governed by their respective constituent instruments; specific mandates; and applicable internal rules, policies and procedures. DDR is also supported within the context of a broader international legal framework, which contains rights and obligations that must be adhered to in the implementation of DDR. As such, the applicable legal frameworks should be considered at every stage of the DDR process, from planning to execution and evaluation, and, in some cases, the legal architecture to counter organized crime may supersede DDR policies and frameworks. Failure to abide by the applicable legal framework may result in consequences for the UN, national institutions, the individual DDR practitioners involved and the success of the DDR process as a whole.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Relevant frameworks and approaches to combat organized crime during conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 43, "Paragraph": "Within the context of organized crime and armed conflict, DDR practitioners must consider national as well as international legal frameworks that pertain to organized crime, in both conflict and post-conflict settings, in order to understand how they may apply to combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups who have engaged in criminal activities. While \u2018organized crime\u2019 itself remains undefined, a number of related international instruments that define concepts and specific manifestations of organized crime form the legal framework upon which interventions and obligations are based (refer to Annex B for a list of key instruments).", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Relevant frameworks and approaches to combat organized crime during conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 44, "Paragraph": "A country\u2019s international obligations put forth by these instruments are usually translated into domestic legislation. While domestic legal frameworks on organized crime may differ in the treatment of organized crime across States, by ratifying international instruments, States are required to align their national legislation with international standards. Given that DDR processes are carried out within the jurisdiction of a State, DDR practitioners should be aware of the international instruments that the State in which DDR is taking place has ratified and how these may impact the implementation of DDR processes, particularly when determining the eligibility of DDR participants.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Relevant frameworks and approaches to combat organized crime during conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 45, "Paragraph": "As a preliminary obligation, DDR practitioners shall respect the national laws of the host State, which in turn must comply with standards set forth by the international legal framework on organized crime, corruption and terrorism as well as international humanitarian and human rights laws. For example, participation in criminal activities by certain former members of armed forces and groups may limit their participation in DDR processes, as outlined in a State\u2019s penal code and criminal procedure codes. Moreover, where crimes (such as forms of human trafficking) committed by ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups are so egregious as to constitute crimes against humanity, war crimes or gross violations of human rights, their participation in DDR processes must be excluded by international humanitarian law.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 10, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Relevant frameworks and approaches to combat organized crime during conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 46, "Paragraph": "In cases where armed forces have engaged in criminal activities amounting to the most serious crimes under international law, it is the duty of every State to exercise its criminal jurisdiction over those responsible. DDR practitioners shall not facilitate any violations of international human rights law or international humanitarian law by the host State, including arbitrary deprivation of liberty and unlawful confinement, or surveillance/maintaining watchlists of participants. DDR practitioners should be aware of local and international mechanisms for achieving justice and accountability. Moreover, it is a long-established policy that the UN will not endorse provisions in a transitional justice process that include amnesties for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and gross violations of human rights (see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform and IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice). Therefore, if there is a concern regarding the obligation to respect a host State\u2019s law and the activities of the DDR practitioner, the DDR practitioner shall seek legal advice from the competent legal office and human rights office, and DDR processes may need to be adjusted. For further information, see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Relevant frameworks and approaches to combat organized crime during conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 47, "Paragraph": "DDR processes may also be impacted by Security Council sanctions regimes. Targeted sanctions against individuals, groups and entities have been utilized by the UN to address threats to international peace and security, including the threat of organized crime by armed groups. DDR practitioners should be aware of any relevant sanctions regime, particularly arms embargo measures that may restrict the options available during disarmament or transitional weapons and ammunitions management activities, limit eligibility for participation in DDR processes and restrict the provision of financial support to DDR participants. (For more information, refer to IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament and IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management.) While each sanctions regime is unique, DDR practitioners shall be aware of those applicable to armed groups and seek legal advice about whether listed individuals or groups can indeed be eligible to participate in DDR processes.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Relevant frameworks and approaches to combat organized crime during conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 48, "Paragraph": "For example, the Security Council Committee concerning ISIL (Da\u2019esh), Al-Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities, established pursuant to Resolutions 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015), is the only sanctions committee of the Security Council that lists individuals and groups for their association with terrorism. DDR practitioners shall be further aware that donor States may also designate groups as terrorists through \u2018national listings\u2019. DDR practitioners should consult their legal adviser on the implications a terrorist listing may have for the planning or implementation of DDR processes, including whether the group was designated by the UN Security Council, a regional organization, the host State or a State supporting the DDR process, as well as whether the host or a donor State criminalizes the provision of support to terrorists, in line with applicable international counter-terrorism requirements. For an overview of the legal framework related to DDR more generally, see IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 11, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.3 Relevant frameworks and approaches to combat organized crime during conflict", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 49, "Paragraph": "The crime-conflict nexus shall be considered by DDR practitioners as they contemplate engagement and ultimately determine whether DDR is an appropriate response or whether law enforcement interventions and/or criminal justice mechanisms are better suited to the context.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.4 Implications for DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 50, "Paragraph": "In order to develop successful DDR processes, DDR practitioners should assess whether participants\u2019 involvement in criminal economies came about as a function of war or as part of broader economic or social dynamics. During DDR processes, incentives for combatants to disarm and demobilize may be insufficient if they control access to lucrative resources and have well-established informal taxation regimes that depend upon the continued threat or use of violence.12 Regardless of whether conflict is ongoing or has ended, if these economic motives are not addressed, the risk that former members of armed forces and groups will re-engage in criminal activities increases.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.4 Implications for DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 51, "Paragraph": "Likewise, DDR processes that do not consider social and political motives risk failure. Participation in DDR processes may decrease if members of armed forces and groups feel that they will lose social and political status in their communities by disarming and demobilizing, or if they fear retaliation against themselves and their families for abandoning armed forces and groups who engage in criminal activities. Similarly, communities themselves may be reluctant to accept and trust DDR processes if they feel that such efforts mean losing protection and stability. In such cases, public information can play an important role in supporting DDR processes, by helping to raise awareness of what the DDR process involves and the opportunities available to leave behind illicit economies. For further information, see IDDRS 4.60 on Public Information and Strategic Communication in Support of DDR.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.4 Implications for DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 52, "Paragraph": "Moreover, the type of illicit economy can influence local perspectives. For example, labour- intensive illicit economies, such as the cultivation of drug crops or artisanal mining of natural resources including metals and minerals, but also logging and fishing, can easily employ hundreds of thousands to millions of people in a particular locale.13 In these instances, DDR processes that work to remove involvement in what can be \u2018positive\u2019 illicit activities may be unsuccessful if no alternative economic opportunities are offered, and a better route may be to support the formalization and regulation of the relevant sectors.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.4 Implications for DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 53, "Paragraph": "Additionally, the interaction between organized crime and armed conflict is a fundamentally gendered phenomenon, affecting men and women differently in both conflict and post-conflict settings. Although notions of masculinity may be more frequently associated with engagement in organized crime, and males (adults, youth and boys) may more obviously take part in the conflict and make up the largest number of combatants, females who engage in criminal activities and conflict (both in combat and non-combat roles) can face discrimination on the basis of gender from both ex-combatants and communities. Moreover, women are more frequently victims of certain forms of organized crime, particularly human trafficking for sexual exploitation, and can be stigmatized or shamed due to the sexual exploitation they have experienced.14 They may be rejected by their families and communities upon their return, leaving them with few opportunities for social and economic support.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.4 Implications for DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 54, "Paragraph": "At the same time, men and boys who are trafficked, either through sexual exploitation or otherwise, may face a different set of challenges based on perceived emasculation. In addition to economic difficulties, they may face stigma in communities who may not view them as victims at all. DDR processes should therefore follow an intersectional and gender-based approach in providing social, economic and psychological services to former members of armed forces and groups. For example, providing reintegration opportunities specific to female or male DDR participants and beneficiaries that promote equality, independence and a sense of ownership over their futures can have a significant impact on social, psychological and economic well-being.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 12, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.4 Implications for DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 55, "Paragraph": "Finally, given that DDR processes are guided by national and local policies, DDR practitioners should bear in mind the role that crime can play in the politics of the countries in which they operate. Even if ex-combatants lay down their arms, they may retain their links to organized crime. In some cases, participation in DDR may be predicated on the condition that ex- combatants engaged in criminal activities are offered positions in the political sphere. This condition risks embedding criminality in the State apparatus. Moreover, for certain types of organized crime, amnesties cannot be granted, as serious human rights violations may have taken place, as in the case of human trafficking. DDR processes must form part of a wider response to strengthening institutions, building resilience towards corruption, strengthening the rule of law, and fostering good governance, which can, in turn, prevent the conditions that may contribute to the recurrence of conflict.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "5. Combatting organized crime in conflict settings", "Heading2": "5.4 Implications for DDR", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 56, "Paragraph": "DDR processes shall form part of overall efforts to achieve peace, considering organized crime as an element of the conflict, through a political prism rather than solely an economic one. Illicit economies should be carefully tackled to avoid unintentionally stigmatizing combatants, persons associated with armed forces and groups, and other DDR participants and beneficiaries. Political dynamics and balances of power should also be kept in mind. Given the complexities of organized crime and conflict, there are very few good practices in peace time, let alone during ongoing conflict. Nevertheless, the basis of any DDR processes should centre on a robust analysis of the local context and thorough information gathering on the dynamics of criminality and conflict.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. DDR and organized crime: planning considerations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 57, "Paragraph": "The following section provides guidance on integrating organized crime considerations into DDR planning, including in assessments such as conflict, security and political economy analysis.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. DDR and organized crime: planning considerations", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 58, "Paragraph": "Crime in conflict and post-conflict settings means that DDR must be planned with three major overlapping factors in mind: \\n\\n 1. Actors: When organized crime and conflict converge, several actors may be involved, including combatants and criminal groups as well as State actors, each fuelled by particular and often overlapping motives and engagement in similar activities. Moreover, the blurring of motivations, whether they be political, social or economic, means that membership across these groups may be fluid. In this context, the success and sustainability of DDR rests not in treating armed groups as monolithic entities separate from State armed forces, but rather in making alliances with those who benefit from adopting rule-of-law procedures. The labelling of what is legal and illegal, or legitimate and illegitimate, is done by State actors and, as this is a normative decision, the definition privileges the State. Particularly in conflict settings in which State governance is weak, corrupt or contested, the binary choice of good versus bad is arbitrary and often does not reflect the views of the population. In labelling actors as organized criminal groups, potential partners in peace processes may be discouraged from engaging and become spoilers instead. \\n In DDR planning, the economic, social and political motives that persuade individuals to partake in organized criminal activities should be identified and understood. DDR practitioners should also recognize how organized crime and conflict affect particular groups of actors, such as women and children, differently. \\n\\n 2. Criminal activities: The type of criminal activity in a given conflict setting may have implications for the planning of DDR processes. While organized crime encompasses a wide range of activities, certain criminal markets frequently arise in conflict settings, including the illegal exploitation of natural resources, weapons and ammunition trafficking, drug trafficking and the trafficking of human beings. Recent conflicts also show conflict actors profiting from protection and extortion payments, as well as kidnapping for ransom and other exploitation-based crimes. Not all organized crimes are similar in nature. For example, while some organized crimes are guided by personal greed and profit, others receive local legitimacy because they address the needs of the local community amid an infrastructural and political collapse. For instance, the trafficking of licit goods, such as subsidized food products, can form an integral part of economic and livelihoods strategies. In this context, rather than being seen as criminal conduct, the activities of organized criminal networks may be viewed as a way to build parallel informal economies and greater resilience.15 \\n A number of factors relating to any given criminal economy should be considered when planning a DDR process, including the pervasiveness of the criminal economy; whether it evolved before, during or after the conflict; how violence links criminal activities to armed conflict; whether criminal activities carried out reach the threshold of the most serious crimes under international law; linkages between organized crime and terrorists and/or terrorist groups; and the labour intensiveness of criminal activities. \\n\\n 3. Context: How the local context serves as both a driver and spoiler of peacebuilding efforts is central to the planning of DDR processes, particularly reintegration. Social factors, including local culture, the perceived legitimacy of criminal activities and individual combatants, and general notions of support or hostility towards DDR itself, shape the way that DDR should be approached. Moreover, understanding the broader economic and/or political environment in which armed conflict begins and ends allows DDR practitioners to identify entry points, potential obstacles and projections for sustainability. Although DDR processes deal with members of armed forces and groups rather than criminals, it is important to understand how local circumstances beyond the war context can affect reintegration, and the role that reintegration can play in preventing former combatants and persons formerly associated with armed groups from falling into organized crime. This includes assessing the State\u2019s role in either contributing to or deterring engagement in illicit activities, and the abilities of criminal groups to infiltrate conflict settings by appealing to former combatants. \\n UN peace operations may inadvertently contribute to criminal flows because of misguided interventions or as an indirect consequence of their presence. Interventions should be guided by the \u2018do no harm\u2019 principle, and DDR practitioners should support the formulation of context- specific DDR processes based on a sound analysis of local factors, vulnerabilities and risks, rather than by replicating past experiences. A political analysis of the local context should consider the non-exhaustive list of elements listed in table 1 and, to the extent possible, identify gender dimensions where applicable.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 13, "Heading1": "6. DDR and organized crime: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.1 Assessments and design", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 59, "Paragraph": "In the planning, design, implementation and monitoring of DDR processes in organized crime contexts, practitioners shall undertake a comprehensive risk management scheme. The following list of organized crime\u2013related risks is intended to assist DDR practitioners to assess and manage vulnerabilities in such contexts in order to prevent negative consequences. \\n Programmatic risk: In contexts of ongoing conflict, organized crime activities can be used to further both economic and power-seeking gains. The risk that ex-combatants will be re- recruited or (continue to) engage in criminal activity is higher when conflict is ongoing, protracted or financed through organized crime. In the absence of a formal peace agreement, DDR participants may be more reluctant to give up the perceived opportunities that illicit activities offer, particularly when reintegration opportunities are limited, formal and informal economies overlap, and unresolved grievances persist. \\n \u2018Do no harm\u2019 risk: Because DDR processes not only present the risk of reinforcing illicit activities and flows, but may also be vulnerable to corruption and capture, DDR practitioners shall ensure that processes are implemented in a manner that avoids inadvertently contributing to illicit flows and/or retaliation by armed forces and groups that engage in criminal activities. This includes the careful selection of partnering institutions and groups to implement DDR processes. Within an organized crime\u2013conflict context, DDR processes may also present the risk of reinforcing extortion schemes through the payment of cash/stipends to DDR participants as part of reinsertion assistance. Practitioners should consider the distribution of payments through the issuance of pre-paid cards, vouchers or digital transfers where possible, to reduce the risk that participants will be extorted by those engaged in criminal activities, including armed forces and groups. \\n Security risk: The possibility of armed groups directly targeting staff/programmes they may perceive as hostile is high in ongoing conflict contexts, particularly if DDR processes are perceived to be associated with the removal of livelihoods and social status. Conversely, DDR practitioners who are perceived to be supporting individuals (formerly) associated with criminal activities, particularly those who engaged in violence against local populations, can also be at risk of reprisals by certain communities or national actors. It is also important that potential risks to communities and civil society groups that may arise as a consequence of their engagement with DDR processes be properly assessed, managed and mitigated. \\n Reputational risk: DDR practitioners should be aware of the risk of being seen as promoting impunity or being lenient towards individuals who may have engaged in schemes of violent governance against communities. DDR practitioners should also be aware of the risk that they may be seen as being complicit in abusive State policies and/or behaviour, particularly if armed forces are known to engage in organized criminal activities and pervasive corruption. Due diligence and appropriate frameworks, safeguards and mechanisms shall be applied to continuously address these complex issues. \\n Legal risks: DDR practitioners who rely on Government donors may face additional challenges if these Governments insert conditions or clauses into their grant agreements in order to comply with Security Council resolutions. As stated in IDDRS 2.11 on The Legal Framework for UN DDR, DDR practitioners should consult with their legal adviser if applicable host State national legislation criminalizes the provision of support, including to suspected terrorists or armed groups designated as terrorist organizations. For more information on legal issues and risks, see section 5.3 of this module.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 15, "Heading1": "6. DDR and organized crime: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.2 Risk management and implementation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 60, "Paragraph": "Planning for DDR processes should be undertaken with a diverse range of partners. By coordinating with Government institutions, the criminal justice sector, academia, civil society and the private sector, DDR can provide ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups with a wide range of viable alternatives to criminal activities and violence.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. DDR and organized crime: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.3 Opportunities for joint approaches in combatting organized crime", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 61, "Paragraph": "While the nature of partnerships in DDR processes may vary, local actors possess in-depth knowledge of the local context. This knowledge should serve as an entry point for joint approaches, particularly in the mapping of actors and local conditions. DDR practitioners can also draw on the research skills of academia and crime observatories to build evidence-based DDR processes. Additionally, cooperation with the criminal justice sector can provide a basis for the sharing of criminal intelligence and expertise to inform DDR processes, as well as capacity- building to assist in the integration of former combatants.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. DDR and organized crime: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.3 Opportunities for joint approaches in combatting organized crime", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 62, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should recognize that not only local authorities, but also civil society actors and the private sector, may be the frontline responders who lay the foundation for peace and development and ensure its long-term sustainability. Innovative financing sources and partnerships should be sought. Local partnerships contribute to the collective ownership of DDR processes. DDR practitioners should therefore be exposed to national and local development actors, strategies and priorities.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. DDR and organized crime: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.3 Opportunities for joint approaches in combatting organized crime", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 63, "Paragraph": "Beyond engagement with local actors, when conflict and organized crime have a transnational element, DDR practitioners should seek to build partnerships regionally to coordinate the repatriation and sustainable reintegration of ex-combatants and persons associated with armed forces and groups. Armed forces and groups may engage in criminal activities that span borders in terms of perpetrators, victims, violence, supply chains and commodities, including arms and ammunition. When armed conflicts affect more than one country, DDR practitioners should engage regional bodies to address issues related to armed groups operating on foreign territory and to coordinate the repatriation of victims of trafficking. Moreover, even when an armed conflict remains in one country, DDR practitioners should be aware that criminal links may transcend borders and should avoid inadvertently reinforcing illicit cross-border flows. For further information, see IDDRS 5.40 on Cross-Border Population Movements.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. DDR and organized crime: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.3 Opportunities for joint approaches in combatting organized crime", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 64, "Paragraph": "Based on a local mapping of the conflict and its ties to criminal activities, DDR practitioners should set out their primary objectives, taking into account risk factors while managing expectations. It may be useful to outline priorities sequentially, in terms of short-, medium-, and long-term goals, followed by how to achieve them and a baseline of areas for bargaining and concessions. For example, recognizing that some criminal market types are beneficial to local communities in terms of employment, DDR practitioners may negotiate with ex-combatants to continue their involvement in informal economies temporarily, rather than providing training for employment opportunities that do not yet exist. When setting out these objectives, DDR practitioners should be thorough and organized but flexible enough to adapt to changes in the conflict landscape.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "6. DDR and organized crime: planning considerations", "Heading2": "6.4 DDR prioritization in organized crime-conflict settings", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 65, "Paragraph": "The trafficking of arms and ammunition supports the capacity of armed groups to engage in conflict settings. Disarmament as part of a DDR programme is essential to developing and maintaining a secure environment in which demobilization and reintegration can take place and can play an important role in crime prevention (see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament). Moreover, in many cases, Government stockpiles can be a key source of illicit weapons and ammunition, underlining the need to support the development of national weapons and ammunition management capacity. While arms trafficking in and of itself is a direct factor in the duration and escalation of violence, the possession of weapons also secures the ability to maintain or expand other criminal economies, including human trafficking, environmental crimes and the illicit drug trade.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 17, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 66, "Paragraph": "Where criminal activities and economic predation are entrenched, armed groups can secure income through the pillaging of lucrative natural resources, movement of other goods or civilian predation. Under these circumstances, the possession of weapons and ammunition is not merely a function of ongoing insecurity but is also an economic asset and means of control. Weapons are needed to maintain protection economies that centre around governance and violence, thereby creating enormous disincentives for armed groups to disarm. Even after formal peace negotiations, post-conflict areas may remain saturated with weapons and ammunition. Their widespread availability and misuse can lead to increased crime and renewed violence, while undermining peacebuilding efforts. Furthermore, if illicit trafficking of weapons and ammunition is combined with the failure of the State to provide security to its citizens, locals may be motivated to acquire weapons for self-protection.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "7.1 Disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 67, "Paragraph": "In addition to the considerations laid out in IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament, DDR practitioners should consider the following key factors when developing disarmament operations as part of DDR programmes in contexts of organized crime: \\nTransparency mechanisms: Specifically, the collection and destruction of weapons, ammunition and explosives should have accounting and monitoring measures in place to prevent diversion. This includes recordkeeping of weapons, ammunition and explosives collected during the disarmament phase of a DDR programme. Transparency in the disposal of weapons and ammunition collected from former conflict parties is key to building trust in the DDR programme. Destruction should not take place if there is a risk that judicial evidence may be lost as a result of the disposal, and especially where there is a risk of linkages to organized crime activities. Recordkeeping and tracing of weapons should be mandatory, and of ammunition where feasible. The use of digital technology should be deployed during recordkeeping, where possible, to allow for weapons tracing from the time of retrieval and throughout the management chain, enhancing accountability. For further information, see IDDRS 4.10 on Disarmament. \\nLink to wider SSR and arms control: Law enforcement agencies in conflict-affected countries often lack the capacity to investigate and prosecute weapons trafficking offenders and to collect and secure illegal weapons and ammunition. DDR practitioners should therefore align their efforts with broader arms control initiatives to ensure that weapons and ammunition management capacity deficits do not further contribute to illicit flows and the perpetration of armed violence. Understanding arms trafficking dynamics, achieved by ensuring collected weapons are marked and thus traceable, is critical to countering illicit arms flows. In the absence of this understanding, illicit flows may continue to provide arms to conflict parties and may continue to provide traffickers with incentives to fuel armed conflicts in order to create or expand their illicit arms market. For further information, see IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management and IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 18, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "7.1 Disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 68, "Paragraph": "BOX 1: DISARMAMENT: KEY QUESTIONS \\n What are the roles of weapons and ammunition in the commission of crime, including organized crime? \\n What are the social perspectives of conflict actors and communities on weapons and ammunition? What steps can be taken to develop local norms against the illegal use of weapons and ammunition? \\n What are the sources of illicit weapons and ammunition and possible trafficking routes? \\n In conflict settings, what steps can be taken to disrupt the flow of illicit weapons and ammunition in order to reduce the capacity of individuals and groups to engage in armed conflict and criminal activities? \\n How can DDR programmes highlight the constructive roles of women who may have previously engaged in the illicit trafficking of weapons and/or ammunition? What precautions can be taken to avoid reinforcing or creating gender-based inequalities? \\n To what extent would the removal of weapons and ammunition jeopardize security and economic opportunities for ex-combatants and communities? \\n When disarmament is not appropriate, can DDR-related tools, such as transitional weapons and ammunition management, be implemented? Can alternative stages (demobilization and reintegration) be offered prior to disarmament to gain trust and contribute to the hand over of weapons and ammunition? \\n Does the proposed disarmament operation have sufficient resources to safely store weapons and ammunition and prevent diversion to armed groups engaged in criminal activities?", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "7.1 Disarmament", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 69, "Paragraph": "In crime-conflict contexts, demobilization as part of a DDR programme presents a number of challenges. While the formal and controlled discharge of active combatants may be clear cut, persuading them to relinquish their ties to organized criminal activities may be harder. This is also true for persons associated with armed forces and groups. Given the clandestine nature of organized crime, establishing whether DDR programme participants continue to engage in organized crime may be difficult.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "7.2 Demobilization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 70, "Paragraph": "Continued engagement in organized criminal activities can serve not only to further war efforts, but may also offer former members of armed forces and groups a stable livelihood that they otherwise would not have. In some cases, the economic opportunities and rewards available through violent predation and/or patronage networks might exceed those expected through the DDR programme. Therefore, it is important that the short-term reinsertion support on offer is linked to long-term prospects for a sustainable livelihood and is sufficient to fight the perceived short-term \u2018benefits\u2019 from engagement in illicit activities. For further information, see IDDRS 4.20 on Demobilization.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 19, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "7.2 Demobilization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 71, "Paragraph": "Moreover, if DDR programme participants are not swiftly integrated into the legal workforce, the probability of their falling prey to organized criminal groups or finding livelihoods in illicit economies is high. Even if members of armed forces and groups demobilize, they continue to be at risk for recruitment by criminal groups due to the expertise they have gained during war. These circumstances mean that DDR practitioners should compare what DDR programmes and criminal groups offer. For example, beyond economic incentives, male combatants often perceive a loss of masculinity, while female ex-combatants struggle with losing some degree of gender equality, respect and security compared to wartime. When demobilizing, feelings of comradeship and belonging can erode, and joining criminal groups may serve as a replacement if DDR programmes do not fill this gap.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "7.2 Demobilization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 72, "Paragraph": "On the other hand, involvement in illicit activities may pose a risk to the personal safety and well-being of former members of armed forces and groups and their families. Individuals may remain \u2018loyal\u2019 to criminal groups for fear of retaliation. As such, it is important for DDR practitioners to ensure the safety of DDR programme participants. Similarly, where aims are political and actors have built legitimacy in local communities, demobilization may be perceived as accepting a loss of status or defeat. DDR programme participants may continue to engage in criminal activities post-conflict in order to maintain the provision of goods and services to local communities, thereby retaining loyalty and respect.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "7.2 Demobilization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 73, "Paragraph": "BOX 2: DEMOBILIZATION: KEY QUESTIONS \\n What is the risk (if any) that reinsertion assistance will equip former members of armed forces and groups with skills that can be used in criminal activities? \\n If skills training and catch-up education are provided as part of short-term reinsertion assistance, do they adequately initiate former members of armed forces and groups into the realities of the lawful economic and social environment? \\n What safeguards can be put into place to prevent former members of armed forces and groups from being recruited by criminal actors? \\n What does demobilization offer that organized crime does not? Conversely, what does organized crime offer that demobilization does not? What are the (perceived) benefits of continued engagement in illicit activities? \\n How does demobilization address the specific needs of certain groups, such as women and children, who may have engaged in and/or been victims of organized crime in conflict?", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "7.2 Demobilization", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 74, "Paragraph": "Reintegration support should be based on an assessment of the economic, social, psychosocial and political challenges faced by ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, their families and communities. In addition to the guidance outlined in IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration, DDR practitioners should also consider the factors that sustain organized criminal networks and activities when planning reintegration support.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 75, "Paragraph": "In communities where engagement in illicit economies is widespread and normalized, certain criminal activities may have no social stigma attached to them. DDR practitioners or may even bring power and prestige. Ex-combatants \u2013 especially those who were previously in high-ranking positions \u2013 often share the same level of status as successful criminals, posing challenges to their long-lasting reintegration into lawful society. DDR practitioners should therefore consider the impact of involvement of ex-combatants\u2019 involvement in organized crime on the design of reintegration support programmes, taking into account the roles they played in illicit activities and crime-conflict dynamics in the society at large.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 20, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 76, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should examine the types and characteristics of criminal activities. While organized crime can encompass a range of activities, the distinction between violent and non- violent criminal enterprises, or non-labour intensive and labour-intensive criminal economies may help DDR practitioners to prioritize certain reintegration strategies. For example, some criminal market activities may be considered vital to the local economy of communities, particularly when employing most of the local workforce.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 77, "Paragraph": "Economic reintegration can be a challenging process because there may be few available jobs in the formal sector. It becomes imperative that reintegration support not only enable former members of armed forces and groups to earn a living, but that the livelihood is enough to disincentivize the return to illicit activities. In other cases, laissez-faire policies towards labour- intensive criminal economies, such as the exploitation of natural resources, may open windows of opportunity, regardless of their legality, and could be accompanied by a process to formalize and regulate informal and artisanal sectors. Partnerships with multiple stakeholders, including civil society and the private sector, may be useful in devising holistic reintegration assessments and programmatic responses.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 78, "Paragraph": "The box below outlines key questions that DDR practitioners should consider when supporting reintegration in conflict-crime contexts. For further information on reintegration support, and specific guidance on environment crime, drug and human trafficking, see section 9.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 79, "Paragraph": "BOX 3: REINTEGRATION: KEY QUESTIONS \\n What are the risks and benefits involved in disrupting the illicit economies upon which communities depend? \\n How can support be distributed between former members of armed forces and groups, communities and victims in ways that are fair, facilitate reintegration, and avoid re-recruitment by organized criminal actors? \\n What steps can be taken when the reintegration support offered cannot outweigh the benefits offered through illicit activities? \\n What community-based monitoring initiatives can be put in place to ensure the sustained reintegration of former members of armed forces and groups and their continued non-involvement in criminal activities? \\n How can reintegration efforts work to address the motives and incentives of conflict actors through non-violent means, and what are the associated risks? \\n Which actors should contribute to addressing the conflict-crime nexus during reintegration, and in which capacity (including, among others, international agencies, public institutions, civil society and the private sector)?", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "7. DDR programmes and organized crime", "Heading2": "7.3 Reintegration", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 80, "Paragraph": "Organized crime often exacerbates and may prolong armed conflict. When the preconditions are not present to support a DDR programme, a number of DDR-related tools may be used in crime-conflict contexts. Alternatively, DDR-related tools may also be used before, during and after DDR programmes as complementary measures (see IDDRS 2.10 on The UN Approach to DDR).", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 21, "Heading1": "8. DDR-related tools and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 81, "Paragraph": "When DDR practitioners provide support to mediation teams, they can help to ensure that the provisions included within peace agreements are realistic and implementable (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). In organized crime contexts, DDR practitioners should seek to provide mediators with a contextual analysis of combatants\u2019 motives for engaging in illicit activities. They should also be aware that engaging with armed groups may confer legitimacy that impacts upon the local political economy. DDR practitioners should advise mediators to be wary of entrenching criminal interests in the peace agreement. Where feasible, DDR practitioners may advise mediators to address organized crime activities within the peace agreement, either directly or by putting in place an institutional framework to deal with these issues at a later date. Lessons learned from gang truces can be instructive and should be considered before entering a mediation process with actors involved in criminal activities.16", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "8. DDR-related tools and organized crime", "Heading2": "8.1 DDR support to mediation", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 82, "Paragraph": "The trafficking of weapons and ammunition facilitates not only conflict but other criminal activities as well, including the trafficking of persons and drugs. Transitional weapons and ammunition management (WAM) may be a suitable approach to control or limit the circulation of weapons, ammunition and explosives to reduce violence and engagement in illicit activities. Transitional WAM can contribute to preventing the outbreak, escalation, continuation and recurrence of conflict by preventing the diversion of weapons, ammunition and explosives to unauthorized end users, including both communities and armed groups engaged in illicit activities. For more information, refer to IDDRS 4.11 on Transitional Weapons and Ammunition Management.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "8. DDR-related tools and organized crime", "Heading2": "8.2 Transitional weapons and ammunition management", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 83, "Paragraph": "In an organized crime\u2013conflict context, community violence reduction (CVR) can help foster social cohesion and provide ex-combatants, persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups, and other at-risk individuals with economic and social alternatives to joining armed groups and engaging in criminal activities. Community-based initiatives, such as vocational training and short-term employment opportunities, not only reduce the risk that ex-combatants will return to conflict but also that they will continue participating in illicit activities as a means to survive.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "8. DDR-related tools and organized crime", "Heading2": "8.3 Community violence reduction", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 84, "Paragraph": "CVR can also serve as a complementary measure to other DDR processes. For example, as part of transitional WAM, communities prone to violence can be encouraged to build community storage facilities or hand over a certain quantity of weapons and ammunition as a precondition for benefiting from a CVR programme. Such measures not only disrupt illicit weapons flows but encourage collective and active participation in the security of communities.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 22, "Heading1": "8. DDR-related tools and organized crime", "Heading2": "8.3 Community violence reduction", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 85, "Paragraph": "Additionally, CVR efforts such as mental health and psychosocial support and empowerment initiatives for specific needs groups, including women, children and persons with drug addictions, can both prevent and reduce victimization from conflict-related criminal activities, including sexual exploitation and drug trafficking. For further information, see IDDRS 2.30 on Community Violence Reduction.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "8. DDR-related tools and organized crime", "Heading2": "8.3 Community violence reduction", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 86, "Paragraph": "Although they may vary depending on the context, transitional security arrangements can support DDR processes by establishing security structures either jointly between State forces, armed groups, and communities or with a third party (see IDDRS 2.20 on The Politics of DDR). Members of armed groups may be reluctant to participate in the DDR process for fear that they may lose their capacity to defend themselves against those who continue to engage in conflict and illicit activities. Through joint efforts, transitional security arrangements can be vital for building trust and confidence and encourage collective ownership of the steps towards peace. DDR practitioners should be aware that engagement in illicit activities can complicate efforts to create transitional security arrangements, particularly if certain members of armed forces and groups are required to redeploy away from areas that are rich in natural resources. In this scenario, it may be appropriate for DDR practitioners to advise mediating teams that provisions regarding the governance of natural resources be included in the peace agreement (also see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform).", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "8. DDR-related tools and organized crime", "Heading2": "8.4 Transitional security arrangements", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 87, "Paragraph": "Reintegration support may be provided at all stages of conflict, even when there is no peace agreement and no DDR programme. The risk of the re-recruitment of ex-combatants and persons formerly associated with armed forces and groups or their engagement in criminal activity is higher where conflict is ongoing, protracted or financed through organized crime. DDR practitioners should seek to identify positive entry points for supporting reintegration.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 88, "Paragraph": "In contexts of ongoing conflict and organized crime, these entry points may include geographical areas where reintegration is most likely to succeed, such as pockets of peace not affected by military operations or other types of armed violence. These pilot areas could serve as models of reintegration support for other areas to follow. Additional entry points may include armed groups whose members have shown a willingness to leave or are assessed as more likely to reintegrate, or specific reintegration interventions involving local economies and partners that will function as pull factors.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 89, "Paragraph": "The guidance on supporting reintegration within DDR programmes provided in section 7.3 is also applicable to planning reintegration support in contexts of ongoing conflict. For further information on reintegration more generally, see IDDRS 2.40 on Reintegration as Part of Sustaining Peace and IDDRS 4.30 on Reintegration.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 90, "Paragraph": "The sub-sections below offer guidance on reintegration support in relation to common forms of organized criminal activity in conflict and post-conflict settings: environmental crime, drug and human trafficking.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 23, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 91, "Paragraph": "Natural resources have an enormous impact on armed conflict, and they can be used to either support or undermine efforts towards peace. Members of armed forces and groups frequently engage in environmental crime as a low-risk, high-profit source of revenue to fund recruitment or the purchase of weapons, or even to exert de facto control over geographic territories. Environmental crime encompasses a range of different activities in which natural resources are illegally exploited and often trafficked or sold into global supply chains. It can have heavy consequences on communities, including direct environmental degradation, such as the contamination of water or soils, or the destruction of agricultural crops; indirect environmental degradation, such as the loss of biodiversity and other ecosystem services; and/or direct displacement and exposure to violence.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "9.1 Reintegration support and environmental crime", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 92, "Paragraph": "At the same time, natural resources hold tremendous potential to support peace and development. In many parts of the world, elements of the natural environment are culturally significant and represent key components of social status and identity. Engaging former members of armed forces and groups in the management of natural resources, including in decision-making, direct environmental rehabilitation and/or community-based natural resource management, helps to consolidate their status as civil citizens, thus reinforcing their political and social reintegration. Additionally, linking reintegration with well-managed natural resources can increase the range of options for economic reintegration support. Given the increase in environmental crime as a transnational organized crime activity and its role in war economies, understanding the links between natural resources, crime and reintegration is key.17 For further information, see IDDRS 6.30 on DDR and Natural Resources.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "9.1 Reintegration support and environmental crime", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 93, "Paragraph": "The reintegration of individuals who were previously engaged in environmental organized crime should aim to create sustainable alternatives in the same natural resources sector (to the extent possible, barring illegal trade in endangered species), keeping in mind the principle of \u2018do no harm\u2019. Reintegration in natural resource sectors should be consistent with national laws and legal frameworks and promote environmental protection and restoration of the rule of law.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 24, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "9.1 Reintegration support and environmental crime", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 94, "Paragraph": "The drug trade has an important impact on conflict-affected societies. It weakens State authority and drives legitimacy away from legal institutions, diverts funds from the formal economy, creates economic dependence, and causes widespread violence and insecurity. The drug trade also impacts communities, with serious consequences for people\u2019s general well-being and health. High rates of addiction and HIV/AIDS prevalence have been found in societies where narcotics are cultivated and produced.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "9.2 Reintegration support and drug trafficking", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 95, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners implementing reintegration programmes may respond to illicit crop cultivation through support to crop substitution, integrated rural development and/or alternative livelihoods. However, DDR practitioners should consider the risks and opportunities associated with these approaches, including the security requirements and socioeconomic impacts of removing illicit cultivation. Crop substitution is a valid but lengthy measure that may deprive small-scale farmers of an immediate and valuable source of income. It may also make them vulnerable to threats and violence from the criminal networks that control illicit cultivation and trade. It may be possible to encourage the private sector to purchase substituted crops cultivated by former members of armed forces and groups. This will help to ensure the sustainability of crop substitution, by providing income and investment in exchange for locally produced raw material. This can in turn decrease costs and increase product quality.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "9.2 Reintegration support and drug trafficking", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 96, "Paragraph": "Crop substitution, integrated rural development and alternative livelihoods should fit into broader macroeconomic and rural reform. These measures should be accompanied by a law enforcement strategy to guarantee protection and justice to participants in the reintegration programme. DDR practitioners should also consider rehabilitation and health-care assistance to tackle high levels of substance addiction and drug-related illness. Since the funding for reintegration support is often timebound, it is important for DDR practitioners to establish partnerships and coordination mechanisms with relevant local organizations in a range of sectors, including civil society, health care and the private sector. These entities can work to address the social and medical issues of former members of armed forces and groups, as well as community members, who have been engaged in or affected by the illicit drug trade.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 25, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "9.2 Reintegration support and drug trafficking", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 97, "Paragraph": "Armed conflict amplifies the conditions in which human trafficking occurs. During a conflict, the vulnerability of the affected population increases, due to economic desperation, weak rule of law and unavailability of social services, forcing people to flee for safety. Human trafficking targets the most vulnerable segments of the population. Armed groups \u2018recruit\u2019 their victims in refugee and internally displaced persons camps, as well as among populations affected by the conflict, attracting them with false promises of employment, education or safety. Many trafficked people end up being exploited abroad, but others remain inside the country\u2019s borders filling armed groups, providing forced labour, and becoming \u2018war wives\u2019 and sex slaves.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "9.3 Reintegration support and human trafficking", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 98, "Paragraph": "Human trafficking often has a strong transnational component, which, in turn, may affect reintegration efforts. Armed groups and organized criminal groups engage in human trafficking by collaborating with networks active in other countries. Conflict areas can be source, transit or destination countries. Reintegration programmes should exercise extreme caution in sustaining activities that may conceal trafficking links or may be used to launder the proceeds of trafficking. ", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "9.3 Reintegration support and human trafficking", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 99, "Paragraph": "Continuous assessment is key to recognizing and evaluating the risk of human trafficking. DDR practitioners should engage with a wide range of actors in neighbouring countries and regionally to coordinate the repatriation and reintegration of victims of human trafficking, where appropriate.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "9.3 Reintegration support and human trafficking", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 100, "Paragraph": "Children are often victims of organized crime, including child trafficking and the worst forms of child labour, being frequent victims of sexual exploitation, forced marriage, forced labour and recruitment into armed forces or groups. Reintegration practitioners should be aware that children who present as dependants may be victims of trafficking. Reintegration efforts specifically targeting children, as survivors of cross-border human trafficking, including forcible recruitment, forced labour and sexual exploitation by armed forces and groups, require working closely with local, national and regional child protection agencies and programmes to ensure their specific needs are met and that they are supported in their reintegration beyond the end of DDR. Family tracing and reunification (if in the best interests of the child) should be started at the earliest possible stage and can be carried out at the same time as other activities.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "9.3 Reintegration support and human trafficking", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 101, "Paragraph": "Children who have been trafficked should be considered and treated as victims, including those who may have committed crimes during the period of their exploitation. Any criminal action taken against them should be handled according to child-friendly juvenile justice procedures, consistent with international law and norms regarding children in contact with the law, including the Beijing Rules and Havana Principles, among others. Consistent with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration in all decisions pertaining to a child. For further information, see IDDRS 5.30 on Children and DDR.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "9.3 Reintegration support and human trafficking", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 102, "Paragraph": "Women are more likely to become victims of organized crime than men, being subjected to sex exploitation and trade, rape, abuse and murder. The prevailing subcultures of hegemonic masculinity and machismo become detrimental to women in conflict situations where there is a lack of instituted rule of law and security measures. In these situations, since the criminal justice system is rendered ineffective, organized crimes directed against women go unpunished. DDR practitioners, as part of reintegration programming, should develop targeted measures to address the organized crime subculture and correlated machismo. For further information, see IDDRS 5.10 on Women, Gender and DDR.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 26, "Heading1": "9. Reintegration support and organized crime", "Heading2": "9.3 Reintegration support and human trafficking", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 103, "Paragraph": "In an organized crime\u2013conflict context, States may decide to adjust the range of criminal acts that preclude members of armed forces and groups from participation in DDR programmes, DDR- related tools and reintegration support. For example, human trafficking encompasses a wide range of forms, from the recruitment of children into armed forces and groups, to forced labour and sexual exploitation. In certain instances, engagement in these crimes may rise to the level of war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and/or gross violations of human rights. Therefore, if DDR participants are found to have committed these crimes, they shall immediately be removed from participation.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 27, "Heading1": "10. DDR, transitional justice and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 104, "Paragraph": "Similarly, the degree of engagement in criminal activities is not the only consideration, and States may also consider who commits specific acts. For example, should a foot soldier who is involved in the sexual exploitation of individuals from specific groups in their controlled territory or who marries a child bride be held accountable to the same degree as a commander who issues orders that the foot soldier do so? Just as international humanitarian law declares that compliance with a superior order does not constitute a defence, but a mitigating factor, DDR practitioners may also advise States as to whether different approaches are needed for different ranks.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "10. DDR, transitional justice and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 105, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners inevitably operate within a State-based framework and must therefore abide by the determinations set by the State, identified as the legitimate authority. Both in and out of conflict settings, it is the State that has prosecutorial discretion and identifies which crimes are \u2018serious\u2019 as defined under the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. In the absence of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes or serious human rights violations, it falls on the State to implement criminal justice measures to tackle individuals\u2019 and groups\u2019 engagement in organized criminal activities.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "10. DDR, transitional justice and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 106, "Paragraph": "However, issues arise when the State itself is a party to the conflict and either weaponizes organized crime in order to prosecute members of adversarial groups or engages in criminal activities itself. Although illicit economies are a major source of financing for armed groups, in many cases they could not be in place without the assistance of the State. Corruption is an important issue that needs to be addressed as much as organized crime. Political actors may be involved with criminal economies at various levels, particularly locally. In addition, the State apparatus may pay lip service to fighting organize crime while at the same time participating in the illegal economy.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "10. DDR, transitional justice and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 107, "Paragraph": "DDR practitioners should assess the state of corruption in the country in which they are operating. Additionally, reintegration programmes should be conceptualized in close interaction with related anti-corruption and transitional justice efforts focused on \u2018institutional reform\u2019. Transitional justice initiatives contribute to institutional reform efforts in a variety of ways. Prosecutions of leaders for war crimes or violations of international human rights and humanitarian law criminalize this kind of behaviour, demonstrate that no one is above the law, and may act as a deterrent and contribute to the prevention of future abuse. Truth commissions and other truth-seeking endeavours can provide critical analysis of the roots of conflict, identifying individuals and institutions responsible for abuse. Truth commissions can also provide critical information about the patterns of violence and violations, so that institutional reform can target or prioritize efforts in particular areas.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "10. DDR, transitional justice and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 108, "Paragraph": "A successful prosecutorial strategy in a transitional justice context requires a clear, transparent and publicized criminal policy indicating what kind of cases will be prosecuted and what kind of cases will be dealt with in an alternative manner. Most importantly, prosecutions can foster trust in the reintegration process and enhance the prospects for trust building between former members of armed forces and groups and other citizens by providing communities with some assurance that those they are asked to admit back into their midst do not include the perpetrators of serious crimes under international law.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "10. DDR, transitional justice and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 109, "Paragraph": "Moreover, while it theoretically falls on the State to implement criminal justice measures, in reality, the State apparatus may be too weak to administer justice fairly, if at all. In order to build confidence and ensure legitimacy, DDR processes must establish transparent mechanisms for independent monitoring, oversight and evaluation, and their financing mechanisms, so as to avoid inadvertently contributing to criminal activities and undermining the overall objective of sustainable peace. Transitional justice and human rights components should be incorporated into DDR processes from the outset. For further information, see IDDRS 6.20 on DDR and Transitional Justice and IDDRS 2.11 on the Legal Framework for UN DDR.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 28, "Heading1": "10. DDR, transitional justice and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 110, "Paragraph": "As State actors can be implicated in organized criminal activities in conflict and post-conflict settings, including past and ongoing violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, there may be a need to reform security sector institutions. As IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform states, SSR aims to enhance \u201ceffective and accountable security for the State and its people without discrimination and with full respect for human rights and the rule of law\u201d. DDR processes that fail to coordinate with SSR can lead to further violations, such as the reappointment of human rights abusers or those engaged in other criminal activities into the legitimate security sector. Such cases undermine public faith in security sector institutions.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "11. DDR, security sector reform and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 111, "Paragraph": "Mistrust between the State, security providers and citizens is a potential contributing factor to the outbreak of a conflict, and one that has the potential to undermine sustainable peace, particularly if the State itself is corrupt or directly engages in criminal activities. Another factor is the integration of ex-combatants who may still have criminal ties into the reformed security sector. To avoid further propagation of criminality, vetting should be conducted prior to integration, with a special focus on any evidence relating to continued links with actors known to engage in criminal activities. Finally, Government security forces, both civilian and military, may themselves be part of rightsizing exercises. The demobilization of excess forces may be particularly difficult if these individuals have been actively involved in facilitating or gatekeeping the illicit economy, and DDR practitioners should take these dynamics into account in the design of reintegration support (see sections 7.3 and 9).", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "11. DDR, security sector reform and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 112, "Paragraph": "SSR that encourages participatory processes that enhance the oversight roles of actors such as parliament and civil society can meet the common goal of DDR and SSR of building trust in post-conflict security governance institutions. Additionally, oversight mechanisms can provide necessary checks and balances to ensure that national decisions on DDR and SSR are appropriate, cost effective and made in a transparent manner. For further information, see IDDRS 6.10 on DDR and Security Sector Reform.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "11. DDR, security sector reform and organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 113, "Paragraph": "United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2000) \\n The UNTOC is the main international instrument in the fight against transnational organized crime. States that ratify this instrument commit themselves to taking a series of measures against transnational organized crime, including creating domestic criminal offences (participation in an organized criminal group, money laundering, corruption and obstruction of justice); adopting new and sweeping frameworks for extradition, mutual legal assistance and law enforcement cooperation; and promoting training and technical assistance for building or upgrading the necessary capacity of national authorities. The UNTOC defines the terms \u2018organized criminal group\u2019, \u2018serious crime\u2019, and \u2018structured group\u2019 (as per section 3 of this module).", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 29, "Heading1": "Annex B: International legal framework for organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 114, "Paragraph": "Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2000) \\n This is the first global legally binding instrument with an agreed definition on trafficking in persons. This definition is intended to facilitate convergence in national approaches with regard to the establishment of domestic criminal offences that would support efficient international cooperation in investigating and prosecuting trafficking in persons cases. An additional objective of the Protocol is to protect and assist the victims of trafficking with full respect for their human rights. ", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "Annex B: International legal framework for organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 115, "Paragraph": "Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2000) \\n The Protocol deals with the growing problem of organized criminal groups who smuggle migrants. It marks the first time that a definition of smuggling of migrants was developed and agreed upon in a global international instrument. The Protocol aims at preventing and combating the smuggling of migrants, as well as promoting cooperation among States parties, while protecting the rights of smuggled migrants and preventing the worst forms of their exploitation, which often characterize the smuggling process. ", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "Annex B: International legal framework for organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 116, "Paragraph": "Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the \\n United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (2001) The objective of the Protocol, the first legally binding instrument on small arms adopted at the global level, is to promote, facilitate and strengthen cooperation among States parties in order to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition. By ratifying the Protocol, States make a commitment to adopt a series of crime-control measures and implement in their domestic legal order three sets of normative provisions: the first one relates to the establishment of criminal offences related to illegal manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms on the basis of the Protocol requirements and definitions; the second to a system of Government authorizations or licencing intended to ensure legitimate manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms; and the third one to the marking and tracing of firearms. In addition to the Protocol, a number of non-legally binding instruments also apply to the illicit trade of small arms and light weapons.18", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "Annex B: International legal framework for organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 117, "Paragraph": "Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 as amended by the 1972 Protocol \\n This Convention aims to combat drug abuse by coordinated international action. There are two forms of intervention and control that work together. First, the Convention seeks to limit the possession, use, trade, distribution, import, export, manufacture and production of drugs exclusively to medical and scientific purposes. Second, it combats drug trafficking through international cooperation to deter and discourage drug traffickers.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "Annex B: International legal framework for organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 118, "Paragraph": "Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 \\n The Convention establishes an international control system for psychotropic substances in response to the diversification and expansion of the spectrum of drugs of abuse. The Convention introduces controls over a number of synthetic drugs, balancing their abuse against their therapeutic value.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 30, "Heading1": "Annex B: International legal framework for organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 119, "Paragraph": "United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988 \\n This Convention provides comprehensive measures against drug trafficking, including provisions against money laundering and the diversion of precursor chemicals. It provides for international cooperation through, for example, extradition of drug traffickers, controlled deliveries and transfer of proceedings.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "Annex B: International legal framework for organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 120, "Paragraph": "United Nations Convention against Corruption (2003) \\n This Convention is the only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument. It covers five main areas: preventive measures, criminalization and law enforcement, international cooperation, asset recovery, and technical assistance and information exchange. The Convention covers many different forms of corruption, such as bribery, trading in influence and abuse of functions.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "Annex B: International legal framework for organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 121, "Paragraph": "Security Council Resolutions \\n The United Nations Security Council has increasingly recognized the role that organized crime and illicit markets play in sustaining and fuelling contemporary conflicts. Since the UNTOC was adopted in 2000, the UN Security Council has passed hundreds of resolutions on organized crime in specific countries, missions or regions. \\n\\n Security Council resolution 2220 (2015) on small arms \\n The Council emphasizes that the illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons can aid terrorism and illegal armed groups and facilitate increasing levels of transnational organized crime, and underscores that such illicit trafficking could harm civilians, including women and children, create instability and long-term governance challenges, and complicate conflict resolution. \\n\\n Security Council resolution 2331 (2016) on trafficking in persons in conflict situations, including linkages with the activities of armed groups, terrorism and sexual violence in conflict \\n The Security Council recognizes the connection between trafficking in persons, sexual violence, terrorism and other transnational organized criminal activities that can prolong and exacerbate conflict and instability or intensify its impact on civilian populations. The Council condemns all acts of trafficking, particularly the sale or trade in persons undertaken by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as Da\u2019esh), and recognizes the importance of collecting and preserving evidence relating to such acts to ensure that those responsible can be held accountable. \\n\\n Security Council Resolution 2388 (2017) on trafficking in persons in armed conflict \\n This resolution recognizes \u201cthat trafficking in persons in areas affected by armed conflict and post- conflict situations can be for the purpose of various forms of exploitation\u201d, including sexual exploitation and the recruitment of child soldiers. The resolution underlines the importance of providing \u201cappropriate care, assistance and services for their physical, psychological and social recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration, in full respect of their human rights\u201d. The resolution also recognizes \u201cthat trafficking in persons entails the violation or abuse of human rights\u201d and underscores \u201cthat certain acts or offences associated with trafficking in persons in the context of armed conflict may constitute war crimes\u201d, and it notes States\u2019 responsibility to \u201cprosecute those responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes as well as other crimes\u201d. The resolution calls for the \u201ctraining of relevant personnel of special political and peacekeeping missions\u201d. \\n\\n Security Council resolution 2462 (2019) on the financing of terrorism through illicit activities and sanctions lists \\n This resolution reaffirms the Security Council\u2019s decision in its resolution 1373 (2001) that all States shall prevent and suppress the financing of terrorist acts, including through organized criminal activity, and shall refrain from providing support to those involved in them. Furthermore, the resolution urges all States to participate actively in implementing and updating the ISIL (Da\u2019esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions List and to consider including, when submitting new listing requests, individuals and entities involved in the financing of terrorism. \\n\\n Security Council Resolution 2482 (2019) on threats to international peace and security caused by international terrorism and organized crime \\n This resolution underlines that organized crime, along with terrorism and violent extremism, whether domestic or transnational, \u201cmay exacerbate conflicts in affected regions, and may contribute to undermining affected States, specifically their security, stability, governance, social and economic development\u201d and notes that organized criminal groups \u201ccan, in some cases and in some regions, complicate conflict prevention and resolution efforts\u201d. The resolution also notes the impact of the illicit drug trade, trafficking in persons and arms trafficking, and their links to corruption in furthering the financing of terrorism and fuelling conflict. ", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 31, "Heading1": "Annex B: International legal framework for organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 122, "Paragraph": "Environmental Crime \\n A number of General Assembly and Security Council documents highlight the intersection between conflict, criminality and the illicit exploitation of natural resources. Crimes against the environment, such as deforestation, illegal logging, fishing and the illicit wildlife trade have a more fragmented legal framework. For more information on specific natural resources policy frameworks and legal instruments, refer to IDDRS 6.30 on DDR and Natural Resources.", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "Annex B: International legal framework for organized crime", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}, {"ID": 123, "Paragraph": "1 United Nations Convention on Transnational Crime, Article 2(a). \\n 2 United Nations Convention on Transnational Crime, Article 2(b). \\n 3 United Nations Convention on Transnational Crime, Article 2 (c). \\n 4 Christina Steenkamp, \u201cThe Crime-Conflict Nexus and the Civil War in Syria\u201d, Stability, vol. 6, no. 1 (2017). \\n 5 Marina Caparini, \u201cUN Police and the Challenges of Organized Crime\u201d, Discussion Paper (SIPRI, April 2019). \\n 6 Ibid. \\n 7 Steenkamp, \u201cCrime-Conflict Nexus\u201d. \\n 8 See, for instance, UNSC resolution 2482 (2019). \\n 9 Philip Gounev and Tihomir Bezlov, Examining the Links between Organized Crime and Corruption (Centre for the Study of Democracy, 2010). \\n 10 Mark Shaw and Tuesday Reitano, \u201cGlobal Illicit Flows and Local Conflict Dynamics: The Case for Pre-Emptive Analysis and Experimental Policy Options\u201d, Crime-Conflict Nexus Series No. 2 (United Nations University, 2017). \\n 11 Caparini, \u201cUN Police\u201d. \\n 12 Heiko Nitzschke, \u201cTransforming War Economies: Challenges for Peacemaking and Peacebuilding\u201d (New York, International Peace Academy, December 2003). \\n 13 Virginia Comolli, ed., Organized Crime and Illicit Trade: How to Respond to This Strategic Challenge in Old and New Domains (Cham, Switzerland, Springer International, 2018). \\n 14 United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, \u201cGlobal Report on Trafficking in Persons 2018, Booklet 2: Trafficking in Persons in the Context of Armed Conflict\u201d (New York, 2018). \\n 15 International Alert, \u201cOrganised Crime in Mali: Why It Matters for a Peaceful Transition from Conflict\u201d, Policy Brief (2016). \\n 16 Matt Herbert, \u201cEl Salvador\u2019s Gang Truce: A Durable Model?\u201d (Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime, July 2013); Charles M. Katz, E. C. Hedberg and Luis Enrique Amaya, \u201cGang Truce for Violence Prevention, El Salvador\u201d, Bulletin of the World Health Organization (June 2016). \\n 17 United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), \u201cThe Rise of Environmental Crime \u2013 A Growing Threat to Natural Resources, Peace, Development and Security\u201d, a UNEP-INTERPOL Rapid Response Assessment (2016); UNEP and United Nations Development Programme, \u201cThe Role of Natural Resources in Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration: Addressing Risks and Seizing Opportunities\u201d, (2013). \\n 18 While the Programme of Action on the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons is not a legally binding instrument, it is the only universal political framework on measures to tackle illicit trade, including in the context of organized crime. For more information about the Programme of Action, as well as the related International Tracing Instrument, see", "Color": "#CF7AB2", "Level": 6, "LevelName": "IDDRS FRAMEWORK", "Title": "DDR and Organized Crime", "PageNum": 32, "Heading1": "Endnotes", "Heading2": "", "Heading3": "", "Heading4": "", "Module": "6.40 DDR and Organized Crime"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/App/static/img/IDDRS.png b/static/img/IDDRS.png similarity index 100% rename from App/static/img/IDDRS.png rename to static/img/IDDRS.png diff --git a/App/static/img/logo-en-reverse.svg b/static/img/logo-en-reverse.svg similarity index 100% rename from App/static/img/logo-en-reverse.svg rename to static/img/logo-en-reverse.svg diff --git a/App/static/img/un-logo-en.svg b/static/img/un-logo-en.svg similarity index 100% rename from App/static/img/un-logo-en.svg rename to static/img/un-logo-en.svg diff --git a/App/static/js/cloud.js b/static/js/cloud.js similarity index 91% rename from App/static/js/cloud.js rename to static/js/cloud.js index 44ef9c6..61b4843 100644 --- a/App/static/js/cloud.js +++ b/static/js/cloud.js @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ anychart.onDocumentReady(function () { var dataSet =; var colors = anychart.scales .linearColor() - .colors(['#000']); + .colors(['#1c4966']); // create tag cloud var chart = anychart.tagCloud(); @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ anychart.onDocumentReady(function () { .enabled(true) .useHtml(true) .text( - '

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